The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 03, 1851, Image 3

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' '
r ItroffoO„—We iorry to learn that : John .
loty.ton, Esq.,-has retired • from the_puttliatin
of the Morning Poet. Under his charge, the
business of that paper has. been conducted In a
Manner which elicited the approbation of all,
and his merits as a man of bosinees, sad as a
gentletion, were universally appreciated.,:-
plimed to learn, however, - that his
connetal,n ortib the Post does not terminSte
'here bat that, though not connected with t : hts
paper as a partner, he will superintend its betel
', neas relations:Re
' . • —__.....:_._ '.,
. .
, .
A. grelt excitement prerpils through oar city
i respecting Anna li.itinnp . 4 !fret appearance atthe
lLefostdfr Mlli .I,)llsgltt lleserred 'Feat, And
; , ticketa me selling ti,t ( 7 ,_ .
i.,firAnntno C/05111.—A roldier belonging to the
S,Mten Wait:mos, on Saturday evening,
thireesly insulted n man named Tomes Nruckerpl,
it the corner ofAlarkrt th. Fourth Streets, span
rjlrhieb.the latter strnck him. The soldier then
dreirs largelcilife, and stabbed him twice{ once
I n the left shoulder not onto DI side.
The wounded man IC A, conveyed into Doctor
;Thorn's store, mod the,pereon who bed slabbed
:him, ivy, arrested and taken to the snitch house.
,The Ili:Muds of Mr. Mackerel are not serious.
jfif aszeilant was, tee no committed to
prison yesterday morning.
;-". Fsitz.—A fire broke ant on Saturday morning
iicatireen Berea and eight o'clock, in a house at the
R:roWa i erof*Webster street, which befote it could
i*iireestedorectrioyed two houses, belonging to
of the lire Samuel Wright_ One was
•. Pled. as n tavern by ill.- Ninreby, and the
other "media a feed and meat shop by. Messrs.
Brown and E'indley. The stock of there gentle
men Was incased for six hundred dollars: There
via ohm an insurance of one ithourand dollars
on the buildingf. The matinee in Which the fire
orksittated is cuoknosrn.
. : 1311{04GAR dAtT.—A. Woman named Cicely Dog
,. ran arcs last week, committeddo prison by Al
. j derrahri 11 4s,'of-Alleghriiy, charged on oath of
;it* rilgian t ler husband, with sating fire to
"l - his bon in McCandleitrtormahip Mrs. Duggnn
---- - -1 Is unfortunately. addicted do the "Wm of ardent
_ i apirits;• and is , saickbojtsvh-lie'eri Univ-Alb . in
.„, I linguee - wrihe - timb sheds accus ed of sur the
barn on hre, - •
f•kNgl .,
ly-Ftwur. 4 new terry has been started
' 1 etween Coal Harbor and Matrebester. : • "
f.Picestrux Awaneen..-A gold medal has beep
. ,
. i awarded to the Li surPoolEarth en ware of "Messrs.
I Woodward, Blalrely & Co., of this city; and East
• •I LlTerpllol, at tb fair of the American Institute.
. I This ware also - rheeised a diploma at the late Al
. i le hen COnniz Fair.
/Loewe - sr.—A man named William Manning,
.! - -sias . yesterday 'run over by the Ileptuno
near the canal bridge on Liberty-street, :hiring
' ttiealram of fire yeslertlay afternoon. Orle of
his ribs eras broken. and be teas CO
thaj his physician pronounces
his recovery very lintirobable.
• .
Pram—At about cjght, o'clock on Saturday.
S J:tight, it. fire broke Get in two starY.Eilickhouse
: rin Birrnilig.hant, at the corner of Carson . and .
..;..__.; 1113mony streets. Owing to some reason, the
, ; Rope, the horougitengine not in order, and
t cquld not assist inputting out the flames. - See.
•.- i eta ,- anginia ?Com town went over, but before
sax couldevrive, the house was consumed. It
• I wag Fee - spied .by Mr. Tabu Ackerman as ii gro
, 7 oery store, as well as a dwelling, but as he and
1 his fatuity bad gone Out to the coinstry.on Sena.-
I day afternoon, we 'could not learn whether or
..-. '
nut he was insured, though his neighbors,
thought that his policy liz.d..eipired.
• i• 'A. number of rowdiesat the fire behaved in a
j • I
-1 most outrageous manner, fighting.and breaking
in the doois of the-Ls :erns in the vicinity. In
. .. - 1 the melee,- a number of pistols were discharge'd,
though we believe no ono was itijnred.
' AIM IS .1VA5 111 5440.:.;, PA.—On Friday about
- ..., i noon the citizaiiief Washington were alarmed 1
1 1, 14...0e cry or fire, and in a few moments the
:1 ' Toot. of Fuitmi's brick stable, tot the Temperance
: • ,
...?,',.. Rouse was in '.'a blaze. The flames threatened
• ; an fin
fire, bat the efforts of the citizens
.4iice eectittl in confining it to th e stable, which was i
. - e ntirely burned. Major Ewing's house naught 1
' .l from the sparks, but was put , out without much
.1 damage
I .An.eine o'clock on Friday nighc there was
...! issidher . alarm. Mr: John Blender's stable was
. i Pet unite,,, and in' a few men:tents communicated.
`1 to
. -Iscob - Miller's,' George Black's, and 'John
.i Iferreyr's2bibles, which wore entirelY. consumed,
...1 together.' with a large tubber shed filled with
f :ilia:at:makers' materials; I Mr. Black lost a fine
! carriage, sleigh and harness, also a large quas
i ''•:tlity- of hay and grain. ' No doubt the fire was
I the wrorkot Incendiaries, the night being very
I Matificend nothingbut thennsxempleff eiertl.4*-
I lit ;-the firemen' prevented_ On erlenSiva contls
. . A1212' Bishop tand anite hare arrived in oar
• 'thy. Madame A. B .I has taken a tit of ap
: 3 Parkmeats at the Monorgahela House..
rPr..lnizmarr.—A workman on the Ceti-
IRei road, who had been convicted of an 'g
ay committed to the Penitentiary by the Rh T f°r l laiiCotyAttldee oothce convicted
iin,coroepritoned in,the jail of that
- • County,'
Iftsncinars,-4)tie huedred'atid sanity five
immigrants, principally German arrived in this
.y F , city OA Saturdriy on their way to the West
. _ •
laacenr.—JeffersOW Elne . r - wee committed M
. ..jail On'Friday
,eieiting• charged , on oath of Geo.
Stoop, With larceny. alleged to have been cora
-1 • ratted in taking a silver watch from him.
..;., Saws.: LIQUO/1 urtntocr Lion:sow—Hardin
1 Third was held to boil On Saturday by his honor
I . . Mayoirlaming, of AllezhenE, charged with-sell
-3 ing liquor 'without license. •—•.-. `.. '' .
Fattnentsm.- 7 50m0 scamp!, on Friday night,
tare down a portion of the fence id the Diamond
(Allegheny) Market. .This is the second time
this inunon ontragelaa been committed.:
. _
Itanit.ltnanr.—A barn belonging to Mr. Wil
l' tille,'cif Pine township, IMS destroyed by fire on
•Friday: It is said to hare been firhil by Jo wo
man who is insane.-
'• •
Hio?..-:-Thomas Murphy was on Saturday
eamaritted to prison by Alderman Sampson, of
Mancheette, charged, on oittt of H. Hindman, .
•\ • with riot. •
iA.contitur—A. member belonging to the Good
. 'Patent Ere company, woo rim over by their en
in the . Rand Street bridge, yesterday. Ile
vies not seriously injured.'•."
ANotutg—The maim memo o'clock on Bun
' any morning "sae. oicasloned by the. borning of
'the frame work attactleti ton brick kiln on Boyd's
The alarm on Sinelay aftensoon was false.
. .
Oas .Ifaliteso.—A xuretit4 has been milled, by
'Mae of the cititens - cf.Allegbeny who are 'D . P.,
Tor of lighting ,that city with gas„ to assemtge
ilk the cannel .chamber to-night. . The call is
signal' by a large iiiiiibnroT the Most respeota
hle citizens.
_ • .
FallpOloortaitoo of 114u - citirdre, Cutteryi
:,.•- - -.I.;ADGAN, WILSON Sr. Co.,
). No. J 29 Wood Street, •
Dcdn'TS ;,11 tn - e . Mfratlort of 3T.trlalrits and ott,, , to
. • t6rlr lAnCa OTK'S Or••
116111 DWARF, CUTLERY,-Sze,
• Ant irtiob theS cry am. , prepare , ' to offor of priers
• r,:t to
•anolvon3.amortinan t et' MANN%i celeims tett C.S. A XEN
!"... Se ' i t truly ttitortit.hing with what rn
rintr ant, ErVI..1•11: D. raa'reira Alll , lOO Liniment ha,
born iy*ablie fatar, A htr months and all
• that analYantni of if vim tint o mom noweffialboodielna
of.Arablo mit:a lad Mod"
Lnailiy a L.P . ; tf.lal ;Mond thakikom not keep It .la,
hainl; tiar,ifiii:yrould ei . m . '[ . .; . arlitenit it yam had
mitimmed tc tnogl *or.f . °Vet . dinoson, mad tie coiolerfut
zw.n.l. in . roilmtaLfrain.
- Pittsburgh Ile Insurance Company.
: • CAPCAL, 8100,000.
Pre . ..4 . 1e4.1-n F. 11... e.
!,:: _*
Now Vona, Nov. 1. 1
The steamer Cherokee from Chagres, aralvad
at 5 o'clock this evening, with dates from San
Francisco to the l st of October.
The news fully confirm the- previous intelli
genre relative to the destruction and ill success
.Of the Whale ships in the North Pacific. Fifteen
ri stein are supposed to Ots lost. -
The news from California is of very little int
pm-lance. Taro had occurred some difficulty
between the Collector at Sou Francisco and the
Merchants of that - city, and a meeting - of the tat- '
.ter had been called in reference to the matter.
The Vigilance Committee were active in their
ho to present the influx of foreign convicts,
to wa Mite portion of the crimes committed
are attributed.
Edward Dupont, steward of the Stocton Rouse
was brutally murdered on the 24th.
The Governor was about to call an extra ses- I
• Ilion of the Legislature.
The Convention to.provide Tor-the organiza
tion of a new territory, to be called ' , Columbia
Territory," was shortly to assemble. • .
The mining intelligence in highlffavorable.
rich vein of quartz had been discovered in Broad
way. San . Francisco.
The first of the Cuban news had resealed San
Francisco. and caused great elcitementi- Large
numbers. were preparing to set out for Cuba,
with a view to join Lopez. Capt. White, late of
the Pacific Star, intended to depart for Cuba at
an early day.
The returns of the late election for (Inventor ,
are nearly all in. The majority for Democratic
State Officers and Members of Congress, ranges
from ono to four thousand. The Hon. John Big
ler, fur Governor, has moo' majority in the
State; and Messrs. Marshall and McCorkle,
Wmocptts, are elected to Congress by heavy
mijorlties. The entire vote polled is 4 6,000,and
every county gives a Democratic Majority.
Mr. Marshall was to leave for Washington on
tLe 4th of October Mr. McCorkle would be de
tained for sometime by sickness.
Thtminens on, the Toluome ricer are meeting
with better success than last year. The new
quarts companies in that vicinity are getting on
encouragingly. -The silver mine yields largely.
There was a... Cuban Fillibuster nteetiit held
nt Sacramento, on the 26th ; it was largely at=
tended, add the Proceedings were moat enthusn
a.O.LF.: LEATHER-N-41 Side!, N., . - 1
1,3 4a.1 , hy 4,22
J. A- 1t.11..1.VD.
A /lU,NIA TI C STAGG TUE:AO:O-10 (.;19C,
/11., for val. by WICK A.Nit.CASIM.VM.I,
HUT.TER.-.5 !This. Peesb Roll, Inn .4.d, ily
or, WICH • SIeCANIII,E-lst
fi I LA.X.--1 4 -Ib-e-liTi toisninby :. -
_ r-.. 23 •
I INSEtar. OIL -40 ilbl.. prime, iirr yile b y
I A 0 , 23 • - 11 AI , A If N E,T, iCE A. it •
S P :5_ . .5 , . 'FUR Pfils:lVAl-i--,..A2u5,1,J1adi5.,e. f:r:: .,, i.: I,S
TANNERS' A4.1:/--1() iiiiis. for mill,. he r
Jl.. 1w , "./ • It. AEA I/AL.:Tort: *i.., .
i? Vtith.'ii'l i :" 3. ,, TihTi l .:ft "' i " ...! `' 'ur
olds. te „ whirl gSs or, lemti orTr.,l"l :.lrt! ' frt.. ' ' '''‘ i •.,;
41r14 •Alk r•lr the islet- w• would nmonimond b.,....m• in - '
11 3 to Lmr , a 1 ./otti.• ad it In limit I, im. rm.d.11...4%. ~'
oce n amqs tu, mn We , - b 7 r• *o. tro• a. 4 mat., ot Al, im.
an our arta,
Inds."em ~f th- cmd ~,iald• snf tiv. '`'
medicine. and du , ..tir 1 , 4.1,rs to e,m•sl, a - 110 a,
2oily simply in the Ilan •ot rms.rnim.n.lati, in... 1, trAttmut
1,111,,rnr.17:11..1..)...1., ..t .In. srtir..,,f whmh emem.ak b
Pt - rya: f a:n.l . .Z . 1 " 1 ‘ 17; 11 J; SELLER, -.: 1r,•41 m ' A
F L ]
. .
l lit I.
NI '
NGLISII BREAKFAST TEA- . 2.7. h:or :;", ;,,
uig...ty fine I.lmakfA•t ,- ;t i - C hu. i , 7n, m , mr.,l h.,,
Ladies!! Read This .
1 N TIIETWESS, rind will gliortly 1 , 0
oar . Z s
:71.1 ' r ”
x ortrt: MANI/MAID 1.. -444...P1AN.5. vonprm,o •
1411 rirrbariptine ra• th. timehau -In .. 1 ,n.,,,,,,,,, 4 1,„ i ""....."
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.I..reem to whl, 11 . itta..k. ...L....Lt., .r, th •
nmthrsi uf retrirdpria ~.1, ,1,1,,t, awirtralrlrelrl. b.le t... 1 ST EA 31 111 /A 'I'S.
keep! h• instrunmni 410,.. Ilt tlin. Ity I. ii Tram,
Even - p.n..: I,sems a Pienn ah,ould bare A n., .11E1 Wheeling, and Pittsburgh Packet i !e.-,,..,
he.l, No wt. a th, sin,/ h.m..e, 'mt., 1....-n ,:"
oi Ito ilol. , ar, •..... .1 b I It, A.m...., ~1...
...i. rh.. rorma, ‘ /,.n.... ~ ~..”.,r. , 0.0. o-, I ir,ARE RElil'ir ED . - The ...wift
t,,e,.d.01ar: .ni.... , ; , .in-i -- ...i. a,,.... it ll4 ' •
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unskinfill toner, -
Ladles end sentleta in the intim -rat Poti•barch and ' "•
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tV• I 7-•l ' at ttalr r...01..u7...rb71..714 b...v,'
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in a t`.m • hirms at tn- timt Pav•l •
.111 , es , I t
of the Pinsburah clornln mtmrs. •a at the T 1 J 1 1 11 . - \ ♦'
tuu,s. rnm,./...1 Mrs/m.l4bn if 11, lb r J,„...,... i 4.1 1 ''
• "..."
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he senline on... Sonar,. IL, ...I.Mm a„ls, t, et t• it I ' . rr'rrl '"•,..•
" n'las 11 ~,,e •
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ti.-e. Parisi:wall, a
Dolt en/ ~ tome ard . ..l, 1n5..11 .a t.0.t ~-‘,. I, '.
.1 ,0 '''''•
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,- .To-. h ''' .t.. v.` t ". ‘`... ' ' ''',`... e.1..:i '.•7"7,',!:71`,:T''••711'1717.";,i Z"b"i.17,1""7 -e;:;.. . '' n ' n ' . ' n ' ; l77 j ,, -:. u". 1,.
7" ''''
I.n. Inb..l.Ten•net 10 rim‘k mii.m.. a 1 t lnem.leater. , . ' ' a 5ibr. , ,...• ~•1 , re 51...- La a.. I . la Ir•ArA ' S A... •
' h " r* ja .. .9 .4 •r r n 'p r '. r r • - ••.' ' ,4, . 4.,741 . ,1 •1•• , l'h- Jam.. N•lson A •.n• d 14,. Iw,, 1.7,..:..r. ~..,... 1 47•77 , AY ••1 r L•r.y., 11,, r •...• iE,
k • I .{ ~- lin , 1 ..,. ....' •• ,
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~-. 1 ..”... ''.'
. . '''
. ' ' ' ' ''
.•j, 4 \ 3 .
• • , . , •
MIIF.: suliseriber hn, in store and .ItTers tit Wheeling and Pittsburd Packet % -
ji„ Int, pne, • coml assortment .., alpa-m C , Atit s.
Shawls! Cloaks ' Irlatitant, ' • . .
t.i......1 h0.,,,,,l Alms., d, 1.,,,,..., p,,_ ~,',„,. ri . , LI AII E RElil..( 'E It ' Ti,.. ..n . It
... ~.
tic, 1....,. CutMn Flnnls. rut..! tr.n0,,,,,,'1r,:i i ro , roa,t t asseu,,,, re-,. 11 is, , , , ....e . E . ..,52 , F 3 11 - 1.1. , . N•.. bt '• stilt; l• rs; y .-1,
~, ~,,
~ ,
p Mae Shearp, /nab Imen P,/ 11 AndkrrrirIer. 1 1,4,1• • ' ' l ' r •••4.4^ 'T.r. .•
. '.''..;..'.i
L.'s.. natineta• Cs.,inmi... (;),.tt,•. T a .„..b . ~,,,,. . ,-,.. t s et. ts,•, bt ll •• cr. , . pray..., , • r.• • r Iy, .t.,1 Sl Al, .1.
/Intern ,not 01.4,11,41 Muslin, Drill., Tirklier. 1_,V..1 tlam . I " ‘"'-''..,
tele. Padding'. tba44.1.4 I. mtrella, ha,l. and Attar Net. , I na.. - -uediele Pm ,
;. rth
.lbzulit.4l37zriirf,lltoL;...:;l.ltan-roi. Loma, Table r
I, ti.71E.1r.g..-,
IliuMna, Hutton, eh.. a re , ...,'.;1.. ,=1,,;.. T ,,h: 7,!;; lurtn•r a rmin ' e;tr . ar.
' - ''''• • : ~..l. ‘. S. - 4,, i t ,
I tu.t amaselfulli ln•it , the
uf mmrhants a n d'' 1 , . tl IN A /Ir,T 5.E.•.. eh, , •v• r , novt •,. ,••• I :•”' -:"..,- --- ... ...-, ~t r'
Imuler , r, , IS C „eh/ACT 111,,T, by 1,,. 0 1 i Pit, burg 1, ea., 1,..m.b, Tbnr,...las. end `V.'s., et l , l", • ','•-• '
. A 1 . 1 , 4144rg, /yr... Wh•-r•ltu r r ~,,, V A .1•; N a' , •••• - ''"'.•'
New Books. , ~....,.., t... 1 I reis , . it A tl
1 UST ' REC El VE 1.) and 1• , 01 •..41 , s' ..I. L. ~. t,- •i. 6 ...I .:-1.,••' '•'''''''/''' ' sr ••001-.'•'l
l "'
'..-T.---y'a ..
. _ ~..„
Woad. ,•. 4th 41T...1
• • Fcr h en. Lite * end oe., Ttsm, ~.,,,,,, 11 , , ,,, r Amn . Sl l t , ltlim.,, a, .• tat, I,,ts ..t. , •l ~ 11.
LtL• atonna the 11 1 ',era, and wild ...,,aladmetur, irf, I L b.,.. . ll, "" • ,‘"'" '•“"
,' '''• ' '‘•:,',': ' 'l •A :';' , I:, - 1 .",.' ''''
' - ,• el ,• tdmval,rina pratitme. a, .6,J - ,• r . m . :g, • "`' ' '' . ''-'.." - . --:"•''''''''''
-;-;.741'; F.lla ."' : " ' 0 ''''
4v , 1 , e ,. i.n1 ttlerul• , the Alna.M.l. ,a Am.t4,.. I ILL ' 1 ' 0 " 1 ' 01 ' 1. " .. " !'''' ""'""
.1 , 0 the Puhlte.
TS.- .ly tsar she nm. im Avevmsms• ~....,., ~,, ~.,, :in L.....“ LA it rlll "St lit RAM AN 0 , st , -... l i 114 A R 11011: li :. 111 i i,, Our n:;..•i n ,•••• --- •• . •-•• •••• . • - -
~,, b, , 1y,,,,,.. , n ,_ ~,,,, 0 , N o . rn , i,„
~ It wiarbs.,“ Pat .t ST 11 m
d r _
A } .. ,,r, Sketch., hr Spet,,, '•
‘ vs .A , V , Mm- ' Vll li: • A 1.. . -, -.;;,:f,..L., ",
• ... • • ._..., .
The Sim TL 11,,,.. a .41,1. m lm-mr-• om
gib. t,rest • t a I. a''• e . rr....ieoe-• n-n - niar:r• oe.,a it ti - it* ,,, - , ...,n ' !" .. 1' ' ; L : ' ;-- .. "7 . ".*
' -". '' ' - ' ', '' !
Fa,. ar.. 3ter.. L-. r"
Lsst res , c,d in mentAnd, 1,, 1 t.:‘• ray 1,...1 Si 1 .-m.u.t. lea•ins i5i.t..,..5, ba. M.Ol ' ..!..., •.-,.., ~ ,1,,
hanlin, Vprn . K. li
,be Ho." After. en APPwet in ta-Inalf ..T Seamly Wm : 7 ~,, i‘l'tVi,f.4 Y.:;14-ii,a4,lV:j A. ',. t•l .""
'''','-'l'. .7
" ' 7 '
7' '' ' " 'I" '"'-''''''' ' - •• 1 -1 ~"
iii. witb . am.l hynms, et 0 , s..i.i.r i ‘,...,,., ' ~....-, s. , t. 4 tr.t-t.: br sr.., E: .l - n ' t..... "' 4 r:I. ' 7.-.7. "''' ''''.l';' ,. ." .." "1" - • . 4 ‘,--• ...• ••• .. 7,,, —.., , A,..;;:f
(run, .4rAllar•A kr Ismill .....1.. - C i Iv en.•
AIMS TfL 4 , ,,i • /I;i•a, 4. lry.rll.• •‘. \V.,,, ' ,',' ; ' ::'...;'-T 77 ' .._'` `" ...--,71 , -- , :—-, . 3 ~, • • , ',....1.,-,
SAN -FRANCISCO MARKET totith ded, urn y,, ~i, and witamot vmsmn TI.. I. , ottm , .• • .41. w hes, 5..... so, ....,-.. t. soe. l ~„, i1 r ,,,,,, •,;,,, ~., , .T... i, e e :- : :”."7 7 . 7 '' ::2 '"'- . ' . ''' '' ' --•.' ' •
I d.riAnral 4 I .l l l.lmtrart• tb. trAtti ate! power 4 . 1 . - bm•s,./sla, ' y.,1 IvrAar 1 ,, b., ••1 , 41.71.4,•1. Il.r I, Tr-Al 1 ...yr 1,,.• . ' .l,' , ''
' '••' ' ' ' . •-•' 'a. 7 '•'` '•"" .. •,• •‘' '
3 / 1 ., Sept. 30. 'Lr 11 . 1 .15 , 4 P. LS •
I a..• ant on.atm, -an I. am, . 4 ber ..,,,, ~..• 4 CI l .'; `-.."'"'" ' '''`''''' "
~, tel . ?. r. n v....if, ~1 , - t.mdt
The market was more animated and a better i .r,Y;;;;P:`„•;,74N,.°,;"'d °'"•''''' 00 "'"" -- "‘ . """..—, I ''...' _
Real Estate
tank %Art arbi .tams. 4417 AL 1 • •
'feeling is manifested 1 tom Ism La,-
- ..„ FOR CINUI NNATI A N I. b't .... ' ' ;.. ', 1r114,.. ' ' 7 ' . 7, f; , ;',.... ~ J.", ... 13.011 ......' ,q... ‘ .‘....A.,2 psi ft ~ I „ !I ,
Floor-ii firm at sl3er 12,25 The stock in ! -
Card. . '
51st hands tit estimated at 40,000 bb and tacks, !
- i t art Ei 1. on, wid 1.4.4. 1, tr.- br , .. r . ;
If CHPHY & BURCHFIELD inform their' ""'''"'"' ."" '''' '" a` I ` '''
and holderslare anticipating an idea cc.
I t..• frel,,,bt . r seems. st P'' ”" ' •'•'-• "s ''
, IVA cryAlalayrb al. hily.l., ammrsor that :rm.. Les,
BarleY is held at S 3, and c rit at $ 3,- : vov ovve th•i• SI..Cs,Nli las, soppl r4l i. , ..m1• .. 11. im. ' '-'"
.1 i.....1,m-s , b.AI •Arr , t 7.
AO lir boeheL . t Med , . nerL amt artrOrrany to to nu m., it 111 m -' •
me. •' '' • rn 1, 1 0111',1 N. ei 1.,0111.` , VI L 14:- Th..
Provisions -Sales of Itie” P or k , at $l4 •r e ? . LADIES' DRESS boor, on am. mai., rreb ryj r ,r, ;Jr or. -7477.4 11 . 1 1 MONT.. ay.. ILA., will jg..•; -.1.•••'.17.•;"1:•1::1•..1
bbl. Hams 22 lac" - tir lb. Lard I4e. lu. Law auttrituno, rsoroovn. ro,l, 1 1,... s. I l-es. rid tto, 4,se an.i all
Ilex. a,
I .4 • darr LArr 1141 trast al 4 7....1,-4, A Yt
lit other articles , supplies are fair, with no .-mAWLSA Lunn end i + l , ar.-1.--gr mt•le 111,,, r..... ,I , freight •, name, meth', n 4--ar , -
, ."'
L ''''
1 ';',i'x7.'
, r,...un., Cashmere do_ ideal an i ger ..Ar me ; •
ii 4 114 Yr, 17 , -1 hl ;; Li •
material change in prices.
slack and colniml Thu ac ar..
iIitEGCLAH PAefiti'l DI. , .ii, , er I fry. •..• at.- , - -:.,,,, •
1 —......... Ince phd.l 11.1M0n.. Meek and balf mournlng d..,_ new
1 - tt ESN I'ITT , PI ttlll 4- Ihn hi,.
; style Seek d.. ,
..„ 4 ..
.01 -Tim WWI 'u .i a ' • •
•L '
u .Var.l ha.. ei. teorleml a Itirther any ply , 1 .mr., ...1: ' Ira.,, ...”!:'....-%'.". 11.-*`o,
~, .
MaNTPTtI n's . No*. i. I 3Z."•L's'ill•nli.lM l' •°: ° : ''''
.ra, - ,-,, •" ',- t T•a-" 4 , ....,' ~.-. LI a i
r, 4
-T a :a ' '-'
' . V Th'' ''.
' ' '''.
' .
ir..4 II r rirral.
For S , le
We team. that on Thureday night, as the ! c.a.., 11,, vt , it. vtv itir.uo to r...!b...itt .i.0i.....a. , „rr,-;„1,;,,•,•,,,!,., .".*`-iii,' .i. - .: 1' ...1 " ..0. '. .: r . Loper - tot Bina Wnture and Coppng Ink
j. freight train was passing the Passumpeie bridge
_"`"_2"___''' "Lttl.. .._!!!.'''''!' "'' '"'" '''' v• -2, men hrmeit moo liiirt,.. rovidV , • 'ier i ".,
4...' " r • • • j , iN. /..• • EMPI ht. I\ F •-- !\ -i , --., I,A EC E.. •:- 1
11:Itie Ifo 111, the bridge gstve way •preciptrating4-141,1-11K SILE • LACE.fitr.A. A. ALpow & , '7 , rrr .. . I. ...
~. . ~
.. _ .
the engine into the Aver', - and - instantly killibg ' L.,1 0 ,.. - , i' i..0,,r'..,..: , ,, , L , .." -1, ,,
.J., , vv. , " ,•,,,, ^ f `•!•••• soy i '-'
'11; ...,-,..,,.:-,.;..-,--;,-- , - ,
ri" . , , ~,,, , J.,:..--. .
„ir. Interfield. the engineer, awl Mr. Thotass,
1 'INDIGO- 3 reroring hroit. S. P.. 2 Mid. Mall- ' , “ i-V '''''''' "44' ''''''''
'''' •eirriC.:44,ln" • ' ,
the 6reman.
A 4.r. at: sale / y n,T2 lAg lb /ID 1 ti• 41. r. 4A•J rd/ , nr.inta , .... I..tru. •r. u.. int - r. bI.
DI ICE 10tva freall Carolina Wee for .ale : ' ; ' -,r rriox , i, .r. r0 ,,, ...xl nr , ' "a Iswv. '",
. JUL by . 4.-T1 J. alt Hunk r 0... J NEVI., 1. , , A. 7 •
ti OSIER I-A. A. 31. , ,, in & Co. par. ri,',l I -'''''
• I •,,,,i+i. Ciutan•re. LaAntor It md o A itar- A Pdr. ant..
I v ilo* , •rr. - nmprirot ol tte Lamb
rilemrll4 •tra.k the,
Ibase weer aahlhirms. whmh they .11 •lmll . me-I , lesa •
than 01011
I °wales lir' •t a A x 41,1% AOr a __ lark.b-rs of 611 , nhawl• and 11,...... 1......1.
tt UTTER-r--. Able. l'ac.ked, for sale by
LIP oh! t aF• WM...05.11e ...mod •
B UTTEII4-0 bble. prima .R 011; .
0e2.1 Jet ./LIU by
13 P OWDER. ---109 keg. Dilating, for rode I
JR- "v2t 1 JI It 11011 It
Neer TORR, Oct I. 'Ai ACKE - Ix E1..-:- ' 50 bbln. N 0.3 Lorge.
, The steamer Hermann, for Southampton, ! kVA.
Sailed to- war -
diy;.vvith about ao , passengers, and , ,21 .." ♦. ..
N Y 1 , - 51, 1 ,,,', • , • ,' • '
$70,723 in specie.
.1, -a 1 OLD 'N siiiiip_ lit Ails. G00d:d0 . ..1
1 4)" Preen, en no. by J " 1,11. At Mall a i..)
: , b.! IL. MOLASSES-2u hf. bble (.10o.lah.'
Ctzentskri, Noy. I. ", f 7,. 011, P 4' • Air 4 4 - .1•1:4•14. rrt
- , ; J:, till.N.lllTll JI op
Flour-The market is somewhat fi rmer, and I , ..... 21
the applies luta than in the early part of the I 1.. t UTTER-10 Jur- and i_. lit, Fre.b..,,,',
9, etv riAkLitu,
week; but sales to-day were 'unimportant. , 1 , 1 ... n, PT, ..I" IT
Whiskey-Dull at le.
I lIIEESE-i0 loixe, Cream, for sale by
Mess Pork-, Bales 600 tibls at`private terms , , I.J , v 2l Aaat II t 1111.4 Volt
but below sia.oo.
go@B7Groceriew,-Small sales Orleans Molasses at 1 Oak lAmoratinna. itirt i-t.,,r0,,, for nark end V..,
C. u .., (r ma< ny. . WALTEIt PAI A IIPII 4 LI.,
i ne...1
NA Wood - ,t rm.).
Cotton-Sales 30 bales inferior at 64 V lb.
The river has fallen four inches since last re- I ft,,,t, c,,,. LW, tu, .. r,r .• t
port. It is now raining. I rt..n W Anerirsit.i.' MARA/SALL.
. e 1
i li,y wIIITE-20 grim, of various ntylen
Pettoieum I . i and imp:Adat twelve,/ 901,1ar rel. 1-, .
m•l5 . l . 11 S., H•l./.1.1L5. S. tt , ..1 rd
, .11 UJUBE PriSl'E - " fiaglo Brawl •• -- 7
AMAPA - Yes Cue. ay Penvmerst. -W• Melte the attention iyy ~,,,,,,,,,,,,. , 5.,.,,,,,,. , or „,,, b
of thy alllictml end . the Jutish.. Arnfrfally, to the rertilicatt , 4.-I•
ll ' . V .1..1.1.1. 11,
p 1" Ur''' '
"li '
a th"
at,. T' ''' ' '' o " t ‘ . ".° '''' "Y
I OIL PEPPEIthst I NT-I 00 lbs. Imre for
Perann who may Le rk•salnal In relati*m to the/arts b•r•
sale bs ••••/•/ It E MELLEN: ,
4 , ..t north. v. M. MYR.
.. - -,
"I Mull bmni sfilleted rovers/ y•ste with &Anson...of both /I 1 RE E , NOILICLOTII--:.,1 net re,vived from
•Yes, which nlntinued to Inn em• until VephAnber. MO,
...Ir ev•rol - r-tot , , vart , ..i. , trid 1.. a...r...” 0, ..-en on
„",eni.....ti o n at that “.. banjo, iti.01...1 M .. .h. , .. ; ' '' ';, ` ,..1 " .4 t rfru, ... 74 ` , " 1 " - P"."1' . 11`01-`171g "
lining membrane of both 4 Yee. and end , l WIN, depcoite j ~.'
~ _ ... • • - .
. i Ultra stmt which riiiri.tdostrur.,l tar ',gilt I lied , TABLE COI,ERS-30 dozen Oil doll. TSAI
an oteretion the tldokeningreninemt,which ,
,_,1 , 1•. St:W. Iml Duman
~ ..overs-.11.1, m r.. 01 f A.-1,
FOron r.tlyrn,l and Ten me In as bad a condition am before.. •`0".4 the
j. r .; ' ir :Vi1.... , ,.. ~. Iln Market . -
.Al this stage .(the rompliant I made spoil...lion in seve- , •
rat of the toad eminent medical mon who informmi ton t I . I RANSPA RENT SHAPES-A line .
that •in y eye. erneld never 4,10411: At [Sinitic.' could rortment rd Isl:mom-vat Window , d,Alre f4r ... at
v. thet.inVutsh ev , 0 . 4, - BT th " •4•" "'''''''"''' fr'.." I C olS I'
"'A l ' .I /1 PIIILLII, No. 114 Market at
1 cornmeal the um of-Inv Prernlatim. iota Internally .
and 1.4.A./I,noder which tar er... hAr.• ...Loved dent tie- . L ill_ CI the present Cum., and / hese reateared my •Ight entire. ore Goods.
iy , ,, my
~...y , . „ Ir ., wy ,,,,,,, yy ... , , y, i .,,,, , ,,, , , by the 14 1. 1f „. 11 . 1' ,, II Y d., ..4. 1 . 13 ,, y .. 1 I . e . 1 1 Ir . I n E Lf ,. ) . n. re now
p 1 A i , t. of their ,
Petml"vtu• v.' L"' thy t l• Mvt'ut'on of or ~t at, to con , urt.1....t ' 63. tti.(ol-ta .4..4 P. t. ttl...d I: If ,b,..,
11. tar. - I reiLl•at No. (012 Sr oar street. in this city. and rich PrintwAn• Ur 1344 rard l'emles Chat. C , bors, awl
• will be happy to giro nary Inforinallon in relation le my New i , `trut U - net , " l'lmsrb. linai, and ' . .. , •1 .... tt.t.
' W ilda!" HALL.' ' l2 ' un ' tir merebanta wtshing to ‘ replenish Eh.* stocks
.I"cr sale by/Career it Mepow•/), lad Wood stimet; ii. Y. Kr lorisA to rAll.
Etill.m.l•7 Woodarom B. A. fehuretnet. 4 Co. vim*:
WOW and ?mat Arent.; IL ..M. Cum-, D. A. Elliott. Joseph
DrAiglarcaiid IL P.E thwartit , Allae-sull alan blal 4 P.
prietor i
-- i . Caissi litteln.korentb at. PllOlOl3O,
-- s -
The 'folleiving are the principal; ansignments
or•apecie by the Clierokee:—Drowi, Robinson
& Co., $ 2 50.000; Adams &Co. $ , 5 , 73,003; Amer.
iron Exchnage .. Bank $200,000 . ; Bet ee B Co.
$275,000; Brown, Brother A Co. $40,000; A.
E - Liiiie $ L 3 ,000;. Connate' Whitehouse & Co.
$50,000; . W. Rogue & Co.- $27,000 ; Barber
,s, Co. 19,01)0.., 'was, Perkins & Co. 10,000 ;
T. A. Delum . slo 000 ; (Meson & Williams $lO,-
000: Henry Dwi t & Co. $10,000; Chambers
A Reiser $13,000; ,E. Rhen A More $20,000;
T. Watson & Sons $12,000 ; Collins, Cushman
A Ca. $10,000; and sixty others, ranging from
one Winne thousand each.
A terible fight ocean-ed at Chagree just before
the nailing of the Cherokee, between the native
and American 'boatmen. The Americans were
beaten:7 and fled, when the natives turned and
beat - all the Americans in their Wei?: Fifteen or 1
twenty pnssenger from California, who Were on
.their way to the steamer, wore driven back ; and
five are known to hare berm killed. ' The others
Bed, taking refuge in the houses, which they
barricaded. They finally get on hoard the I
' Cherokee through the courtesy of the command
er of a British steamer, who took- them off in
.his. own boars. The specie was also taken of
in the British boats.
The whole amount of specie brought by the
Cherokee is $1,919,162 on freight, arid
_h $260,,-
000 in theands of passengers, of whim she
brings 400.
Our adrices fronuOregon are to the 21d Sep
embea. Snow ,hid.4.llen 01 Astoria to the depth
.f eight ineht,
- .
'The number of emigrants arriving was very
The Indiana were committing unparalleled
outrages upon the emigrants on the Columbia
river. The family. of Eleanor] Clark, of Illinois,'
woo attached--by a-bond of 30 Indians, and his
mother and brother -murdered. Ms sister was I
also dangerously wounded, and" afterwards raw
irked by the whale party. Mr. Miller, of Wes
torn Virginia, hail also been attacked, and his
brother-in law, Mr. Jackson, and his
wife, daughtts, sad himself wounited. Tao
ocher trains had hero attached, but the Indium
were repulsed.
The utmost excitement prevailed in ennui
guence of ,these outages.
Ws.struccron, Nov. I.
The Republic of this morning denies that the
arrest of Mr. Thrasher, at Havana, has occupied J,
the attention. of the Cabinet fie official in
baa been received by the Government
upon the subject, but it is stated that Mr.
Thrasher will receive all the protection our
treaty stipulations entitle him to.
The only troth in the rumor as to the English
and French interference for the protection of •
Cuba, is this: the fleets of the West India sto-
tion have been ordered to protect the Island
from invasion.
.. ---
1 great and Itterewaing demand for these POD Is tha atirmit
i eriiistawof thole nacelles:tee. People try them and mem
!m mil en d them to their neighbor.. No one who Wm ever suf.
E frog, - the Liver complaint, or from Amy of the W.
v.,. ,thltig from a disordered state of 11.1 orgais..falitsi
m obfaloitil mile! if Le tried Dr.McLime's Pills: and Daus
thsy hire worked' their inria ..T Into PoDaiiir.tY by the
asm&ltovilidog eurowehish they ars error day mirforrolog.
Ithtfollowlog certificate: ,
. . i ritissarm, C. , tdrsieo., In.. Emit 20 h,1047.
Atessra.J. iihl.l A em . -hientleiroo. I antic to Inform you
of the hatTeht I tare smiled from the owe of Dr..tfcLamiti
/.leer Pill, 1 have hemievesely afflicted with Liam Com.
',mitt Lir a - htimlwr of - years, nod have been rem much
reiierisl by tie alsdre mated Plll. I am anxious to nor
more of them, as 1 Ibliik they will egret ao culler mire:
ti ,
stall a cooldsot. that Ino tell a good malty of them
A ~,s , ILI, In amtialitmocs of mine, um/ one or two
dorm Of mt. and toll the; relieved ber mom than m m pill Mil she h ever Isaiah Cl. Is afilicatd with Comomption,
or Lim plahid. - W. 0. BUTLER.
For sato by J. KIDD A CO. •
noIsISAWIES No. GO Wood rt.
i IOFF,FE--78 bage prime kin, arrilng and.
I_, tar rate by . JOIIN WATT IN). '
ft Urelitt--1000 lbs. prime Dairy Pasbpd,
II fbr Miebr JOIIN WATT t
• SSES-20• bblg. S. H.tirr p
kir br • • - JOAN WAIT* tpo.
I OttMen's Ir.auranee Company of Pittsburgh
4.,. No. 41 %CAL, ' , cr.; In [b. ' , Arbour of C. LI.
T-te7,./igurrl P0 4 11 e , tt.....,... , A. U. nara. to'''.
Tom • ir.surA All orrchArollAor
I Z.sgier:l7 ' t . ; . g la ' A4l ' lti a, fohorrltT or ',..
'rho Aro ail oitt'l':d ofi'lit:lfl ' ATt ' 7 A if 0.5th.1 i;:;',7r177,'
17,`„Y,.. 3 „:11;.79 , --- it: fur thea - pnalenee. triLAllizeor,
I 15,317,178i1ti1h11M1ZT4 i r,' . ' iit . Z;;;;4 v nib i .Z.l.=: 1
ArwArth F.I. IlArh.o.p. D. q. ,o, •00, ,
60 blf. , harp I'. Ile, Imp, :,, La, liartiler Fisina,
20 :10a!,:j. I/O1 T ortl ; and Chu 10 14. :•%frl:rttU'x'
67 I,A z n . ' l::.. 2 lix I Neu;la.,:
n nnl Black 10. "a, 1 .1.. r•tar Cand.,
lo biol. N o au; ~. 1 , , 0.. Sporn,
24 110. 1,, pud ,11,..d 111 1., Nr• I Cho, Oat,
_ ~ 11 1/ . .. .r: ,
__, . • On. Craraa nod Ilr:arta:
•a 4/ ll' i1;',.2..: L'.', , l',:„). ,; 1:':LT:f1'.'...',3.?,.,,d:
.. C/Kor.,
15 . , a l , , hn.. dam, .'5ll,
.1 11','". IZt?4';•..- a, bam1..1.4b.... Nem
, 1 bean e,
i rJars• -, 1 , to-0 i.a.,,
• Eli ll:',X'n V11t.,...1,3'80Pm . • 1 /0 ~a 1 1.01 -a•h .
C'''" 7t l l'' d d !' 'lt r' ll l .: ',: i i ll i ttir:a :'..
:4 ' '''.
, ' ,‘"-
.7i: 1,,,s Grnuu.l a a,
5 h. Cyan litareh, 75 . 0 s
Corn Ilmoni,
laa, Na,lo. ul,a, Whit. LeAd, Gulton 1 na•o, wh,-,1,..d.
tr..) 1 , 1‘,1, h,
00002 vorthm J L. ;VII .I.IaNI I I a eI , ,
a enrb, 11c..1 and 411th pal.
VrA ICTAft IC ACID-150 n IbA, far sale by
• cal.l C A Fa UN lq..ToCk aCO
I.ll,lii:Wit:_il' FLOLat--A-;u rIeo• alai
. cl, ”I'lar‘h hub,/ li.ll.l<w Flour. ,u., r.,- I n ,
11. P
26, I,la rly .1. 11./1 A Ile, 1.1.1101 a Co.,
firoa•rl Ph 1 re, healer.,
I In EESE--.4i1 -41540 ,tra Cream CltvenP:
IL/ im .in ty ir
'.O do Hea1:11,1,4,1,0nd lanrhpun
—for sala by tot.:l WIC a 51,.CANDLESa 1
IEII TlN.kli SUGARS—A.,o as , ortmeut of
IL Cra.hrd.Chint pwr,,ra..4raal....rsagnr.,fror.
~ :a. I.lllp 6.1 , .arn ;,,tgar Relltar,. I, ..le . r..1n , . , 1
oalu JAME,' A. / 11 . 1 1y111‘.110 a 1 •1)
TEA -65 hir elicon, Y, 11.: ..
z -
sca black. ." I,z. Cu. It
Imp; ri •01 lal p portatinn,
jnpt rtnad and lc- pale br ne...2 ° j o .: 11 ' . ° i. L i ~y.
. --- ----
ALT PETRE-50 bg, Crude now landing
!..3 .4 tor pal. by IctlG I. DICEWI ACO
ONION IIIUSTAILL--551fiba. warranted
kJ NW, 1151 . NO, hr J. KIM/ a P.,.
CilAbK--5000F. in etore and
. V V for sal. by c.. 17 J. KIDD: a .co.
CO3f PLBTE' net of Bucket Maniiinery
kin/. by ox2o J. r DILWORTH'. CO
SPOOL COTTON-10,010 doz. ju.a ree'd.
from Hoglartd, 004 for sale by
ARD OIL-20 bhla No. I landing p e r S.
IZAP Cn'''' "fl'A ^ l7l:lll,VS:.7.L. CO 0,,t0 r
IV OOP ENOi INOLv Jamds 11. Park,
Pt,..! T V (survvoor 'nil!. Jebt . ..n.) l'hiln UHL ,d 1
ter..r th e Pest ( 01,34210 2 y. %J 0... of buthltn.,
zuschinry.,tc..Eak.O. Ten. 0u.i•r0...
tor SPONGE—II strings very fine
Ail by J. J. SCHOON,IAKE)i o CH
VIAL bnlca £OAKS -15 ioniTii;d abort,
for rade by tar,. J. tenotrfasaftba. a co„ .
DEWS PIIORILS-10 cant, for pole by
oeu.. ncnorrymnAm * IXI
TERRA JAPONICA, fbr farmers' une—l
tan for rata by nen' J. ECOOOSMAKKK A CO.
14:1LENNE--1 bbl belt American Pepper
pp for sal, by- call IJ. siefloONNfAtZtß CO.
kg,s solid packed, receiving
andlof Yale by' ter OALZELL CO,
Sli•Afrlat and las, for
W try - . 17
/FS ES, FA RIVIS, &o. RANSl Oiti\A ' l " loN \ ON, \
ki e jAIIIES BLAKELY, Eurttp....m.,,,,,v. TREMONT HOUSE. Desirable Property for Sale. , \ OUGR roheTtimni nn —'\
~. .., ,,4,' , ,,,. ° L 1 . ., V 17'`1ti1....,L,1,- " '''''''"" , a , TON. MA, 1 I NL MEER a very Vaillaillp Ellii'llO g
~ ~ i m s ,
„, \ \ I
. rtr....., LIM , . el , N., lora and Lor Tii.i'?: 711 'fil.[ltrn establishment,r4stlll ran- A
i , 0.—L;r:"..'17,1:",°,1rd"; ',,,1;rr,b;'.,;`,1r,`,.`rrth,4„':„':.,212 Ql\ trgartr, lONNII7
CTOIIFR 130,5, 1 0 ' 4 !
owallow Tail lir, sailin fr. aew York anti Liver herdh.l s °';' , h'''''to-' 4 '.;"rmt7-..'"tn;t7 4 ' h roVt.: l- ;-'' ' ''` ' 2 '. '' ' 'h ! R '""" W ‘"4 ''''''''''''''''' V " l ' 3 ''' 3 " .4 ' 3 \ 3 ' "fi"'" 1,1"1:41:111,":Triri: '"°°'''. ''
deor.l. the hth impl Plar fangs . , month ''. ''''''''''''"""• "j ''''' '°." "t ''‘'' ''''"'"" fir .... 'llC e 2 N fi Tte t r'n"li . le" . l,'"pr o v ed Let on the mna,no Lila 1'....- a 7 ''..k" fi ''''l. 4 l.7r i fi g ." n'tlcr ' ''' 4 „ \ A, .7, '''•;; . ntsi s
~,,, , ..Z :
t 1 i .,a. ,, 1,Fa e,e„. .- .. . !, o.euw.Lr, Da the 2 , h• •• , 4 Lt „,,,, r. , , , ,,0nv p . ~ re Q p ,ie rtn r e tr , I a. r. ,I, 11.1 ',than a ~,,..,,,',„„••• „1 • ',., Hp , p a p a . await. ' d im tom, tannalztakA:dra houri°..tirt,' nhltr'il'il ° l• 7 ' F '"°' '\
hed star Ime I New lark en ••• ll.h. .1 LIT, Ilan.. laam r... ul tb• urn et Jlr I I mot. Ir. A I I mon latil• ho Chun -J,, 30 few. /runt on Llbert, by FM/ leor
' * Art e r.l. e fi ; ?I fi ale%%°,l".'. i'3,l'h;?;'•,,. twin
pow i l rtl the -lob or nth mouth .
~ r,L .r.r. ~,, ~r , a . o . n ~,,,. ~,,,
~,, ,
.1,1117-1`,,",,..- he'l"'.g.n?,',l",,',l'.,i'.':'`"',T,"),','';``'. • r, 4, r !.:l tl ,i; E' . :: th ::: -- 77, • ,, ,," :‘, 2 , • : ' ,, b' i i , ' „ 0t ",;, %' A r i ' f„1" . ?,, ''' ;).:',°,,L,', \ , k ri'e; I ~.o ), h io
p ,.. „....y.m.,.... , " 1,,,...._,....., J ul•-•` R ici , '4,: d .
_4 \
. = ,, ,,,,,,, : ,,,,,4„..„
r ..1... mal.ra t t ou L.l, a t , rmr•
i•_, dlcun, n _ l a fi r ,,,,
_4 .4
~.Th,r,.„Lcir, Packets fall! Item tare lark on the en.rwd , rmal, at
... a , ,,,, ,, , , 67:1::„.. , ,t1.
~,, ,• . 1; .}1.- A, , f 1 . 11 , ...
= • ,, a, , ,, d 1t t ,b r0 zk L... ,: td .:, c f, a 7 ;:r „r h ,
, I 3 o r r in k , I a .........................
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1 Poetry I In. P. I ralr's Trwarc - "Ev fi r'rpooL In. Saw or _ ' • Ihr ht . ' ht•.' '"..r•• '." \ th. arterto. etln .. I re" w: . -0 . t : fi. 6 ' . " 'l t . la. ' ''''
F, r wal. 1,. end i o ... ato ,r,,141/1• te,III• Fopuir, of „,,,
~,,,, ,,,,, , z ,
,z , , , , , ~,,• , Ln,l o . n 1 1.1. • • '' . 7 ,
~, ,, , , ~,,, f r r en, , tarant a from Nrw. dell. to r Ptram ,
t rnerw‘,' 'let: a ',I IL-V 71 ,!:1t ' a... i"' Bhmt 4 "°'•' hh•N'',l, / , .0:44' "'"" ' fi °''''° s" ''tk h• t .
INn ppa.
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.I „, ,, l n t li p ‘ i! i t ; L r.r,,ah HI. CII .5 BLEB .... I / LI% F,1,1 baring/111 - i'urtb • .: . ,,,Itarwt orah oe3 tf \ m I Alldpsi TPA', a f ent 1. rporni va r h
Q..?..i,":',',Z r.,t,, 0 4..i . ,1,11 . ..- :.,, nr . ;il:,,Taj'z,L‘n. ta u t - ,,,, s ; r , +,-,' •t:1..i:15d.., n'ar r rn fi t'.l . lo'i oLtl'''..te - t:' •'rra'2l:tre'rn - Peqnea Farm at iblik gale ii Ohio‘and Pennaylva.niajlailroacl, ...r.dfif i i ''.lo
/ J.1 . A., ,tn - tl ,en . [...„ • I‘,..'a /•,• r .0 "t",",2, • 2 ." ,'„,„ '.',',..z a 'fitr°j* °° l , ° ;"t;Fm . " . '' r e' fi t A ll \- II Floc F sl, %I\ • I l'oth mil ati4-,_=•,..,,-, \ '`'‘''' t "''' , n a
`" ' ',"' th- "'"" - ` ^", ", ' ~, ~ 1 . , - , % rr'rfr r,.. i, r. rr... r.'." - "7," r `,`' . .`r 2 ' Iy' '''' • • ' '"' " • 1
etreet l.lmrab
.11,grfirr:::1;;ITL';fi[it'elr t "• fi a L rw t Tn i T . ,l" . pa nr fi r ., rt j t,e.l.7n!!l" a „.
',.-°'°7•`, _pt° \ CmAr, ths I
•II or Ma, u, 0,!14. an '2 I'' ' .'' I' C :Y.' e,'. ' t ' fi ''' '' °' r'"" '''t "tt °' n° " fi r" }PO , l'lTlO`qtritt II 'NO 'Fir - • 0 1 '
L " J , N. , i ,, verlth wr . .Pm I L ram'' I?, 1 . 1'4„ d' .2 '.'ln t.7-.onlfi . - 1 7 .ra'ilf.:ro''an't fi e I , ' hu";,° '.';l'.• ,Or l'a'''..t ' . \
anima/nte en application to Om tut •triber. sod hay. • ... •
!fi'''''' ''''"tfi " W : l ' ''' '.. ...k r " '''''`' h°°' °"'•':' •''' Clegg's Perfrunery and Fancy Soaps ',,',',1“,':",r1.;,:,11;',':,',";,:-;,,Zl'::;' ''''' `' '`.". kiNa `t
i niteVIONDA Y A r(l, i' s r 4,h2i '''•:•,...,
th7., , , rrigh , t b o ut br any of th. , ••••••• ta•nrim ~ma. ri Fri p•Sr. , uporpir int, le, ot P..1-11tInt.1- 1 n r
j .i . P . , %mo i l ! h , a• m 1, , w r ,Pi a NM, tare t s , ',., dr lI'A I a I ProaennlKra ‘ to il/ ,111:11"1,1111a,
, •
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'. \I r d al /\ pll i 'l" 'h°\°
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or di.„.,,.. o
~.-, 7 :.,,, ,, lo r Id . li t Orlr ^t •• I , k , ISI•LI rP.mi h 1,.. I • tr. mo „, ra •••. , •aat •„,. „, a a ,,, a '," ~,, , ~,,, ~ ~, • ,
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Purr 30 eM i
Phoad, !phi. Ilawton • Cart. Mo. and • ...ardent, 'Ulmer 11% Zrl; r MU .chit, Pa ii r d i 7 n ,,t l , i " ° a :•,•
•°••;,, ,
~ , ,, , ,... „ ?.. ., w ,
k 1" .. b .. ..r , .. ,, h , ,.. ,,,, , ,, ••, ~, ,,,,; , ..a,, , ,i 4; ,, ,,, ,,, e n , ,
~ ....1.1c, ,
, I '''''' '." fi '"'' li tt'7" l
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Mine woo, a 11 ..1 11/1k For , t 1 1•1 I I 4 ,111 ..1 , 1, rr ,
FV, n•••. r t
Steam Communicatio n between New York 111,',..",;t 1 ',.,,';',),:;',„ . ..:'',`,.' ';'" L"'''' "`" .l `-`"''''" I ih'r. at... or I -cmo • Atm , ' h' • ail . h Id hn , ..•••• It ' k''-.41'
and Glasgoiv• .... h, "...e.T.',V-eiT.,...
.. ,, ,I , , e Cab met nowk, .1. p• Fla ••ml I , mil • ,Imnrlo,
kt' fi Alttnn • 6 1..'
ilrt. ro a d , re'lzo, o a te n ,
u1,,;1,,,,E,..., 0 ,„1 1 7, , ,, ,, c,, ,, ,, , , ,, ; ,,,r0L T , , ,, 1 ,2 N; 70,:n 5... r.r.. y ,,, , 4!.
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dlroeh.•et. Me rt, ate erapt a •
, ~..m e n r•
1,. PO., 'd Ste.m.t. bate of the I 11 ' I !cell.
A . •L. aa I ernrar • he. t mma ..0 e .r , o . P a rr, t
~,,,_ ~,, i
ant!rmuze, mainlander . lw m a x., ' "moo r , tn Nna .
CO,. --- Matchless slacking and Inks. ' 1 1';,7;70..7,7.,"::.T. : :, ' , h, r... , IV;,`l, •,..: ~.,:: 47 ,1 7 ,- ;;',k -\\'-'•
York Ilm, for M 1... on ',cord, 'Lam a ',. D-....
tren dratl nein,' n,•n
rillif ct Li-HI:A Ihi , " 31 A r ( . 11 1. r s•, I '. ''" ' .. s"". "." • "•• •"s' 1 •\
s I '' ' i °
Ih. m 1 • ..r1 eto I • 1 um. . \ \ c\ Tl.• .ar I\n mod, "mut " .I\
ir , Fa b" ; wa rm , ' a •, . ~,,, r• ,' I r L•r-h I n'w - .mnhr PM nt t• •It , 'two vro ran le lome oarnt • s t em 1-. r. or lo 11 gb pr,to ti 4,.• • opwww,",
• ,ta El' p Mlle I t tlr ,I 1114.1, 41111111. '[....,.r, Ind th rm dt , toll•IT anw r e oawo t ',l, ,to 1h; ft ''°°. "t wih°
I.f igt
Pmand Cabin -
..• br 1101A.1.1 0 .. 0 0 tt m ya, •Loar uwr 1 r.) ,Ird ri m y., • 'trai n . ar m , „, , . e t ' n ,s da,,, rm a t V.Ome. "an\
No .t.mra r o I erl ' , ea' re Wm.
• ' ' mom I robarbo
1 hem rata• mtella I. poml Ion• lot rmt .1 tow , lido,. ' fi" . l '" fi fi fi 4h °. I . o h•m Imre e.l. • r.. 1 .10 'ew r
I 11,e u, Ithorr, Id .1 le, 11 • ttleo I 0 r, m 1 'V.°, a h
altrob rill ha .../ p11...1 .1, I sro .1 0, „p.n. p[... ...„ 1 rpuo NIA:, W 111 I 1., I.:( J :\ NEI 11 kNI , ` " ' I n . ll 'nt , I 1 I t
oho nh. • • 'mom bs' 111110•110111 I ...r e date Morn 'MI „' Iwo, ' e rme • Sitramm • Fr t.rht p wp...„, • a pa r „ nt
F writ/UP 1111-o 1, • b I aro, 01. la elat a mill entree and • pad Plm a. II Tha r In, °N.( tw Sth't•^t.
I. or fe„Lt or paw 0r',.1.1„.
° C !faun. •• I. i I.boal. It h • I Lld I, tp ~., ..11 known op on mpt lir, term. etnn•um ' , he I°
' '" ' ' ( Vl l l"Trr'll fi in"'
to Invommter rollllly wrote m em. •t . • WO' 'Le I ..,,.. t 'mewl., r• M. ma
Th. N
r d. ll With dlOu :on. ar I Atello, pm', la d°r: ra":f.:2raatr ''X'.:',‘'t Jr' aXA' fi ‘ 3 "' ''' °" l °'°"'l° '',"'t . .''''. l' n''''''' l''"". i til, fi ,,A ^ v:v - , - ...1—',!,
.7 , ,z,., • ,' , .•..',l-••• )- II '-. • ,i- -,.•-•--,, --, • • Ae; A LEI, Ilt 00 1 / 1 k AR I) aCo, It 1,,,i,- '.:` , 1 , ; r e.": ,, i,",`, i ,t".h,1';..'.7',"i h'11,.,:.,..1',,,1' ! , , i ~,,%,,,..:',,r, ; ‘';''''-' ' h
eal.,,n, re N. :11 dlwak, et , 1 lolaaleri I'm •• II o nt'n'"hre 'U.' °' h'' '' '''''' °'th • °" th d :' , h's' h' I p a
, 15
leleHenry's Philadelphia et Liverpool Line .., ~,,,. " • """'''' I- ` ''" \4. a
of Packets. I'‘;' ' .);••,, L., `"`',':,:::"e r an• , mit I turn, a•• no 11 nom r•mait a o,po t t
rt. 0 1,1, P_, NB V
Sailing from Philadelphia „n ter
_,..-LL, ti 1 F. , k LIL 111,cli '5 Olt a cil , 1'.., trr o ~ is t . P.• .-...1. /.0 u.• t ~. . t , . ; , 1 1e, 1 4 :1\ ‘ . ' i /PE?, ItIL4C6'II
-. .., • .! r ;r4.,,Tjt 147•21.7,,V117 'ti• • ••,°,':°.°Lh.. 3 '...'L alriltso“;;'1';111 /t t a . r l ;' , 7"l fi l,'OnT•l fi .‘ld s '''‘ " '' '. '2 . " fi ' 1 " 1 ':. r. .;-':' "' nu "'
t A -Ira ,11.1 I" \ I
Vl i, ng.,l fi algrn . rrre P 11''"1. 1 . 1. '4 . 7.7,:" '''' '"'"---"•—"'"'--,!-----"
Land and Lots
PLIII'IN. Alfrall I. %with ),.afar .
NEI% YORK. Volt ‘,11.1.. rt Olt Pt., .111.tro, \ll \ i‘ , i, . ,
$ ll /e/tl3lAlool. l ne w ) II II Pest, Master
I . tn. , th. •• '1 • r/. e. °r• "rt. 4,1 F, \ I
Ti. Mame all, ere ball( td th• 1,•-• and no, moth( -
mtarlala • and 'm.0.., lot rto• rea m lit, o f rho, pa, i To Dealers in Liquors, ece,
. „ .K.n'„., ., . CH /1\
lb, me 61,1, emtb all 141,04 rum', er•UM, are [coat '
Iloaaamh), nent•lrdtal /lb I do. tomar m uee,l I r the., am. 1
4 1 J 00111 TE, Fronel, I:l.,rirtt, r .0) Eighth 1 i r,,:.`::'`:',' '''...,'„;,.'',.",'„,,,,„,,..„,.,,, „,,,,,c,,L, k, \ TIN! LED. ed,
rrMcnod.... cm km ' , hod It." , 'on , tdemme. Pll, Antt . rt. I . stn." \l'n )(MK. la, lo• Irt,ll re • le' full .1., II I. •.. ' 1m I lot 0 •o 0 a Ism o'' r . • ' OPrerii a/ artra Pn.r
rh, .1... er , mrra4o..b.,i Ir• Lir Er nt rir 4orr. 1..•.-4 t•or•nr., who lon for th• mannf.cture ,F me Alcohol, Purr - I otm ' ,4 1 , 1,1, '' ' ."
' ' ' ' .1 ''''
s ,' ' , ''''
s., ,t,l.T•l'elo'filh"%iZll7. 1fUl'1" n'lnkg iI7PII . Ur." , ''' . : '" 1 1? . • 7, ' ,. ' ''''''h
' t'r°°t° "h'''''' Ah't . ' ' '
„111, nttl 1,14•11. ;t"I. al„..I1 ~.1•0,,r 114 111eb s Ili I. "'" l '' . , ,r . lbe F;p( , -'''' ,l,,V, ~ :, ' T1,..1.: ' , ' g 1 , ' ; U r, ' ,,,: ' I,: ''
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Daily Len,
110trut 'lone r• lan ea to their depari um 1 an
. /nth,. clm aanilll. • en foram r clmo ,I. m • 0, ( • ~rt•oo
F o Ito mamroren •• /,. orrahlna fain xo nmo I •-•• rI 14 st, et 1, Nt%l d oil K .1, 1•L in I ..-I,P r I lio • smia d ui rm,
co ,at 'p m ', • Jmtre .CI em.l.n. an.l ormenl payalthe r,— ...., p, .,-,1,,t [ I 11.1.:SI RA LIU, Pit( /I Ii / 1 mit i.,,ALF,,__ -
....A., ~ ,a,,,,,, ), ,, ,,.... n , 1, ~, .. •.,, 1r , •er • l I
the P.a. , or 1..., "Me, in Om I niml Istna./. to
American Hardware , ... I rlll I , IIIL '-',/ 1., to 1 trkl h, ~. ~,,,,.,' ~1%, ~ I 1101 0 1 F
~,rilioLs wnrphml • ...nem m.. 1, It,sll ldrar
LIVE \ ‘5. Dui c; LAI , I, 31 w.f . , tun r,.. l'' r` r,'.7. 'l" , s ll'- '-1-' , ' "ll' ^o ' l'-"...,1''."'
' ' • 'f' , ''''
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, l , : TV, : :il ' ll , 1 11. ,an 1 v rro ,a• , • 'ye,' o• rltt .or nob
.a, Ii t ....n,r ,I I: yea, aa. kl+l ow, .0. ros I,r,d, N.. 1.1. s aJr t 'a r . ',lle um dm, i•• II . , I • \ I r oe, I,- il rt, 41y,.
, im, net met, • ~.w-r t
. aaaa, 1I lb ,elk Imt r I mama or ea. 4 tn. rh • t'•""..'"° r• '''' ' ' "'' '" '°' t ' t''' Private Resence for Sale, , ,-, •• • ni, ,
C tho
1.. l•turr , llt pork roler, r war. r arar mn I P• • -In
rII I IIE er•bat rth, r IF r• hit ',.. il.- I/I, .••••t.
'.l. '• r I.T. " New York India Rubber Warehouse, I , ~, ~ c, -,, ‘i ~. ~ ~ e.:1,,,..i, , ~.. ,';, , ,,`,. 1 .- ''. - .1,Zr,*1
""'''''' "r-L F ''''''''''' 'V' 'IY,'" •,‘'' 27 41."' L' ''. ' r i-s ^ d ' '. V '''''' :':r. :::;;,frr ' :: ' \I ; l '' ' ll ' .1 , ;i,' IV
117. i''''
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rt I e , ,,,, r ~•••• an t poo r ..o. 10, . rah 1 I'" "'tat , hadst nn ~.l F" ''' , 1....• • 1 ....t ~.. , ,dr we. r M ai. n'n'ci"-''',..••"'''
Em IT r,:, [ . } .. s I , 1.: ,,, , , I. 0. I , I 11 , , F111 , 1i: sq. INCIIIIIF It l'r, pra • r. I th e .... I • n• et
. ,„,,,,,. n 1 1 . ,' , .1 NI, •
SP ANI• Pdi F . ..rter„ 11,, „ r!:;',',2 °°'fi' at '' 'iLr'i,'„'"a' I n ,', ..w! 'W fi ° ?.- "1 dl ..'"'. , ''A'l n ,‘• \ • . r ',•d a t i 11. '',,‘ 1 i ' 3fi \ U'' 2 . lf i. y‘;‘!• fi t','
tr • trot .1 11,L.'1, Ir• t3.ltau- to teen. I,r,m nu al .mOl t 10.• ~. la, '.' . cp . ,. • : ILI IM , , ''''', I •,,....,
+ . l\ 0 I ~ I 1 lb.,' Ird L.,_ z a, I.
I ,it. OU Urea I Ism. am I Imland IN, I r..., t 1.,0 le- ,i,..1. I imt o. t lf, • tr• 01 • r 11 , - '• ' 1' , .. , 1
'moan" I t ai' 11 .••••r lllan t ~.. ....., Mb, 0 Or. ri I ern a t .•,. - 1 ..., rm n• „ I 111.. I To Let
~.... .
~,1 . •,0 0.. •-r.-rr, rn r• .r•r• rr, er I mt , 0 ' Pit i 3 Pell it,
,' ' '•'''''' l '''' h 11,,-;.1.,
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~ . , g , ~,,,, r.,,, ,1•la i , Il t i • I 111 Mg 1 , i . : , I- ' ' ...
J P. IB 111,1E1s, A l ,
en,1.1. team, 41, i n. 0 • 1 re, 1, • romer e , I rur:or t norm un i tw o . All, I ' l ~ r;., r , ' f .111:.11. " . .."'. ' ' ' ''' ''' ' - ' ' ''' ' ''' ''''' ' '
\ l' 1 , Or ,1 \ \ Ii L,Et:,. aco
rsm, Item pwou ediPet.
-----........n...............mer•eamma r r n rm. •Ao•I r • ne I.eth r Ir. ~ /3 l4 ~, ' ' 'l
,1.1 4. 7 REDD FD /
, ~ . \ ,„.,-; :......•
.-- 4 '
.. MOB 7.' MUSA ROI:1;13 .
~. , , ~- 4 , ~.,, •, 'l :\,4...frt,•,t1,. t,`,l Combprlntpl,•to\Nltimorst
~. t . -
III? 'MI Ilt N-1 , ,i '0A1; I. v../ i [ tk Whgrf '
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, ~ r a , a • . ;., a ',a m otoolar .cone)
t •• r t \ t a • '• \ '''' --rm •.•'V tw mu-, s Lamiarlea, rue's
P ••• ;•tL ,a- m r L.( t. ietr,a, \...ldnar n 1,1, oraV I ,o `, ,
.. ti r ...ty , -1., yt ..., I, t. no. ram end" Vdp
0d •'.•e. . p, • on. id't • ratlilwrianlwallio
Cleat Barg - LIP ' tt \ I .. L. , %.,
) 4 17 T) •• 1 , I . ii, .1 1 , ,,T 5 I III: ... , 51 . I
~.,.-. „ r 'A L ,'
'*. ", , , ! !,,' '', ;•:--,,. \l' 'NB 1' Ni RALDNOAD \ . ,A,,,„
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~,,,, •• ,n • • , ,- , , •se. ••,-.• t .dra , drmlow, I p.t I/111, opt,
, • t m Ile, RP,' , it• a i rip [.., it .I'l t ", d , • 0 1.---`Vc l'.•how'
-Rr. . I
.” ° 'M
f s \Sr ti 11111 r. I r, it. rir, • ph o,urr. t, , 't . "l", „ r ",; - ""” -
Pnvatt, Residence for Sale I ~,,,•4,• 4 •rt , • • o ' az a• r ° .C \ .
ri` It I"(q't Ell ,4 .4 - -I . , , , .... s+. ''
"" ' ''''”..-•, ~ .-he M ' '`.'"°. h ° •
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0.0 , rot ,-, end :no, .. *1.4 . 1, , ~.., ,-
English & Bennett.
ll,r 110LEsALE GROCERS, 1.: , , in in 1. 0, 1 , ,, ‘k !.. 11..... ' . - Y.y:- '''' ,. 0 .......
i 1 m., AbA I.a.kar• krk IS-klkts• Jk -i i•kk., k .-,,
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: I '.. l* l7• , ry :.. rks i k.:; • . ‘ ,l • 3',•Ln L ,7' . ., , ,,T . ..„.. ~ , r „, Professor Alex. C Barry's Tneopherons, "
, I ...,.'..., k • 6a. I.k. a 11. Itkmr.. 1, rt, I. ~n„ Jr,,, r k T., I'll }IF:I , IcA TED I /M
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I ILY/ drotn• ~,.. 2, turna. 11.-.., r...r. 1.1 14.
Mn-• at Yl.• .
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
1 1,, r.,„,... 3., ~ p....,... h.,,, r,,,,„ 1 LL. ,,.,,,,, ..,,,,,,, , .7••• •• II yu• r-3.-.1 .31 ..• a..p.n.:1r., y.. th. h....y.4
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„,“ ......, n , ...ult. •..., • ..,-.0 la.. •.1., 1••• mnrl. Thhau..l Wilkinsbwrg Academy
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nKen u ky Mut al Litelnsurance Company.
111.-. ILYY-11,," '
I EA 0-SLO pigB Galena.
Vi r .III• 11. HaskW, •
.4 Day t ny c har °out
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i l yri,ibi..s ,
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~ . , : t, ';' ,. . , "."z' , :; ,, .. - : ,. f..1 - z.'...:...,';',...,.-- ,, ~- -
.1 ptantly on hand anol tor rah. Lr
‘,13/ %VAL A ,41r1214/1“) 0 10 ST. •
JOSEPH, MISSOURI. ~ , ,, , , , ,, . ,,r , r „ ~„, ~.r . y...-. 11.• ra .aa 3, r 311. lota ......, .
Xf I . 'AND GOLIAN Si• fair , - A/ wayo ' MI lIDLETOX, lIILEI ,4, MTIF,E, ,• 10 yr..., an ihr sramat,it. • tun 3. • ..tat to yo,,
1 l uy . l„ '" .nd
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Ihyn yto A a•norl. 31..rd0n. and 1:x r,S. ter n,
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11/ UTTER-NO kegs and ti lads. prime Nn. ,
..-Ibuone/ .. I %77. ' ,..,k'nr ' '.r'g' k '..k k 'Z'24' . ..r . ". -' 1 ,7'.V.:7•,`, 4 "
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ALfi r STRE-Inn bogs ernde, arriving, I°;./,,,:;i.',:;•:•:.,!1*T.:4,:,'.11%"'i1::;:',',i"1.51f.;,'.!;',',''"`" , V . „." - 'l . l " fl ''' '.'.' nP ",‘'',. ' ;', rs '''' .3 .r "''' ' ', l '''. ' ':i• .." .... 1
IA ki i WILM/J: _ , helk.rrya , -I . l,Aluroyl.
.11y, 14 Farly , ....xunrr nA l "'""
.r, .I .' „ ". ...."''•
y for •aln 1,,
. . Myth, 3 : * handler... A 31rt.lus• .Ik•la n t• I,ruk. III.•••• 71.• A ' . .........'• ' I '."1 '
FIEARL ASII-10 enkks for sole AT , • r'..ny Ir. Idrtard aro
~,,, b . , - 'tr 0 u.. , ,...`,'' ,, 0- 11.-b ,, ” I ' 4 . ,,, '... .
tl .t I'. It 4.sos -
1%110 Bills Q UN DItIES
SOLE LEATHER-De, id, bendoek tan- , N• oIN 'INN
. ,kk.k.l, . lk .1, 'lr.:Toil ‘1 1...17. 101 l
4,3 Ord. for rah , be, Inca) IV 4 F IVII./40S ,( )- ' C ' 4. ATi • kJ
I --
Loeb V 11.1. E,
1 - I ''''' ' ILycluyl Il'i'l•fy.L lii! El k...ANS--11.1 btyle. White, for sale by :MINT. UM:
, 1 •• , . rown I um,. thh
00 01 3 .41 Axn '1 • I'lf I. .r..V , V! '. l '' l ' l ' ' 'fr ' ?.. -
VI:LAND, , I.' ' " luvp • i
Wil , ' y be ll. leeech " el et reee'eebje oleo
It VI 00 INS •h. i ll l '. .... 2 P,3l• ' ctn...., Y...
200 halos Batting: .
'•'. "'"111,1,74:744,.
12 and II M. ba•r Pura don, for 4.1,11 n
CO rA.RIS OItEEN-e,u cagey of Vie eelehrn- ' :::.' Luau. b's Talynmo. choir,. brllncl•' '
130TASII-15 casks pure, for sale by rid ''S 4 d re/nulled
n trifiltr• en, niuror '{' P• g''' '''''' 't "' ' l '' !.! :
. I'ls .. e.
.... J.. a
i , ri.orp. _
th w e .. d rizn r,..,
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1,./ do. Exam.. pop!, •bd.. Comr , ro.Abst reed by the blountatb2. '" nv
J. 1 4 ,11 Z • VerAVIrr cV n " .:11 -2. liort --- S T ' • '
A. A. mama * W., liaglyt 0. ) amilq , aWa o I stftei I D ' * • dt'''''llitrua-ht7
LAc . Ali A CV.
, /Zi:NI It, N.
kV , j
./. i, / L•I k ,I. h i • •••Ist..ttn 7 re eP ee tAla meat. man
•tiiitit.A ... Lin.airl nab nil ,
t.i.,, "‘"•
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ITZW: \'",‘,. Ern, I•int, : 1 ,0-relabel. Pt \ l i ‘lw \ •
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J it .i nr.."PAt, t--I;itm te.2l, to mmt \ritt m.. 2 LAtltre a
RAIL ROAD ADD DANA L ,„;,1,,,,, .i.,..v.),Vk. Dock Lea Sa‘Stpal.lls,' tilaba.eo , •
I ) tat, kat , eaberil 't mem., ...Vim teasir. •
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PITTS it rRCI n. en I L ADEL 1 1 .11 lA, ➢BAT LI- ''"
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to•in.itt.. AI II . \ \ \
For Sale or Perpetual Lease. • 3D)RF. ran NLir I.llli
1 Lett norobt o e mimmrte.`t e Yer. Doe I s.
Ff1Iii1.1111t(In 1i1.11.1,15, L(1-' 1.,1 rrin.- c„„,; 1 ,,:h, ,„ ..„„ 1 4d 0 ,.. „.., ,:„, 5 ,„ . , ~..\ . . '', *\ j " \
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