•• ;'- - H A . IMOgiiiiiii DI zi. l,* .. , ...,. • A Pzumastite or rice AttatortexiMcielerans 1 . id expected in this , city shortlY. It has beep 'in hibited In Detriment with great success. I n s . phenol' exhibition will be announced in a -few .A COSCalte of vessl music, sentimental and comic,will tie given this evening in Wilkins' all, . , a by the celebrated OOdfrey Pautly—the ladies - appearing in the . Bloomer Costume , ' i -The Guardians of the Poor of the city of•Fitte , - , bin•gh, will hold their monthlymeeting on Thirs t day, (let. 206, at two o'clock P. M., when there , J. will be an election tr the Secretary, and Agent - totsupply the place of Jared. Lintsh resigned , I Fraz. - -A fire which proved to be very de- - __i structivit, broke out yesterday morning about 4 t o`elock; in the City-Muria' Mills 'M ears Wil .y marth & Noble,,,Fifth Ward. When first dis t. covered the fire was confined to a email apace, . 1 -but spread .with fright - fel rapidity, until' the whole of the extensik building was - enveloped in lames. The engines were promptly on the . ' ground, bat the utmost charts of the fire cotnpa- Sties were insufficietat to do more than save.the adjoining buildings. A very large amount • of ' grain and floor was in the building, a portion • of which was saved, though much was Canenni wd The engine and boilembrionging to the estab . lislunent were in a separate buildingoind were en . injured. - The hooksaod pipets of the firm were also in a eeparate building and were saved. This . mlli was one et the largest in tie State, being calmtlatell to turn tint four hundred barrels 'or Sour per 'day, and the loss is necessarily Very ,:.great, but fortunately it is covered ivy hum - The insurance on the mill and abaci., amonnt ed to twenty:Pre thousand dollars, which in . , nearly equally divided betweena the Citizens, • :''Bremen ' s, and Western offices of th is clty,and the Delaware Mutual of Philadelphia. ' ' • COUNT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. , • October 28. -:'Before the Han. Win. D. McClure, President ' .. .. '. Judge, and ,Wm. Boggs, anti T. 1.. McMillan, j Amorists Ju dges. ,' 1 Commonwealth es. • Robert Tole, information a ' 1 surety of -the 'peace, on oath of. James' MCDori-. add, the uncle of the defendant Each party was . 1 I eenteaced to pay his fawn coats. [ Commonwealth vs. JamesMcDonald, informs- p 1. Ron surety of the peace, on information of his ' The pro:mei:aria testified that the defendant 1 had threatened that he would barn the house • : , strident her thmite when she was eleaping. She . iwattaa frightened that alai "tied the ening of the latch to her fat when she. went to b " lest he • I might carry. his murderous, Intel:die s • into ef -1 -feat. • ' I I I Inasmuch as it appeared in evident that Mrs. • 3 I McDonald was in the babitof drink' g a little - ~ • I too Muth, it is probable that both es were • j The defendant was only sentenced o pay the g 1 , I docket costs. -- j hi . 4 Commonwealth vs. Jame McKee nil John a • . .Reynolds , _ information ' serety of the oak, on ' oath of David Clark. '- .The case originated in'thel alleged shooting of le - t a cow 'by the defendant, neardlcKeesport, out of , ' . whichthe quarrel resulting in the threats arose, ~ I. :JA etth of assault andbattery between the same y parties is now pending, in thje trial of which, the ' • I feria will more fully appear.' I The decision was held over until 'the assault ti ' •' I wilt and battery ease is . ined. ' _ •• ; Commonwealth vs George: Shaffer, informs- Lion surety et thepeace on 1 oath of Ferdinand j - 1 MIL '.;The prosecutor 4stified that the defen • . ! dint had threatened to "kill 'him alive." -, No sentence was passed, there being another lc •_. - charge'sgainst the. prisoner. ° 1' Atatcsoax'sustox), - Comizumwellth vs. John Pool. Information 1 surety 'of the 'Peace, on oath of James Ham- T - i mealy { This was an exceedingly unimportant el 1 case. Earl_party was sentenced to pay his lb 1 I own costs,, andthe - defendaut to pay the docket , ' The next ease bro'nglat up was one of a eery . - - ' trifling nature in which two gentlemen named „ ',.. Paisley:and Ifeetiricke were defendants, "andd : Captainl John' Hutchinson, prosecutor. The . . Captain's an old man, of over seventy years of -Os - age, whose mind has become weakened, but on .1 whose passions ere tmeontrollable He had th .• .`been a aoldierin the late war, and Always car., by Tien his 'discharge, which he calls this chaise- ." ji i•.-..... ', ter," with him. Holding this in his hand, lie I. ': ~ called On the Judge to hear him, and asserted P . • ",' that he was a good member of the Church.— ,tl' .. He then went on to detail the circumstance v - ° ' • which led to the-euit, deciaring that the defer- : ~, - • j ," -- dants„ had drawn pistols on his family; npoa which ho rushed up stairs and came down with Co ...,.i . ../Ltuirear".in his hand. On being ti asked who • .' .i I Andrew vms„ lie said that it was his gun, 'which ed •.- - -II he had christened after Andrew Jackton, the an. ..f..1, hero of New Orleans. Be then' proceeded •co '.. f tell a long rand very confused story, until t et , a.:•.:I last he was ordered to sit down, which he at. tb -.- last did, irr a piteous tone of voice complaining in ''f that. he, like Sampson, was . among the , Philie- ma ~ CO. nes - ••--2,", ' The defendants prokeded to tell their story, tit • . . - `during, the , coarse of which they were frequent- co. •::::. ly interrupted by the prosecutor, who contra- wh ... dieted their statements, and called one of them co 'a: liar They declared that they bad gone to hi, • ' the house (in Dayardstown) where the fracas .., bad occurred, to collect a little money, but not ag. ... succeeding,had 'got their fortunes told" by an Joe j j adept In the astrological itrt, who lived there.— ga 1 The- pistels were purely a coinage the old ens man's imagination. . bed , Judge . McClure .proteeded to admonish the cm • : ~... poor old man, to behave better, stating that be ape • hid not acted properly. As he was poor, how-. • ..: ever, aid not a responsible agent, he would or- Ind . der thii county to pay the costs, and hoped that. in- • ' the 'public officers would forgive him the docket mit .j mats. Hutchinson was then, with great diffi- the . catty removed froth Court re . Cardnonwealth Ts. Sarah Belly,' and dm . monwiritti vs. Caroline Adams, cross suits of s ••. asturedt 'and battery. The disputes arose out of fob. 4L' Mrs. Adams buying some-milk from 3lrs. Bo- . y, . ley, which turned out to be sour. It wee taken t ea * -1- : back, a - ad:thrown away, and then, as Mrs. A. the ; .., testified,-dim,' Boley knocked her down, kicked th e - j. - z - her, and palled her hair. , as . Mrs. Adams' account of the transaction was W h o . 1: corrob orated by that of a spectator. JOn the th a . 1 - other .'' band, Mrs. holey testified dist Mrs. case I Adazesbazithrown the milk in her face, and that tops • 'Il then elle had etruck and knocked her down.- 1 k w 11 The milk had soured, aleing, as Mrs. Bole). eon- twee : I tended, to i llte want of &wiliness of the vessel h a ., • Ceritaining the milk. . j • - dye • . . I • Mis, Baley's account was corroborated by a fall • 4 witeess of the whole:affair. A constable of Al- bat ilegheny City wassailed to prove that Mrs• Bo- a bl e :I ley's character for truth and veracity Was bah •.: This be did very willingly, brit when asked to . •.... , point her out among a number of women who ~,, were present, be selected- tin entirely different x.° person. • Upon this he was cOmpelled to restrict „ ... 7,, his evidence to the general character of all the .“,'" ' Boleys living in Allegheny City , which ,he de- ° ' l. ,' I ' dazed. to be very bad, inasmuch tie "they had r ° , "' I ntunbets of tows, horses and dogs. The wit- N° S' jiness was dismissed amidst the laughter of the st y Other witnesses were called to prOve that Mk. . /I 13tilWit character for truth washed, but nothing a --Ofiimportanco' was elicited ' - , \ ON -- .... . TEC, Court, nfter charging the jury, adjonnied, :i °8 .1_ Caommv.-aThe Codrt of Quarter Sessions was„ , . erorded yesterday. We regretted to eke. large __.'. . . number of women present . • . . or u i I Lseciar.—llls honor, Mayor Fleming, of Al- he a legbeng; yesterday lodged two fresh commit- i,”: idont" against . Mary and Alexander Woods, the charging them with larceny... - - al f., .. litea•—•There was a .diegraceful firemen's riot a tt • „fl In tit Fifth Weed yesterday teeming, in which a caao d - number of persons were injured by blows with m a c, X' llllckiliod stones. .- real • I p , SLIME:WED . —IV m . Vanderwater yeaterday, A. in the Court of Quarter Sessions pleaded guilty Loud the charge of petit larceny committed la steal- . Leui lag eomo clothing, the property of Wm. Rose. , . , He was sentenceirto,pay the mast of proetention, eb e ety : and madergoait iinprilionmentoPthrec mouths in AID .. L I the county ?Viten. ' ". . ' ' of ,t, SUIT . VallirlipartatiOki of Hardware; Catle . ry l &c. / be LOG AN, WILS'ON .&' (••;0, - 1 Liz da ~ ..rro. 129 Woad Utreel, I Iso to D„di,•ti ....11 i4a attention of Iferth,nre and other. es 1 . • . teter woe note ot -.. FOREIGN AND DOMESTICi . i or IN f ••-• HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &le., .paii ,•:. - .11 /./ ,cfPoRTEP Ii F.Y.Cit.sa PACKET'S. - ' -„ ec ti, 'Azd wbfeb :MT arr• now norprrod to offer at warn prior, wbel , - rannot. NA to noon., - , . '- '.drip•A•follsrooloonot of :•lA.N7qrcrlibrat..l ...." 8. LUZ bat id nocnor 0 • .13tizen's Insurance Uompany of Pittsburgh f the . - „E NCOUR A G E 11031 Z . INSTITUTIONS Bum' Once N 0.41 IS's.t.r street. In the 'warehouse of C. If: mutt . , tote r, eresta tot- --a. IV. 'Matra, Sec rd . nuoo r n..r A rnow orrpon.,l to !moron no•robynin,. ompf ' -- Inr....n l m .''""/, dt it rein, ". .:FAl s iri and irierler or trot ak° . ..ati - fa - a. fi ationtel' In tho I hatortor of .thr Id,, hp . .. vise .-e nil ritlrenr of kOttr , orrodo rodl and Corona:47 h r. : ..,,,, to th e coomordry for ;IPA , ' Prtr-k - n . . • latvingenev, with i. - i . r-VT.W 4 i- / 1 . 01 7 , 'Win ' 4 = 6 = 4, branc J sr lirnltcr In 7. Ilnah D. Hin.s.l.lnard ararloton. . . - - 13,40 • 1 4./W W124 ! 1 t.4 p .11 ' )1. ii ,. "'" 0.744 ' '. • BY rifyLEGRAPII.. • ELLeILITED NT Tint O'REILLY TRLIGRAPIT . LINE, AND I.lrOßis.D Yea mu rirrstraas afferent. THE AWARDS OF PREMIUMS. WABBLEGITON, Oct. 28. - The Intellgencer of this morning publishes a full Hetet' the awards and preiniums Made at the late World's Fair at *London to the American ex- I hibitore, to the number of 103, besides about 60 whiare mentioned honorably. • SENATOR BRIGHT. WASHINELITON, Oct. 28. - Senator Bright, of Indiana, is-slowly recover ing from a recent attack of paralysis. ARRIVAL OF THE BROTHER- JONATHAN: New - TORS:, Oct. 28. The steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from • ...gees, via. Mobile, where she put in on the 18th last-, for fueL She bring" 125 passengers, but no news. Last evening near •Eg,g Harbor, she ran down the Schooner-C. Dellis, bound to Wit.. miogtou with a valuable cargo. - - _ ARRIVAL OF Mn. FORWARD. Naw.Yoste. Oct. 28. Hon. Walter Forward, late Charge D'Affaires to Dentnark, arrived In the Pacific. • . DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. BALTIMORE, Oct 28. The Carroll Hall was damaged this morning by fire to the extent of about 82,000. The newspaper agency of 'Wm. Thompson was also Musa out. The Panorama of the lludeou, which was on exhibition in the Hall • was not: damaged. The ship, Silas Richards, arrived this morning in thirteen days from San Francisco. - Now YORK. Oct. 28. The steamship Marion, from Charleston, ar rived today, with $BO,OOO in specie, and 800 bales of cotton. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 28. The steamship City of Glasgow, from Liver pool, arrived to-day, with 160 passengers, and a very Kiev freight. • New Yeas, Oct. 28. Cotton—The market is steady, with further sales of 800 bales. Flour—Sales 1,800 bbls at $3,811€04,12i for common to good breads, andsome extra Ohio at $4,12W,4,35 11' bbL Grain—Sales 4000 bushels Genesee white . wheat at 93cC)04c ? ba. Sales 2,500 tin. mix ed western Corn at 56ir.- Corn Meal--Sales 100 bbls at . $3,50 Q 1 bbt. Provisions-. Sales 300 bbls mess pork at $15,25 1 bbl. Lard is steady, at Rjoet9c potted. Tobacco-Sales 200 hhds tobaico at 4co9c y lb. - Rica—Seles 125 tierces at $3,37} 14 100. Freights—Flour to Liverpool, le @ls 3d; wheat 4,141 ? bushel. CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI, Oct 28. d Flour—ls lower, with sales GOAbla $3,05(3) " ,06, and 200 do. without inspection, -at $3,02 ? bbl. Whiskey—The market is dull at Isitgosi gi p gallon. Pork—Sales 6,000 pieces green hams, from u lock, at 6i, and 10,000 do for future delivery, • t 14 lb. Mess Pork—Sales 115 bbls at $l5 g' bbl. •• Groderies—The marke t - is inactive, but the ending tartletes are held firmly. Apples—Receipts of green apple. are - ire- I ..eusely large, and the market is doll at s3€B 1,25 "t 4 bbl. The river has risen three inches since last g • ening, and is still rising, with strong indite.' 'ons of rain. • .NEW ORLEANS MARKET. NSW ORLEANS, Oct- 27. Cotton—The market is quiet under the Amer- 8 ca's news. The sales this morning were .300 1 1 ales at former quotations. Flour—ls dull, with Sales of Ohio at $3 40C.P 60 yq bbl. Corn—Sales 5000 bus at 40c - e t bu. Provisions—Sales mess pork at $l4 3,1 bbl. he-stocks of bacon are-reduced, with sales of t ides at tic. Sales prime keg lard at I,oic tq ° Groceries—Soles new Molasses at 276 , 028 c 7 1 4 IL Rio coffee is dull at B®B . l ? tb. The steamer Jefferson arrived from Cincin. I r sit. ntroll GENERAL Score arrived in Baltimore a Wednesday evening, and on Thursday visited go .e 'State Agricultural- Fair. He was received r C. B. Calvert, Esq.l4:and other officers of the ociety, and in charge of a committee made the ,car of the grounds, receiving wherever his sense became known, those marks of atten on and consideration due to his distinguished • erecter. He expressed, as We, understand, .'"" t 'gratification with the exhibition. • In tile - evening, by invitation of the Executive D. ..mmittee, Gem Scottalscr - visited the exhibi De - ea of GR. Maryland histitute. - Ile was meth'. • by a Committee of the' Board of Managers, .4 on tieing ushered into the main ealoon was Mr .[dimly welcomed by the immense assemblage Ph' ,thered there. After passing up the Saloon, sr. -0 General took his stand on - the platform, and response to the numerous calls which were ade on him, addreesed a few remarks to the .mpany, epeaking in complimentary teFms cf e display by which he was surrounded, and , mmendatory of the objects of the Institute, 't hilst also making his acknowledgments for the 1, .rdial feeling which had been displayed towards m. The General was then conducted to the man er's room to partake of refreshments, when 'shun VarLsant, Esq., President of the Institute ve the following toast: "Our guests of the dc ion, and especially General Scott, who, ern med in the heart of the ration, is always.the lion's guest." To this General Scott briefiy.re onded, and gave; "The Mechanical arid laded- • Artfe Foster them, and our country will be I dependent of the world." He then retired, and, bY company with Gem Tench Tammuz and,' rem ttee of the State Agricultural Society, visited • e Hall of that Society, where be was cordially ived by the members.—Not - toe nwroats or WI-rem—On Friday morning, Oc .er 3d, the Snowdon range of mountains ap. K —d covered with mew. Heavy rain had fed- . daring the whole of Thursday, attended in latter part of the day 'with mild wind from . - Northeast To judge from present appear- g • ,•anevere . winter may be expected. - Many els o are 'considered weather wise have for some been prognosticating that such will be the j -e. Snow has capped the higher mountain .5 of Cruisberland +and. Weitmorland, the last I days. On the level Parts of Helvellyn it Bea • TO inches deep. Farmers in the neighbor .• eighty years of age cannot remember the' et r e when ao great a depth of :show as this has en In September. On many bights of not 44 f the altitude of Helvellyn it lies in consider e quantities.—London Oct. 10. Iv • Tae COTINOTON AND LaziNOTON RAILWAY,— o conditional contract between the officerd of h • Covington, and Maysville and Lexington iParay Companies to unite in the costruction he reed from. Paris to Lexington, - has been ified try the Maysville Company. It only JE! nires the ratification of the Covington comp- Ito complete that arrangement, which, we • me, will be given.—Cie. Gazette. SATIL—The death of Col. Kinney, of Texas. • nnounced in the Philaelpbind Inquirer., It s that he we/killed:accidentally on the 10th tent, at Corpse Christi. by one . or his pistol., "k 1 died immediately. • he Hemp'sreini&ecrs, have been B Booth days past engaged in extending the in I lo creek survey down the river to Wheeling. lJ -y speak in very high terms of the route, find- p poplifficulty even at the Narrows, below town -re most difficulty was apprehended. From " -month of Buffalo, three miles down, the line Imost strait, and a dead level. Their opera are very carefully performed, and must be • 'led with considerable expense, indeed, we "-- not see why the company should take on Ls pains with this route, considering their intentions.— Ireflaharge at a improbable rumor was in circulation , in 0 a short time mince, to the effect that 's Napoleon "has .ditermined to commit an of political incendiarism by impeachment of t forty members of the Assembly, of: the C sit. • main Party, who are opposed to the revision e Constitution, on the charge that they were Fr • cribers to the Martini loan, which was to 4 raised to support a rebellion and, the net: ruction of the Pope's authority." Louis is , r , oubt ambitions and rash, but not eufficiently o venture on such a mad experlm eal , • , NEOAX* Caere.,,, RAILWAY.—The contracts ding:and bridging this road from Indian is to Greenfield have been :et (except four ons,) on the most favorable terms—The .e line, a distance of twenty miles, casting ittle over one thousand - dollars a mile, and z eo •ntractori are to receive In pay two-thirds "n'to e amount; in stock of the company. ,Wm. van, Eeq., and. lona° B. Sandusky, of this !-• ty, have been elected Diretors. The y , re are now confident that this line can be • doted by the Spring of 1803, which: will continuous lino of Railway from Terre , east to Columbus,. Ohio) connecting at A .shield with the Sandusty, and at Columbus AL the: Cleveland. and .Pittatargh. lines, ;with bes. diverging:from -Eaton and Dayton to •a„, . • • ti....-•-40Phapf,40,Bintint. 1 :1-7.= • I - i Coismuzinsx R 00316, ' ' IFAIMICIOTON. °aromas 24, ISSI. , 1 . The American Colonisation 1364iity frill send a vessel from Baltimore to Liberia, to sail on the let November, and will forward. any letters to. the United States Noniron on that coast, or t 6 Milieus of Liberia, which may he sent to this office, or to the care of Janes BALL, B. D., Baltmore, postage paid. W. 1116 LAIN, - , Petroleum! . elay-A Moor ReMABILABLZ CAnit or TOTAL Bunottme Cm= kr Pgrantarat-We Invite the attention of thelttlitted and the public , generally. tothe rceifirnit. of Wm. Hall, of thin Mt). The rammer be; ecen by nor Deana who may he skeptical In relatku toihri fact, here art tooth. S. g. KIER. ..1 had beenalllichel :aerial yearn with A amnesic( both ryes. whkb motioned to inemuse unfit; neponiber. 1,50, the.innsmniatioo at that time havin g Involved the whole, lining membran, of boia et., arid ended iu the deuce) te of a thick Elm, which holly Jeep, ed:my sight I had an operation performed, od the thickening retooriat-whilda soon returned and left hoe in as bad a condition as before. At this sta g e of the complaint I made appliostion to e..,re. ral of the most eminent medical men, who Informed ma that •my epee-mild never get well: At this time I could not dalltiguidt any object- Ily the ale In• of some friends I ononnonmd the wir Cl the Petroleum, 'both Internet, and locally. under which ray eyes have Unproved daily un 1.1 the present time, and 1 have recovered my eight entire ly. My general health we. very m uc h i mm 0 r ....1 by the Petroleum. and! attribute the restoration of Pay ante to • .-on-use.,} mildest No. Ifni Second street. In tnie rite, Ito , ' will be happy to give any infortuallonin relation S. my ease. WILLIAM HALL." For sale by Keyser & McDowell. 110 Wood Meet R. e Ballets, 67 Wood street, 11. A. Feaneettek.di Co. to Weed and Front street., D. M. Curry, IL A. Elliott.imenb , DiAtelase, and 11. P. oi:hearts. Allegheny: also by the D on . Pristor, N. M. KIER, • at hied -ma Canal itarin.Sorenthe- Pitt,bunth. Se' It its truly astonishing 'with what rip- s pldity and dimness, It. O. Farrell'. Arabian Llolment h taken hold of public favor. A few motilbe a g o• and al that me known of It REA that a must powerful welkin of Arable origin had made Re appea ra n ce . Now. there is hardly a family to be foundAhat doe,. nit keep It always on hand: and no one remild er e . be without It who had wltnesnal its mangle power ( - peer diei•se, and It. wonderful Tierney In retrain pen 7 r Ell , advertisement. J • . 0.21 e , ifer - Woans! IVviins!,-A great many learn ed „treatiars have limn, written, explainin g the origin of, nod classifying the IFOrnis generated In the human smi tten. Rime any took , of medical mien, has elicited more eons, observation.end profound reseuch, and yot phyrlelame ve very mirth divide' in oplolon on th• rub /et It roue be adruifted, however, thetafterall, anoxia Of expe:ling them wofras and purifying the body 'from • their present, id of Mote mine than the wisest illaardri. P. Homan. to thq origin. IThe expelling agent him ht len g th been knurl t and. In cifferfng to the nubile MeLane's Ver- t. coif., the proprietoM are confident that It .111 only re- ; gem tohe need to pore Itself finperior to any In use. For sale by J. KIDD a 00- , oe ti.1.5:461w1CS Nate Wood et. ,• Pittsburgh Lite"lnsnranee Company. . CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. sr OFFICE, NO: 75' FOURTH STREET. tb OFFICER:B: . President-Jairms-11oon. ' Vice Preeddent-eLanue AfeCtokner. 1 'Le'reammer-Jogarit S. Lmen. 7 lli Betemry-O. A. Outdoor. Sib - Sees alverdermant in another marM pet hie paper. --------- -.--- -- - . Ladies !! Read This!!! X,N TILE PRESS, arid will shortly be ready, - 'THE 'HANDMAID TO THE PIANO : comprisin g a ut description of the mechanism of the IPA tranunt, the ~ defects to which It I. liable tabout 004 in number), the ei method of remedying melt defixt. and Instrtions bow( to SI keep the Instrument Maim, In tune.•' By 5' B. Truett. “ r ; vo Every pennon having • Nem ehotald bare a cool of this I ..'., hook. No work of the.end has ere beGqii been runtish. m ed. The information it ;imparts la worth ten times Ite price --one dollar ; and. amongother .sa ~ , 9 1.4: .e , It will eiletuallY guard you from having Tout V.A.. tiedied by unekilaul tuners. ladiee mad gentlemen in the cities of, Pittsbur g h end Allegheny. desiring early mmee of the Weo ork, nbe fur. ni 'bed at their melanoma to. lenving their addrese at the - .41oSe of tiny of the Pittsbur g h morning paper, or at the II music cone, of Mown,. John 11. Mello r , Wofti street. and Henry Kleber, Third etreet. By rendin g one dollar to the author, at the Aasetto Of. j',",`, Ere. Pittabn. g h. it ...,p3 will be forwarded, Cr,. of [ o-ta i , r n ' Y ilge?ta t I b il7 Ua nVt! , lV , :teeti n u'reTn r l7lZe n d v e:l d e n r! '. • There is OE man nprrorrinto present M thata g.eletuan WI In ;„‘Now!. k-- s"bl k : )n ,2,.,. tint, HE subscriber hue in store and offers at teat low Prima, a good 'assortment of Alpacas. Cobur g ., • taco and figured M ouse de LAIR, poplin, l'r Infs. Flan • el. Linsey, Cotton Flannel.. Thibet. htratill a and Wool. ni a loos Shays, Irish Linen. Pongee Ihindkerchkts, Genf, p nm.. Satinet. , " Cesimetv.,.. Clothe. Tweeele, JAY, • MIER and Bleardied Muslin, Drill, Tlebleh. Cold Cam 0 0 sic, Padding. Cannon, Umbrellas. Week and While Net. on inns. Cotton, Linen. and Mit Late,hinhona, Linen Table .loths. Woollen Comforts. Itineve. limie r . Threads. 4,ndinga Battens, also a large variety 1,1 grad to e, which moot respeetfulltinelte the attention or merchant, and • ,lare. mIS C. ARBOTIINtYr. gs Wood el New Books.. • UST RECEIVED' and for sale.by .1. L',.,, - Read. 7s, 4th street. ,Tat.- Forest Lite and Forest Tree, mmorisin g We.tern Camp de arum. th e longer, and wild wool adventim.,. ant, .RIRIIRE• Al I OP1bIllillf; cperations, he, by J,!•.S.,:vsa, , Role and !Holt!, el th. Enett.b In Atnerrs. by Hal,' T pine bur The Lily end the lie, Ell A t okr g ur of then, -ta i Pal H : i L, L.4 .21 . 1 . /t r k e T.4 1 ,. : : 14, ; . anther 05 Now and It,. le cla :, The tire Things. a Rilf• IR Lecture., 1111 the iimet app art. istd 31or, Leounne trot IettARAI se mouttny. t, lard/nee Spring. D. P. T fhe Home Altar. an Appeal in behalf or Family. Won. • st r hip, with pfloirm and hymn., And calendar of Ire... ; m a m Scriotnn.. td. family nee, hi C..? 1,.....ine. De.uh [hi even-, ord,lng etni and ,tt”,tit relie.on. o , ..Witclt;lll, l . ; r l t o the truth and p•mer et Chrt.:istut e , ~ r •Ih: abets-arch many others known:memos to •nrunine..., 1 1 nd • fre.n surely of Want Work and stationery wrin g ' ', di' •rn We Emt _ re in . ate Card. •_ .11TRPIIT lc BURCHFIELD inform their; , y, 2, eueoraers•and hoyere generally that th ey have ! Pitt ow open then. SDCOND hogg mPrle of Weds., tii. tall ' A le. and ask attentson to their unusually full sewn., a /o r...t ant. LADIES' DIIFIFS GOODS , in great variety: 'doh primed ape, e Lames, Partsiena Cauirr, Freerl,Mertna.,.. Hush,. de age. ar. 6IIAWLe, Long and tyuare.-Non style Pivot, very , T' anaemia Cashmere 1, 4 L \Vied do.. plain end a ey rte i, i f ed tack and colon.] snub., Otr . , b, gich Piaui Ribbon, blest and half ni,urnm g do., now ' - yle Nnit do. Ohre have alas rererieml • further •pli of ilt,l" ,• I sting NI 0.11. and Irish Linen.. and St a pl e - Doe & he i r ! no :, 111, and at I will be anl4 at km prices for quality , t•r• I Country Ilorehants are invited tt, call In one ebolnal• , th ,„, am.. u t , stareeh., ii,...1a are e.. 1.1 lon ~T ' • 1 lear 21111 , 7 BOOKS! NEW BOOICS! lln • , T ROL:IIES' LITERARY DEPOT. N,,.74 : '''' Third str.....4t. t ri. the Rost tr i dare;- . . , 0 ..=l,:a ..7 'L11dt'i,..7&.,'1.1. - '"" London Art Journal L 4, October Model Architect. NA 4. goaler's Lody , Mot. f o r Neyember • i 1' tsrithun's Maaeatn e , ... Ma n iartaln' •• . Life and Alyentumn of an Artenea'y floe,. and The ilsonian, • new novel by Beater International Magelue. ho, Octobe r . tan eseolient No., i co ilorticulturle and Cultivator, See teetoter, . • The' Lily and the Bee, by Samuel Warren. Lrea The Genet:oak of the 14 llama:a., or Lem of Dan M Danis ~,. e Don Quite. and his Squire reecho Pane. . p ai The Takin g of the Rutile, by Durum. 1..0 1 Mernorn.., of • Physician, by Dumas. m - • Ite Burnham, a talon; the American St...volution. 70 ei IA Arundel. or the Iteln,ml of Lao. . lOU • Frank PairleL r h, or tw ee. In W. Li &Or • ['rt .. Putt , - ,di t Illsto r y of the Iteettaadon of the abdiah i In C A. de Lams/tine , , rc ram ...-. , Matilda 3lnntwomerle' rental to Waconsta. Self Deeeption, or . 111 story of the Hum a n Heart, port 21, Arthur Conway. or Boe i nnottn the Tenni.... Lu 1,),• We of the Olde4 ran t , br Barton.• 51. Katherine Walton, cello. R i med ~f Dorrbeater. an 111. ,m, 4 Teoßomatme of the *evolution In Carolina. • 1 ,,,, Teo Contemor, an flisele a l NOTRI. 51 1064 41.2611 and ehadovs o r D u d a an d 11105,,,,... 60 t The Fab, a Tale otSti Tole. Time,. by (1 P R. JCR, 1,/, . Ralph hutherforl, tie. Tele. The nea/p Hunters, a le of Mex:el. • Tbo oily CbieL by . IT. St. Rey odd.. -' Mabel. or the Child of the Battle Field, a Tale ot , R;ater. I LACK SILK ACES--A. A. 31aadr. & .' 1 . Co. *HI open Ills Monolog 10 cartone of blot Silk • of all ululates and width.. ce:l '".t. NDIOO.---3 {Troops bent S. F. 2 hods Mad &AR I mar , rale by 1, - , , .... :1. •IL FLOYD , ICE-1U tee fr sh Carolina Rice for sale nib . by 042 J. aB. FLOYD. I USIERf—A. ,A. M.N. & Co. have reed V . 1:IKI doe. Cashme , Lambs WooLAltersia.B.ll4,a m l er Hosiery., comprising the noted extensive stock they tt e ere exhibited. which the, will s e ll e t much We I oallie• l ' nettl ILK SHAWLS. AND DRESSIIOODS-- rt. 0 tinnin g daily sit A. A. MAt,ON A CO.'S. ca end knees of ..51k Miniela Ind Dm.. Oneida, 0.-.21 tied UTTER---ri hbh. Packed, for Sale by 1 1 ,toil ai." F. WILSON,II6 I-animist- () ne red I UTTER-6 bldS. prime Roll; ma _ I - is tres , ,No L for sale by .21 J. • 11. FLOYD, Bound Church Building. T owDER-100 kegs Blasting, for sale by reed . 0,.. ' I J. 4 R. FLOYD • i 10 4 ACK ER E L-50 bble. No. 3 Large; l .., 0 1 .1 ' l' ' ' :: No:, R. -Lir valet, (it() m2l '1 ..1 4 A TI,OVD.. ' • I OLDEN SYRUP-1 I/ Milo. Goodlao'S su- If ill ' perlor, 0,, gale by i .1. B.I4ILIFORTII 0 i, , I. 1 I t 11. MOLASSES-20 ht. bids. Good:do's 1174 e impel, toe sale by m2l , J. S. DILWORTH a Cit. I r UTTEK--10 jars, and 5 hrs. Fresh. reed l 14 'and far Web, R. a• W..IIAIIIIA CO 11. JI to IiEESE-50 boxes Cream, for sale by - . ---- 1021 • S. AW. HARBACHII. • 111 1'1:C01-CATION PAPER HANGINGS.— Oak Decorations and 'Statuary, for Halls and Vest. L" es, for guile by WALTER P. IV A Itlill ALL, nil 8:, Wood street. • ' r ,,, RIMSON VELVET PAPER RANG- co INUS. for Drawing POom, for ale by oe2l WALTER P MARSHALL 1 0• . SLY WIIITE—DI grOss of rnrions style. ] ' Y ' and prau , s,jo.l rreelved and for 'ale by lI_X 18 It. E. 8E11,0118., 67 Wocel sc. 11,11t13 . E - PASTE `----- " Eagle Brand " 7 vp mart s Lemon awl Vanilla, for sale by S B. p...nEttsits. ill_orfi IL PEPPERMINT-100 lbs. poro for OL, ml. by to 1n)IL R. SELLERS, .' REEK OIL CLOTII--Just received from __ Fartory6oo yard. fOOO and fiy,.. q uarters 110,0 911 1111 h lor •Indow blinds. For sale a bo•estdo and tetail at I iir)giti" -.a...4110 _7 1 4•1 1 . ni14.4!!4 .8 ",- • ABLE•COVERS—:'fO dozen Oil Cloth Tit- 87k' id... Stand, end infreau•Ocivem--dilintent nlites-tor y. , by the quantity or reel at IS J. it H. PHILLIPS.. No. ilrl Market at. ' 13E RANSPAItENT SHADES—A tine RP- -1- ' sent:lent of Transpam n t Window Shades ad sale at 1 0 fragile and mMil by Di , J. A 11. PHILLIP:k. No. 116 Market rte 6 0 ^ More Goods, B E URPIIY & BURCIIFIELD arc now HA [ OP•olon daily • lams eoPPly of goods of thee Se • unlit.. for thls fall--a choke Int et Pla...titlbbons. Printed De Lain. and Persias, Cloth: Coburg. EMI Style Broths Shawls, (lun g nod square.) m ein dim ~,my lug. untry =embeds wishing to mplenish their 'etocke [JO netted to call. a.-1- . • LT P.ETRE-50 ligs Crude now landing f.t i and for tale by octlf, 1 DICISKY 4 CO . _. . - 'll IRRIIITMX M-030 ilia. Witrinnted TO I pure, and for sale 14 J. KIDD 4 1, to, BITE CITALK-301/0 lbs. in nor-6 and L . for sale by s . '!.. 1 . 1. .';?1' rA W. ..,,;,,P" COMPLETE net of Bucket Machinery r fOralderby oetl6 ~ J. 8 DILWORTH it.CO. rirtin o ßr—lirtrigToitlsist spell pU: ..... enee= ,na 1,..e1br 'b/ 4 C. AILIIIITIRIOT. - :Verr . . • .1 ii _ . 1 .. '1 • ARIES BLAHE'LY, European Ascent and Dealer In ForeilepErch.g.... Mitto Yr gent for tho following Pastel Line,. PlOnero Line et Stramshipa. I...tween Now Yo r k and Liv er...l. • %wallow Tall ha uniting from Nry Vora awl Llrrr. pool on the 51h and 21•1. of every monlii. New Llny Imre.. New York on the Mgh. and Limrpool mo lb. 11th of Airy month, c 11.1 Mar fine, loary, Now Tort un 11th. and L.yer• pool on the Meath month. York. ••.1/.. Page a month fromand Lirw The London Line of Parke. milv.hrtn No, York on the 11th. and 2.1, nod how L0t...m0 0 th e tin, 1510, 21m, and ygo month. Thy thy idai g ow Pack.. Pail from New York and illeo g ros thr Ist ..a 15th of..arli month. A Weeki i 1.11. of Pasty. from Liverpool R. Now ur /.111111. Daily Line fir ...gr... from Sr. York. b. Ste... 'Ps'. "'Pi". 00 h., (-lanai sot 11.110.:1, to Papdoir g h Pawicoger, will er.r, smooth.. and ....v ta. ch....chill i at 11,. 4.11,1•1/ la II Tap... 6 (li • ideaa 3 ua J y. bunko, and nt. thoor g e .0 Hotl Livert.oo,, I Ta.ro t t a Coa. ad o fork. 0.n.0.. Now ork. or at PiUmbur g b. the orn, :t tas S curo m of SiMott. mot Liberm Il•rann. nodding In Alto tha w ,. sta.. or Caned,. who wirh to send for thole friend, fo any part of Englamr, 1nd.... Scotland. or Wel., mu make the Inasietr, ros.g.menn. on aPpreation to the autwmilwr, mot have (limn brought rats by any of the .0.00, favor.. Ilnoa of party., (which g fro m LIM 2.5. tr tow borthond Pr 1. , 1 . .."• t chui. l 'ir..bant *hit, on favorabl. terin•. 1.1 way of Liverpool. Lomb., or .11a.gow Their Irr o o-ii m . of nailing preoluden toe powiblllty ..I delay. Paw ll ., can 311.01/. xecurwl fn. Nrw Orleana, PhllaJolplita. Boston. Chonfindoe. sad garonnab. Direot remit...ma in moult or lar g e num. as usual. to 0,12 .JAMI.II !MAKE!, Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. • T HE GliOgow and New York bun. es's.t. N. P.Wart, (la. of and e the e.. an/ mamas) command, I. op t - mint., to nail from new York dtn•et for illam t ow,o n Sat ant,. th.. tit b 1......001.rr next. ut 12 o'clock, now m . PASSAGE Fist Cohn:. (steward's ha. ..... !PO. Strand Cabin •. No 65 eterrnam im.engr. taken. Th.a.. rat. Inolude pm...b.., but poi wino. or 1.-morr, • whirls be . .uppiled tom,. at roofers. Car. ries a Surncon. ...right of eprol.., p r .. rani For Iniglit or ...wo g . apply 1,, J. 110.1•11 UN, Broadway Kroll. NEW I ugh The NEW YORK. 2100 ton, and 4 .2, b oo , p. w , e , world ,, thr will on thr •tetion r 1) nest ellectry'll Philadelphia & Liverpool Line of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia an the ' 21 1, 0. 1;`11,Zi? .. PIiEN ANIN/A 11. Wro. P. Gardiner. Aners 11111.1 EUROPE. btalbanlVl C. Ilanis, hOlll.l N. Alfnal P. I.lt)etc.h llagt.r. in W. IV. Wyer.. T h . a h o y, ably. •re built of the nr,...t sod m. miedMut wtl trialYriabi. and are notird fur the rapalit, of their pafrog..4 tiler an. htted up with all 'stilt imprormoenta, are tumt thoroughy romtllatod, and arr. ium.la nu. mr :Frond rid anof Worm, .11111,11,11 they as ...waled by men of arkutierbalsord halvah who r,. tor their orpanrnce In thy ...act gem.. Porwin, derlrona of bringing the. friind. Iron:. the Old untm can obtain eertificatre hams.... whi , t. will t. • • for sight month., and our ....sin Irrlani and IJ r 0-pool will thrniah them with tlia prom o Intirourtio n and imtructions rclatlra, to their &porton.. For the conronleme of parmo g rni ailthin g ortrt mo • ey, we mopply drafts tor LI Meilin g and upwarl. t Fight wfiliout diwanint, which 0111 lw raabrd any at oe Bank. or Post 0111 om in toe bnitoal kingdom. 1.1-Prnvleiotm auppli.d I.....engerc Livrr Every -week the following .spelt. will he forninhed ackpaioenger of 12 yeas of a g e and oryr 12,1, lb.. fief, co. tea, 6 Ibr. oatmeal, I. IScIII. 1 111.. sour a.m, In. mol. and I Under Und lii year. of oge e h • h.. hry,l.tuflo., Ilb pork.fullallnaramenf uater 1 vita Rer, amt hal(.lirr.n.w of I:4itY.lt7i;l`.llM'C'77; Inut ptiim irlet.tfcurrier Stath and Waal 0111.. l'lttaburgh. EMITTANCES 'CO ENGLAND, IRE ' LAND ecort..AND, AND WALES.--Janra Buz tr. I,e of the tire of Blakely a Co., will continue to my. ight draft.. on Gra". Ilritalt. sodlroloindi 1.110, on France I rid Grruitany. 0010. with Wood...um. Mak.. 2 Cr., • re , Koons., nurser of Litmrey and sixth u t a Pitt•burgh Poor...nov.oi atal from the old country ...aged on the nit favor his tannin alas. from Nem York tr. tit...bur g h. 1 ; any part ot thy Wert . art. 1 Ii S'I'EA.III BOATS. CIN. & ST. I.OU d ...truer VERMONT Iladett. are for the above and all Intermediate ..111 . In.. tba .fah Init.. at 11. n•efock .0...11. For try m bl or ...a g o, spot, on to r t • "Oil CINCINNAI'I-The - did m i. and b g ht drau g ht rte.. boat ,-1, tt Ei.Caplalo all Intebr ...om edia lumn. will kale fo m atop. and te pr.., nu tin.. day. thy f, lit at 4 o'clook n For freight or par.ag. •ppl bownl, or to 001'J f , lfllTtfN 10506, Agent. tr Olt ..117ASIll'ILLE.-Ti t o tine mama ,1 Es FV 5, Wilk... . I Lain for the .lore and interronthate porta . tho. day, thr tn.l. at A l' F or ..pito n Rani, lad htlEittl. a 11l NNINII. Agt. Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet 1 1 i ARE REDUCEDI-The swift s: runnin g p...i m er parart JAMES NE.Ir M. Imre* for the atm., Z. 11.1.1 all internam. . port. lb. morintm. at 10 o'clook rrrieely • t r The JAKE.it.m.N. 1 1111 wil will Po, Ito rantom or di.. Tborata i . -•our I.; A 11 taturolo r , T. and rratay.yi , et 1,. tr.. g ht aar.n e •..yeefor inollgton.. Ilc elf o to 2. r 111....1 el • 111571 (No. A c t.. Mar. •tt 1.1. Jam.. N. 10.01 Me zaih,t loan. row an. ry, roo uotyo tor thrtiady I....b w rm o an.l .10.1a.r. do -0.1 ,m her runnin g in the tn., Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet IARE IZEI/UCEDI-Ths swift mooin g pa......0r I wok.l allies • Mc •Lore end lt , olynue. I port • ibi• t l. iMentng. el 10 pne.aoly F.. . . I ,' mcninedlar a r t •. . _ . , Dock I , IIPAIIVII. at be WINCIIgeTtAL Capt. tit, I. mos.., sib :aro I. bur g h .0 0 0, Twoolsr. 1 b and Par.tt M ln 1 l/.. 104,010 0 ore-, tiond•y. w „.; aid friday. al A. Cl. or freight or parmi a .. harm, voter., P - ontitsl.o. ni 1 boarl ar tr A ha 11 - stahe.t.o on. of the futert'l'at.r:! .... far ttoo tondo Pluomn im r, sad camper. mu . , running in ire tra.l. regularly. , r.i; L. LAB. PITTSBUII6III AND WIIKELING I•Af7EFT 1.1011.1 . yarket nesse, nit .o. pOl porh i rcoin g her r.gular tr. weetlyirl m holiv•ro I . 1. togs and twoling. leawin g I 1, AlnAulA, Wednesday mai lorilay, na I 1.11111111.,..' All 11 100•11.....ry Turaday, Tburadyy tstontey. ; a f -t. For freight or immag,,,p l .l ) , trauo. orto auaneritoao A 011.1 lg. Amot.. . Etnglich er Bennett , lIOLESAI.E GROCERS, i'otoinissi,:n Mar:Can. and 1 1 1,111,7 1111101111 h I Su I • uteri...a-No 1-tlWerood ',nod 151 Fir.( , .1 sal nuiltht"....l ri,_ 10..burph, Pa_ ha. un hand ; .01 :wok, nn-o.r • alb. loam. martyr rat,* can't 4 Totoiron. t em . p i , • 5..1, Ala lamp. 140 pk g * 1..,,,, a or, TI.. Prima,•• 11:1 It, o,ll' • Rom, tisir Om obani ne dr GO MO. Sugar. - ti rut A dry einokir, g 11. n 0... I t_ri: II rpaniatt .'iron, ' Prtnoire a Wu toff. 1 Ilavaa• 200 lenra gat Ina luar.t Oleg. , • • • the, " Cronin. r ?Men.., ta.l4 Almooda. - ombn, • • E. Walnuts era.. nu...my. Alum. and 111A11. nun.. • moon* Irelmo. hoar. 1... k 1-..1 0 . tw.rr. Erwin map, ca..* Tomah Cairo.. /Ai am, „ " I • 4rurag 70 tlersot boa. MI. ft. Raisin.. aim !tan, I Unit.l•l nu, A/ A Omani Salta, liar pk g ., pt. mrl qt. /lark, I I 1, 0 1 .1.1. Loaf rum.. loam %bit.op rwm ., I nuL• oo trisl. Bruit Snear•Cotton Yam.. hattiti g C.n. • Hay.. dieurior I Farm. ; downital mpl •1 Boarding. in VO SMALL FASIILIEt ran be nerorn-:"!:s' conlahal with pleasant front room. no the ewertri furnaMml Apply ir unfurl:non...l. arid ly,nl Ea r corner of Third and.. rant at., ' . 01 . .W will he received in exchange (with a tra!'f 11 an, ouzo of money) Co TN. hitt LIFINII 141 - 1 - 0. 0. Sixth Want En 0.... of 71,11 rI:AIrY ATKINSON At 1150.1,0 I br AItTAKIC ACID-lOW lbs. pure, for gala hi J. 1511111 UTTER-17 kgs fresh. ree'il and for 61110. by ootlb,, WICK A AIoi:ANDI.I-201 OBACCO- , --203 kgn 5'.. S'A, rind I h's. I 0500. thla day mill and for rah* .„. 1 , IU WICK 41 Al eIIANDI.FIf,. I so.. Mils . 11. ILS-2:1 d n s Sperm Oil, 31 do. extra o, bra o d . II dc. Weeti.rn 111.0mbed do. 10 do Tann..? d o , rr 1 and for rale by WICK A 31oCANDLESS • .1. , ABLE SALT-54x1 biz:: ground rock now 147 it laudin g and for mle by ISAIAH OICKEY aCo aid I In Water and Front Moe.. • PFEE-500 bgs Rio, 100 Laguayra, on hand girl 00 b i or-114 I. DICKEY ACo IIDFISII-20 tes landing. and for sale 1:y , mild.l DICKEY a . I lEESE-200 boo in store and for sale bT ;; I DICKEI- At Co REEK COPAL. VARNISH-'lt hir tk i air oo ionnture. 15 10 gal. ke g . d 0, 1 Mil Ciaoh. for r01e.1..r. 0 , 11 , 1 ; 1 DICKEY unni 0100-1 Ils eerimn Caraeus, 1 kgs ••• :that. or *mintori m y coliei g nmont. by 1111 I. IiICKEI A Co. - ICE-115 ten, prime Carolina, for sale by (, silo JAMES A. 111“rcil I ;AD-550 pigs linlnDo; who pound. Bar, boric) for ma , by g 10 JAlten A.111.7T17111,.. - c 0 I co, 11. MOLASSES-20 tibls. prime St. Lou. ld IC ery for re by 1... de JA)11.. , A. 11UTi'llISON,, j nm".- - _ SILEN ANI) W. It. (MEESE-420K and'fi)TIA,'lloCI.1111.1 V. AND GOLDEN SYRUP-Alwa...ls 1 • .11'""".njbI t 10711 A. IIci'LL,RO • C.. .1.) RYE WHISKEY-A lot of superior . "old Rye:. l ur yid.. I.y I.r p • .12.1.111-.IrTSUN A es. 100 kegs and 11 ()rime N. ; S'i' I, to um,r and for /ale by S. P. MIMI - El:, No* 1:2 - 1 amyl, LTI'VEItE-Inti lingo erode, arriving; r aalr b r l.rsi Ire A F. 311.w.1% :AR Lfur Fi de ;if oss. . a thsoai. 1.40 • LE , LEATIIER-2110 sides hemlock tan oh for 10,0 I, A F. WILIo/h. 'A NS--111 bids. White, for oak by -1.1 CULUEIITMIN a Cll. •I 0 & CANDLEWICK- Dart.. hob ' l ' " to r mi. by .0 CC I.lll,ltTar.!: C.. I I'ASII-15 casks pure, for sale by . A K • 0 COP PE E-21:i0 Isigs llmorn, for sale Joy ON J. A It. FlAii 1, . _ BACCO-Best Virginia manor:acted, for ; wIP by ESII SALMON AND 'LOBSTERS- ! gat rip Ina m MA and two pourrl can., ; re enn.rlor. Fo r Aid e bl W.I. A. g CO. Urocar, sad T.a Dealer, i RE 14 1 1 : 1 iii - VINEUATR- d th ucal tij . 420 ab auperiar pleillbo-laraatarK E warm° no, zo Lawny lfL '• •'' • , • • . • • • 1 BOSTON. • TREMONT HOUSE, BCP/lON, iIIAE.9. THIS well known establishment is still nen . ducted in the Rahn M.o. it M. ale,. been The control at... 1 p 1.., nit.tiot. [4 the.bout.., ite irantowlb on+ ormatigmento, awl the ...Hotta and luxuries-1u bo i found 1.., null,. to tender It .01..1.1.......1 0.n.0.. Frown to the traveler ,;lash. lewu 1.. of 11/. fen, of Joint L. Tucker I. Co, mein. ot lila hes 1 .lt thentahliqhment. the euLteriber pls.. t.l• Is-, •-nottune t o maintaln no nlodulon. and to gin rob.. time to ht. rush-wt., 0cp...././.11,11t0 Wal. U. PARKEIL • PHILADELPHIA. . _ • • • Insanity. IR, CHARLES STILWELL haring had rI 2 • ~..,', emeoieno- . molds. and prix on ninth: t. Id 1 r the le i.e io Iln I. umal ..1.... Enaland. 1.1.•1 Ho. We e I al. s ot :1••• .1....,..e...i0l der........ ~f On i'lV.. "l' . ' :;:itl : Lrl ' h•r . e.l// ' ../. ' ,7t ' , Xtnl ' l: l i a: r m '' .../ . gt:Ti '' n 4 . 1 1 SMII II In the mon., ant fr.. i Mil 5 in the evening. ai 211 North senuth , . PHILADELPHIA. ow,. Ito 1 ' Cleg's Perfumery and Fancy Soaps. . oc Ir (ILSE null-ritir articles 1.1 . Perfumery, ; aoirogot which ate enumt•matiol iii• Intl,- t In,- lObratml . LI I/ IVhlt •• 1111.101 A 1i'i 0 ,,.. r , i•,...... Rouge. 1,,h .., r . 1,-.1, , , 1 .,, • , 1-",13,... , , relret. ('bolt, and other ...prom, E.,,,,,,,.... 5..,, -Wolnut an, Ext. PIM` Sand Brown and Whit. . 11 mhos Ilt nth, Polo,. Alonowl. Eat. and mil- , I. oam. Shaw ion Cre.t. Ihm 11/ e. Colegoe Widen. Li. t tn.,. for I. M 1. i1i.11.......f. • Oa Marro, 11..ar . . In.. ems al Po/I.d, to nee 0,01, he, Lo•tml Ilan i1e,...t/te. 11e.... P 101....... a. . .to . er• manufactured awl Ls .. -tile hr Mott - N 0. CLEilii. Pert am. and Clement, I, ed Mork, 'lre,. hoe. Ili, Philadelphia . Jr.l-Idetelatio .lon't b tont thut Clegg e• to the Howie, Alt_ ‘, nil. in., ex ht.,. upoeull, ri I. the /It/ titre h. • n •ilelly Matchless Blacking and Inks. . rrIE CELEBRATED. -mATu if LESS it IM.ACE i ,1.1 'ream -mood •upenor In an* ,et Ider..l . t out.. eiol t., ...we . 1.. " „ ' n on Mouoloolured by 11000 hI I. - 1., a to, '.'heart ...,,,,, n „,.. 0„.1, , hereto o .03 dbut ft IIIiII.MAS WILTIE, lON - NET MAN u_ ~, EAClbilEtt. No. I 1 Soot!. ttt-t ttlitl Strm.t, tab.,. al Calmd. ea, !taro Phil ad.ittlin. lobllch an do al. ... •heit a..........tra in wit.worgano to iiii AG A LEY, WOOliM' A RI) a. C o ., W, h o l al ~..ii,,,,,Nr,.0.:1 flirt. It, Phiblelphla. .pi. cr' Mt et 1•11 EA LD, II LICK NOR n, CO., Ttibucee „ i Cuttllat , s,Tl ii-roh.., ho. 11 North If onsets... ' ~i, :ow It/ hunt/ Wham., P hi lulelulio • aug I , . .. • NEW YORE. I . ,To Dealers in Liquors, &c. • II - J. COMTE, French Rectifier, 260 Eighth ~,,,4 of . ottni. NEW Yobli. h.!. MiAtill•ty In fullot.- lfl • anon far the mtnnforture of Flu, Alcohol, Pure Spirits, to ...and ,-,‘ iiri. lhogruh. Puttell, Como.. A b.... Anneln, Baton, to Th. Brandy and flu an carefully mule ar- It ...ding to tho beet net Ipte temal in the South of Franco Or and Holland: the anallty t. n.l to moat of th..toporta. lot I /Olt fnpm timer mum.... Dml . ar• invited tomtit and It, Judge of tar othlities and int - wont their or.len to thr of- o • n.. tit II IT, ran,. NEW - Vitll 10 whiel, coil he promptly -- attended tn. ',lola • • _ .. American Hardware. .. .itiLIVEN A DOUGLASS, Nlitnufactnrers' Vl' Agent, No.* Platt otre , „.threedwort fro. Pearl FL. V.Z. wind, roxpestfull, Itirin the •11..... t•t Abe liardwon Trade to 10.1, Stralt of lloodh, rentrel direct • loom the monitfartiinn. orel Mr rale on Moore,. 1.... jy I aolm New York India Rubber Warehouse, ' I No . 27 Nail, Lane, and Na. 59 Nas•au 'arm. L'l ri,, ~,,,,,, I mm liroadway. Factory:lMP...n(2lth at * h THE SUBSCRIBER, Propnetor of theses-.. 9 , tahli•hanta. would inform hie . old mamma., and ~.', mom/hon. amorally. thal ha in daily moiling from hi. L i t factor, an unusually 1410, ...1 oarollent .tack of India _ Iltshb.•r th.l. mum factund exprnoly hr the Fail Tsui, anJ •Lleb. from basing Inlmsluent , oventi new an t ins runt, ht. .0 are ta....ttery and nanntwitme. r.:7:l:2Ufldeut ~anal hut mein.. porfort watiofactlon. • Sproltil attention continue, to he pa, to the tou..fan . o • Into of hgunolanl Tani! t ie CA RR lAtl II: Cli)TII, of oil vid llgt hi fr 3-4 100...4 ...in The dri11a...m.14 meleeted . p (Intl the best I.retwl..a.Wl ppm*, with, e (meat guto,which' 6( I ,, -how aqua to paten, leather. Hal. manufartunw p. r 1. monmti• 0,11.• a bl,/hly iontwutant imppontoeut. re- I. r ...It ttIICOTINItni, I{ iltllth the ck.th. IA ma-I, /0 lwar an . ..I rnmbhno , to Id:9111,1, leather lb, plain Mal. op , 0,1.. int w•ll .• :need tich.r. eh. 1.1 ...ray the rartaly co 01 LgilittEl -.A full nonk of ell the di11... eh]. -F1it...,/, and ranetltw. trem lb- Ithi.r.l Para Peubnyt 4 IC. m- .. p, noad., I'lTltet.l3,l tilots--onthraelng 1 1..... Romeo* at, i n , . ( hillmid• I , S n. Fi1,... Slaq..r. and S.A.!, {ter .ho. Finn, .0.1 1.10.11 but ten. Or. A nmpiete O , IPTI/11•DI of tire Pilo., alwar..,n /1.0 p 7 31.,Intort...s•CoonCap, Enoch., Pante, 1.111 Preserve. PM M. qt... noon t/1,.. Itn.fing darken, C, .. A I. ITohorn• Wallet,. 01.0,,..lielmog.11owpttalblintIns. -- I lone C....... Il tom.llrmad Pomprestoun I . .ellhe..Slamil. /Pr /were, 1..., Held., Air I.lla. boll., and Fla.., tocother with ..•,r Moteript ton of Itithher (hod. goto ocanit,/,‘, ol V•ilmomed *I. tell, Ito,. r , , ..n , Springs. ureter ...hoar'. eden, .7hr Ilmme .111 te hoc, • swot ...tun run an I pew m otitehat mot Ilan, I 1-actoug .1.,..0.1 •.-tmi them an, awl ,wIL. , VII, hold. dear. tor llaltio, Lia. trllda II I 1,4;4** l i - Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! - - 1 :::: . J, , 1. !, 1 11,1,,5 , N„.i., cortlenilt rt., N.-York, I tine lit • opentog at hl. tln.•l %R. 1 ., owe • fro. 7; •• toel. , 4 / ail awl Winter Sllttlel , ..c.msteua of +linty,. j ;,.',.._. , t soot./ and boars. W.., Gong siomlm tocohor toltt. ' ~..., lob anortml of Id arwooli an, henna Yet., .ant Long :"''' Mtche shoe., of teen male ...ti7.:Wnt V'eroVl:l.lZit;''l'iV;"-t7i.l.fg."i:•APlen..'l% w Wert::. -Lap. oaf Kilt, mat.whoton, Ir.. an. pat : l i• ~..,,,• moo toponate Itt. ....I no/ monthly t. ' h., ....,,,„ ~ i. mo i SietoLoot tl. lo Ile ki...e. .. Wet W./l rod ra.a.wort j ty - • • on, ot .thawl., ant r... 1 i • ..,• ..vela Ii • 1 -1 ,- . ...et. I ln/F .c.u....../osi tr, the ob. Moot M , ~ /wolot WHO , fIIIIIW •. - 7.1N1/C. Pr mtot,lng i r ib hos 11 .1.1 Id 1... dn.., ./. •l•to ot b r..i Prnfoal t Th ~,I. .l I/ aril....it it I on' . 1 .Ited To the Public. `"' "' i NDIA RUBBER SHOES.-O ur Attention i 7'l`: tit, 1-,., otnot IT on vlo-rt......nt I,y llonow II Pa I du... uht.-/ In il.. Sour 1 to I. 11.•21: , I-Ith dial,. 1,1, and y. t e " : ' at tit c•orier mad Coculno of .01,1.1u..../1 * when, alter I law toot. at/mewed abuse of oar sant...AV. Madam. Lup. I hem. • ......./.. thata., ..b.r. tot , ...Pirating lino. atm nor • hob.. 00 1, till, Well ..... an: tn.'. dcen net i awn V/1r... Moglyead en e Mdo .0 tt, es•nwortarintrof •Ixon. i Mario l ••••• putoband our knot*. to the mattularture Of I hurt,Ml. Ruth. Show tinder (howiyear* Valente. ad pald demew art toes-, ant en duly MI il, • 1•Itla kV M. •ILI•sa• .ad irk I CM, tenon ~ ./1/1 Inn ww- IL. wllme. lialoar cad to I - - „we taller than `lirate ohm toed/oar, Penni. W. • _ C '''4 .r/T=l;4lt.. r t ' of., ' .l,Zt?r , .!•T. I r ~...,..„,....,,.,„,...,... „„,.,. :Ile.. • ...1....... tad .., at.. ..t to ioiria, lo..• pot. Olt\ Ile la now , t re wa.0....... outrms .ntimic nod mh-st e bat to 1.. Al. ~.,r , ,„ ~,,,, ,„,.. ~,•:., o t h er c-do., porch WO f ....ri ~..m em ant we ...vie o. t La.. Mr.ti, owl th•l ...on. ....nalcoatur., with ~ up." ...M. Iwwat.. 1n the cianuttatun of ,T. ~..-..ior. 1........0n. to the puhis .1 I .. tofu` . that • • 0 nn.l ul whoa'. room rn-i with hto I ling ........n.lin. AM •hon. mule . holutow. • f atod Iwo ! / „„t o , 11,1,.....11 te• t......... -1 . • I. CA SIIEL, I lly 1 I . 1131H' 1 1 1111 11E1:EMI Cot .t , .Z,,rZi.. 7:P.:Alfhl".;;V:'%,l th e II Hut. ltoe w Iltnelent. I orat „ t 1.111 I. • IM. 111 Vtl• r.. Jul, Igth, 1,1 balm : ' • ' • Ink. upenor Black Writing and Clingin % I . ( , :.`t E'S EMPIRE INK, e 7 Na•ean titreot, t .t . , 1 „, ,„ „„, ~ ,era , :,,,,„. ~.,. teen-,., ,11iC raa.. I tu Cra ..n. n t 3, .Ii 1., not t-... he.. , . W f , O • I ..., It am I ot. I ... •. ' ' . 02, . 'Ol tn. ..1.1.... t 1.,... ,i,.. h. t t er...t, a.m., tor.. M now• tnn.ly- • .... 111 .e....../.. t •low f . ate; p.n..... atl the unalimor cr.jutr. aonua ,„ ~..t It r ttlt t , tut, Futtat,.. or at , 1,11/It. ILIA 1.43 : App al ad I 1.. ..1...,..., It prepared to locoed. In On nun .0 • I'' ' nca I.•r , tort , bolo- mph..:.......0t the alum r•ty ! 1 ,4 N0 ot, , poi ...• •••per .4,u, .teilmrmi to ant put rfir 'll; 0r,.• ~1 rt.', No 0b... ler ouo, Etrrels .i, • •t. ...et •tn• . nett nut 010.014tEE LENT. I !... b /..,,,, t 7 ham.,.l. .. 1/011.1Ingo. won, .I'oll' I'ORA: Alw. .fcssor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopherons, 1 " .. kh m ' , JuI:A 1 . Eli CO:MPOLTN IL for re-' .., 0101 , Ittg. prow-moo. .lid Mount, tag the hur,...iles• • • •13(1.•Ini Pandrud. ond eon. ...ow, of the rkln, I Iyo wt- ...t ...h. ..0.,-, ..... lot.. ...X11. % rto It • 1 1..........-o-r000..1 I , -.penmen, that bury . , TrPoph. , In. 0. produced tb• non runt to ritring din... of Om 1 ?:, All 7, • ... of the to.ov, ..1 .11 lII' atortml ...ha The • `...- to.. ntlanool.M. m 1.1...1 Me. huntrool..•l wantlar • Mn. "' ~ 11l- ......1 the preparotton. I ""' lot I tit, -•11nott/ ILI • /PI, It it ••1,1 11, I lo•-• • LIO l, ••• , .7r Mu It It. tril to to., li..pt V.., ISOM llt ;., 'III, V icarLaaar Mr -I Ilan lue.ll althond with . on. • ...... em,pw rte wane ofagam....l char- i • " lb. law mom. yea. an, dun., that penal I • but . l aw to o a wino of 111. /zoo ...tit physl. 1 , ••.• an I bon tont oil tee onnuatien• f. l tho hut ...1 IF '0 to., without tar loaci tome. 1 .......Ivlnd • ' . trent • tr/ ,111 Innotdom ow I .1..1 so, . a Ise I F wt. aw t . to . 01 .....rtrde sod aratlOrati...ind asynif • ticao I ed 41 nt.'Llt t•• mord.. 0.1. Ind thelral•nea . of the I wtth n ,ml. tt. al Wm, I au ...Iv blind .Inl lot Ilect....trollt. 1..., dV al itAPELVE, 1 1.• pure 140 Culutol d le rawl. linsulirn. I It" h.- ,oat. tho ::.3, -- 1,:,. - - aar 1411”--: 1 1, 1.1...0.• 8.1 . -ANAII.IOO mare., toy hair . • 41,/, .n.l ro/ howl war tou,.h antlered '' 1t . .13. 0 11 . 7, 90. 1 I wan h. 1, . tmotol to 1r .. yourTriouphar. 11.71, . .11 I .1,.. and h my .foniehrunitt. ay hur Imo dr ,wall RI. all the Malin/if •liwaptworst....../.. 1 now allows for nee!, J '.11 " - ''''''' 1 . .re Vki'Lliii i ' t!itt7a - ut--,•n• r :II II •nr ial r or gentleman tin,. the aUlbentleity of the e. they .1111.1011•• at at P.m,. A C Harm a ,thre e ~...ma ..la at. Now V./.. where he - will prod.. Me ntigl. the bra htm . nu 1 • - Irma mhof Mc • the Military ant No! Argo.. Nor h. i, I r .f a .n ..re le no ocroit ly for the permanent core of latillltlVW ,•,,,,, ,tt't'l7:llllol4l.tftUlP';'.''gttrlt'itrOtllll4/..lt'rCtrll 't47"{ln h '. ' l rirontienno, or Mmilcati, hnopotiol. It is ex. , -.- ki m.l. and .., th. upper elan,: of the ,-ooh. i n „. ~,,, , Mtn., In Ibit land It la usol hinter..., b. rarle• .4 the loot It imort. rigor rte t :won' I lotl. mod 1 1 / 1 •1 I 1 10111•I•11 il• •TIVICIII I t ...Ash! • - ...hil dn.,. the datolruff and ..... erhi make.. •... i r iN hoe on 1,1•••.,. It will en ail dloatars of th...• , N_T F. .... o'old head, drat worm, and other ohnoolout d• r- mt to hi of tho•klw..n ehritnnew. CO .11 ...11.,, it nom. el! Tolled. It Is ad, In lorm, tontUn•-prise g"....0n, I t No. lion'.m Ittml WAIT , and al 1110 f/rui3O.l, gctaxrally..fliroowhoul clay of in:fe.lotalo•atoleritiol.. •op2):If ft is • ent OM . . . .... .. , , . . . . o .. . RI CA (i( ) AND PEORIA . gr Ca11., 0, i• ant Per., rettort{l • THOMAS HALE. , ting, at nolloao• ft IV A it U 1 6C . 1 , ,rq o'M. AI / ISSION MERC HANT, aet :111l l A.OOIS, Mk of Onle ON Ti NUES his usual facilities to receive tino.il, on Store.. o.le, not Tron•hipment, all Nerel..Jite b. C.: C 1.. Mo. Nato Imre WA dock dell, fr, .1 manta quire, t,„ Lel,. athl Ho 111111.• 1• , ..1 ..1 Ittocr. Prontle• .t. , ,..7.-11enra lontis, St. rling A de, WhIll.• II ttt.sT/1. 401111 • 'Uhl/III: and Pi slo John A. Calla., ap,„nr. ...ok to De.. ' Win. H. Raskin. , .10:1. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT k - , IN! , AIIIITIONELII, No, •• Water street, P(ORIA, 'o,ol.ti pitenTion to Coinniinion bualumt. nogllly TR/ . g l. . . A ) S & S S ' lock tti PI • rant of ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. adeni. MIDDLETON, RILEY ai ItUGEE, i'd`.!..°,;,; urn. Conachwon, nod Fomenting aletchantu on the a .. .T. h. '" for to Ahmed. morel.. and Gore,. Sterhng AL. ''''''' ''' 1,,,,,,,,, AVID V., TUTTLE, A ttierney ar ' L , t l :w " , ' thh'it'2l:." !, r. , aod Commitaiorier Mr P....qtr... st. [ emit, 11 w. latl:m of ,muminieutome pre.mpti, an....red. twto.o I the woo • vattrin II N 11. RANKIN,' Attorney and Conn- ' f ...filo'. Iwo. tUlti Couiroktomer, tin State o mt. of ,iyaula. st. low, Mo., Ilan of Pittebutgli) tor ham feronnw- lOL.l•orith. lion 11. Forwar - J. Hampton 4 I , tcceoloto... k 31.,..10-. 4,1.11 E. NM, ...In 111 S4lgn • Lut/1.1:ly 1,2,, • • Time Bills :- S UN . N CINCINNATI, I • IA/1 1 10 I ILLE, _SAINT 1411.15. NASHVILLE. - II DETROIT 4,10 ;...: j our,heoei at te... et ad. mt ... ~?. COOL ELAN U, I . I Ills GREEN --SU caves . o ' L I K ih " : c A pi C I e o l ' i ra - i 1 •- • • ton num: i t : i r i,w •D u irit r rte , :r . or ,b ? . .::::::o u r r i t i nfe.: I • o -tee brand, rawaried by 11..ki medal', the • .curi o mat t trutinat, and Permanenttireen yet pm . hi, tO Cell On AA hmoreble tonne as oar oat Wee, of . .thane. J. ottllt.hiJehlAkitat A Cl)., ' .. . . 20i Wand stmt. . ."'' • • 4 • • . .. • •, . . HOUSES, FAIBIS,,s'e. • Desirable Property tor Sale. \ AANUMBER of yeti, viduable Building iots. adjoining the Dolor Depat of the O , ,ana lacuna Ilahrnad. In Alegheny city. fronting,onghe Itlroad. and . Franklin, Bidwell. and Juniata ktrect, 00.100 Allegheny...eons. Also-A rentable unimproved Lot, on theme . ..ref \ Li sir], and Fectury •treets, Fifth Ward, opradts. this ger an Catholic Church. 36 feetflontOn Liberty . ..by 100 fret deep on Factory. running bark to Cpritig oiler. . Alw-the three story Brick Dwelling /lons on Lawny FlT...et, adjoining the obove, the lot being 31 fret front blt ligi feet Jeep. The house Is large imul'coneonient, built lo ...I. at ...4 tonna, elerett moons. from Aleo- Ne A_Farm of 7.1.4 acres in Lawronor county. 6 tollee w Cantle. Aleu-Fartus in limy, conoty, of victims elves and price. from lieu arms down. For mi. low and ,fu omommalating tening. Enquire of h. P • U. L. It. FETTY.IIIfAII. • Attorney'. et Loss. sod grid Pala. Akiilitil, • ne , tf Nu li fe Fourth edreec Pitteborold . . - -• Pequea kgirlia at Public late:, L kN WEDNESRAY. N,overaber itltli , ,, trill It , b.. ~06.1 at publir sa , .. th.\wed known Ill.?((( Farm. - in Pubstiury t.•• n- hip. Wean,. Valley.). /.+ 4 cx , ter :minty. four miles from the Penner Irani. o eibiro sw l Peirtottirith. ,, ntolnitiii he, Art,. of IPl.yerehet id the rem hest Faro. Land. up.,n whirl) rig expense to teen I=lo'll.'l6r ti " una .‘" l ' y n otk o e t l " /..ti r .: .' :i ' 1M, ' , 14 ,.., 1. e . „( L 1 ..!, ' ,,... 1 ,e not surpassed by Rol: end lento on tite.mai t i Univ.. rued from the west, and welt •etered. lbe Fla 7 is t o adapt est tz. uratinil The Poring to to complete onler-abont 2,1,00 panel,. of oat 1e.,. having teen pub. Ip the tut sit 7..ers Them hm. lieen ip,,,the MID. Dom over litdoili 1 bushel] ,d 1.. full upen . =fere 1. c - Mot 'mist for the we of the halm 7 11. , re are Limed.... qtyorrhy end Kill, where • large end profitable ht.... et dime. There ore fuur Tenant f10w..., It. Wlt liornitht nod Cabinetmaker ehims, with Stablnuo-MI etre tot hu nlna ~ motels. All the form buildings hare been ot op , ~,,,,, In the lesd order. The liarn. Dg b, 114 met, obi, ~,,n , ,, shed. Cameo. Howe and Mutter]; Carpenter Shop.r.oro. Crib, he lb.. Dwelling le lag, finvheil in the te n t no. tier, edit... Teri minseriPo^* A data and water srbeel forms water to the germ, id tin, how, front whence the bath rom, each Intent:, the berg ond fountain ore taloned. A Inn, Oa, Purim, put up In 1.40. heat, the hoar thoroughlY There Is wail Skied , ire lion, hr. The Kanlrn end grounds have at great expellee been es l ic ni gh "0`...c. and the. IL an ....Ina.. green bon, , But test, mi. The tehanl ixdaninnehnot 4fo tree, of Frier description nf rod. releend witli rare The neighborhood is thieklf nettled. And then. err bomb.- 01 ever, denymination in the sottorwote iirtnit,‘ 1 , .. e iniil. stores. and a post other just off the p., - The *hove in 101 l known ai• no, of trie' Ye, brid forms 0 lanrmsterroutdr. while to view of the gavot the tamee. xtent end Leenty of the ground, Ihe extreme tomtit.- lels Of thin neighbor...J. the nernery. At .. also. lA•lng ithln too hem.. ride of Philadelphia amid,. ing e,er, corpulence that mold he oblimt ... • country .....t. it ... linei..dr alled itc porch... teen?' tonl. r ' .... " m ' I '" ' n". rtr If detire, c - ' hetet to the rub.wrib, on the plsee, or lir mail \ hiCeins 0. Lepel., count]. ......e.ter NATHANIEL IN liT Land and Lots. , r,.10E, SALE. .let the Pcnnselvania mo o 's, I editoniog the CODA WI MKS at imrentuni \ Filtven Arnie of Land. with • valuable cosi prirllree Iff tout forty non. of good med. This prole , . is well SnitV I In Prig, tvepect to. • location for mennfecturing pun- ' . •se•-notlicieut ground for buildings. with an for I. runtill of mal. and the canal end nor for erupts,. thin. if not sold In lump before the first of Detemle, lest. will le. laid out In lots and w]ld on forme and In quAAII- en to milt puretowts. a, mapy have applied for building le curing to the amid demand for houses and Into in the medial. vieinity of the roteneive Pod. Work. am in .• ration. fuel:00,1 THOSIAIR MELLON. lESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-- / A tot of ground frontni., 95 feet . Cr.!, etrekt. could. I','4 feet to tlnel. This property In but a .ort cludancefrom the defile of the Ohio and Penosylvank ailry.ad. For Prop. imply to 3.F VON 111./NNIIOIIST CO., ICI and tg, Front.,, ieo Pittsbugh. Pa Private Reside ce for Sale. • " lIE subscriber titre] . for sale his 77:1 i t, COUNTRY PEAT, sitn•te lon the • Allegheny ;: ] ]l , ver, .1001 four miles from th rdy of PlMMunith.••••••• tooking from NINE to TEN It FS of ground. under '. high, ,tale of rultlvatlen. It. hounds with 'Shrubbery. aniental and Fruit Tn... of almost erery .lenerlfitine >Menlo made eany Enquire f FItANCIg 1 1. BAILEY, tile womb... of Ilesers. P., DALZF.I,I, • CO., fin 2 , 1 I M street cell-i.• To 11. IfE well =known •E GLE 110 TEL, er, 4 d N °Well :THIRD ST REG I . 111 IJ , DELPIIIA dI, ,I ' d] ' di teruptid id• Col.llll. I.f . WEBB. formeri, opens], mmllon, Ohio This large and rontniodiOns 11 0. 1- -Containlng IlDirabls 1211 ennuis. • gentlemen's parlor 'X Ity 70 Fret, • ladl,' Mid sod orthimry, 4 krfrati• palm, with bed moms at, limb a dining room 41. by Minvile-mtvated in the LOUd. atm well id the largest Wholeral.l.llotife, nearly prnitte lbw well known holm. kit f.Cligl, MARDI EL. h ', 1- ran lw bad at • nweoneble rent • fk tuol after hrHST DAV OF APRIL Nl.NT.lwhen its ikerwot e Imse am ine ,\ wt • . h Hotel Qtly er..et../. upon the latest mod most k_ pror.l ety le NI. off. tesiotomendation,, howder. • .uIJ be neednl. Mao the otiPeralleled mere, et Om eent occupant during the ten/Y.l Me leg, . or further party...niers ...tains, the own. r, CIIIIIOTIANI A. DA 11:1EhEll Ahnobenntri 1 , 46.01• at Third ea, Plitt delplii• - n 0 LET-A large. , and convenient to •. ' w AilEll.l,:+ I:. on +.., mil sI re., Ictivedn Woodill " limillifietd lengutia.,4 . 'WM II JC , IINSTtiN ~ry .._ . . --. Great Bargain! '• IBERTY ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE. \ -The MANSPM 1101 , 114 0 neer!, tetd hi. I/ It • y, end now he 4if Pe n n, iv nitere4 at priesde rale. J Ilitel is .dm.....tie to ~ r atane baolp. and ulcer It - taunt, of the lAnnty lialltnail Par.rticer ILIto -ha. reht.l for 11,:x] per year-hr, nroltects or in. 7/T \11.4..h7ed..e1,..10 . 1 . 0 . 0110 egt 0 n 1 ; 01 .7 . 1t!r .11f7•111LIII. C Pdts bur. h Administrators or thil 4,4, 04 man Vatrioan. de , .1 00.44,- . .10 S ...„_ Private Residence for Sale , • • lIE PROPERTY is offered exceeding- r. 5 . 4,1 ! ..,"IL 1, :c...nil en rate antantandatina' a fil . .. rt , ~, ' ; Ic ost rimaili .s. onc.l .14 LI, raiddly del rpm Ca` n w r -w . Ingliont The most.. I. unsurrgreyst in the MIMI , 0, M 40171.111407 a mcer ple ,- .411, view , thk eits , IV , . 1 oh IN t he three rim re at affair, betsfdemaheing conk, •1 . the huelnee• gerf, Vlntorgb: cvnabining 'nun PI mot , legiv. lb, Yittoll‘,oo 0( tett. townemleountry I he Int is large. rotbraring oral Ot. acre 0 ktroutiJ. Is I I hoodred end fifty feet Iron, rant.] tract, no bow 1 .1 • a. efts Feet n• af alter The ittit00,4:400,04, are s k , ; the hen,. hnek. teatlt In Lundeen etch, of he hest e tn.. Ind. nnuthr,l In the ined manner. hatinnyeeery . enlener that arkil tarty an, elfin eould eoreeeta eel. 1 ...I It ....v.oint neve IL • well of excellent Nita. Ift t ate do., any yet,. I.]) Fir hydrant wan, PLyryane I we and rtabltua. 'a eartell ail choke null mid ebryte • 1 In short, its Mtuotpo .1 .avant.;-... e r n only le F 0 ate.' Id an esedniootio of the rrevomen ti nny I wish.. ti ll hnee tier into to rah on then od, ed. who w take bloom,. In antin er . PY i ne'red , It is • rare. chance ser remain. *delightful t.. F •, to urchase. s lotion. we,2 NAIErt IRVIN, 11 4 hekonil et ;.. Real Estate. OR :SALE-Tie„ }Joule, and Lots in the Filth ward--.r.0. en Liked, tire, and the,ettur in ! A. rear . , ...a pi., ^I ground. 1 idi het is Webeter . •trret. by I i... eel ..a Suo..ers ,t Ennui.. at ZVI Laser, et s ' , d 0 itygulf Prorxmi ' , 1:7 \ • ' '''' . . i .r' I TRANSPORTERS, (.!O,NI3IISSION\ A 1 tino.c.t:L IIERCIIA• NT, -r, ssb. co ..creco s e t c... term, PIIVIt very •aluelile 1111 . 4 cmh Ircnbim Zi 1 . 1% loch., on Pink Lace, Alleghsni Pity. att.l front \ . n the Penne and Ohm Reamed. ] within le eriums, .31 ~ iennt,l and ...siding beck to lb- t.atl.l Bonin. Meer , onlinc die greatest !online.. Idr shi p ment tr amt.., i c r i::: . artml cil . Canal. t tern, ennui. of IL C PTOCKI - 01Y, Allegheny Celt,: . 1 I 't ' the Pm:Mtn, of It C SToCKToIi. d .1 .. nob. roroer et %la bet iin.l Thant a, t ; Le 4 For Sale. .- LARGE lot or piece of gronnd situate in pr " i , It,. Slat, 0 art a the eitr of Paehurah • Iran. ! ' 4, , ; tSu feet on 4 Wynn rte., and extending t+. l - or, 1 I i tetilril are.l Thls yap , ely le fixated' ireetir ' t ^o , .1 00.10. azd in the frietnlty of the tuiale renelen.. 1 -.' • late Ili aleteath Ykq., .4 the. daiUting house kt • .. lemon, Ey,. end ran ly. lived as siblohlr ground eI, the ereltiou ot one or Pao taatefal lerollinuf Lie ; r eta ft at. , email, teurnionta ' ;_. ] ll' 0 .--.41114 11001 to hood etd the Woo, i err:. ,1.f..1 j 's' P at prment0.....,,,..4 by Mod and ; mat. r ply tr. Prot, E 0 II AT,I, Ally'. Irina '4. 14 dtt No. flu booth arret • .• II . • ._ , ~ It lIENT-The Dwelling, N.,. l a tt wv. i Third street. near Solithf4.l.l- s ae um. as Lett....-0 Imrk fulfill. aid the paLoting and topenng obitmiee. nun ht... l• ...let.] The b... 1 rhain1.•011 , 111 tri ;J not., ha. a hath ne. attached, vial hie and ,shi t na.: , utter e1t...1„ Ate. ...Luke ailynning.ist • mai/dote rent - factul 0 DARLINOTON, usb.tf F. tint. street. nem Word For Sale or Perpetual Lease, )lITY.TIIItEE BUILDING LOI'S, laid i till to nut lot It n .01.10 ti, 0,1 00.100. or le" Mwtt I 11 . leg hoot. fronting on both .1.14...; .I Rebes.v, street- end 1 nk Lane , ... .. for rent for one or more year,, the reaultie of tn.. I I. o tturlitil. extending Ludt to Ri.lge Yqeet, haet] `` T• led an • pardon. tut. id in erms. ilc, euqtare al II: allifikli ItUIV.I.,AI), near ; 14 . 4 reronem of the entscribet, et men or] No lot , sr Ili Pittsb or urgh. II fill‘lll WI I. I. V. I A Good Bargain is now Offer APPLICATION RE MADE S N. nun Three to Four ACIttPl. to Duquesne Mre Ihil\Td. Iferv'm Inland-on a premise, I. • good Mn nel oreneitary buitllntra no. The property mat t, 4.41. , - .l 0 halm and old et e hied prollt Permns di•pocel . /hue snit imp], to 11.111Itli a Ilt YIN, \V, I .2, , 114 :Wood in. \ Ni t. N .. .. _. . ‘ l\ ''' 'Wilkinsburg Academy. and Fr, ale F.'nyl oh and Claxgql -- School '. k 4 / I .[l,llollti. 4.1,401.14,14 COUNTY, 41 \ i I A ARIES RUSTON, A. M., Paixeiesl. lIS INSTITUTION will be open ftib the , '''' reception of in e r t, (mob and 0.n.a.1e) nu Malgt. 1 rc in sit. ui in_ The • uf instruction mor]. an oche. taught In It,, hest Arademies and Pam ' )t lb.- Illusttatlont 0111 be Oren 1,4 all I.renchek mbeditting tn. The &hoot le pturided •ith an extensive, and ble Philoimphlcal, Chemical. and Astrunomleef Ay . . ~ ' w s. For Circulars, contidiung Intl partirularn ...I C., salt.. . the Principal. i, i. It insturg„Aogutt 14. 1151.-1 anglaidecriwanidi . S i ) :,7 United States Patent °Mee, ), an& i ~,, th. - roota 0. 1.' , 51. D the petition of M. Sorel,‘ 4)f Paris, !!i . :1. 1 .; raw, pniylng for the erten... of A plitent grant. . lin for an improved method of preonterinnut sod runt ontrodotion for .even rin, from he rani . 1 ' .°l. rot said patenL which &Akre piece an t De ne]vdenth cember. Ihra rdered that the raid pet...n be he at an. Pat i mn nu liaturilay. the oth of Deem:ober. F.sl.`fit 12 I 1 S.. and all per..., or...tined to &pica end Fr .. If an' , they hair , l. aby Raid pesitlon nogb.h. ,, h l, .......... ir sTP-4 m.....,....t0u the extentlon antreal] . .l to fl ain la . 0111ce their nhoretione tperifieall tel forth lived , j t least , twyttly , dars brfort• th.. .lay of hear. . ail . " tUnt ' and ' tnbfil r ll ' ietT In. a: : : . •!N " ltOn ' ..nlAt.; \ 0. f the taint, firhlen kill to furnished on applle• . op. BalOka, thnt thia nutlet. fe tuallfehed . the .4 .4 ] , • y... ligencer, Republic, end ' Colon, of Washinot ~, (di 'Alt ilZillin?..=;l'.:...ttil;l4ol,;4 °..nl7 :::AL - ' t r i l rune, Abode Wend: bally Adrettlter, Baton, It,, 't thi; Commercial liolittin. Neer Orhion, Louisiana: .0. burgh timette, Pinot or:tit. Pennsylvania. on, 0 ' '..r.. ,r.t!rr - .•,,•x. -.. J- -01.1 Viir:::= 0 .'A-1,b;;2 0 d 'r 'G \ ' 11. , t1, . Commissioner of Patents. 1 in In . . sky iduttial Life Insurance Company, P, U, ' GUARANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO. ' r ''''' IS COMPANY offers to the insured ' , kill I, . ~ Porosity and ailwatititket of the flat.' An.l.leaft I Ito Ink heretofore arca...ll ailu ...IL name r' Ink I premium; an annual n turn i t invh til t r pktlf natult..l far the enotlngent ri..4. of the fe 0 an I Le. tut nat eteneeave omelet. file the mon. k I member. fur We mohair anti al bk.. nith an nili Ito I met In the ansumulaUtin fund ..eureil VL t h 1 • rs, payable id deathld I le upon their DOllOl . •ty fund t1,•141]..1 I nc l the permanent ...entity • rto 13...tnt...r... and elm fur the proem, mum, r Mu whole ,rani, of Ole. hie Is the only klutual I.lfe Iwornum Cumpany Ow of premium .re rind et a fair fittillt,tl ADM, II a provision:R(or an manta* tnerearin....-Lienu. an f tun. (fur funs, 401.1rit,) In "tart t. iportfeu la non( of .010....• and the iner•-••tng rk 0-om .1- e . ..i. among the methere. .hlota tract, at. giving In detail trie en and FIA the tfinuonny, furnieha axiom. and apt ',kn. I , sort. r...tv i s . / by J. T haulm.. Ane t- ] ~,,,. LZ. Ikoml ntreet. Flt. Lt. M. i ~,,,......, ;• 011arna., Mrillell listauton. ill . lis) 'DRIES,- - • ik a _31.11.1» Winter &Undo.] Wind.* 00. T 5..., .;. 1.1. " ,. . Itaet...s titthiV" , .J;;.V 11 - brown Tanners' dui, , , 1 10 begs sinus Mu Coffee. . \.. \ 24 hr. rhea]. Y Il Tea IU - e an, A lk - 4 ' Poncho. T.. 12 and 6 D. haze, calm Orte. fur 01001 7 .0 ' . ° '.. A , tea, k's T 0.... ehoi o " ,caroler,... 11l .• 1 D. Lumps, s. .. , \• '. :3Z. It r 4. N",-. - - - 0 . WA. Crntbot So., 1• IV . 4 " s'a " 7 eteitU r a d i Tixt sbr. • . . . 111.1MIIIMNI TRAINSPORTATIO dte --111kROLIGH \TO OINCIFTHA '‘ ' \ • ' c "- TN \ . crlIN and atter moNDAy, OCTOBER Nth. Ms "Cleretind and Cincinnati Jtallroad Coax ' w I semlnat from Citteland an karma, trait: t ea ty7 a lu g at Gunlock. arrivin g Is Cliwinnatl at /0 O'cl..k. ne ~,.. i „ ., morning. snak,l4lf i it,a , , ,,hr . mtbs ost _ a b. For tlekets apply 0 .l”-V. Agent. (IlDetatre.) f \ i, corm rot Wat er and Smithfield et,' . , Or. d• 11 .1.. , K1:41.:31, , s l o.nuntrahrls Dana, „---,, s , , \ Ohio and Penttsy,lv suua• .11. ailroad: • ClIA!111••• IN Tivn i.,F OTA lit \ lN ti. (Ilk AND AFTER ;MONDAY, tile Gth insi., ; T ti n . afternoon tram wall... a r e Now liri g t, tha kt m g ~ , „zai N glx, t plo t t,g; di t; a f e r ., itedert str.eStatiatt at 4 oelgtf \ . .• \ t i alt/' l'AltH IS, Tiekes,\Agent. ' Ohio\ and Pennsylvtuaki Ltagrogd . ' - wmcg FROM . Pirrvnultbili Ili, NEw... IIRIGHTQN : \ 24 MILES. ' \ , g r g N and l attar MONDAY, AUGUST 1 ' 1ti.ii'0.„1,;1711r,.L1..7V': 1 1Tall"CP.m. 1, \' ' \ .EA Vr I.llrotEta.ll N It a AI. and 51 \f. Al \e iAI' FIE,,:i Cilw. PER a /Li. \ \ \ Claire. urniee , ,twekre Teats or age all prlre, Itelween httaharata and lAnyam , ' a \ Fures',3o , ,eta .‘. 7111 RI , /2 : ,'. , VZ'''' 3 \ \,.... ' l' s t • \ rl laii. e .t' i s .. „ ... s , -, „.. ' Ntlw , Ttailt • \'' \,„ 4 '', \ ail I.'wortoon tteker, wily,. „lid at edit. ra es ' \ Pet a ertt I.l}noral. outd Rethesier , to anY at(4101, , z s !lette.er Pit \ hurt , 1. and s tw Inaghton la d back, .., R, The Tra s u will net r u n .1., toinday. t -rcnrintgt Twa..... tem,' on s,urday le t t' 1..„ str a w f ur 1.1 ret s pa` a ,On Mont, ~, ...done., will be at law Depot. on‘Ftale at knlll4, ra.a.ncer.. landing there arty atnit e a on *h \,„ Dont th.'llrldt t . tw„ the Ninnongaliela 1 tow. they May y 'lfni,. Ontnibue... earrill also 14re the „ lionongthelW Ilon a . Innut•hatoly rr, 0 WU% to the , learlng pf thellar a for \ “, the mat, anee „1 to...gem:era tn thel,Depotsunnung 4 4 tae , Met - tha' Hotel, O.- t-\ \ ('ltarl..., /Ana it iittonOvEt Nan . %iota tu 01.ariet. st..l Pi. tg St Clatr -tn,.t At ahy pram! along ft.. rut...-,......z. g .• * can hoo t t innultr. and \* g , ~.'rhea elde lb, . , l traar,....l am u.. ,-at...1,.1. .1 beyond cqeir Ilr htro, au , ti... • urittur t o.. ti,/.1..,1a, \ • I, Octet oi th. I,rl ol Inrretortt, . , 'lf • ,5„ 5t ,,,,, p A , R a siN , PENNEYI,VANIA qu,rL.Ron. in-TN TI. LOOKPOIIT, TWENTIIMILEBWE T , a ', (41 ..1 alto ' .. 1 \\ " c° \ an , I , il. PALL ARTZANGENIE,NT. 1.85 T,, I. CHANGE, OF HOUR\ In ie l TTINEI9KIO , IIED AY) SPELL INCREASED! „ 1 , \ Pennsylvania Ratfttiand Railroad an ti Erpr e aa Parity[ Lin, ". ~ . , 01 mites /12 runes Canal. *. "s ti : \ Tr. 1,101,1 PLEaitri•lin Enaltnniatill YORK .. PI ADELPRIA., n BALTI3IORE & NEW "'. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, -N - , ' ' iliiiiiia ° I'XCI.IISIVELV FOR l'AssiNcElt.‘r-) On an ain't Monday; August 256, the : Park.. oft i* Line will lent. Plttabur g h for Lockport e : evere morn. • at ~ n 'el. o rk, and rtery tuning at 2o'rlork, rt'iYx r1'ec...3.7::ti",A,T...-,Tt'.447..i,t"..1,'1,1tr°;737417,11;`:1r .r\ re, I w I•bibutria... 1 Fat-Thale through, Forty Hoorn - Tall 1111. Z 1l5 t !"; t - tWill ' lW.,. °' i , t;..tft ` ;: t i'g'.7,::; a 4 r f,11!41.1. 1' canal Lfir....enabl. t i n g lion, on ;swim,' at Posbulalphiato 00 , v01 on t.. Near Iflark . , Mee I'AFSENGRRS FOR IIAIAIMORE ' , Takelinrk and Cumberland Railroad, at tiarrittbutg- Dtrutnee. el g hty tour old,. 'hum I , olf it hours ~, , I 1., to l'atiadelabla. $lO Far,:, to Baltimore, 09.10, ', do fanrast, In do `, Harrisburg pm. If yatt ...sin, cboafa i t y - , raeali m ea na l comfortable serm „111 , on*, _ . d ant . aee t tr e , nor I l•ott at-the TleketOPl c e, illonongt, '7 d sby .P. , IIOLATES., Agent, en' Or Df '!.'LEECH & CO., \ . v.! ' xtA. ', Canal Dalin. Fenn street. ',,, , - FARE REDUCEDJ - , • hilEil 1451'. ,Rtgg MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Via Browtorille and Cumberland, to Baltimore and Philadelphia 'HE .BIOR NI NG BOAT leave" the Wharf al g a the Bridge natty: at 5 o'clock precisely, ma g e. tin with th.. erir..tt Cuntl,wland next morning. Th. Flynn... lb,oot leap, daily , (except buntlay earning) I • t ~ • ',keg, to o re.on l, eetin gs. with th. c an at Cumberland next „11m.g ..ntn at thro..ll In il..lum,re. 22 hours- Fare only $9. 1 ) 1.!" f t ot h r:„ . , ne t t' 'l' - "I"loV'Mkf,:ehTretbo'llnaL.l ken toA'tro' fr Id lie Coml., n Renato: T ß I. and Cumberland. whigh .li,, tat* deogia,lly the beetarnott , E.!. '4. 101 FS if WIN. Arian C. „ air-" ...lair. math. ltlonottgabela Liu., ' la \ PENNSYkV• i \\ a.ar - ~.. , ~,,,,• siisvNil 1,. Liirkyori, 20 mile, eest of ./ . ‘Anatorrn. = TI E Rennin Aar. SPFEO \dNr'IIEIFED. a NIIE .'F,IJ BSCRIBMIS hare ehe pleasure to 1 vital • . u. 0.. t„ t[ ear fr,rode and potrealo„ ne the \Remo , 11. W. }aim.. 1.1 -tad, thud ast, tat, C. , I4131(1) I 4.l.ll.bibVins (the;. o ',r e ek port_ mi , amhdebtly ex bect to J. Iv., frelgiapa. 111`l o rm I.bil. tel t .... It. 1011% loal , tr, s m, tow , ....tred to teoeirc,„.l torwar , any antownt "PO. 1 place \ 11 , • , ...,11... • !. i ...:111.7 b w,it!t 5 t ,1nk r „ ...i. 4 , v1, -.. wh i, l . ta,,, Dock \ the .11 ‘, 4 ' ...T i rt.,...c 0 if0„,,t.i ' I. 1„ A ' r ~. 11;ST CVt•s-Drall , mals. 11...ghne„. dloeka, ` l`tnts , .lat h .ton y, Cutlet s ,. slantect....er, 0,14, 1. 1 ‘.lk Lb er ~ 1 , unntur e ' , ru g *. 1 1..v.rmea. 1, 4 ~,,,,,,, , 1:51 It a; :.: j . t.;.. \ 4 .6 .•*- 11 ar:lw•o•.1./„..emorme...i ro :'' . ' 1 i ' ''',':' e-r t ...., Ca tat , 1J,,, :q.v., ion, Leather. Clo- \ Tact, ter. flax. Tkronth r ata, oda, Ora. Sew.. • Ls \ g or 1r1e"tf......‘.1 . . , i';' , 4'ne. g1 , ,.r , butts. ............ i tr . '" ...I. Tolvt.to I.:a u f, Cont.. \ell. w. Orain and - I hit. i i.'nil 1?... , ie, \ ..a.:, 1iatd".:e:„.1.17.-i.z."' and 5 ' lion 11t.0n.t.. ratan C1.,-. 111.m.e., It.. , nat c ..50, -.. '''... \ Col itOlt. 1 (:OLR. Agra.. and S \ mtg.:, , , rorr.or .4. 1'...,, an d IVX, Dr xifr.Xxx r f i, ' EW YORK ANDE.A\W...I RALLRDAD. `V''''' kl. - igtlit, .1851.1 \ Elf liorl'i TO , NEIV I ORK CITY via 1 . ~„,,k,,-, „,,,, ,i,.. Ye. Itallroalent.nret.m g with I ' " -r • ~... .' ti n - 0 -t, I al.. 1..1.,... tl, Al . I {an,Clreelatel. t "" .1%., ..I l'lnvartolti. eit r c land and ltteburah. and ! lc., .110, an.1,...en..... I. ,mitkr.l.. and 'rimer...ap t ', , erry d ..... 11..,a ! .... a , ri,.... ...on 4D. ob,. Tat.. so,' i , ..,, , ''lsa/YZ: EV Iv r DUNI:L[I:k 0011. lit .., dailit • r s t 'nod al. 1.011.00., otirrE • ',' \‘'. ri'll'll- . gr..- rratn'et a ill el I ~,,,, uk i , t troa. - ' , ...1. - maul 'I use of , a.. ‘ t .,,. Tesl g .4 X A ,I rlanra. lrbeg, .......ebl g r. ran \ n. 41- .. s , t ..„ th e Lag:et-Irm o - arrtw.na in New ! , 5 . e .',,,, •, 0 „. 1, m . r., ,„ •. .l , • e1,...b. wad:in...ta r a ko/...i.5.nr.... , I fry az s . , , t ,' ti' . ....' , '.. - ...'a ' : ,. '5.'•:,:', 1 } 1 , • , : ,11 ,. 1 .7,, T ‘TA,=;',f,,' "r k :,.,' t., ' s \ ,ltt.„,*late ll .• 1....-rotaw. and I.roers. ; s ' F cr., • .r, tr.... Douai', t.,,,... 1 , t,. fa. ?rood Chg. $ I t .. .0 •\1•111 1 0 torn in a tea Ways I laid. ~,„,,, , I ~1 a r . ~ ,, , , .......cr „ tr.-at... n e w t hr. atnck ant w„,, .1. ..Not at/ 1.1(44 I..tan tml o New lurk t„ „'dl., all. „gnu nall In 00,1 to at e eß. Th.. amain. I r' ..4 ry , a., .;.1.. 010 0.t.00. Ivato great alsanta n ... a re r . • 'et • c„. gay,. ttmlr,ale hi the tnso*ontlattnn of Slnek. 1 im.l • .. 4 J .l,r. .tra t 1 r....n. will b. ),,, , ot In mnarobwinn in a , ut rg t o u. ...„ a, I se q. will 0.- „Imribute:l,, g......C1011 oarticu- ' ''F' • .1, „ya. I 1,, the pr.,* •dl,Vrw a bt. w ao„ri as they ran I , C11A5•0117 , ..,T,,5n a 1. , I . ~,t-ta "tit 1 M. Co-vr. Daintirt. ' 1 1 % 51. -WEST ERN \ ,1851. 1 iiss , .. 'IRA NS POLT ATION COMPANY..;?;. ,, '' D. LEECH Sr CO'S. LSFIB.' . \ 1 '' and VIA. \ L l r bo l a' . 1 e; 'RAIL R OAD AND CANA. ,i 0 ~,. e, I kind , ITS BP RIO IL 'P/IILADELPIIIA, 8.AT1,1- Oran .1106 E, AND NEW YORK. 2 r 3 . 1 - 110 711 E Canal Leing in gond order, we air I ," th , • N ~ , --,4,r, to trato.pora /artfu.. ant met-eh... Mae tA , . front On. ...e.• rt....at the lowest current rate* Ma ... ' 5 ' will. v.ll. ininakinv.. md disoatt'h. 'rho boats tad I nauch I .at a g .....1 and ....trol,' by th e amplaetnna Enna 1 ...Elvin ,th ug tranlolloo.l. . 0.1 ill hoot-union. promttly at- . ~,,,1 , tfl, to s .. r ad Iree• ~, , IC4t° ' \ israillaate. B er . tltir i n r •lTPZlZ rg b. ' ' i s t „, h' 'l ff , it..--...;.) 5e - t... 5 ,,r,"1t'.'....'.. 5 .1 t r it,' : l l. 1 trN, 5 1'...4.-'..7hlia: little 0 • \ t.Sll l l'rr! r lTat. 7 l s n. L t n g o , s ,?, l e ' t " . ' 5 Yak ' . - awl cut Y' Ir*rlej.. tt!',r' .: 1 .0.1.1. , \ '''' '. "". " , ,.'"L N ''''` ‘ .5 " . ', . 04 m 'o ' t e' 26 HOURS TO CLENTIAND. m,a. We' ti 1... - . -- --I_4 \ tBS t . litiiiia '. , ~.. \virrsi,uituit \ AN I, cLEvEI,AND , dleme, /',car ani: Railroad Lone to Oa - eland. i t'' , . 'v ~, : i'..Ni.:EllS. leave every mornig at 9 , ' 5 " .5 ,,, a , ao, I. by eteamleatt fel-, Rear. r. then, by exam.. '." ' 1 3 k \.\ '; C'.:. It 7 ;. ° ln:l' hos " ' n I.""' ''' ' ''''' ' '''' 1 al [dial" t M. 0.) \ `undid, , t , ;1 : •I s l.,.. „ 11. ...,;::: lt,r. To c t ,,, t . r..„i n t.. gloo.!rn- 180 . oket* t,,Wparthrou g h to ' I r , ' ,,, t., \\CINCINNATI, Coln:lo.o k m* .0.0::: ;,, ....r ...1 : : 1eee1a ta d uta.trieukiesti '...k. }al v Il a volv I.l\ 0.11. Chloaani . ana Slewankio. loovel ,\''.: iiinoil every ea iug st . tiii, o eimk. i - the rplenillil , .+. m o:•:::. r i .f i. ' o t r • tilink ( lT " b i fitill'r"o:l Co. f!; trITIZ • I 8. 44t7• 1).c 4 \. . rowa: onto.. holititiZat I.bo br etotniboot, • i , .i. • T inK lor water Clio Ohio rlri r. tan rout, tol,looln- 1 Ell(' . 01 Inuoi, and hiiliLo r ,s. will liw Omani mu gtilekar. I tianuas s "\'''' ' ' ' ''''"ii!qr ' rf .' ,l7% r.ris, ,;,..;\ I m '' ./ N s 'a ilviesitvraa.r . \ . I Ell , O atlormutil e rt\ et, ply toil .I ~. len E. P r ' " 'N .. ' r J 1•4111, \ Leal:Mill:1; Ag‘t. \ aj g ,a f e ss, mrae r o f ton t ikteld and Viatetr s l a-Jon x,:..6 - ‘, \, trupoake'llut Vununtralpaa lit., ~ kr ~ % X I . III}BM /Rill 1 w•n, . . i 7 \ I 8 5 \ 1 • \ itati: ' \ .1 , UMUN LINE I 1 111 . i 4, n the Pennixlvania and\Ohi? Canals. PR.:ZIPRICTORS: s . a . , e t or\eat AIME. I.IIRS. 51:o soa , nan. - t.a. in,. aual,leolo I AN] ItF./LLIN, Cileilr,„l,lßD A 10.,.... Int'ai.otry O. nenttia . ble dl lei Hell knownVdne it now ., r i epa i rell , to ;:a: cutiZ Z:1: X, ' ,t7'Z'Ti.t., ' 'irt,sa_"_" - r ,,i ~.,.11[1,, of tl.; Line yr. d n eur t ates,..l at n inhkr.qual- 1 m , ex,l e l , ttd oape.ray of awl., exr-Wterwe or Cara , , ..I.kul ed• 1 a g ,,,, , 0 liar. ear, Patsl,ur g l, anrialllerelandda.Aru ntung , * between Pin's. " r 4 ' ' ' , 3ll7Tl;l l ...,".'n , i'.'l s .7O'tftrdclm , ..zeolmb o .t o . ' 1 ' ~ • nr. lbe Lake., \ ' , 1 1;ig.N.T..1. calk, r 1 3114 g" ..Itt a .,.k.....uuna, go_ \ ',„ Tor'', itt .puur A • Ilit , lialtanta.. , I ~.,. i‘ 1 Jaii.l. !I: 4 f11::: .. ..1:li '' a:,%: * 1?11; ' , lia' l / 4 ' \ "- TIV 01 1..1 rt.. L....A C.,, Akre, 0_ . ‘. in , 11...1. A Pettibne., attelt.akT Crti•ll.r. \ ' t . 4 .4 k ~ ... ~ u rttr .4. k . c".. ~ t, 410 1 , ... ''.. kLr, Root .ke.t. \ Ida-auk.. la , I , s „.„, ~,.. A. t ;, N A Co- Cli,ago, Ill.; t ;,, , 7,,.",•, I '''''''' . 55 '. 'APT:. 111. f/111:1 - , Arellt. I " 4 r Y \ il l rm.. nate .N F•nDtht.id .a..., Patel - tun:lk ':`4 4 l - , t ncorsion Ticke , ko Beaver, 25 cen ' tk,:` , ' '' •A' " , , .. , r 1...w,1 I i t. iiiii• jtauurn , nr stuamara N I, ~ V". uri, 1 a 0 g ...in 0111:111 , A`Zi 05. 2. will I i. 1. .anduic* at Pit isargh aml I I 't7,„..",',h ~... er t , :Dir....U(03.)K P rf \,(XOL on rollowo- c,,,,, • c, v..,.. -.,•-• e. , ...h at . a. 0. Rochester 2 PR. ' a n't .l , w - n•r , t" "' . Dalnwft.`„ , 3 Procure Fecurmon 1144' .1 ,ter and hack le I'l ltargb. for .50 cent. 1 a'N la int t \ g ,....1 I, down one day anti the next. 1.. a t y on board Me eleatuttnat. ollewver,"or 1 l i p . 11 117.7!{.?ACIll A \ Ac.,.i. Got K; A ' Emithtsji i tl;, , . kawb. 1,.. I , ~4,:i, : Tamest - Made to Forw Freight ...a , p ,l . , en5a.... , .. , TO BALTIMORE JN FI FR Dii\ys;-J thu urge SAbIE RATES. PF.NNSILN:ANIA rt;`,Pit,'..s: 11 .110,11/ CUMPAI: recfitt totliti.J.idant., by .. thaw 1. • • \\ r '"""'''''iitlt ' ll , %raaat;tlaT'n'tt., \ , '-''..';. " l -•- _. , ==.„^ - 1 , ,,,----f......e , „ \, prel,dc7 , 3AL PLATS: 2 EOr tale by., - , 3. !CHO/alit/LEE it CO.. 2.3 Wital k I \ \„W • \ . . . ..... \ ~....\.‘.. \r,....„,r,-,..,„_.,,....--_,_.;-71:1;114, VIEDICAL: . ...., • YERIV PICKBILI \ PE OPAL - - \ FOR TILE Cam ii, " • - . - ' t ) [J GPS, ,coLDs;,nistartnazas;. n al orm , , \ IV, WOOPINO-COIIGEL CROUP, • • TLIMA4 CONSTIIIPTION.--', . 7. Oirel'illg LA the commuraty ~ pis 9 Blttrauel remelt An dlserateaof the throat and Mugs, . to our wt. to th2:::11.11 the bras or heal. gF the. i\ k etod.lc felnirly lay- Minns them the orankera of au °go 6 ,I run and • of the ...met Of Its 'too' . '''''' ''''''' •N'''' ill .T ..rwr s.. tor th....1 ' ... \ We 4.- 0 . ,u1.,\ rfrdaa,ourratipa• to rash. no WlLlarwertionsur fart 0,0,0 . 10 , :f . , •caia.r..a,,,i1l g. wa out any b0 0 • 10 \ ... rutlerin b ity *la. faet• Will twentrtant., \ \ Many aye her, Or., mid Hip/telt. tptiolrY \ , from the p Mk Into all ire ptallab,\ratellug Ita.rad tra7 \ ,A alit tad ,g..•F, perfeetly relrable, and the .Naito wrath, L •• trate ti•st erautiesseind tratroniira t \ • • • ••' \ - 'Preto the di.agulehetl'Prokstur of Chetuira... 01.. \ . tart* NDO, Bowdoik 0 ./ .... . 1 Drat Pa • I delayed ....lug the me - rat of your ' r . .... 4 . 0. batil / h.. opportunity, of w.. Its... "mk 'lt .7 own fatally, or ?nosh; hmUles of \ toy frlnents. .a l aW georztr -Ittr , ..--" , enu--q-. , v ii, , ;t: ... l , o ,., ol . a it a agr e ru . attabow. apo e w\ trful MB , * - \ „„.. . ; . t'titt , ...zy:Fi,lfELAND, M. D. . I Kram an ..er lu the - Wol/tran MID, In thla Iday.i . o; ~:: , ,, , gar.... li, , t , r, eteetel of the tortcoagl i t4 - , .`".', Mth nibs. I Lt . .e y olt -c Zittli of r eeocamerallog it - , • . to °theta ''t to. EMERSON. s' • , Lowell \ Au.. 10. I vo . . \ • , -- • '\44l - Boat th e fonow •-,.d ra tt t this mediae I. worth \ a al. Tide patieut tame, beehbh and the el. \ - eet of the ralicillelll*, 1:11. . . 7 di.:t. • 'l .' 2 '4. C. A l m \ R IT ' f oft T.l ctOftie j :i l titg 4 .:ilo" . • \ n" L „ )feat; of the nogrb and 411 Ma e7anbtonle of settled . um:4U.. Mr.... than tem.. mad 11.. ou• Deice It wenl.l.= mu, 'until engird the P 7 f. ° OutiTt . tte h Vt stestlll; ittlitcettv=== - • ,1-Ibeeith te wen nigh restore 4. \ Whl,lo bbdaa Tony me ga, Iltda4u, fru7lotion of Olga want /t nairaraa- , - .... b.b.-I,i\inefitri,.,nakiiu.7.=',.4t4;istpnEtni....rla' 1,4 41 1: "V ° • 4 1j7er1 b.1 14 , . .- I ''' \. '\ ''''' °°4• 71 . . P r . 47,170V4Tgitit‘t IL•• • \ • Tb fu owl. wratounof the wont ofl,basaa, wh the * \ ' • bratrien atel k frund• thonftt to be incurable . \ AC.r- \ ' Comm, Pm, A s ltib *• ... 181: F \ ' - ''. A, c. r:rxr , rlOr. l \e taken\ with a tarailde• •• • * ' r'''47 o, nb o bra Mid. In t he beginning of laat 14 . %,,..„ . \ ral 4a... et. 01.01 to nay 'bed kr more th. two ..id l e . I ..7jrlretrall ' et i f b lrlg ' Pl! * . '"* . tu ' ttl• - • " • ...rat. Dfliej. / eras mradlT fummated d ln nub.. l rem sm-nreath ,I.hg ball of DM rerams• Mad ,11 ` ; ' ,..; -` .l , i d .g . tt, ll : Pu t ! sk " aguittgrtlat:: • • . \ "e • t.ortl.4f so. \ Ch * . : Prr ' y Pectoral. whrah I toted =Moo': li t ratray hobo ...,, r any eapethatlon If obtalolnarn ,, , --‘ t •• 4 '.1? "Pt ' ItAiliittrtihille- atia . ' . \''s nly to your graft medic., ' lt Mt tbederatraurtituole, Pupated tad jog by J 1,1:6 C. AZPractrattlittam- \ • Lowell Nara 't ' - ' • . ` • bo2d in Attaborit4 obol • and b. by B. kraz . \ MM. • CC1...amA. , 11- LADVPUIDNIO. In Alleohenz City, 711. PLBO/114 - alt mad J. DOB. LA8...1 • Drug werartilr. -17:flaw-S.V ' • . , ; , .. - '....e ."•-. --‘ *' "Att •!..,•;.-::. * I.• A••• •-r .L - : -, :5)::. \ - 4.4..LcA: -' 17,. ; - . , :•‘'.' 4 7' " 4 \;\ ,c....:.7:rf1 . :''. :--- . 7.1.. . - .'"i ' . • \ - • : ' ;•,. -:- ..; ; ;:i-:::itif i l.:;•± . .... - . .5. , . ' ::: • _ ....-,,) ..\\,- - ~,,. ou - - _,....--: --N, ...,...,,..-.,,. -,... • - ~,. i : :- .--.... ,, r. e.., ••;.........."-•:;:-......,....-•:,..;.- . --4 ,i , ..---.: --.... .„..,. ' ',.t:„!:,44%; , :,i',. , - :-7 - '''....- - .?'S e - ...` , 7,-.: . :' 0 .... .... -`^ .. ' I R. ODYSOTT'S .. Iratirotal Exit - set of - ... -• LF , LfetIV DOCK AND PARSAP ‘ ASILLA; , Is cur- ~' t or , to the hagest Brad . Deane. and 11 Arktioal7thfrad \ be the B.E.ST,SARSIPARILLA made, . to Ord - • • . the woodattra ‘ Cl/DEP Iphai perform., the orb*. aka aewllleh are to the Imsrassion of thrproretker , ' • member. thin La them:lf/rate oral orrarara l Thin mkdkdae, Len 0004 „ \ Eru.ptions of the Pk., •• \ \ , . 11 ~‘....ch,......,..........\ \ ~.....• _ Intenutatisto. Patna in the Bones or b • ~. \ Johan, OIL Dom and:Pietas. P.M. of •\, the tilratra,flyphtlft, D gall Db... .• A V.,... , ,' , Planned \ the Vidmas. eAPPetlk. \ - *" •:. •••.•:- . ''' • Dlscamarisatt% t froat the se of Mem ; - l `"•,; • ; . ,-IX.--', • cony, Pat \ , Photthbent, CO.. Deb ty, :.--- . , e...,,.., \ Zrcerr, tocAsco.aest.-...,.i 2718 REST FrAbiLS 110,K7.NZ .11.1,V014 , ,7 ,--.. .. . le nmplentConot.ptiombliterenaram Intl \ or 3lnustrai •0. -L- Locomen`, or al IMMlneo pe ntinenee. Clint. and ‘'. .:, • oral gimok state of nand,lartiend In DP Goo, \ ' .... • • - tio •Ildrato Drals toad Soradra*ta, whlebtees tot . '• t • . ; . • rate relief *a nn.. the krumrationo of Wand . \ ~.... ..e.-the braid. It neutralise. rad \ human', stop - . -t% :at° rat sem... sand glee. hralthY Mimi. t'.. -, '•'• • ' ... ~.\ \ , . \. \.\ ~.. • heaL \d tall who wish in \ iiurge the blood froathinthaparthkea • , '%, • rad from the tre 4gggigkokka tug ,gipk•:. .)title - ...... •-•-\ ga. kg. eat to preymre tba , aTathth Iro reeetithrtmer , emit', neon now to 1:17. Boymotes Fainted Va te asp„ k mot Para hfett aparilla, w I , Immiag Itrattran thlo \ •*; ' • o ny of the mat malignant diseases that Iktp4l.o