MIEN EMENCI GAZETTE PU141,101 11 ; 10 BY wurth a CC ---PI•TT6B1111:1311. TUND. 4 ..Y 3101151N6, OCT. 21, 1851 g.r.•••1:.R.4111Nd J 1.4 iTER WILL 11E FjtrzirD RA CIrP.:VIE OP THIS PAPER. ROUTE OF' THE PIITT3BDIUOH AND RO TER RAILROAD . . ' ne.natural conformation if the valley of the Allegheny river points it out as one of the are nifsz.i; nnidpertinps the best, through which the interconie . e hiterehange between the . Lica great divisions of the Union—the Atlantic, slope and the great central valley—will be carried en. lligh estimates have always been ramie of the extent and value of that gromeree. but all those ' intimates have been more-than realized; .1 now it le apparent that were ivery available natural .pans through the Apalachlau chain made the route of a railroad,' they 'would all be needed, rieddhey wohlil all be 'profitable. But a railroad through the Valley of the Atte 'pheny would do more than - furnish another me, diem of communication between the east and the .west; it would unite - the north with the smith Western. Net , York and Western Pennsylvania hit:CS:POW noineaus of intercommunication If a citizen of ,Rittamaing,, (which is forty-Sve iles up the Allegheny river from Pittsburgh) iceasiontri go to Rochester, his best present rd: travel would be, first. •to Pittsburgh, 'thence to Cleveland; thence by steamboat to . • • rale, (heats to Rochester.- • It is almtsit incredi • hie- ths&two such great and flourishing comma tildes, lying chic by tide, -should eo long have' 'been 'suffered; to remain' without any tolerable means of direct intercommunication. But so it • .- R'era they.-separated by Alpine heights, or other natural barriers, we should not think it str"suge that Such should he the eerie; but the ve rg. opposite is the fact; 'for no route, of any con siderable length, on eitbcrside of the mountains, presents so few obstaflles, or higlf grades as this. Should the-route bitbe river be choSen, the road from Pittsburgh to Oleau would be al moat level. Should the Valley of the Clarion be • adopted, there would be Mit one summit' and that an nosy one, to overcome. And ever should the valley of either of the more-eon:kern streams be adopted to , get through the "river hills," and reach the elteated table lands which lies along the e-istern borders of Armstrong and Clarion roan noierions obstacles need be apprehend ed. . With regard hi distance, the river route--that is to follow the river from Pittsburgh to Olean—is • vary considerably the longest. The neat in length is that which would leave the Allegheny, at the • mouth of the Mari., and Continue up the valley . of' the latter to its source, in McKean county, - whirls is within a very short distance of the .ICestern fork of the Allegheny river, (generally called Petah) Creek,) which flows in a difettion opponilero that of the Clarion—the two forming a lirect-lifie, in their general course, from Pitts• burgh to Olean; and nlso between Pittsburgh and Pochnsier. A. route by either the Itedbank or the Mahn- Moir would exit off the.tery considerable "western daleetran required to reach the .mouth of the Ciariorn,but still the road. would have to he ear riad nerossM the valley of the latter stream at sore poiif t—probably near the eastern border of Oathori county, where.the face of the country is favorable. We shall now give a brief sketch of the coun try - between Pittsburgh 'and - Olean, ;tlividieg it ioto sections es its natural features vary. 1. Five. Pitt4turgh to the mouth of 11. e miv it,. —We may call this section level, it having only the ascent of the river— ^ ) feet coal, salt,lime, and building stone, eseellent quality, ure the chief mineral pro. Sections, and they are all extremely iMptrtant elements in estimating the profits of a railroad. , country. is' fertile and well populated: ;and would throw a Fargo amount of trade and travel upon the road. Oa the north. Walt of the Kieldrainetas,t the road would cross thelenniylvanis cahol, ithers it would gather it the travelling custom furnished by the rich tool etteiativesulley of the'Mskiminetas. When the road shill be completid to this point, goth et ingin Milt Will the travel and trade furnished by the river above, and by the canal and the nu merous twails - which come in from the surround • ittg coitzitti, together with the heavy prodne . tions of the criuntry.balow, it will pay ex least the interest upon its coat., 21.. Fecree . the Ktak-faithal; to the AP/hears?, 2.7 , mitra..L.ln ; general features and productions, i this section is like the ono already described.— , ' The coal is in general not quite on good or so .alfundt - as in the first section, but there is not, and never Can be, any scarcity. Salt is mans- i factured in•considerable quautifiesln this ,CC- tic°, amp its production might he inief.aisely in- creased.. Limestone exists in exhaustless quan tities, and the abundance and cheapness of coal ... rendersita manufacture smatter of very email eiperise. • We are now in the iron region, any , ' qttaritity of which might be manufactured Imre there adequate protection. On the line of ho Sectima of which we are epeaking, there i . at • present but one or two furnaces in operatic Pao clay of the best quality—a variety unku nu, we believe, either in Europe or on the Atlantic elope—exists in great abundances and is I now-. manufactured to some extent into brick, glans. pots, crucildes; - Sr. The only town of itopor • mace ott,this section is Kittanning, the effouty - at at of 'Arnostrong, containing a populatMn of aloud 2.000. A large and well arrangsbrolling • mill and foundry were erected at this place a few, li yensago - ,lwhich are still struggling on at suc cessfully probably as any other eitablis c ut of the -kind in the western country . The wn is bentdiftilly situated on the rant bank of t ri e v ycr; on a fine tied of alluvial coil, large e ough to accommodate ten fines the population that now occupy - it. The abundance and cheonest . othoal at Kittarming, the healthiness of it cli mate, and tbe. abundance and the excellexce of the productions of tbeeurraunding country,.rtn der it admirably adapted to become the neat of et extensive. tartpufactorien. We_nball at present suppose that the road will -Jesse the Allegheny river at the mouth of the Mahoning. which route, if found practicable, is the shortest_ Of its practicability. however, at easy. grades, there are serious doubts; bit wheth er the Mahorting or the ltedbank valley shell be adopted, the same general description of the country will be equally applicable. 3d.' The volley of the itahoinev--25 to 80 maw. For the greater portion of this distance the ;46- . honing, as well a. the Redbank, the Cla rion, and.:the Allegheny itself, down through what would be more correctly denominated a drip ravine, from two to four hundred feet be : . low the general level of the country; Man s valley. . The etream is navigable for 50 or 60 miles for rafts and flatboats. during freshets, but there is no ascending navigation. The descent , is pretty rapid for so large a stream, so that at a distance of twenty-five or thirty Miles from ~ . the mouth, the etream is found to be but little below the general level of the country. ;fear the river the countryis very much broken; but in a few miles this feature begins to change when we have reached (about the distance which we'have above spoken of, from the river, we reach *hat may be called table lands, ever. • which a railroad might be carried without diffi culty, The Muhoning valley to very rich in iron ore, and IS heavily timberod. Coal ago exist. in great abundance. In the range now under con. sidoratlen Ow,. are several iron furnaces, all of whiih yield a large return of excellent quality. The soil of the llahoning valley, a few miles froin the river, becomes good:and so .continues to the head of theatres= All thatir here said of the hiithontug is equally applicable to the yfeabank, or the Kohulbucietim, OA thel Indiana called it.ffi• • . We hare now reached the rigion Of white pine, about 85 miles from Pittsburgh. It is true thit some itf met with lower down, but not in large quantitiei. It is near the western bor ders of Jeffereou county, where it is first found IJ3gr eat' abindance. , • MOoniogto Claricmt 30 miter. Thfi•seitlisl :fciaTes.of .this sectionirewidely event from eer 11.11444 t; -The.o6erat eau. cannitTii Qq# 1 P l a 4 d l 'o l, /eYel , the eeitgota,tnad in - very heavily ,;11.,ored", - the"..birger:.l3trainfl are skirted • , ndock generally fo doa the to wcittiret)Md,thawhito pine ode piing - cendini elopes, toiffirths the cope of C3 ‘ ttlir mitigled wit h the different viitietlit of oak, maple, beech, hickory, cherry, yellow p ne, Bilged lheitildir 'sides; that is bir i from the, larger streams, very little white pine is r at fire entailer water eurireen are skirted with the varieties of timber last enum9rated, , v e c pt the yellow pine, which, like the dilatant., is only met with ou elevated and dry .11,6 is a region of great resources—in lnuaber, trot, coal. water power, and in agricultural and 1 . grazing inoilitira, particularly the latter. j It is rapidly filling up with a thriving population. ;itn.diunt t.', 1.14 Jufp,rd paint to Olenn—un , , an' line otl about seosetevi, ,odes.—Thin would j probably be contend to the Tallies of thh Cla. 1 rives Mid We west breech of the Alleghen!).. Its its general features and resources we believe the country through which it passes, to he mdch like the loot section. ft traverses - the heart , of the ' pine region, even beyond the range of .naeigsble atteams. It is impossible to .tintate the amount of freight which this-artiele 11/01:10:1 would throw upon the road. I We are told that in the upper part of the val ley of the Clarion there are very exten / ive de posits of bituminous coal of excellent reality. 'Phis will furnish a large mid profitable item of trade to that end of the road, and be of incal culable benefit to the people of WesteSn New York, who are altogether destitute of this vale. aide mineral : To say nothing of the through travel alad trat ,.,. tie, which will unquestitambly be very I rge, we hazard nothing in saying that the loc I trade and travel of this road, between Pittsb gh and Olean, would make it one of the best paying eCiki3 in the country: and it is impossib e to et , titnate the advantages it will confer pen the two great communities which it will unite.— Western New York and Western Penthylvania are greatly different in natural feattires and products, and the interchange of commodities which would take place, through the 4dium or this road, would be very large, and extremely advantageous to both. Cab. Frrat Ot&ra to Rachel'', —Of this see, tion it it not necessary that we now speak. partic ularly. Suffice it to say that the ....e it uld pass the greater part of the way down the valley of the Genesee, one of the richest agricutttral re gions in the world. We have already eitewled this articie beyond our intended limit. Our object is to giie a gene; ral idea of the country between Pittstiurgh and the heads of the Alftsgheny river—a country of vast resources and capabilities; but the upper part of which, for want of avenues of Iptercom tnunication, - has been suffered to reara{n almost in a state of nature . That neglected Xegion is all. exceedingly healthy,, and is ric h 4 y stored with minerals. Much of it is fertile, and very beautiful. It abounds in streams of the purest water, affording water power beyond all assigna ble limits. Give it a railroad, such no Ithe one of which eve have been speaking. 'by reaps of which Pittsburgh may be retched from the heads of Clarion in six hours, and Now York iii twelve or fourteen, and very - soon it will be fined with sw industrious and happy populatiotn engaged in a great variety of pursuits. . i.-..taruiNo Sew —We refer cur readers to an , irertisement in this days paper of a work em fillet -the Hand-maid tothe Piano" comprising a full description at the mechanism of the insiro moot, the various defects to which it is liable, the method of remedying each defeolf with di rections how to keep the instrument :alw4s in tune ItyP. B. Templeton. We believe that no troth of this kind kiss ever been attempted be fore, and. if one half of the title can hc sustain ed. the author wit! confer a great 'hentfit upon a very large class of the community, besides mak ing lots form, . We have had same acquaintance wits the au thor for the last three years, and have every reabOtt to balite that he would slot prStatsa what be is ant thoroughly competent t 0 perform. Pianos are often spoiled by incompetalat persona Every person, therefore possessing lan instru ment shdold avail himself of the information thus offered: of for no other reason than to pro tect himself tlhst fraud We understand that the author has. been offered a large 4.m for his coPyright. rive were's little amused yesterday With the Posed arithmetic, wherein it is trying to make net that the Lonofocos were not 6P , eery badly teaten in this county utter all. It ys Tate, for instance, the rote fUr Saprenie Judges and. by adding ttletlier the vote for the candidates on each eitleMnd thMi subtract ing, the remainder, when divided by fire, will give the average majority of 741 for the Whig Judges. If this shall not in considered fair, proceed in the same way with the candidates for Assembly, and you have an avenge majority on this ticket of only 327 and this is usually re garded as a fair test of the strength bf parties." By oar arithmetic )which is old-fashioned, like our democracy.) we cyp.. r , it op ae follows . Avsrage Whig vote for Supreme Judges. 5455 Loco 11421 SY - big majority. Li,_ Average Whig vote foiMeembly, e2Bl 6 IA i Wbig majority snym the editor .pf the I'Pet %ei Seth Clever should cypher in partnernbili. • Tux PItr,ILOPEr AND Tar Lana..—lt basing been stated in some of the papers that tbs. Presi dent had sent instructions to Syracuse to prose- ClliC all persons engaged in the rescue of a Fu gitive Slave from the hands of the United States autheritlei, on a charge of hzoh iren,m, the Re public states, that the•instructions referred to did not _undertake to define the, legal nature of the offences committed at Sy:rat:44 or Christi ana. They were explicit and distinct to the . point- that all infractions that had been com milted on the laws of the United Spates must be prosecuted.with the utmost diligence; hut S it woo no part of the President's duty 'to indica.te the legal character of the outrages:in question, or to - direct the district attorney or the grand jury in fl e e discharge of their respective func- Questions havedieenasked,-why the President does not take official notice of the Lynch Law in California:l the mobs in North Carolina and Ala bama, and the riots at New Orleans, as well as or the violation of law in Christiana and Syr, 'mew The Republic replies that "Ile President is sworn to excute'the tarts of theillnite&States and those only. If men commiti murders, or stimulate mobs, Or burn houses, Cr commit nay ctii4r acts of violence which do not fall within the laws of the United States, the-President has as much to do with them aa ant d,ther individo rd, arid no more. The illegal exe4utions at San Francisco, the anti rent murders,l the infamous outrages on the Spanish Consul at New Orleans, all these matters arc of State or municipal cog nizance, offences against the /Weal laws with Which the, Federal Government and of course the President can have no. control." THE OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY. The annual meeting of the Slockholdirs of the Company, was held et Lima, Ohio, the 10th October 1051.. The following Board of Directors wife elected damned Hanna, of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pliny Heuglatill Henry Peter, Lester Bliss, Upper Sandusky, Ohio Delphos, " Thos. 8., Jacobs, " Lima," Aleriman. Bucyrus, Franklin Adams," " " " The new Mord of directors wan organised by the election of Willie Ideriman, President. and Franklin Adams, Secretary and Treasurer.— Among others, the following resolutions wero adopted . EResolved, That the Engineering Department l required to complete . the surveys and etiti mates of the road of thiccompeny, ready for let ting no soon as practicable with the present force employed. Resolved, That the President Of this board be 1 authorised . and instructed to solicit, private bids, for the grubbing, grading and superintendence of ° tee Ohio and Indiana Railroad, a pei tentage to be paid in the stock of the company ;;and that he report any bide by . hint received, to the Board at the 'earliest :practicable day. 1, WeJejiice to see that she enterprising r e= w h o have the drib wort are determined. to per severe.. They have one of the Imola mport r i ut lodatdOiadtllool#4oll,olcelP?gliho partiiiit'epliteitiergh;:tes tt is the direa western extension of the Ohle.ind;:Peraaryleitaia 'tail- • , rOid, and idyl opalpp ns:an exnen4ive flew !ootioo; or Oollotry, Lear t ideas a not amount of trade. &metes n:1 tile . Ohio and Indiana Rail road. ALL:Winn-NT VA.LLET RiLl.O/10.—Our readers will be pleased to see lior their advertisement, that the Commissioners a 4 ppoioted under the Act of Assembly inc.orporsting the and Warren Railroad Compariy, will Open books for subscription io the stock, at the i St. Chance lid tel in . thin city, Int the 191 h prozimo. It is not generally known, we believe, that by a subse quent amendment, the Company is authorized to carry the road to the Sint line at any point that bray best Suit the interes of the stockholders and the community. It iv nose pretty evidenlfrunt sitetilinforniation a has reached as, that the Kane swindle was 1 re-enacted in such couutic as Clarion and Schuyl kill, at the late election. The people were told that the heat Congress, which will have a large Lueoloco majority, wouldlgive Pennsylvania pro tection to !run and Coil, provided the State elected Bigler. We hea such a eentiment was quite prevalent here, among . the operatives in our iron works, and that accounts fur the losses we experienced in such trims. It iatmid that Whigs who bad person I grievances against , Johnston to avenge, wereff kk engaged in thls work, in Bchuyllcill. We have u doubt that this swin dle hat been used most effectively. We shall see what confidence Can be placed iu each decep tions promises. Most ardently - do we hope that the next Congress will do \Pennsylvania justice. but for our part 'we have not the slightest ex pectation of any such restilt. Those who voted for Bigler under the ittlitieee of such promises, will find that they •have een most effectually swindled a second time. The Philadelphia Eveni g Bulletin of Satur day last says that the majclrity for Coulter over i • Campbell is 10,347; "In the table aspubfiehdi in the morning pa pers, there *as a serious terror in the vote of Judge Coulter in this cityil making it six hun dred less than is really is'. We have obt/4ned from the office of the return judges the correct figures which are given in ur table. :By refer ence to them it will.be see that judge Coulter has, in the city and county 1b,175: Judge Camp. bell 17,832—Coulter's Mithrity over Campbell 10,347. These figures spleak lvdly .the spin ion entertained of Judge tlamptmll's fitness for the Supreme Bench in his (ir, city and county." ' Coulter is elected by a considerable majority FROM WASHOE I NGTON. lb< rittstlur.b D. 1.7 -.ll< . NVALitspros, Oct It; When I wrote at the close of the past week , upon the position of 000 Johnston and, the 1 Whig party, in regard to t.e then approaching election in Pennsylvania, I, more than suspected the result which has sin 4 occurriid. It is a time of public delusion and of pante, Penusyl vntiM has barn lost to the whip threugh the in- Cunha, arts of demagogues operati:4 upon the fears of the people; hut theidozertinte they hot practiced ••will return to plague the inventors, • and will produce a reaction in the, public mind which will defeat the cht ohjee of ali their schemes. Pennsylvania Kook upoii as good for the Whig candidate in INI The t acre, ~f the Buchanan ticket this fall, Rae afu cone conclu sion, owing to causes ands state of things which I have not space to reviewl It is a dicietit to say that they are temporary [ No at er whig could have dune better at this erns than' o•. J.mueton, and the CiTCLIMAIIIICCS under •lii h be has been beaten arc far more houirable t, him and his supporters, than the liCLOr}, Of their Wit ora,rte - .6 L, In them. , I But this eta:eel's of his beaten , . t makes Nlr Buchanan the Autocrat, oi rather he Warrick, of his party for the coming i vear Nr B. will rule the convention, if one be bel[l - , for thiS result makes that event more doubtful [hal core If be cannel force thr‘ugh Lie ~tru u4a1:,11 he will hetet , the nomination of the lean the lest (diet," r le him, of somemanwlso may 14ave been tae least,. spictious in oppostion to tail awn treteneiona lie will stand betw ten contending factious. As Van Buren sod Silas Wright did, after the defeat of the former. in the nonvennon of 1054 Nlr Buchanan appears to have Miderstood the state of affairs and his own poSon 'remarkably well . for I learned, a few days-since. from undoubted authority. I may say the beE authority, that he was candid enough, just a week before the election, to inform a liatinguialoc I public man. not a whig nor yet s democrat, that Cul. Bigler would be chosen by a large majority, that it would give him control of ;the party in Penneyl t.da, and would ensure the nomihation of him self or of Gen. Wm. It Butler, in the General •- Convention next spring 'his is it nearly ...- Tett a new of his own p 'ApeCte Se sop candi date can ever attain to Buchanan or Butler , • will certainly be the candidate of the Penns)* retina democracy—and jul , t at certainly there will. be several candidate, before the people As I Stan.sman Buchanan i ts far the stnargeet of 1 the two: for Butler is a wrak.man, but in pope lanty and availability the latter is in:measure = bly his superior. Mr. W las pursued a course 1 tending to isolate Peruosyivanie from every Northern State, and to chain her to . the car 0 Southern pro-slavery faciakinsm. to commit her even to the stupid and reasonable dogma 0 ' secession. What chance uch man has for faro Ireaiourible dogma of nch man boa for favor I , let the election eat. The etookt with Any national pall.' slave States themselves at': contest Pas not yet fall fear that the spoilers hoe the'rlarkest . hour precede cleared, away, hat .rcpt all It, it Lang , lon, of Mobs o, 4rtain Ile io univerial no,for the place. lob leith_the.racul . by tb e recall of Mr The appointment of M it, said. be not yet gate c.l ly epoken of . the fittest has been yet named in con ey said to have been cane. Owes. The returns from the special election In South Carolina, for members oil the State Convention, called by the last Legislature to consider the ', way. and means of breaking up the Union, in dicate that the party disposed to the A eparste and immediate withdrawal of the State from the confederacy, have triumphed over their adver saries, "the out and ratters." The latter party consists of the go ontertl?g the very fastest line Over the directest route' In professions there is very little to choose itweon these worthies. The ••Isolstionista" wan to go Out nt ones. nod itay out for ever Th e .eo-operationiists'• wont 'no less, but they ray t hat if they can . manage things in their little nanstard pot of a State so CO not to precipitate actlon, all the other slave States, or a sufficient number of them will, in a short time, ••get their riot in it" as deep as the "children of the sun" now have theirs, nod than they can raise a znerrylcompa4- with which to cot the conneetion with the "cursed Yankees' Where the people are_ail agreed th ho foots, buy only differ. to the means of giving effect to their folly, surely nothing gocid can be expected We the result of their divisions But the sober fact and truth is, that the On-o ruttoremts know that the other southern States Ore not going with them at all, and that no respectable confederacy of slave State can he reached °onside of this Union. They donut want disuoilan on any terms, nod are only pandering to the besotted and debauched 'state of public opinion inSouth Carolina, when they pretend to be in er of Nome impractica ble mode of effecting i ns The time will come, I trust, when a party will exist. even in S. Caroli na, both sensible and honest enough to denounce disunionism, from deteitation of its own inherent hideousness, and to characterize tie they deeeno, the insolent traitors who, with brazen falsehood and truculent impudence,have proscribed every sentiment of patriotism arid every feeling of na tionality within the Unlit, of the State. Perhaps the man who have sueneeded In prostrating the Immediate eecessionist; at the present election, .- will by natural progre'rsion, become lovers and 1 supphrtera of the Union. I retain the opinion, of these contests in the Booth between Unionists Pod Disursioni7tn,which I have always held, namely that it was a ques tion with which the free States have little or no thing to do. We revere and abide by; the Union because it is a good . o.ing in itself; because, our fathers .made it and swore to rapport it, and wi,,, t :their fidelity to it has i rscended to u' r. as duty ' we have no wish ten ounce. If nth n wish to leave it, let them go. 1 If others to put a . price upon their leyalin, and 'it* pudiate it t unless we pay theta that price, letdiem go—we . stand by, the bond of !bur Dat,inual Y. bat will d viy nothing to inereetutries forkeeping faith with , I; I dowers. . . . I raot.mo K r YOR , ' . . , . Henry Beyer:. • - -1C4; " 3 "'"' at 6 " Pit"""h D'i(i " ' A1. ' )..4 i Northampton—Michael Myers. . "" Nam YORK, Oct. lii, 1851. Miller. Northumberland—William FoHmer. 1 ,' perry— David Steward.' ' The Money Market is not quite an easy for the Philadelphia City —Cherka (I'NelL Jacob. I. past two days, and the rate of sterling exchange 1 Go:sler, George IL Hart, A.tpiik B. 17oniyen. has advanced again slightly, so much so that fur- , Philadelphia County— Thomas L. Gizrurd, Iv thee exports of coin are not improbable, though ( “ 4 l R " ' prua9tr. Fredrr:k KreL Jouph Wngney, r. ti by no men. certain. The temporary relief in i tic.. It. Miller Solomuil Demeres Daniel Ru the Money Market h. been cairn advantage of ' bonier, Mean, " Isaac Leech, Jr., Wm. Goodwin, Wm. H. Henry liuplet. by nereone having remittances to make, which : Somerset—George Money. ,will account fur the rise in exchange and the in- i Schuylkill—Stephen Ringer, Bernard Reilly. creased lake of money. The month thus far ! ite ,.T h 4 ::,; l i n r ha • elB,°,l,,lyilaernt. Wyoming—lsaac has been less disastrous to merchants than many jTioga—Jeremiah Black. • , . ' expecbal , end ten days more will see waver the' Wayue—Thom.. l , Hubbell. • season ot beau p a yitieuts, and entered upon the Union S Juniata -William ;Alarm, usual quiet period. No inure failures hove been ' 1"1',—,(-tle','irge,. It. Kt ' f '• domes Amie "" . • s imoiloced, except - one of a stock brokerage l:'''''''' B. .•'''''. • house, which has been unable to deliver all the i AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. storks sold To day nil binds of stocks are cheap- ' To h e sell o, ff,,,,,,b ur y un th e • , 90, A t m eh ,/ er, and the market closes very dull, with a cer- ' 31 . , 0,6,6,. • minty of A further decline. Now that the turmoil of politics is ever, I ask Every body is surprised at the result of the my brethren of the press to give me their all, election in Pennsylvania, the Locos, that they in inviting, the farmers of Pennsylvania to at have again fooled their voters .in the Polk tend the first extiibitou of the Pennsylvania rompaign: and the Whigs, because the laborers State Agricultural Society. of Pennsylvania lire BO misguided as to follow a Thu Committee of Arrangements have laid out ~,,,,y that ref.,,,, th em by i ts l eg i e i. t i e „, t h e and enclosed the ground with a high board fence, right to work. The great struggle to take place mid erected the necessary stables, pens, coops, here in November. will be-much affected by the Sc They will also have erected mane day, be disaster to the Whig cause In Ohio and Penusyl-, fore, the commencement of the exhibition, tbr. rani., and if the Canal policy is not strong six largo tents that were used at the Rocheste , enough to bear up the Whig cause. we must go fair. Th . .s it will be. seen that ..t-hc heat... into a minority. arrangements have been made, nod the Com The arrests for treason in Northern N.' York mister trust their Agricultural friends through are beginning to attract considerable notice, out the State will avail themselves of the pri tice, and an.opiniou prevails to a great extent that the vilege of becoming members of . the society government will overshoot the mark, , and the and exhibiting Stock, implements. artierea o rioters escape ill punishment. It is all fustian home industry, end the products of the femm for such papers us the Express to talk of aboli- the garden and the dairy. tiun societies being treasonable, and dangerous The ladies are also invited moat particular' to belong to, for fear of the halter. People will to send in the products of their industry an talk of the affairs of their neighbors, indecent skill, for which suitable accommodations liar and uncalled for an their interference may be been Ilrovi l ied• deemed by them whoseaffairs are discussed, but on the first day none but members of the SO 6, 0 ' and judges will he ailmittmli on the setoff it is idle to say that the whole abolition party stand in danger of their necks. The negro or and third days there will be a general admission free toil party, now controls OhiO, Pennylvania, The ploughing match will take place on Frida G New York. Massachusetts, Vermont, and Con- the dist, at 9 o'clock, .1. M., and the nddros OOOtiral. and until public opinion is changed will he delivered by lion. Andrew Stevenson, . there, it is of no use talking about hanging for Virginia, :it l o'clock. P. M .of the same day. Mr. Danes' plan of 're-modelling the constitu tion, finds friends here among the Free Soilers, and the "Times - of to day, doer not hesitate to say that we are too tender upon the question of Constitutional reform, that the public mind is morbid upon thin point and has been educated to feel that the constitution is immaculate. The Times argues that, it is the work of sensible men, this movement of reform, and argues that ad constitution is hut an expressiOn of the will or sense of the community which formed it Si. as the will or sense of the people changes. so has the people the right to make changed in the con stitutional mode. So it is argued changes hare been brought about in England, whirl, has no Constitution, but finds her lundainental law in Parliament, which changes as public sentiment changes. It is plain to he seen that the Slavery agitation has only commenced, and has not ceased with the Com- sromiae. Mr Jar lic , smath the retiring Presetslent of s he iludvon Iti•er Ibud Rend Company, sleeliten receive the present of serrice of plate, hit, tendered lu b. and 141KgreRI, that the money ad better be denoted to the formation of a fund or the nit of perYona gpployed on the roast who av he slosabled hs nAildent, or for their feu, hrs . in rase of depth, and orrersi to gin e . Coe per .: eat ou hut stuck for Itlo ii1111 , 0,4‘ Thie tr Coe tainly more honorable to Mr Herrman than the reception of plate, and hie plan will he adopted A eateer.eful trial trip lane fern made by the propellur vhits Pioneer, owned by Mersin ep o f. ford 36 Tilevton, and slessigned for the Liverpool tenths She tv stink too, burden. Fool will be able I. tithe sill the !rich in • eusinty at a trip fhe I lined vis syss Ls e...k for her vteerage paavengere and will to touch to nonce. , the horror+, of an emigrant ehip. She poet to son Saturday The newt brought by the ea Atlantic mot the America liar Lvi no effect upon the marl:eta, which for movt•rtielee of export may he quoted doll, and in force of the payer Pertnyosion has been gtveu the Pacitie Steamers. to leave Panama nod t v .ono in the until. Coll be Out across the litmus, ratter way' to enahle that route to compete with the new rout, • The it/Lsmull •n relative t • the yam , u• deidiffe 11.-rty Bar itold Nlitung Curapany, . that it. lorati , .•l has uteri tatitltitnit`d, 11.. l taker, o. e. new Tot m firer° Valley where a fortune i•• to tu• made •1•• the Company made a whit slate a humtuut ditideud. before In roriebin had armed, t a. t now yerretely changes its It estion, buyer+ must he pareful • C ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The following. it„ believed, will he t nen! ehlrricte: of the next House . Adam.. • iledroel nn.li aindri4, Rork. Idtsaver, oat Lawrence. Illalr fuel Ilunttnitdou, Itradford. Chmfter. Cumberland. Centre. 1 Clearfield, Elk not Ndliean. I larrearoni„, Clarion and Jeller.n Columbia and Montour. I Uauph' n. l.rlaware. Erie. Washington. F a yette and W ftqtntureland, Franklin. • Indiana. Lebanon, Lycommg.l'llritco nod Potter Lancarter. Lehigh oil Carbon. Mainriiii and l'ite. . —,l Nlrrcer, Verimigii .1.1 Virarret., .: C.riorfr.ril i . 2 Nlithio. 1 Nlialigoniery, . :: Northampton, I Northumberland, Perry, I Phila.liiitalia iiity. , _ Philmiliiiphin county. Somerset. ' clittyliall. 't SuiiiiiiribiagoriSiiiiiirlatizi. tryi,mirkg Tioga ' I Wayne, . 1 Greene, I • -- autaft.til , -- Ladies !! Read !!! tliiin. . . lunignniery, , 1 . i N THE PRESS. and will strtly to ready, , A - THE 11ANVII 111/ 11/ rip: an, onmpri,in, . 1 nEte..o 4 ., • -, ~.. d..,,-,10„,,, , thf. cfc. - hartv.ct th.. mitt - nine., the f 'orthumberland, : aster. to Ca, a 0 nshio ni s t• t 4 , 1 u autoh.ri. tho . , 1 methril of rim...Emig etela 11,001., • L marital.. how L. 'err}, • ' aoop lb...tram*. Own, iu tun in, rlt tans qlll..iritalla ctiy. - • I I t°'. . I Every pursuit hattua 4 l'lsktl• - • .1.• ti h.• 4 4 ~,, 4 , flij. .. blilldelphllt unonty. ' 1 1 bout !in aura ut Ow twa t... , ot- I.4turu bt,n ruelli.tt ' I el the 10.31111.1 ,- .LI It itnytart. 10 worth ten 11000. i. !omPrset. ~,,,_nw. aun.r : .n•i. usu.: , .tart /Orono:5o, it w1:1 chitylkill. ~ - , , C.v.:m.117 guard yOul (n al Imiln your Etat. , .pollewl 1., muitiehannti Stillit au 4: Wyoming 2 Ivttiltul wt.,. Lan,. and aotalomen to it, rits,w 0f rittelairJb and I toga, 1 -- All,theny. dentin, oarty nottn-• f.l the trot . A ran 10. fur . nn.bed at tn.. maiden., by waylay - Choir rids.. al we Vaync, 1 1 otnms of •tty .f he Pittiburgh trot. t 1 parwrs,ift az the 1 ;mt.!, I tau., itorc• t f 11.-wfm John II it.. 11.0. lift ..1 inf., 441 ' orb. and Jttnitatt. 1 1 11007, Kleb,r. I Intl sim, lit mot.. ut.. , tuthir 1- th. autto.r, at a...tarot. fvs 'orb. .' . , ~.. , patiini,,h, aro, a 111 be forward , . Imp 01 no ~ _ 1 co ant part 01 the It 010- 1 401 ,11 ....Or.. I, nm 101. lit , A lint ml .Itimfunt to 11,1. t. Item and Al . u.te do.loto f. 4 .114 1 i hot. it no m. 0 .. spurupru.t. pm...at that f ....nail 1 . -. f. MYR, . sla.ll tioLtl a 7.00 , tl+o tool . aotat . icon.woro' ( SENATORS ELECTED - Whigs in if.rfact - LiertioCrat% in Roman. Allegheny Railroad. 141. District, Wdlutin .o 1 Crohbe. • I N puronunro of Cho directiono of on act of ..2,1 do ,7100.- , I; Ila rullon I ah.eallay Id It,. ith ffl Apia.and 00 1 . 1 4,0 Jut i nt r.. or th. v•tu on Apra, I , ol_ ...mt.! "An tot', th. it h do Chester and lielaware —llea re S IgnurpGral.k. at 111, Pit/ obtariin, &Malta., at, A i amnia pitanr Italls,,ad Ettat pain , • Donk. 0 .1 w O l- 0 . 00 . 1 A. 0.... , i01.. , to thr myna! atock of roll , /npin, . tt iu 0 . 0040, a SI , :ill do I-rine...der and Lebanon—Pr g on Wriyenlay, ""alrttll4 , lath, i 111, at the et.i.4.1,- It,. k„ uk ,...,1 E ~, Nr , ,,,g , ,,,, • , 4 1.. ow .1, ..I Entebttrib. 1.0 cnottnut.K..l Imo day 1., flat 011 ...am. It anitnlo , 01 ahem , um, 1 . 0an.0.13130.1 Hth do Dauphin Si Northutoherlond—J (' ,to wear. the thane,- ,wm AutirNowi,.ll. ifon.kl:7"."' , 11011 MAR VENNI : 4 11 eftItIENIJKItttEIt oil:1,110E . 110 IV /11TE. 20th do Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne .It 1.:, baltt.l,o rt.. i. , ..L.m00 0 ILA I . ,kourth at .1 , I RA NEE' KAIINC. .I,llN' 511.1111t1NOS. —E. NV Hamlin Jo, anti. oNO.Oll‘ .1 LOI:liE f 1.; DE N . 23rd do Vi oohinetnn and IlreeneWCallin 'SLAW" .4" JAMITEI. II 1.11,11. JIIIIN SIEI. 11 LO IN Ell 1 I,li' AIECIILINti. 21th do Bedford, kulton & 00113ernet-17 ~,,,"nLpfl,4ltt, S . ALEX- COI,IV ELI. It Itorno. i 411115 INT.:111:W, Olt a silti:lls 000, RE sIIIIER '2 l lth do Juniata, Mifflin & Union—Eft Sitar i lln ', a VatiLop. ' .11111:i ftt LEIN. f I,I4II,II..MDIArrt 27th do Went morland ..I.E.yetteLJ 111• Fa- .0 01 0 11 '.'r land . Steam Communication between New York The matabrra of tho Hoopla holding ow are It ' and Glasgow. Wing. and II LOCI 401 0, The Inemberi chosou I rim' V flleop,o.v and New York .... at the lode election Will make the parties in tho: 1 ' i ''''' a lwairVw . .. ,P ;' "n"' i n io 7 . body .land thus—Whip 17, Locofocoo 111, mak- I tw.ou‘Lio ()L . .... „.,. . ,, . ~ ., ,,o n. an. , ... Mg a Whig majority of one. 1 -, ; ‘, 1 0, 11 ,, , ..,,,,„,„,z,„ A „ ,, %,,, ,, ,, , ,t,t, , ,,„, , 7.„„,..,,,,, • r . , 01....Q11.11.onifaturdat 00 Uth l Ire4tiuher ASSEMBLYMEN ELECTED. 1 • «a.. 0 l, o'. I,k. 14. , 14 • .Adams--Dato./ .1/r/linu, EASSatIE lIONEI . ae : n ! wanr 1,. tal " atodo t • A llogholg— lama If Clo,ki, F!To,(JeorJo ,, r bt ' ^ -i,. E. .Ipplftom, Than. Pinny, Jam Mill, Bedford and Cambria—William I'. rihcll, John Kean , Berke—George Dangler, lean° Poet, John C Evens, Jacob It efonyder Bearer, Butler hi Lawrence --Sorand LI arallten, Noma Dung., John Born, Blair s Huntingdon-- Win. It Smith, Seri. .11' Can Itradronl—Prunamer lallry , %shut. Ruble. Chester—John Acre, IV,i/lom Chandler, *Jesse' Jame, Centro—Willams H. Blair. Clearfield, Elk, and McKean—James L. Gillis. Amodron g,CI mei on, N. Jefferson—John S. Rite), Wm. W. Wine. Reynnidn Laughlin. Cambria l Montour—Morrikon E. Jackson . Hauphin—J4oa Landie,Jarnee Delaware—John JL Broomall. Erie—Chart , W. ILden, A. W. Blaine. Wanbington—Solernon Alter, John Maley. Fayette and Westmoreland—L. L. Itigeloor,Jos. Griffey, P. B. Hook, A. M. Hill. Marlay, George Maderia Indiana—Air:mod, IPConnell. Lebanon—John C. Sellars. Lycoming, Clinton & Potter--J. B. Torbell, J. M. Kilborn. Lancaster—M. l'oernall, C. L. Ilimerker, John C. Walton B. F. Marlin B. A. Shaffer. Luserne--Bilas H. Benedict, James N. ithodes. I. • Lehigh & Carbon—Dodd Liturgy, William LB , ley, Jr. Monroe & Pike—Benry C. Mott. Mercer, Venango & Warren—L. N. hleßrana. ham, John W. Bhugert. Crawford. Merriman, IL Klngloy. Greene--Fletioher Brook. hliftlin—Gen. John Bum, AGRICULTURAL EXHIECIION, AP Le l.tid fiar , abury on the '29M 301/4 and NOW that the turmoil of polities is over, I ast ray brethren of the press to glee me their a 4.1, in inviting the farmers of Pennsylvania to at tend the first exiiihiton of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Thu Committee of Arrangements have laid nut and enclosed the ground with is high I.ounit . ..tire, mid erected the necessary stables, pens, coops, They will also have erected some days be-. fore, the commencement of the exhibition, the six large tents that were used at the Rochester fair. Thus it will be. seen that the necessary :irrangements have been made, and the Com mittee trust their Agricultural friends through out the State will avail themselves of the pri vilege of becoming members of. . the society, and exhibiting Stock, implements, articles of home industry, and the products of the farm, the garden and the dairy. The ladies are also invited moat particularly to send in the products of their industry and shill, for which suitable accommodations have been provided. on the first day none but members of the So ciety and judges will b. admitted: on the second and third days there will be a general admission. The ploughing match will take place on Friday the 81st, at 9 o'clock, .1. M., and the address will be delivered by lion. Andrew Stevens., of Virginia, at l 'o'clock P. M of the came day. Persons will he in attendance, on the ground, to take charge of stock, froth' the 24th Oc t ober. l'ersons wishing to enter articles for the call lition, can address me upon the subject_ and preartit their articles to the Committee before ❑ae opening of the exhibition. ISAAC 0: IWKINLET, Acting Secretary. Oct_ 15, Ited ace' Dn. Nlni.ion LIVER P 11.1. 1, —When the vh , rntaor of this lo,httatitlo nqn...l! tottaloshett the tot tector,lltrro It, hat tot car e. irlach man , . fa . .00r , of I.tr. r •rol Belmont oathhata t, grant's: t the creat oret satyr., of atom , .Ittoat I. in the I mad am,* 1,. r:th oath aol ot.t ttuto - uhate. Oar , the ['Altera LI frrhuoutt unot . l.• te, ohm.% • ttoatto, Dh S'ort.O. t". ", ` A- r " . “"" i ' of oh -, •Itatta, •n.I who-. it,rattnn .•. • . it , Pi.. Writ. pn,tiliatal to tha • manta,. Tlit• cant , •1.1 . P,11 , / ni • lAP• r Pin, ••• ha , IPPn 'tared in 01+1, tlittuare clan• LI I••••• ta. • tn•l •i• ir•to banynnal. nal • n•litatr •nnanip p•at • , witatal tu whirl] In.ltp•ta Inn lawn nilIlII•in•• TI,. 'alt•••.1 I .I,,tnitniihafrl•in••••m I hn . n ...ainca.l• t nnk ptraMf upon thp ,ittal , alt•llaa rtrlittnien 1. , tn. •tt halms • .enr• !no tP ••• Ir - ..1.•••nJ • .I..unt th•l Or Mrlwia • Yetl'OlOtiM . NIO4I. CA!. 11! TutAL Cry, xs I,ll,tttr,. ellentu, : ,ttlit.(4ll ,rt.t. , H, 6.: tit t.ltk..und , uulJl ,opteutlei. I 1,1 .t.••.14".1 the c:1•••••• ••••.-4 I L•K• •• ••••,1 61, •••0•• •••••,•••• • • ‘I 1 g..• ••ti couvl• •••••••••••.1 IL. ••••-1•1,31 nall I .“4 . 113.11. tt, restnr•Ulcu •I In •••••• 1•• I r••• •••••• at ya , 101 e.......././414/4.. ILI. OIL. sal , • .•• • ••• ,r.,••••••nal tc1.4•••• I. of t• • ti 1LL1.441 ROLL • 4 - rcr...t II .1 Va1.a..440.14. I Co. .04-41.1 14/...14n1 I. 41 Car, 4L-I II I 411-41,4.1....... Ll LL. (rt.:. KAM.. • 9 1,tra•1,r,... kr From the universal suecms iif Frtrr,ll. 14,tj%nrt, ,tlrun,: 14rtrn btr-Itt, r 1,4.• traria .11*1 r-ent, 'that trttiltra:, r,ttrs- Ltd "Jr,. pal, ••• I •-t tt- 1441 t r 4, 3 •Ii; rap 4, lity as rtmt4tor tot lb. ...If. u 11,, u wrathy 4:I t. tott lath gr,su xi wr,4l r trttu It rt,•11,41, - rt , rtr Itlth man arrl rt,„,t •.. ell , ,rt rt.> IMN!IEI!EM CA 1' T A 1.. $lOO.OOO. OFFICE. .V , ) F , U117111 1 k, 1.41 , 1 - 4 A • • • - tlm Citizen , ' Insurance yompany of Pittsburgh ENCtirRAIIE . . NI Cll 111 . 411, Pr....sent . A ssis ir.,..c • I•sassrs rrrrpassss ts..s/s•a m rr.ll r,lses.sirtm• Inn us•l trasso•nu.••••••••lJ. , , ssin .c•sple• ,Ultuva, I, Ow sasslstr ususl Ints•arrsty s•J stsJ /OW" . • ..11,4•01 Ito 0, , Issr - 4 - trr Issessnlasr.. wt.,. sr, J.II rtiss,s, estlJtur:ts nas 1 1 ,•rxl.ly sr,ssts sir , • ••sssurstr, qrselourr. 110 , 1 en In, Isarlmer. Jr.• II ss,Jll Is his 1,11 , Jr . 1 rt. Jll , s 11.stvr•rsts. 11.risoussts. R. II Kier ar...,[111 • 1,69/WIC ISONEI Ear, robin it.trwanla ton. tin a .- . n a. pas:o prosara rnlnua, Inn not wined., liquor, yawl , will I* aupplunt nu Inaarat, at unalen. yrs... Car. Surgn• u k nl.l of an.tn. twr , vu ,a..l t ‘` .."l“ " u 1:7,V1 7 ,1(11 - 1 lin NEW 1 antli. 1,10. ton, an i L . wan,. will la..n tba .talion load) in.at ,21. NEW BOOKS 1- NEW BOOKS! lT 11.0LNIES' LI'PEEARY DEPOT, ti 0.74, Third .beet. hplwaite the Paa tu, n aw•• New 1.1401 t, %utast.. r4r Octole r London Labor an d LA Jon roar. No. 14 • London Art Journal fnr October. Halal Architect.. No 4. t,mee's Lrvly•. I.ok. for Nolen:lh, tirahlun'e )Lamle. Fart-nth •e • • Life and Adventuees ef an Arkanonw INoetor. The 1/sonlnne; ne• novel bl holwer. loh•ennta4.ol Maanline, h•r vetola.e. tan excellent No 1 110.4..olturiet and t'ultwator. Detober. l•he Lit, sad the nee. 1.7 13arnuel Warren. The Llama t . of the ILiernelN, or Lite of lath )Inrhl.. Von Qulxoto end hI4 14.2ntr0 naorho ran.. The Taking of the 1 1 .1 11 e, 1.4 Duman. )Ivreorle... of aPh Li no. Of Dam Harry Ilitrubnut, tale of the American nerelution. ArundeL or the Railroad of Ldp. pairlelgh, or icenes In the !afro( n Priam. Pupil. 11150 , 07 of the Iter.nratlon of the 111..unrebr In France— by A. de Lamartlne. Man tn•Wneonata. 0 ,01 ur a Ilirtory of the Ilniertn../learl4 Part eecond. • • • second. or homer In the Trorks. 10. a In of the Olden Pans, br Darton. Katherine Walcott, or the Rebel of Dorchester. an Ili.. tonal KOM1111:10, of thn Revolution In Caron.. Tha Contester, an Meter[cal NcreeL and blade., or Buds .and Illoseonte The Paths, Tale alletlrrinic Tune, Or P. IL Jarnee. it s lph Rutherford, 1 nenTale. The. eat. IlunterN s tale of Merboo. The 011.9 Chief. 090. W. R. lto9noldl. er the Child of the Rattle }I.W.s Tde of Water 0,21 Glass, and oh Queensware, Glass, and China. I UST received at No. 11, Diamond, coat 1, 1 iLtnt;4l.tcaig, and 21 ,i n o s i al: . 21.114. Fni. oNglll73tir . . --- . Cart ' , .1. 1./ AI BING Si'ONGE-t=llstlings vat?. fine • it.l 1. c * , R ,. .P21: iinndBO.Rif.U..IIELD th. inlo,rtn tlartr , 1 . _-" ,.. t k • "'"l"..o".._Zst'l\_s,i_..lCW,9..X.M,Matt. CO.', n i .7.t,„ ,b., „E„,,,,1; ,—„,,,r. ° ~,IrA.bm, - 1. L_ , l,, RK ` '' ,!. - ° \ ,,t,, 1 ,., 1 7,. ° , 1 , ° ,P,F , a . n ,l, ; h a lt' trade. and a.lir. sttep[lol3 t... tloor nod. ally full a.a.ort., •o , 4 -* - 1 ,''''•'• -1-....- . ' . ... .k......, (.. .11/1/3 • ' .t...t LADIES' lIRVYSS ilyioliii. in irreat,Yitict • rith printod De Lunn.. Party.„.a, bbbuyi.... Frvii:li Nlvrin,. .i11...1.in do'. p d nosptioßas--%10 ("sus for stale 1 R,•• 'aq: , J KiIi , o , iMAKER ,120. 7 , 14 8111it. l i.S. Long .0,1 r„..11..r.. -No• .tyj.. c : . , ...k. „„ 1 PrERILI JAPONICA. fjr formers' : 4ws,-21 • liantlAon...: Caahmo„ dr , , W.... 1 d.... p . 1.1. aiii .ay :ay I. . li ton bt. Pair I, TI) J \ SCI/IVIII./9iEll OIL black and colored Ti ac.„ _... Klett plaid Kihbona. black and ball mourtlib.: no now _r A 2 ENS E—t bbl nest Ainerican epper ttty;t , .s r l dr. ~,, ~,,,, ~,, . ~ •,,, ,, ,r ~,, , k, 0 . ..,. .. r . :<: for ...1.1,, .-.11 ..1.-.d1:11OdIVIIIKKK .I''i' , l' . ,:, slori " inal 37..; ." ..1i 5 n i .na r Ir 4 udi lotion, auy Staß! tY,... gen- 'BILTTER-- -0, kg, roOrselikd, re. ring.ei erall, and all will he sold at roa p for nualb itsd for pale ,by ~.w1:• „It DA UM CO. County.. rrtisau aro irivrt..l to call In our .. .d al, r• w., up ...tr., artier lino& ai , aold tow. lib , h.! AII.EKAT ILS--5 tons in bbls tibd b., for' Caution. \ r C. 7 ...Nis. oil: . it • n ILZK.I. Co. V public are cautioned against reei,v , \ 1,.1.7GA11,1-51. ) 11,10,4 priiiio,. in ittore‘orid for i - • t . to win re.. tam,. os , I, \I 1 ...1.. 1., \ col: ti . 0,11.ZFL1.,P W. '', . ' ll; ' t;;!'....:,°";i."nV‘i•lP.'leihtti”" . I"' ! '".4 "."m . \ 'it I OLASSES—titKI libbt IS. '0 'lO di.. 0 5,,,, , ..• tri.o. sok, I. 1,1. ay= t o + o , .7 ~,, 4 , n rui..l. l ip i e ``dt'twdag , fy'r dad bY.,' I. dk.ZI.LI. A .00. Liberty \.l .. ... A \\ i "ih...6,:... ..,:0.'"..t . ,:.......1,..,, I ,k,n, ~,..,,L 4 ,:;'.:,;!, 41 NTHARID-75 lb, fresh,- ', oi fet'd . . bc...yurtilli not ..u. ‘l \ a.l for ..I. Its octl7 \ • J. K'l ' lt sco . ' .i:: ' !...!..i .". wens :t% ' .4l a„ ..rt.... ....it 0'14.1. Jo , I, aCo, I )1 WOOt---40 {Ail:, tip baud and or sale , Phil. North AEU, r..., , , .. titu......nif , citar, tlii. odic., I 4 , ~,,, - . \,,,, ':. l . 0 i'" Cl) Fire Works ! Fire WOrks ! . . IN' N. 'lt. 1.1"1' I . ..ooWooli2iiitit iii . s. ' \ San 911111E sultsrriber 1 , .. nit. o ou,ti.o.\i, o f hi s iV V 1L.1 . 0 13. tor W. by r.-1: :., J. KIDD ,1 , 470. - I own manufactur , end oilers to .1, ', . VI US'CAkilt SKID- 8 0 0 lbs. in eittrind riti 11' nevi.. i LIU for ...tile tic 4'07 ', .1 KIDD i ok_ !lcket,. Penny Itook.l.l‘ '. 1 I ON lAA ' 31.,U.STAKDO lbs. warrantt 4 / Roman Candlca. . Pullin, Crack..„. \ lorbilhou., Ora...bow r, , ILA yurv. an. 111., I .` li;0 J. )S ADD kW. \ 5.." , Whd d ' .. Ch.n.r4 " rd '• s ' ' \ I WHIT E . 111 - LK -- - 5000 lb., inTtore and Ht.; sttzt , t• • • , t ~,,,,,,,... . for a... byi, ...1: .1. KIDD I CO. ' II„. 'la 1 i ht.. I '.'''' ' f• ' ' 'N \ 'ILIA ALL FASth NS--Just received/E l Bin.. Light, . .11,1 by, Dont. e 11..01,0. 7 th....n Dort 1nan,1... ' , II: . the .tore of Mee'. 00 ECII. 0,0 Fifth et.. ~r , y,.... p„,,, ..i1..ian.... .rouiptif Allrl3/Ivd L.-/, and lbw 33•1110 Ii Will 1....t0m tar 'in; . dun on Thamday and w ora.ca„lnti. imcke.l awl torinidnil \ I rltlay of [Pim weelt..whero on will Dade. tonna. , • It Any ,le,riyutot of tiow... and ...bitotion oi,ea, i , l ro.wirt meld of.) ', neti yr atyly of tttraw. Lin, Sills lettorink. ar . mad: loonier et.bOrt 0/131/W. AVII / 1, list Donna and. . minin;a nf 'trio. kind. .10, D. 0,,51p.p, ~ 4 „.y,i,. „ r ,p,,„a.n. ? , \ .. 21 Jar No 1.7. South WharYna. Pnyladniphia. Y. i5.,,,,,b,m.t:u1=1.;1,a.,414.1\e5' Cape and 11-V , 147- , I LACK SILK LACES—A:a. blac ks A: •• -'!,..:-' - 111 Co. will novo thin mnrninit 10 eaknue of black Silk ~, - New Banco. - •., - I all ounlity.tand widtti.t. n I U ST RECEIVED and ittr sae by J. L. &6) hare ree'd 11,1 Mad, Te ith Wont. 1,1-I°lB4liF:bi.zl7(..:L..l.'‘altnAl.'.'lNlo..l..kip....-,...811k.uid Inn.. .1.11..and.13 ,3 Trews , comptiling di . ..W Camp ... i r , , , Life /3.3131, th., Itn.es, and wild / , 11 ,3 aitrontar, Willi l. 1 , 0 / 1 . 3 / 1 / 1 1• •..1 .0 ...' I''' . ... , dt ,, n ,1 1 , .. 7 . t., i 1 tlo . iqinmbni • p..ralinris bo. \by .I.g erri.. - r. l'''' "r) '''''''''' 0h" th" . "1 "" S ' ' ' 'h I " . “" rfu r i! „ut.m.. „r7C gr,. • b i i • tc; . b u..- than too. •nt\r,S. en. , 'i :' 3 ' \. 113 . l l • GOODS— The Idly entl-Lbe BP, an Anolniille 9f Own ital pal •• • .. . • '. ka ILK SHAWLS AND DRESS 009DS -1..1.i5i0.0,1.1) a A A 31AziON k ell 'S. CAW.. ILIA . c1ur.. , 4 ~1 : 4 111 ft.wls arrllln..,. ,l, .1.. 6121 v , B urrElt-i , ibis. P:teied, for soley, ii . k V. IV 11.30 N. 11% Sin-owl., -,, B UTT E R..—Cl - Ibis, primo Ron; . is 1..... so 1: for xale by .:1 J. a I: FLOVII. Round Chur.:ll Iloildtna. lILIWDER—IIII , ke g s Bbpain- 7. , for sole by J II FIAIT 1, NI ACK E FIE L.— i 1: !lA,. No. fi Large: 21 - .. N o 1: - f.r okle lq " f ft) li/ 1 , 01,141. N tit 1b P— ilttlfi 1111rulule s t 1.-our. r 0. L, ` 1r111C411.711 A 1, St ‘IOL ISSI.—S-- , 211 111 tbla (100 dale's • -1 J r lILWORTII A 01 CIII.I.:SE-5 0 bolo+ Cream. for .ale by • 4 0 11/alllAtiril l'A l'Elt HANGINGS .• ao4 •ratuary r 114110 R041...11 A?. ' P r ' tt i :lt - 47 0 41'11 0' ,1401•11‘ I I \ oeal • t %to I Oro,t , H1:11:10S VELV El' 11 ktsili 1,. r 11r goo, itto n. oal 11 e 0 o 41110 111i..iit1I.L Billing's Patent Band Wrench. Tilt , aria I, milltio..l ILI lb.- hid/ 4,e1 lea nsaw 010 , • tor ax • an• tonit ottlA tin aarrot :ht to 1 Ott Wool / r Lt tototh ttrot•lo• o ot/ o um. 10 I' und tlo nut enrt Cola/on ort an\pu n iurtona tit • 11..-1 rho I. op. th- In ot.l.V•ltoito otooot thot •t • rt, Hnu . nro t tato 1011 11.1 •etti luot font no aro 11. r IL4/211ILl I ••••••1 f 41 • L. klit•r Into ol Rana tot 4 Ot•ir o 1 ot old ...I In A SI Dol.nx• ut I.n to ttl st II / -coat an II nt Al -71 Cleigga Perfumery and Faucy Soaps. .q.o-r3or lath - le, of Perfu mere AIL Paoli 1.1 . tool ooOt rrther larto. - o - u r - sold Or, Who mm..l E•e , 10,1 11..11 . 1, L. Wei., L., Or- NL•rtr... 411. Cr, Art. , Ir. L su'Lurrtral I,..yrratry.• ....I 1..1 1,110. T a CLL..... r.....11:Leru.... iq.1 1 .1 , 11. 1 • It 1 L that r ehrr.p..... fur. tr ..1...1...r-rrr L. 4 , 1 Igor him IBM Hops. Ft,t Lottertiawl We, IY~) ,ru ot;11 4,4 IA 4111 I - Itt Lectures at Platte Hulk 1 1 , r KR\ Nit,nr hitt P.! sracrs.: , tl.• i IL t Mr E...4,u L.-- t L.o• Lon: {Wen." A g. 1.- 4 -7 er she-. Alt .e.rt Att errurv, half tr.. Axch . I 2, • .• 44t 1,6 ut,l4/ out.. 4. ry 4.4 14,4,4- SIC IL. p.m .I,...ratutt.l. -Um... , . - ttrit Ir c• it 414.• • , EXCHANGE AND BANIEIIe. HODSS A Wilkins & Co 111 , .•.t 1 14.4 i House of Refuge. FIRE eule-erllier. 1,,n the ere, nen ndA.n teo., ;hat An et .0 thehrt eon, en Oh Arnhem mte•hre-.1 eael et re rethretd ee eh leahlL . Irea•emer, er the 1 , 0) .lat Norembhr "'"r"" "' Chretehle. ILA-art...lAm uhl. Amerman. and Meht Amr., -The nnignii,•efit NI'09•1 me k g, c rah t hane theseg alem tte ritormAl from AM-ere, • La. re emehe rtmerAcen e he, t rrmr t. Aflero . ter Armen. ithe mme 1..•. wealth. , .l el „honer te AI A rheato Manch. an eheestennete ran n. 1 .• tamer. thew i• mNulam h Clark NA 01 Atm,. CORFU ,eis , • • • Notice. I'. MIM IN El. , •uon tor iliirtern Inre,ier tine t.re '? 11 ash, .. I' 11 THOMAS 11,1101 V IL h'r te INle I lIIIALELL hie' IL VII II IN .111. F. I MADAME ANNA BISHOP, I F.A VINO the friendly eleires thig rre. an e • at.)„,tetea. thrr urn). Vesture, hehl ~ 1... , VI/it Mi•ln •- e ierenl 00- , 1,0 •vrtmeh Alm tom r•reer..l heele m newel LecelUm• Aol me:net:rem.", thheme an 0 . 1 . 1 000,01 P l Am't lee lem Mee ha. not het.l the trench te Anh And elth beam to. emenmmere MLA •lee ee ell ;afar In Om Nenrmal AmateNem.and 1! ‘ 14' . .V1 LITE II A IL. 1Inhel„ . euenh sem Anher,..l.l l „. tor 11,1 P.VTENTAINMPAT, I' AUL IN IN ermlllatah. , . 1 4 , - .....idunn. Oho Aftrardlons oI•VALA. and or Lb. rdnn of 't non- ,runrr. ran.' end new pen tdr %anat . ,. nnlo, Ilndann A II too rondorna Acosnonrmatul In the ot nrsninz. enn"lnf Mni l . 4. • /.41-1 noon.. in PrnlnanolAoluuno lAIrA\IA AAAA Illnllol' will be loonourd I. TAT Tnl, tiM NI.A nrofor dinli con of Mr n•le Allounfor And Innndor SW on imrtirulan.sar -Jul{ Announdrd es, X Line, of London Packets. \ .11E of ate '2'401 of Oct,...*' A 1...r.,ttv• ',cont. , awl lan[ path. fni lot slur ❑T. //11.A.11.0 C 111.1,1,11. .3LI on FrAnr. 'ltch polnhor, hrr rndolar 4a, Thn oornincAlailon. tar cabin. worn! rAn.n. and arnwrago par -o-o.orr. gar nnurplAnon 1,. An/ or oh. , in Pnr , sn.. pro-nallnd In loader, nr then. mnlnd to nornl Inf 11,1/ frion4,. do-dl4 =Air' early Atn4lratlon rroure Isorth• vrl. I . lvr AI. 150 Miter. 'not In ''. "a.'Titthlf orln an I I.lhotlf Regular r Line of Liverpool Packets. HE WELL KNOWN, magnifcent4 k • IKIIA: T „, 4 No 7:: l'or•••• prt.•••11or to 'lir nl.l EE•tnEntry. fir Ihn.o.stutl ing Tr Owl( fltEnl4, EEI nn TTIt IT • ftmEr oonv•TstEre tban TIEE• (rlentli.l tr.... 1 11, I, all ela(E.e. or . IE.E.Eun.uTEE. , .....i romfrri awl soro. ET( raI.EEE Et( par..upt, Apply t.RE lEATE ItE tviEl Mal.i• 11 Lab, R I TnTsoolt a ' W Si T lIAITICEETT , a Cw •tE T.Euth EAT,. :Err ort . Iv si 111.A141.1' Stan' and I.llairtv stvaa•lo I p:MIVCA NC ES TO. ENOLA ND. HIE o aT anigtflllo,llAS k LE, --.l.tual th C. • w uu• Irbl .Irarta..n rat Ita•laud.. al., Vtanza. 11.1 o..rmas, aim 1i141,11 C.— Ytltowen:.• IV•ta , lt.wana I.lllv anal Faalll I,..acua..r,t, anti Iran Ito .1.1 fotll ,l rl-,..ra0 . V foa thr na, favor-11,1a tarmv 'rum lark t.. lartsburt, %W an, part al 11 , 011 , MANI, naNV.. 1.111.1A1,1‘. 1,..t.er I. 1,1 ri 111 Mama Eleetnn, for Thirteen Direct .trink .01 be 1,14 al !h. flaokaag* .11 I • 111. 11111 ol Nt...ntiwr la.t wont tha ham • ..1 \I and o lV lak I' II lIIINS Y. 5151;:1. 01, N ELEvrtuN fpr Thirteen Direetor,lf .. 11.01. th, stostlns •1* , ... 111 beld 51 , .0.1.1. 1.. t JOHN:Qs 1 DM, I I ILT W 111'1:E —2li gro,is luriuue Ntyle9 • tsl jr, , .. to. mud I, by It 11-11.1.11111 , ..7 Jth.l ÜBE PA ST E Eagle Brund , boa. .04 %mull.. sale b. pL b. I T •—/11 1 1 . • 4• KEEN ()IL CLOTII---.1.t repaired from 111 - ~,,,,,y —CcOrardA lour and It,' qu....1 11,-st, .11 t . 1.,01 tor .unit.. 1,110.1 a. Yor rniail N., 11 , 151.4. st Incl.. J. 4 1.1111.1.11, rrABLE COVEILS--31) lon Oil Cloth Tin W..... 40,1 Ilureau rover.--..llitervot Y.. 1 , , the quantity 0 , rstell . J 4 1.1 1'1114.1.111' I.lt , 1111 Market tI TRANSP rAHEN' SHADES—A fine ns prtmont Tr.nnyrorsul Wlndo. Abut,. Coy role it and retail by 1.J.. II 1.1111.1.11.S:,No..1111 Stark.. More Good?. • 1 111 URPIII . ALIICIIiiELD are now ~+l,ll - ,,,l7,,tqA"i i lt° 4 lnTl 4 ll7ll l :J i h uTix•O';. • vriat...i Ito Lain,. owl Pers,ao tl,,burty, uts,l Style Prorbe 1.1..1%, (long and *nut,...) rpo•rt ILI. nine. °tur (I,,uotry Ineratants trlttlOn4 15 1 1 4 . 0 .1 1 h their .0. 1. R. • 1n... to call. peri . • - •- • ---- ---- --- W OW.)ENUIt i , ; l,,: ii l N . ? i ll Juug i n k, ll n I::irk ..i .i.l-1...v..r Or Poe. 0tTc.,..1114;44. irtem: of bAlirti‘. ..rha,, - , tc.. taken. fume cuodersao. . mull :, IL I A H.l) 01.14- - 1 ; . 0 Ws No. 1 lancliie,per S. 0. Coruplamter, aryl for Pak by 44, JA.0.C.41 DALZKLL, do Water it...et ..... -2- ILIALK-5 tone'foreale by lJ otrr J.!BCHOuNIIAKEIL Op. . . atti v oT .-.. 7 , ? ! „, th.. ta crr tt, cr , l or Thea Fe. 'ng, b er op s n ac.z r,..c turs. Mkt]. Crest Fa , and Moral 'ltaw:as arnt r...yealtd to tarVitital. by I inSli/31.1. Sprtnv, 11, The flame Altar. an A IIP6II 111 behalf of Fax:ity War with pra,,ern and hymns. and .leader of lasatms teacrf,tt.lare, \tar tanidy nee, by C. Y. Dena, , \ Death 11 , d Scvnea.-t.rdy lag with and without desiamd to Illuittate the truth and rower of Chtiatiattitr. W. Clark. n Fl , The above. with many other. loanumt raw. to .notreeß; ,t 3.1 a ft , ng nuDIiT sf tilarat Wort: mud Stationary arivin Irntn the Ilatt. , oc.lB \ , . I, ATENT TIIItEAIY-2,000 lbs. imported dirrrl tyr , ra the ti,anufactor, cast for sale Cl prima h. purr.ll.4 R. • 015 e sultseriiter Iron in store and offers at lawsprieen- a cord tt.nnrtynani.of nipaest, tabnYna, and'Anut,l Manx de ttinta, l'ayllna. II iota. Fitto n.. Liu-ey, to ll,a FlannktO,Thibet.'o.tradilia, and Wool , bens Shawl, Inch I.lnen.gmilrollandkerthiern.Ornea Cranau., `,lactic. Cacaltr.erfo. CLaba. Twtcda, Jeans, Brawn ‘lllll I.ll,nacb.nd Tiekthau.. hold Cam l'addiuz. 1N raw, nabre i r. Hack, 1.111 white Net- C...itna, Linen. and Silk e, Linen Table Comforts, 11,,. tare. Hutto nµ al. , • large t.7.. 1 antaia h t. ith 1 ran....t r.^apettialir.inatte the attention or 1121.1 V and Lndr. C. AR.BUTIINOT. ElB. Wood at CONII'LiTki set of Docket Michinery sell,'. J. E WLSIC/lITIC4 CO P6O L t:OTTOS--10,01 Jos. just reeld. arm Ennland - • .• andlnt sArut,C .4.1t111:711Nt1r. UK ItENT —Th hour, .and grounds at 11an.h,na. ly 10,111 11 the name '" . - 1 Ron.edaln 1 delitarvd at any atr , I% 7t ILLI.A.S!d, 41. hr. A ZIN'Le F I N E TOIIET prepare:l bvt wad pared ms t•r.,..i...Ti •re daq.“ll,l • .ay e L nlnt.l,E o rn , . I n b, 0.1` . .n. 21.. 1 , k u KVA CIIEEI-114 hoe Ilezltipe t.n ,utines etap. thin day ir- I .n.l 1, NICK A reA.NDLI:SH , ... It E ESP.\ --nO .:ream Cie ae,',130 do. 1% 1• • land f.r WICK 6 .11,1SLILEd0 . • I LrPTEit lies..resh, reed and for sale WICK a .11620-NJ1,265. /1 1 0BACCU--2 1 1, 1 :3 J'A. 3's, z•L's, 16.'s. I tht, da, rer.land‘fc.r -ale \ WICK 0 11:VANIJELSS . , 11000LATE- -. ...V1.3 ILFS , fresh reed and for WICK 0 blreANDLEfiti - • ( . :OP A 'Or ,rnitur, _ Le,.ror ---- . Patent Shingles. .. rl'illE 'II.INOLFS ulnae of Wulnut, 'Pine, i ....1,, ..etutzt, w\ th Wool's Imprnsal'Shingle Stae , blue, ft+ .1•• I oh , . Gret , ,ratalum at the lut Fair of &Ile shet, tl'..dnt, Th. , Makhine Is In nperatinn at the Ohio I•lanitna 1101 o limpeon, \l" ,, eng & Cu- Matiehecter. One \ hand tea mat.. 0.1“.•111140..• per lay, tnme. 'the blocks'. .4 any 1..f0.1 ut Umber that gr.,. In uty muntrY. It itnY'' turthet int.,lnati. ts want,..l. plea., eisll on the subsert bey. at IL tk,ortvor' Ilotrl.eqrn, of Fourth and Orantsts, Pittsi.urnt... l'oe13) . V.n.III3ObELL THitOUG TO OlNOLtilif ATI \ IN 48 11Q1JRS. n, IN 'and atlnr M ,INDAA' k UcTOHER 13th 4 '31...t , - .,.. thiZtoVi.l,°::.i . ', l'.':', , .'4 11 4gt I cg,P;! , ' 4,- .ut at 0 , . clerk. urkv.ne lis Cinrit4 nt lo k erloce nest ''''''.". '"./tilt!!....,l'llittrlV#..hict,llr'beAl`TttiZir to mtn.... of Vat, ariathtcy ....,14nfield 004 ncla ' ~ Mmammahvia House. Nouns - Grand ~ Pisnosl •. • J UST Ft 1-:CF., I V }...1 a sidendidatib i t .., 7 .rote Itosew , gsl lulleNt.LNO tANo, (met 0.. teeter!. r Nl4nns a irk , . Now Tnrk. 'Th.• inmtnifiren Instnt entU l: VA....A.,. all the latrad Maws., evil *nth am patent tn. t\ ,,,, eine pins. felt, hammers. mud t trot Metallic Int:res.\ Its ewer and voinme of tone are -t lyast..ttb.htam ankoneh . on. ,rfrt inn of it. un.ehaniams to. hahle the. tit, t, to 1.1,11.1. , the Innen nod sw test Wars withnu the . std et the son pedal Tile turnitun ts ea - tr....p01y rieh mid ' In a.,....1 taste. witticut thal inmseriminate t\verloading,4 1 ,seved . wnel., whirl, in n city lilt I'l tebur,h, Ls alronet‘. ~,,,,\, unpmsibl, to keep clean and in order. \ Tn. , Why end genth.men an respntfull, lurk, to ealkatidexanit this unrivalled Grand Piano boort I ls the preen - ...f ....f th. subscriber It. K Ll:l3Elt, Ill s Thirdet— oel:i bole agent Mr Zinnias and Cluk. rl a n d) ruci."o.l. a rery tine over. Ihviortnienrof ria ~ .......it,. Lcuis NI)" style. To i'iinters , -. \ \ . A . lIINTINO OFFICE, amply - Sppplind 1 ,z-s. . h all nerytemy Ina.sr all for lugsdo lira, r•• ti en Joh Itus,ness. 0.• 11,1,14. Ms-ether .fll 110 no fi.l, pir.t. el the prena.ses. core will, Se. is he bl' of' red f Tut ... The man.rlals are all in ge. - ‘1 mica,. and w,tly new and as lb.. nen.r t r . engaged in othetAiimi.. 5 ...., , s in t s . ~....1.1 very mud. below then. value, on u In- I ta, slaw.: 1, •, 11. e alv,re pivs:nts an openinS erh h Fri ion , r , '.. ,, , , For particulars apply at this &Dee. • h vav J rro (1 r r twee , uulat,,,. , .1. mr, kr,l I it uhf I WA NICE 4urk weaging Au 5.-1 hare received my fall ELFiTS. of tl.r Moms% risc uuti, kr Le • ill gall amil •, • ~ . . L d and Lots. •, , \ loil s A LE. 0 the Pennsylvania Canal, ' 4 a.litium a the :COL WOlt lid at Tarentom t - ilk .z, A:res of LasJ, Ith a , aluattla oaf pairilage of \ si it 1, r. , ,ore• ”f ottO c , 41 TU.. pktre,rty k ...Ai en, ki I ever; ...port s• a I,tiannrt tor sisunfrouring anr• ',.... r„te-ient onus] tlr 11,1innt. with .n Inr.banA,' hie , d dy ~i 'coil. ann .1 he anal and rior tor i rialto., ~1 „ It e \ ~ i lin Winn le,l - ..k. , ‘ tt Li, of December pelt. ii alll le\ 1 ‘ ...1 r•ui in WO •n , t 1.“ no rpm, t and in rinsed. Urr b .. .. , t . " , hisorr• at moat dr aPPlied. for building a, v. asg , a ilo wrest dernana,o 1, ,, 0te. and lota in the lotoefoi , • whiny of Ito extent, r ttods'lVerks new In nlEtr ,,, ei • Po1.1:1toral. \ . mute IIELWY. :., CI 'AS, .Itibbonli, \ Silk.s, • Itc. - 11 , 1.,:c.c1VEp .. A...his , J . 4,7_stittl \now 'open at fh il-' " " ,,;' '' , ' N,'„ ' .. ` c, ` ,.l )' , ` .•t;, - ,"i ' ,l.'itrilETlT,lll. `..,,,.". l, ..? L a'nl' i ll'ilt'ltibboo•xr. \ - toli la. Nu. e. 2 VOltlal lELF-El'. ‘, 111i:1'111' & 11URCIIFIELD\ . ve reed IT i: ino ...ails -I) Export the follow., X clea— lI,Ii ... , b , rol al goal De Lab., .14' 11141. I.io4'r bir rill., all price. • ItntraJ, t' , ..tali De hlacit flione.l :tilt tie. ' 1'1.4 11.4,10 t IZiLk. Jr. . ~ Unit ,:towir. \ . (0-11 At north esti ...lourth ILIA .11ark‘at a ‘, i , A,NAitY SEED-•=so lou. prime Sieffx, . k •lure ant for ola lo ,te.l, . J. hlli a GO., Ou Wool at_ 4., , ,PT:. 'IIIIIPEI , o'fINE. o bbls. prima, 0 kr rale bt J KIDD* CO. • i , REANI TARTAR-2000 lia. pure, for ‘,....., oaf. b,• Falai A — CO. -- i 21 CARII. tita/A --Mani lb.. Lee '.5; C 0. ,, No , Cattle brand. for w.-hrr J. h . _ Dli kco .. ,_: II rilimlT..titie .1011)--1000 lbs., ure, for i oak 11, J KID A CO. . -- itTtsTs NiATERIALs, CO LOR: sx.— A itv,h I, ).. yi, , , , yoklcAtrilai . Z ‘ i i .V % , ocl3 • ; fi..2 GA 1 , -•100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, for'oa t by L ~u a. alv . 11AR8.4.1P011.. ZING PAINTS, VIANUFACT II RE I) BY. THE NE • ly JEl4 , l:k EXPLOItING AND 511,:thla COMP& Y. al Newark, N, J. Tina lksinoany lr penewri 19 furulth • ennly•pr t raluaele ZINC Plt T Wheel base been found after ermeral yeane both hued.. awl the Unmet tdotea,•to reteht theft. etude.' ay „, orepertios sotenior to arty other paha tellatmer. 'rhea • • WHITE ZINC PAINT to turd, on Oxide et Zinc. sod La warranted tree nom all doLtembou d, latponty whelp - elver, co it vets well, is s whj.ewotuulyi en te. and ,ntlrely free Cron the poteenons 'the IT WILL NOT TURN YELLOW whe,, ,, , L . 71 :i 0t u:/ql,lpbtirouo or oarphlLk elhohdloru, or 1 .. j 0 5 - ;1 thol els t...¢:en: j ell!ro7t7 ' ,;x:d A ttf t =r e 4 " 41; limo soy other, not being Itable to turn {balky or to ennoble awl rub O. It zany be worked with .o y color, with water and else, or vetch raralsh, which gives the eel. braced porwehdo firdsh. , • • . . • BLACK.AND COLORED ZINC PAINTS. Them ant[untehed.ta Icre prim sad ere endaubtettlr the anapest ; and Stet mints tbe market fur tolktlee mrt( forte:llp touLbotts., •tuaMboex. or ear exposed set fiu , . 00 4 , tieror tree; tboT ere toth WEATHER AND FIRE PROOF. V"lion e u l f l they tattlatticularly ralltable. es they tam,• actlcaalu Coctlectlou, and euttryly Pt`crcut .Utia titer Pry qukkly, Led litolna a pure cuetaille boat, do 'Pot atange wlor ban merry of the eltrthr.Ptatt. Cott letate- DPW.. lopplial en Ilbaral Senate Op the egg/4a at Vte ' Y. U. JUNXBIM, auft.-1.-4) South Alarm. P"'""*IPM. • , • , \ PITTSBURGH MARKET. k,' .'• \•-•_. ' • \ \ \ , ', .. \ . N \ ' orrra, pamccua oxmst , .\ Tim., anwllool. 0010100 a. . . The market .yeaterdejr was generally' quiet., , gal 10k lirtle wan do. In Roy bran. of Ands. T.\ ._ amather, was Mar and Pleas 0\ \ ' ' • - • FLoVo 7 4earli sill Unit cornoYorward by .0•101.1.. ' " ghlpagrit vinit- tal. Di figs Incaiwnioool 20, and= .03 10 tabbls extra 01.10/ 1100117 - 00.1.01100.1 .11. , . wharf aso 0. for 00h:rent ea. Fn. go. raln tire ' \ . , . , eoorio.d to 8081 lotd itl.l Ti az. 1:9, acconiing., to 0 .113,, 1111.111S-1100goin . c.anthing very 1.11.0 d, a n d or Mire-. no ml. of conseemenee to report. Prie. a... nincrelr \ the sin.. fast 1.1 t quotal. gr. Wbost, at ..1. 1 / 8 .111 oea 4 . / 6:= 11,.... 40: Bailer 00: and Oats Z.: 'i boshil techs Grit hmula , 13A00N—We notice ,a continued firm.. *bacOU, MA, • , 'sal. arolitolled. 8.11. or woo lb; 1. lot, o.r. Me ite, , \ • .analarr” , ox e. , 10 ror 6.00.. 0 30 0 'i . 1:01.:10.1113 . -Salei of Orlenis origar, to stigll lob at: ,'\ . , . 6 , lie. Woo Go Mils :CO Maim. at 30,Ye. 4 woe- - „ • . . ~ Sal , 'll.lO Coeur. In small 10t4,, at Widalio: 1.1 4,3.0 at .T.F. - .. cc\ 4 e n w O un b; ..1 : l u: 1 s a i t S ,. l 7 e 5 t,,,0. 1 .bb l .0 1.,,w si , t e , t 3. 4 ( i 1,,,:..1.0..., tar ci a h 10 L t .o , th l n g o ii 7 5, , , cream.. low the .sleet fa r 00 0 .0 0 . 4.1.417. od of c, a. . i L . . -- MA-o. B- 'i , :lts 0.00 IDs fresh roll from stole . At ; , 7 ,...,,, • i..a ml e. 10X@II. '.\ - ' _ , . • 1101 E D Mail —Mnall malea madam mail (041 Ths of Imples at alea; I 1\ bn. ' . • . • 110PS---Salm ma,rtea el 56 14 600 14 It.merMllnE to quality. \' . • IlaY—Tbe usuncticleesfrom wizen are 12.4/0 L 5 $1 ton, • at which rates sales hale been brisk. rishr—We-notke a:dm - Limed . goal demand Air 116; fit t '.. : • t o il Orin... In mnssemerMe of the 30033 p.m of .100 , I. • ---- ' ' 2 nino's.l ana 0.11.0 at 00 7 50 7 , N. 2 nlO9 50010.10 1 . • \ do $lll Salmon 310 Sb 4 Slihhterrlng SO 00 0 0 Illoixd. ' \ 'Whim Gah .S el. 5 50 i , O. OL\ 40 dfuth i. 0 .° 1 . 1 " 5 ." ' \ --aie--a— . tb ‘ COFFEE—The cargo of,' a, bark:Filmooth;fl . • 7000 bags Rio. was taken several doll e 1.., Its.. W.- ~ vb. , . fr.. 0.0 Wm... In .....• TM ... ' otherwise ars 900 bap Ifro at SIC. SN4 7 .4 . d.utel . 4. ~ uot roball lots t 9 f La.4Yra at to. lneouveMtetteered ael - • eee trout frin de Janie& to 7th &Wernher. kapoweatta a'. 4 material advance In coffee there--the, Con WI parents an starboard belna , above the selling re. k. dot with ' . • I Etatee—all the pareela in On. nurket balm he. with- ' '?,, .drawn be the owners for higher prices. Otter. to bay to d day at a Quarter or \at per pound over , the Wimp( e ' . yeePterday. an d, Inter tee cenn refused. The imports , of the . •• ; \ week ore =bum I to kin. per rweedlah nor Ghia , . • 13 bas. from darnel., d.lOl from New T.riv.e.j..... • \ . . . . ' • litrox.... Ist 1 1. \ /• , \ , .. ~ thir ; 4 agar market a been very grad uring '.. _ the psi{{ mouth. Ina not. tending this and therntota vorablo advice, from *broad. prime have underiartialltUe s .• . change , The eterk :i.e . ' alit9 w .00111..4-.Y...tout :t \ 105P0 bk., and eboold the d and not Increase, w. MI ' \ . hoer, looklot lower prime tats e the entrance art& new • , - crop. our.suorntione =me as 01i0..-Ornlnert 7e!... ..... ' 1110 to 5 1 9, middllnd do Sbl.to o. o n do fig I. 03ft....rnr. ' , y. to 7.y: ordinary vee..... tt to 7 . mbldli.toto Ot.SN \ • - , • Zoe and fordo. do 9 to eh:. muscovado& none. Tier •,- - &new surnas me KIM,. . alr dry &Sties gestarsll7, \ We have been . favored irith emsonablo tidos,' \ .i , .1"„ ..1\ and the proeseetS for the arose... Minn most eacouratill.. hiotetses has' been mikado at. 21. ride an the rout.`; e • . _v... . Coffee eintinese very scarce, a $ . 7 to S for \ enter as gag 00 90500 ordhoary to goods.. The new el '•- \ , crop sehich will be mall, if ro ndos. to mar et In 1,101.0 \ lota. \ . • \ ~Itoti\ e y 2i vials 'id gallon. -. ' 1. ----- - ••• - • - . \ , ifEw Eisproaz on. imam • .. . ,•. ~ :rir Brim* ... IS. . 'Sperm=abo market is without change. and *, ' w. beau onlj , to leportaile of 2/0. bbl. at .1111111 , '5 't and onenr two small wee's. tba particular. , of we. • • did not Tern. Whattemains very dull, but hoiden . e - _...._. 'tine< tran.tb• Only tabu; lebich nave earg a l .4 onur marl,' . 5 . ,I.d. are 101abbls at 4., and Zat at 47e II \ Whaletlifne—There bare been spma+ 'tritium- ....; , noun but the .ortketer, t bee, mot tray Ire ;:tact sale In " \ ..,.. York ei. ..., ~,,,. , cd ... \ .:' • ' • , ex • \ - CATTLE MARKET •1 . narteetay„, net 17. . - C%,ttle-4xt-cartieguenee of eel ght ;apply of, ' , Itotreaga i t the =ldea on Plooday . Ilul mar • t Inn core au- tar. a prime ruled manning tuber.. • Th e olifinus reached 750 lord, ao we • driven to Pllll- \ adeinbla,esklue were e a] to city banner., . -.,' +. ' Prima from V. 1..) to 3:06 . the boot. 'aqua to $4 , ' •- \ .04 - 1.5 75 ise and averaninc `V. GO ono. • ', . c , 11,,,t7erote it SG llSen.7 5Qlc-1 • - -• . -• • . , t • - , ~. The demalid for beef eittle bas' declined; blit. ~ prima ewet tr*Malbe . et . . Theber at marketwere LSO beat!. InelndlM . g , tg , driven t:. New York. the 'Wading rrte.'vine rm.. so 'l , "-. ~, a t-,) .44 No D., sr*, tales of of en.. at St go no:, --r, . -la Cows and Calvet, there b. been no doing* to made. • , The offerings eempnetaboot .150. :t rovh cows nage from .•:-- six to Mt Npringers $l2 to . ..1, and dry Caw. SO to 12 .Mb. i 15 11.,ga,Falm-of 600 wet" made at $3 13 6-- ..- / 00 eS, • , • , Sheep and Lambs—Tbere weal otteted. which ti a lam,. inemwe over the cab er offered. last woe!: Moe of tae termer range from St 25 3 60, wbille lbw- ej Cuziin ol"Mlb dry blo srGu bo4 roods rdloest J Caanold:= 3 by har)34W \ • . \ WHEELING—Per Globe—,lBllhtle totacco W • d 00,14.3 t Co; es bds bidley A a A Mot 12 els aeon J.lon deed. On: 3) deo, buttor.bllllor. tl tam. _ _ CINCZNATI—Per Ilarrurt.B barrels . .bisa,rposadir eta bordooie•Wold At Laos "bramd,Boown a Pm li [LK ado tooloW Pabaastoek. 33 bdlo lidbudox rods')bds IxtuKeo Modorlaarp,bost. • ' ' goVeee Rt r on of the P.. 1.101 • IP HARD J. C ilLepre of Looking ti Vitr:tAkVs.o 0 t ' : SMl'fit, Milliner. from N. • . Lia. York " CI, Char .0... t. fittaburgtb—lus saolerazagiel tashonable clruKzasker. Crt- Whore. and lA , - iwrd to.ocuut al crderolottba 'honest mite,. I ' Cioaks, gapVIL gut Chlkintis ClothAig and in tb•• \ lat*teti lALIJitr, \ Dissolutlap. '- 1 : . •'‘ . .., • • • THE PARTS{ 'RSEI.IP lierotordro existing -•- . betw sea the walwattbeva_tooder tbs Fads and style ''Joho Caldwell a , : esiit," Is ibis dsy dissolved by mots eirmSaut. The bowies* \ i \ tf tlastata tins *lll be mottled,:.,. b John I.lsldwoU. \ Jidlltil CALDWVitiIa L. Is. IS/j. v iliriES CilLI/VSKLIs. , "..... I:44.liiirit• .." ' h • andelltgp. u .u....-,... Ce-part- ' : t t."•%,l"'" i ` r er It: . TA " d 'tilY6 a . l egit= , oineyes, 6 g 4 ttio ' ltlrliorti4lsito Illsri ‘ ofJohn csktwell :.•-• s Eva la ,IMMlie Somata \ ibili4f&Ct r ite i nit :r lw . ' i,., , S.. 1 / 4 1 I.—lts IDAYSIcIe CLOT . lborlikll 111Ie Ur plain Int‘d back l'air . CLA.6, .1 wbolesge sad . street. 13 pooß • coo . noir 011 Ck , 300 • " 0;4 • MO " Juin ree'd ad for 0434 033 . CID 31.3 e. et... 1.0 , 4 1 k! OUND--A ccao4l 'gum the owner our him itaOo3 . toe WO Till TRASK'S . his. dos. fir wda b 7