The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 23, 1851, Image 2

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    ... ;-1. ,
19 (3r AZ ITI"I'L. I ractraiiimalliG,OF THE BALTLISOILE, MP
.- 1"1S13 111t61-1 , OHIO RAILROAD COMPA3Y.
7, _,.. et: Ith , t i s
i ll t' r b: .4 %''' , ' ,,6 , T .; '2_,." , _" ~......, \ Th e twewtyifira , anonal meeting of the!stocit-
...L ' - -'-' ... "'`.• " . holders of the Baltimore and,Ohio Ile bold, *us
"I'IIURSDAY-MOBNI.NIT, OCT. 29., 1.1361. . held on Monday morning, at the Companyls office 1
-.--''' "'"--- ' _ -=, in Hanover street.
.., I
par"RY'...A.VINGI AMER IfILL BE FOUND t , The met.l.4; wws organized hy, atpoitiAng Ed- 1
, BACII PA9E OF THIS PAPER. I ward D. Kemp, E-q , Chairman, hod di l.."At- 1
9:‘ , ..
? .... • kin.en, E , ,q , Secretar3.,
Keastrru.—rhe reception of Kossuth in Eng. The annual report of the president . and Direct-I
land,,jutliing errim the preparations, will he one dr , . *as then presented and read, and , ot tunti,*u
Mr S. Hoffman. .reuded 1, : , m r 1:,.,!,„,, ,a„
of the most popolar..and enthusiastic 0,01.5
ever. aeo n ., iu that country, Ile will land at I report
. 1.4 uuatiiniously approved
Southampton, where he and his fondly will 1,0 1 The meeting thin, pr.. led to the leen',
'theiucats:of the Mayor, and a bouquet will be ,oi twelve hrectors ~n the port et th' ,toet
giieu 6 the whole body of refuges, Upward of 1 holden, awl the follow rug s:t.tieii;eli w 141' irk,
. ~
4.wenty chief magistrates of cities and boroughs el - I '
Gave written to the authorities o Southampton, 31.hil iII4PLIUS, ( hdttent l'atteraqa,
laiiiig 'pcirruissiodi to attend the banquet. •.1 f!lal 1 Donaldson, 1.1 .
amen H. I avid
~,ini'l A. Srn4h, I
Ficbling Luc...le .
the. Common Council of Lend,. have alt. re
. ' O'Donnell, ' James Swat), • .
solved •to disting, ish tho entrance of the great 11 i 0 Nl'hitu, I Charles M hcAser, .
man ill that meqopolis with appropriate cm- ' A n d rea , (k eg , .I- Nathan Tasoni
Incaio At a meeting of the Council on the 2d 1 The annual repo'fl 14 veny long. The comna
c.f., Mr:flilpinmoved the following resolution: uy have earned from , the transportstiote,f difle
' ''That . this Court do 'present on Address a i seaters, mail.,, and merchandise, $1,3l
,'221.'.! ,
congratulr!Hon to houiaKoss . uth on, his liberation '
(being nu increase of ,tis,-11: iit, over tbe opera
fram.eaptioty and .arrival in this country, end 1 . " .
,: tlint the same be presented in open Conn." i lions of lazt year The total disbursements tin
..‘..,,, Ai. ~..i.tion w ...
~,,i pp a rt e d i, a speech at der the heed ot eX pelt., have 4 ~ d,,
.. VIV 21, showing the net ewrniugt to lit been
Kassrvit.—The reception of Kossuth . Eng. 0 amen ' • •
„..,.latpl, lodging f t r? „. m the preparations, will lie one dr- was then pret.entra and read, and .. m o tion i John
of rho mast _ popular. and enthuaisidio ovations I ei Mr 0 Hoffman net adod I. : M e l .1 0 ,, d ie I Prlpt
4 , Milt
- ever step tu that country lie will land at I repo'[ was uuatiimously approv...l 1 John
i Southampton, where he and his fount) will be 1 The Mo.:tale, then pi- ~ led to the le, ti on p ,,„,
'the pent, of the Mayor, and a bouquet will be i al twelve directors on the i art t f th. 'te, t , ,ii
given to the whole body of refugees Upward of 1 fielders , awl the fellow nig a. itie fur u %et.. ettOt ' Bllit
'twenty Ater meguarates of cities end boroughs el 1 1 Ott '
hate Written to the authorities o Southampton, lohn liot,litis i [Award 1. at eFsiai i t '
• Lint
oohing permission to attend the banquet .1i he 1 Deolildson, I James 11 1 atter , rb ,
the ceemeeceehed of Louden hare also re- tltt° ' " Sm ' th. I hAlm g I'm". hr ring
L I ' m ' retie
solved to listing fish the entrance ot tar great t i . , iitiutitirnt7.Kll;ie, I i'l,7=lmatti,,~
man in that metfropolts with appropriate OCTO-
Andrew Gregg, 1 Nathan 3 y son i 1 ~Ir
Men es. Ate meeting of the Council on the 2/11 The annual repo is ,n) long Ihe comp ot N
liAt , Mr. Gilpin movedthe following resolution It) lose earned front the trallipertatinte of pae- i and
" oThat this Court do present an Address of i novels, mails, and werehoudite, $1,14'4222. 7f, i II
congratulation to Louis Eos!uth on his liberation '
Picini- nu increase of 'of 41 - 4e over the erre I tort
fom daptivity and arrival in thts country, and " ' - 1 dna
Clintthe same be presented in open Court." I lions of lait year The total disbursements tin , eou ,
ibis resolution was tuppurted by a speech of d " the hee d A "I'm"' base beeit ' 1 ' 0 . 3, T
causulerable length, which was Interrupted by 010 20, showing the net e awns to I'm 0 been i hit
It° _. t;e111 d j thy
frequent cheers from the members find
After an =mutated debate the resolution was Ibis "" it l ''' "" 1 I" the tr declare I pea
i . , , ,
earrien by acetamation A committee con lost- a .11V1deltd in stock of 7 per cent., notetithst ind ,
~;jug of Messrs. Gilpin. Wire, Blake, Dem:loch and ern s the large increase of 1531,209 added to the su
Stevens was 'appointed to prepare an oddre, e Inuit ,tack of the company by the dividend of ,
forthwith. Altogether the proceedings were ex tot Yea r. CO nn the original capital o r $7,000,- fir
` ceiedhigly American in their tone tier represented by the finished read to Cumber- ' err
' 0 0n the other hand the Government of France I .cd, which alone has contributed to this result, $l,
pass through their , "rithout an; ant from the capital moil. recently 'el
- .. &red not to permit him to
ttrritory.from Marsaillis to London, having on I e, e ctideu, the dividend earns ii would ihavc been lie
doubt the fear of popular enthusiasm on one i equal no it per rent t
side, and of Czar , Nichulati on the other, before 1 i n Te"" mu In the extension A the load to the
their eye, I Itltia river, the report ',nye I l
, Both these facts—so uppqite in their :hare, Tice report of the Chief Engineer h rewitli an 1 "
ter—nre exceedingly sigtrißrant Indeed tut i
acted, will show the operations ,t it st Depart , tte
fir theEnglith government,Beconded by that of i r ge te e t era dtt rr r r t i g , „l o h ui e e L tr i .,, T he ~e r 6 ha ' l' em 1 ee
the United Slates, Ensaiith could not Lave been I nothing line occarre I i ' . i e lite ' r r f ' er ' e. " i tt 'i th ' e u ''.
' l '
, liberated p and the refusal to the illustrious nese heretofore minle. thatndequate th
gnesrof the United States and Great Britain of "UPIT of fnnde nitill lahyr the woo e Wile ' t rey
I O Sootiest by the Ist of January, 105,1 i
' the mere right of way through the trench tern- .
Early in duly hit t the ties[ division of the 1
tory,,ehows the true poeititlon ofthat minnmed Ir,a. we o p e n ed to t I,
s . iedmont ,":46.0 in
jtopublic.• - ills no im''''onifest that Great Britain suce the th, ..., 1 I dinsioli extendtutt to
„,and the United States stand on the side of lib- y tel ” Oakland, in the eludes, a },lintance o I
erty, against the world 23 miles, has ales been t"115.0 'foe Cheat I l '
Liter will be reached about the tat i of tiecera- 1 .
• ' 'An angry correspondence took plane between
the Austrian Minister in Turkey and the Turkish 1 l ' '; ' e ' t the TT hurt's V°"" Itn'lPl sad It"
I 1: .out au the Mononnaheta River, between that I.
' t
Minister, in which the former protested vette- i orielnud-the u rn / o ale, i
, meetly egxhatit the liberation of Kosguth and his I I cis grattfylng to the lioa.zferad.! to
0111 bel able ti
oot in is ! I I
stsociates. . The Turkish minister mtuntains,l , o mre thik the t h e e 1 f
'a Img riorked dells., with hen. i trains it i it
the' right of that Oovermrfent to an as tt saw
* tos. very trig from twetre to tvrer i i) Wilke an 1 t
:,peeper, with great firmness and ability. The , C iiir _i not h tie ,_,. rid l i , i eu i I„,, eu d i , g trii i„ he 1
e , torrespandence closed with a cart note from the eintott cone and regulari, ii
Austrian minister threatening Turkey withthe , I
consequeuees, should any mischief ensue, It in 1 Tun J MU. or 11ASSAelira0tis t kir Vllll- . t
now probable that the great struggle will breaK i tl r,p in an address delivered on the titii lest , I '
Out that quarter, in which event., the Coiled r. , on s e rmultural imnez at i',nettiSmptiin thus I
States and England are bound to stand by Tur 4, ippity alluded te the common selfoots if that
key- It is stated that Kossuth how a strong ini- i,Flit
pression upon hie mind that he is destined to be tither nations t teal of tbeirtnage'
fat eat
the liberator of Europe --,- Fem. and illellater th M
ainenda 011 r fa I note ,
-----....- -- our LOltillece•thOol sestets Thu.. 1 our 'oon
' On. Emsm..—The sleeting at the Nlaaonio- s-ill of Light,' eta enatalled 100 Ire as a ptir.
Ball, on Tuesday - eventing, to hear this gentle- n man haeharnn" l'e--ttef de t i , lenii th deco
royal brow , urto irrydlyte aCr sitil Paler,— i
man, and further the objects of his missioc, . It whale jure d and i pe h lietr , ating Ay tllleitie d . t
lean pretty numerously attended. Considerable
' " enthusiasm prevailed among the audience, es cteees every sad enlightens
every ;e 7 ir r i sroti ' ::i . m . t n ho
penally "upon the appearance of Dr. "Kinl,cl rind, and which supplies front its eltilustless
.., lg . pi . I rw i n, D i , , D ui., mo d e th e „ gem . ; Cittlea •ernoments of - genet ante te head and
address, and Was followed by Col illtick. both
.hams ttiton the seek' of ren ry aell , led laualder
. l Moseachusetta 1 i
of-whom 'hewed much skill in tearing possums _ _______.---- t
-to tatters. Dr. Kinkel followed in an address Fore, 1au1i...4 r.i.... •
In English' - which he speaks with difficultr
though with n good degree of correctness and,
trtt ~
Liaal at .1 1 lot llth. Io t 1
- -41 tee.. 'The Object of his mission vu this couou y
5 ; `we explained,which
s , l is is set forth in he -plan MR Emma' --I. ' ''''' l' '' n ' ln ' ' nni ' enn'e'l en
Elizslieth kgrieulturii . ',met, at
i","'" n-A'orgardration" which we append to this article him"' slips
~.44-,ai • shoc
,eet re ell and. apt. Saylor ma d e bomb
n+ le t he reports snitch follow
~ ,
`.- ;II: It is impossible to form any certain tone. e B e f o re ' hl i etle ! he' " " rt.. 4 ''''''' a.'
t ‘
1 aims as to this movement from anything which '3I the
dealer• '''
Li'' ' ''k ' ''''hkr.
er than on any tormer occasfoa, hht them ann
v tat yet traimplredP Dr. Kinkel and kin nest f.. , fa:turel articles and fruits fell oh 4. za' toe last
. t , al* are &Witten acting in good faith, and with atonal chow There has here e h
a :ors of
d oer ii r d:ap z io ti ee of „ r ut t h ey design to eo n , rivalry among our farmers of late in the m- i
but P rhaehtha ' rethrlderhttmts P rerreht them 1 te ' re of T'l'ittielitutoalidl'bit ' i t s7r t o ' c ' ea n illo w t ' t ' li *. e ' sf .. t ‘ ri ‘ t " . ' 4 I
from dlautgleg - their plans fully, or intimating . in vary which is ahroad . the co ntry in rstn i
the precise time and ' place of attack. t.. n to the science of agriculture and to the gm, 1
This is a movement of muchimportance , for coal progressiveness of the age.j '
;:upon it may turn the question whether the ' The Committee on linrsei rep rt as tollown.
'-i Suited Slates shall become embroiled ie the ' Best stalk n,
F•F Chalfant, F l oyatte count,r,
, _revolutionary movements of Europe, which an. 1.00 211 best do , .ktidrew 3e lell, Jefferson
, t,,iwnoshreip.,.!.2,oEol.,,Bbeg.t.t4blt7ledc
, d , fat o ft bo ß ri „ e t ,
r lf n :
a pear to be inevitable and at hand. It in a pall
tion into which it e,ertainly would be ult. - Ise to in in do., a uun ' e , Power, Jr , itt,f,d, t h i i ., . $ 1,(5 0 -
rub, no a. horse rushes into a battle , Itatit and 1 1... it saddle animal. It C Wel
ler. r El lN izabeth
declamation, passionate dppeals to the generon; b.,cough $l,OO 2d-liest li-a. el ikon,
sympathies of men, may do very well at a more r tizsbeth tp., dm .41,:nlest hr 1 ware, John
, Elizabeth tn.,
iti ___`'s2.o( '-td 'lest do
askraneed stage in the business. but rationnl h GrAm M .
- i John Patterson, Eltzebeth ST ifi Best colt
men will Sent examine it calmly. and cons id e r . Charles linden, Elizabeth tp , dis $l,OO Beni
what is likely to be the mime '2 year salt, Wm Douglas, Ellis! th tp . it 1,00
The following rinsolutions, and plpn of organ- I It .0. I year do , Jacks,. Cortes,lmiungtou
Italian, were unanimously adopted by the meet_ 1 I -I,°°. i l e x ' 'f' n° hA '" . L Sp 1 Iv n" bm g tn°
c unty. $l,OO 2d ht li., Robert Mehioney
I Elizabeth tp , 1,00 . I
:-.• 1. The meeting declares it to be the call offollows
1 The Committee on
duty sad of honor that every, friend of Freedom ' ('aide report -as
in America, and more especially all Genitalia Best blooded hull A o drew Br
101 l l e g if
who have immigrated into this country, til, tar. "•:. ,00 Best mileh row And 13 0 , J e tt ti ,
ther by every posnible meani:snd to toe heat of ; 5••,00. Best yoke noes, Wm %%a I Illitaltelh I it,
their ability, the deliverance of Germany . from ' $ %On. 2d best do loin Howell. Elm the. ta ,
the edianieful and degrading tyranny of her $1 00 Best hull calf. David Witille Eli, oh 'p
princes, and from Weir whole gang of depend- $1 40 Best heifer calf. John lasi, if...A co-
an and parasites. $l,OO 2d best do John Potter ion, Lliz th tp
• 2. The meeting resolves that the downfall of ' 51i nts Best beef alumni, Benj Gilmer., Jeff tp
tyranny cannot be brought about by mere nyzo I $ ',OD
pithy or parliiinentary negotiations, lint pro,- T h e Committeej r , t h ecii , repoi i i i ,, toi l „,
tieally only by providing means - for the. Regain I
.I lies[lfuct. t I..eice stet.. 1 Thlls dace[, Manto tp
hammy' struggle.
1 8. Therefore, The meeting recommends the '''..`6Ll „it
Bert e " '" taupe, lt n I Iteith J"
!'Germ an National Loan," devised far the above ' t i ' ''',
' h '
purpose, and resolves to take active part in the '
i pre courmil. un 0w , ... ' , Top .- loll • tt , -
I Best sow and pigs, Dave) li ihon Liz'th fp
if, The meeting resolves
m e e tt he German Cala ' $2-90 Best pork swine N Stehlii n.. 1:111 lit If
mittee a pointed at the eing of Moat 1 $l,OO 2.1 heft do 1 1 li.sbl Edit th t a
evening, October 21st, for the collection of soh lib 50 rte. Beet stock hoe, lAu Melo. atgh
• scripuone, shall have complete control of the Elieth borough, di, . 1 41.00
~.... Pale, uftil-e. Revolutionary' Financial guard CooarLotte on Mantthctur , 1 articles rep ,rt a
'shall have been formed and generally recoguired Il o ilo',
IIY the Emigration in Loodqn, and ellen be re - Best cabinet ware ,D Williaal, Elisabeth t
quested to call upon our - citizens with hate in i '..." 00 Best cooking Pfave iEn erprise i Shank '
the English language. ' 1 Mod & Steventon McKeeport, $2,01 ...! I •lo
, 5: The meeting resolves that, forthwith, Best I tEinelA Bradley Pittsburgh 4.1,00 Best rn
' shall be tidralan up for signature of shares of the rhx.tor. A.Bradley, ' do, $l.OO iltiod site ..i.1,11
/Loan to be paid at one time and within ono r Griffith, Elizabeth, $l,OO 12d ,i , 1 q
month, denoting the weekly successive sultscrtp if . .,, ia hl iii , a„ , 1„.1,00 n e at s et ,ii h a ree.,'i if N
tions.Chilli. Monongahela City, 8-1 1 00 2d , I 6 4'
6. These resolutions shall be published in the Griffith. Elizabeth, $l,OO lt4st I ounterf
English and German papers M s es Henderson, Elizabeth township , s 2. 00
a %no Watson, Elizabeth orough, $1 to
`l. The creation . .or a fund of two millions of ,
dollars, for 'the, purpose of forwarding the ap
preaching revolution in Germany, shall be forth
. with cOmmenced by means of a Gerniau.Nation
al•Loeo. -
2. None will be called upon to guaranty the
said loan, but those who base the confidence of
the public.
2. The undertaking will be confided, in its
commencement, to ,less!. Kinkel, Wiltich, and
Reichenbach.! The initiative and the melee
lion of the means will be entirely given up to
them; and they Fire authorized to issue receipts
in their names, which shall bear an interest of •
. five per cent.hon all HUMS paid in.
4. The tricarily, ad interim, shall
,he under
' the care of Osearßeichenbsch,l Paulson square,
• Chelsea, London.
!moil as the sum of twenty thousand
dollars shall be paid in, the aforesaid Finance
Committee, pro use., 'shall call a convention
' for the purpose of guarantying sold loan. To
the decision of this convention will be submit- •
tad the following questions
u.,, The formation of a 'Permanent Revoluti.m
ary Committee.
• b. The establishment , of a plea of adminis
e. The safe deposite of the !proceeds of the
loan and its tralisfer.
6. The Revolutionary Committee, elected by
the Convention, shell have unlimited power to
dispose of the money realised for promoting the
revolution.. They will surrender their power,
when an acknowledged revolutionary govern
• ment shall be established in the fatherland
This governmenrbhall have the right to require
at the hands; of the said Committee. an account
of tlielr trnirm,!intua, arid to submit to the
- claims of the peoplo..the questien of their
ministration of their trust.
• 7. The signers of thiadocument pledge them
selves, after. the conquest of the revolution, to
use all their Influeneel. to procure the ithaump
lion by the stateer thelrincirial and interest of
etc Garnitta Revolutionary Loan, and to carry
out faithfully,all the conditions thereof.
The agree to theforegoin plan
. .of a Guttman National Loan, and prom g ise
guaranty' the same to the amount of two mil
liard of
A. New; 14ork letter sir--
-'Llt is Stathdrhst , the importation of silk goods
~.- - end other fancy 'fabrics for ladies' dresses, into
I s
Iktipii of Nor York, varies from one to three
Willem f dollars in value weekly, and that'ther
•-•-:,,fiiSt'of„: e geirgews for the fairer part of poi
.:.. i•irtaati its wbat, drabs the country' or specie,
Oa ' on ocinmeteisl distress; so, if the
...r• • : , ..ll:dier 3 , ' upon the' principle of rule r rain,
1 4 4 7 ~ 'ho pretty sate to accomplish =
- ' :':0a1ir.A4161.44'
, -, -•
i • ,
The Cutumitute Ott.SheVp re pr.11:I t:.5 roil:, , --,-
Vest buck, k Leicester, i Thus. 4eott, Mithtit tp,
$_,,,00 Best este uvl Bata,!.4. Brieii, Jet!
tl,, $2,04
follows , . .
Best cabinet ware,D Williatolun Elizabeth op. , -. _ ..
0364 GI,
$2,00. Best cooking stove kEnierprise, Shook-' ,
land It Sterenton. McKeeport, •h 2,00 2.1 do, : h 001,1 r ms.l o r o 177
(Eina)A Bradley, Pittsburgh, ;1,00 Best ra i - '
diator. A. Bradley, do, $lOO Rest side Awhile Pa...stn. or Bv..l.tivlan A W..41,f1ai1, In
C Griffith, Elisabeth, $l,O O 1_ 2,1 do. J '' Bun-.u. “b :0
or a passport for Par, l... wi IL,
Le ughlts, t 10,51,1111. Best Pet et . barer,', It N- , otelition that ho'notild 1101 go to I.r.u.b„, but.
Clerk, 'Monongahela city, 8;t100 '2d. It. O. eo iori ring at Paris. the temptation of tho I'm s•
°radii. Elizabeth, $l,OO. 1144 . counterpane• slat Palace Via. vli 'earring that 'he ...did not Li 11.
Mid. Bendel - son, Elisabeth township, 'O2 on,' - ,- .f f .„4„,,, It
_,,,, his ~,,,,,...,,, 1 ,,,,.,„ ~,, ..„,
2 , 1. do, Mrs. Watson, Elisabeth ihoe o oglt , $ l . OO 'summonded to the °thee a the pollee, and has
Bei,. ,hilt, Mrs Peairs do tp. $l,OO 2,1. , 0 ,1 ~.h, ho hadbeena Lod. .. 5 ~,,,,,,,,,,, of
li.e Solenger, do, $2.00, -Id I do, 'do, $l.OO ' Lie.proume It was accordingly ordered that
1 Bea specimen needle work,Nlisi Gihner, .16„.1„.• • he „h o od recent „ „.„,„ „,,„,k,„ „, „rip,.„.
rough, $l,OO Best Ottoman, !Ilia. Martin 11,1 am' they were duly tullicted.
$l,OO. flestlot bags, Robert Patterson. do, tit: ' - • •
GO•tts. Beet table lmen. R. Pathr . " ° .' t° $ l . Oll Fall Importation of Heraware, Cutlery, dr.c.
Beat needle wrought hearth rug, Mrs. J Power.
do- $l,OO Best Butter, Mrs ,Ins Power. h.. I 1.:4)N tS/ Ca,
, $l.OO, Best bbl flour Jas Latta do. $2,00 - No. 129 Wood Street,
2d do, J. Zeigler, do bor. $l,OO, c. ii,tliiiit
,1 Ana, , aII, bona ~, , I . thy , n
The Committee on Agriculteral implements ;-"" „,,,, ~„„,.,„,, „,
report 09 follower' . FOREIGN MID DOMESTIC
Best outfit* box, Shankland A. Stephenson,
meKee,port, $l,OO Best sidehill plow. Shank'
.111 I'IhITED 111' nri'l iIT •IVO Hi - or.
land & Stephenson, do, : . .0 eta Best Farm wa .
Out aOl 0 .h.iy err nivi pi-tips:l.l Yr, 0th.,,,, •.,-n ~,,..
gon, And. Bedell,Je ff erson township, $l.OO ss,fitoot tistt to pia.- .1
. The Committee on Crops report as follows. u;s.ti thif ..,,gothsfit st uA st N's .-rie brai....l. 0' t 1 ,ya E.
olvar. ou haat 1 - 1'
Tit 1 .
. .---
. Best sample corn. Capt. pradnar, Elizabeth
,Petroleum ;
Tp- Diploma. Beet yellow pdtatoes, Jacob Shnl . , M i sr „....._ _ s , , fors
fee, 'Washington Co., do. Best lot of pumpkin, P= 2l ' . ‘. :::,, ":'7::"f .t ' ,. : . :1 ,,, ..'
A S. SUMBA, Elisabeth Tp.,idn Beet sample
, D , - ',.:' ,. :;::,„ ~ , , , ,,!;„";;;;,i , ,,,,,:,.‘ , ..„,.,„„. ; ‘ , .' , ..,' , Z,
Pintoes, J. Martin, 1° 4"..1. "Best d° `w ee ' s; wm Hatt, mtwo riir rh, re.. to, b• ~, e n to
potatoes. J. Martin Losaneth Ip., do Bost Va 0 ,,,,,,, :ho in , a• ol i opiiral lu r rlotion to tie. loriv b,
rioty of apples, J. it L Shepler, Westmoreland ...t e.lll If MIL
CO., Diploma. Best do peaches. 32 L Shipler - I hal 1.5.0 fithtut, ,, s . rot jr1i111•111111.1,111,111.4 In 1
do Co., Diploma Beet do pintos, .1 a L Stiep •
, /4. shirt. ry.htion4l a, nirract, until rivaernhot. I,
lee r do do, Diploma; Pest Ispeciuteu French n::,:,..1:::,,,,i7,11•i.n.:,•; rout i . n ., ": „ 1.e . r .i iii . t . i ., 7 , 17 , 1 ,, i . t. , ; .. e , ti .. i ,
creek potatoes, Oeo . Webs( 6-, ElYtabe Lb T r ., :,, . ,; , ,, t siet, eh ., w „,,, t h air ii i ..l my stmt I 1,,
Diploma. Beet specimen pink eyes. do, Eliza „,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,a0„,..„,„.
both do, Diploma. Best and I Most wheat on .1 ~.0 0 rsturmst and Hi me Ili ss bad a iyarlitaai ay 1-.0 .0
acres sf) bu to the acre, Col. !Taylor, Elisabeth A t ttli sae, ..f ibv 4,mploliii 1 malr iiiiirlirais..i. fo ...•
do , $4,00: 2d best find most wheat on 2 acres rd 'd 0 1r mo't ...nor. , 055i. , 5 1 .„ 7-ii. ::;::::.:Lr0r ,. . 1
45g ha to th e stem David llti.olll, do: $3,00 -- ',.....7';‘,1,7,:tv:::.":,111,.7.1;v: i1 , : , 11 ,,,,,,, t ,,..,., ,
„,,m. .
m i .. . , n ,
Best and must potatoes on i nee no bu do the ;„ .m ,,,„,,,,„, , „, ~ „„ y e t n .„,„„,. b.,u, internal
acre, Latino Wilson, $2,00. B r est and most oats ~,,,i tonally, unary whirl, me revs hoer navy/v.l .1.111„
mit: acres 01 be. to the acre, Robert Patterson, ni the wry,. rim, ana I harm 4.1.04, 11 / 1111 11W11rnn
Elizabeth do, $3,00. I, Ily grawrol breith ornv-vory morn 110111 1 11 1. 1 1. 1
t . The Committee on Poultry reporied 1111 follows. I:suss/sum hod I attribute the tesuteso l . l . , :t; et, stelit
- Beet bun chickens, John I . 'lttterson, Elizabeth I. """ I '''`W'' . '"".°.8."`.°1°.0"", .l.`0I•°
nin b., happy to giro on, Intormation In ridollon 4 i
- Tp.. $l,OO. 2d do •do chic ens, Ann Bidden,mos-
Jefferson do, tiOcta I
I'm run by R..yaar a Melhnindh 14d Waal Myrrh h.
- There were numbers of flirmers reporting µotters, 01 Vi pod ntrvidy It. A. Yahnertnek, it Co. tote,
o arr,ps of wheat ranging from thirty three to for- Wool and resat et,ette D. M. Curry, IL 5. Elliott, .114 e
ty torso bushels to the acre, ind of potatoes as D'00ttt......' 11 . 1 *.sdt ..rt, Au".tht" . 't 01''' I'l "". ''
A. 11. BIER,
.1 high se 4r.. bushels to the k .acre, among 0,.. P' l l' s ,',
m. " '--
,- reT ..C..11 1e.1in,5....m.h.. liiii.horsh
Wit woe linb't Patterson. The . Directors ear- .- .
fleetly recommend that persons be more careful jitir From the univormtl aneccaa of 11.
n in handing their reports to the aeciety. There Torrsift. Arabian Liniment In miring lame beet.. awn
O was not s strictly counstitutioual report handed
~,,s tis, ,a7 : d , :"* -- ,... ' 4 we i h 'r ee t. irr u h e y ' L ll :Tr' wilt n Yb tr rb7VY I. " ;
1- in, but under existing cironststances the Diracrs hare thought it be e t ° make the nwilyd
a othry remeillry on Ito alirlt. Sr .theni 4no earthly di,
1 hot it le the cee,tost remedy' 110 1 world erer linen. It
ir mon on) braid, and should
if the nbjeet of the society—ris.: the attain- 01 1 00110 *4'6"
bothref hone". ' """ "'"'".
ds meat of true and scienti fi c agricultural k oot d. . 1 .7.' "' „, . ",.`,,,.",,',.„'",.." •
to edge-bas or is wished to be" obtained, the n en . '' 6 ---
try member who makes kin report to the society t Pittaburgh Lite kthIIIEUICe Company.
~e - should obey the requirements of the ce r ,,,i t it,,,. CAPITAL, J 9100,000.
ur lion. Let the reports be put up in ouch a map- OFFICE, NO. r ib FOURTH STREET.
e, nor that they may be publisNed, and read Ivey- , orvicEto,
.0 ITT person. This is the - trot and only object for Prerldent-Jants . S. BOON.
arcs Pnvidant-SAlival.ll4.Culaial
, which agricultural societies are originated and ' Trvornrar-.1.21n s , Lunt.
of kink up. - .By order. ' IL XIENDNRSOa, „ Seer... J .—C.l. tango,
I. Surma, 800.. I. Chairman gap bee sdesrutientatntit In ...her rut lots panne.
New BEttionti, (lot. O. MoLAses Laren Pai.e.—Whew the
Interesting /tom the WA thirty eekokunda.—The hroprkatur of thle ,net nail. r.kokedr rurchseed It of the
Mercury. this morning, iv), that there were '''ttirbdokkorrkal the name,
several great ilthCCUracieß in the lute report frank
the whaling deal. The Odle, F. A.
11. ilt,wland, previously reported. arc in port, a, too, on. ly w obtain al. str
and state that inelad of - i t hundred, there it , „
but ohe hundred and fors)-three I enact- upon ok.o. ..-ka out alle,tnal. Ord h h , r e t p h " h ad, to
h . hl
the enact thie hen , • o t,ohll,h. it tit. e.01.11:sle•C nit med
A letter from G. W. Refitted. dated van Peon- " Llv" , I ' ol, te
ci.Co, Sept. 11. th, soy, I railedono the ,it, lt ter. had a no. Al.
tzhehc.l. tief 4.hrist, in.thor. Ana ever ,corrnt
of the . schooner Curlew, whirl, thi -I.` t• .it rkhhkta hat- he ihma. whip. The IlefeUtlOU of
John Well., who corroborated tile rhphrtm . 0, 3 •ielktt. a has nothing
parer ill theliPUre, but correctedthou In tome 11•11...“ . 11e t,no, irapon,..l hh ou the
' Material point, lie sail that Uhl.- . tor Pe ~."m .
John 1I ell, tenir.led hue and reported the Ara r ''"' J' ''''' ." ‘n. , hr. 1 1 ,, kuke
at lost, end the Arahelko. ot
knottier wrount to,kr. It the Nea
dode, with to• ode up t• Ist .1 luenst
The Mary Mitchel,, it lost 'I t
Nlagnolio, the Captain shltet, the et.te ot• '
Slab report.' lost, is also incorrect, as 1160 the t
report that the A. 11. Howland hod no nil up 1,4
August let. He alto reported thweltip Itettnarl„
of New Itedford, l protellely the Chine.) as foil
and bound for home, having token 101 1 i•I
Oil out o f the ultieCk of a French whale, Ile
further says that the John WON noV tot 1441,11 y
damaged, that the only lost her fore tVot, ;.nd
come sheathing and copper off her bows.
The mate of the John Wells did 'not say that
fifty .or sixty more whalers N 1.11 1 ,1 he loot. hut
that he could name more than fifty ehipe which
had attandoned the ground on account of the
heavy weathertsnd
The Mary Mitchell was worth $20,1100 t,
There i- an insurance . on toe Arattella et the
Mutual Marine insurance Company of New Bell•
ford, of $7,000
Upon the America there is an insurance of I
$1,126 at the New Bedford Cointnenia , Office,
$l,OOO nt the Pacific, and $ll.OOOl nt the New
Bedford Whaling Company
There leas no insurance upon the New Bed
The followicg are extracts from another letter I
dated tiepterrilaft Itith It in stated that the John
Wenn was spoken near the Sandwich Islands, in
nearly sinking condition, and that she was
onmidately broken up for sea ,ertitte She had
at sti between two and three icebttres, and if she
had not been eery strong, she would hive shared
the Late of the others She lost her eat water,
I This letter :reports lh..t sonic of the whale
ships Well, to pie-es in twenty Minutes after
- being enclosed :a the lee
given by the officert of the
.lohn Wells ,are frightfol Elht acre totally
1,1, and sixty-nine were ' lll n crippled cm-tai
xrane of theta badty. A portion of the
ressels baa wane to bong for repairs
TOE VOTE 1 , 14 tihenANOn to C.. 11101.1%
Cmlifenia the brother of Col Wm Itigitr no.
the Domocratic e..ndidate :dr Govern.., but
0b..... nit nopear r,. hen , beets OA +lll,e.oarol
the gennoylvania Bigler 11e gine beloa the
hitist reliable return, tarnished in the C.O.
titnin paper. Front thee. tiendinn Argon,
h. he ahead Trinity. San Lin, obisgo
ktintouth and San Diego are et ill to be hehro
ft Ott.
San ranctsco
S tat amcrytJ'
Santa Clara.
Li .1 n eltn
k Mr: to
,14.11 •
lota Barbara
Loa Aagela:
Monterey; 0,.
El Dorado
M.riu and Mendocino, 17n
Smal in
Cuno Annir
, Placer:
t h tstn
42 , l).:0,4
14.2b4 '
Remting'e marts , tar :no
t Pull, hot reported ;Portia
reported cliltijority
Cho rote of Butte, shade end MaripoNe
...sett on very imperfect retutox, an .n
thority which cannot be entirely relie , d
Theve comities have all along hint reported
haying given in the aggregate eotna dal) thajont
r lt is proper to vitae, also, that
Son Joaquin Beritdican of September lath put
halted in Scar ktue, piths dues covet
as 100 Inajdrity for Bigler The vote is axes,
iogly clave,....ind the. othuial recurns akar can
sine ti:t rYgl'ilt. The rem of the licomenth
State tiehet rune conxidernbly ahead of
and are all elected, with the exception, posoild
„of the candidate for Surveyor General. ?dr. Ile
rom the Whig candidate fur this odic, rot
I nearly as well as Reading. `,
A writer in [hit London Tiwce says, ' , lt ie re
ported tip ereklikile Vrtt.nrssco, that : in the distric
thro' wnieh 1 imve travelled for the putt week
nearly 5000 per4ons have left the ltornish church.
In one instance ihe was . present a: the admission
of three gentlemen to tirierts' orders, Oleo of whet
Lad stern a 01,1130 l.WtfioitLs. The Soho°le opene ,
ter the hula; ~f the children of }lapis,. are des
. Crit.ed to tlouresbin4
15 A firm in Charleston ~.Ivl, r itos in the ••notn.l
- that it hat ,contracted With a eclehratei
ryretechniat for II rAnasinnt supply of sky rockets.
are interoletl for the thse of the fire-enter ,
The. entice 4r..31
zneeZzion:stz whoh anziuz .nine
t ' l'tetrt: recently ez pre...etl the re
ne,ire n t, A• an
bract of :gory: can. tip:: hpplicattorcto
uwierogneth 4(2,0:a up free n 1 ehartw, in a ,ky
the•et, thus tanking . their exit with hrithnnt eclat.
and hccontpltzhing in their depth what they 11..1
tatted to etfeet in their hzes, the ilitutnintintu ht"
their Inzhighttnl ehuntryrnen
TI ,ENATOR iu the kilt Om .11
triet w., .1N
- ..
. .
KUNELF.f. II I, if
Inturtn, mn., 27:51,
Northumberland: , 17:51 ...., 1.,'
Vekr" A Mom" . KRKARRABLL cnnx or TornLt
BLINK/1. 1 ;1; 1 1/ 1, ar Pirrtrantow -11.. coal e lb. An ent. n
nl th. ntul the public tom.rall y.
n; IV;;; 11x11,'.1 this ell, The ca..• may b....en 1.f•o,
ne,,nu ;win. tn., to• nionucal lu tt... nano Iwn
...f 1,11/ If I /At •
I hiul rfirpl it MI • .01 , 1 ,01 .4 I. lb .•
10.1. 0irm0...• until Yrbternbet. I.Ye.
.ntlrtalunaiun at that. lilac hoeing in•olved who!.
turrubram.. l both .r.e. and .tai.d
Mirk elm. which w boll; .1.xtri.,.1 nq ..1.06/ I Ir.,
Ist.,..ratemperfrmed.utot the thickening,...1,
ridrn.l and 101 l am In ex hie! a n,;11111.110
At thi, .tage fb...,dutdaltit 1 made aDVllren..n to
.0 thr 61 , r. +111. 6 .11 1 L0..14 . 41 On•ta.
thut • ut, .yr• would no-rrt grt 'AI ItuA titn , I coal!
ot .11runyturl; nu, nt,et By tn. advice ..f , friend.
1 ..mruenced the Ihu retroteuni. I.dh internally
and [wally. under which MY .n1 , ... ,4 ""'
lit the prerout time, and I have 7,C0‘ , M4 Illy Nbail.OLlY.
My geto.ral health woe - very mud , 1100'0,4 'lir
and I attribute tbevratoratlon of my andit o ,
HA On' made al lir2 Iteenod street, in thls elt w
111 ).
be bunny to wee any Information
fulnAlun 1;;,'
Yar cal. by Keyeer k McDowell. 140 Waal street, it. X.
liellera. Had etre.; A. Yahurnoek.t Co. corner
I Vinod and Yvon , Atre.tlC D. M. Curry, D. A. tallotL.lowerin
Douala.. and 11. V. Schwan, A; alw• i.l tt.e per
e. YI. KIEB.
aelnAterer Canal . Vitto.nrsh.
filtir From the univermtl StrettB. 4 el 11. It.
l'arreire Arabian Liniment in miring lame beck.. rl,
disaiyed joints. white earnings, contracted co o rd..
Inder. ac., we have no doubt:but it will rapid/Y In/ all
remedle. on the a+ .them I. uo earthly doubt
but It la the crentost remedy' 11, world ever knew. It 1.
equally effective for both man and beset, and should by
all rn,ate, ne kepi in even - bowie . in town and ronntry.
wie.rtieement. or 2
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance. Company.
Cidten s Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
aler, in th. smrrhou...• or C II
I r., tn. o•
ioui.le 1.. r air.A
tlt I- atler.ll , l .11 Ili. eherneter ..1 the Ir.reei..r.r.
tre 110.1,11 %et] fivorituly
i• V. in. Ber,le,. NV ill. lerrimer,
Jr . Klireel
II Kier
1i It. CHARLES STILWELL, ;having had
n.),.., 6.• nuo th..
Nervou% eu neol au other kr the htseuret.l
the. hon., h.l the hrvt,,U..u. nn•t ~ .uatllha trues
VIII it ta the theru.u.. till tram 21111:Jul the C 1 1 ,111114.
N.atlL :etentl.
urrEl , --Fro.h Roll, iu knave.,ren d dimly
11 1.. I J 11. CANFII:I.I..
(/IIE Esp.:-..(olt) [l(l.Xe, reed and for ;ado Its
; 11. CANYIKI.I.I.
Lake Trout;
V hi. •• • •• ha sale Ll
fir ga le le,
0 I L— 1 , 1 1,6 In.lirie wiild'o brand
1)1 A I( L A till-25 oa.sks for sale Im
DitANVERS- 5110
1.7 lAtnt. Dravn r;c111.111."..
ILI, VELV.,EI';;- - . 11 pen. mout deHiE.lth •
1,4 AA 14.1i 1 1 1 h
, lIILDREN . :, ZEPI.I VII woRsTEI.-1.111
4,e 11.4 •1n )lAltAurnfortA.,AAlA ,-, 1 1, ,
A A. mano, a
& CO. ure Moe "ruing .111
A O . :RAT( 10 1 '..!. ` 0 111 +. pore.
( . 1,1-11A1.1)
T ,ll 1 A ter ,tle
II I'A.'ll ):13.)
Mr. DI,A.,
A it, ,M A Ili ,160 TOBACCO—II/ease ,
IN I) h A 11.42 A sill A,
I_,o I
• 11 EH Fre,lt ILII ter
14, L.; I , or rule by
I .4. • w.,•L ANI A' hlsAt A••
l\l-F 1-• 1V) 01 L I 1,1,;•,. 1,1111) . • I - , 1510 hy
is A kAlfht.,))(.l. A AA)
TI i;} , EN ' I
I NE- ' - '1 '.2.5 1.111. lor 1.,
I N 11 i
'11A!: W ., ti 1411- ,Al,)
. ti A /.“1,1._•er“. • . I
. _
T A i;:r A uli 1i 'I i u-,,.1.:,i. 11.... i“ r .„1,. ~v
I. A i.AIINI , ItA Is • C ,
% .:'•,. I /.1 A ItEA N !".- -2.1 it,,, f r ,..}, tore , ,,
V L 'D • i Air, EzTol,. a ~1
_ .
t .% R 1 , ..1 MMO N lA—"IN mi lb.: . f,,, ~„1,. h
• LI A I A11 , 1.5T01.1 , 1 • C.,
Desirable Property tor Sale
XI )I UI R ~I Mt . iitintitrt;
• ..tu.tuutu lu tea ..t n,l
.‘rt.l ..rt ranul.n. Itt lent, “nte,,,,
a e.uentn
r 1
nu the r --( 1.1.-
1 .r.. sant .Ittn 1 illy All,l. ntinn l t , 1 . ,
t 4, (P./ vnLtlattr - ,. 11, 1..,
1.1 .tnntuu bunk n.t . tust ell. , •
. • ttirnnt,r) t
or .. IhfLarial4 . lont nt t.,
1 i 1•• lure, end Litt. tr.
ut .ru t 6,1 nlnr..n ro.urr, •6.4“ ¢3{1.11
ir,ll N•••
Al.r • F .-ount, •Lrlialm r/.6 owl
arnt eti-nuicaolato, Um+ 1.14,tur ., •
‘• I WI-, fttMAN,
et lA., an.' 11.1 Eateur tv.nti
knurl li etr.....L.
Pequea F4lllll. at Public Sate
It ., Lt ,
rid 11 ,2 aur 0 Ta.9lo;ut Lain-a..U• • nu.. bd. dulai PrPpntl2,l Penn...A.llla {411,44 •I
At 1,02 au, Ilnparultrout Ana • ft:lsk 141,4. ,sneny.
I '.• l. 41-
not., 1. , ./IIT II orltht..ourronf rttoaarta
/ rip • n a' r danra
....• o ,p, a r t Irutr,al thr, {dorsi. 1,11 /1/13,4
• .1 I- i tpqn, I;
.. ‘
1..0 h+ e anat. :Jane roar IttPUlt
Itria put up. n 21 . Thrre to onertrnt artunl r
nt ii.. (.torn I ia•re orr Linnertaue yuuttleu nua
12 tor, 'rut pnittlabla hualuesa 1, den,
Ih• '1222, 1 au.. 1•1..t0r ..Plenkonolll... haolorricht
an,, 02.2 IP.tb Ptaldbip-- . 1 1 ..ortalland ha.
a rt.. pan. hutuantra be,n loran put. 1, 1 2
, t 2 tbo t ..4 Tbr Baru. 107 1,, trot, vitt. lc
,t1,112'0rr..., It. u...• Ind 2 . Carvnter 'hap, Crtalt
l• rn, largo. :Umbra n,l-.
or •ta2 tar 2 rusuntnuen
1,1.. ut .1 or .t• tura.o lova( to tha uarrtlat
uutt-.. fru.. 12.•41- N. troth rrurua I.ltehatt. On burn
rrio. 1.4t1.1.1211 bal, (dual la,. eta.. Turns...l2ot
11 222 toPt thohnu.•ll22.rruiltl).
irpl,2l• YI I , al Ja{msbne he. u put in blab ord.,
thrra 1. . alert-2n , urn.° but hada. ar. Tha
.r• Pourd ...r.totn• .11.22111.1 iron, I.( roma Trocrtbdou
Ino .• retalad. urut throne an
2.12tar.1..• • 1 vrart statturninat ton in Mem:mu-IWe rieintty •
a 1... a tutu. vt101,..10b1 tout i•
l - ju.t uttl tba pine, .
Thy 1...112 a.. Law .21 tn.. or" tir, farm.
.t put outpruttn2l.. tat. •x tram. tlealtho
•,1 tha b. or - nur, n Ittu , , uuttot 1 . 12•14.21.1 2.t.2t phut. sn2l ' haring (vary
.•:.'ur.=nt..2. `' • 1.
1• 2.n. t a tt It.. haor [nut., Lax. r.rutut. up Th. pro,
••rt, .t•ata I
.1••• I Wine, b.alal In
or op: , c; ot k tto. ,/,,Nr.lton• for noktl,
k 31 k kz koor b ko,ll . [or ,
lhk a maker of 1 3
omul. ;t, Ito f rok , ,tan,olntlot, •Itbout
ai,l boob 1.-1, .4 the 1331,1 . . 1TL1,bw....eq ., ,A
I -LW .41 1 II I: ,ELLEn,. L';
To Bolidera.
I'" ri.t LS for,lito ort,tl,ll Ot SI. P:lttra
'tttloonat ti,.• tr. alit to no-4,ra 4s the 11,41:
s o Not, oarn4utora
nolo: lo t t t ont ft•ttu Et, nt.,44 an I IS. wholo to Or art
~ 14. otraont tato,
Int It
t o,
Al ostrata tato 4,4 a. gt•t.
r r a. ‘viNi; sociF:TY
„.1...1 I -Ti tI I,,b,arri,, var. to
ti t I I,..nut• trl , ~t rutt. r,r
tt. &twat..tterr
s 11,rtttott..,n, M., 1 Pltn
on ,Atunle, tb , J., - I
‘• t. I+l.. st 1.1.11ra Its o'rl , ,t A &US
r • I.- I. V . Tn..*
Notice to Jurors.
rpm.: Jurmiis summoned m ntterel
111,11.11 -tkrl rnunt, 111.0,1111
• ,r.....1.attn,,T1F
T IIE 111 RECTOItS ..f th,
nllrlilsll, 11v1•1. ussie
, •I 00. oo$1• onrh ..batos or MP $ - Lnynnl onork of
onan•ns orr bon p•rnide on or I.rforr .21$11$ Ns.s
• ootor nnsl ti..6lsssr taxa no or nolssns the 11t1.46nanar
14 141 1 1/ 111 11 . 14 11 41 11
tot 1 11. Imp I.rl Enrnur. Fm.AnA
r Tee.
F 1
N to 11,A "..Arm
An.l rAt//,1• . 1. 1 ClArolat...
I.‘• 4.. , Amt And Brun..
„,.A Cut.... 1.1and111.a...1:
tle ', A I,
I :Ai ;htb.. lg., •
1 c..k
Jevu; 1 e.... 12
10 rok, ....h. •
15 1. 1 .1.. No 1 A :1 111,letel•
A A,ca.A.l AtAi I.IA. NOA A II Mole,
A -11.1,111 r. :IA kg. tirnutAl
.1.• .11.r.t 11 , 4 Cord,
1,,• orna :Caren, , dos Carp Ilra•allnal
Alan. NAO... Callon Yarn, nbul,al..
entaar Waaral and Flan au
W l'l ,
r 7 :11 , 1 Kir °, tfa:f
t in .
v i l la . Ilanalaurgla A 'name wan
..1 ,tatal u •
nerra•nar. a aulall •4I CALP
al lb.. ananl.lang hal
.err.. anal nalu•lnan , ,, yatiala nanagant an.rla• and naval
la. 01... a, anal s yam.; :Ilan with a ...nail
,a./, nntaal.l.. atll lao New*•
an,1 , 1, lurtla.. a n alrt...alarm ISA Al' IlAnlll}l.
an= Auete., anal Inn.llaanueilllTl2.. Diamond. Allen.
• '
Ladies!: Read This!!!
PRESS, nail will nhartly lw ready.
Tn TIIE r,, m p r i•intr
6111.1,..4-no.n a Oir runrhanlsm nc.llln intlrumnol, tnn ,
II I;o11 in nn,l*,), the
„.„.1 rnmod,lng etch .I.le, awl inittrurtinun Env.
L.., in.tronvnt ninny. , In tune:* Ily P. It. Tk.aPts•
per 1.. r. Nemo loml , l bar.. o evy,y tbM
hm.k. atirk cd UV. Imut ban,r.• bm.o publoth.
ed The mkrrostlon It'mPart. worth teu dom. tn.
and, monn other adraotagm It to
yQrctualiJ guard you from having your Plano rm. 11.1 by
otoMlllfol tuner..
Lmltea dgeutlernen to the eitiea of l'lttaburah and
d m ming early ramie, of lb. work. ear be hu
nt-bed at trolr mghlroces by leaving their addram st the
Allem. any or the l'atahoma , monung_popera. or at the
mmde storm...! 3f...e1. John II Me110r...m.1...a, and
Henry ILlother. Thin! otro,
Ily molt. one dollar to the author, at the Garotte Of
ars.p. will be forwarded. free of imatann.
lorey part ut the Mattel !Ulm PM conks for are dol
y ' s" . A liberal djwcount tolloOk . Yellara and 110.10 denim..
'arm. Is 50 more afrnp)iiite present that gmtleman
eon make to lad ttmn kmPY of this • •
;Mod In your ere. omTl2m.
Co. W open Ilia Inarolug 10 coda= of Mock Bilk
of all onalliks sad widths. oda
knIOLE LEA'IIIEII,—.D NJ •:•;;1r,.. , N. 1 1.. r InTOOD ETN,'6IIAVINt by ..11Lnaeg 1. Virk,
1.1 sal,- by o - . 22 . 1 ~ ii. F I'll I'V V 5t..,M.1.. 7 0 ',stills Jo co. \ I'Llln HAIL Ad.
111,A 1 •tn V.OO. a( • 11.110,. '
'rf-A__4ls Elf the 1. 11.. 0,... t. te•A. 1.. •Ik n le., coo ran, \ ‘ ..esit
llpl F I 01110 ,r • sae.
• ~,., i 111 Ar Potle Le .1,1 .1 SCII•n NNtA tixr. 1 . 1 01. s t .
00. , o•= 1 ~,A , , •Al'' h" • " JJI. r le . ' I' A 1 Al l'Oltk ;,. 15 I,les 10,g aro! oho E l
.-1' ' . .
N1111: 4 ) 3 e,roto. Is .1. AP. F . '-'11,131- , Nl,oi- ...,,..b. to- ..µ: .1 , 11.1.., , huht A.I.
.' P ., ". 'l"‘ I' 1 ,PlilitiPHOßU.-- . , cans for sztle 4, ....
3, I ICE— It' 1 ,,, fro -11 i'. r 'III., Rt.••• 1,0 ..,1.. .5 a . ~, , :e11...N . 11AV , AS ACO
1.15. A , ..' . .i kP. A 1 .'1" 1 1 • I I F Ft I( .',,' ,I.IPON ft' Nor farmorx . ue.\- , -1
% t. r , ~.- liale b, .• I: . .1 'Clltn 0 1 :ll AK 1"i( A ( i
Card :
bolo tlo•ir ; ,11 E N NE-- I Eh! h... AllAnnienn .pe.,..,
‘1 1 :" 111 , ''' lll , itCll"El :, " ' , 1 2,,_,..,... I ~,:_,,.,.,._ ..i: 4 ~,,„,,,,a....,, a ~1,
" , ~. , , , „psi. ths r .EI'IIN 11 , 11,101 1.1 .1 , 0, ,••• 11l ; 11,1 11 . 1:1_ -ijk, kg, Allthi :WT. louset% log
tra,le, ond aok A, Itp. I. .1, Illgti•ti1;1• Nl'l .-ort 0
I , t, Ja...i „ . a
1, ,
AMA* ' DRIP As. .11.• e r..n. rnr..•; ~ Al
' .'..
" 'A
It '. Al •• • I`II.ERA TI'S •,... zot... ii'k I , K ‘. and Extb for
;,.:„.,.‘„,.. .. ..... I, ,,,, ..„ , i g i I 1 :; 1 „ 11 . ~, I , l : t likis pi:l , ll , i: i
, I. , r 1: • : ; : ta , ;1 :, Ior
;-,, S --•_.'ott 1111. rt N. t", t kb,. S. IL. 1.... Oa ... 0. • o , tr.,. .110t.0 d -on. • %1 ( ' .. 1 , - . ‘ Al S ,r il :, - 1.. .....ut P.A.4..r. , r 'Os by
Art.. MLA.. all tl%nt i 1N.., , - -Illyd.••••(.1-• •• • ••ti . ,- .`. ). I. \ LLEI 1, A l', In.rc,
( ' '' . " " " n "" "" '.L.a, " ur 1.PP1 . , 1 -'
,A X 111 Alllll -75 lbs fre,b, ' r.,•'.l
. f.r Anle. ty vet]: . J h 1 A t'ty
Caution. . i ( a ;ivi,a)ll---611 b hi , . .t 0 Ittl.lAd to sole
TILE public are enlll.lollnd VAlllnl I've. Ii - ' Ii t . ....
pal: . ~.
.. J lif et.
Inttlis „ tna noesiPtatts•—. i
,nre A A.ons. thnsittnatl, n lush tt.t• nledra",l Ir.. er , 1 , vr R.lll LQG WO , 111--'2lllll D.A.\ ln.
;04 a. ~/. t.,...;•.;;;; tn.. b.; .;or • , C i f ;, , nt • ',sat A, utls 1., ; ••^l7 J Alllll Al
no nrAntnnore n. .. nu., rt.. A, I. 1 , 1 al .an. LA' . - A
Oi i' , :l' ',RD '1 i 1.—` 1,,1 F. 11l 410 f 0 I -
~ 1 1111 1 2 l'• \ a,
„, i „..,„. „„,,. „„, ~ „ ~, A 1,,,, 11. , „0, , ~„ i (ts roN. , NI I•sTA itl)-50 lER, warrant°
ur„Jrthl r'7 Xll
‘ ..,,ii„ ,„„ r yt,
,c, u , r ~,,,, t „,,,..: ,
31 ,t
~ ,I , 'a 1.,' , 41,' ' ,!;,.. 1. , '.r
‘... l
il,' ii i i,i . ,111 A LK -.f;;lttir lbs in htare and
Fire Works! Fire Works 1 11 1 1
J KIIAk a (h.
V um; suloo•riber has to,. ~ Italob. ol 111. IVA LI. FASIFIONS-4obt reneiy`ti ~
1 nan nnantulsyYstn..l•Astal..l ...I. 11. .1. th. 4..0.0 Mrs A LELUAL Alo t Flf. AL' ....t . 1
!'ln W.A.', tl ''''' 1,0, ..,,,,,,, a. 411 ts not. Ar trtAnne,An oh Thursday ntd • 4 i 1
I i r d., ni t ?AAA n.A. , .). al. r. lou tr:11.,...1 • Inluntl , •
l', „u) It , .1, •.111,,,r,Flent sf Pun euttr. „sa sty laa.f :Aran. Silk. Attic,
IlLtuan nand A- Pullin, t rn. k.r. - an. 1 ..A•nt 1.00 A. and Trutmln.,A,A. of V.101: 1 ki1,114,
'''' . '" U"..- ...!'"'nl,'`. •.I,gigle tor 11........1.
A ,rtleal 0 hAels • Ant A I srA I , r. t htldrAn's litnneta, Ladle: eats .cl LlAt.d Dir.,
~,,,,,„ Ell gnu Ilan.: .... 01 rietyAnd 1. , 100.10 , 1 ntylta oralt.(l
TrlanAle Aline,
11smetPnstA Ilsol,cla 1.1.. t. ' . PP -1 - NQW Books. ' '
ii ie.. 1.i,i... iiii.
e iiiii ii 10 , 0 i". I .nse
nrt Trlantl... I I UST REC El V FAD and for safe, lay J. L. t
ordsr• Awn x ...try tron.ll, 511......1.A1 A ntel 1.„, 1 11 001. TS..lth attxt 1 A
wort , earAtull, tar Atli .1 f'rn•rd., . norsAtk" . l3... and }tn., Trnos. , trt yr it in e Waatena Camp
• 0 Any tha Anton ni fat,. ...„1 eahlt.h.a. an s.". I 1.0.. un.n, , ,, , (1r ,, J a . , t...r. snit V o ld oassl47h s l,A , T.r4t ,
r ' ht-'. .L ' A ' A.. " l '. l 00,•• YEA. -" I:IT:P=1 AllYrule vf n tt .;n 5in t „,, , a,;.; ' ,r,,,,. T
021 lAA No T.'. :ALLA. 0 bares. PAlAlelphin ...An.
l'he I .1 , nntl 111.. ILA, an Att., of the Cryalal l'nl
- BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! - -..-, i- .- a iiy. v. ii , t , ,ri q t ,d. si....eii rbtAAP 2 s,
~.T HO L)I ES' LIT , '; 11.1 DEPOT, No. T . L I ii, ' ,. ' t;,.f.1,14 , .... ' t2rlnatA 1,...mtar , ... nn the ' 4, 4
~ 111,1 •irr• t. 0 t1" . ... . 1"...• °M.-.'-' I n.-0. Pand Mural Lea,. hr.{ ~,led to ILIILLIY.I,II, tg) ,
t• t r,lo.Ar Sprtn a . 0 0
lA. 11, utr Altnr, an Anneal in IA Ipalf ..1 F..: ST. ,
J rani...,tn. nal. nrs,. re and Alm., at d ( 1 10endar t'f IrAsna• ,
ALMA Arslitteq h . I 1... t hetlrtsn . Ar fotnitn nAe L.( h AnAnot
i. ‘ A I.sult y 1A.., ler ‘„, At.. , 10.0 h 13• Al scAne-, ord. ins 11111 httgINVIILL,It rellaAtt I
°rata,. • Al want,. t ,IlittAtrnA tn. truth nod non.A , el Chr l . o . ll l l .
a„rtnn '' - ' • I . 0,0 I'lark oit
Isl alul adr.t.ture• 1.11 no Ara... 1. -I , . , fits ob., e. a 111. 1, )> nt1..., Lon numeSArutt v. Amount,
. A . t 10-1. ' , unto, .., Want. o,k .nd -trantnte, .rol ', a;
s , ',•, 1 I
110 .01.01 AA unl rt al- g. I g t• ..,leu
nh , e Lot and Th. 1',.. A.,
g -, l\lllll- I , arr. n - II) A TENT TIIREAI I -2, 0 0 0 11,4..nn ported '
TA, ...sot ,•:( ni tn. 01. /Arne , „ •,r 1.05..1 Itan Alen, ... ~, A , ~,,,,, I n a u .,o t hastsr„ ..I fur ells at pews
. n 'Ant's. ant AA Auetre APn•sr.. I'o, t -.tit purk1n....... ••• I:. • C Allol'Allhar
Tbe lattna sf ths 1,....... 1.1 Duna. , ... . - -
r r 11l subsor,bor h, ill $l,l l . and offers at
11 I; .11 , Lamb.. a ral f.l ll s sm, ,1...1.,t.t. 11
pre's,. a unp•l .e,ronent ri '41p.., erthur.a.
t un /.........1 Al. tt, d. latnotA. l'onhun, Pr 011, Flan-
1r."... ""•'''''. . r
-... ' "r...."th ' . ''. " "”'"... '. " l. ' - • I .... • t't•tu 1. A lann• ip. Thin At. AtrAlllln, and tc.s.l
itot-r , . .r tt , - 15 ,,, . t tt , ‘,, ..r . ~ '''' -- : . 1 ,, i0.. , ,, , , , ...1rt , . boo.. P..,,,,,th00nctr..0. 4 .; , ..."
" Ni ‘ ,,; ,l l: • btli ,' ..:, r jgto,. ..,,,..1:•.. ,u-t• 1 I ',At, -.netts. A . .. Ash. A:1o., nars•APIA, Jsnha
, , ~, ~ I. 'VIII .1. II :11-..rbed ,11.1,14. 11
1110. TIIAI4. c•1 . 111:421
......." 1' 11 CA011..", I. rubrellas. black antrhlte Nen
wn.II . .11 • - I -••I 11 - . 1-1[1••; ; 1.-In4 Atlt. 1,....1,111.0. In. 1.1.0
rll F 1 t OAII Ig i ',ha,. 0i ,, ,, PTArnadA.
F all Ann., 1001.. n• nIA• a ..r, tarn ty t.1....01, to whic
at I It gliJ •• ,1
t. \ r sal 10.tAnns. I - ..•• 01: 411., a•-• ARAI 111 . 30 , 1„ A• 'To
d At. \ t
•, 1 1 1,) Ml' LETE oar ~f Ilueket • Mrl ,l lttiary
I E. 1,1 .. + r. , .. , '',,,,,,,, , ~, ' '' '' '' '^•,' ~ I 1 ii. I A ItILIVIAATAI A l\t ,
- Ital. tuthArt A-1 ...Ps. I An. ....
' %. L I'l It 11.1...1 11"111N-11, 1 ,001 1 dot, jail re(A‘ti,
, I , 1' •I .. Cll2 i 1.1 1.. IL. 1.. 1 i, Ixo 1 , .1. • i • -1
OA up 11. Ant. , l Au . .." A.'s ta
1-o , i I,ll A E. )1 , ... , . A. 1 0 101...• r.•. 1, Ft 1U 11.A4 '1 .\1 Ilin 10.0.,. MAT gr.llllllin Ft,i
. 1 .A. I: t ...tun,. 1 An., • 0 • PPI ... , -., ^-' ' ''' ' '.. P
•r".".1.". ' / ". . "-. .jl b i r.X t ... .tZ .1 " 1 .
- ... r A " *S .. . 'r .„ . .: .: ? , r - r:1 ‘ ...:, '. ;.t. m. -.:,...-. .......1.... .1 . 1. ,^ t; ' ,.. ' • :.... -- 1 . , ' ,..0 et i t . i • C ' .....g.. ' ::t ° " ' ' .
5 ''''"'L. i tio., ‘cr lI.EI 'OIL. 41.11 It
I \ HIVE 1011 F'T `4 )\ %P-• IS--dill ILK , 11..\11 I.:- .\:', It ItlE:' , -;,( 1 t)1 1 ; - . IH)AZ . , . . . .. . ,
' Aunt l it
'' ° '''
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s t ' ' '''
II ' ''."'
' t. ' .a '.' L.:,„;,.. 1 ..N..r.. 1 ..„
I : .. " : .' .. " llAl ', lta.itar . ...inept
11) I "MR -. l•i.i. e'l. 'l l.l. ~1 I .j. . .... A•an l ..P. prevpd-teAut th. PA, Acid Orrys, Ana.,
5 5 -.2 •• g. i f• 1:I -•, ;• - ig 1.-.
- - . ;
, lit I TTER—t. I 1.0. la ;80 , 11..11 - ' g kl - i 11.61 I - REES, i . .— ....1:.. ' lrks H..7lr's
K ....; ~ ;;ii.,; , :t... , ;,..; . .; , ,.. I. E., la.- IP • in •.... '.. ,- .Lr" Alt" ' , al.'s ' AA'', cm `I.: . 1.-
I'' A 511 W 1 Kii- - 11,0 re . .!, Itot,t;;;;,. b.; I, ~ ,o -:-- \ .NILE a
I ..,.
I . I. ' l ' l ' '' ' ' I I i:S. - .F:--roi 1,1, (ream Clii , e,..°. 13 0 lii,
I 'S M ACK LE E L ;',tt 11. I- . S. .•
LI i..,-. 1 r ,- P••: , . - a +l/ A( , A,..', L . i ,,_ .
AI . TTE R -- IT k , fresh. ze , ';l and bir tale
, . 1. 4 -IV IC's , A Ilea, \ DUNA'S
r; g , 14,1 `o
EN " , 1 ELT ,t.. I , ‘1 , .. ,1 .tb •an 'iota:Ai4;k , : -k , Il A A Is. 'A a
'''S, nd fE ',, .
to 11 i r ..-P ~ 1 . Pll ''''L i 11.." 5 .I,t. in, r -10.1... r.
~.. I,Z II NItII,AS:' , I:: -.— .!tt Et Ohl.; fibLool, . ' b telt i AIsCANDLE..-
'III 0 . tl/.. 1 - 1 i. - DE; b !rept, ee'd and for
t , '• I , 'OK A ‘l.l , _Ahl'il.F.S.i.
''' 50, UTTER- -I .1 t ar- an , l , tsr Err •h 011.- ~'2.; 11,1, Sperm t I,' 31 do, extra do.,
i , ~,, :. r A.,. I . t 0 ~41,1 .01.
' CHEESE - . 1, lA.,- Croallt lor attl , t, • • ''' ‘'''' ''i r 'N I " '' • . le , A . 10..:1,A(1 1 1 I.SA
It .r.
..„ - A , II ..11A1 ,•1' 1 , . ,
,_ \
T A E LI! SANI:r —5,1(1 ligs rounti roek now
"" tyT.:6II.VT lON V El' ER II IN l ' I N'''' , ~ , is 1,141.10.;Ey .‘ k,..,
lcF 1.04, tv •nie I.) . A .
0 nt r .1 eroot mr,...,..;-
.'d Lm ."'.
- 0 ..I . of t 1 )Fr FA: -.'Ativ bg',. 13...0, limo \li , A .- 5.3.2:1112jAk.
1 ( ,n I. Ail la. \„ ' , at 10 (-(1... I. ICIOn. aAn
d , ItIA1:41S; N EEVEI I'.\ 1,1. R lIANii . _.. -1 , ,
~. v.
I I '''''
i.”.'.''' li. t .- A rt .. ; it . i . ". ' 4 ' Re 11.1 .; '( ) %l:.,F . i i illl, l: - '4 ..„ 0 ., :. 6 i 41 ":___ L .Mu . e.; i 1a u 1,'!• , ,, ,..2 ,r,...t•a1it,t ; :y .
Billing'i; "Patent itatu3 Wrench. d AIEEkTE —2lPk Exi, in eboro and fiEr sale by
-ill THIS =bet , is .ppii , d 1. ch«. huh 4a e at -, I I „_..... \ ~.:,,,:: I. DICKEY a CA.
Ora , rings Ash,. alms nal... at. oPted .1. Its Seatna. , . , REF . ..• 1 411;Ai . FA }IN p..1'.;11,__ , 20 for hbi,
”. ''' •"' ''' "l ' "''''" '''''''' ''''''''' ''''''
. 1..11.. 1•I , tall,k7,tod ~, 1 this .Anelt. far Ask ,
IL. nt tha hal,. thQ tut ,an Taf-1L.14‘ ri ..1 nu: ,
.141 EN ' 4 1P.1.1' '.... :I- ....• ...1. • ' .. n r i
rt 1E .Ic.i,'“ -I/D.: k • la. i' l.-, ::',, un.l it. ,; e•
111 0... r .,. i r a , ~ • . no "”" I It." Oa. i., r.- 1..., 6 T.. r . .6
sn Nit 11, , ..1,5.:7E: -. —.!o I . 1010 l t fita.nl_.{l, ...
, o I . .
~ 1 . 1.14
f il A i .NDC.y:s i DLKE. I - f.
• '`,"''' I ' I. " i III." lt Al t.— -. 01 , 4 t o I roe c 311 , or
. - -t ,4 , 'PK .a
~..1l 10.111.F.5.i
10 . ETTER - - 1.. ,:tr ..,1 ", tir F . r...-li , rr,.•;l 4 111.: , - .*2.; 1.1,6 Spt-rm ( I,' '3l do, extrd
i c ..,,, r ...o. 1. - ta, Io t alloto .01.
( a lIF ES Y. -... 1, , ,,- 1'c....11 1 , . , , , r , ... , ..i , 17t.y •. i
c 1,...''. ''r 'N I " 4 ' • . it. a 11, 1. Mil I.Sr.
,II Y.k It I. F 1 .., m:r --.5..r. lonr i rourid rnek now
ilili:T..!iiENTII ) ! ,,, V‘l'Erlt II \ .N. , 1N. 0, 1
~, , F,04,, x
~,,,,, ~,,,
. ,.. ,y.‘ ,. „
a ‘1,....,....• `.
-tt ..I , 61 , i 'Er EV, -',Vi 13..1, 110 \to Lnattlay.a.
X .n 1...11 a. .1. o.n .01. I, ..:It. I. 14.10:1 4 o t r.
g , 1111:41S; ), FAN El I'.‘l',lii i1.0.i
,_,„, „
11, IMo, inr Loran:no: tin wt. .. ...U.,. la , 01,1 - 1-t•Sii- -;,..0 e 44 laaMi.g . , andlr ...tarifa by
r.riae. ‘1 ; Rep ,IA , ... , \ ~ A ~,, g , . co. .
Billing's Patent itatu3 Wrench. AWE E-210 , baarn Adro and fax Rale by
run arr.' , n• opioi , d to do. DOD or II our- , I i
.... \ .D-',... L DICKEY A Co
war,. *lnt - n.11... aro word altto th... Cantru..n. . , 1. ,,.„ . .. :. , •,. 4 i I , Al. x tt. 1.1,, , 1 . A ; 1 i_. 20 tor tail,
.. ' " `"th "'4ll '''' '''''''''
'''''''' l ' ."
I X 1 ounlturo It la Lalt‘Llod r 1 hM faarlo. roc rr.k.
li, 1..4.10 no 11,-. nand. tbQ Lta an ow oaL..u.ri •00. I' uo .
.., ~. ~,,,,i,..}....0.h..,.1 rr,,,....,....,., ti,...,•10 ,. u. , I. F. .,111. „
Invantlana ;flit.. aO. Ifir 1.1. d. at. nortrvely a.. •8,
~ • rat all dirt awl dtlat fo attho..,.. Thor ara warttat.T. O 1 N hit *I - I— I co!rooll ( itiX;ou . S. 2k g 9 Nin.. 3111 ,
...r...a 1• , , Om ID;tor , timut ulcer Poeta Ilro;t no.l Gala 1“,..41. lAt t“.U.L , :1 4 , L..
.14.otnIt I
d. rkKrA. A
CO. \
...amar. at (11...ant..n0. A. II ,
i....... ‘ 0?; ,, ' ta:11 1 , 7 4 ,, t0 . 7:0t 4 , 1 ; i1 r 1f1 ; ;,:r 1
h,. 11;;? , t ' h. : '. .. " i , ' . 1.t%:1 ,, 1 n i
, 1.D: ' , ,, , r .t . 'L c:o , C . ' -7 ' l t , s 1 ,,. 1 . , , , 17 . 1 . 1; . L .
, 1 .7 1 E---t %1 , .r".p f....1\ ef. i , a ,
c d s, K , la 11 d c i ., u , g
too at . , liana oars to. Olorroltlnd. trnn. Vi to 7 orahrs --,. '*-,--1
AA - A far. nr tha Santionon and W.-own. Stntraa •La . Sing, Pennock fk co., \
nit. ..e.11...111.
. _
Clegg's Perfumery and F ancy Soaps. :ca LL Iltritj.t. -,co , 1.11.1111 ` 51T.41 IITTr. ‘ O.XIrIIII,
,TIIIiSE rapain. , , l I I.O I Ie , .1 l ' ' ,l " . `' i 'Y • % § SN - I' FACT( RE4S .4 .A,r1,11 tarot.,
•.nr toga al. II VI, • 1,...3 , 0 4,1 0.. otnalr talnl.r..tral - 1 i Taroe. , ... lA,. Woorj., 0 arr., l'AnA,nrt.s • Cianaln
, Whit. Alataal-r l'..arl ntonr,a I I ~t tl •”‘I Silo , ..llmullttO... Ilatton , .. , o • . . . .
boiler Pntrantor, OW:a. , rlt , CLan......a o inn , at ta 0 0 0 " , a ta , 1.1 ..- ....1 .o.Clittl: .:. I) ELATA,, , E, hiLLET
11•norlica 1 t ~,,
.ar. Walnut ana I,stra rata tam.' lira,. an.l I) ha • „ .
WTnda.r. 1.1. alma, I slut. alspoutt. /1.1., loud 5. oo , Patent Shingles. ‘. \ .
"fle..' ',..' a r L:' ''' l "r wm. '" i ' L rfillE MIINGLES It le a N% .iilu6. i'in , ,,
—...,1.,,,1.1,;:nm::::•:.1..,..tt05,n,.7,,•;.x.,.10;1,7...7.1;.:..tir5.,irt5.;1,\11,.1.7;1i...•11:.ri1,i4, ',
.. ,,.,,.,0 ani ,,, ; , t i,. :: ,.. , ,, t ‘ t0 ,Ai/ t. ii7 00r0 .1 i .,.... , 7. 1, L , ct' i 0t 2i 1 e z a. E . r7 nL J A., .. ,,,,, 1 .: ;! ,, Lii ..,.. : , \:. ,r5, 1 n ...,,A 1 ,,, 1 1i. a - ,
. L ''''''''' ""‘
' n ''' ''
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'''''' I. : .1
. - ao. spa, too oh a 'ICE tlrr oaor 1 , , • tta't. Iltt D 10 . ,..
''''' Mll '''' --.. ' ''''' ll.' ''' 1 ".. , , , h" .t :,.. 1.1n4 , t Mal, thulatrutr• In art) rourar, it
..... . , "1
. .r, '''''''."... ',',..`'L' . ' ~"i'',.'," , ."` , ,,' , l L ''' '', ' ' ':. ~..,l i . ~ ......,,,, , ..... , 1, r00d.;... or—. tan .... ti. , tO P
`t n..... ''''''••• • ' •''''-• "••" '• - '' " ' • • t ••, I nc It W. ay. r.. 11..1.4 aornar oa I, urth mntl tirspl.-0„
`-' I " ' ' t, ) F -11 BC H8F4. 1 . '.
______ . . .._ •
1851 Hops. THROUGH TO'CINCINN4TI '': ,
6 BA LEIS t,l f irm Sum 1:1,4,n an,l Wes • - -
, . IN 48 IMIL , B,S. \
/ trta litilS. 1,. r.-..idina an i idf 'at.. , •
'''''.. ''''' ' - ' Ills ''" ''''' i
r ipS and after MON-pA y, oc..kott'Eßliti,
• rtant• ',tun, •••r, %,2 _ , I tat '1 lidirland and Cintsnliti Railroad IN drirratirl
Lectures at Philo Hall - ~, -,,,, ~,"1:-...,,euort a I.ll,,t . traln %Min VT, 111,
~ • , ..., .', i.t . lira. in Ctt intlaid at ill a ulatk add;
L , vt: it) NI G 11l FUR 12-N I.? iy . , -- ~, . : .,.....4 .g ,, , . , !-p- Al lisot.,.. ,4 k;:.. , , , ,, : . ,tar r 1c , pit. ,.
EA —l...3.rtAnt iir•ionidr- ddindrrier 1. lii. hid LI .
id thr lirailnd art. tr• • i.1••11 it r• ......, ddr II ii.. 1.11.•• 1 ' 'n"'
'd i
t ‘. ...r\I L IVNIK 'I44 , '
11. ad Um dritddr. the lir it via, id. ••••traqii••• Ild• nl,-.
inane. thr Eutiordir. Ilti• afflicted di Illabrirs. L'ittuld At ord.. f * Heusi;
Ant , . Plir. Mild,. Lir, rd Lizild lii-cat.L. a i•••id , d)
',mi. , dr•••arm. Idtvii. ,ti thord LII tltmtatt. 4.011C1 , 1t, , . Nuruis' Grand Pianos 1
l r...r:` : 0.T., ERelb i 10*. rilLI, rr ,, 11r.• L. 1 i :., I ' it iti KIN El. a plendid . or.--
-. To, 1, , i, sa ”, i—dirraiLd dra, ~,,, 1,1. CT : ~ t avo 1:u....t.51 (o ' l M IL i.Oli Id •••rur•
• tdr arlitirdra I , lren:4 dd ddIA•• ; V I AN.i. Om ltdiinv of N MIL. A t • Nrit. ... ~. ldli lor roaaiillidiint instruturui ..i
._ ; •., ......... all lb istrat tairt.....u.rult. .arts a ti s r . L i t .at tu.
A Wilkins & Co
N ec•rn,torqi,
llnr , I s
ir Vnrk Nr,
Whoa an
I. k. Philuirlolon
House of Refuge.
•,cieserlbers for thy eiwtiott - of iti)
it ,u , .•
r 0..r0
the nuisolatt
I‘) ont.r of t
Il V0n..!«.1,•,..11,1.. burl - .
C 111; 1f -Tilo \
1 , 1, rt., o
~• tot
.mler • o:
n-t iltalral,l ol
" "."
"..'"• II 1.1./.1:11t
t Nlisa.ionll.lfl j r
oe to.thi rt,Al, ill
irrse tcJt otle,.q .AII,
rh n ,
g.1r...1.nA b.
1.. N
tw T 11. 2 , 14, NI iii 1..
()RANI , 1' Alt 1:WI:1.1. MI nli' Al. r,tl It IN AMERICA
EA ViNt:i the frion,ll) •.11,, 411115, groat
a L.vimt wk•tv w.ra•
IMP with kiwis/eh. wwl
erzirt. 'akin, in het idni
•ho in. she line hot had ihe lihr t • whA •tie j
anniinure that she .111; nor In. SI h mod
esnnin•. ••••-hileh 140, nI
1. Yl? if r,
sltigh In
,m t i.l on I Itt• plan of if .t.ttier. •arn".l.n.l
,pit•ndld Se . , in litareuttlet , —litni ,
tiAl,Oll-..1,NA 111 hte lAI
ENTP.It 1111 ti, emu r
NIN.IgPt anti Dirt,t..r
ptrtiettlkr. t.• 1 , •• "WIT .tnt, .1111 ,
t"tf. trtr:lttl't Ist‘•
l'itlt , ttrith. •tor
Ranking 1711 , •Int ut Not..ft , r ~t rtt ,Ittt•ru
.11 If 1.1. Vt S. t
114,1 t "" th,fl.ft.r IT, 1,.1
N ELl:crioN Tlurtevn
hit flit ll,tt tt.."
Eatltiug IL., !tlf,ndt,
lot next III) o Ji , 1Is~~!Nl ilk:1:.11,1u, In
lILY WISITE--20 pros 4 -,1 varit.u.-A
A rani ran , . pan terrttnd n,,4 for wale hi
" It I. tt1".1.1,1,. tt
J . . . _
1).1 1/ l'AS'r - Kagli , Brawl -- 7
.. e+ In.tonn wit‘l V.. 1.111, fur
It. Kt
OIL PE Pl' EH AI INT I, iO JI.. 1 ,,,,,, i„ r
Fair by 6,1%) L. E. :i.:1.1.111t,
GREEN OIL OLOT II --Joni rue4.ivoi 11,,1ti
' b u i ur y.-.41011 bur awl avr q uarto, i1b...” tld
Clottior-eibloa_bliblre. POT SIJ.IF h.. ~..1.. ng.l 0., MI II:
N„, ijo mi,ka a. o rb) J a 11. 1.1111.L.11,
TABLE . COVERS {II ijoy...y) OA I`lool Tu
bb Staial, and Bub. t. ro
u or.- 4.b.nt pt..- I,
r eby tbo q uantity or retail at
orb J.,a 11. I'IIILLIPo'. No IV'. Marl, o
Nutmeat 01 T r anypareut NllDdoa , thatb. t.,.. +nit .1.
• baale sad Irbil by
onltt .I.a 11. NI ILLIII. Na. 116 Mark. at
• More Goods.
IV A opening dant • larig• •uOPIT OW. of their 6 , -
moo iixtior• for thig 1•11--• rholee lot or Plaid
11l boo..
rich Crintied lie barges 004 Perslior Cloth. Coburg, met
Now Stri•Proche :hauls. (long arid square) orii. tloe
Coilihigrr rgerebsot• willing to repboniali their gloilin
sr•loriteil to call. or':
.A.RD OIL—:x1 MA's No. Llunding per S.
B. Cm."l''''''AVED" 1.61. mreet. .
- .
, i.virk.\ c() Ai iil. , ('f\li,s \' \ ELTROITAN PACkF t S, I'' s \
a • 1,.;. , .. - , r ,„„, ~„... ,- \ n,lrort rroral,,runi ruhacrYnnOrtr\ ' ‘ •"-^', r.,\MES P(..AKELY. European V`~
--- ' \-- ~t),,0, nap, Rtneirk.l nod P•rnra , •••Itynstrkz,rlia, tn. , ', f,/ Akent lat 4Deals, la Foarlan I a , h..S. 'Agar\
,r • !ilia' , „\ a . ' ,
11• ~,4,4 ,a,eor,f., the A,0,, , ,ra: ha - kat 1... - .
' t:r. 1,. ...... , , , ,
__,, ~, k . . r.l.tha , of .It,amo , a,/,, twtereen Nal.. T0rk,..1 4 , a
3 • , . , . .
‘1 4. ‘' I ' itiOVEßtEri#
s t& s. ' . I, •wAlo Tall ann,..allinliwn aw• York and I,,ire • \
F. t . '''' "4 \21 Tat'a%l • i'.:e.V.'""'n.a..!!',“, ,i i l„„ ' •
+- I- ...... ~ ~ (,y . rill ( \ nr Is. -\f
~,,••• • On* Sty... -tn.., . • • in.
I. bp, CEAN STEAM \ SHIPS „,u nb I,tl, f a . month.
ES a' , CO S , Deal tar lt , e.l..sera Nes. Y . oik,\:t the'llt, and Live',
'\ --, . Are al , f.. , ILINti !tr .,,T ..1. , N ., 1, F1 , a)5.1 \LK I:Zi ED ,jaVVit.,.:c(ii.Leac2lLoc=fro.
Li,..,4 ,... 4
1,.. \
rat UP+ I 1 . I.Tir
I.l 'a C ' o ."tt\. k . r +,‘, , ', The Lou oty..thtt Of Parket, sad fra\a T. Tor: on tho \
n.... TI rt It la. a, , ,1i ,11' IU Mai Mlphia‘ ta , t 'I , t allt.lCt . [ld Vaal. kad num 1.6...1 . i. ou the ...1.3.1.. .... - +cif
an riper •11 ai, 1...,1a-1, \I.N 1. ~. . A .• ...Octll .14.4.4 *.:, ..1 eeer , nunt.
'!' ,n a 6 ' :111 .it . \-: 0, Aor N i ur , ‘ ~ , .. \.. „.,., , Toe t`,.,1 ur o r f 11 , 11....fri b l t lt r t• ~ t 1 tax S-w- , ,,,,e . . • -.. \
r-, Ill „ o a I .".. tor 11., , ia.0 ..
• ”TI , 4 '`. A 'l' . NV,.th.o, IRA . anr/••• ' \.* .: L .VI 1 . ! ;2,; '. . 1 1 C' SV ‘ . '. .Vir tt ' r , : 1 . ... , e , -. to t'•••r: sa ... a , * ..o . \
`I , ,auls.. no,. r,..,0, to,o, anqua, \ ":
, t lana.m.. If, , Maat ,
nil bye,. fur ~ a , ~.,,,,,,„, or • and and +.tva.l. t, I 10..0
.. rnfill Int t•!...,.r.,' 'rk.. '• re vr• ••• att nr•vu
“ 1 a :',.''' a .4.‘ i.,,,,a, In-. N ~- '‘, \ (1:: \ I ..,,..,, " ,..;,;I, ' ,. " t ' to am , .,,•.; w 1,,, ,, ,.. c0.,),..0.n
Ifi• nnli 1,01” \ 1 . t; i 1 , ‘ „. r . 1 , C . .4 1 , c 1 , ; ,,, t , rfir , i , ;5 . .1 ., \11 . \ •:::‘,
~.., \un'r • , ..' i t.' '',.' ~...1 ) !: r t;,',. * ,: " ' t ,';', n ,',. 'l ' !% %
E'''• ' ''''' Irniril ANN 111.,,t, .I , r .r .0., '‘ . ' No't, - I
'' j ‘ ' '" . ..i " ' i r ' - ,l ' \ : .. .` '?' .....' ' ‘"t 1!„,.' i \
do. S. 11., • t, , t . ,• `• • 'a , • * .. , .. ~,.. , ~..a rta,
\ , •
(It ar,. 1...., t m he,,,,,,,, ;,. , . . ~•1 IL: ~,„, ~ ~ . r htltur us .41, rtrir.fir :tn., •,r anum.l;l%, who
I " b ' A4" 4IN, A 1 ... ' I L '' '1.. , ". , . X. Sa' 1, .i.h . to ' au Mr It In,. I. ta au) p.. 0, ot Lnckand.
. '''l[l ' , -ATN , I , IN •l'l , . I.r ,ar , m.k • • \••• , A =, i rel. , . ',.:c.1 and, o, . ate, \ - 111 runl i . Er• Onnralnr 10
yt 5r
„,,,,,,„,t,,,,,,,,t, et or an, ot In + at•r't ..avotato.aewaof
. 't .a. , ty S
\ \ , I ack.' (+lora nal. la. I. •.) +0 ~ . .a. lona Mirtharto -
n r X .I ' all . Learn. \ and New., r, ~n, hand for Falkland. tro- \ ,:.a, ' ol Vt.,MI. ' nth. or liln,••••, ther/ In.ln*. • .
lilt 0, . Lu,t ..I : • ctotlin.l are t... I, the Hat ....Amer, nom att. ~,t •ralog . , reelode.a a• posefhll.t. \rf dd., i l / 4 .
..1 . 10 ,
• i w1m0,..r., s. \ ...- Le rec ail •rn a crpool t.• : . t Inn tat. no, Hall
it ' ' '‘ ''. L,lfirrk, t..o,•\.rnin f i.ur o f •,,” b,•• th,,. c o •kj e ,. \ ~, tiu.a.lealil lbarleatou, air t...... ',Dtrawt.Nir
iIIID A , -,,,,,.... i- ia , aaou 0 , \ 1,„ ca, e ' t.:7... ,,, ,,k0.0 , 0-aa , ao a; ; • ...„',V,'''''' '''"" u "'\' " '''; `"' " " ''''''.''''''' ‘:
-1 , • \ `'
\ •,
, ~,,, 0ta., ,, , , rwantr, 1 1. , I.e pre Id In full. , , '-----, ~
n lan.. I
- \.i. -
' ., nn ,c' 1 1, 1- ' " r;. ' ,..:1 b" ,, C , ' , ' , " ,.k.7',,L, " ! F ;',4,7:,,, d ' .a ,,, ° ,,,TV, ,T' steqa po tunca on betty new 'folic
, ‘ ,. arn ,,,,,, , 1,,,,.. ~..,,00k I, nntpant tutu . . . . nnd Gkaagow. \
,1101. t ~. %. b . “ . r. ', th 111 V..W .,, , .U . I ,rwraii twenty , h'. 11.fE l'ilati4o ands . ` tow York! , ,\ . ,
.. ,
.nnfi. fi, .1.11 fiur Inintfil 1•••••1a, De arnifid..snrlrt . • ~,,,,,,,,,,C, yr, n , p.worful .....
Ph[ or, and Ara/ Brllain. ,
nsphip 014.1111 1,1•41. trln. inl ••••. \
\ •
!ri•rr••{ - min'r - 1: In A the, 1)7,1n tho 'to taunt ht , i„, ~,,war, N ,tewa . (Late of the f o
EIN a cu., . i.,,,i four Velll-1. nrh.•
' arkl EL...3er,, nfinatna Int, IV Arn/nn." . . , , !••,fiann , n , N•n ,
• , 1 , 44 ..),., .fnnti I,tane mu 4 hn antl,l fin Lentil, nu•lNeirri•s• \ lorle \ livrt km illm`kow •at S.t....Y•thr+..t ne. , ..M. , \ .
Ith.k ....,''' lem `Y.' . 00 ....r.1E11aae , .1 iha , ilia anti itrecunu \:..r.n, , alt , o,..har.k. a.m. \ k
.in - ..x ' PAHOAGI MaNatT s .
\ ' - \
it. Silk. A . ' \\
' tVL L .,. 4 ,44,;ennniit tateti. "..\•-• :, ' •t•
.d Dr, a., Nk, I Thaw n 4{ In prarDion..., , arrt uct .1ia . ....1144..... ' `,
net], a „„,, , ,k.A„,,,,,,,, ~,., ~ 1 ...l.kwlll bianulied on lacanl,itt tr..! , , T . lnrk.t.. C.• \ ',..‘'.
la\ ,Thunda?..wrn mt. October '2. p , 01 A,71 r , 0 tizi i, &.=„ 1, , , ,,1ji,1 , ,.. - x , V
' Ra r. • sYn •,,-,.. 1n1.4.9-I'br ri 4+‘ nk yeetentart, was \ ' s ‘
. .I. SleValltS, 3,1 a,!...ply o litr t e L et.
l's j' L. "" th " • '''' with ° l ''' ' ' ' 1 'h" ' t "' '' ' ''' ' 7 The. NIX , roa. !ana taw, and Vat hors , powtt....(s \ • t t, •
~ , ',l. runatt,tr or ~...t,. re were Main Itcl'airge of rh. t -0 .:. r,rteott to Of Gl.g.w.) will h.. inn ' , ...M.1..ri1 .. .. t ''... ..
:`"tt.,u' r ...' ttt ; t r .al th..(w huff pr e•tocl a deo, fli rlsnex which • .pring., , ' .t. 1 1 . _ -- \ \
~.1..?4,7i,.,,. hate not had We p wsure of with. Fon fyr et long Inn.' lercH - eig \ phibuielphis . ,s ; Li v i a wa Line `A '
...e.. ...T Ilaik Th., a. ather I. rail • • ttlo.l. and we y it...opal:dr ...•
\ . V of:Packets, . \ \
nin , It* day. Thrt ri r t\l,tax.colleut .
b' C 701.1 I'l. '''';' 4l ' '''"
I I A ti \ u...r ,„ t....a,iy: .. \ln!,.,,,lfTo.muiP.liii,mlail.,,a.,,tan.:,..l46l,,,. \ , ‘
,1:\ \
...I tare ha what we wvo much u,.1.
..g ..l•
The na,lll rr'nenlar . 1k.e...3 a caogiar,ada a,g.a'' - /.I.lltUft,h, Ntithamel C. 1 ..)la.ltr.
. Itallt..lN, Alfred F. Frolth. Niart.r.
i Family Woe nt artirlt, without, hfina. our [...ay 0r t .1. 0,0 \, . 0. b. .k .
" :::''''':::h.':7.:':‘l:':". " :7::;t. '0 ::: "'' , : lo ;: thi f: rn : : : 13 7 .. : 1 "‘I' al:g . : : 134 0. '0 1. , . 1.1 - tefdlaut: mall or 'l :,:,.:1:::::::"AK,,C.:Ki:,1)4',,17461are1,:::''::(:c7R:.:1:1‘:7„:::::':::'',2,:' • ' '
t eft. l..t reit.. .... mr "htt...t.. , .ateh ...';" . erta.. , .Mtra +....t marvnal..- .0 are noted to thp ratudltY of their P.a..;
.. •0. 1 ' ' Voey are ti• .cl up with all I taisaproaornts. are most
J...... .. .
Hunks' Grand Pitaios .
g i
- sT imi - EivEl. . p1,..t.,,i er---
I' , ...t.,0 I:A...AA tul ' l a.I Irk AN'R
I' iAN Worn tho ...tip , of kuo
tun./ fink. •,
sr.. l'Ark Th. , maanlll•ent Inatruroonat .t;
r.....-..... all ty Latrat tairr.....u.•ut... ...Arts a t asp A r r .at rp.
..r, pm, 1111 ilarnmrra. and patent mottalls \ct , t , A. It.
~. uor Kli.l ...1.11...1 A.A.. art• .Ault a ,,, ~. .hi. 1 .J.. 4,
It.• Aar - A.31.A .1 .t... if:moll...Wu Ar to anal.A. ti• ,rt..r
u.. r A. Anatitor oho ....11.., and aatate.t tong, •AkAut Um
.4.4 the .41 r-olal 11.• furniture•taely TIEli awl
,c...-0.1 gaato wt.. at that I tAirvrin..p...... oarrlo Ina. r
~ A .A. ..A. A k. ,A . ctrl 111, ht....burgh. r. knewl
Ito g.......tA. ii. 1... A otem. .1 iti , 4 orotat Th , 4 thaa
ay.' a•tatltarn ar. , ta•portfullt t0011...1 to call acol •
..... '
0 .. ~,, A 0r,..1...1 A ran.s 1'...t.c. bet,. It Irawro OA , Antra
-.. ot 1.. ..u1 -ell., It lEtttß. L.I 'lliad ',A
to a.. , ..1 Arerni for Nurms arta Clark.
• rt - Ate. ~....t.,l a ter, tint ,Ileral ......rtrarat At
1 1 . ..... t. J.A Art, I our• V .1,1.
- -A.
it l
';‘ r IS :\ l '-‘'r .. L* :d qve ! Tz 2 11
.nthlW.a,. :iii al „ u] aa.•our ot.ct. ,
tt ft NOMA.
Laud and Lots.
F t .1 , t ,, :i. , , 0 k 1. u i :...,1 1 1 7 1, th w e .,,L i. , 71 . n t 5 i . :115 ,...m .t i nia Canal.
le:, .J 14...1. vitt, A valtott.l.•;nt•Oalio tri
,ost A...f „,... I. ~.II .ail
t; ''' ..:li..!rr '. :.„.l . ll.l . l. 47 = 4..' .TV l Virja ' at rl Z .
1../11,.]... • .2 1 ...A 111. Alanai AAA rivAr fAr trat,...r.
.1 not A.i..1 in wrap 1...1 ... th.. herb .111,1411,r 1.11.
.1 .....11 1... 1.1.1 ..”110 lute mud .A. 1.1. ort, tern... KAI ip quann
• ~ ot , o ao. , r.. , 4”,- , .•• P III .Y hat , applied Mr AultalAa
: 1.. t • ...lug. ... Mt tr., dem,. tor Iktau.... aua lota r. rt,..
' A.A...11 Ite .1.-Ithil .1 lII* .I - 11‘.1411111.1 Sots Work,' ',oar to
..,. 1,1! Itta• 1 •flltf AN 31F.kfark
I '''
Cloaks, Ribbons, Silks ac
.! -
d S1?) - iii ' t " lart 7
FlClutt Asld,
: 4 4.41v..“
N. , 42 ItOURTII
M .1 I It i l] RC I
41 ) 4. 4 Er0 , .5., '
11r 11 . ...h.1.u0trs
Mt 14,1tr5. - t
Al u. 4. ea. c..r. Xl.rlit'
14 11
{ Al.
1 ARY SEED-50 hn. prime skilt, in
RPEN'I'I X. bids. primP,
J K OD 3(24).
6 .ItE,VI TARTAIt-2000 Iha. pore, for
- J ILO .1
R- Lee A:1;1
4, i ' c l : R st l t . is ' s ' n .k sr — sa l i ; . 'l,k • "u
5 .4. t : inn kco ‘ -
rt ART:III.Ig ' ACII.----1 0 00 . lbs. pure, I(r
i i iinZiT S MATERIALS, COLORS, A. r e.—
,sh ~swmg at It druj. storo of
-, „ u
o .../ KII , I , .r. co.. ( 1 3 WKA K
S% i A 1 , --10 , ,buxe. ,, Nu. 1 Rusin, for ante by
~,. kNI unlink eon
•• `• a , k•
la prepared to Iktrulab a aupplT
• .
ZINC PAllsi Ts,
IL hot • IL.o. 1..t . ,•141,1
VoLL, ant trio llnood t.tto. , , rolons ti tre Lo.oLLO
too., eq. noorilto prororttom !Otto., to Lott olio,
D. •
itnl4lE. ol Zon, .4 Wartyyle,l fn...frm
.11t11 01 ii.twirver,v.ll,
..1,13 !rev 0141. ritiimituitin
00p00..1 ta oulptunneo ur monhitio estialatlana, or
1au..101 1. Ate... An
• • auother Mood, awl tho weather 'rider
aar otlu, not I. a t, 1.ah1.. to turn or in
0,um1.10 nett t gib ill It mai tat warlood with auy
uoter and woo., or wit vantlatt, which meta tioo
boat.: .oirerhun
an rurelobool at • lo prima. are et:Wont...Alt
ho ..1, , tr0-ot anal tout DWlnte n the market fur mattes.
aunuau outhtallual, Oteuin, .itto a r any attataal our
briol.. tin, or i ren. o URI, are both
for iron Forfar. then .On Data LHy valuable. a• they
(urno aaiyank tome thin end el 7, prevent caltia
nun. Lieu dry gehokly, aeJ baying q. num metallic tome.
in nut clutatua calor like tau, cart), *tot. Mtw
In ova
laatlon aupplltol on Iltoeral terms ba he *Eats of tilt
JOS - •
' 72.7:142n1 IT South A1t. , .• 'hi "ma..
d ILARIFIED SY ItUR-15 bble. foevtaln by .
lJ rv:10 JAM C. 4 CO.
M ACKEREL-500 bbls, Largili%;!fits
laosarametta 171,&5111.1
.. .. . .. .
• rUn4l 1'0u5.,... mu An akhel on Lettri.au4` 1
1 1 4:M1 qilie I,I)I3DKOL dr ItikruiN, C., th e HILT and PIVII,II, A:
. 4„ FITTSBORT4 Liam.
‘ t
•••rtk:A.strmatti tiam • n I .
X\ ,T3lUrefla tAprn lag. OCtober 2. 3' , r
. } !Zsra ' 3•ta 1 us—]'he
4 ' . r :::et r " .. , 1 i ' in- " s ' a 4 tnr e l ' i t.. , eV
:X. "
. ..1. number of et. r .. rs were ta.kin ltd calla of the A
thisv. • r
4,1 this hat I pr . . c •tod a dewr likclinto which • ..
Aile rot had the p Ilion of ..i/Ml. F_ or for a long time
Th , ,a.ather I. nill • . tried. and we y it...Ahab'," an
citisle more rain in . Inlw his Shari r i\iA:Cnicalleut
...s.litica for needy rain. 1.1 IA Aur ,ntei4y rain
cult! gir. or what we .or no much eu.l. dad Attu" rf
ea:, flr lite 6.11 \
\ ' 4
The na4.3...j y.oterday Lk. enuted a coora :a t", d epfee
N&a nil', without, bower au. bezel' 0 / 4 4. , \,, U r n "..k .
u, In rile 111•11, bola, cvna§ .
, 0 the hllluifuf, untll or
Ann tar %Women, at whack, nen nrchant , gclUtrrt ''l , lurn
' s.
el I , tn,' ...taaed i . s . 1
Alill'il--41,. r.....0t• a Ilnur A p -tellght. anal OltANil,,, . i '
eel N. Aare pain, irAm tAr.i Icy In, n1 . 11./1;ble aril '.,
f.: ,- - .4..... Ad. n A.. earn Aranite. From +tore wan
red.,. ei ry,ular wy., ut ✓f...: :!, vti , :KT .7: fc.l for MMUS , /
and we tm brand. •
oIAA I N —IF .ha we oohing of imt.S.rtalnn J. notice In '
grain. rerrypte t-nug rem • licht Anl. l „,t •AU Oute . 1,-, .. ,
nar Iset ndeut.. se . 1t.,. le ><•Y LA e1.K . .., • fuel hand,
and to h. 1.1. 4
7.4. c. from 'tore fnerl . 4y to nelling at Ay '
..1.5... Ntluear,..l/1.- 111 g.g..1 . .tro mill!. lu
' .6lultatAsc. A swell het of
— .era wax w at*. Au.
ralc. of ,1.1 t . ,..
.., - tn 3 • =. fr,nt
Ar-t hand,. fl tel. x 7:, It in, •, , ,ranncdo ~ 1 417.
:.,• in..tor•• et A: ,!lt 1t..., k [hr.., 1
lii.tlCEltiE, —,V,, Lev. h., lar,..t. 41.. uirtp-e .1.1,
tinehrad tito ;lug, o , slitin tot• 45 to lu‘hk.} gat ''i
fA,i, and by e/Pc hhd at tI.A.GUr3.I A nate elAta • .
~1..... , 1...1eee.4.1p mat. stab-3 , 41 ..7c inane thejeren
r e ., t2,nt, uld couutm trade, U Ain Yager hull \as,.
.Al at 1,-. w luck. ,rme re fl., bed e the inarket t,11..
r.nued.e etatirmar, atuAi.' A Mu. A I
hAt. , AN— n.,. ',Ai Ui.c., m. ,n lot al, lAtee 'tor sla,ulditl s .
and ~, , ,,,,lii Ur Ilan, at'erhlcll r tee fie notrifet in pretty A,
\ AAR I. ,rll.--al-+n 1,A1. , Nu I .t 7.,... No 2 ti , '.11:22s .t.
.:Nii. e.11. , 11 1Au5... , 1 In entail ./te is sorb :0 eti,:for itl '
Ku 3 .On.
t..14.1:cE—ra , n.: , .. 0 t 1., in 3 ... at cfg.f..Yin, accorltni t,.
- 1)V1\3,11 Lia.lbr cult Iron. :tore ne
11 , . far it irow.l •cirlat . r
kt i t ..a rri t y t. bean, arr. in fair ralart .
Au. awl tt.tiluirtiiii Intrial, fl p
it .taltted .t 210,21).:. R..
diced art.? , 'W
Burrat, , , OM 'A.
114,ntr- - 1 latfr,Celp“ an.l advanc. in. freghta
rrrLr tougat- .salv• 1.0u..11.1 , 1, at VI 17:44.3 4aralx
vd to atretght CoIA, nni 1,1,:o4O, 3 mr atraidtt to cboicr
lnt, , .
. .
tir.......-VVII.J. plenty ityla friark,t b.,. ,a1e5.54.100 lou
\lin il'IS, unnat, i.i3 pi Y.i.rin 1.. - in vi ml. winiiirr fin.
. Int.. Hieing.. . '' .
Ciir. in lam. 501.1,15 mid lien ir.. - iinry- esni . Linatiii.i.
Flcltr --Market dull. anti prices but feebly
bcsotto et
...4 2 . S. Jit.‘tr.34 Ono au.l3.lirhig.t!
,•`Ctri. r,ncy S 4 126.12 4 1 b34
,-,., Sul d.htr, Socittoqn:
bt,l •
11,114-I,v rlvel'of Dritc.e.,nceing I•ltyht, awl
16.1r1.111 stollit4o,
nAII..NA lave Gl. _ en.1 , 4,h1t.4...% , .. , a.tre
S,,rtlkt - n • .A.n at 41 , C, and rotlberp Swat)
IRON bee. little to uobi
the tree ntieteb which .A3E1111141 eatet .o 4 dcpsisseed
NoaltrratbuNtek yrires k...Pvt , d tat.. 9narl.,{Vntm.l
- next rm.*:, • tinsel mt.! in tilvrpuelNenentnt
Ikat to, 1.1,41, LS 10n. fl ours Sans, 05.4 ri \ lae
e.mteb 4 , 14 No 1 T... 1 64. .
itpu memzer.,
\ , ' Nrw t9r..o< , 16.
. , • - • • •
There wen gierit imoyprosy is the, stock market
. L. An the h•ethos Caeirs advaneeti a 'fraction and rano. (unread with gon,.derslde spint. Abetter
5i...,11n1t pm calla union g vallitalli.N. and X 1.7 , ..t Inn`rnY. ,-
one. Imp Non r.slised \in the money insrtel..:lt is our
N1......i0n that this will he permsront. It
Inaall tbut the advs., ,t.oward , twit., gni. has lawn ,
zt,dusl—that eound,nco Pk sli4s If but ...Ail, ittalling
o,U.l—as mum. clepla.dquit, Can 1... plsm.l °pun the Is
yorsblo,hani.,, t.h. urvystd , in , will 1.0 oe.tgr.,lntn‘wlth
inikr, faith[1011. Thnl,wws Iron. Calienrn, t,-
eed LI sigaottlyit. Illinois.',. fs,rnrable. And •11,h 1p..1, rt., 'I br re. , kirtp , of OW dust-
clout $2.0(....4 , 0. The prOgAili f ot dd... and idtts..ll
- of gold dust Pct.. Calagau sl.shilstilitut In the cot ,: 11
try. hub Illid a savater .11,1 toil,' nliti!kttrn Ypon our tt
~li .A. i:, ~...e..11.; Lbw% •, , y thl ..r..... • f........' •',
II sufftre,t9.6 - IYe g. s I , ager tl' , urYl•go . iw ' , A
Wan wet Ikl, had for bear , All th Salle lorro its effect,
god it cannot In: ollgra,g , than of Ills tt r w - r. natlFfsetpu
~,,,,,,,.. Th..„, ~ ~.s . ay s pg.) dine t0i0,7.--LAI 1
i Herald. . . s
`ti..1.114,1: rrtn iltniS—}rout what' re 'on {:mther trom
tlas ..caulk A lot the .01:. rtref tml pork
thl4 I. not ta.asi .sny ronatch:nlientit.-
hat.. t.e.en sovtp• lurk L•rinx ....Mtn 34.
•ntt,t4.l. the In. Wru, nut lot 3.3 L. 1./ to VI s
ur u 1 Fla tftil that tom, ra 'Tut t;„;Vr.
A; drtv, itcrtwe phkin? mjnornin n.Feth
nAb th, demand vf the tip river, xtooktn*lttrms,
will hlta-ft tar pro.. Al cattle st.
Vq.takiZte. UCnv avanc. *Ent mtmonobee.tnrment -
vred,d 5ure...p.A.1:4,4 It .14 , at. 4, . that t
,N t ert`i.f aw,teman..l brier quarter, thk. Ltrater
tAa ny , AnAinve. mop. like', th nnnunerate hint. than no
ti,•ritink,. I NI e nultj.,t7f.ll week-.
... . . .. .
PO .Rl.' (F erll . ' . S:l3 .. ___Ußt 2 il - 1 1.„
vreis, A k. 7 lorbov,lrs eh mart bimetal
1.. at t1.1•12:.1.w, .4 ) •ttt•tr?.. ttt tt '••••,:
\ttituEl , . . ..
11. J
NloE.te,tilra.ltV•',..•t'..,*.P4,L .
?I,tt.tatt. tn.ratc...tx.lttolirut.... , ..
n. Siail'or.ll•llvy, Wect Nwn.tatts...
• .t..., Irteet , \l4t Sort 1.,.
. .
I Mc. I , enn.itt. 11N 1,13, , ~
~No a. , IC\ natty. W.A. 10 ,.•,;?... • '... •
ItoirstAfe, Ht..,... : c c.. 1
ttlia tin, 1e•,11....v, ..7 l'•• ••
A tlant. . l'ar's.m. , m. , ltt. ttiti:lll, C •••
Il•It..• Nutlet, I,tt..twtn•ille,A
Nt, Mtr“, , ,u , r , rt. '.
11,., :1.1 r, Ruh,: 1,,,, . ,,,, -. ll tw•rt
\ , teneave It ler. li At Net.t.t.t. ,, ,
. 11...ter.ti , ;r1 ~.. 11.....tAt ....._: A, , •
' \ , 11,, ,, igii. Im ..11ray . 4
1 1 11 llxrri, l' ~..s.,l,lLiideati.
'',.,'``,.. ''' r. ,,V, '•\ '."• s. •
\ I‘..ATS LAI I:iiir, TIII,(11,A1. ,
'‘ , I
VOL.. PHI LA1 , P.1.1•11 A ItNI.\tI.I.I.TINIC.O . . \ ..,
Ii 1., .1. LA \o'• 1 . ........rer Pst daft,: 6. ,. 2 , , ,, M. ,,, ,
•I 1,11:1,—N. , 1:0 ,0 • • a •tt• ' . ' \ • '
.5r 1.0 - ‘ is —Nan, Dotter. • .\ ••
aim . ciA:r It r—hint,
'../... ,,,,, “r rt ,,, . L." , \ '_ \
NS II.I.t: 't • ••,'. tt. \ • ; \
V. - .• ..1 1., u:—.Th. 41..10 11,-.1. draug.tat Reamer
S••..tatur. 0.0 bean. will I•ave tb.. rajp.,•{,,,. 9. c tr..
rEnt.k am I el. 1..... Tno Nat turatm• km. ti.o}• bet'. re and hand•motOr rvf.•1011. AO i.. .1 . 14 ie , eikt , ,ra
trim lor the d, ,,, tuudatnal yfitrave Hers
•• - .
, —..The . hue. ligta
Hme .Cant IlaJat. vJI 1.., wo am, d.r. tAler
s&-tuttm..n.ttott• an• :urn to matt. it . I.s. ob,c. for Li?,
ruher n -call
10 V. I,IIISTIF new
1...utt1., tv.l,t, Lett ',,.m...ru1tg on bar east trip.
SWAN 6, tt.mmt.t, and is 'ltltogrther anon to
ettterprisloC ~r itors. ant buatitt. burr a
attend (tart ltoora .
BC.llElt—d'or Lady biadlton-15'61.• wool 31cladvn a-
Colk.k; htt, 0h0... Ido butitr 17 bttli vadat!, J B
\Canfield,. oke tax .1, , rake Ittirl,t, MrKnight; 0 Obit
ho.o otototo Itt , ll Ohl 1'1.0.1..2 J Candle), 7 TN*
Od do ale Ito iteon 80py,,, , t1; ok,
Too, WA,. 1010 deacttitHit , t
tp ICE-10 tes—primo Carolina, ft;r•Fale by
JAL 900 JA5141; , A:
yp 11.11)---;;;,0 pip Galena; T \
pouudy BA ! . ilkOtt lnrL A fur
Ly 11. MOLASSE:S— . 4.I).bbIs. pine StAuu
IIUTC111:41S CO.\
• •
11-EMP--( 14 , 1 baler
b iceqrtueky and Missuu7
" ' MST& A ‘ .111:12CIIISON k CO.
UCKIVIIOAT FLth7A . superior
1.• , 1 fmtla Wird Mrec.l
Vtt . l'
~;;Lt., on tuna tort tor ralo by .
o u .roe r"r HU 8 . ,i r c Lunn 4 co.
Wtrr Stnpitel U.
5 „ bbl.\\• Itackftl Lre ‘111:
brown Sanorne (kit;
b!: hna \ A
L . .
•• l'pwcholig
lY mul 6 lb. c a, t v k. ra eve. !acif.,
boxes S's to au Graa ,dc
gi t o ier - re:2. d 77
pie by
ac 9 r%
f C 9.„
KEANS--10 bble. W A Ntifg . : R, an
o le s . t ,:„
bal. Ilan trr ,
\ \ W , A. Cur“'"lltid- , N Aft,
VitiltalloMb El oam:3mr . .•;ii '‘.' an{_
mai Yenefahr for &Wary Lor,AL:tu dl
'•••rj• durable Platorloh Bo= REV ea matrort rot tot ,.
frmatory, ho a proporaal to exemam'prderr art • prom
hod, mot on o Ifforolt terror—obit hop.. for' •antip •
mmi of the µMronage bovtoromr M•JlMumlly vs , rat.
lili3llAltlY J. ,C. BOECKINGVIIdunk
mr Laokipg Mal* and Plan ctijA" azu.t.
tor 14 Looking No. 76 Tt4r4l i.bun If
it.hursch. 1%. •
0. 3iihiwijrnaM.
yi l'int —24 Se.C.Ldir ntreed. kitoburgry—ligu
ged f4.loctutile'4ceuronker. frau /1.4-
ti Pftlarcd'id.milde sdirder. at the
" 17=4111Td11.46,14 \exs ' thing n.thed a . the
ne.a.estoaddld.;. olm
Ditsoluttigk' •,, , .
ARTNERSHIP heretofore ex
ille eubectiber enel:Ne the aisle spLet - e
% ' dwell t elort.'lPalie dilL dioselved by mule
.• bar:Wetzel Loa lab, greu will .fie wed '
d ell. • .300.XCALDWFAX,. •
&511. JAM//4 CALLW '3./L.'
\ , —.... , . ... ,
• s . :
.. :
•de • med, navha ,, flirme4. i i i .,Citzt; ... \
•• r the •eme tak stile of ...Cal well a Stair ,. •' \
rontleur •a TANN 1; AND 'ollll7ail \
r Oh. Tann yof the I.ll4mge o ta kla z Wll - ,
.141 ' .—ile
"4:4, ' MEX./eV &11.44 T. s . . ,:,,
or Jan . C J
Di John Call
The unde , :n •
tkrAtilp , 011 we •
a 4 M o en.ku at M rontleure
bie, bupoente
iAItRIAGE OLLT OTll—'Justrec'ifrom; • , , •
NJ the,r,, 4ouo 7d,45 and
tir.ZlTalt clats •
treei.• „, • J. 11.111161.1 YS. .
11•1.0011, 4111 CI:OTHs- ' - • \ •. • \
. cW iania as Fluor 1/11 Ctailt;. •
304 ".• ,4
„.‘ \ , \‘'
Jul; ~,0 4 1 amitor 010 41 CM; 0111 . ,C1ah.W.,...... 116 \ \
vartwtA. J. a H.,
• 1114.0UNI6—A`41M10.1 sumof money, which
th " k• 7 oaling and deortitklur t• at
m 6f
6, ato . };31)61111IIENNI.TT.
between Mond and endthfiela.
do.-for .st,, 67 J. KIDD 8, - 00.
.5 tons for safe by -
A MUEL KROESEN. keeps constantly'
1.,3 haat apast ans.ortrnata of Wash awl Bath T• •
Ereatuboat. Oak Wel), Kitchau_s , r - Oraw B •
Wanlaa Bowls, Chants; Massaww.ruke (Awry
Wash 'Beads. sal all othor Meth or val.,' la his line, — •
Waramankwasaalc 110141 MB street. P/Usburgb.Pa.
\ , Conolly & Co:,„ • - • ,-- ••
.. 1
Tanners I,Y\ L ihs l'utna Prows cf. S. Godley. - , .
ruriE ettheeribere;\ haiing rented the 'ran •
I. V.” •." ...7 . Tea" 4fiuriii l hy Ili. Johnlilabittalli
are reel:mei. to raw, leather of all birds by Ibis taper:or
proms, Tbay- - bart , fell tnroe braitation In callinwtheat. .
t.salion of the publii to thcir(lmitheri' knarlag that 1 , ,
, wormier, patents herftwt ruin , * iwthnh , been
brought to non, that it won Xii, almost mainwrlble to
noiliwe rwrrona to 'lily. un.ii. o. ailing or nert , fleatea.
t 'l" ot I. ...N. ' .th '''''e . :r h m'sil'atent Melvin. ye.
innenial to an adeirttemant. belting
infirrlY awn
'•(.1IMI quail:lit o f the'teather ty attract the abolition
'if `manufacturer' , aral Lather letlect,th,er Lava felt Un
willing to retort to each tams of pew. , nag eurtnnitynt,
toot boo lawn awn-rued that the dheasry waa ark., and
the ltsther worthltwa i they taltath!arm. ita 1 ; f labial:the
l ' i ' i ' lit t l7 a;°:,-.2.."i11-!.,11;.Tprai,:.14V) will gin4,-
',,,. i. , 1•1 brit manufarton4 in Atone:wt. il ntly
I hi, hint they sill nleal the French trttr i;:bott omerl
ibre haaairto tit..m to o . nhoirloa c i N o, : f. i il , , ,eki!'6 , ./ tha. •
Loci:lift °a. Thin' at and Redoubt alley
tt \ '. 185,2', . •
I UST PUBLISHED 'ti for sale: ...
OP ' post's: prrr.-:uulytu Al")IAFIC. Ti0..1.,; •
' MAltfea 1 , A1174E, . 11 9'. 1 .-,N0. 1 \ -
Th. , lathr 0 ' hi the F 40.11 nrm i iiimally tin:med.*,
\ wan tinalliti. TA nalimlerlor the thew Alial..l.:lsl.lloima-
bilii hnhANDFO -bc..11.11.1.i11tt.. acriann melfairoratily '
N.130 , TC1 to 0.. VOW. enty• The reiretion of read,. mat.
tn ia each Almanac, t truit; will balm:al moral,' ru'iti
ful red ILIIRICt-t.O tkAlli CIIVMP Of 141,1"15. PMII . Pala br, \
,b,. 7 ., dotes, •od wiall. al Cho boob:mit Paper Wan. \
s .,
~ ..40 . , . the an:writ:wet N0!" tiii Pitt/bur:A. ,•
, t bt.8.1: LOOMIS. .I.nenti '.
''.. N. —AI. on awl; a 001.251 assortment if flntosii
I , noki. lank Boot& \t entrir m.l %rapping Paper. MA
tau ninerally, al l . of which 'aill is die :awed of at
k talk pelts ',
for rub or Pane. tai.; • relnanicarliel .
WilkinsbnzeAlcademy. '
\ : and ,rmate Englai\nd Cht.tue , moot.
lITO A si, A ' eared ''
Pe; ' C ' IPAT.
r rVS M I L
Is B- STIT lON . Nc . 'be open foi. the,
1 A ''''''' °I "' gia ' 4 .4 ni,.,':,.1,• , ,,'::,,'=z;
CXYTLIAAIt /,. 2 I t 1 •
thy I ratvM.a taught rt the lest Acade , Ire axil twlrtltta
rt, llltrl.rallottv w 11, jI vrn In all V tillth , " athulttlog
cf ti•.9in VIN 9 GAiutli p 41.1 a Ilb sU;t ortcuatig and
val. ht. Palo...pinta/ Lbrnikral. and A.lroutvgatal ep
i „„u., nwit ,,
i ,,,,..,,„,., z .n...„, I•satunlare sad
' is7l ' lll;tua. , ;4lYekrun 14 1 . ..5 , 1 ( anglfalooi-vlm.B
110TAS11- 1 0 casks .TILL e,
Slii SES—
. c.-L1 , • .t w
11,..1 tIEEW-100 , .oxes
. 1% R., 'or sale- D
./ ocia ~ • . . •. B. w. I( • HACCI a
4,..l ‘ I'ltAAV PAPER 2000. 5.6. • . rior . ,
10 \ etava.l pre itraca.l . 3. . I.lndra,, • • to,
\ • • ' .L. 1 , 11104,
',. a aVo. • ..,
__cora, ... 1._,,,n ...1 .. ! _ mg.,
I UE:f opeued at the 1 .pot,for •hoic ,T
111 J/ N0:4%114 Meaty_ atraolo iT hoo I. 11 lot of. AEI. Bo
',La* OILII.IOUE 11,1{0k: .. a ary an. oda.
Whl. A. go'CLUIOoi a 3).,
aal3 , or, ,la mod 1 . ..., Dash
U—{caskifkir it, by \
\ WICK r SfreAlyDi
EP Shms Li A, A
c... 4.1 ILO will for 411 07 - 4.
fu vonurte. \ 1,631 j A. A. MANI,
( . 2(1 511AlitS 01110 AND PENNS
ty MA nAD,uo.(I) ETOCK for /Wont
cat corner \of 11. ket laird §Az4l
LAIIL LUNT.S-4 casos new 'pt
L sus °lamb. at .. A. A. M A.SI/3; A
ju lL4o o / 01‘, 1,
Lowy bit.tLe. Imo % amt.,
SVGA E 9— aht.ortmtiti, tik
111, Crustml.elwificA.YaliWlEWArld Leaf Atagar4 frt. \
wa Ak. Louis Atestm AA.P.aeEn • 6...4. . 6 '
pop« by %be ALA:W.I4C
o wd - IIISY3I SON. A CO.
. .
e, fur ,ale by
for oalo,by~ ll . •
'or salt t9i , l-,
nor f re.
ul by
1 4 , 11 '
y a , y ~ e^'
e hi. e Ted
ktE aid Fat
e W. \
0. & P. B. R.
rate FAMILY 1
.t JACIOUNT.42O4:.