The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 18, 1851, Image 4

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!..4*.natimitie Incedent.--After Queen Victoria
came to the throne, a 'present was sent her from
Jerusalem, of an olive tree: It was chipped at
*pont; kept on dealt. and appeared to die on the
passage. -, . In that state it was entnuted to the
gsrdner.' On .therweek in which Her Majesty
e walfirsirtied, the "British Mercstry” stated that
'644th .PAY of the coronation this olive tree pot
fokth twelve blossOms. From this incident it is
thought the twelve tribes of Lsriel will be gath
ered to Victoria's reign. Some who are less
theological and more genealogical, infer she will
hnii twelve children. .
Tit for Tat.—A recent French' paper relates
a - pleasant anecdote. Madame D. (it says; had
a magnificent cat; Mon. C. :amused himself one
day by: killing it, for want of something else to
shoot. 'Mad. D. cause:lto be set in her 13W13 house
and in tho houses of her friends, all aorta of
mouse traps; and When 'three of foui• hundred
mice Were caught; she had them pot into a box,
which was forwarded to 1 1ladaine de_ C. nt her
cotinti7 hone: The bbly . eagerly opened the box
hirsolf. expecting to find hilt soma new modes;
the mice jumped out and presently filled the
house, while at the bottom of the box was found
a acap directed to .31adamo de C. "Madame, your
hiusband boo killed my cat, I send you my mice."
• , ..Ficnch Spoken gee."—lt is said that a wor
thy' eitizen took back with 'him, on his return
from nu Exhibition 'trip, it card, bearing the
Words - es parle Trancaif," which his duly dis
played in - his shop window, after the' fashion of
metwspolitun brethren. A wag, having wit
'iered on the success of his Movement, catered
-I.Mishop ono day, and requested that he might
he . t;ermitted th inspect the "Is, on party Fedn
' when the good bit blandly informed.-him,
-.Abet "far the great demand for them in London
houruot been able to get a parcel down, but ex.
. ; 'pee.4.e.d, shit:topic ones in a few days."
Pjttsbniti Hedge Farm Nursery,
IitV,TirEEN _ three and four miles .A '
' ' - :anotarirfltlaburgli, roor the Farmere and
b. furn
. voirinatce p;ka load. teznrotion of Fourth
streur a ) and bout one rode from East/Abort, .-=
lAA an ritiro reenectfully viva notice to their aus.
toriri.rt And ho public amorally, that their acteroire Nur.
marl, Circe bona, de., Co.. now maxim. ba•tlre.n dfao..
W) Mal 11301OSO plan, al: of widen iito in a healthy niw
IhUIT TRF.C.S. eons Eating of Arvin. Pear. Pima: PLa,
°lorry. doriento Nanatine. _Almond, Orono Wh , A ,
Ol I ADE' iliEr.i.,— V loqla nth, Catalp,MOuataiu Aoh.
Sugar Slant°. KngliO Linden. American Linden. Lominn
di l'imbtr. sat ,t 6 Ilea 4. Poplar. Weoiwr Willow. wag,
parltedliireta. Tulip Tre±, iloroChestout, raulownia lin
igmlififi:tVe .pin 4. Anti, lOgibd, Ash, Engliab Sycamore.
hVI'LII.... EV '' fitta'ai. C' AND STIIIMM—Tit : Inuiper ,
Cedar, Amer con Arbon , ' ten.Chinne Arboreltea, "of Tn..:
Upright Tea, COO6lOll. Vrw. Ame ri can !folly, Forrocan
Unity, Whit,. Pine.. Norway Spence, Bal . aoui4w, hitter} . ..
Scarith Fir, neralook Spruce. Scotch Uroono. do, de. • •
ktlttlift Muse PLANTS-4Sr Rosh, (=Any of.theto
nradrate,,)nouthering crier 711 varlet:lea
nin i.-urtao_ ln cias,to hrr
Vt '' t '" W rhl rl4 —. NletT , 4 C PP e i .
Pertitualornontaut tona,A Vn.atnumor i 4tho
aro pporfeetly hardy, and Mom freely thrionaliout the
rmer, woof, Abo, Geraufunta. Oleandere...l)ranga.
Cactlitsh• w, Sr. . '
• •
0. 'o.—All proem ' mull be atoompanied with the cash
er nussusesS ssreu.sss-
.Plantsdiarnfolly pat ked raa rent arrording to direetiont
to mar Wart of the United SAatca.
Verona witting to car at their ydrivure ground.
would de•well to giro as a nal: 111 , wa think our rioria of
lfrorarnou cannot. be surnarant west of the mountain,
- how nfcriog now , *Moo Of ground, and numboring fro,.
lartn 100.000,a great number of which are of a one one
for tnanaplanting.• ...
ffreloni and nhrubhory Paaritirm ezecutod by contract
00 I,ciainabO term, , .
• .. . .
tetturr (pan pall) to . onr addnmar IT ilklnN P. U.
ritt...ssultla. will rocelTO,lnalnentat, attention
cit al - our rtaqd In the Iliantand nartrt, on mar.
net allve, will fi nd inattmliate attontion.
Tim pub' n• In nenonal art• final Int to tall'ittri 00r
atoek. Attention tt (town-Sven nn any day rre...ot tab.
i • a WALL a JAI+. NEU 1t1.t.r,11.
NGINE HOSE- . --sLhl feet 2 inch 3 pl:i
Indla bght 0131 expn waly far Vi n e
perpnws. rou
.ranne - {is invite the Fire Department, of heath
mcall aml inatolne then. as {heyare warranted t.
rrand more prt yawn: rnan any leather lawa,
In ell rash whare •th ydo not ULM
the money mill It ratataled or the Haw vpiaoal t•y urn
eitCS. J. R. 11. VIII I.LI
en • . suds , W.a.l rt
'DILE OlN'rAlENT—Warrantetl to eure the
Ilorg.civesnf Piles in few dare-.1.1...1ab , by
u.IOU IREY,.+EI: .)(PICK ELL. lit' II on,t.
if . 1A VEN 'DISH •Extra fine Cavendish 'T..
.) Elm, far esle
lit KEYSER k MeloolVgl,
B UTTER -1 bbl. _and 24 kegs fur side i.ty
WM. It. TttS
slititlET's SALES.
If/LY VIRTUE of nundry writ:: of Vt.nditioni
UP ea-not... and Lerati Farina sal Peri Vao...c.tssited
, ma t of , the liotriet Coon and Court of Common flew .1
:Alle.4hny eunty. and to me directed,will be oxpoawd
topuhile oat, at the Court
...Monday. the 27thday of October. A D.. tart. at lu
4.1.1... the follow - mg deicribed proPOrt., to
All the right, title. interne and chum of John Wbon
in;..4 to all that certain ' , tree of land situate in
PlneTtorthatip, bounded and described as .folles, vit—
:-.ltoutal,d on the tont try lands of the heirs of Laura: ,
Ilobnes, dammed, on the north by land of i•obort 31eCur.
. tho weet by land of Jacob Ilebormill. on mouth
by land of IVlnatill Theo fira.- on which It erooto I a tan
"tory fauna dwelling boom. told land meaner., about
.vet mom or kae.. Poirot and taken in ex.c.tuno a. , the
property of John MaDonald, at the mit of Itlhert Krn
All the right, tat= interest and claim of Moons W Ts
Smith, °Lin and to, all that lot or pareelofground.unaltal
in the Borough of tlcKerogort. Ding lot No 3, In Sioeloir a t
'Motor lots, to and Doomd& Inguadel and dmoriked m k
to-Doom, no--froollog tO tout on n manna Mixt, awl m- 1,
*meting hock of stool width 140 feet to aEi foot alley.= ,
• whlcn no emoted a moll. ne and a half story brick dwell- .ei
lug lam, and oleos frame no, atory building necooled m t.
a Doman and tartan= shim, ...Dodo. uskr
o in casco
tint as the ',morns se I homes ''lt P.mith. at the emit of
John Willing=
All OD sight. Otte, estop, ated claim of WM 11. South.
at. In. and .0 ill that lot or mrcel of ground, situated 10
the Ilmough of IleKevoriart. tieing the ens halt of lot S.°
21.4,in the original plan of tad lk rough, I=l eat to loe
51.w.i., bounitoi and demnbet at follow& vis—lterins no
'at the Miner of Sloth street and —alley, and mei int i
thence alma gala ulley 140 -feet te alley, them ,'
along soul adeT M) feet, thence at fright angle. y.: .
thencengl lines of , we. tot, 140 • .
Pllth street. Mang raid street in feet to the of n
beadsman: whereon eil enc.& 0 onion two story brick
dwellink hon. Pelzoi and token so ostecution sm the
property of II ro 11. :oath, ot the suit of JoluseWllkineou
All the tight. tit,. Intere A s L t SO. nod slam of P gooey. ot, in -1
and to all that certain lot of ground. =nate en Damen
Dot !yang Roft'otTart'.'sn of o f ran t. P l"*l b .T h e 1;1 ' 1 ,
back to Pmuklin street, Is distance of 100 feet ' Prised o
and taken In exeentkos an the orofmnr of P Boner. Ili roe r
snit of pargt alder.
All the right. title, Interest L nod elahn nf Wm Chambers J
of. to and hl -'the 1 'Hosing derenbed Mart or laud. Otos.
Jusdeffersou futroolort to wit—Situate= the south• Pule of i
- .. — 7 — Out. and containing f 0 acme. =re or lea,. end
.- rassirtro l d b llndlillog ''''''' L! l r * g "i rnit PolTisTo . . fft: ' lo l. lVo n r. ' :
rds=fitr::..efod hItY r e' Isltilllfi'irLecrille known
lie.,thereati encied =mod and tatkon In excentton at the '
poverty II 1$ m Chamber& at the sun. of IL E. Delos - on
ALSO, hoax
.. All that certain two a.ory brick dwelling how &nate ,
...go Ohio Tosnmhip. Darning n the Oka eirroad about 12
feet. And extending hark about o 10 feet oa r ti dwell.= brow
being erected on lot too 12, in Peeb4r plan of lot. In
- Haorteklerrille. and the lot ur oleo, of ground and =Moll
- aniaapportemost te the aame firmed and token in exe
elation ae Stir proterty of John bleb.. at ths of
./.... Cannon
All the =Oa. Utld Iran:rant and dada of John Fleet.. of
in ong to oh that meta= lot of ground. marked an 1 num
. berol "000° In Jackson Reale pith of lode in the Ilaroimh
. of lawrrewarylile. bounded and enecrlbsel an Ibllowe—lty
Dcitler street. by an alley 10 Art end, by the Oreecemurrh
and Pittaborgh Turnpike - mail. lad by int sod arid ‘o
mkl lot boo a front of alma 40 feet. and extebdt Melt to
cold Turnpike aboutfret.= oils= are steeled a frame
boosts or Dower& a mall triek boom and a stnoll frame
stable. -Saud and taken in execution no the property of
Jim Plonk, at the cult of Itels, Brothel k. Co
Angler right, title, intereat and claim of John Coniaten.
Of. Ia and to all thine two I to of ground, :Musts
no Leos
9trock - In the eity of Pitteburgh, and Din: lots numbered
2 and 33 In Penh B. ketterutan's plan f tots, ex= lot
containing= Pet In front, on limo 01110',, and extmonne
h.& Preserving the same width, 100 Do• to a SO foot al
tut whith are nested; 5 Large double lorek dwelling
home, *lib moan= opts - Monts for different tenon..
84.W4 Mal token in execution ao the property of John
COrriatetk m Dm suit of IVie Henry. 'Rory Knions A Co,
ter um bfJ ti Moots nod *Depot.
, Al.OO, A
that two nom brook boom, Abutted on &mod streak
In tl o eity or Pittdourgh. between Wood omit Market eh&
cats ng to feud, on oski Second rtreet, about SS Oct
Vf,'t. V VlLl g N ' in3 7 L orr i s;OVA l =FULTP=Zret b' t
ek. and in:Union to or ex - tension of thesbulldsng inward on
'''- Th 1 abort to said aity, onamonly known as the .. Dank
we." md Mon Use ground roamed by the rune and
py is= other ground oppurteuaut or immoilately odds
- vent Sorel, as may be nemoary for the ordinary and
cm potholed of raid building• 0.1140 ond taken m 0.0-
call o ad the property of Ahdrew Miller mammon, mai
Thor Wallace. =nor. at the suit of Then. Dlactmore
Al the right. title, intemet, dnd eiolm of hichOse At=
roe. r, 10, and to all that cartons lot or pi= of ground,
i 'it on the north aide of 11 ebster otrock Ia the:toroth
n a af the clty of llttaborgh. and 430-ram' as. I Oman.
e i .a . gloms, pri Weleter stool, at the distant, of Dirty
to :t fnwn the north west owner Of Roberto Keret, theme
Malset_llebstor greed 49 feet and 1y Inch, thence poralkl
'lllll Mobster streak mouthwardly A/ feet, and thecae vat.
...db. 40 feet and lid Inches tWool and taken In execu-
Unnhn the property of I , cholas bloomer. at the soli of Wm,
All Ow riehL title, intama, and than , of Pete , MY, of
l , In. rad to all that metimme and lot 00 rpm. of
mound, 0110010 In biliMn township. on the illonopaohela
,Elrer, hounded and demnbed as follows. via: beginning at
1 4 71 ' 0=11/ UV 4 ::!rfigXb b r i lin * :l ° olWill h'd bra l t .
, . en" N 11, Y-
perelco So is pwt, thence by lamfet Jo
P0i1th,K..8...E lb perchey to a post. th, new south 02 get.
E. 60 perches to or post en tho bank tf the Woomonthelo.
ot river, thirim op mkt river. 13, W. 21 pendia to n Poo,
theme by laud of Archibald Deleenso 1. li. west to the
photo of bentatinn containl. One eerie and ads ps•tehmi
mon, or less, on which is mooted an id I Devoe dwell.
baton, Ac, [clued nod taken In execution as the Pope elf
of P tor My& at the lull:of David tiolhorn and J 11.1.•
( 1111, admlt oflatemealbeets .le., deed
AD 11,0 Kett, title, intemet, and thorn Hof Henry W
an th miner of RobintOo xi, nll ,o l Coat stm.U. in the =1 of
All bur. saki I= Ir k ing 90 by 1101 feet. on which menet.
:Led - e ll' i ' , l:l r. : i s:nal: f:rt , : ,. :: th,, r b :lln l h0w. , ,. 7:+ 0 .,::::1t.b: 71; :Si i ; .
LL suit oft. and A. Patterson
A certain theta 01000 Mk* budding and out honor, KIP
=us in Pitt Tomplio. !Main. on 1111111 meet S 0 feet.
thetimextembng back !nun ask/ Minot, along the propady
o r Amoy phillioo, eurtwanilt to Pride stmat, 2, fel t to is
pOot.tberice wratwardly hy propertt ofJecieph Lytle, tosasd
Dion' onset. as aformati befoul &tot taken in metal m
Co. property of Patrick tYllanlon, Coed 1. an; hut Lux
moo. dr-, PdlidlttlarstOr Ot Attest =tem. do Li neer& at
tba put at Drawl Ko4hrla
As( Dm tight. litle,lotorod, claim, amt demand of doe kil
Tat., a, ia, sod to all thug metal° lot of !tenon, situate
1,1 the lamosagh of McKeesport. being lot marked awl lame
bend 172, in John 1111 0 plan of 144 of raid borough.
mid lot baring 0 trout on Market moo t of Di feet and ex
x ous usig bock, prexreing Outgun., wkith.l4o reek= whkh
D amine' two Ninon r dwelling bowie., and shop.—
1.1 , 4001 and taken lo execution on the prooorty of too
Taylor, at - the milt of John Lute&
dillies right, title Interem and claim of John William&
, : c. on, amt to all that e Oslo lot or pier: of ground, situate
* '''' '''''' '''''
` t'A.'ill' 7,; - „, L 'o c r`g: Sll - 1'1,.. •11'?!
Webster downs, In n
bno. 4i:outrun , . los front on Antic - re otter& :4 oat mum
er ti.,, on which is rated'e a them gory book dwelling
Leese. die Pelted mid talon In room:hoe as the prom ety
of JOliti William& at the Knit of d. A. Walker.
All the right. title, Intermi, and claim of humane A.
Wolter of, m, nod to all Oust rertaln lottf pound, iiit=te
.i. is I hoso pemTrom., oppoiAt: Plttoburgh. in tile city of
of tiln tee& left
•, A i1 1.V.1 . ,1, b a lf=f VII mar d lt " e ''' , and out k,t No n 'At.
Certliediettion lino hetweeutsuklule ..05..k3 and'ls4.tba
, is uo. ma & andt Doe..X!J and :OH on t client i rAerirr gong
Pat 1.,A0,7 .' het B f, ' :.t, 'l lt alLse ot fei=kle n . tbf b nceUtil
~ 12(F, r , - ; ay fe.e kti Inchee, and thence or. sight aa.a.
mount lona 320 n fet, to the he
glom a dwellin g
of beglishisilling
ome, Ao — g, motalang
onnholf n orbs= to l tii
Soloed and taken m meention so to sirpe . ftl of Shawn
E. WOWS, et the butt Of IV us Dilworth MI .
An lie sight Ode, lateral, at:dela= afJameta Tau..
of, ice, mid to all Chao certain ten tote of W. situates.
', ''''Vero r si'laratroeoisiZtilli'4f: tizdt,7.1..2
, . ri g ...yd....Q.. an reore e rded In the one° (or w .tooicritng
dinotilin Kaki Donuts . . liii , pr i t jtilL. , p i ir .. , u rreist
I'4 oafs
to 'ATM.< mid, belnd
110.10 on the AIM.
. Madlll u - -0 .. 1b,,,,, t zoo mg. and in depth, (meittorte of
'lliiVglialliik:olkcid and Dana) On one ogle 302dret, MOM
Or lees, and an thee-4.111de 434 feet mom or Imo, goon.
. whlett la erected a otos= min mill and mull fromil dwell-
Ina . balsa being the Same property Aoki to mid Tanan. bY
OillpteK. ifinditE and ants kr doll dated mho ASA dm' a!
• •
ire 1. .11 - iistfl Miff aim 'Pao sa the IMMP.:
qtyot.latimatl66llll,.., a J... F. Perry.
orris t m opt PASO. knit bosun tereetories
100. PM Wick basement. tOtmto In 'h Third Want of
theX.l27 of littsborgh. froollagora a Dliyato. Court or Al
tre"tbl re i tZ.VerVatn.:= " rne, Mgt. -
sontsra l lsa In froattm salkallep Pi feetlcters or /as. (Les
V ' ery ' l i g Ns! I f et i ?s t r h p . t7 ' "6 0
Vtri tfllttirt
tkppultettt.nt to the tomb..
taboo On eit.q , tition
30111: Temtr , t, to Ile • tuft ,I IILLL~vtAt. Jr.
AMC , . I
All tbwripbt. tit/e, harm. ani Matra of P. 6el66ostrl.
and to the ;Mowing fere:l66f t lot, sq. ; tot
Lrtt ‘l..2t.irttfn,rtflrrnjp.l
Wt.., awl ..moadlog in depth f. 60t.. bAmmA rehel
mi., mar ...14, by property .1' C. Malmo, Er; , and let
lota No. 73.2.4 67 to the plus of lo's ofkm6ll.l. rem...lmM
Limn In ex.-C . loolov aA the seaport,. if VretterieS &toles , .
striker, at the raft of Jame , : Poll°. J Ir.
All the right title. IntAnat end ~,r..1
livanAeliell Lutheran he SLephsr, OhAer,
Coy. of. Cl.. end to all Ow certsiu Rio , . of ~.tAitt.
equate In. ILoeree Trmnahip. nrar Trot. kik
the mad 74 fest. Letween ttm leo Araveyani, and eau-La.
It,' bee% n , feet Saint and taken In rt..eotien
rtr:Nt l rfn ol t he SFe ' rreteC U LltgArleTWlt !
Cult of ththrial Warner, and pthere I
All the right, Ilfle, utters. aod iilaim of Edward K.
111. dor one orldlvolcd elorntitb b...•
tootrsiet of ISWlsltuatc, Vutrirdeo To.r,latn, loomdrd
dd o ' j db l
St/20011,13mrgp Nlurray. and heir to t r amsuel norloo,
toning' about ISO =re, olth limn, bar.. a dsrellioSt
Moose, 10000 stOne and part Intro, al, a log danlllog
}OW , * t1311C04 OrrAlsd• sul.rt the. dnlrrr rivlit of Mary
111.ggs, widow or Edwatd Rot., the .littlittrofJohn
The., , eased, and tlt be down; right of Morr 0 1 ,
th.s.lll.Jalto Dro•strod. Nrts.,l and t t he In
notion as the property
Edward It. Rigor. at the lull of
Thomas arm.
All the tight title, Intetext. and rlalut of John
Comb*, of, In, tn end onto? a certain rent eltara.n.b.r g , und
trot) bvtrng . oat of oettoun !et jirruund, lotus , In
reeblea Township, twills. the .anze lot , of gronnd ute.l
'by ICllltant li, Alexandre . , to John Wilk by deed al Per
fuel datral Februar )) Mr/30N 1n , id,4,1
Look No. 2. pet, NI, r.....rting to taut rAleliandrr au hi.
amigos. a
lot belt,.
of i2l 00 a Y...r. PaTabb. nar.
welt. mad lot belt,. 41,fret In front on the I•lttsburoth and Turnuia. , thud. and , stenla Lack 100
tr.yrrnx.rt, not.. ur laze. or aul Alexander.
tald groutal rent aas conve3 . l4,b! , •.
‘aul County ; as the pr,i.rt, Alolauder.
to .Ir.lau I f1re0.u1 , ... of , rvrUln 101%"redi11,}N
01 the tknirt of Votutuon I'leas 01,2;11 LAYIIIII on II 1 ,
No. 72, June Term. 1,,
;All the right, tole, in
th t.vest and el/dm if John F. M
dle .-
C0n....f. 111 •11.1 an ot cortaln °I ground ornate
Knot lale.rt,, tatundol ottutoug.
of an 'alley 12 foet in littahurali and
tte e ensburgh turnpike rued, these, oily along .0.
rt.!. 40 fect to the !fur of Thou,. Nl4•Ctry. thence aouth ,
~noble nlong sal fret 10 44 1•It•U••• them,
„. e nolon.t.trtot both co fort Int
12 ri ng_ _
thetua northwardl, goo tee',
to the of ire Ft
All the right. title, lute,. and elalth of
al% inapt! to OM that ref... tract nr6... of ground •11.
Ol• Eno, Ltbert,.l.oltod...l follta.. I.i .It. broluning
ot the cornet of the tirorn.burghltutd;Fitttbnrgh tolatrike,
r 0.61. *nacho Vranken...n.l6.l6l. Neer.. done Pala Frauko
low/Irma about . 2.16 foot, to prolog , ' 'ef heir. of Jamb
j ' ,T; ' , ' l,lllV% t hu 'l ryt m li ' a i n ' l n itgt:7 s, tl d ro n tl. ' trt r iVta: b°"' "l. "4' 47c.. ,'
along the eamesnorthar.tir abollt foet to th ' e ' tlnto
Le rontalutng one rope, or leo.. Felted •nd
,laken In execution as the property Of Jolts F alealuntw,
ot the 'Lott of George. Soheint,
That hiiekdarolling tont., erected 14 WM. FitnalonOna
lie on the north mac to Filth street. in Pltlabury:h. nod
about undway halm nro• IA Virgin Alley...nal 1,..-
114 t In the
re al trot
the hon.. woe ttectipoat b, Jaeob N.I
avid being two .tot Itigh. hoe,. .1101
r o ar, oyattalug Poe. hie by 25 fest long. The plea of
on.ond belonging to .1.1 Slentmothoh which mot hose.. ie
er.ettal. tt
houtttled oo the stem eall• 1., toot-oz., of
m , he, and on the ant role by property
Seized and lake.. In coventlon the planorry
of lit Simp.c.n. ow awl:John t i
•traetor, at the suit ..f florid Itu ner.
ALIO), •
A.I right, title. inteteft and Claim of Donlel Tonna
eon, of. ht etwl tool) that • rernsln ha or plece tlf arousal,
botin.).4 and •leoettLeal a. lyeanunnto at the owl.
er ot lot' N. , 13. run.t Cvt Mon.{
a te eo t, item, Youth tont. thence
No.along paid alley 11,1 10 theta-ow, of the and h•I
N 0.13. litvl3, north along axel lot 14. the plan• of ta•gto•
mug bong let Nu. lg. in the plan tlf lot. Pod ant ithe
Townthip. (mot (lily of Pitteburall, llonan ant Wee,,
awl moo-del In the ono.. tor rootointo deed.. le.. In Al
en, In Pond llevmt I • nott,
lot or pleo,
.•routt.l toolvetort bY John heottne owl
N. ltit alto, In hoheet 1 Fray end Chart.. Itetton.
loge ill
dal, of iopternherst lo herO dent twanlett lit
I.lld p. who; wttll eorag. „,„„,
Chart. owan. conveyed the rant' lot No 12 to th. 0..,
hallo, by .Itod doled the Ath dal of Jan.. , A I.
1446,and mcertiod ID the attire for rive...thug r
Ant2heny to deal g: V. lot 72
_toe,. 347.
• yeith Iona), but who to tiato..l the .1L dal
Fehroa,, A 1, 10.4...e0u1ey of the ...4ae to tivorge Then,
n. Isla, with Jane. h.. wife. Lf deed dated Fehroory
lteh 1646. rectodol :heal boot 4. A.. vol. ;4.
4.nvrva , l the Woe to Daniel I . ..tont:fedi, It erect • I
o two sore fratm..toreltint: houso4 r agel other out hn.,
...e1...a awl lone itt ruin. as t otnygrly ..( Pante,
o s t ug•on. at the •on to lien
All the roat. Lae. htlari..nt 0tt,1,, Hotta ot Algoantler
Black, of, In. awl to all that e rat ground sottaah.
i, the Cite of hem. Pat! ttf lot t he Id_ the
plan of iota sotnexol to ,ha nded ae.n .., the estate ...
'nark, deceatot. bou tallolkwy. heyon.doo
• l'ennovlyanta Annnue. thrnen oleo ,: •a:.l Arrow.
Ta r to Int 2i a. Y. in toad Plan. .then
hoe of ho
Tart 12. feet a mon. roltfa,6 thew,. at Tight att.
.• = feet. 754 Inch«. to lot No. IXllhenee nlong lot 5.,.
11, 11.1 feet _:mere su, nr II • plan. beginning.
nein .part of the ram r 104 nine!. vlnne nerlain
partition in the lohortet Unita of Alton
en ,
Cout,,ware (inter alto , allotol Alotangef
ye . f as will apsrotr ar m tOOO.
proyogling,... In. :en of Stem wr term. o. ha t .r
•Elerutlon I.ltlcrti , au.• taken in eakutlon a. the
po,te•rty of ......xander at the eitlhlof the.ttte MU
tenherger, tor uo. td Baird Imo I
All thg right. till, ac.l. ell• John Et•to,
nf. *tut to rortaln tr--,1 of intid In Wain.
Toant•liip, Dot I...piton:m.lot ant .1...tm1,h1 fn4.ot,
tivrelit. to a thou, I line ot land of Dori) [floor.
South 15 Orgy+, Wetl y••rtln.• .to pot: thon , ..
to line -amt. loud. root);•
p o to a po, fengire tho f f
•tou. Lost I . rt.. th„y„.
North 2.1 t: do.rme, tt. poreho, t.
Sine nf land. of Wt. B. V.oter sal Charle.. enrothor
North 1 thattto. tit 121 t4ll perchto to a gni. thetoe
Fitt 3.3 2..16 pen , h , to • 1... L. North 20
Foot 32 140 peach to a g 0.0., thrum by land of find:
Dunning. Wirxt lincrche•go thrnr7 : , .otith . 714.
M'r 7 . 11'a , 0 . :IZrlr.:
Latti 340 perrheo to a North 6,legteto Nce,t
norehts to • trot- thono , North 22 degre..... Weg.t
;t9 b-tu twrrhea to • 1.01., them: North ,4e-gteg• Wr,
pereJo.. tri • too, llwneo math Kati 63
prrehe• to the plan. of I,ginnOnt. cptOglaing 131 arm. 2
root' and I , t porch,.. to. an) Ilakon 01oritt.on10
the property of John 111 the stnt nf Ittn. It
. • .
All the right- title. Interest. and tisim of William e l art,.
vat. of. in, and to all Ulnae t . wo ecru:xi lot- or plena of
i r g u et graitiget.Vrt:Praitl: the h e ath l`"snt M
Inks No 1' r sari 111 0
~`;`.4=l I
ao follow,, ell: nmmencon; on W tier. trwet a eernee I
tel a lot owned or formerly owned A. Le o 'fiig.
ant running throe.. Weyt &lon, 34 - te, t the es,
are of property urrued a Agnew; them,
mnth along saki proyeerty 100 feet In the pisee eit begi—
ning. being part of • large , tram of ground wheels 11.‘r.
mar Deno , . and Dennis Senn,. !lee.. surviving Emleutora
of Janne Wilma. Itrewared, by deed of 21th February.
to Jame: Blakely in far, wigirley Sect of
March lath. 1815. conveyed the tame to William Jerk.
errooted, Iv Her Ib.reNer'e
113;•".‘,T k :i1E7TV::n l y tonne in Ile.ll Door, 11: eel. W.
page Sr,. Seized and taken in tsecittion the prop.
rrty of Wilbsan Jarksou, t the snit of William J. Jack.
son. ter ore of tlenrce A.1.4e., nue or us- of Witliato C.
All the right, title, kntcrest emir alm of Peter Baitur, of.
In, and to ail that ecetain lot of anturri in the Borough of
Meßeesport, bounded and dreeribell as billow.. •la - be
ginning at &point on Market etreet. at the corner lot
No. Ile in the plan of MO Borough. end running theure
along Market J•trete WI fret to the glare[
of let Na. 11.
[hand. at rtglit angle, with Mark, street Weerwirill
feet thence on alms pantLlel with ) nacre[ street Nor,
want's. ..1 , 0 feet In the Diamond: )Lame gsetwarity lOU
twit to the plane of begin oing. on %high ereeted one
largo threo story brick' house. peed 11.. tavern and
store and three framedlselling brow,
all the.t rennin other iota ground in the T-irot4h
at dlcKeenrort. being lot No-43 In Miller . , plan. beginning
at the tweet of Sixth and Sinclair atrretc thence along
also-lair Met., feet and mod , . to Mecornerol
dale and hincold /Kris,. thence Wertvanily along .
cold street. 61 fwd. and 11.‘ inches to a polo thence Incy
lino nearly parallel with einglair 'street oil feet soil 4
inches to Beath street Wean..Eiarelly aleng eixth
street 61 feet and 1 , ,a4 Inehee to lb place of beginning
AID, all the right title, interest; arid rlahn of steel Do
(being We undivided Icilf neirl'i of. en. and to Ira So
170. In geld 15orouglt. fronting onidark •treet CO 6 et. and
runtdrig leack 140 feet to
Alley al: the
right, title, interest, and claim of the defendant (being the
a, k lielded half part) of. In, and to het St.. 171. in sold
ledough, fronting GO feet on 31arinIt street. and ea
hack 140 feet Blarkberry Alen.all the right. title,
intertee- old claimer Me ilefetgl,nt.(lening the tine undivi
r i on i tit - SVe 'fan 10,
d t
feet to.tilackberry Alley, on ta ver n kre erected a Iwo storY
brlsk luen.e. occupied no a tavern mei store bona, a (-one
dwelling lirM•e. and s small stable
Seised and okra In execnnon 5.4 Me property of Peter
iteker;al the milt of O. Mackburndlk , aset John W.ngtler.
tor use of O.
A Co. •
. ,
All thorn two trrlek how.. on the north earl corner of
Elm - and Doeatur*tree,. In the H ry of Pirtenorrtn S
gold holm.. ore two Wffirll 151.. nAI, bag.ment knehrna
eof the SSA house. fronts inr rtrret. and th e other
opDecatur .trot. Seined and tak.n In etroutlon no the
Flooper.dred.intho han, orbit tdroinhr
Samorl Honor, Pr.," the rult Bollnoxn. Gar
All the right. title, Interest- and lelaim of Henry Shnr.nx,
dwaard, In the hands of Anthony Hartz, hl+ o lwlth
le 31r, Freclk Yogic. Whinge, Ehra IN:orTart and
minor ehitdren of sold Henry timona, dereared)
loosed to all thstgorta/n lot rt Gniund ~toot, in‘
borough of Birtninclara. and ron,rked anti numberwi
ID th.e plan of lob + laid not hr tin i late De. P. 11/men:tan.
dveNl,lteing =L feet In front on Denman rtreet. and extend
ing hack tin foot 4 inches. to line of t lot No. 45, nn .pith IN
erected a frame dwelling bona, heist.] and taken in exe.
enthn at the property f Lienrt Simone, dre'd. in the
hands Or Ambocky a; hix r. 1,11.14 milk., kr.) at
the rult of Litnentins Smith.
ro d
Peter All th e right.right. title, Interestd claim'of Per Pmntry,
R in, and to all that ei rtam Interest,
orlnhere or ground, .isua
fed in the city of Allegheny, beginning at the dielanr ri of
40 hat Irons the south east corner .1 711401• ands ber
Alleys, or. the tit rude of .11 M
ater alley. run ni ng
throne oartwardly alone raid Water Alley. owardel , de 1
ral street 1,11 feet. to inlet No 10 to [ ra w ..,,, u,..,,, .„,,,,
'molly by the Jinn I.l* Int ao 10 parallel with tel. ral
anent, SO Lent to a 4 feet alley, Men, wen...unity alongi
ease alley. toward. , 11I 141 e Al l , •I', ~/ . feet. them , . mrr
ewerdly at right angle.. by a the trandl.•l with 50141. •
Alley. KO hot tn the place of beginning, and aim, Oh. • free
luductinterrupted riac, pririlent. Ind enjoyment of the
4 fret mina atorerabl. o ll whieh In ereend two two et. n
brick hour., and one tier, Mort tmose hour , 'wind TOM
taken in execution to 10'. ornhertr of Peter Pant e, .., On.
rust otJamer Iferdman
AL , O.
All the right. title, ino.reet an 11 elem. of Henry Itutur I
nett. of. In and to nil that certain lot or Ogee or around.
altua te In the borough of La.:m.lNi so I dr-
scribed as Follows— .11111111,41. AI {h. un Mein 'tee. t , i
and at t he gout et corner of Ann Miller's I. t Orme
along mat etree .5 feet flinches. to haul of Jonas Was r-
field, there...rib .y line of meld Jona. Butterfield 3: net
0 When. to the to . 11/Ptil of 7140 Penneylvania ems'
thence along the nato moth,: dn..reet. 4,44, 71/ fi.t dso i
to the lion of Ann 511 era lot albreaaid. theme. I. the
mt. southward:. I hr.: 11asis rtnot. the pla, •of login-
moat hemn the name lot of gskaind which w a s none,. to
tbo 5114 uenry Butterfield by John Coln il and wile by
their de. dated the 12th of ,inns A. I. 1140 , .nil whieh
la n,corded in Allegheny contyj
In deod book. \',.1.W,, 1,
page 61 , . On the end of In u c
et rooting-on )lain eireel.
there lo.neted a frame benne t o nutria high ..1 0
4 1
end frneging_the Canal, a csbitm t id,er , .I.on. t....ixed and
4 44 1,0 7 / , ~,,u,k0... the pruperl of 11. ury Ilutterheld 1
at the nun of Samuel slertluiston
All that nertaln plow or panel I ground, to heocciiic
put tow/3.111p, teluglot No •1.9 in tort I. goo. nlau of
lots. 55 monied In Allegheny moldy in tank II 4 101
07, pecre 414 and 4J.1, and bounde t and M•seribod an fol
lows. el.. logiunlng at 5 corner-du (unroll 41,, and st
the name Of 117 feet and A Inclin Ism thee north met
n orm., of Vino and Colwril et S. ea t gt feet cud if tech.., to
lon No 27, thence alt.. maid lot To 27, north ,1 feet 1.
Inches to Lacy street, th en, PiDeqJ eabt Lary street mouth.
est= fret & Nava to 1 of well street and plea .1f lregto.
Wog, being (us bet . .. , tortiMme. ) lot no tat, b. Inc the
V. , piece of around that Una I. den. and tlert.arel. hie
pe.. soave, r.l to fetid John n 1141.1 lq their deed .1.64
the 1711 s Apnl. 1.4.0 gelled ,foil gown in execution ut ite
mrirtiarll,"o.ldAliV;. f.i.;p 1 14,1rrr.. 1 11,1:11 ) ,_1:d71', d ,
their guardian Jamb Ore, .1 tbr. sitlt of 1 bias,. 11111.
1.:„..., and Ovorge I . Itolu adrutundteture ti loom.• I. Igo.
donna.. ALSO.
All the light. title, Interest. and Latin of Michael i tee
Jey,otlo, and to all that crenin lot or parcel of ground.
At.. In the city of Atli gliony, th out sot No I IN t n he
wn,. Tract., and bounded and d led. follows • ris be.
ginning on the south of Joettrone Inc thence multwardif
by said greet. 27 foet ir Inches. benne at 1:01t
wynthiruldly 0.5 hot. Ufa—fret ley, theme weratwantly
by raid alley 1.1 feet 6 Inches. then • l e y, ,
Is risitit
Armin, 1),) feet to thin plates of beginning being the name
lot or piece of ..aurul. which Lemeold Sal/ / 0 us, be and
dated 10121 Premnber, A B. 144, ant recorded in All,
, I deed took 1.2, Srd and
talonge all, core
I . ' -!gito ell'dllrellixel haat 7. ad on as erected •
dwelling hon. raised ea I talon in exeCution
as the property of Alicoael Lusky4 at theault of A launder
Neely ALSO.
All the right. title, Interrt and claim of Jamb Y. Wall,
of. in, and to all that certain lot of ground. fibulae In the
Bonnet of Elizabeth, and hoMadet aml drioTiped as nib
lowa,eig., beglonlog at agog onifbinl etrect. so tun
dug beet vocal kg with out lot . o. l 'lt." LO fee to Tan
ner'e Allot: thence GO feet to the corner of lot No. - 1c"
thence by line a same, LW feat to o ld et., theaceby xd .t. en
( g et 10 the plat* of beglnulax.onrlch unelected shriek
dean lag hotare,nra glories high. ild • small home home
tho Defeadaura Want binngthe one tindlchlol half part
of the east property. Pelted midi taken in execution 611
the prpp•rty Of Joule ir: Wall, al tile totter itkidle,
sad will belsold by CAKTGIL cUans, Low!,
Stwitro Oftkokrittslessea uprose. a. mi. ,
. DAY GOODS, &c.. , II; BOOKS. MUSIC, •&c.' . - I
'LP *co- h.. "ii h. hand h . 4 d .... ' L'idk.? ash- i 4 ECOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT,No.7.I I
mere, Silk, Fl ; W. end other Wore, Also. settir 1
destrintiOo tat 11+17, comprising more than listki dozen. 4 Third attwet,oppoalto the Poet mho,-
nth tarps?. New Monthly Magazin, rwr October. I
i— --,-.----.---...-..i....—...- . , Metro, of the liestoratioo of the 11, ~,,,,b yin Fran,-
IIRESS GOODS—Opening daily at A. A. , 1ir ,, A.,:1a Lalr i tsrtles. ,
~ , .
JI MASON :tit , - carry. style of fashionable Press 0 —.•„„ =T . , u.• '- P '.. ,— ..h.b.. , ..5.p.r
(geol., conststing .f hilts, Cashmeres, De Lalnts,Slutinvs. -.--! - blue. es,
ParatantMe, Al 4, an ow! Chili.ollet.S.
. ,
L i iLKS I SILI(SI—Nuis opening at A. A. i rr HE difficulty of obtainingcorrectnode'
CI NIASON sh.)i-- ii ...A-i.e.,' Clarkin, In Poe twontry. has,: Newt:
11l Pi.olut of- W
TerY hionatile Plaid SIR a. some an Inn on ion. end nreerely felt Fr the 00..1 e.l.puotie, the .41.- ri
70 cents; also, • i..r tw. had med. for Idm es pre•ole. n toil, e hewitin. I pl, a rteh Ma, dot ale, arlilvl. hate Jutt artorwl. They tire trom the Isosw, of l
IV de .lettsol Itssevde do. , 1 07 0.. t.,: maker In Elmo, nod art watraated $1 • 100114 Ir, 1
- ---•-•-• • • - -*, - • : env 041 . 0.1,..1..yur rifTereil for aa1...--,est or wen
lIIIONNET KIBBONS—A. A. MASON & . ti ' , riwe s ...-
8 V CO. will exhibit this morning 2 , cartons of rich leo,. ' .''''
' A m Clortonetiv-lii and lit Re .
t ,,,, ,
N'} 11 PI. A fIl BONNET RIBBONS—Moe- •
ou et..- .i atimile. , ki 1., rrel , ll/A1 a 0001 roupli ni th.
nr•••• d,wiralt.• smelt o:1 111.-... to Am), ..I rettlly ,1.1 l, er ril lit, II I,
: ,
I nn i BITE, BLACK, ALPACCAS--liiurphy & -: _ ,i4,..r,),•"•,*•*11,,T. II
•••• , I .i.111.1t.
I y Ilurchteht Lai: terelsed n full senirlsneot 4'• r. 1,.., B LACK WOOD , 1,,,. 5„p t ,.,„1,,. r, 1,,„„I
otds-scatio co In as Wee p, yard-rind also wino. suiew
.uper tilnheir Alp aL at Sib. , te, iced _ , i ., , 11111"121e , 111 1,1 , t. it o• 71 'tit lot .11• Al. opt+ , 1
. !0 t the Put 011ie, i w.pt2lt
j) ARK MliiEll DOESKINS—Murphy & I\ EW 1300K.5-4Travel; mitt All reflill,l
Iturchtlehl heir Smelt's] an Mee... if owe 11 I
W1C11, ,,, ,,n, grey nod 614ny rolnni ettlell they ars ceiling „ ir ,, A ..,.„, i , r 0,,, ~,,,,,,. AA ~,,,,, ~,. ~,,. A ,,,,, nii ,, Ai
low-also ettper hi tsk eastilMerra.and clothe. and a earl. , of ~,, ii ,,,,,,,, ~,, , ,A i W L .,,,, ni ,,,,.. wi
~, ,i, i ~. i t A il
ety of rtylos ettps! 4• ally adapted TA latY , w. Ai ill" , o t ,. I eel I thy°
_,,,`,;" n .',. r ie.:';,; i l„`'' ' ", I ' y' I ''"` *.* ` : ' , "" r Mi'll""i" , i'l
r tale tot J. L. ItS.Alt. I
I_l MASON • 00, will opin within the nest foe dein. :op . = Pi Apollo 11ui1din,,1 , ,,t411, • ,
opwardn ,n .1X hundred MR,'end ;tankage, ,I fulultrn -.- . . ..
and . 1 1, cetie Dry ponds, lo whith.theattentlott of what, 1 New Books
mle and in retail purtinsere le 1) .l. ' 0 I i T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPO'r No.I
. .
lI.VRASIATTAS, LYON ESE & COBUROS f .11, It 1 hint etriwt. el , Pselht - 6 ,, i i sit 0 .0.-
-A. A. MAlitllN a ttO 0111 oiwn thistle) l. cm. , , PletiohaSt of Slt.hwitoe. te.mol.t.
ttr above iiiiteln ten , letodun Lal, taus( London Yo r, a.. 1
• London Art Journal for Sept...het
VRENCII Mli.illt I NOS 3 . . T [MET C LOT II S ! ‘ , " .•l *" ,. t.'' , - N.., I. 2 .el .
II st,ldn Mow t 4.,...1. , u P.-y. 4111 to Ws,,,L wt.
fu • l'l ostA A. MASON A It t""r" . 1, tf 1,,,,00,,.. ,r u 11,44.5 ul the 11.... hotel. i.vrf
et rich cad Prentrenurn itild 'nib, Cloth, ~,,, ii i,,, , ,,,
. ...
i , ASIINIER : ' ,.5. -- ,i . MOUS. DE LAINES-- I i ' ;', 11 ;12„ ` ;.7,1?;...,", ` ,,!,,',.%",,,'" . I,';' • ;.' - ',. - ,%^:; . : •
'l_, A A. SlS.Sti i ii t CO. have lost rwrwlewl J.l c.0....0 I mix years 1-.. r. or the Wilting ot tto 0,111. 1,, A I,
Iwitt mile. Otettlinto owl De Lain..
• .._, 77. m r:0Jr..... , w•,....,. or the It. i... 1 Id Isoiowter. no 111.
rill' REE p 1 IMPERIAL CAR r= s-- ~,,,.., Loma ~,d ea, 1t..501.p ow. to Latoithe
I Now receiving at li 114.11.1NveK , ~ .h.,,,,, N 1.,.,!,,, r,16.0,0-..,.
Cary, SY archoomei , Na to Fourth etre, nt . pliteli Ir. .‘- i ~,,,,°,..,... ~ .1 1 1, ,,,,k , N••••• 1
VI, all, a11e11,1411 t 11,,.... no.long . faring, 110 W... or i ~....awwitts itul 01,.. lon e..sbir thole eml lilt...sow,
Steamboats. ,we will Fell low, then el, before Sp tio. I ',sit L.sowne nue, Mort], '• 't ,xtreL. , ti the I sotc.l
illie, ori V.,-
- _ ._. ... ; I ltsvertee ~f a Itachelnr. t, 14.e.i, of r,... lien,
.ORSE FOR S.ILE--A very def. iru-TN__ 1 ;lir Fat, i Tat. otStirrio4 Toto.. lo Ii I' 0. Jam,
ler., snood monies ot J Sellinta NIA F Ell a s‘t . ... - o.e. Ilortwillt Wei., ~,,,,,.., f,.. ~, let N, :
ILL lid Fa.]: lion,. warranted te.if.etle k, iti I
~1 ., I. Arund..l or the Ilettr ...1 ‘,l I. Ir.
• r,,/ . W'ocul sl ~,,,4
1, I' :., 00.. 10117 n fiulde
I' ELVET PILE CARPETS-W, NletlLl N. 1 1,-ad, , ti. , i .1!... ..Itilt , l.? :., ! ,t•
T 1 -,, X Is Ir., ronsMutly .rerri•tod Ms fun sPew. of ; , s tit,,n ;pli , . Vie10i51 . .... ,
0 .
OW 01 11, ~ I • the It lens. swot newt.. s is lee, to whirl, he I 4I:
0c 6
, r , , 0::. ;,,,,,.....
..- .r—troo. or tintrithas"ii• .. h" "''' ''' ' 0.1,1,0 c Ins 0110.1.4 the Dattle V.,' 1 1'..; of P %ter
eell loser then theft eft, «genii:lon this market. at the , , . .
..1,1..,,1141,,i ~,Too .sr.houne, 01... }north . , "I _
.. -.- .._ . _
•.rl New Music.
) 01IN 11. MELLOR, No. tai \I 00./ street.
111 , P MoCLINT xli invtr. On Wenn, of Carnage qa ha, "..teed eh. following rowe amt popular no., ot
mane, wren , to h i large st,wl( of Blue mot limit t•lntne. I , ~,,
• tot I 1,.1,,
cud It IMMllige. ~-t Wh 'X''' Uill l I L II .I . n`I II.-I-, 1,, J0u.....- ~. 1 . I ..,.1., - IMutrll from I.1.0•11t 4.• 1 %11,
pis,. et tile Cat,. Perwernw.. sit Fourth et. ... I ~,, , A „ ) ., ,iiii , 0 . i ., , ,, ,i ._ , ,,,,
' 1 NtaltAlN taItPE'TS--W. MoCLINTOCIN .W . ''!,",,', 5 ,',.2;.',..,':' . • , 1:1t . , ..a, - , 1 , 1L . , swr
Ale now a - m.4,nd, romting lit. fall itotts of supertnic. Ile now tunat 1,,,,,. 11 octal...wit- Q01,,1, ~,,,
Du, 31101r01.11,411, [NORMS cAltlyrr,. ~ ,eta l ull M . ,' 11, 4-.... r„, I lis , r, tors, moo .
nt!. ee. at lel) 1 - ...1111A pril,, 03 whirl, we Inv,. th. at• I Tea. no. home 1.. do: , .o,ly-saris. 0,..
,ntwin of tits, esteitingli. furolett suratal.stu or 11m0... 1 0 ,,,,,, 1 ,,,. ~,, p.m -sluts von that en., do t
.. o . e and et 11,/ Carp, %I archon., ao en Fourth nt Iv, 1.10,1 to th. 105t..1 en.w. te , a_jetit-es.tiotw,
I 01 i IV ileel.lNToi'll halt., Pettier. 1.4 , Yressolo-luwe.ll, es,
- - sit.. HAW , : ll.ltei. Mr s( all those ,
It RUSSEL:i I I CARPETS — W. MOIL; N cia..o at a, de Ide a teas islet dearing ) own , rhettoFt
i_JP I elo et. a J! .l eat 'HI nnd tte L e ist 1. PRP, Plltiteut 11,.... el =time. yteo.
ost..4:!%.l;ltilTS7t4rlttelt I,,:tu ' ett... the altentton tit t i c05t1 ,, ..1 • ,r 1,... Auvirn. end Wtt, 1t,,i1 la alte..e.
neerr. es ilea rmlnol to tell lo ar.r th to ~ r hot., Ltly, veto, . yswo,.. hi,„,,,,,„, ~.,,,,,,,„ ~.„. ~,.. ji ,,,,,
' In th. rnarls,t- c,..11 . t1..,,a ...I,tinb,c Canso P err- Gray. te, nwoiv, r.....u,, ~,,,,,„ I'l., test ....,',:„ :...,
b0u,.... N. 0:, !nog 11 .1 ,tel I •ls,lea,
RILI. CA Iti'ETS—Nesi and rb.;ll
. I ,i, Itrunet. rwr,t. re.'d li. i - Aai•
or‘ 1 15 AIeCLINI,KX
r) 1 11E . SLIBSet I BE It having noir receiVP.i
hh yothe •t.c of VALI. AND Si I VIVA ,Yll ,,
000ki retpyhttoll, 1 .11,111 hi. ,Lm rty, toady
protoyhd t tityvvo or h. ttehor relloh
retro]. ot •or low prior...
Ito Itto , 11) thy CY. , Y .11 tho r'l , trto. ho. l to • ht.' .
ot Fnney to part—
t.i t'hon3 "Itto. 11, tthotathr atol into, 4thnory. yyrr . Ywh.
• .
nlsrk mil prices sn.L
ons-5..1.. Black
Asts,-.1 sll slsAnr.
Snow-1,1 , 4111n5.
Lls•nn nl I.sine,
I Sknllo.. IT•ashrtivrn,
ItNether srithnF.l. sant rant..
IioU.S 1: Ft RN 1: 4 11ING (1001)S.l i
11-4.104 •11.113-4 rt• 441.1, •ht towc
44. 4-4 4.1 “-• 11•4 T
• Ikalrm.t...
11uct4,4.1 limprr 414 I'r•A‘lc4rarbill4,.. I '"
1`1141.-.1 ha l; ntA • 4. ,
1IT4r•vill•• Ir. eh, rurp4 tar.. LLnlitt, Ct.:44.114 1 0
CUrtall, St.a.n.V.. 0,1 •
N11)1!ItNINI3 I , lll' 1;1)tiliS -
luvln'e 1 , 1110( 1,m1.44tru,
31Ik Weap T 141,4 110, br.
y I
r•r4 - b sulrl Itslisia C. 44, ,4 . 4 e 4±J 04 , 4
Ch•miirrt44 540 7.1.4-44, GM., ant. 011.,•144•- 4
ry. all (4' , •ttich ,ki• t , Ir•rr Ini-4 of 4,4
• • • .
f.) (2 SE lIE II A LIN ES: In varimy , bf
And 1,. ot.
."." I " lT:t ' lrlrt
A.M.19 ka•l •••rt., Ols An 4 Mart., .A..•
L : F.:AT
‘AtsIiMEItES AND LAIN ES—l.`• e.t•
and IA et. I : A A . 4.A. • •• /.• LAI
A, MASON 120. have un lIJII~I. II
orn daily In rrurayl of !arc.. pumettlanol
tn. ....I) rich Plzstrrdatuax tn.. 1. NA-mat... L.
ann. arn, and qualn%
- . •
1 e :"LOU R O.J T
, 11-0 0
yard, 3, 4, 5,
n Lqare.loN oc. (rums
Le). nofo whoNne tel.
N.L. 7 Lrolv , l
.tloev .rt.m
1„) FICEIVED T/11$ 1/.1.1" and note opening
jL W3l. 11141111 . 4 I lit Liberty .tared.
1,1 pee, I..ey Lod 11. e newest and
tuNet petterne
Go 1., er) , l.c4 sod ceitured Clutbe. of the anreru r
(tin tar eat and molt. ptennd semertraert of Ve.ringa
ever breneht to too , rtt'y
Lo do, Ilalerrhlrte od.l
Fu der. any. and eurwrfine that.
Leg. semurtroma ttrudierrliterN
• Which, legetherw,t the very Wye Mork ItLAIA
,ve P
144111140„ of e rco N et L , L ".
en hand reute one rf the ...ert 0N ,,, Lanu0.4 e
orner• rdspOLl lor reutretueo , wear to the
western c0m1.,: nil of ',which the prorreptor deterrene
rd to offer at the Ler/ Prtre s for MA.
Indere In the I'Llioel , g hue vireo lad be, mere
s 0.1•1 sbortent
r -pt:
New Fell Dry Goods: .
A. MASON CO., have n•ceived and
JA, L nroening,. , can, ,lertnt N. el
Ucaunful are now
/had., a.laplarj earreud, for at. most..: u.
cure A4 , Leran nod 3/uLlar Ltuties. erohnelng L.' ,
eilk warp. feu, nod all
12 ran. l'aratoottne,ilittet Liathe. and I.,hur,L. eurl o
mg all ehLdret and goallhec 100 res. ‘Vurttk,
and no, Lhove ~ eels offer for axle at
rrivr, wide!,ounfklent are norrurudrotedly
ja CCORDEONS4A .plendid and variedni
noel of Lb' be, !minds, iivit
rl.l7TES—A,vtry dekrable rel.... Linn. with 1,4,3, and N
key , , <aeon woad, snd oflthe herd oas.Rerr, very ehenrujoet
GrITARF—Au chef, eteek Lreteine
VioLLYS—St.ple .en!, bne Id ow", and now of 05.. r.,
vari•er nf r.tylw and price,
ATRINGS—Atne r.alorUon; al•o, for ih.fitar and
YlHn, - -
Corohebt, Tubes, BoAtlrl, lllbettornos,Trunttpet, sod “.
ory vairirty IlrtatnlTorrottnt, relrotrd trotd by Ito
ftu - w-rthor burnt-If. sod .1.1 eit Tt.rf low 1-Abttt.
Alen. t.h.4 tievrot“ yod ort f•opuloir u.itt.
N. H.—The Aboyo totttorti.fabt Art. ttot.rttntool to to coo
root And perfect it overyf rottport—tf frond fatilty ott
no) .11l b.. returortl. t LI. K IL.llbbt, Hoot •
1.,11./ • Ift...N OF IOLDF,
'First Supply of Fall Goodi.
BURS:1111 ELI)
\ mar
t P T th ; rn l f‘ itd '. n } :!? ''
y 4 0, uf.
C by PIN'S: CAkPI;I'S !—lteo'd
by W. MeI'LINVICk. new
C ona rieh fo,louSupernu.
(tor, and Croon ING4t. AIN T. which we aro
to 'tell .over than r.ny Carnets,
in this market. fprtitady army the atientihn of
N0..111141.10 thorfn wieldy to purehmar 0.40 no a rll.,
thu Ind Entobliahod .strf t N 5 arehou, No 45 Fourth rt.
OrP4 W. IleChiNTOtli
1 4 1 ALL GOODS.—J„ uxt you'd, per expres+,
j at AA. 11.1F11N k CO: d, &OrartotoChdatut Itikluarf ,
ouwent nod moat fakhionahle stylus: Iwo
Vlrofore., prf. limo do Afridou , be•alplful col or, :n.
Marceline, shad, f•dnaAntrtch elirod...• 1.04
*nal , •
EW .1)11ESS dOODS—We ar s u nou re
untying the nnarevt 4.11,ty1e0 of Prod Pool., lurk
l• Laing, Cankfuerra. Poplin, Persian Robed, Alparaa, Pa
mouth., Yr. null Merino* and Ththet Clo th Ivor
yaw. povr opou 10d,31 A. A.MANON d tll
IVHITE GOOD:--A. A. Moon k (2,
Y y hove „tuat rued 5,15 pr Whlto . touulf,rotorintp, if 51
aml Tory chos •••-p.l
SILKS—A. A. MAsdo 5r.,
have jolt '
reed t Twiutiful stfaortment of fury rill,
Itured and plain Mark :ilk,'The xt•ovu.l.ktrat•ie
are well to•orth the taloittion of pnrelorf•rf.ut,
enperior Afrlour. t•atio deli" lo•sottlul A1.,.f -buto
1•7 —MURPHY ria hate opoool ththe. ...flood a lot ot Nau Eddindn and I no•rhugr. dari on.
fdayond. nod I tow rill., Lobbing I.dtplot, autt lmort
'fl/read 151dulau OW) illrrling, Fp.. rule. noJ 1.1.1
A-aa. ept
Straw Bonnet old Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 N/AiocET STREET,
11 11. PALNIER Errs for wile, all very
Inv petnrn, s full n •nrtroent nr Ptraa and X Olin.
• -,
d Amerinamdnin add • g
Stenw W.I. Chip. Lao. li l nk. Ps Lan
!' A rs—m.o . , Youth.' Ind Bryn' Leghorn. fau,,
Ptraw, Pau . awl Palm loot In.
• t. w. Chit (limp. Jar., and il.wr.
JennLl.t. 5.1 other forna. Prat larl.
'' ' ' .6;/41.= I lftrRa.nnet and ,wart, plain Satin unn
Cnann Nen.
BIWA W TILIIIMINGS—C.-dr,Tv.aelot, Bannon. 1171105,
PeLrins. do., Cc. I
FLO 11 , 132,—Frmodl Xmerienn !Trig. buncLep and
I K '' ..l . k f t/ i .ti . :lll.V.4—C I se. d N
• Ilro. deltione, Ellair.W. and tg.t.:,
l' . , l7;h7 ' . '2 .=ti..lqualltlia and talon.
Alno--Itieb and low pridyd Parvola and Uminallas, Itand
Boma. 50.. gr. ' mobil
now wonmangly na-airlng hi, Paring Hank ..1
com er one g eat% len follow In4ionle
Extra E.T.A 0,1000 P. 1 14 CLrpr4i du. do. Taia....trr
la dn. do. Itrua..elor, extra auper. 3 ply, roaperline 3 ply:
4: luaralt. extra fine lb,' tine do: rosomon ~.
aud Venitiazn 34. !eh, •Oli
plalado:4-4,3-4,100. and , 2-.1 0 , 0.1 and entt.,n .1.
Extra Chenille RAMC MP. do.• d 0...
est. tolled dn.: Yoe
do. do; onalthoo do. C 11.116 boor Ham; tufbel dn. don
sheep math do. don adelalde do. don Thrum dn. do.
Cramb Clothe, elting 00, Decking 124,64, aod 24.
Ala—Shod O il Clothe, rut to At thy mien hall or room.
84 7.4,84.64.44, anC14011(llothe.
Alen—Stair ltode. oall ultra: Carpet Elltullom; b, Car
mod~ne2do4.64,ll4aenathet llatintnnTableLierns Crash
Martel nt.tobook do. Trantharrat Window AhodeA
Buff Window Itollezab; Tooth. Illintth.thaboard Piano
Coven , : do. Table do n dolStand don Worland Table do.
Lmportedthill partloteed our rthekdlreot Ilato the
mold celebrated nab:retest being of tbelatest land most ar.
M.." 7 1.1.1 Wo ero.prnarod to mil to our
ends lodenettortera at pr o le : las Wm at Lath ons be
WP ' t ' thjralfylroulte all to ell ' and aiattda etzek et '
The Carpet Warehouse , 85 Four th ' street. il9 MoOLINTOOK.
1.,117, —A lar.
, ll,t , LN". Stnr,
B L , ' T ‘
1.11,1111, ne.l. tho
ON I)0 N Ala .111Ult..N A L. lOr Siptem bee.
17..tL{. • Li, •tI •••••••
i1•v1.1,-, .•
. ‘••• alv at Ilt•LNI, LaaraL, N•
I . - LI El'
T II L aL..
a. Load-. loarlaramm,
•L,.• nen. ematat n.. 1:1•14, CraL a.r.aaaai
carnet. NW,/ nn•l •i+
3 f, ',7: 3 !;:!;: 0 1:N. b
•., I A/. ra a• that ..ra gam,/ ti loAr•
a.•••!er cantaida arstaa . l/11••••rapt/ ve.cra/m, A
•ra//nal /..,/•• 1 /I•Cat,,r/ 1:/v/•An I—A A.A. /-
/'/,, •a* , . tkt ,
ftit. A/ Jatall-,••••,/,././nd/i, a MI /b.
itl.. Loon
L.t.rarr htr.
d lEit TAE AVA'rEItS NOW. ipy ii. limn
I , Irid In men, 11,,untinn llann I,T
I ca. 1 T•...: In tirtMll.l. 1.10
'h' It iripnett, Iron ilemtr.Mr 1.. ,
Irdr ,r N.., 1-,,rdr 11, ,rr.n nr
Chan, h, ,
Jnd, 11 , .
Wlien linclit an• Inarrltinn dawn.
airr I L.,,. lid-. dont, Ti:,. PA 1t...'.
S.II, vs, n Lrlt. 10,1104 ,Flg—
I fr•el n drawn ndr,t, n, • r
Int. Wind Pri tin r.t Ilanl r•rilunitris, n all, of
, rani, I rll.n. thr.,.•—• :
el- lt , ~
11,03,da an I. in
r , ,
najr p. idn,,,11- • .1%, W ,101. nr - rtnr•
1. i.r .n
'.l id In WA. 'r
L. 11,11.14 2--rdlronl 14,11 311,11, ....I,
-It'll'' 11. 111.1,1,t1.1 'And .t.
v, Ito o K
Mvni"u k.•. !Aran), Itirk , trirthlra ,
h, 1 R. E.”: 1,1.41
w , l n mtrtelucttr. -7 ) n.z. is
. •
Acab..g. i AO.qoalex. a Manual :If 64,13‘11 °tr.,
num. , r ow ill u•trntlnnr. .0 - Ch.. , Anth..
41. L.
iu the D.A. Place,: ta. Ylranoriala of Chrb4ien tat.
In tile llttlile :tate, an the tirrutau ( tlt. late at,u
It.. t tt— ...Sten. a Carnal...wavy on
tltattlat ,t %Watt., by Ittebaat tette, l'
.aanttutitta telvapiatit at th..Jetri Itelety "%bet:.
-hey tat. trona alat La.n.trat mititttn.
. - .
tirrn..l,, .4 A 1,14,1.
for li
' 1,1 . 5,.4,rtal F 1. 4 ,1 of Itrvolutt,.o:
ptriuto, of liory,r's P.M NlNzunk•
rrv'd fir &ale L
Apnilii P.out.t.
EW BOOKS !—Trnvela in the Unit...l
Ihr that., of Emparrn Jonophro, by a t'abllll
with on,rrar in., 1 rot lnuou rr4.
Ni. I. lur Aug., Arplaton l a Slollianlee NI game anal
Entginoar , Junkrual.
ha lb Viclorin I Fold Lb - h 0,. tb , Itorolutl , n
Non 3 , nuA ~fll,hroul, I.agin. Work
and rznµ- J tot nodand lur otlr hr
JJ r : , .1Y 11. irrirlirfb..
o u 1 .trort
1.111 R 111.11/I[lll hart. 'opt rorelrod n lot of ror
{burr, nod, o oly fur rahilollou
th orld'p tno. to &Lich th. &oration of thr rulor in lo
I ONDON LAIIOIt and the Ltmdon
tlu• Winn. Sc.
wt 1141I.MLS' Latnrpr n f i bel , ...
.rts.l. the let
New Books, Just Received
- YEAST: a Problem; rvprinbal with Porrec,
bon. at.t stldittocor. by the author of Alton
IltYlort of Abboo
14mo. 0n...
Calob Field; Tab. of Ihx 114.11, nt..
.4.bury, e 14144 by An • 11. 13 4 .try.5.,11... t'F-,11.1.
aced Fortun.. - .1.. et Mt.
Applott. 4 %elm. .• Moutestr... and Ettanwer,.. Jour
IllotlonAry 14 Nl...thanks, Enxint, IV.y - k and V.'
tinorriu. b.o. 31 tine :rt.
11414 hunk of fln. 14.
Itengtet.r 11101.1.1...ry. .00 3 , Litt
noon.. Mstp4l Of F. 11, 11044.1, .4
edited by
I . Kidd, 13nn .
l'ny J 11011 t,
A 1 ,1). Yourth
New Books
6 ODFREY of the. Life of an
Aunear Hy Th•oriman Minot. With iv..titbit/I.r ib
iii•trath.on by Plot . •
Travel , In ihr United tlnrlnz 1 , 19 an.l
Itr 41,n La:4y 4.4n40e110n stnart
No. X of landon lethor nod thF 14444.141.§aanr
Thr ahoye honk, Net nod and for sale 19.
Iv LI , It. C. ST , N.KIIIN 4. Martel a
'11.,m.• I. II mu-- a tutpttlit. Tal.
01. 1.11. etl M Marcarri M tin•
y 11t tar al trtn'tlt, Iterwl f. ,
1101.)1e,' Worst, etjt,,t. , Itt,
. _ .
06KS!—No. 33 of • Byrne'ir Dictionary of
) ilerhani , . and Enginanrinv.
No. 7 of NlrAtmnle, lia.arinr and
• -A Inn , tnnnt of t'larnAml And Neb. Itnrikr.
Bnil'litn. R 'Vora;lt:ttet.
N It., tut, In exrttsinar. Jr,"
'ILK SP iK IT YOLK A, composed by IL.
IL Kiel+, all titrlirstrn htrphrn 1. it( 111,
arranittni Ay U. Hirbor, en, plw,rit hr
Ilrr r , Itntri•-nni• iifthr rornt trlpalnr 'nisi:yr. intl.
id .Ith
'pule! /tint,ith rnrinttnns. AT hair
Thr At annin tif nor Vent - , by ....qv'. Horner.
'ln n•ltn
rritt tit inrrtan SI init. A.. Hanel Vint,
lilthithitt. I 111 Tbaal
AlgAl elf
I . —A I.t ;If new PIANO, •Tuns:
fi.b.-AssA. 1,, (4,r obAli.
A ,t lilt.' A „ l'sl ,, ;;;T i l . iTE ,, PAYERS.
nu rth,.7: 4 , n i grate, I 'ne
II”. of .I...r,lV,wllloyttal
wiry . nt our
tam, Conf!tlrntlel INnorti.lilk •
NiLy , WTFRI nnaolln., Polities!, 111.rirn . l.
zrsrloi. , land FwAn.
N,I,•••• th.. Art, ne.l 1,...,11. reinest";
FATE., n Tab. Stirring Thin, Inc
,;. It I. -Inmn, 1:«,,-114., moat liitrrmattm
mititor mt.r thm-1.11.te11 , lAm.. Nt ... N.
mm,11.4 tmol tortitt mattor 11 , 11,NIES' lairrtary Ilemtl, Third Arm.,
131 (10K AND STATIONERY—JuAt ree'd
`M. :I Thml
4Ul', CA lilt. :41.71kA-3 kegm fey sale by
1 - 1 hi' WICKER:4I/0f
1 II vv ITI Ny —2OO bbis. extrn dry, lot. tilde
by U A. VAIINKBTOCIa 1141..
augl4 vaulter Viral eo,I Rucal
iv IN I SI I AI , ES-1* oupply Of Trtim
, ‘llnanir ago.ara.. rn awl Fa. oak 11l
.1 II I'oti.l.ll,
j o r„uti,s_n Wl]. No. I. in .tore find for
I pal. hr (suit) 1.00%1 Yi
Fthis—.s bbk Frot:11, for halo by
_ . at.,-2/1 B. MAI:ZELL a Co
d , Li EESE-3( bah. prime W. It., Corsair by
1 ) hug H. HA LZEI.L a i - . 1
110MDM. ocribrarqnp a prrr.a ~ H.," . P o 'vr .°
prim. just reed and I'6: Fade I,
atIFV.B TIMM!. PALM ER. 1.5 filar{[' 0
1 ARD OlL—ill bills*. No. 1, faTeMlh by
au3o J. MIIM. — A f'o
- 151:IMICE STONE-800 lbg. for halo by
_t lute :, ' • J. MED h. Ca.
TONGUES--Aiust rereired from
*- 44, h .rm n ,12101..
woo • Queers sorbs pews.
raZie EVraordintity Ditrycrry in the World it
tir surd, Arabian Ilerudyfor Ilan and Brawl
H. G. Farrell's'
111 I;. FARRELL'S givtine Anitr
, J.. most o.raorltrierr rongtiotoo the oth
j eto atom. rteo...l h0rni.. 0t .1.1.00., 10 110 nett 0 lon of ch..
artirlo. nod tlo. nint.o run, hot, r oorfortn.ol br it.
It • lir, lied reels:rd. ell irhor tuoinnoro end the
thr to. idttennsoe.o 110 world. It of outint'
ottnern....exttnen. end goose nonullnr to Arabia, Pononr
j nun, i. net Toros, nil then. ntintolDUng, am.
no. I ourtreting. etot tontine.. protwrlto, and
theLich. agre a.m. were meal by rho •Jrjnent of air
Doerr," I. all 'twit rn.rer &ow. nuorron. in ortruir 1. J.
j cages of both Mao eh.l Nov.,
la., the followlog ~.nrk, 01,11,1
therteolvr. pie, ti Fort-oh. Arel.ion Linim,nt ter
rood Nur router romonto
Aboot ooer snot D hell nool log oOr...eroi to o t y
•toninli greduntt. tootooning in stn. until It ,•
rotor o• urn.. an Inn tart • ooro 'het moiint .1
lour tt...lnnot onennure ot wort. utr.tur hor..etnnine
rain I not the rot% in. at oar to...donors. hod tlen4
ed 111 I , POJItri L.l..ut 0 • , n Ago.; t0et.....0
,„,j0„0„. oon, thol it men no Enter.,
0 0 •it ern , ..n.l ott.ern noel it ente Tutuor of
no.t uo urt..l orropt 0 rutting It
lot. In thin oroteAl no mown, I 000 poiso.l.l to t.r, 11.
.I Ar 1.1,11 1.,1111, nt•irt It. no. rerun, n ll
ore, ono?. the Phu , ortiltretn.o Lettet. to Itio
I 0r.,. end Itan.V.oolltoti l. 1•11l1I
h.- no. welt ..ror—ro./. rirellort I.oelth.
.. It %to( 11:4,.1.1.1.
. •
trap t 0.... lour I.lniatent wlth arvat
1,. 4 1, 442 e”111.211212-1 ,11 tl.ah ItTr uIT hot
mutt al
Int . th.. u,,.
untt .1....at1tt rum ITnial iri th. ITal
tha tt... of 11 Purr.ll.l, Th... no
lt. h. a Tu....T..1 u•ty - litnl,. 1 I tt .
(natal it 1 .4/111.11,'11.,,L tr/ Dr 111/r. , ,1•11114 1111.11. 111
r 11.11 - 3. 4 ~ IM,.
Proh. 11.a..tult hna ~, ~ Tut rut...lath ...ha an.
nth" . 'hump ...rttTrvain., 1.1
not ta
i,n at h.q..,
A ;tn.. •1! tart,. ntutaryt . .....ittt....,
„ pall, at, In the pm.., 2 , 111 11{111.1 .1.1 111., 11
a...rt.-it • Anhluatt 1.111/..n1 ally 1 nur
1-11}1 , • 111 1.11., 1 11211,4 112‘12 , 1, uy ti . h• .
etn.r 1.1 •1,.1 1 has
Tar.hl .114142 that. 111, th.. Wu L.
tu'n'y tt.-...., Yrtalttlt.
shut urn., utt La , 11,.•hunt. nit.../..• 1 '^
ttlu. te.,t,tnnt. T t. Ift, t. on , Itutuau .
tent. 1 ah- ....arta alt lu.t, It.
alth 1:1,, ...a lot mat la. 1,11 1 11,i elt
ruratl St .1 It
li.• / .1212 1 1 4, 1 1..41 14..111 •011-11.1
11111 - 111114 1 *114"1, 11. , 41 111,4 11,, T-ntila
.. I 1•121• 1,14144.-• •1•411111 ..•
112121111, nt I nth.,
t 4.1 atal n.a •-•
Th.. • zL,.)
The liumhal Body Muat Nrspre,
I h
u l.r
Prsrij 11 100,1, And
A q<,•:
i• k i a I
i rr r
V— v . - r
1 I I . -
n,.d ~i w ri g . i v~~,,;.r+.
r-,,...—... ..~. .. ~0~
Solutitai .4 Jt,t, a Li /in.! 111. ,
Halt tr,. 1,•111” c'bwno, .1 rho, nna
t,, WNI ,A• ,
JU.\F.:i°LI LLS \fl 1 . 1 F:.--L:wlh•
... ... ~~.~. .1.~~. .. .... .rug. .n. ....~~. ..
.101{.SE S
Compo o ml
. Strup of Yellow Dock Row,
d t( '
p t PIES th- rtnk . lllll4.(lZ th,
Priotori rou
oonn,r I,of. frail
o ntrr
Ytorri.. /“..15.../ron, .
Female Ir•nlrflraz and Grumd 4a/irp.
...n. t.. Xllii er,n ,
If the, I . , I,: •
. 1
part. of the n.unt, ratt up°, It
I! 111,s
I 4 1,
Prop rt
rertho of
.;•rnleAl 1.-tathwal, and topticul pro-
tioirity Liu;
It hAF • Inon 1,411.-1
tn. 10.1 0 , ..hcov.V.lrliaa , anti hat wlng, runt! Cant,.
lilt 111 , •04. nLyl nrhi.-11 try,nary
Inynt7l :vitt.. the 1. on, lint , , ol,
II han ol II.•
M.ll:h. Ctuntnn. hat,. hYvn enrl.l .3
llntnnnhezny Itt. valunnly Inr.llrine 1, hil
1111.1,1 in 0011 1 1. t INT'S yntnnyro .11tornetInl,
th.corrnlntmn. rnthlertnn 111. Ti,... nettle. 1,1
thy. It ...moven Ihtlnktat,n yr thy Itratt., en.l rally... In
ail cam- , Antbrun. ntYl nray on,' In nil c,rnatnn. an.l
nt sl , nttnal•nt 11, en,
i/.1• 1,1 1 MORS): 01... I
ktro•t, 1 , n.v,.1..nnt.., L. I. ,ml. - . 1.1,
. . .
nIT ngme I, VraterT l'Asllirl‘ num.
m, 6 - , n nr.l :nu, corn, s.r. ekng gi‘cn ~t., g.t% g
B. T. Babbii .t
's .- Celebrated Soap Powder ..
11' A.`...111N , 1i wltholit l;tiror! Warrant -1
V V 1... 1.0, 11 :Linn ~.t. of tnhl., lintgli na.J i..,
Ingrc,.., Ige '•r l'ilt ~.or -lottg.• in • +tan,. nt
. •
,trantst, I rlstrr 5...vrr 110•31,
17 1
with 115— .1.415 , , tr 155•5 r • ta.
1,0 t , er miwilt.r. 0.115.
pro.. Own,.t r, all tl put k 1 l• cold it.. wit. nut 1... I .
Itia 1
ntll4. Th-,rut, the .11r,, " 1 "
Mr. a th...,11.h and Ih.. .1111.....1 1..
N. 11.—T,...1.1nL; in 1.1.. nlll
U 1" '',llth" JJ.. 1..1
weatts do. The env,....t at toe maven, nn I .1... !tot
IS arrant...l not In ..‘ Ya tornr.•the oluthey
Tltlr I. x now.le llott one paper
hest bandy t•oft a. n
Fllltemoxr run —Tisk-. en, quirt+ ttf ...ler awl
?nix Ilta Powder let It 11. orat ;hen let rt hail. any lite in. •
11”.1. then nil. I I. 11..1 , 1,11 rtater..ltr titern trattnatott•
tr,elner. MI,. It away w here 11 I• 111 1 , 11 le.', yo.I
tot iton tytl Iti w tli I.• very the. and Ince 11Inte erta, nil
1t../11 Its•il V . i..11, A1,1..11111.1 oat the Inantly It,. t.ther '..11
.. In
not the t It.lll, y. Van . natal wataz Intni nr alt
r., Inhtnat tie. prntsty Itttn rty .o.carta nt.t. ad ••I
1Y..,•.. 111.. 51.:1 . 7.4,. 1... IF, .latttryt lor 1,1101.1 ...llr.o
and woollen otarl•
.I.lartto.....le • aret retail It, 11. I'. 71,1.F.11.e.
Jel .
• .
oi 6.!..,t;i,•:;. A izom • v ;,\
~.. hoot ao.l to-o. o rooS Mips. It• It ito
-1\0 - 1 . 1,E-T 11.• , X
i,x;rw ht, MTh a OP..
. _
d Air 0:4:14.N1111 , - , alHurillera have
tyLe .1
ilko • NI II ,1
/ ArlilS,ll.,
.1..1114 tIIiIII,IAI
I.NN Err, N CO. have removed
Cbatireu hit,....16 I
Greenwood Garden.- „
i I 1 rtcHri.: t."Heet,,,,. ,i. ',brit I ollery, rin in' , t . • II I
Iltto k \ 7117 . .. it re ‘ n i f; " 11c ., ; ' ,1 ' 1 . . ' 17t r 0!..,. ,6 3:71 .-I t:;:- r r . n' A ''"''' . ' ! i
~ry to ortmAt... y ant. :Ml Onr.irov. will i.” ' l l tA . t . Ll " n ' t I itti •
llr...iulAxl !,. or ry. A o m.,,,,.,.. 1,,, ~ 0„. ~r m-r
.., 1..
NlArn..t on,l him ” ,....t... 1`ttt, , 0r.:11....,,.., I,el, lot-. fin- , •..11
Ow ttArit..t. Ir.. I` r 0p.... t1,1 , 11... , t ,ft...l.tutt, +AN ..1 0,, 1 .... , r,
..r.i..r. wld I te , EA. , ”noototor, II r.A ?.I.Lik, , J,,t-r. I
A, 6.0„.., ~,,oty Pr, Asll rt , ...,,, t , rointl Att , ntl , ,A
~.., 1 ‘1..K.11).• 11
I/I/LINT/S.l kl.. WRAPPINti I ' APE 0 , -- ,
:,..,, r,..,,,.. )1,...1 . lt, nu.l %, rArr.te,.; l'Arr. .
...,.. irotoll
•I, - A ~ , ,,i 51AntIln ..'. , 43(
k m • ,0 0 emor I`,.:t c•in , ... Par, 1 .
1 , .. • 1N,u1,,A \lnik.unl ~A, , :t7 Printlnht 1 . 1. , , , r, ; •
• - I 0ar...r.1 .4,11, - • I
Th.• abovo, ‘llll a lot of ~.1,1 oho. , of paporA, for r•lr it
the t0. , .t fkrlrr. bf W. N. it AV I:N.
m•tfoto , r moll T. 1,31.. r.
~z ',ruff. of `Lan., mid twopnt,.. ,, -•
1 . .
To Druggists and Painters. i
I3A_ItIS (i.REEN .s" Itit:kNi), Titrovont
s,lt•rArri , l'rremr. revarltot by U.. n 0 , ,,i fth..,.1 ot
it,;. Auo•rloot. 11112,1 w, 11g . romoooit,i,f,,,, t , i f ,. toot, I
7‘,1, ) ,{140 "‘' E5r, ' 7::!...1 i t7f.• ..1. ',' :: ' = ' r r ..e...1 " 17 . 67f.. th ,.r.'; ` , - ,:?,: !
,4 l'arlo Oroon, th•t...p , ntken.nt, mot lit.% ono L. vrouro , ,
Witlrout flotrftromi. to the .I‘.l, ...1 u...,,,,,„ i E,„ pro
.... In tilrffiry lug uniformity. ~,,..
Ilarll4 tr.n .pr0!..d!....: ,, ..g.qtt. for Ilor •;ilfiof AID.
_rf , , , 1 i a1d 9 ;11 . , ....1 as Y., pir..r.rjf.egitillil,lBl:e Ti lp
plird •• r.d
1.14 , . ' ' 67 Waal Knot.
, • • ,
TRAIV'POR A' (JN ``\l 1 , . \ .INS6kIA. - .Gt: \', ''\' •W ' \ . kfiil CAI \\\-,' ,
\. , \ Pittsburgh , Life s ,, , , •ce Conti ~ \ A \ COl ' bra
' 4 85 ' •'' ,-- -- w-
~, ILIS CO3IPANT ‘' as A , corpoiat. ~...\ i 'u. . ti • • NktpouND \ es iNf.o \ e CK te )D,... AST R. \
LAKE ERIE 4.n0 MI fiiill ss • : ‘'\.\ v -hm,s , , r ,, 'f' sl. `"'''' '47;2, Ch.rt• , ' '''''l' ••\, ` '1 I' , " 11 -N 0 111 1 Medi' Xai err bare fetn rta,l• -. 11;\ ' \
ON \Pik . , t A XTIINBII/N, 'A.l , l"tii.. , ' \''''. lAl\ .. (. '''' ...hart " ; '' d e° nan ' hts ' ll7earibta . q ' olo:th anitat ' Ori s 2 .„.. a t ''',. ,,,, , l ' ,. •' ' t " . ‘' Ir. i d "1ia ., 1 . 415 teat ... l . l nio t t„ e btaX4 ... . ',.
\•N '1 .7:1X,t Sta.* plan We nthan . . \ ere 0
~ 1141%1 , 0 en .,Ny1.,, „i 0,„,„
~.„,. 1 .. t.
ci....,r,K E. IN. It En a\ CA 1 , ,,,m,„ OttnemeA \ lilmltTura• .1 ttmum.hyrapa I la., r .• - •er Od. , Ned. 2 /...P . '- •
rl.ii K pli(Trartfat,s of• thi. Id ‘nn.l', , , on 1 4\-.k 1. 0,1 by 3.futliel,Compeatelx,,tad id vet, r at f nrn lirA s •erm ...itt r ..l, hty. .. .- • , - -a-• -• y
i kun , yro 1.10.;, ,_ ;z1 . 1,1 ,,. 1.• , ..0.. „. 1r i m .... th ., .. ,. t . ,,i111 iliac Oleic re •. . r.. ,14.44•• • 4 • -. .r Pic..E . m ..4•4 0.'mpm . .. 1 , ••` F.,.;,71,,,,” 1,Xi.e4a,..„. AA , ~.,,, :.. n ".: mr t - il ~, q 7l „ . \ - \\
Nit •1 tm v.. the Op.. , rher, adop . boot \ r l \\,1,1,1d- . \., • T'. '' '.
'' "\- ''''\, ‘
i. ' :l rfr•Vir, " •Tn n ,,A; „,„f 1,...-nxers whah t :=ll i ''1 , •: . ,,.k ,. '•d r ' A .d y . A ' S . 4 . , , ,,'„,.=. 4 l „ i yy l . y . i't', , Vr A " d yn a • i.,',1‘,,, e, ,T h t l Plr • c rin . ,. ' , ', hob' . 01 1. , '•Vitn , carer. r‘Lb44 \
I ,' . l''',V„'," . 7,14'.‘ ' 421 ' 7,,,, "' ,. ' ,'",;”„.,;,;, \ :`,', - ,,V,, ' '', A..• N. . ~.A...nd th..c.....4n.i;i44,,bi..tnn,40 . ‘;'''t"'"lll..4,.•••"'• . ! •;T: " ',l7 - t r .t",•"'•;,' - ' ''' ,' r ' •" ' ;'' " \ A \
T.,„„ It. .n.tentl,t. the harottax, I...kir \ . At„.,,,.. tagt . ,..,„ :l .. th , ptirment. • .2A , r,
.. .1. 1rv ., ,, , I tk: Inn tresultin,ftv • , Mllet.A . M OO, \' ''• • N '
, n ,a A h y ~,.4, 7 ir ot , t styattne_Nre. ~.1, o `-,,,, , Ind
rah. In tlt, rms. neural, • . \ , ' 1 \
"" ljrl. '' . ' l ' . t;AII•1111 1. X\ \
..„„ \ I "; e . xl , ... tc .. 1 , 5 ,11 /1 ,..... : 1 b ,r, , , , r,4 0 !_t 1 , , ;.,„Zn i g,, „ Tir 0 • 0 ±1 . o. I l ° , s tl•,\''. their Innalel,l .. :yr n., • " 7 , 1
''''' ' ' 'l \ '''''. V' ' ''''''"'""" ' X '''."• ''''''"‘'""\ \i , ....i4.,..,. , \.1., 4 .:4 it e/ ;s lun . svo t tan e e .. fd..p . 7 o, o.. , lolx.r . d o e i.. b. , ;,,..i ' \ .1 , 4.. , •141 , 1:' , A y: ', ,, t,,,,, , ,,, AA L„2,: ~...
„. 1 ....•-',,, , - . 1 ,. .1 , .... , ~ . \ \ \ •
No , r -11 tr.......,.,1. ,
It IV ( \ nn n.. ‘. l V l ' . ' N ' e r e ' Cal.\•. I's ~ - ' \ ' \ • \
\\ ~, „... " tr, )4'4a...a a , '. ;, °1 • °d • ' . 1 ` .4 . 11 ,
\,Tern ...A ' ',
\• \ \ \ .an eelurhats. Vier. Preside 4, V.
11., /Inn*, Inrtn,„
. .4. 1 , . wet, \nt..w.utkill.. ,
\\\ \ \ ' Tr v ' kt , ' ;',„„'); N c::'''' ' . '' s ~ \ , r etrt,••••• , . , u... , 4 ..4, with the e taldrut tat:gran, - , ' t ~ •
,•I - , ,-1.. , 1 , r •. l'a, '. , \•• 11 ,0 te A \. • - ,, eent ' L..i ..4 ., \'.
i , Z.;;.;, .: tr " ''T '''''' .4 *, '. \ , • Al
, h.. .Ail..S) '
1 '• l • -Vol w ,l lh, ' W. 1 ., t. ,-0 1 , .‘ \ I
1 of
New Lake - S.nprior hine.—.l. /... 1. \ ''". \'' ' ';;(-',..:- -- a'''',' '' c : \ \ - ~.: ji} \ , :••• , .c \ - :i L'l. , ll , YniAliciiptv,.. \ -', \ .. \\ ‘ll
1 1` 1 11E tie u . stettitl el . :,:fftTIIF,NIII-1. ( s t. B. . 11,n ‘4 ,,,, ,i i .4.% r‘. 41 , ...4, 1, - 1,.. , .......,1vin 0 0r ri 5c ,„. .. - . . ,,,,, , \ .1,
~i . , .t••. ,1 • ,\:4 • :, .: , : , 1 , 1\::,h ,7, , , ., 1Z•,.' „. ••'• ,, 1 1 .• i 6-6 6 14, Ti g , , ,, 16,;, ,,, L1 . 6:6....6 , 16‘1.1.6",.. i k t '\ \ \
' \'',
r, .: n•itt. I, .... o .leriAronderelmOrr••me l l.t fiir ..g. ' a' iin,rr ' 4.. I..a.lthrr ' of ': lll.4urgla Dart.. \ '. gr P - • • "•••. - ••'ti •,^ ‘k -„...e•gws"-Lir......:4- .
...•,-.:e eomfurl. • tin le r. Clex•l• o4 ‘On I'l d• r. t• O -.1 .p.r,.. 1 ..12;r0.....0..1% eat G r. . A ~...tu ',cent •-c , enumi a 0t......4 . , n s tntottot. 1.0 eloth e e pa . . . ,
I NI., no, on flrr hrot plo-huol ve. ohly trtereafter on , ~ A yo „ • 0,,y, '
' 1.::, , ,r,;...-. -, ,v,z70'„, ,, ,iviz.-,l.llolNArb.ll_, \ , ~' \\ •
',-, 1,....c.a. "''' , " 11 1 ;r3 ' 1 . 1. ' ,..4 A ,V1 1 .)",, • 1`,,Vi1.:2;L. ,"1•• II , T "..1 , oc• , •• 0 . .,,, L ,
, •,.,,,.e' 60 ,..4. S•01 ' " \ \ s, \ LI .,
`‘ '''''''''' ' '''hr's'''• '7, : • : "ft""i'D.M" \\ ' ' ' %.
0w: Vrivihev, as a 0 .
t. Itort., f,.• tI..V event . lantlV ,t, 1,,n r .., ~ ~ „, y,,,, ‘,,,,,,,..„,. \
yuo.n..r. 'a. tn . . nrrivnlnf 11 . ' , nett.. er: akina ,
~,,.i.t. „oxyza.,ll. ‘ Nt nit. AdAlsou. M. D. ... ~„ ~...,,, „,„,,A tilt .
.‘,. m .... ' ,1 j i71. ". ,7,, ' t.;. ' ../ ' ,4;; . .;1 1 ., , ' . : , 11% . .,11is ...,. '''''
\',• r.,- " 7
\''' • ,, ' ,,,,, n si x P e n,k ' ',,,,,,lt E , ',
• ..• m. .'' ', - '6, .11 , . /Tina Cake\ EatCak,/,•fol dire. ~ \ '
•P • • R • l ''''''l''''' , anini s i : l ' llii fr m ii ' h7. ' , Ir " ste id. , ,i .t, s ‘\ 4 ' l, ' --221. - -_ Lr . - ''' W..' . ,
.....,..1. I._ Aort l . o .• I ` o / - . l tl. ' , \ ' ,
' \ \
\ is t .1...r10Ar 4 11 1 1ar Fou itt ,,,
X ..‘ \ r 4 h .. .M\ '' ''".. o •• • . •
\ \
..1110 .IP.I. Olf ROV,R OIL. \\
Manufacturer ' s NLute. \
' - . \
Pr Inlwarth i bn ~ ,n thread,. . ' the .. every N ~ Tba are drew .of in T1111,t00k!,,, , , l\ 'n
c,L...•-_-.......,..- 1 (...) tr ) ft ;ww.,...1 . Ay .. ~...% ,IL .. \ NIITI,:\ ,,d t;rt E 1 ,1% 7 . r ., ,!.7+,
,i , it , "
g r fi- M ''''''' '-"4". 0• 4, • ' i,s , . a ti,,, a, p ~,. nti et ' ' r . l:, j*S
' ,,' 'f* " ' ' * ''''
' m" -
i„.1111 , 1'1 , :ltS Alt EII E.REBAI .'Sk'Olt.'SfED ~ ;.' l4 .k••• ''. \ \ ' \
•lii e s : , •!." . ..,:roj_ 4 4 ‘t • , ~,, ~ I, ' , 0 n,, Trey to Ii ‘t,li Pitt 7., t',77.A1.,, ,, , ,, x,, ,,, r1
i - 7 ti,., ti... Li: , . L. enmt , .....1 nut trot, X 4 I.', 4.10 r. Boat, i N., ,,- ~,,_,,,' .:.: . _- AC - 1 - .. trla'anti\airrlia. for tlar ' br e nehtsof tt \ oub.N.. 1 ' \
• ono to (Of coAnntlnt., with f,:llitloo tr, MI c• n larkt, „.11.11 .2.1.111,11/11 ' ' lISSTICII trelln r Egli. \Tin, TEN ,E 11 Is r6e4m., irr0.,,.a.41 4,thie ern.. \ , • .
t, t ..1 ....Oa to Ohtlytniol,..l n al 11nranonv. unthoirl A 'l • _ .. . --x . ‘ \ \ • trl s et a depth fn r bundrerlVene. I.* Imre. teiadotra. .
~,,,,,,,,,, ". «. .Hoyt time, no ,ll lo • ,. In. ti , -41 .' 1 ,•• 00 1 \ laitAiiVlT fIFFil*-...0. 4- 3 enrrur4.t. tly . • 'l 4 ,
t t , .. 1 .4 , ...2zi\ . ..4 . ..4, 4,1 4 1 . .....54 1 P , n.V. 4 • 14 • ...± \ b . ...% It 4 . • • .
,t:,r en,oller 1.,,, u t Leto - Finn"' • hot' It ale. , • \
, i...envinnv.,neemeolo have an. IV mol a r' rye) fug . \
Na 1,10.1, s • It...r•vllle. .I.,Enat we. flellyin a umt \ 'Ortaert,llll. May t IAI. ‘, -- Tcy ~.,,,,,„, z . .4 t,i , • \\\
. ,\,
1 1 ..t..r 'tr.., • 1....,,1nn, p.„....burs: .II ur.1.1:.'44.,a\ b 31 , 1 , :i lc '1 1 , 11: ,ont I;rl i dt , p l t r, `o f 0? .. , ‘44 u . r c , e ,,,x ... e44 f , ..t. T h r_ . ' , c ,„, - ",,',, , r7 p c „,.„‘" . r ,,., 6 , , ,H , „.„, k . .,Tr,:„.„„ . 7 4 .,„„ - 1v,, , ,... ,, , - . ‘ „,... , 4•1 . , „, • •• .
I'm , - ‘• 0 I m 11, h• l leNnltuon Ici•towut , I 0 • 1 ~,,.„, .. h , ~,, , a , ~, ,a, a t, .l i t. _ y , No,. I illeysa a fro 'ng., An l...ri. th, hi.,
i . „.. ~,,. t...„,,11,,,,..,„,•,,,.... ..........0.41 ti. I ' dee,: . .seig,i...rer.', (V ',.. 4 SY l froet 4 h . , w ,_ %. ',7' th ' n .,' 'ln to' n '
''''''''' \ L C
'4 l
' '
••r nnnevlo ,, n l n not. 40. the l'ento.r!•• a•'aeP,PPT , I ilo. Xatunti. y, le the utsPer ..... ar •... tr..' •-•, • t 'Pot . t nP IO 6 0 4.-t 1'0 ,1 1 10 ‘ 1,- .
~. ~,;,,,,,,_ • 1'
' ' ' .. ' ..7 " ' ' '. I '''. '_.' ll . r., ' " . ..' • ""'.7 " 1 , I Al nn t 5 . ,..,, ,1, b.f., 1 eal 7,.. , Pael. d, t.g It for the reo •••
.. , Th. rorne .„ l. end Irtnerei .:_..,_
______ , ,
Ir°. no. • no 4 rx0. , .4 0 0 •ul°. ' •`• t ..• TAO tear . thereby unlit. u.r Slod,Cr.o to tn ta e al ix calls f lt, art I market. up. bee
~,. -...1 t...n ' nt th. 1.....nt netra,`,Pmi 1 .• 0,,, \ ,i'thoem,,,,,itit\ • all thn o PertY tarnro o 1 :f , 1 .".. 1 " • d• .• • '••• l''' Man ',u fun '''''' . '''?? rth 'r
\ 0
st unli:Ll. :4'I:TT Irorteo.t 'i, t'„,( .f., a -,,,„„ yi.k.n ..4 .1. ~,,,,,,tdon ~. n 1 wont 'tread at lie. inn Izet4 o, ....„, \ \ . • ,
. N. A Wkrld not yr, hen to lon • penal , . er}tle to , 1,
mett l, t 1 \ ~...., o n a •,r ~ .nt nf 4. t....... 1 • „„,34 ‘ A PII }4 . 1.„,,i ~, . l 'ar. , sraevormon. that n.rn • Icla .c..„ .., wqk ansy ,
' ' - '-- ' ''• . d„ ‘.....,„, ~,,,..4 yeareid no \ •ento the la ono[..'or hoere! ni ..„ho twohyli , \ f..•
1 11.1\: i \ (; Ills I‘' 44 S EI , OP It I . l ' ‘,M I INt i . '''
• ',` 0..„.;, ' .! :, 7.' , .. 'u.t. . i. 4. sop a.. • •••..- 14 .1 4 4t4. 44 ..a.• 5 r.
, . r...,..,..: ~ . ..., r . 1.,, ,. ..t, , ,r , ) ,.,.L i; . v, r. i i,,... :, ,- 1 - \
~ ~ i :".r.g\, 1 ;1",:!i".,,,,:0z, .71 , A,), .x'" 4 . 4 ',',;', , ZWL,.:% . ."::-F,:, k i:` 1 ...„'"..M . ,-„ 1r i.,`„;', i i?„,,, , ' 4,7, , , 1°:\, \\ \ . :::-:
, Te.1.1 , T 1 , Of X\ q 4 4'.‘. //..1:4 i I,, tuNlngher:l Av o .i.t ;11-..'
i... : .„
5.,,.. 1111
. 6
5 ,,,,, .
.„ttri17.,..,,, •,(1 'f .\ o CONE 3( 4 . 40 N. .
~,,\th.\ \ \ .
r r' - ' . \ ‘,
I \e‘ 0,0rr . i.11,1 . .,../k . .i : XPirel ' I '4ll o . .N •
atagr,t A r•T \t6. an./ .1.1: •ann - 1 ti. a.•r0... 1,11 , •
. '•
l . ' ' ".
m t.: ' l ' ' U'rl I l' r t` l / 11 \II , 1 1 : ‘ l l', ,a ' l4l 4,1.• .. ...-... 1. ...., N ' , . • • " .. 0. 7 ' ' ` ,l ,‘ \
T..."'s i is As - 1 eft C 1 1 01 1 .1.., 7 1.111.• •EP, ADI b.. ,Dow s
Ringhaais' Trail portation Line, \ "1
:. " .47 '' n,s'i ' C'P',,,"si'sT,l7....:,. la Di. 14 '. -, ''
li . led.le.andlii. b . rya. Pakt.l i we ek rl 4 -, le, . v e ID
, I • , ,
5m , -: 4 .... , ,:-.0--- I ' r 1 ' ''' •'-', •'', 'N • -t oc k " l---..--..- . s:' - '" "1
e.,,, ' •'.:4•,0 i „ " •:..,'= " 1,1(144.•;.. r ".. " `1,., , X1. 1 1'.;.T. ''....1,"13.' '*; \ -- , c \ :;,\:,
f , deblllt rrAntin,x vo evemu • ' ',. ,
.__''V...f t y) • y .• - • It . ~'
1:F.T.,./ , in ? n t n t: t t0. 1 %7 ' 2111. P 5. \ 71, , ,... ' Vt.. 11 .. . 1"'.‘ ! 1' '':-.1 . . \ 14,4\ i l ', l r. 2 . :1 , 0 1 1.. : 1t1t1 ', .‘ 1 . .. ,, . . IL . .1 ,.. .. I 0 11 4 11 7 b. , \ '‘
I'ITTSBr Ili ;11 4 ills. Y. \ STERN CITIES: , T E,
\ H'
" .."'''''''
'..'"*".' *"`; ''' ..r s7„ . • ° ' '- ea ' .l, 'A..: , ''..,, m win '• 4 4 ...Pn. 7 1 4 i' 4 .N 4. , , k,a ALT . \ x„ , \\ , \
tr,o, vit in b.„.....r0xf tis r• n tell'':, .n. aqh ea•••••••lmpartit tunr. 46 er•.1•61. to •I• . . ••A
r y "11.: (: AN AL ''''''''' ''''"" \' ' l' '' ' "''' are re' ‘, 0 ', 1 1 1 ,1 1 ,1, „: , 1 ' 4.11 ., ,,,,' '', ... u t7\,.., P ~
..,1 ~h.. ~ ~....n. A halo frame, Tutoring ohotrne ° it , .. S .o, {^ ll . ' .. I. A 0 ,1';',..t \
•tv x , rnne•.• *l.l 1..... and t/ , 1't , ,. 1.,, • 4 0,•nd • e. ' o4,rit!,. 1a,,i.n..r tA, to:lLurgo, ta. , ruta. ' n ' y In lateen 'tory . fpnrtions. whip!, 11tt11.111 , ..6.6 , ; . t - ..".t \ \ .... ,
...., trey.
0 , 0...,un0t.,\. krmtly soionered a. Utta at-I, meats ineurand,euevreelo y
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/ r.,1.i. .. an,. at 1...-t rnt,...osayunl I, re.•oonston•
~./ ria,..,,,,,,,,, of hue., ex, udiny,..olleteend b is ` nl\llle, Tar rn. rho r.r known of ve*,l• Atto tt.a. ,
• I „..
....tri, ~ , to. a.,ltiutt,..l„arn o nal a ~AANn,... I...entity:Moe 111. t l , reeieterl ever other treatment, get. , ,rl• an err Trl., •
' '•'"• ..T'• • •%'•"l' .. 't•l'l b•• • •rtit\'.. 4 It" 1. • ,. .r.rd11 , notday th. ',rational end ,k 3 y,. . ot lame firrre. 0 ~ r PETIttil.F. NI fit a abort limn 11 . ... , r .-• ,
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I 3 1 \2. - ..,-... -. tams, ..,n. ,h rq•k or limb•. :.4 11,1160.00 Antl.6 ma
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FranklinuFire In .e '
90..01 P....!..... • ...• La . vl. `. Y.O t .4, talk Rhyne It& bn:rtx... , nontruntooNritich , , • X .
Merchants' Transportation Line i iltFcTOPq•. CI 4, , 1, IV. \ Bru ' i‘.. " 'ker ' ,', \Cie°. '''' ',:5 .• .,.' 1.r . „.‘r 0 r 1. ,,.. ' h , 1 . * ,,!!`j„,.. %;, ‘ ; ' ,Nery. L ,7,..j'7,l7 r ? ' ':'„- - . \
,•.1 1Y •.' N.., IX ,t•t•A S • I X ANP It • ILIIOI'I,S, / j_ji IN 111.1. n-.1.. ' . Thr.....• ' llati ‘ Morl•k . Ir. I;rtaTrulan :ic A r,i, - , n ;. N a :, , i n ., i n nni ~,E„ ~,,,,,a,.. . n „, \
II Prl "'• \ '' F • l • Pu rA l ' i RBe'l'- ' w 11 \ V' , ,' . , ..1.1. ' ,...,1,.5t p.. p".n ,
, onr Ad. 4 ,Ik• L. Pon, E., mi Gran Dar 6-Prawn. h., i e r a y], t eta, and yam•yin, r, di.,„,.... ~. i \
orro •v . . , . i . k,. ..c , A for 00 . mota trot nom any o- r - ell tauter
~, „ \ \ \
n 1 .' X.ln/lIPPINti. • liAlthkx XBANCh elide. \\ eboro. \
t 1 1. •'• 1 4 I.TI A .*.l 1'nr...101,t0. 4.11 Four. ntvo. i. \• cu.,. , henna', Soma , rr s. \\ Reader! It 4 ve).y )Ittle to make A Ilia! . Th. Petro \ ,
ph.. ~...,,.., ..,....,,,.... to L i !... woman,. etemin,l, loom is ',liny Pre- no anirootart, put ut..tir the Immo. ' . ,
... , 11 . , , .;!_r_,-__/.•',z N. 0„ , notrai itha.a. , ,,b . nnol ,tm.t.1 . 1. , er it no ......., ~,,,,,.. n tv .,A 0y,,,..,,, la ton an , / , frot.r.e . not .l,...ct , a , ualtutti: but it r f.roolyelaboge. , .
s, I . N
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tf, .., . ty. one,' in ......... tare. ‘ •\ vuutritt ,u.rrhamisx. 1 r),. ....inn, lin,. meet' .. 1 • • u-tra , rout., 1 1 ,0 - , ' sin ol ...molts, r twrAl.,,in ite ori,oel. Torn, and. oh. , ~ \ -..
.. 0 t , ..•1.-, c•-tn„ ~, s 1,. •,.. 4,6 . el.• •,‘,....,,, h. Pt•Il• 16 I. •• 116 their I ~,t.l , . Omni:teeny nafelysin exlnd. \ " p, t o ..teen, h•mnust'y aVevuty mmedy, a s enruna,eind ,
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I 'lt- n• , •• ut thr thmoy, .4, J.,.....y lA,, , N, 1,, nom,' tile. \ Atlar‘O/'er Mnlinuen heClit to , _ • \
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~ , ' , on,: 114.1 n. 0\, ' ... 2 i... .1 14 . 5 1.' ,1 . thtNr .t
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1 -.- uni l4, 1,1 '\•at we any oo It a)) 6411.1.. eleattlinos and motto 1.••• . , \ .
\ •
----- n" •-- . Anxt, lea aoolvntortm. tuntotibtod tenttanmy eau be luratit. ,
. 43 . "-- V4 4'iro,7 ' -7.• '1 H :',' I ~,:kl . - - .4=1; 1 : ,
, 1.1.....1 .. 1..N. 14 , 1....0.• `• { thervath ..0rta11...1 tu the ahoy., otatym.nt.hy tell. :,.. . ',, „
'' -- • 1• 1 1.... 11 sn'innrooratlnt% • Tenn, of •,1 • aro, the, ~ „Ar n o,. nA,v0,1.1,„ 51, i s. u.,, „,.1 Lia,,„ . .,,,,,,,,,,,,,, °I ‘ .
0 k Gur Mum...A LoufGoil 1 ~N,r• 0, ~,, na ~ ••• . •
To Eil.p . ppro (A . ,iffert } i,--a - J,,,•, produ,...e, & - e , t,";,; ` „f" . . '' ,L1 ' ..! ". .; " 1:,;., 1 :72, ' I '"' ali , I nlsn..”-.. of th. 0 A 1 .. ,•-,,. al,Dnuest. ~roor r ( 16.4 idmet edel llretn .
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I:I'LL\ NCI. 11 rr•II•I',1',11 Trt.k.N: - .1 4 111, •••'""'' '" "''' '''' pr. ' V ' il ' ,..., l 'l i l .' ',l l l STi ''•-nt L* \, ' `4''''' „, "A k., L .. '''' ,,, ''''' ,,,,. ` ,. ' N '"'± „ tf.,... .r y --- ,,,,,,, - , N \
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• ITE,, - . 0 .1 , c , .In 1.-1 r , . ,. s.• :X' M .rk.t. ar.l f 1 A. '' fl \ pbilaal 1 ii.B.,It.OSII'S CELEBI4,I ,I, I) ItEAIEDIES. -' . , \ \,
• -4 - -..• . 4. , \ 4-44, - F e n n 11,1 4 m. '• e Insar e a P, e -en ,. ~. ,1 1 "' ,A/ -i1 , J,,,,, , n , , „ ,.. a. , dl n• xnd hile rirdprietra . •
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‘t • , r• i r o.- A 0 th. .•,n. ow ~ 'b. , r.nriex Iran . A ~,.. .• }„,..•,. , „den.,...1•1 N..., 1..1,f If t , 1.V . ^1 'b . „ .: . :1 7. n 'l g U r 4;, l , - ni i ...9 . ,.. r .l ! . ..rd ,. 0 ....1% %II 41....
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~ ~,, . .-_ , -itreduet. f thr 11nvernt, ,- f Venn 3.1.•-, .....1 for shiny •
• • r ....,.„.,. tI( .n. I I 1.. 6. 1.I• • .: 1.. ~, 0...... et tho ',ant.) , °Am -4
hl,l "en rm. m the , Ur U. - sting of dye
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Pittsburgh lir spo , Lon Line. ~ ,,,, ,,, , , . ~ .
Hai n , ":,' \ ce.nn , :n X. , 11.-OmPtio . I.lintrare, , ,
t:emta.,.„ , :k .., a-Tn...a and ~ , ‘ 4....., 11 , uk , ' ,4 "‘ . 4 " ''." , 111.,... rthu , .hstlt a r Fel - and Au Fe ' 1
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oil kuSept.Chrank Lt-,,, .h..., ..,I ut4 Dun, abet ante dm , \
• 11 , ,• 0 - -'- •• “ Pol • • , •• 1 '- A i ~. , 1 nuburvl,..lno ..1 XX , / -, -4 . ' \ . „nnoy i.a.vlser at 1n4.1, 11..ry firm diem. 1
nth-, to winch ~
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~ i, klamli \
o ‘, • . Lemma e. \ \ Ni k ; lurosinlibl. with \Phyentntraiaar,hut bo tint Of .• \ . '' ,
0 ...I ~.4 T' 111' -', ' '
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.r Garden Pills arr ad \ ' ." \,A,.
- , .s, •t . S• t 4,,, ,-, ~ •,;,, 1, on ..r. in n.... 6.., I oth.r, ie1n•1a.. 4 .4 44 . 4- ... 444 .•4• 14 - 4-44 . r . 4 . 4 . 44 • 44,, r". 44 . 4 •5z • . mitt, I. by tote If,, to ponaom.rulier ommtiya edern . A
4 tyd tr., but 'I , IIIV 7 ,„., e bare trail . . , As
, •.„.. y \l. takel .t ettallob what \ ins , \la. , eald, Irk theIL4MIACI '', '
\ l lakeotleel..`
;., A i, „„ „.„„,„5,,,, a„,„, 1,, , e ~,,,,a,,,4 . j,...., , John h. he A , . \ Thy ltrd are Ileyited to ell Opho the Syntal; wad pr- .• \ , \
... ~,. -, /..,• . J n.en.....1 onto,. / ~ 4.1 want \ VII" ' 4 '.... 4 . 4014 . , .... 4, . a ,. , . ~ , Y , Poem - ratoehl.ta.x . iving•dr.l.l. ~
', It 11on Wart , ,rn of cache , ' \ Tom . arptitaion- ' --
' 1 , . ...1.., .... .nt 0...001. la. n, I.our r. o f . am , it. , r‘ t•4l4a. , , rj.r .
. e/ . . , *Jl . Mia . v ‘
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~,,..1 1o, r d, 1e ,,, 1 . 1i . X1r; ri ,,,,,, :‘ , t yro salon tncnt dr4g...
~.• ~...: Kite
- . . ...,.. n, r ...0. , lumimaie lii kW , Goorm. •Lop . inwath, '‘, ,
• J M T unmet Drug .. 1 31 , iert...... •:- ' ' • .
- \ 11 .. 10 ' Thr ,, . \N m• I" - r. ••• tt.' .\ \ J• 4 . , b ,, 4 0 - o, X L ter IN Lb. • 1 0 . Olt , kirtrii.r.b.
. .1.01. 31. Thumaa James N Ilsekeam.\ . Lee 'A.I kbira,,l/rt• N 1• r i raptrot I.tFoe„ Allen). ',
' . .
11 , MorrtriCalu, in. u. Shermrd. ea-cr, \ ' `.7 . :iX
t ... hn, ~ the c hlnst I nedraum Company n't they oliftrjAkt. + .Irll,lta.,.r.h.o,D e rit A s ‘ ... e ,„,.„„ na m p a. \ . . \ ,
•nro• 1 1 , .• Min 11,11 , , t. 17 '' -•• •• o
' ' ''' .l i'"." ' 1..." ' ' •'..'•'" 1 ' , ' Z 1 n. ,.;.,• ' . ‘' lfl " ef.!rt ' t"O ". XTry .' l•7•lntioniktrac , r a n . , \ ~,.. , it. „. .'\•t. t: . . ', 0 . \ \
-- ' .
eta .. rounder... 4 , offering eauto. , tratinn, the o ,t... ~ ~,,,,,,o \ ,
'nun:' bill Road Co — Central Rail *an 1, 11,1,1A11 I , J.. 11.11 1 ,, tarot. •, ..- , ---.- . \
, ,•... 141 int= etron ` \ CO : 143) reTTPS ' • \ ,
' 4 ' 111: r 31.., I 1 t •.L , 1. , ~..' 1' ,. ' ,, , Pl ,lll i .. , '•*
vi . ..t.inx...... 0 ,1. i 0.. r• - on 7 il r a , :;o7 r, r,CZ .,. .tr d ta4 , 'Ll Wca'' Insurance delnpanv of Pittsurglt,
, ‘Okl Titf.: . ••c•T•Ex) Neill he found in ,
- \o\t , ..nntio.• , 11cIALLIBL'gs1,1311EILLUir ,
• " ' ' ' :,. ' i. L '''.. ri ' ..- l i ' l: ' ..::; ' ,7r ; '' ,....12..• int ..bloin... 41 • ...1 . .A1 8300,000. It. LILLE Jit., , IA:0 num. whi , h .Totoed tbeVt of thirty ream.: \
• .... ,
.1, In,yl , 14. 1' 31. Gord,e,. Setretn• - /- ' \ ' , Mona, nJ Eruct* pre a donbt•\ Wst.the lalarte of eat ' 'i \ ,
bs. ..,t , , ..• r... nnry,,tpx.,,;h In ay.. , 4 ill "nr again.. all tund•oer.ts. Plre 'and Mr Ga. VG Ilinlis ,qf thou do f tudiviAwale in althort ever/ 0 .
• •.,1 ~, o 1.• to .. , ,i 1.........r.4,4 ir..... ox .-•.ton , •• 1, ail A .,,, a to inn rally ad.huted and veva:l4 peal. etmo•pt , n4- 4 .1..z,Pc ... ' 44,4444 . 4 . 4 4.4... now.' nee
.. ,- -
••. t home wet ution-managoti by Dike...v. who am oil Om:, In se, ....- thiaala .I
ll bo mai rdiGtlcinethtitlua burn •
.. --- • , 1m,. , ,.. In. the musunity; and who am dettrmaxed • 1,0 1 / 4 ml to th Mit,d,ll lln '
rattans - Loma VII , 1'1 ,,,,, AG1 , 1 ,',...,,..,,.. p. , ., b.,,Alt, to nucritaan the charvter libi , .. h , :.'t ii . '. l ~- . ' , i l'• 4 ,..... - ~_ ,
. '-. ."."'• H. ' ''`.."' ''''''''` . ."''' 6... ;‘' . "''..'i,"''''''' Iliity iutar.,,nat .6n tiering tlle hest orotortion le 0,, tyno.ruml. 51r41.1.. rem le curing In than . ,, .Y, J.:. / , ...,11...r... narnltur... 0n... /1.^nr".... wllk tl.-oo l” i red. am other Innin n offered r , I 'o 0 . 4 s'r FT ,
, ~„ 1., . ...e, 1„-. ~,,,. i 1.....,,—.,., er, Jr, MG. Black, J. - ll;tter, 'N inGd , ' nr sl. ntbst 7 .
~,,,,,, ,
• 0 r I• ' l r . • ttr -0.. .' • ' , ... 0-0, ' oll ' , re. ,U.. '', Ilnltsh . Jr, it It IrArm, V.,•lhmyera Geo. NV. Jackyou, 35a etrueurAn ronvincro p 1 of;lbe. are ' s ',, ,
i....e1., r. , I, rt. 1 . 1.1. Tim. ihr Nina r It,- L.. :••••••• tt n 6 \I 10 , ... , III••••. , , IIII•IIII ,, I. III•III•I , I• 'M.... , . 44 . 4 4 , : 41 ' . , : w,1 , ..1.0.1,T2, - ,, . 1 - , •beo• v. . - .•-• 1 1. tke , emew \ ,
- "e rt,l . • • Ault,. `,11.,a :•uumt, .. 9,th...ever ow-
, o , atrons San Adair . . \
1.....1. 3,, Butter. 1.... r ,, 1.A.1,1 Oil. Tol,an, 1.,. 1.,1.` . 011uv.,N0..... II Ale, , net. twarrhotno of bparrg X , c' , ' , .. ,. i ri ir rtir,,Zl,,,, u ;,l4 l \ . ..,er2^v4k t, , ,...,f . , , , , ,, 5 I,peeeb4
~.'".. " r. .. "", '...' "'' r' ~., r 'ee ...p.... 4 . .tt-huritts. A . , patalls• 7 , - ' ' u .•••:- ••••
4,1,..,... liar... 1r..ti1.71,1 1.. Pitrb, annul. German ~ .r. . \
..- . .^... ~,,,,,. , , '''''' T . ''''' Delaware IlintUal •etyhtfin.ranceComp Tb Itoltt 1 e , •• 11 . 6 Pnallxl M. . 4 rl4. ‘ ir ''''nnat. ~ ,\ - ,
C,V(1111 , a Cott .
Naim Ana It avnii 'Gr.,. g Fl - 14,1'. NOIVI'LI 1•10031 OF TIIE 1 . ...1. t ' , 1 ,... '" ," d ut!,',1 4 ', , r`j,'',;:i . ,.' i cE,„H'" .., ° , ,A m ity,..,, V 4.1,44. ,Fen.. u. ;,".: • oni.l.orcli". July ,l-s. 1,1 -?..W. llf • lIANGP, 11,tr.1 Atha. Phibulelobie . (. ,Tintin4 - II a hoo-1 of eta . thtloittithod, , 4, e , r , llarne New , ,__ ,
e 1,. .•1tn..66,6.-11LIV. \IL I. ‘I , ILI \ mil., MA. IMIIII mt. .1... luny . Its merttatthat n t the \ ' •
, tawn ant nY, cr tenurni almtunr Itn* nv \pm/oril., to reterttlyeui. . ~.., . . ;
Freight received for all the Way Stations f i n - ox , ' , • ° 1 0, , ,
dame, In itn. pt tho 10we , ,1 rn ...f Trepan.. ,I .
, . . \\
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. • M ki.16 . 1 16•Int.\ \ I L.-Th..). ah,o , 'ltnure V,..0.da. ( oryoen, illy, Totem ,I by the ',rh e a, wyehhiry,,4sh,...
. i ~.,,A . ~,,,,,,, ny „.„,,,,,,,. and,. or ao.r.tal ao bear tn. •ohirtlly, A neht Xo feel autogyro 'phi/ .
• 01,..1 , 10 ,11.16.16 as th• awrireel luny tr. lleired: 11, P , nr..lerimrkine \Carom:mid Is. been marl \ A -... .
Paater., • tomm J Taunt. TrAnArotr,•rbm The n Imam Merrhandlor rnnott year. I , ,V i re thy nubile: , Ite On, rdeade 0r.... it.
. 3,11. e. Jon... North tnut.ourind by It unan.. IMO mod cs, Cnaal beat, aoti, otronamt and 1- Tale moat uttdoubtodlya• etrourrend .
Lew 04,-,,, t .1 sin. - Milliken.
Stemiti.a.m, gin rmvre , .41.1-, op mon; lawn! tern., couvlaratn Om , rof I. cvnerwl \ ontlibleas li.mN•aasliss ,
in , .1,,1,1 I 'lin, Jii /...,111. , . L. n...,a }4,,a. G . G .L , G.ani,, Jain U. `G•Gklitliet: It U.reign remed,ir r en d erve. beret. .
nn ' Ilutnatte , En J. is gr.,. Payet. ROI,. Lumen-John 'll Penton, •.mot..t Caren!. rherntuatle over,nks... naelll a. rend,* kroilree,sid \ \
1 . . ,ovue.• met. 'L slellikrn , :n.rve 4.,.1 , 11.•r, ',lentil innirtia, , I..rks. , G. 1,, ~ M il. NG,. aria eI! atie di re • and Rohn.% t Gush is belt tGi.. \\ `- ‘..
a 11.1 lett. Item 10hr..11. John !svelte, Pr It. 31 0 .t. a. -Inun, C. OVet 14, 00.1. , •' 0 lmre i h . 1,1,1,010 *ab0..y.h.t. \ :
Ji.ati.i.,.i , ,:li. ' ' <l' • 1. , , tt
...1 ki .„.. i. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,„„ ii .
,),,,,,, ~,,,y, 1t..,.9 .....fhater; , ;( .. ,- , 17t . 1 V01 . ..L . 1ex I . • , ,ur b s Air aflej otter \ \
r ,. 1 ~,,,., . ninon. lluult eras., Ileoritu Fervill. tr.... 0 , P 11 1....• l ''' ...-
onaubta. Modera , ll A Itendilt ' c heel s E. 11 J t Job Mtn Ray I' X Tit...* offered, and in our oVerarn, the a \n C ievntt f roloA7 s . r , vl- \
11 rn • to,. J Iv ~h,,r a ton. nitot, N. tyre, Jr. \
1„„......nanl Fish, llor -nu. a 1:,, , • 1 j '''' . '• , la., . Tato median.. or nattow`e man. to n i'gh'tl ' ixenre
• ••• lnarry al., .0' Cl7l-.BE..Anzi P T Aargau. II h C . -S. --We, \
' Nn. nor, ...AA &tar, 1 John T. Lncao. etablea o,r internal ma •••03 . external Iton, It ortadt . 1, ° \
1..1. r.l, 11..rrey doom. • IN to llterta....Yreal.loat • Tns. C. Ilex, 1 , l't ...I It. 0,00 t1in.13...666.1xart...76•Pring.1t health and oa , act. ..-," \
si P tbotnownt Isle, t W It\ .6.F. 6/•• Innaf.f. • '4 , ......• , '1 • • ...1• •.'... 1 6 . .• CM.P. 101 . 00 . ChM , \' ' .
11 • 1 -1 1 0 .4 n. 1.1.1..01 ttni L,e, I nano ant th,Catuolty. No. 41: liatur Civet P.tte. ell \ arearocalte, turn., 01 the, lim n ., ',,,,e4 , ,
1.0.1. n. J.Mo ItomOu.m „.„.„ ~,..„..,,, , r,
~ „ A „,,,, A, ,0,, t r . •• ort una in male irr Primar'i \ trorn whatere„t moat , It rual -‘ ' ' '
„,„ i,... ~, - K...ter .R Prothern , ' ' tiny, en nand. \ : \
John 0010.11- i For rin eitteturch. s by E. &Item, Mersix Kidd ,k ', '
C...., an Ogden ..t ;moved/m. l' lml b the retell - Drngglsta \ , ,
..t ii,ilo... A i't)LP... 1
rmner ,'”,,. '."., W. , ', •,,‘.',.., ' 51 I_SCE LLANEO US. ,•... - .1 -. It le out up In tuur, , ,two r , and one ntliting bat- . ' \
r a
July 1,1. -_, 2.-_-- -.- ---- A .---
_,______-_ rim., ,
1.1 - _ . . _ , _ - , . ---,
\ __
__ , Jetatflat
- ----- . .
CL. r,K E. INt RK.
Nil PR(T
ll latirti Line,
rt• r'•nn•it'ls4
pr -red mrr, •
7.7;!;!:11 1 P1t. .g.t!rt
`i S •
Pittsburgh `P ins.
re.-~ 1 ~.
• , .
lessoluOon. Ohio Laboratery. \ ', : o the : eaders of the\ Pittsburgh t • tte.
I - N CON SEQr !INV E 0 Niii , tlyeellSe of John - --. , . ~..r.,. -,,----,.. (14\ ....,-_----,,,,, - UISLI , ATTENTION is ryspectfuity in
", led .10, tie. rette,..bie ler o !et e . e'ltette . tete . ..-. I ••'
it ) ' • - U - t :4 \ !'-!' 1104 to he following tniths, red ford. iu re/atm t• •
'''' L t's
'''' l ''' il l''' ZV ''. o
r j til t i '. n il ' 4; ) I sl• p :7e . li tela rt 4 ...,...ate;Y '` t t ) . 7 a. ' [s ,l7 xlrA r Tri t ,. l l ,, q '11;.°.`...-e v.i.
tall, aatbnra...l 1 , ...1 , . tal ‘ , .. i . :. .
~„. .. \ 0 . ,-k ......„.. (.1 ,
•,,,a, • year 'no *ince s irrvnt
to eitte T.f. ' r . .onlit. bef:mt the
1w,tp , ....1- . Pator.a h.., aly lat. ISA 111114 7/I_, 1111111 I 47 a ty_, ,. ye re ir the re i ( emirate of ctlauT. /ta.gre3werst
.„- ''. , u val. are, dal, thentane full apgret iutod th•
.‘%lll - t '
PA 11.TNE ft Sni P• =O,OO- e will Its wt • pread. tis not Umtata.
ay of Not np tht• elde purls. o nuking moot% \
COi'Oi) At COLE,. ....., • Niy cent. Sirength. Yet. one, w eh we omit dye. 'o'ol conautut be nut •hm•
Ar.. ,, ' ,4 •'' t" • '1'",..'” ,. ' J e t ' ' '''',
~t, , r i.o , L.t . . d . 7 ,,, , , , ,..., r.. ""Mrl 1,
1 •
Tine but:aces 0 1 the ..viren, , Y ot' the Penn- ILA nta at A1L . 014, , ht . 1 . .. Ftatitakt . C.a.,a , ..d P 7 4.)7g,wer '' •ii 14, , .n . .C.y II I lin ii:to °P s . .ere - ili - itme • ,
nt rsi lushoulUnouny wpl Gen.'s., be evn , ,he,.. Copper blinded Vapor ICl...key always on ham!. , coututilloo. Is our dnt she we write of a\lttedb, '
4 ,t , teo ouch r the nuv.. au,' .4 , I, ij ,, , ,,,,,
~,,,,,,. Guru, of t Inv. stu'l }root •lIns.M.LS•MaSaII, Om.. rue, that w• vr
the troll that se aal nothing iylco.
rtarAll ordure hum \Pitt, , burgh will be rromptly, tilled latut rydectier who tea I our word orhut wenn.
rune, of Penn and W. lir .txtrvti. {I. at, rnaritol prima: • ePlf.tY ra'.. I. or rtateownts. the mk a vary apt toVateit at
llnAhurnr,..inOt Itt. IeSI --I /). 't . _ ~ -,-
ny thing thnt, , FN , n , Uut relief • yam ,. A :ssavass
Wines and Liquors. ire d, ::b b ;:gt4Vs" . 4"'alilia ° n' 4 :;:l . r.'„lldx.lft
• .Agneditural Implements. •
. ... ,
No 157 LiberN st.,Fornkerly Da CO fill -10,- V- t. qa thtsiew au , ao tutu. only du that r th lu relation to
1 II AY E .11: • S'I'., ret.oi vett from the East the P.
„, , ,,,. r. , , , ,
0 , i „,,,,,,,,,, ,) \ ~ .. , r , c ,„,„,,, , nu 'remedy lhoold be Pahl, In and to . re kw , It • tn. ,
tots far exceeding anytflngle turtle • ttt 11. ntatesia med•
Q ro.lowilte inut.tnits• all of Lbw two su•notacti , e.
\ .. 1,. lain unvarmutulteg.,,Ettlethhtuta. wascortalud
sod ,i,, , ....t re..,,,,t tneyntlou, an 4 I • ,, n ll l`a , t• `d , 'VICK EISEN AL,ST . OAENEL, respectfully te oer „er andiseighteorh 1, lour am lies Moony In lu.
'`'' , " , '''' .l ','",".,,"'''' '''''''''4" .. " ,, ''''''',,.. ,„, ~,,,t„, , lA' to the publieget rally, and their friends ..i. of ne. Petroleum, „ '
”. "'' ' '''''''' ''''. '''''''' "' sr ' s ' ''''''''''' -''''''''' - • i utweially, Out they hart evtall:l a NEW WINE and Withal the 'put two nto ha, two o ttr o . drius,,,
''',,," Pa ""'''. 4- • ak• n. r , "n d ''' .l ''''" ' , LiQl.:itE $T ORE at dm aborts eta , whore tin. \y shall al , ala• aa%tatally Idiot!. hav ' ke Jura tutor ito v.. ht. ewe
1 "i , 'eel , full urortme lc of the Ar e k-M,,,,..H. , ..,,d ,ui ea.... ot blt•duo.a. in Emte at t.... lea his .
- rn ~•,.. '... 'Y :" 4 I..r. ''• I Punch ru4 end whit. NV me,. Al.i.Fretich dark tend pate cuud. A L alu. the cauofty i rl•lnanle atalte rountlit Curt. • ,, all , ~,,,,,1 , • . . 05e5. • au,,,a ~,it.,. etnp u u. rattiu, /amain, runt,llullatol There areote bait thew. are , .., r..... t. 41.4, a d may i •
I ,•,....t.1.1. but Cutler.. 4
' dn. Irt ‘ ..4, altukey,rhatareenesind shltrallon lurk sale, N. ref. teed t by my re•rione whokbau dud, Mail sub.. ,
L uau!.
\ ~ 1;••• •nd v'ow eliai all o4et, , of the mut ...mut hnuids. port wine., Madeira, slwrry ie• - t. Thew , e 'I were . ..iced aflerls-y tut I - y• ah• .0.11
~.,,,'!'......,"'"‘ dr "," a, '''',...'"' so s ' P M ' • awl noisest a tu., AbrKat.,h,t. Abiussolinu. Holland nit by aha xaaapa aa brytel•-,..., TIN I ,, lnlletan \Will -• •
•'..,"•..,' • '..• • ".,....". ~'"...,,,'''' ,'''''; , t t,'', ~.. herring*, Swlsm and Ihnlurgh tlaeu. \All of which they when ued sus\ Ni ng vis`threeti hurt:, a, 1 \unt
11 ' ."'' ''''''''' '"'' ~.",.,..''''....• ... L''," ''''''s all' at... wholeule.ur retail, en themut n0...L1, Wards, Pile, IlbeuriaiUnt.bout•Neurnlnts, i Librium.. 1...ak ••
•.:: ..i.i:• , ... 1 .:•••••:vi" , ':'... , : • One of no p•rtunr, Ilr. • ''''' genet, Mal continuiug big Plutlfu.on tho fit, Chronic. You 1,) , . 11,1,unros Tutu
~ r. N A 111011SlIAM,
n l_ ittl.altataa. buinea , ln the city of iy ve It.nte above tow , Ita-•Id llead,rutoe to the lantu..l,,u, ~,,, ~,,,,,iii,
4 W '' ' '' ° " 4 ''''''' .'"....- '', .1., anablul Used a cheaper and a tbetter ' artio, tiun .4 1,1,n5. Ague, Chronic etatallt, Apthala. tht•tehltic shit
~dore CnnstanpUrn. ,
'Beaumont 's atent Staluh Polish. \ V 1 „,'"1,;,. 1 .",.7,.,,''',.,;t'. 6 ` ,. '''''''':::"\""•'•!;''''''''" n \ P "'"'"'l'''''''''''',c ( "b".. "'`'''''''i.'''' 4,, itfUldt"'
,‘ ' upplie.l tune of to eliltareL •atal-at Ow i ‘ Itnrrut and Y.rahla. tau.. of thei Itluda. .4 issiars,
13.111.:NTEn, :Jul . .2(ith, Isr4-Fur givi , ng...htf.,r,', 4 ,„t"k , , •., so ' Chappal Ilvols, Limit...l.:Nipple,. t...rtut tot h00f...
\-• -t, - - lu tort, It t.. a Gator rott - roxy.. ozone - , on tlo 1 brut %deg
'8,4,..,A.,1,,,,,,,,,,,1-„,,,h,;,1 ne ,, t;: , , , 3 , 1 ,, , ,.. i . . ,41 0 , : i .ut . 0 . 1 , , , , , z,, , ,, ..1 ,
, \ Lenids's Patine Reversible Water:Yilter I ~." " " , tho 0.,.. V .. ,! thm Or /. 4 1, with tbc,
• ,:.:- ~: I • IL a. ..• a . .• ...- . :i , Is 1 mut perfect nut... I , that ay.i . a...0 la us
1.“,• , ,t. a e ' , I ;rul " ....uitn.titi , t ' vn l ' . : P l ;‘ , L•l ''''''''
'ti ' NOW t 4 l i ' tt , rd.'. i. operaiMa at \ Wm. the hands .4 the proprietor,. who • 111 tal, pu-utt itt Ouse \
I"r '''''"'" --I. "‘ '' .'''''' th " '' ''' P" k r" '''''''''' lA'hE A 0tt..... quitter, No 10 Voursh.•treet, be- . 1,7,71:4';',= .4 ,.. a41i• r t ,411 - tt..,''
~:,, •
. th. ,
I .tuv 1 sh, a bultut, ir..n 1,4.,/, e .ytel , :b ' ."'..4 '"' , '" . .. 4 "..3 , ""` • end et l'iLltt'al ~\ , 1 , 1" 3 -' ' . 14treAsurs 1. the great.. ktl4., i nly of 11,e - i^e In ',lrian* \
1' ,,,,, l'i , i e' ,. .. , Ur t 4 . B .'' ',,,, w l 4 "r"L'k. ''`‘.' 'No lo Mkt,. +tract. 14L •h Thla Filter h .ruelved ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i th ,,,,,,,,, , ~,, ~,,,,i ' Lid „ ,, ~.,,, it
' '''' ''' i, IL E • •1, ,I ,El,. o. ass .1 , • •
. , v,11011 , ,th. I front the Atilarattri tnatitute of New Von. , •,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, 1,,, , ,,,,,,,,, . f t ,r,, , , kea,,,,
CA 111 1 -1 has.. re iit ‘ i i•i , , to my, n OSP:tort% i t ..., ( , ' V. '''' ,., ' g t \ i",„, ' 7,;l4l.rp l v. l . l ,l ll ,....rtl ' L.Nl it fol tA ro l. •, P l " ..” ' . ''''t . vd-li. ' '., 'l'' , tt'w 14 '''''' .
fA, (three vb., huhu, ti, arly • un.oe the ' ll•ok vAker", rttiles4frbot thus Hi
teiro* them illtal, in l'hIlad'0 11 •:, =9,,Ta1T,,,..5ypc,,:j a t,,j,,.4try=47,,:,1kt,t, „,
lutteutirgh slur. • t will be clad LO wu I. SrletulaVl , l 1 , 4- , of which slufullnerpc. us...wad. ` est medtclu ever dv.vbeered. 'Pik •ale %lulu:ale am* I
I law ri . /en, sod rweeut. • Auer of 11l a custom. I , "11l I • , , iwritautarin, Muth Loh, t0.,1). 4,,, I..ey, b 3 E. TYKE a SICININEf.b. liti 1; . •
, 1 IL
ia,,, a.anatment .1. t. /4.1•••• ited- -It Air. My gar. , liesoure 1 .' 0. u...b . . , Nth l''''' u t Aleo-11. X. belles, „,7 N 1 cud •to , t; 1.31.0 D. Al . L
.1 in. C0r1 ,, 1 10 , 1 , 'at... ‘ 1 " -,1 • 4 ' ,0, . a 111 ank ' 1 ' ..4 .... , pat, a 5 ,- t .1. r. the l'itent ItUerstho a..., y1ir..... Mott, Juteph Itotatlax. Allegheny I.V. 'Abu bY pro • ,
......., r.. , 1.• 1, .. ,,, ..rui 1N1 , .. , .. ,,,,, Wit , , rtmegtr mt . \ leetlt Ile , te. atcd t ee' .1 !! ! ' m r ” r •.`'''' prielor, li. 11. 1t124. Coal Zule, senth street. 11tue \
! , -oistert,....lund t ..00,11• tVll•olair Slow : c, or a,q, 'LP . , lld month, lus ettA l4 .l tO I. , ie of 'heir • a'.." „ \ Unruh, ALIA 13. A. Vanuatu-I. * lb., •od and .fTt slat ,
1.0,- Vat.- nis , l .., r , ...tie,. utmlit fruhd In .W 1 , ' . tlEtilltiE 1•111. [Vim: a •11, at • troet. , ~,, h ,
• newt , atbothrueot. t•I 11. I.atiA I. irtan.,..c. I
.. . , VTaltaattalast Ilatrh .:, , il, ~ -.' -..---
1 ' The p•b% heretOrie 'Vs. , ' Vdti'lvt" ..'..." ''' 2r • s 4, ELI,k:ItS' lIP.EktIAL COOE/11 SYRUP.
; \ "` I ' " "I ' L tbl !"' """' 1 1.'''` ....4 ... .."-.S . ""'' • .° "'`,"" m'h ,,%,,9 1, -It is chaapieavy to tat, set t.I It' 0n,..4.. \
1 Wt.. redden... u sh that usi,.rrefe,me . l . 4
it , tAll.,--c V. 1,,i.1 tor W.. 1 by', ~ AttLiumar Cirr.loh Z. , , Puri ' ''. ,
~tiurefute conahler auk 1 ,,,, e•v t obV , 4,' ' k p A r i j, ; 1 , , ,H,r. li. If- E....Mc-Hy ebildren, Uk niliirs, have Gen
"da '''' 'l Y 4 I" l ''' .. .r m. "" i " ‘‘,‘" ''''''\' ' .y . ,,• 14. '' ' '',, .ultlet to truablesome .tar., and haitsu 11.4 digt , ...try
7 • s.. 4 ‘ \ ,
,‘ , , , . a unmans. e.reet.
TV.. Filters ace e. toad to haw alit any tonna or, ''.."4.. to .".rr httle PM. , t ." 4,,,,,,, 0'''tb1 - 0 , .:r ,
. . Rornices. • ,,,,,,,,,,),,„,,,,,,,..„ • , , , ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,taiamul or vegeta; ....f.."...h.0t - 7.ur Lettn. , Pattl , ' n. hi , . It • UML ,!.
.1 ii,‘ VE i ti.t tv.t;4l., .1 1 - ,te Noy; y„ik „. : , ay .. ~ i,, o„. , 0 „ . , TN., a r r . ~,Jt...,,,d 1,,,, b,,,,,,, V i l . : ,. t to ten of mr , t , y it uf,:4ll4l , l, t t ogat4 , ll:szeler
~,, ~,,'• ' ' 4 *"'W,'\, 4 . "'a , ' ,,, 'W COE: , ICE,.. 4 ' b i 1• , ,, ,221 , - ,,,, ,,..rtt- -, _,--411 i-n• t . ".\" ‘ 'a r''''''" 1 taV i . =.r....,Pst . i.fa nay Liftvb c or u a, ud dorms
, , ~,,,,..,ss 0. 1. ,----- --...,-, LA' YEl'i" A.l &ZION. oettocteneloooly hear,. that it IS the ve-t e r,u,r, a‘,..gyuy
- '.. ~, .. yibif , at.Y. Arty, . street Philialeiolu, th." h.. ''. o \ l`''''. ca . .. 1 td th. 1 . .,! . 11„..,'. °a ..
I 4.... , l' JC t .1 . 1 I. F is'i..-„ Pia I‘,:a.: a•n : \ e I '.., ,\ - ---. rareatabballt4l not pain& Limit by
to suffer bota
1 - .3 stur.• .4 f101d;ri1:er0u,1'i.b.,, , ,,.., tad, I,Vot n e;:
II lt, i tt, •I PA oi, PIPE -- dotnidt hapro c‘i jiietit -lagla. when they may be eared by • Li. rt. bottl• at Cal
1 4;; . %`"::' ": L ''" /1 Lead 1 11. int . nrie.o. ~
1 . ,
ana.• • \
:,\., - \ ' Prepared amisold tpr E. E. BELL
..„..,.., -, 47 itt. o „4 ~.., ~,t j:),,,tot ~ ,e oar . \,.. '
1 17 Aquesloc . '
It I ANI:Iir. .A_NI : l 11A 1 . 1 ;111tliS , ---A gee.Sl ,
,!' \ !berate. Elms. 1 -- 1 - iiTENTAIpicINES,.;:c.,T . A large stock \
cirieresic., , !,,
.y y ~t.t.., v.( ',, liseur .1 l'o 'l, ,, , , lebrated 11. aud Ail au on had and to air• .414 , 01'1 to story , and fir sale on them OM Ithend terms, alt , \
'tau., l'ora, un bud slul tor tale`at aaa-Nra pila, hy • ( ''' \ AIL- ut3t. teletroDS, kin's Inuaneut \ 'A tumatic •felt.r. '
, a. • iu , I; , .PEATEIt,b •ur etn et • i , each I'll • , ,•,134„ppant sts•et ,LunnuAcid • ' I:Atemals 1 . 16 1 , 4
1. 4,1 's
Arent tAk'Sbarper a 4.;.. -i---. , ... • ,-- -•--- - —4--- , ...--t----c- --- - \ .. unlit] Balt 4 • Labs de Maids*
1 . ' Anthracite Coat \ - \ Hea and Ventilati n. \ ' - i '" t r "d ' ! '"'"L'"'
• " • t - 14. 1 ! " • ''' .4. ' r o fl i .ut1
of Buoll•
. 3(lk TI:) , N , ` „ Sj:Li , t sou , ' veil a artiole,, NI , 2 \1 .,t.„. :;,,„R.,Nta APPARATUS for ,P41, 4 4.1r4A„:4:. \;(•: ' , ' ,',11 , 1- sv 2 • :
y ,
.„ et .rtaa.. an .e. t! 'teen tt by , leuu at llottet,eettAltoottmiecture -, 1.,* , . pa te
's I..l . otttatevo
~,,._ o
1 . ~ L i e . 11.. tAt byy, a ef, '' Itatactut. huh t trir.s.Atiktro.t aranr...lital.‘.....ltallitt• ••• \ Ap L j.r..a... papa rall• - ••atittt?. ' li. ‘...
•.,,,,,,,ba„,4,,, logs
at afar,. elphou\:utitlie and Pal ore , Abu Lau.- ' w ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘ cure of Kly.e•sivil, &rut.
I dmu and Itrlit, 1 1 tor .11 puctuu where regular I w yog's Ano-Dyep•ptio . , a.byt•iiittrYite.
Copper Stocks. • . , ...tendon, alth r 11•11 trdesirriii , tend for [be. '•• E),,,,,,u, r.....n0r et Pvt . perushitg,
IV F; 11.111 E
. . , . ,, r, n,, , , , , , , .. ,, r,m , the Stock of veri- i " I ' lL7r.l ' r ' r'!trata ,2:l,;l;ffga „:.`,...<:,4 , 4 .4.' , ;..,il : p:k,r,„T,lr r lo , 1 `,..; tt:ro—.
i ito t./gx riot, 5•11 a,,, be , rt•red wt. at deal.,
" ' r " i it '''
a ,T a alng la wall Yr. td.a.a. ratl. or luldreee ~
_. w Ityglen
, aildloas nf the, vino, Slurviption• t i de d e r a .. G.lst.l : e•\ Uri asnetr. l
, In •
!,II A' W I "K- 1 ''''' 4 tl4l. , m'l'lt '''. • ‘'''' ,, fallibegOrl {a L in phut In Fastens, loWns. i w gip, '\ •
Pure Brandy, for Diarrhieri, &c. ', the method Intursot • wboluteue, uniform heat, .1 Sof w ataitAala,
ta , 1 1, 1 temPeralura, 'h eraire fr , mlrm from we , . I 'p,,,,,y,5, yod,•, r •• ..Yinitant
sn flu. ultra Mut • da uvwc • 11,1 mfet from my.
,EA It 1N• 1111N11! slantl.l rue need Fr..nch ! ' hC, ' 1'...i1. - 17.zOit IiKEIA. a„,,,,,At r ,1 121 ,,,1. -- ,. • E . ,,,,r,,..i'
I'-I{l t r.erly. thu att. 1... , Ma la, Alainad at AtOltitc . , ' ''' -•-- -.------ ...---....,.....-_ - -,,,,,::,..,,,,,,.. • 1,,,,,,,,,,,...U . pi = A
I .... atl. in the hismuni, at II be. ouart or Lomb, I ' Copley's of this , . ' _ .. s....i'ara...a. : . Godfref's Cubs'. •
1 u.
- . .... •
''- r uP. subs 'be ' ' cot ° Agents I. * • ° 4ae li' V °''.l " • ' INr i a l tia ` " •- • -
tyIN DOW • ;ill A bks--A tinc stock cm- , o r L, „,,,, ,, r ,r , : .. r , r : uy,,,,,e„, ~. ~,.,:,, ty at „,..A...: . . nor.. rterter ' t
Yrecena en t 0 .7. , Ye! -. or `TrYtemer.nt Window , la of irt"l einapw,h . • - i r 'v, ~,a' „1" - ..1. magi - it - A. At tit,. Drug gypie of /i. Zl, WICEIRMASI •
ot, ,
.I,t emir. ooto eto mote...ton, 'hl wch we ,nf le. l'ot Steel Y "-' ll ' au ' "• , f ou of th tat ' ....‘ ' ''''''''' 'S Wr".l4r4 '''''''''''''''...
,i, ~1 .h1.y.1. ania PALI I . as low sallies' eau 6. bought Igf W. •b ' eune I, ''' '•••• " ' •ui Fen use' fully' betel '
et...tura, J. Ult. PIILLLIPIVi and . Wead rt. • ' --
- '--
‘. - " ' EATILERS-30sacks larahn :an for sale
m , um ri
.sous 1 tNr•
ty I NDOW '4illAbES—A title Stalk • um
, boning a/I the rartet., or 'Tramp... m u ,,,
• Pt, u. jun nuni,..l [nun Ow ununal u u u , r , u ry,,,, ~..
snit ..ii wh01v.10... low a., U, my b., .0,,.
.1.• h,r,., - • r .l. et,11.'1 . 1111.L11.2 , ,1 604 0 WO4 n.
uelyth .
. .
Copley's 'o ,
HE Pubteriboni 4
c 044.7 tOm. Lbe
or itulL e..kblished rt
Lw POO4 RWel It
WI locattent known; sgul
41ratut.1 preAms
, \
, o the : eaders Of the\ Pittsbergh t • - tte.
UISLI , ATTENTION is respectfully in- ~, •
.104 to he fa/lowing taillta, art ford. is Magog to . ,
nu i r the too. Impstant !I list mtelern limed V
.P lOLElibl , t3l 10.RK OIL: St \le e n than Ono e
Illi,ll r llC ' t
6 1 ' re re i ' f
t e nt ' retryroiru ' t b iT,!` b ' f 'r" 4 . ,
.. urtitttiere
u , ,mal. . vy, fltwv th , n, , tr , :rne full aptrtettated the ,
etwatnut r. and we alle „ that the Mt r Ipia . tra l the
mart. werxreill Its
t : , e eprrad. tLs not Molina. ,
tely of • d , got np the We purywae n Uniting *Mae% \, , ' . \
but. one, yr ch we omit .Ire. t Nil con:tune be tisett When ",
10 other ne• on. hate u fOrgotts n. , The Pctialleurn la • '
c „,,
;w ?. .):tt '''' wrer " : . r i lt, , = ' l .4 llit tt d o Erit " .3l s AMnan \ \
n: haute. la our dnt she we at abaut aUstrdl., \ 1
rtne, that we et the tretl that we sat entitles Falco.
!elect to,decelre who ma I our word neput wenn. '
des m
. or,ttateownta. The mk a eery wet tnWaten, at
ftax„.... \
irp "yd, j ?. h iL'! ;l ' l; ' l 'hli nglet i s"'" i l ll i c ° n:' .4 :7:1,' - a rb? 'x.l l l
~..„. awaits , . aro ant wnly the taa Cr lb lu relation to
out \.metly \boold be rikld, In enl to re kn. It a mpg- , •
tsts far egotwling any Vault. attic • ila lb matesia Y.
1,. laln ungotrumbestfwg t .,.Pute Untt ma. , e sanertained V
1 to our .Ity antliteuthteorh t, Lair am *Mee knotty In ht..
[ Ter nf the Petrwleton. 1 .
Wittala the put two morkht, tiro r ur o • ellitenh,
wlu , ae%otally hlrrel. hare tern 'whet Ile ks ht. Per.
• rat caw .wt Litre/mew. In Nitale ef t..e, l l'W het*
~..,,,..3. A L. 1,, ,t, ~,, or Tal,..up le, i.,,,, ,13.., \
There areottr: bur thewe are ,_ uy r..a.g. 1. •11..1, a dear I • .
be ton 5,1 t hy soy yertont ',hot?... data L, mall sub..;
tee , The••• e w were 'cured after he y had I -, ahs • sal
, t ,,. 1,y ph, eeneux sa brpester, 114,1;elnllettla \ rill
- • .
n twed ae•*, !ding to 'direct - I zharr,w a, I went ,
ill,„Gnut...N,Urnlt+. i uptleux•nalt•:Pg l -
riLlEttee,nn the fgt., Chn.nte Pere E)e 4w:worm Tette
Feald lleed•Oluns to the lames and lain li , g entrew,, V ire
1.1 • es. Ague, I.l,ronts CoUght s )(Al h um. nenehltis. intl
\ Pulmonary adecilontkef a chrome liatuneyfetal/ng thallrre
.4wee Cnnantappen. •
~ . _,.
1,,,,,, and e,,•ghta„,,luwagese of the Itlrglot. and KNuorik, .
Chapped Illmb, hiroktatwl.hlobtet. t.t.ree cad Bunton,
lu tart, It to a altar Mpg... amour , an i . /i 1 hl4lO UW4
In 0:105t. of the shore Ilyssatet withal the past 3 With tb*. • •
tr. , . 'perfect meet.. froilignitt, that ellta.4o la f ry , -
the hands wf the pr./pristot,,wlo, a 111 tat, meant tnltle`o•
lug them to the aglitied or , thelr lrieutta. - l . '
1 \ haters: ethers • tali .... ,i bbout te,ill Ledict •am ' -
i4trolourn le the streatcel. Rs edy of U.. U. .- ems Ph) 'triune \
of high slandfue in the prof . on at. o heginnlng In the It
In then. melee The. whO 01.41,1. loot") no with Ott
and uncertainty, ar• a-ghost .te award le, •tue I,t.slet, • •
rPnyuteraboo. Ile awe nether nay tulLt round, all . , \ •
twmpolled to acktworkdge that die Petrwletua \ta tbe gro t , \ '
twr =twitch:e'er,- de ensered. 'Puk ~.1.., wholesale ancl I S
Wt. tu I': . 7:.51:05k1,101\ ELL IMlq , at. ,
Aloo— 11. X. Seller., et N\ wad sibt,t; D.31.1.l D. At :L.-- , , ‘
T:llattl,Possph Dough.. Allegheny IN.. 'Alto, bp pro • \ \ \
prielor, P. 11. ILl}ll4. Canal, ,enth atntat. taut \ ,
Unruh. ALA B. A. Fabnett,‘ * ,1.,., •wd and .FTt ytal , l
/lad ' '
4,l , ll.l.k:ligßffii:it lAL COOCAI SYRUP.
—lei. a..v..-.1. , to to, out 1 1 , 1 a11 ' ..6°. A • V
v . allloureT ..trr...15 ch Zr, 2,0;.
kv. to. N. Evllle--aly ehhdren, lik rakers, have been ; v
Veledler to ' "A`41111.',;1- e .„ ° '• •.°l l .'l,'lLtA a bl i - 1 ._,..,77A
tmareptiv, snout -your ...e ' E L SS, V vo/ to 1g .• to • ui•• ' t ..
r4 ; :t! t nrclm * ,, '"4 o::l 7 lot:::_tr ill,-I°J ''',4,.%,.."7"'
1 bare,layOrpturful•ll tip rev drigt4r u s, and de Pm
a t bel. that it W the le,tor.P;pl medicine • ,
that boozeer eery efloreLl to the public.
et aretrvv. -
P•rentashlVl not permit their a
ellldvre to. outlet . (lon
talagb. whoa they mat be cured by • t at. bottle Of Caw " \
. \ ..
Prepared alaiepld hy • E.. E. HUM - . .
• mot= ,67 Wood st.. sad Drotattat gavVorall. \ ".. . '
for sale
\FEATILIERS-314ackA landinw
. .
• . .
\ '
A \
. \
\ '