prrrsBURGH GAZETTE P ITT SBUItO SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 18,,1851 itcopa TO ALLEGIIT.ST Coos - re—Gov. John . elan's . nrsjority , in' this county is 2,814 ! . This is ~, 4 * rlt, s soble. r esult, honorable to the people and the the interest of State suffer in.frotti the electioqpfpigler, Allegheny county bas , r`tiot Veen' to blame. • State'has gone forthe Loeofoces ei ? . .vAtarge majority. The large defection from ,r,J.he'.Whiga, by persons who hare united to form &Also - Soil party, has left the state in the bands Of 'Die , mis-named Democracy, and we ace no r " -prospect - of s. better state of affairs t unless the' „, 1 ~,Frceemilera and Whigs can unite on I,some eqm tahre:pluSfoims. Of this, we suppipe there is prospect, no the.Freesoilers deprnd more ,4 1intil the Whigs can grant. Let the , Whigs' be . "" I fifthfUi end patient. Tboir cause iu good, and if they ore office, they exercise ,a powerful ~„. .. „. c onservatieSiuthience for the good of the corm - BUILIDP, in PlTlSlSTilatt—Tbie earit attire the only smeceasful rieal of Lind, inthis country; is about to gleesome grand lyric entertainments in ;this city— a.•i:tbn;6 st:part'belog !ism; In toilet de concert,and the 7ds4ia fill operatic costume. She will be assist- Lavinia Danaini, She 'wonderful faniale violinist; 'by Herr Julius -; ,, Miede ilia great flatlet, and by Mr. Roches the of these entertainments. g, Esq., has withdrawn from the 6 . 1,4 elintrol of the New Castle Gazette'. He has paper with a good deal of taste awl **II, and has had the pleasure, before bin withdrawal, of seeing Lawrence county roll ; tip a Whig majority of 1050. Honor to Lawrence, Fund inar'nolOst Whig host. .NATIONAL Dinr—Tbo aggregat. ; , ,.idebttiof the several nations of bluropeis $8,675 of dollars; being equal to 3.5 dollars for each nuni, ' , unman and child in Europe, or more than twice the amount resting upon the people , V . ArEeisie Ann's . ' Nearly all this morn:row bur- dew-arose' out of wars and the maintenance of . . Standing armies. At the present moment PAR men are' under arms in Europe, kept mainly Tor the purpose of keeping down She people. lo addition this enormous land force, there are 1-' ) 21'113 siessels of war, usrrying 44,105 guns. The iaggregato populntion of Europe is put ;down at 271,40:1,000, of which about 80,000,000 ire Siii4olli/Ille, principally found in Russia and • Awitria. The Getman and French each numbe ~:.ebout . 4;000.000. The It:theme as a rape are A4* ne,zr in nameriesd order, Laing about 30,- 00D,OfiCk. Next come the British or Anglo Sax l!,oits, who' in the three kingdoms, after leavisig if the Celtic part of the 'population. num,ber • nb . 5ui 24 , 00 9. 000 . The remainder of the popu i tion is made up ~ r varieties or races as they aro improperi; , Cor numbering from Ito 15 Millions each. • • •-• The' first and most numerous class, the Shiro i4us„ aro the very material* of which to form ~, l espritivms. They have no idea of political free '.:There highest ambitioreis to serve an im ,.penal master. The 'Magyars, who ore a bold, —':energetic people of Tartar origin:found •in the " Slavonians of Ithfigary and other part of the . - - , Aitstrian Empire, theirimost formidable enemies. ••'' Thi former number only about six millions: the latter, lOthe 'Austrian Empixe, including Croatia, amount to sixteen millions. Thera are, however, rumors of n revolutionary - spirit amongst the ~ ‘Groatians, led on by Sallechick who it seems is not Satisfied with the wages whicb the Austrian " , -; , government awarded him for the perfidious part he played in the Hungarian struggle. These Slavonians. are the enemies that the or, epublicaya of Europe have to fear. .Theyare . 'at 'enmity with the Germane, and would rush en-. g4b , to a combat wilt them. They base much of that strange Oriental energy which:charao: :-terised the followers of ancient eastern conquer :- era mi ;d should Germany, Italy, and Frande - rlea . .in.revolt against their present rulers, a deluge of thesS people, under Rotuma and Ant leaders. may be expected to roll in and ,piDgte with the strife. It is open this, great enbstratattiof deepotism that the present ,!,tirtments of Europe now rest; and it is this feet •whieliiuvedis the approaching struggle with such . -• • tiemendeouif interest. But for the Slavonia. <: Austria, Kossuth would hale trititnidsed, and wardltrid northward, until Germany, Italy, and France would hare been free. lint we have wandered from the subject with which we-set out. Doubtless there is a point 'beyond which the credit even of despotic govern. menta cannot be strained. Austria seems to have reached that point, for we see that the loan that government is endeavoring to obtain T.' his not been taken and Is not likely to be. This failure will give'great engeouragement to the re., publicans qf Germany and Italy, both of whom • ", 'ate kro. down by the power of Atistrii, GEwstssi.—The arrival of Professor KlN.tlo amongst us, maritcsi as it is with every demon. strntion of impalas favor, causal the question to be asked by many, "Who is Kinkel?" "What is .his object° Kinkel is an ardent German republican, n mon A; ' , Atha bears a high character for honor probity and • talents, Ile bore a leading port. in the repub. ,latan moveniento of 1838 in his native country; , , hut,vibich, movements proved abortive for Want of organization and means. There was no nni ty and concentration of effort, nor could. there he. • t 'ybedftipotie governments, great and little, which . 7cde the; Gernani people, ever watchful, jeal - ..". - .4.wis; and prepared, won thwarted the immature the republicans, and crushed and dig : _pursed their f0r1ie5,..„.4.; then„ h - pyriWier, the great work or Get ' • . ,pitt.regensialionlins been carried ou diapae • 'Annately and, systemancally. * Tile free soil of „England has afforde4ltheleading spirits a secure whence they have -disseminated their %print:4ll'es among their countrymen. Amongst tl leading men Kinkel stands prominent; and ft; •nope has come to the United States to enlist the , sympsthies . Of his countrymen, who have - came he's° to *find an , asylum from cppression, as . . , ;Tetras of American:citizens Of every national brigiu. Another object, and the chief, isle pro etre" subscription to a German natilitoto, the ustute of 'Which. last proposition is wePtated in (the fallowing extract from a couindmication pub- Ilshed in a late [timber .of the.:Now +York • . Times. "The propositions are as follows the public:, particularly the German population, are called ••upon to . buy the shares of national loan, which (guaranteed by a number of distinguished per sons.viho were epgagedin the revolution of '4B) pays'anjinterest of five per cent: - per annuni. Thesti torn—the guarantees—pledge themselves to make'ell possible efforts. to have the loan ac , lenoirledged offer a-successful involution by the then intingniiited Republican Legislature. As , it is: understood by all senate men that the ideas of liberty and equality have taken a firm stand among the populace, and that the time will . soon come "when monarchy and thrones shall • battle with freedom, but conquer no more," the guarantee is sufficleak and when tne people gov . ern they will not ftirget those who enabled them . to destroy the chains of their oppressors; they Will then interine:ller service to those who help t? rear for them the proud structure of liberty and independence. Professor' Kinkel came over from London to realise a loan from among the German pot:lda , tion of. this powerful republic. Perhaps the America:l 8061.10 will interest themselves also in this movement, ad the advantages which accrue to their country from 'Europe's being free and democratic _throughout its extent wilt be of an immense value both in a political and cornmer cialvievi. If any coo will succeed in impressing thetielple with des importance of this mensure, it Will LWEinkel, who, from - his learning, eln grien'eu and unassuming yet winning manners, ingiatidtes himself into the - affections of those ,wit.h . ahian be mingles. The first summons was answered with enthusiasm, and subscriptions to the'loart - were advanced from all ciaases and a ll ' sections of this city: but to their credit, be it • spoken, the workingmen feel the 1903 t sympathy for all that will give freedom to the Fatherland. ..d.5 the commencement •is a promising one, though the fears which exist of a depression of business did not offer a good promise for the fu ture, it may be e,xpeoted that ratkel, whO. per s.:many Made every exertion, and the friends of liberty whn aid with great efforts' the plan, will .establiah the German national loch ofd that. ....fatnelicarthe find, the cnity ~rep asealein . aid _Europe to her gMFt traggles for liberty." . .Aanavar,or.PnegniiisouKtarzu+This gentle- Men nicrived-Yentirday mi the West Newton Packet; • and .wee received. at the landing by a very large concourse of 'people. A procession v d, formed, in which the society of "Turners" . were most conspicuous, and marched through some of the principal streets, to Colonel SChts, where:llr. Kinkel addressed the assembled mut thuds is en eloquent and animated speech. Professor Kinkel will remain hero several days, which he will devote to the Objects of his mission. We think he has good; reason to be ratified and' encouraged at the hearty welcome ratified and' encouraged at the hearty welcome which be met with both front 10, 'awn country men and from the citizens generally. It is fashionable now-a-days to write about Railroads and theirconneetions; and this would be very commendable if people always under stood what they are writing ohmic. So much ignorance and!stupidity is, however, displayed, that it would'be be s tter for the cause of politic improvement, Utley kept their macular essays to themselves. The following extinct is a sam ple, which we copy from the Philadelphia In quirer, into which paper it is copied from the Lebanon Courier. Pity the residents between the Schuylkill and Delaware did not make them selves better acquainted with thelgeography of their own and sister state: Central Ohio, Lake Erie, and the Ohio river being thy points through which our intercourse with the West must pass, these of.course are the points of connection most desirable for our rail road connections, rind we hope Soon to realise the benefits which are anticipatiid as likely to follow in consequence of our Central railroad connection with these points. The distance from Cleveland to New York, by way, of, the Lake Shore railroad, now nearly completed, and the Now York and Erie railroad, is 1141 miles ; the distance from Cleveland, via Wheeling and Ilar- risburgh, by the Central (Pa.) road, is 501 miles. It is, therefore. plain that the travel by railroad from Cleveland and Wheeling to "New York city, or farther east, will be over thd Pennsylvania Central road. fi The distance from Cleveland !to Wheeling is 00 miles, and from Cleveland .io Piiisourgh 130 miles. From Wheeling to Pkiladelphin, via Hempfield and Harrisburg, is 11101 miles ; and from Wheeling to Baltimore, via Comberiand, is 390 miles, or 11 miles less than 90 Philadelphia. Bet when ee consider thefacthat the highest graded on Hie Central Railroad will not exceed I GO feet per mile, whilst on the ro to from Wheel ing to Cumberland, there are several miles on either side of the Allegheny mduntain with a grade df 116 feet per mile, it is clear that the route over our Central Road will be the shortest time and the cheapest in expanse per mile FROM wealatiorini iConwponarore t) Vitt:burrh !Pad, “"pt, WAMMTOXI Oct. H, 1851 Day before yesterday .three planets, or lumi naries met in ominous conjunciion here, who usually move in orbits widely separated from one another. They were Sertallors Sumner, of Ide-ssachnsetta, Douglass, of Illinois, and Rhett, of South Carolina. Whether they met to ar. range the terms of "peaceful dissolution," art° unite their fortunes •it a trinmeirate which should make them strong against divided foes. is a matter which speculators in the motives of politicians may fairly debate. Certainly they formed a trio which combines in a singular de gree the elements of political antagonism and conciliation-. Douglass has hie cuni.all for the ills incident to civil dissolution and it is corn rrami.e. Rhett would have Disunion for South Carolina, in any event mud open any pretext, thinking it indeed a aufficient one that South Carolina hates a confederacy which she cannot rule. Sumner, lied he expressed in perfect can dor his private opinion, would have told lthett that nothing would please Massachusetts better than to . see South Carolina odt of the Union, nod kept out until reduced to estate of misery, weakness and contempt, which should tench her Something of the ',valise of that connection which she pow alfect.4 to despise. • It may be :presumed that about the time the Compromiser suggested the fugitive slake law as the great pacificator between embittered sections, his two friends unanimously agreed upon an-adjourn went of the conference. • , Mr. Rhett passed on, after a very brief stay, to New York, Mr. Sumner reterned. this Morn ing,. and Senator Douglass proceeds to North Carolina in a few days . I understand . that Charles C. Langdou, of Mobile, has been appointed Consul at Ravens, in place of Mr. Owen. Mr.j Langdun is the : editor of the Mobile Advertiser, a model of a firm, conservative, and patriotic Whig Journal. Disappointment, if confirmed,) will be credita ble :to the Adminietration, and no more than duelo the sacrifices which Mr. Langdon has made in the cause of the Whig party and the Onion_ Mr.- was the unsuccessful candidate of the Whigs in the Mobile diareict, for Congress, at the last electihn, and failed! because he wan born a little farther north thad his competitor, and had taken a decided stand against Disunion ism and Secessionism, in all their phases. The news from Mississippi is Conflicting. After the newspapers had teemed feria week with an nouncements that Col. Jeffershn Doris had del clined the nomination for ,pdvernor, tendered him by the Secession party, we have an appar ently authentic statement that he has accepted it, issued inaddress to the peeple of the State, and resigned his Stet in the Senate of the United States, to which he was appointed only !ant spring for a full term of pi: 'tears. There are many contradictory points in the character of Davis. Ile is a gallant boldier, yet in his private department be is one of the vainest and most disagreeable hf men. He possesses learn ing, great eloquence and ingenuity in debate, and many of those qualities eve arena tamed 7Le .DDlauie of litrUtoing occost.c+ toe .utand, .yet he often violates the nomities of senatorial and gentlemanly intercourse. llle is desperately ambitions, but this trait in tempered and con trasted bq ddisinterestedomis i most remarkable in a,public man of-this eount i ty, or, indeed, of any country. Jest nitre thelfame of his con duct at Baena-Flinn had come; to the knowledge of President ,Polk, he offered him the post of Brigadier General in the Brie of the Regular Army, a promotion and distinCtion dear to every man brought up ao Col. D. hail been, to the pro fession of arms. But he declined it on the plea that he had been opplised upoa principle to con ferring those appointments 'in he line upon civil ians or Volunteers, to the prej dice of the regu lar Ocer. And now, it appears, with the cer tainty •of defeat before him l at the eleventh , hour of the content, he assuTs the leadership •of a falling partY, and deli erately abandons.' his coveted position it the Most sonnet and powerful legislative asslembly 'n the world. • Ilia in a fanaticism which IMn soniething of heroism abo it it, though fraught with; innumerable mis chiefs and Odle to any comm6ity which may .e pri'unfortunate as to be misled by it • The majority Of Mr. Cobh ' , in Georgia, will approach twenty thousand, pod the compare direly small vole which his competitor received, WO in pert obtained through the means of a very patriotic card issued by him shortly before the close of the enliven, de'Claring himself to he a peculiarly ntarinch and reliable supporter of the Union and the Constitetion The voters seem to have regarded it as aisort of death.hed repentance, not to he rewarded but upon further proofs of sincerity. The President pill probably visit the Mary land State Fair, next week, and it is expected that Mr. Webster-:will also be present, and per haps deliver an ruldrens. The death of Commodore Warrington will lead to a few promotions, of course, but they have been expected from the decease of older and more infirm officers on the list. The COMMo-, dare had been an active and courageous enilor, and serred with distinction indhe action between the Peacock and the Eperniei. I kneW no man -in public life whom I thought more likely to survive the scriptural term of three score and ten, than the hardy old Salt. ' Ile left the scene of his honors and rewards at sixty-eight The Commodore's funeral was attended by a numer ous train of private and official mourners lie was buried with full naval boner., and in all the ,pomp of war's display- . Jeams -••••• k FMK NEW YORE Nrw Yore, Oct. 11, 1851 The week, has opened with more buoyancy, end thane} the rates of money are no eatier,there ill lc - perceptible incresee confidence, which, next to money, is the etarcest thing here. The greater part of the stack list shows signs of im provement, and a little inclination is shown ' by - ontaiders to speculate. Pennsylvania fives are held higher to-day, and none oan be had under 91, and few at that. A good many United States fives have recently been bought by the agents of the Government brokers, Messrs. Corcoran and Riggs, on account of the Secretay of the Treasury, who prefers to employ the surplus funds in the possessipn of the government, in the reduction of the National debt. tine million of dollars have been need in this way. Politicians are busy, to day, dissecting the cu rious letter of George , M. Dallas, iu relation to the amendments of the constitution of the Uni ted States. so as to Prevent any more agitation. The Free Sellers ariqesfectly willing they say to go in for this, and assure Mr Dallas, whose letter is nothing but a low hid for the LIMO Foco Slavery nomination for the Presidency, that the Free Stat e r s will commence the amendments by taking the ground that slavery representation must cease in Congress and white men alone ta• ken as the basis. The old-fashioned Whigs have denounced the propOsition of Mr. Dallas as it desen es, and assert what no sane maneau dis pute successfully, that the present constitution is the best one not only in theory, but by more than half a century of practice, demonstrated to be all we need. If the great charter, the guide of all republicans and the terror of all despots, ever is broken or amended, it will probably , be done by the locofpcos who, for a mass of pottage, Wquld trade the whole general government away. There is a good !deal of conversation about your State election k o.toy, and every business man hopes the magnetic wires will announce to night that Gov. Johnston has been re-elected by thirty thousand majOrity. The leisure given the people of Pennsylvania by the stoppage of her manufactures, will Ino doubt tell at the polls in the shape of a full - htg vote, denunciatory of the anti-American do ctrine of free trade. Large preparations are on Toot to receive EMS auth on his arrivaLiiind he will receive as much attention as Lafayette, but from a different mo tive, one as the recipient of a nation's gratitude for services rendered when much needed—lios• oath wiy receive a nation's sympathy for his of-. forts in the cause of civil liberty, and by our at tentions to him we ehall demonstrate to the gov ernments of Europe the Interest which we an this Side bf the mater feel in every movement which tends to make the people of Europe free, or which promiseti to give •them•the liberty we enjoy. Genin's fund of one hundred thousand dollars has advanced 'no further than his own subscription, nor will it, for there is no one so dull as not to see the trick of ,a cunning 'adver tiser under his pretended patriotism. The St. George Society in to •give a public dinner to the officers of the American exploring expedjtion, yomplituent certainly well deserved by our seamen. The Society has been told that it would he good manners to Ice civil in thin in stance. and in compliance with ype suggestions of outsidershave concluded, to be civil. Mr. Grinnell In anxious to vend another expedition, aided by steam, and will no doubt accomplish his object, to he stands ready to pay the expenses In the general new. department there is lit- tae news. A policeman has murdered a drunken moo, and the temperance people are making a vigorous mope towards adopting a resolution against supporting any man for other who will not aid in putting down-the illegal sale of rum, and pledging himself to stop the legal stile no far as passible Lawn upon such subjects have but little effect. but could the illegal sal« of rum he suppressed it would be a proud day for ,ew York, and worth losing a bourn pure whig or democratic victories for, The officers of the Panama Railroad Company have left the city for the isthmus, anal mean to take the necessary steps to push the road through, as the new ,routes began to tell upon the Pacific Mail Company's profits —the owners, too, of the Panama road Every body has read Burns' -Cotter9 Satur day hlght The following homely picture or -A farmer'a littehen in New England, although lee, poetical iwegnally graphic and beautiful We tate' it from the American Agriculturod A picture of one of three scenes of comfort lme lately fallen under my otiserratlon What can be moreichaerful nud plea.eant than the TiCR of farmer'. kitchen taken during the evening meal of a cool autumn day,". 111.1 a picture of the calm harMinemi of rural file. The kitchen ; of the old farm house of New- England is oat the - Icuilery. or mere conking l place of some malern houses—a dirty hole Or comfortless ont-room,i or sort of human hake or en . where the cook islalmost an much cooked as the food. No, it lo n room perhaps 21 feet long and 16 wide, well lighted. warm neat, and every way-comfortable. Upon one side there is, n fire. . place large enough to roast a whole in, in which great fire of logs mends up acheerfol illare, niog up the whole room so its hriglitttevi• Might he seen through the great nneurtained windows likes beacon light to the traveler as he comes i down the steep of yopiler hill two miles away, and makes him involuntarily thank Coil. in o ticipation,, for the good things spread nut upon the' great table standing between the window and the fire. Let tin take note of this oisl fashioned meat At the head of the table site a matron of some , ' , ft summers--though in appearance there is moth jog of the winter of old age about her —her dress is a gown of homespun worsted, well fortified with flannels front the tame manufactory, that hid defiance to the autumn winds of n rignron% climate. She wears a cep on the heal, and shoes and stockings upon the fret, that were made in pursuance of the hest medical receipt . ever written—"Erep the heal cool and the feet dry and warm - -for the stockings ore the pro dnct of busy fingerant idle amain. with Many housewives, and the ihneS, of stout leather, were made for PrrTiee, and the cap is a mere or I:lament—a snow-wreath among- raven lock•— and her fare iv the indication of health not hap piness:--Upon her right hand, the farmer. :dressed in a buttering colonist coat, blue panto, hull vest, white linen shirt every article home made—stoat bouts and black milk cravat—for he has been to town, nil this r, his holiday me Below him sits Jetlediah, Mervin, Abram, moil Soloman, all -errewmtrai .1,11 0 for they . tic shortentiddn.oummon use to Jed, slum, hi., an Sol. Two of these wear the check-woolen wind er frock of New-England farmers—the other are in round jaCkets—they Ore school-boys on the left alts' Mary, Adeline, and Mohetaloc, pictures of ritral twenty on health The eldest is isdrest up: ' the has been to town with father oho has a gown' of ssbongliten stuff,' around her neck is a boa of colorml iamb's wool, kiiiihy her own hands, fattened in the throat with grand mother's silver broach,. The other two are is, check woolen, .spun, wove, colored and male op under the same roof Further down the tulle are three athletic nog men. day laborers upon the farm—..nne of neighhoring farmers --one of whom is eying ithe alarms of the sweet face of Mary with an , expremion easily read by a goo,' physiognomist: The group is completed 19 the peltnol-master,',' n youngtnan with a glowing eye which speaks Of an intellect that will tell upon the world some day with no muchrorce as though. he had not been obliged to obtain his education by summer labor and winter tepoliing. Ile is one of New England's rising soma. The meal in for men who Oil NI one roil of the tulle stands a pot of ample dimensions smoking from th.• great oven, flanking the firepinre, r - that most excellent of New-England cookerits. crowned with!n great square piece of colt, f a t pork, crisped and rich. Lower down, n brood, pewter platter, holds the remainder of the 1,011. ed victuals' that formed theLdinner,--beef, pork. potatoes, cabbage, beets and turnip,- -a pile that might rival it small hay cock in nize and shape—n plate of rye and. Indian bread, cold. and another toads of rye flour, are untouched . for a great loaf, just drawn from the oven, nire ly browned nod hot, in offered in great broken pieces to tempt the appetite to one of the richest repasts ever riven to an . epicure. By thd vide of the old lady, stands it black, earthern trs pot, the contents of whieh are freely offered. but only accepted by two of them, as the rich, new milk, or the hearty old cider, is preferred ao a Lbeverage, morning, noon and night, hy those 01,14. W -tinned hearty laborers. We niusi not forget the never-failing aCcomponinient the evening meal at this Season of the year in New England, for 'tin New England's proudest dish, the golden pumpkin sweetest pie. Oral being thanked for his great bountitin after the clone of this happy meal, all draw into o eir cle around the great fireplace: Father in hoist, itig off on an-helve, led is mending a pair of boots, and one of the hired men upon the other shle of the name bench in repairing a wagon bar nese—both use the name ti oln. The other two are employed, oxio shelling corn and the other helping Mary peal pumpkins, which are .cot in, slices and hung upon poles, overhead. Thin in Mary'sdlecepted lover_, Happy hearts arid bles sed industry! Mar, Ali, and Sol, are engaged with the schoolmaster around the big table, light ed by a home-made candle; they are ntodying geography, writiug,and arithmetic—lilting them selves for future statesmen. Mother is making a new coat for one of the boys, Ada in ironing at a side table, and Ditty is washing the upper dishes at another. There are two other m e m, hers of ,the happy family group—the cot occu pies the top of the blue-dye tub, which titan& in one corner of the fireplace and Old Bone nlrepn quietly under the table. Directly, and before any eound in audible to the human ear„tio gets up, walks out into the long entry and gives loud sharp bark at the outside door and ' . statin waiting the approaching step. Soon satisfied that the now comer is afriend, he retires'again to hie repose, and three or four boys that look as though they might be brothers to those already ' described, so much are they dressed alike; enter and draw around the table with the others and the echoolataster. Mesa ari from a neighbor- ing form, sons of- a widow, oho hav e till now been so much:engaged with the tabors of the farm, they have been [usable to attend the scho o l, in d a y time, but arc determined to 'lose none of the evening opportunities to keep along with their class. "These will make honest, latelLigent, indus trious farmers. The old Yolks welcome them heartily, and the poring ones are all rejoiced at their arrival. The old iady inquires why in the world their mother did not tome along: and Mary. the kind-hearted Nfary, is !sorry to bear that it. is because Sarah is not so well, and mo ther is very busy getting 4heir new clothes done so they Olin g 6 to school, PI so•st no they finish picking apples. "John," toys she, "let us hurry and get thro' our 'cleat' and will go O'er to Widow's, and while I help her with herl, towing, pp shall read for the amusement of pinir Sarah, for an boor or two. - -If thaCis thelease, - rays father, lay lug clown his axe handlet•lyou shall go now I will finish your work. - "And Mary, my clean girl, don't go empty ban d,” Sus mother, "you know from experience liow sweet little dolma, cies. brought by friendly lliands to the side of d. I sick bed, are to the poor 4tralid." "Ilitty, to dear, if you have done ylmr ,dishes,- you must get your cards and make a few rolls, fur I nun quite out of gray yarn, and we must hare coon more stockings in the work." •.Old man, don' cut thlit pumpkin too thiclt." "Adah, daughter; get a plate of 0011011.11, 4ntl name of those nico fall pippins and act on the table,' I Ruese these boys can eat a few while they are eypheringH I do wonder if you havq got light enough 7" "Sol, get another candlh, I am sure such industrious boys ought ¶yi ha ve all the light they want. ••• .1.1( I. 9•It,11ISSION t 1:1:0 tit DER. .-I.t %Cant. 770 1,4 •04'. .10 7 VI; 7111) . Ith " ,r 7 100 1 • :47 1104' hth • •1t 0 10: :Lb •• 104 ' nth •• 11•1 4 I. 4 • j II - . I • 1 . xrd 1.6 !at II rattoo Dirtam N.nth lut , tur.ll 114. 14.1 rK4,444r1. 1,1 1114 1,4,4411.114. - 14 1,5r. , 11.. • A. 144 I I 1.. II n• (4 0 t final Vett( n I•.nn 1 ro, iabelli J ft n (45 n per .1 ( •Ir • nar n I II 11,1 it •• (It I rth Ya, tt In•-• 1.1 111 11 .•• I” . 1:!• . 1 • -1 • 1 •• . 2:41 ~.••• -41 4:4r 7.1 4 ••1 . 1 . 1...1.4, 14 l l: ic li l z i n w `c . : r G na t. l: b :•• ....... • Lkf' l .14 14 . I.a. rill- " • . •1 " . •••• . 11 ill I I l I Pawn -1,1;.4,0.111/11 ,1!1:1 ,1,41113.41 ~,1 0 , 1 ..WC, • , 1 11,1.,q; , I 14 I 1••• ' 411 :47 Elm E 1, 1,11..0.4, .1 If.;117 I b.ll, tt .1! 4nl '. I '1 4 , j .i ,c, lc 2111 c, I Icol. c .-4 i' a 1 I. 11 c 1,111.,1111 1 • I. 1 1 111 cl.lLlcc 11.111 lir, ‘a4 14.11 ill 1 11 ..11 Ic ' t l ' l ' 1:c. I , ' ; " 1 1 cII 1 , ' 1 ,41 11.0 1, 1 , ..' "- I 1 1 '• cat a., a cc. al 1 1 ,I 14 1 4 .4 )4 . .i / • ..,/ .1 .. .1 •Cl ,1 I • I•O I , / 1 111 1. la I"0 1 4 1 11 c II 11,1 11 III•1c," loci u.. 1crola• lii , - II I c 411 1 I:I 1.-1 1.1 I. I I- 11.',11, 1 1 1 44 4 ic , 1 Ilc I - 4 . 7 11 .1 111 .1 1 i r:1 ,. ; . . I cl /41 col •cc yr I , 4 Ic4c I 'lllll '-11' : . : ‘.. l "' cl i"l l .‘ .ll * ll L' 1 ' " ' ':, "l ' l. ' " , llt 1 1 ' 111. ' 1 ] 1a 1 11.1 1, 14,1 col I ," 1 4 11- , , ,Is ' ' " " " I I ""i ~" ' I " 1 ..' 11•1111 II 111 lac I cc l l ' 4 l 41 1 1 , - . 1 • :1 !" !' 111 .I 4 . 11,1. I, ~11111! It. .• I I I I. 1., 11.1.121 l_cc 1 - i ' z I :I'' 1'1 1 )1 ir:• . 1 1 ' • .41 • 1 41 • I I P m ;;4 .41 1 It e i I ett II el.te I, t I I 1 ee•s •11 • I .1 - 1 , .. , I Tee ale En Due ce `r II ' I - • I 11 11 - 1 .11 " .1 II 1.6. I I • 1 PI 11 . 101, 1 , 14 . tljl . • 1:-11: 11 II 1., I • I• 1 11 I lIUIIr .4 I [I I I 11 . 1 11,1 I l ie r l 1 1.. :.I • 1 Ili II P,.. .... islab . ell I• I II o il I/I It, I'la II& OP l VI 14 11 Illu U 1111 II” SI Ili 't 1 41 1'4;1 • 11:011- k J 12: , 11 0 , , 19•11,41.)31.11 4, 14 , Sti 044 •, .42 I ' 1 1.1 04 •00 7'4 9 1. 13::[;I:r. 44;i14"411,4f1, 11;111 . 11 . 1411 . (1 I 1 "114 'l7l 1711 1.: _IJ :19.1 114 S IA 111147 110.1 ill O, 91 1.7 , mvotett, to wont r Or table, contAha , ng the t,Col?losioner, A Tbe follovinn'are th. total...of the entire elert. Jon: MOO/ ' Cleaver. • . ' Niejoeilt, Cr Job 'non.. Ea= 13=E113 Merryltt-h - - Ctionlbe•ro ,aul) Illswk Cazoptmll my. v., over ept.ell go. a.m 1.1"81, 1111 • 11 t Font ard. fi,burn \l+l , •rili 1,4 . J 1 to:I. TUX 1.1,411, iveri $l3 Mr, 11 1N li, W I I l'artor.m. N. , •::. I 1.. ThAlintort. ,N., Evanx.. I cwrrunm. nru , ir• majority nrvr Trovillo . • ll= Itncl;ln.t • .1119ntit y nY, 111.4t0n - re . him; fonl , ' cruontri., Elenek I.llworth • • ,trolmi • Etztlek'n moor., l' , l""t , b • • is.nvet,r I=l RIEM=3= MADAME MiMA BISHOP. 1,,.;,. EA V 11`;(4 the friendly sh(prp. , of this grl,lll i';` , i.irs • iLril svrkton In rsiturnl4. wnilt rior,ritory din rib,. in lieourwiely...l Wong. in lier •1 ri Iv, .li f e to mini: MIA aniviuticii Mi. tit', et 1b... . . • .'I.4.IIAVKTTE HALL ..uthg., :7 , 1.1+51. h , hr , TRW ENTERTAINMENT, P %WWl' I twrl•l4,. • •••I•tc ntt.r•ctu,no l••)Net:R4 .I•EILA. •1,1 a. ran,•l nin on a, Own of runed ••••,1 new \•••• I•mat,• • tirh Mx•lam. , l h•• r,•1•2•4 , ournprXul ••••r, nr e••••n0,... 11•111i/4, •••••••11,1 S.-••••• in I•r•ma.:•••i'..tutue• • ,• 111•1101 . •111 •••••••••1 A> be, I,AI t. ANNA 111,1101 . volt la aortal. Ist tsar EN lull lA . under Ahr dim Mon tst Mr 14 IVIA.OO ...1. Manager ansl Ittrnord •- •1 - narmasdar. to I+ dolt .01 1,11111, 111 '.; X Line of London Packets_ rrin I: PACK ET .if Cho , '24th of lkto-.4 4 :‘, ',roma and Nat assilasstt. par art rtors 11 - tssltlA.ltatd V Vlsl.l lll, ` lll / P llll ' l ' l. sAsl on rant,. JMIs Osiolar, Ary reµttlaa day VIA. 1...1..n. A nktao. sasonnl rat., ayal 1. me °Akar rlon tn sr , as n . y o . t London. nal thaw • onsnx to 1 1 srnsl Ay than (nand, rhnald Mak: raYly Asynlsarsnrsts 1,, sta.,. rs It .1 J Tanrardt Fs: anal , -Ina, t I AM,. 111 11,1 A ntyth anti Ashort, drartJ N, •.., Otl. ft..l frrs. If ff./pr.! ,Th No. our Vororo 1, 01d...AU/fr. or thew!, of‘cu I/our tn.. .olerif • fi r :tr ... plorolo toorl arnmrn.i• rm. for ell 0f..., for 6,1 mpf vo.r. ram...nun , . fonOr oft I•••ot fqrr 1, • ll_ loof • fl%pr I.••• J I Ta.oTner So.lft .•J T ITTITT leuerty mete IP Fe...411rr A Ni 7 ES TO ENOLANII, et IRE -ISIr IttAart o r e.. ol 11.0 tr0..0 1 ."". Ana,. lirstrorr .r.l I relarul Penh.. sh•t 1••••• Ins, • ehe, ••rtMl ir A ,•rn W•l+ iZ,vr ..orp, of Litrert, rKul • n,I •tro,r. he••••••hrenh le:h1 fm 'he ist.l • - •n the ••••rehte ulrhe. •ele t• V,. to I,l4lroalc. ,arrs ttorWrort 5151 , h,tr. • • ••••MSat 11•••1 I m, 1,1 r 1 Annual Kleetion ore of a,. Itonla. will .1,1.4.10 m. of NnTront...t 1515..,,111. •.• Pirr•kolo.l4. tn. r t ELECTION for Thlrleen Illrecteru ..1 I, Or , •n•usux f•xr. • J! 1.. b•!!! 101 W grow. el" varlet, , tyle. 11 .?,7 " $ r"."-1 . u,..r.t • I: .1 I . ISE: • • " Engle Brunel" 7 tl d IL —lO O lit. pure I;Ir. ► 1. , 1, I. t 1•41.LF.1, g 1 REENoti, CIA rill r „„„i‘,.,l fr„„, sr , l• v•rx out Cr• quxr.r. !In., .111 !V.!,ul +.10(1.•••01r1.1o. F aulp aryl r,,,,,t r at I 1•• !hail J II PHILLIP , T A IV EltS 311 iiint!H 011 ILA Ilur.ars •!..• r !•'x 1 ,1/111, it, ~r reran st r• J A II PHILLIP! , •ar lid Mart. •: yrit7% r, I T REN , T 511.1 ,,,,, Porti,talt x II PIIILLIPIJ N.L, ilarkrl at Executor's Notice. ETTEItS t. otuntrntary hating heoril duly .",. i.iiii „inw I:„ ,tot t” More Goods. M lt a t re b,, n7 ,41 , 1 t•li • 4. lithlmn, as in/DI:N(111A .11Liskem 11. Purl, I AKIJ ()IL--2 ,, 1.1.1 s NII I lanifing iwr S. IA It t'..rt,p,trtt.ti .14 I, II for 11, I •:1:1 N IJ. , z ,s + L c: , P t .. It' I , It '•-•, I b ..11 , 1 , 4i1 S 111 , k rilLitil .1 API\ II •A, or I Irmer,.. no,. I tr r I.. 1: '4 1142 , 1,1 I/ ( l k t:'l'l'Elp kr.l, rr... ,tti • .; l,l//11 S A ru. in 1,1.14 and 1.1-. It, 1,11/Yli A 111 S l , l4liirfdliretao tit, anti for .01-4141,Pliremo, tit ,itlre and I.:S• 111,1, N. 11.:m.40.-S. r"' I I. I lb.. , I 40 1; NV t 1 , 1 111 A, ..n sa , b 11 4 1 M 11/ / 7 1 4 ,1 , , , 1 . ,4,N , N11 ,, '5.1: ;\ 11$4. } :narrt“1141 4 111 IF , I:11 A I : kr,.--4,0011 FAL,. FASHIONS .1 rtnre of Mr, A I.MMUIt. Frith At wb,eb Sro Inslr h Thbr-day a hl lobe, en .:11 mei A bouutb str••, Silk, :milli •.. , f witrimin New Books. tiST BEcEIVM:I) and far sal, by .1. L. ej • MI comptinug \5 r4lr rn eArip 1.11 , 1,4 r, AI, mlvelttre .il 1 1, , J n,• e in rz ..F In. 1.111 and lire, all aroioiroo Pal arr. 10 orton, r. ...Wm,. Now awl lon. or 11... 1.4.1 o sora, i,C{lkri.. on the aud Moroi M rerrolod trinoltirw. ...olio , aM. 11. s 11..n....a1t0r• on lopool 10 I.olialr of Family Mot r 411•, vtJl pra...r. sod nil, and .alrrvlar lnnu irriptoro, tor 11l tiro, by Li I. Drams 1..111 Mid .d.tytrig orlll. pn.l witliont ndlaion. tlomrsiod td 111...tr01.• the traih nod ridoor ot en ~,,, ossit.. I.y U M Clark,. yl Ilio nla.ior,iiith ninny ;Rhos* ton nuntorourto ominous, "L mvplj /Monk Work and Stationary am Inv ot. truni 1 it DAT ENVIT DEAD-2,000 11,9: Spadedb 1 aired from UI. suagnifirrtor, ally 2br sal, at prier* Vr rriu4 vcile4aners. ISIS VI..BUTiISitrY. . . - - rpllE subscriber hoe in store and offers \ta lf Catharine Keough_ ot o t r , ,vt a vz ,, ,,T,T s ,:x g,i , ,,,„ 4-1-4 , ,go,br i . wir\L auiit Nb. 307 Penn street, e till ~.1 1 nol. And Cotton Flartntao Tbilat.t. Straillla, andlWrad- V V hem ethlnK Whet AdTaxtra&e. . , 141 on lan& Shaw, Irish LinM. ong... ilm&korellefa.Genre . ! -- . 1 0 ). mar. rsv l, .Sittinetla, eActinaerv... elothAtTottle, Amor, • ,'• ''''''' ''''' Bl'''''''' M"'"" ' 'WU' T'''' ‘... e" • Chr' AN - k."Ei$Nl) EXCHANGE BROKER, hot, Paaatuss. Canvas, t•mbnls, I.laolt ma white Sat. trus, Cow, Ltn..o. all -ill. 1&tro.1111 , 1,cosS, Luton Tatdo bn yo COIN abllte hlgheat atark\rt tales liZt stt, " &ttrat,r. C YA l tTl;sst "i 4gsky l r.., i T,, • ,T.!T;a! T.c . 1,2. - ,, NM'lcz,', - aVV:4, —4 .- v . • ', i .T.—natoot-tfull, motto tho *lsnot:on or mndtaota ma 1 k Soak. hongiit ant! orild on CorumnAton. yell , r.,d1.1-. •sa.l l . C 1 KIN TIINoT. to. Aosat ..s. r, `La IL ' N. `,..) , ,A.T1.N \BONN ETS—We bare re. i COMPLETE eel 01. Budiiet Mavii,i3344ry 1 171 4,4, .41 and rol ...ram for sale-5 dint 0111 ma Sot , fnr.lo Its octlst .1 A I.ll , ,WoltTil s . \ , :o .' ,„, n „,,,,,. . t s iaj , A. A. MASON & Co, ``POOL COTTON-10,460 doz. jo.), rC.);`d. ' \: , 11. at" t. , R. IL. I 1 from Kmrlan.l. ma for plc IA '• 90 Sil. ES"9IIIAND PENNSYLVA oaIs . ,a a 11/t1 TIINtrT . . es, NIA A 1141041/ b K for axle at $3A.50. . \ IVILKINs A CO., L I CIE RENT—The) kidvo Ind grdilnii, 4:3••••\ \ itsa-k a I KarlosnJo Broken. I at ?lanolin...tor, rail- t,..1. by the tame. j::;' , l' ...ll\ eon of 'JAW and Thlnt noon.. t , ,___ , , -- Iltroalalo •1•,......a....... von so. Joist mod at m ',Atom.. , - , ll.• lodusn• at 314, I , lllr. a . 1 LIE LAIN . ' No's. onebing 10 ,iases rid, ...lasso, i • Tilt.. KILLIAN,. Atl..t. 1 • u ... i caahrtArre. ' ID AZIN S F fa,N 1: 13)11.1 SOAP`i---31i11-; ‘,"'ff '''r k l- ' r '''' . rr' \ A. k MAS`'N'l'" ' X 0 ' ll., 14., '" ! ' '4' !• ' • '•''''' !! '• '' 'NI. ' - 0 - a) , ac) ,, - ( 'ILK W.tßl` I IRA kATTALS---Just red d. .l. 1 MaIIIIII, rat 014,11,.. Kr.. stsm, 5t..., ..I„ ssur , 4 ~ m 4 ,,, ‘ , r .... e,, ... , x,. _, ~ , „. Lind. Con, , 1441 , 133.. •posattste.4 \ ' ''' k! '"Y kr. ' ' n" 'I . Thera , Soaps aro preps. n 1 In= the to&.t an.l nun, or., 1 1 !ILA II) Da I,A N Es- 334.44,4 nett style ten..l., and al - o.odual It 1 by sorq 111 Itir t ! till,l StAt• • • . \ , , k o qX, I, f . ,,, ie •, aNo )It. \ SA Li , ,-: i. fir t rae\ FA,NtILY.T , -.. I i 1j r.. 11 1,1,,. L . k ..:1 1 c) - , r r r s i sc " ,?), " );Ta, 2 -! 5 . \'''. Is); ) z ),) , , P i;- ,1 1 - 1 11 "I't '''`h%." '"‘ c k " N. ', 4 ll l4 sE. .tt, slab .Irvin rt rt. h• 4. 'sal. 1., . , ICK a 31.1'7iSt -1 11.1 r• PI N Pal , An a •sortment of ia II EESE-"-c() I.xs . Cre in l'lle.o.e, 10 )1.. tic .'ra , I so•VlA ,lll . 4 •lrri lama Lnt i ... , v ,. ... . “.. , ...0., al, Saga Refln rA, for o at, Mod 11_,. l, It .nt.t roc, m.l.for sal; v ‘• , • col.. Klt • I thrskS l hrEK,`• 1 ''''.. tlSi . ''''' '",'. JASIENK. fitiLTC,llleitV • VO\ ', B l i l ., 1'1'Ell ,. 7 11 1:7 kp fre , l • l ll , 4 ,'4l rh 11 . 1 13 . 1 , 41 , 1:44,:die 1 ` ~, , F i l m LE F in kE _ . rflOß A CCO-203 kg. I ', 5 . 4 i; ,'.4. 3.41 11X34,\ 1 IW, e' ' ' N "'"ce "f 3 !".q.", / . l \ l " t r"4 f Y. ' \ k mi. N, rer'd arvl for ,I, ' 1\,„1. s nL y " t 't l a 3 l', l o V ol l Zll h' l .ll sl l 4;h:4ll T rls u se 'a st,K2t., ..,0,. \ 1111.11. A kel 0.111,1":”. \ i ~;I)‘' ''i llit,ble, talk.... 1.1.... •,.. ..... : r.' . N 9 '"' 0• \ 44t.14,_,taltmen Viianc443. 1adi...144 nui J 144 will 3,3 g , 110 , 14.ATE-2(0) hvi frost) rd • 4l alid.lor ,4,4, 4 3 4 3 ailln. 431-4,4. 1,401. on an a, Op lath in,l.. N, ' 0.. .., \ oath: 11100-I 31.-. MILE, 1 t ~. .elta.k. P. 31 -to 11110,1114 4 , 43e13 4 3 for 1,6414,4, or - -- . • -' - . of ItosfneA , Ultn.looss Ithouna lima lai 1, / ilk I LS-2:l.\itlsls 3Sperlid (61 31 - do stria do. N. , iria,r). ii, s asi s i,. In 'all'ort. all :34443,i ,0 4 4 ‘. ,t 1: .1. 1,...,27 111,,,,h..,11„, 1.1 as, Tannt ' .I,s. n ... al \ A rollers,' lsa Shia ',rte.. Intrlll tIT tr.'. erirs 1 m.l for -al by 1 ...Alt , • WICK As,Mel• %NI taisr• 1••• ..tklas ..... frrerd,l Ito 1 . 1. , t a.prts. ' \ /ILIA ELE SALT'-500 ho. g•rioillid rocA \ DOW \\ _ Good dhisce fora sOarden 1,,,,1,,.a and for +al.. hr. a aATAII 1 l•KE1 .V.iit, r ,,,,,, ander)igned till K• 4 0 a mos( faviisra ortilt ' 0 Ol• ' • " r! I " ! k k ' !... " ..., • 1,011,eit.... of ...Me TEN nears „ uf &roomy Semeic• tiOFFEE-3110 I,gs Rio, 10.17), ,a a tiay,;,, ~ , ,i,k.,, ,, 1t•• „,; ;LN,,,...7x,r„',,-,^I , ,iTA.M, =l, ",;Vilt, )on hand nod tor 011.11 4,1114 I. DICKKV ICo \ ,',. k ,,, :",.,:4 ~,,,, o', is a y,rt st& I n asa . m,olont one belt. i 1 .01)11 811 —2l/ 11.18 \ iM•llllKg and- for \ r atio Ira' :',,rf . ,,,1,.,„%e `,l7, l t t rU'r`g "" i • rll'r " ° ''''•• I - ) '''''''' ! 1111• Kh , s!. et , \,.. ... Kitt 4•` J. IV. F, KIIITN.J4 Grant en, (11l 15 , ::;i1;,. - --24/0 la, instore :trll), sob: by I)) ICE-114,')a. prime 6,rikir:Cfor:iiale 1 II \• I 10,0 a: 1 * • id , 1 . 1, oolsa \ JAIIKS A.llumilsoN A CO. . , 4 ..---- ,--.-- Ilit E EN COP AI. TARN I Sil —2O illf 1,b1,) I 4,A 11-:ssl,.\pip; bialennl„,, 1 I Yarn:tore IL 144 .11 1.,41 O. 1 i•SsI I•sotott, for ,Al. p 4 %, . ... or.suntbs Bar. (light Gam) for Ralo hr lo .a-t It, \ 1 I.IJSKI-11 .1 Oa, , ~,,,,\ ' • JAMES A. II VICIIISON & 1.14 .• I , -' • • .111 NDIIR)-1 .c roon Caracico.3 kge 1),11111,.., 4,,. t fka mol, a5,,,,5—.2.)) bbls. prime Sc. Lou . . 1 ( .;; , .„ ) ,. 1 „„ en , q ,„., &,,,,,„,,„es,,, -1. 1. lAnnory. for sodes hi netlO , s ! VS • K KY ACO g•ell. \‘'\ ' .lANIKS A. IitITCIIIEtiN A . C \ Taroi' l oll‘ \• . 1 .----'-. ALT. PETILE-5.".6 bp CrodiAko. lug f .. 1 \ -4, il bule , a entuelgy an 111i, , 5, iri! a 1 ).))), )..i. 'a1...1.r o•tia. 1011 V \ A t • t. 4 4 D... 1V1EL4.41. fn 4,14414 - ',. ' - ~ ' , 4 44 . ' 0 \\ r 7A 'ICI 0,111 , I P:IllsoN a CO. \ 1852. ' i bArdEFEB SVP.UP),-15 bbls. foesalc by , SiST PP BUNDLED oil 441 . :4:3133\ l • ' nvln N` . 1 011i$,A, MVIVIIISON 0.11. if 1,43,11, ItlTTsslSKlltsll‘& A IC, Nol I , : • .... M Ali At. E . •S t•\ • II Af; k ERF,----00,1,111s.,1,1rAsNo..iNgus - ASI El. ICA, FA KIIIIIIIA Jo : No \I. ,11 g „ ,„4,,,441•10,,,tinn.‘1,51.1%r AtloAr s , -T et latljr It In She room, tm \tall , •st rnrci ~,,, ~..1., .., 11 AMKA,A 11l ••• Tell fIN & ofli, • mon 'rostsd. Thoradorolor 11,, tbs. IltroosA int.,. I,s..ain , 1 4 14:1 4 ..S , stN . ISISsII.I. e 111 1 .1 , . , ! . .. , ..5 , ..... k i , 5 ,. .1;..: 4 ‘ , T , 7: . d . .11 . 1/1/ EE I: WHEAt, ELOGJIL-A supnaior art)- \ ~,is ~is r i'sli. , )=. . n , :', tr.', ~,lii,,, v oood c,..;,,,V),- ~,110.,.'''.i'11.;',, , ..",""A4Y,rit7Ar,,14 a )i lagred ' O , MI. and tora...t sr.., to nll •d' r , of 'As ...., - lo.r pal.'()), '!•• ^:,•„•!.• • , a , ,5 h :,.K.,. ;,,d,, ea 1 ,4,,,, • K l '. , '•! ! L\( 1•01 ” 011. !• ''• •••7 .-•'''' ”! • I.S !!•• •' !... kh • AOSHEN' AND W.: 1,.. A'III.IISSE4Con- LI Fil, ~.,,,,,,. a),,,, Nft 11. ks . n band. a ..,11..rai a...ortnnt ..f Sch., Cl ' •kk. ll , ''. hand `tn. , 1 . 1. ,k 1, ..1 1 e.! 5•,,, ~ a ~,,,, Mad:. Illault• tot., It rdstss owl 11 rapmntrat.or. .3.d sAI .I . • , A • 4...+ 111 1! k •-_,!;___ -datinn , d 4.4 4 r-444.. ad 4.1 ar1444.14 •,11134•44 , .3444,41444 at r •••‘• aa; r, cor , r,‘• N., •!)-ifuirah,,,, y , ~ .1....1,r05ts 1 - V. 1 a• . , .. .• .. . Y Y1 ,. .1 , cn k laand. a zen.'rar aanrrlinynt r.l Sit., 1 It, .La r7 ' ,,rr.rr ' r . al; , .. " re r l: " .re ' rrr' l lr ll .:.: . itus . .;:. , ,:7 . :;V, ......,:..„ \ To Printers. • \\,, ' 1 . vrim; OFFICE, amply sal - 1 ) 4,1 A.- P Tl lt T l ::lii...rl.:l7=;ir.'t'C.,':,C*,,4C7:fr: anter. Inane I th,rnrlrtire.... newel renr, ten. re tree. . lent' Yrr earn. Th. unretnere aro all 111 CraNl nr.larAirerrl yr, el, 1).4,..\11, 4 tt,,,,..,,,,- 4.. ~,v44 . .1 m 0tt, , ,. n*. e v ., will la. MI , 1.7., Vili,-I. 1,..?.• ilreir valu, on nrenln, Ar,t ' ..,-:;7 " erre "%;Al v re " nr= " r t7 .l " :l..;l:r . • "'''''''' erxrll,lnn ir 'V Saitr hlusio Books. ( .;i:rl'it'A 1,1I.IS;, iry M rrourl .1 WPM.; ,-,,, ..', , Nr.V i '. Yr. il I h WRY . rt. , l'lft: lay.El, MI IL. r %. er r},,,,,, 4 r,,.. ~,Pi. . .., Yyla. 1 ren,rne 1 a.... In. ti r . . . erereeLee-nr . Or- Venn , i t nee,. ~ t1.1,,II) lli Iral. .. . a .rk's ,I.V.lan. trr 'atr lie r , e'L. \ ' l ' , " IL '''lL I'l‘''lL• ^ L " ., ••I "L -1.11 I, A NK KTS.-- I int , ,:\ YerniVerd lIIA . ' lan ,j, I rterelr rrt Irt,'OrleY'ra . X, /11,7,Frl ~......(1...1 I 1,1.., • nal.", 1N1N1A...• a 'l ...I I .1 .....,tir -,.., ~ 4 nrerltl.k. . a , Lkiad and Lots. • Vkik sALF., 0,. Ow IIrnAo: •Iv an};k (':male \ 1 ',. Ildrotninc Ore terl!\• Urrltlir , FIN aneni. : Pane., Prer. , ..4 I ere. 'n • var.\ rnerr ray..., , r a aternt fArtr a. re. re ~.erpn en TI, n nr •rtr I. re v iler, ral In ~,r , ~,,. ~, a kra11..111., en. rt f.torren: nor :r: '- 7 "' L "' ;:i e Z:Zr: 3, tr * Er.r..a '. 4 . :.'r . - '' ';'' • II r-I enla.rn L.L.L'I . I."'l r ` , 1 '" Ll'''‘l '` l 11.V . V 1 ' , 1 . L 'I" L ern, lee leaf .rui , I -re al. le II on yerine en . y , nrir .rree'r. \ Ta N . ..arrna ••• .h.• “r . ..... , , ,, L.••) • •, 0 ,• - • ,••‘,\•,• ~• 6, ‘ Conolly & C 0... , ~ r.,•i w • ,\, , k , , , .' ..i.1 , ...Ar., ,rriF. 5m t,..,.,,h,,,.. 1,,,,,,,, r'N : ,..t., Ow 'Vv. ,;,'',.:::K • - ' ,„ ra•ir ' ,, 1\1 k , P•q , , ,, r '•' ^"\"' .k ,i •' , Zr \ 1;,, ElPrr, nj,, -,ht 1.1-.1, i`rual...lStacnr. \ . Ili k s‘.'"" .'h'''. l'''''"' r N, '‘. 'l'. th" .1.." ' " ''.'" . " " fift l i n lft .- 174 1' ti "' . ' ' ." '-'"'-' . ' " ' . 1" "'" '"' ' .• 10 F NS-.lli 111,144. White,Cfpr soh , by ~,,,. s:- se ~....., .•,, a , ......,,,,,.'‘' b •:. : ~ CC (.11F.Iti•SION e Co. .. '' '''' ' '"" ' '' ' ~ :,, ~,. 1., I \ ji.VCTING a V ANIILEIVI42.-- „s ~ \ d . . 1,, • '‘.. ”. !,!.'.',."., .--,. . - i •• rk. ,,,,,, .. Ns Ib' -• ' . ll'. 1.. N , ' , 'no 1, ,,,, •• • ' ~ .. • llsnaleilrick:. far'? It , . A_ CITI.I , I,4I`tiON ro "'" ".' '''..• ''''''"."". ' "\ , i U.' LE ATlllit—ltilirTde Yak tanned; r„„„,„5„,.. 4 ,4 asna. ~, tit. I.lavo, telt eze , S) . . . 11.. .- 11.1911,0 -- " F".. 4 t . ....^ . . - r' ' '''' ''' '.';'':' r '..'1•...'.;.1 0 . .. ''';',..' c ' .. 1 CI.72.I3EIVIVNt OD ' r , "I ' l . :;7•:; r ck ' 7 ." ' , l s \ .1 “II 4 4 , I 7 : ' r(I. \ 'III , . VIII.' g 3 ill., It YE 1W,11144K - kli-LA ha ef ,3 - operier ...„ ~,,.4 . ~..,,,..... ~ ,,e.”•. 3 ^' , ."' ' "'N' ‘ ,•.,u4 .' ..4 y f.,..,0r •• ,-.- -'•"'s \ '\+'K • ' r ....,.',....1 I. '''' I)1 . TIE / t - Ilia oeg. and li , tads. priror No. ~ ~i. 11.11, /I lI . cI, .. \ n """' ' ... r T 'r.t , •t .” I f;..1. t...1‘ 1. \ , c.I. •I. I,Arrlsr. co •I for 441.. hn S.P.SIIOI‘ hl:.. 5..., 1:f „ .1.11 , .. 5.,...tn1 At,. • . . - Cloaks, Rib .3,, Silks, 'a. '. ill Alzil- , ?;,'icegi, No; 1, for sale Iry IP r CEI IEI C.d.. de knd 0, “1`e , ,,,..t ! `,', -, SANII EL P. silt IVEIL. \ 11,,b1c.‘ 1,111 'ls Ic• ' 111 W • I.? , ' , ..rt. , ~,, ' [ ..... . ,_,„..0,,,,,,,,,,..,,), ‘ ,.., I, tl, ••, c CI, llcill ra,s, ,In UM. .V ke , „,. f0rpr1nt.., ,.,,... 0 , 4 , 1 1, 0 ,E 7 D. "'''' '' ""'r "'''''''' ''' t 411 .T. ~ ! ' k. ' \ , 4.-: - , , , ~ 1 I ,N4YEEI , it 1.4.-... ,4 0,1.4 firiswold'sbrand, THROUGH 10 CI crIiNATI 'k IA or ..,, 1., , • J It. OA NI. I V.LII. IN Vs Iltrl'Oi. . .14 • iii:011, A Sli *1 e --- a. ~ vr .. by / kN and After .)If)Y.DII -4 ;9\01t/N11:',11,. 1/, ‘ ......, p p ~ . , ~,,, ,„ 3 , 3 \ ~,,,,,3 1..1ktry , .1 , 's. , . • ' , t . t • " k -411 tiX.‘. aria 20 MILS. pate. " ' l ' c' '' \ . ' ,.V:,' ,!i(,I a; Es I. \ --4,0) box. 4 ~ ,m ra, , ' nal , ~, ,•. , 4 -d a . ..1,,S ~.,, :,„ ,1 .. •,, ~., .. erssra. ea nsle byrlf ~. ~.,'"`"'.l' „ l7‘.l7:,ll''r.< \ ''' ''' ^s J.. 11. t'ANYI),I.D, '' UC,Ait —ll% 1,11 , 15. N. . for etale lei FIRE AND CEDAR WAR P , . il '' AMC EL K EitESEN k'-.' i t eeo,teotly ~0 i i r\ 1l 'F%, EV Itt.:l.l' Mt —" 5 .;1414. pod, for 1 h. 11,1 ot ~...I .......rt,..n, ..I 1,,,,,,,,A t , ,,, 0 ~“ 1 , , , -,1 ..„ , , R R1R44 . 1 ,. . „,...„ ~...m ) ,...t. ....t. 1‘,..... h.t...4.1. Ar hr... 1.t.,, : ~.*.... . \ \ iteas, lotreh Itaildiutc. ~, ,t„.4., 41,,.. it. A 1........ ‘4 ,, . \`‘`, .. h• ''' i \ . \ A ' ' ..r. ii. , .r.i..•.13.11..6.-r i - 1r..5..1 ...,... 0,1, \-.11, . 1 jl/1-.A itl. .Ik4II-44(1 easka . ta.uks , tor pate ~m..1,...‘,.11...1. PIM, ...\n-1.1,”....1nt al.. P.. 3 ~;, \ \ \ a t ,. puotr, -• \ rs. Nu i:pi IN ' a il Cl{ (' it till; LI, 1., 're,..l ) ' l Tl l w-, l\ e " k\ i , P ure . t i 1 V 1 ',,,, h 4. b. \ 1,,, •••I. 10 1 an .....x. 1 , .. Lautt ~,,,. ..Y. • iic iii iO, , E1 . .,--2 , 1) kags OreertNrlbY _ -•, 1 ,, ,,,, 11.11,.. , . . 1 1 6 II ACCO—Kee Virgana multi 44e1,, , or, ... et,.. n..,,,,5, th,0..1...c.., .'" ' A ' "‘ ''' ''''7 ''''r r\ ''''' "" 4L "'"' '''' ‘ s,ll.thsll s'',kLNION A N't.,:S— . King. Pel;alock•lc Co.. ~ . it 1, "...'. 1 ,4:,,.' n i...'',11.rt?' 41 , '''''', h '" E t.c, I. E l'etl'ii N . 2ly It It 1,..; ' lit , • ‘, 4 , ,IV.l.llia k C._ , , lii 11 , . 4) s. , .-' 4 , ..3 , 31 , , ~is. ,1rr,,,, ~,,ii, , _, , \ \ , \.-.-"r t ,„,.N,, 0. ~.. ,_ vi .% NI 1 , \ i 'TI ' 1:4 : 14'N . ~t ~ -1%., iros : , g k . i .,, K 1 . r m . ; \., i NEG, )1_ \ " x , '47. i l , I .,Ti.. ‘ . ‘ : ' 4' ‘\'' ',""', / a , ' 'ti ‘ , . tars J.• 1q . \ 4l , ~..,,„ ~ , _,,. , ~R „ , , , , ~, R \ ~.. ~ I , s , ~,,,,,, y 1 , ~,' T 1.,,k .1.).-},,,'''....,r,..,...\,1;:,;.:4:1,5.:LrT.-,,11.:1, hi t { ` \ .1! 3 ‘ ,.. 1 -_ , /b. ,, , Y . sr. \ ti ' Notice to riekmakers , , I k „y" , ., .1,1, C1..1..... ,\ i h .: S F...VI VI , I'l4OP , , S A I.:' , ,I‘,l I, r\,.....j,...11, i ,- i , \\ \I , ~4, N., 3, ...... 7. , 3 . 1v . (iii 1 4.,, , ,, , ~.,,,., .• ,•• • • ', 1- '.• , d „illit z p---1.. 7 ,11 nnd for sale li, ,ev 1.11 ,1.1311. kc , . l t ,c .1, ~ s ~ ~...i „ , ~. i ,w 1. , ,, , ,. b a, ~u alitv. , ~„ • „,.., I 11..1,, I (1T.... WO. I, .tlr- •t ' T , s.• -` ' k's - ,' ".,, „, ~.,,.., R , ‘ ,,,i; ..t .A ~, 04 , , ....... , .... , nor. , - ',..-':•,''''”' ' ''''‘' • \PF 11\ ' \ ~ , .. \ IL. ,li‘l , I ....---, ~a, p.• porgler sansby 1 Nnrins' Grand . Pianos '. '., • . L i ~ A \.. s. ' \ . ,t'lltgAiNlAKEk \ & \ (V •, , . . iS r 1:1:1' r. I\ 4 : l '. , , P lo r li d ---; ` .1 F' td M .ii i 1 ' 0 ,4. fin" . ..t' 4 . • 5 1 7 . 7 , • \ loaoLva an A\ C, 1 , \ tl. t 1...,, I , r, • r ',of.. t t i.: k., . ! ! 1,,, l'l.l- Ln....n.n.., , z ...tut. , .• , ' 1 , A A "O.\ LE (iI t.,-..5 Irk e s\lleaebed miter, \ \I ,-,...... r so 1 , 5 1 1. ass, ~ a., .1. , 5...,,,,,5r1fi I V V ~, ~ ~, .1 ., . 1 clan ‘ , 2 ,,, , , KwEL , ~ . e .,,_ s , e'e s .:,nee ~..,•", i.e. , . - ~....... ', o. I.N •• 1 ( , 1.1E1)... , \E •-•+ , o I & i•XITI1 4_, •IIIII'bborso;\ ...11/rir Ana tu ......1t.t.. , - •-‘1 , ...' ..., .n.t.;` , ..'" 1 " "V 4 1 ...- 11 r ,,„A, 1., ‘,', (....-,, Wle a S , 3.fi11ta..`.. , 3, , \ 3.313.....3,33. I , •I . , I lil c., •r•i• r I‘,l, • 1 , ..31, •ir rill oil. •,,,, ~ ..,, k , 1. v ,:, 5 ., ..,, ,, 1 . Lake .1u ,, ,,,tmr kaj o Us... ~ \ .-.., ...I. 1.1 ...arm, ....11. \ , th , \ \ i „ ,R , w a t ° ,,, R \ •. \ „,.. ~.1..,1 vt..rtn,..4, ~ 1 , 1.1.. ‘ ...!:.14... ‘ i ' .11:71 " .2: ,' . \ * l\ *.r .:t: . ' - A , ... 1 U. F9- 1 ... ' * , h . " h'.. , ' - 'lir. t' - ''+'...ikd" ".''. . s t 0tt.,..,1 ti, It Irmrk..4 erl4 w,:!‘-runt.l ittnctton ...p] soy New Stool; of Ohickenng s Piano Fortes. nr... , ..."."' 1•'.0, ,, ~ 1. , 1^ ,, , , t , r ../...4 ~. \ , . , .. - JOIN U /LIT Att., , liliN II NI KLI. , , I:. • I 14 . ,, ,, d ^ ,;,,,, , n, '4, '4 O ', ', - .-!--- , lii, 4 • . c---:•11 i..l % \res i Butter . .. ~ •., ... , .••. '''''''"• 't" P''' '.' ' , VI ,A 4 ,i, :ic .„,.,,_, :... ,.. : ...,,,i i i ; b. ,.,,. ~.„,,I r .., .., ,1,. Nal-lel,. 11.- c tl•ti,tm. car, r,. ~ \ i 1. , R. A.1 , 11 ,4__ ~, ~ ., ,,,,4,, ~,, , ,,, 1 , , ,,, For ~,,i , , , ~..,, R'IC'K 4 ,13‘33,....0.1,LF,5a. y ~, N I) 04 )I,I)EN • - •" itli1 1 ,-4.ii6v,iis ~.. h.., ..,1 $ . .,,,,i, r t , , \,, \ . i,. , ... %%11 1 , , .1, Siii'Lytl,l/..F11. ', ' . New Mo. 'e.\ \ Cl.ll niliuk• r i llT: 414 i: n i S th ir. :: 3 ,, S u b ,J C , (3 .,%; . ' , 1 1 ,5;,t, .r.,,, Li , ,,d, .i' her nii,t-t in l`tft.ctrult. : N The Itl ,, ,,tner'o , lkantax , nt., a v., patb4 woe, . • It, LonA Om+, ..tinetTe. Olarnar ain .1,7 i, 1... -...m i nxl bon, onnx 14 .'atbarin.. A Y. ',. ', Tll4- elgn.lllarrlnt,compo.....l l o - IL lilef,4. s Quadrino , . 's, v. "; , r . .. a , t Al,- i C , 1% 41 .a.l,tton t lltv trim. tt oteln oin-1, 1,, 1310 krl,l Al. tir-ati. 11.'1,, 41 Thlnl .Aire . ~, n of the Golden It. , . New Marble and Freeport's - Stone V7Orks. 1, 1',N D VALKOiS, in addition th s l it, , , &..I ' '''- ' ;';'...:l " „ 'l lt,' , llsiTii. l tr t i!:.,=%ktl. 4 ",,,..„, „....,Int,f,tat, who, lm manufartur,,. !. , varlet,. 'dart* an.l l l-1......ia1d ritnn, rill. Monum,lll, 1 .iulto. 1:4 1. ' , tn,. A1d..,..,1...1,.. of Nla4lc; Carina; \ ..I ran..., ~ ,. 1 6 3, 0 .t.17 1,4440, of Fr,po.., btamt--n , , ' l ota , ., a r..rial btritl4. 1,..,p1 en rontenient to tll. \ i, . I.- pn.rate.l t“,.x..,*,.1,1.4. ',MI 11101 , 11.1. 1 , . :,/,‘14.0 t , lotmor wrinc—.n.thoper. for d'oentinn. wk... w Ow marmia,ll,tliff.n. no lil/ically Pxtendnl. • " i, LINN:Ws- 1 . . , , ~ 7 .,7,,,.., WIT, 14traitm,1 Whaln't/il: s `,6 1.1.1.. - \ I . ..arked What. OK\ _ i 'll - Itrzsn',Tanrn.r. inn. • \ . 11,. /.., prim,. 11 o , ,i ' ' in ,b..tA I' i\ p.r., , ': • 1 . 114n;.14 , .1,:r...4n. !mo t . for family u/..-: :, 6 ',, ..', ' "'" t''' . " ''!''''' • It . • El+m, Stacnr. \ .i.u.lndinc nail to, rIPIO r.. r " • r. s ,er; A NS— I bbls. White,t fpr nale by • ft. ect.llLltl 4 ,4,oN At CU. AVM Nfir & CANPLEWAIc. , , .2.50 Lsles BoMirLc. • • cod ,MERCIM4 RLLilYlal Alaz6C..—Advertlatwuig anial2beerlytia.l [Fa I bi.tcrper reeeive.i 1.124 fcavasled \ . ~ . at, (111,4 's , ' . -..., , MOVEMENTS _ ..., 4466,A ,' lei., .• ,- OF TUB ~ ...• i- V- 7, ° °I . . STEAM SEITP3. ' \ ' .... , 1,0 , A SOF SAILING TO AND FiLGII • Till L7N171.1i \ ` ." . raela IrIOPP. , . ' \ iTy p ut,AstintS. taint, oir Chile °l.lbble....tiet ''o o ' \ ,‘ e• - MAGA IA- tench. for N York. .. ' - * lirt II \ , PACIVIt Nyefee N York .... . -a: : ::', ., : : '''''''' -- not lit' \ tr, ' inntitls.t. Ltt. (dr linuoit ' ' - cal IiA , KL N. Wntten. fro m ii,,,c....1::.\ ...... ...r'•-• , \ \ \:. .‘ , . • Is %LTG'. t 'wok, fse N k o ra__ .... ~‘_., . s ~.h . , .:,7, .s.. 1, GA:, GING t'S. ri,,,, trona It .. .. ~A '... ' Oct, 31 '. • aSI s. Lenz. ! ut A Amt. \ , \ ATLA rm. Ws t. nem lt" York....i. .... :d s‘ ... Or, i., ,\\ \\ t, Eh ICA. Stiati. cola Boson It! N 11.1\ N.. 11 it ,•fsr• rem f Nov I ...ti•l tic. N'te. to N : . — ' r.UVa 1 k.....tfr , A11 ,. t , 5 , 10 i 5 .,.. ' ..... . , _ . ~i., , 1.1 WASHINGTON,. Iltdyi . for Bremen 2:r : : 7...::. .. ...,No •29- IS \ . .. , All foul and tor Tart onl. walks pito Mite .I.llfati. ' . \ '\ \ . morrneit JONATIIAN' 'Oak , • or All Letters and Newre on band fdr England. Ire- .• land and Sootlend tow . ..entity the Amt nt•anter. lap matter,. - \ . • -'.'• of what line. • N :, )..,er-to the Gontlrtint of Duni+, bi - the Gollllei Li.: . 0 ' ' •N . Y, t'.. prepaid twenty ono coots • *Mr le rate. except Mr • • tboad ptsdeo requhrd to be prepaid to NIL * . L. Iran In the Contineneof EttPhite bl" the Coaard Una , \ 0.12" kw prepaid Ave rents • angle rate, asler.rt 41 three , \ ..., piano. ostutrod to he i.repeld,ln Loll, , letters hi the Darn. Line..utrut ha to told meaty four ' • \ , tiepin per half outier Inland Duentne Vito addol. except to , Gr. Britain. '( iii by either Lino, to \the Giatioen, most 1. i • p pail four mate each. • ' , t ‘• t r. v , tv,a l'urtare mutt, I . ..hind tin Lendm and Ne . emu.. , . .:4. n \ the ••ontoont of bonnie, hi Os litter led rumen \ ..' s 'l, .\ - - ' \\ , errraßruloa Jamtirfa. -- s _ \ \ • Satonlar, tuArststEl.. l / 4 1..1xr la. ,i \ 1 .t . \ i'lle areal r yesterday Wan clear, and pleasant I ' re thir3 Intl 4\ oitt hi ttlone. and its of •ay .atair amount , f I.ii em waittlelo \ , , FLOI,I r ---The i.ireittle were entatiaretteely light. and ', • ' oiler lien di Gr. routinue nur quotation,. from Snot hamle at`5.1154,-,. IS tor is and i 3 ':b (ii. 3 3."1., for e . t.a. , Sales from Gore ;are cordliaG, to 'ironed lots fdr my ihnettmli tion at 5.3 ilt(''S , •.7 , Ltreivenunta aril extra itritalei , . • 011AIN-r nix dentin.; •er, liata..•ra.rFrorir. L , , les of impn ce. Wlati,t le etesip et. !W 61 0 G.: '. \ Lio 40; Barley 50\ . Oats art; itt good muted.* Vic 11 bus . „ ' 't '" 3 0' .40 .0 rrisortir:tro, ~ ..\ t. OCEItIL- e market); tioiet. hut =mini are_gen- . 'stall prettiNarm." ales are \cahoot' ,r. Ihnitoil lots at. : Super.. litaftlettiar; .110,17 es li:otillifte for thiesus.,anil 4G4.11 \ N„ \ N for nun hew,. Cod , '" Si'dt't!•• Cis; Ind. Bur ..I*.--,..- , pr,itiv siuNs.-The Seket le Nannt.• hiee it\ to. - fairly ma' 'Wool. : Salea "bacon G.yrt• ertnloeil 4 hunted •', . lots at ha 9.o•••••Shie..M.. 'euro.ftSitiveested du I 412: \stir" Sti( 6 ll . tthoulinen S. 4a rye It P. :Dried, .rte \ . \ \ \ \ \ ' •\, gnu m to quoted funny at 1051;011d. * \ \ yIIUIT-Thed: t tamadta,lad, este raliatof listen:tea • ',, ' \ 7 \ itliDo '0 hot: of Imeads 0 ,1' • 0 ....V , : f eA.i400...."0 e\\ ' . \ 81.1.1 11 bushel, ',..•,f Filberts Ikl. r 4: or Crest 'Neel L, • • ' . ,rded; uf rante Curiaiii. o o a i n z, Po,lattia \andel ilifili i -hintlitute .' ", \'\ ' Suitt e; at ?D. wage- anl are 0 . ' very !CWT.; and we an rspok, nd \ ,40•,. `, -•,, ~ • \ M AI..T,Th,. recut,. •duereet•ret.44 f rEe rnaftet are 85 , \ (aktidll rt.,.\, \ 1r lIISKEN-aale• her been ea ‘ nAn4ro-i limits%b. lo at : ~. ' ' \ -,-" .: SPECIE-I'h° Comma . 31./tutlrrtisor of Sat- ~ , tinier, ettyl,- . •Tlie exportit nil wtek are,l•rxer than lb !.. , . = , ..1.4 the G tally the . no, 0. 0 t; all to wee' -.., . \ •bon the Bilith mail steamer lever GlP:port. They fal 1 i .-• nearly ST detail short, bn •vi•r. of,'ibe•pet ebtl- \ - /\ mg tieptals Ir. The Baltic, elesad p c .4' tq, da,i , It will ,i \ ice • \t, I, iver.. take. t nnlyS7.lls, and Cite of (03i .?• hie \I on ir tA r \ he on bo u rn., Tlae following I bid wilf•,..base . , the,. „ a i d , ror the • .Is, ending that day, a f., th.ye7. \ .\. , ,;. _ ' . er\ , Steern.eAldrltn. detrnia7 .... xr , . \ .....,, , 2 \ ' Steamer \Arne. lit ertKOI-- , , % ~,,'„ ' .‘t, , . ' . ‘, : glu6' llltrr 6..10 IsoOleb Kehl. 511;500 \ \ \ \ 't,, \ Artiroirettpultl. 134= \ , • \ Amer)raeks leer ' waver. -- i , ' \ . str,..tarea,e lrdelmo \l: ., T r- ,...ig, , tr ‘ ",. /. , y „,,,,,, . if , ,,t, ~.. \ Steamere er lirrunetheta; San inen--i ..), ~ ' • ...... \\\ • s. . t • . Vili ' l!ricairactlhi rioo t, \ . \ . ' \Tote), Oct ith 10111t1t, , \ .55T. . s t., ; s, , '•• Previously mw - W, Id...WV ; \, \ \ • , • ntel d 7 1551, ' .• SaiiitTa.tall I _ \ TH 111 PORTS (IF\ITION— Ile tollowingsis \ \ \\ t \ , , the mane I the non; and the o‘ll.lfa area .of itoriand \ . ",:\ iteet tea td Into the Unltedf,'Statoot f tweet.' re ', ' „,1....t quarter 11, , ittimil Deo !tm .,,, t . rti . ................ !, ,, litg.l.. \ t „, .', - • N aria \ • \ , , ~,, ' . • I' l: . " . •\ . ' ... . .. -\ 3 .... -N t,t4; ,... .; \‘\ L \• \ • \ , \ \ . I .. , 1101.13,145 • \ . . , It will n. rem-lied t lb', areal In res. took ' tare \ „. ...a en, the Tenn of Sid wetliiints ople,lon. Tbrall . \ \ , maul building lii, tale untry is• a.lthtd many I bpi. . ...- \ . ~,,,, ennsuiept too of foreign tro • . vane enuld Int!ioenta ea • I _, . . .at, soltalted to tidy emeetrr. ame 1 A un7 ho E°.° ' \ . : $ 4... . • , lend emend hinwned berei Thu, Instead ;remitting Chllinne per annuni ill the 1 lTea eu of lahreaN,erbirb Li •\ 11 •'\ - - . st.• Tee at hOnte\, \ , 7 . PLOSEIEN OF,. THE 11R163=1. ,' IL '''i G ta..\l” li;rl. , OF IFS. • „ The New Orlenak p4eers. gi ot th felltowitC. , • . , . further , pa irate.n of the loo•of Ihdot 11. 'Minn-- , ... ' •I'fit• e amer Brilliant left. Is itw iL ha tat the ~, \ • laded or reed , Got rn sntoniar oVetlitl. 5 n lock. fur \ Itey.,n rers_ •.1 pmeseded up the nrer to. Ilayetr , t , dente yestertla mulatto:. about e o'cloel he her, ' -- . \ • \ plottsi her emit . rl loner, wroth earned a . lie main .., debt. mid ...iste char art as the 14.1 h ' abin and t ,rieri thing lot.. I hf I tem making a cool let. , ~ S.. ‘018.4 11 9 , \ _ \ . TH INIPIIBTS OF \IRON he tollowingia 2 \ . the valne 1 the feon; and the UPUMUfa area f .4,1. no eat Into the Unltek ?Inlets 1 ecreral re -,. Lag quarter 11.4,1,actl two 571 of 1 , 1• , ,,...111,T.VC, ~, \ • • ~,. ~, \ 1 , • ' 1 , 15. . ....... _. I ' f , ,.2N 77 ,, , s . \ '‘, \ \ • \ 1 Is, ...,, . \ , , \ \ , It will he perees,ol t th's anal In rears toak ' lace \„. - ..sou, atter the Tsrlfl of Sid wetliNint,op'ers \c tion. Tbra.ll , . \ . . '„, mut huildlng lit tole untry 144 , 4 reatlr t lie. , , , .-- \ • 'et vumminpticutif foreign nT . ,• . whir could 1111!Oeenan • 1 \ ~ . , t s .. . . sol•plte,l in titi ,,- nnntrr• a the 1 A uo`7 , 4 . E. ' - \ s tont "mold hinny.' here'. Thor. lostoot •retnittine Ct.llions per annuni ilk the i Innen of In:erefk , ,wh:rh Li A . \ ' t.-Aally hut to the rountry.lhe • oro4 til remlth 1, areukt \ \ ` , ~, he trot at Ithrue\ . XPr,()5.10,7 , i OF, THE BRILIAtiI. \\, . \ . rtrtr. \ \T it;tss ov 1 Fli. , The Near Orleank rrhters. gi or t\t feillowin • - ' • _: . further , pa eulays of the Icre„of the }t .. er L 'Mint-- ~... \ "The e enter Brilliant, left h vrha tat the,`, \ '', ae.tert'ent , mot. re Snhinlae oVentll. 5n lock. fur \ 1Ny,.5 cans. 5.1 pmrveard up then rer far Ilayotr . t ola yesuaLla, ni.oroltn, ahnut s o'chr.t. hen he ea.- ' -- plotted her marl rl loth., whwh carried a . he main ... ~, .... 1 .1. and .-tate ~tos. se fre :Aft as the ladh ' *bin and , ' verer, thing toren I , the t ut making a root tete ... , 'velvet: of the boat hove the butt , \\Capt. Hare eta ei that' he had t one tt. o I . I.`Vk hind. and flee non board at the tone dm. v . .., .. • , tnolt4l7. Afwe th \ areident. tie ron1•1 so.t , h d ..t. tha ~..-' The nu be of telesen,,e, on board I • ~ul.l not rtasn• but shin • Iliad". loss. of Is. onOt t ery crral-, , , ~ rtITIIT.II Nance ABS.:=-... 11 4,,th , e u arri l Tal l !, 4 .. ' 't Pev,, , t'. , NoL me hal,. ihe cabma; psr en arr. Wadi • \ •4 \ • tson le ream. publielted eaienlay =Mut.. 10, • , , . to thneacwion. •! \ ‘,. '‘, , ..,‘,„ , \ \ That a Sunday , mod tog, between a anq Y s ' ~ \ in. idler emekins o t Mot I,r, %t 'a Wants- , .;;;;;171tfe7 i 'l bet PI .1 the tult\ ' ut et ‘ a mt col OW/ Urrtlill, lon t, revolution .4 , her wheela Let N tut surteetra ‘ b(dler huret. , - , ". Welt cartinVilealh 11.11f1,1,[7110 oto many , on beard -" \ , , ~,, 'nu holler WOllll.l forward. wh y the Hoof, iron dld ~ .r, thencarnet alt.\ Then stout ' ow.eettgnreuo bttard• \ \ ' \ the 1,,t et. 4or 1.9 Lutpl 55.1 a urrw'onftrt7 \ , ‘ - net ereal..--V , wen Fern so thenatet s tmedlatery ant the \ ' " , , ..!•Pleen. 3of them wen ra , ,,,ted. h th. Natrhow.,. The , , N.ottes , Alm. rarro'd UP C. !Imlay:my e 4t ot the Fut- \ fend, badly alt I. 15 ot wlttma - liarl: ince dint, - and to \ \4,, ~. \ , • Mato, Rouge ...t, of wk. Mr Gnomon.. tot of thd, Ihtton Moot:. adtorat,.wa+,\lanKenuartr woond - and Nlk. Cot ton. nett ft 1. to Ilay,tm rara. Ile , Cole. nd clerk,ttod \ on. t , thor norm, nacnotoot kotorx--atil ha, Ar wonati o ~ , There were cord nahonefromt tuVreek 15 • k ' 'Tenon,. I 0.4. dird. nss:\ thle 1551artn , 55.1..5 angerdn i \ - Wounded. • `: ~, , ' •-• , .: ..,.', \ - Me. NteCrirty, sectirl enginceer dielt rtft \ .it/NtliDe.ll.l.l. uill, Of Urn ss,tatant. engluesr, The l'rincest\ No 3 brikught dorOt 3 f emm e fire- t torn hadly woun.l.l. who wilt be' . earewl to ll- \ - 'I heartremon ntate ‘hst 4 borne. of ro,lt Wv .l • , • al totlo , landing: and that the.ntll, ra, ` nip tto 1. lw- I..ta up for that putpore when thy ..newton I h 14 .1 ‘, ' . ~.-- -. •••••- " T ' ) \ , \ : • STEANIER VlROQ.UA—Tragieat &tate—Yeti \ • \'. . h,eday mormeo, an , o.correnre hat., pls , e 0 ,, b 6 .-, , t'd th.'‘ ' :, ' ,t,trahrr rirodua,u 4 i. bkore .10 , armed at e ding. \ , \ ~ wht,h,has nstiltrd in itte &ail, 0" tollk pastangrr, Ma- . ' .', . • '" ~ ~t - , ..."P1i prothrrw A ocar as l! , ' ram, acrd. It taPtac , \: \ •-• , 1ta:0 ,,,, t,te ,,,, 11 : 3::. sho „u s . tl.: „. t. , n: t s, b lll .. e b . ,r zittle:l l,.. O cii i t t , ..:, ' s \ \ , • \ . ~_ \ , , ft tc . ll %vow], 055 in ill n 5 ,1.4. c 1 5 ,1“ I, . pore to tit., ,-• \ , \ \ . at en. wtnsn• the hints l toye, teat tag Out 4 tl‘ ' the lode tnehing lu thew , ! ‘ um) 'lle C 0. ,. ore ro 1 , 54 \ . ' ' . V., seun\ k i id th e' t .pen g t.,s whoa u , i, to tote II othor../ P ' • ‘ i 5 \ \ , ' -.- sl.preard 5[51 pt 1501131.4 to F 1i5 , .b0n, mt 554., ' t5k.55 a d,Persrs:l by newt Ot e rteatuerr crew, wl 6, \ . , . • _ punned %in the yowl. 1/nAh4e rot' lmondlateld lauded atN.l , attain the office of ,Dr . l„l , etter, when him In- \ ' part, wee, refully dreeeed, md thout rail: and be ' • • esp,nd sh.A\t ,, l r 0, Tar. haltan. , trh /6.; onwht J. in- , 'two.. am. orr ici 1.1 , 1 r.. lb. Valor, a11,,V otntaitted In \ ,Irfault of S,n4 B. de ryto,ed or :6ra.. 41 eto .tire hla , \ ' \ , nap., or an, lt, l/tOMWW , toonneni hi I - I C ' . n ''' . '' ) 'l' ' '.\ PITSB GH. P( R 6.14 • . . • ‘. .... ~, \ dtrlT...-111,n, wa.4..2t : ; . ; i i tilo.. in ran oby mint \ . l' 4 '. ' ~, • . mart.° ,Junk, 1.1 ..... • old 5100. ' \ ' \ , AItRIVED. . 1 " • J. McKee, Itendrirkaowlfeßwrilort,, 1 , • , , • , ‘‘,. Att... ~cumin.ltrownAl. t h- , . ' \ . a fht. Shriler.llas7. 54 . 55t`55.5115.11:'... \ . . \ r r • P( 6,..p PI !I t'SB \ • wp.k; , e miArt.ot Alprk, ••• t LI . end rinng • 'AIIRIVED. • J Mr.Kno Ilivalrirkson.ltrForrPOr , , krnwno•ll.- Slit+, nr. I , lat y, .X . s .w t` Z rten , n n. In .1,1113. Doan, ii"...brard:'/Art.,.lfr tn " ltte .. ‘" it2n7L ' lrAlXC ' riZ 'l' il,ndrirknon. r, Wext. Nnlik tvn r t• Z l ‘ latley, .E-'nslun Alloghroy Coll o, '1 t`itvannat 8,44• K. • rTiran I krr x ( 0 ivlr lot cfl r I "I°,, luet INkt7 L \ NtkA r t kV% k. %Ist\ \ ilaka y. sr. LI \ k•• or lolly Lc r dr . + . ELL IN 11.1[141.174r PX9cLi \ DROWN:III4AI. 3*. and fv.e. FOkkell'iClNN'A,Tl . A. 74 t , 4 Louts, V.u.hyra. , r Ik% malabl) the a o'elotk:, She 1.44 near lwt. arrt h escelloAt. .--- . vkJ A fou.AGE 0 I ti,C LOTIII ipOilrf d friiii Ole Ilitlik•illle Panorr, 400 .1 , , .1. o.ll6'Qual , - . ' r r ho. and r1 ,, , , #. 1 ~,,L it I . .gteolt 1Lt.,..1 c.r-r-... tni ch., I. alka far ra•,•,..1,1a,1e5al \ sn.l r0t,11,14 `..,. 111, lazt....t rtr....V , 11 1. \I FILTp. OlL'O 1...0ThA . \ , • •: -I, Ze., " ^ - 4, ',' \:: '.,: . :-: '' \ k , lO ~,, k 7,, ,.., ~,re , , .*.f,: , le i...kal 7.l Via, . 1 1 'l's ' 6 % ' i 'ted g• : P!it.ext Ctltiee,l ~..\, , , O. L,. pet t . arm r.k , Soret, {.l 1. , r-ls. i r k. ~ r i.y I. ti !,r th, 0 .:, ..t :,..katellt A.M.' ~, Imo fr , at, imi, .....f0w1,. ' .. p1..... 1 -ng Irmaial ''' ' '.'''' Zl '' .:l:trtaVlZ ' Z '', llll.%t!:: ‘ .ll l ll:. \ Z ‘ ; \, ..,...6.6 . ~Ti \ g L.A. ,,l at zt, sIEL prtitA•l3 , lward aVh. L'L , l ,a ..6..r or. Nat rilay. tit. .th WAX... ,t.t... :L. IL , ,Ett 1.1 0 .,.,...1A1 , 1.. ...Al i pe,...,,,a.,...nmt.4.4 , pl.tarabtll , .. - ." 1 ~,,.. Atm, ar tt.r.l.l\ Pzi.l . el ~,,,% 14 'UM til.t . !• t., ' -+' 7:. 1 11 4 4,1,A5: Ct.. •"I..LLivon nr.. ~) U \LI lb. ISaela °QIN+. 11.ri10,1.11,m. .0......a...ii*, t 14krth in wri. WO:. ~, LA , ...ILL,L t 143. 14,11 elp) . ,, \ ,, ail 1.,,,, , ,, M.l i•I Oithef ,arLy to• .1.....r.,*!. 14 , tinai ii, ‘,.. ~,,...,„,,,„1 , i ,. ~„li o ,i +yr itt. , 4,1 ti... 4i....., itl.ich 111y...i 1 ri5,.11.4.0,' ,Plirstg.h.. \ ~.Arred.. xli,, a...ati1t...44, W v614'144 , 1 ,Lt,.r Nat ... tg......,11,0,01,,,,,...., ILkpitlate.'wvol 1,1,.L.a.14`.. 1.10,11.;\ U....: "ur4, ,bit.L .....hrtv. ticlLNLkk. 1 , 10f0.0., Dial quip., iLtaladelo., .. , .Ikottprit Ts .. LL ,. ..W , n rur . ..L. ‘;;Z: A nd riti...uurgh 41 Ur. Illoa. cc.t..4 , -ii -0 , ..11. 5, i I. gg:Tl ' ' ' ; ' / ' 4 1 2= .. c:r 4' 4 ~,7 'NAV f' i e r:u s ]lr u t et V. k. lut tkarre sure. ,tyr• gr''..l. L , L . ..%n ••tp..4.7.,p ,IF o . \btivoalx.rllll.,..k. I.JL LIB, .1011t.1.1/. . .,, \Oltra, .In .a , Jaylkt... \ R. Tit.iiSK!..NlFigitet • o'lllth:wit-Z) . _ ,V, • - P ' 1,T ,` N.. ' .... ` \ s tNsElfiTau,-\bbt.ibeit.-Pl - 4e,oredk. Libk ...-41 \ \\ ~..A. ir likkOltt* ''`, \ THE Nky, MI 10)11,1 ) urri7 4 Wry • rp trial. Goth In n taran,• ,ii ear th to • t It r • , Vrr, freta all •rt I 1.. i.o/. uutz tl • ..Ivo the 1 / 4 4. PAINT.k.' s ary undo,lbt,ity: Axt for trotin4 \ •uy ekr. boh vi .14.... 7 on.n n t hx:r re .44 , n. 1 . lo poitil LP rthe
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