The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 21, 1851, Image 4

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or =Ma R. Losarcrsow
Ibex . ° is_no dock, however watched and leaded,
°llnCone dead lamb is there
- There isMilteside, hatetwei'er defended,
But has one sacant.-chair.
be stir s t lof farewe to the dying,
A monrninfi fire the dead:
The heart biltilebil for her children crying,
- will not be comforted!
Let us imintient t then severe afflictions
Not from the ground ari.e,
But oftentimes celestial benedictiona
Assume this dash tljegaise.
Weise° dimly through the mists and vapors
.lAiiid these tarthlydamps,
What deem to us but dim funeral tapers
• May be heaven's distant lamps.
Therf is no death! what seems so is transition:
Ihis life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life elpsian,
Whose portals we call death.
She Is wot deed—the child of our affection—
But gone unto
that school
ilhere she no longer needs our poor protection
And Christ himself doth rule. •
. .
Lo that great cloister's stillness and'aecliasion,
By vinedlin g4la lad,
Sife frointempiation, safe from sin's pallid's.
She Uses arid= ne call dead.
Day after ilay'we think what she is doing
lu those bright realms of air;
Year after year her tender stops pursuing,
. Behold her grown mere fair.
-Thus do we walk with her and keep unbroken,
• The bond which Nature gives.;
'Thinking that_ oar remembrance, the' unspoken,
Zink reach her where she lives.
&Vile • child shall we again behold her,
Far when with raptures
'in our embiaces we again enfold her,
She . wildnat be a child;
But ti fair widen, In her. Father's mansion,
Clothed with.colestial grace.
And beautiful with all the soul's expansion
Shall 'we behold her face.
And though at times, imputtions with emotion,
' And augnialrlong aupprest,
The welling. heart 'beams meaning like , the
That awned be at rust--
We will bis . patienti arid assuage the feeling
We-cannot Wholly stay;
By pilenee 'sanctifying, not concealing,
The grief that most•hro May-
•• . The Preacher and the Lawyers. w p. ;
.o‘llti Lee,[one; ef the first Methodist r .
preachers in evi - England, was a man who bar.
combined rminsting energy and tenderness on
'of sensibility, with an extraordinary pro- fl
• pensity to wit. Mr. Stevens, in his new
-work on the "Memorials of Methodism,"
- gives the following specimen of. Lee's bo. e
As ho was riding on horseback, one day, I
between Boston and Lynn, he was °vette- ~,4.
ken by two young lawyers, who knew that g i
be- was a. Methodist preacher, and were te•
. disposed to amuse themselves somewhat at
• his expense. Saluting him, and ranging L.
their horses one on each side of him,they
entered . into a conversation something like •T
the following :
LAtmn. I believe you are a preach
er, sir
7 - - LEE: Yes; I generally pass for one. d
Law. You Preach very often, I sup
e•O 7
e o
laeneia)ly ever day; frequently
or more. •
. How do you find time to-study,
,when you preach so often?
Lie. I study when riding, and read
when resting. • • •
lot Lew. But do yon not write your
„ •
Lam; No; mot very often.
id Lew- Do you not often make mis
takesin preaching extemporaneously? •
Lia; I do ' sometimes.
d LAW. 'How do _you then? Do you
_ correct them
Lax.. That depends upon the character
of the mistake. - I preaching the other
day, end 'I went to quote the text, " All
- -liars shall have their part in the lake that
burtTeth with fire and brimstone ;" and:, by
mistai;.l said, "All Zawyers shall have
their patt—"
2d Ldw. (interrupting, him.)--What did
yOu dein - ills:that? Did yon, correct it?
• LEE: I'D; no, indeed! It was so nearly
• tine, didn't think it worth while to cor
rect '
"Hitmph said one of them ' (with a
- • hasty and impatient- glance at the other,)
f' I den't know whether you are the more
a knave. - or a fool!"
' Neither," he quietly replied, turning
• at the same time hismischievons eyes from
one'to the ether; " I believe I am just be
: twele the two!"
Finding they were measuring wit with one
of its masters, and excessively mortified at
. - their`discomfiture, the knights cf the green
bag drove ahead; leaving the victor to soli
tude-and Lis own reflections. 4
. -
.Audubonu at Niagara Falls.
• .
A. few years ago there arrived at the
hotel, near Niagara Falls, an old y
looking man, whose appearan r ie was quite .I.
irt contrast with that of the aids of well
dressed and polished figures which adorned
that celebrated resort. He teemed just to
have sprung from the woods. His dress,
which was made of leather, stood dread
fully in was,
of repair, apparently not
having felt the tenth of either latmdresaor
U i
needlemoman for many a long month'---- - f.A.
worntont - blanket, that might have qrved
for a bed, was buckled to his shoulddr3; a
large knife hung on one side, balanced by
a rusty tin box on the other; and his beard
uncropped, tangled and coarse, fell down
upon his bosom, as if to counterpoise( the
weight of black hair' ocks that supparted
themselves npon his back and shtnilders.
This strange being, to the spectators seem-
ingly half civilised. and half savage, had a
quick, glancing eye, an elastic, firm move
merit, and, seemed -able to cut his way
through te canebrakes, both of society I
and the wilderness.
He pushed his steps into the sitting
room, unstrapped his little burden, quietly t
looked round for the landlord, and then
m9destlrkisked fox breakfast. The host
at first drew back with evident repugnance
at the apparigon which thus proposed to
intrude its uncouth form among the genteel
visitors, but a word whispered in his ear
apiedily Satisfied his doubts. The stranger
took his place among the cam
pony, some
staring, some shrug.ging, and some even
laughing outright. Yet it has turned oat
diet there was more in that simple man
thin in all the rest of the throng. He
called himself-in American woodsman; he
was a true genuine son of nature, yet one
who had
,been; entertained with distinction
at the k, OT princes; learned societies
to which the like of Dovier belonged, had
been proud to welcome his entrance • in
ehort, he - was one whose fame had been
grnwine brigbteri. while the hahionables ,
le.a6hati at him, slid many much
greater even' than' they, have utterly per
ished. From every,' and every
deep shady grove, the birds, those "living
blosstgas of the air," will sing his name.
The little wren will, pipe it with her math
hymc_abont oar houses;, the oriole carol it
from the slender grasses of the meadows;
the titrtle roll it through l the secret forests;
the n.any-voiced mocking-bird pour it along
the treeing air; and the-imperial eagle,
the bird of Washington, as he sits in bra.
• Zirt - home, far upon the blue mountains,
• • =is it to the tempests and the stars.
• \ john Janata Audubon, the
Y. -4•E're.-Post.
Wakes 4 of
• g-01 _V .a: my tougne
of iseitvtial aisPleucat,
t-:',!':';0.:1,,: . , , ::
the state of a lion expiring in ;the cruel'
=certainties 4 =bele ' Ab, see, every
' , thing corispimkte trouble. him
_new. I am.
dying; rdespasr of recovering; physicians •
.have given me,over; the sighs and tears ofi 4
my friends are useless; the you'd cannot
cure me; imest .die. It is death itself
that preaches to me. Whither am I going! ei
What will become of my body r My God; d
what a spectacle I the horrid torches, the
dismal shroud; the coffin, the tolling bell;
the subterraneanabode ! What will be
came of my soul? I cut ignorant of its
destiny, I am plunging into eternal night,
My infidelity tells we my soul is nothing
but a portion of oubtile matter; another 1
world, a vision; immortality, a fancy; init
yet I feel, I know not what, that troubles
my infidelity. Annihilation, terrible asit
is, would appear tolerable to me, were net
the ideas of heaven and hell to present
themselves to me in spite of myself. 1 I
see heaven, that immortal mansion of glo
ry, shut against me. I see it at an, im
mense distance. I see it, but my crimes
forbid me to enter. I. see hell; hell, which
I have ridiculed; it sperm, under ;my. feet.
'I hear the horrible groans of the damned;
the smoke of the.bottomless pit chokes my
words, and wraps my thoughts in suffoot ,
ting darknesa.
" Such is the infidel on his dying bed.
This is not an imaginary flight; it is not
an arbitrary invention; it is what we see
every day, in those fatal visits to which
our ministry, engages us, and to which God ,
seems to call us to be sorrowful witnesseai
of his displeasure and vengeance. Thisis;
what. infidelity comes to; this is what inn
delity is good for; thus most skeptics die."
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery,
iiiETWEEN throe and four nines
east of Pittsburgh... the Farmers . sod
tanica l Turnptha Soul, textsualon of penult,
stmt.) and about ow milo from East Liberty.
Ttut subscriben teepee/fall, give 0.1. to the r mu
mmers and the public generally. that theft . attendee Nor
aerie Greenbaum., At, ... now comprise between 150.-
VA and ZO,OOO plants. all of which are let • healthy con.
FEINT TREES.conal Almon pple. Pc.. Plum,Pesett
Chseri,Aprieottlectariis. Grape Tines, to.
SOAVE TREES—Vic Alhuthat Catalpa, Mount.. Ash,
SjffottP,ll;iitt.tntitiesll,ll'etit', TF l relln a ll ' o 4 . ,tw u t#, =
Bathed Birch, Tulip Tree. Horse:Chestnut Paulownla lue
wrialls i. Weeping Ash. English Ash, English Sycamore.
chNetittiTifirtifri''Pilticeiitat iItOOS—Y tr : Juni ,
Cedar, American Arborrh..Chineue Arborvitea. llosT=.
Upright few, Emmen Veer. Mandato dolly, P,.nropowa
Ithtly. Whits Pine.
Spruce. Bath. Fir. bilveri Ir.
Scotch Fir. ileadoek FPrton Ftutoh 8t... ao•t*o•
tittEKN 1101ISE Plo
ver Kos.. (many of them
drat rated notobeti. over 10 varieties In eta. wit
Bengal or Chinese Freebie.... IP. Odorath oral..
Tea Scented Rd.. Bourbon Ref.. tiolsette Mast Ilybrid
Perrethal OS Remontnat W.F. A great of tharo
are perfectly brity. and bloom freey throughout the
suntan . maws Also. Geraniums, O le .dert Orange.
Cactus, iv. At-
N. 11.—All Olen -must be arcoraPatded with the that
or satisfactory regTeutes.
Fiettto threfullY pOcked and sent wcoinar n. 410'02100
to any part of the Li ratca States.
• knrarelitlll 4'l=l7' their
. tVi ' n ' lr efrar=tl
n o w cannot tut surpassed."west of lite mountains,
now thrtering !true morellos ground. and numbering from
AO to 100.00 th a la , St number of which aut of a One sin
for tr..l.timr.
1 Ortiturd arsl tilaredthesT Planting executed by contract
14• on reasonable
lii'ilf:Zll4:l:lml,o'.%qtforlirTeateirga" P.
Orders ldtat Mr stand lathe Diamond Ma:tett. mar
tet days, gill G. immediate attend. ,
Thep nblle in general are Invited to eall and examine our
mat. A anon to 0 Pim , V i n o
O otitrAititc pe leats
ce3dto3tl _ -
Tut., brwitot team j ' on le Unequalled forl'ortty7laraTt
ty, Sod trawrooce. though somewhat Analogous 'to Us..
n . , Ambrosial Cream. und Whey. similar' owmpOorads, It
tat sorrows" Ahem all by tbo ethrealegtApostr cunsistency
of WI loth, which so rortens the bearo LP to yonder oho
risco pleasant and yaw. it p. a
... gtoottellantagosorct
thr Import. orate'. In bolos Inwilly ;oersted ths
bee with the Vette , . skill, and in moo ur the
best. but Liao the obeopost
article tor ebar tag. Thu in
creasing salvia title stride during this but tweire part,
sod Ott eereeal god 5.74 "divot medal, oword.l tor
aro; . 1:ly attit y lho l !; t ig . ll ., es . tiff=iswdl,. I,bh.. ..1e , 11 . 4i1; hold r
osO It. r..
, •
p a l NOINE lIOSE-500 feet 2 inch 3 ply
India Ilubber flow, browcht out esymmar MY Vim
D.. purpose. W 1.
e 1. the Flrs_Departmeut of both
dike to call and examine Wen. als they are varranted to
Maui mom man.* Mom our leather Mae mandfouturod.
In all car.. where they do not Dorn ma Si repromuted,
We money sill by refundolar rr i f , likto p rarg l l* no.
""auMZ 7 and 9 Wood et.
111.LETOLNTMEST—Warpticed to cure the
, wont mem or Pli , n Intfa:. daya f a'rOe by i
Aeb yo . , I . ` "Lt!-------------1
il A \ I.N DIJLI—Lt - tra fine Leven is G'
Woo. for webs MET dEli It MoDOWIIL,
WAIW Woodet.
-------- —,._ _,..
11.1 UTTER-1 bbl. and 24 kegs for sale by
..5.3 Pls. Lf-JOIIN.To.h.
FLAX SEED OIL-10 bbls iitat rece
r. ived
ani for
_w. by aaVfM._ B- l'. 9i.1."'
TOIS'ACCO-1 50 bre mania Tobacco on
hand and for oak by
MSELF.IIt for pule law
by on% J. CUOO OO
TTlleldift-97 bble. Cider, for ode by
o6 —can ‘ l. ‘" b ' f " l lltATtar ,- 13 11 LCIIIIELD .
• lIEESE-80 boxes prim W. IL, for sale
W I CK. a .11cC41,ALPsa
r inat,s--2.0 doz. in store and for sile , by •
B. a w : neWniuuw.
BUCKETS -4 0 doz. in store and 'or sale by
teat: 8.4 T. ULRBATIO u
WneU MKS—A: a. Mason eco., have
art *tweed a. beautiful In cf verf anterior treat
bi w anemia stale. _.-- 1 aeli__
NAILS--800 kegs wad Pity brand!, on
pi and tor sale 67' A- CULDLEITaO44 I fI ) ,,
POPLIN Beautiful goods,_ jug ,
.1.0 reed per erpreNt. at cp . 26 a. A. LAWN COld
lIGABS-50000 Regalia, Principe, end
kJ Hama Cizu., 6 ar,206,„ 5 t Co.
. .
2 max Perm's. 34 sacks feati M
m E
i 1422122 2241
442 oil. trr ISAIAH DICK 2
Wster sad rout 12.4
h Wall Pa
d ESLCIMELD hare open this amain[ a papply
.b." fashionable goods_ saw:.
TAR caNpLEs--In whole end ht. bu.,
w see by • [fie922 _
1 "'WV , • T U NI3 °°•
VaAF TOBACCO—In hhde , an I;2res,fer
d., by•Es.__Lpe...7.:; HARDT. 30,;142.
I&SEED OIL-5 bble rec'd. ruadiforle
_ A be_ sop=
S GNIMIES--5 bostbls4 S . Sal
eed eratua;
2 b bee To=.
CO prime 51 To
common S's 2424 •
40 4.0 Deer liar. 102
'WW2, JUN' • .
f IRAN-BERRIES—Just rec'd in •
br the tinart or hzighel. )1066115 . p.
f.IIJ6A.It-iil 4
OLASES-324 bble. N. O.
. 1121k17.
DIG METALL-465 tons for e
Isetae - Rites. ItATTItEI9I
LEATHER -40 Side'
wej"": ulna trdER t CO,
rfatE ST E , 7 ER 2d ILLION—LIano for sale
by fr 01.51 J. ECI100?0 , 1 KEA co •
50p012°SUILPia,V,I,TCOR. • .
COELSE— 50bo n es W. R.;
. •
t co . ft. DAZ.ZU
I‘l .. ,
,ALERATUS-10 tons inbo i es
and bbls.,
I_3 krr orkle br
_.. si_rx_e.n__ R. DAUM+ lk CO.
Ir EQ-BUTTER-2,3 kegs fresh, for ;.ale by
.n. ... E rrs
LB 1/r Auras far nit , at a lalrttiaitkrn a 00.,
rApia Roca ar'd.". Errata.
I INSEEDOI I-30 bbh• R ful
CO- 24
Wood by ood au
r "P ' • • • -
OLIVE O IL—IO baskets for Sale by
xy rev2o J. SCUOONmAREn a
(IA FB. -EBIONIA-2 caske for sale by
• ..., .I` 2o . . . .
BORXX-10 eases for sale by
perp2D _J-SCIIO,
eLI E 7 boxes
ifirzrei.DlL, Co.
TAILSU bbls. on c3nsignthefk for sale
. 1 0 01 to elose, DICKEY _I CO..
oftenzsaED sPARHA very
, 1 upe t n-
Ij4rd" °"`''''Ne.,rinatuiro o;. 1 _
Skußk; D SALMI/NZ-Wig reced. thj,
1111.9PS—k . ut up in't lb.sacages, for ism
!'!!'3"` " W. A!MuitrThli a CO.
ZIA Libv l 7 .t-
of molutur old W uti
per Ixa a. far uhle MOILHIW TOO 1
11 ) 710 thelliDlizoosL,
-ARROW HOOT- I ,, l bics. }Bermuda for solo
by [stW6l J. 6CI[OOIIIAILEK k (X)
OSIN—WO tibia. No. 1, ler sale bi
LASS-100 booms Windciw, for sale by
G a LUE-••-20 bbls. red and; for sale by
,•11 =wee of Wad sad MUD su.
Piffibuith, Cincinnati & LonisviUe Tele-
THE 'STOOK of thioNirlmted , iry
.• coraVerke%Vim' .
p p ~ in thq gall
meg describe
for nito• Bari, 12 -4
W A. T 10< 2 .1 1.. 411
11V P24.1U1.! Thlra
D L.LAINES—Now opening . 10 eases rich
- printed D. Leann and C. t
• all A.
WA. A. MASON k 62. sad fel Market at. all
LOSES Ala) IIOSIERY—A. A. blazon
tat have ton' nt. hand 160 a m: or Wins' dub.
7=llit ' t o F f I IIO 627.te62Pgirree1+ th ' in. l lBoo 80000.
WRESS GOODS—Opening daily at A. A.
Al=filiutrZiCasg=ta= il4 =
ranumtu.., alp... a.
__ _.
5. 11,KS I SILKS!—Now opening at A. A. a
MASON oo.'o—
pls.,* of very futdonable Maid Silks, some as low as
70 tenter, also.
nil T esoro riel, Olsen dee eh.,
10 do rico.. D o wnie do.
- • -- • •
.113,toONNE'r RIBBONS—. 4. A. MASON . &
CO. will exhibit this orolost :Murton. of rich hon.
oet ribbons.- net
. .. p 1 4 7 .. 1 . : 7 -1111 have received a fresh suoply t t l , l i be
10 Burchfield b.,, reosleed a full assortment of ahove
g oods—wow a. low an 1113ie per yard—and ale, some super
per Mohair Alpsaut, at $l,OO per r a n i. ea
Burehteld bays received an assortment of Doeskin
mores, grey and fancy colors, which they weaelliott
low—also super Ittank Casslmeres sod cloth., soda vars.
s ty of s tyles especially adapted for boys. wear. or&
IN MASON A CO. will o w n within the nest few 0511,
We and retail parehasers le invited.
~, -or_
—A. A. MASON aCO win op.. thit day eases of
. abov e good, Ns
~ — Now c l aming at A. A. MASON A ( A) 'O.-2CO pleres
, yr,. ton) French Merlore and Thilot Cloths. con
li A. A. MASON It CO. have Just received 36 eases of
best styles Cuhmervs end Dv Lames. s orn
Now osnetantl_y reeetviegt at W. MeCLINTOCK'S
t Wsrilsouse, No. lib }aunts street, to which we to
' Tit. the actention of those wlshlas co forninh Iloune , or
Steamboats, as we will sell lower than ever before in lids
market- net
IJIORSE FOR SALE—A very desira o -5
Me Family Horse, warranted perftetle kin
a smut. hopolte of J. SCUOONICAREN A t.. 0..
oel IN Woal et.
. .
o. Ls nom constantly =marina his fnll stook of
CAIIMS, of the richest tad tomera styles. to slick , be
es. u ha ladeteradmed a)
Z.113,1=V::e.Y7r.,d th Ohio mark t. at the
old =tsunami Carpet Warehouse. ho SU Fourtb a.
... - ..
ca .
- 1
mI_am, W ac .
t M u o e C rs L I t N o h TK ar g li e m snto,rk
BMluutniont r o e f a t Ca o a h m e.
Of Cloths. and Trimming.. whießue gni cell at rmlnseri
Prim , . et the Grier Ware.... SA Fourth et. vet
ji.. i no. constantly reccirlng bl. fall mock of iroperOrm.
rine. mid creamon INGRAIN CARCETN. of ,i, and rich
style., at very reduced min,. to which we Moire the at
tention of Moire 01.0100 to foruniti atoamleanior lions,.
Wee n.. call at th. Warelinum,No. l o Voarth in.
Ime In store and for rale rich and me otyle Billie.
.5 CAII.FiITS. toohich he Ineites
attention Hine
chimera to he is 4eterniMMl to re e d to erer before
In this market. Call at the old artatilebed Caret SA mul
lion., No. NA Fourth et. oil
.. . . . .
riIIAPESTRY CARPETS--New 4rld rich
ark Tapratri Drumls Cupetoluat , reed at thn Car •
.t refaced fr~rfvr
VnlWhVr'"...ltlrtg ro",rothraf'''',t
PRE SUBSCRIBER , hnvihg now het:dived 74
3. BB entire Moot of FALL AND • WINSF.R 1111089,
mould romettfully infnrm 015 euetomma and the rUtillr
tb.a. ho Is proparmi tniluipme of Me tioods. either 'Moho
sale CT MAIL “ TUT] 10. pmem Staple, u
Ito ba. Lu Dr, Goods all the btaide, as well m • I•scr
otrek of Fans, Drea Ounds., comptteng toPAM ,— • A
44 amt. Salm fur erordng and street drew. earl not.
44 BTOObiif 91180. ,_
Pl•lo Black eilka, all trim end width.
Brocade Black BIM. 9 • 9
1.14. 9 5 Watmed 811 k. 41 elaadere
Fnch F 0 ,911,90. 9
M 4.001 do Llano.:
french SI min. arid CaManerer; 1 u
Tagetim with 49n0-h and 110011.0 Prlnt..i n en.ll , As ea-
Met, .
11.4.124 and 134 Barna', :hor n t b ir ri
1iii,... .... ,,,
4t-1",11-VadY0.4 Table Dts:aolt •
64 cod 34 Dam.): A.41:110. and Bolder.
LluckAtoack Thaw and Cr.!, ToareLilmr.
IBM Printed Piano and Table Comm, import , / tocelic
Sladmillos 14411 M. French, Purniture.lolmlo2. Ourvaln and
Carta. Shames. ac.
. i. 3
A G1 . D A 0 .1 1 , ) ,.. 8, - . s
nna hop 2 111.[L.
t' . V O.O `-.. - u o , g b llP tie Was 34 and 64 Ind, • ,
111.1; Canine, Clo th o;
211.00 Molmlr Ltmtem;
0,014 Warp Thibet (11.114, f
Mask. 4.141 . 1:10
e i rle d a, b eta r irmee and 0,111"0.7(loinra. I" . ' ..'llifir, in .'"'
an o 4 Ilmlaryo ail of whicli . mill be is.rrmated of ;and
''''''aent,a'h"'P L''''' J kifF49 A. MoIiNIOBT.
• - - • •
MODSEDE LAINtS, in great Variety. of ,
sty , es, Blain and 4 motel. trim 12. i. rte, 001 0 Variety,.
""'"ITOICIrl?Z wan of
10.921 Birahtast corner 4thas4 Mar9at am
IN t Barthf,l4 WC. meeleed • ct4Lice smortmeat of
,:I%::rorgnit; g=ftl'otals"l7" 'o°o 02
I‘ :e j :l '
g lASUMERES ii..ND DE lAilsfES-15 ca
t, sea of g.o tidiest Myles and colon, Bot reed .0 611
4 A. MASON o CU:have on hand, mad
' tat:, t;:edtu4Te"weeenet9".ZT,V=:.Zl De 11,0012*,
..11 of .0141 8.017 1411 plants.. Inlniciarand an.llol
amlnat this market
y . __. . ....,......•
0 and 6 aumterjust reed from the Pbtllipaelllo Fam
S. and for mile mbelemle sod ratan, at the ...remoras.
NM. 7 and 9 Baal at. isota j J. a 11. PIIIILIPS
. . _
RECEIVED TIIIS DAY and now opening ,
at Wel. DIGIST'd,IBI Liberia atreet.
p ., 1.4.1 and black Cassluveres, of the neweet and j
twke f p ,,, -Ole potter..
P bfa‘k and colored Clotho, of the matt aoperior i
man artnre
The largest and most tplonlld Won:nicht of Trainee 1
' 7l= di" a Llllald Drawers.
te doe dna and superline Phlrtn
A late anortment of Cravats. lbandkerVhlefa 44.. ,
Whir. .1, 0 5 ,. .#1.. , .ith the eerl large Creek of ttb•Dl ,
PIADC ClOTnardl. of the mutt fashionable nrle, aluare
on hand,imeenta one of the 14144 uul suet huhionable
nooks of (icads, adapted Pn pentlearenb. near, In the
0/0•00 otarr. 01101 which the proprietor Is detenulte
ed en offer at thererp lowest prim far cash
Olden fn the Tailwind line executed lo the beat moo-
rusb..• elontert notate. sept 7
ifi — ii/ 7 0 1 4. 7 GoodL
AI A. MASON k. CO., flare received and
a ti: moL . ve.. :Al = ,. .1 ar f i r irgit 1,1".4.fg
norpaca., and ?Johan Lratres. enttarrha n , e i rigil . ..
1. 1 1 k,„, W. 1 ,..111,.. 1 ±b ` itt Z•l:ll ' . ' ..d ' onturx ,,, 0 .9, 0 ? -
t.nisall gad
ner .: and s ma r
i nrt . 0 b4 . 1 . ,, , 1 . 00 pee W0rr1d ,r e1e44 .12. 1 4
prime vetdch we are eunlident an unp=slosedly lova ;
1 eeplo
.4z.Wit 1 N . :9-- , A
dtsp,lLendidi,..aind varied
. 71....4-I.l.4.rjb‘vmetzlt..4nmarl,th,7l,l;.o4,..rld 8 1
= 4 •
GUITARS—An extensive and choir eleelt ensivlng.
rgazva-5000e Ten Env old man and now of erer7
TVIDLOVIIIetrtISI.II.IO. mete 0%10 a: al so, for 001100 and
Coronet. Tuba. Bugles. Illhocornon Trumpets. eV ev.
argWiltirglr,if;P:47l;tedr:f4.—"' the
Also, the nee e 4 and moat popular Lein rust rem :teed.
h. B.—The . bore Irstroune nu aremarrantel to be eve
tee add, rTIPFt In eeerr ivervt—if found faulty the tr. fn.
'7:5 re"'"A8101 OPUTllitiliglita,
-- , ..„---
VARPETBI CaPPTSl—Ree'd this day
h'r W. XeCLINFOCK, hey •O ¢V WIle? 6.P. 160,
F e., an 4 Common JAVRAJA C A rs, •pico v. We
el l Ps VTlVe lk" 7e th r '' onlVlMA trlV=4"l
hieod• and Ware al same by orehse• to Ow ne • tau. a.
ee ri e Oauslalehot 2axpet Warehotm, 110. 5.5 Fourth et.
. W. [dcCUNTOCK.
rALL GOODS.—Just ree'd, per express,
Newtons Bonwe hibbone,
tree and alert faWdonsble Wilea.l26 dos. Tate and nee
wee; ill pm. Oro do Ahl(111, beahtlful wk.: 60 pot
.mill • ... le stis4m 6 dot. (Nu eh PIIIIISICS,chandee tll
~NF3♦ CO.
m: DRESS. GOODS--We are now re
lOC. =tr the arrest GU etylet Of pre. Goodly aged
Ceahteerea;Popane. Patel. hht , es. Alwss,
iamattay Itreheh Merinos. sad Thlbet Cloth. ()war lOU.
pieces hor opott. I tebtlj A. A.BIA.SON It CO.
101 . 7ilITE - 0 60— DS — A. A. MAsom & Cu.
have Jtu_t. reed boo_pee. WhltiGkols: eon:W.4lv tsf
RIVIVI=111,"P si°lsl=iol^l: and d
wortmeot and 0007 chap. .
good lams y
• Libtrq •
e.A - 4,47U11.17 , 14: 1 1 , = 1,14f rxivg 2
wet, .uttia the • Al., ..17
d.yetbt QA. A7tIOYP• Pa a besattfulebun
te .o 3
.. . .
..--MURPIIY k BUBCUPIEI.D nave opene4 On'
mongng a we of Sank Meng" and !Ranting", lankonet
U i nta am Mn n'
augt i Z. E‘ nl ig = Vics in rnAl
.44 _
. . ,
Straw Bonnet and Hat ,Warehonee,
No. 105 MARKET: Smut,
RIL PALMER offers for sale, at very
lvveri=v. D mu assortamat of Elea. and 11111111-
10N/liM . _re , 1 4
Mrs. Br.H. CM. dale. Par ...L.;
aro le.
b Twat... and 01 , c : trim fang and
KV& IVAtorlindl=. .r... M er i in, Inee.
blame (homy. JegrLlV, and num forras.ln great 1.
Vl/10.4f IJ t b 11.1ch OrTcatet and h (i eart plainflatin a C. nd Tat
Donna Venn
srmA TILIMMINOS-001114. Banana. Braida
PeAriti IV
terireneh and /ant*. Ovine, bananas fled
' MEV Arti2"4773..11h73011ree, Oro. de Or
Ittutn. We. V create. arnhatner etyten asserted
I‘ILAII/Vre—rienrged qualithe and 4. 1 0.•
Alon—lOth and low plena rarseolVand Umbrollaa. Oand,
paean .
te. x
no. y racelaing Ida Spring Rock of •
daanprlaln a In p
AR art tn. &doltlnn vatiatleig
r.“-. 0 .1.7„..z:;.t0:74, , -,..54t;; . zpv, pre.-
Atr;„l7lriffli I,7,4itra"Wrflyti
r• .., 44.,,,4 .1.7.41 3-4 .4f. end nutton do.'
-I"d'FIUOB,,MATI/, OW CU red, tto.
p o w Cboilll 4 14.4 4 1 4.1,4.0 44 ; ,. 44, tgu n :tiv an.
4 .l_Vgitra. do l . 4171.)1;.1 y i io , l4l 4. ~.. ".
. CATZPthraM, 4 4 L: i:A. WM r«...
Elliii - atitirt 'OW, 111,g covimn, am
ed P4 DI I-41 " 12 .11 1V 1. 1.4 e: 4 i 44 : 4 1 .41 Ti f g 4i,fi l
a4.1.1iriv.te.4z74,5 4 ,t, ourtitt"
:}71;,,, nllid24 .
paovad Stake and nob" ale &PI .44.444. r!..,
~‘ , ....m e. L ., ~..,..A ;rn . i.." ,,„,,i wt, PAII 44 14440 rt. 4. 4 . 4.. ,
Sii cet tetti=collsa B 4 s erlik . .ta i rt io
LIINAI9 w. 'UN .
' ' AC - '
IltiOKS. MUSIC, &c
New Stock of Chickening's Piano Fortes.
j01.1.1i H. MELLOR, 81 Woo
receirine an entirely new
arook of PIANO PORTE& from the cele
brated manufactory of ehLaotian. Bmto.
modal. of all the ea:Wien now manufactured. The
wives are Invariably the sm. am at hoodoo. without .7
charge for tranoportation or rid,
Old Plano. taken to Pan Walmeot.
JOU!: 11. MItLI.OII.
Agent for the Rd. of Chickerinna Plan.. fn. Western P.
aIIIE GIPSY'S SONG, or My Gallant Bark;
„ ang
er roueen g with rapturous applause by Jenny Lind, al
In litaburrth•
Tba IllmmeY. CkunPlent • -, e17
The lonely Our, at ming by Laktbarina blaya In America.
Ile I. ranting hnme: s ¢ Illy C•lkanne Ila Y..
The Unexpected Refugia.
The Planal March: en Mud bY Kiel: r.
The Engagement QuArillea
Alen—Ageneral adectlon of the mo.t popular amid
alrabl- mutt, :orela•
KL . 1., '. 101 Third garret.
11100 of Lb. tiolden Ilan/. •
Sacred Music Books.
1 ANTICA LAUDIS, by ilLtuon & Webb;
I,_„/ CARM INA SACRA. do do.
VIE (ILSE RIVE, a new colleetlon of OS.. an I Part
son g ., r.,,,,,red and arranged for the too, of Slumlord CO, ,
Tearhers . Inrtltoles, dud Clam.. of the ROA° 0
Academy or binge, by Innen Marna /t Oro. J. Webb.
A lame d owdo. ~f Lb* above works nre'd and for aide bY
,slt, JOIIN 11. SI FILLOR. PI Wool rt.
THE difficulty of obtaining a correct and
good.toned Cl;linnet In this counter, haring Addl .
long and seerrely Alt by the must •al Runde, the gubzerl
her has hAI Toad. for Um expreeely. • choice Ale< on
which ha,. Just They are hem the Artedf
the beat maker in Bum, stld •re
or reset. I.
ani b e . liglotela ever offered to o
- sal
Tearlonete—l2 and l 3 Herr:
.. •
Those in want of 0, Jll geod Ciernmetx. will end hie s
rare chance. U. KLEBtil t t,
e on Sign of the Goldin Ilan, No. 101 Third rt.
LACKWOOD, for Setember, for sale nt
110L31Eti . Literary Depot, -No. 74 Third streets oPt , r
Mt the Post (P 01,,, anal
ENIBOOKS.—TraveIs and Adventures
• in Maxim, in the course of upwarda 2,600 mile..
Ortned On ford, alvin_g on seminal of the manners...l,
of the t.,e,ple: by Al so. W 11trponter, 14n of the B. 0. IL,
col ' A l. sl 2 ll 2 3:i of Byrne. DietlonarT of Ple , hAnicw , Oe.
Just reed and Ihr sale by • J. L. HEAD,
rep 22 .0 Apollo Building, Fourth oh
New Nom. '
ALOIIN 11. MELLOR, No. AI Wood street,
has reoeirol the following new esel {runnier pieces of
, ........
New Mom.
CtIN, AI W b o i od street,
Jonte--8. C. Foster,. March frova ,, Locla bara.
Ohl boys.narry me omr—n: mermoor.
Peaceful Ft. March, •
Moonlight to hleerloir. 4,Ma
Wa no. row,.
World's ralr ftteV.
The Candler. I hark aches,
thou hart
Take me home to din heauty—rarlationa.
I on
tor thon Come Slog ale that meet oh.
Pe kind loth. loved One& otraln--rortotiona,
/father's Prayer. tremolo--Ito.ellan: rood
Joe llanlyl Bell., toe If all throe en.
Why do summer roses fink! dearlnd ( 0 . 0 1: charmer
Diligent flora o,l..tulek ,
Itladem, Broil - a. Aurora. and Sneer Bell Waltseon .
Lily, honey's ion., Illoomer.Bharon, or , Iqr, donor
Or.• dyne., tdottage.
Cottuotte, end iNdly
Iblkao anal:
DItAFT:L—A large moiety of No.. 40 , 1
100 I, ""'r.7%i."111t0..4t'S iatlitintmr7
opt corner Market and Market std..
BLANK 11001i,5.--W. S. II rts, corner
Market and Ferond On fOr cote tb. lart,t
er Ilgroß.lZ=P:7llara, !=olle'll7toni74o,oTeo
- stela of .003100. and or the i. , rea ;ming.. ler
ART JOURNAL, or September.
Platennry of afechaolra No, at.
odor, Labor and the London Pwr, No u-
Unto; Aar. No. '4 , 1
Itemised and tor sale at HOLMES' Lltorarr Derat, No
74 Third. etreet. ortaadte the ruet nece. _ er , d 2
tortitonea. Mood, 1.-lore-thus. indenture, o>ecutdoo..
tqmstor.o o , Ulna of (bat, Articles of A.Vegragept.
Attsclatler.. Fee Lblla ar., tr. tor .01. at .
N. B. lIA dudloper.
sep3 corner Market ual eeeed.d
and 2, of thla eatellent aterk b. not
been potash
eq. The 2d and Nis, are equal to. not hetter than the
brat. All pr dna are itotod build, ebould hare °-
Fact, ouroter Mut. , tour 000 labograph eugrarto. of
, original drew. forentwrem, rtll.n. noburban hesidenc..
• .anunPanted by extdanstlnue, weeitra Lot. wia , l btu'
ma sarO, for , r; pacL4 atth the
'et7,Mberlt.hed.'rendeee 0. me ' 0 ' 1 1 .1.101 ormunotrfr=
dl7,ltl:7l.ll;fl.lMbinteMrat7i-'6:l'oo'.'"Nro'74mTttrol street
:noun. Ud. Post Otrlce
NOW, by . Ryan
, , '•
UoTires Child in Amer , : Mountain Duey. to I..ulet . . .
I wae happy eta 1 lowed y 00. In dream. of pewee. Child .1 : b.
the Ways. •Ith viagen, lon th•eye a And to thy Lat• ~ b
tica, with elg.ttu .Selly lily, rooter; The, by
Schubert. The Ilappy Chance. by Itinwell; Jul, 11 ,1, w, , i
Itrtne.'lWrrtAe4l.lf.°,l.":t•!•.,ftre grlnit Votl ' l ' Z 1 t
Nall, w. 11 Lady; Beettina In:it—Twilight btu. 14., . b
Weeping; Home I feel m deatrioo ttigh. duetie. Sou. ot I
Me 1111,4 Brothers. Hall Columbia. with liken.. ef lieu t,
Wathington, Lo Belle of the Vtliawe, Fel. Itrillittht, Lb
l t artf'll"y!'4,?kartr.l. V.olll=4.7.;""ZZatiii !Sir,
m bit' Polk., three 1.41.--Carbeita. Ali...hem. •oo .
Yeuir le. • Ith o.bleted vignette, by Wyer, Flo**, Behouteh.
11.14.40 Sabra° and Le Petit Tambour—bomb. Bd.,
bur tdon. Bug gle , Quick blep,_ th ree Medi, Overt. ,
—NO.I. Kure of 71.1.4 No. T. b/w:btu , of lreLatid. N..
3, Thietle 1 1 Reed nod for asu by
.0 JOUN 11. 11K1.L.01`.. tit Wood rt.
NE W BOOKS !—The Stone zap
11.rui of Saint Point a Village Talu
1 . 1111 Punartine. .Tranalabei from the
Vrench •
Memoir ef It, Edward Birteuoth.late hector 01 tf at.: ~
tot, Hem; by Ilry. T. It. A. ,ltecur of Kellehall.
Herts. with an Intruluctlon by burl.° U. Tyng. 8.04
I rob , mw.
. Anttion . . Boman Antljultioe. a Slum. of Ito . m.i_An.
tater With unmet e. 11.1. U. attoow. by Charle s Antheta,
' Light In th; Dart Pleatuur llemonale of Christi. LIG
i in the Middle Attex. nom
the ..rAtan of tb. late a...
531. hounder; lento, 13111/1.
The Mar of
4 .y
aCorarbe,ritary math, Second
Cbap tar of Bt. Slatthor. by
theneett French, B. i
D., lA.:mai. Cimplato of the Lord Kebob of Oxford, le.
Keileul flush Lb* Lowleti edition. luoo. mw.
mli ru M
Algob—The emel:Ao Ai
1...... . 14
' for liestuneru by Ella. Loconts, NI A-. f
1.10/11.01 a,
o df
i " t.
tio".7l,l.orial Field Brut of the Itevolution, Laud.
, j ' Yt ' arr ' Z'a N :hd 4 fc i . l r=C ',N""—tt..l'L.MltrAr,
1 , 1 Apollo Bolidi., Fourth et
. 1V EIV BOOKS I—T - enroll , in the United I
4,..;:ital,,,klcoaitl.v.irvlSrllii.antl,li?!.. by the Lady Km.
; ;Sr,llutnagl.Troli•?ete7; i n zetane er J. S Cabbett
. No. N. for About. Appletot's Aeam.. MI and
, Gniftmern , Journal.
0 : No. lb Pictorial Field Boot of the 4001010 ion.
0 , Nos. 15 maul :95 thetlonary of Mechanic, Ermine Work
I "'d E'''''''''"' J I. Vitt! I ' t ' ..t pr ' fl i 1713 g ualutre.
•: Fourth .troto79l
•I' ' •
/ rut a Bracutitth hare 4.1. received s tot of eerT
, beautiful Ifugliab hinu, made ',rte.', 1. ' , WWI.. et
d . the World's Fair. to which the attention of the
lull eels Ire
eite autab
' ---T--
New Music
LONPON LABOR and the London Poor,
'lliiere'N'iF:dl2i9.2!).4lllt;LitAtmof•thLliers;;B. 1 1')Va N T o 4 . 4tire erne. ,
°profits 00 Pomt don. rep.,
New Books, Just Received
EAST a Problem; reprinted
o fith correc
tion., and additiook by the suitor f Alton Locke.
" taZe,% ' Ot Clover. Queen of Bitert: be Jacob Abbott.
18 =1...71:14: • Tale of Um i
aal lu
1 . 11130... moo.
Esstborr. • Tale: by Aorta 11. Barry. uttbor of ...Ferrel.
irpTeTtr.ll,WrOkTsfin'irtne sod Bristoecre dow
n* tio.ti:'
34[1 1 / 7 'd D1.r.8r0t447 oferbadcs, Opnlo. Work ust Co
Book f ars I In N 4
F L =:: I Plc
Geogretr . hr sod B?blo 111
OresPhic ftsp " , by W. H. Hibbard. of KW. Nene. , W.f., -
' rare: edited by Dudel P. Kidder. 12m0.. mits.
For stfle be J. L RBA%
78 Apollo 13011410kf. Pos.-Net.
Bow Books.
t ODFREY MALVERN: of the Life of an
vi eau. , B T flotsam Willer. With tventr.four
lon'inbibPe h it:di.' States, sc.. dories 1040 sdd 0000.
ld. j 5 : 4 /op__ r for Istbo""rstnnrottk, Ivor.
'Ds rouse °outsold roed nod fur tale by
leßi C SINCKTON. 47 Buick eO.
MAGAZINE, No. Fr; for
9htietslir . kltamtstic Tale.
Pewee...left: LIB of Hra. Bsrfts.r o l Maitland, of Bon.
ritlr:lll7obl...‘lllVlforary Bore.. drPofito Wt. rot o
1 001(5 —No. 33 of Byrne'n Dictionary of
,:u% 7°`
----A Inner oorortrt of ClOrre g la i lcb l 72 o .. .U.
jolt for Yla
ttitiltia . voiirta rt•cat• •
N 11.--Itano taboo to onedsono. Jtco
TILE SPIRIT POLKA, composed by 11:
FElrber. and dedlooted to Stepbert C. rooter. or tat.
W.l " . . "' f
"" a abet U.
ti b o . .; by KV. •
?1 Ile
Dolcy Jones, with ctrl Dime-. by D 0.1. 4,3
Tho Autumn or one Yr.., by George or.
Alro.•too seleeticrflolirmelayr
Violin. in Eb r o of the Doldoo
p 8 ol.tendld lof of non KA:NOS [lOll opeon4.
One. 0001 .
a bort sareco4-lAnd ort..e Plboo fbr
ft.;47An ''' "l " ll'b°}l.'= l ":. : ls :ii i r on a °l-1 r !.11 : ,17 . 1'7.17i,F.;
T.`ilibt.."l"AtlT:r.;.l.u., Doe r ff..
veartitt ancer Ao.:l•l= i, o llti `aa l lal' ad Or
kroo l o.d . Yento; loyettler rrlth
aire , of ther
Ere¢v of. the tz Its
El 000 eetu,s, .d • &vont of tbo
47 Marko
Ep p F H A . LE ,
Talen ,
th o e f Stirrin g
Times, by
% mmtlotarvatln¢.nrb the
1 0 .°2 14:1:4 "
wow „,„, r nr 1(11 010' Literary Dimot. Third .veal. me
posits the Poet oMco
ict 00 K S AND STATIONERY—Juit rec'd
.1 0101.11E00. Lutalr., Depot,
No. 71 Third street.
. .
f i l UP. CARB. SODA-3 iege or sale by
10 .o f. K. N. WIC f
WRITING-2.00 lAA, extra dry, for e.XIo ,
me., corner And sad Weed sts
WINDOW SLIADES—A supply of Trans't wth '''' "" a ''' J. "11.111 ra b is.
PEARLS --°b tops No. 1. in -store and for
sale be (sail) .J OCANYISILD.
Al—i-11-1-TB FISH AND Trtijul - •.
W bble. WSlte Oh, ISS1:
Olt& Stns. Tree “
LAsultss a 4 fur We by
• -
LI 'Ghia. Fresh, for sale by '
sas26 DALZELL _
b.-E.ESF:.--:16 boo. prime W. R., for sale by
soar. R. DALZELL a OU
BORDERa, atabraaing • rat Tariaty p a tterns
Pda".,l‘""Wd a n d .P 4 ALVEII, !laza.
suii:3 • t st.
LARD 011.-10 bble. No. 1, for eale by
aut3o J. Krim k. 00.
113iNECE STONE-800 lbs. for sale by
L sue J. ?SUM A CO.
O b.
F—F—ALOTONGUES--Justreceived from
et.lAuts, • ftw down doges Buffalo Tongues.
Wk. A. kkOLUII.O A 00 ..
Almon and.Tra Dealgro.
ILIPLDEN EXAIIP-40 bbls. for sale 14
‘ 4 , adta 8. W. lIABBAUGH.
The moat Eztraordinary Dieroviry is the *orid i
the swat Arabian Remedy for Man and Reuel
H. G. Farrell's
tlhG. FAJlRELL'genuirie Arabian LICA
, meat la • most etrannlinari m.lleme, the truth
played n a tch is hernial doubt hy the east rain of the
article. and 0 many runes being dalli fa . rfhrtni'd bl it.
skill niT,'''''''ptard,i'.V.'.`7.ltll,o.,"..4,rt6f.',." ud '2,1
of balsams, extracn , and gum, peculiar In Arabia. Pas...a
ping. luaunevutrated form, all their at.' tu Ul ating . Sam
g e a' s . P T
; t rii g g a:M U e s ' l,l ' „.t, " •, u 7 1 .1. U er I/Ir . ,Z0;11 .' 0? s tri d e
Ihnnrt." with sue ) miraculous succe..a. in curing the du.
" res ' al ( telorl ' ::l::; d ret . x , :r ) liatile curer , . a blob should of
themselves p 1... flat. Parrell's Arabian I.tniment far le.
ion,' any similar tvmedy.
About a g ear and, a half ago, a ...welling appeared In mi .
aife's stun...h. gradually. turrea.lng ku sty until It br
m o n . as large as my fiat. and au otre that she ounbt not
bear lb.:least pree.ure titans It a ithout giving her estreme
Iwo. I got the aa•ice of our t
ithea they differ
.11n optuinu about 11.. aurae d our an Aaue Val., or
culargemput of the I.pleour rum,', that It ..ata Kularge
meat of um thanra, and ther' , sa , d it wan a Tumor Of
the ovaries. and t.. 1.1 t...t 0 be our...learnt ha-nutting it
out. In tint critical situation. 1a as persuaded to trill.
ti. Earrellh. Araluau Liniment ll MiLL It. awl. stn." a , i It
may appear, upon the dunk appliration ,he Leg. tuns,
pm, and Lae nuititkued getting better daily. until now
,hel.,,v, as p a , erer—enjoying excellen
}kWh t health. "
D. :YELL.'
Pearls. March 6.1041.
i Itoludt Illudn, postmaster, raysil
t i leroetawn. Nlarrh 1449.
• One woman luxe inavl your Liniment with great theeenu.
She had but the of Ler legrlor three years, the node
being onntract"l en that her legs were D ente, inurb while
standing. a 4 le natural for the Idoitlon of the leon while l
sitting, and. mite eciull not bend them in lliedvast: but by I
the too of 11. G. Farroll's Arabian Liuhnent., eh.. te now
able to walk with cod hen r aitreight limb: I have
found It arid. excellent remedy lar borer fleet, 11, far
07000 thine which requires m external rentetly.
The opt/. On of au ail, estiarleneol. and scientifie Carrier
Washington. lowa, June 26, lain
yeeru the eperdy permanent cures, both an min eval
heaat, which Your Arabian Liniment Iv perfarmlii4Vl do
not heeltate to pronoun.. It the "Great the
ittl.Lerlehrlri yi“trlfed.vt'r=s9inhirentt'rUlL'intu'to.t.earrs...
no ninth puffed up In the impel, but 1 must soy that ' il.
U. Ferreira Arabian Liniment eseeethi any that I have
made use of. 11y ite nee, I bare envoi fiweeny and r'isrm
loth, after they h.] been prunounrinl Incurable, and I have
cured 1110tP than fifty hones thlelvanon yOur Lint
men, em
every abed.. of down., frau/ tor - etcher
and bruises up to sperm, ring - hone. and "went, c o n
nia.. bear
of lie good effeeto on the human eyv.
tem. I war contined nearly all List winter f 0 MY
with IthousneliFm, thUld,get nothing halt` me 0.1
ttl elltrim.or.,l the nee of your Linn:tient entirelY
cured ma WM. 11. Li
Bun Plain of ten yearn' standing cured by 11. U. Varrelth
Arabian Liniment:
Ile. 11. 11. Ythattz—ltear Bit; I hod born sMictad with
the ',inn Pain' . for the le. , ten Yeast and mold
relief earept by bleeding but by tin. wee of 11. it. Farrell's
Arabian lAnunent, aptilud over the temples about tlin.e
four dole. &day, It tar reme , edi sod 1 have 1e"
nothing of It Chnec.. I • Into the stable one MOIL, to
bfiti l an t ilfet!rod'at.7l7 14'„LittioicptilcieTis
t o badly that ' ther t o
te clack Sc my
to brine
them powerleva. 1 applied your Linitrient.and woe we ,
enough In it few day, to go *boot e.ain ueua
l. I abe
grit h .j d og
La Smile Preethet, Peoria en.. 111 I'•b..
u, 141'.'n..
muelsed tor hot, ten o io.- it: rowdier. ' •
badt.log tall up. lh your I anima.... hod , . 01. rrlIE CANAL being - now open, we are rea "' '
JOIN II 10....17 Imo/
La S.alle Preelliet, Peoria en.. 111. Feb. c., lats. ,ly . milder and forwent promPOY. rv ol . o, . 75,5 , ta..7
• 1 5 errhandoe. eat soul wont. Co
Freight. aliware at Inward rears <barged Cl rewieso.ble s of C
Brtecire of Counterfeit.;. i Lir..., A' RUA ,
So GUARD AGAINST lii POSITIUN. HEAD TIIK TOL- , Produre and steehandlte ;in be retrieved and forwanled a n d
COWIN , / CAII 5:11.1 I.LI .
sera[ awl without any charge for An - warding . ad- aieo
a.. i ancino juns ntonwe.
The l'lthht ` . ".. " r "" ilar '' `" tl " u "' " .i.“ ' l ' — ' ' i ':
Dille •4 i.lino f 'rarer - tied, an. all directions faithful', Zur.
thuwer.fett which ti. lately utade an appear., nod . • Add
Wind by the. who maitre ft .11,* It Farrall's anal'. . I th'^d . 'd ..' 0 -se . aPPIF . r lb.
. Liniment,. ~ ~,,,,, f r .., a „, p onee ~phh, , , 1V5.1 111.NOILV4
. .t CO, Canal Dixin. ' Ald
. deem. from to, beating theyameel Farrell, There Ly n Lila., toll li a) ne sta. Iltuburgh. C 1,,.
Ill.:II &NI A DOCh, lAI Nlarket 'L-
' lrtion t' en ' t. "' " f ' ,r lur ui.,,riu r rn ' t , l ''' ...l ‘, l " 4 ".. l..rr if w''''.lolsliron'pr....a.-1......r,Vr' ' • o ladle
j e1t , , , 5 ,. ...... , n,r i t1 ... rti1 , ,F , , A (7 , h .. ":",...."Th' db *
Illut'S lott.mtutr. u,n ~,u
i n the genuine. hot ~‘,,,",,, . A
f.. - 11. I. Aline/Cs strucdon Asatment s 7 .....1 I , a• ~...1,.r.. No. 1, North Il..ward et., Daltw.. ~,
.. the geu Woe always 1,. we letter. B. ,:. { Lion Fall , . .
awed ngnature t• alen on the out.. wrh.s . , and .0- . ..`k' 3Ail KA 111 NO II A NI,. No. 10 West et.
N,. Yuri,- P . ' "
a t
ama...ern in the att.. bottla--Jj. G. M.,,..r....,1age. . I at t
i t:Zar. • I' Liteti .: in evory Town. 1 illim. and 11...h0 . .I' , ! titi4ft--":21 .1S 5 I'
the UM/ Statee. so whicli soar. uot ..doldobel, Li Ali ' yr •t.
tio kiwi le u. o P•, i...ria. iii . wen .......1 ~.1.1..e . inereutititte TranspOTtatiOn Line,
...10ch..., reepirsilality, ge ,
editor the a s ,ent um. ~,,, t0r ,,,,, p p ,... ~, ~,,,.., 1 (VIA PENN , LVANIA CANALS AND ittal I..IIOADS) 11,
writ nintiuning much valuable Information tor Gerry el. , I FOR. it'll DELPII IA DIR.FIeI'—WIT II- j
I•mos,—lSeente, tX, sent. ,nit env d.dtar ler Is.. , f . A. 51eANULTY A 00., Canal Ilaetn. 40 Coon Meet. 0
v.,. ontypmassn. Is manufartured to 11. 0 ....di. w•tr ,
~• , , Pitt,horob.
louvre ....A . A n ' d. • A" 6 `l'esai . drudd . 7. 7 . •` - , CH t111.K.9 RAY NO R, CentrahlTlNdk. Brnad.street. Phila. lor
!trio 1./.1... I noels, 111, ..1 Ad We ...hole.. nod retail as ~.,
~,,-,.. ~•
propriend n p.p., Cr . K. ), sh.l.l.lote no
801 l
No. 67 Now :owl . f t are prepared to only. • lard.. amount ...rehandle.
Ball to IL SI CC rat V. Allegheny Ott RAJ pn.hoee in stop on the opening of the ran.. to Phila. wt.
, Viol.. and all Intermediate plat , .,[ lo•er rates, and trl I elf,
wee time than to .fli . hereto...son
The Homan Body Must Perslare. 5.,.-- N. H. 1 lir roPretuard number rd IT Ic• pmptiled hi. 1p
4, - 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy at ~li-.,,,,,,r.,,,,,r.c,!,ii,‘,..i,zr,..;,•,.....finir,-...rV1p.a1itiff,,,,,,,:,..,;z,...,.4 .-.
kJ p-eratare: and per.. who do ant 1..0 0, are hs''' I Iplinal. ‘, •ti. lolida.te.7o or C 01... .. thia ...L.: ,
W the nnat ,I.ptinslon hine........ NoW. ie..' 11,..en t' A MeV: ULTY A C 0,7,
Chrinieal t+on MOM a fn., perepinal..... awl the • I n.,,,„, Can. Davi , .
time moll.. 13J cad.. thr skin, met. st the l•a
of ao MI, . • '
Scurry, salt about: and '"eire. are not only waled. . 1 . ....bay.14 1 85 1 ,
eurod by Its are,.. least] phyneiane so N keen as
f ww, we II in euel, ea..., awl DO,. Wattling—M. l . , in .
Pimples. litaa.., in.lies. or any , . t , J . eltindia . ..• Tt . ' • To Shippers of ISerchr.ziuse, Produce, &c,I i',.
1 reader ar..ured that [',le no uaelet..
at u..trum, .. . _ _
On , trial will ponce. I ea.. ...suers. at le.t canoe . *•, +,.., r , •••ii ~,,, ,•-•,•• ~.• • 1i.01. , .., ,,. ..,,,.•
, 17.
i ,e•oie• , are•i• - 4 er.r.• ii,iiii.fer.o.a......i .i9n. t•.•iiei. RELIANCE PI 1"I'SBURQII 'I HANSI OR - I r
80, It—snd the reader is ag.........1 I wduld ~,,, mu.
toy evil It frir the a.... yule. I Anew it to be ell I et. , •, TATION LINE.
. rl T li hr ., wu1,0,....,1,riant,1e.W.,,erh,...1,..,dr...ept,a1,.....0r.e..A.aprd teal.. „. .
co lT u lt „. 1 .. )::
~. ..r ,t 2i, . . . 1 1 t 'Air .. 17 , A , , , r , ..., No .?X Slat a et. tort pit
. 55 ' •dLif add. tAat . 0 1 .i. aSh. , wh aul of the eh , . a,” BELL • Lod, pr r.t...... C.. soon, Pilteburnh.
or alma,' .11.0 yea. a ill nud on. mid and.l. n more I edua • • JO , Ti 1 lad. 5 ri5N. Ape... Ile.ltimar• \ . ,
re1J0..... nrolerto. than I no.. • We are trot..., on the mening of the Pent. lean.. 1
,1 -. 11 , 11n naaler , the glad, are Mewled slit laalla. , o, Csoad. to .I.tryt for A retaht at an low. 1.e.. and go ,
:, .1 1.• eon. you .6 ha .Its. Ilehantieweal ace.1,—....1 . alupler.... d'" ..h ' 5 " '"' .....7 'db . "' Ir. I .
. i buy O only of W 51.4 ACKdON. ally Ages!. 50.0 , ..h. • let Sdaut I
d • head of 1% ood. I ,
ct.r. 1 - ..kZI ---. \ 4
' • ' I
Poorly White 'feetti, and Pure Breath, to , , 2 ::„...7;..p ki4 ,,. 0 „„.„ ~..,. ...,. ,
be had for 26 oente--Fero , ne who 1.,... either. era ti,.,, Pittsburgh Motion Line.
, .. Mt easttrl that .1 theo breath is er. .... tool.. thou •
ra t I teeth deerayed. asz I. or tellow. an! .err ea +. t I dl. JA M 1. - Ji II wad : all A. Co. Crud Satin. rt,,,1,” . " 7 " ,h I
, that •A , cent boa of dd.., Mater f t.ah Pease • 111 .cake ~,,T on_ a A .t. eo, laepot, 1001.1...1 Luerr.S...... l
• tho torn ' A " '''"'•'.. 5 ....• sod the ..0....A .0 1 ..r . 0 awl Nt , d r,..,11. Fourth atm, ted..... Itarltat Lad 1.1,-,- I N
111 IS :,..11-.. - 1, i•hila , iptil• ,
imOtt attly at .s•ChroJard Store, S.P. Lillrrt I ciL. li-ed of ,re. IS ',ill, aINi , 7o North atreet, Balelmore, ,
. Wo.
h. IIAA I N 0 fully c•.litt•leted oiti• arrange-
.... A Soienittle Bair Tolis••, Ildrt..lo, Mid beau ,1 1 .••.,•• ~- wo , , . pr•-i. , ,- 1 to- 11: ., e
. /. , I i..., , _._
" ) — T^ 6} U . Its , ''''. '`'''' th.s . ' s L'' Warr 5. ` • • r.i7:1.,"11';4.,..',r.e'''1ht1'ea.ter171....1 o.''"
tork.)4a c t.To!b:A
.7 •datts . Coral II.) 16,wror. 11.... /4 •loxll.l4...nantio• .
~,,,,,,,,, ~.,,,,,,,,„,:. „ ~,,,,,,,„„ .„ ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,
those who Caro WA.. •, 1......urr. ill punnors It,. halo. mg ' p„..„ ,2.,... ~, ~,,,,, pgory .tiq....t...‘1 cyrn thaik {LW th•
01:11dille.C.—Il will h.. the hior to groe on .., part a lere , ~,..,
~...,..,,,,,,,, lire,„„ r ,. ,4,,,,
mann. tu.nd..l tar e to amw, et, it fallwE ••dl. our , ~r, . ~,,,,,,..„. . t , „,
~,,,, ~, ~,
~.,.,.. ~,r , ...„,,,,u
r , a. and mat Ilibt. red,. arse est Ands aur• i a „,, r ea tir atlonied
an, 0L.1. , r Liao.
Par rrodrnmst the holy pelt and nit , 0,11,11,51.1 elm.. ~,i „,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,, „,. 7 ,, 5,
NU—. maters It .nly ....o s.“ Leet . "..• k ` 7 ` I. I lull A Co., Cusrintottli r. Wehh. lulseillo. .d la a a
SAKI. ah• nawa .0...1.. 1 ~ .tua.‘" , .. -- .r.' l " .." '' i (mlssroe, It. 14.34 Will Lllt with on
at.: p,,,, err.' II ltor Line he• ro , ecioneetton whatever with`ph ,
I. Fold only at WII JACIKS.N . tI rlt.,, tt. Liberty etreet . l'huladeletia amt l'ittal•onzh 1
Line of Ai
07 hail of Pstutotral , , to. 1 Co. (ebb.,
pytede--TN, was, .t oat.. 10/4 SI ,
'''• JONES' 'Solution -- of Jet, to Licisid liumuis , COVODE & COLE, ' ,
, Mgr Dye, for U. rhea - wog of white. real, or grey biro ,
tia b.utitul brown. or .2,1 .I.‘ rotor. In • tewwwul. , tenor.... to. !del , aden A Carols
Pri...-1. cents. and AI. Canal Bunn, Perm.Strert.
nit , 134.1 by W5l. J ACISBON. 210 Lab.2l, street., toad a wow, ____
,11,, i Plttat unit.
le. -- . P almer. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road'
JONES' LILLY IA lllTE.—Lidic , C h ore eate ' r 11 1 11 E sule.erit•ers having been i11ti1,011tt. ,. .5
fled Dowel agelnat wing the tionimun prepand Chalk; the y t ...polo,. agent. for the Penn.ylrania or Contial 14,1
IAo a r e not aware bow friabtfnlli tou Lira., oc. to it. ...ite • K.. 1. tondo. Ore p e ti t that " 7 w.,,
0 n;' . .,,T,1 . 1 . " 7 .. 1 , 711 ',, 1 7 -
~.... how c.a.. how rough, how rand., yollow, a rpluot.e.thy 01.. •11, !amount meldturitre R oa . for ea, ikm LI
L'••• the Wu appear. alter newt prepared thalt, bead... it a ea.,
aro ...Otte of Irian .r. a Id. ILI. n.uto will he marital through in fire 'la,'
. I N l ''. l P . .;.rp'ro' i p r alWt....iinfill ... a itat,Loaruch..whi , h we ad:l r a:l 0... an,. to as son I . ' , 1er .1.6 ''' ..4 ''''' . m0.4 !' ..
I all Jen.' hpantah MD, White. 1 asw ..1 ....rod tar wired.. \
,d i It 1.. perfectly innocents helng purlnni of ell deleterbdo
• • I .
...- i..." L i i.S . to , i , i.J. ,,, .we 'Alit • toot ural healthy. ea. • ..r. Pr PAMIR LAI SIAN 111.11.11,11r1J14 ,Cutler illlttaMlN.,
... 11A•Al.r, clear, firing 01111, ea III? Hi./ tini. wetang a• oe. i Dry 6.15, /0., She., Itoolia Stationer Tyy.Confece
Ix ...herr Furniture , Drug.. Medicine',
Gott 1 'tr,lo'!,,ythtl."'Li4t,°':i'fitl.l.,"V:re‘iA', ' lt h i.ll..rty ,street i ,-"...l:Ur'JF.r:it..i, ' ' 51.1ie li too ii...
1 head -I ,VO4. Ihttehorgh 1... sa ...roe Ilordwere.queepewere. (ine.m.. Painta, Dye t-: offs, Oil..
god , '
. . • , I.,:atliersel•Ter. *FLA. twantby end othertlnh. beasts,
- 11 net.... , r sae - pi 10U.
MORSE'S . c..,, , . ,•,-rt, Butter a loud, Lard Oil, Tobactr 1.47 , 1,_,Ct gr.
" I ` Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Az-z1i.,0,T...,-„.,...n.....,;,,.. aud0.ii,... ', 1 c,.
i ICCU i'i ES the front rank among the pro- Dem, tfie•eii, 4••••. , , ,
c,,,,,,,,,,,.•=ai 1 40
11l prletory medicines of this country -far completely orrrner Pron mid I% ay. atm..
I UR- • lurks. Cww'.... '-'." Rheum, KIrr "' " "? " 4 n ' l " th' '''' ' IStraderra July 1... in. 61.--41 0, •
,_,. o.e. arleing from an impure atate the bbeel
"•• Laved (samplalnt Catarrh. 11,•,{,a, 11..s.:,h,P.Diuturew. '
bite I ' ' ''..' , d flAi.l . "' . 5 ° 05 the 'les` , *ono . ~,Freight received for all the Way Stations
, 5 ° .,,, u ,.... 4 %,;• . ,, r ;:na r 5ra dm.... ..I • Loki.. .....0. .
' I rabint'llie thneit, and is wael (ollb unPre..hadael Fuer., . on the Peansylvania Central Railroad.
In ell ra... of
'nor ' &maid ireakneAs • and Orneral Det.illiy. j 1,11,—. • Achim J. 11.11 ere.
Atxustbentos the weateped laxly. wino tone to the . Itfllin. , Js.rno North
t om, rations or.rss. end lnelgorating the entire eyelets. , Lewletewn, Jam. W 1... •
tl. If the testimony of thouwade Of livlvor wanes., from ' Mount 17nItu, J. D.Z....-I,Pler..
all parlour the muotry. ran le. rebed nPut, It ...Out... llootinr.n. J. D. Kerr
Ip e11e...1a curing all 11... e n ... sot mooring debillts. 1 Ppruiw. C.d., I. Nlillikets.
Ml and brokeo down nonatitution• It I. palrell , eget. Ti roue. A• IL Clark.
rrre- bin In It. ronipoltlon. and w, aedunonly .whined in it} Ilollolay•buroh.
ro..rtinos ;hal the chemical. ..tame.. and mount rie- I 1-,, h. Moderwell.
'..1. alode ell a KaulAIL
. . . - .
proportions OM the chemical, botartirai. and me. co rev
„,,,iiea of each incredient harmoniously unite to
Purify the Blood.
It um removed many ettenniedisearmurhieh have balled
the .tW of the best physician, and ham aleo corm/ Centre.
Salt Rheum. Ermipeley and krauts. 'which e.r... , 11.
"Tir.,.......'1r."1,,trt1."..mw0k.,,1nV1A0.4',. .7-72sTr.
IdOltS. The most oostinme Caner,” have been cum/ I,
this medicine. We my that It is • •alnalile medicine in ell
BILIOUS UONIULAINTS It removes all obatrurtions in
l e y arit'="eaTairtntorofLtlviee,l'lrtZit retirees7:in l 7l " ; ' lli .
all mum of Asthma 0..1 .to he omd In .11 rilmatea and
at all scumme of the year
TVA,. V., rip is prepared only hy C. 510115 E% CO., at 10 . 1
Vountain street. Pmvidenic. It 1., md sold, wholesale and
tvtall, bY i N. 14 ICEERSIIAM,
Only Arcot for Vrestrro PennsTiYania
layb., Warehouse- mrom Hood and 'Sloth .4.1111 c.
B.l'. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
1 ) 1V ASIII NG without labor! ' Warranted
to tate the Mains out of table Heinen and nat-
c-rtona Vox teen—rot Tonr clothea a anffieient
Quantity of cold water to cover them. then add two table.
sTcurifuln of tin,. Stwp Powder. to each six neartn of water
trep.l with the elother, if the water is bard. aid more ot
the Powder. and tall them ten minutes, in the roe. tune
imams them down with • suck, then put them in • tub and
add inafficient XIX. Ito that they will not be not hot
to handle. Then rub the dirt,. atrealt... or In other worde,
give them • thorough rinsing. and that It sufficient to
mate them clean.
N, P.—There being no
in in this Snap. it will tears
the clothed very white. aral no bad oily ruirli. as tenor
soaps do. Theentire met of the material nerd doe. not
Wtwo mute, La complete • waahlog of urn
Warranted not to rot or 'wore thy clothes , .
This is • Powder that one paper will make tweire quarts
be Wail, SofV4s.p
-0111RCTIUMP Out.—Tate. Pay eta , uart. of .elan nut
MIX WO tinPowde th tirosnd then let it boil. Far too mite
utss ih tn . atii: e i ku cold water:4lr, them Intanahl
wi le
mid it will be *7.y when,
‘l lo t o t t it r e7s.7:it, n s o n.l
mesh well, and will not eat the hands bite other P , t,it
Soap, nor mt the clothe , Can be used with bent nr
VoLer, by mama the oUlality into Ma quartOarbool of
twelve. The Knit liner Is best .darted tot
and woollen goods.
told wholettele and retail by It. N o
Je7 No. ha. Wood et.
_ - .
. _ ..
AROMATICI/017.1h5,5hi5:5i5...,,,,7.. :
.1' 1 ,, N ,. .
1 1 , : :i p t , r . k ,v 11 ,. . „ . „. —:
fur th le e
ordinary pullawes of Tb:A7V. ` ::, ' ; ` ,!,;l " ;:,; ',. . ` :::
I. tag the loner In Ifs Pf"rfutfio tiod e ,ti2C:7 ,. d itt b. v, 4 ,
trl'P'`i'gr,9 - .::,`,,,1nt7Z1:. '"
' 1%,110! for an. ordinary and
deli 0 purpones ..2 the WU,. awl by nretaerverig tho
treat , am of the complext , m. Ite vn11.11.....p ,, ,tt1. , tom.
per th heat axid aryl.... of the rkin. and Impart to 11 an
utfeesble elvtletty By Inhatinc it, and robbing 1100
'b. t'""1"' II
ni".7,,Tt713?°;t1. ° 0 , 1111"..".'i; ,
NOTICE—The partnership heietotore c . x-
Wit, wafer the firm of 1 , 1. A, 1011111 , . & CO.. 1..•
1 thht day ta•eti'dlool• , .. l hr mutual ("Mt.... .
. lIIIIi, " it ' A r N,
KullE.. It nLY.NTV..
. .
(10PAItTNERSIIIP—The ouhooribers have
.terell Into Co-Partnerslii(vlrli7:MyAfiip, of Contra,
me. A 01.11'•
Jet _ JOlll , M. iIIiVILY.
13ENNETT, BERRY & co. have reworod
to their owe Warrhouoo,oorner of Chatteer 5 , late and
trot stmt.jyrhtf
_ - •
- •
Greenwood Garden.
CHOICE oonection of Shrubbery, Vining
Altne,,a, Raspberry, Straw brry,Groeetwrry. Rhubarb,
, Vit., ban!, Monthly ILnars, and every pllOl thr•
INMSZIT 10 onasnieut yanls and warden, wOl ho found at
Oreenwwd tiurarry. An timolbue leave, the corner ol
rh ' e ti . O ' nri ran ' Creamsr".'":arorg n:fZl ' o r zl! ' n ' :: Wrrv u o ' l i t ' i ' ;
Ors addreestd to the proprietor, Writ Mimebes.t.
Ail 1 1i,.. 0 t y , molar, P.,-, will mein? promp . t . a •` . t • ntl , !" :t.i.
• .2 _._.
3.5 c) rrlans Med.. Ilan cud Ntraw Wrappinr Parr:
1:50 Crown - .
60 - 1)00010 CIOOD ° - ..
111.5 - warted Manilla ..
•• ..
WI .. Hum.
Pllrr Poll Office Paper:
100 - Doub.e Medium 24x37 Printing Paper.
100 ° Imperial
34 -
The above, with a lot of odd sites of papers,ar, for N
pale at
the lowee. prices, by , W E,
Etatloner awl Paper Dealer,
.1.Z5 corner of Martel and Neeond ..r.....
TO and Painters.
Alas . BRAND, TlltODOlig
O nli a l g iti ß 7 3',ruttte rsrom reworded ty the OM,' Medal of
=aka. Institut, tar powering on•o+ri.o nett.,
main Of ehode and color. Ta•te.ofsetur,u of the 1a..,
Paint tue perdreed We doemot krol moot brilliant ortkle
of Kee Green. that It permanent., sad theta. be 'mild
mt detrhae;t es the dude. imod hoe rodoted Ws pi,
owe to utteorTlag oolformity. ,
now, been appolowl role 10024 for the ode of this
eeletosted brood of role Orem. Deaths.. rn yin be pup
',Lied ire:toed view. lt. K.
lili • in w
vis id iaart, 1 s i . A g a ' Pittsburgh I.* Insurance
, Compatm
I\ ,L .'• I ' riplit;:i CO:III'ANY ', ineorpurttteil, 171 1 I
• i, petual t§rnr•and't
LAKE WI 'AI4II,MICMGAN LEFF. , Ap'......',..7%1;,2"..'!".:." . ° „.m r ,i ti..,...,0 •
ON Tiff. EXTriSION CANAL. ' , The Cot:dually dar.e huMne a lallt .n. thoJolut.ittorlt t0, , ..1
CIARKE. PAl ‘ K ‘ ..' " k C.- .I ?,'''''' '' ' ' '' '''''.....-\\ ' M 1=2.!./t,l Snwk plan the 1.4 are on...third 1..... dud,
Pr iIE PROI'RIETOR:3of thin old and well . More rhargerl. br Muta m it:;:r .. l7 L .tle%! m ti . , l Fir,e r nr e rl: ent . ,
I known I. wopld inforM I. public that thet .0k , I lrn't.Vr.tjliC ibe same a. :lime ' I nh,: L n.,l foe n th er r,,,
now in operation for the unoent Maron , od h.'. .....°', safely rondorted eompaulra Th. ittrunrl on tbe routu IC.
reel nr.e , vinn Freight ..4 P. , ...n n , t.r.. "L" , i , th
. ",r, , f , , , 0 r7 k, L I prmcipl.. haveldheomibinea arel ti, lumpi est ti. that , 44
IznrrAto,:r.,t 1,',"1. 1 1-741":.1;•,"tt,..TAi,:i':.` , .. L; . w , y,...,a,zr,, , , , ..z,: r t,-,,a„, , ,t t ‘: . Cat. , iaa,l e.aariaa Fatal a , i
L, he constantly atthe landa,. below the !tenon- The Charter priors the rirauting IL,t . turursne• en life. ', .
0711.-.67:.".".lfat'a:lrLat'''llT‘:Ant'riCthAllVe6,l'aint"...l'4lltt.'rabur.rt.l.l. I:l,l,l•77l°'.°7'irl,.'l'::,i7V,,lr'‘,i'r,,,,r'f:::?li,''.rh:-J' :N.`,,,;.;g:r.7'h.n.'M.7,,,..1,A7E.:1 "t,:.
CORSIGNFiII, \ I or upon the psriler nmeing at the l 0 . - ,14., f. 5, .0... , r of., ..,
It A Cunn.nuh. 11/. 1. Caatlr. Fa- ~ iat the, optlon ot the inrUred.
It V tlather . Vular l. P... VV..= . • • ' ,
1. •
1.3 . CM.I PP . Sharon .' \ \ .1.. m. II fi. lio , , til. l're•idinr.
.1. , • .
J A nut% Sharp- I .4th;
, .arbre A C., Oreerryillw.. ~ , herl ,,
A u,. Hem°. liertrtown. \ •
Item.Porta. Conneautrillk
C, :t. .Q. hr.., l'a.: .. \ I ,' S. lloon. ' \ Joerpl. ,t. f ...ll\ \ 1 .
• 1. Il NVallbrldge. Buffalo. N .1( .
. , ! Pl . I ,l-antuel , ickiltrekati:.• ~ i rite I ndul'l . \
New Lake Superior Line.-1851 . , ...,% 0.,•,...,
~ .......:,... ~....,..y. \ s,
/1111 E new steamer NORTH ENEIt, Capt. - Di 1,1: ~,,
, 5: , i , ::„ , n' , k , . , "0 ,, kz, , Tu'Z . •, - •'?." . ;.:,_•,''''.: 5 , , \ :
10. a...*. °" • 1 ''' .''''. 4 ooT° ... ' ° ' ' 4. "oho 1.5., ‘ .1. r t - , 1•71.. CorlAot .r l r itt r rionLL r i:. , :k \ ,
M a and romfort, ad leave Cleveland on.eridar• the ~ d 1 • ~,,,,m ~,,,,.,,,:,,,,,. r b,,,
nt Mar next, of, her ant tnn—and, en , s. \ romatt,rts. v. ,
, s
k r ,d a ,.., (.% n clock. I . 11- for the . tut ba s e ] bowie . 1 ~,. A . 3% 1,,,,.. 1 1,.. A. I: siXe,damut, EPt, 5
The ....mare aIANIIATTAN, Capt. Jo. C .ntrgu., will , mirniotl. nn..1.t0 • . s.
leave Pant nu, ]lade, for the
,a t landlops'on Lake , ttniralfam Phpnetorti ",,... ~
Superior, nu the arrival of tint...learner Northerner:making ' jo, u., r ,..,.it, 7, u 4,,,,,,,, ,i, , ,,n,„,,, ~, 7,,,,
• a regular weekly line, throuphout the resaoM la.twern i ~,,.....,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,I ~,,,.. 1 ., , , mr ,, , ,,,... II y ...,
Clevelarel and the o.pper and inm Min.,. \ ( Exuesinano P hyA..l.s.', ' .
. , t , , . A., P1 1 11{11 1 1.111 1 '
-m el l'ilaorth..ll vl_47 Pupthheld Ilre•t, ~
' I Cleveland, O. April 'LC, 1851.-11
•I • r„
Manufacturer's tine. John nswiont. II 1.,;11. , !Drib .4,1., '.. ',',.
. \ Wm_ K. Alorgeu, Al .It.. 1.1 I.lMrty otter,
' Igiilli- 1-851. - ' Err Nitro th will be In ktten,lanre , nt the bfltr'r. err, I'
1' 1". 1.... t I ,,l•''', ' t : o k in No ' 7- Fourth ;i e '
\ Ufa 4 Pnli, y 1 3 <
' CHIPPERS ARE HEREBY INFOIIMI,D . . .ty-l-a5.,.. ~ c A co • .41:11. Sec 1 ,
I. 3 that Oda LUXE, rompowrl entirelfuf Weal,. Itnala. 6 ' we. ''
O ir now In full operation. with facilities to rarer a hug.% lotnte p•utul.Fire Itinurcuice•Tompary.
• ,„...o, of froight In Philadelphia and Baltimore.. untfund , \ ,
. frnitenoiino. in 1.0 short tau, rd el . in. 0.1.....,
. II
OFFICE—Nt).#4 ii','l
• other regular Line. VITTPIII. 7 IIIIII.
I. ....ial areangementa have also been made for rarrTlng. '. \ 11.m.taint, May 15t.:11..51.% 1
War Freight to Mail-will}, Johnsknen, Itollidayrburg, .. x :.,,,.., bent
• Water Street, Alexandria , Prterrburgh, Iluntingdon, 51.11 I .I. .t, D eci k. 1 1 ,11 of the•pucet.ttn 91
a creek. New Ilamillon, Mc% ertolen. Ismrirtown. Mifflin, ‘2,1, tore to endrartormg to make V.' -' 7,0 " ,,, -" Tt ''
1 '''' '' ' Cl"k. ' ' '' "r ' ili"-^'''''C'luna''..." . 11. t- i 'el e;;Nsc-it.IN(,<MIPANI me. the-thots ~t,l
~, l u t,rm,ritat.. point. 1 1n th,litinnfliVaii'anallituf Port. . ,f,.. ~,,,,,,,,,f, i. {he uparollell.l..ifatinntnf bMany,./.1
Roh r , .R Raring return loaf. of Iron errunal 1.030 ...pith n a T,,E,,„.., d c ,,,,,, he pg ',p.p.", , ,P.O. pointer ded.7n,. '
, tip. Jta. promptness and regularlty In ottipments, to I In, parr 7.),ar, theref., ad Ins over $1,2.0,000 to the:rand ,
On th e afflreraid Mints, at the lowest rat., may 1...1ied of dwelt 'arty. Near', al the propertr insured In oealu.
o' uport. J AIITCTIELL KUM. Propnelar , sate. ki d tu'rxrutll ruler , ald • large ProlloOno loroy
ly Warahoure. Liberty street, , 0n1,7 on,ii;r.
mr.ll.3:te fk•rond door west of tbe (;anal. It hole',No.m brier iswool.,. 7.1. 0 .
''' LIIIAVING.IIISI'OH,FD OF 11A1.F 51Y IN- r. ,,, u `; ,1 , ,,„' '''P lb . „,„'''''''''`' d `.'''' ' ''' 7 ,2,, 2 . - . 8 •
TiIITK , T IN 111N,111,W. , LINE. to me brother. 0.1131111131 a .Pro .rty motored,- • - 811.1111 I
l „ b , I .tt ltiK 16011ANI.thr busmen at Pittaburgh will hey.- 1./o. ranreiiiii!ltrininsit...l,firri ' -5W1,71% Op 7.
ri. after he tranucted umler tbe stele of ..I.Vm. Ilinalosm 0 Ito. in fume,. r. '.... ... 71 . 6 .1. 6 "
. tlrr (moll' WSI HlNtillAll. ' Ito l'remium 'Notes .-. 71,i1651
Imntill WM. HlNtill 11.
Bingham's' Transportation Line,
Eitif IS 5
_ .
Cutondo, Moderwell a haul C ad .
Ilarnaburg, J. Wallower a NIN). 10110
liunranuon, nailer, Morgan. a Co. Ida
Neaten., Jew. 13,11,T. Jpbt,
Maier...Fn. lierrey Junto , . ' Kt
- Perry ortile. It U. Thereto.... ' dent.
tint itiehard thwlntlf.
Sfitplehd.. lobo Ponalaltyn bu 4l
)Lill Cre..k, lietoder a lithere
Foeterta. . '"o Zbt i ll n tig A COLE: '
r eurner of Penn awl N 1 erne a.teeta
July 15 th . 1551.
Dissolution. N.
LN CONSEQUENCE of\ the decease kl . John --.--.
Sferaden, the partnership beietofort extelinglyetween ......
eiden a l'orde i• hereby dteeulved John It' Col: Is e, - ;•r•
fully autitordwi to tattle We boatel, of the late Ilion iellt
All perm. , baring claims You l W a l let ~ .1 . 14 . 1 11l
Mr...., 500/1, : 155,1.
\ ',, VII'
/mitt curoor m, r cola :\
ISlttwe. , to hiendien a Coved, 1
The busines, of 1110 Agency of, the Penn- JL,
ariremis Central 14111.1 tompaor all hereafter la rya, ten
domed under the name an 1 sty le g itomc
..,..n.r., .
Pr.,' and W.X , I. strata .112 . ,
Pdtrhurgh, July let. I,l . — Li/ .
Agricultural Implethenta ', N o ;
i HAVE JUST ret;eived (rani Ake \East the o . n
a_ (oilmen,: implement, all c the beat ituallubdtture
the wort reetut inventions. ma I wolthl dl'lltr , ,e ll 1. 4
to oil and examine .7 ...lit ,A. ,_,' . \
Unlink,/ Machinee, tar con, C.v.., 1.i.i , 1, liarii,isw,w. ....,,
11 nip-Drill. for w heat, rya. oath and bwr l eTt , t Lir
1‘,113 Cob et r , be
titre Sheller, behonte and hand power . \ t r.,',
Straw and Corn Static Cutting Berea
Vegetable hoot, Cuttcra
0% Yoe,. and Cow Chain Hailer , . t
C.l.alwel tinon and tirwta.bythee, &willow. ,
A ll two, thr,w and four prong Rake. .1 \an
All manufactured hem the deott Waledoda and [eat le
at the Ores and
~ [red-Pty , 51
wicavi,,A.m. ,
Corner Jr Wteal andt,Stath etteeta. tr
Beaumont's Patent Polish,
131 A TENTED, July•26th„lsso.—Pur giving v . ),„
I_ a heaut,ful tilwa tolinerte, !kindle.. Catikhrtra. 1.1,,1. tl.
. :that 1... um are sod al. preteute the iron fn , to ,
wilier. to 1., n. .te . ami prevenubdtot fhAn .4 Slug La
Ltnette, aw. and nottams nothing Indltnottla ' .
• illeerti:ort—l t ut a twwe the dye of,
, a raw alt • knart ef
otarrh even hoillng• trun bnekir 1 . . le
Prim, Ilt.ti cent. per Cake sold a holaaide .oil mead OF ,
,3 It F. enttkiut,s7 Wob.l art
- i k. CARD.—I have removed to I,4ll,OWS,lntikke, ,
' tit tlebtirthwlT'etrere"l l s . V1111,4 " ,;Y:1„ ' ::: ", ;;; " 4. ` „: ', . 11 . ,:,„! Z
lir. attire., and receive • Clore of the. euellasti, V vtill,
keep a very large seettrintent o 1 Uphrtbdrer, Iltaikand Led.
dtng , ettrlod lialr, :piing. ,4 (Anton and iltlyir, Matra. ,p
rea. {leather Bede, Water,. sod Pillows tilatikote,Qully, -, .
p o,mnt rpone., and t., , mlorbet Wisdom, chat.,. ,4 ere , " ra '
e net, :Door Meta, and entry artlclit ugualit found no thA
. twat ex tenth e eatabltelimerda of thealnd orderalo.tpeet- ,
fully ~olleited awl mud , Prottlittly'ttliad.
eot tr M. 140111. - b. Third %veal, ',/,
vIVOOL-- Cash paid for Wool b
riy \ ~
a MA:dll * LRE \
4 Coriaces.
HAVE just received from Ness V.rk, nn- . s i
I,Ro4lAorNlia,slitof 1 . 7;• ,,,,, r141r 0 1 e V1N1N11V Car Ics, a nt
~ i.IIIF,CTAC 1., E Sl—M , e have a elgnplete
0 , 171 stock or (I IL. Silver and t , ,,,i ~,,.........a. the {ee l
or duality of eonrex and mums , diem.. lVe St ~r , .....,, ,
and of video, ttoorintmg to 4, beAt nnocwieet of
illi .ten' r. r .i W W Wil
~,,iicall scii.iiiv i I,•ii ,
: . "\
. FOIiKS--A• s tud
4,71-gm, , ,0rin'..tT,7,11":, ';'.'i:.:;'.. l l,,h:V':;
' ILK 011,NULTX1I.V4 later street. X
.Irl2 Agent tor Ilarpor a Co
• •
Anthracite Coal.
Gliii TONS just received, a am crior article \ •
LF fur foundry or family cue, for e y•
C. A. IIeANU Y a CO, '
1.3 • . 1, al Dawn.
• - Copper Stocks. \
~,, AITE HAVE orders for the Stock of vari
vv • OP 9 Xining Comp.'. of Lake Superp , r Thom ,
wi•hinit to tell will plewwi call, or addle. \
Pure Brandl, for Diarrluest, ete:,
HZ E. 4.11 IN MIND! should you need F s nen
. kinwii, lb. .[IT Star ran be °Mato,' at Mt) ItiN
. re Pklart. In the SI per quart or bottle.
Sole 1.2 1 \
plc- WINDOW SI - WS---A fine stock's m c
bracing all the dm of Traorparant Windriw,
this ab ides. jud. rvenind film Ilui ononoootorer, which we
~,,,,. win oeu wholesale sad retail. am low as tam eau le-botcht
alawatase. lei D. Pkl LUITI. 7 and V Wool et. ,
Pittsburgh 1.. - Insurance Compaim , .
. :Needles ' Celebrated -', ' . \ ' ' s •
11E3ILOCK PLASTER''= -.. ---..7" -- \ \ ' • '
111;:i CO:11I'AINT ',vr. ineorpurateit,
hehrtmey, !SEA, wit ei keep...twat Gyarter. an..P/1 ' Ti i ,,i til..-1
I 5 ' LOO.C11111.11•111.3..1 tare beeo roads kr • ~
menced bmnee• ..o • . „nil „f I loxiA. , '
t.. rhae tb•h te. , Yea, duritia whl, h time they be. ~:`, \ ~
) A COM PlErk\
lie Company does Irwin. a both a. thoJohitStoe• fled O rd • ip•ren• y,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,: ~,,, tt .-ma t v, .en,,, '. , l\ ' • _.. \ \ ' ' •
TVl,! 'i l4 . t SIOAIL plan the 1., ar• nnedbird le:adult., 9: '. 4 `,.,ZTV ' erti!a,,. 'W U '', ,Z, bi. g P'rteei , rtr 0, , ,,, ,,, ...d. „ .„.. 0 r p 1 ''',.'. ., - \
charged ev mute.' e , evetuee. et. , ifteenrerCeM%. in h. I.,an tabu; - 4,11 ' ; ' 17, '. . - ill ' e ' n - ,t ' ci t- o . e ' rlhatt4treli ..'' ' ' i f \ •
er th. the r•tee el ma „ t rt , k ck•rupianier.
Mutual rate% are ,Le game a. thaw , adopted by OLIAL -, t„-i5:, , , , , , e.-...!...-.., \‘,..,,,,,.,. '''''T all IIgIAO ow . . '- .. -,.. 7 . \\ - .
~,,,,,,,,,A enturaolea T. • iwund ..n Ow mute IC J fix e iberedlente orili companion -.14 e fUllv alai „
petocipl.• tave l .6l.e con.lned se, 'nee turnielad b r that
. .4i,..,tiy,,,,tritque,l. rand,* tu,..,„,„\ ~.,,,,,.W. , ,,.„,- , 8 , ~, • .' \
stern of manna!, and the Capi lan6 rand.. food ..i fora • ruff,rif , a ill \ •til . zitr, dile, c. - `.. ' ,
The Join t Brut department.
• _ lgor L. th th • Id., t, ultlog frau prutrected pada, t . .; '', •
Charter permit. the granting \t c inaor•noe eu Lu.., ~N,,1. ,„„,,,,, ~,,,, „ , , , . th.
... . ,,,,„.o. . .
ovary I,irm. itielminue .0 eight i late, children ra - '1 doek.a iti`the L.Ndy, t Ir.lien•felal li •• 1 ' ',.'hi. ••• l 4r' • \!,.e - \ \
nta, relstiow..frical. or creditoe. -- t , 'Wm , 'the Inn ..C , hur.rtai or ~,..pute. Ara rvnie.l% . to ' i
mid aa " tl; ; : '. .. ; .-
other tor their..., excluaire hewn, ttr . , TI •14 death.: „..,„„-t , o r e r .11 outwl,W th,,.... „ e h' ....11..,„,_ `, ' ',, , \
upon the earth,. armvirm •t tb• age 0a.,2 6,,, or la.. A, . LA..., fully corroborated . the amtoruraencowo. . \
the entail of the ineured. i k• r a,,,Lue•e! And 'pains In th - L.l and ..14e, r,...ultmg „ ,
~,,...• yea Annie. dimestes Of to . .kt„eys, to,; thar au ' \ \
J 'il . Ila,n. Preeldenr.
. '.. .m Nleellirin. , ire Pre.t.lit::', : 4 ... ~ •tt , %,.....r e Ma ther plastery ha be., Imply 0,4e..1 bj '
: ~,,e•tr,..t g 1., , ba , ,,.. esperwoced en a. 4 relief front thetr '
. Jo,...plyet. Tre.or'..r.. •• „ „ , ri.1.a...0nv 10 'Orb. et rash paloa, throe ' •
`. eliarle•\ . loltai,./... , ~, ... y., . • m..A. r. en\ r....19„..„.1.4, witlt Lb • .rhdrnt aeironacce s .
Jant...6. Moo. ' Je•eldi I.fie. , lN \ : 'W , ',. . `.:l,:• ; '.. . '. , ' , 'l: : * ; ' t ',!il!T lk'.' ••' -TY th",',r l ~ \A' . '\ ' \
J.dit. r.l l ualb , ,. tlrate.. l l f+. l tti\ '.. I. weld. \ . It }.. '4.01.1 i 5 . • Pon d M. ' '- „ \
ainttelAirkliirk.,,• .. 1/ to 1,11,11. I .k , \ 1 , .- - .- - , • ' • ,
4,' , \ \
. ~A tt lie.d. ' s . 1i, F ;,.: 1 t- 1ik1..',, l' \9'l.\l : Veil PO . {.. :„ ,r • :„ •
~ ..,...,,... ~ . , . .., . .y.
11..„. Ns .Imint% „km, Iv,. ~..- 1 , tux. ol n r.
. \ '. ea • t•;' . '‘' ,ll, 0 I 'l - ` • • c e ' t° . hoha 160 • 11 .. ~
rd , . . „,_
~_. \ ' ALI Lric-.4' , ..11. , , , ... : 6,,,nia, and at It oala of prhatt; Int '-', ~ " „\ \ \
.., ~,,,,•,. i.,„.,„,, I 1
,„ ....,,,, ._,, ,n, . „.,,,,, ~Rt ,. ii.,. 11),,, rr. In adhering tt :he Lattenoird 6.4 \ ' , •
John En, d. r, h.+, 1. Yolll. 01 l'ilt..bltrgh harib, \ ~,,, ,„1,,,,. : „_,„ N .,„„orhi, i g „,,,,,,,,,,y. dou ...
..... „, .„ , , \
Malcolm La.,...11.Then.. tf ho. -,....1.• Un..rer.
• \ '•.. ani rpe. „ The hnt,- have her mt:et felt khe necesekler . '
~, L 1 „n 1 ouch an article. anlin'this their esperta will bob" . '
t '.- A ' W '''..",• '''''''l6'.l • M \ e•t.m. " b 1,/ re•lited, ~.. h.. wyetitino le (omit aftertinp.rum ..... \
ram to • ,
• .\ \ •
rt,nrataint Phyneta. ...., •- • V.
Jo.pli llaziam; IL y, ann.., Addl.., az. at. ~.Ifi i, -,,Z, , , , ,;, , , , ,?;; ; -„ , ;„.},10... ,, d 0 .'“ .07 .f .i .,. . V\ , L. tk• • \ •
J.Tedolt. 1 1 1 - p0L , ; 31 .1 11 ., h. ti. I . 6iti/ttott. M• U. • • \ Pr., V.,. V.I. ker Ciik,\ Each Calt i nailth Pelitirtet ''. \ \
\ i k-rawienito Phyzi,e4s. , '
''''' Z l."kll4'i.' ' ' }r'd i ' • '4i .. t r". \ ''.7
PETE . "O'LE 2" tilii - O ' R . '' ll. ' OCK .". OIL.. . •
'\ - .
John manor, SI lo..„.11,11th ..tta t. , \ . \
If co. h. Morgan, IL•Ii.. DI I.ll l ,rty otrerf. . . \ - There are More Ildnpairtheava. .1 eetztb. '
or Nitre th a m te. ut htteteb,,,, , , , t the bthee, !Tors A '. • . 1111 , .... dre.e,Pt. of tm,Phila..l.hlP- , . \ .
y. at 6 li'. wk. FINNE\ VIRTUES of* this remarkable re ' • \
' OM , of th Cooing, No 4 Fourth siteet. , \
1 ,
11y, ',rut the mordant ipplitattloh hw lt. tothirritoprk
Ji61 , 1 1 ,.. , _ 9 . . ‘. \ \ , wi, hoX Ip,f geed him to here !Lent .up in tgAtletn 7th la . \ '
IndaanddirJetion... for the heartifbflre public
gt•fite 21/11tID.l. Fire In ' Aurance \ Comjaany. Tbe 1 . 161:11t/LE 1 . 31 le Procumd fitg a . 41 in thhecol
\ - , 1. , , 1, 1 t,, ale dePth of four hutalred (cwt a pure onsdultent
1 fIN C it 0 FFIC E-Nu. fel EttuTUVICI4ISTART;,i t,rl.,,,,artgll.,`;il,ll::;t.afiyr,.;lTATl,....p.O.Pett,, .• \., \
TTT1.:10 , 111I11. -1. ' 7 ',
1 nroPertha ra . lachfus a ouracr of divieca L• . knew , • •
I•trv.tadit, May 15tL11..51. .. - ',„- „y „r i ,/.. t .t.,,, t in •.; There ore man , thin. in the ar- .
ryil best evi pee of the tpuecene * pf the `.,,,'"';, ,;, „•tor,:„ ~.ateii, If k n 0,,,, r ,,,,,,..i.,t,„ o r v ,....,„.0.1.,
.21, her. to rnd.igyert. to make I.he sLiriniirre. , i 140 SA ILI llO s thitlLL/LAILPIIIIIDO , atad vet. 4- 1, the bloom Of '-", \ ---.
`,,./ A: ilt•SL•ll.tNe rt)A1P,4. , • 1 race . the f IkVilth and vicontolnany a suffere. Lo before the Trre.
the uporallelld ~,,runt of bdities, p vt„e thought el Deft.loe IL upio bot: les, had • repute.. • '
tb i:g t a n a. t j'..„ ' :. --- f„. „,,,,,,,,„, 7 , ,,,,,p,,ti,„.• Arii, I , tiNir the cure oral n. The conglasit and ..11j hg -. \ • \
the ploit,ykar. there . ..I ins over $160,4 to the :eand , •• ina„ all. f..r It. sod - cal remtkailo curie It bee
oLtb ..
, anjlny. Near', All the property intern! Is °Cap:. fgentl i,, t . l :11 ,1 7 fr 1i1itM0t , r,• ,, , ,, , f ,, i r., \11i t t ‘ lt , re Par\nimitr \ . .
a et d artmll make, ald • large propmlino Iwo
. 1 wan. \ . \
we ~,N not wtab to roaA a loop patadu of eier6llo4ol4 "
for oak/ !Mc lli d „ i „,„a '. , ILII'Arl• conarban that the Mir wee WOrK 119' . \
It hole ,:so.A _ se ~. ,
.„ 7.1.!).
L.. d. eft k . tor.nated..e. oadd, -,. \ intuelh,lara• onie.. wh sutler , and \ wiali to be •k
ho• do, in i,glll, .. Whilat we‘do not ebiltra tn. • Univereal apPI.J. In err ` ' ....
Amount ofoffy hawed,. i _
....,,', _ 57,886,4111 t„.47,,l4. th,...lg&O,..6Mtbert. \
ractrd •rmitisted,exy. .. ,61.1 \
1.: il'''re.•ll7l"flotea 70,676,7 z'f' 4.6 " N'aVkvkallNtirts;:.leN.ZEM'Al.A.MPlLe..?; , ,
J .- -, ° -,. '" , " 1- ' - ' --6 - "'" 011,439 77 Vlt:S);lnetn.'l).\;;ll4lr6l'A.Ylqfa;ol:l:i.i.g=ll;7l' \ '
De. in lore , ..
lt e . Low 1 , ,,,,i,5. ~,,,„. „ 51J.7,7 31 Blowier .6. 64, a.. Paint to, the B ook or Aide. Nervous ',. . • „...\ •
, 1.. c/o . do. --
. 7, , ~21 14 ' lh",;; • • S' - 744 . is'' , ) ... I e rf u nr d P( ,\ . - - \
E.11.6.11b Po el., De. . orneaal W. be de. ro a.. tore... .„ ' \ V , ‘:
%V hnla am't lan sr„l tiellsCA ilaid. ‘ .4 . :411 .Ij, . Re. ar, In ',..e. , .i.1.1 , 11ity, reault . ‘ from expoWr,or , \\\ Italau In tavor of the . ~, in rah, \ ' .1127.56. 1 40 long =Ad vreletc exoee 'Of .11•.• this medicine wilt \. .
cif) or toentty neer atite, end wen oOf tPrellette. bn.t..'.'",.. 4 ‘ .. ..k n ' t . '.'"'" l ''''"° '''''''" 7". '
wo o l elefel und ener.lry I . ert,. ose XLe ieved the , eon, ATI L. fo,auchlaer htiluarthilt 0ma... 6 ...Min rte. • \
pe) euk. wieseti,,,,,L, " re of hw.. e, .0,4, an.) shot.. (rate retneem ntetrue,t/na roAhlog the gated.% \ . '
1.7,i.s \
pwe. inf..nor to re. I ovu rex C.not.any,i thamuntry. futteti•ml, ' , tuck .t.t . I . l wo trod • inheo e•• •• ‘..4;7 : \
Ceseluetw.l to, the equeehl. sel grontly not oe...ley,tem Lod pleb. Ipereruaed . renewed ime , rydo u f2the_
__„ . 4 . _.. \,,
, of Ciareonea lon of KW.. err nth. all apa l u. uarda, ste of lib! Thel.repnetorkonwa or POT I .., AIL 4.. 1. \ \,, , ‘
1111r.d 'MIL lIVOONIAIvat in au, our ,11...11 ~ time gra that remand Avery other,Leratruent, pot w wed. t h e , , .
eluding the equeney_ oil orOtirreure - ot lavg. OP, and of the I•E'Tittit.P.Cll `fort abort Woe. wee 4 nor ••• s
% ,i
. . , ',
. '. ..
whio on ledh t e Sfork a Mudd,' plat, n•not lily pow- Riven to any p. l l7un who d in,a it,
ea+, the m eat. teen and atnextation of butt. telhode, Nom evoomelsitlemt to Zoete. of lb* . .
but rani., b eer. , ' pfurel Le leort‘Ntleu it, ttie , p .f,Le. .., Sold by tti k r . %rorkl i er,/, , A. \ 4
~ ..4
at N,
Ihrectors:-lo I. Ruth , n•rd, .. J nine. tt•T. onee, Si
1 Mum, A'. COI ri,7 .. 041,.. , C ; . Age* ..6atunolJotice, tot t ,
.4 ' !i '-'. in 'i a. •I'ociwe.. . • .
mu"'''''' 11 . I. ' \ ' - ~ 'Mg;), p„., . \ corner Ikon; 0tr1..2: . reit , All• .
' .. • ,
A 'J. 1 10100 "• • ,4k.. t
sli . ov• - dly Ida re L g\e ‘ Prointed Ace n .
N. ls -A Scrip nvih;:id of ht -n pe cent. en espitirtq ~_ PROC,IsAh A ON. ~, . .....
polka. haw 1.... n decia by ,h etmento and is tatO.,n h' i . , „N()%% all pets who r0 n ,1.: and ailletl
‘ „,... L\ - -,..., intark or 111314 \,:er. b,
~ 4 1 ...
, h.„1 , j ,,,,,, „ . .
Z,f,a,...b.i..C.7:11.1....,1nfr,1.10 \rent, 111 . 0 ... r r A e .
,„,„„,: ein ... .: . 64 , -; „..1
7,11-:(rcii with dr...1,e of (134111.16 , and ‘ iiidoeya, with,. ed. 7
IC \
~. - , mat , ,
t n.. ettfl olef Old 1.0110 0 1.11111 g . _ \
Franklin Fire /.11.61i \ raill'e •o. : 01 . .,P1u1ad ' a.0,, ,, i, v„,, ~,,, .1k ahn tits no. ,A matrummsnl4
. er ~,,,....,..\:. 01i.......1.iit
,Deco mak a t ...forever= .
) I) 1 , 1 , 1 . };' , 1: ,,, T0i.!•5 „ : ,., Clutch. , ,,,:ii, ~1 , ... , ,..• lb , C i. k .\,:,
~% , , ,,i,„,. A . 1. , . 6 111,.• '1" . •:7• ,, i , ,:, ti ,o n
. 1=.....A
La) nth
. p „ : 04. 11 7 . h ,
...., \ , ,
\ 7
r, Adolphe 31. 141rie,t , a6, fel Grant\ \ l , iavid Drown, atin \.• raeled with pain, .digoffei frpM &Pease, oehe '•• i ' i •
!relit. {'..`mirk, llorfori•atturl for\ C,.1\n.n.,,, pet relief from lay .of t a Ithtennmer•Mtk \
f,„ ,'ILAII.LEt. , 11.0512,0 Ell. Prei l jdent. abovg. , • • .• : • , 1,• ' ..
Outtn-4, 11. flaan.:ll6 - ret .r . \ , \ lies, er! It rwts very tulle to shit e Pr. o 'nth. Petro- ~.
Tr. Comp., motion, i., i.. 1 1...,...e.v, kra r e. ',aria* no Inner --nommpounda put Okra, tbe parpowe ,
lor tinint,i.ou e very di,t,ripti , a o .Property 'in tow ittal of I t opt‘eins on'the mmotnltr, 1.1d6 it la 2.4nmedrehtms• ....., .
onuntrj . , at TRU, On 1,0.. ar t enumatent with went:ay \ led by 11,,,ni.t..6 hand of nature. abtl bubbles up Ikon the
~, .. .
The C, moon y LATO L ti, r • -.I a Ittrge rontiusent itt , , 1n.,. n'LX our Leetjter earth. .1 ILA original f . ...itY, ....1-*1- \ •
I ehleh, o ith War Cap 1.1„... Premium...m.l.. l y \ tore , . I. , fer. to/Aering. humanity a readlrr , Medr• ~,...,-.. 164
4 1 alfeel betel.: fret.woot Lett. oseurel.l oh, lie
q',4 .1.,
\ •
The ..eta 00 the t,innwill on Jmunery lot,lat.Vlol , i,
00 I n t .li h r te ..o s ed , Piles. after other rd.. hl7e felled ta .
4,. 1,410.1 agreaddy to the A 1.1.: /000.1111dY •we • Ilex. . any lief ..It b. ent,d 1.. Loa/J.4, of lous \ . . .
•". -,,, . \ ‘ ,...linc, an elf the anent and
_Mast, painfut character. IS
1 . • 1 1 1,16, te l lui. cur,•,l l' Aera Arbon. by eno or ,1 dead, It Iva \ • \ \
- tor
... . : ' . 5.. .' ..... .1.- ... *\`‘. -...%:: 7 ` en red old ea.. ot Nara... In wbkh .1 otber,rody \ \
Tesuromry Laii.... - .• . \-... . Nt...4 17 14. heal of on vall. NA a Loral 'revery' to boMe•eod ', ,\ \
0,, ,,, oe velt.. !tie bette than any medical ratiptto4apr oMtment \ . ,
Oaiel.• tr-•-.- ..... .. ...... ....... • utL:eln at . theT. tuna or \ n . will„rury <liable., 4141,_roete6 feet. • „ • .
- 1 •ew •oplirati •\ untleubted teethnonj nefornbib•
.: 1 l--- 7 F:7 -1 ta. . • ..4 . ' al the truth <atained th the above etittam M. br < 1 •1 1 .
re hat - tra.XT.e . d.L.n , e tertot e. - rt 3 e•r e • tb• / Ing r l , :1AN11. 1 1.:1, 31 ‘,1,11:1i, einal Dann, rieve Ihrest,o, - ' . . ~
'I h•re pai't upwrid , ~, t,.. Nlllhou FOLAZ Hundred Illow•it. elthe%the agen...3, .\\ \,. • • \
..: Iladlar. ha ... - 1,, Fire. thereby affording ael Met, of ll.• ce. Mel,. , owner 0f.,1T00l etreet \
~ ,,,V ir, V c
I , lvanta..A....t In;oratice, •elt ae their tee, :eel We o l P.,g.:ietfe.,ie,l=,,te.ot.V.f, A, Mlle," s
It- I'V''''''' •-• ''''''
'.II',PtIII;NZ.LLYWI'I \'; Atleit i C r.. ' -.....-" ' ..eit4 \, \\
"'''' ' Q''''''' .'
“ .r..- ' ' ' f'''' '." '''' 4 " . I f r POIITAAT IP Tzul' AITLICT 4 .
el " I 1 \ :. 11(\SE'S CEI.XBRATED RENIE •S. \ , ',
Penn Mutual Life ausurauce CO., Philail‘l
„ , 7 th, • J \con 1t0..g., the dieroreter and sole pro
A I...ENT IN PITUSIIF WI 11, IN', 11 DAV 1 'd. t'be' tn. f lifo•DT, r i ~ tr e g„- , ,,, t , : 01.0 = T2E, -• \ \ \
- I AL\ , 0 , 0 ri”.o. fl'. , .'''.'"l' N ' "' ' l ' a l" ',, r. "1 1 ih:„'t'.7, '"r'...t‘4::.•*' , b4 db:4 , .....10pKtit \ - • .\ \
”. , ~.r 5,,.. I-tt. r .setweleet, el Lsw , te- re...a. ‘, ;,!' , 4,, , ' '' o f Ltet
.mate I.llo,lcit. I. l \ - " , tor rhyme,'lntf la it ~ . „ \ . .
• i 1 1 -7 ;...1T t' • .1'1'..'‘...1'1ft......‘1.....'•'1t.' L',7.'l.l..".':iolu'ollrr•VtV,i 1 ' trt• ' dn•t• t 6 c Dinver ß itT of ~......yean, . .erd to k t \ t_llN,.. • \ ~, , .
b\i„.. •
' ! j'',..,. ,”.:...,' A - 0,....A. ‘ ... t 11 111,1 ,tr....'. elate a‘l,l ne,... ere
"nee . 1•:.•*•F•6"6,,,teiTe164,6410.,‘„ •\. \
,_ eno... and the pm.. ot retneuire t ereu,„ , ~. ... \
• \ '
111 , I . 1 "" ' Tr n" "if l'' \*- f 5 . 0 ., '.'"?e:='.!,"..17,.`ra1fg.`:.t. , 1 I 7 "'' t ' b 00 ' ..... t* , 4 . 0 ... u. \:. 1 .... , .. ,11 1 4 Us , , 1 / 4 ' '.,.. \ •
•i si
'" 1 t1,7e " u ' E; ',. .1 , .. 1:.11. . " Neet, , vele lert,Sea ,o 1 hie Peuvet le , v =yr-ex , v 4 lie, .1' In teme6l4l_,_ •
. ~. Reined . 1 , on,s b , •fre4.,...tets , tr ~ ,.,v. r., * , ..5 !. .i A t Vt, - \
6.•";' , :‘•`-. :-. , t--\.- - 1.1 , ---- , .--......;',- i s.r;!..\ft'„;;'.....-xiilltZ".l,e'iCtreLTAVir7i, l'exiil • \ \ \ - \- •
‘, l ' . ' .. '".1i'tr.,,,,,‘ ....---y-...,.-r•-!.-i , .... \ - ;11 tind.• Chronic erynitalas, and all tbae4lailtutts . 4l4. \ \ . ' \ ,
• t• • h e ad .., e ,, , --...-, ... `. roe,. peculiar to 1'artt1...... 114 eel. el s ery of ~.\ . .. ,
utile, Fi*, and Inland trarispatttioa, ;;111',,T,rt:11;:.1.'..`,Lh?,.Z7,,",,t,',.VVbwkihAr tut ' \.••\
, cc., :\• \ . ,....,,,,...4,..u . ,.... . `h I •th t .logical Lair..but bile We of ' '-' . \
'' ! t i rl It: i u:,,.i . ..31 , ... , Comp: uy oit,NOrtit Aute.rieu, 1:;.:::,11,7.. , .: 4 ,.... 5" •"" r*Ve7 b. t il t r • vse re • •,1,, f . .._ \
$,‘ L. , • ,01,1.,...1,1Lie---Chart. redt: pitretal.nio. Xe...d.t. `, Dr. 11. r... . -e Toriin Alte vePilli l Wl , u wed loran*
Or, i •onary la. en. $1...11,6 , ~. it ill ske Ituarane,•. o bly aitunettn , be
*II °then, la/ penile t
L, , , bolldival lii
their eunn-nt, in t . city nd.vieinity; alx, DTA, or Ilter \p 1, Inistrui ati they leave the basest pot . . \\‘ . •
~th. to oretert, of r, eel deWePt.'e , e 46. 6 .Per •MaLi I •wta Petty free from tirtmeax. as also We Uoldert„ MID *re ail'.
h . 4 •10 . \ A
t,,L arti ea., vaay..tither by uilavolt au,por\i.tion .r on the , it..lltAl,LLltedi•=l,t;•.Mpottii7.l4,l74.4=l:: ota, , • ' \
•th.o tw.-
\ tdatfm.. 'I. eullklent to atahlidi whet been meld, in the Whaled \' • ', ' \
'll.oi t ''' N ' fl '6'n. P"'' ' '
l'oba, "..,!.;4\ thr mak pkptiral, \ . i . ',:.„ • , \ V
The .4./cted arelovited to call,SPOn th.f.m.t.t.s.a. sre \
a.r. t...,Lair . , a, .1?,. ' • rere teraW) one ~411,, , , Doctor's ivtlerstvo , , , trit - tutt elem. , .'
~' ••
‘.1.1.' garnialVrt'oUtii. Willi .= 1 lee k al account of =eh to n di teaslieutqu. Re
'. lA%
Tr•na• II• , M o ue . s ' Pfe vele 0, 6 tbe
. 6 .6 00 M.`. grii•••Ttutegthag . 7, . ' ~ \ ' \
riamuel La. ' • . i•i.A . ... , Liti A olee h r , racitout the cf:‘,. ~,,, ,,t, \ - ~
\\ Charles T 10, .. t^. 1... how ..., , 0n ....r.,,,,,r. (..., - I . nr et..,Dlttelnk •\• \ . ..... ,
‘ Astabro. lt ue. orge.pto .1, \\ J. if. rotrosekt.DLm • ' t3larkat at., ,\ \ , \
' f j acio co b I 4.1;" a•t, , i n .„ .•4 .. gr . 1. , n.
,r \
~ L er, ,
, A .:,; Ikethe \lira : 1.. tux \ .•‘ l t 0y11k••,AX1.464 \.„ I ' \
'`: Tidal , the 0L1ert1.31.4. , Company m the Un eten..o - Joseph Totrkley, Valli . \ (goon CIOVIII;V:14,\ „ '\ l, \
, .‘,4 fLALOL ..1 high thamling,,,lnuß erperletee, amp mean s t, John Elliott, I'm on, \r; •;:, \ : ~\ \ ' • ,
'' awl avadmit all rt-a• ot eu,..v.tra liaaarda,r <ha ter. /I \T. Adam, heave \
~, • /, 7.7 '.. ,
... .o.,itered a'. Aeras ...nide ...ant, to the .üblk..l„ , •.16.9..
.... . ,
13 ,2 u
earvori t,
Chart,. T tor,
A.statrroe , , A It.,
• _ Jacob AL T' wo,
I . tir Storrin S 1 4,
akar Is thenkkal, torur
and, frr. 111 high kvianti
&Ed AVOikiltlit 1111 ri4r ot
Western Insuran
A PITAL $300,.000: K. MILLER,
All ar •
A home In4ltatzon--naan.4.7... 1 Or , lora ar••
tentt, 11.1',...azonnuily. ..111 aU,,,are detrrann... , l
analihrtrality Tam.latam 1.1, charnel, .1.1c.h•
they hale 10,-{11..1.4S twat prntrethm those
atm demra be Inelm.d.
Dra..-1....F.=.1;.. Miller, Jr.. Mut. W Butler. N.
Boller, Jr.. Wqrn. C. Mayan. fir, W.
1. 1 45 ma. June, )1
17,3.;;;`...i - 4 1' . ' : . ;Tcr , n , r 01 9t..3g
Delaware Ma Safety InteortuteeComp'y
CIL Thlc>l rt.r14:t.1./.1 , ..1..11.111a. I '
.1.. • SllutNe..-14ut1i141.1.,, Mere6Andiir. ,n.l oth,
F iro ' :
6DJlaarna'l,rrnacr Vel;ciN
rtttll f0r..31..T1 or • und, oi.tu 00111'1;c 1 A
the naur....1 . 1n..N.d....1 . ..
I,l4ll,TaioaroaTyll...,-941.,),:a1.0 Insure. IPrchaudlrr
tranpparted br Magna.% Canal gaud, and
eN home, Vv riven and 13 nn,tlo.
z.oudt.r. Jay.
Davi.. Robert 11Atou,',11.13n lqauu..l reirrnnlA,
tleur, C. L.nprr, Edward Irnar. 14.%)... IVA!.
11119 Votwoll. John film. UY. It. Its 11.1.trn, Jan.., C.
Then . philaa 1,11,111nt. 11, Jon',
Ilugh Crai, tioN\rar I , tanr ,
Chatlrn Kai,. J. ok, nay, Pr. r.
lobo e411,,..Wuk. Lt n.. Jr
Magma.% yr PirrowLauli .2 .,p. T.
1'1,,1q11.11.1 l , T. Lecan.
Icarra. Vrealdrul.., Tao.. P nav
dent. Jut Era 11. CUIPAN.
' Ohio Laboratoty. -,. To
r"6--/- 2 - - t).> 6 2, :or - • 1
I ;1 .—v .0 j-
1 aii;ni , I _ _,-IiWV . "44 i;
_Lig__ ~,
lIIIIN nu 11110 :I a\ itivill E , l ;
''''' 85 ' 1 " -- ' 14 ~'' -----, , .;:;;;;
, ..“,
Per. cent. StreDgl . , \ bt'
, ui ,
DWELL FLETCIIE R. A.. Cpl.. 51 - Intlfaeta - 1 a :••
rut, of AL,Collol,ol,iniSpnitii f. I:nlonne ani.:1102.4, ..j,
1., Copper PU , t111.41 Vapor V‘llli.lioy Ina, ain hoed.coin
Corner of 11na and Irani .t.ntna, 1
.. %Cnn.+ll,l l HlC. eu,
•e-Se-..,11 ont.r. from Pittsburah el Ibe orutoptl,l4llo leP,
ut 1,..ut murk,. prim, upl: tr , des
Wines and Liqn re. . ' b
d u ,
No; 15 1 Liberty at., Formerly Do ti crocks,-
_factory. to
D. r1...1..1 . U.5, of I'ittrburg,l 1.1. . 01,1,1.14 01N Y. 'N:
. 1 4 1 1CFaISEN & STOTVEN 'L, respectfully 1,, . ,
2.-yr4i5.117,1= I ,l3 " htV,: ' . l .:Niii2l% ' .3 ,1 ,i1 b Z 1 :7;3 1 :1 "(
uot/Ullll. .TUNE at. tbc %burn. rtuuL, lab., Mei ,hall st- 7 r f , . ,
O tc o !:rt7.!:l ' n to trw . gn ' tu in ' ou. "( ll . , I r, ', :rb k iTuri:ll l, l ' p: '‘ ! d u cu .
lltra ' n,ll,l,..l s tbn c hiu,..ear yinUter.n . tans ruin, !hill Arid Tb
I, 1001 U binko, . unit, pa,Ohnic 'lurk ninor. be
. tn. to. approved brand., port a tio+,Slailidris-•borry le;
an Ito
\‘io, nbenallie. ei. . l,o,vrlon , Ilollnud ed
h. mi. ~, 0, Inn cod I.nuthorulL Ch.. AI) ot.boll they ,
I u., 11. wltoleinie, or retail. un die 0 oAretpunaubt...t , r.P . •
‘ .Et .
Vile a tl.„ p.„‘„..r„ Mr xis
011 cnnt..„uin„ I„.. ,
inoin lanitno•. la tlii. en, - Of:, lo I, the wkly.. lien , ~
I ,01. IA i. , r, li ....alio , i.n. , . 6 . I , r' \ ..'
orl,or i , in... in thni illi, Novo .1 on cirall.l , eloro you .
i t Y ll' ;,:: ' ,rie . . b ..7pliod fre of ellr ella and at the '"
~ ,. ...;,t 3 Men \ nii.• V
' ' \ - I '
aw\ es atent Reitraibli Water
l ' l lte_r
, i t 7
r l ' ;'' h' ,4 1 ,,1 0 1
, 1. , ..).e. ,.,,, ..4; ... 11r
n : I. l o ,, rt i st ,, i ,, o r, is i, 0 , t r.,,, :/: Lu
t.rloll•l'Ti;nsi:itnlits • Tu . ss ' i
, :1 , ' T . . 1 : u .5 . :••: ' , 1•;. , :y,.. , , 5,1 . i . r i,,
.I ' ,. i l l SA ' li ' sZe • t •es .' ti• s i r s.. " :k ' A 1u5tu0u. , ,, t11 , ,,, s 21; :, ,
• Pb , .. isAaSs suy•st• A- oi IA ..1..00
f ,tt,tseutev . frna thy elavir,tio - tu n 010 it, ri.4131‘1. ..1
1 " . I,l,l";' ' ''''''''' . !' l ' l.l • •=t: ' l .. . ' lA•reb . .: . 1 ik. (IM.
i. ' It 011;«, nr.4.\ u t'ret pl. or, lu r , -oz ru,o.f .11 , b. 10 0" 0
;pure. eirsruV.ur, !I, I tut 1,1\4. bt , , S 1 out , r V‘ltr , v , in \ E
ICOlvei by 31”tolrl% I VI. 11.}..1 ... - 111 tUrlal I, ...erel, ,
~ c mon{L... I *narrow .1 , ,.1 , 1u.....2' hi It•A ~,,, nr „ . b
1i1N1..) nr. •LII - I, na.linis,Artas. \
~,, -Enna -iao , '
ipr Putout Itr*Attle 114 L -r !MeV , . oq. 01 , 4 1. , Mr.;
- 4 , ...0,,L4 It. Le,... , . vini‘ i,e,l me tor,oulesnonkhu At lay
poss}.• r.A.1••.• • A oi.,o•st ay par , va coul.l 1.1.1 t.
~ 1. ,
'''''''''' '''''''` 'A
° V" ' `" , ° :i: 1 9, kre ' L l tiii`
\ `"'"'"1 : "s' "'.
'l4 \ ii.: -,, i ''....-..,- .•.;.•t: -. •
'\ ri.,,,Ar‘it., an ikArred..l IN tate d,z,l. •ny Nti.1 . 1 , 1 or
s 10104,01,1,6 mai anne I ,nootr.ppoid sovnal or v - e.,...1,a,
1- ,N. .4,01 a, , ,,, tio...te, l`bey,ru .arrunt.t 1. , 1. , tro
i s,roarr.'and'srlth nrthoury ivit 11 1..04 ;end' r..n - .. !n
evil,. 4.1 t.s. 4,, n 1, 1,, +VW' , tea.
1 SLATE 0 4 AhtilN.. \
- \ rnylol(i .., 4 A vir.... I•tobutomitti: . ‘,
te\ ; i , s \ \ \ \'' --
t I 1..
1404.A.11 I kl , — K Cortieliti , tmptred \ patent
11 2 4 1404PI '''. ,} r
\ " 1"1 " 7.:: . \\ \ \'.
A' . 4 .. , ..\\
in ,1,
, .t.,...4 -
ir r All al:on : N. : a hand ' ,‘,11 to , 1; ,. ..80 ,,,, ,; , 1TA R \ , ,
~ ' ' ' ' .1..,4 \ itont i et. '
IteatuagNFul eltila
,\ t. \
‘,. ,Ix TT Alt E MARkING - IPPA ..,ATIISN fur
•,,, , loon.. DJ P..= hi Itote ~Coort. lAnu.l....ere
Aunt., Hunt 1106 , \,:turery'isclo , llopilt tp.analbu k.l.
.. of er.rll , •er , Ption.-pUbill , rp,t. .4b.0. Lunn.
n awl Dryina I:otuP, L4lOl pu A srL sy ssouiss,
t ...a1.., rill. high or luuu b., ‘l.. ted: cu for . I .' o '
pu ro no the metbod ii , e4,11 to it
.i- 1 ~ fur Vynttlaam by natural Or rcod 0. , 1 ir lll
0 „, Ewen wherrrar de,orod.
all riga of (lir varinor dercOptkrns %neon° ed re•
raoirt ully ttearxd UP.. I.l‘t.hinn inns
~ ..rn'in ..' •
mi b. m Intnren • whole;zonr, %nil h. ft ...
mulled Nrsosorstuso, oah enttroAftuudo from 'toot.
ot,astiss.dust.or throws.
semi l
ss• C•r^: '•
,• eh 01111 &DAIS'S:. 421.:13Ati../ t "F.L1.1. .
I. , Coprey's Pot. Chi \
.. rilllE au ribers are novx, Ityle • oats '
cm J. of j. k b C.. for slo• Ws sif thai s Yot ci I to
u, P.7..d*rrtl=i=iL ''''t
dm usibk substances kronrO; sod is Seri sisql'Okly
mt. , sod elosagosi pnrsloOs to osiOdose,
\ .I.IIGPIOO.N 4 .114.00.
1 ~
'‘‘;,, MEDI C,A
, \\:-- •
. ..... . _
J. ik. Townsond. Drug' ' ' illarkkt St— \
\ 'tf; ' ' ancitik \ ; ' ,
6 1 .4.1kAh.v0 t.ttha." . Mei, . s .
' Jo.'l'i , r.i•kl , Y , V.l'll • \ es'. II,A:I I : \ ' \ .. • ‘'
John Elliott, 1.. n on \ " • l \‘\%, ',
\ T.,:idator. Waver\ \ ,
za.12 . 41 ,
~ COMF6 \f, • ND, •,_ \1 ~ ,
lc,. 011 nu: A. \\l CTEIX *ill 14, forainti \ r ,
.. \pr. 1,...ittc.1 , INFALLIELS LYNIMEArk \
or , /tale Fluid. wine hakietood thw t'avt'pl \ thhillnail uP.: ''
°eV ; and haAl ‘ boyotol lkiloubt, lavea 1,-he tan•vnVhf We. \
fug e live• vf they wi& a( Icl k 1:0114a, itr, baniftleyerjr,
ria•• 'vluiractor of dlevaso, II o fret that ire hazards. \ \
thtnct, raving that tido Is the nly Inedlthat. lisie Ire= .... Y • •
.11..,1 Vt. altlktel, that every weep( the l rnel• V „ - r
at it alld C.' N \
t ,4,....4 . , \\:,
ha. , rOJ. and iv capable ofFuring
ar, ‘ latirelnedielna offer...l for laL, wa ~. =.?" .. . '
rn's .t '. : T tliir ' l r n i a '' eniltilrs7 ' inV ,N 4ost th:-. ' ''.• .. V., \ \
Iles ,, !it ' ll.. prisy article that h•a apboarr o Id \ Ilneit i o, \
.:r; t r; f lcr""CilTrlt47e7:44ll * ; ' &ll.l... red ,.°4 = l ; • ; -N\
Family onkl. ever offered for wa5e.1 . ,17 naWl by ir of \ . . • \
The Iln . Itraae IL Chiciva, late M.& Than MAL \ , \'.
iI. Non'' , .. 514v0r. Man. John A. DiE, late U. S. Set. ~‘ \
1,". Wills If. t`or ter, ' . Lilt.. or th e Stall Of 4. ,' 1 \ \
Tunes mad a hoot A othe r ! . dot inzdlahrd Wise. a anr,
Yrrk, w Ito hive fully \lv Ated its cola, haver nalttad . \ \
proprietor to lc; to,,thoni. :
A. It l• well wall that Paten • Medicines ike not geryo-, • , s , , \
oily n.ronivd tha lOpr.i, wr thy and *lle circle% . , ,
I we 'moo undoubtedly. a iight tei ter our:wive. til
de hly pail, \ \
'I Ileged. Thi• It otoler woMting Coln •and - TI. bn tnenelY \
vored yearn before iv pub Be. Its • t t rig
&Selma Is 4 , , , ~,
ttroner , o4 and lot Tie , : mns , t , l i nig . nid , Zie n.a atTn . .. u ar.
.. \ ‘,
: '- ' ; ‘ ,XliTiet n . ' llT. L . 'a 1... el grAlwrtly for • Ito
mai \ bon rheumatic lialor, Pm lotts/sivelhaz, i l Illi an t..
. ‘ 0, 0 istottlaio Nailer; Van Irk ll Ile 4 ari on cmnsP r : \
an . dbava porbvteil mach tonlelving en after all AFC
nr .11. es have finhal, I,lk skid at nor be f, 1.1 wa MAI I.
ofh.rod, and In our posit n ew, th ntronan pool. oft * \
' dm.. '
, Tbl• ...Mine, or tlgt.llll em.dy la pieta • frantveg.
erablre. for internal so wolh ante wo. - It . trdireete ,
I l ~,,,,t, ill, dis..ell part—g . glt hi Ith sago m e ths. , .
It is V , aura enn• fOr PLarrhe L rep. Minus • •Ile• r '
all spannicalic aftertian. , di - a. aof e lildni. . ,
V, eakuve. in male or feniale , ro • win, vr nun e t, nasty r , . ,
ha originated.
For vole iu Pith-MI.I, by H. E. 11, , rx' ••• • • a.. -!.,....
c<,....1 legdon A I , nowdrn: nad 1 41 1 • n WI ' •• • ' ,i.k
couerally. It i• put up in four. tw \ t,tarwileVtilllng •• . .. ' ..
To" al e Readers of the ePi olittlh t • ... % ,
' - '.'l
I lIIIELPO ATTENTION is As ecifrilly in-. i , ,. ,
ji yi in \ in. rou...tsg , i'iaii.....i • Innlo4= to •' - tt , . ~
i ., glt i tTl.T.llf,fat r lr(tll 7 Nreit% rttn a m 4
Seto ago Litre Win mot ;woolly woo loronwib before *be
public. Pr the n•Etef and core of dloolve.. Itf • uti r
'to heal. have, 1111:1[1( then. 6,010, Rill yay . the • . .L.
~.. Oi, ... lleire that T Llsa Jotter tte,
moo eerthlo will' at time a nod •th vi oot Lp
' ..
i ' i ' ‘ L i.. r n . e. " l ' l i I":,:r•,,Z.,•?;;;;:irXitritVir°ol.,V.l \i. '., . N s.
1 ' 0 ' :;i4,, , , ,. n ' n ' fnu.s have tee h fetfotto. The Petrelienth la
a Natural It. elaheratol Dr the depth, iti \Moth \_\ , \
..„ht it tower , aud'atreneyithat lattabasto rota all \ untaia
- voinpetttlett. It D oar duty. where
about POD. , \ ~
, that we - rith, the trdth-thattlasfeY
1ep,..1 u...,. deeelee hin.. who mart r0.t04 , wort/ or Po.'
deAm .n or vtandoants. lhe rick are tar, optto at \
i dly ou 'tat prothirea relief from dlAvote• ntorpthn \ . • \
- har he tde fifthly wrought T ‘ atiervor tbp,ottpictel . I
dir g wine o nly th en. Dow. VI do hot • ..
' i : '' : -- i ' fli ' i u ' n w b r ' sre 'u tinaleati o t auto( Outheln relation .„ , • ,
d u er—,' vthibld io , WM..' .1,.. th" : " , '" g ' " \ -
te a, We:m.l. thy , lnnate ...Alvle in o•O tif •• • . , • \
ea, Mtn oat wittsbolfacte--fact. that nutty aeortlained \
In our rith trd neigborhoo. both tile teatititOttl to flo \ a
vur of the 4 etroleuat. \ss ' s \ \ •
Within ttiv 4 .1..1.......q a "' 1 " ‘l"r "* I A • • \ ,
wt.,. VC, tie y blind , here been metered torte 1. De \ ~.
a of‘blaidneen, So Me Mate Waal hanl boon • . \ , •
4.1. A nd. then lb o twee( • Arent letton Dearth county . . • S ' .
There.. othet.b liutthree'tth* ear.' ovet, b....WA...1
b......wm.:4 to hi soy. YerlooA tvho lib , . Ditibla on the:
Tie condi env' core,/ atter they bast bens abaidt
ed br Plty Arians \ sa-Ecrelvoe The` Pftholenth tool
when toed axicenhith to Drectlmo---Dourheoe DM. s" . s
~ Piinn.linwonmall•nOtiout, Neuralcia. Le 0 roe= on thee, \'•
„..„. 0 ... ~,,,v h. y. r .„ , .,En r ente boy, Eye.. IllinprOroL Tatter • s, , Ito W, tools in the bone* and joints. old tote. Others, .„
Wen., Anne, Chrehle•Eonahe, Aftlthaa. Ilronchitta, that ea •••
o n ln t onarr •Ao•tk•us of a chrome ;effort.. toothy* to yfro.. - \ '• '
dure,Coneumptwo. ~
Duns and evalds,dioaties of the fliadder, and Wary&
,„ _ ,
Chaoped Its
Poooddl.d•ElptitertAl'erea s and Ilitttiana.
~,, 6, 11 ~,,,,,,r ay 1 ,10t.p. . Ma11i law beariDied '
~, v ,,,,,, v ,v r v,.. a h ere dinewe. within thryfortyi.wits , tha \: , . - •
tono pilbet sorry.. Certtheates that iqll votoulah soils \ :
\ U b,. bd. : dyed the propritter.ittio will takopinevare In thole.. •,. ~`
,V,;;;‘..t:',"'.1 . :ff.`1,,06Nt0 u .11,1...34„,„ it,,,.. • : \
Petteleunt I. the greatnet Keno:dr of the aka. • Prhe \
a orr to the profc.stnet are tyvoutilltg \ tote If '
t n 'i rt . l l ' r ' y ' inAre. nuke who at Ervelookrd oid. with doubt \ - ..
and untertatntyi are offline to Ifward It du a pthlecaltd \ ' \ '
disktention. Befo opther yethcoll . it rot:mthyl' aryl, bp : „
paled'(o arathiwleiloitthat the ',robot.. itilthe =Wan ..‘
, Lo .rn i s ''
*'‘... ra r S ' Ert.i - 11(.1 gf',41 4 T1A,,,,," '"l' t .c.\,
• aloi---11. Yeller. ..7 rty•A D. 11,.CUrry, D. AS \ \ S •:. '. \
\ Elliott, Jediebh Dough. . All hen, Citle Ahttsi - iP Vii.Pl.‘ - . . \\ \ . .
. rooff. I -E t.• hi hlt, Lead aeln,
_ect rtreet.4Pttthi \\ \ \ . \ \ • •
burAin end \D. A. Itthoratte-lt Co.. Waft Idfd 1 1 thitit \ ID/1 , \ • .
4 \_.
r• , •
k.l -- ftEil.S . ESWERLA 'COU.OI.I SYRUt': "‘' . . , •
\ \ \ ~
L. - -It in cheap, othr to take. s sti . 4l v idl . hir....,,,,a1.ft, .‘• \ \ p
t 1 • ..'„
IL E.Y.llene-fly. Wilma. Me nthent wolo trari.s . , I
•nrolet to treuhlraorne roughs., and Edteing nakdALffehrsts ‘ . •
rionetVea to Vrlll little purr..., 1 wlll t i k ndtleed,by due \
tbroterits about your tothith eyrop t Eire It AtthaL .1 'a .
o rOwn it 30 two ! bore, and alto tons daughter seen . \ • ‘ - ' \
diderentsticova, cod tubas never failed (neon than. ~ . : ,
.. \ ',
I f oL , , ,,,,,.. o i n r ive udiel it to thy nezg h ter. and de. thni , .. - •,\•,' . ' ',
\.• th.t. by riot. en Aired o the public. A , \ \ \
\ Payette shifuld not t their children to L Er frail • \ „ \
•L Voteh , when they trtay'he'eurievl by a 3 ct. of thil„• 'A \
sparedl thelarild . b4 . \ , RE. PS \, - ,
\. rtivlnD
il4 •ol 'r et E o N re. r and re ' , . 11 .2 e Or; !.?e th l ne e r7. II Al''''gC *l 2 \ , \ .
1104 . .thintenect is ,AnnetaLle &ate. \nd \ , • „
No oto a te. Dr op
L' a nt' l ' ite A tlal Balt uf balsam de Malta's \ % •L. \
' Nerve and Ito ne Liniment Hlood t doire Math of
toy...debtor', ether's . 1111thrit tAI. ,
„ r pulmonary Bateaux Carlenter'aEatratibr i :A
- ills, It (foot ./CoortElluder \ : '
the ~•• Lee's \ • Delby'rreartolnathrw ' - - ' s
ld; . Anerson'a Depo..thle hrtufb fo.t .
o • ° fluor, e I rare olsithinea DelL •
ler 0,,
E v a II AntbDrapeptlc W., l'l•idlnn dl.. ,_.„ • ',-; \ ..
\ .. 'v/ Easerion ot Deptormusa. • i „ . .
••' PhelpeTernato
aR II y.den, ,
.v. • ° Itlue ”, • • ' Oboe; \
...o , - Quinine . .. If tom '•\
• 0 . Powders, Soda „ 5. •Mu \ - • \
W \
titts ' ° : !prune, fit \Awn ,
\ . ee Ointm Pe en :i t for Tettth Ilya Water I S . -
Ye aim a Parunea, doilhey'a Cordial_ ‘, •,.• ,
Turlltthen'e Bals.taOokten Thant • Xs
.ES •Verathfuge . iklarlon Oil • \ s ,
~. ...Myth To. Diane Powder .
1 ~ Ay Emi .4 l:Tax Ens» of . .... a 1 ..... L N. WICK Wade rs
vvr .
.... .
. ... 01.a...1.. . .
.: • t .A. - -_,........... ‘, - ..
IrEA.T ERS--30sacksAantlicdfor ' . • \
KL . , bi -- O*U - MIIIIALtD/Wr.ST IVO.'
--, , \ '
' ' ' - • ,
~ . •
, s . ,
- •
- ,