The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 24, 1851, Image 2

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At CO.
Fg ll)l k r iM9RNING, ()CT. 24,.11361
Te4terday we lot& the pleseure of making an
excursion' n the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
a point about ten utiles west of Brigh
iVedeft the Federal street Station in the
regular ,oriiing train, in a car especially provi
did Tor tho'citursionicts, amounting to aboiit
forty gentlemen, the officers of the road, men,
hers of thp preAs, and invited guests. On our
arrival at BrightOn, our ear was hmtened to the
fine locomotive Canton, and we Martial on our
tour of exploration.. The fret object of interest
tvhiChittracted out attention, sm.s the fine min
",'rof4lridge across the Bearer. Here the train
stepped, and the ‘e,alopany got out to examine'
' the 'structure. it is 750 feet long, erected on
pierso f atone, of as fine workmanship as we ever
else. The wood work 19 also of the best descrip
tion, giving one an idea of -great solidity end
durability. The height of the bridge is 50 feet
from the water to tfie track'
PMlti thispoitit the rood begins the ascent to
the summit, at th . Oate of 40 feet to the mile,
and .keeps near the Itenver river until wo come
la "Wallace's ran, which is crossed by n trestle
bridge;, 80 feet high, the trestles resting on
Otteni - piers. The.whole height of the bridge,
from the bottora of the run to the track, in
1.;10 feet. This bridge ie built on a curve in
the Jowl, and it also curved to snit its po
sition. Tho wood work of this bridge, as well
se that across the Beaver, Was built by Messrs.
A. - I,:.l.l'Patterson, of Allegheny, and reflecte
gnu .credit upon those enterprising controc
Between' the. Beaver river and {Vallace's run,
the ecenery is very fine, occasional glimpses
being naught of therivir, and of the hold and
striking scenery tilting its hanks..
From Wallace's run the road leaves the Bea-
• .
vet river, and winds among the hills, steadily
ascending, until it reaches-the summit, S %flee
I ,. ._•.friiiralrightoo, haring obtained on elevation of
reir At this point. there is a deep cut,
as`ttlsont half 411 tile long, and at its deepest. point,
feet in dePth, nearly the whole of ifs rook
• , formation,' :This Turk took about two years,
aud cost $45,011- This heivy work delayed the
'road for some time, and some croakers thought
it would not be finfahs . :l for many mouths to
come. Their prognostications haft , failed,, for
vse can testify that we passed through it
• „iaProad far, drawn by the whistling locomotive,
amld the silents of the people assembled on the
.banks, 70 feet Above us, sad "the mitring of artll
leryr The great work is done. The Icicomotive
bas passed the summit of, the hills which dividmi
valley .of the Oltio . river from the table land*
of and thus has overcome the chief ob
' etruction between Pitieldirgh and St. Lout..
In the middle of the deep cut the train ,top
red, and the company got out to examine the
stupandijus work which had been performed, and
- _.j.bert: was but one expression, that of surprise
find gratification at the great feat well hnd been
.FipiWtliwolimmit we proceeded oboOt 2 miles
' - .t.trther, where we otrerinOk the tea...l:layers,
with the train about 38 mile, from
At'ihis point err tame mbenk
meie 60foot. high; which we werei i :yrorue3 were
the butt of iba heavy work —Hayo •I this- po:ot
•—lhageadimg being eurorotratieely irght
:1 4 ile`grading and briLlgieg is ahoul tini=hed the
Ailtfile.Aisfatto:e diotactoe of 11
Pittehurgh. Four gunge ceun.ev,ing
men, are now engaged in laying
tka-tinek between Brighton andAllianee, and it
brennbdently expeeted that the track laying will
-:lbe Mashed to Alliance by the Dith or December,
aid to Massillon by the first of January, when
ire shell see a stream of travel through Pittsi.
targheueh nu hen serer been witnessed before.
flaring spent tome time in looking at itiwork,
we re-entered the care, and started oil our re.
'turn, 'with the -Locomotive Salad, which had
',come out on pur pose to take us hack. When we
Arrived it• ties Merrick Manse me found a fine
ier_anaßiesus.ef Eta Oro Irompauf 14-
- took with appetites sharpened by tbkride Af
teridui cloth was removed, speeches were maiß,
indtoaste drank suitable ro'the occasion. We
: ,dook nu poles, and only say Dist all were esti!.
...lent and in good taste, - *I that nothing occulr
',.iellito mar the harmony and good fellowship of
. thentioasion. Among the speake s r, were Gen.,
'Bonuses, the able enterprising President of the
Road; S. W. Houses, Etat , tbe-ei.perienced and
'mord efficient Chief Engineer; Hen. A. R. Loom , .
ist; Umi.Jedge SEClure; Wilson 3l'Candless, Eel .;
nail Morgan Robertson, Esq. Mr. ROlierts gave a
'very interesting account of the progress Lad pros
pirats,, of the road, which — was received with
ioundi of applause.
At four o'clock we took our seats in the cur,
=Ante= minutes past four started for Pius.
burgh, sivising at the Federal Stttet station alb
minutes before 6, making the trip of 2.8 miles from
Brighton to in exactly forty-four Inle
t 'utes, inr.ludiug four minutes last in making two
stoppsges. `From Rochester to . l3e'irickly, thir
teen miles, the time was 17 minutes. For see
eral miles the train ran a mile a minute. The
,Locontotive used was the Salem, one of Norris'
Entries. ;Notwithstanding this high speed, the
r' ', .44rlstlt so quietly, that one could read the finest
• tifikepith ease. -
• - -
MAL or SAVE Mt-cm—About thetitue of the
election we 'wore describing to a democratic
Mead the advantages and beauties of the Corin
try at the head of gait Ricer, where we supposed
we were about to tend him; Init it memo that
he and his a?ociates have managed come how to
send • na there. The' trip this time was very
ahort; for we went' not by horse-power, nor
wirwispowarr;dhr steam-power, but hy.lightning - ,
'alitiVe hardly knew that we were on board the
craft ere we were safely landed io that quiet,
peaceful region, Well, since our arrival wo have
had-time to look around as and truly it is a pleas
: antplaae, though its pleasures consist rather of
negatives than positives. Here arc no respon
aibilities, no cares of state, no quarrelling over
spoils. • The ahots of the enemy cannot retch
.us here, twin there the amallest danger of be
. 'lrtg.puthed from oar Okla. Here we are Rafe
antramagailable ; while we can pelt ad tibitum,
theta mhodrove us [coin our crib in the lower
oonntry, whenever we see them misbehaving.
- suppose we shall stay here until our
friends, who proved-"too many for shall
work otie.thejr4,intertssting experiments of free
' tradaand tither matters, and get themselves in
to tucks maw that they will be glad to send for
at again, -And then, after we have put all to
rights, and set them'fairly going once more, as
"we haie done in times past, we take it for grant
. edtheY will drive us back again. So we go.
For car part, we think we' should like to
stay:: here ail . the time, could they but man
ite• 'things weil without' us; but about the
time tbe democrats get down to ten cents a
day, and no beef of any kind, they will he call-
lug lustily upon us to comedown again; 'and
we 'apposewe ronst,go. •- •
FA.III:I,7IIIDING.—Thi formai, in noticing the
„hot that the Sunday School of the Washington
Street-Ittethotlint Church, New York, his under.
taken the tuppnrt of a missionary among the
Norwegians, in the western part of our country,
.:takei exceptions to the undertaking, upon the
VINO that the Norwegisne are better Chris
tans thnn, the people of New York, and that
consequently they ohght toSxpend their labors
sad means nearer home. It might be enough
to - say, in reply to the fouriars long article, that
the bwevolent parties themselves might be pre
tamed the best judgei in such a matter.
The "Five flokds” -or New York, that fan
:• famed locality Orlin and degradation, is men.,
tinned as illustrative of .the necessity of staying
- home.: But does this corner of the Christian
Iri,ild..notknow that devoted and evilNenylng
- hats long been; laboring, and with a
tob, to reclaim and ele
,ll4l4o7e*atswhisseicoss hive given ildtt
A Ill;chltiltas
taitltshc some; two yeara ago and is yet sue. :
; and several hens
: •
.. . .
deeds are giving ,tlacir tillte 'and
'labors to the work of in.structio4 dad guiding
the ignorant and depraved of tha t great city.
We make a short extract from th! article iu the
' ' ' •
" When a missionary goes abroad he does not
build himself a church, rind trust t 9 chance, or
curiosity, to send him bearers. , di mingles with
the people, and oilers his teac i ' s in their
dwellings and at the:street crime ... Why hove
we not more religious teachers of t is class, at I
home 7, We have rotportretr; bush e pedlars of
religious books,) and plenty of idi.tributors of
tractS. gut those who stand in the greatest
need of riligioim instruction :melee malty una
hle to read at all. 'Nriny that can lied, will um ,
read : rattily that can and dc.r+d,' are unable
to underiliand what they resd ; quii: v - Llint read
and understand, refuse to believe, hits others
that believe have' not the strength ef 'will. and
rental training to adopt what they believe. Turn
the question which way we will; we are forced
to the con4lusion that the .MOBL !important field,
for the laVors of the moral and religious teach
er is not fairly reached by . the systems now in
vogue. We need an energetic class of instruct
or. who will follow the syst. of the Apostles
of old, mid wringl, wan th 4 wretched 'and he
. nighted, giving them oral instruction, answer
ing the questions of doubters and caviller., and
clearly explaining those grunt truths of natural
religion which, happily, are within the scope of
the meancat'understanding"
A mac may not be able to understand what he
tott 1:e ,ought to notleretitti the subject
upon which be attempts le write i nod if he does
no, he ought to be met at the street 4orners, or
in his dwelling, or office, andi instrocted.
Thus forwo cordially agree with the . .fournal
The fling at eoiperteut,—who arc denominated
peddlers , Of religious books"-iis most offer,.
sire, whether.regarded in the light of taste or of
flex We tel! the Journal thatiso far from the
c,lporteur r peing a mere pedd er of religious
books, L'it Work embraces all the good works
which . it . prnicribes rto necessary id the pre
mises. They , aye to quote:, the laiguage of
the above exthet) that "energetic class of in
greeters who follow the of old, and
mingle with the wretched and benighted, giving
them oral instruction, answering the. questions
of doubters and cavillers, and dearly explaining
those great truths of natural religion tand of
6EVVALKI• religion, ton, which are o little more
to the purpose) which, happily} arc within the
scope of the meanest understaxiding.".
The labors of colportenrs, tr i act 1 kitributors, '
and many other classes of Christian laborers,
are silent and unobtrusive. They NouDd DO
trumpet. They do act ..strive nor cry, neither
is their voice heard In the scree a; ' ati4 because
this is so, the editor of the J rdrnal Wm* to he
unaware of their existence. ire are, happy to
inform him that the work lo -has laid out is .
"being done, - to some extent.' but it is gee*
and the laborers rap yet too feW. There is am
ple loom for him and tot , a l ;...1 Those' who are
engaged in it bore neither tie nor iiis;cei tion
to grumble; foir netwithstandi l i tig all they do,
they feel that they arc still so for short Of the ful•
fitment of their own duties, that •they dare not
complain of the shormornings,l in,nriieiousness,
ur inefficiency of other.. ,l 4 4l .D. we
beg leave to remark that th e se who, send aid
and instruction to the destitute who are at a dis
ton re - the Norwegians, fur ustoncewill be
tou.4 to be the most efficient workers at home.
If we hats ...4cppe.l licyond lone_ appropriate
province in this matter, ',;,:e throw the blame
upon the Journal. I ..
1,4 or
that the sae
-egarde4 all over
haw the correct-
It ete maintained by the Ilbi,
n:o tbrouganat :..;o late Camp,'
t... , of Cola Bigler truni.l. trp
...clitou “as another noblo
11,e oitt.e of Free Trade. .
of this p.nlition. 1,017 111.5
quote the
11..11, iruptiq priiele on the a N. :I !Prabi
awing porograph
11 , pho fn Thor,
-To return to the Pentisytruno vitott, the
r, sults nay he considered as ttecisive against a
visioh of the tariff at the ilex eession of Con•
t rit , s.,l iaor Johnston, the defriated Whig candi
date, made the tariff a dteffued issue before the
people, in his various uddressels before.the eke
ti.M, throughout the State—arid be es:del upon
them to declare by their votes whether they were
satisfied with the present tariff, or whether they
desired more efficient protection. truticularly
on coal, Iron and other manufactures of Penn
swtrania, Bigler the Democratic candidate, on
the other band, was underztoOd to he in favor of
the present tariff, and not Anxious for further
protection. Whatever, therefore, may be •at
tt mptud by the advooates of n higher tariff at
at the next isaaion of Congre4, the vote of the
people of Pennsylvania., nr.„that of the section of
rte coootry most interested in g jarilT, will
doubtless be urged atldecisive against stair :O via ion
or further protection.'"
In Schuylkill and some other counties, Whigs
were induced td rote for Col.lßigler under the I
impression j that the chances 'for a revision of '
the urea would be improved by the defeat of
Gw. Johns Corr Those wit° 'were silly enough to .
hatless that they would he safe in the hand, of
in., who had always been hostile to their inter-
Lots, will soon 'discover that, tii4y bare commit
te I a sad mistake in striking down their best
friend. COL Bigler is publicly pledged to stand
by the tariff of lf!ple., and he - cannot go for any
to ,dification of it without being false to his own
friends and his own party. It is to the Whig
prtrty, and the Whig piny alone, that the friends
of protection lutist look for relief. —Lan. r0,0n,.
AggggiLlC vs Tlig GLAA , SIAN Low.--The
telegraphic drspatch which !poke of the Wash.
irnstoa flepuOic haying taken ground agnirou the
German loanhas caused a desire to hear what that
paper which' is presumed t 44 speak the senti
ments of lb: administration)' says on the soh
je.q. The fo lowing is the article referred to.
..ino-ruge 'unsex. —We observe in one of the
Bvlttroore pa .ere an advertisement for a -"Germ
an notional i.en.of two millions of dollars. which
hos for its o ject the promotion of the impend
ing Gorman revolution." The c,drertisers obli
grde themselves to exert all their inftente to
"rouse the capital and interest of the German
national loan to be acknowledged as a State debt
at ter the victory of the revolution; and promise
that all the conditions entered into by contract.
Mg the loan shall he faithfully "
We suppose that this loan will hr promptly
taken hyrapitalists who ore Partial to this hind
of security. ,There have been' two ur three 41.11
loans taken here. at a somewhat formidable lie:
count. The Cuban bondho;ders paid, it is said,
ten cents on the dollar for their paper heco red
by the mortgage of a praline} which the mort
gage's did pot own. The Get'griatt revolutionists
oiler nothing but a personal security, which is
something morepodest,.but may not be convid
erCrble more Ireliable.
This Geriatrist prosposition may he regarded as
more nearly resembling the Erich subscription,
perhaps, than.the Cuban spec lotion. Tint ex
periment in donation was hardly so encouraging
av to justify a very eager enthusiasm to partici
pate in thin neve arrangement.
fln , ruentnn HArce.—The following 'elan ei
traet from it letter received from Mr' Jonas
Chioknring, doted; Paris, September 27 1851.
enldressed to Abraham d. Bigelow, Egg ,-Bos•
Von must try and make an arrangemel With
Itit Ca th arine Hayes for one or two ni bts,if
possible. She is now in New Tork,and willipossi
bly be in Boston before my return., She is a most
charming singer, and, a most worthy lady. I
heard her in theldessiah, Creation, and l t inah,
and was delighted with the style of singiu , the
uncommon power and sweetness of her voice, to
gether with her personal beauty and :ladlr•like
appearance. Any attention you can show her
in furtheratice of, her visit to Boston, I millilitre
win be appreciated by her, and you may be
sure your 'Meath:2*M be worthily bestoWed.
She is the sweetest hallad singer you everheard
and Banda Haydn and idendelssohn are esjual
ly represented by her. Tell her from me ;that
the must do our old Handel and Haydn a favor
on reasonable terms.
Mies Hayes is slow in Basics', and has given
concerts withgreat success. The press is Irish
in s praise, and the beet musical critic are
Is shin their encomiums.. •
!MITZI= rift -A gentleman of this city yeSter
r picked up • small packsge, which, upon, ex-
Ination, proved to be some twenty or tldrty
ntorfeit $2 Relief notes on the Lslacaeter
4, re-issue, signed L. Ric Lards. This it, not
r first appearance; but we caution people to
on their guard, as fisese bill ere welkez
denco on the port of the C./prominent against
the, Syracuse slave rescuers having been closed
on Satomday, Judge Conklin yesterday held them
to bail for apiearance. at the; next term Of Akat
i Th
at Buffalo, on the 2d Tneadeitn IfOremben to
ernes charged is misdemeanor, alit Wei
More Waste - are expected lti d bt9 made. --, .
1, A.
.- •
UXITTL. STarts.—the New York papers contain
a long and eloqpent address front Koilsuth to the
people of the United States, which was written
at hl's place of banishment. Broome, Asia Minor,
27th March, ISSO. Conaiderations of prudence
caused hie friend here to defer its publication
until the difficult and delieute'negoriatione re.
sporting his release should be terminated. But
the illustrious author being now free, there is
no longer any reason for withholding it from the
world Wham been take translattql: first from
the original Maygar i n to Orman, and from that
into English!
Major ti. To:Moan, to whom the address was
i..rwor.led. has the original in his possession.
Which. ow.iin the meeting of rongres, will l•e
presented to that hely to he filed among Mr ar
chives of the nation. '
We should be glad to ba able to putdish the
entire document, but its great length obliges
us to content ourselves with two eitraM.—
Spenkipg of Hungary during her struggles, ho
says- , •
There was no anarchy among W. Eden in
the bloodiest of th • e conflicts, when the human
passions are most excited, there was the most
perfect • order and 'security of property entlpir
eon. Bow did the conduct of my noble country-
Men compare with that of the •order snaking'
Austria' Whenever the whirlwind of war
ceased for a while where the social elements
were left in chaos, the ittstinctiie moral feelings
of thin incorruptible people, In the absence of
all government, preserved better order and safe
ty than legions of police. 'A, common spirit aui
mated the whole hation—no secret aims, no per
sonal or local attacks, but a hold and open de
fence in the Mee of the world. Following the
example of your great Washington, we adopted,
as our policy, conciliation, justice and legality,
and scrup‘ilously otAorved the laws of on.
The !tussle. and Austfinns taide the ;oil of
Wallachia the thlsis of military operations; and
the Turkish Government, which either knew not
its oin interests, or :was nimble to defend them,
silently permitted this violation at treaties and
the rights of nations, thus humbling itself and
betraying its own weakness Several:times we
drove our enemies Pierson the Wallnehian bound
aries: for it was only necessary for our victorip
our army to advance into :the emintrics of the
Lower Danube to route the inhabitants against
Itussia,_and to transfer the war to their own
toil But we respected UM low of nations, nod
stopped prat Conquering forcee on the routines of
Walachia. Tier soil wan sacred to us Austria
left Gallacia almost unprotected, and collected
all her forces to attack on, !lad we at this time
rent a small portion of our army Di Poland, it
would have caused a general innurrection,' and
that heroic but unfortunate nation would have
revoked herself by throwing the !lesion empire
into a stain of uvolnLion Rot we actedin de.
frost only, and we deemed it a sin lo [precipitate
other nations into n terrible and uncertain war,
and we checked our sympathies Pesidti, we
avoided saving the Emperor of Russia a pretense
fora war of totaliation against ti.P c ih, it wa s
foolish—fur the despotic hypocrite made a pre.
ieas.e, he celled our own struggle the Hungarian -
Polish revolution. though the whole number of
Poles in our armies did uot er seed Anr th o u,
We doubted not that the European powers'
would negotiate a peace for rt.., or that they
could, at len4, prevent the Russian invasion.
They saidthey pitied nit. honored our efforts,
and condemned the conduct of Austria hut they
could not help us, because Europe rei/aired a
powerful Austrian empire, and they musecup•
port It, in spite of its evils, an a balance against
Russian central and eastern Europe -What a
mrstake: What diplomacy' Is it pot nu clear
as the sun that the Cretin aiding Austria, would
do it in ancti a IVA., as to obtain the greritivet 1111
advanagse fortiros. , ll. 5: s;, ,t not manifest that
Austria—who had always; throughtee holp
Hungary, strength:enough tit oppose Russia tr an !
when rho destroyed Hongary by Retsina hap.-
nets, no longer he an independent power. hill
merely the avard guarde the Nlnsenvite,• Yet
Europe permitted - the It lean indelible
marl, inn It le ever thus
in Chit Worth. They :rested
just as they treat Inrkey They assert always
that the peace of Europe and the balance of pow
er regime the preservistieo of the Turkish em
hire—that 'turkey macs ...met, to ...heck the ail..
ranee of the rilevaek p ihor Hot, notwith
standingthis, England and Fiance destroyed No ,
Turkish fleet at tiavarino- 4 fleet which never
could have injured them, but whiny might hive
intended with Russia in the Black Sea
Always the same worn-a . old. and fatal sys
tem of policy ' —while Russia; ever alert, -et re,
province After prnsince from Turkey She hat
made bersell the apvereirr of 'Moldavia and
Wallachia, and is sap Ping founlatintui of the
Ottoman empire. Already Turkish inifieials are
more. dependent on the lowest Russian agents
1 1 than upon their own Cirand
Oh that' Hungary had ,recrived but a slight
token of moral support from the European pow
ers -from those powers whose dreams are troubled
with fete of the advance of the Commack ! llnd
only an English era french agent come -to us
during our struggle, what might we not have
.done He, too, would have seen and estimated
our ability tit-Junta:a aurselres—ho would have
observed' the humanity, the lone oi' onto:, the
reverence for liberty which charactethed the
Hungarian nett, Had these two powers per
mitteil a few ships to come to °spore, laden with
arms for the noble patriots who had asked in
vain for weapons, the Hungarians would now
have stood a more impregnable barrier airainst
Russia than all the arts of a miserable and en-
pensive diplomacy
There was o time when ue, with the neigh
e Larohtra party
boring Poles, saved Christianity in Europe.
And now I hesitate not to avow before God, that
we alone—that my own flokary—could have
saved Europe from BUlt3isl) dominion. As the
war in Hungary advanced; its character became
changed In the end, the results it contempla..
plated were higher and far more important—no
thing less, in fact, than-universal freedom, which
was not thought of in the beginning This woo
not a choice: it was forced upon us by the I,orry
.of the European nations, who, disregarding Pieir
own interests, suffered Husain to invade and
provoke us. Yes, we were martyrs to the cause
of freedom, and this glorious hut painful des
tiny was imposed upon us.
At the moment when I hardly hoped fur fur
ther connotation cu earth, behold the God of
Mercy freed my wife, and enaldedlier, through
a thousand dangers, to reach me in my place of
exile. Like a hunted deer, she could not for five
mouths find in her. own native land a place of
rent. The executioners of the beardless Nero
placed n reward upon her Lend, but 'hr has es
cupeJ the tyrantx. She was to me and my ailed
countrymen like the rainbow to Noah, for she
brought intelligence of hope in the unshaken
soots of the Hungarian people, .v 1 in the ale,
Climate sympathy of the neighboring nations
who had fought against Inn They had aided
the wife of the much slandered tlovernor of
Alt zh the sympathy of the world often de
-pends upon the result of actions, and the 404
cessful are applauded, still Hungary by her Ml
tie bearing and trials has drawn the attention
of the worU The sympathy which she has ex
cited in both worlds, and the thundering cn .
which the lips of millions hare, pronounced.
against her destroyer, announce lit, the mar;
ing of the wind before the atom, the corning
retribution of Heaven.
Among the nations of the world there are two
which demand our gratitude and . affection.
land, no less powerful than she is free and glo
rious, supported as by her sympathy and by the
approving voice of her noblest soon and the mil
lions of her people. And that chosen land of
freedom beyond the ocean—the all.powerful
pie of the United States, with their liberal gov
en:nent—inspired us with hope, and gave us
courit:ge by their deep interest in our cause and
sufferings, and by their condemnation of our .
The President of the United States. whom the
confidence of it free people hail elevated to the
loftiest station in the world, in his !derange to
Congress; announced that the American Govern
meet would have been the trot to recognize the
independence of Hungary. And the Senators
and Representatives in Congress marked the de
stroyers of my country's liberty with the stigma
of ignominy, and expressed, with indignant feel.
icigs, their contempt for the conduct of Austria,
and their wish to break the diplcimatic inter.
course with such a government. They summon
ed the des rota before the judgment seat of hu•
=wily they broelnimed that the world would,
condemn thear; they dechirell that Austria and
Russia had been unjust, tyrannical and,barbar
ous, and deserved to he reprobated by mankind,
while Hungary was worthy of .universal sym
pathy. • '
The Hungarians, more fortunate than I, who
were able to reach the shores of tho New World,
were received by the people and government of
the United States, in the most generous manner
—yes, like brothers. With one hand they hurl
ed anathemas at the despots, and with the ether
welcomed the humble exiles to partake of that
glorious Amencan lihfitty more to be valued
than the glitter of crowns Our hearts are fill
ed with emotions to see how this great nation
extends its sympathy and aid to every Htinga
rian who ipso fortunate an to arrive in America.
The sympathetic declaration of ouch a peOple,
under snob circumstances,l with similar senti
ments in England, is not a mere sigh which the
wind blown away, hat is prophetic of the future.
What a blessed sight to whole nations actuated
by such sentiments!'
"Free citizens of Amerbia! you inspired my
countryman to noble deeds y9ur approval
parted confidence; your sympathy consoled in
soleandty, gave aray of hope for thetuture, and
enabied us to bear the weight odour heavy bur-
den; you fellow-feeliag will sustain us till we
realize the hope, the faith, "that Hungary is
not lost forever." Accept, in the name of my
countrymen, the acknowledgments of our worm
est.gratitude and our highest respect.
I, who know Hungary so well, firmly believe
she is not lost; and the intelligent .citizens of
America have decided. not only with impulsive
kindness, bat with mason and policy, to favor
the unfortunate but not the subjugated Hungary.
The sound of that encouraging voice is nut like I
a funeral dirge, but as the shrill trumpet that
will call the world to judgment.
Who does not see that Austria, even in her
victory, has given herself a mortal wound!' lice
weakness is betrayed. The world no longer be
lie s, that Europe needs the preservation of this
demiyinr empire It icevident . that its eintence
is a ours,- to inktild, it can never pro Mote the
welfare or sor rui iely The mime of its imagined
power is gene; it was a delusion whichlmiu de- ;
ceive no longer. Among all the races of this
empire- —not excepting the hereditary States—.
there is none that does not despise the reigning
family of Hapsburgh. This power has no moral
ground of support; its vain dreams of a united
empire—for which it has committed the most nn
heard-of crimes—are proved to be mere ravings
at which the world laughs. No one loves or re
spects it; and when it falls, not a tear of regret
will follow it to the grave. And fall it surely
will. The moment Russia withdraws her sup.
port, the decayed °thrice will crumble to dust.
A shot fired by an English or by an American
vessel front the Adriatic would be like the tram
pet at the City of Jerico And this impious, foolish
,'Government thinks to control fate by the hang
' titan's cord. How long will Russia be able to as
silt - This rear—who boasts that his mission is
to be the scourge OEIIII the nations striving fur
liberty- will nut the Almighty, whoSe vicegerent
he profanely assumes to be, blast the miserable
bossier' The very character of his Government
is a declaration of war against the rights and in
terests of humanity, and the'existence of ether
nations' Will the world sutler this long' Not long.
The Hungarian nation, in her war:has not
'only gained a conciousness of her own strength,
but she husforced the conviction into the minds
of other nations that she deserves to exist, ',lid
to he independent, nod she ran show justly that
her existence and independence aro essential to
the mice of liberty in Europe. No, no ! Hangs..
ry is not lost! Ity her faith, bravery, and by
her foresight, Owls teaches lice to oGide he: toot,
she will he yet among the foremost in the war of
universal liberty.
You, noble Americans, we Wens in the unmoor
the God of Liberty' To yon, who hive aummon
ed the murderers of my countryman htfOrlii the
judgment-seat. of the world--to you, who are the
tiro Judges of Ihie court --I will bring the CAn
plaints of 'my nation, and before you I will plead
her canoe When the house of Hapsburg, with
the aid of a foreign army, Invaded my country,
and hod destroyed. by their manifesto of the 4th
of March, 1819, the foundation upon which union
with Austria rested, there remained for Hung,
ry co alternative than the Declaration of Inde
pendent, which Hie National Ainembly4inani.
mously voted on the 14th April, 184 n, an,j which
the whole nation accepted, and sealed with their
Extruei 1t 01 leper to theNein:hal 'hieing.)
It iv grievous to lied that the prisons In Rome
are in as full and foul a elate its those of Naples.
That of Mount L'ittorys alone contains
pristiners,who Lase been 501111 there since the lst
of Jan. The condemnation or Col. Calandrelle,
_which ha= been only just made known, has caused
the UM-t painful senaation throughout the city
Ile wits Minister of War under the Republic,
and a ilistinkinsheil engineer and artillery 01E.
tier. wLii performed prodigies of valor tinting
the siege. The process I . IIIRIII.St him I, a tissue
of the lowest intrigues and the basest revenge.
Mill it he believed that this high•minded man,
through whose hands enormous eons have paw'
eil in hi. otticial capacity without a shadow of
sumplcion us to hist integrity. boo been accused
01 having stolen stone books from the ecleeiastl,
col academy, and has been conilenined to the
colleys for twenty years, nay a common thief,
and ha- bettrettuehed off, to Ancona in chatiiv"
The authorlite. of Rome hove reinstated the
and to prevent it from being burnt.
Rs liirmin wooden one was, they hate I stiiillt
nof cost iron
v eopolitan Government Los putilislud
rept) , tot/Ist of Alr Gladstone. tel
alive to the legal and inhumane treatment
political pi 'sone, in Nllple. It reproartie• Alt
Gladstone with having sought for and titcaitied
Inturnrtiii. Irmo ttlivv.rthyol red] t,
declarer nis liccitsisltoti to he generally uniroe,
rt,l attempts Ti show that inisoy of his details
Nre Col.Atr/try to Even soy
Vtrier, however,
a Lich hae .h.l ilOOll up, ns th ,nd of al - niter lo
t cot. Life two parties, and has exhibited rows
of tir alisolottst leanings, is forced to admit that
the drfenee of the Neapolitan tlovertiment tr
mida ilexterour than satisfactory, and leaves the
pout the denunciation 'Mentally untouched
There ie. r; report that another earthquake war
felt in diiierent part.] of the kingdom of Naples.'
in the tight of the nth ult.
The hlmptror of Austria has encountered eve
ry where to hie Italiap domiaione n very WO:
!siert... At Venice the prople were sullen,
and refused to take nay notice part in the amuse- ,
motto and displays intended to commemorate
the twit At Venora: where the F.niperor stay
ed four daye, thee Were external decoration ,
and street hereby, hilt most of the inhabitants
kept within doors An ruterminutent was nr
rungeq for witicla tic::ets wers issued, but
the theatre RON nut half The King of
liardinin wits invittel to meet the Emperor at
Sonata. hilt ale wits prevented from doing to,
— being engaged irrholding loge military even
ttona in his own Stater The King of Naples
intends' however to meet the Emperot, and his
Fl olim•se will rend out envoy
At Milan the maturity of the.pripalation left the
tour] daring the whole time the, Emperor re
mained there At Monza a person who had
contraete-1 to Illuminate the town isas 05505 F r.
noted do touch for the love of Italians to their
Austrian monarch Fear of imprisonment com•
polled the people to do what they were origred,
and lights in the windows and green houghs
and nags on the houses were not wanting: hut
in every town, and even village, the rejoicings
went no further. Notwithstanding both coer
cion and coaxing, Austria seems likely to fait in
olining from its own subject-stud - from Europe
at large the loan of about .1:6,000M10 sterling
The sithscription advances very slowly
lion Jesse It Bright, United States se t war
from Indiana, was struck. by paralysis, at hie
residence in !isclison, on Friday week, shortly
niter dinner. Ile woo sp.:cello/is Jur <nine inn.
merits, LIU by the laid or o medical attendant
W. 1.1 restored to consciousness
Fall Importation of Haraware, Cutlery. dte.
No. 129 Wood Street,
AlO t. twit lit It, nrotor prep.:sod !to toll, ttstrt• Pr. , "
ta • ra1111..1 Nil to plot•noto
Co - A WA .
lA, Al 11A ANA rri.r Mated C. AXE".
si•+,.. ant I.nud. nu,a,r
-A Nio, iit;MAIIKAYILL ener: or TOT,L
ELiALNIE the la.
the .lime -1 "Uli the ' , alai, gene: L *lly. h. the ,Ytilliar
1J Wm 11.11. 4.( till/ rJty. The care may Lr rryn by 6.41
üb. your ter 1.601.40 rriation to thu &brit , htty
ert J.rth 6. M. KIER..
I bad hero afllirted areal, yeara with a seterteranot both
umtlaued m ItiAresa... uutil Falderal.wr. Iv:,
iallartimalinn at that tidy.. havlau Involved the shale
'amid taembran. of hull. and ended in the depual.
of a thlrh id, which wholly deurayerrol Malt. I bad
• n ut.a.ration perform...l,nd the thlrkenitta remove/Ladd:l.
...MI returned and left me in u bed • earulltion an helm,.
A t thin pavan cl the tvanplatut I mad. apalleatioa
r. 1.1 ~ ~, mn
0 hire:teed taa
Mat • tat would never get wan: At ththrielruttl.l
not .11-r.,,gaud, Lay oty.,t Ity the slater aurae
I eatnut..dd the 10e of the. Petreleum, bath tataroallt
under whirl, tan eve. barn Imorovenl daily an'
1.1 the preaaitt time, 1 have tipeuveo.lavy Plata ably....
11 Ily general halt( was Vary mu... turyruvaq by the
Pettulatuti. .tat I attribute the e ,, turathai 1.1 Ins t.. 011 u.
I. an. I resale at N,, Ittl eeettall atryvt, in thin tit,. and
a il! t., hat, h. q. in. nay Infortnatka it. relatam to
wady •A ILLin;l HALL.'
1...: by vlettowall, IN, It..J 41.,..; di, t.
Weal cud I. runt .treat;. It. II Oar: j. it s 1,101.
1.1.‘ , .•• 4111 /I ‘11.41..., al , . I, 0...
a. a It.
aela ‘ll .vnat haatt. +...veuta nt . V.tiahuro h.
MCLANa.'s 1.1V61t PlLL!.—When the
prophet r ..1 thll invatuable remedy pumbas,,t It ;.f Ibe
ta , entur, there wrk9 no mndielne whleb deserted the man,
for tin.ante of Liver and Billions ...Plaints, noterlth.
standing ttn. Crean t.rmraleura of thee.. tileewee In ttie
Culled Mateo. In the South and Wan partietalarlY.
artier.• the patient In f1,,,111.111.1r unable to obtain the ser
,i.r.a of a regular physician. some remedy eras repnri.d.
..nce nat.. and ..Ifectioil. and whorl operation could, lu
e•Lte. prove preindlrial to the coustitctinu. This rural.
,113.1 la supplied by Dr. McLane , . L i bel kills, a. has two
proy.el In eTrry Instance In which It bulled a trial. Al beneficial. not a Aunt., inetanee hea erer cecurr..d
in whirl, De ettecte. hoer neon IgnirlainW the intention of
an educated and diatinauh.hra nii”lefun: It bas nothine
In nunnian with the quack 'neat/vans inapneed upon th
',Odle by +hallo* pretenders to the medical art. Eat...-
rim:me Las now prayed beynod n doubt, that Dr. m c L a n,, , ,
Pill I. the beet rumnly trot pray.. .A for the flier Oiaat
Purchase Will plensu beware of counterfeit, .tnatn,...
deb!, tisk Um Dr. MoLinnee celebnaed Liver liii, end
•akn none else, ne there era• other p1116,p0ri,0rd,,,, to te
lir., pills, ut.le before the polite,
per peat hy .1 EMIT) 6 en.,
ocl7.hlte•lt.F. !in. 60 Wrnl Pt.
Citizen's Insurance coin •of 4' ;t h
Citizen's insurance Company of Pittsburgh
01110 No. 41 WSW} etrryt, in lb ward/ono. ore.
• C. IL IlaysT, Preeldent. VV. Slams, 22,er
In atom. and in .
This Company la notran,ditnw p,
reage royand 1 nn•rehandin ,
nt, ffa.
Ab amplo guaranty 11. r the ability and Inteirlty of UM
.10.1titUti.,14 afforded In the character of Ma Director,.
who aro all 01111.41 of Ylttabunyto well: and farun6ll
Um , . MUM 1.1. 0. 1 111117 G.l their aradvr,...
awl Ititaffrlty.
DlMarloa3-0- IL llnnlaye WM. alialtr. Wm. Liaimar,
Jr.. Welter !limn D. Eini,LdwaN fleaeledon.
John /47woctb.14 , e4arbaugb, /1..15,1er.. apatiat
le..' From the unieerhal eueceis - 13( 1 .1.1. G.
FAmil's Arabian Liniment in ruling larn,lusa, rbeutn•
)nuat.., white
we hare no doubt but It will iapi•ily la, all
.raver reivediee th. nitnit, no there la no earth', doubt
but It 1. the wron! rpm.,ll-0, worlievri , It i.
rlientkr• for imuli w an.l Leal, 5J).1 ,o,oil all maan. , be, Pep; In Vt., an
iu tr.wn
Sae advcrtl;•l7l;rll.
To the Christian Public !
Aft Fr/14111101 1 S SERVICE in the Frew+
Isibyttuya, toka Waco on ?uncial 110‘1. ta JUL.
oak. A W. preelselv. hub,. othaallat la urch, carom
Per nth and Stnitbi,l,t, tentrnbee by te,,,• ne.
+erail sty., kr.• all artYlbel bo natenb
Dr F. B. V ION!, will laddroar the ..11..111 . 1.. Rt. 1•111
ro v e.. te thew de. te•rewtry ters.un. , e tier . ebnu,
tem of that aorvica , pn .uora.•lll< toad.tall.•
i rF, an intitructell hr Litt. ort
byyt.rable lor a.avi laa,
ea-o• II
Joao:, tdo • and • •
111 1:1'111 A1.1:1:
FIIIOB.IC -.10111.0X1.2+ 81141TM...40 . H 5',. and
and 1... ...LW .
.In WAIT t Cu
lI)FFEE-7S hags prim,' ICiu, arriv ink; and
1..) for by -1011 WATT /GUI
_ .
IMO I h, viz
j e ,; !) , i i ~,r 41, : i t, r . 1 . c f,,L
fur xa4 Lt I
LASS `.•011 b o x,: nay'd
VI !anal. I. ...MINI ATT
- _
OLASSES 11. SV roil, for
.11 wn.TY
UNDRIt:S-300 tioL l!"rn tiro an , ,
N b. Leather,
lob 4. Lap(
.111110 WATT A Co
Allegheny Railroad.
I N I.lf r,tlitfavo• (,r the dirretions all 1.1., of
Ith of Aril.
Of the Itch - An Art lor tht,
,tf Pltlobuf,h. lilttenuttly cal 14•,r..0
,L,•0r,,•4 Cou.p.n, .'• oiwnrl •
1., 0, E•splittl 0tt..4. .nid ~ ..121.4/”. at A AI .
~n et rt, Cm.r
the.. 3, I•itu.l..aglx.. ID. day .
!LL WI • *lllll-1.E.1 nowt., of AWAY ,
DEN NI, Al. 111 . 1,11N,N, It
.1. 11. YID /1:N111-.111.11,1; , 11F. , .11111 , II 1 1 1111 F..
111.• NJ IaRIII.INOTtiN.
111,1'1 4 IINS„1.11,11S , 1111t111SIIN
I.IIEIO 111411. 4 ,011.1.. L 11111111.
do.. III; FEINGI.o.. tLES..I . OI.IVELL •
null:111SW, .'11A11111 • 11: 1 .11111.
witKia Jou:,
Ull ER -i'rrnht , It'll, I . : O i l , II y
Mill for cal,• by
F ISH lit 1,1.15. Lako 'Front,
it. cklFihi./P
INNEEI, 1111. 1 ,, liri+Avolor,
A it I ANHUI ,
ea,ks L,r oak by
1 J 11 t.'00 , 1i:1.1/
litTS DRA %VEILS-- 5141 ILI/ . Men'.
~.1 ,irl• .0,1 I.•
4I LI F L :FS nioNt .I.,trahle
.4 A 11A,A, a CO 114, 4 ,4
:11ASON C0. ,4 nine
A 01.14 AG or 1.1). 1-410
no 1 are 111
neu op. an..ll4Albn
ALERATI . and 25 MT, pure,
r „. YARN- I 1"..- Er
11 t' 1 1 . 011 . 1...1 1
h. A 11, OA. Tux
RumA , Ti,
n'TEI FrerK RulT for rule lv
I 1.1, A IPA AN W. 1.:,
4 for
Al 11.1 i A lI.CAN
I INsE4I, (II 1,,--.111 W.. prime. for rale by
1$ A 41(111-711( 1 11 ti
t N . .., 12th
;1.."r. tsale. • 1.
.• r ...••••• • f.•••c •••••••• 17.• n• 1 . ..•••••.1•,mg
•. • I.• 1.••• • ••{KII• ••1•••••• 11. •••••.••••• ha
1..7,11.. Ms.., IL L. 1110,, pr It
••••.• •••• t, 55515 •.,••••••••.•f els
•••.• •11 , and 1..-•••: the 1.1,...•11•.•
“..$ll •••.1. $.•/$ %$51•1..1 1/... pit... IA ....It •
s , •ls•s•rp - I ssu 1.•••11 put s.ta 111
sss 1$$••• •—I Ur. kl
..‘ t 1... t. g .u. .ro
..te 1.4.e.,;11 111.—..10.
~l.~~~rf a ~:.t~.. •~lh ~~ ~1:.T.. I
. 1.1. lans• tli. sh ~n :krill
ism!. ,r-et )11.,
isth• IYr Fir .1. ,4- rrPr
Irll, -.1,1e , 111111. tr.
1h• t• .1 slier
buret. , ef re, ancie thee
T• • will. /4,...,1,1 • b... 1 Alley iusit ill the vi..
I. :there li sir .ri tir.l
in I selesi.ber hrin the ie... r.l slir I
sic scrub:id.. lb. h
• th• •thri.
• ties. ti rslt Philithel,bia, rthsel•••.th s t
ei.nethlethe thal 1. ielst- a. • ,the.tryss
issi4u.ll,l hy
k.,,1 TIAN: NTIN 1.615. ft
• I/ A FA F. 5 1,
T ANNERS' ol L-40 tier
Ail 6-- r,t , l
8, A
REANs- tr.-+t
a A lilt. AMMJNIA -•.:4w f
Is A 1 k lIN E,TOC
Desirable Property for Sal
r.ontug lovk
A tm•--th. olory brick thrriliut, Rota
r{,l,-. 4.11 rP.141n.•4-yeu.rooak.
I . • 1.. 1 , 141E1t
. tt ,• Etqattlt•trect.
1.L1.E its' Ekl l'F:111.‘ I. C4lU(lii
to.l tn, cu.-11..,t. Ia war
tt r •a' ..1 t ctinat,ttl
11) att..l. • 1,11 , ..1 it Its 11.,
aw'r at•tutro wv- S• a watt
In ' .tur .1, 4...+1 qt.
nI 1.1.0 ulth
sa, Amyl, tt. th, 110,1
attlr..l. th• •tll..
ral•fmry •
tmrtsltw.l 4..1.1 1., It E t
hit , t)..1. 1 ii. hug.
, duals ra
Ina Tea. kJ, kinglle
u +tar ia
N. tt
t•To I 5 , Unn
. •
)4 NI II)mm, »4.1 )., vICI
)1:4) :bar .131
1 etrolemn I
by. old 0, J. 1., I cern.q, 114.1
bao 11.0.0 u t , no
enntiln 1 I , Nn 1 a
I.rr ham t Almnod . 0 •
hx•llaf,t,al Pair , 9, try, I,,roupd
:•I,x. II Want Cor
coln Starth; , :n
Le,rl, 4,4n,n Inn
and J
. .
.:tertheaet tetra, Wend and
v v•kr, etwarn jt.atelt aretpatthitat • •
111/110.6 (1.1 . 11,14,021 rallee froth I'llttaursta A
el good character. with a small etrAtal t. 1 1 ,101
mite has a knowledge uf the etouldtna
fete ware an.lthachther, . twehre,wetww' vn
'raw... t.. toren, ewl a Towne man w
ter,. ,rehiehlt. tettli..n lie kl
e.rittyter runt., rtrtiettlr I. lit., 4t II
Atretly And !htt.ll wpm. tn.,. Ihtuht.
Ladies!! Read This!!!
THE PRESS, nnti I Mifort ly
ail doneriptson of the m,hanaqn m :II.• luau.
defrar 10 erhlrla it I. about . 2..) In La
mattind of ',tr., ing ltd.a.t. and inatine ,
keep tha inatrument .la.). In tiro," tin
F.Tery ;ker... haying Plat, .1.nc1.1 ba, a
Iva - ,k. No nod: .1 11, kind h* ...err in
el The N o l l nnpert.. t- srortE .
rld,.--0130 dollar u1t11 , 13, 0110,
, 21IecInally guard lon room i,..51614 1 , .“, Pun,
unatllllnl moan.
moan.' and pantlenwn rn thi ~lara of . 1.111
o.lleghany. dr.:ring .•apla• nftwork.
hidtnalr by iaavlng I tlwir ad,
villa, or any or Pal,bural, anorulaa
mum. , .lnna Id f
W th aal" J4ill/ flallo t r. 110.1
'kyr, El,Mr, Tlurd ArTe•l
lIT sending ..tsa dollar lb
' flae. Pltt•hu,gh. a cop> all] foranrstatll - fra.a
la. any part °I Unaod SIN ,npla•
liar, A 11.1,1,11,,,t to Dank , Ilens and Id
lhrrr iv no om UrA,
can Inakr •1 m
.0 ‘l.•. • ~ P Y Ilti•
`Jowl lu.your orshitni
et,. trill ripn thin mtinving iiartnno
ern. ot all qlll.finvit and to WO,
k o I i OLE LEATHER--: i nn
i;rI: I EAL%S li' ollesth Y. II.;
t, It.
- • . ,
L. I; GI latest
invt 50..1 for 96171.y_ J a
eeronns I.egt S.
drr, for K J , a I
111 ICE-10 tes fresh Carolinal
J. et
lustomare and tottiore ,tly `that
mire the, SE4.)o.tift hage Puppliot
MU, itnif a P .tuiptima U. their ituusuirOS
(U '7,11,1E4 Diu.s.F (pops, $.
L.A., Port:Oen, L'obunp,
AVES,. toquiti tett,
hazuleattio ::nohow. do.: 11"..1 di. ,
Marl: raid tolored Thittet, Ar. Plain awt
Bleb OW MUM, Mart[ MI halt mourn •
k Peet du.
teceiTed it further ;nitro!
Ablrtlist Gallic sad hist. (Ansa., pho
erialyt sal anvil.' be raid at taw Drim z„ q „,
+C aura /dere-hunts are limited to eallito ma
stuan Goode aro roll
, j_:,t
Pequea Farm at Public Salo
.rJ.. its. •.rnr , t iF..
..F t h.
n. Ir•.
. - tbr
• •
. Caution. - 4 „ `.
T H E public are car)kunedNagalast receiit
a., ~, nr.,-Intlng tbr . lloirinii%mnPfitatel of T.
N-nre !..• :You.. I:kleinlaut], " - We vo.r, alik\rnotol from nor
von., we brier., on the lon, n 0,.. ,
one inrentnnce a Con., MM .. AOf• 1,. LSO\ V I Z , :,/,
tn. , •• .IX from
• \ '
(.11. •• . 7 Imo '.• • 1, , X.A 00
Th, ~,,, ~.. ~,a,,,, t , ...n. 1..4k tut ri...d.
Nlld .r. Mut , . pal etle o. , l,lnikk• t...letkl,ly not en,
ol,0 ; ed A. pa) 61•111 ha. Area 'Von tjho 1kt....Pint.,0
oro w.o Lido.. or-1110131. 7 1; i!,l'. iINIIVI. OD. 6
Fire Works! Fir Wprks! \
riNiiE n. ,„,,1,,,,,,D.,, !lAN now nil ilk Del A hie.
. 1 n il o il '\
rlit " vff ."'... " °T ; r l%s fr jral l''
, IN.
TurpedrA ,•
Pon, Itooltenn
In.noko CAndle.. Pulling Crullkor k \ .
'tazhurg\ \,, \
1.,1ng P, .o•nt ' •
T...., Ann,
' Vl..ret Pot'. 1ienur0...4.1..., \ .
Ilan. 1.,,GT.t. ' ~ r oll- I
. 1 , ,, %%. , ,•Trk..34.
,1., li on o , 11.ftoo• yino.optl, atte,gal .1 t , no k Ili
works 1-...1t iou-kod auJ lortrardrd
•It A, .I.ortotton ed (Atli,- otol oyhtnitio:koo Iv.
lott.lny. ar . [mole to of ler at.edn, n.k.,
No •!.. 4outb 1ic:11• 3 ;r!i..14,1 ' 1 . Y . 11,1 - pkko
.._ . .••
j .,
Al' 1101.7iIES' I ITERA RI DEPOT, No. t
Tfin - 4 e,trel. cop , It 4 thi. Po.l/tno. \
taper.. Non...tooth 6 )14.Lue, tot in.,.
London lAN., oud I.c. 2.1.. roc.. 5.., 14 \
Lonuon Art Jot ..0,,,t0t0.
Alodol Arebltert. No . -
lil4, .. lady'r Rook, for IN.o•toior %
\ -
.rd .m'n Ning.lnv. '
.n. 0 .,. •• -
I it, au.l Aolt.outurro all Ar vo,nroavo lioAtAr. \
olloonlaw, a ',And by itulart• \
Initortsalmnal Mag. e. for 1 setootwor. N
Itort,culturilt owl C Ittvator. \
To.., and tit,. U.. to, tlaw,a,ol arrow.
Tex llAtuA Cock of 11 Il&ot of
1,11 4111 rote end 111. taint Aaolcho, Pon,.
'l'L. TaktuA of U 4.10, 1,, Ityntan
11,,,,,rb00 to, altl. toy MM.,
lorry iturnbr,m. tat. of the AtrourioAts 1te,,01,114,
1,,r0a 0,00,1.1 no,ti nos,' 'ALI.
. .
rawnk I nr 4 .c..n"-, In the Lanni • Prscate Innal
11..Intr ad Itm ll....nrattnn of lh. 51to...arby in arse,—
1., A.., Latu•ri an..
A1wr.1.1.. Wlnnlplgnel le, • ...pall In W.....tta.
writ Pr ...
:Apta. tait 1114.4 r, ..I Mr Bun n Ileum part
Artl.... i "...ay, wr Sn"... In tt" Tatra,.
11, II lal. nI 11....1.1.4". Yaw., 1., L1r1 , ... I \ c,
I:wthealne II ann., or tit. 11.1".1 a porch \i .....". Ilf.a.
1..r.,441 Innno.nre alb. 11....1tai..e In C•rallt. .
Tr".1 . ....1......0r, on 111.tnrIcal Nur..l ' •
511n1"....... 4.1.1 5hwa....., nr Dna. ar..l Blow, .
Ilia Eat". • Tal....lSLlrrlng Inn.. , i t .1 P. I:
7 .
.. O Ilutherfonl. • Yew Tale .
1a... Sewlp Hunter., .We ni Mot...
The 6i r o.r Chl.f. 1.1 la W 141. IC-v....1a.
taw1...i.. , . II". Chlial tall, Baal le g1a.1.1,1 lule La t e nter.
1 I CI .Sll4 . !!. 1' . .. hm. ...1. .
L '.k1: . .05 ... .G.. ,. 1; , t i1. ..11:: ., 1 , r ,.. oy ,
4 11... r I -ler, - .npniting lb.. wt." ..... ..... an. I: ltil .
h.,. elrl •t 1111.1.-1 16,1. 111, 1.,111 4.11 at naurlt 1.4
1.... "mu, weal
ILK SHAW Li .15UDRES:, (:001 , K
kJ Oproart'y 11.11, ..t A A lA./,4 A CO :., ra.... owl
~ , 11.10.., , ...Mg Shwa I. •oA 0n.... /p.a.
• - -- . ~
B UTTER —,. bills. Poe :L.l, for solo by
A' £4 %I lI.SON, Ila Per..... 1 xl
B U U T r Eli-6 . ILbi...i.r, ' i , iro, it ,
011 , , , ,
. '
A it ClAret, BuilJpAN
IPA% OE it qta , kega Itla9ting, ,, forsltle by
A 7' J. A
01(!liEREL :11)1
,; blr . Na. 3 Large:
J A 11 1 , 1.4A1,
g 01.1)EN :• , 1 RE! P-- bbbr. un
• F.L.riLLr. /...t.••• 1.1 J ,•• ILI L
MOL ASSES— '2O Lt. 416. Ciuotialp : s
•ru,r-r. L••.I. L.,
1111.1yORT1.1 - • 1•1,
I tt.!rlrec,`t j .,., a ,4f .
II EESE—Lo I,,,res•Cremne c fslr nale by
S V 1 . 11WJAUL111
ma IL-J.:101ot, and Statuall, .n.l
IV ALTER P 11A 511A1.1.,
. • .._ • . _
It IMSON VELVET l'API.:l{.\ , llANtl.
• i for 11.1,11/1,, JUL.., ILL,
IV 41.1 It 11A I, lA,
Billings Patent band Wreneti
• art.,.•1.• IA the hill, ILI \
JILL, vrILL,I wlL•ry • •Is• sr.. A... 1.51111 •••••tarrOT \
u•IJ. awl • Ith ocrL•111•••••, wr••••• uhsrh L•ru.rtlLfy t
LIJ. .ut•1•1: Ow Ist.. a/L. nut iLLu • .1..11 1.1 zu.l
turning the • hoL•I L••• •L, 1.u•••/ .11‘•
•JL ••nt1•114 ilanLl• al 1
JlrL sz•lcla•lll•AnL.,. L•aniils
1111..1 LILs • au.l an..l 1 1.51,
L' t••••... 11,.. 1,11
. . . •
i t... 4 , h....3.J
. 1.., 11 , .... , ,..., \ 4 3 . 11% , nu thr 1.... u. . ./.. il, t...,....C.1 rti.....t.\11. u It, t
I ,'.: ~.- , ,', . i .`,.7.`?1t:1 . 1'1. " .T1'... 7 t 1 :. qA- '1 'h ;:,;,t '' 4! ) . llq - , 4 ' ,,.,..;;; ' ,. , , r
~.,. •,,..
Baca rau , tut .....1....1. tr..n.11%, 1.. t...,.. aut...a. ...rr.
, ... '1,13t, I ..... . \ lupin. .....,...111, r. TI
1 1
1851 Hops. , „...,, \, , „ral.m .h. t.k.• ..
.1414411 1 'l,l ..lautt... 4.1 , 1J t,..
1••• 8.1 1.E . :; ~I Fl re t 5..,t1 E tstera All.l 1 " ec , ~,,,,,,, ~,x , t „,,
I) i) t.t.t. it.. 1.-, r. A - tr. .....u.; , . tr.. -....... 4, ..... ~N '.
~. h.. ..Et. ..kit! ITII l`rt• \
1 1 11.1 WHITE-a 1... ., put•o t t,t t -tylr% .
i A.. , 1 ~,,...-..,,,' -, ~ ' 4 -,... ~ 1 . ' S 1 1 0 it. ' l ‘ OF ( ) ITT
It, ~. ....-.1 A _ ,
I 1 . .11 . HE I' .1 ST E " Icatzl Brand ---4 i , t
el . t . ,, -- lan. .... ,'nu.. . 1 \.` e', i . „.., i. , „.. .-N,...., .lark.... .t.k.....a....1 1..1
\ \ :It ..
) 11: pLppi.oliNT--1,,, Itot., purr 1,4 , N
~ tirti,... it \'‘ i \ % . , , ,111 . 41141
'''' ‘l ‘. ..\ ‘ 't LE . ' i ' l. .. - . 1 ..t.t. , . t . 1., t • ~. iiii"...
i V . { E!; , N ,_ ..)1 L , (2 , V) ,, T , ll nri —J , u;. ,
‘ e , ,o-t , t:1 from ', N t ,'"„7,.,,, - ' 4 `. 1 ,,' r ‘ r t ',, ..20'; ‘ ,..',.,`, 7 , , ,,' ~
, th 1 t w,...1. •• , Itu I, r<s. ',ale rho, 4 1 an.3o...latit at 02.. r, ....No, ,r
11.. 11.trart •t ....... J• I .3.11 M Lll..- , 7) . q " t . :‘',7 . ~ ..' ,
'r , A BLI: i'l./%1:10,--30 tiot.en 0 'lt6.l:a- 1 .. ' 4; .. ;. r ~..;r 4 . . . " V...!..1
t... 1 444 , 1 1........0 C..,,,11(1..r..1 •tr 3 t.r 1
....• 1.. i1....t.....t., .114..4141 11.4 1 %/l 01
1. .
1 , 4 ! tII 1 , 1111.1-11'.' ,• 11, att.,. 1.1 1
.1t1a...t. 1,-Grapou. lit
sitt. I , 4tutt.t! . 4 ,1 5 1
1 1 1{1:\ t'tl'.l lIEN T SHADES- A d, z ~,.4, ' ~ wawa. N .... t'ratrta, • ktt
11 . wrt......t I t'r...q...r.... . 1n.,. 'flu.< fe. .1.1.. al.! llt . :A.,. •-. r... 11., 11.,
• u 4,..1.. au, ,t... 11 1., tt 1 4.7,3., 41a ,t , it... 1 N'eutt.
Is i 111 141114.1 r. ,N.. !1. , ilart... k. 1‘ ~,.... l: tr. 1 1... 1.3e,r.
Note 118 , 508. \ tit...l...gnu.
.las Nelson, 1 / 4•rhu,
entacap 1,, Net, tlrlas.c.
mk . K., HP (I i .1, - . Bli Re lIVE LD ue flit \' . instor.,aew ttro..ut.
.I.‘ trPt.ntra; , ll , tt..., la.rga. ruppl r y-1, gtortd• cf their : 1 , 3, . 1 . 1. 4 1 . 1 ... L -11 . 11 .N. "T' ,
ICI. 1,111trr1 ' it:41,11 1 (71 . 1M : /tit3141brl . .1 R /f, 'rmc l, .Ir. \ . --'e.----
t...... Alit. , I.mel.e st../ ~tit.r.....tten thlt. CO VI'S I.e.ttilfitd Tlll.
m .,,,,,
, . V.I. 1,111 (DEL1 1 111.A " ..41. It !
Ctuutry Las. ~.. uma E. tr1.1. , 1.1 , 1. thrtr Ituritt . t .. -
1nr.....1 In rail ...., :It ..,..L rt 1.. • P.... 1 ,7,r It..,..trktot I
I A RI , OIL-2.1 1.\.1 No I 11l wy.; per N. t tart iso—iv,tto,,t.,
I 4 it Cernt.bra..r. ay.' to` s t.l.- Itt . . . 2, m.
31: 3.1 1 111.1 , ALA., 1..., 11,3: trotat. I
......... ..11.11. ......t i,.
i k
V °U LL : ."4 114\ . 1 1 11 . ::.4, i 11 1 44, j'"‘.'' 114.N4, 1 :/ "T1.. 4 '
4 , 41.1. or, Ow l',loth:u. 3.1 II I 1.414411,1.
1... 1.,...,. A.. ca....a rerun, 1114 ter., . Ukt , . t .. ;-. 1. i. - 11... 1.., ihttl .Ir
* --- ' .--- N - l ' i4:E . ki''' 1 -7 A-1,.. ':\
''''' '.
—V N 3 • '
Ilatxmo” An le-trt..ellitiPentewßl setbsatu , .., \,, N oll , .
i. Ible Paysr es` , red act r . f ." •-r4O 4 :`' ..r...1.. " . f ' °4 ' •, i ~ Z .; 1 ... 1 ;eT.1.0 . for P.
• '' '..l '''" , ',...... '.
\._ \ _Y_ \ ' ll.l.nd "IX T/ITre l oi.s;.• t 3lon.
,_- •----- —, , ..,-.. .-,,..: ------.--\ i antrlke eoroPanY sill held
hottest . , Santh Final:nits . on 8
:isito PI VE X NTS ', 6 .- Hi t l t
1 , \ om:Ian:0 no.xf. e tots
" • - OF TD ,1,2 . 1\.:<904.r..... \,...‘, ,
czAriq gip &
_ f \ hrgar7aull, Ort:.k./.21.
DAT!? OF ffAILINIF T. AND 1 , 1 s. \ls - 31 TIIE UNITED\ \ .:•, ' • No to
\A - ' ' ''f l'E JURORS umin
i., '''''' 'f -I '‘" \ ' \•\ ' Vistriet Court hr t x sato
t IT% OF IILASGOt.,. Leitch gr ph hitlolphia.„.oct 9 t..,,t •crzday, (1.1 .141,1.. Nov.
i:tliAlLt. Leiteh.fOt N s..tir ..,...••\ - , ...-•••••••, , ,Oct 11 lto fled that tlzett salad • .
.I•ADJFIC, Nye, far N Nork. \.... , ...... ...,,Dat 15 req.Urt I: By orler of the Wart.
I, Ullt/FA, Loth for D. - eloat .... ....v.... \.\ .. . Oct 1$ s u 'e t , ~..,,,, keept,-, ..,,„, g 0,,„
11ANXLIN.AV,.ttra. From lee ..,.., .. No \ ..-. ...i.tet . Z 2, \ V
lALTIt:, Comstock. for ' , ot*. ~. •.. • .\ \ •• ttet\ ....,'
A, , IIINtrroN, F InylL recut 111.11 11, ...... . ; ~. ....0e; . 31
\ moat T. `r.wrri.p A.l•' , . \ • • '_ , VILE:\ kfRECTORS of
V.l''',;4r f`.° - '', ,'"rt \'' - \ A • '' l 's. , -'?‘`, ' , 2,.. , .„,,' 2. .r,re . ".?."FkVt;%`"
1 uk.i,,A., 0 1, - .,1;—.^. g,",;. `",„.,;', \:\• i ), ', 'or, ~,, ado, . ,',,,.4. ~1.,1,,,
\ :.. Nor. . i leliibr and Vio ..11,2r ha. at
1 1 " 217i 4 . c.. " rrl ' n ' ; '.... 774 ' 0 L '. \ Al', Nor t. olt A. *bell N „ tit 01. of
• HAMELIN. 1 °Dem far 1ta.r.... .., e. !\ .500 15 .. _
. \ ' To ßtuld
All . l i,i an : l ~ 1.,11:7tv::1.1:::.: .+111..1,1 .
i i ,, el V 14.1 r
lIIIROPO4AL._ for the e
I, Cathedral In eity,slll
\lt/L.)IIIER, J4IAitIAN. &tutor _ ." .ta.t LS `,,,,,, wl,,as. 4 the th of No
\ All Lott and IZ,4lVspapotqa nil haszo for ~.,:k . „‘„. „,... the raroJitlons a rsOa sntel
It p,l te0..1 2, tland er \ pent by the fart ktearuer, p exatter PlaeelsAerf h t . " ir t .d.p.-
11,4 Ilt•-•
\ !Atter. zo tlz Cro.LIC.:t at Europe, by \.heool.lll\ 1 lAN \ t ' '' ''' '''' '' ' ' '' ' '''''..' ll Ll ' i' b b : ":i'r {
.t 1,1.. yo,pal t•eatroue rott. a ringlite,..... pt tt ~.:,-.a,..- - rj.7„ `yi.,., . k e . A ‘,..
1 ‘0,..«. r.,L En•tl la Is prepaid In full. ~ \ \ `.‘'.,,,,,,.„, •
tare to the 1 eurcpe h,ettuOcutunl Nu.. ' -,—• ...
totz,tlxrtr.pakt 5 r eent . ..lagle .......aorpt to, threw ,frilE tip: viNG 'oe i
0.. 4 . , 00 0 0 , ~ t Polo.i in full.
111 11, Ale Firot , rea ter. a C
Letlerelo . thv 1 /..r0 L. , ,wt. , .. , 4 , - , +4 ~,. ‘.1.3., . F11r.1 . 1 VAL 'a •
= t. .tit. sgir half um., 1`11..0.1 i ;D., D. he ..1.1...4,1rept , IN ,
..,.,.., ..„,„,,, ~...,.,h.
Nawatie....r'shy ...Rh, on., 1., , , , tt!. C...nuaoht. asuat 'ts.' ' '.. ' ..'i t . " ,. °' ll t f' au.a ' 'i' li ‘ o' n' an ' t..l '' ; ' ;r i .., l'b* .t
repaid tAor cant. a.och. \ , '•,; ourth,,baa kindly .4,141 t •
VVtl. n tli,i ' otTt7lt r tTo ‘ f P.rt .p.' l l..h. l l•ll';';', It I,t —°- CCs, V.V."' I ' 4 '".' i lir.
\ !'" ° ' 4.,..,
Lectures at
. \ N , \.} . ,;1{1. , , N 19111:. FO
\, • laglartlatt. i.,teatzGe •ILee
• ~ , ASCII Pktstrltoo ilatt.rr• • io t ten eellog, art. hv shidt h
r .... 1 kr, , ~,,,, ~, 0 ,
~.., , ~,,r ~
j, the CripPA, the bletreptle,
loaticAho. holleptle, the attliet
1/11.,10e. woo 4.ermlly ve , ri\ .119, yeaterday, 40, v\ll\RiJo.j. LlVer. <, L
:„.., . n. ,„ ~., r .,.,„,, , ,„.„ , r „ ..,.‘,.,,,‘ ~,,.,,,„..,r , „._ , 1. ,, , 1.......1 :
4 A5 . p; , ...a .6, 1:, , t , e m 1i ,„ z0 . . , 1 , .. i 0
:'lasiay. Nti, tax, 001. st. Far
:. .;.,
11..WR - it:ooetpt. eNour ryulttou \ rr, to ....a-
I w. as of i.luels. p51.75, prrtty .arkkia/I,Nived. The i .t.1tn .. ..t100, f:. , \F \ .nta foi:,,tatle , a.
-.1.. j - ,aterlay ..0z0n...1N0 beLly aleout9. ,o lA,Is• ft... '.
.j . !._.._..,___ _—,\:-..„-
t veer. .\d_faton, et, $3 51:.01 : 3 2:., for a. 5.. 5'a,11.3 Z 1( (4. 3 3 1 ..RAN 0, 3112r810A
h.r eat. .I. roto .tore saloon!. .orainel tol . itulte.f,o“ at . _ j er A D o rE An
the ante reto say Vl 0;.e....T.,,u for s f At.l 1.1 . r \ t.. \
tiIIAIN-.K.,..pts o . kard rery ',Lc 1,, call ae LEAVING .Tilt frlerldl..7'
have nothing of ....o.equenee Nyaport . Prices` are cesTr- 00„5,..,....e1i, a xt Bprlne,o,
s //tit once 'tame wan
all, estlanutbsetre .. A . a. .4:9 30 l'o (...." . V .', U. '\'' ' ..VeVatrlltAaren reveient Int
1..1 1• ....Lb 51 , /..,c. 11)....ttge.t.Ntin.t. for toll og, , Ce. i ~, WO.. ph • ber s
. ..1, ....1 ,ro, I mall I n to, SVC - 10 U ' \ where the hw Da had the bona
' anounee that alllvelsr to tl
\illtol:ERI E. W.• have no wteitikitat to notio.. lu \s , - 1c..... e ,,,, . f . I , ~1,,,,, ~ th., ,
\ all sal, tr..n. •Ir• a:. iuLtar 4%04, !..: Mularaes 7•14 . 3.'1i s'- ' ' . - ‘I.AF',4-Y.E . 17/4
i‘a...\lelreha; huge h 0..: ut taos.lle kallor, lII', etkffee 1 , 05.105 erenittkNtre•lnber , B4,
ay ,ls li. wo l . llioe'l 'e ' - it n. \ '
iti-IV I, JON, —W. vut., .Is, of Lae. at, llama 9!:191,(1 ~... ..rAwiLY lii' So
I. at' eagar. o r. 4 •-• .cool J: pew at IV. 4 la. V , n.-- l'aratiining the ulterzettons'kf dt
,1t0n..h.T. , !... We h rl of nothloy thong in url4 I,ef. raven:lov the plan of
_tiro. pop ,
I 127.11.113,11 whir[. 31edarne A. L', h
lte ozkiaoom o. lath.. at 10:61 . 1 \ 1: It I , \ •, la the mar. , of the evening,
AS LI fcs.-A h I,LIPP , I ha{ .heen LI 'n2 tu tiplead.l Fres la DratrttleC.
.',shoot 1 \ny trierl--.1 ohm, - It. pro,' \• altho h, to eon.. SIADAF . ANNA Blsllol , .11
. .NTED l'Qt-tIPANI on.ler the .1
alklaaer• .431,t, ika,e h...en .... •t : \du.....1 .. The L... ~.,..... ~, Vi.. c .,
Llollt , slog 1 ~ e. um. to ate. . nth 114 , 11 Ira etieue— 1 he dal
11,4, 0.1, 4 ,..,,,,,. l'uorl..;: .k.. e .lentlka 51.. ..ti. end '— \
Potash 4...r01, ~o, is It. • NOtie
\ % .x.:st . allolr. IlaNx. ar Pars ,
1 lell—Th.. 0krk ,,,, .. 000, , •••I' , ."''''..`".. The 1 k ,,,,, •ti f 1.11 . 1 . 4
T \
~.i....,1 the .r...41,ave se.a can h. ito Anal! fm. .. . .eL ratt or 1 e
'" " '''''''" .l ‘ o '''''''''''''' N " ' s ' "''''. Nr ' , ' so ''X' . 1..;, , 1 '4,`,6:,1717:'2`:,"."4 1 .. ° 1.
ao.l Nr, :,, th. tin ruL..t in •lomen. t 1.3 ''• 51. A tau., •I , , 1.,,j,.,....„,,, h.,,,,,,,r. •
ID, 011.1 al II: fo Nn 1 truarned. . Jae: ti. t• . ..Afar lle\- '1 actkPote Tllll
, •
\ s.
Hu:lN—Sal,. 4' 15ik 1,1,1
IAN DLE,— the , ;', 4 .,11 rr, ,,, - Inn ~,, ...)t,et at
NH t , riava. am, ha' 11.1`.4,ara, r all." tEr,,, I,tar .4ta
4itltlbi tallwr 10 4 , 10,,c.-4.1 row. nu ,Itt, ad at a: lt,\—
,ar ‘ coarmlla,iturcra al , . ,loin, • I : Augur, at Ow, ratl
ft,... , —Vt'l 1.41, UV tunas a •,.., to ia.,l a 11., 4.1. --,
2.,,,i's .A 1.4 trati , pi.a et th,Not ~cit,,, rata, -,,Linaea.l :::1
N.f, I . Lar,l7oc. and Nu V, it :,Vivaw 'A ,r,e11.43.
It'lll,llo,',—,,alaa '..t, 1,1,11 \ ,Ifir I at r arivtr: .l:a a, I.
...h., 1,,., la ,atl. , a, ,
C \
.., I :::::: r . , ' 1:: .
n 11 . 11: v i , Ill : 1 , 1:ti h., 4::::::: 6 ::::
, % - l'ild tll2ll, et the y. drut4ts Inetitani•t• tampon./
...• , ...In, I etund. ai , en tlect,Vd. here. The tal tie.
•e a eer . , hat ene, al/dram. ',lb Woweeral men tit I. 1..
. • and nreinalr , ln int. ea s 1.1, fA th, ~..,/ St 1.4 s
r.... the enin,i, ,a..,,, mteetestlill s 4 nnl ;be itteck w
heed.. mon el arida, ~ ' ihe lien," 'Ale is itia•Ceti?lohn,
..c..l:4l ' ? '"n''. l . L 't e '" lt7:. t.:'!-.;:;•AL"',..,'„r..,, - i
ev.i.te minis.. ~,, as de ti.b. tleefratatd IngAtti3
~,,,,,,.,,,,, ..•
...tug, LLLIN nett,' in a
re te undid ilp 1.11 .1 fietencine. hut th- tidhwantistuad
ie a les , . 1 sot tt lie% o'er. n tern ne/n k si Maher
•ed• ' \ n 'T . ` ."'''',.,..:aen;:tarre•h:tFl
, I•.IA ,sL Y ' f., ' .. l n ;1.• la.. Ile s Mat d....
nit dldn it I i nitit... And n. ie., ss i Iso.n. INed.
lie IN, ~ Xt4t. I , 1111 \ itall, A A q ter --(Ci t td n d s.
i l l ) itT OF 11:11's1.113IttilLs'
i nen 1t L.& i .urldos, in ei lino ty .neln
• \ Altt:II
• .I.3lcKee. II Vt.n0...,.h.a....-I,,rt `
rt.,' I •dlt.. lirntru,thee ,
.:, „thrtier. •ei. 'de/ Newrent. \,`\
.nitir. Bennett. r wyertile
s t
Mt "a. 1304.,
e, s
r s
I to law. r ~,,,1'..1,....r.u.
lifr et li
Atiann lhatrinadi. lit nrili-
Psiil• litinnelt ii,wn ,
i, .
... ,
\ \ .l
Tills lAA, „ \
il •
~ I'
4:1 11 . 1 ' : ' I l l . \\*. A I , ' , i.
\\ • 1
. .
rILE':‘;(4.'ECTORS of `thn ending 3 inng ' \
g . t.:. LK . r of t !ltultivart. /are \ELM dur,towlv R. '-. \ --
\ \ - 2 \
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\' - ‘ • To Builders. \‘'.;,. ..7 \ \ ,•
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Elftol;CiO - AL for the erection'nf,St.\Pild'a\ s , • \ \ \
~,on a i. - th,,, will neea.... ivi•thi CA, . \ \ \
u the th of Novvinber: p 4nfanl, t" • '\' '-• '
s' le . rrt ' untp. a oon mar tw obre.o .r lKl. the \ its.:•‘ .• • • \ ' . \ ,
place. where t P hum nd speriontliorutureY*lr, fUrto• , • \ • '''•
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1 it, Pir.t ' , reel', ter. o C, thrininalttut MM,•‘,,, \\ - \ s',
t„.w. to ltal.l a FIJ,IIVAI. •n ald,of lb, Churl, emir o, \ ~
, utetolorr, - natl., to
t. foe .u : articles ett.artleiveu , r mde. and toif., •\ \ . •
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Mr. honuM iiiMIIIKY, Jr., Nv. t.... 2 Woul ttreet. our • .d:\ .` • „ ,
,; r•urth,,bae &Mohr Karl ' tette. e , euch JultattO , '., \ \ ' *
th. mar al•a, 1.4 Ina K the mkt et . the thheurfht.. A • '\ ,
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\:, .• \ iteet.M • efi at P 1.1.; h u ll , \
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ta er tel NAtllnot \howl. half poet two, Nth den htr ' '.• ' \ t '
ti tr. nut' er, Pp P PI. haelkluralid utOpt proottre a
. lasi Ticket. '\ Tickets SIO. ..'rhe paortreauut gietraltotudy ' •' ' \ .
tdultion, l'Au \ utt•• for; gvntreutto, Meet...lor N . itts.. , ‘, ,‘
' • - )!EaDitiE ANNA, BISHOP,. •
I E :VON° \tin friendl.' aloe,, 0C thinXIII„, . \ S '., \\•
L 4 rountri.verli,nlat sprint:4,l.r. to , 0 , 0 Lwow: t It
toxlout to Vilit ottre In w•ntMorr he 'Plena. the a
„. hlctr the het,-wen reevived Intlreo' out. fr Lluutnem.
7 toutiOenre. tahloa Mt • her 'wet\ want omelet' plate` '
where the het not had the hart. ht Mop\ ot. the beau to .:, ' \
announce that'Oxe ulnae. to the Nftmieek Anuttettn.atut \' . - \ \ •
the of thin ear. et the \
',.'•' IttiViVlTlll HALM • , \ '\ ' •
- .oda, ev oimr, Norm:ohne:74,lNa, Ithe nett ' • ' \' . N
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, . PArt'iLY a haSTPWP.S, \ L. ' \ \
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rmomoing the ottreetionpor CONCERT *49.:lrri. and .-
mound c. the plan of thom"papOltr. varo.lltod new per- . ' ,
Itortutons whlch3ledairTh' A. IL hue renJeted vomesafol. '
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lo the eouree of the evening, Npular Son. . ' . .haltatle.
liplen..l Scenes iu Drat:melee...mem.
SIAbA n NPF. ANNA IllellOP wlll4m astittw.l M . • r TAG.
ENTED I'IpIPANI. owler the diem-flock a Mr. 'USA, ' • ”
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fr.the thilt ve-k. n ore rola crllksot • N. 1,0. ,
ful ea went of . enure k ,, , styloof etraw. oak, Sat!
1 .
elle rele4 Ek... U... 1 Trimmings, of eario.ik lim e
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