The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 20, 1851, Image 4

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    . (Concluded from the fine. pew!)
.make for willful disobedience? Yen de
terve to be punished for trampling on my 5
1014.1011t1;74tnd I will show you that author. I
ityshall Ini.rintintained." I expected op. ,
,position,' continued r, when I embraced
religion, but'l embraced it in view of both ,
''.::worlds. lam prepared for any suffering
' that may be inflicted in this, but most save i
.• my soul in the other. Nothing caninduce
.meta forsake it. Is it not pos4ible that in
the exeieise of a. father's authority, you
have transcended the proper bounds of ,
parental &Karol? And have you, dear
-father, fulfilled all the duties growing out ,
of . your . relation to me as a son? Our .
duties .grow• out of our ride:ion to our
Maker and each other. It is raj, duty as
your 'offspring to honor and love you, to
'study your higher intereste; and to obey
you in all things, when your commando do
. ..not conflict whit - the requiriments of a
higher itithority-:awith those of my Maker.
On the -other hand, it is your 'duty as a
parent to study ray . higher interests. You
have been the instrument of bringing me
into being--of. giving are an existence en.
extensive with that of the Deity—eternal.
That eternity of existence, after the pas.
sage of the few short years of this life,
must be in woe or - bliss; and is it not your
.duty, dear father, the author of that eter
nity of being, to aid me nil in yrair power
to escape- the one and gain the other ? 0,
- . let me ask Imo,' said I, clasping his hands,
',ha this 'been .the' course you Lace pur-
. eued * ,With me? Rather has not your whole
life and the administration of your govern
mmat tended to lead both myself and dear
• Sister directly to ruin=lwith wealth to sink
us down to hell?, 0, father! father!'
Here' feclingO overcame me, and I
burst into tears. I• recovered myself. no
soon as possible, and raised my eyes to I
proceed, but obsessed the whip had fallen
mylather's hand, who stood before
•: me motionless, and white as n -marble I
block.- I picked up the whip, and placed
it in his handl 'Ne,' mid he, shall •
-defer using the whip; but you mast leave
my house.' I told-him that I preferred
the performance of every duty as a faithful
son, but muSt`abide his decision; at the I
' same time I reminded him tliat nothing
child relieve Idm of his high responsibili- !
ties 115 .a, parent. Ho dropped the whip
and left the stable, evidently in agitation.
I knelt down by the side of it, and thanked
fled lifihis goodness, and prayed that What
had said might result in the greatest good
both to myself and father.
a In the course of the day but little was
- said. by myself, mother or sister. They I
supposed I had received the whipping
which- had been threatened; and as I was
silent, they did not feel like breaching
that or any other subject. During . the
whole forenoon, and also. from the dinner
table, my father was absent. Our resi , l
Bence was on the outskirts of ` the village,
tint more than fifty yards from the grove
' which I had already referred to, t.. which
• I had not again returned ; and after wait- ,
log for him until dark, my mother, fearing'.
. that some accident bad befallen him, (is
meth an absence had never before:occurred.)
requested me`to go and see if I could find
'him. I proceeded directly to the sped
• venire I bad seen him a few hours prey!-
. " mut, 'When I first came in sight of him
• he was sitting with his head leaning
against 'a tree, biftNort observing me Le
rose up and met me. I extended my hand - him, saying, am. glad to see yuu,
father; mother feared some evil :had liap
-.Paned to you, and sent me to see if I could I
1 . find you.' - He made me no reply; but
- taking my hand in Ida, walked slowly
towards the house. His heaving sigh-s .
bespoke the deep emotions of •his soul
Perceiving- that he. had not yet settled the
great question of life and death, I offered :
up my silent prayers that God world not I
-leave him in this important hour; upon the - 1
':•ltletiiiion..of which were suspended :heaven
or hell.
had not reached the outer edge of:
the grove, when my father, stopping short, '
clasped me to his bosom, fold exclaimed in
tears, ‘o,..Edward ! Edward! forgive me.'
• " . .lifoinever Beamed so precious to me before '
clasped -my arms around Lis neck, and •
pressed my lips to his, cheek, as my only
method of giving expression to my feel
..#lge, as a pledge of the forgiveness he 1
seught. On arriving at the home ea. met
mymother in the dining-room. father, I
'bathed in tears, clasped her to his breast.
iWill••Yon go with me ?' hail he ;''.l have
• determineli to have religion; and ammo - - Edward; and will you go
'withus, daughter? (addressing himself to
• .4 my sister, who was just entering the room )
,les, I am sore you will both join me; and
here is dear Edward, who has forgiven me
• --he' will pray for us.' So saying, Le
drew myself and sister as near his arms
•'. e'eould, with our mother; and as though
htf had obtained the assent of all, immedi
• -",,titely - fell open his knees. 'O, Edward!'
said the big tears still flowing down his I
:ehoelt;T 'O, Edward! do pray for a wicked
fattier; pray for us all. God has :heard I
your prayers, and he will still hear them.'
We all bowed with him, but the deep emo
thins of my soul iforbade me utterance ' and
nearly. overcame my Physical strength. In I
'. _fedi I did net-know when I commenced I
• vocal player. I only know.' found myself ,
(how long afie - r I. cannot tell) in the arms
'-,army father, tier, voices both mingling in I
mighty prayer for his salvation. Our
- prayers, through the mediation of our
great High. Priest, were heard on" high,
and salvation's tide soon rolled over his
soul. s, .Be sprang : upon hie feet with
shouts.,:tf ',praise for God's redeeming
".My thoughts then became wholly ab
' ~. 7sorbed- l n the care of my mother—the dear
mother. that bore roe, on whose ' bosom I
had been abolished, and whohad constant
' ly watched over MC with • all the affection
of a mother's heart. My whole soul was
. drawn tint in - prayer for her, immediate
conversion. The chariot Wheels for a time
Boomed' stayed, but our supplications were
inoessant. My father, who had as in knelt
by her side, tried to encourage her by eon
, ,- g with her, or rather he prayed and
i i,ta.lked• together ; praying a part of a sen.
4 1,ettei, and talkie the balance. -My me
theism' sister wee
both weeping in bitter
: accents, part ef, the time praying for them
) 'selves, having taken courage , from the
- speedy deliverance- of. ray father. Their
. prayers and groans, and the Prayers and
exhortations - and shouts with which my
father seemed overburdened, together with
my own prayers, all commingling together,
..predueed what would generally be termed
wild 'confusion.
"HoW long I continued in prayer for
• my, mother, I do not know; but catching
the eye of my weeping Sister, it occurred
to me that. r had entirely forgotten her--
• that Thad not 'even- prayed for her at all.
• Bitterly reproaching myself, and still upon
My knees, - I clasped her to my bosom, and
:bathed her with tears of sorrow that I had
been so thoughtless. I besought God with
- • altmfsoul for that dear; that only sister
-that he would enable her to renounce
the world . and all its allurements, and cast!
her naked on Jesua for salvation. My
parents also prayed-:with me; and while we
wrestled; the symbol of the . Divine'pres,
' moo WAS manifest. 'Ellen,' said I, L. God
had blessed you.' said she, (as we
bathed each other's cheeks in tears,) I
know I loin the Saviour.' On rising from
- our knees - wefound .to our surprise that
• the morning had . dawned.: The following
'Sabbath we all received the solemn seal of
our consecration, - ord for months car bliss
seemed coMplete.. . •
‘„ •• , "'But the destroyer Sarno; and they
bave,been carried one after to the
silent and lonely tomb. Over these court.
tenaracee, once. fresh and lovely, have
thoobidAinips'of 'death, and the
Melia* *anti Owleeds upon theo
fondlyloved. But two short, yaws-had
passed ere they had left me; but they left
inloycnts hope; - they rest in peace. Con
sumption' first poised its fatal dart
lovely sister, and, the early role !nip
ped by the untimely blast, she soon fell its
victim. While the rese faded from' her
cheek, and her sparkling eye grew'rliM in
death, hope and joy cheered her sciulliand
lighted up her passage through the .lark
and dreary waves of death's cold flood; A'
few moments before she left us, she print
ed upon my cheek the last pledge of a sis
ter's love. Dear brother,' said she,' ' a
few months since your influence snaOirisl
rto from the giddy paths that lead to dpath,
and is now about to introduce me til the
home of the blessed. A few minute:l . ond
I strike my golden harp and dwell my
to the anthems of the blood-wished
wish my Saviour in glory. A few years
I trust I shall greet you and our to,
rents all home. in triumph.' 'With' her
head pillowed on my bosom, her happy
spirit took its flight to purer climes and
brighter scenes: In less than' twelve
months my dear parents both followed her.
I need not detail the incident+ of their
happy exit.. They bore a similar 'testuno
and like her crossed 11w-raging 'flood
in rapturous alumni, Thus I hale been
left like the louely oak that : bends to the
sweeping tempest on the mountain's tap
The unbidden tear of loneliness sometimes
sisipe's my eye, but the cheering Prolipect
of ineeiiug all my kindred dear_
wh e n a few more griefs I've Lama:
Viler a few more s prings are o'er,'
dispels my gloom and makes my sorrows
Proteutant. ; •
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Narser7 l ,
ETWEEN three and four mires
east or
annu ~ (a...ra
l'ittebargh, near the Excuaer-'
don or vonit'd •
• kchentee' Turnplsm
dret t.) awl about noe froua Esat Idbart.r.' •
• 1 he , a ,, entibete fetaaelftilly ppv.• tank, .lbe r noe•
tame," alai tie public renerally. that thelred.teialto Nur.
enflee. Ittarlabeuens. dr tom ravaarain brfa tan 150..
Ittl.l plant, all of triairh nre la a htealthf rod.
PRCIITTLIKE: , .remAtIing of Apple. Pear. Plum, rr.Ph.
Pr, kirape
EtrIP , I, Linden. AMPTICILD LirPlen. Lomb. ,
.1, Poplat. Huhn of filload. Pop's, Weepin4
Hark,.llhr..h.Tuhr llcr,Clp-Ount. PrtulP , Pla Im.
.eying Ash. Engh..ll Any. Ma.. h, PPM.,
11n..ensIts Trip , ten.3. Ar , Ap
EVI-:11.1111/:EN TItY.V.9 AND SIIRUDF--Vir. JUnlper.
14 , 1 a r. Atr.Prinm Arborvltes..Cblnme Arbor eh.; 1 •P Trne.
l!pri‘ht Cpturnpna .Immiraultallr.,Eur..p..un
Iftat• tiornur Situ,}
Flr. Hemlock Sprupe. `Snout, On.nn,trc.. AP,
1101.!SP: PLANTP—Viz: (111%.1 them
fira e. 7 nutnhorinc n• . , 7o raiiti•e in ein,o , es•
IlenAul or Chtner Iprprblonm l uu., linnat(hlorntAPrCPlUP. ,
Scent.. , l lions. Itnuth,,n Itoni. Ropte.ll,bnal
nr Itempntnneltraot. A great numb, of
p=rfortly hard). and ti
hoelp throuAbout i ..`4., rumor Miles. Al+, 1/...ranlums. tllpuntlers Oran,.
Ae.. Hr.
. . .
• ,
oN•rK mart
fatinfac:orr retertura,
. • ..
c . a . re"fully loselt , sl and vent arrording w die .bons
to nor part the United Itates.
I . ..raons rrishtn4 to United pleasure itrontl4
vso,ild do welt to give to. a rail, as we think sh., of
raunot ourploo.e.4 west mbantsdnx,
_noir eoleriog the ac
of around. nod nronhoi . intr from
.11 in 10u.000. a great number which are 14 alone site
1. 10 ,nansplantlng.
orrhard and olartst . bet7 Planting, erirtated . by contract
notable terms.
Leti- • • • -
cia (1.15 t roLI-1) to our tuhlre, P. 0., near
win medic Itacnecuaw attentlon
testi, left at nurata...l In the lharnoal Ilertet.,.n [mar
ket da,s. ttlitalLl,iint.. attetatuo.
in gs.r.l art InriteJ eall at.Sexatai, nor
ALtettann b rtaltora Oren can eseet.t
1 IL Int EA n le r.ostili untrell ackucraledge4 niperaor
to nnr a•ims Cream la the United Wales or llumpa—
i. delightful yrewation auyerlualleal fur Pant,, brant, sod fragraure. though totnetruat analagoda, Ouer.
infra R Arnhtneial Cream. anal ultra. Mall. compounds. It
tar .ur,eses them all hy the etoollieut pasts c.i.ysten,l
of to lather, which wr salsas the heard tar In reibJer sh,
, air pleasant and eas, aAt ailvatitsgesorer
lye haportni satiric. in bring irestily tram Obit
heat insterisl, •itla Lb uret,it shill. and is ut.tuull tn.
hem,' but al., the rbeat.rst srurbh-lyr sharaig. lbe au.
rreasitur sales of this article during the last tvelve 'ears,
and t. several giald and allner midair abrstathi int it,
-trungly alto. the . lyagh retimatiun In which it lesheld by
an. , bintnunlty For sale shale:sal, sort re , val
rev V. I, SELLER 57, W.m.l M.
14 1 ‘NGINE lIOSE--500 feet '2 inch ':3 ply
India Rubber tire, bought out exprehglr tar sin
nert:taw., We for ite the Fire Depart...tat , tf butt.
fl{l.. Lel call wad esautine thro, ae the, iare: warrant. d t.
ocul morn prvsturathao buy atler ha, tnauutieturel
lu all eaves where 'her d.. not turn nut as rerreteenteM,
the u.ehey will he retutyluel a:: the. Urn.. repiami
J s 11. PI LLlt'9.
. . . .. .
II)ILE OlNT3lENT—Wrtrented IA cure the
L vr.aai. et.1.44`0f t',le , it aI, dr. r. f , r ea , e hT
61:1' , EI: • AI..IuMELI.. 1.., tl.r.i .1
g AVENDISII—Ertru fine Casenkliili
1.0.0. r r male by 6,:111E11 a Mr111)140 W 11.1..
Wtiad Ati
. .
UTTER-1 bbL and 'S4 kegs for &Ile by
II e q l' WM. 11. JrIUNFT.II.N. •
t i , LAN SEED OIL-10 bble jun& reocieed
try male by .44521 11- K. StILIXII&
r4‘OBACCO-150 bxe manf'd Tobacco on
hand and for rain by
11 . (Tim eirrsoN aCO
IQUORICE HALL—is cues for wile low
by men- , 3 .1. PCILOONMAIL.Y.II a CO
VINEGAR- 7 97 bble. Cider, for sale by'
V eep.3 wit. H../011101TtIN.
alwayg b. ruund . the mtorr.4
1.1 1 /111 a 111:RCIIFIELD.
I.IE boxes prime W. It., for toile
iJ b r .lt?cs*3lcCAr.ut.r: ,
I r ri.l BS-20 don. in etorie an for sale by
S. a IV. 11A1111. 1 .1,111..
UCKETS-50 do., in etore and for Bale by
111 leir SILKS—A. 1. Macon & Co., hare
tit,oeo eo,opo .beantlfte Tory 11111/1,1.1112
-Ham. nano and nra sok, 0.412.1
TAILS-- 1500 kegs am'd city brands, on
listid and fur yule by A. CLILLIbILTSON t Co'
1,5 Liberty 0-
- POPLlNS—Licautiful , goudti, just
tj reed Ter ex pre , ... .t,21- A. A. MAr.ON Co',
Q 1 U . A ,1.10 0 Raglan', Principe, and
) !Javan. Cig..tra, on band and foo Pale by'
nYrol:lo A. CULBERTEON A Co,
Lank-11..-R4l ; 34 met, Ft 3411,4., 143,144.4 end
3., nal, 3, IeAIA II DICK EV a (.11.,
1 4 1 01 i . CHAMBEKS--Very cheap Wall Pa
& per, and she,. &Allure, In Reno,. •hltnwenb. for nn:a
by Renl9l w. P. MARSHALL
L t litscuitun Lan ”pen this. moral. s mapply
flobwo•ble ,mods •
STAR CANDLES—In abode and it has.,
(male by • (sep•22l k
LEAPTOBACCO-1n 111O1,and toxes,for
tale by iNrya2l lI.AROT, JON Ll+ 2 CO.
INSEED . OIL—S !Ws . 'real. and for sale
I br k. %%HAMM) II
✓ •
iITDOWGLASS---30 reed and
for saLl. W. fIAItLIAV.OII
SUNDRIES-- , ? , bble. SaleratTlL .„.„
•4tl p •
o rl m 4l o t • n 'A
s T 's o tT.o. b.
m ar r$
• De.RGI Y. for Of
re 'd acid ftii• mule
L br . the Quart or bushel, at MORRIS' Tea Mot, In the
'Q U 0 Alt—lihbds. primeN:l:l. (or sale by
I -p!D kivs cu.
- 3/ OLASSES-324 bble. 0.;
114 hI - Oaf cower 4)
rep'9 1111 Y.Y. 11AVIIEWS4(.1).
DIG METAL-465 tonti fbi4tale by
'UPPER LEATHER - 4U -Sides good henry
IL/ ucur Leather,_ for role br
selx.2l. IW/3180:i. LITTLE 4 (10„,2'5 Libertr
TRIESTE VERMILLION-2 easea for eale
Jo. nrelved and for FILI. by
1.17 J. 11.17)D CO,
'HE ESE-50 boxes W. R.;
so - Cream; for sale by
0.P22 It. DAL.7.Y.LL t W.
ALERATUS-10 tone in tiozea and blila
7 for ootb, bT per-J R. DLLZELL. S.O).
if EQ BUTTEEL-2.skelre fteeh fur •ale by
Alberto for pal,' at a Isq.nal,a,NB
Stark sed Eirtmaao. Hmkara..
ITI TZ . bI) } I ,.. / : forola
d ILIYE OIL-10 baskets fof sale by
vur oep7l , ' J. ECTININSIA KEIL k.
111AP,B..AMMONIA--4 casks for sole by
J. ffC111)0N AKSH bCO
DOR AX-10 casesivrl1 I P se pta j : ci t N.
111EESE--77.boxe - s for sale by
InAlAtt LICK FY a Co_
. .
AR-50 Ibis. oncaneignment, for eats
low wet.... to IFAIAII DICKE V a CO
Koval Water and Front am ,
_ -
`OFT CAUSHEIY SUGAItc , -A very litiperi
t-7 et IW4 for pmsenickg, te.—W bble. just rfr'd bt
.4,12 WM. A. SlO.MUltki
MOK ED SALMON—"WiIir ree'l, this
" ,etti n'tffettri
I.IIOPS---Put up irLI lb.ll#ekages, for film
1111y u.e.jupt nc.J auf for KoU. nT
Mol, r -
Intro old POET WINE, st SI
pr ~t4w-for sal fl.
e 24710111e' Tos !tart, iv the Diamond.
RBOW ROOl . --5 las. Bermuda, fdr Bala
b/ I..eU J. fieIfOONMAKCIL
11110811200bb1e..1 , 10.1, for sole 14
arpl2 E. • IV.I I / 1 88/.lpll - .
(4 LASS-100 boxas Window, for eullitly
,pl 2 8..1 W.IIARBACOIL
G LUE -al bbla. rec'd and for ealeh
.1.11 111 1, or Wac. 4 NM MUNN.
Cincinnati & Lota-viliirTele
T 'STOCk, of this F L orrAw s laged by
. -Back and Exclaikasv Broars
ompS . of Market &di Third Eu.
VITASII NET, :Ili;' Moaquito Bart 'l2-4
y t Anae-800 nrisiustmA, Re NA. Lit lot. to nit
WO - • -•• . ' .IY. , ittlnitiSt Mini to.
. -
DRY GOODS, .&c. •- ! . _ BOOKS. MUSIC, acc.
lI.Ji• tit Ca iitatit now on hand 750 d,:ii. of Ladle.' C•ab.' • A T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, No.TA
Airier, S il k. 711.4.00d. - Kki. and other ' , 1n.. , At" , . 00 PT ~„„,,
d.orfrOloo of 11OOlot7. Compr.sloa more than 15W down. : i , rtr••• , lol4!i'fi.i.thi' }•••••i iiilleee
arpor• Noy .MotlilalT 115.gancatt. for Octotetr.
onS • . . • _. - , They, , tho Ile , inration of Lb., Mcnarrhy in P rato .-
TIRES& GOODS--.opening daily at A. A-' 11 , a. do L.tutartluo.
lILP MASONk..I:II...S. every idyl. of fauhlunaltio aver ti , , 14 .''''• • 11 '...rii. , ' I.. -` ,. .11AT.T-Trlth a lar, an p r d,
00 ,,,,, ~.,,,,,,,,i ug nr ;au k , c a ahntetea. De Leone, Merino, ' `. . 7 . '"n .r. i . `
Paratrinttax, Alpueo, ate.
QILKS ; SILKS !—Nolv * opening pt A
rrill: difficulty of obtaining a correct rind
.7 11 Altoif h CO.•E-- & ateol•toupl Clirtf.ont fn W. ovuntry. hay.. bovn
&a n ie ce , of very' „ Plod .t.illicu, .owe at ett e a. lott.i anti atoort.:, PO br the mull al pow:, the fulteeti•
0 eentati nlitn. . . ho r lute bad mole for him ..oproonly. a Amin .4.1,t1un,
1111 pie... Pleb Opre dro alor, • . o hich ha... j..• 1 prriord. Tl, on. from the factorp of
.10 dn ele g ant Ilmoof o do, 00, ' tho 1 oot 1.....1...111 0ur..., amt "
an anted A:prat. to
lONNET . RIBBONSLA. A. MASON A: ""•f d ,`„ l 74:,'!,:Z`','"„; * :;l.:4f 7 i ''' ''''''—'"' '' r . ' .1.-
) ethlblt this mOrylmg,a/ carton.. rlell 1., A (Loolout.l.-12 anal IS kets...
hot ril,blin: \ ~.. 7 •11 • " " - e.
. ~ ..
N ratty I h
lurreirld havo rrrotool ol r.....t suopl f of th f• n, - •
ttre dottraluu pomp 0 .. 3 llto-• an ... , .i ...on, c0.....1 ~,,,, . ii col than
0- .lI.EnEli.
61 lIPEILBL.tCK ALP AIXAS- , -Murrhy A
.: - pt., a thr 1id0.! 1.. 11,1., N.,. 11.111.1 H it.
I - 7 Purrhflpl.l Env.. 1,0/1r...1 a full armornnont . a 1.. , .. 111 . 1111 ~ ~,,i, Ni - ( 201,, for Soi.tnitilo-r for ~,.,1„. a t
part a. low 3•• 1..!. , r I orsi--mt, a1....,...n0t 1
Tur•or Motolir A1paca..... 1 I .o el per 'ant a., , . . •. r.r, .. c.. .• f.,ard ..1....... p 0 t0 te
1: rt \‘' BOOK.S.—Travel and Adventurer
BarohelOnolltara ret•lced an au.Prtment of 11..o.k11) -a, „; m „,..,. ,„ ht „. „„,... „, yr,,,,,1 nf :earl ~
PM...ft, crap nod (alley color, high Oleo. are welling . , eutru ,„. „ t , u ;,,, ~,,,,u , au „,,,, uu , u , ~.;;,,,,,,,.' a ':•
low-ale. Ann, b•tu•k Caetilitteree doil clothe, and n •001. 4 tit ,. u ouple • I, Wm W. Cart...n.4., N.', IL, I:. P 1 df:
oa yof At lea topecially adaptol Forilmoe' w.otr,, ola : u „ I
~,,, i,u, .
- - ' i" 1, of avoid, Ot..tiona of Merl eta e
V, EW °CODS 1 NEW GOODS !, -A. A. 1„:; - ,-; , ' , I ' L. • r ttle ha rl .l. C It I.:'lV. ' A '
.i.. 1 iiIArPIN 1 C0..111 iron a Man the nest f ew tily •. ...,,,.• 2 '- ' ': ts Allollo Dullalln o t. Fourth el
,Ir•r114 Or 01 butolfed poo, awl p 001.... `f r""''"
oncl 10.m...1it Ito 11.11. , to which It.. scl.olloo . a1...1.. ' New 13ooks . -
.1. and rettiol t a irrhauore lit lityi.d• - I i T lIOLIES' LITERARY I pEroT So.
r ARAM TAS. LYONESE a COBB ItOS 1 ,lk . to ih.rd ...root. -1.1...... th.. Ison , mt.
,s ;
-A. A. MA•iON A. CO .wlll .ion it, don NI otooe a,t Owc aa to/ .1 Nierh•ott u. oonittletei
I. c above goods i , I :natio, 1..0..r nu,/ le.taoa 1 . .... r. So 12
~ . ' 1..0u1t0, In Joon,: tie l derni.ot
t'REN CII XIER.INOS & TIIIBETCLoTIIS : T:, , •,;,-::,1::•: , , ., N..-
.. , 2 , t , 0, , v.,.. , ,
-Now upeninw at A. A. MASON • 1 , . Pi••.-2t.i. Itor''• ; it, , 1it..., to, 77 . 1 tein4 mule llnfOnli ' ll....l port
. rich vont From.h Moroono otolrflilbot 1 1011, p‘... - . ~ ,
~ rt 1011 I 4,1' 1k , ~ ' vil.• in tto Tr a ati.
.d , ASIIMEAES 1. MOI: :1. DE L A INES- ,., „ ~.', ‘,„:„„,, ,„,„. ~, „„ r „F..
1,/ A A. &SON' Alio he se ) 41 atria rod 111. ea...T . , 1 •,, 'Tat, 1.a.r., tap t.. 1...: ol 1:11.- 11,0., I, i Do
1.... t .0.,.... el.laturrto. . I I. lonsir
• • , ox W0.0.n.. the 11,1 of 1...r0b...ter , wall.
THREE PL-1 IMPERIAL /'ARP l"-- t, ;, ;i i i:....”,... alio. it.....t0 ~.,„ i'Lrnlint.
~,,r „ „.., , ,. ~.,,,,,,,,,n , . 1 w. 11 , 11 . 10 ~,,,i t 11.eltott, lx•tott. ne It.r S. Wail.,
ar w t Wittettetoe., No 05 Fourth t i troot. to et Loh w in- , ~.., ‘...••• .., r.:‘" 1 lootocul Nov, •
rite th e utteutt.,n ~.1 thou. wl.hing to fornoh. 1101........ r I.• T0..T...0...,a, r•1L.t.n..... or 1... anti 810i....tue
Stemmtoste. ot we will ...II lower thuo ust,r lean. ,n e t .• 1.,,1t 1.. notatto ...t a. er• Wortley.- Travel/. n Ott.' l ailed
-- - i 1. •veri, of a Umholor. a Idealt id the IleArt , ..
11 0 . 1 , 1 , 5_F..
, •( ,. .11 ,,, ...'31• ; !:— .. ... •, 1very de . : , ..r , a- . ." , ',„, .p . ... ,;, , , .. 1 - ,. .... , T !, ,.. ,:, ..,. 3:. : ivr, 1- :17., . ,. y .. , • : ~.,.
i t i ia i , r ,L ol F ~n 0 ,:,,,
0 ,
.., ,:„Ijvz; - . , , , , , ,,.. , .,r , - , ,, , , ; , .. , ..... _ Ilt,olou It Uri,. 00mph.... from the eat No..
00l I ,1 Wood 0..1 h...1in./
I . ln I, 1 .04 Ofine teutiu
ELIEI Il LE CARPHTS—W jlitl.tN- ii...• a An•ir. 11. , ....Ilou.l 21, r•nts
1 traa. la now rorotantly swelling 1,11. WI 'Pe k .•r I ..r..' , ...!!',Lr.rd• • ~ ...1 1• •
tale of Mat e•
cani•Elli. of ,hr 10,1 .cl wry nt) no to .4.. 11 - i 1... ~:,.',.., ~„,.. 1,,, „ „. , „, .„,,,,
tout.. the atloutino of purrhoorti aa Ite se dot...tutu, .1 tat 1 ,„,%
~, he ~,,,,,..,
~,,,,,7.0,,.. Oslo
tell low, than ever before adored in tho touritel, to the ino. ••
old tuttahllehtel Carp. IV arohnuret, '.N0...5 foorit. et- , .3' . .i ,
. -
t.eli. New Music.
4 , ARBIAGE CLOTH ~.! 'rItiAIIINGS--.: j um; IL NIELLoit. Na. si w ,,,,, ,
~t,,, t ,
I_, W, SfreLISSOCK 101 l ro thtattention of Carl-our , • ha ., ~,,,t t h e t0m...a,: tat, and pandlar piproo 4
suatinfunutera to hie large et. -Fi of IlInT and l•hth cltat , ... I Ono, •
011 Clothe. nod Trnnitou.r. attach e •Ilt et .1 at rotut.-.1 11,4, J .,, t ,.,-, it p„,,,,,, Nam , fru , .‘„„ ,L. , m.
,ri,..,. s, Out Carpet ‘V are! 011er. of
, mirth . orl . ..1,, , ,•.00rr, 0......0., .1....' c 011...., .
ING RAIN CARPETS—W . 313:.CLIN'Tt WI: ' ;;;;;;; g ",,; * ;;;Tr,, - ;;;;;,; . •:-. r.- , ‘ 1 .1. - 1••
i ilia., otalatlt Mop.
now enustanO. nmirtuu hilfallikt..ek of Buttertine. Wet ..' et.ato 1 .u,, Vforl,l'e lon quirk iitep.
I. no r.ompann lisOltAl ii CAlt 'Are. a now anal rich flitt t ono,. I hate twit,. thou boo
m i les. ut tor, raeluctul prime. to whielt Nee metre the to Taro no. 10... 1...1.. . Maul. -, , tr1ati0...,'
...on of ol d ,rlablng tar (11.1511,1 qt arobnatat ni Ilona.. .• mai It ti.e.o. ,Otortae.oa.: toe t h o u .weet or
op, in t a al l a t t h e Carpet Warohlotoe, No qt Fourth M. No Anal to the lot-plow:x.or .:
;IV. IIIeCIA NIA N•ls. Calit, n Cra f an 11... 1 ret..tolo-•liueetlett tar •
fo. Hued, llult-se rile If all tits., rtr
LIRUSSELS CARPET : - 1--w. M,•CLI si TIN:N. .1., do opunier rettuot tad, i .ITarlng ' , max down,
IJP lin In notT and fo Ts. rieldan.l now ett le ItltC, litligent 11 , eu t o t t init it eon i '
Put... 9 CAltl•lo,i,, to whorl he toot(/' Ibe attention of f or. 1.0.d0n, , orl. :. 1u ro t , and Ntlver 1411 NI utile,
eltorre. tot lie le delennanol L'ai,llLot er than et, talon CIO. Nov o e fune„ lito,ntor. Hoot, tin 1.1, . J.../
to tho mask, Call at the old en tali.lted Carpet Wart- Ira,, ~ i rat.too. ,attag, ittialen. t IT,IITI.T. red t.all i
house. Ptu i. 5 iourth rt. : ,el Polka. alig'-'7 •
rrYiEsTlfif CARPETS--New and rid,
t, 1. Tar.atri Brawts C.rtu.t. J ust rorAl tho Car,
Villa: SUBSCRIBER hailing nbw
A his solltis stwel. F.11.1..0j1i trISTTI: li. MU,
atoll inhirsh sittistrwrs .t.. 1 the PU
Hutt Di prypittwil to of hi) irvids.
ewe or retwll• vcry low prirts.
lla has hit Dry sll Owl Shull, its well row
shirk of Fancr.llres. Giwittr.comprtting Psi , —
4-1 thane t ',vent.: in
Platy Blot.. sl I yrtriia
. •
rack-sle Mack : •
Ileavy Watatn.,l Silk, all $1,..1,
rrnela ',Tana. • -
Muslin ,I••
, l , ritine am] l'aAhmcr..a,
11-4. 1.,-1 4n4 134 11art,417.) .71570.”0q4.
44.0-4 40.1 aO.l 1444, 11111007 latatti;c
7-1, 7.4 wad 104 Tat 44 1/40.441.7.
5.17 400 0-4 baulk.. N•p111.4,40.1 11011104,
110r11.41.-rk 110“7T 5n.11:077471. T 01741,1 0 477
11141) 1,,n1.0.1 1,00 and 1ab..., 4up rl.
11407x1117.4 quill.. iron,. F 1,31111, 11170,1.
Cur447t. M4terml,.. 47.
MoU . R: , iISt; DRY t.()D:,
• •
2.4 ~•1
Clack Cauton
111“ %akalr I u•uvo,
nut WAIp 11,64 t
much .nJ TWIN., Tar., Mz..l•
o n,
I , urs,
Val Chemise. Lol,ln.CLsn • ue
end .11.1 %%die:. , s will b.. 10. 4,,
re lor, an.l etvap f qtal.l
.1A‘1.1.:1 A gi I, Ai.. in-
a" .
mul:11 • CI 1.L.0
o. CI, L.! c•r n, 4tpo Mur., .t•
. .
aT t. 111•114.4 N NI
A. MADvN & Lase. .AN alt.)
.4 • sr. daity •nnote.‘ of
nllu;btlii:/;r h
s.gattat tlf• markt,
1 4 1 1.60R — 01L v.,-,13 3. 4.
A: I;a e quarter. jtlfl Wear thrrbiliq.,ll.. F.
Wry. 4.1 for ult. whol.walp end ',tall. at I....r.r.rawana.
].a._ at..l Wood st I ' J. II 1.111L1.117,
R E C , E ,, fir ,
r a , rl r d rs' o pening
pl.rets Loa, eam001.n....1 the 414.4 e, ma
mod fu-Slotr.4. 4ratterut.
4.1 0.4,1 Wert and onlr.r.l C 1.41, or the [nun •up...r..4-
.. . •
the .ary.,-.. and sur.t , 1.i.zn...l ...x , rtmr>t 0 % 4.. , • , •
erre Ifruuubt NI tb3. o f
~ 0 daz. Underehirts y crew„te. •
. tles.llue and Fut. , 'o. , b , ...
.i. large anaretmeta o ,. ..&letalls..lkorittattl. a,
VI byrh. together with the. very lame rek 91 1t1,1,1
M•lbE OLuTILINO a the room. 1....ahimax1.1.• gt, KIN,.
1.5 band, 1 tr.,. one ..1 the.lar...r.t end sa..t tae xietaebte
ta.ek..., 1.3..14, adatg....l IK.r W.... Lynn • vedr. :a the
tveetern country: all ...I vhich 11... proproo4.r I.•ietortoto•
ed to toter at the very lowest prier* for ea.t.
Hew Fall Goods.
A A. MASON & CO., hare received nod
•fl. now operanas
Lne rnel. .1
t.eautaltif fhaAles, elateasl, mark, lo
Alyarraa atall/ bra.
atlk warp. fancy eol'o.ll..sfue.nn pad 6/tl.. f
12.t.res Parafnext.a..l6,bet and Llonat,,
ink all shale. anal quanta, tea 1,, re , .. 1
atal fancy /be a-teete oler raa.
prioet width tee are ecatitlent nnare,ral.ute,ll, 1...
CC()RDEONS—A xplenditi uud varied
newt. of Ile best bands, Juet reevlve.l
LLTES—A eery &Arable eelena , n. vetth I. a. t, an,
keys, coon. lewd, awl of lb. beet snaken..•ery theap..inst
osenfal ,
GUITARS—An exteriatee and claire-en arri•un:
r/OLESS—tiome very fin. ad 111. , or* ,
variety af e[ le and prk ,
HARP STRINGS—Ii fine aal.atifn bad
Coronet', Tubas, Bustles, IIibFLOTIMPL. Trmmtet,, and
C otWa=7/ ‘ ,;VaeT. ' a l iff b"b.
Abn, the oenwest nod tout popular Sloane. ju4t
0 B.—The above hal/1143.0t. aro warmut.4,
sect aT,4I rerfmt to., terrta,—,f found fault, the to,
urr will car returned• E...1t. lo Thi,
aeuti AWN 01 TIII, LF utria. ll/ 4,0 l
11,11 rd 0'
First Supply of Fall Goods.
,LYA. 0 0= the,r firat aurPlY of Fad an ' "
the calls of th eir sea Br a eustomer , und buyara
hr W. 51c(MINTUCK, new nod rich 'tile. t , uvrno,..
soil butamou 1.V41411N eAtiPel.l, .1,1 we am
prepared to tall lower than any Carnet beton, offcrea
In till, market. We nordlaily Write the attentioo
!nerds and Moat 'debit:tit to jpurchaAe t. gITP no • Mil. a.
thu tlld LatabllAhwl ;:argot Wareham., 0,. 35 Couttb et
VAIL' GOODS.—Juen ree'L per exprvsn,
A. at A. A. }UPON &CO.'S, LOcartnne Wuxi
[151.0 tout faehlonable stet., 13 tlOl-Tabswd Feu
Flowers: lu pa. (ira,le Afripue, beautiful solo: be i.e.
}lamellae, ale ehade.r. l dor-Ilatrich Plutoa,,Aendee llp
• aeol ,
DRESS GOODS--W o are now ro
ceirlog W e Inn,. fall atyleaordnamtlinnalNaudi an
an, Caottmnrlnk lbpllw, Pun /War, Pa•
ratnattaa. leech Merino, and T era hand Cnati Over IVJU
pineal Enna open. I atplj A. A. NlAnteii •
have just need RA/ pm. White firvala, ex/min - Una of
Wu apd k pir . ..l Janetle, nulls. Salem, plain and lia'd
an Hull, Nananuk le. A eten,liete
anantarnt and Ten' eb.p. set a
figPLENDII) SILKS—A. A. Maack!: & Co,
hav• just reed beautiful asaortineot of very rtels
figured and plain B Silks. The a...desirable u C
are ll worth he a t
aention a purchasers. Alad, t)
superior Oro. de Arrlgue. tour Chen, boautitUl Chan,
allows. at. . .end
—MORPHS s 111311CIIVICID hare opm.l this
ZZ'aa.allatlL';7lnS Y .
Thread .Edgings and Inwrtiriv. pyl.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
D 11. PALMER c.froni fordo vtry
It. prima, a fall uaorrinent of Straw and Aldine
"53 a
gtFan and uttnarkan plain and ' y
Strw. Braid, Chip. (limp. Millen, Lao.. Italr.Pa
horn t dc..
HAT2,—dian's, Youths'•
and lloyn' Lamborn. tam, and
.Chip Rimy. Lace, cod I
Mimes' o,pinc;! • Jeund bind, and n‘nor,fornta,lo gr.! vari
ety of allapop and
R/BBONS—ItIch nod htlud. plain ti ' atin and Tof
folon., all widths and rolora; latn, Gana. anderap. Cap,.
LACX*—Plaln and dantd shin, and coloNd Silk and
Cotton Nona..
Si] lhatnna, braid,
rale rl nee, a e r.
FLO WER.,-Yroneb and American Sprigsi,banoba• and
" rgll4l l / S ' h IMArIiV.LMTLY.9-01aro, Grn Na
p,,t aro. t ~ ln Y °ran... and other idyl..., awn.r.l
qualltini and colon.
Alan-...atch and low pri,llranola and limberllas. (land
Box, tn., in._ _ aryl
CARPETS, ()Rii ' CLOTHS, B,lc.
• W:.)1cC1.131 OCK
r, no. iimmattllr melringhlstlptirtg ODNIc of
"CaMPliting to partibv) (al kr7inst tarkalor
4tafra Bolsi Velvet MD Darien, do. do. Tapestry drop
fixitailln• extra Amite, 3 ply; mpertne 3 ply-,
do. Minh= extra finedo4 onto.: common do; cotton do.;
44, 34,54,and24 Venitlant 44, 34. La. and 24
plain du; S-1,34. DB soul 24 wool and cotton do.
. • RUGS, MATH, OIL CLO'rllB,,&o.
T ai,..cbpal u ff se cor, hoe dim dox extra tufted do; nos
do. du; common do. (Mentlle Door Halm Wilma do. do;
etirenakio do. do.,..2cieLaide dd. do; Thrum 40. do.
Crumb Clotbe."Yelting do. 8a1t1ng124,04, 1uM12.4.
alisre-ebeet Cloths mut to lit any Man ball or room
34.74 G 4.04, 4 , 4, awl 341111ClotIm.
also—etalr BM* at all dank Carpet flindionn-Ustear•
nesrizilando • 64.44.utd 34 lilattlogmTableLinexur Crash
ssd Diaper; illokanbuck a.. Transparent Window Oltatlen
Buff Window Holland". VentUars 571ad0 Ealimard Mann
. Comerr. ixz o.Table x tlat ertizz do.
b,,,vi ntand
ademlW=orstediwitrab.mzle the
=: ,: si d leed&c s oloz ; we ate diared to mil to oar
as as they Fos be loos&
men Ds mayor Las Bosams CUL.
We Unit* all to MD and examine oat atoek of
• • The carpet Wurbhouie, 85 Fourth ofreot.
moil>) W. 'ZticeLLIMX3r.
t.a. a •
t 4,, tv . Tr tran
1 f ,latto t 3
t • tl,n ft.l•.to in. 11,3 , 11 r, 1,, 3 Ito
3 , ltrr r.a 3, 1 13,31,, tltt• 11,1,1 al Itarrit••nfer • Ills
tnr 11•••tannet• thr 11..3 alu wa, In i`Lrnllnt.
;q.t. ft•r
••of ,I,33tta ar ~vela foal Ility•tttt3ut•
1.,,1 t ••• ttrtatot 11'art1.3 . - Travel/. n ttot'l ntled
•veriat , 1: 1 3holor. a 11,tak t•f 11,.•
Mat 3•1, , 3 , 3ttrtit.t ti 11 Jam,.
I,..urtt ruti.l-1 or Lhe 11,31,n 431 tt1f..1.-
I , atrutt, ii•trtleutt ana , r l . 3 .• from 11, . 4 m l ,'°••
Tut. 11Pry 0114• trai•la
.3a.iv,tore r.'23 cants
1.31,01 Ilt111,••rfar,I. s :sea Tale
Ilorttt•r., a utle of Met r •
111,, cbirr. ti 11 . 31 ynalda
31attt% t•t - , Ise 3,41.1af tpu Il•ftla 3 told. Tale. 03 , ,
E , rsaaiAvED PitomissoßY NoTEs
111,4)-7, vasit ly and Prall,
Ili% 'S tioJinor, sum,
rso . slarket nint on.
LANKiS S -11. S. HAVEN. ,or er
T..n7. ' ;4l ' trtn;
~t In, 11. A,,
ory 0t,14 otroom.. • .-r"
ON DON A HT .101'10: A 4 tor September.
I ..4 lloctiauf. A No 4,4
. .
10.6606-1 at •
1101.‘11:1 1 * I..temr, 1 - 1,0, !in
t. t - L.tS'k FOIL .0 v 0.11
-roicN Es. A Li
ju, s6l. ./I•6TIC. of 1111. 11..11.1:—I1. 6110.
00,ar61.10n,, talcut.oin,
6,00-rlat6 ,06110.60, 610.01 Wel, .6161,01 ..1,r6c101..
611,...1,00.0 , .. 106. 1011, ac.. ar., roklc
1, 6 11.41 / L S,. 6101.01nr 6.
.Int II". +1,11..43
..ti as.,l ..1 N,.. tre - 1,t1.1 ttt. al ntt. better ltoto tit •
tr t ~t•rt..tpt te ehould line. It
t..tten ,tutztl c,attat;•. t.tur I tte.. r.t.t,
r el At txt •ottell ttb the
tot ru.le ett, Ler. gi • ttetrettt I ortt•tteto-tt, lb.
•••, ',on! • r :w r •
r kii.r.r; 4..1. N•• : I 1,44 rn t.
L - roLt. iloutuatn I , oot
tt ..„ Lost 'Lout to thy it.t.
. . . . ..
.... -,,,, ~,,,,,,,, N.. 10 It•e, a , ..ner. The :er.:ale. I I
'.., ate', lh•• 11.,, I I•alea. I, 1,...11; lads Me lava..
' M he •• the kright IT ..., ..r.. 1 , ...i,.....1.....a.-.
..„, ~,
*l.llOll 1i...1,
Lad, el N.n,—T,11.111
U.. I ~.,11,1111ant.
Uslia. Lire 1.••••nue NUitx: Alnuln
NI" 1 . 3g1 5,14t,1•ty , t1r —1..0,, NI,/
- N•• I 1,-•. , !Itanto.-4
Her .1 ra, lor .Al
inn n •IL •I L
FW 13 1 1 (1 K -- Th , titoike aa '
i t , ',lll • riap,
rr .rll., •
Mono, , IL.. E.l....,lllirtorotolb.lato Ittir
to, I, I.or T IL. 11111r.r.11 A . Itortor..lltollotual
11,4 or ,ierhon Tyta, 11 11
ArAlqu • Mangal nf I.orstnA,.
tiq'ullies.vith num, out Illultrst,4l, th. u.
L L.
. .
Vark, or Mjc.r.l..lehrivltan Life
in n..1,11‘. fr•. ..ronalua of 0... Atzne.
tat' I .•.11.n: a Ouraurnlar, natl.. Ran nil
11,nptar illril4,l inns.
, I....auautut th.tuni
Itvata. , t tt,” Our I. tri.. rAlllua. In[nu . mu.
11,..Jr5:.1.... L 7 1".43.0. M A . Matt.-
No aaa loeamoel F 6.14 ltv.t Ilar Resoluta.. Lee"ll3C
aoaratellaler a.l Ileraear'r Sew 11.anthla Ilsceetoe
Just rea 'al seal .1 1.&11,
al Apollo Itualalln4. Fourth ot
Xv FAN' BOOKS !—Trarrhi in tni. United
,11 :U.,: Sr . durtnv 14`4 kn.l 14, 10 . [1:. latlT
. .
Maar% I
Ihrtnr, tf... lr Cabtx,tl
with rt.J..•lnJe I 7 , 1. mo„
0. stra.l
•13.1 •r,onry ..f Uort
my! JuAt mt. .n 4 jl.lOl, by
A 0.111,
Fuurtl. qr,r.
,111:1:-,TAL PA LACE PRI NTs.
iltt IR arnmue hare
.en.t rernoreol n l eee of re,
I.tegleoll {Yew,. nennr rs,erenely for !ethane Int ne
I to. orof, a Ite. - 1. thre neer ne.lon of tbre er Sle
)N DON L an: htl.l tho London
NO• 4. 14. 11
I ertnrlni Fired Iknek of lb. llnerolnUnn. Net In
• .
.t 74 Third .2,0
0111•••• ••••r•:,
New Books, Just Received
EAST! a Problem: reprinted with coerce
" tr.. ast.l siblitkam by 0.. *abhor of Altzel
I,sitb, mut
. - .
Cart Imry. • 'Cal, hr .4 tam 11. I;,,rry. cu U.., .4 "V
uvd Fortunr•.. Pap. Krul lOW
i1 . y . rT;; . .1/I,tlrmary of Sfirebknlell, Pnglr, Work .1,1 Err
Nro. 11 nne 7.2
Pb-4,rmi Nook So 11.
tuna Kith 11l LW.-
4,abblt Stnym. by F. II Illbt.r.l, rAot
by Ihniol P I,:mr.. mu,
J ,23
7, J 4,111. Ilujldlugn. [bw/. 01.
Apralt. DuiMum Vtotrth Kt.
Few Books.
h ODFREY MALVERN: t, the Life or om
Autl.r. UT Thom." With r.r•nt, ,, u ,
lustnttnun hr l'hla.
Trave , l, is thr Utatrd Mare, IC. dnring 154 V sod
u,1 0 a.1.
home u
itomw, . Dom,n,
In LI . , Mr. Muir . .. FlLltlarld, of Nu,
Kncerriol st 11.01:11k," Ll.ntry rknout. evw.lite th.•
(MN, I
_ •
BOOKS !-- No. 33 of Ityrrie'li I Iktionnry of
au.l Englneurtok .
\o.. of Appletrnip Mowbutira . Magastun end toginewrv.
. - .
—A 'are , . A.Porttuent nr Claqdral AM Salmi 11nks.
JOA. rf , for .6 by. J. L READ. Agent.
Amllo Iluildinge,
N. I alrb.,.
• - - •
Fria: bPIRIT POLKA, composed by 11.
KI.-I;nr. mud .I,ll , aled to Rob. C. Ewa,. of Oa.
L W•It, sr.n.tai Kl.bon, pinynd cr
bly.rly's LlPnd- vnn rn
tip moat popul.r waltpos nub
NrII, Illy. "-Ph PariallPu.i. by hcic.
jrn.n., with rarintlunn. by Ihtle.
Th. A PLUMP a our Veurs. "rot', Pwrltnr.
Alan • !Inn aelretlon of Inrvipu Maw. fur Pippo, Flute.
Violin. Pc. 11. KI.PISKIL, lot ThIPI
uf Ilulrn
—A' nplentlld 1,4 of 1.,• PIANOS b
D le op. Harp. nluP.
cry cer.l hor..od.hand Ports.. Piano Ifid,al...
rrz.•X„.l:,°':',r.i.r,:,°l;T:bi';, l ,,`,!::',ou,t,',g„'!.`,l.7. - :
m I,num% I, !hilorirvi.
u. rerhir.l. kimatairal. matiothml, r.e.mmaimd. atrl
tir D r• 'rr "d
UmmmomM, Ymm,rt. and Far., My.ber
Nomm th, Artr and Ilmmtnelomoomt • nrm.rd of it n
Event, of lbm Timrr from
. . .
Tn. shoat. induabh. work!, fix oda by
11. STOCKTIrN. 47 Mario , ' at.
riIHE FATE, a 'Nle or•Stirriug Times, by
P It Juan, Km..—lhe Tod interaating work the
auLhnr had ay, wratnn. l..—Lhnera hiring Aar, No.
Fnr nd
with innd.atin
I.l4dary N g and 144,n4n7 matt.,
a o lan,. al ,
laudelaudetbo Pu nni,. Thad
at Lases suir 2 s
at • tansies . I.l4nrars: Dana.
,4p2 . 4 No. 74 TOnI atnad
Ll UP. CARB. SODA-3 kegs far sale by
t, suret s N. WICKEILSHAM.
WI ITIN(I.- - . 2,00 Ws. extra (b 7, for solo
n , n A. FAIHIEZIDOCh *IX/ .
anlla krnarr rt. and %A c. 4 .1.,,.
WINDOW Sit ADES—A supply of Trans
.xrsnt winds. Shade, m. avl I, We tol
J. 11.1'1111.W S.
IMAILLS-- 8 tong No. I. in store and far
.On by larlll J N.CANYIELP.
...v bbl.. White - lsh, MI:
'..t) 111 bi' Truu "
Landing , and Or -i , by ISAIAH MCI. ItT .1 00
'ZOOS-5 bbbi. Fresh, for rode by
AA ....26 , It. bA LZELL d. CO.
rIIEESE-434 bor. prime W. IL, for salo by
,00r . I It. DA LZELL a CO.
Boramice; embracing Fr rarlpty of pattern!Pr j'..l'l. n''''
' 1115.7. PAINTER, RS Alstlun .t.
LARD 01L-101)bla? , ,No. 1, for sale by
au63o . J. KIDD kCO
1101HtallpE RONK-800 lbs. j fc l u by
BUPFALO TONGUES—Just receivedfrom
II Bt. Lcujl, A rev dovo ebnico Bug* Tomto.
Ica • Aram, mg Tea Duslins -
n' Ducoorry t.r2 t .
the grtat Arabian Remedy fur liana nditeare
EL G. Farrell's
,tiG. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini
• m...nt I. a moot e•trannlinary Inedictne, the truth
sbteh plarr , l hdy.n7.l,l.ust.t h the wart ..ales of (Id,
~rttele. and the mans eu..•h. Inn lan, perfartnwl 1,, u.
hlch t.systously reslided all alb, Med.:nu...and the
c hin Af thn. ~by ender. in tht , coral. It 1. runty...l
• ( I.,•lesank extract. and gum, nedulhas Ana,. bass—
vulg. in I. term. all their st. , mulaitng. and.
drum. penytratlug. anent:En. and FOVu I .I I- ,n,pert.,.. •111
r.l, hid, • nu. sd,o, were nand hy the — Su. 1.1 the
nab sush ' sateuralou..usre..... in dorm, tbs dn
ran. of both man and lwast.
IL- ; ad the following nuna(bable sure, which shaddl ot
themselves alas. II d. Yarrdi, Art. Mon Ltaltadat tar be
'and an y rented,
About• yeah •n.l a half am a swelling appnasAl r,
•totnash, gneidally readlus 1111, 11 1...
large se tn. n , t. and s. so, that Ow ~
tusd. tud let pressor..
...bout goin g b.",
.1•l12 iiiPt tar lo •Ve arbor best duetarY, nod .t,,r
In opinion about a_ -dun. swat µ was au Aguear •.1 tad urd".. that It • as au Enlarg,-
I dt . names t 4.1 others snt.l it was • Tumor dt
• be • and donj • bdt tr. eared easent by euttlug
In 111. erttleal I was psestaulen to .1 R.
cl. I arts, Arabian a; upon It. and, mange a. it
la antstst, llll(lnyaltentlnn she began u, itn•
drOse, and halt sus tan u,yl getting ben, dun', bndll naw
he t• as esed -- en.W.Ylnas eleellent bil.wllh
Mel't ELI.
Prortalllareh 11, LaA9
I Ilohart Hinds. ,a , tufluit , r, wif r: I
Cerratou. 1,-..1 ,1, las,
Sine ,Slll.l b,... 10,4 'Dor hananrut sitegat
ahe 1534 loat the Ll' of hrr Ira. tor Ilan' 1....f . '• In.' .. f , `
tont,. rntitrarloit as that In, i.e. arr.. lantoa much u - hlir
tandtnu, to's. tiattaral tor the 1.....1,n f or U Ir, wt.,.
~,,/,,,,lirot abr ...nail not Irani thrm in lraat. hut In
Ilm 11....1 SS II Fartvll', AraLlan nutrurnt, air... now
a 1.,. to lall. with r La, 1111. l hi,. • n,t,t trash I has, it :mat narrlh•ntln ithalv for rat.. tlealr. alfo. for
rt.'', it
Y 1 a. als rr•inilat. an 'a.m.:o riqueo,
Th. i'Paitou of an of I.e .norti'ner , l.rn,l artrutifia Yarrlor
I , natflugtoti. lowa, Jun.' _h, 1.,
1',..u, thr. thrraf nnu faatri anont rare, holt, , if man nth!
onat, o hints !lA, arahout Lim:arta I. prrforiolnit. 1 4 ..
oot lar-uato to pronouni. , It thr - llrrnt Itrah.dr ~f U.
sg• .. i km... ~,,,,,, a htieh; hor.a ••I: .r tia./ntr tear,
.n.l have lriool all ilia v. rho,. lumnrota.ionuornt,s A. .
1 .,
o• wars' Intl, -1 up in thr .aper, hut 1 haunt nay Etna 11
it I,lrril'i Arch, Lin nor rs, , ,do ant that 11:...
inaLIP Ell.. vl II: !tg. rfir , denority snLl
1.. n., stwr the, 1.5.11.....ta h .nouroaal incurahl, and 11...••
un..l lanni thaf/ lift, horn,. Slit. rwaaon with I oLif /..'in'
:arta% oritrlsh: ' , or) ni diaVon , 1,1 . ''''...."
had bruirra °var. /h., in. r.uwhone. and.l
••1.3 brfar hotlinon, of it/titan .11,4 no Iht. hnnlno ay
torn. / war ronthaal Ina ly :all Is. , nutty' is. ai : room
with Ithrunittana, and ri. as notlatia In hr l f , ior IIn•
11 rttiturnce4 the th.r olonur Ltutuirttl.ah.rh rutorlt
rurral inr. 1.... I.l' SI. 11. II
it RINI Ei.
:tun Pain of tan yearn' rtandltnr :yr,' is, 11 Fantail
arab". !Antrum:it .
Mr. 11. 11. f.alialax—flr Mir: I 1.4 I.een atanan't ,rtth
thr - run l'aire . fn . Or la.' .ot yearn. and rinl.Lts.a-ar '
relief earrpt hy Wood.. bac n 5 the r..... of II la. l'atiril'n
Aratgrol hinitnout, apph. d or, tu t t. rianlratilat thrrr ..r
loor litue• a day, It SSW. sly rrinovral. and I hat a not
is Inn. of It MI,. S art.lll.l the rtal, one nlafll. h'
'WO f It los hor.r'n rung log. an.l ...Ina v., WI, 51.,111131
insist , " 1 ag.o.lnat mi 1,, I ro.hing ant hhifon, brat
thinthal us, tnrahoi ea hint. a. , tn, rvo.triha
in.rr , .. , I ahhlliol our Lithinrit, nyhl an, urn
, 1,111(11 ISI a h... 1.0 •in sto about again a. u/unl. I .lae
..ri..loat Inv iiti,r so a ahorkii, ionune.l. 1., 1-111, 0
ha' llu toh ~ i., n it, hilt your Ltn:no.nt anon heni...l it oh
• Jolla It Monkh.
La 'ally Prorinft. Ihanin er,111., Frh. t., I aft,
.finoart of Cuutatcriette.
11) Or Altlt ILKA.I. THE 1.01...
- tltOt‘ , A.U.F1.1.1.1
Tne 111.1. tag rut ~unot a I,r
w Web by aut.-trxruu .
.01.1 by the Ituttutturultuutalteat I. 11.14
o] Lttomt.ut." 11.6 klub:mutt taut /111.1 mu, ,ble
....b.... tom. 10. l-t , tatut Ibn bap. of F. 1114. 1. ,
bituutt.t." tut tivuralutt,ed dux , . • 1 , 1 nit. tte.
,10 , 1'.1 Ltputt It, but o
tto• ouo tun.. 1.11.4,19/ Ihr tut , . nt
out mitnuturt. thr WIT,P,r.nEld
ml. i..14n to 11. ultur bottl.-_-,/,, I
thwv, watatl tr. g.ty The th egg, It ht
11. halted ht•tg - .. wt,...h on.. tt tint tp,
1 , , 1.-th, to IL tgrtwil. gowns.. . wain go., t•-.
'.li tn., w
o. .1 sa,,l, Frg•
~,,t attwhst, moth uth tgr •..,
• nay , ,7,7Lortn!. 7.7.EnuEE,luml , zi I.m
, ort.r.lor and t•n•prEEtE mon artillio# .lugs. - .•.. E.• 17
trE.-7.1 , ..r1E aaEl Asie 1.•. E -..“. r.l ar
rtv{prirtvr • kte L., IL E 11tE.
' P 11-VEN E 17),A11e..916,7 1 17)
Human Body Must Peropuo,
SO SA 1 N ATU RE, (.0 tinve a kr.. I ( hy
(4., •,x,
a Ir.. ,441.,...ran and a(
nadnno4 un eIVIOU It
.-1.4t1111(15“Cp d
RI-um, •K• 1 on), L.-al•••1
outu-d It.•
••••: 7 r1.,...1aet• .e 3 I.srk
.1. um. II in -v.-1J aml NO It 111041/111g —at it•
al tlai• “.. ....Intel. u,
It, - uu.t the ml I 1.,..1/.1
the &I.*, I ••••••.
Wa. 41
all' • als 11, ..41. • 711,.. r• ‘.t•t•v• ..1..1 I
unlr r'vl, tt uN
. .
. . . . ..
.014 - 11.4., r•-.1..r.
1 ...
.•: y aw„l .
10. •..
, )1.,. - 'a.l.E t.t,.....v..,
I. tl Jtuni,ol WNI. JACKe.IN. l, ~.,,• 1 . . .u.1..
1......1 of ll ...I.
Pearly'Lir, lirenth. in
•1 ZJk (J
or loulatud...l
t•I• ".•
lit •
:may at Iti ‘l..l"\l'lwoM , M I.4l..rti•trivt
bond Pittsburg,.
nvmt, ftn-1 si
JfiNES' Stdution ..7 .lat. a
t 7., cllsaiglux .1 .• tote rr.1...r
rout.. mall
by W. JACKNJI , f co-1,
Pitts. Lir,:
JONE . p . 1.11.14 NI
4:444144.1 4.4}4444 4 , 4.14,4 4/ - 44. 4 ,, a44144 4. ,4r4
sk In 4,1.44 4 4444.44 v rr44,414,14 . ••
10, n4n14,44,41u44 14. 4 ,4 4,444r.44Z, 444•41 4 .
pre,raz, 14.4.144414.44
dtl 4 ,44 U 4-4. , 1 44 .441 44 t4 L:144 U 141444
— arc.
It u tiny E ,11. 1,1.4
1.3 t '"'
I 1., :1.,.).• .r.l. aLag
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
1l cu t[b.. fr, , ra rank
‘ ak among Ow pri :
1.1, C-atartl.. 1.3
cuaLa, a-m.l Che,
r 4,4.. r loatragnras. aml a aliaa
tbe nxpl teo,
la all ra0......f
Fcma Wettkne.ll a:a 11norrql Debthiv.
Strrogthetong. tbn wvelcrt , l KlTlex t
an nrgark.omil I oviguratula •,
. .
vll tarn , nt
In nnintrt en° telt. tt •tnntlia
1 , Mem , ' t,
tt.l toad brnitett tittntn euntntuttnt. It
OP In 14 enntryttnnott. utul to not-urninit .
tint tht. rttenntenl, botn.rtnal, alto Innit-al prn
prrtlys ct t-tnlt Inv...Watt I.s.rnannt..t.l, nun.. n.
I ghat trrnot,l /sally ;bratzl , fint-a., whlch have hatha
thy Lill 01 the boat Chrta.ant• kh4 h.+
Erynl,l” and StrAula, whlrh t.ntypartlia
P.!! ' /Vt 'r t• 4 ' 4 ' 21 . 1 t Tot. '" " . ".'7,7't,'Aialva, , ilT .
my Caumen la-aa t•ttra./
tthL. moth , /u/.. amy that It II valuat•ht totalkluo L. all
Ilthlot;/, IiiNIPLALNT.i. It 1 4 0 , 1•••• all ohttrlP•tit•nt
th , rm./11.M, retah/rint; an d h o .
it,. It rat:a/vet 1 . 21/n:///40/ aOl thr Itaart. astll ralirt/•• I/
a11r.../ at Atthtua. Snot may he Itsa-1 in all ruin/mt.., //tat
St all attrovusaf the Tint, . •
. _
't ht. ['ivy is prepared byC. 3IVItSF. Ar 1,
V‘aatitani Pftviiiefli, 11.1, oin.4 whl, a h.ileitle
. .
• -
Only Agent tot Wegteru
mitt Werrhouse. Msthete. goes
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder
%wltliout Warynnt•,!
v le t4e ROLM. ono el tg,l•le !Moro wt
..I:murrmuN• List.-I'u: la • •ttftmem.
1t..11, alrtbld water to gm, 11.14. then tw.
.tv•atrttlx MIA :tom: 10.wdur. t. • •:•11 .1;
tz , ml with the .luth., If 11.. Outer .1.00:1. al 1 :u
an Nyder. fool them 4nculunte,
1,••• thtruallowt: Ihem • lut •:•
W 1 mlll , lmit cv:hl wat.r..s that Mo. t ru.t
Ihen rut: the. ditty •tniklu .r other
gito thy. • thorough nnrinu. and that Ir mtlllet.ut
msk. them arm,
N. H.—num hen, uo moln Imattl. tiet,
thn elolhos •r). whit, mad !v. had ant omen att, atm
/a.m. dm The tailor. flan of the motanal won Mato emt
two 1,4,1 , , nmtpleto • wrathitto ot loa porohn• -
Warranted ma t.. ral nr !mon, the oluthoe.
Powd.r thlttg , lif paver v.ll mak• twelluguart
rim Li, —Tate, ray ..lx quart. •11.1
tuf thu Powder with It. eauli ihuu lit It Au, fit.. mr.
up... thun stl.l au quarts could siutr. um thorn lutbnah.l,
vuuyther, whure it will not
wheta etri.l it twat ha very LAWN. and nib.-Wtrttn I thil
e/111 mud. well, and will not eutt lands uthar.:hitt
titutp, nor rnt the chalk., Can with hard iir uttit
water. by tualtmg lb. ipthtity sil .1
Thu thin itratto in butt adapted for urmulinia
and wonllota ittuula. . .
. .
MIJ .holw.leand, retell l 7 1L E. llEt.tfiiiit‘.
Jai No. h:. goltl SL
The hh bt etn r. haltamn , fuoll Lode prop...met
of fit Vinegar, render it far inferior to Coloite• at,
for the ottilnary ln of the toilet and bath.
Itt,‘ the latter Ifg iorfluve and domporea, mot to i,
grvater egilrnei 1 ,, r the proulotsf ot of flea:fib:lr, and health.
It le highly re eonont mind to toile. , tor the online., afol
delfeafe poriitoet of the loped. Ito) ter pre,,,,relna too
fre, , lfnem , of the complelltat r.qsrr to. g
per the heot and tlrf next of the ett,o, andfilgart
ettottirity Ilf What,. It, mint rubbing it on
the tecuplea. It suit remote Lembo he In a fro minute:,
Nol,l hr Il K. Ntoo.l et.
OT/CE—Tlltt partnprollp heretoturo VT
toting under the Woo 8.1 NI .1 111111 K A 01, L.
I.llu der beet, dletolvtd 1.1 suutuai
JOHN F%A , o,
C. H
. _
i - l'A RT NE I I P-The to.cribe ru hare
Ot;r e " -I. '"‘"" i ' l iti r
.11.11Kll. °KELT.
ENNETT, 11EGRY k. CO. !tan, retrapv...l
to lb. r now War.•houc., nurner of Chen, luo• an&
Greenwood Garden. -
(?- •
0110 ICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining
Harphorry , l + traarh , r l l• ,, ...b.rry.l:hohnri.,
r.po Mora, hardy 3lnulhl, plan. nee
rArmary tu ornament yank and Ardr.., 1,111 laun.l
Ilrern•rno.l humeri. An Onwilm n
. !No,' b.. rnru..r
ilart.t and PM ouwto, .nary hat( hour. 11. r
InUPI Ua Sa nlrn. lcm Creme, end oLhyr r..freallturn.wry.".l up
dirluans. • ,
Miss, ...I,lrooFod to tio.'proprirtnr, wee. :Honcho.,
. IjLoi , county. l'a.,roall tom's, o
3LO rea . tn 119al7Ittia and StrawlYrayping
2,0 Crown
Double Crown
126 - • aa.nor4.l
eamtior Poet Pater.
In° Medium 21:37 Printine rap , .
x 32
The anion. . with • lot of odd slam, of ravers lnr enli at
the lovreet prima. b, le. a. 11.1eVE1i,
Stationer and fern JeVl corner of Martel and S.a.ond
To Druggists and Painters_
S GREEN "8" BRAND, Thronoas
, nnno.ravz Prim: rewarded li, the (told Medal or
Ateerkan IMP.. (or preareet r a mem!oo order,
m"lty of strode rood color. The reanorarturer of the ntme
Val. Ma enaluced the ...pasta. mat brilliant arta.
-,... to mean./ tudlretnity.
. liallee, how. b. dpfterrted fria age . ot tar the sale of tbla
bolehtluw mehaoorot will ter or.
pliol 114,11dooed p or e XL IL pIiLLLILE.,
Om • 67 Wooddleart.
. • •
, ,
31 El) 1 C At,
ik - kA- 185 1 ~.
.. ~,, Pittsburgh Life Insurance CoCsaialay. i \ Net ,a fes . , ee b rated ,,
4' - , -; s'. ' 'l '4 rilli IS CONrPANF ~,,,,,, inc, , 0,1 in li\ i OM 1'01.: iN D El EM.LOCK. ‘‘ • \ r i-. :,
• .
... 1 ,,,'',",`,T 5- Z. - ,,:.!'.. l ;;;;',!.,7.g . P'",fl;',',,,'.L'''''''''' '''' t I ;,\ T.''''.- -) t,; , !TY m- 11,- - 1 . 1 1\ 1 ... '1". 1 t...L. ' L '' \ ,
ON TIIE EXTE-\B(n\ C.INAL, rt-e- . off,o, .1.„. nu:inert; Loth on the Jot i Wtr.ra sn.: 1 ''',.`„ tp i W r i „,..,. 7 „,X.,?. - 1." "...I , '" W . \ th.7 'lr. 4
CL3 RK r- "RKS ' C" ' ''''''''..- f'..W. '''''' ‘ln '. 4 . r o u , ' ,„! ' .r4 ' nt rit,..l plat hwe ret••• at...aim-Ma in.r 'than • '''''''' ''''' '''', ''''''''''''''' iq. ' dn r g .. .t t V . 4 . 1.4. .-
9 1 11 E PROPRIETORS a thia 01 , 1 and wen 1.....„.er...1 p, ~,,,,,. Au.; ant., und Fig, n•• r tl,l ; ', :ri. C. ir';:re - 7t 1 1 ' 17.1a . .7,i. fi g t t . ' ,7,...... t t ., 7 gt . • l'yeZtt7M "li . \
1. know,. pr.. apold Inform th. publle that thee ... '''Zi f • „' I 7- . d '' • ''''''''"' d t. "' . '''''''' ‘ .. "'r" t ' ' ortind u• L. •• II• th•••. .Kerr rt.., .er yl oar pl---a-N -
II in orrnamn for th. on root re....n. awl bate ',tallow. • .•-•'• ''.'' •,.} ... •I. A
o-I re,,...yr Vl...Wilt aud Paa.ngem. atudh thm • e us' I y ''''''' '.' '-''''''''''''' ' ''''''"'' '' ''' '''''"k. , .: '' '''' ''''' 'l ,,- ,Ly'r\-Jmnt• •.f the... rg, . , ~.- - g y,.,,.. t . a y, 4 1,„ • \ \
, ~, ~ . prnompl. the rnmadrw, , 1.41,', 0.:m.1 , ,Ih' .I . e. •II ••••• le i• • I "'
' -•••'' •.' --.-,• l•
r t r ATA:: ' .7[ ' alLe 'r l i mr.:: , 7 ' ; ''' ,7.:, ''' , ' ; ' f ° , • [," ` ji:„!r,, " , ,f;: mM,E. of .n.nranc , •", 11 , I -111 it-rldr. , & , Vlur r • of I ~:,,,., ~t , ' ~,' „ V ' s
d .' w '' `. I- .„- rlt rar. ,,,, b , ..
t aatL pcalynam . „.., . •
t ttt,
t„.. ,.. „ . t,
... .„ ~,„„,,,,,,"4 ,7 „,„,„ ~,T„ „„.,,,,, t 1 ,7 J. rt rm. dmturtua e• . htt
ttr\. ; 1"..„ pan- w th• ~-..---, ..nito, trf... rutrate.f. \
TL. Cwt. r ,rufit. U.- granting 'I dim re . •• a hu,p , og, fff•-t-. tYtOt nu .1,- ' „A. tr . . . mdg . \'•
'''''''''' ''''''''' ' r"."i' ll r. ll N ' '' '' ‘ ‘ '," 1 KIWI. agent, '. rr7l - 1 .. ro'..nmodda, th u n_Lit pt a 4.. -, 1 I .1 ""•, 1• • 1e.1..." . rt, 11 "‘„Ib•••). t'apr 1. urn, .- „fi-a,.er ~.....L.
t gr.* .....r Water •ii I rrenthne., a-, I , Wit.hurgh.
t ,.` • , n ,',..,,,.., • ,?" 2° , , r6 , - „ . 1i' f t. ',"',.`, r ,,,,,'"` 1 ,, W r*-- ''' ''" '''',. ~,‘" 1 .... : j •I‘im. n 1. , .. 1 "1 1 . Af a remedy id I . /2.0 ••• • I• • •• • '5, ~
t , Ntmt,,lmq, .• r , mAut .., ~ ....,, so
10NtEu. • ' g•• .6 . I ' - •• ...on , / aUrdiratl. - 7 ach ~, 1n.,. ...
d ae.. 11,.. pretty erre... 1.1... a,„....• . , ...„, ,I,er t • 7 ~,......,, I. rn ...der t.. 7 . 4.1. , ,,,.1 , • •Prtnl.
It , C....La ... t f.... 7,ra o at , pa r" th.... 1.... ttt . traur..l '
k ' P C P' Nl ' . ' . h n ' t7. 4A h .Z" r' t
''. ' t 'l-,‘;.tr.r„.'rn'sT..'„-- wrn....: flTlorkhn. 1, 17,..11. of
Ma Ileum. InriArnatt A '
Wm Poarr. Owenea...l did \
.• 1 Ilpel. 1r17.11.... - tt y,
~ ~
.„ k 7, o„. ir rp„,,, .„.. lone . err dcgdcd, •
ti II 11 , n1lhild.r. Unita.. ..1. I '
New Lake Supetior Line. •=lB5l. , ~ a,..... I\l t, P. I : .- 1.
„. .-.. L . ,s-'l - ENT z. , . , E.ALt7.0 FOL. -
I'INIE new steamer NORTIIENER., h. 1.. B. 1. , .0 •, . • ~,.• ~.. :•,- -.,, or ~,, \ 4 , 0,,,,.',',•. . ic,,' ‘,.!-. ' 7 „ - ' ,..nt a e . . ' ant: al* ti'Pers,'Hf p 3 r ,,, WW , t 1.. .. r e5 . ' \
Ilan 11 a.r , 7tu m-er-Ign nt Irtnatir
IL . gat, haape ••• rr • tiva-rn Istproarm• t for „„„„ ~,,,,,.. , , t .,,,,,,.. rt , t „,..1 . ,„.„, 8 .,,, • ...1. rEtmrm • the ,nn 1••• Aibrf • llif GP t la b Llll •2l .l l .lllid.t. \
Iblletl Via mantra, frill hare Cier. land fa. FrklEv. m• • dfl '5t„..,,,,,,',„,,,,, t ,1„,, . tt ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Irato r•lelt. . - . itado I , upte.... Inputdomr to chglara hi \
T l\
.11 •fity MOIL Mb Lor Ymmt trip-and 'tartly thdritsfl T• • eta \turn:art la t Ind 7 J. ma ...A1 felt thancrearrint
• 1.1•1101.1.
1.., nt tirr lid.. A' 1 1.. I. r air Maa rte. 117nr.
There..., MA N itArt.vs. (I v :. Jmai Ciasauty ti 11. d. , ' 1,. . 't I. flrealudln t t. 1"..4. • ' d ',....".',.Yt t . j . .„'` 1' ! ...". d , "• ,. . , ; 1,;! : t i t' ' ,..d1.:1 " ,: .T .T 7t t i t g ,0 2 . 1 , 1t Leh..
Ibl e Dle•I re v
AA. •
No, Snl.ll .- Marty far tbn .111...ent 'ala, ntp1......• lat .
..augind ',Urania's, .
the arraal al theitrennr ,` , ..rtherner. tratht , d ....,,t. u gt .„., rt f . f, n dl' \ t 1.N..C. . w l l l j . 't 'kr d.. ."‘' ....r . 11 1 0
regular week', nor. thraaglom. .1... 7...nn. Lertled. " • " ,•,,. • ' ‘.."" ' • '"'''', • • f . I L .II/ebb:lA. •
il-.7 1 ... an.l the CnoP7r •ni Imm, \f .r ‘ •h•m•m!.. , • i. , !" '• ', O. ,'• kmr! , .. , ' .., mp• • I ... T, ~,,.., 'nt. I. A.C.stew ith toll alreCt .
. Yrdeloang l'e,se--are,
raA. TV ItSill, l' r. f Ft,' q.t.. \ mf r. L ' F.1L1.1.1111 Li 'Kona
twat..., ofladefth 11 11, I: ..„1...., .reset, . \ '
ch.v.1.n.1.... Aptif :N. PIA - tf -.- •
. . - . M.. gm. 11 1 , .Pa F ,,,..e.e. , .. 'r i -
Manufacturer's Line ~ \ ....,,,,•,..., . r . „ „
. j Attn.,.
\ V. co 11. 3 e-ge \ll P 1.., I iforml erred - I err \,. mot Pona* to rt. rnd eartif.
\ r Dilworth *All I ,n eillettl•lbe. LI the bilia.l...mmar , ! •" • Th n ef.adnaint of In ph . d ... a..
gou)--..-L iB5 I •
i . , - - -.'---1'
' \I
" ' ' 1
. refllr, - 0.4h\01. thin \t• amialatite r e , • ‘,‘
r,.,; 111 PPEItS ARE ILEREBY IN} l'')IEI • ".1..:',1,9: - ..."'"""" \ i , " -:
','".'':V.1 . ,,... , ,,.,,., - ..\ jr. • hlc . .h , ffPl' , .-1 1 , 1. db . /44,
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..\ _ .. „ ~..„,...„..,,,,,,..,,it bh ,N , 1,p,t,,,i,N 0 1 . 12 , ,,rith • . .
,• now tn .111 .17rennu. rth (althea tr.
11 oarr \ a 1a.., State Mutual Fire \iksurance Conapluay.; Thr i rTkOL "11. le pAretl pro m F . .. 1 UP ‘ t t hlanra' • •
r ,.,`,?? t ,"' r 7.', •A nt ,: w .„.. -h "' .".' . dd ..' i ' ..r r... 'vr 13I(A. C I OPF1e1;--N, CO SNITti , I CM/ fiTarLbr ' 1 •••• •' '‘ '' ' ' t a i . ";• P' ‘ ' el ' l ' llO ' ln i te d• be Pr•lll'All'eek ".),T,r4,,,,1.etr, • - .' '''
w,..ial nano... hare al, been mad,. rli , ,i ,,t '1 1 .: ' , t- "
\ 14. '. ...r ‘ t ' ld!‘.„1"h " i ‘ n r i.,.- .' .' sn 't bor '" . ' lt ' w.% ' ...t. ' '' gl ** o,,g,• *" ,
t • ''''' ; ' ' ' '' ''4 ' ;' '' ; ' , . MlO I .' l ' o ' itdr of ' rtalta ' 'I. tin a e lf. rr
' ' r
a . ~ Yrrhotpa lilninarllly .I..hoanan 11011 are r •
frdt7r 'la . t• tier... , I :fe.i.tirgh Il'unttriag.. 11, i t Frill 1". In "L taiitit•Pc. ..r ti... ribecesa of ' s tilii 1 ',.‘,.',',. by aa . t ' ar, a,h,, ' t?, , ,t r y,',,,1 ' „ . „;,'?,'',', t,. y ...,1 e . t." 5: ' " ,
„ 1_ ,,,
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mil.,. ' l . \ 'V
OR • . g„ :et , m n blend ring • 'fi t a.... tin' Yr1rr.vr,..271 . ...,,a, suregie e , ~, ee r. I.r.dlsWei tele eirerre.,or
‘•.....,..e.:1irk.. ' , rat. Ilrnotairu.C.A.nut., , Laintal;:. , \,,\ 1.,,' u_ 'E tAI . 4 ••• ..',' IA I mmt the aunty t.I t ....If end r d'AI . Y I ' , eb• • "IR. rel . ' I , up beft l :tho t p.. •
\ s.
... ,
, , r 1,,, M• .^ 1. 0 ... the Pe.nrr"rniltu , nonl and Arl, 1 , ~,,.,,,,,. ~, ~ ~,,..„.„„„,,, pa, any. ~, boyar., S prietur than...4d putti g up,. ` U.., Its MM.*,
..d.. Italln.l. lINVIUK r”tern W. , . ok Irun endured 1, ge , l, , A., ~,,,„ p,„ ' ... , 4 . ~, ~,,,,,,,, :,.A 0 1.,,.....j a g4 Pan \ lwrl, min' .1.1.,e-d, fm „at ,ra amid warp.,
1.7 Juniata. promptl., rnd regular., in attpram. 7 lhto'o\ .t • ur. th rt., add..., over et,,,m In, ata tuuda ; ang ea Ile lee It. e drrrettlf. marked, ram" lt, perj
t lir Juniata.
pointo, 3.1. tem 1n.., ms.m. tuly 1. , mmirt \i `!II \ ~, min,. pr.,part} ,yet, ea tr nt the Ima , h4. h.: , aura ~b ratuaa af re nee.- rele.nur rea
~...., J 111Telltil ; 1 70.117. l'n'prietor \ k.„,,1,), \ ,,,, „. , ,h, ~....,„. ~h,, a ...,-, prod, an, t ar . ! s t ,t niterYl t l tt applien Ira In if cu. ra dlfia.e. ',, V
, rehnua...labertr mr,m, \ ~ ' ,N.,,, • ~,,,.. ~.„ , , ur anli tc bb,. att.., purial..% eattfin \
hl a , ... d''. \". dfili."•' Cin. 1 ) \V. , \ln .t. of
t lAlt r 7 Isrund ..... ... t i tti • \ '1..... , ' , • at.' a ...Ont.. Um the rtimlgtinc rtfn -. vay. t
g Air 'NG EmsposED ,)f , IA
k, t, ',IT IN
. t., , rtr , , ra... • 1\...0. eau.. , ", - \ . 'i l i t it l / 4 .• I frr of t tt i .rt, rr r tso l vti.V. i and mi. to
„tt. a im i l•
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. L N sel . ,,l{lT b.,•4124,..,.•Je {M1..4,001dt FIIV, dl utt int.. ItTMlal` ' , t•r i.
. "..7,.. It. NPLLIAA},th. tananme al l'inirl.tai ralNtern , . Is. 1 ,b, IN]. ler,,, •ay ~,,,,0....y.., 0 1.7,e, t ~ , ~ , , y),,, , , la.aaba , vh. unr,valiti. Ad neg.. me m. 7 If \._..1.
ear I.• troray-Pa under the aryl. of •iil ca "Inglaect 1 , A. ithN.. . . • . , 7 7•Cup.ll l l ; .11 , errat t a-mull „ d.wra t rmor
t tn , .; lianovat ttraj son. m ,
i.. , i' • W 4 N“'N'A ll- '' r .... N r ‘i . "" r\,. • t r - ''''''...:!2 ''\ 'N 1 .t i •P- 4 1 \ ;=.4:lc; " .II .!, 1 2, ',,lT'' " ) .:;"o"Xf'',.'?,'' ' illt.
• \
' Transportat' n \ f..ini \ ' ' C l,. ....'" . "" . " . '''''''''''''' " ''' \; , ...4.r \ T 1 , -."! . d , ficksiNt'l ,,, :*-FA/ c 1 '11 1.., ' &Ur. "h o( the \' \ `
/ft ' i I '.. 4.-11.1 . ''' '''• ~ :m • ••!! 1 , , ,1 ... , ' -' , 4 \r! '\ • 1m...5,m. •71traldr\. t'aisep Dl' wunatte Pam, clout, ad
... ,
g r iirP. I l e i.. IP ' , • ' . • • • \b,/ • • •;I ' l• NA\ n r. •• • . -1,1 ”.."Ar0m, ...s. `. 1 . 1 ‘• tr11 , ..4 01.3,krad. \ \
LEI 1. Er,: \ t'kt le.l. u 't A . a , r d 7rper. ...Lel 5..-Alll • . `, '. I ''''..-, ''' \''.''fr• r . ' , lnd , if l / 4 . ''F! ,I drISA ,
th ,, a ,, Y. :1,--a, i'r 1.... ' , kAh. \ „9„1"1.,'i tt. ..1 - 4 I=4 , b(1•01.•••-•,..., b.' 1I WU,. 1,, Irbeirle•*•l.
• PITTSBU Mill / THE ' , ASTERN TI s. i \„,. ...4.6., ~...i,;nt \i"U't a t.ry 01 I„....itta y, ' 'Vb. rad. I. ~1 1.:.\, \ . a.,. a.m. -at V:411..4 tALTP 4 ,,!\ •
, N ' .'\ •• ' i r / ' • , 'IN Yin ra %dz... 1 dip...fog nue ant' n tr• ‘ \ ,
THE OANAt, hein g ~,,ir oven, we : er r i ~.,.';,...;::,r,',.,:;,, .', ~,. , q , ~,,, , r , , , ••• ,- , v , 0. , ,-. . i • , • i . , • • , sc, z.A, \
.., ~,, ~ ~, ~i 1 ,, ‘ „,.., ..,, ,an y '.7 tram, mum DJ,. rtruetum opi-tung PI• • „ .
Jr n , r•m•rm. rtni r'r'enrl r.m.mum!,. I'm:T. • ,1 1\ , c , ..n, ~....,, •r”. t., • Le. I mart Ai Ton, al r..; , ..tty ; fqn Lionb, .14,, , 1 cruse d/rt , and braken tl•tul •‘ •
•• n Auld., rya lorl aert \ " P.m ..-1 di. th • Inn J. , . „,..1 , 41 , 11..nrae.1 1. to ' and ming inrn a end /ntal en rgy to id rk.......wa. I.; ‘ ,
rel.,. elan,. w/ yam. ruler rhat4rl br me, 11101. ..o, ...,,, .„. y.' .‘„ f,,, i.".. \ t ..,- ...I 1... an 7in, of 111 Ihr pn. pan? P t ' n
nt gerl a ma.. r1f11.14. "\ \
Indo ,
\ ' 1 ' "Pi- ' ..I l' . " !!!i ' m ' E. ',, i ' t; ' ,MlE 4 " + \',
PLE4.thuei.m.. hat ~,,, ya..y eal ya t Imara • ay a4l yrui•ble Mr rm. A . . „ ,
rrnduer and flerrhand.' 1011 Y. reread.) and far, enl IV. ~,,,,A,„ ~,,„,, ta.t,f5....„.,, 7 1%,,,, Xrerdiftant t dic .VIIIII.IX, I ter gr. ort nom. ,la. ...war 'are • • • • ''
•'' ...I dr '''. ...w. , ''!",!'' ""P•' • !!! , • 1 m 1.. ., on Ell Et, \E ,, . k..• 0 N mutt T,. A t \ t . T , , ky• row, ; umvort\W > ~,,reiorte arri r e
:IbllC fr....l.L.r.mmaa.m. or ...nen:. \ ,L. . • Sb, 1,, /: 1.1.1.• • Ili\ll tho a nature ,Oa t \ \ t•
11 , 11 7 .p spine td.'nnl•rl. .net ' Ol di r ''''''r 'ff.. ' .1 " 1•t1..4,7,1,...„:". ' -' i '' \'', .'', ' .l ). .cA.r h ' pr,..i;ir " '.., i Rid V.: proprtatel , - \ A
AMl '..' .ll ' 7ll '' s ("11 . , . • '' ,,7 '''''' ‘ ' n • '.'" ,•. " l ' l• "' e .' Z ' '4
'' ,•.•e " Ap i ",10‘.1' \ 701 ILIEItt Claual,lan W.., eviit•l
Vetrlber 1.m..m Bud wavn.• .q... rittoborgh I \s ' l ', "te!, " • ‘, lll, ti5i,...1...1..,..."'„ 'llSit‘rtt''.erf...ll' C.
ht ' \\ , - ~ogroma )11015 {71.4 •, a t \ t lux`l4 IS 3 rlrrket .s..
, \ a d '''
It - iskl.strvaLl l . l'reaudnot t
„, , \ ritrr W. 7 t and Virg .. All, • whr \•
• L.,\ • '
beton.' /Aura.... Fa. ad i'ltilaaattkin ;., A r.\ \ Ina . larly a aintai Agante. I , ,' '
II I.• l• 11.MlN,Ag.nt. i fp A s i aPpturi,tetu \ \ \ 0
No If; 1, ra. 11,.....1 drret, flaltutoN4 \
\nul, ~rC tI.ATIT. •
d ' , MI , 1ii ,1 11 , 4 'A' 10W... a \ .4 .. -,...,,, f . 's:. n" nr tt• '•1. , , , 'dud 'l l , i '` 1 1,! . ...`
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tinsel,„,.../,..,,,,,, \ ,),
- Fr .. File, Lo,suronr,,,Ce„, \of Ph-11nd a. LI: \fl.t.lf e. ,I „at... Ur :ay. a tvalum.a.mbah.., \\ , \
Mershan '' Transportation Line, ''' \•r- ' - I ' I 's 1 \ ' '''
" ' ''''''''''
'''''\'" '''
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~ 1 •4 ,,, i4) ,,, - „ 11 , 1 0,,. !...1i k ur..•\ ‘ , ..i ,,,.. : t 'XI L I. ,„ : :. \,:' ,1 , ,, r ., • i fn h i ,r l , .. se t ;
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i t h, 4 l. 7 n ut tt., or i N it r
,t l tt.t,tu t ... , I.Ly x, Lir ..\ lai7s ..„ „\ \ , \
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, , ral it rI. tt. Merr,- 'tat . ro . any of ...IN ennotteral \
g, rt\ltr. 5111.1.1 \t, I 11.11,1 N Rd:, ER \ P1.14:1\ f\ ~,,, ~.r . ' \
.' A fir L.NI I.TI A Ci . k. t anal halo, lap Prnn am. 1 ... a pt, f.. -,.. mon 4 ‘ t II \ l. It ndet,Nt. mt. rm., ht .Ip mato a , :nul. 111.1 Petro '1
i ' 4lT l' '° ' . R "' f " . " .. V.1 nl '''''',Dr. I rfrrt , °I. ' o t !l(V. ' l7. n' f, • '.' . ' l ' ,Trr ' itt ‘k . ' VI V 1. 7.‘ ''.4 1 S , r;ini I:l ' im '‘ . ' i ' nf ‘ tA '‘ • t r .T . l tl P l,llit ' irrit . t.;a t e4r.= \
'..11': ‘ . '' . ..d ''' I ''''' 4 l • 1...".....n0f rArn ‘t . 1 \-- ' . ". 11.: . .1i.:.: ' .1 " n ‘ i' ' ,:.;M\ t . I '‘ r t g . . 24 .-.. ' t. .n.\ Tay:, k. t. ' ,.,!,:; ' , ~'. v ,r.•,,,":. , ,,.r,d,g,,^."1 T .'''',; : !•;:t,11;1-',%;. - \\ .
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1 tan untieultntaaJuo..,) e
sit mu la thf ort.. • •
To Shippers of 11,1 ar . ial.-rha,t, oduco, '.. ',',,',,,," '...'.- i.. \o , - yll. War: ',la tr• ai 1, ,,, V a. , rf. 1.1....... . rt.. ei qtr.l AI I .rd I'lagsa \
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Petal Mot : tale saisutatel te., .ria.,lage
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Pittsburgh Transportation ihe. \ ~,. - v.< '. ' , \ l /4 t,, \ . 5,.,:tc.,: ri..4,....: , trkteivelii r con ,a gn,: eano, '" . " •
011- .if . \ •.1 I, .I 1:.1". 1... W. i • III‘IblIVII .
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. 3. , 4,11 .4 ',rack hra - pabb!. ly, , alll.llnde ohninath di>
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anze. , \
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ay in t abil•hhoularm „,
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