g i tiatlii Gii m ji t iait, Vaa l , firAurnAzunnuts 'Silt well, young girlie, Par rosy home To pea in frolic gay; • But. heedfal,epare the tender-lowers - That blossom layout . way • Oh, crush them nod bat:love them well, And list bYwhat theysay; i , -, A warning tale ' to you they tell, '.of sad aad milt decay. Per-you, like these fair !mead tidwers But bloasoni fora day; • Like theirs era brief your sunny hours,' . : :Like them yen pass away. ,i" Aidlhough you idly put them by, In Tarts freah moroin home, ' A time shall be when you will sigh • Per these unheeded flowers:: ..... wnen borrows Come, and fHends retire, And early dreams depart, And hopitrarerfied, you , II then desire To press them to your heart. , And they shall wake your dreams again, To bleasyour .shosing hours, •;When none dell you loved remain, Bat these sweet sites flowers. Kinn Swear 0/LanaLS.—We observe daily arrivale of fresh sweet oranges from the plant ations along the coast, - culled mostly just before they are ripe, mingling the bright yellow of naturity with defleutte shade ofgreen which gives ito pecular's beauty to the fruit in m its javen ';.scent, Mate. The demand for these oranges it ;Yearly inereaehig; and on many plantations the preiceeds of their sale conatitue a very important item in the domestie economy of the housekeep era The sweet creole:orange is in our opinion far eropetior to that sent here from Recent or ether foreign parts. The quality may, not lie. el:merlon or even equal, because little attention is paid to the trimain this State,' to pruning, B.e. or. thinning off some of the frnitin order to con cent-rate tliejoices and vigor of the tree on a emallremairider. As It is, however, our native i oweetenfigeraustalwayeeemmandareadyriale in , ourmarkets and on our (mite etas, tot only , because it cart be purchased at first cost for a lower price than the - foreign fruit, bat that it min be brought into In Mandl fresher and juicier condition,—New Orlew u Pieartn, ' A. PROPNECT.—Tbe following sentence, copied from a Fimrth of July oration delivered is the town oflioston in 1787, by Judge DANES, was more;wild and improbable than almost any of the lend bights with which specalative men now amuse themeelrasa;.,: . "A legislation 'common, in certaincases, to all the States,.will make no &nation in reality as well;as Mahone. This will pinnit us to respect our own station and to treat on equal grounds , with otherarowenwill suffer 03 tabs justiat home and respectableabread; will render property sec- ore and tOmilo2o as that that •the payment of debts is our truest =Beyond our highest honor. This will encourage husbandry and arts, will settle with scurnerons and happy familes the banks of Ohio and ther borders of •Kennebec. Huron's neglected waves; Superior's wilderness sf waters, now torten Mid =employed,. shall bear t.lie coun tless vowels - of intend. traffic: Niagara's foaming cataract eroorned witlicalo=isolvapor and refra ct* 1 fires, shall notialways bar the intercourse of mislay hikes.' The 1333e111110 arts shall find a passage from Erie to Ontario, and Champlain shall be led in triumph to the bosom of, the deep.' Rt. Rev. the Bishop (Potter) of Pennsylvania, AtuTtraa the Annual .Address before the Frank , linlnelitate in Philadelphia on Wednesday even ', " MI I it i MMERR IIIIIII IIII6I , r ....... INA morning by Emma, the folios, g 3 :stl e ureter—. Ilan ro ared all wool De l i fe nee. 4.1 n 1.4.60a liftliock e t trultpe Sol ek til‘b' C ' Pric de ' - -•Phud Bonnet ibbbous: 0010 At north cart cor-Eouth and Market eta Arl ANARY SEEDLSO bn. prime Sicily, in • sui rvini ani tar me by 3g PTS. TURPENTINE-50 bbls. prime, e far eale by . J. AIDD t CO. ()PEN If TARTAR-2000 143. titre, for t CL lii I CA_RB. SODA--6000 lbs. Lee A Co., 11 11l New rests, trona on Oslo by I atop aco Aland —3O bbls. for sale bz VyHALE OIL-5 caskelleached winter, for sale by J.SCIICON3LSECEit A CO.: ARTISTS MATERIALS,' COLORS, iko.— 11l A free* lotirmt opening et the drug store of QOAP—IOO boxes No. 1 Rosin, for.sale.by a nen - s. & IS. ILLII.BAIJOIL driLARIPLED SYRUP . -15 hide. for sale by t...i to e .r.utes A. 110TCMBON A co. MACKERKL.--500 bbls. Lar s . N 0.3, Mao .'. ..w. JA.E.E3 A. ktuacutaov a co. , FLOOR OIL CLOTH— - -------,• SOO fasts 4 , t Slav 011 Clelb; Just reed And br see moor CHI Cloth Trareromme, lie Market et. foel3l J. A U. YIII UAW _DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment--100 ''BALK-5 tons for tale by _ VJ colt . - .1. SCIICIONMANEY• . A Co , poTasu--in casks prince, by e, for sale EL hiOLASSES-50 bids. for sale by ko . .13 s. aW. nanuarcuL jrIHEESE,—.IOO boxes W. R., for eale by N. ) MEI . 0 AIY IIIIARAVIK _........_ STRAW PAPER-2000 bills. superior, re awed per eteamer J. It. Lindsay, and 11.. .1. by cel3 • comer of Eel= lea Irwin ate. ' IJ o. ZELib UST hpened at the Depot fur choice Teas, Nerts street--a mull lot of SWEET WEN ED ORA GE PENOE TRwA,,• eeerrrr toe ernr,le CODFISH -4 casks for sale by IR EMP-60 bales Kentucky and Hisao nri - e