The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 27, 1851, Image 4

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. •
The Alehemista , or the hiiddle'Agea.
Since the works of Hallam.and Maitland
have been'given'tp the modern world, and
a host of drennts,-,and cartunnies in .regard
to the Middle Ages 'have been dispelled,
there have not hem& wanting a considerable
number of andill 'minds among the Anglo
•Baxons, and &still more numerous corps of
patierik' and toiling titudents in Germany,
dihoha:vedevoted themselves, some nut of
an' antiquarian taste, others. by reason of
the inviting, because unexplored nature of
tho field; and. many through rziligions zeal,
the investigation of the historical, lite
,raty and scientific moninnents of that
period.: That class Of conceited talkers,
""ek„..relie think no man can lie truly learned, or
great who does • not spoilt
• , r,•V- everlastingly-about Lutiu, univer
sal ignorance, immeasurable stupidity, and
vast anperstitioa of the Dark Ages, is hap
: • pity diminishing liefute the results of re
' 1 cent historical investigation,t, which have
I proved that in..manyreapeete; if they are
dark,, it is only in the same sense no form
:I,: and color have no existence to the blind
man.. Ages Would ,scarcely be termed
dark which 'produced such men as A.nseltn,
Bernard, and the Drintor of Arpin ; and
::-- though perhaps all the world entertained
: erroneous opinions on the. shape of the
globe, gravitation, and solar attraction, we
should ourselves remember that our own
theory on these paints is only a theory
- , after all, though uudoubtedly the most
consonant with natural phenomena which
haft yet been started. • .
..! liotbing, perhaps, in the .h i story of the
medirevaliserital,.has awakened more ridi
f cede, pity and contempt., than the belief in
the oxi.steno of the ~ p hilosophers bone.
We are glad to have at hand an extract
from is work of the gteat chemist, Liebig,
in defense of the alchemists, which will be
read with interest. It is from his 'Chem
, : int Lettere," which have just been trans
lated and published in England:
.• "In the first stage of the development
of science, the alchemists could not possi.
bly Gave any other notions of the' nature
of metals than these which they actually
held. -No'others were admissible, or even
passible; and their views were consequent
ly,. by natural laws, inevitable. Without
• these ideartiehemistrywoild not now stand
itkpresent perfection; and in order to
• roil the science into existence, and in the
' • course: of fifteen bandied Or two theusand
years to bring it to the point which it has
now reached, it wound have been necessary
to create .the science anew. We hear
said that the idea of a philosopher's stone
• ~
was an enter; but, all our view. have been
develoPe4)•:from errors, and that which
to-day we regard art truth in chemistry,
may, perhaps, before to-morrow, be rese t ..
Hired as ithillacy.
theory- which
very eeryurges men r., hiisw
exeih2a aeurene, and
- 4 1 1,4. -??*'Pei' 6l 'cet'itiet, is a gam ro s reen „,,
4bitttsis Mbar and roseareh which sad u,
dislaveties.. The tbret; laa-v of Kepler,
-.:Mich are regarded as the toundation of
modern astronomy,. were.uot derived (pun
▪ just views of the nature of thatloree which
retains the planets in their revolutions and
in their - -orbit,, but ate - simply deduction,
obtained by , the art of experimenting; that
I is to ray,, by labor and research.
I .: • Mast lively imagniatian, the most
a¢ut. intellect,: is not capabre of devising a
M? . .therttglit which could have acted more pow
and * constantly on the minds and
faotiltae of• Men,. than that ivery idea of
thuPhilosopher's stone. It Irak that same .
.tareti'vehich urged - thousands of adventu
feta, with and:after Columbus, to venture
fortune atitllife on the discovery of a new
world and which, in our day, drives hun
• dreds of thousands to cross the mountain,
of Westenit America, and thus to spread
and civilization over that hith
erto neglected part of,the globe. t
"In order to know that the philosopher's
• ,siene'did not really chat, it is indispensable
that &Very -substance accessible to study
and 'Observation - •shauld be phserred and
axeuthied, in accordance with the scientific
resources of the time.- But it is precisely
in this that se perceive the almost miracti
. lotus influence of the idea. The strength of
the opinion could not be broken till science
bad 4 .o 4obOdteeertain stage of development.
During eenturbsH; „As we have seen, when
. ever doubt arose; and the laborers became -
languid' am their:efforts, a mysterious un
linown 'was sure to appear at the right
nrotner(t, who convinced some prominent
a,a:iiti;itwoitby- man of the reality of the
great fifegisferium. v vr
altlinyvef the fundamental or leading
• ideas:i:if the-'present time appear, to him
who hefts not, what science has already
• S., aehla,itl., as extravagant as the notions of
-• the alchemists, riot, indeed, the transmu
tations of metals,` which seemed :to proba.
ble to the ancients, but far stranger things
. . 11
are held hy„tts to be attainable. We have . I
begonia co accustomed to wonders that no.
tiring enyllonger excites oar wonder.. We
fix .the solar ray); on paper, and send our
thought literally with the velocity of light
ning to the. greatest diatances. We can,
as:it were, melt copper in cold water, and
cast it into Statues, We can freeze water
. or.mercurkinto a solid malleable
trutrai,laavhitehof crucibles, and we con- _
tit er it quite practicable to illuminate most
Iftrzglitly entire cities with lamps devoid of
'fh* or fire, and to which the air has no
access; We proditce, artificially, ultrama
rine, one of the- most precima minerals; - •
and We belief.; that to-morrow or next day
some oneyeay discover a method of prodn mr
tnvi — gr ;from apiece of charcoal, a splendid
1. diamond; from a bit of alum, sapphires or '
or from coal-tar the beautiful col
• . etitig.principle of madder, or the valuable 11 .
remedies known-is quinine and morphine.
AU these things - are either as precious or
wore useful gold. Every one is oven-
pied in the, attempt to
,discover them, and
yet this lathe occupation of no individual .pi
inquirer. All are occupied with these
ithings r hisattitteh as they study the laws of
Chang -and tranafirmation to which
itli• thinatier is subject; and yet no one in.
"~,droit~6al is especially, engaged in these re
-191B*11:6;-11141ABIOSII as no one, for example, If
devotes his life .and energies to the solo
*aion oftbe problem of making dementia or ti
gninine.: Did hllell a man exist, furnished
with >the ...neoessary . knOwledge, and with
the : erituage.and petseverance of the gold.
maker; he would film) a 'good prospect of
being, enabled to solve such problems.—
' The latest diseove - ries on the constitution I
and production of the organic bases :permit
- ns to - believe all this, without giving to
any one the right to ridicule us as makers 7.4
° of gold.,' -
Silver Coin " sited.
higheift price Nei be paid for every
a 84 'a Fla
Thi r d
• ma • ortear Narxet orad Third strmn...
HROME GREEN-4 case 4 for 8010 by
aria . &N. WICREIL.4IIA.II.
TARTAR-s.bbls. for'fale by
rer. 12
4LAIMER . SALTS-4 bble. fee gale by
1011 J. SCIIOO2 , I3IAKRIC A Co.
OBACCO--20 kegs No. 16 twit, Gedge's
- Wand. for ,We bT JA1122.; DMAELL
621 Water'
!trot ..:A
DIPIPEIVIATORI"; at?. edition, reer'd.anzt ftrs
.511 ilnal
-TEA& --60 hr. c4ests. Yocu2g, Ilyson;
OBACCO-40 boxes extra, for sale by
POTASH -18 make for sale b
D IlfgEN 'Pittsburgh
F three
an of ritteborgh. iv;
ach;ul: • Tortapike 1)oad,
mwg, - ).ollaleant ono tulle
The mbaerlbera raereotta
Omen and the public genera l l
eerier. Orrenbotoes.
Ae.. de.,
OW and 20(00 plants, all o
FRUIT TlLEE.S.eonalMon
" ;171.i/N ri T : r.Vlnia A
maple. retnitab Linde r,
•Ddrroplar. balm of 011ead.P
atedllW. Darted flitch. Tulip Tre. ll
t l
T r e i Ploo doh. rl
9 17111 It Er . ).l "
Cedar Amerlean Arborvite'
PLANT++. I .
110,1 role.) numbering floor 71
neuval or Chmese rearblooo)
Tea Scented ROM, Bourtcn l•
Perpetual or Iternotaant 14,
Ore perfectly "hanl), and summer aeeon. Alto. ale •
Carlo, dc..
.. .
N. 11.—All orders must I arronit`aill*. all , Or 00 h•
or satisfactory references.
Plante carefully pet kr./an. front wrooling i , ,hr , ...ti,,.•
W aril - art Nthw United ,l. tee.
Perno wishing to ornatnrat their pasta., gd.
oiled du well Waive us a roll, as we think our P 1.., of
Erergre , na cannot lw enruatal west of ilie ni,.00t,u0 , .
now yawing wan. arr., ai ound,. nuinhermg from
RIM 100.00./, a great numb, of which I, ..i a i., ,ii,
Ur trawlsoling.
Ilechard.and dhrubbem I` anting exeruied ht eoii 0,1
ou rtakdiatile tern..
Lett., (yawl paid) to nor: hires, at WO,. t . 0. near
I s ittshor,:h. intro lute attention
°Nero left ethos eland in hr Ihnotohd ' , lark, , Ki mar
ket days, will and immrdint, attention
rho puldir ill general are, !Red to rail and examine our
M.A. Attention to ri,ifor: Mren un any day . 00,
both. A V3I . 4 00. (11l liLwll.ll
och,la w3LT
CULAn le now univell,allx eeknoWleilge.l sutn•rinr
to so, Slut Ant Crentm in the United Or r.. Or Eon.,
Tide delightful Ylrsparsiti, , u h um,uelled far num, , bran
ty, •04 fntgranc,.; thoughn Ml2..•nalagotia to tltier
laites Ambrosial Cream. and ot h er similar romp .001.•. ti
ill surnaeses them all by the emollient neety I...msleh•nry
of Its lather, erhleh At. ohne n the lward as la render 1110
rhea Olelteaut ...I e s* ), it oo ...ea zr,at el rantagre ores
ih, opined artjew, in hal g !melds t.rer•iced Irmo the
loot mahliohl, wish the gene est 0011, ,Ind n i,i null the
beg, but xlau the ch , aprst LIM, for ,harni., the in
crlaeing Plirr of (116 .etude ming the dart twel , e rears,
and tbe awleral irold and Iter medal. huardod- 1., It.
1.1:10, ton OW high ratimation to which it 0 held hr
l a
lb. community . F.,r cal.. wholiwale and retail t hy
c) It. P. Sa:Ll.tal, ,7 W0..1 It
II A Ina dirtub,bcr 11a,
I,catepurpoArn. {fir in,lt•
dam. to call .pdt•tamior
rtand mnre prt,ur• tbnn 14
lo all re 5. , . whet. Hwy dr , •
tbe moo, vlll hr r.funded
•= 1
Yw eaa.i of Pile,
• , o ore 9 KEYSEK al
hat, for pale 11, •
- •
L UTTEHrt bbl. nn
mal Itr eale by .ap -
F IVOB:ACCO-150 bx .
hood •9d
a A by" vep2ti
VINE , GAit—.97 btle
LA --Can slirayf be trunti
I t !EESE—nO boles
T U . 136-20 doz. in st ,
CCKETS-50 dot.
, .
,11... And rn.k
Y LS --soo . lap, a rave a.
Latnit.n , l t
POPL, NS—team:Al lU , I
t ^.. `. I^ , "ADP-, At sn't A A. )1.iF•41.! ,
7 A RS--61),J0i0 Haolla, Print*, :aid
;' liar Ana Ltlnary.oli Mottand h.A
• - - -
On All [noir.
• -" - IVoler r. nt
polt CHAMBER . 6---it'Ory ..benip 14ail Pi
A ,pr and etteur n ••••A..t. f.. 0
Di P, tp
PLAniR zc
IBBos A f . 1 , m:Rpo,
A have npin an, cn - trfint: ft.rn . , • •
I•r" funntonabli
CANDLES-41i .1.1 ill. 1...
'l7 for sale by Iv.r II . J... r. .
RJ role by 11.41thl
ff INSEF.D OIL-5 . r.•••• 41. bq
I b, .•ert: A lV
r J DOWGLSS a -I-iln ht rr - ' , l
1 for Ly • 1 , 111 r WI.. II
ErNDRIES-6 bhls l ialerttlin
D iemen
lu er
RAISBERRIES--Ju; , t ..aad for rate
I the .juart cr bud:Let. qMoAill' , 'l , ..Nlut.izthe
Dimon& rapZ.o
QUGAH-44 N. 0.. fo r
h.J m
Syarret MS a eo
Al GLASSES-324 S. O.:,
"JIG METAL-40 toils sale by
2_ &eV, ft H :11111114.T., .t r.i
I TPPER LEATHER—IIi Side, g‘md bettCV
2_) brstber. (or Falr. 1p
err. ROZI:US. WM,
fill:II:STE VERA' ILL lON vapr.l f or orle
by I.mLt J E 110^7t N 00 (0 A
Jn. ro,yiv,.l am I Pa . ral.L.
• . J
itIEESE-50 bole? .R.
‘,/ • c
ti DALZELC A 1 . .)
i.gALERAT/JS—lti ' tnroi r 10.14. , n , l
43 for al. by • DAV...ELL • I
17 EG BETTER— 25 kegs fr,h, Llr Ilk r DAL74..).1. lUe.
RO rime* 4.r a . ar
1. 11ILKIN,
• _ _
INSEED OIL--30 blirls. for nulo by
it.. 4 J. WHOA MY4i.Ell • C 0.1,1
. .. . . • - *. •
(ALIVE 01. L-10 to das its for gale try
ai.•.., J., 11905 MA/it:R4, , , ~
- CARS. A.51310N1A- 7., t i enAl i. itr i phr ., by .
V./ bcp.Ol
B°Alley'2: — lt) Ca'"
.1 11 ,?;.1 3 0fl e N b ilA Ito;): A ,i
1 ' I
t!IIEESE--77 boxes fol- sale by
_1 ..,¢2D lili All 0)I1.41:1 0 i:1,
TAR -50 bbls. on e nisigument, for y.l,
low to dr,. hy I , A!) Ali PICK E r A i .1
ssa.2o 11 At- r atal From or.
S OFT CRUSILEb SUOMI A very roper or ulicir tar firrssi s ii Ng , a.c.--AA) k.tda., i irsi recd i , i
repl2 WH. A. - 11cCI.L1:1: «,
6111.0KEEI SALMON-IWill be rec'd, Li..
ii.. 3 day. by earner, • aniall 4 , crr i isi gL i i i er i air t alc 1,
rep= A.
ill OPS--Put ilp in 1. Ili" r,acka , s for fani
. ~,
AA. Br to, inm rec'd awl fo r lin o'br
WM. A. IfcCLUI:o. A. it i.
- . irepl2 - ~.. kits:rt. ,
,era' ,ll,T :Y. 3 2c 0 Nitgail P s 1 V211. V rT n I'ILN.4' . "..'::
i . ..
,4 BROW ROOT-5 hie; Bermuda, for ,:a.h.
.1.. by iri l iltil J. SC:1.1(10:All A E EIL A lA A
ip OSLN--200 bbl.s. No. 'l, for ride be
ILIL Wow. - el it W. HAIM:16111
i t LASS-11111 boxes Wicdow, for ',lle by
I„.A ....pix - ~ .w. 11Altila UGH
GLUE -20 Ableree'd .nd Ihr lale by
i FlChl.itqlA.l.
0.111 corner tf Aorsl and l-irtli it.,
'Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
- - graPhd
, r ,.. STOCK 'of this ronny wanted by
A nitsu.s. Cn.
iitcra an: kirc li aaar' liroAcr...
~.toi corner of blacker And Third •ircrta
tiVASII NET, for hloiquito liars, 11'.-1
v v wid.i--fAHO yasAbiluat nr: . for sair . in . Pits EA run
seplo rill : 0 , 11101... ' 1 'bird si.
• .
4 .
Foe the Indin Rabb.
- UTTER-6 bbls ro
OR .SALE — An oz.
1101L+1 , .. E.llllre of
angs J.
( 4 .1 LI
1,7 Dart la mold
AAT AN TEP--Stocks ofthe Pitts'gh Banks;
Ihdlarm mad Half Nl!Art: 31rxican d
fl n? 1 :* - e - - for to
b.a ,, =, i 7
11. IL KIN . Benkrr and Drnker.
rth strret.
11 . 4 1 0. R. SALE—Pittsburgh, Gas Stock:
St. Clair .91.reet 1161.0 Stx
. Ohio and NoxisiLyriadta=k;iug4nrok,,,,..
fourth az...
ffIEESE-100 bo.ieelzr E7Cie - Gy
‘f anal& ti. 1. VON sONNLIOAST a Or.
..L-9RD OIL-10 bhfs. N].' 1, for sale be
.....ri , J. S.CII >ONLJA KEN a Co
M ACKEREL—LO bblx.l.Large Vin. 3, Mao
kVA. '''-b"`". ' ''''. 7 Z.11:1%.`tit . 1 2 6,,,,,„. ,c.).
awal .
d I .RUCI LES--13lack Lead Crucibles, from
1„J Tana (lam. cram Nu. :a.) lb 90, for vale /ow by
~,,,r m - J. KLIMA & (0., W lVwd AL
'MAN 0 bu. Small White, for sale by
il, bllr . NAMitik.!,RINLEit.
INI/IA RUBBER oLoyEs,o, b au d, ii
t ... 3
rm. worttena. Of Ladles'andKitatlefacu' a hulls lint..
liforea,,of all kinds taanufaclarrd, for gala iv taarealr
sad rl.ol. al Oa JiubbarYklx.4. 4 WI 9,,91.1 6 1 1 1.. 4
..._.'" 416 . ',', • i t,--- -......_2.
Q.COWL?: WM+ k--30. ai liamos' cele
botalfutt. ink . 3 4 lb. '.. • • far by
lasf.l4lo • :
1 .,..:._
Farm IStnrsery,
and four; mites
the rernitro •.1
ext•vcitaa or Fourth
K3Y I Liberty.
I) lo , c \. ases rich
A. M il l \ .t
ILK WARP PAR A..'.11 ATTA S--J itst rec'd
; al A. A. 4 1A 4 0N a ett:.:4% 62 and
15 f! , Lae.. z ..rtl hAIIJ 7:30 1/, Lmitot..
9ther A 1 4 ,. ttl mmttrittin cam, than 1! , , 4 ,Ittzrn.
APPI.. Pear.. I sum,
ruot.d, Limp. Vino, 11. , .
kul% C .l 'a cosiVrL ' eT "' l.4,lll h r: IV 11{0, Wiv.
rare l'aulounia
L Ash. Eneish ;'Cenmore,
I )11 m ESS ., 1100 , 1)S--Openi , n l 4 ,, I
r • l b I. A
..9 , 11.11•011,4
I • nrns•irt,,, Altrarrar. de
ILK S IIeKS ormtling at A. A
‘IA.AON & c••••
,•• Orr,. rory f,•11•••uarlr Stlk rr•mr• a, 1. , , ,
t• , • • • • - •••11•4••••• I raur.
11 , NNI.:1. A mAso N
I) til•r ~..,••••• ••I r
SII it J
prat... bats.= iarer
IP I /Ale., 113 rls•Ars.
.1 utiv•lpri
nuns tr...ty Ibron4l”.l
inium.. tileituder,
19,A11) itt INNET
kt rt-t.
4.2 I: pr, it . A AZ 4, - -Murphy
t.<o n lull wwwwfmeto tt . 6j,4•1,
www -14 . ter
41par,, al 71 Nl wer
• .
AI; M I` , EI , IIOESK nrcily
rq, 114.. ii
ttngwr tnrk nntl not! n •
w , Trlt! , :tf.f . tnnl• nittet: (t, w. nt,
i )1144 IN tt eti wtlinn Ott nell few tlnt •
ttrwarn• ft, b( .Iry I :wt. , I.nt t•f rotrttw,
an I I , ..intwo Dr, titrotlr. Ctt wltitto the ,totat tto wholr
wntl feint! purrh,r, t't,n•nr.,
11)A PLAM-0 " 1 . .% •`, LAONE:4; COM kOS
1414. r• 441a4•
A3os .v •
- '
1y al . %I 1 • 0
a-,1 retrll lll
g AINIEREs MOU: , . DE i„\ ENEs. _
A. A AIAS , ): , A U, nA •ir
L... l'eohmen, .rl.l I, I. wk.!
• _ -•-•
VII 11E1.: PLY ICI - PERLA!. C.\ P
re...Fn.. at 11 ni..,•nc , ,,,,,•••
ttta 4t.,. ententton oi •[1.41k11/4 '
Steutu,,. .ell I/ v., °lnn I—fon.. In th,
•• - •
xi. .)11:11i t. 114,111, : 4.l i o , , N,Lnigi ••
Wr. - .1 Pt
1 - IM LE I I,ARPE'E 'lrl'l. i h
V 1, I. 'I I.e nta•tlnt, kns: In. 1,1 •toe, o!
rltn,, On. ationt.nn of nizrn.tnner, n• ~...'lemon i,••1 to
r. , 11 lourir r . In•fore d %h,. h a
I nrt Wynnnon... No • .
1/0 feet 2 inch ply
lbu. Fire Departmrnt of bulb
Path, uu, ruantst,turea
pot turn at u
. rrp.5....11
t jl ' 171711VI . :. 1 : "7
1_ 7 and
Warranted to Il re tile
a tine Cavendish 1
t Mse.)it Ki..
110 It -.I
ttrantzfacturer• bl• tart, kAI Vitt. t 1,1,
o.l,'lnt!, nod TrttAmmett. wltteh_tr. A - 111•••11 At rt•ittr t •-.1
A t • ot. t:Art.t.t WAr t o t to,.. • t•tttrtlt •I
'd '24 keg's for sale . oy
Irst JonNsros.
10 bfils just received
nmnf'd Tobacco on
A. Citl.latltT,7o); • C 4)
l y y . .)I::I2I.INY6TR.
now N. 11241,11, ri•-•,lng tn• InII sto.-It 4 runrrtnn,
,nn...n.t CAB r 4 no. sod rmll
•1:1.-. ut •rry T 414..., w1:441., in•lte lb•
t•newn of tho, vt•bing rurin•P f.4..unllnnt•
1.:v.. or • ,north
net , lei'l.INT111,:11
itussELs C'.l MeCIANT.LIK
JUIP:nz In ,11. , .Ir rwt, Awl po, 11“I'n
ro 0,11/Vlter •Itenlo4,l
rt.o. mr41.0 11 .. f, Il• •44 ..te , 12.11..4 Wet..
911260 for role low
Cider. for a3le by
t the nf .
i,pl . li .:13URCIII1.11:1.D
prime 19-. K.. f., .ale
'lnn a 1 , 1::.::m.•
,re and Inr p•ala by
I , A vEsTity Ri;i:Ts—N.,, line! riol
' t '' '.":;l'
r"" ',"
n More mid for sale ha
Sc, 11ARI/AU, II •
1 :1 , 11E • - ':UltSt.:1111::E.Ii having n,,u
h,. •h,, EAL
nn•vnnnt. anlroAl.ll
that h• i• •rh•,l.
lin li, In% 11, ,r•,!• an a'n,l •• • .arc.
tnr Flynt.) Poo.' zt.
••• Chem' tnr na . nnir.a nod rtn, .1,•••••. rwr - I,J
I“ua pron. an 1 nrtirt,
nro Lam-.
nnln; erni
I NnEt.:
1 , -• NM-n
nlni tan,: •rn,it,..
NC: t',oliL,
• I , ls t.
I: -: •
i• ran, n
•'• •,h , 14;
r iiIR-111:1) GING liA31::-31,„.1
• • •
A :111 NI EILI: zi A 0 DE LAIN F:S lrr
A!4,114,4 ” T r, sqj . .1 •
au, (.4 vi.:,st C.4.0(1 k a I IA
, 3. MASON a . 2u. Luse .44 1 : 44141d, 441.(1
*:1 !hp, +AI prs.- I •04 , 11,
,rntunt tl»e tus.rk.t
i i , LUOIt OIL e 1. 4 rd.
` ; ;Hi; 11,
k+ I, GE I V LL) I , A V :tn.! t r.
I t
0 111 , 4 imr.rre
11.• Inl 1.. z.:
..., c.•••• and oup,tlu... ,1•:•
1.... ,
S. k
r•••••,,,•.•.• tip • ! e•
.i.-•••.• 44 , • ••...!.
• •••'•rr
"; ••••', •-•
• - • •
. _ .
New Fall Drp Goods.
AA_ 3fAt-i4 - _,Nie: r,•
stow: •.
m t
. -
.CCOICDEONS-4-A 4)+1,4 did and
f tbs
v..11r.1 rtile at, p.,
P a •
11, HAR 11.
to-tr , rro. Trntr,..o. ant ot
y varied yof Pra..llltrutnant.. pr,-rtri .4 tr.., tl•
fardted-lhao 1ntr....1t. and yott at lotr
rtra.. tto a..-gadnn mod nr ',Oar root
ata.y.. I ti , 3lllla.nt- at.. warrant, to na
rr, and payfact )1 (flood hal, tht tor
n.. ! r-rnrd,
tll .h of , 311/. 11.110'
e+AIiPETS.; CARPETS !-11.•,.'.1
1a.,. and rall rt)
idapait. to aril Ida, than any Coral. rtrr rod., d.r..1
in thn engultat d 1na.... and 4.lna ,111rb.,e tr. t.. 3 ta
la.. old artahll.l,l .arrid Warr•nduo... Si. •.. laorth d
it . 11•f:LI NTio.K
• -
VALL' GOODS.—Jum. per expreg.,
Stt. d .31 MA /It , a ttif,. :oitattan.ltattradmht, o ar.
nrot.r.t and cat,. trohaarthia.t.; dra.Tate. and
vir a yr a . AtL,..r.. lint de ta.awiful tram,
NEW (/HESS . iOOW,L—W e !Ire now ro
Ih• nonfrf.fll Info( 41, , tarh
1 1. n . Ann, nntn, Airnnup.
inr..nretnn. Nlnn, awl TM, I Cloth
non A. NA -to!,
tv HITE 6000.E-A.A. Nb 0,, ,, c..
I , .nist pe•.
p 1.14 041 N14114..tnd
ledla 14, et", N.44,1t 114, u.. 1' 1 rorriort
or:ontiarnl 4,1 Ter) rhel.
PLENDID 511.1.0---A. .11,..M .
f..y h..... 14,1 /re,' 1. *Qt air4l4no.n, o: ri.
14,4,1144 d 04:4 111,1.1111. Tne o
frortlJ 111. 3131•11teito • 1.5337.1•A1f, A
ourrrinr 1.14/. de A •••1,1 (74,4:
vv.rei, .qt .n 4
3,11,1 1
on ROA., 1/r,,
and IS w, ~
I/lI.Lt I,
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehon,e,
N o . ManKr,,
I i l
•Ide i
tier, tnr Sale. Lt ye,
lynotttnrnt of :tfnu
rIAID enl
titrnw. Prip.l. Chip. i;linc. ifepr .
for rale by
A 311
K 4 W
sei , anti
ond Itovi I,lmrrt. diary mid
ci iirid materitil
RIBBO.VS--111rh ilonnui dud Soil. mud T.,
fric, .11 th, itrvi cid°, itinci And
, roe Cno.
LACES—PItda trured shit. nd nn!
STEAM' TRIMMIA T0...0w Hum - din. Rm.'s.,
Pelcrimer, tr. ~
17.0 15271.5—YrnrIch rprico.
poliiiradn, rich nnd wire! btyli a.
130.V.11:1' SILKS AND FLVO---olocr , o glen l:rn Jr NAinr, re. d- sr -
Florrnr, no.I I Ow, S •
AL.—Etch awl nod
flozcn. . Or.
b. for ti al e by
r now wretantly , n,eirlo w !do .onnc !to, .f
Comprlalnd In part bhp Nine:rt. earbd 1..
Eitra ltojai Ve1Y.11..i1.• Corp.., dn. dn. i.,str,
Ayr do. do. Brawl& rayp.r.3 Mr;
do. inzralm-vitra Ent d 0..: ho. do. rommon do, m[tnn do
re , 9,..12-4 Vyultlan; 4-1, Y-1, 5... 00 , 1,2.4
plain do, 44.3-4. f.F. and 2.4 wad xml cotto . n tin
/cups; One; do.: ettra tuflod do;
do. do, common du. Cheollln bum. Mat, tau,' d n;
.beep ekin do. do.; Adyleldella do.: Thrum do. do.
Crumb Clothe. Feltiug hoetin /4.0-4. and 24.
Alm—Ft:en Oil Cloth., out to ht a ny ` airy hall ur mo o m.
8-1 74. hi,;.-t, 4-1, and ..1.1 Oil Clotha.
Alao—Stale Hat,. or all .Iron: Carpal lliadlordr; Llµ Car
oeug /tag dO.: 64.44. and 3-4 Mattluirg Table Ltneur, ()rash
amt Mawr; iluckebuck do. Trannlzreut WlodowEbadrk
COYy-11, do. Table do.: do. Rand dot Wonted Table do
tial'itnylmport.d end purchased our strekalreet from the
Moot Yolabrated Pavaes. baths. of the larder mad aunt al,
pror.d other and 4,01011. We No preparml to, 111•11 to our
Words and customers atpi . icra at foal .14y cam Alarh
91:n.M.rtitgi togl.r e•Trazaluer oui. ' at
The carpet WeitohOuse, 85 Fourth street,
=ll9 • W. MOILINTocric.
ei cele
New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fortes.
f e - OLIN FI. 3IELLOR. SI Wo,d
.I'.I),",`7I 4I".NTrI ,I ,WF:SI`.'fr?.VV.T ;7:
• bgta,l i* lnentitne , orr of rhirkerin •nli.l.tln 6 . of g. Boston,'
•1'" 11T.T:,`!,.7tir0:,, . T 1,7
I Ar•ral It. Ail., 1144,rn Pe.
( 011 F, GIPSY'S SONG, or My Gallant Bark:
t a, rapturous uppirtuye• Lind, at
her .•-•neerr. tail
Lnenpla nt, ary pathetic
L' One, ,Ing ve
Id Catharine Ilava'm A merles.
y .d ll ll, 11011., SUng eitamma• Her,
t.1,,e I I d
b•• en
najensent ••
11 101 Third 'tent.
Aleu of the liolden Mari.
Sacred Music Books,
Q • A LAurns, by :llavan k Irpbb:
.11011 `A S.ACIIA
',Ai (1.18311:4A SACRA, A
'I F.E. a 1.1, 111, 11, • u•• e•dleety• d y .d Mee. and
.e 4,, oeyn,l fur the my... 4 11nyleal mart
...du , . 1, weber , I udylnley, and (1a..., pi t Boylnt.
.ol 1111. n., by I.ewell 31•Yeet 4, WebbJ
d.1121 , it r of the ate•ve warke reed tart
rural« ii
• ~till II 31E1.1, PR. al Yt.
nrrif: ditboultv •.if obtaining a vorryet anti
l • lnnyuet u lilt. enuntry. bay,. been
e•nt .snip telt by the inuyl•al trie [be yubeeri
fbe far of
I, tunaer in Eileen., and Sr.
ntlered nor e --r Ira ayt er ed
/ ranted Yt Pr saesto
cParonnte ever w
i I, • •tddlq,cayri•ey--
A Clannnele-11 and 13 hey,,
It •
1 ' , u, roallr 0.../ L'lnnonol, find Una n
• II laEBEI!„
sigu ..t Ihr ,lol.l.,Thlrd
LACKIWOOD, for tiPptember, for sale pt
0 , , g
1: 00 1.11, Lilrr.ry Popol, 'No Tbirl •troot,,p..
top 1.0 nop:A
EW ROOKS. —'frarels and Adventures
IN 1$ M• 11.11, 10 the ono, of upward of 2.50 u
rt.r-tood ./n tort, Alt ing ito vorrount rf the tuannorn,Ar..
thr prop.: ho nrpruto, In. of tho P. A,
'and_ rf Byrzo-'4 Di...notary of Merlsani . r, ,
.n,st .1.1 for solo h... 1.. READ.
75 Apollo Building, lourth Ft.
New I
1.1 N 11. NI t; I, LOIt
R, •No. $1 Wood.orreet.,
It, nrw •nd pnpular parrro
, Pte, C .-I'7ear , h luauherea
rem- nee Int;— , l" ..
:` , hri.t..--,leerr. Feet March.
eenliele r4-pier - Val... Quirk k•.ie
Grt. 1../eick
The t Lae .1,, I
n le lia-nt
La nth.
eo hasL
; I•Feett,—iarintinn,
Coate ging me llea
IL. tent; teat, •Zil,n—•, her • ~ r. 1rr004.-‘.....ei1m. var.:
rheircr me if ail rm
hy et. -elm, rt,e. tatl..! Jrartng ehann,
Ho«. re.vueln
leaerlm 11, orb•
•. Aurora. eml :elver Wel Walt',
Lill,Nnne, gnetc, lexelh.r. :LhArt.n, Pe, FI,. Jena)
e, ecua., rlra. Lequrec, wmi
ilt.. r ?m " ,irf,-4.. ' ;'.7; . 17.. d ::` s "'" ""'"'
, If • VFN ., qt.imimm stm,
J4LASIi ROOKS.--W. S. otmner
ll•rh.t , rr4; . . - 14•Irtrcelr. h,. for rnlr lb. lorr•••1
•1••.• • f Black 16• kr rrrr offrl,l lb:. rht,
~,r• I , ar 11,a, 1 1 , ntalo W.A.. • In
•1.1 , 4 h , . •thl 1 ,,, h4
oNDON A P.l JOURNAL, tur Soptembt.4.
4 11,,Lmry simhs.nim !.• 10
I.wk.° 1.0, .12 lb. I.
Agh No 3,1
. . .
tent woil tor Pa.l.• . I.itorxr, 1.1,4. No
nni•. ru ro Agrvor .'" m " T ' nEr .
P. . 1 , 1 ,ale at
. . .
o. 11.‘ Strttioner,
omen, Shkrt..rt rant oLr-std rta
, t trettrilin.n
r.etrr thrt err gni,: to hunt,. rtneulel I.rve.
. nem', tal C.., 43/. rograttn,
• r,:r.e: ne 41'...t:erg..h.: , lierlole Do,
n, rrplaueittErae.•l,ll,•lN na. an: ret.
• , trr , 4:4lr, •
e:nt .rrt I,utt.e.ment, •41:::!:
:en 4.te ormic:ent tn:
e: lee ..11:terare numto.,
t r: II .01, -r
k LL Tilr. IVATEI:s NOW. i. l 11. fivnn
in ALLA , us , -alst AY
15, tAt•
t” th, I
rAnartt.: N... 1:,
TA. 11. n., Ct0.r. ,, ,, A; 3,11),
IL- Ung Et 11 ...-.• at. haPhio,.
.ar•. lust , .. II ta,
O Et.rnr Ss.
11.-eA L r
1,,w-trymr A.. IA
~.. 0, 111011. • :th
lA-C., A. IIA 1
Mc!, -13,e. V.v.,. Si AlAut.
r re
l r Fit.vor GbettlA
x 51m,A1 , I 1
I F:.., t.,ap.
fore• - •.•
1 , 1E1.0,A.
t ,•,nt tot,
I. • i.AC:413413. , 1na..1.-1 Lo. •
- -
, 31. Y.
itl~r ...p1.,. U. ,a,:!11.
/030,10 . • !4.11.12 ALLayaltterf • Manual 4 , 1 'L.A.. A
t-;tut,,, • Is l'A•rlritAicitlr.
LLLt .11 t grk 1' Sio,rL ALLI•O Cbr.stian
.21 Ace.- trc.ta .I..r.aeLt
vatttLer. , Lau*.
'rh- :Ps,' Ito. IN Ito .11... • I.,mm.otary AMP.. Nee.,
LA,,,, I , lr br rrraicfi...
P.. "4101.E1V ..It, It, ~( , PN lord. A.
A 47 , 1 ot Elouhlit...A
• -,a,„; .L •....111.4ter,!.1..t11.! N41. - a
Ar.riN !!!salitru. F,arth rt
,orart 11'errirly. 1 .el 1 . 21rr0. .r. •
111.,4•1 gr. Itopror.Joem .
r., !!
phi!. , -♦•!•!...!
..•1 I r..1.1.1m. 40,
•• -..r riu,,,r!, Ap,lotr. • 1.1••••barr...,
!• hrtorikl Frrld Brork Ittry..fiot
•r. 3 Dlrtloptrs• of M••••,l..:3-11,or r
r!. I rt, Jurt nurl tor r•to Fr,
• Fc•urtet rtrr,
_ • ___
1 , ,,k1/1122, hL2 , if , . of r
. .
1...a1t. - el 1.0,1.41 um). /Nreeeely. ealtlblbon
, N N LABOR and I lie Lonb
k1.Vr0.. 1 p.r.k tpl the IN.
rie,l /1111.1IF.,L,ererr D.fnt. 7-• third rtre..
New Rooks: Rut Received
ic EAST a Problem: reprinted with eorre ,
no: vYlitlonc t., the authei of Alton la.ek
ty r i,
Meter. et tlehtettrn, tit... It of Egyytt by Jr.rett /1,011
'• MO • M.
Uttleh e tete .4 tit: Purtttott ten.
1•11 r, Tele. M• Anna Fl. box,. anther of
and Yerthe.-. ' Vey •ott mut.
qteh.r..t. N.envur tlegettne end Ihiineet , Jon
ii : . .1-I..nfir- of Meotnni, Enuloo Work .ml F,
Wh.vrioa: Nu. ho.l
~• !to Rern !in 11
h. gi...".tr.pho and - M.1,11144x,, , ittilw lath
slnp, I.r I U. of
I' 101.1, mu,
Ir , • L 5 Alvliu Building,. Fourth
New Books.
a ODFItEY MALVERN. or tho Life of on
`T tititivir 137 Tivtartat MtliPt With twPntrtfaur I•
" . 7 t t
t' lT tt '' t i t:ltFrZa.lininmeiitri
. t u.rt act. funny IC4t mai lit ,
tf nr nntt .. t ondOh W Lou , ..
rhe,,,,0, nooks mat treti atnti for saltily
,ttt' it., :Pl' itttitiON. 4: Market at
th,l,ltoot Mr. alsargarat Mait.larl.rf inn
aralid, arttioa Ira haraalf,
at 1101 '1 Ll.rary Tap - , appnalto at, 1..1
—.No. 3:3 of Byrne'm Dictionary of
o‘rgo venortenont of Clan.losi nnd School Bonk*.
Mr onlv ApolloßEAD. Agent-.
dl Building*, Fourth
Il —Had, taken In exchatu,
composed liy IL
j lob,. and Joilented Itlvnhon C. Corder. of lino
W.ltr *Yr.,' by H. Ki"b"r•
°r """ `""
Ir Jon, urinviottn. lutin
rho Autumu ot our VolLn. ikon ,
, .., . . . . .
A Iv.: ; f.n......i , ,t1nn of Foreicn Thole fl.r ritna, I ~,..,
' tr. II KIABIr.It. MI Thin) ..t.r..q;
him of the G,lrl, Ibirp
I. - , —.t ,i , i1d. , 1 1. , of now PIANOS no. ot.IIIII ,
1., •• 01 - i.7,.1 ....r !1 , 1_1..‘...t1 6 . ...r.t . .e., Il an ., p.„.„,,,,,,.
Mitll7AN S l' A rE PAPEEs.2-§t.Tde Rr
A nr t•
Izunen of m, Untt,VN.ies,
. .
n of our hmlattrelatlq •
tkaw. tn,ll,lint: o.ntglentlal I,rumont. mtasktOlng Prki
r•I:11. n+:1,..1, tat wt., I. yinntto t i
h.. Tlnv. from Ibit. th”. •
wort.for *11.17 .
C .
r ILE FATE.. 4 Tale of Stirring Times, I'S
trrat,n rze
Gllrl Ir,th na.t.t
1,1 I. . 11./01EF laterar, Pot., 'rbinl ota-p,np
the hot
I 11 , 11,31EF Llterar, Ilxlpl
nePT, NO. 74 Thirt ttreet.
U I. CAIII3. SOIM-3 kegs for sale by
I 7 suxtt N. N. WICKEItSII.9I _
t n`' 1119'1 Ni)2o bbls• extra dry. for sole
IT ~, U 0 !MI:. E4TUCK 4 cu.
no:. roross Fast .d Wrol 4.
l IV 1 . N1 . )0‘ , %; , 5 j 1f.,14 , E , 5--,1 sapp i ly of,Trene
_ s urg .l. 11. eiliad.ters
DEARLS-., tons N. I. in store and fur
I tale I, .1111) a ..CANYIE(.I ,
W... 19AI Ali Idea EY A t....
11,‘ (111 S-5 hid, Fresh, or Hole by
A a u:-1, /:. DALZELL A 12 0
( 1 lIEESE ,:i6 bas, prime W. R, for sale by
g I ..,,' • IL DA LZV.LL a t.:4/
i'‘ L OU?!' t-4
~ ,f-i. , ...'nc.„i,"1.;.11," :',,a.r..'7,"'" '' """""
.n„, , ,, MOS. VALUER, to 31•riLet ta.
ARD OIL--10 bble.No..l, for Mile by
1,4 .0030 J. KIDD A C4l.
)_.. ... . ._.- . -. . _ _
'.MICE ST . ONE- —SOO lbs. for tale by
_i_ 11.111 , ' J. KrIlD 1 Cl, _
BUEFA,LO TONGUES—Jost received from
.m. lA.OiL a few donor. 04E42 %11410 tongue,
Ir"..M. A. MoCLU RO I CO.,
ioaisi um:ens/4VA Doollprv.
',- OLDEN SYRUP-10 bbli. for sale by
mwmimeasowllll& • ,
•-••;- ,
\ , . ,
I. . DICAL. -, "I'RAINSP()III' AT i()N INSLTRAINCE. , .14D \C Allik
s. rile hut E.a . thcord.thary lira .r. the ilothd ge L tri l; __
S 5 I .
.6E-1 Pittsburgh Life Insurauee CoMpaily.
He ' -Ce - bratea ' \ce '
t/ teat Ar.blnocn Remick, for Nan and Broth' ' .
P p Hs COIMPA.NY Won Incorpurat6l in COMPOUND ! .1: , I , • STI. : \'''' '.
L IL G. Farrell'! I LAXE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE ..., rm., lel:a. with . PerfBtuat Cloutar, and ha. 1 4 Ti. blably ,S,„e.
• ~,r,,,, ~ i t.i....,... a eartfat Of $.114,1).„ 1
CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIBIENT.I ..N THE EXTENSION I . ..ANAL 111... ...,,,A.u, .1,... hu•tte... Loth . chafe...B4h .1 i ,5 . X.,, ' ,r0:7 3 .; •• =rt a •,,, , ' .a ho thee th.T L , '
• • CI. .l' hF.. 1' t Ito. at .. .. , ..,...tre, 18....., .3, ...hal p.... 31
I Lhensmtle Rod stn.n e or,„, •,....•
•" 11111 .18 Pwado,,,„ . , ,
T 1 . 1 O. FARIt ELL'S 3..,onedino Arahlun 4.,n,- TIIL p izopit , r . ,•,, ft •J. hst plan 11, a.. ovetana , thlol 14. than ,.,.. ,„( th . hi • sr h„, l 3 . . -- ,wd l en . te • - ra'r•rn. •• ro
4 ,Ii•• moot 1 , • rapt ..traordcoar. IL, Intrle. 11J. truth 1 till:• . a ih,,,, ~;,1 and well ~,,- ~,,,,,,,, 1 ,, motoatt , orna , ra.ana Ltn,an na can , ,'„, 1„. 1.. ‘ „ s„,„„„ zz ~,,,.•,. •. - - .....v.r.,_,
„, , ~,,,,,, „0,;„,.,„ : i, ~ ••.,„ ...,,,, .„ .... .v,.., 1.,... ~,,,,,, the noble. tha. tte- .t. - 1,' .• ' 1 1” .1„,......,..“8,:,....•.„., L .! . .,, k 3 1 ,,L,.. 1. „,,,..„........, ... I lw• el. l e ac alt.* iiir , A,.. `,
.tu „. and the wan. en,. htied dn , le Performed 1 y It. e • 111 ..1...- 02, II It J. - 'C. 34- , .....1 ...... sat 1... ,,, ,,,-.. • .... •••• . ••'•
• " • •••••
. •••••
31 •P w r ters •1 , 1
• whirler...3.Al, b.l re .,,,,,, .33 „th,... ‘,„.3„ ( „,....„, h.„ --. ! , ~., .33, Fre3ght nml 11- ..,..n., , r5. which they ' l, l ' ' . 11 . 4 . 1 bccme....r. T1....114-eurrd on the
U. indredlent...f t • elr man, \. . 3 1t r• •
WI if the hest ph,......e. to the WArld It 1, rw.1,...... rf t . /....A. t 4 al' 1 , ...- .1 , 3 the l'Anal. nod L,t. br • ' - 1,7 1 13, 1 1 a 1. .. , the e. '" .l.l ned ee e erntle 7 L ir...Led LT that ,h.,...., Anobtro-d„3,70.,.,. th c - ,„. '' 1 , •1• , ~ 1 1 - '",1 , 0 . .
„I 1......, attract, end gni., reendar to Arelda, pos.,. ...I /lad- 1g.,. It 3.1....0., -ae. .3„• of th, gown. .3.- 11 A'. " 1 ' .. ...1re"..nd tn. CaPital and herratet Fond of yr....offer, with 0ain.„„ 4 „,... “•'•• (8 88.-. ' m ' ,
-433.. n it coneesonnt a , /„,.., .„, thor .thamhattag. anc , 11, wilt 1 , ..A.0.ant1, et tha 13.13.31,., halo.. tr. p.• . • ' 11. '8 ( ....• a B ' B .1- 1 " ...1.1
1) no 3.notrellog. 1111 1.1111• U• taut Iwtrul.ttl. on•pern.s. and ...het. in n....., Tr... J:1 t 1 Ito I oart, 3, - .3314 t l , grant., of Innuntore on life, „th t ,..,Tr0,..7,, 1 :V7„ 1 „,r,.,...„... - . • ' B , : 811'1 .8 ' L ,
.. eiokre,...l w. '4 . •
• . the am, whirl.. aga. ah ' , re tm..l b, the - NM wl Ow 4./11 N A l . A1•111li 1 .A.,11t. . '.'•,. .... .... 1 " Ln " ...... " WU. ' .4.'4 .... O.' diAtt il ltit. I,ty i . '34:ne '..." 3 • ''...'" l '"' `' •
t De..L . rah roeh mrrulous •1L1N....., to eurlng the .1.. 3 ,„ „ ..... ~,,,,,,,,„„ ,5.„, t ,„„ „„ . ~0 , ,,„,„,, L. mbar., frohl• ..r credltrro-to mime the 111. ot ...„,„ 0 ,,,,,.. • , P ,, , ' a .,, ,,.. , 8, .3 ' , et...NA .." _ e -
et ..... tor tbeirown .33 , 413...... bco , nlB.a, shlcatter death. ~..38,„... a.- 'al out nee - 0h,, --- ,,... ' " .' 1,11 .,,,, , ( 1 , , .. • •-- - •
.........f Loth LIIIEJ and 1,..t
CDS.I.."‘ LI •.
~,,,,, th , part. , am - 1T Mit •l th , .. 311 .• 1-4 . 11, ,14 ; ac . L., 14 .1. .311. y. ro ' rr, ' In% led h t•
' ''..
' ' -. 3 ' ' ' -•
Ft..l th, lolloing mm.r1311.1. co, • hielt , If at
I.a, option of tee lo•ured.
W plan e d el Farr( 11 . .. Area... 1aum....„ tAr 1...
, i.. 1` 4 ` :l - ' : ',', . ' d? '"• ` *`''' "e`
••\; ••
S ""
/maim, mas. p.n.,
• '•
11 s • , I • /11, ~....p.•
.1..... n. Ikon, Precrident.
Abut.. y....- amt n 1.11 a. 5.., ......4313nd uptpar,l.., a.,
3 3 , te11...ath..., .. loa. „ -11.13•Clurk., 1, Pr...lent ,
Va.' rtwlllfw.h. Kr.ul wall ) t. 1 ........, •.. Wt. 1 . , /1 It - I '..
/ I , lwlhaw •w /w• 1.3. eex pn1•10.1.1 C 5 ,11,/ Irr Id m t484,\1• - '
J.,, , ,,hh. Leech. Treasurer
• ..... I. x,. .... u 3 3 ti. ..1 .... ar.m r h.. ..h. pm. 11 J.
.1 011 ,- .1.. To , O, alth • rb (3..13 IA A. th •
Chart.. 1 Celtno..herrefart
earth, lea. pr....... neon . 3 ....b.0.„.r.„1.,....m,..... ".1 . ,
~ „, p „..... / ~/ /0, ,,,,, J .
1101.1 I J.: /1. th. wt.., •I.arl. -• 4...t0r- 4.1 Mr, .111Irr
t....,1•1 a... will 14,1,,3•\ •• • •• r11.. '- al . r. '" -
~ 11 &nal, I , ie. Da , ...... 7 11...
~. ~,,,.....on .1... t sn .... hal . •op nlt Ai:llw I . A. , ~,
. -..•-•
1.1. n ...1,,....i,.. • ;.;, -.2 : b ' '.n. -,
. i , , , -.,- ...- „. , -..,i \ \ \
~.,, a „ I c , r. Is, 113.1.1•, , \ 1 .r
olaheolent .1 .1... aphr.o. •...m. t1..1 It ....... Man/ W..
.'• C .?I'LL,il .4 `,.. Tr‘ \ ,
-.3...1.11,C10rkan. 11 ni, Ph. D.- •1- - ' ----- 1 - S . --- 1-\ -- - ---‘--- -.•
~,,,, „r 3,,, ...ape- nt.l other. am 3 t• on. 33 Tout, .4
the . 1 .M...... 4 .^. 1 . 14 o" , l'" 'Pee. , •. tend 1 , • 31, Pna it New Lake Superior Lin ---18.51. i 111 EA EM , ‘N 7 s 1.1 l ' EN't,S I'AITCII\ .4 . . ,• •
~, le rt••• rr,o,n, •,,,„,„.,„ , . , „,,,,,,,, ,„,,,, ii.
10t/tA/ •11 fIA ..(r. -
. •
• „ B.rtelr. Arab:. 1.......11.3.. t. coal, atm, • n• . FICHE now meant, NORTH EN 'R, (LIT,. R. u• •• ~,,,, ••••,, hea l :.:, 0- h•••, 1, •••• •• • •• •,,, =rr ,ll, ••• IMr X L .e. ' „rt. - ,.. ` , ' , -, ,f„ 1 ,7 4 ,',4, r , ,, , `'',V h. 1 ,, , L,L•L0r , ..3t 11 .•
..I.P.P.r. "hen the err .i'n l lon • 1 • 1 ' 1 .,.. to ln. n ,, rm. h.ring • Ter, rohbrn Imo Tem.. far !,ITJ. :n),1• r. ... ',7 1- ,./ . „ r i t ,,. - „! 17,...,7 iwe {dere . .. thwl • n ',to dherina (6 .4 3 X:fe 1. = - •
Prow. •tht on , Poetentod wett•ll, •13.1,. ant. .., w -....1 and rondo., toll 1.,. t. 14 ,14...1 on / nlaT. the 8,1 wt " ..'• ... -...- - -.".... ...* -- - '-''' p from ...scam.. or. ”,... O. 1.111101; 1.,11.00. ‘lll \
. ..1/0 11 ....v...., er -.1/, /c/J., ..,11,.. 01 ~, All% m. \t. on L.• el ./ I r., -4.1•••• kl. t ...after on .I Ledm 1 .... t• L. Eel • Whoimale l lnver.
~ ,,,t ,
~„.„,,,,, rota B t , ,on t , 2, ,, ,,, , u,, , E.,, I . l3r eT '. ati •L •rt T iel L e ' ..... ' 'sn't• b li .o 'n fes ' l. ,' eta fr t i tno "' lr e 1 ''''4 /.. '\ . ' •\ \\,' \ \I
- I. .1.1•40.•. VI 1
r Peal, .I.reh 4. 1•4 o
iha • J.......r NI ISII, fel A 'e, 0,1 . 1 / 1 , 11, Cll.l/%1 Win ' '
ly re,th,l. ~A . {.. ...IA eV.... learol•afteran On arthal if
3 Hobert 11....18 3.3 , ...1......., a .
alcoloth WAS.
1 ,r•al N. ,
dar...4..... ha., Ms.,. d 7. Istd a,. ~... ~. ..t...recT5....11....5m .: \ ~11.-n/.r 1.8.134 , . . ( I, nroinno TltysanriAl.
N. It.-. One Cake .81d. the, 1 len at et, the., .
~. A \
lter woman ba....byour Limment wlth erest ~....,,,, • r...„...„ .....kly 1.1.. tor - 4.4h.... tln ........r. 1 ...a. • """ .8L- ..'...- M • D P ' "11111 . 1 A d 1 L'" 111 M - -• ... IL tt 1J t r lt• •.• • 1 - .'- ' -- \ ' ,
oho ..1 Ind the up. of h.„ 1,..,„ thr ee y e , ..„ ti n ...,o, c, .....4.3 ..r... th Copper no! L.......e... ,• ' derecoah hook, 31. It, 8.. ti.lldrington, IDIf. ' . :F.,: •• --. 1" 1 ••, • • .
below e..utrsead ...that list In \ w, mr.., hen,. n. co, •1.1.
~ .., 71 It Ih. 1(n..ri,,, , Ahormara, l'Apsiarsa. V. , . nrotA per (..1.),\, lac, ( e . 3 .th foll duvet
For...lelp -,., cd. l l. , • .L• , :.. 1 i 7.1,, •'
..0... l• f..r the ....non of th.• 1.... wb.... .............. I 1p , 1,1 ~./. /AM- It I•AiWUJI Dilworth. 31 D.. 4f etnithhell sty...,
dm:, .3,4 .1 - .. 'Amid not heal ch..... th....... la, 1.. A.. I.capyl. surd, \L 14, IPA IF,.urth ...res.. [ -----'
- PETEOI2II.II. R R7IC 04. \ .
the .4, ol 11 G Panel!. Arnhlt.„ ...... •h+ Low i A vi:‘,l; lits,l'oSl,li itl' II ALE 311 1.% • ''''L r ' ''..."'"'• m. r. 2.... ath •tr"l
- welt wan a 0..... and I.a. a Flietitht Ilmt. 111. s, 1 Fit F... 1 I • 4 4 4:18.44....8 A (.1..1.7 . liar ~. all. \I n. 11eli. 1 /nrann • 31 D.. 131 Liberty StrOwl.. 't I - Theret, La , - ovivri heave.. ndc.rth.l \ •
i ! ta,..,,,, n mr..l ,A , ..ent n rmaly t r hoer da.h. 31.. lor „.„ „ 3 ,„„ A5t. ,,, , .„..„,,„
~ ~,
J i ., , ,,„ 4
~„, „,,,_ • •cr Mtworth ,•11l le . 1 . 31,, m 1 5h , e nl lb. " 81 0.. Mr' , '
• 1 ."B",r !13'.'1'nfn;ch.:3.11VoTi".."'1;.'n"..374-::1741,1r....."01t1ee Tart •I 3 "!•••• 1•••
' , '"..."'•.' 4,,..,.TP , r th. ' L..' • ..,'„ •• ,.",1 1 1, t 1 1 , „ 1 8 \ 4 4 1 ,8 1 i , , , " N...., ,:.,.'• 0 1 1... 3 ,.... ' „7..,..... ~,,,,,,,,...., ~,,,,,t...`,.‘„,. _ , , THE'„1,,,,Tit,,Z.14t.,..5,:tf.t,11, rer , , , , .. r rE ic. ab ol i h, e tool.
.. ' \
.1, ,
I n .oh lowa. Jena h 4,1.
-,--7 -Ida. ••• C ..COLTON. E.,..r. •,, ,„, h.. I ,1 43 ,8 h., tot...a - It on o . ,
. .1
Flwin It, b mi (acmes,. en,..,1.44 la An m.o al,rl
~,C,eh ~.. And.. 'Antra. nt .• .3 . lorminc. I cio Bing-hams' Transportation Line.\ S et \ Mutual Fire InstirTui iToc -o—nipan-y. I . . ' '' ;' n ... .. b iiiiiai':' - ifsre th "Tr',.TA ' '',,,i.,°;: - ,,r , • \,, \— \ •
not henna. to ttynoun, 1, th, ' , mat 11-doed, at 11, ..- e.--. II re
_-.„ , ~a skoth of &or hun.ll,l feet hu. , pure ndulter. • . ,
AJC - I 1 .1 11 .....1../...1 docusrmg hr.-, for \ wart. Ali.),# . j N'y'N, I .11) '1 I ..4 ".....1.....,,,,5,44,: e .. 3 -4. ” t. BR n,ii , FFI -, E , __N ,-,/ .3 '-, , 4 .,f ' ,al 1 re h e leal • he . ...'"U.. •
,„ 3 „, ~,,. „,,,,, .31 3 ,„ „,,,,,„ i t ,,,,,,,.. ,
~„ . . ____,_____ ( , . 3 ,-,-...„ -....., i 3 ❑. ( ( iO. o • 1•11•11f1E1,13 STRther, 3t e e .83t ht . any e . e , 1., hilt tu, MI , \ .
N, prt-n,iluaGli
~ , A
... :
, t ,„ ... 4„ ..
f 5 , 31 1 1 , 1 7 . ....D . r.a .,, t ,,, L5i r
c D i retr c yA ..„ r
. h , A t ‘,o l toy . :kV . :
j\ , s
, WIIII pull.-1 no ... the paw, t.t 1 t 0... •ay that 11 ItICI W all: ,
, , A . _
mad. 441 11, ita ow, I 1 .... ,3 3 , 1Praen, •nd 111 ' 431 "11 1 ' 1111 ' i' ' -"1 Ea.\ " '''''''.' rillX '•st evidenee P 7tV ' s . u . e ' ejs'ilef the r ,„ ' fil ' .;rl,l ' ,l';, r.l 4ll, inr,,7,:r i,Wi:,A 1 .. ,. 4 , ' , b ,„lft: \\
1„.„ .fter th0y1..,11..... inwnotltinn•l 111011,1,1, .0,1 I 1.... rill F: CANAL inning n ,, tr•enon. no aro 1,1- 1 DI tt rin end...raring to amid. [b. STA T&l,Aft7iB se-c, healleTt oh auflcring and rtel-1,1 Ihl of \
etira,l mar...than Mb: hor•-• th„ ..3,-.43 • stl. ~....- 1.3
1 , P• ...eel. , and Icee.r. 1 Prvontl., P.-mu, ond .. lli, \\'., I'.IIANCE COMPASI" Went the want. of toodth and .Ice n... 7 a •sulTercr, f. ng fe rd., the Wel\ \ '
'.'".rint.T•lZ' e n f o7 t 7 . l C ? ln " rtud . . C .O ' 2 ''' t;d • t .i "'n C •.' 7 '' .... ' . •. ' 4. " ". ' • .•.1 " .4 ..." th. , lie, 1,. 3. th, onottralleled mount a hostads thought paha.. tt prth botc .., it reptd.„ \
Elio,. ~ , i . .., , z: ..72,. ,i , , , .,....•. 1,, ,,,, ,, , ruz.V . ,, , ,,,.1 . 3 „ ,,,
~. J. .• .174 •. I, .....t r•ta. a hargad 11c r,sponsthle i 7, , 1 ::. , Vr , . , 1:::\n th 0 r. 0Va . ... i .z , 34:1 ,. ....1A.4 . Pote-e dial% f 4 fz,Ll,;;:in , ;-•: . .. , .11;7.7., Lbe - z , ( 3 i1act ,. .... n 8.4,,1n0na., \ 3 ,
rm" ,
''''' '''....'"'.'"........' .. ".th " ... ' '.4'''.7''':.'
••2;'"aTd"':.V.‘w'l'ac7.'t sl3 . ' ;= 7. r l Zllli n n "' n:; - I.i ' 4'll:hm;,CA' : [(37 o r; N „ : l.." ;r!L7 " at ' !d7rXte rt g• '" Vo ' 7n t- Lki i t '.1 :f " 7 ,1 ir::., , 1, " ,17 , 7, .n.1,,:t% PT- -, , °!.,%"4 s '• \\
. \
t. 31 I comm.... 1 1d5..., of ,nur 1 ..........b.h...... n.. . 2 - 1 •• 1
oared ma "" 11 ..111•1 F 1. • l It. 1, , d Idaho.; I.4ard b., aft dlr•wheo• 1. ... 103,117 . . 1 .. 1 .8 1 .• •.' 1•01.N.'... .....1 • ' We on not whb to Ake a
Vera.. of natillh,
' :SAC 7 vre are thaw-io.p. that e. Mechem.. tan - lon ircire • i , its
Ann I . to of ten yle' ...ed., m.r..1 1„ II is ra, -,,,,, , •,,,.,.., r.. A w ch,1 i r.. , 7 , , , , , , , n nE A ,, , ,, ,
~ „
~ 1.3. do , alp'ecl.t. - trmrd. ceueeDd _ 81, 1\ , ,881 4 . 1 , 11 ,P 11 .. a tb A 11,118,8• • ••. 1 1 1141 (011 8 . It •• \ \
\ ' \ 1
Arab,. imeet (
7,aiict \ 3, hl} we d o not claim. rst • Onlrers . flf•Pi nth \ ' \••
lur n. 11 i .1 .1.1.-DIMI. Mr . i Cad 1., , t. ..11113.4,4 wit,. • ...rm. 1d..., &V... , ~.. ...'. illt.A .' . • :r n• l. A ''•
r' . '' ' '' P r'. .....'
,".?'''''' :.r...'''... ;! 7" . r iA r i . : l-; ;I::$ 2,)1 . 7., 00", : "'"' tr,d.t7i1,,,,."°:-'1,i."1.,'',,f4:.`1,'"Zi. u' Z :, ,if, ' ,..N.., ..:,. „ \\ \
~,,,,an P., ' For th.. 1., .... parr. and could balnr,..t III:W.11.111 A Ilf 1( 144 Mar. wt ... •'.
ml3+l ..ow Cy bh.-41n, iat b., 0. we, Ea 11 v. F.3r,... hetwri 1,,,5t0th..1.1ir1..ta .....11.1ph.....\ IP , ... curt. '-'n
\ - 1 - :,..„...„ . 4 „, v ,...„,,,, 1N d., iir , i1 \t , t , , , := - 4f1r:,,, qr.., 1,. \ -;\
1,- .Lot L•n , ••••• , . ••rnil. I • • • • r the Genel , ••bau. (hr... or
-.... ... 19,3,7t31.7 , 1
I fn. Ittn..• • 11.1. it ...,.......„,11 remo ,, d. . 31 1 h•Te ..
' . '"
•• '•••.' "•.....N ..•••••'• ..‘...'••• \ ' 'rn'''. •-•' . 7•,..=r , =a t .•:,..,R,..•••._ ~, i•., . \ ..,...i,,, , ~,,,, , ,1A1'LE6..4 niitl. 14:110 j 4 IXI• ik \ \ . \
I re.lh/11,1 •1 It ,y,,.-w• /w. r t on. tn. ntable on. ...,..., .. dINI 1, Itc ArlilA.ll,,, h. toe. , I .... . o t r ,.. s ,
„„\,...„_ nuts, 7; 1.11, 4. 1 3IPLAIST. i/111 . 1.1 . nra, Diner, 1,3 •88... Of ht , \ ,
now, /. t.. • har••••• ...r..1..... •.1 being
acct eurF I a • v.,A.
~.. ch., 1... m..• r..n........1 - Olefdd 14 , Ithold pod Kid...• t. 1 . 4111• Kt ter Bar'. or 1 5/1, Yee[ \ 1 ' . ,
3.1... and .11 ..,h,o,t 11., le.o etn.h l th 11 . I
L..... , ...
' - ' - \ • •-•
- • ••••-
- le do 4 ,, mended: -'
- 311,i • ' , %•...itralko pain. Ithenn tin 1 ... .tt , clod . 11ry t \ \ ,
3 the. t tort. •• . 11 et m oat. m.3r 1 .
\ \ --------•51.5 (10 1 .14... Te:t t. ih0gn,......, 1turn...141.h.,'11r0'17,41.18 1 a .
Z;,..Z., ' .4,1... I Kept.. ~ , 7, ~;',:',„,..;,,,,„, l ' . ,:.T, W . ,,. ••
r, 5 Is. \ , •w,,_, •:, i, T ‘ l . , .. i Ica , . Val,41141. 1. ' I le. Gr. a than
rtf o.lthty, ',nit, (~ An., „,, ‘ , ,
• ../11001 in •he . 1 ,...c. a1...1 ....... • .a.. 1 1 . 1,
17,...3 48 t lona and rotrachl cede. of as, . 1111. in irmadrula
1 r../..d my ...4 tn a .t.p..Aing Llano., , ...Pc . MhT,ellallti. TransporinOon Line, -. ..., ~. —.no, e,..,,e,0,....., ant; owner. of &wa11..., I I mug ndi- •,1t....114.40. ....era T..):81 cal Avrea \ \ -,, \
C., 1., 1,1 up,. , t 1.1,, )..., I ,ni.Enont,or. h".. 1.1, dut. , , , „„, :, , , . . \ , .... Ind.., And ...le, prolerl3. 111, 1re11,...1 011. CA. , ATI B.l' to oh emcee , . iinteirt3o, to ...1 to•rgyBn. r . P. , '\-, \ - ...,\
..t/117. b 11,..1,
' ' ''L ' 41.• • ' ' . 1.1 • • ' . 1 - . I. ' 'L L \ . I ' lll 118- '• l 1 ran B Mtr. l - .. , antag, In ocintBf r.•11,,,n/k. nahty....l / red...l. to
nierin4obehrortloat, edema( nay ep, , - 8\
L. S.D.. I•P•inct, I,, ria.v.. 111, 1 , 1. .1, tate
•• •• 1 1, int..r... tom. Ineurauve mdto, tri 11111. et not 1 loortions wh h arow•lll•cate. and a P 0k... , 1... • , \
11 .()11 1.11 1 LA , 11 ,: }11 ' 19 11 , c l I ! ‘ ' , 111• , -; ' ). , 1. --IV I Trl , '''...., ~•,...,., it ,,. ...,.. ,-, itnnnii,,',-,0, , reievieleiejii, : nod ,r1...s icartatipt aL s teneent nett r\l4 all tor .. \\ . , '. . ~,
11,,,,,, of Counlerleilt .
, a ~ ~,a,\ , a ,',.),
,'' ,! . ,!,',,,1 ~,,,,,,, ~..,„,, „,...„, ' , I '.... lI , A 'II II '.I 1 ...k...ea./tante 1/ .h.,..1 hazard, tte lof lift' Ina ..n ll vrtrtr know. 3•1 5,..., 3 .3 an,. , NI. i- , \ A , sa
'rt. , . 11 . •t. Ited amount to au, hr fornlll,. dm. per- , that or• 11431 .84 ctrthyr Dynthlticel. get wall 1 ... 1 •t he n ~ , \ \ _ ...\
r , • GUARD AG A 113,1. 131 1 11 .niT131S. 111. AD tit. 3,3, . . I .4.rat. \
11.11. tw. tr.7AKey and O,Yr , 11 \ . 1. 1 , 14 , 11,13 ... 1 11 ,1 tLIIB L -1,101 •EtIc ...rim. L t. , 'LL,K , , . ~,_ __ * ' ,‘ A •
• , on i r , lo CAE Ell Ll.l •,(ap Ls ..... ,15,,,,, .A...3.1'1 3 1388 11, ..8 .Bn. ' Phil.. no. /al 1.10 the 1 cch and 81.31 plan, W... only Indh- ' gOcett to any pctoor hodtcrey, It
. The Ptchtle 3., onrhhlnri• rAti II ~..1 A 2410., n . 1. , ..T.....A j j \ j j , •A j
j , jj j t P.,- I. ehropoent And recamairohl•ttovivil loth method., 1.1 Nona genocuiwi t tho 45 . ..4..... or th% •8, ••• \ 4 . ;-.-% -4. ,
...:,"4,31,',.t,',1,,',..:4.t1l r,, • ,: 1 ; 3 .'1f • „%t w i,1, r ..“.....i . `,•' :.' .' l'rs'..'4!: ;:•.., N 4 . 17117 % ..‘r ... .Zra ' id " ..i \TI F II ' .I. 1 .i,..:?...."ent‘E,TOrtVclj '' h ' erf '. ...r. "' l 'a j.T.A‘ ' k, '. .... P r. --. i'-3-ir tb,nriowpA. .I._,
_. he e -, \ A \
• ... Mum... " 11.1 r. a,n; trail a...t r . 3 ' ...;-, a r ....1, 1 .1. 311 .• . 3 h l . 11 . 3 . 1 8h ,-, .. Ph.. - -• al ...cerrater. 8 ,31 . 1 11, ••1 .1 w A I I ~,,,;,',, l'han ' e, r....,4.4, aa,,, ' 81 ' ....4.,.., j 111,14t. 1 . , • A1..„,h • y 1 ,11. ST.l.4.ll ' ed. ' l, - Wet .... -\- '
3 „„ L, „... „ t a „„... ; ...„ I , - t4nat t J. 411 /II •na...Perit-5c.........
I i t t ..,:• 1 7: , 1 , ,, , , : „ 1 , . ,, ,, 1 , L1 , Z „.,,,.
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~,,,,, 4, 7 .,, , , 5 .t . ..,1 .
\..\\, '• ', •'••• •l'': \ 7 \ l' N.k::: 141111,77 t: Pn•riih. , , tt
~ ,: rn' 7ontriart .. 5,L .,Ltr. ,,, Att.,•l;•,, \ \\ ,‘
i r , , , , ;e 5 ,,. ' ,, ,, ra,, , ,,:!:,e 7 e . t..., .f,„,..,, ~,,, ~.... ~,.. •, , ,••,,,,•,.., , ar., , ,,...., ~,,,., , ,••• Ina ocr \ , AB.l ti 1 141,t7TT. 8 darY , acw 2l .ll . , bi.. , elarlY VE .. t.3. l Agen A j \
n n nj , thn
j ,
jj „ nnj j , j , j ,, n , ~ • . A. 1.
enJ ./.1., vri 1 t ..f ...I. .... t ..... ....... .' ....W. \I.. A A ~A ara. itioxr, \ ' .117
J ., , .
' . '''
' ."
. ' 1 h - 1,. .. , 1. 0 ,11.31 f Ifni- o mArot i keipirin- ' • PROCLOATtON: ' ' ,
1 ...n..,...,„„0 /Lira, /41, ti. J. tt.r. 11 I. t•al• .T.,-. I urr• I. •.
~..I, . ,nai 1...., . , lc. a ..- h . ..i. 14 otr dI . thr on, r .l 111 r. k ...,•11 811 111.11 1 1- 1,13.1 . .. 1 AL' anti ail di; \ t
lii.' v,u•tor.. D. Alro r•B L. otteAd, • rld,er i th-•-•
- \ \ !,,,,,,• ~,..,,...,,,
~ , 0 ,..„, , t , . .4r ^4 1;:ru'..., . n A r r A e ..,.. e f t le,„ l nk B ,\/ , , , , „ " MI-,
\ ll t , !
.. „, ... , .th :,, ,, , ( A ,.„,... of th . - Bladder nod {ely.. alth t a „
1 •• '
I /saw, Pc... •
1 ..' ._ .._ -- _ _ ___ . ~.-. ,
-.1, a,. ‘lat ' 3l '," h tl -" l l,• e ' e r u ' gc ' t "' n ' . 'd ''''''.-","‘ 4' \ ' • ' \'•
AII-At, w•nup. In lw-y Tow, 3,1., sak. 11.-,... 31 i i . i rr ---- &-ii, 1, \ i , , , I r --,,,,...4, 1,\ • _• - I ,
the 1.30 v,, Pt 3.3.8 ,n rho., 1 , 0. , rii•i •••• •...31•• • •• 1•• 1 .3 pls s r 7 - . ,ol di e Fire wan e Co. of Philatla, flam c anna ~,,,, r. 3 .:,Z, , ,, , ,r„, ~,Ir ,tnr,„, th' ,l, 4Tg , , ••
A, •,..r t,. II ti 1.1,11. 1 1 1 rah ~.•-• ...... map
• G ., , , 1 : . '..1 .4,...,8. thn.. but thi. - 1. cat me It Arr,Sorweirrothh. • \
......t......„......,,,,,,,, s „, .. To. Shi ..o '' Mardi. ‘4, - ......, Produce, &e., 1 l'• !RECTORS, dirle• W. Blancicer, 0.1,, - ,J,„ ~,,.,, o f ~,,, h e i„,,, re ,...,,,,,,,,. . ~,,,,a , h,,,.. ‘ ,. th , , ,,..\ _ \
, •
th n the 4,4..1, ~11 I ar,,,,h yr.... n. .•,,,,, r ,, , 3,.\ , . „„, . 1 ,, , ,,-......,...... .\ . ;r- J SO , Ishhard• Thor :huh dahlecal t . 1.'48 Tab 4 i whieb ere not rochinml in any nth . re...W. ' 11..., -. A
'...." .- ...".."'• "“ 11.1. • .1.-... " . " t• '• •• ell •e lnr• F. 1.: LI A 't Pi rt .: C111'11111 TRANAPOP 0, , :.,y, • • : • • • •‘ , 1 1 1,i'. 11 :11 , kir& -I r, ant. ' , rt.: & thew \ Who . racked with fain. and rultorl • 1rria5 1 1......, Ma ,• -,
\ am •\
.. . 11ABLL-A ~ lAAKEIL rre•ldent. ...b,.. ,
..4, . \ . • .
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t . , , „ , t .,,,,, 3 .,,,,. ~,t , „.,,,,,, A !or Ito.ted, ,n „very det.rlPAlf •f '11,.... ty m town and of ft:qt.-mit on the` comelme.T: Lot lit , . ohreltd... ,
Prenet.toe. mi, b.
J.A 1 1 ,1 I • .1, - 1 . • .."..... lia.t.r./ • 1 4 . "Patl l, at 1 .. 1 . - L'• aSet. lihDh.3 l • 1 3 ann•ntr. 1 tn., hy. he matter - Aland of nature. rathoth ...tri ie. \ \
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g,s, 1D 11 l'Ultcll.. A ileghee- c(3 • ~.,,,, ~,,...„ .. ~ ~,,,
~ , ~8, . ..„'„, ,l , • bah...nth', 8.3,... ... erennunte., {id.. wed. ' fere to suffering, humanity a resdy reto eq. 4,,, rStt.,l 3
- ---- - - --a-, co. 1,an.1. •r•n-d I. / in
The human Body Must Perspire, ' ' ,
„., ~,,,, ~ \ to. ac....... 4 he 4,naetto, .31 JouT,lxt.V.l. ••Pne, ' a r1 ' 307.1.,1 ;Vet. AD, nt5..... ulecllemi.... /Id fall 4-• '
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to h.D........r0atind •14., 133....... Nov... a, it... • . ••
COV 1 1\ S: COLE ~..,,
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etodn tat N....n0.. fr, r...ret.... •3.11 ..• •he •
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Pearl, 11 bile 1t• tit 4r,.1 5:147, I /7 . /..4 is I.• 'J., 1. \ 1.. ....... 1 •V .. .tiN. J ... . •• • •V ,'A\ - • • •S„' . ./.. , c.B. • ld , h 3 dd tle` 0d..0L , 8t. .1 1 • .3 .1 1F 8 ' . . h- t h . • 1 • 11•1 L ,.... f .t.l ol lt"Lsintaltineatlaattlt
L. nut 1•r . .. !wt., -Pr /..... w 1 • 1,1. •,1• •. le 4..4 , ' .. 1 .. '`'.."' - ' ll ' ll '.\ \ • '4. " ''. •,, h. • ~4.... I ..-olan 4, .0, d 1...,/, toca- tuna to. ~,, . th, ,, Y ,,, If r i , th., of Eh mrto(chei. Ie haa \, . \
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Freight •ce red for all thel,Way Stu • 'it\ ' 7 Insurance. ' ' , ,`?,-.'; 1 ,4;;;,4,1 b ,41,74, - .lg4Var tp , ii 4 , fdf .(1.1
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1., -3:h. 4.8 to DJ rrampo, re, ( r oni the .it ,h i th, f,„ 33 1, th ,
...D.' rProPertles, lola . .
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JON LS . leduti.•ll 3.1 Jet, -ti ENID... '."--...'
.„ !cc . ' \ r , i ,-, . •,• • N • • ••,• L • ci , . , , 1. , ,,, A. lie-hitio, Dru ' \ 4,1 y:4401hr. Lithe ' •
11.1 r loy. 74.7 th• ehnomug . rh.. ~ 7 111. , •• . ‘1 t • tt,.
•L ‘ ' I ‘ ...•' ' . ' ` ''..-.• • ‘OL , . 1 •. 1 . 1.-r,. .• 17. . II \1 or ciy.
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~.1 - 1 ., i 81, A , t I: N. A 1 .i.1r• ...0 , / ..._ o D.( L Mhd htec... Jose h Barkley' Darll ..aar . rr r\ 3l, llPa.. '
, . . , / n• o . h•ng ., .• - .I . 3, 84a1P1e ..1. 1 . 1 1 .1 hn ' Y'lltrt 1, .
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„(Vy . 1 1 tCh 'a,. ,41,10 . 18 7. , ..... 11 .-.. , 18 38 .8. • 3 ••.• et. • --'''-. . ' r' '' ' , \ V",
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h0u..1 .........3 .3...• to, ..tun,. or-dpr•-1 c'huta 11, 3 • a - .... \\
Wetter") Iniuruu" Company' ‘ ofAttikargh. I.
.t.. ‘Ol L TUE . 4 . ~ I CTEr/ will lk roun'd irt ,\ " • '\
\ •,
at• 1.4 •,..t. h.. trd:um, '• ••• ~ the ••••. . '
\ '\ \ 1 '. L ,
,_ r \ Dr. DeTrittC.: Oner. L'OBN . LIIIhE I.3BiWrilliZ 1 . 4 .:
• \ \ A • \ '
b.` "rat' , L'''' r el." l '" w. '“ . ' w - ''''.• .. -I "' ' '' . "' .. \' ' ' V . ' Two:Net - •f‘h.'• , A-v ha , - .41 , *' 1 • 1 A - " r t ' 00, P '' N iLt F . • j'' '' ' Za, ili-V: rnl•; " th adr %j - P ".“4- \
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~,, ~......- • , ,,,,,,t, ~..,, n . ‘,, ~1 L.'"'' , * -''"' .• ‘'L• - ' t.- . L '''' • 1, ' ' " 1 ". . ,
~ , , . .i.•,•,,,....4 --a-• -• •,t rs• Dtroh . orl.o4l • .1 1 Dods... 1..411,1g that thi; Is te only medicine that h.. bees.
It L.., sone,. ....,- portll,l r 4 611.1..4.1 / ,i • •‘.• .A•t ... .... .......... el nllet,,`" , • I ' 7 . - •-` 1, 1 t l L , .1 • .. - '.- :„ ''• -,„, :.; • • , IT / J r ,' t, j M.
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\ t ' '•'' r \. • ~, . fen . t . t • ..,N7D A t . ' It has meld -tal lid puble Of eurltCHll3ol4 • - nista \
e 5..., ./...3. 1..., . r.. 3, •3 to. •ano. t 0... ..., h- 5...-N ,- - ,
.Al./ /•1\ J, A .•, r, .nd ..„....3. \ rA II T N ,I l' II 1 ' 11 I P.
,!,,, , , \ .7. , ei ..,.,.:!..,;...,..
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~ im .,..t , , , . anz,A , M;tl ,, aeojf h ered for sale. We rant by wb,.
•to .1 11. A.,-Lt. Gl3 .1. he ti', -... I..cyr, ..... ,
\ CUVOiNtf ‘`, 61. F. l %. '\ II I ' l4 ','-:, . .13, 1.. I 1.\:,(;, tin.i • ll l ,V • 4. o \ 1 •,,.A.. ithr ootr/I ' contiallag . roof okthe i ...7.4
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t e. di / it uti i c.43 „, arDcle that I r ty alheand In th It.n. of \ , •
\.• .... \\• ..
NORSE'S ' 'Tlei F oN.' - ' - I 1 I , e Ac 1111 ,2. • .1 11 . V ,l, •, ~.. •.,\ '...; is, ~,,.., ~ ,, ,e, ,\,t i , 'rang 4,:•,, .I\:.rrint•-i, of 4.2....,z,,i4-,....r , z.ta„ -t
Compoinid Syrup of Yellow Dock Itr,;:or, 1 V•'',, : `• ,V„ • ,:,=, ' , ' „ .. '.:, ' 11 •"' .."
' '1 "' "
...' ' A" \ .N, - ' - ' -\ .. ,),,; , ..,,,, ”, , t, - L4,,.,. - t'rotr-std rote -1-14 , ..-d tA.s•ot -,
di (1 PI !:`, 11, Cr nt rank dlnong lb, 1 , 3 - ,• , ru••• ~,,, • \ ~Dolawareirjet4.lsafetyln.l94apeeeorop'y I
Tht on. ltfroes 11 . 1 thon , 111a, elite The lion. P. 34. ~, ,
V trate, .npicem, of th.. - chop , campl.tAl
\\''' ''
v 9 ' '"'
-•' ( ki -' wf . : \O!: li ii(iti • NC, , cfrk - , ‘ Till ' ~,. li an /,‘ late %var.\ llon. Joh&A.d1111. hart. & (ke •
~ .rt..„ Cat 3..„ •7 • /\ •I 111, , 0m. *IP ••3 , 1•• .ncl .11 eti... lh err h . J. 1 .-• 1-, -.‘ ,
• •-•'O tete. ,11 I tan, ll. l ,l l ortm. Ern.. 8 neat the Spirit of
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1...-3 , .1 - np l ...t. • ....LI y•p....• 11,... , 1,-, 1. ~,.. ~,
\ Agric Itural Implements.
t . \
inv., ~ h•exrah.... t,...... •nd ,3 4. lA, / .......n 1 1 14 .% vF, .1 l• s'N,,, r, , ,,,,, , ,1 frorn c 1,.., 1, 3 , ti . •,.... \•cho .d Oa B.we raL .4 nr , m l .3 , A , •• 1.1.
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If lh,, of thketratida .1 ....sae 1 to • • cdol . ..bertt \ ...-- I itt_ ~.,.,
.„, ,ry ,,,..,
Jh ~, . 1, ,A „..t. „ 3, , „,,....„„,,,, ,0:„ . 1. General 1/.et .... re.. ranted( turps . • . • ....
11 p.m. , f tha p.m., , can be r.. 11.1 - upon. a ....rl3 k .r14. 13 1.,11.. •• 7td•r•- ,n 1 ..D.1 . ..• r
d teen
.1 ana brokao 4 , .3. -.tituoit4 It 3. „. , t , ....td01. 1..1r t., „„
Jr, „,"„ .
,„, ~,,,,,,
J ,„ ~, %. ;(„.., , J . 3,0-r, n er Intd. bettlea \bare been sold,althoUt • • Lc
•I+ to it. rompr.itm, ..3.1 no isr•-ureml3 a-aide,. ill I. .. I' , A. C u t. 33, ,e Nr• ......1. T . 1.1.i....1 l•ofr. II 5„.1...„-- Ilmot c., 1.. 88 3.1 a, 3,l3.eteei
letonletung • arta,. thee \ • .
7 ...1. U ' th ' • " .1 . 11- L ' t. " l.l • ...." I" -• • " - L....B.' l, • Prt... 7, t• eht
led, . 3 , *ow,. 3 ,,,,. ~..}3 . , ~, •-1.
~.,,f ww h .j.„ 33 , ...3.„3 3 3,, 0 .:y um. t. , .....1....., ra ni 83. fher n 3... 1••• , • aria. 1.3,4. .. e. A ,, ,,,h, tv to •, Ile.. Dr l , t tedno J
, a ,, , fed \„.,, ),aal la`nnr traseswlo, n. th.. jarainaw - - s •-•. t pan, --. 7th ' .. • ' ' ..
• \
Purdy the 111,,,,,i. 11, ro c 3..3%1.0 r., 34 1.. 'B. ~ r.... c a /yr -• '.3', 4 s .I j, -1,, j \t„ p ~
j p, \ . 1 1,.
\ ,
, n ..,
j ,
jj ,
, j , nn , „ rm . , j
j , j j j j
jn j
jj ,, , nn ... , nnj
j , j ra 1, n, ~,,.., ..-. N . , ,
„ i , , , L,, , , :, , 1 otAr tr.X, 1 r 0,41,14-1. I NI. .., tsoo, ( n„r, , T 3..,. nyi1h0t 1 4.8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1, ~,.., ~,,,,,A t ,. ,
. Jou hof the .b.,. ,by•lrint....l It al., mszed C.„4.r. t. t , .., t . I . ‘ „, , t I n , „„(,,,,, A , , , t , „ „,„.„ •:' ' t ,
„„„ J .., , , ',... 1 .4, , , „ , 3 3 „.. ea . ' , " ", '•. t , s t' , r. h\ i' ,73,,7 •11 ,„. 4 4 i .... ri ' ... .,,,.. 11. ',71 . 7, 1 ; 4 ,.. 1 . 1 ", h . ' 1[ „ca • . •., ~ 1
t Rheum. berg,. and (wrote,. ..1.11 ~• 1
~, „ v ,
J , ‘ ,.. x
J. ,
J. „ .„, , , . e ~,
ix frattre q \ tr , e for, D larrhea:4l3.p....Bllloo n CholicA and . • •
yropc..uttraly Mitch to ma, lb. 1 , ..t ut, • ...
It ha, .. [Whom kt, .p.a• .., traSchlttol • 111 jjeatimmAt'S paT , st p o li s h . , : ~,,,,,, ~ , ,,i :1A\d,..0.,,, .:tt 1..\1% w \(• Aft. t• I . ltt al . • eetterood • affeeliattr. ...wet ofBtha kildurya, knal \ -
.1.110. Tl 3. coo oh•honte Cnnter. ha.. I..en cur, 3 • ~ r 3.5. ..•dl . . '•• q , ' ,1 .0-‘ l , '.. A %IDE ItA`, Aga. , 11, 1,...... to 3 ah.0p,r4 83 ,., e, r m ., ~,,,,,,,,,,,, µ, `rte ...
Ina to •Icin. 11a a. that .i• n walnut...M.lldr, .., ~I 1 P.A ., c , .A . 1 . 1 ,,, ,...i.1 V \ 11, I'M , -For girink• , ...._,.......
_,, 1 b•••• , ,ertsta , al , r, , ?,• ,„
,„„ \ •\. ~ SA 1 , A „ . ,
11.1th.18 (1111PLA IST:- It r.tops, .11 nt.tru..m.„ 1, . . 1..„ 3,, wet?, . - ...33 - 1,i,.. a i,.., Av. ~ ,i:..,,,, . .-... .•\' • -- - ,
~. „ ...-..
„Itziri„,%idif.),,,„\ .
In Hecht.... nhdrruhr the 1 .T. r tree. sell., aud 1.3..„ .13 , , •n.r. t.,•.„ Le , an... , (18.,, , ...0t. t 41,. c t n tn 4 ,
teen , , 'l, A 1 1 ...; c E k LAN i ., , , ),u ,... \
~, it rm.., Palo. cf th. Ileart. nod mite,. .. I 8 oArtne to i 10,...,8, an. 3 , 110. , .. ,,, g..r „ .
, cd c k - . \
~.. ` .._.. _ • . 7-•• ,_ • .._ ....\ \\ . 1 r' . 7 .1 1 \ . 1 t ' I T ' ' L(' ' lL , fBhr la
J, .
3.. m. .\
\ , obi° w•.._7b,ars,ors• \',
',, \ :'\\''‘‘
~ „-..„, .1 . MM.., not, [1, 7 /..., unel in 411 ch.., 11,/,1 1 .t.r.n., A ...uo.l •...0t...1,:\A ~ 1 , , 11 , ,
To the eider of the, Pit tstiurgh ‘ eazette. \ Z \
•. A
I all ...a.aons.rf tact --
I Pyrup WI preement only 1,, C llon•Y (...t 14 ; .1.. 1 .. 1 3., 1 . 41 ...• . I, A.P I IIr •\ ••,,
Zl ' l '. "r'''.
It r ic e
I.\. 71 4Vit ' 1 1 11 ° ..17 ''''". / ' t'r o ' ''S'"'""
' ' i ' i. .`,';', \), ,••-.-- :, 1, ''
...l .'" ' \'.
' ~.-4,. .\X• \ ",
46,1 3 1 ).CL ' t,.l Azi , '.\•T 0\ i, r eo p ect f u ti i i, \ „,.
1 Joly Agerit for le.atarn 1 . ...... pato. ' --- -'' ~ ---` 4-
„ 44 tra.2..7.5.t fo..dt In real oth \ A ' 1
'toy.. y War, ben, nem. 11 ,cal and ',At I. ..-1... . ilk 1..111.1 1 ,- 11,. V v r' , l•••, , d's.. , my in \ it. d , it .-e• -• \ --' , '
e - , - ., Oisiii w . ' ~.. O lirslitj. 2. Vi4ll447alLlkeiral,”'4l`l"'i `4`4•1"14.11 ' ,1 ' \ ''. t:
i „, iiere'n ~,.r. ~4...., it,oir, ''.. ,, i- 11 '. ' l et 1 ' poll,' • • . • oc OIL: It 13 act ram , . van, rat ,
t .
B. T. Babbitt 's Celebrated Soap Powder ~.: nee,. wt,... i ..,. ~i e , .in.- , fps,. • 14,,, • 31 s ) ( pjuFf . \I) \ ilimA rr 1 ,1 ,1 1,. 7 e dna great %. c : :, was heenoth h....,..,,,,,, •
ITASIIING Without labor! War:M..l . Ll' ." 4 '..-• n. , % , . ....7.,7.r . t.„` ‘ L • 'l.e‘cl 111 . , . - . 18 ; t 1 2 .. 1t. „ ••! : 1111 1 ,\ .. ALL_ .
1 1 11111___ILL. 1 , 1 ‘ , 1 -1S , , *lel and cur or diar... If, ~,,,, , .
ler '' Mir. I ~e t t '' „ : „T ''' '''''. 41L.. . 1 " -1 • IM I 7 fPnrehaled „Le UN.,
• , 1. ta:. b.. „„.n. . of .1. c an.i. n.l ..,, ll;,rt ‘, .71 4 1 " 11..r,.;,:r„.g. hc. ' ,. V..
./I„ ‘ lat‘ ' 1--72 : c l •ti 5 \
~ %-
. 0., ‘ ....._.--._ 1 8 1 ;l • alcol 1, Ipha thad tor Mager It tried the . k \
• r 1418 11..11ter.. odl I LA.- 131 •3 . ,..... tr.,. \ .
,x 3 • , 1 ~...1 7 ,8 , \ 1 r T .2.1 11! „ 1 . :,•Zat ram. &pr.-al. ,ir II nOt the h.,
1. ......• ro. L'.• -1.1, 7 • •8 r e llll . l, In 4 , on ,, •••• , :1 ' ' Tr ' , ni r.•,, , ,, , , -, As ~, ~., . i,...h. el ... ,•, , , I •L' (.cep:. Str4twt. ' , , ~,, ,•,,,, `,:t,;t t ' t P ',N. 1, - {eater - L . .noralaarnuua monar; \ •
utter to or , r. ham. then add tw., I nl..- . . ' ... .. ....
-s t ' ,„ , ,,1 '.. : ~ \ ,,,,i,. , • .:
' ~- ..8../111 allth, •• . 3 no. mac have. n forgo Irdt The Peyote., 3 ,
t::'“l' ' ' ' L.lB 1.n. " ... L ' ...11 .1 ' 8..1 '. ' ..nter 1 o r ri . tt . .llir/ . ..:1ii,t.' t. 4 13 e t ..T.• " ..; ‘ ‘ \,l ()WELL r EitztlEß ,i , co \r \ f \ . ,N v .1 , -'' .. --'•. ,, h , %= ,,,, t ,, .... , iwzn.... . \ ‘ \
Pardee. ..othar.,. !h. r a t e r . h.c3. aid tore, 1 rd.,. ...1.-....1 and med. 0rr.,1 111 ,1 , 1 4 1 , 1 ,p,1, t:„„,.
J.. J
5t, . , ;. , , , ,, , ,i , „4. , it t, LA ., 8 , 4 , 1 „ , 1 1...: lZ t , , ,,lLL,tl t A r l t 4A, ,s. B ,t attLa
~,d It . • , 1 ", \,'ip, wit.,..a1td0.17,..4.9i4rey':ut'171.7t,,,„1173eg11.:7..tertni0,rp.
b,„ %al th l , ' MITI ''
\ \ •
and Loll then. ton c. 0.., in Me .... I, .. ' , „
the...down with . +tie.. thrn mit tl,.n. in a rah ‘,. 1 ,
1.1 ...Mc... edhi rat,. w. Urn, tb. , ... ~,,, ... ~.., hat it ' 0( 1 .14--Ca•11 paid 11 , r M teal h '',..l's.'aT.'‘,-,,..L.,..,„•! ,r.- 1at t"." ,,,, L. ..P,}1 ., 417 1 ,..4,V . i t3 ,.., 1,,,nti1t„,,•,, te l,,:t=h , s4 , 4l' . la „ thx:thltf;_, F , te . 4 rthlng eal '''''. .... . 1 .,'
• handl Th,u rub the dud, .tren.... r. r .. ''',.....,.. V ~L ,
ire Illem • thorough n0....g. Arel that t• ••tinl. 1. n. 3. , • - ‘.o"'ll ' " • ~A .. . -1•".... " ...- "•, \\,, .eld.‘( •
~,,... 1,j ' ir5 3 3., 3 ,..,. th ,„%r• e ••47` . 0 .8 . 1 . 1- 8 . , ot'afw • -
--", \- .' - a - ,nYth, , th . i B el ate • • &I.... What
.21, them eta.
NII -Thera acing on neon to tb3. - •cao. It will I+. r» 1 Wines a Tl,iquora. ', \ s- \,., hrAtr•Uir,,,,eilbri7,,,V."„gv„,4l74,t,vo-7,,v : 6, ‘\:o \
cloth., , r , 81 . 1 te• nna "'' I ' B.l "" ' ... e n. n' " 110. ' 1 11A VE ji,,i ree.nreil frhn, New Valk. ~t - A,. 11,' ,- ,, , i s is„ ey .,„ 1.;,,,,t,„, i ,,,,k ~, , .., 4 „ iiic err numb - Rise .siieer Ler . ..+l Noe.. eri, lironA ceners
.or do . The caner errt of th. tow.l dne, D. t
~,,,„ 5 ..,. ~,,
~...,,,, 1 ~,,,,„ ~, s ,t y „, • , • s,, , •,,•••••• s •,rn do Shiriant. e,.....c..rh,11.4.t le Qv. rn, ph...* ta '
\ \ N.,
arl t...• eat... to ~,,... waeldn . cl h. 1er... , -I.n. , . A 3,, 3 ,• ~..„„ ..„ " \ 3. 1 a .1. , ,V. . ,J• 1•1[1 . 71/yrw.: . j IA / . erotleta , tent; r, , ~, . ., , T.T..?. . yd.." MIS . 33 .threh ha bent. . ,
rfrbrlrt'.." : l'4 h ‘ : ,r' llljo=.l " nler..t i r l ta.. 1...1t-T.4' 3 . !. L. , W " Nl ' lll.l \ •c 81 - 31:1\, ~,...„. e. ce --- ‘3B ;\ 1 , •`,.....; • . el. 142%74 *c ni=rthrtti!ctr , ' t,j ..4. • \. •
t family Soft paat. ____ _ ..__ ..-- —.........- - - - . 8, k ‘k (.., A t.1...A . u. A 1 . 9 w r - V-3 , TenpB,..
......y ‘ ..,,,, \ f our city .d netetarhno.l. b.. .4. \noi• •Vatiio • ~ .T. : !: \ V S I .
' .\ \
Vulva... ro• llew -Tht....., ... ou.rt• of water 3 .. 1 'S I.EC.T A I 2 L E S ' -'l 'r e t. oomp\ ti. . ....... . m tbe put.l3.geor II and tin . ..eVm:his at of th , Detroit..., . \ .
Pt 31.• Powder wall it. and 111.. Int If bd., ..., n o , o „„. 3„ , ~,,, .0, 3.....„,.....„,, e.,,,,,,,,,„ 3„,,,,,,, th. 4„,,, . - ...h., 1 1 1 8 . 4 and 1,..• astabint a\LW 11 I:Ad:land , ithitt the Imxt 18, Mond. tw of r : .•
1 ,
.. h. ad .... ~,,,,,, ~.3,3 ......., at. them mown,. r' : k 0 , 14 • 1 1 t P 1 I 4 • • I
lit nth. ale , a , t , ,ra.'• Lre they .1 Stab wb wet,. totally Lim har.hbren r. Dean totualft. .. \
,th, sood ... if .., where 33 ~11 ad fr..... .„,., , 4.., rpm, . .... wee , w.llll/t ~.loci the /.... montl. - • up... ~..p. I.4.C...L.aartm e nt of th. ban It 1 - 5 . 1 ...4(141 er \ 4 . blodnat,:, th, 0,,,. v ~,,„, ~-.,„„
„di i,„,,, ~ , ~,,,,,,, ~,, wh,,,, S oa ,„ ,„, . tl.-.1..0rn, ' c,dl • , W 13, .11_ , ..1 \ 3 f..., r.. 1 au. .8 , 31 e. Tn.,. A 1.... Fre dark and hal. stun+) And . , afro, the of 1 8. ti )3. - 11...... - .... -. ....... • '
k ik,
'II wath ...11...1w111 tint ant the hands 11,..../.., t, ct . ~ • . - h .- -, .c.r.,..1. ... , f th. B,l.„.letet v1nt.........e. Jan ea n 03.1.-4, The r - Lee but Lb ‘4 .134. ' ,.. '" . 8 .' '' ...: -....„-„,-, \
.p. nor ro.b. cloths,. Can h. ....1 with ham or ~ n 1 NIANURE AN! , it,. i r'olimt-A cv '', Li D. • " • L •t •L 'A•Vr l B ,-11 . and •I'mk • / 3 . - L wme. L. t - 4, -.3 l ' ..lsi•nr nerS 4 Who\ "”. .14.aTt. , ..... - (1 -... .
rt., In [asking th , quota, 1 ~ owlet. in..., •. ! .3,4,4 X IL•rr- ,a', • -I• ,, rtho Da, .s.. . lob. 4. ... • pr. rra 418 pont .30,, 3 th e -.
....., , , c a .,. „ 3 :. rn ' ..(t ar „..`• ' -:- • • r''ll t ..l.
.1 • '' ' 4 ' • 1, -,e ~ ~,, -1 • I '\ PD nh• •• \b T 1 . 1 - 31 \ 1 . .cam- .33••
al wrall. ,1-4. i
t. ~ J ,,, \ ~, \
,t , , 3 ,
„„ r
~,,,„ t ...
~,.... , ~ . .„•,,a t .4,33,r01.;, he, 77 . All 48, .th. th.y. 14i:•33 traQ rho to 311.te100 norabc.,lllBentary 3 \ .c i .
tailtlebot,a4.l.• .D 1 mtnil 1., P ? , 1 .1 1. , !; . LWe r ../ F 1.. ,:, ,' r 1,1,
toT • P •
Anthracite qal. • \ '., ."'n, ..":',AN,',,,-,;'..;10',1, t';.°,`'J"•,:'?",,P., (s . :=4";la r ,'''''l - 7 . A=41;1; 4 ',1.7.- Arr.,`,44: •Z,...2'. s. \\\
ou SSEL'S ,tIiOMATIC r i NEI, Alr, _ _
,( ) TONS
,jikti ire, „‘I. ~,, , mern., .iii,..l. ::ii,. ' ; ' , ' .e .' '.
"" \ `' ' ,l'l‘ ''"""•`'`''''''' ' ‘l l ° "r
f "'6'N A"' " ..a`
C'''''''''''' 'id4 4" l . ' '
,‘, , ,
~,,,, ,
.. , , 1
~,..x .r 3 , ... i 3V . eat \ D., .48nire u. a tall. be ..T.A,.. Dolmen, ary 348 •tisof ‘ s .• • th33., , .,1. 3 . ~‘ to ~,,,.., \ 1. . 3
i s Tlix lun Pawn, halm., nod tonic pro ...... • , r 1 ohn, cr ' .11, - ...,. 4411... ,
, A 1 docathaetrorptio 1 \ ''' ~ ,. .„ 1 , .
to• 1 3.... r. hir end.. it 1.4 nut• .8. r h, Wo e .. 3a• r
, \ \,'
the /11.,11war, 1,17,... • f th , .11.1 1,111 11171.. . • ' , t
~,, ,
,n, .
.. _
~,,e l%. ~ . h, ,\, ~,\ ~ eh... , 1113/.1 . tk, 11.1.....N0t. heat , .311, , has f `tulip.ldler HI • a. -
1 ar ,l ••
Chlthed , nand , - t„orlatal into, •`, '
the ow, ro It perfume. nod .1.................1 a 4. . Cr , •
...ter 11,ne, hrtt... hp 4.„1,011 wt • 1...1111111/ A• a 11/1 hen Coppe Stocks. • .
high' t.-34.10-04,1 t. ...3..• , 1 /, ..I ,
1 .... t. c , .. •, .
Lll.l-11 • C
pr, ,. .-14 . 4.1.111.
az • frn0.1611,-
ar , , , • I
lt Ls.
itv.l4 cr,z,
it und
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock 1:6 ? or,
k(.1: PI E . :, ttl fr..n:
rank n Amon ;; Lb ri , ••
gur ,t,tAry tn...-snes thA -Antrs tAr - AAnt.l.6l ,
rArtng CAL ,A 1 111 A , nhtr,..,AA. An , l ••lIAr IA
ommnr.• tn..hiAAl A
AA,rh. r ,..
nil FA
Fcmal• We an.:*
Stroticihrtithil wookr.tio,l to• It. Inn. nn
V11.1 . lul• 1,3411t.r1d inriciiratona tiro .1 - 411,
If lho tiroinc,u, tinotnatidt llopag ailinanco.
oll.vortr .f tho ccuntri , can he not, it irrlnatilar
illeactiino id oaring oil ifirroo , ro. c-rtcrino dobilito
tc, i r onti broker. ,I , .tru —.tali/talon, It to oaircit Vohota
blo an its outopraitir, odd ro, itrcurolyli cclihincri ,‘
;importing. Idol chemical. Catalina!, nod ractlical an.
porta. a ot-ti hartnonaino:l 111/1. t.
Purify the Blood.
• •
if hm tinn hrnmr.lteennt , • w lur bane t•mt.
the .Rill
nf the brof yll y
yneinn•.•tl ek
f•./ rcrntula, er•apartl
Syrup. nottrniy fillnd lank• the lentil ttoprem...
It flan been ts•xtrxl In mint enstn , • nl 111
MORS. Th.• noo,t (Inntyr• have been run..l
this an.licine Ike wt !hit if l• vat nr •
tkIiMPLAINTI• II reruns., nlntru,an•
the elretilall..n. rrudryinz the I.:•nr free. &env.. Imo net.
thy. It remove. llnltntatinn ..f the Ilenrt. runt enite•e.
all nf Arthtn.k, nut! tnny ~..,I in oil ellnuttrY 111.
LI 1.1 , 40011, 4r
Tins If fkln is at
is C !!!)11.X} . ...• . xt
Fountant llrmidentn. 1., 9114 %UM Whoi,aln
atoll. by
• - ,
. •
nly Aunt fir 11 , ,Irrn 15...,
rnrunr and rni11.1...
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder
A SII ING lainte Warrant.
V Tb. 61:4 tb.• dm", ril!..,nr rank Hoorn nn.l u.
lituanitux• rt.B U. 13 rdar, In a guilirt
quantity o ruld utter rt . , Lb•tu. add tw.,
stwittifit It nr (tun :nap Pnw.h.r. u% irte to
nary with Up... Luther, tli• it. haw). 81.1 uwri.
tio. Powder. and knit thrtsi ton winat., in
re" thew ..nn
with At ti
• thru rut th..rd rub
8.1.1 nuMcitwit cal 1,.1,1.61 lb..i di "id
Tbru rub thn dirty mirvai.e, in .b. 8..
r,,. blwrit • thnrourh rinsing. and that t• •
02.1•8 lisent dean
. . .
N. B.—There boina , on neon in tine Soap. it viii leer . .the clothes very whits, end no hie: one emell. e:ioi
soapy The. ntire met of the e• eel ii•ied o.d
eneeied ten eenta wimpleto weelitna of ton proem',
I:',,rretitiel Posher the, num, the elate,
We is a , enemy, 1,11 :eel, owe:,
beat family Fenn any,.
Ilms - moss n a U.. —ThL.•,sas eat quart• of wan,
MIT the ' , wile, with it. and then let It Mal, ea, no.
Shen sin surter: star them ntniont..iy
togetbor, end a.: it sany where will nor &nee., end
when nolil it will I;the
till weett 0, 41.11115111 nt net the hends hew oiner
Noy. nor roWthn
c lothe..che Can le. awn: bowl o
antcnee, by mskina utitity I ida innate inetead •rt
and woollen ,Tode
The h t , t hly Far hed.htlll , 1.4 .11i,
Int t Jn,ar. inr nut. r ,loun., 1% ;
I to, tt, purpo... • I' ill .11. i 111,1
alt, the tart. ru It. mrfumu mid end n t.
IT " : '..'7l7, Tt ;'7. . ' e 'r e ' rtlt ' ; r . l .7: ,' l ' f '''''‘ ::l4: ' V:'‘::.,
d,trt of th.• 000 l tor presorriner tae
:r per the heat and dr, nes. nt tha rup, •T‘
rah • leetitatt I la lath, la rut.l at. tt
rlta tempt , . .t alli remoNe aatla. to a tea ht.!,
ta/p., IO K. hal.l.fhtt . t
vricE —The partner-6p t•N
hat:, nada:the arta al sl
that taa n ,
M A Wlllre
io-pART2, E 11:411 11.; yr.
.1 %NIES a IN NI th
Jul J.,11‘ M 01,1.1.1
net otrret
Greenwood Garden.
tiiiiilCE.l•olleetit.n of Shroblierv, Vm nr ,,
Ita•pf arrf.:Mtn, hero dew. , eta:, lthat
• eaite Irn.n. hardy Manthl t has... cad eNen phad tte
to t er ` nano.nt and tear - I,a wall he ant
araert Att 1,11 11.1 , 11.. hatraa %he eat t
Market and Flllts Ntraele, I N lttattur,lt, easy half le a rt. Yee
the lianlen Cr.-at:wend nth, n trey ttntent• -art ad at.
Itedera vattletatatal to rh. raprtoter. Wept Maw-heat,
Allrghent roams. Pa, will rwatve prampt Mtn.. it
YHINfl' ,t PAYEE.-
thty nap, Med . hag and 'Men, Wrarra,
-Ifto alrown
tat " NI-dlcan
I h. aasnrtaa Muth..
laetyyterlot toft.
i t a t lamb a Mtaltatn . 24007 Pt - wane rat--
Y. 1611,1,1 •
dt 'AIX:. •
The spot., alto a lat. t aid ei.e. of
IV M C - S
ttlhatian.. and Paper healer
.oru, rt Martial and ~me an , atm.,
"To Drogg , nts and Fab:ife n ,
helfleader,.l Ihrratr. relettedatl by the th.ll Nledal of
Alnencact I a PllgeM., uusurynn ”mt..t.•
of Panda and mina Th. mautifaeturar of Ilia altette
reOnt IlftaLuotal dmapeat sod ClOn brtlllaof artdela
pi-earls Wean, that Li prrtna co-ut. sod that cut t. smuud
,wittooltdetrOzotut to the 0.41.; and Loa rodueol Li• pro
mvanlng ttnifartillty.
Nett ayrpolutrd !OW at.yeaf for the Ntaler,.f aria
t.and of Pori, (Irmo, yoretwors ill
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pliod et.ndoced prinec IL K. eELLERS.
Coppei &tocks. • ,
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~ ...uni etld Wkellmo ttikt Ow triwiror . lt ra tried tit"
r.rrte \r . ortatzt Will IP -1tt , 41. Wile Erprewl `,. /0 It not Um ettn,
4 \ dr,,got g rrp Pt thr fr ,, Arridortlmyrkinp. money; \
&hit Nhlsn',?..:l=;.lllAtr Tte l ' ikiZn___.l \
N. N.,,, Acm.dy, claboiltlett Is tile diptite of the ewria ' l ,
by a IreA lOW sKetcr 1.40,111 : 1 0251.rorla all human
ci rpm. low, It is gra dulk\erben we iivi rtimwt • rllwettl• \ '
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4 ,t4Al'ti'mxtArk; tercrktlm. tw of 4r 03 II '
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wb pny ., bptarnlb T o T tle , t o l toPret.
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~,,u4 . „,..y.•ta ril ‘ a ;role tklttoirnilli r g f re!! \ -
lr4lentt rrelr rlleel f:' r he l'iii,,,lter\ H4rmiii, ' ~....1
PrilltilLT:tits.e\Vgr\e. N::‘,..'..ahrt. 4liettlatl:
In tacit p r llw , ltejlll '- • Wallll lho 1....)t. +ILb dm : '-
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