TILE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN .1786 , PITTSBURGH GAZ YlibilSliEff; DULY AITYI WREN LY BY WHITE & CO.. . • instal (Balm gamin,. OM= 017102 . Cl2l 11113. darn. NW MW nolll3Pore OInCII DAlLT,beren coder Dee Ott 0p,... if paid is ..:"A• Mobil half yearly. -WtICILLY:—Ttro dollars ptiiIIIIIIOI. ip &Jim,* 1.11.0 C !du ou the folloering eotraltliino— Tnree.ooplee tee, anti= - Theiteelrot Gr each Club hilie ad;insse;ii - G"one w p.son, Ilmrtubly In Wrenn,. No Club Papers will arum the year euhlzus, tauten the =nay is seta fer ADVERIIBIIIO. OM* CIO MIN of Noopuell or 1..1 ot6grittiggidl;;;Wilo — Z . gg Do. tour tonoUl.l . ........ - 1000 • • mi ue twelve month. ..--.. 18 00 ntandlog Yards. (Alines or Wen nnumc.S6' 00 Ono Dollar kr tech additkmal line. One Ware, changeable at pleasure (per me ' nom/ exclaim of the 00 Wog gab additional month Inserted over one month, and to ro b additional square ineetted under the yearly mink nnirice. Adrertitermeats orreeding pn Pliare, and not Over filimn tam. to be claimed as maim arid half. Published sat eceo nabbl. for boat adverUsemonta noel the somata charged for their publication. Announcing candidata. for °Moe, to boo darned the mane ottotr enlvertimments. Advestlsemma net marked on the copy for • aPacined emote, of Imertions, will be motioned till [Abide end gar ment eructed socordlngir• The privilege of annual advertisers le 'ntrictly limltal Mgr own immediate Magma ; gent nil adv .mtitni.. for the benefit of other personae.. well as siladvertheinente not immediately sonnocial with their own taisinem, add all gain. aVermentte, in length or ottarerim, beyond the Wait. , will be charmed lathe most igen • Yor all -mach Una. nt advortigng, bills will be oelaylet.l7 ordered, and prompt parimot a dextral. Ali olleertleennents for charitable. institution.. Are amend Pam.: end other public menaluns. and matt illok .n glal=half prim. payable axial in .4. Margate Mikes to be charged 60 amts. r 0.11" matte. Warted withoutclump lades whin n scamp. 014 liumrsl invitation. or Pharr otima. Med soromp by taged to in paid firr• ° • Reeder edvertheas, erg air other. tanding communion. limp" or - renielstng . notiw dmierned ro oat attention to Pea, 4010.0., Oman% or any public entertnintaccas, where chug. are mods for admittance—all notices of pri .veSo ...medgMm—ercr y oak" , doeignal to call attention to pirate enterpriess. olculeted no intended to promote India . Mllmg Interest, en only to inserted with the andirrstand ent Mat the name is to be paid for. If inteoded to be to carted la the local column, the same will ho chary:id at the rata of not lees than 10 cents per lino. Mahon or Air Notions to be charged triple prim. Tenure Wry. Petah:ow S each. -Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneer.' W s not tobe gamed nWer yearly ram, tut to be shared • diw soot of thirty three and one third per cent from the Mount of RUA . ' . IMMT Of TICOPIXILLY ID TWIT PUCKS.. Ow Saturn has to Doi each additionalinoortion.—.— 17 .1.17/1.13130=11. 1 •11.11.1 Otdo Sinus. Lawn) ma man Da • oat h additional inoortion.-..,-Z wain /1.11 tranidant adnailoamonta to bo mkt In advanoe. BUSINESS CARDS.' ATTORNEYS TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office tir ee South et., between Smithfield aul 21nrit, Pine. weigh. • V. WEAVER, Attzrney rim at b.. Law, [... Fourtit cat. es ,th iit= t g e ATirtii• %bAkg LAMMAS OttanaWA - I UM.= TAMA, (Leo oDEloltOttOun. 1 a4i l ( tate of loullarta. 1%3 OLIPLIANT .id"I'AILOR, Attorneys at .iN ,sr-rilglos as Fourth Pittsb streat.No.BZ4. boo.. Wood MiiittahOid streets, urgh. Pa. N. 11.—S, D. Oliphant lopparaladoner f or the State of •aplo 1110111 VI A. mars.. caul= Q LLINN COLLIII, Attorneys at. Law -111110, . 01l Fourth rtrru , t, above SoalUrhold. Law-X „.. - tUntata % it G. L. B. ,tFETTERMAN, Attar teattgits...and dltell , Fatale A. Na IkMIES J..KUHN,oniey at Law, dace E t = . 141.1, emiaa of Gnat shad al:21 PRANCIS O. FLANEGIN, Attorriiy at Law, Kt .170 FacErth =vet, Ettiburgh. Orrorra 0. mom— Arror, §=. ` 11 "- - 1:10 Fourth Erred, rutuba. e.Y? a- Almond. & A Jo n ronAkorrinots k Oa; Bander , E. 14 Her John eau, Atm* Au. W. Jacks., Pillaburyit .n"?&17 AWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law: Oars on Fourth otror4 herr or. Wood and Smith- TASPER B. BRADY, Attorney at Law, fa No. RS. PIM Amt. Pilistmesrb. P. - - . .I.IARRLSON SEWELL; Attorne at Law, oak, ate. fer , • . Ark. Bija{XM MOUES. V,BOBOB E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers: 1 7 - 14 . . 4* . t.A . 1 1 , t . u volf .gogo. Coo ‘7 1,4f30ns earefallEottradad to, old the wowed. remitted to tar of tbe Union. • 'eft. i mu1a55.....:.4.11- Wear a. coffin. li. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers Brokers. North East earner of Wood and rd Westt.. Vlttelmrah. franswitota msde on libetal tame. mad oolleetlosta istanally attended to. .ndk-17 R.. KlNG,Banker Euthangeßroker, • annrth street. Entailer in Bank Nonni Bills of Es. Gold .ad allies. Stalin bought and mold.; rbetti~.. market rem pin in presninni an .I.nm.= Half and Merican.ind ap•ath ollar& w• VIDA LABIUM - JR., Banker and Broker, V V'ilthstreet, No. GA adjoining LA. Boot of Pitbl Lcu.HIVI . LKINS .CO, Exchange Biokera, Allenati Ewe* Moor of Thlod oad Haile stmts. All at mad liberal rotoo. Ikt,fIOLMES k SON, Dendera in Foreign AOKI Doi:ladle Mo of tiebnate, (betßootee aD. Wna,l. n. eoh Note* and Specie. No. be eterket sheet, Pitt. 1111.0011eotSour mole ow, the principal oldie the the United Shne; asu IIiRAMER ../C . fang: iiankera and Ex ehnngs Brelurne Dealers in Foreign and Di - Amide of Yacht:we, Oertilioic, of Deimite. Dant :Mem— Otleir, carom of Third ands Wood AmetA directly 017Prade Um at, Maria [ROL I . . I . I'4l • I' `, omminnon or ...ts A,,.. ".. . •,,;*i -7 . "..4): i . - .1.1 ti',.. :' 10,11211.1. ;UM. ALDER, 131,ANNA.& .01. neeeisOr B to .ntessri, , ltespas Ca., B.TOh, 11:201.1g, Rpm& &aim in Foreign and Drmeotte Esehorao . gertin=tos f 0417:211111=r, Ctgron l* T —N rocetrod hodt night Morino for of end untied ma& on war , ty all th e principal pointt of the Matra. I_, Thu higinrst premium paid - 6r Noraten and Uldirrieno &AL_ Adratuou mono o rowriganontiorProdurn.thitirid ...A am literal Wm. f" • l W. TAYLOR, Cannabis' ioner and Bill FrW. TAYLOR, Comutie4 loner and Bill Dabber, 112 Baconsl stmeti. Eteet attention arill bar von to all /amines* cattratsball to hit cam kitlabarda _em seldom sh.ys an hang or Orcenr•d nt abort aV 's n' ti= riali ' W " ?tigt 'g'UU'd Vrr- :(eli);(:):4 A -3:fAir.EpaE9blX)lll)ll:4:ll ..D C. STSTOKTON 7 , iati — i - 10/111iiitIn ,ScOat, - - BA* ton, Beerk•ellter, Stationer, Printer; and Birder, an. liar or Warta and Third etreeta, Patel:arab. ar - - I AS. B. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot, 0 Thirel Wept, oppadta Use Pon O fi ks. N. Books re- V ~ma ly by:N o r aatnsi .. V i ligrard ftla '''''. P..... L READ, Rooks°Der. and S • Ka TS Fourth stn et. Al.llO Badinscs. CARPET' DELLF33. AVOLINTOM !limit:facture! and Ira . o..Ffor of 0.27.0:410 1 1 Coes. Ste= Was WT. Window Ruda. to. Warehew. No-$S Vomit , .t, uset Wood st— pittaboreh. COMMISSION AHD POBVARDING. JELl'i% POINDEXTER, cornerof Watt-rand itereAtt meet& Pletaburgb. Oincgreaget Ann Fos. annum 'loom and for the Dunham end ale of Western Prednee, tinfle.Cl laara awl the man • • kg of Pittabargh generally. • gent for the eel of N.llarper Co. and 1.M:1- in.* celebrated Manure Hay Yorke, al P .prfeen and ignites it Co.'. superior ;Gaol Taaa.'"l'Vr 'hIcANULTY CO—Tranaportere, , 1 Vonesadism sad Oartuahoden Blattuats. te ltr. o..uu 13.40. P• 1211 111.41. Pittsburgh. LAyoo DRAMs .arid.Coaraladon. Merchants, No. 61 Water street. IL JOHNSTON, Forwarding .and Colmankm luredsit, No. 112 &end aree, KER k JONES, Forwarding and Com asiwtotg Ilerehants, Daly reams' and Mt. saufactueed Canal llaelaona , EarentL street. Plttabargh. K'ARD ."'" " — JONEST. reeersors to. At ikici.La 00.. Cmaatsion inel .„4 Ponrsul. oo.4 lLcii i f t... er• desbruilis Pittsburgh Ilatreset DRY GOODS I. a.sagurA _rtmorasou o. L. AMOS! sr.t &LAI A SON CO .; Wholesale and Retail Dozier. Panei sad Sim* Dry Omb. es Itutxt Pitubursch. 1 • • . :I • :pr. 1, "llociiAt" DENTISTS• ' IL D. IIIINT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth sr, t Decatur st, bahrepa Marko sad Terry streets, rh. WOOL lIIEIIMMff aliftPllY.b. LEE, WOOL Thu Lies and , comot.o.. sunk.ots for trio wan of Armlmo Goorto, N 0 .130 rt. PI • •• • QW. ILARBAUGIL Wool Merchants, Deiers=duee gl6,:d Tr M nrAZ tn r, =Al itm. Ptbunt • . ee A lllee . . '••• TEA DEAL/MI. n Os • • 3 • • , ILII . MO er A.;l4 r diiireil CET, (tracer* and - MS Desk. th Po. 2 S Liberty stm, atom Wood lion *luny' on nano • onsortment of mok• Groat. nalkhno Tow Prate sod Ns tnWnoni. wreatigl• es the /nut tams. DRUGGISTS A. FALINESTOCIC J CO., Whole:tale • D 11244., and raiLlovrlketni , v while Lat , l, rtad labarge, cutter Woad amt Front otnrcti, Picts burgh. P.. • rarb7 • ,4. • oat. Kt,11.1.1 C. bewal... KEYSER fr, McDOWELL, (Suocessiirs to • so s %not...tale sad 11.4.11 Ping nu.l un • • — r - I KIDD & CO., W holesale Druggist. ;Deal op . ere it% rah., t/r. Ptufrx, and iinftrien -I..m.rlotors or Dr. Al'lgme's celf.bruttal Worrl ,r Liv• - er Pine, and Lung Sfrup: No. 4). corner of iltoW Rod yolg.th ..trvets, pitteburgh. Orden will b. eurefull'y thrwar..l.l With dknoamb. . . E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealrr in 11, Tori• !=t:' P4LV.I.N. O lltvrAbl: ' 4 " arlas.4l ig N. WICK.ERSII.A.3I, Wholedalo Ihs; gist kJa and Dealer In Soda and Ag ri cultural jmoljuxonta No.. 104 and ICZ Wood atm.. coruo.r of Sixth. I • inuana aritia. • • .. • • • . RAUb. & REITER, Wholesale and Retail 1 131 Drrig isr Oeta. corner of Liberty and at. Clair etc. Pitur oirg .Pa. • JSCROONAIAKER CO.,Wholevale Drug ka.. No. 2.1 Stood et. rittabursrh. GROCERS, •• • ...... & gCO.,BLACKBURN CO. Wholesale (Iro 1 1,7 ....dsd.t. Yurhhhera, and dealer* in Prrainre and Pittsburgh Manufacture, OH, riteb and Maknagolerayo on hard at their Warehouse. lit Watarrtreet, Pittsburgh 20h1 4 r . um • J... ..... ..... Wawa. & 1 4 . wit:saisi, Wholesale Grocers and V Commission Merehmrts; Urn. for eve of ru Pon n Powder. No. Mg rehond. and 1.17 itont oto. opt . _ • L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission NI, tenant. and denier ha roper andearner of mau and from streeto. Pittsburgh. • WAMUEL P. SIIRIVEII, Wholesale OW,- Produce and Commiariou Maranon, Ind Heel gni:r'berarM'erutitlVoi A gittelrVitax - r1,! " .1 011515 4O 11N S..DILWORTLI CO., Wholesale roorra, Produce and Oommluelou Mercharin. and on for Hazard Powder M.. of lia..nrdvilie.Couu.. No. 81 Worn R, I`irraboro. J. V. 1.138.15 i Le. r. URBRI E LNORAHAM, Wholesale it timers red C05500555= b1en,h515., No. 11,0 W. treet. aud 150 515,0 55.0 t, Pittabar .11 • • --4 41 LEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Whiilesalo Uroacts,CommiMati and Pomurdimi blembal,M, sad tiM forl3llithion Um., larm, 67 Nader 02.. PlltAblalth. /O. 1.12 .0011% sm:s6r. 1011 N WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers, ej CommLiaino Merelmits, sod Dvale, in Prulanil moil Putsburch bianufmturt N s, o. 266 Liberty irtnirt, Pitt, burgh. Pli. AB. CANFIELD, late of Warrea . ,. Ohio, . I,.... ec ivTr b , tet = l lirard . lnf t. Nivertirt i,, a r o . 4 l, ll;bolt- Pearl Mb, ididl Watiarn Produne bpi= . 0 ViAid mrmit, Nitric , nu dmitblibld and Wood. PittAbunih. Q. F. VON BONNIIORST Ft (XL, :. I .l l bdie, L., • aga Groner, Forwarding mat Controtanon Mrrett. -ant. Dealer. in Pitrattargh slanataeturra and Wanton I Produce, No. 30, ocapter of Front etrnrt and Chanorty Lane. Pittsburgh. . An, SAIAII DICKEY e & CO., Si lonia Gra , orCommisern Mord:dada, and Deals to Fnkince— . 66'U - stet, and 107 Front street, Iltirtorrgh. ItDI. D. 00.11 San .1. IL ,111 . 1. BNGLISII -§ BENNETT, late Rng nt lish, Gallaicher d Co. Wldllooda Groner, t)smndrari and rannon; '3lerobants, and Dra/ars In Frodnoe and Pima. burgh Nlanulletursa. No. II S docOnd at and VII First so, borne. Wood and Snalthdold. AMID .1 . 015.1....-..1Dh1. D. WOLLI. DAIS. C, DD. M 'GILLS kr ROE, 'Wholesale Graders and Naurg Oo h. on notation Merebanta, No. ItS7 Labeity • Maas,. lao Mo BERT MOORE, Whglesale Grocer, , Rectifying line, dyeder to Produce. Piaster - orb, eauferturee end all kind. of Foreign sad! Dpmertle Witter and Liguore No. BTh Liberty errorL CM_ .bood e Molt of rupotior old :!donougebe IWraltae re will be mold low tor cash. tiBiRT DALZELL . 4.V. CO. Wholesale 'Grow, Commies! ou exchanta,A4leys Ib Yeledoeei saul PitteleterKee Meueleferteeres. 1.11.17 STMet. rittannll. - 4 - DOBERT A. CONN INOILUI, Wholesale urn i!,.'r 4 i'" . l.fgz - ln.'—'l2