"PITTSBURGH GAZE'UTF. • • - • PLIBLISIII:D BY WIIITIN a CO .1"/TTEDI3D.fiD.. . . MONDAY MORNING, - OCT 27, 1851. • • . _- . , Or NEADLYG IfATTES WILL BE POUND . , . ON .RACE - PAGE OFPIB PAPER. ~. • ...E.1 . 10M PINCINNATI TO-P/TTinNall IN A DAY. By the 16th day of December next, it is expect • . thit we !Mali have continuous Railroad conned Gene with Cincinnati, by way of Cleveland, and it is expected that paten/pre who leave Cincia net? in tbe morning-will . arrive in Pittsburgh the ~ •t .... ,.,• mum evening leis proposed that passengers ... t•l'ielMe . Cincinnati, as • at present nt 5 o'clock, A. '~.,irv . u.".•3ll.:; • iild anise at Cleveland, ,as at present, at 6 "4lfellOPlr., P. 11. , 'and leave Cleveland, as they cli: ........ 43Tc:sent, at half past 5, Pi M., and arrive at '...•.- .Alliance at 8, and leavellitince immediatilely, :... and arrive at Pattsburgh at I eleven o'clock, of the acme day en which they left Cincinnati ;By that time there will be' a continuous Rail , raid between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, with the' exception of about 25, mires of staging. . ' Theas will • alsabe the route by West Newton to Cumberland, and the Baltimore road toßaltimore and Washington.. It will thus he seen, thi't the facilities for travel through this city the corning winter and spring will be greater than ever be . forii . and much superior to those offered by any other route. Our line of river packets are also unrivalled, and the addition of . some new and •maguificient boats, will offer an increased at-. traction. We anticipate that they al'o will do steplendidbusiness, possibly ns much as ever be- - - fore, as the facilities for travel offered by the .....•„. railroads will attract . to this route crowds of tz....teciple who have previously eought other lines._ ...:41 ''‘' ' ' :. •t - • ' DEOPOiLD DIVISION or CVlronNlA.—There is prospect _ . a of a renewal oft e angry agitations 'witch: marked the year 185 , by the introdue :.tien into Congress of the queltion of the division of_ Ca li fornia. This question has long been on thertis; but as it was sup u sed to have been supported only by parties to i feeble to have any ; prospect of success, .it catcalled but little atten fon; It is now slated, however, thatthe measure .:.,.- is likely to'be entertained 4J- favorably in that "stateas to command thenecessary :legislation, ifter . which iti'will prOilablylhe submitted to a - vote of the peiliple. Should they decide favor ,l• AMY, ihesanction of Coneres will then be sought This will open the whole quelion of slavery anew. The Compromise will be virually broken up the moment the bill Ins the division of California 'comes liefore that body, and in that case we may - - expect agitation tenfold more, Melons and dea 1, gerous-than any that has go e before it. j - .The scheme contemplates of the seien southern colirti s, vie Santa Clara, • • 0 . , Hants, Cres,, Monterey, San °MO Obispo, Santa i •;',.". Darbars, Los Angeles, and San Diego, compriii -. - log shout one half of the Sate in length along • '...-= -4he Pacific coast, though the - part of it is not so '••• • - - Wide as the northern. Theirision, as contem .,l . ..4ated,'wielildlie on or near the Significant lati ......,:..editilieffkirty ;Er degrees, Ma l ty minutes, the Mis• • i - spMitliromine line. The counties named .do 4 v 7 .•;,. iet.yetriontaii a large Aeorirican• population— ,........`...tli!•),M;ttlements having :prin' i cipallf been made -. l..;thettertherit counties, which embrace the hey Of . ...,..:..2 Francisco and the entire valley of the Sacra .,,',...4tnentos,...There are many fich:.goldijilacers in - ." • .•''llro • ritlierh California; but we believe the soil is .., • noise good'aein the north. Alonterey,Satita Bar , I . -burs t and Sae' Deigo, emall_ltonus on the coast, ',areports, the only and the haie not good her -'' being • .2.-• :Ahem, __ng exposed to the ft ]r of the open sea .c..7`.....„ 'he:lithe wink blows from i • he lwest or mut b - 1 i • , ~.....-.,.;- The pretended cause of this movement is chat thtill#Ple of these southern counties are too ‘.....- ...koor.ti bear. the heavy . taxtion ,necessary to -, .... support the_ government oft at State; but the . ',...."..rehl.eause,'beyond all question, is the'oletermi ' nation en the 'part of onr reitless",eautheny poi . "ti l t:Min, backed by their northerly dough-faced al es, to secure one more slave Shiite. Thesan • . FOUleitieo Herald, a locofoco paper, says .‘the, desire to introduce-slavery lute Southern Cali fornia Is cherished by many,: and the (irritation of a territorial governmeet will afford theiy . i,the rt desired eppoanity." .We now begin to Bee the • . cerrylag out of James Bechanan's proposition to ran •the compromise line . of 36, 30 to the Peel: fic. Such an attempt to open that vexed quev- ' ' . lion, as the • one under comsideration, would in ' -all probability be followed by an attempt to re- peal, 'or at least. to modify the fugitive slave law; and thus the moch landed enmpromisemeaSures . , would be rendered nugatory po far 10 tney'were . designed to quiet the agitiltinos arising oat of the /ilikrety question. It cannot Hit to strike every observant wind" that while they special • frieods of the cbuipro • mise, who proclaim themselves to be the only ..• friends of the Union, claim the right to agitate as tench.as they please, and do agitate by the •,,.. most violent defence of the pro-slavery side of the 7" . ..„ controversy, they insist that all who differ from , V .s.• them lei Opinion shall keep silent, lest the peace • _. of. the should be disturbed; thus tenfold mare'unroir and . agitation has been caused by these pretended Mande of peice and of the Union then from all other quarters. A .. .disinterested observer of this. great controversy Would be very apt to conclude; that these noisy opponents cif agitation are more concerned to-defend slavery, which perhaps is somewhat in danger, than the Union, which, ii not, unless they themselves put it in jeopardy by such echemes as the division of California, in, order that the institution of 7 slavery may be planted on . the shores of the .'--- g ----7..----- • .We: shall give e . J Gomel all the tesiefit of its '_ . dolenettef its own course in thematterlof its at- 'Milker:in Home missionary 'operations', and col- , prikage in . general And, the !New York Sunday School which sup-poets it Miesionitry among , the , . Norwegians of 'our western States, in particular. It had better let stink things alone. • , , • .- . . DILATH or A YZNIZAD r LE AND Goon MAI.— , The venerable Arehibald Alexander, 1). D. is no . mote.. He died it' his residence at Princeton, New Jersey, at an early hour, last Wednesday • morniug, Oct. 22, intthe 81st year of - his age-, ..Dr. Anderson was elected a professor in the The: . i ologicel Seminary at PrMceton, in 1611,When it ; was first established, and has continued in office -up to the hour of his death. It was a source of great satisfaction to him, that he was permitted • to live to see hie eon; the Rev. Dr. Janies W. 'Alexander, who has recently returned from En. gritflo , 4,..Tl r. Alexander has left six sons—Rev. Dr. ~ ,....4ilitlay9. A leAmtider', Rei r Samuel' Alexinder, ..i.....WntephAddisonAlexamiee, Rev- Samuel Al . ' itilemiiiiilii, Henry and William, in the profession of the law .ittid Archibald Alexander, M. U. '• •:.4-1 . .A .- . Tut aits.-A Severe North _Wester blew all- i . bust night and this forenoon. • The Empire State - laid over 'and is ail, here. The Dunkirk boat . his not arrivedl The'*Casplan and Buckeye State left Buffalo late list evening. The Cm . . plan arrived here about 3 o'clock- The Bock- • fleas not yet (4 o'clock,) insight. —Ohre: . Hey., Thurtday. The season is getting late, and the. Lake don- i genus, and the travel inclining in this direc- • don. •In about seven weeks, we'iliall be united t " to Cleveland by Railroad, when Pearly the.whole I travel bagmen the east and the went will pass i through Pittsburgh, as our advantages will be • decided l over any other route. - 7 . • The Frei Soil vote in the twelve counties of t Ohio, .called; the Western Reserve, at the late f electlint s . , was nearly eleven thousandi . as . fol- Q ua h og ,. '-- 1718 Portage 787 ' 848 Summit. . 474 ' GMigi ' 1166 Lorain . 843 ..,4 0 ftabiji, . 1727 Medina ..." 485 • Trumbull ' ' 1615 Huron 470 ° 170 • Ilifilionuyg 633 Erie' . . . 10,937 .. . , . . Neely the whole of this' vote ban been ;taker, f 'Prom the Whig party,..- Can one wonder at the • dVtastera which betel our ticket in that state, in t view of 'etch facts ? Off the Reserve the Free ...? 801 l vete has also increased, until it tali become, ...... whenever it . mai eboose'to do so; able to:decide the election in favor of whichever. of the two • ' g rail .Puuties it may choose to favor. I • ' .t,l.Ureniterer'litm.iwo, By W. „M. Thackeray, '.' -. '• unifier of . 1 ir " the "history tP II- ' ' , Y* 4 1" . ?14 4 ;::: --' •••••,- - -• • .. - 'l ,, . • ...":-....f.Titiiittartildttg, hark has just been received by . •:•.- - Noliiisit, N0..74, 3d . street •••••..".!?••••••‘:•:',;:, '": "....f ."• • • . •'. I'- . OFFICIAL von FOB , .VE01011.=41151. I B ril 1 .Til -9 19 9 • 19 9 . . . 4, , = ...• .4. A - ii . COUNT/ZS: g. r. tiocariss . ': . 1 r 7 . ig I. 0; .-. 1 - - Adams 2472 1945 Lancaster 11064 6226 Allegheny 8797 5983 Latrr'ce 2137 1079 Armstrong 2184 2472 Leh anon 2424 1949 Reeser 1912 1996 Lehigh 3015 339" Bedford 2239 2202 Lucerne 3471 49 , Berke 4721 9486 Licom'g 2007 6752 Blair 2295 1704;M*ean 409 46 Bradford 3650 36881 Mercer 19173 2761 Bucks 5258 54881klilliin ' 1413 167. Butler • 2782 2536'kleuroe 423 2107 Cambria 1230 1765 altnat'ry 4941 574' Carbon. 787 1374, Ale ntour 882 1483 Centre 1883 29741Nortlititn 2127 415. Chester 6350 53501No . rthlanil 1628 2521 Clarion - 1351: 26581 Perry , 1390 2'237 Clearfield 962 1098 Pltil'a 24760 22001 Clinton 981. 1266,Pike 169 836 Columbia 1024 20 111Pritter 621 574 Crawford 2933 3192 Schnylkl 41169 4743 Cumberl'd 2955 3141 SoMerset 2739 1069 Dauphin 3009.,2690 Suequelen 2134 2815 Delaware 2147 1594 Sullivan ..:27 438 Elk '154 465,Ti?ga 140 2036 Erie .3610 211011inton 2817 1949 Fayette 2626 31791Venango 1142 1698 Franklin 3782 32361einfreu 1137 1242 Fulton . 706 840 Washington 4042 3916 Greene . Wayne . 1040 2182 Ituntinen 2435 2024 Westmorld 3115 5141 Indiana 2540 1752IWyoming 913 1136 Velferson 1002 1240 Cork 4727 3738 Juniata 1143 1337 Bigleen majority is about 8,500. The aggreat vote cant was about 330,000, which is perhap, 6,000 short Of the vote for Governorin 1848, an 28,000 less than the vote of that year for Tres ident. 1 . Clover's majority is a little larger than Big ler's. The returns for Supreme Judges are no. nearly all in. Enough is known to show that al the democratic candidateni aye elected creep Campbell. Judge Coulterls majority over hie will be upward. of 3,000. jJudge Lowrie, so fa heads his ticket by 300 over Black, the next high est. In Bucks and Cambria Campbell kale hi' ticket, being 104 over Lowrie in the first, an 98 in the second. Y ' _ RIOT SENTIORNTS an IFeastex..The thir Meath : eaten of de Totherthe's celebrated work Democracy in Arnerieer,h4 just been issued i Paris, with an introdu tion by 111011E1. Cones men. From this intr!odurtion, translated are furnished to the 'National Inttilligencer, by Mr i .. Walsh, we make an entree in which M. Chevy lier utters sentiments w deb do equal hone to his head and heart : end it will he well fo France if such sentiment. i t can he deeply our ostensively impressed upon the public mind. Ile says— ' North America is, of all countries in tht world, that in which the hristiau religion ha preserved the greatest em ire of the minds of men , and in passing, we remark, with M. di Tocqueville, that nothing lett. shows how use! ful and how natural religion is to man than th fact that it is precisely Filming the people th freest and the most enlightened of all that it is poesessrd of most authority. It is easy to show how the success of the DeMocratic Republic to the United States flows fro' the religtaus spirit of ito population. Mark well; and it will be ad mitted that almost all thi disorders of society take their rise about the lomestie hearth, and net far from the nuptialcouch. Very frequently the Eeropeaulinds it so lifficult to submit t the powers of the State, only because tita:lite- OU 9 passions are troublingthis own borne. Ile possesses no quietude in hp affeetious. Ile is the victim of restless deldres In the United States, the home of the ciiron is the image n order and of peace. North America, OA is Unnte. imo.lymitted by all w o hare visited it, is . ad 1 , the country in which the marriage tie is most respected; that in whichlthey have conceived the highest and m 1 correct idea of conjugal happiness. Now, ,here elm be no doubt that strictness of moml in .4Merica m derived ori ginally from itarelrgions faith. Alleligiotf would perhnps be insufficient to ijestrain mall it targ etce of the temptations with which fortune he -sets hint. Bat it reigos bovereignly oeer the soul of Woman: and it,is woman that forms the morals. ' So long as America shall preserve the r severity of morale, so long will Ili,; 1 ie.ierve the Democratic Republic. If their_ morals re lax, if they become vieioup, it will be because religitin will have been stripped of its author ity. In place of a free natiou there will be seen a debased plehion class below, a wealthy err rapt class above. RepubliCan institutions will subsist in name, bat the name will he only a lie. It will be like the Romani Republic, of which the name existed under the Ciesare when the reality .had clempletely disappeared. In the United States religion rulee aloe the intelligence and restrains its excees. , thus Offending a guaranty for the duration cif the Republic. Ev ery body in the United States professes Chris% tian opinions. The few, iwho in their hearts despise Christianity, still make the profession, far fear that they should he deemed to have no religious faith. • Christianity has, therefore, the unanimous external assent: The result is, that every thing that pertains to the moral world is tired, while the political serms given up to di.. aission pod rash experiment. The bunion mind has not, therefore, in the United State, un on limited field before pit Ifowever audacious it May be, if - feels, it admits that there exist cer tain insurmountable barriers before which its audacity must check itself. Renee, in all the walks of life, that certain, reservedness or re straint which, whether he would or no, every one is compelled to observe. Thus it is that the men most revolutionary in their desires are ever held to the ostensible profession of a cer tain reepect for Christian; morality, and conse quently for equity,. Which lis the substance of Christianity. — lf they cou ld raise themselves obove their scruples, nr if they had no scruples., they would still be kept n by those of their partisans. In one word, 'n the United Statas the law may without danger leave absolute 10, may to the individu4l, bee one religion prevents ,him front perpetrating, or yen from conceiving, acts prejudicial to the interests of society. It in thus that religion, which never in the United States meddles directly wi--the, government of society, is nevertheless the' rat of political in stitutions, andthe basis eel! the rest." These great truths,•ko eloquenthrexprensed, ought to be ever kept before the public. mind. both there and here. ThelexieteuceOf a. deep, intelligent and pure religihus sentiment among a large proportion of the People of the United States, entering into, purifying and regulating individuals, -families, and communities, , sad thence extending through !all the ramifications of !society, to their utmost verge, hoe been the canoe of the wonderful Atom of our political institutions, , The obsem nt mind of Monti. Chevalier ; in searching for causes why republi canism was so happily sitecessful in the one country, and so disastrolOy abortive in the other, could not fail to discern it itll.he widely different religious character of the two peoples. While in the one he sow the mnfe active woken ergetic portion'of the population puysuing -wild and impracticable theories' 'of moral and sociel reform, without any fixed principles of either faith or morals; in the other he perceived the genial and powerful workings of a well estab lished Christian faith, which alone can teach man his duties to his God, to himself, his fellows and his country- The French people lean upon their own understandings ! the Americans do not. • . In America, Christialsity p is in its right place —in the heart and in the faMily ; while in France it is found in the incestuolt and corrupting eta, brace of the State. Rem it-purifies the foun tains of society; there, corrupted itself, it theta lie malign influence over the rolers,.strengthen ing the arm of the 'oppressor, and arming the mercenary soldier against the people. Lot them tear it from the foul embraies of the State, and replant it in the hearts eh& at the hearths of the people, and France may then, bat not be fore, safely establish .0 us:4 democratic republic. It may be said that the I i resent eenetitution of France is already like burs in that respect. So it is nominally; but there is "a power be hind the-throne, greater than the throne itfelf ." and we hasard nothing in saying that, never since the days of Loyola, was the power of the „Jesuits greater in Fra r nee than at thin moment. The writer touches. upon our continual ad minces In popufariney our institutions, by can (erring the appointing po el- more • and more upon the people, and iix ab . dging the tenure of the judiciary. BM remark upon this subject, which we subjoin, are worthy of calm consider ation. • ”The principle of the so/ereignty of the peo ple relgturinlhe United B tes absolutely; and not only absolutely,. but directly, for it is con eitiiittly becogatiig , more Wad more the ride to Make all powers etnanatelirnmediately from th e lieCiple.. /mean that affi vowers are elective; and are conferred and re. .. eel by populist els e . lion .afttr short interridn Formerly, that - i i , t o . ,:y;•• thirtlyeara ago, (IA third et a century :0 0 F*. a iw4Ferioli SW ', imPg,*.itricso judicial funet on:tries wen: elected for life. - . Now the new States which!are constituting them selves, and the old States which are revising their constitutions, (an ',Operation which takes place Iltere without tumult and without the slightest agitatien,) are substituting longer or shorter terms of years in - place of this indefi nite investiture. I do not announce AS perfect this unlimited construction of the shvereigaty of the people. I believe it, on.the contrary, to be. highly perilous. I hold even that if the 6 Americans do not look to 'it soon, they will have 9 occasion to bitterly deplore the adoption of this 9 rule. The holding all positions „ronstantly at - the will and beck of the: majority, cannot hut • affect injuriously the dignify of character in '•'• public functionnries. Tliere is an end of inde " pendenee when every one, even they who have timer need to follow without prejudice or bias 3 the dictates of their own judgment anal schsoce, depends oicesislintly upon " ti s•The Trumbull County Whig" has hero en s target"; rind its name_chitrgeil to that of o !from, 9 Restrre Traeripl. - James Deniers, Esq., for tnerly of th i n city continues its proprietor, but ha, associated with hit ' n in the mlitorifil duties, F. 11. Plimpton, Esq. The pa her is published 3 in Wherco Trumbull chanty, nod ix n reliable 9 Whigishert. We rejoins to see whin evidence of 8 its prosperity, nod would recommend it to any 6 of our merchnnte who with to adatirtise in that 9 yO.arter. - 2 It is now elated that Kossuth nerd not be e fi n • petted in the United - States before the first of ll December _ sties_ • _THE FIRE ANNIHILATOR. 1 Notwithstandiug tire extraordinary puffs of this new pretender to public favor, we are more than ever inclined to the• belief that so fir es any ihnctical use is concerned, it is n humbug. a The following article fiom a scientific source, I), Iteecels '• hew fork Medical finxette," on the ••annihilator," is worthy of attention _ We linen waited, with no little impitience, for t ...Inr one of the prolesseld chemist,-of thin oily, of whom there ire many, to disa b use the public . I/ mind of the fib:turd pretend...ns by which it is at . t tempted to foist this imposture Olson the people t i t of the United Stairs ✓ I Inrhunie acid gas toile as eel - Only extinguish` h. fire as water will, nut tin more on hence it will require just As much-in .intraity or the one s is of the other: The largest site of machines pro .d posed will horn riot betkose a iiiiflikient number of runic feet of the Rue can he generated to fill a room twenty feet square. And it, this gas in mi heavier than atmospheric air, it will fall to the door Of the room intn . which it escapee, by rea d yen physical laws. against which no human ingennity*Can guard To inhale this gas is in ' stimtly total to human life, with on much tier if malty as by immentien in ware, and with far v greater suddenness. It can only he npplied by t _ pairing it J.:eons/ea! from the !nimbive upon the . r door, for if it he thrown upward, an to the ing of a mom, it will fall by its Min gravity be fore it could hi:itisseibilitY exert nny anti-combos -it tible'prver or extinguish' a lire. Arid it n . cient quantity of the gas Imola hr thrown into room on fire to no to All ii to six fret from the floor. it would tig fatal to now person entering 'e the room The.•s annihilator then min never he sneer.- folly applied except to n barrel or bale of a ids, or sortie small circumscribed combustion. ns else corner of a coon, upon the for, and 111 all e such case" a few buckets of tenter would be e equally, and even more offer-mat The attempt • d to throw it upon the rmif of h house on fire will he defeated by the current of notiosplieric air and by its golvity, by reason of which it will it desoensl ?nil be dissipated. And si• of all the nr- Is foments il.y which this new loventson is sought 3' to be foret•l upon the public. the very worst of si which no. the aseimince, boldly men. that ear-- I honk acid gas is respirible, nod nety he inhaled with safety - So soddenly do portions fall dead when on e mersed this gas,AS by slesceoshog. into o well containing it or falling into a brewer s rat, that d until lately it a. believed to be fatal by direct f soffoctpon. a spasm of .the Lir). being posed to prevent the ini4duction of an atom into d the hungs. And although chemists now teach -t that itsis inhnleil, end that death results Otani. it excludmg oxygen, its gravity - 01111g the air cells, I yen it is by no mean. certain tint it enter" the I t Iwr g s , anti/ death has relit:est the instinctive' spasm which .rt,ists its inhalation Theory.; •part, however; the fact IS indisputable that. - this gas extingui-lies all animal life with nor much - certainty-and celerity as it does combustion e - The employment of euphonic acid gas for the e purpose of extingniehing fires. limo been limo:ago d suggested, but for the moons olive named. ery experiment has proved a failure. Dr. Linn:nee Reid, of the 3.1 r Perk hospital, tanght in his lectures. more than seven years - ago, that if cnrlinnic acid, ilitrogen nod other la ana l ogous gases, could by generntes! in sutficient qututity and with sufficient celerity, they might I be used fife extinguishing fires Rut the fact • that they are all non-respirable, has hers a fatal • objection fn any practical iniprovement of the e soggestioti: and although he has developed by e experiments. in his bilis:Rory, that there are e other modes of generating carbonic acisl gag with vastly greater tat - natty than by the usual - methods, yet the specitiol gravity ref this gas has' - defeated. as it ever will.: any ittilitaroin results ' r The Se, York Ccroste,Saal publishes the above extract, and comments sin it no follows : Tbe above article is abridged from one in the t forthcoming number of Doctor Recce'a Medical itszette,whicb we copy because we think the Sta . jest is a proper one for critictsto and puble die cos.». We have tins faith in the tire anothilio tor. Our doubts of its prattled utility arise, , however, from other enttßideentiOn s those advanced by the Aledicil Gazette First, there , is a lack of evidence , that 1.11 any CARO the iinni• r , MI.. has necomplished what is ottrabisted to . it All that the American_ public, have et-niece ~ in the way of testimony tin its agility no an PS' tinguishcr of fires has turn,, through tfie,English t , journals, with pulling extras. from which the posse of the United States has been mandated. - helieVe, however that no English newspaper f having a reputation has folly mold editorially en , ilorresf the invention. they have only demerit.- 'ed the a:peril:ciente made, without assuming tit. ; under other eircumetances the trial wonid have , been successful. he this UR it may, however. such evidence is altogether on-atisfactory, Lot many. reasons—principally t hat ire all cases the preparation of the room or huilliing, and the manner of netting it on fire, were in the hands of the inventor Of the annihilator The fire • was f made fob the machine, 'instead of tile machine . for the fire. Secondly, there was n suspicious agreement I and consentaneonness in the notice of the English ',rem just on theevelof the introduction of thennni hilator to the Uniteillitates—a unanimity in those journals that we hare notierd aforetime,under costnnces and with results that make us suspici• sus, whether we will or no. This neleTnriper mutation. as it move ; mushroom growth, so it an suddenly perished. The parties interested in it the machine had attained their end when a gent: o able article appeared—the newspaper having no ✓ special reason for further allusion to the matter, allowed it to +lamp. -In fact there was no coti viction in the editiorint mind of the utilty of the invention, otherwise SG important a discovery - would have beer) again and again referred In by e the press. The truth ie that ha d it been made c apparent that tie annihilator justified the pre tensions of Its inventor, all England would have rung with that person's praise, and hp worthl •• have hail no need to purchase newspaperbublir - Or, and who can doubt amt., had the machine been really afire onnhtintor,it Would have recisved its reward at the Great nusl ban" been pinged in triumph side by side with the American reaping funcltinets e And above all this, comlnon , sense will tipproic any reflecting person thut any available agency by which so destructive an element as fire could 4 he controlled—by which domes could lie extin guished. when they have seized upon Vnitlnhle Bowls or furniture—would soon come into general use, and would achieve fame All 4 a market at almost any price, fold in poke hf ell impediments. o We look upon thin annihilator just as we do upon It r. Pah:sew - light. If the- inventor of caber re ' ally himself believed in the Practical utility of o bit discovery—that it was In fact all that he pen - claimed-it to he—he would at once put it before the pulic in the form most likolito convince the ' world pf its thoroughly practical and efficient character. Mr. paint would give ue a light that, - we could Vs, instead of limiting the illunrinatiun • to his own residence. The inventor of the anni hilator, instead of making his own fire and him ( self applying the extinguisher, and then assert ing that any one can with equal cage extinguish an ordinary accideatal fire, would have given a machine to the fire brigade, and request them to try it at the Sent acoiderttal fire. That would . have been thu way to showheyond all cavil that , the annihilator wait a biota !tare practical, useful , discovery. Acting on this. oommon dense, rule, we have but little confidence in the invention. THANKSGIVING 121 PENNSYLVANIA. • PENNATLVANIA, ss —ls the name ay by, the authority of Me Conaciaalrealtls of Penryteansa. by William F. Johnston, gorcrnor of ..,Ad Cent ' Inenteln - A PRIN.W.A.IATIOS. • The promise that "the aced time and harvest shall notecase" has again been fulfilled; A God of infinite goodness haswatchid over and cared for as, as a people, during another year, plenty has poured her treasure* into our gardens; peace brie presided over our ocitinclis, and health and happiness have been universally enjoyed. Civil and religious liberty Ins been more widely spread, and the foundations VI those instirutions . which our fathers laid,:have been deepened and strengthened bythe provideitees, thus vouchsafed to us. To that. gracious Giver; to whom belongs "the girth and the fullness thereof" for these mani fold evidences of hie beneficence, the Citisena of this Common ' ealth owe a public demonstra tion of their humble dependance and adoration and of their heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving. Deeply impressed with the propriety of tha luty, and in accordance with venerated custom, 1, William F. , Johnston, Governor of the sai Commonwealth, do hereby appoint end designat - TIIITIVSLAP, the 27th day of November next, as day of general Thonbgierne throughout the State. And I hereby recommend and earnestly invit. 111 the good People of thin Commonwealth to , sincere and prayerful observance of the same. IGiven under my baud and the Great Seal of the State. at Harrisburg, this twenty-first day o October, in the year of our Lord, one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-one, and of the Commonwealth the seventy-sixth. 111 TU. Goe..N"Olt A. L. RUSSELL, s,„. re t„, o r the Commonwealth- Tun ruenciteav IN Putt.tustents.---The adelpitt t Sun noticing the nausea of Jota.ton's defeat, diodes to the treachery in Philudelphio as follows. Mr Bigler hoc been fortunate in finding Whig aul, beton, he annumos the chair of State. There are Meiirn. Sloehette, Gibbons Riddle, Sanderson Flauigen, and it boot of others who made them. selves crampicition aids to Gov. Bigler on Tues day last; nor should we forget our neighbors o the Pennsylvania inquirer, all of whose clerks on election day were assiounly engaged in pasting Locofoco names over thane of Whig randfdates. Whether these traitors will receive consideration trio their new allies,or he treated with the acorn which awaited Bendict. Arnold when he went to England after his treachery, we have yet to see Moser Hoaxer,-Hew York, Wednesday Eve ning Oct._S.-Money on call among the large homes may alarm be called abundant at 7 per I cent. but persons with few facilities for negotiat ing still pay larger rates. First alas, paper is scarce and in demand, selling at 70,10 per cent.: .ectitel class goes at 12(,1I5 per cunt. There is a considerable revival ofconfidence in paper within the loot week or two. The,,. Banks are discounting with more freedom. -Tribune Ape` It is truly astonishing with what ra st,ll, wet Wm.-. II 11 Farrell'o Ataldiu lentment ba. tont it hold .41 toddle later A fro ntlinthn agn. and ail thnt too,„ of it - um. that. mod powerful neon's of ltr.4n 1.1-I,lt 1,0,1 nude n 1 nose-wave , . Now. them i. I..trde a rynnt, I. N. found I.lxl 1t,... not to, It Ideate on hand 01.1 nn tote would ater b..,dear It 41,1 had urtue-el ' , ewer toad thadele, and it, a ender. oaten.. In roliewn. fain . ' advertmendttl. stee - Wont...! Won Ns! -A great many learn ..1 Ir. +fed. hate Idou +nth.. explahrtne. the ortgot al. and I. the W ornet ,petedat,l human tem any lop. of ...heal ace... low elleiteL nem. art. oloorvaton and ',dowel retewreb, and yet 01ty...• are very much .10..1,1 In oplnton on the rode odd 11 want 1.• admitted. 'Lowe., that .ter all. a ittode of 1.,11101.7 thee- worm. and purify in. the 1..11 fn,m the w glr.•••iii, ul more rat. than the lad., .11,0-t. Urn. a. to the ow.. me twent ha. at len•th leett found: 00.1, iu 0d0r.... the pultc Wel.ane • Vet nolunte. the oteorrek. ate c.onaletat that u onlr re ntre 1.1 be teed to prow ,t•. 11 elsoortor le an, In ter •.1.. br • K 100 a et , STATE MUTUAL FIRE I NSLI It .1 SCE COM PAN I BARRIAIIt PA' DESIGN Fl.) . olliy ,„ fi , or t aster d s hf . prol.otlto ootot r of oh-sotto.% .afat, and ann.. • ear at: I to wet ..r ea t . ho t , 4-..lnt r ,»»r. ornoelp e , It an t NI S • :%tV1V:i4 1 4 ' .1 ‘ ;4: 0 1 . . 1 11 ' 1 ‘ .;?,; Orleans Insurance Company. , I' CAPITAL, $150,000. ,Nee se! tn tterordane , th• enr,l here 0,/ the Stole rrii E ab,ve prosperous said ro - sporoolde Int as - . harm. notnotod with the ray tottota. Alaw ..1 tnl. mat, . w 1.-olue ladles , . by tlnor ." on the toed tat a n t i.term. •Ith pro den/n...1 -fret, is ‘11 1 11,,1N. Ortoodent 11 , 11.ri 0.1,11 W. ,dretary . "Me, No :41 eindlthel.l . Pdt.hurnth A A CA KRI RR. A,rettn New Music. s oNlls -arpz, by M., C SINE lIATra 11. harp dew /I nv. 4 ., " 11,04101 lay,. 14111. me „, • ILN „ nY .11,SN 1 LINO. AT 11E0 tINCERTe X..4 t on• theot»th 11GY143 land Alll n.. 1 Lath Rod hullo. lierel. in ten n il th eme der) TI., 10.r.C. Prayer. • al. nue • ..0.1 tot . b eau' o o, A Pattlt. 5i.,.;. the lotto ...tatty. km ere ••• all are lute duleummer Rueter,: no• I with colored plate r° l7.6 . o l oVL ' lCatl-7Poil:a 4 :. I t Loll n., 'et ontto hilealle Blot., .101.11 tt. 111414)1, 11 %Toni dm, • AUI'ION.--My wile MARY SNEAIII 1.4,1 wilhout Ivy 3. the oat., are caututnet tora trudlng her. • fl I . 2 , 4L ' 0 ' L L 1 ' . ' 1 . : . :. " : W 'I, , LORENCE WHIT ,01[ E--A 1.0,11 ;pl.. I seen,. that l• onettattorable4 In •rh, IL pared, ntaantl...l and lop eel tutu,. lib to arti.le ran le pronlue;4l the hove, no'. », you. run. Aki •n, whole kuoun. tan. tutonble of . t. 4114. n.stutroi. after then ... .... KIPP a LW .10 11.4 OTICL.-The ',cretin who took-it la note.l.e-trun tny dor• 1. Vet dot eveton., warted win Oust. cant It I,,rilerr. tintoot, It. return It , a• motet. are rah... only to tlt. It F. ,a1.1..E110. 01 Wood • I I I. l l • EWit EA T LOU H.-2.5 sack.. for 'sale t., .4 -I = 7 l ICK • IiIoCANDLE. , ., I II 1 1 1111111 CIIEESE-Iso Las.- I.lfakp'n 'l5 ....lebratel Intr.'. and Nat., Clore, tho dal re. • and I d gale by WICK A NILCANIpI,E.... g , HEESE---611 Las Cronin - Cheese, 2.1 1 1 dot lJ 11 II boat re.... 1 and fur .ale by I WICK a MeCslil.E.td A .l LL It ATIf tls j an6 _luxe ,j oez: WICK t 11eCANOLI-0.5 tilut :, reed anti (tor oi, A T - Lasfrosh I II r.l I 3 ranks for sale by WICK a 100AND1.11, A FRIC AN , C 'O AY . EN , NE PEPPER--. 01 It A. I,lll,l l 4.eltiCh a Cal M EH. CA Y. PEPPER-300 Ibs, for salt! s. II A. PAIINESTOCK a IN, _ CANARY SEED-20 bbls. for sale by H A FAIINESTOCK a lt) I.XUBEFI bbl.. fur sale b y - II A. PAllNE,lliallt 00. Atill LE SOAP--75 boxes for sale by. A VAIINEOTIPCK CI. ARI EGATE 50 ,„ A . PF ,A 5 . 0 ,.,,, b , x T ii , ... , f0 ,.. r . 5n e, 1 1 e by . IIIt,I I, ATCI . I LESS BLACK INO-The relebra ff. Brackltia. warranted wsperinr anT yet .4 ere' to IT , pub11e,...1 eland in an t climate `et by Iltalakluodt • Co. t . pro , pod 'd and for male what:sale be tI.N WICKERSHAM, ' woe Wont elndt, corner of thntta Executors' Notice. 1), °TICE hereby given that Letters Tea -111 tamentar. on the lard will and !rata/vent of node,. ~l -r d 0 5ti....111 ,.. .1„,!,:° : 01 7 ;r,:rit:4,t ? ..;:k , !,,, ,, V,.;7 „ , . 7,1 •al Otto., Tiwy,Lort. an panne. Olin; ress 01 0 iilrlearseAter. 11, a knald en,' at nt s3Cne in $,X1,,,,,1 erele ' t Iv, a Cnnn 10l . au, maul, 1r ' burin, nod ienl lA,e,nrar.. And turrht ry, In nunh re taut arrk•,and rtrni reAc, n 11l r. riven.; road ne a von, man witlta 11,01 ry Ad a rent I , ,litrinthththion Nil Ire dlr. lea* ~.. , fe.s 10,1.1 0 , pi l'aittlars. IC 1.. IC HAIM,. A. of . ..it ,Solo's nd t , lnllicvnet 01fint. I arnand, Alder • ; NEW BOOKSI ' HEW .11+0.KG! AliT ' I,IOLNIEW I.lTV,ItlitY fIE 01. Nr..74 Thant ...m.l...raceitv abet renet "Mx ja ' 1 " ,e ' i, ' ..1 . ,•71- .'ainrll.:':lleTV•-.VP,'et,'; 401,4, , Lbt a ldn tti .leer nal far lech , r 7 1 al r nde, • 1.!% ', Ihnte. tor Noe rrher • el ehrteda l eleert.o.'. • leye and Atle ,, lllm.- ref at, Ark.:tree lalrtet T e cryontann. 41”.1..1 1,, 1 1 41 , (Ar. 1 ternath .1 , vreutne. for teetoderrY esneneut N >- T dylinitor.nt add MI. vain, fear traneh.. he 1.11, and tho 41.. r, by s•nooa n%•rna, Thr eieure Ow k ar %he Vitta . r..........1.4.0111a.Thne1y1e 1 5 ,.. ?Inßf;rnr;lee l' ' I. e-rle r .h -,' 1 7 11 . eert i n7 ' ."1,... , .tre Ilttrol,nne, a 114. , of I . Amnr..an\lheYntlutyle • art. Arn.. yr the. flaiiverl or I. A ant, 1.-lent, or rn -Ay- , errLel., krivars. lat.. Wet, yr the /I. ,, nrattdil,o,-, Myerirel,, , dtl Prat...- , I..tarirt , , a ‘loloo.,..lierni. et iis 11111.. Wi.reiril.. - , 'll 1 .0.01.1 /00. 0 , . 11 , 0,1,100. Ilan,, Eryat. part i. Artls.arl'..n• 0, . ..e 1' , 00.-.. lie 'ler Tr. e .ers '.. 10110%tes: ' ;..71:., , .. ' 7,: ;...',.... ~,.,,,...,:, ~ nk. 01... al 1400000. 0111, 110,0111.0.1110 (.00,1.0 ' ''' 's - 1 4tetet... oai AO.l 0100100 •...r 11.0.1. n ‘ n , 11 1 1,,,e-nan• 11 • 1 11.--. 1 /. 'l.ll. T4l. 01 /ire. nen: Tteres. .1., Si I' C. !Kt...., • ! AY.. ,S t - - 1 .Y1 ',' 1 ' F.1 . :r. ' :. " ..i . „1:. ' :, 1 ,7,., .•:., .. .., . 4 ,„.,...r ,1,, \ e1d1.1'..111,.. Itettle F 0.1.1,,, yerl.. ol WAtrr.' \ llytil EN Y \-."1. A. NI PlPoirt si.' Cei s hist, r,e'.l 4 4 ~ ,i, 4 4 4.04114414 : , 1.M144 II 0 0 1. A, 4 41.1 4 4,444,,, 4 ~ a ni i.: . ::: " :. ; ". :,i, ,::, .. "1„ : . 1: '7 1:.7 ".., !:;1%:!IM ;!;;:.II l ' :::. lI.K 1 II:10% I.\ AND I , ItE.SB thi obs.._ \ v ....... , ,h , . t.tt.t.rt.t,..YP ...l LA.. ...r, inn • •• • •• I i 11-11,1 : -- " ......,... 1 • 1 S -6- PtIP . :ool. lor .sin hi ip ,v, II - 4 I II 11-.. • . it.. ~ .....1..1 , I P t y O 'ER- ~. Id 61:. !;Pimp: Roll; ~i, ..; A It. 4 C 11 II i;.•etteol Cleurre. littel.lisi, II ) ,1 W I! 'l{- 1 11 1 1 ketr, Ill,nstio. ,‘ for , needr 1,, , i, I A I: o\o: \ li n EL- - 01 , 1 ; a.1.. , . - N r . r A Ltlrt.t.... ' , '• ' r .4 ' !_ r \ ' . ''. ' ti i • I ' A AV ' " A ., ,, , 1,L1 , E5\;41:ER ._ 111 ta4...!, , ,,„„1.,1. •., •„. \ 1 . 11 r.. rov tar \tld t J .. ~,,,,,,J, ,! .',,, ~, , . A,, , 1 11. NI /1.,,‘ 1 ,10 ;1 , - 1 2 11 ht. I , t‘ h±., ti ,, , , 1at , •'... iti 'TT r• B' 7 I At \ ,h , l ', ),.... Fr,xla. rend A A 4 d ., II E11. • •:;F: -k(I 1...\ ..., ,ream, for A:delay I N.' ......I', \ . • w. II Al,ll Wail. 1. , . 11 1:4.1.1L‘rri,N l':. P i: [fa NI:INA'..- g t1:1 NI:Ai?: • v Ei,.\* ET Vi.. „I , Eit llAN ' llt \ P 1 ... 1.". '''' l'r \ '.l`" i` ii . TLio ' IP\ l ' it•ol Silling'a 4tent...Bau eneb TIIIS ar , t1• , 1e , i. , ... , - 11 , 1ird he t ., • 1 ,,‘ Ir r eyl::, ~ ,.. , , , r • \ , .ee , . , .. , e,1nNt1:: - ~I. ~:7,:,. '., ,7 ~',:,: \ \ , „ , • tax zune• th. r heyd . t1, , •n01....reNa vahealt, e a t,. e ,l e e .. r 1•1,.. :and , rcr . 11, , %tr. n a , ttel ~ .j!..1' '. ,, '; .' e .1' .f ...' : -11 . s' l . ..etre, ' l " Lh ' ey l ' A ' re • netrt• 1 el.t ~.. 0.. .1 , \ . ' e t sr i , ' ,a , ' , r ,. ~ ' , , , :.' 1 d. . , : - :I ' , le: ' ,. 11 ~, ',, :e: 1,. . ' : ; ;• . '. - ' ,. .. , , , ...1: . 1;.:r , ,...• , .: e .' fret -Ilse •?... 1851 liopS \ k ! f • r ii.‘to4:s of firat tl.'ort:k.' - ard.crn anti We . 1 ILI tt O\TE- \a . .ld qr...j, ~1' vart,,,, , , ',sir. 1 .1 , ..1 -I . \ ; I ~, Ilk; I'A..TE ' ,-. - Earl „ llr.di - - 7 e i• , , 0 011, PEPPER:ANT. .1 ,0 Ile;. pu, for A' I RE E N I/11. i'LipArt-4InIA ro,ei‘ml f no It'lll Fn.,' .. tor , ant.,-.. .04'0 nor+ 110.. le 11 , 11, li r 0,0100 1.10.. C. 1... A..., ..t.•....1.. a.,1 rr,,,,1 ‘,I th. 1 1,-1.,1 a la, ea \ .1 r. II 1 1 1111.1.0, . Ir, \ ISLE 11./V i•eRS- .11k.loyry, (ill cl,,rICT.i -- he 444, dine..4,44i, At I A 11 Pllll.l. I ,' ,r. 11.111arkr.1 th. . - ,1 1 8.0 NSP.k KEN I' :• , 11..1.;___A lin,. ;‘,- 11 pa. ne ae Tlree-,...rei 11 ihe d th.l.-. her mt, at .1 0 II 1 1 1111.1.el•r\ sr , Ili ti.prio , Pr More Goods. ' \ .. • \ .1. Iv 1:1111 A. 1111112.11F1L ), ,ro nror v pi ...4.1.4 item 4 1 . ' Ol,l o .''' = . ..!l l' l l l:ii ' ll ' llf:. k e ' ..l l e. ' . ' e l .o Inn.. P1.e.,1 1,141,4; Iv sea r t,er linnet . rt,1,01,. ,Vdt, rte., y e n e ,-, ,ta i 1n .,...1111,. 4 . . 11A RI , OIL = -120 Iptdtt, N0..1 lonplin 3 er S. ,1 B i" . .,,,,,i..n r. and let dale L. - ' l, .1t Nth, no.p3a_ In hater In- , viv 0011 ENG I L 's V I N . OO - .1p.ret, , 1.1 , . , \ - 1; ,: ...r.'p. , P. 'pp.,. At .10 1 ,0 1.00. , eneSisl.israt.. 1,11 \ 1,11.1.1 HIM; SPON(.I:-I.l.,Asino tell fin e O , .111 ip, •,O.- 1., ..11 . J. SCII/OrYl r aK FR A: CO. I t ' 111. 41011.E.! , 1„.- 15 11111(iiledig Anil abort. let ad.. la al\ J rill, VII A CO. . , . .. ptiOSPIII.IR.EI"-.1 Aon. corP,PIAIe 1,3 - 4 , "01 ,, POPplPtAlit;IL A Ce.i ri , El:ll.l .1A1'UN14....1., for lartitkPrli' 111S1 1 -1 a t-. ~,: . 1 ,,,,,, ~, ~, i : .1, :11:111.V . 41 /410 . t a Cis C I ate!.. E-- , 1 . L ..1111 . I , .Ant ~,. e. \ ~ ,1 1, 1 nr, SL1 . 41i . :11111:Cr I I.' rr Ei: -Al, kg,. 01111 t. packed * , re . ,Avitre. , a )11 prp-r -1: n P. U.% ELI. t 401 , P 6.2.0 L.I . :HATUS- :I ton, in plpln and llza. for il ~.l. N: ... 1: 11 DAL/411A, 4 Nre.„ I kaii]ln A R--.:11 , hitch, prime, L ir\shoro and Or, . I 11,Y.F1,1. A CO. 1 1 % f OL-ASSES , -2.0 1,1; N, 11,.\ . ;t1 do. S. 11., IT ....,0 an ,rpop , tn. en yen eneterea , Cl , o ie.' ea' rt: It D4l. I'l.l. A re,,, Leherty nt , . . d , .i. NTEI A ICID-L75 11, fr. 2 o. Tr re,',l 1 VI . its I r nil. ler yrtly r n op tt eo i (S1;1%11011-411 MA . , ... mud , 4p.Vor , 0,1 . 11" I 4 hi ....1- , , . i \ V s:1 • 1 ,, ,, , x , :i . , !,,, , 7 ,;- 1,, , : : : , \v,1( c 1i1 , , - , -- 11 , IA k iti.,,., Cl'\ y I, g '1: ~ 5T. , ,1 It i 1 SE -,s El , t. It. i 4 a , lT . /.NA , f , 'isll.l ,s I ' ' r '.l I 1 11 , 41 11 . 1 eN )11;;;TAIII , --410 Pe; trarrtitiVel .1 rt.IIPIP A it Ilk , , : , ; 11 1 : t c II A1 . .. r K 4, -_:011 lo , ,, , , "). . -4 , b ,. r ,. .„ .;: r , 4. . 1‘ ,? New Books. \ , . 1 1 , ,p,T . y - E,:k.- Et% Ell and for ~ ..A's by \I. 1.. r!...V.pl%:;ip r g ." i rroo,p-Pni ..... e... ti re rt., Pm,. Idly atnnyr 11,.. 1,4,4. p.p. wept ....pi nap. our,. pop t0pp..„7,,,,,t porr.o.. , I th. I.retth!•l..t. taer.e., , .1 rt,.. id, no 0n..., rte A` ~ I ven, ye the it, tr I 1.0%, a •• 1 . , , r. ~ ...en r le r . anhe at ...ran., h. A. e, .n.. , Fa, Thml- ~ -rnr- r: I,,ltsre• Cl. the 4,, \ I.,,,,itner Armed. 11, 11 . ra. , 11000 , Attar at, Appr..l .t h. lynkt yr Fano), Ma e 1e.., nal re-ler. .el. 441144 4041 rythont .trzert:\ ,Inante...l ed 111...etere 11,- trio,. r... 1 011:lere , 01000. 11... 1441,4 44 In.. - .01 0 11 , ~11 . nn m e . .1 T ill . ; noloPerd.or le, in pd., apa ,illO3, ~, 1 p.-I. Alai,. t Aillt.t. Flaeinili. 11.01.1. kira1111,.0.1.1 11.-1 i- lin•A 0 , 001 1e...01.01 ileeillrea. Weil, 11 , 1,10.. • .0 0 CA.O ' 1,0,101, 11.1 , 10 n, al ... a lan, tante, 01,11,10 irhlote t ~. e. y a.e. atilt ivate in- Atter. et a' tnientyente, a. t* , ,,.,d, ~ ~ ~ ‘lll/CTIIN.T. 1 , 1 \11 . ....1 - 'l'l,/3i 1 1 LETE .1 01 RIDIAtey Mut:Winery 11 1.. , r al , 1, .00110 J 0 111 LYI kelrrlf,..y Co . , , 4, I.pot. coil:us-10..300 ,I„.i. ju,t,...,;„ , d . 1, - , fn. 1- ugland.h. tor mte 1,, C. Al2lll, Tlll. ‘ i'V I, '0 RENT -Tile 1.16-, and, groundm t , , , ,.•'., A • al M 1 0 ,10,1 0 li , 1,000.0110 iiser , iste 11, Sl. • 0 0112004 . rem.' .10.steln , al 11... lelern 01 , I sA. 0011 r...., TIII, AA 11.1..\ , 1111* Oh it \ ilii i l.' , ll . lt , - , !7 A'gryttez,iti,,,r,,, •• • 1 ,, , t . i .„ 1;e , r ,: k 1 y . , , 10 \ \ 1 11 1 01INCE1) -21 1 .1 AA, Ve., .re.2.\ 1 : 1 ;1, 'LlYeti 11\c' , . I .lDi WICK A AtiCV.‘ll.,l. , ll,A . ~ 4) l i i . ..11 .. --..!. 11• .. 11 . 1 ,. e1 n 0 , ,, 5 , 1 . 1 , , , , r „, t7 ~, ./11,, ,; Papr l pl, ext.Xl i t do, ea st• I and (dr , ale le, ~0 111 11'1 IC a Itrca 1P1.1..• FrA g LE SALT --500 Itgtt\grountl rot k 06.3,• andlne, In.llnr nal,. 1,, ..,.\ 1A.1.1 DICKEV t 1?, , , oetto. .Wat. 7 Front atm., \ II WEFEE--500 lop aft., tut) do Ligun \ yrn; 4 1..) ni! hand and. nah. Le, , -, ..41t, I. ,Nclif-1 a tv. 1 0141S11-20 ten landing ano),tor talel. , Meth I. 1 , 100,0 a Ca- 5-, \ C LLEESIi-200 111, in ,tore anCl\;.:r kale by I. me Vs, a c.. g L 4 ItET:N COPAL VAILNISIIF2.O}i ' \ iI Ltd!, N..A Fun:altar. IA 11l ...It 1....,k1 0.1 .. 1 L'oacr pate LY ortht • . I ALIKUI 11, INDIGOi-1 canton Caracui,:: a iiiriti'll r n., y forme hen Inclose a cohttianmertt, hp . rend . - . 'l. bicKgY & \ t __---__ 4gALT PET4E-5013gs lhaidenidi a)% tl.j &ad kw de by: =LW 1 LICKS ' it (Xi \' 0 . . \ . • \ IMINSII C() 3 . 1 )1 'lc CI AL V 1 RdArm., iitradctlt.-44erflamenta and anhea,i , a, wr Ibldialser rdss•O.l e.I font.rdled freeofelperd,....k ga'as, \ • , \ ',-- -- - \ - "' ,-,- " - x - '• ,--, -" , -d -' .--',,,:',".---',- --,--, or rue stars. -- .1 k 2 E.AI t IOVEDIENTB mitia DAYV OF TA IaNII',T= FROM "TIIE UNITED , 'ITC Or\ iI.A.X.4IIXV. Leitch. for Philadelpt......Akt - .lVl ' i t &, .'ye, for , t' Y 'C ork V"l''- ' '-'-' ' 5,....ttl V l ' • ' ..'l l' C l A% '' ' ' sNit.,. k. 7 .ir ' f0r i 1! ' ... r .7;:::::: • : • :"...:1Vt .... \ , Aral INtSTO. . V loyd. irvn Bremen. d . dtet 3 1 , 1 ; T!iilNle: ,r 1,11; `7;,'...' " 41 ' ; a- : . 7.. , ::: ----- .---- .: : tn i- I A I ERMAN N. IVilas ' n. la itretue , .. ... L . ....,.. -. . ..: - .Nov - C Ll'ISol•A. Id.. frt.' a5hm...... Ad, ... eltA \RIJN. Wolk. l'i Havre. d., . „_.,.... the la All Inm and for Lierrt w s•nb , attar.... 1.... Ir . . 1;0(. 0p 4.• ' , • BROTHER JONATHAN, .' 0w.._.... _......... 'd....(k-.5 . 1 All Leper, and Newsedwr hand fbr E.gr. • land asol steutland am sera by ', , .(rote thane, n matte' ••I what hoe, . \ \ \ \ L.ttd.r.• to the Continent nt.Eurnise by tb Cplllu'ellise u, he pret....l twenty case amt.:v.l.l.le rat" except ror tho, place, required to Ise pmpaid lulull. \ , Letters 1•• the Moline. of EOrope \ h. the C ' unard Lida tuust L. prepaid far rent. ale 4,ii, rn to Lb. s v ices nsquiresl In I* prepaid Iv fo Sing ea 11. \ ' s . Lod. by the Havre Line, must.be peepidd ...aid, tan ~.. to per ball Oen! , Inland Poet... , tsd\addra. ealleptin its - Ital. , . opdpsrs by either Line, to theuL In. be (,buttnr \ "a.. .1 P•ur cent. each. d lain a V. 1.., utuat he added en Leiters and x `feerry4. 1.,..4,71••• osCoutinentof Karate, icy the Ilar•al. !reutesi \ \ i, -. . PITTSBURGH MARKET., • \ . ~• ~ t orn,[ Pa - rxnnantl tliskrra. `s Monday inneotng. Iletobe't 27. \ 7 be, 'wrath is, on Saturday was darts • itt4 ,I..eree. coil, Ittiaio .ss generally. a, usual, ov . the'Lloainsts day of the irark,Wa styA 0911, with swallower Importance' . .. Ila;VIt - A L., cts I, bad anire by roar awl Wiikon tel sales . ere I s e a Hral extent only at $.l 111 411 3 . d.'•'4 .1 tory l. alto .!;,,fm , i. ',ln, from Sna handl. and Pl . ~,. ~„ n . ‘ ,„, ~,,,, x , \ , . 11 ' AIN-1,-...javerkto' ante. with limited rulew al.' IV heat w.....•,.. liee , P,.. Ilalele \adit'as fa, Slats . ..X.L and Cnrn 1.114 O. , la. nakrAel ...anal, quiet. arab ...met two.. In pans. Xei '.. were confined to quo. 1.. , an . L av "%kW.* 'f•Sloss4.4 ‘ 3. diVid s e for Orleans, wad . • w foe A1.,1t 1...1,. ltio toer- \b. ....cc ....511. 9b, • .../, \t,at 1,. V• 5 . ~, itt.rrn-s'Y O•llow•ng aiw th.:\ pAssent roltng twins . Unpr tit, bra,' \ , . , ' . 4 , 4: ' 01 , /. ''' \5 , - .. :\...:,.. \\. ; lalrle ~i.1,1,....L. '. -... ::: :7,:...7..2 X '. ~..j: . 'Fille•rtd fisousta List,. bushel 7i • ..'iiVfl,'!•,..,liiiti'Zls••l‘,rer i t ir. In Warr , ni. rum , fry, I.:S--The lolhavlng oh the eller.. rates 4 , in,. , 1.1 11,11 , jin,see nsd .... " . Ala ' .1 ' .:;:f:• .. ' ' ?.....1'..... . - 1 ' anj ... ' ."cr0e5 ... ... ' ' ...X11g.... ' • " LI. d • .la ,:n•mel -rd.', '' N'uNut .“1 . •',„ d:. •rua oN . " rda, an handed, asna\pr•res ....nue qt. 'to ti... 1. nAt rek•ie U L erue 9% . , ils, Thin. 9U; and \ ha ro, ota• m xl SLie Is tA, .1 Rand , d.a. eunol eanyasssed , Ilona may 1...0n0! at ,d,',/a." 12, so a mil way." lit -•solas ,r,.......,..11 ','.'or rtt far for Zest, and I'. for , cs+stol await, IX elk ••• w I regui ly et n, for CIIRE,L.-Supplow 5•1 IV It a: atool,, reit a fair burl- Sass dolt, az cxcsofa• tor ann.'. • and cdeato. •, I. CATlll.li, , ,rupplles on• q.A.,,,t.,, Will li Ilwi isle Lode .art.. Lt :ual,.:T e so as . \ CidteE Phi-alto otanufaet ,A ~ nlinu, Lido lively ........., with CATO• of all the., rarroake, ar thrjal .wing once,. Mato C...A.m.'14 ,aree• ..... s. ..A.....-...d..13A4 \tact l'rlwrHc " ". ...\.• • ' , '"••N' KEA NS-Pnow'rwa asp'," ;alai ia•ans are'xin detnina. Ike st ~ ,rtri 17. front tn., lasods., sad other xl4scriptions an 1:.;.I N. calslitlri, A.-)l'r 115,0 -00 change lo notice to [1,.. 0. . "tamer out., boos Crew the 'walls. and sc.. 5c,,,, at. brat itillod,. Cline. end etridlinge , r , 4. ,:, :ori charti dt I , ..V.J.:Axi" budhel. ' ' A' ". 0.1. Lb I.IIVIT - Surplo•-• nee Ittnar.l. and we" barn ,n ' israd 'of ~,.. , I..rur the ere,. excepting in a ernali\ war from sox, all ,i. 1,) : , ,f.r1 . ,..-i,.1, 44,1 sTroolll 1.1 Id. kw Apra, . a 11.41`c-Id••t sorts , mar be qudlea at da \ cals.,. at ..f.y,x Main - fha raoulta • adi era eat.. 05 1115 61.51 et saw 45 , do. aria • PaTAVIIII. , --tialc• 'fn.. jwoll a 'lra fri'alea.4. wiel 37 Ica \,a•Soto \ P - Scr.. .. '\, \ . - • 'A Citla*L7l hits:, II tncula , s. druda. In the alrket Call prts.w. say, 1, Pad•burgir,oaanurnetilred titar,:fletsd a'N't id tni•••• ll: k .:nlufass, and isnui ort ' Wood e ',; r;k \ tb-- .... manta:A.lw •ra Ara dui., f.• , 10ta. , " at I.'s' r.t.r. alt.'s-tie IsAyA WI unser, Hutu r to police lo .011 - % I 0 .11 • , d1.... trynetpre at the tali...i.e . rd...:-Llnseed VS aOTac Ns I lard 7•1, .rat No 2 ,In at lar".Agit gallon , . \,.. ' ' , mil"' -, a.' "'" , "i ^' 2 ' 0 ,'c .2- "" 4,.... "''' Y '''. a \ N Eft" 15 CK K ti s tt V tilkODS 4AItKET. • \ \ NA. , V ‘ wao, Ilet 21 not mu\ &girl' uout.s. 's .• - s /iik Is hti. .0 \ ons-nt l .l arras, gnu.. ass' d er.qt.rles . a t 7c.: •- aburdl ts• -S.. 'priced fluus de lain,. Lond s I'. . I ifiol 111.4ketw , a. 14 fn. almost all "thew kinds of c.... 1 a Auwitedt and Ow coins nli bawl I.:i be rarr . i , csi.o o rey •n . .r.,t -. ,!, ' ; 1,7',,171,r,.:. 1 1 . :',\,?",tr,L,1, - .'i'a . , i . r lF.; - : , • onati ahltra, no tharactera of 'At.. anaproportion we. so.Vr"ttllyr. mot a I , re.id the &num' lor urintiel , • i . •ss's' l' , h •^l "^".'s."- No rA'..sh". th . le'`' , ' it,rtati. ig \ ,V. ,. Thistilt. ill.pres i, Ai %N. womno 1.1., , pr0....1, ge.....al tak% ha., %lch h\• hater. so isegelY . Plain'!"-", ' H."......V•11w •untr). swigs sviAl os , us . - rrc er•re )1 au- re h t except/4.V' a nA.A,ratise• novae-31de ' A \The ,I , of listdassit c•axl• asthymoXa'Ae Ixes taalmoAt . ''''' Ins '4" '''.4 .4 *‘ , .., crl. , urrekilur was., tit!, t, rb4 , ...r, cure Arm-rails of gaud. 1.-+ 1 n•tr Ira. last .' :. \ . ~ \ rt \ • 1i1.,5rt., , ,1L. .I.s , L. 0011.. \ • N.••• ~, .i.....„, , „ \,„,.•\ I tkrtnns*Ou , IT we•ts haw 5, C... 01111110.4 r 0 0 hAI. IrreduLar trada, rnos y V-, ...rt. o i , e . 4.:. h vx1 , i , , , ...; . ? . •• , 14g 1.. ttris itt..n t v =ta iv ,ll s I n. ralL%ltt i =e:l , .c...stehe noand•sid.c.as theidnekawstandlw , n•Varne 1,44 CI, wrwstwit se bad e 4•. \ \ •, A Moss, 11. - 11AOs A51N,i1U,11.1.4-The• IleS 4,1' 0n13.11. ~., , ftir. fn.t u.. , 16 . . /Oki. , o,lenttft. burn. the, ',to , an. het plants . 1a... .n. tens. ipol we , ryntit I. au nr atAale has 1•%. made under qtrtaticq. \ Icxxddno dko iltters-lf,lannela •••CI ai r(!rly; -...., ..o,a, the latekee sat.t the aeorph. with retnek ur,the\ Id. sod nwaluto groales .511/ fh, the market. itsanweta'ac e , dela is :swat rakvaLd r. want.a% \ \ 'A' \ ' 't`tortir -The *mow - twe, int wurrrilwriu4 trtuw.e , . sits. , pro-, woon‘t be blab eorral usatertal \ haw beeid •••••sparais•el s anal., 111.. rf , 11.4101111, will • . $1 rAlund• a 0 1....1ts w xliwtaditnprovaroont Sh Ng.. CO ,ftr(ll,llh.l ~,- ....11., 1., i1 . .:,i, Q,11.i, earls pitj,.. , , a ‘ .;', ‘ .:;•.l ' c ' ot i; ' i r,' 4 ‘, .% '' ,41• . .• . : %o i r7,tu C tTl;fo " Vo r tiA ' •• iseha ‘ ' , 4 l.-4 em !so ‘ la.. but HO, Sion due. tkat it rixt,=+-Vrale Id dole, with the prrefte,el oteentoining V. , • Until Ile , "xkles fat x.ptinit , trade °Poo.. /be stoPt , ge of tpills .tol continued's...o lode fair for a knell stold \ ‘ l' '' y ll ' OF Pki"rsitulßGrii. , \ , - • ILOTIL-ThLn. va,n. 3 o,i c il:)11., in chttnaLltywietal mark\ Id au , : .. t eyes:wog ' ‘ l ' ' AllillkFI) ..'', ' '''' J. , a xlenar. lienslrick,n,Megraport. S vivo., ratianoco. 1::\, lie Os , vb.." , """"I."'" , v; N.'''"". ',\ tiou se, Bailey, . el.:swotting\ Dept . Itennetd ltnntaville, -1 / 2 ...L. . ilorlan. Laver. dialad n. Poim. 1.-dyer. \\ • \ \ lanai Cur/well., Wheeling, ' ":"'lrfed'uont''btl.,' 11t0r?, ,, \ i. Are.. I: ney. Welt...lle.- ' 's \ Corti Platt ...a , ' .d \ . ~.”,,i, l'a -Mom li . 1n...x.111e '• \ ll ', I: au,. Benne . n,nsrille. ', , itliessport. \, \ , ‘, ..anr.O•mlnu. : . cicon. IL•les. ',meet • 4 rs ' oaisalet. gruntie.L.urkeillr. sI en, lusxwi: innekrille. . l ' t: ' 1 1 1 -‘ 1. ‘ .71%X.S ‘ ' ‘ . n Al d on " ti,ll . ;„! ' Wspelicatcr, 'leen., I dealing. .1..., , ...15ra. 1..., it' 1, \ '. ' t l ,o4Tri I.EA VINO THIS' 042. Fun I•IVILS,S,DELVIIIA AND 11i.4413101tE. . 1:-......1, At• o'• lii (peer Pack'et I,4.Wee'daili at a. , ~,, tV 11 VELINI\-Atiurnal. \ , \t L1.1.C.V11.14: 3 0ma0 \ . • A WIIKVI.INis-'l".orn Plautei - . \ ' \ 1 raddra'A t tx.t.d - r ;Sly . , I i . , ~., IMPORTS B \ i, arma:\ . -' .. .-...114y1,11‘.: -Cu, 1 Vortuact4-.). booms' *hire 40 bi.! led, os.t esnstr A Co. II WO diaper V 'BURG, 1l etx • .27 1.1.1:14 ••„Xls..xwara 01..1"5t X , lsalr.. J bosdal, Raker \., ramyillt Xt. 1,1 1 ks., butt. , 1 loat"llw.i IT•h 10 . 101 Llal :1 1...,a, . or , sa.4 wool las. a Co . , WO hrls wheat ' , thwart' , v". XrNa I':. to., meal dli Itk a hpre....cs bbl. • "'''' ' : . I? '"h",i lft '" t . '' A''',;• ''.`l.:l•l4' , rt:'r:.A\er•s4k'tlrd ' , : , „.a.nC.\a4llo. '1 ' .i ' i is i. sla l l . : 7! \ ' • '- r.. - 1S A llo l •S a r l. 1 i l l ''' ,...fta t intia d** o C e• ° l:l - 11tC4 - 2- ' \. ' ' . ..V. 1.n.,h; Lasads.ls d C• 5 ,...•• do Lt;itoil A Stow., i . d a .I.,...•utter A. lavd.a.Thaw, ..... lab •ppi At...fru.? I N.N.7 . sto Ono, % antariX \ .. . ~ . I, :i \ : \ EN-PrA, i1 . ,,A1:,,,,11.1a, hemp . IV ainltlx :7 t.1:1; ch... . Ist d Med'amlikrl„ . ‘ . a.• tut.; 4; .. 13 CAlteld: =44, ' 1 it,L11L,,,,,,, ~- 0,. au tt•allift.S, - •. --, , \ , ja "....\ 1 1 ;. ETS.' -1 Ate rwseired fax fall ;,. ''.- - 1 , ~, 1 + 1, 0•4 1. : 16,, • - :t tb, dlllerynt sire% wed: :. J., ••• , ..uilly 1,1114,k,.-k. Wis end .1 , ,;.V . , 1 , 1 , 1. rik .. ..k . .. Nki erkill . It. Bt . l lIC VIELD lbave . re6d , I. , hi. roll.: Sr Iddprese abe L•llawlng articles-, s Huth evil nl all mop, low Lat., dtapfkles s,, ' . Ilha• Lust r 1.1. k tato, attune, s-se, , 1 1 4.111 t IL'.:,;;s.''AY,;k, \ ,:, . . ...,,, _, ~...,.,, „., 11 .,.. kuurto \V ' _Market Ina. - •I ANA Ill" SELIW-, 50 IM. prime Sicily in „. .1 3 ,.......t Po . 1 . 1 110 2 ~., ii, , , a • , , c0., k r.l II: I • li n s, PT$. TU it PENT , - };--Sft lAA prim, 1 , j.; 1,, atoni c hr . \ J. KIDII, d'O. I' . \ i I fLEANI l'A - ji:TAR-, 10 it.. mire, for 1 • • - .ale by.. ' ' J. KIDD • l). 1 i • 114 IL I CAII. SI)I,sA-GONA \ ,Obs. Lee iNbu., Is ~ R New Casa.. braid : , ss• sale I I W ‘ .l Kinn eco ~ " \ : 1 .......k• tVsoter•rtilural 1V 1 L .. ..fh".111, ` dhhis. - ILA-gcsl ViluSre b t.ll,V. ' \°:: . \ ',, - I,Wwn Touurrie (nu , \ rrn Lee, rnme . ftits Cone \. . 2; b! . raw:. 1. II T.,,, \\''. l'd and 4 IL, hoz. • extra ttUed for family 'iv. ' ..:3 Lad, 4's r.,...,,,, extra t•ru 'N \ r \ 15 ra ertirc \ DJ arr. - NW... 1 :Wrest: I . \ % •At " :So s \ X: " rue: riltientforwisl; ,s , ''' slttdth ivAVLIJIII,-31) b b l. , „:for 'tale by oc: . \ .. 4.ecuuni; Acne a co. .11,1)WALE 01.1.....\eatdis biotic ed winter, .- ,7 y Aarraln by - 0 \ .SCIIOOIIMAR S .IC(X).. - 7 , ... i oc, '. \ ' ''' \ ' . , ' 44 , " 4 . 4 ..‘ • • ~_,_.,......._ fiIARTARIO. A01.D.- 4 .1000, lbs. , nrov, for .„ ‘ iii. Web). ..: :\ ‘ .\ \,.EIDO gm. ~ \ . • - minammismaima , ''• NOI'ICTs, ,G. , 1. \ • `1 • lOttc'et, 1 \ AL\ ELECTION `1;;It• PrN ident,l . asure \end oh Direedore,' ofillionorPhlbela aiio, Coal Rill. i oo "'P =g P n ' tx;: l ' t7;, * . j .. ' T '.0,71v. A. 8 4 0 - \ 0 ,,,,, , , u ~, , ..g, ,, . \-agu ny,kla i t ty . t . / I Volork p. 31. i ' -\ I\ ll ' . lititT.l..";Nl,Ttelt.. i\ .....T'2'NlL!".! l ' 24 L ''Si- s \ \.,, \ ac add ltT \ . . Notice to". - o p s , \ ' \ \ T" JURORS suconna k \t4 Nttead lit t, Pa roart ihr thi rime: At• ' ll"ii - hn.r : On era Moildar. (Z 4 anyo of Nevem ' ill, are be by totlithat their silletalutoenes rhVniii.wili Q.t. r ~.,,t :, 01,1•. r hal? COW, 1 V KtltS. 1 tors..:( - that \ urn._ Fail oh, 0,-1. Ili, 1 e., ,t , \ N., i . 111,1i.,.1 0, , 1. IS. ',1.., rIIII E. 111 lIECTORSNIf tha G„I - 2,‘1 4 , mi , jo g : IC. mlintY 4 ,Altaiinnin, Lnie thl;til, ii\i ' n ai • ni.nt of girt oentis on each, Wan- of ftiveny, talVioe of a, d Como.", onittlalr pluable. on yr I 'to.• I, r.l, , .. WM., nod the nth, hilltop int hohireVie 'AI ..rart drat, at their 1011, IV tit) , rlt, .-. \ 1 \ ' • 8,12 \ \ Fan Na.VY T. F‘INN Iftwas TO; Bitildeis. \ , \ lIJIROPOSALS fokthe eretionot\StAttin • \ IL Cathedral id fine 't u 1 be i*'.r, juin it tee lei, • a'fc" c. b ih"V„Vii l f (‘ ‘ ' m ' t ‘h ta N •7a °6 etrit ad style' phino. where the pinup and s nticalion \ are ready lids n. . , ...odors The work, , nereen, for get, p h th e Natha n , \ unde r ~ near he t.rinit , .ei ., , , 73 . el..:inC i Nitlishole eskt. fe/ \ ` planation... TO tot iirloelL.l.AL, uring 11 . 14.1.1t7 i tZ 1 13, eLtplanation... '; \ , \ , ''''‘' rrlii E. SEWING socIF.T ' wane with I the Firvt Prnihyterrn,, \ Cbtar it.rtulnica nnle P r .' l/ hc'" in - ti l' po P 'n '‘ t . h r 'd tiel, . Pr " se r' e " V 'i ' ' lei Ala for.nell artirlricill 1 very a ln ll 7 o ftlret Vo ' itrrl h l= k i n dly fie . lifie . ,l7 . l ' o ' T ir"e" - .11,771'1=L 4 . CA ~,. rher Insp.!. he left at the n-illient, i fA. the 'mbar 'tem In huminulinm. hits. A h. Ili \AI/Fitillt, i.. rie'l:nilw , Lectures at ?Idle all\ ' •••• EVERY NIGHT :FOB 1:,k,S11)IITS. • ' --ImPortant Meatier , diero'kerien .i. , Itit. , KEKLY, 10 Am Healing art, be width he teetor.iii th.• Maid. arai lanfithe Cripple, the hyspeptic. tlio.3....iadoir• thia, ll l , 4l. inattetlie Epileptic, the httlirted oclicdekok , Vivinia In ne: Pile, lihtne . y._ Liter,. Long in ya%pitilexy. , ; li ', V .' A l , '''' AT7l ' u - n: ‘ ll 7, :ln., "" hTlV • pa ' !i d,' ;:."::` , .. '',ll l .".\`A av,_ No CLlrt. No r ti. Earl lutaild ‘ runartimen Pia ' i a . 'Piet.< Tiehelii fl. '1 he o.ortnnVitsratidtintsly Ada ...1.11, 1 5rent.ii„Mea.reutletwen. Pi tn., it JO: . latdp.s. i , iXt. \,- \ `- iatA';•l , l FAREWELe., 311:FICAL TOL lt !NOM \ /CA. \ \ ADAIIE, ANNA BISHOP, \ k yi I EAII NG the filpnally RlllllllO of this g 7 •i s . I A ....omit \ t , at ,. .ly next raying, ti , - ,Auriit i o Clain:e. fel , \ :::cri.`7l,;•'l,;" -it r..7.=.3":::rh ... ,;,.....i,'.`art,i,,7:mt. i , mitnitiorif.r. lima- in • he: ar., meti, mip.ionl planiuts, *beep .a.,. ha n i t 01.1 the iii;ner to eine, an d nite lie,hit to \ ...nip, lliat'eb `will ogee behlie Moil. el Amatetasiatad roblie hf thin . olly. t tin% Yl. , _ ~ '''.i. i. 0 \ ‘,..,,,,,,,,„ ~ 1 L1.P . ,..1 ," 1 , 1 „. 71- , . kt .i Li i . , i ~ ~ \ ~ , '7 1 . .. r .Y7E/Z i'N'Tl:et.T4:l' ' 3l.l-.IT, \OARTL IN dosta%tes,' Comliin the the attrartii IX:of C.iNf'ilT OPERA. sant U '' ," malted on t hi, tillin of tbi wi j.tobtor. \initial nod new pe a ... "'lT:lT?el'g.."4'"?;4".7.r' 1 i n j ."4: .. .r .. 14="=.' :Ad.-n.141 Prem. In Pramstie . .him, ''''. 31AltAAIE ANN A 111,1101. fit he aiiii , .1 by her 'TAY. FAThlt Colt hANY. umler ill, din•etinn ofl . .P l r.BOCiliih. ink Ifamiger and Dasetor,' wk 47 - nth partieularkla hi: dot runetzweirla orIT , . - • 'Notice. r 'k., , , Asaint tallt 1.1,11 or ' thrriailn , i.tati.her A...., la.m. N Election for. thirteen I;riciona ei this :\ ibink. to 141,1. J 116114 the 'null ' leer, aid nii held .it t e hurtling /bap, no Moeda, the' ith day of :C o w.. kr ni at, between th• !more of OA.M. , 130. M. 51 lift• linen tat, nay 31 etry,Pri-fil 11 tnit: L . .. , Pittaintrali. 4)ehitier 1 : - .: 0)1. ' .i - - . , I(' HE Annual. Election Gar Thirt ' n Direct;, '; r. of tin. Dank. will lie held at the Ran - 'rte lionsel on 31, • she, the litb day of Noromber next, 1 won., the hour. I/ 1,1. a-l. A. Al. and? n'elyiek P. AL ~ limn i i 3( ' li oti --- Frrh.tit - kon. (1r di, 17, 1:51. ik NVECECTION fir Thirteen Direct( -s of ,i - tido 11 k for the enening year: will ir held • %the 1101 Ing l / 4 , on 31rndor, thew, enteenthday niNo ... 1..1. next: ' toelBaltill diiIIN hNlitlti Culde l . k House . of Hefnge. \ . • FIIIHE suhaeribera ; for `the eroctitt of inn IL Mare of Moue for We'stern Nobsylinni* are hetet, actin.] bet ACI.AAAPII/11:10[0 or (W1'111,1" portent. on the amount subseriled by oath, Is ern teed to rippaid to - n h.. Trinteuerr, on. or\ Wore the lath day of Notember iiii at. By. en ter. ord ha Board of lb ...nen. , \ ,slat - J(1,11 iIA 11 ANNA, Tr.et . CART).---The magnifich t NUNN N i, \ . LL' \ ~, '1 - Ct.. C.1•11(01 1411111) i 10,, lithlt i t.:: : :::: , '".. 110 e euteorlher's anteroom, e I. n. tree .1 peamairalon" ' aN. tumor. •So pump dit lon airt It kr one da . 1 ,o,:et, in il;r tr, •rtord th of Inr din us wbo ba , t ...e' Mb unyirallid -pert • a, of A erieso Pump., an ihoorto Ity rail on,: esxma. the .ia , • l. 9nle igeli . t kr Nunn , ' A. Cl. L, s: 101 Pal street- \ ne-li \ ', g, Pennock . C 0.,, , \ ENG ka. cOTTON, 'ORES, -. • 11 A Ithllidll " NI tr WOOL Sflthi. . verrenunuu, AN CEA 1 REES of ' Mott Yarns,. M• . j• w aalli•?,"ia 'l:7l.`"' ' `''' toe w.'v. 0 =or.: )1.% ` , , tr ts tir Nil, of \ : , 111011'.41,1 , KEY. NE: ,. 11:3,7- 1.- . i • \ -\ A \ir ' A. W,iltrins & Co. \ ' .. • , _ ..\,,:., n r iol y r,.Troi narks. . _., . ire i i , ' l . l rg " i r ifi! \ ; ' n ', V.tfarA . Tand " .2.: ' ,..V.,.. - .;:.:::::.:'..7.1 4 " 4:: I= -4 ''', 7, !"'.. 'fb!!.',..l‘.."‘ io— • I@-- • ~ \„..,„..,.....„ ~. ...... _TA ; ...,.. .... ..a.e.as a; •••\ , Al e n arid ai,tli CA 110 i I . .1, ..... ? . , ... , . ; -_tg :1 l' , A Nii‘e 1 ores .0,17 iTl';4' • . 1 , 1 \ •... ..-.4 •c''' '.`T' :asor.o. .., '`..- • -...•• 144`)4 , Lf.• FASIIIO.' us \ ceived -}„,, ... ittbeitore ofFULA-L."O Mb el. {. II , wnich ill. heopen for tospest mon Tim ay aunt .'.. r r kt, ( WI., week. wi•ere s' u w!li nolt ,i.. itital" .' t .il aseortraent of ut entire L. • etyle of. ..Z . , . Bilk,. Satin - en , • Velint Bonnets. and T minx., 1r ...-10.1.6 ,i nimble fok llieeetoon. -P. i. Children's &mete. Lod ii' Cara.a4l.. red Drees ,: of rah ail,l hiandrul all Irma V 103 r , . ''‘ •Thanns' G rand . RiallOS! \ . • .1 1 UST ItE p pErvED. :I. sta . cpdia _ ......-. . ! A ~ o etave mAra-ood foil et-ial Gnat: e r. ,. ..........,.. a . Nt, from the Inc tory Of holm, th l ark, , i e New York. Thu 'tnuinittesast inetroment ' ' . i ~..,:•,... all rho latest isnprovemenks, euell an pater. 4 I %nine bias. frit hat:ripest; and'patent metaliu• tube..? 1 pocer. and retinae °rhino are truly a.funtillium and iPedt i' , ,,the peffection Of ltd meehatd.in aa to enable the pel bier to produce the nottiAt nod sweate*t tot:10.11.2mo/ - 1 !iliLllf „the. sot lades. T. ~ r.lttn•a•artt•aely rkb a in i. - Poo none. without that ibillerrionarde oritirtosidtnu Lt, ruled work. what, 'hi a oily Ilk. vituboratlc Lsnix:met , imiinklible to, keep elean aril ittleaksi color. the ladiet and almtlenten nix reepertlolly - tortfed to rail and ext.- ' rue thitwortrailed -fr a ud Piano betorAit leaps. they're., 1..... ol' the emb.eriber 1iii : ,,,,,..„.1111 Than at. orth`.; - • . iliaLn nikr liiJnane 113114. i taut. e:wired, a ver genehst atneetuteetnf Piano, aninstilin,i Louts XSIV. style. ‘ \ . —_„, s. - . Patent, Shinglem, a • •- . 1 *DE SIIINGLES tootie of It..ilhnt, pioi..., . theatrint. 'with Wood'. Improrad Phinaki Alia clip, riniehed tt Gut premium at the lard Fite of Clue lienY Cootty. he 31n. nine is m or. time akthe Ohio ',nine-Kill of F pHin, Young& co..maauda•oce. One ', h cud, into make 10.0e0 ehmitlee per ant. Irmo the...hloct.s. i Y an\ . kitel of.lirober that grows In any country. 010 Any (Lathe nieformidein 'is wanted,' pho, tall ma Iheenbein, le r, at h. It eurrea Hotel. corner, of fora th and limit elm, -Pitt , La "b. torrli \ FP. 11111111 ELL. \ U l pl ,l AZ 'S FINE TOILET- SOAPS.—bI[II- ' I.i'aja 9 '"• * tila''',"""" 4 ,'.F. l ;,..*""' - ,,,, n( rn ' l l'''" '`""\ •. •Es,, Soap we i r= fr.. the tket and.pureet pia. ' '\ t i P fia1....a0l ...quelled hr airy in t e thaihnl S ( ASCA. ' 1 . \ \ 1111 , 1 . A . 0. by wan) It. il...pk•Lt.h It, 4, Wool Cl. • near. l'''''''' a To r'' Prin "6n. te N r:. ' 4. v " ,"'"'. A" T . \ , , A,sp„,NT,.:. OFFICE,. ampiy , stapplied . • • an k au neeeesoir. y snairrnile kr dotal* fire: rata auddolAllusinee, in I. in city, together Illth thew, i rntroinelae rit ten thecni. good wilt , ite a fieluneby of hr." fori'vate. The .str id e r s Aft Ail In 1.1004 orliTT. ,841111 mietly new, nod .n. the ows are in:mimed In otleil basi n., will V., .n.nl yery lattir ..... baslow their valne i nulaheme midellou tkrnite: \ The who prinonts an twain... 40,h, eel Proheciirk. For rattne A.' apply at litho - 010, ...‘,.. i. \ ' \ IL D. king.. . ' ''• ' 'MAN IkER sANII EXCHANGE BROKER- - JEN hop, Lill NI it the hirbect market rotes. ,' . ' . Ithatern Ponk,Mten bought nail isold. :4.h lan re n ' the 17; sa ilWert bought and od d litnabouriti l and I on ., Connamino. -Dell iiewlllartfe. and Freeport Stane -Worksi. ,„ D3kGitiD. .ivi'L*.lNS;ln addition to his C y r , , exit.; enatillelataint oli Liberty .tenet bead inf. ,g. tan .rniiti al.brionth of Eta Eagle Utat. , Works, - aihaiwor to the Cemethyt ash:where be mannfactanal er a H e ohltarble int FretiOrt7,•,... Mnatnents, Vault. Timith .Om, Ibtoti, , :c. of Marble; Cutinng and Fencing fart.kroete r l , L he, I Freeport itone..a. a,.ry dumb!, tosterial. i tog i .1 nn enotentent to the Cern eter. in, inpreyn lo entente at t ires nab men pt. pea s and an thooleneexte .tro: -arid lode+ for a condor,. none of the doitrethrOiersthaire otllleindly extended. ll: ,3kA,-L---_____L _ • iffollA - lio J. C. BOECtil4a.t, Nanufactu- ref' of tow.kion tsweitodllarturs4reimen. nadDead er in Lookla . o ti 10.7 , ./ curd street, Ftitlitill. L.,,.. PatittraLt. 1 e. 1 ~,_. , ~„_?...... NI:VI. - ,, '.,‘',. 1 . 1 '.,.1. --3 :l',';':',..•Zufrtfiln P N ,,,t#Ll r...0r enc....a alsablonstalol%reinitacti, tri.,ital timore. end ta prepand Pam uk II cr. • the 'Morten Wink, ... Conan,: Shamilaqtand Cbil., Inn Int my made at th• ufennit rumilhsc. a • . ',,. , ' ~‘, Dissoln \ ••• ~ Fr 11 LIE P. ITNERSH - I - P ,„ l / 4 reif, :a e.aiiiitna.; 1 between the subeerlher. u A ' 14 \ , mai i.lµ . g atria .lobo Wdel h ..,'leihiniley , d,r4le by pow. , ''li':o" , " h ' i l , 7'\'d'i. -;. .i.tiiiintnll. . 3,;;,,fd,1t \ . ~.i,,POL. \ Jdnir;CALttry,, • CO-I , 4IITNERSIIIIt. -\ \ 'll ' T e uudenjgneal, oaring forret a 09-pnrt-, Co rebl - tinder the neto c sod .Iflo of , ``ealdirell k .i i, , \ art- o I (13 - 15111.1 . au the _TA.VXJ.NG .42111..1.tivitri. , lio.to , r. at the 1 Ja.p•rn- 4 th e We nem nfletin Callw \ I,oon. in ipuquerns \ horrithati. AMEn`C.AI.IIVI lad., • ' tart letAStil -1. • \ .I,ShY `'s'l ti,W)tftl . l. - PIDIE AND call \ wARE.: k , .- AllUEtt KltOESENlteepacons6ntly oli\ \ • s - .." , ...a.e.an crowas