The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 24, 1851, Image 3

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    11 )ME MATTERS
•'l .- WS.--A slight snow telt yeSterdity, n few
titltsi;NOrils of Allegheny, towards the Butler
the excursion train Jester
. dikillfOliriaasing through the deep cut at the
ttnittcdfervithe Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, ,
Powers, a inembera military corn
, pailereindlarlington, phile ascistisig in loading
•16:muttiois; had his MITI broken by a premattrce
explosion I Ile lay . inceasible for some time,
being very much ;donned an d aearc h e d, an d was
akfirat talieveil to he dead. It is thought that
• thUuih LC portion. or thelione wag carried away,
itsceithii sinputaticn •t , `i o hr tcysiced
uraTED sr. , %•El couur.
Before the Iron. J
The Court we. occupied all day yeeterday in
the tetiah.of the cane, of Robert J. Bennett,
dieted far rabbi ng, the - tekairl - ' •
'J. B . B . veeiizer, Eat., dapearel for the',l:nited
Staten, Ideesrd. Shoo for the prit-
Otter. • s
. - - TheUlefon.lmat is Arline of a stlige vend., and
is Pee-used of opening:l,lle mails, nod taking let
tnra draughts. and money from them,
in Fa,7, - ette Couniy. l'ku'etilenee adduced was
'ebony circumstantial, untlin ,Llhmatwo wan, that
a number of lettere, soml 7 er thera 'containing
draughts. were found eonek;nled under. the
:hoards of nue of the atolls inn Med° where he,
kept his horses. Part of an envelope and a way
bill, which tfero not well concealed, led to the
The ease was not to neltbred when lite Court
• adjoutne,C
RAILEOAD:--The Ohio and Pennsylvania
Raiirpati - 69..q been completed to a, point ten miles
Rnvt cif,Nev! Brighton. •
lizgt;um}e Pith.—TbuSti3:te MutudlTire In
t...rance.Carupeny, i on Ncednesilay, - Mr,
din Fier:de, of Weettnerelatel minas., twelve
linndred . deliers. which he had an Me harp, that
was recently bill - aril down. •
.131 . 1m.rf.--The jury in the ease of the United
.13tite . A.A. Jusern" Stanley, indicted.for robbing
"thintitihntllaneansville.. Pa. ' yestertlay +return
'cod iritlt verdict of guilty. Col. lllncic, counsel
forftictirireati, made /I motion for a new trial:
Tni COUIST yr ((CA ATMS 8.113910 N s.—The Court
of Qiurrter,Stlaione. will commence its sessions.
on ?Johday. easel of importance
Tgx,ll.+ltatOio. 2, Vimr- hamiro3 end - fifty sir
passengers were conveyed over the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Railroad. on Wednesday.
Kinkellboterday, went down on the Ohio
Pennsylciiain Railroad, to Economy. He
designs, we understand, 41.eildiulca short time
ei.di the inhabitants of that pleassot little
lake. ti, ,
-. Ezet. , us (IN.-.A number of gentlemen from this
city took n triplyestentity on the Ohio and Penn
sylvania n point nine nines wont of
•New tirikhton, to which the road has been com
Arramerrai I OBBCILY:—An attempt was made
on Tuesday toihreak. into the store of Wet. 11.
Davie, at the enticr of Liberty street and the
, The thief commenced baring with efi
anger, when a dm.; Lords , hearing the comae,
barked, inul the ecoondret
- 13 .NetttHAI'', ate:roam It:. hell nobility store the eaditie of the Amemen, in- . c . t „,„„, ;,,,,,,, „„,. „, ~
Daterstouvr. Fran eso Loss or Lirc.—A most cloding the hart or Li .e, 1 .•,.,1,. Viscount 1.101in4- 1 ,,,,i. ii i .,,,,,, ~, •,...1 1.....
deploiable calm:tinily occurred yemerday morn- brute, - Lord bradord. Lacytiouelami lolvt,n, th .,,,i n , ~,_ 1 , ~,„„.,
tug, about 0 o'clock., by the by}..ning of the Lew teirt r 'and !tear Admiral ihuomils LOT d.ll
°,l, NI irtngln. 'opt ...e I, r
four-story brick addition to the Berman Orphan l it will be rornembered, married one or he Mi.. ~,,,, ,-‘,,.. i ,
~“ ~
AlYlual, Ott rogrth street, causing the death of I tlatons, of Itattimore.
i l'r,,,,cw. - Ihe afar
at least the of the orphan,. who perished in I FRANCE .1. , ,0pt0r, eat. .al.. at •
the !Lutes The fire when • first discovered was , The Pat n., of Paris. iti expiaming the re.ason Whi..k...— rh. r,
leaning in great volumes up the main stairea.e i way the Fred, Government.refused Rerun. the /,ai hhis i itii , It 'ii, ‘,
front a liasemeat room, defying every effort to i pmeilege of mistime through France, aall. Into I.lnni ect itti ~.1,, ',4 , 4
aria itit'progress, mat in the course of boll an I th e tam t uleot 1.1,,,.5uth. ato s. I ,.fr, ,„, mg the fi t , ...t.. taste- ,t -._.
hour - nothing scarcely was left of the building but i 'pipit of revolution rather than nation, it)... unit itr rile -Ttr- . '
ita bare walls. There wens one hundred and sic lis arranging a triumphal entree in: , . 'iuglaniii 0 .i..-0-1 , i iiii, ', lie
children in the house nt the time, one hundred land then contrasts him wilt, the ow- Bat. I . r .ot I : 4 ..,."....,
'of Whore Pere rescued. Three of the remaining I ti.,auy, who. allohltut , , all petal, demand •.1 .. to i ,a ni ~.
Biz, it is certain, perished, a-portion of their char ' arrival the theiptiality ~f France, whirl unit .t ,, ,•
red and almost undistingdishahle remains hay- ', ~,
~,ity accorded him,e.
ntt h an y ~., n „,., , n p,,,,, , , ~,,,,
ing been found; anft the paibrul impression in 1 g ',such was still at Marseilles ,A 1 the ~1 tent
that the-other three have met a similar fate. Our;: Louis napoleon has and:wilted tia two t ,
.. t . ,„ . ~, IL, :
firemen actedmest nobly ia saving the.orplians,',l , Fontainblean, to err, a broate matte id b the ~, ,
- rushing . into the games, regardless of all dang-i, Emperor Ny f ° l oot
. t ~0 , ~,,,.., ,“1.4, rte;
er, and otherwiseprrilling their llves most fear-1 iil'A I> i
fully. The Belief (mummy No.:, upon perreir- rA we jeers Iron „ peat tee , tree,
jettit,l precool,
.1 ,
. e, ,
t , t,
leg where the fire twa.l L,c - ard, instantly desert-.,1l ~,,, the „ to ” : t . ,te ,
~,, , e t, ,, te the
,te .:,,1...,.. tat .....
. 1...
...., ~s
eil thittir apparatne, and. rushing up to the burn-,: td England le,,,i,„„eet, to ~,,,,,,
~, 4 , ~, ,, , y, ,
~. ~.,,,.
,•,, , _
#ig edifice, devoted their entire energies in req ve „,,,,,, e.
1 , .0.-0 in • in. t
a ii.,l, 1
ranting . the ., °r P inn , ' a t ' n p lies of safety. ' find " ': 'r. Queen of Spain toad granted a 1 tis„. ~ i- ..„t, ..,:e-, .".....t ...he,. t
_grin= urtraly ueservivet all praice. The fronill .1.000 teals to the widow of Gen. Enaia - .1... rye 11l .;
I . sO I .4 '
-building Res considerably bar= but ern he madV, A merchant of Youth about to sue Ettnanth on i'ro),,on. • ale- :'a,
tenantable In a few de) a. Nearly all the furtilt a bill of erchange ` The Austrian lawyks thie1.'0,...•
tura was consumed, together with a largearnouna , hi , he personally ththle.for . htre.te .„... of hotea , t t.,,,,,, . r 1,, ,,
~ i
anew clothing for the children, recently per , !
issued Boring r'',. ~,, , ,,t or., h . t , :!'„
ao ra.,t• d I tl.. '-!. -re
chased. Otte hundred and ten bedsteads, trabi' The Emperor 'of Anat.. he-I Ler s n - „tim0n,...1
bads and bedding, were destroyed. The iota, . . 4,, telegraph in all hone frnmay -G i 4 Vienna. , ! • d I'. \ al'
loss is cstimated at 1;10 110 d, out of which there” .f or , 800 Jellaehiei, ha, aloe rt .. re.t
1..... t hash.
is sti hmurance . of $.5. 2 A1. Several Fowl' pf f • ' from ermine 1 I icriti :ail, 'iiii ht.!:
sons sad children met with narrow escapes tiara . Opit ~1 1, „„,„, pr „,
an ,
.... t
.... too 10 , .
5..., .
. 0,,
. death l 'Yi am P in g fr,on' Loy , ' when
in the
r. u Pp °r. ' Emperor arrived at Trielas in a man-ot. ear . 1 ' . 1 . ' , t - , e ' t
...„'„ta..u. for
stories. One little ''''.n. a " " nnwn ' ea. I steamer at midnight, and rontintiii.l Mi. p.n. , ,I.c. t omit in be; mid ..r.
lion with the building had - Leen 4t MY by the 1 with met rn,, ,, vt ..
i i - illtiskey 1.0 den at I
dames, appeared nt a fourth -story, window, cry- 4 ,
Our rumor was that the 51.151 C ~I aitt.(llllMoa, L ~ i , ~ _,,,,,...., ~, 1 . 1 , ,
itig OW moth to those below to him, jumped out . was
.stated 0 . , t .. , , a 1.1,-,„!u, Italy. :soo .. the say , ,
, i , !
, p.,,
=delighted in the arms of a gentlemsn:receir'
it I- a MOSTOICIII Zolltrfir . the I.rni..crats in lino I ' ..t.......0• . i 1., „rack.
ing but little injury. Another leaped tram ,an 1 gm . 3. ,
upper window on the sauth ride, and fell upon i
he „ tetrtah ~,,,,e r. . ‘
, th ~,,, h , 4 , ...,, tor '' "
r 'lg o v: ,,,,
1.,- -
the roof of tiperciebnt sustained only a trilline, , t ,,, , . for the h „ ra ' h '.... of ' the ~,,,,,,,,,,,,„
braise. 'dome however, Were seriously hurt and 1 -
, .
~. _
~.i , l l ilt T lii. r i e A p i rr .,
„n . ,
„tor, ,tt - .
I'll .
it ,
LI: ,
were currieil away helpless, lie cannot omit I
mentioning, in connection with this sad occur- , , ' "l." f ro m s l 7P .,. . _
,' : . 1.r ,‘,,,,,,, :r ,,, .
l in a state fit utimmines 1 h e ir
, reece, the generosity atid Ren•dineeted tiadaess . . ,
of lifessm Lowell Fletcher, Ilona! dlussell, and n'terviews tietareen the itdetm and. other h, r 4,
_. 3 ,, ~„.,,,„,,i ,
( i ~..=, ere CO., VII
- ether gentlemen residing near the destructive Per.onogo . • .4ta'a , l -aaldonba
e Alreeht lb. ar
A USTI'. lA. .: middling ~ -. Mut
scene, who threw their =mansions open Co the
oo „ointment of the Arch litil
orphans nod their guardians, and prepared for
' them every possible comfort theirsitempon need-' Governer of llungsm fir,' touch sill faction to ",,,,, pp,,.. ;.taip., op
ed.. These are acts worthy to berecorded, retlec- 1 the people. I
', g - ti :3.4". I iffill lei
'degas they do such puro benevolence and nobil- An Austrian corps of observation has heel, es ht
ley of !mi.—Ow:. ,
tablished 11l Turkey on the Crooned frontier, P 1... l• deprre•c , l
3 , ,
, and Batt Jellachich hail gne down to murk put t , t 1.,0,,. •:- : 7:, 'it t , !,
Tina LAQUE IN vie CANlrnles.—T h e recent t the ground .
, • 117 - 14 Is .11111. with Ili
teirible 'epidemic at the Canaries Is described vie. ]
..-0.-Priiiiitiour --The Vito.
idly by the correapondent of the Picayune: ARRIVAL tiF Till: laT h ANIL li 6Et Ili' :IA 'ti le, yell at lie 11,
iliVtory duty not record auything so sad= the
Nr. Vonit,.lllttl...r: 11 , 14 ore hilertng, at SI
epeotacte which the island of Grand Canary has
The steamer Georgta, l'ipt o Port t. arrived . _.
epeotacle olio. the an t run. canary "s
presents.l! Alm beet directed The mleonier Georgia, Cipt t Port t rirrired
prevented, and tai
i Pen24.tellipts in vain to relate each miefortunee I t h ' e ereumg. in four "Se, from "'Ole , ""eF
arid horrore, and mi
ward, woold not e tficient "'led on the even i n g of ' 11 " l' i iii
'ti todepict their intensity. The I. olcou, which woe einsiderabli one doe
at !Joyous from Chagree, had not arrived when
The epidemic supposed to be the c olera, rag
; / ea with such ftUy that the inhabitants m con.. t he til'ociPe Leff
li stenrstion abandoned the town without caring )ti the 23tn i tha Georgia evoke ihe french
to such on e .„,„ ; barque Salo in distress, the crew het
for anything but their persons, g all etch.
that they even forgot the ties of blood. Death rya
e hellhhh . she ePohe the A.teti. oo lifittiinron
. surptieed them in the midst of their flight, ,1 in &etre:se The Captain Was, sick an delirious,
i and had thrown all his matrumenCe Prerboard.
• that the roads were covered with copses over
, Sae had been fourteen day+, out trorn New Or
which- not .a tear of friendship, or of filial or Pm
tattingiere was shed, because, terror had emote. l eans, """ d f " II "" Ito '''' '''' hi r ' he f ief"
- trait] eyery sentiment except that of self-proser- i m iles Mao opeke the ttnerican.hip Java, thirty
north of Cape liatterao, kteerint st o ut . .
WlLtintl. As irllsqo be'expected, the fagitivesT
carrying with them the fatal germ; talented tho The city of Havana was perfectly q tot Very
Oectutry, which become the theatre of the most ,' heart' "'P e ' hod li re ' ffit.d i and the corn crop
horrible aceues. f WAS nearly destroy tel
...; I The !Keats, abandoned on the cit y,Atrial, d l ,
i foti want of food, and the do
the of their I tifliEf KOF TIE illtlld IiFiI.LE it 1111 F'
.: bodies, togetheesith that of the human carry., 1 Hitt iro, It, i ..i...
widelt re mained unburied In the etreets, vitiot- I The Bostou pocket ling, ltelle ii hilt, iii nem
,: •ad the atmosphere to each an extent that any .1 In . 00 of Prospect llortste, ot. Motel 9, 10 w...!
and went ashore etas s holy to, t.e
; 1 unfortunate person Who might return to the city I her me'' ,
.fell dead almost as soon as he entered a hove. . totall y wrecked Stir , hod , to h oard '''''' "' n.
i , HOWENtr, this now contre-temi. was -stopped aa gets, w h o were Enrico p t' tieing drawn/ acuore by
.1 soon no pontible by the energetic measures tab- , r.F. 3 The Belle was meet' , I . r•° •'"o for
„I en by the worthy Military Governor, and by the l'h/ M • f°o
' humanity o fthelaccoud Alcade of the Corregidor, I
-- and various young men, many of ,whom fell vie lb/al.:, th t 2,.!
1. - - -.-
^- time to their heroism. . In - the II II Circuit Court to dn ' , in the hull i
t., -: At last the supppotition was confirmed that 1 ifehher case of t"o' l 3 es , ‘s pal, a .rlom woe
.' ' the epidemic woe not the chelers Lot
s e terrine 1 tri.ii° by lit.Y . '" ci , itti'l to postpone ' v mat no
I plague of Me Afoot:, it ha nog bOen ascertained Iml Feh”tef.S sent.Mr M "it. , liokh at length,
1 that it teal introduced Into the Leland of band: `n,d in the """° of I° ' ° re , "'" k° “"'O
-i°°"•l that
Cenerb by the Echlng eerl c h whi c h
in : nner ctiVagionentc wiiiiiii ',trent Lill ante-inn,
1.1 1 . the western cotes of Africa. The poisons in the lin th e cave rater leeilee.9
. laiaturilevoted to this traffic, numbering about : " I
~, I,ol4,bare almost all perished, as there remain „„ , LioLrialoar, , Oct ii i
_i, 'only Jacob to man En o, ~.,,,,I. Aoo , o .dt og to d tie narannali News publish,' a !'titer from
ir i the ternit.,, a the raid reeeele, on oil the weetonc ti p . Sigur, owner of the Paropern, tinting ibe
' . 1 ehbres of Africa, thererigoo o deathly' pen w h, c h ' New York Courier and !Acquirer tor
=trod todneing
oanics off the inhabitatib, the mortality being co toe character cif Loper )Ir Sign, a blirb
grett,theitthe corpses are ett 0 vat upon the cnrth In •s a letter from Loper h brother I -law, who
.": incredible nut:ahem and their decomposition au g. env with Loper der.," h is last ''''''" '''' ''''''""
• meant the influendof the corrupted atmosphere his dying request to be, that. Mr. Si gut deliver
AO soon an toe Commandant General of the, i , 1111. for de°''''''''''' all the pm a ate lettere
• Province learn, ,alt hantiontneat et the c a . , o , ; t ompromisino: persons in Havana, tell Gent r-,
Las Palmor, av II
portion of tfu t z art ig,,,, o f 140P2 had left in iiir .
to pos =er ion
; I the capiyiVo bury indeed, but the ge cater. por. ! Ity the Southern pitli-titt to e'fhl 7 losee p.
Gott of tde aid/ I km are attached by We epidemic , pere from New Orleans to the Pith Tlay men
and died. i lb rho , ,in order to fire a n ids o f ; non a rumor that Senator Soule we about t
the ravagle or i th peat, it, 19 only necessary t o , resign his seat in the Senate
Statethitton_t 0 months (1,600 persons died in, - - '
i =the city iFf 4.pi.. ' Imas and 10,000 in the whole I TUE IN VASIGN IR SI Etll'o
1 • island. GP'-to be-lalst dates the plague hod I 1/.1.1 . 0.101ti . Oat 2.:
I spared the tu ' of Agerto and Fejeds. 1 The President -Los issued In- proclarnatiot
i At the tritest # ttes, August 12th, the epidem- iln
g '',. i nvasion of- Mexii o ileitlarinp our
i is abated con- !deathly in the city, though it stilt , movements e
oicubteed to detuniie tha t crinntry i
I raged in the smutty. the even of the ,t valued world ':Slfnl c Gino,. el
•. •
Evening Journal ague
11i1Vesteru Bank of White Creek, hoc regularly
reim iari . ..hilhibemi„ and hay been redeeming its
tiOteet eince• - finzurrlay. As regards the James
Sniato,kniule Taal! of New llOcheile
and thcol.ollf,tie of:Mino, nothieg new tam
tnanspiFed,;•!•lThe Ehroltervs' ate Lo p ing, up the
former triecout.; end the (ahem at 10 cont.
theightl.that - ,ehoull the Comptroller ohm
them tip foottiliptme of the matte, we hill-hold
ere i i nu td.l4: lit 'end reali.te nearly their full
Thil•EitttietryZekrr with.a captial of
hanijipat ;time into hpet:ttpor. orlon
porik'ialth'Aiteitrie, 'twit - 4'th ttreet',N,,w Cork.
.vb e has Hein titken by Inuitte9s teen, oh of
' is that,sinitiltr, In email onms, eteb, there. •e
• irtg no boldifsra'ali Firanintl . ex,riZilla 01.
The Prisideui: is 'Joseph W. Shytge,
hitti 11!Aoldetit of the. National • Insurance
Company:. '4ifotra '•4:;(4 . anit;:.rortaeriy,, Tell* o
the rikifi6T4o',...P s •
- ;~~
BrCEIVED BY TB/. o'faClLLTTuLtaeArnitEct,
the F..1(11 ohm Hermann. from Suntitmliptoo,
with dataw to the Mh inst.. being four later
thou the Americo, reached her whorf half
putt. otic tt'clock. I'. 31 .to tidy. Site hringo
I:t7 ittio.teniter.., oolong o hoot io dame. tjeertlon
Ilentsett,of the licraiti
T 1 . ,. ,}.ll •
M., on nit, 10,1
rogetl otl Moly M on Inc
AI. Nlitcholl, of the aro, of Dennis:nit &Co
Liverpool. WOO loot c.vprhottill from the taritie,
during her poestoce
rbt• citien , of Nlsuchesher .01,1 Lit erpotil wrri.
ehgrossed with preporatious for the truer:l . .
visit. She woo to tie , ml.:ttet tin' loth.
mid ht Manchester no the I Ili inel
I.ausu•uen. • 01 , 1 '7
Coitoo , • •fhe market WaS Grul, INllit son im
plored demand, anti sales m the .aunt n 1 $OOll
tsdea • 3011,1 Fong for export. Lower
of American were rather dearer The r4los on
Saturday were .1111111 ";101
bales were cold.
The market ettilacd spngton, ..f
treat, and was firm at if•• recent derline. When ,
, aml flour Lure heell in good limit, fo
.1191119010121 stet speenlanon, at an ati‘ g meg
about 2,l:gag 7o lb, and e.,l"f: 11l on tinun. ILtrr
lot met with little alterntinh arnwarne
tu,d advaneing.
• In Loudon, expeclsiliell ie on the, tiptoe-for the
al ilia! of Kees,. Is .
An roldre,s to the liemoer4ey of firali - re;lins
b.en ,issued. watt liowmilfs siguaCtared Cu tho of !lig expulsion from French territory.'
It has displeased many of his 6: ii li _ L Jnead
from its extreme time; but it is said that Kos-A
stab is hardly respoutlible fur its precis} MUM, I
owing to_as
haste awl other circumstance, attendant
upon its preparation, at the moment of Ibis re
A piece of .A.tralian gold h. reached Lon
don, weighing dk pounds.
The official quarterly return, of the llrentury
show nn improvement on the correspouttijg queir
ter of last year. Custom thrums huro edeprovtd
50,006 pounds sterling; and the earime dotile
show about nu equal advance.
The income Lax and post office revenups hate
also eansiderahly tunrsase:l. The st:lulp
revanueß hare fallen atf.
Engl6ll fund, have /men no w o n, oe tb
of the Amenco. l'etools had hdratme‘l
hot ,eloieti et ,"; eu the 7th. rozeto
ihottroaes bud oleo advimorol.- j
• la Manche:at,. their tea. hole Moto 7
fuoturefe Moog utoble to taxko conml
The hewn from the lataniatieha a, hum;
Thu excitement in Louden watt rep,-
E thibation wa, IDlen,e. On Nhoodoy.
berTt limo°, watt Itt:,elb, nod on rue
number reached 10:1.131;. The whme
w•re £52.31. Thu else woo to take i t
tleveraf love oactarreo sataa,aag
lion nobility ware the atatling of the Arne
C.l,lilug the Earl of Livera,,,i, Viscount
brOte, Lord Stallard. Lola rhauel,,,al
lOU, and lift.' Ad...xi TlttiCZols Load
it Witt I.V rortaHriberrd, married one 01
C.tiotl3, liaattlmore.
Linurtatear,Ohit. 23. _
The tiaVitOOKII News plitiliSht, a etter from
Mr. Sigur, owner of the l'ampern, +lining the
e f ,
New York Couridr and Enquirer for traducing
the character of Lopez . Mr. Sign? aso publish
es n letter from Loper 6 brother I -law, who
wan with Lopez ilurin,: hi, loot mom it•, stating
his dying request to he, that Mr. 8 gur deliver
t i him for destruction, all the pronto letter,.
compromising persons in Havana, Nil ell General_
Lopez had left in Mr. Sigur', r 0,,,,, i on .
ily the Southern papers to Ilifill re have pa
pers from New Orleans to the Pith. 1 They men
tion li rumor
„that Senator Soule was Itt.t.ll to
resign 'Ascent in the Senate.
The Preeident iN.IIPtI his proclamation
ititaintit the invasion of Itlexico'd such
ruovernrotit calculated to dettrad• tt. f country in
the even of the civilized world Y..--tfiel ail
twit art engage the matter, that i fi arrested ;0
Mexican territory, they will tie liahle to .trial
and phniehment under the NICIdCa7I laws, awl
forait nli right or claim to the protertion of this
P..0-in.l lie
committee of fishermen_ vent to Prince
Elelnrd 1510n , 1, report Inlt in tln•
gale, nod PA , here. Fifty bedinv , have teen
driven albore between Brea:ley Point and rev •
endish. They rtho report u mere refund n,hore,
north 61 . the Cape, "from the hail of Which eleven
bodies hive been tnken. A larye t,nr‘ine Irani
F.nropr is aloe odiort at :411)1e fle9
The weather to quite cool. and It ,
been elangthered for early bacon
are contracted for at $ 4 ..P. acrt ,
Dectonber. :
:::- ~~%:i-.
Reports are in eir6ilation to-tiny unfavorable
to the enlreney of Jacob Little Co. They
eiintinne . to Fay all draft% and money demands,
i bat kit to make goo , ' tkirtnin tin. the
delivery of stock._
great India Rubber iv rill; before
the roam, the ple_Minii being .•n pr•-tpoljaig the
trial 11r. Weiritrr i. vpialkickii in
OE 01 II = I 113
I h- V. I . ‘ , ...tuppi orrtled
I. .t.l New lok ood w II ona on :blur
..i,l 1,‘,.11,..1 :114e munik a,tteo
11.1 II CoUNTY
,Sit' ": ATI, I
! • Th.. n111'4111414044 eoulay is US
1 1 01 - i.iproor 44 god. 1.0111 I 0,111 1. 2. Vin •
\ Vot
Liem. . 11041,11. Peen • Evklry, Wlaig,
odges oP
the 4'ourt t':‘ ,
I 111,4%
• Ileavy gales lose gr., ailed no the fly star•
I • I • ttestiay. Itottir front Buffalo lt, Iron ...Ilk
I,t piitki. regular trip-.
Till' ET4iI.TIVI: .lEltitl
Nl\l NORA, X1,.1
, It is reported title to night. that the fattaive
alave Jerry, who wa, r , ready resetw.d Spa,
yore, 1”14 laaat arreuted thi4
Peet ittuver, t Oet
V emeriti,' evening, 11 Canll l llllo Isoltmu
run user by; the Sinuitigton fat+, near the .lettot,
; instantly
Thu 06.tion trgioirt for anotohers of Con
ga•+, nod of the Stlte Legkl Ulao to
ileoOe OVOU the now l'on,tlintitm. took Owe to
day 11 e tote o yet hot len 'retort,
'file vote tor the new Conetiintion. in Alexafe
Aria. Ifiebtoeie4 .111 Peter Omn i ., p vet no 'vvev.
ate of aboat ate lot, to one against it. In .‘lexnu
aris ir vent. 1:4, for. and 1
We trite pottilng relative to Congress or the
Finite Leg,•lionre
The Stiatii kg...l:tor-31 Fair tittrartrd nun
to•.lay, ail.: the
,rounds It highly iittrairciiii•aliaiii
IMIEM•l gr.t. pr.,,tat t..t •et.. 11,1 •
! tie ~ I ntnitt., 1111Ve gr,rtv. , l 1,411
.gmr hi. iimbiltv hir
tr.,g, Inles;:. i.t IC.. Cry u 1
n gg••• ••mutitee ,01
•rI hi Nr • 1 ,, 4r. 11. r
1.:11 I, lei I , 11l , Prr.l.lvsit
,ht all I lb.. llTorAhir
I tl l•
tlt MI 1
{ft) l
d T .1 1 .,
riEr , II
Flour - •Sni•-4 ,144111 - 1 OA, , I I_ Ins
Lr to
mn, it
1 1 Iv. tvr
t •
nol2t.n, awl u...tvrt.
Thrtngl, r
h , Tr.r.hh.•
l'rr,xch.. -The rsNri.ti
1.1u4vt,111,1.. .:11101
11/111 I.lU4tellat it' r
gti , ...•
1111 ttm tivice• • t ' 't:t
l'.l/4111.13‘11 I 4 ,C . . 11.• o' l,, I ;
r • .1, r 4 ri`t. . I•Kt :
. .
t• I Flt I'M Lt.!: ANIt.
.1 .1 • lit """.
'liter, a lai,k •1,1,4111.:1.1.. • .
titl•i• I: I I ,
, 7 i••"•• 1 , 4••4 , ."
5.,1):2iN1 1•11:7 1, - ,blpinent itl: • t•I.1
1.1•• • ra for 1 •.,• ..t.
WCOL 4(1 it 1 . 1 , 1 t,/ 10.,
Wl.i,kry In II nt I , •; -€) pal
%nit , t. 14. tr,zl
O.! er , l
.1 kngt..l
rile root' Itc- •„{n. c
Mil , ts. • 0,
•,1e• 3,4t,r , h,1 Iny l . l
fir, CAN . ., 1 , 1141111 reporthtar
ti-. ,(0,1 etnrli v (111111 . . , L1kg , c
Gr,erir-• yew
100111". g. r“.
Fl.or I+ depree•e4 ..+ utlerc.l T •L'
• ,•, 17 • 1i liltll Pili4 •• • nl stir, lbe
l'n.vl+ter, --The Shock i• redurt-i.
P. le+ +ell ni llc Ile++ ;+ ;;I;lrig, large
IP. Mr hilerlng 4 r.1 ~;."
d ow NI, •,l {'..rim
r o
rt... 4 omlom.ta fr'm. thr +.4
itll.nt mmo ot ft.. I'm
er.t ',tor 1.11 mourlov . . MI. -1 ol 1
e; ook. SI nII 00..M...1 '01•11.'or
omm.rono IA , o o .i 1.. Im•Ir.
•1+,11 , 10/, f,ll' m
tq r
mu. r,r. .uwt Iv
t.loora oml Imm•mit secoM•L' . . L. 11
toll , . of
,o•li.tle,l 1)... •
z.,^ni kS
uiror !m.o.T. I orn
•o tt• • • mmor. 1-0 ilmt• tot., Ar .Irlonno. I,
otiormrm roor 1 . •/...rd•
, Si'mt,ll.raltool W.holt
• ' • 1 . 11.'1.0 011
-? • 1,
1 , 5 Ll*, plum NM Coll.,
A 1.1:51-4-:.11 r• I
all I. a
/11,N1 4
IV. 1 , 1 A . 1. 4 1E 1. 111 I.
1.,- extra
' „
crrf:ll h.:-11
- A sl • • 1/1.1,•
8 ALEI: ATI i f..r i V
for Awl. 1.,
VIA , A Nli PENNA. It. It. 1 ,,
p." 111 1.
Awl f.•••1•Alt,
AEAT 111 I;• II nl eidr , I , l , 3lL i tit:ipe 4l '
1.11.14:1—re•IA, ;•
4 )L1) II 1 - A 1“t ..1
A I 1,1•1.A.1?• 1 .. A i'• I •
..• _ -
11 - 11:1(-• I li) .
A L'l vET Fa. AN, h„,T.
1.1 r - 1, 11. ' , PN..
ILI/EARL A,7i it 40 I,:kry tOr
• 11
LE LETA I I Kit It ~
EN EIC A 011,..(1'.irker,burv.) -
.. . _
KED 1,111, r
1.0 j IL lAA lk.
ye, Lhurrl• 11n11,193F.
IL.P.K.A.RLhii----.3ocamks Tidams', • fur 1;a - ie
Am I n,
Il o 0 bead
rabli JuriuF
lOvit.,L 1
\ LE , 4.N TIIC. VINE::
\l It MN I A ELronoN
Oftiort’ at
,Li 4.1
obe it • nt Wher.
t . . 1 venirrt, at ..Ikie
;w Itc- •„{n. c rp
United States Patent Office.
IJ a,..1 dlra Inn r
Do 1.1.16 616 - 1661.., :near.
• _ - _ • • -
. . . .
w..t3IES BLAKELY, European "44; TREMONT ROUSE,
JI .n,, , nt sal Deal, In Forec4t. rxat,titttr., - . t . 111.1,T0N, M.t.S.,
LP L..
sett; ...r tht. ft.Liorrint, Yerlt•t Liuen!
1 1 1.ttnyn 1.,,,,...1.5tnyt t ,..1.4... !.......-..N,.„ y„, „,', L i, . r ill In S , well known establishment is still om
i du,te.i In lb. sato. nntturtn, It ban 1•1....1 - • 1 1• , .. Th•
.n.‘lll v.. r.,1 111., ...lilt,: frt.rll "`• n ;. , n... 1 Inner rout rel aunt bl•vntnt , nituatlott ..1 tl.• it 114••• tl.,
i• -I It {, , 21, Ina ;114 t 1 t I err ntrab t teuttlitn, mita t1....n...t0tt. at..1.11,..t...- t... 1-.
,„. ~„„ 5 .,„ ~,,,„ ,t... ~.1.. „,,, L„„,,,,,, 1 found tb•re.. nnitmbtrt• 1.. r.. 1,1•1. tt att.,•...1•1. ilt.t ...11...,
n l-4 . 11.1.tyt ..sor t uttattilt. n t.,.to. b. Ilitt .4,1, , 11..... Wt.,. N.... 1.41..... 11.. 11.1 t, ....11..n. , Ilaytunt I.G. u nit. .I 1.b.. ttlltt ..1 J•bt. 1., a..
t ..... 11.• . 1.11...1 rm.,. month .... tont, nt lb. Lew ...1 tho •st:olinhestrett 11.••t• r
1' i.. 1.. - .........1 1 .-• n la. oft. tr..tu 1.11. rt....! all 4 Nr. , ~.I
V..r! I.• tot • •.t...t...lttat to i....• _
1111 II 11,110.1.11
,:1.. -r,i. IF. 111 \.. `\.. ItL
:A. ul.. l..tA
~ 0 0 Insanity.
Pa,. 1...... for ro....trane tr. to r , . in 1.. r.. tr. t.t.min
. • . r
'ir......, ~. I An. ma.l ........,.. ro t•tm.l..m., I ) It. r.' II A 111.P.S STI LW ELL, rut, ng rittm
.-t. . 1.-. 1..11r nr Um “1ttr.......1' 11. 1ar.....1t ~ 1'... rot. . „,... tm tt... irr.....,.. ... ri ' ,'6,,, ...... I ..rt. , . ' •I. '
.....11 . 1rt.1.1.n. and .-t ”....rtr: , • 1t.tr1.r. 4 `.' , -. ,,, ...t. " the 11....1 lettli•-.. or 11....1,...m..... art, .....,...t....u...1......1 rt...
r ." " .- " . ''l . " .. t r '''' t. Nl' . I "" . .`r r " I :....m...... ,3.1... m. Itn... ..,•14..1 nr....t..... lor the p.n.,. - ....1
lir... • ... :Is, ..1,..11..r. ...tin, ..1 : - .‘lt. Imi 1 .1.... r., . „..., i.„„.}, a th e ~,,,,......„,,,,, .„.. 1... ....1.11...1 Ir.M.
°. Vitt...lmM '•MII i In the umr.t....., awl I n 1: Itlr .. m 11.. ...........,
"..n.- " - . " 4 " .. ' u r ar. " "M . " , '.....^ 'l r 1.4 ''' .... . " b " ' ..:.i. N...1......,..101. •,.. VII 11. tht.1.1 , 111 A •..,... 1...
,t,./, ~ ,114 1.4 their tit....t. ... .... part or 1......1nua.
It. mt.,. •It. , ,ltruct,..r 11..1.......t. m al t. taro ort-,, ur , Cie-- 's
gg Perfumery and Fancy Soaps.
rn "'"'" - ''''' ''" ."''''''''" '" ''''' "' — " l "'''' "'' l ""'' ' rirli ENE ,n t. 't a n'..l,. .1 - l'o , rlttietY.
ti .v Irronwlir .It4t. L...., ..I Ilm Ott., Mvortt, on. ....1 I
t... ..r.. .mluelt lin, 1r.)1t2 1.1100 Ito .... btu., trurtl....) ! ,m.., , ..I rt .tl. m,...n...,...,...., I, tntlr. mr ,,, t , '.. ,
or 1., rt. , . etc,. Sartrettnnt -hi, on In....tntrlr (strum. It. . 1,,, , let,. ~,,..m, m 3.,,, t ..,. r.... m 1 n...m.... Trattlt ...I
~ I 1 1.1 ..1. (0rn , ..r.. .m Warw.. rio,r 1,, , 0w.wi .1...1.1 Mtn.tor, e 1...—. 1..1i rt., .....1 cal., nirlttt. , •-I
t o .t,r....,,,e1...1.. 11.- tn---.1..1.....1 .1..1a5 1re...air...1.n 4 i . . Melt .,
1.... • , • , ..7 , k , .r ., . 1 , , , T, .. t , , .•••••,( ,M1.•311... llaltittmrr. It ;...3•1•• ‘T 0101,0.1 F, Ira Flr... Ntn.l 11,. n n... 1111.1 •
1 . 1.....1..1r.b.e. t...rit• 1.,11, mild L....5UM:111 1111 - m ., ! 11 . 11..1.4...r, PIC.IIII, Ta/1/1. A1am....1. 1..nt.• .14 l'nt!..l
r•mttmrtrer tr. s mu 11.., 1...... 'Lim, t... 'mu.. to I S .t..t.n,....; ,r.nnt, limr It. •. I ..1.., r... I - •
I ,111 ES 1:1.AKIL:41 I 1 .,,,,,.. 1 .,, th , r0.r..m,.....)....,.. tts:l6-,..• 11 , ,, . Mil. !Ir. -
I frt.m.l... In tt.••.. amt...., ro. 1,11.1 r. rintr
Steam Communication between Hew York ;','„,.. 0, 0 . ,ht 1.....”......, . ~... um. m.... , 1,!..,, ,, .rrt tlr
.1..11N T 1 . 1.1,01..
• and Glasgow. I ''"'' ''' r..,,,,,,,, m..,1...,..‘,
rilr. cM,..gou :tn.! Now York I , Nlnrk..l mrm.l. 14.1.. t.. ,I. V .,
II r.i....umbli. 1 . ..4.,...1, .. ~. v...... 1,41 0., -,
I ,r.. 1 pumt •. •51......, enttrit.l,•r. rt .t. I tr. ..1, ..iv..i..... n
I.rrem ar
...., • . t0...L. tn. , .•1" Ma. C- ''' t . ..
1 6 1- %III: !M111k66.111. 1 1 .•.. r•1‘.1 . 4••• , - , eaa
tik ,• Lll,ll6lni .6x1 6 1,111
1•,1...11 , ,1t.a 11.•••••
~,~~' ci,~~k:r
t.~.i ~ .e.., ~.i.. ~~m ne t_. ~i. .~~.i;.i.
. .
1,.11 b. et, Ihr rI& .rly net
Itelieng'e Philadelphia ilk Liverpool Lino
of Packets.
c p c i i 'ailing from in ..519,e46 1.
1:01' !inthatiii.l 11.rn,
- &Ifni! F 1 . 6”1116. 1 61/.61...
,11.41•16 .111 1 X - 1.174 11 11'..4,
11, •1.16•
mer. 11... t. 111. 616.1.161 y 116..,
6 1,.., 661,1 1.6...101 .111.1.1
gl,. ikj .61 ta1r..t...1.4.
I . 61.6 •., Ow Old
of ....wt. 1,11
z 0... 6.64.6 ~,,, Ir.-16.11.i .1..1 Lit
a tr . ($1,6•1. them litte
..,.• rut thrir
, I, Arm... LI tortfliK ntol .1.•••• t• P.Fff l fif
- lint, • or 1..1 • 4,,•• lit ll 111
o. 1'..1
fil• • 1.1..• Lot,
1 k In folf.ortria .. 1 ,,1.11... • f1...1AM
• . J...." • f er
••••• N Ito tuatt,..l.l, It, .I.l.rur I It• tlr
ff, •I If, pr.., of., 12 t rar• •,1
N a
id,. 1 ft N.Li.,1411•11..,.11. , ..r war,
• ""
z, 1,.•• ;11T1,7trit.:1,
1,11. Irat/r
///,.1 k.r errrsx is 1 , 11: • ur & A Co
~'1'F:A~l F ):I'l'N
~... s ir n
\IN 101 'l l ll. 9.1,13•
A. t
N 111 AND sy
hi.. 1.1 I %V. I'l I I'M
L giL:
S: Bennett
Vk' 1: 1:1:„;(11t0y:
‘•ot i;vryn,3l . - • 17. i•
"'" " *"."
Iram ' ..C..
I 1.
11 , , , ,1h1• 1,1
T.ll, S% s/th
FRE , SII 4iii(n • LREES ;I\l , Si Superior Black Writingand Copying Ink
I.l\h:'..l{ll I. \1,'••t ,
• ••':.-." , ;:.:1:1
• l•f r• 1. 3.• 'y • 1.044" • no.t . ,• • . t , .1 •I. —•,•1 • 111 ,•• !Er Il ls.u
y• • tolk. riltrybb. I • tb.• •11.1
1 . - •; ,. . , • Vat., Ln. Null aLy.r.,1 4 1 , , •0•4 0.•
YI I,^IM,LI flarta,il th. Irsl•
C•ry:IY,•••• Ow. b•r •ty••• - 1 , a ly.••• n.ntonyyotbm. •1 • 1 •••••••
• 1,.12nyy. iv.. • all by b.. ra , r ,
11. LIAM? , a 1... lb. S. ,, bnibb b• • • B•rr.:•
t • I 1111,1,1, .1.• ,T.
- A History of Pittsburgh. Soottvati ••011 110114:ttvrt
vt t 1 )%., II 1.1,
ilti Fit. j
I 11 1 ,...Y. 1. 1. ,l j tti.t".t.... it Professor Alex. '6. Barry's Tricopherous.
oit MEDIe '.l F. 1:1011'01: NI),
rtnturt ..14
.t• —4. Rt. 4•441,1.1. the liair
tt• t" 4. ' " j" .. % ".4 , nn4 r i.rr .4.. 41..4* , 11,.
' 4 " "n " i ' '' " " 4 tir.
. 4 " t. " •° ` ." " 1.. tr,il cr,
•"""°"" ••" n"l i t " •
' ' .4... 1 . ‘ l, . ...4• 1 14. il •
"'"" 4-4 .4 " 4 ' 4i4• " 4-
sr. trau Las I tr, I, a. .1, ,slather " "
a... 1•
• s h,a.t rr 11,•• Ra+.l. Ittriti•nts. 0.1
„, if ~ . .1100. as 001.11.• rrl
! r.
0,0, • 0 t .0 0•0 00 OW , 4110 rtt.. '."•••""°./°..• ' 4 ° ,o •••,• 0, 1 1 4 -.1 1 4.111• 40 . 1 .R 1 .1 , 4 4
.t' ftetrr. 101 la.l rtll.o.t. )• at I,i
isul 1.0.* 44.1 0 , 1 phi,.
-I R ., Rt. .11 tn. a•
.4.• 1 I It 0.14,0♦ .40 ut t vit vitt
" 1114..1 • zr. 1,1„„; '''-" "
Boarding. t., tu, .11,/ , tt. 1.4‘4.1 t 0,11
, R•
rrN 4 1.1. F 11 LI ettn h. nitrom- 4 °' t• •• . 1 -4 44 , - ,
Al' I.IK
.1.4 11..14.-
ir.. -• 11, - r.i
41111 14' exiliattge (with p
tiu.l) ttut.o.ol 01 01 st.r 1%0 1.1 ILIA".•
I .441, anil 1 , no - ^“
•.• 441, "''''' • ° , • 4 E.,. R. 411 1.11,. 441..1.1 .11.,,,eati.a. a. 1.
•ti nid T. it.,
111 A 1,1 N t.Olllllll 'q.t.,, for si l k
witti I Aim rim rt *Jr,.
a•,, 111111 , 11 lit. 4 ell, s reet 1:.1.. , , , 1 . n,,1,, yr5 1
1-141.-1 .1..
IF( - f• 1 1;11ti ittiirvir
I .l nt' \
J' N.;\ - - , h
4 0A E SIAM It ; j
•'•'" ""”I" tin " 1...r4-. I
.„. ••1414 • i....tArt.
.. It, t. r 1, 11• 0 1( •141...1 4. th.• 4l.lientr..“ ~,,,
.... 1.401 ant f..- • 111• 11 Ai; 111,
I I ', ""°" ":"'"' J
- laid". j 'rm....
oth , , .1 .1.1 , u • all thvtstte• 01 It, vO , ll ,
tali Et 1 R. ”1;.,J, •
01"1 1,0111).01 tr.+ ..1 lit. tAtn, 010 tort v.v. lt •.0•011,11),. 0 1101,1)
I I;,k'l II L. It ii;ilil/ ~/11. :Ink s for •.110
• I:1.10411.. 1 '...111,111 414 C, If
It -7t)
t . FF. ,
I A 1 ; 1I Lit
" 1-
WI. 17
S 1
ruutter,.. s3lo by
Yi iPnP 4 1,•11.11A
..‘,...,,,,, , I' ., II"'I _ : ( 1-11CA(1) ANI) l ' lI I
- 1
PI: KNI 1011. 17 la.! tur -11.• 1.%
1,1, .. -%. ; a-- /ay 1.t. , , THOMAS HALE,
si ^, ohm:- imi %,," A ilDiNiri, ri)limi: 4 :111IN 51131 : 11 : 111t4T.
s !tic “I“. 11.1.p.,.1-.
f , UNTINUF:ti . IIiS ti.lrd Lwil/lii-g 1.. r.,•5551`
II 4AI 1 ItAAW, / 0/11 1 ,1111 / i / 1,11 , M tult , ,Il 11.. httn , itta
'''"' l
V , ‘ ,•; ' ...t.1,7, tt h„tn.r ~ „,...• a Ittni 1t...1. I...att.t In. .1.. I. 4,,, t., ~, ~..t . t.
L ,„ 1 5 .,,1 s It , „,..,-, 1 ,t ..... co AI u,. '5, to. 1..a.t.t. ah.l the 1111.,,, 1 /Mk/ oh,' 11. b. A
515 ltblin A. Akt'll,
4.1 , / k 11, lkil I , Alikr .
Wm. H. I:Laskin.
~••=. ••• ,, '. 4, ...."' 1 4 i ENERAL COMAII,:•101\ NI E la.'ll A NT
'' ”`" '' r., """' "'"r - - - - --.-- : 1 I ANIP APL'S lultEklt t :... ... 11.0.., .4,....t. itl.tpltl A.
...1./t , 1.15515 51 501 A , •5 , 1.1t.,,tb ,t 11.1
i 1 ..yettal atta.soutt h. 10t0n,,,,,tn 1.1,11wn. •YA ill 1
'''001) 1./i . 1 , . REFINE!) F1.111'.1..\ J... 1 .
~ _
___ _
r. , t x.. r• 1 at,.l I .1 ...le lb
. 1 1,105 t , 1,1 1 T. LOUIS a: Si . JOS},I 3 H.
1, , 1 . 51 x 1\1 . 1 1 .. . A I. 1 : :"I - Ir. t. 1. 1 ,. for rule I.r
11./lp A i t.
•: '
, , . . -- s , i r vi i v 111 I DDLETON, RI 1.i.'.1 . ,5 MIRK,
iiii ,, , ,, E- ~,- 4-1, - --.., , .. - ,-- -., ~,.,..,.,,,,,,.,,,.,..,n1 I,.rrrnt 11, 11.,:hant ..t, M..
A ~lt.i Itttltlltlltta A I.. , it,,tr i el,
liljlVl 1 F. lt .5 haw. ."upply .11 iluanr.l min, l i , 1' , ... 1 , 1 1V , ...,..1. "' l,l . . 1 ... 1,, ...... 1 1.....n' '.....,.......
~ .1. . .
..1 ay..., ....,.. 415 to I anti 1 r 0 Itorte.el .tt., '
' ...t., ' t •
1 - Itlhtltblltll.o l , i k hAI 11 , t.. TUTTLL, .11,0rn..3 . .t L• is.
. __ .... .. .
I 7 au.ll:..tunti , ..lmit r iA I, t.t, ttt .1..., • : 5..55, Rt.
IV 1 N I,o‘l lIIA IC D PA I , Eit i1i,i , ..1
~„ , , 05 ,,,,,„,..,
~,.....„ ,
111011.5 t, I ALM !It
i i (MN ii. RANK IN, Attorney and Ootin
tt, 11, at Law, and Cotntnlamnpr i, 11 a 1.10, ~ 1
: i l l I ,,:t i . i , . 1. 1 ' .., t, l . '" ' s'
' tl l t t : 'l t: ' A 'r ,l i '. . ‘ t ' t .i . " l ,t l ' .; ,.l"r 1 litL ' e ' n ' Z ' : "- Vatlrta i r ' e . : '" la ' Vt ' ,.?, " a ' ;.l,4 IKI t, ll\ A
;IL 1 .%( fa I.; IL 1 . , L 11 11 / ILIA. :\ .% .I Mnekurt.l IIII I: ,, :r j,,,V;I I ;VI I ; I c : I ' , I:IIIA"r " : ' LI"I'" I. I: "` I ' : ;„ ° ,: ' , 41 th: I
/VA .mt., ..., 1/ , 1 r , 1 ,1 / 1 I f
Si II k A Ait LA ,1 , 1 1 -/ ....,. time Bills
I 1, 4 , Alt ' , IV: , t A.' I "4E1,1. HON E ::Nil g kK,CINOINNATI,
p ..1 , 1A . 1.1 '... 10, . —.5 1,.•), ...,,.1. /sy:
it, 5 , 5 , 1 , ;,. h .5 ot . R 3 '. . IAWINVILLE.
rtAINT 5.0010,
'. ..-b..: :.'t A ,a,ti,,,,, I hunt, •1 , NAMIVII.I.V,
111,ruurr ~.
1/4 1 1 1 t..111 1,11 111.11 . . prim... for male by CIL \ 1.1 AND,
5 ~ .t. It, IPALShI.I. A 01/ Mlll I.a. rbureltattod at rAwhabLl; rause car
,410i...V451.1 i(1 1.1. L. N, If, ..
/ll' i )ARID I.IK KEN--1.5 0 eases of thu nelebru
AAP kl/1/..1 . 11, , i !al . B.'' byantl taranual by Mx Kuhl 4mlAl 01 an:
11.t...1....t.,r0,,t. ft.r ...1...1., ! •tnatlean infnta. Int nalfutually of alhado, And fur ran:
t" h. DA 1.4111. & 5, 1. V.. .. i ! i t , ..4... pr .. t. m lat 711 i tntl . ttal . par .
usn.a.n...ent.,tirtunb.yva,.., 1.t.: ,
rill; SALE--A.:llrot rate PAM/L.L t taws able to All on at taroyabla wawa aa our una tre4 of
.11011aC, ankh can to .....0 at JACKMAN'
brai7 Ktabla.lrWill carnet. - ~ear 1 /41124 , ll Waal areal.
;~ . fit , : ~.. sr~. . ,:.i#.i~_.-. ~...;...._
.•. . .
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
ISk ' r wart - attic! ro.ft•...>
tit- ikktt•ltk . , ne.l nt.11.1 kik atkk ektrkitlkk Matto (net tkr..l
I. I N I, Al,l, North lltkrl,
I . llo..leigkltia.
E. KER. NO. rooth rt..ttkl Int..,
ttrustkt. el mkt, oa
/ l'ittirlltitk. Wok:. I
EA id ) , BUCK NOR CO.,
ti,. 41. N•.rth ,I%terr
eiNt.. North Vo Ph111.1,.1p1,1t.
To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
.1. ((IV 'E. French Reetifier, 3GO Eighth
NM% YORK. hum In toll
16Iter6. 1. Th. 11n.t,1l aud ..In 6s , , zr.fully ans,lr
lti.• ay.,r , ,,unt 54,41, uivin.l :L6.1
jutiw.. 6( thr rpA alit., 6611 6 , rw nrit to , LI
6,, Al Wai, NOV I,lltli, 5n1i1.6,1151.)
American Efardware.
13 LIVEN I N)L1114 M annfit.• ur.,rs'
Avant., No N .t •o ihnotP.o.• loon rol .t.
..111. • MOO ri5.,...-Etully . :nrite 0 A r
Ilantwan. Trna• to their Stool ,•( 11,4. rro-oro , : .1 not
tIo. ra.nufixtun,. mnd
;n . c,
New York India Rubber Warehouse,
No 127 Malden Lan, and Vo. 51 1 Atrtatt perry!,
own,: rmtat Itrtru1 1 (•1 • I••• , lt.ti 3 1 / , 11. 1 •1 11 1 1 : ,
rrlIE lISCRI KER. Prc.prleti.r 14 thiri art
trifrm ht rort,••• 1.41.1
in, ttu. / ,,,rrnll,. Eh., ht. to .In,l / 14/..
1., ttut,,,elll - urt.l 1,n•111.1 , r
1tta,•1...• 11,4. martututture-.1 t-trrt,•lt r m.• ' {../ Tr,,r.
tour 101,, rrity, Astra, totrtot, , i •st • IL.
;o n., t, 1,, Itl,l, nt•r/ -ttl.l
1 , ftw1•,,1•11.1(,,pun..,11,..1 wri-tt
1.• I •1•1•Iturho
•1 g• 11,111( A 1,1.! 21 , 4 I,TII •
- -It , Liseturt••• 11 - , ~,./.111.
• • • • 311,rt 6.
, .
tra.ho. 6.nual ),. ,grut 11. %1.. ,
Lk, octuruo 1.1,11. n LE .Isl 3 r• -
4,•1.• at..t n•unl fordrr• it, Ow 1•1,0,
OA - 'Lill •11 Ow A.0,...,1 .4,1.-
sAttAt...., trotr. 'MIA rt ,, I
Plar AAA I.w •t
AoolA . ,
Let.ll: Lg. , I-,
• A./ I. 6 ,ApA Atu
;~:: ~~.
Shawls! Cloaks ! dtanttlh,'
To the Publt,
IN N.\ RITAIER •4,„ r
1,,s 1. - 66116 1.6 Jul, 11 661-
urA• .• nt..
.11 16 a. 6 -6 -61 . 1 • 61 ...Ea.
\lr ~.1•n •..A tL~~ ,
~.r I~u: wF..r .•It• I~~r.
Laxid and Lots. •
- 1. 1 •01.1 NALL tho PennAvivania Canal,
th. eat/A tIL •
with .a ishaktay prirll,.. a
shaur h.. ,scr.•-• af "flirt, prokrt,
4+r 1.
5 , a... .01, ope<hx.ts
•..5.5,1...! .....1 sh:c ray, far 5 ran.har
.5 t.nt , r• the 14,1, 0
uOl 1.1.1 Yla 01.11,13/..4,1 ,I.lantl.
kU jalteila+. > 1.11.11h.r
h• ,r.-at .1.5..a..1 tar Iwo,— ;and 1..0, in IL ,
at it,
r•r..r.hoh - I • Is a.•
ESI RA 131
lolA.l r 11111.111.1 1.. .• hra
•r; •
1 , .'a .n.l t.
Private Residence for Sale. \
Iti ,
I N 1 1.1 1 . ..t0...11.11 01
ha SI, I. 1. " 1 k ; •‘ . k. wia ;.51.1. , 1••
',1... with :ernl.t....
srmmwhia k • kill ftl.l•••.r
.111, I: CO.
To Let.
well know P.AU 110'1',F.I.'
Nourrii 'unite ,ria
t•y irot 111.,
110,1— couturt/as upw•r,la
r,..•c“ , . ~,,tleown
prn,t. ra. o, 10-
..1,r,a,4 1,1 -,u the'im
tunliftte ~, i• .4 LI, twarb
s. II Au..... 1 E,KEI., ILA lOL k 4,
•ft :r,..•••13,1 aft.:
1.1 1., 1•1:1 I. SE VP. f0..1 kr.,,,t
t.1,14+ aucl cuo , 4
impl,l •I yl.•nuj.
• .1,ould• 11,n ti un,...r.11.1.4 .u0r..4 01 the
a v urin 11“.4.•rtn
I:art bee ...imp- a h.. oogruer,
1711 1110TIAN A 11.1 PALI:.
•41. nrai Thll4 n.,
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale,
SITITATEIt near: he Ohl„ and Penn-
A t •}lvaton 1...1,,u1. at the•, of t. , aleal, Ohln. mi.tA ,cnyl
.1 1 . 111111,11..11
. I , IW • 1.0 . N. 1,..r.t.t. the pr-itea:
1,,,r1 ill 'Vol 11, 14,•I a, ,tko•in
Ail vr,ll I • ri corputch.,
131 Ihe otipl 1. 1^ , ' gnAr'A , A, 'A
.1 t lAgnislOX
h , llll 1..4 .—rt „„t4 , I l'itts
0 6hl Vint,
lur, oh, h nen, ~• , r,tn t:.•
Iriny tb.e.l ,hu, Wale.. It CIII•
itui• , r,ut pool , .." 11, 111... tit 1411104 d lor t
• tiro(
'N) LET'
A larg., and von,enient
W ARM!, :11., -Ir.+ , bet Whul
and Ntritlih.l.l 16,w, 4,1
tt 11 II
GreL Bargain!
-Ih. !loot It.
A rw r o.rl. I . it
~ J .oi r. 4 prirxl.
. . .
1.1 Va.., and gulp...Mr
Ih. rtal..n Ow. 1, um.; it ruin Itailr , s ,
M.... 4 • elk, h..r
‘iirFl.-nr r ,, fr- ,, nr" . ..••••
..1 ...ntau. of
Private Residence for Bale.
• 1.7i1.7 . 11. "... .T , Tr11 ' ; " M .'' ZT, 1'1: 121
I A11,1,t0 I I.• • ti .• th Kt. to r tho rnun-
.t: '.:\ I.L I Ant I:.1• .rs thr
, ', , 4,., N. 1",,:
' “1.1:11liat.•
k,,.. : _•::, ~., '. •' . ' ''.;, , ‘...,...'..-,.',','%'....,,.; • . ...,:....,:I‘,: - .., '.,-,., ...t.: ,••...,:....., i,..•,........, ~..-r „ ..;,., ,;... Th . ~..- . :,...,;.........i . nii.4it.m.iosj\- '' • - ' ...\ :•••••'
, ... .. • . , . . ... •.. .. i ...,
~..-1. :: , " , ,, ,, t ; ,:.,, n ,, , , ; ,.. 1 , ,.,n,.. , , i -,r,1,---. -..,,,, -. th, . lour, and. to.pre t red the eyetecd to trehltetl.o"lr ~ \ 'A., Y' ~, \...-
.•; - t • i .. .". M. • • • '-..., .1 . .1! '''11 . 44 ‘,4, .. . • '-'• ...". 4 1•••• " r 4 ,•;•,•• ..'".th u`l• l ltr o lfg uu"" l' ... 1 out cox...rill, w• Moll le tinning itaell'imardllote '-. r''.• d'.' •'.r, ,
It muds,.. methods/it diteakee .het dual lab*, ;', : '-' \
... "2 •
~ t.... : 144. Las at, • r 1 1. 1 111
la, L.& M.) .1111 Utter twiliaappoir.ted; fokinkblerersi. l .. .-:
..• \;:,
• tx.r.lartaaa-4,.. 1,44.14 Jr 1 . miLlio !AdisLas never ramred-Itteler cart ifer: • - 1 , N,, , ,_
~., • \
y, ~ ~,s, is tit.. • mud o exprnen ..
111. • • . •
1•1 4" • • l'• ', I', • /.....• , ..,..,...j . 1,:, t. ~. „„„„ , G. •,,,-,,,, ~,,,,1,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,5....1,, fouttled ot. arpttlkodi :- '„ • \ •'-'1
• '..• I. "''' .."'. 7 ..„ ..,.d. 5211.•.1.41...r.1.1.- 4 IL., lit imam mbural nut to rook hope. llf - er end ii- ', . , \ I.'
1:1 re. li i!:', 1 I ... 11.1,1141 9 4. N . I• • t z.z i a., 4 4•1• ...,•,./ ..1 .411" , "0.. "•••,.. ,,, r ,„„, aar .p,,,r, ur p a r. a ., ‘ mue dy ; t h om for e , Mor e au' . \ \; . t •- .;
1 11 ... .. ~,, • ....., -.t0e..., t 0.. ~,r...,- . !„ 0•,,.... ..,,. , e ,,.. . t . tdor a a r4l, 4.rd, trot., Ju no to health and molnlohltrAn 7 yer loothermie to \ \ • . ;;•
1 """'". ."•' ...-.... ''""" tr. , 1....... I• r 0.... n.. r.,,...: ,i.,s •,,. hm.l othert, Id t .04.5 derphit "f ,) s," At
\ 4'
..- '''''' '' ••'' ' ."'""" • rt • '''''' '''''"'"- -'' li• • ' - ' ' k 4 la Tsal • 1 unde-starti ti...i Lis hoves,'" phmdcal re
" ."'"'' ' ' """ "'• ."' r A t ..httrit 1.1.•••- a sta... Marlale (z.444.A.r.i.r. . ''' "" r' ' '
1 1. , U41.4..u.....r .0 Os, 114.44 ...Burma. ....... el-dation Iles toe no OrtyrtolVe Dram,. ofNelloar Dock . \ ~ . , . ,
11- it-. • . ... •....... .. . ket-,.... t....,r 1 y ...,... . aN„ , ~,,....,;• A Coo p, 4 , 0 ,,,,..., 1 „ Li ....:„... om dly . and pet hie Via uke.ti. . \ .' d ..1 - '.
.„, •, , ~,, ~,,-, ~,, r e..,, .210, 7 ' ••M'' ''' '''""'.... W .'"'''' "'"'''''' • sr r if, aril relhe r r.., holl.tict. th Bi t dart•na kda. rta!dr . ,
Fot isle or Perpetual I.easr, NEW YORE AND ER.IE RAILROAD. 1.. , • , . 1 - - ' ...'
. I,', -.. ' ,
-,- .
i , .1: I 1 , Intl t• 11 I'l`. o.'l 1,1 t 1 11. allffiglP •It5Dl, '.. 4 4\ ; ;. . ; 4\ .
. '• • ' ' ' '' " " N 4- ENV, lit)l 'BE 'I'CI`EAY YORK CITY Aia .11MALIttl, CAD, 'rliS. FOLIDWItit, • ' .t • ' '1„!,
• .
. LI ' 1.144,4 tart ..1 It, En. 11.11roal. maioretan t . drlth '''"•-•••r”'N• J " '',""'.. 4 1 - , ~'".5 . - ' \ ... I
I 4• • ' .... r,,, 4. 'ear. li .-, es, i..... , :b. t.....t rI.P.r steamer* .. - n Isar Etat, thee! Mt... Clet.lud, .kr orennedO-We 41 01mm:dr m MM. tray Tont ~.
''' - ' '' • ' • - • ' - •" ' '' •`" s'. '''• '`''" • ' 'out'' , •th. l '7 1 nr , ...... "'titre , end lilroborilh. ehd 1 eiMr -Dock ,•,,,4 e.ri.., rilli ghee great metiatectfoln'
„..t.m..1.......1 eta ,111'rau ..111,,14.. and steemou on the , ~,, ~..... - . .7 • ..
4 11, 11%1 1 .1.1.5% 45,1 . / IV .1 11 .% 115, 1.1.. 15. 1 1ri 15. 1 .51 1150 vb, 11501.15. so d ••••• • -----
-,5 1 , ".1 15. .15.,. 1 , Iv% 1 111
/11% 5 1 , • 1•4. r, , l '„ ' • A ..17 ruPUleble gent Men Infonnod n. o . l' i*. \
1 t ...c...'". ,•.. . • • ' " 5 -1.: 1 t1"1, ,, Lt'd Ift 1.1 h hillik AS tilhiUM •• daughter tree Mohler % criihNkßlimdt ateratrustiOn. • ' \, • \
I. t•S. • 14 111514,- . - i .44,11.15 r• • arvi....1.1 .141.5 dia.... Writer to ber z. Elm' hod not had balk • ' -,..
-. • ~, •,,,,,y o 1.:t 0 a •naltal
A Good Bargain IS MOM' Offered, , 1., •• 11.11 -,la - re g ular meustmeal duchahm. for d jond ilme ; but by -‘\
1 I . ~• huaru '' Z.N. ere of Dr. Uuyeotthi Yeller IlMkkal Bersaparaiegto rati
11' all 1.1 - 11 ‘ A l l' ' s I ' l '. NI \DI: " 4
- ) ON,. . - 'o.f. a ,, 00 rl-1.. 1.. ' - ..u'ir" , "bur" P.*".' l "r"'"" calmelly :tared. She turderornscO's andotherarlitmo O ' , -••;1
/e l:. rt 0• t / •,., t, y. rd. .. .....,...... 11,4..01. •.41' r.. " ,....a .•1.• Ude 8r0re...1`,/ar. ...Irina to tr... . , h. , i,,,,,,,, 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,, Augh ,„ 4 , 1 ) ,.. . • .o
. ~ 11.1 r i 1•.... 4- .t. 11.4 r n a ....• 14 .4.4.. 1 44 r,
~,,r s k .: 1 .r... e. sar4r.... ar '4 ...Ler, tuatir,rtherkolo &mute r.c.J.. 11
.... 1 ott •tt .... .• t 1 ... , , -.I , -11.11,44.1.‘ 111 r ES 1 1 /.. 111 F rr.rt , .. ,1 Cu Tr.,. "rare. Dunkirk.. . Ilermareduk,Osereao worry. Ilay.llllS. '- . • : ,
c ~ ~.. e ~ s IN; `. I I 11 am.. • . *.....u5i.r Cu
I. attached Bolide Train to
.0. ,,, 0k , 0 .,,,_ m00. ,. ~...; • I 0 ,,,,, mt0 ,, 04 1, , ,,,, b00d ,... 444 ,i,„ , .. t ,„,,
i .4 5 1 .•5 - ,,,, 5 .1, a .1 u.133:41, if •. Lmuougere eat Drovers.
• O f - / .rr In.r.elmoddrk to Nor Tort. St. ...erarui Clue • bottle of to rti Yellow Dock end dual/B+l4le for IoYMIS4
.IA ••••• rd. .... ..-err. to a 14.. U."- ~/71101/1 Slit his reed tor bey ettlasii.iittat Xrmdiudee rod‘„
• Wilkinsburg Academy.
~'( ''.'",'", '''" ,"."-"'''' ' `r*"l l °." n''" "'"'' '''.4 W u k o red„ B a lling of. Me W so.and It Itas edreadyr ' , ..? 0 ,...
, , t.t. 61,11 elm.. to awl trout lier x ark..
, elem.., 1,1 1, 41 1 . 51 4 •:11 6 4 paid to fhoelkeeli o ou l mt bet... Sher 4ery mutt Of the EiThipehu le s kii asulyl
11.,!. 1r..1 PI o.o.• Erv,:v..l. ..5.3 1`.'..r...d.: Sodor.r ~,,,A ~ ;„,,, „„,.. i.e. ~.,.. m ,,,,,, 0 .„....,,,1„,,,,, , , 0 ,„ 0 ,...,,, o 00 .... y Lem , lint pmrdoued a. DIKAIMII 11Orthh, ' ' ' ‘.'
". Ii"""' Is ll ' -- r .r.u... e n.l podme4froso ibe effector the forour:•Deterobleht . '3 • '
c o - . Tr.. , 0.111 1,5% 1.13 .111 rommlseino la a
.IANIF.:, tit't,nt,, A NI.. PRINCIPAL. •. r• •Ltr. lime hot it lull effut a perfect cure.
1 1 111 S I N sTITI 'rl , IN will
,t , .• ~j,,, n t,,r 11,, , ' `.,;' , ' 4 ,, , Tl'l,6',7T,':"rlLV,L44'l"orti,r crie r
~.t t - loom. (try respettftlly; . I.i. amtuns.
I.llAY.Slll,OT,Buttil 0 ,
. .
f., . •s, -.., i
r• • rsuara 1./ 114. 4.4 or.. ..1 ....tru• ...., ,t0 c r..... oil J ‘„ - * , A .. A . 0. .., Dont ,
1t1? 1 . . , rt yylo-f mt ... I f i a
t 1,.. 14..4.414. • .4.4.144 555,55,5 5 ,5. 5 9-klrl : 5 • 5 1:15‘.5%
r -11
"111 1 1 11'1
1 r"11.1111111111111"1r1. 1851. ' WESTERN 1851
~,,,,,,.„., oy ao hlthg, of kne, vacated of Lit. Uorkplalitit.
0... It- , e.... 4 .• i ,A ~1 . i.,rirr ....1 \ 7.*
I'alpl ourhf the Ileart, lacriflna of 1..1.1ea.d. Cola.
~...,. rt.-- ~,....1 t ‘,„-,, „,,,, .A...........e... At. TRAN, , ,IORTA'I'ION COIIPANT. \ A .,, 0 , A „, ) ,,,, A ,,,,„,..,.,,,,,,,,b,,....rm5u5a. „,,/ Irllor Dart , •
, ,
s ,r 45,.. I, r ...• 4.4.1 • 5a ,441c...a..... tull ,art....ular. an,
ut ea parlllat
~..- Berm Pa. figniallecr 21.11149. ‘ • • - ' .. o .
Stone Ware Plllllll.i, tar Wells slid Cisterns aft. \ rt.. 124 an \*
s . l D. Puri Et 4,7-i 6.2 herPrlo Wt.= To. th lll k l , l . lo d
Tllf. ,•I 1,:-.11',IIII.I: inE.,,,,,, 11k, p 01..., • We. or 'u ...Ws Ifettet. Dock and drsomuilla. rid d le y i .
RAI L R'DAD AND CA NA L\ ' bs k . , -u, ;tad •r dm blttodusat \s, ' ',,, t
0.. t.. 1,.... .... 4.....1 ,t,.., ..b,.,..,0 ....Ch.. 1.•.... , ;, . o‘l . o f ,ou. hkte hum. t louu. , ' - ' ~A\ , -
• .5 lldt 5. ...m..t.. 1t,,, , . q,.•.,- t. 11., .5 l. 5/ , 005.1.1a1/
14 .,,,,,,, i 1. 14 4,,,,.,4„, r ,,„,„„ 4 ~.„,s , .4 , Com, PIT r6IIO RG 11, PIIILASELPIIIA, BAT L t., ' ~t on,.
•,,..,, ~.., ~,,,,,,....., ..,,...,,,, I. .I.,terrr 1 In. NIORE. ANG NEW TURK . `, wf,,. lon rum m •e.l \ • la_. .i.
E ' DMus the Yell.. Dock aka liareel.r-- . , V A .il i
..'; .1
. , may 1 e moat fultle cordiiion; 'E7:411.7 -":ft.". '. ' ..- .-
..........;-1;r21.....,',.J,",.";,"..', '‘,, ..,".; ~%' '', " , 1 ,1 ..; . !. " . ri l ltlE Cans l being in pod order, ore are ‘1""" I :1 " • ... u --t. i .t....t...., - ...A 1.- •• ',to
Jle _ t. efthote• Irma Yelp on . ••••• our. .... th. ter y.m e -",....... d . -..",
owa• 1 ... a• nia , .-14..„ .r.. , r..t. 1. -....1 r,ll 1.1"...r".1 4' rra....1 , a1PT1" , •11 earl mu-hr.-11u' ... 05 ,,,., „„ „ Am , od .... h .d, e m Ay., - , m 4.1,,,,,d,".,..,......,
•,,..-.1....,.......0 .. it.. 4, . K . ..., 1..... It.. oo• 1 .71111 1 t. 0' , ... •.I'. el
, 1, 4 ,.. u'u.".. ~..u.r.".", ..".'". " 1 . ...,, ,0,4, :4 ,,.,,,, t , ro . hood ~,,..A domoy rao-.ll'- •
.„ r _ rt „ , r , fra..l4a. Irith pre,5 5 .5,tr55, 5 5. aud ulara/tl4. au. Dams. ..c...1. ,r.l4laL .1,1 .41 al • . a ,
,5,„,- ~/r. 5„, 5 ,
~5 , 5 ... 5,, 5 , ~.., ,„,,,,;,,.5 eri,r Kr. ..1...1 uta -litearoil,i t the proprietor, tills ~,,,,r , ,„5 55, .., 5 ,1 . utst im ,ot my alto auA less a tak d e
....... Wu. . d ....0...,...,...r.- 1 .1. Ms ...a...p1.,. 42,51 5 1111 ..1,1 . 1 . 1 1 • 1111.11r111,11111 ..1 .11 ''''.'" l '"u"' '''"."''. 4- ' /can Lett bt la very toe. e. 1 here tor dUrtY trerebeNme , • V.' \
...t. .... ~....h .a ;1..1 ot, ~..... r.. 1 ca. la 14..1' ^ , r 4, '''''' """'"•••"' ...: a... 11141112 the eat side mid mimeo in tide nabothrad .1 .
[IAN e a BLAI \ K, Peopnetou, m g a d o ., Ltd - teuldget ortN r lfrpoi their Pm..lPtlmai• •t \
, 14411,, t41.4•4:5, 1..111.1,4w l'etto7.l. tol'lruhurah. \ , , ...,_,..
it ARhld t . L:LOA, p r .,,, r r a hale 0 4 1..., • 1 .C.. &Teat Tirke I' ma il s stagthismoarith „ \
Kentucky Mutual Ltte Insurance. •m an '- ." ' ". • • • ' - ' d •. • ,
...... It• .D.z, A .. 1111 S -tooth ;Mom BUJ. or %, sues \But 'creek tbaiTtook Lb. t . •,.
I, 11.. rho, I)..yokt l r nk, I Idle. Yellow Dt. k aml '..ssattnr.ll. ./., , 0ga. ,, Rered. • ,;,',‘,..,
Gt. - .IIt,I,NTY Fi'N 11, 1111.1,1 k.. SIIITI. k FRANCISC S. Agent*.
r d , Ndm .,, ...„ [555 55 ,,,,,,. rod rantitt r 4 .el 5 1 10151t1/1/ • 11 5
.L. 1 1 1%Calliel514511:11C pin,
91 1 11 IS (4))lp.c \ 1 ~,,..y. ~, to, 111.1 C • • 1 all 7. 11. I'VAltt.ll4. Agruk hlmom were \ntirelf ,ctrAall k ie Ur etrocdf,
.11 11, a," 411. ...1 ..I..nisawa. a th. 1155t,141, aa a ,•.1 '''. No 7 . .. str,L, her York, or . free fraratt. coye ma !Jul .to reatored taker ..
_ . -_. .. , ,
...., . Bt., ...hoer., ......., .4.1.' 1 , i 515.55 . 5,1. /11,[51r 1.15,1 , 26 110 . 6 its 1, 0 C i Ev . ELAR . D. - ~,,,,,,,,,,,,.... oar.. trtzutzes I „.. )Vriv ,.. a , vad healthy-, ;
tr..... /aen.lurs, 41. .111..5., r,51.5kr. Is. .la4l, uf LI 1. , m y Morels ore tricolor. 1 Deihl is playeicak. . ..
,".",",:':,",‘,:'',',!..."..•.-..... ;X4.1 • ";.i.'": . 1;.• .."‘.. ---41 1:0 5 1 isii - Es i, .t....i... ibe M.... to ‘... 1 1 11 r.r made \ 7.. --.• ,
• • Out * re tick ere ...ruble LAM.) , your f r uraluablatne. •
I' 'TS MAIO II AND CLEVEIIAM , donne. the l'elkAr hock aril\ carte parill.l..kod ellktrue
r, t ,
' . .• . ' ; ',',"; 11
:',! . 2;,' ? ' ; ',...;.,;:,:.
.1 . 1 ,.; , ; ';',.. .p,,, 'poker ~, , , i .R,,a>. ti Iv, to C,:elarrct. b r a.. ' a rc atly rehev.i. s tir it, kw.trxDrr.l ' etrAttaitittl ~; • :
1...r11. 5- ‘55 555rm1..r. . 5 5.,/ .5. 5,5 ,5„ 5.,,x, 555 ........,/,,Itr.rl If ASS NG E Ils les, ,‘, ere cry hiorliirig, at 9 ..t..4,... , ..tr0r, s.v.ccus SP
s tittNl3., , ,. , .
h.-- mr th. .....a. tum n. um e',1,.... 1,, .....rotoot to 11reter. itteure I.R.A . .yrme leis . . ,50 unD. 5u'".r"."....5. 11 . 14 r°^ l- \ •.• . •
. 1 . -11 .1. ,• the "stir M. 0.. I .'"' I ~••. rt. , .'toi od ..., ~b,,.1..4 . Ilayruzi. [hens", Pi...torch %OA *Att." tr o o l oa . E rfurt, end retro Ivao khyrtrp b 41 co. tba ~ , .•
1,.... rat.. ~1 r rriat um ar r 11,41ntom ... , ~,,,,.,,„...o „ ..•,;;;;,.. ,V .. . A m u , lelitt.tht \ Ift.Deil 1141..a.r...... r• 71 .r'. \du au ---- r' 7
.ra. uth . r o ~..,,,,I,t .051.1,550tta55, 1 4,5• AM 4 11 , 5 1 ,01. 5 ~..‘,.• ( 1 5). 5 1,/1.1511 5 /, ILY, 1,
14,15.141 Ilan. %lilt law, 44.-ur.l4. / 1..,..1. I , l oorthno t • ,,, 10d .A.,y,,,,,- •,, 0,.,,,.. y d !mu , otimlle dendtper. \ . , c ,• ' \ \ ',
h.. smou... ~ 1./5541,re, ark/ 5 50. 11 1 .1 , 1•555,r sl• ft. to ul , im0 ..,,, ...,., - . e.,,,,,,,0 m, - ", 0 ,,,,,, at 4.4 palth.Clotincatl. Ootk. north. er
r1T1:;',11 . 1L."Tr.':',.. ". .;,'",..":1 - .1 •. .; „, ......1 11,.. y er, uti '
1 ......oh to
cf Fourth ettSlTetrint Octets: outruir Cm IT met kut, t ', • ~, . \
• INCINNATI\ , tcl4 n 11 ; 15 ore to ....., 0....m 0 n0.. mr,...1.t .r.d.., .....1 . 1 4,41,114.4•. . .
5.5 rn.ur.u..- r,. ... -1 t d I .1 x, , 11.,...:17 A o . , 1 , , , 12.• dut ..,..d, .7..1z
i tg . lllo-elaud er.d•Cit.indatl J. ~,,.., A 0 ,„ ,. jo A 1 . 0 ,,,,,,, Add y Aed , , A. J ,,, N o, ' ; 1 ', • .. • .
''‘' '"'"".•'' 11.1.• . I •! • ,ls, 'N'' '•• ."
• ''' •"51• " ' \ 1, ... ,5, 111 1 . 11 64 ,1 .-11, 1:11.15,5550 ' 40.1 X5\1•01111./.•losse Irl4 -0..... r. klrtrtratfh.. Me A. Lailhala, ait
\ ,,,KA .A ,A a• , , , ~ • .
~,.1,,,.. •\ , ~ , 1 ...t i r••rl 1•4 11,C al es a 0 ur. rr\ the rutleiddld 1y y....,,,„,..,tir 0t y,.d.,„„ 0 t L. jj,,h,,,,,d, u i r0d00 „,,,,„, ...,,,.
~e.. .....r. o M.. hicid, otral Itellmo.l lt. ..r\tettA,ll. 00 . ~. ,• , y,, y.,,,,,, 0 ,... o r , m , mou m mer A trd00 . 0 .,„ '1„ , • ..
SUPERIOR 'll l .‘ , ;Luke .7 7 o'rlroh, ANI. bi hattroad in D e w A l gal, o
t, r.•lne.. .77 -- d -- -
1" , •y. fmnsle o r 0t0...m1e. Cbloo d ro t d -•ve...t.100k, , , Bed .1,11m...a 2.4411. Ilunl'affstrut 411 r a Orr. ilelltr r p m I . '_ ,
Po up` ,n Newt!,. 1',c , ., ~, L.,So,N l'-.... ' Dutp,{ 1m et., Id th Ott, river. thlrtddchkrtrlm o imm , .i aCo , lolien c .l. NC. 41`curld, K, l a c .• : ~ 4..,
rimlE r 01, , ,,,,,, , ,,,, w,,,,1,1 r,•,1,,,,,,„113,,--NL.,q, ~1.), . .".1.l chi
,11, , • NS, ulll . . l ..e t trs ..-",,,. ''''-' 1. .a.* ' Oh Er...449ne1' llaarl a km. Wai4itiarq - ‘ , l -. '-
I ."•"".".• ^“..1 ,, .. 0 re...a .1d ~i• •.7•4tA l ; - r . •""" - u-,V II ' "..'1.7."4, ''i s 'fl'''Atlfir , , It-mlottd .11_1araltd A. fl., N. 'Cando]. ~ Ilooirlll,-, 11.artme4 Co \
ote,e. to ~ r j d ........r 1 El:. 1.1.1 1, WO' "P , l a, g•• , -4\ 4'.), 4 e 1, 0ra1...1 a fore.r. at.
Jsar.. linclir It Co \Udi,,. - • .
".'....":::. ,:..7.7. ‘ . `',,.",,;',,',V,•!".ll''''''' '''" ''
," \ ‘‘. -•\' • , F , ~, = ~ ..I : ,''''`' ‘' "". ° \. 4 . 17, L. l \ o \ \ \ , •
•,. - •.t.t..,.• ~,,,, , t 0,,,, t„, ~.t.t, ~,,,..‘ ~ . \ .1 • ~...,. 1,,,,, ,,';',!`„,t """" , i Stirrr,e,.-1,1 pr Bola, •,:ar 411 1 far 1:14'. ......,
, . • \ N.
:`!, r r,,';',:"l. , ~,,,,\t s i ; ~_ , 1,. '\... adds 1,1" mr l. f.,...1 Liquid d '' \''
\ to dy' d . \ ',...11.....11 ...........851..... -u-e.„,. ' \ ‘„ . ~.
1,...,;,,,.,,,i , , , , , , , , , i , :2,n...,, ,
\t, 01\i tc. •, t‘i L 'iN.4 - ,, , IF N I,IN AI TB;LE is intended for fatnil3\use •\ ' -V ' „i
aatl yuula te,huod It• thoma.matmo of scurf...y e
~ '„, r Ad'
~,,','..1 , ":"....," '"...; "1f . ,1 I', ' . :1..',"X1!,"d r ,..; . 1. - 1. "" • "' ' 4 " ‘" • " 14 '"'"."" 4 "....*" ' , 7 -- " i `
\ to m . t ml, their P 4• 1 ,...
~, . .urb....1 1 1 . 1 1,1 • einl lbw letkita.- , ' ‘
mt . it., '.., .11...... ,t. i ,t.t.,,, ~., t. , .‘ .11... t ~t,' \ , sr Po 1.4,. r"' .l, ~., ... \,....,...1 b.- , tou bud tltt. atmel. to L. tovi t t •' '
t..' ...."`` ." ".- '' ' • ."' ~ "''..''.` .. ,••••" •"'. e tbe r las!, • till, .4, ‘.• ox -,,, , , ••• tare a 11‘44 .1.44 .11./ lair uul will mltuktor lt ludis c -O \\
...." ••.....e a o .....• '• .• • t .... ..7 ~.. .1..- . , 1 , • . 0.,..7.1.1. 11 ti. .t. Ito 111.A.4. 1. to , <7...“1A... , ~...e , •
"'" ''''' " ' .'" ' '''' '"' '''' '' ' " '''''' u • ' """ '114:111 , `. 7 ."\, 4 11 Bold n time 1-,, ...dr 1.114,,re.1 It) \',/ , .....W . , ,na, , lbjtFittt.2akbrt,l,,, b.,lltig lre:\ ; s :.,.
~ ...,...t.„ ~„.r,.. 0 . \ 11 10154 3 / 5 ,• •. ,111 1 . 1.11. P c n'lsll "11' 1 . 1 ''' . l lir 1 L . / • V
1e16"41-. ‘ \ . 11'.."1-.
/ • 111,1 Ir 1 - r • .1 ...1 a.l , a . , \a/ . 5 1. 5 -.1. / r , II tip, etPrt • 1 ,
.. L ,.., 5 , , ~,,,,_ ~• \l7. ,' 1-14 .4 C 111121,.. Alislathaldaira, elrauna : ~
. I. la t.l.t \ t; to hlt ..... part , "u . . .....• why b"l"vd It to our profrunonal tartlart ' • ... , 'S. -
007 . ... , 1., .1., u .ur . ...d ....Tu
" '"
''• .''"” ' . . " .'.f11 1 •"' • 1"" 11 k' :: -.1" ..., '.11 4 1 . 171, ...‘ 111121'11 1 "."‘ ..."' . P.
tt;2 ' • . g n jt , t .''''''"t et ' il ". .4t"'A''•''''''''.
In''''' ' • \ \ ‘
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lit • .I', ~A \,•,,,, t:trOon. ft I f i te, a ' c l'. ' k r 4 ., :X.,,,Trt i . '''''' "'" • , ''' '‘ •••
(.: .)f FEE .01 ~ . .t.,.. 1. , . ,,,,41,,, ..\ 1, ll' 1'... "''''. , ;,,;,,"ii,',." t, .buittb...p. b..x..,.., , ,t Crr., ` ~ LuAI..I.I;...I . WIMIDWARLD, , • ..." \ •
"`" '' .'' I "' '''. ' " 4 " . . '•",5 , , • , .1.; ... t•J BEA \,..,.. a • la.. \ 1:d 1.......41 .1. i \ , 6',111 i t'at., , k..1 , L L. U.,.. \, i
% o l 1 I'. 12. \ lot :-.01 , .\ -2,,,,,4,,,..,5m. , , , ~,nd . ~.A . ,,, .4.„,, ,- t,,,,,, v.,: 1,1 k ,.. ..
t (~,,,d,isrk.- \:\ , . \ fiA ViiiWilYi fi i.ic, .D, \ . \ \
1e..1. , m.
~..,,, - 1 , ,,,, , ,, c., , , , , i „,,,,1,..,... , :\ 0
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‘'.l u. * ll.t \ \\t
1 N,101 .: .1 ‘ Yit.,; , 1•::-. for t,,,,,. , \
.0. 4, , ,, ,, , r ., . , .. i . , , , ,, 14 ; ?N , t . ..2,1...,54a.,,,..?,,, kk . ‘ . \., ...
,•.\ ~.., ... ti \ , x . -.!. ..- ns .
-,, ...Ult. hy LI 1 1 A11:11.31.004 &W..
'IA;\ N ' F,l ' Z'l 1.1 't ~1 ~t bale l.r : \ I t.' \ . ' N't, r . F:tlt . ': ' ...i l \tn' .. .t °, .t‘ s ‘•
\ V - - j" ' \ - \ -T-t- ''"",,,. W ''VFV!'" \ - ";
% '''
' I
,„'. ' l , 1 ,, 'l % 1 „,,,,, u ,f„,\ I, it ,:' , .,.n.t . aett1tat,., , T i , , t 11 : .; , \ \ st i ll' PI CO4PLAI4 ot five yeast,' st ~ •.\',
. 1
~,, I
,•• I •,., ',. . •...,,-..,,,,', \ ' A . \ ,y,',,'.,,,,,...4 ' ~:,,,I, A f:f r , , ‘, , .143 trd 4.4 1.411111 (Lc ..\m,,,e' ...d o om, fete drag ;open • \ - " '',.„
1.4 * 0 1 . 1 ; 11 ' ' - t' l 'l''' •- "" . ',' 1 i ,," ; ,;:',..; . ..:,',", N., I." N. . tat..W.z. 4 ,- t, iC k . b..4,, . , • \ 1 , ,, .44 to 1 1, - .1.4•,trit?;',1, L ; 2 1 ,., • k • '," l4 . -R.' ', • \ - , ,
l'- '' ' ' - 1'; ' ''''"' ''' \\ , '.., " n" ttiltts ' o : Nßt ' i l skiNtitt •• N \ 'ki 1, - Iltrer-tor„ r B•r d ,'ete'tilt . p • Teitt i t:';l" l um \•• "\
corts.Mdou yh r Lit er thllt.•nrolubad o ellected ruder. t -•\
%.11■..N \ i‘ • '; Es.l': Ii EL • '' : • 1 • 11 'l' :‘::' ij f •- ' l ` • 11. t s s \ I'.:l 7 .l t i t er‘o tt. 4 1.7.., • •• • . ••d ' i t ' \ , e'uerUrer'U.r.l 0 Orr p , ,st.r u,.. edtry. Me r y o f AAr • . •
iv i „. 0 ich t Al' (VS PI 1• -r, \ ~'
./ ka.,, A, i., 11.1,,,, A , , „ it4b. - 1".•:-.;ra bive tiscoltntso, wad totn'A,tia= ct ;be great. \
tUISI-- , \ f •N. ,A, w a r. If atia ( 4llOd E 514113/ 1, e ~, b ~,,./ ,5/ 5 1/ . 5, , , Ilk Wit*. ellecttont. eitk.t.idarGe, 41, All kr -
- I \.T... ,,, k . E..ear - Uker. there toer,r but be‘tt a medicin e that
k Artla -N. 4 „ -
\•":4 , 'icurilon 'lYeke tck/tea er, 25 ce to ' - u'd;Z:,,,1r 0 tA7,,,f.,°:.t.;,L°17 1 1,1.4-'',,,,, , "1..,`" th /iv
,IN I s k.: lite , pas:Jen 1 - \tte \ Ors \ ' \ s , Lt.. , hot, No re l nlUti ~ ..1, hemd of ktneLler' Bille
. ~ a 1.,,, 311C11 I{ n . ,,,,, ~ ~.., ' V, - honer" civol t.e mot; \ h a ppy ... o h, am . y i ' 11,
', '" ' 'N, N " \ ! . 1 . 1 ,
~ -„,• , ,?f,„ ~,,,,, , ~,,,,, ',,,..i.4:•1i-Alliae toy 14,11 , 1 a 141171,71414,111 thrt4 I VG, woul.ictle,Vy .. , ,,,,,I '.,
. Li, 7- I
4 , MA. I.lor 7. , \ ... \ ,
N. e ,,,, : ,..,..., . 4. 7 „ A y r .,,,,,,,, 1 1p„„„,,,.... \ ls i f tio, to,
.Fectto . T r eml .
\ Oye ! . t. .11 e 1... arrerlhtted • lid, , • ,
tl „ ' k ' S , on
~, B. .rer, Du.* }httehurgh et Ad. is \ ktetustrr 'lst tt 1 "......: '4. M J. sarrir. \., . .
' .1 • ,., •' • ''', ~... • "...,... ,„ ~,,,..,.,„ \,„ , A.
~,,, ~, \ A ... ~,-, ~. 1 arc gni* 1 laitA ~
11 Purooot refr,co Is,-, to Diner keri.ptocukesComMtton '., y, \ ,;.,,,i' , . , .! • F b 0 tr*0 4 7 , v---4..4,..,,..4 all P1PZ."4"1•4 , r , ' •
, II ~.}. \ , ,ii . ~...,, . . I •.,(111 } ,rcla '4, •try. il lek• a. to Brodepur Uri hark to titt..b‘trith,'lpS CO chute. N . ..,,,, at , tr ,„ ? ,,...., 1t , D i u.,..11.LLt r.5...2. 9 . , ...
.1 . ~ -•
~,..,,, ~,, , , ~,, , i , „ 4., ~ ~,,,,,,,\ 11 5 51 . Ini10( 1 ,15102,•115 0 =1 , 4:IIIL11 1 )? Ill , rictijS p „ ____ 5 1 \ . ... . 1 ollou..•trepla
~. t " '"*.-,....'..... oo• • .r.t. '•• u`4“."'"' - c . ' '''` "tui ll ,, l \ ".' i' ‘ •4 '''''''. r ort thereine' of" -• ''' 17 ''' C',` O Atm, V. BA BY'S TRICO V
"," ` ' " ' , ~,,, ~,,, ,•• ~ .., ,1 ., , ~ ~,,1 ..../ ' II h ''' h "_il''' ` . .t0n.4,t el ... A:auks, . st, \ \ Rous, op. mlat o,ity,m ..) ; Mp 0uu.. _., , ,,,,, ,b . ' . . z , - ....
r i"*" "' " :"7UH ""':7;""••' ' ".'
v " . 1
.. .. "" i '' '‘ ‘ V'"'4 l.3 ......_ '' t;•- r '-L."92''''''"'"" - 4 . '''"'"‘"s.l4 'Sta b b_ ' tyro= lb. rtratanet4 tuns otahahlhets ad d d 1 y.,...,„ 1 :-„\
~...5.,.. ....-
'' WA. 1.1. PA l'Eßl,Fresh as•Attnert for ' 4 A. egement itadelo Penrod. Vie ' a 1, b 4,,,,, t ra.T:ll, l 3,•,=,;`,=4,',"=":Fr urit-e lNpp. .. , -N - :, , = -f5.,,•-•
ea. ..,... ~...,,.., rtttut tho ma rt er.l4,lrated “Al• \ \ TO IaLTI‘IE .l \ N PITP,--But 43, \ =1;11.1%. , g5 ° .,„,?. 1 ,t , A....z . „tmrfir.5.,,,,ute , „,... \ '• -- • ..-' , z
1'.. , i0 , "" . ' rh """' ° ''''" " 1 '''''' '''''''''''q" ° •'" u ' A. .v SAXE - RA S PENN'S,PLI . • \ ~c.rg. it *.wir,su it m sse , TirprlYg?r,;;,=` 9 "'''''' ' '''' - : -''',..':•-
t ~,,,,,,.. *are a dor, td Aomutir muufactund, Mr u by d
• T/lUSIAII BA4,511:11, trptwohin cutur•ANT,Q,irspt. Plalladal • • b ' thu' •• ' .". 91 ".."' " .1-P. ll .llk.feOf Use.tod,r, a mp ;
.:7, .... - 1•*: -
upflf t
,o he Starkey urea . , \
.d . , .•• runs t.,• , -,, ,tnu..o ... - t1.i,,,5„ .io rtkrrayak_mc. . , /to ,
."5 A .... tl..
CA, F 4 HS.-Tliq peta
Na on Cap aid Lanier Ptßa . e . , ta...oax i., N \
esw - b• . 1 ' ttrAterd
511 \ \ a , 'T,,,
~ \ \ \ ‘:\..‘ • ‘
• s.: .4, - \ c - \
- .
• -
, . .
\ •
\ '
IN h an 4 t afer Ud . O.kIOB I.ratk a :it, 13th,
out ft,. ClOielantau t' ' .Tp ' rea:traltk ora ' fa. P er n e ' o.
al o'olook. t hing to Owls:mail at 19 uolook‘uat
tuorutut, tualLug 48 buyrs,tbruagh. For (Seto. appbr
JoHN A.CALtifiNI, agent, (Ortgarn.,
nt- of Water Srulthflall 51,1
Ohl() anti Pennsylyanift Railroad.
kN AN I) A 1.1111: th,dth .
ra/ 15.141 , i1.n a: /% 4
,cl,\, turnmo, iala gt,ot Stur ..... az
14,4, of Itoual oi LurooNga
t 1 tEL itett'vt wywnt
Ohio and P - etuisYlvanuk Rtliroad,
1 N and alter MONDAY, At.ll(lSi, 4th.l
r , 1. flue ruu tw
/ 1 At I, !Intuit ttr, .t A .s 1 'alb 1 . '".n1
I.lTfeliVlll.l.ll el la A 31. an. I , Nt
WAYrArk, 3 eTs. 1•112 MILL.
Children under twell. 4e.r, of y« lad( t. trw.
Petween Vittel.nrah the eft
Croon.. \?,
" Itoeheoute,
• •• Brighton. " 1
t.vauna,, wen; • be told at r,ln9rd rate, I
I,ll,aret. h.whrader. to .y etstltdi •1
the oda, Joy
Vitiehorati nud New Itrnelston and beet.
the min, JOY •
Ater - The Train • 11l hot run on Sutidaiy, but Nieursion
;tickets mened ao Szturst.f will be goad farther...l l lP
uo ane,
tuoulhu,e4 will ha at the Depot, on Votleral street. to.
conVei trs...engera lauding, there any where on the route
triat\ch: Lind, to the Monouguhrla 0 , 7 mot
1 1,,
e. ltrottlbitiFee will %Iwo leave llotawittahrla
Deo' lhatnedistely previouv to the lewelug of theCarti. for
the rt, v.,nurt. of p.teenT.r.i to lb. Depot, par.ittg 1 , 1 the
31wr..hinIte 111.5 vi. the el. Charlem. along Falb etreet,froto
yr. end ulong 1 , 4 Clear tarry!. At ant P ,102
• ,, ug the,toot, awn hall the llranibuo. old be
eutivwyed tu the
Tt.ll, .Kt 1.1.1 OM' rev fhightouAl
the ...elowt ivartirabh day:,
'Sty orler 4.1 the Ito.l of lalreetarl.
, dlCOttlit: FARCE , .
•uult tt '' Ticket Agent.
Pen nedrania• Railroad, and Prprers Packs Tins
;Art 1;111r• .gin Canal.
Nc., •Iro 04E/v./AU ACEMII TO
Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats,
IEM:111:11VP.LY roll
On and atter Monday, Anguot -25th; the
Parkria of they Ltnr , wlll key. eituteuree for Lockport
rrr, orning at an.l ovrry ovenlng at llo l ckwk,
Fechr m ly- -Cheer laLlng the Cara nt thr new Pent.o7 l rania
iirbleb imtuoiligtoly alter tbrir noelren Jr
reel for Ptillaijrlpbta
f ew au i. nint p f
a o m rt a r
M II CR A n NED r han baretnfori. (in
i e n r g a
l go e n in
:L 0 u u 1 ,6 ... . s lg.
anal trot el,n
eabling them citi arniral Phttiiilehibia to
on to Nrw York at one.. •
Lae 116/211110RE
..1 Vora an.l Clumberlanil itallraul, at Harnatlre.
Sim, FOUR hours.
sln. Vara to Dahlman, i'l7s•
Lanea.ter SO dri Ilarriaborg l3.oo.
iLinere cbrap traveling and critnt\irtable went:min
,latian.. t-int a: tlis Tlckor tee, tinconoe
I. 110111 ES, Agent.
Or 01 0. LEECH S; CO.,
ual-• Canal Bath, Venn atiert
. - .
S . afg#FM
nolioNo.uth.LA Rotar,
V,. Ilrevvri , rille and Curi\terialtd to P.altizpore
and Yhaadelphia
%Mt; a
BOAT leva.4 the Wharf
tllr. sic.l, • .s{ bv.:trcr
• .4,
1.1 1 4 t• t • iaulorlau.l
t.. 41) 10
I 1...• wtta
1.1.• e.o.ll;kcia a val. 11
mi..:SISILN, Art
516.11,3 a,
n lI .111
I 161 Y.F.l•tr 11. A ~ I , ,Firl:l, INCI)C•SLIr.
Nji E „St. W.:C It 11161 t:; 1.,.1e th., pi.mur, t.
%nu ...i. i•
U•• - o i, kerulr arui uarrr , u.• .•1 the l'ru \
...rue . ..ulna, I. trial ... uat • r..nraurra or illiturbmuut
- a • rt ar1..1 . rualr.ut I -akar{ wkl../IVe. lurisla 10
/ 1 . /esif.l•lo.l, U. 1.1.i ' , GA In
U - .Fr . i.,a prtrat,11. , .......6. uu, rant orJ au,
1 1 .
'' . ' ... 7 1' • 1f. - ti ` : ' : . , - !., " 1, ' t L r. ' . 4 Vi A :II . Ita . ,N. A.I". I.
/arr.. t ' , war ,
rr, . arr Sri, aurrr. 111, rt.,. t.,•.
.., ~ , \tr.toortr.urr,,. rruit
r ath-r a uru/Sui, ~, unr. I.L tr. , S. ,
\ r-
~• ,
AtTpIISIA. CONSUMPTION. • ••• 4 . •• /
,1 N offering, to the community thie Justly "...,
i_ Wan.. of the ihroataakinnge.
it m ow our slob 4 trigs with the lbw. or Moab Et the
I mthetwa. but IrstaiktOttiT ~tow, them th.l oltlikrie Ot
\ diethint,4,^l wen ..l wits of the errllenowl et Ite taw • e ~
V...from shut , the. \elm jwlrre Mr thonennt We dn. -IN \ v2.,,. - ;
i ~,,W1 ph...lw, tourseirvs\ko make no nl4 nsestkgre we Epee \ , -\\. 2::"..,. - ,
; •iatatur. cd . K 2 edema.) 4,001 . Will WC 1:104 Ilithl6lo,l3l,lllllthe ,\ \ ,-
. r ttlent.,, Iththlthit,, Meta will nut weatant. \ \ 1
, My., yeerrs en. bore 11c.. 0.4 ....Mate" Ingrtiff . ' ~ \-..,,'
I ‘,.. ,be ,abut 112 1 / 3 .0 we übluts. Inling Welted they ~
' ! w
• •II .44 Them pertesUy i'als 1e.1.1 the 0.11:10•WITt17 \ . i
l .„,„ ..,,, ‘ ,, , ..., ,, ,,.. 1 , 11 ,..V..,r0tewp waw r . 0f ...„iu.s Chnta .. itry sat 41W \ \
.4: :,
Dem ~ e, 1 deleye.l munrermetbe nterpt. of tong Dee. I , 'l.
1 Dem., until 1 but au nforgize=4:l=ntglit \ . _ .1...1
'it.i....1 ° 14...": 1 1 1 ' • ;ItE ' L ' s bleb ruf . \ \ .',
, lu c. wr nuth oalulto m 4 elilldten.
I haw. nr oat it. es Its Ingredbonts sh w • yiarttitil Mg.
' ''' ' h' V.ltletinViniTLTED. M. D.
' ' '''''''''' .6 ' . \ 4 ` 6 . l667 \ ' \ ' '
\ k' il ' l r Pittl r ls ' e th e ""
tamVr t e.Vll. l : • ger ecoa C M 4 ., .
4.g.tih, 4 , It ir oj o- ....14. - 11„ ', .1,1 ,1 ,"\--'__ , --‘,,'..4l.„....,l;,'rt*'"l'T's D lIEDOD. ' - \'\ "'‘
..,„,:•M ' - : \
elr''' 66 • l f. 6. tort( thla . liWidttli . til Ira:* '\ ,
a trll I\ , . \\ I.lp/three ba.lboto., velyDoeblee end\ Duet. X . W-4,,
set u the median. Ina u makesbly glathath-r.. , - \ 1
t e Itern.,Sanat.a. /Unman ErDy It, Y. \ .."
tort J .: iria—Sll- Taber lllvee Mined artul ena46l - -,
, ection r,f the Woo, arid all 4.t.r crtiPLOWI of IWZI.
,T:r? .7tas " l i olllrgq b Alle '''''' uLtVcorittrird LW . ' \ ''
lur. • to., Ch.*/ P. 4 0.,, , rtt . t gage me gredgml te.
hat 4 I bete ben. Ily a,. 4 . . et , I , =AD\ .. '\,
, rat Is lib 4. Yell nigh red IV Ile nine yogi/ ar i a
\ ' • \
~, utelne. bed the grub:met ors or es a vat, a aa,,,arat. - . ~.s4
[6.:IZ6VJIT,r, ha pi kli F . .. District. :re, tha \ •
' tack of b noldtla I 11.:4 . r. ' l ' etiereltie 'L x= " that \ \ i
tarts to - yo , and litcy ekr., : aura o rnTectfully, , . - T 1
The follow Imams of t • worst of news, whirl . ,
phywrtaw Irt.ttlwo ht tote ticor.le toregnm•- ' \' \
~ C It Ew. ARM,112.1648. '.„ "1\
J C. Arta— , 1 lin tatlen with • trulfhle toggl e
brought .by .1,1, In She ba.oning of last Tebruery. 7..
y,• es e gnnn. • 4
o my bed If.r mon than twdmenthe.
g_ a u • yin, y tie r ce 4 le,, 1 baraamMthargJi , .../
.4.4 pale, my oyes w re . en rid glist..iralatinade„ • -
ors nbcrr Indwd, W. 1., laid y fil 11.0545hd in stididti. -.
, „s. 1., i math thst 1. t Intl hr•or or niremirr treat - • i
kr .ttlert.aued It hide n Miro uathn, • instal again,
e r the Iler John h.her, t the Met tr4s.lChureb.)brageld• . ,t
me • bottle of your Lbe y I'm ub . whlcti 1
to a tlfy Wm than (um wy .....1 talk. Of °brut/mem
\ I
"44 r l '. " J
li.f 'I, Roo, e g es t. naha .s. rnu I rantlnunlte h t_lt._% , ' l,' .‘r
1 .012 Mood my hearth m h t0e5.1. h.. h.' , ... , , ',.s 1
siot.lto I urn wall and •troo ,w 3 a astrlbob. layman 4
only ro your treat 111.1116.0 ik Ith L i dl , l , Clabth it tillt , .• ' \ 4
Sy gjt . ;:3 . 4 mid by JAME. C. AtElt, Pm.... Mole - l ''
b:`1.1")5,, I. ~..i t e..l, by ILA. ra.ti-
N • et/ 1.1 J 31 TOWIMEpID
lu • glumly Zlty. by 11. P. ill.qt TE, end J. 110111. \ \ i,
01.00. 4by Drugelets nonevent- \ eel4Talawinet \ 1