Di4iiii:ltillgelslLMVADVMO PITTSBUJiO.4 IdOIiDAY , MOBNOCI, NOV. 3, 1851. poTREADING NATTER - WILL BE POUND ON EACH PAGE OF THIS PAPER. "THE Ll:l7slol—Titi TARIFF. ,, The Post is ieideatly frightened at the effecia of tie free trade policy' of its own party. In 40 leading article of Saturday morning, under .7.1 the abave caption, that subject is diecussed, and coucluaims'arrived at diametrically opposite ,P3•AtiF premises upon which it is based. Here fsitij opettingatoatence: .IVe have amid that OEO of the issues .fcreicl irmi the Denlociatio party in the State, in the late politica: canvass, turas tho 'doctrine of a Protective Tariff; and this doctrine has been so y'successfully coutsorertod before the People, so . to lead to the ,entire defeat of the party which forced it upon them, as one of the issues on -,.. which-they were_staxioms to be tried." '.' ~:' "Forced upon the .Dentocratio party!" Who ~ • forged it upon them? Are they forced to oppose whit the Whigs support? 'Does their blind de i • ration' to Party, require this? Or were they forced to Make, this one of the lama by their Soother dictatoriT. altat's it. There ie where, , the forte , came from, and not from the Whigs. . . The Whigs found the issue ready to their hands .. ",•• inthalteseling retolulicins, and in the established _ • . pnliej, of the "dememistle" party, and upon that issue the Rae [aright, netd the result is as -2..•••:.'..,40.00,..y5.-, ill thlidanage, therefore, which !'.....i . „'..3hanomittry3s&r, sustained and is yet to suXiain, ] ".• • tiuslifit that policy, is fairly chArgeable upon ':".'Allileetifeco party.. The Post then goes on to lay down the usual locofeco doctrines, and ar _ . glvms at the conclusion that "no branch of busi , . nets, therefore, which cannot be conducted upon , . its own basis, can , of right ask to be sustained by . ' the Revere - anent; at the expense of the other business futerests of the try " '. • - The Post puts the words '•of right' in Italics, ' . and then goes On to a rgue e that that which may . .. ' .not cy right be tisked, may be yielded as a "con . ostion to a large and patriotic minority." Bet • ...- . Fic•...._ ' we eaK,by-whatright can tne gorerneeent sus '''"- branch of business "at the expense of •" -- :,';1 . .,0e.0 . ther business'intsreste of-the conettry?"— >' , ,Yral'insiert. that the governinent he's no such right; !!i, ' it,...*2+11.140,the Whig doctrine of protectioh involves •"- - t.47.ii • Ornab absurdity. And Ins further &Shell that tae germ:uncut hoe no , right to grant any thing, . • even,by way of concession, for which ttie people may not "of right" ask. But we see 'tily what the Poet wants to lid at; The "lug and - patrioilif minority," 111 . ! take it are the ige; Wand RS object Is to encourage them to be as a boon, es a "concession," a thing for whictt they,l hare So right to _ask, and whfch, according . to the Post, it would be unjust in the goveirunent • , , .:.Is grant "The n large and patriotic minority" i. ~ have rather too much selfrespect to plat them _:,' selves in an'eleemo•synte7 attitude, and to bey ,' . "that for which they may not "of right" • k; and . ". ~.:. l ettlih the government may not "of right' grant. ' t.. AVMS this miserable foundation the Po t pro .;• ecedslO argue that the iron interests 'll be .. !mined =less government shall interpo e and grant further protection.`'lt says— • ' "it is too well known to need repetition, that a lergenumber of the citizens of our State, and also Of several other -States of the Union„are now engaged in the manufacture of Iron; and that many others have embarked in this business who, from one cause or another—perhaps from various . causes—have been unable to continue in the pcsinese—sinking all the capital which .., they . itnd embarked in it. It is also well known that while our country abounds in iron' ore, and alt the other materials for the sticcessful manu facture of every description of Iron nMded for the consumption of the country, immense quan tities of this article are brought here, of a qual ity, end at a price, so far beloirlhatwhich is . ' made; tit it would seem, ciebe Made among us, that 'our manufacturers are, driven cut of the ....market, except in' the sale of certain articles, which purchasers have found can rarely be ob tained of 'good quality if made of British Iron. ' There are few, if any, who will question this fact, 'especially in relation to Railroad Iron, and that used for the manufacture of Steamboat and other boilers: and when it is known that, from the use of an inferior because eheop article, great • lavec of human life has been made, we are sure that a large majority of the people of this cam -try will feelperfectly willing to sanction any constitutional plan that may be adopted by our general legislature." What a humiliating concession is embodied in the foregoing paragraph t But' why were not these truths uttered hefore the election, so that the triumph of the 'party of protection might have been secured; !and then we could have gone retire .Congress with some degree of confidence =mime hope of success? All that the Post says respecting the depressed condition of the iron hastiness was as obvious before the,election as it is now. But no: 'the party must be saved first, and that done, the country is to be - resale' af terwards if possible.. I - ' Red Pennsylvania re-elected GovernoriJohn- Mon, hearepresentatives in Congress could have stood up boldly and claimed that protection which the people had demanded by their rotes; ' but now, what can they do? If the 'Whigs ask ' it, they will be met with the unanswerable sr • goment that the people of . Pennsylvania hare jinn declared that they are satisfied with the ',Present tariff, and that it would therefore be anti : republican te grant to them, the minority, that which the majority hart said they did not want. - Shtudd the Democrats ask it, they. will be met with the scorn which they so justly de *erre. They have placed themeelves in a pretty • predicament by their Servility to their Southern dictators, and they May get out of it the best way they Can. That is no business of oars. The Whigs Can stand the ill effects of an abandon ment of true Peatuudrania policy &a lOng VI they can; and we shall not leave our snug quarters at the head of Salt River for the purpose of help ing them out of the difficulties into which they ' have run thetruselves,untilthe proper time comes. -'Before the election we were every that washed; but, now, forsooth, we are • 1 / 4 1 large and patnhhe ,minority!" T . Post, we Keep your soft soap, do not need It. As yOn and you party have t.7IM, so reap. We tell-yon plainly that we have no idea of staltifying ourselves by placing our. aaTis before Congress to beg what we may not ' "e); right" ask. Such an attitude may Bait the aerrile and cringing spirit of Pennsylvania to cofoolersey, but it will not do for Whip. . --- ' ~~~'`' - Banorit Causes.—ln the present condition of human society the most remote nationa are more or less affected by the prosperity, adversity, or ohangea of every other nation or people. This is true Morally, politimdly, and commercielly. There appears to be a great mandate nervous systetrotnalogous to that of the aniouil economy; and' doubtless it, is well that it is sot; and the more perfect this system is, the more healthful Is the tone of human society. 'We care not to carry these reflections farther, thin to notice one carious illustration of this social phenome non,. which ia,thst the discovery of 'gold in Air tralia is - likely 'uprose very beneficial to the peo ple rof Washington county: Do you ask how 'we make that eat. Austialia has for many years produced itunense qUantities of wool. The coun try is well adapted) to' the business. hfillions of sheep were kept. thereat an almost nominal expense. The English manufacturers derived no small portion of th,eir supplies from that source.; But now, since the discovery of gold, it is stated that the keepers of these sheep have, to a great extent, abandoned their flocks,' and that. vast numbers of sheep have beep destroyed by wild ' dogs. Some proprietors haire slaughtered their . sheep, Merely for the tallow, to avoid total loss., Vora what wool may still be produced there will be greatly enhanced in price, owing to the in ',,:ersieed price of labor and of every thing else: All this will necessarily cause an advance in the price of vool throughout the world, and hence `,we said that its effect would:be felt beneficially , brilie people of Washington county, and of ,course by all other people wire are engaged in theiniot growing btualess • • At the late Fair of tb . O Americanlnstitute, of .New Toik, a gold merle ras awarded to ward, b e st & ar iretkorli, 01.10, for the best Bookingbyn'Wilye. A silver medal wasftwar to Yltrrart "One, of New York, for the set beirdlittiole j ie the same description. • - - From this it wilibe seen that the Ware menu featured by our friends at . Eastliverrol, ban won by the superiority, a Most grstlty3Cß In!ti inony to its hesuty and Talus, .This businew promises to be a rery beige and flourishin g one tn thutiainity. out we rejoice to see it Whining lei boao is'_ , , .TEE qilUYclf4Tar Tho advantage our °ppOneida have in the term Democrat, by which they are misscalled, is well set forth in an article on "political fallacies," by the "Warrington, To. Whig." The emigrants which reach our shores by thousands in a day, come here with most extravagant and exalted ideas of liberty, rind burning hatred against the _king' and aristocracies of Europe, Democracy, a government in which the people are the only sovereigns, is the day-dream of these emigrants, as far as they have any aspirations at alt of a political nature. They bare felt the iron heel of oppression-01 result of monarchical and ar istocratic institutions—upon their herded necks, and Democracy is to them but another name for liberty, security and happiness •Democracy, then, must be ‘'the watchword 'tad the cry"— the bait to catch these foreign voices, and swell the votes of the party into triumphant majori ties. How - easy to persuade the unsuspecting emigrant that by becoming a Whig he will only change one form y of aristocracy for another.— "We are the Democrats, and our opponents of course are not Democrats, for you eve they ale opposed to Democracy, and must therefore be aristocrats and enemies to republicanism." We have heard just such reasoning as this, and have known It to be eminently successful. And then, I among those who become naturalized citizens, '! there is a class, and not a small one' ither, who are utterly Ignorant of what the proper ends of governments are, and who honestly believe that in coming to a "land of liberty' . they 'are to be permitted to do just what they please. Is it to be wondered at, that the name of Democracy— the power of the people—should have greet at traction for voters of this stamp? "Gob ! binder and turf" says Paddy, "the . Dimmyerats is the b'ys for my money! It's thim that knows what throe )(hefty manes. I'll be etcher givin' my rote for the Dimmycratie Presi dent, and if we elect him—the hicens ne praised! —we'll hays ivery poor man paid five dollars a day for doin' jilt next to nothin' et all. Sure and isn't this the land of peace and plinty, only that the Whigs—bad luck to thim!--kapen nz from basin' our just rights and liberties? And isn't that rascal Fillmore a lockin' up all the gonad that comes from Califcirnyn and when we get a Dimmyeralic President won't it all be dis tributed among the people and make all the poor craters rich! Tear and ages! won't we go it thin, Wye? The Whigs is all aristheemte and inimies to the poor man. Hoor-r.r-r-ny for the Diramyeratsf Hoor-r-r-r ay for Gineral Jackson and Gineral Cass, and Gineral Douglass and °Mend Brichanan—haor-r-r-r•ay!" "Pe sure" says the Dutchman. "I thinks I can't nefer ' do nothing no besser als vode eoi de Dirmnygrads. Dimmygrads means de beoples, and I goes for de beoples. ' I am a beople my self, nod my die he Is - a beople, rind my shit dern is beoples. De Thins is been keepin' de beoples from sodin' in Old Firchinny, but the Dimmygrads has gone and-mate a new law•for beoples all to sode,•und dey is goin' to rode for de Dimmygrads De Thigsds all for hafin'gings, und torts, and genets, and all dat. Donner and Blitze ft! hadn't ye enough of all dem drash in Chrirmany! Der tyfel may dale de Thigs for all rot I cares.. Thy rotztentsend! don't I know dat Henry °lay van a drYin' to marry his son to queen Vintoria? Suppose be vas been dent ed, vouldn't se hale been in a breety fix? M ed end &Worm Vedder ! I goes for Chineral Chackson and de Dimmygrads ! Hurrah for , (Aachen ! 1 'odes for de Dimmygrads for Bresidente, and Gofarnors, and Breachers. and Lawyers, and Teeters, and efery ding. De Vhigs rind nicht hearer ale Therm! tonnerres." 4 shouts the Frenchman, "I . . - am von rnypoobleecan, mire; I am von Democrat. rive to Republique, tme et indinitible! La belle Ftanee is cone rid de aristocrwie. Igo for to be let do Tot I please, portion.' De Vigs Till not let me do vot I please, end derefore I become von Democrat, sere. Von day Igo inside von store, and I see von charniante jills—von Ter pretty gal—do store-keep's daughtare, and joust bay' I cause I net to kiss her, de brute store-keep he make application of his foot to behind me, and keek me into de street, tuerblete—lmd dat lane big store-keep rig von Via, sore.. I come to l'Amerique to do Tot I choose, and not to bekeek - behind by von Tani° store-keep: De Vigs 'ave no ondairstand of de Traie liberty. I Tote mee self von Democrat, man. Vice ler Democrats' A bee fn Vige" Such, without caricature, are specimens of what wo ourselves hare heard, and without in tending the slightest disrespect to our worthy emigrant citizens, we give them as examples of the manner in which they allow themselves to to Lumbugegd by a name. .This story was sal:tally told by a French in Philadelphia.' Tea Womettso Ramon—We copied into our paper of Saturday an article from the-Phi/Adel phis North American, in reference to the Wheel ing Bridge and Hempbeld Railroad. Our read- ens are aware that great edits hove been made of late to make the impression on the minds of the people of Philadelphia that the Wheeling Bridge"will answer for Railroad purposes, and that it will be the interest of Philadelphia to pre ecrve it to connect the Hempfield_Railrosel with the railroads of Ohio. The hope !as been en tertained at Wheeling that-the Philadelphia end Central Railroad influence would be exerted, =l da-the stimulus of these mistaken impressions, to procure an order from the Legislature to with draw the snit now pending in the Supreme Court. We copied the article referred to, from the North American, to show our leaders that at least some of the people of that city are aware of the base less nature of the allegations made of the fitness of the Wheeling Bridge for Railroad purposes, bat - oven the writer in question it far from being acquainted with the actual facts bearing upon the case; which shows bow completely Wheeling has contrived to hood-wink the confiding inhabi tante between the Schuylkill and the Delaware. In regard to the Bridge, the writer ease: •The bridge, 1010 feet in length, is constructed ,with *declension of fifteen feet to the isleed, a •grade" of over seventy feet tothe mile; and how the heavy cars are to be dragged up and let dowt, we have never been told. A seventy feet grade is one of ,the heaviest ordinarily al lowed. There ie not such a one in all the line from Pittsburgh west. Here we have it, not on a solid hill, but on a tremulous suspension bridge, which vibrates from one end to the other ththe movement of every vehicle up/ The ; force expended, and the weight of can upon'the bridge, drawing at the same speed, must necatharily be greater than upon a level, Involving the use and additional weight of very heavy locomatives or a stationary engine. It is indeed a serious question whether its use as a railroad bridge is not utterly impracticable, and at best, it must be a cause of continued and vex ations delays.". The 'retie of the Wheeling Bridge is only 70 feet ta the mile! This is very.fnr below what it really is. From the ielandlotbe highest point, the grade of the bridge is four feet in every hundred, or two hundred and tlevm feet to the mile—s grade which totally unfits it for Railroad purposes. The highest grades on the Baltimore Railroad are but little more than half thin, and they are too high, although on the solid earth, a very different matter from creeping up a vibrating Inclined plane, with a heavy loco ' motive, and train; We ask the North Americas/ to the people of Philadelphia, that the best Engineers in the pressed the opinion that the Bridge it not at all Calculated poses, and cannot be made uses. There We other reasons) bat one overwhelming fact enough. • Philadelphia, and the Dirac ors of the Central Railroad, ehould also recollec theta serious ob struction to the Ohio river, such as the Whett ing Bridget-militates to the injury of OUT State Works, M the Pennsylvania liailresd, to Phila delphia, and to the whole State, and it would be a ruinous policy to acquiesce In a permanent in ' jury to the navigation of our great river, from a fallacious hope of some ulterior benefit/ from the Wheeling Bridge. Let that Bridge be put up to the height designated by Chancellor Walworth, and we will interpose no further ob jectien. It is proposed in the Cincinnati papers to build a railroad between that city and Louisville. It lii argued that it would be one of the most pro fitable roads In the country Nothing showa thlauf eriority of railroads over all other known mop; Otupyyystee no clearly and indieputo ifty,' as their construction alottg the banks of lextfrigable rivers.. The strongest example cf is the road—a riry eruccessfal one, too-- from New York to Albany, along the margin, of tirelautisu, the beat etrAUXI boAnstYigation, pro bably, in the iiorld.N4le bare tho, propo.: altion to build our In ,we Age oti Ohio; so far down that theierigatko`ie.rartily interrupted by either, frost or drought. A few T em. ago, when It.vrm proposed ;to carry the Poosylesaiscinal fras,Allegbeaiy to Bay . I n er, along the argin of the Ohio, the idea =Flied some p ople very much, and brought out the well kno epigram rot the farmer, .. Who made • great hole fur great purr to go through. Ands Otte bole made for the Rule eat too." . But railracols appear to set both rivers and jam at defiance. -- . . _ - Eoesuvn.—The statement made by the Na-, tional Intelligencer, on the authority of letters received at Washington, that Kossuth, endeavor ed -to prevail upon Capt. Long, of the U. S. steamer Mississippi, to disobey his orders by stepping- at Genoa and Naples, if confirmed, will very seriously damage his . reputation, and destroy confidenCe in him as a fit leader of a free people: and jt will not only damage him, but the whole republican rinse throughout Eu rope. It Is serf extraordinary that the Euro• I peons cannot comprehend the great Angle Sax on idea of the subordination of liberty to law., We confess that we have met with nothing for months that has so weakened our confidence in the fitness of the peopfe of Europe far free gov ernment as that little parargraph from the In telligencer, which we subjoin, together with a brief comment by the New York Commercial Advertiser. We sincerely hope the report may he found to beerroneous. KOSSUTH AND TUE M1990511'1 —The. National Intelligencer states thai letters, received in Wash ington city, say that Kossuth wanted to stop at Nantes, genes, and Marselles, where he claimed to have many friends to his future European enterpise: and he is said have manifested much disatisfaction that the frigate Missis.sppi was not permitted by her orders to touch at these poets; intimating that he was thereby "a prisoner still," aril sayge.wmg that the desired indulgence mould be sanctioned by •the people: if the s tonertonent should dieapprored it. We would fain hope that the letters in question have misrepresented M. Kossuth's sentiments, although each conduct on the part of the Hun garian exile would seem to justify the report, mentioned by our own intelligent and well in •formed London correspondent, that there liad been some estrangement between Capt. Long and Kossuth. The, eaile's friends should take early opportunity to inform him of the American idea of true liberty, and to. apprize him that such red repuldiean,onarehicakide , are not likely to by tolerated in the United State, This we say on the suppostion that the letters from . which the Intellig :neer quotes rightly represent Kossuth. hut we heartily wish they may prole . ineorrect-,N. Y. Com: Ade. Tug EXCit AMOK BANK-MR. llowo.—The ume having nearly 'arrived when the, Hon. T. M. Hewn would he requirei to leave, to entX upon his duties at Washington, he last week resigned his office of Cashier of the Exchange Bank, a position which he held for a great number of year!, much to the satisfaction of the Stockhold-, ers, and the customers of the Bank Roman ever did, or could Fender more efficient service,.l or give more entire satisfaction to the whet?' community no Cashier of u large thinking Instk tntion, than Mr. Howe. We Jo not beliexe h:c ever made a single enemy. or indicted anlana voidable pang in the discharge of his duties.— While he faithfully guarded the iiiterests of the Bank, - he ever aympathised with faithful, honest ' industry, and stimulated it to manful exertion by timely aid, when it might otherwise have sunk under temporary pecuniary pressure • lie lens always ready to listen with patience and sym pathy to the detail of misfortune and dieappoint• meta, and to afford timely help; and many a per, eon will bless the lour they found a true friend 4'il.lltli.'S CHEMICAL HAIR INVIIIOR kr e - c , co, co ei.•..e. 1144 noon toolOr, lintr In too.. th, hut r olob It I. Ti i• It tdf or lot 'out, thin. tied to core rfi•otoad. Of ...1r.. , 1.,.1000 .. dr.•••• Jul :rod atol he ....• totP. Is:e titrioun:-.ll.Atr 'Lott:t l. ter , tV11..40:1 it ood otroodoort..o ot tonth - NEW BOOESI• NEW BOOKS! 4 T HOLAIES" LITERARY DEPOT, :tin.74 ( . 1 Thl et eons, dt pro. ph. hodsern. Istirto r• 4 Poor tlontirii pingo:3. he November Intornntion.l Pl•diirtre I, 4•••.• otter : kerb.. In 1(.1..1. 4 , 1 . I.: PI Thnoltdr.S London idtbor nod lo ob. I , er. ft It . lon.Jott Art Jouronl for tiotonor I nd.' Arolthoo. `to 4. 4 tdoli•o Auk, LI Norototer orstam , Nt0r..... s so , ~,.4 • .. I ''tt...'‘.::('•tt‘tajt.i.ins"e'elr"nro'Ll'jy"lro'llre-r9''''r : 1 ' lotornatte nod Magian,. fdr insole, tnn .0,11,41 5.• • . linriiroltur.t and Colny.tor. t.r oci..c.er 1 lb. lily limit. boo, 1.0 . , e,..,,,,,A tr. r; ve n;...; note CRIL Of tor 14 11 Iternern.nr Lit. of Dan llsrblo lion Iduiroto end hittd.ontro ranotto Nam. rho joking of the Band}, by Dom. it.. rod rit.- t ( • Ph ...oion, br horns. 1 /lorry Pomba.. I r.to rA' sbo Acinr AO Boron:Men hono• Again., to at. Ihotrort ol lore. .1 A NE, B. Muur-e.r, E...q . woe uncommonsly ergot kterleteh, c r ARP, indbo Urea e mete.. pool. ected Cselcier to oupply the miconcy ...inn- i 4 1 :•:.':..t: ' — ' . ' ,:',.: '"" ' '''' ' n '''''' '' r "• 00— _lhy Sr llowe'e resignation Tints nolortion i ' 411 . 1. 1 .-'- ‘ ,Z ' o'.‘!..r. " l4 . lW•tn. W l . rott;:: f l -..t• rd. givve univereol lothinetion. Mr Morroy boo 1 . - 17,1 : cc,. - : p . n.., tho rr • to h et been long in the Bosh, anti heei 'urge experience. t . ...Acft . .:. 1 ,,! ,, .o.!co cel.l. i.c itartho. and . man eoulii have been elected who will toneel 7:........!iTi-n.- 1 :7.7;7, 1 ;',; ,t:7;;LT`' '" "" 'i.o Cr...std. an Il t ntortnal Porno • better eupply Mr. Howe ' e place. . .;•U l ;ro!. : !':tif ‘ .;i . e.Z.7 ' '' ' "". ""' " I '"''' • r .eer,eev. . I'. 0 I' . Jkrz., Ilafitli Author... • Sate: • . nw rotntr H... .1 hat, h Ai, T . ' . the WT.+ . Co!.Uto bv 'I tr. 11 hop oollt Mart, .tr 'err 1]:11.1 of the Hove. i ...It a Ili. or wee,. coat in this large-hearted and whole-souled roan Of his financial abilities and sound discretion, it is unnecessary to speak. The prosperity of tbe Bank attest, his skill. Of him, in a word, it may he said, that be did the must good with the money of the Institution, of which it was cart •without - impairing the interests of the Stockholder"' Banks thus conducted, ere—in their . te-gitimate'ephere ~•benefact ore of the pub- OHIO AND PENNATL,ANIA RmttioADL—ftpeneti for use from Pittsburgh to New Brighton, 28 miles, July alth, 185:. , of working this division of the road f,r the fret three months, Angn.t, Septemhm, and October 1651. Cosh received_ Deduct expense!. At 40 per cent Nett receipts. for 3 month. $11,476 44 Being at the rate of St per cent per annum on the coot of that part of the road in use Pa.. sengerr carried, 34,700. Freight hominess jut beginning. SOLOMON W ROBERTS, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Pittsburgh, NO,. Ist. 1851 ITALIAN Of PRESBIOII —The Boston Transcript publishes the translation of It letter to A man of that city, from a Signor frith, Rising the particcdars of apersecution to which he was subjected lately, in Italy. Signor C.. has resided in Boston, and visited the Italian shores recent ly for the purpose of seeing his parents and friends. It appears that he was Jogged and watched by the. police officers, from the day of his landing, rind he resolved to return to this country fle.says flaring obtained my pas sport;andfired the day of my•departure, the eten tog previous thereto, a low friends assembled at a farewell supper ; hut among them woe a Judas. who betrayed my friendship ,In the social hilarity of the occa sion. I proposed a toast in honor of the United States. All the company responded with high t est: when, all of a sudden, the room was as sailed by the Duke's satellites, and we were all arrested,. and marched off to the public prisons As the,chief promoterof 'the political club,' as the authorities called our little gathering. I seas shot up in a damp. unwholesome apartment, de boned from seeing lam ilyor friends. A trial took place, and my companions were sentenced to Piz mouths' imprisonment in the fortress at M , while I was sentenced to ten yearn in the pat kis! The tears of my mother and the interces sion of relatives procured a commutation of the sentence to three years' imprisonment in the fortress. 1 was barbnrounly prevented from seeing-my family—wan disposneseed of my paternal heri tage—and exiled from the state. GU the day of our removal, wo were, ten of us, chained like -beasts, placed in a vehicle. and conducted on the way to the -place of imprisonment, about thirty mile, frani'Modena When near the Alpa o deluge of rain poured down, accompanied with enow, which compelled oar guard, four in number, to screen their faces. One of my com panions noticed that n portion of the chain which cenfined us, chafed on One of the wheals or the wagon, and was almost entirely cut through. Taking advantage of this discovery, we cautiously succeeded in unloosing ourselves,• and amidst the torrent of rain that favored us, we rashe I upon the guard. Two of them took to flight, and we disarmed the other two, who also fled. They afterwrrds returned to Keen, us. What the result was of the discharge of our muskets, I know not. I will simply nay that I, with tent'of my companions, got away. Without aid—without provisions—we Won dered over mountains and through woods—in the hope of arriving at Piedmont, a place of safety. After escaping, under cover of" night, the Par -mesinn guard - , who took us for smugglers, we nt length arrived at Piedmont. We or, now in Ge noa, whence. I %hope to pass over to America, with one of my companions in miefortune.— Our means were exhausted during our pilgrim a, however, and God only knows when we shall reach the laud of liberty. Long live the United States of America ==t country have es .resent Wheeling for Railroad pur- 'besides the gm! each us this South A merica—Morlhie Crucify—The subjoin ed is from the Journal lu Havre. The news was furnished I,ythe Siren.), The n e ws which left hlonteSideo on the loth of August. If the newt I. true, the present century is stain ed with o deed of blood transcending in barbar ity anything we remember to hale road in the darkest and most brutal times. The facts detail ed are ne follows: I On the let of August Ma had ventured to m at the departure of th commanded by Leint. same time they took Ii fact that the entrance Carson into the Orion pleasing tothem, Ob .the tendency of publi agentltof Oribe. Thrives then encamp nix. As soon - no this reports of bin opies,he ' Coloolo, bunging with IMEMIII6=M men and two hundred horses, entered the town and gave the signal for a general massacre:men, "Suspected" children, fell under the knives of the cut throats. Moreno, to excite by his'ex ample the fury of these .9.1113113/1, with his own hands cut the throat of a young man tinkled Napoleon Nerves. • Fearful incidents marked the progress of this scene of ; carnage: These executioners, infuri ated against their victims, were eeen to mutilate them, tb rob the corpses of their jewelry and ear-rings, and, not satisfied with cutting off their fingers and noses, to cut up their skins into Rua,a to make ropes for their cart harness. The I refuement of cruelty which cannibals inflict up on their prisoners has been fairly surpassed by a lieutenant of (tribe. It is beyond a doubt that among the radars, the precise number of whom had not been as- . crrtained at the departure of the last letters, was Frenchmen, who had been in long time establish ed in Colooia where he. executed Dagnerrtsity - pe portraitk, anal who had always kept himself a io,f from the politicai . affairs of the country. The unhappy man has .been basely massacred. At the moment when the out-throats of Moreno entered .Colonia he was enjoying the amusement of fishing. Two of the wretches *ere expressly detached from the troop to put an end to him,. and a few moments afterward his mutilated corpse was stretched upon the shore. CLAT AND THE l'exmlocrics. —The Leting ton (kiy.) Observer, in referring to Mr. Webster and the nett Presidency, states that ••Mr. Clay's heing a candidate, depends upon two contingen elesitione. and they dependint upon each other. Tho first will he the getting of his own eunsent to 'occupy that position, nod that again will depend upon the state of his )tealth.•' The Observer also adds:— We cannot helieve that, whilst that, the whole country is responding with ouch united voice in fawn' of that series oftneasures which CcAt pear to the land, their great author should he laid aside for any one, howyver elevated in or distin guished by services he may he .1 OLIN WETHERELL, Manufactury of OF I .AT ENT, BJL 171 Ft 4 rX wM BRAZED DO XV I CF-S. nlr BT. CLAIR !WILT/INCR. FiricrET, A\ ING flit receive,' the balance or F.ll mrl r of 1.14,711.9 CA, it:11 igkm nriiiir in ad Oil, to hi. on, knosriiiidg, 757;::i' 1 n.trr. ;7. tu 1 tome, ,poincir aril, IT ri•iar in idyl. n caan fl tit* or in liar', the or ld OTICE TO sTocKHOLDERS.—Tha an -11 Dual turning of the and Plank Kii.w.l be 1141, , in pomnaorii of the Act iiiii‘nlatinylurupike and Hat , itn Novenitiei. itt o el ad Iltirtiurii at ii"rincli. n Int the . p.ll, " ft". r' HAKLIV Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing Office. No. I ki Penn itreet.. n•ar he St C'll4, Hotel rA4OSIMMI, ' The enbsen4er, thank- WL-==l to rby port', b.: rtto )Moraltortt rAttr.. •.lrat4t ul to to lat• lin , boreal,. yrottltl lufr,rm tstoto that br too rnmntootAttl (tot UNIARTAKINt. too0ort• counterlnn trltit los I.IVIALY I.ollnets.r, motl shoo' fultrrAlA•ll ty• rytviottAblo terrottbAr Any In thr mat t w r,,,tj wor thing, 10 do to ttt• wily mat Al•it hurl Tali. ran .Ittprrf tiro, Alton . bummer. ttoioa AM, lot to tir‘ruttllt nod In Ma tmott a nerettort mann, J AMEA , 11 , 910 E IfoLL A ND 11U LBS.—Just rood 11, by '.n 1 obotro llollAnd Flow, 110otr. noturrytan i t y on Ctiottur ltitt torat ',loth/FA ph 7,1041 lor tloorrlng Ortirrit. r lb " '11" 0" 50 AV ICE. till;t1 A ‘l.. on. and It , ‘l.rtit rt.. ettr For !hr PittrOurgh C7arretr r sts briber re , pectfully call the at uNatk•n Jaaal,a. llntor Fo•-twn . sad FM. lo tLeir ,wt, and •••at 1..-Ye.f U1.011:1'. 0:-.0.7F/0 I: AND IKAII". • ..-1; th•y L . m.rt far•rel,l.• t•rcaa. ,mr+ , on , t•Naata•tl•a; “.0, gra, and - 1.40104•• t'•.• Fran. km I rot, •ral blal• p...3•N 0. 25.1,10.•citron': si. ' .1 'urn • I , 4•I• Curran,. I - Inc, 714.127 40 I.f k.lpteandl , • " 1•,•1 . Onnol. nr . inin.lll.4. , Lenninn Anl •na p•nrn•11) A ifC . th• c.tl. •of Y.nt. fowl 111 tPlng 1•11. iteUn . r .•tf •,orttneul not, o Ns A A • la MIK ERE -1110 n 11.1.1" • NI, • nl.l kn• _ • . ( loft FISII -5 llrumn for oak by AIe•CA E kit I NO- —lOO bxe. fee n‘le by WICK /I' MrCANG1L.1:.... , ,:. e tA V A COFFEE - 2 0 bait , fee ttt , le br WICK • SUGAR LEAD-000 lb, What.. for role I,y .1 KIDD I Co.. Oi Wood • L IQUORICE ItOOT— , 2OO lbe. D exD 4 trafreili. KI fly A Lie. ACIP-3 1 Y) fo j r • - - - Orphans' Court Sale -1)1:1{SI, Al\ I . to on Order of he OrplAn , ' Cor in of dIloqh,o) Onno , oi •,,I t on Thorsdn, ;NI& .In, Nov,,,r, A,. 11. 1553..3 o'oloek. A , I * .•t , ourt Wool, Lo .1 MM. ono . 000,11 • - d Lb , Inwrolor of oo,t, ,orolao..l.lnJnl3-. Iv,. is.as of lots iti toouslop. Vlem le..`• , ol ,doo.• otoela .ro tod ono Intzuo.ltoo o, too rt.*. Iddi Tho tl. ocritx,l •, ,, to. , 0 0 d is o& o port .d of 3,0, 1:orol•,. .1.•• T.roo , rodt, Inn (Onrd e0,.1•12a ELLEN V 4 1 .91111, 4,10 Orphans' Corot Sale. r C itsuANT nn Unit; or: f the mirt i.l Al 4i,unty, will tin Scrods, the 24113.1.7 . AO•••31A f. A It. thA 1:,••• Houk. to tiliihi-.t awl ii• 11. hiil4 , s, .01 that. “iti lot fir pi.ni of ground fililitte wliteli Is bnumi, [iv, start...,Alx4. in. swlif rl of ,A•]! Mani.r.rt .l lbw fistate Tr,p. . Its t Vote. I. _. d •;.HMI lila I.M Law 'Notice. • ill HAVE resliniod thn,l'rnetite of the Law. m , ar.d.•tu•nt:,2, ystturnhlV vhl.7t. lottnerlyq.kirt<4l..tw...la A O. hi 111 . ,!. . kr..l tuy,ll. taut.n..lrAneent. t have taken .101(14 ' n o °Mrs. no Fourth, ' M. kl,v. einl TifiNthne,l • lIANP. 1,r.1 ANO ' f lIER. anti the LAST CONCERT 11V thr , iOIIFREY FAMILY. •111 air. In QUINIS' IA 1.. A Ileitlt•by eit, SATUILDAV win ttrwar In tn• tsl.l” on. Eli COSTVNIE Tletrts ITSj rr01.... to IA hpl at Ihp etalldnn .1% ecvrort . tr. at 7 111:1 Vsenwwqr. 1.1A,a or 111 - bmiN,a, Nor. lat. N ueeurilanee with the requiretnenta of the 1 u ...I.},h,frrnalrydtp, gq . ~1 0 ,vel , .ek., A b nl nut JAJI RAT. Cs. ,, r ICE ir _ hereby giventhutunr*aysament tone b. t at . fhex . ft v iev , , ; .. , f r tri ... .;ll . l l , wrz , r i v . the r.. 14 of ellt . a. li o r n on ~e ' I. Burnt of Dirertn, , W. ' , ALM Col, Treasurer HOME MADE BLANKETS.--MuitFur itCwCilettiu la hnkavee Otis day rm'd u large 1.0( •01 ,- rum oene mewl.: Bts. very cheap. Ala% 4-1 white Wane mule FLAN?, ELY. Northeaet . tor• ner or Fourth nod Musket sta. not ha National Guard Colo ntion their satisfaction troops of the Garrison, • enerni Moreno. At the tie pains to conceal - dm .1' Generals Urquits and territory was not dis ning then symptoms of opinion, the police •ed to informed Moreno, six leagues from ColO !Twee 41 examined the ' turned with all speed to him'ithout fourbandred Samuel Gray, AIERCRANT TAILOR Henry Richardson, Jeweler, , pAVING re-iitted hit store in ra habhmos manner and hut reoeutly return the eaelvm eltiee with a One aaaorttnent ul WATCfiitl, JIiW MAW. and FANCY 000D1i, atnuld call the attention of bit trlatals and ent.torper, tart that ammo.; boa Wodobes grill be found thn; most deal table aty patterua and ashen of Jr..rr, the latest stoles of Dr.hot. rrrrr Po, FA and r...t Chain, Vow, Rings, Kat Mug., Mlttiatur , . 1,...k.ntx. kg. - y ea , u‘a a jai . attelt at. Parter Marta, Wm-VI - able% %lurk Boar, hooks, nine,. Vase, Perfume Mot, Pletola, Itrtealonnalra in great variety. China Cull and rake 'Liebe, &a...lth an roil varlet> of naeful ornamental arttolea, which ha,- nut, n. atan, he a, 10011 ha. al MAI:KVA' FhT To Let, ritillE extensive COAL 111trixe of ttio•Mary. land 010 log Commut. situated In Alleatip?moutr, aryland. These mines are to generally known a. timid tow the hest bituminous soot of tiny In Atnerierb emns-a, bin to the eutern market,. ecaeeely lion. A canal extending from Alexandria u, Cumberland and the neltimen, and ,rhin Italltmutfronsllaitiineietu 04. MY point. connecting with the Maryland Coot pan'', Bailment From Cumberland to the [dint/ Orni . ITO WI lumpish Mclnnes Pot transportation tomocks,. which en sorpitmed. 100.000 lone hare been mined, rot to [nor hot. and sold from three WOOS within the last the rampant . have recently mule huge additions to tle facilities toe gsttlng ottbeval to 111VIOI She increasing de mood. Three rebel ate stied witheeeranonseniener doe large business, and will be rented low to reknons. , parties. Apply persOnally or by letter (post WOO. T. M. OUDIVAIIn, . TI Pletehant's Ittellanae. - Neor York. ARD 011„.--r15 - tbk - NO. 1, (Winter,) fo ege by ' SCLIOONHAtaIt .t CO.. nol 24 IVOI rtrxt. , ARROW ROOT-,500 lkst Am., for sale by J.XLDD t GRAND FAiIEIpILL 14,1 It IN AMERICA HADAME ANNA BISHOP'S PROGRAMME M'E=ll/J==l FAiiTIX IX 17091,3110. I'M& en 318,01. T. M.,: litp, Ci.,:•RT CID At the Lafayette Hall, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER. 3d, 1631 ADANIE ANNA BISIIOP he as4ip ,y 1,,V IN] A R tin trt, nuni Fll. lalittn % . i.pht2l , l: pupil tg 11 , :r fLthor. MA. A 115501N1 liwr.lt 1.11 hirE. minent utiM Mr /101:11,,A, Mun,r,lll.,tr,tor PROGRANDIE PART FER,•-,..MM.F.RT. /M1J,1./.:. R.,{— . S.clitivs . ,r A p V 2. Tor,. Cem ,nt,! rt urp.r. , 4 It,rwel • trt.laute• Sr ttut, •1, it,..me -1 LA :urn .... .. . 41 0 4 ""'.' • the. tia , llutv • qr... urn -r v. ',rot, hi.: Ar by 1/01 .10mi /ILO, 0 c„„,.,, PART ryll 41,1,T1,1",. I 1.34,5nini4 4- 1 44 .r tam , 0,444,11 nf V 44444, x 400, cm, 14144,414frtinn pernmind n 41444 C4holin 4•4 . 4 44,44 , 4444 , V/NLI H.rSDINI 1. 1;11' Ihr ;tva" l- ' ....... • • • il r'" A ' I Ti!.. m i r brat444l . ll.s 44 E. 41:441 444.41 Fain, frnnt on 11,, 111 1.1:CIA LII 1.4 4 4 , 1 , 1E4: 4 411ff11t. . 1 / 4 14f,44, .4Ny4 ii/N/PW . on 11, .1/14 13 , 0 , 115 A 4444.4 n. ezo 441 r 411, 14 4.44,4 ti . 1 / 4 44444z44• AN4\ • .l 111.,11,1. D)1.1./. •11'11. is la. heal II d.a. and 1,4; afore, nrol tt , •• 44-R , sarnat Tllll 114.11. 1. A RS , ath, 115. , 1,51 •t •• 1111.11 ,P.araa at 111•111! 11. K al: and .1.117 a II at ala•la taaaratua a( lb. Hail ea,: •••• I. .on 'la •a fa. Ly nn, Eck ra. t.t-onraet. n nun,anal.: lb. 1:nal141, raaaLla Ilan or lle• y. 1. , IS al, thrhm.. , INN A 11.1likl, 1 6A M RT Ai; —2OO lb s . f/r pal.. by 0 1 ..“) , I,r1) LIVER (I 1 L , 43rk SCI. unl:ill, In Wt. IN t th,..tven t ii., AT... for tate, ~ IN I A I, 1 011 SALE—A 1,0,.,1 bawl rlAyo. mn, lAttui A itme, nit.rtilit. tn.t. nti,. II t I Letter Copying Presses. pppy ANN'S Dopbie Le,r Cop) in 4 A vi I re?, and Melanie Ittattrerter a tt•tte milug, and tattlt•tt ear, mattallet and dal:Opening Lehtet rree•nto Tarawa.. over ail ' , mei.. Ineettttott• tot It, •nute tot tt•et it, The prop, tee. root tettptire nu. Thr. IL- letter atoi etevntrte toroth thew - et-me tt otttnto•ti atth rat tr•t•nor ard much tin tker tt.2to I. tot, mri trtte rev-Amax. to •ttrttiettl equal,' that the t re•• - nrtt hal - tit ttrerok r dent te tett . ft t a d t mar t tik•el lot great teleart,e tttt ant alrt ad, . tttat, anti far port tette roll IN • • tt •^t I hWll`.O 111 P IK,.h I' 211 1 1 3 -. , • .14 k tae. ,1 • ! .14 Tor p- For .10e ad W Vidd Flo,. IS. it-teti• Western Insurance Company of Pitts burgh. , APITAI, 8300,000. .it Irl:rPro,3l,lo, )i ,r.Yary eml 1311 itim r• 10. 11, say, stain. I , mue• v sit I.• tx,1,314 , 3 1 03 • I ~, ,3 3,11, ,,- -tannr, ,Y i - . ‘),"“. 71.4,t01ny,1 • )11 , 1, Jr Ilty.A. 3 (foam, .I.c_.-Wth. H 11,.1rt5., 3s, Tip ;I/ illy 1 4 N INE W A.D. II ot n ef . jsok,Netur..rx. tz,". '" WE4Ino, lm.rous. 1..1 I V . NEk etion , for Thlrteen Icy; , .FLANNEL , - 4.4 pAA.11,..r.:AF.•11,N:1,z.,,.;L.L.F.: 111 - it 1•ill oad lark.: A 1:1•1(1'111 - 1FLD A M TARTAR - 121,11. 41- A A 0 ., SALAD 011,---50 SILVER SA N 1 1 — 15 1,1,1, for ',du 10 EN. 1.1:1 , 7 4 ,1 ENNA-1 4, 11,1. t , A .All%Ent.g 1 - 1u 1•hi: ,5 1 , :r , ; . .11 , :• t Err.ll E,,11, 1//k,i LI n I,tl, EG A Kztk ,11"! I. El -A. A. SI ar, no it lit A MA. , A k. n,rt t• I n^ I: 4 I.NT!••KUG LoV F. , — SILK FRI No.:Flti---A. A )1.,5 A.l t. 2 POTTED FLAN N reeelved nc ,71 " ntVi•-i . B u TrElt—.2(i kg n fresh, ree'l and for 'al , ' MICK Mm'ANDL.r.,, tia-‘1) %% bite. tor rale by TeK i,..01/A-1", ra.Lk. alt,. Cart, for rat, by . L 1 ALT [IV TRF.i— 12 kegq Gar .10 0 for 17 1 •-. , ll II 'll. a MI, A. 0.1,, , r 'VOLK SA Ll In V.lXes, for sale Ly iv ick I MrC AN DU., --25 piln T.unnery . ,, ileidirol.k, A I, , 11000LATE- 1 / 2 -2.5 freKti, Atill IA .1.. A ICE--20 Iwst, for I.) MAILASSI,I Re. i 7 _. , 111.,./11:11A•1. Al I.AF SU:4;A l'-' 1).. Orman/ Itofin•ri• UM, ,„.,. .; -,•• Trees, P)ents, Feb. tkThe oilweril,er i..fier: 6.1- sltle a .t es x. rtyyry. yv•Yrrinuur4-Yr ryt• nut valuably • r porynnyllt fy.m thrt: , ntr:VtU; War n; urn. TZ or- In ty. our. Yonvirt In, trvi.yrt orelvnur.l.JYa I rry. ray. rivrr IrtsvloYb•r• Pr...yr...mt.,. Crivirrun Cnnuyilurr • nr l'ln. thr i..11:11bli • ,, t , . 1 ",,, ..••• rturrnlryl th.. yrrurlufp of , ! , l;:tt rttr trr rr oy: , ..rt. tu YultUratu.n, thy 010" I X, ,11'..at',ItIrrli'471'il. ' ( ' 7; " 17:r . ,::::::.1 " 1;r ', ,1b.1.. T.r.rs. Vining rlarrtv. Itcrev awl Ilony,tu, Irv ' Fn.., Mort fur Fall Prantiu, Ytr l'r•nrui Y rY•ruv•Yr livartrarbY. Tul, Yrnt Cryerry r.jyr• r01.1ry.“..1 t• r'ltlyturryh tin 4.47,.... nr rytt yr .br ." ,. ' ,. " .11,17:;. '-r i ! ""' "."' '"' r".'Y'.ltt;.',l•••l.l.4"lllWirtl. More Few Goods. A MES A. Me E NIGHT. N.,. 62 Fourth 41.. •l In ,a'at, p.f ad and f7:,n:',1"17;1:;:n" Y:yynyr yyry yt,rty.. PlAi ~Yin. I,lyytal•.. rkftil.l3ll,`6lf, y very JUST It Et2 . l) at AS. A. Mel(N1011 . 16, noi annrlnnno nf f.ung au.l main ll•nnsf• • Tr A tu ' ;; ff„ .n :frf I ware "..I:llfC'n'lLlAr"," wnyrlnil al I err Inn 'fn. Double Reed Melodeon 11111 E subscriber hat! ju,:t .pened a very k Cue aricideon. o onla .. . with dont. 5.5 t of rein., tiarle by tow original Y Tbis luidrinuent io equal in pow.. In any srnall ordian. and murb sup. nor to It lailut 4)155.75.4 , 55 of tun, ra iL parity riand in tune. and facility for tranravrtlng. e, resfrlr sly listondrl 5.r uitriu cliiirctio, and cia nig to d5l murb areferaio. b. ant. iittieriniitrinuout: puretalir inidriluient tligkind aro rrsp-iti invited to 5511 and ra•alu. pr.irtiiir a bring laldan air, fro. th• s.llinrirtigt liai 155• n iirdrrod n rimier...lton in • II 111.111E1i. 1,15 Agani rgyi (dr Carlo,. A .1.1.11,1. 5 0141:1Vnt v Shriver & McLean, b , Ploy, re-ndurr and C0Minf.3.•1(27 , Mer;rlant So. 14 Vi•na ,Tarrt. I,IIII.ADELIMIA CONSIGN ) / F.NT6 of 1 1.01.111 and - m Pr, ~,,,d),...t11 rm.... promptitt. emit... Tor, t..dlv,. ru11..f...11 , 1 ALIT.n.. • Lnn.l. ~ P t. ot 0 um. c,r L.,,1.D., .t,,,, .1 , ..,..1. der t..—Me , rn. Itunptun R M.ll, Po4d3 trdi. Mr EMI", ~ Mad. l'. Mr Alt, .. I...Pfilln. Mr ~.1111. P. Pllra,r. BUTTER -W kegs No. 1; Z. fIU Mull:.ill4 P......1nnd too .11!..1ty ..cn :AMC t.L. I' PlllOll ., . 1 Aitl)-5 bbls , just reo'd and for sale by IA .611 sicsu.l. II PIIIII V ER. JAM. G I NGEK-=—% rt bbl 9. fur Pale by Mme . ft if,, sulf.nin.., 17 M tad Ft '-)tUVEAfac:iod ih, for gal • 0 ..., /.1 ~ A. E:IELLERSC r ) . ' . U.Mall LEAD-10 0 lbs. Or sale SPGLLEAS. by 0 ocasi H. H. .. j.I II C.EED (1 , 1131 A.RAlitc —l5l lbs. N• ... liandrotn.. for gal. b, I' F. •r LLER , 1301 V. AF. CAY. PE l'l'Elt. — : , en lca pure, w for ral• by I•, b. IvEL Eltd. , v . . 1 7 E. ItED—.. kW , . l E.g./T.O. , r sAle w by Il . rr.1.1.1: •:•• 1.• p. SALTs-2. 1) ILL'. for Ral , • 4 I'4 0.... , J SCIfININ'IIdI4:d dr: k A i. U 31— 39 "I' I '' .f . n ,"• 1 1 . ,,1(i'.'::m ARE ' I'I,I tr. \ ~., I )Russ. 111 X E-7 boxes heft, fur 41.• ow \ I ,v. 2•1 J :•L'II.d:VAI 011.01{ ilts,l, ' I ' Li. )I.A It. IILEE-- -, boxes for Ritle'lv i_. mr, 0 ,cII. ,,, I,MAKKIt'd.O7 - - I"E'N, RED-15 ea,l, ( Eng.) \ for' so.l6\lly. ' J Sellol oNdEnI4 t,p) , k . t. ,,,,,,, G —,,,,, bi,lF.,lry awl liice, rok .1 . -c"'"'"'it' ., ''''°' it' „:, PSI Y. „If I.! 1.. ~, ', t' ,, r 41 . ,• 5 t.,w . ,. X it '-'" 0 : I • , ...su , iim•sio , , (qui'. Lti6woolt;-\[ , , , 1•1 , ,, , i;• , . , (,• i , r• ::::I,,r‘ky \- ',: - , - - . i II A..N . 1 , \ ,, y , TT S o l; 1 .„ 10 '3l .; l Ji i t . l , , -,--, . 7 ' 1 , ~,, T7' !:' \ Lots and Turnpike. , for. Sale. \r.c i Vir i LI, li.• of red ~ t pi, iliN .sik.., 41 stv ` T n•ve1,••••111..r,...bn Fri.l,,:lt• 7t1,••1 , •••rrm\: , gybe Irbrn tie r,tr .br 01 b..1.r.n *11%41 I•••,,••• a. •A•I .1,l '.l ....3...i11n.....1.....v . 1,. ta..,.....t1.1,1.131\V . ...q.S. , t$ . . • .41..0 at. thr run , . thy, am) p's•••••-1,1', dirk •; ni`,l•lltx •••••gb and rt...T.l•••urili• Turtibik••:;••^ 44 ‘ v0r . 0. , - , , 11. 310LASSF:S—'2. 0 Wll, RM.: eiro n 3, _ 17„, t.., ..41. by ,i'd ,IY. , 44,01.1..1. • '' . • s i i LANCES Al' El; Ril {MAD 0 b,c•ier , f A 1 1014rr• frt•ln Gr., 1ir41,11,, Frlek•d•• talr , d•tur • •,....I. d••••...1,•dv iii•• do ind,r ••I 1,1. 1,110,11., , i ..- •`• •, 111. .1,1 1,1111..44.m ill 11,,,, ..IC, I v - N i'v•r a l Window Sprkligs., , I 1 II A MMOND ham twath returned to t'o tk!:,:il . ..i‘rkl:;lUt ` &T ,' i 'i , ! or ''' , `'` l ' ; ' 7 ',A,.' r,3 . 6°,` . l, ..o.lrr an•l didmdd ••••th• • , la , . I • .I•Yr•r ' alo ,,, ts.ll 11 II vv.+ f•lilV/li.; 121.• ,rnod, b Wt•••lodd In IS:A 47 In l'irt,botAt ad.l vletriltS. Uri Its tr•rn rldra,J In rrtan,..rtilrldm 10 RK.iptng Itivr. dr• '.,' ,••dr , I , ,b,rribre IldttPrs Arnr•lf prodrion r•n•1.• 010” on ~1.11,11, 4 110 Ikti,r.. • • , ‘ Ile v , r , dyt•bs• -drid, \ k • .11. n vk ••r Irv. fir,. t m. 0.:, . rid i I•d,b•r-...••• •virl ~, 1,, ~j, r•vr• cl '4,r,. A• •IL .11,/ r.nrvtd• •.•chl ^e ten .14 .. at Mr 1•••••1 LYntl, Is., I d*C.air ra,..b. kherr •arlr•rr .. ..er at tbr' . .l• ..• • Irnr.. 1.••••yr-rtabldsrrtvr•arrr 0.2r•1t• \ V ()TICE is III•r\t, VlVell that an \a..,......,.- • • ~, ^t ~...,,,,-^O,. r.,,1.,,•1,,,,±1.,,ut..,...i ...q....L.,...r tq, Knro, \ N1),, , ,t,:t d'l , ^dir' I"1- h 4 , .. . . o rb. • 11, , til.. ••••,,n- vd Th.- 1.41, •,r4in0... , ~,, m.n.,,,, 1ir.... lab r I r I- % '.. I t , fr. , I •'31'.1 . • r.. , \-."-''." •• '' ' r''''''''''''' , , t‘i )I',', - A1 4', .. 11 ii V. - 11.•‘ f ;VW` No. 1. in .t. , n l s K ‘ ,..1 t-,...,.,, ~4111!.. PM./ Lt.. I'. , Nlatr E • rx• , 4 1851 Hops:\ I,Es FNAxern W •1 trrt, n.., au.l for mr.-1 urr s. it-- 4 Ws. 1t. , 11: • \ ./ STATE I E It .ANO •Itl itESIONKI I E • 1 t.ert, lea • net nee, A A Ited ell e t et-tr lerneeteleethrtt 'tee Orleans Insurance etre CAPITAL, 8159,000, ocr.or.itine G•nfq ill E r 64 th k tht• ,:u., ‘,1,1 New Music. SONGS nuns Ir . . M. 1......,T11A1W1T. llnvi.; , ~, ~.1 .., ~.. ,111.? 1 1.1 , 1.. Al, Mt I 1. , ,1:1 RT. 1110 W . . I,,AL l•. Hy, V. attn. lAnd farat.r., .I 1,.,,W a ~,,,.. I.it•la.),l\ Itnlivw, Ward. t ken 1, - ..., V ..... , ,,.... .',... ar IA ,artln: 11,u,n • .t...,Er • W.. .ha i arr. aart,.. 1. ar.. na All VA ;awl,. WI., , l. a1.,...r.Wr 1.....11..1. nal,- 0p.., Aa. ...., ...,1i r ..-.....1 a .101` It , 11 . :/:1 ~ 14' LI ili 1... N O.; AV IIIT.I . ; --A heltitiful \ ..1,,. .in ‘r airman, • ...' 1........ "' ....”'", ~ .. .........A . 4 , ..1 sblv a blna l . fur tara. An Hid. An. art al, v. 4 Iw maim...lo / 6,1,4 .r....-. .1 snot. ... 1.4,...... , \'.' .., .1. d..k. '"1: "" ......... , . I ,I A . 1... r.. At - A . 0.....,-.. sto ..la N. 1 1 .1 1 . ' l • , .1. ,; - 7.',;!:.,,,:" ',,„:. r,',','.,,,.' - ,,"::',= 7; FL , ',.,' ','.•:,:', U.11 . :2;71 ' ..4. , 41 l'i'K AA 6 p.... , cf . vi. s ol I , - ...7-...,,•;:4, v„,-,,,1.,, 1)1 . 1111.1 , 1' , n i 5 h .L ., 1 ,,, E , F ;, ' .., , I s ‘. :, -- ,,,, 1 . 5 . , ),...,.\,,.... .1.1:? - f i l:' , p , ::: . .....: , , vutvii. c goi.:4.NoilFis.; ! . i , it i.i.si - 1---uO 1.5 t. Cr. ant Ch••‘Ar l'.,;(1••d0. 1 • .:" S A Li.: li.Al I :; , ---.4 ei‘..41,41•11N,..1,,n t ;) , ,,_ ,,..., ,„.... -,, \ 1.;,, •;..; ‘,.4e..q. r , . 1. I ' lllit , ILA 1 . 1 - '. - lII.I \ I; \...1,,;:1t t..; ,I .;Al for 1 :... ~. !t s I ,VI It LES:, Bl.Aili.i , ,Nli- etty , ,,l,ii. ..,,,, •••4' , .: , ''' ...\-''' ' ' V • • ••;• • •,17."411::i ‘ :" ' ;' .. t ' .;•:•li; \'" run 'r ' '''' ,- • —r - ',:.' - ' ." - - .:. ',..'\ ! ' i. " l r, .ll(M• t 1 1:112,\ \ l' A 1 }..NNI - , I'EVI .11- 'sot! II - - ...- \ r A tA WS IVTA.A . ii , , , „,:i; l'..\\) Plil`ll,l,-.,N l \ le f: C., ~,1,. 1A11N}h.%.k. ,, ,...), , AN: , i t t , Sky, I ; -....!;/ 1,ttfr .,.... k1,1 Nb 2 :, •,, ' • 4 , LAI 1l11; SA\Ll' . .... .-I 'I 1,b1,....f..r \. , Att by \ \l \I L A I All A E,T.JC.I.A U,'7. f . A:...ri LE '',. V.A --7.% Irix., f.l salrt by `4l A I. A 111. I,Ti.Cli A V.. A 1,. .A.li El ;.1 rr, II stfr x vr. —“. i. -.. ',Nat.. v.: ;L.\., .AII A 1:-T..' "F A . ,N , , i 191 - .\ RI. , I ; .q..kki Am; ..:th. hy \\l , 141, A Ale ; \l l l 1 To the P\ lie ! , 1 ~, F r , E tt)plerlgnr.i, having taken thr .tore A&Nt. .letsrt./ tie 'V r•-• k. low ~ ......,,1 rune:. •rI ~ l ann ....r r. I ,i.a, . d lain, PM., a , ~.. ~,,,,,..,.... ~... . n.,,,, O,Hr,, !worn 1..1, lin. h. a. 1.....,...... ~.,....... :AI AWL, Ilati tan, , hmala n......... , •,• I ..:I ..A I , tai ~ ~.,.. ,a.• la. JOH: , i . ..) Thlt a 1..1 1.4 1104.211 LA SAAR 1.,S I -We incli , t.ho . at e 0 t•r....-n . t tbe Tall,. , a lat of raw atiNa Shaw, '' ' ''''''"'” 'L"' ;11. t ' l ' ' ' ; ' ) ."- .+1; , 71 1 1 , haai ., . ''''' r , —.la.al • anrner - I Al arA et and I, ,w. 1, , ,,,. ., .• .- . I . 1-.\1'1' . 6 WELSH FLANNELS!--A ..r, at 11.. W.A.. Anad• parchanal tnAn tn, IM. n,, thal.nl..,an An wurt, Jut hn'U —I ,in ~...,a ... tr. n0...1 naninla, An. . 1h- Ens an I Arn,.rst, nn•hriolabla n kna i antt, ara, W a... t i ...... lir, Hann,- •1i L pit, . lik DCIIVI LLD , ' =MI ! F•l`l'_. 1,1 1.1.1• 1 vt,,. N. , Nitrko, I nll , l G.h, 11" Ac ==l U uocEittEs, 1.1.4• 15 1...i0x 14ainlitp. "..!;; 1 004 Sinatlei • N F haffivq. 1 . .).0 to, AV c,17 I 1.41111 1. :1 -' i r S " . t \. I NEIr Alt -- rol hld f or 1:1111ISIV , I.IIBE k r.l PEACH koi.sale kel, Co O A I I.S San keg.: Irk+'d kdkefi. 1.. r !elle I.y. ItqlSON. 1,1111 J; .1.1,) 1911; I RUN Creek Me \ -II: 1:011 , 1S;!, I.ITI'LE A I. 1 , TZA lirAnt • ~*and 440, -• •• • I.us•s hit. $o•u• tnuttioN, urn a LI. () I L N —2O 10,1, T.nner.' •in it , •• IAnAnAI No I Ronn: fn le ITT IL.1111 , !,N : 1.1 t 01. AS • ES—,o 1,1.1.. N. LL, lur sale• L l. A rut, 1 c0..19, I iL,seo • ToicAccu, II )10 LA: , S ES A. GULI)EN Sl'ltW V.,- : +. 1,c1. R., , • oaatu `l. . ni.i,2:t, :t...W.N.Vg.' A I.C4.l!l,ltTrt,:s a co. .. 1t1nt 0 . ., ,11;,,, ,k .,.,..,,. . ro r,...kit. • 1 . 1, , . .KI: A It—IIN I thlo k r ,. .f t a,,, 1,,,y \ , butler. t.n. 11 , 1 ,., 0,1uS `,.;1!" 1 . A Li. 1.1, liTn.,!, A RI. \ Chr , ...1 lob. Gble., , 1 , 104 3..X.,:5.1i I.t lA fir ' S l i :ll. ---" ..'"k' A lV t i t h l.l (' l„ ' htt r n r . ' N 4:7 . Y' '"•"' '''' '' d " tr T". ':' , ' t ' o i . 6 r7..tt \`. . 49.6.• 41,3..• \ 1 . 1.11 . .1 . f; N I TII ll,s, impuct. , l ...,;``L..,,,,„;,.,.,,,\ 1,,r. I I_ dint , In, tbe ,soof.u.nr r • .....1 tor nab. xt ph,- . ~0 1 ,,,, ~,,,,,,, r.,., C.• our t.ure1f....,... ...If. t: A1011;111,0'1'. ' 0) ~ -!'. rTl:. ' lio \ Q , (ilt N 'TA Itl,ll--:, ,, U 11,, It 'choice a• li, ~f , ,,„,„,, \ 1 s coat '..:.14. 1 t ..... munulAntatn..l..xi.n..-le I, dirtl , a.u..lculluery . .-tol,,e.werought alai\ utnenntgitt In , .0 ,, 1 1. -,,,,.... It I...alen•luli u..4 . nna v,, unnih etlualn , rUrh.lturr. 19, ` V ~-7,:i ,„ , fie prem. m' 1. , 11,411.1, ...Ate :usu. , . t.t. ,,,, .. I ......241...pt, yire.p' , L, , ~,,j , ., ~n ntnle. griddle .....k.... pvrritlge. A.: l'ut..P.o 1 1e ,0, .. , . ~,, t , , ye. 1..,..-. uttb full 11in.c1,,, ..... I ..r tale . U. :, . • NZe lio , cri.i.n,ti . . '. K \Pb. l_ ., .. fr.. :,__ 1J,, , ,1 ,, ,Pr. - . 1:- 4„` . . , Lgt7 1 p;FAI.LIiiI,E Y EXikr Belt ar- ~ roraork o na, Z:"..:C , ,Gt CG.014 , ...,1.2,1 to make 1100. ,v 9 t, ry,4 .-nu ,uut-, i- , . N umber Aboar t... 1.4 ' ... o. Ilt,d. 004, , - nt , l nolle o utatar. , a Cult dlte.c.ttou a. ..,,, Px „ jittEn.Atl, 071t4 0:. $;/ , ' , V , '.... = . ti ° ..l' . ”'"'''' '''''''''"• J ' l7l7) 4 l ' T . R, ''. • - . iir• `' . -P-7--`-'4 . . ' --, . vl E are inttructetl4 - fylititruere tiiiiluse , tt , AEI , ' FAt t " rtneivedte y' , .1. tbr fulluwing goloa,kat rtlartod ntle , , and oVna , .at rta. etnn. rrl it.11 ,1 FT 5 . , ....L 4 ' favorable too, Ito . good rote., trrt \ - ~ r, 1.111 ''' .4l `brol.. % "'''''''''''' ‘: 1 Pa a Walla. 1 3 ,:1....11na , k Mau Art Caourt o : \ _.... - Sou 7,-1 ii ., , ,,,,,... , ,iyi k. , a i n DnD..._ ,I j, -.- Col. Mankato (I•IIII.../...," \, t ..Larrnrltztaor oT to nt,, , ,0.. I _,... _ ~_ „., spi-,Yrllqt 'WM. , : \ slid Tr:math:l%ot ren.us ....,,• . 00 it.b , e lot th•••••"..• t , .1,4 'hod Drearo • - Jeuun blue awl groan. ~' • t' - Y. C. 0111,611 a larvaela.J.T.l.. et Ca Ireal • .cuLeirr A I.= ..;arkr, ....ilkk , kkur rk \ OrSICU . .L.. \ :• , • \A . , . . . • ' \ . ~ \ \ ~-.. \ \ s • -- --.---- - ----- . ..• • • () .11 31 E KC 1 A L . -.-.. V 111 S .`'nut reefer suprei giern \ ..br Mr. Dexid itolmeti or i:llehoift''_ or the Diamond. on 1-fitunrsrottoht, to If, !...50.0 Ofd the sortosen brlonginit b., ' b . ostrb b- 1..\ mince in LonfSoot it, ,plecoltd_stoftmanehlfsdleotsYrd If the er.,... of fife nufmmoth • testaer Pittebni:b• the rfettru,ou of thiy, splendid entertainfrunt -nerinbeted aSet.ft .h , r...The-Miffilog parred off frith the tfttaKt -root frehroe t0i..1 focinifty.s.d. was not only so acr,6rri..te nf..nlf.oloolo of the kiOdnref sod libentllty of Ito 114Insef. , zed Capt. $500150. 0110 Itlal*command of Pittsburgh. . inft A rsern piffled In • offhat torte of moaner. tbr style In [fhb 6.lchrist.f. prefursuentertslamente of this If Itnk \ PITriBUROIi it&REET. , • \ , \\ \ re ran \ x"lrr‘acK. ,Aroma . 1 - \ ' \.. .31ntiff\ rnorning. Nor- 3.,i TbO.,weather on Niturdi.y vrts\c„leir nod pleas- N ant for tfut door operatiOns, but SA iq 4:6101011/ V the re, ‘., ortotr ',, only; footers. business vs. 00:0 0 . In She :.peke:e river coo ti to rroOke Mosey. and the , 1411 13st e ening of dork ‘tc•l , 3 fret , inches In rn..nno, ,;.„1.,,, num . 0 of .s.be dosUobt etrunol. weir diseharg ;,.t. .I rerrit \n, frri,ift. esil s t..,et sr ber Or. titlogSnol.' S, ,I ,f-, "r... or ons the f 'bare, \ „, Flo” ilu—ri.• 1-3:gpte ser.re ovolcostr. so Oft ...Ito, ..o ',,, ss u s ,,, s i l ," . did ooS rf r\ol . .!fro 1.G171S 33 1:31.5. . s - 2.te for • ‘ri,. nut ere1.3433:‘ t ,F. rstis. Forms ta . -no moo In fntll lute I3r ritf cuoeumgtion it $3 37. i Q) 3 ZU . e .... t. WO &It., bra \ , \ NirredFoedng Ire thr 1n..-aloof t(' four dun e` ! the -orfiell okefefrfre..t., Nres.r.e-oisolrlord\tud Below' eonSl - tf' \ . \ \ \ iiCRNIV/RAT. .• ' : 'n". r'''''. \ 17 f - ! \ '''•';'. • 1 V 1 4,„".7'• \ ....,‘, 1- \ ~t-•,\ . .- ‘,3..... ..,,,, . , A-- ''ldd I\ VIdd1:11-kygrx llttie IA rotNng .forward. sod... 0arn.., , 1. quo,. oilo1na.:1 I, It 5::: , 70.(A441 1.01 aiCK A 11E1T 11r1.-8.. ,,, ipta oo:fitIono. qui,. libooal, •.I aul.oliro sr!. tai ~, ,i,ili., von. fair at ; ,9l s,l'd i,. , !..frfn , !.r.1 11 1:an.1. , . and SI :0,4A . from atom ‘, (: 1:!•! , 711 P.Al,—.Sruall. Fa 1.14, ,, , tran. , Arol at f. , . rd 62!), .P. 1..1,1, ft ANN—Tb.! marketS4 an! ,hind. 1.. ;Nlt fo f ,, Tn• 0,, '''.,. d InT 0 ' 0, OTIIdr 'Zlabiletinnel. d1x1e4 , ,,,d00 v. of \ \,i I . on orlon,. tonna, : 1•2alos 3..T1 ,, n., \.ll 1 , !.;,, fnr Fis.TTI-1.. ,nd 111.V.13X fdr;: s Td/i\tt tom,. tc , , 1.0:4,, ,, 1 1,,,,,, ,t 11. a.] ....,,rcurod ,; 1 / 4 ,. i aorn•11 wa,, 1111411'S r,'\\ wii`vilin,6.l , - 40 1,1.19 Inc . in loto. !, , ,2•lt a. .L., , , ii . l s; ll , ll.\ dtw , 1231, I , .0 0 10 a 1,, \ 1; ,;,,y •I,ll.Skaloo 1,1 , 1,h , 1, S,O4ar ayo , :: ,, g eAr.tra. ~..,,,fai,boo 1171h1U14 .M0,5 , ...s at ..0 , ,e,. \0, , ,0, 4 17. u, _ iss , I Ug7 It ~N ., ,,, , , tin, ~ ,, a lo, Itiorilat 4,.., r!„ 'I;,..nTT3"/..t..,1.1,-• lt• treat, roll Itt*.. ~,,,! of :;41 I v .,: ‘ • Td 5 ,,,,,,,:',A VI IF, .conllnt, In quality., . 1t•, , ,,t tocSll , :1 !.t.in at 5.,1 .c \ I'll f.F.. , .1.!--sa•\•.:% , 1* In lota at ~ ~-,!: S'Ni, •SSo ~,, 'ft... \ , !It ACIC ,II)-4S, or 9,,,ufsotorte. ron,lntia to* .11,1 y r,,,,,,,,,,,,, .ou.l, ;1,,.1 , 54 of a%tlzry can mak, 4•11 - 1,.\ loarinC '5 , 1,...0 . , ~ , "a,.. \ il.oto, 1.41,6,..t.;\ R , tartyl... \ t!'','''. .. ~ \ .. 'l. • • V•, to V o, 17 , ...01 ri :r. , 0r ni N r% . ~,..e.,4,,, „ .1 . 1`,,,_,.,,,,.....541 1 1..i.,1 \at 7 1 ,.. , at0l No :at i',os 70 , ..11 ~ lAIIVAT4 Idso,d 111 7, 0 ~ ,ItAk•-•-ld.. have no •stpqatiodv In 10.1 t, . grTd- ' TA ~ III"I'II ,, , ,, IdrIIII O R.I. {' ,, f),. , ' 'Tilly tbo Talmo TA Irt e s ', T s ~, A .,i- v , PLAT 11:.-1 - 11,•!rullna• rei,..l on Ift marl. aro SI I.f,U, -.;,,,,.:,:,.! , t 4 os--t).. 14 14,.:. og ,nro 01 111,1- tin u' . aoloot, at 21i4 . 1 , ,, ,,,, ~,..• ..'. "s hltkh—E.l, V, hliShCls 451,..,. ••• ve..arf. :a 10, 1 4 tOU.h• , , 'Sr, Yung 8..,,,a,!-- , .. e ittoo , tibq aniAiirecteti n . '4niS stilf, W., TIT, Llsilr T, ~.:,:v It, 1.0, m 0,..., tho rolatioo Icor rano, 4 FII , A , ,:„. 1114 ,,, w r , 1‘ 0 ."k ..-- \\.,, r. , dirt rrturn• lingCs 1 4 thro‘a 41 roaCin ,, noy Inaa•I• of the a o!.I "'All Illuatrate, ta In: tI7 o. , ltinka on I ..*.nd'A at !I , . r t,,i,..1...., Loiolon to arr. at fg,lrsn , :a tithe S. ..rltnw . \ . 2, ilte of !.• Doi); Eratico. l llnlzo , ;N Y 1 ! .. a . ,15 . .L l. '4 11;n1 ,11,1 •3 \ S X.itir4 ~ -,-- --,.. 0--...—,- 1•4 a ., 4 140 43., 4, 1 . 35,50!..1 . 1 , ',13.1., ,, i11V ~,,, ~,,,, 0,,,,,, 7.a,,,, , ,,,..,,, ~, 1i.•,...n. , ,,9,1! 11....,•:..,4F lite return. ef 'fine hank nf ' Englan'd nu 4 1.rat01, , , and Ilialr of kra .o 11,1,1-11 , .• aro itlool 1 Ir'on, LI, 0,111,11, Aorlina .5 uu lat.., \ 1.,..u010t, • on.— Th.! t,.+ lora retyry, !Imo,. /ono . ~.,!. 1 ! , aok, n0t ,, , , e11,2 '., , , 1 !... E 11.1,11 :....5:.. 9.391 S. 5 . :12.7,0.... \ S t...,c , t,1 47.,,',',:,,., ' f 4.9 . 13.,,,,,,, 1,..F '0. ' 0 , 1 \ 15.410,0 . laid •, e. 5 , .: T:::, ~ ...watrd. .. . 1 4,0,4. \ , ~ I.c circulation of New YOrld ' , el,ng ~p O.l l •on!, od 1., 0,1. .11t.0.it1.. wilt: au. I‘,lll, V 31 ' .111••• !I ~.: .o. , ,umvoT. the., 1' fond Is OA , char - T.IIU: st.'d sg 13,...4. ISISIL such M.S. W 50.. , .h..:Y r..,,,.. I.r r ,it. In Dtz on Wm,. ti, moonoolosilol.• an , but , \ 1,, 41., , ,..,,,it0y han,• It 14 j[ . r Ito , . oonl.senc, ,, aoii . . ito,..r art n run t., 40,,0ra ol.on t • ••lonloo - \t i A. 00, , ,1,.... that ilo. loant at.....a.V , I t,1.r.0.• . • lor rour,iorati,t. 'or prodeno, aa.6,,w , tt0. , 1 •.....ot t., , ~,:o! t ilt.ou 41,0, 1.,r1.43t.,, I. twllf,\ thosa dL \ 3 ro M r...\ N V. " . .c. .40 ' , 0:0.. 4 .4 ... ~nt aff.,41...”,ri ' nro:y ftnl•.-I , Arsmo '.. .A., Awl .....01,-, . - .1 t Y4. Artn,trt', ~ .._. .. .. 11 any, byturar, ...sib) 4,..t.....- N t Irrai l'r • i [.., . , Pitt,turo,n Al-11 , 1' .%“ NEI \ BEDFORD OIL N.A.BZET, Sr. Iltorus.o. ket 01.1 hdl-Themornet i 4 Jul.. said we hoe.e to , trnsyv tos .. t r pert. ~1e,., In Wu t0nt1...1 vete at .W.l 'l4 - '' ''' i i1 ' A1.r....-11, , ::: , 1,1•1. at A; -* nallAn, and 71'..k do on , r elle huto•. ..re -al nth, malt In 4 sowe rep tted ur ba , ‘ ...'f. 111.• Y. Ile s rortlrolarw of *hid: wo A U. Irtrn. tiV1.1.... ,-13.rAlly ors, vet, ,nrut In IS mount adv.,. ut oo .en et- ro toellA.d to await further now. fr•du the • •• '' '''. 00 o'4' ? " . '1•••• Pl '• • ' - ' h ” -.l ."Y r;mt! r r ' ,Tr.ftn - 47,i0 rmi.2... -0- , 0 -b , , , . ,•, • • it , lt.r.FQ.7s L-It ~. heard of no Inenvirtion,f lo Ito ru 0t.....D" , our 1..- 1,5 .alem New Pot kr at ~ ..,c ~d.•• o , r IN.lsr -----,\.----- CANAL CO ••, dr,, ttk.k food the Collector t I)nakw the following eshilut el th., tue4.w.. don- en the Pro •ylraula Caual..luring [hen,' N'6 t •, ‘ • 1et...... Al:O.:from thkopenine ot Mr canal to , tin 11.t , twt • \t,N l lyneal t • IN-.t Sine. 0p . .. 1111'01Mr: 'l, \ \ Air: t,...n114. • ~....peed. bk. ,vo, 441, •I' ' \ , Irt. '°', '''• •"•' "•• N\ F:.?„,;'..; \ , . ~. .. . 0 4 on I 1.304 0.5.-Dr. 0 rod tasZwetu 1 D., wtee) ..., 7,7,) 1 . 01t.,.,bue. Ind I,dOV t DO .4, b • I.oeo , dd . n ,wither. y 10.:da h...4/U 1 11 cnl Born. ,ung :1 round.) eon', \ 7 rld IBustl 100:p te durl. ... K num ,' •, OW 17.. 1 +. INsuk.Ar . leo,. , 10740 .. P t terVooe. • t.. 1 Id.ne / 'tu , tare Da. 141.7 o 0 4.1.,:i.D0 Cole.- od,. 0 „, d4.7d5 11 :7 1....1:, liate. es,: hoof eand nhoes. - 0t.d..10: 4.0,,,,1N , Prut. and Nle.heme, ' ty ,., !70 I..nru.t • Ou y 1..111.i1-ti......‘t, .1.7.. 1. :1, , ....., , 7,:ed 7:.w.et 1 •, t•Or• s 1 knlnZ"•ln.tware(e r •l l'utlery 54, " 1 • J ' ,77', 1 0, '," \ .,11.....1 • 3 - ....•5:2tind.• lettd. nr.l vr I t.lll • enree. b.. .1.,Z 1 ' . • :" . .,T,.; • 1 \ 1 , • era.r,..r.. • e oreten/ gals. si„,,,d VA:F7OJ \ 2 o p t et tm zralure I , lc.gurc. Dv. ;,. , ..t . ••:: *%,....,0J I S , \Tobseut frusnolaftured.) 5.. • .Y. 7 .J..? 00 1 0 9 ..A i v,...!.. ; 1; 1 , t " :;: z,V42; • . •- „pr h ',7- t . t . ;000 1,7 y, ~. • kyllt. .1.1 . 17. Li tent 161—:s, 1 ' 1,..M '- ~ .'IT- r • • , 9.1 0 00 10._ ud. 0'1n0..• f"..... 3 liod, kg, 11, Irm. Mount, • exch.... ,1.3.17,010 11.10.:'' ', l ron, bar and steel. , . 7 ,, ,;.. , '6.7 ,.‘ .1. 0 , IA ; •.:3 ,. ,. 0 ,X. Nille andwpttes.ba. if. s i tHrre. be. ' 0.0011 4. 4 . A N, orant.h +lune:. D.• , 54.400 ' 4. ' 9.•7 ' ) r l i ttr. IrNIDO 620.7tay - 154910 ~,S.o . fiu • 01:‘..w.e'.17.. 1 4 , 7 • 1 4.7.!:•.. i 1•••• titer , . ' d..tdd 1 - 1.. - Jdl ii i IT.!n.r.,•liarroli. 10, . 771 I 21.3..0 .. • ar..Y,-...A ..4, .00 ~.. 9.4.1% •r, 1••=...,.0 , Lllli Dry, ~.....,,, \ .20.V.11 , --59:-.i. IN , ~.‘ ria •\ al l. Mari.). 0.. \ 17.r.,000 '1.U25.1.c0 i I , Ef _ - :013.7Ur ..71,5,.*0 , tint, f., r00t.00,1,\ .1,000 O 7 I , JAdd Furolt dm. IN.ilt:•1 • YIP/ '''''. "''' ''...."...,,1,... l. . 1 , 4 I lIIA (.T. lamp gall, 11,0.41 756.1 , 7'. bui,, l'opor .00 hoot t, Ds, 121,052 Sr.tl,iut I! ester. h 1 al- ...d1 itWitl. Ds. I. romoi 3.,42,7120 r tsehtel,Do. llrtmo.me. O. J0,D04.1 • °-.2 . 2.3kA• !. ?trek, bane. molt.. D, 113.t4160 , O.V , New !dub ',and Freeport , D.O.Y> AY: • • ""-"'"'". "'"'" 7..;;, i 0 1'4 ,,,. '''''''''•• • • y , D:III.I.S • D TILFINS, in nd \ ententier ell bliehment on I.tbwre)s Ayr'. poducti not sperfle,l t.:71.371 6.=.9.3.1 1 1 .. 1 , lns oiwuod h•outh of but Iltrt: fittleY, Lou, 03 , d,wo witseent to the Cetoe ,ry nate. tete.. In. Ast tos, lot., sir, , or, variety ol dioxide trerport :tun-, ir: Nrsaltt o,,tulT. \ ~,,, ~,ey 1 laulle, Totnlr etutter i• Niantetn.. , tr.. , rl_ 3l , wri , Cotto, bt. Alton [l.OO 0 end l'OtOtO f' ,7 , : , ‘ ,77 L'- , , ^ i •', 7 '' ,o7 lia, . inn.. . 7 , 3 IU-DI lit h•-nn • tv 7- 7 dorwbfe mwto 7,4. '°, ''''''''l , 7 . o ,7•. ''' l * I I • c . .. ',‘ ,„ e '' h 1n.r.,7... . named 1.:47,144 i tau clery, he to pnylier, me:,ut... trt ere It, 0,,,,,,, ey07,3,2 . Rude, and on the lovr/od tount.-arol te prre far a • thaw 60'!) e „ ) ,, 2 , 43 I one, of the patronane here fore ISO ItlowallY en . ti and nut,..7. ~,..., !,,0,1 • "9 - Sede. "It' . .t: to. I -- •—••— ldw•Vi. or. LEVIS% IS.11.1.0.: I L , • i ISS C. S:sll'f 11, 31 i NA.a. ue, • '" \ ' l .' •••= ' AIL York-..-24 St. Char I.bwet, i Iswr bulfald • moose-0 , mq.... .. ', u . nno 7. , n ~„. ~,,,,,.„,d ~ , t,,,,b,,,,,, , ,„ d re .„ Feathery. o', ' - . , 409.7, runnee, snid is pref.td to exe:ale on. otol pAtelet rat .• '.. .274.,0 . ' .oerttot none', Or.. Otte., Itos; "own lode.. b • ... 7 .1 , ‘. .. „ , ' 7 1 . .... ,, ,, , ,,i ~,t i. ,: .,:. ,,a , R s c , ,, att ,, nt r l I late nail Children . .. 'l , l, no ereach!.. m t b.. \ or.D. DissolutiOn. . , Bark • unnroundr cords 0 I ..., . Clara. around. '' 1, • rilti It -PAIITN EltSll iP - hemt • 14,1, sa d sty I, Ault p1ta1....4e, fe. , 12 , ....I 4doJ.t _ll_ twtweten thw ruh.ert.rs. undo, It- one sad style \ ji...1, ond bolts. No ~ 0, 0 , ••t .. /oh. Caldwell a ro.n.•• v.‘' this ddy d , :.. ~ .1 at ma i n- ...hinntet, uundow. de.ooO ..".•.W. .ai ojneent I to. Inutine , of tr.. ...Dr, I' he os ttlui , It ......1 for fuel. oonle to. 1 . 7 ! ".(li4.'l"sE'll';:r". 3;ffa tl.l Vitt tluusworo. D., -4- .• ' \ tw.ds. sou, • hots.... • . . .4,ti • CO-PART NERSII I ek ', 7 "`"'" " "4 "''''''''''''' t'C ': - ...":14, 4 67 0, 1 L l,'' .t . ; \ The ' nndersignell, Laving fornied . part- nr , 11.7.1, Da ~,,,,,1,,,,,,,„,„ , • 75..5eh 3: ,,, .= ,,, i ~,-.10 under the name dalsI)I cl - CAI. II Mew- Ulatsearo. b.. 474 . t.. ., , d.'!" . ... 6 1 1 I tt.` .111 coutmue the TAII - .71/Nti AN:A, IA :LW te.. D.. 1W1. ,70 f. , 1?."?, burrars. al the Tannery of the Itte tire: ,J J. ,n ut woi ll , rdww , nod ettlle 7 7 e- 4 t2 , -;.0 .:-.:- , 4 ;,...: in b100m.... la,rour,h. .JA NI r....:t.., lid , O.ISYJ ....bll it. t. Ist 1,1-1. , Ili. \ .•4 ..., 1 I NA CF. 1 1 • . • , ' it., ‘ 1 " 1',..1• ' .1 1 :;; • • Kant. ' .. I. ''''" •- ` ' . ' ----- •'''' - - --•- d o is ooko 7...0D, ZINC PAINTS, • ~,,,,..,.. ~.a b...g..e.e- ~, V.I.A. S•dt. lue, ~0.1511 . 10U.V.17 1 'IAN UIAC'iTi It E I) BY \ TIIE "N m„ne...ra. , u 0,.. . • fotmetu tenanfor bw. Ity‘t n,41. 1 J,F,II.•KY LX.PLUaI.M.I AND 1112.1tili COX A-sr 1, bi•lej. gall, cAln; lid.n7s . New afn, N.J. , a Ind., . gloat. bozos. otar 2,4,03 Thir tkrropan'y is krekanal to rarairL a supply e: oda and other Asher. ss, 6,242 C 87.1,2 kaluaole , ~ tiennant Ins. • 410,00 u ZINC PAI,NTS, \- cow. = 1 .. - . 1 .))0ns ,„..r-..,„ , ,J, , ,,, ,, , , mhAck, . mud t found anx7 formal D art' ilia), Loth Conner. I. , . -•• • •••' .'''`'"•.,` Europe mud the United htates. to reDau their \ OrlDin • Id i souttons, ~.,, „,.. n . 77 beauty mad proteethe nu:nettle. suporler 10 anT othe . .\ 1... . 44•• • '.' , . 1 g..? . .•7 4 1 .7 7 .,,,,'""r:; 7 14 • , Cann artuslever. ibel Len . N% lIITE, ZINC PAINT ',- - " 1., , 0, i.,,,,0ms and aacticaie, r... 0 3 .159 r,sa n 1 , I ron Oars and sheet., Or. 043,159 •„42,7.U/3 I Is t undy, au 0.4.• of Zinn. •1014 13 'canto:el tree 17turi,all : e we 0. 4 lad tag, lb, U. 0170 1:1=',.. , sduileretum tont troPurtt what.ter. it wren well, is N - t •• e. •Ikr• • 166.1 0 0 1.0 , 5,41% ' beauttlullt . lot , . and In ) as la.. (To. tko 00...... , nr0 , `' • •-• , • tc I ITILh w 01 14 MT OF P ITTSI iimn.—r11......,, 3 1...: 1, in..124,,in =u t. 10 U&t 1.1. p...nratts, .t,l fatll , a, j-6'K\ •lir'ir'""'""". \'' \ -. 2:1.., 1 :.,,.. ,. , \:,, 8.. V,Vi;;77 •\ .. \ s ~,:1r.,,.. n 'all..r,_ it.l ,, ,y e ~.., , ‘‘. , \ it \ l'4 ' „ r ,k ‘ 4„ 1:,,Up,,,„,, 1 1 , '....,) ' \ ~. Mirti , .. 4 . 1, .c , ... 8 .. . re% l ' gir D rY., i l: . r:l7 , lc;atslCl. . ' \ ,ll t ` .4 - 'lV,. ll mal. Any. I \ . 111,ellug. ' ,nle, Cbrir ,, , ,,11 . 1 5 1,1 . 11 - 1 . , 4, \. • 4 DEVANTED. ' , , , \ itlari l .l.... Pm.this , , A \ 11 x 134. . \ , \ ' ..,, \ rei::".°N.."4;`,Z , ',. 5 ;1 , ";i . , , ::,.. • . ~,, _ ‘,,, \ \ \,p - V4';.l;-.;,`'' • N \ '6:1•,',J:... -, . , - - ''.; : i:%;,%';' , .•. ,, ';':':t7.` ~-;.1;.- >'• } % ~,,,..,,, 4, , ,,,1.,... Lip .put.,• I-, ~- ..,, . . \Pr , A ,ll, • • \ I NG. 1 I, I. \ 11! I Aft} . 7.1.1111 A ND ltA I. \: • • • inn AN:-‘ RA; Wurrux,—Tl "-111 1., fv!,l;:at , 1• :utx \ ' 4ICISVII.III PO . 17 " :i - ur1 4 2 ' i k t .. ' 4 ot; 14 ' rk. vi.L.,rl:ou , s :: 1..46 41 O. Milten lir. 1004,1 , )11i1.• ~,,,,, W Iliuglkaus. BEAVEIi-,/ta c Lull., 4 Jns bt . 00133. e .41 A 11cl:041,47 J. 1......< 4 Ito . 1 111 •.,o \ Iva er,Ltst;—, r. L 13 ,Ww...billgl. Lal,l, ' C , CI4C N A Tl-4' 0., 0 10 R: 4.y,,S. ' i., " S ' :i kr', ic-lw , o. 1 . 4.13er4 ki.vt , ‘ a \C, ~..! 044.0 zrunk, 00 , 4x1P t Col. gruff A: 4'.i 3 13.• be' 4..04 S Co, 3311EF.1 t 1ii-1 , 44 , 4 1 .4 ... , .."•\ , I . l .Tt k `. x , Kir t I .h 1 , ' I:14m luau s (:` 4 do : ham: , 3 l s l4 ' . '",' ' ,' s , r'" I iiilmo rrenirl,- Pt 1,N . 11%31 h1 . , ' f4 ' . i: n 14,ir , In. 12 rvllA)m,t `44-41411, ,, 4..444 len, — NO' IT, lIP, 4uhol , iti.t r irt,C,ure r-c- llonde.“:4 e : y node, illet 11, elotteel. by Vr.ter VIITM ..,. Vrl.4ere • wilE.pii:A. ~•!...,Vfqre•?:.l" -aid I'dattmn4...... , cembet.Neb.ll2l.. , next., , rkt T .,. 011, . T r .. • \.. To Builders. \ . • ' pitoruc,ALs Ihr 41e erectinn of St. Pan Pc \ e a tb,..jcki in 110.3 eet,„%eill 1.. tereived et the ,Irdltv ;p.c . hew. ritNi.tle•`;tb of ~ ;,, , cmten 1 r•rt-knlen eterdt,t •, Inv ,neittons cf ~n tr. . .....?Y h , obt...si'“ th e ...... • reeee, where le ‘ plenennd te r get . err he for inA .., '., n-...1vn The seork rteectlery ter get..., the building \ s \ u . nder 7: Win fl , Valhey , TATntt, .1 thn sehol, to be let .\ ‘ t,. ona contractor ~ Ths`Aretkitee , , rill I, prceent every ~ ~,. f r ,, n , ,0 12 n'•, \ A . A )1, during this 14,0{4 to give k explainstlen. \ c2 . 2. 4 1t \ • lirillk: SEIVIN . 4 SOCIETY ronnected %vitt' • \ . , k 3 the Orst yre,!!...,rtan . {:hiUrte... I,rtninpharn..tu Te1;:1...V . .. 1 1:d5 . 1 - VrifV:c. 2, ... l i; e ' r r tir ' l ' ..7l ' ; ‘ !•e '' e " .7n r, ll::: • \ 're 1. tor ancb artdev, 'till le. , er•' on+ efnilf reocived. '‘ Me. theme, h'cormly, Jr+. No C.. 7 c....i e•treet, rte cern f iea b. hap I,:e tlly - °tierd, to re, , e)re ',ell do \ \\ '. he coar 1d...1 \ l. eft ut t.l.e ne..14 ,,, , f the entesertber. \ Is. Ir:rtningharn. ntr.'.. , , 1, , Fe 1311.01 ,, 1t14 President : • . \ • \ . ' ..\ Lee es ai \ i'hilo4lall • • • ,i , VF} NIO.IIT FOR . l'2` . . \ NIGTITS.— • .. • ^ . ..! 4 ,,, -- , La t vrLstl i rci , ~; •, .. F j .f...•vi..rr i. r ... ,, ,i , , ,,..m ., ..1. , yd.., , 11. 8.. ti th E d ,.. %L . ._ , . D•12.1 . ..11,.. Crilyrie. tbr fi)ercrtic. the Ncurrklgin. th e Übe.- • , •, \ ..:01., the cto,o, lA. nr.ll . ..tcel of plr‘b ,, le , ri.vui. In .Co r ry I,lcs. liVine, 14r c.l,•nee I.l•raN{•; AtoplexT. Screfuln.7,ll,lo.• I:terillp :bort,. all dtrece-ve incident in . • c.ther,ei. Ai,h1.1.11 kl.f , ”[O, I,ll\ geft. i Trey f`krb d.. 1.• Inn ,`, i: ,br... Nn rykre. NO I. , re \ Lechlnralid null rrte•nre al tteas • Tickv.. , Nte,ta slo,..'. k tlx resrtreenelg*,4l,o.47. • J\dr0 ,. .. ,, , , ,.. , i , , , z. 1., ren tor grut!kr. IV . cent, tor 15,,,..k. . . \ \ F.xe•e•cc.N B.C.ei‘nr Piniti* , cn..l:kt•enber 'IT. ilsr_ s, • A I —"ecti,,n.foktbirtceii..l)inNeturs oft.his \ , tett••urbtg thecn , Ninc _l"ker , lq ~ l*id ‘. • V' t,iloove,cu'alor day; the 1, 11,..dey r t I,wer .....n ,h....1,0u,et , .und 1.1 , 1. . \ \ • vslomn4.lloAl , ..c..t.'r. ~ . 1;‘111..c. tofm\ pireet, ny.„l„El'ectork „,„ nkir:c ri7ro: Non betlrru. illthe yh•v‘iaPA,.-), \ • \ ----'7.— Itita. or thrracuana: October li„ 1F.51 , • ,', t s, N. EttCTNN c.,,r'rhirecoo Direotors \ of:, ' ~ . this Bag for tile ensitina l cis, frill be ha 4.4. at tke f. tiing.ll..,tna on Mrmlay.'ll.etcverit. l .enth q.,n o t,Nc r eett- .',. I, nes . , )rlSnltil) '.JOHN '''' ' %?Fl .R, U s4o - T . \ '''",, \ 'Nouse of ' Refuge. ', \ . \ ..,;...,',. \ ri,HE altbSt•iLo . l , for ;lie ere Goa of..an \ •,. 11,,,,,,,. a ac. G.r %Vv.tem l'enevirania: ten hie , by i.;tt.1..,1 that. trlt .1, , ,,e•m , pt. aftv er.t. per hnt.gat ;:‘,, ,I .. ',moon% •uh. , rib,l by e - tel,"..ta ryltutreal , iei.tasid 16.. \ Tee,.,..,...r, on erbetore' tb ,,, Etta day o NoseroLtef \ , -1 - HANNA. . 1 ~ -... 1 CA It 1 .—'ll,..t', I.9.gnilicent fk;url.pt, -, , Cons erand I'landt,inr; al.,.nt to be rernorAl froar7 , \ \ 1,. , ut7criber's anterrom.sbe ha: ~,•ired ~Iniit... on of.' \ - 7 ~ ‘,... ~,,tlein,, xho t nre1,14,-,1 it h, retain ,t. for tu day, ~,", . -,, 0,.. r, In order ,r, ifr..1,1 Ilif, of eur rill', M , ,lIP T.. • s \ \ r,,t ~..n this sa u t e F - ,elkten ni Anwritan Plant, ip n,•portuoity to call And examd.• the tant. u•.le Arent for Nnons A: (2nrk, No. 101 AI - greet, ' 0,,,, - Nunns' drand l'janos! .• ' . \ \ 1 \ - 11 . ST FII:CEIVED, a Eplemlid to Fi ro ', \ lt, octave 1t0w,, , , ,, ,.1 full sized tiltANI, - idl N 5 ,. from t he faetnri,of Nunn , A: tlail , .. ',,•,. Vur- k.. Thi• ma.. , ,,lirnnt inarun\t . „........ all 11, Itoest tratrovrarnt, f en an patent to- 04, pin.. felt tsznr , l,l,. and p•atea nqalla tubes. Its • '\ , : , wet and volcme of nee are truly e.t. ni,bibm tant each I , hielorrf”..ti. , ll of it. tritchnon.ot a.. to enable the perfor• . me to , produ, 11,..0ft...t. and .., e•te-t• my:ft , withe...nt, the • i ' Ut:. , ai " a;;; ' ., t La ' i, L ut r tte. ' in ', li t s " cri . ti ' ,..? ''l tT!Talr* - \ a . nrk , whleb. In a pity ilk, P u it'sbutalt, it alum,' - . \ kbin to keep elean An 1 In pawl order. Too ledlea 'lt men are eternally ,nv,ted in ran ar..l ears, tomeali , .,l f.,rand Piano beton it 1011,, theprem- • , Y sub , rrit, 11. KLEDLI , . ItA Thlr'i - st.. - I• drrnt tor :' , llOOl and Wart. ' n, i ' i ' t r i, 7 4l, ' ll i s . til ' l rr e , t! ' l e Z.P"'7''.'"9" ” '' .-- • i Patent Shingles. 4, . • F)riIIE SII HOLES made of Wninnt,_Plife, • ''. and Chest 0 with Wood', Itnpeore , f Shingle Ma. , nen. receil,i 1 • flea. premium et tin, 1a.% Fair et /tile \-. .1 gbeny County 'I e'Nechin.• Is in ope.7,,tioti at the °hie, • . Pinning 31(11 of Mr., Ynnna' ii Co.. Slinebettar.. One \hand can mall« 10. grshingl.s per any, troni the Meeks. let any kind of llta that genes In .iy eountir. If any \f k urt_ttor tordrroadcaa ty t - . antod, pins', rail on the rattan", lA, at B. 11 naver's II el: errare of Fon7lo and lirant eta, \ ' qtt.burah 141 ' I. D. lIIIBBELL. !,&ZIN'S FINE I'OILEHT,EOAYS—MiII- 'Cron, Bodart Cisra lian.l.,rnrb. Teiti;..,./dabrr• , Araandina, ..rearboal Res trrtrg - norers. Jenny k a ve, MarSbrodioar. =rarniaorti- •'• a.or!oard art, prepared It the I.4st dad rarest DS-. . . • ;!1: 1."1 re&, 0"01 P.. ¢ n)' In . . . H. D. 8.4, , , 4ND T.Xeli\tNGt intOKER, )IN at rh. higinat atultket tats. ' J'l 4 ) . l).: l l: " lC ' :t i i..!i i a . ,llt net mad. LIMA lyd.l art Col:trait , c. oral €:V;V:.7 ri`"l l ;'lLL t o t NoT 11; IS YELLOW itbort rzs..coed to tult.b , M• ll . 'thou Aut up it, a chnot roott. A , eb, , de pa. 1 , attl,am. a ruuttlt{rp 11011.1 'ay.l li...•maa,,,triotb., tbna ..tb.r. Is, bona 111b1.. t” tuns be. • tru ,j vErcrialp rawhi , • ishAt* A.ND COI.ORED4INC 's 11;A.. turni:.b.,i at prt coca ruacunddP Zer a- • . 14 EATILE t I: A*/ FILIT,TkiITi) t. F. t.' 14 , bai1,. pc. fibcral tnrc.t by thes((rat4+ r. u.,•.••:i44,1_,•,__, 117 louthl4La7 , .o.i.b.iwirtpbir_ • ANANT TZItACCO-150 by' • INA_ bawl .11!1 fur - .Ma bY , et. C.UlAita.rri) h). 4----- iroisAcco— 0 sip • CC cc•V,114.. , P....9 3 ,t sod ',or }ale by ' \\ 4 \ 413111 b WATS E CO.' CI LASS -SQ bp 6 Window, :•ars'd sit Dy , yo , b y • JOLL'i Wan a CO. ttion to his aLo' at,. tuuturce eV 1" : ' ;:1 ' IbTig . t the romyt aim.. vc, liner, from N. .0.......,,,11.4. ,a 1 or..r. at ti,f,