ROME 'M TERS c9urr OP mum slums -• October 29. Before the Coo. m. B. licelare, President Judge, and Wm. 1 1 logge, and T. L. McMillan, Aasoflatel.fadges. The joy" in the cos° of the Commonwealth vs. earoline'Aitsms uml i et he Commonwealth vs. Sa rah EMI sY, ceosi aotionS of assault and battery. br , ott of guilty as regarded both p • ies. 'lira. Boley was sentenced to pays fine of one dollar and the costs of prosecution. Mrs. Adams woe; not sentenced. A Suretyjo f the peace cssa of the most unim portant ens:notes WA. 4101:i taken up, whiah oc cupied tho - wnale of the morning session. The examinations of the witnesses were conducted at great isngth, and shiitil Lain been conclud ed in the ULM fourt'l tmr: of the time-which they consumed.. Messes,. Gainer, Stewart, MOOO, and•Marhet -1 l ac a.wellpii - "figiiher with their wives brought neves tiprier or Surety of the Peace, against each other.. The parties all lire in the upper part of A 1.1044 City, the quarrel originated among the WOMcn, who, with dire determination waged is wordy tiny over their wash tuba, on that pro yeebial 1140 n fur strife, cold dinners. and the other miseries of life, 3 washing day. The in- Ihhbliacits Crag the,housei in the vicinity, were Witnesses pro nod con, and their. examination I was very amusing to the spectators, though oast ily to the oonety, being probably nearly as en 4tensivets though the Commismioners had ertgag ' wiblatianui Bishop and tier troupe to entertain the audience., - One of the women hod threatened to stab - the ' , husband of one of the other -females by proxy, last isahe ac e going to get hrr husband to ''do ithe deed . " -- One side had called the others Irish, -Abe othem had 'retaliated by alluding to the ',Dutch. : So and so, hoot had said that they would ''.da so and so. A woman had been seen walking with her 'her fist, closed in her own yard.. which 'a learned counsel doctored was a menacing at . titndo,„ Walking sticks. were magnified into an 4 in fact the imaginations of all parties, ,Itrtiyers, parties and witnesses appeared to be ',..':ritalve.; They had determined, too, to.prescribe other, for they hod intimated their ten tttatilittention of giving each other doses of the the,, .restoring oven their enemies to this farr.ign of alystirdity, and at times - iiiefanity and obscenity was progressing his ho nor, sot like patience on - a monument, and wound tip the whyle proccedings,by giving what we have no.hecitation'in pronouncing a .righteous judge Meat." nib/ making each prosecutor pay lye °vv. ..costs. , 'After a•numbor oP. recognizancesitad bean for foitett, tbo Court adjourned. ; MT - Ea:coon scsOlort. Commonwealth - vs. Jacob Cupp. c Indictment, assault end bettery,,tin oath f Elisabeth his wife. The partici; reside in All glieny city, end . quareeled,relative to the admission of some ten `ants (on house belonging to the defendant, who Were abjeCtionable to his wife. Mrs. Capps testifies that her husband had struck and beat lien A large number of witnesses were exam ined, weo , the exemplary character of the defendant for many years The wife it aP peared,,rits also - to blame. lidijury return'," a verdict of guilty, and the defendant, was sentenced to „pay a fins of ten dtqlars, n it itietoati of prosecution. Cortimonwealth vs John Grimage, (a colored :Min), Indictment larceny. The defendant is accused of steelier: seventeen douses from Wil -Rape F. Clarke. Clarke, who is editor of the Free Fresh's': ten on - filerce^. testifies that the defendant came into the room, while be woo getting shaved, e Varber's chop. under the Saint Clair Hotel, and walked about. On getting up he found that his chat had, been removed to another place; and Mt pocket book stolen.- Soon afteitrards it was '''retiorned to by 311 r. Bennett, proprietor of the hotel, who hod found it bid in a basin in the :x,oem. It traalikawise graved that the prisoner titid been' een sitting on the sink, in a basin in 'Which the money was toned. The Court ad :jOunied before any witness had ibeen examined 'on behalf of the defence. Insotran.—Thn bill, . charging Wm. Adams, Ante high constable or Allegheny city, 'with a-- Sault and battery;preferred by Sarah Bolay was ignored by Mb Umnd Jury. Pisstscans --Beveallundred passengers were 'row/eyed ever the Ohio noel Pettosylvenis Rail road on Monde . ? 6113,1 Tuesday _or the present Acciustr..—A horse winched to Beast which a Folorod man was driritg, took fright ygsterday at the -base carrier of eto f3ood,omps isy, and ran off at a fearful pace down Wylie .at. A - drieer who end throe heroes in hie cart; seeing him coming, drove Ms cart so ea to - entirely block tip the street, and of course a tremendous shock ensued. 411 four horses were thrown down, and the wagon;. which heal been stationary, was isomewhat shattered. fhe horse that runaway, inn so Mitch injured by the collision that it will prebabl,t . hereefter he useless: - The other horses ere unhurt. 3Luacroxs Miscatar.—Acolored man named, Eno Busby was committed to prison yesterday. by Alderman - Barclay, cliargell, on oath of Hen ry Cable, with malicious mischief. aged lady. residing in Allegheny Was compelled yesterday t 6 apply to the police to irrestber son, who kid been behaving badly Of late: die was arrested by.offieer Sore, and we trust 7111 betrave better hereafter. ' - ;,.E"turri:—A boy unskilled yesterday near the miter depnt in Allegheny, by tho ears running or= him. ' .:4B.ILIVAL.—AnOther locomotive and tender er rived in Allegheny "yesterday. . Arporxrarus.r.—We nntleietand that Mr. Jno. Buie has been appointed high constable of Al legheny city, Adams, resigned. This is an excellent appointment:- Tas Lirezn tallour.—The upper bridge on theldleganny river ie nearly finivhed. its total cost will be about $16,600. -Disehoititoi CONDUCT.—A mAn mufti Has . ter brae yelternay tined by the Mhyor'of Allighe ny city for breeking.the windows in a house the Third sVarl • PCiE eirocotaxE—We 'are indebted to' Mr. Mr. J. Deecking, Third street, for ► cake of ex cellent el;scolate, manufactured by J. Maria Speck:l2lr, lot' Phillipsburg's. Mn Vircnrres..—Boston papers of esti:relay publish numeroutlysignei call foraconvention of delepitas favorable to the nomination of Mr. %arras:as candidate for the Presidency. The convention is to Meet at Faneiill Hall on the 25th proximo, and the attendance of, delegates' from all perm .of the Comeronweslat Is - invited by the Promatirsiof the movement The Iloen Courier Etate4 ro , on _the authority of a letter frhm San Fransioo, that Mr. Wsusrza's claims bare Seen. pot prominently (forward in .CsUfoenie, though subject to the reforol — of Hr. Cur 'to cater the field.--Erpubtir. ' Benatnepilatt of Calfornim is in New York sarlonsly instmance company of Pittsburgh jpNCOORAGE INSTITUTIONS - 01 , 1.eqqo. 41 Water th s ward/Dome of C. IL SAP. Itresir. W. mous, Eeer. , Tlns Gomnr it nor ptroore.l Anrehatslise In goes, owl, in tun its, yeesde, an. An onion nostentr for the it bill . nod tote/nein, - of the atf , mir. I In the ehvxter of tho ISrentore, 'rho pre MI, ents.-re. of Pltteburnlt. well end farershlr known to eh. An:waxen.) . folio prodder, iotslllneno. and intennen. DrAterront--C. liniser.W6l. Tistratefe Wto. Lynne,. Jr Wanes • Dermot. 110.5 D. King, Sal 1 1.104.1enn. • John Itervlnt s. Itarlrsugh. et varat.l.Ser Pittsburgh Lim insurance Company. CAYITAL,.ZIOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 75 . FOURTH STREET. • ' .OrricEns: ", 7, ; • • e. 000,.• Mearasare. , artaatirwr—Jusaru o.4uv. raierr --C. a ."Corraa. artiv.ment N alapther part Ela raper. TARTARIC .ACP-150 1 ) lbs. for Salo by . .ros • o. A. FA FINnTOCIC At CA vasat,ta BEAN S--20 lbs. fresh. for sale. bT . B. e. FALINZSIOCK AY. CO. , C.A.1113. A3IMCV.:I,I-20:101be. for sale by _ A. NATINESTOCK t Co. • . . . • sai e 3. ISO lat riaua V. 11.. .Imaol f. brs Ilralire,. banns; ' MAO-. P., l'es/ -.. Z 1.4 Ri.7., norm . 2) etauta thadod and Chu llt bar Saleratun ~,,.. lac Text, - . • ' 7. hi. Isinglaas ' SOU, U.,. oat/ Mak du at ass star tandost ' . lo Ma. 5:0 San at.; • it) bra Oran= d% ''• pit Mb- .1.7-and ...dud la trxa No 1 Chocolat , : , a 0 bar a ra webtTobamer.' - • . 'a bar Afrk.t.trinval ..„W Pt 11a.... and . Cabs a has tong Island./literd: V a . t . • 1/0 /eke /Wry Wry' 1.11; 75 ba. itut Cott , . ... 54 bar tloth. riot; . • .z, tu - S Laxita,lo: ' '1 / ale Madder; - . 'ZI tout tad Citi Jan: 1 orreon /nditm - • ft/ boa 11.• a ;',V,I, .. . la ..ta aotash: '' ..' .... - 6' - bra.•.l.otao au ~ 15 JAL, Nll a 3 Nwiter r ei: - 6 b x , t•,1”, 6 Mmor..l dr4l it bl,la .ti I) ai II diolam.: n't - xeDabattf a soon audrl . tn. 0n../ 19,4 a, .. ; 2 box do Ysext. 'du ;/2 dux lad Cadi lia-Cdrit ban.. ' I 7. - . don Darn 6/ounut• .. -.' Auo r ls,,iii,•,l,l.i. While-Lead, Caton Corn wharra a -tinOonatall , by ; ~; . J. 6. IVI LLTAida . 1 Cu. ..... ,.... ., , e . s.4_, _ ; .. ...att.,/ C,f ti., Wuxi ald4t/fth at.. Wil - ..trED SOON—An active partner in T y y. . large Ilas. foundry SOON — A n =whim shwa. In a ha. Ann. town, /urea mil. nom Putsburilt. AJoaa¢ my. , - -of goodanarsattr. attnt a mail capital 01 3/90 1ni.34.1. and ,' • ••ho had a latuvrielad a( tha maaldunt tuatinas and hot kr .,., fi.tre n „ ; ,6 ry,,,,tanary • to itch rorlifilllttifilTß. sad IV .=/ VII jlgUttli . . l;6 7 /1 4 411atla W y ' g ' g..., .sypiy for larthor it taUda , ..a". . 12 . - 5 C ttnaltli, , ~,j, ~4,0.34, and Intalto!ona ufine.Dla.ond. Aare. 101 t L Atilt I.lla:r u l a nave th. roe? . 1 d my. f a u =6"Blaa.t.vt r a BY TELEGRAPH mama ay TIM O'RZILLT rusaaarn Loa, . AND 11.11P011q0 YOL THE PITTIBIIROII OLIEKTra. /mum OF Inn max SHIP EUROPA. 71331F2 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Ifamrsz, October 28. The steamer Europa froir4iierpobl,,with dates to the 18th, arrived to-day., The cotton market was depressed, with a de cline of 1 1 since the sailing of the Africa. 1 - POLITICAL DMUJJGENCE. MET The steamer Mississippi, with Kossuth and his companions . on board, is announced as being at Gibraltar. Kossuth has announced his Intention of sailing for Southampton in the steamer Mad rid ; and preparations for his reception were rapidly progressing. He will reach Southatapt too on the 24th, or after. The Exhibition Lae been finally closed. The fate of the building is yet undetermined. The awards of the Jurors have given much die astisfactron. The award of a medal to the Broadwood pianos had been reversed by the council, whose reversal was in turn protested against by-a number of the most emiuent mu sicians. lion. Abbott Lawrence. the Amerienntitinis ter, haa•stmned to London from his tont in Iry hod. • • ' Mr. Gladstone's charges of disgraceful cruelty against the Neapolitan Government, have been fully sustained. -- The entire French_ Ministry have resigned. This movement excites the - most lively-interest : throughout Europe, - more especially because the resignations are understood to have been caused by the President's determination to restore uni versal suffrage, by, repealing the electd* law et May alst. Paris continues languid. Dates to the Ibth, Este that funds rose }per cent. on the announce ment that a meeting of the permanent Committee hod been called. • The news from some of the Departments is of tho most alarming character. Peasants of whole districts are known to be members of secret so cieties ready to rise at the bidding of their chiefs. Later adviees from the Department of Chor arc more favorable. The Moniteur's previous ro wboat as to the tiattmt of secret sodietits is said to he ezaggerata Pants, Friday.—No progress has been made with the new Ministerial arrangements. The leader, of the moderate party hope • the Presi drat will still make tertne with the present Mil, .4.I3STRIA. We learn fromTienna that the Ministry had patched up - existing differences, and still con tinued in office. GERMANY The Mug of Hanover is recovering-from his late illness. The Government of Saxe Cobonrg has prepared a constitution for -the Duchies of Cobourg and GOtha, hitherto under - separate administrations. The constitution is as-liberal as the present con dition et Germany trill 'permit. It enactil only one Legislative Assembly for the two Duchies. In respect to succession to the throne, it states that Prince Albert, the husband of the Queen of England, shall be called to it: and that he may nominate a Governor if ha declines to fix his residence -in the Duchy. If at any time a reign ing Duke ascends a foreign throne, he shall va cate that of the Denby. 1:20333 Danish affairs aro again becoming emmplica teJ, and the Ministry are on the point of re signing. The Cuban prisoners who hare arrfired in ' Spain number 126. They were shortly to tin dergosentence to hard labor in the mines. The highest military order of dialiDaloll huJ been conferred on the Captain General of Cohn. The overland mail from India had arrived, with Calcutta datee to the Bth of September; Bombay to the 17th, and China to the 23d of August. The newe from India is wholly unim portant. The Indian frontier wee quiet. The troops in the Punjaub were enffering dreadfully from fever. further outbreak had occurred in iitalabar, which was attended with great loss of lita. FROM THE CAPE The Latest advice , . from the Cape of Good Hope are to the 12th of August The 'prantect was more disheartening than it any previous time since the breaking out of the war. COMBIERCLAIONTELNQE ,. - ;- - — 1 otton = The market continues depreeee- ' d sihce the :ailing of the Pitific, with an increased de sire to realire. Prices were lower. The miles of the week were 26,090 bales. The quotatiOns are:—Fair Uplands and Mobile 53c, and Or \ leans 5} B 1 lb. • Breadsteffs—There in less activity, and the upward tendency in pr ms have been checked. Flour—Meets a sthady demand, for home con sumption. There is also • large demand for. export into Ireland and South Wales. West ern Canal is quoted at 16a19a; Philabelphic lasal99; and Baltimore 17349.9 et) bbl. Grain—Corn is in moderate request. Yellow is =changed; white i scarce and dearer. The demand for wheat is limited_ White is held at 6s 7dass 12d, and red and mixed at 49 &labs Lei .70 lbs. White and yellow Indian corn was sell ing at 1401 is per quarter. Provisions—Beef, pork hams and shoulders are unsaleable. Lard' has, declined during the week, from one to two shillings per 100, on foreign, with sales 60 tons at 60s 3da 518 per 100. The market is bare of bacon. Cheese, of hue quality, is brisk demand. In the absence of American, pork dealers are supplying their wants with Irish arid Hamburg. Groceries—Sugar is in fair demand at 6d de cline.. Molasses is quiet, with limited Sales of Barbadoes at 18s 6d. Rice is dull, with no re cent miles. Carolina is'in quiet at 169 10d ®l9s per 100. A One businem has been doing in Congo and Souehong teas at full rates. • Green ;teas are deilL MONEY MARKET. LTVIEPOOL, Oct. 18. The market is well supplied. The amount of bullion in the Bank at England was steadily in creasing. The bank was discounting readily at 3 per cent Funds are still 6ucmating. Con sols advanced to 97,e Trade in Manchester was dull, and prices of both goods and yarns were easier. Foreign securities were quiet. Railkay shares chow a decided decline. American securities ale inactive. 0 8. 6's, 1868, are - tooted at 11i}®112}: Penna. b's, 84482: Maryland bonds 88(490ka 1293023 HARSUBIJECID, Oct. 29 The first State Agricultural Fair ever held in Pennsylvania commenced to-day. A large num ber of persons are in 'attendance, and the di.- play is much finer thud was anticipated. The enclosure is well filled' with a great variety of live stock and agricultural implements of all kinds. There is still a 'large quantity of stock to arrive. JENNY LIND. CINCINNATI, Oat. 29. Jenny Lind arrieed last night in the special train. She sings to-night The weather is rainy to-day. SAILING OF THE AMERICA. Borrott, Oct. 29. The steamer America sailed to-day for Liver pool, via Halitaxorith2qthrough passengers,aud $160,000 in American gold. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. New Sons. OcC:29 The splendid mansion of lion. Bilge Burrongla at Medina, was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is $6,000, which is covered by insu rance. BURGLARIES AT BUFFALO. Buram.o, Oat 29. There were extensive burglaries committee in this city lest night , The counting house of M. L. - Hawley was robbed of 2,600 in bills; and the til:woof F. W. Warnerof $BOO. Other robberies were also very adroiqy effected, the safee being opened and relocked. NEW YORK MARKET. 1510021 REPORT. New Yoint o Oct 59. Cotton—Upland middling is quoted at and Orleans at S ic lb. Flour—The market is steady, with sales of •cpmmoti state and western at $3 93€14 0 6 }. and . pure Genesee at $404 25 ctR bbl. Grain—Sales 1000 bus Genesee white wheat at 05c. Sales . 14,000 bus * mixed western cern at .57 . 4 ik Provisions—The market is steady, with sales 200 bets pork at $l5 25' for' Mese;fiitd 41.4 76 for prime. Sales mess beef at $8 50 1010 60 end pnme at $4 6006 37 "til bbl. Croceries—Sales 2,400 bags Brazil coffee at Gi e7 l 6 lb. Sale, 200 boxes Cuba and Matanzas sugar at 4i@liac iilb. Stocks—The market is fluctuatieg. Erie R. R. has advanced I per cent, Canton bee declined and Morris canal .} per cent. ETltilliO REPORT; NEW YORK, Ott. 29. Cotton—The elaea to.asy, were 1200 hales, at a ileeline of .111€1111.111 lb. flour—Sales 10,000 bble tit $ 2 . 62 i0 3 , 93 for common, which is a decline- Grefn--Selee 6,ooolnehels Genesee white et 85@96a and 6,000 bu. Michigan at 25 ®9O T r y T -. bushel. Sales i 1,500 bushels mixed Wesieru mum st Prerisiuns—The market is dull, but prices, are unchanged. Sales 100 bhls. ram beef hams' at 814,50. Groceriem--Salea 2,500 bag, Rio coffee at 7.1 Ea`,l4 ? lb. Sales 100 tiereee rice at $3,25 ? ino. {'fikol—The market ia rather more attire Whisker—Sales at 211(ii , 22 j' gallon. tROiIIATIC STAGG TOBACCO—IO eases L for &Ala by WICK A Mr•CANDLE.....9. MUTTER -5 bbln. Fresh. Roll, for sale by srza • mei: A 31c(1.LN1L.8.H9. I - .4 I LAX—I4 narks for sale by 0.2". Vjla' Ilt-CAND • I IN SE ED 01 btils.-priale, for sale by B. A. FAllNF.anti..tli A T It PE NT INE— • 2S bbls. for sale by s.a., •D A FAIINESPOCK A co 'FANNERS' OIL-40 bbls. for sale bo tae.t..l ILA FABNE3T.)I.3( & EL,L r ERS' IMPERIAL GOUGH SYR III!. 11 --A h•vo 11,4,1 thl. m...llcin. In our faautl, and in our upinlsßt. it btatu• of the bettt pmnar..ttioa. for rough., main, whirh ha. es., been otferrol m the rt.titlit. At tbia pra on of the year wt. wnttitl rw.ornhatntllnterrr. ram 11, to keep a bntOlo or it Ita tbrir h 111,P way or Li., t . t . .. , atalott may rwlalr... 17 .7 Elie thb. a. 1. Matter of ativita.. ray mtru ` pl,• In the liabt dotlontva.b....ttbout anNztlt'cularLattovrlvol, of lb.. talk,. of whieb pp.taL. staA.cus, 2.2 A tsd NGLiSIi BREAKFAST 'I EA—'S'3 half chrscs tice likpaklmt Eovrchoug‘Tert,JU2l IVIcK McCANDL!,, Ladies ! ! Read This !!! N THE PRESS, and will 'inertly be ready, ..THE ( mechanismHANDMAl E PIANO: com,islnii. desirlptinu of the of ghe lontrument. th•• detbets to which it i. killbl. (about 24, in otagn , ..r)• the method of remedy mg drfect. and itutruetwon h.v to krtp the itutrutnent always in lots 11 yl' LI. Wart,. TOT. Eenry . pcmon basin. a Piano should ham copy of thin hoot ho work. of the [lnd by tv.r loafs publish tb. laic information it Impart.lx Worth tan times It. price—on, dollar. and. among oth.r advantatn..n. It will eifnetontly i;unrd ran 119113 b•Vivit your rlapo pilaf tr uifakllitvl tuners.- • • • Wadi«. and gentlemen In lb.' rith.a.of Pittsburgh and Allesheny.,destring early eorlea Of Ihr. work, tam ha In, nt.0.4 tnelr p,den,,, by looting their 1 , 1,1,, , s trio ofiers any of the Putabursh toornhig papers, or at tha made atores vf Illenre. John 11. Idellor,l4ood street. and lirnry !Veber, Third Arra. By vending one dollarto the author. Al tb,. °arras Of fice, Pittobu, oh. a cl,py will be forwarded. fn e of pods,. to soy pan 01 the United Stale, Pia mules f.,r nee did tars A liberal discount to I.k•ok ,llrra and )1 qi it df , alero, there b no more appropnate guebent that a a, ntlemou tan mato to a lady than • copy of ado Ira*. + lend In your ewers' 0r21 , ,.r0 E subscriber has in store and offers at unrs•. a nicor trilnrttip•ni of Alpaca., Coburg., so Isert er as In store and a en at ' In. pr!,... • -nor sr , i;.nrthleni of shoat., Cchurgs, Nun and figure , ' Mon.. do ',sin., Poplins, Pr inf., Flan. nol,, Cottno Flaun,l Tlabot. Etra tills, m' Wool. „long Fbaws, [nth Linen. fiantikereltlet,floot's Cravat.,. Ssiinetts, 124..aimerr, Corte,, .Issos. Broiro Ara Iflssoloed Curd inane rlw attentl.m of melons." and pvilars. orl.l Altßl,lllSta, New' — .Bockil •I UST RECEIVED and far sale by J. L u Resl. Ts. 4th • Lite Foreol i oaid Ftlrret Irv•eg. mnprilaing IVcetern Camp l.ibsznot. the I.lg,,erg, Andwitd Y.rd adve.tur, Iv Ilk de.crltKions of lumbering. S Skiing er Rule And 311truIr Of 11,. Epgiisti in A ta. t, llnh b.stKal• The i.Cll D! th,.. r !II Avologne of the CeY.hbi Pe!. see.. by • W•rren, apthor N.A., and le. A Pilt,e's Sitechee. SCen , ' , . The First Thing, 111. n. or Lwebur.4 on th• Tux, abd Alorti fi r m rrvoeb, ialunLin.i. tiarbilnee Bering, 11. lb The nOta,it 1.11 Appeal in behbif Fewil, , T whh b.rayers at. iota.. at d (ma Serlptaarw. 111%, br Death Bed , .og with ne w er d...sizned ilinetrab, the truth nabi newer n 1 Ct 11,01•1111, pT D.W.Llark, la. I, The above. with many b.anan,.‘ou•ab en n•ann... e.d hNneb supply of illsot craving hike the Eabt. .t Card. S - ..13(111CIIFI.E1,1) Inform thnir rustoserr sal btarery al:rurally that tLe hare upth thetr SEIAJNI , lalar rupply 4 , ,u.1.10r Ih. (.11 [rid, aui ark at trn:itna to their uttu.uall; lull .•,,rt went. D 'LADIES' DREI 4 .,UIA)II crawl tar...t,, rah prtntl Laltaak P•ri ] lera. Cotaro, Irruch Bra, tr. it S P l Wo l 6a. i rrafrrt s :4 Lima .d cram,' Thibet, Sa Mat OM' Ribbons, Mock sari half Style Neck dn. `t;lPe, bay.. receirrd • further rutial kr Flurtlua .Itudiu mud bleb Lstuat.. aol Pqapi. eeo eutrr rrolly; ant 01 rtll I. -old st [Lia. 1.,' quali. ikatutry Ili:rah:tut" are.lood.ord to ralllo aatua up /near. where urn a1,.1 low NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS' A T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT. g0.7-I •,A.TWrd .tna.;i.tTo.nte loaf Ota, bgrao e 'llar Lmelon AN Journal Or Oet.otee Model At:l-neer. Na. 4. tioday's Ar - N.YanYer timbales .)burasiore. .`• ^ • Lit. and Adventures ef en .1 ritaty.a The Oxonians. • orea ty Ly ninny, internale.o.l Molarof lea . • rd se llornau nun. 41,1 2111144. r, r rt. Lily and the h.q., by A...nal Wnrtaa Tba iluoyeackel S 1 11.1,ree.., or Lid... Lay .o tyon ot- and Lt. muyr. Pat., , Th. Tak Ink of the kla•tile, by Dew. Mayotte. of Pbst.eian,by Dumas e • tal th A t 1 • 11 : 1 ;f1.in17.1 h. 1 ' .. y:z Frani Faltleyh. ar nranea m ob. let,.t. P PrY•le ato floater, of one ile..terata.. 114. Jo I rave— br A. de Latnarttoc.. Mattld..llcata, canals,. ...null nt W•a.t.. bolt b , aantiea. Iltatery 0f Ine II urd•o nett A "Lat....Am - 4y. m en F Q. Tr.+, ,1. a We of the (Ad Yaw, 0. h.... &atter., Walton, or tty Rebel at tter•baattr. an tonnal knounceof the Rerolunou Cerullo. 'll tot.rulettlule pott2l. 4.1,, lb.: Artl am, .t • N....4.k 1 . 31 F”: ar.) nr.• .4'OR'iSCINN-ATl—The!Tien & tt, atvr• all ”t 4 I , frt•ottl Cr pattage 40,0, rn bovs.l, or 11. .0,0 _, •, • ti ro•. .1..\11'1, Aa.rEL Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. li 4 l Alt E ilEurctito.---Ti... t,,Lft a runu.o., pass 1. 3 ,r . ,...rat JAMES NEL. ~ to` , 1 ..r lb, 41.0t...0 1 InommeM , •:. 1•01. - thl3 so•rsteg. st la t. sretosnly . t• • Ins•rtroMm. torts - • o,sa t , Ihr JAME, S. r.1.-MS. Ealt.- E ' 11 M• . nli '''.. I' '' . lel ta, n`tri, It.••••lat Tn..r.•• , and , Itur•lrt. at 10 4 1... r.roing. Itnatt". M. 0,1,0, .1,, 110 00.1.1 • %.... 1 .... J.., and I tl.Mm • •t 4. A. Nl r , PUT Est:btu: ,P3,flauf, /IS,. .oi...riot ao.o.o.lrarslalka, I .0,0 y 00 1//tpl. 01 I. S 11 1 1.011.? .1 EINNIIO. Area, i.,,,,,. turto • 11, .I.os, 1, 1 ,0 .3 ..s. 01 the 1.11.111r1 I.k, 4,,, ~. Mil • • 1 . •••••• ger• i• Ler run•Alks< .n • Wheeling and kittetnargh Packet A IZE D! —'l' l . ,sift 11,, , • .4 1•. e..• ataar......1 all tnt,tra..).• atttto t t. sttttr,to.. at It. t. , •lort loork p.r. Tb. WlsCit,TEri. Capt. lit., II Saw., vlll Iser• Pitt.l3,ll es,3I I V A +V.., W.-1• vd 1,1:141. .0 • A NI MNIBISMIII=II • 11. .1 • 0.. t ett • Man). I gitteet the Wlneimetet rme el Neteq. teal, ever t••.I Ler the [rule Pamenmre ere) 16. mi .n n-r runnin, tt.etn.lo m4ninrij • - • • Euri,A BI.: la:11 XN . 6i.61 Ar PACK CT —"Ch. • r tfi por-I,sung r,n4•1n....1, trr r 4,7 are: i'a , barAl• 1 to c vi too, fl,,nanr. .nil every ,nr.. - 1.1 r•-: • fr.lebt cor ml A1101,T:ioNto , . . -iL • 1.1.1:k. . - . English & Bennett, AI V 15_Ah1.1..t.1.1.1 h 1 , .. • ~, 1 ~, 11n, a 11 , na.onlonn, 1 r...unr. It. IV liOLEs, : t Ly, nJ ~• C, KU( '1 .. .,R5. ,.. 1:,,n , ixa,.....:, , , ,n , P 1111 N 1116,1. In I/IA I:C OD / 4 MO CU . • 11 11:4.-1.t.wn. I', in . l.ta. :144, I .., ew-nad •-un 1,1 41,..10. L. let.w,r. 1,1111.. t Co n .....1...1 0.111.1. , , 1 .... I . ntAutL, 1., barn . n Lana ' Nt a I CO. Jul, 1 . ,h. 1,1 /1 - 1,041 1..1 an; ten•ll., th, killowlir., fr 0...... •!..r I. ft) . 1 'X. , .--, ' • - 1 Supenor Black Wnting and i upying Ink. .• 1.•••-• unto, -I 1.•63 , ..r. IS01.1.g.1:1-• • -1.... 10 - 5 . -,n,,./., 11. lump. / 1 . 1 1 k ,, 1 ... , 1 , 7 6 .” Tn.- 1 91 t.\ Y .... 1,,N1 Pi RE I N I,'. ••7 .1 .1.\ -ls,Gll ktref•i; ~ 1 , ,,,, t t•i•t I..lavir, - - in., h., .4: e - R ~ , -....,1 , ..-. 3 , 0 ‘O. A ~• ~...I.n+ 1-61 ,‘,.,..n..i. , lob, 1, .. ,nd•r, ~,, ,„,,,,, ~, ~,,j, , • tn ,11 !la.( rt.:ILI-1, . 1.-zr.. .0 4. •,, - - 1,0 k...,.. Nell, .... - t.ra rove., : s i.4" , t . :dd • 1,-torlaw *--. A 41 - Havana -- 11.... tn-tw. •r. in • %at: iii•••, ',a !vaunt,. ta, gulk.n.: .. ...wt., .- it, tw.t ...In,- otann/settiewl It do. , 11.-•1,-- ,o 1,11.• Aitz./..... ( iliwww,,, 1,01 - titwlini )I(iSil.w. L.,. , ..,. i 011 L. , . IN ( . ....iiii will •uot c't,rrrsdo u...-old. • E. N' ¢. :.Our i 1 4,1. .....a.,....\1,0. . ..... ~......:.,..-... ati . rw0.....--• .11 Lb. nualitt, 0,01, 1..... I ruund Dula. ...,..r e n-04 It titingt hilt, ,al. Ow 1./...111. •03 64 Li, l:rwit t mall, . ..,‘,/ 1ww..... (liwir, w.wp, rii,kii .1,4 . .1 r..(...12.i.,1.."1 1... n ..-6...... I,rn•t, Cwt.,. >.• - tun-. " TII . ' 11 , 11 - 11. , ... - . 1, 4 Pi..pare. - 1 10 11,1..4, 1, the Lrada el.. - . ' 1. 11, 11 ... 1 1.. ',.. - N1... , :b 1 n1P C• 1 1 .1 1.• tn.: ...1•41.0(1. or tvant ...unta.,.1.,.. at the .t: I' •••,/ I-lllnd l, l, . /.•. lA:a 1'rx..1..,/,., 1,61,,,,, put up.. In/ nr,lnt, and .1.•11+,-,1 in 61 , 11.11 loi drum• 1..., . d.. 1iar , .... 111,,.. ...11,.. 1:,...- r i chara.e. No charge lor ...... llarre 1..0 1..-1... 31."1i. 1•16.1 n... .......4 1,00 It:nat.-A eugar !,, .....,,,, ... ~,,,,,,,1 sr , ~, ~,,,,,,, 07 ..0 - i(i0ub.1,,......., 1..• pans i.t. aa...lqt. F1a.4., 1:111:011.11,1' LENI . .......0 Diet( Ow fit.. !,./ bt.le Oaf ~ w wwr. I' "iw.l(wli i. 1., I - uta Dahlia, . -0 144, Willio I•ilww . (~(iporei.. V. tialric. Ch•llt. ~, , 3 /t - ll* roRK . . be.o. Wt... 1tr....1•-nnar.C..ttnr. Van, lint 1 . 1 n5. 1,1 . - 1 -...*-. • 1f...* .4 ''..... .0 1,1 1.. 11 .. 1, Profeirxr Adez- - 4,.C... Barry .Trieopheroas, •,: Jo(alial rip. 1 4 `lt mi.bll'ATEP, COMPOUND, fur re Boarding. • j Ito - n...g. pr. •tvni,att.l tenutibmg the haar,..rwilaa, ..- . . ...,,,,. .. 00 .xal .!an.tru.:. load_ruzi-a, 14,a*, ~ ,I tha ai.10,` 4 . i ri , wo li.ll . A LI, FAII LI }:‘'. t,lll 1.,` iweiim• , ~..ii.i. an 11' ,I ..1.e.:0 1.14 1 P, In-ul.a. tp-611•11...t.c ..Itl.. 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,....„,, „,,,, rT .,,,, , , . ~, ~,,,,,,,„,, 1.•• ..-.., ww..rnar.,,l ~. rtrwrlnloni- that 11..1-1,9111,,..1&,, 11... r. wttn-, lurn.,hril tn. ntannui..h..l.4.nt tw.t.t t..tdy • r ... '' 4 '' ' '''' ''.4 "''' .'"'.' -.'". '...'q ji " ...... ''' ..- " . . , '.. ~ ~,, ,„,...„ ~, -,--,„,,,, ~,,, ~,..,,,t ~, ••• 04.. I ~..,?,,..„. I. 1, tn. hum, 0,1 •Il lb.' wallisAl ..luilcxo. 1 , . .. .11 101;nm ~,,,,, ~, ,,V , 1 1“ ' %, 1 :e. T:.: , :..1 , ......! Ili c tel il t , iT i git (with a ._!..;• . ;• , ::.,,... ' ": 1 7-.•:y . ,...::: ' ; ' ,.:„ . - ‘ -t---- , - , -- .." J.. j ":: ,- :', 7 i ; ',: . ,L ~, ~,,,,,, : :- ; z:1 1 ::i:; i c.,•,'"' ... lb. I , istl. 11 sr., 1.,..15 1 .7 . .1-. .....‘ i ''' I''''' I°l' . '''''''' u '--- .... 'A ra I ...a. 1. .. I 1...... ' rep. p.:6111.. Al 1.1,.., a .110.1.1 ,,,,,, ‘,„„-, 1 ,, ~.,,_, L a ,. t w .,, a tih r .4,6 .CU . : a ruIAH. " . I w .1• .(11.(1..0 ..( ilw (seal, ..1 • a t ‘nrartral rhr- TAltle AC I ll 1..0 i 11, plan,' liir ' ':..tli: ~ .r Oa, Iwal .1.1.,(1 and datlng. that twrial 1 sal. 4 • J. KW, , ~... . ~a.. 1,...1 , :11 .. .: . .t01• , i:..• , :.1 ...cent Me tir. , 1 , ...ft , t - V . ll . ..hrni ' crORA CC() - ..(17. L e.. tr., :v,... r'.., ~,,d 16', ; L1.ji:,1...: ~ ;......%II t h.'n,"t'VVZV.,..JA, 1 ~,,...a.r.4 ! t tll- +3l p• d awl 1.. t ~i, ... • r.w..... tr, rt•nr 1-1i.,1 , r..t0t I .1.1 an. w • hot 0.-th ~,,,, ",..,.,,,,,,,,,,, "...It. ‘...1, t n cuy •aorrr,...• nn.l wratannt.i..n. tr.und any..ll •ne -,,....1 0., siwut 1,0 ~...,thn. :n. I: ww. cll. en.l-0.-- 4 M. ' ...; gII Li —2,.. bids Sperm Oil. 111 dn. ..I It, d... '''''''''''•,..!!,!.“,,',: i . . - : . !. r .. ,. ... I - I . ' •- u:i !1` . ,,.,,,,,„ , ,,... ' I' ., II )1 11 .-. 11..•1.1-11 111..4,1,1 .1.. 10 da Innts....• .1:.. r-- - 110 tdr.lurdl , l6 .Ir.ot. Ilnwth a. cr1.....1 ......1 f•r ...le 1.-, „, , ri, ' 11111,. I In., .111•1.0, _ Nn ILsts. thq . .I.s i . ,,,, vs i A tills; SALT---u 0 l's cr..illlil rock. iloW ! ” ' ''''''-‘" '' ' l " "l ' - ''' " ' "l '''''''. ' lll ' h. ' Ilar...ltng .nil .1,1.1,, i2,1A11 DILKEY aCa . :. ' e ‘ b b ' n ' c ' . ' brUll ”.- I . trft ' a " eVal ' 4 ' ) ' • ° nl i n .. ' " , t . b 4. .. y n' n '''b re nrn •, '''''' ' , II', i , •t• '' "end C'aat •e'-at• na I dal wo. Old b. tu, utultl 4 taaan ' tor bon '' ...aa ' 4 . lOFFEE 6.0 114 t. R., 100 do I,:tpvt, ra, '',;:,;.- r `"" 4- "" " 114 ' i ''''''''' " h "'"'""'. -• "' l ... t.t., nani ands or owl. by ',lib I 1111. MG' A,:. ' " 11C1 r j,7. " -y. ' ..:t I ''''' • - . . ~ ow !Gar . ILI ODF[SII —2ll tem landing an - lf..Jor m in i. , by If 00. i.. 1, .r ~ ,otkttur l e 4 A l ,D e nL• v i d.; 3 l . l H t r. .j*l . _ l' • . ~,,.,,,„ _ _ I pit KO, A. c,, ,„ ~. me,: • 1 / 1 pie. 1-all at 11,1.10. a .• C ' n•ncTa ' b i mne b . 4 . II FA.:S - }.; -- - 2. - . - t. Mein .! :;^:, ,'="".• '''''''' 1 ' 'l. ''''''. ''' " nll '''''' l " . '" L " "..' 1 I I D11:K2.1 it. 1,:.. --• , f nnt the Slfidenry t.trd Nar•l A 1.10• ./C., ` I.- J j 1 l REE . N 4.IUPA I:VAR:N:ISn —2O fill 11111, , 41,-, I, 1.. ...1.0 , 1, 101 EP+ I.'lll W . 1..... 11, v ei t ,:,,,,...,, xi( rurn,turo. 1., 10 yr•II 1... g.• d r.. I bld nm,ll for .511. ''''d '''''''''' 4 ‘'''' ',"'''."' e , """ ,,, r • th. ..,. , •'+ . 1. , 1 U. ,th. i me ,, , , , ~, c „ . ul,. p v0i“...4 . 4,,,,,1 by tbx art.,. know, .., Pi...t-svm . - :11,r, , t.c.0.1.......... 11.1v,‘,1 (I,..tap.,uusi It ...• ..., VSDlt3O I erronn 1:11.ra , n51, 2 kg.. Mut/ilk, ....v... , -....,,, Inn.lIll•. , • , •••... 0) II , .• abe- , tanadr • ad, ..-, e zentaery da the Imod et . 1a.,/ in bare , r.ncr I for .4 , ^ I.'. ,'' 0,4 ". N . h. , ".'"•' 1 '',,,,,,, , , 'eh. r xrbeerv• ~1 the I. nal It Fun-•rt... slgnr t•• :Ad :nat- I aetbi '' lid. bud •t• 1 tnu• promatan ila artrnal ' .•rba , • . 1) 1 C 1 , .--1 I) 1,... pritt.....rtroilmi, for sal,. l, I. , "••' ll J•••••*,••1•rldrIIII Ata.l ..... and eulk• ba _1 nen , _ 3 A 1 1 1 . .. 1 A 111 'Mil , b.:' .. 111 l .,V L f;.r.".7, 1 ,1 it.:;) .1. 1 2 :. 1 . 1 , 1 ,i,'. 1 .....1';.t=11"...:', ,`'.."... !!::. n,n I t:A if•—!,2ll 1,144 lialtlll.l., I- 1.111111n0.A •it, ar,.. t 1,111.....“,, ...,..:Li•.:iNo t i Ito,. pwrsd. Bra t ~ht trirr., 'or rr ,, .. , , 137 Ilr. , ,riNul ~ .,,t .4 t 1..• In u,..,..i. ~,.1..1, mu L i n ~,,,, ,I AM 1., a 111 TM. , te• AI , tleal:nita , ,te•l,La c1R5.,1% ' . 110V . 491i , 11. NIOLASSES--D. 1,1,1,. prim. , St. Low I. • . 1.L.r...r, I ~... r,, JAM, A .....r....,,, 0 ..,, CH I(.'Al :(. ) AND PEORI . • ..... IiZOSIIEN AND — W. R. CHEESE—C.Or, • - LArtawar ,n b.tul .ud pa . . L i., - THOMAS HALE, v,lll W" A l' -. - 3 •l''''' . '' o ' 1•*1 ail)) AllbMti Aci oNlilsrMON MERCHANT, Iv v. - ANC) 001.1 , EN SY RU P.—Al ..,,, ys . vie bas ILLI:.01., 111 a o u r uro d ~,,i , r ~,,J.. t,,_ , ..., ~, ~,, ~.. it , ovr I ;Ct. LS li, usual tacilltn," t, ft, rive • ~ itrvlv. vr..lllpuivot..ira•lo.• " '! ' (I) 1..!! ii I) iV S .. 1 ,. % , ' LI i , S i N l': Y -A_ ha ,d .uperior !":2':'''',':;,y..,,, i ifi',7.' r. ~I , ;•;;;,T'',:;,",,'n'"'"'l '''` vv.' A , I_ IAtI:AIT,iN A ...,.. _... tar dubu A l'anrlo, aylorm B v i t : riii,_ :. __ll ) ,ll,,ho ; p l ,,, l antl h ,.. ll.• , lll. l kr i i,n r c u ‘ , N,,. areWut. H. Haskill, ._ . . h,, ''"' ""'l " 2 !''"" '" g, EN :lIA I, COMMISSION :MERCHANT IS ALI l'E'r ILL—.-1 i7i)u hugs orods, arriving, • IF AN , AUCIRJNA.:L.E, A., it v,Aur 0 , .......1q.0111A, t..-. S'. AF'%V 1 1.,P, . "..-• ' ! —— I - i.nb.b.• tat...orlon Isvr2c 2 rumirciou bunnovv. a uoi, 11/EAHL ASII , .IHea , ,krt for sal° ..y . ____ _ it ~,, w ' i ' . "ll'''' '' . ST. 1.()U1S & S'l'. JOSEPH. 6,•, , ,0LL LEA'fIl ER •200eides hemlock tan- CY n... 1. t.r• ..1.• 1.. 1,04, II .A P 15-10Sl/A ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. DEANS , -.10.t,td,. While, I, sale by . miDDLETON: RILLI s SI'UF,L, It _ 0, . A 1;1•1.1114):1-PvIN h CO. ' LI ATTiNO A CANDLEWICK— , b.f.' iv SI, an•lvr 1/4,10u. vp.ll,,ut. kvilinA st- Co.. IJI ..f. - T , 1,-, I:4ltiup: I'm-burr:ll aP,I Y ne4 • '. C.'"'l l i . 'l' ; ' Ctf. ! !t< l ; ..,! ;lN A el , 'I/ 0 VII, C. TO , TTLE, Atto rne y . I I' to for P..n . Zylver o n.k rn a. e vt ' l ‘ ., t •ul t r, " 4:. 110TASII-1, - , ~a,,k. pure, for sale bi- J. A II PIAA - 1, • . ' """'""'.'!'."."' '''Y"P"' '''''''' . 7 .i 'F :- "I_ It 10 (20 1 , 1 , E E_2s(l b,,,,, 0 i .,„,,„ , 1 -,,„,d, b y . i 01 .. 1 , N 1 , 1. RANKIN, Attorney and foam- for , JALII,,,i. 'V',,,,,):41.,!i.'7,=.:T,r,..7gtx%,'"'" TOBA I.'CO —, Virglnia man a facted..l, ' , i t- , ..^ . ,..1 , ---- l'in..barv,b. , ”.. V , . f , `r..-ra. 1-1.1-rPtnu . J 4 II ,11.01 J) , :LI, '1 1; , ('Vile; . ;! '''''''''''' j.."' E l'rk'l .lTl 'l l ' , ' -. IeRESII SALMON ANO LOIISTERS-• Time Sills 2 . ; ~,, In on.. Intl Iwn proutPl • ruv. lu.nA..l.lex l l, Pral,l vvrp .up vrier ant 'via b r . ,IN CINCINNATI, . Wm A AIcCIAIIII/ R Co.. LOCI,‘ 11.1.0. • '-or'' • iv rover. and Tr a TIVAI:rr --". OAANT 141.11ri., VUICE IV I,NE VINEGAR -- ~,...,o , NASHVILLE, DETROIT kn. 1210, CLEA PLA NI). 'vs, rolvviar for plrkll.--lor I.fa• by 15 ./1 be purr-hared at favorably rates bp a. WM. A. Mc•CLUIVi A CO., C0., -SG Liberty rt.: frdl A- IS 1 Lfi Ifiry ACO ----- I ' , REAM 'CHEESE-71 ben r”ceivin4 per a JARIS UttiEEN—ZKleuses of 'Om celobin.- I,j L. If. ala /in, awl for bib , by , ' L 51 . 4 .. b..Malibil, nvvrarded` by lb. cold rumial of rhor . 9 t ,,, 000114 DALZELL- • Muter. Ismututa tor. uniformity of abode, and tar bath N ------------ ,- -- „,_,,,..- -- t -- " -- , ~„.., 1 th e nothrrt, moat brilliant. mid permanent lirl-0.)111 P.. iilnfallible Remedy for llAtiLl add.alto t duot l. Purchaalrot lthoUT. Tom lbw Manufacturer, ant Tarter on Um Teeth. magic peitithettunttodor i are to real cu am tamaithA i ttrz= R ottaita , ;of AI matt. for Ni e at . 4 McORI:LVri the taw. 140 Wood stmt. i , 1 "Pi . :a Wcal tregi. . t BOSTPN TREMONT HOUSE, BO.iT)N, MASS. rrilllS well known eistAblislament is still eon s due:A m the nun. ma h•S laws, bee. The e,bten, g.b4 plownt 001.0i1C Cr the hon., cpmma/b Arrahwebt.oto, mad the fortes Insert. , h, br LauJ (Owe.. ',mobil. to t.t.A., It 4.,.r..enthe toad ed•sras 10 tbe Ilaeoßb... tato Elf trot J,A.n 1.. Turki, at. 10,p, CI lb, h., nt tha Itv• mubArtrib..b exertbAL. to uk.tabla'a, to rib e mati.lawtiou . ti 4 nuatrnAre, •p=aw.ivALA ‘l. 11, PA-M.IEII. PHILADEITHIA , fCHARLES STILWELL Iviving £ • • 'Par , ' expr.eore publir sth:l pritea inkutu ; toe IN-., in the t.utge..l nate, mndl the We. th, i•s,rnp,oe:oent... •of the v.em ha. , op ne,l an pate , I,r the practphe btrtnch the pr,ht..lpm.*pd mg% Ire r .usulted h sill ; I in th 41i1r1, kn 4 frytu ehen up,.. .vt e oth ln PrtILADKLPHIA Clegg's Perfumery and Fanei Soaps. frilEf. ,up•rior articles Perrumery. , btu o t whi.l.l..,,nutugrated relarat,l LL I, hil ti'letll./ Aln , natrr, Hoy, nnJ 1,J., Inntrj-r., VAlnet. Clan*. nml other apyrntr,l Walnut and Ertl, Fino ,antl Ilrown vnd Whit, 11,wl•nr. Nun, AIcRAPI. fnnrl and :ap, ertltn. I/3, Colugue %yat•rn. Fs. rwla for the t.ahilke. , l,l4, , rx Marrn., • ‘.ll. Crs.- tat fro.tnlr. C. nett ttCele,) Eau Mistral fl air linTnrauvr, [lair VW. Pinion:n..6 at., ,aro. insn,ufa, , ,,,,l JOU, T. C.l.F.nti. Marltri.Ftrert l .L 'i l ‘ ,r . l.l " .. n O l bYl=l.. 41.4 - Nerdistats kat fdrret tb• arailtrATl2XteTl4,,ntanto",,,t, bt tln. e.t, WT. him • Matchless Blacking and Inks. lII£CELIAIRA'TEI) mATCH LESS NIACKING'—warrsTI ru t wrior I,lNrs, It v 0 , 13e.",,A t...m1 1 h1.1,•••1. , ..• , L4.41 4 . -, Ur 4 1101.H:bAN,ON otrroi. Numb bird, a.. .I',ls.. 3.u , sm OMAS wiffrE. • - • - • route, • .e .:r.;;;..._._lonni e. VI MARL rt Op., Whole juo 71*:=Itirlatst..11.11.4alphi.. no I . C NDWIED 1,1. • 1 B L e 4,, wa l4 rumaza I.. ,rFt.Wharnm.rhDut , lo4:.. suci NEW YORK. To Deolirs in Liquors, -dec. J. COMTE. French RethiSer, 300 Eighth Cr • street-NI:V Y Ott tow blottldlillerk to full eher. nanon for the mersoautur• of floe 4.1c0h01, Pare Spiro% rnadr.aria,lie tent'e Paolo Clenumodanothe,Aniothe Pater., 00 he. ernady anti lito al4.narnlnily amainr an mrding to the tort retoloto yeti In- um South ot Frown end Ite!larsr.the Quelar ("loot t 4 'unotretthe looarto. snd form , Weee oototrt , loiateet an 4 .nnEr- t - r the ancht:,o , and fervent their neoPre to the of 1.00 00 Water (freer, NEW 10E1C. !wind,Wnltloayntantlly altnn.Nri ! - alnian3 American hardware. ____ ... .. r, LIVEN 1.: DOUGLASS. AlanufactuntrA' 1 4L - cnm. N.. I, I . lxtr rtn..t. ll.rwminnm from I , nrt , o 1 , I .r., soul., n ~. e tlut I, .1, / I.- M. ,t . Z..1 , •1. of 11, llanlwaro T.,“1, . ll,mr Moski r Ono.. to•rmwol.t•,-1 In. I. menuf.• nml 100 ,0.i.• on kloontoo torn, Irin,n] nisAia••••tDitikis - W - oer,sai;.';''..l- , : -• ' \ \-' N , -.- . ' T"E eubacr . ttiTtora for ot „et,o.,„hi' 7 . : 7 im htot r . T T;a th en ' en ' toli Rat! . sn : sl r., r ;ro ' fgroush WIN " ). ".,..T.4'.^. --i '• ..- oIFP C ' ' -',e'0 , 2:5 4.- .; . 1; -'A \ h " ew York India Rubber Warehouse, ,-, .1 vr. Y r ite . oinlN no the AI .g , l , , t r e „ nr . l.e„ . ifoUlt ' t S.DOV ' , A r arat, n•ectotore, to.. a...quotes leo 5 .,,..5.,J.5., a h efit! „ ;., - .. /.. / 471,LC4„..: - .. , ',19V, \ \‘' \ .., . \ Sr. :5; ,Vela., Lot, .p + , l ..I'.. 5 , 4 2 , :,,,,,,, 1,,,, . • ,^1 , 7 ,, ,:` , 1•;:r i. 41 , An,. •. 71 • , , , T r i. , •• i",ia,.,rf 0 ri , , ,,, , J • ~ 4 ' . ... d.r c , .. ,, ual t i e .. .:;:trc: . ... „ , , „ , , ,..k t.t.iti ,: : . E . : . errtv•1 at•lttliniclph. to , t.V.ii ., - ..11,: 7,.._ „ i r e .??41 ....A t1f,..CA A .4.5 ..:,,,,,; s. , . ~ ...),„.,_„....„:.." \ Yard earner tr. un linnt•av V eetoey . ...H.S./n 24th nt 1 high nAto of cu Id eau. It houtrls Shrobbell. s mental aod Fruit Tens nf most ever deArnotion • FABBENGERS, FOR lIALTIMOIk \ ...... „ -..e. r/J '..4 0..... ., t TIER SL it S4111131.;11 ' l'r" P rim'r "r 'hi° '' ~k.7:..-..,_ ~.„:„ „, ..c,57.. 14ILET. Take the lora Cd r Cumerland alrowl, at Ilarrtsteris ' ..t;s t ,'" s , ...' . \ ' , 8r.... s"Kt 9 inb't•to h'. ' 9l rut...ern...l ti... •ar.hou, a ,f,., ID, arv.l.l aco ~p, .J. , ..3 Ingtastr. eltrhty.fru mile"less,(e. Time. FOUR, bouts. 11'.' 0 UYSOTI"S Improved Ex - tract -of \ • , ' \-•:• nermeally • that in• is daily nee/ring onto I.n. 1 , 4„,.,",„ . ., ry . ununt•ll, hag. a nd ..,11.-ot .tner. .4 lad.. ___ ."' ' . r - F ,r,.... ''.. L ' Arr , " : J. ,,..4',.', Iss am ran r f" 0 'r s I , d m ,T r s . ?,.. i f, : 7 „,'''. 1) YELLOW ~DOCK AtiTr94II9APPIRILL4, IS ionr \ . ! . „, ';‘. \.„\?• In ~'"..., 'od. on adlactur. I .xpreolf f..r thr I all Tr., To Let. \ If nal destre rheatitnteeluog and comfortable aetwonno. Vitt up itaturlarwest stied Betties. laud to acknoWledirsd \'• .• .., •f , L'h ' ".. 'l." '" '•tr • ".'" ••••"1 ". • ." ' irn 4 1 lIE .. , .II known EtGLF . 110 TEL, ~-,\\ 1 d•truire. //won. i , or troket. a: the Ticket Oflicat, Mot:wogs to to the REST 8-414TAIUR ILIA oide. os Is certified s, •, r ~.11 twat-no., tc It. to. rurchwerr .n.l .unrfeed. • 1 . ,_ . .. X' beta Hon,. of l• .1 , -,n,:letu nor., Iva toil Innsef nat.'' , 9 . 0 . f Nol,Tll I'lll RU STREET PII ILA t.:Li•nitl.. ~,4 ' \ ET to wonderful CUBED it has perforra the canine A `i , \ noon , s ch•L• a ....ono. + l't be lel"' in the ..,,,,,,,..-- .0. -,,,,, ,n Col Tilos n WEBB, ttcro.rly new , - , J. 4'..IIOLMES, Agent, .. .4 ,14 \of .bira ,In the 'POSteselOnt O fd. fMS OBITA.KB• \ , , \ ;on !"Igor I a:nip.. CA It ItlAn t 11. , el 11, f .II •ntl.l i 5.„,,,„.„,,,,„„ \ . I'. VECI.I It CO., ....m s t.r. f er i a, it the only tr. c ana erree, \ \ • •• \ • " ••.... ' 7.1,....."..h 4 rtf. " ....1 ... ,4 r ' .. ' .....1 ' .. ' 1 . 1 ' 1 ' ,17..t .:" ;-t r' • "- u '' xn. ' W . heh 3 174 . ; ~," ., f,.' , .' . " 'x j : ,.,T,,,' , ,,,,":,,,t nu„ ;1.f ., ',;1 , - -J , b; ( 7 ' ,, ' '' '',.. o ',,,i',11;.',t \ \ (j a r to: . l l '• _ .. ' , Corral Bacio, _Peon pullet..., Ti,d4msd s , oh,. no," ~,,,,,,solio di„etkoa. 9 , \ _• \ ...W.. ' - Ito n , Paw•uu n... 9, B. al , nnot.h . t.B . plm. and online,. e fly, 41. parlors with r.o. ea- FARE 1t...8.J)110E.D ! s WILL\ CURE WITHOUT RAIL. I , .1 , 414tV1L1JC.11,. • 1110.2 ilaap,rl.4.l ii111. 1 ...... 1 1.2 " ' ttted. • .Hama rnrun IS ter 40 Ott-Alum:AA 4, the Mb \ b"..1• 12 .... 21 • 4, ` 1 . , 11 . 1, 0 IL , ' du. , Is ILad . L Lvn• •h mediate Tidally Jr! the lorraert wboler.l. bona. . near', ..•: .1 rvv0i1,15.4. • i.ennetrint ;nut. Ihe Ogle. artuh , „pnean [fir well kw.. 1,,..... nt I:CS ill.. KAI '1,1.1 J r , i 8 5 1 .‘ a migo t; , , kr King's Etil. , n , ...,--- „,..t. ~,,., ..„ ... trewer..l..aij .... kl, ire. varlet, , C. 1.. rac to. lad . • nwrernatde rent from amt • r tle. ta, ‘t ' I FIIInT Eta I or AYRII NI.XT, when ,t. present irent nt I t.ttlai.- -4 nill rI., of all the difl.not er, Ws ,„„,,,, }„,„..ey„.„, MONISROLERLA ROUTE. Len and r 0trt1. , 5, tram the I .l. , tted Para tnrhin't.' L. t,b. ne , Tile lintel W /•corlll, ••••= 1 •11 n4O. tb*KdA 99 ... l '-..' I Vitt Ltrunsville ii,nd Comb boot t 9 ➢Baltimore .......• I_Cretatoat in,,..--.. , ,,..nrag .U.o.t. Werner, a altd f hornool dale so other nenmmetalatwo. bow. .r. uii,wee ern. ;h.., Sneper. rod catel , .. D.B.K. ' should' ter ...Jed. tit. tbo unrarallatel art e. I •,. \ .111P.P1111111./ph.lll, ' \ - -1,11 . 11111 . 1 4. 4 . Palm la tn. nirie. or - . •••• ~;;.;„ 4..\;,..., , .. ... , \ I ~ Yarn .1 1.9.1444, I..ebte rn, ite. m. 0., r 1.4 It ••• i1....•111 of 'he I, Mona, ntwal•ott haul 1 ' t p . I. '''' ''‘,! ' a5m ,:;', 4' , ' „7,...,",1Att7 - „.. 1 r I HE MOBNINt9 BOAT lea Tea the Wharf J ta. Old Near ainl IncetebSwellnig Of -c-" • : : ,•5 3 -, id , il i ; i : ' 155 \\ rie ' ritattetteg.t"...l..... Cam a 1. 1 , ',... Briar. L.t.Prentwern. ' ' '''''''" ' '''' Cllgl. ' l•l,lN A ItAll&lag.R. , above CO Bridge satly• ar AI 4 . 1. k DneeMelr. cod. Ma nuadd Srpinlith nyttpopsha,Friltlittends.',' : . '...; „." ,1:" . ', _ A ..A. , .".• t l b. , •/ E 14 ' , ....• 55, . 1 ." - /Id. em.. Io" , ; _ ...edam 0... De Third ot, I•tri delphta. port mg w,th ttic mug. 4. Comberimad no attoornhog. , \ 1 0b."... 1 , alletlaclor , ,. /Nit ,11 , 0 , 4%i t1t....1.11••.. The LVeLLILILI .0•4 IonToOtISILT (.4,, .1104.11.4 40•11.10 • t. Dt axial froth then. of 3l r\ t ' • •c ~ , t / ' / i, ,,,, r i ,/ , , i- ‘ . . / ..,, , "::;: , , / }.. ' 115' ; ',. /i ... / • , ;/7., • ., 1 ,, i ,/,.., . / .7,, ,, , i7 1, ", ,/, 17 , 41: , :„ . .....11 . . /x .- „,. / :: ,/ , TO, LET- "A lore,. Ind cunt,-bleat terll I .i ''' / , ‘ l '''' . . t . / ;",% . ... /1 . -it "tt .'" '-'''' b " -- "'" / •'' C....b....117 \ i nss " curt, _Palo by the Ski. 0.4 • nit' - : • -..., "it • A • ..tUf.n r4 .. , •' 9 ' '" . '"bd ' ''''t 1 . 9 .••" Woc . 'l.4a. 'I . through to Withal. ,32 hours. Pare onfy 14 II e thro.rgh to I hadely namio Krum. lan. a go ' , reef 11 Joll‘STO , I The , t.attonal 4 st. note...good. Conductors go With . .. /... mcauttr. tura: c 1 l uc.r.',..,1 NI, t• In hut I. , r IK•nr , . c0, ,, ,11.4.d 1.D. ,11 . 1 ' 10 , 111,,, .113 bo 1, und • llt., n.rt... • or. •,r. 1 Pre 1 the 0, he• I.• Inn...A, and Conde:land, irb , l ' . " ' a Y "i ' ' 'r . . c • • , ~, '.' .. L. s ]. •'' : : r.r..... , • CI..1•• 1 114 ii I , L.1.b... !Wig .1 •••• .4 1 1 ..10, . ' Great Barge ! ...k . .., ..1,eni...11r th\ te.t OL- Ea., nna et.a.. v. , o l,re outw, ..,,,,nt 1,,. hap., .... Ili E i.TY 5.1'. PROPER. Y FOR SALE• I ‘ ~.,- '., ~,,,,, , : „ . $„,,,:,, 0 , „Wm , ,,,,„„4 ; , ,,E N, „,,, i ti1„'t,„,, ' 1 THE BEST FEJI,ALE .MEDJCZNiKII - 01rdb! ' • ' • r.17,t0 lA.; 1,1 t ',7 .1 fr ", • 0 • 4.,- . ,'‘ ." ' ‘. ", : 5 e 1 • . 5 . .r ,. 1. 1,-r, g; : n l i• l 7;l'' ' o'..sle ll PEN SYLVANIA 'l l 4 - ILILOAD. -, • ...t7irc ,,t ,t'.7:w " g u ' r* .,.l. " " .. ..n. r ,•' :*4 or " e'rth m = i - ----. Shav;le! Cloak s ' Idaatill'u,' _., ma tibdotel. • rt, , ,,,•10 the cm. had a no alJoartne , ''' lit . Iteration .4 kb. t'. on., I r•us• Railroad d'afewnger nu , Insaf Lg.oLart"ci riu4a , pod.' , anatnatd, .thth Ores Wk.', , • • ` it i . , S 3i ILLN, N ~, t; c,, ........, Tv: k, 1 .... -- h.. 'r." , 1 0. . , .. 1 ,..:' ,. '* 0 ' ,. . - . 1' . 7.., - , .... , ..rz i z'' ,?,,Lir 14 •'. . ''' " , ''' , oo . 1 h. 0 s°. ' v.. / ^1 .." - • • . -10 .slur '',?.,`7;:',,, , ;,' ' .4 4 . 5,",„`"*.'„,"",, c\ ~,I.B ELL, ~ I. ,, rtlefed ha 47,1, 30 rn) . Ze..; ve s x\of Jolanstown. ' , fr.. ‘,..o .4 . l: ur ts ,.th rrltt b lD : t7 . lm;r i tz ‘,, 111 . j ozl b ta h art .o. he r zi , :ll ... .l.4 ,t ' • :. A f,e.,. uf '.l at,l It toter Bit AK I' ~ ..0... ,tro. 1 all nt. ,'i • ' , 1 4,1`„, '..,-z . ,,,,, 1.,,,;„',,„,„ ,4 11 - „,,,,,,,,. ~, r,f 2 ,..t. fa, lboo.n.t, 14,4.1 1.....,, :haw. n.,,, her .a h • ,1 , ,7 A ,' - ',„' „ ,„ ;,,•• ••'-‘ st " - „ , A ,„ TILE REDO .ED AND bPBIL 1.4244A5ED. ~ • 'a , - unnatural atnretichs, and girnSlealthy anDou Mal Ihs I ' ~' ''', ..."''''''''' '' "r"'I1 S".' '''''"'ll'' 'l.ll.'' ." 'll'. " -- - - - - , ,- ` 1 ," - -ir 1 1 LIE SUBSCRIBERS I.!ne thewleasure„to P.eni%. ••••••or : 2 1.1.•te, of ••••rf orto.. AK.. exteortre .nei nt ...UN, tlertno.l h.. till.. Private Residence for Dale. , 1 .utranre to the'lx fnenda and patrona . ,,,of the Petro- L e t a h, o h o -of& to pow.. 1y,„,,, maim /ho ed. Jo h ' ', . •-J .1 leanla Rallytad• timbre. ear , ernoroyan.dailettipplog Cll., L 1 1...2.1 Cl.ll g .f. 11. 4 .,1,,,,,,. „,,,,,,, L.. • I ria II K PRO P E E'FY 14 Offered epee ' .-iing- , ati, . i.„t„,-,„ no d s , ' ot". t t r,,, if,...- y„f g o a „,,,, root:ratted fnarn the tre *indulgence f the sploiltagurlog , e r.1.4.....1wrn...4 ..t rte., manntactio, ht. Pen. ma I ,' ' ll ", liti ' l7". " "%, tern , .1 tr • oeu ti0,..9........ ••••••, yet ..mtnio,•••tibi, a, r ly :,...., end ~,n ler. antonnoist sr. [cam. It , \ ..., atd:trom i s hllndelp_la r .Ft, , Al. _„. . the winitT. and•to prepare the ES yJ rain ateknetuor , 1 .:. •,;,/ 1 5 , - /, ..4 ilatc ~... ~. J. y0.....11,4:1.1, tricated,,, the rapid' , no on,eita C,ty...1 , • 10 e ••• 1301 r yrepar.t lo . oveem nod forward sok:mount ,„ai y0t f,,,.... y .., A y.. t o D y. G,,,,,,,,,u, L y _L r .„.y 0 y..1.,41 9 ,.. I 4 , . s 11. 9.4.. of.. • •orn., ',nits... 4 F,..nti.. e,l A.. .4 .tlle, bn' The run... 9 trontm.a.ned In the eo u O. tof mend:karat. or pr0d...9410in our capacitr. 'inch is `,,,,. Au s',. -. „.....„ Ani . ;,,,,,,,,,_,_;,•,...„., p ~ • i •tn 31 rrl-4-4 , ,, 1 • .11. . 1 . e. lb, •.4 fI en .aron . 1,. annoding • mon 01.....1..., rn re'nf the ..[Tot Pitt. , 9 , l \ ONE THOUSAND TONS PKIB Vi EALK. r., . • `.* •'•.• ...*".• 1t... .. kr.. r-,41, 1.,1•• ~). I, twin. went haven •nd three river, at • atam... 0.4 , 1ert lonia cow. , at the tollorrrog rob of frel#A, V.. thr marry Of‘ths most Malignant dlossaetathat4e. Wity/ ~i ii: ~...".• end u, the howneas pat . 1411.1 , argh. combining to an VIIL*I CLAS...--trry floods, hate• Shore. Book, a\ to': met they's-DI newer ha disappolotßl; Amin thlit num, 9 • ~. ~ t , ce II In •r , i,,,, I. \ 1 ,- r• r•• 1.14... • wow.. clegne thew•lvantage.,4 1. th town and country \ , :i t tatlonery. I.9ttlery. Curifectsnucry. Fruits. 5 .... .., a 5„ , /,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,, a,,,,,,,,, / ,,,,,,,,,,, / .4_,,..R ch ,,,,,, R .R...„ / • , ~,,, ` • ...• a,,, itsont,.... ,in , ...1 tr .... r, n.i .....1 1, .. b.. 1 The t 4 12 111X0, etoramciug urn an eon. of ground. l• ...Own. Euro/tor, Drugs. 31e4witt.a. h,set- siv i„,i st 1,, cc.", 11l krA,,, , ,,A ‘,A.A.,,,,A _ A,..A... , A ... ,ti.h.,,1„..., r,int, . .... •LI \no bular.l ould On, hat trott. L4.14113D0 har. Loo lam, I lery. Lc- Ac,. .......- . -..9.-.-...-.- ./..i. ht• • . • - ' Snarl and nttr foet to in alt., The 1/110L0T0111.1114 are / ttiCoNDCLAS""--Ilardwannttueetutware•Ont- , fi 9 lookh/WriairpureoutOtospin.dantfottutinlOrtelperience. . ' ';i7' To the Ail ho. • , ...- Lt. haw. lexic, besot in tonJerro mi., or the to. , nttrs, Pain.. Dye tux , . c 1,,. ' , Atm, ea, v TA., ex no. ectrecrµ.µµrown mho h kh ß ic. .s h r h . h e h l 'a., f, , , LI a t _n had lo dlee hem m.tror. basing every , van, Mg. Tunothy .1 M.., linos Seeds. . . .. 2 -'::Ce " .. " l....e n 'thrt C r ;nod tarty,,and Mull could sumpi , t. with I Wolf, kc- .. . . ~....-. -. .. .......A. te. .. 4 \any fren4thlaDaetfeekOsfreOutpl them:Me:L.l, er ',A. A • •./. ' . / J. I NELIa.)"./ ',••• 11 /.. t ; 11 .3 13 t.! ': . 11 .5.. S .te li .rt ) . 1‘. m S :e71 ,0 , ' Jrce-ae "o c e t t i l . ' D iv a l ' . • due on---n.l , . Th., I.• well of excellent ow 1 THIRD titer 9 -bte..f. re 'r ek.itoite",iorb. Lard krok.n dent In health anir Ole.. he .5.4 . 1 " . I i t: \ r • .4 1,„.. , ,,,,,.. 0,. 3•,...- ~ ~,L KtIl• 1 , 1... ad ' or," t 1,.. Occr, awl laidrok Itadmataca. cr. Cart ; tad, Te \ t, ,i_ tatcro Lcat. Wire, Tallow . . I„itiku and J,,,,,,, .%,,,,,,,, A •A‘,.." ~,,,,„„i.0 f., ,,„.,„,,,,,, ~ , . 4 on t..a9-r or 9 to,tare. .1 2U... oat. In whtch, after • iwoaw ard staoltng, samely of choice fru. , •Bd Siiroh - 1 8..... .. - ----..-- '''"' 'ne C' ' ' ''' \'' s fitkpatient al•lllsdefetaild that 14 hope or ptirlitett /, 'S 's- s - 9 . Inc , t, an meet tni a1.u....1 ray ..n., o a t . n Wm JP1. , ..E.a.i.• ' neer , In Own. Ken sal and wlrantazee rim one , to YOL ItTli 5 i..41?9-Asher...llarlde(r..K.t. " retiree Iles oils In Gov,soteit Eft t efT•eite. Doe 5 , . 1. • '''."l" 11., ..; i^" ''' '*".. l"' '''th I".‘""''''''. '''''''".4 " 0' ''''' " {ll ! ! ' it ,' l f te ll h/71tZe. u ult ` r : l 'o o' R '''''''''''" c iii r fttii7 ; &Vl:tit'ats, . ii 3 ' • • • '' .. ' "' - . I •7 • I te \ ••••,. 1 41•., ob...rr oar n0.,13.”.. 0,.. that be does not men whdying to sarß datearatilla • and ydrauado blab for n. t a fithlst:th_- , • \ . ;ohm,. de df ear r 1 . ....nt , ,o the mloutanturing of eh., ngual. sho wil r''. .. um In nivi4 elver inform. I onsth A ....., a • Pe.....d Willie Wrwatek . i .V. . b,. h ./ h . b„, c ,,a../ 4 , ; „. 5 .5.,,,,,,, mio, R , /, :\ - • \,. A. J D. hen porrha.,, •, or ~,..... f 'I. the manufacture of (lon It la, a err el. re Mr ...rarine . .. deßghtful rel. I ern II 0 Her elm. , credos ItondrsAr's Patent., sod paid deoce, or topurrha • o .tr ern. ' . NEW YORK AND ERII Ruplaa.p. rr.t....i - p;wia•ltb- -, \" \ :I; -.-, ; ••' \ • - 'i nor :wt,. .0.,.e. thrill perlng a tont' P . ( the assuer. and • nroff . RAS' e 111 \ IN. 1)4 Snout et_ . 19 t \• ro t B, inicht 1....... Inn- the , 'on.. if , 11.9......1 to ~.. ~., r,....• .): ib:•••••• .... r. htc.i....e . . nahwoa. ire , R , tate. i ‘ 1851 . \ Wit-ii 1 85 1; • ,3, ,_' 4.2 4' \;, 3 -i.:- . .,I\ Iptaxr.a, READ .17/E FOLLOW 11,1: . • • /- Lt . .,9" / , A tti h i rVit,,,.,...., i -,1";;;,,.., jite,h. ,„5..;,i,„.. / ... 4i „, i3 ,,, F4 a, 1 4 .4:11, ,,, ~ , , , , , I . l .:, • E ____:, .c L, i 1, ,,,, 1 , , , , , A; \ • \ . , 5 ,..... 9n . ..1 .,, , ,, , , , t.: ,,, 1 i tt h, t , 11 in e , .., N E p t , 8 , ?1.: 1 1 , 4 ,1. N .: b r , 0 ,, N .. E R., W . L . 0 1LK...C .,.... 1 T a \ IC ...i v: th e • N, \ • , s;4airai,a,,x.N, Jaeuari 2i I. pe',hhhi,LL7,,:0,..‘.,;e0,70%2,:rt.ii,•.,..1.ut01id ~...,:-...:,;`\_....,„..,, k. , , ,,, ,::::” .. , ,\ , .........,...., , .` .. Tin.',.',.. 1. ..::::.ii."-T,4•, , :., 4 ',E , 1: - ,, , k:', ,,, ,„,t• - , , ,-,1-.7.d:m......,"%':"1.„,:,, , --c,. 1- ....- < ,`"--,,,,, r.t . ',: - .17.1r,;ier Li e lit;‘ " ar . ".. ,,, :ai, " . u 4 g r u 'wth l vk-,r -\ ~,,,, •.d M,,,,t...,, narr.. nod the Onto, ltullana 3 awry ... N .. , ,\ i . ~1. ...,..,,....., . • ....... ...J. r. 11,,. 1....11••• • 41, 11... ••• .....rn In f rtvt 9. nri L.,,,,,,,.. ~•• .. t ....,,„, 0..111. a.u,. sitb ••• , , 1 , ~.. : 1 ,.. ~ t - .., .~ ,r . , A fgery• reeptcti4W g theta (ntired Aus than L I," i wa• nO" It to .-•., ••r ,1..... to •11. /P4Oursellli.l ,brlu I It ..1\ .s. :_ , POb. f E KS', ,LO 31 11 I SSIO.N •S. I ILA /NS LEAVE 0...1 IRK AS FOLLOWS" datisiner was ace:lA.llldt dhll tilt turnimtionjidi 1. , / •Lo.b •n , -1, rt- .• • 5 /Ene to l. r•Lbbn oet ••• VI e nitte...Eil Andlon'9,sl, Vi .el•' co recotranr.t. , (Sundy o occpteL) 1 . Ist Mierrog Ratter, Train et 0 o . clorSit. other aiscann :i.e/Y.4 to h am. dh haeuht he... ' ., • olta , I. Ad , •L , .h.' ot - // 5 •• •,,, • 1 bltd• 1.. 5 Itld. nu tent, l'o IL ,err yaluat, N..ri e..,,,,,h tronting .:., rTattilkraannstmeaddiablianta a 1 g ,tloic • 11.1 Lbe. ', . • .•' it. it.,ot L. nhc....., Mad... ri , ir.., , Int ~,.,. , b.,., ~•.••• r Bank lone. A eetteni Ch)• .. 4 Kn. , , , ..,1 1 .er.t. w. non pn..........1 .1.,. It.t the Pen 11 1.1 1 , b4 Ragetcht s {Maio e ea.., co 11/ A i„ , ° / ",'.. ! / :: / / / ':. / ..,,• • • b ' . .„ l ,. t V. : ' r i , , ' „ i b i , 1 ". " • h . /..,, use of Dr.Guyeott`\ • adiew tweet t tanartarilliednal ,„; ' . r A t r. ~1 51 , 1.1 , „ •'• . the nett., macre ending hmk tr. tho\CmoLl lisoln, Own.. I /./. /.... th ,,, 0 ', /, ch s a', i / 51;th o ae h a,,,,r,-,j; / . ,.=,:g i / - .. / 7,'„ .V tallr eared, Fh teyd.l Tor Mr. and others don" ,I Ai "Lent, Lt b 0,, or i'dunlnte the g oatco !e.o.m. k,4. VII, Ine noel either , •,,,,,L i,..,„ ‘„,,„,, .„, „ „,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,i,....aat,.,1 , .,:.,,, nth. the eiightaa baLytit. ' ; s ' . 9' , 1 , -. ,,,,, 1i , , i.ari0 the Italletenl or Carl .\,,, \ ,r , .h- , ,, ,, ,1 L•L L • e Gam o ... oh ' e \ •- LElllpp sr .ah ' i rui. s ii•3.lN Di A nt. .it 4 0100 LIS . F., iert.•,••.gOire I' D. C t OCRlON„,9el'egheur Cit . '. t . r„,:r.,„,;,.., 1 . .. / ha nod at,•tdo leave, Dunkirk at . ' .0.71 .4 _.,',..,e„. • 1 ,, A .j._ ~„ m a , aa-' ••,•' , 4 N I itob b ',woo. Pr.9",21.0t. tat the Bunko,: at \l it. tl enocicn,s. ',A AI ' dad, 1 1 .aeetly, C. n . .13cd to title Train to \ ‘......,.....•.......••.`.. .-- . -- e•- • < - s • s Pont , e co .1;1" \corner , market a 4.1 TIAN • rt.., 04 .,„,'",t,,,: ', AA .. , DA„,„ .a:. Y. dennelLs--Dem Sit. 1 iybrehaehl. a ort a n'o.'.- • ' AA*,,,,5 Nis i .A.J.I, 1 . ,•11.1,1 111, ROA • - P 44 Sa 4. • . ' err. tn. Dnottrk ba r d.. Tar dotomid di... a thale a rour•Xelto. Irak sent Say ern Mr ..nee, ". • j'i Supertor Black Wntang and L.pying Lek. :.• ornwa wt.' I.e gm. Iv • few oar.. , in shi \ heti itud tor Itft.mplttli), nry and ' inl E. .-. EM 11 ICE I N li. • •7 .1 ,N.L.:a0 .tr....t, 1 ,;,, . I,A R,,,; L\ lot or ni ece n ts„ on n d , n,,tn„ite in i rhi• tolumany'ere promoted L 4 trace tore stofk . v..,.....j.,,,,„. ~...n fAir, or ~ ,b,, s% bt „, „„ . ~/ , ...". 1,,,. . .. 1 „. , , t ~,,,, / i A . . 1 ,,,,, / ./ A / /,,,,/„/.//,/ t..talw. 41 all Mud. to and (nota Now o*. RP IP 1 1...11,... ". I'l'. .4 , 111 ." 1 ' 111:: 1 111,1 ' 1114111 , 0 1 1 {A. I C 2211 . 1:1 ' . .SILIILI U : t. II4k -ril.l ,1,1;1‘.01;1L1.:', '' ,;t . 111 . U 1,... 1 %, 11 1 .1 1 . L , t . ' , ' 1 r : 1- . ',1 . .. 7 L . 4 . .41: 1 . .. 1 LOY" a.r , l s r mush. Of tile. LEL:noon it Lemly• ..• / , ..i.1711..1.4•• •••• I.tb. tr , Lrawford .trietfht•aooyorry mk mode,k •"*.f. I linenno 1.... e 1i.,.Ll In ant treur..ansan ofAock. . th " . 4 • .' fr. 1 h " . I " rb R . b r.b.. !" .' \.... .. ,0.41 , ..e. a••• f .., n• 9 ter 'A. - . f.' n , It.. Ohl Bak.. e4rl o the vitt It yof 0 private tetatenre 1 0 4. ,:., AA ,',„ . ..„. Ain ~,,; ~ , ,,f . ‘ „ :4 .,„, , ,... ~,,,J i /c a h a h ,,, ~„ th ,„,,, r ,„,,,,,. th.,,,,,,, 9 c ,, h a ~,t, ~ •,E." • I ••• ior • ' ..• oflto LA thn lote it .et A. - 1.50. the wenn, nob. 4, Ftwet ticre that it will effeet.• perfect core. i t - A b h - \ , . *-b ' A . Loth.. ,• •••8 • ad 4.l /.., . 5 .. "th ia ' . .,.....` 1 • la lame, int h. tlietrinteLt• .., rim ..i,i, Jo .t. Aug,- per gain.. .., wow. ' eaber for the t . of crle , l, IVO OV-11.111,4\0 i - ,,,L r ,„, ,„ ~,,„ ,„..,,,... „, 1 .,,,,,,.,...Z,,„..,,,t,,,,,,,,, roan., Coo l rnewuniir. t . ~',. eUnXi.:. In. 1.....4 ...i, n to.notectoret It how . free' l- n 0.... AS or e5,, 0 1. oniani tenea•OW ,to I I'HAS. MINttT Marl. ,• . , .... ,t a I IN.. INK- an, at"' u ,, t nor 'e m' W, 'Penn .-One Boni tu •nd ...I t. 1 .0. • o' 0 ...4 ' . . 19rillA NI. Ant,. Dunk k. ' maw.. - •• \ rtLb ' / . 1 ' , ...• .111 { 1 1 1 ...... 1,1 1.1 , 1 .1..1., regal, ' aonual ray meats. Wn - unt, 1, ,, boo, nd too awe ' ,_. 6.4 h twoollyik, wallah, tcr the 14.'111. on 64,1 App.' 10 STBAOK a W Ai9N. Any'. attest, \ fan. ' WESTER ' •., 1851. 1 ' ' . '..- r• '- •.- ~,,.., ~.,..:..., ~ 4, •.•10.-1 pen • aug LIAM ', rNo 114 ourth etre, S mcue L.-wilding, ut Eris, Pe- s cural or,,,Llettjoephilade -J-- I In . ./I^..•coot . Proem. .0 fb,..t, to the tribla el. 4 --,- . - i._ mf \ h• •• \ e1 , , L ii,.";,. ' TRANSPOILTATION C .IIPAYY. n.oluittoo or :no Heart. Ds...a,JAd., CAl toe: , or •raart or Knot •Nuntmottnt.. at the Mew, •••er ' FOR ItENT--The ~ ..o. ...,...,- I . ' .... of Mc fix/remade*. and Numbotedorlitonte,cl • •• • \ 1 I , . t 0. ., h bn , oP .• ter to -3 .d, .., 1/1 /."." 1 l. . 5, F"rt TAl rd nee,: near :too Leltl-ko eon ..,. i thr . A D. , LEEC/1 Sr CO'll. LIN-E. and year,' standurs, µli,- by olnycothe Lea Dock , 4to r..... Ire• r t ch•ree hn chart. Mr ...... Barre'. , t„, butt.. . r „, th a y ono, • •ad \ arayorteg 0t...... , . . ; and narraparrilai ' ~, cr rec. on, , oar. el orink .ii not ~...t. th. aunt* bouw tf rompletni \ The Gel] schataher on th. . r../2, Pa.. NoremEO, tedit. I - h ' lf . / ' . , b .....„„„ i-E , N , I wood door ho. &Noah rommotterhed. w,(11 but and coil . f a il J. D. .P.h. EA7 ,-- 1 SI. L•PD) win!rm JAhat / thro. I. '- '" • w • • ' • '. ...'.." '• • •'E.4'•'' ' '' ' '73 : '''' ' . Zi5 , "1, 7 , V,":11 1 , , "a00""'',..1„,'`,-,aii.,::;at \miwi,o,a,c r ,,,L. r.,,,a,,,, , e, `RAIL ROAD AND CANAL . bottle.. 014 cryitatUsTeliner Dock and Screapilla, Lk* b . ,5 - 5 ' A DARLINGTON, ~' % .1 I sot of you, hare been Unt encandutelor tlible i cying%ot ' - t ..; Prate- 110 r 4•1 6 : --4 . , C.. Barry . ); Trieopheroas, ' " ~.,, o ;" I..urtirtwt. now Wow , •elmr•lta I a Mud Vous:dep., or resat.., tie 1nt...1t µd i n. e 3 / 4 . ,. . , ,1 ilt )II.I.)I7 ' CATEI), (.;0114.)UND, for re \ \ - •• . . :s ) 'lTT,nlilifi LI It efiILADNLPLIIA, • DAT 1., I- I • ~,,,n , ,,,, 0 , La,. ~ .NIORE, AND NEW YORK. \\ \ . , Wh ‘ ..„, I ~,,...,...i p.j., a te. Tailawtka and_..4., , • ..1 1 J /8r... yr. ',volt Awl leautri) tog the htur,erstlit• _.,-... Eor Sale or Perpotaikl Lein, .....,. , ~, ‘,.:.1.! lanstturrok If:aye:es of Lac ..m 14.1./li-TA-TO.REE ilUti LIN LOTS, laid 1 r rici l E e.,,,, •nai be i ng in rood order, we aid I adii., Ia . da.:o In a Welt thall. thedoldisl 1.. hn 1 mn..,... .11c5came.. tent... apiadm. oth •lA - a , et-, lit •A .9 In it. • - r. ‘•,, lon of the town • i ' •:••• '•••••' ' '' i " • " ir '' .: " th" ii•ii"*dli.Tht ,„:l l C'''' .. .--' A.... c i •" - . .o;,:i M. C P I ' \ nr.ini , l , .. - ...rnr‘ on.L'in , edd merehaeole to'l 11 ad 1.1 .1 with Wellniatthri of m.-naart„..4 .atn .. , , ~ ~ s i •,... ~ beducei 9 .... be.: to corm{ eetaot • o , I."- n. , .. r. ".. , .. ~,,- . • ••• •1 , -..-,- . ^,, , , t -, .... , , .., In„„ a..... t„„.. ~,,.., .1., me toned -commit name ot ; moot Per palrullat Lbs. hack ar. Ada. 1 " , • '' ' 1. or L.• hum., awl all tear. avasAl alLailocts„,,u•us \ , , . ...„, \ , \ l\ ki. . o ~,,,,,, s frenht. with Tut.. and dujudris. TI. tome ,Aosni ./.., a c , / ,..5,4,, / s,,daha ah tb,,,,,, i h , a," 5,,, 5 1 . „,,,,,, ha rth h i , \ ~, .4 mu cr on• nt on reann. r.., „ , e.r., ad, ...vont tet nwtrolled tcr the proptietort KUt. 1 4 sASI ifstu'at. lal 'I. etieuom•toce... ' 'ill AL,. notel. • s i Aatremnsva. pa d 411ZOOLLOOI Or LP) 1,111111,1 1au5 • ;,,,, - 4 f&•• _, nal n.r,._:.‘-.....-n. inn -... o•L . en. i nin•ri....e.. ,„„,,,,, 1 ~4 . ,./ 4, ,, , ,,, f o -t, -,..,,.. ,-, '', \, . • ,hi ,bec trano 1110.1, 4114 all instruct... „protort.r . , --, • 9.- , ~' ~,r.,,- . ., -. , ~F,., , ~,,...„h i• . ... , a to it., • 1.1.,. Lave I,- • `S- -/'- I c ' , I , , 0 .„,„. 1, • ~,,, . 0 „ , 1.0,n.t...11,,.. ''' '‘l ream Mate beceivery ocktive. I heed tor. Yenz. / aeora hewn_ ,", . , \ ..,- ~ , or mom. et., nom. o 4 ., • __- . , ~.,. w . tr c .,-- , mot o. looto ... \ . 1 covoultbi- the meat ahlememmo men Dalin eractin.tho i sen 1. , .. Merl. 112, taro ' 12: ; •!• ,,, ••: ; -... ••,', .1 0 ,,h" .....oFt• , ot thlt , • , .••• '''' ri t . • 4 \ HAYS A . BLACK. 'rent ribtora .4 . \ 9 ''" I•F.f 1.1,1 In. rlr-I h. , . been •Itheted wut, . ctr. • .' "..r! • '''''..4.99. t o o d gacm,.p o no ~,,,..o e , mirt h oor h o. ,An oulloin but could getnorellef from nittpiessitytione. .\ A _ 1. \_ ^ f II BRAM* 1,1;lie. LA1...x.1..111,1Y. .11 0. ~ a lp. ,4 a 1.41 oeLsea•ated .bar. ', ' " , A \ ,„.„,,,\ . i_.,,A.,J,.,,-1!.12;. IS 1.11/.C1.14.1,7,0rii n., Peeves 11i , 11..,e also tared a great sartat) of Knoll inedlettleKwlth ,4 . . I.l' ''' "'" l''' ""''' '''''*" '00" 100 P"'i'l A Good Biirgain IS /lOW Offer ~,,,,,,..„.A ., ,,,,0 , ~,,...k ~,, mi .. 1 Ktire or no guavas. Bat Ile first. wet that i twok the .. - " . . / ••45 z Ls..l 111. 4•11',•• .1 2,1..01 Mu /41041 eminent ban ' ~, . to IL. tour md Lt ."'• '". ''''' ' '' ''' '''''''''''' lIF APPLicATivi, BE MADE SOON.- ' . ,n, ~.•.- ...... ith... Llo bad lebeto I 11,11.1...4 \ 5 51/Ti• a ya..4.Nenvue, Asente \ iondor Dock acel SanmOmilla, mr arattotos ittiVredd. •:.\, '•••' A " ,5. North et, I.l.lmors. aat4, s tontinued to do ea until alluf,to'tcaMentlMlL.o. , I' \ '' I n• • Inn ~ , t try In.. 1 ern,yt..r rot 1 .1. an. e• • la.t ; fro,. Thin. .• rual .11_71 , }2'. b. f 1 ..11• 2 .4•11Ot4O• '1 , \ T._II PEARCE. agent, \ i ~,.,,,,,,,,g f, „,,,1 mys‘t,,,k Hato,o A moy. : \ 40 , \ ~.. it.worrnw , oni wrattKroon. rod my , wll • ano Ilereo lolond"-nn the lew min . . les. mod t , +-alai , md. ~,, L \ 5 .. ned Orect. New lett, . ret ,t• snout Two t.,, , ,t1,.. An. 1, wt.. the ern'ercw 4 lit. • with UscrA•arj huildlaus. 0 . • The itetoert, Olaf Ass V. , , • • , •ufl U.. troartunahmr erm4 end legate. mirop•r• • , -i. -. . i \ ..19.• that n, Dc.,-• I wit. 1-1111.1111 1/1.1 del rult. int.. and "al,' ac tsg•ot lando_ Ben,. done .9 • 2C,, lions To eIja p T , AND . , I.ct eantitd•rusas, my extremities at... 7 lx.lthh I I tal It.ll-1. - 1.• e_, 1.. purYhw.. wilt • t ots to \ °AMU' IRVIN, `s, i tuy to /t are regular. and kieel in oi e .pecta phyaieT.J. r \ '. • ilO C. turobla •treet Dow., a , trßb I I * s ten,. et. s I, 6 .... i,„„.... , • ~.. ~.‘,,•--,,,, -0. 1 tormldiren Door. poor pad*. . \ se. 1. Oet ..s ,s, . /,. . s v , . tda, I were idea and tumble totoir Tar ow, rat, , .t , ... , I'. o i , ,,,,,,--,1, near otte-aoutto,,ent....•. wr.h•tr • l'l'f\TSßEßall AN \ CLEVELAND ' Wilkineburg :Academy. \ ',.., . ~•;:,..,,,:,,,,,,..,, AA , ..1. :A .•4. , mti , i ! ,., , , .A.. „ 7 , yt , r, .. , ,,A , .; , „ 4 I , •.rpreJs I,'ocker , and tudrowciA Ler. to Oche/and. db..s , kr:, . ' h hu y". .!;;: ,lN 'a , ka 4'4 a, :h tr d .. ., ' „ il , h '4 4 / ~.4 5 1. , ,h r yi l h t:: , / .5 i• • 1 JIL , I , lio d I, , sale 1.11,L+11 and Cias.l4 4, '. c at. I .11.1 so. WA] v. tut miounho.nt, toy Iva/ wan '',.‘ PASSE.d,SE/iS Ive arary morning at 9 , gratitude. towro, truly, Ildd JS 4P.1 PZNIL \ r‘sdad. amt all IDs landruil dtearm•r• J. •• the / alL•laat WI, •1.114.41,1\1,11011., 0 4 } ‘,.,,, ri, o. t,, •leamboatto ItameAt h theoce to •IddA7s.s 1 ir......,,,Ve ,. .. unless put up testi, bni.Vre,' tin. , t.... 1• FlAJiss for Its,-1, „. JAMES HusTips„A M, h0 ,,,,,,, ._ .;...., , ~...-O.„L, t00,.,..,ttiva, li,.,p.p.,,bor,,h,odclexr- ,why. ouart4 O-OMII. of the ny rola blowlA on the • , In nt nuirowl tdi'letetano. A, J b i'11141.011 I•LL. t 3.1 Idrn•ds. of I THIS INSTITUT/lilt. to ill \be o p en lor ply , . L ..e n ,, n, et,..Leot h od,,µ9o,L, \ slao,h Um elan moisture. N.,. hteinvit,r!.b. .l It •••• •;;t• ••, 1 ,1111 . - .1211 J.Lube. tbe onthontleo. et the / ww.ptlco of pupil. tra•le .1 female/ on iloarem,. to t. lase, .2i i • ho / c / Ard bXO n.troll,ao honer: ; outeideter•Pler.' i \ L . . i ' -" \ • - ' ' 1 .. 1 o ten , • lti 0..* • - 41/ at Prntent a• A C Barri...Mr*. ' -art.:Le Id Tin. coerce of leotrocnon enrepri.• alt ' li do 35/, ' \ thdomeo, s 9) . / nom tw 9. D. FARF, CL' tOLOLLLL • (~..,....bOolleafj entoet , , i1‘...1.4 ) , ;sr. 14 elb. rho., h.... 11 t rola, the ..nge th, b,,,,,,. tau g ht to the lost Annlemlee and ..b.crank- rtek.ttameen thnougn Mt ' ' \ la Fourth in.! 15 - dnair (mete, entedicte ma Walnut/alter. 5.ii.1.-. rho.lllu•tratlono will 1.. shoo lo oil brawl.. attroltsl4 I C 1, Reill NATI, \ --• of them The School . pnovoird •ttli an rativdt• land \ 1 ,. ,' \j ,,,1,,...,,, .k , ,,,,,,, , „. ~,, . ,,,,,,,s , c.,,,,,,,,,,, /to •hou. ..'orders to beaddreaal. .'. - • .- •- , " 14 . f nut ~ Wrltorry and Nar.t a: z,s• :Ow J. 1...,0 j talua Ile III•lomphical, Chceneal, •nd deny:am:deal Ap ; J had,l a Co:. U . A. IA E, J. A, .1„,,,,,0, .. lhen I.; 1... remelt I. {P.. .11 anna t .1,..• , , n. \ liatin,ral. ' \ tad P•rm. I." ten cart, /n0da1... , lid • W./1a.... 4 ',/ 1 . . tat tot niuniii. Chleano Sal Ilitwatakle. lame Wifrox,re, Finotsterttlai L 94 A. Lle4hlmeo. dneirtrimitth l ty • 1.;• ' , ' mei on-,:re of tn....nano,. Ken , . r. M. bee n'a ' refen.n,....idnom the Pnitnnal• ---. end echer ~e Ire a[, ale o'clock, byline aplendid O. 1..t0.t.d/ • tonmd , Ot the a , c• two. , •o re.reette , wider0.t.,,,,,. c h ,,,,,, la, loot -,,,,1e,u 0 4,..3,e '..=, ~,,,,,,,,, . ~,,,,,,,..„ " u ,.,,,,,,,, co. ~..,.., ~,,,,,,4 L., T. hue... Oraatint. 4 9.: L. It it. who. holowly..."li. \-. c : A ''''' n'''''' i'' ""hri'd ""iPi'uiiii h ..". '' --s- • -- " i -.- i'1,\,..r...t 7.h7, 1 0..1,r, at„, er Railroad to New sitaba,, . ' , AU. 8... 99 4/ 5 . hb''''l •-"itlawnef.r•Catie. , ~ \ t. inn ....! .i i ths .o,st slay,. t.I rite nnmuntairr n • r,,,, ....r. ont, ni Me land it . lwtllll or...rep' ; ' ' United States Patent Office, 't L ...1....1..k...,,..<.i.,, , 1 LL ! .10,,,, t..v w,..a,.... i 13,01mbReed A Son, ii.tirivaqa-N .urr y Lid • " '_ \ - -"*.,.., wh. r x:11 , 1,0 the kitAl It, sliius I-• ... O A ,- I I I 1 ,•.••• •• 155 /. \ ./ h ' ii• i si. i" i/ `","• im e i 'T .i 'ivii Vb i - m•iir ' iiit ' it t i 9 liid. " Ltlltletraket a 0.,., 4.4......: 4 . ., ~. I.ll , s r let. 45 . . \ , A ; ;; .04, t Imo. and nalena. wallslatfaund,mueh Quota; ' e . :.•! '"" 1 , ',' •• ,,l, n b „..tre c tTl;l: ' 4 " ,. ' •7', tb ,..,,. anfl r l ' iV. 1,.. -d IN the petition Ufa M. Sorel, of ‘ a ,. . „, ris, , ,q..,. ...4 Pleadonier, than \Roytyilier. • \ , , Era. a Co.-nthnariblld A." . .. / e , LI d Sao Viayie off.t .., \ I . ., / i/ „. . , • \ ,CLARKE / FAItlaS. Proprietor,. , Itcrandod a Da, h• Otd a . , 5 ' , Z9 ,, ..ibt dlr.. dolanteßt, "• ' ' . nwr pre mei et, It will . o .1 .1,.....• to th. • ,p, IL. France, praying tor the connotes of a paten m- tad su. ba. vAld hand .1. 5 a..rus. *MI tdlu-s• übilvs Lou.. dr. sAI to Into Mr an ionn.a.l m•thnt or Peeeraime Lonnand a., r , ~,,, „ „„,„.;‘„,„..,, \ , to , s . '`" .' l' - , • Mt' •• \ ' • Uria anon.. a s l' c dant . 1 . near 00,, : • L.1.T . . h -",5 , , J. r. of tit. 4/In. 111 . 1 1,.,1.11. 1 . 1 111 , .1.11 .1141, ', ‘' • ' •nda- d.l tram dud or s.s•nen for Ky.'. lemb.thth ' l .'lP' " ' r"' ,- yala•J a," c/A R I ria gy .c coo e. \ , len N. donne •.,J. ty docarbir99l, Munn/ F. L. I. 0- .• :" \_. •• :"/"/ abotierh.l •It 1 , eLlo In Mr, Not., {EI, 1.,, , .1•,,t No ration of maid patent, whlell tateo Pnwe . the - .don. A ~,,N,./ , ,,,, / ,`,.„..s,,,FRi ca er, m hah,j,whiohaaahheat„, {A. Jona., f.,%, p.t..W.a.,,r,.. tri.virturinte. , ' Ytt" . ~: 11,...,d.,,, ~,, ~ ,1., b,...,.... ~,.,..o, 0.,,,..t.,,,, 4., 0 , bcoomho. tesi \,' .5 , thel:nlini A lam. pare can.o. onti4lbtf ft Lo ordered that tie. rald petral.Tl L: Kan' at the Pat , VBPW . D. ' o .' M . 5 .49b1i..1,9 ,1 'W'.. 4 . , ter" , - f0..-$1 per. /took: *Jtottlts for ~ 5 . . \ 0 nnoton. ~ \ 1 , \ \ ' , s }!T .. 7lai kCh r:Ci n' ,..t:/ ' gref ' re;oL ' .l " . M a rt " 3,7l2rti '" ro 4 7 [ r wal ' i211 :II 0: i ' ).'"..' '. '''''` is. - .I 8 5 i \ ' 12i ' . Judd'a Medicated Liquid Cuticle. ' 'i \ l ' HI( ' Ali() AND PEORIA. • • . • • 1 . !yr. 9 en, they hare. rib) xaid-youtloo octal:au. to . .-"' - - ...., Perwrus uparsing the ulteution are regain.' t o h , , . ‘ ‘• ' Patent Oltier their oboceloor. ppecterall, net forth to •rt . ' ~ U N I . 0. N•, Li N\E \ ;• ; M IAs ARTICLE in intended for family u,se, ~.,',l - THOMAS HALE, ~.., .t In., tasty dam, Minn, the Oar of hearLom all • ,,,,_ ~ \ • : / and should be donut in they...44On di even" Ism. I'. 'l - ta.timun t , filed hr .10, party In he nerd at the Acacias. , On `th i s Pennaylvntans.und Odt... i• ' , tta, n the land: black nine wheat* on cuestaut damn, t 1" , till A till:4 Nte N. Ii 0M MISZUON %IF Reif A NT, mod ha take° aim trlatnntitted lu •A•ussllsu• si'h D. , \ red i.o. \' \ :‘ , lunar to their to throned ti de the... Memo, . • iliCsl.l, 11.1.1..01., rule. , 4 141. 11111 re. •Inct, .11 be forot.ted unaPPlirattno. ' • \ , .; . ° F . " --,- • '. err Or Ci.f.'s um, I tociaitt Cud tide arts I. hr lovas ' ordered. atar, that Ms nett, be publi.bed no the Na ' Et AKKE. PAItKS CO. •,, - '.',- . e', ,'. I. to H. or. and alter a fan trial WM tuntdlet If India- ( s I 'NT / Nt- ES hi , n•mal 10 , .h10 . . I.• I , o , o re o..„1 10,..a,..„,,., itetablic, .41 Unto°. of Wachlaginst, I 1•11411.119 t LIN. Citni ' , ORB k trJ....-.Crarr I - ;;..,,,.. . , n 'tot.... ....1., .o 1 I ran.lonute..t..ll Metha:n.o a. c .i.:onn, rani Ettouln.f. New lora, iseno.ylvania Is- i IttiilS wen known Line,,,ifi'aaucr nre ,arrli lo , 1 . 1111;Of ) earthy that saalthatitolirelstowl, loaasa. ym,. 1 ) ,..,, 1i.,,,. 1.., . to. ,1,.." oho, 1...,, a.tonto gu,rer, Poll alelphia, Peousi Previa Providence Jou rn.L , „. ~,._,.,/„.„,/,,, .„,,, , / ,..,,,,,,,y,,,, c , 1,1 lia. , /Ryot soapily Ode tweed Jiny's hiednnannl Llano' teutlelt.4.l.• , c.: •,,t .n. .1., au I ihe t Um, i .1141 mn, 1,.. • l'rusidaure, Jihad/. biland, Daily Aircrtiser, 1t0... Maw , e a : yr . - L AN ntA ~,;;-\,„.„,, „ A ~,,,,e,o, and 1,,,,,,,,,4 pair) try Wleura 1 cohetd 4 Cada', 5115dlettorty Conn, ', • 5 medium.", Commercial Ilulletin. 5.0. Orlean, Laumiana, , !- 1 . AL , far 1111.111 a tr . .. 1.1..r0L0narp...1 in number.lmabl elitertuity mend •t te• our proneadond brothreta. a. \ \ 5 • and Iltutburt, Omotte, Ptiteenrsh.l'ennarleanla. once a I , ~;. ArA , „,..,, ‘,.. 1 ,,,, A ,,, , ,,1„,..„„,,, 0 y , p,,,,,,,,„ .).,1 ~,. an 'excejleot \ saltroltota f,,,a• .b.e., photo, Ind „,„„ AA r, r J.JIJh A l'ansl, &Waal ...el for three aues,edde •se-k• prevlona tu the sixth day . ~, Ai Ar ,„ ut Denwriber trebt THOS. F.WB.AKK. .7`,„ T „r, `,„,,.. pnut......nlad ClelralalldallY.T111110;e \ale,o,burult.,i.r'ilt'inr4ll4d/tothes'L,'lal."...teated.litu'LlinalraalltrX.4""'""'"'hi \ Wm. R. Baskin, ochnlawthe C° 8 „...1. . ‘...... 1..... la cnomwtion with • Live of ate between Piles \ r . \ thb ah" s Wth,UWl bib l b• li. De ' • ‘. a-- , d' EN :ELA I. CO 1 :% 1 is lON NlEltell Ab'T Kentucky Mutual LifelAsarance Company i 80xua,„,,,, 8K, , ,, ha,...!3 a Llrie a Maleb. stemolma9 y • NY. % D, CaYICY,SII i1., -- ' • IL LLA.14h19951, 111. D. I ' • 111 : a 5 • !11l 111:Ad.4.1‘, I‘JJ JI , ral.r ome.i.ocltoilllA, ' (reel eEed end A. -, .. , .° ba • I .thr b ' \ \ , /- nOO.Unal at. DI. , \ i . . I.•, , belft .itention comet,. tau M00n... tont,' • :GUAllalkkTY FUND, ‘ OttOu,Oeo. - , , i CONAIGNEEK ririllS CONIPA \ NY uffern tu. khe insured all i ... ,'' .t. , : ::, •,,,,` 4 ?, c ,. e j , „,: rr1.. \,:7,,,,,.": .. ,,, t ',:, ) '` ... ',.'i. L i . ,. ' „. -. ~I. the ...curtly and %I.snlage. of Ole Mutual and Joint ; ,,d,,,,,,,,.. li Erld i• A la ttitr.ql k Ularl 5.1 ' . 1 1 ,- .!Leddool e. . tr • L Cc rialn all the gractlaina phrode eh. the. In, Ct '1 .\,, . I i • i \ , cror salt br ILAIi•NAI/N10141511\ A C 4/... L i S ' l ‘ . I_4()U IS & S ' l ' . JOSEP.H hea-k too bend•ro arpll,,O conahlued.narooly, I.• : 21;74 ' .; ,' &7... °r :A1gz. °A ; • now , of premium. . . nod ,luau id, moth of the p.r , „ . '.. RDA \ 9 9 commr 4 41041A1 /"..tha, ••-• 1..- ' - • - : notake_reaturni 2,r tin9contlogent rl•lt, ol the Iron . . Kent. Orin.' a Co, Vraoklnaio. • 1 i s ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. .1, cha., bid nni .....14,4 provednn tor the tuture eon- . .IL A. Mlller, Cuyahoga rasa.': . tIVEIio. COMPLAINT of five_yearreatand7 - '• ; . : 1 1IDOLETON BILEI s. , M'OEF., nit uf nv • salsna bar the whys- term of Ills, a Ith an sp.lll. . tt•heeler.Len4 CO, 4 . 1- . 1 . 0...04 .\ 14. KU rcet to `the weatoutallue land neutral to ouch Ili.. 1a...1 a nettith •Wthlusky eltr, 0.• • Ilndeeired Il• Mann. \ pristest, cony freorendmatA It_ , ' , + d•am a, cn•dtt• upon; their mow.. p...khaso a9Scolt Tolndo•O, \ . awe L4l Kit FILS, prepra•d by le. /1 dLLINb• , ~,. I coaranty tomt 0.41 en. ne.,tl,. ....mop.. ....LA) 0 0 WdliarriodOlo_ Detentr,sfichicin ' LI Fmadana.„Nalehluston 95..0,...n. Lob 'sl. \ • :. 1 - 5 , dowt ter. eurintor., ...,1 W^, for the prneuTwetinty of tau.... a AltyMilwanne. it, Ili - Pg.-N. Nit, It IP MIII• Ph•SCLot 1 ren . . A .- \ Is. (.4r In 'Lb rand, ti , ,Wotr. and Lortzra Sterilug se - Co., „,,, A ,,,,, ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~, ju j ... Oen. A . Othhelt Co„Chicut is, \ reommlniont your Laver VIII. wtoch hashed. r• nendera . ' 1 110. rtnrcli wheeeree,nwel in our PPM Of 1 N . ... 51 ' 7 ' 4hth r It, i• - . .Maly 00 -0 h. I. the oldr 5 1 .. 1 \ It. lotorth.\• \-. Thom. not, chines. 111. ' Y vIvII, 42. 'l' GTTLE„ • Attorney lit Law, wh i ".' f1.. - "l:44:ff,::',t' r f, 2„„1,:,' ',„',.. i .,`„1",„&",',V '',,`":::. •,,, ~, ,„.. 0‘,,, , , ,. i.: ,,,, 11,N d /L em e,..4,..U1 d i1 . R ,..,: t 1 .4 ,, ,a , M1 .,, t ,;.6 .. rortl l , li et , riet r , 4, rtamc m cw .. l .s th ,„„ tte..and , t i tta t. tR0m ,,,,,,,, c , , ,, 11.. ,,. .._ li r i ” ' ''''''''''''"""" ii " .t. "'‘ .. .'• /1 1- " 1 . I M t' I;7oZ:4 ' l:n l' 9a (tor to tare pet-laity\ lia exact propoc . iort tc - 1 - --, - 4 MyielL I rastoay thatituremeehria4/....d_edenor / •ti•L'4_ '""'"" 5 ' . ..."' 1'.9• 5 0' m• Ibodel • , •th' 1 d tbs usztvuut of buslues• un.l ths ist-asiru. r, a n ts Ad- E xcu r s ion Ti e ets to iteaver2,s ceigs, , dim done-men/much 500 d... I has. Mao ann. ow 2,13 I.) , t,. ~....! . _ . 4.r. pg the member. \ \ ' er Coniplaant s tnearlr bra roma. add haittettn•b s •TE., tb - • ' „,..---... i till :,,.. 11. It AN K IN, A t,,,, ~,,,,i coun-• 'T.:2' 41°U. gm.... 5., ,, ctn.: in 1111 tad me rAI 11 . ,E tine pa. ‘ , enger \ ' [ca mera • • m..t..., bat 1 Va.:ALL Jam. S 4.44 vt,thwr,toe . ..J . . Le. , . , \ gj .. Ilnr ut Law, and Cournononunr fur ths LtAtA S' rates a are Comp., lisrp,bo•l gretir. and applonwstoo. A ittiayEit tad yl •IlathaN sr.. 2 R ill wheel, hate e .rd the meat seam 7,‘ on!./..t... t :'," • p.c., manta. et. Lnon.. in, , non. of htlblmfg/10 -fur husuralles recs.. hr , J TURRET; at-ent. \ 'ilo ahem lamina. at Finished/9h and Nee , tan without or aeration flee am n , , , .•5t0 - e / 1: ,. . , . / tej . honencoo-Pindiareh llnn. 9, /ere W, lbw innu • - ... ".. 1 thi V"' h ' t/../ ..1 •,,, .nw every day. thund ye exerphd,) µ hold \ t thorolomMrecom earl them to ell wto INC., , ...i "1,1.. r, il . lachllet, a "s.ionlor, It Im E !bark, limoile a emical. 1111140ILTIL. 11 r..••• 1 11 ,1 . 1 . 1 o , ', \ itcmor,lenvee Pittsburg a re. \ .Itocheater ‘511 ... 41 I j v • / _ ~ • 1 carvi. ' .",' • V , 1 ~,,,t o e the 'ore a 11, I .:seal , )Y111 , 411 0 11,..m.. a, •• do gees, r,or, \do\h a 0 . i ' Y h iiiir Pi' dii .. l•M ,xo ' . 'i t•ce t i 'et .. I• 3 1/ `• •a •L 'Ur • -\ • " \ Time Bills - • iUNDIiIk . ..S-- , ii N CINCINNA'FI, • ,t 7 ~,, .01Lp 11 inter gaolotraine ... Olin ' 19. c - - •• Inlophant Olt '' th''''''''''''''' I''''.o " '''''''kt""' 'n.".".'"'r 11..)R01" LE.2i , 0 NANNY'S 151C61.1.1.F.- . LOCI,' 11.1. t. t. tho• •• bmctel . Md. oil , OMNI' L01.11W5 i- J • Moen T•woot.r.' IL,. • , JOIIN .d. Clint/REV: Asyut.' \ / ROCS, d Xl.Dll...atan tO / . .- • e hoe • 5 45111'11LE, 159 1,..50 prim. Rut Outfae, , i.k'S 01i, Waist, •• aisdl.kTaLl. Ati.,PittAburgh i' ~ ,...4.,,,. or: tits , " . . " I. tattho..a adda. s . s b. DETROIT .6.41, 1 -.. 2.5 ht chant. Yli T . !. • ,-. th t Imo reacted the toOpoldrdr` • '• t. '-'., ' A . 7 r l i , ; : ::7 'i , b . L' e„. , : iii hrs.:s l 4 7 o ,,, bhi r : r 7: o l t : t r . attd ., 7.: b bad . ,, ,, . ,,, , 1.: ,. /d7t1. , :7 , t , :a 7 779 4 7 , 9ci i' m,: i n i r2 ~01 1/: r l :4. 4' ;Fin tin•:, .i.: r t= ,...s atVe .„.t.. : p :a nte1 ,:it5i t , , ,,p i r: .. ,1 4 .,..h ri , , ,, 1.1.... , , , ,,: . :•,•• , • ' " the ' i ' iiii"4: claim.. ra reoteinn• *hr.-, i ' iim be e p urchatted at favorably rats I, - e l ta .,l - 1- a" • th• - . i /// ,'' .. .... , ;fp .. ‘. .., Arirkgetaent ' Matte to Furward'i,freight, ...,,,y_bit.t..Z3,... l /1 1 , i -. o noed.t, J-. 9 d_ 11.1.11 INS A C.O 14 h " Porbong Tes, S, \TO 13,...LT1M0NF. IN Fllfit tid.tS,, \ gri'sXneuiva==+'o , ittaljtc.-to•crt 01110 \\ It sod It. Lea.. ertna dm, for tunny a.,;.. . .- , at boxes s'o Totween. chtro breaks A A Ti. SAXE RATES P.EN . ,k'SYLV.A.I , ?;A \ t 7,,,: f l i toin i ' 4 ' .. i l. ' 4, a '".44' ..r.V. '''''''' ''r".4V ,sb ni....''t trn "stil, l rX r a• ' -. ' •1 1 i JANIS iitt EEN-eo ouses of- the celant- L net dbracol, rewarded' by U. irold ermlat of lb. .. " .., .. , A ./.11 h , RAILIIOAD a/RP/INY recent t "Philailtl i nis rpm pri.aumn , l.**.ala .•.n.anu4en..tato. b.ut- ' ..- . .• •., to %a . Lumps, , , exevallt •RO, • / . ../ hchh n the damns& arid mart... 4 MAIM the thire..µ3 ~, - American ismetute tor uniformity of dyad, mid far than I ' Itterill thre alkaloses.. catty Mull µMali . ' roe deemed., moot brilliant, and kteremnent Wrath yes lid. , Ulm. Ilk, - , / doiw.P.,'ltY.;:lruT.btm,tr.r.T.utiev:za ___JILI \_.., welter l'enn add lim`mt`otd. • thus e.,' are -_ , ....___. , \ i t U"T io.... - =lower ob./inns a.m.-sot mCr . 0, aa.a 0 .. 2 1: it 4 4.1$ uarl.rauni.• 'Li'. -.-- • - : the Youstalsts. J. rOliuOZiliA.HIR ewe ~ lA. " NA, ^ : ^ •icra.n......,ii,, E INWo COAL FLATS--For'sidela ' '' ' 1 b eat • •• • pito wat, ,-, ~. -. \ , . -,: ; = pm* 4,14 Wcalausar, pal .-- : 0 .0. 1 40MOV; 4 CO. ,•• a ho.o , s J.501111N?1+ iI C 4 400., w\ 1.,. ,405 . ' ‘ -11 4.§.!‘ "' •- 1 ' 17 WO:14 - \ ' .f.. - `,-..'- , - t . • ..."., ..',.. :' .- ~ 7 ..' '' - . • _ ... i -~--t HOUSES, FAIL, Dairable Property tor Eia: • NUMBER of 'very valuable -Bt. P , lO of the A:Leyte:ma. Rationed, in Allealamayedy, Ilontlng nu liallowd. and on Vranklin, Bidwell, and Juniata at and Also allegbenrneenue. Also—A valnable nal:miaowed Lot, on them:am:of Lib erty and Faxtury street; Filth Ward, appetite the D e s. man Catbolletlaueb. $0 Confront on Liberty. bj lOU tot deep on iantoa7, running back to boring slier. three story Ifriek Dwelling ROOM on Lawny street adjoining th e above. the lot being M., feet trout be Ito fed deep. The bream is late and eoneenient bull, in modern del«. and contains elem. ta`ttna. Famo of Z 6 r e sin Lawrenee county, 6 mile. from New Castle. . - AlAo—Farrap Ia &laver corTly, of vazions ,. .l2•• aud pores. fnom 6410 acresdtpso raul of Afton.), al 14pr, i;pal Lsta. AgrutP, ec Fourttt stresl.PittsburAb. Pequea Farm at Public Sale. hN WEDNESDAY, No,.;irkber 12th, will 1„/ oold_ public A•le. the we.l.ptwo - IVetert.• Farm 6 3 1 1 5 b1155•5 5 5/115b111. \ ailey. t l.auctue tet :mutts, four mil, (ram the , Penneyl•alti• Rutin.' at Verktitutrult.tontainio t t lyeand Iliti•rches of the vat; Mn Inrus Lentl, upon which no trzlielwe hee hoe°. esteren to briny it to • highly pr.nlue, otet•. lc i- di. Into ten nearly equal! ehi, with :34 screrofunmelow frourpsetted •nr: nl• twfax tb•ruldn arr" , ... nod m the w e er,and welt •steretl, the place to wal l adapt , .t h, ttro:tog. Th. frortuo inn complete ordete,hOut 2 t,. .400 pa ttf ttutt fence heel n • been put co In the butt i..,. There ht. betlo in the nun,, time over tU.OOO buebeht of ltme put upon It. Thtre ullitti•nt wool fur the uee of the farm (lenta ,1 re Lan...tone Quarrie• And Kiln,, where sod pnufitable 11/111. 5 . 15 done. There are four Tenautllttue,..ltl•ettnnitti, Wheelwrigkt end Cabinet-maker phone. with 6tablin•—•lleteolleut but, onto.. Utode Alf the farm him/Loge bore b..n put up', in the tee. °Nes. The Item, 101 l by tl4 bet,. with Wagon C•reintte !loupe and Ilreortry, Carpenter 'hop, ,0511 C. 116, a. 'the large. fint-beil on the Mit... ner, with o'er; onovenmuce.. , A darn nog 105t...a/heel forces enter w tha garrntof hour., from whauto the lush mon, kite...,O, the barn • awl fountain ore supplied A large ciao } urnae, put up to Ihnl, hoar. th. hotel thoroughly. There so wood oho!, no house. Jr. The garden and anlorula have at great expenea hays, putlb high order, and there is e [lent - lea grean bona.. hot bbd., Ara \the °rattan] enntnina about up tree.. of E•CRr a.Frltptillh of Iron, eoleated with ear, . Th. neighborhoul I. Ibleitle settled, and there Long rhumba,* ot rear, derogulusaion In tinnuoluto n mill.,.. and a pcut`olllea just off the plac, The aloe! , I. well known ,nr hr the very firot terms lu lalaconer count, whilx in view of the oneof the lon, oateiLl and Want, of the ground.. the extreme bralthe newt of ate taut tha angnery, Ac.; Leong wlthirs twn rota of Ph:W.l.lola. and_having ever;., et , ol,l3leller that coo ld he warned aa • ,t IIIAPIII meat. IL la Nualbol by to, ue unit Ch. urehate nun,' anaTl‘ main on the woo rt h , .lonrel ' alert , the eurgenher un the glaee. to* Nall, to Collo. I . Lat.,, , Lar enot) NAT'L:V.II.I. 1.11,11 T Land and Lof Mil • V(112 SILT., on ttio CanalT I plploin. flfa $OllO It oltliff I.r,ug.,a, Yilta.ra Arra. of Land. with • valual.l« opal pr2valape of about fort, arm. fl conal onol Thl. propour oda,r, r,apf,ft a, a levation for ciannfoctu n ripp . por: ' o r . . if nut sold to lump bal., tbn first of bereioher Offal. It •111 be fold out In 101. and 'edit nn terms snit In lostfth des to soft firehserrii. a. many hone Applied Ins buildfOst Int. owls, in the ores! cl•raxml for hostas° and lota to (Jig immedia vision, of thie extends... Sods Works note Wh ri . peration te I neltfil t ie• I 112 0 42.411`1111Lid)N. ' 1 lESIItABLE l'Ii()PE11,T1( 11.11 i. SALE, ji P A lid of °mood frotalog US feet cip bh - sog sttesi. and dionin ap g 1,1 feet tn Canal Thin protests a. but is short didrelbroi ll...tepid ut 111 Ob. sod Peons, Iv ago II nitro., For term•, applf hi - \ r VI Of WINN'S /NS r A CO, VI, oil Oh Front et.. Pitt l\i l h P° • Private-Residence for ale. T"E .ulo.criber" afore fop P+p his Sr \ i,II•NTBY rEAT..., did oo the .Y . i . .e . ne-r. obi, l ford mars fr.. f a eft,. of Pirob. eatimitiam (rum VINE to IFS CP.V.S of d. under 4 high p.m of coldest.° It hoiltrls will Ithrobberf . °rimmed,' 001 Fruit Imes. .1 rti..t .....r7 .I..imptif . n, P4II meets made cosy Ehuoirs of It A;sCISI3. IlbSt Ll.l . ilf tl....•rshoufe of Slsi.iirs 11 li, .Z 1.1.1. d al . N. , :14 JAhart ytolsil ' tell To Let - \ FaIHE woll known EAGLE ‘ 'HOTEL, ...:;:. boifTll 1111R1i STRET. h IIILAWELI•IIIA. 4, on. eb-utio, tis Col ',lids s WERII, 1,-rosrly iidget-is \ \ \ \ aP\ Ohio and . IN 1. (N ANDAFTER , i ) the afternoon train .111 o'c net. rtunthi.. lea , . V. P Br upfront Snarl of three.... PARAIN. _ . — Ohio and PeraulyivaniaThlaih--- FROM .PITTSBUR(iIT TO NEW BRIGHTON: 28 KYLES. AUGUST Lb; L itA NEW ni:10 ETON et 7 A. M. and t P. Al. LEAVE PITIPht."1:1111 at 'ltt A. M. attr4 P. 51. WAY PARE, 3 el,. PER LIU. Children under twelve years of ege half price. Between lOttaburelt and Ilaymelli, eon, :10 eta L . ' ltewlettio, f; . Keorom.f.bV Bad., • On •• Freedom. •• •• ltor.eter, New Bright., 04 Far- Exeuroon tickets will Ix told at reduced rata: r •R et•et, llittbergh end Rochee,ter, to any elation .. Sl.OO. ihtw•eu sott lOittburgh and B — ilahluu and back, tin. o, * Jar . The 'trek, ell! nut run no Solider. but Eacurzion ia.u.l netarlay will be glad tor the tvturotrin Monde, ttuatilbuowes will be at the Depot.'on Federal ' , trent to convey tYl•Feritttl, Inalinwthent Shy Where . the mute (tyro On , . Brulas to the blononnahela House, they may eintm. otardban.e• will ajar leave the Ilonongahela ittluslailatelY Prwato. to the fray/nor theeara for the conveyance imaaeugere to the Def.. patiltag by the Merchant. , Itotel. the. Ft- Chart, el.. Fifth Greet. from' lyur.lMa•ltrt, and along Ft. Clair rtreet. Roy Paint . olnag lb moth. bad thr thunlbuv..d greyedtne , Cletn. • "- \The Italie..*lll be , ...mended beyond New Brighton... t •arliett prarticatd.. Pr orderVl the Bo ant of 10110 t' fichet Aeon,. TErnisitymaii RA11,110.11). • oP EN 'TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES WEST OH' JORNSIOWN. rir .4 I i."., I. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1f , 51 OFT\ t . NGE OP HOUR. TINE SIDI ND AND SPEND INCREASED! . Praintryirania Rakroad and Eapreas Pocke Lino Alt mliai Railroad \ .13 zolliiiiCaoll. 9.411-IT : Y. rum/aria ISO NYINSIANLZ aorra , an _ . I'HILADELPITIA, BALTIMORE &NEW fORS. Two Daily Lines pretoi Packet Boats, YZZ' (EXCLUSIN ELS I , I , FARSENEIRIS.S..) On and after 51onday,, August 25th, the of thin Liu..ilt tear; kittal.orgh tor LoOkhor , ...e7".coneolog at 0 n'altorot. and aim•rolhlat :to'clozk, q —them 'k be of a new Pep, lreel ' folcoe+llately after that, tarrovalj dl. , \ 'Carnal. through. ierty Itmlra "Wu It. chi. "haw arrangement paat,ngera go th rough MX SOOIVI.OOO Chao h.,tcforr, Imaagt,FTaly MHO, ~ 1•1 trao , ol.renablin; oh..m on sertvel Inl. l 0.t.t0 on to t:va. York at Pat§,IENGERS. FOR FIALTIMOR Tate the York 4.lolComb.rlaud Railroad, at Ilarnahare, 101.gano, eighty.tior Thu, FOUR houie. Far. to Phi... Willa, 010. Fare co ttaldmon. , „:ll,r.7L. l.teraater. F 9 do Ilard.bor,eoo.oo' It .on Arnim thdatitravelms and comfortable athpmea. , lateuiln. ',or. 0. or lkkete a: the Th-ket 3toCumga L.I. of • \ J. 4"..IIOLAIES, Agent. AL FIATS--For'salii:by J. 801105?1ap,T.*.00:44 \ Mita -..• . , - . h.-Head tite litiformg= _ a troll- Thte patient had eery Whiffs's' \ et.or the medicine wurntinalstaVambly'tiggligh— • 'L. a. nom. 8.11µ2004 : 67 0 Tha5; J Sirt Cr. J. C. Aru— ILA re Peen lettaltalth • mi t Tl . • attrotion o f the IMAM and hit the V ij rnpfouts of re aloens um lattn. tor more than a year. A Mild: find notate met would stitch my caw nn I I ensomanent the nos ot trAlle Cherry Pectoral. •bet ;retsina gradual me I hate been rtetdily gaping my strength until \ EMI, health Is well high lestemaL \ While Inrimy your gm , ' olome. I bad the pmUlleatinn of =ring with It toy _woo • . s sod irtend. num., of Sumpter, Discrittt Wirnited to o suayended from his twrianial dvils• - byw tart: or bronchitis. bar* Maastati‘in certifying Union, facts to you, and erd:stle,yours rospregolly, 'A ‘ . • • 7. Y. CALLIOI. - rs, ot gir t uth , • . . Th e colie,wha r waggn• of the worst o(hame, Thirit the bhmlelano siod trimets thcmght as ter inktfrable engerturtm J C AVM -411 K -I . head taten with atterrlble tinfli; trJught on by a cold. ;in the beginning <4 last Yebnterl e " and !was roonned to my led fAT more thprly, truant/ant : egglnemseggly tnight god day, 1. • othydiy . eg g pee, .r era vrovi' ran and !Arid 54 . th• Tery abort. hides& I *AA rabidlY lIng••Pil alWllee' • trees %Jr breath thm . bril little hop of my rt - obtergstrsall to entertained. 01 it an thin all notion.: a Mend of Minot • br EA,. John gel ler, ot, ths Metro:east Chilrch t i brought um a Lotto of your f-booby Pes . doral. • looL 1. tried 11,11 A to gratili - him asp from`rityrspectathm obbsintogro— ltrf Ile good egrets Morterd me Ls...m.4one tm use, \ I ewe found my health tenth jmprostd. NoW.In thm• months:l am well and ettoog, and eau attribum my cu • only to your great cmoUcitte. Walt fbedeepeet goluturbt re , • Yours. A, `. JON., GOLFILIOP.: . . • •- enpu•ti and .111 by JetAP C. All.ll, Pracnkiil9,linitt Wk boir4l. • Bold ln PittYbibrilli, hnhinit iitbl retta3, : by PAL , 00., and J. M. ToWNYLIND, • • In Ailve.brcy City. b 1 71. P. SCI/WAILM - na.l J. WM. , GLAytniid by Prim:nista irtintrablyi \\ \‘`