The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 21, 1851, Image 3

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    OT TUX BOOED 'OF Slawaonits.—We
j are compelled to delay our report of the meeting
•Of the Boaid of 3lttriagera of the Allegheny
j -County A'gricultural Society, which took place
on Saturday, until to-morrow. is
PoirranLa Tuftwentso NlA;Firrnes,—W,eester
-I'day paid a visit to the manufactory of m essrs.
Bast.ian.& Carrot, in the Fifth Ward, on Penn
t street, near Simenberger's rolling: mill, and ex
amined their large atock thrashing machines
and separaton, which struck usl as being pecu
liarly well adapted to the purikases for which
tlieyarere designed.
With ono of those tu ' achine, of four borne
`power, the farmer coo thrash mid thoroughly
clesuisi two hundred and fifty buktkeiA of grain
I per dai. Their utility is rendered evident by
the fact that this manufactory has bean in en
istenceJor the past -nine yea. m the city of
Pittsbritgh; during which time over eight bun
dred have been sold here alone. More than two
I Ultima.' are now in mLo West of the Alleghe-
Mee, and as many in the East. They are neat,
simple in construction, and very compact, so as
to be readily. moved from place to place, in order
to render them suitable for use either in the barn
or field, is occasion may require. They run
lightly and thrish the grain thoroughly. Several
of these machines 'are kirown to have thrashed
from eighty to one hundred thousand bushels of
grain each, and still to have been in excellent
running order.
'We advise all our agricultural friends in want
of thrashing machines, to give these gentlemen
a call, and examine for ;themselves.
DisnuCT CM:ULT.—TiIe District Court met yes
. terday,'Jedgellepbtati on the Bench, when the
, tollowittg orders were made:
It'is Ordered that the present trial listhe ad
journed over to the first Monday of December,
and that the jurors summoned to be in attend
ance this day, be discharged tratil that time, and
that they be, and are reqairedqo be then in at
, tendante.
It is further Ordered that the jurors whq are
summoned. to attend on the first :gaudily of
November next, be and are'discharged frouatheir
dtity, to attend at that time, nod that their names
be rgitored to- the jury wheel, nud that tho,
Sheriff giro notice hereof by proper newspaper.
advertisements at the expense of the County.
Unman Brans Cornr.—The United States
'District Conn met yesterday, Judge Lewin on
the bench.
` The members of the qrand Jury were'sworn
and retired to their chandSer to eiamine the bills
presented to them, after which +the Court ad
journed, until this morning at In o'clock.
ilhuawsy Ronsieny.,—A stranger named John
O'Donnel, _was knocked down by
.some ruffians,
oalast Wednesday night, near the Acquedoct,
and robbed of thirteen dollars in money, be
sides some articles - of value which he had in hie
pockets. No clue has been found to lead to the
detection of the thieves.
.1390x..--The Chronicle of yesterday says, that
ninci in Allegheny city shot o woman,on Sat
waxy.. They had been engaged to he married
to each other. iie had been absent from the
city a short time and returned on Saturday, and
called to see her. Ileamet her at the door and
on attempting to kills her, sho pushed hitu away,
and told him she hod been married to another
man. This so exasperated him, that he went
away and got a pistol, and returning shot her
in the arm.. She is not dangerously wounded."
THE R&lLHOAD.—Thirteen hundred and tee
passengers passed over the Ohio and l'enneylvo
nin railroad last week.
ADOITT TO ADJOL/I.—We learn that , the Su
preme Court will probably adjourn this week
CO.ORT.—The §cusisime, Cohn ie 1101 r
engaged in examining the trial list or the four
teenthjitiiiiial district, composed of the counties
of %Williston, Greene and Fayette..
Aparcrere.—A..W. Suter and G. L. Kuethen,
Esqsovere on Saturday admitted to practice in the
several courts of, Allegheny county. They are
gentleman of learning and ability, and we wish
them every mess in their laborious but honora
ble profession.
lostorarr.--Itobert Burke was yesterday conj.
inilited to prison, by the. Mayor of Allegheny,
charged with etealing a pair of boots loom a
gentleman boarditig at the house of Mr. Craw
FBIIOIII . CAD.9.—Seven loaded freight cars
pissed down the Ohio and Pconsylvtude railroad
yesterday, to New Brighton:
LAROTAY.—James Clark was committed to
prison yeeterdny,by Mayor Guthrie, charged with
stealing eight dollars from the till of Mr. 'lessen,
Chaltiers township.
Coltarrrnmi.—/ fresh commitment was sent
ulit r aterday, by Mayor Fleming, against James
ay, accused of passing counterfeit money,
On oath of Lewis Fisher.
Bsatrrinm Cur.—The beautiful eilver'cup, de
signed as the first . prize at the approaching
pldughingsmstsh, can now he seen in Mr..l. 11.
hicFadden's jewelry store, on Market street.
'l4 meeting of the Committee of Arrange
ments 4
for the reception of the German patriot,
Dr Gottfried Einkel,held at the SL Charles Ho
tel brit evening, on motion, it wee .
• . Itesoleed, That a Mass meeting of the eitirens
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, 'without distinction
of party, beheld in the Concert Room of Mats:hie
n/di on l'Uesclay (this) evening, at 7 o'clock,
for the purpose of consideringthe proposition of
Dr. Kinkel relating to aid for / the cause of,free
dom In Europe,
Every American who teal disposed to aid in
securing to Europe the freedom that we enjoy,
Is invited to attend. 'Dr. Kinkel will address
the mieting, and sev e ral able addresses in Eng
lish aro .expeite,d.
Wm. J. P.m, Sec'y
ANDEL KROESEN keeps constantly on
Lend e good esaortnent Waeh end Bath Tube
0. Kitehen or Drew !Include
Woolen Bowie, Churn. Dry Ifeenum. Zinc and ChdrrT
WWI Boards, .nd other kind , . of were!. nn pm,
Warercop. Masonic fall, Fifth otrret. Pittennyyb. P.
Conolly . & Co.,
Ilmn'er• by the Poirot Proem of S. Godley.
- .
P sabscriben, having ranted the Tan
r i ff:rd to tenor yeap ftwanted by Mr. John erldwell.
/15e terepared to tau leather of all kind. hY CO. ...mi..
P.m. They have felt ergain hesitation In calling the.
=Won of the diublle to their leather, knowinx that .n
tun, •wartlacww potent b. at variont perinia been
brutish/ to adtice. that It would to. eJinevt strinaavitile to
tadsco persons to buy. uairas • anion Of certificate,
equal in numb. to Mo. of a. new patent medielne, were
gr th" 4llrattllZ=lti4N!t i get 7 elliv:=
of insatiteeturera and leather /eider, they have felt un
wtlllow to 11.111. to rock mean. of pnacavlng aurora: but,
at It beep >meet. that the •h-ezivery sae perinea, and
• leather •w ortlilee,they take thle mean(
. f inviting the
to an vonteglaatlnn of Its ftwrito: aly win poor
all the". hiather (ealreki. , Particalarl Y.) so equal.
the f best muinfactured In Amerievi and coundentl)
hope that they wIII rival the drench after a Ann expel+
ewe hat farm them more knowledge of thaiideetof their.
ingrallenta. (10NOLLY t m i l e
to • me. Third et. and ItMoold r. •
• • • _ 1852. •
LUST PUBLISHED and for sale:
0,4.wg3i1+3! PITr2/31310111 ALILANIC, tio. IC
DI AfiR ' LIHB .•
• ° FARMERS 1. .
Ilia Weir L.
ho in thy a
t qua t s; tir
t o, usually lesuied,Cacr
' b s4 '
Aimauac, whams will hn loutidlrozas, use
bssesting to all slams. nf girrennli For va tic
rbss. dorms, and rvtal at :he hook and Popo. If ar,
hoods 01 the aubsoritocr, ....k5.b7_0..0 t bil rittsburdli.
LUIS. tootle, dßnot.
lan .hasid. geoid - al asicirtisicot of School
da i Oirllnk hooks, Writiou Rod rapping' Paper, sod
StablOrierr arriaarlly, all of which will be disposed et at
fair View for rdell or irra!!r mks, cisl64Caiwltil'•
Wilkinstoirg Academy. '
Nale.and 'ivy* Ensdieh and Cia.ticaeSchool.
. .
. •- • - .itictisprzo, AtlLOßtel covert. LA. -
. '
HIS INSTITUTION will be open for the
• '' reception or nook ttoen , zed finnale) on )11,PAT,
eirrltirrate Ist. Th. 001.11,1 of instruction romp - Ewes ell
the breathe. taught. in the hoof Areilernirs anil ILlPine.
ri.. nftrethant will lw.filw•ti lai w i thllolow witnesr
of them ine school 14. priwitiril An nrhnoivw owl
Wshtebiw Ptilkwophiriali Cli.nnlrel. end All.Purrintrlll An
penal:ls. krir Cirrulare, containing hall pertirelstrii .vhil
ret , reare. uld mu. 111. Prin , iiel.
Willa ait I. a rp. 011111110 14. I,l.—tanelihlroliwilsirB
iND ---O
BLIN I) —,
UrW. - PA PER Glazed
. v v .Green owl Nein, for role hi.
BUalitg:-1110 doz. :Beaver Buckets, for
&eh,. eept:Zi ! WICK A tilcttAff 1i1.F.8.9
----.- ---i--
MACKEIIEL--100 bbls .No. ;1 Macke . yel
ter LarreLiNo. . forte.' b, •
.^.oux ~W ICK .4. 511,CANT/LFFE.. ,
ALLizor. :TROP—A hod. nopfly .t hiiif i cecZe p rfi.t . for
° :f ix w . 78 Apollo Ruilihrhoi. Fourth et
/MO COAL FLATS Forsale by
SUGAR 7-60 hils7prime, for sale by
MOLASSES—W bbls. N. O.;
6;70;4 e.
La ask ocoper*Lo. 1%7 .101 J,
FjurarbLegt RENCH. WALL PA.PEIL—A general
told sad eta raLie!..len; for sale kg
„ .
Judge Iloadley, of the Supreme Court, decided
this morning, in the case of Childs, arrested on
a requisithut of the Governor of Maryland,
charged with obtaining goods on false pretetices,
that the requisition was illegal, and that the law
of the United States, and all the decisions of our
highest Courts relative to fugitives was unconsti
tutional. The case will now be taken before
Judge McLane.
Tho 14,60' unpbrxlcd iti the inte slave riot
and rescue erne tit Syraeuse, have brew held to
Lail to aunty er for mirdetueattur, nt the Novem
ber term of the United States Cirauit Court, at
There is much excitement here in reference to
the courert of Jenny Lind. The tickets *ere
all sold in less thou an hour and a half--not one
quarter of the applications heing supplied.
The Governor General left this morning -T for
Iturrato, .oc.t. 20.
ilts Satui-day last,h . lr John Lutcher, of Mich
igan, was knocked down near this city, and rob
bed of 0300. lie was attacked by three Men,
who suddenly fell upon him, and after robbing
him, left - him for dead.
Cunimcirrus, Oct. lb
We learn from Greenville, that Mecajah Gam
bile, of Anderson district, in this State, we
stabbed in an affray, by Allen Scott, of Green
vine, and died on Tuesday. Scott has berm ar
rested and lodged in jail.
Oct. 11.1.
lion. Daniel Webster is expected to . reach,this
city on Tunday next. It is rumored that he i has
declined to deliver the annual address before
the members of the Agricultural Society on
day Inat. .
Bosros. October 291.
We learn from Now Bedford that there'was
but a small amount of insurance there on the
whaling ships lately lost in the Arctic ocean.
TIII3 evening, a man named Thus Davis. a;Mg,-
gve residing in Chestnut st , murdered hitr sis
ter, a very beautiful and prepossessing girl of
23 years of age by cutting her throat, and after
wards tearing out her wind pipe. He was la
boring ander the delirium tremens. The ,im
mediate inducement of the deed is supposed! to
he his opposition to his sister contemplated Mar
riage. Davis has been arrested.
The market is generally inactive.
Floor—Small sales transpire. at - t .}
Grain—Sales 7000 boa red %heat at 7SG:,BOe
bu,' mostly at 75(70714c: lye is wanted,' dorn
is steady at 62e.
Whiskey—Sales at 22c gaL
ticyr Yuan, Oct. 20.
• Flour—Sales 4000 bbls at $3 75(ii . ,4 for *L
ino& state and western, sad $4 ()Giro lag for
.Graiu—But little is doing in wheat_ Ryi is
iiX , --searcer pith sales 2000 bushels Tie; " E l
hushel. Salem 10,000 buabels mixed IVeseern
corn at 57c
Wbiskey—ales 125 bbl Ohio at 25}e
'Groceries=-.Sales 200 bap Rio coffee at,
Laguayra at cti69c ja lb Sales 200 bbl Oe
leans sugar at 6c.
Linseed Oil—Sales . l3oogallon9at 70€.719
Provisions are without change.
Now YORK, (ICI. 25
Cotton—The market is firm, with furthersalea
of 475 bales
Floor—Soles 15 000 bbln at $3 SI ;In 4 for
common State And Western, and $4(5 4 '35 ;for
Southern and Genesee •
Grain—Sales 10,000 bus Genenee white*Whetit
at 9(lc and 5000 bus Michigan at 65c. dales of
55,000 bus mixed western Corn at 561 e; and; of
8000 bun Rye at 710 ft bu
Provisions—The market is steady. Osten of
300 bbls pork at $l5 25 for mess, and sl3' 75
for prime. Lard is selling at 14 lb.
Whiskey—Sales 300 bbls Ohio at 21k.
Stockr—Reading hasadvanced Mor
ris Canal I pl cent. Sterling islrai at 'ORIN.
2 MAP 01.rnit . •
Z. 700 lb. Cll/11. , -.61
15,1 ”airs romdeinl
bblr Tanner,' OV.:
75 . es't Lou-wor d.
tti bble. - 101 ,
Blue 0 11=111
2 bah.. Last India Twine—cs,lp.
5° lb. ,ari..ast....l Twine:
.., bids Fup.l/1114.-yurt. rte.] sod ?ord.
be L.v.11 .1. KIDD 4041.
ULM R- 2 30 N. Q.. for safe bv
Y .
crl 0 MKS DAV/ELL ;
ARD OIL-10 bbls. for sale to close con- -
1A nignonet, Ly .105104 I.ALZELL.
OLASSES-100 blots. N. 0., for Qale:by
kV" sot 0 034 I.A LZELL.
rjIOBACCO--t'. l ) kegs No. 1 g twist, Gedge's
10100, pg. .al. by .JAII LS DA LZELL.
?VI ACK EREL- 7. 25° Wits, nrrivin~, for stile
ALtFETItE--100 bags crude, arrirthg, Ly I.mO, 0,4 F
PEARL ASIII-40 casks for sale 00
fr-1 IV
STOLE LEATIIER-200 hemlock tan
t_ teed. for by 0 a P WILSoN.
EN Ea OIL, ll'arkersburg.)-5 Mils, a
d i m. artier ILy .nab,;
IL. 1. SELLERS. 57 CFroA
VIIEESE-94 his W. It. Cheese, 10.51d0
L./ Cream dt.. rt.ceicrd and for sale br
..tp2s WICK a 11cCAN 0 LE2F
_ _ • .. -
UUHAM C lESSE--80 bar Melly t.O
thatod Cheat. [big day r...-...lvett arA Or nate by
BUTTER -1 ,4 kegs Frerh Butter recciFd
and for sale by aryl". WICK & McCANDLE .
Fitt:S . ll SLITTER-250 bbls just roc'd 'iind
for a1..2 010/11010' 'lca Mart In th. Diamond:
VII ASON'S BLACKING-20 gross ass' „
.1v ii Coo. for .ale-b, sp'..Ol J. SOBOOKM AKER & 00.
1 ALMIATUS-5 casks pure for eale b
17 itrplt J.fiCfIOONMAKEk A (%
%UGA ft-20 lihds. N. O. just ree'd and or
ale by p.r.V', A 13EL10111T6ON At Ce...
ir r i 11EES - E-:50 bxs W. li.. , just recd and for
gain by tone A. LULL EKTE.O2; 4 00
(IR . E:AId CIIEESI,-75 by" receiving Oer
x.) 1... E. A U lino. and for out by
, aE I, ' , ME., DALZELK
Wr ELSII FLANNELS --14 airanted un-
Oat:A.lbl, to be And .t thy, of
MG 17.P11V a , EL KCLIPI t. 1.1
_ .
TOBACCO -1 1 1 kegs Va. 'F. - fist, for sale I,J . y
1. 1.,1 1.. k 0 ILAKBAUtiLI 1
Minnesota Copper Stock. i
Lr A toi; , k ,i fir r sa iA fe , itt 0 l,ar
- .op', rono.t Market •nd l'Annoita '
N Infallible Remedl , for TOOTH Aellfl,
- Tarts no tb. Pooh. ~ t , . , sr .ml IlletAhnt f/una• for
coot, La rale at hE ',Et: A MoDOWELL'E.
....pi) _ . VW Wood street. I_
on A
dratit. b.l totl.-11
t0t0..) KEI 5 Eft & Mt LE/TULLIO W rA,4I a ' . .
CIIE:ESE—DU ) boxes Cream; .
tls, - c...0n0u -lee nabs by
fa.! ALEHATUS---,50 boxes, •
1.7 10 maks, ..
IL Ltle la Lone arid for uln by
11.44 N. . .I U. CANFIELD .
LAI(E Fl5ll-5 bblx. White Fish;
12 UK, LA. TrooE for sale Ly
oni.` J. IL CANF/ELD.
mACKEREL-7 WAN. N 0.2, for sale by 1
ft_llEESE—tio bx.a. prime W. ft., for sale 'by
k) - ..r.f• . JA211.1.4 DALZELL. CA Watorll
- bb18 .4 - I..,:g,g Ar N iz o i L or
io 50 blob, prima N.O. 0110511
114 bbla N. 0. Molatutoa: I
CO - N.• 11. - • for +ale by
1,4 • IA MEK DALZELL. r r Water et. 1
d ".Kush: ,4 POW'D ,SUGAit ,, -50 bbbi,liii -
Cal IL. MOLASSES—IOO blobs. Goodalecil
CO. ,0 - SL Jame,' 14(4
l o*.olo by i.t.04 I ItUlthltITAIE A I N.lllltA5l
BROOMS -110 dos. Corn, for sale by
Si ALERATUS-13 casks;
IS box.. rit.l,l: (..roalr 1., I
pAPEIt-200 reams Medium:
. .E.l ° Como. for sob. kne by
' seta° JAME,' DALZY.LL. i
)E - ii72.1.:1511 DAIRY . CHEESE-5..1 busies
IlesE4.'s colobr.tol hutottlt and Durham Farr.
noes., reed awl tor aalp by
te . 1 ,1 WICK 11 Mc.CANDLEEK
AUKEItkL--240 bbls. No. for sale Isy
pe') IC% IIat.tICULE33;-
VISTI— —---t
tro bble. No. I Linke &terrier Salmon'
Whit. nth'
tet bbLI. Line No, 3 Cockerel:
5 bb1e.....N0. I -
for b y 'repot .10.119 {WATT SGU
L !BEEN 011 CLOTII-50 , itsrdss 4,4 k
VI app is gunner Often (11l Cloth, tor { llnelon 0/1116;:
f or to any articie antnoracturcti for shot
purport, Net received..lnd for ode by the risco or yard' of
thenr.r. mond. Y oe. . end 9 Woo* Wen.
J. a Hai.4l.9B'i
If Catharine . litongh
: i ! , 07 ., 1: , enci street, sheii‘r,Pl
• H. H. King
1 ,
horn LUIY stTh. hid., mars.! rate/.
1 . 1 Isonfht and ..old •
nu Mr KW, awl W., tonvAlit •u,! add.
1. Sunk. houghl and 0.11.1 0n121,111,111..i , 0n , rll
, . _
easkzi prime, fur sale I.y
S. If 11A1113AUthl.
bbls. for sale by
t 15
iin Est: -MI !alt's W. K.. for Mole I.y .
0 , 14 a II II AltllALTill.
I TRA w PAPER , *2 11.1 k superior, re
•11,,u1•1..1 It Idudoed, and for fan. by.
corn., d Penn and Irwin 2da
. • _
eIUST opoliOd nt Dopot for choice
No. 0.50 Wart stroot —a !mall 14,1 of SWEET . KEN.
dab °RANG!: sv - c finoarnrla.
LUn s CO..
fa 00 and des lonalen•
Urn , . bbls. Fresh Roll, for sale by
„..1 3 wich A MrCANDLEsS.
4 0141811— ' -4 vas!. Ihr sale by •
. •
SH A W I.S--J ust rood, '2 cases
I,otnanior tireJw Shafrla A. A MASON t CO.
I.IL ,t SATIN BONNETS—Wt. have re
trin rihthit Silt sad Sad
In Bonn,- 1., I I A A. MASON t
O. ez P.R. R.
Tick And Edebpn, Broker,
r-orner Markel and Third xtre , W
lift AID DE LAINTS-4 cases note style
a now opening A. A NI ASTI?: AI
ii I OR SALE—A firm rate FAMILYtiI„,,
v•high even JACK )1.1.
!Tory StAble. Irwin stn... •
p t of
itSt. Load 111
. mm Sdrirat rln Ante Wnr , Al
P.ITs by the A..nts,
_JAUF.S A. 111L - TCUISIN A f'(l.',
Good Chance for a Gardener.
TIIE undersigned will give a meet cavora-
We Leo, of roam , TEN ACRES of emend In t.g•lrlt•
ley Enttoni. tor Nur/wry nr I .anien, and gill .alit In
tonlang the netvp‘ary Improvement, , land one, Sing the
Seat gunlitE. en , ' (Sr leentinn 1..1; ex,llent one,
Tor, ennrergent the river landing and railroad drEgI
"")11112 'il" tram
111TE.14 Oran[ et.
D ICE-11i tern primeprime Carolina. for sale by
ll oelu JA31113 A. 11:TCIII.SIIN A
EAD-550 pigs Galena:
RA pnunda Intr. llsght ham) Ear anle Tr
n••• 10 JAME, A. 111•T(1111S1, A 01,
4.1 11. MOLASSES--20 bbIA. prime St.l.;m
-k3. id Entineer. for 1 , 1
•• 110 JA3IhS A. MITCH IIgIN x Eih
EMl'—Cei bales Kentucky :and 3lissouri
II 1,1,-4. Ea- ral.•
JA 31E3 A 11C1 , 11111.03' k Co.
I LARIFIED bids. for sale by
1, , eeto JA NIES A. flUTC111: 1 0N CITh
Vi ACK EREL--500 bblx. Large NZ:i.
IsaAn.etts ingpertlon. f T5l, 1,.; cede b,
•• ,10 JAME, A k1 . ,1.
—, -
up UCKWII.EAT FLOUR—A superior arti-
R.,el , of frreth hulled Ittet.whcnt rhur, Intl reed et
2:o, Liberty at IE3I S Nle•LEltti a CO,
•rinqrneer• and Tea Ih•alera
I °SHEN ANT) W. ii..eCJIEESE--Con.
atantiv on herd and tar tale hr
^ 31 •• • SCSI A. 3IN:1.111i1 k
. on hand and. for tg.i,
300 .\) 11 A Me'l.l7llo A ( 1 9.
.-µ wk, Wlnter Strained Whale iaL
Elephant 011
bile • Raektal Whale
S bruan Tanner:llth
. I Z.. 1, .bagg prime /tiol,fleg
hr cheat. Ten.
1, - l'ogebong
12 end 0 115. boar, extra rtne. far L.. 11 us,
• 25 t,•3ve s:ATobsrev., eholeo brand.
IS tiervee
20 Sir Ergabol .
20 raft lending en I tbr W b
,••••-•, l) IIYACK MIX:. S CO.
...—. • .
B EANS -11.011)1s. White. for sale by
.1 ChLAtEltll•A',3 A Co
ba•va Ratting,
B OLE LEATIIER-101, tltK'i.:ak,it
t k oned.
Fur ..)t el A CULIIEILT,IN a 00 .
WHISKEY— A lot of ittperior
r ,l i t :f
, Eli—lull „i., l: e
o -•, 1
I AiLL)-3 Nn. I, 1.
11 r-AmPF.I.P scitavt.l,
B ,TTE.-5,1 kegs prime. for .ab•
3 n C A 'it I El.t:
I 1 ICSE El) OIL- —'21. 1 bbbi.Gri,r, v ,fi.hrnnd,
1A 7, no, by J. IL FI Ku)
)EARL ASII-271 c.7.7kg 14 male Iv
ALERA Ila fa, and 20 iii. pur r,
I 7 for .AI. 1,, 3 II CIN FIELD
(21.1EESE--4! , 0 boxes Commtn:
for Faie by
(.1 CGAR— blni, N. 0., for ,nin by
ACK ED. .BOrTER--5 hlilr. ll X~~.l, for
)EARL Atill—;;li e3.k, b,
1 by J I:. I LOYD
1 )0TAS11-1.5 e:niLs pure, f j or a r , ,‘ lll.;
iTEE-- . 51 , Lags f s ,
Fr OIL I A , I; . 0 o—Best Virglnin fu j. : A t.n , lll , 3 ,L e":; , L for
1 in an.l v.urn, In.rmiLltAlly
F . .
.6 •
r* L
I,:i . A -
W • •
S tha," „.-•
,14. 1
' o.t ' ' '"' r', ; .ZVritrt ' it i r.rt • 4 0
t 1 01)141S11—Reecive.1 and
A 11.-4 LI It. <n)
rilANNta,' Iphly
f.,, J 1. 1 11 ,,,, N /1 ICY.II .1! 4'..)
S J. g P1:101 cank, pure fur siiln Lv
l:11,111r, II AKER 411
L1331--a tails. fur sale I.t
„..7 1.4 . 11,17.11,M K to
Vl.' if ALE 01L—.5 Cn»kn bleached winter
Jl , l . .1. 1,, J 61711,,,,N11 11( LK .1:0
•"'' • 'II %A 1.0.1 i
lIIEESE—n O IH.In.extra (.'room 11.. 0 4 ;
xj IS. , Jn IS.
F. r,l+spra4,ll.4arlz,3
—for sal, 1,; . • ICI( a
bni, Nr, I Ink/.
1}) LI 1,1,1.1.1
. .
of II 11. 31eCtilloW0 brand—lbe .".^,
ntb•reNl la this mark.t. aryl warranted lo r. nein .0..41,
IrtoKth of 1104. Yor cabs by
B UTTER -3u cans frekl 'Sutter;
1k.. 4 a do 4o—for aab, by
kedo do do—for ualo
• WICK • WOO 1 , 1J.53
A LiAiAl ~`
TLIA) eankm rood and for sale
EN' drutwd just roc'd arid
1.11 ha I. k JOON WATT ACO
k 1110 AN II PENiii A. R. 11.-40 sharce lur
lur $OO Wr tY , r•Id• Ara?',L A. n jj , t , • co.
0,4.:0 d e0• 'Kook and Elohl•/e 11,01.1+1
' , LIEF:SE-100 haw Cromn,
Ccmr/Inn jurl /e,rl•kr.Ar
aa.l fur rebel, JAME, 1E1L1.E1,1..
ors trate,' Are,
et this dehr.oas eirtlrlr j art re• Arel an! Ea ask by
IL E. YEI.LE/p.:q 11 eed
r ti/HALE OIL-775 galls. just reed rind
V I frr sall. 1,, IL E r 1 E1.1.1-11111
/AD ITRE. for rale 1 , , kfe, 11 E SELLEHEE :,
(COARSE SPONGE—.22 I, of ruporior
1j quality; for sale by • arc/ Il _
gri ARB.•AM3IONIA-2 cork, for sole by
0,0 11. E SELLMS
, ASTIirE 4OAI'-21./ boor, for solo by'
11 E
1) TEA WARE, Communion
) irur,Cs.fitors.CatAlrAlrkr. Table
told., Limp., (Er ndolra. bur rhatoloiler, %lAAtt,..
EArAry. hlllltary
Itvga , lia, Trimming. Onhl 0111. 5 1,
1 11
10 bias reathora:
6 - Ulnae:,
4 bbl.. lioney.
11 • llrriuv.
I nuJ Cr o ;al
1:4A1A . , V n t1 r t;11:: , 1 .. .t.00., *l7
r.n. At.
UOAR- -7 blb, N. 0., for rale by
.. 1 .1 J. Id CANYULO
ODA. ASH—We are prepared to
Otaertnanufaaturart, and Lite Cr.,.. genrrallY• wtth
Soda Aall of Mane manufacture. et the Jewett marked
Judea. and which we warrant ennui W the beat Imported
111 , :h 11EltU V at CO,
x D 9• • Plaint ed... near Market.
ill(1A 8.-75 hlls. prini,..N. 11.. I , r sale by
1.. - 7 ..14 Pldlllltlldifd. lED 0,, AM
a,NOW DE It--A lame supply of hazardtonn
uracture.pdrokr.on bend rolled rAlo al lowert rate,
fod2 J. A. DILI% MITI! .1. O.
14 1 NOM:ill LAID i'A PERS.—The - bent
_LA 1,..,1,,„ Cll, 4.1 I,trar Paper, blur au. eregrn bkid.
rrto bo hsol at 10. S. If A V VD'S ('alai IV kl.rboun,
_ ~..1 llll, rAI krt. I MIA Serrontl rt.._
I , lIEES.E-58 boxes, on eminignment DOW
N..) landing, for rdtel.l leniAll ItICK4:I az en.,
"b 9 ' Water rapid Fn.!. A*.
COTTON -4M bales for sale by
.TO lour and Front .t.•
1 I OYFKE-100 bags Rio, for sale by
1 / rab2 J. 0. Dll.ll Wall a LNI. , 1
WINDOIV GLASS-300 Inn. szl
i 0; •.
Yor pair by 11:1:10 d
.1 , • Frt.tat twar-Slarket.
gAGDFISII--3 tee. for sale Ap
/ .00 • WICK t 51,3ANDLEFA
iiII Mr. f , .... W . WWIa McCANDLY43;I.
. .
a Till IS well known I si3Llisliment as st:II eo
' I. dootod na th.. oaave maanrr 11 lin- ',lam) n lo4n. l'o.,
O. . Ti/CaleZrE ~ , C; -"...5.:......,:—...... !a,7,4,..,":raor',;a',..fouPl....a'at.',"'a,,l",'"';',.'ra'at,','-'l7.l',.,Toriala"ora.T."ll,".::
L an•r0 .. .;; , . ,, , , . , ..,a . , . , ,. .. ao ~. .1., at so; n ',Lie 'Oil totninta
IlLil. FALL ARE-INGE:MY:N*I'. • I Kil- '17',1.;;; ''',..,: n ~,.. .., ,L...-ITh„ ~, ./..ho L'l ~,,..,- a r•..,
:•Laker. hla 1,1. elen.;sat• 1,. OvOr.uurt i. PAVULO.AO. nod
rasa,: 11 RIP 1 . ..7.4, Att. 1 4 1 . 13:0 IN, 111 1 . ..4 ACO! l.• ,i1te...1.1.. 11,1
1.11 al I,ltliKat 1. ! ......tot r
Proo..piodoL, R0d.0.01 ,r,,,/ /:rpm. I'o r.A.I reno
1 . 41.1. 4 ,1 . &NO .411.111,61 4Kt tiOnflt TO ; / 41 I I 4 Al ) },l.l ' H lA.
Two Daily Lines Expresi Packet Boats, ' Matchless Blacking and Inks.
- . n. 3144 4111.4.4,, ..."' '''' "at"
. lo lii po , 1;. ...I 1. nto.l to ....11hAl$ . M.../I,tun.
I K‘41.1. 4 1 i EL, Von 1..,,E5tiE1p..,
~ "aas a ` ..., '' a " • a i'Larr, •tr••••t. ra Or N. 4 th hunk,
Op Mad alto, - Monday, August. '2LL),, do , 1 . 1.1.d01id00. 0.. ." ...S.'
Peold.a. ad tho Liu. at ill 1.1.••• INtl-bar.h tor 1.,,..k,a;t1 ria/ 110 MNS ,ly 11E1 . 1,4 BONNET 31 AN u_
E" r / ''''''''''' '''''''''''''• " I '"" "'"'"''''''''' . E Wl', imp No. .1 1 ~ n IL t0 . ..0.1 8 ,,,,,, . wt....
7r7Z7217.7; "d' a i'' ' 'l'
th• - ",7"°"°"'lrar 1c „...... ~,,..,,•,....,,,,,,, N1;IN 1 t
net 1 ,, r.14111a,1a1:g ...
' '''
A '
' • t • plAtillAit
iiilht, tirTlai. n ltratth. Forty lloara - CitA , i pa .a. a•,aa r..,• .... „ a.alat IA, .11.41
W 4 . A.41.;•14/171141 Vh 17. ? : taL:1; t' ortlIFOitt.:t. : al AGA I.EI, V, a ILr Ia IV AEI/ N: Co.. 11 lode
ovood travel, , enabling oo arrival at rbil.104•Illa In ; 1 j <al, 0r,...r0. N.......,1 , lara, , t .I .I . ltUm_a•lallia Oil
prn,e,....1 on 14, Nen Yat I. at rtre.
Take the lora and Caw kaa laud I:allraad. at Iladrintoom ; II EA LI), 111.4'K NOR & I ' o,, TglinltNal
Natant, right Lair Haile. , Tliza-, FOUR hour.
; 1 I l'hila•l
Farr 0.111135.410;1 Men haat, Na. II Nartl, Water atr,,.
It/ atplii, Slu. aNvo I,• 'Lattimore. Sa.:.l. 1 ,
.s., ~.; M liar, ..,.. 1111,1,1pt.t nu,l
10 Llama., C a da I lamakaarg sa..a.• 4 . . . -
I 1 y •111 de•ire ei...ap trx,•llag and cemfartable Ben,unao- ,
dattato, ...con 'am' ElakelA a.: II•a• Tank,, Ware. alauunaar ,
11.4 i !bap, at 4 ' ' •
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
canal Ilsein. Penn str4t•
McHenry'a Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from l'hiladelphitr.on the
15th. Imq on the 10 of sneh month.,
sr t, MARV I . LEA O,INTA, Y.. E. 1.040.01 n, 313,
SHENANDOAH. WO, P. i:nr.liosr. 31.0,
1,.:1!i!zwi:,N: . th.;.i . ,.; . 0 ti,:,-.1-T
• k . .
•• Alfred Smith, Matter •
° SHACK AMAXIIN, Wes, II W. Weu, Mardi,
The alava glare - are built of the beet nnd noon mat')
material, and are not,' tar the rnpnlirt of thmr pitaanter:
they areAlthal ttp with all lawn lulpne. iiitouit., ale moat
thoroughly varmint,. and areunettrie,ail for their a,
rommoilatioun for &anal (Won and aueeru, r.,11;
thee Are etuntuande4 hymen of &Aortal...Lima] talent, who
ve unequalled for their axprileors. In •the nark. t unri,
Perron. deeirruot of bringing their friend• from the aid
Country ran obtain oertihratar of para.., which pill I.
good for eight month.. and our agent,. naJ and U.
erphol furnikh them Pith the prnrratation auJ
inetruatione relative to their departure.-
Far the nauraulener of paitar agent nothing to Petri tn.o
oar or aurplr &Alia tor LI aterlinat anal upward, pat able
at ht without iliprount, In . analual 1,7 ant ..1
the Bank, an Pont lingo In the Cult,- Brenda n.
ei - PrOriemoa •nPOI I I.I panne:mere .tuning Intin Liver
week the frilloarloc ininniira. ol / 1 14 . inr hfn, nbihri ,
° t r aie:i ' gre rn ii ‘ a r t;f:l7?: i ra r irtr?a, ' rn
In lb. molaaara. and I Ilt.porte tinder r l2 age,
lba. breaitn(h I lb. pork. full alloaanre of pater awl yin.
"dnr. nod".."°."` 767 ` V,YN ' ll ' r
No. L: Walnut rtreit, balonfierion.l. allul
It al. 1..1 h.
, atath and Wood eta.. lititatiurgh.
lag. 185 1 . WL4s4._
Via Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and l'hiladelphia
MITE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
• t.A. the Itrttnnt dal , /. s F nrn , k Cre.n• n o: l , n.
n' il i :V . e l n 9 i ' n ' !. ' l,..ln4t ' e C e; ' ,ll ' ,l * ,V h .t..7, ' .%7:::
at 0 n'elnck. enntna.tinn with lb. nu., at tttni•eiland next
eeening at 10 a'rl.ak.
thr,gb re Italctmorr. ZZ hours Farr 0111 r St
Time tt.rodch I'llo3.lophi, tt , hour , ittd-t. tat, Sit
rho Nattorml wood I ..utlue., t ut. 0,11
lid Cottrldnt I. twwn 111,•
cdrlllt. ut , ll'utul.crittn.l. which
mak., lid, d,1.1,41, Lb.
• .
. • - •
.1 ‘II,KISIEN, At,ot.
0111.••• iti tt••• Itlenouttshala
1851. ,gti44,l --- * 1851.
J. thtuk,t. and the I•trie Rulrowd. ....nnwlintr with
trxt cla•••• oti Ln, th. hlqap.Cl.•••ththi.
l'olumbu• .41.1 elnestw.h Ch.,••lwn,l etht htt•butgla. ith.l
hendu•k• Ltd One•tnnatt wthl •towth.r• the .tho. ay.] 11,..mmAthhi athl th. itho, Intim.. alp]
I . .ntot Prnni•
Tit SINu 1.1.111: DUNK IRE AP Ft 11.1.0 .11 S
thhdatt • •,,•ph.,1•1
rotllll,, , ..
Tb• 11.1 Train ...rt. Ist ptiopenrern ran
PrITT:rn " ILt " ,.
The Itv tar,. f1,14t.t: Trutt Punta. •t
11 11 .1•11•. • 1,,t,c, I.
..ttarbed tlos - Vraln to
•ernattnodat. N'a•
P'ttrr tn. buttitli , ••••• t.,T.1
in •
t, lurunr nr. I t. trun+ll - 1
I+l, •r sil 11:u /. n‘. N.... 1 ork
Ynrucular r.. 1 flfork Thu Lulu.
in. 111.1 .1.4 mule. 0,. thr. ,reat •dflu.t.s.ceiUlf/lt
fufrrow tuu., Raiir...l• in tee uinui,rfutu n Sturlt.
Sur A/I.lltivnal T.L.r uuli 1. I ul unumicrauu le •
11 +tun
rr-lellt Tann. •111 full psrtula
l•r• In
.1 11`...111 , eaLo
xf.„ "I'"T'
11 .".1.
1851. WESTERN 1851.
Till'. Canal biting in order, we are
prepared Inu,ert (smite, end rnerettantlint
An trntn the •I.A t . -ttt. •t tle nurnArtz rAnr
41. with Itr.utrtnette and tltts,Atrl. Tbe nn.l
Arn ,led scut ettntrnll,4 It, the rAptlvlent
trs.olaultni, an, all ott•truetAnnt pn.mrt/1 - na.
ten IN In
nprl, 4.. ne adhere
VI • r.
•t . I hr.
. n 3.1 SDI •
1 . 1 ALA,. A.K.0l
• 26 HOURS TO CUTM,.iIifD.
Wiwzli lB5 1. M!GA
El-r," Par Art Ruaimad tone to C;rt.rlars;l.
Imve et. ry u t 9
6.0 Ratit 11.....1n4..1
1.. boor, T.• ILLL tn., LILL
L. .1.1
..(, I 6,1 Con
•toi Al:/woulmt. 1,11•1.
CiP•4l4ml.l ••Ar,
I 41 .1 , ,
of 11 I • r.Ara
wk. AM. A," twin.f i r Itu lar I
4'nfmrra..;..Ontrl‘tll.lfLf‘74 ~' 4 ,` • 4' (/..•-
ti,A.:4! ' p, 'n.l ln
4 0 , , •mo'A foof qou - A-AA.
r' r -- N,olva, • :[zPk ' ...,.
U‘i It . Ay.
(Ey rinmor (.1 neolt [Mold
r t
....ARM -1851.
On thn Pennsylvania and Ohio Canala.
CLAIIc., PARK, ICu . . 1(4, , pa.
CILAIIIIIII.II Ct." &L. .1, to
Fr I Line I.nit Inmared to
it.far11.11.1...1 tho Liu.. sn ungnr,....l tonumirr,• nil
.114.1ta,•so.riel,• , .11,0Aurte. p,n3
Gear, r
fir,. It.! leaTt. I'ittabum - rilin.l ll leveiv.l , l•ll,,ruuLtint
Ipmpplior sal ve,....1,0 nu LAIIeA
A(. It. Tay tor 14 •ryrTn.
A N NveN , l. V. 114,
C o
Bowon a C.,
(Irtnn , .l* I , lNnkhn. (
11. A. Miller. Cuyothuys 1.11, 0
14 o,
llrrolavain A l'elt•tvkne, /..ndualy City. I).
l•rellmm A Scott. TY , ltdo.a• ,
iW,l,larn• A , ChTln•ll. 111,11gml,
laosa•outun a u. Mllwau tie. Nl..
A 0.1.1,a a Co, 111 ,
Tl,rnaa 11514, Ilarag..
Aural,• And e•mithl.l.l.l..
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
y r E tinepaf.,uger
BEAVE Nt• ,•••
••••••• 1/,,r lan•linsta •I I•ltta•burul. Rua Ht..
4%,.• •••••••1•.•••Ll
Irotwo. Vottatwarttls owl • At
Mowl.iw•n 010 •
irloong tr. t. ....try ran w.tworurto Frown...on and In.. t. I . lu•lourah. I.or bcirt.olst
for nn. •n•I 4tp tlOll.
notento apply 1. In mro tit. - 11o.vrr."nr
Nilrbl.rvin '[." or al the I.lllor
Arrangement blade to Forward Freight
RAMIOAD . COIPAN rorclrt. ht.. or
.1/ 3 / ra,rner Penn taral Wayne nta—
/ALL PA l'Elt—Freph assortment for
vldl sql. p tvivetrfron IL. moot ,Ivbrated manu•
Inrrnrl.. n 1 Philwloirbi, N., ork, Auld,
dono knufwei Lir. for 7ale by
""'"' " Thum Ae pALm EH.
ryp2a a., Market alreat
SiV I i,
SB--4;ki bx.fib
A lT A c i l i i i :l: ,,, nt K o t ro .. ., ,, f , :r sale
"P! . WaWr awl Front Wa y
11 ONEY—fi - MAL for sale hp l/1 yY Ic.ololl fIICK EY a 10
bbIa !trued No* !tattle tiraistal Itrflverr.
Ua ban.) tad for tale by Pl•ltltilltat INIIIIRAM.
tetrl a Water. mai la° Fraknt rt.
• -
UOAR-71) blots. N. G. ' for sale by
o. 0. 1111.4%1111T11 a (0).
packets Java, for sale by
• I 11U11.111t1IX11: 1011111(A I.
I EATIIER-21S1 sides Sole, for sale by
14 1,4 bl,lllo[llHir. a IN , /111,4 11
„1112 1,-
neys.l 2ll r i .s o f r i:l " tn ie m. by
l'Eltlll OIL-17 bbls. for sale by
b.l nablb W ell a 11,01,,,1.K55.
114NLA X— . 22 - nackx for sale by
ON I )I<l
gut coat, Irmo b... W 10.1... Wan..
100 pkote. 01..10 • 101 1..0
3. aO. It'd Tobae.u, 111 •• .r.
be kg.. 't IT. 1,11.1L41 1 h.. ixl "
fbemb Hu,
sU bhda. I'. ILa N. 0. Su wxY Yartern Alb=
blob, Loaf. rO.l. pul'd L0a••,..1:
Moluaca. ..:eary.toti•
NI /1,, lut g a ua1....0va
Ylkup " :WO 1140
00 Law. Guyb. Taunt Burk,.
600 C.orb -AO lex, 0.11., oty brands
0.1115.., with .ladder, 011404.
Cionamoo, ar., vo band sod for bi
0., 1 . CU ,Lit.ony•l.
morived and for sale by
Kipu a
I,P DBO3l SALTS—IS bbls. for sade by:
,RU, NU X. KIDD • 4.101.
(NEWY )Rli
To Dealers in Liquors, dee.
.1. Frt Mitt Eighth
ytr.. 1. EIS 1111:1c, 1.1• til. 21, iW ,
Ilttuor, 11,.•
snit 11.kiir.t..1 t• 1,,• • : th.. lin;ma
llow. Ir. tit t I ' , war,. r• Po r••,,et. tAW
~F r
lir, 61 112.4 r• In. 4 Nell 14 t•
sltt nil.l t.•
Amenean Hardware.
BLI VF.N S: 1)01:1 LASS !ilanofavturene
Agt.g., N. , Nut •Irert, fro.
~ f is
illathwn, 1r...1.. N. Ht.
Irom ..rt Cat.
New York India Rubber Warehouse,
Fit, ...on, fnm r.tetnri t:1 tt a a-tt2tlth
Frllli SUBSiltl BEI:, l'n,prietor tlll, - .,
ut.ll-1,,,t, nt , •rtn itta ,tiantatterra anti
merhant,,. that ha ta thtly rriattirtng from ht•
lartcrf an ttnntonall, large and ,ttolltot• attek it( Intl..
Ituls,ar OntAtt mantstatonnol ttaltrnaal, at , Mt . he , 1 t'a.t.t.
and winch, from baattor Itonaltirott 'aavaratl ne• ant nt•
portant ttnnrtonttnenat trinehtn, anti otmnntotint,
b.- (vol. Nananott rt. caa
Spe4.l•l nttent.n pxol ‘4. Ilt« mxnplar ,
tun. of ei:tir.tßnil plain 4'1,111,101 url.ltlto
Nat W.l.'
in u,
th. t',l 1.rnni1.,e..1.i.n,5,1 with 111,itto. eum , ,t,h
eqp..l 1.0.11, in.sgutuquren
1, ,, 111”1. .1.1..1.1, II nnt
exam vnAn...1.1 11.- Weir.
ad , tt:le varlet,
OVER-11.4, —A NO "I .11 Ow .Iso..reta
istlth• ,
A romp. , .t.. Alva.
T.A.l:lOr. ”Artalt.e
dr y Itr•
tocrthwr at.A . I tpto.o
priJ•mlnttt.v•tear, L‘l 1 urvltuirr.l 11•••411 i• Itnl.l.r N•pr
i.,•1•••••2 • I . .a•lat
flu. tato I, in.urnl tn.•-• rn , dre and
••••11‘.•••• 1 11•••••,. .heazl 1•••••Nrig
Them vrt.t,
• har 1,0,, Cement !or 1,1.,r." tow
-1 3rt. I. M
Shawls! Cloaks !Itantillas!
S 11111.1.5. N... t; Corti/twit S Y,rk,
of W.. I ‘ vr:th
'hfull l
...., ..v.r,
•11 rx. 04.11 t, 11vn0...1 tad", 4 114.
S&L., 1.114 i • I it, ,t 1,11,1, , .. kri s . y,„.,
1•11 , Ek• • .t nlteueart.s•-•1 1 n. 11 . . n.
11. ttirsttenllot •/ - Sr•utt,rrn pond Wrrt•
Alrrrhroll• ig• 1
011.• re rs, Mr, fin•lnri Itre••••rr•
m.nt ••,1•••61 , .. r.. 3.1, or trryr,
rup.m r
Irr•rroi .nrr , r) rA•1..r..11,t0 and
.r I egvh rr . :l el
To the Public.
abd t,, ro
tt.. 1, 110r.1.1 1 IN,
Itut.l.or I ....11,oar •
• l'otitotto. oot, 10./o/
0 00 l loao I.rul ter tlona,
..... pot I.• rl.lot. to to-. ../01
touintrwocto It Nlr lot, 1.•11,1: th,ort , o.loit..l.
I t. 1.11,,r050.,0 i..t.onto, 11. to to.g.
Altdott,, , tltl,,. boot 1 ,1,1 too
Mar 4.•♦
1141'. I.!, /II
pt 1 , 41 , z,/..i.
k IN, I 1,11:1.1.1. 111', 10.
II Ilat. t.”. ~,,
. . .
cs .ar. July tae. 14,1
Suptrior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
I tiN I: 'AI I:F. h, .7 N
fa run 1,1141t,-. N., York -
UV/ 1,1 , 111.1 . 1 ra•Dr
Vi.,. ix gor,
1 nta
;;;; rwr ,
T 1... H. • (14‘toi“a• 1.11•. j
,• •
C. ;r.111.• Ili; •u•t..r
•attl 4,1
Professor Alei. C Barry's Tricopheroug,
_ ~~,
1 •
g t
."1 . 171.1f.
Mr r .li ~
.l lb.
N.l •~
• N • ~rl, ~r
t r r . ~1
•., ,r ..~', r. t
H. 114 n 1 N.., A. •tt•
11:r n. ' 7:
„pp, ~ . toirtt,tuot
ntirlrj Iti .11,1 111 , tr.,l I, prt.o.r.lor. lrf
n t . r 2 ttr.,.tl ."'r"h"
rt; It ott'lt,lt''st„
•1.1 , U.11 .
rttillti-Aitltl Nil ,t; tN MEltill ANT,
CI , NTINITS Lh ttAunt f I,tilw to rt. , ..•i‘e
, t 1 .914, N•le.,•nd lrrooltipms,.•nt.
htm Mx. I. owe .I.asl• 1.4 •liunw
.11, .21.1 ti.e. r
• 11, John A I,ttalun
Wm. H. Raskin.
f E NEIL\ L col%1MI;N:•14,1s; Nji EI:cII.O.T
1 , 1 , S.. r 1,1111,
Awl r.r.
trt Mt.
Ref. r fl. awn.ler Mr.1 . 1111 :, 41. Ca
t' A ID C. I'UTTI,E, Attorney at Law,
rtml I Nlo.
..... m 00..., ...wen. 0ct . ,.. I y
I 011 N 11. lIA IN, Attorney and Coun•
herr Ilor.. II Pea% uld. Ilo.tworr
51111. r,
. J AIT r
~ Al,ll, 11.1. k..
1 , .111101T
• 1:1,64 mil IH , purth•Awl at Ilm.rable
A l{ 110 k 1.11
I //IRIS ORME:N-4,11 4,1
tne drnlwl. R ment KHIII.hL .nnan.l 11 pl
..rota‘a•nl )r ,
alrwtly m.o. the mallow-Lore, ye
ara abla ...II ois levorabo. t.yan• an any .11.. or
t,„.• I klik 1 . 11.
I II 1 4 1 !51S---75 .1", 1.1 r
)()() E I'l :n 6 --1 io bond
k 1111. a CO.
1110.01 ELLOIN —2 coned for bale by•
) dP. II Ellsll,ol
. t) Ell lbe. noperior, tor nab: by
I, VINE for tale low be
wain JA )),
( )1
. 1.7- 0 15 bills. porn Lir0ie01 . 1 1 1 . ;: r., ,:! , 1:: ,, 17
I I , ble. N. I Bennett
IA inn.. mate, ler nate to 1 1 ,1 All DICK EV •
Y), 1)+41. autl ann. atr,lia.
/ 10 0 0 LATE—'2.01) l/1)3. for male by
l_J . 1 11 10 tVICK a Mal-011)1..1S,),
y 25,60.7 X. bad Si. Sr, W.. N1111:1;114' TEA MART,
111 the ,llieldnnd. Tavern kcepert would do tail to ealan,
haa theronconaldered) they 'Landed...
dedly &alp. , !*Z 4 " '
I IlEtl i, RAß or LE. FROP . EH'I2I r ,,, r , I n t
, LA„LE-... , OR , .li , i' h e
, I;lt ,i 'llAT.l '4l , :l ao r. \.\ , , .
~ • : Millillar:,,,z 1 • !, ,
\\ I \, ,
mfruunan, IllraloTl ' atar 71. y.roperty . 4. ' Nr7tt, II rat :111.14,va a tijakahov a .:h ' \,ll, „, , , loans CURL OF \.Ss\ s, •
.1, , rt theano, from the de pmt of the Ohio and Penni? fikau a ~ e dt..., . r ho, da , ,. ., 10 .,,.., 0 ,. ~ \ , .
• trG COM) .C.• - • E'.48 , ,p • izi IN\ \
;'. Koko , " tor .t.•-• .rpt,.. ~ . \ , r,. 1 .. nee *Pp], oe hapPor to,' \ \ ',,, .\\ , 1 „,
UGH\ c intrP‘,
t. r I,N ItoNNittlialfrot 1.11.41 Iv Pr,,outat.
r'b '
- 2 -IN it; vutiE . 1 . . 6 . --'"\ -"\ • ''',.' ASTHMA kts7 . p . rtp \\ - \
rilllPrivate Residence or a. . \.ot,, rurtmr.,-'5,(k......,ta.. - ^cfN \ O. erin ru the -0 0 1 n r unitY \ t h. \°l4, _,
E ~e l ,,e rilittr-.44rer, ' s frlr ' . s ilr,,_hi" 53 \', 1 1N.,•,;,. 1 k "' ''''' ‘. ~=, .! \ \ s‘, \ i eel , Chat.] reoletly for d • rbetl /1111 , 11 4, u,
J !,, , , :',...' ,, : s T„'‘ N 1 2: 1 ; •„„,1,.. / T1,.. „ 1 .,t 11 ,,,",`,‘A".,",;•41 - . .r.:„..... ' , ''%,' (re' ,or Patna,. apyly an board. '',_ ..;.e, oi f on, eitysyraah td.trille wittline, or '''' r j...,
% ,,t
' ix rr: \ - I . 5,......t - ijoiiiis`' s '''‘
• ' allthrp.t. tall, anklykto ler be s ,:the'ro the o ed. • . -",
3.33•1•1nitr. Ir.. NIN 0 . Ti N ACRES of ordu . yet it \t li \ "k '.1....... ~. \ \ .....,.„
i. ,, ,, , ,,, A
0 , 1,,,.,„..i..... 4, / ,
„, ,
..\ \
1,1, 4 , 4...4 cult., An., lt abrahnde vith •,.. ,l - T
•, , e \fine am, H E , N,-1 14.,,Algich11. /‘,. 1 1. ' ),IN ' ---''' •4 ' O
l' IF ' • '
ilruranentl and lertelt Tree.. 'of .1•30 , 4 eerrY /UN - d'?9• t0,'..,ar,,1111, rkt e r am. ad ~,t.e . e a , , . [rem wht c , o yodge m= . l4 • •
Put 04.1. oral, .....4 rudtsire of PRAISCIte ft. 13A El. ~,,,,,, th ,
.\,...,,,,, ~ • . re. ,t,., . . , eq
et ih, .311 , 11•1•33 33( Ile;•IT, 1.,' DA t2r.h*.u.. • 04:,N ''.:3.1 t r\l, a retl , c k 1 1 , 1dd..• • .... 1 . •q• %.
' .."' NI‘ , \ , _l,, H . ''.... 1 4.7 N,..
r p9l\ \L4 ANN A . ti ,` ik • ‘ ‘.\ ta menteoftts at? r. nor w.tll we ..,31 ott • any'he .lz
, \ TO Vet. - , \
••, , ,, ... , , ,..i,,,, ,,, t .,. ,,, , ,,,, , t. , , , vr . 1 .. - . l, , , n i e i \ d tue• blunandANar 'for. will 't,k.zot \ \
. 1 .1 . ' , NI& ara4e, . vino, ~h,i . Vi.kt .. f ei t .ftx
, 9 . tic ,itr•li known' EMILE lIOTELt I-tr i,1•7 . :/•:%.,, ?t•. 717.. k. 'll. ''''
~N, ' P°r".
•••.• the,publleiOto alVrce 1 11 Khe Nwl o ,,_,__ -....d"i•T \
i A Nit'Xlf fillit Prlll. hr. 1 . 111LAEDI • IIIA. ji,pl . For Tn. IA . aoalielY Mt .d. • ...NO e'Hehod,Lbem pretlectlrlktbatsodao• v 4......,..., Ib l r
row t....epird I.t Co ` tile:. , WA 1 , 11. farnmelr 0f... , -_
• ata..,,,, h. \ . - \
, i, G/ H 6:rec ki'll' r i l ZA\r -- TV , tplell-s ~.,, . 1 .1:f", ;\.''so&l. l o, , ,, ttat ',. • ''
N•,. ' •
r1ih...ii.i.,1,,,..c..i.........:1,.,tui m1 , 0 ‘ • ,,, 1 i. 1 . 1 ..e. i ./.. i .. i . „ 4V14 , , .i.'111 , 7 • 1 , 4,
i l ii •s i All ote M , gh4le datd o e i trats boat ....-,._„,..:-.., 1 1/ .\• S 4tattiorth:htl l' et.l 01 . Ctroo Up s .al Ks.
1.1'. , .. 1 "r.. ''.' ..e " '1 1 ‘ , .. 1 .• • 41, ee eli • lt ' ,. 'd ' t , ""b' •N the tor e rods ' l' roAie . polnEN ' ttda d the 1 but..A.d r' el ' a s 4l. , l " 4 " ,nr i‘ 4 l ' h t e=d \ Pm•
::• " .. ' l ' . ' ; ' ... :„: 1 .,,,, ~ .' : ;i:' . .' 'Z ," '. . ';;;;i:•4l:l • \%1:4 1" . TA; 1 ' ,.. ' " l h , kl ' , ° ;, a ,', c li ''',.'.%,( . \ ~t , ,,0 ~„,,4 s '. r\ • P . " . 4. ‘vilx hod
__ 6 1, \ 11,,. w r , r ,
\ Plc(4,
. ~,..“.• 0,. .... i.k... b .\,•, •,, reh4L, oslllll - Cr A ?:;,...i , 4
\`' "- ' P . '', ' . Ti.,,,T . ,
.01 " 4/0' , A ej.. ;:g . ,....N . T4 A ct i f . .t: ..4 ," i , va, d - t.%F,, t
11 1 ,', 5 .7, .!, ' ,..,, r ,., ‘ " , 1. ,,,.1',, 1 . N 1 Ne N, \• "b "NAP t. l''. ' . 7-"` , ;:' I ►II F43l.lL,Aji..i . lT_ytk , l:l_Eill AK) . i.,,-
,s I,r,4h t t IMtt,,i.s•at,.. : 4,,.., • tr,...4 ,• •
. ~,,, , ,,w od polftort 1 11reanee. ..\
I ''
ll' '' . 1 I '' ' ' .' • . '-'."' ' r '''''' 4,• I ""' I. '" I"1 r '''' •i ' ' til l ime " it it rl F :=. " liill ' EVA\ •
• 1' 3:4E 4 . ‘ tXi d'4 . ' : '''
'" u ir s 'r ' ''''‘' % •'Alt h . :.• 'ELAN /111.1 1 . V.
\ t
'JIVE .\% 1\
Im•tot 41 '',/ 1 . No •I et reek ocodati.• "...."..' , 131.1301 performloolter tv..t pi t•Perreltlrthr bele . ronewlet, .. \ 1 .1..47.,
4 '''''''' ''' " • '''''' l ' Ili. 1 ' ""P "."''. • t i ' ..‘ l" 11 '" h r t i. .lit Mod wur,liuur lesii., ur...1 , n aive!` o r • s
pr..... ~,ur.1,1 tor., ht. rot . ~...r i r . , , „„, ei do ,l a ,. tr e d,,,,t a , aod X, end tgi a
\ rottag. len.otan 01., lb Ilartilltml In Loup t '
rer !nether ~.rtirui r i l i u.
.r;: i .,,1 4, t.. ,„,,,. id s \ ~,,,i,„, it . ,,,,,,A,„,•rd,a10t • 1.h0 ad Lod
,i telar i
,ii., ~2 a. Av. gyve o curvelOf the ,or.t. a
.4 ',,
........,tm Neu. toot \ . •],il .Jell De:,,,Ng: N . . .. k. \, Y'r fr litliattkl r ii,Vgal ' A : Seilii ‘r t Lle i, tfal,„.ls.l"whTe'l 14,,,,,..'•Tuf2.1.':,..:111.1170'nr "10,_,,,..E.h‘k
Seven e aluabli Parini Ht,Sale, \• - - .---,---,:. -----,- -*----;--,- L' .'". A... 1 .• I, ' , ' .•b. ' t P N • ‘' S
~ ~ \
- ____,
i LI, SITU AE. It iteer•slit• Oh,t,,*.nd_Fokri•• TRANSPORTAKI ,S • . ete, s,sit-•rt tt;k frat.7l,- Nelda. Ithla mrdiai* ' "rtlr' '''.
..'-‘ r Cleat., 11.1 a. Da the Oit,,,lty 'or 1 3 ,,,1em Yl , t, .., .-... , '. ' n' , ll. rho) ltient ha‘l roe srfent4.l. ettr,w l.
h. e, he t 2 , a) a-ree eaelth and He \ , \ ,,,,a1 atarA : L e s ..‘ s .
~ +,` \ et• ',if th medkhr w. takes.] dlatinett-' \
"r , / " . 1,1,„ ..N - \ .\ i. '5 , \ Ohlti, s alid h • THI/134 1 711.TH1i . - • •,.... ,`, , , t . • 8... Y i ta
pa ‘• ,.. tiNta . ... ' ,. 1 .1 ' e
l ' a ", rar ' AttYt n''' ‘ ' ., rn.
\ \ CiS I.. N.W.I X• UH '" F al i A" ' IN" ' s ti \ ,. l • l l ,,X,Ti. --i' g '.l t....t ' l ' en '' . ll .7 . el4 6. M.latiPt
All et •14. . • o l io "0 on el, lerree fnr the„perch.. 10. '. .i ANA AFTE iIiGNi)AI . , Glf: tith ' Vt., ' 2 ,, Z n i . n ,t1 . ,, 1 ,.%" 4, °4 k" 7 - ......0( .io , \
..k's n th.• ,sort, • Pnx leant Ballroda \or in •
, ii ~,,,,, ~,,,a BA,,,hr ou „lh e d • ri •,. I.\ i id 4at ••‘. .-• Id hod oz IMP ...„
'''. '. ''' " ''''''' ''' i ' . '''''''?". '''' '.6 'kr'
;' c ' , ' c'eeetsk 6 C. Vil ' r r e n t r teld ' l "' no,, n levc Fairest ittn, ePh s t•Mbh , ' 4 r. ts ' a ,yC '\'', ok . Ch ' errl Pl. l.." -" lf. ` • ,• • i;.. li T t t. •. e . grad "'"d oel th. ren, •
t „...„ ~ , \,,,,,,. „ , , ~,,,,,, \ 0,..,,,,,,,, \ 1,, r 4, ' lts order of • ha•artl 0 dttrrte k 4l. _ ,_. , . •.1 Ilef. Ilal.Ltitveaell M. ll} A In my atteogth NUttllt.
."T-td d ..... n.l,
i n ~ , ,m7teati no ~r oorpatia. tr .. . ereels . 0 .4 , ,,1 „ 1 ,
,-, i -" A l' s !! ' -'il!?I l A-A- ' 7 f ' t , '" nal t e Xa ' fltc r . r .Ci r Vi e W in ° .V " l '''""- \
. ' b r rili ., .. " a . .. , ' t.•l ' .‘bl " .4l: " .. ) 1 '" .4 '''
' b"''
ZZ,p‘rets Pat.' t 9 ,3 td‘Cleiela 3 , l d- \ ,'• s r. l I' , l*.d. 3 1 enth,-,,, t ''u , ro , •N•b= l :4":C•rlZ . s s
~,I. in le the .ol point \(. Htletpf PAW\ ' • \ \\ shown epen nd rest h. In utim bray tem st,
hurot, •nd Ci,eiand ..1•12, /331. .....ttehurphall4 M we, . 's lark rt Ilmorin have pi ore o wo, th,,p•\
\ ",
L t• to yent..• X • r. tam/ evapee fl
\ "
""1 the
b..""' S., ' ''.
''..r"' Y
ir' l '''''''',l l . t i‘" l ' i "'"d' l ' P ell e . • . •. I ,' 0s ‘. . r-clAitiou?,,ot •,.. c.,0u0..
7,2-1 ,, r .”:r.:,. I ^ ..., 7 , , ,*..,.}...:,-,, ",',;, frif F t r loprietursy, , it,. \ acket sbnelt,lrttr- \ "t, ‘. • r . t, \
4 ' ,: ' ,.. ir,,,:1.-- .. rA..'.."- - ',,,;. " . .17, ' Tn PA . ', '., 44 b.••• ob. , - ..,.0. ta terlangetneut• vt - the\ O)Iir, 'll, , i e , ,
d, •og
. th „h t. t . , ; tet
, _,.1,1d, 4,,,
''''' " • .'"'' '.." \- c . '" * "\ \ • \ !‘,o+F.'tki74":lll,,,i7r.{Trv.ii,Vir",,tri.ArrTlN , P -.0%,' ? 1. :7 '''' r.
c''' ' - '" " 7 .
rill() LET-A In't.r • anti \t ,, re ieflt Eva, litre 11, Ikket4,lt , 0117 : •4 oe forydehrel y WHlketlee-\ , e.,,, \ 1 \:, Cuternt. PM, Ani..M. 8.15.
,I,l.,:, ‘ , ‘ l ' , ' ,, P , l l l ,: "' y '4 ,:',, ' ,l' '' ',N r \ j"n. ' ' ' " '''' "nri .la. ' . . .. ) .t4i1 ' ., ' ii! , ..4trtr u lbelle ' itgtu:t \ f ""' '4' "'"'
N J; 4 '- kt , ‘ - 'it• 1 . ri'ttl... l sY ~..rrrhl• ugh,
• ' It t ?t \ J 011.4 A CAUO,IEY • eetr, I , to.r•tk , hr . 'Pk , ' 1 ' h r." ... . 1 " 1 . 4 \ V. N.Y.T.
, \•,‘.n, . ~ e„,, ~. \l \ 4 or tt e•pp , 9 ,•. ,
.., _ • •
. i ~ , ,,d. , A T3 .3•1 In m% ,fer pore than llekoporths.
, \ ' r.- vol4M• end Amanita dM. (U&:4 r.,
, ghlti• ~,antr rot
bt and day, I. le.qm el‘
Great Bargdiu! • : s. " ,;l''. \ . \\ ' u urh• \ .4 1 pel..paihre. were ill eo end glayy,and
1 IBERTY sr. PY« iI , ERTY Fl SA t. \ Ohi o an d Ponnsylvania ' ad. - \ ~,e v.1., ,‘ , .t..4i . 1zi•rtir.:1 1 1 , ..;=, , , , , , ,
~ • • • tree for low. t\
h. i
iii... ti
& 4 .1.•,T. 1 !; . ,,i i ',1 ... N 1 ,'," .r . 0. " ;:r ' :;,..t;,' I• '' r r .lll ..I ' ', ' r ' ir ' ,4 l ^ .1 . 1 :- .. - ' wr etatoed
. V al • lan f , , d
~,, Hot, ~ r, g.. the 1 , ...1 Mem. and 1 Moto .-"''', ' I
he • Jahn elear, of il,” f b.lbro hi
the 1, r,lon of S,A , ..on'l t 0r.0.0.tuar..4 1t.," r ..- FRO \ rTT ISURU ti NEW LVILIGIITON: [,^, ,, ',.,,, - / 1,g\r ‘ i,N45=r,t,,,,,r',......°.-{11h,r,,•;-:, t ,arl': \
Nat. 1 t.,,p,0d hog. lu'oc,tote coulloueita noe. S,
eon-1.,. rented g.... al....aper y,„--Lax onapre . d in
\ , A
11 , ,P11/ ' , LID. Vo , 1nv01.7 P...v.troinv`. enTulvv, nlt 4 "... 4, ;;.„ , 1‘, t r mtkvAir, Au nrm, th IWO found m ' rsbeltitr,,,Datteri int roved. , hoW tre ,
VA Intl AN . ...doe, sa . A or It. I.A•11 A L el
-,- -, r MOM I atq •ett's asti i rtishort, awl art attnbate Illy ear*
1.1),,rt, -t . pdtsd.urlt, Adrionatrat met the, of Ishf. aIT roo as folluka \ \ zed,. to noi4rreat'in, leirra% With heltleeittratt - •
Them.. 1,,,r00m, .1,0,1 ,
1. Al Z 1 ll \
k ys , ';li A. a 1.., 131 \ eren. . aold y J Lowell , I.C. Al If. Ppletk" lWl. F '
Private Residence for ale. \ s w Y \ . e 3 Lly
riltl E I'IrOPEETV i,., oftdre(Lext. rtling- ‘,., • („7f,.lress uLlist w Iva ren-17 1 :ti Z oze I,alf per s a t''?. ,, V.„.1 ~,:4 1• 1 _ , A .1'4,,r . T ' , ,• \
I it- 1,.... ~.1 en eery scrota r:tatie4,,, U. clt ':: 1.. .'" 1Nt ' 1 ... 1 r " ' ... P . ....,'",,, 111 F ' 29 ! . ..`, 8 k,1 4 `ln ‘ A/I.tbarY - f Nti.' bVII . Nr i t6 ittAtt ' . 1 4 J. Do T
ir ~,,r, .4.4,11 I ,, uted lo Mir ra 311 p, tiomr/ a Cdt
..., ' ' :, ~. - x.,- i A . . ,:,.. \ `LAN: arid br s Hrortriatcueu 'r enykliziowhloatT \.,
''A,,l t ' = ' ;Jtin,7 l,,.. .. ," = " 4 ' n ' tx " :•.ceTtrO et, " , ' 4 111 " \\ , -,
, *:. .'., , P ."%.,:'`,\ -. it ‘',
`',\ . '.. ..e ' p \''., \.• • „ ~..- -N, 5 e...... • \\
: ::! .: ,, , t ,, , ,• ;;; ; J1T „... •1:7 ,,,, 1 ,,,,, t'42l:.t . ili"/„.1 1 g , 4,l.::::; \ `\, •,,,,, .1: `3,;, ,,e r ;: i...r, b .` \ 7, 11; ''', ' \ ‘` ‘ k :'',.:.?:.,,: "...,,, ' ~....6.7,.1::.", :: 7:•";, ,- t
•mon nt deur... tin, ahantlneee of ho / in.. and eaSootr,. \ A ,
„.„,•,... h t,
,;., , f% trir ,, ..,.•
„..„t ,r, ..,,,...i,_:,:.„.. , :..... 42 . ft,11.:,,..2. , gt --...-.....) .
l ''' ''" ' '''''''' ' ' ' ' '"N" , " r t e r "", d '" 11.. t ' ‘ ‘ . l` 101 l 1/13 i,. d IL \ er let 01 May rah •\ k ''' ::' - t -.
44 .r.'
~,,,...•• •••
,ne hundml and MI., so. t mt. runn ot\ haa two amo' i, ' ' . r d ' ' ,''' ' ' se, II 09 ..:••' • •:4- , .. •.- ..,.. • •
nnr L,
In' •na rat, 1... t te nn nil. Ti'e • 1. Nr....... 5 'Nr" b ih r Vi • =:,' . 7.... , :".;;N1 , ge ," n - aiiecleck .' - s ','. ~,•-::,,' - •
~.7,' .? ::. „ .." . ",,, . ^ : " :;;;; ' ,1:, ' ; ' „,\ar, ° ,l,l ' , ..7 p , ' 4 . ' 13 a
Tic k mr - Ti.T r. . w.i Y . ,.,.. v . no. Oils bahrsearelon. \ - ...e -. ,• - •' - 's 4.-- .!- : ' -' 6F•• • , , :.• '.• • • 4 .. - ,..• %%N . -,.. , rd 'i. \
. (c .
\ tb• \ \' 4
ter at rh. door ./. 1 1 , 1••• 1..
in lir•l ...."Vd.l.O"T '' Otnoilo4wrE he at th, , poi:, radersl ;eel. 44 \ f 4, -'''. 3 ,,. .. -2., ,, •.. • ." t '
1t,... .a 4.1.11r.d. a tarn ty of rho , fruit .I,ro ,-
t `'l •• •:•e,F, : ...:a.... - .
'" I'' alt l 'l ' ”" ."•°."." •r " i t ' lt ' V '''',.,' `..• 7 1T t ''' f 71.1, 1 7 . 11rhttreg i e r 41 t oto ":I • Vri ill= ‘ tt ' s ,l / 4 7t11 " ; \ • I. ; • T''‘' ' ' •'.' -1'....-,
" 1.. '•. ~' '. i s
. g r o r' ; ' ,:l,7ll l a: ' n " 1, " •;(111.?1,.r . . . '1 7 , ;/• , 1 ' 4 ,' 1 ' en he t ' n ", ! . . ' 4; ' 4 "" ..- (.... e h t • N III, ••I A\ ..•" ‘ ' A l k 11.. ." 3N•1• \ \ ".•\ .... '` ,',
• ' ti,
~,,,,,, ~,,,„,„, ..,,.. 0, a .„„ t r , „. ~\,,,,,,, „„„ i n , r ,...., 110.Nonnedla • Tone to t , letvlb „ ortheCenj To;
tn. II ~. ~ r,,r, , nanee nor
i nernrin a •huhtfu 8.1- \ l4 l : mi ~ ,r 2, 1 7, ,-.1 , ,,,,N ;;;;;;, ,
flzi „,..„ •••••= i ll i . ,
b D 1t..\, 4' Igorr. , Inlpro ' Fed Ex, t-, cf.
'"':.,, '1
- '''`' '''''"
i ' jll77.llT, ' :i , i.. 5\....,. v...b....m....,. 4 -i. •be %•••,0,-= •, ,• ..?.....k . Put up/0 t .4 . Mu. Pottle., and Is anknowl t A
\ w} "O h. '''''`. P *4 . '' .. , h ' °".! "` • d .In be the - Eak.Sl \3 : 4ltc.t/ . ../i/A.LA 'Undo,
In 60 i.
Real Bstate: \ \ real to the CAA\ , ' \
. 11, , Itallnual .ill NAM.. ded beyem New - .6tett at l y. the •Jadethlt • ,e , . it h. performed, the
1, 4 •I ' l It SA LE- - . FIFO 11MtDo, apt! (ItA\k , l „ ) t Ile ILI. earD/ml practicaLlNsdar. \. \ earl, of whi la poonteardon' of the pormilit . ,
Firth 11 st.l--..... no 1.4.-itv otre,,,, , and a. ner lo Hy order of th\ll‘ . .. or Dto• \\ ' ,--- ..mbe. One a ilt o ')., true and ormtool artide \l • •
t. r.„, '
\• • E°I F SS \ AR'n :i . \
•.•0b...1 4
M..-A me,. of ,rnsund. lh, he, no Web..t•tr ern\ hr eurirrr \`.,,, s rrvr,,:t A , pt. need sterothilne trkdireotimut.' •. 1
Mg I. et t. eons.., et. Fro„,, , at,..117 0 1..:1c i r . t i a .,,, t.
ii . p' ' ' E in i eß - " 1 *- \ dx sTtE -- :- • 1-,, ,, ult.', CV, E 'I7THOUT PAIL. ' ' si
en ,,,,, tt •• lily
• ' \\ i ' 141.
I rilo 1'1: AN S lIIRTE 8.5 . ,. I \),11 11 ' ,Si() ' & `, FALL beR:I.X.E_,ENT. \ \ ~' \' s K •• • e . 4r 11 . ' '
s Cako\r.. T tort. ' ' ,
} I LLOCKII 3IEIII . IIANTS -For Aslo on ADAM. 'II• /r 1 rolinerlien. tetth },l' Oi ' t..4l ‘ ltd enn ' N A uilroa\
0110 lon.. 101 It 1,, raluahle 0tr1N..3143, Dwell., Di . , , • a , \ . • lertltALlD\t v cl( 4, elan. '•
•.1.,,,,144 . 0.,. L., All,heret City. atel Free -r,. . ,
~ .- • -
... 3. -
,••••--:„ , \ •t• Erratp;i:l ret'ole /too' El.. 4• .
• 01..4 Ma. Peon. at, ado, Itsrnad , vigthln• i•mare t tf' •
...... , , ....„..,.,,,.„,,,,,,. ~.,_
. the Det.d , •1331 elle...hun Jot e the I 3 ,,,j M T3 • 33 ,,,1 33 . 2 3 3 3 , , \ \ 'lmmo or Tettcrterreall..r.
•LI ath rd., Y., drew.. tnllitik. I. r rharmarat by wither - 11111.01:1QH\151 611017 3 , • v. \., s\. RS • all ~ P to \ t .or .
' r '''''''
•'' ' - s i i\ • JASS,F.I% FAH I,ill ttke iiiii.ll) - . \tsiiin s ' \ ~,,. ' 'hi 50. 4, ,, .; 4 tru•tr,t• "'Mr. of , •
,/. r tcru,.. • , ..r D r .TOCIr T. , . A , lIIIrIM In ••• t, , , : v,,, hhe 1 : dyphlii I , et
...halt Itheurn. ..
the 11.••4•tar, .1 11. y rt . * "'DN. ',.. 11 ' I4 f h ir'.' l , ' 4 • I,' or LI)
.. s • , air a I AVERT At A-L1 . A 13Ar j 41, , ~ r, ~ sew , the Rid eyes vied' Appetit..
'''''" ''"" r 'lb"' '''° 1 ,
New tt - Mhtoo, , ett ' l,lll A." 31 ...4111 ant 1n " Dt - /dog trom .....r ter,
For Sole, \,., N • ClaeUe at 4 „AL S \ ‘., . \ . , ~, - o m XII.. - dera,•lll
".rir.MF Naar. re• Cartl• t.\ P. NI- . vlo hn .
iLA Ill; El 101 l .• !,.,Hoof rbUnti sitllnto ill Brachtan for the 7% A \M.,troit. \ ~ • \ .... urd • Genets] .killr.
thr ~,,,I. tart n th. cr nt ilt , burch. Una i fhe i. Pr i ket, ii, ro L . m.ct \et Ncer , palde rth , ktik Eta, fo ~, \ , „ op , t.„, 0 ,,, , ..„ 1„)., \ \
I ''' '"" ! .. ; • i",, r'7'• •',„",' •rt,r,f } ::;t. ''-, '''',' ' - r7;tlt:i: sgh Ito.. aitrdy In N QR.. l'Alltllli, \ \
h. ~11,....,, .4 t,.• ' fjl; , •q,,•• 1 1.4, .lbb..• ' JP,,.11.1,i1it \ ,e p r r lo „,4„. '' I,\
. I. 1,3 ~ M.D., L.. • ap.l D • Ma
~,•:. hour ,d „
It 1.... n... i 4.9 .. , la., er on. I, le ureaM) -J. • • b "" '''''''‘ fru .2 " .l. me..l. ''' ""A. " l " 'I e. .I , lth,Conitutop •n•s± Il' Yhtt • Membrtt •
‘ h., , r 11,. .....,...• z a s / rar. Di- , tatfIMAITA,. V .r sr, HOCK. '
at J• die's ILII hoe Oa.tln. atiniv, I: coilhesi or II ituk !paste Of e HO. Mat
t ., ~,,,„ ~,.„ 10 . 0 ,, ,„ i•\,,..„,,, , , 5,,,,,,, , ,, „,,,,,,,,y , UNWELL A hITIII.K. Prnprintot,.., , 'trot coy - a• of 4a
: :11....1 t. Pr. Gropmea
•lotond t ~r... /Atli- d red 1, le, .1 :al dartotar. ' \ .eptlllo
N ' \ . ' - `.l r \ ''' Rook" ' . s ar c ala n • hp, ~. im
:!:.!, l..:;, '
\ l i klifilli YIVAIirIA 4.)1.4 4I(.
T.D..... u..Ttt..- I •Dtatt 0 - Al', ,, ' ..d
\ '''
. , •. \ .
• -.. Ch' th . ''''"
1,,,1iii , I ItENT- Tn.. lllkelll 0. , ,,141 ~\ ~I „A , s \
„orattelliral veer , d . a od tri ea hcaltter meit \llll he .
r toot' 4reet, h. ar,oot r it,n, tu'e gn \
~.... Int •3111131333.3 •e. 3 the pri nt nape ,/ \ ,...feeot••• 1f., -. .. , at 1.2 , e1fd 10 .126(7rpor\hi acres trrat , •Af .I,\.,7 , turi. ‘t i , , s 7l . " . "' ho ;, \ t . 4r,„ &; .. , ,h,,
~ , f„, , ,..‘
.. h ... ' 4 41.1
..... ut r. •,0,.... , te.ll. o• m • ,,,,, h-1, qt. •o , - ...1 ' 5., IsNE REDUCED A D :weep INI.I I I , EANE.;• \\ I emarraele.'r tu \aliten 4.l.apper dartmr
\ 1 ~ to al , ' ut , r \ and ni , ' ..4.- u....y ?a to, mgt. uniotee -
tr• -,,, 11 A.- ..,. trona ~. mrttar mill 'rr,klre \ - I' VII ' \SET aSe RI LIE
, & ,k l . llkt - C. the )re . -
, k,„ , .fr .• t "',
. ( , 01//. . , . t.
og . 1 , 0 "
, . 1. 14 . 1 s HA ',T. , N, , _I ant Atone to then Irk 4 and patron, ur me • - rester:um, eort no , w . otter.. tra. , ,
I!, II I i 0,101 II I. n IV MA \ ....... ' trod, tb.we h. .........4 1 -MnamPh ... Doce.... N P..l* 001.0. h Iron' If. ' 4 .
. , Lortro . , an.l onnalently i . , e . cle delrvet\frettrAc ....\:, 0 1, 0 ,, „, 0. ~ 00 . 0 ~, , , 0 , 0 ~',. .0 0 ,, 0 0 0, , a
For Sale or Perpetiall.eaSe, -'' ''''''''' 1 C' d " l ' " Ir. " ' l' ''' ' \ '‘
\b.' .41 •.r.....i. -.,kr..t.a, Xt. Ibls r, \\ g
, are no Lrrtar..l to tvarvre nun' w an e, mourtt. ..... T 'k
lil NI pia \ .-1•111,EF, gt•ii,itiNG4,ol , ,,,i, tat f • errhandi •or pn.ltere within e cr.ettroal, eh).
, Ay \ tbc kubbe talk 'ha, oet, •••••.:1-3.3.3 ett . eso W. I '
ithis 11,,USAND TuNtl •EK M ALk. , • t
le , r iI k IIITIIIT I4 °T FA.reur \ D t* tbelr tAt
41., ..c.t .. ts‘ _:, .1 IL, rtonal alp of hi.. tow. r tt., ,, ,hd10wind0n,..4 fkeiehlt
la-ghee.. tn.outht..A. ato ...1.3. • I 141,3mattiet. all !,,,,..,,i,,__D . c,,,,,,,, if „ ~,o , Roo ,. • ~21,ealy1 •vatintiS, ~ 1 mP, . .n.101.4 unded hruortese. -
1,4, k . ..
u 1 , ..1 La, ' \ r, Corte,. L.ntertdomery 3 mite
i.‘ 1 ky hr (Mai mi., , zo.d.rhadl; s t 4 4... there . Ft, aml el
tor noe tw 0, , or ...'n . 1. . 1, th. , r ‘ 'MnD . A , .)>. l ' aX " .4lD , Lttliii r. Dna.. Moilre . Ead:
' r" j i Ve '. .. " ...t. "''' ..e . e ."‘ k ".'4' h".
"40"" V
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3i - i L..' fro "..',.'lcr. b'"-=',. 14 `.,,1tt.',4`.7:7:
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-" .. ,•,', . ' c1ue.... " , ‘ ,..u115r0 rd tor IIir•LI I MLA 11, um: "L N ' ...,, NBN- ,,V . ‘ • ,, 6,,,,, ~,.//,,,,,,,,,, \ ~i mpv,, ,,,,, ~-,,.,,, ~,,,,,„•,,,,„„ 4„ . ~,k , ,,„,.„,,,,,,,,,,,, k, .
MO promo... or /.1 Ifin r iL, , ,nl..r. at boo otnev.,\lNn 101 . • .c . .1" . .. - 4,. ~, • 0 .
1011 .teret. I'llu.k4u:h th N r let\ \kW t‘ ply(' 10.1411cre•
, laa., Um , / "` I " 1 ...
r••• '.. " Star. '.
" "''''
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11 111141 ' 1' W P' XI I:... Tlrlli ' l. r ...A.4 . 1 •: : : , f 55 i.:;4_,
_l; '' ,*ll,.,liirs; aid. , eikration, ~elottet in CI
,r trch, 11.4. art. o Yellow,
Rea) \ istate for Bale. ‘, oa. 0, co thi s t...u . .... onie,...i ... R oe.. e::... , t nd twiVlA4l,ll•StMlLlEfoeaska.No` '
ha,,,,,, . .."4 . -.. ..... ..- . r • tpi. t t, er, ' bove'on toads/46k to Pre link td•
1 r A Ltr 1 111 ulllrrr r,0,e.1 LOT on 1-ie. 'l Ol - 11t •TI '.B A.m., IVletronahh P.: ' '‘
' ' alai,' s ''\ ' A \
n‘" k
, . e-ruer I L.....rtrAtal i artor, Mr..., 1,111, 1t...x. ,
1 11311.13 the , 13 .13• II,, t . a•t i tll33 I 13•r0h...t , if fee ront.. Ltle,, 1
~,,,,,,,,,,, olv3er " e ' f '.. Y: -' st ' n atTl i a . l . .,el " - 1 \II .; ~ ` it\ 4 , • . -
1 .--
~_• _,,„. ,„„.... 4,1, Le\ t D•eilto, 11,,, r . 1,11.. m, i
, • t., - '4 states tent mce, 1. \
~,_ , ~ ri g ,/,..,,, a k l , 4n rut rd \ i
. 1....,.. ~ , Tr., 0. ~...• a 0 0,-. and st,ecnrut, holt in I \ '
1 ell. D , ' , e hhol r• tuerca'n'lleit ear ..r,,tra
t•- • r ./.. ~ • • a , - .I.sA, l ••t beer ownt l l. ''' , Pram...pawn - r 11/. •xl•amort...l 4 rea r 1
rant gra., ''''' '''''‘, \' ) I \ \'‘ • • ' A l' ' °
' ''. ,"' r , mt... .1 , tura tor •31. Inert, • I •110111.331 TI pikeervina Irma .1 1 -A A'eer trai.e( kt \, ' , ,. , 4 , /cl-0 1 ./t lifortue4 f r ii t o,taw,
~ ~. .........
~ F.,,i Oval not or ou, • ,r ...v. leav. from the e 14.. . Mater •ne‘trOn ded J. •liillettlh rpIDtr*AIOII.IMULV
rm -, • DI I ..... ... 'ILI rI I•f , •rII•AT MD , and, rat!, of .1.1 patent. heh taken pace , pu the ••••111.11 , , ~,,,..,,,,,,,.,3 \ ~, ;,.....,14,...i, ~i ~,A13 . /kir,.•
01.3-1: T-rr r•/t3213:e VI. ICI A •4•33, 11, 10 m,.. •rke. d' it7. t 7 4, 71 Nt " 4 " le 1 re thee Ne beihd at the P.O i rmenc metytettel '44aqtar e for tilorteArie , ,i hot by 4
t 031,130 ITTIMInII.I. th• 111 331 Prrv111t.(1 3 ,1133,1 al 12 t nee o Dr. Ouy•Siet, a lellow atek arld..Fortahaiiimillte i's '
NI• . " ' " ' ,111,,, MA - N , ilk 1... t. 11 . h ....1 . 11 i`chwahe eOdhal to .14W y t .„dl i. ., l, ^te ' ette. cured. Sten up. r`T...n.D . ttarA . ol.ll4..mithott s
A 1....,, , , . a ha. 1,1 r... 1 I.Ntato..lm.nte
ra F a• ~ ~,... 0 ~,,,,,b
..,,,,.. 0. i 5„,,,.,,, Mt.. if ant Ihn, hair. tap r diatttlon euf on null
i ,, ,e ,,,,.....\, ,. .. i,, , ,, , ,, ., ,
. i, , ,, 10. ~ ,, , ..ka.40, ..„ dui \
Drr.n. emaotiht tla...atenal flare rep (rid Loh ty in the ~, frOm the Al= mow, '
~,, .t.,. I L. TRAO l ,tv.) . _ \
A Good Bargain - ill net offered. .tli t t_llfh . Lv . lIITIr 0I11:•1•31!......4 citleally eet,fAti:tr,...7- / • N, MalfitAttrrat tiatar. ennoly. I l elg s y,l,S44. \ \`...
ll' .1. I'l • l.l l ‘..kftpN I I: 31.11 , F: SOON.- °iirtNu i , i'ti...77V..1ti,:ra . 17"E., 7 0 i7,.1.° t"u h r, ;'. i 17- r 'k" ''; l',•"' '',;(' ''' “f,':" ..\ •!'!`'.• a ''''' t '...... 04. ,, . \
1 , I •.• 10 r•-• I , I. Lg., 11A 81.
ouonaine 1, 3 ..3,1 3 , 03300 I} taken ilt.l IraomAlllrt I aesmadaare. elt h.• , • oetto.. l .t. •.,......, , • ~,I cartila lo Mr I/I/. .
• 1.1... e., - , e, the t•r^/e...... a • ..,....1 t.... „44. rule. of Va. eMee, a Meh silt 1. fu oMed on e...pllNtn s. : width .he hall ..,I tor Iv , pa.lert. hrletp. ea r. ? ,
le ~.•. •...r, t... hi.,,,,.. a - 11. taII taa. , .1.•,. Dr.l•rkl. l,
th-. r.... 1., L. 1 1 4•!. thts• " Wcalma.... Valli • of the l s olo *4and•st 11. , ,
le , ~ , h /i. ..., .l ~, , a..., pedal.
1.,,,,,,,' d,„4„„), n, lutaillm owe, ,Ilepuhlto en tn .0,91 0 ntorailta. l
1. •Z • ,p ' .1 t l . belt...4*r Tars tu at .1 ILA I. Mpata* It h. tharl,f, ,
1,4 n•••,,,,, 4 min,. /141 endua.reum, it., • re, tdorme Journal, i fleeter Aro,. 11. To )11.1 e.Ol-33=3,• ...,....o be „
I . r. "aro, Ilum l =4.lnn.l. nails A I,rtt r. IM•Mou. MAI, J jadel g Lmoa IL ellta-Cor the l et, feel eottfld h"
, ,
- ..NoN' r "' '''‘ .....1 "' W.. "' ' '''''''''' "'N 1. " " '" . ',lhNt weAllerts ter en , . -, \' \ \• ',
A Ilistofy of 'Pittsburgh. ...i e, , ,, , ..,,,,,,....,-...e.,..1,,e,d .i., , ,,,,,,, vwv-is, ouren 1, , •
~,.. \
hour.k three ,5m,.....,re wecke pr alone u, eet.l, de, \ no% trr trete'. 11 .1• " ' ~,, harYwILK- \
, ,
,lIYNEV I L L 1: IS\ i:',lZll. Id. E 4 ,9 -A Ili.- 7, ,m , -;,,,...{- l 'Ul r 'r rr" B- NK I
i g ea
i o L ig- - .' \ ' \
Cornrobtaamer of tl' L, " .. 0
1 4 P .
~ ~.,,.., 1 , ...,2, h' trtaA'o,:,.yrir.... a„,....t . /,‘, ~ ~..A ''''''"'"'"' \ , ,
• ....,....1 Or • let, m.n.14 , ,t , t:, me wi of th, I.a. l en. thrsowe . _ , , \n'l . "trrt. \ ,
..near. • id, ......., to, nect,ll.l,,,,kut of
`, Regitell & Bennett, . , s 1 1't aths.. even/ tn, hi Erie, I ~..r.d ht Live Coorigalot,.....
,h. nni•••1 -1 ....m.,Olactlft... I• 3131,•• 3313.
t. na,,A., oft n., , \ . ~ `,' Pulpilatlvo rth • Ilea!rt, • •••• of 1,1 , 14.1 mad. COUP
, , t,„,„ u .,1,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, „., ~,,•,,k, arm., PIIITIIGLEsA LE. (litoc E RS. CNritnisAti.n j ..... or th e E. re illt.s. and, 311.1.13.53134 Mle Limb, of
..I Ipmea-reho pur, eta •nt, a „ L imo., ~, , T v Merehant. , and deal.. in Proctor. old \ Ilhnbu 11. , U r ", Va.t• i. „ 4 . 10 • .... 1 .1.1 blVe l l l .ol l . 4 1, 01.1 r D0er
1,...-:,,....... 0.•ik.0. , . 0 11 ...04e0....v.,, , ... , tes hcrlknonu..,l II Ulu li“uren....-N.A. M.,.: Y•o•ml et ,and 151 Ytr,t eh. hclw n' \.. ,-.. '''
.... \ .
". . ' 'II ' " " nl*ll '"'"" PR.l "'" ' ""' I " \ \ ' '.l l'r'-" ' I••• t ". .„ •'". ‘ t ,,, L9) ,_'T' a '• '
rt,...,.. ,_ ~ ~.,,,, ~ ~,.., I r;,.. ..00 0 ~,. ~, ~„, •,14 rere. re the atter U. amyl.. which th, nffar 0 , ~1,. U. /het., ....14,-- Ita•PY tet.,..4'... /Mt .4.4. Ham \
o. ' ll 01...00.. ''''' i t t. " , •• " 1"1 " 41 ,''.r. 1N1.t.• .••• "."`. I" 1-0.6 d r.-0,0 ^,,,...!--,... \ s
• , i ‘ , ..'..e._... , ..,.. b.,. % 0.. bort ..drtraaps.llA. w‘l,teh
' . •• •° • • •••'•••••••••• 1 wl, ...r. ' • e -, ........ , ~i.. - ~ , , ,r• --.,.••%••,---- v • ,, ) , --- , •••-• \ ‘ , ..,,i‘. 0, n..., 'iv.. rt.,...,, , ,,Art1ty bles:aintk of -\
„,, ~•
„„,, ~,, ~,,,,„,, ~, ~ ~, v „,,,, „,, I„, , a', 11, a I lump, al eke./ loom,: Ilyton ea, 1. 1.
00.1 . • IDLD on J.-1,H,, ..nar Cie ~e, ~,,,,,,.. ~,,,,,,,, , a. • kepi t twt.t Totten, - " or., tulp. A in'. -\ 1 0 -7,u,l,l`ror.otrue. di, re on eme le bqltlt OR.I. \
,o• ~, „,,,,,,,,,, t„., ~...,,,,,,,.. 0 ~,,,,•,,,,, ... a t , 4r 4 , noe eut chewtoe Jo ,1 1bh,te . h 9....„%tieleth \ tot moll, of HU. \ ' ‘.
m'N'• r •
r .w
• l . 4 / 4 - .1 ...1,!..•• her.. a Me r. , /It one W. rn.- ',,''', -t. • dti,•F ,,,,, i. - - , ,""rt" , - , 1-" it•-• \ u , k. I cool sin Ito telloviDe4 .d,,ReitrinP
.l Illor:paut. LI.D., . N. I
" . DIU At, helix • sealed Area. o
ils .e. , 're Ina mole, t wh, • roodithAt iae, Knee' ,
• 1,1 , 1,.1,...t au.' 1 • 1 1•A .1.41 1 , II 111.1 1 1 , 11 rt. • " / 1 . , ••• - .., hole. Faint 10s1 . lila, vahltel With irdtaturo o lboe Ile.t. annttrith the
\ ,'' 1, , lle,•. elh•ct 1 ' '' Cu.... - 1 ",""" 11 , •• ''''' .. .. S • ' • .1'.4 ea ukatittg slut 11\ H. ha k and 4.14. .1
The -
• . hal,. Almond., F,lberte:24.. , . treutow Madded, I h , . ... ,
The- College Oi. St. James . . WAWA. Crratu outa ~,I mak. `Atom .. ,• Ita c trot:Ml.l with Nettie, id he cad.!..reilti,„4,,th.,
, • , , dt. ..... od out, s 4 e•••••••• 11•110, 3 .2 tie, \arid oma tx.. en .gny rm. solae, for
rr Aso! StirToN 1 . (1I1 N. 1.1 ,11k HI LANV , .A 1, se. It., A' v•ndy. •,.\ a, Loa., ho.ln ~ .:.211, \ 1 year ble b crater, hie. Phav tne%nany year hewn
'VW: '.'"..''''''''''''' 'P ''' ' " 4th.Pr''''''' ' ''' ~ ,,,,,, r , ,5 !, ,,v , . ' ...:• '.- -.T..7.::',';:i.:- , . ~....,,,' : st r ottVaoi.c.ail. I c0...W. th.• Nt , .t , i•• tah..1,,.r. hi At...<1.1.., , -
'IT N:ri i ANN!. M. SESS I PN\ ,ill, •• \ ,1,,t;,. ' I. brds eNscr,.., . ',; to guff o, hut '14‘..... relief from t-i. rezi• a
•... I it.. ' 'tr. K , • '
Jul, 'l: . ", , ''" N,''?V„ 1.'. i ... r ,..',, 1 r t h,A• t r';', 1 , , ,, •...11., ,, T4 1 :r ,
~„ ',.:' , 'Zl i o . • 7,.,, , .,.. ,; . .,;:,v,,,, ~-,,,,,,,,, ~..,,..;ha t e, , tred great Ts .ty of ram, ir 1ei0.....ii,
JI , 1 , •': ''' '' ' ... , :4,.?; ar. r.....,1AV,1..., L....t., atrLa ~.i • L ~,,,,, 4....,,,,, 1 4 , „ag o , ot ...r ot F ,,,,,, ~ ,or • aneee e.., nut tf Am wane! lb I took
.r..nota ed the ...,...,,,, not are n irt, at any title. 00. , AI to
r t . e. Id. S r i Su4r. - llow 13•,• sod earodiparllr my cynip • . proted, ~
app.,. ,uJ the .I..r.e•i. minute! tent \the Jet, et„ :.•,,,,,, Whit, pip,. chprer.s., i 1 hittx. Chalk, . and m „,„ 00 , 4 u „ ,„,;, , , , ,,,,„1 0 , 00 ., .., „,, 0000 . s ,
• ‘,1,,, \ t„,,, a.,-. 111,11, h.hearAN.lton Tema 1.1. oe. C.. - . -. a t ,‘
1111, IN'LLI. , •t • It. • the tnt, uamb. , .. eh el•-•eas . 1 \ ',:ht laY. •• I ay.. - aleaork and Carpet h/ndet. , M et , •.•'.• tAlrrlr r rur , r.'-• r back . 4 urrurr ,
r3r .li th, ,d,,,,,, ~,,,,, e , f , r • "doret...Aurallen .....\a lino ci t . ' tw7" ,Journal cop, I , s, and free fom rn. my rm. ittld •ht, err raw ~ per -
N. i feet ...alarms., ney watt'apthert 'we •nd 4 r - ‘.h ilv to .: rf•II.A., ,A,D,..D.A• 40,4a,A., ll,` „ .
1`,..: . mt.l .\tr 4.• •up , rrvies, nt 11...E,e.r, hat no , 'Lit ke en alftrt..D . r u‘,.. 01 Laster. .rhea i iy ~.,‘ 6 ,i,.,im y ,, Ib, xi„, i rni , poor •
2lor 111333.1 ,3 .1413.30. r••••• 33. Indy at tnel.lini, , e, IIIE: so IF , erti.4.r • Melllbi renpdetftlt,F.-T , that w.reNidek and*. bin to y your ry talual?l , itu
~ ,a • :.4 ,', .......: "' Th ',-'',' ;. ‘ 4,l ' ,P 1 ' 1 r r.i r 0 . ,....-N:, ' 4 ' ,.1 '' n' 1 4 ' •; ' ,1.7,.. II tOrite \ the, ‘ , l retail &oh,* and , Nr:B . i amine. the \elfei De anq Arraparil .0 41 ; ia)'
,1, ace. p a t i o bolt very oupexiat E, put up in , been 'really relieve.] I 11.. Wl:* ...pre. eirh.
" ' I' ''' ' '''''' \"' " " r " .... '"' . N". " ' "" '`' '' '',, l " .l - 1 ,- ~...tio refold pack. ceal.4 ae. t0...10de We 'l "
in tle Itninion :, ,ned -
~.. .„,„ ~,,,,,,,", ~,,, „.„ , : „„ ; ,,,, , i r1. r . .... ,.f011i,, „ i - ,f , r w arltu , J , .. , l . nors kw. tr e ti u ly, ,,,
i,,, 5 t i .. .ih ,,.. 'tt i tt ,,, ;:1 0
bc 1 . 7 1.1. , a., 1N . 11 •0. N \
In th.. aeon' . Nt I Lli ELA , , , El l ,..the nul,- cl tier,..k.
"". 1 , 1 '„1, , 1 ' • 7: 1' „ ' ",,,1; 7 ' l ' " ,' .l . " ,,.• ."I " .. •I ''' ' ' , Z '' i g ' :ir '.. e ' s 1 ' ;1 " ,..L1t at Ilely Intruitteed) they I Liming • quart,lssal oleo., of tatt: , , k rup bl OMt •:,
Mll / 0 . 111 :./... et . 47• • Ice . . ,"" i. ". ..ntittli , leralthrut. Lod •e" .4... rOtYVIr ••••Yevdwl th• len. Tr. ,Ai with the written ritelAktirr. N,F...Drw. •Oh the, '•
ht . dlotam , tenen wo and „Ilan., non fa•orahlc.o. 1 , e4
i n i francemenic and . factlitten fu'r, hoylog Too. are
.. i . 4i. .... r...‘ „ ,
.T: . ' ,lrrj;:r:::: . ' ~.' ~,g1,,, pot,,, „A, .ill ;,,., nare " .... ` lr,,TV:r " .. V. T .. r .l 7 4=flii, ' ,. ° =i,7. `" t ` ht 04, •,..... rAJ4 , I., c * A..N, ~'„:.., est... e
:al, air 4r,-,11,41.4, ,/, tre neon. 01 Le k 4110111,1 awed.. :„ . ,,,,t e r,.. • ,, 1 . 1 , 1 ,,,,1t1T," , ',•„„7 ° , 1 ,7: • i t....., 1 1tr . rf fourt h ant 11 - elhant .tirt. , : , ,, eutesu , e,unk„ al/Mt . t, . ,
~ ..,„ . .4,1, ..„...i tte;i 1 0 , ;...ti t , i, , ,,, , , ,::1 . rar, ,p i a i 11 ,,,, r i. r, , d7;4,4 , .... : tati :. ..t . l p . ,, ,. ,/,, , ,, r.r . , , N , 7 : 1 ,, ,:v.,, ,: r ,.. 1 2,., ,,: ,.. r: i, ,,, ,, y 11 . ,„ , ;: , ,, ,, , ,. .. d..r., to
j w•L11 0 1 .. .0 . 1 , ,::::7 1. . A ..„. , % , .... , ..., ,,,..
,‘ ,.. 4, ,
J . :„.. , i....,,5. 1i
,I •
' 4,.1.r. r.1 '. ..X . 1. 0 .,, 1 , .. ',.'", : -. l ' r " .. l, . l .l.llll ' 4 ' .eitit ' ;', l" A 1,..
..'" I'.U. I'J L‘ rrintDOMIrDIDAI WrIIIrrA I. ‘:...Ylrnuin, L 1111,vrs.A, l'Utobur,ch; ar., A Beckham. Alfr..:\ netry,that i
ILc • Lola art, la. I nana..\A al ten tu..tatti,ittoo..... ",!. oh.. "",''''''„ . ...`td';',""rg, ,I'"',,.. m ''' 0 : L 1 . 3 " !:13 fi' 0 , 3 , 3 7r. ' 3i- r ix...1:41..6.4k, 0 . -- O. It•••••• I.Mllmte•th /i.` .
' - ' l "' N '''' , 'N' 1 ' . 1 . 6.... ‘. ' N. '''" l ' •• ""1 1.4 "` lr ' NI ...' r . 1.„ ' ,:,?:,..L..,r f;:, - tri'n. , ell. - avoid T.7,1 . .74141, ,I IF'. 01011 I Welty.. drechaburm - S. Komar. , ra.ttAkeent h liihriatt ' S
. " .31. "" ' 1 " ... 1 . • 10 n.. "" nu " ." . I• .4 .' .. "'"• 11 . •ri.„. that ever, Markt,. rut 0 0 bI'NI• It t•bell 4l roth ' i o.4fonhite,hs ma. Lluottoidon; !INA/rt.:llo44er lbelfit , '
Apple...n-I+4 aton..l. t., 14 mai,. to , '
...„. ,„
Et 0, J , JII. It. ENIIP,MIT, I, 0, flesrhr. "1, r ,',.,,,,...' "..I: l •.",‘","g . a jj `,.4,. \ to d t Lt. ~,], p.„,, at . I IfiLlebrand ASCu.„ Lathan., J. K. Wright, /Ell 'I ,
, , Cell...reel\ :, learn 1 . th. •"---.. ''''- "- - ,`' 'r".
' "'
\ ' ''.. • ' Elena a Co, irrookvill, A. 11 them a boa; %lay
t1t,,1,0, .. kottoty Maryland 'Dal, attbe lowest mho, ~ , o . ~
I 10 Loma, • • ' 1, 11 AL A dleel.lik!O • InJ Tea Deml&a ' kloyer.tut A C. 4 li Odleiler. blealtill, BurtmlA
N It lh r., t...osPit Loma, •14 any intormilion
__„ .,,na thll Inlutototit. are 0.4,.. the Ile. 1:,/,to. •••1' _ 1 ~ _, 4, 58 1 • 01 '. 1.1' .I ‘ .. J"__ . ‘-.- Erie, tit... A i , ,,rker, klerocr. Jana. Kelly • Co.
1., n hymn .. •h 4 wad ferenerly • Twi n.
tone VALre Pumps, foi•Wells and Oistetas. 11. 8. ..! mlt.h,llenvda, ]..o.sututuert., , e,., ;ion.; rt. 01 ' •
1.11.. - , t '
y ,
nivereity of Maryland. '‘aBSCEIBER In form. tire pu Liu I ''''' j''''''''''''''"P"' '' ' P.
C''''nk.....'..r. Um.r."M• '
.'. li t i h E nt h b . San intrt.luced Mtn ,-Ala reclott Lhe STONE : soirrrise-la s p..lioift , sir-Botii. for
frill F. N NT SE, ii,ION will Login on v'zir . \ 1 Alai . Pllll . t.tenenttfactur4l br \ 31.4.1 , . E. H. A C.d. I aapiyhotat,(loT ~- \
, •
1303111 T. Ihn tarn 3 •3 of ~ , , t ol•r, Inath vand el,. Int Nlannith nt 31.4Meburr • teummlt rOpoty. 0.. which have
to,rel.. h...., s , qt. n 'etch enalvizaal eathdaetton veheTer wed. The
Natl.. 11 0,01111. 31 1 .. . , \,yeet. ' . I. 3031 141.1.11 Men of "bear Pular. are. (ha Lb, are .
eerily I Judd's Medicated Liquid Cuticle.
L ' '''''
" 1 ' ` .\a sear)'
''''''" ...1 • n -a' f7 0 .. ''''' " ` l• m t, '"""l m.. " "1 V1,1; 4 :b7:••• ". .. " 71t . '` ; ' , 'wills ARTICLE i$ ilitended for itintily one
....1 , h.., mD . T ar. em ll , .throt Adbw. ... 1 ,X,.: 11 .,, • „...., "" Vt,4, 0,....,, ' , a Thar e., 1,4 two at J. u. end /mold te, tounehto thr twee-him. of every faro.
lit , \ 's
I, enttol,l'. warehout,„'"L.'l‘4 Fir, rtreer.,or \lsaac liar- i y n the I.d. Mechanket•Ld art in rolodsot danger 41
.I.ien, 10,4 l M it , \ A r stele. kinl Phretol•ity•
lt m I'Lwe lt .rh , rr am 4 veto , of .uallelnc. r , .. •tete. on Liberty aftert, heto• r , Clair. , Terv i ,left . , 114.117 Ir. Ten. D•r!nor IliroriX , ll urratent. et, 11, mag,r,„,
I'' ' .l " . " n 1... ' .' l' • '4 ' 6 " • ••:1 1".... " ( no th''' ' '''• 7 ' .r"'
trfal. '" req n t i The ' e ;h e Flan , a ' 7:l i " ua r ffaToq i ne r* ot. u rn:l ' o= ". •72;:•'=ll•4l=itr;tiV""i
M. 0., .1 , Int,. n de Mare Ipe. 1313•13 ILL •
kWh,. .33,
• 0 11011. or e tivdrsona , enaahm. . 11 /1101taber, Mto .‘l e ktido,lret Anatnoty. "r• 1 N't"Sate .. /r,_,N•ff•llN'4,..i. r,,„„ .:T.,.,, ; ,,.,,,,,,„„,\,,,„,„,,, 14 . i,i.,,, r ,,,..„..,. 3
/ Il• !WM MOT opper tondo. I\r , the prede , oldon of ' , ..1 . " 1 " ... " • ' . " .. .." ir ", • e t . ;.„. ,e i.„,i,,, , hnving tre
rt.,... An i.n., aI * DD.lrrat.• ramie.. 1. '',.. t 1311•31 I 1.10,4 211 SO Ono nal •-1 e • . • Pe. ' nOrOtty made tow at Judd'. yledleatt4 LdooCuter.le‘rd•-
4 JWIN h. 1 KAEK. I pared by .M re reoheld • CaMp. 31Iddleth ,Co
t hm. 4 1. , to , . t 3 / 1 3/ 1.11113 1 0 • .133.44.11 Pr013.1•31•33,•mah _ ...-^ 4.,tr5.,! 4 S .• ... i\._. : cheerfully MCC Mend It to our pinlve,...l L ' n. " 1.1.. " . s
.. 1 ''''`..-• '. t b'' " th. " ..... 1 " ....1 \ •'" N "' • \:,-.•".•• ()ck GALLONS PIJIIE ()LIVE 'Ol . c..ttr.y. r,t, ~‘,.. lot imlberllli istw.r. , atr.,:e g
.4 .1•11, Vim lo 11A •••••• 3 .101011 t ...rm. to the
,tudeut .
fo.rthetteket '
't. ' A Juat reeve., and lac Kali, hr
ipo ~ , , barna, eu t,„ i e iii, ..t . ., mew, aml ell,klndat.f
Di woods!
F.OO far tt • I,,eturoe, roll to Oh. Prer_cal. an ' itomy, , .....1: , _
..'ea 1 c; 9 , :- t' . I°` chlititiViDttigm`,tict Di '
iltt. 11,nru denn , f.,. towluntitu., 1....1h ,
NY Al. b. vaktEle- 31 U" ' \ . 1)"
MM. A A..AIE.EN, Dean. \
' 1 CJiSh. AlEll•ICAN11.1t1tOW bbour --.. . .
Jn.t rood and tor ade by (0471 J. KI"/D Alla. , \ •
ri.t % el L' l ll ' , Ut t l'' t K n ifil \ :, 31 .
11. HAlllttzuh %CD , " ,
Imllimenh Jul,. I.:,I. laugh , 1 , .....0t . '
\ 1 ' ' - \-
NSEED 01L-•20 bbl br ~.le•b \ ,
)Leatucky Mutual delasuipiceaoinpany-, I • ' , i . i .i t .„„-7,, ~ „,d ...., [\ \ LL,ZMUMTLI Milt •at ~
, It irA 11 ANT V FUN it, stpo, °Ott... . - .4 ,c, J $1.1109h31J, a . .„,... .. .
~. ,
~_, i 1
~ , x..iiiriA.,
th lt i
~.1„ . .... ..k ..% .
7 0
s , II , 011 l AN 14:1{ SEED-1 ens*, for nap hy 31 thtown. . .
1/11 1 1111 CI)3II'AN olio \ro , too tin. inuttid 01l .1 . i -el.O J All. IrlrrAlrEll A Ofeh , V1r .. ..a1e br 11. A. PA lisicerotlK4 CU, '
mem. 14:001.1 and 00...4 \
th e a.,,,,,,, ,nd at ant..., of the Nfoionlnint Jong ' ..' .. ..., .. , _ 1, 4 Tl___\
~... k 1.1,n. t .I,•re 1.1. app1ieti1....,..1..,1, ttatarft: Low Boarding. ~.
VEE CUJI PLA INT of fit r, yeYr% - 'Et ~:\
~ tu, noun,' tor th, r.dode.peol rode ol he yr.; an
' '''"'
• ""
" ""''
.....\ ""th' ' ' ' r rWO. SMALL F-kIII4.IES cia-.l)e ac •
',, I, .4 'tot tt 4 L L I."r . ' .4,1' o.lll' \
MUR 1 •••141111111,...V ''. 4 - - ''
...ea.., hot I. roar. e,. le rn,,,,1 t.r ti- stun ..-,1 ~,,,4•,...1 wan Mom:ea (mot mann al the aevoi, ~ ., 1 , 4 q11 1. 311:e. Pv , Par... , hy a r...: A ht.d.10... S. , ,
In, et rte, 14-1 ter the tad. mrto ot ht.. • ~,,r , ,,,..,„ „.•,..,11.• r tarnished nr onforldshni, ~I 1....ard. ' Appl '. • , 1N..., 11 arlztoMm, re .r_,..,p. 1.., .31. S
\ I-
' l, " " I . Z ith 1 1 4'."'"' ' ' ''''
1.. tot. u... . the ...eta ulall, MIMI 3•Trtirth 133 okoq. 3 . ~,,: 33. .•
. 3.3 T , l,lni ..p,i (leant ri..
, c.... 1.41 your Livor flik,..o_kt__ve.r tried s.a.e.
"""''`"' .'"'"' ."!'.•"' "' i ''''''' . "'- e, ..., ,ty o'l Nl,Oltlf--101/ lAA. Eltra Flintily. Firr sale b..,
. our pert of tb , country Itat., ot,r
, ~,,,,,,m, tun,. d.,..... ins t ~, Per nno , , or , ,
~,,,,,,, „,,...., •,, - E,„•• • 1, • ol ig. -4•014 A 111.. 11a•lltrm. ottl Mond them 0 the prkat•
doe. term on-Inhe., am. ala. tor toe pre.. he,
the.. tor eb., • led.. term e Ito •. 1' - • Y‘.. III AYSIt , P1i.1.4 Itheel4o, me, • ~, .
I 111. I. 110. 33131 11.3I11•1 Lll3 1ea , ,,,.... • •,.,i• n •
.4 - 11111 I. Lim Aluttasi leonnto•••• •
ol•••••••• nOr•••1 orfosouta or. 11+,1 at, iatr r•Nittnnt •a .1-
ni, with a n•volon lor an ountaant• ourroonto: nertno •
lotion ol tun.. t for I 011.1n1 M•L'll ,a• a to•••••rnou t
the bell ellOl itt lehelterte taut 11.• nter•onotto nrk rnou nth
Touring ao• asnotio the notation. '
Pr001t1,.., Intr.. Xt. wrn.g in •It•Ottl Wo plan &tt
rato• lorol•Lnl t:;•tin att.! ot•Onrottoo.
torn Ituttoortt. tinfinti Emonoter
Itor FEE t prime Kith for`tt.l by
.kkos JAM I, Intl./.1.1.1. oh %loom R.
P. CA It 6. SOIJ A—_o kgs. just reed and
10 tor role I. J SlLlh.t:/‘ 1 01.
I V 011--26 bbl. for salo••by
1 or • • rt.-0
ii.LOl.l R-7,5 bble. Seotee extrafamily for
ante by - ' 1101111SON:L1T111k
.00 • ' /4 : 41.0 4i 0 -
cocr . 'Thee.ioeNunwipscAziono, ' \
o ',nu...To.'' \\\ '',
.• . : .. , ,, ,i i : L. . tbni d v ; 2: tz . ;
‘s \
j i -io ZAN ' va.LE—iene*,,_ •
1 \ t rfltPtc.. - o,eox.i...r...tati•io
:4' , ' k. \N ''''' T''' ''', "! \ \ s', 1
1 \ :", s \ P'''' , 74 • al t
1.,E,, i 1 \ ,, N INN‘ 1 ..t . sT, 1,0111,s •- \ " ' •Fb
irs,i , .• finX\ nturr Hil .N,J tIIOI fs cIII. .';‘..''
nrf s zli , n ‘l k4 ,7,, t : nd sate r rdlate
„I. l' ~..1
\ NA: ' Th"ne "'
\ kagr\i\
•tn0...1 , 1 o
n . i . e t, . T . .... .. II ,
h1,74.M 'clor .... ,\ "
For Irn.frite nn Irtds nII , , r , ,, . , nnloo \ .C'qr
'VIM eqN: POI \r-- . T\etplen ; .,lknt
li;Sl,N,7).. k ncee'Thli"ll4.4"l`ill'7:l4l, ...' - ' — ' 4 ` . I l ''''
the n ‘ l,nve ana‘alt rl A4 rln r dn t ie mink, nn tb{n d , the 1 1/
11th At -I n'Phnii ~ ., i, s‘ ,i . V P..
' . " ..ißbt " F"": "VfiN JA
. -5 1, 1 \ . \ \ • .-- --‘. • :-=-F, ...:
I , TIM Alt I . !'l' Oiß_o l li An) . ~.. 1 ,
' 1 ) ' .k it t r t j' t iliti t itgA, —n l l. , V 4 '" ' '' ' 4 "
f. • ';:.:, :,,,f...i...t,r ~. , ,g , ..'s -, ,. ./thk• mss. • v•
W. rlt) bd. Wlwrlitig: Ir.. 6IN ~,y, Ml, ~,,,,,
Vi., ilo‘6lay. WednepasX 1.1.4 •66 . 2 4 2nEn!jag:
I ,; :i3 , l o,4 tl w it ,... tll \ un y, n r v i , , ry io, Tr v,r l.o .4.. ol,: . Ti r a,ora.
,F 64," ,
n r, , AIt.SMION * C 4,17.
.. _ . .. ..
IL 1 ACKEItEL-101.1 bbis: Large NO. 4
lalaaaehiniett. innpectloni for aide by
S. • 1%. II AIIIIA 1.11 i11:§
rEsn uttwEitiEs AND SUNDRL A I
Clarity 111.4 and IVA greats.
Id. oh. dria'n • IL IIOIC, C 0 . ,. &Chocolate
1* iaii. lixa - -, - U buma wire:Tied birttlima
i \.\\
it baa choke Tobvseari', 3 - hordeaur and old
-6 . I ,M ,Tli e ,fi:= ".' 10 holfe:Alm.'4,l`Oloo Lod
10:;11. lia n vana &tiara '. • Toilet ' E.i!.3 ' iili
aana. 'ow. on.l Isl. bi-. 1. , I box Farina,
, 3 ~t fiaibatria4 • \ 2 to.a. Oorn Stati4;
Uti - latalarta Cop e. ! :, b .. babbitt'. Soap ozol
~/ - VW 1.....1.% .'..,
_,• Yeast l'oador.,..
1 11 Caa
dley. i = baaii. Cluth t
a, .IoL
:JO .• o id 1 Itioftl ..• \ ' odor,[; ' •.
30 la,. Um rul vv.. - 100. corn Erman
' = a bus \ Yap. t. YotmltOM ww...unad *atilt its
• ~ . . _ J.D.wlt.Liatatta & 00..- .
surZ7V '• - .ttiortata as,aar. la • • • sad I , lllb. eta. :.
\ matt
I ' .tll 4t ' e
--' fatiZ . .i • r 7l i t W ' '''''' ' '-rcn' ' ''.. \ -\:, C' ' ' ' ' '' .4- -
‘ ow. I. , , . r nwrith It pt 111•••• \ ~,, j‘.1,,,,.! . ;
' hV 'r 4.7.:rt " re '
17/: ''.' -,fm .uty/ , -- kt ~,,,, IN. 0 , \. .
‘ark ot llrooro 1 4 ... pi . .., .""..,.
, 417,11,14 \ . n A - ~ ' \:, sC.
‘‘,,,' 7 -`,,. ; , ::G l i ' 121P.r0; tr Groh. \ s \ " \%,'y
', r‘e folloterne , ;to( t.t.. wol‘toe.zyllieb tbs . ,, ‘.
\ . ; N V
Ch7.lllllow awl tra odk
,forttit W biyne ail - eV:mount \ • \. 1 \
Cora , \ \ ' \
hivoght hy a epid. 1 11l lawwww; of Iva Febrol7, '.
%';‘7,l`:. ,V,',..,l,trr,V4'em._7.l.`=klb=" ., , \'',
~, . • I r '
r,, , „ei'ir:,.,r . 7.7.',„:',.trf d livr,&:f.Mcq,4( . -. \-, - f
tr„4, for bratt t atlalt .110. Ar hope, of GI,T • r••1,1 .
~, ,
Arra 'Ntil.orntlaniZnlal:iilll7l44llll•Vrt \ \ ' '‘ ,:sr'' `k •
' 4•1 • . 44th Di \ yralr \tArrry (Itt...oral. whet 1, twit to ‘ \‘, x„ , .: , \
traijt i ,N o wot hi' eretap, utTirte Co u n ' t ' llge7tlVet u'' \ ' 1
\ ' \ ' ' t •
• \
I moo foulttl my - 11,4010;one+ on roved. , Now to ,
. r , a l a w wethal f two* on
ao attribute mY .11 '''... t.
only to ouf.arreataro Ictrealo NULL hed i emaggatl . ,\ , . -‘, ..N.,
r T l r7'pt - alrsold \ hy d.i.tCAY K t Ptwolitalltheito \'\ ' t \ .l.•
1'1,=21.4 b0. r .h.41 , ,,,4i —,i'',. ' 'i.7 /I.ti. liii:
rlli.:PS'zit , ' ti VT_ van atul .I,DOI, s \ ' ':
LAW anti"'k". '.l4..4 ' ' ''''' ..r \ \ \\\ \ \ - ~.'-''', •
r..,. •,,: — ., — \...5...,......
F,',:',•.1 .: :::::: , , , , : ;:i).:.,,,. ;,tv.r.,:;y?7:7!.f. , :••‘T ,. !— , -- , \\ , ',.' , .A\ 1 , ?:(-.
....•,..,.....- 4... - -ft-Tz?.--g,'—`...--.. - ) . '\- \ - ,`:•.
~..,....i. ? *4 . 7 4 i ;ZZ.; . ' .. . • „ ',. ' , . - 'X'\ •
' .ti
. ........ z: . ; '- -.,.f.; , .....-... , ..v.• .-..-. -•...-” n '
.. N.i.T. , ,;...7.,1-....?:. ? 4 , -, : 76". ; ~..., t ,.:l*
~..l. ' --. s . ' \,, \ •.:- . Al'
Tut. ..\,4:, 1.#4 - yrr. , ,,iniprA T l Ex, ',t; qc ___ , , \
i i, t l, r. i:l44\ Ch .1\
it , , , i:.'.. A .ru l Tittri. , : l7 l, • \X .
to be th 'E.N..I 3...4'..k5•A PA liii . ..L A . 1t0.1", .I. 6 . • • •• \
4.11et1at... met. 1../..lrt, e.s et. A
m)...11.14:41a itLy thatilalake las owelnLlN.l34o •
114 . 1 :14r1 1 .4./xueloi,... I Laic Leta aftrcled WM) LIOt •
ea Cu ;pleat h earls to. >ea, mat ha, 11.1 varlauri
told] La, lu sale: 'at fart Load a tour Lim 11114, ,
tolcl...have charted thir teak- taper re , 111.. tuaT A ' •
rur without ethateratluti that riaw rocuare cur v e%
auelgt4te thenottritha ttiati lo Low..thatea uud,
..ILvereir of the f.arts.‘ • -
_. Year grateful trio.) r .E..)11111.
rurclusera Tetarull ' e all rellea - Liter h \
TR other than Abu. rwhii,d hi K. de:U.I.IA lie,
U tol Orceti o•rt.s..e itultattiGble. .1)14
bROF. ALRX'..:C. BARRY'S T.RJC-434M - •
I ....„I‘, OR alfthittlTEli
- ranee; hr the pert
tk uatia a cure ha/dn.. atul diactitios
tJ t 4."
theocrtntlitUthenr•rapy, bir.,,fecotil.t.belrptakity.`
ire dpio.'.c. al • the couituutiry; 4 aktiog,m
.17 lid 11l laud It la wealth brukrourratoether' rfacks an
t b a kw. au Wreathe Slam to
the reek thtf-L4 mut
thus hrtraqtra4taire•th to • Tecuttlistillftlegree.:
. PLg=,th,lita t i l i t ' l l tr *4" thegiTguth '"Mrird
dew atTerLubtio4s keener. •
An th•lnt•AVeulteigtel. R. karat aktrialsa, it
• • ^-‘,
to.tto t 7 o
tete., voooters.
Sul of mJ
We orkos•
medoLunatot •
o, otoO , / toor •
, r.1“en , .."r4 • ,
watt ,
Colle'l - Liter \
LLLE.O, Zoo, \
UGLY s'ajdo