The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 23, 1851, Image 3

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    . 1 ~. '
AREITSD.—tho locomotive F. A.
.Heisley, Intended to run en the Central Rail
road, arrivain 'this city Yesterday, Q. canal
We learn that it will be need se a freight loco
motive for two weeks, after which it will be run
for some time between IVilkinaburk and this ci
ty for the conveyance of passengers.
Lififore thelion. Judge. Irwin.
Vie ease at the United State, Ire. Joseph
Stsidiy, Iron continued.
Jeiae 11tzgeraid sworn..,.Ani in the Louse of
Baia & Bogen, Philadelphia. We: never re
ceived a letter containing 'three fifty dollar notes
mailed at Blairsville, by 'Morrie Hart, on .the
17th flf Denetaber.
Philip .Fprd sworn—Mr. Ford isrlerk of Hewz'
tense owl Slw,. Ile testified That. that firm
Beier received a letter containing three fifty
dollar notes mailed at Illnirsville, on the 17th
of December, by-Morris Hart
. .Itoliert Johnston sworn—Mr. Johnttton is a
broker of HoliHaysioirgh. lie testified that
*bent the middle of the month of December, he
=hanged two fifty dollar notes on the Exchange .
Bank, Pittsburgh, one fifty dollar note on the
bank of the Northern Libertiel, and another
on the Farceur's Dank, Lancaster, giving the
&Indent American gold for them.
James Dennison sworn—Am engaged in the
banking business in II ollidaysburgh. Exchang
ed two fifty dollar note, on the Exchange Bank,
Pittsburgh, for the defendant, caste time in the
month'of last December. I asked him how he
raised to much money. Ile said he won it play
ing. poker.
William Baker , sworn—Saw the defendant
with two fifty dollar notes. In Duncanville, in
January luat,,hur did not know . whether they
were good or bad.
Joseph Eliggink testified that the defendant
hid been iu his employment as a nail cutter,
}tad - worked for him from the 10th of November
to the 17th of December. His father drew his
wegeni which, during' that time, amounted to
$11.50. r '
Morris Hart rectilled—The notes which I put
Into the lettcra helonged to Hart & Co., I took'
them to'be good:
Joseph Ottingfir sworn--I am a special agent
of the Pest.. Office Department. The duty of
tossing out these robberies was basigned to me.
The witness proceeded to point out discrep
ancies liefween two post bills, sent wit lithe let
terra fromjbuteansvillo to Pittsburgh. ono in the
handwriting of Stanley 'the postmaster, the
ether in that at his eon.
The ease here rested on behalf of the prosecu
The case on behalf of the defence was opened.
Mr. Stanley, (fatly oNhe defendatit,) testi
fied that his son, had been in Pittsburgh during
the years-1840 and 1850; that hercturned home
in 1850, and intended to go to. California witlra
resident of Dancansville who went, but hie eon'
dianot. Tho defendant was employed in col
reatiag money for his father about that time, and
got about $45,00. , lie was arrested on the 25d
of January last. lie was notified that the bail
bond into which he bad entered for hie appear
ance was a nullity, the acknowledgment having
been mode to the Commonwealth of Pennsylra
ids instead of to the United States. Although
,he knew that hie bail was- free, he remained
'about home and refused to - leave.
The defenere rested their base here.
J. B. Sateitzer,..Esq., United States, AttorneY,
cited some authorities bearing on the case, after
which Colonel Black addressed !the jury on be
half of the defence.
J. B. Bweitaer, Est., concluded for the plaited
No ferdict has yet been rendered.
LARCENY. —A man named Davis wan arrested
yestorday, and taken to
,the. • Mayor's Office,
charged with rateiling. a watch and other artj
sles, from theilull's Head :tavern, on Second
Br: PLIIL'S CATELCDTLAL.-140.4F0U1d call the
attention •of mintrectetw' to the;sdvertisement
relative to the erection of: SL Paul's Cathedral,
in another coinmn, from :whicii it will be seen
that proposals will be received until the ith of
November, at the house of the Itt. Rev. Bishop
O'Connor. • .
The architect will be present every day, from
ten to twelve o'clock, A. IC, during the present
weeir, to give the neenssary explanations.
.tsakawsnosk tlia' attention of
oar readers to theist - tort:ism:pent atlames
241iflisotlier, enlumo,.from which' it will be seen
Mutt be is agent for barge number of popular
. steamship and pack.ekemigrant lines. All per
...seas havusg the old country desirous
. soaking over here. .would do well to call on
. Mr. Blakely is also an extensive dealer in
- .foreign eichanges,
'Batumi Ltonou WITHOCi Licrnes.4.Wm.
Bets was ;yesterday held to hail by his honor
Mayor Fleming, charged with selling liquor
' , without a license.
, .
AJBAULT /LSD BATTElM.—ltswitel Jeffrey was
'held to ball yesterday by Alderman Major,
'dodged, on oath or Phoebe Blakely, with ma
omit aza hatltti-
TEC CLATRAL \We' ream that the
Central Railroad aril! Ponta gaol running order
ea far FM Lockport, by the' month of December.
Famoirr Ittanoan.—Nble loaded
freight cats left the station bt the Pennsylvania
'and Ohio Railroad,' yct.ierday. We would state,
for 'hi.convenience oC oar mercantile comma
nity, that this traia.leares Pittsbargir for New
'Brighton, etery Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
;day morning,. st .ha past ten o'clock, They
return next day..
IDEATING Ilya Warg--tri9 honor, Mayor Fleta
yesterday commuted a WOO named Alex
sander .I.lenbr to jail; in default of paying a floe
• otritwettiT dollars, - on a charge of beating his
Businsap.—Thirteen hundred sad four•
tee¢ passengers. were carried over the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Railroad, on Monday and Toes•
aro( the present week.
:Hrstcscri.--We. regret tn.-kart' that High
constable Adams, of the Allegheny Police, hoe
' ALLl:Onaat'arta. Bataan PLASM Baula—The
- hating of —cOntraOta on this road, between
/bang's Wrirlenand.Eterrartstnwn (It! miles) took
place on Tneiday.
freight trains (melds road are now running: reg
ularly. Tbay bronghtiip the following articles
on Tuesday:
10 bbla eggs, Corode & Cole; ;XI bgs buck-
Wheat Star, J. McCully; 46 hgs barley, J Eck
ark 5 bra books, D. C. CaMett; lot furniture, J.
'Jenkins; 5, bales bake, Staab; -1Z ski buck
'wheat flour King 6: Morehead; 2 by mdse, Jas.
Newell; a ptg rode. Hampton & Swill); 10 tails
j. poper,lottn Lhomie; 7 tulle paper, Ch. Advocate;
. bgs Karley, John Ernest; 10 bgs barley, 2 bbls
elder, .. Horning; 7 bbl potatoes; D. Hotmee;
SS. bp Carley, Tracy, Wilkins 5: Co.; 1 rm pa
' V: Morgan; 4-5 boo starch, 1 bbl bona
-inn Vonbright lmtin; 17 bge corn, 1 ba. but
bar, J otriefron-coop, John Wick; 4 how!, 1 calf,
.1. - clikican coop, 2 ohs wool, 2 bxs, Jas. Swain;
2 ,bas zn - dee, It. McCann; bgs 'rags, M. Fish
er,..l2c eks buckwheat dour, 7 bp flour, M.
ska - yarn, J. Jayne.
Far the Pittsburgh !Gazette:
Mee.Sus. Eorrorut your paper of this
`.-..enorning, notico a communication aimed "T.
S., compiaini Lig in piteona tones of the course
pieced by the maaagersat the Allegheny' and
Bulier plank Road Company, in locating said
"avl, on ertn4 in known si.s . the Pine Creak Valley
. .
.....Boate. A stranger to the . pure Knit overflowing
.;?;:ittriolieut, end eeltsite;lficing spirit of T. 11.
; ,;:mi g bt really suppose, from the tone of hie
::sAistataunienti on, that he, the wild T. 11. 8., hut
wonderons thitigs to secure the; road, an 4
;littat4ie, is et large stockholder, and almost the
ii bead and front Of the , undertaking—that
engineer and an the managers - were either
nht. both—md that all win
`• corihentrated himself!' The truth is
E. is ",Il,t a large etookholder—and if I
rfV;iiiiiike pot, is the very patriot who has already
`received from , thu Com Palsy about as much
-:funds„ in the shape of damages for the use of a
is few:rods of ground ma Which a portion' of the
.• -road Ins been Isseated, (largely, think, to his
beeseiit)zi.e the - a - retinal/ of siva held by him. This
Directors Werauseennous in raver of the Valley
'lneatimf; nod I ventore to affirm that all diris
s. seristedverzons will, on examination of the two
' routes, with one consent, fully sustain the le
i vectors in the rents which they shave selected.
There Is but one of the Directors at all it/tercet.
. cid in the Valleihroute, and be alone remained
entirely passive in the matter. It la not true
that there are befell", bridge. en the routSaelect
eid; and the story as to a tunnel is equally false.
Bel6shnesnets, 1 know, is apt, at alt times,
Pi, in f ai things; to distort and control the judginent
of ea ch men as T. U. 8., but I slid not it
to i es d hi is to falsify the truth. I would merely
say, in roily to the story of-Dine Creek Volley
babiglao "loop and dark," that such a fiction,
onlycould Omens-to from' ono, utterly csreltsa
ityd !rum In asiettions-413 it is one me Told
of truth as the other toles relative to the Volley
c ontaining ito,inhabitants—onti the contemplated
bridges being dootned to destruction by the
mighty '•thunder storms: I !'" Is to the ••liboral
subscriptions of T. IL S. and hi, friends, to the
road—that is absurd enough to those who know
tho;parties. The friends of the V a ll e y ro ot.
subscribed liberally, as did aloo Mr. Richey, and
a very ran others oo tho •'Nlountoin Route," hot
no to the bberality of the subscriptions of T. 11
S. and he. friends, I can only say that it is new
to me. Ittour OF W
4 .LUNI----31,4 blob, for axle by
J. dell. NiSMAK F.II A c
___ ' _ . •
IVII ALE 011.--5 cask,. bleach...! Winter,
for sol.- to j. irIIO , ,NM AKER A WI . .
,7 • ,1 Wood ..,,r,
. .
1.1 lIEESK-80 I.ormt e„.s.tra Cream Cheese;
IL / 13 , do 'IV R. • do
(.4) 114 IlertiWnerlold:add bort.=
— Or plc FT_ -. _ bo7) WICK A dIeCANDI.F,A.
Sd hid, !io. 1 Lake doporior dalmion;
70 AC bbbl4 do do 4„
Au bid,. N 0.2 no I.
.d 5 do No. I do Wld.ll.h.
—All of U. 11. SleCtOlcmb . • brand—O, .1,,t 4rtids ,ver
ollnred In tins siaark,. and warrautrd to remain ...,1 any
r.o.onehle 1'40,,A1l of time. For nSIP by
...7 Jolt,: WATT d CO.
I; UTTER -31 c k ans fresh Butter;
5. it,
..": WICK a mcd:41.4.4.
`I ALF:RATIN-40 casks reed and for sale
1,7 in (nc7) WICK A SIcCANDLESS.
.VEW CODI,ISII-5 drums just recd and
k x for Plde hr ( , 7) .101 IN WATT A CO.
O AN'I) PENN A. It. .--40 shares for
v. i nal Mlt
,at .1.3” 0.5 f...". t.m.l. A , IT Is
mUs3l.l4:ir bwk Ext , han.; firsko - c ,
4iOLE LEATIIER-100 Hides Oak tanned
no Urmlak
sale by -.0. CULBERTSON s CO
L .. 1: .,. R 1 y E . I f VLI ITiK. EY lot of ;upi , rior
kep and ti I,bls. prime Nn.
4pALTPETRE--Ilal bag crude, arriving,
fir ssa. by • W. a F. %FILMS.
1//EARL ASH-411 casks fur Pale I . IF
as F. *I LSON
‘1 0 o
MOLE LEATHER-2 sidrs iwsnlock ran
k" rmi. for . mle by ~.ap w & r. WILSON .
QENEK_A OIL, (Parkersburg.)--L bbk, a
t,,7 prim. artl,:x. for bT
..p=6 It. E. SELLMItS. F,7 Wood
IJA CKED BUTTER-2,5 blds. good, for.
Lwle by .1 k R. rwyn,
MN • Itnutid Churrti
13EARt. .ABll-40 auks Adams', for sale
1, by J. it 11. /101111.
noTAsn-15 casks pure, for•tiale,liy
I u-s 4.k it.
lL COFFEE-250 bags
9,I I OBACCO—Beat Virginia manuguned, for
- sale by, .1. GLOVE,.
,' Put up Iwo pnun4 hrriniquell!
rinitrior. ..1.• by . .
tirv,en , awl Tes ll..xlera
Vereia.T. I'l z
•L 1 PICES-30i) mate Cousin;
2 b 1.16.
J.:4C/100,01Ah.1.11. t co
I 1
I'VANNER6' OIL--30 bbls. best quality,
11. far mle by to 7'r J SeIIoAIN3IAKEh 00,
CIPERNI OIL-5 casks pure for sale by
1.171 ...5 J ,t'lliklN 11 AKER iC,
Portable Thrashing Machines, Separators
. • : and Corn Shellers.
IVARR.t . IN TED to be thoroughly built,
V and to opt]. well, nude and gold by
L ltad.Tl.V,
or.pottte tilnwelwrgerr P
Ptret.t. Plttoburzh, The Thra./.loni Alarldne.. re et.e
fel, couple rad contrwol, aro moot, n.moved from pia, to
pioe. and tuac ha tt.Jwith equal convent...lre in ban.,
held. tie machine rum lighter, thrudiet tuotar..r waßas
better work. llore than 9.000 of them are u0.....11. u.. lo
the Western States. and ae many E.t.a of the Vonounne
Mdny of them hare thea.Led frx.ta au to
each; and. tot thormtch trial. the, navy loon any:unman,
ed by th roe who them. to be. aft onnpletr, and L. oath
W well as mly In the world.
The &parator le liont'd Patent, with Ba.tian't ire pro,
Went, and la attached an the Thrnehor. and . -, molotoir
mate. the etraw and olistl twin he and bat aly-ti
retire eatieeictitui arnaneari Lanni. It taloa Lot WI:. a...a
er to min it. and ..nut be attached an: Tia-n.inna,
Chi n e now The advt.:lnv, Ow ot
.replan indite tar till, :.poet. r na of Pola,
'funs and Virgin', awl .11 ...n o t the., Oran, uod the
Ohio river. and el.. ot riter.aad al/ at ana
State of Oh.. caced.t. the mu ran, Treatha.. h.11:1 CVII.I
I •
The Cart ehrlicr le Lbw or 11..
beet in net. I,ltag, ehay and tot likely to get out or
We hare hulion >not vond:ug 11, . 0
thirteen year, in the, rity of l'itubtiruh. Etna ,ofj
great numbe.m. and twr..t. ha. en tnnanee oreurr..4 whrtr
fte/ haTe nut given entire 411.1,1/04
Persons pnrchminq vlllreoeire witi. the Ita,hinv nor,.
eomfanhvi with dirvetione hot to ret It tit oreentsoo.
grarennt"i nort. aril, or 0..
- Inr:ll:vdt.S
Jur. The e.e3,eh maul menet effectire n-cande int TrUl3ll ,
that Um ever been therorcent.
• -
irO . M . IL CLITT(IN. Eno-f'arrrolingilie,
Haunt. It. A. shoe
-fact Jr eac-1 have laca leellor. your
Ventdfuge Tor,tbree year, and nu far I keg:v. It h., pi.,
gatistnetlorr thlrarmbly. Our plomunaua re,,tutur•mi It,
argil purrhsge it for was lu their praetlrr.
. QUP.yratugMt child, &raga l year% of am.. for assend
months had symptom% or choir, al at abort ini.ksala,
the remedieg udually admiurfter,l by h.g. mother irdl.llo
triter, Her suflenn‘a mere and dual ,otue
the attark• I thought...he would de. lat lem,th car , . her
(at a gaattrtg) a 'thm.e of, y,or renufurre. srloeh, about
day aftergmanle,brouaht gas, a great guantit, of worm,
antismog irtnnt relief truce o„unth. allems.rdaa attack gar urred, when I gave. anon. r nal of the
Verratrusg, ehl,h 0 4y•eliod about nu imortuA f•Le
Do 4 cajoyina trrksthealth. and under I . , , rden..y •VOICV
her raroggry tar your Verroluge. , IL CIA IloN.
Vnt1I7o " ; " 0 . it. 2 f ., 1 TIIi . F.STOCK I CO..
comer , d «dam' ticft .tetx,
tel4fors cat hr Sterchagra r.
Woodworth's Patent Planing :Maehine.
1,1, Gareth., :flay 1k.11.1 tully and
eklanlished all lb. elanns of the It ot/LatonTll 1 . .1 ri:yr.
the anboanlor Is now prepared to .11 the right h•
them Machina, in the ran.. of Nes ork. and Jo Penn.)l
Santa, In the nannies. uf tirniford,Crawford.cladon. kik.
Leanne, Luzern,. McLean th.rosr. llbttor.
Pike, intapleaaaaa. non, Ii "DO. II arrnu and Wyntuina.
This ,u.n! relettrated woo vaunted Jos the ,711.
day of 11,oember, In.. and the µsnub haat.. born e_
teusied e‘a-rial an or llnontos. to the ZIA day 0/ D.. 0 3.
ber, hen now six years lane aninal Tho tin
chi at one or...ration mine.. to a ilacknoe. and plani.s
tongue, irrooam. lands and ral.hete. in the brut manna,
;Wu feet of Wards or plank IL an hour. and if alat
sleety nasal far dresnag naves, tdanina. eobinn. wracking.
...door. mien, and blind stun-and torn s.
aeting uJoulding
All Linda of planing an sarfartard by it in a Inn, man
and and four tunes as eznotlitiousby awl cheaply, as it tin
he dune by any other 3 larhlne.
The prize of a yarn*. Meehina for planing. tougulaaa.
and gaming, 1, from lOW to Slut., steordaig nal
From five to on hune pow., will .Ince it.
ti-nina hundredths ul all the planed lumber In oar
large nines and towns is now drew...! with
blathiure, which may be so.:a In Intlabxot operation in Ina
shwin planing ru ill! 51 Hawn, Philtololphia. New )'ark.
Albany, Tru),, Ultra. 0-mew, ilrLevia. lontirk.
Jamestown, (looms.Lnckport, ):rie. Pitroltur,n. &mirth
tsibean. Illatrhaniplan, Ithna Ae.
Far an exclusive single right to too thew. )lartilloa.
fo/orA all p•Jrrna ore motioned ninny ..rap .
..home nO3, in any LI the aboveapply
Planing Mille.
Lidministratoea Notice.
JLETTERS of Adminiltration orohe
of Artlll4,lll S. Norton, Ist, of t. , isa..tO
teZi g in b pe 7inii
611 harm; claim*
agaut.xtr.ali e.t.a., are
Slued...Ll to them with out 111 a, for ...tlerateat
Sc.lccLer Tr Westmoreland Co.. Sep.
N ELECTION for Prviiident and Five Di
reetorn of the Tem yranee,llle and %•.I.lerlowrl Pima
..IC.kaupAny. herd on Wm', the.:l4 ala No.
v.emter vest, at the hou, of bA311.:) , ..1.11.114.E. on Liberty
Pittoburgh, trlseen the !Irene el 11 wool
ft. U. 111WIVN.
the hands m
of N lIMet:CURE. Prot.:dont Of sloi
, fort of Cuounooss. and for do. b toi Uly .14.1
'of Penwytwants, sod Joules Of do. I . ..mei of IP fur sod Ter
miner. and Goner, Jell boliver,. in d for -aid 1,,,an0t.
sod T. 1.. )1'111114..1nd Wm. hog so.
pf the Naos Courts, to and to. Lo loubi, Allegheur,
dated the .Ith day of - dio 'oar of our hoot
llue Thousand Eight Ilutotteu sod Fill, l m., .rti to we 41..
rooted. fir bolhug UCou. t of Dyer 40.1 Tel non-, sod Gen
beral Jail ,at the ...let Ilotos.. 111 Clly of Nth
urgh, Cu the h 6
Mond, of •tortober nest. at 10 Its k..
.. •
Pahlie .utitv it heW•hr glean to all Justice, of the rear,
Cctenhers•atel Corotitbit,. of the County uf A llegheio.
they !l en sod there. in their proper leuo•••it , with their,
rAlith mounts, hut vkitione, examintotton, and other retoeto
heanee, thlh, them re,ectiee oil,
h.hAt b•lt.lf• spp..r to te• done—and alas. the , that
will proem°. the pr r. that how an. or play be, to the
deli of maid of Alleyheuy, i•• 1.. then ',lel Our,, to
prutoctth• attaittrl them at , le" uet.
Olsen haler toy hula in ihtiAlturtth. this ith dn . " of
Peptetober, A. D. 1,51. and .1A be tommonermlll. the • hth.
•_erp.,4llttirtolzs 4:Alit hit it Wilt+. hiteriff
For Sale Low for Cash,
,d 1 cornplete s ney n•-e. hawing t.nly
month , APO,' a.l arl run
PPLICATION will t, the next
Lo.riPlaturn (M prov,dell hr Act' of for
Awr , (lot. aavinit Food • frq
11.pogite I.lank of Pittottmth. 1r. , . 1..
SIIP.OOI. not rnopi, Ibno 5.4,0,11
lA LEX. W. FosTER. Com
lk, se lA, V; F.urtls
Ito/03ffi1frX1133 9 0 11 14 , 1
41103,131EFICIAL COLLEGE, corner Mar-.
I Sot and Thlni etreete.
0. K. Cluauticuw. Pruolzwl. et..l Prof...^. - ,r of LI, :4.1.1
au.. AmOutaii.
Jo.,l.. A tßOCialte In !Lok la,oarttorn.
attil , :turrr
J. 111StrIletOr of Merratolflrenloputetlon an. 1 .1
A. C..cco. srnr of ProngnanxhlO.
A. SIWA - r.u.3; Ken- ' , dor , on C.nnm.rclol Lew,
M. 11. hove, I ndruct, I.nw.
11. AI. Kr.r.a. uf
11. 51...-. Prr.leesor ul M.whanleal I/sewing
reroal -.L.-
4•1. and ouw.mplo, oklit Pr01,..r. stud Teliolal, 11.4 runveuiently arrane....l en•l el. cautll.
farulthect. end an rat,prit , r..ry ell 111.1 ,
pzindoal wo.rin up nn tha I , III,CLA o.l G.nrrrrrrr
The Alerannlo Osorw• renrty of tree. , a....
Yen ther ran j.noeubly omor iv hu.lorya. -
In addition to tv.lnr 1...rtur , .. on Con. .mini Law, by,
Mr. Mao., E. II I , l"ire. V..'
burgh Itar, bas hero mp10y...,1 n. o,n Inetrorrinnn lin t,
1.1.1•11 01•nd ranudnalln., up4ti all potote von.l
nectmal with ogne thlo roll important dille,t
of obtaining e Ilcrr.lll, Lduretinn. fire [Lot]
Mare la tif. Inalh terliftll of Ithe
...Thy ann., utuman
ToopJ u 4. L.r no..-1 !ha
.210. 1.41,.11.1 oT tre.le.
Cototononw.lon. to II K. CIIAAIIIERI.IN
mum.. prompt attrutico..
OTlOE—The StoekLohlers, of the Litth
tTS: :is. 4111 Run Loa
Gnnymnyxrn ber,by thed'
114. remand Innt•lwt44. of 11•• , 10/131,
pnIJ on nr 64,1 nf Novstuln.r.
thir ty' mad • Waal.' .mount4n.l.l each acnj er,
d•ro thernatt•r, uutil the .hole t o plu.
Its onlnr of the 11 , 1.10 of Dannter..
nrJvtlll ALEX.
Farm for Sale. .
APART the Brick Tavern Farm,4:ll
the Brown 'Mr Ileked,abonuere from u..• 310:
ewebela ltrekr, relet.olew w t tifty mere, to
forted. laquentrited to suit pureliesere. Term.. ver y
popylble. to e peiztie9l.l, ituptire en
"11. NOBLS.
NCIT Ottheehe, Oct
The Fmpire City arrived to day. with date
fliom 114vatin to the Hith inot.
The Palm., from Ch.lrrrs had 001 "" 11,1 `'
the. 15th.
Mr. Thrasher the Anivricau editor at Ilarann.
Whose paper was &isrotituotell by the Spani,h
uhthorities. wun urreoted on the 10th, without
nhy alleged cans, lie was treated mildhv. hip
LL papers were seite.d; and lII' WOO sot 1-11111*0
1.1 mitamunicatewith his friends lie wit !
6,n - twitted to prison. but woe kept at the re,i
deuce of the chief of the police.
Wilson L. Reeves, a liberator. war eel - cloud
'tat the 10th and came paseenger on the litnpirel i.
Got. 22.
A communication was recently addressed -to
Mtr Government by Lord Palmerston, relating to
the'expeditions alleged to have been fitted but
iii the ports of the United States against Cuba,
in violation of the spirit of our treatV stipula
tions. This communication 1 / 1 31 , 1 answered ty
"ilr: Crittenden, the acting Secretare of sat,
+, paper marked for its dignity /613,1 high Am
erican tone—intiniating in very.plaiu terms, that
Itng'awl had better, attend to the administration
df her own affairs.
I This reply will probably tend tolprevent all
further European interference; or will at least,
Wain foreign powers what may he expected, if
they undertake to intern oddle in the concerns
of this Government. The docunieut, it is sapl,
reflects the highest credit upon its distinguidled
iiithor, Mr. Crittenden, as well as upon the Ad.
ministration, which sanctioned it.
I The Bon. 11. L. Italwer has retired from :the
Eritish mission here. Ile expects to receiie
European appointment.
• lrwwitNoToN, Oct. 2'2.
The bide for the new capitol buildings, and
furnishing materials therefor, were opened
oday The architect, Mr. Walter, tearer dtti,
morning for the'purpose of examining the
ties of material,. with n view to the selection of
WAeumroN. tlct. 22.
The Republic of thin morning publisher Horn
an authentic source in Molina. the substance of
recent conversation with Hen. Caueha, Captain
cleneral od Cuba, in which he expressed hro de
termination to recommend to the Queen of Spain
Ite immediate pardon of the American prison
er, on their arrival at Lisbon. Ile Mid only
been prevented himself from pardoning them by
the outrages committed at New Orleans. whet
had since been v.:id:Linea to trim 'entire id:algae
Hon. Ile believed alsif that the President of the
united States bud done all in inn power to pre
4eut the invasion. Toe writer else Hotted the
prisoners in Havana. lie found 'many of them
dick and wounded. and You never saw
distal on the face of the earth, under any circutn
te American'
behave better than they I never
tt so proud of :he Amecan' character, a. in
lieholding these unfortunate 111.4
NEW YORK, I kt.'22
The Steamer Philadelphia sailed .to Joy for
11:hagres. with 300 paivoingerii.
.The iitearner Daniel Wittptter nailed for :tan
with a large number of ra4Sl`.llo!,
'Jenny Lind is creating quite anexcitement
here. For her scbond concert. to be given to
night, not hall the applicants for ticket. godld
be accommodated
NEV, I. 21:
The steamship Asia, rapt Unnatural, Fallen tri
elny for Liverpool. etch Anil
coo in specie. Among the parasen,i, are Sir
ilarford. Bungee and luny, and Dr linekett,
hearer of despatches fr.ou the United ritatera
lioraerntneut to the Atnerienn hi hinter in ling•
• Pit tAot.I.PII,, (IC .
Flour—The market te dull awl Itulfve with
Malt, 3600 hllte at *4 061(5,4 IM tl.l
()rein Whom in dull at 7-lern,t , I C tet4
1:045,8:oc for white. Yellow cwt. at 61
fl3c Th . Au: 011+ at 35c tm.
I Wht,key—Bolen at Ltle.l4 gull • • r
Frovicians—Nethlug of cut:marten. ie d 0.3
Oils—Are firm •
Wool—The market is heavy. deb uuly
1 ' NEW lona, (hit 21.
Cowin—The marko is firm, with a niii , lbrate
.. _
Flour—Sales 4.ittXt hbls at 5:t,7:thb4,1,1 tor
'pummels State and Wester, awl 9•it-4
Cat• pure Genesee. Rye Flour is scare, nut,
ale, et 1,3,37 p«r btu.
Grain—Salt , 9.900 6u Whe.L nt 91c for whits
f. eoeaee, and MSc for Soother,,. 841 es tt,...:th
itosze.l IV colon: 'OTT at prr
Eh...Aeons—The market v sh i ndy, with :sales
la( 2110 Lids Mess Ileefal • Per
ind of 110 Mile, prime de at 1 , 1;:illits
par bhl
I.inimed Uil ie ikeritiy, with sides I foil) c a lico.
per milli..
Ilcmp—Stiles : t
ie hales of American dew rotted
$157 per trot.
W losLey--6ake of ithio of 2lc per gall.
In nt 76 7;r. per 11.
Stocks—U.'S We. 1.117. .frelinr . O ;pry rrut.
thle morning 'Ern advntsre.l A,. and
,per cent.
N. 1 . 1 , F.K. Oft
• Cotton—The Market is life, with tiwies 10110
Fleur—Salea etoo bidsat t.:t7ld l Ka for n.;4
roan State and Wettern, nod .
for pule Ore
i}enia—Snlee 25.000 har; eel Weetem urn
i/nie per ha .
:;n0 ,bl Pork at for
Men, and $141,0 for Prune ; 4 ales ,bltl keg.
Lard at `.qc per lb.
liroccrivs--The demand a I,tter, but pricer.
ore unchnaged
2!) tow bar aL i4:13 per
I ron—'inles
market is firm, with ,alor of Liit
reel at 70q71e.i Lard 'hi in oellioe nt 7ifil 7;r
per galiott: -
I , CI. 22 -
At - 2.3t51.511 15 -e
Whiakey— Sales at K3ll
Cheeee— Sales relit homes at tile le I.
Butter—Sales u 6 iiito,l 2, for fair and good
quality •
tiroceriee—lialeil of sugar st tilht Ili for fair
and prime. Nlolaoses, is adding ttt , th,e gall
for ()demos.
The river has fallen two inches. The wenthor
iwelear nod cool.
Cut ton—The market le in active thin morniti;,
x 11L Pnles OHM halo. ctrictly iniitilting nt 7t.
and fair at Sic Il•
Sugar and, m0th..1.-1 tiro without chum,
Flour—Ordinary brand, are belling at 1 4, :i
et Ili.
Ittfinius--The first cargo of Malaga
ban am
rived, and said at $2. 100 - 2 20, for boxot and
Zt 12.4 for alt boxes
Lena—llan declined, with iinleF 2000 pip Nix
souri nt 4] 1,1 Pr
1, II EESE —lofl 1.,.x. ervttur. ' .
g , l , ~n—Jur r. el,. I , s/
awl ila sale t;-J.l ,
lllt al/.4.1.1. s
al 4 1,4 Watt., stre.t I ,
( ISWE/O i, PILEI'A ItEl.l
, ~ 1 1, ) 1{N, - -. .111 Im . xom i /,-.".:.'
' •
• •
It. K. nE1.14.1:,.L7 0 •••IYi
W j l ttst o,
if It El AM TA ItTA it —3 bble. V. Al t N
/FU rt:/11 . ..P.i emit. by .•.••‘rli F. : , 1,11.0•11.
, OAItSE SPONGIF,--212.0 Ilts. of euperior, - It. E. rmi.rri.,.
ARIL A NIAIONIA oaplcs fee Pole 1/
/ V. ttt:
‘ASTILE SOAP—iW bozon for oil,. by
It. K
00AR-4SO Wok. N. 0., for. mole
- •
I Altli 011.-10 1,61 p. for pale to 4 . 16A0 t••• 1-
,ii/ranool. Lr JAMEY ,,,
MOLI‘SSE , S--11,10 - bt/18. N. 0., Or I,y
JAM},Zr.I.I , • ,
rrOBACCO-2 11 keg . / . 4 No. 16 IWll4, l ;Ctig ,',
brand.,for xal, by .1 17164 041.111.1.
M ACK . Eitia—;-251/
FltEl , lllll WALL. PAPER—A genentl
o•cmyttnemt. of gobl 3•olntt,;•r P•r •.nle p
- 0111,4100 I•AI,‘IFIt,
.LA Goma'. 5n0t...11 Pouf,.
... , 300 Cenosvnogh
• powden. , ll:lo, 4 .
tAls Tannrr 0•:.
,I.lx,rx ••a•Y lAirw , •••1:
I.lth• chip ••
tom 11. Woo Vilrolh
bole, loot ;mho Twln4Y-Y-eAtop:
to 11. yozieotwi Twin,
1:0 ( G61..p. Woe • p.a. ErAlticd tor role
.1. kaDD I CO.
TRA N Sl'olll' AT I 0 N .
7i,”: Ito to .•1 s•i ,
,rt,i / 'ter, !An •
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
iIAt'I.UMVEI.I' Flat I'AYSF , .II-:1,,
011 and at for Mowlity, August (ht.
rf 111 Ltn.. 1,111 1,-I.urol I.
Ova, montlna at • awl •tr,ttik at '2.
proviarlt ti.. t.f 1.. rt 'tom, itat.tta
1 `. 1,. ... 1 ttotatt aft,. goor atr. rap .1.
Tort 1, Itlttladttlphla
Z,t - ttnit. gm.uch. I Dant ""ta;
11r Ibi• at. arrlnttontettt avttna, eltrolt,,),
11,1'1, tot. p, 1111 Iltan lor.qt.totto..lattit, tut at, t.l-1,..
raaal ett.tltltto: Ott,. ott tontal at
, tltl,l.4.ltra to
r 1 r
f t t t ILI I
wl Cuuttwilxn.llnuad, nt Ilmtruhur,
~errmil•••• 1,1
r it/ ta.
.1.. linrri..l..or4
~.ur t• ttittr, )1..m.0ax.
.1. P. Agent.
nett, mtroet.
1511 1 51 .
Vta Brownsville end Curriberlood, to Itrlltimore
I 11,.. ~ or •trvot. , I / 6 •. Ilt . I 661 64' prompt!,
and Phi latidphilt.
T HE NRIRNING Bc,yr i,,,,, Li., Wharf - Anienean Hardware.
~...en, .Lek ,inn.- cart 41 Coati...lnn. et, t IttoTton, j.t LIVEN & I+OEI:ILA:SS, Alunufnetureri'
- lt.. /...onlmr 1 , .. to's , - daily to•otta -0t.4, . vroin2) 1 P Ago. . Tr Hatt rtr tot, than door frnm 'or) .1..
at tt •.'orort, 0n.0i0.4 with rho ra, ot C.:t.:riotr rie•l ; or V r 11.. soot. ro•p••-tfullt tnrito 1.1.• Mt...10n I I tlo
el .11161 . 10 'rt,.-. linolottr.• Tro.l• Ir t1..,r !TV,. ol tt4.1.. rorolu.l.lmet
Ttrov throttth ti. Ilalltot.., ,J f 1161.6.
it In 1 ~., ,t,.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,. . 4 ,,,. 4. 4 r...,,,,,t.. ', rot ,
hoot 1.-Phi1n.1.4{.1.... 4.. 1....., it•o-o ottl, 3.14 , I JO. to t
Tlto Nwtomal 11. , ...1 i• not. 4.4+41 Condi..., ..t.• with . •
0 .• T‘'..Tlt.. 1......` ........'''."'l '''''..lotiT ..",. New York India Rubber Warehouse,
111,..77 .111, to q... Slotooktialtobt /1..n00. 1 Itr•t. Tomer from IIII•oo.VrA, V.irt.ry:2l , ..},as ,•Ith •t .
111,4• K I W4N. Atroat , 4V , 27 Maid , . La', and Nt , 51 , Namati nrrrt,
NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. ' ri l llE SIII 3 CRI BELL Proprietor of thi,•.-
: 1 tolAkhroat,t. won. tirorm )114 al ..Unto., •n 1
h D.,-.:.-11,6- from tun
1 . 01 tiiaLtg- -- 2E4- .1 : ,-: issi I ~ !.....;.7!'.....i:':;;.....r..2,, , , , ..,•, ,, ..., , , • _, , „-...n°44...,:. ..,,, .., ,„,,„
• ..
: „„.:„.. n.l. mototfooturoo exprotAly for tloo Fall Trt•UT
VEW 101 U TE I'o NLW l I •Itii CITY via aml wt.', Irmo Ito.ttt Intrt4ltorll L....- .01 II,:
1 I.untor, 0...1 t 1... 4.1. . 1.4,0,, v. ith 1 , prt...1.;,,,...:,..0, in ht• marhtnorr and ecor.oltio..
1... L. 11,. 11, %1.01.10nt..4 l•rolon..I.. I. 1....• rt,ort.tout rattnnt tad trt•tott.' N.. , ....r ~
.. 4 ..„..,„. „,,,, 4 ......„,,.., tti.. t .-i n .„, .. 0 .. t , • t 4t,„,h. . 0 .1 , Stmotol artontton rrut inuer to 14 , pall to Ow manyttno
,...,t.t.k. ....., t..,..•.0n0t. I.a l. ~..k ~,,.., ,o. rt,.. I tor , of to ,tr.4l an.' plum l'A It MIA" I: CIA ITII,of ..11•0Ith•
b. SI .... t . It., .1.r.. to,: .1..-•,.... 1•1.1o.on .4.1 frt.. 1.-1 to 1..-.4 ...100t... Tito &111 • wro earful l• .1..44,1
troll. 1b...6.4 I.von.1•••••..I !... 6 . MI 11... titleta .1111.1rItteh
IA All 1.1,1i11:K kS Ft,IIAM
a7r.r, L g N,•
1.e., 44otalat,
1851 WESTERN 1851.
P LUCA . ccri LINF •
P1TT5111.714 . .; 11. 11•1t11.11.E1 !MIA. II IT LI.
1,8 nil in ootl tnier, lye aro
-”mpt t., , •• • t,
za.l r,
I,4z4.lattMl. xs.•l
111:1.i • • 111. 11. 1. 1 .1 •••••• 1 •.••.
t.• 11,1 • . 0. ,•.•.'•-
gAK-1.- - = ISS I .
I'lll , lll 114111 A 14 r 1.F.1i:LA514
1/:\ 1. \ 44t 4• .4•• 11,111111 V, 3( t.
, -
%,/ 1111-s - 1,11,1,
f %I- ,s,, l-ar, 11-sern-I4
.1, Lk 1.• % 1 0, 14141,
s, • 13.11.. h lurr.
LAM% r. is
Vnr t 42
.I.ol‘ CAFOIII , .V.
Il • I nnt
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
,•B in.,l to
1 . 1,01211 d 4 ••••Il.t
ki i 111.41, A •• 111.14,.n.
1••I1N A , Ile:Y. ,nnt.
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
riss Li F. ta,.• 1.11.,..v no, ~•.I.••rm
• --
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
p,•I •‘;
I I.
it' t..r
I r, ,, h a•-.....•T0.
S/ til .11(11 Al.l,
1 J... In
‘l.lll tilt•li EY k
I I ()Nt.:'Y
r ('Al'•5l 4,A1
k A : 41,
N j . L .r s3le
na It I Fr,
i..l 1.01
:1 , , 1
I ol ‘i
.1.114. 1.. t I.
A :u.111:',1
) 11,___-_ : 6 l r .
.1 , 1, I, ,od.•
. -
2I)()() rI
X —Jon
ill , l's(1 1 ,1 sA I •I',- - I', 1.1.1., 14,r ',de by 1 ."' t ";,''"" l ''''''' r "`""' I ' ''' . 7 V ~, . 0., A ,I,
1 , ..,..;, . ' .
.1 It 11.1. A . to , ''''
i. 2114; A ft,_.7 . , 1,,,,i,. 1 ,„,,,,,, N . , J.,. ~ , ~..,1,. by II kAIt,I .. S UK I , : EN _,0 , ,,,_-..... of 11,e::.•1. , :,,:,-
17, „,,,, . " ft n' , 1 l'' , ^ ~'' lr 4‘' A 1 .,.. , t. 1',,,,,:': - ,:,.;','..r,7,',',`,.'7,„,',',‘,.-,,....,':!::::::,1!„ ° ,2,!:
1 Ir ) „ % , V I , 4 : 1C , - ,',. -A L :r' , , . 4 1 , 1:1Y °1 1., ' iu z: ,41
~ ,m ., , i ';,`...?T'1 7 ,:r,7,'Z'd`nt r 'P;:',`,.,"t':::` . ...,','!.";;;;,: , ,,7;1„i,'` . . ;
, • I , : 1 .. , i , ,II , ~. • , J.: t:: ' ,".'n'',',..;.. ' "'" 3.,, , ,t„.:':,r,,,..v.,. ‘..-„:
, ~,,,,, ~,,
I,' MILIsll LA llt I , A. 1'i.:1 . :.- -The 1,,,,t I ""'''
,I 1 A I,oudoo ‘,..p ~,,,A 1...,,r P...., hit...". p...,00 Isbl. : kil lUll 01,-7. , ,lox. t..r. ,, 1 , . by
,ma toe 1.A.1 ut . 1, ~ 11 a, i... , t . .,. , V.. ,,,.. t. ^, ' 111 IA ^".... ,m I/ .1„11,'.•'1.]
, I,U I N'i Aitt" BLIN 1
k :) tthi . i. --I ill DILt I' I.; I: - (11,,,,, , ,1 100 1.8
( p ~,; „„ i , ,
, • Pi .\ i
y y Uri.. nu., Plain, ~ ,r ~..... 1,, J KIDD •1 I •
111• , )11
/ ( 1111:LYME lELLOW---2 wee, i;..,r ~.,1.• hy
. II I- .' 1 .1 . :1' , : - ., -_1 , 1, , , , tl., It. ~.r II 41,- L.', 1,,
%, ict, ~ 11..t.,1•1.1.,
11,, ..upertor, Wl' ~d,. by
Ni Al K'Eltht-10 ,, 11, r ,1,14 N, .; ll ecker..i 1 El 2,o l. l 'Ab—''''4 .l. hib., c 0..,, ,‘,..1.,
1 11 4 ; t - , 1 1 ,, , , L .,
, P i l . S , ,
‘ ' , . ,. %._5 , '1' t
r, :• , :[/::::. , ::1 1 . . ' 1 . : , t 1 :1.:i.N:21: : ! . ..:% - :N: ,. 1 . : :. 1 0 4
, 1 1 1 ,,, t ..._ 1• , ; ,, 1 ,ir t .5 1:
I I : , 1 1 : . --2n),111 1 4 lor .le 10. 10,
J I. 1,1...0. ~,I, pre Lintieed
j , 1 . 1 . 1 . ,,,,, ,, , 11:;!.....7 , i i,
7 ., 1,..II“ 11....1.,.., ',mat.. -
T ~,,.(,,,, 'o AI, FL A 'l' ti—For sal,. [O, i
. A.M.I 111 L-11! Man. No. 1 Bennett
, ,11,,,Iltlikl: a ..,,,:,., 4,„,, _, !-A1.,.....,,'......,',.A,e1, INIIAIIDELICLT at. .
lAnter KEA tit.. 0tr...1A
S I I lll—bo !than. prltitf, 1,,r ',1.. by CIIOCOLATE—'2OO bas. 110 5 L, fin. va.l, , 1.,
IL I. 01./.01.1. A 1 , . , j ~,, , a, IVICh A MeI,ANI , I4:,
, .
uI.tiSSE —.151) bid.. S. 4 I.; , , IT 1,-Iti SU PERRIN. 'Cif:: WHISKEY, ,LE
. "- , ~. .p. ' 1
14, A 4 I:,c. awl 11, for $.1...t 4101111 W M
11. A ART,
.10 , - pore 4 .114 , Iyp rho Riamood. TaTern keg...l - s would do well lo 00.-
ln oak wciptrue, for sale to, lasr thr. WilekteS, aa lauailtp considered) tiler ere /mi.
• Peal k. 1 ) , 1 ,, i0 l A Co. I &illy eiteay. seg. •
11 , 0.
THIS .. ^ H known
durt.,..l is. Op. mann, ha.•
ple,..ant Oh: -, F11131,1
ots• r,r.,110.1111.... .11 s!,, r
, /
w I
, Igo • 131.
Matchless Blacking and luks
T II •'.V A I. :•• •
^ • " • '
\144 IT I, 14( IN !^; ET MNI
ISM IL 1,41,41.011,N1i
11 - 1)(110,VAIti. A
If 4nle N.. 1I•A 1 . 1.11.4. /14.. .01
h:.11.1), 140'11:N(i scti ,
l'()Itli. •
To Dealers in Liquors, •
.111 FrolLoh
F:W 1 I vIV IV. lvvr U.l O.r In uvr.r
Av 1 1 ,trvtl, vvVv•V v .'
1.11, 1.. si,v• It. ,v , vvih of ram,
.1.1 11..31..1. 11,,vvvvia, t.. v.I Itni.rin ,
L. , tv• v:v vl ~,,, t.,lll,lvvi
11., 01 the Evvoi Ikv.vvvril 11,1 r t., k•I
v•I Ma, .trvvq. \l, Ll ' Ylli6K. Leivrvittpvi,
f...tent lend, Ile manufaiel,r,
11... ut. Cl,Oll. 1.1011, 1 1 1 //..r.n. 11 .I. ,1 .1 11 • 1 . 1 re
• ~.11 lel. the
I ....met. a
131..1 . 1.1 0q...e.1, the a ar,l
. .
il\Kl,lll All 11, Atllar,t .It IrA
:41/.1 •Art , tee, IMEII r 7.
A ArAnrArtr,rr.ortanr.ra or OA :1 , 1•••ing li‘crt
VArrzl,r trollll ierAr
• All
rol.r tar,r tilrrlyr 011. r.l,ltr A
errtAttr ran. aml pi+
cAr,r,r. rl tA.vrerslu. rhem A.l ~..,•111/.:
Mato, 11,
..17 It 11..1•J fl
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
11h g 4
I I r
S MILLS. N i; Gortlandt St., N
as; -I%
twnmt r• Vivi:llln Nun,. en.{
V•I•nl CI ~1 .
h• t ,
ana tnannflnturnnl In P. or,
41.rrliol 111.1.1,11
.42,ern•rIII It,
To the Public.
I N/ , 1.1 lII . BBEI{ SIII/E:S.- Our atier•tl• n
1 ° 1•1•1. ,
• 1,14111• ilt• trannturnir,4 -rn
1:4.4 nit:4l.4-4A •
r...;71 .• r 4;;11
ir 11. mi tr , ino- .1 r 144, 1.441., r
r. n/ 1n1 .,41,4ar'• :1,4 . 11n.l. 414 1,411,4nt 4441
141,...• In turn, 14 , 1 Y. .I.llln, In. E 1,14 114 .4 nn•
41n r4rrnr, 14 1 who., I.n. ntrun
-1,.• .4,e-C .• nu: rl•4 nn kr.
%11 1 41
1141 , 541,1 , 111411. I.c
IUP. ;1 1 Nr.V1:1 ' I :IT ' l. ' t V141 1 11 ' 1167f711.
II ......
h'Flr Jul, 1111,. 1,1
LBnparior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
I (.Is:E'S F.:kt 1., INK, N:.43,40
nil.. null , ll/r4, v 11.01
avrr 11. r.unt
I r-. 0.71., r rmlt
Thr- ar.r. MR:111 , 1 , 111 , ,
1 . 01 I,
. _
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
pate r 'lt t.Nt•
tho A...1,••1"1 h•T
~ .Eit EttonoE. ,E, E El• El.. • E.....rEEr.
.4E Lillutabla
Nr• E I.)
1... r II", -Nly hmr
,•;,• • gr..a: e.•• nmet,
•Ist,irua 1.4 a.1.1t1 n frwt.,llo I..urinn•phor ,
441,•s halF ••••
Ir J0....•,•4. I w.O •••ur
,•t,t t•
Jtam the rtsn
I e l .vn Lb+ Li lar u•.l 1,44)
J...• .111.. 0.11. .1..1•
thill,to mt... 4.0 1'au...1 a. sop,.
( I ( 'AI )AiN I) PI:1)111A.
. _
'ON TIN I'ES 111. 1N 1,1 tzwillti,s to receive
.• All 11.-rvltetTpl2Ar
n 1 11 lut•-• Ow 1111.......A.m1 nod IL 1.,
1%, rAn.
Wm. H. Haakill.
ENF:h A I. coMMIS:qI,N NiEttimANT
II N Atli k. N Met 111.1.1 A,
ST. LA)tilS & ST. ,1()sF,1 3 .11.
311rom.rros, 1:11,E1'
mwmparkn, Vow...llst. • Si. r
LAVII I C. ' t
ITT LE, Atiorlie . , AL LAW,
UIIN 11. IiANKIN, A tu,ruey and Ctui
r..,o., 1,••••,,,,.. •
Tune Bills
:LAIN] 4.11 . +.
.1 l'1.11" NIP
. -., . .
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iii , r, pitupE tn . y ~,
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, 1,::..4.:::::,..... \ !:Y:::,!::,%;„ ':'~.' - .ItioLI I LII4,
;"' '" ''' • ',.' tlko\ 1 ,, 0-t1 L. .."‘..•\. tol r ti7o ' 4l..; .... - " , t" \ , 'V!.. , ' , 1 0- 11, • 411, "Y . 110 . ler. , b.4...t . ..
WLio ...a ...0....„.......\ .1 r,,,, u , i,h, , T,....i.,2,- ''''''',""' " '''C'''' " °4 ''''"'" "(
\ b " 2i" . W . b 6 •9 11:
\ 1.
a.„ - 01. •to „ritou 01,r0tt„,0,, .1. F . I•on K+ okhe
‘'' 1 ‘..,':.'. "‘' .„7.1...1...... n t ' ‘ ..... '.‘ ,.,\ : .t 1 C '".‘
1 '''''' ' " ' 4
It kl,oeht sInII • ' •\ •..•
AU '.." •••• \thr... , ....rtt ta. 0rt , 1„0,.. \ .... - IX. , J. IS r,kr.F... WI:Iowa/. t(ltio. Wirth t foskeief .
...c . v.., . ...„,1 r.,.. r ot• .1 '. , that A.y uot 4, y „nu., 1,„ i 1',..i5.....1.„1 .:I„atotnet..„ e.trartote ort Walnut. tolrct:
''°- ""'' '''‘,; j,,,..',, ' ..", r .,`,, - .. 11;;,,'"'Z. ',.:1`4 4 , , , \ ......, ,1.11.• ‘, , ,,1n c....dar..sat•\,,
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~•.,,,,,... 44 . ...•111,. •N: )0.. 11 . .1..3`. .70, , ,, ,, :r,,, i '4. 11,1.. C , ... LA, Pshatetuot a. 1\ .1 , ,
, v, ,,. . •••• lob, . • ..... „.., J. i C. 0., t t.0 . t. , , , „ mat - „ •ittib ..;1. - ..f.t0 A: ItOKlltetAel ghtOT ay ;
...kirl. 10 t. 11, .... ALM, 0 1., ...44. ie , I 1 , it1.1..el 44.0.1.,..,624 L 11....h.0rtg if toe.. LI
,h. 0., ..r., t .„,i,„, ~ tt, ~, .. ~ Nt„ ,t, „. t .11,0 n ,.....e . t„. • comas. ht. ,tt alltmore,
~ • .., too, 0.1 Aram,. \. ' \ s I ~,,,,„„1 tt„, .A.„.. ti t..t.„...1.1031re,0rr.14,11i peer more
t ' . ' , 'n e " : l tr ' , " ,. '\ 7. t\g 'e l ‘ ' , '. .. '' .l . , ' ,„ \ lc ' ,,l "A ., 6 ., \''.\\' .: b . 1 0t .. .. b %. "\'' c. , ;1„, C 0. ' 1/.: \ L"1 11.... '' . ' „l4: l ll . nt It Wri l....tll l'j 'are ". ..... ' bot r l:
y I ~.
••"' -.
\ t i, nt o.•\ Wolf I Cali,
. ,k kt , rt 5 .tro \ I A ./ . 1 . er . „1 „. ..d ,, ;. , ', „ 1 , 0r . i .„ , C ,r .11; i :„1 , 1. , r ,, , I j i u s . s.l:!l i e.
i ll i, orto .( 7 o .llt. Fo f
„„ ~ 5 t.1.0110 Ware' ps, for We 13. \ d Cistkrus.. kr . . . ' . . • . . ',
.r. weal, Foarer. 4„9.5... coertur, . „two; I. L. k
. 1 1 11 E :' , lr MAUR r ! . .11‘... It I tig.r• I. 1i , t , .• I.IIIVIC ', .3. .1.....C0tu1..y0urt; 1k.V...h r.Jr , Bru•curvllla
rl, .... .. hat 1,, I 11, toto.le, ol too tit.. .... , 1 th , . 't t' y„,..,`,...h. 4 „..4.401 .„,.„(,,,,,,, , ga.B o za,„,, for fib.
,‘ (3. 1 11 ~ t-.. 1,..,,,,A.,....1 . 1, )1,34 , . \LA t. q. ..... N . '
PallY• !t • ,r,-;,;.1 . , l'::..TZP,t',.`'l:i , 'Th. i - ~ "P ' l ' '""`'s" s • '
• , ... ;.,..t..., .., .1„- , i...k, ~,-,.. ,h.,“ , -Hy Judd'ii , griicatekt' \Li old Cuticle..
~..., ...1....tu •.t. „, t. r „..., kot r r.palr. ko . 1,,. wlit , T r
0.1 ~II ! , .4,0 nn....1 ...4 ..,..i. ..1.4 ..,......1,,,,,1 1• x - 1 ,1:1116 . 4.11T1 .I.E ift Intn 41 for fantail:tee,
~,,,,,,,,, :,, \:,. ,„... ~,..„ , i ,,, 1,,, ...t. to ... bN. z 11. 1 \ .„.t .ttnold h.. 6rl to the pt.. MOOD „f trsery 1.,.
~ ~,,, - ~ ,i. 11l ti,..1.1.1. .31,01, tate rho are In rodent danger if
th. or. ' I' . ' •"• at l l . ll-, ‘• 1 “ , ......• t. 0 ,0• , ' lt , '' , A• l ",, .^ ll - • i.l.Nr, lei to rer tor„lLsouyb,arclden uel du. inaynky.
.. r.
~, 0.. ~,,,,.... „,t1 t, t.r. , ,,,,, .c 1 1., U.. tth rt, r. ..,.., .....,!„." Lt.... 1 I la. et sill. tlas ...Is to Lei otal
' 1 .... 1 - 1! . ,711N i tTt... " 1.7. '''5‘L'" 4 , 7. ''"'" tr '' l \'' '-''.,,' ` ,l,... `"'' ' ''''" ! ''''''" '""" u",•
,L .... I „, 1i,„,.,,,,,.., ~ ~..,,,,,.....i, , , ,. ~... 0.. ' 11,3„ es cortllr that or. Cho Otoltrylst, 11.1Ority Ire.
'''''- r"'"'
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r"r i .. .:1V7 " ....i7.:1.. ' ‘ .'N '''''',"} ' V .. "`..'.. ';'*' °l... • .l-. 1.1 L - . 00, Coon
.„I . 4,:r..,, . , , ~ ,k-Lr... , . .-E•pre. t k. Lamm 3141 , 1,!...e - o, n,
.. , „.. 1 tyll, 0.....t0*..r.1 It to\ oak protestional tlave es
1 ” i r,,i Ili i , Al.3rt . bS S PURE 0 IXVE 01 1..- , , „..,,,. , tr . 4 ,,, 0. ... „ 4,...1
, 1 ,04 p . y J . r...47,..1 awl tor otl, 1,,
..., i , rt....,, orelde.. „i.e.. eod ell kiednof Ires vouttlt
t.e...i. "'' • ', 3 1., v.,. , . ~ . yr:, :4 Iry •, ~. cyvatzivpuequttimi.
.^ ''"' 1 i CASK . . OW' AN - A ILII.(iWN too . r- \ ~` ' ltt.,... r Ertr 'V W ' IL .
\ '
Al U
Into „, I, o. ro , 4 , a . . . „ • ' k . . l sluvour6i.l7., . .
, 1\ ,A.. i. ,
,( ,
.4,24,1 „ h 5 t.; . 1 , ,...1.1 - „ , , a1 ,4 t I: • • .., it, , 01
,t.xu.\ tiu:Wkit. M.D.. ,
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.„.„ . .,t, I g ~,[ 11 NI , I. . E. I ....k (”r s 3 I ‘ ,.- , M1.1.11.t. :.., ' ‘ r a‘t• .
3 , 1.0.,....tiik1t A ),,, /or oais ~7 ~ ....x IL A. A lIIIKSTLIVA kW. •
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1 \ •Bo •
,i,. 1 ,, 1 , 1 ,, \ ., , !.,. 1 xf. ,_ k . AN Es
ca I \ t iv El; \,,k.*l I'I.A IN Tot five years an
n •,. IttVo , .., It.„ .....r..,:t , tint ha ~ taet.* ' trer rad to
f, 0.N...0at5., a• r„,.. on tt,, ......„ , oll / 0't . "' , 14, ot•t r3l 4l. I.:. .• O.:ILE ' g"'
' o ' l . .N... It •i...1....1., 10i111.1,11 .k4..0,11 . ..ird. MO, \ . 1 k ' , ....5.,. ' ut. , .2.. 4. '..
k. , -P. 1 " , ...' 51
•,,,,,, ,, 11,. . • ~‘,... ~, v.,1 41tIttlirni,IA ~..n.3 •.. .111 It. k.. lloth- r l.kekk. .it to wth, olatiors Icm
L i , II II ,ii-- It s kt t hhis. Ex . nintly„ for ga.le ' 7 1, X .. 2 . t . ; "',12 . ‘ i70 1 .%: ". !.-rt 'W t....4l k' t ' o h dt ' l ' r7 ' .e.;-t r i 'd f.7
~ 1, , 1
1 ." \ ~ • ~: „/„. „. , ~,, ;, .. •• :,
~ je. ‘ t.t.. it, lo bilious tto.Y• 1...d...1. it AJ It
I) Ni :‘,..-....,. ~,, „„„. I.t 44., 15..) ~, , ' n:,......t ..pct.) tbatth to, Oren I.`o, .otteotht•
..,.r., .1..,..„\11,,,, . tn,toc ~,,,),,,
,1„, IV , , o , fd.osotV..g • I•Ltore
, t1.7 . 111t.,t: r ra , L 1 , ::
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IV. I l .r ' '/Lt.:,ii Oh t.ili.ll'ls NI) S NI)Iiii;SI ~" ` A ' "" "' n..'-rd.C". '''.''
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, il., Via : tA1i.......11L11L11 \i d . k. gl o.i.COL cured.
~, t r ~„. •, b. ' ,,r.... t tt ' 11r11. 1 , 1 1`. . " 1 1 ,, P ,, ?,'''''''' \,, 1 [hero. , \ ro. 4.t000d dole to . otos ...thetel 7.11
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. ~,,I,lroier •1- , ',. „„„ mr i Llo* , 100 , ate,l . 7-
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fir: (ix YNOTT'S impioted, Extiolt, of \ A \ i• \ \
•,\.\.. \ .. .•
Li •VIVI.IV DOCK ANI.4.4IteIiPAILILLit, tsit • • • • \ ' • , A• ' "..,„ \
ritt,uu in the . .arga..d.iii,..i Itotit and la neknow ...-, \ ; \ .'', .
.H s A '4\ s ,
.. 1... tb.',II.,YS.r.WLYA4 -'lL Made, .Uix " \; \\ . \ `., \': s \
N..- .ho windaritra til'llEAt has pegOrilled; t 4. OIL ••." \ . '' :1 " \ • `.,, \ • ' \ 1
, , ,117. turdhune. 1r :on used minting ta dinettes:A • - \ , '
\ • .
I ••, A IV MI C 7.1; wt tour PAIL. \ ', \
, • \
'-eunceAlt. Tamil", • ,
, \ .
i, Eruptimk, of the hkin. \ • •
.. .
\ ~,,P o . ..6 f r, r nicFAß''. , \ ~, ..
\ ihnirworsiror Setter, Seidl lid, \ '\. , . . .. i \ •.; '
hhehmatum, Painkin the aor - \ \ ~. \ .
.I..inta,Vld tioreeand tikeera. ew ng of \ \`• , AO \ \ ' \ • '
\ '
• the litindity SyphilLai'firelltrin. hal earn, ,V . ,---- -:. - 4' . ' \ '..-;.• \\\ ,
.. .., -
• Vis p leute , o r Nbe Kidney, hrhf AV ~. . \ \• \- -..' .
. ,
s • . \ \N - %
bartettl, IVIISI tbNIAIII , of il \
. . c•u ' ltl,„ i s ola in the P. , 4.. and \ ~•\. \ • A ' •.i ' \ , , \
\F con
Y. V. • , - • \ .
. \\, • . \ \
~ .
TM; 'BEST FE .4.2 E NEDICIIy£ /9.11 , 777117 \ . ,K, ...
. ,
1 01.,ip lont Cousum ption Barrenness, Ine&.lekileine •. y\ \ \ ,
ti,n. \ Lutiu rhea. or NV - hi:he. locantinenris et \hi hy , • - • 1 -"•'. '\ .. . \ A
.. , \
y.... ; .I),lttui• !data of mind. are cured 1T Dc.
. V /4' . A. , “netin - «paw«. .o.o.o• i« int..; .4,' \ • .\ \ N • \
• ,A,..t., eheer.. ririew nag the foundation o i«eit«,oit v •:- . \`: -
s,-....b--[1....•1•10".1.' It neut)nlise.. 1.1 htikpanr,,*p,..,,• \• . , '
A.,,t0 ra I year..tit, and giri% hen/thy action hiort000• ,1- ?_
. \ •
.... ..."',' .-- - ..
‘,. o y 4. w..4llr.plargo thA biltial from inennfinr*.¢ , . i -...,..
~,,Anry trom the tri.... indul,rerintlf the appelitashittlhk t\ - • ,
- •
' th, *lnter, •nd to Ptspare the eye niteentat in:Ret ~ A , , \ 4 -..
‘,...initca, i,ort non to Dr. finisottihatraet Of Talker\ • . ,\ , -•i• .' ,‘
• 1•. 10. atili S..saparilla....liodi chi hpititht ihadttnitththia* ' 1
• ':‘,l 4 \ \ i. \ •
many '... ii, most niallmiantAi„seatakthst 11.64144\V. , -k. \ o . . • ,
-'• " .
tX.,.1 t1a,.., Nricl never tan diaappohli 'kr iic Ildeireatr . \A• .1 -,,, ii ",„
ha polhe Mitts h. never.,w....ri —riesetein iraiany '. , A. , ..;-.- \ h`.ii \
I. r 410 t0•43. 1 / 4 41 do exparlano: , ...jut a.,t_tseirlatustnj faith ,n!. ' Vi s ,
,\ . A \• . \
ii, yt\r aml epti , rl.ifta e.n.pontide iiif,iu od ohezierrititan . ',‘,7 , ••• 1 -
•, \ '
Yiaip y frt.. , mineral no•uvirooto wet. opeAfe.and et. A • \ \
o•O• tk , itt II& ',INV ,e,cliastes 1‘,,.,;1,117., - the crig.,:rsioed(er' ,
,', A• ,
\ • • . , ~.
. \
lo•heh 41 , 14 In Ith•ahls and *phi., howaraxlcutitionnAn •
. , ,
1 1 „ ,
~ y ntr , „ , , ,
Ameol ZAil °than: let it, one dit dur of 110, ai . 1 . 1 i ."\ ' ‘\\''
. •
0.• 1. ,,, .4.:i1r ..N"As..t. 0, ...T \ .. burr of, hyAkai to \A.„ \ \ \ ,‘. .„ in 'Vey 0.'3 . A I . ‘ tr - sw. a llt , :mr .I.ek ' „ ' - '., , , \ .
and eaneitar.. and tierkuide him to lb , ittt u.ske, to \\• , ‘ -.,.„„ -•\,( . \,,,
. ,L • .
try it. and h.e AV, tao hs , itainiu in p liking iskai. , s , '•\. • \
to h7T•}lth.
OA, •\ et asl . 1,11. \ !
... ,
' N
1 . . ' \ \ \
. ..-. .
I. PAULY:- nE.AIs TIJE FOLI.O ING: ,, •, ~ 1,. ,‘.
, . , , A
Nalco.. ii.. J... .U. 7 '4. • • \ • \
\,..: \ .
: mr. 8,,,,,,a,—w,... \ 0,, , 0,1.14,re i, staillur that Jane ,• .; .... \ ' , .\ „,
i.•l ivy 1,..k and eardviarilla sneer gnat sitiefaehon til . , - ‘,..‘ -,..• '. • „
r7vy em.••••. , \ , " • '
• \ \ \
eery raid,rtable gentlemen infott7d ing ‘ ,A." o .,fh. \ . ; „.,
4.4.1.. r ....,. troubled wIN dleiruh. I tt e ti ..Y .d4 V% ...4 ' ' • - - A
ntheetrvw.urt pet•••thaz to bqs PO>. She hd", ord gaii,bett
a.-.ruialiro,roarcial di , ..-hur.A.• 'ler 1111,1/4 Itnie; ~ but lk.the • \ •
4... 01 t . h... ti Ikykrrt ea Yellow Ds: k and7neriliashira
, ra:erl ” l 4 e . %rl. 4, :he :71 T ., ...7 ocre and then wit. 4 .
i ' •
. \
from E \ tau:. ".".
' I. F.. billAy4. W. 1,. ., . -
.. .
tillatAxeruta. "awe. coma,. Al4,lB4has \ .
w , ....0,-1.1,ar Asti., L ~.., A 4 4 ,, ,t11111•1115:0. \ \ ' - )
\",,, ' \
tn •...t I. NI your Vtllow 11... it nod Aar. yes - ilia \ tor nit wife, A
1 VAL...., '..iling Of t4...Alih, ae..l.nd it haa aintady .
h ned her ivy much. siff th.i iirysipage It this In N! . \ , .
rill irl it e 1.411,, I i 1161,5, .1 1 / 1 4 0,4 , 1 , 41 , ..5i i..,««L0 oat '
mud • 11:1.3..., fr,Ll the wises .4 thAt tornierAfeehrothlidet . ; • ••,. \ t
is.; \
thAt I 'will athiehis pert:et cur, \ 1, i \,,,,. ' •
Yo 're. a., eery...lolly; '. N. 0411Ultif. \ • •
I ~..
4, .. 00 1 :
. ,
. .
• , .
\, • ''.
i' ~,A es•st.ding. id lirie.l - a...cUred or Livere,...platai- \ , \ ~. .
ala • '_• I the Heart.' Dizziness a tbajletuhtiold• .
. \t,.r, ' ,. ..L a Vayr a n.,,,.... ,or .....,,n1,,,,i nt ty,a sarim..„ o :\
1.k...0z. e . ...leiy n 3 tairy;At'is belieiie s 4hat
a •
Rms. A , ...., :4«.oom i r 2f1.t41 . \ '
\')••••. H... Et ,I dap ILlPprte Inafllllll.l.l. that th.
.• •\ , \ . \ .
t „ alAa in ynott 'T e ' Vellow hock ind+farealiorth. whMk \ •'.
\ ,
I X1. , ..h„ yo• LUX., \l7 thr mean, undectlinblestingior • s„ , ;,\ .' \ ..
. ,d•Py•ol...\encr. niter., me to heatthiand the an. .
,‘, ',
Aimenta \fLs . ',,,. \ . • \
\ r ' • rr'
• •
' • h.:V le, ANI •r• AAN Vi , F Or rt II 0 ., Dock aid'Stula.h. ,
. .
ly athietet,l 1 IpltattOri tkt the. 'hut. .1,1 , , Ob : \ \`'\ Li .
~..‘, .
...A icacyni...7 on hi the hart and aiden. \ \lna ' •
• ,
much t7 t it . hied ith tlarineia• in ha hatul..ioidueaah thi \ • .
athami 'e.ndnrium ni•ti otrik Misa ahl ilgii..s.ritr . ,„
;ear. I, e fOni :-., i , \t• mail yea . ra 1. . A '', \' i. • • .
." . V .l " th`t tV•4 +hi-{ us • l' ti thntrachtmos ... -
in liudal.., uti.Anlit ‘ iiet .re refina sl, , 5 irpriAeriptioni,.‘. .i. r
. •
Lary atro t i.ed, \grit. t' u'il a 1 \hat Vilthitia 4 .'wtth‘•,, • • , ' . ' \i A
\ ,
•iittio or no ter,S.O.put or, wt. , tt!tt I hook the \ ~,,.. .
... \ ,
V slot. Po., A 4'.: ~
\ -,
.-• euntlutied i doerv . •u n' n ' t i tt . 11 osisy . • nting
I lc
\ i .
,• . ,
it ';,....r.. etil.`i; My .isith • s Tr atrang - \.. \ ,
~,,4 ' ,•,. sp.o. ,A,ll my ire, um kg. &nts •• WIMP."' :" c. : l • . \ \ •\ 4, , \
iLi.:t n !alien.., my - eitraustuaii re te • ilell.kby,
I, \a. .In 41, re... Mk. Onet..[ it, iII] # L'4 4..i. A
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