EST.II3I.,ISHEI). IN 1786. , P IFrsI3ITRGiI i 4AZ E'l"l'E. . CUD LDALED Dllhk - A al/ WEEKLY BY , . WEr.P., & CO. lame= medoirt. , of f ,s,. 4,1 5 , ((5151.1 . 5.(01.111110r DOOM TO T. ran ten,S. . . .• 1 , ' ITEM'S. .41.1.111.Y--Oeve 1 dello. 4, mown, p.Thl• half .4. )r_ Blon Wt.. if sands :!• seen, • - elf - EMBLY-Two doll . . o: -.doze, .11 :Arno.. El as sittbe set:kiln:l on the 0-. •,.. 4 coodd lone - a`T. " • r`:;•,`11t,A,,.... 3 . --- -- .7:.... - .7: :,,,.; 0% . .riut e ....1, 4 Iv oath Elab to be aldrested2t.o . one re , • 4141100. paid enratiaoly is advutoc. No C lub l'ape-re 11l "„ ..seats!after Men rear cepireo, ankles the, moony la pent or ' BATES OF - .ASIVBItTIaNt.t. - Ina. MO hest of Moopaneil or lan) ont tom rt ha ......_...-$ o Pd • naelladmracenal Damerhen.. 0 •l;. . _ • -1 1. e. •• " Elrod aria-ki-....-....... .. .... 400 • 1, 1040 Mir. 5mant1im..........-.... 000 . • .-. 1. Pear months ..... ...... ..-. 10 Od :. • ' I lie; tredve ounethr .......---.. 18 00 • .4. n,flariCer Le. (5 Enna eel. 04. DM' achnea-.31 02 dic:indlar to, cam'. wildtti-maall.e.. • ,MiteSneare. obanetablee ar iikeoure (psr ad. . i -sum) etriontre of the ~ Yoe eacla aleliConal eluirt. inenneed Drones month, ad Me rad. ad Amnon ervert-1 on hr the ;early r$ ee. . eteirertiaotbrattif etc, ling a a-imam and red tier fi en lath 41 be nbargo/ no 0 o pure an t a balf. • •• . dubllginft not acocuubstehl 1,4 Itral wlerribecatteeto 104- 70 , 011h0 nmounc &went to tholtroDlixedian. • d.rmolinmrix candi...C. for- 000, 00 0.5 t h an the ete , I - ' tithed adereltircn to. • ... Adenxiioerneoto t o to .il l let on" the copy 14.- a enrol anmber. of lochertiort, eill let nardione.l UR forbid and Par mesa enc..' worillth4lo . • int terieilege of annex! airentlacto 1 • otrochr,JAniteel to their ounimeinlmtn booth., and all neleartiarmenta fax - tbe benedt of other perms.. ewtit as alind.rtiemonnto not • imainallattly connected with Moat own hdolanch and all .teclamea of wircrtimenuontm in lea - Mb: or embrdwl., .1.4 limits, wil t bt charta4 atone C.lldl ran. Yor . ::0401 - entete trm.lnt - atmertimeix. bill:,'will ho reepandollY , i 0 allioleroll. and prempt par.'. b. desired. i" - - All hlt,toesdentee for tharmatele hoodtiona, Om tom ' ',Betel., ward, townoldp, half i oth, pOO O,, mond..., and - .oh lltior, to Yochum:xi tense. parabln wand) . In ad ' Mardap notion to he elich, - 411.01 4.04 Death motto. In:tort - 4 nilhout etinnio, ant., stomnpa- Weed by feonbal or °Plenary 5.a....... and when ao acconnp.ied lo b. Odd for. ' o ' . - • /teenier mlevrtherb exid all Lino. conellog comminlca t lamb or requiring, notion, deoixreed to oall ealelsl.loo to 1'a1... bottom. Donner., c• dear Bathe entortalsonenta, these ohamee an Dud. fct'admittance-all oak. of pre. ea. adothons--onery anti. }loot to call atttardon to bombe extunderieto, odentleitol cer anoenled to proarol4 Lodi , eietaal tuteMat.. can emir len innarted with. the neaderotan-1- 4.-00 S Um; the nine isjo Cm paid fent to toe 05. • ended - MD. Neal mit...M r came w ill be B lur xed at the -- ova •ortntlea than home ter Due. , -Bishop. or Sir Dot., to be sharked triple price Them Llano. Petitions $.4. mett. • . lteal YAWN Aponte ared finctloneer , edecellstmeerda not e Lobs clamed ander- resell rates. hat . be allowed • die. _ 00.111. of thirty Maw and one third tor comb from the , swamt of Lida. - e wham aa enl.suvrer ts 10.150 tarns_ • ' One &vim More, inpertiona-- . ._.___2l fd - . - Do.- each additional larni l Mo - X7.: _...... 27 • . , 0, • alwrimment.tml fr. w: Lois T. 511..., - 7. ( - 005.13qualY. (10 lintat) one incerlion.L..--Elhents, la. . each additional inketion 2.5 cent, ' W alt ttantlentaderxtimer.en Es to be yald in adranee. • - - • - - • • - - - - -.•- -. . -BUSINESS S. CARDS. , .. , __ _ _ ..... __ __ ATTORNEYS. ' " FAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law-‘-office tv ea roman rt., botworn Ealth11;101 Rod Groat, Pitto • CIS: W EAYEIt, Attorney at.rLaw, Fourth letrect. war the Mayo OD.; TettabaraVa. Del. --tent et/en:le - 1 to promptly. toy •- b.tke . r.. 1,,,,,,,k,rd0nt0 omedm,,,, I : merrimmena TAR.. -'lLateof Uwn, Bad .ILatetof Indiana. 1200) Q kLIPHANT & TAYLOR, Attorneys at - 'A" Law-•Ofloo on Fourth str.nt.No.62K.betwoan Wood . mod 1 1- mithleo4 amt.. NW:burgh. Da .N. 11.--S. D. Leliplexast Al , Cocaralexten, ha- the Elate of b York. aplfe • A.A.ILINN 4: Co - LLYEIL Attorneys at Law • .110, on Tour. ttrot, aboro dimlthlleld. - . ' W; F. WHITE, Attorney at Law.-01- or • De an Great rt otremb need Youh. in Artbn.‘lloiLl• lan. 1'• inchaly - ,To• v..% G. L. B. - FETTERMAN, Attor- iT ,. ..,tAlip „ a u tL h ieen and Era) ftemdee .Ernes. No:n i ttb. , 0 1A3IES J. KMIN, Attorney at Law, office, In Tilghman Roll. corn.- of Grant r e ... arel Diamond a cf. lattrbearxh. e • . 1014.416 P Attorney RANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Attoey at Ls... .2i: N 0.174 Voilrth stray; intleb. ch. , ...TOWS :: W.ATSON,' Attorneys at Law, no. uo Tim rth street, l'lltsbargh. • • ezahence-Alemandor ODa Jahn Vertd•i. Esq.; lies - . ., Mertlain - 0 C4,-. W.. N. i'ree.- John t lemear, do coonbent; thee. 11 - Jackson. leittaborcim .Jahn,- p4l, ..8W.A.8.1) P.,JONES, Attornev at Law: * MeDen en roarth Miaart, boort.-n iral ...I Smith _ !ASPER E. 'BRADY, '. Att:Jrney at La*, OF No, an Bit. cermot. lattobet+.le. Pm. , I HARRISON SEWELL, Am , rne'v at Low, V Dido 8.. C0i,...,,.. Pd. taking- Deenaltionr. A t ic-Ir.:taro. rd„ f 0 ...4....i 7. 001N-....1 . 01:111.1.g. , 1 r 1 i tt - A! - - - ' BANKERS AND BROKERS, , CLEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers: 1 01.$1 Desk. in Brahma, Coin. 11.. k NM.. or-dio. 74 tentrth ottamt. - next door to ttei Bank of lattsbuigh. Col- lerbono etrefall.,_v attended to. and the proce.te remitted to a our hart of the Union. • _-• ode 11 .; WiliL rn l ,, / , T . ' , 1 0.r, & 2, r. 0 00., Ban k ers Wool PA Thihdetreeta. bUtrberch. • 'Ail m y mad, an Ilteeral term., and rollee.fronx Pleinctly attend.l tn. I 100 - .11 114 'LIKING, Banker and Exchange Broker, Jut ..114ortk tweet, Ddrr Ite Dank Notoo. 11111. of ti:., ~ elute.. Gold and Silt,. Strekt Ircabbt and oold. ' Tbethloltest market prino Doi) In Pee... fe , Aleb•Dc'cl, Mit/f•Dolitts, and Mexican and, Frenkh Doliont lo ..r 17VM:.LARIMER, JR., Banger and. Broker. ._ 7 r;.4th Wroth N 0.68. adjoinlnirthe rank of lelibd/arkb. ^ C ' WILKINS .& CO; Exchange Broken , . - .4 . 14. 4 f.a . th Malt Dnmenof Thlrd and llatket neer.. AU • tit rotwt liberal mt.. . HOLMES A SON. llcalers in Foreign • . and Doce.ho Dills of Eibbant,4.oertLiesetto or I-..- • N C'.l -, 1 tot are F. .=.;_ B"k ' l,...el " Vntltrie S =:', ol ' a ' " 10 . iL ' ef re ' rig t ool ' e-10 .7 •1 . thcomactort . 40. 7... annardo sairl. a x - i ,' RATIM, Bankers awl Ex- Myance. brokern Dealors ha. Frettio. and 11.3,111 aOf Rrehater., Contd.,. of newel.. Dank Neter-- OW E L nonhoe of Th bldiel.ird and Wood streele, 01 1.0011 .00100,10 tta• Et. bonite MAILD.* IR,YIS Comm Lesion Meroharue Dnd 1141111.kora No.ll I FaroeMeech Bon:ma and eft arcenti. Lea. 011.1 to 010,04,1 a... on hanl VIM-OAV 1,-.11.....--10511CA 11,01 , 01.2. 00117 RIALILER, HANNA & CC, Successors 14 'llooo7s, 11..nos'd 04- Dor - avi, Excnana.n Dankr-7. air dealt. en Forcidn. 004 Deopt4t: Exch.?, Cnrtdkm:t; Vili=Ttittgell 00 84. ~ : ni7c:irh rCe:ile3 'r er ' n 'r li . e . ti, .ril . til ' ::ra 4 n ' apit poisht t elro d Enlit ' Tglie ' .. 'd."' '''''' 1 , , c LI: paid for Earth. and Amen,. 1, , - • Adenoma made co eon:ad:m.4ot. of iitodueo.rdipped ....4.- g 1 Vi.. o , TA YL 0 It, Coauniesioner anti Bill . t.s ,Mroker, 112 Second etrolt. /tint MtonEon will in sty. to 1111 bachema onteureal 1.7. hid are. le Pictobsirw 0 - atanufactur4l. 0rt1.4. alma:room ha or prtaxtrol at ohort , 0a 00 421 Kul.. Donde, Mortima,s, Ac.., negotheled on favor- -an, ATM& Advant. omato.2l - re-eithmob ._ _ 4-21_, n, ROOKSELLHRS AND sTATionms. lk .0:STOCIITON, Into Johnston & Stockl Dock.aeller. N.Mex.,. Printer. and Moder. o-. 4 noi a :.i.rt.....d. Third -. .•TirAs.. B. I,IOLMES' enenp) Literary De_pot, ,or rinefrtre.4,espestte a tlie Doti Welt .. New llooK. re. • neived daily by - .-pro.. cure , rdetk•a. r•rnieed to nor of , the Mae-dhow or Mew. paper, . at 5110 pabllnt44 , • • : - 1 - L,' READ, 81.oltseiler :.zul Stationer, • Yo! 79 Foot. ednei.t. Anal. I.ollam ~, - ier M'CLINTi..K.I.Ii, Manufacturerin . d . flu- . . T ~ „ yerter of -Carped!. OM Clotho, Bltinix . hon. • lel, mi. r.‘ , ram filmic, la. 1 il archonoe. No be Emantli .4-. and ,p. Word rt.. Ditc,..l arch. , .. . 0 4 . • - COMILISSION AND PORW.ABDINO. ~..Y.c.i• O LNI‘E;XTEIt, Corner uf Water and 11 a e,,. Ma (. rlett e.tremic. l'imnbarrt., Coramvoca 1,0 F 02.. "0 , ....1". I /•*.M., and for eho ern-art and eel+ of Flonr, o leamema laamm.. iron, Nall, Gars. and the manufactured ... ',anklet of lade?, rrh erentealle. I ~ . . ~ • Al.--Anent for the tabor Ski Ine - per A Co- and 1 li, lb 't, .riat t..l.hrsteal sloo.oa. nod Ilay Fork, at Phiradepoix • periour cod Joni:lna .0 C(01 repents 01(.5(.4 Teo. idoctf .., g 3 -. A. McANULTY & CO-Transporters, l' R'l. Von - Mr:ling and Cowell - 4.p Iferchante. Depot. Et:me 100040.005 kanu MOM. I.l.llerrix. fcb1',..... 40,((.1 5,... -..-. .. . ...,•.. . . . . -OMR( neo(r.. .T.woo - bsi .... i'li . 6ls . ljoi DgALBRS • net Encetlarera 7dneherits. No. 11l WM, obeet. Pitym.Lif. 4orizcsroN..romuding =ma . (" ' s , s:zap!. 05h..:4,, , ,hant, No, 112 Otnod Pt - net ' ,g.r.di ar , JONES, Forwarding and Corn. nome.en 31orchance. Domice. in Pre.loce 'and lie.- elnnadvertrelarticiert tlanal Basin. nem. 0•••7• 400 ' strort Pittchareb. -,. / a. eh ka11t4...- • are,p. racers • ARBY; JONES & CO.„ Successors to ...i.f... , ' • 7 4, .1.050 , 4.. (I,,Cinortionion'and Forwardinx •4•re e; pi . r zilenia llttalettrAh Matinlkeetar•l 9be1.10,-1•11.- en DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. " 4.=.g.i...:0,ic,..,rirmr501 , ....- - ... , 0. tarneot - 500, M. ii , o7 A A. MASON & CO., .ITholesale and , AL 00.1.22 10 Yawl Biagio. Dry Mecede. 01 Marmot air...t. tamaan.h. - - - MURPHY & BIT.RCIIFIELD, WIIOLENALE It' and ',Befall 1:45 . 6.;513( Merchants, torsion of Fourth. 1 , onkel Went, licheborch. 1 • RiNTISTS , .Jr. .6. HUNT, i.i 011tiet, Coracle Ml . lidilf ill „ e eel Donator id., between Market Med Ferry 0t0m4.0, la t bnerch, ' -- • WOOL MERCHANTS.. 0 : 4 VIC RPHY.& LEE. Wool. Lzeaxas and . 00.1mindrat • Merechanta foe 04Mo of Arntricsa - . Won ertlomlo. ha- 111•LitM , H7 FT.. Pmbethannh. 0 .Q &,W. , lIARIIABGII, Wool Merehantn, T, Q Dealt. I en,: and Pruit.a centrally. and Bore Wardierratel Commisalon 0:n. 2000, 714 Blest at•ent, . lad 110 iteteonet entareh Pittrborgh. o -:, -.HARDWARE MERCHANTS.' jibOt+A-N, WILSON A ;CO.; Importers and. Wito/enale D.Pere In Useless and Cutlery. rm. 1.20 • T. 14.. DEALT:RS.: . . 111.1055 RN 31011R15, -" ica . and Wine 'Mar „ F L ° AN, chent. Mali oldn of tho. Diamond. Iltheberxh. , WK. A. SratiitG& CO., Gromu and i ~V IT, _I. Mia.thi.ll , rs, - 2g.! felbentr rxrect. - atora-1554,1 b.avebNaytect bend alm *,.. a. remartxurri of Char. Darker- $ eleeelhallne Tea. Alen-Foreign Yrulta mad lenta.tilicille. 10 le abantall. kDeahirtarpTuorlloa the Mist tocuu6; n" .7 '1 ! ' '''''''?"'.' l - ''''''''" '•• ' - '''' ''''''''',!.!. - '''' " "'" ' --.-: ''''-'-`'''' '''''' , - ' 1'2,. -4 '... - ' - ... ' ' ''''''':'''''''... --"..'.':".:- ':''''''.'-'......-'''''' -. `" - '" 1,. ... - '...-- --'-`''' '----^'-',,-"-^'...-'-.".....=."':''' - ""- ... r. , :^". , -.1 .- -........ , y - i I I ' L : ' PITTSBU R GH , • DRUGGISTS. . . • ,13 1. - • .A. FAIINES . TOCK & CO.,Wholesale wit:at attaa m, sea afartantra of hits frall a lled . ...1, end WM.,: valor Wood and Fr:mt....oA ritc,- hur-fli. r's ob: • tnr. ... u. sore...: wed, , ... c is. csr.,vert. is- E tir r ie r ri li t I „ 31 , 61 ) )° . wleseuti r 7. S' a= sB°" giac ris to .l 1r...-erferinn Otare, corner of 21 asx street and Virgin alloy COt tleisne arreerintious earrfullY oamPounded night and In.uan . .J. Its 1 KIDD & CO., Wholesale Druggists: Deal.. ere.. Paiute. Oils, Ore Muds, and hutrumeuts- Propzio‘nrs of Dr. IPLaste's rolrbrated Worm Specific, LIT. PUN, and [nag Errors 'No. GO. sonar of Wood and . Fourth stmt., Bittebundi Order. will le. earefully wk. , d, and forwarded with dlenaleh. --- 1 il .E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in i ,c. Dram , , Paint, Dye Ruda. Oil., Vara' ahead', 4.e , . 0, o In N 7 Wood escort, rats:mitt. Pi. So ot. warrantri. 1' Frle-t 8 V. AVICKERSIIAM,,M r hoIeraIc Dreggiet . a aiel Dealer In Seeds sad Agricratural IMPleaarat.l. Ifoa 101 and Ind Wood street censored klixtb. C1ut0r2131.1%•...5 - GLOW& ittrll..l.. Ill:AIM a lIEITEII, Wholesale and Retail i Jur Pro:friers, earner of Liberty.and Ft, Clair sta., Pitts. hur,h.,Ps i SCIIOONMAKER&CO., Wholesale Dreg- 1 el 00ts, No •21 Weal at. Pittsburgh. emiminte GROCERS. • 1 - _ . ottsid. el-warm, nco. e. Saari A 1 BLACKBURN & CO., Wholesale Oro i 1.5 s' care. Boat Furnishers. and dealer, In Produce and I Postablirgh hlsaufantureso Oils. Pitch and Oakum alwayi , ou,sand at the Wme house. 111 Witter otreet, I'lltsbargh I's. " i i -h f- i '"- rkalsal .71000. ,i ;T ti , e. WILSON, Wholesale Grocers.and ' P C w.Cotatainsion. Merrhanta Agar. tors .al. oj, Du; 0- I'.:o.'s row 0,. No. 115 ..-1..e0.nd. and 147 Front 514. ILVT.- ' .__. , --.." II L, SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commissional I ~ , Nomhaut. and dueler la Paper and Rags, corner oil Prrus and Innn Ano,t, Putsburgh. • „ I:SIUEL P. SIIRIVER, Wholesale Oro- { 0 err, Produce and Commiadou Merrlants, and Deal- r.: in Phtsbarrh klatsufsztured Ankles. No 130 and 13.:•; econd•streatiwtween Wool tool Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Juana Donlan,. . .... ...• - • ...ars tostroara. I TONN Si DII:WOIT.i'll 1 - CO., Wholesale -I pj 415 X tinware, I Praluce aral Commission Merchants, rtud I A 4, for board Powiker Co.. of llama' rllle. Conn.. NO, , I rt, Pittsburgh. ....L d... rBPURURIDUE ,I: INCRAIIAII, roeilla 13 Donor, and Counstlesiou Merchants, N 0.116 Wale Street, and 110 First street, Pittsburgh. 111EI, lIATTIIEWS & CO., Wholesale LL Unseen, tbraralannu sod Forwarding IllembsabA and Ageots lot' Brlghton Cotton Varna 47 Water st-Plttsburgh. 1011.‘ WATT dmarwasoll. .4011.. N WATT in CO., Wholesale Grocers,; Cnalraiseien Berth..., and Node. Is Prods. and' otheburgh Ilsaufarton, No. 71'111 Liberty•anwt, Pats Burgh. Pa t B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, .Ohio, f a'r..F.l7l"lT. a t. t A F ii rv .,r i !`"t.n l "` b ong ro t ' "d PT " .ti 1,2,1 /...n, and Western ProdZa centrally. Walaratheet.. between Smithnold and Mood: Pittithurgla. .. F. VON BONNIIORST- & CO. Whole- L_y • ssie Orme.. Forwarding and CO., 31orch •te. D.alers In Pittsburb Manufacturea sad Prolate, No 70, earner of l e ant strertand Chewer, Lane, Pitteburcti. - - , _ • Mr. 010007.- noun?DICLIT 1[ SOAR DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Oro- . eon,o. 36 W Ceramialon7 fr 51erchaate, and Donlon ont snarl, Patsburgh. hi Pr.:sauce- • . O, and 10 wk. it sancta.- Juits J. liIVILLT. g:NGLISII . .I. BENNETT, late English,Gallagher C Co- Wholesale lirocens.C.tarnisslon and ardlng Merchants..l Salon la Produce and Ibtte burgh Mu:infect - arra No. 1.200004 at and In Firsts.. Nassau Waal and hiaidabald. JO. 1/1/12.....-..JA10.3 0 . l N Zt ' ua llSaßis lO oe . Wholesale f M Ce. rs a a . nd c,, ,i „., th ,,,i lr , ~ ri3OBERT IiI(K/RE, Wholesale Grocer, ' - foe:affirm Distilier. dealer In Prafrow. Flthiburgls 'lll=l ' i,Z4 ' t. ki gi.ll.4r=l! "' l. D ll7l ' .:: I eery largo gaol to superior oil Ilimonagalsala Whiskey. whoels will he sold low far cash. : fOBERT DALZELL A GO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants. dealers in Predate .11 Pittsburgh ili.abirturee. No. PIZ Liberty street, ' 1 .-''''' C r Oli r E h- R , T A ~ ,,C 11 ,, N ,,... . NIN ,„„ ' IL 3 WholesalelL . A d iN c l ,;,,,.,,,,, I.r Land awl Wales. in Pittsburgh Nl.ufarturee, Ns. 3 , - , Llhartratreet, Pdtborgh..._ ..,,, M.. a. orrrund, aura Matt.. M,. BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro v v can N0,.11 and 181 Wood street Pittebursla. rent a. stet.... .. . . .--:..-.-....natis. secsantsm. WICK .t.,3ICbAMILESS., SUCCPSI6O76 to P TI L- 0. J. niwk.k. Wllolerale tirocera korwardio4 and Costralaion II reheats. dealers In Iron. Nails. &Baer, I.3ottoto I ants..nad Pittsburgh Glannfacture , genercilt, , earner of Wonl lan . Water street, PitUburch. CILBIT , • S . IIt CitotTSE, Wholesale , fke - 'Grocers and ' ' ' blerrbauts.Deslers in Pre door. and littsbu t nuselserarsa articiesi..fpf,mtetir streettat=l“ . ; .C. -. ... t I: ILT./..;SkLab. Wholesale aad •.::, l T r,..:d,,,.i,_ ''''''''''''oo4 10(00. ter Ilaaututorrs, earns. o and . 1 6 tlit‘ 1 asst. sosissos..- tuai. urns.. .saki S. Litionir..• ii101 . 3 . 4V50N, • 11. ,. ..1 . TITLE CO., 'No. 2 1 .L5 a too lixd (=III/lag 31=andde l' alers1 G Malt &IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Coin- . • . adodno Merchants and Dealers In Prnlace--Fd.urel Chareh 8a1d1y..., Muting On Mort,. Wood.. and Birth street., Pittsburgh. lila, S rorci rasa.- ark. csar -1 01IN PAR ' R & IT'O.,WholaleGrocers: i. ....4 u Dealers in Prni se, P.p..; Sea Wines. Lldnon. Old More ...heft and . Whisker -Ne. G. tondoerolal Ithst . Lillett 7 st. Pirtslm ,h • AS. DA_LZEI., Wholesale Grocer, Coiii- Nails. form and Pm4a, tic Merehant. and dealer in Iron. F Biwa (Otto. ?liras. ani l'lttsburgh M.utaetures S generall, -No, GX 0 no, rt.. wad 74 First st. Pittsburgh E ' j 1ti? , :....11. ,,, . ,,, 51 ,, E ,„. 1 i .f ., L0 i 1. ,, t, „, De1i ., 1e ,,L, r in ,... P ,,, i .. r , o k. Fi i lte .. ii i :•tutionery Solo igell6 CIT Cliiekenns's Piano Fortes, for liretero Peon, tranhrNo. SI et ill ENItl - KLEBEIt, Dealer in Music. Mu. 1 VA. 22 + 1 I 2 unus•Mot and Imp rter of lodise, rtrines row agent 13r Nunes 0 Clark's grand and so oars 1n... wttb Coleman's .I'oll. Attachment Alm. for 1102100111% 11 Clan., , . 'I4I4RWACTURIERS. 13ILLINOS, WILSON & .00., Manufac turers nf alLte• larks. In,, nod gimp tarts, cigar sr- char, and lit) a nallx. halrhing. o loot.' Bola .0 Alma naslo dour land lathing do: idea fate • 3d and td hluelnal!, An, no. Ofdoo x i Lirr.Ericorr ,I 1 CO,. tie. lit. Man's, Pitt. belch. Jer i - j ZION CITY TACK EAGTORY.-The sub. _.l . eeribers maaufaetura and keep constaustlr on band all vi sr, of Tack,. 0,041.x04 Sparablee.' Finial:nag, Clout. and !tor Wallet tine Blued Flour Bartel and Lathing Nails. fladelr Nall, .0 Tattoo Darrel ?Odic CoPlar .4 Z..^ . I-0. - , Nedr• Pattern Makers' Pants. Birds. assorted sues. . Or.. de., de. CAMPBELL, CUEnd A CO., no 10., Warehouse. 43 Water et.. Pittsburgh. ' , k; LSNEDY, CIIILDS Et CO., Manuractu- ' RV .ere nr 'toryperior 44 rherdag, etrtrot Chula, .......n Twine and Ma ni ting. Peon Mill, Pittsburgh. • PFTSBllliiill ALKALI WORKS.-Ben- , Lot Berry A Co.. Manulacturers of 'Coda Ash. Meath. F. IP: ,P.,.....r5. Ginriebe and lialphur, Arida Warehouse. V "k ji N. 0. , Water st- below Ferry to PAPER - HANGINGS. ALTER P. MARSLIALL, Successor to F . ; f V Samuel C. 11111-Imparter R/23 Dealer in Freud. ~,,' eral'America Pal...- I booing. nod linden, Window , 3inel.a. l'ire &earl Prints, Or. Aleo- Wilting. Printlutt. V < rill 1 :000530. Purer, No. 85 Wood stnet, between fourth , eta Desmond 7111., . Plttshorgla. Pa 'UMW I r l= l §llE JUN A. CAUGITET, Agent for the Late . 0. Lite' and :Weldon I.loe. to ii.R04.3 and lb. lakes - 2/62 2 , on the corner of 14 ate, lond rtatthfleld en. 1.1 --'----- . .L ,,d 'E.,1j 0 .1 &. ' CO ., el ,. 2 ; 2'ra t, sporters by (Inas! rho Coos VENITIAN BLINDS. . A. BROWN would : most respectfully inform ' 11,prd/halt*: he keep.... hand lain stand on the west el. of LL. Diamond, AlICCIJ•l3,..elty, a enmplete assottment of Vonitlan blhide, ale Veuitian Stutters are sees. to ender II the bond style. warranted ,ual to .7 la the Belted tudes. Ilia Banda ma r eline'! al without Pieta' did of a . w.driver. Bs . hsa pu the work, and need 'I il the ...Imo ...abashment of neural Sr 31cClelland. I am tryared to foroish theft old monomers. ...sell as the pule Tea , at large. Rath terry thing in tbeirdlue. ..ts, , .;l , stj en. to Wood street. Pittsburgh. J...,,,,•110,4 7 . . 4 :ACPC.:CII4trY.: ejt1411)70: 44, :1110 h, •I. ~ s ~••Ap„„ I • NOVIL/ ' 13.xstratra-Residenoo.eneoer nY Thinl streetandEset ...kens. Allegheny- N. 11- A rne.Sand, :Medlar. lath, 4e., kr sale. luehdfly_ . VETERINAR -SURGEON. , . I.II.TrAR , Ih, Veterinary Surgeon, late ' trom FAlnbargb, sea land: vocal'' rsersellsllr 2,- ~;:?.1 , 1,7,.-4t.ib,.1 10 f that o,,°byhersotrfOn"er=tl.'i'ebr b ice n trusted to Olin. to. 110 p. to gl,o satisfaction lo OOClJOrtlarl lexth Jen. -11W7<, Horse Shoeing and lackfaulthing in Prneral will be tarried., at [bummer I Tsnarlstne.t ual PollaSClVo.llto AVM.. s 00 6 C : ' Si C ,14111 A 111 o t):Ei4:1 1 0 C N LE 0 8 NS , J.,hgrimer on 'OO., • . Philo Ilall. (third gory.) plttflburgb. pa-I'kres of '.X.ll.efef.Z. "tt rr h uVefiwall ' n=7s.= t r i * rtrlb .7,..o. l itifillo:c Cotton Elam s tel e let theirs nyto . r i Wi . /...! . 445/ 8(...41U011-5/.A.P; ' S Li6 t hO t illiel; i : rtJ. , ,lgt - vit.Ottn.l% " 6, 4 Latogont E fir. I:ogift7 , Hhow hilt ' s, ''' Gil tatlN Drofte,lloget, Labels. A ohltoetainl and Machine resist,. liorthrta nod Vlaiting r thuali. Jan grotty . Ins. tai elan.. .01-primal • leek, in It,. ,net oepenc..t eryle, and at dee most reuore . • Wegner, 33aechner & litneller's ' NEW irrßoon'Apkno ESTABLISIDLENT N D IMIE ABOVE FIRJI respectfully announce ID to their friends and' to, mime generally, that, they A . r, , 14 , :ri t r...7 , .t , y. th e drat etybeof their art. all a . ad rr,f, , c,.,.%".'st:'cr, i ' . 1 77127 1 4.'' vimu " I' ' I. b,: r catabliOnooct Is 5u.14 . 0.C.4.5.4rket street, between L. bird. and Fonrt/t.reets. an el_aln.. - arebstr - -- de • ,TEWELESS. • , •' ~ , ' En i , ' att. , as, ewolre, Silver 7 'H wir, ashl 5 - Wit.2.17 Goats, avow or Market and es oarthstmrs.. ll4 lablimeh- l's. N. 8.-Watedes and Meeks . . j H A . ...• 1 - ' 4, a ' I ' , rota Is. e.' 2 ISZTI.Iyr. rdntll2.9 WIIKINS; No: 184 Zil.rty et. ...c1 '..Wp a . trust. litabcirgh.• Metnuarats, 8arte1 , ... , at-sit...l'ooW, j. 1.410.1101.4111. Ana Mantel Pl.wiltientra mot of lee Tops, &P.M on hand. mad madajo n N. 8.. A chola milatJaa of Palritill MI Mad. • Jai) .. _ . - PHYSICIANS. i - - i . - Dociotli. -- R - eiTeld:eltn . - 1 i INFORMS Ms trieruis and the public, in gen- `, eral, that he ha, recanted Eh, ofhee to street, , t ! ton, next to nt. Clair lion., ' rat . ti .. .. 7,lll. :=l i e ' ite t lri!or him '' • I.'"h ' "'' '' •utiV. yrl,.;tu I_,l UM(EOI' F .A. , T R II . I M C G I o ' r, M. iI e YSe D I:IS, devotee; :.e ..e : - , ,e attennon sotto treatment 0f . ,14•• , of ~,,, ara. children, au I south Olsen. e generally. ea well a* ichrome and eurgical dieraeee °Mee ott Anierrolv rtnonot. near IL, e Hand Street Jidda, odo ur ,a door to the P;ati. , lug 31111. Allegheny City tottlee ho, (Nos' n, a .1,. M. , i !tont I to 3, .LI from 7 tn 0 P. SI ^11 ,, T I' -R z----_,.._ __ . ______ ,p IJ. MYERS-Surgeon and I'hysiciau. i f Darr to 'area i ,, .0 , ,T[ll ; l'74,l, ; l nellnor i' % ' , , ' - • . ..M.V.. h. Permanent! I M orino n l'lttaburgb. and ; vill atnen.l to the dull, el ' hie Lle will glee 1 put:cuter attention LI 01. POO It ',tn./ ansl the ilieear • of wooer. and childrot, ay.lti..l . n. ---_... __ NISCELLASEGUS CARDS, tic. , I Wm. M. McKnight I ItILL givo special attention-to the Collo,-,- 1 I -. v i even ofclaims for Merck.. and other. It 11,..m.. I arn Penneylvarda and I..tern Ohio. Moe In Tilghman 11111, opposlt., th.. Nen 1...0rt 1,11".., I Pittsburgh. Pa. nalerenom-John Merriam. 1.1 . - 11.o:in.', ; , 1 Whit. 1 linen liampten. and Wm. Streamline. Le,. t...,. se ../offn r.QMOn. ONES it fllilGo-, Alanufacturers of . Spi.. j it; and Blister St, el, Plon,h :reel, 5t...1 Tioncl Wine. , t....h end Pliptie Sprinee,' liaminer...l 'iron Aster: end deali.r. in Malleable 1-alt . Igoe /' noire^ ID, arid I t..% - axii irimmaige gen-rail.. enre e•r , of inn., and itOatt at., I ' 'Pittsburgh. l'l'a. I, 1 SAIAII DICIcEY d-. CO., i7ii foi• Mc s- chvnie , Iron 11 - 01., Eve:, ea:nu-tit!) . tis bend an f rut tale at vary low urn..- , . and of eoperint quality, P.r arajniart Iron, litul, Spikes. at - ° y-lt. lili ll ell! V ln i ' l iott?!;t2ltna ? 1 1' 11 1 1t! ' ' ''' ' 1 N iiiiidicA.:3 t . ' 7 l‘r lAN , Cavil ..: Er; gtc e c:r , Draughtsman and Practical :quarts /4,05 111.,. ante of Blade's for the 1,1,01 01.4 e. dosigna..l Macro , wry tar Mines. Isnkor Work., Rolling 311111. 0 , 'de, t l.fsluerueit'rlhvag.teellii:o=l' I' 'I ' CI 10 '-' l,-;;l ' r4 S . ' Jl3 - , I - - , , 1 t CORD & CO., li'llolet,4lo and Itnt:til , i ik Mauna-tures, and ftealors in Ilan., Can end fur. . tiv• 11. ' 1 ‘ t7114711 gli? V e[nl, , eVpll ll += . Clll l l:::, b‘ :' r e ' p l a ' ,_ ins,. h `7-.. ,r ernm thee and aryl,. Ity Whnheete end : a ll tool. aud ... . 1 tit- the attention of their customers ati.l pur,hne•r• gem., ally. ateurlng th em that Id, a - ill e ell nn the' can. what Mavens teven. Wbl. - DIGSY, Merchant 'f :dor, Ilraper, . , and Thaler In il«nly Ma•le Clo th ing 17 I.l lool y rt . - IX LI ONEGGEIt & CO., Importer, of \Vino., Liquors. and name Cheese, It) .volthrield gr,.1,1,... I 11/OCIL :lath and Seventh. ... . PA. /lIADEIRA.D Agent for claw are 11., , Cool Safety Insure... Company, .12. Wider etre, , J GARDINEit COFFIN, Agent for Frarkklin 1 '- Fire Insurance Comnanye north OtO '' r 0 , 1 ,1 0....! 1 rod Third str,rs.',.., VlikTM. GLENN, Boon Blunci, Wood streck, , , I 7 iteran.l door tram the menet of Than, whet.. he L.. i prenatal to do oreey. devriptina at Ilindino witu ItOOtto. and durability. Manic th,ke rated I. any pattern. and , 1, bound subetantially. 800. in number , ' 05 Lit h - " , • bound carefully, tr evssu-A Nam , ' pnt no .. F."' loll *" Thy. "rho hare bindttic are hatibel to cell Pri, •I , a /nadly Steamboat Agency, and General Commis- ', ~ lion, Receiving and Forwarding i 0 ALDW IN; PLITNI ER & CO., have tin : ea ) . aq., - ,:at,.1 with th.,o , le .1, 1... I.:wlmi. ....I ..0..- 0 i Aar tervice, 1. , the punt. , at Strambem Agee,. ten e,l I e•''''"'Y'•" ''''. l. r kl.llll ' .. ' iq. ' r r,r. , ,t'': 07.•, - 1...1 i . l.....matit.M.- April IL 14 , 1 IC: SI Oti.M• Ott. , • arrittltlY • e -I- • 1.1 S- v' OUNTY LAND -CAA,. ukr N. num, Attorney at Law. No 1.1 Thiel 1.. t . , en•r -5 .'nerry y.•havlng made of ior 50 i purr...-. vul fro.. Bo unt y land.. I.•• . Meer. enl evaii. re , l b - , r widow, and chtlarru. and will attend to an, other bar, ' Dent, ennnected with the gor..rnment or •t., 4 its o.lett. en., the Pension 1t0.., or the O'er!. at lII+ 1 it...? WaehtnaTn ~." iv Drawing, Perspective, and Faintanit_in OiL : X 4 R. G. R. S:VITII it. now prPraYedte g,:ve -., i i ktlS l 'Z'stirni n 42 .. v,r 6l °.',„atr,zg.T,lPP7 . ~ Atkin/anis new building: kin, street. between Wont and i ' , Martet etreene. lloursol ln.riroctiott. from 0$ to i 4. and . ~, front AS to ter c r.v. Charoea and rln.r mg.-vier. ran to . , t rt ' er b il . l% U (7:rlt or i' s . ),-, i" t, WALL PAPER s' Fresh ,Assortment of Spring Goodsa T IIO3IAS PALMER ii daily rea,ik u,! o term th- Eaatern OW, kl Ott' ,:t1 I , e'l. , NO. 55 MABLCT STILLY,T, e • Bernwr,. EU,/ or--,1 Foarta stereo, ii'at.l , lovA, ' Large itecea.onta. L., Lie - QT.:rent liO'llt. '' ih4 It'''O' ,• . Ott.' I'ArZX .LTA-WING , Ohet hav• ar,.....1 , .1 Ir. 'elem.:l.4 . . for a lona-pews* . Vs- pvttvr-o or. cc,. , new, aty , l , es p.....u11ar1y rhea, KC 1 . 0, ntittr. ttl T. All .1 .., ra >• ....arra , .1. .0.... oi .c.e.... .0- Oro• t , i. ^... rnolAtn. Te. thi.. ettraec,re fide( ........1., • i .1,, 1 5 at e - ` to rottrntojtvrAClnnt rot ne f .rerod 1.,., slat.. 1.. deertaeLi ~ I the attentrm er I -, rehacts erel noon.. knonronoto . ern,. I I orllr . tilnitoool. 1.1 , 111 ' - - - ..:..- littgaEr.& artiri-A TR; ' . Storag. e,Shippin4.,iCo-reni,sioulderchanta, ; °., ii 7. ll ( , ) l l l' f iefl i. .s;:!: 'l .. n. : : ,', a5'....1f. i ...', " , / '' I it. air.. street. C1•ve1...i..1. 1 )/no. C,..13 advan,re glade on emodentnenta. A ,ne. for •11/..tensite.ata and 1en.":1.-n. ir, ill. le.. nera4 lone - Refer tn-Win. A. Ova A Co. C:er•dend. Niles A Wheeter, thitral, 1 II /love. Ca-Liter, I'ittabor;.,l, my14,..'... . Rockingham and Domestic Queensware I, ' VVOOPW A III), Itl„Ilt ELI Lt. CO., Mon- 1 01 ufartunern of nnekinaliem cute . ...,,,n. t' s o.. Were Can lotrar,t. , Ibio fre• - iutip,e itn,no. n.rrner s.atl. at,i Lin-r, it•TilVY. h „l.Z.. ',. ; ' l " .: ' ..t '' .010.'0' '''' '.." ' • . ' " Our exteo.ive V. nrlo., rash;.:.n to. nol „nn-' , pro 'no i' , l: A nnoapetnrol olonaino.orr twor., cnostanto o •P•lo''`..-10..1'n •O . I r 0 0 0:` , ,,g . ..71 , O'on'er. Iv.. with all the ne.....r oaptnve , 1 1 .. 'Rater ("rat. Stitcons. a l low' Pl,her ; Tor , ';' , ..rt Sena Flower O a ses. 1 ,1 , 1er,, Stantel .enano.nta. i , an i Snuff Jara, and article, for d ot noon, on ge••• , .....t. Ord., Nap,,, , aly 1,14 . ..,..., Alexander Bradley, r l P.',.. 19 Wood street, bettee, Fins ~,,d Seee,d ~, .1 (SIGN OP tal . GOLD.'. ::•4101: 1 ‘,I Al'i UFACTU ft EB. ,:: ',very aleseritai,n i :‘• Ti. o f cooghvg sr,,rEv, of the most apt, v. , t at I rne. and FLlth a, • 11l I,ollrt the bet satufstr-a Alan-PAY:LOH b:OV gi... on • hvh +ill le. 1..., . ...cell Ar ll••nt's eeLlennateet f.. 1.111,, Lna.r Pert 1 . i• 1 / 3 1 . ..- t',.... , tore. Radiator. Frankitn Store.. pain and bran- ••r4.... 1 Ho to which ere 100,14 the kOeistltiO I 5 hnildem. 1 , 1 I.:::•.+ , 1.1., Hollow It aro, Wagon 1.1..r.e... 0- t . -di ~.f whirl, v. .0.,... It, e sttention• o f d-a br . h.: ,, ,........-1,....t, .11.,,,..r. , .i, miter I ' Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tubo Works. ;;‘,! . NIIE underEigned have just complotod kiwis : -''-',, xt....nd re IRON TUBE WORKS, I .0 arenow mmati(eetortne: sit ri‘••• ... ~..., I'll 0. .. ' l, ~curtive and other 1111., and n il ..,..... of I Inc WROUGHT IRON TIRES, hien they oner for wale at the. Invest price,. 'an-) a , ' ! •v prenered 1 , .tenure nr - Inrr. In •AT o °; .itiontl de n.• ;i It i • . _few em :dived. Fire Brick Manufacturing I g Comp'y. . ;,',:' se. otheca aA. 1.1.1; . ; • .....I. I; k 'lt Or I ' ,. bl' 1 - ' OD) 5' ER, KIElt Z.., W.. i'andurr..P‘k onoo o IE SUBSCRIBERS, - havin g - 1,/,11 Up.: i `"1, U. pointed Agent. for tht above ,am.- •,..,......ry. o'li .... eep constantly on band a saphly of the wlobrattel 11. , 1t ear 1 kite int Itrlck„Crucible )Ire Clay, i orrOle. Ili.arth..etel lt, wally fur , ney are ano pnpar.d n. revel,. f.,e natol 11,nn In 1 yen . made in sir, end elm, t , 1.,,t pot hoon r 4 von., o Lei ' fur _promptly ' cm, ii edo not deem It nno,..rnooor, 1... numerate the many e.o. 1 t .. anlagee the ik,,ltrar ile‘ Ilnek. y......a.......ver all of hers .hat are ate Le. offered for rale In the Untted lateti, their eup , i et,l rity b.lng veil adorn to abut. all freest, eh. 'ln , , ,d... ira lirick. The propel...tors have .1. tertutep.l that 't. , , 'l' I' rick Shall [m now.' of their pret,nt eventid O. e ,III,I1"1/. i CIO, , 0,. n. ~,,,,,,,,,, 'hall he ~,par,d 1,, make Lino, •.:e ; hi., tt, th en they hate - tieretornre ',PO Tlll.l 1. lII' ' • t ,. i I • ' -op Infant:tent lona uonnot(noolunto, 141'11ron k al 1..1 TO I Ir. 011111 J.,-..1,.. . 1,1 Loeb: Canet 51,,,n. r.nenen O. t Ontrernorrn ; ~,, . . _ " . Dixon's London. Patent Lever Watches, , wee ..Yonevicr to ant, Ilittefer env - ? ,, d so P , 47-7.h .. : '' r ' ItICIIA_ItDSON, P 1 :llarket t d i rect, t. I 111, . tole Agent for rho ehonr, Lo 1.6•1 lea. Weht.,.. n. 0 olloving guarantee in attnetml In no'), ti oh be', Dr appointment to the Admiralty, II .N 1/IXu O Cur, I wOu no:motat and Kitten 11actufacturer. 45 If ista o,ttare 1.0,. I . ' ell Hoed, London. A This canines that the atenripanylog 1151,15, 0, --. t e : Ch armnted by me to be 01 AU loOroonln f "1. , rA O oor° 00 . 4 f' I ''"'" an my name tip,.. of lo rrotoorn- sito-.• 0%-..trtk.0.1 , 1 1., PI ht./6M. hearing , •., ur. ° i guarantee the St slrr. .7. o --, . No'rn toir •on 'ln, o ~,„ homlon of the purelza-••.r It ~1 MAO , 111 Arlen k A Card. - RAVE FITTED UP"." (on the New turn` ~ vlvno v very enle•mor Wervroom • for the sale 01 Cur . ,hen " 1 mi. Cattalo ineterlale, and ..tar, lith. apnettalnitir I. e fashionable parlor. sod ha,. -:era the la , g , et .‘o.i .4 governor u•eortment'ef Sarni lie .1 eire-t, itrt , ' , .de , tench and thalami Damask Dr loon,. r0t,.,,,i1. 1t.r. , •,. lemon.. Chintz,. Turley Red thee!, f elt,-' , ,'..,1.11.-,- . I tory [lnd. LareCtirtalns, taitred and Plain 3 1..1 , “", ' Ode( different width, C , et..eee ~1 - 0 ; 4,0, e,.,. ~,,,,„,„, nd styles. boor Made. 1 1 / a dow Alin, Old el.adee.t'ortain a, .edam, and hands. Curtain Pine. I am/drat/4 71. , 1..: I " I. , ~,,,,. . rd. Silk mad Wnented, `f elt htntx.-e and %rtna.... '5 . 0 ..„ 111. and Lonmster f.4.1e. I . , orini - P•o.' 00 " t ''• '-^ , . 1., motor.. 3iateve,.. R.efe end 1,..1.e4‘. All orders thankful]; reee,le.l and promptly Id,-.1. . ~ nplb WM Nea l ./:, ' l f, 'll ird r•• .., ! ' • • " - - - J. Wilson & Son. , i P OLESALE and rctail uonufa,ra- ' I nd dealer, in lint , and .r i:oorno, Si- ~ ~1 cod street, third dram helm. liiern..n.l All, 1 . 11 1 P nen urgh--then thei eller .. 1,11 end .mnien . cba a of 11 a 11 . • Cape nf their own so-I Emo,rt, sunnutartar, ..1 ever, ~ u•lity end etyle. by vhdeeiel,. vs./ rood. mod tor,. 'it... On. tentlon ut their co..n.mere and ,he fdtolt, a•litring them .e.,i, .01 ther mill 0,11 on the meet re...neon. n.e,ne .. . _ GEORGE E. AB BOLD ir CO. i . BAI•i IiTE IZS. V ' • LALCH3 IN EXCIIANON, l'i..lN, Us /11. li/TES, CO. • , t , I N” 7i Poret..l at, nen n. teark qi 1005,,n4. ate. •n.I Ikon. e .Itecteo on all porta of the l.m , c -. . eke'bought and a, lon none:l,lon. , i , davT . p 1 151 IT JOM , t......,..- , nin a . LEY e COLVIN,- CCoal 10 Murchnts 1 sad Dealers In ` Dr, OVA.", (0r.... , Iron .101 Nail roes of Wa'siot ...A ea 1 Lk t0th. ,, ,10..1 1 ..4 , 0 O'' . . - , • REAL ESTATE AGENCY • For Bearer Carmiy, and adjacent Conn/teas r IATY:1) IN TILE 11...ntflUill 1/0 01.11 LAIGIITI)N. Tl. [ .iIE SORSORIBEIt, baring been located 1y,, , i I for Some two years put In the bourishlngAornhab el 1 O at ew Brighton, sod rendal for nr•re than tacit, Y 'sere Dag Al the vicinity of the tame. and during that time hie no. I p t . -rem has been. given almost exclusively to hand 11,n . For the seentnnicellion • ot the rntille .,, Tt i i i , zl , l . 7 4 Le , _ M; ' Ar '''' .17trtr'...;Mn".oat In ' l l i ' e ' r •r e.lirr7rl trtrtl ' ,/n) during tho • year. an7l ep. Poldielnenteley for entering Town ; ts nt. other real prude for eat., There are now a tinenter of adunhle Intr and fine r...i. i ... I tines in the A...Doan and neiathborhood. for tale tee lot. . y, ... and tonne advantageous. • , Imp Titles always atrtrtly examined hats, and no preperty . „„ , II be offered unto. the title istralinpuraela. _- Perants of porehutnx will do well to cell and ' pi ale. for thematic., it,f,ni.l 10.1 All DitAlllliltil, again:fon . ' r.....d Fkavo. /wont Fine Witches! ' ' I ... FEW very superior Gold Patent i l , Lever Watches, rted by ...wren., aramtkat ', 4.1 her , ar.splendldrorint Cl/mum:utters, of halm fed hulth: eonsh,tv...ed floating: 5r.:G.0111...s kJ parted: of. Tar., at In gad longterm, atl he .. Jr/11 Jd..h.leiLLADso2.lll. 81 Niaket . st. • PITTSBURGH, „ THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1851. __ ___.. . .- • • • . i MISCELLANEOUS. 1 DITTSBURG,II NURSERY—An Orunibue g rm.+, r• hoct.irrni the corr... of Si arkett sad Fourth ' 0 •••• '•• tb. thet-I.n. PmnetTlVllll. et..ntan, rabere therm 1.[./...^.. 'lon i an of Gm. ahnum Plat.. h...l.Monthry 15d Kona, 110..... 31.1. 1 0101.14. MO.. dl Nor [Mine, 00. 111.,,rf ot 01.e1 erari.tio., llerber.oaur Planta. Dahlia., Phlox. Anti. Inetuoter, e.t.a, I M. A , 7 . I nri te1.... ord.rem - 111 I. taken for Annie.. Dwarf do. I , ,,Cherr • on.l Plum 0.0. 1.11. 1 / 1 ,1,1.13.1 eahoon do. ton!!.' V In. , 6,. . 4.. `" no.. Conant*, Prr.e. , ..01.3, to.. yarn [trert , shade 0.., t .0. . Iran the 1101 Nutter, str.i.r.• 00.1..1 to lb,. 0.. i orreterr, thorugh to. Plltsbur.oh Pord ernic.., to the Garden. ' Pcnortyl,oo. Arrow, or at Mr.R. flatten', Litertyct . I ne.lLer hr., I of Wood en_ will hee prompt!. numead to .101 IN MVIIDI.KIII. Ir erii'Orrharrls moll Sltruhbory word., tI ' -- Fall Fashions. JTATS, CAPS., AND LADIES' FLIES. r i WILLYION A. SON , No. 91 Wood st., a 1 •.. Ithim door 1.,10. lenunonal stiley.l mould LI, tr. th. rttantion ol th- I rrurtorocra and the nubile to lima MM. tel4loo whtels they tem non - tr 0.10,09 to r forrom ntorM rd (iced. Th. .01r Uncut ...We In , 11. 1 or th, um ett I. If al[l l . 1... totoefon-. and .111,1. are m v.,. much torrturt el tor [blot t..attle are I prentllll), i a n d orb a, creme of Mack-111 - own mei Drab. Mm1.....n. Monnurlon. nod other kind. of MITI, for tum I and 1.,, Stlk 004 31,00 v 1.1.1`,11 t'A Pe: Cloth. I hi. ote nal 01a1.11 CAP:, oi elertoro .11,1...0t,n Mu, II ATE end ow l ti,rehthlr. -0114,..,1 at rooo ou, b l ,, tolm, . 101 11; .11.• owl Mall Ahon.2l , lKS" I. bits ri: Black 001 Satuml hrta. V• [ , , K. 11e0.1, , [ 1.,,nr1 ?to, '01.11 ; :r•V; Pool and ,01 , 01101, ~, v }, z , , , ~. I "r Ko cal I.ILII• I , 1ti,...c. and Children • temlutlete Samuel Gray, MERCHANT TAILOR, e'r CLAIR 0n11.1 , 111.t0, or CLAM .01E11T. L_l AS In-1 raturro,i :tom NEW Y, ILK ;MI k P11,..21,41 , 111.1, and e r r...olter a ,'dun 6d lot or ae N, th• Fall 1,1 Vent, 1,,, 3 „ ~,,d ~,,,,,,,., 1., male them up to or Mr. In stub nhal, [crtnot I, 0.0. trarerd let the Pa•t.,-.1 -Ito. tientlentru ner.:ol, trOof azelh,tracora-garnont • ' , lt! hal II In Illeir 0 1 1 , 01,C.. Lt.... rt 1.•. ...1 , ..t1 FALL FASHION °I'VE li , ' . ', loot receirod Dlu . imautifol li v ~, i o or SATs O , high we torn. th. •ttro rt..0...r 011 1 1•10110. Arid the poltlir 000101, ..c . . Me,/ It II 1 le/ . ear. I tfth nu t tiood Ft• 1 Penn Gla_ts Works. ' I I OS ENZetNN IC lITMAN, (fortnerls 0; the L 4 , 1 ,,,,.. 4 .:. ° il.,1!: 0;'-'1 1 V,',..` si'::d",i'lrt7 - 4x!lTtr,z,';:t! ~,,,r tool e, Iron, scr..t, thlt.hor e .rt. I . N II --10rtIrneer rat, tteen rrntd to all Mr. 0 bind , . .1[..,,. ...I ort.ettc moot., tor Bottle. and 1 tal. •rteeet . • • - C. W. Feine, Professor . of Music, I 11 1 i ,G .r.. ' 1 ,i4 . ",,', ; " /l l ll , e;Cle. i fer " ”o " :';'' ' 'fl'";:.... li n it ' - ; • • r[lo,- 11...1t1i•t...1.• 40 Or- P 1,01,11.11 ~.., b ln ! . ! ' , II ii I 1.1, 1., Mu., tt r. [r. I; I ,l tr.- r•ret. r. 11erf. New Chocolate Factory. Slt/ ;,, N. ill lII' la)li . co. re.,, i ,,., 4 ,f,,11 v lo co' Pr' . • at. o, ..o. o-,t taeorcra.rlm I noe,,i.i re ~.....r 01;1 • I I T. rCI ' atria. tr,...2 otto.• .. ? ' V..• .',- t 4Ut-I ' .l ..e..1 ... ,e ' ,.... tate reant. m, h, or. ret M., tse.. Inv, e tre.l.o • Hof, shore...rat ; ,-..; tr A e,.. 1,0•1110, 1....-.2s rroptr.u,.. co ol 11, lat e t,..1 Chrmlat. mantiotrt.,,.• to 1101, nert.r., the puha- tn.? tar, to.ll formeh co tr0.1...90-1 if ron .rur. nor to th..l.a-t nitot...l. .01 . a " It ~ tor me et 'Jr -to. I'!.. rsi-,..1 1.-rot, 0111,o01. , ) O-- . ST. CLAIR HOTEJ.., r ! traru, , rl,, iii,' Esehan,-”,, Corner of Penn and St. Clair Street's, i PITTABII3IOH. "rill S. .nat•iono, onntrnl. turd Moot „ moon.''l 'truly It.real Mal I , lto•III,. ,"--. I, o' tob '''. r...? 4 • 11, 1,-- . r.orar.., ot tho etel ~ 11 , 1'1 L, rro[iootor:!, tt.,to., 1., tr.m.r. cal 11. riettio• 1 tt. ha. lorrt.a.. ,t In rt.., ern, 01.1,-.nt mud rime,. , t , revile nolo:op..", • . 0,..N0t .....0,04. , cal at mon , . 1 .nilt fort Oa; ..... ~... .., t chat Or me,.. rt. • . rte I, • at , et opts, tr /IT, h • otor or th. r•enett-- 1.1..ur.t I. m.-[••••••rroeurmt ontrlet.-.... take,- I, .4 , ~ . ..nt atel t, It ,I. . •No-a, 4mr. -, pretrmao, I Pr _ . New Coach Fnctory—Allegh , ki. -,,,,1-..•r_ .. , M. A. Wlllll. t CO 1.11.11,1 r•- 1 ~;.1,,_- , xrartrull• ion, th. prat.. tr, tveor .11... I ..,.....1 , 1. mon= Ice, r. 1- .-. t • rl-mt at I mato., , , 1.0 4 . , .1..01;eran..1 ...1.V./ • t'reartaer. Chatrom Ituruti... Irmem. I'Lmon.. , zr o / -h r .,. 1,-, I Z ',7 1 1" 7..Z1L: ' 211 ' e ' ;P:;!.. " tt '0 r,., ' ,,..,1,, , r7,,W,..1 Leer, t. 411 ... , rk. • n tt , to ~ ........n..1. GM,. er.; I ht. aMelec to n, tor- Perenq pmeeculal attanart. •d .tit r.OO hut mnr,-t.ot mrktem. Ihr-Nltar. ne 1 , 01 t.... ~0 mmuotin. tn. •rr el. NI et re Inv., IL. 1,4,11..0 .0 OW Rubin. 0 e tr., . ',, 1[; ...[ 11; ,. P/Mltt r o: o to IV- t..... mann... anrimnt, tn. Pe , . 1 GrulditatieS 1 Grindotom...s ! g (C.iN IV I I,,tioN ~, ~i) , :ts; ~ 1.2 - 1 Al'o,A I I/ ••• -et n [ l ( (nrlAh it t , ..l.r.tse-nr., • o-r-..,. n .r.,,rt • . 0 1....10 atio • 1 tiro oral NI Ilnotletono, and, pa, ; ,ntar I ..layte.l to- tilt ...v.... ort.t.. .. -1..100rml Op he a o, i 1 1,..,.,,,...1.0.0t. trr 00)0;i7 ~.., 111 . 4 ,5 P.... 1,0 . .• 1 " FALL. FASti lON Fili: , t. , 51 i > . . IV I L4SON ote. soK, F..}1,10,.. 4'll r,.:. 1 44 p,.- , 003. al Nord tok,e. a 0[1.101mter4 [ 111:,- :ow,* ter. '[ , 71i1,1, thent ru..te me, en Mil p11 , t11., t . .... lb. ot. )tot rel. 1101,-. .1.,- . U. ern tot..-0.. no .1..t0r..., • • ..,,, , , - -S — uxii ; Pire . Proirii.rneriii — Piiiii." — "Ili: •orh , .•, 1i0v,,,.; complotor hot n.. 1 .. melmheo. or te ro. ,ID ,, • 0 101 .t.or. natuol ; tor,. rem, to- h.. of inner.; rte., . ,0, 1.,. I .00 u thra., o rromt, AGENT , J .1 Corret....l.o.ergort, reo-arr ot Tani rod St ant pm. t t• II Nr,ln ,••, co „Intoner., t , 1,-, r• II P e,-- 1 , war Itra ....t etre et; ton., 1 -0•00 z.. Itrgltm, , . EAGLE D1A.E.111.1" - WOE.k.E. - Er.l ...t.t.tour.., 1i , .`.2, 1, 3 1..101L ~. I , , WILK V.V.•. N.,. GI; Lit•-zry ~t... i no, -.I Ito.. aro. , I .r.mramlt. 1. . 1 NI. ortnt.u•-. larear 1 nat. I , art.toter., • a.ray• on ,:ml con ,c..1-t -Mt .-- . t ; :cte, , [e , • - .., e ~ . 1 :- f r 7 ;pAl ItslT 1 1 10 FEM.:rt.), r on. /Mew.. Lemnl aroa rmto., r o ve onOurty.l. oar., o err tlerr.... re., t 3 10Gromn, [,.,fo rm Rep •[ - 1, tem , 1..1_ etr.b•ln eI • il.betrah dank 11. *boron tr., h o ti . co t ., I. I , 'O.O NlererriN-or r . .. 11. a o• r. her, 11. K e,trt, 1,,,. , 1 m hi, m•• . t . • tte 11 ^Ent•th 1 Kaallt - tanc I. 'I [Verne, V C. . / ham -0r.... Ittt..-. 4 , I. r... , ~ : Icettrop. •-•ro., a limn, • • • I. , Poet c-rat.(tel 1.,7 ltr. ~ 0 1 ... 1,...1 tor., mote. "Nl+ to thir .:t. lomuut Irl t! rn...1 au.r hoed t te l,. mt.,. rnl to; up a 11... tr.. t , . r .., and rat.. on I:. roteort -.tat...on hrnlel,,, ; t , ti , JAMES W. WOOD WELL, t AEON ET ITHNIII.IIIII NIA NU• •te• - . ,„,, ',tor, 'l . l . er.- Tamp I, a [r, Thrt 1 •tr., .---!;e.-- ; . '. VI r•ro,-01, 0: 1 10., Ittr, sat„o4. 7 , it, mat., that to. La. no* naera , n l 111. me - 1i..1" 1 hr.ref •tom • I hat ...rail (orator... , 7 1.1, R. 0,11 I , , it,..... n- 1- dMerroorre rr or hoot 0,- ,tre.lo, cr4l4 from tn. ••[ .., rar . e...• • 01,4 ree-tirt, ,o ; t 'factoring 1, ~ -,,, • , , ,-,.....,,rm0t- 1 rom. 1 • •1 ufol /1.1014 t emir hi.. o n.., ~ ....1.1 . j ....1 otlr.r. .Bl u r , , eye on 1100 tr.. tre[...t.rt ...r..1 ) ot , ...0 thatrzotron . I rastom. 0, 0 en- to.nt,ol ~ 0 t0..0..t. a then a r, .....• 1 ea al ....r.t . •hr.l . bOOO ,t- ant ,Bur ton .11-. E.., , ' ' ru1:11.-1 (men It.• .to. r. . , tnretrome-tor.l ....roml, 1.. 11. at-LW/T....1w. 0. 113.,...1...,” 0,0111, ad .on .. •of Irt...t.tatennoott rot e e. 01,000. in- ern . - ter , noir. rotmot. or onrt. r I , - ,t...... a hi, for nrnerer...t I I. I. Intl ha el. ',to. : I. • arpa , ...01 in an. ot tbe r tert.on . I I; ; L t r,,, remt.,,,, 11 no.l o+o hoot. , Leer I I. ~,, . ~,,.•(,,,,, I . .....,, 0 2111 ....1..'. p:• „, , 1 ”,...1., ~ ,10. :...1- • 1.01. a 1. . -1 0,00 or tar ',rt... to ~. ,„ ~ ,•„,,, ~,,, e mu. ti ore I 1, o • • fon , . otrold.wad.,oal., toe.- mt.., mot i, ,0.. T. met tro; I • . ~,,, t im,,,, t mt..- -LI; coo- o- or t tioltrove 1 I . J .Irment,e tn. h. a Ml.i ror.l. „r!. I,•oteterar 10.11 0 I ( 1. entsa, •ret en. , 1.........e.0 .n.I hoot orame..t., ha,: Jpormn, tr er.l 0,0,... eat ...rt.., nal to olr et. le rt., [ c J rots ar nit 1,- , ntor to. I [l. • eK I 1. •• . ` 1' , etior . tretr. :. ...............3.1 . :...*4 / , ~.,r1. . !! 1 ,1., , . t, , eic a . xi; ” , :,`ir2c r .Tc . ,,;i:' .' ,: , :::' l ' ',L' , , '';;;;;,,",.‘,‘,;';',". `, !, ', ..-'., leaner , •I L .._ : . . .I. e only real New York Plumbing, Estai,- Inimical 11;11E111 , rt. , . I ,r.. -, ~.- . , ;:1 11.. P 7 p,• ... “.... . , . 11,1r.e.m r. ,Ito[ I m,. , , I .1, I. ..•• st ,IrTeem ii., t • ~n vnr..... an i 1 crl Proare; 11-. I ret rta K un.. Mr et•or •• . prom,' f 1.5 .I.trord-11 r i ~ et ,t I. ~..o _ , • AY ,1 ,'N11 N.1 , ,i1 . 41: 1011103----P.1,f,,101. .: ii.,-.1. A ... • ...... mu-, 11., •4.1 ‘1.0.11. Fora, .Ivrol tone to• 1., to um-, I 1,,,..1iara on .onett, ~,, • t. I 1...„ „ .. .. -,.,..„ ~,, ,1 .." ' WO, ,lr, I. WANTED, 17 ESTE lI.N RA' II: NUT . I.:S, :It I.,tv P • It . ~ V market mm..• 1.1,M11l ~., 1 for Am"! V:, 1 , Orre., In e n , and-. , ll It ILIN,r, I i ;I :Art n Ittamr, Pon, h to 11ET [III I R.INTING, - WEI INV. I.n.i WiI.c.IIPIN; ,‘" ~1 '.11'[:1:-- - 50 rtAwo 11., ~ Prlntonc 1.-sr ~1 11urt • •1 to a • - ...el -1, -- • • , et , 100 .• 110 -e.,.e. .1 ha - ,1 . ''' r. I ae[er, 1,, .1 la od .) Li . , .11, in i•roern ;It,. e. ~, . ,'n: ..t .1.1.4 - -11,tto er. I rloncle• 1 1rown Ha r. , I ' o . 01 0 1 .412.1 Irmo• noNotre on hood Itn,l t er,,ral. ~,, Arlen., ler P.a., 01. no 1 1 A er e . l oen l Tl- 1111 ' 1 ' 1' lan 1;14C4g, , , , 1er ,. .tter. (bra, Mr, to I T.: Pste.m, 11. oat ~ heo-ePejting of all .lie 1,0 rrtyrr trtamlortor., 1 rintenn Pe, r r - ral. e rd.- on; ,i,,. , , - _ MC . • to, of 1 Ito:0 •1,1. ~, • , _ . ,00 Patent li_ ,_.. kkidieStiekk. UST RECD, Al! U. iticHAßDsoic's.! J No. II Martel, erentt, t IP I. rt Imant 00 , 11- • a Its. a 11111. artloter•sproierat nun, on e ogua and :mere, IN rnr.wrnt ow the rid qr.. r. !eh 111. Poet. , ;err 0.- . an tr!IIIT 0111.0 to mll to manto... , r. , 1. 1 _ . Ur .burgh, Cincinn S ati and Lonisvilletele . ( S , FEW SIIARE.o a t P h is to Stook trnnterl at 1 1 ,, the Ex.-ban:o. OCIn. , •It ..' .1•11 A It LLKINg•It TEAM. BOAT rFFERED FOR CITY I 0° PitIVEXIT.r-A bogy n Iron boo [•• i 721 . • Ka , tO BAItLD a *mond s Late Iti, t. 1 114 . -.. . . MISCELLANEOUS. 6 I A Card. I . I - I Ir. have'retnoved to nut warerooms, No. 110 Stark , otnnt.clear Liberty. when. we talc.. 1. to Leer On hand • comtiete ca."7 . llll{lttl nt . oaetern 3.1 tntr ". 1074.1ru ' e: ." 0 . ..1,ti . 1 1 r f n k t " e ' 4. l t :ll /. ‘ -g . .; .*- tgo" r. ) .* 3 •Y:•:V. • ' ~•en ...I eloth and butt linen, wre low blllso. 0 1. 1 MP. , 1001, c0n8.1.8. 0115 Fnullrb a .3.1 240:134.1 ill 11.,06. In *L.. 1 '" TnrlCt ' l:Clt to the urns, • 0 o'n•1 0 .•0 00 lona, • ' I full 11...-P of India ItutLer aLlotor tolti ' Lore. team 1 fl•A.?t.n.'.'l:nlllo2l,•*altrrl*l7llnd'oir:ll",ll.r:.`l.;.T.7.:',l4.7; 1101. m l; of 20,13. Bobloo. undut. Oorolear• atent. al; of *OlOO tor n , o. al pro, that aannot tllll to clean troc2) 3 0 II PHILLIP, 1 WALTER k CO.,' -- • • I Flettr and General rtoduce I - i 0 )1 MI i : SION il ollS E . . I :...., v• :W:111 11./A 31)11 ':1:.11t I A 8710111100; CTREEP. 8 A LTI.4IORE . . 1_ • R AN roo,t , pRAPA.O ruo 0001' • L11.11:1" I_ AO.I'ANC', MA ttEl f. tra CON•IONMERTI I 11.001 al 1.01 equal G-10.1)88/er in Tnn•rentatlon • 1 ' .111. an) 88 , mart.,, 'O. lion. 10.0.1.• mod , rate uotly 81' oherces. w 81 ith .pttro •...L e .n.l out, tnutrun. 30 Jle l brot • market to, -us. we 0:11 1 ) rAypeorfullt ..lira catennta. er Pr-. daot and C..,tior ni Yfer.haut..* Ronk. 1 Bank nt 11.31tIostan - ' l,tuuterrtal • o.rmert flank ' - i Chartvers Coal, r Via: ell AHTIERS COAL COMPANY i tnetnu orrancerotBlo for nhlpplng ' lldolu 11,0 , 1 L,,,. I oor. .1 the 1,301, , , 3...11.11.Wa 11., - 10." le, 0.1. 2 . ..,..r.•1:,..1..1.v.r ~r .. 51...dna far. a day, . I n.. ' ' l ' ,, .f fof to,. of : 5 " Inult,l3--.Ball , unghl, On.. per t i 1.18). ottoonl 0,0 los , In old meal. or WWII forth, nO iY...nott-Aro . 1 lu 0 will ../1 .. the .nuarr, at 001 . 318. f at ono ,Ldor ' , 1 , t . nil nor oe rt. ,r ... In .e., 8 8 0 ,- ri , eint , e , boo 8 unar ,-.1.84).. for 1..,,n0, ...t. am , 1 A oul .0 ,11... I c. ralr, •+, 1 - 18•8ttr.rh Pop. nor./ m•-•...t., tn. ‘• , ' ,... ' :. ' n?.. *-"* { : i . .lVl. o . ' ll " cll :111 * 11,.. 1 1.; 1 . h .4 . 1 " 11 - . K .. *' 4:„ * .r . L.*s: I I • Int* 118 on. 1 11. 1 114,. 11cEt KATI! • •ep . 0.9•11n - to - ender, • .2 Fall Goods. 1 enu i C ~,i, s RPIIY . 5: BURCLIFIELD, Nortlicaet I 7!ieWo l2 .l , lle h t not i ' . l :. r :- ". 4 ir., ''.' hoop , .0 4: t0n.n...1.. Jo. Changeable:4,Blra; Blark and Pan 01 Alp•onc Prluted Eubm.rnand Mau. 8. Inltos. Printed Pere.33 olothw. 8.300 Damon: I' /clina Illaokand Vane, 1na.,.. PRE, oupn. 31131,1 10530¢0.1.) rhang.). 0.1.) Oren Bstka. long and lotuaro Wool and tto n b.- 01.3•13 S ltd. not Mole., Leollo 1, - 1...1 coll., A na , . n 0 .to -on , Vdolure. r Itreet, VI 1.. n. to lA - 80,, 3re 1001,1 In 'All an 1 lont kl,nt. 1.... •took. 8 8..1.....,.. h. 08... t. 00, ..010, - • , Splendid Instruments. rpm: ..b. Tiller has Inc? receive.l invoice ri . var. oholn 3.len ,n of Plano* tuule hr Rpm.. I 81a, .an 1 tdot I.v ltunbam. Sew York. Amon, oth ..r) 3 'anon:tonal hill nanc....., onion Ontn.l Plano. ruode 10 00,001 Clark_ Th.. 'm0r0n...84218r • Mr. la/ trtai tot 1ne.....,..ti , a. ...0 propruneel 1., the pr, 1. non r. 0....• 1., out 81.11noet La...-I end ten. paw •01.11./n• I 1 . an a..... notnufnctonot In Hat maws, - Ala. • zero. 000.11, Inn,- ley:. horlsontal,7. lb. nut 1 11.^ . 1 tn. of nreor •ariet 1 • 1 •18 -1, •180 Prn. I *.*** I • 11. ELEBER. 1 If.. 1. ..0.1 •treat ' • It The'..'l:;'....rel 7 .. . ' ,..i .', Vlt r lt i taT. ' t . .no. el ntol 1.1 8.. 1 ...I nett., trout the ;tram. r0....1.13 itlne• ..0..,rtati..1 - . Moat. it n .1 .ut-rt. r. 1.. ::01 ere: broup 11l :0 We.. -II 11 .- . _ It ft NEW STORE. ,/ FINER - I . li , ! , iiiilli Fla haring t . iken the Atiire , 1 s., f: ~.rif rte ,riii.l:l. [arm , 01 , menthol Of . 1 1, I 11 LA TI.S. pal I,••tr.c ..uttret. ...thud .I,e ounn. 1 I ...... ,nine,., oe tin 18 .1., of .....t.temBer. ••th • I.evn A.nd I :!1":1 ' l r . - , L I -' :1 : ; f t . Mut It o 1•t1 a 11.11 • 5 10 I,'. 0111100 i .DitY GOODS, t I I , . ' IV- l ii ' :/;!: IV." of .. r"i'11iVi‘...r..A'0.".'`,1.`:`,7,.,7.11., I 1.5,...,4./ pUt '. .7*V l . l /,%. 1 ‘ ,P, 1 11..1.1 / Ile .....) rontnottubt Inforju [boo fern - an .0.10.05 I if. Arronc trot 11•naar Punn•Llna . 0 Lunt. t.... 0, tb. 8.. I 1... •tarre 0111 nal, ankaln • tt/nrft contiete morn than 0 re wt. r. In thit,,,t,..... he in , ” l• .1...8.00 Part... Oar at... 1 1...08,i rt Pl. \ .3 Vic A lion , ItiflT i 1 ; : Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple 1 I oily 1100135 I . • 4 .l. !,!...,, .511. N k r , a ~” 11„,p1s,1 respect- , • 11. • .o l li In Ilort tho attout...., ei the Cuto • roll ,I er. 1 . 0. n 111, cin Ita.l. In part,. nter. I. the.. ar. arld I . 0a....... •- erted atoo, of toed, i , r tv. 3.1 nic.t. 00, 8 1 ........). wilt tn root, 1 hope, tt. o •ny tr...• 180. 31er L. In i e- • .88-1 , A. hay. 8.0-.013 , •:...11,36 . .. t X; * ' ' lr - 1 •' ;/ ‘ 1 ‘ .1 . 4 ' . *' ..t•. ' 0 al c ' cr ' • •• ;...7. * r ." ll -. 11. ' n '. . ' .% I I Int • I lannel, A....Lac...1 :On ... a...*1..purn.1 Pliuttl. ' ' 1., in3luto . 18. to I rot,. 1 8.01..... 11. et, ... Uplln au, en* t.). , 1 . ...r00nt, a Ponta., , n 1, • - brettu • - , I, p all •nlors. . to /non. 8,48 )1 - o•t.noL Bra Itt•lt Later.•• , • frneu • . . nar,n3 It mu.: 1:188rne I ....• /En or c. 1 I no., 1 80 1 c dor 11te...,. .8.01.1 . 'Rh ear, •r..... .. r...... 1. • 1 , 2 . 2 ... ...,01......0r1..1...1. 0 . of .0, t n. 3 lisp", .1 ...p.l - -•- - --•- - • - . _ NEW GOODS. v ' i . 4 . 14,_D1G 811 t.,46 ~, int , trill hi: friend. t ',; ,- 14' , Z1:; , ,.i.1'' , .%;;,;: - -: - ,‘,b.7:: - "...'7,'.!:',i t. .-30.0 'bi. ttut nlaannt .... g0...1. Au. ern w. tor "q.t.. I ro.r. • ar, It ottero. .t0r.0,1- to o , ..nrin tb- 1 .r• v. Itut rlennow of 11.- 3. , 03a o...ttert, of ht. Pan , .ern ....1 1 .88...0r lhe ru se roput.ny JI hill:P.11:x. ~ anti to nn , l. th.. !woo-, tent ru.....tur el. mot too. 11. , 1, 8 1-'naBB. 0.3.1 of ItY Al.l MAI, pi...1'81,i In the .. r,. att .4 w1.....1. /41'1 In ...:• r.... 1 et 1:.. t ... .. ct r. pm., f c 1 8 4 hara.• 8 88-o, -.T 1. .., .8 1 a.... 8 ,0 Pne made t ...le .3 the 5 ~" / fr 11l Vl' Illt IrRE THE I'Et.iPLE, tirat 1; in , .1,..11 0 1, Cate nt 1,80 or . o- - -8•-• . 01.100100 Ar r c.• .or p..../.3..1 ail Pan, n a rat t ..o• sm.:nano. .• 11 u'.,. ..... In 1,1. el. tore \ it ,lo na rain 8., er 11-11 . . .. - r . •re o . a rot . ama .8 •in.n.ln I 0 lEIZ I:11514SM. V . - I ,k, I•nr.r.. ll n.. 1 •la.l Ina,. /./.. r STAR GLASS WORKS. j r i , '. 01c i tIcT WINTER .1 I .' fI . r lic-, , ~,. -.V.. I; N. , net 1 1 , - . Plits.-yh f• hI I , ilmh I' wisiEß 0 10 , 53004;iAken i 114. i .o• , i , e• ... c ~,,,,.,,,,.. .11 to.. I G.,....• " ,'... k ~L . V .•ten it i.nnr, . e..litrirel, tn 0., 1 ~, , ~ I, (~ , .12 A H 1 .......,., •..1 t ELT. t at. 18,8 m as, '• 1.1 . A 1.01.111.,AD,. 11 1.‘11141..... .In 10 ..... .... .. th 8 eIl.. 41c.t to ... Ao turtl.ol.ruel , S 0 ey n. L. 8 nr 1. , of r•t 8 eu-• top, e0t 1....0.1 ...•.I •• t • L. u lII* t...untr-V ..., b., p.I ho cotet oft.. u n 81 ~ elr 1. (1 •.r It. w.a. i. It, pu1.... .1. ..11.1•1 Ltat lat•nr then. P. - -- B Drag Store for Sale. a u i DIU zddlit I rtx . ruitv. Am) 1.,. 1, •,n F. I , ) 11/... 1,3,1, ,s, n 1,-. rein i..... h e,nelint.t run al ^ln./flit .0, fr..ct 8.8. there Air t t 11.....• 1,1, , • . ~ VI, Jig, , ./A., ,-, eat,. t 8 WeternColleirc of Ifemreopathic Medicine 11 " ,` • In cr.:yr:ion:in, cur, n, r r i.,,,..,..„,i it nric,.. I C ,, ,, , .• '.f 1.,..111: ..0 in 1. l. Natnr...1..r.1.,..,. ncronnatnot I 8 .. .... A n•-• -na.o nom In..n .81....1 lo tn. raouit, furs. the It o en • •nu.o, eini .1 . hnli- , ..1 t 1. 4, rln. t.,..n. tor 1 .I. I I: nry o In I e,..... 1 tr... no .......• r-,1 a p r 1.1 , 401 111 i,... , ti Pro l ot 1 1,4,1 nrs .oil 1n,...... 1 AP Pi' k /.1.1 • It lt 1 081.1:11 1 1 c 1 . ••.1......•• I , 11 Ito Al.lll , It P .11) , I.L1-. 1 1 8 rr• i• .1 I fl e. nntvioen.l f. " ri ~ ' 1 1'1• 0.1.1 . 1 ,! I , r,,,- .. ' •,•• I,• 1 1.1lina 1.n.1 111181.. 1 I. 'MI I 11, A •I tt If 1 rt. tone r. I Et.em 1 loth I 1 10 P tia It 1111.1. 11 I , Pr .I..tati ..1 Phrto....e t V . , " 41 11 i,f, ' Pr.,, - .„ ~ , to. l ~.,,,, , „p„,.,,, ... ~„., I . ' 81 111 /I. 8 1t.P.A..11 Sr. 5 . / 0 ,.. to.retto llr of t au 1.81 n0.r.0• to At, r 11.111,0 e• 'Ph ram t 8,8... tool •• th .. ' or .no Iny :cent o ft 1 , 8 f u.on• ottutot. fo. of.o •I Mu ..,.....1 ........1 .nttent, 1 . 8.4.1. flies elnl oglitx r eott la h ~,, 8...0 Cora 61..... to yj n. ~...e . a c - A •. I . urtnot Itlt t• nnt.• 11 1 .c. th• . 8 7 h non f . tor•hor Inf. 311 1r... 88 8 I LI.I A 1 1, )1 It . Dean of the Et. ,Ti ''' ..e-t . mt It .1. , 1 111 11. E ... .018 I liti CLEri:LAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1 I ••-• E , Dt: Anginal caarsa of I.flet art.n in the ::i. I PlevooBl 1 1k1 , 111 C , 11..,.. • I. mon , . oa Wed -0 end.lll. tPE 1.1 of h• ....tone. und com ....mote agate n I (In I ...o 18. tollme air 14 ,11 .' 0., " .1 `." .• II. '" i''''ill ' roo' lei 1 r..on . ''. ...ll, n OEO3BIAI yl l 11 ll_ 1,kr...0n. of Ilene. onic ,11,„ Nl''l.2-ri. +WI 1t1......n.. 11 Lunn and 01nolrec, , I as .8:111 11 1 . It MIL., I. s. t.. 1,8, 88 nt 1'1,,.0.1 ht- I ha. and 110ItAt L A 0 81.8 .. SI 1.. Prt• on rot • 18110 I. 1ac081..... 1 1 11. Pc., .or ot 1 138.0.. ',dn.. gat& haruolo.,and li, tan? .lABOII J Irr I, till r 8 4 8 . Prot.,. 0 of A 11•10 m: I :, c . ' ,.: ' ' ' 1 1 1. ' . 1 .7., * ;1h•• ulna -,..u._ •f /, .tor. A,. - -CO I ri' ,l /1. - rtenlollon fee 10,01 .00. L . ) 8 u 1 1001 ..1, • 88.0,noro; note. •,.. le it vent.° pp, ' l ' lll ' 1 ' ,11. . I. uL yII, l vettla ' nngs i . 0.1.. r. rtlpfnlitilfilll I l nrrt Ili. to 18 ...1n.., or ihr Pnun, I 0 .7, • J t:du. 02 the Count, or 11..1* . t, to *loco ttn • Au. par -Idea alit he am pl. .1 in I lAn plati n ad mos, ..he h 11.1,41 otaduatem. 30.1 dun, who 03 0 .318.1..ted two 8. 8 0 111 cuuratn.d ten ....... on.. 01 .‘ 11108 • 1•3 . ft.. In. ~,,, on. arc ......ttel , • free aim:noon to Llte I..pturn, 1,, 01.ity the Mao costa:lBn fn o nl y . on-I board. 0.11. onto, light, and 1001. can In. ps,no end " 27 I I . o 1 r.tontor from 01. no to AI per In ro o wk }1 on tn.. for %elf Inuithto. nrn trlnand at mod. i ry. n :l 1 ....m.8•1 . a m. of loot 0.). fen .....1 Alstonotuanto •I' l tlt t k olio,. .01 ...... me Idt r w... 4- to, ttotto to the , ~, it/If/toy, : t nt of Wr nr, pl. m!, aml ,ntiner wall y e ,,, -•I tin .:111/. term 1 . 1...1...1 to !pint. 1..1. It. rut... , 01..... •ft I.r.vole anatomy nut he zonal olon. ,rms. • 8„, flat ...I, tlncl c i,nnpen crone. led etth lb. r ., , ote.r.. at., the .Iteeett nof Prete...t , r) 0.1 adat.r Iltrt• • tt 1..t1 kny. In 111. c.a.., ~ 0,8, 0 and ..84.8ano r . I n 8 eon... porn...ord. nt two,. so I.• eaustl to any to the - 1.• mutt, J. L. CA , 0 0. 1.1-L. ; P • N OM ( _Srnn•tary nt Ile 1 8-.11,1 Yenultr. A E:eri4.l - 00, AND exri.....-d VI: AcCORTIIB, I OF .. } ;l.. all Paper and Dorders, for the Fall Sales. . bnfe CST liECElVilll, at the old established nt: and. Market .8,8 Irom taunt of 118. 8 ',trent l'''..." .08 op Canon., • great many ratan ot 1 . ..11.81t II A haB ••• kiN and /B.litbEE)., oetnprhlror oturh a 'tattoo., at 0 1 1,0 • 0 P' lo °. al , an hardly toll to grata) the tante. and moot r . of tb• most twetldlona and e - ,munanal . • ' I iI- To ----------- SIL . V.E - It tiir • • • - 1 rtuulitt) 3110 MA, PALMER. 1 ft - AND I A f (.311.6- f a l i. II Ito hart. now an no.llent 31st of - .4 ATCIII36, of thy total , accruterl Iht. glletti, 'tnth I l •..1 I.l3nics cortunfaotur. In Eno Gold. Iltuatioß. r .ol eill.r attln of can, all warranted. sad at priont utr 1 • ' uttUr lw • -, 31100 VOACI/ ilepaitial kale in lb, hot Irru:11 01. h71. 1 . I .. 1.00 lII.* expetisaced ararksasta La tb. city. 't 0 aniate W. W. WV.4.OR. th . Marten IlLi• ' comer at roar*. I o- Estnattagat...,l4lllll - - - STOM3, CITERFIZIrOj, AND .... , 0 (CORRECTED READLARLI AND CAREFULLY \ , . \ PRICES OF STOCKS. • • RFPURTED FUR TILE, PITTSIIUROII (JAZETTR . , 1 A. WIL KI NS. 8./.• Co, • ' STOCK AND EXCIiAprOE 'BROKEIIS 15.111N4.11 ~t , 000.0.1 n ANI4TIIIRD-ST6 • Piat.incsatio. Oct. 23. 11451 ._ 1_..„ a 1 7 2 r•-• • autaltaa tota•• ' I' 01,14.0 eta 4, 4. s .... ... a 0, - ,- - s‘; Do :es - ... 11.1,i 11.124.11 4 4 'DA. Feb. At • Ponaarlratua tit . pal 16N1a lat.‘../ana JO Da s '. • -.. 1 00 im 9a 1121.febt Al✓ At Do oT Cc soup•i4s. , ..-.,100 j t o , , j , , On r0up.6'....._ 100 jo, dtt Vittsburon sit) ...• 100 la, 0 . ; lot ja h a Jul Dv ...IL o',. Pail .100 f., 4: ~,,, , Alit:tent et , ; ,,, (4t....., ,i,0 . 'l,' , .' 4Z .,. tt , ,,a Int Ma; A\ . d o \, 1,A,L,..11,0C, t Haat of Pittsburgh - . 80.. 56 Di. Ala,•‘4pr ' Merclsatr'A 110041 (Kai LO :y4 ,Is Allealon, Far , Exchange Ihta maa Rat , nk 40 4.i y 05 • ~ Monongahela 11,410, ~ :,,,a 2., 2. 3* p, 06.- st Clair et ltrl , lsre . • \-, 3, , ntr_toja4 a 7 pr ' hand St M.A....-. \17 . , ~ t o Northern Llbertar. .&, i, •,,,, ' • , Williams,. Bed,. ~ .5, ‘ •.. .. , ‘!"‘""' I"' i r ..n ' , ' - ' ije " ,..± - ,13 ' 12 g gt••Nr ) ;si - v , . 5,':,::::.t.,;"1t.:...,,.. ~,, - l• IL 4 , ' --, • • , r , ara,usro 'ilt.molth. a Lattlsrillos oo .0, , , . Minn Lr..•-• • - .- " 0. \-- l' • 4 1 .. ' 414 ; Mit, • Magneto, • .54 17 ''',' ,131. , ' l ''.' ',' .o " ,, n r. ' c ' nSt.r. .. ' .lre f gft.i . ‘. Z ' - ; ''4 ,' L' ''' ''''''" I Lougliioarh••os Hoch oats ~, „,, .- 1 ~.,,,,•,., ChLtsllts,, Rtut ~., 41 48 ,n, \ ' 41,1..,.1 I , niea. Rao IL , al 5,1 9.. , , 11110 a “t,. Katt 1, , 50l ~,, , ... \ c1a5.0.,1 .: ll el Wlt. h. It ~,,, 4 ,, . j ., • 11s, ti, It W. , . Dr, 1/0., 1,1., ~, ~ s ~.. "R.,. :rt • 1.:.• , :nal lamas. •,, 1 . , os• ~, . , \ 0 'torts, Ls*); P 1... Lad , •-;!. 2 , 00 All. ( A Perryeslll.l . o 164 23 ._ _ ' (!t7...A7.- ' , 5 . j:Tio..,' ''' rsi =,;2 i i , .... \ COPt !A \, .11t0pes,ta - , .... . - 105 ... lOtt.:11 A Boatao •-• ... Ott P 9 11; • , 1. , 0. 6_14 North Am...-. , • • LL, lah it,al 4 .lvnt re. _ . ...1 ... .1 4 1 , 1...11/.... 1100ant0u..... .• ... o 3 , ' U ¢ ' lr f- I; '' :P . it . ;......, : : . ...- l ' . 1%4 •-• , P. '" ‘ i '? ..• 1 '; ' 'ItF••• - ..\ ' .l %VI 1 - 1, PRICE OP COPPER STOCKS, Drporr•J ty 'hr allnitor • lat.lll4ettre As , o-coartoit o, Copper Vlcsk Exchanga. • 0.00, IL•asak., Lail &tram.. Sept 1. 0•11.4, Offer.] 441 I,l Art 1 ' 4 .' 4 'Clie r Mins/. -01 v ,o• ;sp7. a ~ N., Kart:„ ... ~. ) 3 , .... 00 1 w: 00 Pho..nit , •lafornah. j o'4 I ' Is 010 .., L.. 1.•• Rollo. . .. l ' ', ', )ll ' 1 !Yr 0" , I. , , , trir Falk , . / NOrth Arntielezu - ... . . 31 0,1 . 20 Util 5h00....0,... . ~ 105 L I 100 001 I North 1. is+ 9, Ou, \ 1 1 00 A.,' ~ ..,„ s , \ 6 ttl i li? 00 IWbotOttOn; Matas , . .... . 74 00 1 orl: 33 Mulitsao. ~ I 2 tio , ‘,l 00 40 t 0 :17:11 , :..... . • -- . 1. '''' 4 '''. Yfr . I*, 4tlt-,falera,ar r .. ..77 --. ! ' t ) , 1 1.,! , Collin,. . j .,, . , . • ' J . 05E1 . 41, TDACll6R. S terertary 1LAT.1.13 OF ' DISCOUNT:\ , r.,4BACT.r.. 440 pc.• TAP PlTilirtloll 004.1172. 0, N. IFOLNIES & SONS. Bankers \ , ,v. f. 7, sr. 4 , ,,..- , , Pica a-A Pnalloe.a.. iit.o2ooo 0 P1.1,..,6) 11. , AN I A Drawl . tlatolion ...-. aj Book el Plttajtarcht - ..._.par Bran-ls at Wooat,-......,__.,4, t , .......5as 10.1.0 of , t4. ..{4,r , Sevach ..t.:X.....4a. ...... .. \ 0.. tier. anol Mao. of d 0 ,.... -I , Brooch . Loonaato.ro_,, Nap l a of fa-=OOOO .... L-. City D.L. Clarions,- L. ltant. ot North Ata. ,, , , a,--ror axial 1 14..littrittnat , , 11. tis. ~.,N...rtlall.lbert,a.oat. Math. 4 . 0 k----•- ' 'n pni l efr..... Gant of Pratirfitalass- -,442.11.111trart. hank.....,.... - .4O Van? of l'essa Troattruhlp.apartlblo I.4fr Ins.* Tn. Ce._.... Itaui of Ili. lialt..l 4 11.1,1214arterso !bort, lltask--.-,ln Co:moans,. Rank ..1 Pa.. par llanl, , f M.nllott---...... do ir.arrts.r. 1. tlochamos'ltkaastata.ll‘l„waten. ... .. .-..t0 Door] 11.0 - . .--. par .1 4:11' C! .. 41 - 1.. - A - i - D .- la annual.. Dana.. .:ergo. It rotre.l Ilan ta--- . 1 / 4 M. 0.. A 14.14 1. , t, Uaolt. 410 Za1:11 101:11. -- --• )lorarwasso, (ton; .....pariCountrr ..., toolokt pl..> /1..0s par. • MAIII 1 NC. sooth.altra Ran", . ...,a, Rantr:orst a pot Trsoie.pan • Rook • • 4a , C ,4 a 1, 7 --, ~.- • : N vs., Oars, ... - ..... .par• N .1 V0...,1, a italst• A 1,1.. Rant olCha.Lo-oen•Lorot %lAD solanot Lanka.- .• L• % Conk '•f !Leo, Loamy-par VIIttiLNIA. ‘,l (...7111,.. , ..,.. gc,r 10ank oath. Ca 11.,..- ..... , kt• 1,4 i, of Prl .... , . , 1, , ,..,..r par Pt rf Viroinla. ilt , jhric.tpi N 8.,„,,,,,....,...,..,, -.,par . ha. alactß,_,,..,,k--. % eoat,,,, 4.......,L0rrt . ~., I , s'Varmarell:ltot)ir,Onia .. Rank .st 1.-mlst,...T. ._ ~'-ral.rrbants. , 4 0 04 , 11,. RAnit Rank of .101 , 01,4•00-.. ~,,,,,North Wea 11.,401,-.-- \ Ztl . :;;Tg s-11.Ct's'..nt"r'ite4r'it "r,•l'4lliCl.6l.t'NOS: t,,t'iojitta ti - Di -- scs4ll; n o ' ll4 C nn. r dßillo ~,, .0-stroso Dant -..... 1 .4./CMoneratal Pk, 11 Ilsoln,ts 2 Eastou D. t. . ..... ...-....ParlNrrthant.s. 1 6 0 1111 2 0 . 0 ,„ jj,,,, : , _,_. , __ 5.1 , O.ICIII CA F j OLLNA. 1 ratoono . Pt rd thavka Co-j.r 1114 el the St_ oe 1.. n.r.,ltrs o t' 13k Ke a tin g{ofiasoate-r,11•40 of koalh swarolina..--, 2 Farmer.. 0.0 of ag 0 , 11 , na (.1 Clurleatnt ~..'.•• arta Itt..,Sohartltilleo.ra llatta.ra se Oles•h 110 Far 4 14,.. 3 , , .01.1:, .0, , U 1.011.11 Al, • .'nsoltlin ID,. Washing4o, ratr As,‘,:tta k0(- - a ftantivas't Harrisburg liana. .... ' , a Dont. LALL4 ,, .. ..... --- S , llon,olaia bank. ..... 1, 1.:0 .4 h.m.....1,a, Astro..ta O. .;•astarl , ank. . • ...par: 1tYN1.... 4 ,41,a, satro..-rCsadaty It loat,-.pariAli eolv. a ban , ..., .. .. - a i...)0,0,-,., p. 0,...,... . -parr - ti `NTUCH.Ie ... • ner.' Pnak 10 1 . 0....501s %Mk ,1 Kftiat tit - y.1...1..0h. sa I .'o oo ng.el. Bank , Par 0 0 ot Loot 11etTh0t4,..1,, j aa j ttraa....h 11...,, . • * NL•rth,ra 114 t li , turij •:i V.oralno 110.1V111,Lorrepsr,sp..h,.." 1.0, . K r ,,,,,,, 3 - , 'ork e„ Dra , t - ..... ---..., , 41_ 111401 unt '''...,:il r t,, --' S i " ,1-` 1 , 1.i. 4 0:: 1 3.' " ''' th,o mat. Laol, .. ..,..- ' , VS,. li•oS•mod,b. ...Lea 10) O - . 0,4 at Aaron . .t. 0,..14.). 81 - 111.1t0.,A,....\. , . tit. .ratv-h at Athst,.... -2,.. ooi 1 1- 100.5613 tranrh at Ilrolsteport ...L-Lorslant, A Fir. !tot C.Lhta •, rao,b aj 4:1,41,0,11... ...1, .rstoh ao Cletottos“ .0014sta:tars' Stethanine D na I rar44, at Toledo. , ... - .I•Ltloaoratmert ~...k, 11.301 t .t.l t,..,,, , b st Da. J , Psisits.alar 11.1 t .. ~.., ••,, tr a mo La t 1.1........ . 1,, loaurann - Campaor ~ „. V al \ rat.,:h as Colombo. .. .do Ntataltoat ..„ , ...... ,. ' taaril .t A•ls.tu , s, . du \ CANADA ,• 1 :ante at ralka , .... do! Bk, of R. N America l•nrork•O • rairt..t alanafist] Jo Book 01 100 Prapte, 1 . 00704\0 ,I osjonli .tlo4l , ler, .. rd., Rao* or , i , attrra'... .. ...1, 1 Iractola at Cioetnolati •-•tol hank., 1 C anal.,C Tomos 1. rtura .1 C,ltato Los. ..1,1 0 , 1,:j1 KC KCI1AN(11. 000,0 as Wartlinatoo ~.1,, 04 Nolorlt. cprero I. •-4 I mud. sot Culla .. .. do to, PM 4,fplios 0,, - .. * aneli at L.A....L., .. .I,tra baits Div do ..... i 1,..11 at.,111. .. du; 114,t!"1•111tN CXCIIANLIV. ,Mg; :I';e.',4r:f....°"'d -, : rt. r.: - .).Zt.'.).." Et',.pa V.`.. - ,."1 - ,,`,i,',', lo ! knot 15501 math 4.t 31t. Fit..t_ ~,,loretclo.o 1 ...t. . ...1004 n,tehat tat,lb. `l‘ , Lattle ~... . 11 .2. 00 rahrli . Norwalk . . .. irode.r . e..l to, -,,, ~,fu rooeh at 1 . 1,0 t.. it .I . ' '''''''' A' r. '' omen at /ton co*. Torr.,.. rate+ . 11air...• A,ll-1104 , 1ers . .. \ o o•neh at ct,lhsott... ...\ 1%Pd..... . . ..,,, '', • adch nt rr..l-.1,. . 4., 1, I . .• . ' l / 4 &nth/LLB AND DEP • . OF MAII.s.x. 1.,. 1,6)80,04 7400 of 0rri,,.1 .. d- • 0180 '.. 6,4 t 4 .1 1 - 41 4 ., c•er eutod• e0rr..0.. 4, 111., 1011.4), .., I: total, -ft, orrenvbarg.ellito It. Chtlalellitil . ... .-,lark, E.taro. Centre atol Nort rat .14 01 N. 1.40., bloat, Now Jeri,. mot the !11, N 1. ,31.4 :tate.- h., Ilrlthlt Prowlint 00 Inverse...l INora Seotla, ~ 1 i \ oi looms *irk:Jail, . 01 . 1100, It ~, A..•.. • Dkparts at 1r.,. I t,i, a,,, ~,..5,.-R, IlhOrstille mot' 11, lidictsburg. Pa., ,14 , 110 g Ow ,uptl,.• ortire.!ford. Cuah la ,utr... 0140. n, jura,,.. . 1.,, 3tirtllu, Mclitad, VD kr, NIT, 1 KI, Lut,,, atnl t".ri of lleatrnorolarml.) la liiverorn, ,t. r,yoriTh.., , al..n. x Road, Near Alozarla,,nd Inai. i a Lounto Arrives dallt, a. 1,11 1.0., day a '1,1„.:Ir >ll F....-H7 roll,. Pa! Mer., , l. Ctassfm-d. • Jetsen utt tes. 11 estora ',Ann! Near YoritansittPnorCan. WA,. rns ao at 4 r, a., arpl dep.-La at 1;4. 0. FOtiltra., AND Wr3llli.N.--/1y - Alifthvitolli.. re., 7 ~q,... t 4 .t, part of Waolmore and, eaunry, V Ott , t ary,artd.lleltlrooto.Waaluaron Citituthortrand ..A , i a pone of Ohio And loan.. /Ceatoc •, /11111.,1A..Te 1a.: , , k L AI. an, thaspori. 511..a1pp1. Ar na.,a, North a. - a ti., , ,rata. Lotoattna,.Clorsla. zatl ToXl , ally. Am • , 44 P. a.. and •Irparts at 6a. . \N i• [T7ll.t.t. (1010.-Ry Foyelta. 1 1 , ' Dariagtaat',. ono"-, V.,rta, Pa. ilulliday• Co,. 'V, iNkry...l3, Ranh, o. , orr , ll. /1^11,,A.011,1 TUAcaralria. totaltli.,(ll.da.dAllt. ~, nor.A At 11 r. 31.;,0e.TArt, at 6 .11.. V. 1 Ic. , Wrorritas-Dy Lear., I`a, and 13.1we1i4c..4,0n10.-- - 1 1 ILars'lZa....Zl7l:`-.V"..;‘7411`.°67.1k0T,.._„,.."rt1N?5FA:: I 001000, Lorain, liar - . Ottawa ....oe, ....v.nuAkp., ..,.1. , ' ,11.44,4, month., Ohl • the.axmatto not - thorn &tootle. 1 the 4101..• of In, tol 511 1 'a inelcyllna 01111140, ' rt, lrons, anti Wiaran.luAlallll, 9,hea at 11• a, tik . l.l.- I : \ . 111 01 - 1,,0 -117 "Iyar- , ,.111,if ,i 111,1APhi.33. f,pratefiel,l.ll.4lol - I r, , pori, hittaunloo, h skimtrotao.Armatront,i . . \ CA, I • .. and Clearteld sortoti.s.. tqi, , sd,tept on ...nal., 0,4- ~,..1 4 A. NI. and delmt . ., st,T , . L1010L..--31T EArtyArillA.. r il'irOttlAZrtierilopl, Po 7 , e, llaritto , Lr tad Near Ni , ,,,. \ Arrives Toard ' rtday., .6 ...Imlay.. at al ;\rl.part., slatula a. , •.I\ ,, :faraday,. 1,-.4 p 6.1,,,,, 0 1 7a. . lotBieVtLA4;.-111 . eturga's 11 ftFlatkrrillo, and 31014 .11..1a (lA, Arrivoo T0,.1.1. Lidera...o 6P. a.. tic , ... WoditaroJa)..4,l ,aturdara alit. Y\ * , . ' '‘'. 09,9, 1• 9 1,-b) Iturh.a.n, Flees , Jain, I toist.a.r , rt. it 1 % ann., htatoethtsma, tsamble'to, ttostrVor, !,tsr,v . .. a, Codas..., Parry walla. o aa l L , stZtll. ~ ,,,, , , r 1.;: . ; ;1.!'.:14,7• - ,..'iutg,:;', o ".,1 v:, .0 . - 1,14AN1 " I' A.--. 11, {I,AI/4,l'n:ruin, Nol oN , ,•1; CtstAnr, i rg,.T.1.4.... , ,,,,.1.:n0, , 10 ,, , • i.,,0 - , P.p,• .. ', 9, 1 / 4 '.1. r..- ,t,‘,,, 'a ~ Arrives Naltil \p• sod Thorn ..5 at 1.4 a. •.: Ar , .. ‘1......, - 4. at 1.. • ~ tn..L,.noto, 4lont,,kar,ll, too \ Mow . 1 tr. Froott, t Sprosr.. Pa., tairaLoo, yo. . rr,vo•3l . S W at 41 r. at., deports on Isiatoola, at o A. , .. . ~,Itir, l tt/,.--ity .Tatum, Nt,et..{,•mon,e9 . „ ~ Arriv.4 ~n W•410....1•Y., at ~, V.•l- tle,trtr. . ..,,,,./ , , 0 „1ti,•,,,,,,--11, I,Grale , ‘ 1 , 17). 91.710 , ...he Fr . at 4,1 ,..• '' ;l . l . tarLlll ' ; '" rr n y ' r7th " .•: l lt . sal ' ont. Br•to, .i•,, l ' i • ~..,„,,ilnatnau. ac_ toelialiko; \ Varrf a ..., , ~ i , , , toles 1 Afrhros tri-0,0.1,-nOmt.7. ‘`,__.`•!: ! IZ. ao 7 a X- fuld departs Tortadar. , 0 4 r.. 1• \ s. [lora ear the 4.17 ne tt. m moat bitgi the trers , lllM hoa. , Al thsir demo-tore - , tor bs ti ., .rtni, . A 0 .104 a ...hi, am to, In m MS, hal! an hoo k c r,,,,, their , teparttire. \ amoososts. Copper Stock. \ I 007000(. 'Miramar , . 11 ‘‘,:isa. Company \ \ , , DA " lreainaula i “'‘,., .. \ . • Wu - North Was , . 00 - l Oatous4 P.' ..\ \ . , o .• 00 - Parts. I citllins. ," LL QS , . nr Etre). " ' " \ \ 50 !• 111 , go, . " • . \ I o i, afratlk o lat„,..6.6.Lala a' •• rat.. try . \ wt N4r.a.ustwwww I•h i =o:• ~ 1 • • , \ • &of . s UN \\ i TERE:97ING ~ • FRESERT OPULATION OP Ts, ' \ratacrw. CITIES. Cr have received n'eopy of ageogr... . . Joseph C. Hart, (known‘na the author ofd.. , 1 em Coffin," end \ the "Romance or : Naafi - mg. - ), which it gives us \ pleasure' ta notice. \ The boo - I is not large, containing only 132 pages; Mit \ in aly. 1 those few pages there is mornmatter condensed Sitti than in many nhuge tome of greater pretensions, a ' The statistical information le rateable and,cupi 8' , one,d game of. it relating to the late census 'i qu it new, said the tivet,published in this little volutnev. The purelY geographical - part is mai , ; neatly practical, and \ refers , directly to maps and \ charts-as the true source ofinfonmonna. It tip >,, 1 pears to us \that it would beint easy 'book .to \ I teach from and to understand, and may be used with any gotwiStlais Theebild who understands ! lte pages may efy examination,‘either publicq 1 pp, private. It it'probable \fhat, eventually, it, I will become a S to book, tor. the \use of our j con:Moon eobooLs, i , wo may ja4ge by . .the inter, ' eat taken:in it,, by e public authorities. Gov. ..1 Hunt.Orf this Attila, 'n a letter, to Mr Hart, \ which We host Amu, rononnees \the work "a valuable \improvement, inently worthy of,pub '') He favor And patrousge. Wt.. Alcßeen, Conn -0 ty SuperiMenden.t4 A Co on School(' for this el i7 , city tied cohnty, .9o:Nit re btiT,tar adapted for I \ exeremes 'fiite any' other mane!, used \in our, e. schools," and recommen 9 iltU bjcommoti,sclool \ ll\ teachers throughout the , tate. As a text \b:ok it truly deserves 'the wide t cirhulatinn Cody & Burgess are lbetpublishelw '",..•:\ , We intend to make somextracts ..: from 1! which, as porfof theL,statistic show the indus try as well no correciume of author, in hie mode of making op the work -t haslong been the opinion of many thinking persona itidcer tainly it is our own, that the old wit of naming ~, the States was at loot inconvenien if tint hie o ' correct. For example, the "middle tates,` , !: sa called, have been anything but "midlc' for a\ long time. The author takes' the true view 'of the case and onviatee the difficulty in the aims. Omit manner. His arrangeMent is to divide the States pretty much according to the card'nal pointsof the compass—Northern, Eastern,Son k ern, Central, and Western. The Central Stan. :t will be perceived, by "eferring to a map, are 'one forming. ns near as possible, the centre of our p Motion, es well as"the geographical centre of the °entry. This is as it should be, and is good oom on sense,: .and, if we mistake not, Hart's table ill he generally adopted. We should not to all c surprised to hear the States called, in thel xi Congress, according to . Mr. Hart's -new a in " rr gement," which, he says, found to be ncem ry by the accessions of new terri tw,‘asle tories and t ' admission of new States, which rendered the ti order of naming them imprep ,er and obsolet - . , '\ The new area eeement is or follows• e - \ \ "e f '., , SIN orthern State, \ `', s s Raeitt \ State \ rointlation Capita? I —Nyte York, 3,o97,ooo—Alhany; \ 2—Pennsylvania.—Harrishorg. ' 3- News , Jereey. .190,000—Trenton:, \ 4--Slichlgan 390.000—Detrhit. \ \ s—Wi sem:min. 04,000—Madis s n. ' ) . ee—Delaware, ..._ ",000—Dover ), \\ ‘. \ , Total pcPubstion 3,691%00 • • 'Rik Eastern Slate . ' 1 I—Massachusetts: '• 093,001 Boston. i 2—Maine ' 583;000 Artgasta ~3 —Connecticut. ', 371,000—. ew Haven 4—New' Hampshire, 318,000—C cord. 5--Vermont. ' 314,000--Moktpelier. 6-11hoddr.e 1.n.1. ' 148,000—Fros t 8. 1 Tital pzpulation 2,727.000 . ‘ ' 'Fere Central.Statea. \ , 1 —()hip, . I,977,ooo—Columbus. ' , 2—Tennessee, 1,003,000--Nashville I I3—Kentucky, I,oo2,ooo—Frankfort 4—ltalians, `999,ooo—lndianaphlis. 1 . 15-111inois. . 852,000--Sprinfield. 1 1 Total population 6,823,000 '..1 1 Ten Southern Staton—Ont Territory or Distrat\ I 1-Virginia, , 'l. I,3Bl,ooo—Richmond. `.l , 2—Georgia, - 879,000—Milledgeville. 1 3—North Carolina. 869,000—Raleigh. 4—Alabama, 772,000—?dontgemtry : 6—Snuth. Cnrolinn, 855„000--Columbne. , 0.--Miewissippi,.. 393,00—Jackson. ..f ''' 7—Maryland. -- 6 8 3.000—Anxiapolia. ', B—Louisiana • 601.000—New Orleans. Slt—Texas. lBB,ooo—Austin. „', , 10-Florida, \ 88,04)0=Tallahansew I 1 I =4-bistriet of Columbia, 62,000—Washington. ', , \ -- [Cap. of:U. S. 'T,otal population 6,561.600 'Four Ire.)ern S.tatee—err Teere.rehs. ; I—SlisAturi. ' -- '—Jefferson'eit-. 2—Arkansas. 208, 1 '100—Little Roelt,:w, '• ! ' :.3.7alifor ii ir., . 200,000—5. JOse"Fillejo" i ' 4—Tow a, ") , 192;000—Iowa City. '. I ' , , Tvretoeirr. 1 I—New Nlextel. \ o2,ooo—Senta Fe. 2—Utah. %. \, ,ls,ooo—Salt Lake CitY ) ,,, 3—Oregon, .... 13.000-:-Oregon City- . . SA 4—Nlinesota. \ 4000—St. Paul. . 4—Nebraska. \ 800—Not organised. . 6—lodine Territry \ 100.000-18. Tribes only, , i \ 138 tribe B e B c B t) ' t , tered on the : .... other Indian exiles 200,000 =,,.., east- of the ~, ‘.,. rocky, oon-. , • 1 \ • Total population 1.69.3,000 \.." The,popuhstion is given its ;timid lumbers. re I a jecting‘sr retaining the hunill . ds, where tbeY I h , veered or fall below tire hundred. Fu all prate- 1 I deal purposes this le nuflic.ent, \The population ' thus made \ up, is '1p,404,000, whillh in ailvai,ce of the offici..[ annonneetnent from the Bureau of : t '.Statistics, is.perhapt, niece to be relied on than t I any other statement that his been pliblished.,— !n I The Indian Tribes have not been attedded to in ', e [any other papet;,, cad Mr. Hart dem:l , re') the' c ,credit of first jotting their numbers. It will n ~ be matter of s.priee to many, that all theModl. a , I sue iu cur conotry d . not exceed 300,000. \ h IS The following tableshowing the rank of the , t. eiti cal States according to their population, s is 0,1)..> cued in Mr Hart"e(geogrephy. It will be,: q\litr Sat is'factory to some;sf our readers to know 't r boa' I States stand in i‘ r.l is their neigh- 110 hore, ~ .. .refer.ce to the' le Irwin be sma ` yi, that `oventhe city of New Yok contains a popu.. ; a lotion 'gee 'ter than fourteen otMlie smaller States , S and Long faland 'greater than seven of. them.— ' a All the Naass of New England ititt together-do Ik' not equal thetate of New York 111 population, ' is yet they talk h tingly as if they were "q ere-' - \ ,5 &thin and Sheba (of Nantucket". \ \ , 1' \ Table shoteeny the )1 , irk of the Una,' Ria .'\ tee art\ r- : c .,t° i hny ro the, Nan non and the Capitate!) . eorh Stole taken trove\ .11e. is Gevrophp. •,) Rank State )vty. a 1350. Capi(ot , th \ \l—New York, - \3, 97,000—Albany , \,,,, I, \—Penneylvani it. \ 2,3l,2,ooo—Hirrisbitre 'a' 3—illiio, 1\97. 000—Columbus. \\ lb 4-,,\ Virginia. 1,881. —Richmond \,) 5--Tentiessee. 1.0b3; —Nashville . i . : 6—Kentucky. .1.00'2, —Frankfort. Mt! +s7—Miesachusetts, 993,0000-Boston. P, S-Llndlistaa. 989,000-Sludia.polie a 9—Georgia, 87 . 8.000-4illedgeiille. ' ' tb 10—North Carolina, 869,01./orlialeigh. . 'I P 11- IllinoieN ' 862,000=Spilogfield .w' 12— elabsina\ 772,000—Aloatiromery. , m Id—Missouri, )t . 684,000—Jidtirso R:n C. i go' , . - 14--South Carolina. 065,000--Coencahpa 'p a ii,r,—tliroirrit,i.i. \ '693,ooo—Jackaoo. ‘. ,of f —Maine, - )., 583,000—Augusm. \ ' .. th \ J. Maryland. :_. .., 683,000—Annapolis.\ .).51 AS.- Lo uisiana, \ 501,000—New Oriesea by \ I. I. 'ew Jerey, \49o,ooo—Treriton, , we 20 1 `obi gen. kJ6,000--Detrolt. , S, an 21 Cormecticut, 31,1,000—N Haven 6 1F,61 \ Gt. "2—.'etk,liampshire 318,000—Concortt),, '' , 'lk , • 23—TklO o p si 30140Il o ad t ir p o e n l 2—Wilcnn. 34 :W—M , ., Abe 26—Ark),Mt, 208, Little Roof ,to 26--Crdif4iiht, 200,000.,-SanJtoteValejo Tb 27—Iowa,'„, ~' - 192;0004lown City. ‘', , fel "B— , Texin., \‘' 'l\ 188,000-41. mi, ~ , 8---Ithede Is las 148,000--Prorldence inc. ' , 'W ~ , &._p,,,,,ware,` , S:\ 92,000—DOver. , , thi , ~Agie r ida, , ),\ 88,01k—Tall I\mste. Teritorir3, ).. - c'% \\ , 161,000 . el,' do& an. 46 tribeelttill 300,004 , 1 , \ 5., ) ;---, ' \ \ Its, \ Thtal op. of U. 5.23;405,000 ‘ \ \ i cut \ \ ~, wesore\also indebtml kh the same book foT the . tollotiNg list of all ilie s ilities in . the Unkted \ ..." States tiavili . g a poptdniiptt \of 10,000 And up- ..5' wards. It A s paper that 17 of our Teodoro I )-,', will preserve: The figureik e, :o ffi cial rektirns',\ ll" not yet published by the (lo ads c o op Statistics at', ' trashingtnnh be tkey may,'Utekertheless, ne>re• IVr \ lied onii, cdire The popiln of nil the I aim principal cities tit i towns in dm cited State -\ it. (rpm which the\ lin , he taken, xo)z be found ifts bin t iv this geography. Satan eking it a s kook of refers this nce, which nlmost e ,ery min W4l l .require. blt' fkiw much more, then:tvhould it bi: \ put in the , 0 , 11. of children. \ 'Sk ') \ . fo 1 ./.;tret. : of Cilia and Totent an.the United Stititeoelnase I :, kl n t , ton„ by the c'enite3 of 1850, is\ 1...),1:109 j;" . ; arid crds, Prepared frck!:4rrt's 'G'r Ay. tb 1-14 , York. New Totrk 51 607 im, 2—Phladelphia , — Pennsylvania 408, 6 wit a--uitii., Merylatil 189, 0 the 4—Boetlp\ \ . Massacnetto 136.8\ 6-1 . ,..,a I,,d i j ar p, \ 116,8 4 9 • . \ . \ 20-Cn. . . 21-Tro ' .. • \ • 1 22-Richman, . 'vz-,:itan Francis,. i :2 , 4-Syracuse - i 26,-Allegheny , . 26Detreit • Slit 27--tortland Maine ' ' ‘213-Altibile Alabama;e. ' 29-New Haven • Connectictq \ ' ' 30 -Salem . filassachusetts • 31-31ilwarthie Wisconsin ; 2 1.... t\ 117.-R;xbury Maasselausetta it 3,3 • . ' 33-4, Iburams Ohio ' • \ TB,l • •\ 24-Worcester . ilmalsohnestes •\ 17,867 • , 33.--illti/m • New Xci' r ir. • 17,363 's6r••Gharkestown : , blassathosettsl;2 l o. 37-levelaud Ohio `. 17,634 ,38..... ew 13eiford Mansachittte 16:443 ;39--- , Reading ' Permaylva ia • 15,741 • 40--Eanthridg ilassacheseD.s . -15,21 a 41--SkratalahGeorgia (es L) 13;000 i 42-6angok Maine . \ • - 14,432 \ ,43-Norfolk \ Virginia •\ '14,320 1 '44Liaiin\\ • .Maanatihusetts • '14,257 45 -Lafayette , Louisiana \•... - ,44,211 40 , 7 Petersb\irg \Virginia, \ 13,010 \ 47-\ Wilmington \ Delaware 13,79 48--litoughkeePsie \ New York \ \13,914, 49- Manchester \ New Hampshire 1%922 '3O-Haiitford \ ', Connecticut 13,305 • 5 \--harteanter \ ,\Fensylvertie ' 12,369 52k-Lock Port \ New 'ork 12,323 53-4)sweg \ \do 12,205 64 . -Springs d \ filasnae usetta• \ \ 11,766 \ 56--• -Newburg w\ or '. - 11,413 .39.-Wheel ing \ Virginia •• 11,391 57--PettUrson \ NeW4e \ 7ly.\ .' 11,341 6-Dayton' \ Ohiq \ \,„ \ ';10,977 59 -Taunton \ ' Maseaehtrastta :10,441 01),=Norwicli, \ Corinertic t\ \ 10,205;.,_ 6Y.-„ E \ ingston\ \ New tor \ \ 10,21. ~ 62 , ....Naw Brunswick \ New Jerse \ , .10,019 63-Nashville .‘ .: vonnegiai V-) 18.000 % -050 I"? ' itii. g es "' I fllZs t a k7 p I ? (,ek s .„,it k, 10 ' 00 cumiurt, but authentic\ told:, shearing ' the nu es okehildren receiving\education, pro .ti. . porti nto tlie'populg,tion of several coon ye in \ , this pretlmaivei, which we give c tire. It will pen the eyes , f some prpls on oth sides of he Allantic. 'tr i be it. •\6.t places Hnw, York whe she'liought to be-at th .' \ head of al ',. creation, d Rua in, wher\ehe ongh , \lo be-k, Table: she 'ng th number\ of child iqn taught or receiving e .catie ~.irr pro ertion teY,be pop ulation of sever loin kmerica d Eu rope, taken from • art Geegm by • . \ I,Nerr York .:. . 1 ir , , , t SN i rrilurr ~...---1 it 4,41 , i4r1 h ..7.7aurettr...14 40 l ' !;reorif 7 17....1.10i. .9 ,,• • 4-(1. nkertlent...:..l in 4.0 10,7Austrta.. 1.,.......1...ia . fr . .,. '' . .C.-.10retrii . ...7.17.7.: 1 1 t i ' l ....? 1,.. 0-- f=,..: - .... - .1.1: It ,'-.. \ •.: - .DII - . -- ......... .. ..1 1;1 - ' , ' , 11._ -- 1.' . ... 4, ,,.'1.3,':..1t - 1i;11.... - Nor Ilsrmikrolre_l in 'in / , kl . ..rlaird_ `.l'lrkl34, y 1 Verrnoot ...... ..-:.1 to 6.0, prel !L.A. y teCriti 11-lill , 4•lklkrid--1 In 2-S . ,;• , pti } \- 4 .. tr. M =:Tr i'- i.. .. -11: foil ~4::;Mkar . \:. l ' ••:4„ li-lvd 4 ri'crlrarl iv , 7.0;k4 , -rturrin.k......_ ,r. 4:: :, • KOSS7 . El AND • L T ic il i E vs FR \ *ICS ~ P \lll'' Oct. Stie z .‘The Socialist pap ,soe s la dal r••• \ mined not be disappointed of\ti \ anikatati s in favor of 213 Kcesuth, and to aiake \ up 116 fa as they can hr theloss \of his pre- n \ am'angnt them. The Rkvolutiou Suggested thutidea )I,r a medal his . Manor. \ Tire Neamsalindepts Hie following termsi4 . \ . \\., \ \ ••The order Seirt to . 4larvilles by XL' Rona \ arts to interdict idpit presenee on our iiett)iery the illturtridus rePreseritatlics of 'Hungorian • 1 • jonality has wouraind the sentitnentuand`gen erotity of the, Yreack . 'people, so jealoqui 'llya!' that eels their' honor, \ FroM alPparts we hale recei not me ely froah,Republicius, bait from, 'person up to th ' yesenklestile\to CIF pollticat? Nl k sows, CEICIOI 0126 30 . tiChilg \ll./t \ to excite a 'Amanita tian which cosy 4nable &Bettis*, to protest a et any pretreated h t ympathy VII t. brati expn'teri of 7stith i from . the \ eene . soil. We, ti •i- ' i * q , .;40 - -•1 i ..e \ \ ~..,.. . i .. ..1, \ dradep $ r:C\\ and se -Sr \\\, '. the Must., ,i r.,... . ~...t, . t ‘i ._\ , „„ ~,\ \ the indignation ocE 'tined byi.iiiick - ti - 'btit-A\ rage on the fieling9 0 tbe• Y' eh plc.- . No - particular shot \ is epeckfied for e . eh s. skerir re\ Min. Subscript ens of 5 c will gt the r i ght to a copy on finepapers o Hossutit„lctt rto the Democrats,of Marseilles, and at Ili hat • f the letter will be ntalsoped the del oftk to • . The first hundred Subscribe „ will na e t . e \, \ committee charek t d With the er cation \ t the medal, the inipresaion, \ and the 'istribet , of •ihe letter. - \ \ : .. ri,ALT. \,..k. '4 correspondeni of 'the Y-sert veep from ih, Italian frontier that the\e is iie - longer y qnes.. ‘ tion\ of the French troops leasing to Pepsi i. States, He adds, "you racist not he' stirrieei ' ehould , ,on hear that the Nile had put hirspel.f. under tie protection of th e\ Austria. in'flol. . 19 Ynck ' ''‘ '' ROME. Thb pop ties recently made ',p \ ollomition in secret consititory, in, which be eihressee A greet hope I that ...? convent ion, may btk, entere . d . into with the English Gofrrnmont whia.q. may meet the rights, riewkand prosperity of th chorea." The same speech 'signifies with approbktian, that the Critholicrelighlin; "with all its, riets, sot the sanction of the.2loly Canons ie : to domi nant exclusively in Spam; and orrery ooh • wor shipX rionove.Land intesdicterl" , No dec or lien could have been more offensive to English e‘r,, - ad his holiness is evidently ignnrant. of Or ,tate of feeling in this country, or helmet:dant ['eve coupled two points so utterly disiimilar m\ he, same address, ' • \ , RUSSIA. .. ‘i , A frightful a'aciideut had occurred on the rail oad between St. Petcraburgh and Mosenir. \ . • ong train conveying 'tack to the former-sit \I; -..' art of the soldier% from the acirphiatreirilil4. - V - 'ante-in collision with a train on its•way•friii4. .t„ Petersburgh. Many persons were killedlind still greater number wounded, hot a liar of the _ •illed has not yet been 'published. Some *ali ens are also among thane who perished. -•\ - The St. Petersburgh 301,1111. at of the 11 tb, iAdi ishes a long account of &series of successes sail o have been obtained in the Canaanite neer Immyl and other native chiefs, • • 1 ENGLAND \ A London letter !ayer.--“The total 1 - C•Calprri of be exhibition it is calculated - will automat to 379,000. The expenses have r heett, £220,000, Ad exactly a quarter of a million, sterling Will be \ sefore remain, to be funded.' \ \ , i\\ , ' \ F.r?cation of `a Aciitiourry Print in, Cli . .-011 , .. .e first of May uleppiants and berate * e . pre. fired, and two reg t lptents of infantry : ward t i5, ,, e..,, 7,1. ren t s,3'(be order f_ the Grand Ilittildrikri:rolall74 dr epankriona the • etc made, every.eee•air- , 1 , eettakthat it was oa t , edition agar.o.o. rthein -,..., hicht ‘ lrts fitting on\ pr a descent was'iolb.; ••. tk ,jz ads One riktreat of stote brigands. It W3lo\ 'on. iskWever.\anderstiiii , tbst all these,pre- \ nrationi t lad b en orde i for rho executiik Mr. Schaefiler. The Slob Fin fearing,thrit tt\ . e Christiarts .0 cl endeitncr i, tn rescue their asionary tlYdorce, wished in\i timithan thora this displa)t;Olf fro s. Whibihis intentions ere\knewn. all: , ,p3elow a alicrk.t4he greate,t ' bicuen. The 4aliors, the pno,dipers, and 0!1 OSC Who had an b onne don vrithkhir Mss-inn- . expressed theirkeor and i regket„ . . \ The 'Mandarin waaappre nai ve of kript, sni. rc \ took up his position on the'ramilirt„ ? sue. waded \ by'llis his troops al ready foe - Motion. e 'hortege 4 the martyr,,,waii cirraaged . la the, liorAng mannen-Beforehimm had a ektler, • terythc a:ho old affixed 'WI a ile, pa wh, \ 4l, 1 irriti t en 'tNacwithstan'ilitig Lb severe pr , ,{ ttioiregaiast2ladreligion of 'lsm., a Europe, 'cot inunkd Akgenain, has dared it come her \ k , \ .. •, desticelP to preach ands ed.Ane t e people. \ •an ari•eated Irk Collfelle4 \ ng-hi. .\\ "roWlti erlden \ t t • Let • Augnstine Mire isk head \ t ofT4ondthroirn into the river. \ Fourth y \ enr• of ' din 'First 'of Third. Won?: Richk sot, ken, th pawn enbreir t marakeil by the side o il. hceflieri'noe hundred men, armad \ *ith te • k- tor lance*fformod s ihe head of the tirpeen.sio : o elephatincTortned th e mie•gnard. \ • •\\ On arriving at the plnce ofcxecniim. lac •kvlr r\ fell, on his\knees,•k • ssed` tho.crisiiifi S, th ree ..\ 0 et, and , at the reques t( the Ex'"tj'a , tic' ' k 4 his , coat, and 'tarried down tor 4 .1 r of t sable; The ereeCtioner basing nfterwarie le i'•' ; *\ wltan ' d. behind "his, back, the,martyr nalii m. , (Ileicottr business as quiekly ne poselt4e, • 1 “Nti,'n : raplicil the I'd4ndaii.n, who wag in ;,.ed hr what li. sab,rte or rkka kfaci, ,r,i_ ‘ ' w,the ~i.g.t ,of the 'firyiiibill, arid only strfbe third shun s d - . The blgual Was'given.• he % dig' thtf eTtiones trembled.' \HS Eire k re ,. blows Of t e sabre ou \ ithe neck rothiSvic • ,kniDneas at. ength obliged star t the flesh th a hpif e , ju order to•_detath the head- from.. 'The Christailni ithfalued the boy, be Slr- • mem. Int!•theht,,,A * " -o ..Pruinto - th''' .7,1',