~.•,-....- ~:, . - , ..:i :. , i -;; . ,!;. - .1-- : ;„, „ : 7- : : : i.....',;- . .,1. - ,:. ~..-., ' , .--' 'R.--;- .1 - . :%:' •''' .._ .. ..... . . into the calculation. But im things stand now, • the South eeems disposed to forte the Slavery _ Inane into the coming canvann' and in our judg .._ • inent, ij ire the moral thing they could pho sibly do. The South ought to be content with keeping it ont,:—with'smpileacett . ca and , inmate on tbo part of the North upon the subject of Slavery. = They are safe no long as nothing is done, In this, as in malty other matters, "mos . . . terly inactivity,'.' is their best policy. They cannot - rmt-yote .the Nertb,. and they run the • risk of being ont-voted themselves. - If the whole mattes can be allowed to drep,—if °pp :tents of agitation will stop agitating,.we believe till will go on well. , The rights or the South will • . not be intaded,—their institutions Will not be Interfered with,-end the laws will be obeyed., e I' But if, not content with things as they, are, they ,persist in pushing the contest farther, we fear ~ , SV-,("•-- • they will find themselves In the ende losers by the cmeration. . They could not do anything would please the Abolitionists and Ultra ,""•rio, _..t..0 4 ;,...1-.„lsts of the North, better than to insist on intro dueing Slavery as an element in the coming Presidential causes. • VITTSBURGH;GAZEITE •1•[Y10.1811CH' HY WHITS: ' t•011 PITTBBII3OII. TUESDAY. MORNIN.G,.OOZ 28, 1851 Pe -READING HATTRI? WILLDEFOIIXD :•OX EACIIPAGE.OF TAUS PAPER. I, - - The Pittsburgh Post says that' protection to • • American hadostry ‘ , as the issue fairly mode 'at 1 the late" election, and thai-lt met with a signal j , -' defeat In thee strongest iron counties-in the State. y ' We suppose our sagacious economist • infers from this that Iron needs no farther pro- Motion. Will he tell us then why to many hen dred furnaegs and forges are now silent, and in g the hatidsof the sheriff ? Can be =aunt for the fact that many of the Rolling Mills of Pitts burgh hare stopped in this season when they C usually run night and day, ; and that others are , • • only rtiniiiipt half time, and that others intend r.-- tp stop as soon . a s they work up their stocks J Can he: account for this on his_ principle that iron needs tie further protection ? _ a The editor calls' the doctrine of protection to . Ai:eeriest , lilainfactures--"the otd,.stale, worn out, ind thread-bore doctrine of -a generation b • that has gone by,—:tbe false, unnatural, and en • jnet' doctrine of mere protectionl" , ' This is the , con4olatinn the editor affords the groat interests t of Pittsburgh,. st a time Then they are sung- a gling for even an existence. Before the election, t • rams Of the Locofocos were loudly vociferating that the Democrits would give us more protec fi...-"li:''; • they know that Pennsylvania's iate rests needed to'be sustained by a higher duty. Nits . , the organ of that party in this great mann fanning district scouts at the idea of further • rotation. It is the old, worn-out, thread- t hare, false, unnatural, unjust doctrine of a past ' We think it likely that some of fle Post's Baal friends in the iron , districts *he voted against protection, ;will soon became as thread barman the doctrine they hare so , madly and • P,? . ?*PP • , Vat ter Bannotii.—This great 14, la daily growing in popular favor; and Xineed that it will not again be al- P. ~QytB3fg 9a sleep. The improved condition of the ii:::zoSesiTirierk.:money market, and the great success hie attended the New York: and Erie augur favorably of the speedy' "E''.i''%S.OMletion.of the one under consideration. STP:itrie Pleased to learn that GOT.. Jotossros solicited, and has give:This couseat, to 'apt esi President of the' Company. His .lafity . and energy, and his skill as a financier, • . 'alf Car:aline to render him one of thc'best men j ea; could I; eh' en for that trust. It any man : owe Yea" , -dß'. he can. 1 he'- New York and Erie :pad has a guage of sialeet.".' It is obviously advisable, - therefore, r i. thatthilreidshonld bemade of the same width, so thitthe Same ears may run through from ' Pittsburgh to New York, . Thu trip eon be Made ; in frotalii to 20 houM... And it is equally obri f cuis.that it will be for the interest of the Com pany to begin stthis end, or tworeasons becninsi for the fait fdty or sixty miles, there is no choice of antes--nature having facets' lied orie, and only one. This would afford ample . time for- expiration and survey of the several routes claiming examination at the northern end of the road. Second, because the first see tion of, 'Bey 30 miles on this end, would be high ly profitable as soon as completed, which could • not. be said of a like section at the other end. • It is agreed on all hands that this will be one of the most advantageous ioads to Pittsbunth • . 1 of any, that has been projected, opening; as it . win, a new an d krt.i6 market far her mann a • • factures; both. in New York and in Philadelphia, . and also, iv. ginng a conveyance, always ready, to and'front the great iron region of that valley region of vast and various resources, but • ' not: one twentieth of which is yet, occupied, and only so because there are no means of inter-' e • erase and conveyance, except what is furnished a by the river' which is both precarious and ex . • pensive. Tux Forams News which we publish this - . . . . . ' ''," ' Tue Feature News which we publish this morning, is highly interresting and important. , ...' - I." - A, lt Is =ailed that ie state of things on the eon ._ -.. • ~,,, .. i.;.-,nnetit is becoming more and more critical. The , :liberation `of Kossuthby Turkey, under the im. , posing sad signifiewst circumstances which at- , ..-- ..' tended that event, his caused II moat profound Y. :,.,.., . sensatitnt upon both the legitimate and demo. • i-' . - liet erotic portions of the (continent- Austria is fa ,.. Pri ol evolle ci en n ; l andt4 pa a Pent li"t'bin ef. Vigtibe:naloaffeshwro"l=daudtphP:eurfhThrolalPoirYiPu"g poverty -. .ev . A,,t.g=1.;;.. e subject: , . 1 ., ' ‘• ...A --'l.; - .oitidaile relatione to the Porte are cling ' 4,:_rC.P - ,',.n.P.V eiP ... ii.trilll : Henceforth we hive nothing but t , '1 !.;"-"'. '4 t;re zr l'C ' i ll l'd re t O li Tr 7' o t nly cansa ci l e t la nd tr tid ea n tir d wt o tl . '".,,,-."... ' . the Porte. We do -not utter menace, li g ut we ~, shall be forced to set from time to time on be . t - half of Austriin interests, regardless of the ,: , t -.- . .. Porte, even should it appear that the state in • ' l .: • . terest a of the two countries are diametrically ...-., - .•: opposed. For to that state no treaties bind us ' longer. Its existence only concerns us so far 1...-.: '-' ,as . an it coincides with our policy, and with our efforts to preserve pence . The Austrian envoy .: .. ' ~e.F.': has made the Porte answerable for all the cense -1- quences which this breach of treaty may have tor ' . ...- -Austria. The conduct of the exiles themselves, ..., -. twit that of their foreign protectors, is likely to . influence, in no slight -deerde, the tone to be f . , i ' 7 , adopted by Austria toward the Porte." It may be that the etir of Russia will take 4rantsge of thliWfair to push his long cherish . 4...i' ~,,;,(144. pfilett Of seising the Turkish territory, and ~ ';74ll":".l.dddingletc; his already overgrown empire.. - 1f •. er_'-, -L.:, .. • ' et„i.Auittr is will be encouraged, to declare war, ~ • Z ...; 1 ,. iitUtthett 4 Nicholas will - come in, as he did in theillitogarian struggle. A failure on the part ~., 'of Austria to go to war with Turkey will. be at ., ' '' ' tributed by the poi:nter party of Europe to por ' ..i . ,k - ..' ~ . - • erty, weakness , and fear, aturcannot butprecip- L t.,.c• - , 1 fate the' approaching struggle between the pen -36.... .., pie and their oppressors . The liberstion of KOS ' ' . • nth, therefore, has placed Austria in a dilemma ---‘ ' ti. from which there is noescape. Should Austria make an attackaupon Turkey, on account of the liberation of Kossuth, Eng ,.....,.. - land and the Unit 4 State!, it enema to no, are -- • . - Wand in honor to espouse her quarrel; and the •P , : " appearance of the combined fleets of two ratter r' v mains in the Mediterranean would be : timeline' ...• . -..,.. for - the uprising of the Republicans of France, it' . ' Italy, Germany and 'Hungary, a Lune, if once .-.. N,:.. , • • fairly organised, too vast to be successfully re, If - ... • . . The refusal by the French Government to per! P' : ' • per mit Ileasuth to past through their territory, wit '. , . - a most: egregions blunder.. No doubt his pas 1. i; ,. .;;. 1 : 1: ~ . sage through the country would have caused fil: .. considerable , popular Commotion; but libi , ad= - ' dress to - the people of Marseilles (which will be . - it. . ' footed in 'ale paper) Inis caused more sensation ''-'• . Gnus writhing that has happened since 1848. It '' „ T.f - - • ' has given si tremendous. Impulse to the popular canes In France, and.has'teen alarmed th 4 Tory ..•;. - ,A •. - - press of England: , ' , • • •,. The government of Louis Napoleon appears to be " - pietaunder the thumb of the despello powers. Vonpaltty act of denying permission to .Kosaatlito. pus thriugh.Frelsen, trout tha. *re ° L ' . of the. Mediterranean to LondOtylli Ovideato of this; aid . attotherevideouk lo the atin 4 4 l4 F'P i . -, -” that the French troops eris.te be . yritittrivret !roux . •.;..' ..,, k .:- :: Itose,..i olol 0 : 807 t 2. 2, _llr of / 1,6 6 9 - tn° ftbat . .`! .. .,1W . :- tiiiatroto47-orPjei...l ll : 6 ,:b e tint, op to 4°4". :A4 44 , ;44 34iic'iLm/iv?Ot that htnaefortb' *Mitigated fi,2.-.1::.1;:`;".-11464,3.0.-..1'!M4iiiie.0'rdiuida.P 0 the lit - IV . .ir-7'.;.'',,,':-4.oe,eini. haebtint. , 1. . . 4:..6.'-',T''.:,,f.-...',....',';..-:.4:4-.':',4 .'-.''''' - f -,- *• . ='!;\ - . . .-.., ... . - ..2.t.,.:: 0—•--. .—.- 1 Adams ~ 2472 1945 Allegheny -8797 5903 Armstrong 2184 2472 Bearer I 1962 1996 01 1 Bedford' 2 =9 2202 Ilerks 4721 918 1 Blair 2295 1704 Bradford 3650 368111 Bucks 5258 5486 L .Butler 2782 2536 Cambria 1230 1765 Carbon . 787 1374 Centre 1883 2974 Chester 6350 5350 Clarion 1351 2658 Clearfield 962 1698 Clinton. 981 12601 Columbia 1024 .2041 Crawford 2938 31921 .Cumberl'd 2955 31411 Dauphin 3599 2690 Delaware. - 2147 1594 Elk 154 4651 Erie 3510 2110 Fayerte 2625 3179 I:rsi t ntlin 37 7 8 0 :i 3'tr o l Greene 1272 2250 flunting'n 2435 2024 Indiana 2540 1752 Jefferson 1002 1240 Juzista i 11437 1337 Total.. ... .. . Tot*, -1.8,087 185,500 Bigler's majority is abosit 8,423. Glover beats Strohm sh o at 8,800. ..,The totals for Judges of t he Supreme Court of ap as follows: .11 Coulter, 180,604 Lowrie, 185,981 Chambers, 176,081. Black, 185,710 Comley; .. 175,002 Lewis, ° 184,485 Meredith, 174,2391.38 nm, I 184,647 Jessup, . 173,087 'Campbell, 176,859 Coulter, Lowrie,. Black, Lewis, and Gibson, are elected, and compose the ScipreMe Bench. We !shall publish the ofscial tables when wo receive them in an autbratie form from Harris. burgh.. The "New York ,Courier and Enquirer," and' the "New fork Express," - are endeavoring to aromie the Whip of that -Statafromi their app. thy, and to incite them to go to work to obtain s victory.. These are the papers which predict ed a Whig defeat in Pennaylvaais, and rejoiced at the success of 'their own • predictions. The Bocce's; of the Whip of Pennsylvania they con sidered would bare been a national inisfortuas ; while the success of , the Whip of New York they esteem of immense impertmice to the pdb.• lia good. The ,preaChing of each papers will fall with a deadening effect upon their readers. The one hundred and seventy ihotteaild Whigs of Pennsylvania who voted for Gov-Johnston, and far better Whigs than, the men-who rejoiced ; at their overthrow, for they do srariathire with their New York brethren, 'and moat earnestly' pray for their speedy deliverance from all such fanatical and-cotton-befogged leaders.; Prrresenon•9o Coatzurn Riltilo3.l. —Gen C. Anthony, President of the road, has given notice, that proposals will he received from the lei to the 10th of November, at the! office of the Company in Springfield, for the Cle l aving, Grub bing, Ballasting{ Masonry, Bridging. Tire and Traelclaying, of that portion of the lino lying betweenMarysville and•Delawaro. I•The portion between Springfield and Marysville* as put under contract sometime since. About lane half 'the line will bo under contract after after l C the 10th of Notemberi when the accepted propositions - trill be announced. At Del mare the linb connects with the Cleveland and Columbus railroad, thus giving that lint the advantage of! two distinct routes from that point to Cincinnati. one by Columbus, the other by Spring-641. We pre , same the remainder of the line, b+t-ten Marys stile and Loudonville, passing thrl c u . g , li Mr. Yet.. non, will be put. under Contract at early day. it is very important to Pittsburgh pmt it should be finished to 'Loudonville as soon aa possible, as it•will give us a most capital through line to Cincinnati. Our road will be finiehed to Lou: donsville next summer. and we trust the Pitts. burgh and Cincinnati road will iieuompleted by the...spring following. • PITTIBMIEf min STRUZZITTILLE,.RAILSOA.U. -.- We are -glad to learn from the Journal,• that the examination Of_the engineers on t h e line of thr l'ittsbargh and Steubenville R ailroad, hac •lirtrved the easy practicability of the road by three different routes, and that itj only remains to decide by comparison upon their respective lii a month's time the engineers will be ready to report, and it is intebded to pros. ticute, some of the work this winter, and to put the whole line under contract, in March. If those gentlemen who ksve taken hie important work in hand shall successfully yosecute it to completion, as they bid fair to do. they will merit lasting honor. PILOYESHOII hircarrrto., the Astronomer, it is stated in the New York Times, has been engag ed for a professorship in the new university at Albany New York. Strange our Cricionati neigh bars would permit the removal from among them of a gentleman of so much celebrity and genius as Professor Mitchell.- LAW IS CAl4lOlllllA.—The following cabmen. taxies upon: the recent news from California, in regard to the society in that State. we - find in the New Orleans Crescent. Thohgh short, they are both comprehensive andjast, as tar as we cart judge from.the papers. The Cremeent ens: ..The news from California Is of a character to strike our batter-regulated, older, and more quiet communities with astonishment. Through out the State law to, so far as criminal jurisdic tion is concerned, a mere dead .letter, and the mob's will Is life or death. The Courts may de cide as they please; but they know that if their decision be not relished by the mess of excited and watchful men around them, 'lambert trial, a pitiless sentence. and a summary execution await the accused. The giblet, readylor momentary use,. stands perpetually in the public streets of a great metropolis, and at the tolling of a bell the whole community is gathered to a fearful scene of violent death—men bu nked to death in a hunts of popular madness, a d allowed the mockery of a trial, when, for a h ndred lessons, accusation is half of a convictil Y , II, and CODTiC• tion death—all crowded into a few brief hours of agony and excitement. The court, the State, and local authorities in rain seek to stand up before the spirit of mob law which sweeps over the State, whelming laws, Constitution, and au thority in its uncontrolable tide. The judges, indignant at this relapse into disorganization, this autocracy of popular passion, hare retired art disgust from their courts, vacant, and silent, and powerless in the excesses of the day: It is a strange scene to ccmtemplate, and one which will be widely censured. Bat morality and eel°. gy of the law are cheap thing's, where society shields every. right and interest of the citizen, and a regular police sentinels his safety. But look at Celiforniscrits papers filled with endless eecounts of murders, robberies, and deeds of rtelerde—and then consider if such elements can be easily controlled by ccremosiotis law, and if a 'society so vexed may not be provoked into ex. miss. It is impossible to approve, but there may be some pal;liation for this terrible mob law." - . APPOINTMEN'TS BY THE PRESIDENT. . Jerome Puller, of New 'York, Ito be Chief Jtls - of the Supreme Court of the United States : for the Territory of Minesota, in place of Aaron Goodrich, removed. Aleiander Within, of Minnesota, to be Secre tary of the Territory of Minnesota, in place of Charles K. Smith, removed. Joseph W. Purbur, of Minnesota, to be Mar. shal of the United States ,for be Territory of Minnesota, to place of lionryl L. Tilden. re moved. • FIRDINASD Cox", of Pennsylvania, to be Sea. retaryof the Legation of the United States in Brazil, in place of ranklin 'LC1114:114 resigned Orr!' Marini: deaths in the four gneutthtJaatio dtieri, for the week ending October 98th, ow be compered ostolloin: • Ikea. kinndatkft. • Ratio Dosma. rolledolo4, 14 , 1 409,000 Ito 2,840 New York, 224 516;000 Ito 1,689 Billitgote, /70,1* Tdo 2,286 Boseou, , 54 188,000 Ito 2,686 • [Phikullphia Bulletin. f . . --- The Philadelphians talk of aPpropriating the dents estate for a- pnblo park,' , end in order to takelbs sense of the citlecns upon the subject., alienate hes t.:l opened to the public-for the, last ~.feor - days. The Pluladelgda 'papers say {pat 0/4!"..groundi acne universal admiration, §esitheealiimation IS Ikt tO 41:11. ' -, :,..±::.M7777..77: ,--- .. , : , ,? - .. - .7: - . , . , ?: .--- ' . 'l - ;:: . -4 -4 p a 4 P P Covirrrcs. or, . Lancaster 11064 6226 Lawrce 2137 1079 Lebanon . 2924 1949 Lehigh 3015 3392 Lozano 3471, 4909 Lycom'g 2 007 6752 rat'Kein 409 468 Inform . 2673 2760 :itilitHin 1413 1673 Monroe i 23 2107 MotiVry 4 41 5742 Montour '682 1483 torth rt at t n a 2 0 65 2 4 5 1 2 1 : r er ry Ipo 2237 • 24760 22001 ,Piks 169 836 liPotter 621 674 iSchuyikl 4969 4743 I'Somareet 2739 1069 18usquelia 21 2 34 2815 Sullivan 27 458 • ITiogn 1463 2036 WPM . 2817 1949 Venango 1142 1698 Warren 1137 . 1242 0 Washiagton,4o42 3916 o,Waypo 1040 2182 4 1 Weatmoilil 3115 5140 2 Wyoming 913 1136 0 York 4727 5738 ombus. 4.1 nom inm TOBY. Corregiartdettewof the Pitt burgh Dal} Guette.] NKR YORE, Oct: 26 1851 The money market continues to grow easier, and unless come entirely unforeseen disaster oc cum, the panic may be considered ended for the season. Just 'now merchants are; ininarkably easy in their nuances, and not / single fail- ore of the least importatiee has been an. nounded for twelve dais. A Major McCar ty, who, flaring the panic, sold stocks short, and male forty thousand,dollars, failed'yester day foe a large amount; having .continued hie sales a little too long. Stocks, generally, bare improved very much, and close with a very marked tendency in favor of the buyers, and, before the end of the speculation, we snail tee - stindrig times. As the bears are notoriously barren of atock, and buyers able to take all their 'stocks, and carry them, money being atom slant on stock loans at six and seven-per cent.— The last steamer took less than four hundred thOusand dollais in coin, and none is reported engaged for Saturday. The Fire Annihilator about which the readers of the Gazette had timely warning, has been annihilated by the press here, and s experincents made by the machine itself. One was made at New Rochelle the other day, and !very success ful, the owner raid,' only be did not care to have much said about itnotil another trial. You can set tbo machine down as a sheer humbug from first to last, and a complete failure 11/1 far as profit is concerned. One of Collins's learners is to bare the irnprove- Went in steam boilers, before noticed, placed in her. The orderheta been given,andwo shall soon stave a report that rill settle the value of the dis covery.- If on shipboard twenty-five per cent lee• coal will give equal power with the quantity at present used with the old-fashioned-boiler, it ' must at once ho adopted. Four steamers left our wharves, yesterday, for Europe, Chagres, and New Orleani with as many pamengers as they could possibly accom modate. 'The Daniel Webster, bound for Nie. . . aragua had in tow a small steamer inthaded to ply on the river for the conveyance of passen gers between the two oceans. The Nicaragua route has now tri-monthly communication on the Atiantic . side; and seriously troubles the Pana ma route, railroad and all. Speed hi the cry with Yankees, and as the Nicaragua route gives it, in proportion, besides other advantages, an rival route of greater length has a chance for aucces9;. There is renewed confidence in California just now among monied men who think they see be fore them a golden harvest robe gathered by the 'proper application of capital to,gruirts mining, and they are not far wrong. Letters from great mining companies to their agents here, show them (without humbug) to be doing an immense ly profitable business, and all- , accdunts agree that the export of gold to New York for the ter must exceed fire tailiiani , per mouth.— Truly the United States )e a great zation. Three months ago a general panic, waeseen in all the Atlantic cities, and our coin, the hoots of our be. sinews:Capital, threatened to leave us, now we have stopped the drain of coin, and the natural ififinx of geld threatens to make it too abundant. Railroad securities of Aistaiat States have come into market with the increased facilities for borrowing, and good prices bare been obtain ed. Still confidence in these investments must nsturaliy be slow; and hoods cannot be sold to much advantage yet. The splendid business of raffroads,givec-apitalists a higher opinion of them and it may not be amiss to say to your people, who have so liberally aided . the roads radiating froth Pittsburgh, that the , question now is wheth 'et , the Erie road shall pay three and a half per Cent or four per Cent. 'from her earnings during the current six months Not a truck this coos run or a locomotive is idle there. I Freights continue quite active and the ship- I menta have obtained an advance, though ship pers yieldalo rely Eastern vessels are all going eolith, than leaving to thic!packets a profitable [ride. To California pricer are higher and fifty to fifty five. cents is now readily obtained, which 111 only bolt of list year's rates The Kosthth fever is about the same here and his hundred thousand dollar throe is yet to be made. The next customer for a thousand Jul. • fare worth of.gloryis still among the missing. and probably is yet unbent. The' cootorriirid in decirion of 'ffossuth about coming here bur caus ed. a gaol deal of coolness - among the crowd, wlmtlipethst.siasa needs ,o be worked off at once,. if sir at all i , ,r 4 local news we have to perfect dearth so far as totes to business matters. ' , C . , , Box. 9, nit STILACUIE Riberrs.—Tbe New Tort Tribune of the 221 iuebrat "The closing scene of the Syrscuse treason case derived its principal interest from the pres ence, nt Auburn, of Governor Seward, who sign ed the bail bonds of all the 'prisoners; and, ac cording to un account of the 'proceedings receiv ed by slips from the Albany Journal, after our ctirrespondent's letter was in type, invited them to hie house." The same paper concludes s summary of the cue as follows: “The Judge having concluded, • bond in $2,- 000 for the appeanince of Ira, H. Cobb wee pre• pared, and signed by Alfred Cobb and William H. Seward. bond in i12,1K0 each for the four other . white men was prepared and signed as follows William H. Seward, [ Lyman Clary, Oliver T. Burt Henry Gifford, B. W. Wasborn, GeOrge Banos, Wm. E. Abbott, Abner Bates, John Ames, Hiram Putnam, E. W. Leavenworth, Cherlei B. Sedg. wick, Samuel Meed,, Hiram Hoyt, Daniel Nl'Doci gall, Charles A. Wheaten, B. A. Foe, Charles Leonard, Ablllsoll Thorp. similar bond was exeCnted for the three colored men in the sum orssoo nob—Governor Seward eigning all three of the bonds. As he eiginid the second one he remarked tp the friends abcpaelim that he did not suppose such an not could'be regarded no a recognition of the moral obligation of the Fugitive Steve Law, end, turn ing to the district attorney, playfully inquired whether signing such a bond would come o r der the head of conetructive 'treason.' ••The court adjourned sine di, , •This over, Clovetrnor Seward invited the par ties from Syracuse ; to la house, which invitation was cordially accepted. Vie whole party re paired to the governor's mansion, and there en joyed a half hour, which passed in friendly chat and introductions to the honorable Senator—a man 'admired and beloved because of his bold and unyielding advocacy of liberty." Tea ' PsoutentraszA Enscrnoic.—The Whigs in Pennsylvania, like . their brethren in Ohio, have been badly beaten, and we nodes in several Whigjournals in that State, charges of interfer ence on the part offsome members of the Admin istration at Washington, in cooperation with Mr. Cooper to defeat) Governor Johnston and the Whigs. They are particularly severe on Mr. Webster and Mr. ; Fillmore. -We are unwilling to credit these charges against these gentlemen, or other prominent men among the Whigs. They should not be made upon mere ruspicnot. Such charges should only be made when the proof warrants them—proof which can be adduced when called fur. In the present-case no proof to sustain the Charge is before us, and we are confident none exists We deeply deplore in common with our Whig friends, the defeat of. .Governor Johnston. • This defeat is And enough at best, and we hope the =Use of it may be found elsewhere than in the bad-faith or infidelity of the leading men of our party. 7 -Cin. Oarette Tue Onto Execrioa AND rue Plasmaker.— Somp of oar Eastern brethern are speculating on the effect which the late election in Ohio may hare on the next Presidential election. Many Seem to think the contest in Ohio wan mad to connect Itself wlth the nomination of Gen. Seem, for the Presidency. This teas not the sem en Ohici The contest by both Whig andlamoseitt, tette car-. ried on from teginnvng to end, without reference to any person of 4/ter party, as a candidate for the sidency.. Therefore, no gentleman on either aide, whether named for the Presidency or not, is i n a ny way affected; by the late content in this State. For ourselves, wc,can truly pay, we do not recollect of hearing or residing sword during the contest, in favor of, or against any candidate chi either aide, on account of his being for or 1 0, gainst any candidate for the Presidency. i The i sues on which the electon Was conducted had connection - with the Preed4eucy, eo far as we ow or believe, and the - ;result ' here, leaves the field or the Presidential contest as free as it was before the campaigsfopeued.,•Cin. Gestate. Fallimportation of Hardware, Cutlery, &a IRAN,. WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood' Street, Walt. to call tonottentkolot Miorhapt. and Mho, to Molt uw. mcs. ofl FOREION ADD DOMESTIC HARDWARE, 'CUTLERY, 'key IMPORTED RE RECENT PACKETS. • . .wbleb th.759 . 8 . 17,8= i 1ia Off . er rub prow Aar Afall SPOittil•Ut of !ANN ' Senlebreed O. 8. AXES alirsyx. !And. Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ECOURAGE HOME 1 "INSTITUTIONS =re No. 41 W.t stroet,loth•warohooso hfC, 11. T. C. O. LIONW, W. Thb CIOPT o.oy p:ye , or to tonnes!' inotchoitdbo inzz,,,,Fodi,,,iBt, 0. ,rPriblisreg rabHr ko.o to Ito 00..... it/ tor that/ prilkl.4 bAtoe, sad tobwrit/. . • /1.• 2.0147. Wsto: I,l6WaltjjeZgainiZatle Petroleum sir A Ivo. CASS Or %OTIS 'BUXOM. Cmo ce Prraoteelg.—We Invite the attention of the adifrted and the fralblie gelsoTelly, to the certificate of Wm. Roll, of tide city: The came may be moo by any tenon who may. be skeptical En relation to the feet. here 111.101:FL `l .. iled been a/Meted 'wren.] years with • sorenem of both eyes, width enotioued to Worm.. until September, 1950, the Ineantmetion at that time Laving Involved the whole,' Nohow meralawne of both eye., end ended lu the depreite of in thick film. which wholly dretroyed my night. I bed an ot eretzon ,rfonuml, and the lb iekenina removed, which peon r,•turnmi and left me in am Lad • rendition ea before. At (hit , et., of the complaint I toot Lttpikt.thot ...- eel of the mat eminent medical Men, who Insanued me u m , •m, r y, rw o nid Dever gel well! At this tlni•• I mold not dintingolAL not ohrem. lie the *drier of nun. friend. I [7ll2lOOlMi We ore ft the Petroleum, Loth harm:tell! nod I,cnity, under a hick my ey , a bore improved daily un til the Prevent time, and I here medvered my Meta mare. ly general Omit!, w err much improved by the Nu..vow. And I Attribute ee the tertoretion et my sight to he u•••. I "widest Nu. 102 &mood etre, In thin city, nod will he herpr to give any Information In relation to my WILLIAM IIALL.••• Tor rule by It.yoor t McDowell, ).Itl W0..1 street: E., I•; Wo,,..letreol: )1. A. Fnhu.MLtk, t C.o. corner Wood nod L. M. 0.., D. A. Ellio l r.JolwPD D‘0g1.,... awl 11. P. ,chwArtz, 3IPO by rlo , pro prietor, 11. M. RICA !I. M.I !P.R. nil 11‘411..iavneth •t.. Yitt.Lu r.e Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, NO. 7& FOORTII STREET. OFFICER Prrshiera—Jusu S. iluosr. 11, ProAdeut—S.Ont Trnworer—Josteil N. Lem!. [4nerrtary--C. S. Cot ul.rrtim , inna. to another part hi. imp., Lost.: sdr It Is truly a.tonishing with what ra ph:lty and firma.* 11. Farrell's A raldan Liniment ha, tater, hold of public favor. A frw months ago, and all that am known of It arm that a tomeponerfltlmmikine of Arable origin had mode its aptrearanoc. Non, there Is hardly a fatally lobe found that does not kem.lt alwaya on bind; sad an one mould ever be without It nt? tout nithe.ed its magic Rover over Man, and Ida te6naerful potency In relieving pain. kz.....tvertberaeut.. .q 25 ge - Woams! Woausl—Agreat manylettro ed treatises haee been written, explaining th• origin of, and classifying the Worms generaW In the humus Ay. tem. Frame any topic of medical acienee has .Belted M °beer...lion and profound rea.arch, and yet physician are very taneh divided In opinion on the cab leol it must be admitted, however, that after all, 'mode of enroll'ng the.e worms and purifying the Lodi' form their prrxence, of more value than the wire., dWyniel. UM.. to the origin. The expelling agent Lunt length boo tomtit an& to ott..rtm, to th. trublie McLane's V. mlfuge. It,. propetutont ere comilent'lltat It will ooly quire to be u.... 4 to prove 11341 1111prriOr to gov Io 0..0. for ott• 1.1" J. K 11111) a Co.. oentddholt.lS No. CO Want It. • Window Springs. IPANIMOND has again returned to thi. My, And is putting his well knotin superior VP Pr. and LIiWKII ZiPlLlNtlti to All the of win,low. locking And opening either orUth the apt*, and lone A.M. 11. w. putting hi. Orrin, to it mica. in Ita - . 47. In Pittsburgh and vicinity. and Burbeen en I • nimunicturina no Applying tbrrn .no Jose.. II Moreton. hatters himvelf to he a proficient, and women tiro ramfartion In the bnsineve. Ile werrsatt tdsnprinit not to break or ince their elaMcity. saw ham hpring• end Aida nor ail alse. of Window, Ile will anasha elaht 15, , , the tired [Ann lintel. it. Clair otreet, where scar rosy be left, or At tbo Pow 0111,0. itrepvttable Brans lit% en tlmf Treea, Plants, &e. The sUbscriber offer fur sale a ea ...rt.:writ nf new and taloable Tree.. ati..l Flower Itivta. relected perwmally Itotu the unwe cebrate, ni the nod. ennalaung in part of [marl' Pear Tree. tn.: p.litetive Straw herrirt. CALI3+OI3 Hurea ' nerr Pm, the Cincinnati •ariety, to •hicti M., awarded the MIMILLM cAr SlOO fur the lama sort In cultiraling the Odin Pi.tillata, new Werellealtrawri.C..,teberrisa.thar rant, Cirapa Vine.. Eyergrert. of tall rcpt.. shade Tye,* Yining Planta. hew. and Volvo. b.t tbr Fall PlantinC. urriseais or is et al i 44, day a. win W earefulit allealed to. Wlt..lC.twat:T Take Notice TIIE Partnership heretothre existing under thr Arm of Lansaw a IA Ibis day allanolt , py muture rorgent. All thew ha , inz s.iJ nnn Prnwat them inanwlllatsly to IV. lavnazd, .I,la th.• only ant.hoyl.sl oarnt to ..tt , e up the alialts of th. Ilrnr. al, all lb.* that of, Itulfl,taal to +IA arm will call am! tl sir acconnti ci,Pha3t:T GEO 11 LEONAItII. OTICE i. heri•by giveli that nu am , e,ts- I •went trente-fr, ennui prr phsr , tiNo , l•orn 1,1.1 an th...,ck a the Eur.ll.n Many, C p•Tabk at thp , dfea of the Cpmpant. in the City of riltebaryb. on Mnlll 14r , sabti ln. 1031. Re ,3.r of the Roord or Dinet,re JAIIES U. CLEILL . FTY. 44er.t.t5 And Tr•avnr.r. ALATE itE3iOVAL—The un4erslgned hi...ji,ri.:2',Lit/thr:-V,tif...,L74..74j,u11i:‘r,:: . . and door to Lap Ore Ilara'atol the oath lhoma.s.ot cornor of the 1na...4. Alleghenj Coo, own.. he ah, to, tam, to aleot Wood, and IL. tuLLt. and al.ms Ifer.•Lanm. t/oOk.LoOkem, Oaloalnen, 116.4.../.., Far. mem. Ilanulartorera and I.lMbanlm , lieu and lronlea. lima and CIO.. con•Yold him and ML , Plan, ntal hand.. er-omt ii. -,err mom.. enolla Ol d eall over in littaburghtsloo sr nee dallY. awl lett,. rorred to him on harinen. latmlo`ina' hip 011 he taken out or It. Scot , hlre and attmod.ol Lo un. Poremno InSehtol to him ~all net pay Cell I.:or/sod am/ lent m..r..ortt• ' rie' 11,3E L l'e t . INt atr IS .m Al' / ‘' rea tf R , l'E, tdn.Fran. 11•1 t 7 trel °f land, te, dung the Summer of 1,51, Including Notes oo the WI. Lahuhtua 11, tiara Orrelm. i vol. For sale .t 11../L11.1.d", oppcolte the I'md Who.. • _ , Lots and Turnpike Stock for Sale. `STILL be offered at public sale, at the hew Court lint., on irbbny. the 70 ot ber, toll< Lot of tiround thelVueinnuton Turnpike, thrt, =dee Irtm the Oily. CO by V: feet. on whelk there im ma old eture Oen • !dentate to lot sdpusting. sod of tte mune dittlenAtoo.lol the ahoy, on which crec:o i • n.• Cure [wow. et the same time end pteee—lit rharre of. Pittes burgh and ,teubenrille Turnpikel,lol. Tem e at sale J. M. MURPHY, J. It.. LON N VT. Pe4S:4 A,Pi.10•1.1 of Jam., McDounel __— FrOBACCO--16 k..p Ged's tio. 1, in store awl Nr sale 1., . JANES DALZELL. GA Water nr....t , B UTTER -4 bbls. Roll; 2 - and V. kyr.. Puled: arnvine per •I Rad tor aRI. b, .1 &NI t'..: la LZI,LL. kw:3 ,git Wuer etreet. li. MOLASSES-20 61,15. Bat. Ilrotina, \7. for MI , . bY JAMES IMLZF.I.I- Wheeling and Pittsburgh Packet. TARE REDUCED!—The swift running abw.roorr park. WZ.l:llk.b. 61 lesTro tor thy above awl oil lotenar.ll ate rorts this rooming. at 10 b'elnek prockdr. For V.ll,llrug -mr.ll.te port, Dell plums, N. I:br I,INCIIrtrITEI:. Capt. Urn . b. laavy PittaLoruh Tue-w.loy. Thorsiar..o.l Matublay, at lb A. 01: rOturnin, - , logo, %Flawrllon every 11Grlay. nablar. Intl Friday. at 3 A. For rrOight nr pa a .. having superior amoumbtat apply on Inapt. or to SHERIFF BINNINU. Market gr.,. "Cho Wtochr•trr it oar of the fastest bowtoorrr construe tett far the Una, htsr.rogwrs ormistiirprrr ran depend on brr manioc to dm trod*. oca9 - Administratofs.Notite. hETTERS of Administration on the Estate 90.-oh t, mh Marko, deed, lute of Rohineo tow - whin. birey county, ha... been grouted to tbe gobarriber, rending In th e t'lsth Word. /tit y of Pittsbunth. p,:r. sone be dal.. agiattel raid 1,1 , 44. ore Pittsbu r gh. to prevent thou duly •uthenttotnt for ....went_ JOHN Si. ELMIUND,Y.N. Adm . , STATE xuTtrAL S u, RAI9 R E 3, I 4 COMPANY IiESIONED only for the cater emcees of axapi. capital. and adonis oupati• r In point of rbrapoda. nafaty SCCCIMMO dation. to city and CnIIDIST merrhanta. and own• . of darallingo, and loolat.ml or rourdrr property. A. A. CAltllltat, ACIO.T• Bran rh Oran, No. E.l Smithfield at, PittaLurgh. Orleans:lnsurance Company. CAPITAL, $150,000. Secured in accordance with the denrral Aswan', Lase of the State. :I'll E above. prosperous and responsible Gorany. having oc.plinl with the requisitions of I• 1r cu of this State. now Le.culna policies by their Agent op the moot favorable term, rmiennont with tav -4°lnr. g;t47"f"L ocil tlU. c.V..N ' t7. " f..; 4". Sm 7o l : tti N g i c e l, U l 1. 5 .. 10 1' 5 1; ta l. b " nr ' Deg A. A. OARitlEit. Agent. New Make. SONGS Bungs by Mies CATUARINE liana Come where the ee ; mbar, T)111 lutp that once through Tette. tulle .. . .. ' 1 91° 'Pnr5 'N'ir LIND, AT lIRR CONCERTS SON , IS Sl"' - - I " .. Pilgrith latul toravoh- , C° " ". th'"4 T .. '''''' 1.1111. et,A Kith.. 'food. to Auld Rubin Ora,' kme Ovum the Morn 1 :. &loco, ..... 15 .ur , Th. Lord'. l'ray.r. will. u Thee...ol.n , The Kewpotake. a fennel tot.'de by S. Cloven. ••• Candice: r A Tasting Ilynno—.- Sinter. Strike the harp Igently. by ate we all are parted:" Woodbury: Why Jo Sumner Rows fade The Let Heart; with ontore.l plate. I . Swnet Anne of the Vale: Forrat,Brides, Flowy£,Srhe..". The PM.; Usti and Illranner me pet nat., Giraffe Walla, Blom., to lie , tved and (or sale by JOHN IL hIELLOIL °r4 kI Woad atrret. ! dr - iAlitiON.-1115 , wife MART SIStAD, L. Caving lolt my bed and boani without kny "noae.- 4un, the public aro cautioned awaluet truelltin her s, I /alil . pay none of her dot... JOHN W. tHiMAD. utioueetnwn, Oct. Z. 1551.-11,27 . CittT ,FLORENCE WHITE—A beautiful gloss It whi Paint. that In any cKonate. te intend.' for parlors. steamboat nod *hip cabin, for tam, Ae. llith pa r e ankle ran In: the hieb e .,r finish In pure &we nt art/ele known. Won iutrulerable poli.b, 4,IIITTi. after the nacial nfaeltLlty J. K s Co., eo wood st. NOTICE.L-The person who took—it is y venlue ..t 16 trey In return It, a. its rontente ar s e I valuable only to t 0 ,..41 It. E. SELLERS, 47 Waal UCKWIIEAT FLOUR-25 Anoka for sale 11 by 4!.locANoLoss. IlilllllAlll CHEESE-180 bin'. lle.lep's , 0 1 0 1... t 0 era hn 4 nelt Ctween. Mb day re trivet! and for rale by WICK t &Ice AN DLERS. "LIEESE-60 Ime Cream Cheese, 230 db. NJ W. H.Jurt ri.e'd and far male by 0c27 WICK t bIeCANDLE,s, SALERATUS-2'2 casks Cleveland; 21 hones Pulverised: Ile UN by or2T WICK a MeCANDIAM. 11!HOCOLATi--100 bin fresh read anEfor J pale by WICK Jr MaCANDLEtK 13LARLS-13 casks for Isle by • . WICK & NrCANDL I ERS. AFRICAN CAYENNE. PEPPEII- l Aribi Prtwtlrned, pare, toy sale by IL A. - FAIINESTOCK it Co. AblEit. C — AY. PEPFER--300 - lbs. for sale br B. A. VA lINZSTOCK A 00.._ bbls. for B. A. PAW:if:MOE B tO. LAUBER STILTS-1.0 lobls. fur saie by G 0e47 AA. YAM MOCK ACO. lASTILE SOAP-75 box for nolo by PAIINFETOCK CU. VARIEGATED SOAN-40 bre. for sale by a 47 B. A. PAILIMBTOCE t CO. NttmATCELLESS BLACKING—The celebra ted )04 7 .biat, Msekkie, overrentel rope:or to any eml to the gmblle. and lo stand in my amide- Almnfietmett try Italsktemo d W. m grOmmet reed slut Ibr ale who] i mela Wcotstna,vonite at Mail: ACONCERT Of Vocal Music will be gison br the tiODkREY FAMILY,In the Wt. Cur.i. alba Prritert (.111rch. Allegbear CO,, . TIJE.tIeAI CY ENINU. October sth. A choice selection of piece. bars been for thleoe natio. Tirbett cents, to Ire halal (be door. DoorsOP. et o clack. ()loner( to commence et 7. _ors To the Public! • IIIE undersigned, having taken. the store :is. at Market stood, lately occupied as Janes A. ama, are now recsiring their second supply-Ad Fall t 1 i %glut, GOODS, ronalating In part as rone..: A'samplers assortment Of black and (aura DRD.4.9 SILKS. Csalicorrns, De Wines, Morino, Sentsh Itrrsa, Long and Square EIIAITLS, Plaid lung Khania. dc. Chen:lnlet, Collars, Cutts, Rlbboris, Moves. se_ Ino--A superior ntnek of MOUItNINI) OINJDS: sod the us raj style of CLOAKS rustc:suera of the late Ann nod t_ho publie are Inv'. lel to call. 1ne25,1t0 I .1 AIN PORTER a CO. - • • Bead This, Mark it Well, . AND NE.ND TIIK I'Al'oll To 001111 91 - IWO of the best l'atents now before the yen . 3 1L !! ,. P .. "" i 'l lf:14;17Pr f :::n .. r. ' ti l i:art. ' sitri, "' . 4 D•ect * lnd coo., PADburgh. Dn. The one n ts: sf ah n t e, for p2thering elterrrer.tt froth the Jtelet—eh much hp...1..1 ' by the farmers an the plough or threchlog machine. win rather from tett to IVOilre acre.; in a day, with ime horn, sod one man or boy, taking terry hrod , high or low. w i t h ou t , g tung the gran, all ready for the Huller, with clit thrrshing—sav7 all the need and three.loorth of the tabor. The other In net couch nenied by the meman. tile co In mmunity. A Cant, h an orn, or tuerehandke. will be " 11131 NY neIIREINER. of !leading. Da 0e2.1111. dole Agent V r the United State*. SHAWLS!—We invite the eat s tension of the Dann too lot of new style Shawls, tory hand.m... longd , fo.otted colors, rteeNed. an IlltDDaquaY corner of Market arid Fourth ntreeln _ . d ENUINE WELSII FLANNELS!—A ILof the ati.cro goodn,..poirlanaed from the Ith ' 375,, up 41 Surat AlO4 the Lou 1441 end Atriel,OU toodiritikable White. Flannels, •inl a full accortment id nneking Flannels MLitt Pill A BURCLIFIEI.I. FiSll - LLis. Lalge No.l hlaclterel: - 140 bids. Large No a Mackerel: o drums New Ondedh; 150 lads. Lake Superior Salmon aod W baefish: IS good order Bud 'far Falai), re:s - JOHN WATT A IX) .I.ll , crtf et. 1r WA. WV' No , 3 E=SiEW (1 ROC EIII ES, he— ir MO b•.,11 Elo (.offer. , bbls. N. C. Tar. .5 IN chests Tr..: 15 huxra Ilaloh, 24 ea.!' 60:P• - 2., 551,. Col Logwoo.1; 151ag• l'eppre, ....'. Innes Chonolate, 5 - Alopl, 2 ranks Ei.aom Salty: I Mal. Madder. ' .Ix. ..I.n. Coro DronmA Ir...tcaru. li. F. In.E.: ..A0 for Window tilass,aaa'd -111 OM," 1114, 0r2.5 For sale by /(1)111:07i. LITTLER CO. ___ _ _ VINEGAR -50 bbls. for sale by i ocl , ROBISON, LITtLE *CO BMED PEACHES-100 bu. for sale by orw, RoBISON, LITTLE A CO 11liT Al LS-500 kegs used Piece, fur sale by ....=, ROBISON, LITTLE A CO pia 1110 N--350 tons Bens Creek Metal; 220 - MITI Creek. to - Shade Frr at. by ROBISuN. LITTLE it CO lOLASSES A SUGAR- X. bbls N i Sl"lse...r. •' 8 II r N 0 SAJEar-, for wale e T 0kt12.0?.. LITTLE k 4.0 . _ TOBACCO, • 4 o iT k t . n r t'• VeL and lu kews T•Ial, 6.1.11i138e " Stow. gal. ROBISON. urri.}: c Cu . 4 . )IL ROSIN-20 Llds. Tnnners' Oil; o No. I no.io: fl,r as. b, ROBISON, LITTLF. Jt C.. 51 OLAS,ES-50 b 1.14. N. 0., for .ale by ' A litii.BEfLiTniN k 00, luy 11l..rtr it. lI...MOLASSES & lIGLDEN SI HU farm. Lr A CC LPPIITFON t CO. 11INEGAR.--100 bbla. for sale by A CC 1:8KPT....5S 0 ell. 1.11 , 1. A N 5 cas k. A W c i . l u d i lh t o T r4y ,, Brandy, 1 y MA h N!..TE L ACT , . IYlti ro b ll) , TC , llli l iYecQl.:w box. ca2all.l4:Va'e h tl!.. . ti IiATENT riitiva-2,000 importe d ,ti",t from then itaufaciarf . end lot ole Az prim. Li Ann numb...ire C AIittUTUNoT , 011 N STARCH--30i) in,. a •clmice a' ele tuuniiartured rapfeenly for darn, and canner, Uao or a ' ritiJ le e•teit. pnroaar. ke Put e a I , fenainn paetarree. with fall direeunao fnr nee or eale I. k CO. Cli Wood 0. IN.FAI.LIBLI: YEAST I'oWDtit—War ...l to noel. Pah, sue, And rorpenuinal, main tea, Bread. nhen 1.1,0 ri n d. A fall dirvetlnti A , einiparive eerli pa•knice be J KIVU k Wpal I. I} lkj at m. c,uadne t} he o , w i u r e at r .. s .. t . o .d e ," l,::: fArnentle. time. for alAni at. Cl.. 3 eke. Mani Illsaket DnL Crlbl3lault. .its. 1,1,1 , and ,r.en MESE= FINOB4CCO.--100 hove, Sherwood's s's and a'.. rn r.nn.i,nznant and ,fi r JOHN WATT ic eV. VOFFEE—TS bags prime Rio, arriving and 1..) for h i JOHN KATY in. J . iiufrrar l:1 , 1 , --itx.)4, pri e , m on,. l l 4l,i , 7 l. P . a ‘ F o ked, LASS—PaI bones Windovi, ass'd XX fm aal. br .JOHN WATT k 111101 - .ASSES-20' bids. S. H. STrun, ior Iv,An• to. by JOHN WAT'T CO. UNDRI . F.S--300 doz. Corn Bro9rus; Wto Side., N. Y. Leather-, r.ko. Loaf awl erwthed Sngair. For oak ho Iw.ll JuIIV WATT a en Railroad. Alleghen • l s pursuance of the directions of an act of A s sembly of the 4th of An ti. 1637. and supplement (beret° LA the I.lth of April, 11 , 51, entitloLLl "An Art for the tnoon`orahon of the Illtaburgb, Kittannlng and War,. Italy Compar, - Luiks erlll op.nral fbr eubscriptomi tot he capital stork of said 1 1 111111,11 r. at 10 Aclnet, LAI We.lneaLlar. NrArmher Igth. I +il. at the eLI emir .1. 111 the city of Pittsburgh, to runtlnuropem from (law to .Ini MI sufnrient number of sham 6 to ...noue the charter II ARFIAK I.4..ii!iY, .W5l. RORINFGN. Jr_ J. 11. SIRIENBERGER. GEORGE R. WRITE. lIKNJ. DARLINGTON. I.IA Nt KS GRAV . ( Fourth e. FRANCIS KARNS. ,JulIN MGRHISON. JtV.lolre SNOWDEN. 16E01111E ,A)DFN. ID Mina ORR, z‘AMUF.I.. BAIRD. JOIIN MECHLINIL IPIIILIP NIECHLING. JO?. PIIITINGTON. ALEX. COLWELL. JOIIN 11131C111 . 60N, CHAMBERS 01111. ROBERT EI'EEK. JOHN GILPIN. I ' i, ' , ILEY NAIR+, il;Ravrattotr,s. rsl.'l:dawt•LT 111 UTTER 2 —Fretill Roll, in boxes, reed daily UP tor jec_lMl J. D. CANFIELD. ( I REESE-500 Nixes reed and for rale by J e3O J. B. CANFIELD. FISii—LO bbili. Lake Trout; ..1) hi - - - for AN, by rel., J. ILCANFIELD. LINSEED 01L-10 bbls-Oriswold'nbrtind, lor ml,' by J. H. CAN-FIELD. )EARL ASII-25 casks for sale by oc= J. B. CANFIELD. t nAts & DEIANVERS--500 dos, Men's 1..7 lambi Wad Abdo wed Deveere. reed 05 oclM A. A. MASON co. ILK VELVETS-2O pcs. ;post demirablJ Mgr, rum opmhag by A A. MAFON t CO. ' Cs LIILDREN'S ZEPHYR WORSTED-1 00 Cs : 4 p,clacers, lloods awl Comforts, just ree'd Ur A. A.IIAeON t CO., Ilsrkel 4 A. MASON & 110., are now opening 30 a.etr n re' 6 ,1:g -k 7;',.; ° „l.7,r:lrd; L tr,; wz Q , A LERATUS-100 lax. and 25 bbls. pure, 1",,r sale by J. D. CANVIELb rOW YARN-1 sank for sale by . se-u J. D. CANFIELD. L - I NGLIStI BREAK YASF TEA-23 half EA ct,;. , .t./t fine rlrrakfmtl..owchong Tes.Lumt rred Uy orf.l WICK A 11cCANDLEV.S. ROINIATi6 STAGG TOBACCO-10 cases j - 1 fut . sale wicx AIeCANDLESZ. BUTTER -5 bbls. FresEpßoU, for sale by or= WICK a .11cCANDLEVS. "LAX-14 sacks for sole - by . lc eem ielpF. A AIeCANDI.MS. 1 INSEEI) 01L-40 bills. prime, for sale by I / no ii A. FAIINTB , TOCK. a CO._ .. 4... pTs.TuRPENTINE2S bills. for sale by 0 ocZ3 It. A. FAUN I.:STOCK A Co. rraNNERS ' OIL-40 bbls. for sale b 7 1 0r23 B. A. FAUN EBTOCK A CO. . 1 rIiARTARIC ACID-1500 lbs. for sale by . I ~Z 1 B A PAIINEBTOCK A CO. A "ANIIILA BEANS-20Ibs. fresh, for sale T 1,, . II A. FAIINCATOCh A Co. ~Altß. AMMONIA-2000 lbs, for sale by V o r B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. —We been tined thin medicine In our fan:illy, and in rnir opinion. it In one of the beer peeteirotinns for ....ugh., CloitlN rte., whieh hoe e'er Men offered to the tstrhe. At thin ma on of the year we would mown:tend to ever y Inn, Ily k.rp arbottle of It In their Innowe ready lot tiew. orearlon ma t e requite. We give this en a matter of ndrlee, Iron , experwner of the good Qualities of the medicine, and do nnt of ear reader, to ennAlder what we ray pimply in the light of re,orntnendetton mwle +about l ticu , lal i, t r aowledge of the ortie , erd which wentwek — 147 . 132 end mlf It K tIKLLERS, 57 Wood mt. 11., Imp.. has Ibtekor'o Voodoo. o Ilake Four. ond Chu 10 boo Polecat., 2 bat loinsl...M. Blmk .Ic, al boa Star Candi, . at, lo bap Spann dm ecuahed 10 bxs Na 1 Chocolat., 1. boa Cocoa and Brom. mom 5 hx• Milos... Mower. nd Cuba ob. Lona Island 1.111.C.1 . 100 mt. Poo dairy Salt. 50 boa Clothe) has: • ' 1 oak Madder, am,' I 1 corm... Inill,, 0. 10 eats Haulm cr, IS bbla No 1 t 901000.5.1 !mond dm. 11) hbla N ..) 01111 Mola.s. • pPordt, SU kgs Orouud lipinm t dc, 12 dos Bed Cord..; 70 dos i t Broam., ...Whitt. J. Cotton 'lam, mholretl J. D. WILLIAMS A Ilu, Northeast mrtier Wool and Fifth v.. DO 0 01f. rti. Y. U.. Imp., and .P. Tru 0 . 0 Mon and Wm Inn Teo: 40 bs. 0 rom and Black J. 10 bbd. N. 0. Suga pi bbl. MP' o r, M•bod Pun.: 40 bta oneld '2l) If Llamas and Cuba ,74 '2O bp Lonn•Sm -21 bp Old Om Jam: yla no; D 1430 Palm t Almond Mr bot llobbltenbo•PlM.lo. 2 bas Corn Y aM • dm 0104., Whit. I and nu 0b ) frtbe 0 e2.: • _ Masb Ladies!! Head This!!! . 1 N S, and will,shortly be ready, run lIANDDIAID 1 . 0 TRY. TIAN°. comprising d.veriptiou of the =wheal= of the instrument. the deßetor to which it to 10410 (about I.Vo lu smuther), the emod of remedying nub defect, and luetruetisns hot, In Ev keep the Instrument slweys In tuns." Il) U. Teem vex. • l• ery person laying • Piano should have s copy of thee. boot. ho work of the kind hth eesr beethe best,publish ed. The Worth/Won it IMP•ths WWI , tee them rte grlce--one dollar: stud; among other wimple/me. It will olleetuedly goad you boot having your therm weeded by unsitillfhl tonere. better and gentlemen in the eltlee of Pittsburgh met Allegheny. emetic .017 cos. of the oln be fur nish.' et their redid... by leaving their addrem the OM,. a 0.7 the Plueburgh morning moms. o c ot the Music Ames of Wens. John it. Mellor, Wool street, atut Henry Itieber,lldri street: • -•- • - 11, yr Willy( sue dollar tothe ...tabor; o 4 l'ilt.buighsthiosy sill be fornseded. free or en.e.e.„ .007 Per tot th e 'Willed Stan. big coMet for nth dol len. A liberal diethunt to Ikedthelkretend Husk doelers. There in no mom nogropriete gmetnt that a gentleman tan make m. lad? than• ow at els bait. lisad tn Tana amesz , • • • • • COMMERCIAL. : 110.11101tt— Advortlinrekt000kfborriptiono . Mr Ira. paper nonfood nod forwardod frerOf il er oVormr, from than MO", emrsßußoa L&RKET derma Pirwarititali Gats•Pm. Towsdar mamma. October Yesterday wall clear and pleasant for outdoor blooms:, but as usual on Moodav•ioarr tittle way amoS In the rumblt. The river,. *lOOl, on the rite, and 1304- 111 al..trq t h e "'parr ww. quite mauve. Flalldlrs—Se•sral isirisslembie lute arrived by elver. but' twin: ~marl; .1..4m...1 for ..stern abilintent. sr bars very little tri.reporl from firit bowls, lotmi 10 bbl Eat fd: do ist Sit 000 'ea] the., load. at CI, (mI . . 2.5103 •24 04 bid from loom noto a sale of II lib)! extra a t SII rat, smor tine In small lots ti It bbl, RYE FLOUR—We base bo nal, of esittwournm. b, ',rt.. part. We mar quote nominally el S 3 rail 44 larlibt RUIINWIIIIAT FLOUR—Lisle. of NS ea, from dot hands at SI ISIS jI Ito, 011140 ,IRAlr—Sumll sal,. bane transpired at SA 61.4. DUCK WII EAT-1,.. quote., from first hands al ir %MS/ bushel. 41140(0-1u the eh...tow of random to any barite erMol. we have no 'ales of ronommenee to report: Ma teo ,. eon _ lino,.fior request, my milllng. at rsiStottie, R,e 4., A rali , •ot 1 75., bu Dam at ?Sr. Rimier is at 0, so end Coro In small let• has wild at Isile bo geOerallr remain print 4 arm, 1. 1 ,, we ran remirt lsi. of cormequenw Susaraiviwllinr in smell luta In, Ilse 4a Mb! at 014 14 us. 11.1. 0 ,12 31 , losses at ardor, 4 tams . 2.5 baste Rio Coffise al iiSe.a.X4o d o et !11 a r. Isiah it 4 mu, Males of Rice is small lota DI 1 11 V.M.42—Hal, lite IV It et ma.dor regular rates from gore ere Ifc fur frn ll • roil, and Ile ILr f,nmo keg. TnR.ACLVI—l , alea :u /re M told et lOsar 'al a. WHISK/II —MM., In Moires lots at 2lr to Ode Mr me- Ei= Oetob.r 21. tce hs•a• miser. y. . readers (mot Almelo time each oar intormation relative io the market for beg. Au war... Lit erect reliable. We hare got however•nupled tbe thoueroad aod oe-report. or any , tb.mor. obkh bkrl . sP war,' In the papers lo the Wed. trum time to the ..jority of o,tl kalruzepta are prepared acd'irob- Ilahed fur effect. Sueh an well underat.al by lotelhafant desle”, and they can noly tratelea.l parties eiot sogoaintad with the details a btodoese. A. s epet-itoori of thee. •• reliable rev...." roPy from the at. 1,011 Intelllato• , ar . the follow leg *121011).1 which was furoiebed to that paper by att intelligent .e hags, aced la the tlyl., tllch. fur perb•pe stead of •n, tt,iga sre har preD IWO how, arersalea 2r.0 m. Al, 2....0.00.1 m. at Packing elLargea-- - 0.0. 1 ba. pm. Able fur poCk - :alt fur barrelling nod bulking . I:th tem .or lar.l-111 , 21, lire I nsurance, . 1511'...0.10. I It rent. Add for Interrr, aarliivcr niri ruromiriork. sar ?Kt..), TIE. tjt C• 1171, bblil polt at Va..... . i) pun at $W . 40.000 51. 15)4 113.5 in, • , 02.1100 IDs Lam, lu ralt. read, fur am a1t..., 614 36.0.0 lb. ' , boulder, • , eel. or hood, The .. .. C • hoe of va, but ar t. eeeol the puler .11o.oel coonolgeinns. Now let to look low llr ncorlort nhe -.mho' . little Tho Loge uet, •.1) ID.. Out of float the follow hot I. to) Ode pork Co ..:..4k Ln.rd .40.1,01\ ..... A.LOW shl•r• Iloul• Val a A.-costing to the alera. (Icon, ',MA, 5, of (000 ( h,4:,. 4,appared while it era. holm, rut anot mltel! Rath, tag , h to allow tor ahrotkage and wame. erprouttly aa the cell moult °Mk, the latter to *non extent. It,' rnr-' theUM, mommtement, and taking the rrrnaindrr oe I the augernent 1.1 oornot. the toi,iter, Instead calming Sq. ofrealixe a enoarderahle prod, We rano, for the li4 , nf u. 6 t5..r...1 .45 man will prepay. and Poh l,ll, curl , etwtomentr, unhao, it 15 to Aenrier ail totalekg,tlimw who are unnenualnual with Wo. detail., the to,sine:g , Thul/ nor trikaou. thervfore, for omitting to p 01,115 11 , ,tbe ratio. roport, or rontrarto mid .loco holm, of Inmrkatert partlr, that reach ua \,.. homonym , runtryiet, Lave I. , s•umade he r at ;mit', yr , ons Iron, fg, to 4 kO-1.1 7, tkong Om; trig eat prier paid with., the la,. two mwka. an) w• Aid no learn nr mu. ...gilt-arta tor oar,' dello, 1,,,, a , kg 1.. 1,-, Hal , 14 k , hrol.delterrahle trot. Pith to o , th of Decvnah..r. 5,1 , 1 at /4 GM Unica, Elie autni , r or hog. 11l the wbote Meat ,heuld Imo greater than la.t year. it lo not protkhlk that pii. err wit)go tostettally low, Man St 1.0. pod it Patp be pm , mmod that purglota, ,, iwbeve that the Mognewatill Pa) at ourrent figure,. rtk,.. how...'. will dependaektimly ma'. the uutolgr ot two) that will ,+ rut; to pk\vt, of Praderta will 1. redolabal 1 , , pl , lo,there and ink rro- fare, murk itniaertaint, eopt,ate .ll d with the burinelo..,,, A. remark , sl in a prtvinu. article. the feeling was mach twner oix •••5 , M , ,,,,,.. ihan at prea.enkan,l a large .. ,,,, r ~I ` lii, r.re pumh.s.-1 in tto , oaten, that win mg ora , k Si deliver, lon AI, of ml , , head ware alauchmr , sl Ire tetslak. at, wiii le parked to day. nod the *moon will not ...corm., tor two wewk• tora,rtio—,Mak.t. YEW YORK muyEl MARKET. T 11.1,11. T, ot't P. 111 The excitement in the street to day was not confined to the rise in stocks. One of the oldest firms in the city, the senior member of which, Mr. ihrob Little, has been well known and esteemed on 'Change for nearly a quarter of a century, failed to meet bit stock contracts. The name of Mr. Little in identified with that of one great money mart. It was potential in thr Storm ‘,l •37 when every Bock in the street suspended. It was evoked, and successfully 'too, in '42 and '4 when the credit of the Western States demand ed and their loans were at thd lowest point of depression. fits means. ton, lifere at com mand for every public improvement, and in '44, and were applied with such giant liheridity to the great thnrou7lifst4.4., fearling tbis eity—nod some of which hod beeti,bmgui. log fur years—no to gin for him. Om nn though he never aasumed,the pretensiOn t of the Railroad King. liis 1011 g Carter, up to due date. has been equally marked by s . probity, publin ‘ spir- It and commercial snocers.rWor the reverses of ouch a duxes the oympathieof ,ttie neighbors may well he exhibited and all rtvalries of trride forgotten in the general regret; tteially so, he is a true man in all the relations of life.. \ After the event referred tb announced, cimoternation seized, for a titre`, hot ..Bull" and -Rear, - mid although a leading brolcer bid up the market at the Second Board, the impression was general after the adjournment thk pricer cauld not be relied oir,. either way, for amito days to come./.Thecordr,acte of Mr. Little are\So in terwoven with the operations of the past , eixty `or nincay days, that the extent of the misehirf may- not he determined at °IMP. One or minor failures have already transpired. Sot s lions is expressed that Mr. La suspension of ma prove temporary. The money and exchange en gagement of his house will, it is said, be pro vided fag • The emanation. of the day, in Railroad shares - . and bonds were, enbstantially, as follows—olo ing figures unsettled. The sales, it will be see, were agniddave: mo,,t I..Ena elnsib.da Erie shares ', 801 \ 84' about 831 1 Norwich 568 57 Harlem\o93, .70 , G9} Reading '6i 07 ~ , Sig . Long Island lh 16} 1G Incomes 93 94 Convertibles 1311/\ 92 - 92 Very little is doing, in Exchange. Trovisrions will be made on Fridy \ and Saturdayr the Collins eteamer. Som specie wiU go. Money is working very easy. cd'he Governmen is dis posed to relieve the Sub Treasnry, and 63, bnei.. nest whenever ; the opporluninty offers'. The amoun't.of Federal-Sixes bought by the Seer ta r), of the Treasury, ie rat'etr et $1,200,1 , 0. The Sub-Treasury . receirea, i-tiay, $75,79, and disbursed $47,497. Satan ';,53,268,400. PORT 'OF P!'I"FBBURGEI. ) ' - ---- r --- --' - - \ - - ,- ,-- - --.- -, 7 -, IttbrA-There war 3 feet b inch,. I n charley, - Ittybel at mark, ea dark, Iset ereuink end rising elowlb \ A 1011 V HD. \ , J. McKee, Hendrickson. 3lcHwearott. \ • Atho il l!, Perth:mo. itrowneellte.. Ch. Snriver, Hailer. West Newtown. ',, '. .0.•ue5...e., Ilmile, ;-11 yet Newton. • 11,1110. itrEalfelt. Brownsville \ \ (Mau,. Gordtm. Bearer ' . \Hietanno. Ho.. Fnarver. Wert, hone, ClLlCielilli. . . WaIVIII, Thou.. Cbroler's Lsnellor. . 1, , ~ EdlPreeb.ll Cox, Zanr.ville ,?, A ' 31 : -1 . nhoolt.C.lnginontl. ch m\ Moen, li lacono. jam Heirens. Moore, Whwllloa. \ 9\ IMPARTEU, t/e * , • te rk g7%%;;zri - 7 - , _ ll ' ..-.' . Al nen landiealx..MeK,rol. Th. l brl er, Holler. 1C et Newt.,a. (lence. , I lies, Weft Newton \ L Urnabr.l,lor. cu. Bearer 111ehtne „H. .a. Hese, cor. 111 ter. dank., Wheellon. \ • 1 Ditarnal. nWbetl.on. \ • Colnuabist \ Ci einnti. ' a • \ , lATS TA 'INO Till' , lIAI \ F , ..1 1 , 011 1 . 11 I,4•DEN 41 A AND D. 11.11110% . I/ L.e.h A Co'. I.• ...Ix: ,I, a , . lear. , .ielly et ].AN 1,11. l; -F• br I r W F.I. H1 , 11.n. \ -A ,a .1 FJ W11.1.11a, l NJ .0 111.11E1:1111it-1 er 'inch.. • ~, r . • ' C-A ttna; 1.1.::‘,11 2 .1.S P II: \ rt Liar IMP }B';9 \ S BY ' : r 0 . OINCINNAT I - I, rn Pant-T1 bb ' w 1.400 . Parker .3 ti , Co. 11l I. feathers Clark 1 Thaw;. ba n.aperag W Hing ham.; 4 Lbla roro 13 .1 olalt, , , ton. la bid 1 1.%1 allontord a CO. let ruHdr manor . , . ti P 14 ca 1,0 94 . .:-.Z baa'wine Leer!. kI.- 'I iga turni- C turn lion. •ball boat; b libla alcohol Fah ••• lk A Co; 44 , Jo winder 11 McNiekle; 21 , do Lamlleal I • ill ti; I bon i tad. H T Leerb. 1'1.3: relt.U-ti 1114.10[01101 ltsowneeille bou• " whis ky, 11 3•Weaver; 33 do a .1!,. laid 04130 Hs hi .1 ' el . . 4 Nie.u. 4 aka wool tired k L., barn, *nth.," Ilb ~ 0.4 Ilal bbla whiskey Miller 1 Ricket s an 4S to anon NA dov )11.14.-110 b b d . whist:6 Wick A 31K...111 10 du lard 01 I.llllnathey'2 hoe thud' Coo .. ..Saks eck /Ilk s- . I 10 111..14 tobacco Wm II Jvhrodbo; G 1111.1. do, ACo . , \ 11 1113E1.1140-Pm Dtuatekt.--1 - 4 bra ID bbla xlaa'A.at. , Clark at Thw; 10d bble Hour J pk. 04.; 4 .1 0 ~.r i . c , v4 . kg. butter 11\ mile 'blather 1% Illnsbit ; 3I'J aka wt., 0 Wilinarth !iglu. 1.". Cosa , 7 P .N77,IC \ k‘ Tlt 1 "i l C''' '''' Ii Om, name Ca ~ r - eke' 1L ..nt 11 .1- tont , la A Noble; . ..ill.. wire Laach A IttrAlrA,t ;Lao pa per J 3 It Veld; I do' 14 9 1 . 11 0r10 bbl t doNnall A Co t 1 ptus todn. Howl, d I..tr, Ido J llIalek; I ,x made J H Hera./ • \ ZANEVILLE-11.V . :0k3sa-11' LW.. Lotter beech .7a 1 .:za:1 1 ::f?:.,11,.T.A.',14°. - .' 111::11 '1. 1ittil 11- bil Wilma A C. 11Y/ bbLa idlest Hillman!, a 3 ; 30. Ili,. • tulaa LI T Storiratr.9o.l.lciteLe A Mom 3 not! ~ .4 ]a ll !lord; 21 bp 11 H 411011 . 6 A Dkonind; 10 .in'okr, acorn .1 bbht Ma 01 . bbllni I do ,libtl. l 3, 0 V, WELLSVILLE-Pan AlnAs-240 bid. 30 eartioelfkat Wilsoarth A Nobly; I csiat It:Ctn.', owner. .1. k 11I.AVEIL-P3ll BrAb l7k eber.o 4.b.r0 l'kelhol. l ler J 3 Cnoll.eldi 2 Las lanthe I.3)lckai 3 Cre,4o2 na ria 7a ,,‘ 3 A Caughar 16 do Volek A .11 Ikrullesa. • • ... • • Ilk c. b. Con r-I keg ba Cdo lard Glut A Thnw 131 bbl. Hanel! Liral!or,o 40 Intseod /frown A Kirlarnj rink; 32 do nals 3do °monk J IllstnlA Co. . , "Pea , P r- I; Fr.ollonr--A52 bra kb .A 13 'tux bottaaljor Ittuprarnt rakb 13 do 3 40p:bash .1 q irloyd.: 2 k,f L uttrc' I J Indsell: II sks raga bir Irdbean a blailjabaJ libodran 110 • Ha inarler."433 lbs bran Attain it .1.1,Wr1n4 DO btiragn A Culbert/on; 4000 ft Oak 1HAn.1.4 13 ~.7 L -01tiost Pour.' , „. _ _, • , • • . • , ~.:- . , : : : ::,,, 7 ;\.:, : ' ' '' '::: ', - . . -- . 1 , k,. - .2. ', .., , '',:' .:. .•• • . . . ~ • , , • , , i .. \ \ \ \ . s \ . , , . , . , . , • ' - '' . , . , . .., , •,.„ ~ \ . • \ \• \\ \ . ;, -- •: \_-- -- . , ~ ..- • ..' - ` - ' -, 7-V.7 - --- - . ~. .- -' ":- .,7 ri. Z , -. •- • •!•; ---,':-••:: '. •::,.. , :cr X'7".•." -- 7 ,, r1 • \ - .7 , .• 7.7,r" - _,":7 , 7". Tr• .\i,- ~-. 7 -.-!•: ~J. A •:•:! .- 1 , , :•„.: A-. r • . ''. • \ ' ' • '''' • . \ '' : \ '- - *. \ f A - ,, ,, — ' • - • • • , ~ •,.. \ .\\ - ‘.. 1 \ • - • ~'4. ` '; , . •'• \\ •' • . , %.i . ., • '• . . • , , • . 0 .. , . •••• . . , . , •• . ....-. -• • ... • • . , : ' ••\ . • .. \ ' •• , 4 . .„... ..‘.., .., ' .1. ~ . ~~ . . ~ . a ,, 11/ ' WALIAITt im s' l' b. EltrY4rloo dos buclArts ` do . doWlelst vbcaudi.. 23 do ..lfellavltt A Ems 23 My 2 do IrAelmi ../ ue; 60 do It DalMll A Ca 23 do 'metal{ 10 do tubs LuTOKTI a 86Iptmr. 30031 bucket. S P 81121yeh. C.d.G do tuba Blaulkbars t 15A20dalmeltatsJ A. linolf.l6 \ do Alm: A MOntheath 23 an 6 do to .HOPI•on 1. Lit - 301'A '. 1.50 do buckets clayk A Co: A do.Aromaskey: 50 do Ithey Mathews A U. *6 bbl. !love own hamlt 90 empty , rad.), , \ pia .1 11 Ca MIMI.. No '. li." du pl•arlanh 53Ase 3 tat. butler 3 111 bap chaise 45.511; '3 Ws hots 139asey I Wll/12A. , 1 i,k. raga Loweh A AlrAlphm a las clmese6 bm 6 trunk. - I:bbl 2 l‘nn butter J A Cat gbey; 115 b5O fll.lfr boo W Ponqn. 14 boo rhese I ligs ..,..` bbls bollm 5 V l c6 0 31 PCAnd• ',op A FllVleff a EMU.. 1 MA, 3 pump. 31 /1.tb1212 1 box 11.1Fadmi A Csymhy. 1 pm! r 1/I \ sma 1 pc enPliont,J QUIP. 4 Cm I bOthottyr Duke A OS . CIIRIPLER'S LANDIN9— sk MmunnuA-7 \ bmie door 11 b t o_ Artrt•lrn.,,, a Crawl, 1 0 U do. AMC Ilartannho 30:jo Own- l , r. 150 do oils *Purrs on lkse.l ..ont lu t 0..... • The Enterprlm giver the•follnkg an of &fgt. n...pht up on Saturday by the t. h Mal. • \ - Iha tull.re CoPodo A Cole; I eek antenna Penn 30 ii.ii. a. I..sekplp,l flour J Edmund/am NY Ike do .1 Were , ' I-1 dn P I' lon Bonlmrs, I:: MIA pilloy. J L 56,0 10 Mil, 1,..0nd•, 101.0. lard Wiek A AlceuplpOn :4 bon Parks . .. . enntl, It) do mem, J 03 Smith: 11‘...1,1np...r.1icbt, 107.5.. .... Broom. p.., \ ' s • ._ '\ 11.AOK SILK LACES—A. \ A \ 151sesx & 1 c0..01.,,,ii h au.rnlng JO ellflOtt. black fink .1..?.!tre.01 411 qualltirs sad width& \ ....41. 4..! OLE LEATIIER-200 Sidesii;`,Y. for CI ~.li• i. r . . ~...z2 J. k It. FkOYD. NZ A-65 tiff eliest : e Y. H.; \.. I ,Att;lns U , I^. , . \ 7. ••0 \'• I ' f • .; of latest Importall?ko t ,e'd tiod for sale br 0. - .= J. a' IL FLOYD. . NlltGO—'3ceroons bese S. F., 2 hhde MA4.I der. Ivo enle by nett! •,' \, J. tK. FIAJYD.. ICE—W tem fresh Carolina 'Lee for salo ,L r 0,22 , F. IL FLOYD. • Card. Al UR.PII.I" &BURCllFlEtOnfornaiheir j . 1315,0133 e. and Luren geueralif that they have \iF ' . P i o i o lid ‘b :.ft B ii ' tTe ' n o llO ' n U trtgrr Pi ln ' tiZlresllt k rt n . rot. JA DI K.F DM:it:OOW. In mat varietri iich Printed .0,,,,,,,12,,,,,A,,,,,,,,......r.r::(14.,,,,,Tii.r00t,... 0,1., L.,:',1')Le.„,.12, HARRIS. DJ.Lain.a. ParDitne, Coburg', French blend de Rai, a, 8 r1Aw1.. 4 , bong and Ewittalw.—Nrw .17I• Bra4m. eery b l a ck Cashmere do, WOW do, DILI, and nay leE black and eolomil l'hilvet, te:.,, LAt \l ' ukh \pia.ki Ribbons. black and half mourning do., new "Vii,,''Y'rt',.% . also riceived a , further supply of sayer 'o'h tra ' n 'l7 ll o te ."''' y 4l rutian .'"'nl'oo i.: rl ar 4b a j i L ti .'o :l le tod °l; :to l'''r eall B itt "'P o gh. r iG'4 l. h b r e ' le g eal ' e, rrom, up attars. where Weds a. lOU Inn. cell , _ . 11, v v .1 1.1(1,4..3 tuundry and inicbluirsh.D. la • lin dna.. Mao. wetrolles Dom Pittsburgh. A. young man of gisairmirsele with a small capital of pup to MOO, mid , abo I.ita &denote) ge of them oulding /mane. and hot' hos wars nod tuaehmery. to snob eonataut work and goat ...Slr.". iii In , giTtb, ...114 to arcking be wnh a ..II espital a vary crobiable situation will be given. Plow, NEW *96E01 ' NEW - BOOKBL \ I T 1101..1111.§ . tgERARy DEPOT, N 0.74 LA_ Third 4reet.obcos the Post Onion:— ,' 'Harper , New linnthly hotatina.. f,n October. .`., If ohm Laborand !window Poor, ho. 14. London Art Journal for October. Model Arehltect. N 0.4. \ ' kiodey's Lady's Boo k, for November. Graham's Slio.rine. "i„ " ... incliin's Life and Adventures of an Ark .•.-aw Doctor, ' The klaoniant. a new novel br'llo twee. \\ , loternslanal Magazine. for Detel li e can excellent No.) • ' ilretieulturi.d and cult iva tor, r ctober. The Lily and the Bee, by l'ilamorl IVarren. The GaniaCoek of Mall ildernesi,Ar Lilac( Dan Marble. Don tluixoDo and his Squire Mit. - JO,Panra. The Takingof the 1111.11,, br Dumas. Memo.... ort l Ph,sielati. by Dumas, Harry Borah in. a tale or the Amatuntia Revolution. Frank I. airleigD. or koenes in tow Likes Private Pupil., Ili.tory of the 11er:oration of tt .• kli.narchr Iti Franie—' lir A. de Lai:mance\ \ Matta. Morita moan... arqui: :‘, Waronsta. Soli Direction or a Iliatorr 0 the Rum., 'Pearl, part ...nod 0 et bur Conway. or P.nc" ill • te Trorden. 111.. tale of the Olderi‘i an., i,v Barton. .., lieth.rme Wallop. or'''lbe R.,' of Derebester:ian Ms. i Deal Romance of the Revolt, .on In Carolina- e , neCoonweor, an Iliatorki LI iovel. '. 'N u •F r VTriVi 'b oNnt,4 " m as t ." llll P '. .3 \'' ' \ ...a.nie, ic.,r,,,,,;•.1.....i...1.1.,):... '•TU . P. '''.7„- TheVicilp Hunter, a .le of.ilesica.' \,, The 41csey Chief. by ti. W ft, Reynolds Male:, or Me , Child of th.. Ratio Field, a Tale n Wale LI OS4RI—A. A. 31astiii ii. Co. have ee'd , ` , l 1,091 i. Cashm. s., lambs hi ,oh Alpatea. enc, • d . ..te'r Ilt..logis. romprbirig ilie most extensive stock .el bate ever wx‘iibited. which they will Fell at =eh 1 Man rim.), \ , ILK Sll AR LS AND DRESS GOQDS— .I.IIO. at A. A. MASON t tv. , e, And I .1, , 1111c and Drr.l. floodA '..„ 07.1 LIiTTER-, , 16b15. Pac'aed, for sale Bk.'. ,-,e21 , N., W CF. WILSON. lIS Secryad lg. B UTTER—bUIs. prime Roll; \ le 1...c',c , N., h Tor ash. by ' t ~.1 J. t R, Ph 4 b, Routhl Church RUiblam. • . , Y Oll . DE 11-10(I k,...s Blasting, for sale by \ , ..eli J. • LACK EREL--50 bilds. No. 8 Large 3 Il t„, ~ ..2i . e• R. / i ILLBEN SY RUP4lOllbls. Goociala's.au l,ft r , . , Pe.. so. 14 I,e.blLWOlerli 64•„,. 44 11, MOLASSEIS-20, ht.bble. Gabdala's O e ati l ',."" r * l ''' . " sk. 4, " . J. II.141 . hy011111iof) ..,, B c l r !t . L o jars aiad , B . 'Vi a..3 F . r2 l l . l. o re ,., 11l EI.:SR.-50 bo),es Crearni,Tue•iiiale b i l , t" p ECORATioN _TAPER HANGP : iGS:.- , Oak Ihcnruth• .1,1 rm Statuary, for liana the Tam ar... ...0 , by `, WALTER P. MARSHALL. e.e.n r* Mood ihrsab. d IRI3ISON VELVET P*PER . lIANCr t) iNus, ( 0 ,. u r ,,,,r ( eg 12..ais, for .sds by \ \ _ ~,,N _ .. , ,, :tr,pret P. )1A.r..5gA . 1„ . .y \ _ 1 iCylif - iirrk-2q gross of various siYies I 4 sal brirrs.jult rprelvt,l awl tar silo by . IL E. SELLERS. b. Wt:hd OIL I UJUIIE PASTE --••• Eagle Brand?'—., ea 6,-,.•:,-4 1,.. m 0n and Vann, for oale br E. EEEL.E. OIL I'EPPERMINT 2 I9O - Bie. plan Wr _.,,t0 by (relb) \_ IL E. SEGLERS, . OfREF'SOIL CLOTH—Justireeeived froth,' i 3' tOtT—CM yahle tour and ATll'Aluarter• Gertz 011 rb•th for window bawls. For rale loybcuetale .ad ratan at ~,,, lb; Marko B. c m(S) J. it H. ItHILLII-^j. . • • 11 1 A BILE COVERS--30 dozen Oil Cloth Tn.- bD. Rand,%son Bortau Coors—diffeyent ritar,for rilo by tbm qvultibr nYbftbdi.t PHYLLIP,F.N, 116 3lark,t n. FI'V t. N ,. .S . .r . A:IZE . .N . T !l i tit h., D o.r Et i A ,. . , fi r nt , :i....; \ ?elmretail he , ?elm \ J..t ft PIIIIIIPS. No. illi Market et- • \ More liWds.‘• • .. lktUgkoHY•& ISTIROIiFIELD ere now /V openitt daily s lama reapply of male orthelt Ft. rend luyehate for ibis h.ll—. choler led ollqw•d Itibbou, rata Printed Ile Lain.. and • Penlan Cloth. Coburn, and New Style Br he thew's, (long and equate.) open' dd. enmnu. \ \ . Countryinerettwate wishing to renienish their sleeks te Invited t o call. ~. t 'ARD 01 - C-20 bbls NO, 1 binding per S B. evroplan.r, and for sal. br `_ i _ .1.1 , 11E3 DALZELL, td Watsr r4eet. IMOOD ENGII:AVING by :Jam6 H. Park, v y \\.sttr to NVIIIe Ja:ma) Phil' Mall, 34 ot,rt., ~ r t r thel'caOptde 3d story. N tifws of buildings. toschlt, 1:., taken.. me moderate., mild. 11 --VEIT° SPON E--11 stlings very fine % JUP for Ns bf orr \4 . SeIIOONMAKEU le PI , VAL WRKS—, 15 'ales long afid short, fc.l7 J 1100CIAChliSit it CO. VIT.11•11, DHOSPIIORUS-10 •.s for sale by ' \ J. kaIOONMAKEIt it CO. rrEatiLl JER9Nfe,i, fo'i\ farmers' use-1 tun fo'i•knit. by \ye . sl7 J t ZLIJIIONBIAKEIC k CO. AYT:tiisE—f.,bbl, best Artkerican Peßirer rr Y.Oe nr ocq , J. INCIIOON,II,AICYR AI: BUTTER: I ,SO kgs sul4acked, receiving, yo , k wt *al.\ by ql7 \ ft DAUELL k CO. 0A L.ERATb.S-5 &u 3 in bbls bms, for ,alo by. ncl7 13.TALZ4..L k (X/ UGAR-50 bads Five, in\ store , rusd for by__ . q R. DAIZELY., t CO.. Q.LASSES-200 bblo. 0., 5!) d 0.13. L I d o. :Jr r.P 40, In .wk ren{''rage. lay sole by ,O.LASSES-200 bbIIOL 0.,50 :.!TrA , P .4 1 n , tar a w & L t rg . „ lbs. freaki, jlst recd nu.l f+r ! xl, by pan \J. kiltil) I CO._ 109W1701./j-c.O bbls:on hanil and tar sale A by ' , yen 3 KIDD Ak CO T AT LOQWOOD--2,001), lbs. \San ./ o.ni.F be ,for oat , by ocII .1. KIDD t CO. RIFSE Ell c., \ od; f\ \ ONDOXSIUTARI,I-450 lbs. wariante& ~ *mre. axed for mate br ' .I. KIDD * CO. • — 4T -- Vkr tl !T .. t : , h (1 , 1.1.41.y . ( i. -51100 , I 1./V i t 1:11 i 7t,I . - • • • IK\BOOk* , ' , . . J1.1.,5T 'RE() EIVED*aI fdr sale tip J. L. am+. 'A. lth ....we \ :,. For., Lite'snd Forest Treeel , comPrielnif Weetern Way • Life wennng the' legnere, and wild w.naladeeuntre. with detwetnunce of Incebet inn otters.nt 0c.,10 J.B.Sprio noel Rule .aaalarul.. or Kat Englinh w, In Ateterlca, br‘liall. Lynam, .. The Idly and the Bee. an Ainioniton of the Kryetki` Pal an. bl - kl.Worm a ,• P. IL. ti..vontbor tte Now and The, *c. A Peettn'e et:lobe. be nelencer. \ \ . - - The last Thinsa a eon. ot Lectures on the, Great Fame avesklorAl hewn, fin* , reveal/el to malkkind, 14 . Ilanilner netting. D. P.. t ,• lite IlmnAAtun, an Appeal In ,d FantA? Wor. ehn, with ennyere and ti ns,-. and calendar of . Aestnns 1 fi'm Scr r '''' ' '"4""" ' bl,u- Y. D ' -- \ ' I I goo &[11.7. ordying wit and wi thcent reliktion, deem to 111Witrate the truth.* pewee orchristLlnty, , :,,, u. W. Clara,lk D. '.l Ihe obove.withAnany then tritroanteratak*annaance , and • Week suppli Blink Work and Btatiov r skirl PRE Hubacriiirro has' in stare and Ottara at p1a, 1 .117.1=4Ar4 . 4rnr4!4A.,47:111'.41;11:1 net Uneer, Cotton FlanV. Thibet , a.trattilt,antlA 001. i ett l v ng nbaws.lrieh Lin n.kangeellunikterchiele.o4l'n Craven, Statuette. eau erne. Clothe. Tweeds, Jeans, Brown and Bleached Ilan nu. Drill , . Ticking. Cold Co.t. bric.,Padding. CIII%••AP, tonbrellan;black and ratio Net tlntrit Cotton, Linen. and talk Leovlllbhone, Liam Table Clothe Woollen Comforts. \ Glove.VA 'lantern Thread., Bindit:g*Kratente; also a large variety al Mein, tawhicla I molt reepeetfully invite the Attention of merchants and' pedlar, •. ocln C. fletlUTlLlikeT t IS Wood et- ILCOMPLETE set of Budket, Machinery foryslo by oetl6 • '. I.‘4 ,.. DILWORTIS f 0). ---, f ig POOL COTTON-10, \just ret.O. from EngUntLaral We' nigh} ' ' \ ' \ (.16 . '\ ' al ARBUTHNOT ‘• ' _.,—.\ .-----,14 ut. T . : 0411-47 kga fresh, rtc . # and \for sa.ls; &IF b 3 - octllA WICK 41LeCANDLESS. ' 1 0BAI:fe0--21,3 kgll l'm, s'4a, anel \ l6'2.e„ tiliA des reel fur ...b. ••• \ • f • ..• AV, j ...\_ Mai, k flYec AYiDLIbiB•7: • Y.---, . LS---. 23 Ibis Sperm Oil, 31 d4extra , kicr, 3 do. Rest.. Plestbefl4a.. 40 flo'Z ".. la` do, riff. n• vt4, • &for gale If, , lb . \ _WICK i NYC*, .L.WS' : _WICK : 1t LE SSOU ground rock now ~ ),u,Alg arid for w. by 2:MDJCILIera CO llrcarts4ert, g 01tkV-500 bga RioXIUQ do -LagrtaFa, nkt,rtledform t ll L t i t oetK a tiOlit.*3t2O, toe for ,112 13' “ 1 1 6 DICKEY a CO. basiiistore tuut, for sale b \ \ I. MCKIM Ca irIItEEN \CO ' 1 1 .1. r TPt1 . t , IVR.IOO-1 6 Corscu.s,'2 W. 1.& low to • - tud.raßetti ara cs.A6 •\. . • . 1 \ • . , • the W.LI day of uelocr. A. !Land 141.N.10_ Trey. a..2tAts:tT \*1".t.L.1 1 .• oa. isn. Notice to'Jon . . 'rrEttJ.I3ROP.S - stimmOned 6 attend\itt , ant h r nom:11, lbw cletr , ll;pe oe tha.....ler 111 IVA vrr: rrq torsi. y enter of Ca. Lvart. .- C.. kArf str ,t/F-11.1Yee truce:'rittA kcit,?,t -r,tl.l2F•tonvjf _ • erg E DIRk(TORS. of the. Coqictegining ''''..:2 ., '" -; •'.: It, C • lowynr or idioms,. hoer this dal mute in uners. • //r.,:// •••,, meta 'of nity .rat s oli each date of tn. emoted doe], of , • /- / • ...I Coondnr, our half p ara bl e on or /wore th e 'Milt No-. vender. and derider hall' an or before. the LYYth Jhanary ro t did. ed... ' ...? • ',f,41 " ".. . irr al l n \ KENNEDY T. lihllEND,,Treim., . - • i• - • - - • - 'I, \l' To \Builders. • - DI ROPOSALS:for\tIe Mpetion of St. Pauj .11.. - tiCmhedral In dile eity.Yrill be rvivived at' the Dish. house untildbe ltli of` Noveraberi particulars abynt the nAlititbus or...attractant./ hit'obt.mest el th e name - • pt., Cdere the 1ii4115 and siweitotalobv are ready for tr. ' ' ' 'welkin% The work.reel/war for gtoota the briDdialg under tole will form the model. an.l It, add., to be id to nue contractor. 'lbe Arehlteto will be present every day from VI to It:o'clock:A. Yll during this newt. to wive explavatin4 ''. - 1 / - \ ite.:2Yit IIE SinVING VClETY,co9wected with ~ • . the Firsikrnwbyterildi Dhureb: , 1' radiation:l;pr. ''. roar to hold a Y.Y.STIYAIAn oil or thr Church. earl, la,, November. -- Donations In radii articles f x sele, amt ma terials for such ;Sticks, will `lad Vert' trroternilY ...Ord; ', I!iiiZt m ot: ltry, o ' fbefor./ . ...tTrtew ' iYrtir . dC . o c aVl= - . • They may also be I art.at the redder, . f the ratocrther. . • in ,liirroittabdo. ' ~ dl if It. E. DIXADIIIRD, . • otollbilw t '-' \ Priwidson. • . - , 't --- / - • • Lectu.rei at 'co 114.1.1 ----\ • • . - K , VE,RY . NIGWV FOR 2 NIGIITS. ,, — 1 , —lmportard Ecientifir 'di/noted s hy`Dit.. KNELT. ad, Ch i e " g;:ie:ll b ly ' ZilViPi r dre " e ' ratrit, l ' l l l i e n fl a tt \ •'• Any,the ii•Ditertir . , the allow/ of Dc s s,\ Fish:di In \ - ,i -: , Piles. listdoey, Liver.t, Luna Ili den. dreykln - . • &Tofu'. Prolamin. Uteri: inititrh ell die idninentoll. - \ ' • either •ex. Asylum' baths; half . rot te. mat Nilay, for ':\ 15 days. NO mu, no PAT. .F.• Invalid 'dont meant A ' .••• - Class Ticket: Tickets $lO. The knot trrotetraradirtondy-, , • - Admission, 15 iambi for gantlet:tient/10cent t for larLini \ ' . ' • oeldlobt " l, \ ‘, .. 1. . t, . . 011 AND FAOWELL' SIDSICAL v)Ult IN A f KDIDA; ,_. • - \\ ' , MADAMS ANNA iI.SHOP, t i tAVING the friendly ehorZ. of this ' ::, • \ n/intill early next Poring • to neturkto Enrore.feels ' i i....- .. ant ons to visit 1., more same of thee; cadia dill, in' which die Ind been received with en 1311.h‘kirldliall. KO , plunder*, taking in her Ivey many Musical "Ides • where she lid not bad de honer to Mop aullb• beta to • - , 'announce that she will aorta the Musket A tsars. ••• . ; , e P"li'"th"dtY Y...ll4 ' YETTE HALL/ . . ' • • 3Corday evening. November 14,1101. her Ant ~ • • . - • . -- •' '• • • • • posnitierner; king In her way many ntootend rise. . • . whet.. ahe ha. .101 had tlie honer to Ong: ant L he bms to •- , ', 'annoutire that she will oreTto the Musket A kers. out:Root tbiselty, at the \ __ „.,...... . . • . LANAI( . E HALL. . `,. . Monday evening. Norratber 34,1541. her gene 'I„ • • . - • lil'i'le ENTERTAISMRYT, ‘ ; : ~.,:- , i'. - L,. ‘ , -- PARTLY IN COSTLIEES, \ Combining the attractions of CONCERT OPERA. atileste•-.7- •... ' ' 1 - ~ ranged oath e plan of Chow Coy lac. varied utsttre,',' -- -: .., I—i -.. forntsnene which Madame A.R. ha. rendered. PO Tome To the tourer Of the Creiling. Popular Soti.r . cßalttE.. , :_, \ , Nolen:lid iteroser In Dramatic Codunto. ' , 4 ..•''. .• - , • NIADAIIE ANNA BI9IIOP will le e aseletod toy bef 'TAU. , ,•,-' ' ' \ ENTER COMPANY , under the direTtion of kIrAItiCILIA,'I r:', -.. N , tol Ma mibltecmr. - Notieg. \ \ EiCIT.L.N;L Bata or PrTisitta9n:October'd7. Mdl. , : t i ll ! Election for thirteen Direetote•of - this •. • ' ~ .. bang. acme dorini thee tuning..T9er. wil IN` held - 7. , 1 \ \ et Banking Rouge en \ Roeder. the P. to del' nr5'5....... ' ' • , ' . ter next, betwee::oo boars of 9A. 51. and 3P. AL \•'• ' : •:',,, r• \ \ or-344.11g -, ' . \THOMAS M.IIONSEX9Ier. ,.. `, ',,,, 'llineruits .01,11aNdracyckrNe 11.9te • .' ''':. . -- , - I L \ , . • Pittaborgb. Oetoter . l3, issi. •_ " '‘. ‘, :. \.. 1 T . HEArtnual Election . for Thirteen Direct on, of inn bank. will he bell it the Banking llama. - - ‘, , , hoopondat.the lith day of Novordser nekt, between Itur\ of 9 Velock A. ht. and: o'clock P. 51. , _ , • ‘ uric D(, WAIL DENNY. Cashier. .'' \ • • ; \ ' - • , 0 80n.. ."'"" ...* `, O 6 " T T 17 ; "-.."' \ AN ELECTION for Thirt,een Directors of\ •\ .: -\ • , tbis Bank for the ensiling, TOY. 'KIRA. belt at the. , _. • • ', • an ng Ileums on Ihnaday. thessrentegoth day of Note.- \ Ire text. toebildid) \ JOUN EN "DER, °table , : ' ' \ .• : ''• . •. I ,Honse of Ilefuge. .• .. . • • . 00 , \ \ V . :, BANE. Or PITISPCIO It ..., Oetolo1"1.: • . , • \ ii,.t ir. 7 ELEPTION for Thirtßen Directors ot ~ \ . , ~, . thin Bank (w the enonlog Tr., .__` ,,M fh. 8. . n 1,4"1„2;? . \ ... og Limo on 11 for. for tea 1f4.41,1714 6..:0 kr: : ler Dext. (1,0).•,d1d) \ ••`- -• • . ' • I House of o #efotge. J. \ PTIIIN eilbseri era for \ the ‘., exec on , s . ' A. Iloose , or Ref go for' Wer.lern \ Pro t o Joann. an , , ~,. .. tlk . o!.. , b ni r . n7ligli,aVinN7 ' 4,7 L L ' t', ,, r( 0 , ,, 0 rm. , _ , - . , _. , ~ , \ .0. • romorer • 4lrs or b0d0 1 e ,.. ..0e 1 f 4 (i ll ‘ agr of s• inaber ~....,. -, .. ne , 0, , B y 5 .1 " °I. Oht kjasHoj!. HA. '%iji., TntOr• \ r • CARD`- ' " — gniS rent ` Nroigo • A '"..;.? C4-1tc.,4 Pianoe nr tune 1,t..... 0 . t ILF rd being storor . o ~.. , .. 0 k*rl""" i' ''', i '' 'j.rj..lF,l 0 , ,, , ...0.1 , .\ `..` ..,. '"4 ;.:) "‘ r ' L e r 1 , ._ • L 1 ... ' o s. tr, ~ j ' X ' .... Of tor c Ilator'•who 1.. • - \ ' 1 00 a stio l rms d onrivalleerperiorcliof Amortean,..kisarot, so ' P mo ' l ' o ' X‘ 4 l's: o " t. \ I M a r n N t o 4 n rr .t 4' ; I I h r k7:o .101 :4 64 ; tr r O ED r. \\,:'. ~ . ....' \ . ...1 ~• • . E G L COTTON IV OR 68, . , , ~ ~. ~ WeinElloo,E—N . 2.. irod 7-IE•V/ 1 7b , 1%b2 ,01 1 . , \•\ ~ 4.,,..N.i..... ,j..C.1,11,.4ER0:),. t ety k ;,:r."........ 4 ,,,, \ : s ~., s :.. \ .„ A \ • R{B ''r ki j, 7: rA ' lit . •liEY.Fl'eXr , ZIE" .- INV. '" " '. ' • '•. \ ' ' \`...14 \ • raCTIANkS NG HOl7- \- U . \ s,; 0 . ii !i ill! = \'‘,.' . . i = lic . fond, orn-rad; ' ' ... \ •• ;Cmor. and , 4, - Utoaks. Mantillas, ml CblLirtie• Cloth crutd. In tfili . ..... . . • . • Dissoltittcra: YE, PARTNERSII IP' lieret , if!)ze existing bAneen the sabot: hem under ttn,tuote and etyla i John Ca/dwell a bon: la thtt day th'nnleed by Zama , ' A eorwevL .• The bpalnew bt 'the late- hoot VIII be settled. be-John (tahltrell: , 4011:0 CaLMELL, • . 41.4..1n1L . : , JANES I.I4.I.LIVELIe, _ . CO-PARTNERSELIP. • ‘•:.. • . Tile nadersigned, bnyinformeti 4 CO::lla:rt xtenttlik under the Lame end.:y not •TalJnell 4 eqeer am" cull mutt.* 1.t4 TANN/. 'tt AND' eLlitirlVO Lumugreot the Tannery or the late tint: Of John Cattetlt Arlen. In.puinenn Dotrtobb. 7- ' JAM KS CALIF% ELI. ktet. Itt.dSeLtat .. _ , . - 11):J. 1,,Y lit aWAII•TO,. , PTISZ ..BaOII , CEDAR wars T •SAMUEL AROESEN 'keeps constantly ihpa ....sortiiient'or VGA ad Bab Tar. Muse, Otatobok . Oak Mal, Bach , . Buat , n Vooden Boat, untras,W7 MoluKutt., ine upd CURT Bcadt,rultalv_tter rdsgzattla . ...71k.n\4 vit4Lo+a4 Pi. ' ' • :Zrfil,C. PAINTS, \ ',. '. Tif , 4.N UT AP; U - ;-R DD BY s., TITN NEW ..- .PieliT ii.li Li)ll,:ti AND MININD Ctklll'ANYi• i. r'4%,,,....ter N.J. .\ \ . • - . wt. 7.17 iii Pi nes In tarnish At suPYITV th , A - '-':•' ...7. - INVIINTS .' \ •• ..,.. Witch here bent lowa Mr ...lie& yraWtria.lieSii in Naryna ...1.0. 14,1.0, 4 1,,,, L0.u , 1. 11411 .L.C. I •'• • bt...er awl yrotertire'nryise \rd. etthetior nyway_ot el . • : t•J t ‘ c. WA wltanwer Their „; ' \ W TE. ZJIs. PAINT •' \ • \ In of . cogLite . i ,. tal .. l . ll . r.r;:no a ted=ves ell . __ boutsintliy white, dis eattri•W from Dm poinorwew ~: '. rtnertter,ot tossit . otV ir lia n in i tzo. a:stemma, so \ ilta .• ,1 th riVEL lilOT T ' P,IsI \ YELLOW ' t .. n ...d to in rims or ttir wakalatima.or erveti whet; Pbutoni in iecic. ro an. to me outride destot,'... ' "- it wittudawle 4 sontherlDellsoate ie weather letter ' '.',. th.eneer other, itee beteg liable to re a1ia14.7 or trr' , ;'''. crumhte sad rut/ .olf., . 'shoes be wota Serlat may mar. ~ ~ r I \s, with water andante. or willleraleY, wh .11 errs the eels' - 1- ' DitAego.A.tip COLORED 7.1 N 'PAINTS:::„;; \ - Thevii are tarnished at • loleyrke,tiaj idtdcetAwlly.:: - ,.' th e rheapret alai best pal to no the aterk4t Tor 0.11141 ' .. - s.: mot, traciatt,ollthottera, rlowtabnets, orworweDowd. ear , ~?::: . use A eroOtt.lbrlek. tl. or iron. „T ere bah, "...,.. ~ WNATEIER. AND FINE PRDEIF.. ~ : ,4, -, For ht. ttrko,. u.r are pa, titularly rslnibt•L•lo th•ri',l7:. Earn • snitatii• cot taxtliai, •14 ri4livll Preyed , otkin ... : .- ra — Don, they dry quickly, =id patina .pore nesaltic lartee.:., do not dmoinatolor ltke many or thordwray nel4tEner..l; - 5.77' 4.„.__Wr' - ; , \- „,: \: a.rwmaberl. mil l.drsawnend terms bribe .metre : f VZ,ll. u l' \\ ~ Y. C. JONES e,r.r., ...,,,. ~i„, .x •• -(2t) . - I..Sonlb %horses \Ph Ddr101n.,,, ,, ..,.y., _ __ - \ EVIRED 'l.lt)4lliS-- . - Ack ct;krivaent. - Xf.., Crualail.a.ardia,lo . ulvarani aid Lad', u 4 ,:ara, fmik. ‘ii i, Lints ataxia, itiirar /Laura-rd. d , r , ada a; naltraa.;, \;- Pd . ' a ii.llT 'l"'" 7 ", .... \ JA4C3 ata. lIUSCiaBON &CO. \' .. • . V 'rrtasurer. vgt ca.! 11111