The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 18, 1851, Image 3

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    We ere win indebted to Meagre Leech & Co.,
for kV!, enateni papere,.
CEillatthil, CONVENTION.
The Morning session, of fall threethotirs, was
occuPied by Mr. Mason, in explanations of
tesehingr.'• lie described nod ithistrated various
metheelic Contrasting one with
l dhe other, and in
partieralnr; he illustrated a very practical and
easieisteittfor teaching common singing schools
of adults, :where the term is ishert„and much is
- expected of the teacher iu the short space of
time: allotted to him. This method is given in
detail in the Cantica LAudis, beginning on page
Ift, to which we refer the reader; and it consist
, dagiving out, at first, apart ot the scale by the
This is to be Bungle their turn
and when the example of the teacher
sang•by, the pupils, the corresponding
•- •- • cl Ciaotere are written Upon the board, and the
class sing -. from the notation. All definitions,
technical terms, &m,‘ ore to be introdneed inch
derdally, and never mail they are needed, or
until they are naturally called for by the pro
:.•;•gress'or the clam. Those -teachers, or others,
who are, interested in the .subject, will find a
gel:Oust developement of the System in the borik
'‘.,alrealy Mentioned, ,beginning on page and
concluding On page 46. These pages contain a
complete "Singing School," or method of sing
ing, which, if followed out, canned foil to make
a. po.d .cingg:Mr. M. passed rapidly through
Mese Paget, giving specimens of the 'different
• lesions. l'he importance of a chaste and paCe.
,style,.watforcibly and clearly set forth by the
manner hi which lessen 140 (a beautiful scrap of
melody by Nagle) woe presented to the class.
Such au ateacise.has an 'excellent influence in cal
- • tivating and'we nish that all the teachers
• and choristers:in thli State could listen to such
'aiamplieof good and bad as were given; until
'' they shouhl know how to imitate the one and
-avoid the other. The lemon protraited to al
most three boors in length, and wastetened to
'with the greatest attention and appmenfitatis
• faction. •
The morning Session closed by singing two
pieces,• liest very spirited and stirring an
them, ',Song of praise the Angels siSog," from
pip 274, end afterwards the old tuneof Green
ville, mode new, however, by the very pianis
simo moaner in which it. was rendeml by the
large ehoir, and the very delicate and florid ac
companiment on the piano forte, by htr.
In the afternoon, the first hour was spent io
the practice of church inusie, and the second in
glee singing.' ander the direction of Mr. 'lab ,
The evening was also devoted mostly to sing
ing exercises.: The subject of chanting was
taken up, the sepia explained and several happy
illustrations ; one of the old Ecclesiastical tone's
was given with an,effect truly church-like ;
The doss hoe been apparently much more in
terested this day than yesterday, and many re
grets were expressed that the. time was passing
away ela rapidly.
litacErnox orKm—According to tho
arrangement adopted at the late enthusiastic
• One 4 fille of •Gernians at Mr. kirchner's in the
.IDianiond, o committee of . twelve of cot most
tl respectable German citizens depaked yesterday
evening for Nest Newton, to receive the distin-
giddied patriot, Gottfried Kinkel. 'The commit
tee; ,describe thi . reception of this iflustria.'as enthusiastic beyond parallel, at West
Newton 4 at lirownsville, and every other town
and villeig:telong the river, where the boot ap
proached t4e shore.
resierd , about one o'clock, P. M., the dirt
sloulr:oc• Ttuners. from the cities of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny assembled on the Monongahela
wharf above the bridge. 'Magnificent bands of
I:laic, waving banners, and the reiterated shouts
of an excited multitude, which covered the whole
' , elope of the wharf, and 'thronged the adjacent
streets, foretold that the welcome of.,Pittsburgh
tolher orator, the martyr, the poet of Revolu
tionaiy-beilnany, would he worthy of the great
" name he had won—worthy of his glorious cause
—antiivoitby of a thorough Republican Ameri.
:Can_ Community.
Aboitt hnif-past two o'clock, the whistle of the
West. Newton steamer las heard, and amid the
shouts' of the vast throng and the harmony of
military bands, the boat which bore the patriot
Kinkel approached its landing place.
.The CoinisHtee of Reception, appointed at a
meeting of -American citizens held at the St.
Chiides Hotel,.on Thursday evening, had taken
theiiiltices on the wharf boat, and the moment
the steamer touched the shore, the gangway was•
Cleared and a wedge opened through the impa
:tient crowd for Gottfried RinkeL
- , The DOM J. D. Guthrie, Mayor of Pittsburgh,
met . .the diatinguished guest as he set his foot
. upon our wharf, and addressed him warmly and
silreessively in this following words:
It affords me great pleasure to take you by the
liandluvl welcome . you to our city. You will
find here. Sir, many friends from the Father-
Dina, whose hearts tent in happy unison with
your owe in .regard to straggling Germany;
and all of ue desire to honor your patriotinex
ertions in behalf -of Liberty, and against the
despotism of European tyrants.
• After Gila greeting, Col - , Black and Dr . 11 1 rt
meyer, no Chief Mar:Malls of the procession ar
ranged the line, and the Turners, with , eir
Sags and bands of Music, followed by
..the car;
tiagia containing the German and American
Cemmlttees of reception, moved forward.
The line of march, accompanied by an im
mense cud excited throrig, proceed through the
principal streets of the city, and finally halted
at Col. Sabre Hotel,. where arrangements had
been mole for entertaining the ilfastriens Kin
kel and' the different societies and committees
'who .accompenied him. The American
of Arrangement, upon motion, deputed
e Iten. IV. IV. Irwin to address Dr. Kinkel on
.ehalf of our Anglo-Anierican population. Dir.
In complied with the wishes of all assembled,
addressing. Dr. Kinkel in a truly eloquent ex
ession of American and Republican sympa
tby for the cause of struggling fiewlem in Ger
many,.lie was repeatedly interrupted . by
oienrheltning applause of a multitude„which, for
number and enthusiasm, has seldom been equal
ed in Pittsburgh, and concluded with a welcome
to. Make I which caused the latter to grasp his
hand with every appearance of delight and thank
htl acknowledgement.
1 . ., Mr. Jahn loth then addressed the eitizens"in
A:dermas.' Col. Black woo then loudly called
.apon,. who re-sponded in his usual spirit-stirring
maliner. )lr. Ogle addressed the multitude in
speech which elicited great' applause. The
citizens then dispersed. The German and Amer
ican .co•,nmittees afterwards conducted Or.
Kinkel to the parlor of the hotel, where he was
Introduced to a number of our most ieflueutial
citizens. About nix o'clock the company sit
down to a most sumptuous repast, prepared by
Cot Sahl: Great hilarity prevailed, until a
:late boor in the evening. 'Mont nine o'clock,
a torehAight proeession proceeded through the
pricipaletreete of - the city.
Dr. liiakel will remain in the city for a few
days to receive the .visits of our citizens, and
Will address the people of Pittsburgh on Mon
day evening next:
. Mr.' Da n field, a colored man, while standing
si t. s
beaide .terin the market, had twenty dol.
lais taken 1 t
of his hand. He maimed the
woman of th the theft, and had her arrested.
On the.wayl o the • Moyor'smffice she dropped
the tionry, 1 hich was immedDitely•ploked up by
the. officeirsl -and ultiimately restored to the
lertA 411 J. C. BOECKJNO, Ittaxtufattu
11 nr,14041t, Ma, and Pfau, Pram!., modDreal
to LoOing in.agyPor, Mint 61,,, Philo 1(211
PitlAhorgh, 1... • . ...A:4 I r
11A1.ISS from N.
IVA York.-. 111 St. Clair Arent, ILlttottnimh—bas
e,oer pplienl i.theinet.le dr...maker. Twat 1ta1..•
thaent, ski IA ilrepernd toexecute All order. et the
Onake, , lllettlllen, earlChlldren'e Cletiong made I the
136.1.4 rixtaker, ' ore.
t0t...,..ert the under the same net Alin
o''"Jobe tkod.di this day klissobrni by mote
al cooment.. The bunlneen of the Ist.• Mlle Sill Ie nettled
b, John Cehlwell.. Jib Il t CALDWELL.
Thdnndereigned, nava. g formed a Co-parte
nerahlp under, the. Votoe nottelqO
art.!' will -continua tha 7.1.4A7NG .1, _CUR 17. TINJ
nulnery, of the I do arm of John Cab/Arad
BM. lo buoursoe Borough. , JAMES CALDWF:II, •
. alma' STBWArg.
Bosros, Oct. 17.
The English files by the America contain ho
lulditiohal news of interest.
Baring's Circular, of the id, says that Amer-
ican stocks continued unchanged, generally, the
only change being wiles to some extent of Viii.
girds coupons at 96.1409. , There are sellers of
U. States sixes nt 10.5, and of coupons at 113.
Coffee—The market is steady, and prices
well mintai fl od:_:?,Ss hare been refaced for two
cargoes afloat.
Teas—There is a large excess in supplies,
which oppresses the socket. Good sound eiimi-•
mon Congo is quoted at 91@10d, while Is hl ii
with difficulty obtained for tine.
Ai:m.lm (N. T.) Oct. 17.
The examination of the parties concerted in
the rescue of the fugitive slave Jerry. at Syrai
cure, is progressing. Nothing material has yet
been elicited, Much excitement
,prevails, and
the court house is crowded with the principal
citizens of Syracuse.
The official returns of Philadelphia city. and
county give a majority of 2,759 for Johnston,
, Dauphin—Johnston 3,1799; Bigler 2,690.
Carbon—official--Bigler 1,394; Johnston
787: Clover 4.894 ; Strohm 773.
Judges of. Supreme Court—Black 1,373;
Campbell 1,354; Lewis 1,373. Gibson 1,376;
Lowrie 1,373; Coulter 783; Comly 784: Cham
bers 781; Meredith 785, and Jessup 781.
Berka--oirmial,--Bigler 9,486: Johnston 4, 7
Judges—Black 9,459; Campbell 9,379; Lew•
is 9,373; Gibson 9,499; Lowrie 9,450; Coulter
4,678 ; Comly 4,569 ; Chamber, 4,578; Mere-
dith 4,816; Jessup 4,658.
Pucks—official—Bigler 5,483; Johnston u
268—majority 215; Clover 5,518; Strohm 5,111
..—majority 368.
Jiniges:-Black 5.:149; Campbell 5,1160; Lewis
5,618: Gibson 55,5.12; 'Lowrie 5,556: Coulter,
5,215; Comly, 5,115; .Chambers 5,121; Meredith
5,156; and Jessup 5,207.
Northumberland—official—Bigler:2,s49; John
ston 1,638; Cleaver 91"; Clover 2,512 Strohm
1,627 ; McDonald 39.
Tio+n—Gives Bigler 570 majority. Black.
(Derr.) is elected to the Legislature.
Northamptanolßeial—Bigler 4,150: John
ston 2,627. ornpbell, for Judge, is 45 below
In Philadelphia connty Hamilton, (Native) is
elected by 126 majority over Jackson (Dem.)
which, with the-Whig Senator in the Dauphin
nad•Northumberland District, gives the Senate
to the Whigs. The Natives elect fire delegates
to the Legislature in the county, and the Demo
crats six. The Natives elect all the county offi
cers except Coroner. For Judge of Supreme
Court, Conker is the highest on the Whig ticket,
he leads Campbell the lowest on the Democratic,
ticket 9,747: mad leads the highest on the Dem
ocratic ticket 6,120.
Schuylkill, official—Bigler 4743: Johnston
Lee county—Bigler 3392 ; Johnston 3015
Ilootour—Bigler 1394; johmtou 876.
51ifilin-13Igler's maj. 260.
Clinton—Bigler 1266 ; Johnston 981.
A member of the Mechanic Fire Company
nomed Bench, was accidentally killed while go
ing to the fire this morning—the engine mashing
him against a tree on the street corner, while
making a short, quick turn.
. . . .
Mr. Coleman, of the Burnett !louse has re
ceived lettere from Mies Linde agent, engaging
rooms. She wilt he here about the :Om of
Mos TYCLI en, ( Vt., ) Oct. 17.
The Whig State Convention appointed the fol
lowing gentlemen delegates to the National Con
vention: Joshua S. Morrow and Henry Bradley,
lielegotes at large, and J. G. Wright, Carlo,
Coolidge, Wm. M. Marsh and Ilezekinh 11. Reed
for the Districts.
The Convention. passed o reeoltaiou declaring
that they entertained no preferences 11.14 to men,
that would not be cheerfully yielded for the good
of the Whig noose.
ST. Loris, net. 12..
Colonel Cowper and Major Chilton have arri
ved in this city from the Treaty grounds. The
treaties with' several tribes of Indians had been
concluded. and the present. distributed to the
Indians by Colonel Afitchell who was to leav - e for
the States on the evening of thit lath.
L'Some little excitement was produced by the
val'of an express from the trading ports on
e Upper Missouri, advising Colonel Mitchell of
the prevalence - of cholera among the ir.dians in
that section.
A ,delegation of several tribes of Indians par
ticipating in the treaty, will visit the President
at Washington; and, it is believed, will accom
pany the Commissioners to.this city. Twocom
'panics of riflemen werir-detailed as an escort
„Major Chilton, with his company of dragoons,
come On in advance.. The whole party is ex
pected here by the latter part of next week.
Lorisen.Le, Oct 17.
The Columbus, Ohio, Insurance Company has
, .
The Demoerate have elected their Governor
and a majority of the Legislature. The returns
come in very slowly, and no interest in feet fur
ther than details.
flaw Toils, Oct. 17.
Cotton—The market is firmer, and prices ad
Tanned j with sales of 1500 bales.
Flour—Sales 10,000 bbls at $R 7500 for corn
state and western, and $1 25 fdr Mich
Grain—Rales 8000 ban Genesee white wheat at
92c; 6000 pliina Ohio at 87c, and woo bushels
Michigan at 110-14 bu. Sales •. 2 ,000 bus mixed
corn at Lie L 0 hih.
Groceries—Sales 200 bags Rio coffee at Eit.
'Provisions—Pork continues inactive. Lard is
heavy at 8.169 i ? lb.
Whiskey--Sales at 21i ? gall.
Flour—Recipts aralight, and the demand limit
ed; Bales COO bbl at $3 100:3 20 - H bbl.
Whiskey is dull of 114 gall.
Groce!cirs—Sugar is in good demand and firm,
with sales GO Ws nt 60.„.61 14 lb.,
Cheese—Bales 700 boxes at li.i,, for W. R.
Batter—lo dull and receipts of common qtud
itlee large. -
Nzw OFILEAMI, Oct. 17. E
Flour—The market is heavy with males of or
dinary brands of Ohio arid SI. Louis at
$2 CO®3 80.14 bbl. Extra iv selling at $4 40
N 44 02} 14 lb.
Tobacco—ls stagnant.
Star Candles—Sales 1.200 boxes at 18. - r r lb,
on time.
The steamer Elephant arrived to clay from St
rribl"De- MeLese's 'Avert Pate.—When the
etertieeor of thin inramahle remedy Pnrchnmed it of tp.
inventor, there wan no madleln. which deeerved the name.
for the cwrc of Lifer and Bililoor romplaint, unntwlth
ntateling the greet pn.ralener of three dims... in the
rotted 'Staten. In the Booth arid Went particularly.
where the patient In frequently tinahh. to obtain the sr,
wi,ol of a regular Ph Y.letX... en ,, i , e
at once rale and effectual, and whom opeystlenrmuld, in
no wine. prove prejudicial to the conetitutlon. Thin med
icine in .uPPtied by Dr. McLane, Liter Pill.. an hank hewn
Peeled to tweet - Imeknee In which It Lan had nodal.
way. beneficial: not • solitary lartanre Lae ever occurred
In which Its effects barn been iOjUtIOU. The invention of
an educated sod dintantonstent phyeician: It ban nothing
In COLUZIOII with the quad, 11M1L131331$ Innenevt anon the
public by shallow pretender. to the medical are rape.
rhyme haa now proved beyond a doubt. that Dr. alclane's
I. tine bret remedy erer proposed for the Jiver com•
Pureb✓era will ple✓e beware of counterfeit, and Iora•
riablr oI for LW. McLanes erl4mrad hirer HIP, And
take none eh.. art there are other pills purporting to 1.0
Ilyer pills. now Loren. the nubile,
Fur Me by 3. amp a co..
oal;:aaaaiaa Nn . to Wood st.
English & "tanned.
lAT4O4ESALE GROCERS, Commission'
Wood am! Smithfield pa, riltAcirph. I. hu ,a hand
cal lbw following ,ud, which th,/ .11er k , r
.ale tbelorert market nar,:—
MO In Tobarra, hau. Rlo Caffen
. . • • -- ,
1101 " Ole tlb lump, 110 Out. Young Ilywn Teo.
24 kegs 11 tuletinbaene, 1111. Imp. A (1.1•.
10t00 ar " m
C no k u dr c y h Bamb in o
o On hb l de NN. O . A .
le u l u s a ee .
CO M half Aponl.l2 door, 00 " 11.11.
Principe 400 km. Soil., or.lbrul
40 " Inevana " boom Sol° 1.0a12 14Iaer.
110 Common 10.0)01l6. Solemn.,
50 bales Almond., Filberio,24ooo " lm6N hludtkr.
ll'oloult. Cream nula 111 rank.
and urtnnul 0n.%1
ce not. , lndigo.
39 buses' Kock Candy. ....n.O 1,1 , ..nrs 'taint non),
GU els. Tomato Catnup., 50 Ynner
SO " P.PPer Sauce, .2uo .. 110314*Inpra.ndIns
b . Ll.lork, /JO bbln enneters,
.in drum Va, :..n3 [limn,. Zen.
iJu 13n.r0;11.1L./I...ldrushrtl Sugar
'au “. Grouria •••• Iwt pkg.. pt. aaJ g
ragf..15..1.4. • 60 1,b1.1..uf Sugar.
'SO boxes White 'Mgrs. ('uppers. Vatting. Chalk,
to bag* Whlca nrszil [B.S.r.entioti farm. flatting, C
tioxrs nava?. 1
1, 1 0...1.41 , • '
ROOMS-75 dos. far sale by
fa* WM oli-;JOIENSTON.
log oodOr the firm or IL 111tVti$E , 11/ 4 (X, h.,
dh...lre<l by the tteet. C. un
,Irralcont mount... , he oe heretofore. matter
the style of K. '
3rxi P. TOW!9t.Nli.
PittitatraL, Oet- 1451 • •
11. ' I ' OWNSEND & CO., Wire Miititifiirtu
. rerp. 13 Mrirle..t
fiNOIJNI)—A x u II Kum of 'none), which
the. owner ran kali. 17 rani,: awlilnicritiln. it at
w.nom rit LN.;/,1.111 tifissiirr.
Ohio and Pennsylvania illardad.
CH AM/ E TI 'II If Off rNf I
ON n A ND,AlfElt MONDAY, the nth inst.,
J • .1 , ..rt5.,n train , ouvo Noo. Itrfftlkion at 14 .
40/ reFurolu f f. Voloral 'greet Stalk. at 4
P. 11, oftlor.ff Board of Din.ctor,
4,1:11 GEV. PARKIN. Tirket v....
, .
Yu! flp ill .V ruder l'ackA, of Eastern f - oitor.
1 1M1E sulturribors would reuroutfull73
I Invite tho augention of roall ,I,lrro anf." - f1:
otbero u, he very onpertor TEL'. hot up 1h =, ...,..5/:
mei lOW' onvorol 1 , ..1,. u-alol .1. .to e•ohol. the -
at, and hn,,,, , the Tt.11.4 ja•rfertly fra.h. 1
'11 . 1 • 11, 01 re-n pu l ar to thkr way. for rataillha.
•re w, hbriou. , Mat tthoual but lutoly intmlur , d) they
hate ahhort euhrel, sitt•roe,Mllbo how, Tea.
thatran gement.. awl hoolitive for buying 1f,,,,. m, a
Rhwe ore rotmantly tn , 11,4Z freol, Te . or tool,
we are enably, b , men a. low .1... Te•—•f 111, qua; I al the
earl. !he All Tram ' , hid by the .0 t , ortkno. ore ml on Moir
/moron,' and sym.usit,tho th u , thus air. 0 . 1 ..c '".."
!action may be returned. and Ow atone, rol too, I
v./ / /M.A.—We 11,1, 1.4,, Whit thew_ xre h. ,
an n• enu'acad In •elhug. Abrou,b We•tern l'ootttr.oo , ol
nu t ; I
0 111.1. rtorthboo, agol darea4ed Tea, hull, (1,......tht.
I .srexhllollnit nan,ple• of 11.. In..
Tra• untamed front us. To uooid Lot oottiou of OM kawl.
°boor ,, ato , ororr Pookutto put up hr au i/ Ithelted . 111 .
out 11.. and , lualyanh.o.
I.OSE TEAS of all grail, and varlet..., wholooale or
retail. at the lueraat rote..
W3l. A. M. - 121.1 , 10/ rt . "l r r , ft !talon,
.. ca.: _ ',X. 1.11,•rt, pirtiol..
ywkAlinrrot',. Aeotco Snuff.
3100 lb. I}tly.moo,l,
000 tisou.r.
20 00 , Tanne.ri Oa,
40 11
d ll Ary ey't 1, n..41;
WO Ito 111,1 r 0 110 , 41,
2 hart- , EA. ludo.. T1•10.-chertiyn
00 lbr vartegs.“..,l
blAm “ . - 111, ' l, O 'or
A 47J
Z l l. 0., for sole be
L. oei JANI VS 11A I.7IiLL
I -.-
AHD 011-10 1)11Ls. for sale to vltele eon
rkumpot, I.r JAIIO.,
IVntor f
OLASSES--100 1,1,15. N. 0., for side hy
I rot J 110, 1 , A1.7.01.1..
r 1
I oriACCO-- . 2.0 kegs No. I
bray:A.ll.r JA 41:S 1 1 AI:ill:IA..
M OK F; g:v
ALTPETRE— tIAgS erode. arriving,
1.2 gale 14 0 1 11 A 1 IV IkIN
lI) p EARL .15.11-40 ~,,k1; for ,okio lo;
w e.
SOLE LEATIIFK—.UiI,.id, Itetolo4 tam
nmi. Far 1,4., it a i
lIEESK—IN I.zs W. 11., IN do
nt,J ...Ali. hr
Wlvk a ll.' ',A11y...,
I) I . II i II . 4 , 3 I•CIIESSE--..10 hx. Iltglly col
1.1 UTTER—Is k. Fre.l, Butter re,jeked
P 1.. a. malt. ha eryoz.,lsll'Ks`lln'lMl.
• livRESII ItUTTEIZ---:ftv 144. reo'i4 and
for vl. s• Mar: I. t/.. Inauat.llll
, 8 t 1. ,. .11
4,ALEILITUS--.; cask., pore le r ea l e
t r. :7 tee J. 4cton,t.thtli
PGA 11—'20 hleis N. O. just r.•'.i itnid for
I IIEE.S-E—.-50 Its. W. K. :u!.l
1.• b,
g itiE.l3lhts reoen ins; per
t: IT lan, and hay h,
11' FLANNELS— I% airranted use
V V had th• .5?.
11'1,1 . 111 1 81'1:1 . 11F1i.1.11
1 14\1{I .Nril %VALI. P.% PER---.% gyalientl
%IT IN DO BLIN P !area
vB n.u.uJ Wu. K? •l. h.
•" •
'lll , Oll- PII.IIFII
"TS7I , "" g "7- „1111" fi
I`ACK EI,ZEL-41.10 MA, N,,.
IV quarter Jarrrht Sta ea.
1411 . h A Ala .1:‘141,1,
/A . ,1: 4T1,1 •uh,vir
rrt, el/AI:FLA 1,,
J LI: A . .4.1
N .
1,L1.13.1. a Co
sA F F . :Ty FUSE—
1.. •11 !1 111..
()()() E. PINK -1114 !las
.17 1.11.1.•
' ILE 151,1% oft
CASK. Ablkittle.lN A ItEUIV IDA if'.
Jta•t stAl wr ,AAlt. ..-IL.I 6114. t , l
.1 WU. A ,Atil.Al,l.l: A 4 . 4/.. 5i..1.4141.
2 01 r I ANDER
I.settl: J •110 A FAI II Alit It (A r .
*rwo SM ALL F. 1311 LL II KS 1,,n ho na,lons
ost.AtAl.Al ~Ina,. Mt.! rtAttz•
Au tit. A:tn.".
rtt.1,.+1..2 Anlttrytt.t..l. awl lr
At thr to
ttrlatt •t,
iL I LOUR-104) ',bk. Extra FAittllN, !sale
b, 1 II Pkal.ddl,
AI ACKEItEI,- - -11/11 Larl4 0 N., 3;
Mautarbuaett. in , p*ticn; Irr .al. bp
aep.ri It II 11I1: brit]
I I I)EEN CLOTH -51M) 44,
and:..l •Inaxurar
l, fur
eup , rlor tor bu
laeur..l tbal
pU,.rouu apl fu t
at 4 r NI um!n
. .
J. a 11 1 .`,1.
111 HON Will hr rereived in nlenangr luil6 a
II wm~uut of m . u . Y 1 N r 111 A 11.11.1tItot
to the Sixth Wart II -
,—pl I 11415 1% yfl4 k 1:13
PARIS Oft Efllll—,ll ow., of the ‘,..10.ra
"' t."
th U o ' ci ri oet:ttt. oarot t
I t utthatit. irtt-tly woo. !Ot- optuttl.o.tor-t
alao m ott ;to totontl, torot• it, Ant tot
Lb. Moutza_stnt. relltorNMOtt it ~;
so,CI ttrorl
. .
I Minnesota Copper Stock. ,
50 51 ,.. 1/IItES of tin, Sn r k u b h or r. sal , .. f . f a
L jou•
1 .J . P 2, ...a, 11artrt .nit (hail .I. j .
AN Infallible Remedy for TOOTH ACHE.
Tart, an th• 7.. q., en...1, - An.l 1110. ~, iota. I,r
41 ...c., 11.,
..1.. fiEl .M 1 a ‘1J11 , W1,1,1, tJj .
jF.319 j a „ ~,,„„, ~„ . J
Ifi BRANDI, ASD SIAI/11111.1 II ISE In 1..0tt1..f ....
an dranwill. h.r ...1. by
, 11E1117.11 ,1, M.DW
0E1,1,. 14. SV.Jr.l.t
i I II EESE-100 boxel! Cream: i
N.../ yin, - f•,,uonne, t 4 4alt. I,
J ii. 1,1 5r11,1.1,1
iiALERATUS--.50 box,„,
f-' ,„ „,. ,
:If .I , la tn ~•,,.. linaPm R. 1.),
CAN V 1 1 ,1.11:
L AKE FISII-5 tibia. W1111.4' flirt; j
12 b1,1..1.4ke Tn,ut: for ..1, Li
'`P-4 • .l. 11. OA ,11 , 11:1,11',
VI ACK , EKE L -- 7 Ifttlff..K 2 l. 2, for „ fiale
~f y
I I I ! '"' . .ll' A ' ( r inEksS-8.) bur. priott, W. K., fir p , lll. by
/ x.r , JANIV... Lial.ZEI.l.. na 11 1.14 r. .t
NI A ,. ( I f . K ,, EREL- 1 --.... , : r 22. 1 5 /1b1.. i
~1 11;;F1i , , AN i .75 .‘ ,.,: 1i , i flir
4,4 4
fq NI ht., amn
~.a N. 4, ~,,r: 1
INo bids N .1 11...,
ou: ho
- J 'l ll l l l i l . r/;11.71 1r
' l i a r :i/ n. ,'
if IRUSII. a, POW]) SUGAR—f.,O Iftfln.f for
11.,,,1vn1. toy 1 anislj 111 1 1111111101i1J: a INIIIII/KNI
Cal Ii..MOLASSES-11/0 1061/1. 1i0011111i.'a:
~.../. I l e 1..01 11111111/111.111a 0.4111(01
Ili IWO:MS-170 flt.y . Cons, .. Coi, for sal.. by
51 . .19, wip•K K 11 , 1,A,111.E7
W., c...,,,Ca1.,ii..01. 1,...1,1 , 1.15an,,,,..... j w .f
.., Lamp, 111r.ndoI.N 11.. 1 h 11 1 . 1 .1 1 . 1.. "MO .,
./11..1ry. Milan, and r. 1.1 4,4., 1..1.1 Pen..., tarn,
11aalla i Truncn:ngar of linlol and .1 , 1v0 ir r,../.
.. ,,,,, I 1
1 11 111
I, s UNDRI E-- S -
In by, 111..113..... •
• •
4 talds. Row,.
I 1 , . I.,neat. lanolin./ awl V., rxii• 1.,
I,A lAll IHRI, El A CAI.,
RRRI WRIRr awl Fn.( , 11 8 1
- .
UGA 11.---7 111.1, N. U., for sale by 1 -
1 1 7'.i. .1 R I'ANOLLIR
. .
I.IODA ASII ,I IVc aro prermr.,l to itirsiisli
ij tii... nl.lllfiwur..r...lld'll... II 1,. )1
I••lterail y. ROI,
..Its A.ll ..f I ' ,Ruse noiniarß.l.,, of lbe lux , A u,30 , ,
*""'... .7 "" 1t 1:74.A .1 ....714tV.71r. " t '-
~,-.8 41,0 l .4 . npa, Morlrt.
0,8 ni.a, Mot' lrt.
Lk) A R-7: - . 11101 s. prime N. U. r by
tore,{ '1 . 1.1.1:11.N /04
. .
I OlV.L.PER—.A:ritrge mq,lily 01 1110.ard
ufarture,nlvrese4lots LArul Anl. 110,
APpl: J. N , o1:111 n Oh
LISII LAID PA l'EltS.—Tbn lent
Loudon otinstal 1..1,1.r Yep -r:. I.lor r•sm
11. N. II Evn 1,0., I, (pal!,
I , .rti, Shone,. I .
boX•s c011elig111114•111. 11C,U .
landing. 4.r sal y 15.11.1 II k 1,11,
* A O . JsI rnri.l Fr.Aa.AA.
. . .
OTTUN-46 bal. for rode by .•'
INALIII InchEr ,4 1 . 0 . '
11 ~.r .14 kr.,l +to.
1 , LOFFEE-10if bap Rio, for .b. by '.,
1, i mrti . _ ..1 . .4,411.W . 01LT11* tuo,!
, GLASS-300 1 , 15..5x1(1;
1. 1 ,11,. by fIENNFTT, BERIM.t to,
fro= nt.r.t. neaOluke.
BACCO-40 kegs Vu. Twist, for sale ;by
TIME ur.z.vcia, AND 111,...
el and Erprrxx Pocket Len,
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
I EN 1. 1.15± I V Kl.l' FOR
On any] :Liter 31talday, AuguNt t2Lth, the
enek.t Ml+ Line lea v&
1 r:t...", T .7 :Pr: 1 ;1‘7; ' ,,C1t T i n: . .ft Y lt:Z:• n t ' ..Vj;; ' :V ' •
itnllnuto Ivelikrh nflor ttwir Arm
Ily this 1100,,,fia
. pwrt,re , 1 ,
$l,lO. aa
(I, ag lurt tv..ut, ul, I 1): ,*
runal tray..l.l..l,4lslaltr arry•al at 1 'h 114 . 1 11.1m .
I'ANSENUERS Pap 11,1•1.T1.•11,1;
Tukr , .l. , York' as,,l I,,,lrtutd. at liar,'Kt,,,n,r.
right, 11111.••
Farr Ualttust,r. 114.71,
ise. , lll,
I Ds. a. thr Ttrkol
bele 11,xtp,,,,1%
.1. P. 1101. M ES, Agent,
Ur of ii 1,1.:EP11
m.l. • ,nal
McHenry's Philadelphia dc.Liverpool Line
of Packets.
VSailing:lrma Philadelphia On Ow
dh, and hlrerpnol on the 1a en+ mnnth.Zr a =
up 514115 I .I .KAFAXTO.II. II Dean... fleeter .SllEFilN.Fhli. Wm. ne
WK. Nathan.. I t• liwrrtn.
Allred F Ilaeler.
r•IIACK AAI th e
W. Wal,
nods.. are hil! the he, and mn, .ii)'
are tu.,l f tpr the rapt., of their patKU44.,
they are fitted an with all late,, are
therm:chi.. ventilated. and an• ihr ar•
en... Fader.. fur .N.worwr rlawn .3.4 Meer.. ittraenperr:
they are chrrttnan.l ht men nr weknowl.tge.l talent, who
are ...quail., ter their ravel... in the parket
drwiroue of brill... tin. (nen. frill the old
l'nuntrF earl obtain vertqleater of par..., whlell will be
and 4 , r eight month.. and our altwats li, 1,1 and and hie
er,nl turnigh them with itiforalatlon and
Ineiruenone Felattee. th.r departure
the vilehlaw It owl. am
net ve , suppli draft. for SF aterlt. slot upward. payable
.nrht without theermot , which will It ree1...1 hy
the flank. or float Ilitieww in the United Klllgl/11111
poo ele - Proviaintn. eapplied from Llrer
F..wrt wrra , alllPlirr will b. furnlall,l
wierpo r pl 1. 3 var. WI
2 rirp. •• U. 4,11, acar..l lb. IlL.ur,
la lb. maltawww anal I 11. port „,„
I 11. a11..w aarr: eirr and rap
otar. alrl halt al kwaner.Jl nugar atpl
"rat SlellENl.l A CI,: •
1.1“1 l„, an
d l‘.•+l rt.
.kE. IS 5 • alfial
Via Brown,ille an 4 Cumberland. to Baltimore
ud Bllibtdelphia.
MORNIN9 ito.vr kayo, the Wharf tan al • a pr..a,..11, mu,
arab ill , ea, ruzaberlatal nn. a.•,rtitna
E•anitlg le at.— et•unie.)
e .1 . r14.4, et on...tit, ,ara at Cumtmerliataa n,t
. . •
nta.. thr •thih .ntmly th
nu. Ihr.e.xl. 1,. Phox.h.hanr. ao h.hre only 110
The %ation.l lla only
0. with
the Coact.* kn...., V,. 0..1.. rirthl. why-1k
mat,. thr h.•l rewe ha,
0:tv"..7 ottion to 'ln Mon , tomheln
ISSI. 1851.
itorri. T. N un'y cin
t ',nut t'toctoroot.t ,o 1 nrni
uni ein.onnnt, nm l
1 .1‘.. , •nn0 Mt n, nod tl.- “tion sn.l
I.E V r SI, I 1:h ra al
tr: Otaar...nt
Ti..)lall Tram ' anutrn. atter. ernes ran
:I-In., ra,. atal a.m..
I arr n.. 1 rnmn at • waning tbr • It.M•Mataner
Fro.a.:ta Call, T rani 1.-1.•••• Ptic.l.l,l at
L. tILL. tp
phrr II 5.• ..I •
I'ar,...lAr At, our... , 1.•
I,ln. •,iz m 1 / 4 1am...wt. m •
Fr. 1%,(1. •, irm. fall yank,
4 1(1' , 41Sta
J 54,1-1 bwa.,
_ WESTERN 1861
-4 A -1 111.: Cloud !wing in gokei ••nler, we are
rt hud
h • ray, 'h.,: •trl h 1 . 1/.
hrh0.51 ,1 1
1 a Y. • 1:1.11 h. 1, r•t•tor,
1/g. 1. 1/. • •t l'hsts
ery I,,tttlg 11l 9
I. I 1..1
1,. f-~ .. p..
tAr ki t I.r• A., ...I Mita..A. lofty.
kk,tl r. wkkkir.
tik.Ark. At 7A, • r
A 11 . trAktr.A.l IkkltklllAtks
nal et.rrtvitka •Akk-k- es, tk ,
ykkk,. krk k k k 1,,. kkk t•-• t
i .. . 111;: hkk. S.
i'tkr k .
kr Irk trkknuAtAk:n . •Ikt, .y
J WS. A At tr ,
(Ur AtAir. kkkorn. Akt Stk: II bfkrklkl •Armktkt,
...AV. the Al Artr•kktc.trkla
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARK E. l'Aflfi, A co ,
1•11 Ali 1•1(A l‘ i/.1. rTtAt; , :..
‘‘t.ll In loo," prltarell Gl
j rronja .n 4 Ina, 1 . 111 , 11r111111
wi , 1.A11.1.A • I, 4,AAI Arta LAMP*
T 1... Imo I 'I, I Ir... Arr ml. .tin.
" "'
I,ntt I 11
Iry rf.ni0...ta...a1, 4 I.m.
1,1:It1:11 4.1 BEA% E 11...,
1.,. • C.. ••••••,
AArtnrwi A 1.• rtAtetitim, t..
Ilt AttittrAtm 1,A1,11,1, (It!. t .-
W•uwAnatt A Atoll:, W W .
tAt.t. A 1•11 t, • i . ••• .12i11; - •••••• •
'etal/L.. AlsicaAw. Ilt.
Jolt:, A lAI.IIII, . Amt..
nl , l Alt, nwr And Ittut,ttort.ll
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
4 , 1,11 . 11,s
Ittow In-:r nt nt . t - A1 " 1:A l t
Aware, lean. Mi.tturtr A tt A • 11...twnwr..: 1. 1.1
Tiekttte t.. Ittotitt , t to, nit., Vat, Alrult t I, LAI ...rotti
nitr tot Art. Attl A AttA I..Atrti WAtADltAtat.
— ll4lclittt•tA wl 11,.. tAttw• Att
JAW,. A I II 1 ;11)'i. AAwttl.
nth,. twr d etwttlAlArltt
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
. mho, I , :tin awl 11.s.uv
la/ A 1.1: I'', l'Eß—Fro,ll itss ortment
r tan rt frt.ut tto suo.l 111.111
tIZ: ll
T 11. r 1,1t. *
I) A lam bunch lit Ntioro, owl
I NA I A 11.1.1(1i ri et .
MA a. N.,. 11....1..14,1.1 liefin.
. 1• :g • . ii :' I I :II
A 11 , Ida, amt ,I N,,. , 11.,1.1. , 11, , t11.,1 1,(1,.., -
'''',.. . 2. .. • '2. Nt"'.i.:1.7,.. ISI I DDLE'roN, RILEY .I 3FGE E.
- , P5. , 11, , ,. 1Nu0i5,..., ,, n....,.1 Ft,. ur , lmg ‘1,,,,,, .11 i I.
I the baud .4 1., l wit' 1., 10/MIBIIIO . A [NOUN.) M.
1 .. v. 111. U.1. , ..11.1 I . + , M." . lb.b., U. Al.vntld.•r ... , r1 , .e,......1 1...n.1.1., Fl.rillt ,. -
, 1 , ..1.
lb...but - 0,
S (1 . 1 ., ' . ‘. .: 1.--7"
h I'd'
N .I ‘ s i.. 11 1 1 ‘ 17, " ,:l ' I l l " I l l ' I..., ,IkAV I D C. I'I.TTLE, A t nwney at Lim'
A 7 awl 11..b.n0,,, , ,,, 1, , r 1,14, 11011, ,t. 1,111.. ~.
( i ") r i i. ' 1 1. :1 1.;1-21' 1'"..1k11..1:.1it1'1‘.1.'1';...1i"1rN7.'111.1(.11?'1 ad ~.,,,,,,10.,1i.,,,,,,,101.,1 ....••,,,,
I E AT 1 IE , 2110
~, , i,„ solo. tor
r,, , ,, tor
ei 1 iL1 i N ,,,, !2. , 2 ,, ; : t . ti ,,, 1 t i 1 .. .. , ; ,, . Jlittorney anti Cenn
I...I.••• 1 .• ,, ".• Ifir SI , . •.
1 A ....." 111'1'8"""'' ) I '""00 ,
)1 ,
1 t."7,72' := '..' :,. ' ,..1=1%. , !, '"' W, 4 1 ,' :%:..X....t ' nr,1. /t a
4 ) 1' ...,.. —.2" '''''''. l'u i r t ' 4 ' .:; l ll: ' v. " l?..... r t '. ..: i i .‘ " i r ilr,:: ' ,i '. ;L l'y 1 l ' .. i j i ta '- u r ie. ‘ :; ' ;lr;i';',:' '''':''' j " " '' '."' ": l l ' ..til ' i . .. '
i. 1 11.:101, 01L-17 1.1)10. ler hale by .
~. . Time Bills
A 7 ..0.0. on..n sWI AN111.1.5.. . , w ciNcisNAT c ,
LILA N--'22 slbllks tbr sale by.,(4,111.1.0.
1.. ..._VI, , la . !, A 11 rVANobsse. SAIN I lAA IS
5 ".t . , %!: "" ;, 5--, ... , „ ' ,..; ~.,., b.. 1.0,—„,.... ,—..:Q11,...T.,.t.,„,
;;::itt-:..“-.1...,;:i:,!..',.)',.:.....,;-..,. 1..::''... ..,.''.'l.7l'''' 1 ,i w"l l>Y"''''°'"' °' ""'r''' ' '"`7.'U,,,,,,,,,,.
•••,- ,- 1 •. ,, -- ,1, •-• '" . '.,"'', i c intomE l'lll.LOW—tl e:tee3 for sale by .
vi te, 1t...11 fah,., .., • bi.a..1.2. 1{1.i11:10,
..,,, ~,,,,, I. ~.,/:, .. ~,,,,, „,, .... / . ..,,ern Alular: . i ..) ~ ..0.? SN. WlekKllsllAM
Ij:I '''!' ' . - : " VP .' 3 ' 1.112.!,:. ' ,... ' - 't
cenx , : l2 7l . = 4'''' I 1? ED LEA 1 ,- 50 11 lbs , superior, ter sale by
. .. S. )). " - NI 1,1,.. !leg A enti,ll..vrtsb: ' to, ~..01 J. I, IVO a Cll. 00 %1'..n.1 ,
J, I . :, ,T,!,V.1 o- IL ci.„.,. ''':,"• ',Vrir..l":' l "; k r A.,,, . 1, 4 1 11tE ISISICK,- , 20,000 tor sale low liy
f,,,, ~,, 0,,, 11,,,,,,, :SO L.J. Nal., Ally br.IIIIN .1 , 19 JAM Ezi LALZI:LL
T. /s•lbcr wllb Mahler. C 1 ,,, Ihnher, 1`.1.,,,r, A1,.1 , ...,
C1nn.304. At., cu Itstad mill kir vale by ' i ILL-15 bblx. pure Linseed, f_t i l• sale by
trial/ Juns tt NIT sco , L11...MY ~ , 1.../ .. , 0 J. 11 LA . Ir.k.D
52000 teceboe..l am: Pa sale by
.17 1.1) 011e—i2 bbls. No, inn's/at A
J. km ,. co. I
. J . :r Mak.. for ash, by 15.A . 1441/Ib,, , • td: i; .1,..4.....? .i ..
' L A '
.. _ . .
w .., wl
lig PSOM SALTS-15 bbls. for sale by rkIAISUANESE.--1 cask Saxony, fur
yi Awls ' ''i. J:KLUD 7 oi. /71. by awls J.154.11100Nb1Ab.7.11 AO
BtinTON. 51.48$
II IS woll known f stabliiihnient is still cou
ilueleit in the ilLtd. mann, it Ilan nivfar. been. TI.
rinitral nt, plensant iituation the Loin, 11.. mann.
otn. ..rrntinetufrit, and the entnlniff andlu•nrini
e..tithine u, mutter It tizn ratite
, Ifni eh,
Ilnrinn he. nni ..1 the. brut ni .1.1,1 I. .1 tinker n
Mt 11W Mt brad id the r..l.l.lisAnn tit. the riles
Ord.:, hi. I—it esern..tii rt.tnitation. nn.
Matchless Blacking and Inks.
I:1. WO, I • t.-l. "
.1.. t 4 :to n, tttirtate m in tor,l
totth tt rut 1,1,
, 'IIO lAs WII El'E, IitiNNET
YACTlltl:lttSttolit y,lttr:
1V . 4 . )01 . 01; A It h„1,4,.
11 EA LD, BUCK:NOIi a co. Ti.cen
Q 1 !I..b•h ' b. lie. rIII . IW
lola No. lb Nbrth Wb , a .,, Z 3 ll:ileblblvlia: ugl
• To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
I .1. COMTE. Ervtioh llet•tifier,:;l;tl Ei g hth
• ~•-t., II on ha , 1,14111,1 In tun otwr
tn,. (lingunfinetore lentsni,
Itrntk.l .vitro. ILlunts, n 1 h..
.11 14,4, anot 3.-
1 ,11}Itt: I. Illy lw•I t..c..1 thr nntst no,.
Iland: Mc rLual otnwt ma i .,el
110111., 111 , untri•P IL all,. hn. 11....1 to rn I nntl
WAszt. th. qual)ts, n. 3.1 ir nnl.p. to. I In. nl•
ni nt t,
LEO 1,1110, trlin-lt .111 I.
American Hardware.
13 LIVEN ,h DOUG LASS, 'Alunufnettir.q,'
N.. f
rL t . . ln E n.nt
frnun Inannn . tor-..0nl sncun
Steam Commtuucation between New York
anti Glasgow:
ttnti N.k w York
R v..., v.,
ar4 wand, t. uppnt ..111 0411
lork tr.r c. nntlenta Ilth nf iletnlwr
J•Am.or vosrl .
rirn Catkin (Ftevranr. Encint.l,l.)
Na— ,
Thm. rare. an , ludd pradi.l•dtd. hat not win,. nr
lor a
krrodds.,, ddo Won hoard.. mr.irrate. prtrer: Car
\ Ea. r Qua.
New York India Rubber Warehouse.
No. 27 Mad., Lone, und No 41 1 Nax3on
Et. th/ml l n/..r., V/40104 21, Ea.:1240i.,
E SUBSCIZI HER, Pr 01014.001 o t ovo
lI 1 , 110,u.c1.. i'lo/14 ,/110/. 1,4 /1 , 1/1 0.4,10.01 4 ,1 1. /01/1
.4./oonl. Mat he dall. Ir., lan
4.01./ r 4 1n04 , 001/ Inn,/ 400 • 001101/, .1.1/4/11.
110.1,, G. 441/ 11.1111,11111.1 %pre.' ....nth. Fail
rod slot 1.. 00.0 1104,11110/1 04111,1:
r tr Zr
attonlt. to In ”11111 100,04.1./
tun 12/000.1v01,1/01/ 1.1 111111A0E12,0 4 1 . 1.01 //11.010 ,
In ~./ 11. 1, 4 11//.44.../ TIO. /1.11,00 'lon, .01.000
1n,,. 11,/ 1.4 1 . 040 / 1 ../ 0 4/1.44:0/.1.4/0/0/.oo,lguni. whirl/
n 05.10.• 0,41 1.1•11/.r. /.14./
IS. 3-rtr (11011.. a Mgt, / /00/4/0/./0 in
N 4.1 /./0/14/.. /4.0 0r...1/.1/1 .I.n. 1.
P E , -, 1101 //11 Or , illl4/./1
/4, en
1 rarlt, 0/0 1•44, 001 re
tont 4.1 u4/1 ././.11/ntri. Ma... II /./n./. • 1001
,111 n,, en/11,04/11.4 , 1.11.1d.r.. An lo ll/1 , -0 a. 4.410.. notru
Alll, A Onslne •Innt•nn AAA& 11 Ann)
son. I..uter..
Jr. , rtpz ,
un. r. 4 utrano..4 11•Inil.r Ont.,. In,
~,, •
r, Anold ~ N.D.i pr.
Ch•r...l bl.A tn. . ran,
• ht., nntl.
Pon 1L.L.10.,
r. I; 'On
' Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! .
• S I LLS, Irr. b eztrltalltit N ~ r k.
..twn , nc •t Its'lltwit t. ar.•1••••t•••
~all r cn.l flatt., ,11.i15 141, t.t.t•.•-ett, I at. •tt
• •
tuk.t.— Lb.f.eithern
11,1' ANI),
To the Public.
IN WI 1111; 014;:stt.
t ' pt... ' ;
I If or, nth., Ut..11
II MIR!. pl•I tu.r.tA,; •
Que. tu purrtuo• Air 1.,
..t.... • turl.u..
In tutu, tn.. turrAm• Lt. pet , nt. 11.
lurrsuzr .., I t.t.t..t.t...but tu tutu..
%Jr OILL .Aur ;our tiutui—.. • Ith
II It 1,1/ `tt•ltllklt
tl Ili A Iturk.....l , sru 'LLL-ILL.ILLY
%km tlttt - Istt 1.1, it U.. 1,.
II 11ut.1.1u....;
July 1,11, 1,1
bopt-nor Black Wnting and Copytng Ink.
s l' I INK. •T'N,-,
11 , 11 ,, . ninir
i• TAB.thi o- ca.:110,...,1,i I! los,. freel7
• • •.I Ia it n,,1
.in...nta • itt,
11. Anita,- Lor Quill and 04
..1., i.•I • I <l..
rt— uo.l, memr.+l ti.
111.,. ME I.IOT. •
111 , it 1 , 1b . it„ ...
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopheroas,
sot ,. 31 . E1 , 1C . .1T-F:f) 111111 . 111 . 511, lir
r. fit:,• retin- /-t in url,
I, th. normal . ft,
rt. to tow. ,1 - u.
•to,I --titaisti ,, n w heel.
‘lll w.
l'aat lawkr,&r - I has, h Vaau Pe
withlaNu •
:at.. 11. • of l al, 17 a 1 l,
r , the 1.., that para.!
tal all . t• rt•arath.a. far the ha, mad
ottn or aaa.. haram , 1 malrlevi
h. • tr...
I. tr. 'nut Tatraapha ~,,, • I ha
h-a.rt an, h. h., •ara.r.a. :raloth - nhaa. h.aad
..ntba Sur I. wol, .10•,....,t the
'.ll , ar I. r that t.tna• I vow Ita:tially
01 ..,. , • , tu,r rota , . 1/ II Ii ,OKLI
• 11,1,,,10na1..,.tr.,e,
, 1) Door , o/ 11 . 1,
ont otol my 1....1.w.. In
1 ..• told 1.; 3 I norlrt , ././....r.
0.1.11 .1,1 on, mt.l 4 3 torn,Ikomonl. Iny hair
..n.l an lbw dnn.lnill
I aro yout
II dould... the ...11...ratt...!t ,ki
• .1)1 Ora.. c 3.11 I,de,, AI . IlArry
13; Yoe), who, lino orlvl
Fn. the Military and Nitloil Arg. Nor i
liliere le nr• remedy for the erre nt lut.tio•o«
on,l meeneee of lb. enirouro reneroltr. Met du
ri Lel
I 1 . .i0.0.n•. hr the lintel. known 0..
hart. '• or Slolleote.l :toleititot• It i` •‘•
/ ' the etiteee.• of the minnitinity.
olouet ••••, nu roerr the land -II le noel lit
other iiell•liee 5i1.1 It lirkorle t. tr. -ere of
Ni. to.:. •...1 priiiitoter it• row ill
It”..11,11.1ma tin.l -nl u..
von, eto oilier ioio. oror.
Moo voile.) it leookt In Otere !tittle., .4 - ie....t0...1ie, AI S..
et the brow', eerie roil
thelieiteiletoteenniltiaituliC.; arrVit
Ft 111 W A 11.1)1N11 N. CON] NILSSiON dl 1.:11111.1NT,
A . /Ile/it:II, 11.1.1A111,1,
I.Etn. 141• In .14.4 1..;
Late, 11,.. 1, Vane, vial
01.,111,g ,
~ ...r.../141.A. • l.tta.A..
Alt Joh n A. l'i/110ii•
Wm. IL Ilaskill,
,11.ENEItAl,l'iNIIS;dioN 31E10'11.1NT
11 , 1 %NO 10111 W, K M
lER, N.. zP mi.,
}.'II stt.iit, , ,n i•fln
ST. 1,()UIS X :4'l'. .I()SEI'll.
11 , 1 i OD LsroN, 31'1/EE.
Prt.itt. t. Fttratur.fitig Merttl.cmt, .11 11..
p , 101. , 1
11. ItAtililN. ALltorgwy anti C..t111-
11/1 •••11, ILL Ida, att.t o.watt—tut...tit tor lit. ttrAtt.
1•""""'"..3t 1.11,1.11,1 s)
N W I , lxtr.!. 1/.
10 , 01
. 1,1.11... .It.:ltr, S.S.O n.
1ien”.1..11.11it,1 AI., Nu:01
.A Int of poUnd trvotion. f.,•1 nn Orin, •
ant mullion 11.1/ fert to Canal TEL. pnnrrt - r n. hut n
Flinrt'd6tancefmm the doiornf Ohio and Proo.nylvan* ,
nal.4.urnlt, Pa.
Private B.esidende for Sale. •
rilli E subscriber offers 'c or sale his !;•;',... I
t , UNTIII" SEAT. ,IIII•ted on,
mon. nl.n four 'MI.., !ma, the. Pitu.l , ltrub... ,
~ tdton, (nun NINE TEN ACIeEn of On.utalt nod,
• f .nitro It abounde rah nhnur.t,-,..
gtrnann.otal and Fruit in., e1tn0..4 tiny di..crlpt.o:n.
Put on.ot, uttui••-ap• FIttOCIS 11.'1111
t.f ll.wra It. DALZKLI,
• ~11.2,
To Let.
FIIIIE ,rl , ll knnan EAGLE lIONEL, T
...upte.l I,y Col . I . IIOS WERII. I,,rumrl\of..••••
lar, nts.lrnmtn.lwit•
tk! . A go•ullrut I.j
•11,1 nninna 4 mir.t. ,rlor. with rnr•vy \
• dmillar i , orn •-ity , .l In 0. ,m•
-II kn•kvl, rr.. nt I , o'K El. nAI.:I II I
'Ve" n ' ..wri LI I u[Anl In .
styk •‘1,..r
.stre..4 11 , .
Pkr tartte, putt
I. 1ti.T.N11(.1..11, I
ha, -1 J. 1, 1 •!.
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale.
ALL near the Ohio and Penn-',
IvApas IC•tirn.l. In 4 Fe:,„,. Om,
4.1. in •ta
nr .Zrh j fnt:: ' ?'”Wri
1.0 vtliAr.• th • 1%1 1. tn..
All •1.10, •
A., th.
•r• tte nwl In{
n 1 11,. I , Auk. .11 I, t•ln,
I LA n •A • At( and. n 4 L4.4... 10. • ..... • (q•int....4 44 . 4 . 4 ••, q.. 4 4 .4 44• .• • 0
.4 alms. 11.441 Ai., • 4 .14 -4 ( a Wan... .n 111.1 LA
oppt, 41(.• nt.l aut., •rt I• (4 - .
. c•tA
411 . 01 hltal rni r.
and 414. , (14(r..(.1 fr. 1•4 1.:1441:14.4.4,
it. MOM, itnyortnnl L.(inta tho. I 44( A rallr.All.• • Cr,
IL.. 11..1( 11..(h FTI:
tbrient..... ALL •:.. •
.44.• t`tia n•
Fr LET : - A lull:, i'e
IV Alf Y. /If f f , E. of, R..,
ff sof Ktoff ff fro of
Great Bargain!
A —Th. .1!,1.., 111.1,E 01 - 00 .1
. 10v I..Ehr I. II
111 N 1
V. nbit ts.t. reE.I pr. - .olle
Aid 11.4./ E. .00.001 r to lb, F.E.10.00n,
11.. .1.0
10.0-100. ronte.l ,EFE ,-Fr-•
r Ittrtlier
AllO.l 1...1..n1 FL. A1101:10...), or F., I, 41•11Y.1.1..
I.lloErly FL, Ih A.lloooFlrr.L..ret t1,.....uhE 01
Thnmu 01/-1,01
Private Residence for Sale.
Tut ll'E .40,4 es,epiiieg,-
I , 441 V, • art , 111.01{11111:
unn.t luvut...l;u
All,ho•ny. 71. .tIURtIOU rm-trrl'ar•...l 'n tiro voter,
.r• ro.-t r'lrrrnir, ,rerr• rr• pr 1111-
K'rrtrit te r thr*.r. rtr r•r•n
. • l'ittrtorwri ••• ir.lrrrrru nrr
•nritrr,t •It'utr•.• ..t I,l'r r‘...l.:rtpl.r.urrtr r
The 1.4 irr hats, ..trlr'rn.•:rrrr ut r•
.•11.. bond', r rt...., 1.;
1.4.1 t :1 r'Il•• rrrrrpr."..rrr•-tir•
tr•••1••rr. •r,I r''
nritl,rtyr. un.l 11••• t'lnr.r,,r •••••rr
rrt.rtr-•• And rk rtl ••••rri'l
rre orn., u•I••• 1.0.1 Orr Irj , ,rnre• rratr'r
r .
y Ir• rlrrrl.rlt•rarr,. net.l ...rt...., • •rrst • r“. 1.•
ralrr• 'r•• t. ,11 • • rro,
tr..r. It n t •“•• trrrn, n I,lattrr
• ' 1,11, 11:11 . N.'il••••••cri,
:Real Estate.
11. 4 `01: SA T w
and lotts on O
nn 4 444 4 4 ... mer• •t. 1 . .1;4444r. /.:1 4 4.r1, 4.4
.1.4drz444 v.,
r ic o : I'l c:ISS!:ti 1 :11:1;. -: ; cf).NI:‘11:•;1i:N •
l• 111, 1
a.... ;• r .4.14.4 7 4
• •
For Sle.
tLA ••r 10, c•• ,T , i11111./ n4titaie
',11441:1,,REN T
For Sale or Perpetual Lcaee,
11 1 , 01tTI 1.1 'Lill NI. IA
11, aatrt... ! • I,
ank 4
lent, . ..t
, s 11.1,1 s
Real Estate for Sale.
VAIA'A 11LE uw l .r nrd I. )T,
~...:..~ ~.,,' t~ c,,:
A Good Eargaio is oow Offered,
A History of Pittsburgh.
B Y NEVII.I.M. I; rit,tl,;
111...11,-taitt •••••••a•se•A•••••• aro • In..u. rl. •.. 1111
11. nr
Ther.• 11.• •rtli e 4. noxn•
taut rvrtar orrrrrtrf--.i: tr I.
Ictpl u.lmiattn • or 1••••..,
14 f.
I.) I X..... .1
. The College of St. James.
1 : 11 UNTI: M.\ LI LINO
, 11 1 111: TENTiI .k NNI' SENSII,N )11
Ir r • •I: rrt..4" r'srlrttsr
aro, r•• nu
rurr,,,nr. ‘1 r, 1,11 1 11111,/, ‘
mud..., arr ••••••.,,,tr.r,
r,er,urr„..4. •-•••,• - f Pr. 11111..111
, rlr 17 /111.1 , 7.. 1111 , :,• n/1,...•,111,
tdar ,
r ..11,P .!
Ifie elaA r it.l 11..t1 .11r ,, 11..1/ ”.• I,rcn 11,
Ow tintrotr,r
L .
; rnu t...
wn try•ul tr,l •I'rr
warn,. awl rnt,
II ILL. x 1,4 14111•11,1 tr. •••'
Itr arlArtrr.ll irr ,Tu mrs, r.l !t'
rrrr,rtel,•l IltArzh F., 1.1.. I.•
lurrr r'll l'lrel••irrrottral Ur
11. Al,
had,. lA. II . 1 , 1•111 r, ort parrt IturatrArr.
J'lrt rhntwr ~,,, rr, terr r•orrlL 111 w •-rs
Or, ...11. wir'l rr.rrrer•ar lino tr Itrrs..ll,-1
,sprt, 1”1,1--. ~alrlr. .....1-niuruallr ter m.l, rrtr....
Ag•rrlrraltrAtrr rarlyi•routt l•r , ma, I,
JitIIN It, E134:101'. . 11.. - I.r.
p 0, 1•1110.11441.111r,i,.
\..11 )l xrllal.
vral.• um• in l'ilirarreNtr r•r•1111.: rart rtort,mraticr
[fro. Itrortlytton. Kn. sulr'rrr•l
41.1,•• 1,5 mom. mho vrxr• Itrrurr'rlr. rtrprl,„
University of Maryland.
Fr ,\ ENT sEssniN.,,„l 1 , 11 1r El
,nJ 4.1.••••• I.
Ilar , tr. I L
N,ollb. I. :owl.. P. ,sr•:•'''' •
or IF r•lt, I'lsArnarr•
mrh..t 1 . . •.,
1.,.10,n1 II Th.,. .0,1
IV 000.0 'O, l'hte,l,o
• A "'''''''
LI.•• 100/,.1,11
. .1.14 , I.• th.•
Fe+, I.T II" 1.. I•• I,4oLtenl nala,ll
141.. 31.1.1rik10511.1. SA,
d„ ... "'"
Kentucky hlutual . Litelrimrance Ccunpan:i,
FUNO, 1,1.1,11iNK
rill' IS (XIM PAN ILL'Poller,:l4(. itlsitr,i 4111
• ".1
r../:1nr.,11 lor Ow I.•
3. fowl • ort:
1.. t 11, :y 01,
li". I , it rul
IN lltr.;.•113 1....ura•••
• bop+, preuuutu n latr
mrd, Ittlls a 1 , 1 , /r,”•,u I I us an kaallua•., .....
lattlou..l fund. llor t..
(I". MOOIIIII anti n.L. tr. ut
rtovg age nuaullg
l•rup111., trart, a... 1111 y 111. 11,-111 011,41
C 1 J11.11411.1y. 11.1111,11,1 sntl
lor luuraurn .1,1 I:1.11/ 1"1..,../“..
:1 Illtann.rz. 14 , 11 , 1/ I.
A iyiFF'EH--.11)(1 lia,, prim, kl.pL, 1“r .04,1,y
tjmu g is .IV Y 1 t..! I , 11,,,L1.,..• 11etnr -I.
6:, Ul'. CARLI. SUIU --•.:Y , kgt jam roCalt.tid
1..3 f.r ....iy by J. e:1100.
...eß 6 CU..
n,1,/ ~: , 1 11no.1 eln , ct.
. . .
IL,I OLASSES-30 bbttt. N.L .. .0., for Nub, by
INA /4,1 . R W. 11.11LUMAIII.
r iii-ASfiNEIt-S. OlL—'2o Lbb. for este by
11. orol?. ' n. aw. er AItUA I:1 /I.
14 ,
1 1.01.11..---1.1 bbrP. ticot.eB eitra family, for
dale br • • eomeoN, Lipruer. 10..
AA b Libertiji
! !Fff r M
VOR CI X 12 6 ,1 ".f 4 761\LOITIS. \
n„m,.eftHON:JAL.Mc.Mlparg •
\nlnnd fnar
,• ',cctl6
6 fine
1 1" 4 11 .., C r
tear , th" &b7e achl: . ozerii n eainta glues=
en 19.1. ^I.7A
CINCIN splen
he ph.... met. ell tnte r usettlAteeit4.,en Ws 'IPS'. Lb"
110, .t 4 p'elu-k Y.
A.e l lL • I
!"*I!"tL• - -- 41EMIEL
pew performing her telplat uneeeeltlyttelelttern.
11. i. p,el Wheelpt. leweltpt l'ittelourgh 110 ding,
e,r- •11,...1ne.1p t And YrPl4. eapl,,,returpupt.
I.p, up, every Ttatnelpy ead..buturdar.
-" -
\ Express Paeket,Line to Cleveland. s•
I A na- 11}; Peortlliltt.tllS o f, the rfteket, Lineß has
-I,x m.t.. ate rt.tuiritt. I,l4r:etas with the illth.
a. I on'a Itailnahl I.: SUMO, all hahhettgers`ching nut
tal.., . ;let t let eland., New (Ntatle Par.kets.ett . tl ttettitt)c
thn.unt ti. k et. at Ihr 4.1... .in G. turithl.,l allb a tick-
I I.: '! ',', Wi ll V..ttaig.'...lll:elt=f;„[‘. wing
4. nada ' .
1 . rer tt. k. s apply . to .11.•!1% . A.,CAtti Il El. Act,
ter (1./er and Fr.-1111.14.1 tt-tagttt`h)
. ..• .^: ~ -.
, Qhiois d Pennsylvanisßailroad.
acjai..... - ... - ... — .
\ \ k tr S MILES.
1 (hN anti utter !USDA li, AUGUST 4th,
1 1 V , ti. a I't' suere rain will run as fitllntalt:
1.1: tt 1 r. N Ft, lill MN ..A, T... A Nt n o I ..1.. M.
1.1'.A IE rt IT, 11l tttil I ht . AO. and 4V. Al.
l'l.l.lren ..ler, tart ' , .eart...l oar hall 464 .
1-1w...0. Iht,hur .. , 4,4 1151 ttll.. Ohre. lA/ eh . ,
• .•
:: :;',42," 1. 5.
:: ..
. " New Ileht en. h tih
tt. te, .11; I. ;JAI t redurvel rate..
1.......... rat. hur,l, ....1 1,..1....ter, . any
M.. .tati. ts rk
reJt•oul K l4 ../ : , .1. 1 :ri30, ,, . . 11 '. k.
1 Ile ht • ttle Int
tte- The Trent w tll lett run on t‘tvalay but itxrurnten
Tiel.., InWilmi I II t , atunlar .111 he total prllet rt.turn trip
..11 , 1 1 , , n , 1ay
ittultilAtte, tri Al e at -the Dep., nu Ft..Je I street. to
en.. 'N latehnst there Lny where u the route
10.5. the Reit, h. the Sleta.nrahrla nous... hey way
e 1....... piny t 1...,.., will ale, hare the unaltela
Hawse t tonte.lante, hreelot, 1, the lenvitt,tf the(nr
the,tate, .4 nte.,en,r- h. the I.pot.panqnt. 14 the
Ilerellanta'll.4,l, the tit. Charles. Aitto Fifth go., front
WreAl 4. 11ar)....t. awl slow: SA Clair •• , , , el.. At MO ant
a1..h., Th. r. 4.. ita-trt,en rat. Lail the thnnllati. an F.
thus-y.l h. thvt hrh
A 1,.. 1.at1rr...1,i1l 1,. elleaded Itrytttel 5,. flrlgh6ot I
.1,.. , al-Is., praeth...l.l, tint.
1:,...1 let,l the It•tanl 4.1 Itireetura
10 , 110;E rARRIN,
Ticket Azent.
VA /.I. ARILa..NotEMEN4,,,
ip r , ,fenrm n wiilt th , lltnaind /htentt ilydrott
F o - 4
II LI:,SENG E RS NI ill tAkt: the 10 A.M. train
I “ I ~,,,,,,t, -,,t 0,,,
~ . , \
I. Eh, ittlAl tA 1.11,E. ( .
Net .1 11. GhoL'I.U. •
•... Iletthlnu•
•Si Iii.ll• '' aaalr 'I itttrivc
at , ec t ' il ' • t '
K....rt. . I, 1•n......11, cr,,tl.. A 7 1..1., arneint; at Nee
it• the ". t. A• , I rut,
the I••tettet ~ .....4, at N. wllar•th itkltt. Or ru,,,, 4,- t
~ th ,,, i , ~...,.- .1.44) ~. 4: 1 , N,. PAIIK IN,
't let, An t •ht. Rath,. Itettt.
‘ .l I . //!!;,! , ,i i t. IT , lt.;r ..trt,t ,
' • • - a ''
' °" .17 4. ' 11 ;Zee '
a la.tle•
lilt., ELI. A ti 11..! Uhl:, Prut r ittnrn. ,
Ituct. er. a
Coor,tki, frd 1 , • rent Jf.h.dr;;lT,
1, Vt. 1,1,1,1 , F 0 AND I NCREA or.O.
ISSCIUISEICS hste the ple.ure u.
;to, friondo on.l ootrooo of tio , Poor,
111A1 boy , . olutornr,,, rooool,ipyro , r.,
k or: footlont,, to irrlrtor frolviat ik
11,,,,010r0100 al Elf 11. IS.
, or. Irk o to r.k.k0,,,. our, forr.r,t,r).l3, amour,/
WOir',7rk." l ` h "
1 , 11151 . lk,. I
... ,L s 100 Itkr.
I.l.l r `i Io so Artiokrkto.,,rt.rlro
unk 1,,a..
kk f'k7r tr. 111..i.t1.;:1,i..ND1.1..;111
. . • . .... r • , ...Irani,/ 'lron: the free inJohren.4,of'the apPet 3 Ledarlog ' ‘,% ,
. .C. , lfi: A C , .1.L. A • of oLs. ;
i . , , , s . , ~, , Ihr . PO,. Sod tre pranarn the ay• waist summer ~ `l., ••••
. .
, er , inn.... irnort Onw ... Dr. 11 nYara . . Ettrtnet of Yak/. '\ ‘ - •
, ... .
• 1 ! 14,A and , m - eepartrla, whirh in I , roviXtilaelf swarth:lobo \ \ •
I Stone Ware Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns. ! 1. r tonna ei tr.r norl 'malignant thrren•av tl•t drab la hair
.I .4Poinard; stur in this [rare.
e j , l I 1.: ‘1 . 1 1 :• , e1:1 11E11 inf.:rill:A the public: I " '"'' ''''' " i" ''''' 1 ' th • • s •
/, , t..... ..... • ....,-.. ...le. 1..... , r...,,m cr...,r..Nc , 4 ,' ' r., h ', .-"'"''''' l'?"'"' , """`"" ' d- R''' "`"•
, v num 11 NI Pr, msouro-t0r...1 t, Nteenr. h 11. AC. J. , "'I . •,.. 10 .. 0,1 ~ ..- ,r , . 0 3: "..././:, . .... 1 1:Or ..).i oi faith ` '
' or 11 ~ 1.1 i. tonc, - ..- enr.mii eounty. ti , whleh 11111, . in -•th, nod npuriter.ronapeut..l, h. 1000.1 ed u a:sortie - nue
.., f, noeter.,l .00 , ......... ...honer, Inved. Th. I ~T,., or from moofrsi ..urn.... to vn-vk hope. fa. rid win
. ..
~,,,.,, ~, tn.-, Peon, ntre, that tin are v . ...i1l .no from thin parnly rroeleale Vardy r tborrfore, ho *Tar
relon ,, ...PI 1 one , ennd. enid ore ••• .lurahle •• ;tread. l,ol..nea down in health Lll l l 1 , 1 rileanowevar Ina . • to
rer-l. 1h,.1. e 1.,. Tte , , r•an be Nero al J. 11. linn:elf and other, lel to tui.•dr...plir of his rear ; kn,t I.
laortei., • ••e., ~,,, nr. SP, IC. 1 . 1”.1,,,,r. or au 1.6 , 16 Liar- ~ .• , ,1 ~piLI L 1 *- Lott of 5 'W.
re. .......•.11 ........t. hroe. ,i. t'lrdr. tinier,. • • ••II •'' P"' e° ". >" uh .... '. e '.. P 7 ' - ~ •
1 , n. •t..... ,i..........tii 1-. ..r..t.,,..i, 1,t,.., t., ~i,.. fofruuji. o r. rtursliou Cf. slats,. lirrf ~ I t'm 1f,60.61. of trllow • • ,
n , .•,.. 11., per.. 1,...61,1nrt on., st Op. farm , olsof, sztl loud 6m . ..0ar - lila. and Pereo3d• hr., tar hi , Me'. nate. . \ •
ii err re' •n0n. 1 ,-. 1 .0. a.° r 11,11 . - t - lonr , I IT 1 " 1. ' 1 N..." 1 try it, mti wi , hate no lirsttatlon Co m.4101104' hlr •-. \ s '.'
~1:1 mt....-. lirrnt.le, It ia of ..ii niier, 1.11.1 041 i.e. 1 1 •17- r , •
, re.teratron to health .
/1011 . , r. t 1;k1:11 • •
. .
Wilfinsburg Achderay. , 1 • ; ; 4• ; i ;`, 4 la:AI1 TUE •041.1.1T1Nal ''/
N.: , .rn,.i gerrale eIgyLITII ono , acusical Nriu:o4.
Nrw ti, N. J.JulartzT 7 ,..
• ~ 4.14 p'1. 1 .1 • 41.1 1 ,1.11/ • • 1 ( . 111,7,, o‘, yr. itrowert:- We lobe pkoaa tree in stating dud oar
1 .JANI ES 11 r'STi , N A. N 1.... l'alsell:Ai.. \,..a..v. hook and Darius Ollfu urea, and,ltfaitkda to
rI I IIIS INITI'LI'It IN will tal open fur tile I qtr.' ''''''''•
''--PLO,-; 3.,,,,, , .ms].. and frosof, ~,,, 01•11•11“. 1 T A
‘ 1.7 / reopietable contlotuan informml at that lila '
. .... r• . ...I IL.. ...or,. ~. ionrroeuou otor.rreee .11 1 daughter ••• trnab...,l with Jlnkcalt mnartrua4n and ' \
1I 1 1 n. , .. n• . e. , Lw-1 , rrtrm•en •on l I,, lou•he : other dueanwt. pretrilar lo her nen. 'sit. had ant I+l her ' e
nn"•10.1,- • 0 ..1 ~.. ,ero lo 1.11 I
~, 1.e.v..1.... with an l .vo'''.°• ll d ' . ' l eue .11 1,1. 1 hut tr \
1,, Ch. num!. 661 Aare..., tr.! Ap ',, 0w..0f tnr CopulCs I Alow lhol mad ParospArillarb6 \ Pas
~ e In I ' ,, I "enonr`• ' , au... 1 . , ruil t•. - rte'ortu'lrann , . radnallr earn!. 1• 1 1,........1 To•nna•ud'm tualotherwwithon • - n . .
i ',.:,.,, A eeni.• ir, 1....1 - !Ana Inrletnl , altin:s I ''rein.. k" . : ,1,4 '.. 1 .•." 7 n- "r h " e°^4l.oghLe,4 . ..
41.:.. TI:IP1. 4 W.",
4,,i,TI.eKS FOE SALE- . j 1im,;..A.vrt.i.e.1),-,.........:1.1.mar, 5.16.1,1866,
I - 1 1.• •Ilso • /11,1•1••••//, FP ol Plank Utrol, ' ', 6 ).. Croofor-Desr Olu. I ourcha....L • .hurt tame ago, \ ,
, 1 - A. , ...,11.43, raviii... tont...nom, '
, p.,,,,,„,,..„" • ,,,,„,,
~ . Lot Ur of your Yellow book •rol rarnapanllnv for my wifil,
' .1..1..10- lon, u.,..1 ler hoc rranidsint, Erysipelm and \ \ , , -..-'.
. .
i ,'ll ...kora, F•Jllinr te the li'mul,. are soil It Laf \
" - "'" """"'" V;7. s .titft,e,M., " : b' '1 1... 1 ,1 Ine„err cont-n. 01 thr I ;rredr.••:. nt.,Lunanearly \
.eint•le , a ... eon , or, OsfLsor•• lava. r. ..... ee,ted incur, (Imre rust purer...el • am-nod bottte.
, ._.
. .
+11 . 1.• .11111,11 N from' k..../..,, 01 tbenrenner, fool conl3l.lwat ,
{ B. owiuld"s Tonle Jilin - tun, ' I t , i, Bill ,
ANn 5.,,5,., cure.
..Por.. racy loPPocfrully. N. (*Bumf.' ,
t kon-de.,/ . .. Cemi.,,nod ,Nyrnr. of Blackberry .Boai : ' ',,,
r1 ,1 111i: ()NE alt ttirert.:ll3, established rem, lIA \O l O,
j, ,
0 0 ''
, .1. :or I , t., hi: AND AM 1 , :. tor other royally vau. i
. . . .
t • n••" 1,.. .orb
NI nr . 1; ,norpLaINT
Nbu: , :us Steriuldine.or Erns, Ps., cured Lit Liver,dtdOt. . \ ' ..,
, :he.. ~ , to Fawn, Nla.lenome are rer aw l - Int fr , Urns ValplOntiOn ot Ur /tra,4, Pirrirtran or U.... Read 1.1014- •
1 I• NI , 1 •InB. , wen or th' Es tremltinw. and Neml.rioas of
roe., alntriret and Thud nt.... I . ~.r... Landon, redo, by llnywntl'a Yellin Dock •
- ..... 5 ..
' 1:1(1 r•L , I'Eli101: RYE WIIISKEY, ;a, ~ „• ~,,.
_ s , L E '`' l' '' '''''' .h " r 29 . S ". ,
,n 4.:
V ..., ...1. • ..- :no.. SI. I, r ~... nt lihnntt 1, ThA NIA BT. I ..• ''• 1. e'.... ,-. am °AIM, - In lalorol You rha threw
1.. a0 . e , It 1.11.1114 1 4,1 Pr f amp- of Coysot 'a Velhor frock and ..I.raparilla, whirl,
~,., 1.,....- I I j“, 1.1..... a,. lejliltql . •1•4/11: 1 ,1,..d) Is, Are .1,,..- 1 cat of you. haat• een thewmo, under the blenednna of • - "
.''',.'' • (toil Providence, r reatorin, nee to brai[, and the an.
. .
( I 11111'111...V1T •
- '2.111 1 -1..‘,.. Bost:, fur :sale ily forrueoL• of Ilia '„ , • • .
1 fuel. A Si t cksni,,,,. I When I commenerd
s wing tOo fellow bock and &nap.
an - ilia.] wao truly In a net to , kllle onolltion, 1 was intro-
. .1 1 1•11S11-..; t.;,.. tilr std.. by
1, ~ n li.-1....1 with Palpil• ` o of 4,. Ileart, and. wlth• the .
11 IL% a !dr I 2ANI.LEert. - .. „ .
in n tn.r•ruostinx [4lllll l 1 te / L u, sou 1 1 1111 t, 1 .241 '
Z& 1 ' ' 1 1 ;1/ .1111.1 N S MV I K. IN LI '6/ ftAli:A.l-- • m.o. iv...tabled •1111 dtszr., re the hrad..ardn•••• of thno ...
.i . ~.•.,.•• ~ , ....J., II l'ii. A NIiCAIIII.6.,:ri ' p‘toupo ions and numbrien• it \ uty aman and low% Ord for , '''. 0 t.....
i r oar, have been very nudlar.\t, hare tor malty Tears b.,.
~ c ki PA
i ' Ei ` A*l.l.:‘--I\ , '''" k- ::: ~, , , : .......Its.te tan-moat able condi `t mon In Itia traria, and ..
. „
'- ' .. ^..`q . ,:,%•,..".;'•,,;:. : ,",°,1.4::',..,,,,, .lu 1i0i1a1. , .1.0f mulajort no r,,1i.; XroulCht.lrprescriltiolla .
i I Lave ale,. triad • teas( airiety..i ~ unllimedleinarclith ... ' ' ~.
IVA l'Ell.-••.;.;A: roan's leilitlut: , Inttla or 711. nurrena Out the cr, week thst Look Mar
. ..Ve - O 1 11, ^. l ' '" er hY \ : lotion Perk And. earraturdla. MI plums ImPrornd, .
'.ANI Ire IiALZI,I.I. n
• -
1 . n , ..,nd r0t...n...1 to • 40 an unnl all of •,....c.v..c•,..• .
i , rs.l 1 1.1 I'l I I L IA llt 11. I 'II, EESI.-.511 lio , xerr, planite were ourn vol., 'rmved, Alr L el iv ~Lie 0ct.1.24 ' r
. .
I A 11,,, ...t. hr,t...1 , .1111. 0 , 011 1 1 [Plasma f arm /. p o d 0,,. p u p, ~,pp. p„. p,,,,,, p ,i L., '
~,,,,,,,,,a,„0 „ ,,, .
' I -01 ortounfrof., Inn. •arn•inrrient '(ln • mulcl pal i
1,1: 'K., 31cCANI1LEr.S. , • • ,•h th7n, „ , i
• n \ r 11 , 5,04 sre r,olar, soul I lerl in 111 re .4.:.
Ni A l'li 1%111: L--- , .....11 , 1,1:1,. NOt. 3, fur sale Ily I 1,, ~,,, ~ , ,,,,1 .„,,,, 1 , 1,,,,„. i„,,, ,„. 0.,.., .
,T ,,.!,
11 reh * : I • . C.'INIILES , !Lthrl 6.k u r• .1.-krrol onfthle . td tairxeth , rnr; staiddri .• . 4
I , , i,sir- . . i 'olri .. tne`l , ol.• tha,l, and I•o r aparlll.l,, 1 a)I . re t n. •
, 1,1.1. N., I L4Of rope., .slop.O. ; Levu ),,,,tlr . re10.v...1 4, it, sud , re.`prran the hairtistt . • •
..,,,,,,1,,,,., loarn truly, NIA fICLIS'SPALI 'DING. \ 5...
ny - 10,n.• nenurne unh,a put an io large hot+. COO- \ ix. r. ''
..',, ~, 1. •,`,,". ~ ...
: Y h .'.'" F `.. h. I t opnor • quart. and awn.. L of Ihr Syrup thirrn °lathe . s i \ '''
1 gm.., worn the • nun,. nmnaturr, .N. F. Bormert the s *4:.
r oornidovrappr. •
... ~., - Lie. 1 ' 1.. VI+ , vl t'''.v.ol' ' 401.1 Or J if. 1 . 61:1 Cineinuati 6111 n. rtortheriat tioinr '' - .
i or heath and 11 Oulu. atreet... ontrarne on Wrsinat
1„1t ill I' 1•1' I EI.LOlA....lkitlK Itlnil , r- 12. I L • t...m. twder.• mon IN. roldoe.oed. ' • . ,•
10 .A.on , rise re. 1 nem Prleulrnee. 11,1. und,ferr,Je • . , ti n ,' a c e ,. \l. .1., 10,,,,1f0rk a' Cm., J. L. Jour*, IL.
I 'l:'' u ".'" -' "`r ie '4•'•' ~,,,,1. . ,,1 , , , ,, ' T h ‘ , , ,1 1 7. 4 1'1, , ,V!...." ; tv0,•,,,,.Jr • 1 . .1....1..h. LE, A. I,l . l nrun.AlleghetrirCity; •, ' 4 •
~„,„„ ,
~„„,,,,,,,,,,„,",.\ •1 T. hos,eit. Viatruturnm, L. IL Bowie, Uniontirien, V. • .• .
!it\ IllilEs -
' • '
-•.- • ' , l %s r i, ~, 1.1,4 ont.urg-, hoontr, ,•4•nott A (SLlnuret •
, ti..dLonf,llr.l A Istn, fkuntlngdou;Nlraurr,lioilidaysharg , . \ ''-'•
i ~
...., Ink.h. prone 6otran. ` ' •
~,,,,,,, ~. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, I thlarbrand a Co.. Jto\mon.. J. li. IVrtgbt, lilttatitilnitt I
P.. 1. t...u.... \ • 1 1 1311. 'a 0,136 66+11f...0. 111lfoo 6 FOlf. WayriesporP '', ' ,
, 1,,, a•rp L. stl Ougar. k aer.r..o.,t c l.o. N. Pllnder. Nb.s4iltlr; 11.1ruarr n.
t.. cr,i , . -
L .,,, .. For sale I,y , 553.1.,; lir:doe a 1 ,. ..rke . nievr, James Rell7 !Lb, not. • • , • \
Jolt:, 10ATT a t . 1/ - 1 ...,,, Smith. !Unser. J. i ratonarttnn, Warr•rn V. L . . dr 1:$
~ .
• ' turi., co.:ler/Tort. P erneker•lr Brow I
rfi , )l)..s.:)l',lll):NT 1%'INI)11%1; ;ill Alll-:§„, ''L\ . • v ••• ~,,il.• 1 `. - 9.: 1 '
N. • .1.1 I. •••:, 11...i,c., ~,,, ivr :aid reho.tent.O.: t , 1,1, I siart. , ,..--$1 per •Irt?lfir; Six 6°111.8 fur $5.
'..'" ''' ".1 .t Lye '' * 'rrii,"'" `-‘""'"" \ 1 ~, , ,10 ..(6 ) , *
r,. PALM 1.1.. . , .
• I "''.' No
ta.N ;
r INDI% ;,11.•ii).,
• a, ttttt ivr :ao‘l
• r..,a .1J •:.e. jtim ••• t.. 1 ftu.l G.i ott kr,.at
• 7110, 1,11.1,
uli N.\ 1:1:1WEA AND SIMMER Ctlll-
1. . ... 1 , 1, at 1.1 ta, galas, :or ',eh. at
ne Mart.
t , ll
IIV )11.:N'S PAR 11/E.—Sivawle..
:Aar, riaaa. Baal I, ark Larg, en.
lanaill: it 1101,0:‘
6 is; WINDOW PAPER—PIain Ittld
11'.11,11: t P .
. ‘1.11,11:It P , AIISIIALI...
i .I.I.IEN' CA ItPET IiAIIS--- • 20 doz. ria.'d
i A I.r / , 1....pi°. A. A, ‘1A., ,, t.N A(',l.
iii....\ 11l 11:1i.liNiit:: , ANU S 310111 4 . 11E:
L,IN 1, ~t ~.....,,,,,,. Run, Pi.k, Mu.: m.! On•n
.. . 11, '" 1 ' 'l "''''' I'. I.l.`''''',ltlll.lrl..aNin.l:iiilll:)).ll.
• 1 i i Al: ~.• :al l .11
aid.. N. f milts
ai• by
. : 111 ) „,, , , ,a iv 1 0111.1111111.
m ._. 01. 01,,N, py II 1/ l' —III 111/I.s. l'or Kale by
II 0 it. ii.tittm non - . •
1 9 1 '''''' 3 ', ' •
4t Kt ,'11;1, , I;A Illaiik Lt all Ci s twililFei k from :..."
.. n. 1 7.7" m" is:i; iT. l ".l 9u e.Tt::ti . -= !'e
it.E.ANS--.01111. Small White, hit zialw.l4
sawutit P. PIIRIV 1:11
. S
1 1 1 A litailtEit GLOVES—On ,.
hand, „ :
.... ~....,a, bt la 1..,11ee . alai tkollrinvu'a Ihnfull.l4-
i.. r 1.1- , .•..,1 al:l.nd. lumulartuml, for luale whulrnale
ut , at the aublaq. bePoL 7 2 .4 u W. 4 4
..,,, ~. A. 2 li 1 . 1111.1.1P5.
,- . •
4.1 1 :01'611 SNIII4'- 1 -lill lattea lloinizie eche , -
1.) 1 , ,,,n..1 ..babb..” 14 .bb bs P, 1 1111 ` 1,1, . 1 " 1: "I. 1 ';
11112/1 a IlrtA NI 1iLk.....• , .
”trwr Irrop.l Ulla FIJI!, strrtts.
- 7 , 1 ill. ch. I. eat 1 . 2 1 1 111.404 I, boxr, CfR•Ol. A Chigvalate;
1 - . I . at. Ps, ... , . •• mt% twout.<lll',o,l,C
1,., i ~,,. Lulu ta:lle • 2 ..• llc edratia mut ~lei•
ti rt , s. Millt.e,.. I .s.rm.'s ly V.v.,.
- s - cr, , ,, , i L0: a ti m ut.',1. , ,. 1, ... , 10 14 9..7. 1 :010t0n,1.1.a1m and
, 11ia..1..4. 111 mull:: lll , U[lilll s II; I 1,0/ ' :11; i ll./. P'
OU Ulu. WO CC1.1., \ 2 boxer Car. karat:
24 - Lagu)ya l.oth, 2.. ltabhltt'a Z , lll , and
/'•" ' 1,0 t.o ult.'.
". \ ~tar Candler, `,‘ , Albrlvrt.t2t.Pail.thirlinq
10 .. bpectui.. 2.,' doz. Patent 2inc WWI
• ',;11 .. ,larlUll Mgr fx.,l ' Apatite,
, A 1 b , a., liroun aPlbre: lOU des. ',Wt. litoorar.
~ b tAlo , Kati,lii renniito:ii . o s • It ooksint. 1111,1 wall/ br
,14ILL1/114b a Ott.,
tuA27, Nortbrast cog. 11c.1 au& )7(lb .16.
.: 1 1-:7
- -' 7- ';‘,-".:.:•, 7 : , ..:: -- i , ?..: 1
, .
70ft Tri•StUltSbx
I 'I - N offering to the communitySUß justly
A . celebrated remedy for dim.. of the throatand lump, h
it is not one vi M trifle with the LiTerx or health of lb*
• aillicied, liar trankly to,lay Detre them the oplultnaa Of ..
duitimintehed moo .4 name of the evidence. ofjht tom -
an. from whirl, they can judo toe thernaelvea. W. dike i
teret 3" 1 , 1 , 1,0 ,, t , r , ..1,,, to Mfake no wild amerdorta airs/of ,
atatement.. of Its r01e...y. roirlarill we hob/ out mar hope ha t
puttering humanity .ha r.i., oil, not warrant.
! l i•ol ..1.'..e wieen. , mil are tolicitan Inquiry /.. .
from the public Into all we pobliah. few/WS anlntrnd tta.7
a n I 101 them perheetle reliable...if the moliairmartirthY
the., twat &mil:deuce twa.) patronami
I From the dlatinguodual*Professior of ehenalatt7 and Nwi
teridalledini. ttiesnloin Collette.)
bra,. SIR: I netaye4 answering the tempt of smarm- •
ilarti4loo. until / hail au opportunity of Wittiest/Mt ift. a.' j ,
•tit , in my wen family . or in tit.. tamllie• of my friend.
't l
is 1 hare 000 ilea. a high degreenfaatlstalitios a -
In 4,..1. Loth .101011,am( children. , •
eI Lave 1, owl it. ae intim:in/hints obi , . e0...1 . .. 1.f.
e4r for 04.11.. 'ooh,. andipuluannam il'oiea,
Prune...irk, Me.. yob. 0.1,17 i 1
(Porol an Oureree:, in the Ilsmtllort High In'tta. \ atr.)
IS J. 1. Ar-- I h.,, t..— etio-.lllthe wortit,ortntru 1 .c.—..‘.
ever bad Ili toy . life, 67 Tour ... C11.., Pacrogu„" and . 1
offertail, Whett I bare opportunity of recommending It t
r 'our, rotpertfulty
' , oven. Aug. lillatt... 'S. D. &MY/WON. i
, 44- 11,1 the following... 4 eiteif Wits mollehlett worth I.
4 trial. Tina patient had tlicome ever flab!. end they.
Pet of W. medic-ha. van urimittakeably diellnit • 1
le. Miry-, $.,.... 11.0 , 1:14 , JU116.1049. '
Dr, J. C, Aralt—Sle: Iha e iron afliftited wi amdatul t
offeetsou oy the loom, and all We eynaptome of Fettled .
r. , ri inn, ptittua, In more than y
e a.,, ' I eould tad notate
.1,..n. 'that ,ern,ld no,el, to a, .untjlLoturtmenced I . 4
Kt -' f '''' "" rr i . b wwril • wht . eli Wee me siradual i't
•, and . \ h '` , b‘ww , teolii mooing my strength until \,"
0 ! , ..ra!t., ,h. 'ern math nail i. While awing your Istoe, i f ','
' g
l ' ii l ' ql 4: 1 1,4 V f;',l`, ;', l , n 't,..n',";rw i l"tglrr o .--*.'
~..\.,, tostuitarr4 Intro his pate%iluntres by ' a y e a, aa ...,„: i,.., ~
ell,ot s berinelittle, I be
, leaente In certify it thee.= i i . ' '
taet. l trolotiaoll alit. ni, 3,11 , r•ernclylly . , ' '
\ \ \J. W. CAltiltitheot &nil, C. 0... ' t',.. , ,
no lO , llAwine take One of tilte not of eat., lehlab the '•' - , •
phre.mane.and trte'lort. iholtflit to be Incurable snag
, .111;tran, Pa, ithi.W., 1846.
J. C Area —WI, 14. liken with a titimilata mate l'`
to - ought on by avoid. idithe ite . .torwaluarill hut Fahrnarty, ~ ', ..4
tiod wee rootiveti to my tett - tor Mora Wpm two nanabs, ..-e. Ti , - , .11
(...ugl.leg into...molly iiiirlul loot day, 1 be.tua
.1.1 Pal-, toy eyeß Were atint on and alatteratatelmMa; ..-.4;.''''....t,
1,3 et,a. ITlllii. ti , i7o. rikiilly fathoweamillimitchdhei
..a" ...
, ne . th e yee a th /hut It Int t 0i1... of my remiss" , amid ‘'' :' , ' , .)2.-
,„,,,,,,,erud e ,i
.}, all 10 tb a',llitat,no. a frlautt of Mau l - '
(the .hen, John [teller, , ( the )lathetli-t Chureh./bruttuil
mo a hottlitor Tour Cherry - 1 EO,l. which I Wed men ' I
to emit& him than front anyexpectation of °ht.:Mawr. ' '
111/ It. great effect.' indociell me to, ninth:me Ita naa, ...I t
I ii , e,n found my health 121,tiVi Impenved. Now In tbzen
tn..nths I ant well and e4otiot and cAn attribute troy aunt i I
otily to your great metheine, Till thedneptatt gratitmile.
your, de- , JAMEY, OODFILEY.
Wrepaxd and Arid by JAM ills f. AYIlt, Practical Om, i
tit, Iriaell. Mare.
:Loki in I , ttsburgh. wh01e.10.4 retail. by EL I.lAile
NIL , T.)(1-. 0 W . oral J. M. TOWNSEND. '
Medicated Liquid Cuticle .'
. \
rill I t , ' litT ICLE it iiiii , riol for family use, - j• ; _
1 iZ , 41,1 he toun.l to. the At eteirtri Id every lan. •, 1 ~,
I y ii, the I nt• Steelman, xi., ark! snoattht , langer AI
I.o,s':i't..',,.'s,',.=.l!:.'.;'it:'!4',7'4„'''. ' & 9, : ,` V. ' it.:Z . . ~'.; ,
11,1 u ,. t , t, t1....¢4, , 0t..1 en, a tau • nal ',lll Ade+ it ladle. ' 1. ..•-• ',
re innble. - •
TI, ou, tortue ekat kr. the undrreln 1 haring ha- " ' it .
o zeon, ....oh- ue ~, ~ , ,,11, Meditated Linn Cutiele,pre- -' ~ - • '!.
pin.] runteld 1
311d4letowne Cnnen,
ele , rtully roll I n
I n t l our pron.-nth:tan' brethren. a.
i 1111 I 3 oulltql t Itub,tl te 11l adlienre Ostler. In
l ur... '',.... twnkn eat k. oral ell kinds id' tr , odt Wointolal
ah., t.. 1 ron , tityp tte, a I Tledy unequalled: \ .", -
~_ , , , t.
• V,,i, lt d. % - yLtt/lil l ltt i llll, II \ D , .0.
. .
Yll t h irea,l!l. M.U. \\ • ; t ' , / ' t
. ' IIA3II TUC: Illtklchlt.M. I/., \ \
• LLI..nYt It Ii Ithltll, M. /n,' %W
Co u., : " 't -- •
mprtaluk all the pond n byeiriana In the late
Middletown • •
.I . or le by U. A.. . 4
I i ,,,, T0C•1i i CO- - \
'7.- , ~ , - ~ 7 • 1
- ------ -- --, t..J.
L 1%1.1. CO.!LIN 4. civeyeare iitzuld,,
Inn cured Le tt..ltict It, tat k.autlrua oterlinannllY It •. , •^,
/ nano.; Wee bloo ro 41., 1.5-0, let. %It '', • -, ,
Mr. It. r.. La-nebeer hi ii ii. silk phonate I can
reet , rntot.ll,l,,,,,r hirer l'iliet tr Well L w g I,lteclett ItOntl , lll \ ,
II Itertyrr u.,ed.u, our r.nri. (.1 tho ,ou tr) Man) Ut *7 ~ • ..,
urighbore bare need them, anti 45,0 wt tut: •GO that are/1
tinkly tit kith , . µt c,, , ick Inle t :, ,ne. A. rue „ \ ,-
\ la
telt. I eau ray that there utirrnarle, , a nine that
tow:unease io touch areal. I hale been • I, Ilia, LIT- l, ', if ,...t
\ ee k t•tuplaint nearly the er, and haat nni: ker..' ..- ~, • ",
"nt dire, but in lain; at lint I looted or, Liver 'lli '
notkoel, hasu enectad the tine, Intl y reeal alln l_rinal
it,- without esseneration that t •. now
u . k 4.--.
I theretore mon/mend thin, to sik„elest arc ctrknl , h , \ \ ,Il
d 0.. ., ot the Inver. • • ,
1 \ Your grateful friend. J.. 91 IL\ / \ :
I.ot' hwer will reeirother thot 01l rills eall `Lem
l Pills.rtnee r tluiai th,..... preo.n.
o 7 Wow etrert are tescourfote.r lao.e iunnallonk I I',
~.1 1 : . ,41 1 t r t t)° , ,1 1 : . .1 :. 1 .1 1 1L t , e1 L 1N E , ,1 . n t 1 5 t1 e .. 11 11 1.. , t 1 . 1 4.7 . t i/k l l , : S n tl ßl , 7 C° l;r l : . il ixt l
\.. ,
tl” rattlusat'keurrall,. that ha, reselmi We I , :k r i c t y ~,
erno) , ,l by then.rtico known eu 141,1., Barry, lop
mo. or kledleileal Conualuton It urthestetintY nr
lar , u f t d ret th r:Lean di - m ot . t d b .. e ~ .tontm o nf l „ ..d,t y; in tl , rettoo d,t le .i yery ,c... ntr 7 •.. , , \
L euL
kual. It iloykrta •ntor to the meant thaw hair, d .
It retnatkabinde ,,,, , It 6-
I ''''' '' ''''''.7 tt'
t l7 *4' to
es thenirdnethd ' \
treys the tlatiodtlll Mad i' , l/ fit valtlll2.l.
~ , I
them.* .ach erg:bid '
t i*"' 'ett i n s o i n i n!= . l 7 o 4l 1-' : , l - 7 ', ;;,, ' ;,!ruldleurderrof theeklin - , / .
I rctea d .e...t.,, as 11111 04. , Cantr,, it *Walk, unrivalled... It -,. t / 1 - \
I. K an ,t, }erne bottlant, m• :....5 4.,L0t....da :... ~ , \:. . .
.... ..-rte:.:..