The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 20, 1851, Image 3

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•- . , ' Kt.",
• . ~----
The deedless commenced in the morning by
eltiosting.the 121 et psalm,. to monotone, or the
plain:chant. ' . • .
.This robjectdof 'church music, musical taste,
notation,:words, articulation, &c., ke... occupied
three hours of close attention, and deeply in
teieeted the close. Many questions were asked,
and engiestions made, calling out new views, or .t°
illbsdrations from the-teacher. We could not, l a ''' a `
even if wo had the time, do anything like just
ice to the remarks which . were made, and the Th
instmctuiris that were given,, yet, we are un- I Re
willing not to try to present Some of the views , i 3
"hick wore presented, evert at the risk of 1311. '
irPrr..Serirati(lll, or at least a very imperfect pre- p „
natation of the several points. th
lie temeirlis on enunciation and articulation ' -
. •
of words, and on the analysis of vocal and con- ti e
eettatit noirals„ were instructive, and proved to
ne, that we have not all been well instructed in ,
echoed ;•or at least, one of the class thin morn- a
Jag was made sensible that ho had imbibed quite ti
wrong notions even with respect to soms of the I °
primary•sounde of the Egglish language. . h .
The telatire importandu of music and words
wee happily illustrated,. or rather, perhaps, we I
&Mild say that the true d object, both of words
and of tone, ,was pointed out, so as to present h
-• to monis •of the class, at least, some new ideas.
:The great thought, so strongly urged by Mr. 1 .,
`?..ilaeon„ . rind to satisfactorily proved by him, was c
•. "this, that the - ringing (in itself considered) is not t
to communicate thought, bat to excite.emotion. t.
It must not be supposed that tie did not urge, •.,
In the itrongeetmanuer, elk° greatest attention to
. yoras,. which he did constituted the `!formula t
of tholght,".for no one could have been More ...'
• decided. on that point; and the examples gived
wereideo perfect illustrations of Ids views on ,
this Point. lid while this was to strongly and
so constantly urged, the tune • or =talent comp°.
eitidn, "the formula of emotion" was urged with
equal decision.
• Reinarks were made by Mr. Allison, on musi
cal taste; which seemed to uirto he founded in
truth, though his-view RIM quite different from
• one which is very common. Mr. M. contends
for $ itandard • in taste in music, at least, as
in poetry; and if Milton andShakspeare are to
be regarded as. standards in the one, so are
tfandel, Mozart, and Beethoven in the other.—
Hie remarks on this subject were no partien
• . laity • illustrated as to be entirely satisfac
tory. .
Questions baring been asl:ed on the merits ol•
new systems of natation, Mr. M. gavoitioth opin
ion and prdof • that new systems, so called, are
not only no easier, but that they are incomplete,
-insufficient for all. the purposes of a musical no
tation, and that they were not in any case, as
' ' yet, the work of a musician, tut ,of some one
who• took only .a partial view of the subject.
We wish we'could report his remarks, especial
ly since efforts are making to introduce newsys
tems in the • State. We believe up candid man
could have heard Mr. AL without being Conlin
' eed of the folly of all these attempts. Mr. Ma-
ison,la the course of his concluding remarks on
this subject, said what we believe to be true, viz:
that if ally one of the gentleman, who have in
vented new systems of ambition, would go to a
• gold teachm-or to a good school, as in Leipzig
'• -• oi.l-rlerliii,iind study music three years, they .
-....,itividd he ashamed-of their silly attempts to int.
• "T.ptove that, of . the . net of which, they hare eo
''. imperfect a knowledge.
Asingiug exercise of church music, closed the
morning session.
• ( .In the afternoon, the last Session, day class
• met in St- Andrew's church, and 'spent tae time
' in chanting and in routmody—Mr. Babcock at
At 5 o'clock the convention closed sine die. af
tordurringsong the Old Hundred Psalm tune, by
the frillchoir in ohison.
• We have looked upon these preceedings with
interest, and we believe good impressions have
been made, and really Lope that efforts may
follow for'the improvement of psalmody, and of
iu general, that *dial' have good effects
not only in our. city but on the region round
- Campbell was on Saturday arroated by the
polies' of Allegheny city, charged with being
concerned in some of the burglaries recently
committed in that city.
Laicent.—MayorGuthrio yesterday, commit
ted Geoige Foster to prison,. charged with ler
teDij alleged to have been committed in stealing
' - ii rue of hoots. .4.
holt laid George Shaffer were on Saturday com
witted" to prison by Alderman flays, on charge
of. assault and battery.
Iticsrvnia STOLEN Goons.—Elizabeth Jack
'won Eta Sarah Marbury were on Satardiy com
mitted to prison. by his honor, Moyor Fleming,
Obarged with being receivers' of stolen goods.
The:husband of Elizabeth Jackson is now in the
E ‘ imitentiary, airing been convicted of larceny,
and sent the m at the last term' of the Count of
Quarter Semi us, for three years.
(FATAL ACCIDSRT.—A little girl was killed on
the Pottage Wined, aP The Fourteen Mile
Level, on Wednesday last, by being run over by
the train of ears. , We did not learn the name.
Lasceirr.--Itlayor Guthrie on Satniulay corn
usLtted James Marie to prison, charged, on oath
of Joseph Spencer, with larceny.
Pitue.—Tlie• alarm yesterday morning was
•••• <mused bye , onse in the Diamond, nearthe Trtb-
Ha house, kept by Mr. Seetco, taking fire. The
. flames were extinguished 'before mach damage
, • hsdbeen done. • ••
DISORDZRIS COTDUCT.—Jrio. Lowrie Was con,
matted to prison on Saturday by Aldorman Lewis,
as a charge of disorderly conduct, in default of
paying a fiuo of twenty Ace dollars. •
Tikes Becs.—The Sheriff of Cambria
yesterday, took Robert Eckert, who escaped
!roma the jail of Ebensburg, a short time ago,
and was re-arrested here, back.
BllROLUlT.—Alderrnan Lake, of East Liberty,
nostunitteJ John Ilnallister to prinoujsit week,
an a charge of berglary. He le, also, accused
of an assault with intent to kill.
.. ,
. . ...
rfirD2 , MCLaNs'a Livr.u. PlLLS.—Whett the
. . , imPrteelr of thin Wyatt:able retetly purchamd It of the
'... - inventor, tbrra inv noraedleine whletidetterved the near.
teethe thronf Liver. and Pillions ,omplalete. notitntli ,
item:ling the great prevalence of three. Meese. In the
' * thilted Metes. In the finistb and If M tt. parlithlerli,
- :entered,. patient to }motif:oily onattc to obtain the see
. Kent of it regular pliyidelth. mtne remedy tea redelred.
;'...,- steeds isle and effeetntl. and 'wheel% o t ,detion - conIM In
no wive, piece pretwiltial to Ilia machinate:t. Thly med.
- lane k. cut:plied by lir. tlrLanc'e Liver Pill.. us hae Leon
..lismod le every instaithe In which It had atrial. Al-
limy. beneielal. not Meolitary ioAtanew Ithe ever urourr.l
In which lniefithtehaiebecitlnjurione. The torentioo of
*a adaratrd sod dlidieitieb , l phy stet.; It bee totting
...., ../... , rhh.ha Pith the quack neetrumo leg:coed upon- the
..- • -. while by chellow pretrodera to the medical arc karwr
..._ 'lmre liar sot peeved torco.2 *doubt. 05, Dv. Ikl ooo4
- ...- • Will the but remedy net promtoed for the deer; ',int
I , per tiers trill pletee bee r .. of rounterMith ad inv. -
„ : j. ; 4 .bly 1: for lir. MeLite'e thltbralcil Liver 1•111 1 . an .l
-.. . 'tete a rie oleo, th th ere are other pin , lauTorlieg WI.
- , hirer pi lino! b.-toroth” pobha
.. . Tor sale bi . • . J. 1111)11 t 00..
'.. . oel7:46Adelutt' • Nn.viii Worel rt.
-- --.-- ....
Petroleum 1
or rarsoLopi.—We Invite the attoutken
of thetniicteit sod the putlis. immeilly, to the rennin..
ref.. Wm. /101, of this oil) , The ran may be ice', Ll any
leereon i•lio may be skeptical In relation in the fate here
; --- egit forth. 8. 31. KIER.
.11 twig been 011Ictoil nerrmayeam with a iminensof both
-clot, which conprovel to there*. .1111020,
the *Kaufman. it that trma bating innelrol the whole
{into(; membrane of both egos, and coded its the drioo.ite
of • thiek Won, whlrli wholly iloolroied nay eight. 1 hod ohs tL Vken i moot ...Lin
mon orternoi eat left ottio ai Irs.i a condition m tot en.
At tine Stagy 61 the co.pinickt I male aPP:linak , k
»I of the nowt einitiont ...Roil Moo, who Intoreoroi
.AO •MY eaMtnntill never 1.1 wet): At thiation 1 font
Ootnietnioneli any °Went By the eavim of mine friend - I
L i:immerge...l the me of the rettol.ol, both int...nail,
..d aocally, unanz tough lily erre boor improved daily um
tit the time, and I hate morel-ea my eight entire.
• igeneral health Iras nor ouch improved ty the
and 1 intationn the rettoration of soy eight to
it. b ... In vale at tin 10480 e 1 street. in this cite — and
tau be tro wire eny information to 0110[100 to fry
case.. o IVILL1•31
u.„O - 00 mer A Ilebowell, 140 Weati streak. IL. K.
. pus axle
W o w Iveti 21.• A. Vatinnetock. Co. corner
Eellwra. 8T D. 31. Curry. D. A. El Uott. Josoyb
' , m e...A11. pAt c 1 1.arta. illoALia);:alon by the fro,
• 0.11. 611111.
114 egos! .timitunerentA ,r - Pi tiaburch.
Or From the UniN•ersal - onecolo of G. G .
• - i'arnars..Liablan Liniroinst 1n endow hooka, rheum.
,th th y, gamed joint., whito .codlings, contr..] mods,
piany, La, we noon m illotim lot it will rapidly lay alt
..Cethergemollse on the emir.. them le ha earthly d o ubt
tits it nno; grotot retoll.4ho.ikkild 0000 kpSOC.• IL is
-llSlllallyeSksettle tot Loth min .0.1 braelj colt about
inwpaigihis.kagt to 01117 !nolo to town ondoootri.
4 r• ,••• tutortionpArqi,''' ii;S
- • •
NOW Yank', t tedober 18
The steamer Illinois, from Chagren end King
ston, arrived this. morning. Site bring, 374
passengers.. and . sl,Bs7,arts, of whirlys3oo,tss ,
are in the hands of passenger*.
Dates from California err to the 15th of Sept.
The re:int! the !Mr election wn.,not to
arertainty, hot the Morning Pont, vrhig paper,
in in to think that ite party in beoten
The S . ', Frunen,o eypel , 4 ore .liaelt..iTtg the
queNtimi of the 1 milance Committee. The Volt
pahlieliee eu urteile ithifii ',Ahem severely [bet
Nlayeville bus been edited hp anntbor destenc
tire fire. , Twenty five htinllings in the vicinity
of tiret street were destroyed
The wine, upon the — tire ere nvoreging from I ,
two to theee 01111Ce0 per day The quart,. on
two to there 01111Ce0 per day The quarto un
ners of rberri-kerada 3bintninx, are evert dayl
giving fresh erblenco4 of the inexhaustible wealthi
of that region_
Dr. Renoncraft returned to S&P Francisco.
from the mountains or the frontier. hnving t l
concluded favorable treaties wiiheight tribes ol
The rainy season commenced n month nod
half earlier than usual.
The votes for Governor, as far as heard from,
give Reading 13,341. nod Bigler 13,100. Fos i
the Legislature, as fat..., returns have here tP•
ceived two Whigs and ten Democrats nre elected
1 to the Senate, and 13 Whigs nod 26 LiemocrnM
to the Assembly.
The miners on Feather river are very suet ,
The Grand Jury at San Franc ices have asked
to he discharged, in consequence of the exercise
of the pardoning power, by the Executive being.
A duel between Cept. Femora and A F. Russell,
took place at San Francisco, on the 11th of Sept.
No damage was done.
The Illinois brings Kingston dates to the 10th.
She made the run from Chagress to New Yok in
7 dope and l t houry which le the quigkest trip
on recent. She brings the California moils. i
The Panama rtntirond was' opened to Gaturu
on the 10th ult. The whole forces are noir
pushing the road rapidly from tiaturn to °or
Among the passengrs on the Illinois are
seven persons, aMemade, at the mines, 14100,,•
Intelligence from all the mining, districts ale
very encouraging.
Intelligence from theSsmiwich Islands. states
that Mr. Howard hod obtain.' a contract from
the Ilawaian Government, for the exclusive
right to establish steam communication be
tween several ports in the Ilawaian King
Polanosian , a new treaty between
The Polanesianpubiishes anew treaty between
Great Britain - and the Government of the [shall
It is similar to the. U. States treaty.
Afflicting irktelligenc.. has been received frkitu _
the North Pacific fleet. The schooner Carlin, 1
from Honolulu, was boarded by the officers lof m
the ship John Wells, of New Bedford, who re- -
ported the following vessels an totally lost among
the ice in the Arctic Ocean, on their way to
Behrlog's Strube—Ajax, of Havre: Annelle and i.
Henry Thompson, of New London: Arabella, rs
and America s of New Bedford, Casmopolite,.of f . :.
France; and the Mary Mitchell, of San Frauths-
00. The crews are reported to have reached the
shore in safety: hot it is thought that eleven of
the whalemen afterwards loot their lives in a
fracas with the natives . It is supposed that 50
, vesseLs have been lost. The John Welts showed
evideuce of his share of the distress; beiug 1
qearly a wreck.
The result of the whale fishery this season is
' a failure, of the whole fleet of Bitty vessek pro
ceeding to the Northwest cos.t.
The specie"train steamship company were
-rabed no the-Isthmus, seven miles from Pena
- ma. The news flew like lightning through Pa.
name, and the merchants, officers and soldiers,
started in hot pursuit. The marauders were
overtaken, and in the confusion,' three of the
-guard were shot. The robbers made ofT with
one box of gold. not were quickly overtaken, and
captured. Thomas Simms and Charles Crom
well, both from New York, had rope., put round
their necks, and after half dead, they confessed.
Their confederates, De Berry, of New 'Orleans,
akad Lublin Manning, of Illinois, were oko cap
teed.' Fireothers MAO their escape, lot will
be caught.
A company has been organized to build a rail
road from• San Jose to San Francisco.
The project for dividing the State continues
to attract much attention. A convention for
that object was to assemble on the third Monday
in October.
The late. rains have greatly improved the (a-'
cilities of the placers for the operation of tui•
: [kern. . . .
Incendiaries fired Sparkish town on the kith,
and destroyed $250,0110 worth of property.
A disease resembliug cholera was prevailing
at San Francisco, particularly among the Chi•
_ :Aso population. and the poorer classes.
g ' SAN FBANCIEICO, Sept. 15.
Pretty extensive hales have been made since
- the nailing of the last steamer, without affecting
prices. Seller' were anxious to realize.
r,,,,„],,,miy,_Nices have risen slightly; and
. the market has an upWard tendency, owing to
the limited stocks—being equal only to It bout
ninety days' consumption. Floor Was seilihg at
- $12€412,50 per bbl forGaligo and Howells, and
$l5 for Sweet Western. Corn was selling at
g, $3er,3,50 per tau.
. Boots and Shoes are not wanted for twelve
.e months to come. • ,
y, Hardware was generally dull.
of Liquors—The stock has increased.
Provisions—Hams base improved materially,
'with sales at 2'2..®25c per lb. Stocks of Pork
.' are immense, and the market dull; Mess was
, , galling at $l4 per bbl.
New YORK . , Oct)ifi.
Theateavuer Franklin, for flasve, sailed 20-day
with twenty-five pavuengers, and $707,5-11.
The Washington also limited for Southampton
and Brejnen with about fifty proviengers, and
the new propeller Pioneer for Liverpooli with
153 passengers.
110 ti IS.
Two-thirds of the State have been heard from,
which give Co-operatives a majority of 7,`....h.
11.hett and Duncan are the only Seceenioninte
elected, and that by a very close vote.
WstEclAN°, Oct. l 18
Dewy dz. Co.'s steam wire works expleded at
2 o'clock, this afternoon, totally destroy ng the
building. The boilder wan thrown RIO yards,l
across Water street, knocking the cor ners off
two houses. It also penetrated about five feet
into a dwelling house, demolishing oneiside of
it. Two men were slightly scalded, Dewey S:
Co.'s loss is shoot $6040. . !
It rained about six hours to-day, not safficient
hotrever,,to affect the raver. Busidess +
tented, and money in scarce. Daring the past
three days, 240 hhds bacon have hare been
shipped east by rail railroad.
We give the following further official iaturns
Union County—lfigler 1,919; John ton '2,-
hls. fi
nonster—Sigier 6,22 G; Johnston
Lancaster—Bigler 1;,22G , Johnston
' Bedford—Bigler 2,212: Johnston 2,21 t.
Cumberland—Bigler 3,141 Johos. 2,058.
Lebanon—Bigler 1049 ; Johnston 2,924.
Lycoming—Bigler 2,875; Johnston :027.
Luzerne—Bigler 4,800 Johngtou 3,4,71.
Chester—Bigler 5,359 ;' Johnston 8 , 3 8 0 I
Westmoreland—Bigler 6.140, Johnstiou 3116 :
Campbell 4,844, Coulter 3,315.
Philadelphia City .d county-i-8ig1er,22, 1 8/1
Johnston 24,780; Clover 21,337; HtzAhm 23,-
253: Bleck 21,234: Campbell' 17,832: Lewis
214165; Gibson 21,459; Lowrie 21,201; Coul
ter 27,570; Comly 25,078;. Chambere 28,118:
Jessup 2,5,888; and Meredith 28,270.
Two Districts are yet to hoar from—bne Dem
ocratic and one Free Soil probably. The House
will stand 21 Whigs, CO Democrats ahil 2 Free
Seiler, Eleven DMilois aro to bear tram. The
official return,, fur Governor ore in froin thirteen
couutim If Wool's majority is incroa,ml in
those counties, it will probably be 20,49 4 1 in the
, New Sous, Oct. tO
• Cotton—The market is steady, with, sales filKi
bales et yesterday prices
Flour—Sales B,fioo bbis at 53,76(43, 03 for
common State no d - western. and $464,25 for
good•Oltio and fancy. Michigan.
Grain—Selee IWO bushels Geneitre white
wheat at 91(71)92i yl bu. Sales - 28,000 bushels
western mixed corn at 56/ "t? bu. S.ales 'lOOO
be rye at 70 c be.
Provisions—Sales ; 400 bide pork at 105,26 for
mess, and $13,75 for prime. Dotter and lard
are etead.
Whiskey--Sales of 2.00 bhls at 210 3?
Linseed 011—le rather beery et 70caile
gallon. •
Wool--The market is gulch and quotations
New UrLess., Oct. 18.
Cotton—Prices are easier n: with sales of
4000 bales. The receipt.s of the wetk are
32,000 bales, export. 17,000. Present stocks
amount to 75,000 hales against 0,000 loot :rear.
, The increase of receipm of southern ports arc
'52,000 bales.
-. • .. .
Groceries—Coffee has advanced in tree•
•ittence of 3 despatch front New York and do it
now quoted at •
The bark Rebecca urriied from Itio with WOO
haze coffee.
Flour—Sales of (thin and it. Louis brands at
n 0 6 .13
Provi,dons--IGesq pork $ll bbl. 113 con
Ile. Prime lard 101 e.
-" -
FREE LECTIIRE" • • • •• • •
On and after Monday, AUALIAt 25th, the rt.. P10r...1.11M1A. r.
i )N ,,, 11 i t , .. 0 , 5 ii, 5e i .2...;•.51• Me . ntal . Electricity, .at ev.- . ...t. • oh m+ lo 111 1...' ir I 0" •11 I•k dr
, • ••„ ....ry momyl nu at . : ',',7.,.,„., „„.',.l"..,u,`t„„'"r, `;',,,P,, IFr 1.1.031.A.5. 'W II IT E, BUN N El' NIA NU- ''„
,7,„„,,., ( „,,,„ 7 ,Z,, h 1 irt i : VC.:L T ,..;,!:7A,',.'f,„4.5, p , r0....4, -Om, .klus: lb; Cnr. rd .1.. roar Er'un - .lrunl; , 17ACT1111.111t, Na 11 :tooth ron...tril Utna.t. (Morro ..„.
for •rn WOW. ar 4.111, hour Admittance elm tb.. 114., I.l , lro.l . ).l.lrl,l,...trismAltstely :boar arrival) tlt. , C ...nut. era. 1051,1 T uler
roela-nullorroi lo ..1..... to. IT rents. 11.• *III "INN r" ' l ' I ' ll .i l 7 l lthit`-
i am u.d.rl ' ../.114 4 ..44.1141, Z.V .
nu A.rlum . th.... 50 11..1. on M.,,,,.. tv,. nth t o ,. . u thi. tt!-Titurc through. Forty 110ur...i t t r000, ,,. x . „ n ‘ , 0 ,,, A ,,,, , ,,.
- ....en IlaitAl.lir. Ell
..°'. "...'" "‘ I "• ••••""" 1 """ . 6 ' , ''r ". 11 " k y. 0 111 . 111. 1 .,00NIIIIn n l'I'"I'%rlIfunf'rrt"n r ; llr'' ut vol. , less la)AG A LEV, WOOItIV ARD & Cu., Whole- v .
,•...; ; . 7 , , ,,• , ;; 1: , -, , , , ,7, 1 - i 2 ; , , ,, ... ; , .. ; .. ; ,-; ;;;; .g, 5 ,,, . ; . ;; T.,11„., ,,,, .,4. 1 .”;„, ....„, ra ,,,, nal .„. „ra i r „ .1 , .i
, rornblurg , tlt...m'nn"...Nral al g`i . ,, b.' i..,,,5.... ,: D I ••1.:11.,..n) Nu. •47:11 Flark.,.l'hilecl.ll.l 1.1 4 1
run. or n1i.A.7.1 by :111..,0rnt. y n nth d e n tlr • pplit.l. E A "11•.. om et our.. itn
T.rna.-Norult. - Ino Wt.), 10mr trod.. Inn. .
..11 1. 4 , Tot. tho ko i rlt '''' an E t N l C C. F Tl...r r l 4 aTol 'llan"inTratilt.°AßlEllnrrinburat. sh
. J 4 ,1.1.7..
Conorltatmer front II to , . I.
If Catharine Keough _. 11.alance..1dhry liar nitl..- TIM, rout{ hour. . I i1. : 41 . 1.17,:::U m CK . 44if:1R ,,,, ti ,„
5 t , 1 „. 0 u . , , ,, T , ttt ,r. t. ,,. .,1 F
Fen to Eltrlndeluld. Flo. Fare lo Italtlroon, 1.9,74. • 1
%,„„, N „ ( . t , ; ,.. r0 ,,.. b ..:,.1 1 , j . h ., i ' v ,,;.,,,b1, ' ',, vg i L
11,11.1. van at N11..1417 Penn street, she will . 1e ,.,,
~.t aa, g .r a le. ,r , , se . ,an Ilurrt.huru 1d1.11 , A, ,,. i 'V .
V V 1.... r ...,..thinc t.., 1,. mtrantan • . l i 4 l l ' .11.;mtoon ' Tun ' ' or'n'ts ' r.Ct . . " n n t'ir . l77k7•l7:ll,..."', t'on:"tsTat• I • '
H. D. King, ' h.lo unit "„t ot NEW YORK.
.1. 1.. HOLMES, A geot, i ,
II 'A N K I.:it AN I. EXCHANGE BROKEIt, o r „f D. LEECH A. CO., • ; . . -
i V l'tar..,llN .t th. 11k,11...t nn,' rate. To Dealers ir6. Liquors. nteo of
• W....a Bank A ur. Nun.. root ...1•1 • "a"" I D s . ' """ . 4 """ I if .1. ccorrE, French Rectifier. 360 Eir.,hth
Earl..., ..t, the re.t and Wm: lame. and 104.1'... i ., Mc.llenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line •i l • .r....,. NEW 10111 f .L. hls Distill,: lo full one, E.
otort, bon d hl tont ....1 • on Idounnorron 1 140/1 far the mcm . ufrorturo ..1 1... Anolorl. run Apirit.
I_IIOTA SII -11 l var.k.: 10-1 , 111 , 11 ;, itn i tA1 ,, • , !) , ..y ii. ' of Packets. '
er ..„ . ... -1 •
i ,l4lt . ilittg i from philmlelphia on the „RA" 1 1
,1R'5.,1';:':''''!..,.','",,...1T.1„,r^,7v."71.,L''.1,i'',,,°%:','''.,:tr1T,;:,.r.,"A:-.l''',.,",n:‘'F,r4rer;al''-‘:..... m'
1 . 1. nein
i i. •• 11. MOLASSES.--50 Ithls. for sale he . _4., , .p ..1 . end 4M,, lon ...lOW owl, inonnh. u ,V.6,T. to. 'l7lllllltl thr ',unlit. run Ito Mr, t I tn. inoortur
....i d ,' \ 1 Al7l PLEASANT: , B. II Loan".. 31W, - ir.-,::„ 1 .„,;,, „ n „„ „,•,, n - tr „,..
.., 5 1, ~,,,..,„,;,.„,. „ FA ,. •„.. 11..
I I - ; • 'Al' 'A.• FF 114 1 7 41 NE 61 /. .. "... 1 . 1 .E .. .jr:,'"' "1" nar .11 ..... M A . " r :Mo. trl tbr qualttu... noel forrcar/I 'hot unit ra to th. or I t .
~ . albanlol I Ilan.. NI. ter l fin. rd Wt., otnet. NEW Yollli.dultr.dmorilll.•fro•Mntl: .1
1 ( 111 , EESE-11 111 haze, W..R.,
ll i f.: rtsalc.,,by - , tiatt,,,, AltrAW V -mule Mart., {NAM. tn. rota".
•• FIIALA All ANON, 1n•..: Vt W. Wu.. SLAW.. I a,•
11, On, rltln an Imllt of Om 1.-1 And 411140 ft,4,444. ,
1 Q TRAM' P.,1.1 . Ett-20 1111 bdi v . v ,,p e ri„, re- American Hardware.
`j'',.`,!7;,!'4,71;;',',',;`,"1,1;1.2!:','';',1:7, 1 ,!;;;.,.",'„..1,V.r. ':=7.i I t) LIVEN & DOUGLASS, YlainifacturerA' il L ,'
1 -. 3 ni,W 1....- Ann. r 4 17. Idudyny.k...ll..r rale 1. thoroughly nut1131...1. and an. t.....ru0r,1 for their No- 1 ill A „..,,,,, r . ..„ 5 p i , .. 5 ,..... . 5 „,,,,, F , from, i n ..., cl
1 . ~i,l. 1 .- =1" . .. --,--..,...'"."' r''' '''''''"i '"sn "'"i ''''' ,4 '• P , ...." , " 1 rw Tor. ;maid no t ...full, ),..... the Montroon of the
'mute,{ Prim nd Irvin st. • ..., n n commonle. Montt of nituro.,l,:-...d talrot.rato. 1„,,,,, A ,. ..-,,, I. y .„.„. dt ,„.l, of :7 ,...,,,,,,,.. d .... ,
Yr ranr,nr.• to Ow park. al Bin
1 UST , 1/.'1 , 1'1 lit 0. , N•pyl for , 4a ,1,1,1 T ll .l l, i.'.:;Z:Ve . 4 l ;Z i v. l' : . .n . eatcant fr1..n.1, :nun tho 1111 1 " . ,"'" ''''" ul. ''''" . " . •""' ''' -I " "" "'''''''''. '"'.•
No. S., 1A..., .n ...f-• mtall I. of nWEET St7Etrk Conntrr r•rl obtain ....Mr. , cd pr.... 7.. *tools till be ••• "-.. •,
r.a trEANIIE Pt Kitt. 414 , 14 , 4 ; .t tt , l4 ;Ll Al l, , ,l t;tt . /.la, t . d .a. for .1570 l month,
mot our ntnnt. In I n and Id. Steam Communication between New York
.cionl .111 thr to wlth Ow t amper Ink,ronation toul
arrEl ;I rrUners utal Toy '1:?...r.e.n. mrourtierno nil... Mr thelr departure. . . . and Glasgow.
• ;
10 u'rrvit-s 1.0.45. Fresh It.ll,ll.rsate by ...}Y,',...tv7ln,`,T-1.11.:1"..r'rr.r,.;VV17,,,`,1"b“.1.°,,',',",7,1,1:',,r„ 1 TIIE Glasgow and New York
. ..p .... •
)1 .-1-... v n 1... e 3 t el ~. at., ....;., 4,14.1 kl 14010114 Maroon, • Itlrl, .11 1....a.10l 1,, an, al I Ftrsmortop
,Comuanr.... 1 ...rful :nor -
the bank- m Prot 01.1 n.. in th. 1 mt.. kro•dom j •41/4suattittp 111.AFIIIIW. I.ltao lotto nntl 4 . 4 4, r '
g.O DFISII-4 casks Bar ,aile hi. Ger crevavao. ', v iva 1-a -enter. nmino tom, lien 1 or.. row., II Morn.. (late of the In.
II I orl 7 I nat. stmour ..../ •Nlmtntod t 0.. ., front No. ,
" 441 T " . A%M"'•"•' ' "" 41 II • 1 1 k 1 t f 1/1 • re n ~loret•1. Ilth,f IN-Mor 1 •
it ,ROC II F. SI lAW 1.5.--.1 oat n.t.' , ii. '2 4,11.41,1 . :! .... ,1 ,. , ,, ,ung ,... ,,t 4 . 1. , 1 , 142 ,, j iz t4t 0 0: ,:;: . , :tu ., 41g.z .. .. ; •: ; ,.t: 7 1 , teat vest. et V: or rwk. , 1 ,d, ..0z ,‘“E
~,,,s. ,
• • 11.N1 - 1.' ,110 1. 1 • ' 4 1.1'1 " . 'FAA' • 111 n 11.. na4......aml 1 10. n u. 1 oder 1Y na, of ace, n ~..,„„. ~,,„ ~,,„,.. ~, ~,,1,.....5 . • • ...ran. I
1 , 101( A SATIN VAIN N EtS,-IVI• have re- ~",;;:".„.11:,1'in,'„':„.',„Lv,.,.''':,.`',2.."1,1:,',":,"2„.7'-:„".,'„-::".'".- ust,te - - - . . . ..... ...... saeT
...1 mot will • .1.11..' tor or:. • ,:..Ina ntlk And En.. ill. AMIE\ EN A 1.11. No raturnd.r. takm,
Thee rat, amlud. u rort.lons, but not arloro err Il u rtorn.
In 11.nsirl• roll, A A WA-OS • or. Nt. 07 Walnut rtn....1.1. , . Arnlt 1N...W.11 4 n. rorl, will lu ... 4 .11.-d on hoar... modern, pincer. Ca.
O. &P.R. R. ,..,...,, ~,,, ~., ~50.. r., w....,,, i•:.ll:l'•.',n. "V.,7l';"'"''' ~,, i..
2 , (V , i i i ,, A i ll , A- ''''''' ''` ''' - '3'7ii.., , i goN ~..,......,•‘„...
FARE REIN:WED ! ~•,.b•.,N,...r. • ' kEW )1111k. t.
_ .. ..
• An ILE] SA A 011,
rt.,: nod E•rhArd, Itt...t.m. New York India Rubber Warehouse, ,
....ii .v. - . '-'1 Nuat-n ' Lan.. , and No 511 Nell.“ 1 ,1 arrett, •
~,,t., ..f noel..[ awl E . 1„,, .tr.:, .-1.. i r-Si- ISS I . iag.i:tV 4
101.01 1 10150A.HELA ROUTE. 1 list , trurt Matt I, mkt., I amr•Ar Yl, E.. ,k, -t
• .I.)rirridt'l.t‘crilNlTElS.M....NA.:‘7l-I''.'l:ll'll:..crn•-•
, 1",. . '"' . , ri'. . h ; Via itro.Vsvi.llo and eumbrrinurl, to Baltimore IPr SC lisount Ell, Preprieter .1 thins= .
•..1 ANI %MIN AI ti 1 anti 1111400011 n 1 , tat It•hoton„ nto...t Inform h.. 001 mourn., r. .01
1 nirrrt.l.lll. ,Ilurai), . 0.. I. rs .1.1, ruo urine Irmo 1.1.
` , ILK w ARP PA RANI ArrAs---.L. ,, 6-...41 1 Pp 1111 MORNING 110 .I'l' 1a , '.1,•N the Wharf ; ~,,,,,,, ~, 5,,,,,,•.0, ~,,.. unt rs,llo. Won tr, trolm 1 t
171 at „ A, M lAtik. Al, 'n. ._urn Id Alto k. O 1.-1. , I. At... 9.. 11.1, .1.11,. at ' n'onek nr. In,. erm • l'"'". 9 11 . 1 ' .."...‘" "'""'' P a l th. ‘ " ItTr •a t• •• I
n u with thr ran at Cooll,rand toot no.rortio. •nd • ton{. nom lot,or ...Woo. nnral to. .r . •
14 LA lit 1.1..; LAIN r.z.--I cases new ~'ej le 'l-1,,. E ,..,,,, ~„,.,,,, „ . ,... rt , vv ,,,,, ~v , „,.: , 1 .411 Im u nntrt.4 ro 1., uriudimmy ..1 o m,ortr , or ~ 1,
II - ru ....,.. m .., at r, : w An t, AMr ..7 m /.... rriterrornyo c kortt. th......t t'usuber Laud ....1 1 1° , 4° , :trA 0 , :. 11 1,!1',,t TaZ . l . .):::::,t l l l „Nif-.47„ 4 .tr„, .L . 1 ,',,„ . 1 5 ,' ',',„„ i
. II• ,• 0. ,
• ' 1 . 4 14 ) .!, t , „ 1 ! . ;,• 11 , 1 ;, : „•7 5 • A n first.
. r l '''',' d i' ,.., ' .' 5 , ‘ !1 1 , 1 , A .....F. ,.. -that..- , ,i , . , : ! :. 5 r " , !.:::',..:1 1 : t..,::::',7;.:...-iy,..i,,,.„''.4.;.,7.1,`.:,.,.,0!::::,,:',`i.,',',,,9,.,,,.,rh, ':;,`,•',K.:;1'.1.`,1:-,,,1t.,1,.,.'',',.:::•:,::,'„..:1,:t5,1,1:','11•,,,,,,.,:rn,r.Thrj,":,.,,:,1,',.,,,,';‘,1,::';',. 1
e.!..rr :W.1., Irv., .t ...t . .- , t 1.... ~...1...:t...1........ ttr..t...,1'...t.t ii,u.b..rlnof othodr 1 lalll 4 .ra 1)1 , ..1“a.. p , - , . , , •;-:.1.. ,
,i , - ; , r ,-,.,,•!,--,,,,,;,-,,:.
1.11 F. FIN kJ ) SUGARS -An 5. , -,rtaood nt . I ..., • ~,,, 14.1..1. ' "'" I " t rl r ''Y . s !::.ri „Es, neat I r00t'1;%'...-;.....:‘i:%,11!)'..,1::`:4nr:`, ~,`",;:r.!',..':!.', .r.
1.4 0.,-I...i.ClArtl•ol. 1M1...r00l and loaf .near, fn. i
~...„ I tlor Th. Wall. md.l,
odre. it. . 11 th- AlAntmdat..l. ik.u. , ;Z i t , 111.1. 1 '. 1 . 1 " 11. ' l l' l . 4ll ' 1.1 .
nh. Al, lam: Flom. FoF. k0t....r, . for •a 1... rodonot and ....1.1 a. irmal I,rdyr. •t..,11 , 1 X,i'll, .).. v..,.tr
I role.. to tro. A m my. ' hEW YORK AND ' ERIN RAILROAD ..-.-,
JAME, %. lit 1,111,,,, A 0A.. 1 Illtullroln . - A lull rid, et .11 Etc .
Good Chance for a Gardener. ' I "'3l. .ctitg4_l7..: . ISS I. "..;',.!..':'.',T,',7.41,?"..1! . .:.Tzir.::V.N.' , :!.';';` , : „ ':. „. ... 1
f. rpm . : ~,,der.ig., ,i udi ~,,.. „ „,,., favor 1 v F;)1 1G d . 1; I 'fit NKW 1 . 1 , 1,K CITY ‘.la 1itt;4r.ia..,...,„,t,1.,,:,,, -1....., r. awl v .v..... weve.we
‘y di 1. LOOO. of nom TEN AEI,. of d ruund,to nr.l. , 1 , al l 5 ), 5 •,.., , 5 „ . ,
~, LA „,., A ,. ~,,..,,„„, ~,, 1 A „,„,„„„ y „..„.„,,,, 5 , • ‘ ,...,„ .„..,,,„,„ •,„.,,,,..„„,,,,, 1 .
- 111 1. A... 0 1 1 4 a ‘ lll-1.1 11 ' ' 44 . 1 . • . 1 . 1 1 1 14 a. l 4‘ Il" 1.•. t clar.....sorro •.... In, r .....• 111.A.nauctl....laud, I Alto 1 0ir01r.C0n1.t . ...... 1...1., 1......1...1,..ram0 1
.. r0..1g t..........-,r, ..r,........ 1,- ~,, ~.., '.' 1 ..ial.,t.u• .1.., t “.......t t L....1...1...t•,,,,h •m.t..1 1 1.n . .tt.,... W. , ....... 1 ... 4 . ,, ~..,....,*... '',, ,
,f fit'.. , .tanht, • ~”., ~.. '-'. , t'•'`' •• .” ''''''''''''" .."'' .'''''''' r ~..i..-1., and ~...... ,`.: h areut• ado ornor.r. en :h. .00. Tadao, IA allot.. Marl,. Itrlttno. llnntml r1....n d . I
... r , cm r „. 11, nsw 1,ton o : .01 tra./...1 rl I • 11.. „,„ Ar „. )....,-, 5 „, r .,... and in. .10.... lodmn• ant , 11,,... OAF,. If h.,„ 1int0.1.... , 1•.k.m„ 0 houl
o- nil rod. IY ra.E. fr.. Om mt, 1 ,„,„.:).„,,,-,.,,, 13, 11...... Ea t •er 11.1.1. .Al It.ll. 1/.411., mr.l Yraure.. •
or.l. ff . 1 W , llll E , . Cron I , ' • .I,llNr 1.:: An t. 14 A 1.1 Eh 1.• 10.1.1. W A 1.4,40,, .170 ....r: d.n.rtron di 11.11,1... 0.-, • •
...i.• oranutocturn lit Ink-rod/Ad ..I.toitt.• .tat ,0, 1..../
or I D IVE-1 0 to:, prin.. C.,. ilia. f..r .al.• 1,, •
.1orlt: .11,117, A 111•11311roN ...14.1) •
dl 1 EA I 1-s.iti pg. t ;31,1,
I i
~,, ::41:1,1i.'1.6,,t.f4::::t:t:1.t:1tt."1/4;:tuttl'alzotr t.ttata rut. all 1 Pr. •
,• nu1,.1.0...nind 11. n. mat lonnlnO
•I. Ur ' .1... 7 Imo. an. r•;• i 1,.. E. tat.. ran •ntrooF to N•rerr . • Eon Ant L., 14eut.111 tor Hatt... u•.
I 4 ,,,, , ''''' "'"r:ltli-Y•1'11';`,1,1`,1::.,%:r.:1.,. ~,,t „„,, „„.,,„„,, ~ ~, ~, .., ~,,,,,,„,..„ ,„,„,„„, ; ~,,,„ II ii.,,,,,,,
_ _
g I - „ „ , .-
~...,)..),..ks;;;Es_D, 11l Fin.. 011. AM "I 1.. E. F A ... Met. ta OLP I ...EL, .V.ll ...lti , r , Inotark at I Shawls! Cl oa ks! Mantillas!
-- 1., ,• c...,..,,........,...., ' ' '' ''''''' ' ''''--"" '•"` '' ''''''''''' ' """ l"'''' I. I 1,. S. ..‘IIIJ.S. N... 6 Cortittlitit .t.. N Y.•rt .
°- I 1 ENIP- 1 1 1 / 1.31,4. li,sto,ky mat NI i.. 01, . 0 ,,...... w; .. ~.., “.. ~.....1•
~ • ~..,,, !..!.,,,,,,,,... r_.;,:t . t. ,, ,. . ,. 1 , ...` , • , trt..... ,.. L. , , ,f , .. , ,,, ( ,
1n.,. 1:. ....1, for •al. to 4 11•• 1 room , .• • t n r ,.... re • a. . 11•40 Pt 4 and ..4 r.. a. i .14 r. it r+tt N .11 . 0.4.,
re I trlo JAAIES 4 11ET..111,01. A C.l , • r, ~......,,,, Frmr7t. atm t mnit. 114J7- crut I.Are
a- i I LARIFIED sy IR' p_is td,i, 1„,,,A..1;‘ , - 1...74 ~.., ...r. 0 .... tt..l- tout. 1.....1 vi4tltyrollr. , i ,A, .e r r a , t r . t o n •-• .ton, ..:
.k . .A . , ,' , .. , , ,, ~ :_ . , .:.
~. AM, A 1/1441,4111.,, 4 t4t , • ...44'. “.... , •-•r- , . ''•• , J.-..1." , ..;‘.'” ~ :,'''' ' ""' '7''', ' '''' ''i n ''''''r" "''','.!:,':,, ~'', ' q.. j, :,:,'. '
e... , 1.i..... 1..0'. .11, 1.. r . t .ti Arm:of-won in •r•nn n• • Ala. an "dr ... NoINN. I r .1 , , t ,
nrytoS......i Mr, 1 • r ' '."' '''''
NI w•Lu. „ j t!! 1 ; 1 .t , L ,,..,1,. by • . '.' ' ';' . l" "e'- '''.'' , `.',.. . .I.."...."',..'‘, "' S'' ' ''' " V" . ,ltt,e aereoecet ,, e , - ~ e..e.t 1 t , ..r. , .:.. 1 .• -1 r
he ..111 ' 1 l' A 111fr'll Imsy: A 17,. , 1 " "• r.-. ' '' ' ' ' ' "fr ',- 311‘1 : 4r'. '' c"'" I prri 11.1141,nut• t u lit. t. t, ... LI., at:414.1.0 auturt
' ''''''''''' ' •' • X1,.U5...! at !Nark at.l r.4.1,11;a41. c... 1. t,. 1.4.14•-• at.,
env O,, , I . 'nest 4.onn.,
zb 11 ucK w lii AT FLOUR -A -.11).cri.,1-,..rt, A “
lid I n el. of fru, 1i0t..-.1 IMF. kr-. I lam n ot 4., i '., 186.1 WESTERN _ Ipm .A 14..., ',t u t/1,4 It 111 a 11... STAN.D. 11: 1 51at:413.0
. Nr. 27.• Idlrert, .. , 11 \! A Mr. l alt .l4ltt l a I ,I. . .•......4 .1.. a 1.. ana ttautt1tit............1.t..........1./.. 1 Mott and
TIMNSPDET.ATIoN COMPANY. I '''-'.- ' 1 " '''. t s " -.; .
tel g I LitOll.;:c ANO W. I: I'IIEEZ4:- . 1 1 ..t, D. LEECH 21: CO'S LOP. To the Public. •
- v 11, tnorlr .r. 1 •nt ,ad tor .... IA I \ DIA RUBBER Slit tEs.___on-r ait ,,,i„„
list u. , ct.t el, .... o. EalaY. -11 --C":'- - ::- P . .. 4 ". . . ..1 411 1 . A '1.,. a..,,, ehn....i to en ml,rtorms.trt IA 11.4..11 Pat-,
r ~
14. - 111 C N. .‘,; , ;1, 111 :YRIT- .11wa I •i pa1 , e0,..) ,e - at.. N.. 1 11 0.',, 11tr..01 of Ilti, Jut. 1,,1. and
lii -II •an hand an lU. m t. a, • RAIL ROAD AND CANAL . 0 ... L. no ., an , lamoon of own. d.t., or a tor h. an. r
-1. W W A A10;1.1410. • t.. 1, 1 i.........rt• tt., art drat. le, .E. 0 .1.,.....1. roomy ...1
il. New Maw. • virrspu Ho H. PHILADELPHIA. DAT L.I- , ?,•,-.' •r"
, hrtno. Er.d•ear. l'atrutLf ita Ott 1..Na1. tor., or WA
• NIIIRE, AND NEW I . IIIIK, I W. b... r0r.t.t....k ..tar 1, u... 1.. Ix-,,...1
flptir: GIPSY'S sONi i..r Mr Gallant Ilark: , Iseln. Itutnr 'hi,' 1111444 I.,i•lst, 4 n. 1..... mot t unl
n . . •a , ono, ..1. ,r , ..... .• ..s.rotto • „ I Aron; 1 -ANA. at . r i„ ,ii, Crtital britzg. tt. p.,”.1 "Orr. we Iry i ~,,,,,,,,, . r ...,,,,,, ~ ~ .....,.0 r., ~,,..,„, .”,‘
f ar 16..g....7 , 1.. V‘it.t.u..ll, , ,
~ ~..1 ... ir...5,.“...t r r0.1..,... .....i nr.,ll• 1., i-ato t.-11...,,,rn hula kI „mr dr nr :1...m.0. II dr•rm. tu
.11 rano., • I -Me AM. a 1-11 4•otoo'o • 'ne ao fro. the .1.4 t. raw, ttt th. I, atart current este.,,et i 4.t *., n./.r Iran fora. urr tt 141•117 o. • Ealrl•7• W.
AY 11, Inomy Inn : 7 a. olle, •N. tnttrunn. I la, in Imors, „ „ 5 ,, ~,y, „,,,..„ 5 „, an d dr : n rct. Tin Nan and think It Am, /N. F.FINAIna. a 1.1" 1 1' AN' • A. 14 lAA
11.. romind „atm on, ,4) t .th.‘.l.- .., . ...- ~.....1...1 so.l rontrollol 1,, or. pr.curndon. ISIII• not. than to kora.. It. Mr b., hartna tont. prt.........,
, • Th. 1rn,....t..11...f0rat • -I ...1...a tran.rort,A. caul all morn... zor {.r. an .. . ark nnr 1.1171.4 1 , f.11 , .... flgEl. .0. 1 . • 11,01'...14 and
IN- • 11.. rldtml Flartdr. romrom. Or
. 11 Fdr-lor aor.l in mo, oat to Intrturr. 1... pant.. Il• . now
d., 'N., Etromemarot good:111, A • • n ut, trr, ar r011r... • arl.r.turtud. not only to tatrtn,......t ~a.. Lot te noun,
. 'i,,'
A.rahl. ton, r, torw • n au tl Atu t.ettau
th, ,„
II ALEBEII. '.l,a Thlol .cr-t,
no:u . 1 the. l'• 1.t.114, '. I.IA In 4 lILACIE, 11.0 5 rntrok. carn..1..... who Imir, tin blame.....W.ratrotr, nar.71....1
Canal room, J•ron .tnet. 10ttston.b. our ann.. und now work ondr r th.m. and •• A.m.
....1.71, • 1it.1.711 PrArrodo... air In., dtnully. And that .....r ...+. , .....,...t........ ,
1t5...,.., v.. r or so. It, A 1-. ..Mk .1.... 11111..„ rAradtaa Mra.n 4,41, , P.. rt• In ...• umontArdon rd
Iro.rrn • Ino.i lanny .t .1111, • 11. 1i4404 WILI-I, b•. o r doNtry to 0. n ohyie ...1 .r. ..
, U 1 . . N DRIP! , -
1 g • 0 ~e, ~...1.- 'a ,ater etrva,e4 ‘0...1- .rite r
'Lei• 1,1,1.1,.. '.tt1 ., ~ a ". it 1,..,11CL, A.A.. : ... • 111,111.. trol 1.. t r........
o d so. :. ~.: wrtort. Na. York I. ..ANIItI7,
Y - Lo
a. o Tann.r.r oil. - • r 11A IN Altl• A 1711111.1. O r .,
1.7 u t...., F r ,: i,441...1... . 26 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. to 'A m l Pm:on:ham. T , ..0r. ,
Yo Id ' m in 1, THE NI, A Ith IND! n oleo,{dlr FIFE 1,,
iii gtW-47:- . . 15:51.i ~,,,,,,,,,,,, H.,,,„,....,,•-„.
- •.
-Tann...r.c oil.
1., to., F r i:lo
V II 1-.1
12 .1 41 .
nt V, 4.11
. •
__Jo •' .. .."It."3=`,-• .-,,,, . . ~............., ,
I'll - P , lst •Itt;II AND i'LEVELANIi '''." - T.L-to , ''' ,o, - I. '
12. an.lll Z. 1............ 1.1... for h.., or. , ... .
.4 . 6 1a....j. r durao. ff ad 16...... 1, ]... i' ,, t , i .a't R•••/ , • , •••• 1 J••• ,, a t't. ,4 c - ai• Superior Black 'Writing and Copying Ink.
," - •r• tua,,.., • .. ilAssr.N•ii.:l;S I, .I“. avery plit.rdoug ap 9 III 1 . 1 .,; • ,S EMPIIIK INK, ••7 N...- , ao •ttrt . ..t,
....., ~...... t...r.......,..,..... - , , coc.l.orzl, oral t lon, an.... 7, 7 . 7 ..
9... t...
~, 9 , - ...ft - 41 . /TAba ,. . 1 . , ,, , ,../ , . , 1n tor M 1..... „, td..........i 1 .ao
COI. an • . p u - a ,„ a. -
ll EANS-1 0 1,b1.: t1A10t,•;:,,vii.;•.‘514,41,19,:41 11d10rt , ....n thn.agh a lAi. 9U. In-. art. , 0....t.tut, It ...... fr0...9
Cl N CI N N A T I , , 1. . Aoal OW t 169 1•Ii- ...I ..11 n. carnal.. nano.. '
• 'IA "n"..'",* A," ''''. '''' ''''''''' ".1 C''.'"'" ..'". l .' dr 'h Z.O ' :72,;:...`7"r` -`"b" ''''''' -1 " -
n ATTING ,t CANDLE‘V iCK - ~,„,,,,.., ~ .i. 1 n , fon a 1... for th. atolls. and aar
LP ff.,91n0. , ~,,,,„ ~; • „„,,,,,, ..,., flAil, ti, dt. , -.1 1 1 ...
fa C........... 1.6 nal. dd C ' ..V.7 ..7..f.'...... .. 'h""' , ' ,, ""‘..“' , ' .t . .. ' n " o .„ 4,,,,,,1 " , , th........,,......1 , , , , , ..... 1 4, 'ul, ,I,t .lA_ 0r,..,-. 01.
,A U 1.111 ,T . , .0. A I‘.. ~...,... , s t.', "":', ' 1 . I A. .. r • tortrt •Ir 1... r.. ..4 1 •YrIIPII . III , . II 0 ” . A'''• •vr
"'' L . "''' .'"' ''''''' '4. ''' '''' 1. . r ... at of a. ~., .POt a I 1 .-11.... I . . t nod
. „ ,
' 1.. .191. 1 Ink tali 9.9. ...I •arn•lne lam , ...rano: .. Ciana, t d dd..... nz 9. rt , land . g rharo. N0d..., fat -.Pro 11119-9
.. i.„: ~
~. ,
~,.,,,, ~,.. ‘ „_ ~,..., ~,...,.., ~,,,,,
F. , r ..9. by a . 1'1.19.11Tr..... A al. natl. at ' tn.. and ..... •.. .4•11 1... 1-ond usu.,. quad...
.. rbna.r. ado p 10......... .tasn ...dn. 5.......t Madan,
F Wifitili.Fl . 1
t t ' I . l..ottiv • It Skg et, 1 1 1.4.9...., . 1 ' ' 'Ell. 1 •r/IA
() L.-1 0 ) 11 11 1 Y • .: f .4.41: h 4 ' --'
' ' ' "" ""r
I 1,-,...1"4. I' 4 •
A4'l L.Brlrr , lh a
b r a , 5 . Infra rfa I.lon.olflo* •„,,,, ~.. Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieopherons, -
./141IN A CAI orit,%. Are.- 4 AR MP:Pit:ATE') COMPOUND. for co
p UTTER-11111 t: effa altol V, t•bl.. 1,1110.1. N... (Up mairat /don.. cr nm and 9 at. otro., Is .it I
..,.,,,,,,. ~,.,„.„.,,,..,.„,„,,,„,....
ow.. tt. a1ann...1... Ilnua.. .
11. I, to ardt.. and 1..49 . r
titl .11111 r IX. ~,,, n. 117161.11911.11 • 1.1 •we t0t.1.1.twintti......1 cord., .11.r. A .,, , f 0, .r,r,
......4 1,!: , . an 7, ....rodni .9-t ' and maw. a. u tau., ~ main., ele It
ha.....r.....1 Id .Holm that Itarrd'. Tr.,/ n• !
1 Aill'- ' 5 k'g' N'' '
i v l • ' t : ; 't :• ' 1 ..,'1mt ,„ ra22 ts 5 L • l a si ...,.. h.• r0did , .....11hd a.r. ell. so nurout di..., of It,
1 4 if. ' . •en of Or. hrnir. lant alI the antulal k 10.1 . 6 .1 11.
1..1.c00z leolzwofolf. a , b.,. fn.rn h00d... nf 9.11.
B U T 'l'Elt----',O k , tg . - ',IOW :, 1 ,, ,,,..... A .• , 1 , , : u b 1 y ,, ' , UNION LINE ~.,.„,,...,•,.. IV kill. -th. ...Inn ..1 LI, nr.carsturn..
. and o....tanouou 9 • 1.... P. tt d :add At Ma , to lu, ha.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. ~ ~,,, o ....,,o
I INSEED 011.--:.:0 I.l,l,tirmwol.l'it,r.l4l4. I . lrorelt TORAI Pant I aar. ratut : 1 4 I, II ID.
J . ' ra ,, , If.ev r -N.: ,r-1 ha... 1,...... •1111...1 •19. a -n. i
LA in.. 9. hi J n cANCII.I.I. CI.A AK li, P_Alll.l * 1.61, IloeflLA*., pa 11 ~,,, n „ .... n ,,,,,, ~/ on. air ..d. f A wog ws f ,rwr r f .!, .
CII AlllttllLl 10. CRAM 1.111. at 9 (I t 0..., 0 ‘,.,,, , r ,f,,. ~,, r , ‘ ,,. rn ',f r .', A Z, ,J . ,..,,,, ,: f ..;:' ~.„.c,...
IPEAKI. ASII -- t!“ ,-,4, I". - "' - ` - i'' l ':i- ri:ois ~,ii v,,,-,, 1_,,,,,, , 9ralotl,l IA . 1.9. 1..1 Um Add.. of w.f....1 th, no. ............. 199..
L .... .1 II 1•.14111'Ll, tl, n. .4 ...-77r,7, T . .., l ; Trt r;L"..""" ; :',.;':.'„.:;:i l ,::::n u tte,.l l re.': r x. r .Vz;.;. - ,'',.,;.142;,4z.:
ALER A Tl' S- lilt 1t.... tett I t , " 1.1.1 . - l ee '. ;•`;',,1.,;:ii„,.".;',“ 0,'1.,,V,5tt:„,;,‘,,,.......n.t,'„?.;..,..,,,,,,,,. I.; • r., tt , l .„ rri ;our .9.0. a.. I .9,1 .... an a lama
1.1 tra a,,. LT - 11 1 AA , did.
' • " 4 r ' ' ' '''''"'''. ''' ..''''''''' ' "r'''' ' '` .3 ' : 7.7-:."Cit:'l • ltt."‘"jo . :l774, '" ,%T.r u mo nr iii': ',, !: l . , ..V. ,' n ' r ' tb l e .
ff.., of 1 ,..t.
I , IIEESE-foo box,- 1..,0,0,..0; on• Baal 1.... 1 1 19.1... th nn 111. 6 1.5al .I.9.rutatlo6 . 6 6 9 . th.. 9.. la. 1. 9 . 1, / Idani
I_,) .... . - cr... i• r ...le by lo foollow,tlon fatllf s 1.9. nt ......... 1........ 1 1 11 . T6. .11..analua, t on, II %41 1111 1 19.1 r..
J II 1 ‘• 7r 1 ,11 . 11 11141111/1 mat 116.01 LA,. a lat. of Gratd.stleadnl.6.•
i I I
4. enlumlda .9.... t. Ilrant.l96
1 11,1611. arti ........00 on an:
Ls.. -
11., t 4 UGAR-10 ',ht.. N. 'I . t , t'alt' by . - 06.9991,6%, • Not ids, 0......ff1, 1,6
l , J ~,, J 11 II a• VI VIA.
l'arl. • Ct. , 1 - ........ 0- 1 1 1 .7 lltakl-..1) larar. err-A1 otr halt
1... oaf a grral .1... arld'l IAT howl fr. wad.
IJIACK ED BUTTEIt---'2l, 1,111, gotoi, for I - mI , Ira, 1,, . a all dandruff 1 Ir. 0,1,1 bp • fr... 1 to 9 , ruar Innodirrd
A 6 • l'iarlt• Nee.* F. 11611.. n., End I did al. and 14 no .1... tar.. MI two ,. •••
I .1.. ICJ .1 6 It. Ploft 1. I. 1,151...., I .... firm 11.1 firm. .......1. and all th. dandruff .11..pne.rd, a. th.
..... • Wood 111..r0.h 11.1./.1 , 1c It. Won • Co, 11....0na,9- . 1..1 tn.. 9...... for it.... 1.
111EAELL ASII--.',0 VILA k. .kfilllllll ' , for etatt. 1in...1.....J 1 CA. . Vninal.n. ll .
II A Mill. Cupahoga Pall, 0 , ''
" ''''''''.
1 Tel VIN 1.0 , 71 . 1 1 .1.171.1 „road
I , ..,, J A 11. I LIPID 1 A't lowl., 1,,,,A , 0.. Akrfa, id, eat
If any hal, nr 6.91.... data.. the aulhnottrat •.f dn.
11......r.0n A 1 1 .91.ntr.r6.1.... Cstr. 0, an., 9, nal 1,.....611 al 14-0....... A C liarrt • t 111,
1)01 Atill--15 va.c. per, 1,,i• ',al,. I,v
~...t.t.,„ I, 5 , ,r41..1 ,, i14". 11.,
, It: Ilrowlwal, Iwor York, griffin. 1,. •111 prlallira ll.ortyl.
Ir tr, J A 11. I. Iril ~ i di 16.111.... a Cn., 1.1,9. Midair... I nal Intl..
not, wooan /I 1 n. Mllkaolcin. lA.,
I )1 it/ CO FFE 1, `.'.')ll hag, lireen, for ski.. by . 1... A oaa. k Co_ Ira. lII_
I.ndn thr .11111.9, an.l Nar .9 Arra, No. ff• 1, . 1 1
I I L on. .1 d A 19J91. I ,11 . , .no 7 ...9 lor 11.........nt run. of Warw..
Jot, A ;19.41111:Y, *pant, an d dd.... 1.1 9.^ rranlotu urto 111. that 1.. 9.1.1
/11013A1'120-11eut ViCirlll9l 9111111/Betod, for ..1 T. Eta.... and ainahltria...l . ll.l.6th , 0,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,r4 ~, „..
....,..,„ ~,,...,,
.1.10 o. * Ilan' a fru., .hon.u, nr Mnltra..l Can. .11.1 It In ...
h 0
14h''''''' EXOTSIOII Tickets to Beaver, za cents. ~...,',,i, ~,.:,, • '
~ a,.. fg,' 0.-. of Om routruonll,. 1.
I.INIESII NAL-MO-.I;; AN l ' I,omsl'Elts- 111111tE tine i.a...tottr ieeamers I 2 ' l ' .7 ' .:ll ' ;. r .?..».,t r ii::t ' l ' :, , i ' iit:• t •rt.- " ::: '„' r " t r: i i r...:Z:: '
1 .'”, ni' .. ',"" ^l'd 1. “ 14..° `"'” 1 . h " r "" ”.A" ' g 1., ~, F'll and M1_1911614 , :”. 2 wlllital , thvisslT...l l 2.u . proul.,. 9. t .n...11.. -natl. , ,1.-
' ‘ hh-'''' ' . '"'"'".. k"r di, ..4 . '',.! ta4l,di r, co lda. Ila a landlun. .1 1 1 196... ran aenl A.. gm 11.1...1nd. lA. 4...1na, and ...., and ....P.. tint
lontur. ...I I.a, 1.-al.r. ^I ..., of, 41 , 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . 1 '... 61.41 ,... " 1 ' ..- ' I ha. " . ..I 0 1 .9 11 ...11 r.. a n t...- 6 -a.,, t d o n „ n i l ,
11.,.. t . i........nurehatp A it. 10.1 ....r -r a 1 •11.1, an ....1.11,.-.1. ,1.6 va,rut. and nth./ ...main. di.. n
ttN)l3l'.l': WiNE VINE9A-R- ! 5h,..,,,,...1.. .1.. v...., w .t. , tt , w .I.- . al.--lm, in da........ an wrll wtllltwo. 11 ..1.11.1
1 ., , ,, f, w 0 I,llls. I. ff , ~ 10 . .. eau arrat. P ...mi. , outtr.llol It .6,1 , 1 al far, 1.91..., nno. 1.9 0t.....1 Ni.
: .. chlor . . T 1.... L. R0d..., a✓
.1 19., I. 1 1 1 . 16 rota. ' r Artonlo at , and At 11. Intisfylat• y. II 1na:,. , ,,
I - ~..' i Tv .""' It r r6'='l.7l;:tri'ro .',
Jf.. 1969 t ., i T.k o '7,,T l :, l :,;; l ; '' ' ''' 4 " "'" "''''' '''.'... T . T .„, ' 1h•1."''.'''"1.11.11%.1.1... apraffelf
a l t,...t ito. 9. tau... 1... a , i . . .
' KC K S-101 ,1 mats I `...i... 1 .10111 A 1 61,111, Aunnt
inr IA roar iv .1.. , 9.1.-... .94 •11194.61. : ( ' II I CAlit) AND PEORI A .
• ...
, ~ ,, , if. ‘Littn , ...-I.r .an Id -
"1"‘"‘ l
"'"'" A . ''
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight 1 , THOMAS HALE,
1 . i ' o w:1AI ---gi ...tveti and for "Ala 9:, •TO 11.11.1111411.1. IN FIVE DAIH, Ft !MARIANO .c. .1 401 IIS: - 41(1N AIEIICIIANT
941 A 1.1 Id la. A 10,
i 1: :•,.% N 11: RATES PENNSYLVANIA 1111(Aito. 11.1,1•01 n,
yit-OIL OlL,__3, bit, 1,,,,1 . 1 ,,,,013 ' A nsit„,,.,, 0,11'13.1 r0 r at . 1 7, ..1111 , a11ab , 11 1 ..., (
, 11 ,,, N „ :1L1 , N ,,,,, 1? .. 1 . ,. ., ,, 5 h. 1 . 1 . 1.1 . 111f. r. 11 , 1 , 1 , j i 1: .. 4 . 1 . ! , 1t1:11 „, /; . 1 , r , t t i . .. , , , 1 , 1 , ..
1 tor tood. J 1,11. A, ti AAA EL aI,
, , 19:11 ......., Cdon ril 11.9 , ..... ff.. ff. ....9... tol lam lOnt. Ice.. lan. do. ,1611. lor all .n.
P . ER:PI (111. - :". 4„.1.1.14:11
~,, , 1 \ I i
I , ,Api.:ii-.1,,.., . b
b... L ...4 . : . 1 . ..;:1 . ..... ,... 1.... 5 • AA_
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3 „
• ' IN -. .
.. ~.e r,.....1 lad.. 96 1110F1 14 1.11411.4 t 1,11“ r,,,lidro
i k ' , um - -30 1,1,1. • h ., ^, ` l " It Y . . , , , 1,.......,... , !111t...1it• %.,. 1.,. nod Won,. ns wli.
A ani ,. .11. 1 ‘. "''•'• . 1 " . tint, v.,. rarnnl a,..1. ~..i.d...,.., ...a.offontur. Inc ... 1 9 I WM. 11. ',Laskin,
r • till 1iA 1,11,011- ' -: ' t' ' ' k'
l'I'' : r 4 1 :; . : 1 ... " :::: -r, '
l ir A " is 1 s s
1,,,,, : • : . " ::: ' :: , ! . . ' ,.. " : k .. i.4 : : : * ?::. 1 ,, 1 , ,
k i,. 1 1 1 1 . R A '' 1 1 , 1 • 1 1 4 e L rit t : 4 N ' It 5 tri 3 t. 1 1 S .,. :.. n it w i • N L. ,'‘1 ..!,. I J . ,, C l i tI l , A ot N I .
v V for 4.961,, Jffall99,lMlcl,ff A 1 1 ,1
. 1 ani
Ai ~. ,;, ,• , I all 11l 'h IV It An, i F.apolal 111.10,0 In Idonatui..l..n 1,...1... .. 1 11 ,10
. 1 i a If EESE--so 15101.4 v.v. Cream Cltet,c; w'te tt oter ...1 Poona t.
:: I 1.,/‘ I, do %I
.!,1,,,,,,,.,,,,,,0 .1., . , ,
1 ...Wit 11 I lINM.I--o WWI. for .it la I.Y '‘
i ()I1 IS -t lij .., I it ls., 1.4P1 I
-- ,„,,.,,, o r ' t o d . ; , 1.1 le IA. ,lIA NII.I •J ,k 1 ~,,., 1- 1 11 A II 19,10.1 LI, V • 4 _ _ '4.- A. -.- ..-.......
-- . ( Sl:i.Alt- ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURL
~... ~,, I 1.... 1 1 act., 1.•1na , ... 4 4 f.10.1......1 N rot 1.91.11r......1 Itaffurry. ~
do ' IMIDDLETON, to Lin - ,t MGEE,
. .
• ~
\o.l loOro• 4 , 41per.0r 1 4 •1414,11.
',ll lAA, ,!
All .4 II IL %ken
or(nrwl'i O.ororrA.l.Al, rclAnlo . o s• 1
En,lllllN ',VAIT A 1,1
liU TT Eii =-- 30 CI.. f 1 .,. .11 But Or;
~ 7 1 ‘ _ ''' '''
tt li 1, ; '' ll•PA:ll 'l V , ` , .
k l , A, r
LERATus,-- , 3. ~..., 1 ,, , ,,t 7, :,,1, :::. 14 ii . ; ,, ,, , , :,:d
.• J. (, . _ •
IkT, EW CtIIiIISII-5 ilruxn, just ree'd :As
1.11 fnr rsl. h, (~: 1 . 16 WATT A ( . 11
dEll It) AN I) PEN N . A. It. I:.--311 Sharon t,
" ""
" ""
'"th _ l. A WAT. t A. 1111.6 A C''..
ne,ZLIA• 1'144* awl fo.chito.e Ilrolrer,
. •
4 IIEESE--Itio 1,,,x,,s cream
am/ fur .a L> ' r
..r... , , , ; ,.. l NlVit . il i , t ir::: : ,.. .,
05WF..1.10 l'lt.F.PAliblr cu l l ..
of ill. dplit 1011.4 article „its,l re,r...1 an.! fo,r ,rik. I,
twG it. t: ~.• Y. 1.1.1,11.....,."
1.1/11ALE Of ir-775 guile , just. read and
_V V for sale by 1.c,..A, . It. r.. 51,1.1. I,IIM.
. .
g I_RE:AM. TAlL'l'Alt—dblAn. W.A.l9.t.AN't--
7.J_Lu pular.. for . E4l , •_ . trt _ (.tee) 11. b..
fillAltSli SPONGE.— "
..20 kb,. of
Vgmlity. !err Pale 1., 4,,,,,, \ It . li. kI".LEIII 4 .
if 1 , AR13. A..1..1..116N1X.--2 caNl2V'for sale by
I ASTILE-SOAl:—filsboxes f4r sale:.ll
L IB • . .
. 4: ''''t ' ' , r
or JOHNSTOWN. Mil IS well known establishment is still eon
8,,,11V,',',..`h.".1'.7.:AT1 '=„",:"'"r7;',..3. 1 1:
a:M 47 -•" -- ;.: , 7 -----47 . -- ' - ‘'-- --57.- :: 77 ' -1 ' : ii;:nT,',l°f-'7 , :nn.r, J ., -th;„71:',..7.....i \ n , rv.171::
I ` , 51. FALL ARRANC E MEN T. I S5l. 1 tz. - =4) ), ):2):‘,..) . , , ,: , ,,,. ~
~, J . , . ~,, , ~, .
'CHANGE OF HOUR. -:.,.,, kt the e t of 11., t,tott+ltt hust.m. th.. Fti,..,11.,
0.,1K. , Id+ I -et eternmay. mftiotam 11, r,utat,..n. and
TI Mt: HYMNED .Alin SPERO IN k lIIKAS I CTI : . t., Ore
. "
~ V .L.41••!. ts, 1114 cuAttlner wm .
r. ,,
Prn.PY/t . wlm itaiiroad ,rnd Erpremyucket Lino i '` , -- -,. " 4,
.... D EL .tt,t4, CCP coNtroitronz 1101.11 TO 11111,A1)1,:l.PHITC'
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. i _ Matchless Blacking and Inks.
11l ' ' FOR 1 ) - iATl!II L E SS
" aiq ' k ' ' Pr;)4l 1 or,:•i! ' is L ):•2a A s„2 .' t i s.t.o,r,„, n..., .. t ..ITer..l
_ ,„
I P.X1'1,1::+11 ELI FUlt I.A.i.4l,NAlkals.P ! 1:: Vi t - ,1,';',',',..!,, 4 7A ' t . .*S,'”j;,:::„"; ,7,!:.;T:*„......7,',7;.;'1".,....“11.
I I WllO
oier st,s l l Los., st,
1"r ls '11
11 . 0 . 11 1'. 1U1sF1'
t. lilAn. gssifl Nrol Ilntllr 114.
"" hcnA"4 "'" hy
61• . . •
1.!liA11-7 0 'ids, N. 0., for role by
.r.v.: '‘. J. N. DI 1.W11051l A l'n.
I ‘)
.01•114 E-11.5 paolda..lti, f Hae 10
.., , 111,11111l11A1ar1, aor
Si. .
I I.:ATM:It-2 :1111 Kldeo Solo, for sale by °• I
I 4 ....1 111101,1t11010 A INOAKANI
! •
0. 1_,-- ,..0 2.0 tlbit.. litll•BigtrnilirtorEll;,.
ir , Ii,ERM 011,-17 Ilbls. fur oils by
k 3 .... g kin •, WICK A Met;ANLLItHk
14 .1 11 A X-22. sacks foi• sale by
it:',AN WICK A .11 , - 1: ANDI.Itgt ,
- t .
ill.l INDAki ES—
aro b.., lti.. Ott.; 1030 ha.. 111ntlaw lilkiw.
wt. pkgektlnwo a Bit,. (.0 lAA, Ay°. t: hurl.. , ht.,. Atw IVA Toltamt W .. N C. lan
to kg. \ init. WA awkPfug• : y •• s eut-r
.. L,P r tr . -A. tura -- . •• gualo..ti tr 1.00
. Au hlals. Y.l:. a A . ..1.13ugar. tki -- tat.oAu Alma: .
- -1, 1.01..10ut. et 'A. paid - , w w CIAIA. ,, 1 ..". 4 ;
10a - N w. !101a..., 4 Mr.. , legligA:
ix bit. Ika - g A Lttudlrgiek:
so " Mmy • WU std... Leatbrr.
Int 1, an. likelk A Wit.etteare: PO A... PAW. oucktdr.
Wu A.A.. (Ago Ilrnottur, :..1 keg:, MAW. ett.Chraud ,
Together with Hakim-, ChwA, tWnker. Pepper, Maw,
Clitrusaton, L e., (ag Wind aud Wr gala hr
_._ tglAk .10 II otg A - IT a CO.. I.lla.rtr It- ,
WOO i4q.;,,P,,:!;,!N.,.,",,,8°'Lax — Ju#
„ . : J. HMI) i e4J.
NALTS- -15 bbla. Tor sale by .
. J./CLOD 4 10.
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
%in t
, • ri IN,s.
*--vrarr...l tupert, t to 01, afer.•.l
po.pite, oz n.1111:1111 ,I.nriactun-1
n 1""“ n u , nr N.,01 tdrtl.
C teMnut. etwt 10111511
FoRD co
Vtn - T...... 1 141 J 11%1,1.1
Superior Blqck 'Writing and Copying Ink.
RUC E'•S IS , 7
O. ,11,4 1,111.11/V, N" ' “' . . •
tbr 111111nry nu] btond Ars., V• 1,- tn
tg nu rim it by . Out pertnnunnt runt of natio.%
1.1 tbr rrentutu N.` rrn""
thr ntn.lnng nbirtyntl by Ow amble k. 111114,1 SP Nunn.'
Ilnyyt 's Trimultontu... art MetbrateJ I..nutpturul. ..
nnonly bt upp. Ittlyann thr roturuoolt>. 1111
l ouannter, 11111 . 04, In Mr 1..1 IV prefemm.tu
nth. arlyelrg ttl tin kuttl. It impart, natty t•
lin .J Lbw. proutttr• tn. rn.unt J.-
gm It tlntrnt OW .tntrull Lunt t, mot thy
.111rta a.I nt,tlll,
UVI. .ii benl. tlru stul rtltny 1.114,1n11f
In rill” 1,11,0 aril ....Men,. 11 untrlr
utargllrd. nuoltl tit lan, unor wl
r 11.. Itrugylltit yrll,lllll.
thol'n:MlblatngantlCubstlg. aprZelf
. .
F,OVARIAN(' A i'l)1IMIN:;1(IN AI l•:11(11.1NT,
CIS 11,"A lio. ILIA N 01,,
g ONTINUES 100 to,totl litoilitiom to reroive
I , ~/, , 14,.... ,a 1... .t 1 TrknOilrm. ta,,,01 M.., t..,....
'''' • ' l " .. i r
t.I '
IllVlllt :17. i"'
'l =
. 1 ' 1 '. .. '''
. 11
"" 1:4;;,....:::, " - ' 11..., , 1.,...,..;::.:1114;'..41::..r
,Ir A. l'sualso.y. mpb:dro
Wm. H. Haskill,
$l.l ENEIIAL 0051311SSIoN
I AN', Ail:nom:Kit. Nll. ANstrr I 1 Al A.
Knpr , lel CoultuirA•di htkriewow.
Vomartlinv tit
111 or to Alpiasivl, lioplon, awl I..reas.. 1 4 1,11ns .1 Co,
1 . 11u,5r211.. AO . l r
kAVID V. 'I"IITTLI'd, Atunitoy at Law,
Ana Coutinkniuner for
II ,mmottl.,ltl... mtni.Ul
!OLIN 11. RANI(IN, Att,rney Gam
e, .441.41 411 Law, lila 1 , k0nu1.1• ,, ,,, r for Lb. stew u
11.1, of
IV. Vorv.l, 11.1vtg.
.11111..1, tilVatollem a 11eCluro, John F.. Parka,
Funt.l, 11(0.n1 hCo I 1“.1 4.1 r
. . •
Time Bills
193 . 1101 T ANT
will 4.•-ptirrlastved kt f.vorahle M., by
1,21 A. ‘ ILA INS a et)
!it 031 E YELLOW—'2 eitaeli for emir by
I,_) I' rl.l . N. N. IV ICKEILNIIANI .
BE 'pl.„ l -") -- 0
, 011 ). l ii s, i t t p k e t r,i,t . 9 ; ,, , t,o, 7 iTIe by
VIRE BliiCkL=26, OM for sdolowbi •
Ju anao . JAMES LIALZKLL :7-
01L-1.5 WS. puro Linseed, for sale by
rro'i D. CANYIELb._.
A-RD 011,-12 bids. No. 1 :Hewlett .14
Lrl lowa mak, for rah , by IDAtAII DICKEY CO.,A
torpd \raw star tool lOWA.
CBOC9LATD--200 bts. Bbst., for sale by
_. . . .. . .
. A ~. , ~,,,,,,,d t oo ooor. io fi....0. on Craig greet. dillTh.--Tha toe oduarnerTCSCAllolol,
a u ., u apt. It. lontag. 'rayon,. flu the •bo and
IT.rr.tru;lne'Zor*.lhtt.Te'''tltl2l,lrf .1`.7P4.1.;.',... th.,....., ~... , d.,. .t . o'clock.
Itallroed For n•ren. appri - to • _ . For rr•laht or punni, apply ortWant or to
n F lON InINNIIO I.ST At COend and 90 Front et., onAl , WILKINS Adient
Final/unit, In. • .1 ,
- I FOR /.ANESViLLE -- -The .fine
Private Residence for Sale,• I litearl.TENlPllES.s.( will ham.
above and to.nnedlate .
THE eolbseriber effort] for Bale
.i '''''''':'.'t i
,tee, at] 4 erhaelt. .. '' ..t. " thin
0 ,UNTRY ~IEAT. haute on the Allegherg Id , For rrnight or Pad.C., .1:4 , , on board. ' onl.t)
' , rut . al.. four toll., trona the ritv of Plttoburel ee. .._
ntanling. trona Nl7i I.: te TEN Aciet:s or alam .., nll. od• VOR eiNCINN ATI Z . li ST. LOUIS.
h ,,,,, ~,,.,., 0u i,,,„,.. 0 it .b000d0...k shrub rY• jr the tin, el .-wrier LlUltill , id.S. Illc \ !11l ZIZ
irrnatuenteal and I- rud Trete. of altnoat ever' 4unerlt , or!. , ~„,,,,..,,,i,,,n , .,.,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,a ,
Pa, manta made ear, touture of FRANCO , U. HAIL
~1 4 , ~,,, d u. ,, , u ,. t o .: u \ .
Af lite warnhoune of Than.. It. DALZ.ELL A CO.,,Nc;. wall
LI hurt, glued "
' 6l. _ i _'''''' . OR CINCINNATI.--Tke fine ...
• .
To Let. . ruauner NWT .7so. _.rapt. 1.:k.,..0n . .. , LE.I
ICH E well known EAGLE HOTEL, tz..^ 1,7P,r1h,"° b °"„ a ^"' 1 ,,.. 1° . ' n '5 ... c .... -
i NtlltTll THIIIII UTIIKET. PIIILAIIIMPIIIA. ;2:',1 . oril.elabc or meaner...MAT ~e Mm~i, ..C. ,
, nolo omonnd hy Col Tln PS 1.. WEBB. Pursuer I' °1.e... .--...-.. - -.., Inn, i shin. - OR C Li , . ka Is, :,. ATl—The r:plen-
no largu and roman/001in lltel—euntaitang oreronfi: Ild new and Iluld draught . steam hood.
" I 1 . - . n' .. .1 , ...1'm . ... MO , . .'l l') ..l 1e . ... ^ ''''''' Ir:.• i: • c..... It.-laluleelt. 1.111 leave VI
.. ._ I.
A " •
llaa dalll.Pd IF, Col WEBB, Turtuerl) 01.•••••
Thla large and rousudallnde Hotel—routaiulade uPalard.
at I,t rnnpr. n uepth '.skis fret. a ladle ,
parlor and ord I 111.1•1.. ,411-I,rg With hed rooms * * ,
t•elaL • diolu, n•do 1., SO fet.t.--sima,..l 1),:u•
tiltAlati• vlalnd: of the have.. wholranle tulead, 11111117
opyarate the well kradra 1 ad “Ir EADIEEL
CIL. c. an Idal at • taaanuable tram and Attar the
FIIIST DAV I APRIL • heo it., prawn' °ern
;amt . . , leas capita, i
The Hotel •r•a reeently utalo the
ituproved rtyle. Sp dther recommendation. however,
should be needed. Od, the unparallelad rumens of the
pry•eut 4aruPant dun. the term. or Ida
For fdrtber pardlrulnrs , ndulre or
herr. near Third *l, Phil: delPilha
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale,
A LL SITUATKI) near the Ohio and Prnn
lk Itnilirrtnd. in tho Orin. t halo.. Ohio.
tr0ri. 4 . 40 LhAl artoo.oirt.. nod in • 0.04 gate
r0„...__1, T. 14 a I.OT°. lo two..'n• noryont
port of tho Tillnaw 1.4 thl Depot nt
All of • 1.01. wilt to,b. troy torn. fur Cho prirrlmo.
ors. et., in thr Ohl ,, mat Poriniol•ntilit It•llrrind, IT in
oilhor of the. 11•23 n In l'ilOburgl., will Po tlik,l in It,-
I olwr rrlrh m Jnnato • Piro . of orr•nri'l. 4,1 •
Hotwa ro ...Wont LIMO or Dr. , .
whi , ll • b , untsin t• tool to
rupplr with a.t.r
Salom tho to. m
of Vitt,
horttl. end CO...hind: to.for.o. Itotnimothni.ll 4 . ,
h r,and 11. lo.nont in .1,14,1 Irvin tl. Platk howl.
n. 1% conar...., D.. ODD. trohiru. mak.. Ii ono Df
thr nowt importnnt 4 , 11 it.o boo
tot t orn
Ilittol 7.41.01 i rTHNT
v r o LET-A largr anti enntenient
W. 111.141 1, 0,1 • t. be 11.1•3 43
. otuitlif...l Proctor. 1.1
. _
. Bargain !
11;tiliTY ST. I'liiii`rATr von SAI,E.
A —Me MANOOIN Hot C. rl.l.ule.
oul J rir•on. F. of. at lirOnD
110.4 :4 non... Mk. tl. Orinol 111010.
lnonzion ot Poini,onnin Pn•ronstiT
linn-1... (r(rotaot for STT4T—r roar- prorprot.• of Ox
o:tont L. tfurflo r partwtsin.r. ..1.11.r .
rodeo.] •t, AII.-(hoot. Dr It 1,1111t1,1.1..
I.itort tiiruitiitri.i.rt 11. ortAlo of
Thou., aim... dor A:
Private Residence for Bale.
rpliE PROPERTY in offere•d exceeding -:;;`
1, Ito an, onationntlattuc tuna. ta .
tun,t Itu.abutl to thr runttly boynt.ll (1,4
Of,. Tr. In'clamp In unsunn....l lb the MUD'
.....antaxothos; . plet4lng non nt city of PIM ,
lutrub rani tit,. mot. nt • glatunn batn2
nun.. l 0 Ituunen. pa,n. Ibtl.l arab. ...manning to utt
eni.ot Oran tha ....11.totogutt nt tnon autll.loDan
Thu Int 4 lan., tuabonent: nun. an vent of ground,
buntirni tont, tat t matt. running bauk too butt
dn.' And bat trut tt. nn lantrunniuntu aro
itro tint I I ruk. bat, In Int.lont lb. 1.-dt
nt•torm.l. otut M1041,..1 tr. tit- manor, haul., u
w l t
tbat tottl .4111 ratultl taucaral.
tor at r, .n.l tn... ot.l tur Itt4.•l rs mod a rbrot outer Crro l n.
It tut. pot .I , In. /run
•Itt rt. tolnittlog.tun ton I.•
abbr.. ntle.l tt, pit ...a1:101.10-1•4; ,t1•1111...*
M. I: oulaing rurult., an Mil, ,i 1 011 Ih•
In plua.stre to un Inc atsfunna
non It nt rata • .t... t r ...uurtut. ..NuloOttfu l
i ' t ” ,;1'.1 . ..11 . 11 . i n 1N. 111 rtart.tvl .1
Real Estate.
the rear
r. .
;J,.Urnal cop, ,
"It..TH AVi - 1,4 mile oa aeronaa.
nag M,. 1."11: ••1, altao.n. tot, each trattOn...
lee.t .‘ll,Lea, ay. uud Iratn
twoan the renal, 61. t ..t
two aani tax, t Canal tht.
h l adrannt, the a reana, a, en, u.enl est,'
tar nadroa.l Canal
Far terna. want., at I. PN N .
at at the 11....R.tare .t
Kuala earner at narAet eta
IttlE ha o r 1.11 . C.. nitAinte 1 ,
h, N 111.. ,t, c.l
ra•n.F.l .12,4 aNAI uluir
111, 91.1 ..141 ,4 I
thr 1.1, %Irv. •,1 riwril.ll. ~1
11 I,—m.,
~ ' I, or, itutul,l• 4N.ut..1
Inil,l 1n.ti.1 . 1,1 it. , !Alai, tr'ehr
Annual pm, ueur,ll.,
Aud un.rrAlu,
A pi. , • A 11! , 1:1 law
110 •..:I,r, itturrt.
ipoi; 1,.. I iwt . l.ling, No. 1.55 17.'1
1' Aith,lJ- a., ue tbrV:
ix., L., 'until,: ,rontniu
.01,4. tn. , w . 4. a , 131.1,A, rrni rnoi 4 r.. •
rug.. fr
For Sale or Perpe \ tual Lease, .
.• LoTti, laid \ L
• PIP n'%n
A 1.., ur r...r. irar,/.111,
• t•A 11•11, in' 110101. littuir
tAr A/ ot I rr.III ,I I,I9NALLANI. I . urar
11, ..r •41.4,11,1. hi \abr., Nn. 10 ;
itti INttit urub
ir 11
• '
:Real Estate for Sale,
ALUABI,E taliluprovA , ll LONon olu. I
;11, —r, w , .1 Litorrir Vuetori A. Fi %ant
i. O
Wr chumh. .1/10e.1111,14'1,0
Atrer•ns ruun Nick ri , \ NFTinir
I,4tittiv nit
, — 1, At • :A
/Ann /4 sip. , ruuuty..,
M.N.—kart. to Inuiror ruunc„,./ rwrioul Arnt
rri valtut...• 1..4 Try ,
runders, Fuguire ..1
N. l• A,, u \
Alturriri • ai lair, 1,1 heel trial,. Aura,. \
suunli•trirt. IliArtuirttr
A Good Bargain Is now' Offered, \
A PpLics-rio:, it.:
4 'II, n,• v, hurl. 441141 1 , lituiurror
to - Ar Herr'. I. • grart Ir..
• rd tut , an.l rrAu
..I n nr 1 NM. ,
purrt,uui .111 3,0. 1 , . 11„q1/11 A /1.1
,A History of Pittsbo - gh.
VII NEVILLE (111.1\i. A 111 , -
nu, I,ughttrufg. front the naril«.l In nod uheu
wag Tinted In white ihrn, .loggh di« ,Ikv• N huk
renturg Ith untl-e-g., the ng, ngtaghl\glinneUf O,MIO hf
the linhorungt gnanufnutonr. at
• arien, frurlff ul inter
gainful...gen, up go the .totem g f ‘ to•ughlnh ia add
rl • rtglpter flung, the ..nen nf our 1 1 ueting/ for n l . ll
uggh eggigginerroll gettla s e 11.11:111•1,
•igurrigat• earnant 01 Imuggeux traungetnikineorn auntaul
Ig 1,31 our rver, ea.,. traprulotn
• • Three g• fuint In On! truh-n 'where nu. mourn i pun
•vg git• nngl f gunneries] Intert
soprr4,l • ithgn en briers pg rind of Own, at 111thu
nguhtrg nrnunit the howl el the Ohn.
angt eatilf, lu,oriewl hoert oan,. gungglnhtu
U. pruclogint the 3,1•111111,1`• ggf tgr,pguithgng
agnate fun rupitnlinta uettle here, telt, obi. , of the Ogg
; Ingnegi ugnrk
212 pure, 12 um. boungl 14ire
',Huhn' mud ton sale .101 I N
n 1: MP1.1.014..
01:th.1 glergel.
The College of St. James.
TL. EpircupAlCll prrli. I
il'll .I,NNI , AI. SESSION will
. Nyvt °Jou, ark , te, , ,n ' tettnlett to,utetmat ' lb ' n
Wpl . 7.t Lb5:.7".");',',1,1%::T1gV‘1, 1 ...",;;,,."':Y't):Tr
eutrasan. .
TII I: 6.j.t.mi hav lb. Irual num?, of drew, .41
.he al ;
the ')I
.ftuutt.... Mot nruniateralUeutum. and At •
vitcrataauf tremor... Jun. the ralle,latencular.eratera,
.44 It. sraulnotra P. u•oal academical dev.rara.
M MAI: mt• 110. ob. nratnedvanly luternalito the
Culla,. mei sract..) raoleroralen .of the Hart°, but vitt
dee .1.11.0 olirat.ltue. rareit ea 1.1... l tr. Leonrolur of
their ...1a.. , Nur.. and ;rename.. then. for 111 c
a.ate cla.r. • dimacti.wo. tbe
!o! tlle 11.1101 re I nivalotavrara the
the 0 rutuninr Marl
In the VIEW:ANTIC!: IILA,MEM. 44, .. 4 k
umotted. anti 11l 4.410..1 by art...o .104)0)ir
I )l l .lLanan...a. llorairlrentng, 41.
Th. 110.11.1 " 1 Ih. Crake...omely beabionil.
1 . 1,01 Luau* .u.l c
11511 !avowable 11 I
4raual mania 4iLl ..rater
10 Ell I' VALI-•l)feet to, 40. la
furn. Ilie 411• ...auxin. Amrion
I Ito .4.1.111... t. 14. corpi .I.lbliurwra tbe Trnatm
Imre remelitl. aninto,l Iloa) 1)0.11 Errata. . lar
tun, Civil - Dual Lcerrarairal Iriv, *tat Julio 11. Alara
.noler. 1.1. . all RI, .1.11/11.t0..,Air;.
lb. f; lin. char, taw theeernou riv ~oth. t the .aura
no fib. C.,n,„.• ranuntuar la ram h 11.11.1
tworn, Ole ,1.4111.. payable a. nu II;
App1i...0141. Ism ra.ranlrlon no .an L i •
at tit , I)..
w.. 1111041011 rantraftl.
II ft —Person. 111 l'ittalproll.•ralobnaLato, intnruiatiou I
rarrraLin4 Inllniuraun. ITV rclermed the MVO
Liman, I..rfuertV, 1 r•
University at Xesyland.
NEVI' SESSIO; 14. 4 04 on \VED-
A, 100,1. 111, 1011, r. LILL. OW ch.. IA-
Marl., la.,
Nathait muttli, II .o.ager;.' ,
E 11.
CI.RF, M. I/ .1 loerapeuncm. Mater. 01...10a, antl..
.I.racnlo 111111 )1 and
' Pulver. \I Thera, and nrartlirni.vleututrulv
hard II .Tbutrou. • II . Ilalu der; 004 lltriort of
•St torn and Children ‘.
ra.arau.. 01n.nbemr.r. M IL, 11...n.00,61. A1110(411.
TIR, moat anon. onnoraratnin- .r prr.....vicu .4
A111,1• , 11i, RI n toralerale
Cluotcal Lecote. am) 110, , R R.R.R,111 Nara,. Smith
anol Power. in Ilulinnure I iinratvry. 1%101,1.0;W. ileoa.
I Inr.l, .1.1103 I.l...yrauleut
for the ticket
f oo , tlle
L or ran ro ., ROA. rcemliced AnatunlT.
Matriculanou, 111,1.12111 R, , 1111. .. 0.
Itallimuro. Jul; . I.4l..—lauatc.cloavert
Kentucky Mutual Liti3lneuiance Company
pins uom PANY otters to t Ito insured 'MI
the ereurtly usai adeintesee. , l the Mutual aadJoi^t
!'week Nana tam K 1 ,1 ,01/
01 hermum. •t, aunual returtaJu eneh 01 the Ks'
reqmred tee the reullugeot tv4 a the 'oar. nu
adequate. hut hut eAtvr,ire Prevtehm for a.'
rtlLt tutu ncu
mene•re ter the whole tem of Ilp., ultlfen ult.
ble nitrreet In the ammtutilathOt tutid 'ee , ur`e ,
menthe, paymtee deotth, en, mem their letht ,
11.1 1111 11.10,1,1•,..1 Ihn ol
:boa tonl memhere. .1111 .le. tor the hreient e,euritr of
lbw* for the whole term ei ton.
ftleTble the only 71010,1 loM r ouraut:
.110. rat. of premtum aro n‘ed et talr,•ltwed etamt•
N. with a provlslour or au annually meteaelut erumu.
tallow of Melds t for noeurit, I In e•aet
theammtut Imelnor *Pa th,t),,,..
Its .10.0 or ,
of i•nd
tar Ineurtnere tee...m.11 Ay TtAIIINIT. aeta.
ha etne..
lie) •
CLTVFEE—JOU lingh ,NW ,tap
, solo - by
soo• • JA! Fr '•.t 13,111. WAtrr et. •
CARB. 501).A.- - Di kg, just tisu'd and
10 for ode Ir J. nClislON !E K h. Oft,
8--SU bbIH.N I
N-1-61.-Ass6. ii:l°Lrb:udiib.
lANEHS 01-"bt7Et nr\
eet,l2 L—
• •
‘IOI7R-7-75 bbln. Scott'er.iitro'NtLfa
I ~JNNERS' U 1 e of
pl, n: •tti;~ll~
•(~''WIJR-75 bbl .3cott'e b:tro
-~~~ ~~
•tfrelabt nr na.aagn. arld.T ~n tat. an,. '
OR crsciNN ATl—The t:plen- I
lid new and Inalt draught steam 1,...
E.' F., Cnciatia NlclaluL,k. will teave `(..r
F a
To and nil intennedlate {ono.. ori, , th,4 day. the '
at o'rlnck r. N.
' fr '
IS ''l'" ''
P''''' .l ..r !&f lP ilrli , \ T I.. Agent.
LEA;I3 AR I'ITTSBURGII AND , ,; I'AeliKt.—'o,. 1„60.111
w DIURNAL, entran,P, m
r,gular 4 - 1-14 , 44:, ,,, m.1 . r 5, 1:-n..
'fi':‘," . . n l 7.l ' l,, ~,,11f17j....1ag Inttatatrun at 10 , cluck
E . , 510 dsy. bad Fridal... and trtn IMO.
~,111,' , ...ung . nry Ttinniar. Thnr,alan, and 6atla,„
t . rage.l , -. 1 , 0n Wats!, rto
"I' ' '''..k. '”
. "
AltalikftNNti & if46 7 YR. A.,."'i
fr 'Olt or
VALLIrtml..l7 4 ;
11T1Alln$ : 4
09,121, .lond•S•
I•sv,l , bl.llEur e
rArtyst.wk.. For
. _
; • •
Ohio ' and P • . ; . • htania Railroad.
CIIANIM 12: 1131 • OF dTAIll'INtd
9N ANI),4FTEIt Mt NIIAY, the tith inst.
tn. allerponu train artll Ix New Ilridlitod at I%
.., and mturrting, leave I , era! sleet ii , takton 1,1
4 k
P'ilri''' 111-
'''''''';;lEl.i'rd ' 'IN Ti
. eke( Anent.
Ea - press Packet Line Cleveland.
\ R .
. st - : T, ‘„ :Ea 6.1...
~,,..-...t....:,....:.,....,: v r „ ,, :a .i........ • I
,T.,, .
I Lined l,u... 11 , It:
:Le 1 v ." 1: ' , "., 7 ,7 . 1 !tf . . : r. ' :. ‘ i 7. vv ,43,.,' t ..'•017j1.`".t;T:',,
throng] , Ur rite at (1.• iri.. WO le furtn- Led lll L akick•
et which v . ore than th- prrrileae of gotniir . ~......
ter -th., I i the ..r., ,ir :1 - ..
For t.enefe 11.1, to .I.IIIN A. CAUGIILY. •t . .
e.t.d.\ iff otdr and ma:Wield .... i LT et .
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
PICO)! l'lTTSlleittill TO . SlItT. It1:101ITOtit
MIL II tN , nrianittei .N O,ND.A.ii, MB - 11.1S'1' 4th,
I F 7 , l , '" , ' !', ' Ekri r iirirt N n `;‘ l, 2'.: ri f 0 1k, ,.
P 4
1;1•...VE eti - feentje it . ' te" A. Al. Lel4 e: . ii:
W AV FIRE, 3 Nilis. PER VILE.'
Children nude.. tvrehl. , are of ade half pried.
Iletare.en PitteLurdl. and IlayoVlle. Atari?, ill eta.
i dewleale,
- o likix. r'
11...1 r :diVt i
lie Etrurt... (I. kr.. ill le 31 t r.klner.l rat,
tidier,. Vat-hurt:li and K.irlieeterA.. .yll .tation
.00 a
k.. •••• .
lietiviien 111.1dtvalletet N... , ltrudito end L.A.k
se T ht, lran. v 111 11 •
01 rno ..0 d.itkiN,, ••• . -'''''
..,_ 0 tarda um i. tel lid , IL, rrt urn (+it.
, .
11ei.... 0
isr .
u.-. 1 ~a.*tardal ulll ha 4 , .. 1 /Al h.• /.' llrll Ir.
an Nl..lay.
s ty
0uthi1...... wlll ty :IL thr 1.., ~ a 1.4 al ,Irrrr, I ,
....1 ~.....r. latbllnc 11.. hal 1. 1,. . ll , I , I'aIIII .
:row bto. llrtdcr to an. n..0”4.1, , ih., 1..5 ma,
Hain.0u1....... ./111 al, Ira, )1, II ungsl.l.
Haw. 1...11:it/4, yr.. 1.1. 1.. LI. 1.-uvalst poolarr. lbr .
tn. , ~ny•-, a1....,1 p.n..... lo the 1.1.1. : by 11 ,
Ile.hant/' 11...1. O. rt. Chad, alb.. Filth , . l. lb.
Wa, b. NIA. Le, and ',Clair e 1...). At.
si.; Ow rhu.. j...13..r• eyn hall th• I Itimjl43, nal I••
•••••rjrat• the Vst•
l'ho 1,11 , ..1 a ill 1.",...1,1 1.y...1 New litight 3•t
Ow . ar1t...% pra,b-31.14. dar
I:, unlit .4 11, Iloard 61
In tryth the Ohio and hymn. Emir,.
11.,1SSENGEkS will take the Ili A.M. train
Q. trAtn ylltthurvh.t . tort A.
ItACItET ItitAT I . Arr. J B. GA LP,
atrtittil 11righton. At IP, A. Al thuly.n.rriTthi,
At New C.n.lle al 4 N.
rtrithst leave Nets (Md.. At 7 P. . At , tAthAt
~ ht
Itittl e ir 11, % 7 A.
it.. 41. watt the :lawn. let
Ittertvr, Ac
i'ttr thro,ta ilEtt PARKIN. ,
t gent. liailrond I,pott
11101,1.1.. Wotrr MrtA•ti
Mt.s.tre,thislA l'lttAburytv
at tititilt.
.1 J Nev. Out:,
II El.l .1 WU Cr a s t.K. Pr pr.t.,
SCI Int Ittwitetter.
PENNSYLVANIA itAtuto.ln. i
_ I
Completed . 1..01,10urt, Vilna,. Ice. oP,lnlin..ttotrn. 1
TIME ItEtot CAD AN 0 ,I . F.EIi INCEE \ A tit°.
r 1111 E Ow 1.1 , ;1 , ..-re t;P
I Anpoun, .oh or trwrut,aul•pAtrun—t t ' il,t Pr
4. ow ;
, I.aula LAI 4.. A e. to
. Ab. Lo• • rocutn.ur.. trAYEA 4 , 1. 4 : ;
:I;44":l44ftl'{h‘'f';'''lts‘N.:!... d'l'm
, • ar• now prApur•g 43 trOr iTV 40. f.,•4-1 may novont 1
'"'"7V' - ",`,1,'111',”:NN':'.",!7.04' ,-, l.'k.''''''''''
.., , ,,ba t‘, , i kn... rule. ..0 tr. laYbt:
YIIIS ILA A%---tkry 44 , , 11.A.44••••. 1 k 3 A 10,
1•4‘4, ••,, I.4tlery, C ~.. thmery, Fruit,
•,‘Att. . kurnitur Pm,. AlnlieuarA.Y,A.l
r ....,..A.. I. yg r g. 4,• ;440, t Ala. LolEtb•r, lit,
Tkyonthr, Anil olls•Y ~irsAAAA.•I•4
Tllll[4 CUL,' —linkork. 4n% ter:l;n). Lard
4,1. TulAkAck. At do.. TAII..w. . Gral4 sy•l •
I , • l i ' l ' iq'il ... ..' ' ' N ...
.• ~.,.. "
• ..... •
.1- 34,,,-A•Li..lArblefrouch):CALr,
, I W 1,144114 4•• A41.1,.1434,.A0n.t... 44,
COVtilig A. 011.0. Agent,
f.AZD r ropy qf Pena +l4l War4k Firert.
. . . . , .. . . .. .
TOWS WS W r f ' S ! . i ..° '' SSn .N ' Sr . .. f ' S.. ' root nutml Imm tr, tr.,. indulg,: l / 4 , or tbetirpetbeiliirbili
x 1 9111: SC IiSCII.I.BER.S Imre IM. , ple • lsaurr to !0, r Int.., 11.1111 1.0 .1111. the 111 . ....111th r2tlat etoaaset . \ _ ~.. . •
ortuou to Dr. Ousfklt ' s Nit of ti ow
1 r ° 7, ' ,7„,1 th . Y.1, " .:1r,t t ., • '' ‘. ' f d ,.2:,. ' n " ,. ' . - 1 ' ir ' u ' rt h . ‘ l,,, ' i i nc,:n . .: C '
; ', ,,.714- '4 ..tvg..pftnllrt, w hull if orAing imaf • anti . e , t
.t'l.f.4,'nuir... 110 , / ro..tdrotl , rsp , ,t to tlehrer fn . \ght 1, , !, ~ r., , , , , ,,.. - „ t. ,,,, t „, tg , t,. ...,,,,,t . t , . try, cry. Ig ',try: . \ -
.114/ 1..1 Phitlith , .. 111 gutil: DAV,
•.,,,,,,,,,,,„,..,.,,,,, f,,,..,,,,,,,n, not., 1 tr., mul they wiNnever bed - tappotzV, tor 111 re. • \ ~ ; .- i \
. mereheml,- ur pru;lure 'ahu, onr e.,, ,, t, , lie n , ,ty the pubhu mt tum never us \ med . enver . . • ' • A. .- . \ ---.
11:, V. r. 1 1 ,40 t.,, sI. 'DIN:. 1 . 1.1: .4 1. to. \ ~t. it t „ ',muted o'in,rmgai,mc..„l.ffi.a. tlatir akat Ot f felth . • , i \
Arl4, f01i0..., rtgee I c fr, Mtn:
guts ct,...k . g,_-1,,,,,,,,, , .. nut, ;qt.,. nouk, \ In LL root • i , •
I. l la. or, 1 .' '. , ou fr r- rtu if, ' \ 1 Iml 2 5 firm mit..tik , ........ , m w 'k 'ho ..ike lo6, J* l- ::' • ,!,
.., , stb, •I- am, lung.. 11.dieme., Mut - mo Irmo ILL. rfogly utke-ta/dc n - Inedy : thereiShoweMtr • . - - .." - ._i
~,,5,.._,T,g„,,,,.,,,,..,„,,,,,,,trit,„, fr , kett down In beslth tn. vpinl.. hoWtrvat IM•XlIer ta t • . :1
.m.g, I. um, t,,,e Mull.. t Ida. Louth,. Clo- litemeif au. others, let no arm ot.r.pal, of hie rerrtlet ' -.., •
.., 1. .` , TI -F onth r, L., nth ' th........ 4, I I.laf
UndemtAlftl. that ton but/ of pkelltai re. • • '.i
M rot kr-.
TII OLP Clallr -limkork, hotter:l,l.lAM ! unrution nee elorte in. liuruktt , Lose. of TOMO n,l
•_.. rotas,: At dor. TOL,. liraln snd • 1 and Iku,aparitta, 4.41 re'rettade bum, ki bb , Igthokaketto , • It
1.,4!;t1 .. il CU' , tA• Mail I,:nni - 4Y ..... I trr
:!L•r \ '' ''
b"it"l' 7 ''' p"'''':!")4.'" r "l7
I s • •S.
l'ach.lto'lntOrrvAn tin. Rom, Due0n,tc........ - , n '' '' ' '. c' . .' ..h.h.
, Ct M.ll .1_,1.E. Agent, . a • a ' , 7 ; . a.- , .. .
...gD riper 4f Pena soul tytrlilY Plreetn. I . ; ; ; $\ y • 4 ..\ \ ,
. • FriiibLes, it6AD rite FOLL01i1N0! 4 4 ,
Unit States Patent Office. t . \ NorAttc, N J l l, JanuatTZ!.. : ' f • .
s . ,
. ~ •
!. Mr. Bennefff-Stie like oh - I,4nm !rifle/OS Litttt 7ottr •
' , 11,..,Nt1i 4, Ital . , i ,
A iN.• the prOthLri 4 3i. 5:0,4, Of Pars., i 0 "0:!"'
D": 1! 00
! ' 1 S.:""P'ilh!!6."' kTr"!'"T'ooobdtl
' ' ,
VII/ ' rat,s, 's' ~, Su . lir ••tt, ur,:, n' a ',out grunt- ! T"'.. " ..". •\ , ,
11„, 4. Men Mr ..., Itat b. ut ftN ‘ .ll.l of un-turrtng ,fun nu,l ' . mu, M•rufgoole F r. 0f .. .. t. , 0 , ...d .. (Sts Ida ' *1! ,
rt front rm.. ur 0,11,0011, :4..4 Vary in•cn tb. ea, i ,fught....f. 4.......1.1.1 with difficult .meiMgmlelcult arid \
110 n.. .I rrt . tt• ,0,9, ..!.. I. "'' . ... T!" '''''' i other winter. peculf.r U. bet era. aln, bad mOr bad bar s . '
,of 14 , , , ,subre. IN•4 \ , , .
ss ~. ~, ,p„, s,,a , p„. 05 0 ,, ",, J,,,„" u , the p u t._ 1 ugular menstrual dukhitrge tort too ti brit bribe
en t14115,..,... fmtunnm, am o,of. 1 - 42, 1 , .1. at 12 tme of Dr. Chu Ante. 1 .1:nt• Dock awl rinstpArilla she vas . \ - \
lOti. M . \ tfl 0/ I f, w../ . ...( .1 he. t' . •Pr w •t •. .. M w irmlnut.lly CUT.. 1.111. tujol Tuannekra and oamorwithott
....\," ".. d!' " ' "T': ' `lil '''"d ' ""' 00'zh''''''' I memmug th., slighh , t Ifw ‘ t-lit, he had one littlglit. the
...min., , .
remum , nt , t.mng t.. ustrn.lnn am of tml to filet n the 1 St.un um funs, uunfe. \ I. N. TRIPP A ell. ,
hoent NI thuir oluvellum. ff.muca I, *et forth ht w m lfiNtmusro..o%.....glf county...U.7.lBAL
g. 41. 4a.4 te, , ' eNIA,• Let , . ... ' I ( 1 "' .. .. " I AI. r Betauttr-Dem Mr / narimm,l, • 11,. rtlitilago • :
t 00.... 41.4 4. - ,Ithnr tmf t, tu MI ou I tst Um htmruut •
.., • '1
ntur-t M. ate. .4141, 1.1.1/...1111 1, .1 in sem anee •rttl. the • Letlle 01 to 1.11,w Ducits ,uma for 0.7 trite. .1 1 •
~...., the nal,„ •Lteh 1.11 1 , . fiunk,ht. on nnugleat.. , i which al. hif. ...el lot . br, r?duplAlurtrydrorlas and ,
.I L
ntt, ,
. m.,‘,..t. ‘,..„5,,,,,,..
~ nuiVt . , , tc., aini a bas siri.i . y . ,
J rot, Ms , . .... thrt mum. 1.. tmlg.l Iml 11. it 11 . - Weskillt , l, Falling .of the IV , X-k
S. "...I,urtreMutt/00r, ,Is . orti.tiu .1 A. , .PLbv.. tev),Much 411 L. bri,eitelaa 00 bat 1...1 , 9 . „\
got r, I . tomdfloryt.; Cuutusll.r.... 1 . 0. utd„Journ.l. I et!geted • cur...l Imre inn 1..f , 11VM.1 0 ercond Wale. - '''•
grut Mu , . 10.../1,1 , 1m. 1 1 IMIII ~ ,,i rehi, ,e r• ii.e.i , sii.-.. , g.,d 11111 ~ mg frAii the ettot of the Mrater..o.l.eoltaklint . .... 1 \ . \ \
-mt. Lt.. t ontamm..l 1tu1L,t0... , ../ .0r1...., „unaus : , s __ . . ,_ , , ~, s . • _ .
~, \
.4,1 IN tenure' , Oar,to. rioetturtb 1 . 0”,• . otr , a 1 '.. " .......`.,- '...*. • \ '•'' • • . .". a .. . _; 7 l \ -•
.1 ittuut 1., m.m.
t\ s\
, r 11.4 kM LIANAI ‘
..I1.1.• 0, I.4.mmmoner ot rt,
.If,stm , -tut . . , ~.. ~ iit ... -0, •n
, English, &, Bennett. \ , 51.,.r. , ..,,...15.11p....ct Er ' , Pc.,Pur,lor Lle ‘ ar ertkiilgote T ' • ,
, ' l . ,4tAtutu of Ow 11,11, Lhulra<m. of tkutilea4,l:ol4 . - l '
I l ir 'IQ L *SA LE 13 Itttl . 2 Elt'S, Cotranirriultl . ore. teto r Extremities. sett Nurahn et Ito leitnl",4 ' 1 \
" V V N1.,0‘.4t.1., 'O,l dealr\ - . In l'relttos an. PlttuhrtrulN
. ) . ...1 . ... A mndlog. aokly bktulf.,tykotylt 10.11. W. 0.4 - A ,
Otkpubactouf.--.1 , ... I.:J. 4..0 , 014 -.41111-0 4 . ut .1 .I...twcutt \ ... • •I'fM..tlM.• \ .-.•- t • - , / . s . \,t
M ost and ortk. rid 4, rittsburalt, I's- have on hand. s
~,,t 041 fee, m , 1 e lottn•ing ~, . ..1.4 11}1/1b ;Ivy...ller sir I.J. In Purl. J 14 , - 1. aril: o 4'llj. btl o r. 7 1,1 X__ thi t ekr. , , 1 •
Or At tl, Ins.\.4 ark.' rau s e,- !4 , Orr. us Ourrott . e Yellosk,Dret and tampalettla. Vblch , .l,
, Urst':'•‘"';",:./:".ef:allb'''ugi::: .1.1 : ' , ' l ' , ' ,.; ' j ' ,.: ' ,l, : " . tl i ijj 0,0 IN, 11 c tor rtrL bat , been thyme:att. under th e bloarinte or
do arue: a van., Ts, , I . a st. 4 Prut - M-ner, m testrral " tot to trait eat the.- .___. . "-. 0 •
en 4nes tlns eut ol're, 44 •In ,0
1 6.1 N O. Furs,. tut cu t• urdlfr. ,
, pat .. cut A dr' . e.m• ma 4,0 l ' l. keN ° M..! ' ""`". ' Irk , 1 raiattn .4 ur ng tn. Tail a . Skg-k tOul E f .ffit.P - . •"`
er.o I O
1.. \I Halt rim... Vida N.. .. till. .. ,
4. - ronetie. '-\ um Seas N.dle. mugle. M.o. I xraia, I wtm CWT m a most feeble rola/Wok; Ikrairoree . • ..„ •
-I ' . " 1 1 ... T. ,!, \ " W ". l. ' " '" . ~.!!)'' T! '5 1:161.... Ile eltsr with r.iotai. or the ni....t.•,,,nnettoar
I. •• tfrunnou , lO,OOO Ous ktlrratue.
41 take 41[111 , 11k1., Vlth4tA t kits - tnbn , Madder, 1 ......"T 6.4.- " 1 1.110 TTI T -h" book ' and .lkdalle k..M I • ... 4
. t:rmur. nut. 20 umko Ala
m. uturb trout ,I with air.ibeee gi die ',ea . ..Lb:4.lV thie ~ • ~ 1
, • ,a 1 Omuta, not-, I.uuns lo t, ~,,,sittr, od combnpes of sr orals analralt,
,tad Ix .. • : - ,....1
. 0
• Itoe It aud,' • • ..t ' Ware IL,M t , rosy :
iq . .. , ...' . 5,,,, ,.. , . • . _ ~,,,,,,, • ... D. . , 'ear, Este 4 tert ruelare-1 lave tug 00.4aryam tom
, (.amt. , - ‘,
,;... -t . ..,.,.., "-L.,. ..,a. - Moult kl:Stnt'andlot i .111.4.111. lb, Oft able medic won in Oda tactlrm.alla . \ , 4 ,
't a Liguori, • \IM .1. Crxttr , \ Ilu ftuttalu, trit mid get on relief frouttbarpLuctiptlutta. • '
~ 0 :,,.t .,,, ,rt . ....,,, , , ' , , ,,,,,. , ~ . 1 1, r ,,,0,,,-,:,,nr,•,..r , ,1,,, 5 ,,,,,. i 1 Imve alm tetra asxrat tlirlety of family tneeltdneisorltt , i. :,,i
. 5, .. ~,,,t,,,,,,,.,... su,
5t,5,., I. .„,,..),,,,,,,.. t hale or no Aurreal: loot we ant weak WO Llooktke \ .
, .., rtmt Earns, .41,111 , ,1.A1 trssatf • IILO, beck and 4.l , r t aPeolla. WI rtntaintr 4 , ll4 9 .l.4 . , • \ :elf
0 :,,, tr.orlsta hltr 1 . 14,-. 0 1:4 -. 74 . . WU..., ‘,..,"!!... I And - motiulort to dr o unol alio( tor hatur . tiktir er. , \ •. •
I .:1; l ' e . ,fre ''''' 117.:'AuL'A''',11.!le'A'aN7srlit'tti.q11,)1'3-.'"' I P:0u1... r . , ...ter re f amjrad. MT. took l. Tkl i .T. T .T.ll g_ ..... .•
st • or" ! doursuo r. 51.4 \ : nud tom truly Mill, toy tom and kra S t. ManattO per •
rk, \ SUPEB.IOI I , TEAA \ '- i fort o , u4or . nrA, tar ..i\v/flraee.f"u * l t t.4 . !,. 'WY.
\ ! ncy I.swf If Ant mauler, and , ,l Teel in edd yr , . P.V .ITiI•
/ S W up tts Netallit Pork"; 00 1:::-1,,te , V Pnre,. 1 1 , ~,,,,,,,,1.,.. I bssa,,tss, ~, tut' 30001010 :.
. riril F. ~.I,4‘..ribers o "ad , rcsittNtill s ilVT[A : t that p: - .0. , eta 404 unal4s to \ur.rour teryTalnablo toe.
.001 , thr altruorn of - 4 , 2,M dralear 41,1% 7 1 . 4 4- l , Alcute, tlui tiellos leek aml Vliufguttillu, 30.1 AIIIOO . A .
x - , mat,. tr thrk 0ti) , ......rtur TV.A.4, put up ' lnt, - • I larva strAtar retkork ty It. *l4l stareeethaithwilkit ",,
~..4010 mein' pa . "m ,t 1.4 se tr , tort bale the I smatat,lN tours Oult. , tI ' ARCII3 aI'ATILDIXO. r
11, tpd proferve the ea.
of I \.II- ,
Thes•drfott.ung. of ..u. put 71,,t, Ons way, 11 F. 1 Oir . ?one : genuine only , . 1M1.41, ,, i Yt-tgr raf f
t ut -• .. ff,.\ .
4 .1,.
‘ r • ...MI-mon. thlt t moth 1.. '.tilt introlue.. 4 o tbor 1 trlntas a 'luso, au4 nano ,- 44 the ,tfltlM 1 k on . 7 ~; \ \ •
od ' ere ' 1! " "" ""!..!, ". . T". 1.! U." T.. . T.. Oa., 1,101 'O m\ written elkoaturr., SP\ SaltlM,T. as 0651. ":" ..
", 1
s , " : , 40,olnsrulens. , ana, taritalre Ns . burn, Ter. tll. I
..., _ _ . , • .-., • ' ' Alit ' .....,, .
'II . tenter .... ,, , , , roo l itatq ., 4 0 . ... , - .4,...."4
~C . ..T . : 1, . ...4, %b .. 1 t ,,,, l
x t . 7 , 1 . r 6 V , Ar
0...,,,,,,:i ob..
,: .„ ..b . t. ..,,
.. ,
~ , - ~,..„
\ t0 ., !- ,7 ......ei o /11:1 ,!‘ as . I T'.1......,z,„, k.„,.:4,,., ,;,..,,,,,,,„t„ „ , o,'VrAlli4'lol4 . tr 11,......1.4 . 1., E 111:..... on 17,,1nut itteste e 11 4 ,
„,,,,,,..• ~,,,,..,,,.. , ,i,, ear not mvlng mtm I . . . ,
,_, .
...,,,,, z ia,,,, , . t. , \
tvtion mat I \ I.:turned. . 1 'T i t , nonne, feturegod. ', \ ~....• .. I ... .. . ~..
~ l i ".111/1... 1... hum h.. is I termed dna thurr uum , ..r, J kitd../ 3 Co.. Hk. r.... ,. ... -•-•.,... ... - , .. ,!
,„,,,,,,,„, 5,,,,n„ . „ ~,,,,,,,,t, ,r e .,,,,, 5 , ,,,,,,,,,1,..i...i. ~, , ,,,,,„,,r,triburghi I.e. A- Beckham, /tOtalletty•Clftrk . ~ ‘ r, j
r 6 .t 4 O T. o . "" .° t , T. L .! ' 1!... r,t "T V ". .,,,..., , ,.. ' !,, " .., 1'!!! ,„. '1 ,, " t, I ' ', T. tue,ll,yaand ght4l, L, in 11.
~u. tiiii...stiMeri. kt. ',,
' 'i . Y.,``ftre`:i, r e:i"ii . .:A . ;, , . r •r:,„,,.;,`:,i c ,.,tif 1 .n . of f tlAn n laLlt , Irti . 1 t.y. firm t.fimtgt e. onnta,tsumenrn, 4 . 4.4t.t taalt4lllll.2` , , '.
...;.,: .
. 1.4 ' 1 ... 11 . 0 ' .... rf 4. 14 ... lott,tr 1 0. 0. !0•01.. 1 ` ...b 0 041,44 . : lord !Sou, slu altsolnk Mr.A.or4.ll.4kisistebtMS -
our nano, mol s ulesto.r - • tilt''), x el,., , teai .r, ii:. Welll4t. 'o:lambent
llult , Tt. An
al grad. , 121.1 TA let,. toted I
),. , • ..., . , 1 .... ,„. 1 . , ,,, ~,,5 . .,
'rout at tbr lon.. ea et• , ....., s , np,,,,,54 e, , "won . 11,- erat# s . - -
lon . 01 '4 • kIeCLUIMI •.\ t Tra IN • alre., ‘, 1 \ 1-tar,lnd 0 Cu, N.‘tallel , ,r, 31radstlir, f l . t. •Co A
opt 106 TAT V .......1 „•\ ' gl, 0 aluou a• Vork... , tie r, Jam.. - 10 t a Enke ...
, ,1 •
Stone Ware Pumps, \for Wells and Cisterns. ‘1,=;.5.,. to, teak., J:'t , ..4u rttik.,.4at i o, , ~,,..
, eft
I r jrllF, SIII{Se RlB[,li, inform+ I,ti, , publie \ , l,l liatzl Sd - itipt s for . • .
\I - l\l \ C. ' • gar ' f.— r , , • ,
•,, • , : ~
0000 Le ILM intrmlumul ow thin ',finesthe; . , t
Li - lut ItE 1 . 1,111 . :I. eV ho Me.” h II a 1 J . t ,,stotase , ll6lT
IA Meson, ot 111,141.1 ,, ,, :-..mnOt eruntr. 0., r 00. Lser i \
,_ \ _
' .""" ' "'"'l' !.°I." !::"I .:".'!`"!::: '`'"'T sr ':
~ l ' r • .T odd lliedicateir.Litittid C il ' ate. - •\'' i \ '
4 0 ! , ualitleo o thre.s. 1 utettr , e , to. 4, ... .. , , ,
work. 4. 0.140 m ~ nre../ nrt out A \ n • lite. ‘,77: , , ....; , , , • ;;;;,' , Tlii s 4E , FICLE is inttzudil fox; ly use, ,
~„i.. be, Peilv, .... 1. 'Of ...T. ""1 ."" ,".! . I. wan +: ' ,I: , . 5 ,A, ~,, , , t ll, I: .,aut In tle pasere:t.t.m. T . riltl - kalt. '. ..
rok. I be" nn- al, rbrap rt. , ,os, • ..
e sr ,„„hr s 55 ,..4,,,,,,... No, IL: le,ret :\ - ....t..0 o' Lk , ar Ito ut is,-"Awl. al eahantta vlio orn tn 454., t fiat.", al : \
es.'on-1.11.,rtt Im . ut • Chur Onl. rf t\frt , ogurg h. ttra,4, -. l\ - + to 91.11.11 r t fugl4thl...ituf tho Onprot , .
, ~,,L . ,,,,, tt gt 5., ~,„„,put Otle.utg the mtUmmtflr. rr m atflertf 0,-os., .., r tnes Tao arrark Haw tural . \-' • .
' t
''' ;,,, t t,'.t . ',:e., pg.'. m•uunfrlnt, al ;Mc tour r.late....\ . oak.. tu 1.11c.U. 00 Ate lair trial lay cu , ider IC Jul*. .. A' ' • .
d 1,. runt., elm katur froo. mom, .r tor Ityd”titt. . ~,,,,,,,,,t. , ~ . .
rttt‘,t., „ ,., , ir - t , t , ,J 5 „,„..,. ~,t ~,,, t.., ~,,, , la, taa, retort tlat we, sk,c . hadorlda . ~ ?:"."..: Zs ,. !.-- r '..;
''' .l..V. !!".''''' ""!
:Ch.. '''. .ro ' ; ' l " l ) ,137 . :05: \ \ '' l= ' /.; "7 t n .. ' .17 ' t: l l l'. 2 : ''','ll l "' ll W l4 4',0%ki..jar,.. \ : ?.. ,f.i . A ' ...,' . 1"
' f
, ~:....... ,','‘ \,".. ‘ , . . 1. . \. • /,'"lnit ‘ rreratrutni 0,14 our 4,4 " 414 nit 174ren. its . ' :,. ' - -, f - \'. , 9
''", \rg ig I .1i .11,1.1_,NS .lllti , ' , 01.1, V. 0 , j . r. 5,11.41, eut.“tute ikr .11,,,,tv.1.1.4., 1., 4,...,.4. , ..... . - , 7e,
""' ")‘. 11, p j,„, ~...,......1,,,,,,, 1, 3 .
r ,.
~ ‘..1 1. ,4 ,, in r,, , !, , , ,.,.. .,,At i tt . i....ut.........i ti , :k3=l:! . .4 , l*wndo ~, ..,,.77i1 ,
7 '. \i .- C " AS K . ' A , i '3l- !, l r l L l ,, t : t , A , N o t ,\l l l tit .r U i l tlc4, lt it.. l' it , \„,\ " . thv 'lL M4 ai l a tt' iti e.6 :l a t s uf il: M l .l A ?.: 9' . 1.1' . " \
I ,le, , i iee ,i me . 4
NI . Flw 011,—:...0 bbis. or 591 e 1r i i - il.AMilAil.‘ 111' !ALN, 1 . .... \.• .i .
f Y , Ll', 8 ; " r'. xi.. NI A LiEll ft ( • 0, 2.4 M ' oul . XLIII ti MATH 11U111(...N11,11eantur,
\xi L . •, ' F COlapt la all the'prectlatog phi lama to Cm C a t , • .. 1 '
A tot k,\ N I .Eit SEED -- I e l iatt tlor aale Et , k 1 1 4 4 1 4 4, . t t '-' - : : • • :. '
..,.3. ‘‘
'all " 11 .. s , ~ 4 eiIitIONMAKEI: a Iti7 1 0aria ~ B;A:TAUNIL - 1 A 'AA, ,
otnt \ . . . \ * . O -. eornar wior n t riot au. . 0 a
\ , . ' 't . r‘ ER O.3IPLA - 1 NT, of. tire, e 'ere:bind- 'i , ,. 4 , -, , •
.`7 . ii r i rINV 0 . .-0, , 1 ALL EANIILIES cuntbe accora, , , 1, , tr 4 Cur , 10,1.ingatr ortrianl, ,"...t., , 1i - ue i . e.( irk', ct '. I -',; ----
•—• i ~....,...,,,.... ~.................,..... oti lb.. esteo,ll % LIN 1:,1 . 11 .a. preps', 4by O. L. 41" Ll4.k. . " 1 / 4 'i s e. , 4 rt .
ult. ...,,r. ttl,r turto, , ltul ur unlurinflntd. and Noma. Apply ', ‘,.... k 1 .14...1 1 0.1 4 .4gt0u co r ( , reklm, 'al_
nlleh ~ 0,.. ~rner .4,14 n, old °rah , ..t. • ,`, ,r.p.s , t It. 4. INA re-Dex, at,s it it kit pleasum. I. ran ::,
.f . , - 4 4t. ,
.0, • --• •---------•-•------- tea:VlA:urn., eer tter 11s1, - ,Lisla bk..' Is ..test nondete
"o' 'Bp L1.51,11 ' ..-1 IO 1,1.4.4. Extra Family,' for sale- a , batatar u, ~ tv i ;t tt pat of a. , tuout , 2 , natty c,x no. ' ,
t \r_
S O at r ~, \ ,„ ...„, 0 ',, p s , asititki , A,B, t netat k Lie 1,5 1.1114 L.., .4 fnuvi 01.0 .41 toe goat- Tt.
L Lan
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•i,,-; 1 , 4 -,,,,Nu",%. , , th,,,5,„,,, ~,,,.„,,,,„ p y ,
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COUGHS, - COLDS, - Hatt:NESS, B: 0 N , ' 1-
ASTHIL2,, CONSUMPTION. :1 \ •••--. • •• •
N offetiltg to the cum unity alieljeklY . ," ' :
\ selebrobel remedy fUr dimmooardbetlroatand luny,
it L our wish to trite wall the lir« or Small ef 'WO -, • .
cted but frankly to lay 1...« them the opluloos of. -',, • - , men and come of the sei'd , onces ;of ito ion. ', .. ,
..)1,4.1 which Wry can fudge for flown«. 'WO WM l " \
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Rennet mmity which f oul s will notes alaia. - "'r
..m.,,er pn t's me hero Kir.. sod we robelt . W. tulado r r' I
... th ou anb to into all tee pobli.h. Ardlog they „‘. " ' .
K 1_,.,,
• ill f and tlirm deftly reliable, and lb. medlcin wor th s .. -._ , \ ,
lb.e. be.t es-na Po«. md patronage- : • ' ....., . - . J ... , . -- \ . .o
le's , . the divan uishorl Profemor of Chemists 1 1 . - ,''.,• . \ '
tetiryt Inn«. Dowd°. College :I . • ~, 1 • .s, ..
blab CM Ide la answering the «mt. of Dna sou . ' 3 ' • '.• • \
000011,0. until I hall, an opiurtunity,Of witneteloA as If. , . , ,
WM in nay own «may, or ist the Wallies of MY =moo. \
1 , i idol have .-. yw dom with a high deoureeof satlatanter.., • .
. m. 0.. 1.0. odultottra children. - ' _„ • - , •, .-•
l i ar
r oe ou• ::u caltoi,tagredlents , V. a powerful yeseto .; , ,
'''''' It ' e ' atllt ' e . _ ..T.:NI - ALAS. - D. lII.D. .. ',' ' ' • '', -;
bran. -, .11....„ Feb. 5, 1 1.47.• - • ' • \• . , ''. ~
t .
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(Pram an («erre« in th.rrt - n.x Ilton.MlllAlntlas DitiOl ..
1,.. d. C. ATM: I bare «encored of the worst-o°lp I. . . ....%
.." ''''' ^ . 0 Ote• by lo s -Colmar l'iclOttAt, end
to. whom I Pore oya.rt nity or mcommemllog It' ' .
o nth.... You« router oily, . •
1.w.11, Alas 10.1642. R. D. AMMON. ry
, _
Ae.- Steed tl,.....witowing, max«. this ofiedlelnels wo.' ~ • •
irthud. This ystwat hod Samoans ..4. 9. feeble; and thee!. \
~ or the rordinno ww, untoigtakes247 dlstinek-.. ' ,
I • C. F. nom, FAkvoaa bentala. Jody 5.1R42. ,
iktr. J. C. ATza-M, I have been %Sped with • Mtoftla , \ , '
f`eition of th e lons, and All ale r ptordit of nettled, N . "..
1111 ran. w int mos. Wm ix rear. tdyld linddao mr-I •- \
eat our l n•.rh
i.o r.mtueed the
ns•ou se
too Poem«, which in AMAMI o. • . „0,t.. . .
iof. any I hose toon. steadily ,reinhur ,wy o "mg. untlP . ~ ..• '..„ „
, Y 14 ,,,. .0n:: , , ri. , :!) ,,, 0 ,., 14tLic i , , t0 0. red a Z i hllo urdflit Maur iptw , . .• 7
loi n " fri....1; :lir Troia:no: nt Europte ' r 4 Yri ' ltreak witrra r il ---'''. ' ',,
too.. •mrotard from hio earn
use by •wrsare at- ' `;' .1:,-,'1,
of Pinpoint« 1 hare ransuse in «rafting, these' - - ..; ..° 1
.`" ''''!'*" -Pi 7-e - itgli-rgro'L, ...I 4;. - . - . :-,
Tho 1011 , •m nye of the •nrgt of POW, Whiartah•
Ph , ritan. ;awl foul wig thotu.%ht to be Loomeltitiontssitalf.i t
C... , ... P.-./ .+F.', a.-
J. P. Ann-Sir. I wee taken withfertibli.. '' - '. .•
i•rought on by a told, to the lman o f of Ina Ye= - 7 .
. n ., .... «or Ind to toy bed 1, more than T.
1. C.w.l,lng locrmantly t-ight and don I _beet.« ghasay
mol oat, m r ~, • e«.unke o and faassy.mad my N.«
•ry Moat ind...d. I xaoraually iaallug.andlo mend er tro• • 10. broth Wm Out WON hope of my se«rese mold '" \
lo on tr. o.ot ll bile tall ' os .ituat son, a inobd of' MOM, , N.
1 11d. lb, ,J A. tlel1•r. , r tho 51.thodiet Chino b.) brought . • .. . ,
. ~ ~,,,,,. „/ ~,, ‘ .1,,,, tx,oot,nrat, Whit I triedlnote
• in a: miff I f int Won from /my kt irctatio u of obtaloing ne. -. , • •...
lot Ito gO,l ettrnelll 111413(Vd. SY , . Onati.. it... 1 and '- - . A
our- ...on looliotdm health 1711 ifrip«reiL ;low In three / .... .
OVA I ma Well and stns a. anl oao attribute my earn
' ' ''." ''''!"-'''''''''"" "igrAlibrli t ti d "'. 4 -
'7 '''s." .. '•yi by JAIIIiS C....4E1ia Practical oftwatl• .
int.i,NnT ' :[ ,` ; ', ..
old In Pittabar ~ wholmol. and ;tall. by IL A. lAD-
NEolia. : k Cif. a 14. X. T.01V.N.a11.N1?....
~, • ,
'attlY4 .
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