The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 29, 1851, Image 4

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    g i tiatlii Gii m ji t iait, Vaa l
'Silt well, young girlie, Par rosy home
To pea in frolic gay; •
But. heedfal,epare the tender-lowers -
That blossom layout . way
Oh, crush them nod bat:love them well,
And list bYwhat theysay; i , -,
A warning tale ' to you they tell,
'.of sad aad milt decay.
Per-you, like these fair !mead tidwers
But bloasoni fora day;
• Like theirs era brief your sunny hours,'
. : :Like them yen pass away.
,i" Aidlhough you idly put them by,
In Tarts freah moroin home,
' A time shall be when you will sigh
• Per these unheeded flowers::
wnen borrows Come, and fHends retire,
And early dreams depart,
And hopitrarerfied, you , II then desire
To press them to your heart. ,
And they shall wake your dreams again,
To bleasyour .shosing hours,
•;When none dell you loved remain,
Bat these sweet sites flowers.
Kinn Swear 0/LanaLS.—We observe daily
arrivale of fresh sweet oranges from the plant
ations along the coast, - culled mostly just before
they are ripe, mingling the bright yellow of
naturity with defleutte shade ofgreen which gives
ito pecular's beauty to the fruit in m its javen
';.scent, Mate. The demand for these oranges it
;Yearly inereaehig; and on many plantations the
preiceeds of their sale conatitue a very important
item in the domestie economy of the housekeep
era The sweet creole:orange is in our opinion
far eropetior to that sent here from Recent or
ether foreign parts. The quality may, not lie.
el:merlon or even equal, because little attention
is paid to the trimain this State,' to pruning, B.e.
or. thinning off some of the frnitin order to con
cent-rate tliejoices and vigor of the tree on a
emallremairider. As It is, however, our native
i oweetenfigeraustalwayeeemmandareadyriale in
, ourmarkets and on our (mite etas, tot only
, because it cart be purchased at first cost for a
lower price than the - foreign fruit, bat that it
min be brought into In Mandl fresher and
juicier condition,—New Orlew u Pieartn,
' A. PROPNECT.—Tbe following sentence, copied
from a Fimrth of July oration delivered is the
town oflioston in 1787, by Judge DANES, was
more;wild and improbable than almost any of
the lend bights with which specalative men now
amuse themeelrasa;.,: .
"A legislation 'common, in certaincases, to all
the States,.will make no &nation in reality as
well;as Mahone. This will pinnit us to respect
our own station and to treat on equal grounds ,
with otherarowenwill suffer 03 tabs justiat home
and respectableabread; will render property sec-
ore and tOmilo2o as that that •the payment of
debts is our truest =Beyond our highest honor.
This will encourage husbandry and arts, will
settle with scurnerons and happy familes the banks
of Ohio and ther borders of •Kennebec. Huron's
neglected waves; Superior's wilderness sf waters,
now torten Mid =employed,. shall bear t.lie coun
tless vowels - of intend. traffic: Niagara's foaming
cataract eroorned witlicalo=isolvapor and refra
ct* 1 fires, shall notialways bar the intercourse of
mislay hikes.' The 1333e111110 arts shall find a
passage from Erie to Ontario, and Champlain
shall be led in triumph to the bosom of, the deep.'
Rt. Rev. the Bishop (Potter) of Pennsylvania,
AtuTtraa the Annual .Address before the Frank
, linlnelitate in Philadelphia on Wednesday even
....... INA morning by Emma, the folios, g 3 :stl e ureter—.
Ilan ro ared all wool De l i fe nee. 4.1 n 1.4.60a
liftliock e t trultpe Sol ek til‘b' C ' Pric
' - -•Phud Bonnet ibbbous:
0010 At north cart cor-Eouth and Market eta
Arl ANARY SEEDLSO bn. prime Sicily, in
• sui rvini ani tar me by
3g PTS. TURPENTINE-50 bbls. prime,
e far eale by . J. AIDD t CO.
()PEN If TARTAR-2000 143. titre, for
t CL
lii I CA_RB. SODA--6000 lbs. Lee A Co.,
11 11l New rests, trona on Oslo by I atop aco
—3O bbls. for sale bz
VyHALE OIL-5 caskelleached winter,
for sale by J.SCIICON3LSECEit A CO.:
11l A free* lotirmt opening et the drug store of
QOAP—IOO boxes No. 1 Rosin,
a nen - s. & IS. ILLII.BAIJOIL
driLARIPLED SYRUP . -15 hide. for sale by
t...i to e .r.utes A. 110TCMBON A co.
MACKERKL.--500 bbls. Lar s . N 0.3, Mao
.'. ..w. JA.E.E3 A. ktuacutaov a co.
, FLOOR OIL CLOTH— - -------,•
SOO fasts 4 , t Slav 011 Clelb;
Just reed And br see moor CHI Cloth Trareromme, lie
Market et. foel3l J. A U. YIII UAW
_DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment--100
''BALK-5 tons for tale by _
VJ colt . - .1. SCIICIONMANEY• . A Co ,
poTasu--in casks prince, by
e, for sale
EL hiOLASSES-50 bids. for sale by
ko . .13 s. aW. nanuarcuL
jrIHEESE,—.IOO boxes W. R., for eale by
STRAW PAPER-2000 bills. superior, re
awed per eteamer J. It. Lindsay, and 11.. .1. by
cel3 • comer of Eel= lea Irwin ate.
' IJ o. ZELib
UST hpened at the Depot fur choice Teas,
Nerts street--a
mull lot of SWEET WEN
ED ORA GE PENOE TRwA,,• eeerrrr toe ernr,le
CODFISH -4 casks for sale by
IR EMP-60 bales Kentucky and Hisao nri
- e<to 8.°""..1 '
foe JA 61. sale 7.3 A. 11131TMSON a CO
- 110 t ROCHE SHAWLS—Just rec'd, 2 cases
LP marries Broche Shawls A.A. MASON a co.
1 IkL . LiC
~., 1 SATIN BONNETS—We have re
eetreit and wlll eshibit for sale-5 do. Mk and Sat.
la fool') A. A. MASON a W.
_ _ _
_.'.. Oe &P. R. R.
„w MA. ITALLIMAIL BTOON for gale at .P. 5.60.
A:wll.lfiNee CO.,
-.., § 1.114DR1E5--
..‘,-__ i. / 0 0 hags RU Oollem 1000 bye Window (ileac
A. Vargo,. 2812 Tear, 160 bble. ria 2 Sego.
• .......20d, EtA be ll'd Totowa 60 "N. C. Earl
.1 . - 0,0 ravelartenteortrtor: so .• 1, tome::
: = W/ONdEI
! - V h btfli. Vl ”& p. S I
" ' B
- Chlyi.itl7:.od:
Ice - ---_o.moiol-r'', 2 morale indbox
60 w 5. IL " 60 Ole. Bet_ 'g A ceodlealsE:
'23 . lirrip . ' 2X1.41es Kai Leatinz
60 be. Oath a WlLChemen 50 dos. Patent Ihretetw,
600 dos. Coro Broome;
__ 000 Iraes Pelts. der bread*.
*tether with Madder, vivre. 0, er, P. , PPM /arose.
e Dino
, lAberty et.
Lief metres seat fee sae bEL
JRPsortt SALTA-1.4_ this. for sale by,
SIIGA.II--75 lihdelrime N..o.„te r sale by
I.lloo,WDEß=Alargir supply of Hazard man
._ steno., elvaysa.Eood tad for ale at lowest rates
91 ten "° 4 rild ' h 21 ' 4 ' i Sso.was PALMF4I
tbr titee.Onettitykneys, is Ogres Cocoa SChecoloir.
• OE6 alba News assorted llek.ler.
: 00 bas,etrolee 'Mao. - a " Ikodestis and Mei.
0 an, Inures * °titian', 1r rreeet
Fine Cat Tobetag 10 horn Almond, end
OMo. Ilaraus Began; Erdlet Soap;
05,, Cam. and 111./tddries vb.. EerinrE
60 taste Rio OaSer,
.a . two.. -
25 o lAgurraiaaregy - Babbitt , * Bees cod
n, o nuo,,,,raes, o Yeast Porders.
.° .' t ' t " C '''.l.'"; 1.21''" C t 'th rEn r4 2 Wadi
10 : eras
....„..., ~ ...0 ,dos i i..„ th ,
a n ' il ktort ' ° Wed '--. 100 dat. pan Brooms. .
6 beam Ae, & ygttec "Whoirsele and retail by
sot= ' Northeest arr. WoOd end Fifth ms .
Bikes - Coin Wanted.'
TIN -highest price will be`paid for every
a"`llPLc''''en”rc°h tanel "' ll 'i l ' f m`m' , °
CHROME GREEN-4 cases for sale hi.
TtREAM TARTAR---s_bbls. for sale by
wj torn J. SCHOONALMER a CO.
G,LAUBER , SALTS-5 bids. for sale by
rrOBACCO-2.0 kegs No.l 6 taist, Gedge'
gl. bre:ad./0e tale by /AWES DANIELL.
DTBPENB.I."'"' " Ti.f l a m Vs wilti e to d a7 d '
TEAs-50 hE chests Young Ilysent
25 ' : E1f:V...1..:
lt : - vi d u r.f.4 Titlfa b im.
TOBACCO --al boxes extra, for sale 12
POTASH-78 casksfor nnlo byy
i. Jrf 1. DUN ATLI a co.
- 11 1 A FAR iLItNGINOS--Norretyle of Go' ,
t im ric i llaindass, tarPorkvstrra 4 Vii2ft
d(ri.OFFEE-25 packets Java, for oby •
v . nut • I SUABELOGS a LICOIIItn.
1 FATHER ,4010 aides Bolo s for:solo by
JILA 0 . 50 - , • t Brixampor.L Isa aux. -
if-Ilk-53 M.'s. pure 'Dm:yore, for sale by
~., . ..........Vir 004 •, - BlllasalDOS itliCoß243l.________
0 T . _ a: , ,If -..__
NP I3 - `:'4 , ;'- ' AL , -wilucalhOLn l "33.
~.,.. ~.. 5........ "• 17 ri n ' 1 ..• - , - , 1 .., .
"-- . -...," 7 ". 1 l • t"l' -- ' ' ''' ' - •, 1 * ilei t .., ~:-
, • PittallatV l _Th il t i T an6 /1.1 ,
0 . . . '.
parpwkE.N7,oirmslo - 0, - ;four . miles' , •-•
oui. or rittossior Hai Tarstain'sral
anlee Turnpike Una. Matson.. of I'
Stnerta and Phan otManlerrom Fast Mbartw.
The , q pverthers renserfrdly give notleet to Lb t maw
y r .,. and the peblllegneetadtTethattheirertem•lvettuo
aeries. Orenbousen ire, An. now comprise between Mr
00 ,v-sycsr,loco
of whleb are In a healthy can
`U . . . . .
' )IESS. connoting or' AP d ple h rear,Piner;PeaCh.
d _. •„. VE.I-11Vi= r atorm v o l :lltimb '
, n il • - ;,:o.. miglish Linden. American Mode., Lombar:
drVapin. Ulm of Gilead, Poplar,P7nping Willow. White
Barked Birch. Tallp-Ten. Horn Cheetkint, Paulownia fen.
ge!tlis d pkePtt, sa, iloglbh Ant, .Engilett Sycamore;
rrMiliktßrN tel
AND 81.11tudtg—wi c , y ee vay s
Cedar, American Arbarvitm,Chlone Arlorritea, Peet re.,
llpright_Tew,Conaroott Year. Americap /lolly, Ruropean 7
i lgiyat . it i e u r=rwayltime t Lie i lmin flr,Sdner Fn.
• GRABS 110TISE PL l Ttti r . 4 —*m . maf•rita%7• o ld• them
Ant ntle.)numberingover'7o.mrietles In chimes, to wit:
Bengal or Chinese Everblownlng, Itom Worms or Chin , "
Tea heonted Hases.Hounon Deem, Itointte }LIAAA'As Ilybrul
Berranal or Itemontant Room - ferm i
are perfectly hardy, a.I bloom throughout the
Inman tenon. Alm, Geratriums, Oleander, Orson.
Canna, A. te. •
. N. B.—Atorll octant mme.oat be amomptualed with the ca b.
or natlefiY .fem.
Plante carefully pecked sod rani according to direction
to any Part of the United Staten
' Penomerriehlog tr• ornament their pleasure ground/1
Would do well to glee us a calk, as e w think our etOCK of
Eveorreem cannot be summed west of the mountains,
now cowering so amnia ground. nal numbering from
BO to TOOOOO, o ne st number of which aro a a tin elm
for transplanting,
Orehaml and =rubbery Pinnina executed by contract
on m asonableterms.
Leiden (poet paid) to our addreen at Wilkins P. 0.. urn
Bittalwargh, will nodes immediate attention .
Orders left at our nand In the Diamond Market...on.
ket dam, will findlmomßere attention.
The nubile In general an Wai' tocall and examine one
stock. Attention to vieltors alma on SOY On except MP
'bath. WM.& JAS. MURDOCH.
acBdtw3taT •
tea, CREAM LA now univerrally acknowledged AL.P. ,, LA
to any Mining Cram In the United Mates or Europe
. Thle delightful preparation is unequalled fOrPoritl.tern
gntrjatigtfarribl.tgia'nftlt"Pel:lll To ‘ lto ' fsTrt : ll
far surpass. th em all bf the o.mollient purr confident'
et Its lath., Which im fattens the.beard alto rendkr e r r
it h ,o ' io l : l rMtl,Voir r i ' o it t=Voff;l ` 4: , Ztl " t g rolfgf.
Lest materials, with the greaten skill, arid ie not ny the
bme. hot
the cheapest article for ahaving. The In
creasing tam of thle article during the Int tact a Tenn .
and the emend gold and sliver medals award for felt,
mrongly MP. the Mgt' estimatlo? in which I sle held hy
' :cr "dti: Poe "IL'. glnair ;AV.; et.
yN'GINF, HOSE-500 feet 2 inch 3 ply
„ India Bobber Hex, broncht out expres sly far ply
rudnePurlaMm. We Invite the Fire Depanmen of herb
intim to call and examine them, n they my w tad to
Mod more preasure than any lea th er ham omen oared.
' In all nem vb., they do not turn out in nr:roented.
the money will be refound or the Eine replaced I br new
one,. ' J. & 11. eauLura.
tug% 7 and 9. Worn st.
ljil IX OINThiEN TWarranted to cure the
. i. .brat Wee of Ala in se dem. formic by
IePIW KEYSER.* eDOWELL. 140Wrod ft.
c AVENDISH—Extra hop Caiendibh To
bacco, Lot sale by IMITS.ER A MeDOWEL,
110 Wooden ".
_ ..
ick UTTER-4 bbl. and 24 kegs for sae by •
.I_ll sep3 WM. IL JOHNCTON.
FLAX SEED ; OH ...-1D tibia just received
and Par sale by acp2sß. H SELLERS.
VIIIOBACCO - -150 his maned Tobacco on
.JA hand and for eel. by
mplai - A. CULBERTSON 1 CO,
1 IQUORICE BALL-8 cases for sale low •
a A 1,, -, amMi J. SCHOONMAKER &CO ,
VINEGAII,-97 bbls. Cider, for eale by
V aep3 • Wu. U. JOHN:HON.
—Can eliway el Le found at the et. - .of
one MURPHY & 111.17:EHMKI-P
GEESE-80 poxes prime .me W. for sale
by 14 IC.R. A 11cCANDLESS.
Ticußs_2o doz. in store and for sale by
wi.55 . 8. & W. HARBAtitill.
BUdkETS-50 doz. in store and for sale by
m 027 li. 1 W. HARRAUG II
ICH SILKS—A. .A. Manon i• Do., have
1.4,11.1 opened a boutiful lot of very :maker dr.,
oak, new andrtele styles. mpai •
1 41 T, Af.L.F-800 kegs ans'd city brands, on
.4..1 hand and for rale 60 A. CULBEICTSON & CO
men 105 Lind, it
` ``ILK POPLINS—Beau:4W M ods, just
Vreed Per express. at ep26 A. A. MA .l' • ("VS.
CCIGARS-50,000 Regalia, Principe, and
11.140. Oman on hand end for valet"
eap2B A. euumr:rsoN s CO,
-2 casks Beerwsk: 34 racks Feathers Pollak end
tor tale by . ISAIAH DICKEY 0 CO.;
sepl6 Wear and gent ma.
FOR CHAMBERS—Very cheap Wall Pu
per, and cheap !!orders, in Bee el whireweeb, for ene
Isepl9l . W. P. MAB4'IIA7J...
• d Itenetrthrn hare pr.: th is marline a supply of
is above tandonable goon, AAA , .
(a TAR CANDLES—In whole sad hf. ban.,
:0 for wale by Oep23) HARDY. JoN EA aGo
- 1 - . RALF TOBACCO-1n 'Olds. and boxes, for
V-4 We by f•,:pr.i • HARDY . . JONES 0 Co.
LINSEED OIL-,5 bole . ro - c'drand for Sqle
br acos7 S. L. W.IIARDAUfM.
.IkrINDOW GLASS-300 bxs recd and'
V v foe ate br Si::: 5. •W. Itino,:ron
SUNDRIES -5 t7ls. Saleras. l sl
boxes Seed Leaf T •fical
40 2 "
prime Vs Tanen:
23 . common S's ;
410 socks Deer Halm for nl Tobac coe
. me= HARDY.P - N , 7 CO.
C b ANBERRIES--Just recd and for tale
.) y d. the quart or buneL at MORRIS - Tole Mart
D la
ia UGAR 11 bads. prime N. 0., for sale by
10 sepl.9 HUEY, MATTHEWS aCO .
MOLASSES --324 obis.. O.;
'11.4 bf. •• C ink OPMCMgc ii
DIG ALF,TAL--455 tone for sale by -
.oray ; RIMY. MATTHEWS & CO:'
UP PER LEATIIER-40 Sides good heavy
Open Lather, for rale by
- sep.9 • 1,1013161074.urrLs A CO.. 235 Liberty et.
TRIESTE VERMILLION , -5 (We* for solo
by leeolsl J. SCHOONLICERk CO.
Jost received and for rale by •
sal. J. KIDD A CO.
CHEESE- SOboxes W. R.;
, in - Crean for 'zloty
eep= II- DALZELL & CO.
--'---t .
SALERATUS-10 tone in boxes and bids.,
•for,aale by leepT..l ft:DALZELL & CO
VEO BUTTER-25 kegs - fresh, for tale by
IX. sap 23 R. DALZELL &Ca
- Jur 20 *barn for side at a low rate
1.. 1 , a
eepl3 Stock and A.
lINSEED OEC-30 bbls. for sale by
i eep2o J. PCLIOO77}I4ZER & CO. 24 Wool rt.
OLIVEOIL 10 b 1 f. . - .
CRE. AMMONIA-2 make for sale by
mplaa , J. SC HOON MAKER dr CO. .
'BORAX -10 eases for rale by
CHEESE -77 boxes for sale by ..
—5O s. on consignment, fur dale
Tlow to de., by ISAIAH DICKEY 0 CO..
sio3J Water and Frocksts.
- S OFT CRUSHED SUGAR — A verynnperi
kJ or articl. for preserving to.-17) bbie. hen reed by
wore int A, wcut - ail A co.
QMOKED SALMON—WiII be reef, this
"gr.:l 4l ;e'P" . " . '"att l 3l . .ri'AT6lrd.' b p
B."' rn
Put up in 1 lb. packages, for fe-
Ily rue„lnst. reed and.fror pale by
senl2 . 254 I.ll.erty 4.
, . ..........--- .
' per boiiin c h r.%, ' , l , o 2llg7 ,° 2lll, ' l.lTgLgot" ,
... o n
DIEUW ROOT-5 bxs. Bermuda, Tole
o .A. by isepl7.l J. 8111100SMAKEIL &CO
7)OSIN-200 bids. No. I, for sale
a_ bey
Le, L niallt . AW. BAHRA/11
tILASSIOO boxes Window, for sale by
Ifi b. 01 2 d. d• W. LIARBAUOI4.
G LUE -20 bbls..rec';zl ., : i inl i !le ic r y tl i n t, la
sepll • corner of Wool end Pixth ~,..
Pittsbnig l l4. Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
...k. . graph.
THE STOCK of this Company wanted by
. • 2.• Mat and Excbaoge linker..
ceps corner of Market and Third stem..
WASH NET, for Mosytiito Bars, 12-4
wide—WO yards jut reed. for tele in lore to min
serilo . Wet. NOtIbE, Third at
FROM BOSTON, just rec'd
-500 feet
6 § Loeb 3 ply ;wen Robber nom:
a 100
Poe We at tbe India Rubber Depot, 7 and l. W00d...
. anal * J. & IL PHILLIPS.
• WIIITING-100 bbl.. for sale by
oosp '. J. SCHOONM AK ER i CO.
. 7 INSEED 011,-25, bbls. for sale by
AA mplO - .L. 0117 D a CO.
BUTTER-0 bbls roll butter for rale by
FOR SALE—An excellent FAMILY .
, KOREE. Enquire of
• • sunk J. SCIIOONMAKER & Co.
QALERATUS-5 tone in.boxes and bbls.,
kJ part In pound papers, kw ale by
aOGI6 R. DALZELL 1,00.
TERRA DE SIENNA-100 0 lb. for sale by
&woe . J. KIDD A CO.
•..I.IIACKED BUTTER-8 bbls. and 5 kegs
.1. for de by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO..
tog2i Water A foot etc '
is lir ANTED—Stocks of the Pitts'gh Banks;
If V American Dorian and Half Dollen: Menke end
k - i 1 .h volm Preach n iceman Crowns; for whic h,
tl,.dnt git ia uib
ILL KING Danker and Broker.
.. a9Ct
Fourth unwt. .
'OR SALE—Pittsburgli 137th Stock; -.
."' CC Clair Sthwt Bridge lilocP. _
Ohio and Pennew . r..o4,l Road Mock. ' •
RING. banker and_Brokre.
tugs Fourth street.
ID HF,ESE- - 100 boxes for sale by
Yu omits - I •.• aF. VON BONNUORSTA : CO.
LI .411 D OIL -10 bbls. No. 1, for sale by
men' ? J. ECTIOONMAERR • Old.
- rki ACKEREL-50 bbls. Large No. - 3, Alas
IVA aschaactts _te• •
• . •agSTI ;- • -12.1 72BAVUTCaLEON & Ott
• -
i I 11C1.13 B .' I LecrodMICIIIIE
wj.Ttortita, Maio:. ft= No. TO to SO, for ale low by
My= . . , J. KIDD & CO., AO Wood at.
. IREAN4--311 liTi: Small White, for - 'sale by
&iv seam • • - AAMBEL•P•IIIittIVIBL .
.MIM -1 17M1Ert 371 7/IS—liild
1.....,d i a
aid ratan, sr, Ins Dalbber Dem. 7 sod 9 ri ocd st.•
: Q.COTOILSNIJEF,4O.. Isteiflltotatis',oe
taw aaiyakanat sad M l i.nm4toolo br
. . .
. .
. . .
DE LALNES-Now olening, 10 =sea rich
.L.F or, flint.d.De Lenny and CUlLmeras.
at A. A. MASON ACO 'd: rßa 0 64 Market. all
/T,JI *Cu. have now on hand 760 dux. o , Ladies' Cub
=Plitt; " tiVi l or=thotstirk; r
MRESS GOODS-Opening daily at A. A.
MASON a CO 'B. every stile of fianonthir
O, OKlosldlng of Silks, Ceshourr., Ihithinim, Merin.,
Penmen., Altar., de tes
4.IILKS SILKSI-Now opening at A.A.
DJ Omuta very fashionable Plaid !like, some a. low a.
20 pee.. rich Mare dot also,
10 do 'Mutant Louie& do. oe;
CD. will exhibit thin mOnning 'A/cartons of rich boo
jt,c7e.,,,attrhaold t..,e receivol a fresh ettokly of the
kj. BurrADeld have received a full assortment of 16wre
rood.-some a 100 ae LSX. Per yardand Shore some rover
mop, Mohair Altruces. et 111,00 nett/ant
Burchfield have received an usortment or Dukin
urts. gray and fancy volcm, which they aro wi ling
low-almo 'taw back C h almers nod cloths, end a sari
etc of ayles reoroiany onlowd for tots' wear .
MASON d CO will open within the next few day.
tgarartle ofdm hnudred mune and paokages of 1 ometwo
and Domestic Dry Goals, to which Du attention of whole
olds and rat. purchamere Is invited
r re.3
the -A A. MASON dCO will open Oda day 50 cues of
lee g
rh !,1`1CP4. 0 41%°,!." AnLATBl*,„tclvoth:, -"
NJ a- A MASON CO have tut remand 35 caws of
at etyles Cubmere. .1 De Lsirms us.
Noe constently reving W. Sl
t Wan:mow , ho 65 Fooeth street, to Ida. we in
, Ike the tater.oo of those whiting to rupiah Ito.. or
Eitumlnete, as wo will oil lower than Peer before in thy.
market red
hie Funny Iloror warranted perfectly kin
no wood. Sentare of 6CifiltlN MA ERR S. CO..
acs 24 Wool et .
• T., IA now mutant], reniaving his wick ,f
C tRFETS. of the maie,l and neved eratu. to which he
nolt ow th t han c o on
n of o prt ffe a r s e e d r n hie i m s de r t keertm, i a n t ed to
cal established Carpet Warehoose, No I, Fourth M
kIe'LINTOCK tans :es jbe attention of Cam.c•
es.Maurer , . to his large strak of Blur nod that,that, Chao,
VII Cloth., and Trimmings, lamb we will roll at natuced
Mat, et the Carpet 11 - a=bonae. 6 , Fourth rt. net
is now constantly rradeld¢ his fall Mock of superfse.
nue, and common INORAIN CARPETS. of new and rich
Style, at vary rwlueed pekes, to which we footle the at
untion of Lnw 717151gg to furaith sommuste oeltouo •
titre UR • call at the Ca;pet Worehoure $6 }math rt
al , A,ciayrrocy:
ETS-W. , CumvocE
has in store and Mr sale rich and nen etyle BROS
ai.o CARPETS, to which he inetuo the attentwo of tor
chimera so he la deterned to Fell loser thou eVer bethn
in this market. tha tl the old ertablothed Carpet 11 are
I oots,. No. F 5 Fourth at reel
a..3.' 1 Tepee Brawls Can... Loom rood at Lb.. exr.
0, 1 its /h oar wf a bi ng t o
9 1 11 E SUBSCRIBER haring now recessed
• bin entire stook rf FALL AND Si INTF.II teoo3 l / 7
width' respectfully inform his cosionners sod th e pohlie
that he Is prettied to throw. of hie ConlA, elthro whole.
sale or retail. et very low talc.
Ile hat' In Dry thuds all the Stryile, us well u is large
stook of Jitney Dress Goods. compraama al ow
-44 then. wilts. for evening and street very . art
Plain B e Slitfa..
lack btlkeohll prices eod width`
1111Cade Black bilk. 7 lb
Heavy Watered Silk. all glade.
nub °
Muara Leine,
!mull Morale aryl
Together filth tun 'ls sal Prtr4..tis .111 Mas •te
ri-t. 124 and Itiel Murales Sheeting,
4-4 54 andd leek Pilaw Lin..
04 and 104 Table Do an med,
‘' ll7Adlitr i k * T3::pe ' r ‘ r7.l l X - aVeTo t TeWriflte
Rich Printed Ilaho and Tettle Covers. superb goods
Mars Jill. quilt, Yreka, itirralore.Diuillt. utkummmi
Cotton Mamrialo .tc.
• Mrk 31 00, 1, 0 4im , t.. 4 .1:14 sald.
Bleak Canton Cloth.,
Wart AfithiLlr !amino
relit [carp Thaet
Slack (bailey
e l lii-1 1 1,:m1 a ' a1.1 1 4 .1" CV; 1 7 : nodt WC:
sod /Truro. mol of which G oof . 11-.11 he warrantni I gad
Mom .04 'long usal tr.
JAMES A . FlcKrilriur.
I N I 0 ,
1 1 1 0 E 1; 0 :
... I. of
prio.t grade• to moortment now Nein at t be
.tore c
utak Nor th tutor,... Sas Market sta.
d. Burchfield have Toooivol o choke aurirtnata of
above goola of • ft.llo.llllfr. Apn, a sur Pik and Lentuter Dingharov.
of therichest etyirs =lurk ./na reed et 13
anA (4 Ylerket ilhlroplol A A MASON dCO
A. MASON & CO. have on hand, and
.1 1 . are daily In recodpi of large nuantillesot Newt/rem
(too sh, much u clot, neared Paten, Cuhmeres. D 3 Lath,
all of which tbey humanly,. in price and coml. ,-
unites this market setaX
yryLotat OIL CLOTH;--SW--SWyards 3. 4. 5,
endd t guar...jun reed from the Philliparillo Fee.
. lor tale wholuale and 10..11, aS the warercune.
Nnk 7 end 0 Mood M. J •U. Fin lint'
NEW - dlioDS,
ECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening
et WM. DIGIIT'S. 161 laterty strut
Manes fend, and black Lassimene, of the noun .0,1
I.m ferhiomade pet. os
50 pLaoes black atol coloria Cloths, of the roost enparior
and mai eslentitt aesortroont Tutings
ever brought jo this ri
dos.Lod...hate D:suer,
50 dos floe end superfloe Shirt}
A Larins ouvranent of Cruets, liendkorreaces.A .
Which, together with 1.1. very Da. Mock of REAM,
MADE CLAY 111110). of the mut fashionable style. always
on hand, reroute one of,the lug. and most feslidonalar
stake of thuds, adapted foe gentlemen. wear, in the
wr.tern muntet; all of which the proprietor &dorm.
to tater at the Tarr loud onus fur cash.
Orders In the Tallo. - mg Ens executed in the best man
cer and at tlya ainexot nthote sepl7
New nu Dry EIOOds.
AA. MASON L . CO., have received and
• •r•
shade, OlNdliolit6 Ono Fbillerthoe, of
neautiful adapted extremely fi g 00010 parka, 10
mon Altecese and Doh= Lomtrea, cothrsting plain
elk warp. fancy cord, Chstouleon and fur d, ell gr..
12 cum ParanuatakThibet (Rothe. and lksburri, romp.
log all =ado. and dualitl. 1M) tow Wonted Meru, k
and fancy Inn. The above unit. we off, pre ale rt
p.m Loch we an. cotaltiont are unprecodyntedlt Irv .
I i t CCORDEONS-d. splendid and vatted
hatnook of the brand', lust received
L7E.S-A eery' desinalle selection. with 1. 4. 6. and
key, cocoa woad. and of the but makers, Ter, chesp,Jost
r 6• 1 21' R
i/oLIA;=-5t:'::4'1'.:14c ° 027 It:,cikn'C'Z'o7e 4 T,T
asnett at style a_ni price
HARP Retortion Om, forthillay and
VlC Coronets, Tutu. Bugles, flaxworou Trumuta and cc
er7 variety of Brass Instrumento, re elected mat tried by the
sub.ther himself. and sold at Very low tutu
Also, the newest nod moot popular Sluts. pod nuard
7. IS -The above turrerm um are warranted to be rot ,
0.7; and r."=:4 0 "? "'lrittare, ra l g.
- PARPETS! CARPEI'S !-Rea'd this day
J by 11 McCLINTOCK, o.w. and rich al o, Super...
the, end trunnion INGIGUS CARITTS, which.. an
reused to sell lower than goy, too Pets ever before onyrd
I this market 11e cordially invite the sltenl.loo of
friends .1 those whaling to purchase to,give US a call, s.
the Old Established jarrat t 1 emboss., fin, t 5 Fourth itt
e.t.a to, 31MAINTOCE
I:ALL GOODS.-Just reed, per expreto,
Jr 01 4.000N 11 Acorn, 00rartanellonna to
mogul nod most feehinnable etyl.oS 1161 dos Tab. and Faro
Flower, ID Pre amide MAIL, toid4tifol colors. :AI leg .
Marrrllid., for sbsd., 5 dos. Ostrich Plumes, chenarc pmr
MEW DRESS GOODS-We are now re
lylng the newts. fell Foylosof Dress 0.1, such tm
the/inure, Poplins, Persimi Rohm. Alpaca, Ps
.7.,ranattes. Pr.. Merino* and Itelhet Cloth. Oyer Roo
macs now open imet.3 ! A. A MASON d Cs'
• bare Just reed boll te-r White Ocala. nonatrUng of
plain and plaid Jactinetta. .
Serisees. piGn and fig d
=die Book Seam Muli, Nalitecti.a. linelinkde A en--.l.te
suartment and eery cheep. 5e7,3
' SPLENDID SILKS-A. A. Meow', & Co.
have jut reed s. beautify) rtment of v.. lien
ngured and plain Mark Silks bove duirible goods
are oral/ Worth the rate.. S he pre Al, very
=prior Om Atrique. Nana de thrane Unita ul Chain.
shoos, it hog',
-MBBPUS d BINICTIFIELD lime opened thl,
moniung •of of Swim Menge and insortings, Jukonet
Lathing. and Insertlngs, Bobbute taginEs mai Inserting.,
Thread Edgings nod thsertipga. nf new styli. end entil
rhenD acrd
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
RU. PALMER offers for vale. at very
L low pr.; a full assortment of Stour and Milli a
" Vr . /eil/71-Foroten ishit Amok. plaln and ' •
Ea., Erma. Chip. Mon, XII batc , nate.
HA TS-Eerie, 'Louth'', and novo Log ho., Only end
plain Undd, Straw, Panama, Month°, end Palm Leif In.
Imite Lowborn. anal, knoo. Ciao, Gimp, Lace. nu` it,
. Muer' (Duey, Jenny Lisa, usd other form.ln sant emit
Ito of shape and material
6113110A'..9-Rich mooed end Scarf, plain
d S Ceop atan and Taf
"t l, ' Adei ' 4it ' ore d nrl=7l)?l?iromr
RTR A W TR IkEY 1.310.9---Cords.Tawkila, y Bottom., bald",
P lPleili.4 7 rnoctt and Ithritte, bunches anal
eeparate, tido and novel rtylee.
BOXiNET SILKS 4.21 8477.,V.5-4.llsee, Oro do Aa
plea, Ost. do Many, Florence, and other strive, essomod
quantal and onion
SA TJKB-I,eMt[d tiustalee and colors
Also-Rich and low prima nmstai• read U m bre! Dant
utantly receiving his Polon Stork of
thimpristne In part the Ibllerwing varletler
Ext= floral letret Vlir Cornett do. do. Tapestry nno,
Mc do ltrocadto extra raper. 3 BIT, auperllne 3 ply;
do tour ra. nitre one do 4 floe do. common do t'fttrrodo.:
44. 3-4. 6-6. and 24111114 Venni.. 44, 34, LA, and 24
plan do- 4-4.3.4. 6.8. and 24 into! and totton do .
Extra Chenille /lops toe do.; dog extra toned do: ens
do. do:common do. Meanie Poor Mat% tufted d. do
ahem akin do do: 4delattie do do.; Thrum do. do. "
Crumb Cloths, G oth so , nocklng 124,64, and 2-L
Also-Sheet Oil cot to Et .7 tam hall or room.
54,14, 64,64,44..4 3-4 Oil Cloths.
STAIR HODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &a. &tor. of all due: Carpet amdlont LleeCar.
!Vl M" net, ilteetieVolt.' TableL.frente Orash
End Window ab le ri ~ lienittan Vaboasj PIZ
a Corent do. Table do: !do. Stand do: it crated Table do
lii ' s monk bviY,,u=lantriAmieltie,doinaLerentr.actrort?;
pep :2 1 1=1 O .t re Wo a
yriwZ 11=14.14 lo one
W• lnelte Nicoll and examine wax rtook at
The OluPet Warehouse, 85 •Fourth strait.
smob.l9 ' hfoOLINTOOK,
-BOOKS. MUSIC, - &c. •
New Stock of.Chickering's Piano Fortes.
- low; H. MELLOR, 81' Wood -
10 tweet.. Ia receiving an entirely new • .. 727. 6
boated PIAZO FO . l f LT e n.ln , ll : : i l . the rel .. , .
cOOMltting allTte varieties ne;w mannfortured. The C
prices are invariably the came. at Boston, withora smy
d - .t." for trans:Madan hr clek.
Old Manx taken In part payment.
Agent fur the Kele of Chielterta's Promos fur Western Pa.
co 2
- - -
New - Music..
GIPSY'S SONO, or Sfy Gallant Bark.;
n+ sung with ratite°. applause, In Jenny Lind, at
ronerrt in Pitt.burgh.
The Illoomer'e Complann a very pa th etic song.
The Lonely 0001 sung b'y Catharlor Herein America. t.
Ile le mmluM twine: sung br Catharine Ilan
Ti,, I:neap:D.l •
The Signal !Myrrh: rotate...l by 11. Pleb,
The Engagement Quadrille, ••
• Al-o-A general ....bitten of the most Doodler and de. •
strable loret. and Ameriran. y
II KLEBER. 101 • Third street. 1 e
dign of the Golden Ida--p.
Sacred Music Books. .
PAN - FICA LAUDIS, by Mason & Webb; ,
VCARMINA SACRA. do s,E CARMINA SACRA . , dn. - do , y
010E,1VE, a new collection of Glees nut , '
liagn.aelecht.l and arranged for the ow, of Musical Cdn.
'options, Toorliems . hutitutTa and Classes of the Doetno •
Academy of Mule, by Lowell Mar. A Geo. J. Webb.
A large quandty of the ab . .re work ts reed and for valet, I
vet:, JOHN H. 1111.1.1. • 011 el Woof rt.
• Clarinets.
difficulty of obtaining a correct and
ton.l.toned Clarlooot onuntry, halos been
long mei sesendy felt by the mund.ll puolle, the subscri
ber e
her ha had made for him expressly, lholce selection, 7 .
width hate just attend... They areufroto th e factory of •
the best maar In Eatand art was -
ranted enemas to "
sing - „ Cl e TAte r te . J . Vs;T offered for ilad.-earl. or we,
A elanonets-I2 nod 13 Dorn
• .
. •
Thus. , In want of really pool Clanoneng will end this a it
rare rape, ; 11. ELEIIEK,
red Sign of the Golden Harp. No. till Thlrd 01, lr
IaLA CK WOOD, for September; for rale at
HOLM EF-Literary Depot, ';4 Third street, opt,'
.. the Peers 0111 re.
NoEW BOOKS.-Trarels and Adventures „
In Mexi,o, In the mu.. of upward of 2,81X1 miles, ti
Per rmed en loot. wising an amount of the manure., le,
~ , " 9 PeOtr. WM. Cart...met. late of the U. S. At-
213 r.
us. 30 and .15 of Dynn.'s Dictionary of gerbanica, kr.
Jost sera nod for sal,' J. L HEAD,
, emV 78 Apollo Buildlogo2„Fourth sL •
New Music. , A
0;IN 11. 'MELLOR, No. 81 'Wood cure t, lll, as received the following new anal popular plena 00 •
Jorter-S. C. Folder Idlarth from Luria de Lam. •
hom mrry on:noon
Peeeetul Nights-Ginn, P,•,t }I vet:
Finonlight Is : Stumm,. Village Quick Stem
We uow mat part: World's fur Quick Step: 1
The Canto, I have rich thou here
Tel. me home to die, - beauty-wariatlons:
I watch roe thee: Come slug me that evert air
De kind to tho loved one s , again-varlationg
Father's I ts / ere Le tremolo-R.0,11m van:
doe Hardy: . Believe me if all there en. T
Why do summer rotor lade( Jeering Youog
Dillgent Ilona Co Quick Stem •
Modem, Ilyerle's, Aurora, end ?Derr Dell Wearer.
Idly. henrys. gall,. Bloomer. Sham, Fire Ply, Jenny
Gray. hymns,. Cottage, orb., Coquet.. end Cally •
I•olkas. u 27 t.
DBAETS.-A large variety of Not.l aarl
"sudsoMelf engraved, tor sale M-
N'. S. HAVEN'S Stationery Store,
n-oil nun, Market and Se.-ond Pa. h
LANE BOOKS.--W. S. IlivEN, corner I L
3.1 Market and Seam.' otreets. has for ante the Cargosst
suck of Blank an,ts ever offend In this ray-conned.
01 Lepers. Journals. Day Rook, Dino. Pinks te., to es. ;
ere ebbe of Moles, and at thed.lweet Orin ,
ON DON ART JOURNAL. tor September:
Pletionery or Mechanic, No 43
~don Labor and the Loudon Poor, No 12
Litteli's Living Age No. 3.` , A,
Deceived and tor ee l , et HOLMES' Literary Dep.. No. . I , l '
14 Third etreet, oponelle the Poet unit., eeyted
MEN, AND JUSTICES. OF THE taxer. -D eds.
s. Bond, Declarations., Indentures, Executions.
rs.e. "41190, Inas of CO, Arllalfa of Agreement.
A Harbments.-}, 69
er.. 00 , tor 'ale at
10 . S. 11411,t,e. Stationer.
; .corner Market and Seento.l
riniE MODEL ARCHITECT-Nos. 1, '1 I ,
an.l 3. of thie ex , ell.ut welt tae imd boon publith
r d ' r.t o n n i 1 41 ,..tuVttetal. 0 e 0
Loeb :punter morels.. tourtine engra th
original dt,:gu. C005a...41 ilia... Suburban Ressolewee. ; p
• a-nrarfall-d by explanations, specaleationa and esti
eleo. four pages of detall, eon...sp.A.lln, with th.. I 0
sigcv ' The very batalatan.etrie stieh It Is prepare.l
and. ,mbellish.l. renders a a testeful ornament
th a w., t.ean or hbrael. l•riee.faw- per number,
For rodent 1101.MES' sere 104... t. 701t,d greet,
oppa•to the Pos.. regal
• "yEll
on. ham, ... 1 fraud you, to dream• of pea,
the Wes, with vignette; Let Heart, anal to thy ; hat
..1,',7 - ,..74t,'Ari;t4,,5;0a1..",!' . . v !"1,1'...Pa',1, - 4.t1,....%• I
7alne. 'hen the Brig.. waves ere " thing. diaeth. I
, 0 .71, - In: % . I lose Thee,
Son , Ti,. . Wild 011 Wood.. •
Nelly a.. a Ladr. Evening Song- Twilight blow, ar, b
t lr..lllln tg,Wiers l 1
Washttglon, La Dell, of the Village; Tale. Stilllant, t
td Waite: Nopeack Wallr. Rice's Favorite Walt. Attn.. •
.Sal::: Ityerly Walt. itelbdone, Forest, Sosorria ant
I thre roic..-Caeona, Alpeohorn.
Teufel., •l ."rag Il_gn•gle. be Inyer. Flower nehorti.l.
Menlo Sabran an I le.•Petlt Tan•bour-liondos: Pilaw
Mar Cel. - p. Ituseir's
a n : 1 , 1..1, three Medley Overture.
--No I. 1,...we of England: No. 2. Shamzook,r-lrelend. No i,
Thietle Serslar.d. Deem end for
t •
set. - JOHN 11. MELLOR. sl Wood st.
NEW BOOK S!-The Stonedziip
,aint Point; a T•l4
N„ ; Lamartine Translausi foam the
flectoir ot Mead Eleger.stelb,litto Itectorof We'. If,
ton. Hertz: by ller. T. it. Ittrk,7,l. A, Berthr of Kell•hall
Herta. with an introit:soden to Stephen 11. Ting. D 11
2 this. 12m0..
Anthon's Roman Araguaia. a Miasmal of Doman An
velth numettorolllnstratinne, by Charles Aoki..
L. I' D.
laght in the Dark Planer, or Memortala of Christian LIP
in the Middle Acto from tho seemaa of the late Anon-- •
toe brander, 1000.. mu,
The Star of the Wire Men: a Commentary no the &wont
Chapter of It Mame, by Diehard Cbeaely. Crotch, h •
D,Esuoining Cba,,ain of the Lord Bishop of 010.1.4 e. j -
Revised from the edition. 15m0.. mos. ,
Loomis' Algebra-The Element. of Algebra. donne...l
L.morterc by Ear Lozmis, M.A.. I•rofeasor of Math
No. D i Pictorial Field Book of the Rerolutrou,
e tzsing
'I" II.9TAD.
rcpt is Apollo Building. Fourth at.
XTE BOOKSt-Travele in the' United „
stst., - Al, during 1641 and MO: ta
by th e Lade Em-
Stuart Wortley: 1 vol. 12m0., Vie.
The moor, or the Em sees Jrnerblos, b,• 1 • 0. Cebtot[ .l
with Toccata.. I vol. Dom, rile.
No h. for Augtr. Appletho s s Dieehanicr , Magazine et
o ,
10l i.eld Book of the Flovolution. • .1 . •
and ' r& Dictionary of M-eharilges. engthe WO , *
sod Engioeering. Jolt reed .1 for nde ho 1
1 I. READ. 71 Apollo Building., -
rept Fourth street ,
", 1 1
rut liracurtan have Irial reneived dot per;
beautiful English 14113., made esprearly for erbibithm .
for ira•bi'e Fan., to which ladies aies fait
1140 N DON LABOR and the London Poor,
lion s, 10, 11.
• etorial Field Book of the Itesointion. No. ii
De-vired' t HOLM ES' Literary Depot , 74 Thirl
opposite the Port Omen. rota
- New - Books, Just Received.
yEAST , o Problern;aeprinted with eorree
tins. and addition.. by the author of Alter W to
History of Cleopatra. Oneen of Egypt; br Janot, Abbott
13too. nine.
Caleb Fold; a Tale of the Puritans.. 12soo. muff
Eastbot, TON al Aram H. Dowry, an th em of ' - F riends
and Fortunes... Pap. end taus.
Appleton . * Ilechanin' Maga.. and ReLlec,crs - 400 ,
nett No. n.
Byrne , Dirdlonary of Meehanies, Engine Work an 3 En. t
- ai lVnf:'srtra:3 3 el 7 :l nook thr Re•olutiom N 0.14.
Palestine: Pe Geograph• and Bade History: with a,
nartable Masao by F. H. (Ebben!. of East llenese.(Nnofer.
eniT r ed ... i i t;ty
lo by Daniel P. Kidder. 'lino ,: inure
05 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et. •
New Books.
h ODFRE Y MALVERN: or the Life of on
101 Author. 11 Thome, Mille . , Wait twenty.four
"1- - -P.T.ln h h i et l lle . l4,l g 0... during 1510 Ltal I"na.
Br the toot Fdrunellue Stoat Wortle).
No. o'.l London Labor aml the Landon Poor
The above brade lust reed owl for min a
11.0 STOCKTON, 4, Market et •
*EC:a - IN - ICS' MAGAZINE, No. 8. for
' . on, t u Cr ' sse, • Potoestie Tale
.Psiama In the Life II Mrs. Margaret Maitland, of run.
nrelklr,Writteo by bervelf.
Reeelved at 1101.11E.S' Literary Demt, ryposite the Pest
saga '
H . OOKS -No. 33 of By - rne's Dictionary
!I ' ,7i b least% l . } .lfic ri t?;l7t- n lacatlne an.lEng.l terra . •
-A large martinet:a of Classical and &tool Hooka
jag for code by J. L. REAP. Agent.
79 Apollo Building, Fourth Monet-
! N. 8.-Rags token In /l"
• SPIRIT POLKA, e4posed by 11. •
I . Plebe, and deellrated to Stephen Clap., of lb,*
• Ilyerip's Walt:, arranged by IL - Eletar, SP Pia ,/ ho
/Iyerly's hand-one of the meat popular waltzes out
Nellp Ply, stab variations, by Gale.
• Dole) . Jones. with varilaione. by Da/e. •
' The Autumn of our leans, br George Barker.
Alto,. any eelertion of Foreign Movie for I•leno. Flea,
Violin. te. 11. ICLLI.II. 101 Third street wirri of the Camden Harp.
.P. 0-A splendid lot cf new PIANOS now opening
' One ••*3" g oa d tweend-hand 0 octavo Piano for sale.
00 Stote Pa
la riTrAe' s A i rkr G=VVIII 7 g ' n e to U tT^ " IV:Z II,7:
g'art'l'At'l'tredy_'=Prrjlenl'irarl==.7l.oloo. e 1
Yaw w'ream Proistra: cootaining Puling, Llistorrenh
Geo rarbral,Se,V . lllcal 4 2agst-a 4 L , Leilno=l3 : 4o. , l , l:ii.
?fo r ge ' s r ol the Arta anl Meant...tuna, and a Ilargra of tan
Events of the Timm. from
• The ! bor..t. I ve blr jrc k° . tot r orit l 4l i jk. 47 Market et.
HE FATE, Tale of Stirring Times, by
.1 , 0,3.„,,,,,,E5i.,-tbe most Interesting work the •' lot. ,;
has ever orate. Abo-Litteirs Living Ago. No•
300-fllled with Intoresling and useftd matter.
, For sale at HOLMES' Wm.,. Darot. Third street. ote
posite the ,Post 01lr.e. anaent
E at 11OLMF-fl. Lttarart Depot
mp:» No. 74 Third street.
. . .
UP. CARB. SODA-3 kegs for sale by
W - I
iITI - NO-2 00 Ibis. extra dry, for sale
sugl4 corner Hirst and Woo Feta.
WINDOW SIIADES-A supply of Trans
,. "glace , . roe' and foe sale he
! ;00 1 1, "'" J. 1•11ILLIVEL
pEARLS-8 tons No. 1. in litore and fei
sale by • Nall/ .1 lI.CANVIELD.
this, Whits
31 ht. blue, They
Land . iw i nd for vale by •
" bble. Fresh, for sale by
a (1111ESE-0 bxs. prime W. R., for sale by
.) sea - . IL DALZELI. A co.
• 80111:4115/1, clamming a greet variety of patterns
aa peal% jag reed and for elle by
aug2s THOS. PALMER, EJ., Market st.
'LARD OIL-10 bble.No. 1, for sale by
ang3o J. KIDD A CO.
PUMICEa STONE-SOO lbe. for tale by
foie • • ' J. KIDD & C_O 2
jyr BL touht, :WI rinser th010w.13.11.1a 'Ards.. •
1 • • }VAL A. 2doCLOllli &CO,
anal& • .-: Ortotra andTem Deans. •
11100NN.SYRIIP-10.bbli.for Bale by
VF ahl - aa P. ELIMBAII*II.
. e noel ..e .- aorditutry Discovery its 0. Worm 4
the swat Arabian RervedY for Man and Beast!
H. 0. Farrell's
I G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini. •
• meat la a most rstraonlinary medicine, the truth
• which le placed beyotild deubt by the east aides of the
de l i, end the many mtres being d by It,
hieli preekitialy hal resisted all othermedicines trod the
kill of the beet physkians in the world. It is eampmed .
.f balsam, extract. and Ig{ me peculiar to Arabia, posse.
inn. Ins coneeaerated tom all their stimulating, Jenn
y on penetuting, uneislot. and revulsive prontotlee, tad
. e same width. ages ago, weror used by the .. .tiotie of ths
Desert.. with such miraculous integre, In curing the dtx
eses of Loth mut and boot
Read the following remarkable curse, width ehould ilf
heniselres place 11. a. Farri•ll . 9 Arabian Liniment far be
100 d any [cellar nmeoly :
About a year arid a half ego. et swelling appealed in my
wife's stomach. gradually inereadow In site until it he
erne se large es my did, and so tore that she could not
bl.lO. id. least pressure upon It without giving her extreme
pall,, 1,. the advice odour best doctont, and they differ.
opinion shout in some Maki tAgue Cake, or
,nlargenient of the Spleen; poor, that it immatildalarge.
theof the ovation tint others raid It tr. a Tumor of
the ()venni, and with! not he enrol except by cutting it
out. In this critical situation, i wat pennalitti to try IL
. fameWs Arabian Idol. rat upon it. and, strange re it,
ma) appear, upon the third appllcaficat Mo. began to Inn
prore. and has continued getting better daily, until now
Me ni m sell . ever-euloi lilt ....Merit health. " .
. D. Alchy.)el NELL.
Peoria, March 5.11349. 'r
[Robert html., Postmaster, WaYai • 1
eeriest... Pin; Much 27,1840.
one woman has need your Liniment with great mice..
She bed lost the me of her legs for three years, the node
tieing contracted so that her lee were bentmmuch while
Funding.. is natural fir the position of the legs. while
sitting. and she mold not bend them In the leash but by
the use of 11. G. Farrell's Arabian 'Liniment she is now
hie to walk with ease, and las a etralght limb. I bare
fund it a moot excellent remedy for horse limb; also, for s
eery thing which sequin, an external remedy.
rho opinion of au 011. experienced. and scientific Farrner
Washington. lowa,beep.
F . rom the sp.nly and remanent cores, both on man and "
bract, which your Arabian Liniment Is performing. I do
At hesitate to pronounce It the . .. Great Reln , dl of the
e." I hare practiced doctoring hones for testi. rm.
d bare tried all the venoms liniment". ointments, An. .
so much pulTeddm in the'paperg but Inlaid say that 11.
0 Ferreira Arabian Linlinent exceeds any that 1 have
mails use of. By its use, 1 hare cured na'renYstAl Speen,
long after they had been pronotniced Incurable, alai Chase
mind more than fifty horses this reason with your Lin'.
moot, embracing every ahade of the..., from scratche•
anJ bruises up m ' , nevus. ..harbor.. and •Weeor. I eau
also bear testimony of Its word effects on the human rpm I 1
frill. i was confined merle all lest winter to my nom •
with I:ltems...ism, and could get nothing to help ms um
til I commenced the use of your Liniment, which entirely I -,
cured in , Wel. R. GRIME-4,
Sun Pain of ten yes.' standing rural hr IL Li. Farm - one
Arabian Liniment:
Mr. 11. 0. Fallog-Dear Sir I had hem salami with
the "Sun Pain . for the last ten years, and mull never,{at
relief except by hirelin but by the wee of It. G. Parnell,
Arabian Liniment, appli g,
ed over the templawabout three or
four times a day, It wae entirely removed, add I have bit .
nothing of it since. I vent into the stable one night_ I, !
apply it to • horse's enrol,. end being very home begone
bled and fell acing. nay lags, ernstung and bruising then,'
so badly that the, turned as black ea my hat. rendering^
them pmerims. I applied your Liniment, and was well
enough in a few day. do go about again as umnal. I alsn
crualinl my tinier in a obi:whiny couner.' b e hitting •
back-leg fall upon it, hut your Liniment soon Neale/ It tie
Ice Salle Ptreinch remits ce, 111.. Yeb 6 . 1 . 0 .
Retrace of Counterfeit..
The Pulite are particularly eantanneil against a Boss 1 ,
sh a uccrfro whleh hm lately made its appearuce and te 1
called by the Inneet..raho mato, it c•W II Ferreira Amin I
an Liniment." This tea dangerous fraud end More liable
to genet.rmo I his Waring the name of Farrell. Ther
efore be particular nee, fa pad for tt by lilt no.m..Farrelre
Lintment," for unprincipled dealers will no. the ori ; '. 1
aItIGIS' 1211-rJu, uton you fur the genuine. bat one.. ask I
fen -11,,e:. f.ln-rdes Aronson Limning - and tale no ether. I
as the gennine abrupt has the irtlaru n to. before Ferielpe,
his num:lure is nloo on the tiumnicwrapper, end three ,
words Worn in the kin. bottle-"i. G. ehreefri ,t,itten '
Liniment, /toilet' .
Abaco, wanted in every Town, Willa, and Ihonlet In
the United Sun, in which oat Is not eatablishel. ApPlt
by letter no IL O. rall,ii, Peoria. 111., with wool trtenn,
alto cherecter, remonslbility, Zr.
Call on the agent who will. furnish Free of Charge. • ;
Leak containing touch valuable informationfor evert vies.
of cltinins.
Pkica-...ideetan, fili nimbi, and sue dollar per bottle.
The oedp pmuons Ismanufactured by IL G. FarrelL soh.
Inventor ant pltnril ter, and wholesale Ocean., No. I ,
Main Meet, Peoria 1114 and for mle •holnule and revile, 1 '
proyucletco e price by 11. E. SELLERS.
aughd&wd: N 0.17 Wood rtre.t.
Mid by D. M. CUltli T. Alimbuy l', V.
The Human Body Diust .Perspire,
QO SAYS NATURE, to bare a healthy at ,
k 3 n00k.,, and persona who do not perspire.... habit
to; the moot dinguming Skin DIR., Not. Joe.' lull.
Chrmind Map muse. • free nominated, and at Ws s
time mollifies and ,flens the skin. giving It the les .
of an infant',
Scurvy, Salt Rheum and lotion, are not only healed,
cured by its use, mat Inset - phyafciat. in N I•,lku
•ho nw it In mob ewes. sod had itunfailing-as ado, la
Piranha blotch, Freckle, or au, otter emadaes.... Thr
reader Is eemenl that thin . no tirailf., rood nra , ..rn.n• .
one trial will prove I mul.l entnurrate at ,leatt eight;
Person , mend of woe head, wire legs, and erne heard.
1100 it-emit the mob, ifl , Imain easumi I would not mo
tor tne who., naivesl knew It to be all I .an. ',*ll'h,":4l It taw
are beide to chatcd, eraekeLor chalipeol Seel., '
will noel this toot only a-care, but a preMillir,.and I -an .
Draw only fit, that to nne alllictel with any of the ales,
es mullet dieesises, will
Mal this all. aml oven more lona •
noble in its pmpercie..) than'l ear..
44-111,it nate, the donce are Soviet with imitated,
..4. •grri r
V4l t..7%.•.',7, , , - •ol‘.lvetTl'zilrAkr:f',.—'. r , 1.4 - v1. 4 .,
be a d .05 U ~...i.
Pearly 'White. 'Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be had Mr 25 nente-Peraine who h... either. are ho - norn
bly assund th,t if their breath is ewer en foul. or Ind.
teeth demi eL dart..[ yellow. ryl emu-nand with uno,
thou a'_, rent M. et Jon.' .tinter •hvai Pests will midis '
ter teeth a. aL. a .u., e, and the breath nt.iireconall r
Sl.llnnl, ti . 1 1Cii3ON'. rare, din liberty nt, bead rl ;
A Summit"! Hair Tonic, lbeetorcr rani Bums
Iter.-Triel Math 1. 7. r. mote. 'She. who have used .
/oars' 10. al Hour 14.••. tar. knew Ire excellent qualltir
tine who bare M 1... W. Wall, A In the fll,w ng •
qualitle,r--lt 5111 Lone the hair to grow on otay part • ' es
nfillY. intended Leo to, gr., stop it falling nth Cur.,lAr.
Fdadruff, and make light let, or gray hair grow dark I
or modems the hair soft and silky, natl.. enneseeed 1
aryl-etc ~ it truly le.oontul. ant keep. it so It is. ID'
the onotundial-yrt auperlar--snide for :b.
Sold only el Ali. JACK/SOS'S Stole. dm Liberty mum..
bead of M uol. ?Inshore"h.
P-ince--.lli, cents. 5u mate, and II
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human •
Flair Dye. for the changing of white, red, or grey hen. sae
beautiful brown, or blimlt yet oiler. Ina few minutes , - '
Prier.--. 50 cents, and It. - i
Sold by W5l. d ACRnON. 240 Llbertystreet, head of Wont. I
Pitts[ urith
JONES' LILLY . 1 1 11ITE.—Ladiee are cau- 1
tiotea mutat slime be comm. prepared Chalk. Tim,
arc not aware how nighttully trourania it ie to the skin .
hew name, bow rough. how mit., yellow, and unhealthy I
the skin anntara atter tined Prepoded Chalk! 11.4141.4. II . j
irypirincts ,, , containing a lame quantity of Dail ,
coSlotX l l= ' Llitive. f ::;_ '---w-- 0-- • • -
„is Wendt innocent. being purified of all deletenet co
quilting end it illlnartil In Lb* Min • natUrah healthy. •i. clear, thing orbd.r, at the semis nue. acting as ne.
melte on the eltdri. making ttyoft sod entroth.
ykdd by the A..teut, W5l. JACKSON, ..i.lo.lll,erav ere,
bead if Wood. IN itahnesh Price. td eents
se at , istelvw •
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
OCCUPIES the front rank among the pro
mien., medicine. of thiscountry for nimidetely
miring Canker, Salt Rheum, Criminal., and all other da.-
L. 09 arising from an Impure snits of th.. hind. Aino,
eer Comolaint.Catarrh, by melon, Headaches. Dianne,
Coughs. Sormem and Tlghtneen about the Chest: Benn
et., or hmeneness, dryness. and a tickling aensation
about the throat, and Is t.,,1 wail 1111P1Wednaea cum..
I, all rases of
Female iread - erne and General De&ility.
Strengthening the weakened body. giving tens to the
various toga., and invigorating the entire eystem.
If the testimony-of thousands of living witnesses, Iron
all prittir ea the country, can he relied upon, It la p dogut.-
ly rtliesclona in caning all Illos , rs, arid restorin debilita.
Fed and bn,ken down einistitutinna. It is pond, Vegeta,
ble in Its nimpoition. nod so eminately combined in ire
'i.,."Zr.''.7°—° 'rt\'.`eeL h .".T.'=',ltg.7 l ,•ffg.T.'"''' Pro-
Purify the Blood. .
It has rentorcil many chninleclisesats which hare battled
the Attila( the hest phyuclanaand has also cured Cu.,
tall Rheum, Erysipelas and Ey-Whale, which Sarmaptrilla
arrays entirely belled to make the tenet ImpreisSion tits.
It Ku been testol In many man of CANCEROUS 11C i
51011). The most obetinate Cancers hare-born enrol by
this medicine. We say that it Is •ealueble medicine in all
BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It [scenes ail oh...with.. in
the circulation. rendering the Liver fore. settle, and heal.
thy. It remotes Palpitation of the lieut. manlier... in
all asseatif Asthma and ruy br toed in all elimatea and
at .11 sea.te of the rear.
This Syrup ix prepared only hy C. MORSE 0 Co., at Ind
Fountain street, Prorldenn.. R. I- and enld wholesale and
retail, bi S.S. Ince:xi:swot.
Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania
myb:y Warehouse. earner Woad and Sixth eta, Piny ,
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder. I
ltf ASIIING without labor', Warranted
T to take the Maine oil of Wile linnen and nem
Initri - nova Me. Cot-Put your clothes in • suMcient
quantity of cold water to covet there, then add nen Wile.
epounfule of this gent, Powder, to each as awes of water
tins.l with the eiother. If the water la hard, alit mote of
the Powder., and boil them ten calm., lughe mean time
Area. them down with a tonna, then put Gem in • tut, end
ald suMment cold water. no that they will not le no, hid
to handle. Then rob the dirty eters., or In other winds,
glee them a thorough rinsing. mid Met i• sulliclent to
male them clean.
N. 11-Then being no in In this M.P. It will Imre
the clothes very white, and no bad oily smell, as ion.
sous - dn--The entire meta the• material ti,eli doe not
! a "...1 1. %id rin wo n t t l;, `"- .r.TF., " :4,7:A11t o..''' P° '""—
MI6 la 11 Pinriler r. that Ono Pother Will mate twelrequerts
test Umlly MR Men. .
Ittunnotte ro Ung-Take. Ns) . ale quarts sa y r end
tilts, the Powder lb it, and then , let It twill. sa eye min
t_lither7 IV ot Irs ' is t i:,:y co lgi :re ._ i'r VA te,f°,:,.',T.'12.1 -
i ii
„--,,..i., he very thick awl nine White Map. and
will wash well, and will not eat the hands Ilia other Sof<
Soap. nor making elothas. Can he wed with hard or salt
wept. by the quntity Into mix quart. , mould cif
twelve The Soft Map is beet adapted fur washing caller.
and woollen goods.
Sell sshoessis and mud! by It. E. RULERS,
ha No. 57, Wood at
It Vh;tilithly vitiator', Icalmania and tonic pjonertrs
o t 13 Vinegar. node[ it far superior to ening Ma er
for the ordinary of the toilet and boll,. nurione
ing the letter In Ds perfume end thrum., IIA
1, ale,' ellteaci for the pnimotion of cleaull tie. anti heel, h.
It is highly Jed to ladles for the ordinary enti
deltonte purp4e- , or the tenet. and tor ereeervine it,..
. friishorm ~f 0.. toconlealon. Its emellent presentee tour
' l e g e ,.e. th :b l i ' ,....l,:ioVei d 4 ' . ' l7: o l o ni!rl; k g "' lL ' Vel ' 7lu.l. l ;; I,t, r,
I ,-,;, ,„,.,,.... ~ will remove headache In a low 111)111.1te.
Sold by It E. SELLER:I,S7 Need at.
1 IS7 P. OTICE--Tho partnerxhip heretofore ex.
j biting under the fi nin of M. A. WHITE. A CO_ Las
tide dee to-n ilk - mired by mutual ni;l i ee . S / 2 . , 1...„
nu ,
. .10115 EV Arid,
toll ...E. 11. ALEN
i s , o- , P4l. 4 l i i: , t t ait „ S r, l ,, l ,. l ,„ i t, '-;l ,, 'h o e d. o r ts t l i o , :tc ,, ri n. he c rt ,
~l o t y s. e ,
till. R. BCAIVE.
/Unison A Orgir
Jail JOHN 31. OR ELY
- Removed.
R ENNETT, BERRYea CO. have removed
to their new Warehoum. corner of Chancery lane and
t street irciat
,Greenwood Garden. .
CHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining
A Woe, Ramberry.Strawberry.Gooseten, Rhubarb.
y a be yoare, handy Monthly Kli,P and
p l anten
cee.ry to ornament porde sod gardens., will to a
Gnenwood Nursery. An ea the corset of
Marta and Fifth arvete,Pittanitua, every half ho r. go
the llaiden. lea Creams and other refreshments. eal rip
In the Saloons.
Orden addressed to the proprietor, West M,,reh es .,
yai e gheny ',way. Pa. will receive prompt attention.
._, J. MeRAIN.
ji. 350 reams Med- Reg and knit. Pimping No r :
• SO '. Double Crown .. ••
Ids - antorted Manilla .
nil ° Shoe .• -
la c. entoortor Post 0111cor Peden
100 - Posh., :Medium 24x37 Printing Paper,
toe - maimed de..132 (
the[ sl
e above
penalwih a lot of bad els. 2t . papon,fscy . mle at
loo"' '7
ritationer al F=l:e . L . ;sr,
}e_6 earner of Alarket sal Second arr.
—To Druftta and Painton• •
ilcawtittal Prrth rewarded by the (lola Medal of
. Any lean Institute.; . for ptawandos UnerldTina OnifOr.
icy - 0
and color. The marmfactarer of the eb,e
- C., - ,.., - p. :" er;theed the deepen and molt brilliant article
n . riWatheiy, that bi ner, and Chateau brzround,
lathiest detriment to shade: awl tuth Minna hit Dr.
.gate9t bran: or s lfiv.4 irclumme will be "I? • -•
"" w `nearing
- 7id ' e =ma for the ante of Mir
lsetat Minted slim. • i 5,„„....„...
4 .
li , , AT wecastreet.
- •
iliiiEel‘ 1851, lad 'T
CLARKE, PARKS A (8)... RuCtlrarrli. l'aoratnecla. 1 t
THE PROPRIETORS of this old and wall •
kronen Line, would inSarm the pablio that they ars ' ''
now In operation for the present sesonn. and hareem:omen-
nod receiving ' , might and Passe niter. Which they aro folly
L73frhi ' geTtra. t l'io.lOol.4't'L"rtiel."l./offLitc...Vad..L'ks'i Ere I
Line will be convtantly at the landing [Awe tha7Motr,,l. ! t
iiPthela Enda, to receive liviglic '
lute.% nor. Water and Smithfie'd ma, PittehnrAlk •
It W Connitighom, New Cull.. P. '
D. C Mathew, Fulaoki. Pa: i .
R . C. Me - 1art...1.1111,,T3
• - J .t - Hall, Sharpoburar.
I'm. m. Athrtt A *...70,, Greenvale:
Wm. Henry, Ilartelown;
Wu,. Power,.9toneautvillo,
C M. Heed, Eris. Pt
II Wallbridge. Buffalo. N. l ,
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
THE new steamer NORTIIENER, ' Capt. It,
ta swan, having ereiy nueleVin'"improvement Ad ,
oatety and somfor , will Tale Cleveland-on Prid, sy, the 2.Y . '
of May neat. on tRo-,first trip-and weekly thereafter on ,
Friday, at Li. o' luck. I'. M.. foi the Sant Pte. Marla ,
The noun., MANHATTAN, Cant Jon' CAtnttru., will ,
1e115,1 ['mat PI, Marie, faith« olifferent landings an 1..170e i
Superior, on the snivel of (beet...ter Northerner, making
a moilar weekly line, throughout the wagon, between
Cleve Land and the Capper and Iron .Mine..
5. I A. TURNER, Proprietor,'
Cleveland, O. April 2.0, 14.51.-ti
TEREST IN H1NLL17.4.11 . 5 . LINE, to my Mother. .
HINGHAM. the Inisinersal Pittoburgh wall/ere
after he transacted under the style al "Wm. Bingham, -
lit Mehl I WM IHNOIIAII. •
Binghains' Transportation Line, :
airtELWgUi 1851. tefigig '
r i [HE CANAL being now upon, We are rea
dy to remlve and forward pmniptly, %nee and
5 rrehandire. 041ot 11141 W.,.. \ •
' , neigh. Aiwa,. at lowest rates charge.l.,by r pongible
Live, \ \ \
Prodicr and 31erehandive will her eooelved and far eroltd o aor.a.t., without any charge for forwarding r a - •
mann ( r ot= roiTtutlo tiatO 4if n . r n etorse . , ..,
_. fo
stlenSto ' l to. Allele 1 t a l t, "l ' ''''''''lne f.!tb ur
wm..iigtiredi a do., mai tiata s a.\ \
Corner Liberty awl WaynAelstlttehorgh, \
BINGHASI A ISNlio tot Pt. • / ,
betwieLt i lo s ng,llo td N E , llllgto ,, , ..o'hiladel elite. \
Na BRI North Howard stree IlitHklnoir.‘ ' '
.. JAMES BINGHAM. NP. 10 en , ~ ,
~ nicht
idtEEE6 • 185.1 • .
Merchants' Trans& tion L e, '
otrr RE:tIIIPPI,7".ti. X
•A• aIeANULT 4 ca. can..i
~i 4.14, 4. Penn 1.1r4.•
CHARLES RA TNyl. Central Sloth, Broad rest, Phil a
,. •
d..l etrZ•brepartol to\ prelve a Israe'antottnt , nlerchendk ,
.d ,rtailiet. to ship on 'the opening of tha tidal to Phila
d'lphia, ar4 all inn•rmediete elates et lower nit, . am! in
less time then to an, preen,. oeaoon. 1. , ,
Oir- of II The theresood number of Tittehe n od' iol by ri.
the Canal Corornlootoners 'for mr , r , .,:• 6 .'?/1 • the
Stab, Ritilmado, will pvevent any ponothatty, of de y et
Johns...ll llontiar.dotr nrCo,lumbia thioNWanon.
C A. aIeAFI.T - .8C%
fehls CIO I ?Won.
.- -- --, .7.-
Nimo 185 \ 1 .-. • ;•:•:,., , m . . ..
To Stoppers of hlerthai' , O.Re, Produce
atroarAiNiAlitu rflNK'srP.
ATI': INS L. CO., Promietnra No!' tre lark.... and
Commerce street- Philadelphia-
BELL A LIOOETT, Agent+, Canal Has • Ittatargh.
We aro prepareci, on the (4.11104 of th ennoylvinnia
Canal to contour!. for Freleht at a 4 1.3 w r. t , • and give ..‘• no much .Iroxatch end care ap any o I, Lilo,
bl2,Unn ,
cov6DE a COLE,
~,,,.,.....nry In s 'AlcPulen i Corode.l
Chad! Satin, Pam St 't
Penny Bait Road 0 071 ' . c - Ceatral Rail Ro' 1
ri7ll}: enbreapetra hating hen° appoint d\ ,
2. .luau. Se e C.rthe I,:tiorlvottlai, Central Ra -
Itoad. into', t - putu,.- 11.ot we air. nn x air to I , I
..11, RI.. onto, t• of eteretoetniir. er•ProWee tsr olneMeut
6r.,.- .., thia sp i n , t-1 ',ill toe earrirdt hrough In Oven.) o
and-nil .-ott-tenosi o os 'will Is. forwarded free of seem.-
' rem . her:. for Ivan",
. ,
m,. ur rareltre liTyr.r, \ PITILIPEIRNI% ....7 , , M“... \
Dry "fad, Hata Sine, Bradt a-Shationary,CutleryColife,
llne' , • I r" , .`' lv'lthera. VuonlloTM. - t.'"..e- } l . di.'lm , ‘'
' Sloo 'to lou lbe
Hardware. 0ne....0w•n. Orteurls, ro , nte.lß••• Mona Oth.. '
gm!. se thet.Clo,r. 10.t.'BinkSliy met other Gram Swo.lo,
Code.. Beet, P.m, liotter, , Lar I. y0,.1 OH. Tette-, Leat ße ,
• Tells, I ifILIG and Rey o. . mil 100 -,, IV. ,
Aohea. Marble trough, r ni,d'itoh. Looin German Clat,
Lox B ItiO
, . ' txtVoir.l: d COLE.
ro.rnet. Perko and Wayne etrnte.
lutt!?_,:h, July lot, 1,1.---ti Nu \ r .
-''' • '
' Freight received for all the. \ Way Station
on the Pennsylvania Centra
4 l Railroad.
.1.. , ,,
' Bane, Alun J Malb 1
Mifflin. Jame Nor h\
Le• .i.onies Milhara
Monet Loon.
Iluntinedon• P% I l lt;e r .;.
enrolee Crosol.
l'yrooe. -.
Hollldaythoria_ I A :you
Columbia. ',,, Ilrolevw4l A linuftlit .
Ilamoshurn• ~ J. , g ailower of
1,1•,•1•190.U. \ Either. Margan. A to
Newport. Beoee Bearer.
Maletatow a. ' ll„..rvard ithelectey Joosa.
Perryovgle. ..L.\Ii.ThOIIIMIL.
Mcl .u•town. ,:th
Maleton M' 1 -Ichithoroddeon.
Mill ' Creek, Kew, r < IlmtlAnY
r0 . ..*1a John Hu Jett.
Co I , iliE. lt COLE, .
July ir•th , la•LI
' Porto apt g sone X`iecto
Dissolution' \
i JEN CONSEQUENCE of the decease ofJohn
' s h - rah - a. , a , startnerohip heretofore vaiotitta lotwo\a
i,.. Isla:len A Covude ie toereby dissolved. Joho P. co.le \-,
All authorized to settle the bust.... of the 'late hr..-- \
; All po.roona having clott74 voiV ,, pkes , ..Apylenl tli,ir n lor
Payment ,
J out cu - •-rr . ..., ..,.m en a \
I 0. , ,,,,,...„,-,,-. ~, Meriden A Cannily
The businesa of the Agency of the Fen
r•l'lrarkla C'entr'al Itnitrunt Crtnearty will hereaft, i... 0, •
doff.. under the Lino. and .tr le m
corona - a dou...
, , . .
~ rttur of i . an and It aone Wow.. ,
1 Pittsburgh. July In, Ili I-I tot, , \
Agrictltaral lmplentents.
'I iIAVE JUST reetived frontaho East the
i hdloorinit maelpment, 401 ad the Lesl, facture
1 and IS, moot no,nt.inveutthoo, and I ootil.l meitu JOH, nil
Farmer. to call and e•tamine In, •IS t. ,
it e ~' for eons. Leen, beet, t”\-nite, A,. t
r rl ' i l ti 'n tr -. ll l l7f h tty Vbeat. rye, oat.. and heti., • . ~
Corn CotoCrutherr,
Corn Sheller, kr tam , ant hand tower •
:Bram and Corn:,;`luolk Co.inn 1 .*.0. , '
Vege,table Itodt , teittere.
or 1 okew and colo,SChato Mier.. '
Cast...el Grain awl Gras. S, thee. and Ilf,
Caottneel two, three and four Leona (.crat e ' .
All tasoulartured-,Trom the 'IO.I material, and for no le •
at the Brea and Sosw'.l nor. of ,
„, e l, g ICKEILSHAM,
mrel t- carnet. 01' Wood and Silll, nt.,14.1.
, Beaumont's Patent Starch Polikh.
pITENTED,OniI-g6iii, It+so.—For giving
a beautiful tiloo. tolavn . Martine. Carribnca Cr',
.ars. Shirt 1,..n0. t. ,and sleu preltnte the. Iron Irt.m
silhenun to Linen. Al_, sal pre enu. duet Bum nth:king to
Idnego. At, and met.. nn let it inpirlou.
thresi.,n-Put a1n......• the 1, of o yea to • quart \ f
i starch when toulln, • •,,irun host ,y
-1 prier, luli m.o. ,ilaiu. r... id wbolonele end retail by's
1 rr
tit It. E. e ELLEI.s. n: %total Cl .
._- ..
CARD.—I hart., to my new star, '1
, 4.. a „m. 0.. a, Rant s (
I iteishilr U ,Z " at ' ar7l ' 171V%. ale r 5.•... my tripod, and s e t..
dlt ho Znla ' ttr, " 7 . l . ;n a se= 7 :in ' en ' t h t7ilit2.7. ll,- ;.=;01 ay.
i es C
Iloar.•',PTln,, Moo, Call ow 1 Huck Mstroo•
eeel,..ther Bede, Boittera and, Pillows, IllanSets , thlilto ,
c oio nt e , ne o, and Coing,rts: Wlot h ,. 5ha1,....d evert va
riety: 1... r Mala 'loll tßers artiele it.ually iouot no the
most entetu,ive sotabllthotenta,,l the lond, Orderrnopeet.
tall y .hd '' ..”' mn' ' ' Valr l i ' o,l t liii, Tl„rd art-el
VT 001..--el.h puitt f0.,010,1
O 1 by
Y ~,.1 ' " P "' a LE):
Corm a. \ r
I , HAVE just reeMyed root,New York, nn
ct, iittr,htr.,V,:°`;',;7:.', , ,li.‘„`.:;"'''ke"'N'eß'."' •
• • NOBLE .
I 8 WM
p .u ,,,,,..A 0n ,CL„ ES- ; ‘,..,Ve s h,a, L e .; ,,a
‘ e . , t d mLle to , ,
quality clf more en d moment:l,4,e • ell Alava. to
every rariety of elelnn, semolina io the h i
priciple. of
noneol emotes. I PS,. I 1. ' Vt. W. IV I 1.1-oN I
-- kiAN 11 . RE , ~ , ..i'.; 1 1 1 I ii. f . --- p51.7,.. ,. s---i 5 0.,l ~.,
Cour Ce
t. lio ' i ' ljo, on . hanikuid fur :al.. ;Z.. ..tern enCes, hi
t. w, , INDEXTER,‘I'tder Asset, ,
/1 11 Anent 4,a4r,...r 4 (74,
__........ .. .
Anthiacite Coal \ ', 1
~. ..3i it TONS
. j wit rec \ve4l, a
,1. su 7i . or . ek' rticN I ~'
321 Br Foundry or lXuuj 1. ,, 1 ,.;1;.j,ifi1r . 's 00,
pa .. , c..oNa 1.1414.
C!ppeitppcks. :\
%IT E ,, 114% , . , \:E ., vier: Stool
, a ,, tls d.e e ,,ur, Xt
~f are
mo❑on , le-11.M ' e..1d. ' ,..;),,,, ~..u, - ; '''
' ''
101 l
Pure Brand,y, for ill iarrea, &c, , 1 •
PEAR IN MIND; shAdd yi I need Fr.,et /,.
Brandy. the Vint asor eau he Alai ed ai SIORRI "
M., in the Pinmatul. at Si pe, ijterNr hoot. '
VII 1 , Nll i OW „ :;_t h ll A: i . ..[E ,. . , i'. 7 5 -- i • % ..,
r tineNit 7 c
, I f i , e i lit- :,
Shadeo, Blot received (onto the nisouteel i tA which ', i ' ve
will sell wholesale and retalL at a.. 1 they Vona
etteothere. \ J. a 11. I'M LW l'S. I mai u 1 r.0.l ot.
moll . . s,
_ ~..
if i HESS . 1.;;DOIV PAI ' E-R--Pltart - N and
k ir glazed , for ea By
~,2 r .. IV ALTillt ' MAIISIIAL •
I AMES' CAR,PET BAGS- '...'d dot, red
2 4 per expree• be \I melt,.
'ili. , 1.:! , .. , '(, ,.. .1.1 ,4 111 1 ER1N0 , E ff S
k ‘N:H o IIOUS. Ii Ey
Le or
e , for CLi . ldreit's . ltr,ofo,, , o u aild . rrlitav i t t'd t and r."'
6 , ,IliGAR—'2O ;Idols. N ii., tar sale .. '
0 Feel P. It W. IrARDA 111.
ZIAFETY VOSE-12 tibia, for gal; b
p .'P-, J. S. mawourta It t: , 1
pAi i 'flß .ETANG 1 , N r „, 0 , 5-- ,,
gr N l, evr ,,,, p , r! i t i te , r L t i i: or
‘,. 1.,....1 street.
_.Ajeases just reed, Bern Provident., It. I-, and for rale
' Mix the drat, or sirinio,finttiv• {See advertioement Inn.
other column. )e. ' ,', e. N. R ICKERSHANI.
acre• ~ corner ni II red and Sixth eta.
S _
UNDRIES-- - . \.. . ,
. sin Willa pram , sugar.
.'• ,0 Lela. it.ll.3lulavni,
- ...II tiers, loo.; .
...TL - etsates Loa! !'” 'damn
~...111 blia arnehai '-.
• 6 '' Paled ... For Pale by
- -
g *IIEESE—Nu bit. prima , W. R., for Ralaby
IIJ sePh JAMILS 1/AI.7.LL, CY Wateret.
kirk AUKERE-2.25 bbli.`Large No, 3, for
UGAIt ,t•MbLASSES-:. \,' '''. '.:' 7- •
e t.°l ',,,, h 'i'•§' Tli N i_ -° •••ft , 'Et' ' - V . ' •
• ''. • - iii -.-.-- 11.11: ' *, . ---- loy_
_. ak. b ‘ ,.'..
snob JAMES DA.L.7c14,„ GA Vies;.sx.
. •
. .
. ,
ItAi*/ CE. s \ \,
\INsU s '
../•••••••••••• All•Mr-I - ML. ,
Pittsburgh Life Lozurance Company.
THIS ‘ CO.N_PANT was incorporated 'in 1
Vehth.r. kn. with • Perpetual Charter, and has .
mro mete./ booths on a capital of 0100,000.
The Cuothany 0 bonne. both on th e Joint 81otiek and
, 4 \01.1
Sluthial pien. •
(In the Joust Stock an the rates an. one-thlrd less than .e;
thaw charged by Hat COO pttalet. and Fifteen Per Ortsj- 11.
lower than the rateaptlp.t Stock Companie.
Mutual 7.. s am the... as those adop.l bc 70. 0 .
7.1. 7 ...stsc c......t. 2110 ff lIIISIArrd elli the mufti.
al prtricipD bare the comb od seentiti.fttnithhed by that ~.
TT rem of Ineurthes. sad CaPital Ltd hithP l m , F• 11 .101 pe
tn Joint Mark department
The Charter .rtoits 1,1. nth', of:Baur.. ea:supra, a
to every hum. foeng e dinlat of wiS., alldrthrtlet d
ten.. relatione, friinula or e redl4 , • i to insure the 11.1.11 . ra
.amber We theirown exclusive t. Pe) nbittejle_ed. ll 4,.. , pe
..r upon the bathes aerial., u \ lf\r. of Id. r. Its or sa t k
la the orston of the insund. \
omeraa; , dr
Jam. B. Itoon, Pralde
~.. \ I
Parotid aleCl.kan, VI. anent; ' 1:.
Ch. se A C? 00 0r , , 00 . \ , II
' '
Ja... II H.O.,P4sPerG. • '
John . 4 ' \ Charles'. A.Vdton.
Camou.l SleClorkan, Wta Phtlli • \ , I
J. A. A.. \ '.,
rlYrt• V. 111 , ... V llklns, i.e hectsterY of W. - • .
1100 Welter w• ward. lets: .011µ1 of T . 7 7: ,„..
John an t d. r. Usi, Cashier of Pitt...nee, Itolll f
Malcolm Leech. owl- Wbolealefimeetr.
Hon. A. 11% is, A . B. 31Stlatoiont; . ;
..1.=.%.1.7: 4 ' 0.1., ll ' . 1 . 1.12 4'''. elk ' .•
S.ouel il: - ..q , ,7.17. ' , St w oo ' l ' e n :iot 4t: ol.i . : ' t, ' . : r.
Itt.l,yl •di . 31. D, DYlFortjth etthret. ‘ v \
John Cra o .H. 8,29 PIM street, \
Wm !doh. an. AL D., 1.1)7 Liberty streeL
Dr. Dilworth il ' be In attendants. at the one., every \ ..
(ace of the ••• . 0 7 , u. SDForme street.
4.2. N
Ifdan•U . , ' C A:COLTON, ...WT.
state 141/ • . 'i . re nurarance Company.
\ \
lIRANCI. OF C.E.-=Noi 64 Surrnriiin Sraarr;, t
crmikautn, •
• i SUalt, Slay Int, Hal.. ' ‘,.
T"E ,get' i t.idenee of\ the 'pumas \of the
\ the m ,m Iti_etndworin toltk ti s tr.rt,e,iSTA.l.,2R= b
.... th l7i lig! , ,e 41 44.• .l i•tt P 4 4"i , -. . r ..,. .:
.b. ~.,,,,n....0 JO ioditt• aN30,000 to the fluids el
of tbe Col:many. Nevi
,a n d e pe y laluthed ben s f the %.
eafest i/ In small the
Wholey 014 ye..
No. Of Policies I. 1... \ 7,9fift ,
Do. g o o. elVd,tarminsted cancel, ‘...
s gel i \ , •
m b' ont . ilPrP;SY . l .--. 24 -. -, \ \ i ' . 8 . 7,886.410
! p 1 , .; , . c ri,te d .\ '• -4 ;. - .. --jix \ l '2'''
1, ‘ ,....i , :
D„: L e , e .ra - . 4. t....p ---: 7v , 1'517, \ x
it.N,:rir.:;•.-i,l'i,i;- ... ,- ,74.1..::: 61,..- 4X 4438 q 7 i
7 ,.
no. to , do , reled,-. - 3-.4,2
=5 5 ;4 1\
Whole.,'} buses and Oktoenseapal4- .411:15 \ •B.
\ alfuo lo
o, ceits oi, la m so o r o o ,u f th m e on Cslrf efu or, h s - ‘
of \ 4 l . • 1 1,...X 4 45 ' h *
ard Inflated\ and country y, itiS hewed • oopo.
Pan) . adonis ...Cell 163.1 n of cbOtip mi... P' IMO. .
..urity. fnfe or to 00 InthranceCoropeny tathill • • • •
f V r 7l, ‘ 4lVlOl3 TR7 , 4 ' . ' 1:1rt.711 1 4,. t=7 1 •
t \s„,
2 ,,, ,lwsrtiy ,t li Red amountin one 101 tyfuspres ...,
.10 nit bon a r o, " 000 k 0 :211 :4 51. ° 0iroi Z, t, it uskeny'' , E
ttr „ .tigliri7. ^ .. rd . " :=;.all. b ut l g...,
Ifirsetoucl-John P. Intherford..A.4.olllett.h. AA....
Alergn i A oi ` . .l , in..r ,:.. th4 C i, Pe i ggire . lr o . Paadoel Jeff Rob%
1. 4' . ~ , 7'.. ° II! RI/ TIIEIIIIItiI t.
./.2 A J. lICLUVT. Fes Gal\\
' 1 -I' 1 A.
.- e l ' h .: .S ' r7 ' . 11 gluon,
t. ciPill
poll '. If. ..•••• arc red 1G the fffrectA n and \ln !N..&
rrlvll , e et Iton OM. trent el, or realtemable In oaths
at this , DI of ninety a ... • -,
_A. A. CastG Ad , \ .
Fr • Fire I riAin Co- of P . Irlt ' ,-
IR T ORS: Ch leg co. ,\ ,
a , a
. .r..,:it . , cc. 1). Learle, To as
j o " i t.
o te i If;
oori llo o rja ii 9ll.s , t., David ti. • )37
c, CILAWLF-.l\ I.BAN \ b FA, Preaddsot. a
Coa aG. GM, hems. .
• I'm 0.7.71 {Many. t• , \•11. InsoUthe., permanent
or lion .on etcV cle.AeriP , k , VlVin h h. 1 ... ."
countcountry. td rates a...p10w se are-oneatent sr set-tufty. •
C.Woonny hS)., reser , I a \ we co thngent fond, .
latch,. i their c.v.! .... Preen ....alb orr.:-. 1,4 . f
ml .. - P. IT/herthi% to ter •••••,.•4. .
be d the 11.41licay on Gthtt y /st. 3 Bal. aon, \
bah al }green IT t• di. An .....k,..,4 K, venom follows.
nth ,
' \ll3,lM\ GS
3 1: r NIthe ..-
. -. N...7.7. -.-
$.177 5 ,7
i 1.7.
-grove the Incur; 7.1101:1, Bks ripd of 31 yl.m.
haws Paid on .ad ILIE , -• 3111lio Four llonithed,Thonaind ..
Dolt.. 1,•••• by,Fins hereby twain.; .I.l th the of the
151 e..., of • Furth .ea wtell . their edlitsand dle,`
r n''''
P j. ' rt ‘ F.T• Lr k. a t ' lM U' l ' . , ts \-: '.
aol.1( o esc„ /.I.ruthsr•mi ' auci_Leß..._
• - no Mutual . Insuranc , o, Philo l
4CENT IN 1' liklllllloll, .5. LI. DAVI ti,,,
rtes J. Finney., d ass,t,) No. 3S' .I.therty strestV
ne better corm D es of p.m. •S‘.ettlar., ha the\ \
I•Nrot all. of the city , th aelit. May 41.1101;410.0.1 dall, .
Yl ' 7 ,' ll ' ou ' L l /;I. ' l ' 2O -" : !..‘.. ' l '- \ l' 7•3 • A t r ' ll ' :,r. Ir ' ae ," llrl= \
fNln f l,‘ . " .i m ;st ` ,lZ ^;
4 it. '" , ' ,VlN,T.= I -
twuchte ..I - a In.un,o.v, • a atfl, form es fu shad on
sP •VaraTrio. ver 1,.........bat • Cunstantly increedthi.-
Prot 1....111,, , Ilubllf arrioll,A tho. insured Dr Iflle.
Pittsburgh. i. 31. 1 eaL-tall
biarii7 e P .- `,, and Inio \VT: i inapOlitteall
. k ,.
\ Insurance.
rivIIE . ty,r,.ra eCornpanj,o NorthAmenea‘
7 1 ,. Pt r "ri a •i. s i.L,TV.ici."l e lf ' .._s 17;14°' A
butoun r 4.l cir Yhata. in this elt% o u lei CT alp r
on property sf rest at Siphon. 47r7-‘1 Y Sowb
and other rem's, Other r`thiand uth4or o n the
IT' .
I Arthur 8.C.!! Prst. Thom. P. Go \ . .
c.auel W. Jon. \ John H. Neff
Edward :thin. \ Illth.d D. IS • 1 •
John A. Brown, . \ William Welsh. 1.,
~= l4;tl , " ‘ t... taeritgot,...
M.D. Taylor, olo. E-Bowen. r s '
\ a \ \ \
Ambro... 11 bits, \ George AsPlowra.., \\
Jamb 31. Thom., yasoltDictioo. • .
8 !10re... Walm• . 11. D. • rrenl, Yee). , •
This la th e oldest Inthranno yap. laths United Stalls s 3
r e r g ' al w .h h rf,tl, ' . 4 . l =c4tt, - c=trl,
-0 I- -^Ol-I
- '''' l r na ' LT* \ 17.14'.. 2 , P l, 'M''' ..
' ho. 111 FrootTreet. ..
WeiLtern Insurance Compaiky of kataburgli..
cNPITAL 8300,000. R.7*MIL ER, JR, o
' Presitsnt. F. IL Gordo. Seeretarp;
111 boom against all kinds of rink. Tire az ...Martne.`
All f...... 11 ts liberally adjusted and promply A. .e
A b o na lnuitution-bunaged by lareetalre ',charge well
known us the. community, and arbo are iletermitled by
and 'therein) to maintadthe e..pleb/eh
they bars asvutried.. offering the beet proteen to \hone
who de•dre tube. ituded. .
Ithsthroko-11- Miller, Jr., Cho. Black. J. W. \ Bntler.k.N. s
Iloloths, Jr., Wt. B. Ilolto. a. l o t. GM. 15 Jetted.
8., NI. Lion. dastuts Lippitscptt. George Darsis. • 3nr
A i l '! ' BT,:e:V.'aiflt.;fr i t ' rtt ' . Zarobou. \of Spans Co. '
op ....12...) Plmthorkb...
Delaware Mutual Safety orance om y i
Lii C it'
, .. 1 7
( )17 ,1 1C , E , , g, N n O r4 RT11 . 11 1 1V11 d 1 i OF Tag '1-
\ •r,..., ..vxesek-o=l i t :um litercli t er:Bne rand <the 1
3 ' ,..f. ' 37. ; !.%Pr , Z . 7.:.1 teo 3 l4=4 o. ,lnor,lio n e,.. °*' : l'"
.11.1. lase - Wu -They also Istsure V.., Bargo.
and Fretubt, foremn or en.V.Veille, under, , pen or 'tumid
DODev... the' may don'ts. .
1..0 la.arearanors-Ther ralso nevus Merehinatie
tr./qv:D.l 1, Wthrons. Roll rithrea...
of boota.'f.,l e
Strom NV.. on Geer. and lakes, ofi thn swot lilDral terms.
Itiratfloas-Jueph GoPral, Ednutol A. Ponder. John C- •
Da... Royert Burton. John It. Per*. Fanlual lilwenD. re
Grimm V.d..tiner. Edward Darlington. 1.. IL Batts, Wll.
Dun Fol.retl.. John Newlin. Dr. ILlt. linthen, Jaynes. C.'
Mud. Theodulns Pauldin. It. Jon. Brook.. Ilera7 s
;loan. Ruda 'Craig.. •Dorge Sorrilk. :veneer nett...
Chorle. helly J. fu. Jolson. 11 ut. 11... Ito . b. Thomas. d
J. l l. tr•hrts Wni• Byre. Jr.. • .
1 , 113,7R5 AT Prrthautoths.D. T 71... mm. 110 40 p.a.
John T. LOK.O.
.\ 71 ILLIkal Id thrth,..ure.tleca: Tryth C LEVI°, Tkr Pre.l. 1
lot .1 , ...ria 1 5 . cars.. P•szeterr.
o.4,l th se. of thr, , ,rtrAcr,, 3.,..,111 Water street, Pitta
bunth 1,4: tfj r. A - . MADEIRA- Agent 1
"1177 111.'
Ohio Laboratory.
fel , ,
limo, , Q (1111 - 111. 95 iii ,
"NT 85, "''' '.\99 ' '-- ' 7.-- - . ' " ..
, Per Cunt. Strength. ...•
1 OWE LL FLETOIIER & CO., Manufaetu- .
.!esto \-1 ALC01101; keßnirlts ET Cologne and Bien. p Dlattlindl a Whiskey . heats on hand.
lurk., h,l 11. and Sro t thrsets, Onto -wrath thuo.
/Dr, 11 othlo. from Pate nest will bero
promptly tilled
at bored roark , sy Drina. .
_._ e l -'
.IS d
"Firms and icraors. '., \ t,
Yu, 157 Ltbertyor., Formerly gavis [-rack., fcr or y . I :
0. ri.,,,t nr., of PitS•S ore.) a eronemrst, of N Y. °
IP 1 CKE ISE.N 4 STOUVENtL, reepeettn - 1.
1 • avoopnes to tblApublie gentrallP3 sod their area
111 / 04 T - AVlCll h a e t y tt ‘ whol t e "il'h 7 l 4 :" %e ".l .V. ' lrV.o . ,
. .., I. keth • lull ..rtment of the bent a r" ck-lio . ,telle atm w
Peewit rd and ntitte Wince. Also, French dark and Wile -
Brandt, of the ebote.t \stakes: Jamatelartana, ilealand •
dn. Irfth champs ...I. and xpartithig hock wines,
..f the nowt approved brand port. were,. 7ltheln., them,. S.
..1 unuent Biz, Abega th eltc Aboofantis.ll777.7 ..
hserfrip. Suri. and Linthurgh Ches.e. AllOl bite they w
alb As Is. wholesale. .a retail. aththo tout tea.. le tame P
U., of err pertners. 31r. Stowlenel. stth mull nn, his P
Itousrtaton t buine. lo the city QIN lock, the al so urn l "
1 . . 0 . 01 . 1 tm elt a ^he... tha a tetterrarhele t anY' 0
other hon. this ritr. Pleae glee us • call, hem' you P
Pith has, deewhsre
1 - Iratnilise ...plod fr. of sstrk eharge. Ana 'fit he
bort., mat.. Loa
xvis's Patent Reversible ater Filtei\ l•
,' NOW to Ite seen in operation at WII. •
'ATI: It CO "St. Maher, N, 10 F.f i nh arm.,
70* '''' - v • end Llberts .t.. and at PlllO t A WILLI'O,'
llyo Di lima...eel, P.Gthuuth. : th is Filtkinfarerejwid .
” \
nfiold . Mal from the American bathtub. Of New host, ~,
ancl .C. " Oral. 111. ths Franklin, ba th tub. nf Phihadel.
phis, for . Rupsrlotity In it. elea.ung taupe rtiftw. and al.
..........ofma tboew ....It, am. In woe. PhiladelPhba. • ;
of rids thlfollowlng ere examblen: • \
.. \ - Nlaml..l.3th. lan..
13 X.11 , e1 , 031 , • tat pleasure tf/ recommend to the thren of
7 . ,, dear wa .S. the Pat. nt here:alb', 11 at et 011tre 0 ,Ir•
nt. c, Hr. .7. 1100. 0 0.... 07 ch.. , for .VT ,
''''`''', I '' . ° titV 4 fl_t4lPiV n lilii-77i..'
7......, March 28th, 1b31.. 0
The Patant Herr ihlr Water Filter.. invened 6 7 • • •
Soothed /I. Lewis. • I used 00 toe for Pottle MUlath• at tit ,
privaN roslliener,.. Ntll that . 7 yrreon could wish. Y, •
thereto %....I,lsr it a Vivilege to hare It In roy power to
mom. ran u ` 'he tattle. JONAS P. PAU/LAMB.
No. a Summer street.. 4 '
.T...• intr. am warr..,14.1 to take out any eaten 00
tufa whlelSuN arl. font amoral...l animal or wegetre
hie matter ind t• 1N.1..11.. ill, 11, Irsarmited to last two II
1:17.i... .e . uut, , , , , , rtizrz cavill lath ten: and rem.,
• mrllutf \ 7-'9 A.lntreet,Philacte TER
B , AD PIP ' OprnelPa
improved patent '
Load Pip for kraut, \ B
I\ than.,
. rin , inets,
N . Al? , lauile n",, \
All ars on band and 10011 , .3_, ow e byl ' •
tn^h ) . 7,l \ 13.1 *ma Street.
1 \ Heating andlentilation, _ •
17E A RE' mAKI- I i ti:PFA_RATUS for .
• V liestrog by ht.. In Ho Is.Courtßoarit. ' , seen. -
• nu, hank altlee ch tor ed.FacW:oltals.and bold
the °I ell . r7 ll, l , lPtlon, Pfablie prlrata,• AL., Laud \
one and Dal. hoot.. for all s vb. n•rulae
,fr o m pl 4, o ali r si - o b ot t i o i r o lAw a l i s t f o ltdre atf,r Yu then
bo for V o n , ": l 4l=fatnral or Tomei Mem.. will
Iffhal . cf the ' clall:4l3 4eltilDtkit\ Ijriti....l aill ,
Moot ms'etaffhlY heavy upon this plan I ,Zletern sown.-
. the outbid to.o t k wbolesome..unimeo hm... Pl. Y./
requited tellperattawowith entire freedols oo trom eoCt. •
Smoke..h..lann, or dd‘poess ...I platy fire,
~ ...2.°2it5 •`_,...\ L-CAi E.4TlilN6og a ocl:LI. p
' coPley'i:Pot Clay. '\ \ 8
rrECE . artbscit s ibera ike now Sole ' iienti v
._,J1.„.,!t1. elol7r t Va. for wk.. 7,7 thou Pot cop, wo
- -- . ‘„Th , mhshlhined repot-Ink. for the Mannlashore , .
err Ob. Ms./heel Pd., he. It/ made Gloat of thefts.%
Intalble substmanes
S tow smt ts ner7 enesrall M.A.?
luut cleanind pervious to
WM A,NakAwaiwpauso. \ '
. ME\ DI C A '• ' \
\ Ne\cTlei' Celebrate:l\ • ' . \
\ ,
The. highly stratiot idastere have a merle \3 - •
...,, th g y, twenty letr4c u ilzAnj
4 w 4 b L ic h h e tisno
amt'ltb&ry hara \\,,,
' .orton7, .... a ...,.........,...,_ . ~i,. , \
duna of e highest e them+, to whom theirmingewA \
W.' bm Dlr.' Slthltil bare give* the most ektherhieg
~.4,3"' •', ''' ‘b.l'97.t.'Tre''.7.°.°.lV
TiokgredilloM at their pra14,,,,,,pai, ,
come combihra; render t yur torWepplirsthr,to ‘
I.o7,l4..'l.EF7lNgir''--"'"ld \
1.07... i, .. :vt Ttr,..7.ri \ .
oo ra tino Xp to Ai, a reit .
,:, h0,,..........,..,...,... \ .
r."r: 1 °1 1 " g at/ t • . i ?.'"
/..• .. r" k s r itga . ne la the ' r niclV,., " , i gh r. o r i ' 'to
cn , eeerat rod a Aof Um kid era m, thlro ma •
onion! yeci-.ll_ toMpa r , Dore hono bee anopl2/t e dohy
nroolreue who hp , rape . 110011ettlrest , ' rebe thotur
pliration. To sockeAn er with, chum tic Xiit. tbra ../
' kV "' trtso r -"' Atrirts ' i ' ir... its ' i 'r r " to r ‘ L' A
earm.. ,f.c . tat ,AT . • r , , *".
yh * 'l,, •,: W. 51ZL14J,5.,37 ogfitt. \
I 17,11 tIMIAWM:Iftrirpt \ 1 , .: . _ . `,,
. II d - 1 6 % 1 ,,J . elTia rr re, q Ttt ! t =ft .1 4`7,1 ° 11 4 ,47:41 1 :` . ~V, pnreetAtthe tthu 100 on adhenng ththeLuien.olde g gs., . ,
r"' tole
gt o r lo 0 1V 1" b nor' l ''.r nil colttoe
.;:„Thrrtt's te107,11.47n th " : • elf rap. tion will betels ' \
) maimed, lto competition frame/ en nothertial '-
tie/ ',,
. \'•
N. El -tithe ( N e Aliwin do thirty • • . of cloth.. ail 'he
. lo thold br, without it
Pried 11% oentAper Cake. Each Ca e with !till dime*" •.- -
• .1..11 coMpi It, D. it .111.1.)E7 Wood • _
' -\
PET2,O ': 1 ~ OR : i IC. OLL . `.s
...-4=... d ...± 1. 1 . t r in i tavilo b a4l..olo , , ,,..
... lIE VIRTUE 4, Lis renuarliable lama :',„ i
dy. and the conothht opplication for it,sio thi prop. ‘..,
ILO In negki hint to Woe it put t i
ara In britl, es, "mkt& , •
: ' Val dlgetlona ter theitehefit of t he •Dab lie- o \
%, .I, P ogit r h ° of f Er ol a ir t ' ufk=tri oi . .l 7 aV,V4l d. n=
s.l euthi., without .y thentiml change, hot just as 1, "
rob Nittureg Great /oratory!! That It madame \: ,
ropert,leld , ,m.elgy II number If tilmaoL,ls no longer • :„ \
" • U'' o r 4' 11° 11m r* whlr LT•to ' n . wro. ''' 7l b;°.r. l °,.= •., •
.as I n r lllerAokitt Inifering, 'and orloyi thelhoole, af
th .
thoti vi g%f iggortruTTitast n=t=tr,
on for the me alone.. lloscounhu and deny i
bog call. for It. smd emend tranotable eV , . It be .
~ -•ho a ottre londicatomL •of Rs, fetict goolthlarith ~ ~..
iVeSTl d :% s l ° ,:. l 4 ° . ` ll.7==ithk.t...
cogre sor ry that,the medico. ran wool/ work ita wty •••• '
Mothe farm, of thorawitio orafro.'thd wialthto be hadooQ \
Ilkrers do not 01111ce it, universal application hi eel •
/mom, wratithea IY .r. ltitram• al • '
•• A 1,...... it r i‘t g rivalled. Among r= be
'i ""ONCrorns ' w th sTstair t ilorib,' .01 ' -
ciAkitik, .1 all iecoa . aes of the airk‘,lyt - , ~.,..° :
MP AINT, D 1" a ll 4-A, Ithethutie, Di of the • •
, •
timid. ei) /I.ldneyaLaint h e=l4.ePAb
Tette" ' r=ettine,ilurimbdcalde...l - Mgra,
a le. In twos af.detility, [tree from
°" , '" ,4ll:l.VVi a . ... 1 ° =TO:Wc ao ATTE " •
/.11 , 2. In earl t , a,X4 IlM,Ztirtg tgle AM epilog, WO, ,‘,„,_
hole frame, tramming obstruebonagpming ttneennnei.% •-e
• • ctn....valet:l to lee dismal arsionikert menuithenno .
• 111ViVe r‘ proi tie aof AVV....r . taVe%4lDe. , '
to .l
•at melded evi oth tuttmetm. cti l Ti b t . l . htuhr, ton -'+ t `
• the PETRODE '3l. lb shad time. remif met os ,e,
en to exTgroh .b 4 .°. IL ''' \ • ''' '
.I ' , " g tto 'r gto _ loo_n thM o ; 4'''''" 'fill
l'A. .
H. al. Par'rical,
Bl.Jlkomu• Seth. , . '', •
no, by UAL At v, l . . ,,, :
miner %V&A Meet krod Virgi ns Alloryn t t ,
woe- . y his Mintlarllothlminted to
.••• • %
- PEOCLUIA e ON. 7-7 V--
NOW' all men, \ who atOick and affilutecO,
Mlt ith elbease of the illedder sad Kidneys, Arlt ithat • ",,,'
rte DPhil hack at Raabe. still Oil/Mold tor Tit,a4 , ‘
Ir C r k .'o tio r •lii i lt r a . l:bc i rlM Y eet th ionlronstararincij . • .. 4 - . ,
oco plea., hold thus does Mt nth a *ere famranthcbditioN . :
th :b.4,& e , f0re „,..d. 0 . f 7 44444.. \
h,..,.. h0neet . :-,, z.i.. ;.t. „.,, r,...
.t.p ......, ,.. , Le.. " , .,...........,
for „cent, get relief . flocs any of the Ws
&bore. t • '
R.d ikenete ray little tomato a Dial., Thla Petro
f ' Tni 4 Ar7l:To= r oit ' aVet 1 7 1,%1=`,"
pri l
;• by
414,44.moute.jhbantiorf ne
er a gro . . .. i d ., Illobles l.4 o , tir.: 4 th a .
Nol g tonsanitre ready reneely. • Carta. and • *
the cur%
%It an cu rlle.. arbor 41m. medicine* hivi•filled to
rendek any ye f. 10 hie Mewl iltramaticti, 'of long •
oathdiAg..l -0 the worn andthrmetrxighn deem:Mr. It
hum nl o Mile a Morton, by,cne or two deem, /X lose \
cured o came. i hop lra which array other intoedy
looloinf rob lie lot a RAY.' tamed e and y in bath
onalds. It ik bettent• •.y medical compound, or Itlntinent • '
that we tulmorad. \lt till' can chiltdoms end fratotra feet. ' •
la. 1,, erfurationg n do u bted too ~,, 1,7 us, 100 fkrilS \
ed of the truth rove • a in the above statement:
4 g
.4 ..
lot on SA.IIIIIII, M. ll, Canal Baltm.lieranth at s .
either of tbeegmta 1..
- Rey., c oltheollgeorner of IE - sia .0.4 end Th•the ' •. "-
ara; 11_ E. genera 671% - ood strut D. A. IDOL .1 D. AC o •
, Curry, Allegbenf Mt), are fhe scent. \ '
\MITORTABT...IfiTHE AFFLleffir__.,_. \:
-Da. llacon Rae, the LiMmorter arof pole propricien
o most popular and tenencial Medieitred and alsa ,
the eentorl Um asiebrotod liotramant far Meeting th e
Lung. s in effecting • cure of ChmAic /mans, was • Coe .. ~
dent tof that enutont "Physiciaa or Plume, and Le • •
plartaof the University 1 Penal/ and for WAY
cilier ban been engaged in the thvmditetion of dim -
le, atulothe t h e
of monodies thereto
_Tb.cougli the oae o f f loth 10001100 tub e In connection with .
g etagibtorlentic ktyr i np,=.other of In i emot b alles. he has 1
.4 1 44, on=ne eol T,A4 4K r e ina . mti pt ae_
Ferry. al ‘k n i ukt ‘t r er=e rr Mi•=lol t ad Ago..
nir di( '. -•
rams rim Mr to o letudes. Indeed. frotrY form of olie.soe, -
vaulthen,cader Oho use of Ms remethes. to which Man.&
ty b beirtrand hr the nee of me compound ant, fir that ,
la ithow , in with Phydoiogical Leer, but by • the nee o 1 .; •
hi. fram e dkiso, pied to, aolprearlibed for, each penill. •
form oftliee . ,
Dr. &okra ' c Alterative Pills, when meth are Ineartis . '
thlY .knOwiragml go , • be. wurtior th tn ell trthefi r4 e, =toga%
y 'r fo r w l ergmg r e 4 .-ti= oraisille=den. Pill. stet; -. .
nortol. by air, fiC. tr, to hewn
tecrgo femile elsese r ra. but below es.t4iPt4 V.t .° 41:11 trifil - .
I. s , m7icief , lg t . , ,,v, ..... been sad. lit the conviaaf
~ •
Tlieogilicted ImiLed to cell upou the agent, and pm. .
:71 .. rir'' T?7 ' to . u ' P r.l.lll,T,P=" . "''''
For t h e yeo. oe, \'' agents, a. well.
•i .-
RV throto,liont the a \,.:,,,
J. Sehmentruther A %. dot, Pittsburgh. • ' • .
J. M.. TvoDrio \ ' y A Aluicet et,
Lee A. Beefetiancloni . ‘,2 . s [the Peet TM, Allegb o'
Jegeph Berkfoz, /Orli \ • \ •eayer me.l7, P. •
' ' ''•
\ e r An i ElliorLuinon
\\l2glx*lle .i, \
\ .
. \ \ CO/di r t ' filis.ll.l3lXl2 -7--- ; '.l
ZD }laid,
"TIIE A \ , ICtED , will be found on
Do. Dorittth 1.. %neer's L i Tt.I.I.I:BLE' LINIM ou ENT. • '.''
or. gbid. whin t Ibm stool t teat of thirty y" to. - . •
pergion.,exlthes. beyond, a 40121 A. /wen the mean* of oar.
s . li r enti r d ' ererSZ ' orof 6"" \ * ll l-' e l lioelti:l=7: 7 2. •
cottig is,
eech ,
Zoe . th)lhie Po emir 3.1:e that h e been • ..)
flat itt•sootigy,`""thg' in errast .scof the roe s - .
. . •
t h. mo o
is cepoile f. -inn tom dimes. thin •
ottier moth ne . en d for .we coke vs, by whom: •
madrold,or y *hod name., %
o f
Al, strong. cocceing pito/ of thiakire, we ear
that ila tha cooly rt that Ms eppeerra Pe the nom of
I.Ro t tel , 4=l/cirot t ever beep r patrenteed .d recs."
of the blite m rally. the moot :rimeabht ,
, ~ : godiciajoract, ler MI
Vagant, \
~, . li t or \ wooed \ 3 . WIT of _ . ,
IsTb lien,l=ll/ iyerv.,_ , Th : ea.. i rtt
Li,l , „ w, u. i 0 ,01...,., r_ EI trrtribt \ 5,a . ..,, th., :.-. '
Timex amt • of Mee' d thogiisheaftrit/Mos by New ••••• •
Yuri ; who ba r fully teelaguerits, bake permitted the.•
P rophecy to tram. tothorna. ^ \
As Ns' wen ktoo7= no 1141ichielador 4.4.u \ not poem \ " i`
e• l•l o .‘ rgb4yielleht tilr?sh4o,,. eirarYAllirn ' ty . ''',.
tiorge r d. '
. flib Romer Morning ose und h. n 'loe.ry .3• o
riXoT•el 4 1.7,!!-,e:t:,tik :. 4,41.,-,... , ..„=, ,
, tkr.,
contondraire .1 a ms anieral mmthess ann.
tlenau.. rio T.''' . -
ihmitile g.f.i . k •• ••!. scinf%to ewelLi 7 nr.Vrains. brothel, ol '
wireasll, ell Lk, palm Jarboe tha% tkeWeir te, , ,
Othe NVOU..IO Lott lee bare Men lorg er ut col
painte •c: •
and hal eoperferarl mob eatonirhuon 3, r ires ad, al , 31,,tr . •
moral. ikave fa led.. well otheagerthollef, had, we 'goat . \ -
offered..l ii deem. - . o cur • powers the .el \ yorable ere
This medi,llm , or liettorra edy. ls' loom week •.- ,
rtatiL., fo Menial. ralt . ratan.: we. Wricto directs.
lien the dilyesedpert-giring it toolt‘rtic
ffirm. cure.for Diarrhea (7. ra ik. end ..
ell epasoodo Alfertiena. /sew et the h n • a am% \
Whe eakness in goal 11 \i . • Moog, Dam torero' \coprookt may .•
F.. . ii• litho) 11. by.R• R.Xie ' Div• o .''* l % 0 ' l4 -
Co. and Orden t noolem and by th e yew,
57 , ..exa11y• \lila hut %?tr, rou, and
.01 one shill • ••-
. ....9 - 4
To the Readers of the Pitt;sbenh.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is , reepteetfrilly . 0,
vited to the following truth, oet fortholn relan - 's ..
' 7AeoUirei b tillreETlV ' rit t ' A L ,7 0 ,,, tu. tht, 4. '‘
year ago armor this great Istedy Ines brenght toodonalhog "
ie. for the relief .crn 1 dimo. lis grist poer•
beat. have. rime then. become full. aporemeterlby the \ '
ormmunlty. and ere allege. thet the
It II its D'od ••• .f.
more eertaln vill its great fame rpreal. It Is ttoj the mom \ \
wly of . al 4 ay,. got op he the soJetiormile of makine torn . %
Mal.. nc=l74ar i,l - ;;;!-,g,- , x;:ii.g. -z
Gybiodurl Remedy. i cy
that 01 0, depth. cf the Mirt mm h
- \,‘
power nod agency that laughs to scoro 11 human , •
m s copetatioa. 11 Li our duty, when we wriM odout a rOdi.
Gino, ULU we write the Math-that sc say nothing ealca.
lated to docent those who may mull cot woth or put crab.
Soot in or eistemthis. The .Set are eery apt to catch 1 ,
_no thing that hmeauthhue from oilogoe• A. otaiT MP. '
hardly be Mo highly wronglit to ....* the otomt of gun. \
kw or hum rig some 1 UWE. Nosr we do not drare -
lotto thin ere am .gionsanly that th., n i nth in enistmn t• O'
our remedy thould be told, in order to secure Or It oi• tone \
nun far exceeding any einee erthie in the ma
lo g pion moveibedficte-facts Mod ma ybeasehrtaird •\
in om ti n
.04 neighborhood. beer ample methanol \in foe - •
the of the YetTOlellin. ,
Within Ule lout um morons, rt o of our own titian*
who were totany blind. brae been relored to Mgt,
rod came el blindness. ln the ktato 00 oitio have •
eared. Andodra the ca. of &gentleman in lomeraeounty. , .• -,
P . Ffelgn e b r f .b:Up=orireh'rh'erno"Fill=n'tt'ln'' •
.7 lo I ra= 74g.'7',.%1 h gt,V,,11"- .•
i se?•l secordnaj- to dlrratiotte-lharrlcsa, loynnotery;
Pilcs, Aettroatoun. Cu. o Nenredida /daytime. the Skin; •
Marin on the face. hronic Mom Eye, Rtugoomm, Tog e g g
bath 1 Dal in the bones and Jehte. 14 sores, D ism. % •
teena Ague, Chronic Coughs, diehiao.
nchnia oc h g ski . , ,
Puna affections of orieroulcomture,tsndlog to hrt- '+, O Ones pecan. \
Borns and &aids, dire.. of the s ßluitier and Ricthele. •
Chapped ilemle. Exoriated Nipple.% Cams end thenk eng
In fact. 10 is Vera. merraimai nutmeg, col boa hum nut. I
Ism art of the libire disease* within thv pot 33= with Do , • .
most pollet same. Certibratra that wal l .tonlalto are fa ' • '
the/made et' thelneprietor, who will tokikplrasure La Mora :-..
‘. l*lttTee ' r T1:g141.11.14Vi1, , a •
\-7. - kirdelres. ' '
N . r=r41:=1.10.7„,",...:„...,..
,LI ca . pradica Threw who at Hr. book.. M with death t '' ;
• metauty, aregrillbrg to award it due prod. aka
considerallon. Deane inotlert re.thilio mm. 1,11.111 bir - - '
.;•=l ,4 to4citne d wk•dge r Lher, t o Pelmnram be oh:great. , • .
tail. by • '"'
AMYL blcIAM"k:11."1:11•Voccrelf
A io lzyt\•-E. Pelle», 6T Word gramit; D. %I. Ctio .L,15. A/ , .
E , l rletor„R. 4h. trg Pc 4 ot A ritalet.%44l772, •'
• • • , and D. \ A. Pahhertncleo s t Co., Wood outod FreeNotev ~
• .
(gELLERkIMPERLii. COUGH SYltltt.: - ''
1..) -It lachesp, easy to inks. Zed Moldy eflewelons. %,•\ - • '
• . \ AllAnnacri Ctn. /dumb 1:131e4i. \\ '
Hr.& Fe Bellerw.,-34 chilirea , like others.' here healit i•N,, -
subject totroublesoine ameba andoloring used tillferralr, , •
Aymedlra to, very littkpwrgner. / 'V , . mi.-Ail 1..1.:. • ~.S,
ummanto amut your \Dough ainne,to give it lilll. ,!,. ..,
gate It to two of MY bola and alao whir deolitliter.rar„: '';.,
d4 Volv? '"..r t t ni 1 1 ,1 "4 otT `` `"ltt.','l2 - ',.. th ` w--- ,... ,-; --:'\
..,!..-1.....1, believe tau it 017 u tut mua 4 M ' i . m•ag ;•-• ".•
that has coo beer, °flora Cathe public • • \ •
j \ p. 10.00 Anictigenn. .•
, }arra. thonkt not permit their tliticren 'to ender MN . t
mach. when they may-be cer \sl by a 'Set. kettle of tkde , " % L.' ,
Syrup. ,
Prepared and sold by It
\• E. SELLPJ/11. \
Mc= 67 Wend K. krod Dianglet greellaily. - \
irTENTMEDjCINES,Ike.-Allteetock \ '
lir rim. end Ittor ride on clu moot noel terms e vig. e ; , 3
u kin'. Ointment - Ammothettiothr7 '
=ll Salt et '' t h=dglUtfa
Nerve and hone Liniment likolgoofekliam efhrelCl . , ,
thodelho hkeer's • Initial Coil \ - . - -
_.., 3 1
PolieMera Balm. Chthenter'eßildwetofllnsfir ' •
PIL/s, Anti-Dino.
,' than. Pisan • ''
li*lbl'l Carminative _••• • •
. Andomen'a , Denman, emu), ex c hi .•
. Hooper'. ' 'er, of King's I. You r
" 8. , " A.ti'DTP•Stit aln.Syytdlus, 4,..
- Cnotobackelli ._ % • o L .,........ ---t - •
. Dontormica; e . 4
Erallite ' . :iron.. for Detx 1.
\me Othgarent fay Tatter Dye WO,
.ralm's P ••
• rilate .
Brim 3raiden Tincture i •. "" • '
, AI th. Orn t..... of - 8. R. W
, iCKECZEIA3/,' t ..., _
awl • comer of Wood sadkleth stree t )• ...",'"i 1 . .o• . • • .. or '..
211141.411 , 4, • Lipp, ; _ ..,i,