ItlindVtilißeitaMvADo 6 l PtIBLSSISED BY W _ ; p;RSssoBB H: TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 4, 1851 RAH-READING HATTER WILL BE FOUND • ON EACH PAGE OF THIS PAPER. Oar neighbor of the Journal administers to Ina long, rind whatfwe charitably believe he in - tends. for a dignified rebuke, for our many edi torial sina , We shall: take up bat little space in . reply, but we would not, therefore, have-him to infer that we are not duly sensible of the 910 e , of hie homily, , or of the temper which dictated • He will doubtless pronounce us an incorri gible stoner, because' e do not at once confess, en lime for 'pardon,' and exceedingly presump tions Tor 'tiptoeing to expostulate, end for en - tering a plea of not guilty to the extent laid, - -:•downin his indictment. In regard to the udder in relationto colpor '' tentage, we cannot ore that we have erred. We think our neighbor did go astray, and our re , bobs was idetinistered in no improper severity - of language, and in that respect to quite amiable ; mild the Journal's rejoinder, which wo•fear the editor bed quite forgotten when he took nolo task. ft is peeilete ye did use language a little, a very little; .too 'strong, when we stepped in to •defend c l u- friend Mr. Hampton from what we still consider the Journal's ruthless mama— . Seldom have we seen a newspaper attack which . we coneidered cruel, so uncalled foi-, end so unjustifiable under the circumstances; and all our neighbor's excuses and reasonings have fail - • ed to exit:mince us of its propriety. It was bal use of the press, and an offence not to to palliated. ' We confess we felt excited by it, and were not alone in that respect. 'Very many of 'Mr. Hampton's. friends were highly indignant, and it was . feared by some that it would do Nr. Porward toisel! injury. lo it any mender 'het • we should usestrong, phrases? We aunt think oar neighbor himself, if we here read his atter aright, would be very choice in hiiblows. in the defence of a friend when. uugenerously assailed at o disadvantage. He would hit right and lift with a will, and some of his Mews might not:be well' directed, but he would, not, atop to • 'consider that. Our neighbor must'find Some ex cuse in the provocation which originated our language. - Etta is it not a little singular, that while he is complaining of oar lotto:Terence of language, he should be guilty, as he is, in the" homily under consideration, of phraseology which lignite no offensive as• any thing we ever said concerning • him. Hut let it pass,—it harms as not. ; There remains one' other serious charge, which Is, that whit's/ we 'are very reedy to cor - rest thelolunders, 'and rebuke the improprieties of the ,lournal, it pay no attention to a paper "published immediately under our nose" which • has been guilty of each gross phraseology in re ference-the matters of serious concern, that it has coiled forth the severe'denunciation of oar neigh hoe, who stiginatitu it as an "impious scoffer." -- If our neighbor had exercised hie usual disc-rim. inntion, beWould never have brought this charge • He would have seenut once, that rebukes in some , quarters are wholly thrown away. We are not ' • to cut our pearls before ovine.We have hope of our neighbor, andrherefore take the liberty of expostulating with him. There is another roe s, sou. I The)onrnal is a paper of some choracter tl..t and ',influence, and its errors are therefore the more dangerous. It is a useful and worthy work to correct ice faults, but it would be rather quiretic to run after every error which makes - . its appearance in every ephemeral sheer, which ! obtains s sickly exiatcnce for a few weeks, and then dies.- Among our foreign extracts is an angry arti cle from the leadluipaper of 'Austria, respecting the:honorable reuegdiopof Kossuth by the people Of England. The t rOing of the ,absolotists of the continent towirde that nation [shifter in the extreme. England may 11 - 0* be' regarded as ranged on thi liberal side in European polities; Stud should the republicans be unshed again, as they were in 1948-9, her situation win be one of great peril: The Journal of yesterday, in a long article to which we hive referred in another place, has the following paragraph: " The temper of the attack on us may be guessed at, when we say now, when our motives cannot bo Suspected, thater- Hampton did profs aupport of himself frend. to Judge Hepburn:" The italics are the Sonnies. We are anchor. • ised by Mr. liestrroU to sat, thit this state meat is wbollyLuntrue. '• tie such pledge was ever made by Mr. Hampton, either for himself • or hielriendS. The Journal is required by eve ry pri ciple of honor and iodine to prove its statement, or retenct it. 'Thu following statement of the , sournal to equally A few days before the election, !mowing that Moses Hampton had . authorised the declaration to Judge Hepburn, the opponent of 'DAr. For ward, that 'he,' Mr. Hampton, 'and his friends, woulddo all they could for him; (Judge Hep burn,) we thought.proper to speak of the fact in stroig terms, hoping to weaken the scheme." We are authorized: and requested by Mr. Hampton to say, thai the editor's knowledge is entirely at fault. Mr. Hampton serer author ized any each declaration to Judge Hepburn, and he refers to that gentleman for proof. We leers the Journal to explain. breottrarr To Pcmirarreas.—PoetMaololic will find lilt official notitioation in ourcolumns to. day, which much cotkeeftia them. • - JUDOt' Haritata.-.=Oar readers will perceive by the card of this - gentleman, that he has cote . meneedtUe pi:aotice o bia profession. Hrill douhtlesameet with aMple 'access, as bee is gh ly respected for every quality whl'Cle unite lie a Chrietian, a gentleman, and a lawyer. \--- .1 4, _- 'l4( bls.wsisers tiwkwoc.-4ottw ',kilos, Esq., hadwithdrawn from the 'Post and Thos. Phillips, Keiji hits taken his piste.. Mr. Phillips was fornicrly connected.with that paper, and - is well known to 'our citizens. We welcome him Mick to his oldpost. qa Maeousurr. andldatesars beginning to be marshalled. Mr. B. C an old and highly i;espcated citizen is annonned in Our col umns today. Ile is a good Whig and, worthy man, and will, no doubt, if elected, make a good i 1 .JCIITICZ TO Tim Nei -toga ADYINISTEATION. —We cheerfully mama the following eenti ments-which_we find in the North American.— It is to be lamented iluitany Whig paper, while carting under unexpected defeat, ehould have dean injustice to President Fillmore and his ad - ministration. Calmer reflection has correcte& this error, and we hope hereaftelto see the press of the State unite in the cheerful support: of the National Administratien, while it sustains Whig . Priisciples andmeasuree. - • “We regret extremely that in the moment of ,our overthrow, and in the hest of disappoint • ' Mont, any Wh*abould have aresignedPresiaent Fillmore es responsibland faithfle for the! result iti this State,: As staunch ol Whig, what Could be expect to gain bf the defeat of the Whig ticket? .. We repel such' linputations pleajest,. and only to be Palliated upon the of tetiporary irritation. It could not be expected that the President or Administnttiou would take port in our local canvass. Red they done , no, they would has been condemned by our op- , Hoeing lot done so, they surely should not be condemned by Our friends.— . Whenever we can bring corselets to the belief that this Admetrtion, or any other which it • - may bo oar fortune to support es a Whig Admin. istration, his served itself against the.cantll - • elate regalarly nominated by a responsible Whig -Convention, that moment , will we unfurl the a lig 3 • . . of opposition; but until then, jostiee„ duty, and ' our incliostione, require that we should Nes tain thow who were selected to riipaunt the itt4rei and principles. of the'WhliF party." • it ~f F. T' ; ~~r:. f~Y. WAIL of 0.1•TIS00/11ASI.--The'dirstb 01 Wall SAEOWOOSI Under the telegriP bli, ! 'e6d rgerdal• -Oveurtnce. Ellhosi; friend. hs communicating .hp' letter the aewsig the event pm( m e:. ulv Atajor 7oetorou3, eke. this touching 4enjpsg ”ThereviP of mffierrows is full. i hes Jed ary beloved wife! ghe eepartelthie life eta* few dayeillneue, Mold 1 hare foreseen that my exile ins to shortetther dap, I would havegiven - my head to the foes of toy ;metre. to preserve the 'life or the beetbothers Year most at antentemia4.frievt" Thelstest advicee from Chins mention the • of Dr. Outsleff. the celebrated scholar and denary. i ~ Nw Tone, Oct 30, 1851. I le lie weather has at last assumed a wintery . that a few weeks more will terminate - their la. appearance, adtaanishing - our canal forwarders Was/100 . mi, Oct. 29th, lam'. -i hors, and give to the railroadcompanies the me- The Secretary of State returned to town yell- nopoly of transportation. Ail the lines are now te r d a y, and at once resumed the duties of his of- extremely busy, and base all they arc shin to flee. 3.1 r. Webster looks refreshed and itivigorl du. sled after the recreation he has allowed himself; There is now on exhibition iu WWI street a and which he so much needed' Ills step has I new and curious pattern of railroad iron, which not been so firm and free, nor his general op- the experience of several prominent roads hos pear aces So indicative of etreugth and health Or I demonstrated to lie as, good ue it it. curious -- several years, as since his return Ile will be : The rude are relied in two part', mid riveted to seventy years old the 18th of next January. it ; gather, thus folutiog e eoutinue rail, ea I avoia. is a remarkable circumstance that live of our I iog the jarring motiou now fell when the curs meet distinguished etateomen 'were lions in the gem over the 'ends of the roil. By the Lew same year. They are Fa-President Van Bores, • \ plan, the rails can hardly'he forced asunder, or Messrs. Webster, Cass, Calhoun, and Benton. spread, thus :affording additional security ' : f tt ' ie four who survive, Mr. Van Bares is in against the oars running off the track from that the beet state of preservation, and hide fair to I mimes The advantages thus gained are not ex- , amble along the grassy lanes of his quiet retire- I pensive, and the iron can he furnished at about I Meta at Lindenwold for another denude or two, 1 the price of common rails. till he reach the patriarchal term of the two Ad- • As the eieetion l approaches, there is a good anises, Jefferson, and Franklin The Ex. Pres. I deal of excitement created in some quarters, hut ident has been noted throughout his life for thb : it is only local, end no Whig need hope that_ equability of his temperament and his "mod- i Time.l4 next *ill see the Wasg successful body here. ,erstien in all things". Mr. Calhoun retired free soil Whi s in the State who will think for What 'with movements of moeem . of froutahe scenes of his-trouble.l life at sixty eight: g while his arch enemy, towards. the close of his the and the "Union Safety Committee career, lair. Benton, still lives to engage in new people. who go in for slavery and peace. the' contests Ito will probably take an octive part pnrty lacks that sieglenees of purpose which in the politica of the country as long as life is ; alone guaranties eucceee. Were the canal Oen spared to him; but it is altogether unlikely that 1 tion, oat of the issue, the Locofooos would have he will ever again occupy an official station. Mr. hardly oat eepositiou. A languid oppoeitiou 'Benton and Gen. Cesaare of very full habit,and :, will he made ou the canal, and LOGI to tn. ho will probably be carried off by apoplexy. 1. do n.. 1 anticipate a Whig victory. A greater than any of them, though a slit rev bo ne Money Sfarket A brorA no change, and no of their labors and their fame, lienry_tiar, - ie tiott:r ,e'llttntret.erd,il;;;l:em;kolll,,,,,hileueeperr:::;-; now in his seventy fifth year ~pet All these' ,\. al t. ties r.' hard to get at low rates . The late f e ailtire pirauls to the highest post oflonor and power; 'of 51. e. Little has materially ehange.l the appear. which exists *neer our goeernment, it is maul -1 ince' of the stock 'market, and is 110,' looks as I feet that not one, however great may be hie tat:, 'though the whole stock of the Erie limit will I ante or his merits, le destined to atioin the ob.' so u into th e /mad ' ° l. .' ae r Y. ''./I numb er d I men, who Mere bought it on time, and es it he- 1 ject of his just and honorable ambition. comes due, received it, and hypothecated it with 1 iris remarked' that Gen. Wool arrived in 1100 books So one dares ',ell the stock, and uu- town ibis morning, making the sixth Freee le" the eteactu large buyers choose to h :e f ll, it tint candidate pow here. Thiel enumeration p r o r- ... s a y ;,ga,,l'l°,:ra.;,':kt:lttoc,„/..,.;,:,,r,i,„riLt.,,,,,; ~ ,,1 ,, -,..,:,. ~. ~,,b.,,...e...4,r,.. ~i. fellowng gentlemen, Presi- speculetors who ow. better afford to bold thri v e dent Fillitiore, who tins Oh s Very great ad sell, the .dieidends being Mil,. tie feilure hue of being in ease and in potestate, whiLe the o thers been anneuoced Alice the Ilth, a itate of things are yet only in expectancy. Gen: Scott., gr. e :_ t , l , m t i t : ,roeim,ea.rck_nbolieZ merchants.lto i-siit end as chow Webster,`4lr. Crittenden, Judge Douglass, well : a ' A dime:he:lon of medal. is to be made to all Gem - WOot. Geu , Scott, the other day, wee the seamen in the firitiee'll centering expedition plesenntry reminded that Sentdor Douglass, the Th e ce remony is to take place oil '-card the least in stature but the most formidable of all Ohio this week. gh they ld never be rat!ging the wires and willies to the beet adran- i l i the an L e r t t ; a : the . ' fatt y a ;LY- I. , ; ;l th t e he , l X l n e C tl L rage . foil himself. The General '4,ptied, "No, Advnee or Rescue that would not he willing indeed, the Judge and my...di : rill ri`ofhe in each. to start again. others way at all, lam not In bill, ring. Dlr. ' Kossuth has not given thele — ast sign of semi Fillmore and Mr. Webster have been entered on as yet, and there are those who .lo not scruple to the count. by their 'friends, aral lam too good last that :le m:zus t..D . come here only at the a soldier to think,' of stepping in before my eon. ii.T.ltagitl,.al. it in th i, . ;' . 3 , t e ' r r 5. "` .1 ': r .." 1 ,, r ;:7.,. 1 .' i i mantling officer." Bow fee Oen. Scott intended however, this absence et Koseuth There are to parry an elus i on to which hr. Day hare de- as ; good citizens of Hungary as he now among aired to make no serious and direct answer will tie, and fully as patriotic sod eelf.eecteti , wie. appear from fu.nre events. This great soldier, , ; 4 th ' em w t e o Zrl:akyee,`,;l7,l„.`.l t i l:e i. h:n i d 4 r inii r art for that is his-trne character, was sixty six ''' I us to reverence in Kos.:;utb th e ermeit i. l;t e. free- June last.' ! dem that he attempted to cony nil, but let Us • ....1i not forget that we are all •uothmou trash' oim. pared with him, •peasants' to he serviceable and - then discarded. Let us look upon these sel• diets of fortune in aariore, independent manner, let its be /10,1141b1e. generous, but 0,, no t let , fall down end' worship: them, while oar oven soldiers languish for s few pence Are there no patribte at home to: Whom the npubitc owes honor, or is all our patriotism like oar 11 , 11, imported. The foreign mail has nerieed Lai the leiter, give no different appearance to the markets from the printed accounts. Cotton and flour are hush active, as are freights. ntox WASHINGTON .odeace of the Pittoburet;Dally Goethe.) Of all those who statad-pearaimently before the: country no competiteri for the Whig nomination for the Presidency, Mr. Fillmore is the only one who does not border upon thrde score end ten; tiecemideration which will doubtless have no in considerable weight with the Notional Conven tion, in which, of course, the melancholy fact will Doi be forgotten that both the last Presi dents elected by the Whip, were cut off almost at the beginning a Stair administrations. Mr Douglass is the youngest man fuer proposed for : the Presidency, .being only thirty mac p , .!- cluman, Gen. Houston. end Gen. Butler are from i lily to sixty five. I -,- It has turned out as I expected that there has been no tart nor sharp edrresporidemee in the ab sence of Mr. Webster, between the State Depart- meat and this British mad French Governments, on the Cubs qaestion. France might with some. deient regard to propriety and constatecsoy, ,or.- 'preps, in the usual diplomatic form, its eolith.' slide that Spain should be protected in its rigbte to that island, because got only harm there been for many years eery acme relations between France and Spain, hut the United States is bound to the former country by ties of ancient friendship, alliance and sympathy, which entitle her to be listened to pith respectful attention on DCPaDratCal Or SiaTa, ) each an occlusion. But that Greet Britain should Washington, October G' e Issl ' seaters to 'interpose and lecture the Posted I Sir—The President lase learnd from the States, peaces allthe powers of hamen itcP w ' newspapers, with the deepest regret, that a di.- 1,1.6, -os LI e‘1.;11 14,TRE-12 kegs tor Sale 17) , • 'l / 4 .'i ti . 1.7 ( 1 1 1 1 4 . 111 1) 17VI N T .7 1 i 'S. llok it ll l , l I P 7 F A./.1. IA S' Bp N S--JI ust 1, treeeive,ltie woa ch,r, , randy• , ..,‘, 7 4 777". ' 1: ' 1 . .7 ' .7...n a 7< Alb ' A t ea t non KE e IL A a Ch' N I a I, Y '..' 7t ‘ h art '" A 7 op4,U wal: • 11o1::ANI!L .„ 1129 _ ri liLan.i,„,„ ,A iii,E _5 . ... tA : .„, a L. Fe:., ,,,, 0 . 7 t a t . 1: . : .•:a , ~,.: t ,,, ,. , • \. : , ,: ,. ..•.. 1 11 . : ,.. , ,, , ,. .„_: . .:. ,, t ,,,:::::. • I T , or. 0 - - T ,„t . loc., DI 01 au rollp , now style urea..., Silt, ,:tlltt _ ( ) 1 l'--.L' i'l". 1"'L'u;',;',;117.',7.:; i '''• - r''' 1.2' IL 1., " ''. th " ''' '''''' a r-ad, .w:cg ., 1:. 1. r :•' Arr.7 - ,:rm:;.': 1..„, C , .„.„ '1...4 I: ,, •• 50.30 ICE-:Fil wren' best.'l , Fr sale ltv a. , p oi lf .. t ')..'l..t...N'TS:',sA'e:ltut."Casie.i".-'lrAlit k t' q r .i _s i t ': : ' : "' s ' e d n e L l' F ' F 't e- 4 . "l i i i k''' :t i: lt i t : l : F tru, .1; 1' ... 1 1 1,, , it t i r . .t e s ', -.7l ' r e s il : L l e ;Ts dds'po'4 clone L. II Mtn...ASSES 3 . 1 1111 .001.1 Ole s Bet , r , ,F,. ~,,.,,,.,„,, 07,1471ti0t t .1 , m. 0.. a...v . 0 ,, 7 tsvo,Fabis tOoe.ler aood nol,P, PA 't . , Jaen,. • 0.,..1.1. ..IderA, prrthhte, .\ Put an In 1 ..1.1.1 , ~ ease. b/a.,k, Waol.rt 1 , 41.1 \F.'. 0 • s ,ri. w• • +oh full direr J. 1, ow, For 5a,,,,,,7 Era „ , a . es \ - -: ‘Na pa „ . , ` o r nal,. by , _ ll_Ullntlll/ .11 .: I 1 N.. 1110,1 .11_ I itAF Stit.htli.-. 5 b bk. ~,,,cd Voo . I", -.- - • ,•• f.-.;•-q.,Ii..;,1.•';! N , ''''. LA Ur Omura] Poen., , ou thls .4.. 71 Nun Lafatelle I•sfltto7l ' 17 . :\ ..e1 ‘ 7 . . 1 1 - t i ...1 1 1.1..a1t0bt, sonet, .7.1 WOloafi ll 7. l s 1- 11 tot , ' , al ~ 7 \ M.Pi lolll ' "N. u NL Jam.,l to., iuew,.h. 7.77.. 140111 , 7 1 . I l fvd,7 -%•,. '' ''''''''" , INEGAR -AM bbls. fur sale by a., - 1.0,u5ic.c...s Yelvenset. for .BO ' e.. 40.•,.. s '...t F.....• '',5:2 L .7 . .i . , , ps,lo SUB.BALLUX Al .1.110-Wi. /1 1 1 Water sc. •I ..-• ‘J. flaw+ •7. Wood. I V 0P.J.5 ' ' • A A, CUL/11.14FPUN AUL\ . , I . . \ 4 . 7 ' ,Ivnt Len, Watriirriiil.l .... In 0 IL , (4.1 A• oki 1,11, in , 4,100 I, Ail • ,rnntind ns ll,rnnntsAA. thn mon, r•- tu \TAUTCIIirS tt.l A•rnt tunnor . . ""."‘ . ""-"nr norl, of lour. A 1,b14. N. I) M.,1a.0.. J DALZELL. sal4) 0844 OT Nn e by c IV. ItAILIPitOII. , . More New Goods. I COMINIERCIAL. A DIES. A. McK N [GUT. N 0.62 Fourth st., . . _ ilaa received his tevivad !urn.> 4 Fall and Mini, HALTlaluilt. A2l.l.,—Advvrtimen.. l4l.o, r l Dtx. J Is. [ha cialarity of alilch 11,in, I`,” ourebsoid at 1 in• Ibla tavor i•v`ov. l and i`'ivavir`d iv.' of , sivvve. Firm the 11. anc[inn `mien in [ha vo.tvrn (them Ilia ` , ..,,,„.. • ni u` Minna. of theca at arr ot" I f',.;.l.7,7rl",i,b'll:".bn'uld 0.11 partinular ationunn tr, - -.-- - - --- - tat bi °VET& EN 1 . 9 a l lin•-hil Lynn 6baarlio Taro obvan: rlain Caancnvi• t havlc liar awe, at nianursic`nrera 1 o `f. a. or THE ivaos: Fran`h Mvolono and C•slanervir. Fan- v` 0c ,,,, mai B ain . ci 1.1••1 Del , - Silk, vorr dovirablo, . ` Cloak, Cloakinal. to . ao. " , l I` t 1" 01 , i`III.ING TO .AND FROM TILE UNITED .1 1 1:: , "I' ItEel. :it 3A,S. A. MeK NIG .. Mo HTS, j TATE., . anti and Fainm , . I 'Kan arnovi. sr_ - ,- . 9." -----tt:nt. "r • - ..„ Al.o. i n•• i Il` I rl otl , ki1..1,10M 1 . Leant, for Mind...ll,los .4. _ ot.r.ct tar,fr, n^. ...a Trimealugn i,levprf varlet,' of Ktflo , anf prihr ff.—Country Mnrrltant. ..f1 f. • • fr k ,h, for by al' It F. et IS,IIIIIIOI. Double Reed Melodeon. riniE guhseriber ha. , ..pencd .1, very i.e. Midi...leo, 5 ••••titeee. 'rah eei r. mole by original In.eot re .ne Needham , N. V Tlii• it, rumen own' •ti tower To an,nioll Organ. w' ul t a asol mue.b Barron''' . i• point prielir to etan't In, tone, and Wly for tron•portin, It ie expooely intend. , for use in churet., •••••ingto Ito ti P o n g c 7i r . nn'h ins ' il."l " t7e . r•i; " a3:aculow the dame. pnyhom hms/ takeu a.m. from die ..b.criber , wateroom, been nolereel by . moot . ..gat:on In du` city. II IILEBEe. Sole Beat t for the original maker,. earlinnlt • Nenilbalin BUTTER -5 11 kepi No. 1; , 3 WA.. dolt: jupi tte and for we by SAMUEL I. MIRIVIL.K • I Alt 11.--ri Mils. just reG'd rind — for cab. by_' t•IlttIV?!It. AM I;LN(11 : 32 - 5 hbh, for sal , by Rood nt. • -- SUtOrl'ltl NI: ALOES-2 1 o) lb, for sale by E !3ELLEIV k i 4l[l(i R LEAD-1 ,0 lbe. for role by H. E sr.t.C.ER, 11)1(:167,1, ARABIC-15U It, very tor He br It. F.: SELLERS. 1110 IV AF. CA) PEPPF.I2--S. ••:ks pure, It. E. SELLERS. . . 1 . 1..;'). 1iF..1)-2) ) 1)1)18. I Eng. ) prime, for Kyle , ),) 1) - 1 , ..10)),LE1c.. 1,,‘ P. SALA'S-2.0 1,1,1, for aftlr. by J Silt .IN , Pkiall • C. A L ( ~ .),.. , 1 - 3111.1.1, f.) , r » ., ) , )1 i . i . ,A 1. ,,, J A ~,,,i.' . ' ~. ' .. 1 )11 !:•i S. P . "l'uf:'--7 .I let .' ' ) ' ; ' .,, l o ' .ZikE fo t „s A t'l ). ! :) ''y I ' I.T. MAIL 'RIX E—s boxer for:nal.• I.y IL ,• _ ~ ,11 , .. , N 1 Malt l it , i - EN. ItER-1 5 (.3,1, , !_h . Tig . ,.. for_.!ile_by ‘ ))....)3 '' ' hr' ..- ' _ IN 111T . 1:s;ii— I (ti I .1 1)11 .. '''/...,... dr .,: y w :t '' p..l .,, ti A ni , , , 1. ' . ''.. I 111()S1 N—'l ll bi)b.. NO. I. for n:sle by S ,Cllo4)N3lnliE l t Y CO Tnnir 3, II" 1 - nrc•lmw ' uo 111nw • t,t. i-;11l17.l.flW(11)1L---I,a) blil, for sale ho ' N... er, , rttoo.olsll 401111 CO . - . lIA K- , I' , l TT II 1 ., S'yl i Nl ,, -011 2 T 1 , 1 , n t hLr - p e* Lots anti,Turailike Stock lar Sale. - 'll' ILI. he effttr , .! .1[ publir a ‘ ale. O. the 5 tl.. C•oo , t 11..11. , t r•la^. tb.• NI r 1 St.T .OO- ttntt 1.. t t t•-ttantl .110.... -ttott.ctouTarittalot. thr. satto Iran. Opt ot .. t•. I.• It 1: It., 0n • At. h m', t ntt old •tttot In to-. tttv, • 1t... rt tot. In Ittr adtnanto tt. 1.1 nf Ow tont atm trolan• •• O. •to t. whirl, .• rte.,' • at, A1.,.......c,r,t"ti t'uLl r .—W .b..... rm. t.,. -h ''''' '''''' ' ""'''''.ll , ..N ' illn: ''' r• 0 \ .1 . 117. , „„, ..rttato.'tt , IrCrozottat ~.1. if .. M n- I) ss EQ.._'2 , . 1 hbls At. firou - ali \ o ,71. 1.4 ••It It: 1.1 Itt Ea A1.7.1 - 11.1„\ ILANC ES 1,1 }.1 : 1{ 1 11(:, in a eiies of Ai Lett• o trtna ot netttn. 0,0" , I.J: Str o .‘" . . 4. .. ' ,.,r 't .tl ' .7l;: , t t t'. {"''• Mn •I,' Cif ICE , hereby g ivon that, on J 0 'WIT t • an , .f 1.10. - TT. nnt• rot Otnro It. t o•lt r. \ Lot tto ot•• ttt urtot t ttltt nl , rue., 1.,•11,„•1 ,rt ie.. tvoont- r to 1, I 0 t -1, ttl thn•ltt.“.l .0' ltlreeltto \ , I ' , oll`n 11 I Ohl, i ' I , h) B Aao— lb Lea,. \1e:11..73Q. t . t r --- “t,, r , ~.., . 1, rtler ttrr 'I 1 %to, m :1 ou r retarlt. nue re.. ti .rtv ,nrl.- 851 Hops. t r.t Sort Evu. , toril ?\ll rit. cno: icoll, oad , ce, Nears , IL" , lg out y: '1 It UT rEic- n r .r .:_ssr4ria.rl. s frn -.1.1r I T. A:. 0,11 mu ,t mtMft. FL .. , , TE;Nt . i: k , l: it I 1' k, ! . - m,::;,,';','":- 4, ' ,• ... ~,,, ~, .'l''','",.:',....'!'' '.. ' 77'`,.' ~"•';;;•"•-•,: :.•,- ~•• ' r • - • I. "y N t ,•,,, , I, --Tile — *Ts, a it t'l:K 1 V Ii F:kT I 1.(1.: 1 ' ..: ''' \ ' . ,—....5 q $Ol. s t ....I' ,, 1 ) 1. tif:im .-- 4 , If E F,si.;,,c: \ \ ,-.. T v ; ~ ~,,,,,,,,, ou , , 6 ... C v , - • 1 t...lep \ i .. hm., IN • •L et , r•• 1 ,Linn. for F:' ' Vi7;:t : • ~. V, 11 ,,' s ' i ' o r t ;' • • : Votter, fr.n .I+Tr. ... I , t.q.l. from 1 , ,E1.600 • ..; \ ill. vvrrt n YT.2, r., ‘''' 1 .V 4 k .... .... 1. 1 F, \tr •1 LA.. from lArs4 i !CIA IC •it r Itol . k. I..tSr inn. I N S ri . Sri 10.11, Ali rain AllA for lorritEu ./ , / , ATIIAN. • Alt lottert sod , 1•1 xol ,oitlantl r••• rhst Letter- to ti , Continent of -Kul ust prepaid twenty one man. 02.4 i‘iiMin required to be preps', Is,ttsrs to the enntlnent of Enroys run pmpssi V.v.. cents FlOgif Isms reluireel to prepaid In full. Lattere by the Ilarre Ltee. must I. nts p t half nun, Inland llnstste reaStiritssn. Ns:Ars:vn hs either jAne, to the Csmt /usm tear cents eseb. Inland NINO., must be .1,1/.1 on Letter,. And Vessts ths I: ,, ntits.ot 'Eurnre. th.. ' llromen Ines ?ITISBUROA'MAAREI. as • JlerICL PrrlSECMlrt t/ I[Bll\ • Torun., 44,) the mat ket yvtitert6y was without any mo rut uf Intereet The d•Y ,••," c...frletwne. and taieo wets !1n:11..1,1th ..erke.l..llang., Innoneetlunir 1010 1: -The train . by liver y.ttorday were fur, but trolly tleatgnnl for ea.:ern •hipment Tht4n were trees tt ltaf 161 a ut 33: 20 tc3 2 0 , And 21 ttt.S3 , 3fl l ObI• the bat., befog fora mired I. of f. wolfextra, The Isle. lona ator.• are exttlfined. rematar dray load lote for <37 aaa. at $3 47.1 3 . 0 for a f nod extra. 11LAT FLA/VH-'ales from Urn bantll at II f,6 t tt 190, and Craw ;tore at SI :It tlal rk of , e 1 le. It ekr Aeb at Vac. 4 moo, rearla entloutf at Lleff4Ak. liateratukft. aad Pot. , 4 ftinTa4fitet 5. Zit E:f tie untie., a...improvement In 3lttleArs. ulto nitrettbls. t InUMIt 37w if nation .'•otcrar p rrt , tit fda,VAC,llld Rio Ctolee at 'etsf." ,, , et , al ItIfOVIOIOI3,tI-ace Itaanraral/4.bin t ale, of baron, e, attk9 an. tight. b. price. are les nut tale, trmq our reourt WIIISKET--ollea,of 0,011,1. In itall af .2l ' 4O at wall , . I;itAIN atorittVontequalloa traUired ,testerdef`,, an Lot. , w• &oat] tear WA.. her tecarl • ;hale, and may nove,be quatted at Apc fur are stratit at Narle , r :At nr, h. actioftTe 10 ta'Atl • lit t4el (tram Prat - ., \thatl 06111 Ltnat‘A n l ; Vitt I awl. `ot at r 34.110 n - \ reltdr.6•l2\ Ato the arket 2fletfa ' fo ' n " tt P ld 6 ta ". l * l . o ” . t.'loPf(et,t.about.l'nN4::' ' , " S ' rl "-j at 't ftn - - t On . ontnutartu are dolna 44kt lalfelnekt Ore teal CO I . iE STAT., a Oet 31. 11 'the market la ueo tht a s Wad ttatl,C-ta, t In Ilk. hore'lwe..• I r3a 1 • 430AtePorA tr lan • •L, .e,rivAror Vr., ' „t n' trett . fut ' VCNat fin;tlte n V t ;k: 0, ha,* The utotAntt rl tn. The *ttat of twXurra. r t,o. atnt eg. at r -n, sfaefor whit, A I tat\ , t rneouth alarat.tln. t The et or Ili? In I market today to 4.3 at bag . !attesting' onthly Llr ,Atlajatf Mtwara: Whoa 1 LI, Itraker , rawa)tl.tulates the' tturlxdow .r the 131-AlliAta th e • •• ttur telvrl, the market Ytt nonrovol Dunn t t.rt hart of the mo and wen, loot', l•11t1 at al, .1 tf‘the rrettent rzar . and wuo• nOwfto 111.017aN_oat I arvNeoLl wood tt mm ~ :14,) •^Z . erntt, and Le •Itutculta,u eaat. •S the roil At lea. tataatolttna 'rho ref3 , loll of ttoft l nAs ,, Otee for aornr tloat, , o .. ba t e , . Itlnenl boy., tt 04. 00,10r1 rnwee ttrtul • Tte Inufantl ta forttcularly ttl ttf wouh the eaten nt routlarttre amt DOttae OVfo - 3 - tawl tat , ' `At ttri L( \llll.l f . OFFII: ,A 1 0 ,11" "Intl lao. 1.. to data, • Ober 11.--or toto. .set C it I S Kis,r. , I :1,,,t , , , e th, 7•.• ..\ \ :lus same.; erk \ I . lkVg It: A T lIER. ‘:11T , i\ lAtml r.r. , ..r. `, .4 Ilda, KIWN' PORT OF 'PITTSBURGH - 111Vis.-7hire vs, 1 ket no •a•rinel hi m. , .. 1 walk:at tkvk. 1. t iv..3h. and ea • AjINVLD: .fMcEre.llentirletmE ;., .. , lamp WitschtZ. Iwanii ,:killll. 1 1l Artl Lind U e vn Nl . 1. .. s , pc L a n r,vt.,.. pr.VAIITED. r. , Dr. 111: . ..6,r,N'r.1 • "trttt Mt )1 11 1 116 . let t )et - d, uulnl, th•r~'iß!autnl. VVILAVELO II AN l& V In & CO's Passenger l'nnae‘ nn band for Englamd. h. first Ktesmar..o 14 HEEL ING—W En. hes;er. %VII ELIA Nii—J, Nrlano. • \ CI NCI , • ATI —I tarthrrl, \ • t ~,,,,VArArrciro tor 111{. , “ !: V I 1.LE., , i x. Y. and 6 r v. \ . \ , er thr Collien Ong., plogle rate...m."4l logN , 13 by the Curtail LION -ate. ~eryt thorq • , Eta. erscc:aitt=T 4 a Sae eht anu.l t. suae, lq I binve abc e ads day ‘l: , ),aa Wimixon- 1 he flue rtvg.),, , NWT, .ta mabnve [hi+ rmiTclzi mid Ment, I. culd 1 dr. r , t \ l ~}ua \flr~f \. r_ny(N~cn tad—The splendid now 'ack..:stor .111 t a re . •bore ay ts. n'rl. e: ORTS BY RIPE ; 41:1,-,P.R isarrnen-5: bbl , lk i : . 1 - co A A ri Do eac 1... do II 311-1.- re, 112 do Park r 3,C,;21 . do Donn , '3'3l i l i r?k ` ,l7 ' .. " '',°' : I -1 , kp:g2; 4 .'" ':,,, a li'. Loitan Wil .4, .003 I ..r. ..-.0 ' ff 4 .4 \ ''. %Voir: i o 4 alaroArare ,11. , ran V i ln..l .o V, t e . ~atly: 3do. a 1 a AO bble ...4.14er 3 Bord - . 10 .301 sck ;CALA. dasblin'AVlaltrZinrti .7Vv. ", T .. " 4 ' t ' ix \ \ S \ ' liteeco.\ 4' e1i ,, 111 - 340 \ 344 A Curberl, 0: 4IS Floyd: 4 res. -.wk.. iN 144 40 , an P \ TIJk klb i I box btl r , -33 bt.lllll. 1 Ls .2.. \ 4,4',/ A Cauchiss • Ektriat dir bucker 83 do .1431- flour•po.. 24i. do pried- \ ' , ' .I,7l, t t c n , •—; I c •• , r , bi: T ti t or.. ,; r wer , n d ; \ FT )1 ~u; .1 a , Irnase . ' , tiller • I I,s, ea •I • '2 eks ma - 4 4hItMott A NV: ,, K i . \ Bstax :. E.e.gk Co i mi. , ' Co lna 4 tlEit l : l, 'I . . t: As lay CoatJ . IUI V ' 2rc \' ' ' Put c. % . 13catA" I Ido medletut , Lt•itt l FA.LI:iTUAnJIa. c. I tut. various rOWirmna. 11 rally :or •Inuaktiat YaNESVILLIA,ret K l r VA do Graff a CA, G he • 1 A. \k, ~=.l:kr_-----.-,---7 - -—; ., x (CE TO'STV- 11 0 1 A515Nt.'.....1"1'V,WP:4% 1 pAlunt.rvpl Lu r t li4 r rgu ‘ l l l:.: . f IT \ M , 4T i g '' i. Z " . ' ): Z . 4 Tr N p, uM , 1 -- \ % . Law N‘ n 7, re kpmed the 4 . ..a 1 % 1 ^ - c;',°”l` b n. t... „ „ ~, wprh ucn 4 liller.4 , , nd "I71;.:7 - ,7,0... 11;, " •.10 1 7 :h 'I'" ffi ''' n i . : r t . ;:t - , 11.d.5.51..-.1nni , ( 0 ,11 1i. , , I A VOtie r t el. iVeliZ2k if 'A of I - e- .. ~,,,,Attiic.,` Tn r" VWVilyl . „ . l . Houser Tut.. T . 7 , 111 , . ~.° . 3 t .L-... ,--- - - $. \ - fOSICE is tl,er*lr.,gr 4 .6 4l l .: n ll ‘ iVAn \ ttryyn ttlhe 1,1,, nn Manday. Dttrem 1 - - et( the Su 1 -, \'.- W, t i.. q. n t hat \ \ ..S: N,4_py 4: 1:11:NP. Tress. all'Y ei,‘Tineeted with i. C .l7sillk'l3lll7 ' eeLZ/rti; math. milt:. for .+l, . teat 1 :...." 9 jr•••elltNetally remit .1 1..., . r reette , t'ur'TeirifooVl ',.it; l° A77::\l' erg,° — _ rreardsaL ltlCk 's \ \ Trrsakla,.o7.LV ;lASI ~..rteolp.Throctqa 01 this ;1",73 . u -- ..'' ? 4if.7 , 17 , 4 , n i l ‘kflOMit a now i li\ , f 9A. h , am! 31 , IP 1. ~.;111,:s HOAT , I.I•AS • lautm i i,s .. s .kc . i l U f, illi;er,iN nN. lNagUen.alr tntarr.,,,: sbledry trq,llll. 0,r,...yre%,d ~ei<1.1.0,1,,,. e 11. 3 lata lan ti, \ , mks. t 14.3. a• J Chitiretr, Clotlan, kcurgio I. tthi ,r,..... , t Lontater. \ . . . • , . . \ D —alutioil. . _r_ • erlIE PARTN,EII.4I.II2" heVt•)forc eiiEting \X ~. .r\ • ~,, ...• cal,riberr. under liso nay, nisi style ~', ; , „r.....), ' ,11:7,ti1 1 5ii .K.nort. - I.lilnt dpi • I. , cnic. 4by mut.. , '''.- \., ,•;‘,,i5,.::,,}11.i.:_,u,:j,,d11ithe1bnx:.:,p'7_,,,,:,, j{,ii.,i.Aujii.tNl:li't,:.:lti::,,:ftt'li,':::::o:_:::''l" t ...\.,',, \ ‘. ' \ ,:\ , ~.: ~,,_,,,\,,,,• co-PA.II.7‘NtiRSIIIP..., • .°;l.4ldV,rtg;,.`lr'MkV.4". il i ;iliiilS 7 4\ \ ',.\ ' bit•ltri., at Me Tamen' oft 1ai5‘P" , ... 4. •'`. 4 .c....4 ..U . \ \- V, A 6,a,,n buqusatir Larousb. \\ JA,SIt.,,CALt/1,1,,5.L.L. .‘ k 5.1. 1 ,,,. 11:1;—lm t \-..lSl4 , ttlit Ater. , , \ 4iNc Pi.fiks, --,..,_ ~„ vs, i iNs - u - 19 , c't uII F. 1.) \\ BY\ TILE NEli r - ‘, at Nseti4... N.,./. ``,,_ 'rho Corri Jany I,,,pratencei to futnl, , , a%,,nDle of the.• ' 4. ' V, salusola , - , 74,1 . .N . C PAI. 1; T‘ s 4,,, \ u Vinlen bass lncs‘ti Zona after cteccal ,A,ll. trial. tintivln Vutope and tha `tinltscl 11stra to retnnt t. 1 ,11 oritanal tsenty and prebends „prcperiles supc.rut;\ to 41 nth. s \ : paiu . i arlasustr. :11,s1r . wiirrt: 'ZINC rALI , . a, s, ' . ...1.• •. \., L purely an ilald. , . of Tine, a? I. s'artantalV. fraati . , t : '.\ • t aduitcranon ...,., :,,,,,,..riu . atecrwer. It steal 01,11, • ~, Iscautnully Whlta,and I. ant; cly tree. loop tba polio • , . , trtvcrtlts at Malt in' I. Ist. to .'.v Grew to N :. ; - \ \ \ ~ ~ -atth oyalntart and Ebel,. nautili , . '' I WILL No'r •rijILN YfILLOW • , NVlwn expr...l to culptiurous we roc:Anne , rehalatinoni,oft. .. \ ~, e r r . etwn snut un in aalate roctn. A, au outside padut, , , It sal:taunt:a s rout-loco tlinslx al' 11-t, weather twiter :, ' \ that, any other, not Iso t , o a sis [nt turn chatty cc! tf \ senibis and rub off It a, he ca,rl id witb any rolcd. ‘ •ttn rater Asa fit, ta alts: tni Inch tic:s tin , rile ~ . \ \rated porcelain tni,t, nits.:;. , , LILACK AND COLORELY.ZINC PA_INZS. . r , ~ r,. an. turalsbr4 at. 100 pair, area an. atainu Hy s \ . in, atesseat and bet saints in Ms. inuctst for manna a •,----• ' \ & , c oetns, outlausa*, sts.smboat, nr any eepossa sOnt i • . '„, f.,.,. ,v socci. Wick. WI, Or iroa, al It.c.) \ Vi 1 ATILE It.A.NL FIRE ‘..1.'100F. , l• r i ‘ll sorts,. tlixy are torn valliable. as UM t , \ ~ , f o r,. a %iv., catt,tloti, and tn.., is% prate ` inn. the dr, aut:ltly, raid Inscinz a pure mstalV im. . .1.... , rl. , ha.. color illis otany 1,1 t , ..e ctrily maw ,“ , 10... '''' °' ' ..4 Co ''''' le . .T:t 1 1 ;i•eg ' a i. c , ”: the ..a: d-,2nl\ 17 &urn Wksin - cx.. Ith.l . ••Insta- \ . Ai ANek\ACTUREiStOisAceo -- Iputrp s . I . noice ItTnix, on hand and for talc, bs , , retuisaccii, xu lou box.e. , Shersood's s's, and, • sp, MI renn , ?piant Sad tor sale I, r 26 ~ , • JtILIN WATS a CO. . '.., ITASS--SOl./ NViciicm - ; WW II 'aka,: ixtop by '4111.1". WATT k CV. \ A4O-1500 lbs, tor sale by\ TRT4 FAB:4WD= A 00. \ \•\