.7, 7 ,g .4z . ;',',;. !-..':j.:'7.'-':-.':f'.T.;.%..1:;•.,....•:: rErrsBURilH GAZETTE PUBLII4FILD . BY WAITS A CO PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING, NOV: 1, 1851 OW-READING- ATTER HILL BE FOUND .' 01' EACH - PAGE OF THIS PAPER. ice ebnll. einmine the rest'e article Oa the Taritinn Monday. PITMILD.I2II. AND STEMICNT:LLIK RAILROAD.— An interesting preliminary report of the "Fngi /WETS, W. MII.NOa ItOCEIVISI Jr., .Ergs., upon the surrey of- this road, will be fCcind i l in car columns this morning. We are grati tett to learn thht the line - haa beet (nand to be even store favorable than 1.1 , 1 anticiPated; and that its friends are in the highest spirits. The 'reader will also find as interesting article this. morning on the subject of the eamel road, frBnt-the North Aittericso: to which we invite at tention. "-- : ilict:nrunerous friends of the lion. illosza ' 'Llasirroswill be...pleased to learn that he' has ri -quite recirered from his late illness, a d that i.,lin intends, hereafter, (as will be 'seen by his - . .:crirdirt another column,) to devote ~ hi, entire iiiie ie. the duties of his profession.' lawyer ~., w ho consents to nerve the people in, Congthes, ' Makes great sacrifices, as it breaks in niion and neerly. Nth, a practice which it has been the . ' work of years to.establisb. As fir.' Hampton hail faithfully' served the people during 1 two terms,' which have now ezpired, we trust he, will epim;find his practito as extensive and InCra- V° as It was previous to his leavinglthe Bar Ifor tha Forum. It is scarcely necrsehry to say, in ,thig community where Air. H. te l so well known, that his clients never have occasion to /egret rttitining him as their courael. Fri= Itie Vcrt.rionuth (0.) Tribute. MCKTINO Or VIE loon Mr 11..-11. Iron been held a meeting at Ironton on Thurtabrilest, and 4.among other things resolved that they would •.,• nut, the ensuing year, make as much iron by 40 per cent- as they have been making. Ibis reso ' !Motion WAS adopted after mature deliberation.— 'The low Prine of iron demanded it as altiatter of self_ protection to those engaged in itslmanufac ture. They came . to the conclusion that it was against their interests to consume 'their stook enthout realising a fair profit upon the iron made. No change is intended td.be made in the 'wages of the laborers, but on the other hand, it • ...was unanimously agre ed: that noreduction should Ilse made. • This course of the iron men must affect the business of this part of the State, but their own interests prompted them to, and of course there is no room for complaint ' • . If the existing 0.016ra in thb stocks of mann. &laird iron were the.result of over production 'at home, the planpronosel might be well enough; buten long as the country iaopen to the exhrinit jeFs flood - of English iron, which lies imon the , canse of all the difficulty, it strike; us that the movement is a rain one. It is like the man who eat down upon the bank of a river to twalt until all the water chonldrun,by, so that he cehald get over. No o n our voters have determined that-the flood of foreign iron shall not stop; or, (tome the imigliage of the rest of yesterday rcforning,) the ..dernocracy" hero settled the principle that "no kiranch of bisiness; which cannot Ibe conduct ed open its own basis, cane/ right, itsk to be sus tained by the government at the expense of the ether business interests of the country:" there is nothing, therefoie but to submit; and if the iron liw•ineso cannot be sustained against the heavy capital, cheap money, and cheap labor of Eng land and Wales, an its own basis, it raust go down. At least the plan indicated above, antiot, in our opinion; do any good; because the4o per cent diminished make will be supplied from abroad; and whatever benefit wool:lncise fm it, would accrue - to the foreign manufacturer?. . r.--'—The inere suggestion of each 'oh expedient shows that the ironbusiness is laboring under extreme depression, and , is a. Bad commentary -spun thwinadnms of party. Deserted furnaces, suspended mire, :and idle Jeer:dives, and it may be Idingry'and rkged children, are the ..fruits and leapt:islet die late LoCorico triumph. IY.hat thold. if the plan of relief proposed in the above article shstiptufenhortive, what other plan is likeiy to Piiiwe'elficient! We corifess we canoes tell: It isq.ietho PAYstatia or-free trade to point out IC wa'fi,if escape from the difficulties info Which they .14:re.bronghtthe country; and if that shall renniVjvhe adoption of Mr. Buchan . ar.` rs 1 minalizatio 'ochemethe reduction cf the . scale of . wages. to standard.of Europe, and sArbich be said !.would cover the country with blessings and benefits,"—wocannot help it. The Iritiga are clear-of the responsibility of this mai. cidal policy. The effect of the policy forced upon the coun try by the Locofoco party will be to crash all weak 'manufactinurs, and concentrate this ape -'vies' of wealth in the hands of a few, and these . few will be able, by and by, to dictate terms to the laboring thousands ' by whom they are stir. rounded; and who will be compelled by the force of .. Circumstances,. to beg of those few the poor 'privilege of -.leave to tod." Yet these are the legitimate fruits ..of Locofoccellemocracy. In this way. and in this way only, if the free trade policy is persisted in, can the country adjust it eelf to that policy. .. KRONE NEW , YORK. Correct:Kn:dente of the PittalnXna. a;sette. NEW Yong, Eintarthy, Oct 28;1851 Save this tumal canvassing prior to the election there is little of interest in the city, and very -little caused by the election. The locofocos are p . retty well roused, and - the result is not difficult to foresee. -Thecoming'conventioninMaeeachu setisto nominate Mr. Webster for the Presidency is a good deal speculated about in this region and bas, vrithoutambt, the secret sympathy of the Union safety pYople, if nottheir open appro bation. It may do very well to nominate Mr. Webster, if the capitalisted the North are pre pared to bey the place for him, but qot.other wise,'for -be does not command, among the so ber thinking men of the Norths,his oia inthum q-sm, nor yet - among young men. that glow of 'feeling so necessary.to success. -The Pres ident,7 is to be fought upon the question gl t slavery and dodging Is useless, and the , sooner 'Northern - whip take grouna in favor of keeping slavery at if a; al . c.lll:l973l!Tirill they continence the for-. motion Of a potty inch as the good sense of all parties, Can-unite upon'. ' Wall street there is' continued 'lnge in the money market, and no one uow speaks of hard Stites. Indeed the, revulsion has been so great, ' that very - poor paper can now be discounted cheap, and .houses-whieh deserire little credit, are eabled to become large borr at owers. StoOks have n fallen hut it is only the nunsl re-action after the late rise. ',— Mist of the houses which suspended lately have made arrangements with their creditors, add go on. ; Mr. Little has made a liberal pro position to those- to whom lie owes stock diffe • reaces and will also go on. I suppose it is known to your readers that a stock contract is - good for nothing unless the party chooses to pay,and is not at ill recognised by our law The contemplated railroad in the valley of the Allegheny, looting to a Connection with New York; is viewed here by'the proprietors of the central New York and Eric railroad routes aft not only feasible but in the highest degrees de sirable, though in this opinion the Baltimore and . Ohio, and Pennsylvsniacentral . routes will •hitally see their profit. The Ea* connections just opened between the Erie road and the. Lig gott'i Gap rood is on lucrative that the Erie people are - williog to make a strike for the trade ritiortrvh, and the west and south center-L log there. The grain and dour markets are quite active., and a little good news front the other side of the water would give our shippers groat satisfaction Ship owners are very stiff now, and have ob tained full freights at good- prices. .The gene ral trade of the they rather Clacks top, but . the 'diminution - is not to an extent- to, canes much notice. The hotels are still crammed fullto the roor'snd 'still are troubled -to icconimodato • . ' • Bair/an:Monday, Ott 27, 185,1. • The only entrrivi.etne propellor enrY reached . hero this morning. Re is she cap eired at 12 o'eleolt on Thursday nigh, and he wee picked up at .8 o'clock tho next Setoreictg.— Cipt. Canard, 311 theniner..and:.passengeee , sre Nothing has been itain or bean! of dielstennv : ' or Empire. *hick left Dunkirten Tkartday lust loc. - Detroit. It is felled. tnifehefermit'donn-in ihntalf nied;:ana, erary soul. on inadT7i3hl4 ' • r . . . „ , • . MM!REMMI MME(MEOMM TEUBENyiLLE! RAIL piTTßl 3o # 6i lf S GOAD . onzaz mmHg Film: myna ANDzEreoßviruzit - HAIL ROAD COMPANY. To Messes. W. 'Milner Roberts, Consulting Engi - neer, and David Mitchell, jr., Cltief Engineer. Oarn.mcci--It ill believed to be the desire of tbeDirettore of our ,Company to obtain from you, before their next meeting, each general views, in re Wen ce to the capabilitiecof the route, betWelnt Pittsburgh and Steubenville, no the present state of the surveys may warrant It is not expected that you are new prepared to make aforrnal report,' but, as some of your experimen tal lines, bare 'been carried entirely through, you aro probably in possession of general facts which may, with propriety, be communicated to . the !loud, and materially aid them in their liberations and operations. Our road, as is well known to you, is intended to connect itself at Pittsburgh, with the lyestern extremity of the Central Pennsylvaniaßailroad: in fact, to be nothing , else than the necessary !continuation of that great road, by the shortest 'possible distance, straight forward into the heart of the i lVest, connecting itself, for that purpose, —by a Virginia section, and a bridge over the Ohio—with the Steubenville and Indians Rail road, which latter road •traverses Central Ohio, East and West., and unites at Columbus with the -, grand net work of roads there coming from all directions. It will be perceived, therefore, that the idea upon which our road Is founded, upon which it haves much of its claim to usefulness and pub• lie favor, in this, that in addition to the rich re sources of country developed by it, it will, by a single link, connect the East through Pittsburgh —by the shortest distance, at by far the least cost, at the earliest moment, by 'a route the richest—with the centre of the West and with all the railroad connections there formed - and forming from the-West, South and South West, North and North West. Notwithstanding the obvious practicability of this idea, and the neesity, even, for its imme diate execution, I haie seen it gravely asserted, with much.preteruion to authority, that the oily potoible outlet to the East, for the business of the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, is through Wheeling by way of the diempfield road. I would respectfully call your otteution to this assertion, and would request, that, in your communication to the Board, if prepared 'to make one, you will gay something (as the mat ter has occupied the popular mind) on the !ob ject of bridging the Ohio for railroad pqrposes —particularly in the, neighborhood of Steuben ville. Very respectfully, Your obedient ...rant, C ['ARLES N AYLOR, Pittsburgh, Oct. 27, ISSI. Sec'ty. Esamscn's OFFICE • Pittaburgh, Oct. 30th, 1851. To the Primitive and Director:, of the Pitisbug and Steubenville Railroad Company: GENTLEMEN:—We have received a letter from Chas: Naylor, Secretary of the Company, requestintzpar views respecting the character of the railroad • routes between Pittsburgh and Steubenville, so faras the present state of the surreys will warrant, to he laid before your Board; and with pleasure we herewith commu nicate such information as we have obtained from our instrumental and personal examine, lions: together with some general opinions, founded on our present knowledge of the topo graphy of the country. It should be borne in mind, however, /hut there are other lines on which two parties of Engineers are now engaged, and still others re maining In be examined, before any particular route can be recommended for adoption ; and that in the end, a Eno essentially better, and perhaps cheaper, may he found. It'c can only speak confidently nook, of what we hare tested, and Present for consideration the capabilities of the rostra already traced, until we have tried all that present themselves within a reasonable distance of a direct line. Facilities for, a good line of railroad across the great bend the Ohio, Nature has et,tablithed in the arrangement of the streams rising on the main dividing ground — and flowing in opposite directions towards Pittsburgh and Steithenville. choice of! rendes b he if y.. , Therere is S. -volleys of these streams. King's Creek, a an's Creek, ' and Crone Creek, running weatwa 'yin the di rection of Steubenville, and several branches of ItaCCOOnnra.l . mirig ~r IiMMiiMEIMEME this ,point, require a very extraordinery expenr diblrealid hoour opinion, from the pechliar cation, and thq circuinstancet surrounding the Atiestion of a bridge ' ! at Steubenville, this strum !pare should ziet be regarded by your CompanY ris a serious obstacle to the consummation of your project. The Steubenville and Indiana Company, together with the citizens of Steuben ville, (a flourishing and wealthy city, numbering near'y 10,000 inhabitants,) and thousands of other* tbratigh the country on both sides of the river, are deeply interested in this bridge matter; and by a judicious union of interests, and har monious action, n permanent bridge, free from any-sound objection from any quarter, that will accommodate both rail road anti ordinary travel ling, can he secured, without involving an in. vestment on the part of your company, of more 'than eighty or hinety.thousand dollars Nu in telligent pan, acquainted with the energies and lionntilgs resources of .the people! of the West, can for .1 nonmetal seriously entertain the idea that we are to he forever prohibited from hnild iag railroad bridges over the Ohio. We believe that within a few years, the commercial wants of the country will damand them, and in tones that Will not be denied. There is nn engineer ! lug impracticability— no practical difficulty., It is simply a queition of cost; and where_ great rail road thornuihroFes cross the Ohio river, rail road bridges ought to he, and if the companies con command means for the purpose. they will bp built. The probable cost of completing a first class railroad from river to river, we cannot state ac• carately at this time; but in onr judgment, it is not likely to exceed *20,000 per mile, and it may fall materially below that sum. Further examinations, which our parties are now vigor ously prosecuting, may, end we think they will, demonstrate that there is a shorter, cheaper and better route than any yet traced, though as be fore observed, portions of our present lines may be included. We have understood it to be the unanimous wish of the Board, and it is oar in tention, that the surveys for your Board shall be thorough and complete. ft is a link in f 1 great chain, of tan much importance to he hast ily thrown in. It should be perfectly welded, that that chain may never be broken. . . As the shortest and most direct continttition of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad towards Columbus, Cincinnati; and the great_producing regions in Ohio and other States of the West and South West, its proper location is interett lag not only to the people on its route, but. Ito thousands both East and West, who are to bo directly and incidentally connected_with it The local trade and travel or the rich country through which it will peel, will he heavy, and large through husinens from the Eaot and from the West, passing over the entire length of the Pennsylvania ; Railroad, may fairly he anticipa ted, and, indeed. confidently calculated upon. It is a link, short,—but from it, position en titled to high consideration,—that will form a part of the shortest and best practicable railroad route between Philadelphia and Columbus; and the .shortest outlet for the immense trade end travel that may he thereconcentrated. It is con templated also to extend the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad (in addition to theiiiine to Newark) through Mount Vernon to Marion, on the Rellefontaine end Indiana Railroad; thus coming In direst connection with the great hark hone line leading oat to Indianapclis, Terre Route, and St. Louis, and uniting with that mitt net work of railroads. draining the most magnificent agricultural region in the world. Philadelphia is seeking the best cootie, lion with Colnuthus, the great conesotratiog point for an immense business .S.utth and South )Vest gf it, this is the route through which to &than It- We state this withotefear of ',fob, tion. notwithstanding the sweeping assertic , ns which have been co frequently published dor. ing the last few months by the friends of the lierop6eld road. Compare the routes: Diskances from Philadelphia to Columbus hr way of the Hemplield Railroad Philadelphia to Greenalmrgh 32'2 miles Greensburgh to Wheeling •• Wheeling to Zsnesrille Zoneiville to Columbus 55:mth Distance from . Philadelphia to Columba, by way of fbil burgh i!Philadelphia to Pittsburgh , 35 mile Pittsburgh to Steubenville Steubenville to Newark 114 ‘• Newark to Columbus .::1 Difference 11 miles in favor of the Yittphorell Tar, With maximum grades r , t fret it:- Plead of GG feet per mile, as Pled by,the 6utti neere on the liernptield line Again, the eller Engineer of the Hernpfield Road, says in his official report to the'lloahl of 1./Irorturo ---,lt is well known tn. your Coned that the ~o/y povible. Imsittese of the Steubenville. and Indiana Rail road, will he through Wheeling and by the Hempfield road. - This is a curious and remarkable, us well as a most atartling statement, appearing us it does, with an official report. Will the facto enstain it: It is easy to decide. The distance from 13ertl henville to Wheeling is 22 mike, and from UMW! to Greensburg 7S, robing nearly 100 mile, From Steubenville to Pittsburgh by your road, 42 miles, thence to Greensburg by the Pennsyl vania .railroad 31, making 73 ,being 27 miles shorter to the some common point, show ing that the Ilempfield route is actually more than ono-third longer; and at the same time trammeled with t/G feet grades, as opposed to grades of 62 8 10 feet per mile, on the shorter route. What then becomes of the argument that. the Wheeling route, us "the only possible outlet," must attract all the trade brought by the Steubenville and.lndions railroad? " ' Surely the flempfield company. claiming in the same report, that the city of Wheeling is /he commanding point of the whole east trade of the Ohio river, can secure mare than it can accommodate of legitimate business, without grasping. for that which every well informed western man knows it has no claims and can never secure. - • - . Without a railroad bridge at W heeling, the liempfield line wordstbe acrippled route, and for a high riffrood bridge, Wheeling in one of the wont and most expensive points on the Ohio river. . For an ordinary bridge, such as has been erected, it presents some favorable fea tures, laving a bridge already built memos the Went= Channel, and an Island to the level of which an ordinary road hoc been graded from the end orthe Suspension Bridge. Ent a little reflection most show that a high bridge, level or nearly level, calculated for rail road train, is quite another affair. The Island would be of little or no advantage, being entirely too low to be reached by e. rea sonable grade. The whole brood space, span ning over the Island and both channels, mist be bridged; and this would require a much large, expenditure than a bridge at Steubenville. We tnist, however, that the Pearl will not understand us as proposing, at this stage of our operations, to enter upon a full comparison of the various proposed railroads between the East and the West. We have referred to the report quoted, mainly for the purpose or correcting a palpable blunder or misstatement which has been' extensively circulated. injuriously, to the credit of your route. Assoon as the lines can be located, and the maps, profiles', and calculations made, we chill be prepared to present a fall report, showing the advantages and diaadvantages -of the different routes between Pittsburgh and•Steobcnville. In Conclusion, we would remark that the re sults of the instrumental examinations, so far as they have advanced, bare confirmed and strength ened the favorable opinion we had formed after our,first view of the country. . Very respectfully. W. MILNOR ROBERTS, Consulting Engineer. MITCIIELL, Jn., `Chief Engineer. The steamship City of Glasgow, Clipt. Wm. Wylie, which left Liverpool on the Ath instant, reached her wharf at Queen street yesterday af ternoon., She bad a very stormy passage, and though the time of her voyage is not an'ehart oe usual, the sea qualities of the vessel have been fully ascertained and tried. 'The cargo brought over in thiti trip is a full one, and Alter° were, besides. one hundredandsixty Passengers. The line, thus for, has proired eminently sac-, cessful, and pule beyond further cavil. the class , Lion an to whether Philadelphia, with the river communication with tilb ocenn,.'ls capable of en joying Intercourse by,: eteaul Pulteta with - the ,porte of England, end othei . entmtries - on the op posite stde of the 'Atlantic. The present . rent,- ishment has already, three of the four ieSsels which are to compose it in successful operation, and they-have, upon experiment, been found to be, in all essential particulars, as worthy of pub lic confidence and patronage as any eimilar boats engaged in the same trade. • The City of Glas gow will leave here shortly on her return voy age to Liverpool; and for those who contemplate an excursion to the old world, and desire a cheap, comfortable,, safe, and sufficiently expeditious conveyance, the opportunity in as favorable a one as either Benton or New York can offer.— North Amer. - A Fannon dottatme came near falling %sacri fice to the superstition and ignorance of some of .the peasantry of France. • On the occasion of grand ball given upon hie estate, he lighted the colored lamps with which his park was decorated witika piece of ice. Some:timeafterward, as some Workmen were blasting reeks near his chateau, he exploded one a mile distance, with the aid Rs S wire and en electric' apaik. ' Of course it was soon bellered,far and wide, that hews!, in league With the Evil One. And when, a few days afterward, the cholera appeared In the locality, it 'was trianimonsly, attributed to the devil's emissary. Hie chateau was about to be mobbed, when he ran off to , Paris to escape, their Ten . `t .. _ Stir DE.. 111eLANE's LIVER , r ift an d 11,,,,,nd0g demand for tins. rah J. ttu, eared eria.ce of their eleoilenoe. reotae try them and recom mend them to their mighbera No one who has ever suf fered from the Liver Complaint, or from any of the die. •dare alit log from a diFordered elate of that organ, failed In obtaining relief if be tr).-4 I , r.NlcLane's PI110; and tho. they hate worked their m. u way Into popularity by the ast.niehine run , which they are retry da, performing head the followsng rertMeate: IltLePurao, Centre rn., Pa. April "-Mb, 1537. 51.... r.. J. Kidd A lc:—lieull..tneu. I write to inform you of tho luitinAt I hurr rreelred from the unit of Dr. Mc L10e . .1 1.1 , er fill.. 1 hare n•r,rrlr Altlietral •lth plaintml.•rt.f rrer, Suit Barr hn.n iro.rs much telwroil 1, the notnefl Pill am Auxirovi tn zoo, thrift. n I until Ili, fell/ off. , in rutin. cure: sou lom t+.nfilAht that I ono tell owitt ut•sit of them. utpootiottitilAhee of ono, u-eil one or two ilio of L 114.1. /0 , ./ •ai I Slut ,11.-1.1 her inn:, that, Any I ai' t-t.t tute.t ,he slihrte4l huh CntuPtion. t II it. ri.toolt.a, 4.1/1111i Petroleum c6y-.4 Morrr Ituunlm‘ra.r. tone of Tonal. am ar Prttnuelle.—R'. Inver lb.. attention MINN, xnd the nubile cenetxtly, to the r.•rtntrat , 1 m. Hall. of tiny rite. The rare may be pren by any ey.on rho may he sket•lneal in relathel to the forte hare rot hrtth.H. 11. li I4:11.. I lint la en 11111irteJ nereral yearn with a ooreneeoof Loth which enttllnued U , Mennue until reptolmbor, 1,40. Oiv hirammaticn at that time Igning involved the w hole . 111Ing ing.nthrune of !nth 411.1 4.101 , 11 tti the drpo•i., u the, film. which wholly Metro, ml my olght. I heal' •nageratton purformeoLangl the thickening remore.l, en. turnout .p.1.p.1 ten me in tao had • eurolition a• re At Ulm , ta.ge of the runtplaint l made application to neve rot el no. .01.0 01T1111.11. mr,11.1 men, who inferno., me mu. • guy eg would toner get reit: Althutinge I enuld net dmtlngulrh nog obyeet Ily the aa•len or nem.. Wendt. I oemmenrool the on, of tie. Petroleum. both ,t ,ally arsel Meetly, utolor winch my eye, hio.e nurture.) dun on. hl the preoent time. an.l 1 have romeenut my sight entire. general loalth wao .cry much lounmonl Mu. potruleum, and I attramtle the maturation of my right to .ta nen. I go...ideal Nro 101 Semond otrm.t, gn thin city, anal will happy 10 •ny Infortnallogi in oeliotioti t. my 11ILLIA 1111.11.10' rAr .mt. ot Inept, n ttrlnrelt. I to NUJ etrovh IL. E. F 1,11.... et trtenl Went. It. A. Fnhonstoek. A CA. tenter h 0%1 end Yr... etreotnt h. 11. Corry. th telltott.Jeoehh D0g1.1.,... es" 1 II It. ',1a.., A heath.' t ate, 1., the wo rt..., h M. Is I Elt. 4.1, In. 1 Cenot toon.S.nenth.A.. Itellettot qtly' It it truly astonhilling with what ra piattr anti tirmnvan 11. IL Forfeit's Arabian Liniment hat taktdi hied of publiv favor. A f,w menthe save and all that wno I.nnau of It vras that atn titea ett nowerful trnelletne et .trahte ertein had tondo anovarancw. t. there Is Itar.lll it Walk to let toned that dee. not It alw d ary nit ban; and rottate watil.l ever let without It who had attar-fed Ile matte patter two, thew., .11.1 lin ...WWII! pott-net In rettevine pain. wtrolik.m.ut Fall Importation of Haraware, Cutlery, &c LOGAN, WILSON Sz CO., No. 129 Wood Street, 1==11!=1 th , qr of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &..%, 111 . . It ECV,NT And wlii-l• try Air A tnil A.....nrtment of ~ ..lAhrAle.l:; Allmm. An bawl. MARRIED Lull, by It, It 1 111...1rv.. Ono - IT 11'1T: rl''. {:a l , anuiett, or tVt I:ll.l.lmutn. lat 40,4410, .1,444,41 4144.4.0. 110' 1 1 0-10, tlO4 A-0 - 44.1010 ttelorthral 4'1404,4 at Tun 421,4, 111- 110040•1 o'lll 041,4. 000, th I. inr.rnlth, at 10 ...Hort young Men Take Notice t ER3I()N, e,pecially addressed In young mro,,on t.- on, to mor nm t•tvn,r,K, tin. I 1-1. • W b. IltoW SRO wo 11 a. NOTIIER and die LAST CONCERT by I.4eitFrA YAWL). 1.111 wt.n ittI4'INCI Allckhr. ttr fur Pt , I, C. rba.k." h.llTiet.tt •ntlll tt i..1.1 IL , n I tl,nrt , rannue. A Plea in . livor of the Western Pennsyl vania Hospital. - ► E. A. CAMPBELL, 1.. 11n, elk In I. .•,rn /tritt 11. trLal. tt. attertwon. e 1 in the tene`n elmr.b. rolls .10,1 I Iris rub. a tit. 1D•Ilt1I.11 tsl.l butom,ty at. Harm, 1.111.01 I, It Its. 1 1 1rt0.c..11, Not 1.1. 1,1 N aveord'illor with [he Op.iilireilirlas of tho •,.t r-,ket.1 , 6 t0‘0f..." 07.0. +tit e. grto . ml In. .1 lb. 1 4 .I.r. al m lb. 11..k1t, 14.1 lit ..,1111 } 11.M1' 1 ,1,1. 11..1., gi, in that an WM...MINI( of Y'rf thr th-••l7rat l'af ',.10•11,uf pia, elf. al the Plhrt 04 ff. C.af.“.. burgh. ou r!P,ProLe e, ' L L ,11.,1"1:.....t0.A. - - i• 0„:11.1:21A Dtu b.!: 1;17-4 1.1 lourflt aul Henry Richardson, Jeweler, 1 .11:1 , N . 1 iti ur " 1...1 too. rn noel ulth Goo 9..11 - I=l All of N. ATiMorl• JEWELRY. sal I.SNI'I if, a r oo' 1.11 tto:alloirtir nof trona. sad co...tarts Loth.. tor.. thst soo•ng. Los ,Istolles tw roetst tho dro:. rat lo or o. osttorns arrl teak , of Jr•oorrr, istoot off to, of Ilowboo. 13rosat 1,,,,. VOU sal 1 tot Chsros. Ylrwer I,r 1005, .Illslaturo 1,14.0. 4r Ir. Faso , i•rat, ritsior Idsolir. Work. Tell., Work Hot., - Pro.. Vssory ono. Irorfuorro notr•ro , . Takao flat, trolt'a 1•••tolo, f•orto Moans,. wrosi. ',riot, shins'. 'wit sthl Vsko triaboo. 60, with an vorile,rwrkty of Iro fai %rot • rnarno.er whroir [mon only tro.to sor•n for liar oroolstoli. r No. lIKKT erg KM'. _ . Public Sale of Land. • .• trine of an Order or Sale in Partition,, won,. not tbe !heir. Court lectieny. an t.'lo , Jiro will I- eebt st liutibc en , .fue. at the einel llrnt.e In Lb. Pliteburglii on :bleb bl tine, Pibl. at Di n'eleielt. A nil 10.2 eerie.% Trail. nf Lan.l v in Veireaillei. In AI tee,. reiunly. twin,. I. aunt. pert of tin Itenl fietiete bite lieut. 1.1 Ilentainin Cnrprnu r, J ho Hirork. John Trrinr tb reinxlnlni pert-of the Ili,' E•intei alt MU Arree libt etrit mimeo re. lien. •nl Ittnraperticularlii ilitee.ribit'il in Elie lobe... Aloe, Iu limetititin In .144 (hurl, In No 0. April Term. toot . Th. PI bore tract el' lent i• ate inibie (ran ;he. Pentortran.• mile. (non Mr a m enil stint tlll. l (non Iliteliuttiti About AS .tepee Ate eli-arvil law(in • nee , ' ^niit e 1 , 1111% inzile tbe not. t•r. C. CtIlliTIS, Sherif( Beal Estate at Auction THE suhAerilter will offer the Vann 1 111 whieh In Penn treeinelitp, ten nitre Inn Itittshiirkh.st Vcitilie it netii.n. tin Thurittst. the:kith is, November. enntaitilligi Mt: Artie. of tianil. n elekrett, etal the teiliinrii tituteiroi. Irin6 leitite-n the Vrtinke • tiran the Northern lurnutke..lth kneil tiultilittF• either gritin et otork. Terms .t utle k.l. 1a nnmmrvr.• at to Wt.;rli,A . eixtli Want nut:. .11111 N ELATING. To let, extonsivn. Cosi. NIINL:s of the Marv -1,,(4 Mining Company. titneted In Alb-gutty enUtdr. 1 artland. The*. mine. am mnerally known.. yield• tno the beat bluttnlnouti end of any In America,rrevtat tole tathe ruerk.M. *purely In mutat med.-wet, Con A mutat extending from Ateemndria 0 Cumberland, mud the flattimmy and Ohio Railroad from Ilallimure In the Rune point. eunuertlng with Ohio tlstrltand CM.' puny, Belinda from Cumberland 0 the mint. tune mile,. turoash for treuepottation to markrt unpurtooded. 110.00) len* hate teen mime!. pent to utar• krt. and toll from them min*, within the hod year. and thewortynnt hme reeetntl. mode lan, addition* to their Itutilltket for usttinu out mtal to talpult the Inematong Them mines nrr nmletn rah every ennwentturt to don large harlumw. mtd will he renteel In.. to reettonelltle Apply 2tlrl'ign":tet." nol,lnt kletelmntte Ne w Vert. AR,I) o[4-15 bbls. N.., I, (Winter.) 1, 1.../ eat. by *CIIIIONMAIikR no t 24 Wood ormd..'t CREAM TA RTAR—Dr.Io lbs, for sale by no t J. ft/DD CO to Wm.l .1. • - ROOT-500 lbs. Am., for sale by n„; J 01111. VOD LIVEII. OlL—RuAliton, Clark d Ca.'s ll goluior.. Io hulk or hy tha doyen or grunt, for nplii lip , [ J !UM/ i I:41:1 GRAND FAIt1:151:E.I. TOl'a IN AHRIICA. MADAME . ANNA BISHOP'S PROGRAiIME , rov FIRST I,F7!IV'fiNTERTAIN.IIENT, PARTLY . 111 POPTIUtp.A. . ..11,1711. AlTOArtlf, ortv.A. • At the Lafayette Hall, MONDAY EVENING, NIAVEMISEIt :M. Dell, A lIAME ANNA BISHOP will be nesim ted RANI/MI. the 'Ai eolr vrnnl. Itolhtn Viollnltt! pupil A !ter ftMot, MA ESTRO A NSANI JOU OS thcl eentnent Hon.!. Mr. 1101)1ISA, MuslrAt Itlx,et,r. P11001tANIAIE: • eArur /17.tuturt, , ntor. Arnrar fMOud., 4.. 1. Itnlt—t • Setlltlitte - Csetadirtajt t Nor use) . .tfutLtm. ANNA ft/8//‘)/t 2. Teton Wel sariltzlrolclo MI Performed on tin. Vloliti by Si;rnonn It. Otroritt. Calhel, t•Street Monte.. a ttetnut ftdottwo 31.Pluote ANNA ['vamp. , 4. Voriotlons brill:mu" Our Ylulft, on tr. theme of IA Ciddlmla =MIME - • 5. "John Ati.lprnunmy Jo: . amt. - Conlin' through th. Rye," : 4 rotrb 114111de, .thaame• AN.V.I BISII(IP. • 0. Catslull'', Orval Bravura Song. As ravivaol br Mud. Anna Ler i2onotrta iv nhli got.. fliw Atm. \'•nfr part marn rate It comma, I. Pavan inf . , far Istraml Carnival of Venice. with Lls , grand inisnAnclion I , erfornwii no (hr Violin h, Yainnnnn LAVINIA BA ND INC . . . Feenrin. S.-ene Item nonineltre tierel.Seria Madan.. .V A BISIIOI . , nom prielne beehlre Iteeltatiree end I.,...titua, the runu , nr belled in the lienkeof II nadniquiver... 3. Fenian; fur F1ute......... . . ... ... . .. • ... I.. The erlrbrated NAZI SIMI; firmr.l Finll/ from tbe Om.n. / 1/.1/ or /r• MINA DI LA 111: Mlololllt....Vadonm /, 5. llnnntollns nnprovlnu. nn Plano. Mr. IifICIISA e. A Tablnnu of blank. I.l6,lntrnduclng popolmr ono. Isf Pnoniil.... Übe Prnnunnule.ljbm, In en..• . en..l In ii, Nntinned [ ' atom.. of eitIi.VICAN lil Kt. by Allnfnme ANN,I,IIINII.I'. .." - TICKETII ONI DOLLAR EACII. To le had .t the I , llvto and linen Storer, Halide, and the tho in - Ilan-oat Bodo TITO DOLLAILltroch.. te he hal cult t the 111710 Stored of Hawn, 11. It LEIIKIt and JOHN IL LLlgt where diagrams of the 11,01 may la, wen. r IlowerTel of cannot be An-unq fi &eh ek IL, on the day of the 1.4,10 XrdaTtalrunant. anoint oentalnlng worda of the Forme, thutllah Trenala twe, of the 08KRATIO heBl , lgB in Coattnne We. : to be, sold at the door—Pate ITX cerna. Lytle Rntettalnwent to counneniet at 8 oeloek; door. open att. M yo ulaiaANNA 13101101 , wlll liMIIME Law Notice. I - • -•- • HAVE re - :levied the Practice of the Law, and will &rota my whole. time Ul and attention tr; It. V,!„.'1,,`",:f11 1 11:1;o1' 4 , ff t b ; t lrmt by mutual con? , ent. hare taken JOILN nAIAMPTUN. into partn,r!hip. Oiler on Fourth. shot , emithfield ntreet- .1. LIAM I . TUN. tjet. 31. 1 St, 1.-1 oobles - Szij , RELIGIOUS SERVICE in the French Al!°.nlt 4 , ..7.1-MlYll7r. .Ito an S.ilence larger and 'more room enrnl 0, last than bin frieop In threat.... bade , pect...l. the room which gain to trim in dm II hid Church hag Men found tpo mini', and thin eerria will take place. at Union 11411. norm, of Fifth and Smithfield stmetg. The 3 , 1 Chapt,r nr John. All arr inTIIKI to n.'tend ~ ( 116 mearnre• .111 br prono-T`l far ,antion ,'‘lon of ,aid .I•rriav on the following : ,, nhhathn re.l - .!t ' ,fOtIN WETIIERELL Alanurceturer of • Parra SOLID 110 X and IIItAZF.D 110 X VICES. mr - - Holt i SALE—A 4et.trml hand rTIV I ~‘ 333..3331.. ,Pr 133 r Usual I"count r f r rolr 1.3 nrll .hill 11 NI LAM el sso.l rt Letter Copying Presses D. L m e pr Vf .,. L . et t t l 4 , lr Copping Cr, an7l money caving Liekln. anti: pre.5.4 and dampening tablet to. demded anturee or.. all preriona Inronthoto Pm the eanic nice, I .F l ' h , ;hrtilh " th. l rl r t . Xra ' r t:;!Pecer r" ; ' lrr ' i ''i ;c:it ' t ' .7h..4ccamy, , ebtammi with mom ease and much quiet. , than by h.th er ethod... m. Tim pcmumn. appliehl F.. equally that the pree. i. not liable tch break nr get nthl of order. lh. The olaamming tablet le nutoptittite for thr hrUth. paper. end wet clsth. aiming all the trouble Inci dent In them theh. Thy a pi e t may le thand grAt mlearhume with any alma.); in thercand Pm that num.* will be hehld ear ' IIAY . P. COPY INtl 11(P)Hhi. the paper or wineh Oa Ins& a nil h- hont..l on parchment turk, nob Print. .5 , Pagh. • • Ammos. Ilibberes. and 11.ricon51 eopying inks. Alen. Letter Copyhoy I're...we 01 all mlttertan now ha uw. For .ale al W. 5 111 VI.:N'M • Mont . Ilc.ok and fitationeri Worehou". ors4lr of Niorkid 11.011 rietwod Ft, t Di•poteh. Journal nrree Amgriuu nod I•oet •- - • Western Insurance Company ofPittaburgh. 1 1 A L $300,000. It. MILLER, Je., PreWd.wt, F. M. °onion. eecmtarT. "HI itxnrn nitaingt oil kind. of rinks Fite soil Blaring, All Iwuem will lw• llfo ollf odflu tßided o Ponoldf Mud. A homy I twtltution—tuanam.l hf Mr...chow who on, well known In the community, and who are determined well promytnew. ontl maintedo the chorarter which they Imre ii.witned, I.(formg towt proteetlim to thwe who .1,4 n. to he loymwd. • • . larKrov.-11. 31111er, Jr.. 0.5. Illsck, J. W. flolLows. Jr.. Win 11 110 . 11. e, Ihmewu, Oro. W. Jaelcr,n. Win W. lapplhr,l;l.lvortto Darf1e.1.3../. Aul+l..\l•.. Nank.k. r.,tx. omn, (wrarehmv. nf Sp•na & rilteburuh. Jutdly pS an elderly Lndy, wsituation'as Matron iu) rep,etable (3mily In or rarer IlnalaArgh A of thl., Rin I ha. teen Mini In J.n ntr to entire Addrora Rev John Mel , ntlnnal.lln,n T. Alltubnpy en_ 14. A Card. 1 1 11 E undersigned would tender their sin , rsrs thank,. to the Firemen of the rite for their In dewtivalfle eserte•tP , at the Oro whlrh ,leettv r ed • portion of their Flourin g Sllll. nu the Zeth WILMAKI'II A 001100 VINE WATCHES, of the ,Itost Eng tlfnera wlll4Trilrerr, noVe ilarld. etrellent variety, snit AC very low rarer Geyer Wateltee, from. .. • .$13.1 to Saira, flpilr o l er 3 ..... 21,01) . MA. All Vi Melee fear int rep...tutted. or the money no noel REP t!I A 1 RI.AII ur erevutml in the best manner. •-.,.1..1•-.,.1..1el w. W workmen Starlet rh. hr .n Ver I:nullrh and eor o er rif Fou r th _ FeTORK IN, tiltaNCC COMPANV. Pittalinrith. Uotoli•r 1 N Election for Thirteen Directors of this Inc n+. l'ompsUp, to Ayr, .1110. the VSISIIIng ,er, will le. hel.l .1 the oflice of the tampon,. on Crow Ki t , Wt. Ilth f Norenshee next, 1e... tt the hours o'eloek A SI. etol o'eloea M. 11 , C. M. 1144(1,0a. reo,l - 61 ING FLANNEL R S.-31UPIIr ituivainsin t,sys t ow openel An toner...tit of riot. Blue. ors.. Ind time Sa.atni t lannei• real 4.4 PALM El's. ~ LEA F CHINTZ &FIGURED to r Fourth iiml Starlet ...Pi. it •• d I REAM TA la A It--12 hblo. pow'd, war ottat p ore. Kr ...le ht "ray It A. FAIINEPTUCK d Cll. • ts A LA i , D OIL-5u l;nek;t. t . ti f \ , T ,, 0r1144 , 1ty (,, I LVER SAN 11-l5 bbl.. for stile by 0 .1 FA 11 PaTOCK d CO 1 EN. RED-40 10), A t.right Eng. , , , for , sale t. t i iENNA-10.11 lbs. prime Alexandria., for 13 A KAHN COTOCK d co. bolo.for sale , .1,11 SASH: SW I'. elite tirr , Eß-3 bble. Free!, Rnll, fo , r l B[lle . by 7011001. I. 011'E. v INEfiAR_S„ Itbl+. fur 4aleltv • 55111.01. I. ',AIM 9:1:. 11 I.Ask.krai-A. A. MA... A Co. are 710 W 1 00ottntt ...-sorte,l Blankets. IbLAID RIBRONS-A. A. Macro, , &~ Cu. /..nd ca:tnns rot ride Plaid lttle ENTS' KID GLOVES-Now opening nt 1/11 A fte MAP.. a io Slarltet i Lus.t-lwi 'said 14ILli FRI N411.,:5.---A. tin, have 011: 4 N1/1.1.ANNELS-..1111t recelved at A_ A MASON d (SJ: Y, an.f Starlet W., • tartli. er sap s .) ; of N l utlal Vl•n u ela few chilarena yea r c u Al Ira fat-211 kg+. fresh, reed and fur sale Jul by in+, WICK a MeCAtiI•LX-ra• I)EA:CS-15' Itags Small White, for•enle by • WICK A SIeCASpLEKS. a n ' .-15 casks sup. Carb fur sale by ICA i'SIek,A;III.ES - : Q A LT I'ETRE-12 kegs for side try %VICK a 11,1:ANlitle. r ABLE SALT-Tin boxer, for sale by WICK NI by d 111.-2.5 bbls. pure Tanners', for sale by ounill:1100. INGIIIIAM. SilocoLATE--:ll:tt i tt ,n e i sjr , ll ;, f , tt i r u tt ,a t by BICE-20 tier,. , t l, by . 1,1:1.111111..0 A 1A . 111111031. I 11. MOLASSES3II bble.Goodale's Ref. •• • st l'of -ale li t 111:111111 IlniE d 1,1/ROAM. I OAF SUGAR-75 bble. nss'd Nos. Bat 11,. 41r.. A u se nd ,1 Inu LafeTeOe :41 • le.e.eit r a Crunhtel Ouleerlted, for sale hp 111 , 1114111 IaIE IN/111U M. 11, Water W. Trees, Plants, &c. • 'f br gubscribrr oflr. re for male a - chmre .4.4rrhornt of nr• and •alurtplo Plan , 1,4-4 and Floo•r 11004..41.411 , 1 0rr40.11 y from the mort 4-4.l.brald or r r. ,a 1.14.• 00. roc la p.rt of Iraarf Prat Tr0r4.414. nor produrOce :itranh.rric.. erioncon Conc. Lore. nr Pin., Ihr 1:Inlonall • arirlt, 1.4 44141 , 11 Ow. roral thr prrtnlorn of $O.l for Ho. 00.1 gaol In cultivation, rho Ohio 1 4 p4illat., 0.0 If Nth... Wlgc•llra 1144....11noacheni.er.Cur huar. 11..pbc•rr1.4, 1/n4pa V 10.14 K.rerreor of all ,orro. Sh.tr Ira, %loin.: 1' Put.. Kw. and lloneyxurkle 4 Powcr hoot , for 1.11 Pnruhne. • ta. Pronay a, o.rrnal44 Hyacinth, Tu1ip...04 etwo. • thtlor4 addr.. , ..1 lol l llP4humb Prot 14111 re, or loft at our Han/lon notrkrt Inym, wHI h. rarclollyattended to or••••• 41 - ohlrYlrl• J/11111:8 IV Alt More New Goods. 1 A3I ES A. IrKN 111 111, No. G^_ Fourth or., 0 14.4 r.4+1,4 ok. crarond onpPlr of F. ll and Mot , ' . 0 44, tll.roajorHy of which harkc torn purcb...4 at tie lowa turHou 4.14.4 In thr raclrro rill., duroht 111. irre4l74,,•:;;Z:•!' 'Cl;nonictelt:-..?ll4:7il'4l'.';'.A:ntlfo'ntlo 1114 /Hort.. In `hurl. Tory ch,p. 11aIn I:whmrr. rprar. na.lo fly Ptah., at manufaciorre• rr,l4,lrrnrll ‘lerinor and Carhrocro, Fro of P 1.14 Um. , Ihllia. rort dchr. l • lll . C10ak...11440410v. ••• . hr. r4••'4, I UST REC . ') :It JAS. A. MeKNIGIIT'S, iv no.ortmont In1.I•• and Youth.' 31,1n° enlrt, Wrml 'local. *10C... Al,, • avg.. fu 11 c , and Trscomin, evordt TRH." of Orb. mn,l N. It —C.a. , Morrik.nto .npplleJ .1 roll r•lv , • Double Reed Melodeon. subscriber tins just 4.trinell u very Our 11.1trirort S r., with doutir tit nt rot+l,. hi toe„ rtainal par earhanit Nrrilhatn. V in Inttrunsent I. soul In row.. luanr•tnall and in .upertor to It In point of wor~lne/, a tun, on.• paelly to rtorol 10 tont, 3011 faty Int trantportnig.. It r xprrottly Intend. fnr Liar In church, and orttog Inwprln , lnorli ,refer•ltly In MIT 00,.r 1:10.mo:trot 'flu+, irlohing puirl.a.r.• an Inotruniont of the kind at, rrgpret• fully In to rail ant ...coin. the ran, prralout WO. Ir-ing nitro array Unto lb* sk i.toilowrilirwarrroon, haring o nito,ti rongretnalon in dlr. 11. IILEIIKIt, rule Agrnt rrtirt for the original maker.. Carflartl.l. t Nrrilloint Shriver & McLean. Fligir, Produce surf Comma's. Merchants, 11111APF.LKIIA. tIONSIGNMENTS of FLOUR and Pro / duiq.orrsllr. !111 rem v.. prompt ..... Ition..llo r 1,L1...0 , 1...urr , 41,415.! raUgfactlum Annamr..ualb leon n.,14 ..1 lIIII* of lauling wh...1 , 1r•a. ILI., 1..-.-Me...11 , Hampton A MIII.r, PiC , Lurgb. Mr. Franr, C. it/CI, . Cr Al.a. I.I4uALIIEL .. Mr. Semi. P. Slam, •' tor•ILT I B Ull'Eli:-50 kegallo. I, .1 ILIA Hull - 10.1 rred And for Mae I.;y SAMUEL P. sum vett. i Alt D--5 bids_ list reed and for sale by (IteZi SAMUEL V. 81IRIVER JAM. GINGER - 5 lob's. for sale by 0 , .., , : It. a. SELLER:+, 57 %\ w... 1 vl QOOOTKINE ALOES - 2uo lbs. for sale by i 7 or2'. lt C. SELLERS. . . 4.1 UG AR LEAD-400 lbs. for sale by 1:y 4,.., I:. E. SELLEIO • !fi_I3ICICED GUM AItABIC—ISO lbs. very handaom., (Or .1.. , 1., It. E. SELLERS. 001 V. AF..CXY. PEPPER—e casks pure, 1 . , ...In b, R. E. SELLERS. A r EN. RED--'_'o bids. ( Eng.) prime, for sale v Lt . 11 .5. satteits. 1,1 1 P. SALTS-2 4 bbls. for sale by 1.4 OC.J. .1.•:.-C110ON SI AKER ACO • A LUM-30 bbls. for:sale by. __. ! J; geIIOONMAREII A CO, liiLUSg. BLUE— 'boxes best, for solo by eg-es J. Se,IIO4IN)IAH KR k (V. r LT. MAR. ISLUks.-Ii boxes for sale by , J. scIMONSIAELFJI. A CC, . T - ' • ILI E;47R . ED -15 e . dsks (Eng.) for sale by o-2,1 J. SCIP.H.oritAKEIL a co 110 kt lIITING - 10 0 .bbls. dry - and fine, for V pair br J SCIMON MAKER A MI, . fIOSIN-50 bbls. Ni. I, for solo by 0,73 J. t•CHOACSMAXEE A CO. , tiMP:LOOM:OD-100 bbla. finale by ), oeZI , J. EGMOONMAKER. k CO. ITANK PITTSBURGII STOOK-20 shares • Rem J. B. DILWORTH it tO. , Lots and TornpilrO,Sack for Sale: ",, \ ". lITILL . lie, Offered at \pliblio - Fale, rit; rii\ V ne. Ci rt ilt ilmtm. On Thd..X.,.illv 7th of Pkrtem bee, [me Got of Wound on thr VisattingtOnTurnPike, throe ' Miles from tit+ city. CGbZ:K.tt,M.PvItIdI they L... ntd` 'tore hno, nip.* IIf• In lat nitoittlim..nd or tb.' MOM. din:windup, as the at , . on which I. erected a nr• ' 11 . 2 ' ,:7i11e nunn dkno and \illas..---11, ,itimeno of l ip . burgh And'fltontoolillo Inrnpl ot•tnek. Term. of Fip . \ j:-. 1. : 042 . p. r • oozslo . A•oiookoior Jo,moo 31cl/0ut...1. L. H. MOLASSES ' —'_'O I.Als.\Bat. Ground, 5..7 o roo ' , at,. by 3,431XY,,.D.1.1.7V1,1. 1 i 1 LANCES AT EUROI ' E, in Serie , of N. 7 1.44.1pr5 from Gnat Britkln. Fruo,r, . Italy. : 4 wltNer. 17:: 1 11 '.. 5 ' ;. r x i tY.I L t i r• S . '' ArrIgp l e.?!: ioe-dop sr-v- or ..,.. at 114 41,51111 1. . oppo,:ite the Pert OM,. ..., rw.2, .`,. Window Springs. I i IIAMMONI) hies rmralri . roturnedlo this II . a,. .n.l , nott-tstV hint'nll,knr..ll f.uper'ior M. , VI .. and 1.011 I.lt d i ll I ,r...j tott Itihd.. nt rin.1...n.. 1,.r 1....i.m.: an.l nt.ento, ..m - tx.th.th,..” , ..,r t.0.1'11"..r. ...I. II II wa- nut to, 1,..,, .proays 141.11'4424144v4 1 /I.lr, -l:. in l'it 4.1.111,14 nod •41,n1i '. ani Int\ ~ ...o rocnotil'o, ntno..turlng nod kprlyio, hem oNer 20 yr.r... 11, thervfnre thit.n. him..if I.E. ronahtl...pt,i tn,th,.p. nr........tact10n In the 1 , 11!)11.411. 11. wt,rrsot.thlo,ringy not . bn.nk nr In, their eboneit . Rod har Sprin..• .ott. , \ \ elle lor all sire. of Win...... Ile }rill roomln .Itzta.or ten .Inr , .. at the Red Lion lintel. St glair arr,.,, w i,.., order, mar be len., ,I th.. P 055 UM, Itis,,ct.kble re/..r..nr..... sir en \ \ \ 0r2,3* N o nT . I F , i , .. „ r i„ .. ,,,,e .f r z ,by, ;. ...iv ,:r n,, 1i t . ,1 1. 1 ::::... .. n .. n5::,: r. 0 ,, 1 \.1.,, on th4,4nck ,- .f Om Eurvka MininK I' •m' as y. t ynble at tlnt Mike of lb. C. , mpany. In th.. On ~ ...,I`ittohtria, nn mond*, December 1.1. 1)51. ' Hy onl•r of the Doan! of Ihrtortms. \ JAME: , N. eilltlrl:Y. re.PO7l Sewro.lnry onj \fr,,rov. 1 0BACCO - 16 kPgAGe.l'p NO. i \ 111 4111\r0 r ' and far .•le Ay 1851 Hops. 65 BALES or Fir 4 SDrt r Eastern es -1""'s. "Ir; i r n .Vaii7 BUTTER -1 ,blc. Roll; „ S . etal Platk,l; arrinev. 'Ail DALAELL • g.l.trAk. µ•r meal •.a fat sale hp SPATE MintAi FIRE INtIERNNCE COMPANY 11A 1:11ISIMI:U. PA. hESICINED noly for the safer elaqff!. of nr,,,rty. ha. nn 1,10. rionftal, xn,l ntn , rde , snonri• or oArantagrn point :,rrnlAty n..rommo tlAtlon. to ca■ .4 renal, turrnbant.. AnAling, nnA 1. , 01mtr.1 or muntrl Itfpe Ana onno, of A. A. I.AKRIV.It. Actuary. or:: Itlsnrh (Mc, tin 54 enalthli.la Pit tAtirgh Orleans Ingtrance Company .11.111/11'. N I CAPITAL, 3150,000. Nrrcured rn areortian . , with Mr G•ntrirl him rant Lot- of the Stole. THE . 416 m• pntspemuß and regronsible Company. liasoor r0n0.04.1 wilt) thl reo.O.Won• of 0., law of now iouing Agent on tho mort lavoretno tron, roooMent ..P)rh pro. dr II. and - O. NICII./SON, Prox4rnr. IL S OrtO(.l.ol.'Srerotar). °MO.. No. st multhfi.o.l A. A. CA AgenL • . _ New Music. • {ea ONGS sting 9 by Mira CATIIARINE IlAYlm\ I Y Cowie harp the twewt rephera rowan .. Th. harp th3t o ne, throolt Tarn't hill, taiirA to m. Mirir; !UM} lIY .li.Nesi LIND. AT HE/I VONCF.ItTS: Moulte throustl. tee Itr.., 11914:aim }and r., ,,,. . Auld Robin Urn): • !little Ited Rulina Ihml. tae Dome. meet tiomm ken Irma tb. otoqr- Tim Cavalt.r. The L-reM.Vrar.r. with nt. Th.. If emnak.. • a.m.) to th..l Ale he S Glover: Ca hw roller lA who: Ilymn—...Siatera Arnim the hart. gently. It) net, we all are wartnt." tttlbot3; Why do :Mmrorr Ihree Wel Th. Inn Wart: with ea'orot plat, ~ 0 a ...t Anne of the Val, Freent. HMI., !10wer...1,1- Tb.. mother, MM. I I• 11 mid lilmmt.r I'M tia Call me I.4.aaram, 1111ratle 11 lila. }Hamner. a,', 110‘, , tv,i Mot tm mi. 1., \ .1011 A kt. mEu.op. .., m.:\ .hi Wood otrei.l.. , • 11 .4 1 LORE NOE W 111'MT-A be:lupinl gloss ii: Ithit4 7 Paint, that I. unrhAnaeable In tt,,- chalet.. It I. lotemted for parlor, etemiaboat and .hip ort.ina, toe' tutor, de H ith ill'• art Kl. fun In , pro.ltwrAtfirLMLoA ye.,.,.! Hotel, ln purr seasm WI univalwl.- hnatto. 'wtng wlmuw.ahlt , of • pult•li. 11 r,ulrot. it s f . ter the ta-ha , mod.. V, Fah..ha .1. KIDD 01. fle e W rod at. \- - V OT,ICE.—The pprgort, %Ili,' look—it is i 1 gta...l- in - ani.tol..--i t f.uut \mf atom diar.oo TM. ofm evens.. mark.d . Htt. - Ta.t.,are‘4, K. 14.11ne,' ix t..0...4 m return It. a. Im orotentAare , aluat.to onle It , lb.. owner ,/,‘,7! I:. F.. ttY.LI,.III/t1 : Wood -. IL t \'' t II UKWHEAT FLOUR-2S titteks for sali! 11 It, •: 1.,..; i . WICK ali CASa.LESS. - I)Uit!IAN i t ,,,, CIIEES , 1. , . , :-!F0 ,.., 1, , p.. , \ ll(7.2 . e v p . 's , \ N ''''_.:'-'1 f " '''' ''' • u ichi , .e ‘t.-h.\ &N [V9 =.. it IIIkiESE—GO ha Cream CliposeV2:ttt I. it , n it Jug rr,'.larAl fi ea..hl 11 . 1(l, .1: llriaNkl..l:. S A LERATIJS-29 elisui p eleciiland: ~ . \ 1.•.,..5l ern:••11. I. Fak c, lal. I • ROCI) LATE —lOO hvik' fresh reii'd sinqiir II il . k s. ita'a;inuis,., 7 , - Ni A ,, T1....1.1 , 1. t k; , 55 - , , tlL k ACK I i r ' UT , The I`,.ill(ta . :l\ vi,,,,f,..,:z1 r :: ii i t xu•k.; ;... ..; . 11,0 . .a In any c 111,:i... l• ran n: :tn.. recil al.nlnr.tn. 7 Vi e, •• 1e • 1. ...T . ' A F,1,1,.., 1,!s; ‘ I.:A . V . EN ''S , ;,N', E PE' I sett AY. PEPPE —3l.h ;i ' . ' l ‘' ; l FAll:.V.,tis i BIER. (AY. I 11,4.. - 1.. by II .t I.llllit ST.:I;P: it tA NA RI'SEELI----2 11 1..1. 1 1A. for 'laic ‘ D. A FAII •• I,TiCK A I. 1. d •LA t'llEß SALT'—lb I. I s . far sale i . kW .ie,7 tt. a , eau': . 1, 1 . 1,41/i A,'! , . iii r , ASTII.I . : F..1./A 1..---Th bibrrs 'lyr sale hy II A I.,11:11)", ',411:3; j, C . . i ra r• a r.e.• At • ••••• .--t..cs • -.51.1 la \ 11:r sal': ly!, V re.....: . h. A. VAIINCrYI IT.. eir _ I . )E.:iIi.LS--L3 east, for sale by \ I ,--2, WICK A MeCt 'VIA:, To the Public! , r ,,.. unilerFigned, having taken th ' tare. .... 4 No- CA Nlorket elreel. late:) . n.eulpletl hr J. re A. N e - ,1 1 .11ri. are nov re,lvino tbevr ....awl 1,1 14 ,1 Y • ,/'all and Winter . 1 .1: 1 1.Srenn• 1 • 1111 1.: In rar, A. "ha , ' SltK7.qt l J:na '''' . ' t:: ' l ‘ .al ' n ' en ''' l ' e k ' .27 '5 . : fl' ; , i: l' i lltcr: 1,::::ho. 1,n:: an 4 Mme ' - Hl"6<. I.Asal I.nng ShantA le Chr1311•,... COilur, ..1/11, \. .5 1 ,--A Alforlior :dna ' , 121 Iltalfa: and IL n0e.7...tr1e .4 I.IIA)AIiS. The [1.10.602., of the 1 1 , 1 fn ail. ;c::- . 2.1A•r. , Read This. AND MEND Tim lI.Im ..1 IitIMR NEIOIIIIOII. TWO of the be,t l'ateriti now !.efore the k . public am niTered fed c. e he I e -ohntrlter. and run I , seen at the drug slur , of A N U eh:I.II , IIAM, rumor ..f . oed and .nth street, Intlrhu h. l'n. The one is u Machine ter rather-tun •71o.r..xtni Ir. rho . ma— n . ..eh needed ht he farbters as the rlntth or. ‘hrerhlngtnitchinr. It Dill gather (nun ten to.t.eire scree ny . day, till, one hare and nee man nr Isurt,tat Indet err •ad-httch nrleen'. althout Ctatier the gr., all Vends brie Mohr, •1111- / ont threslaton--surnan all Inc urtsl and thtlee-Gulttlt of the I Irde•r. lhe ether is Just At %Finch needed kr the merest, We cnrunsund,. A lan, hrrrnes. or uterrhandl, .0 le taken In earhan, tot lIEN'III SCHREINER. uf Iteir. PA. - octlAntr tittle Agent lit the Unged lat... lI II ,... tie t. I . II:. , A Ib SHAWLS . ! 1 - o, N i lf i 'e ., i ,.. nv „t i ,L te , ; \ !- , lle .s, .:t i t z , rer, hateludne, In n . mod retna•e , its.rtni rettetuntel, rmived. Millidli d Ith Kt:link:LAl, ...en., if Market and Follith tlrle. GENUI NE WELSH FLANNELS! -\ A ruppl, nf the they* goals. nutrhasesl (rem. the \ I tleter. arrl Ising the ustne article that ha , given at . satirtzetunt to our custninetu bevelornm. ha. Jusywett rt ri'j`Lh ,';i, - , i7',',:,7,:;;; - .",;'X',Wlt,;::"Vr,;: - F',`„c",`,, , ,,,: . .., E ,1'' ell aorortment ne racking Vlanuel• ~ ,1.131:1•111 . A DITCIIFIELI, 1411S1-1— It. Al In Ira} , Xu.d 31.1..rrt: .Irum• New C411,h, 15u 11,1+4..t.,11,.. ,- ,xlmou sn.l Wldirtish. and tor. •alr. h. • qr . :A ,ffius lc AiT•te Llbcrtf . FISH- , 1 ...„, e41 b'y.. L, , y, „ , , :',,, 3111Y . .ten , : •' tt , \ • - \ '',1 , 1o::: *..;• '" ". - V ‘ 11150X .. ..6714.FT:::7. ,b' g i liOl'Etil E.SII c— •\ v.) 1 1 i'lto t.,... Ills (\, \ Ida. N. C . ~Tar.. ~ At ..hr...b , Tea, ~Lsra e. tn.." , Italitp, ..:, tty lane. - ie , bble Cut Lnvanol: I:, hart Pepper, e.. 5 b!vs.. Cht , nhttr: 4 M.P., , 2 t.O•F hp•r•nt .SAlt!: \ I hint. Mulder. ' I doll Corn Itnx - dc, , tI reronna ... Y. Indian: , .0 by! lrlnilna 01aat,.....d; Omen,. /Ora. r" , I '4 0r25 IV I IF , iN. .II LH k ' CP.', IT INEU Alt-- 50 bbls: \ saleby `. V .asl no Is IN, LI 'ME I. CO:.. 1)11.1 ., F , ....1) PE ACIIIIS K --4 .,,,,, t , bf i f i tr s . al i f; o bY , 1 1 V, AILS—S.. I kegs ass'd s .I \ .tp, for , r ale be ~..,, s .. ItOrtl . , , tlN iiTTLF:* CO. Ifilili I RO INHISO tons liens , 'Petek Slotal; \ so , stoo. , \ - \ Fs, ..,1, , by ollos. is. LISTF i: a C:A % \ "-, 1401.ASSF.S & Sit:. ft— \ um U. N. I 4..1,.... \ CIS ". '''''' ll . 4l ' iAl. ' l . .iViilNt -' 6. . . .. \ In IxOro Orotn• XI and,t , re\i, tp: VII: ke 1 4, r1: IN. " .. \ , 1 / 4 ~artnehint. l \l., , nue : - For red ‘ e\ ki'l C0R1.405.11,7/: • CO. f. -SO bbl.. T 0110.2 1' Oil; AV!..n ' . ' S ' l Itml - toe elle b •0111,41A,\.11 tit', ' ''S.--.50 1.1. s. IN a for rule by ik 1 ° , l :,..A B''L A ci/LItEI..N . A C :'., . 19 ' 1.1 ?"5' 0- li,. 11. :110LA?i.SES & G0i.DE.1.,.51:'110,11 - '-L ..._7. jro .air I , ‘ \ A. CN , I.IIERTFC . : 4 Ca...... IT IN EllA If--1 1 N bbla. for\ rule by \ \ ~,. A. CItI,I,It:ItT!CoN CO.'tCO. , \ Bil'AN.l": —5 ' 'A Z ... W r !l u . I L iiii ‘ sti .r s r . 3 f ' s i ff , T\ n , ri ' Y' ' . L . VI ANUFACTIIII El\ TO liA ("10_-1501,,, , iv," ,bolse brawl,. nn handlond int- ou. sr \ ,us . Ay CULlilifffestlN 4 CO. A, I AT ENT TI IRE All- I" ,ofHslbe \nil purtCil 111_ dirt.. from the tuanutrta , an.l tor Pale nt prireA 1.., Nutt oun , haaera rels C AIItIFCIINOT. 1 _ .- . ... .(i()Ii.N STAlteii , --.300 ii/. , a clioikf old- j ~,• u „,,ur.rtnr,,l expeemly Are thetie tand r IlueeT F:11,7,7 - " ! ,';',. - "'n'. , :i 1 ..Yin',..:7. 1, 1t.: 0 :„ ° ...1.".' b ;„1,'1T" z .d \ cued rue ' . griddle ca ' ken. pneti,..,co, ar . I aupin I 1 tow P "k' !t ' 'l"' f'" d'"'" J '''' Pi. i1 . 1 ' ;...C. 1 1 ., r ‘' 1 ...,,' 4 , , \ 1 NFALLIBLE YEAS 1; POW I. llt—Wart , „,...4 to make 11.11,11., impel, ~ ...d con..eq onth . nuttii, nonsUrrad, when p.tx t- Ib.lir C. 14•4 A full , 0+,004 .O. t ,m(taiO•11 evil parka., Foe Ral,,by ...es J. BIM! .11. )7.... orl )V wig. WE Are instructed by theorrners clofre nut the Ibllnalnu ‘.oncla at endund rate, a upon 6'"r=llir IllaT i nte n t ' lVit ' in " : ', 2 .... Ore lhaL - ”, in pail, 2.. Crib Illanketa. Oehlts,,) " \ J Jens, blue and arren. , MltllPllk.s. Lee. Tollifle o-1 . 00 boxes Stufrousntl\f - S's and su. on cdttAlgatit.t and tar Kale by 21 JoLltl WATT 4 C.). 1 oc esafEß::7B bags prime Itin, arcivi%nnd Li for .1. b! . , JOHN MATT A , _ --- .. —,.. it uTTER-1000 lbs. print', Dairy Paelr ' ed - , il V fur suf. Id , Jolt:: WALT A CO. \ - ..... GLASS--ttOU.loxes \ Window, aired gra. LA fur sal. Ls , .....foltx WATS e . cp. M.. I OLigBES- 410 bb e. S. IL Syi*p, fo• .101, Dr -, •` \JOHN Ws' TOBACCO, sx— OIL ROSI:7-11 , \ ... •-..._,.....,,,,,- ~......... ~.....z4"..:-....4..... 7 7 "\STZ' , V, r •- • ' „ \ \‘, \ ; \ \,, , \ \ \ • CO3IIVAURCIAL • PUTIIou Anziews.—Advkxcismrnto 11.1 rabwriletloos 11,t't bAjukper'ctiPiyed pis , xirtust: tram 1 , . \ati, ~ .7.' MOVENZ2i(TB ' ' at OCEAN , IkTSAlit she. , , . 11 • IS, \ liTt, BAILING TO AND VllOll TIIE UNITED STATri. L, , ‘,, ~ • .‘V . 1 " i . • ' .'ITT 01.24,LASUOIN". Lentela far Pluirulelphlsu. 1 ; ') lt l Y , t c. ii i C ' , ! . ' ip b t . • 9'. l' N trlt Y'rC ' '...-----' 47 -- :A 1 r:l..I I IU1. "- ' ' t fa t ten , I I ..... ......4r n ,I,TIC. n,.,:* 1 : , 6n § L Tork'..7,::::::::::.:... , ,sllim.:ro N , ' , rd. hum tlrettam .... •..4 . ...- , lA. tcnc, ~,,t ,, ,,, , rur CNITID •01,.117, 1 , 4.II.ANTIC. Herr, hum 1. Iturt ... ... .:I. ... Go t ..,, , t ut./1111A. ahanninr,trArn Barton ' L I'..NIAN.N.IIII.ani , .eitremen ' Nor I oK I. ' ' l l 34 \ I t ' il . l l c ''''''..t'irY;,:'' ', . V., 1 . 2 All (luau Vol fur luvortA.l. nuhau otherahu.•turr.l. - 't` I, I IIIITIIKII JoNATIIAN. it ' (l%vi,. ..,' (at 7.. t .111 fetter, and Natrona:a'', na.r.und for lecirboral. Irv. Irail. a7s.l Sea laud urr ranttt.re r . tra , t rtrtanur.M , nutter n/ what line. 1.....4vr. tuthu Cm:Mentor litur. .brF.the CnlllAr Line. muut I. prepaid trernlo ono cant( in rate. •aorrt tor 1/01.,1 , karra raln/rod . lar. saanauln'rall. 1.1.4au 1.. tie Cnotinrol or 'Etat. 4 '4he Cneard),b, .0 pmet to prepaid ate crate• AIO4 rrk In uraUala liar aer raattirai to tu. prepulll In ftlll, s , \ . , Lett...lir tha flarrr Line, alma tahr nardltrrentr font ...mt. rot. hult...uno.. Inland Portage to I.sa.l.lrrl. earopt In taut Britain,' \ \ 1 Nrartartera IT either Linn, tn the I.lo . ntlTnt, must I. r.,./. 1 .1 lour crut....,b. 1nia...1 Youtiara,rnurt ho added on Lettair \ and Selena 1. Eh. Continent uf Nuropr, tor thollarrail Haman `Line , , . . . PrI7SEIMGII, MARKET. PA-ram:man '(ial.ara ‘t 4 , aturtlar marnspa.4;ov. L TlOn7narket yesterday was withoutiany tbihg snarkoj Bu ~cleararal a a arnataii• chars:tot, a.Ei It ao rimpaa al priers. rir.,,continue. In fair . 'tinge a for 11. mailer ehun FNnon, niN quite n svpearnxp• •rm nrr., on It,. irttn.rf . - '1 , 041./11—The rreeip4 hy rliv , r viareamtparatively liol. end ...A... , were 113Ontir .11fillNi lft 1111.013 late. :islet at \ the t. rof 1.1 bhls al VI al cx';l vs, llai'fron •MROII '4 'V . .n. an 1.3,1 n lots. at FR tYv,ll3 :::, 1.)l:frail:al a 3 37 foi , ;..ttra few , y. brands: hale,' (mai slot, r ...onflaell to small lola aVlir aatlal rat, A, 1337e:150'pm s. L aud Tura 1 • concinnop in cow renoLost, 6s, 7 15 , kr , ye , .O and Birlry 5 , ,c hu: Sake 01,450 hu9Shato nt a tucti I-thc rains rnte from snrt 1 /5 1 )C1:1111", kttlr, 3 V I l cott at Ot in,Vaal& !init. 50 t.L1,1:1-leana Itlolataes. In tan !att. at :15 1 Init . .. Sale. 10 ha..l. Mtn Con., in twu lota. .t 5!.. rrltir, time. rat", hire at 5 . , 1 4 r jl th. In 'malt lota. P lll, V l slONS—Saralles.atn Iltaltni, and lave no t lame 1" rynott. 'Plain Lams are Arllona at I.4,lirti; baarrd Inc; .uokrmrlut Itlis.3.2 , :ahooklere Stirdt.tie 55. Larl nominal at tW l !..e. 1 1 01.4 tp.et at : Inv 515. 111. 1 2 - 1 1 /11t—W., malty • r .51E0-, doln# at fur En., le roll. anti tit,. In (4, tk N 41 don to;, :Art:mile,: tp quality. (111.11.15K—5a1e...7 10 bra In 'lett at c.,,,1tn!,46%, P. tuanntart.r,laa rvothmo in do *Hata)' Vtnlistrar, with oak.. 1.1.11 they - ate. at the fallnaln gg 'r {zr 1,1 ...I 1, • I' Ll ...... 'qllpll . 0711••ker• tinmou. - ed - n I , l,nlTuL:Frai and prim. \ire ratter co. the tleelln•. Vcattote (nun nag on at SI f,:k4 • 40bble eert tied. iq late. :it 91e \ llFS—l'valrle em 'Anew at ,;(all, Stir ie. A•b ~r P m. withiatnnlr aur . , 4 1 1 F.F.`• r wl)of at SZ lAyi::7t bbl, ar to.nuilit areal., north 12)a; Timot y$2" , Y bu. elort eke ,nerall, bai4 aborr tae market. In ararctroatinn higb•q• name.• • MONErOIaTTERS. . , \ \ New lota. Oct 25, r. a. 'l here is we new te.i ' tnee in the money mirket. -rteetion pub on a greater agandanco o ff ering on roll.— Capiml is quite 11,aly no fi rst New. ercnritievat 7 lit rent. For good paper t met. abetter demand tiles 'cupid) , Pe r arm'. names 2e, • :veto. eecond rinse 124•15 ilea t. Mr. Little's e ditorit pre rierallylaceepting \ Int inoro•lti ,, n of .5 tlrment. but it Uwe. with arms reM- .als. The st 'vet, aa \whole, look. Vpon it 'at • liberal 'rill-tn. rii. 31.,5, C er,el.ur`, Stearn,. d. Co. we undo,: 'land. fir , ...stling at 5. on the el., at f.:.1 2 end 11, Month. 1... e . -t s Thotiipron..t Co atr no •ettirees.ot > et. and them ci \ I. ',me dirt atohetion . lie state of their,ithilrn. Shan e. imam e Muir herr nos h a Jett for their general creJi b-re. nu A In . ..ably nothrin. , the seemed fltdoment. held . .i.r Sler.r. Warrvu Moran Co.. the fare mortgage . 'foe.se. il.tru,r nwalleming a the sawn. Nothing deci .lve. ha. hewn done In relatlonsk. Mr. Imlay. Min, hut it 1 , thought that some arrange Ment will soon the made.- 41,..0rn A ri,lo. a Co. ~ n nerted , witti hint henoarc going navont. their reentler biponee• ve, i ih!mlihtterriaptiOn. We ve previously announced that rare Per knoi - Ltrimke e C.. avert. preparing to ...lame ha, es. 7 , 1, htirgere of 1., of Xne, hie Unilli.laillied 1.4 at 10. 35, aLkl , anal ,5,11116 1.11 probalilvi a be nompled t.y t h em °tit, °chi+ rmititors. is ,,,o ' The Pcrtemonth Per lark Comit, have twat at. Ste if nut ti..., whole 0 the interr.t. on t r bonds, whiclowa. n.... how:, Mrs., 11Mb-ter. e ff orts c. me lo ticr4dar ment wi'th their rredarne. has, we. Italicre tern unstig-' er..1e11.-1 tilbune. . \ 5 ' , iIt)GS. \ \l . ... ` 1 , ... Th.. i•inAnnail li..rte nays that the makket remain% ;Vrtet. and lltai nktontrocla took place on theVth. The lotiowlng riten-t of a 1-tone dated. llaajsou. Ind.. I , 111 '2l. to a beam in this city, wt..'-••\o sale, of lona 1.. r two ‘e,.,,.ks raft ..at `, not a/x,nt. the birilent fir of . . ,- 1..:!' , .... , .i. in , .._1.-•' . A0za , .. 5. S r ..,. „,,,iain'a , ,,i",i - hmit..,l tear thle week. and no ladark La, evenin,. nearly or on,. 2.0 head bed been slaiuti. ' '' eat ;`NtetTP:g•ZJr`po',T 4, ,.. 7, l.l'o:; 7l rt!i'Z— b ii: , ~i manner. , W.. paver , knew Coo ma lief to open tri .... uch ii.ifferenee. pa rtlenlarly RD I, OLpirrfil bfiY(Li ~i \, ‘ if tau , into tr.oceunlng roason's overal.. s with mom than hidr. ki lt, bres annual amount of mu . S..mr, and In ari . l if , ajlijilr am bolding nu It. liv e r y, ining to . o reen to nr.tre.• prier fire fatut delive whbe a hre • have mot i niers to fill. or boom and rani In ~.riisui lotion, haviabought sparinglY• 34 2 .0 4 N ) . Hitt 1 p• far a+ . wo are able \to le. there fi tires are not to be taken a.. eriter,..n of the market. 'for Vor desirable. lots ha. e been ffort.l. 'von for deli, erY„ln Decemt•er. Cl less tban 14 C 2 TAI 75 and Ea Is melt Ass. IIY asked. Parken am it. dial •e to meet ouch prier, d without ri,rno- , . i bloc ehould ronspire tel abate the 'titre ~, .dente off obler, ' \.....iihaum.. lb slew. of bity rm. vre ant a eery back ward em...i. et far ita coutmeta am a-aliened. lip Will. resent writing cdo not believe that 'hadae been . p.ha...0 or cont 510 I, in any eh or form. and rut herr before f fed. unleas roam hange taker Plami In novision marl,;., roan and rear ` ., shil.] no dubt. ~a light bum, a t o rerurt thronahtst .the present, nanin.vuouth. . binnibar I.)li,lsraetictr earl: 'he bind,. mwo.learn that no big. twee bren,Par- I roll be ohmlncd, but feeders tam bolding login, meth. bare Iven \ l sold hen. at *125 forlorn , The tarket la • n t e decline. belt In Nitrupe and , nevertheless thp pork market's I:mind:idly bent in .at. WI t lbe pre of pork will nettle ~, , • \ 110p5—Tbr d roma at AI . la • Y e, and the tu.ket if , at th Meent imprtVuen ' Sa4 .tald teat' , :ht. IV* learn t tha In Otsego co ty lathrs ore eer ie. roe for grcal lo arid ern tc, Inc II offering atthat (ali,. Sales in Neete,Yark were Warde:The eke* of el. week at :Cc. \\ . .' CHUNTLIWKITS—Ven dollar bins, nrporVng tote on' the bank of Sevroury. , ,Wells 11.171, tit .i c fr... ',mare, Nllchicati tank , are in ciretils n. e vignette re prelenb. tbree Plata., • T b.„„,..,it Lem r plant mintli, having In her ha d • te., who the Int It +a I i lir bacn.round. On the h. , 1L 1.. , a female. tignr, aring a , t . per of scale?. With a row of , arrols and *thane toceno \I thp Wee groom!. The Id .car, gully hid e hal by Vie letter Vin Vermont. whir hit the richh(takt stem P.iiv e , inotewl of tbnlen. it la, wryer. well cola Ito .1 Iv, I ... \ unterfelt five dollar' bible n ‘Ore Clareinnot—li lino \pnbire.-;.henk are In cireulatk. •. Check lettar`4 piy Lee t.Z ( , , Farwell, daied 'April 9, ISCA., Signed Grit Drip .veh : Arahrtwe Cawslt, Pirshlent-V layette! say Vat Um L. , they e l ever (fen. and, motsertnently the,' hold.. I, \wain, deteetlon,—,i Phil. Ind, , . A new kmlwion of counterfeit noteti been IltiAir tri twee mly\ They are of the .ttenoraineta of I:. ll o tint Lannistsr lutnk, and dab , ' 2:1110 Way, 1141. tiFed by it, Itichonla. hnlhe Castdur. Thm ,engmViog \ke Pmts.. end ' he 'err ptsok . en that their erturtems cha%icter can be driven:lit whout dilOculty, • . —two l ux s i .r sic rl 11, public en , in, US I,KTEIt 4(.0. 1 . LX, ,, n I A , r :, \I 1 , nne I.m. g 1..1 I o t tbi. e. otr , 11. It L I• No st. k PORT OP PITTS:ROAM - , -k . . Itirra..—There sed , fort ,111riehe. Iv eharaielh7 l o . ,th , mart. at duel', biet ..?iittia,lo.l falling , . \ ie tlilCll. . \ .I.lloKet,linevir% , :AlcErarisirt. '‘,• Atlantic,. Parkin, , lirdertieellir. i ' -, - The. Shrierr. Mail .ltl. Nevin., , oneerd. Palley, the t Nelitoo. li•lile:,ll.ehnett. Bear) 17. „1,1\c.„ Ile.ver, , ,litdeloa. &wee . , 1 \ ' Ml-10....0. Voice. Bewers, \ 1011.1.30 d. 11 oodatird..2onret,lllr. , 1 ", e 1.10•112, fieoints, Clueitinail ~ \ ' Tdereirdr..lirdino, tinelao.l. 1 , 1 \ . Willas,-4,M o ore,Woe , elloo. \ J. Ned..., .31cdr. Wh•dith ' a \ .1111.:PART11.0. litluitir. Parkiieirni. Itriiimeir. , , 507.0.14 , 1 .' J. Aldt., lirndrittlied. Melireet. Mc.. :lamer, 11•10 , 1`rWeet .i . i... - . . tienrede, Il=iley, 'Wee{ Nrvidet. itdivet.tsuron. Dear,' .ellehig•ii, 1101 es. 11.04 . tiled No '2. Creina. Its , : Invori.. . , ' V.nnuel,ll.4,ll.,Ctoco , I. \ , \ Mt. ti,fliati. iirreolee. Vibeinnetil, 1 •\ . 11.11 Coludibia, lidlr.(sl;el 0.1, , , \ • Diural. tonwell- iVbee , ll , Area.. lillinet, Wellxville. ` 1 ' ----..- --;\ i BOATA ILKACING Tltil, ATXI \ tor Pllll AIIF4PIIIA AND itAtpulAt. '' L e A ;Wale.... •ng . .i. l'arker I `,lal ..a.i. • d '' ‘• \ ' '• .., eor \ 'l, ittitd. \v , \ IS\ \ etallat c gi , l = L'iti. , /tt: 1 1 , . \ I.:INCINNATl—Tueotrors, \ \llll, 7,1.11.1..1... S ....0.-iint ii . \ , , Tilt itill;iiiillfSll V. 1111.11.41ANI—TlidC hall cki Comincrelll.lAn refrrridA Id the Pr. , . apd oto ov. - wee,. ed 4.4;er.t. o.irre the followhiiie 111 tri role. iN7 \ 01 oar Ji. tli.eir -The •1 1 iitefiliitelh,' a great ...der to' itu , rlllLeill . .. Li :A iji '' ll ' i ' L . i t ' s ' e ' rkraqi ' d=7 l, 6AV:lb „l 7.—Vf4: trdi.lonii, h.. ycli, model. trrenondutis iiiialir.;.olllo 0,111,..i tdsiptdin il,.oArde trod • deck, thouab a. fccet. a s, liiove. .. evor , der'. esinbo.i. hhe ..have. 5 tickler/y.4 Wit L crilidlrrs, i 1 feet FUT . 1 , ./.03 valve. =1 1,1,40 1 7 , • 4A , , ilia•firllll.o.'. C.ll, '.el Crud, I...iiii b.,_NO O rea•l ‘ en Viia. bright ..,`, 00!; ...il . i.l. other lithre. rr set/toe, the Vittdbarihil... , . ‘ \ \.. UM Y BLYZ E . , e BANESN'tbLE, Pau .A' , ',Dres. 7 lo Gab bacon, *k . l. Ginlf .S. Co; V l / 4 gis:"..phortly sb e or .k . - tllioningh 1 bA, mdie, 9'oboe, .. i ..1S Shar; e 'oboe, N. i box unite, CO.Altotz; laid; F' $ , l'cothks, I.X.S. Waten; • 2 Obla wicker; el4l P. SBriaels`4 hlt. ch WI Bagaly Sr. 'Co: \I churakbell, Fulton I \ 1, , ur..VER-..1 . aunc.74-1 lArkol it'its Pi..., 10 bales 100011\W oiniter. , ... bu ban .se 2. ,looe 4 es..orr J. A thattaler 1. 1 . do 1,V14,1[.. \ ieiodicik 311 'J irtanbeld: de, :I lib.. /till:1001 Brtinett lei , 'arcs 14011- : leirt Ato 29 dd '2 ctis 001.: lZh A lienti,, _\ \ i, ZeTtOtti:VlLLK— s tita \A 01-110 lb hit ur toll it 11,,i4Saiddi (..n itive baritTli it 'A and: ado I.** !be id a 1 tddling: :A ki It A 1a117 . 1.44 Is pour lirol.2..*Kirkidit,. ; rick; I* eke 1 ktato era. Virde4a C. 0 1 ,! Ilk 0.T...7.?. 0 i3l ,111/I.hOßler, IWO 1, 4 boil. p.0.e.., I \ \\_ . \ 11\ ImEEttiet/.41... Mr 10... 1 4 heTh l r.r:" , %."6 ne:tt ' llreit s Vk irb n iilre 4 J r .l ar k l e Mr. ' ln ' , C , urrly2 ok \oat. \iio libleelia‘les lit lerithriVee CISCAINATI-1. Tcacaa.ll... 1 5 -4 11 .!.... ton 1...nc..b a 4.1 o; la oo•parc `, a 1N. , , ,, 11Lb1 4 !...4 , 1 , 4 .1 II 4.,a; :p de,.bior.Mlllco4ll Aic....i y ZP At ed , r ARA, 1"3,01 =Ake t 100.• 1 ce, Im ...d left_ tO ‘ it Dbl. nWskcl. T Ww:o 1.. 'IV' t 1A NOTIC Ibie• Alitile tit.,,,Tn \ ro . : - ; ., \ . • A, TILE JIIRO/(S summoned' iattena at a '• biltricf Court 3,- the routt!yk lk , . egher Op the • Fret Monday, c1..1.1n) . 1) of Soft., . .1. 1131. , are,trene hi notified that th eir attectlant,..h t .7.•Ns pill not be r Tn d gir'S p il= ill ' UjA. Aiil;j: . ISIC 'W I' _V__ \ , ...- ' Imperi l —__--,—__ , ........, . . _ ____....., . ' , Eft ..rtavol... A SA,I. rillnE DIRECTORS 4, 4If the ti ' fining N .. \ , I ni c T&v.; , !:lt i flll'tz'VA*,',input.n if ~,•:7,7,- : ,___ ...,1„ C•ompany: one balfmtyald; on rr be . . , ,r0. th I^...th Yoe her. and ,o ther hr half 0n,./c le.11: 1 ;ellt?,15..lth ttelik!fr . . next, at their oin thl.ehr.., .. • ::, . EENNEIIi C. lit:Nfl. 1...- , .. . TO‘Billildeif:" , el PHOPOSALS fur The ereeii. , ,, or , :t,..pa '. • l'alheAral In this car. will hr Ore.. .41 at tie it.a • op • t.",-.. natil it.. Sib e !, t, ..retni. , g 1. ittleolar. .lo' •,.,.. e,,,, it... of 114112..5', be 5:15b......4 . at the awn :Jae^. elide Ile plan. apt .0.....C.,-.;.enk ,ro er.uly. tn, in..l 1m11i... Ti.. *Ork 1t... -.at, fr.r. no til,t,g the building 1 4 • . • 1155555: 551511 0555 501111 th , ant t. an . t1..5.,5e,,), t o b. , - , . .1......., re , nlr..t..r.. T • Arellileet. pat , ..., , ,n.o.nt e'er,' . ,GI ,me troy lo tot.: 01i, .A. 31_ during V i f ., to air, . 5.1.5:5Ata5i11ft, " ' '• 15555 5 .2 . 2.14 91}; \ SEIVINt, SOCIETY eotuieqed with . . I ti.. Viral. rn..llterian l'horch. Ihrmtnaharol pro- 4 .. it \ • to hold a EESTIVAI. in oil of the Chumh. l early in , Norember. Donations in ....Rh. article. f .rleale. htal ma , letiols Sr aneh attic)... .rill 1.1 e c r. arotefally• rite. Ivo& -. •' "e, Mr. Thomas Fiennnly. Jr.. Nu. et W.. 1 . 1 wk.e. 4 9.mx,f '. 1 • • Voarth, ha• kindly offered to r....i5.. poet., don...flans". ,'. - • .., They may al.o 1. left At Lb, reeldepre .1 the antan- sae...'. 51 Illratitntbant. MEE. M. M. iltlittlft.lll4., ~..' °el:l. - din 'n Prml,lent r I,,V, ' ... l \‘ Lectures at Philo Hall '• \ . pI i, TERY NIGHT FOR' 12 NIGIITS,‘, \ % • —lmpartant..Scientifle dleenvorieo 1 v hit. Ktr:Li, , 1 ~ in t e Healing art. hy which her realms , the Blind. the `.. A.r.a.C r i o pir, the Dapes.* the Nearo,de. the nen" .. ,\ • \ matte, tile Epileptic, t i n. atllteted.oc Calk to.. Elstala In • • Ann. Piles. lit/incr. Liver or. Lutz 1 / 1 , ...eee. Apoplexy. 1 r.rofola.Yrrlarsus Uteri: inshort, all die. a.a.... ittiflVllt to etth.e sex_ Aerie= tool, bolt pa.t I, ~ Ouch dor. for )3 day. NO n'ti . ..No 1.4 t. Each throb.] tamd preeltro• l\, \ plea Ticket. Tlekets PO. The rant tom: ed gratnitottair Admit...fon. 13 eenta for montlemen. IllarntlEvr ladle, all1.):Et f \\ —Oct ._.._Oct 15 _.Oct la : tt Ort Notice. Erszl.az Ita,c or 1'arnve....0.4.1 .1 7, ISM. AN Election for thirteen Ihrectore of this Flank. to fei-ro durin,ths ensuing , will he 7.1,1 . e king Ito uns on Mond., the 17th Aar ot Novena- I, next, bettsnsm the Lou, of OA. e. M. , neAhlte TUOMAS 11.114 W I', ennh`s,;‘, litucussien AND M Ocr.CTS Uu - fp !Isar, 'rittAburgb. sktot.er la. tSiL onT ILE Annuil Election for Thirteen Direct k.. ' ern nr thin Ban .. mill 0, boll 11 ttn. Ranking Rosso" rs , tnisy.thr ITO !la's - linvssub, hetween sh. bourn or ft o'clock A. M. old eriNet Y. %I. etsehier. ' • 717. Hiss. 4 . 4 Prmarcatn.Own.torl7.ls.sl. _ A z , i ELECTION: for Thirteen Directors of .. ". • thin Bank for the msnihr Tear. - will isi:n.li at the - , . -to leg Llama on Monday, trionorentomath din of Noma,- • . .! , . p",.. g .g. , \ rmil.4l,ct i4OIIN ISNTONIE,t.,SthIem.. \ ' - Bonita of . P.efve.. ': . • . Fr fill' seihscribers. for t)m r. erectiOn of :nn • • L /tonne of 'Beings. fir Won. I , nnaJivaais. an, hereby not/foal that an asseent ot tvoonty per ten Lon, the amount nohnemtleml he me l .. in Moon , / Ina. paid to .- - thy Treasurer, On or bebop. the I,th, d'.3 - of November ... cent By order of,tha Bodoni a mt." •nra. .. . _ ___ .., • 'reattf \ '• JO:11CA 111,NNA.Tmait. \ A 'LCAllD_—'tlfe magnificent\ Nunn! k /1.. c.,..... 4.14 - ,..1 Nina twins almut to I.3,ra:tiered (etc. ' . • • Ina not , ,ril..es`warrrmrtn, he La. nor,, I trlitianiOn of too genii...no wt. yurehased it to remnsi 1 for true dal: longer. in order to :Wont thus of .ar mum who ham. . . pot noon this and little.' opewionrn of MorrioaM„Puktra an ~ ommrtunitstri call and examine the. nun.. •. \ . \ Nolo Agent t;.r Nahlta h Vlark. No 10171.1 moot "--- ookil ....- \ ESCHAMOS AlitD ItAiIIEING H OU SE , , ‘ , .A. LWllii s. net ctx Co. i 1 „ . _ ~. . . \ , t 1 Ilia $Ol.-•-haTIXO ltrlal. ~., Ircatorp fonds renenally..._...X ....-1.........N din. Now York and New Enstirannl:l..! .2166-.• ,b_ \ :Metalware North and enrich Cirolina a' • - , ' 9.4 3 ••• . • . .. ..... -, .. . LICILLNOI. ....." \ \at I, • a11.t.0.. 2 't New York and l'hiladotobia , \ • PALL FASHIONS--Inst r'\• i c , eireilft t .. . . N ., .1 at t.tm rtniw of Mar. .V.LE t. ECII, Not. Inn ri_ . . wows w ill in , open for inspection on Th., arandllNW • \ Frw a y of this wont. shorn you will Iltul m lloiintb, lot assortment of an entire uoa Attie reftfraweßile.....talfel an. toilet Bonnets, Oct Trimmings. .0 viapus "abb. . euitoblo tor thenwanort . ‘ k • P. P. Childroo'n /Rolet , . Ladien' Caps and . 1 11nuf Pia.. .. _tn.:lnch and beautiful styles. . .To Printers. I A - ; PRINTING OFFICE, amply `, supilieil 'A . ' with all iris. ..nary inan , r air tort; traps. ante: 'lsle 3 , .. ani Soh Buenos..., u. ebb Mt, Vatirther with th.p.u-L__,,,n, . . ..apt ma low.. of the prrmlnes, utast will, A..... is ben by to- A ferol for roan Timotorist. an , ate to nvod n bud 'pant,' amt. and tolth m e owners arn engage. d pilot . , n, neon, will be told Teti mita tolow them walut. on areogn- ••' n, {notating tern., lb,. above motnnt. an opening. whtels. ~ midensomarn. -For partmutsra apple at tr....nice. .. • ' setilttd/tartf.T ---.. e • *, Monis' Grand Pianos! [ 1 UST 'RECEIVED, al tiplellili.l sl M4 . P 7 ...Lilo llosolwood full Fired fiItANT. PIANO. front the far tory of Norm- h Clark „ Sow York. , This magnificent 'natrunomt p.bnosnen altthe latest itapnieemeats, turn I,potent to- .•\ oing pion. folt hatomort. SIM Intent moral/ tub... /ts ',. \ pow., and ♦rolume of tons aro trulY asS.olkhinglond nosh - M tne perfeetion of Its mechanitm as In triable. the prrfor., n.er to modure she wollent and swertent tomv Without the?, • • catld of the aalt p.kfal. The thruitUre IS t•I trachtir rich raid ‘„:... Val Last, wltheut that indLterillatnale trretichiller or \ ' ,' watt whocit. in a wily liks. liOnturgh. I, afres.t. \ impossible monk \ clean was lo goni htattiti the 1, ‘. \ aed grolls tire genteettolly Melted to ral/ and mom- ' ' sori Am this unties/led Gkand Piano I.tortelt loam. themes.- ', •'\ Iha. of the sollber \ ' 11. K 1.1.31E1t,-Pay Third ah. \ ..: . \ • . , .orl't • \ Sole Agent for banns au t tclark..,, , . \ I'l 1111d3ng /Antis 'MT. ntyle. • , -'\: Patent , Shingles. . • 'l. :,. -..`:, • T ... .. il E SHINGLES tittle of Watniat, Fine, amid elmotaut. tritli It - trort .improred 311inalt 31m :tune, Ins.'s et Um nestmonition at the l o ot Yelr of A . l.lm___-- ..., oAfili - calfile iP.rent'Agn`a - n4iiltr,Ts:l7riviii Th.T.1.10ek...., - •of lint Mod. ef timbre that crkwsnl ant connbi , It anr further Inkkinlatiatt is irt at tot, ale:sr...al on tbi oat, bor. at B. WOessorbi lintels/norms-at 'Poore h and gnu:meta, ; Pittwhpritli. \ fonl3l P. L. HULUELL.. ~.. A9:ii.i4S 'FINE 101j.f...r,' , SOAl i S—Alill- . ~. ~ ..1111 llour,,,Boutitt. Oros - sign, N.mter, Tothnna, Ambro /I . ‘,. is ...mandttro. Patchonly. Ildar, trzlng blowers. JetMIT ' • 1 te..,1,,.p,...n.m.. Alrshmallow, lipwrimmski. • •: . -.. ; •\ 11::,,,, , Preps are reopened twist( kh . o Maenad turentsne- .! 'la, no' , ht. nseananod 1 . snyaw then ottodP.tams. • ~..,. , , nesale by \ 0et1t ... 3_ ,..., 112pkt,1,11.. ,, .. „. 33gt0.f5t....._ \ H. D. EingA , ;- '.• , ' -,':'::. ', , N, iSi \ ' AND EXCIINGE 111100 R _ ,: .. 2 :_ , - , - a ; - :•, .; - ll 4 SvOrNdtSeile , t taikr , :l ri, . 1 . .MartßankN tsbensbLaudm,dst„ i ~ ...etarrsK.lt the kin Reel htight a 4104... .. .• • L • _ ~ . keeks hekonit and'eald on Callanaital..\\ eel& New At ble mid Freeport: Ston,O. Works.. :.. i 1,..uN ~ I . VIEWS; in - adilitiOn to hisY.;. 1 ' extent/a establtrimnreig on Liberty atrweet. - beed of - ':s. total, tae opened a travels op hi, Note MarldogYorkm, n,`,.. ..1, , ,,,,, a t m tholw\ towtrry ad,e, where ho manutaelstres em s r...' err palely of 11 brand tremport Stonsol. altormserdes , .. -,„ !, -Vaults, Tomb Ma m. 31mera,,lde.'-of kluble; Curbing --, .. .., , in!l Yawing Om C otery Lof.v..te., +A Trestle:at ttMae-w„ ,n - , , ml lki sory duratde nodal . Doing Yamted nnonntsmienttnthe't - ~, C./masters, he .i. tie fa ralmuta orders with proltinV- , - - ', html.. and an the low,* terros-kani. hopes Tot • contints , .„,.- ,-, ants of the natronagatvettmn an leherally eitandetl.,3.. \ ,L ',,,- - - isict73 HAJAR') • OEMi.:VI, sou rer of Look Olive .1 Piste ' Frame, and er in Loekthe, tileares, , ,rfo, 7,./ Thiel Men,. Philo flags bittsbureb. iSS C. SMITH, AHlliner,flLm f N. ,LT sit, A, fork-2d 01. Cl air street .\1 h—• ittsburirlees et , . re/tared a fuleoniable ilrei.\ akar. men war ' them* and is nrepayd tionler , onortese settler. ' Cloak% Mantlla% anti Ltriliirrn ' neatest reenter. Dissolution: , A Ii in PARTNERSHIP here lore exlsting 41. betweels the attiwaibers, andersibi‘naine eintbatTle 03 "John Caldwell dear Is this eat di sazired by mute . at oesternt. The bttainste of the Incefirm triß ter rd by Jobe Caldeall. JOILN LAILIJAVEL \ JAP.X.faCAL AVM. '‘ CC4PARTNERSIIIP, . The undersigned,"naving Ilirmed* \o -part- \ \ • rabbi. nudes., th e aux and style of .. eiehre..lr i lt Sten- \ ,” =Attlee the Tif.V.N.L,VO I.7IIXYLNU • L. b tees, at the Tannery of th e tale tine tf %Abet Caldwell - a 6, \ . 10 licantia h. JAMS', 'JAL/Mt:LI, _ lets 1101.-Ico ST WART. • • PIM MID'CEDAR. - • SCIEL KROESEN keeps constantly on '. 1...) a geoa aserirtitent, of Wash ena ; Bath tub, 11. m. ter boat. trek \Weil,_bittch. or ri lsnor Beel , ere• Woolen Boa% lilitires: thy Merisurre. lin e atid, Linen Weah bloareit, and all o th er dads ear, la hos line. Wereroore, masonic Hall. NBA street. rittehernb, Pe:\ apt . .by - • ---, \ INC PAINTS, ; - \ - , Z,: . MANCP . CT 17 RED BI 'TEM NEV . -''''. - . \ 1.V.1. JEMMY LURING AND 1.1/Ykl 3 . ..0011PAN j 'e. nit thoniuul lay lesuod 1.4). ) Uh . 4 .7P I T a M.... ' - eueoi \ . , . eat ,k ZIN, PAINTS, i - a Il l ikleh hate ban:11)443 seraaral . yasn. • trial. - l' bes 'P ry * ad ran ' tal l 'a ritts ' es t* elrrrr i' s: *. kk e tb ° , ,r` ;:a —, milk whatever. Thsh . A A ' WHITIk Z:- C PAINT \ \ -',.' E Is purely nu 031.1 n of Zlue, lt watt . a keel Jart. frtmk.p. ', .dal ter.ton to.l. JpieurklY ut.'` , '''' ) .. "'' .3 ' , .. well. tt . I k bonuttfully tullebrlnfe, Cottrity tree hoe the tkolkulto.. \ k., t=ri k );' '''' tt.i. o4 rt l . ' he . kb . 3gl '** o.7 aflag'*,''''' '‘.' ‘l*' ' IT 141.17N0T TC.I N I ELLOW : '. . % „ When expeted to salpturro. nr to !Übe oblueladoufr e or / V men wherubut up in adn retnees \,,), ). outOkle *t. \_ \* A It brit.tmla s ..eau ell 'lb, wn. our orstur ' ' , \ ~ thun soy other, but belts Rath. to loek !Laity sr 0k ' " ' A crtokble Lod rub.eV It root Isk , s'Orty.t okk h soy color. alto brekkr l al aim or with utruksl.kUl. \..h f1k... - Itia cello ' • . BLACK AND COLORED zr.N.,.k sv, AAINTs. ~, 1 lii,ftre turnlmbel sts los prim-spiv tptoubteally A k Vt.. cheapest and hest beau In ttne Pukka; ter awl., ~,,,,r,, fauciebt,oatboueen ette.mbote of any:gip...l.n fist ~f wond, Mich. tati,or troth . tbay tre) 'h ' \ WEATIIER AND FIRE I lif) o'. ' r .. ' \ \ For - Iron surfboat they aro perlitularly sA4ab.k. as the)' - - fortu a ustawblo sot meet,. tukl aretiral k faataul exits , ~ • ; . hoe they tel Vol key sot httlaku a h., a Aperultur)..."t . .., • ,n o pot change color Ike essay of the a . .. An t ,. palm Inble - e . • .. . • Muter* suppls.l on Ilbeitt term is too_ tk . takts Chia .. , , 11,11,, 2o) l. ' , onto Whart.e. Philaily ~ , \ ATE , ,.I - " --- 7 . ' ' S . • , A . ll, E (a l tnqinn i etc lt .;.Pulverlpd l tVlrf r h t o Wtlit *' .: e . . tut It. Isms Mazur bug. Itatknery, ha - ekle. sars/C 6.3 2.) ';,' pest by tqu d 0..., . • . .. . • • A \ oda ', , - .1)131F.P. A- IlYTC11 , ;(12: k 11`..k,' 1 - :igX 7 ..,0 hlf ()befits I F .,it :; \"\ ‘,' • \, . ,0 , , \,. \Y. 14,, sAT 1.!: et $1,,,,„k.,, , ,,,,k0 , • . .t.t reed imt •U•x• ute b r \ ...I. A I. g 2). i1t ,1 2. 1 .._ AN \QOLK LEATRER42OO 4 20 0 slake N. Y: for. \ \ , rdo.br nett \ ' .0. au. nont..-4 , , , , . ..* „ ,----- ~. fuadnea he Y. 11., Imp.. sby thetaKs rusfure; - And 0. re test . _ 3 I.lth Ikon .. __ X clteUx Onlakkg kintl Ch tk lu bag e‘tb.nktste . .. ;:. 60 b. n ...4 nisch kik 2) bus ..r , Saltex Nbl ralnpllka " c l aufb. ' .o 10 tr. ' ).♦'VZ • hg,4k. ** ' ' \:. ' . 1 / 4 * ‘, bat ennoitast Snub; ; ) 40 t ' y ' .27.ll,lootUktou ‘Yk L.A....01.0u _ ItS2l Ibutents and \ Cub* 6b. Los felosettluit . kh .... 73 t.',r,f,,e,c4,..- , 5 N r.:.,ta,‘,L,r, - , , ;!)' , . , \ \ (rat„:„, „._„ ,—.., . , set, )11a.leil ~ . ~1.111.ap,-d,, T .;\i,1,, , 74v, . .t.F, \ \ 6 b01...Y.11i 01 , \I l 5 bbl, No t a 1., MarkareL 6 bet Ptlin ft Al nd del 2) abb. II 00h II Atcdas. - ... 6 1,. itibt,ta's to.i, pwar-, . hue kln•ktul Ytifne 2 bra d ,,, 5 . Yesat,?.yo, , ‘2 , 11 , , ,, ...: . ;Viak.b . ; ~ \ 6b ” t ''''' \Thit e L. 4.4 (54,0 Yi rra n; TrTkohleithe _ ‘\, 31 .. 16 . 3 V , W. , ! , ...,, j tr . iviii.lasir'a 0 % ' _ 05r.. : , • \ liarthetut corner 1104 sh.l Mt. ffte. \ - A ILTAltie ACI.D.- 1500 Ibn. for sAle b:ON • Toem \‘n: , , , ,t, 0 ILSI.I-10ta * co. •,, PUCRWIIMT FLOKR= 7 A superior arti- _ch. of flTrb 17 Barii.Vbeat Floor, prrr, ?red st. :, ,• ' ZIO W'rt7.L ' W", rl .‘'"'" mcerf' a L nriat i jk, ' Z, , ,,,, , L . : ' CIik:ESE-80 boxes ex r, Vied.lll Clieege; ,-; „ LlAt . dal id- 14 \ :' 4 do -, - —da , '' S DO '&A lierllft;,relebrated Damao- . - alp br ow) \ WICII#AIcc&ISDLUS. \rr, \ \ ',- ' ' S ;• '''.:: .', :\ : \ k ‘. ' \ • \ \ '. \,:, -;: -_\, '7 :: k \ -...• , 2',1 ' , . ;•:_, \ :...', .-.,- ----.. N-."\':-,1?,';;;:'-'4kai :, `,.