The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 28, 1851, Image 3

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, ' 1 ,, : OP QUA3TZE lINOMONEI. ---
I; - Before flue 'Honorable William th McClure,
President Judge, 133 4 Williali , Bow and T. L.
1 McMillan Aisociate Tadgea
t Th o ecuit. of Qcrarter Sessions Woe opened
yesterday morning, when the list or Grand In
rote was eared over, and
,thejuiy faceted.
MiSlimisr Jedgo McClure, then delivered a
brief that charge, in the conree of which be
i emegratelated the Grand Jurors upon the, small-
IraeSS or thA criminal, calendar, as coelpored with
that of :previous sessions. Be dwelt upon tbe
fact, Witirb he knew to le rinTEC-Lti 'applied to
i AlleglienY County, that . ..sver nine - tenths of the
. crime committed reenit,l, directly or indirectly
from the else of intoxicating liquors Sedge Mo
Clttre Winded to s the necessity which exists for a
work house . ; In order to check the alarming
growth of vagrancy:and pe,tty mime, and in-
I formed his- auditorsthat the initiative step bad
ibeen taken for the erection of a Boone efliefuge
for juvenile prisoners.
The OrUnd JurY t tben rotiredlo act upon the
!billi prevented to them, and the Court adjourned
until two, o'clock. 1 -
801:1113E1 Fairmnu .cliarged on oath of Daniel
p3nyder With curet of the Peace, was discharged,
- ;the proneentor haring failed . to.Oppear..
. ?•1 Comm:m.l:3lth .es. Arthur , Itend;ger - .;,infor.
'7Litistion surety of thg peace on 'OAt 011.41.1 e
Dobbs. The caan ices one of en exceedingly en
' important . nature: Defendant disCbarged. on
losyment of The' coots.
Onto ?PCP' .#0T.17.TA.514"
23:m.81V atilwa hundred and 6fty-ftre paasen
-vra were:ni-i-;!ed the. Ohio and Pnnesplya
' ada_ flailfwad lasi sleet-' The receipts were
V . . 4,5 0; - - • •`
Itartwat.:-.Very - nonenlerable roligintts inter
et prevails in the notigrrgation.worshipplbg in
the South Common Methodist Church, Alleghe
'On EY?. Mr.: Dutdap,..otator.. Many pentane •
.pottle forward to be Frayed
for, aid several bare
prefessnd Uonversion. Meetings are beldwyery
sxoß"=4Lera was, far tibenean boar an San,
dap Wight,. wvoippenwit fall of snow. The next
• horning : noWnr-fay ow the roof
of sothe of our,
WiSnoW-S'inisos.--We are glad to see that
- fr. ii. limamond is again in Pittsburgh, saga
,ked in applying his excellent springe:tothewin
'Bowe of our citizens. Re manufactures springs
dor both the leirer . and upper Sash; sad - fixes
hem on is a. neat and datable 'style, to all Linda
windows. Mr.- fl. has had over twenty. Years
perience in thehneiness, and has, within the
• ast tirelye.years, applied his springs to a large
Uumber of houses in this city andvicinity. Ile
p. theta pO. window -in :our office last-wed,
• sir far as we are capable of both
. .,,rout that mid the numerous and lespectable-tes
menials 'Shown rte, we have po hesitation in
ttheestblly recommending this 'gentleman to our
leti, and wish' him that tocoese which the
tility of hie imprdirement merits. We refer our
den to the advertisement in another 'column.
. •
• r , Arista Bisuor.—The Buffalo - Repub
plc thlisispeaka of this lady: •
lifinkit'llisnor's CONCEM —The farewell con
herb : of: kietlarae Bishop will be given this even
' fieg atc . rineert !rail, and the entertainment offer
od oner,which will prove worthyof the high
r t eputation this rticomplished singer has acquired
; • , hrisughont Abe' world. The: fame of Madame
• ;Bishop le firmly established in this Country and
.•Inall sides she, is acknowledged to be ono of
• • efinest wingers end most finished musicians of
s he day: 'There are no performances offered to
.ho ponlie more_ popolar or more attractive than
!, Iser lyric entertainments, and in the hot beds of
• • : .4.11115/C4l Went—in Italy, Germany, France and
• • .
(England—they have won for her a high and en
... • . ,
fame... Her triumph throughout the states
tas been sufficiently brilliant to satisfy the Most
mabitions, mind, and everywhere she has won
Aolden opiniiinv, no less through her generous
e;iv.lture than from her splendid talents.
.k r • Madame Bishop's scenes in costume eztite al
.• • ';';••-• •:' Mr.. Thies,' one
~Of the traitßing agents of
:.; - gr. Boehm, manager Of:Madame Anna Bishop, ,
, • Min this city, for, the purpose of forwarding
' .l f t he nemsiary arrangements for the Grand Lyric
I,:nteitainment already iatiouneed
. .
ParraUT.—Two hundred and ninty-tbree 6011-
. #and gonads of freight were carried last week,
• ;.)ver that portion•of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
`rallroad,lchicki is gibbed
_ ,
1 PZE.IIYAMLE PLIME. ROAD.—T 4 receipts on
-.". .. •; ::'
•Ihin plank road;for the laic two mouths, have
.." -• , , .motented to nearly twelve hundred dollars.'
"i• - • ••; : , l ''
1 DINt . TII - 11 OF TM r1"11'3031 , 011 dOL , 3I3LII.—The
' • •
.. ; I .- ' ' ;elect and Comoion Councils of the city of Pitts
, , ~ lorgh met last night -in the Chambers in the 014
• ... :,. i The minutes of the preceding meeting were
o'i - • '''• ' • `•-cad and approved.
--;., i; - • '‘''... I-A petition praying for the grading of Craw
..i. 0..- • - lard at., was read, and referred to the committee
}nets., with. power to act.
, ~ Abair"( R. C. Stockton, fpr stationery furnish
.l- Id the lifayer's Office, amounting to VA 8,9, and
...• •-•'.: :.;.;-. ': t i b . ill of IL Dunlap, for rent of house of ha scales
- '' •:'
. m April let to July lot, 1054 amours amounting to
.-•, -,,.':.
.-.' •• .ii2l. 00, was reed, and referred
. to the C remit
.; -}winn claims and accounts.
:"..... • - 1 A memorial from E. W- iletchings; pre 'ng to
~`• , . pa exempted from the amount of license on reuse
°.. • , ' ~S.tats, was read and referred to, th e Co mittee
1 A memorial, praying for the improve ant of
,:;„ ;.-,
~-;arkees allcy.was read and referredto th Com
...aittee on Streets.. . - . '
'',',..: ••••.•' -; ',l A report or the Water Committee, ' tire to
r i,
.- '''.•.';,•:' ",i; cost of the extension of. water pipes on
•• • -.1.-1..* ~ tranklin Si, and the laying of pipes on Morrie
wafread, vie:
' '
'.: • '-',•'- -, : - L ":"' oat on Franklin et.. - ' 1:866 00
I.lereaue do. , . 160 00
~: • , :
~.. is: =On litorris,- ' . • 150 00
;, . ..-.
~•:. I A report of the police-Committee, adverse to
'a..: • : ;all paymentef the bill of Doctor M'Caridless, for .
, ~. pedical attendance on John..rones, a Watchman
. , ; " : e -• : • focaded to the service of the city, ail read and
'• lecepted. , - , ,
, .......... ....... -1 A report of, the committee On claims and ac
. - •-' "- ..' -• 'founts, reintive to a number of accounts against
`•'?; ..- :s
be city;, ' and, at the - same 'time recommending
at,b111.5 against tho city, have a probate nu
.e poled 'thereto, iIIIIMICII . tikt numbers which
. rr. , ": :•••••
.„. yere not satisfactory, were presented, was read,
...-.. -
,- -5 lad referred again to the committee
- , t' A report from the committee en gas lamps
' .• :, , , ran .adopted, - recommending the erection or a
• ...• ~• - . pabl to lamp at tbo corner of Walnut vstreet and
„. '. . j The special committee, nppointed to confer
. '
• :': '.; ' ' Oroad;•'reported . a communication 'from the
• - , , armairiro of that road, relative to ibit Eastern '
- a ' t,. Tiro 'committee - appointed to confer with the
- - : rectorrrof the Pennsylvania railroad company,,
ported a communication, stating thaintention
~T thit Company today but one track on Liberty
..' -; incr.:. To -
oth trill be 'completed early to the
. : . :flog, aecomp . anied by a resolution that the
• rat passed. Juno 1848, be constructed to can a
s.ngle -track, with th e necessary tern lits.,-
- laid on the table. - . . .
, ._ . .
Tle following ' ordinances and resolutions;
c o the Select Council, were'read and concur-.
.lAili ordinance for the regulatißn of wagons . .• ;Ingsellier vehicles, requiring -ill Otanibusses
, wearier tote stationed - On I,itiertystrect, was
I A conanturiiestion from the Mayor, stating '
sit tio.appiepilations, Noe. 3 and 10, for eau
.' • ry purposes, an: entirely exhausted, was re
- erred in Select Cannon to the Finsneo Commit- '
- • . ke...Coxionriell.. in.' • . I .
, .. .
... ,1 A resolution, providing far gos lamps on
' ••' i ligh street, was:presented and concurred in.
A statement of bonds or certificates, lamed
: lode the li : th. 'of January last, lees read and ,
- theCommonCorinoil. ''
' - i 4 resolution that the Water Committer be in
, . Fdaeted to havedhe water pipes - laid on Cnaw- "
' street, from Bedford, to the end of ,Ward's d
w. :Adopted in B. C., and concurred in.
A petition for water - pipes in the illi Ward.
. '.....: - tethered-to-Water . Committee, and concurred
I A resolution was adopted, providing for five
;tuadrelfect..erf hose in the Seventh Ward. Cott-. 0
1 A report. elf tho'Committeo on City Ploperty.
' . , restliwt.O: the let occupied by the DuquesneEn.
`tie Lot vrasf.rend awl -accepted -"Committee -
The resolution relative to providing a lot for g
,- • be engioe hen's in the,Screrith Word was adopt.
~ Ain S.`.C,,.rind coricurre.d in. •', , t
. - i:•Mr; 'Friend offered a resolution to open that
- - jiiilltifVoltell street between Pine and Dinwid
. Atiqiigie,-, Referred to Committewitb power
ii,lae.;,,j...z_ - • .
inta , .
- • "Etif,,Son. i.he f.',Ouncileadjourned.•
~. . -
*7 - J: . : 7 1% . : 7 1875 - rilops. --
01iiatttc.1 - Kirst.SoAEastern . Oud
' otrativt , „: remising...4l...Pitt 6r.
.F.4l6Xlir 13E0. W. 8 - WITH ...Pitt stmt. •
have reiTiveci n?y .11111
. •iteetee purism, •9r the dilrenrt .izes and.
oe IllanksLs ilul call and in., err Onrk.
• - • —wsr.l.nms: •
ALT PETHE:—' 5' 0 bgi Crude notr/andlui
lug far /Oat> oUltl D.IWCZY Jk
a'S . t ~
_ .
Ip RIPO*1711)108.11111 OAIZITZ.
New Yank, Oct. 27.
The steamer Pacific, from Liverpool,
dates 'to the 15th host., being four days later,
than the Niagara, arrived at 11 . o'clock yesteri
day morning. She brings 148 passengers.
The steamer Europa arrived at Liverpool a t
10 P. :Con Saturday the 11th inst.
LITIRPOOL, Oct. 15. ;
Cotton—The market was fully ;supplied, and
prices were slightly in faior of buyers. ThO
sates on Monday and Tuesday were 13,000 bales.l
of which 4,500 were taken by exporters.—:
Brown, Shipley & Co. quote as fellows:—Mid.;
tiling Orleans sd; Upland and Mobile 4,18-16 e,
per lb. Fair is unchanged. :The sales on,
:Wednesday the 16th were about 6,000 bales at;
a decline of eioce the nailing of the Niagara.
Breadstuff's—The Dour trade is again dull.—:
Extra superfine brings full prices, while other
Sorts are a shade lower. Makin's Circular quo
ted Western Canal at 18®195. Gd.: Phila.
end Baltimore : lBn 9d; Ohio 19C)205, and New
Orleans 19 ®104; 0:1 per bbl.•
Grain—Corn is steady. Mailenry's Circular
quotes White at 20s, and Yellow at 20s per qr.
Prime Whent sells readily at full rates, but oth
•er kinds are dull at reduced prices. Makin's
quotations are as follows: White, is falEosod;
Mixed and Redifie 3.105 s Gd per 70 lbs.
Provisions—The market is poorly supplied:With
Bacon. McHenry's Ginn:tar says that early Re-'
rivals will meet ready. sale. Beef and Pork are
dull, and some lots of Hams hare been visited
off at 20E4,255 : per 100. Cheese—Fine Cheese
meets ready sale, but the market is hare. Lard
is 102 e lower, with limited sales.
Groceries—Sales ofSuger are limited. For
eign Sugars meet a good demand at London.—
. offee is In fair Inquiry for Jamaica. Brasil le
tooteditt43s 0cKi1459 Gil pct 100. :Molasses is
doll, and a shade lower.
. Tallow—The market is dull at Gd decline.
Losuou, Oct. 14.
The market is a shade easier. American
Stocks are without change, and almost without
movement. Consols have declined to Oliie,96i.
Reports from Manchester represent a large at
tendance on the 14th, and a fair.mount of bu
slaess doing; and spinners and manufacturers
were 'disposed to effect sales at loner rates.
- - ,
The English papers Are still "filled with ac
counts of the Queen's visit to Manchester and
Liverpool. Rer Majesty reached WindsorCas
tic on thcliltb inst.
Kossuth had not arrived in England at the
sailing of the Pacific, but was hourly eapected.
At the latest adviees, the steamer nissisaippi
hadjtot reached Gibraltar.
The flood of emigmtion front Great Britain,
andrespecially from Ireland, wag beginning to
Government demand for the repayment of
Moneys advanced to the Irish Unions, during the
(Online, is rousing much stir throughout Ireland,
and some manifestations of downright repudia
Thomas Alsop, the celebrated stock broker of
Landon, suspended•payment on the 14th lost
His liabilities are very heavy.. - ;
The leading topic of the.leat few days had
been the final closing of the Griot Exhibition on
the - 11th inst. Much less foriri or even order,
was obtherved on the occasion' than might hare
been expected. The building 'was immensely
crowded, and the closing was rather tumultuous,
and distinguished from the shutting of the pre
yinna days by partial - attempts to'get cheers for
'rice Qneeniand Prince Albert,' and to perform
"God Save the . Queen" in chorus. The building
was opened to xhibitors on the 13th and 14th,
and the award of prices was to take place on the
15th. The latter day would in fact witness the
actual closing of the exhibition, in presence. of
'the Royal Commissioners, and probably Prnme
"Albert and the Queen, although not in statel—
The National Anthem would complete the core
monials, a prayer of thanksgiving having Mass
previously offered up by the 13ishop of London.
It was confidently stated in Porii, on the 13th,
that the President had actually accepted the re
signation of the Ministry. The announcement
was made mere startling by the further MM.
ranee that M. de Gimrdin would be a member of
the new Cabinet
These rumors caused .1. per cent decline in
funds. •
The inctowiiateaausool. the reAktnation of the
French Cabinet woo n proposition tat the part of
LOIIIIB Napoleon to repeal the election law of the
31st of May.
The frigate• Guatemala, from Havana, arrived
at Vigo, Spain, haring on board l!Cle American
prisoners of the Loper expedition. The Pence.
had also arrived with six, and the Isabel Cathol-
Ica - with four prisoners.
• The widow of Gen. Enna, and Mr. Laborde,
late Spanish Consul at New Orleans, had arrived
at Vigo.
The Queen had summoned the prompt assem
blegeot the Cortez.
The Queen of Portugal was, on the 11th inst.,
delivered of a still born child.
There bad been no yellow fever it Oporto for
„days previous to the last advice,.
NEW YoILE. Oct. 27
- .
.On Saturday evening, an accident occurred
en the New York and New Haven railroad, near
New Rochelle, by the freight train from the
east and the passenger train from the west corn
ing in collision—the former going at the rate of
thirty-fire miles per hour. The ahock was tre
mendous, throwing the passenger car complete
ly on the end. One of the braktmen, and
fiieman were instantly killed, and many others
ehockingly wounded.
Syracuse, Oct. 25.
There was a . meeting of the friends of law
and order held this evening Soon after its or
ganization, the meeting was Interrupted by a
band - of rioters,among whom were several prom
inent citizens. "After considerable disturbance,
the rioters were ejected, and the meeting allow
ed to„proceed.
• Garrett Smith has issued an address to the
Liberty party, in which he urges the negroes
to resistance, even to bloodshed, and calls Pres
ident Fillmore and Webster and Cass, mar-
Buret°, Oct. 25.
The' propellor, Henry Clay, with a valuable
cargo, hound for Ogdensburgh, wit wrecked in
a gale off Long Point, on the Canada more, and
ppe person only of the crew was used.
The:propeller Atlas was also wrecked In the
mane gale, at the mouth of Grand Rivet..—
We have no particular'. The Atlas belonged
to the. Detroit and Ogdensburgh line.
The Brat snow of the season i" falling here to
Batnnona, Oct. 26.
The GOvernor has Maned his proclamation act.
Gag apart Thursday the 27th of November, its
day af thanksgiving throughout the State of
• Morrearsza, Oct. 26.
The Judiciary Committee in the Vermont
House of Delegates have reported in favor of
repealing the the obnoxious part of the habeas
Comas act of last session.
Loci;;max, October
-. George Hansom, a painter, committed suicide
by jumping overboard (rem the steamereolum•
bia—canoe maniy a pets..
The steamer Summit; collapsed a Hue on Sat
urday night, at the mouth of Salt River, 20
miles below this city, Three persons were bad . -
ly sialded, but no lives were lost.
lieeinnix; Oct. 27.
The locomotive and train on the railroad, four
miles from Marfreesboro, ran over a cow, ,and
wore thrown from the track over an embank
ment into creek. One man wee killed and ear
erni wounded. .The locomotive was oompletely
• . . • Lotrtsvnag, Oct. 27.
There is not coal enough hero for more than
a week's consumption. It is cow selling at 300
per busheL
Dtnigme, Oct. 27.
- Tha steamer Mayflower, with Jenny Lind on
board, , .paased within might this morning. She
goes to Cleveland and Cincinnati.
Snow fell two inches
,M depth at Buffalo, on
the27th inst:
BCPYAIO. October 27. •
i t h
The propeller Henry Clay, which was wrec ed
on Thursday:b a d 30 some on board. While e
wreck was lying side up, in a trough of the a,
all lashed themselves to the rigging. Shortly
afterwards the deck want off, and the hull turned
°v et., -coru log down all except David Keefe and
nine others, who got on part of the wreck.—
Eight of these were washed off during the
The brig John Martin . hone in right id the
*rooming, and bore dp,vra,to the wreck. threw,n,
rotielo Keefe; and - igreed hint with difficulty.--
The other, Capt. Citllatd, was drowned. .
BOSTON, Oct 27.
The U. 8 steamship Princeton will be laench
ed at Charleston on Wednesday next
It has been Snowing he all the forenoon.
New Yong, Oct. 2t.
The market is rather less active.
Flour—Sales 3500 tibia at $2,81
j4a 1ht,06 for
common, state and 'western, wed DO :404,25
for Gen ese e.
Grain—A cargo of prime Obi° white wheat
eold at 90 cts bu. Sales 11,000 bu. mixed
western corn at Wets bu.
Groceries—Sales 300 bags Rio coffee at Ric.
Bales 60 bble Cuba sugar at 50c, and 60 do (Jr.
leans at 1 . 1 1,61,/ lb,
Linseed Oil—Bales 1600 gallons at 70071 "ifi'
Rice,Ssles 100 tierces $ 2 ,81103,12i 81
100. I
Tobacco-Balee 100 bhde Kentucky at 4e7ie
Nrw Yone, Oct. 27.
Cottan—The marker k rather dull, but prices'
'are without change. Sales 800 bales at former
Flour—Sales 8,000 bbla at $3,81ee4,001 ler
common State and Western, mostly at $3,93 per
Grain--Sales Genesee white Wheat at 954)97
as Per ibrt. Sales 26,000 bit mixed Western
Corn at 67c, and 5.000 bu Rye at 73c per bd.
Provisions—Sales 200 bble Mee" Port at $15.-
12i per bbl. Sales dr Lard at 8,160 c per
and rather dull. •
Groceries--Sales 300 baga.ltio Coffee at Sic
and 000 lA. Havana Sugar at..lienie for Tel
F lVb re j ig k h e ts Y—S tO ' L l rve 2 rP l o 6 ol n 2 o 2e iloor, one chilling
on Wheat, 40. '
The river remains low, being only 3 feet to
Louisville. Business in conequence in dull.
Hoge-300 Kentucky Hogs were slaughtered
hereto -day. No further contracts are heard.of.
The market, if any thing, in tending downward.
St. Louts, Oct. 27.
Very little Ws been doing in the market for
. the past three thiya.
Oraln—Wheat is in good supply, and prices
are steady, with sales at Ti/cO, 75 for primel to
''l choice. Corn 32c6:15: oats 256 . 42 q: barley
150c@ 6014 bu.
Flour—Tho market is dull, and prices are
ldrooping. Sales of country brands at $3,40®-
$3,60 q 1 bbl.
Lead—Has advanced, with sales 1000 pigs at
*405•144 WO.
Hemp—The market is inactive.
Tobacco—Sales are limited, and range from
.$2,75 $5,25 per lOU
Provisions—The market is quiet_ Mess pork
is nominal at $150 . :,15,50 el bbl. Sales 550
bbls upper 3liss4urt mess at $15,25 "el bbl.—
pales of lard in bbls at Syii;bi, and in kegs at
lOcelL Sales bacon at S for shpulders, 104-
011 e for ribbed, and Ilefq for elem. sides.
Agent and Llealvr in Persian Exchmage....-
le •so Agent r the follOWing Packet
P tine
na l4 osam.hins. between New Y.Tit and Lies
W AIM', Tall hue. truing from N.. York anal
"Nr Live freers New kr': 1. and Ids e rraml
on the I lth of every aroath.
Ye line. 1 New York on the 1111 h and Liver.
iivni on the 2tith of sack, month
York. Line sails twice • month frran I.lverposl and New
The London Line of Packet. tails from New York on the
let, Stla.l6ol. and 24th, and from London on a he MI, 13th,
21st, and - -Nth, el reef y mh.
odl The Cade Late of ititteg ont ow Packs L. seal from N.. York
tt Obagow on the Ist and 11.thad sub month.
llama Weekly I. Inv of Paskets from lsrcrpaul to New Or-
Poe 'r'
or h r
- 1 6P - d, - 41;‘;;,711' 0r7:07g,`,71 V'. Y 1
2' jr. 2 D . 'l'll= ga.°o73TOU.thTtla!,!e7..k.'lV2.l.rlaVt
the nth, of the adverUstsr, corner of L'ILIL Lod Liberty
stmets, Pittsburgh.
Persons residing to the United Ptales or Canada, srbn
with to sand for their friends in any part of Emden,.
Ik Manx, t , cotland, or Wales, tan make the nen-stars at!.
tamp mn. on appliestion to the subsstittor. hasl•
them htonght our any nt the .More tarnette LiJ• •
Wit , . wilkb mos.. In to la MP 2.LIF/ L.. Lnt-11,0.,
or hr not r how Ilerchuat ships, OD th•OrLbL . term, ht
way ot Ltverpool,
they ,Loudon nr Glasgow. Thole trentasncy
of tailing precludes ossibi nt n eau
alms be secured from Liverpool to New Arleen.; IMlttninte.
/I , lladelphla. llotton, Charleston, and fermi: t. Direst
remittances in small or large sums, u usual. to
tie= 5.111100 EILA if: ELY.
Steam Communication between New Yoii
and Glasgow.
THE Glasgow and New York
:atranaship Comany.. powerful new
, I
stearnahlp GLAPAIOTV. 1,..92 tons and 14) AV.
.id.=iritig l .) . X 271 Lrjr t:Vp r t:in e t;‘; ' l - a nact;;;o,
hock direct for Glamow on Saturday, the dth of Dorstraber!
sszt, at 12 o'clock. noon.
.412. PASSAGE II OVET : 4A Iit . s soeludol.)
• •
. . •
No storage ra r awnere, take. Li.,
rtbi , eratee include Intori.los,s, bat not wirn-s or llopurta.
w4leb will be sopplb+l on board. at nintorate prim. Car
rill a Pur...l. height of 1,60, N per nrot
flr trelabt or pa... 30 apply to
~1 11c,...1a10N, to Livia.] war street,
L. NEW YORK, 1:11:4) tons, and 450 born
power. I.
a lwawt. to the Cila.gow,) will tw on the wkatt , ,n - a.rir nrst
oe-21,ner •
McHenry's Pldladelphia dc Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philadelphia on the
Itth,thd Lleariwicil no th e let of owls month .Zd e f e l
I IDi MARY 11. bisatorts, Maiden
fi tu l pop.
i m c ..e il. U rr,,, arditier ,.. . ,i li . l r airt . or.
Iti l lCValtlN F ..lL:4qVliesr, Master.
a " nitrnoVrt l lli: f rft ' ad°7” `
they art 010.4 UP with all labut improvements. er moat
thbruoghl re tilated, arid a OUPUrpIVArcI 9.r their
crgamsdatiothbifor 'cod Caine a. Sta., Ithrthi
theyani ectomtheled by wen or eekuowledsoni Wept. who
aril panelled for th eir exbenotick. In the parket remit,
Persons ilthithos of bringing (heir friends tam tild
Co la th y ran obtain thrUltrates of pathage which 0111 be ,
govd fur eight months, and our seals In Ireland and Lir
ort al will furnish theta with the pithier Intr.pallon sod
iustructious thistles to their departure.
Pel o or_ r e
x ` Yr_ T :i ` rtr loe? ) i rst:fritg7issn ' t n iv ''' .l. " l at re
ttt gigot wrizout dieromt, which will le :shed by " auy of
the Bank. or Post thilsth In the United Kingdom.
t2rt . inTiPlol4l, supplied thasenthre mooing frthis Liver
ltrery week this following supes will he foraitheid
thcb passenger of 12 years of age no d over: 23i lb.. besot,
2 IN. rice, on. les, le oaldnea/, 14 lb. sugar, I door,
Lb. tools., and 1 lb. pork. Under II year* of age,
nisi breadstuff, 1 lb. port, fell allowthrei of water and vin
egar. and half elle wanes of t rA.) ... 74 . 7, s i r igle pL a.. ..
o. 27 Walnut atresit, below Semnd. Philadelphia.
hiletif ennui, Birth and Wood els., Pittsburgh.
LAND, EAM', AND IVALV.S.—Ju!tex irs tr,
laze ot Weerta of Blakely Pt, Will moth.. to lota. ,
sight draft& on Great Britain bad !ratan.]: also. no. Franca
mat Berme& OCtee •lth Wocalward, Blakely &
(Queettaavere' Ware Ilootte,) roan, of Lib.rt) and nett,
Mena& Ylltaborah.
Paaeentrersto end from the old country tonal on the
moat favorable terror, (rpm Net York to litteborttb.
a &A./ Dart of the West •
- ---.
roamaerEMPßEBB.nmsatar 1411r4.4 Ls gsz7
or *bar, 441 lolermedlate port; on! lb'
dnyJ al 4 4'41444.
Vdr frelgbt eir 4.43;4444, spray on textrli. 442 - 4
Xl4 OR ' NASIIVILLE.—The fine,....'
desalt r11EiI: V A, Wind , t., mut. J,„
wi Iles. for the 0.44 araintertot.lim.
on Monday, the . 27411 Jew, at 4 P. XL
F ''' Mgb ' " gunge.
1° 1 (47. lark ::,1 °
.1T 4.11L1111144 . a liINNE4(I. A 4 ,4
*heeling and Pittab.
.h Packet
' r eating and Pittaburgh Packet •
ARE REDUCED!—The mwift
n.fltosty....rur.r narks,' JAII ES NEL.
lest. tor tbe above and all Inlenuedi
aft pox. 10 welornporcludr.
for Whorllnn
Intermediate Torte.- •
Dab human.
bite IN
.ver JAN y TolvalU9 NELAON ,
.rant Cant. 41.auir, 0111 leaf- Yllhe
L ay. and athrdly, at A.
)14 retarnina. laves Wldulingy. N Mflnd•T• W. 1...
day, and friday, at A. M.
Fur !alight or pan., Loetor superior 111.,1113cooJatinno,
I apply on Ward. or to $114.1104 A 11INNInfil, Aatv,
AlarY S t stre-r.
The Junes Nola is one of the %meet boats eeer oin•
struethd for tha trade one
sod stoppers' ran .1,
prod on her miming to UN 'nada. or ttl
did ...ler MAYFLOWER. lisaletz.jaa
muter, trill leave no. the oboes whim:herrn,
tonllate porta Os this Jar, the yI d inst. at 4 P. 34
For Indkht apply du board.
at• hid ethanton NAVIGATOR, Capt. Drau.44
I learn for the abuee ad 411ahermedlale
portt this day. the met_ at 10 We1...ea...A,. 41.
For freight or pu ma, apply on brain,. or lo •
wet 11. tilLTENlithihEß. Ant.
tiIIEELINU Pahl:lT.—Th.l 0p1e011 , .2 . 111E1
una panne, cleaner . DI Ul/NAL, Cnnwell,
tor. le WV pertninair her reiiniar tri.ereeklytrips 1.15,0
this city and IV - heeling, Icainng PillabCrab .1 10 n s rAor'h
gravy Nenday, Wedneeday and Friday, and ramming,
liar.. %VlA...ling every Tuesday, Thurivlay and Sathnlay,
In each weak. Par freight or pa , ragatddynn board, orb
notAMIN/ROM/ £ 17.1107..Eit,
English & Bennett.
T .
.Ilerelinnta wad douloid In
and lill.burnh
Itlnnunmturets—No.l22 Serena rt.nirl 151E1.1in, betnern
Vrood,and SmitbArid 'tr.. PilLiturrh. PA. liar& on hand
and 0.111 ...rive the fullonlon 0.101,, chick lb, iiiiindid
le AL the lorrrid market 0.t":-
140 boles man . rd Tobooro, 4A lac. lllii CorPr„
140 7 6'., Ws 4lb lump. 140 {igs Yrung IIyAM Tril.
25 koing 0 twirtTobaroo. " nrk.10.,-.. k lI,P.
60 ~,...a Pb, cot ninniring .10 50 bbd. N 0. iiiinar.
100 il rig 4 dry aninking toe) bid, N. 0. Nola.,
011 flair Epaninh inner,. 10 . 0.11 - •
....0 ii Principe. inne r,.
400 krna boll.. sretra pi ire.
44 - 4144444 d I:oolandea 14,111 A 10a lil Gls,
100 • •.LomMun 1 10,000 Ibi. dangutur,
1.0 l're Almond.. Pllbertn.2l.o4 •• Origin, 31adder,
• • Walnuts errant nut. :Monona Alum,
" and Ground nut.. 4 1 , 111.0014 10.114 M.
20 Nil. Ruck Candy, 201 lonrea Rosin rooky.
(.0 "....4 TaniarartiaMop, .b 0 •••• l'acuir
10 1 P o l , o* , :bac*. tU o b . Mould A D.p dandle.
4 1 Liguori". Li tirarkrr..
1 :1 0 dooms Pia., X tlrridd. 0.....,
DO bnoird 11. IL'ltierlns, 0,4441 Ihs No, I Crinibrd r!unar
4.5.) ~ llronnit Eplr , o, 100 plinsyd. and iv- Ylarkr.
:AU 113StAVIgills. :4) bbig boor tionur. ,
60 box" Whar 74., _ conr,r_z.'6, Whiting.
Co o.:hul
rod Vaal NYtilte
Yarn.. ltsging. o
23 17. - Garen& - dirarlck and (.4.7 .,, C 4 4,4
• •
_ .
o SMALL FAMILIES con be accorn-
C evilia.l with pinzaDt [tont m.o. ltu-pornoti.
n.or.'rlo.rr iorul,lt•d oruufural•hod. ued board. A poll
at ttlecruer Thlr,l and Gnu, Eta. ate:l
will be received in exchange (With a
tbejt - Ix
wi" , th V.n iwri"vo‘a , t"r weo LIU ILDINU
,olro liv
• r • ATEINRON t Ortf.t.Y.
TARTARIC ACID-1000 lbs. pure for
air by , E 1041170.
, _ -
rns well known establishment is still von=
l o ad
In the earge manner It he. tow,' heen. The
e..trel and plea, ant situation Of IL. a. C.l l / 1 04 , 11'
ar renFe.rnte, end the eoternrts 'end luxuries be
found there. camhine to render It 0410. eal,le and 4“14 . .. , t,.
it.n. to the treTelpr.
staohut 1.50 0115 14 the armof John I. Tucker en.,
H. lona'. the 1..1 of the evtabltqlunent, ent.errllwr
edan hiu hent ..rertion. to tualuhdu Its reputation, end
hi , runtom,
*31.11. PARK Elt.
1 R. CHARLES STILWELL, having had
t 2 . ' r
[h . ., Wald Indian. °Title nb. of the
berrone oft .tiyatetn has %aural an rdllee for the prartlee of
ltda branch he prnfeaelou, sod nart ratavalted tt.nt
8 till In liattournlng, and from 2 till bln the et roam.
at 20 Itnrth Aseentb 1•1111,AltaLPIII A..tte,ttalm
CleFg's Perfumery and Fancy Soa p s.
lIIIoSE superior articles of Perfumery,
amongst whlali aro enumerated Ida luallr eeletrahal
white, Oriental Alaheater. Pearl. Rom, Troth and
Toilet Ponder, Chin,.. Vela...l.:balk. and other allavanat
&Ara—Walnut and Extra Fine Sand Brown and White I
Wind/air. anag, Palm, Almand. bane, and Toilet
Snap, Sharma Cream. Flair lit a. ltdarne %stem Ps.
traeta for the tiandketelder+, Oa Marrow. Beare 1.11. Cry a
lai Puma.... (anew artide,l Eau Luatrat 1t,,, itYitOrallro.
Hair ae., are 1 11.1111.11/1111{11 . 1%1 111111
vale br Atli,: T. CLE,Itt.
Perfnd alleluia,.
Market Moat, beloumer w
:ll,a Philadelphia.
Stir nerehania don't b Net that ,Aeon'... the e,...peat
and moat ex.tti re mania..., la the cat • attre lam
.e 21,11,
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
I , I.ACtiINO . —lwarrantakl nu, ,rtorter.,l
th. pulitic, am, rllumi, Mnuttiactilr,,l
1, 111116111 I t 0 . 074 C., gitnrr, , turd,
VAIIIIIItEII, Na. 11,1,,re
Ikestuut., 55.51 sidcg 1 . 1 , 11.1,11,bie
stoatsr JONI. tl. C... • VT.
Mil. /I • WOODR.O
AGALEY, WOODIVAIID 3, Co.. Iv h o k.
11 eale OrDePts. No. A.
Market , ar4l
A. J. YrerSOIL. • (PRA,. IMMO.
• INAIN/li.
E € A ,. 1. r5,_,,,, 11 .
anfNo. la North Irbarrea. curl
• • To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
JJ. COMTE, Freneli litinilier.3o) Eighth
011,.. NEW VOILE. bk.! Lk I, lPtill..ry ict full oper.
ittion for the mianufseturr of Vine Alcohol. l'orr,(ilo,Rromre l'unch.Co vv.., A twyntt, A ttil.2ltr.
=Mien, Ar. Tim litnudy sod ner moth. ar
eording to the l•eot rreriph, and an the : , 00th ot
`d thr uu.lit. *qua! to moot or thr
dons from thoee muntrnef. inyltr.l to call and
lull, of the quail., and forwsnl thole a.nlero to the or.
Or, 61 Water Atre.t. NEW holln. wl , lch •tll I, rr , 01.1,
•ittroard to.
• American Hardware.
11 LIVEN lc DOUIiLASS, Mannfacturem'
Agent,. No. 5 Platt from Posrl
. cr. 'osz. would mrpoct(Mll, invite rho atteraltal of N.
Ilarlbtarr Trettle ln 1.1,1 r Sto,k r.rrir” I tbreet
from tbe inatioGeturrr,,nd Sr.
New York India Rubber Warehouse,
Nis. 27 Mud,. Lane, a..,1 No. fig aVarsors
F' oost errnar room Broads,. V,4`107 . . 215 24tb
Fria sußscui nit, Proprietor of
lablishmrus, I ni,to hl.. Ma eurtouser, an I
mssrohantos motorail, doll 1,,, it July rereirtng Inns hs•
toetory an rsusuall, lasrmo and rhask rd
huts,rlloorl• tosuoio:turoi rsrprvlr for tha Trade,
mast %shirts. Rom haring introsts e ,ol roveral new oust Ins.
1,11,50, 1. , lg. plaid to tar rasylpts,
.1:171,01 Egon., nod nisi,.A ClarTilsor all striiiros
from' ,, l 10 0.-4 stsritossaeThss ansrarefulir soltschol
fro. t heorheathla and rotead stilithe foreat gum. whirl.
hullos+ osuai to ratssut toalher Ite also manulartuna
Vs, starts:. Cloth. • blgial, sir/portant snit - met meat rv
so,nos is, ablest, Ms Moth I. rotate to tasar au
tosarquislano, ensoussts, torahs, Its plaits tint's.,
mare 'o, •ssd assrl ll.ll‘l. Order- ahould :lascily the Tarsi.,
tsVERIsIiSIES lull Flora s ali the disTorent •tyler
aud aarietts... from the Imported F.,, Itnisher. to the re
nowsissd reopen.] IS losos—erst bra-stir Woolen aid
Childretir tars,. rEshossa.aud '.marl.,Wsonessa'r
turned and Luaral Rubber, los
A romps... arseortornot nf the alas., ors hand:
Koslow.. herscOal, Capra l'ssas Isso. Isnsassr re,
I.sttring tilssrra, flour. , trio's, heothor Jackets,. Ca, Lers
mitraTolaraollallete.llarshisst Iteltsmr.litooitaiShertina s
liarvCorr ern s Whirs, Boyar, l'uttsparseatn isarking.Shnals
rho,. lime., Isaper lirrivra, Air laslio. 4001Fleury,
tnether with ever, dare:lotion nl Kuhr...06,4a
role oraoutartstrar or Volrasssod Ntstallirs Hulas, boor
risroorr. under Ousalyear'• !soon,
rho ()Loan Osumi a Va.. tat - falls ear. and yo
re:lmo est Chapped Hand,. ssisssehitim floors and keersom
thaw white , and .raft.
Pure Rotas,. Cement for Ilisthsr , us,
rr :Orn L. Dishes ht A N
Shawls t Cloaks ! Mantillas!
S MILLS, No. Cortlttruit et., N. Tort,
, ei.steh nod Dwase.fie tt ' esflle.ow'rnawls. r
n— rtto•nt td iol,l t i Sonars aad
ri t grwle
hot.u. and I-I,i IC'. 'At
sriau. shape.. sad rt. ho inat,sfaetimst fwan thaw, isa.
terur rt hat ca, 60,T1.1.1;,/”. 1-,11•4, tor
Ihttn .t. gmrza.
Ile 11.. attsntisa rf Fwnthern and Mrsw.
ern SiereLatits tt. the as the., will find at. aws,rs•,
wont .1 :brain. nod gonis her wear.
unrutt.a.sed in ID. eit,
oupenor 11l Oil 1 , 1141 W S to. f,r tahleitinr
hltsw to an/ Mantillas. dr.sesstewh , rwi Print and
•, 1., two V. warn /w 2.41,
To the Public.
PUI LII SHOES.—Our nitontion
hal Ls..o ralled to an aglenetimnont I y Ibrw ILL*.
no Alrhist to ttge hrw York Herald oh 11th Joty, 114.1. and
the Ctwrior and Requiter of out., daa.. to which, allor
tongh le d aldree of our attomer.MmAndson.lrsp..
he assorts that we dare not ensue tato•itilPirittlnkttml.
',sip Patent under our non nanast. and that ho d , oe nee
intringe mem Patrato t 0 !h.q.:mutt/act nth.. tansies.
Hs hare purchased our lirrnewr ter th e rnanulartnre hr
lama hulas, ' , bows under iirsulrsow:g Patent, and paid
nu r togur) , and are daily paying a tsqll un- thefts.% and
auy otita jwrson Might hare elone the time, If
do an. rather than pirate upon liewilyotten Patents lee I
think It more MI. to punintow a right. tnnse • 1,11.1 pie
trot. than to miring. it ?Ir. boy haring be en pn..+'nlnl,
sei.acwhslk..l rierslyear's right, anal., settleniont. oral
agrwed in nature not to Fatting. Ida patent, tl a 1. flop
7.Lt V o l .To' ;.?t r int:nti tn r 2 ; ''''
our :iron,. and tan.. work ond, thew: and ww rhar,
Mr. liar. diroql r . end that over our QWll•ignaturer, with
Pirating upon iintelyesir's Patents.. in It. ruanuCleturo of
the shows which 1,0 afirrlng
the puids, and Ire sire
no[lre that he awl all who nwwerrgslwill...t,qn, o t u t . I
chasing or 'smilax ht. snow, Tr., raid
ont Right, will tssprrowouted
L. C.tIItD.ME,
s'r ti, 1ab,1111.1.
_ .
Buperior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
ONE'S EIIPIRE INK. icT. Nn.,.gno otroci,
eltuo Itulld,unr. N., tort.
nCIT 111 IC. rttc
Cha drucibbt. n
Thl• 4 tb. biabbfbten:. It Iht~rr (y L. • t.7OI•VINO It ill t...t rarrtnie. mbuta
. •
• • ) t INK—.od sill out rorrtnie, mould,
precipitate oT dr.). sod pont-ewes all the uusinase requir.
st for a anal, Wntamt lok, statabla for the gutll. and .1:
numbly wlapted for the went Pen
ittal.raigund It preparml 1.. fuctaNh to the trade .1.
Oar LT export or Loran nnunutuptiou, at the above Tort
Int maes, put up as per order, 11.04 delPrormi IN any part
of the 'qy. ot charm, Nn a.. far es., Narrate
or Leto are cUarred extra at tone.",
. - .
Awkratt fluildla,.
t AEl.' en
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trioopherous,
d kit -141EDICATED COMPOUND, for re
lilru mu, etariha. heautif,lnx tt,n
..41.1 sad , I..lrtte.. and rum.- Jim.... ?I lbw nlitt,
rut, •prx.r.. vta. It
tr. 1,40 1...x.-rtairt...3 var...tnu.nt. that Itarry'r Trirople.
rrourl.a.‘ producrol •ff.rt it, excria...lik,a-st otttu
aid, E. ..1 the bon., and all the almh-s1 jto,
thlvrt....llorrvo t, ihogr tho ialw II pv-payation,
and thr .114..tkm ID which it ar. 1.14 hr
irlieu it a
14 1
Yzn-F r.51151-1 , 1.5e Plr-1 b•vr r
51211 , 1<t1 22, 5,41.1$ • rm.
151,....0..-ruptua octlp.. of • Lv....1 ogiamv.r.l -
srter, 5154..5 jr,r, 51:1 .1 during ILO' '4l,d
.bsr. LW CL arisxmcd 513.5 l
c.151a5, sal Gave , tried ail lb. or•rstzlh.n. Cr IL.* hair •0.1
[lpnow luame, witlx4,l IL. /eon 1.4.0:111. •••••1vi....1
L.T . • Itval Iry 31..ur , T.1,, tt
plo.rol. I d id • 1.1
5 , 01. CO mr..orprl. 5D4 511016..0,u.
:11,K1 .5 515...1 I,ov. :tur L
lilt 514..5 1 it.
,purs. li 1 Al 1 1 APE1.11P,
15. F o.lktent•ta . I.lrcnkirls.
cr4l. .1:u. Purr ID,or rtr—. &AO t., Wy hwr
• arr. de.a.l. bra 4 wa, Loeb •11! . .n..1
1.40. tRZ I lea. 4 It, • tnlrr. oartn,±o>her.
a 44 .1 npl 43,1 nip . 44,, helerst. A" bur Ns.
tainlv 1, .01 •Il Ihr 41.1 ndl It,.
Ilya.' now ,uoven n,r
'AU .!.:4
7.. C..F•
11 .h, ..ntloloho .1 th.e.uth•Glilly ut lb.
Ow, .111 Cell al ,fe•-rcr A C turror 41,
wai pulunv Lteo nrigl.
pal 1.t.”.•
rl.l tb,r 4 111Itary awl 1 1, !lbl l 11.
b-011 , 1 11.1. r tho out r,t, .1
•nd- um, rrs4.lma lb. n. 0 ,10,1
11,. I,tolartty hy 1.4.- sett-, Itnelf 140.0.t0r
l l. ptftt rt , lberrwto, Alf.lkAll V. A , it
.1 • moarntalr
urf+, lb tll- 10,111 . 1 111 1 ,110 tof.ft.m.r,
tdbf 8.: 11/.. kiwi It imp..., vt:or
tho huir. .4 thu. p 114,14.. aff , .lll I .I.rkshlr,lt
pr., . t dutlimlf -00• I c./t. IL,
I.‘li fah. stud . It 0111 • 411 of
troch itortn, .km. 4.1., obis"... AlO,
der. of tlit. Akio. r1fef.1.10... , sry ...wt.
utu - 11,11.41. It 150f,1.1 ar. lar t , 1,411, ( •,, at No.
1. flroadw, tA.J otttlo-lf I hr.: ohcni
thet,uftetlf.ta.tratit.Cattada. .64.111
• •
rouw.nulaNti tS coNiAtissioti
1 cA/4. I LLI J.t ll,
111 UN TIN IJES hit. uonal tacilitooi to - receive
lur :qt.."... YD./ TraliA:l4llo . llt. 1 1..Mixtritaa
1, L.. dori .11u1/ 115 .11 pr.luto
VA 11w 1111u.1.1Anal ouJ
LrAvus, N.rlii/A A Co.;
Nr .9.a..40.2i. Qunrg,
Jr,Att A. Caug ap: am
Wxu. H.. Has kill,
? AND' A U(7l - 11.0i Elt. ii u. YIS .ter 1 . 01111 . 1 A,
Erpertal 11117Ca10111.13 CA/aznow gut lA.margs.
t..../nratt . t: 4 :M . W374/ . iti4 . Alerrlawna, th.
Ilvfor to . atirsatuler Nordin, .41 InPrrtin, Co..
l'lttaburch! ap4:l7
p t) , 2 io • u n T o t ,. E i.. , n.: ttt 7.4.7,.. to t
AluArrrai. away
4iLIIN 11. ItAN IN , Atter t.ey andt
at Lan. and Comeedoal,o, o
ne.,lvoteno, Mt, (lat.. of i..etat,ur,b.)
_/..f.vor•s—Pit.,l•lloan lion 44. I , raard. A
H.111.r. .1111„,audle. A 41..4:1.4r0, Jvhe 1 , rt...113,,,11m A
M.l.o,lllrCort • Co. aintl.l:ly,
. .
Time Bins • -
• YAINT 1,0 1 / 7 M I
Will be, rer^leax.l at tarorable ratra C
• . _ .
IAA/US EEN-- , SU caeca of the celebra
t.4 . e. - .4ntet, rewarded by tfea,.,l4 modal /4 lb.
er , bn I aataula tar oolforadt, at &hada and loa , taloa'
'ha 4.ta,aaa. asat belpat. and parrnata-nt Urtam rat pn>.
Valltaitte 4, eZIWuNIIAILLII lit o n. a
:11•71M , • 04 Woad atreet.
. ~ -~~-:
DesirOble . Property tor ale.
1113318 ER of very valuable Building
ui“ outer irerat th.. Ohio unl
Peonaylranla &surged. in Alli.ahenr Onotina on the
Itallrus.l. and Ou Franklin. and Juniata vtreeh,
and on Allegheny aver.,
Also--A valuable ummyroved Lad, on the vont", or Lib
one and Vartnity, Firth AVard. onkoall... the tie,
tan Catholir mina. hy.loo
d...., on FsLetorr. running brulk to Epriug
Aloo—the Mr, atory Dwelling llOttae ma' labertY
aevi. whoining the above. the ha Iwlng 2011,4 front by
110 feel The hem. large and coueenient. balitin turn, ami , ntaln.rlereu tu , tne.
AI A Fan,, of V. 4 arr.. In Later:ore county. 6 milt.
fromNen . Ca..
.11,--/ aro, In Bearer county, or varlouv nlttam and
Or/ref, frldne. ama down.
F. - role low aul on aerommodating Lerma Enquire of
Attorney.. to I
1an,1.441 Real I..tato
ortntf No. 107 Vourtiratre.rt.l'ittaburati.
_ .
- - -
Pequea Farm at Public . Sale.
IN WEDNESDAY, Now=lior 12th, will
Yhr ,m4l the wt..l Anewn — Water!.
Faint." In halhlalry lanthip. l'Nnu lattey.) Laua,
ter evutote. Nur frtom the Penne, Ivanie Railroad at
Itarktahurgh. rantaitolog Aere. and 11U perrhee hf the
very hodt tarn, Land. tole., or. expenew !awe been
apared brit.: It In a. proolutAlve elate. It II dh
el.jed In.. ten arit etlwal with tin were,. of meadow
not eurhae.-e.1.1. an, and telog on the tallal rnul
from the wee, end well wootrrw.i. the well adapt
ed K p raritta.. The f l eueing IA Inronaplete onler—wbout
n Aut o. in rl la.t
nen in the
buthels of lime or
hut open Thorn is %tinkle. wt.l for
I tote (a the tartt, al., arr. Limeetone (In omen and
Kiln., where a lar,e and tornlitahle Ituelneen done.
Thereat.. rotor Tenant floutow,ElowletroitlwWlwwlarriubt
and Cahlnehtnaiter thhhe. with Stahlina—all Idt
nne, ~ t tonola All tlfe faro, holltdonwe letwo hut Up
to the la, order. TIM loir 1,, 6.1 tett. with Wagon
Shed. Carnage ltnuevwood ranarr. l'art.wnlar t•hop, ene tt
en, A r flan Ding large. linonhed in th01e...1 man.
nee. v,lb bri....nro
A .1•In 1,11 alter Irle el fravg. wafer to the grarrotor 11,
Immo, Into wt...., the he el 11 'ben, each klteben, the barn
175 .' 11 . 1 . 4! " 4:17 , 71 . ;;1 n'''" 1b ~ ; , n i k:11 " , d"4
There I, kb ed .1.1..1. lee
l e
U. The garden ancl
I.:Nninds bare at ex i . e..... o ur pl.. in hipth arab.,
MIA there 1.. AII eaten‘tre wreen hour, 1.14 1.41, •, The
trlndlanl eble.inA +torn 411. tree., of brirat deeeriptinn e 1
ort, relette,l with eere
chube nelebbozboral IT Ibiekly Fettled, an.l then. aro
rch.- 1,7,, er, denbuainatton In the Imniehale rebnlty;
11,. a tni 11. oder., and n poet ogle. jted 011 the llsee.
Tb, abere le well known am on. ol the very firrt lime
In Lanel,ler mum, while In view of tbe *any! the bou,
extent and braiay el' In, ',round, lb. extreme health,
n„., r i tb. .elghlealnro.l. the Feenery. J. &len. 1 . 1 1.0
wilblo twL. 11 MTN - ri.l.. of NM1...41b la. ant/ bering every
et neenlenr. Imt mold le. wielle,l ae i er , unlr, reat. It IT
e men...l br ...,.
/up laall 1 purr.lmeo money guar rev:tole on tbe pt.,.
en,' $f deeire/.
Neter 1 o the eubeerile, on the Mar, or by tnatl,lnCaine
P. 0-, Inorarter ebunl3 •
, °e1.:4.14,2w ' NA 0
Land and Lots.
NOR. SALE,on the Pennmylvania Canal,
drolning the p IVORKS at Tam:auto:
'M a oen Ares. of land. A with • valuable mat prlvrlege of
shout forty sere. or gaSieual. This property Is well suit.
lln eel, .pert as loratlon fnr nounfeeturing pur.
pnael--eulelolent ground for building, wlth insahausti.
hie supply of coal. end the canal and rissr for traeoPer
If not mid In lump before the on ot Itroensher nett.
It will I. laid nut in iota aolaboon. end In onantb
[los to suit purchasers. a• many have applied f, building
hts owing to lbw goat .lelnalli for houses end lots In the
itumedlsre sieinity of• extensive to.sla Work. now in
operation. I uel I. toe! I okl M lILL.OO.
A lot of ground fronting 95 for on Oran/ street.
an running fret to Oeuel This properly is but
short distannefront ILe Jet...10(110 Ohio and Pontos Ivan.
Railroad. For tenn, apple In
S.F. With litrNbill/lIST d 00.03 am] 95 Front
nes: Pittsburgh. Pa. _
Private Residence for Sale.
TILE suhseril)er olTers for rale his tit
COUNTet:AT. A)noa,a on the Allegheny4:9l
risSr.ahout %or tulles trern[ths . ..elly of Pittaburgh.
onntelninu frow NI NI: to ACIIF.N of ground. unthq.
oultostlnß It abo.vls with flarubtwr,,
irrnamsnol and Fruit Too of almost over,' deseOptlon.
Pay trouts tussle Founts.. of FRANCIS. BAILEY.
et the kr/web/Arse of Mess,. It. LA L],P.LL A CO.. No. OM
bibero stoset
rpHE well known' EAGLE HOTEL,
,„ %SEMI. furtnerly ot
This lance and 11.14.1--e hh honi h , upw...d •
of P., mom,. • hentletrisn's 26 by TO 0.% a ladles .
, Ptdiltdr 7, I htssods parlors with bed room,. at
tached, a dining r.sda I,r SO het—situated lu the kn.
mr.llats virinitr of the lark,st. wholesale Lour., nearly
ohNsite the la , ll known brood of ECKEL, ItAIL k
CO_ 1... •t • rtwoonahle rent troth and raterlb.
FIIOIT DAt at APIIII. NEXT. when Its present oceu.
The wa. , r rail t en-rted nivltt the latest adman
Inahrored sari. ran: lotion. howe7er.
Onitald id. 5. 1 ,1, tfinn 0,.• utipairallelrsl aurnso at the,, during the term of 1.1..1m0.
Far further hrarti , olars entodre of the owner.
as,lddim Nave. nes, 7 bird at.. Phil dlelphia
TO LET—A hap. and ennr,•rdent
w us F. ,rtorid
WM II .I.lll`m+Tio
Great Bargain!
1191;10., liannorir m kcpa b., 11. It.
i t i.l ' it t fc..; .: : . Y. '"7 r - r.. ''' ..;;. '- ;;, ' l,7 ' ,7tr i s ,
im loran,. or trio Ibinnar Iniaerimer ntai
1 tion—lin• rowed tor s7., , nitair I ear— b. 'inn,. a an.
v,z1;74.,7;. 4 7..,..L . :ir
Adioni,traatira eirtato of
Mann, lan:naz i dor. nenit=in
Private .esidence for Sale.
Frit E PROPERTY Iw I,ffemd exceeding- rm.
I; Ir., and ion vary artainimirlating tetnika
i,nink o,.ll4lnratr.l iu the r.pidlf imprinting Cat...a
ii( natation, Ilia le utirumainiot to th, com coon.
tr manding n mom': to to the inty of Plata
Lurch brut theta notion atiiia n co. lirlitilos being run',
..Da to tbr 1.71171,8 •
lilttaliargit; combining ht.
riminent thr of both town and country
vb., lot la largo. aientireaing near an ainai of grmand.ia
one hundrici and tiny loot MAO, runnang Mirk two hum
drool sod tato fret to on 'alloy 1,.- lantimarnionta are
aiewi 11. hriiice Lriria. built in tondbro tittle, of the beat
matortal. and enitlu.l In No beet nimattor.l.olll. every
Jsiranancy Opt. and lmoitt. tad skill rook, imeaaat. with
. ', ti
, n recniMi) ?Lorca. •iell eacolarot wa
toir•t rah r, and tiveta moiti)Oansit valor. Canis,.
l on.. and rUtillug. serail, in chnlco 171111 Oam,
nra I u abbot, ani rittlatioo 100 witvantaara ran only
anorretated hy tin osanimatton of ihr pormaiwa ihmtle
trion wag puroba-. kre inrikot to tail on the nnittri
olgand. ebn •111 ask s ailowaner ualitini Sr.,c auninnar
t 1, a tar , no. Len tor •couritia • .1 , 1,1.ttal
'lobo, tic to norich••• rpoonlionion.
on:: Foinnit rt.
_ .
Real Estate.
;0E SALE—Two Ilour.el Lute in the
111111 n and—..n.l un 1.11.. tty Or., P2ll tb. Ober In
ttnnty.3. 1.3 11..1. en 11.1..ter nt,..t. by
. n ',mt....1 Yuen,. •1 317 1.113.11, ot
Pournnl uvy./
111.:IttlIANTS .sln on
fint tom.. YOUR s.ry • aliml.l. fruntat; 1 1 3..
luelan.n Bank Lau.. All,ll.ny 00, god (my.,
lu g.I I%.nna mln.l ORE. Itallyort.l. •1.11131.1. onyu•r...l
1. 1/....t..t.) 1-.4 to thr 1 1 anal 11.unn, thorn.
""'""' " - "" b u"' — ' "'
Fur 1nrc . ......n.,re n f 11 C. ,111.CKTON. Allngtroy
nr .1 It. C
1,1 61 1, rnmer E.l.Mzr[o mq
For Sole.
n ,, 01 Fi t tiritr u in
and ea 01:13 . :•:; 5 1.1. - 1: -" f 4 . 1
0. 11 ,..0 , /,1 ail,. Thin pniwrly
100 I+l 11,-.0. 44.110 it. r 10.0.4. 0. 11e privet re• 1404,
1 1.4. 1 10tra.k. Sul thrxlling ho4wo nd
A. 11. L0a...., atol ran L. u,.1 anstable prmund
•Ilber,lo/ c 1,10,0 01 nue or Iwo laetreful
,[lle •0,1:1 lArprenusta
1 1 . 03.0.—0 n. 11111 n. Land balann.ll3 firs Nual
tin 40.41 pa, 404.1 and ntortgaga, -
App , 3
17011,0 I.IVATI,J!.. A l ll , 111 1. , . .tatf Nd 110 1041111...1rv-I.
• •
VOR 111. N T—Tlin Dwelling; 1552
Thirl nmsr enalt,Ll—ft, nnou 40.• thr
Ira, hart Luit a.l Mr tainting alai paportna of
thy tun, bran. to rdtthirtr.l. Tho twat rhamber
watt lota, tp.
1., tclans% at anth tint and rrld
, ar
Al.;—Thr 11c...1.....4.0n/ne.M. • Handotal. F.tiquirm
•Hen• , f F',urth etre.4 Hm.r Komi.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
1-14 Buil,Ducu LOTS, laid
A • nit Int An - . `.in nrldlnal plan ul lb.. tnon
1 /111,Iir Is, Itnntlng hoth %Idea of linl,rna t. and
cn Ito.nn Lotto
• .
A 1... for ot ono 4r turn. roar* the rTatdou of
rut 1,4 Iho rT Tx.outhog I..ek 10'1114"e stoo.t, lulTir
orouptol * r•.ln rT 104.
`,' , „°7,11
I'A; 1 7. ;ti n sbor‘h. •
._,lt 1 n 11 1114.4111 WILKINY.
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
1... Throe. In rout 411211 Lg. In Inopoorio Borough,
1.11.,1—0n 11.. rrotAITT.. 1. u good lan yard,
T properly mar be dIvl
doI: nh. 10.. arol rohl 41 goo.l NOLL Parl.ll4.llrpowol
to yirrT4...... urply to BA I lib • IRVIN,
I 1! 1T0c00..1
Wilkimiburg Academy. : • -
dh'• old .Eirnaln Ervlilh .and Classical' &hoot
WILAINNI.I:II., ALl.l,l•llkcv.n.
rilills INSTITUTION will be open for the
, l purllu teutin i Nn4 fcsualet cu 1,0 Tbn conru , suotrurbon ,mp.ricno .11
t.ron. not tanebt lu ttw tw , c Actcicupww, •11,1
ro.J. 1110.trx.,. 1. g114.n las nn Et . ..awn lA:rutting
ot thnta • Prito,l prowldwl with lalb extenciro hqJ
Llctulcni, And Aatrotecrulesi
;mato. her eh - rout,. 0001.10.11 u lutt 11.1.1
rwut.nre. Prtutul.
11 ikinnt.urp A uunnt ci
United Staten Patent Office, •
omonni t.),1 )
- hN br petition of :11.. Sorel, of Maim,
y Praarr. 1rm0,,; Inr Ihr extrninnn ~t a per. gran,
ro• hint 11,1 1 , mrri nmhod al prr,r,no irrn nnd
MI from rurt talantlon for MVP. yenra loun
rat:on 01 rah! pnto, [doh 41/I,r Ono. on the rrrroth
la.,ralr, I+ , l
It oplorot that the ral.l prlitlon hx heard at Ihr Pat,
olithrr entorrlny, 114 41h of Isrercohr, 1441. at I::
r/ and all l ' l 'flaarunntihnll , lllppeßt mhos ,
eau r, if ;LI,. I hr, h.', why rrl.l prtalnn ought not to he
1 t
m . n,ig rrlrnrion are r,ulred yin In the
p r o,. ,ororr $r rlrruon, /4.1. forth In wrl•
w Imo Ira. In,rkty to,f , /rr 111. day ,f cling: all
10-I,h, .111, nett nt I ho hraring,
morl Nara nlrl Iran/41.1,rd In arrordnn.. with lb.
nil , I h. torlre, • tarn rill's * turlorl.r.l ..4olratlnn.
that , tblr hair. lw d
lin putollrio.l 11 , hi,. Nl'
CMII I,, aninrs. Wulangton
1.•.: 4 . /okrter and I:tanoln.r. fink. Pennrylvaula
' 57:4 17
rathilorth, 1-7,nunrrehal Nos, OrlraDa.
• and Nur burgh I .nrotto, l'lttotoirwl, Penns, I ranks. I , lLef•
for 110,, rurn rrirr nrrlo. prolnlur the Aril, day
.04 11.rronlwr oral 1 . 1111., 1 1 11111ANII.
neltrl.oll.l Colntal , rluner P•trutr.
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company.
COMPANY offero to tiro insured all
the Dernrity an..l adeantager, of the Mutual aml Jolut
to..llPlkur tarr heretednre applied) eutubitserl. namely: I,l e
ra, bf premium; an
t«turn In evab of the her
regoln,l for the muting.. tisk of the ie. , : an
adroate. hut nr« eveeenlyn oror kit.° Ihr the low, e«ets
nry mesulg.ra I. a1,0.1e 10rin of life. with nu equita
ble latereq lb« arena:n:l3llu,, fund a«eurea b. feuds
me r«, payable at death, by h. .n.O their pohrie,
a guaranr) fon.lth«lar,o4 Irfr the ta.rniat«.ni nevutity of
abort term farm le.ra. runt alto for the prieent raerarlly
time« for Lliti whole term of Me.
arThia i« thou nly Mutual Wu lanee C,uthanT
valuer raw , of prporhin, Ire haul er: a f fairmluceil «tang
nr,l, provisburf or an annually litr...wing «reunte
lattufl of tunde Orr (taut«. mantra., ) exaet perp o eu, g ,
th« amount of hump... and the inmeaalug rhd,. from al.
e«,,ag age =smug the member«.
t tart«. ro.ring detail the Plan and
rorrate+ Uf the troinhuuy. 1000101,1 graft«, luld oppl/.100.-
Imumner, erre, ivnl by TUlllthrlY,,Aa,ut.
Pa j l; 2 l: 4 t : f ir fi t ri i. er ) olerlt.
Etrnlt.l Wh•lllt h
If I.b; 1 1, 1;4ed Fflaiser«tit oil,
104 •
I;ag. ybrarenjire.Tr.*:°"' •
, N,t
fin, for tunny
iN and aftir MONDAY, OCTOBERI3th.
the “CLereletad atel Cinclnha ll Eallroa4 Company"'
lkend out from Cleveland an ries tralo orator even.
Ina at 6 O'clock. arTiving fp CM naafi at 10 o'rloa . ,oext
maklug 40 hours throe h. PoY.aeleG
ppll to
ndC lap
eon:, of Wa r and mlthOold SW,
, Or, J Mk:SEMEN. .
oel4 Mouormobela
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
the afternoon train will leer. Now Brighton at
returnine. kwee Federal etreet. Station at 4
P. N. Br n J r4.O of Boon! or Distr.!,
OE6. PA 1101%. Tleltet Adept.
a --•••.:• ;..::.„.
kisZ DAY'
and atter MON, AUGUST 4th,
I h5l. • Pansongrr Train wlij run as follows. ',
L KAY M. NEW ItILMIIEDIN at It. A. M. and 1 P. M.
LNA YE I . lw:ilium/II at - 10 A. M. And f P \
Children under two', ' , yarn of aYr hall prior.
Botw - ron Pittoburatt and flar•sill, Arr. 10 stn.
Frosdnsts. -
: It
fair Esoursion thstots fill 1..11d at rodunad rates:
Esdwoon Pottabitrah and lircheo4r, to ant Matron a sato. day . 51,00
Pittsburgh and Noli Itrorhlon and hark, ,
Mo. mono Jar
rl t 1".• ,tlr,
isrondoisoa will hr at lb. Dotyr.t. nu P,•loral Atm,. Is
landing Ilion. any whoro on in
Iran the Itridee to the Nlonnudaholo Mos, hay tit,
Ihwen. olbunre• 111 •Ino Iva.. I h.. Ilqunng•
10•••• haruodtatolr prosiou, u, tho 1. ,, 1ny 011Am:woe. tor
thononrodaOrr of pa•songnrs 1.. tho paosinghltbo
Morrhanta . flak, the dt. eharlos. elms, Fllthatnet. Irmo
Wood to Shirk.. and IC : na (lair alhrt. -Al any polnt
along tho mane. prdo.euarrs von ball the Otatilnos. and h.
coorryad thO Cary
The Hatlrnsal will la.vatandryl harnort Noir Itriahtnn at
tho prarticablo
fly ortat. nf th'a board nl Dirartone
angthtf Ti-i-t bout
Pennry/eania Relitroqef mid Express Pocket
8.3" atilesCarAl,
Roar 1 . 13•61,14 .09 V0N1F012.1.11,k,. TY.
Two Daily Lines Eipeess Tacket 'Boots,
On and after Monday, August nth, the
Parkrl.• of Mir Line will Ires. Pittsburgh for Inrkprul
erery.roorolug rwrri,errnlu i c At 2o;rltwk.
rent fr,r P 11.1•Lphla.
.114 - Titue through, Gr ( r
.B 1 thrnugh HI
;I , l R l S ru ' rT.l ) .) N e k ulL th lir tt
rottneo 411 . 1.,0r Vork al ..orr
kite the York a E. nd Cumbrrlxod 14.11111.1.. R 11471,..burr.
11 ..nre, ¢211.A. 'Mar. AM_ P.
Ykr. to i'hil.loArb.k, AIL, Euro In !k,":
An LauraAlN' ll•rrirburg
II yno , Yesirr rl,.ap trareltng RAJ trAtlforyAbl• arrqntyro
diatom, ...tura 'our ay vain, kintak,rvga
hats Mu.. ol
J. I'. lIOLAIES, `.
Or of D. LEECH & CO.,
a a 185 t .
Via Browna - rille and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia. '
HE 310BNING BOAT lenrea the Wharf
j alpy. It.. Align 1011, .mdll
aertlng writthe ear. at eurn.ria.p.l neat world. •
Th. Evening /Mat 1e3.6 daily Sundl: y e a mi.)
at 6 o'cir,k, maxpretlna lat., the Curotpalairt
eveolap. /et 10 o l elwk.
Thar thrnugh V. hours. Parr Pule 39.
Tmle throdgh to Philadelphia. Jo Lou. Pare only SW.
The Natinnal Road is o p/xpl cond.,. p
the Coathr• between ~.rill.
a sot Cumberland. go
whi dh
Irlskr. 016 derpledly 111. herd mtg.
, - .. • • I u.,:AI I Coup . ptiuu. loraora...t, ittreolar . ,,Me , tr.
l PENNSYLVANIA g A TT.ROAD. , Rib a.' lAi ',h., %Net, Ilea. /2 1 )V • t1 , 11010P of arto , l,„ nd
V. L.rni 0 WY I.LiElit . Wind. Rl\ rrord bt Dr. Gas -
a suf , i , jszww -....., I 1..,...r.,,, r, , ‘ 1.,.- DrAttrol S.aae.krtf.res,..rtitch alrar lot \
wedotte 1,1. i., rr,, , Aln, [be fouttno qt health stnt(.
L. Completed to Lockleart, 20 /rev: r!I Johortorrn. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,..,. , 0 „,. ir,pent ra n,... a u lir,' ~,,,,,,, 6,
TIME REDUCED ANN SPEED • IN I- 1 1 EA , ELL.,_ I tool., ra/ ..r, , . to. zbi l / 4 ail., healthy aettro to all the,
rtlli: S DESCH 111 ERS hare ter p1 ,, ,0re 1.; ..L , ‘` , ..rK. v\, \ •
~, ~,,,,,,,, r „,„,,,, ~.,„,.. ~, „,,. ~..,,,, • Let.a,;ll 'Sc 'red, PI, elt s ,. Litaal tr., the Inaporltles
Pr TEE. lootroa, that we h.,- rocurneorol /rat/sloth. { rot-tier ted In., n.., ,q,naklYl 'ate of the appetite during
1' :',,,,t k,ritun,d47:l';',l.7u;',T.:4°'''''"' ""''''' ', "^ -i l \ o l ,-°v ov.-^ ", ;I:.'" ' r"" , ".":"...
41',.. non prerantat to roe., . an d n,... ar , t ar ; y ~,,,,,,n , epideutio, h, r ohe 01 13r. Or . ! t , ,, Ertrut of Fellow
r ' " ': '''
'''"'4'7,4::-TudiVAT:t'V.l.T.'.4v,',in-A...',:."-°' I "'-k"-",'-',,."-`%°'"` •'''""u`"
. ~....,,,..... ~ . -Ad "Kett/at flealr le heir
e- at the Eh welon P 12.4 Of fivl,lit :
VIII IT Cldtts.--Dryttooode. 11 . 0 . , b0 , 4 110, 10. to, and th...trP re. er\o •, , , , ta.old, ; fur to this rem.-
tathreoy. Cultrry. tku.foottourry. Fruit., di'/h. publlrkalin n. 0 1•Ik at Oater can wate,
• Feather. Iltrultare. Drug, 31010, .... N.I . , i
..., 1. rit la lounden..
,I. M 1 ,
. „elr •...O.!' WO ,
Illtg• h e ` CAt r .. -- iii. , :. , ,i4...0reare1/n ' '' • . 'Mar .., rP. s'''''''' I '... ' •C. ''"*.•
.4 • ram, Punt.. l , fe :toff.. Woo. Leather. Clo , They 0, hoot wader tn.:tato ....414 .. , lifft, and ~
Tyratvar. Flea. Tin, thy land other 11,,., N.. 1,
.. , ~,„, t.,,,,,, ash. yard), Not .4....1 . therar, t ,,, h0a,,,,,,
ic • eti,s - ',,i;:_11,..',„• l e itaz . l, - „l,,•iri7
,;,,,jef „ ,;',:r • i rot., down To bee)tb IQ se..o,,o,
Ft.l'o, Tot.= Leaf, &Me., T.lloar, taraln and I ,„hart/ and otbe.• tht , try noh di of 10. \stroteryt led
ltntt CLltb,-.Asbra, Marttle (ro'.egt;bi a r t '.''' - . 1 ''''.
''''''''''''''' '' '''''l."' l th t t l" ' • c , el . P./Orreal re '
Pl,lMlEPrin tits ....n. lo Otdra:tt•e , I, IT of Tallow Dock
lbtrh.ltorlo GertnenCll,,,Ltdoes.ll
I.'l 001: 1 'OLE. Agent, . and r`ark - tparill.,,tnd ter , \ „ 4,41,1 lalaa, le 1 1(.....0rake • to
: artsrZi rornor ot an 111 ay.. Pin,. tr, tt..0.4 we have no 1,..1 Lien to ya httrun hist...needy
\ \ \ t :,
1851. I 1851.,
. ; ; - ; \li • ;\ ; . , \
r 1 'II al, ~ hr.. h TII ih/LJ. I IIIA r ....
N lounkok .tol the Eno bail 1. entutrentor attb ~, ~,,,,,,, r , ._,,, ~,,„ ,„„.,„,. 1,,, ~,,,,,, ,/,‘, ~,,,,...
Ism el...toeto•.r. on Lake En., the Clog.; Clerekuod, . • ' • . ' ''s
Y I Columbro.nd Coutootatt. Cle...tand od Pllt.nruel,. awl I 1 edger It., /Uhl - arsap..ll. Vreedtt•at ...sheikh'.
I Vandorky and Übe/num/I Railroad, and rteamerr re thr , ere, 010.
', ,
o , lou and 1 1/....."ippi nlota, and 0,...ie1m. Indiana and A ~, ~,,,,,,,nte erntlemen Intunned um tbataidi
•' 1 ''''''l l4LlVi IfIVE DUN/•I /1 KAI FOLLOW,: daughter Ira, trouhael •eth dilhoult toeustroaCon„ sty
. I (Sunday/. eenpto.l, • t nth, d„......... pe... no 1,.. nes. she 6WI rot badlnhor
1. , vane" hides.r Endo •q a o•rirek ' , ~..„,,,. „,,,„,,,,,,, dtaet.,..„.. for a leo, [twee: hat by ‘ 0,..
0 1 1 .1 Cronin,: .pro
.. ", ~, - I tlott Or Out h... I rho.: tOl entl, rarwaparilla ahe Ira, ,
1 ibe M. T... able at Litman. ahere leksionger. , etn r•gb.•4o corn.. -1,./ u... 1 Torrooo3.l's and nther• ettlud, \
r .1.-op 7 heuta, and the Rato...Traio, artivine Is, hr.' r„,..,‘,./.., tho •nut,tert lint ta lle h. and,.
danehlat Jr. \
lora nett nu moue:. '.. n'tilork. utak/oath. van], dlatanre ''
1,, day -Ilk.
,frtut the okine ra/PPm d / E. TIZIYI. a CO,
Ibe ret era 1 , relent and Catlin Trllo 111•1., Donk at 11, 4 arkartot. 00rego roomy , May, Lake,
'''';l AAI Jall , v;. a Parpeoger (Yr 0 101.b01 In thi. Ira. ata re , i,, .-1,.. ~r. I poreta...j. . thy. 0,..., , ,,,
' ; ' ,.T.L1.. ' 10, 44.' 0t ?tact. ittref•7.:l:'Ljol..T. ' , rood Cla. : a bottle y( 'out Yell,. .
. 0 0m ph ..../.rlh, fur ray ad.,
Poren .11 to .Sro, In a tee uar. wh.kbt .1,, , Ita.. ,001 1.0 her 00. t rystpolak,Aud
, The COaSkf.AU, lirr ,Leer „a
no, rao.port It., nock met 5 ant...., I .1..,,r 01 tly. 11 orob, .. • and II ha. alroh..l 1
re t:t. br .1 Itod. to andron] Nee Ybrlt
t , ertirriler allplite,{l 1.111 lm paw, n. ,troa. Th. rang. , .• 'Pei her ' \.3 much. ' 0 0,0 Lr, - 1 1 riah hao n. 0. 0?
e i Let tut I. hot vide. rare. rhl• r , ul44,troat adrantrope. over . ".•rret'a , uee. 1 lIde" , . 1. ture..ett •
I rt.r , " , * gear, / 0 •1roula in the tratopottahon 'O/ o v.k 1 and ...1., Ir .1 herlf. tot
termer, Nelec.teldebt,,
~ mar- alluatturl I'rato. will to Out 4n etc.:no-ow In a , ~,„ „ ~,, „.,,,,,, a y„„,,,./..,, 0..,.. ,
: ter, rho. tone.
„ „..,,,,,,,,
Trea la TOO .11 be dlatrihotet erring full partlett., '''.., ''''' 't r ''T''''“ . " ..
V. `''' , 'S' .. ' n L..
. .
1., us regard to the prier, or Fee. t. to r...,n a. t. Can 1 I
, ''" 17 , 171 1 1 . 1 ' .1„ 1,1. Aue.4. Ihra f t - r ‘ f; Ml'''
' ,7•24in .. 1. 0. ig .vi ii , ,, .0
jam. ___
• WESTERN . 1851.1 ,, -1..:,...1dir.,0Ne5r1e, .4,n...a or i.i., c.Laaa ' lgiat.,
T RANSPORTATION CO3IPA NV. I \. ' ll. ', ..T ' o ' r/V. ' :',
t'r''....,417:14, ''N=l...Utro'CaNt•Tit'uV°l:ll
, .0, ~.t. o.odttut. rolety 0 0,1 3 . 0 ,,,,, 1 alhor Ca
~,,„..,,,,, \
, ~,, Laar.. i , November :41,0te. s
aggip !o ~.
lxtler: 1.1 Cu r.Ol , Icll, l trbett • .a ..p.011 .;. tehiela
RAIL ROAD AN p r CANA L I , ,1.,.t ~....,... been ILekoato uktder the thr.h„ !I
~, / j . ,......1enc... rot te.tArtot. we tt? , ...ith and - the, •
PITTSBO RD 11, PIIILADELPIIIA, 'BAT L I-'1 ....r...“..el lit. ' .'.
MORE, AND NEW YORK. . a b.,/, t`,•,..,.,.,,,ka,..1.7•6 i.,..u... .1.-1.1,...g.P.
• .011 . ...a. 0,1, to aslrkt 10kle oo.htt . I alto rote.
9 1 11 E Canal being in gl.lod order, we are ~ LI .. .1 .'ija Pal pit. ,on at
Iles.. od voth the
'I ah trul P tre •d lny ' r r'r elga n . Irene lows[ . ' n '' r r retrt .-l ars; ' u n t 1, '''''' ' ''''`‘'''' '''''''‘''' ' 4 ' Is.'l "" . ' ''"
ftehent. with , roarptno. and drapatelb The 1,..a. ...I , rEUPPI t u .le.f.tith dis.nkse to thitettl.rol se eat or the
can are W and controlled to the propneh.ora INJI• ;eh trono, e. nd . punO , oo. of ray . h and 1.1. .01 tor
of hulling Irturtollted, and all Inattortlno. pr. par . 6 I ear. Lat. L. •/.., 'krt. oettte\ , l3 . l .• tat, hotot 3 r• bea.
curled la
Al Pit In. or .ddrsto eonvu lone t e no:1, .I.le tooth torn to \ ltd. rec. .and
OAFS A MACK, INennetore. •0, i1,,,e•i,,, b, a art, otell,lr.str their torerro., on.
etrlV ßlV ' T . L l lPT:l ' l r , n l 7 rop.T. i g ' , '''' ' I ' hh. " "'''. '''' ...".,•'' ••.'', ' ..., .4" , '..'" , 4'.
jtevelelast Caput. Nte. th A In, South Z.,1 1 .., 10/..a. , Ilttlr-or co ru. ~• %hut the br% 04. that I took Os \
thing:ring Repot. Lbett rt., Plana. 1 1 eltvw h., k •to h ....1.par,11.. 10, ,whlound Inaptu,
IttkliTll a I . IIANCISCUS, Aeon.
mod conllnoed to to 0 Vohl all h( y tonne/thing Loon.
' T ‘' ll r'' Y N l• llll t ' Clt...t?ta n t!r " I VI.. "`'`' • * .tte.l3 r L . ^ .` • '`' Mr 6 'lt 6 ` . .* "kr...
ie. No 7. W... rare.o. • New 1 ork• ' , ial Ireattrou t.ain. I:: rho and Ira. •to ntetorod,tupor•
• •
26 }LOURS TO CLEVELAND. \....,....u,.1.....,...,. a enots.. arc vo. )I,(n Rod healthy.
ta......,,r0eu1ar. , erfrol to
l oll y re els PIo.NO.
aigial lB5 L .i. .--- 1;. ,;,,. 0.....N0t shat,
I/, , Pyrex, ... , a poor pe.,pla,
‘ 1114 V"P`Etl WI. 1.15.1 Unable I.
, out et ry
11 1 tio- s
111"SBURGLI AND CLEVELAND I ,1,,6,,.. ~,.. 1... W ,,,. n,,0, ,", ~... ~nt,,,,
&pre's acket and Rn,o,,j Line to an'et'and, ' leen', tell,. 10 .1. . Coarr.4 that Nattlelt
I_IIASS NOEIZS leave every morning e kt 9 l ~,,a,,,;‘,. - I baried.r. Even NPAUL INU.
1 ,
a. 0,-Ire ,by atoronbonat to hearer. than, by ..ep, , ,,,,,, 14- N..... ertrulio \ noloa Fu u I.n large 1.0.1•1, 47 n.
.aual pack oto Itareuna, thin,. by I • ootourehand Clete- i tatton.t. es,,,dart, athl\ormte 41, h Blrup law. Id Ilia
Iraurßall Ato Cl.ealaud .. , _
, , Oa, aun tho wrltton rookatilto • .1. ikaortr. 0b.. / .
Aelelthro u Craton/1/d, H.W.
In (Neve ad, kT, hour, Tr, Getredt. 7. hyurn 'k
' ' t '''''''' ''' T.i " ' , \ ..\-
Italia ~, td .• Chine, r.,, , - ~ s s ~,,,, L, ~ O. I'AIII, Chterawit, oq, uorthe.t conak
Tlckets tyro through to
I il re., Lud, 0 altotl ottr, t 01 .ftrIC i.t . P.1.i1111.1t. Plreeo .
461111i1M itll nr,h3, P:EIPP lxi 1,..1.1:,.....4
k 111 Colo onand Xenta, I.; Clartland awl (aorta:kali , i,,,,,,,,,„ ~ C, : „, h, A. k,,,,,,,,,,, , „7„,..
.',,,, 4,,,,,,,, , i,
, I
Paarao rs fur bettolt, Chicago aml klllaankl.„ ~... 1 WO - tot, Jr, erttabur,h; Les ' LL•ckhant.. Nl)'
C10t... tocry el/oe at ".1., o'clock, by the aplendid L. T. It Leaen. tv,,,i,,u, g ,,,, 1.. a. e,„,,,,,,, on. to., u.
ouratnern ( Silent /ran Central Railroad Co for Carroty M. ~,., ~,,,,.„,,,,,„,.. , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
thence .t h. t , 'cloork, A. .11, hr 1011 road to New Hub, .- -• •- - t e '•, -. , •` • s • , , mot..
and arelvi sr paw. over/toy at Cblcseo 10 ate.nteat. \'' 8-11,,,, b , e , • 1 k ''.. ~...-....1../4...., 11. ,, ,W , • ,,,,, a Z
A. 4,
Hearin.D • wat.or In tb. OLtio tit., this NOI. h. lintln. lithirtrend • Co .
, into. ..1 1,, ri ott.t. httsapolna
ols, and Galena, roll Ir tount woch,ottleker. I ~t u..., - a
to. Prootatlte. A. 11,1 w. \ a eon. %Want I(ttre
''"''' "' 4 Pl"'"'L l ' iMPtn...,,naii- r ,,. p.,,,,, ' ,,,,,,..,„ ' •, l , 11...vintill.1 a Cu. h. Ca110w.... hlriklethe, lbartot: 'CO
knouterra..Cn. '1
Ire 0;./... a 1 0 , ...0. a ,, ,,. 4 .W . neo) A Co. ut.
For hr. a or Inlbrwatlon .ro 1 , ,
• 1
• 1et.:..,..., h...., d tr. , uunnerno. 11 arr.,: F. L n.
JOON A. CACOOFT. tier.- I . • .
(UP. .. eanart of molt Lula. and 5 atnroStrets. `''' .4.. " - . L '''''''' . r. , " rt I'. ' - ''''' . ' •r •.'re U kir.
oppreute Ow Stormonahrla Web, tar Prtee , e-441 per 'fault; Six ottha fat -TA
0:2, errreutpnin. I ,
\ . , ' •
. ..
I '';' l " ' '" ' . " .7 ....
1851. . .65E4 I, Judd ' s 'dedicated Litinid • Ordiele. : I
rNION LINE ~1 1 111 S; A ItTICLE.i,. ittlenilt•ti fejt loWtly t/Se,'..
\55 .vet 0 . obi le ht.... Or Peeere'..' d el./ ..."
On the cunsylvania and Ohio Ca n als, 'N,:,7;':,-; ','.;',.,„.,',',..,'"'„f1,"„' '`T';‘,",1,„7"."11.;)T1';',,,,';
PRltrltt ETON., ' vr‘f, VftlPl.7!: i/Pr 'I " 1 . :.01. ' • 4 , 1 hnd, ',l,o , ' auttel,a, l . irti.„ . 1 , ,e. 1 ,. '
CLARKE. PA 111(14 I C 0... .. .... llot•oc0,1 1, PI. ...Oh 1 , lb. o , • an'l •C• r • bstr tri. t . l.' ''''' .. " .er '`,,',.`•••
CIII3LIIKI LIN. ChAIV k Olt h a 0 1 .....1.1.......r. U. orukli s de.
underdeord harane, Iry
ri l ltiLS a ell known Line is 110 W pr ei red to
~,,...,„ .. ' , ' , ' , ‘ , 1 ,,:, ' ,! ' ..1. r ,, ' , '' .i, ' ,,7,r,.. thrall,/ I.,uurkutule.l.o
- freight and partoneer. (non PITT URU/I • .1,T,,, 1, ~,,..„,, ~ ~,,,,, A U. 1,, %via 11 .4 - .1 u. 1.110.. -
ant CLEN El NO, loan,- point on the Canal • I. ken.. :,,,,,,,N„ ~., n ,,,,:, /,t t, , , ~. proforoloo.l brethren. as r :
The r''''''U" r U.' 1.1,,.,, .." .r ..... 4 ...... " .r . ...I",•on ..0.11 . 0 ..... .0‘,.. cr /Who.. phonter th .Ineoto,„ _
It'', and caps _it, of Itoath, exporl.ore of C. 1, 01. • .. ,th 1,.... ....... ..t. t t%!..e. and all lords tot tree h ...nod.: t
marl (+I Agent..
e.l 0. it r N Nr, r , ~-1..e.1i urtall..J.
ono hold 1 Pith/buret/and 01.0.1arkl drill, utrittnst ,11 .011 Ahtll, IC D.
lo onotnellt.h •10, a Lino of rtrandolllo4 Leta, pITTN. t \ Ivo b. et...../...1. kL,O„.
110111111 andIDEATEII. saa • Lin. of Ureter...eon ect,,l \
j . t ',‘ ,,ll ', l ' l •-' ;l'.li.ii:, • ,
(PrOP.lller and tweet., on the Lek...
I \ \
\ a Lt." A ottall .1 on. 3.1.0/ . tb.taLle,
Parke A Co., Vounnotomo,Od t \ I \
-I ,ik, t tuttteue .11 ~. /.00,0ne ph, 1100.111 le \t4 the l'lly or
AI. 11 Taylor, Warren. 0 :
A A. N. Clark. Newton 1'5115.0. 1 \ . Il4.ll,aurn
II a Flu s Knot.% 4 " .
11 Ptvott.e. 11a5i0n..... ' c. had , br
1 ,, ..
./er Woost an I ',l t , fr .t
~ - --, I .U.
ha kyton A Ca, Ravenna..: I , , _
,[rol l
'""'''''''' ' 'i 11 !.I: I_l.oll'l 1.1. NT of, tire yeartl',Aand
ii. a. illiter.Colahoga 1.'.11., (Id
5 lierler. 1e... A Co.. Akron Od it A ~,, ,anti 1., urtna Lb. oronrrai.erth ft .
11rnJon,roo A Pottlla.... Nando...., CU,..; ~ \l , , J‘ e ,, ..e. l''''C'` '' ' l. . • " .. k!' , 'LLCith. \
Porkbato 1 Scott, Tule... 0, . , / ...vl. , inhatut, roy /b. rep. 1,t6 ,
IL 11•1111anut Is eix.. INArott, hflrldean. ~,, t, 1... Neer,- •Pir ,„ I . r, kt la Is:th pirtwore ',can
Oonna•nno A Co. hllleault Ir. 5 lad ; tre othe at , PL., I,t,r i 111 . II b h tketleCtru arondeti
110..A.lithh. am.. o .
11 1 . III.: 7.' iTl:.'.r:4".l.:‘V.E:2."Llou'untiTiii 0 i1 t " ta ,'1 .7.1, 7 \
Thomas Rol., Oiler/go. 111.
.11111 N A CA I,IIIIEY, Aeont, 4, ..too u, bitiona.loo ..... , Ate', he a u,,,,,,,„ ~,,,, ~,,‘
,„,,,, ~.
41 , 1 rot. 14 air, and Statthi.,l .0, Plitaur.rb ! ra, -tt, . , o ' , FON , blo•e ; l•llee kt•thettiritte that
/ t,.- „ose• tu ato tutrtta.N. l Latel...e allltcledarlth Lo. , •
Excursion Ticket s to Beaver, 25 celltS. • .., ....t. ,, .. , • ,. .1 . 1, ..,. Stack an....,„„,,,i„ ,
noe, but two, al tart I bra tit
)0. Lrr 1 . 110, •
rl l 11 E tine liapsonger menmers , fm_ , ,,,, ,
.... , T ,, :::. „ ;. % - 4 .c . i .. . , , , i t 1; ,,, ,,,„,,,, t,,f3,,,, h ,. , ,4 . ,, ,,,
~ t...',1..,',`,1 Y :nr,"...,m.:PM1,.'...,:'j,;i1;.2 --milezkfi L:7,,,,,.,'„.,t,',...,1-;.:1T.,,,,`„"0,1,:":".-,..'-aIT,J. \":4
....,,,,,,,, ~,,I ., ` ""°'" ' s ''''''''''' '''' [; ." ; • 7 :,- . 7 . I n '""';V,;l`.-Ii: i"' . . ~,,.4.
1 1 . 1 ‘ 1 ."' : .''' ' ''''' '''''' , l L ' o u'' '''
"4 ; ' el -''''' ,l7, • ~- • it . . I 1. utel,aaeta el rnietuter that till 111 t.alled 'le of
' ' ''''' ' ' n. ~ o er ,,, “r+ r ~,r •loo Title" ,, mv , lb. u ..erkoir. 4 l 4a t. ft„ - tyre;,,
P.r.....4 ` , ..'^" ,7 .t I. out,. 1.d:,. 00,0- ' b . : 14.3•1 rbreet. area nOrfotiot hire. rothatlona. ;',.. - I ''
' !t i 7 ' 41 . ::;:1 " :)P %a .:.' ... '.'. ,"..'- I ^ - . \ ----P
I,,t;.‘,',,Tn.titp- on 4r, roe fi1•••.,".... "1"..'".. pltoF. ALEX. '. BARRY'S TIIICOPIIE. '
- 113.•btean No.' • or.. the Oho. ot
.... JOIIN A. I, AlliillLl. Acrot, ,h0L.,1", 1.01. hft.l.4 ' TF.It CO OPIJUNO-Tio.teis terms '
i „ i, d , diii id .iii.ldii d b ii , d .i i 0 1.01, tor the Deer „rote of taddruar and OlN'sate of ,
Arau.' _Car. W.... . - ''.' ' • -7, ' the tr.euto ethrn/11), Illat but rtyrbkO the ya , Pnlatity ,
rangement Made to Forward Freight :,,,,:g.-'L1',.,;,:" 2tr0:,... 4 ,,,, -, 7 0, , , : e .........y' , . r ),,,, , , b-
no. 0peer.1..... , 01 tn. I.'‘',Etiitrati-:-lii=i.4,...%ntg
A7' SAI ' IIE RATES PENNSYLVANIA, 1.7,1;,;,,h.",,1,r,12:" 11,: ' ,"Tt ' =1"Xtaltt.d . 71 •
il_ RALLROAP COMPAT nzeit,tZ t 1 1 1 1Ad . n oi li!gla, by ;boa , ehaamla, itn grt th to a remarkable uent.c. It Mr ..,
1.01. then .1,1 ton and \scar,...) tsetoa Clii(Milliir,,lLlS
iyal cornvt Pp.po an II
a44-Ira••tr... Pltbeg. 001). It aill core all thite.ta el tbeamlta ldurtbaelahlll
•---•----, -----"" 0.--;----•'" , ,-,--= - , - - - - - - - , .7..... - r.1.-, haul, dew IstatnaalliuthV.lnuo.C.l.43 I.lleo.rUrreet PlK•lri,
t ' llAYo COAL FLA S-For sale, by LO ette•hotere . Mall *Wale nortllAL 'lt •
U sola - in large I, Optler.prlcalk. cents by
JL - pacu J. ECII :Immix& a co, n 16 - .1 r. awn ~, IL 4.8.V.U.)214 87 iir .u. _
, .
FLATS—For sale by
J. KM SUMO' a co, 27 wool r.
•• • •
„ .
\ l\
".. 1 \ \
\ \ c.
a •' ) \ \ -• S
' \ a
\ . \
- \
\\ ,
\ • . \ '
\ ' .---,----.---• ',- \ -I r . . . ' . ~...::.:., ''....:. ‘.. .. -
\ \ . A., • ...--„
\ '
\ a
\ „,,
'iklf'. P 2,1 I
k ved and for sal \ar
- \fiEEsg. \ ._.% b.. 10 — .. oh\et. l / 4 105 ,a; ,
4 .. do., .ri!tol . rl Anie bi ~,,A,L , \,. . •
.1, ,,,
I klf U 12,51 \CILE7 is MIT .
L 4P `,' c ' he " 4 " 4 "Vis i a l , !' ca at . 'ls
LPFI: 1-.1.94i c ‘ - ii, i• - ca
and for •by 4.y, '' Mit id ANDLy. •: '
•• - -
. A ;:. A