The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 25, 1851, Image 3

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-41- ler and Loomis applied yesterday in the Stt-
Prerne Court for a re-argument in the case of
the Common Wealth se. the President, Managers
end, Stockholders or the-old Allegheny Bridge
iikernpany...the application was granted.
111Tilleellall TO Famtatti.......we examined
Ll yesterday , a very
,ingenlous invention, at the
. - 14., owed store of Mr. 9. N. Wickersham, on Smith
fold street, by which 'Mover seed can be gather:
k sal eta very trifitfig erpenee. Persons calling .
' ii, at thatplace, can leans fuller porticulani,tand
. Try pitrclume the patent right fc , rsiownshipet or court
..,. lies • T ho
i machine nee la hut .to be seen to be
- . t appreciated.. fhefollo • iog is. its description:
•• .• T„'.. lf! biked the seed fro :: the field, bossing the
...-f •straw or-grass all standing. It weighs 260
i pounds,' is drawn by one hone, and gathers
• .1 trans ten to twelve acres per day. The fingers,
• I or teeth, catchall the heath; the revolviniknives
: 5
cat then: off anti throw them back into the box,
tl Mats diminishing the labor three-fourths, and
' •'' Wring all the seed. This machine com es so
1 low that erc , 7:foroger mill hove it, and pays the
.., • • manufacturer 800 per coal., well worth specu
' lotors,looking after,—and is. offered far sale dr
. . • oielinge. for Rest Estate, Merchandise, or
• t Homes, by the whole Onion, by the State, or by
. 1 theount." ,
l w
acknowledgements are
1 dna to Mr.- blartin,,t• lianchester, for some fine
bunchstraf 'grapes, nil growing on one stem, in
consecutive numbers, each perfect _ and large.
.E3cnoot;"use In lhaiatsonaw.—The Kinkel
latettagiield is Birmingham 'on Thtradaicesiin
argaidzeil in the lower story of thetpuii-
Uc saheb! hotiac, which was crowded.with the
inhabitants. Suddenly a crack was heard, and
oar sank -between one and two inches.—
' The utmost wilirm ensued, and the milletude
rashest out in the• greatest confusion.. _For- -
innately, no one was seriocialy injured, though
aereral",'weve sllghtlY briased. The school
house Is perfectly•new, and, of great site. It-is
it he regretted that the accident occurred.
dhelighere presume the daniage caw be repaired
set a trifling expense.
Ct kat, liiarnita.-Isa . :meating hi'
hiarnitti—The :in:meting in
Biemingham, on Thureddy eVening, wits ettnnd
e*;6iiBlerger number of persons time ever as
sembled at any pnblie meeting in that thriving
bcaroiigh, The proce6llngs were elliottbe most
entitaninstio diameter: •
Abbsonsur.t—The office of
Ida benor..3layor
,Fleming, - Allegheny, is filled
witli:abilea goods., recovered from several dens
ibleve.4, *hick bare been recently broken up,
Isad their inmates imprisoned.
. -
P T FTEltrLlT.S. — Counterfaktwb.dollbx notes,
I.ns the Lancaster Bank . , dated May 20111,101,
are in circulation in this city. Engraring,orA,
. , .
-1 17171.1119 STATEt3 COVET. .
Betsre the tionontble Judge Irvin.
The trial of the case of the Baited States vs
I Blobert3. - Bennet, charged witarobbing the mail,
• .
I was res.nmed. 1 '
. 1
Several witnesses 'seri; examined, who cur
robriratied the evidence „given oa the previous
.dty, One;- Mr. Joseph Jordsn, teetified that the
prison& had confessed his guilt to him, bdt as'
Ihe luid held oat inducements to Bennet the evi
dant sa s s ruled out. . • .
- 1 The jaty Ira, addressed by &lustre. Shinn and
li i
'.Uniiikrt. When the Court adjourned. T e U. S.
. • Dhsttict Attorney, J. B. Sweitter, Esq., Rican
etude this Morning, and theMtse go to t e jury.
.:A liurcaorn annricis.--We , fearn the nilig
f lons aerri2en, in the French liingusge, 'ra e
i place - on Sunday nest, at 14 o'clock, A. 2.1.,
t precisely; in the Methodist Church,.corner of
Serrenth . and Smithfield Eta, lentrance (by pri
: I. rata alloy) from 7th et., to %Michell are invited.
, i Dr. P.:.Vionis will address the audience.
!. 17 - vas Goornav Feist - v.—This truispe of vocal
. fits will give vi concert of manic in the
Methodist Prntestant 'Church, East Commons,
on next Tuesday evening.' Admittance twelve
and a half coati. Mr. Godfrey's fire daughters
appear in the Bloomer costume. •
Ezscri.-:Thli?einineiftl German Patriot
addresied the people of Washington, Pepnejl
,4 vania, last night. 'The meeting wee very large
And enthasiassic.
_ _
4 :.Goon DAY'S Woar.--Five hundred and thirty
fire passengers were carried
on the finished per
tine of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, on
GosnarrrEn.—Alderman hlrjor, On Wednesday,
otuntnitted s taus' named F o rdtiend Shaffer to
prison, who is charzed with attempting to pass
some. counterfeit notes on the bank•of Middle
? trim, Pa., on several grocers on Wytiestreet.
Lancirsr.layor Guthrie yesterday . commit
ted Michael Lipp to prison, ea charge of steal.
ing Borne bridles, -the. property of Francis C.
. - • ..-
Yarrows- a follovring is a list of the
freight briaorht up on the Ohloand Patmayleania
liallroad on Thursday:
G. l*Lnith, 83bge barley, IT Boon. 19 bra
flaxseediJno - flollort - 5 bgs potatoea; Brown &.
Eirkpatrialc,- - 3 bbls, 1 keg butter; J Oust, ft bp
potatoea, L blid 'do. 3 aka rags; Tracy. Willina
& Co; 90 "bp - barley; Wm Mullen, 3 bga corn
meial,'4'bga taickwheat flour, 6 bgs bran, - 1 bag
• nuts, 2 bxs butter, 1 do eggs; ',las 91cCully, 240
bgs buckwheat dour, 2 bgs timothy seed; Wm
al/lager; llt bgs lloag;11001 - & C pr 3 blab flour; S
:3 S' Yon Baal:horst, 27 lalla /ash, 5., do tubs; ./ An-
J 4 bbla butteol-..Crawford, Erettping
machine; l L bdle paper:lake - Loomis,
dd do;Foster & Flesson, 6da ilo; Singerly 8
Onto LTAISGATIME.--Tha * Senate standseight
Whig aril twenty-four Demonists. two districts
being yet to hear fiont ono of which will prob
ably elect a Free-Soller, and the other a Demo
crat :The Douse- stands twenty-four Whigs,
fifty-nine Demociate, and two Free-Soilera.—
Eleven distriCts still to hear (rem, _
Relikirn of. Yr. arteseagh—Horatio Greenough
I and family, after an I,absenes of nine years in
Eanve, arrived here yesterday in the America.
Mr. U, has been engaged daring his. residence
in Italy upon hie marble'-group tor the Capitol
at Washington. The group Is now ready for
transpiration, and only waits Air a national Yes
ad to transport it to this country. The artist
bas receive ll and superantend its estab
liabmsut.—Berton Tionsorn .14 18th.
; A flentous.6 SOLO/M r AL ACT.—et late English
I paper ears that a few weeks. agoii stone-cutter
st. Duadies obtained a largo _block ofred sand
latone - trona the low quarry at Lockarbrigge.
While squaring the stone, a loose layer wan re
; Mond, end 'on the face of the "block tans die.
played a long indentation was fotmd. It proved to
the mark of a human foot, which, must have been
I impressed open thi MRS-9, 'which, in the coarse
`;-of ages afterwards, became petrified into hard
and solid stone. At, the heel and great toe the
(- depth edam impreie w as considerable , from three
quarters of an inch, to no inch and the wholh
1 - prinfof foot was sharp and distinct.
, ...
I LortaM Police.—Soma of the tricks of theswel
. swelling mob et the Crystal Palace have been cur
, curious. One:thief, dressed and looking v like a
irentthman, pretended to fund a bug on spady'edres
&cis, begging her to olio* him to kill a not
semi insert; and she saw him:take it off. She
, thanked him warmly, auF off he went.,
i• st Fortunately she - immediately, perceived that
Om hurl lost a valuable brander.' She inspected
i her friend; went to a policeman and told what
'had par3od. Ile said, are you 'mire you would
buret the man! She said ohs was certain she
would, Then so and stand''.try the doer till I
i come to yon. - She did 50,. - and the policeman
soonjohimi her. Ile hod by telegraph bad every
4 door ebni:eut tbo:one they were at; th ey had not
ii waited long when the lady said that's the.tnan. '
The person was taken into custody, searched,
i! . .. and an him was found a email box of bugs nod
the lady's bracelet- Was not thit a clever trick?
I i
q United States Patent Office,
r px the petition of M. Sorel, of Paris,
Ramr, reefing for the extreme:mar a totoat great
, to him for an benroehd method or Prowwwirar iron and
noel tam rad or oxidate. Ihr wean yearafrm o tbe oat+
ratian or ssmaoutrrbka 114! . ..ain0 oam eereutb
txlernl l ' itst the eati oet.lloB IA beard at the rat
irreVel.l4lBant'4"3 /Vag= t b f r t4er , gol
ea ,, o aaee, SOT *Mil nehhon ought that to be
mr .vi a . g .tbe roloaekm ena renttbrd to file in the
r. Paton (Men tilde garotte., elr lteallf tat forth be so=
tttur, at tree& twontr dart two
o no=
if 33 nee 0118 tho
= t ortheoS., a t . 1 will ho fortee in
hed oner 11-stlon.
- , lerdeald, oleo, that title notice be pabllebed n the Ns.
rpeilligewe, Itepablec,. linlon : Of Warnighm,
Dee:, Cornier and tupairer. hoer York. 1 tenor/ream In.
V4sileco rW linntlnrfilllPAtlre P Hreet=orerig
allobneeete:Connuertial Alelletla. 'sew Orleans, Lonleiena
and rittchner.l3 les-otte. Plug • arab. Pennlyrente,
lota Oar throe rueeeretre rival, mio• the alma; day
or Deeetabor next, 11108.1,WLIAN
ogjO lawtDMl Commixeoner of Parente,
Dea'Faitlit~foi of b T~ ..
REMPL-0 bales Kentucky and DlissotTri
},x ~ ry,.
2.1411719 HT 11111 ?Rama TELialarg Luz,
. ,
PROVIDtIiCZ, (F. L,) Oct. 24.
The jtiey in the case of Altnira Bendy, charged
with murdering her step-brother, returned aver
diet this morgting of '4'uot guilty," on the ground'
of insanity. 1314ewas detained on another charge
—that of conspiracy to kill another of the child
New ORLZANA, Oot. 24.
We have &cecinas from the Belize, Honduras,
to'the tat of October.. It is reported that four
Spaniards, at AmboYs Key, had hauled . down
the English flag. •
The President, on account of official engage , '
mentsi declines _visiting the Fair, The
annual address - before the - Society will be
delivered this afternoon by Senator Dougleas of
• WASIIINGT9N, Oct. 24.
The President has appointed Jirome-Fulter of
New York, Chief Justice of the Supreme - . Court
for, blineeota, vice Adam Goodrich removed;
Alexander Wilkins Secretary of the Tekritory,
vice Chas. N. Smith removed, and' Jo4epb W.
Farber, Marshal of the Territory, vice flOry L.
Tilden, removed. •
':•1 LOST.
• CLEVELAND, Oct. 26.
Yesterday afternoon, the steamer Bitckeye
State run down the schooner Saratoga, short
distance above Long Pond, on the Canadian
side. The schooner sank immediately. Three
dives were lost by the accideitt. She was laden
with 8000 bushels Corn.
ROCUIsTEIL Oct. 24. ,
Col Enos Stone, one of the oldest settlers of
thiscity, born in 1791, died to-day.
Tile widow of Corn. Pritterson died in this city
. .
the Republic- or this morning expresses the
opinion, on what it deems reliable Information
that the Legislature of Geergia will elect the
Ron. Robert Toombs, Whig, to the G. S. Senate,
In place of Mr. Berrien. •
_ .. . :
Mr. Owen, late U. S. Consul at Havana;
arrived at Charleston, on Wednesday, with his
I 41t091 . 03, Oat. 24. -
The Massachusetts demicistration in favor of
Mr. We , stertts a Whig candidate for President,
takes place ar Fanuull Hall on Tuesday next.
Toe. cali.is4 nntodrously eigued by the leading
:Midge of every county in the State.. Some of
the most able men of the Commonwealth will ad
' 'dress the meeting,
Henry Pogue, a fugitive slave, was arrested in
this city last night, being claimed ea the property
Of IL.Pennington, of Seep County, Md. After
a hearing he was reilizwided to his master. The
circumstance created no excitement whatever.
Nzw YORE, Oct. 24.
Father Matthew sails for Liverpool on the Bth
of November..
.To-morrow's steamer will :take out about
$350,000 in specie.
. ..
, _ JENNY. LIND. — t'
BCITALO, Oct- 24.
Jenny Lind Arrived to-day from Canada. She
noes west to-Morrow, in the steamer Mayflower.
TORONTO, Oct. 24.
The new Ministry is Completed by Inkling Mr.
Young of Montreal, as . Commisiioner of Public
Works, and Mr. Thatcher lierieweiileneral.
xoos ekroer.
Nue Yout, Oct. 24.
Cotton—The Market is Brin at yesterday's
Flour—Has slightly , advanced and is held
firm. Balsa of Ohio and Indiana common brands
at $3 87 1,1 bhl.
Grain—We'tatice a slight improvement in
wheat, with tales 3000 ha. Michigan at 83c.—
Corn is held higher, with sales of 16,000 bn.
mixedereidena at 671 lam
Lead—Sales 600 pip Galena at $4,50 V 100.
Stocks—Are lower. Canton hap declinec
Erie I,dteading 1, Morris f, V cent. , New Or
leans Canal Bank stock has declined 3 t 3 cent.
Nrw l , Omura, Oct. 24.
Cotton—Sales this morning of 8000 bales at
7c far strictly middling. The sales of the week
were 32,000 bales. The sibole receipts this see,
son are 176,000 bales, agahmt 94,000'es me period
last year. Rreie'nt stocks amount to 102,000
bales, against 73;000 same period last year.
Groceries-Sales of new sugar at 41c for good
common. Sales 2000 bags Rio coffee et Bel Sic
per lb.
. Mess Pork—ls dull at $l4 per bbl.
Flour—The market to day was Very doll, and
nothing of interest transpired.
Whiskey—la heavy at 161 L 2 gall. The sales
edhounted only to 200 bids.
Batter—Sales .of 20 pkgs tloslien hotter at
20®25e, and -20 firkins fair Ohio at lle per
pound. '
Apples and Quinces—Sales 20 bbls great ap
plea at $3 25, add 8 bbls quinces at $8 ?
Receipts are large.
Cranberries—are dell, at $606 bbl.
Groceries—are dull, with very small Wes.
The river is stationary.
Tr ARTARIC ACIDZ-1000 It . pure, for
1 Tait by J. KIM, at CO.
A freJb Jot just. Gpenitur at flu. &of, - store of
ocl3 J. CU.. W Wand st.
`OAP-11f) boxes No. IRosie, for eels by
ij vela • FL At W. lIARBAUtiII.
!LARIFIED SYRUP-15 bbls. for sale by
L./ c.<3o . JAMES & IIUTCII!SON • CO.
MACEeLa~r . ~ 7 e o. 3, Alas
_ ado JA.BIES.A.,III/11.180N & CO.
thu ehllgas.inn Tartorr,.4ol.* yda. 4, G. Aral IS gur.
Ler plata and tlkunal .I.ark. Patent Waled Carriage 011
Cloth. and for We rholksale uul retail at No. 111 31arket
grata . locl3l • .1. k 11. PHILLIT.S.
. garde 4-1 Floor 011 Cluth;
• ,
Jan reed std . for Sae et oviChl Cloth Lripprioomp, 115
3larkst pt. [ocl3l J. t It. PIIILLIYA.
FOUND --A small nom of money, which
tbv aornorr can lurebTrallfn and I:Ink-nth:1g It at
taWfton of T. 1101.11611 t DENNY.TT,
oo • Fermi it-. Letvecn Wad ma bmilbfleld.
DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment--100
dos. for AsJ/I Dl J. KIDD A DO.
CIIALE.--5 tons for, sale by
oar ECII(N.OIAKER .t Co.
101KITASID-10 casks
' prime, for sale by
9c13 9 W. lIARLIAOWLI. •
SS • MO,LASSE CI bble. for sale by
• oem s. kW. lIARBAIIGII.
ar'illEESE-100 boxes' W. R., for.sals by
oel3 B. t V; lIMPAUGIL
4 , STRAW .P.APER— 2000 belle. superior, re
salved per stramcrJ.l4. Lindsay. awl fm .de br
«i 5 - : corner l'epn mid Irwin sts.
lIIST opened at the Depot for 'choke Teas,
u No. 36 Libertricrict--• Small lot of SWEET SCEN.
ED ORANGE PZEOg TEA, a V,r7 EtiC article.
1111.. A. 31cCLUILG CIO,
ocl3 • lira." and T Dcal,Ts.
VODFISI.I-4. casks for sale by
It .1, oel3 WICK .1 IfeCANDLF.93.
Justi ge . ' d, 2 cages
IMPTior Ororhe !Mavis A. A_ MASON A CO.
ceiviid and will exhibit tai inda-3 don Silk mad Ent,
In wan [midi 2rIANON A CO.
O. P. H. R.
Ad/AY - NIA TLAIL110)11) :TOM" for rola at 1.1"3.50.
&oak and Erebanpro Broker,
all comer uI hliaket. and Third rireid...
LANES-4 caaes —.
• oreving
1 I' I superior aril
!' cle of trreb bun. ilurterb;vl 'Finer jest reed at
0.'256 Liberty at. WM. A. MeCLUltd k CO,
oclo . • grocers sod To Dealer..
lIEESE--80 boxes extra Cream Cheese;
. lbo do W. IL. do
O m .. do Iloolneseelobralod
LITTER—:4O cans fresh Butter;
• :a km , Un do:—lbr NO. by
I ALERATIIS-30 camILKI for male
1 ,7 by (Oen WICK i MeCAKDI.M.
NEW CODFISI.I---5 drums just reed and
, tor sale by (oe7) , JOUR WATT &(7p,
al 1110 AND .FENNA. ellaree for
, ILlUiala at Vl2. for $5O pal/ Apply to
- Bwek l.l Co.
' A A M.E t S BLAICELy. I 1:11...r0 b k. , n4i
.40.t.Tth . Mt,' , `,!g - k th plZi'2l.,;: ." '.
Pic . a.e , Lthe ~r between New York and 1,1,
Srati. Tail 11045..31110g from New York and Liver.
' 1 on the tkh lad Met of every, month.
Now Link fear., New York not the nth, and Liverpor•l
noww flat 0f eTtLry onth,
ti j
/tad Star Dna, leaves New l'ork'un the 11th, and Lire,
on the 2511 i of each Month. . ,
4 0 7. ,
0 L::: ,, , , : 0 1 . 1... i twi , .. :t :: :: : „.. i.
m r.. , l. o l ::: : : : .. :i th er .
t i
The I,ondni lane of Packets nail , from New York un the
Clyt il l.L ' .:Trifar:4l;acketti cool from Now took
' LA ' 6 14':«Vy rtn th e ' nf " fc . l j et i elkt tis b ..{, ° ..a,l h i,, New Jr
1 111L1y Line CAr tolaranta. fi, , ln New York, by Etrain•
haat, Railroad. or ' by Canal and flailroad, to Pittgbbilth
jPa•seni:er. will receive every attention, and advice tit..
e c.l ,,, .rtni:, .at the noke. of IV. Tat,,eott a Co., Eden
gas), Dubbn, end ~.t ~..prom'', Nith1ii. , ..• 1 . 1, ..TP... , . A.
ai . 4 . 0 . Tal ,,, tt a C. , .. o. , nth lore.. 0.. w took, or nt
ti ofn « el (b.. a.11 , -rt,-er. corner of taw and LibertY
at, l'ittrburKti.
.eraone rer.idi ng in the Ut0b,.11,446, or Canada, Who
w h to ....n,l fur their friend. ,in any part of England,
I land, Scotland, or Wales, ran make the rove...vary ar
r ncrinents ~n application to:the subscriber, and
r imy«.
ll4ena brought out by any of the above favorite hue , a
r i
,kets. (which range fn. Lrati to ILLuto ton. burthru,)
or by Oral dam 3 1...rchuit .hip', ou favorable ternia, by
w yof Liverpool, London. or tila.gow Their Ir./UV:kr
of railing precludes lb. poolbility of dela). Pasaage caw
11 0
, b,• aecured In ru Liverpool to N , ... 3 0 ,,, r , 1 8 1i 5 :.
j, Ba E l E ti L tney;e,
I' iladelphia, 8010, Charle,,,m, ants avannah. larrcl
re itleiller4 in±mall or large silo, m, banal. to
8 eam between New York
.. .. Communication . _ ... .
. • and Glasgow.,
r I x :I . E . :I.: Iv add
Strainahlor Company, 1... err. , non .
am hip GLAStiOI.I, 1,...412 totiv 00,1 40,, "
bo power. N. Stewart-(late, of the Cu
., ateinneni.,) commander. IA appointed to 61111 trotn New
1 . :Irk direct for„lllun.ow.- on Saturday. thatith of Decent bar
Fiat Cabinabin tateward's fee to ,- Indad,)..- ..... ...„..........190.
be 6011.4 C ^ " •! ,
...., .
n liken,
1,5 W 5:;:r .:gett 7 . 1 .. 4.. P " r.T ' ..10..... bUt .t win , . olqua: . :
irtlicE will to. oupplint ,JF.I I...itrd', at_Ermlepa... t yrke .
1.14 ob Surgeon. FrWirbt. Cl eyrie, +.; Per r..
l b
or night .r E.'..r..,!t'.,l'l'MON. 3.3 IV.,,,,FVolaa'
. NEW Logo. 2100
,Inus.. an.l la, 1,9 fr.., inv., (a
. sort to the Ole..vw. 0111 I ,
- • •- •• & . olt oree Inver, la
epilog.rt to the ttlaegnwo will 1•••••• ti the elation will neat
Iteßenry's Philadelphia '
it Liverpool Luie
of Packets, •
Sailing front Phihelelphin on the .4.4:..
ib, and Lireeponi nu the let of ealt mouh. ~.-•
e, : Is:: 1,::::,..1..L,.11-iniArli:l;ll.i...,:i,Diteia,,,ttibeiill•p.t,...r.,,,,,
th : ,,,,
f 1i ,„ 1 .. 1 /• , :h u .:N ., l i li t :o . l i l l , ti ., . , I. 1 , / , a , : e 1uer ., ... t. 1 . 1 . e_t . t r ,...r.
• •• EllIn11•1:. Natbantel
C. Barr, llneter.
l :: :13611,12.i11'kV,}:i.11-`l'‘il.t.'4'eir,LAlsplyr.
• he al,ee rano* are bath gill.. heel .nJ molt costly
...1 4
2= a b lo ' s " tr '' ! ! ,:r!..rnr :•.21 ' n , 'au,!et..nTe hA;setti.i:te
the, are env, alendevl Id loin of Orlunlrled/arl loleut, who
itv unequalled tor thew explyienge .ikon
the paeket ...rain.
Per•ous demrnue of hetuptut their (need". from the Old
Co4ntry can obtain certtheattn Of i•agratio, which will be
tom eight triouthe. and our &treats in Ireland sad Lid
erne] will furnith them •ith the proper InF , rinattna and
inetruetions rela,ce to their departure.
tre ' I ;
i 7 r ) r a t b'
, ill 3 . "1 .1:d l i" moue ',. E.' ',. h f
F .;h l ' Z i • , I \ ' 1 1 ',:171",' ". .'" :,' h l. "'w h 4 . 2 r .' '' ' ,l i,-,'• ratable
the Illank, or (net °Acre In the Unit... 4 Kinadont.
1 0.. - I•roriAlone erapplted pa. , etigers coming trout Lira:
P i-cr 'week the following etti•pline 0111 tg• furniabed
each ,a......ager of It bean ot egn and arm,::), lb. bread :
. ii l l .; IZ'at.‘::,.a'njtJY.'.'pr•":.V.-tlirl'l'eribl•ft'itl:;Rlcl-.l'etteuL,r•i
iba. breadstuff: I It. lurk, full alluwann•or water and rtn
' and
'0..:: Walnut env., helot, Etron•k4h.l.llt..tplitta:
le Illf eorner Fifth and Wbeel ate., Plttibargh.
LANI),COTLANII, Aliii WiLES.—..lanta erat
Ate the hr. of Blakey a C 0..• will •nattnue m i ner
eightdraft/inn (heat hrtnuo ar.d Ireland: %Innen Franrn
and /dentnany. cm, with Woodward. iliallely a Co..
Illtutenaware Warr il.nneukt corner of Liheyty and Sixth
atendtm, PAW:argil
Prengetra. and from the rid conntryenza,tl an the
Inn! faroznible tern, al., Inda New lark n. Pit:ph:tent,
and ay part of the Went.
• - L. R SAINT LOCIS--Tlje spier,
i: did stsarner MAYFLOWER Basiett..Ma
to r. sill ow, f abase and Intern's.
medlate porta on thi day. the 2:11 its. S.. at 4 P. At
to • freight or pactace apply on Irani. nett:
EOR SAINT LOVIS--Th ' e splen-
,id fdedlider AVIGATO, sip, 110 an......
. rag. for the abuse and all otortocilate —'..
ports oh this day, the tat! h.., at IP o'clock, A. M.
Fa; ft' or Paess.s. apply on Irani. ar to
it) -... • • '
a; V. 6 1 1'' ; — j. h :f i ' llVdrii• fl r Til% •% l : i t iri i ! ' n " iiii i A li ''''';
11:1211:1ed MO ports this day. at 10 o'olock.
Fa freight or passage apply on i 1 ant or to •
- .. .. .
1 4 1 2 .. R.
, 7:ln?;y s l c L , LE .„ -11 , 1%
i fi , f , e ,
Cr abate and Inters...that,. poste !on 0,1.
daylt 4 p'elock.
Sn fre,ht or passage, mom on Sward. ce.2l
VOA CINCINNATI & .51. 1.T61;15 .
Me. : be fins elasu
a n, ll liftllN.J.S. McMilllan
tlr. will leave for show. intrintermediate
thie day. at 10 . W. 6436
I_ll Gr.;ri..lll, PITTSBURGH
NI" LIEELINU PAIIEV:T.-1 . 1,1 helendld
new parker el eamerl/ltrh, AL, ennwili, ra
.I°t•r,felow perfermilawher rerlar=teckW tri m si. ,, St o SA:;•.
, :47 m 710..., and r47,14"'.7.1,44 trridsZ.r'...m.rrtliTlMlD:.
1.'0 4 Whrelltng every Tuesday, Tburaday and Saturday,
as each Yorftrlght orpaarage.arslyon Loud, tall
orl. AMISTP.OIIia .itozEn. Agent,
English & 13ennOtt.
Merchants and dtitJAr. In Frain,* and NuAlmsrull
ctur.,-1 , ,1111140,nd at.and 151 l tr.tat., between
Pllnd Smithfield ea., nit-burgh. ra.. hate on band
ree/d.rt• the follmring mr.l, which thuy qflor Oct
t thp 1451w..‘ market rafix—
• 4•1 rsaanT,l Tobarro,ba,,a 11in COll,-,
1 s', P . P alb lump, 14 0 eko. 54 , 4m4 11/ , '"4.
p 6 twist Tnhamo. Brk. tint, A 11,14.
ea 1114 cut LI/ ipbd• N Sugar.
cut A dr, .utnking bbla ,) 0 310... n.
efirar, - 0.11••
,Priorir." 4.01 ;:'ln.
" Zoo Arne , . 40104100;1 Ulu,
mm.c" 10,000 Ills Salprsttll.
p• Alatnedp. Flthert,2llo. o m t,
Walnut" Crnam nu. 1,/ make Alum.
...4:ll3ruuml nuts. 4 eon oni
rt “o uga k t% ItUrt.
1, 7 1 ,r filue". =Xi Sidufia A. Dip Cana.,
1110 b 414
11114,4, Clon.
Raisins, FLOW I fia noll Ortvle.l Sugar
• Ground :pie..., 1611140. pti awl qt. Glatt,
1 1 trr,
Whit., Draell augar,Corton Tam, hI.O
Ha's. dlt"atrk and!carnet Chain. •
oony.• 1
am., Word arta F,ltl eiwn.
ch . . 0r..35 .4 Elk Tvw,. If , b. ,,,,, CO , . • ( . 1 . 0. ../...:.
ta... .. - - 3 e55.....".1,a1e. l'lcAle.,
hoir.. Tnbum :; 11:416.1. ar.lhri.
. 31111e/A .4 11,41nre4 Ir. i111n..,
1 in.. Cul ToLsrm 1.. I.,y.r.ff Almond, l'aln. sari
Harms l.J., ,, a 4 l,
co.. •.1 lit.-1 , i.•¢1..b. I Ina Y4nl:4;
pt• kip Ce.11..4.: - : Into* C:Iro Starch;
Leanne COL, , - t1..1,t.a, ~.r.ot. 4.1
' Old 0..v.J tom - 1 , ...t 1 , ....1..,
' nor
C...4‘111:5; , '.. , !1,....• e4th.... P.,
ir:,2 :. .. ~,,,i , - I ''' ' ilt , .ai " li " ''''' ls '''
, Chuun.r1,4......t, 111, do . : Corn Hr,.....
;., rei.p..r . 11,...e10.. I 11.1.1..,4.1.. Au.lo
rnil by
J 1.. {1 ILI.IAN(8 At . ll_ - -
27 , Sortlie.ut .x.r. % 5,-1 •1{,3 raft •,•
n I
• - • :i
A Histork of Pittsburgh.
PAlnbuigh, Irom 11r....11,t1prti.1 wll+u ii
leJ by srhilm [llOll, 410 En 10 the e/.00 •kr lb- Ism
, .
eentur ~ with nation. al the arnt r , , , ,l•ll,tan.sit or eotn. of
the ituourlenl thanfiftietorlet and ”ri .... i 1./14,4 lutes ,
nal Ininturesnetst. ay to thn pr , ,ent I tu..... ti, Moll ie tuld•
isl a i h , gder ui.a. the ad %anti", ans., ig , l4liou 1 ,, r ma.
ularturlue and commercial pur,lini, wlth:a F l /(111.124f, ~I
1111. IWO - es:ate amount of Cu.,..., tres'ina.ted here en au rl•
I upon our riv.rk. ,tahalre. end Orlzanier r1111,,,r11.1..1.
There le um whit In dn. Cilia ahve, inani .u.,./../.
taut ,erota end , A•rurrrue.,, ~ 1 Iditidiehl ,111,tv.t lot,.
been rcripreeeed • Ith in ... I,rirf a 1..1 . 4,1 oftair, a, I/1 OW
.I , untry arvund the haral uf the ohn. T, eulltln to,ther
and ea liblt to hlgturleal order the°. rarhilio , iuralente,
sad to irt , chiltn the pulv•otagra of our taiitivn, as Induci,
.8.4 sir cepltallets to anti. het. salt,. etji.Cl of me pro'
ta.a•al ari.rli.
~ .
Putti 4 iVi a t irt r :i . r b : "''' l'''''
al. , br Jon:, 11. NINI.I.OK
al 1i.:(41,tr...1.
Iwn:i s I
Boarding. ,
FilrlV SMALL FAMILIES can lie acconi
'l. is, liinsl with pleaneut front rfnini 4 tbe n , ennil
floor. el er furnlehedla unfurol.hnl. and haul. Amply
aL the e rner al Thlnl and.ilmnt. ate. ~.. eep
1 RO ,' Will be receiYea - in eXeilitne (with 0
.11. ...ii .3 ,,, i..t at .i.... 3.1 , or TWO !WILLING WTI , .
a. Om :14th Ward. 1 ,, /quira at
.111 ALSVS—OO baR bunch in store, for rule
Jul to by •ISAIA If DICK VW C CAI.,
xerN Lots dial You!. Ala.
HO El'—fl I;bls.•for sale by r
..—•...- INsr, or dft 0
• by
IVai, OA Strut sta.
1 EY-6 hble..for sale by '
7 --
55 11.1 p. a.,..1 I.:el, Battle Ornund It.,tlnrry:
50 .. - • - L
FL James" I artteto • .LO .. ..
4 for rain by 13IiIIIIIIIIII I: /I INpITRAM.
110 Wm.,. and 11.0 Fr... 01.
1 4 iI h de. . 0., for sale by
.1. e. DILIVI.ILTII • (;(11.
-- -
'OF 'EE-.25 packeto Java, for sale bT
teill INolllLifl.
I EATLIEIt-200 sides Solo, for role by
, 4 , 04 BURI.IIODOE t
4 .
i ll/
.. L T4 2.0 bblo. pulT H lT i i x er e, o ; '
PE/J W s3l 01L-17 bl,lB. for oak •
iig LINDH/ES— -
3u1.1 bag" Rio Cotloc: 1000 bee. Window GO
10, p 10.... Otero a 131 . 1, loam 1,0 bide. S. 1: ItAdin;
21 , 01.x0. Os ahe led Tpbocco. 50 .. N.C. la.
by kg.. % .To Igt sod Plug. 50 ..• %ioodc , ".
'5l los. l'r gb 115:0 :.1, - to
SuLdt {CO
JO ...,..1.„. a ...N.0....... ~ .. ....oven Alt
1 . 0 lddd , .5 red. puff - In - Cloopod Lod
I n
:: 21. 1 L M"
L!''...-. I. ' ll ' Or ." 4 . ,.,! 5 ,*.
. - 2 7XOD " - MO eoljor, Lcal.b.
60 bee. I/ ob. t W.C.,Clarcso: 50 Joa. Potood book..
800 am Corp Bmouvr, 051 kegs N ail,,elig b
Tjoollter +nth Ma.tdre..Clovom, tilu,..or. Pr..., A
C WWI". dc, oo band on.l I.d. .dc by -.
~ JUll;.. . 412 A Ikl. 1.11. r 1?.
Oil LISS. litalicEll .8011 AX
UV tecoired Sod fur 4.1. by
wli 1 . J. IC ILO A.Cd
LI P..,10 51.131 SALTS-15 bbls. for 05510 l I IY
J. Ii 111 E d',l
1000 bxer. Window tilnar.,
I_o LW., N. 0 I 4411"
I :41 N.C. lat.
50 'T •• %Inrge,l_
A/ .. Szwub.h . rbititrZ
'X ....tern Mum;
D , " Cb‘l , l* , ll...zse,ll;
2. - etrum,lll4l44
IA bL, Bait.; a I,ldl , •vriek;
. ..Y.4.1f.1.1. lied Lcatlat n
1.0 klua. l'stopt burßel,
Sill kegs Nail,, eilx brandl:
~ tin,....r. Cryper4 Al,/, wde by -.
.41'T 1. CO. L 11.1.1.? al.
FINED 1301tAXJ us
fur 4.1/ by
(.2 1.1417.5 Mut. prime N. 0.,i r.Ode by
- h." to 01 PORIERIDUE
JIO‘V largp supply of Iluzur3
-1 m 1.1,2 . J.
In 1.111,1:'111
iNiDOW BL pA pElt, qlozed
1... `
" I ` 'l lll4llA,d
n doz. Eleavor Buckets, for
xato. by xein:., WICK Ak Siren SELF. ,
[ bit . 3 3laOk •a,
fibLs No. 3 3latik;•
tor barrel. No.. . for nil.. Lr
WICK 1r )Ic.CANlki,u?
- • • -•-
R FTROP—A froth turply Jurt oce'd it:4 for
AO. by
J. L. IL EA Ir.
oopM . • •TS Arynllo Bulta,o, F,,orth
'0 blids. primo, for solo by '
SSES-=-150 bbls. N. 0.;
vurr r. ❑.;
'"*".".2."'"9° CO. t
!ALE—A tiret rate iiMiLY4I,,,
' g, which ass be Kr. at JACtiii.WSZIM:
• Irwin Wa -
~. ~ i
TREMONT A101:7813;
• 130 MN, !SASS.
? PIUS Well knntin establishment is still con
;izny:r.4'.:-;.,o,n'T !•`;',
' dr " .
Raving Leer no.. of the firm of John 1.. nicker a Co,
6cl lot, at W. of the ratabli,hrovut. tn, .olAerlber
hider, Mc exertions to ontintislu Its reputation, and
to give •allsfallou to hb eusnmaer,
,e022-(rat WM. IL PM:tit:R. •
CII AR LES Sl'l LVII ELL, .Imvin g bad
al 'XIPA,
the % ience .n c anritate intt
-1.05 the mrpm.,ae r
:a the Umf. p übli ..l dyLughold. ota
r l Indl l n, "I the Mammon and , Icrarmement.. of the
a7nl ' olt;
.rill in the morning, and from I: till 6ln himxerting.
l Snrth Perenth nt, PHILADELPHIA. ceLniru
Clegg's Perfumery and Fancy Boaps.
rritEst: muporior articles of Perfumery,
0611,1 Powders. Chirtere Velvet- Chalk. land other apprared
lalre..-3V alma .1 Extra Plq• nand lime. and Whit.
Windsnlr. abutting, Palm, Almond, P.m and Toilet
Soatts. Sharing Cremn, Hair Dre. Cainane r.."
...els fur the handkerehlxfx. Itlarrn• on, e rr ,
tat Pomade. new •ttml, Eau I.ll%trli Halt Ifewtorative.
Almr Oil.. 1%11nm...A to., Sr . me manuftetured and hr
!Me hr
Perfumer and Chemist,
63 Market atreet. below 11, Philadelphia.
Itlirje;fthnnt. ferget that la the rlmxpeet
awl nmst extensire manutaxtorr in ti, citytt: . ,te him tt
Matchless Illacking_ano Inks.
BLACK IN•3“—wo -- anted sup-r:6; to •ny Tot 66•641
pnlll, au,] In rL.J in any rum.!. Matufactured
by 11016/K1 N6ON 4 CO ,tlustry nyar N6rtl, Third.
Et. Ploladolph., I'o,
4 , ACTIJRIIII, No. .11 000th ~....uutl litre., (shove
CUrnuttl. root NiJo.)l'LLll•6olph,.. tebl y
wu. uuktcy ...
u. .... aciaY.
i 108.15
. 15 gale tinware, Nu..:11 rt., Ptsil.l.lg4na. 101
1. J. tlrelololl. •. IA, ot6
• •. 10,111,11.
itUCK. NOR Ai CO., 'l'ohacco
o.ancale•lou 61nrch.16, No. 41 North W•ter Ntreet,
•.'r. 16 North Whatymi. ougl
- -
To' Dealers in , Liquors, &e.
J. COMTE, French Iteetitier. 360 Ei g hth
elm., NEU 110{K, ha, hi Didtdlnd In full ,dnr
eaT,llY":, fW. r.r.:PVgi r r .. 4 t e ‘ o ' gr..,a t i 1 ... n rt ‘' e7AO
The ilrandy and lilt medully tondo u
an la the bet nnripla u.J dd. South or !tam,
and Holland; Or utaallty ordtllo to tar. of thelminnta.
tlona from those mut:ld-ink Dvalara arr
thrall aml
,nd, of the nualitnn, and forward their ord,d, to the of
tien. 411 Wand. at net, SEW dOIIX. which till In promptly
ettendnl to. nyndm
. .
American Hardware.
II) LIVEN & DOUGLASS, Manufneturerte
RI Agent., N 0.5 Plata atrg.t, thraodiaar, from Paladin.,
Saa aktka Hour Writ, duo attention of tha
Hardware Wad.. to tarir ,Sto.rk 11 thaals racriwrd tilirret
Ha. mauutartarera. and aala favoralde firma
. _ .
New-York India Rubber Warehouse,
.11 - t. 27 Maiden Lane, and No. 59 Nar , av rtrrrQ
• Pleat corner from firouiway. Foshan 211 Ya...1 . 2-11hst_
SUI3SCRIBER, Proprtetor of thim os
tablisbutout. would inform Vs old enothmera, abd
merchants generally, that ha le daily reociring rron. hoe
wine, an unto , ually large and excellent t o of India
}lubber Goole manufactur,xl expressly 10. the Vtall Trade,
and whirl, from haring introducui eerend new and
tinenlid attention contlanwp In roe pani to the Many tan
tor, of 11 , orudaral_plaln CARRIAGE CLAYTLI.of all wilt!.
from ;;-.1 to 1:-.1 'trims/re. The drillenneearefullyeel,te4
(mu the beet tom. a. and egmad with the fin. amtn,whleh
Ordiehee aqua , tu patent leather. tie also manufactures
tt.t. rr+naLtt, I.loth, • highly do:portant improvement ra
t rtd-ly dtgrovereq, l -y which the cloth lagmule M hear an
exp,t resemblance to enarnele,l leather. lb. plain Iltilah
made aml gold an u•oal. Ordere &Ingrid efwelfr the rariaty
oll.:11:31i01.8.—A nturk , of all the dlffemet ntylee
and earirtme. Irons the Imported Vara Robbery to the re
uwded Ver,tual Men's. Wornetes and
(7413.1rrrn'• Nao, NMI.. .a earnial, WOunerea
Forrt.l and Lined Robber. ge.
A, rumtuete laeortment of the following alwara on hand: lI
NlaclnheheNenata. Cages, l'ottelw, Varna, LIM Present es.
Driving More., Benue Gine.. hector Jacket, Cara, Leg
gin,. Tobacco Wallet,. Mannn.a ikittr.thwrlt.lnn.tink..
Ilorm Coen, binet.)3,a+l Not t+ Foam d'aelmo,Shm.-
der prase.. Verge Italian,. Air hall, 1/0111. and Vittanrt.
tonttner wi th ever, description of Itubbertlorele.
Ml.. manufacturer nt Vulestalsed Itublwi Door
'under (loud year), Patent
TLe Owns will be truant • moot certaln rum and me.
x ttr: h oLCl=l.lll.o,l, Ideachtua them sod tenet.
;ore Rubber ltrnent for Helene nee.
,117.:3211 U . 1101,031 A\.
Elawli! Cloaks! Mantillas!
. ..... .
.I[ 4 l S. MILLS, No. 6 Cortbu st. N.. York,
1:4 . 1. of LI. Fhas I VC•reb:mw, a frurb
of FRII stud Wirarr llALS,,oriniu• or . 11 . tth .
:4+461 aud.boulebtle Wool Lone i'bluvrlu. lugetber
• full .. ,, urttnrot of Frre^b and Viun. *quart...Al Locu
of rue, - gmle.
....xtecouve kruvlc of Coburg, Merino, Thlb•Lrilk.
Natal. awl Velvet CLO MANTILLAS. FACKb. Jtr. of
e•r,,,u• •n,l m‘nxturbure.l from Parlu pert . tn.. GI hi+ own te.eke.,
1-m<e:6ll Kr
ioult. th. •purtal ettentlla ni . boubh,ll awl We.,
ern Memhaut. to the . tbs,rtin bind ....orb
:Loeb. end re...1)-uk•du euorlik`jor Ladmi
nn0t,.....u, in thorn..
A .ur b, . uupertur Klltk All. , tt ?LANDS, oxitiblunir
/10f. dre.,....1 ereri.rolorKl
k. A/ owl jeldif
To the Public.
NBI .1 RUBBER SIIOEt 4 ..—OUT attention
pi has teen called man sulvertirrinent by Hones Mitar.
put , 114.1 In the tiew York Herald of Ilth July. ISsl.and
the eonner end Enquirer of ammo date. In which, alter
1 • meet, nom. ri led ahnao of our &Mortic e; Wm. Jude., La,
Ch./ . 51 . biz.) artth pirating Ottoil.
enee rotYl3l undertow own nuns, and that he doe+ not
'inhitocerroArear's Eittenta them.utamurintrof shrew.
W., have purchased our hernia., fur the manufacture of
Rubber elm. under tioeslyem's ratan.. and read
our nieneyArid are doily laming • tolifr.for the same; and
r IfLor re m= might hare dm. the mane, if 1114posod to
Jo an. rather than pirate pun tlonlyear's rat,nu. tie
think it more .inst to puiThase Wright, ui nee a ralld
to o , than iurthige it ill, Iht - y harmu been promeutul,
ach.wltateed Goodyear's -mode tottlQuomt, NZI
.71,T1 in future non to infrtn, patente Ile Is now
atterapti ng. not only to inftimen paid patents,
-currie., who have, tor • I.,c^ Untehavod
rut Imues and now of that, and wnehara,
Mr. Day. direetle. alai that oter our own atztaturee, with
Ptiattng pot Patent, In the manuta-ture
i of
tu, oboes sr hleb ho e. 11: ring to the pntalm and give
notice that no and all at are euncernel with we
ending hi, Ilco.t, made In violation ratsaid l'at.
ant ltidh will he mseetited.
v k ItPBUEII hid
.11 7-';glt left Tmunnr
THE Z$1:11 1.,,,
Ere goa „ a lsttbi, -ident.
Pistr Ice., July VAL.
Superior Black Wri , and Ca .• ".
Superior Black Writing and Copying ink
RUSE'S EMPIRE INK, t 37 Nasau street,
op N... var..
on draught, tor ga11en.......... . rant,
Mi.. in the Le., arttele mani a It 11,w, fr..l7
I. ot o-Ood 001•11 Nil Itili —aria will nit e.rrode. otenhl,
!.'11.!''••"::::21' 1..;-,-74'Otr'4';:;,,..laTle'4%ohri'i‘l,',11:1,;;::Zr4
ml , l ulepted kr the ' t , ..e ' l•en.
.111- nixtertu:ned ii . , , prepared L. torntth to the trid,i et.
Met - kr el.prvt or b - we enneutuptka.l. at th• aline., vary
t , ...prlre put up a twr onler, and dehrereal In ape part
po the ea) ime ei °barge. Err:Large lor [She. liareeto
or Ite,l•te char,e.l extra at nott e.•et.
lid tiatuku it. Pun Hut/ding,
• •I'f. it ('IIOOK.
Profesior Alex. C. Barry'a Tricopherous,
A kR. 3fEincATEI) CO3IPOUND, for ro.
m.. 7 .I”ra, preeerving nut le•antifylng 11,. h a ir ,tradira,
Du, ',no end dendrulk and rninnglitnealennt LI, ettln,
tnl•:V'te.,',.'rrir,e,'l totn4Wr"lto".ntir.t.;:t arrVv9'.',T4t!
ernr,•• tku prolo••/.1 tn. nun. en., in runng di.e.,....inf a.
el.-2n. 00 ,- .1 the In,rse, .0,1 all the Ml:Ortal bn0 . J.431. rt.
%,11,•*.he t•r-tneulal, ezt. , -ted teem turn/tree. ,d Anon".
'Wt.... u 111 e, r r , , i, An•••• tbe value of the prep-Intl..
and tho P.:lunation In which it ie lA./ by thee,. let. hare
g•ren .! a Leta::
Ncwt. hept.
Peor.•ll•2ar—ltear Per—lfhsre !Awn saidal loth n exp. rruptlon of the reteLlp, of • mot aggravelott cher
lap! FilelPen rewo, sod during that period
Inv. Lad the Wrlh. of walnut' the unit rotniiprot
PP... Sol hare trifoi .11 the prpuarntloap for the heir and
40.1 u nom ktown. frlflomt Ire Pt benpflt 1 area utrine4
I, • Iripud to try. f our Trtrofh+row. 1 414 no, La • lest
'pp.. nl,l, to mr purprl, expl gretifiration, found
Purml In stall" taro month.. Snch Cap the Tioeurr of the
41,41 pp thet at tin,. I en. P•ftiol7 141 . 1 .
1, , ....Kull, romp, v.ll itAvd.rE,
. 144 (Wm:alga •Iff.m., 11rooh It..
boot, oct.:-.1,
- ittt:ur—lly Mar nit—A bou t two la., ago my bah.
c-me ...ta . growl deal, &Da my head IVAN much anfieted
taut, dand !Van told by a friend to tr., TollerriMPll*2-
0u... and ao, and to my talnui.,htneut, my hair mu
firtalr nadad, and all the dandrntr dirapneerwl, a r tba
haul now Show, for lta.lh
yr t r bised't nerd
• W " r."4**t.
TS TH 4 RAI/WELL, e 4,3 Broadway.
If any lady or aCntleman doubt. the authenticity of Ma
abova, they will plea,. call it - Profero, C Barry office,
la 7 Broadway, New York, where he will produn thy unity.
nal bdtem.
and hheest Arm% Nor. C, ISM.)
tud l
„ T o,.
oo !..
g y: t l ; t ty rt anut th eze h of baldoons
the tn.pubtrity enjoyed bylhe erne!. known airr " r hed,
Barry'. !frieophornue. or Mainland tknopoomL It u.nd hy the upper dawn, of the mono It " "x"
Rhona erer , nur....ry In the land It to need I u°
of the kiod. It Imonrte .. " tr',,,!" . "7
the hem nod thus promotes Ito kr.v.etb
Il dee , troys the dnodntl7 ond •,.. sod Lble
, [ to lf ,
io n: it l tl o oex._ 10:111 tut dinooste of tho map.
d anal other obruktioue dieor of Ibe mkt°. ehekoneeo a. well amenteeny. It runuln
untiesiled. It I. roll rke bottle, Prior Ze.,nts, et
guttorany, throusthout
THOJILAS .1111.14,
lONTINUES his usual faeilitilis to receive
i'/Oragr. Sale, end Inuohnunent..ll Merrhenthee
.4,1.4,11 lam. My. do , k .11n1., for MI lola..
On Mo. L. stool
a,* the 11l nI. CAnal and hirer.
Meso.. Jones it Mulcon
Mr. John A. (4usaleo. an.s4lm
Wm. H.
LA AND A UCTI.MI:IIt, No. it ise,a r r I•LOBIA,
L..prdnl nttenklmt emn:ommon Lupines. angle:,
'MIDDLE - 1'1)N, RILEY 5;
Comm sod Foroonnou M , roloonto, on the
Loteo. t p,..
1 , w1,0. to Alexaml, r Jooo end Loo,, ~typx C. 0.,
kAN'ID Attorney at Law,
milCncool,innor 103 Ponno,loonio. rt. Lout, M.o.
..,:noooroalon. 'from.) . on•worod
iptlN RANKIN, Attorney and CoUr.l-
1t.t.,71 ' . 1 :;;,.. 0r `
Itelon.tooo—l'moawron. loot. 0. I Forsortl. a llarniOnn
Milkr, 3.loVluro. John Ma. Par Pr. Ellroo,lll.
oConl • Cn aa,l4 lr
Time Bills ,
:a ssIiViLLE:
• !'"L'afUND
owehnnhi ;1 fseDrAtts rat
jpARfS GREEN - 1 441 cues of the ...
Neut. reraplat ET lb. eat ee‘tet et the
xilerwan Inatitute for uniformity ef Alai/band lag being
l, „apast, 1..0 brilliant, aml.pennanent Orem gel pro
anew': Pnrchsaing Mmetig Imo tbe manufacturer. ve
ceo •ble to All on ea Womble terseene any one W.- fps
the 3.l3flabblins : J. COLLOONMALEI6II iltClzb,
land and Lots.
Fr, OR SALE, on the PennKylvania Canal,
wf wining tbsIODA WORKS atTarrntont.
Fllitwn Acres of Land. with u estwahle coal ptfriirge of
.hout h../ arr... of gr*s.l goal. Thi. prtopert, IS well snit
lis.s sw h !......w "r u r &or;n ' t ' k.
me snow, of mat. .4 thy , sug. ' sod Firer for tratotgre
if not wl.l iul,ntupl.4.f,re the Erst so Do.r.ontwr to• It.
It will he 1.1 011tila loh, and w.ll. tem. and in uosntl-.
ties to suit purelnwers, a. man,- here spolied for budding
lot, In iug to 11k...v:11 J.-lust' for houses and 101 l In the
opuogllste .-isity the exten,g Wurk• now as
eration to:15 - 1t - 1,0 t TllOl-0 ItI.:I.LON
I-- •
).ESI , IIA BLE PR , OPEET , II , 1,;01t nn ,LIAL
sod rA
unning 120 Wel 10 Caws'. Thu prr.perty 1. but
'hurt dl+talDw- from the Jac...l of the Ohio god Penns,' snow
1-113r0 .\ 71 T;: : ;is ' ilitil I gi'd170....1.1 and 1.1.: Front rt..
Private Residence for Sale.
THE .31 , neriher tders for nale his e...r1
cot, NTltir situatnl an the Allegheny .t
ghost four nag, from the eit v Pittsburgh...a
mnt.ning trom NINE to TEN
It tilsottuda w )11:111:, of ground. under
g high stsn• cultteetWo. ith :shruldowry.
itrnamental sad Emit Tre.s, of chunk every deseription,
Partneri,. Lund.- es,. Enquire 1.1 FRANCE - SO. 1 1 011.F.V.
t lbrty
the of Ste-prs it. P01.7.E1.1. CO.. No Z.:l
To Leo
ri.HE well 'known EAGLE HOTEL, fx.;
now ifecospird by Col 'trios ti attar., elawaii.
Thin tame and o ft...boor Iletel—rontalnfon upward.;
of 1 . 211 fla., X ern...turn, parlor by feet, a ladle.'
parrot awl firJll/11, . 4 private parl,rs with bed ren., el
floated, dlNinv so leet—altuaten to the torah. , windy of (Ie banter, whelerale
an heifer', hoed,
ffhtforflo the urn known looter of EITEL ht. a
CO.. run lo 144 et a r...unabe rent int. ti alley Ufe
FIRST 15.11 or Allfl I. e is ATT.I t
when itu prearot °new
pant , lean expire.
at. Yoerutly erryted iffeln thy latent and et
onortfrol eti le No i.tifer rorfounfoudettou. hearer,.
rtfoutd 0re.11,1, than the unintellelrd ruoreii of ,hr
'le ...ruffent dutiful terto hie lee..
076 f Ihrr partnnlarr o ' ofuler nt Ow
I lia owner
;ra m AUKKF.R.
eeiffTritui New. hear d ri.
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale,
LL SITUATED near t h e Ohio and Penn.
. os the viol., of Nair, Ohio,
eon unison from lin to .n.lO erre. verh. ft. In • quirt ;OA,
of eu Meatier,.
Alt.-11.0 TOWN ill's, hetween the 0re...0f hoafor..o
part off the village allffefhof. af
AII of whirl, will he Ihk . i .01, terror for the Porrba`.
ere. ?nova fo the stiff. , and ne .ll
onrylenton ,to
riffle: id the Dane, Profflolynh, 1..11 be Gast. in pay
ion, fr.& to donate a plena a Khalif& a It:fining Ilia
Ifepot .rot to a efolowtrui oi•if of company. to err, •
Virt elair 111.1.11. a. I f a fountain r,h be ha, to
poly the Leine. euJ etaifle with et. r
'u Paleca it lb. re rat robot fro •een throt Pouf.
bnt:rand Cleveland: fib, irftwfien Pal.htligb end
toe and tho feniefit to demon from the Flank iloa..ti
.w brio* ronorortefl to Spa from irfalew, towlefro not al
the nor. luqurtan t pi iot, en the Intro( ',tiro., fur a neat
flue Hetet
,alt to .
~rem. If . July 1. 'hl on thine:,
TO LET—A larg“ and ronvenient i l
no P.entol stre.-1.1.....en Wood
tgolthfietil kolotre nt
eels , WM II ..1.111,‘..T0N
Great Bargain!
—The MANSION !MUSK. formerly Root nr R.
. - }t il l ., Rind [low try ti ntlerell at private ht..
Tai Iln.l is 01..1.1. 0, 16.12.121 Ruin, sort 6.0101ng
the ken.m of the P..noi Isonla Itailtotol Pangenger et,
tino—h. rented fin il,tUt ry r 1 oar—b.. pn...o.wb of in.
nine. For further parttoulars enquire -of
FAINAIAN. trlernl All.wheny: nn It. I'AMPHYLL,
1.1..rty iitt.O.utoL Asimin.tratnre the oe..
Thorn. }ham.,doo :t
Private Residenee.for Bale.
TPROI'FITY to offered exceeding,-
X most
anti oat very twrommlidating term, It
is most eligibly ',wed In the rapidly Improving Clly.W.
of Allegheny. The .Ittiatintl Is uneurpawwwt In the route
bYt cwirtmanding a most pleasing clew of the rity of Rift.
urgh rod three rivers at a clan°, besides hen. cone,-
Went In the businescpart of Pittsburgh; combining in an
eminent deem. the adrantages or loth town awl eountry
The lot 1,1 laryr, embracmg OFSr an nee. of ground. It
one bllnltyyl and (IV feet (runt, running hark two hum
died and lily feet to an alley. The improvement, an
new, the tuna. (nob, bunt in modern style. orthe beet
material. and Znivh...l in the bent manner. baring every
eonvenience that good taste and skill could auggeet. with
d regard 10 cent.. my. There to • well of excellent wa.
er,at the doer, and sitwv old for hydrant water Carriage
house and stabling. n varlet ,- or cce
herr. In short, its oduallon and wi hoi cantage• Trull
tanandshr to
appreentled •
on •aatennation of the {Trial,. neon,
men wtubing tohase are 1130,1 to call on the oak,
signed., h., will take pleasure in wiring every informs
Ilan. it is • rare chance yourinug a delightful awn
'fence. ter {lntel... en speclatien.
ItAlltlrt [IRVIN. lit Second At
Real Estate.
~ I% SLE—'fm.n u l b, loußes and Lata in the
•r,, —on. no rty .treat,stri-the in
rin , •• nl croun4. 145 feet nn tv.heter .t..n4q, hr
SOD trrt no Song,. st. P.nqulrg at 3171-11.nrtg
nagD:tt ' lintanal
MERCHANT: , —Fe, Dar no screams, n
tang tnran, 1. , 1t ant, LOT, , , each fronnng
Lag ii. Inghea gn Hank Lan, Allegheny. (Dt. soil trntth.
Inc et a. Venn. nod Oho, ItaAnual. (within . a,nwr• al
the thqng.) am] este.(lll.lg hark lc the Canal ll.nn , than.
by alluding Din area..., ta,llllnn car abh tarn: h., e.her
the Hallrogilig
Ynr to-n.. ...1r.., U. C SIACKTOS, Allnahroy City;
nr ntD.A.., al g
and:, manor .+1 Alarke: awl 'I hurl AO.
For Sule.
ALARGE lot or piece of ground situate in
the nreth Wei of theret or eauearrn, feontlne
Itill .50 Irwt Pvlsma rt, and ext...llttx heck —feet
to (leswne,l otr.el. Tide propertr ohm.
the 611 It., `din the riernit, or the Pemale el l wa^ro‘r
of the rlate etralf. and the dwelling how. of
A, W. Lomat, eon con I. need enttehla ground
en-, roe the emotion of one, two toeMlu I re
Frtne sill re Inght groaner tetteniento.
thud In hand and the hale., in Err ennal
surttal roymetita.rervmd hr t , l.lann mortgage.'
.t le Aterli. Any', et Law.
110 /north *Meet-
LIOR RENT—Tbo 1 1 crellinr, No. 155=
1 1 . - ;
Ithr finny, house it ernspletAl The bed chamber un the
second duos Oss • bath torus attarhed, rich hot and weld
rater, grater elFird.AT
Aleod—tb• Cotten l uttultrln. at a ran:lersts mi., Ensures
ettmsll Frurth street. firer Ifood
For Bale or Perpetual Lease,
FORTY-11111EL BIJ11.DIV; LOT'S, laid
oIT In Out t't,. - 74 !..L. srinlual 'lan et the Unrst
nu I•eth el Itsbeers strest.and
Ass fat sent tortlne Suns ream resslue of Oa
ru t lot Cr the {strutting iark street. lately
reenuted am pulses int.Frr •
lertne. Se_ .
sur t o, ~ jMit.E5.• BORLAND, near
the ovutts. e. or of the suberrihsr. .t Lie uttl, No 111
•Ith 'trod, Pmehor g b •
tt It 00 4111 IVII
A Good Bargain is now Offered,
/p.m Three to F..rur tou• r ueene snu u h,
user In. r 14 • tan yerd.
rt.; tu-tvrts,,, Sr The pu4s.rt r wee be .rt
del .utu Imp... sold at a tus•l t d-ont Perseus thine-se-1
purrhase 'pul e IlAIRD• 111% IN,
114 Nerra u l et. I
Wilkinsburr, Academy. !
.Ityle and Female Enyilth and C7a.ta: &Ana.
_ ...
eltilympcy, nltryyttut curt - Ph, pc
Fr II IS INSTITUTION trill he epee. for the
!:'Lri'..7 ' li?': l ii . r-lr'i 4n i ` ` ir,V7' l ;' — V i i
tli r taratartaa. t...alat ial m u d n.
Ilex tllunlretpnut Itl, elven to .11 hn
runl. n übullttny
PI 'ham. Thutaa, 14 tanavadtg wall, 1,14 eel...ame an.l
',nub, Plulleoplii, al, CheuLlneh ilul Atleynou,lrel Ay
version !tar l'lreuletn, eunlaintryr lull pereanulare attaJ
rstarattara., e.t.a raat4 IL. Principal
11111.1neltre Atli.. IC I l tY l .—lnuultYlreehernnl, -
Stone Ware Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns.
'rill: SU Itselt114:11 inf.,. th e public
A ,: l!lk!•L1 1 :::'.1 , °.1:::;:„', -1
.:i".";r...':,!'.v 'IT •".T , f , ..:"'
~....,..., . m.,,,.,,,w, • ,-,..,, ~...,.,, i1.,..w1... Late
rat idi aulartaraal tatialarlann ta hat., 18.1 Th.
a 40.1 quanta.. aar 11. e. Puton• el, that Oa, araa ea..,
uria..l. avlalaasaa art Lot., erl rut ol repair. le the water
perle<lll nue., end eted. and tete an durable . grlaulto
awl,. They an , rale. eh.", 1t... at J 11.
Caohnlaka larrart.tata..... No 14.1 Venal street,sar al Lase bay .
Z*i'll'Z'Y'lani4l*.a 7: yt;u 3l ; ', :l7fifh t tl ' l ' . ' y ' :l L le l ' U ' I ' :;;;„.T.
this.. tt urw Ply, luilauterloired at the 1,1111• OIL, end
nera ler neuve,,he paler trunyeytlnpn, Yr r,ir ta t al raaa la,
mu Alan la. ttartnalowl. It ..1-all Mi.% %MI nun he lur
untile , l It len. thun tt, half the larkaa diva.] 111..
ataVi-lawllt, JI111:1 1.. plaani.
Kentneky Mutual Lile Insurance Company. j
GUARANTY FUND, isloo,ooo. i
.. _ _
I , IIIS COMPANY offers to the insured all
'the neettritr .03 Advantages of tbe 3lutunl nod Jolt.
ue-k Planet.. h.reloton• ap(lied) rot - 0bit...1. namely: tun
rate" of ptemlota, au auntie] mum In rant,' of the per
neuter, noluln.d for the_suot/ueut ash of tbe year; an
510 t... but not excenTre ptvvirkda dor the futon. sotto
city ot members fdr the whole term of 110, with en eoulte.
hie itarrosl to the toruniulatiiig lugal ft.eurol Fuels
• Inen.e.r, payable al death, by er..lit,o - pon thar I.llelrr,
guaranty futid iltalgued for tbe perruatent aeounty of
ehort tertu tuernhere.. nod 'ale° for the present ..curtty of
Moe. for the whole terra of Me.
Ser•Thla is the only Mutual Life Ineurarire Company
whin. ratrs of premioni are hoed at fair redneed armad.
N. with a provision( or on aunuidly nocinato
Intl. of tend, tine future omunty) in exact pn,rtlon
the amount of bonne, and the tooreadug rtrl4 from ad.
wanting ago among the member...
Pamphlet., traria, lc., ginng in Satoh the plan and
WOOd %tn... Pittsburgh of the Company. furniFhed grail.,and apphrationii
for ineoreneg t , rei•od I.T 3. TrllF.TT,ttsburgh
710701.1,111.14711. M,tlral is.aultner.
lift up in ifetallir Path, a! Eft...tern Prier,.
TILE tiubsentiorti would revectluDvrj
Parity the
r e, r.f tlnni.ra arid!
ot ,ra In Own. re, ni.PriN . TEAS. l'u.
thrtallja-cur,D4 parka...lo4 an tp , esrlutl, th,
.3, ppe.rra. the ren al, p , rtert!p
Tb. advattlaur. of Teas put up Pt Mho antr. for rotalliou,
sr. no nhrsou. that tsbou:h but Int.] intr.(ll,l)
hay. ahnnot anrarrederl th, lec, Tea,
our arpah,, they
arta fa7tlttu a au. Wring ...are
much that yr ur, cntotartati' rrotivtogr. !pooh hieh
apn as Lox guallty to the
raat 4.rir All anid hp thro uhaertber. at, ,nht nu thkur
7,l',74;;T•ndl2e'yr";.""at'a I ' 4l L .'.1,`.; P,;; 1 .;•;=` "'"
' 7
herr at.
ann. ,nasp,..l tu raptna. thrnua IVcatern Pentaarl”.ata
and !On, anuth!,... soni darnact-.1 Tea, put ttP tu
I. - mann., In imp, by exlithiltuit ....Ph , ^I . .
Teta obtainm frum put trurttrti hl( knit.
°haat, that , arry toneltag. put up by on lanellni with
nur flan', Opal,uaranana
LAN.PEl:nwirt asie. Oulenain
...Intl, at the rata. nr
oe7 WU. A. IL , CLU Tra twab.r.:
250 ftrert..
CUFFEE--dOO bags prime Rio, for sole by
a.glo JAM Eh DA LZEI.I„ 5Y Wo!ar .
61UP. OAILIL SODA-20 kgs. just roo'd and
for hairtty J. :X:110, ER.
1N NIAK 1 . 0.,
.roll, Tl W 044 stregc
NIOLAiSSES---.50 bb18.4.
K. .f7_ ,,,i 7 i l i e u by -
i ir AIC M ' J - IS ; OIL - 20 1,1715. for sale by
1 4 1- 1,01,j bbl 9. Scott'', extra family, for
• wa wumosott. Lrrru: a LI,
:.:It Urn, nt.
Vll AUK ERE L - -241) lib!, No. ?t, oak by
..kflk ssos tt SCE s MoC ANo
11 bbl. No. 11, • •• • •
bbbk. No. I Lake Superior SAltnotu,
No. 1 Wane hah:
.41 bnla. Lard; Na. 3 2 .larlter..l:
St.L.i. Na, I •• . us t r,etrink
%ala: axle LP ("< . .1.) JVIt3 %% j All' • t:V.
UU eLtyyli—,so,. yards 4,4 i,
.10 quarter lira. eldth, for It Induar
uu.trior lor 14,1, loamy article rot
purpnr..s, fuel recel . l,4l awl for ante br the, pie, or 14 A, at
the ware room!. Nog.: and lo Moat ire
vtf ALL PA Kal—Frrsh at.surttrießt for
V- kit rtcvireck from the moot (.leLnand naktu
houorle. 110 1241eiptos, New lora, 4.115ue., it,
[lon to • titr,R 41 doa n , tic.Antigelg a tsf ., ! .r
Lew.. Cap and Latta.. kayos, Moo St. create WAS,
cut be tart at C WC V CA'S Jes. Warehouse.
,W 4.3 • : comer ?darker and Eesesod an.
, .•
driN and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th,
the .. eleveland and Charinmtl Itafirma Company . '
11l tend nut !rum Igapreaa train ever, eeen.
Int, g o'clock, ai iving in Otu
netati at IU o'c/nelt neat
morndM. malting 15 hour% through. For ticket, apply to
IJOIIN A. CA td(111E1 , Agrlat. (up atalml
irnruer dr Water and Smithfield ata.
<ll Or. J. MESKI3IEN.
, Monongahela limn,
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
la_ will lraln Nrw ltriglAwn at
i 1,. :, , ;4 1 71.1;i F t ra1 . A.-et Mallow at .1
KO. l'A ILK I N. Ticket Age..
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
• 28 RILES.. .
iN and alter ,)lONDAY, ALIIIU.SI' 4th,
LN g
VE NE I t areeinuer Trion will MU so follow.,
A W t t,
lo A. 31. nod 4 P 31 31.
Children under lI.WriTY ',re pt egg L.lf price.
Between nod Ils)eritlis, titre. rte.
" ttewiettgi.
' B g r lett.
tt New Bright ..... • /Er /term.. rtten. •111 be told lit re.tuced rale,
Between l' l,nol. theatelouelm.rgli end Ithehreter, h. any etation h
Itotregen Itlttehorgh go.; Sew liriegtun ~,,,,
the mune di"
rtir The. Trail, got run tt ...otitis,. hut tacurrion
iritete hutted on Jettadgr will b.. 0 ,0 1 the plum tritt
on Monday
thunihuerge rent he et the bepi.t. no 'Federaletruet. to
t'on•etigneere landing there no, where au the rt
front the Bridge to the litonon e inhelg they m.,
ltuinlbuener will gbh hero the /Innongshele
Doug. / 41 1314kiieroli pretioue to thi. lest .4i/ ot Owes,. for
l i rr n. :l 'l l
r l tt
WirIKI to market. end aging /1 -tr , eue Pet 1
•Inuu the route. tieguingere rim Vol the Onuoturr and re.
eonteled In the Care.
nig Itallrned Le et tended leijorol et•ie et
the rerlierit gracttreligl,
By order uf the lioenl litreett
_ teholitift
' T.elet Age..
' •
R”ilro.,l u/ Errn—v Pact, Lino
:301 WII kuirmul wilorl•knal
ti 1111217. NW, P AAA 3 A Oro 0.11 , 0111.113 •61.1• E T..
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
~ , •
On and after Monday, AuguKt 211th, the
Parket" of [hit Line oral leave PlitAlturatt br Lockport
et Or( 111.16M2:
Car. • r;l t v•fillEi .i. al 2 W i t I .
RZI:11 k .b 17i; h....°Y.Z,JIry "g`
rott for Philadelphia.
ifirTirno thtrolith. Pony Mut. — Cft
R y thi. new arrankement paoronit,rt
Rift ortfiNE/l than beratotorr, ,tteliot twenty nab alo
t e,
tfanal trareL)
T or; thent op arrival at Plalaietplua
prneted on 1,, Pie• York at nnoo
Take Um York and Cumberland Rartroad, at Ilarrlehurg
Itirtanre, eighty-Poor mile., Time, DOUR hoar.
Pars to J'biladelphla, fie. Fan to jtaltintoro. 10:If'
. Latticaater On do Ilarrirtotrr, PALI ou
If you &afro cheap tri1•011111C and ronifortabic .memo—;
dationo, keno our ticket, at the Tlckot Orrice, , lononr, °
holm of by
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Or of If. LEECH •t. CO., ;le
mug! , Canal !twin. Penn Ftrect:
, . 4. ,
\ or F. log 1.1 . 11. . • \
r ' '''.' ./FEZZ 1851. Z4ll
1 .
1.... vi r ns .r.l tbe PLin. ‘„ \
ci, eine I Li-Chu - a/lc:are 1,, s.,
' Via Brownxville and Cumberlionl, to Italtimore I nioCwiortn rot., sate Head:
_, and Phi
OAT . Jth4weetein. tiute. in the Dad, or
- T HE ' MORNING BOAT learee the Wharf , Juin:U.N . /Id , So's, said CIP rs. swelling uf '
the Wand Pi phut.. fi , rein. Salt Sheila,
1 !abt. the Whiz. daft'. at 8 e'eluck pe.ei , uly, P. i
he leolitur witlf ft.. oaf" at Cumberl.d neat inurnind Does. a Ur Kt., ~ Loes bf Annesne.
r ' at Thr
iteK•loreln.'unnitTitten"ti axe
;P: . Ca " ;7/NY ' it ' sni.:llern " d Ptl 1 ~,,..„„.... soins Iron the u• nf !der .
nify: Nin in th.k, :rid, rowl .',
br ".. 'iti n e ' t 2 . o 6 ? l;ll: • . 2liour a 1.... only 12. \ ', stroul.pleu 1' 1-a \(Ushdlts. , '.l
Tints thruJab to Philadelphia, an bun. Var. only Sr '
The' Nahnnal Kr..) is n..• med. Cundurtura uo wit
~ Jr,.. ill i"...41ie •
1 the Coaches hetween Itrnanseille and l'urnb.eriand, whl^b
~.. i
~ makes this decidedly the brut rant. Last_
.1 MI ,lIIMEN, Agra. 1 rim: NEST FtVA L • NA:IA:CI:4' 1k",V014 , 20, ,
rn 27 Ofire to the Idonunnahela ilnuee.
a.,,isit pon.unirtnin, / 14, likeeemat Ile/atria
t ------- --- - --•-
ol ENNSYLVANLA RAI.LROAD. I nt. '...".'",•,- et " h !ter . . motmeoOket am
I w! al ult. my statn . f mind. re cu7sil twAr. Guns.
6+l' l .q: Lers u ~" r,a,u Awe arid .thesevuedus,' whirl air.* len,
sr c ,, ,,, kn,, , n, Loaror4 2 ,
nni.,.., t n.., ,
~, J. ,,,, n , fna a„ . media lief 1., renew old the ft atielars.n uf , heultb awls
,`, itrettell. [' the td.- , -. I: tiedtrahues bad hansom. stun I
. TIME REDCTED AND SPELT, lUCILT.AsS.D. \ d nuh.tur ... ,, retnup. iLerd ipv... b. , airby actiun IN all th s
l'll E SUBSCRIBERS have the pleaxure trd.` l, ' e".. ‘. '‘
i n „,,,, au ,,„ a 1,,,,,,,„,,„ a . d ~,,,,,, s i IL, p er ,. Li t .11 .b • ...FS t., ',yrs, tbt ntood fri.m th., unP ',
ey rap • Rallroad.'that .. hare eSitniru , need Ira+ , 1 P1. 1, 4 i c‘ , . , tre..!,...i.tit i 11, (rev owl wi.,,,, i.l . Maur '
appetite doiritif.
. 1 ; 1 at Luel'port. awl canPlentli eapagot t o ddiver fry •hr b. ; , \ .„„ r• .., ~, ~,,,,‘„. ~,,. ~,,,,,,, ~ , \ , ,,.3 , ,, ~,,,,,, ;\,,,,,,,.\
• ' and Irma Philadelphia in 'FOUR ite' ,
•.!, ~,, an, u.„„,..,,,,,,,,, a ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 0 „,,,.„) a ,
~,,,, u , cp Nto.i... pritor Li.. le in titit itili. • iii Cori ..f• l'ollo
~ nr
'""hn.'t4r/qOP/....4'Zi.qt,i17 Wri, ' VE ' N. '""'"h ' ' t' t.'.. '"''' ''''
t ' ''''''•"' " "T''' '""' h.. a,
"'• the following rates of fnudbi .1
. • I tor ~...,y °I th,... t maliprunt diseases
Is heir
'''' FIRST CLAPS-1,1, theals. II als6Stines. I A k., tn , atiA they •ll no r ter ir•proored; Isr In khll rsme
' Y ''''' ra. "r it s ; ' illi . ig:Pn ' e ....ft i •'''' '' "'
dr Ore iidkille fadta`dp, never warered-t,rer cap.: L e s s ;
_ da, 1 pluune... sd• 1 rit is t\unded no om• r.03..../11..1 4 4 111 W/ A - 411.01:14 /wth
pry ar- as . SlPlfohr.l
nic!ffrSbCL.ASS--Itarillean..Q,u4l.;;.-es„.• , 1 ."' '" L OD •4 ' . ''''''‘''' • ' ' ,..k ‘ n ''''' .... ` l4 '''' .. T'''' ' ''...
~,,,,V. 7 Z. , ,,, 1 10,11,;- = ',l. ! ;• 1- 4 14 h;r44 . ..' \ • T , It ( t`''' , ...!.._.:,...'it, .rdins to epek heix, lop,,egt et.
a . - treish. .. . .......... r 1' . _..".,.,.. 'ric ' "r , ''''' U2 '''`i" ) Y ''''\4'
'ibis,.; ''''''''.. h'.\'i
ti THIRD CLAPP-4 1 sef:Peirt:Puit,r, 4.4..1...ird 1 Ur-. . down Ill \ lboatikti anal 'iris,
of 17.IisrunS,Ic
Oil. robs , . Leah C. 0., Tann, ti 'tt .4 I turn., aro/ at ess, let rdihn.. despair nf Liars ''rerTpl/d
I:11 pdrirejjaiii,i - .LO
,• .-‘...." ,'. ,' the man only talerstand ll t Ili- lune of plivinal
~.., l i PIPE. lloaln.ile rrnanClae._.:...a.lCen . u . . :. r .iSic I Rosati,. tee siva tli linsanda',. hsct a 'Adieu Dock •
; wrot e , a JA,L4., t s , , ..d=are. rill. ...I teeeill •.,1,7. ,.[Litt I. a fah, to
Mr., uf 1 onn Lan I Warlal . , f_nsete. \ try U.- and a \have e • Irak - ad:li it. prsdict'Orr tas DrIT
„i 7... . i, -\
aE 47 fc - la.x AND Earg. RAIIROAII , r''''''" - "'"" ", . '. .. \
\ . , s ,
d 1851. afirif; .1341. \ ;\; . \ ; '‘,, \\ ; \
~i.,L),,.,. i.,..0k .ini. ~,,I,L, ~,,,,, ,
7 , v EIV ROUTE To' \F t% PORK l; l' 'via \ \ ' , :`,• 1.0.1 d\ivar• ,
~ 4,-,.,7,ibtVg:t,,,,,1'.t1.,r,thy...0tirr„,,,.:.1,7.111g1,....-!'4,-C,`",..1., 5,...,.. Lito Nit, -. k take Nessure . iii•Xta., l / 4 1, • •• t ...Air
y re - Inent us .nit Cincinnati. meseixtai hot Plitaii ' n ' t-4,` . . ' ; ' lath,, r, ,, k .....1 - , ‘,....r.rwr , _., , , , ,.. vr.kk\....v...fkriv:n .
r al'r`,TN tr,', l .-1 - :',v,;°V..11,i, 1 :23 d .' , ),:; : z,z*,?..2 - ..trn...,1 ' ''''''''',' ''-
' ' \ \,,, \ "‘.
'.-.... ' A v.iry seep, i.i.... e...../.141 inlortiol .I it •Jiti.
1 1, nnewlvarla Canals
TRAINS LEAI".P. uusAint i l A.,' FOLLOWTFi \•'
4 .lad , eat tr ,sl d . 'd ..\''' '''''''," .... - tr s ' ' . 41
P'undays ekoepled.i • ‘,, . ~ ,h er d,••au• tweittrar I. n( L r \ She I, .2 hot ti he In Msrmnq 1.1, reo Train st el u'els,
- r e ner nialPtrilldldnieb•rg UJC a Ids, nine. S - . ,
\.. se,lit's 1...110w ' l\ c.. and . .oirtaturilAtke \ L &,,, ,
ti ' i l T i ;x7oie ' : . e.. E ; r''' F . .l,,,, ' ea . ~.., ','"„ - ..'''
l ,l e h r . T XV..., and I .lte s lti ' e unt rei• ell ' ate r t.a.r * ri7:l7r". ' ...: ::\t",•,":,,'',' c";,•'‘,";;l'e-1r...i. crei ' ll . . \ ..;, ' n •l ue ". .t h la ' :....7l .I‘, "
'• I er!, toll mrmur, at u o t alt.,. mak lila tboWliolt,lieiwo .•' 1 \ - ''' I 1 kltiPs s ~,, s \ .
.• to .1•-liahl in 4 .... ~..'
• The liatiteeti VD, to en Cattle T p.a. tome., 1; : ii - k rt 6 . , Itiaaas•, oes... cnunt,i, Ira, 141,...;,
A A D dad', a fare.. .ate 'at l• attasb.lts tnl n i .k_n ' sur i. ', . , e
~ ,1104,,y - -Pia/ i li i I t ti,ti ~.1, 4 4il.rt titue ekA
misdate Hae Paaaen • and 1it,,..r. ti.
aka - Fare hem Dunkirk o '..• lurk 3 6 . ..OM/ 'I • .-O '. ''Y' a ''''^. b '''' ,...- ' • '''''o' 4 ' .. . .i .. i`'‘'‘ ‘
prise. •itt ie. oteo In • hos uye .' - - my ~y, larii,iti et, , i n \
Iht• , utal'anY •Ir Pr..pateJ s trampbrt live - etzed. and it /.0.dr.... 4 al4c ad lti , Wntur. .t . '. ni ,'"
Irelrld of Ilka ind. to and h, I New lurk ~.
Particular attentisn will be ',I i 4 Shick The wan. h ' ' ' - '' ''''' ''''' " ''' 9' ''''\, ''''' ' ,' 1 )
• i,.... ~ ~,, id., iiiiei this 'du e .reat iutrauthaeaur-i •elected a ..ns"- l \ 'la' , la , l• ,X- . ''''. , la , .
parr... eanie ItailtraJa . the tt n•poidatun .4,Sb, and L Lidaiu. hudri kte -neer,: ad. ts rm.'. , I ' , di h . + ,
aal•Addt.ntial Tra.n• will to in udinniusiun ii• • ,i i , , ,ti ..16,ty. • '
vet , Itm, --,.
holidit Tariff will to , ll4talt,taril 441r0i fullpart.c. l t'.ata. ' 4 .o' 1 ,4t1 , 4 11, 11 1 / ‘ • : 1 ...A1..1... \ ,
11.1, , ... ii.garil to M. priee• L.f Prstat.ll..ii..... , ~ . \ rs ." ‘,, 1 rya ,
j , .1, 1 ,:A,,, n ,, ', t lIAS.W Nor, sut I '
, .. .is A ,ausa. thinSirk \
1851. ---- wEstEit iis - 18.51. Sl.r..ue ....p.LOdir,,,,At t,... P 6 ieed .•Al•iiriWt
. I TIIA NSPORTATIVN COM PA NY. '''"-u r l .:','''
, ~:';';,.,.`r,:, L.,',.,:.'',;'.":,',' / .,7.;,. ,7.,:',ir.;:', ..):::.T*'! '
....i "....aparitt.
. la.-Tp... V 1•. 'Vs. - , Pa . ~,ruints .N. loth .\\
g',4 ^- IC3lEta 'n .., P Meet. 4' J 1 ... , isll 1., ~• .k • .4'1,1 titre, ..
tug, ~, • 1 ell.. hs. l 4.11. 4.(iJii11,., .li,
/ V./'
.ern .a< \
PITTREU R G il, PIIILA DELPiJIA, BiT 1., I , - ' , e`e . '"''' h'" ',
\ t
MORE:, AND NEnt l'lttli. " '"" ' "'"'''"'''' """' '''''. \"' " l' '' '''
",.. '4 c'
. tod, to ‘,...te t e!.....x.,, el.. ~ 1 x,,...,, re "
1 Tli I: Canal Lean}; in pit.,l or ‘ tier. we • lire ' ! " . " .e! ' it.,.. ' 1,71 ' . eh Patt'at..... ... in, • Ite , sri. and ellti ibe
' I, an f. ,' Srsit r. .lit., •, • ' !... n e • i . j: ' ,l ' i r. tj„,:!:,:', ,r,tc",;'''ir l,'' ,in ..i e5,,,,...t. t..„. .„ ine - .4 ..,1 .dis 1 • ~i,
1 trerald ad , / pr0p...4 . ..d di,,,,,,. yi?, " 1,,,,, r ;;,,...,: • j inueli it %dd., ~itr ill- in.- in lb,. IA ad ,'L bun-, L4Abe u
, 1
~,,1 , „i f, ,t r, ,,, , ,i \k, , n, , BLIP ; stip-nine •.. 44.1 iiiiwilowt4 wi oi 11.1 e liti i itii, and hd ,:,
l' , ''‘' l yea., bele n...t. ter, . J., 1 i.,, tor mio., ~... 14 L
.4,1,1 to 't , 1 '''
I - 4 1.10 W....bind.
c diet,it 'lid .tae nu, al 1,. ill'etill:ii tile. in thee •setiL.n. add
I. • , HAIN a BLACK, PecepriSturs, ' iti Duitsin, tdit t...',1 sot re•ittel Punt tb ,, tte -,,, ,!.... ' j . ,
' jr,j1`1,1" , . 1 „,..,' . ;;.1',4".,,i'''. '''L e " . .lrr.b. , 1 hese also ini, a .reat 'ran\ i ',,f Dimity ruLtDeine, eat, U
, lt , slying Depot, Ns, 11l lIS tit;titt7r:t.,74l.ia- l " l is V' '" '''''",., nut the \! , i'' , w , ek nu , 1 ".". l• t'''• h
i .•
~,,TrranmiT. , b,9: .., pho,.. , ~.!...,,i..,,,,.. li nisi '‘.i........e. in, syn,to.... itup..,..1, r,
No .. 1 .1 . : N 1 4, i 1 :`, , int,', 1 , L; n 1 ., tod • /llintiod 1,, ...1... , until alt. ni.i.ruientind cuta.
T. 11. PPAltCß,%leent. \ l'''sln'' "I''''', ......I• .If L. , iiiiti 1...,
/.... . ' En. 7,,tVrat street. Nu. Vort • ' ant fr.e trpn,, 111 i eirltit Veld lei, are n_ , 1-.. l iii wor n ' r
20 lIOURS TO CLEVELAND . . ~,, • .0,1. uotw. In, s ..mita. iinr warm aoll, lic4/3111-,
\in, tun,. are te.tularind I i,el in kki repect. phiancal. ei .
tiva , = , . 185 t ; ~\,..,,,.. 4 n0t41.,1 luau 1 1144, wi, , it l i. itijetill :n./ . purVe
dioi...tiww....tri*::'l'..,l'l:...' t'lL:,..wilik'N'n'l":24.-'4.1"i'•arri';')fr'.......T.:;1,,,,::: l'acket and Railroad LaTe to Cterdirod. ; roo • ii ~sear roliwwwl I, it, our .aptou!ktior tuarttolt '
I.3ASSENCLIEIZS 41eave every morning at„ 9 j xretit , t l . I !e!re rtoti, %mita', h it:mil:On i
•, e'elock, by steamboat to Bearer, thenes, by espres. I .Ser•S' ii. isdrujoe ante.. put up . 'arum \Sittea..,..
' , nal l'ankule Wildly...Ahem', KY ritL•burah and Clots ; timing' a quiurt. - And name L.I tbe Si rup ILDpau on the
land Ilairroad tri Cleveland. '
.„, oeee, wort. ILI. ...1,,r ,J.n.tor, . L . F Benn.N . , L. the e•
614 - I , 4ratii Clereland.'&loo
tail , . It rem-,
In t l ,, ea I , 4 , i:id. •11:: ho , una, To e C h •e ,, Zl4..
, 3; Inure; t, , u
~, ~,,....,...,
~ , ,
~ ,
um t.,,,i.nt...t., t 1,11..11L/1 the, ri rti.r o ,
Ticket. given thy dush 0
1 , 4/' 1, .... 0. , “ +ILL.' ktiri t i i i ell 1,1, ,iii It lilt it ' t \t, ttei li al
Vla Columbus sod 4ent ~ - 1 1eer.1.,,,t ~ 1 Citiellititti I '-: j , \ , h., ~ j A Ce. ,
~ ,
. j, , „, ij , ,
~ , i . ,, j j j, ...,.% ,
J. ~,,,,,,,„ ,„,. ,„, ~,,,,,, „, m „,,,,.. ~,„„ ,4.. , i,......,...1.. 1.. et .1.5.,..1Lam. , % Ileentny da
Cleveland every eventn • at di, n . ,11.6.a, 0, the ndeudid L. I‘, hue.
I% e-d. , ....4u.: L .C. 14... e, far .n. Ik. an
summon. of C. inn Ralead , I. fi.o 1,1.114 Wit 111'1 it, n.rour • . W iii 4 0 1 .4.=• 1 4 1 11 ,4, 1-. r".^ 1, 1 • ' 11 . 1 " r 1 '''
(bonen at 77 5 o'clock. A. A., by Railroad to S. /Inflate. , ' '
.0, .„,„,,,,.,,,,,..„,,,,,,, ~,, ph„,,, i.,„. ~....„,i i .„.,,, . Iterhidld.....l e 6.. u. iluntrn.i.4,u„:l:.. .ht:litilials,enise, 11.
During_ low water in Ile Ohio river, thin tau. to Clronr- 1 Ihid, nia'nd a Ct . Indians. J. Si.. Wri,..L t. Rdttenturda 'bt .
nab. Et. Lerma and Galena. lull be! oned much quicker.. 1,r...... a Cc. ill, s., ...‘ 1-r •n iti sod. Del eusbida
cheaper, and plv.auter, than tine ether.
CLARKE a PALK'S, Narrator,, , 1 •D, '" • 'n't ‘....`'' '• '-''''',"''''• 'U.'''. s Ks 's\ a . .0
Rounm.rek. Pa. il, utsi,..tu ....1.,.t., F. ',1.. ~ e an, • i.d Vii,
C .
" ' s ''' - "Y . ',1a'.;.'"',i,,,,i,.•„„ ', - , ,--", ~,,- ~' - ---4 , , c ,, ,i ,-, .. k , ~., c I ,
, lUp stairs) corner et Smithfield-Wail iv, streets. \ I" " l''''''' ' '''''‘.''''''''• ''''''''''''"•,. Di -~. ."4 " .
opposite the Itconagebela House. \ ll2r. l'rni -- . ...1.1 ~hu ;a `a.,.‘ li:V.l, ~,r i!b.
rem yin'-1 '.
ille.,:a I
~-.....'. \ Juthi's Ittetnen ted Liquid C u ticle, '\, ;..i
UNION 'LINE ! riiip:,..ll,.rici..,E. intended fer I{tonly aut., t
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. I + l f i , " , - '^ ,, t N. , Lsk, ,, ~ ~ k .•, . ‘..., ,,,,, f 1,.•
„,„, ~ ~,,,- ...,-„, , trft,t, eet lili e' u- I it., 'II PI. 0,
, tr • iar'\ 'PP` tue i ti.d., v.,. two
tt. arl 1..0 ',. le :aid
CLARKE. PARES A CO. . -.. , ... hoinhaska, Pet. us. ete t, in. and au.: fail.. two ...1....,...1 It ....... da
CIRM BERLIN. CRAWFORD a Cit......C‘teasess. fs. rrp. , aluse ' ,
lIIS well known Line le , noir prepared to
n'"1,','„":1,":„!.?„:1,„•;`,11."..,`„"..7„..,!'„ta t ' , - :',..'„'„';',',';''..`:::,";',.'',',',',"j` n " ,:... !,.,,'
transp,rt freight and•passens,. (*of , . nrrNßUlaill ; ; ;oft ; e 1 - le `,. Vt• I , tit ;et .t.' I Still . .i`'....iii. t'` "iriii t .i.
aI:CLEVELAND to any tednt on the Canal and L.itteu- , ,/, ~ • i . o o , . ', i . „.i..i ~... . ... 41 11/./iii.o. os -.4
The facilities,/ th • e, Line •re untsurpa.,./ ,n number.qual- l ~-,.•:-., ila r,P.V.,:to r ;, ' i' r ' 5i ' 1. ' ,:...%,...r. in op -uts elv,
ty, find eopooftr.of Booth, oxpononee of Of mire, find el. 1 fiti;:t4: cu.. 4441, 1, .io. i 4.i , 1 tall 4111r-..1 fl rrli kr.
ellSar,' of Agent.,
l" , .`ore DIPP.u. . ' , mud, All
ns Boat leaves Pittsburgh Ana elwrolsoil datlr.roLillng 1 •'''' ', i AI. La, uutri.
1 1 1 AI , D. 3 1. It, tee'
In entloortlon with • Lim/ of sualubowit.4 betarsett PITIIs- ' be o
BURGH and Iit:AVER, and a Line of brat ulasestram Nut. I ' "p. tea riurrioa. 4 l'.. " ~.,
(Impeller and teasels) orutbe Lak, h. st 0,1,1. 1.4.,.11. It, - '... and
1ea3i11..,'" 1.-11 kit, M. D . 'ti.
C O:4l3lOSECtii ;
1ied....1, uur ti tittle:, 31. /J.,, ly••
Parts A Co., linktirriWnwl,..l.l
1 tvanprlrlng all 0.. ~ c ortising übsuerans en the Lily 0 tar,
A. • :..Z..61 ° .A. " ...r.. 7.1,°i.i.....: 1 ,41.idl..owni )la.
i, A. / A F./N..1101:K A OU., ate
C Prentiss. Ravenna-0, /or eels by
•., ....,rner 0 e , -a . i 12 , !:t et. Alb
Itearton A Co, Itfirofefff, 0 .; '" ; ; " 21
Rent, Online] a Co-, knef ken. 9-
I% Ell COM l' LA kl‘. 1' of five year6 *, stand, , tit,
'll. A. Miller. Cuvaltara Fall., is_
Wheeler. lA, A Co.. Akrnn, el, ' ' I_A
' tot eirred ter u•, OW ~e annuroeus D . 's, end dn., -t , '
'lender , . I Pettihone.sundualty City. 0- l era e.ll rd. 1.11.1. n. pr. pa.Pd 'Sy It r..ShILF.IF, •'.
P., Ichmo k 6nnU, 'loin!, m • / ..RIN, to r , ...., J.W.11, 'AI. r ,
G. Willinin• A C... Detunt. Cliehig., ' Mr P. I, setie,e- turt 11,4 wilt. 0r...,.,. 1 i ,. ,
thoinornwn it IA., .4111•wrlt., 44, r i .e.„. 00 .. no ~.ur 1.. tor PO.. which Isait.eitertalSocandia
Oen. C a r'ibbs a en.. Cloceais 111, el ei.t, r 0-ed 111 tilt t part cf Itin irntr I. 31.0
Thum Wile, Cbkann, 11. ~,,,i„ „. t...• tense. asiu lAtind lb, ru or orgiral..
•.//11.1:i A. I:A.111111E1r. Ace?... leu i..d,: , .L, " . ' alb, tn.,. girt beatinel, ,I. ei. t6r
- nal red. Water and SmithEald a, Plii4horwl, iw , w ii. i. no -i. rliel tLirriselwrl,4pl44l / is Cordrelto.ll,4,
N., ...Wt. tow ..• tau, ..i... 1 brio loru artneted writ, Bev
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents . - v .' uninlinutnearlr bse Pettit, eau /i4ri. ri-,,,, w r ,,,,,,, Xue
lit, •iii, titil /V •6111. it illit i Ilium it roar Liver fate. '''''
r i N ii 1.; line pasxenger steamer! , ...! u, xte..o, ho. rllort.l 11, goo., 1n,,,, i.,.,,,,,,,..,, , ,.,,.,
A „,.
AL SKATER and MICITIOAN No. ...” ff'fil ; i . .I ' l.l ' oP..t l t ' . ' W ' r " . ' rr, ' 'o ' rilaa * w r t ' •Plbr to th l ' o % Al' r'Wboll7l•l', 41.'4‘1'.'1V1-4.1C":14.1, 7:1
• ro. lliolt lani110:14 4 4 / 11 • 1411 . 1 . , .1 , 11.-
e eeter. irrery day, (Sands', ext.p.d,) an p.... , , , , - ' • 11. ' , "• 1 T, , , ,,, .. , '' . 1 -jv f , ..i . •, ,... •
~,,,,,,:b„.,,r,..17,,,,,s Isosab ,,, ordla at S ,
,', u ,,,, It.- . .,, r ,!' .... ., - ', : , p,,,h•scr,. ion inquetater that ell Poitit ' i ' l l , l, i - tAter ‘ •
Pereous lepton.: In eio to D.av, .n a ps. re 4 .eur, la , 1 . 11 t.. ,ther than (bast prtpu.s.Sby It P. ski,ILIII-I,NO
Treke. td lt , w,ht.Lied- ,Liul [wok . Pittrworwh. 4.1 • . 4,1,11, ; ./. 140011 , f f k'f.f. are eolaffenlooff of Lite liiltitit liii • 1
It dee. cord Ur down Olie 11, • •tikt , tip nes . t.
~ , , , ,
tar Colvin apr . l2 on Lou, mo FteuroWw.. ' 1,4 ‘ 41, 1,1 • ; ril4ol'. ALEN. C. BAItRY'S TIkIiOP/1 13.
effl..blf.ffo No .... or at thr olio, of
- i jr„ hou:.. uic ta.ED.CAITO COMPI)V,J. 11,
1 rsaurdyni , r the Prviti r Jnellt . ._en . re d bal dne. ',.ll7l .ldikt •' lSes " n OT .
..,.. Cor. tTa l te ' r . ,l ' i•un ' i n tln " . l lnts . , A r'r ' tta ' v intrish.
Freight , 1., ii . rittil tttli giiile ly, tn. tan rfffieffnl Ito, V • P •1 1 1 . , /r •,'
. i ligament Made to Forward ) ... , :4,, , , , ,.).. q i ths lt.hMa knuan a5bu,,,,,,,_
, Lir edlcaedCointouud. n il .4 cirwurivri *IAA le.
TO lIALTIAIORE IN FIVE DAVE, the utile+ •laasem cf, the , ototaanty; ,a elmert e'rer, ln 111% A
Ak T SAME RATES PENNSYLVANIA M Y ; l 7'. " lnQ,"„J4l,l;;;;;,'":::,'Tft'''l. ,, ;‘ , LW ..,..
pi LI-AMMO/kb COMPANY ret•Mim to Philadod , hia,hy Nu , rrhoiotes 141,0,1.11 Ile 6 tittilitiiiiiiii dtgh: ' it ar
col ODE AQs • . a etc.,. the olutellialf and feurl, •rAniiik.4 Ow L.MraLuxua ..
-11 1 1 .racy- Nark 4•14 Warn. Me, Pitts'Ar. gli,,,sy• lt , agt cialn andliseaser of tin\ •calp; such aateald \1 ,
-----------__ - Med, at. itorxhaaxtratirrotxxxtenoildurdersor Aten..' -
WO , COAL FLAYS-For sale I n z r zz . if t.l7.4 i : 01.. 1 , w t,“4....ri t ...5 q ...J. AI •ki
..is2ll • J
J. ECHONHAEIpdt A C 0 . 24 Weal It: 71 . ..f.3 " N - ,' '''Tii. etf.Mtikfl Gad 4. OW.
. .
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
riN II E line pannenger steamer! ,
lIKAVEK anti StlettlttAN Ntn. 'II jgg p ta
tinrit larnlintrt at Illtnbantla WI lin
ftentr. irrpry. day, (tltatdan evniand,) an log lov et—
leav,s Ilttobottib at n Itn-tinnt.r r v
3lichmean ' •u,
p'. r. t • mt.
1' rwua vknbing to tn.:, to 11.avt, an pr. r .eunuta
It.tcht..l..r and bark mn fittrinagh. n,ntn.
Ti ~Ye4 corl dovn One •Lb.i 11, tin. nt •tll t.
tor ticketn app.l2
or a Lou, tt, ntearatntabk - Itratet.' nr
t mt
No.!. ,
Cor. Wom,t s ,with. Id mp, I %ll.nm:b.
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
./A RAILROAD COMPANY rezatolayllittria..,
jvrner-Prark !ad Wsyrie MA, Pitteg.
COAL.FLAYS—For Bale b)
Aral J. ECHONSIAKER* 00.24 Woc4
ANiE - _ - nleekl
Yfitt 2111 E CURE 0
TIN, IV,flool.ln*C,Will
A s TINA,-004:-umi-rtoN.
I N .offeriny, t.. 1 the ' .. alitnumuitv tiiis jus ' lly
IL r.d.itrated routedy fur dlrea..iput the ihroat tm,i mock,
I it ia tv,l toar Pleb t.. trifle With th - a ht., vr health ttl IL.
m., attlil. but trivalt id tey ladd . v:t,th-o. no-. ottani... Nf
diolluttuithed dt,to and killm. id tltet ttt v1ett.,.... ,o it. an,
t vet.. frvai ultin't they 1,4. inlx..14ft••••••••I. We. nt,
tl•frly pkvldd ttaktai ten to rota, rtu •"*.a..t.i.,.,,.,1,, NI, of Ittittllttvttt, tau Will Velvtl,l out •1., L..,.. t,
,Itering humanity v bleb flu-1. add rutt'at err.,
~,,,,„, i,,,„,
~e, bet,. giver, mat wt , t4lttlt at. inquiry
frum if,e publle tutu all wit Itutdi.h. Ine•1114.1/4•....,ornI•lt•Yq
tyilisfillyillsclll;M•M,lly r.:11A4 , ...1.0 the ti.t.ttto,- ttt.rth.
their Ira" . - outitlatate Vud Pat.:vale. :\ -
I From the thottuautabed Itruliatur of Chetah.): el! it.
t • terittallettlea, Bowdoist it... 11, ved
. \
IMO ~, I YI.: I yM114...1 aun•epiol the r1,11•Y•r•I j tar re.
Itara.tia. until I had ah ol'ltt , l o oltt of •ttutvott Ma rt .,
ete. it. ivy .itru famtly ;at its the tualllea of I rad.
1 Itit. I hare now dour. wlth • Utah dettreevf veteta ion,
in env , tath ot ttJultataud ctuldrat,-, .
hut, u.'v.,l it. is 3 ilniMOnlML.r. , • l,o ••• ...1.0"...1 OW
...,,t • •• .MI 14/11..t •yni J... N..
' '• . ' l',(t. 1:11 Uhl. A 11:La ! , 11, it h.\
I From so Ater., to ttto t Mott Malt, iu U. 1.11,.1
hr. 1. C. Alia t I have lavv.i
: tonal of the iturt.t crtuvh I
ttver h a d in lot Ilk, by ,on 'tat/11/al Itadttuttat.," and
n e ver
fall, when ,hare oysto pity of reed...tato, it
to {Ahe: oura, reartltt't . . ,
Ltarettl, Aug. 10, 1349. "It. D .I.3lkHltkiN.
at - 'Revd IL. follow inK, atal ve• if taut...IMAM ia worth
A 1,...1. 'tom patter" had be.c.ttote ter terble t and theef
etv of the Ilyntseme •a. uttuittavarst.l divtinett—
LI. tt,. Hurt, , M.M..... X ..)1.1) I, INV..
In 3 C Avra—.Yart I hatot.... vldit It 11/10 6.11210
all...tutu of iii. , lumr.... and at( 111.. hyulA,autt,of st.tll4
nmytkl,,nya. tor Lunn 1t.‘11.. 'NY. I toul.l titaf to me.
.Itetti. that aduld r-tartt art tat, wait FrulittlatottrVd the
11....., 3..1, 1 . 1.01 y P01.11M., •fi\M gr.. wo.nyatnii ~.•
1,1. •••••1 I 1.1.•• tv•it arvullty ..‘,.‘1,1 My 01n...403. Mail
Ilyy h,ith it. ..,11 amt. snln,•••1 Whit , uttua /dui tot"
Lowy.. I Ital Ind vtattn:alt..n.ot ttur , vtlb it rat ette,
end friend, tit !row°, tt r woo, Diyinet, WI., iya.l
Fn.. •tl/1.....1...1 n0m1i...y...r....1411.11,1-0 , ..,tore at
lark of brt.mbittt i hare Itteuttie .1.,.1 tot Int Uivtel
t \
to,. t , tau. a...ram:tor, I ' , opt rvt iv, Ito 'Y . •
J I. t',4111 , 1 . N, tf ft- 11, Carob,.
1 L. , ortttwitur vv.... 4 th. a•rt.z t t• ctn., .Loth it..
id,' .. ~. ... ahl is wt.., 11, 1,,,,t0 I . tte ~- ow •t• t... .MIA
1 A r(t—(r, •n• l•a(1 , •/. .../11%1. (Augb.
.oalo . !.I 1 .
11.• is •tt.. Yo• 11,
tf r( at(a/ 1 1.., A, • (1. (,(;(•-: ato. tS
me a NAO. 1.• IA/.1 1 1 /i•J r.
at((tAr 11,010 to mot ke•
1:4 I? (. oan•al It .tmotott, .1
/ noon I.kor.A Ea( Laallb mud,' itopro(ol :o /L . .*
toouth• Yam ..ii .1A att. tie. '11.11./ ,11 •11(11,((a my aaly \
•al, ) (Ao (A(4l m•A/In• NOS I..l•Ag a ,l)aratatol..
.1( /I`k-111.:1
p,./..,•160.1. .IAI/. •( A (4.•t0 4(..,•
L(A.all. Maw( (A
M4:l la & `f1(1
tit,14.41i lnr., .61 I. MI. 5 uN'N.,l , 'N it
r ti/1y
RYE IVIIISKE • A lot soperiar
'via ity.." for wile by • • ' "
UTTER---I.l ), Lkegs and 11 4 t:ble..:Abce No.
) arriTrsula k ror ! Z.•• by • . P. suisnen. .
hoc rut 141156mnd Stmt.
lila.: Ll s itTIIK-1,00 , bags critio,
EARL ' ASII-16'ensks for saie Vit . B .•
16.111. E LEATII__ heml
, b fOr .sk by o'4) W. F. WILSON,
RA S-10i;b1S. White, fox'
LS Batting; \
C'n4h. "l/LI:VIJ ' N* co.
1.101 . .1 4 ,11—..`y cults pureur,, for eMle
j 110 CO 'FEE \,..250 hags Green, ii3rimle by...
a a \ _ J. tR. 'LOU).
OBACCu manufeeted. foi
sal. by ' J. it IL PLUM
OrO,und rasa. 13sos
spi6E,s--300,nuit!i-dia; ' ' • .
TlC . ikf3ilrateitli, a ex,
,f,ODFlStt—ftejeired Or gaiety
' or, WM. A\ NieCLURO &CO.' •
riII.ANNERE' OIL-30 bbLs. boat :quality
by . (u.l) J. SW AXAIIAIII &Mk
4;4 PEI7WIIL casks im obi •
no W
ICE-10 res. prime Carolina, Enos& by
Jun, 4.41. JA5(1.1 A. larrcurson
Is s I:AD-550 pigs (11.1.e1-.7 ....., : - , ------ 1 -- 7" - ' \ . •
f „4, , 4••1 &ninth, Bat: (11 .bi -6 ")_toi •IT - \ ,
0..," J A M ES 'A. Ituteulboxs.oo.
- '
iif, 31 0LASSES-20lible. pnmeSt.Lon:' , ...
~ .., .
a IoSiIE,N AND - 11 . .- R. (.1.1RE,c4E..— . -Co ',--•,,,
•CI ~ ,nurc,n-tmul •nd tor rmlo by ,` ~ ' '• '' -. . , \ c
1. ' IVM. A. Meat/ROA OD: •.,
. „. ~
Iv y, AND GOLDEN SYRUP...-.111p!:;,...;
.1 , 1 . nu b•nd aqd for r2do I, ..
\n ,11 ..
______ • iVNI A. MeCIAIIISI 4 .
leo,, ; ~•..r,
S RNEKA OM (Parkersburg,)-sb, : 11 !:,: , ..."... - _,
_ _ _----
J. lop i ts i s* ,
~_., , ,
f iLIEES ' ii-1 00 boxes• Cream; ,,.;., .....,,:,. ~,..,e,
l a ) \ L° " C° 3i3113 - 411,i" .. : ,;-'-' ~. ' - '• e ;
, l_ for We br
itili ' lVi9o P EPARED CORN-10 boos - ••:,:,..::,-. ~, - ..... •
a_a..l thin &elle./ artielkluzzirarbi l i pZby . - ';‘,\, ..-
'lt ' ----:
L '\ 01L-- - 75 galls.just he'd and • ~ ',,'
Y T r' It,, l ' iCi\ \. ' (..,• ii -.a. a. aeuzia ~ .'.
R \
r. - " '
i': - .,' . . : '•-:.
_.7 EDTNi. for tile. bl- \ (000 .11- & 5E4 1,311 ., ,
NJ kft
driosL• SPONGE-230 lbs.. of anrior ,-
Q.slit, bvale h r \ (. 4) arg. 8 z 1, _a 5 ..
~ •
_,;: , -,.
BARB. A31 \ 1102% It2 . ,aaks for
r w : dl r % . '. . L . ~ ....,. '., -,
-- --->
1 ASTILE SOAP—°I •• • : • ~ - • - -
N-7 ED - rola. for mi).. foe) RSIBLLBRB.
"I . OA RSVPUNE- 11 .2...90 lbs. of superior
r rale hr (oe() B. S. SZL
(ARR. A.MMONI.4-2 ,asks for Isle
\ R. E. 13
(IASTILE SOAP—°/ boxes for sale byr :
)_ye, 136[4]
2 ,aaks for eAkby
boxes for sale by ;
. .
ARD OIL-716btals. foi e n to . ao . s , e 60117
I 4 own.lll. be T_ \ JAar7144.,4,;.i.1.4..
. N I. SSE 5--10 0 bli .. a. 1 ,,, , ,- . . s., f ,t or ti stal EcLLL
e by
, crtit ,.. ..' f f . 4;:t2 , 6 , keg s ti
‘ o \ . 1 6 tV, Gedgee
-8; I, ,CRLERRL- -0. 3F.50 bbl4Ta . * l7bit .. %)fo u r4sl . e :
ii i. , ; I. IS4-30 casks',-To R ele
NR $ •I .4 ,fl B: 0
i)Vt_f J rt rersrtel 4114 for erte
_Just reed \ sal! tor Nair! (1.17) KIDD&Q.I
l\SEE\ 3 6 t l 7a bbl f a? r co sal ,
iiIAIiDiII\ISIEED-1 cast, forule
•le • \ 3. SCIIOOII3fAILIKEt a 1064.-:
We , . Extra Fall, for
AcKk4trAL--tßd \ bblt,. Large No.
iv\ `1 : ttn low far itsls - 7 , 't:;%"-rt
s " iu
W. It AnnitJaril.t.
Ak( fdr
-000 I. nd,! °l : -. :
/ 71 *O.MAYEPLO,W T -2:
'.4.1{11 \\
11 Ep oo\ibf. In
I nps J.,11/DD
dos. fdrAale » •
ROSE'. Wl,lll-9a
OIL -15,
'rave,d,, for ha.lelfi.
oiliTios. ;No, I 'Sennett* &
br Div crs co,
3 IfOCOLATE• I .- Bort,' for sale by .
Nv€S2 . II F eiNDL I
piHEM:J-1 PAIRER=4 - . genera
... !, rort. ot or.oll goner
AT.II-,200 realm Om kk
it; \ v
. .
A '11t1.,. SO P.tRIOR Nl\ EVIVELLSKEY; .it -- • .. :, ' - ',• 1. • •
50 0 .0... s.:0141, 0., rale atY4611R1.T,T14.114.1(11 _ \ .. :. ~ -1- .. ,
~ (1:,• thamtni. Patent keepers •4 do tred , l to astir. • . '• ' \
o.... , Al , :; . c s e ,.. l:tat:l t iet, h. 1 5 ...0at) ma k
~. ) thyytWeed.r. :
e\ .. 12 calk, - *net'. tiottli , y. off. , : ' • . \ -•••••'„,
.... \ \ ee r. ;rf k , oprod•d: \ 1 , , , V . '•- • : \ .:' . .41 , .
- \ \ boo,
\ \ . \ r'd'ne'lsTt art IgUi Tl l tip
. ... ' I , - t,;:tat ive:drid ( sie,, \' • • . , . ' 4..4'
t°- \. \ %., I ° ` - ' ) •••.; . 4...1.1. 1 .?_-,,_.' -I „-..
rortol .' rahing Ila , Sgaittoll`..\\ -;
V ' •,,': s if , : 4 .,
y,IT A Iffi. rl,.;::' , ' Cl'
p e°rn to ShLiese,ll4l/nr4u-gfili builtk ‘ \' '. ' ''`,.. \' 'Ll '-'''
1( ~ h• ot . aolk toAle .4 eold It)ritadllANl : :. - V ' ..
"'rig; '
‘ ...Ce4tTlti%; i. ' • ''' ` ' l !' lle ' fi r ti - Or.lit ' t:SX ' i t tl B be l an ' T", V : \ ' , A, •
fah e AndvoTt, erceAdly retoordZi . n to. V.! \ . . :
.),•) .
ite . ka,l 10, n• od ordt, equal eopretile in ram , , '
d. No tad- ehter,tbraebre fa)te
r t r , nakeil \ ,
per •att Ilner - tf•An u,etel of Meet ann. a Wain", .`),„ . v •,, - : ,`, \
I,' St 4-pro:date: t v o) . a t 0.7 as.. or the SI taloa. t V ~,,,
, %. 1 1: ' ..I ' ol ' , '‘, t ' th h .;Vs '• '. 1..1 " i ' ; ' , ' ,.7: t4 1 =‘,,.. ''''' :\, ; - .'... , ......„:i. „.
~, ~,....., .L 0 me Piero t, Se Al cambia!, end teTokt : :.. \\ , ‘-::..-, \ ..,.• ~
)be . .4rotor is 11,•,..k Pate t adlt Boa It • ittoPre..
_,....L_ ' ‘ ,
wool, .. d 1.• attached toSthe y bk N b•l te r i.otne..Yebber , :,..5... -1\ . \
~..atestt, :Irma en,t el,ao.trota e grain, and hur l.m.‘.'• 7 :- -', \, - s -- \-,
on, .1.,, 0.n.0., abrarrey pied Ittakee cot Ilttls pow'
'er to ri,u L and eon le knort)o4. to Tldtlettios( Midi: - \ t y \
kin. t,',. -est. 'Eke adv , lll - bleo bare tha tight al y-• :-.• , , : -- t,
,k 11 , ,,,: coda ( dr :We senkrsha o at, Stones of Peas.). i ,
~. , ,
I , so 4 \ 3:ir one. .4 all ,roytli . d'Alloan States .4 the •s . '! .
~ ,
.• ,
~.. ~ t
I.Odo rt•er 'toot tof tta• 3li•-eoppt 'teed all of the . ‘ . :).
aw o 0. .44 the countokol yr 4.11...1 Opium- - , , ' • .... : .'i - \ '
0,11. \ Corn Phelle is alm:Stooesl'atent,' le ott cribs \ ' ,
.... •
~,,,,,,,,,, t,., s e in e . ea,,l not Ilkyly to det.t a °Nes. \
We 'lke Seenl, pot; awl TeI:HMIS /144, kiP i ~. . ,-,,
.. 1 , \
thirnyo: pap. in ttt tory dd I•ltuGoton, CO hare Sold' ) -, \ , • •
Atos. nunit,n, and n Ter has an Insattee borltrrorj law., , •
Alter bar , :A. , gl'eb s'n 'rs: skf' , trl ,. . : • "S u . •,. \,'
j.,,,,,,,, ~,,c1,,,,,* lir I receive attbllke Nigh a adraft,' ' • , \ , :).? , }
17.,!-',ig.,==a'r".P.T.7i =1::..?„n41.. ,•• V • • • 1 -
, -11 1 54\ \. , :::.—L.A:__ 1:, \\ , • • ':, • \ •-•
f; A. PAILNESTO . ''S VE , RMIFITGA2,77-- ;,' ~‘„ 4 \. •
The e•fen..„4' nlttrt e ectlre - rentalHor WOW'
Frout IL 1L CLAY,TOS; ;• }„bp. rttlle:1111.. klatintly . , • • •-,, - .- y \
Y1 ” .41r17 - , e D in t rAt h eeTtart Woo Li k....qb.,.M„ ~, .-, '• .:A177. r t \ •
en atoto.on toretnnlY• cdtr Ph :R01... r
1 karetooe It /or Mtn tbeint.
~, '' . ' l‘, - i,
~-' , \ , , - ). ‘ ;2" , :1t ) ),.,„ ',.-- ,
unry,o,l,4eet abltd.l,,MJl,ttl s r,,Y i eelv of ,e r fe doy 5.7 n,," 1 ,. \ ..0.:„..,.,- . ..4 \ ,
217 ,' !: , ..: ,' iT_ r 117:111 ' 117.1r:1:71 r ' nentl " Viallbin ' ti - "A L :, . ‘A., 7 • •• '--. \
~, I, ~ , ,,1D.,,..... re ynnlk, , doting seer& at ' t - 4; - •••• ' .2'tl , '\ .
El, 11,11.1 A, / Ihotigbt.b.t ollid din, \i I lennikt ore fir •.•,,,
lot ato eel a 410,0 01 rVerzolte*, hid., abottt* ', • . , : • ,\ "
day afteraeolh brought awe 'A knod,qoa Er of voradi. 1 t , \ • ' • • ' •
4 :ore tadant l ed At. [three awn aften•vardses \ •\ . • •S , ,-,
,t„ ~ t,e), re,orred. 'when insre *nod, et) of the ~ . . \ . ;, ,
Vernotue. unlell •xpeitd tab. •t SO norm a) re! Telle OS , \ i ,: v . 7
....,,.....,. \ , ,
~,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,14,1.11,1,11.b. a n..
_ _
_Attearn•\ A , 4.:
.. ,..e2,4,- •
bar re••••ory to heurternutone- R. IL L. r ... )- 1 -, i). '
~ ~, \ , .' and he kino Y. .-i
t '.
\•\ ' r- .•
, •,, , . -•
woodworm's Patent Planing M ' e,r ' , -'• , \ ', . \ \s, \ '''' .
[AI i EcEN T deViNiOllS , (et) Pi's urgh,D .\ \ . ~.,
~.6 ., ....
, (:,..:0:p. m., :::;. 1,,,3) t. uv . 441..,. ,, ,, ,, ..14,)) ' - \ , \ \;. \.-.•,' \ ,
~.,,,,'-‘ ••\ • • th ' ''..""' '''''''' °.. I. " l • r •• : - ‘ \ .• •• ' ,-: \
ritt pil
tfo , e0t0.111., In la,r 1., ,elt the `right to tme, .--: : V . •\ .„ :1\ s, \
thew )I.: h.n.l u, tho etele, o. Pew lore. at ollPetn,TYFl: • • \ ,
,-• ~?,•-• • . ,'
•11,... tto: otonto sof 1,41 •• • "I•Crot , fob , , Olten.halt e 1 - \ \ '- - `,
1,„....,,,,, ... I, tobling. /',1,21..., kl , •heene_ll
ri ~ , P Oti t er. 1 1. • . \ , ie:•. \
1`, , •,-
r t ,::, •..u r z .. , , V .,r,, n , z .i,: t ,. Vi 1 r ,,,. t,e r.;r 1 :.. Var x.. t• t :i i a , i 2 7; ,h. 4
. 5 ...,L,
~ \ .
ended Sy .I,cua arAni er•nortor to th e 27th day o f . ';' • ' \ '‘
.A. \ \ .
• .' V...
Mr•J term.
ri„.-2,., ...,- „,...-.4, .....,-. to a thckner. inli ILL, t `.• \ ‘..=,?:),.. ,\ \
,nn,.,0,. 0 , 0,,,. Noakes.] tbe beillt Ma/AWN !. .- e ,
• ea. ttot of Soirde or Plaokixt an loom-wafts also extent. : . • V\ 1
leedy t 040.1 tor dreasion tares, pi.inn 00t0.,, u o kleo r :. , • , ,
r.. toor. :tad, and bl.ndkrtuff,.,lfiiretlekentetnottidln.g\
Ott rel. of plentog are Perforated by It in a better `,
• or, and r. ,, , , ttntes.erPeditinterly and It tart ' , • ' v
dor.e by aby other klachlte, • .
The pr., of, a .inplete'Sfaebl. for plantain tornyulne .• • • '', \ , \
nd gnediny, v• froto,SSOO to 41•100, seeerding to:aroma( \ '.
aly,: trued bre to ten ham power will delve IL Nine- -1, i
yln hit...Ye:lbs of all the planed to . nat:er_newiln on, • •vt .
I 1 '
~,fln =I, it r AI.7;I ° ,. I LT,I.= t'rp......"'" I,'"Vet:, ~ • \ 4 . .•
. \, \
tNa.ll3 plantny„naills at pretext, Phi/adelybin.Sien York e , : 11 •
adnY. Tior.,llonte, Liles, ey.7.ooneolenera. Isnknite:d ;
.... , .. - 0. o *.ko..l,sektadt, kne , ,,llttsburgn. Xlettlrs. •,: t •,
Sb' 'or n' en " .. - t h'Un eln•tiv ' t ' in i n th le"-Inn a' ltt tn ' 'theee ' Muhl... ‘\'l ' 'A .•
, \
•hich en.f peyort. a, enotiondf ana...rort....kina - or loan, :: ,!. •
...;•.. \ 1
~-„,t r ,„ 4 , in „„, 0 ., „,,,,,„„„,,,,,„,„,
„, ,‘ , \ \
,„,,,,, taltyp),leletung3l.l4, v): , " :\ ,
.A ,
\ 4.dtainistratar ' ali r otice. ••. \ \
. , ..
• ETT_EI;B of Mtn nti.trati.M to tip estate . . , \ 1
4Aenihald e.h . ,-1 r tvls. Imo at kneat, toot:AID. • r ' \ r ,
.. , r ,
• • \
... M.t n . eoonl, bar., to-on,al lo Lb.. 41:.....t. ,, , , \ . ~ .
.. \ \
~ , i hvg.lo I•Soef).kle toernalop, Preedenero : A... L :I4;Si,
~ •S\)-• ' .; i \
~..), t
All 1., ,, e1.• bailor, ~ s inter agAltra .011 ...,15 .. T .,.. , . ~ \
.1 ... _ i
F yr, Treekto , ,land Co-kab. Z. • 7 . 0 1 V. 5 ~ ,,
C''''' 4 " P 7 ""l',', , .. " 111•11 . S1 ' . , 11tITIAN. Adoir.` • ~ I. ~,, \
~ , t) .,) . . .. _ j_. r
r, \
• • . ,r. r. ~
Woodwortn'e Patent Planing NC —e,r
ECE N r T deviNions (ee urgli,Da4l •
„, /al. the \ tCNZ
ett to nte, •
, thoss lon. u. tho atat, Iwo. , Fork.. ondlo Perlat r
' Van -o'tlVltttL '
dayaor 1;«rr. and thenodan• harm, •
- M ll
tendad d-rotst arant er•n gra, to tbe 21111 day of ben.
kaoo. now's:s uopiral term. •21.16 alsp • • •
n. otsrattoo. nolo , . to a thickness. and aka. •
otnanoa. atoore, loadnuts naiad the Fein 01a4151.. •
2.00 u r.N.( ot Istirds or Ulan k .4 boort -.tad is ob. onto.
sired toad f o r dressing tares, blantrag, ooptrar. µma*. •
Sad, mad bbndssoult. and air eniskang inn I •
AUkind. of plasung are Perfertord by it In better
nsr and r.air nem, ata expettitionsty and elumply.OS /1,0
br done Id a S uy other Machina • • \ •
The plod. of, a sonaplote dlaehloe for plantain tornguing. "..,• • •
and gnn'T I ng., is Irma:SA Wald:an sernrding IA Ws and `.
oultIoy,• Proof fire to ten barna power will dries IL Nlns- -
trtlne hundioltbs of all the planed lumber useadin out • •
Lorre olbon and towns is now dpmal with WoodwortWo
Masinner, which nosy U.seen entodant operation In fly
stoila plant:lamina at postrm, Pbt/adelploa..fiew York.,
Albany. Tior.,:llotto, syndateOlenera.
.1.14.1wn, °nein..Lockport. In \ htsburgh. Xindra.
Uttwon, fliatthatnnton•
For ben ...critique knots ocoat these 31ashitteat 'X'
sehten p-rson.r 47f CahtiOn(d CAttinif I.a-ism/ or wisyr
rqt. d in my of the abort ...Mts..
1•11 NA MUM.,"
\ 4.dtainistnicar'EcNoticq.
ETT_EI;B of Athunti.tratioxl otSe estate
04A,AllAdd kwaLte
munt, has., w.caftl to Lb.. ,boe.torr.
Fewakit, egatuort)
haixt,g *nn avklost
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