The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 30, 1851, Image 2

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    ,• r'..a will
-'t where will k
-son, however, but it t
• ,usi struggle which mere P
.., -.; inevitable has corn:lee ... rt. I . ;
. , ... Withdrawal of the French troops t
.the, to be replaced by those of Austria,
a • Move which we can now understand. h
. .41ey. had been there more than two years, for :
"'AIM carcase of defending the Pope against the h
' , Teeple; 'but now that work being accomplished. e
they.are'withdrawn until it shall please dress
era-tie Prince to send there' ack to fight with l
the People of Rome againstr i
the Pope and his i
•;Austriati defenders.'" If Louis Napoleon is able '
that all to ; guide the revolution which must Me.-
: itablylollow,the restoration of universal sufframi_ "l
iflrma only be by leading the soldiers 01 . liberty,
as hie nacle did, Impend the borders of France. ,
BMA is'in:rainto speculate upon coming events,
whgre innumerable contingencies cluster around ,
the greet_ drama. Hereafter adders' from •
Europe ifill be awaited with feverish interest
' and anxiety.
' -
Repents or RAILROADS OPOlt Riven Towas.—
, 2114 the.commeree of New Orleans has already ,
9 :beii:ieriously affected by the railroad systems '
,_ offifassiehusetts, New-York, Ohio, Michigan,
. aid "liaises . la , a conceded point; and soh ..
thoseaystenis,including - the great Central - Ana
...Pettafiiimnistiaeditie OhlO and Penusylvania
Mad, ,, -Witis ite continuations; shell bare been'
completed, the effect upoo,dist city, as the great
, :emporium of the Mississippi Tetley: , will be felt
' to a much greater degree.
• Bed it is not-New Orleans only thet will be in
juriorisise4ected . by the revolution in the COMTE'
of trade used by railroads. St. Louis is be-1
ginning to' feel its influenee. That city. is no
:longer the great meet of , the lend businete; nor
n , this • pork and bacon of Illinois. All these
ee found new outlets. ' The Illinois and Mite,
igaa canal was the first blow which - fell' upon
• the prosperity of St,. Louis; and every railroad
. which ts opened in that region ttirna all the trade
within its reach in an opposite direction. An
able writer in the St. Louis RepubliMn lays.
;•,„ 3,-”Thelllineis steamers now come tolour wharf,
.•, : *eighted with the fabrics of our own and foreign
~ ,' :leiFithinatelul of the teeming cargoes of flour.
Wheel, eorn; rork, Sari, beef and other products
arida, in yearn past, gave , such valuable em
•"- pipit:Lent to our steamboat tonnage, do its trans
it. tolke Gulf of Mexico." • • .
,•,-Oss same writer goes on to state that Berne of
'::::::the iteamboat 'uswiere, heretofore in the trade
:between that .city and New-Orletuss, are with
:,drawing from the business, it being no, longer
,profitable.• Ile apprehends that the couipletisin
'Of the 'contemplated Central Railroad through
`:,de State of Illinois will be another heavy blow
to St. Loinis, end the completion of the contern
' plated,Ohio and Mississippi railroad another.—
Me then goes on to say:
,•• • slbe result of these gigantic caterpriees are
now ,seenr'their effect on the commercial pro
.lpm of our western commercial rifles will be
felt in a few years; then it may be too Late to"
avert the .evil... All the inland improvement!
no* in- progress in the west—except, perhaps,.
those of Tennessee—are tending to
-the aggran.
slimming of New York. She is now the corn
. menial eentre of the country. She is ,fast
twallewing 'up the inflame of our large com
mercial shies. -Heree-eaant princes regulate
the prieest,of sm," '•-• - , '.' , e. and rice, the staples
... ,,,4.the''``• ,' i , l•-•', • • -,•• lead, hemp, tobacco.
. . •-• ~ .' , • - !..i , ~-.-:' ' product of the sod
....-- - ,..ralyzed the commerce
1 :, to'; .; now hie her grasff upon
.-1 ‘• -- ''-','•••••• .: fainelemisti end Pittsburgh &rest:nine
• - obl,' .
~...-lsettimanufacturing enterprise, but their
' ,biag merthants are quailing under the over.
guelowing etsengthef their near Competitor and.
rival, -New York. , The nearer the West is
• brought to New York, the more dangerous will
that eitylbecome to- St„ Louis. The customers
of our merchsets, in the States and Territories
around, will fancy that New York is the Market
in which to buy goods; they will no moreLth ink
•• of visiting St. Louis then our present =dowers
thille of stopping at Burlington, or Hannibal,
-:- to make their purchases. is all this fiction! Is
there no truth mrshar is here written' Can
Tour commercial supremacy be maintained: , Can
'our ' merchants bear up against the formidable
_rivals that am contesting for the trade and coon
meree of the West?" . • .
, • There is note doubt but that there is a great
• :deal of truth in all this; and it is a state of
'things to which the great river towns must ad
'just tbeeseelves as bestathey may. The writer
;we have quoted' calls 'upon the owners of real
estate to latest their capital in manufacturing
I, iistabliehments, if they would save their prop
: city from heinous deterioration in ' value—for
the commercial business of the city can no longer
be depended upon to sustain it.
r The commerce of Cincinnati must also suffer
Sierieusly'frota the grallinee of roll road which
, • ;will seem sweep away the c ommerce which she
now enjoys with the great and flourishing re
' items n rits of her. Heretofore the Ohio river
• .was the, : great and almost exclusive channel of
IconMstereez•indthat commerce, 'confined to that
• •*-: ;Chignel,builtup Cincinnati and Louisville. But
;;the river no lender monopolises the carrying
,>'"i- ,: tresslii,' - ind the river towns can no longer enjoy.
-•: die adiantages which they mace enjoyed; and the
day may net be distant, when Indianapolis; will
' poses:mita large a commerce as Cincinnati. Cin
citinati, however, Is strong in her manufacturing
. •'industry, and may thus, like Philadelphia,
- lmaltitainbei peesperlty.
~ Pittsburgh is differently situated in many re.
specie &Mu any other river Worn. Instead 0
• being Wend by the great commercial ...emote
lima Ceased by' the introduction of railroads, he
:loistion destine - leer to participate largely in it
; 1 , betiefibi,,because she will herself become a COB
' tee et si great' system of railroads Teething 'east,
• i - erM'''' and north; while at the same time she r.
Wellston:a . adrintages may still arise from
.. '..ti•ifrigatiois of the ri vers. •
1.4 4,,,
„.'l, 413" what raises this city above these ViSCiStli
'4;r: rie her inexhaustible wealth in her co •
r'',Munes; which will ever remain a eure'lliearce o.
i prosperity, both as an article of commerce, an,
is the great spring of her - manufacturing power
The prosperity of'-this city is not dependent'
• therefore, upon thecourso of trade, as is that o :
, • New Orleans:and St :Louis; nor can itheLinjur
b - the ulti 11 tion of Railroads, Intim , .
''.:• '. ;ourpositioals such, that we can make them a
minister to ear prosperity ,not excepting thos,.
' •of hew York. This city lost ground somewha
hy tardiness; but like, Boston, by a vigorous of
•,...7 - fert she can soon recover her true position, an.
:;:"....".. ultimately outstrip all rivals on this 'side of th
• -: samintains. Her people have more , to the.,,
them . on than have those of any other city e.
the western waters.
'• • Piot. Pees's; BLeorste •Estems..—The me.
of science in our city, and possibly the genera
. ' public afterwards, are to be gratified with an ex
• Ilibition of Professor Page's Electric Engine, eon
strutted at the Smithsonian lastitate, under tb
petronage of Congress. It is already at th.
• ~,Tabstriistle, preparatory , to its ' exhibition to th .
‘,....-,:itternis eMl„f neat week. , • •
• This engine; though with an inadequate ba
• tery, mamma =di? ruts a force of over six
horse power, which's:este,. under ; the preeen
• ' imperfeet adaptations, about twenty cents'.
hour, or two dollars for a day ofhours..
however, . that. the cost so i l
There is nelocibt,
' - be reduced, sad the efficiency a t th e ma • •
decidedly increased. The A
imams..? power. o
the vossut,,as developed '
,by PrefeeporPage" ,
appastittla, exceeds all preconception. , area !
:. ember toadied-tom heldntnc a smooth - iron prs
' '-:' ton, around which s toni'magnetio wire .
1 . '".: been celled, is attracted with -treseeadoirs to
. - -.. sat the sppllcstieu of .e wire) connecting the co
i ' w ith a ' bsttery, so,thst_it eannot be wren .
weir by - an ordinary mans liesttiertlonsj -
memo willlo.--Nai York Trawee, 94s1i.'• ,
~ . The Simutatbileenwitcuiepltiasthst in • •
r tissippl, 84 i•-0,t.0m5.• !be beueSt of *hi Vale
' latot=t4 . Fg l !" vitb?vallis" ‘, -•`'.- '
• _ _ , .. •- - .21.1 :
, . .
. ~gy by Mr_ .
,r ou the-West
'. - neil a communication signed
~ .inon the subject of the manage-
~.'";:01, which contained many very se- ..
.....;:i That communication was placed in '•
edn nut es we were leaning home, and with-
.."'ren,l,tig ii we placed it in the hands-of our
atoponitur.., trustiug to its being a proper arti.
le for publicatam, because it was accompanied
.y n real name. We this week publish a reply
o it from Mr. Straughan, whom we have Ling
vows, and whom wehave ever been disposed
o repose full confidence. in which he makes cer
sin propositions' Tor the determination of the
e oints atienue which would eeem to us to be
perfectly fairand honorable, and which it strikes
s his opponent should accept if he has any dis
position to investigate the matter, and expose
the intrigues of which he complains.
We are disposed to think that the charges ,
have originated to Rome personal difficulties be
tween "AStockholder" and Mr. Straughan, and
the members of the Beard. We presume that
having published The article of "A Stockhold- '
er," and now given room for the reply, and
proposition of Mr. S, that our columne will
not be oCcnpied further in this coetroversy, at
isast by these partieß. If °there who feel ne
grieved by the charges wish to reply, they
will of; course he afforded the opportunity.
Whilst we have been disposed to believe at
times tharthe work wan not progressing as rapid
ly as it should upon thin section of the road, yet
we most say, that we do not by any means en
dorse the declarations of "A Stockholder." We
believe the eastern connection is the one for us,
especially whilst it otters no so good and envy a
communication with Cleveland. . . •
Mh. Eant.--In your last number I see a"-com
munication signed ••A Stockholder,''„„fuliinif ill
feeling towards the.,Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
road, and the Pennsylvaniene generally. Ile
also accuses royetilf, 'among othera, of groan mis
managementntid improper speculation.
The maker is S. 17... Fry, of Canton, and had
'eft yeirtti bees appended to his communication
.dastead of the honorable one assumed, his arti
cle would thereby have been aufficiently an
The people of Canton who know of his figur
ing in the Depot question can understand his
chronic discharges of bile at the very sane, of
- 1 am very willing to explain and defend any
cad all the conduct of myself and others in .
matters connected with the road, and I deny .
the truth and justice of Me. ' Fry's charges, tut
will not give your rendez-a the trouble of reading
We details of my personal difficulties. With
this view Intake the following offer:
The Editor of the "News - shall appoint one
person, who in connection with Arnold lynch
and 7..1 Street, (both of whom Mr, Fry admit
ted to be worthy and efficient men) who- will
form a Board or Tribunal Mr. Fry :than furn
ish an outline of the several charge, he prefers
against me. The Board, after patiently hearing Fry's accusations and my defence, shall
publish their decision, learatini see - with row'
nteinb, fraud, and official speculation. or Mr. Fry
odd. falsehood and bitter ealnemle
. Tinnily, the party convicted shall make public
confession and pay the ee•ts,
WitsniNGTo,l, OFTVIIF.n. dl, 1651.
Menors...Gatts St. SEATON, Having just return•
ed from- New York, I bog to eive %you, short
description of myjon :my. which may be interest
• iurt to your friends and travellers. On Tuesday,
the 21st instant. at 1 hour 71 minutes P. M.
we cast off from the wharf at the foot . of . North
!Moor street, New York. in the new steam ship
t'Cilii of Pittsburgh,' Capt. Stntenbary,. burden
.2,300 tone, built by Menocra. Perin, dtarkright
'l.: Stark, of Williamsburg. (N. 1.) destined to
run in the new line of pschets from Philadelphia
to Liverpool. At '2 hoe, -24 P M. ptmed . the
llottery; • at 4 hours 31' minutes P. A. garnet
Sandy Rook light; haring had a strong wind
and tide against tas. We then stood out to sea,
it blowing a strong gale from the southward,
trith a rough sea ail night, when we had an op
portunity to try her under sail and steam; in
both capacities I found her to be one .41 1, finest
ships afloat. tinder the disadvantage of having
very bud - coal, it.irn, not possiblego keep up
rt sufficient steam. On the 224 at 0 .1. M. made
('ape May light; at 11 A. al. Cape Geolopen; at
12 mrrdian passed the Breakwater; st h I'. M.
game to archer, tide too low to run up. This
.splendid ship cannot tie said tots much of - her
cabins are finished in a most magnificent s tyle;
her state rooms are on a plan of great conven
ience: (more particularly for families;) he
furniture is unsurpassed for beauty end =cow
inodatiom in fact she is a perfect ship, or. mere
properly floating palace. II er enginea are on a
new principle called the boxed.propeller engine,
. which are from the West Point Foundry, built
under the maperittendetee of-Mr. Copeland
•., When in operation I scarcely knew that I wee
ion board of a steamer, scarcely feeling a ja
.• from them, they worked with pinch perfectlyense.
I filer hell is built in a moot aubstauttal mantle
of the best of materials; she is baryn•LL'.rigged
and has sufficient canvas., to make a shall. -tell
vdthout steam. We arrived yesterday at the
city of 'Philadelphia at 11 A.. M. -Every bed
was very much gratified with their trip, captain
,fficere and noble ship; t n which I I wish eve •
success. Tours, truly,. J. P. L
_Vat. Intel.
SPRINGrilat , Mc!, PITTSBUDGII RalLnoAo.—.l
1 a late meeting of the Directory at Delaware, roe
°lotions were passed, authorizing the presecu
- lion of the work as rapidly as the sale of tb
- bonds would justify. The completion of the lin
' to Delaware's is of gteat importance, and if th
change is the money market shout.
continue, the President will take care that th
available means are not wanting. That Gen
Anthony has been able to keep the ball in motto.
' entering as he did the money market at th
darkest period Sine° 1847, in the beet proof o
- his admirable fitness for the position he octopi e
' The Board no anpreciateithiti services, and amp)
discretion was vetted 'in the judgment an t
' the Course beat under' all circumstances tab,
I Propossala are invited for that portion of th
- track:between Marysville and Delaware, as wi
, • be seen by refere7rifie to our advertising column:
The lotation finally adopted. is that known as th
i ' direst line, crossing the Scioto a short distant
south of the bridge and the Oleutangy near tit
month of the Delaware river.
The friends of the enterprise have ever
. reason to congratulatetheraselvea, ea the wa .
. est interest in felt for the rapid prosecution .
the work, as well by our friends in Pittsburg
r as by those In Cleveland.. -Sprinkairld, Ohio G.
i l • . .
Paorscrion en PC.SIOSYLVANIA.—The result .
✓ the 'rote in the iron and Coal counties at th
s late election would appear to indicate that th
- portions of Pennsylvania, the most directly I.
retested in the Wbig pclicy:of protection, ar
Ratiefied with their condition, and have left tit
manufacturers of New England to struggle aloe
' against thirdoctrines of Free Trade. What has
the'hisined as an equivalent`.—The possibilit
-' of the barren honor of eldvatiug Buchanan tot s
nomination for the Presidency, in order to rent
,f the slavery agitation byherrying out his pin
of running the Missouri Compromise line of 36 '
'` 30 to the Pacific Ocean, and thus introducin
• slavery into;lower California. Pennsylvani
t; may yet rue the day that each-policy line prevai
4 ed.—Hertford Covram
. . ..
it The Whigs of Pennsylvania are
- not so bad
~ beaten in the late contest as was inforred fro
. the firtt returns.. The 20.000 majority for 31
` Bigler has dwindled down to seven or eig
f - thousand—which is equivalent to about 70 ,
d 80 mnjerity In Adams county. and which woo
o require a change of but Two votea in each tow
ship to sweep away. ,-
i ,, We do not intend to engage is the interneci .
controversy which has been unwisely darted b
tween some of our political friends in regard
. the cense. of our defeat. We have the fact
'a that the opposition secured the "film - rah Boy
.1 to a great degree by their miserable dem
• ; goguing on the slavery and- other issues, a.
. - these, with the few Cotton Whigs-that went f.
-e Bigler carried the day for them. We belie
.e that Johnston would have been elected. had .
to had fair play, and had our opponents conduct
• ' the canvass fairly and honorably, In Chic bell
t... we derive hope as to the future, and shall In.
I. forward to the struggle next fall with our usu
.'t confidence.
e We know not how our political friends in oth
'peruse( the State feel. But we have cancer,,
el 'With numbers of our best Whigs from differs.
• • parts of this county, since the result of the eta
of then, awl we can speak forem.' So far fro
-',ll l being - dispirited, we find t em ell ready a.
• 1 ) anxious to enter the Preai entlal contest f.
... pea. seat% in undoubtedass ranee of his shill
~ to carry the State against a y man the oppoe
lion may bring on the collie . - -To thin we ..
41 Sere -we hare not met a e ngle exception: .
The exception seems to be universal in this s
. tiOn that Cleu;Soott will derelope a popular ..
thoislasm *blob will prove irresiitable. So ..
.',.-. it he I - If, .the Whigs of the ffidoid.'Stent
' ..' olootoral ' , nat.! Or Pennsylvania 'next fall, th.
.6 Tar net , '-wiaely by , seleetinklirmfield 'Scott .
:':' their charapion..-41ettyabtffsfXre; .- .' . •
- .
..A, DUBkiliD 6LAVERY.,.: •-•
,Si•eart - iictliss,.:hor do we tititend: •!'
ate the attack on Cabe-. Call it, If Ynd 'of.
.; .
- 3,bucaneweitag expedition, a marauding in- co
_;axed,* of-reckless and deeperate . Orenturers. •
Granted was agraie infringement of in- TI
ternaticinal law and amity to attack and invade e c
the possessions of a friendly power. It is eel.-
lain -Iffit not only in -the Southern and Slave -m
States, but in the Northern nod 'Abelitioniet ,',,
States of the Union, there exists a fixed Peter- I .
mination'to have Glib, a deep sad settled sun- I Tr•
notion that"Cubais thrown :away upon the im
becile, corrupt, and oppressive Government of I iv
the rottenest of European powers: that the re- 1 t o
coerces of the island are wasted, the enere ' oss , wt .
,*analyzed, and Abe treaspree -embezzled by ; t o „
a surceesiou of beisknipt governors, whom the O be
neither ...wiry 'sends Sloe, locusts to vex, !le r to
sour, and' tyrnunise; that to the great Demo- (! t ,
cracy, keen of eye, strong of hand, firm of will t o
resolute of purpose, ready to sires nod 'able to ","„
defend, belong the gifts that Provideneer.eserves co
not for decrepit and debauched tyrannies. And ,
Co America will have Cuba; wn affirm without o h
the gift of prophecy, and without fear of future 0 ,
refutation, Cuba will he annexed to the United. s .
States. .
Vet here a principle steps in, and it is impoe- oi
eible to deny that - Spain - might hove averted the ,
blow by decreeing the immediate abolition of A .
.Slavery. She would have had the whole Iblack a l
population armed as one man to repel invaders, a ,
who come not to abolish but to maintain this ~
profitable and odious iniquity. , • The southern 1,
'States, who have cast an eye on Cuba . A new s,
slave State, would be glad enough to have notb- t ,.
ing to say to. a State in which Slavery had been ~,
abolished. It is true that,•sooner or later, the ' - 0
will even of the abolitionist States would take i
Cuba, simply from a spirit of annexation and oil
conquest; hut tho loss to Spain would be 01-• o,
journed. It is thus thnt Slavery itself would he
the Nemesis of the slave States, and the crime ti
of inhumanity would punish its abettors. But c
Spain has not the strength nor the honesty of
principle to proclaim abolition; end ao she is I .
content to lose heronly title to the sympathy of „
the world. Is
word about this same Institutioerof Sliiveryil s ,.
rile, and odleueennd-kuhuman as it,is, there is I,
meek tueefulaintatolToireharlatafiliem abroad. c
We do not deny that the "stripes" are a deep t ,
disgrace to the "stars"; but, in• taking not the c
mote from our brother's eye, let us not forget t
the beam in our own. It is not because the g
Southern Staten are Slaveholders, that the whole t •
Democracy of the West is to be taunted with the
sin of a part; and it is not-long ago that we of
this land of freedom, whose: ancestors had fought c
end won the battles of liberty at home, were as 1
active and busy Slaveholders as the Carolinas .
are tools, And yet we then • epoke of England
as the "land of liberty." For, to epeak 'calmly, c
the Slavery of the blacks, who have never tasted ,
freedom, is not to be reasonably compared with
the Slavery of your white Hungarian, and RUB- ~.
sian, and Italian, under harder and mere cruel i
taskmasters! The Slaver,* of the blacks is not
- to ho reasonably compared with the Slavery of ,
English pauperism! Far he it from us to write
-a word that may be diaterted to a palliation of
Slavery, white or black; hut re warn the whole
some sympathies of -our readers epithet tending ,
and officious Aholitioniste I
• Mona Froceret SLACX LAS' Tittir ors—it
seems that sundry slaeeholders have recently
eat up claims to he the owners of certain no". •
groes belonging to Wild Cat, company, on the
- frontier of Mexico, near San Antonio de Beanie
' Accordingly, the Sheriff of the county, armed •
with the needful documents, recently made his : •
appemanee, and arrested Gaffer John, the Chief
of Wild Cat's negro., and the same man who
commanded the negro warriors in the florilia
• I war, and a led by the come of 110050 , ooier
Wild Cat'e chief interpreter. John g ed ' j 4.4
crossed the ricer from the )lexicon side, im •
come' business, and was :seised, pinioned, Ind
• taken away, to a place of confinement, without n
moment's warning; and this. though he is said
' to have paper, from Gen. Jessup, certifying to
- his freedom, which are now in the hands of Cal
' Morris, of Fort Duncan. Bea the C,olonel,
, I ,
,' though he has given it as his opinion, diet Jo n
is a free man, cannot interfere with the A .1
' law. The Mexican Government hove claim d
'', John as a Mexican citizen - and Soldier, and Wijd
' Cat is furious on account of the seizure; andla ,
is feared that he will make this an excuse fir
once moire nattuniing an openly hostile attithile
to the whiter, and rare& ti the frontier settle- ,
ments, which it is thought he ha. been recentiT
' . but too mnell inclined tp di Wild Cat - a el .
some of his principal men have had two ••l, g
• talks" with the American officers about the af- ,
file, and have been allowed to visit the cap.:isles
• in their prison: The Lodiamt„ though they e+-
deeted with great dignity add propriti, 'Sit
said could not conceal the angry spirit which,
erna raging within them. • They seemed to think(
e that if John's free papers were %et received, thee
' the word offs, white than ices no. pod. Some of
• the whites anticipate trouble—a rescue by the
' lndidoe, and perhaps a Serious -mischief .from ,
r . itliii piece of slave-heating cupidity I
- .
re s's Tunic. Max Futon asp Firs WOONDL D. —We
copy the following from the Tyler (Smith coon
' i ty, Terns) Telegraph of the 27th of September:
"We stop the press to 'announce one of the
t ' , ,, most painful tragedies that has ever fallen to
our lot to. record: On this morning John N, Mc
oFinley, Sheriff of this county, arrested at Crie
✓ ton Mr. Joseph Pierce with a warrant, charged
with the offence of assault with intent to commit
..„ a murder. After Pierce was arrested, a man
, by the name of taw Moore threatened to raise
,' a crowduf le's friends and rescue him from the
,'; custody eithe sheriff. The sheriff in the Interim
,y summoned a guard to prevent the rescue of the
.., prisoner About two o'clock P. 'SI., Moore, Reb
. ert Pierre, -and a man by the name of Crawf o rd
L made. the attempt to rescue the prisoner. The
parties were all armed, and after about, twenty
shots and many thrusts : with bowie knives, hnl(d
axes, Ac., the sheriff's party were left victoreen
' ' poeseision of the prisoner, who is now lodges:Lin
'' jail • .
• Robert Pierce, after receiving several thou.,
' e fell and expired. Isaac Moore was ale° shot
' e dead. Crawford escaped, supposed to be severely
', e „, wounded. '
'" Of the sheriff's party, David Neil was killed,
' e Jas. Holden mortally wounded, J. W. Patterson
°' 'mor•lsally wounded, Thou. Brock slightly wounded,
',, a . She. Ifeffinley severely wocaded, not COO9l ci
I''' ered mortal.a..w
.of Thus has terminated ono of the most fatal
''' and melancholy riots that has ever happened in,
our county."
Mr. Weeteott, formerly a Democratic U S
b . Senator from Florida, is now enlistees editor of
i n the New. York Herald: lie was the man that
8. . recently got up the famous Greer and Donaldson
correspondence. Under the names of Greer and
: Donaldson, he addressed letters to all the prom
bc; moot Democratiolemiere in the country, and gat
answers from them giving their view, no to the
nomination of a Democratic candidate for the
1 7 next PresidenCy. Therm answers, some twenty
or thirty in Lumber, he published in the Herald,'
o,f to th e great amusement of the Whigs, and the
... consternation of the Democracy.
' 7. 'We see that the Glasgow, (Mo ) Banner and'
some other Demoerstin papers, in denouncing
of Mr. Westeott for his proceeding, call him a
I. e Whig. They award him an honor to which he
he is net entitled. There was no fiercer Locofoco
n- in the United States Senate than he; and he has
re never indicated any change of politico.—Louie
.e• Jour.
ne ..
re Lens Sirention Treas.—The Lake Superior
ty Jounial furnishes the following interesting items:
he At Marquette works, several new buildings
ew have been put up. Four more fires . are about
nn being put up.
• a The Jackson Iron Company are making large
ng shipments of blooms. '
in The-dam at Carp niter is completed, and new
ail- mills and blooming furances, going up.
A post-office established atCopper Harbor and
news building going hp.
Eagle Harbor increasing in population rapidly.
, Eighteen now buildings finished.
'Y Eagle River enjoys • name prosperity. Four
om new literes erected and 'a large Hotel goiug-to
. ~,
"' At the mouth of the Ontonagon, very esteem. v 0
uolrd improvements. - River Street his been lines
with two story residences. A steamboat build
a' ing to ply on the river:
John Greenfield, fortneely of Detroit, has taken
one the contract for the Onteout on ank Road, and
be- plank will be sawed at one - "-i
-t. • A large number .of Emigran ~ ,went up Lake
1-- . Superior, last week, to settle. s
"s.' - . The Ontonagon mall of 25th tilt, Zen/sleet from
ea- -the Monticello. A box of $lBOO -Worth of Sur
nd veyer's instruments were thrown ove'rboard due
for ing" the gale, belonging to Judge Bukt.
ve Eighty tons of Copper ' from the ediff mines,
he and 18 time from Mineeota, and 8 ton. from Pen
" est, arrived at Soo, lest week. •
ief The Ridge mine has 400 tone of t 5 rot quality
ok stamp at the surface. ' . 11
sal The Ontonagon Light Howe, is eminpleted, by
Mr. Chittenden.
~e r Only a part of the hull of I.olotielle remain.
.ed The Peninsula from the See, has 4fty tons o
nt copper. 1 e
'm Fran Arreantharoia—The German,oorrespond
ad ent of the London Globe, under date of Oct.
for ~,
.. y. . [
ty ""s
'ii- "At Hamburg an experiment has been made
'with Phillips's lire arnildlatori - !..7 -A wood“
:. eked, filled with combustibles ; aim eel on fire,
ec- and an attempt was made tie gni, the 'manilla
..- tor' at work; but the heat w too great I.
y permit of approach. A firem was near be
.e coming a victim of the e . ' nt w and at lac
,ey it was found necessary to use common watt_
as engine;... which' extinguished ' e flame in -
. .
• _
saw= Posance. • - of
That the people of the South would be found da
the Union we have-alweye believed_and an
flea declared. It cal:mot be Supposed that the of
.uthern people are so blind to their best, lute
-ts as to desire a dissolution of the Union.
he north, foil as- it is by the commerce of the •
candles - a west, abounding in enterprise and -
ealth, and covering the ocean with it, fleets of el
erchantmen, might exist quite comfortably as
oeprrate confedernoy; but it would be a diffi. a p t
nit loch for the south to do-so, encumbered as
to with the curse of slavery, with limited re
ources and comparatively little enterprise.— 1
hiie the north has all the elements which go '
make a great nation, the eolith is locking in `;`,
, any important essentials to that eud. lecould
s rliy exietas an independent power, and World
e forced In Medi the protection of English cot- r ,
time(. inners. Disunion aud war would go hand •
i initial together; and a country without a fleet, itc
°capable of sparing any considerable body of eI
rifled ineal beyond its borders, and exposed not -
-oly to Attack from Without but the horrors of ;1
ervile war from within, could have but slender on
ounces iu a conflict with a mighty northern et
anon. such as the free States would be. The
tiler of the southern people, in spite of the gas
onade of some o! their !Impure, is not to he to
tuestioned, but that valor would avail little
gainst such fearfu. odds us it would encounter.
nd what do we understand by the south? Not .
II the slave States—bot Delaware or Maryland,
.ot Tennessee or Kentucky, not Missouri: nor
len Virginia—tiny, not even North Caroline,
oui'siana or Texas. Except the two last, the
:tates we have named weal ! naturally go with A
he north, even at the expense of abolishing sla el
ery, and a southern confederacy could consist
.f states overburthened with slaves and general
y impoverished. We have therefore been fit Pa
ill litees of the opinion that nothing short of
ntolerible oppression and injustice would drive
.0 south into an open attempt to dissolve the t•
nano. Nor did wo rest this conviction wholly
pox the consideration of interest. We have ?i
.ver believed the masses of the southern people
• o have as much true American Jeelitig,a9 their
lorthere.hruthren.. .We - haie ever believed that
atrMtiSM aiiti'Pride of country ems as mach a
sentiment -of the southern as the northern man,
saving fanatics out of the account. We hove
never doubted that attachment to the Union for
the sake and for the love of the Union, existed
at the south as well as et the north, and that
the idea of sundering this great nation was re
garded with as much displeasure among the ra
tional men of the south ns among the reflecting
people of the north. , •
Recent events confirm these opinions; ',bat the •
confirmation is far stronger then it appears to _
i.e. Tennessee -gave-the Union canclitiato for
Govetucr a ma jority of only 1600. but wile
doubts that nineteen-twentieths of the Tonnes
amine are for the Union? Tho opposing mindi• _
date was for 'southern rights," but was never
understood to be a regular dismaiimist. Geor
gia has given the Union candidate 18,000imajor
ityi but who supposes that this is the entire
Union majority In 13corgia! That 'is not the
majority icr the Union: but it Is the majority
against the abstract question of the right of
secession. Of the 90,000 voters of Georgia,
fully' nine-tenths would vote for the Union upon
being presented with the pure and simple ques
tion without abstractions or. emtmrrasements
Miesieeippi, upon which the Legislature of South
Carolina leaned for Support, the •.gallant ally"
of the nullifiers, stands forth triumphantly, for
the Union. t An overwhelming mejoriiy of the
people who dwell in the valleys of the great
western hirers ore in favor of the preservation
of the Union. Rat to crown all; South Carolina
:ttorselt scatters secession to the - winds, and sub.
stantially declares for the Unica. This is the '
end of the absurd-secession movement. After
this it eau hardly show itself again. Some of
the especial Union papers at the north delight
to quote the Charleston Mercury end keep alive
the hug-bear of siisnnion—but whatever the se- =
ASCISEIConIAta may ray, they can do_nothing The
Union is sustained at the south, and we at the
north Must do our part to Maintain it.
?sconces or FILIVETTERIP3I.—titiortIy after the
failure of the Cuban expedition, the New Orleans
Delta and other southern papers enneunced the
rumtni.Ogetnent of a secret organisation, with
the title of "The Order of the Lone Star," end II
hosing for ire object "the extension of the arra
nt' liberty." in other words, the development of
plans for attending the territory of friendly coun
tries. The New York Seu—a worthy colaborer
of the Dere: in terse matters—now publishes
the I - arising circular. which in in course of sire.
milatton in that'city
"Ctry or LAPATGTTL, ,
••Sir An Order, entitled •The Use RM..' leas
been established in this city. batingfor.ts object
taus Extension of the Area of Liberty. It requires
and ten persons to form a divisima Should you
others m your vicinity desire to act in cots
cart with its, charter will be granted, and on
agent despatched forthwith in order to initiate
she meint - e•co and assist in forming the incision
tt.INO. V. EWES, President
"Jesse Guwoax, Cor, Sec'y."
The Sun has had ten much • experience in af
fairs of this kind to misinterpret this communi
t-We take this to mean, in piano language, that
a secret order is proposed for the purpose of
aiding and assisting Cuban independence by ev
cry possible means, and certainly the method is
both' steeple and effective. tOrifers' of this kind
could not ha interfered with by Geyer:intent, and
any plan Of net-latices might he - fully perfected
and carried out with all necessary secrecy Any
ten young men, forinstance, couLl organise un
der the above proposition, adopt their secret
and modes of proceeding in concert with ether
similar divisioov, and, when the original design
was fully fixed upon, an extensive nod unexpect
ed emigration movement might load to its final
What is this but a direct reccommendation
join the "Lone Star" Order, that, by means of
recret -organization, rowdies and 'adventurers
may baffle the provisions of American low, awl
invade neighboring territory, to plunder and con
quer it at will!' And yet the journals which take
petite to commend this new development of trim
anal intentions are mightily offended when re
minded of reeponsibtlitiev growing out of !
tering action'
We Lave already shown that the Tammany •
Hall Democracy is now linked with this crusade
against law and order: and therefore the 'Lone
Star" societies may be expected to gain many
members in that quarter. Probably Mr. Cory
had an eye to something of this sort inthat wen
derful oration of his on Wednesday last. If not,
it was exceedingly opportune, and will hardly
fail to dirt encomiums from both the Sun and
the Alin. The Unto, hoe already endorsed it
aS good, sound, wholesome . Democratic doctrine;
I I So that Mr. Cory may feel cure of promotion when
the "Ordor of the Lone Star" gets fairly at work.
Thicinkrytiong m Maryland sad Nese Jersey—The
Governors of Maryland and New Jersey have
' proclaimed Thursday, the 27th of ,Novena
her. an a day of . thanksgiving in their respective
. ttuanxu. lateen or Prrara.stat.—We Invite the attention
r of the affiletol arid the nubile generally. to the certificate
of Wm. Mall, of this Sits. The mew may he seeds by oaf
, person ate. mar he oteptisal In relation td the Lane her
set Nrth. • R. 11. KM
' I had been afieted several yearn with a WrentlVlOf both
eye:., which erqinowl to'lnerease until Feptember. 1550.
oho inflasonmtien at that time having Insolled the whole
Mernbrahe et hosts et•e, ...tended in the deposits
of n thies tilr4,whlch wholly dostroyed my sight. I had
an operamon performed, and the thickening. remove& whirl.
Soon reurned and lea toe in is bad a condition as before.
At this t stage MMOlint I made application to frTa•
rat of Use niu,t, eminent medical men, who Informed me
t' me eyes Would Dever get well: At this time I could
• not Motingulotcany Oren- the advice of None friends
I romturnewl-Sile-toe of the Petroleum, bosh Intensalir
and I,ollys.iandor ebtrb my eye., hase improved daily on.
tho'Pre.sont Mine, sal I have neo,vered mysight e ntire
ly. Vly general health wea trey much ISOPrOt..I bt
1 . 1:trOiP11.1. arid I ottribute the rfsmoration of my omht to
It. nos I reside st No. 104 ifetwapl street, in this city, end
. will he I.ISPPY to glee any Information to relation le MY
W I 1.14 AM 11A hi.."
For sale inc' era, tr McDowell. TM Wood street, It F
, Palter, 1,1 M.tol an...4f U. A. Vahnectock, Co. earner
- Wood nod Front street, D. M. Posey, D. A. Elliott. Jneepti
Doth,hfoo,ond 11-P. Orleans. A ilegheny. aloo Le the Pt's.
Prwled, h. M. Mill,
1 rlu . ,i a en t,attal Ilioin-F.eventhot- Pittsbnrgh.•
)trim is truly astonishing wide what ra
,, I pidity and testiness 11. 4 6. Farrell's Arabian Liniment Ohs
taken hold of pulite favor. A tow months ago, an d all
that war known of It Was that a most powerful me diej n e
of Ara,ie origin had made its appearance. Now, there is
O h a rdly a fatally to he foimid that does not keep it always
on hand; and no ono 'would ever be without It who had
o witnessed Ps magic power over dimes, and it. wonderful
potener'in relieving pain.
sktvertinemrut. onto
IterWOR3IN! Wok-it'd—A great many learn
, et treatise, have been written, explaining the origin of,
- and classifying the Worms generated In the human sr.
t,rtt. Scre.. any to fit motions scien, has elicited
y Mi msaniie ob.ervation and profound zwaeareh, land yet
much divided In opinion on the sub.
Jeer- It must be admitto.l, however, thatafterall, amok
Y o f these worms and purifslos the body from
their presence, is of more value than the elp at di aott i o
Mow ita to the origin. The expelling agent has at length
been found; and, in offering to the public MeLane's Tor
paling, the proprietors are confident that it wilt mils
quire Sc be. used to pro's,' Itself superi or t o asst ~
Smells Or J.. KIDD•a
oe...todateinti " No. ao wood sit..
• Fall Importation Naraware,Cotreri, &c
No. 129 Wood Street,
Donne to call the trzstion.o . f .i ) ,, laclrts and otiose .t•
✓ -And which:Mei-ere now immured to ell er it seen rel
- w cannot fan to pleas,
. agraintlawartmmt of MANN'S ale braced C. 0. •
&wan Pati hand: . AWAY !
e run t .o ~ i e 'oor o e..
f Plttslatirghorill hed their IfentialY /Inning on
y, October 301-1, in 2 o'clnelt. P. IL, When there !Will be '
n decd.:tracer the Forratarr and Agent to stIPPII the plane
f Jared 51.13nalth resigned. oe2felts '
• Concert!
OM/FREY 1215111. Y. will EVENI N G Nor
LI, Fourth stmet, - on MONDAY 3d. •
Clod(rer'S four danghters,will appear In the 111 2 00 m. par
11l COSTUME. ..
tickets 21 ante; ta be had at the door. children half 2
fie, boors open et 651 o'clock Concert tom mment.,
Yan elderly Lady, a situation as Matron F
S or Housekeeper inres-gc, table family In or near
qusburith. A Place of this Sind h. be-n 611,-1 iu
...tern city to •-ntue ,atlefavtlon. Addre John
Iclariaml. Orem: Tree I'. V.. Allegheny 00. I
0r30 , 2t e
A Card.
rto undersigned , would tender their sin- ....
cere thank,. to the I lremno of the car . for floo r on.
eudig..l,l. exertions st Inv Chico deetroyel • puritan
then Floung MOD unlthe 1 .411. h loot
0% ii.unttrii a NOBLE
WATCHES, of the best Engs •
li.h, Par, and Hence& manufacturer, now No'
ban in excellent rerlety, and at very low
elle., Lever Watches, from \.113.00 to $40.00 ■
Cold :WOO to 150.00
Cy tinder ...... . .kt W to 3.1 00 ,c;
/111 Watch, warranted es represented • or the money re. Age
no W ATCHItEPAIRINO executed In the best manner. be.
ce ll
vg aulsted by superior English and French workmen.
W. W. W 11,0 N,
0..33 67 Market /L. corner of Fourth.
Pit burgh, Octoler 26.1101. kS
I N Election for Thirteen Directors of this
inamance Cogignlly. toeern. during-the ensiling 01)0
re, will be held at the than. of the Company. on Tun- Com
lay. tbe dayof Nosember kerb knee. the hoofs Aal
&DJ n'el.k A.ll. end 3 o'clock 11.,..
tanad mburtmeotof
k. Bine, Orange and Omen Strateg elanoado. _ i t
and Il r iaS:gt...srell at the northeast natter of
- -
IREAM TARTAK]-12 bbls. poved, war•
V ranted pore, for tale-by
or3o H . A.•FAIINESTOCK a CO. fy
UFL-sCfli trots for rale by Olt
k i ,IILVER SANI)-15 bbls. for sale by Por
kJ nOliO , 11. A. VAHNESTOCK t CO.
%TEN. RED-40 bills. bright Eng., for aide 1 .
by B. A. IA UN 6920•4: a CO.
I,ENNA-R 1 01) lbs. prime Alexandria, for
FLAXSEED--I 0 bblo. f. r sale. by
UTTER.,.-3 bil, Fresh Roll, for sale by
INSGAII-5b thin. for sale
orao SAMUEL P 911RI 1- ER
I. LANKETS—A. 31 , 1 i.
tst.T .,, &
Co. aren ,,, o , w
)I_3II.AID RIBBONS-A. A. Masoo & Co.
hare now on hand CO cartons riot. wide Plait Ilde
I . I:NTS' KID GLOVES-Now opening nt -
LA A A MA.SO.S a 0, 0 . G 2 nod M Mark, stmet-100
Jo,. Alexander. , Fest KA Moses (2,01
`ILK FRINGES-A. & Co. have Ms
reed =Cartons Silk Fringe, black mud .0,1 rotors.
POTTED FLA NN IS--Jusi received at _
ej A A • MASON k 00.5. 62 and t, Marko : at...
nutyl, of spotted flannel, ..rel.ll.lren's or:A.,
i t UTTER-2 0 kg.. Ire h, rec'd and for rale 1_
Sc o , i o TICK t MrCANDLESS
BEANS -15 bags Small White, for sale by '
.03.0 WICK le MeCA , DLESe
s ODA-15 casks sup. barb., for sale by
_,„, WICK k 51eCANDLLS,1
ALT PLTRE-12 boo for sale by
• 111014 a MeCANDLESS.
• --
"ABLE SALT-In boxes, for sale by
1,1 ACE.',EItEL-100 lq
4 bllll. pure I'ntlncrs',
IinnIDGE a INotiiixit.
.1 , 114. 2.1 .yLATE- 2 . 5 boxes fresh for sale by .
1 .11C , '1;172.0 tierce b i ! , t i. , ,,, f ‘ i;i; ,,,,, a1 4., e , hy ,11111.,,i
...I Fi. MOI;ASSES--30 bbls. Goodalit's lief.
20 • Pt Jam,
' b. htIItiLIDOE a 19,11111.051.
- -
OAF SOLAR -75 bbls. atoll Nos. Bat- 7
A th On.utel Senn.,
Was 1-3f/trete Keens,:
•, ^ Et Jam.
:41 ••rni•• 1,13... 1 1 g Pulveneed. for sole 1 , 1
100. 1111.11511/111.01;11a INOIIRA3I. 116 Water .1
Trees, Plants, &c. •
, nbeeriber of f ers for sale a ll o t
ch..llce ar.ortnient of new an I releuble
1711,1•Plartn. Ire, and floe., Ilndo. edert..,l It
ovremally into the meet relobrated aro , e . to
er• It, the east. entl3l.l.llln . in par of Dwerf Pear Trsvn. er
,• grot,eliee atrawbeeen, Crinewo Cane. Burr n new
Pine ' One/ Tl.ll,egf 10 111/1•11 W awarded Q.,.
i .- erstaturti oo 1+; the tn.! nun in rainy U
..., the Oh,
Pintlien , Soirees. Weeriles Roam- Gr.v...eber ries.ene
eloto, It Oraps Vines. Evergreen...s all ~ en•
I , hads T Vining Ilan, Kn..... and lione vaorkl..
Pewee Itoot • ft, lan Planting. ,rir es wet , lull,. and Co.-n.
e1dn,....1 L. I•dt , orah Post lune, or left at oar
"L"J'Akfr.l?l•3=ttil. I
More New Goods..
I AMES A. MeKNIGIIT. No. (52 Fourth so.
*lf hat reeler,' hla .rend FUN., of Fall and Winter ,„
the ma,orty et which bawls, tssot 'n •
the large aumion salen to the ...ten, cale, due wc the ,
pp eu it...tepee, he he enabled to diep.. of them at ,Ire.: t.
ly minced pekes Ile would call particular attention 1, I
Ileneln. Lone `betels. 1 ,T thy., Flan Cashmere
, tuare Shavia Bey state, et Inanyfaelnree•
.reice , French atertnos and Caeltrooma F.
• cy Plaid Dram Silks, very desirable;
Cloaks, Clowelnac
•• •
0 • foil eemennent of Infutut . and Youth? .1I• too
vuirte. I% not Gaiter, 1110,1* ge,ale Ala,.. • nen so
toll stork 01 Hosiery . 01,,tee. 00.. and :tictutio,
'T 4 ll . 4Z3 i 734lerrnclutr, auoritnl at r l ' l. l , o+o ate.
Double Reed Melodeon.
Or HE aubse has riber ust opened a very
j llos Melodeon. 1 'etas,. enth ono.. art of reed,
made byoriginal Inventor, Carhardt L Nrelharn. N
I This Instrument 4 equal m tswer many small organ.
and much ouperlor U. It In yannt of wethnsa of tone, .-st
pa city tc. eland In Dm, amt t o 1 , 1 trsoeportnea. 11
Is man...lel to? Vey 2n rhure , es. and owing tone
peke tondo g refeesb... to our ... th at Instrument. Thos.
...thing to rumba. an Instrument of the kind are rests , :
holy inetted to nil and rxavly the ear.. preeMo•to
remg taken a•ay from the sulmenber, women.. havina
teen nolend b, a r..uangatton in tiff. city
II iILEII/10, role Agent
tO,l 1,0 the talent... 3 [interr. Corhardt t Needham
'tat v. 1,. UMW. 4000. F /112.111
Shriver & McLean,
nom., Produce and Commission ..1/trerArtnis,
NO. 31 Rory. Wotan snare,
coNsIGN‘IENTs or FLOUR and Pro
/ a 0... general!, will rem., prompt attentlott..stll,
r.or best etrieneut• Logien .tirtartann. /1..1055,5 made on
t•relo, of Bills of Lading when dratted.
Neter to-tlesora. Hampton Miller. Pittsburgh.
slr . Francis (1. Baey,
51r Alex Laughl in,
Wr. Semi. I'. Stoller. ••
u'ETER-601egs No. 1;
3 1.,t,0 }toll: reed and for sale by
loin SAM lnel
UEL P. 0.1110 VEIL
ARD-5 Mils. just recd and for sale by
a k oe, SAMUEL P . FItY.IYF:Iie
1 A3l: GINGER-5 bbls. for sale 1, , y •
ne2) R. F. SELLERS. II ond .
QOOOTRINE ALOES-200 lbs. for sale by
oeitu E. SELLERS.
sUG,E' ,
Al 2 LEAD-400 lbs. fo r by
''l ;
PICKED GUM ARABIC-150 lbs. very
bandoome, for axle bY IL E. sra.litrts.
Now. Al. CAY. PEPPER- 4 s casks pure,
for ,ale 1 , , It. E. SELLERS.
V' F.N. RED-20 bbls. (Eng.) prime, for salu
- - • -
1 4 1 P. SALTS-20 bills. for sale by
,1„ RUM-30 bbls. for sale by
"'RUSS. BLUE-7 boxes best, for sale by
e T LT. MAR. BLUE--S boxes for sale by
• u reed )J. SCIIIX/NMARER 00
YEN RED-15 naltke (Eng.) for sale by
• 11 oo : st A SCHOONNIAKER kCO
WIIITING-100 Ibis, dry and fine, for
sale by J SCHOON MAKER 00.
a R osui-:50 bbls. No. 1, for sale by .
, .1
• LOGWOOD-100 bbls. for sale b,Y
• FLANK PlTl'SBUlttili STOCK-20 shares
D J 0. Dtbwourn A co
Window Springs.
lIA.MMOND has again returned to this
• elm., and la putting bin sell known anonrior I'l'-
Pr: and LOWER SPKINOS to all kinds of windows , for
iwtingand opening either or both the upper sad low,
sh. 11. 11. was potting We Springs to Window. in 1,10
-'47. In Pittsburgh and 'trinity. and h en hero engaged In
mannf.turing •0.1 appl y ing them noon 2 0 year. 11,
therofore Betters himself to be a marten'. told to K. , en.
tire satisfaction in the buslnme. Ile ...tante hie Penn,
not to break or l i
nt their elasticity. and hoa Spring, ouit.
- able tor ell al., or Windows Ile will remain eight or ten
deyr. et the Red Lion Hotel. St. Clair street. when mien,
ft.,. be lett, or at the Pco
c. Udi. Respectable references
II ale.. -
NOTICE is hereby given that an nonelid
e' nt of twentr.hre cents per share hes been I•v1,1
0 on the stock of the Eumka Mining Company. payable at I
d the Mike of the Company, in the City of Plunburgh, on
By ortleVCl r tl i inkaof Directors.
0e.11.7t Secretary and Treasurer •
A I .LATE REMOVAL.-The undersigned
f. ha, wrembly the &lel, rf few 6 . mnd...rumor.
el n 0113 re to the to
fro. roam of blond*, boarlma how,
ODA next door to Exqulre an lb,
Rath Room,
e,ran r of the Diamond. Allegheny City, 'oben , he will be
happy to meet his friends .d We public , and when.,
bMerchant, Book-keeper. Salesmen. Wharf Muter, For
• bnorm, Manuferturers and sinhardo, Men and Women.
oor 00.10101 N me find him and get plane, 004 . 0•041 e.
ehargee will Ix mod rato b
oxpent payment in riand . frot 4 ' ll
. classes ...inept the eery poorest. ISAAC HARRIS.
o Jae/le will rollover in Pittsburgh twireor thrice Jolla_
r. end letters Wed lo him on business (eneln a h,,, hh.
fes) will . be taken out 0(1.110 on. office .d attendni to
soon. Persons Indebted to him will roll and pay. Cash
borrowed .t 1 lent. 0.21:21•
iI LANCES AT EUROPE, in a Series of
LA Latter from Oro. Britain. Fran, Italy, Salt:ter
. IdV ii tadr=tlutigtegt 1b414 ittudlnt Nt i den i vot
Pale at 1101,3 LEN, copulate the Post (Moe. '
rota and Turnpike Stock for Sale. re
VET ILL be offered at public sale, at tile
to V new court no u, on Finlay, the lib ofellor m.
ber, on. laitturesesiottoiwastatorteu.r..,,,,kqu„.„,.
mu. rron . gob, VII feet, on which there Is en old
Mae bourn Lion • llfe tenant'. lot addolnit,g, amine 11 , 0
range dirnannions ro the 'Wye, on Which le ererte.l,Muow
Jag, at the rune time and _plena-ILS shams of,Pit..
burgh end xteuteurate 'hangr e j tcla. z arf i lltrair
alb AMON/ of Jamas Mr-DonaeL
I I, . 'Et,
cgs se. 5 O. In store , •
sod for gale by
1851 Hops. ' . . . ate!
SBXLES of First Sort Eastern and Wes- `b''
torn HOPS. now meafring and doe sale by
0e..t3t0 CEO. W. rAMLItt, Pitt atreeL
1 UTTER-4 bbls. Roll; _
- Ve.
I s •• sod '1 tn. Packed: arming ..-.:
rens' sad Sr. sal. by JAMES DALZELL.
‘..-2'' 64 %ruse otreet. I. A
11. MdLASSES-110 bbls. Bat. Ground,
• fur sal. by • JAMS 110100) ,1.
BA B8IS.1311(0. PA. f
1 ESION El) only for the safer classes of 1,.
y ,rno,. 15 , ..... non , car.t.l, and affords supari
......ntascr re of theanne , s. stsfety end aseccatute , ,
~,n, to eity an e writea
m.rehaist.. and betters of •-=`,.
ening, .u.l I.,lated or croprd ,, tocar .
~,,,,„,,,,,„ s.,
-,7 Wm.,. N 0.64 smillo' .1 ot. Pittsburgh ! ' k,
Orleans Insurance Cofxipany. . . g
Ar.B/0-v,T I WA
CAPITAL, /1150,000. A
red in occorchtnee with the amoral insurance ,
Law of the State. RA
lIIE above prosperous and responsible lan
Cotortny, haring nAnpliednith tiro requisitions of el
1.. of this act, I. n ..utug soon. by Watt b
ant on the mod tavorabla term, untengent 'shit pro nt.
•ze sod safety. o...alCilutlON, President. tu.
I ii..IIAAILLUSI beeretary
tem r..
be. 61 o.infield et. Pittsburgh. s ,
A. A. CARRIERIgent. ~.
New Music.
I- O'N'GS Rungs by Miss CATHARINE HAYES: ri
1 Come where the oreeet cephyr• ra.e. N
The harp that once through Tam. hetio. Pm
Ir lota,: to m^,
o.le• th.nueb tr.,- Ity, ,Pligrlto laud tirever. 1'1.•
id hra
ob. 0.. Little hell biding Hood, la. .
I ken from the story:
e [inhere The toned'. Pray., nitt. tn. -
.. Keeroake.•e.tuel to cite' air by b Worm:
'rat en A tatting Ilyton-e Ester*
Ike the harp rent'', by ere no MI are osrted,..
a' I n . Why de Snee Roses-fade?
a Lost Heart: • , WoreO plate. .
wt Anne of the Vale: Fore.t. and, Flower, Saint.
e mother's rte.,. Deb end Iltonzusr Polkas. ,
II roe pet name.. Candle Walts,aloenner. Re. Od
r'est'ed and to cede br JOHN 11. MELIA)R, Ist
al WMelm, „
IL(TitE,kCE wurrg—A beautiful gloss ow
whits Mot, that is unchangeable in tna,el.inaste. `''s
t intended for oartors, steamboat and ship eablns..fue• a° tum• 4, WlTllTinr , attiolt ,. .hep...lttred Mel:aghast
to tit finish in nue. , khaJe orklY , Ftlnle ann.. , bring _r
tamable of a toilet.. IT 11 , re ..Otter the usuartoode. '•.-
.r sale by , NV
TOTIC .-Th los ho took-it is '•'- •
...Onset In tni•takt-fronl \tor shire deer. no /1 „ ;
y evening. marked .. Wro Pest.'eatre It. E. Seller.," sm
yueeted to return It. ag It, eententdree valuable only to, at.
eLoscner. 1ee....!] It E. brcI.. I ERS, 57 Wood st. ~,,,
I -UCKWH EAT PLOUR4Asacks for sale \-
II ._. I S , / ', n,2 7) IT bar , ItISI:ANDLESS. it
er4ebrated Durham and Nutmega ,eo.:, Shia day re.
1 , -/11.41 he sale. by _ e,l
cIIEESE--*) - bvs Cream . Che - e,",.30 dO. c '
, w It jtot r , , , 1 ~1,1 for sale In
eir WICK. A 11,0 NI - Las, the
'A LE ItATCS-'2 • 2 ca..... Clerela .I I ~ '''
....= bias., Pulverise/. A.. by, ,
Oe..W 1.11(k SIeCA,N 5..E.5. ..
, 11000LATg--F/0 Ims fresh rec'd n. 1 for 0,
sale by w i..K \ ....Net:A:vat.. a\' i
r - ',l AlClll.liNS BLACKING-The eele a; rot
i tier Matchless 1ti n 5,„,,...„, ~,,,,„,X,,55,„.„,,,,. V., ,_
.1 ~ ,,m1 to the pubic, .n.l to sten In ufs rime ' A ,
Itufroour , -.1 1.. Ilo.lok anon A Co. \
:a 01 11. ,u..t reed and her as...hottest. b
.N IV 'Cat HAM, \
ocb: ,Wood street. cornerlrf,
Powdered, ;1.% Of kos by \
4 K ..e. 2tjAIINE.Tec CO.
M ER. CA Y. P•BFPER-300 lb s,. fi sale
,/ -.`'l , PATINE:S2OS\A r
lAN Ali V SEED ' 20 bin. for sale \ hel \ j•
•A. %LIN i:eroci: kl. To. l',
- I LAU REP. SALT 'I btils. for safiil ' ,
ll .-r s I . ,AFINI. , TOCI: or 1 .
, ASTI I.E SOAP-,sliv4s for sale b
.e• , &
....,7 SiA. A aH t . I kiTOCH st CO.
' A ILE6 ATE D SOAP (to: for saleTb •
0r.. - : • 11 A E a -VIA OCK A CO.
Jlit A RLS-1:1 casks fur I.Lot, • 0.
- , To the Public 1j ' \ .... ..
II F. undersigned., having to 'ante store '
,‘. tl Market strert, lately omit ;• 1, 41 , ,, \Lucre A. •
• R , ....., .re ns7 rervi , ear their Abet, yrylk \ uf Frill
''' .. l . 1%,-.T.'"(X..":51..t.17rtg'M Isparta.l.e...d '..."; P.M .
l Lire ' . &invert, Ire inet. b'r'ag. R• ' a\ ' , LK L .
-h-..'agar and bytteretllATFL s . Igo , . •• 60 .d., 1
r Ch...... , -tes. Ce'll•rsC s a.: , albben•• o,o •...'‘.
AOf , --A , asen ,, r ..ark of NOWLVInG 090 an \I he •
.erre.t .t,ie uf CIeiARS. \ \
IL.. en•teraer. et the late lltn. Sad the Dahl'' In
-I t.. rah- - loe'lnltar ~ ',II/FIN ;SAILA a CO,
Read This, Mark it ,Well, - '\
'IW I . O . the best PatentS an
before e
~01' ''' ''''' "dr der `•''..`5'.1"•,•.•"•r11..• and
...nen al the den stsof S. 0..4,1 15113151.1*31, tor ,
5 k
,f trued snd , i<tt, Irra.t., Pittsbobe , l's. The one lo
ti,ninr Sa .4.l,...reta`g t . ,,,, , ,ti ;room INIU--alt Itll,l by the (staler,. tte pinugh or Alton machine.
It s.lll gather In ut td,to tnetve-arreli a doy, cab on.
~...r.., end ~n, u,to ,11,..., holCrureveryti aNltlgh or low,
rtbotit eat., the arse \ :II real, ford Huller. with
. el the em.l ar.,l the*-futtith albs I
We.. lb. other'! Jurt. melt nen! b . % the tner , .. t ,
,I, ~,,,,,,,,,u,ot, A ...torso, ~t , cow •AtAko.. *ill le. t ,
rat' ° lb r-lchan,.• 1,,
lilalil SC)I,ItI:INER. of F. Pa, '
oetse, b, , , , .. A, O Irl tbe Co.
alas t
!I R0C i. 08 1 A:41. 1 11V , L. 1... l- n, A1;1 , ,,i,
06, 1.. 1 1,
;::::o " .1 "-'''''. '-'0
` ;li. ill ' u ' i - ii ` ireigisqii,E; -1,
.-. tier of Marini ittel kourth , e , tc.
or ~ t oo, t v of the above „e 1, ,, nu „hare,. from lit inq.
prter, sod beteg the carer, e,3, thsrb. glean so to Aft
stofeet44l to our toottorner, heretrl,rea ha, Just. 1,,r1 ...
501'.0-frt , ta 57 y. up te On,. unallrierk Also. the Lt.
t.,,, and Am 5,,,... pn..hmoostne White .annels, and
all ........,..,..n. nt.narkini; I.launelt '
v sii_ , \
, .
Ifhl bbS .11.aek. No Viackerek, . .
:, druron NelrittAn
Ib4 Idds Lakes ts.t:rns.tahnee. and hltefich:
In sued order and[,. tele -. 'l, • \ 1
.A.J., J. tit V ri . s it.'. Lit' ct Al.
14 . ISU - I '''
I. I,bls 1+,11. - , bn \Visr4,4. Dl '
\ - •
• ~, 1,f..
,5,,, •,, ‘. ... \ Far..
co. s \
ihauto)t, i r rytt.s . a .
i 2.ROC.ERIES .ie- 0. \
1."..5u bag. Klo-LnAtt, t, . C. ,. :12 ,
hf ch... I\eu.. - ,I. hre• l' L,
7 - 'zit6. -- , ~ I.,'t:lt,c - ,,,V,:nr. •
tbL.lin'd'::. -,, ..,-.0.e.P.m Sal
' "Jr qtr. Oqrn 'Broom
Zmroon. o. ' lalign, 'i.lbte 4 Judo!" 01..?:\ e•l'd:
lu Germs li•cr. ' ' Ear tale bet, .
I . INEGA R-50 bbls. for sale by ‘ 1
1 11
I 1 RI ED PEACLIES--400.bu. for sale by
..9 o- . .. 2:. '•s. LITTLE a (A?
IN' aII •:--. h) keg ) ' ',I '''
f• \ "
i J... -.., ,A 111,, s i nes , Or s a le ! . y
1 0,2 • z• nOWON4. II- ILE A CO.
•----- . --1
NG I IKON-450 toolsßens - r e lletal: ° .,1
• ....xl .", mai Creek. ',, ,
50 - , Shade • •,,
I r ear:., ROIIISON. , LITTLE*C , I .,
1,1 OLASSE ' S k syo • AN— , , \
..1. lIN btr.
~`,.. ;: i t
, o'k'ra.
14 \ hhd.‘ N.t SIA:4 - . , .f0r sale by ~
and T ". r..
LP F t O. ,
\C .----- 7.. -
'OBACCO. .i. 4 ,7.• s \
b . ' ..
rl 's
1 ... i\ ' s ..r: \
I. k..n.. T .. ......., \
In 1 .%111t. NS,
. 1,... ' ..1 Por gala to
~::,• . BISON. Lirs„lE .A . O.
( )11..5. ROSIN--20 bk , .llf . T ia lllrri' Olfi , •
- • N: ,. . I Rosin: or ,_ sa ‘ le bt
ed.". IMO ~tIN. LITTLE A Co '
N' [ UL).SES-e' l s ciirl.uhcliti;'so.:.• 0. , Br
Vs itt, bs :i
. For Rale by A. CIiLIFMIT?O' A CO Q\
V. - INF:GAR-100 pith. forlate by ~ •
✓ ce2:, a. CULDER,TSuN A CO. \ . 2,
[;RANDY-5 casks Wild Llievvy Bran ,
1./ for ' , lr . br A. CVLDERT NI- CO. -
- - , . , ...... - .
It 4A Y. UFA CTU LIED TOR ACC 'lso„bxs.
~..`"'''' ''`.'"''''
b4 Va . . " grnmtiaN ' :cO\
ft rrl,oo ii • - ,:t.,a
',ATI...NT TIJAEA r-... s. 1 po ,
1 ,11,....t. from the ,rn.nufortory, and for sale it, prim
.• +nit burst...ere \ oelBA, C AIIIRITIPS.OT. \
, ORN STAitOl-.100 Nbs., n choice rte ,
• ' . 4 .................... 4 1 \.if55..50r4bs died' abd 11 cis
nupo.ea It to extent.' y sues. ea; .err nine lk.i.rl
•s the iv...ration of , o`jrner, bla , planes. b Neseree.
n.osnl., griddle cokes, phrrnige..e.., Ito Lb /.. I r.nncl
nark..., with full dlneeti A. ist neef, ter rude by
r"7'' J. NIID ••Oti., co Wroal`... \
- I
1 . ranted' to ADor
‘ l . lsllkir r
~, firrllr.?A u usr , t4r ti llgtLt . :
' Zir%1A.A 8 7A 5 t 4 ....1K nAu.Je. ' 'or br I,
feJ, % J. ETD If , CO.. n'd!%Tond
' E
goodz.,t,e.F..townera ii.\,,t50.0,1,(gr,,,
ta..o o 7.l.z . Lisz D v i,
c t ‘r e c iZ.\ 0„ :,,v, \ \
:.' . 7 't ‘c . -7 ,, !:‘.. \
- Crib Plankel., hbe.) '‘ .
' ; - deaas•bloo• d . 4 T- , \'
ri oßAckx - fi-4 . 00 b c "she 06 's s's
11 .s!S ` i - ''''
'''''''''''' . ' s f t i iils wspl-s co. \
(ICIFFEE-7s bOgN pr) 7 iu, tritring anepl
.. for 'ale by .lIN 111,.,...T__T_ . *:•_/ - iL
LE UTTER-1600 ll'T prim . mr.v Yakked,'
i y for lob- to JO A. Aft 6 Crl.
di 1 LASS - 8 00 boxt... ' . oVinclo •, aLd !qtr..,
fttor este .1 , 1 \ JOII ‘ N V TIACO. , \
Itti OLASSES--20 bblk S. \ll. :' rd{{., tot.,
I. .....1, ' VoIIN lc A CL, •
1 . -.....----- - \t- ~. \ ,
SLINDRIES--300 duz. Carr. It o . uns; ~
..To ... , I‘fr, N. 'i!.. Leaf r, \ ;,,
i y 0„,,. „ I 0.„14.,P" Loa Ind
4 r a l ll ' , ' , '* r .
ifiJTTER-Fresh rimii;;' , o2 !RACK, r `'dduil3i
b.' l. I , •!•=1 ‘,.___ 2 . ,,,1.Ar)A NI , ELl3\ , ‘
it 1 11E1BE-500 boxek raidand for. ali• Iv&
v_./ .3 \ S. n. CASSIE D., 'S \
l ' iiiTSil-10 bbis. L.mke . Arotlt; ': I
I ID bf. •• . ,t; for sale by
,J.itCA ts 111..1.D. ..
J4I NSEED OIL-10 libls.Hneiwold's bran
for sale by . 3 11. OANTIELD.
-- e ~•
I)EARL ASII-213 enAks fotksca, by
, \d. a 0./.;.
_I F_+l . 2. '
QUIRTS .1., DRA WS do Men's
0 1... a. Wool nail. stile...ere, let , * bT ,,
O.'ILK v.ELvvrs—_ pcs. muskdes aide
'pin nowopening by A... 3IASAYA,;*C ,„
Y t lIILDREN ' S ZEPHYAW itsTnp--tuix
I_,/ do_ Swam:, Hoods and Co4 , ort tact renal top \
1 ,) 11, A . . MASON C. CO. are . 110 opeali
pieces alallvand Esney valor,. au ... >b ~
an metre, and . are datly,,rrdnd
..,, ..•
, tine Dm= t/s
I S ILBiT US-100 lxaf kp l itit: . ,
, Lt r , me
FilOW YARN-1 sack foi., sale b
\ '
.... odZ -
A. B. c
WOLIN 00 I 4 tit.H W. •
Ibis raper receied sud'iltYwaA ttel true bilvaDerne. Aram I
v as... ' \ ' \ 8
...• s MOVENENtB s .br
. 4 .rtilAte.. °T i ; \ "'"?....El - .'
YS 01 8311.100 TO A 57031 SUB UNITRD
1/ ROM 1010 a, ' , 00
2OF OLASUOII7. Leitch. f or hliglelphla. Oct 8 at.
AUADA. Leach. An N lark ..- . . ... ........., .. Oct 11 e
WM. rize,Rir N liork-.....,....-, - Oct 1 qe
t ROPA. Lon : for Boston.- -Oct II
NKLIN. ?rotten: from Nauru- . • A.- Oct 22
LTIC. Comstuk, for N York . .. 8 Ort 2 6
AoIIINUTON, Floyd, from Aremen • Ort 31
tuna 00 UNIT= 0.10., " \ \ : .
lA, Lana, Rom N York \ Oct 11
. LANTIC. Wen. tuna N Y .ork .. . . A . \ . ....... ..
`.BICA. Shannon, trom Doston .' ' Ort 26 • •
• 'it 31AN NWlLvan, for Drew a o'
• \ ‘''' 1
111 - 10, NY , hum I, York \ . _ \ . Nov 0 9 l
ifto73. Lt st. hem Bonen 8 _ I,3nr 12 ~n z'
LeSKLIN, St otter,. for Horn., . ... , \ Nov IS do
ASIHNOTON. Flotd, for Donor° . . ... -., .Nov .3
All Onto 10.1 for LnertuaL ml, oth,-.1" list •
• /01. movers F
'ollllh JONATII
All Leona and,Neanuper* out. Ass Englaod.lo- t
ad lot lionland lw sent by the aryl banes, no mtUnr ,`.
what line \ A T,
hater. tothi Cot ot of lioroPe, be .11*Callitt's Line. ,i,
.0 , Muted ter n one mots awl
to tor fb
9.• bill , . AN 01 . 4 be IneltabYln full
...-......,........" ‘[
.. tet prepaid Are can • slog 8 ra... excl; to thlWe
a rewired Ds tie reap d In full.
Latter* by the Havre Lin matt ba prepaid t cat] . Wu ,
Inland 'osttuta to be added, pt to I
mhalf maw
netreimPert by cab. LOP, the Contioent tatlet be .4
P.I four mote each I \ • D
Intend Poste man 'toe add on Letters and Niwalta - ' Y r .
nto 11,6' fa neotof Illprotu. h be llama aseeknuten
--, •
P/TriIDTIDADt • • t * . • A
Orrlac\Pirr” Cl
so aarrn. I y
Thmadar Mormat. t ..lies 30..7
The weather yesterday er.s doh •d gloomy,
lob rain during the afternoon, liar r;
re and bunte
en gmlitrally were in fine spirits. in ~
-tton of •
•Al nu. In Ibe elver, of which, at ei k nt writing.
err Is every yrovrect In cotomntertru o tb Inclement m
eather. bodreue doting the day. 000 0000(01 er dull. 7,
..2 no:11104ot inferrer trantgored in thAmarAtt. P•
FLOOD- In the absence of receipts to i.r I' xtent
es were [united. at 13 .2.1 ell 82 3 for •• 2 ..!' ' 13 1 for
trn, Rom Ann bipeds. and from Woe at 53' eh! , ' 60
bbl. for 0.1. ant2estru ,
tiIIAIN-Thi:fOrket Is pretty well supplied. d e•
ouch:angel?, Sales of wheat since last repo l''' •11 F .
16•4n2/c. 1310 Ito OW at 200 gOrley o 50146r0. \ re
o Cora in market. \
IieCKIVIIYAT FLOOR-831v. II rkv. form 600 itattaL jA
$lOl 12% "6 Or orl/8 En The owe being cold at SI 23 r .
\sack Rem gore 8
9 6. CON S -Salsa 18300 gr , in 100-, at ;tee for shoulder?. 9 it.
10Afor hams. .
0 ROCEDIF-u-The merlon continuos needy at full pH
Ai.. of 31) Molt Stow, in lols,,prllicloally at by t e, \
tor a. 'high as G 0•• lv Conee. firm at elf, width Ls about X rr
rulitegrate 100 Rio. Molasses I. nailyg 0 35 . ( , 01 .7r , V , be
oILS-Small mho Lowed I\so No 1 Lard'at 70, 002
fen lit tallim \\
cilmsn-Sal," In the past tau day* of t •li/ but at 6 (f)
,? tb Levity. are h•avy\ .8 \ '
Itt.TTlnt-Tiona iv a fair demur at LS 66 Venn t good l',',
11.10011 for keg.
19102-8, era ru and high. I bush egg Td
• commend 144315 e V dozen.
411,EASti LAIID-ls selling at 6',:4:0 g,
THISKI2I-A fan general bum ...s. I, oing at 7.11832 , It
, ,
,e enifon.itod DI fer raw. ' \ \-..,
. \ \
BoattmOct. 231
Fl. Illetter ruling in the t tract. but no Ozone In ,
o , l :l . fg(tt. O EI 7: 1 31 t e11 ° 1•731745 ° 70 . O b irPidl, l kgz 0 .
nocormAtr bel. 0114 00 id• 4.0/ It 80087 44 4194 4 418 M .
bin, rs. \ Dot hole doing 1 , 'tantbent; small sallos at,
I AIN; W•bh, MCO
Iced it but little C tit ale., and thy .leitt r d
ihnlted trkeing.4l Mtg. Wenn le talked 0.60.401.0 rd Y .1.
Ilea! 4/ 8 - I.c.`flopritoe lo tr .sket. white fiSo $1 b,. mutt, II
.ila are la i n . liereand at 4 4•e
for Nogther 0, and 3316 36
Southern Sevin entre 1110 et 700. 7 .sh,+ I
9,.., \ i - ' \ 0
our-The ' g raro tortta present( borhieva , -
~- • are Arta ai r $2. IS 1 61 3; m i e n
s. common *ad mixed
hikand IlichganvW, 121 31 1,4 3 112,10 r Miry wed chow ,
• Unwell yareelslc \ \ \
1104-Whtat 100.3t13,e7 and holders enlist M1 1 44 1 : 11 .
• Zelltte , grime red • 10, od Mc tor *Wu Middx..-
. Is eery tram but trot 3 , oty. with Wes BON) Onat 41 1
„MX< Alicat. painmialkylthe formerly.* T ~z . ,_
• st 2u9sral wanted. "A . 8
nowt- hear of no \ '' ' ltters. The otarke, it \ 11l
bought; art. open at almnii4 : 60. Dora. 001014 Ontiattl I
dy tm mlllia to ko this el fur early delimmrtho
Olen min. or hold at blzkvk Iltur...The pinion
0n...m.0 is, that *114.3 mill be about, them \ \
ailing ratmcf liher tenon-iLocialta.... 0.23. ..\
\ \ --*- 4 -\,, \ . s'
027301 BOAT toJLLIbIO.4-1%1414. from the Louis
illedouratl oaiheth 10.tant, 'falaer km aouleMt of
.111,1nt, keterAm t stramets.7 Aditm 00,1E1..16)c-
I t4fro
ow* Obit:hal a tAcaraphia de ...'
\the other vieT,
' tit l e ''‘. 741'01 , 0 41',. 1 ,,._" .- ° th 1 1. 1 5 ,0,„..."84r£111 1 g. •
''' , o::,:7o,,..foliariiiplala''••ua '1 .1.1. u• Adam* VI&
~. ding. aud 01,3 01.6 wending. \CYO_ L. wee ocitim'
unit ..I.ok and .0 tlno thtlby aboutvoottand. 11e
ko3 • u.l , t ace•der beb,JionW up thfc,ftkif 0 . b fa. f..
i col , . tapp ed hich ho mpilid that ham.. malt until
1 Sh lby ta her tell, Iblett sawn I.4A , Olhowe'Ver ,
1. r, .aut L saw thai a milltition was Jean le Wu...,
l t
. ?t, " trtin ec b l. litt ''' a, ' , , T.l ' .= ° k4\-4 , (1. 'ig
`.. .... nuok few
2 the Aun'a \ f .rd•lor- \
we • • d <lt* eau ß bad .1 001 f e.t . d.. JP*, fell
ter . . tolher dom., . ifin'efoal" .. .- ' ff. °I n' 4.
ire "' 0 " V ° o. f r % b . ° Ad oeTo o o:l7 d kre•P=4. "l lB4lfiti
ISsir.. 0 IsMILS th r iven doma, gild. set ber (10.
a \
e ag t. A e- .
, o , ny
\ elie a her, ,e-ven.r . to sbary . .2,:tto
mats and . wAr the A extlngun a fhe taws ,
\ 8 \ A CARD, \' ; l ' . ..,.
\ \ .
lirmatlon„ Ort
We, the tin \ .l{rsinneil, passengers Oak board de .:
woe Jaw* %Alum: Cain 'Home. °otter 11.. tr ip (tom \ •
i b e ar, to yntel,44ll, \ tate yleamm to bovine itSti
•ay to the oeoruloNe treltkuent of tbe officer*. and take
tkl , onthod of• r thank., •ol men wenn
to• nd tbt Helmer ULM. 11 son mt. traning-yommu
.ll. elk the sennotok. th t .11 that too h ..‘e,to pro
. o tbeir comfort mill ..t render., 1000 by e ken.-
ta• 1,t . •i1k., and meg ull rdeutarly m.o. eiki liir.
V, `ll.lckhr. clerk .f tb boa for tar urbauit7l' *f
ea lob \ \ • . 4 . .
W,.. 11kt Dankhent. HI Hergtnet Jab. ..A,
Stn , • , '. , \,11m 1 1 . I k ll . llll,
31. Mriee. r. 3, et - 3Datoh 1,
81bn 31 'be. liars 18sulet.
11..7 A . 31 . 130.0.. Nte,. Rt Hi, Calhoun
to 31.
0 . 1tg, u ,55 . i1e ,.. 110rd0. ,,,,.
Wee II Sandllyng.
Use n'uYu'l 8 31141.1.41.
Mr. Halcm.m.•
I. Joon, s, 3112 it4tall ••
~ 4 . 4 „,,, , \ t• 2 A p o \ ,
J CO.mobell.‘ ~ U flanil , to.
,Yl.rrtne d WY. A .1 Mol4tS, ii
8' &beers. .. H SI Cures.
tieleibion, \ ‘,. AR . Witthii.,
' Vy . l it u j' i Lit i ug h t mt,. \ . ii trMAU,
0 llama, •
C Ittimeil. ' tulkt \
W J \ 'motel, 1 Shepherd. t, \ \ r
ri Rea bity, t
J W P ion.,
J S 800
..... 2: ,,, : ,, \ \ :
Ny u Thorny..T . 4 Licit A •
I lio.d.
If.' : ! . = ''' ' \''
J 31 fret •
D cLai.
f d>anyimit. lf 4. 3 Gkr ~ \
J ll Tigti .
If ': onlata, J AI A
J R .e, \\
L. J Banklaid.
._ . . . ' .... -
PO ' T Of \`, \ eITTSI3 RGI4,.
nem hem ina N!c't 6 irld... rn c•.. 1 by metal
mare. at du. , 1.13 *TA lolik\aad at aid.
\ \ 0..i1R - En., '
\ ‘.1.31th LiergiMid,3lcßeoMort•
1 Ithtund, P.M rneetit..
I yos Phtmer. Dailey. ...nee...
1 eitatt i gil ' atlf 1
ft. n ...Nom ItleArert \ •
o r\k rf‘ t
JaM ' Necor. o ...3 MY*. ' , he., R . \ \
licit e....b., L. 1.. 'y \ •
n, I..rtvd, \ \‘‘, , \
\ \ 14/tPARKED '
Att... PgrAtamm Crown.. A
Nie k i n' tegUilanc "lll ... at
ring. ourntel Wegabe. se .
• deoeme, Baile, Cog bevlon. . N
limiter. Gordon, ger.
• Hid..., nolet. mr.
•,, lleq
corn Plon v tiir ii elonr, Wheel. . \
l'o7tO r rn's. ‘ doMP.7-st.:e.trilT
.. ''
, \ ,
' BOATS 1RA14.40 Ira 1.41.1.-.
D 1-.11 .. l en'. Paamnaer Packet le "to dally \ lOO O a ....
LOCIITILLE-Tertoont \\
\ A\
\ IaILEELLNO-Winiditster. ‘
\ W1117.1,1NG-Jaa,liel.... \ \
r 7 ..,. \
\ nantrorenAt 'OA. me
i Del3WNYltchn. a /), R. and 6rit % I
\ -
s ec, •rticeman -rb. to. I. la draught 0 , .10. , .
ant Ratan , will Ira. '... berg \ this mor a at 1.3
U \
~, . , -•••-- ,‘,
sea lonruas-The splendid . kel Mar 0 ‘ nut.
Cart \ nod. , 1.) \ Ifiile 0 10.01 ad, aftentoo 4\l
\ ~ '
tor Inty• ii „ de .packet Attla ItioNeboa, et t
Mor, et leave ' a enthig MOnaitly 110 d'elock. n s
F. \• Warylygo-Tho sp, id zumr inake ... Winch.- ,
Vf ~..r ..,. .111. \ea. shot* at 10 o•• cek \ this day.
\ wlinsiVea DA:iiii ‘ ,4,7. ban sbrea ski.. * A llay.
E4 . • , 10 RAI & ftal ti do DY. White.. o 111 a P
rshalll, pis goor I iron slOrtfl A W1G,... lour
Yea. 4 ..alta. W.. \ tam R. 1-arrytb 02
to.. PlAa Hu tufty A .t...A IC \ do
obeli Hilmar. a Noble. 0 ht.i.mplitea L AIL.... do
t,,,,,... 0 , 1 : , t as MUM Armetmue 4`,7? , 1 .e. ...bll3 .
tultS‘ i, :rat.itlasu ware liotitiOnit. Ado ctunl ,
3 hx. in lcCanileni A Compbaik,ll4.l.l. boor mete . .
13 d ub ner I emptY ale bbl 3 tro6.o.6l,rest, 14 4 . 3.• • •
t= kmrs illter d bat'lwana loestmoci. \ oan \
'NREAVIItITP. Blacia-t33 hat clam nneld Y. PhlV 3
.; 4 rtuvit 4.184411[4 M 31 lt cork •I do Anew CA to•sta '
haled boxellitPlUmso bbla anal. II: 004.1 A Cao.yhe;
1 onb. Etagarl 11 A 1) Debates ; 2 ha a miner ' 11 al 4 1.1.-
liatiyb, 434 bkArheest..l , a Caugbey; ltand \l\ an butter w
n wcaiendep: Edo dim, R Daltelln, tin .3 Ham
m-id. it bay woo/ s /cm.: lat ar /cod k 4. beim.-
' cazkert, 1 \ \ ‘\\l-\,,
' eINeI,4•RATIJAMa 11.. Commut-1 Ls. • Mou
-1 t1..1..q c p ..,, tn\.ebrriv7 i,, , ,,,
hal ' r A Du ' ril;•, .otd umuyeouode.rlMAK 44 , to N r 4., 2 ~
. 6. ' reras c k
A tranyhoksi kat.. 10 do inn 'MAO. b ek
t \ ut 10 imsti bile tudni , W Armtdrong: 3 bbrilnakuilw
. 0,410 1 dio whilikcylV Binham; lOrl I* Kalail, \,,,,
, i,
\7 , Alleghi9‘ Rail \ road. ---
y e p_ jt.
p a l u r ard.; . i ti ; u f h th or l A tl ru irc . cti ic ttlo d f
.tp a ck i:
~,,,,r x :h. , ANIL 14, entitled-in Act fur !h. 1 \
intotrati Of fb* Mitadmith,itttannitui aml Warr.
g g ii y; link. erUloutmettulfotentoollotlune
. tl, eoltaautoet of MkrenooM at 10 p . ....A.31..
on Welaesnar/./ , e , enih/ , th. 1 401 }, ' 0 tn. eti dale nu
tad,. the toy dt rittabuigh, toms, nueopealocms day to
day tiUmettkleyd number or abairt ‘ may b. Mutim - ribtal
Tare& 0 ' 3117 . \\,, WH.11.0111313.04 \ J
, A l b! ra t yR., f L 3 f. \ pnultur. IL Willy '
lIIitANCIISICAJLI, ' V s \ I.oAlhrtniktYcli.V At.)
\JAM ito3/ dli) DEl\ \ . °town 4.aurai,
ttokiktYSlLK._ \ , re.%usr. pain).
13k 1 -... n if i kfift ; 4lf o l. , •\ vap m cil i d .z..
ty,V,VsPlar \ \ 54.1 1 4 1 c iag \
1 1 / I YROLDIi \ '-, ". '1 .
1 .
•-w-ewe ete......a, '•,
' \ Notice to duo* \ ~
HE JEKIES sunimoried ittetal Rt.a
pimiot Court for the co.!, of A 'e be r: on the ,
Eiooday, (04 4.4 of Nei..., E. V4I, are hare- \
• untitled that th eir %mode., cm th aa - trtll trot he \
• nifett. Byrnaler oft!. Cadet),; JrAtalli CB, Seg. ~.
:girders utwer., Match. le.. 3), .igt
" \ •• ~,•• ,5..11‘.
, , Prinshiat Op.. 1.5.1.
oink)l. ,
115 MIA:TORS of the 1 ,. , ,,11ing
C._ ryssr ormrm. r...”.•ibi. ,, mim. •Ams• \ •
but o f nlity (.4 13:1 011,64 b 1.... INT l2l.:capa'al 5 I, .\.,,i, \
4 COmPtorion.holllkarthle pr_ , t.,.r• ~,ii,,...t. as.. ,
hr, and eh. o th er en et . lefhie ito. 21 , th J. •bri
ext. at th eir office so t ip ow.
row. ,
, ' XIN VI. I",f iTII. , It \ T s rep • •
•- - -
To ` tiers. • -,.- ••
' 110POSALS (or th efeetio! n 1; Se. Psill'A .
rattled./ to tat. cite. w tl, e es t at ci, c:,., . it. ,
. e ben , until tl.teith oil l, inter. reo.
esetifthere thoiti
comfit:ant of pentractemel se Ltd. pe 0 . the rate
N A ., e a., the plata out spexiNt• ore to- re's., for in
•, ork newt., a he, ae ilac s buildlok`,
toles Toot' .01 oco, the podeaci, .i. • t• . v holcto to lei \
vat. n*Lis,lli, It.e Arcni.ret ill ~,,,,,,,It ~,,,,
, \haw to 1,,d0r gt.teweea,tp-Pire
, pistoled... , qt
III.k: SEA/ONG SOCIETY c mected, t'i'it \
the - F met hrobieerian.C.r.. I. niothem. fa
. to hold a r VSTIVAI. In nit of thp, hureh,.rtt
B, e . Do.tiows,,ln h., Ortiries 1. ode, and taise .
rt. , for cal. article, will re e . 1....0. ,. . lily re...1,A , ,
r. Thomas litnnoi
„,,,. ...No. il Wu,' eIN wean °Cat \
p or th, Lai kindly VI.. tom:el. oPylt oosants.,,,t. , A
her ma) alechbeleft at the tooth-zee It the ntecriber, v" 7
. Dtrialogham. ~ , 1184. 11. E. ORADVID, ,
\... ~
Lectures ' al Philo Halt
-,lmportant Silent.: illsecveries ty Vit. KX Y,'
t t he, by which br teert,, ,, l,he--111tod•Ve
elf,ll.,Cri poor, the .tab up.pept:e. lhehot ... the Mow
•atir, Ota Epileptic, the 0E1.4 of D 4 , -t k coal. I 8 _
up, Niel, Kidney: Liver ~-boot 1h.,,...i, ',oil,
•rolitla.l , 1,400 Uteri in short, all chow., iOrldbt to
I.\. \
otter. e.. Asylum boort. rag pert 4 dar• f.r
.da r t.'N oat, corer. Ea. ',Waled trill-J. taro.. a
leseick.. Tickets $lO. the poortivabd,tramitectily
dmiodow , 34,nts int gentlemen. lunatos for Isoliet.• • •
RAND i51ik.17.1.1, ,MUSICAL 1 1 01:,`",1 , 1 1 AMERICA.
EAVlNG . thl . riemlly shores of ‘this great!
country tails,. t hpetttE, to radon.. to Echoic, feels!
n't ous - Tr• rt. owe to tour of the • olpollid calico in
bleb she hat b. newts. wltla err noteZt kinclnots and
• mitacence. tether. to her , Oey ma, ihtteleal idte. •
here the h at oot bad tic. Ipinor to tic,. ashi shr ,, begs to
, velour. titet al, will e freer
o the ilostal Am..- and .
tibi, of thin eiti. at the \ • .V'
LETAT • n HALL. ' `
1...1.3-".,..5mg. ra,,,,..r5i, • 1.1.31. het Ene„t ;
... •
L 371,TC ENTI( TA f.v.l/P...VT, \ :::.,..
PARTLY 11CC•STr11itS, ' ••• • \P)- o
ombining tho aitnarttno of C; NCtilil' DPEllit..darrt e '
need mt. plan of thew pop., isr.rd andhew ret, ,t.
...tees re - blite Madame A. 8.., ntl.. sc) anceteitrul,...".„.- `.
In therrite of the evenlng. Po solar Soo., Daltadap" N
u r et e r l344oP wil a iv Drama. Ca•i l
.tencell. h. TAL.. - ,\ •
t.j..01.0 COWL:a eOw llooeti ; of lito,/i0C118.\,::
ma: . tars tobodolyancou.taki • :. foal' •
, a
. xcliedfaE.dif,. ea I . thiscrocrt„por '37 . ; imr,
TiN Electionll4 thirteen .Dima of this ,
y..x. to N•nrpVering, the en.iit . ica: . I. an te, hl
t i bot . kb:, 110.01,11.0 NlCl,ilt, the 1.01 Etat ./NO SY., 1
te I ,A . T11031.1811.11017, 5, '5. ?r.
t \ s,
E Mal El ti
Pttes Aea lwv oli tt, October la, 1 \lll, \ '
fpr Thirteen Di
orsiif ;211.1r- with tell at the DattkihE •
o . fon i. , thi /tit Jay ol', tomb, heat, heti..
'• :,Tl * -t c•l , \ I•lhkla,'• M.
"d '`, 0.1:I/1:1 • 1 1 1T.C.aeltirr. \
\ 110. 1 / 2 or peer 1. Om.. 17. DEI. \ .
• 4 1 . D i e. EDECTIEtN for 1f; een Directors of \\
this Bank for thite,oing -, will be: belt' tithe \
Ito og lion* on nhlay.the.s.
Jilt. 'C
of toirect. \
r o ars lorlhallt. , • .41, 87• 111., Csahlri. \ \
ilonat, i of He \ \
- . \
1 115 subseriberNfor the Ireketion of an •
noofe of Reiliii fEralT.erein ek,Asilromix. it. •
tete • i notified that ...ensnicht of thi Mt" if dh• •
0 0
e moodot...beesthed Aby leirh. te nature. to en meld tb
ha Tlexitamr, on or ijiglN . tia
, 1 . , 5 .11 1 1 , , 2 . ? . .W . h0t. 1 1ter
ti •I I 1 cr'"I•I lO fjpek 11ANN ' E.trtetit.; , P
N .
/4,. e... 8., 9.-craw ~ F , he
b.. . c 'fic , c to nt i„ ir;t1 ,3 8 ,.
tor autfi l r A rNer'swate=tor it ' c ' r l T. l ne • ceived hitio; om
ef e
the gentleman whn turthasol it Os la. tftectattinT ?..
Linter, in. ord. to edlead those-Act ex morel. ado?, bait A
oot seen(his Illoiralltil sire.= 01.4 irk. Pi.. an \
opportunity \ to'call \ and exam op tht, r
„ 1 / 4 e, KLEviin , \
... , T \
oc s ), Aor \ ot\ibi\x•oo. a k:irN0i , : . ...4 toe. r s
g, \ .Peoln &Co ' A .\ ,
\ EAGI: ‘ ..i3GT:TONicrit\a s - \
WPARUl i t ill' '‘ lt h e : Nag 'I
DT C01;0 1 [01 17 1 LG li ‘
I t latrine c w \c,,,„1, r , w %!,,,,,,,di
Acente''or tale of ./,'Olic lima. Ban t
INUE. \\ , \ . . t
•••• e • 3' • i .a - fee' . 15 tA. , te. \
A s . wiik2. & co: • _:\ \. \
4,,...,. ~,..-it7.l OM.
Weaken fawt R. n^nee. . 1 ~ i
'r V:r 'L'll j; " lngl.d....7.- .Z....... 1 ,' 1 • ee .
No . ". ..17 , 014t110110n.... .... . ... - .... • = 1 :-..^.4 3
mots.. avieta. MEM.
New ici a tt .4 ithiladetithia....---- a 4 I" \
ii i .4 1 .A . : 1 / 4 1. , ..F .,; 4.3.1 3 - f rL lO l l ) . s . ...e i l l Sl oo, •<: i. : . l! .. edit,
will b... pre.. far larperatots o4..Ttaralv •d
Lalcr U y O of thit alert. where yin atilt inal*lionati- . \
Id gotowantot ...tire nev• at yle of Fitnes s 1.4, hat.
an t „Netter • Doripets. and Trhstostage, or ve., t ica , ictil , ads,
..i.1.1r tor thrtoteon. \ , \ •
1' e. Childotee'likrets.„ , lldies . Ctia no Pud re. - •
`s , ••_,_etr
\ t4,lbetthllill 1 JF . ,, , r ......_ .
\ \ ''O. PriaterS. ~- - \ , A. \
i?ItIETING 'O.PFICE, amply s tipsllll
sith alt , naccanrT , oto:re ale fee donut a iiiet \ate
o and Job D... 1 , 4 itt, city. together withal
i sr, .
rrpited, lea. or the iietales.w. tv..p.l wilt to.. In IN,Ab¢.-lt•
(owl fen Sale. - The mairrEtla or- all to 0401 0rd,....1
;tonally otw. mend tar the pent,. are entaie4 la otturV i
tem ohl los 41 vev7 much blow, their value,. A -
\ 6,Niatiag. lerca, The icce•oarceo , actr an chewing 'w ~. 0.,
\ 4tomfre. Fof parimiarbooilt at toles:2m
17 - .l.4aevii t
Lei ,l t rutinis,
Dram: pianos 1 \ . , \
1 -. •§T RECEIVED a splendidm
~,,,ktavo Nnirwnial foll,„..1 GlLlthl)
Pet l \TEVi r t7,ll7s=ll l cerS lmA ati
lextieteck-allibe Inwet iinproecesenth emir ‘rct patent. tar. ,
weir bib, akit hartaper, arcli...t.r...lnc mt ,, .... 1.
l'.°l7:4lrTpt'ittfax7 ct ' .; .' ,' ' ,f ' . " 7 .. .; 1 .", :1, • ; ' & - ib . ...' d i ye r t . ' c llN
mer to rul e d toe tome - L.4 sweeteet L.. •111A111L V.. 5 ,
.1.1 a Up...Credal ',Yee i.niture lb exthentedytoch and \
\Oa micad taAte. Ibillmol , aii inditelicutosie ...Ming Or whodoeln t ilk* 111tah.gheLsOdoeferf, '
i . /isonnt . y . lhe , tg . gr , an la l o so ,o l7 l et , o , hge , r i, The ,
n7iLus utativedlecTO rand PinnO_lT,oll , C . .`,..111C., thc,Ortita-
.41!) h"'I'I'I ' lictirta ' etVt a !• .\ . orr!s X a b u i rttr - k. • ;
N 11, --Alto riceivest a refl...
exert... of
PI , - temluding tou\.ti.ille... . ',._ . ..\'
7- \ - • P(ttaot Sl:Ogles. .:
Ta a.. \\'
I E\SlllNGitmaJel,if IVranitt„, Pine, \
• • Cbeetbart. trlth .:we larprcrail Atingle: M. \
e, r rind the Hr. prenitiom at tow7slata Fair of Atte-
abet. '• oty. Thu ilarbi la In chi-anion at the Ditto '
11 1
Ylsol , og . RI of Pimp.. To to a t
\ Corl3l.c.Ehster. Dria •
howl two tett 101,0 thitaxi per datA , frocet the bloc., ' '
of, soy kin of timbre' that oin an) ionotev . . bletto - .
farther info aeon ir watile.i. lever M the isubil
b..-ek at D. o - ‘ - ,e• llotel.consenof Fano and 'leant....
hattburo'h. 1.131; N 1.1 111. 1 .0t0.U...
- -
irzlN's FINE, TOIL 'T 24).Q 1 8---111i11- `
INA ika t. arcattleohl, nail, TerVine, Ambit.
tile . Antandine. 'atchooly, RS., 1. Nee YX-4,.., Jenny
I, t ind.'Ca. Elarthaadlow, Sperm.* t
,The. *art am idoparent from Ikr P. nod Nish ma
tr`htle e. ace ariourieil.nalleil,br arty in t te• United tolia
-1E4..4.1.. re ..... , it- 11. ebb!, ..ri a rir wood.n. '
0 ,
AN I;\ .
I.)hprEE. Al.‘m\P,X \r, llA.N7
_RO If.,
\ l if, b l. 4 l: ' , ~':11'. : °:,1 , ,t,1 , '`.1,1„V_,,,,r,0V,. l '! . - ' -
• ,Ilviltatage on the. att.ii Wreabouthread.
Irtocte lentght ami Wad otoCiatimbrooca, .11
New Itiltble tiod.F4. e iir.% , tp e Worke..„
dd4Nn \a hit, \
extemirc\ittablishment o ihe y sitebt, litoetof
1 pol,' has Ma e ol4., trithch of Ike X..., diarSto, 't or t,
oliaceot to thee/met, elate, whore \ho at tot allanttleta Or
eri ',witty of Marble .4.l•kporr.Pact; i ar . Molitilpflat.,
Vanity. Toath Etnearc. Ms eat, rr.a • • ride . : Caorbibit
Fuel rencitig for Cry:tole. eA'Atr., ot net it.r-a
'ten' dumb , ' poriteralla brinAlocairw ea, •ri went to Om
twee eteri, he It prep.. to err•klltc cr.! rat ath TeridaPt
tude..4 txt). love
!tont ..".. diat,l'oPt fa a roOtitto
co of the Wrens= it.r.hrieforp \\. o,ran e. eselplA ,
IC RD J. C. C.,/E1.11471, .lili ‘ : , actu
_%•er :ling GI.. al. iNitriara an Deal
.to a. til.tea, eto ;"'" IEI est...ter ilo 1.1.11,
Latish rija,.. ia Pea li '
.)SAS C SMITH, N 11,i1Cier,T ‘ Tellit N. ,•,,1,..„
11,x4t 4 --21 , st.cul t r , , , JrA . a.Voe , bu , Akt = C V",..'
t.,: . ' Stai:pgi t =oilswitei` 1:;241. tea
' .
C: Its. Mafetillas. and Clollibrn'r ei ootmot cce,ile in dim`
...Fiat ciabt , br. , : \ crciclisi ‘ ' -
" \ DiSSOHltiOne \ ' '''' ' . ~)
?Slat. PARTN#SHIP here \lot ,' tA ~t ing
between tha>calranitters. \mil. 14 that. tylo
cc - John Caldwell...n.l'l* thcl - ib•rcie !It'd Le et... I
1,1 rennet. Tte• hNorwint Mei. , tens t 3,10, he at-eVI
hi Jolla OaldwelL \ JOHN CC 1., lath,
Mt. 1..15h1.. • . \ JANE., C. ',WELL.
1 . CO-P4ETNERS IP. ''
The uralersignell. tarlagto lied. a o- art-.
ti,t, ° ;:i . irtfol, h 4 s •To l i & r.T.g . l4! " o . i1 ' &14...1V r i,. ,
ri,oci,, it. the TanneryatEthe In. tlrla ",John ...add
- r-tra
lan ,,. pTEvA orengi 1110 1,. ..
C .
ALI iILX ~t kt"ket 1 1 .1 a-ms l ita ., ll W a...idAi, , l.
' P 'AND Ott4\c' .
e \• t
SA3.II , EVAE.IICIESEN . keep \Coca Indy 01\7
hand li coal liariortzarrit reNliall i,Lor r rob,
op t ., 8 ...Wet? Vat Neil, hatthen art brow /rocket. 1.
I Wcoden Ito th Users.. Dry steamer- h Zhao at ltheMT , '
\ Wash Owenle. • fit ether kinds oftwx, -a t tir , hC. . ' •
\ Waverrom, amiente,Llall, SIM atre).Lril. Earth Ps.
, Pc. N \PAIN\ \.-
111, JERSEY E. 1.0% 1 ,..1ND }II.NIN COATAN - 1
at Ntlstik, N.J.
Thlf-Co.arsar Is ptcp re.l h arilleb cwrrir 0 , ta....
A ZINC pAzzir., \ _:,
%I kith tem beta found after wirett/ ytrea' trial, bortliv
a tr::4 ,, e)atid the Hotted hts.r, ,,, ricicl i ll i ti . fiLtitthat.
7i 7 wlWer. TEttir ll•llm In i
• ••••\ ''7 \
. \ :WHITE ZINC DA:INT - .\ ',
i onstly ati,(Filde of Vet, abel it waroeiorti Lett lie. ail ,
adEtternilon .11 tmootati what... re. it cove. \well, a \
bee Muir whit:a 000 Or .ttrety 000 hola tho ih:ittimhihei ,
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efEED ZINC pArsTs.
Tbel. V , . farniebed at :\jcia.wriccoinit art crelosibreetir
\th. d " ' " .' ' MI b,e' l•ol W tl i , l.- .7,:i'' • I'"II.:I. for
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A eeti iron ntAaces tlity art yartitelarty.l.ble. aa Ilitei
Oros a att.; coortetion, are\ Sittircli prevent IMlthe
t they dry tiallitkl aod ng.naz• .t , ,,,,,..ttat1ir-baccee
tha nct ch.. Wei s er lite wear ritNt 7ri-ir P.0ti..."
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