The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 31, 1851, Image 2

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FBLDAY koltrim - Oth'Oß#4r 1661
IarREADING MATTER war, 8.E . F.9 lI2VD
180101}- - -EXTEN
' g
TRAINS TO ENO Vsa.tas.—lt has
beel - degided Le commence to leis regular trains '
to EtiA i n Vialley;-:'l4 - zeilee beyond 13righton, on •
the - 171. h November , two weeks from
next. hienday. Inert Valley mat the Northern ,
• most bend of the Railroad, - and a cot:lir:dent
point to run stages to, from New Castle, Warren,
sc., and we understand that an'nrrangement hes
been made with's stage company to put on lines
L it stages - from NeW,Castle, Warren. and • , ,
and probably from other .points to Dace Valley.
These Lines &resit intended Jo be permanent,
exeipt„ the line to Belem, which will be superce
by the completion of the Railroad to that
point. :It is intended by the beige Company to
• make Elton Valley a great central point from
width lines of stages shall mdiate,—a sort of
stage sle7ot—to run - in connection with the Rail.
veld. These siege arrangements will be coin
; by.the day the arMIII3EI commence to run
'ttg..ntS \ t
~J •Tb arrangements wilt be of great conse
• 11101100111,thearairellieg public, and will keep up
• tristreard travel to Pittsburg through the win
• ter, and will greatly facilitate the transaction
of basilicas with .those regions, with which .this
city is so intimately connected. .Freight trains
• will also run to Elton Valley, and a building will
• .ho erected immediately for a depot for freight
nrungementa will he hailed with great
•, • gdeasuer by our citizens. They show that the
'MIS of the company are unwearied in their
"--`effort, to accommodate the public / and that they
• . • - .0. - eputthing en this great work, gad bringing it
• •
into active use, with all the celerity possible.
- The .1 - ournal is still in a very fat
lititteigh Jig .language is . iinoro decorous
it .was: Our readers wilt remember (for
We copied a portion of its ofticlo) that that pa
per spoke in contemptuous terms, a fewl days
ago; of colporteurs and tract distributors, the
former of *horn it defused to be "peddlers of re.
•,'... unions bookit.'t. and then proceeded to lay down
, s..ruleS to govern the religions world - in their et
. - . .
'.... ' forts to do g00d... That the article was the joint
'.. • prOduct of .vanity and .ignorance was manifest
~:••••'..; - to all who read it; and it was at these we struck.
l' 4 it. ' ..**,itis trying to get upon better ground,
l'•\,'4..o*•..„.3illis.srell enough. That done i .. -
.'wettiiatobettc .miler- ._
• ranch word, the literal signi- -
- ' ' , ,it. is "a carrier on his neck," tint ;
- ,i religions world, it means one who
. ..ei • sole and distribution of religions •,
,Vieolte. The American Tract Society
•'• . • :eleveral hundred dolporteurs. Tbe
. .• • qualifications are fidelity, unquestion
- - .
,ety. aptness to teach, and ohility to con
.. - ..„._ religions esetelses, whether at the fire.side
: • ' • foiiieshlic meetingt. Many students of di- •
• : ' atT# - and some clergymen, are employed in •
. - ----, • „ l iiii - 1nif,.... Fall discretion is piTen to them to
is s • Atippii • thei destitute gratuitously with Bibles,
. „•; , Skracis and religions boCks. They receive a fixed
' 4 . :: .- - • ('• ' Belau, together with travelling eipenses, Which
~, 1• -• Is in no Way-dependant upon the ti:inciMit of their
- '..
. . sales. They now constitute a large and import
/I .' ant Classpf religious teachers, whose lalf ra arii".
1...., •
/ .especially. useful in the fiontici 'stittlements.
,-:4 Many Sunderschoolahave bee ... aiiirganised, and
i',' •" , furniahed with libraries gOtuitotisly, by these
"peddlers of religious, books,l7 and many
churches have grown up in' the ivest from the
fruits of their labors.
1 1 : T Some of the most interesting convocations
''' .... ever held in this Country, hare beeneonventiot.
i;•. of these '?•peddlers." One was held not long
_. i. • • . since in. Cleveland, the details "of which possess
vi the most .thrilling interest. Another wad
••••••••,..•:, held in Chicago equally interesting.
... 14. ' One hundred . and fifty dollars tier" , annum is
: , ..' •••• 1;": •• the salary of acolporteur; so it is manifest that
. .. " it is not very profitable piddlilg. .. A higher mo
r.' --, tive thin making moneractnates three men in
their 'humble, self-denying, but noble calling.
~-0.; 'Many of them are supported by specific dons
; • ' tions: of benevolent individuals. Sometimes
one person will pledge himself to support. one
' , -.1., - • - ..• colporteur in a partigiar field ; and - in - some
s cases t wo,three ,or pelii 3 ten person
s will
74;; ; , _mite for a like purpise ,
Colportege toss become
I 81 4* - ,,,‘ II a great and elßeientletem of religious teach.
I, i.-I.• rug, and one admirably adapted to our migea
~.-..'.• . lary'and-ever4xtendieg population.
. ,
KOslll7lll.—The liberal'presses of France cola- - 0
ki:- meat severely upon the. administration for re• t
. •,,,i.7 ,- 1 fusing topeemit Kossuth to pass through France, c
ell': ou his may to :London. Their tone is that ~
- , of scorn and contempt, rather than of 'complaint, ,i
. . . end their males are well calculated to weaken
:,,O ,
, itteApartY of "order." i
Kossuth hos written a letter to the mayor of
1 ... i
41 .-- '._.;' ' . Southampton—which will be found among mur ,
iti:,.. foreign le:trams—in which he is very severe hp
'44„vo- en lAinis Napoleon. It is in his usual nervous
; lid ' and impassionecl style, and cannot fail to nave
..,' ...., ' its effect upon the popular mind of Europe.
li . -
That etyle of feirld sentential:Teem a
is urae
.-,-,, teristio of tha most of .tho poop le
le of the coal-
• nent, and contrast! strongly with the calm so
: ..-• lemnity of Angio-Sason documents of similar
general character. WasSington's Farewell ad
. dress as compared with ilossuth's Address to
the People of tire United fitatis; or Lamartine's
best Senatorial' efforts, as compared with Web
rl,.. . ster's Or day% Mill Stasi - Ate our meaning,
' The ,style of these popular orators' f Southern
44:. Euroivif:hi Putfect.lreeping; however, with
4, ;. , their national charaeteil=althougir to an 'English
or American ear iteouncla like extravagance and
, :, rant. They have inherited, arid yet retain in
....;. 41,:,4,their ge, much of that - barbaric oriental
'l ., .F IC . `:". '''''''," hyper .le whichthe goodtaste of ancient Greece
1 ' - fraeitaown to forms; of, natural beauty, and
i' . "--..- rhichiprere by.theintranomitted to western Eu
ef i - io t The 'gent:into trihei of Europe have much
Vao. - z•I": -,
...., . (1 - , of this: wilaferror of language of which we have
:. 'll4. 4peakiax, eihare...the 13claTonions, where
...... diet 'mune rises toiards the poetic, or ex
loctdbeternietr.hetts_ion or .pasein n, or recounts
. . .. .
Wet:Lake these remarks' because our readers
are illiely to *gone familiar with the fiery lan.
.....,..........,..„..f the . ardent patriots , who are shout
4,_ , flgitre in the 'aPproachiiii; European Avdp.
TEM DCF&OIi Dewy .10.Sairrisea comes to us
-- - 4 ' 'lna new and beantlfel dims: We ore glad to
~ . .
: • • see. each :tui:niidoubted evidence of proaperit
attending' that . sterling champion in the Whig
Tun Ills roar OT' P1111611IIECII1.:—Pre extract
the fallowing justly deserved, remarks relative
• to the history at' Pittsburgh, by Neville 13. Craig-
Ptah from the New York Tribune, and BM pleits
ed to see that this highly useful work is meeting
with the same degreo of favor abroad, which it
R eceives from odr
, Every collection of local annals, if tolerably
well executed{ is an important series to the ged
oral history of the country. This volume has
the toot-fold advantage of tincOmmonly interest
ing subjects, sail of being prepare with excel
lent tact and ability. The city of Pittsburgh,
. which has - now' a population of 100,000 eon%
and a capital 0f00,000,000 invested in manu
facturing -industry and other branches of busi
ness, was less than one hundred years ago expo.:
sed to the herrore of Indian smrfare, and once
within that period was blown up'y the Frencl,
soldiers, and burned . to the ground. It has twiee
beesi.pptured in war,- by tarns helonging to
Great Britian, France, the United States,
gin* end Pentotylrania; In October, 1770, Gen.
Washington arrived litPithsburgh on bin way M
first description of the point
on which the oily now stands was from his pen.
lie estintstarthe prunlier of honses it that time,
outside of Part Pitt, at about twenty, from which
it may inferred that Pittsburgh/ben contain
ed, exobutive of the garrison, some hundred and
thirty persons, men women ",and thildren, all.
told. The progvesa allied town from therm:nail
beginnings to itspresent state ofexpanding pros-
PeritY Is well set faith by . Dlr.'Craig. Ile boo
collected en ample stock or,tmdeidels relating to
the trab3ect, and. culled., from them e° array' of
.facts which exhibit in stertfing' light the rap
development of Weatentindustty end- ttitCr"
ativelnmewill form en inmeitant SW'
, data of O°74llltt°° to future ittitts; itOkliktf,
other property In Pittsbnigh, will mat new
; r ims- ilith„ eachiatidiessivelear (12mo -pp:.
'-.812 JohnE.,
- -
• ,:af
V im• - '
• •
f 7 v''s
TheMielingiGazenudisictisses the propriety
of aafifieiymPid.hy on th'e , part of the people of
the United States, and comes to an affinhatire
conclusion. In - conclusion it bnnge m a new
aignmelit. :
if we look to the interest.oor people
have is Ibis matter, for dheir oviti-sakes, we
shall find good_canoe for active .sympathy. A
large party , in oar country are opposing, and
successfully opposing, a protective tariff. They
seem determined - tO Crush nur labor •doorn to
European prices. Ow . the contrary, the whip
not surceeding'in securingit mill to protect our
tabor nt its prevent prices...will, on rellectioe,
find it their duty to themselves to aid iu accoco
pfividng the freedom of Eoropo, that their pri
ces of labor may he increased t i our,. and time
equalize our market,. and give toteo, who come
.to this country the trite rewards for•their
ierptixe, which, by our form of government is
fairly promised. We hope there will he Si, op
position, on the part of the opponents of a tariff.
nod the friends of low : wages in this coantry, to
this species of protection.
Thus we see, that: not only the hoot and pu
rest feelings of the heart ore &mulled in thi
•csuee, hut•nclf-interest in a laudable form come
into mole the scale kick the beam.
_... .. - -
,TILADE an NEW Ontessa.—The Daily -Ores
cent. of New Orleans, under date of the 1011 inst.
gives the following giriphic account of the decline
of busineos prospects in that city, owing to the
advmitaOs given to the Northern route by means.
of =WA and railroads : .
• Tnttle is passing Rarity from our city. Nast--
Ale editors ore canvassing in Savannah' and
.Charleston for hiasiness. Cincinnati is shipping
east. St. Louis is following to her path. The
Canal Board of New York have informally prom•
i , ed such rites . must invite the shipment of
Kentucky tobacco in that direction. Galveston
threatens to rtyite New York capital to build a
ririlroad, and deprive New Orleans of the last
vestige of Terns trrde, by transferring it to New
York , The city of New York having a saperinf
Pplleal of banking (free,) even made, its expo(
suree to the fluctuations and convulsions of for
eign mrsrkets, stands ready to pay a premium
on our lust trade. The planters of oar tributa
ry Country, and especially on the lines of oar
proposed railroads through Opelousas and to
Jackson, Mississippi, are conatilsining of incon
venient access to us. Mobile enters the field,
with• New York, Gharlestor, Savannah, to nay
nothing of prnspermis Baltimore and now wide
awoke Itichmond, to despoil and impoverish us,
to take from us Tennessee, llentacky, and Ohio,
oil northern and control Mississippi and Terns.
Stn JOU,: Fitaxximi.—We cannot say that we
put - much faith in the following strange story, hat,'
we give it what It for is worth. The point desig
nated in the Artie Ocean, about one hundred
miles the northern coast of America, ac
cording to the 'mitt. It is not at all probable
that the long lo=t 'naNigabirs would send so la
conic and unsatisfactory a despatch If . j . he a
. '
ilo.t• yulelb-lV_AifiWittil4..&nilot, it is a most
GLOUCF.STLII., Friday,—Au extraordinary air
-toostance has just happened here, which I bast
to communicate. It is almost incredible,
Litt for the fact that the authority is undoubted,
nail the Admiralty have been induced to order
nu official inquiry, which is now bring proceed
These are the facts: Last Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. Russell, a holy living at Wnotton, near
flute city. observed something fall in the garden,
while at dinner On sending out the gardener.
f i e found it" to be a .mall balloon; in' the car of
rhich was a card, bearing the folloa - ing lump-
'*/..7reb., IP.: W. Long.
71 deg. N. Lot.
' 7 Septe'mber's, Issl
- Pocked in. .
The matter was firs looked upon as a hoax.
ttt subsegnent events led to a communication
tog mole With the Admiralty, rim sent for the
..a110..n nut card, and immediately on their re
ti:lirt-4,111. down Copt: Beeehy, It. N.. to Glou
cester., with another Ciiiebr, to make inquiries.
'I lime inqiiiriea are now being pro,cuted: Cop:
tnin.lieechy haring been twice at Wootton, - ex
amining nil parties resident there. It toms out
that it is a real Government balloon, of exactly
a timilar kind to those tent out with the Erebus.
• hen she sailed front England.
6. 2 5 i ADAM Tlisuor.'jn-The lover: , or music will
ha gentifieJ to learn tint Maclaine Ilkhop will
Fire a concert on 11r:inlay evening. See Pro
grumme in another column. The Newark Daily
Advertiser ha. the following notice of her con.
ere in that city
Madame Bishop's Concert last evening rout
fletely.electrified with delight one of the largest
oil most appireciative,audiences ever assembled_
at Library Hall. The programme had been re
jected with .care judgment, embracing a variety
of mimic adapted to every taste, while the per
formances of all produced evident enthusiasm
in the audience. The fine impression produced
by Madame Bishop's stylish person, and fault
less toilette, with a freedom of manner which
at once inspired confidence in the audience, iris
well sustained by the beauty, refinement, and
high artistic finish of her performanc,,—alto
•getlier tuipassing anything of the kind we re
member to have heard iu ear -vicinity. The
brilliance of her "Caste Diva," the touching
pathos of "Sweet Home," (which was raptur
ously encored;) the charming sweetness of the
"Banks of Gundahluiver - ; and the naivette of
the Mexican Promenade. Sling delighted every
one. The mad scene from - "Lucbt di Lammer ,
13100 r ," en
costume.. w. also presented with real
,iramatio effect-
The performances of Mr. Seide, upon the
hate, Miss Bandiii on the violin, rood Mr. Bach
,r4 on the piano, were also highly applauded.
By request Madame 11. will give another con
cert to-morrow evening, with another hill of per
formancis—which will be 'her last appearance.
Strew/mist TF.L IL
EGAPIIS —The success which e
has attended tlii , feat of carrying a telegraphic I ,
wire across the channel between Dover and Ca
lais, has led to the contemplation of a similar
connection betWoen Europe and America. The 1
success of the 'one shown that the other is not
impossible. A succesifol communication across I i
the channel between England and Ireland would
go far to establish thelessibility of a telegraph
- across the Atlantic. It -would he of vast social,
polities' and, commercial importance. A cor
respondent of the New York Times Bays:
..." No sooner is one submarine feat completed
than another is in course of projection. In the
current number of The eithemnim the idea is
started of laying down a telegraphic wire. coat
ed with gntt.o percha, and then with a hempen
pima, rendered indestructible by some wonder
ful solution—laying down, I say, such a wire,
under water, across the Atlantic to your repub-
boon shores. It is then taken for granted that ;
you would have the goodness to extend the line I
across the Smerican Continent to the Pacific,
and thus establish rt communication from the
shores - of the Pacific, crossing America and the
Atlantic, and touching our sho res in an instant
of time. Accustomed, as you - are, to mighty
projects, you will admit this to be a magnificent
conception. In the opinion of sundry pramictil
men concerned in similar enterprism it is enni-
1 thing more than this : nay, it is their belief
that the thing can be done, and cheap too—it
Icool £lOO,OOO merely—a great accommodation
in all cases. I shall not rhapsodize on the won
derful results thlst will follow when this, and
one or two similir undertakings, are acconl
ylished—such vi7running a line of telegraphic
communication to, India, for instance Sanguide
as - are the projectors , it
ivalwayirsafest to - w 7. t
Oho progress ofti 2 inta. It s enough, meanwhd ,
to know-that ec" - AN a scheme is "on the card s,'
and not being physically impossible, will, in all
likelihood, be one day carried out."
York CoMmercial Advertiser conelodes ntiarticle
with the following truthful remarks: •
Nor4siorion of these United States Can yid,'
have.ftlore important era to descihe than that
from General Taylor's death to the present time;
and though president Fillmore'o Administration
may not boast of territories acquired by con:
quest commenced under its auspices, it will.have
the prouder story to tell, of having overcome
vast and complicated difficulties springing outuf
a war of conquest instigated and carried out
a predecessor, of having overcome those diffi4
asides, once threatening, in the op nion of some
I the every existenc;of this glorious Union, without
forcible inarvention, but simply by a - wise per.
severence in the employment of that vast tnor •
al influence, which is insuperable from the chief
magistracy of this It...public. Even the people of
the Southern states who once seemeq given over,
to discussion and all its mil tempers and per-.
'iiicions results, are feeling the benign influence of
such a wise Administration, and are beginning
to rebuke the demagogues whn sedueeiTthem
totempomry alienation from their sister states.,
Whether Millard Fillmore he re-elected to the
Presidential office, or whether some other good
astritried Whig be chosen for the honor, orwhetb=
er the mantle of the Ezedive fall upon one of
an opposite' political faith, we shall always re
gard Mr. Fillniore's'Adminh-tration of the affairs
of this Unica:ins kmarkalifirclike for italack of
protention and forks preerniteut purity skill as
. -
POTATO,PIOIII[II.. —Among the implemetite of
farni . labor exhibited at the lilanchesterlFair,
woe wagon with machinei7 attached for :gath
ering' potatoes—the . recent invention of a New
liampshiritartner.- . The wagon - M placed at one
end , of the potato field, with Or= or horses at.
!ached, and. as it passes down 'the rows, digit the
potatoes, , separates them, and too& them in the
_ .
iiezr.Azo--Isainigrazion info the United State.
-41 - Dublitiletter in the Limerick Chronicle sup
plies the following statistics in reference to the
immigration from the termer port
Talking of emigration, it is' idle to ask—
Where will it end r. Why it'll only beginning.
In the Lifey this moment there rare three ves
els advertised to nail this weeki-the Coronet,'
' (Roche, Brothers,) an admirable !ship. capable
of accommodating comfortably 300 psasengers
the Samuel : (James Miley,) also about ,31 . 10; and
another shy looking craft, rather the worse for'
wear, which has hhen christened the British
Queen, belonging to a third house. Here, then,
this very week, nearly 1000 people will leave this
port alone direct for the 'Model Iteptddie Itut
this :itfords a very Imperfect idea of the depopu
lating drain which is going on, and which is fist Ireland literally to sink into Abe biemni
of the Atlantic. We have from port alone,
either direct to America Or via Liverpool, On ex
odus of the Irish people to the tulle of at least
7000 every week. A close oliseriiig friend who
returned this morning from a tour in Tipperarr.
Limerick and Clare, assures me that if the cur
rent of migration proceeds in its present folioed
rapid tynod, Ireland, if inhabited at all in are
years hence, will not he peoplml by Irishmen—
at least as far as the south and west are eon
, cement.-
MAssncutts - kr,:—On next Monday week the
experiment of voting by secret:ballot is to he tried
in the Bay State, and it ,is soberly proposed to
appoint a - Safety Committee in each township, to
prevent any derision of the novel invention.
The Committee should it be tinntli- agreed upon,
might embrace the compass of its duties, all
schemes of 'Truck and Dicker' factions to impose
upon each other, and if pessihle save the credit
of the 'old line' by Seeille that'a saving number
of partnership votes be surreptitonsly carried to
that individual account_
The quarrel in Massachusets, as it stands, is
a very - pretty one. The Coalitionists arranged
the campaign upon the same equitable basis that
governed last year—to wit, halves for the offices
and re% for principles: hut somehow or other
the Hunkers have been innoculated with the idea
hat the Free--Soilers are too smart for them, and
gain the offices and retain their principles, with
out leaving them the .leanest bone to gnaw
upon Therefore, in several counties, they have
started 'regular "old line" candidates against
the Whigs and Coalitionists; and /he chances are
vastly in favor of the Whig ticket running on a
clear track through the State.
The position of Mr. Winthrop, the Whig can
didate, is an exceedingly fortuhate coo, so far
as the Compromise measuree . are concerned.
White pledged by a long political.ltfe, and nuno•
her's:es recorded votes, to Anti-Slavery views. he
has uniformly struck a Golden mean of modern
tion„ that has inspired confidence in all parties,
and brought him out of the late 1.1/0.1
from which most of our politicians issued as
lame ducks, safe, pound and popular as ever .
His nomination was the signal of tinily in the
Whig ranks: and, with the exception , of aSU
rabid sheets whose
recklessnc;; 'Rill very nearly annihilated their
influence, the candidate meets with very gene
ral acceptance. There is but little doubt that
the majerity . of 'Mr. Winthrop in Massachusetts
will fairly set off the majority of Col Bigler. it
Pennsylvania.-...N. I'. Time, .
ITEnninLr. RAlL:cost. Accinessi —A seiloutcol-
Pinion occurred about 7 o'clock. on Saturdny
Leveeing, on the New Haven Railroad. at Mount
Vernon, a short distance this side of New Roch
elle. It appears that a freight train going up,
and which should by the regulations have waited
at 'William's Bridge, until the downward passen
ger train had passed, went on at a rapid rate,
'in the endeavor to reach New:Rochelle in time
to pass the down train at the latter point. Both
trains were going very swiftly-- , the freight train ,
his said, at the nate of thirty-five miles an hour. '
A curve in the road and a deep cat at the Pidnt
of collison prevented° di.orery of the approach
of the two trains until too late to prevent the
fatal couseituences which ensued .
Passe:turn on board at the time describe the
scene most terrible. One of the passeuger
cars is Said to have been thrown almost no rod
by the ebock, while the entire trains were piled
up in ftlghtful-wreck. There Werekilled instant
ly--a bibiketnad: or Scones. pas.
°eager, Innd.n fireman.whose teams we could nut
TlM.Atifprtunate brakemen had, a
few minutes before 'the accident..exc banged
places with the brakeman on another train, in
order to Enable the latter to . revisit his family,
at Bridgeport, on the Sabbath_ :Many others
Were seriously maimed and bruised, among 'theft"
two who had both legs broken. One of these,
a brakemen named Patrick Harrington. who was
brought to the-City and carried to the finsp;
VMS not 'expected to live until this tuorttinc•
A young man flowed Hindle) . ., connected with
the express train, had of hie ears taken oti, and
his head frightfully smashed. Charles tlenin, a
waiter in Mrs. Fiche Hotel, in:Fulton street, had.
his foot crashed nod his toes severed. line
unfortunate man wail precipitated from the cars
into alsand bank; by which his face was awfully
loot:bated, and he was seriously injured intern
' ally.—Neer York Tilnr.f.
Nanns.—There are lying in the dungeons of
Naples several priest+ charged with political
crimes, whose condition the Morning Herald
thus describes ,-
.For some time after their ine . sr:erntion,thesc
gentlemen (tor some of them ore gentlemen by
hirth. and all by education) were allowed three
half-pence a day of our money them
selves upon! lint ever since-the 25th February
last, theLhave, by to decision of the Secretary of
State,becn deprived of this mi,rable pittance,sn , l
have been told they ought to subsist themselves
out of the patrimony of the church. The rev
olt is that some of these gentlemen are now ly
ing an the here flags of the prison tinor, without
covering. and that they are actually perishing
slowly trom the pangs of hunger. For months
the friends nod families Of these priests sent them
such succor and assistance iwmoney, no Collid he
occasionally conveyed into the prison. But these
stuns are now exhausted, and they complain they
must perish,. unless they be Pllo* . el by the gn,
ernment not three half-pence, but there carlini
a day."
MADato; Tuesdßy: Oct. 7
The Spanish Government steamer Isabel In
Catothat, with the Cuba mail 'to the Bth ult.. has
arrived at Vigo. • The widow of General Enna '
came by hir, and she also brought four of the
Cuban invaders. The balk of the latter, llf in '
number, are an their wily ,in the 51 , 110i,11 Tr, ,
del Primer° de Guatminla:under the convoy of '
the•VenusTrigate, which also brings six more.
It seems expected that their term of impris
and hard labor here will not be very
long and that if things go on well nt Cohn, the
occ asion of the Queen's accouchrnent will prsbn.. I
bly be chosen to make use of the royal clemency
in their favor. • • ,
.ria,-,-,4u.. between Metternich and a, Emperor—
' Indignation respecting the effects, of 1, - ,,,,th.
On. the :Id instant Prince Metternich was
visited by the Emperor of Austria, and on 'the
'sth the veteran statesman presented himqelf nt
;Court. . . .
. The ministerial Austrian papers give load
vent to their - ill-humor at Kossuth's being suf.
fared to visit England. But, by what law could
permission to land on British shore, be denied
him °
The state of political society is too firmly
tuned to admit of the pretext that public pence
Would be endangered, which in the only possible
Krollo‘l9 On which a British Minister could pro
ced to - an exceptional measure. But the Vienna
j editors seem 'to think that Lord Pitlmendon
ir could arbitrarily warn off the litmgarian fugi
lityto m would-be-ken-the meret'ie
ata s how
w e Aii
government? does the Austrian, however, forget
that there is a Britich people that has its feel
ing. on the subject, and takes it very ill when
these ere not also regarded'
The Austrian government, having found itself
- rather faintly hacked by. Russia in its protest
against Kossuth's liberation, wrote to St. Pe
tershurg for open declaration, as to the de
gree of support on which it might count in
eventualities Which might arise from the
compliance of the Porte: .On the 2lst inst., an
, 1
arswer arrived at Viehno,, recommending above
all things maleration; but declaring readiness to
assenebeforehand to all measures on which Ans.
trim shall decide in the matter.
0000.—Ilarrifig the "spelling," which is every
fowtowgraphigna—the following description of
a locomotive, by one of Dickens heroes is good?
ho says
••ds to the engeln, a nasty, wheesin, creakin
gapin, puffin, bustin monster, always out of
breath with a shiny green and gold back, like an
unpleasant beetle in that 'are glass, magnifier
as to the engein, as in always a poitri'n nut red
hot cnalS at night, and black smoke, lu the day,
the sensiblest thing it does., in my oniaion,
ven there is something in the vay, and it sets up
that ere 'frightful scream:: tech seems to say—
Now here's 240 passengers in the werry greatest
extremity of danger, and here's their 240 screams
in vun." .
A married mils every time he met the,faiher
of his wife, complained , t 4 him of the ugly tem
per and dispositiou of his daughter. At last,
upon one oceasioa, the old gentleman becoming
weary of the continued grumblingS of his tion
exclaimed—"You are right, she is an
itopeqincor jade, and if I bear say more cote=
plaints of her, I will disinherit Berl" The hut,
band made no more complaints.
P. T. Barntnnithe Bridgeport Standard soya,
till be nominated for next Governor of Conner:
Scut by-the 'Temperance sad alio by the Dem
ocratio party dike State:
Loss of bit propene,' Henry Clay—Siztern Ares
lost—Only one man sand.—ThePropellor IL Clay,
which left this city on city on Thursday morning
last for Buffalo, was lost in i the severe gale on
Friday evening off Long Point os€ich makes out
into Lake Erie 'from the Canada shore, about
ninety miles from Buffalo. ykhe particulars of
this dreadful shipwreck, no ;Tar as known, are
as follown: Luring the night,' ti part of the deck
of the Clay shifted, owing to the pitching of the
vessel, nnhl wan thrown upon the engine, break
ing it and rendering it useless,' upon which the
vessel became unmanageable, and was left to
the mercy of the waves, which eon broke over
her, causing her deck to he, broken off from the
hull, which floated off from the Wreck, carrying
woo n ten ot the crew awl officers, all of whom lost I,Stept one Jerk bond, who was taken
off the floating deck by a schooner.
The Propeller me , commanded by Capt. Oen
CallArtl, win, an lint seen lash
:1 r1,111:11r r• the jilestay, anti was doubtless lost
very soon alter. The mune of the clerk of the
essel was Boot—the names of the remaining
officers and crew being unknown.
The fly was loaded with '2,650 hhls of floor,
from fridge Lewis: 6,00 the wool, from Par
sons & Cronl, and insured $5,000 in the Detroit
Fire and ‘lsrin.lnsorance Company, $3,000 in
Nlerehnnt's Wutual Insurance Co ,
$2,00 0 in Nashville insurance Co . and 6(l4lhbls
flour, in4ure.l in MIMI.. •
She amen had n quantity of leather frian Moore
N. Foote, of this city, which was not homed.
It e. helirecol that n eon,iaerahle portion of
he p.perty - on the Propellor may he saved
rem total less. as the hull has beached in a fa
arable position near bong Point, nod should she
ion he immediately broken up, tioubtiraq much
trill Inc taken out. The Detroit Pier and Ma
rine ItNtsrance Company have despatched com
petent men to take charge of the wreck and car
ro, and alt will he saved that can he reached.—
The lamentable lose of valuable lives is by far
the most deplorable feature of tho disaster.
The vessel was owned by Chamberlain &Craw.
ford. of Cleveland, and Capt. Root.—Detre , '
Atilt/ .1,1 r.. Oil.
r t at. the l'hllatit Iphis N , .rtli A1331,1,1t0
About half-past coven o'clock on Saturday
evening, a fire broke in the nil cloth moan•
factory of C. Webster, situated helerwkallowhill
etreet, on the hanks of the Sehtlyltill,,l6 the im
mediate vicinity of Fairmount. The establish
wan a large frame shed concern,
was coon enveloped to games, and it was entire
ly consumed, but little in it being caved. It
changed owners several times Antic it start
ed,,lnd Mho, into the possession of the alone
maned proprietor quite recently The 1,1461;45J,
carried on ka, , not upon a very lar,,,e and
ttiere mac. we presume, an inklirnnee on the
The flames Mooed by „ ctrong w i n d. c m...
raeater l t o the freer roam of the sten.
..e',lr."-.7iTifiel-iiiiinlifirciney of Mitchell fc. Ritchie.
and prickly spread from thence to the wain build
int:" of the factory, which were of etoue This
extenvivit emalilishment was totally demolished.
When the fireman discovered runt it coidd not
his they dit enter! their efforts to the pie
tectien of the vurroundinth properties, in which
they were successful. An idea may he formed
of the combustible nature of the contents of
of the factory, when when we Mate that there
were l on hind .20,1010 ilia of grease, and 1600
gallons of oil. A portion of the candles were
renialeit, hilt nil the material• in .process of ex -
ecution, with the mtlehinery and fixtures, were
completely destroyed . Loss $20,4100 hisa
fhrier in elbow, $12.000
D e tween'll and 10 o'clock 111 6 same evening,
before the firemen hod rained from the de,
steno:be conflagration nt Fairmonnt, fire was
discovered bursting from the.sfitip in the rear of
the evtablishment of Mr. Horatio CKerd; l
gical instrument. No, 293 Marko street, below
Eighth. The flames enmafindented to the unoc
copied shop in the rear of Melloo ff. Portia tin
' ware ninnulactoryi No. 29!, next door below.—
Pork shop,. were burned -A strum rnglne was
used in the Amp : where the arc commenced,
from which it is Thought the dames origieateil
reMerilay mcrumg, about terodeloeti, a frame
counting house was detitroyed by tire, itt Maiden
street wharf, Kensington. •
About n quarter to four o'clock yesterday
morning, two new buildings on Christian street,
below (from! Rest Aloyamenving, were set on
r lire one of there wits gaited, and the other
considerably injured The property belonged
to Phiebo Dougherty. `'..l Mr Dougherty Ic. e
vubse filloberith ealunloes, which wan in, mire of
. she buildings.
Tll E VI It (1.4 SI X ELECT )14
tt ‘ it tistonn, Oct. -
ns ,
1. ttrthott to Ins st reports, the mclobsrn
suppo.ctl m 11/. o,oll'll to Coot:titer , from the , m •
Mout , Ilistmcts Virg.nita nrr as follows:
• Ist Ihstrict —Mtl•tam Democratic Southern
K. Mende. Dem., : 4 1
4th—T S. Itornek. Arm., S Lt
tith—.l S. Caskie.. , Dern , S. P..•
7th- -T II Ilayly,' Dem.. Iluirin
Sth - t. It Holliday, Pemocrat, S. It.
doh--.I V Strathers, Whig, U. '
10111---I• Fairkuer, 4 Whig gain. Union
',whey,. Dem , ii non
A Eilmunann, Dena. Union.
luth—F. it. aleNlallen. Item Union
1 lib—No returns.
16th —Cr W Thompson,. Dem. gain, Union
New members.
Several of the Districta nee only partially
heard from, or not nt all: but the above is be
lieved to he the, probable result, judging (rote
the argent of the few rettiram received.
In the last tlangreis, 1 irfinin woe represented
by •six Union Democrats, seven Southern Rights
Democrat, and two Whigs.
.Imlßo I'n•kir'x majority, as far as n•ccrtnin
, .
Warren county gives Mr. Ile,linger, Democrat
only 70 inniority, which elects Mr: . Farilicnce
Mr. Bona's (Dernncrat) majority in Men
na in 30. . . .
. .
The Fifth District I. in doubt: the come,
dose hetween Powell, Democrat. ntnt Coggin
Berlin ;ulna has discovered the art of til
ing ilognerrrotype. upon glass which ;5 covered
with a 1 . ..i0n of zinc or poll Thecoperstion
taken about fire 'minute. When Ilipprd into
water or varnish, the subject token ie.ery die
tinct. The artier tin enabled to gine any coloring
to the picture he mity , 11.01 i hoc even nor
cre.led in combining iwo different colors upon
the rnme ilagurrreotype.
1,13 1... f Itp,,asuuel N
of PI. la 11.
Innviatir, trill tat. Oar*. iin SahhnN nal. at
irk. A Al. Jr. VIsINIS hat . Ina hiain (atom! Tin la,
'Oil. it 'art, soil 'lama ta•laa , allii
than hta
frlactin in thiiazt.irtirli lb. , roam +WI
Ili, b l iin In Ow Clonal] bit. biain foun el d
barand thlt acritnia tstii . lA. , ' al tint. Ilan
carnet al 1,1111 am/initho.ld •t
Tba iti I . .atitrir at. John. All am inaltril
, fat thr cantlnu
anal ol al,llarrtnaatia falloailtai
At the Lafayette Hall,
..111.1 Few,16140 1 4.n Viollobt . pupil n 1 brr I%thr.r. MA-
E:4l'lW ANAANII JUMPS .411.3. E.
em,nrnl Flu3ior. Mr 1:01;11SA, Dirortnr
APT rats . r—CONiL IST.
..4na., .1141.1,
•fh.• lovor.• 11,11.1 —Swrvt -
Ilmitemo• ANNA LUS//ni .
i r ~
I o nd..r. nla) J,
. . .
CatulAnl, Itrurun duo K. "o-*tlq gKl~uYllemll
Atud•Auu.B.r , AuP At CoticutlAln
Flu. obl.'uto. /Pr. .lodlus kale.
AFT ,r.c1.1.--01 . 11LATIC 1 , 147Fi1, .111.111..
l'n n far fart,' Carnival e , f
Vet%ltt, with tho gr..]
on "'" """" by s' , "r*"
Favorlt. from Mnitettl , Scmltt.,rla opera, LP ,
"" popular
4. TM. erlehruhtl NIAb St:EN It, and arena FEnnin trnm
the Owen
itt.` , 4
/iN • LUCIA 1.1 ;,AmslimatoolL,'.V.a.p.,
tingalphr, nnprovi.eF Ihg .11r. MoCII.9A.
A A Tablenu Mexico Lite, Intro.lurn.2 the inpular
..o ng - 1,, l'amathtn" (tho Preinennole.) Smut C.u.
talon. and In the National I . 4..lnttir If n MEXICAN
itt H.. by Atte/srrne ANNA //UMW.
10 to. had at the )lo* no.l No e l Mere.. !Intel?. and the
livrerod Yolts Tiro P rad liad
, to te. only
at the Nude :Moro. of Intea o
ra. 11. Ri.mll,ll and JOlll 11.
NLELLOR, where clizo,crano. 01 the 11211 0151 t.
//hritell , •lV.i oat., cannot be strum! af4r 5 o'clock I'.
)1.. on the day of the Lryie Rotarian:tole.
pol. containing word. of 11,, I.haiga„ Ertglieh T fl o i ch r
Don or the 111•101.ATIC SCENES In, tn., to be
mild at. the dig.l-11eiere
Ltrar. Etlii.ltaltsteta naurarnm at h u'elfriu door,
wpm at 7.
lcaviag las.lanat.
te. ANNA 111$110P will
.f . ii
it. cinemas
WETIIERELL, hianufacturer of
el Patent SOLI C. BOX aed RIIAZY.D PDX. VICES.eur•
nee or Anderson allti ItObitifon ilith,t.S, one mum, fn. the
nand Pitteet Bridge. Allegheny MT. • ! Wan,
SALE—A second hand
r PI AMA ti , xtxrC4 oirdnot toshotroxy
Loadmull , by laud t Brother, Pere; tote
d oo r o urd tom fifty dollare, co ex mootho
melt. or the word discount tbr,_l[V - for see by
.11[LL011, le Word 4.
Letter Copying Presses.
ANN'S Double Lever Letter Copying
pr and )letallie Dampens, a lima Fantle. In'
rt e •aring, and money saving machine.'
This taw' and dampening tablet Prem.. deeid.'d ad .
• 01st over all previous Inventions fnr the rams object ,
Through the linen errentric joint , a hrea . mtmi.
p obtained with more ease and mach Oniker then h , non .
The ;measure is applied co oqUal, that the press 13'
n • t liable to break or get out of order.
stn. The dampening tablet la a eub.titute for the bench.
I otsinit caper. and wet eloth,aring •lt th e trouble met
' a tit to l t arta% .and sed
that advan age any
l •
e . sa . alr ' emly In u y .e for rptee 'old aep.
COPVINIi 1111000. L., paper winch ismade
all linen sle, lantnit om parchment hn l / 4 s, with Print
and liter n'• r 0,1111; inkr.
is.. Lett, COPTITIO Pr..... of all l o o t It On.
at IV. S A V 1..,
111enk ilook and Wareham.,
rorner Methet mud
Journal . Amerieau au.i Poat
estern Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
• ANTAL $300,000. It. MILLER, Jo.,
ore., of Fire sod Nhyrion
A 1 • *lll 1.. 111. ,,1 11 preluply
A bone 11141c...t00.- ulatoopel by 111 meter, who are well
• „,„ , d
who ore elernone,l
mo oe,,atel Ilbenlllo noonCilti the character which
tt hale int. °dem; the inert Prn ,,, i , .n to (ht..
• cheirr he ineunnl.
311114 r„lr , Mark. .1. 0. 1010
„A m ... Jr., Wm. It. Mame, C Ihro‘en, Ile,. V 1 -I,yrteen,
0„, 0. l.y no, JlOl/tl Lii.phomAt. ihtm, Daryl, Jame, hl'
M..). Ales Nlinlek. Tho. 13rott.
No 02 Water Oreet. lwarvho.. ni !vatic a Co
op /.1 "red CO:thumb
(h . .11E uC
atorn hh,tt . iu the
•,, e hdt. 1 . 14, ante, id he had at thr door: children hedi
Id,•• herd.opten ed. Idelork Concert thnrrn re
• Wanted,
lv Lady, a ritual'
BY an elderly Lady, a situation as Matron
or flotookof,r in n ronnertAnlt. family In on mol
fonf4mrg . h. A Ono.. of II .I. kiwi 1110 noon Clint In ni
ooltorn cif; in • ultro ,nliQfnetion. Add,. nof .1..11,
10i,1n0.1. Ore., Ton I'. 11., Allonfo'n, ono 1•n.
. ...
A Card.
11 1 11.1: nndersigned would tender their Rin-
R. rot.. thank. I. the ri,mrn thr for Ihrir in-
Janti,ble enrrls..nh ill.- fire lch .I.,trnyrd port).
th,r tloorine 4111, gal the 2Ath snot.
{VitSi A Kiii 4 NOBLE
1, 1 1.1\41 W ATCHES, of the best Eng-r :
i Pah. l'ar:e.nn.l lien" 3 manufsettner, nuor
Oli hAnd, In ....einem vnie.t,, nod at ver, Inv,
I ' l 1:1' Errs"fh'' f. .-. : . 3 1 7, 11t 1111. ' ;:
Ail Vs.,. warrant...l n. r,re..ented., the a.m., •`'
N REPAIRING cute..l In the beA . I
Aux by .umr‘or Pncil•ls rat.l rr••nrh tuunn..r
M^ , E,Vl , r. -orbwr 1,
.. „... IF T actrI7I.. 7 RRAN , eobtrANY, ,
...., • 1%43..0, tk.toher 21.. 1,1 1
i N Election fur Thirteen Director,. of thi,
[.l 'n .irt:•7:;.it; ' Ti ' llnki; ', :::ll;l ! :! , ! ' ,.. , :, !'" o r r: 7,',' . :
an,. 11.• 11111 du, Pi N.,...1n1wr next. 1...twe.T1 . 1.1, born
0 10 ...rinel. A.. 1. etrl :I,clueß P. SI.
...,31n1.1 V. 51. titllll/O.N, ecey.
& BURCHFIELD bane J.. , up or] an . 04 '.... 01 4
I' e. Rlue. oornn, an 1 tin-on SI Sing ',noel. ....
.4 ln
PALM, LEA II ettuvrz s: FIGUREL'
I riArrs..,.... rec . .l at the norttn , a , t ....r,...1 ..1
F...trtll and llarkr,trm...
4 , REA3I TAItTAR-12 1.1. L. 11010 . 11, war
-1.. :t-.1 purr. fur vv. by .
~,. B A. YAM:I.:STOCK d 01
5 A ,, 1... , A U , di,- -50 1 11 .a5 , ):: . 1 , 1 , f , 0:: , 5 i a ,, 1 c e t, b,y 1,1
- • •
QILVER SANI , --151.14.. for sal., h
0 t, .. 11, A tit?. E;ToCk a i.,
%T EN. 11E1)-. 1 46 1.1.15, f right En;.,.., I . or sale
t,, . 11. A AHNE. , rtw.:l: a. co
1,, ENNA—R. OO lbs. pri tie Aler:ndria, for
ij sale t.} 11. A FA 115 i ESTHVI , A 0 1
FLAXSEED—III I.;id,. G.r, snit. 1.5:
~ 00)11: tl. t• ,111:11 ...It
it UTTER-3 10.14. Fresh Roll, for gale by
g_p 41-,00 '4,III.'EL P 1,111:1VER -
VINEGAR- 50 100, fit sale by
• ....Rt.. ttA,SII; El. P Slllll ,- 1,11
BOANKETS — A , A. M..v..0: & Co. :krt. 51105
.:prtuu,.; Axt 00.0 m..rtr...l7iitchterts.
I )I.A 11 1 RII.II3IiN .S— A . - k: - M A sos .1 Co
1,. )....... n , .. ..r. 1...n.1 ... cn. t..u. 0,011 •t.le I'lal.l Rlt
UENTS' 1(11) t.LOVF Now opening ut
d M A asa:al, Ah : la, KW A al iCh CU
Glove CA , .1 Chi hlarloa •auhu—lua
1,111NOES—A.1".5110. 3S a. CU. 111,1`
1,3 read', vacua]. Silk hint, Mart alal d
h ;roTTEI , V LANNK,LS- . —Just. received Ili.
A. A. MASON a Cl 4 and Markat 4.. aWO
for ahllAran'a a. 1,1
Brill:It-2o kg, fresh. recd and for sale
liy n ICA t hIrCAMII.KF I N
)BANS - 15 Logs Stimll White, for male by
w WICK it IlaIJA‘ I,llW'
hop. Curb., for null` by
{,AI3 I'l3llE-1:2 kel m ale
n, for
KAI Alo . .Ahh
'VIABLE SALT - 1n boxer. for,snle by
Ac . - K u, I.— 11,0
1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 , 1 1 : + K:
). 1 . 1 , , , 15 t.. n ..„. 1:
P0zu,11n„?,7,7',' for xok' by
t l tio . ,:tii.ATE-24);, u 1.*, , : s ~,fr E eb loi r ii n z ,be, v by
11110E --:.N 1 1,,t; far Kale by
S Ai MOLASSES-31111111e. lioo.lale's Ref.
• . .„,„ ••,
• IMF 8141A11-75 1.111, 0.0 . 11 Nom 111 t
It SUGAR-75 htll.. a.
A 01,1r.,1
111.1 n
M et,
Trees, Plants. &e.
4.. The 1-o,,ril,ri offer. for SM.. a . .
ris,lll, siamrtment .1 13WW nal valuable
Pant.. en, mat Muer 11..., ar.1.4.1m1
p. ,11: imm tta moat eelelgat.l g
.., ..
the emit. r 0........ In I..rt ai Imarl near Tn., tete
naw . Stravrtegnem C.... Nine Ilarr , Ili. t•
l'inr.ll.. t .....ionasi warmly. to Ow. attm 41...
kgrmtuty ol Sin , (.... ti... ta...1 agt u cultirntam. Om it ...
ittaultale. I.e. :+egretn. Wr.erli.kaguara , tii.g...lagrim.X.r
mu., lia , ptagriem Iry.. Vin. ig I..vnstremo. or ail trona
rla Trani. %lying Narita. Hot,v ism) liounruritirr
I , mm , fat Vail litanttny. rl7 lieigie.a. tienart.a
etk.......t1aa, Tu.,. .0 Cron..
...I.g. mi.n. , .....1.. Itttniturah Pun OM., tg h•rt m ~,,,
~,..1 on market .lot., will I. esrvillily anemia.] t...
.........A....ittiT JAM lit. ni alinitlllt
.. . ..-
I It.higSTA.,IIIcKNIGITI'. n.(12 Fourth L.
cr no. hdro.r Pall and NV flit•
nrw-ba Lt. 4-harly. vrrT rhesp: Plain Carthmere
S•tuary °4449v1, 14., Slat,. at manufsLourrev
Freneh Merin. ar44l l'avtmervm Fun
,i Dr , very stvirable:
• Cl,k4.l . l4vstvusr, vv.. 4,
! C
• P a full an.runent nf infAntA . And Yontbre Nlrrino
Mutt, Wool °Ann,. 11... A.
et :Jul Coat, Jib., nre An
sAr.r ot rkyln And rnAnA
a—c,nntn, Merrbsul;Anynlia.l at Arrr low non.
Double Reed ldela,deon.
TILE sulPteriber has junk/opened a very
tr. Mrlfkloon. r. nct•rrr. frith 4inu•lr det of rrr4-,
nvule is
the minion! [ls entor,
• hroolhnro.
non inrtrument {nunl to
nn• tnueb rupern• to-it In point of arreutunn of tone, en
pnesty to ntandin ton, and farlllty (ran/porting It
r•yrerrlr intrnlr I for one in ehurohrn. owtl nvlnn
Ins price. mu. h •infernhlr fn nor othortn.tromont.
(Miraying to puralku , au lurtrulnont of thetlnd nrr re••••••
r niulolllllloV the MI6, rrrrin. u.lf
being baton anal Ifnin lh ruhrrrlnrer warrr•oro,nrmu
1717111 T irule Anrnt
re?, for Mr tritium nankeen. Carl.nrdt • Ne•.l ham
Shriver & McLean.
Fi,,,,,, t*odec. and arr:iitigrio ft Jlrrchan!,,
‘ ....4.N0 31 00011; Wine Mote.
IL/ our. v.s.m.lir. 51 ,4 n 4.« Cl' proton , tatentioo. via;
our bowl evderrrore to air e ...Warrior , Auraile, made on
rveellh nt I:111r oh 010100 when 11,11re.1.
Iteh•r zo---Nleerr. Hemp.. Miller. Pilt.htary;h:
Mr. Er.uria I. 11.iler.
I r.. II les. l i .emf 11115,
BUTTER -50 kegs No. I;
.1 MI6 Roil; iuel reehl nrhl for rale hr
I AEO.-51JIIIS.inst reed and for sole by
II 4 'O," SAMII hi, P. ellltl V Vlll .
JAM. 11l NOER- 5 bbls. for pale by
0,24. it. E. r.i,i.nit,.. , 7 1%,...1 el.
0,..—0C0T RINE A LOES--200 Ibn. for sole be
-- .
QI UOAR. LEA 1.1-101 1114. for mile by
I I. 77 4- oclti . 0 0. 001.1:000
.. .
'DICKE' ) GUM ARABIO-150 lbs. 0082,
01, bendrome. rer rale 14R. F. SF.LI.EII,.
. ..
'DOW. AF. CAY. PEPPER — S easkg (lore,
0 tone,. I, It K. PIII.LEIR
• VEN. KED-20 bbl'.. (Eng.) prime, for mile
by . It - F. SELLERS.
ll"i' . . SALTS-2 0 b btrr. fur role by • I
r, or:,J. IICIIIIONM A lit:11 A: J.
i LIKA-30 bbls , for mole by `
1311.U58. BLUE - -L 7 boxev beet, for snitpy
j fle, J LICHOONMAKEII A 121, -
. ~
ULT. MAR. BLUE—• N boxer for sole by
~,,,' .1. SCIIIJONSI AKER 0 80
V EN..RED-15 emsks (Eng.) for role by
J .
E E R Y 0 0
81 . 11, 1,.1,1 O-100 bbl
1. 1 . OSIN —'/II ilbleh No. o ; , , I , I,,, f , , ,, r ,si s A nle } liy ,,
i (lip. LOG WOODL-1 00 lib's. for , eulo by
I ..19 J ;ICII;r0I.I11 A KKR k 111 -
Plrf SISU HO I I STOCK-20 shuns
award I.y Iq.yl , J. HMI t.MMIITII A M .
MOLASSES—"_U LLL. Bat. Ground.
. for mi. by JAMES MALZEI.I.
LANCES AT El) ItOl.E, in a Soxies of
1.. 1190,10.. nrl,44te. i'0•1
. .
Lots and Turnpike Stock for Sale. bc
d ' , EI li:EI .
.I/ ELL be of f ered at yol.ll . lo .; ,e_ale, at .the ti
floe Ili 7:1.111. .;•„ . ....11,4a Tagk!';',l,;,:: ti I :i - I
,„, „," c ity, feby . 4 11,4,00 whlch there to o f 01,
or house: eh.. Ilfa 'allele itl lot axboluln and of U.., „ c ,,,, - ,
me ditokuriouo 1.4 the above. ou which le ereetef a oew —..
.re beam. - INS :
A l.„, ,t the 5.11. time aml bluer. —lla aharea of Pitt.
rgh AMltloubeavill. Torapit.etwa. 'lrrma at oak. L lee.
. F... MR:PM,
J. 13. BONNET, pi:!ttl.
hwy. a James M, ...,at i
• w
window springs • • ' I - 031 IVIE ' V.A.:l..\ \ ):
. . • • ,
HHAMMOND has again returned to thls ------ 1 ----- -
!s Z. • l and le puttinie hi r well knowl3 anperior UN 11 . 1 ... 1 ' 0, A ..... "' --A4'""•"' l. -°"'4"`''''''C''' ' '" ,
1 Elf and LOWER SPRINGS to all kind, of window,. fork ,„„„h,.papti\recedifal and tArerardeA l.l 'ooq ~ .r...... h....
locklnA awl opening either or both the attper and lower ~,,,,,,...„. \ a \ \ ‘‘‘.,
aaah. It. IL area °Walachia Sprlnge tn It mime. In lan a : a ______...-- ...-.._ -, - , _ ---..,
-al7. in ritt.b.,6 .wt ,i.icr...4 b. t. ,,,,, n0.Pd in I \ ---.--- - - ',.: 31 - 0 - v
manufaetnrina and opal, Inc them nter •-al ,Tnt,tll. Ile . , '
therefon. flatters hicrovaf . he • prollelont. and lo Elee en .
E — IdENTS ali I
lit ...forth. in the blunt,. Ile warrant, hilf-prlna. , ea..= ~, .. OF TUE
not to-hreak or lure their el/4..14. and hal. Eptincs Falb , ,-7 - 3.... __,' .
... smug slug;
able for.all rive of Windows. Ile will remain nick to , - a - ' • ---- . ,
dare, atthe Red Linn it a tvt, sr, Clair eeraet , nfiere rater. I PAT OF SAILIA TO AND 17011 TUF. UNITED •
ma, be 'left., or at the Poet Office Iterpertable referenr ef 1
raoKAwant.-13• . n 3
V, °TICE 13 hereby given that an it.s , leT , . k iTY .4 GLAIWILIV. Leach. for,Phu.d.lphi.,--- o, t
iII ...,,, o f twenty nee ;Fran per Woe. hoe been lerleo I NIAUAZA. , Letth. her York. ' Oct 11 le
nn the wet of the Eureka Shama C .mpaur. parable al, 1 rAUIFIC. A, for N 1 talt . • Ott 1:', •
the nfllee of the Combat,. its the Cdy eat Plttaburah. on\ EUROPA. ult. tor lloruntf, , , it ,.
Mond,. December Int. 1,1. IIIANK.I.I3 ‘ , Wollen. froth, II
. re--.• ... • ..,
Ile valet order of thy Ilyaral of Ihreetore." Itt uric. Enmetuk. for N %Ark, .... .... ... ...... let Za
.1%111, al C11111:‘TY. , 1.31111.1ruN. Floyd, froin'll men-, .....3... .... -fleA 31
re, 7, fee:ref-4r, and Trea.orer -
riNOBACCO—IG Iti'v iI No. I, in litaire p ith.ko lll z.f.* : . N I.^ i k ,"' " . (h.t a a,.e \ Fi ••,
and [..rfni- I, J i ll. ' "." I.L . I',\C-Fr,;,%-„!--,..L-1',i,. ', ..... ........i t ,
.. , ..... -- , ..%... 1, ,,i,...wii. \ ."..,..,.,,...i . - ... • \ tr. ..., !I
... ! ,. 1 ,. ! , , ... 2 ,... "n.
, N , : York \ .... ... . . . ‘,. ~. . . .
s . T
or 1.
i ~. - ,: ,
1851 Hops. . : `', is, i,‘ A vrJ.v,i. -.-. \
ar. BALKS id First Sort Eastern and li e. • „!i.„) :,,,,,,., - t't,. 'ITT' n •
\ ', .V1` .1 :'
II 4 tern Dill,. now r.veleinv and tor ode t , ..,, ',c,., ..:, i.,... it ; . !:'. a . ' ." ""r" \ .....
• - "
Opt. it onirit. Pal ..m.-t . ,t rpool. note, Merril,. ,q?a,l,
',„„: ~„,,,,.,.. , r
13 UTT Filt --1 hbls. Sall: • lUMTII),kt ON ATIION a Smola. \,,,, ....,OvtV.
2 - ' 1 " ' ' 1 "- , P .'"•L I . l.ll wut All lot! and NewdesperA on han d L, Enalated. Ine
por eanyl mad for uale lo .IA 11::n . ha LZELL. Pool and eved col aro P.lll be the Aral atalner. Dell atter
goa 11 trout vtLeet- ot what line`. • \ ' I
STATE MUTUAL Letter. to Efe‘continent of F.unme. be di ' , follitEn lAZ. I.
FI R E INSUItANI!E C 0 St P A N Y . ill.:t. ' 1712::::. P ruFtit irciliTVintilt r.' ''''''
i r , , 1
Ha A 1,111 , 1 H W.. P., Letter. to the f.` tlnent or P.prolle by the (Ninon] lino .„
1 ) ESP iNE. I I only for the ,tfer Cl•ta..ov of nio. be pnr . i.Elln_of . Al .
, ltiml i i i .. rate. ewent to Umfa
~.e t e, f a ... ample capital. nod allorde nittvei ob.w . ''''' l . l w "`, II, PTE'`" . f`` , 1 .,a
o f a d, .eta.f., o. polo tot rheapne. .yl.o, and aremunio Lett," by the Mart, Lin r . mul he prepaid twenty four
4 „,„,.. ~„ , e a „, , „oat, merah,ota, an d „ a nee ..., a eat. per hart ouneAlAhm.l Eaton.. to be al.ted, er•pt to
dvellloc., end a...1,rd yr roan., prooeri, we. Reltion. \ I . ,
ACt li IZI Ell. Artnar). a Seirritoitii•rr fir oillt , r \ Itte, to OA Continent, plot he I
ye,: Ilrfaia, tato, Ny ad enilthr,eld .t .I . l lo.hursfif ta.epaul, °fur rent. oar . , :,
- ,
l'utand Poetize ern he .1.1 on Lett., and NewVlwo.
el*. the V.:Wow/It of liff .pee II thellarte wool En men
Orleans Insurance Company.
CAPITAL. 6150,000. , ,
0,....ir0l to tirrordunre watt the Gele - rat Iruoranot \ PITTSEITROM \ MARKET.
bum of llie Stlte
\- \ Oerwi, }tuna. liairres. f
TUE aloft , prasperous and re.p . onsible \
' \ FTIOIT 'lO. InA. October 31. i
Eympan3, harm. complied with the re.p.i.ition. of \ .
fo 111. 4,1 1.111. :WO, If WO( 1..111111X 1 , 11 iii. 6, th.‘r \ VeSterd vrlnl, very softablo for buloness,
'''' "' ''" ''''. "'"'' ''''''''''''`,l".',"l;',"""'"'n! ' ah l''''' .erlp, to Inc derwn t er or the oro tgo, .111 a foir getter
hole, oral -.AO M0...0N . Permolent
II %. (leo il.1.1; tt eoerewrY al i'lei ., .. wa \ 1 . 1 . 3, 1 ,1 0 . 1 . 1 .' 1 ." \ •
olfhee No 31 •••itolthno.l.l 01. POWbor....h. rIAIIIII-Iter ipbovrefe moderate alai all the'velevi we
afof: • '.-
0 a ClllllllEit a rent f a . a e,i'ar h a , m nevi. h a eab k , our. 'gin \ II , A. at At A.-Ar.I . A II
- New Music. hid . linou ntoro . I .l , eit wer 'confined.. Antatctutnai,S 3 37 .
• 3et fo‘• m I and atria blronslA' `' \
5() , N , 1 . 1 ., 5 ... 3 „ 1 . 1 . 1 0 1i,7 b.. 1f ; T .... . , 1 , 1. 1 : 4 . . 0, ( 3 :T11 ARI N E LIATEn: '',,,,,,, , a , „.. ba , ,, A,,,, a ,.. ~,,,, d0, ,,\,A,..,,,,,,. r „. a .,,, v.
Th. harp that: nor. l hrouTh l'o'lT;•.haltr., being, ear? \llTlal a effe'Vira: U boa llerterfAm v., at i'Vle
?AA. ItUlfr . otains Lee
. war tuolfe ,
fo'sNa.• I. It .lEN NS LIND. AT IIF.1: CIINCERT; , a ,....0 , -,...,,4,,,„. 1 4,. 03 ,„,,,, , i , \ 4 l , ~ i,,,,,,, \
, ..un' through t tie It, irildron land Ana., --- •
• ALII4I Holon Or., Lode Itaal luau.; . iii. r•usto . 6,...ecit t ...II ii , ..t , ," ~h l i l4r. • '•^l 4 "A" N
• ii,aii.. o,i g el h.. 1.... ken ta m 1.1. f • 1.01, 1.1110 l SI 111 k. Ina od . fiAl 1U do t•tigarh , 'VI r , i. at
The Cvalier. The Lus , :". Era, er. a ftb mu- ate Bett e e ton NI 1,111-e, 'ze lasikrale's 60 aka in two
11. • heepeat• ....,iel to tto t . ~.-1, :3 Ilot et.
, ~,,.i„ r , I. , a , a.,,a, ion,- e ,„ .. v„, a ., lota , at 0a c, and\foo do at liaaOh.e. It and lane. OA:Utter
.. fordo. th, 1.0rta . ,1,•'... ; lo en all .ried. ' ' leitia ,raber below tbe mar tet \
....Ilya, IW to .0o rummer Woo, fad.' It.wiaN-ealea WO. A. etyderslkt •CA •3..0 Harm , tri
- to- 'feet 71..1 , volt ro .Idale:
eve. Anto. llo• , '0.% IA o .t. Ilrble.. r ' , Let email 11 4. at 11, .ir CA PIMA ait In'toi^fkuTiiiitid \
The amain: ril( 111:EAF.-balfw IN Lt, at 64 4 ma. Itra do, I one
Call me pet It o .. I i f. ‘ ,..:11 ' ,..1. 1 1 i t 1 e 1 1=r0 P .7, 1 1; " , ~.. i ea t' 'o, Ia lb. \ k . \ '
~a , „l v u,i e,i. Rai. 1, 11111 , 1 11 Mt:l, ll h . ''•.. .. , • r, •I'' •
" 1,1 ~,,, ' nut• I , LO , t---ba e. 4 enul nnd h,ont.. at %IP
„, , e „,.
oil CT '0 Na
1 4 1 LORE NI_:E IV II IT E-A he:ma:Rl I i,!, Ito, i t ivi-Ki:4„,,.. itt,i 2,:,\ket, at tie..k . aud 11 keg. prime t
1 . • amt. Vad, that 1. onohoureable man, elmmle earl. A ' . '
''. It. 0de.... 1 tor Parlo, ateaustu, and elope-3ton tor •.. `, , • ,
of talon. A AOh ilo. art.olo eat. lv Pr.ltioedtbehMhew W,ori.--3alevAva , S. tub w.heal a • eit.ll, •
•` t. , oi brd, . par. wavy of nay mynah. Foyer, bean , . iiREEN APPLES -email Aden Al I &I, \ .
" "'"'" "i• " r • '''''• h. " ''•j•nkr:l4.l",,,rZt',,r,:de IldlElkF111:1•1\Ealiv peach... [ban atom AI f.f and
tor .ale 10-
_--- ' apple.. ftjeCdsl It b
N •
°Tic E.-'rhe Per, on trinl
, nook -it is REIM itivt-eate ot \ l , do,ll aa , - 1 , dna \
44 1 samnaeol . momfo--trom ..., fio , deaf. nn I ri - \ \
„f o„, elenlna matke 1 ••a in 1, fl. mi.. it E. relief:'. -
reauented te aril a. ..• a. fault. at, I\ll. VIIIInlil• only to • •UA I.TISIORE MA RE ET.
It-tt.. ~,,,, ~.,_., : j i, la oELLERS. .7 Wm..\
Inixota, \ (41. 4.
••, 1-1 1 tie k wil EA 'I FLOUR-'2.5 sittik It iiir sale c,,,,,1„rb,`, o ff or i np , ~I. b. ~, p , , fir ~„,.a,,,
I ,„ ~, , ,WE a ...CAN ,DLE
u. dal reached l am ' , load, at whirb number SW %ere e01.,1
I kUit II 211 elf EESE--I,i , p bra. I fez te l .'s fi• ea , lOvtierv. and revive del , ato Philadelplia.
, Jur reb.hrroel Porh oa oral Naito, Clovve. the- alo% r.- Ewen. tamed fraln ST TV to Al -, ou the har t mal tod
.ea .d and for tale to e.1.4d.4 1 . 7.. nat.aml Ayereanag• 1 2 • attia.
ii..,-io tn.. ofro•tUi , of • vdPE' I OATAa In d . the r
~. 1- 11 , 1 no i••• 11 1 ,. W., quote al 1 1,1:adl. to 6 To.
•II E E:"E -SO 1,, ere.. Ch e ,,,, 2:tri do. . .
no,- The market 13 7 11....0 Ftreet our to day .
T . 1..) W If itat fa, dyad for .ale la • usted 1 .an. of 1.. able Wita rotate at Al a. .
oe:f" n'" 0 "" " ‘ "F ' " "o.
•" 1 " I . * r
1 oivi t. 14. d - mikla 11Mir it At 11 ,
',...., I, 7 : 4 :l • . .n . ..tor , t ' n ' t ‘ •fit • -al f - ` it em . 1 a ' t .9 AI
SA LERATIIS-2' , . 1 , eliekel . Clevel.trid:
, „,. ,„ 1ir..T1...n. i. not om in wheaft.ofvfog to to
- '''' 5 . a .1 ', 1 ".1 . ',....a ', Z, - , 1.,' nuffolii.v o of the eretpla.l Erb • renodnl, 11101, Tll.
LIP 0 ,,
-'- '' - ' '-' - 7 ~7., tot ~.,i to prinfelraali . eredsulor white, and OdnE
, 1: HOC( IL.VI' F.- 11111 lA. , 1 . r . 0. 11 rue'' . A l ltt ., fOr ' ',V a r . „ " , - V l . ‘ a t 'n . ' ;.7ll7n;f: ' at ,ofiff3e rm. oth, tunny
"" N ° " - k..." : L ' - Prim. • %forth fa,A.W..• for a and Yellow. N.* for..
1%"1,:ii LESS BLACK I NU —The eekt.r.,- ~.., poem ,1 •"' ' 1..116 ' ." 0 +.1110507 '''''''''. \ P ..'"
NI'I ion , . 11,a, ,
1,1 i1..141,4 Meet of,. warreobal " I, l`.' l "f 5 .1 .' 1, ihtt• go v • rth , 1 1,• • ••• • •
r '''''
.'""' • '"'
' ""'
" ' ''''''''
I . rt l •
NI mu tomritsr, , i by Iladeldu-oit a Co Fair Kale. are makisix.l,ll,lolll rm.,
r , .... hat r. r ,I slid 1,, ~. iv hob PO. he r
' ' sN 11 ICE El , llO ll . • Who-key-The detnaul I. litZiOn4 `lra of Polio taus
i,ii" it ii.... 1 corner of :till, • i ••• to 1••• made at T_•., ,a "_:le. and hhda at 22... We
As 11 ILn-on
g 'IIEESE-0 , .
1,. c",,,,,, ('beers. 2:;D ,10.
1,.. , %, I: yet r.....1ar..1 1.. r Yal I, e
ne:r" WIN A 11r41.Atitil.E,S
SA LERATUS--2: : ". , itltakS . Clevelarttl:
oe2: '''' S . \'' 1 i C1i ' ..t1 . 11 .: 411 -1' .1 . .
;I ' .
E-1,1... fresh reed mod fur
4.1,1, All K a aIatANIME-,
‘ a ATCII LESS IsLAch I NU—'ll,,,el,l.r.- ,
,Ti ~...I alatrltly, IllaeLtst, attlaattar Y.t any
..., 11yred la Me t aMlit. . n il to Ytautl to our rlattate
llautttarturyal by Iltackamm 1:.
a .
'' ' r " . ' '"' err ' . 0 ' 5 " , o t ll. 'N '11 . 172;;I I :';: I l All
ta....Y.7 Ya rya amyl. carom ttl :tail.
.1 Fit ICA N CA) ESN E PEPPER—MA' ilia.
;11 m i t .. , 7''''' . r '''' ''' 'II. 4. A L FAIIN K., OCK A IAY.
i I Eli. CAS. PEPPER-300 Ihr..fid . sale
,y t. , .e I: 0 VA 11:Y505,1:K A CO
(' N 4.1:1 sEk:i)-- . 2. , ) Mt!, fa r smile by
._ . '1 ..-.; It. A I ttIINE,Ta.CIA Ai.. .
' 4 , L.'. Ultk: II SALTS—III Ha, for ~ale b y
It A. VA IINI.:101, A MA
( ' ASTI LE SOAP-75 boxer for sale be .
if s FA:ISE:I , i SC..
A tU El; Al' EF. SuA I'-5u 1,, t., sale by
T ,r - , - ; it. A YAIINY,ItaAa A Ca
IlEAlt Ls-1:: casks tor s le K ale A Ni.-x lir
n s oxxsr
To the Public!
T HE und,rsigned. lizo*.g taken the 4tore
0...1,4 , 1 by ...L . ..
ZNII/11...... int - uPOT
LV,71,1,r tu.ll, k... 1
•11.3 II A1v:71,.
More New GaAs.
Read This, Mark it Well.
ENI , THE I, PER Tl. ',WI, NElt:111,01:.
ri.wo t.I the tpre:r Patent+ 1.. , f0re the
n 1., Ito..olnrrlner. and ran
I. • , ,,a at the drug -tor. of 0. N. 111,1 6 :nn1INNI. nom.,
1 Wne.l and,..1,. Thn nne• I
n... 1.1 1, 111. , lartunr.n.llln Ibn
It .11 v.lll, front In 1n.,. arr 1L
a ,13,.
one or In,. n: Inn
tier onn•. r, ad, NT tlo. Hunt, •ilt ,
onl XIII by nf Inn
11,, I. 1.p,, u,n,lven,lnl mntran.
pl l .
Lam. nr 1,, En
tr,nn tn
non' aernt 1441114 , ' I nani r.lnt,
We . invito the at,
It 411 a
en, hurl el wad. rall atrta
1.1 .upl•i• tho an', 44 dlol, Prt n 414•04.1 O. an.
porn, ‘4,41 1 - 44.44,4: tho 7 mw
44.ntolartaon :44 to, on. one ro r. ha , ann. N.. n 44
44444,-a a 14figt,n1 nualttio.. Ulu Enz.
1,4 and Amonran andlnnladdo Whit, antnneb. and a
14.4 4.4.440rn0rnt 44 Sea - Ling alanorl44
4cd, Lllll9lll a alp la:II Fl
FiSll— 1.444.rar No d aln.oto , d,
' • •
100 I.nrgo N. T !r1“.oto , 1,
1001 , 01 , OaKeeolpon, ealmoo sod 4 . 1"
F till
1 0 I , , - Vor oxle by
d I KW:EMS, &C.—
nn c, 1101,11e.e. Lb, N., Tar.
I,! rhe.
l'appar, 11 , haat , Chtalata. -
I, • , ra,k. ladta.
I 1,101 )fiaLl,Curt, •
1,. Window W0k...a,.
It, `fen . + llia r,I Fur ash.. lu
11,11115 , 1 N. LITTLE a t/t.
V IN ,
1 :• :" A "-
au Id,l I'.lr gale by
N , foLs 4 ril , e ,, by
1 1 . lOU I Ito N —350 rm. liens Creek Metltl:
•I 5 S II .•
hw. ik I , uger. for
C .
T O kiACei
f.I, lira..l
11.1 • 1,•1•I
4.. • %, h, •
'pod :40.. I. VILE a Co.
( L & ROSIN-20 Ibis. Tlnna'
No.l Kati r: for eo.r 6T
00111005. tATTL t Co.
OLAS , ES--fit ) lads. N O. for 'ale 1.07
IT orin 12U1.1.0.1tY..3.5 . *Vr. 192
For ttl.. I.r A. OULIIKIITAOT: a
V INF:GAR-1M bbl.. for 8:1111 by . II
p RANDY- 5 ta4lol Wild Clirrrj liras .
rhoter bran:lT, on mud And lur Tnin,bv
A CI 1.111:It r,os kCO
I JPA'rENT TIIREAD-2. 00 . 0 Ills. imported
I miotoo,‘..ry. , 0 0 . Yr.".
b• otert:lterwtT. ,tr
10 lig '. STAID lbs.; a ohoice
n t Annfitetttr.t tor tli . Tue nu.; rtt t litrq
ITT:7 in
rttni r m 'n
trlh r-T daT
tion Rup . I tAnsut
p u e , tToT,wi MI r ylrt YorTab
.1 KlN:recto,. Wood 0.
I!oV.V..orn".4::`it't;:Z.l....l'un.) .I " ordine n
turltte For Tale trt
J. lOW , it , wnod ,t_
IV I.: are instructed by the owner. to el.tVe
„ t at rdur.,l and umn
C,•41 IllAnA o Alut..., •
4 o -frau-. Its,. And <nr n
NIL 1411' HY ot 4.1.!F:
• .
.., N
r 1 1 1)lisk,l'el 4--- 100 hooNios SliericiAo,l',4 4' , .4,'1nd
ii_ A. on ,Aa.oancroaut an :l tror onkleo. lot "
JOIN 10 , ATT & CO,
a , 41.11.11i.E,H7 bags prime Rio, arrivin:wid,
k j 4, nii,, , y, o. JOIUI IV/at A. (,o). ',
ii Lif.Tll;l),-711400 Ito, prii% N . B , tir l y:w i c , • ., ked.,,
f 4 LASS-400 801, Window. ,'d 'sizeß,'
1 ji ,„,...1, _ JOHN U - 4.11, , 1 l'il.
, , . -
IVit OLASSE,' '2O lAA, S. 1.1. Svrup, for
111 ga. LAW br JioliN IcAf.T E.U.
B .--\
Stlisil}lllllS--.104) loz. ( Own ro Kiloi, ~
01, AAA. N. V. Leath, \ .\
. HO nA A WO And ern.ltinl34•Ar
. , . 0-21 - • • Joollti wArra i.v. , „ :
It ll ,c rTEff.—k i 'L , ei .3. 4. l lt 3ll , itt t j 1e , 1 1 ,4,,:;, , k r 1 i a , ii . ,
cii,EEsl .l_soo 1.v.,,5 1c e...1 , i Lu lA l s o il . iE n i tt.y‘
' t
1 1 I 0 I - 4 r. , Lbll] Lake; ~.,
. ° . J...farilai,.. \,,
LINS ; OIL-111 bblZfirittwohrobrupd.
~..., tw . ..I, ‘ E. OANVII:ID.„ i:
0 M
COFFEE TilAiir. OP BRAZIL—Mr Philitilrlphia Com
nirioni List garg Ihr Pillaring fd rntlre fro
1i... ii...innirro tram lrt nf January to last Angus/ , soon
foini Pi
1 , 19. 1 , 411
srn Vat: 101700 1:11.1,1 141.3 . 1E7,11
I.lllniurv. 111.1101 7,010 ,L,g
.. , 11P,1,11 1111117 " ,1011 101.7 i
1 hilarielpliir 1.1:: , . 751
airlainn. 15,7110
77 - • ow:, Ca.,OlS
. . .
1 1 91. 1 biel. 11
1b.,. I:4S
• n5n 3.3.1119
v 7.. .M 1 99419 1 . 2.34143
lel 161.14 . / 13.3.77 ,4
It eiti be nen by the. alinre, that Ilnltlmore ie shred
11 the ether mart:so'the trititni Stalks, in the Importatiun ,
mom Brazil. mul that hee-imiseu from Ibbl are
mur :nu, as inoch 15
In reference
, " the iiiiportelea. Italtursine, as a net, market, to the
It est aim :with 161.. t. the American remark...tic:if — lfer
for int-renininuniralien with the sn•ar no a
f ne - tme. +III IC, very lamely inennieil. Inch to Pat , -
• in.l (Vb.. hibc. hl the entat•li.tion or the lfennerlan
nta the former. aml the rail° neml ter
n...anti: et the latier. and with then, Inctest...lladrackLi
• he n ill in.tnithaintain her pc:nen.
full Alan. i•I the ether general fin:ira
te:pc. the great meat
—TlVerr wa. J fert orb... In C 111. 1 ,4 VI
at Murk. 1 I .v. tone. and falling
.a RIM V
J. McK - ee. iirnfilir,t.3tclicenor
h0h. , ...0rh0•
WhAlt F. W., h.nono`,,
1:. 11.11,r,
Iletinal_ Brow uovill.
hms.r, Gordon, liktvnr.
Wurnal. lbnw.ll. Wheylitm.
Islanter.GmAnn. Wth.rlieF.
1,1 o thoLne.ll ,,, olgoort.
Julia Wcod.on , Zn0...111.
Atlantk. Plait Inns, r .
Paine. Bennett. Bromory
Th nnrinrr. Ran.). 1V1,1:••••tno.
Gne..., Balk, 11, . 1 ?.. 1 1 .1 .•
Inure:. Conlon. Iteurrr
-vv. Nlionm,nbrelinq.
Nrlsou. Slrnse, IYhnellna.-
Irrue.llClint.t. Cioanarl.
111..,rn5., Calhoun. St Lou.
4 Co , 1 oO•0[1:ret fuck. I rrrrr tally Sl‘ •AA sn
PT LOlllF—Mt
kaaNTNnsm.s. TATSTT ONT..
Itit , IVNTNI n K. anti 6r. Y.
Fon IIOCKINGPORT—TIIq fine steamer Pilot Na
1 Cain Crlirt.. nJI leave a. thv , 45).
Ltkrisellu—Thn opleudid klnar trrnaont
law *Ol I«avn rt. above mosaic...
V. Cue PM, pillrll4l/ 0•1111,1
%AU Ivy, lI,OVC .11 dar:rMt .l.l .4 ..
4 , r .1 ea, and pltriant,U,P.
n a' Oil:
.. . .
.NOl CE!.,. `Sc-_T_. \ ~,.
Notice to Jurors. • X'• • -
THE iJUROR.S..en oned_t; attend ut m .. -N. ''..,
platakt Conn for lb*, nty of AllaxberlY 'rd. the ' d V .:
f n ., Nlaadap t Ua dap./ of No mbar, A--Ivl, brie. 1 a \
by notified - that [hair attrads •.e en that day will not be ' le. '. \ •
e ,pedead. Bp enter afthr eau . px it ipplN,i. ph it \ \
Nitararea Orract. 1 7 itta ab, b i‘et.
. \ , I ' , talP.salamali . .... . •
eel. . ..
Pi . avad . ., IN la3L , '. • ' b.
* r . PIRECTOILS of th, Coning 'N.tirkilif.....
' c ,„,,,,,,,, nalichlamhapa ILI. day mad. at ...r.a.
m e at of tfty cents on tach e. , of , eaPdal ataeL to
aal.sCatapanr; ola, bell payable sa , r , -0-ra the f.anrh N.- ~,,-.p,
'mber. add * di.. ethar Iddl en . r MP., lb. :Nth Jampdp .. - 7 . •
' .. ,',, r .I, t ''' \ r '''''. "'ZinFA, \-7. I • msp. Tr,— . ' • . ' .
• ••
i \ To Builder&
IitOP • OSA LS for the erection of 'o. Ponl'i i. .• • --.-
, i t ,:ttrai" en 1bi..rd1, , r 311 ,1 , .. r,lTed Ild. 1,11 _ ~, ,:,, ',•
. . -- •
• ..
MIFF DIRECTORSof tit( Coning :Mining , ' •N. •
c,„,,,, ofalichl,an.hrre thl. .tar mar au w...eaa.
f, of fifty ....Ws on rack there t`f k e randal atoe't. ta . •.,...! \ - . \
r,sCotrutur. one half parable on .7. the f.„7,11 NO- .:,
.i., % \ 1 1
leather. and th • other halt on . r MI.. the I,th Annua,7 • • •- A \ \ \
“. \ To Builders: . . i 1 ,. :: \i s \,. •
pROPOSA LS for the ereettortut ‘ l t. Pottro : ' - 'k.. \ .
i.:,,thot,t, to moral, ottt ,t,e n. , ,,e,1 lb.. 11... t. 4.', • ,
, hotio,ttute lb el Nae.otl , r; N.rtn•htlan. about - -v: ~ . .7.... • ,l. .‘, '
the e.,nrittiont .. ....olmetAtnel 1 , . oh.. nt,luMbe mute .„,,' , :7 ,- . --,... 1 ‘
, ~,,, ~,,,L . and ,p,-inrat or, N. N.4.ti fo , r -
ti ta. , .'.,..1.1 , ,,,..'... - .;'
tion fh.a, k W. 0,0.1, 1.. r L. it .t.; ft.. tat .:;•-,,,.-,,-......,
antler tool will forin ti., e yawl.. r. lw let' .....,.,,,, \
..•tlrahl 7 , TI, Ar..1•.1., yr&Il I.e pre,...,‘..., ... ( r4;....,. .......,
,mi11i.N12.1 , . N. A NI, al.rtrkc 1.... re...,... tAyar '•;:a': • ,.. - .: , - •
. I , ?, , Ellttr. .;„ _._ . • - :. - 'f.,: . _ .41,,,-••••.,i`...+ ‘, ' ,
frill 80 7, 1 S SOCIETY - connected n‘th 5). - . ~.:-:= . t.,
i -t,. tor..,;:o.oltenan Church. Iltrminthatu, rtth...•. , .. - ,..i..., , ,
\ 1
pew. to hold 1. r.,111 A). In aid nt, the '3httlen. elute 1 , ,;..... , ,• • .,:tr_.
shteetal.or 1, smtrpos h rash. srtaior, fur Ana Vt. ~.t., .:., „,-,7,,
tersrli far Farb arttrkw. aII tv....r.. gr .4.7.11, rt`est,..7.,,"'i.,- • t t'
m, Thimaa Krunmta. Jr No. 7 . .: 77. , 1,twt. evrner art - ...., 2 •
I °roll!. I•urL itirully ft'.
.N ., rrwri're or) , ‘l ,, noP•etrlN—N . ' I . , , 4
n.or raw al.t. In, left kt th 7, , ,,1eafe , the atil,...n.r,' : • ‘ ‘
,t, Illmoloalstun. , '.alo , AL .E. 111:AllE,d1.0, ... ...
~....`,.llse A •• Pre...l.nt. 1 , _ i
. . •
Lectures st • o Hull .. y. , • Is
KVERY. IClOll7' \ EOI P 2 N .- MTS.-- ti . - - ' t
—ltun,,rtant Seieulthr a 1.. ., if, l t Pi:. EEI IX. . '',
it, \ Ili' Ilealltur art, Ur a hien' he r tore. , the Mud. the \
I - \
1...061.• ertoole. lit. tl,ent•Pfle, the '....r.....Nr... hhau,
he Eptleottr. tl.: her o Int. tt.r. Et.tula In .
tY,.F . iles. Kuhn, I,lver ~r I,nu, I .1u... At.1.17.Y. •
trndnla.Prolat..un l'h-rr. In shorlang i . a,... Tot l I.t to ' ' •
• ttli.e.eal Aer lam It ,nre, half ‘pa , t -,.. ra. It day. f..n.
IN rfilr \NO la tx, No tar. Each l'pralt , Rtu.” P alma.., . ,
Cie... 7 ket.- Tleket+ Slo Thr p.• t tr, ..1 gratuitou , dr • ,
Adnaleei n. lire.. :Br , ory . ..e.t• let 1 , ..10e. . ;,
~.' - ‘. •
'.. i NOttCe. ‘,
F. Nor nab et entoo-tor,temid.•;,•?7:: . t: ~ -..--• • • .: \ ‘,
AN Ele , tion t.. 41,404stivf)trect,or , of thin \ • ,
hurt,., , min. the erronurt,• en \or lb. held \ '
a 1... 4. , , , v,: \ ta)... On ‘ :lo•la..r. tit, l' tte !I f . !AN07.74 , . 1 \
e.,ot.aa.- thel '
" rifu ' aiirii..til;is V'ilit.wr. ‘,
\ t,. , MA , 11 , ,, .a. .1(
'• ''''
\l/tlL T i ' Alrl ,‘ ii• 0,1.,...r I .Z 9 l.;. ..
. ' \
Bit. Aliquot \Election for Thirteen trnet-... • '
• ~ tit ' ,7,l:, ` r
ri ' t n it k L l rTf ' .\ ': i. h r ' st l ii?.!r il :. ' .., l l! " Wt " ;.•; \" : 4 4to . t
\ \l.
1. , yr of al 'c • :lort, A. at \ and .' oVom. l l 1L. ,, , , 1. , i i ,
hi .• . \ \
Ittxa A , In,cratol. th.i..h.,„.1,-,1.
will tun tt 61 at lh , •
.4;,lltin h a " l l 47:r. ‘ et /, ' ;:n!l n a ' .. Tife ,, th a ...- of it
\ . • ' .'
• \
, o „, I 4 ,,,,,,p,,,,1, ' .ltillN ..,Sl , , OM.. Ca•ltier l— ,
House ofefuge. --- , \
if'rf: subscriber , for \the erection of on ~, -
iteno. , rf Whig. for WAIMItt 1 . 5 nr.rylr.l.N. a.; \ -
h. te(y notlfitd that anaa-errnunt el Aw. ~ ler evnt. on • ,
i i
t , till atnialut ',..rul.f.eltle..l, l ty earl-, o‘ , „".”11.4 1. - be. paid to -
Traapnr..7. nu or t.lo
~n. the I,llr .1.-4 ot Norrrober '\
nut '. lir or,r .1 th..• 1t..4.1 , 1 PI 1,, \
t re!lit . ,if.e.llUA 'II A • 74"(A, Trraa. is• •
• • , . - \
C, 11).—The magnificent Nrstts k • ' . •
• it... CN-N-Nillr..ll.L‘nr. :thrall to he rentvrea from I
\ tn. robern ,fr I w3IOIO , to, I. la. rt,.., , r , 1 1. rmi•alon or ,
a `lt i i s . p.ottentan wt. t it t.• t , 1.,1u it h r one dor • \ '
up, hrorder to allure' thoo• of ,or ,Ittr, an vhn ht,int • • . •
u t 0... en Ott , . unoraletl.aperi.ll or Arperi...i..,..,. \
' 44 7 '4 ' ' ''' 'L '' ' ' ' '''''""' ""' '' ''. i
1 KLF.I4:It V
' , Pole Agri"( for Nunn.* MO, Sc. 101 :',41 street.
„ •
i \ . Ring, Pennock S: Co., ^
\. •
a ' AO tE.COT'iON' S 101: KR, ,
ti WSIII.:Il fist.--N0.V27 WOW., 57111.7. T. I'ITITWV7.OI.I."c
4 xi A
i l , MlA ,„ (2 , 7:li ,‘ Tl .r lil c tS „ , r i r lt ,,,, t.:: , ,, ton s i ,,,c ollr;: . .
rC . i/f,:e;.rtirflottfleß:r"..tig'atiin At.t I:F.YFIONE SIIER7, --
, • . '‘'
`I,NU. \
h \ ,A.% Wilkins ez',Co. • .
\ •
, '
~ r :. all Cat, . •
t 4 11 'stem fotlal• gen•ty \,. ' -, . is at• ' • ,
,Wlrgiuta anAllart•latall, ..... ..., .. . ............ .....:.--1 \
' • 'N••• YOrk tat& Ys England , .
k k lafi
h• fkaw •,. . .
N th boll - math Carotin.' ,i,,,s . • • .„, •
• fICIIAN.C. , cl T1. , 1,. ..Ix.. 1
Sr. New, \ York ItudPhila.lehdlia .-... ..... 1.. • -1. , ... •
N'tt.fanr. ..
We VALL FASLIIONS— ,II not received ie, \ ‘, '•
.4, the f1.4,-.•I Mr..... 1. I.}:N Cll. )IV I ifit,l. 4 . S. . \ '
w Ir/t *lll brOrtll for in.rcrlou ma Tburrtlny a> I! , \
rr:4,, a thh.
of where you w:11 caul a bountt
lul ....r,rintent ot . nttr. tt.te eirl. fir
on. rtin
... itot.,t rivet Bonnet,. and Tr.m...,...r.t ruin... kind,. . \ \.---
•u- ittltal.le loi the ...Won. \
P. e. Children'a P. ,, unet, 1,0 i ,, Car. .'l,l th.a 1 1 '4...
1.1. of rleh sti d1.,11t it u I ,tv`...,. ortllittt 4 , ,
„, -,,-- \
015 To Printers.
-no ,
7 ,, 4' PRINTING__DITICE; amply stippliell•t. • , \• _
,;:' iv utto all n vont,. OM .r.ale r,.r .10toit a hr.,: Wt.
L . I'. •011. An (Jul 10.4tx.”.. h. lloNcitN.,l4l.thri i(ltitth. u W.- , `. '
•:::-• elpin..l 1.a...0f 11... 0.... en... 11611, de , :plural., 0 , .• - - \ \„,
..." (In. (areal, 11,.• utalertals an. all In c,;.,l,trrlvr. ona ' ' •
~.„ inour non, Call lil file 0.1.10, are enga, Itu otit.rlt o 4 . ' ,• ~ \
~..,•-,', y. :ill 1.. .4.1.1 very much ~ One, olt ,areront. , -, ' N \ \ .
-- tn,datinc• 'I he ahnco pr,..eute nu ..r..-rliut whir . • •
S., NNI Wm:A-ern,.
.tor parUcININTN.pIy sr t1.1....C.,. .. \ ..
ne.s. will 4.! ..1. v.ry mac , ~ e,.. - i ,
rn , datinc I,rm• 11, above on•Fents so ••‘... -41 nt whir. • . . ,
, .
~-,i`wn`wr...,". For Partteul , .a aOPIT at -Ma. .. . •
verl: ,I,aw-tf:T
~ 1..
Nitrate ' Grand Pianes! - • . •.- • , ,
3 u_s i :F .,, l , t , F , l t e ... E . i ., v 11) .6 ~ ,z,1 , e i n , ..,( 1, ,i ; i :
ir ...., •
at, •.. . \ . ,
. .
I . i a!ilt, wrathy f•te,tary of Nunn , A Ciatt ,, \ ; ', - \
Nrw Vork. TM + matsalLe,tt ingrument \ ,
11.0.1... t. OH the tsb-•t Impovrementr. .3••11 as - ratent tn. . '.. s,
ning p 10,,. felt hamtm.r. , and patent toetalltr WI,. Its \
puwer narreolome of tn.- sr , truly rt , t , ni•l•ing: road sorb . . : s
1 , , , ,the Derhrtien of I nom-1.171 , m as to • nit , lo, thn parlor- - ..,.. \ • •;
an. a-, onytwe ths, soft,st and , •I•eiri 10,, If itil \.lll. the • \._ \
aviVt Ihe •ort. ,lai• The turniture t•ca-tremely rah and' , s -
Ili tk , l byte. willtput that ind,,iituunor ossrli.a4ln,ruf \
r.17,.."...zr:`,;,;.b.:::',1"d„;,;;c.t?;'&•, 1 1 - 0;.1 , ;t' - ittlflw::. \ .\,
, .
al .1 phatlemen atn,relorettull - Intl..] to call nod !AIM. '
.13; th. nom plied Cran,l Piat. 1.., it leas., Ow lama'"
'N . ,....,. ,
1.e." ut the ; suhrentrr ll_ 1.1 , :ll el, 101 Third I1C.:
NI ; Al. L'a '''' ' '-'''''! •l • :. 'ur,,,'".' - ki %-, ‘.
rtn t
I..anoa. Including Lunt, NIL. sty . L.
' ,'. -- .
• -
patent SIC les. • • 1
• . ...
irIiE,SII . INIIILf.S 'tinttle ri Within*, Pine,
R. antl;ol,l4dt. with Woof, tam - Orel F , l,inah• ata.. - ;
clime, rt.,111.4 nu find premium a the !ma l' , r u( Alit-
gbl'llY E0.. , 1. Their . ltio , la .1 tantation at the Ohio 1 \
o a nin, (bp ~( Fiannano. N'nuntr A. t .._ alaarlit,ter. (toe
hum , ratrmak” 110011 , bit l o. , Y. - u. Y. Irma' the Ittrl,. - \ I '
let an, Lind of tt . hrr Malt-Iva, to a nn t,htry. LI an
•• _ • :. \
' tarthor Inf. - matt n . {.l want.1,,01 , •0.-, , I ran alto autterr, ..,
.eont li,Weaser 1t0t.1. , ,r,n. t , t Fon ,Toed firant pl.. \- • -.. ;
' '
l'itt.horih. 1,131 '
_, - .1...11UIlbi:1-1,. \ .-- .
1,1 1 A.7.1S Rif: TOIL :,. !AI SH*IIII- \ ' ,.1 \ 1 l ' . ‘ , , r.
I firm.. .0 , 1u,t. ".rea. , tan. Ns, mt.ll. ei bow. !mbar , \ - • .
si4 . Ata.di e. eat/n1y„,1t0,0,`,,,,hin, tn.-, .I‘. ‘ nny ,\ .;
Lind..l , em,ltarihro. I.....,p,Tunreti. . •• .
Tbs., tionpiere ors arrst lean the bent a I purest ' '.., •
tdr,nts. and amonenua ltd I,s ani-.ln thel:ilint Staten.,
IV, mu. h; , c'etlG It:: X. , -1 , 1•LF.1:5.:4\ 1 ‘ 00,-1. .t.‘ - ,
• •
' • , H King, ..\\ \ \ . 's
\ •
11%IKER AN ;:cCII4.Nea:;\RRO'K.Eit , ~ . c.., , • ,
\B p 4,,,iNiPsi tit,thr bighorn mue,..t ratet,. \ - ,', ._ • \
____. . • ,
gaeb ts.-e on ate P.....5t and
{ lV.l . l:l,cht tu\0ft,1,1.,,," \
'w able an4.Freelort 'toneVorkf.': ... . , :
DlillOitt WILkINS,
r ulditio 'to luv -- ~. - • ~
eaten e estahlistinent nn 0,1! l•ltert., Idend
nrd a lirsnelr of hi. , F....i , . Varlde\lL'orks.‘ ,-....•--- ; r- ~ '
adj . In th Cemetery ode..srb,r , lic rottunlarttnew• -• , '-..- 1•\ ',
I '•
tii ran t .011 ble ared Frestw , rt ttatn., , tS. ,, Sluntais..., ',,
Spak, arab • or, 'tante, AC.. re Marble: cuoing
...rr.,c , ; for' mt's, I.oL.tis . tc., orfnetort t.e.nn-...1 ',:, ,'• \'.
. ,
very dtrra le matt tit itelno . at,. sovonrrnthattn to, •; . ; , , ;
liX ' ' '' 0 . .. ttc- r io r ‘ r t i r u '"''''n,ir,l';(7;:`."4,ll;,'
~ '' '
•-• • ' •..
~,,,, o r II n trot, • beretnfor -MIT tera cvateudel.
et\ !, \
mil . 1 \
B tc,..11 0 ,,i ik .1 : n li3OliCaiilNl , r, Nlktillfacitt- \
‘, _)• \,, ~ .
, .
sr tr'.l . •ank . it, ti ''''
e, ‘..7 " 4 ' 5' Tan.attZ. ' .l 6 rlo O:, ' . • .. ‘ 1, ;• . .
Pittsburgh. l'e . . ,
kit iss - C. sb Tll,•'llillin , r, frent N. - ' ', '• '--
. .' • .
iv.i. Yorß-2,4
ours sa go n ad • tartita , hied ,otattrr.lrt:m Rtd. \
Lintore. atal la preps's, to, n,- tr sator,leer at lb. ~,, ,i. • ~„; ''. ,
st.ilrb•st nodes. - A • •
thuaka..Thantills, and, Whirs , 5e.10114,t made %o ,
nealKt maannr.. , \ . \ • ,
.. .
, . . . .11l lltlo
O FAILLE P.S:RTNEE.J. IP he eta Itrii,existing: . , • '
.. . •
between' the ent&erlbitaVund, the llama "rani styla ~, : •
01 . 3.3bn caldweJt k Pen; 1 . i f day 1”olted h,y, tartan- ,
~ , ~,,, ~ s \ .
•I c'enteen ~ Thy. tusharsa of ‘Glt lat., i. , a will ht. ,, ,,trttied . • ~, , \ \ \
I. t i n Juhnestldwel/:, „ , , .11/IIN a aI.I4K•LIA • ', ,
O Or , \ 3 . 14 .,/ , 5 , 7 1 .. s. \ 'nt.N.l , .s , Al.ll ,Y.1:3,.. . • : -. , . \,,
\ , co_pAicirsE'RXip. •.,
. ;
• Theildeisignel.l. inivin;)4,forkno. n Co-plitt, '' '' I • , ' •
nerrt.ip r andre
. I)ta name an,1 ; .•11..v!‘" ; •i . , x , .h , 1 e . ll ttf , L. w. , ,, ; . ;_ ', \;
a kin ; nut.. Ow /..1.,, , t',0. IP t ii it 3 ilt r; \ : . /
o b.. triE., none Tat:Dein 01 Mr L a T. t, t Ji.htt Cakin, , ll\'' ,
a hut, in Dn'humain ramnalt. JA. ' '.11.1/0 ELI., ~ ; ,
tlet,-5t..104,1.—1nt ~ , Ilk: , . . I.EIV lltl'. , \ : ,
---\--- \‘'
i .Q.A.3,111.EL ' "RDESEN \ keto , ,c, \ A s nth( on \ \ \ \ \ -
LI itaral•a ir,al\ &Aram...ark' Wail tint. :. • ',. ' • , 1 \ ,
If , Ilutse, ethalobust.Vak. {cell, Kitrhensur Pt, aer. 't * . \ ',,
t, *WtaNtert 134kL., Charni, Dr, Mumma:, line \ 1 else r . - , •
ivA,sh 1,..1,5, and alt \ otita,altult et rata in h\ t. —'• \ . . , , • ,‘
WarorocanataknerPialt nal .F,l- , I tt , b o ' - 'O. e• \• : ,
tit . * .5 4 . 4. 1 \'',_-
\ '. 'WIN * , TAlNtet, - \
, 15.11. JSR.4I:I" g;tC.PIA.4 I .I 'll Ai/)MININtri a AIL , •,0, . \ \ •\\ \ .
00 at Newark. N.J. 'N.,
J ,
This Company is nrenared
In nartta.teraftaacti on t . '\; \
59` Tl ' 'N' ',.,\ , \ . \ ;
, ' i ZINV P. INTS:..\
.2.1 Which have lawn thund‘tater ..1,1 yr•st•trill, hth t\ \ '';
\ ; ';, \ \
- 11,1nrop• and the Volt/es, to rtdain !Jail. uri 'tan! \
, \ • ,
IP ',salty and protortt‘e fat
nnevrlor rvr,any u her \ ,
. ,
t - Mtn wh......7 . V W ' ' V. • \ ', .
: ' • • ' \