The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 18, 1851, Image 1

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    .. - ~ --
=ESTABLISHED - , ( N -,-1786..
WHI'II3 . le CO ! , ' •
1 0V . V.R .L . ware sman n :11; cnic.
4 1 41 Zra ver Damao. 1.74 , 111 haf imor•
WittlilX l thro rlnU.Lad to, Minot... it: adrana (has
.1. 10 .....99Ited on tb..wit.r...4 mndltmvti
apt. do _ - 9 00
Too mow. do
r ....-" f7r``: tub 6 — b.
mat in —l.l.lln4ri' ably in advert*, to Club Netts ' nur
be not after the year pre tre6 tardese the May I. mot P.
?plan ( lolinn Nooxonn oe 1 .1 I
ar:efiladaSolgallclairrition.. 0 0.5
11. ----ne II
'three • 00
ta Leis
lm month months OD
art Cards, It 111 as or lag, P. tuthn......10 00
Poe Dollar fa veal additional
/fee Nom, ebaugabla PlMenle (Pot
each of the paper 00
nr each edditouttal Kant utoorted 01reT one month. sal
for en eldthoust 'quanta/n:44 under the yearly ratan,
-half tom
edartatonents annallac *mare, lea ROL Om Meal
lloe y n 013 [1.41,0d ea asoa.a tad a belt.
10100stoks not aceonntable IDr legal adratilaardettre
10.4 the
01og 0t charged for their Pntlendthlt.
/ e " .%%elf " .
ndot rertolfre. a m s e emrs
o oat marked ° ' on t theob • la9dp
emnt ner
ot tnsmill be ulawl bil r tab.& l a l. p
marled 1
la. urling* of comael sdrertieere is etrietly limited to
them own Inandate baba's. awl all admrthement. for
the betiefitor other persour,es analladvartlaemeote net
tamp dloraly td with their own bataase. and all
Mosta of adrertacetente, in length or Wheat" bey.ld
Ma haat engaged. 0111 be etterge.l et the usual rota • For
.it end, transient advert/M.9, bale nth be toPP•WIT
eaterel. sad promut Tennant ... dextral. .
, adeettiennonte for nbanabla tostitutiong fin eta
parsble.irteUy in d-•
atlas to he &ergot arena.
Math Ingle,. !needed without thug... ualum am®
old by funeral Invitations or obituary ana ma
t. d
4-s.tilitio bu paid for
Ho rola talvertment sod MI others sendlng .0000101100.
11 or ooatlas droluned to all attention to
Pain. Merer. Coneerte. at any public entertainment...
he came are rade (nr admitanoe—all of a( rd.
amomation...-amy nntire dathnol to call email. to
Priest* enturprima. coltulated or intruded to protootoltult.
- ideal Parrett, anir be hunted with the understood
- that tho Pamela lo la tad for. If Intended to be to
, rAbt to t h e local eolooto. the Ramo arlU at the
rate of not Le. than 10 mots Mr line.
Meth, or 4,r Sorb,ea to be &urged trio. price.
'learn Mame Petitions If. Nat.
Real than, Agellte and Auetamerg ndterlisements not
lobe named own r,oit rota. to ba . 010 *. 1 • d i .
wont of thirty three ono one Mdal per mad Cm
emeont of kith
1{7.213, oa tstArezur R 040. T 1,1131 b.
'Ca Sousa three imertaa.- _ -.--11 60
LIMILI - rinICITS 13 "
0..1 5 X - 22., CIO tined ono rtt
An ttandent adrotiffinnent• to be paid to
Attorney:it - taw—Office
eta EmIGESeld =I Gnat. Pita•
!iv ,t 2 fourth
L'S., WEAVE' • Attorney at Law, rtittith
0.1 , e at, neer t] OfloM:ltittabwith,Pm.
ecti.a.thudNtovtmVtlr., I • atzzattoca tatutst.
LA. of Uutoetoar. 1'a..1 . I (Late of. Indiana. PO .
0 LIPIIAN-r E.. TAYLOR, Atulencla at
Isits—VEte on Dearth street. No.lattt.f.. beteeen Rood
~....011 lt,titrzleld sts,u, rittsltrtb. Pa. • .
-. ..t. it.--S. b. OUrhwit Is etatomiealoreribr the State ef
& COLLIER, Ataarneys at Law-4
ua /matt Ftniet. &bora Emit/Add.
W1.1,1.7g, :Attorney at Law—Or-
•Arj .. P. r-
- """t En't*Ai - u. so.Kitth
J. ••KUIPS, Attorney st Law, dffict,
curtier of Grant street sad
Pittsburgh. ' JsissuT
01$ C. F LANEO IN, Attorney at Law
7.1.170 Eciarthirtiect. ltittabarrh.
.11• MY H. ... , ...... Auce. H. .
1 TOWE WATS O N, attorno at Law,
no Yourth Amt. nt.bon/. u
srcraczer.—.ll.arider a Day; a [order. es.
- taxi. Norf.= ra•Co.: Walt. 332. Yam-, Joan Y
IcoMeark •
tyITWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
fMIM nn v 0.14, - stmt;` bets... Wood and OW*,
81` LOY Attorney . at Law,
Dll' 10.89 B
o.PSDETittits;groet. htubursth. Pa.
I..IiAItRISON'SEIVELLvAtto . ; as Law,
..trdo nett*. nmnot.clinur for texine tf dons, Ark. .
regelfaigment• qf Denda a. Ofaos—, Wad. abnre
Malta ,'
gdiffais - kin =mats
, EZ.EORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Rankers:
• N_A ihnders w Exchsago, Conn, Bank Plates, ha, 1 0. 74
Orlh ortroot, nest door to tae Bank of Pittsburgh. Col
' ¢. ofriutho, . s. a. vans.
WILLIAMSax, flankers
r y v and'fhtchoose Brokrrs. North Ear:t roomer of Wood
owl Thirl great, Patrboroh.
,M 1.1.101114 aude ro fibers] terahh ,00d oolkohoor
.promfair otroodot to. J. 611
rD. KING, Banker and Es.thange Broker,
• .
Your% aimed, Dear., In Dank Natal, UM, at 6s• anp.Onld sod Ellier. or bauglat and roll.
She hiabeat malted prior pain rn praardnal far Anterkaan
Half Dollars. and Mesdava and 7apaxdati Dollars. Ippar
limb; lea
&WILKINS , & CO, Exchange Brokers,
South FAA OArn., Thirdsrui Market dairetA All
dim, SA mon
I.IOLIES Ze. SON, 'Melees in Foreign
• 1" 2 1, 1 ?,° ° ,7'4,g4 n• R •i h t7i.M i r d i, • l,47.
Mi; Vu.,s°A u principal tith4
I th....;%1t Unitol Siates.
ItAMER RACIDf, Bankcre and Ek
ga linirkeine Denim. in Fondinit anil
kinchangt.:Certifice.. of Denali.: Bank hoten—
iniCitnrner of Tinirl and Wow; disnetly opponini
ate it. insarivi
:IL. . /L. my..
ERD & 1.12V1N, Commission Merchants
untl tllllllrotm, No-11430mnd street PerionsA nail
I..ate twuritien trial 1100 to 1510,090 alway• ea hadd
macre ....hninue MAT.,
LLINNA & CO., Successors to
uusssr. Hanna & Co, Hanle., IW.eneerna Bunn"
'arel &.i. to Foreign and DomeetioSectiangto.Oktiliennt ,
of hermit. Bank Notes, and &twit — North kw , witkr„,°'
.IFood :tog Third street, Current Monet ' , kiwi' ot
The Menem. premium o f
for ' Foreign and Amettran
Aden now tante on ono rigednes of'Prot ore. shtmei
on tiltern/ tune.
la - 1Y: TAYLOR, Commissioner Mid Bin
vx Broken 112 eftv.d strod. &riot attention will Da
goen tco It bininna entrnne•d told. eon• Pltlabsergh
tnanuf.gdured artirna al wars no hated CT peccorad aid:end
potion. Nowt, Wade, Mortgages, kr., negotiated on favor-
Oslo now. lideartoo COWIN If aired. 0n22
O. STOCKTON, late Johnstore& Stoe
a„. Onnkseller. Stationer. Printer, and Birders •
.nsS af 'Market and Third streets, Pittsburgh.
lIODMES' Clg:teerary Depot,
Asil; t ll7:l7' 4 "HttniP , lo. nag Itook+t►
Imblisho a the ',uteri:Tn.,
L- READ. Bookseller and Stationer,
el • `n. i 9 irolrth Ftrs.t .t poll. 8u1141.1.
SI'CLINTOCK, Manufacturer and Im
mm..ctiZ..Pimgftdp7":::: ° % V C 'ho., , a B firs) fourth
Wond•Nt•Nure.. •
cornerof Water and
IL. Market atrart... Patalatrah, Ctoxbrtatatta Yta
aitt, .1 tlonta and for Ora run-ham sod tale of 'flour,
-Wattprn Tornatte, Iron, Unals,Cliasa. and the atanofactanal
irtleh. of •Pittatotralt adaarta,), •
ala.—aaata boo the 'Want liarpre t Co. t aad 1 Wa l
wai l
t, ...teat-tat-a 'Mahon. and liar forks. at rtalalarthat
-(114 Jenkins Ca'aaupwrotr paean! Tea, m r .tr
dAIcANULT CO—Transporters,
a Forwarding and Comtadastna Merchant. Nara , .
t;atatt Venn atavvt.Pittatturat, (015
...3, l : 4 , ,! : . .lloomantesim' Merchants, Na 81 Warr erect.
• ZN:d. If. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
• ce.unetWin Maretuot. N. 115 Second street.
• JONE , Forwarding and Com
na.Cilon'itii.ctimti,l4.l.tor In PrOun. st 4
trey "MukoraAnralsrOrley. L'ass,l Bum. swat Seepetb
nvec lltr,bursitt. '
litliY, JONES & CO. .guecevors io At
, wont Jon. On.. CM2lllllsolon
1.1.1 in llttabnrgb 51nonfactorni Onals, Pins
bunch. Pn.
bßir - GOODS Mntel]Uln.B.
L. e...10,r kn-I•ITTSISCSAI4.-..., 6 AllTlenaT Len, ',Tn..
ItA. MASON & CO., Wholesale and Retail
pe e l e r/. In Pitney and Staple Dry 41(40., ell Mutat
; acme. PUG toergle.' ,
a,l ilrp pnnJ, Itortbanu, or cf Yootth
*Met strata. Pla.burrA.
; Mibt
It. TCBUNT, Detitiet,.Cortter of Fourth
riaratttir at., brew.. Itarlot mad Vrrrr Om..
iIIIIC NI Y It. LEE, Wool, D.Fauses amyl
k . • OnnudrA to on 31erehan for O. nab. of Amor;lora
o Goolo. N 0.139 Liberty rt.. Pirrob.yri,
Vo )V
. rimipAuan. Wool m6rAanti,
lkilels 13. Flour sto , ) Progluoo ;morally. arsi. PO:-
vardlog awl Ckortratoion M0r0.0t0,1•42. 113 .nrot rtrOL
, 11.11 ,:nrczti rtrouLrlttybor IL .
WenTSO - N
jj 3).k" na • ...aid
DE • : •
s, Tea an,
45 ,e,aRseteileeL tte •
Vlttl. A. VCLUItI.
Tea a'ain'AnY
,h.nralypripsanza... mv
ell Ana me un is t h.l
'ls gal WAIL ampn
Tea and Wino Mcr
ismond. Plibbergh.
165:, Grown and
bort,. staprt,. **re Wad
%b. lomat tams.
\ \ "
\ \ -,-- \ '''. •
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, ' .
• .
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•, ~,, . .•, „ , \ , 0 \ : •
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~.01 ~ ..;, ,4 bf:7-4:.kfrVF, n 7T4 ' s' 7 ' . ;•:;. '••-' ~... - . •:,
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_ __ _.... •, _______________.. __
it A. FAIINESTOCE & CO., Wholesale , Doctor ,G. iUiebhelin •
n were of' White Load. Rod
L I U? ParllZ 4 = we„
and Front streets, Pltho
. X . NFORMS his Friends and the pdblic in gen
burgh'. P. 4.4 ' oral, that be haa remorol hie eke to Penn etroeL Ito.
..a. n. terAta.l re,. yre,e,ryit. en, next to et. Clair Item. ,
P e —Perm. Indebted m him PA • length of UM, ere
itiETSER ic McDOWELL, (Successors 'tO tequettexl re ovate thAr tx 1 Ealm
to 'Kerr A Keyaora:Wholmale - tuellletoll Dn., end -
mtscrlpti.o Store. corner otlftlcalatroit end V trAM eller. E. R. lloore,-M. D„
Phromana . premnptions'earefottlrontatoonded night and
--, au - • • aPeekl attennon XO the treatment of dimmed of tee
ex ÷ Deal- In and child n. mot mute diem/. genemili. i... 11 .
jKIDD & CO., Wholesale uruggasts: elgade god artZtioal dtaramit ()di on Anderson trMeet,
ref in ,P
Dr. Oita. hr. Stnfb, =ell - turtrument.A— r the Hand !Meet Drld g a. and nest door to the Plato
'Elk. of Dr. ArLane's mkt/rated Worm Speolde LI, f ro m ML Allegheny City. Chloe hews from 7tol/ A. M.,
It 'Elk. and Lunn Syrups lio.•th). oornar of Wood and 1 to 3. .0,4 from 7 to 0 P. M. eITS I III _
fourth rates. Plttaborgb. Orders will he easefully mak.
A. Loaddbremrteal with d‘atoteh. 1 - Surgeon—Surgeim and Physician. ,
. ,
a E." SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer lin N.,: h 7,, m 7'"1 0 17,11 1 ' 1 ram .="4 - =,,",t ° ''''''' '''''
1 5' , :1 ' TZ : = l : . l i'llr ,Ot t l k. T ror , :ig - sfL: seta' m ' "a' L — thrzta7.lThllTZZlorl."reg ;I r ec ,
Priem low. perttrukr attention to !MAW. earns. and the dimmed ot
• - woo., and ohlldroo. aplttact ,
4,1. N. WKIILERSHAM; Wholesale Druggist
RM.= ... Urn. '
lIBALM RE TER, Wh . oiesale and Retail
u Drugs:l.i, cor.r of Lltertr .11 StXIAr ob.. Puts
rib, P.
SCLIOON . MATEER & CO.,Vholeiale Drug
en*, N 0.14 Wood R. littaburgh.
• °snot nun/tans— ..... ... , —ord. ton.
0 A.CKBCAN eiiViSfholaside Gfro
•a. Bust Farnishm, and dal.* In Produce. end
(Otoltrgtt Iltnnt.noron Oil Pitch and Oka tn *Wirt .
on hand at Oleo. Karchonte.l . 4l O'itet street, YittOnfrylt
• , depl2:7
W 2 r o . c d ersanti
Petra Powder, Nn.llB deenn.d.
L. SHER, Whbleselo Grocer, Commission
lennHea:mat. endper and lu;4 nt admit of
and Innn rttnett , eater PittO in Psbtoult.
S A3 ,r lU r Elt: r,,4
"" ig,""'`T.tl4:ll'l=ttrgAt,P.l-r*l;ul/&r4e
11111.1. CM.
CE 8. DILWORTH. & CO., Wholegal°
' Growp, P 30.1000 0134 Couunbtooo 310101103317., and
. • a tor Masud I.ololer Co.. 0( 11330.31ri11a 33,00, No.
31 W 00.3
i2ERB> E & INGRAITA, W 'tamale
oommlrision Merchants. tin tiff With ,
strrch and 150 /lent street, littaburah.
.41.11 Y -• MATTILEWS & CO., WhOlesalo
Gnaws. Griumirtion and Forvarditid Merchants, arid
is Nr
rt liriahton Vahan Yana, 57 Water s,Pittabo i ratt.
im.mars. JUN %MAO.
jOIIN WATT & CO._ Wholesale Oroesrei,
Omindadrin Slerchanta, and Dealers in Produce end
iststranth Alminfactunra No. Sad Linerti street. Pitt.
• bu7'gb.. Pa-'
S. CA — NPLEIZTIate of Warren, Ohio,
• Commisalm and Parrardihanierchapr. aud-Wheir..
sale Dealer la Weetam Rearm Lhoree, Batt r, Pot and
Pearl lon, and Wartarn Proton, gerutralir. Water Are;
betervan Smithfield and Wash Pirtatturab.
. 'F. VON BONNIIOBST C 0.,, Whblc
Se, role Glnneni. Fornanlnan and Ckinuninnon
onts.llkninrs In littablim,h hinaufactunn nod liniitana
So. Si. corner of mint inert and Chums, 15...,
Pitnibunnh. . 1
MUM DICER '''''''''''''''
DIC • CO,. e
Ortatalatlea Merchants. atd Deadeye In Prodore
Water, alai 107 Fran street, Inttobaratt.
AINGLISII .4 BENNETT. loth English,
Gallagher a Co, Wlioleathrtirocora,Okauchasion and
°marling Merchant, sad Dagen in Proehae anti Pg.
burgh Manufacture, . IT.lSemnd and va.t. a.
betweea Wood and brolltifald.
n. ' ¢a
M'OILS & ROE, Wholesale Grkwers dnd
Commineskro Ilerebant.: No. 2.1 T Wbirtr 5ir...51.,
OBERT MOORE, Wholeside Oro , or,
' Rectifying Distiller, deader in Produce. Pittsburgh
ufactures. and *ll knuis of Forest. '404 Dosieete
l'l s and Liquors, No. 11h Liberty meet. Oo Lionel a
wry large stock of superior old Monougshela Whiskey,
hich will be sold low Orr cash
OBERT DALZELL & 00.; Wholefulo
ye, litocers, Oinnths:lrst lierebantahAsstlers Proaurs.
WA Pittsburgh hltusubsturrs. N. INi Liberty West,
Otos, _Prudhoe, yorgardlug, suit Commission X
Dt..hldMrtT frY hlstuttsetuirs, Ne; er-
r Vii. BAGALEY & CO4 Wholesale Gr0ear..14...
ear..14... it aul 9) wood sent, eir4w9b
... etu Weetutzel
W 1 K 4 AicCARIitE . SS,. suceessol , to
L.. A. 1.1). RicoWleaccale Grocer., Fora beg
nd Condnindon Merchant:. dealer. It Iron. !init., Irca.
Clatcn larra t and Vittabargb Manedxtura ore. IT.
corner, of Wood and Water armee. Plttalawah.
it.• tOLVIII a =a Coccoatssicar Itesehanta:Deal in Ito.
m, 8.1 Pictoburgla Blutubeared
. Irtirino, 195 lab.ay
stmt. Pitt•barigh..l.2.
',A4,D. MILL! A NIS & CO.; Wholesale land
••nalalliarailr erasers. lkwavddios sad Co - Mb&da
lats,and Dealerain Comas, Produce sod Pittsbarab
%Madams, rot an a Wood and 111121 stoMV.WoWait
tom soacwoo......tsan urn-C.—awn. a. somiia,
AOBINSON, LITTLE & CO., No. f'..55
Marty street, Putettursh, Wboleeals Owners.: Pro.
ace sad Corotalarion Merchant, tad dealers In Pittsburgh
I it R. FLOYD, - *holeesle Grocers, Gotn-
M;el=ll4.7=ne.'edabrAlre74'. I l isV i d " Q. R tiV
sumets, Pittsburgh. Ps-
Jow; PARKER Bi . 6:s.;WheZiecirier,
Dealers in Prsluns. Ferric's Wins., I.lsuors. .00 Mos.
ntnrabe lusi ItsetLied Whisksy—No. b. Ocancorrensi ha,
).iberts rt.., kitteburati•
--- 1 ---
-- JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, 11:ort
ruladon and Vrtrwsr‘l in ~ Mrsths.t. sr:A destss WI iron.
asia..ol.3,pottan Ysr., sad Nttlhdro Mssufturss
gm...mills—No. sS Ws.. et_ and Is Far. IL igt.s.turgh
ri . , H. 3IE LLD& Dealer in Pierwi\friett,
Murk. and Sle. - icel In..trunp-nur e<hool flonti. shrl
tationrr.. Sole agent for Chick...ring's Pis. Ferule. flr
.Weetern Peonsylvenie--1 , 0. ii Wr.d..-
.I)IENRY KIABER, Dealer in Musie,:ll.u
-..kai Instrumnata,..l Importer of Indian htiinors.
en n agent lot Nunes t Clerk's gr•mi eir. l wlher. I t -A.
with .31nrren httarlam•ro- Alm, Ins but .1332 . 1.
bar., of all .1(21[. tr.k., Ism sod gbho tr , hlgur
.! chair, mud Ruing usihr. fluid... out. h.. ..I
Abor oulinr , dour barrri .01 lathing do.: abr.. tn. , arkl
21 blued !mils. le.,
Oflke at LLYPENCOTT 0 Cir., Nn. ILS, Wsrer rt.. Pith.
burgh. ~.jrr
Taos. J. .krnmA... ram,— -Cam armorrr.
_l. nramsfartsire and keep conatantlr on band aft
of Sacks. Brada,and tiparablein Alan , hang, Clout„ and
llob two blu e d Vlour Barrel and Lathink •Nalls;
Copper Nails and TarkE bond Nallc: Copper and U.
Elam Naar.
r. Pattern Maker.' Point.: P. vet, aaeorred
Warehonke :kr M e'er ft.., Pnirbgrab.
ern. of vary alarenor 44 .rh...4.14.
ream Tchae 004 Barthre. Peon 44441. , ,yitteburalt..
nc4 Herr ra Co., Manotartarera of Soda Ash. Marl
ug Porder,
Moriatle Salehnlie Arida Wareham.,
Watra• rt. halo, Few,
TVeamod c. flill—harkk‘er and Dek Prewh
and Amencan Pap, Itamarik. and hordes, 'Window
Shades, Wire Board Print., kr. Abo—Wrione. Prinhog.
and Wrapping Parma, N.. s 5 W 0.4 street. botv.en ton Diginnag allot. Phh.hurgb, Pa.
IMIN A. CAIJOiIEY, Agent fur the ILake
Erte and Mlchigan LIE, to Bray.r and the t4tea.
'opt, (111 the canon of hWstor told Innlthf,hl
Tracu3porterr. by Can..l
(:Kum(:Kum ord
sad For•lnif Ilerchon.e. norm, of Pomooot
A. BROWN would mnst..rehiprettu I iy inform
lity the pubhe that he keepoon band atblortand w thalrpst
r4 , 1•0f the biamond, Allegheo7 6 , 7..
of %rotation blunt, also 4 oultion lihnltar• 11 . 11 r.d., oran•
In lhoron w . 0 1 in the I,Unn.ra
Ithnde oTed without. tho Ina of •
ae-row driver. llosti purehamai the etnck, tools, maid wood
the mbi d net t-tat, moot of Horan, t MeClPliand. am
Prol.r.a Inrukh their old etnnotnet, am troll sa pulp.
110 at 10100, with et , g their duo.
..I,ury, No. 1r W sitswt. l'ltteburgh.
met= • J. A. Mt WN.
OSEPII JOIL STON l'Arzx 11.wrt .(
I..ertkau—R.A.lßßoo.c.runr of Third Arn , R 4 v...
.13.—Lime. RAW. Mortar, WI, ti., fbr
ADAM lIARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, lute
noes 141nbisr,gh, afotland. would regirtfillly at- publlc that be bt a poromarneM praellne , In the
. a . brj u ozotetn .; : . t..nd l i a er canna =tonlttottetrel
tonntstion witb Mtn. etoring and
Eta.-ketuithing In getter:A toll be catti.4 on, at OA COROT
of Tunart eseet and PentailTania Ar.nne. •
EVIELE JOIINSON, Engraver on Wood,
1 , 11110 11,11, (third Atory.) ra.—llior• al
)I(wh.indr,, newt,. of Newrpsytts.Frontl.pfr.T.
idvd 1.(.1.21, to eolorr. evaltrfor Dtriuon.4, ,o
-rel.4,...lAx.wrisuotcl..uttoulslatupe, the tlist
of .rt. &ha et the h.weet prices. j •
- .
Is Establishn.u.nt, Thlnl strut. nr1. 04 . " 3 " rwt
k-h.l, bAsals. Maras Istnlscapan. l'oristdts, Sow bills.
Flillhesels, Drafts. Bond. Cabala. Architectural and gaahlne
Drawinas, Husk:seas and Visiting Card, kr,..0kr. , .^1 or
drawn Cu Mons, anA prinle.l color.. “ssi. or
Blest, In the moot ansrorrsi style. and at tha ronstrsasors
Weipaer,, Buchner & Mueller'
THE ABOVE FIRM respectfully aurloun
t thelr falots4l told thn public gmlnrsll7. gut
preptatil 4Y,34 , . In the first .ti In tbeit art.
order. for L , how Card., - lulu., Diploma/ Clock., [Vaal
entablirbrocot la .1 No. 06 Natl..l .tr..t. iN•lw
11.0 , 1 .turd. un ' , We. tnri,utf
WILSON, Watches, letvelrT,', Silver
VV Pi five. and Mars 17u.1,1, nand or Nit,
POiatt• reete,PMIZI.M.b. I .. 4.—lNistwo. se
.I,v:A :I •
EAGLE MARBLE WORKS, (eota.(kh,.d
1.832) by DUN yrn,KINK. No. 1.4 übm i ..,..,
or w 0,4 grimy ihtbdrtlygb. Monemen_ ,1.4 banal
VsmlisiToolbs, te... )laubsl lime.. GYM,* 4.41
Pia losl, tatrostO bort. sad mid. to order. • i -
X. It • choice soloctioa of Droving:s co MM. I, filo
Wm M.nicsniglis
%I{ILL give special attention to the
Mon of claims for MerehmMs othM4, In Wm.
ern nnsylehnin end Ewe= Ohio.
Ofhee In TiMlnmen hall. oppoalte the New theort lie
hefeenem—John Morriaon, P.o.Platninl
Ewes I.l¢l3mMo. yw Wm. Md.hmellexe,
•• •. -.........
I ONES & QUIGO, ManufactUre. of Sprin
co mot liaising nivel, Plough Reel, Pte..' Plough Wing
Loath %lidtiprinrs, Ilangnorml Iron
&mist, In hinilinsble Outings, Vire Engine La... !
Onftr.h Trimmings gensisilli• carne, of Ilm, and Yrcni et
Pittsburgh. Pa. •
XSAIAH & CO., &gouts for lit
hank's Iran Work', 'Hoop nurinnaitly hand Lin
U[l.lllo at ,err urjora and of AIIP.II9j duality, Bs
MI Snort Iron, rinliKi iinines, tr. ' 11.
& NOBLE—City-Finurir
7 1 Mils, Na 115 Libertr,o_ rof Adams rt.. (Utah: r L
Drughtrisinn:d Maim, Agent. ,514 , g
uglits Slcdsis tomb. iintsnt once, assningof
14111'4 i.TlNTTitr,7`l ,l , ` kl"'",•:tt;;;;;'N'',:rill'l
Marbury street. liittsbnrgli,..,
S, ;CORD. & CO., ,Wholesale and Retail
Manntr:turtrs. and Den3lrithriits: Curtl - Vur4,
wrorr f %run: and Fifth strrott, Pittsburgh. When , 'AO .
oGere full end crgnyloto nock of Huh, Cops v littra. ice., of
ally toe :nl'pd:l44 6 Us.Argitorthi
ally . . assuring them thel tner wilt fun of " unit Inner Itu nD
taweowusinn. •
t)kItI1. ,
DIGIPZ AlerehttnCl',ll , , I hl
• ittld Dealer in Itundr U. ' 1: 1 17 1.11.715 .. •
bLit orr• sad f,.irs g :;,.. l . ut l n= r, i, ,,i f ize S ez :
ead birth atullh,entb.
PA. 3IADEIit-A, Agent for Delovrore Ma
toil P...,retrlnsarrarro boTtweinr.
GARDINER Agen't forYpolain
tr- Ttrilvattratre Company, north nit mon , Wv, oil
axaLTl.l.lKtnorts: ;
IC! " . 214aNN, Base 4
.I) B roT:r D L ß ib l i ‘ rkl ' ° ,,•: ,d tte B n. tr h e at
protaiv..l to do every Lk. 411,41. Ri4J3..y3th
and dunbiliti. .rshwk Nook, ruit4 Wan)" rattan, aud
boundo.l,....raialty. Emit% or 'OOl bot•L•
hound =Aims. or repair.' Na.ta , . polio in Fla 1 ,4 t , m-
Ti... who lasse•bitaling are Italt..Nl roll. Prot.
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding.'
eri ALDWIN, , PLUMER •& CO., haso this
.111 d%, edemei 41 with them Mr. John Lawton. and nth,
li enre It, VAL. public se .1 tcansimht Agent, I hheral
emamierloss, sot k'oritsn l quanr,7l,,,tra i n 8:‘ , 41e of, Arril U. thsl. I V.: 11111imm 1 Ps•
iLheil=ly . _
1.1 OUNTY ,LANDS—CArt. Cues. Nes - Lps,
A...... 7 at, law, N 0.10.3 Thin] et a corner of Mot.,
F. haalou ,tine arranaera.oh, for theNporpone, will
Pi'ocure hooray Was 1, otlireta an] Aolta , ta, their
whlowe .1.1 chilltvo;ao4l will attend to aorother hO-ti
net.,l.4 with the ~,, r tonoat or au, Of it. DePatf ,
meta,‘,lloo,, the l'eplioo ofDap, or thr.;(!ourte at the 711 f of
Wuthloctr.o '-
Drawing, PArapec tive, and Painting in Oil
D. D. R. SMITH ie now.prefiured to give
etV klo rt mal.t. to • f , ll . pu rile in tbe daff,almt bram . lir•
t a drlaghtful .o. at hi,* ro , to, in' Thoocr•- ,unto. A
Atkinson'. mow building, Fir, sttr,.4 tattratu Wood atull
Market surrta. flour! of undrueloot., from 2N in
trtm , rOk In g*.r. Una-4ra andsolme partietalrra mu la
known a, main; (alarm...) •t Tz. roma
Refer to Dr. tiaxsarn or to Ad..11..0n. tatZtdlt
_ . .
Fresh Assortment of Stir'ing
9111031 A S PALMER. daily .rovriving
tban thn C.teru eitaeo, at 11,, ulti
No., 55 MARKLT Snaz.f.
• ~ • • ••••
innate.. Third and Foura atrerfr, Pal sburgA,
..,vonto r. hu rrr,ent Irt,k, of
Y.4/'ER lIJ.VGISO , that h.. , In this so.a.A.
.Tll. pattern. Sr. murk" new. t, •
7;gl 4 l t o h Cnnt
rano. To this a1.”.11,..1.4 of 50u1....1 whl.rn • Incr. IW ,
t.anlw 11,Fake.1 Japrrtytif.o.
W nitunttm tt
of .rehacan and Innue 1.1
Storuge,Shippinc&Coraraisaia4Nerchants ,
laj ll OLE:sila, dealerst Orwericx, Glam.
I:ir y sla
erelneut.t, Plaeler, et, So. th t,ect. 11.13•1
a treet, Cl
Cieh NiTatl , l.ll Old* nn evne/.ennenta
aitYllb for ail eteaeat.ata ane. 1,..e., la the tat • Sun
pert. Lice
ILeflr l .l.. • Ork, Cleveland.
, 1
A heeler. ,nrfaxe
v i,~
Rockingham and Domestic flu ecnsw are.
'V DW ADD : LA KEL !t . n•
(Itnuo4l t:ltur4h (Jatt.lnL., It t-. , r. J
rur eltuututo. '' .. • nubl4 u. ut prutni.l.•
A mung.tent Iltudunvr I.4tnt: ttuntnuntl, 4mploy-.1. 4t4
übl44 u• tn tr, Itt Itt, 44w 4tui trtturovt4t4c y (.4
thr (tar
%tat, Urn. . (9(tonn• 1.41.4 . J1P/4 : (u
F1t.4444 • grrhlytor. au,
,n u ll
ar, au.' artwlr4
rh - 144, 44.1-,C./(.14
Alexander Bradley,
No. l 9 Froc4 britrcen Frrot und Secnnd :Is
11Als.:UFACTORER of every do.eripti,rt
T I 4.f r 90,11 , ,, 414.4 I 11{, 1,4.41 pm. ,
14,144. tml m • al p444Jer the, Nom,. 4.44.444eP0n
111.4444-1.4441:140K vnlth vll , t. 44 f.”•,.,
Jm4,llt 14.4,44). r.:44•4•4.44,11, , h1:144; &KV Park: P4.4.44T. I v.
Manrc il•oluta,r• Prn•lLil4lSl4•4l. pilan 0444, e.
attmativn of dealer.: N.G.. purrnsmlns.; 441•• her
_ mY•S
Pittsburgh Oaa Pipe and Tube Works.
riNtiE undersigned hove Jt.t c.appli.ted grit
1 are now mastafecturley ~1 /LA 1.11.3.,
Ir.etlie and Pawl' Fluw. yterl .11
filth they otter for et We ea , pr,c.• They 4,.
• ems...l,w
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
GLON:ER, fElt - &. CO., Iitt,I.RIETOI,
Tlil §UISSCRIBERS, Ipiving been tie
pointed Agents for the ants, nttnteil
nrep constantly ou hand nitwit of thenelrhrat I nobs.,
Flee Ilyrk-Cr noble Etre C . it/ ennee I tear, ne end Ina
They ftre Men prepared to reenvt• °pier, Fo - I.lntrAs
F, .
lawn. In gin, and ettatte to pur-hneer• ente• •Inal
tetitroctiptly tAlotit
We do not deem nereettner ...numerate .'he nun., tont
vantage. the Unbent Vi re ore. •Il other. -hat.
bare been orrrr.d urle, Lotted A. their 111,
norlty being •.p knn.n u, June.: nil perettn• rho
B nnt
tiro rien. The proprietor. ha., A...minted that Me.
Brick 'that! In.. moot of then {tree:tot enotenit
And that no elns to Ite :pare, 0. tusk. thont
le.tter than the, Inter t.erettifinte let, t• otti,
extattlivlttnent now ntanutaetunnu
(Meta fnaat ~,, ;resent!,
• W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
Ntijirever t.• nny trochee eiee Pittiticect.
11 RICHARDSON, 1.!I Mark,t xtr,t,
Kilo Agent NI. the above mimed. Lever leiitchi.e.
cueranter ...elicit each Wittch:
by Repentane. to lb. Admirniti. tt 111 Ct..
nometer n/ Watch Minotactu.t, 45 !twit rilcatei ttie
Certillea ilia the a...impel° In,. Watch.
wileractitil by me to be et my wanuiectari...,l lei. at.
with my name 'gem it Is I,l:lUita. eciicnitiaciet , t 1
ciettillcitte tecarieg L.) •
I wiierantee the Watch • U. lieep time it.. iat
Intact...l the giurctineet. NM hi
Whit ti
L.II•AVE erri.ED up, Un the Now York
piano n Tory or.orlor 1 , to. r4con. o, ro• , or
. eorfoin 51,41+,1110, ,
u r flo.6ontoblo porlor, otol bovo ,
moot +lapeziormoor... Satoi ..... 1:ro.tolo,
Frooch r. 1•1 liormau Dimwit laonor. Eoa,t.
)(Among. Chlntseo. Turkel Itnlikooto, krloor, 1/On” ,
«very kiwi, Lao. tureolno twor«fato , oiolo %Nolo, Dol.
Ixrot of diflrront wrolth, 17oft000m ,haerent Po.oroo
and at, le, Door Moir. Wool ow 114oti• aml Shodoo.losmoo
Dordor , mot !Noel, Carta.. Too.ol
(lotl. ml %V01...0, .310t , 0.
Lemma, QIII/G. FIP.I
Coonforto, Matron., Rods
All [book folly r0c01,./ r e,nuetit DO,
W No1{1.1:.1 bOO ,r , ot.,
21,1 I b/oartl. AL, tr, tn JAZIOn
Altd GU pArt4 111 , Ino o—
etnekr 1-.1,10 ..old•os nt! 1111 l nolo, 1..14 da...1
• .
J. Wilgon & Son.
Inf HO LESA LE im,l retail tnallufte.otti .. 4
relit •nel J+ leer.lle llote Awlvl
Wuxi Went. (herd Inelekweleineenneni Cp ) N.
burteh—erleeern the, off, • full xnel no.nnirtn mt/Into, elnt..
snel llt e.:•14 a their neere. nun I•teern note tetneture . nt eve.ry
wlgile+Nl. sr.l r 0.1.1. 0 Ins,. ll+
tra'tTn}";:rltlirwirdorlV:lll7:llthrn!;.l',ln'anr"' ".""‘
J.P. ...RAS . Co ..11,9 0 , 4:11!..
SIALITLEY 6. , COLO; ilSi, Coal fsierchnittB
Lod Ikt.ab-rn ,i, Dry ,i.... 1.. 41, ,,,, nkn .. i .04 Sul
..nro.vr n01.1.1,:z1 inn., .. We.shotkwu.n 'iurnrilo. Item
'" , •••r^^ "',' 1..1.•
For Bearer County, an.l adjdeonf
LOCATED JN TILE 1140101;011 40. NEW 111l1011TON.
ripuE SUBSCIIIIIER, having been lonated
r a. for some MP rrxtrp rwt lo the toorinhlng 1 1 0moglkor
100 , llriahron, and 0.0.101 1, wore thou tarlyr year. pot
In theTdally of the eame. otol during that time bigot ,
• tenllon t han ban ... ... &Imo, -seltoovely u. Lund Age,
elm For the anronroodetion of the nobbe gen-rolly" he
ha. opened an Air.. In lite ar.reanid (.ii nal, on
Broadway atm., near 11, larl of the 0..0 doring
mt. for
nutty i,.g f per
Thore at. now number of valuable lots and Bur soh
donee. In llie I,rougle and neighborhood, tor ratan Now
ratesTil, awl .roy• adranla,oua.
101.,11 ..nurning,l into. and no Pro ,rty
will be °tiered nth,. the title I. hrlircatable.
purcl,,ving v., 1.1,, nail LI call nod
essaiine for tbenyonlvo, BENJ. P.. 1,11 1311.110F1111 ,1 ,
• , 0,1L -.1m L._ 10,0 I,talo Agent
FilB Watches!
A FEW very nopenor (void Patent
4111_ 1 V " e 4 1 1. Trz_"inty
uno out.t r .:nuble ' frell c.
.x.rareatt..t l'ationo 0,60.10 Pan.* a • .. ; 1
JOS 11.81CILARD114.0. 13. Mszkat
L nltllevery hnur fremlbe earner of Slstitet and Fourth
streets to the Oardaxx. Pew:LP/Ivan% Monne, where there
teanhoixe eollectlon of Plante, ttettilmou*r
rao ß tTettl'e l e'=t 2 eUt d =tirle a t t ' " . e7gtr,
'Dahlias. Phlox, Anth hlolotne. emotion., he., lei tale. , 4
• order, till he taken fee Allele. Dwarf do, P.... Cherry and
Plum teen.. Quince and Plibert &ampe Sin, Uoonotatre•
rtes. Currant, Stranberries,•ae, Shrohbexy, Shade yea%
teem the Hifi Nuttier), tledent directed to the pt.
t to~
printer, thatelgh the Pittsburgh Poet Odle, lolha
, l;enntgl l v i r,..: 4 ,,,mor Me i !. Dalselre;
't."l 371VR=LI,
81*- °actuante and 1111.11bery rlantAd aqally to order.
Fall Fashionz. • ,
HATS, CAPS. AND u&DrEgLwiiiit).
:11 ; WILSON& sok, No. 91 Wood Bt., At
" G (Hord daarladow Diamond labir.).vezzkt ha
le the a ttintion o f their metamen and the public
to their large 'McMinn which they are bow ritaatviblt to
their fornieratock tit Gonda Thy aatortettazt avnalste to
Cart of the bete style HATS. lately lotrodaeed, and which
are to ,err boleti raintlred for the n betiott: and aTztH,ZI
together wi
th great variety or.tajt... , py i Tt r te
fir mr lo
avd Si ye: Bilk 0,,a..:71r:1111178it Cl
aadillazol ltAlee. or almost all deeeriptienA gaucy HATS
wirAPS forebildrro-cortared at rat:aortal:le prieg+ whole'
ealeand retail.
AiretAttlif.S . ITU, viz: black ao.t HaturattLfirci
p u toh. lli , nvet and Covey stuvrs; Picot ance
itirrelVACTOßLvin and titlYYrkldievateezrlHhildreree
• • • Samuel Gray,
11 AS just returned fro th ' New.Yuar. and
Pnu.snet-Pinn. snel,tr•recolring • leplendid lot of
II s fur the PNIIItud 5 prnpsrni to
mate up to °Wee, in • ntyle .looh anent be stm
t....end In the eel..rn ctn..
14. htInunu Cool and fishiotublo garmeni.s.•lll
MI It tie their nelrantagn to One, hint call. ennkit
VVE t have i just recoiled this beautiful
4 7 er :J. W,V.74' P.' k eit' 7° ''''' ' '
duos worm') a Ell., ~7r0111 2 2;41 Wert .4 ,
. Penn Glass Works. -77
r. tottiar, TOMO. WINITIArt.
1 011.ENZ WIGIIThIAN, (formtrly of - the
Ural of Writ. n.-Clullr o) 3.limursetotlra of all
knat s, BOTTLbS, and WINDOW OAS.
Wafreand Front gr... Pittsburgh. Pa.
N. 11.—ParUradat attention nald to raid sites of Window
Obtaa and private mutt Ids for Bottles at /meld
b. W. Feine; 'Professor of Mimic,
EGS knee to inform the citizens of Pittr
j/ burgh "and Allegheny. that be will now eonnan,
to .rare Inatrtiallotts.on On. PIANO 1 , 011): and VIOLIN.
on refdatuddlotrroma For forth, tattirotars enquire al
11. alusioditoro,Ny. lid Third strart. riga of
trl 7 .aolden Ostia. y mloU
New Chocolate Yaetpry.
LilG. N. 01A11110N1 A CO. respecrully in
form the puhlle ULU they are new tonntlfitcturtog
COO LAT of eltry quait .4 TU. Chccoh44.
Pu fl
lit o e must E
utbra µAd lo•re,l y
I , Irt p meted Ind, end ut.
ault4reinl. end h.q.• of finer treeur, more putrid°. .4.
uhoim444. Sig. 0. & Co., having born proprietor, of nue
f 014 larerst l'horolete menuba4orik In.itdp 'enure the
ankle e. 04)1 pot t.
et m nr. Gd
50,4116. (Sled. :r
MIM" rrj
Co. Voarthlt., up Maui: nett door tO the Mayor's 0f•
ST. CL41:11 HOTEL,
(Formerly the
Corner of Penn and Se-gtairibbeeta,
•rrrrastraan. , •• • , •
'pins Apueious, coltral..und moat converli
-44. ena, 11.0174, hating been xoloWetell is
not it:mist:6ly repaired end issproren, ts now
' ll4 'iL k'r egrer ' ie . .re=t ' n ' d " ;:t hr prita h rfi the or. CLAIR
'.711.11TL, roper tfollX ' inorm. his 'friends mai the PitXlie
'that he fornithor It to the nowt ele emit and eionforta-
Otils style ...!onpoloyed rosopetent ...Warne and attentive
end littldia. servants. and that. he will mars, no exertion
to make It equal to any h... in the rohnVY •
Th.. well Inman centre/ 1....kaa of the llonee, and oun.
U..tllwr to
I~Ur..tndar.e him
,„..ti., n.,,11. 1 . tor It !arr.! /ars of patrons"
C. W.ClOiShrr
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
stc. A. WHITE .14 CO. would re.
)--_,.. r e.-tfullt inform the puldie that they lure
e a shop ort Lannek, Inta seta Federal knd Mad naky They Inv vow noikina and are prepared to metre
velem to. ever, downy:al:int , vhicles, Contd.., talarlote.
Bantodera Unxpk.s. l'inetnna. A L . Le.. which, (mot their
thr * ZlTlZes to tbe!r 4 ttlo I " 74 ‘' Lia l T;iltfu t rtTier fare
shin] to do •ork on the nowt rnisistieble .rent with
lot wantinx artiehe in Owl, line.
1 . 11 , 1 , :ix istreaupn to the on led 1.56 of material,
and nog woe out entopo.nt worlinions It, hate pa
!mutation in warranting then work. WellPnwfore ask the
attention of the paid= o. U.d marta.
lien:wring dons to the Nat manner, and oti /tat
awed reawns.l.lo term..
Orb . ado . nes ! thindstones !
IQuAN, WILSON . & cO , No. 129 Wood
A lawn.. vil 1.. tutu W, lit outhilevturrea prior, gmt goo
{we, any we , r ii. belt Maritita litioJth.utee, aunt par.
thette.u:srarir adapted. fur 11, P.M.. , tht.... 1-- aotit.r ,,
A full naortto , rit of Mali .l alwaro 00 hatal r - "i
auc1.5 , ..1 IAkiAN, W1G160371143. 1.;...
A FALL FASIN.C. FOR .18,51,...
1 WILSON kSOKFtsnioNkuut Ilan 0
ay . —l4O. 91 Wc.l suvelt. Wouid remPactfialf inaltatto
nlenkr, of thin costornra nal 13S+ pattlla to Um .!: t.
hTYLL Ur LIAM% .b.kii 1,1,,r
, M111331.11.,* asatiatuviel.
the 16 th int. , I ..- wall
Sinie 0/.WPTOOf,gT eiini6l7lt... ' --
IT VHF oub,, , eril4er, liU‘ttflg u,thlpikell loin ea.
li, Labb..hrortn Er the preyaraElou . the .bon neothi
pLula. war th., .1,14 of I orAntiLl etrwc.. • ia pre.
rnl u. turnithl,,:thr,weh: hu .4. .ore. rat, dry , c....
urouu.l In ..O1 , • . . J Ali K.% C 0111,
I J A 11.1.0,7 Ihvgont...,,rtent 1 1 ; ,, o,1
11 1.• II In ‘;‘,.. 0r1.1.4.1., I.ti 1.,1..-rt, •tr , t,
II I . Apu n
tAA/A. F- .e arral .1
ISILKIN"..,, So. Lilorrty mt..
i , 1.4.1 ref 41.4..1 Am, trytt.o.ur.b.,J,...
1 , 1 1, -
1 ; 1=
~..414. /1,4rt,11'a,..1,.nib5,1.4.
i"L ":-'-'''"':-.-.',
ST lITUR i . .
V Impart,/
._ vst 1,44 It., .. .•-. .
, ..
.• , • 1 ...i i i
. • •
, —•
liarmar t lark S willay.
Jndg dales J , .tis !tom,. IA
Ishr, CA•ci 11,,im0•
l'ittnAurgh Rant x
. d.
.1.11. p.14..n1..”,er,14.42. 11111
Wlla Slc 11.•. n car,ut. nn
fin sa
J,. Unsling. U I'
bun,tik 116.1 . i M Prott.r.
is W irrxteful .r v.,'
niato.n ,;an In IGLFritt, ha.lng te.
L4.rt nth] lutes•utrcutarl Yrar, .P. Lb.
•11r., t...aror w rynArt out. fanlivn hrry.Xlir
fArtarwr. 9,1 Thircl .Ir.tot
J ' , V •4 , rt-otrevtfully Inform.. (mem,. 41.1
hay be tenv. "1,71Pi.r.i (LI lar,nt 111
ml plum, .14
...ea,. lAA
wor Ittap-h. go. ti.”..1 nos mrt
and tn.. 04
ne and 1.441114 tn
mnaufartnring. hn 4 41.0441 te. wierrantent 110,0
/In ha. wlnple. p r.. 4044.4. I.4.oltetna th.
.0' wall b... 10 I.nn 'a and ....Fa.
a 1.., th..grrah.ot nn
...n 1. 1. . 4 014..... At
turtinu... Itnen and MC.
natly. dolt • 1.44, ne any pgrt el one, 1a
furniel.nel tn.= I, hem...1...W..1 ...pre...4 to
onlit .11. thervltern 04104 0.11
tonmenfl.l......lloannot at 1.4 kn.., The t..11...1ng
401..1 h.• en... whist. fr.r nebten....4
ntyln and Inki.ll ralanatn. •.01. 4 -. lb. Esate.rtt
I.rivr, tl.t.z. •Avl 1..1 n•no •Evorv, 4.1 ...or,
v....1, v , of rv••••••••1, mativrat, nd •
FA,Art•tb••• vya•tv•tvk• mv, vl •••ry
Could., TrAl•-••••• , sAvi Ihwyng
I .S .
Artrrat 2‘ bel.
Isar. int
1••• k, r.rv..• Laid, Uork Tslvlra
an.l Ant.] lax... mute- tv•rtv
r•••••••••I and wt. 10 •tvl .
s,,,l •atemum 12..1 L. 2,2•••• all most imprvt,t,
A.A.1.•11. 11.•1•••,..1 usmiv; :ant. PrlaLluk• stvd
~Irr tat., •ardro.• of vsela •
•••••rmout. 1,4.1 smi rativr rr• - •,Awn vio!,
rAtvmai••• •••I •••... •7•1 1..44 c.•••••• I•b•n.,
v•A•I •1•11.1.. •••I utio•At• rn.
msol •vi• for ,hlll.-v •.•••..•• •••, , •A
Amßhzan. i,••••••11 , and lislal.l g - •11J1 •1•••• ••• ay. Ar
11..f,ritpri.l I'vcaniv, 5 ,, I W1,...?p0r
Trank•r• nuppls•Al v illi Ali •rtle.4 In Llielr
et . ortobbat. stt.l •Iv-vtert runirve
A 10 ' 0100,0,1111,1, 010400.0: tio ,
The only real New York Plumbing Eotab•
VIVIVEItE 1,4 amtio on
.n.l 1.441111.41 1 ..1 1.11 1 .114. 111 /111 1...chr0.
krif. twatt....3 .11,3,1•
Irnth. Iltt, el t, T.. {l.+
1 1 .. 14 ' e1l : . tin
1 ..1•~~~nrt 1•~~rr~lu .111 Ir L W I t•i .
19: TlOt L it'l. iA', t.'. i'l rnt nl
/..1:4•••••• 4r.:1 •
. Ha: a. ilanum
ra,mana fr.m taa iaaaa mmu tar. 11”...../Mia... am.r1.11..
meta awl b, 11 IMINI , V . :N
- %Vat,
E, amt... al (MA: 41.1 maw,
ranto hh Ynrts
Pala. mon in., dente itarmlorth.a.
1, 1 !. r ESTERS HANK NOTES, nr lowoFt
lllrk rat.k.skil Illahoot pr-miu I aid for Aomki
E., tun,. 1,) H. KIN,
,kll knkkr k Votirth',.
Fjkg•Nit.—V.reoust• .."I•rant., Pap,.
LWe 1., •: 1:1 1,, :•41.. 1:1 by J..
I.y it. V..
• lob Mu, Feetery
1,1 Inlle dlngle Steele Piper;
" . •
1dn11141.11 acid Sing.. Cavern Aug.
The undertrigtvel kerre ennetantl, nu hend end
.V.e.—Veltiug of .11.1 w, Inr rn.rtnenut&eturrre.
in.ele enlre on obntl j n.A.2.i . TA ,„
foh24 wryly/y . O Penn and Irene era.
Patent Candlesticks.
• No. cool Il oc ,)“1, 7)770), ncycuoccr of
ruck'. 11 n.. artlele. nt To , n , nt much In flume, nod • Anal
impr,,z,n.ra 1,11 tile I cl 1411, mlocb (1.1, public re
Invl.l G, ral nll4
rittaburgb. Cincinnati and Loukville Tele
Et -FEW SIIARBS ~.fthis Stock wanted nt
lb. Excl...n (Mk.. of
jrll A. WI LEM'S t 00.
PROPEILTI—A bvgatn will i tztg2 lun
VA ." th
al Beard it.
ING, OCTOBER 18, 18.51.
'. . • - ••• • - ••• ag
13TOCK5, . CURRENCY , .ABIIH ' N at ts;i \ El IT ,$.. BUIt 1 . 1 GAZ.3..TIE 1
-7,- - - ,-_,. -•- -:-
- .7-7. --- - • - - - --',---• ' . (Co4thhetEh 11ih1L1L3.1.41.1 . A-9 1 / 2 .! f \4111.IFI'1.11,!1 .
• r ' A Card. • -..-• '.
" • Ti in ft/S, uns Well 11.• fitter' foreflection:
, have removed to our storerooms, No. • t
._. ''‘, it. L \neolino'of.the follOW'lng - article,"iiet. ;
' I Martel •tre..l. neat Liberty. who'. we Intend
,lISPOILTED FOIL Tile : PITT2111.)11111(enhx.1.:"TIT II N",' .... .. •.. 1,. . 'a• ' .". 9\ ,
p o lunda'consplete aneortrunt of ouvro and our' \ A 041, .41 - %7 ear., . The sectional agitatiOn • th .1 0
A. WILKIN S &L a,: ss, . .. ~,..,- - ..,,, •
• ems, &snow of Pont oil some, e•reluteunruthi . 5
STOCK AND EXCHANGE . '" . td*.-g s: , ,A \ .. ec i,,..,. .4 s. i.. 0, committeo vf those . ". w ci . ,l
"Isorth IS th legnantate fruit o \ the writ:,, , i t i ll .e
• mr , oit .r•nthe of .rea r defer... tranc....,
null eleth old bud line., nlodur blots and tele,
Wit <olllPleta. with Erutl9.. -ell , "'rm.. 9116°1.1. J - I.9lliNkal Or MAR/CRT AND 71111I ( ‘i•,01;10, \, ,1 '
Tallety. .., .t. ~ ' nrie,lgnie ter t lettletres W C ..e. of ',4.Tnin , ~d
• eddltion to the above, • . keep remnant ly on hand a t i ,
enffse Of Ind. Rubber , maehlne belting. boU, steam I ~ Oh-ruca,.. la - 1:•:1 4 ..4 , 4 6 1. • Mer./.ly err ence,*4 who ire „. continually
9g.11.23.1, flothlnoe, gehtlehleo 9 oboe., . , . . •
ot, Ondals wad bo•klu of all kirrla, and every other 1 0 .
-` '. 1 11 ar .1 4,.. 1 . • •\7 'o,' , '4d t° 'e 11" 7, "ja°,•'" 4., 1 , °1 f u °tail it'
•-• e nnoint...4 of India 'tubber. under that ] e• I
Mum." - ..; . 5
_,... a \ nolaugeced..,by the tlemego , gueiamOsid:the ex. Is . ,
.04. f lit 'filch we ocn • a.- erk.SS.,,SV•L'fAVEA...' I.
UMW ststsit Tx.- • ii - , .1 - . 1 ,- W, -- 1 -1 3.. - iTY4ii• •."
, .. • , O
Produce . Do. ' 5 . 6:- .-..... DO 1 , 1 , )4 .7 • 6 7. 'if. ' d. roe* akiile. yule. , IZl ' a,WhultzT hzult(ltus uvututtr \,.
1 . 1 1 / 1 71. 2) TE11, ,&.. CO.,
l'crowylvattlan'a...- -...... leo 10,11.5 105 ,1m.J.J.:1 , 11, , \ ,
Do. 5 . • • ' " - lOW w; 95 Int. Feb .9.9,..4. '
-Allenly 03. 6.0 ' \
'4471 .4 1:4N AlMterioll: , :''. \ • •
• •
' DO. eau. l's.aorn. T , • V """'''' i l''' . \ ••• 4 .. he woi'et\earaziies`ef tl33,union ei•d\lhose ''•
i'o-hl 31 ISS TO N II 011 SE. • - •. ---- 0... •-• e0up,a..... io. ot: 9 ' • IV I ho lo dent netretrerate their iitivotion to 1t..,x.7- t
oo , ,
._ o x0 , ,,,...0
ve. .
~ .
.ou r,. ... too' :•• 1 se i,, , , i 11.;* '',. '.•,- ' ".. _,, ••••••-.. ,
. :• 7 ' t
- es - -•- e0u.09. Phi1...103 wilt a• . '\' t 0 l• . \''.l'... ) • C 0 nub Moe An the 4.rtithis.l erery syllt4
- .RAILDVAD Tit...Oß TO THE Pool:.
, e .,0, 1 . 147,, ,;,,,, , , , , .. ~;..;,• 'the Corp ing semence..4l.l re l lo s ice, S tidy"(
tisort, fi11 .. . eAnceB •SIADa On CoNsIONUKTers.
.. th leere o l+:ef oo
vOOO . h o l k azort itAili. f , , , ' , , • •
r„., l i , : : :i r' ' ' '‘ ‘ ' ..„ l" o -` 4' ). ' •
it 11
c h ,, k oli t
.. m e PhoLuxe.F9 flew
, 6t4 a . 4 0 •11 , 1 t ,. r A t i, tu d t1 ..1 1 3 . . 8 4 , 1 ; \ lit
.;we '1, ,. " 4„,„,.. ,„,,, ~,,,„,.., ,„ T r „,,,,,,,,,.„,,,,,,, , Allegheny Sarin, 11.1.1,
.. cnkyp:
47,,,n0u0u0:inr..z.z00::„...,.ii0:‘, . :L. , :::. . , ,. :
hi.....71 ,... h ., :::„ ..,, ,:.: ,,........
~,,... •
\',„ (t 101 l don I cted iteylf . ol:beitietlie foremost
),,,,,,, „ 0 „,,,,„,,,,„,, „,,„, r „,,,,,,. ~,0 , ,
1 , ,,
, D ,
j“ ,1t ,,,,, ,
‘ ,..1 o u t Rioltirt 'tie onemielco4 the. Valets who, ~
tida: V.te di , eof istuntipg.ttiliedevotion ..
salt 10-- l
.... -Northern 'Jarman.. .. ~. ._ r„,, i , ,-„,., i .s , . ts.,,it,,halse be . si nog this,Wzoit batz.ftikagita- f
Ottlent and c. ht of 51,-1.11. , Ilaok: .1 . a
.• e . Dank of Saltituor, .Willi... Port ue.d,to "vs IL _ . \, u , togettahel,hAkti rs f the.thhlie tall :illy. 1
" - C,otufnurciat A F•noeu' Bank. t SLTUWIII, i .. LL1....a •`
• ' hid'', . • ' WOrtern s limysimi C 0..-• ' , ' 1 ., hi,- •rili v -4,,,,,4 tee th f e n C°.111401414 6 ..*14 . 0 . 4 4/ 70 $ ' "
--,-- -v----••• - • ' Citizens . Imetrwn,
, a -,•::: ~ w., Inc. .`..,....5. 50 l there we's s el4 s etra d erition oong..tbeup-
Chartiera Coal -, , Awoclateel - Fireman. o.'
... .
•,, 9,.j I'lol null \ taw"... fl ag t .of t'll s t, ,arties4hO. f
. . . I ,
IR (11. - 111TIfIRS COAL ,CONIPA:sIY I , ."=" . I‘ ,. ~,,_. ~, „ boo ~,. , Au ve efeWe nut diffeyt .in regiett
s r"
t h' a s 1;;;;;:iiIT I I ~.. '- • -•d' . • , •• toll
„._ . „ • • -
Pz - e..1.FhTd0;Z:r1:,7,1',..,..:: 7. :1 - .4. , : i gt..• w, ~, 4 ., . • .... , ...1 ~..,.,,,,,..,,,..,„.., ~, 11 . 4 , Pa of . 4 e 4 eN t f c A - q.) 46 4 their ti.
...... 1 . 4,5 .' 5 ' I.' ...."' '' 45, 5... ,Iforttestsl.netic ...... ...... Co . .a. 0 .:. \ •.•,\, . . o D 051... Cu' , .N. l .l.r.lilic cc c . ,: 44 P04' iiiC , 77 - 1
s . P r n i',..9 ° , , it r ° lll=l l. 7"gn,",`,;',.;;;;.,`",, n ,!.. poi alien.. aliO”Aik+i .. ...1•., L . .., ' , .illfgljt ,it,lo etTept,", Ala tin rielrink•.naitest , ,
f's ' :: - ..„ " 1..::. , .,.. ,- i . ..,. ' ,01•,.it . . P. 4 '. • • ed , 1 6 % , ftr. 11 tOs itu/ i . O em a t f aPY , 1 1 1 u ,
i 1. .., .. th i,1 11 ,,, , , , , ,,, ,, , , ,.. ,,, t7, „ „ „, , , , ,-, ,, , , ,.., , r ;;,, ,, ,,, „.L,, , , ,,:. ,,,. ,6 , ,M0
i !
, P 10 t 0 t 0, t 70 5 : 1 ; ., ;, y 7_ , ,,i0 nc t0 , :; , ,, a ,...0 11 t, .0rk5- ,0v00. . ,
. ' ,..,„ Lrf „. !."." . / r-1 . y.a to. e . .
~.., ~ t. , . .,, ,
1.,1 .
. i.
04„ . ,e , ,,,, 14
I ' *9 h
9. ..r ludo, tltenm . .. • 1, . , - , , 0 •Vition,,,tlaton'iqi It, .4 • eon 4ellltki, , pri ' d 1..,
tate l = l n•l:cit, ' , l' is.s l ...9lr the Lake or I,nur reon .....I.Pq 9'l 99 . ' 41 • tent \. -
.., • 1 99.' alt '9 9 A 1.•'...: .••• 7 .." ~0 9, 1 0 . ~I at, ,fu o illetinef do .red bir,l r , .li:tett lead' ~.. i
' [ht, (I.,vereitor Sewa,r - Nany, her \ old Ito.
ri5i...,140.i12P1111;iiii.•.°71,1*0:70::"..."-.'05t'5"::..'0.'1:•:.'t."..,71h I ' t ' S : ::,- " e ' e l' r • l ' lli . . !'' t : :Jt •- tl l s '.' it : t "- it '- ' s r I I:. •2 1 b• - • it's . ez • f e r lv i d 0 i ,,,, , ti0n arr9 , cm• r \ c o w),
,t r .l . 4
toginerr, st,woun amt us, Co,. ot the Mononga. T . 6,..•• • • ,, ,TD- ?••,•- i i,•• • .D: •••. •'••• . . 4m, s owed to.regaittitachufid nee bruniet afs
TtiwlAA MeELItATII. E n 11p99 1• 9 ... 19 . 99 •1 9 , - .9109• 40 . • .
resseient e. c ts, ~, ,,,1 iv.,,, , , 1 iti,,, : i t rwl -iRe. ..11
... „ • , . • the\ : nein itlecusite anke, en ~..lifttlelnsf
--.------,- - --s-• -
• . PalkGoods.• Attest. X.,llolrYlretlloPlt I : •II,• ". ) . I - 9 0,1 there W0131•1 \ _ t.,1119W\ 41't.1,\:, - L up ,
0r t .,,,,h5. Ton:mite itii.• ~ 50 , ._ ~ .... . , i, !, -on , to sur • ,
• GRPIIY A lIRCIIIIELD, Northeaot eb,e,... owl f..... •-•- ..• n. ai I \ :th i n . Date 4 ••'1 `4l t ti, o. •• • \o,
corner of Fourth and 11.ket vrant. have rinf'd mem
'rm. Merino, black Mid toner uds , . WWI , . Ms' 1,,,,,,,,..,,,, I ,„ .p oeiii ilio, , demagogue&Whe•• te e ciiiikihg.
d7:'..Yl'l.6'll: " ."' ''' ' g'.ls.67.4r.t"l::s.sCW''"::'C'''.th.:''''''ldit'' 7'
. ' In N'''''' .er ' t ° h '.° l7....' '''' ‘ '.. . " . l: : g r... ''' : '' _ ': .:. :.1 .... 2 .! ..1 . '' .755 . '... ....... ' ' ''': - . . * , '''''°l- .. - 7 '14 •; '... e 6 en . tl .'o 7 1 . 1" L' O ' ' ‘ I;III : CV .X TI U " 4I.S4I .•, 'IS /" ' 'reis i . 111 1,P 1 5 64 5 7 ; to , • d ull i th n l i
thou.' Pupal:in. Bleck and FarVey
N 9 r 99 " . ." 999 9 " - - - -•• .- 9 1 ' tea ; .. •I\ Re ale if eontienak
, disaentl ‘ ts, and to keep„i i 7 •,
. . D0ca41311.....p 0 ur phud /Le..., Inio City •
b 1 lo,og and ' 1,..
~... ~,„ ek,
.. ~. • ~,, an nic eni\nf 'parq , , , that \ ery, ef.:idatiou ih•• •
f o r i tu b or ' o Weel k isl.l !MAL. klureaa .... .
ehawln. nemenN. 11.- . P 4 ". " .5k a r ' s ' , " 1 " -, - - .i, -•,
' " \ thlw by ocriDcally yrifees . todeprecale. ity
net Illbhonr. Nock Itible.u. .
,t 11.7 'the' • ,iittblia s 'nd. to \ talm \ dela.;
' . Newlin Warkwil IN.ltarn. own- .I•l art •
J•nonct. Main, Thi•.l. 1.1.10 k f -vain do., i, ,,,,„ , „,.... . ii , „ , ,,,,x 0„, .,,,_ .
..,.., ~.r . , . • ill 4 wo o
not\ permitabee , it o l hie' diesel*
„,... , . y . ..,
• 15...y0rn0 Art. 0000491 to 101 l anal look. on our lug. 41,, 1 , ~, , ,a„.7
.• '''' - ' 41111 the C utimmise torr h res• n.Orinciple;ito .
• hone... noom. op gal.. '''' 2. eible ' tra -- ; • 4 7 .7:11; ' ....
- -''' • *".
1 . .“.: ' ''.'i no\tie it, who thr).• Wern, . 'nett". forego °Oa
. Splendid -Instruments. ~,,,, L.
eilton, and dle would el:treenail:am, when there
. LIE - aultner.iber he', just received I proide 1 1 :,: . ;1, 1la s , • -- -- - - i i ..;' l , ~ , . it
opportft ity to nibi.)ridi opposi(hin, and , ,
et.a.very ehnlee aehletion frill...mum. ter "fhno• , 0 ,,,,r.j .
„_„_,„„ .
_. ~ .. ,_ •,, . tnifetove thttte tkeublesotikkkatielp (Fern po
w art, 'atm al., bp pentium. New, Rork. Arn, sib I ~„„,,,,,,I„. 7_l
L I ~, I
„.''' ~
a efilaanificetzt rationed raven Wave Unita'. Mau,
........ . :.,,....
~„ ~ , _. • litlce mat tidy. .k we horn. ~ ,•
~11r )td \ diald4, they
•nr . „ ss ln i n . f , te/. 5 ••. 00 Th.f . :. 1 .., 0 0 . 5 „.„.ti1d b r. 5 ...., „„.„,' . . --_,....._ .- -, ....= = ,,, r .-
_,•,-_:..-....,-__-, \-_.-,_._-
~ Rantesi\gitatiOn, a , tberefOrikgley n'Ciefilltled .
WA al- Neer lark en., the Minn ton.' and mostratw- - PRIOR OF COPPER STOCKS. \ . croa. de and gav no respice. the . tli.,ClIlCe.
ul Ural% Pomo. Yet ....tor. In 51 2 l• with Ith . ch'it Was con noted. Ihe•kme bare
1,••.. •rehal v01,41,1.,1• i, num*, . - I="se; 1,1. 1 ,4 lo tbc 111cna Itnelbacnce Anf...1.0 , k Foul . . . d i *
nu:woof etc,' •arlay ef style .2 priw. . - ,s.
Coetwe ;Mien Men... in our . I berate ju eta, Incur `A
It. KLEUeIt" , „.„..,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, ?„,,,, \ nisponsibtllty than they see ea/hild for, il,
the. of tto nom, No. / , '/.. 2 4 We'd.
h. The. 01.uvo Isino• Isiiios bro.. arlotted hi the ' 0•0,1. .l a ,, .. have ,sloneko damage' the Unions - than \ 1
' . 55 ,e ' 5.5 U 9......"" " .9 " .. " .. "` k. 0 " .... " . ' " ‘ l 1..1t0.1 et wo , „ ,c,,n th„..i..... ~..00.- N , 10 iSIJI. km . the ' fanatics., , f the North d,South co
, kine , \
h set bitrit.M. us on) our I..rougbt out Wert ~, , , , 10 00 ... 0 .
' ' r' ' ' ' '''' • - r ' 9: " fl' ' , But for theia . ukcensing effor to : iiithime ne to n t
'NEW STORE. ... lnd.. .... . . ~,., Iwe nols „ 5. I prejudice..ln\ gain:in/isle e 'adzes* . \•:1 1
.k1,10...h . „ • . -- -• • ""' - ... - '''.' bite men oceithang patitione\of int:Menet \ .1 '.
1 /11.11 St BSClagEllt having token the store t` - ; ^ ,,,,„ 1 1. 1 r,,1, t ,, -,' ' -- •
.... ilot . .1 ,, is, itt. and theirsiillsrepresaistati of the feek.„
' aVf, tl . 60ORTIT NTREEI. tortocrlt ,weutool bY StO•Ils Atnenrun •".. .. ... :I or, , "a. tn.'
~ ro ~,, II , , it . 010.4 ornbioneAthe Whig part at Ihti , -Nor ll lX, ,
4 lb K To ii. and bey,. ceatmlf ...tau elm wane. • Nf.....,„
a ~,..,... ~ .1. I. d., of 14/Umber. ..11, • I.ric..tul Norm w....,,, ... . . - f.... .15 ~. I I ... the would have itoitte.en (Omni o vOiCk rani., '
pertor-sts.k A ,
'icy, .T PLC, AtiltllllslN ,, a 11,4•5 E KA lINISII IN4 triu e., ~ - 1 h •a , I OOW ell • • 111 .I. the ad.: m eet , opr wohad a single.
I DRY GOODS, • oust - '. e t"...." • • art o- ' olertee have Marvel 114,1.11 e evcatiert of .
. •
col a Auk of Tift.SLULAc , Ayn F/f1(11 - 1511. Farm , I „ i„, 1 ♦ ,,.4, the Fa, .ve Slave laW „ ls, These tan • looofeco
Q oluct7. a...leat an' M. 0., 0.0. L. Out rem Tothr... .. . -. if' •• . , ...„ 4,3• 1 11, detolia • W Were the' s artual instigator o( ltd
• urea. a vant' extabllahnune. olntorato - . .
I ' •••
''' ll • deplorub cenes of bloAdsheol which h rte re,
. -• ' , .
q.v . :A=4k... 1 oop. YU.... 0 " bm. `..-fn, In. m . 55 ". ••••• • --- • • • • ;.
.'„ • , ' . .i.„,..V. ' ceutly bet) itneised, andthey Would morel R P:
n:lst., can On.. a mon, comolvin o•na tn. 41.- ltht.•
i - . o Is, . it ,r,,i 1 • OrOptintiti.s. . rem the tadititnenta. for kn.-
.. le un. city.... be 'Venda Jevonnn of , . MaJ tun , - . /...." a
:to dui.. brothel:lr of bunmem., loahoroa, lls. tow. ,I , Ib...ahisi. • ..‘ ' "'LI .",.01i, than , lla. or 1/A4p:inlet( victim:m*4am t ' ,Y \
, r „, „, 1 0.i...0.- • . .., .
0 'r
b'''''' ..J ATlt i rl ' l n ;;; '," : , ,2 ' , 0.,.. . . ..- ... . . ~. k
.., ..I' . -stetted tom \ . . \ ' '\ • I' .
IP% PlLlcis
matt - •• • - • ".. ' 9 0.. '. ThrOngllunt a• i whole cattenua'Goe, 4iihasto
, -- - • • -•- „ - i. ,st• . •
: 1 and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple .t. ,,,, , .• ...
1, •• - - •
• - --
'- - .., , i ~r. sa. Imen p er,k a with a malignity and,sni. • •
. • . DRY 1:001)S. ~..- ...--,- --- - • •••-, . ;::. , 1, 1 i!.. , 11 .• i iiility abl el, .1e . I.- di Parallel's\ The sisceees, •
i Matatu . s
~ l the wirdoni,nd itte benefits or hip , 'whpreeettent- •
Vrr • a. ‘,....n
A. MASON & 110. would to ist respeCt• I j‘i,::,,' duct . . • ' - ! f '' ,:i 1 \ it, I , ~ , _„,
„ fun, ,a 4..., the a ttem,.. of Ltunohlie ~...rallt, i Ohio Tru, hui: .. .. .... I' o ra' t\a an • '. I ‘ .." ' "•1 ""I n q " "II I."' "-k n r"eia``l ' '
d. . 14.olowala trots hi parnalu, I. thro 1.,••• 094 "Ner,..11 . , 1 0,- • . ~. 1 end the wholet.fatek 0 • pelitieatbNed.houstiiik .
leer twlwecod Mork of toodr, tor tali .4 • tot, nat., . l'iww"..,on. ........ . --.. s 0 o . 5 ...''' i have been lot lonss, isno • im, ellmulati4 by the,
.0414 found larger dim .10, tl.ny bac« c.v. t..- 1,1,...... .
!rut W. tome svcetlewl .n 0.11... ., OplOcupoll,.. .--h. .... . •SSO I , 1...' , 4•' I cry of 'Abolitionist'', i'l false .nil stardlyj
, 5,„,,,,,n , ,,,,..1.,,,,nnw, r.,,oultuy ...11,0tAr.....hawls. nulnonl , -- • •.- .......i.......
i r - . :•.'".L'i . ' I s ' ,,z ' 2 l ' charge in the burtlien\of .shry sPeceii,„the only' •
at .1 1/nlO atkosabergci ico ew..'sawer,i , t nt... Avery . . ._. - .., i. - , ,
n• - rf,, 0 .,.,,,,p,,,,,,,, ma eaen• ebrotad
.. . _ ~,,_.... ,„ ~. , IWe f oon topic ~if every party print, •rt the pitt a!' aoat 'i,
ell - T4i ,, tec tr. , - ,, E tt , ., , i , p5 ., 1Le. ,, h ., t1ir, ,,, , 7 .n.5.„ -Alt t=it, ,. . ,. ..
~ ., ,, , , , , , i7. :-..,•-•.- ~4 ! : .... :,,,,, of every _deetnirner, fry! r. Buchan. t twit
4....:..i 'lt rfl, . Law ' tan r: Attwe,„,.,...11,,,10rir, ~..41,na ... ...... -... .... ... L .... -f 'f.s. N.• . ,I' ... . itn the maudlin cienneelMtik i lie
l ap
OW. 1.11 , 1144 4.,Lrotin.4. 00 A ....• 0 0 ..0 1,1 0 ,0,
; 9, ./. , 1' T1 1 A9 ,11 . 49 , 0,0-11.9 ., N.PIe no' nbtlet Lske to X..", • I\every actin , il
_ s , ...- faumtle. fo owl., Ca n to t Intennw •
E - • ' IC. Wes. tuaketfloths.. 1040 cu Vow Comet, E1t....r.. 1 •-•-- , . .• -' -.''-----'.-- I sentiment of hi.ii life appTves he deciaratZtluX
, , cswiruire%L. I sun , /an, MIS, , RAILS OF DIScOTINT. Ord 'throughettS ihe broad .4sp •e. of ihie •Uh- ,
. 0 quwenewe ooe I eii N. 05104,1 %.11.1.- I ,
''. llirr i'F a l ntte * lar;;; t' llni.::::; .`" ' '`-,., ...d. !L., oloraturn. •usw-la. W. inn there 1Y not IV man tali font', In soy Sect
L .„. TweelrluslJes&r:Cc4 ' - . til.welaacteartanl. -N. 110Lalha A. tit tNti, liankers. •... ,
tn. or on nay party, or in any'. fttelay,4nOrec
• - ...Le net . 5 ." ••• •50 f 5 .4 . • 0 " , w• 67 .616... d e toctto• r 6.7,661641 F=orma,, istals, , .„ I honestly And 'more patrioticalydev. tea \to Ito ,
• watalAwbsewat. assn c 4 Mark, c 5 actsls .. - • . . , 7 9 ,1 • s
Woe _-_....,..,---.-. -- 1 . 0 0 0,11111.1 AOl , mast, at 01..41..--.. •'a perpetnitt, runt!. 1,:),1 to the oh'lJß•tio .8 of \ tie ''
..• - NEW GOODS. 7 ,,,,,,, tif . i ,.. , , , k5 , ,, , 7 „,.,, , ,,,-,,- , .....,.." 1:71 ,, , 00 :: ,... : ,..„ 1:. ,..,, ,, ,,, : , , ,, , :: ,..-„,..-...- . .._ ,t , , :iri t , ;, , ,. , , , , , , , ,-o th . :
\ . ,, ,,. ,.. „ ,. .1, 7 0 bee und .
. i tin n ik t aii ..i e tro tio , %•l , ;fion .
i ' ,hi t .
~....„D 108Y. ,...7.1, bereb .t a . ..., ......i nf0jzih 1 ..1, ... . friend', Ltt • :1 _ ,,:.,,,...,,7.r.,,.......„,....._1...„4,.., , ,1,,
tweet, the North Mid lloutb, or sr. Would i , oh- ,
~. ' t/ 111.1 1 11 lu.'"u& '' hhoo
'''''''''". " ""•'' /tau , ' wfi.rtlinif.cuni Pari. oso, 4inwa•sj,---4 • . r peri. life In tlfanee, a Ulnae plac4lna. • • an \
0 1 a ''' . `'''''' "'"'-'• .."' . '" 4 r "'" - P. ' " "' - 5... 4 r.... 1...... --i..,,,,.• i ~ ...., . . • .
. an ,r, it heuen utter!, Inineroll.le to dei,..t,- to, ~
0 ,,,... 4 . ,
~ ....r . ,,,,,„ L ,,„ ~,,, ,s,,lfp r ., -,.,,... ~. • 00 .ill,llll P. ~I .. 1 ,1,1.‘. We make no cif eptio ....
tv •iist •Wistotw of 0. atria and wee., ..1 hl, Cce- ,1.,.
0 , ....,._.._
_. I. , f ..,,,„ . „ ,
,1„ ,„,
,no . ,
0,, ,
.. ,,,,,,,o .
1 fly, chellerigi`q ...,;. Mr, t '
ww......1 SuiltLekor the wham,. quill, y of hi. I. InLiu.
_ • • • •, ,„ ,..,: 0 :i7 , f i r . ... •5. , : , ;•,:r 0 , 0 14 . :: ,
~„ , d ~. 1 4 .
v. 4. 4 01• W W, hol. th. . 5 .. 5 ... 1 .. .. 5. r...= " e , s it...4,:t0w es i... , •:4,..L71 , •,..t . ,-.. : . ,
...; . ... 1 , 0 ,, i-• Importnil ineeltlfl i k . l. f lolluillttO the \ hiSt".• o
, •,,,
k1 i 0 .. .. „„t i0 41:1 ,,, Ine „ :11l ,„„ lairr m r :::0.t. ,. ....Z . :;.......,; , 1i . .101 ,. . ,
, A ,. ... •, ,
L i,„,,... v.r .__., ,, ;
~ . t.,:
_:..,.•„,, r.., ,, ,..5. , , , , , ~, ~
„nor, ,
• nme,„ ~.... •.„ , , • r"reot et • .Vi iii roil. Daily l'iri.‘kx
Contra...a. limns, Mori.., •FL.1.11 •ho 0............ [ !9., • •• , " „ , . , •,,,,,,,. ~••••
,(1 , • 1.,,, l
rut, .011 l'In • . li much to th-or oturoue 19 rlluira , •• ". 0 7•'' ~..' .... ..
. , . ..: hen,. 10 1 . 11,11,. , 1•,1,,..11. awe STATE--111 \ life
~,,, ~,,„.. I •. - . • ! . .; ••• ;: 0 11...: ' ‘... ' r. •'. .; • i '.,/ 1 ;1, , .. , h 1.: ' l • '"'..1 ,, 1 , ' , . 11. \ NI. II:whom': of the Free Will \
...o , .eni . ..• . 1 1.. 7 allatlar 9, 9 ...'' •
''' '''''. " '''' • ~,„,,- , ,:.i •0A •• ...,•-,4 , • , . , ,L t ,... ~ ... I b pli v.: 1:Itttrol. u. 4..11 . \,reet, delivered a ilia.
, , ..
I.: li" It IT DEFt tßli TI if; tai l' 'I.E, ii,at i ' ~, ',, , i i.,• i is , i• , - , ij ., , ...•ii- , .. , ••• , ..i ~,t •, iii v , iv , i tile. e...". [...saltine. Rum Intentper- „.
~,,„ ~,,,,„„,aw, wJse,,i. , 'i.e.-, -. ~...a•-,•0 i•' ' ,, , 1 4 ,' . ;, ::,.;;,4, , ,!,, ---ty..4,,,„„, ~. 0 ,„,.,,,,i „.„'„,,, •, most' 1 4. , Ittf , e for ho. t4t, l l' hillippions 11:
, ~,,.„.... . ast k . ,- 9 1. - - 'or I •.n1 is 3 ntruit 'het writ ••two. boring'
••"..''.,•''' •
flf,t cis .5 0 .- . fIA. , - - . , '•cor ...' '•le ..• 1 • ss uts , ts 1 5i•,,.„,,,,.,.., ,„,,,; ~,,,,,.,... . I . ie•-:: a,, . l .p url ..k.t..1 to tie \will:43lost, win •d ''
i' , . ,, ise ., "' i i• it , 'i , '..''''''' • ' '''''"''• ~ ,,l e, i ii, ,,- - i , i -, i i ', ',, ia .' t ,,,,, .iit n ~„ nr I.e . t •r NesUrtade.,..s ti, abide in the tlssii 1.
it... ins, el./. teen!, • t••• kaa. .1,. 1,1,1+4 .t. 4 .1
. „ 0• , 0 , 0 • .
.;•: :t' ; . :0 " : 0 % 7" C ', ..r: 01"1 .7 t
• .*. -/ 17 ; ". .^: -' l, •7 '; ' , n .L .-‘ ,., ' ',.. - „; -.‘ 1 ' itLn ',7 :rn....t? , : ""'" -r; ! ` . -` ..... ' 1...1r. ' .l. ,' . `• : ,- .:1 ' .,... - , ,' ''' i ': :o7. ' 1:: ; iT , ' :e. ' h iL ,L r . , ‘ , ' , • : . : 1 ;:. elan thit l ever heed, de•
tist . ' , " lit . ~......, As ' , red n !de ft :from sirifennd kexatihn, that he .
_ . _.
STAR GLASS WORKS. 1 Vula,- I. • , i• 0 ... ., - 49. 9, 9 , ' I'e •-• '- • - 1..... \,l 14,1ght coo. tort ken up tWultivotimialfeellttp, and I
P.r.T.... .. '•' U.... '.... ' ..."'- ' .....". ' '' Is cenitutiewon Wu `oh Min. ...risible and .eteruol.
I. 11 II l: II T W I'S T E 11. .t .' I I , ''''....'!...""• 9.• H . •••'
• •••.- .!" r . - ' ' • 1 • ' • 1. 0. •( •• 1 , ' • •
./ OV ••4 , . , .: : .i. , :`:,•--- • • ,•:". •••‘ - lof PAUL flaa n le • , t oi itn... xtrkfin, leo Man
l'Archoo.,-„An 17 Nor:, ~,,, P ,, i."..,9 , 5 ! e. , I :.rnv .•,..-,..: , s , :,.-4111.1, • , 0 • • , ~
,„„, • ( ~. WI, 11N, there •14 1 41.1.1te1 . Ihh,.. the i,trjfc o(
I, il
11 °BERT WINTER d CO., ha,tt,,,, eakiin . ll , rolon.• 9 .' 9 - 1 ' 9 ' 9 ' 9 ' . • ! Nog Omen,' to. 0010. !ever \ Tok. lens pai: to
~,.,,Irryft w......01l 0un0,....... •I. to, 9 '..•-• llottrolule . .. 1. .-I 1 t ......:. ,1.,,.,. ~,
~ .t.i.
~,,,(.4 . . .
i.. re5e, , ,....,, , ,-... In ..4.- G1.L.,.... 111 .•• , ••.he• h. , ' -- ;• ', 0 ...' •
Ile., hu-; 0.t., . /..-9, .19,.......t r. tt,- ....... , -r '', •int. .9 ~. ...r.'.......e. , 1! . , .k . i . - theipitil of duly; co man Was fret' MO/31 Willing
1...t......0n nu,: . oar. • Is,: Irl o . ,
" ,, , " , ,... ', 0 ' . ._ . ,..- : . , , , ,:i . L . „ ” „ : , ::...
~ , . : ., , , ,, , .2 ,‘, .
~, ,, , ,, , , .: , , ,, ., , ,, , , , ,,, , ,, r7,.. i ~ ,,, , ,:, ..i ,, , :.. , .„1, , :„ .„ ::,:r. : ::1,. , ,, .,..,......„. ... ., :., , , ...i . ...., ,• , .. ., ::,.,,,,,..:;, , T.,,,,,,?,..):, ..,..: ., .
.o h . ; g , 1:, , :... 1 , ; r rx , ;',..a 0r t!...41 ,,, ,i , r1 1ie Ji. e: . e.n4t1i t en t .. 0 k e 1.1: 1 :1 , 4 , g , .
ft•Je'A ;lc/Jen:AA, 41.1,. .41.6•61( 116. a. I li pada.. 11...‘i •LA.-.4Larrros ...ot• ro ......" h.. ~.... .1 , iiiirtlMonEtieltt awnited Mtn. Tii evitb' Chliff.‘l,,,
Tbay dtator tbcanwlven that tbes can 1,,r,....,...,.... - .1. ~..,0 ~,,, • •• ....:•9• , 1 L i • I
. otoi. •, to every philminpher,tik must he • a
• air 11.4. i.itu. Ls u.y thauslactur....l Ix. LI, noorMr• . au.. lv,', •.,..,.. •uh. 51at....... 11., wi • k. ' , , . , 4. • • •
.4.4 1.../* h, atrwe. wt.... to ....en.. 1., tn.,. • • town I• 1 IN , , ,toent..... or Interest, 111,w .11,1 the twee opnoking
I evaemn..-. ti , st boa b.,. ,•sito. , ,ii 1 , • 9.1,er 11444,17.r1e ~,,,,,,,,,,,, 1., • see, 1i.....rt • Lasoi.a.,. ,• , b. , ... - a • • ... :
. They arr rotn.en. tot I , v.. .4•Lret. v.ll, • 1.1.-11! a 0 . 0 .,„ 4 , p, ~,,,,,
L. • „. Ip, , , I 010«, •
~ . 0 , . C I,,tir..o cornet in such protetettewer ' ist' Ira wt. swe Mc 0• 9 1..... vueul o.•. - tuer ........ , 0,,,i,,,, .4 .011.4.0. . .I.• I. i:ii ,,, , ,,, i. ' 19..f1", Ibe t•lplnnotiblt 10 contained in \thu test,
' r..."0'
. r " * "' ' .0 i'- ' ''' ' ' '."l"- 1 ',.. '" ,, i. '" : ',' " 1 " ' ! i 1 .. •;
, r..• I to its with Fhrist,let , wherthe .r....
Drag Store fur Sale. .nosh at ilo•• • •...,1 . :1,1.0,, 0. ~ -•1 , -.1 i on . s: 1 ineutlntreJ. r.'.00, the wants of the Church UJleurth
i k, 1011011
01 "00 ( STORE, r 4t , F . I .X:r t . II ES, ; k Nil t il r ,:s . e. '" g‘ .:1 1 11 ' ..71. ', 1,.. . 1,. i--,,,,,............ ... ..
.; -the i drii,•tion le he ! .119,11 -tile Anlllo 1. 1'
nun, .01 199... r. . 1,. •,,..,.,.. • ...11......, . • + won to iNUrtne-tlie In,, Corn. MI meted nin'• in
i,•114., cur, or .4.. at tie. vow... boo, 1 to•t- , ~,..,„, „, ,„,,,,.... . . dillermit Artotions Otte Itlte Eire to the pOee
. s . .stietaist win 6 di- sstatintton - et --terst ~...,---- 1 ' bc.......•- •".•••e. ' • '• ' '"''' ••• ' ~., where. lo• onall, !..• with Chrint, the oiler 0'nw
•,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,„.„,,,,, ,„
.., „,,„„, ~,,„,,,,, „„,_,,,,„„, ~„0 „., .., „,„,., i _ ~ • Into to I fir ...ervlce f titer 'lurch In thin stra . s.
nlt /..' ...e1.eu1ar...i.1r..... 110 /.... ~..,I rOOO- I ~n a. , .: ..,.,-.0, , ,,,,, ,••-,, , ' -• '''- , ,- iii , • -• 'to .11 . .... he de w . .•I to he with Christ, lil. lt. W. 4,
.0I ~n ..
i hr...A u O ...look"... 9, ..i. 5, tx o .., ...r...... ~• wore. lice.lful l'lar the Church on earth he ,•
" estern College nf lioniteepathie Medicine 0,,,,, ~ . -,,„ . 1 .. ri.,,,.,..... •• `,,remain. The prs,,,iples a., up. sth' hO I`
le. au
t•Lnvid.Ante, omit. nom,. 'Low w0n.... .... II E.-•he - -, ..f. •.. ~,,.. a, , ~ettsi ivfm oh s -the principle which We (1,104,1
4 - :„.0....1 , L. ..... .. , s
r ,,E SOW 111•1 A 41414111 1 Cull rO, ..f 1...1: 4 01,, In I 1.,v,.... n 1 : , ., , , , „ , ;r. , •
~.,.„.„... •
.... •••. ito .1,...,1..01,11th,, eveo.tog -that tot:in/nee. CI 16, ,
th. 01...... en collete of tban..........b....9...1.10e. 0. 1 i ~,.„,.., „ 1 ,..,„. ,
~ .„., 0 .,„,„ : . :• A. te..terr,l f..., 0, I'fro s euf tan' lo ovje.rnent '
, n... „ ,.0 4..; , ~......, - ~..•,„..,,..s . i ~... i 1 . ..1.. 3..r1n 4 . o . en, t t sti uect, wat
A to.. ch.' lon. 1.-1, •••Ir.l 1, , 11, I ..-.11..1111,11: Ibe 0 ~..„,
. 0 1 ,.., 0 . ,L -.'.••.• ' • . ' , 1/1.11( . 11t,ti.5, and tinNeularly those who loked
sin,.•,i thonient, lovlrOolioll la Vl,l. I sous- - .4.• to iI, ~,,,,,, , •,,,„„,,,,,., ~, ~.., , L „ L . , „ . .... .„ mt , Bl to her Iti the et,,jo)fitoent et spiriiunl thinks,
ermew.., bc an, ...Moe, 11, teon ......,,,, . tecanet.4, 'ion. w . . , -.I o , '." 4 - - :, not th, preuetpel eutirelyint nought. It win' .
Tim I! , ottly of lionruennn are u• r. Ile, . ..
oToII. 1".. , 1. 30. I, arm. , 4 , • ,,,, .7 ,on I'Lar....". , {!...„,..1. „, ~. ~...„,. „„, ~ • -•..., .. .. l ,, n -nuo... oliteti In. •w,suld P len•Or to explain.. ..
torus. Prelel4lret, :.e. It i 0 li sell Loown ptinci e that the hurryl
AtiAl,l•Ks I , n 'LEA AIM -.11 It, e0,..,, ,, ,,a lmtlaile. I 0,..,. 0 .. • ~,,„.. '
hit 1,114,14.. hi 11 , 11,e , 1.11 , 10 ,„ • •• 'n.l .. hill, and Conflict of will gainst will Which,'
O ARTHUR a 111,KLI„ M le_ Pron•.,J et I•ronnotn.w..l I y e .,,,j, ~,,,,,,, .•.,,,.....- •• ••• - oecur., to dm Slate im Opyineed o the 'en:Oyu:lent'
tawo. noin,n, M. U. 1.n . " ..., of 11.1. , A Mo/oo .91 1 ''''''''' .2:_-... , -, ... , a dev..tionthl feelings and ;dull tt. Oen.. the I
' ll " A " .;l ' ll:M rr t!tri'll. Alt. It lb. r0te.,.,, ~, ARRIVALS AND DEVAWITIFtiEs 110 StALLit, , 14,4'1,5t-win,- those WM. live la the highesti,
ci-v. "f iili i.av , 11 ,1 ilevoti ' al feel . .. '
"ieur,o o -i[;',0r..';');.ti:.,1:1.0.. 0 0 0,1.;..,.....,.., i•lo.,01,, I T '''' '''''..."' I' ''' • ' "".•"' ..' '‘..'."'''"••' t' '' ' ''''''' ""r
• • g . -1, ' gr'l •
•l• end Ilt•eine. , : noon .1..01. o.rn,. ... 01,...en0r. • ' ore file sir) men roost fikely to neg - et their..
J lilt : Int, IN 00110. A. 51 . Pr0tt....., • , ell ... ,- at 0 .... , .... . I....eruu - II),..00.1.40.p.1,•0-1.0.a. • - .•••4•••44a,, 'IN I•• Ih.• ' , 15.... 6;74 swiritice their n• nines on.,
1./MU. K. 11,./Sa 11. I. . 10-1.09,00.00.0 •.0 Annooty 0.• i•,,,k, 0.,..i.r... an,. ..... !..9".,. , ~ot. .0 \ ~..1,, • . . •
/••• for 1!... vol.. ussr,
„ar yl la. - . 3,0 . Iv , • 1...,ap g ... N,...1...+4,, ...., 1:... ,4 1.4,,, ~..,,ipg,,, ~,...„ I the shrub- of the, refiginue enjoym t Boot
s ~0 0 , .,,,, eon to.. if/ olSor ........:-. ...,• . 1f... iMmt. yr...un-, 1,..., , wow , N...,, •, s. 411.1 " right herr It is that the entiMple of Pan t l 0011-
.. t. I No•• wok dad , •,,. ,
1..5h0w1t5 , ••• . ....5., lantor.Liv.• ,•• .:I • 04+11, 4 / 4 . lor , ~...,.....-iL, h us ..L.L. ..., 14,,,,,,,,,,...,... ~... , 4 , 01 ,, !WWI. 1114WrIplIIUS , laid down the nntiti- •
0,01.140 , ..9. ..... ... „... - - • .
„„0 1 , 10 , holin i 09.• . - e501...• 9 , -/ 9, ..i. , ' ,11 0 . 0 a0 , ..e... '''". no ' 9,9 ttient,l pritposititot, th preacher pruceedet . to
~7,:1u-.,'"" ; ;' • '' ''' ',. ' l lir !' ii' ,l'' ' ' '' ''s lv' ' ' ''ol-" ; ',...."' ' ' ' ''' '''' ' ' '' ' ' ' " 7 ,''' ' '' ''' ' ,‘", % '', • 1 • 4 .7: :,',.1: . "' •• • ' l i; d ::: ' ' '''' ••••• '''''' ' L' .. " • 5' 0 •• ''' .. "',"''. . : h ".. . ,“1 ^ 7 1 1 : : e' ''''.. . 0 . ! ! '" • ,C,' .1 :. . " :: ; ;; 1: j ' lLl Ti le f ik . ,7l . ( ' ' ' l r l: : l " ,t h i i i ' l their relation ae ' t i t " . ' t i ll ' : State. l e
i , ) e '
....1 Iloaril, .u10v... ruilt. Iwo 30 , 1 MOM, c•l4 I. 010 p.Ol eOOll,l A nw.0.1.11, , ... II o' v.. al., L. •ILLII, al , ,
.sr.. trvo Sle'.•o to 19 , ...' , Por •..., . ~ 74 ..... • • islhalLier.,4l tno enactileent or good laws . f
, '. 9-9 T 9 ' •!.. ' 9 '.+ 9 '.. '''''," I• .. 9 "......""'" 999 ' 6:6,6,-177 ~liner, 7 , 6_ 771.. '4l. 1„ . 4111.Mrd. Lho ....s.•rwe 01000 in:portant,' and aurenniany facts Shi.ll4 S
1,40. usl lar•III:o. ~..1 la .14,..,.. l for ilin •Lisrl, or Nnerre ~„„,,.,,, , ,..,.„. 0, .„,,?..,...;• •• „4.„,,,,,,,,..,,,„, ~,,,o, • .
of ' '
-. 1 r . 0 :1 • 1 ‘ ::,1 ' leri
I¢l. roution .3.1 re... A rel... at 5.. .., ; ...I dem,. 0. 0• •. tno te,....1. lntemperance, the Cririll,, 111111 , 1 ,, F.
LLo j ' f,, l .: r,',';'•,.';`,17 . ,.,."6,1. 0 .....10'.',.0".;', 1 ,;,!: .. '^- 4,. . 1 , i.5;. 0 ., - ,,., 1 !..",:,'.. 1 ,:0. 0 `,.`:,.1`,`.1' . 0 -- .!!,'„:: , ,-.10',;!,''.!. 0 ,7 - :;.•!."?.*1 . 7 . 1/..,"3: l' l ' f 'r ti,7l,!lr e. l •i l ls d : 0, :f . : ' n " li i tv et" Hawing
in tl F ri r s r e o" f ‘ rt i e o tr; int en:.
.cu ~11,,,AL• T 1 M.rclan I. 1t9int....0., 11 .0h1ue....., 00.11-.9 .0.,1 •-:
• - - I ren 4.3ii.5. 0h... wo4 Io.II.4..•• IL 05..0:a ) ....W.... 1 . ... . I•••role. , , lila ,peaker wiked, what is to no thought
CLEVELAND Nizsacia , CO L L E G E . ...... klataLo., Sl...sir , . .. , ..-ol L , .er , •.. !".. '... ,I .1 .the lowti , i•tratfle. li , ints: he yran, , fincni inla-
Ir. ••..1.11• tarn .
rill Fa A /Muni CI .t Alf I.o , ltlrt :. in the " 9 . , ..• . 99 9,9 . 9 " . .." '•- 1,1 Vet It it. legalizsal by the lawn we con
' ,•0 1 „,,,,„,, ~,„,,,, ~,,,,„., „.,,, ~„,„„.„,, „„ ~,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,...., 0.01.1.-- . 0. 1,...,1,, 0...... ..... 0.--,,,,,i0”. ,0 , ... • to trn,,,,.,,,1 rooct NI., moreover, are I
nude, th e tfth day •/1 h••04•401w. and ....too , •Ate... Ylon-n,..., Pa.. 1,1,119, . t ..,.• . l t... , rtfer.•-ik. llorn . ,
I I. 1,,,, , ,,,,, a .ithoot o ',cense. As ni,'
in-chn. non Mirrolt, thttmen.,,n.l Tte-arnocene vv....a...ha...1an: • •
The following gorstlernen roue.... tt... ra.oity of In. A.A... a/ I 1 4. kn.,..lel'ar.e. 0 a s• ' I: . .I11.•,,, if oecrri,it, it Inn and order, and sere ')
N 0 . ," 4 c • .".•• • • , " - ui, c • -•i^o • c.\ • ".,, c, •• .• •• , "•.•" 9 .• - •I't Hine.. - the ronetitoted ntlthoriti. of the
Jolt 5. DKLAMATEIL M. D.. Praccner ..0 11.4•1 Path- toot, c. 0., 1,,..0.•1nm ...a ywn.1.1.11. 1 , W., . .40.,....., ,
~,.,. 0 , _
~,,,•I the NO, •or's orr
is ttiitai b ;.titll l ,l 4 ttill:, l ,Y ` ,, '" ,=l:, “ , ` .7 ' :•;! ' , ' ,. ' , l „7l " lot. git: l ii l i: ' i,s 7 . l .,t, " ii:ii:,. "l tt: l .l" - i I .Tt ' .I I . I tt I . I .T. I . '• S : i •'- i' "Y
. ') ' Sunda) h 1
••.rd to nor 110•3101,4 on reg. , ' to quor
"I' rir 7 i ' t ' ilt" ' ilT ' .. l i l all. i' it * ?i ` Vil! „ ...%! ' , '" l? " -„,,,,-1. ''''''
' • 1 ' i l I fi. It: OW 010 IV, WO the order
0 . ,if (h « roue... ludloor ant i.....0.,00.11.1., ...1,4•1.1 •.' kii, 11 . ( .L.Ce I
JOIN L. CAnoble.±. 11. If.. Probiwo, of Mon,. 11...1ira, 1 0., 1,,,, .., tr...,,,0,..„ Rol. ....,,- ,'• 0 • I l' Ille ..),Ir. tIo. Chief of yolire reports on the i
r . li ,. ° lWif:.i. ` Ti ! r rrlV, ' ol. D., 9r0f.0.0r ~, ........nont, and I " It ' lla ' llo.•.- , 14, hhaLIoINIA :1... 0 ' , , 1. ,,, ••••. 41 . ka h ' r•T , ' '', Igt” , • I X' I. P .r "" P ' 6 P "' '''S'n•
Modl.Al ....dururletu.. . ,
; tuna. Froe,./...1.1:“..........., I. ..'""''''..• ‘"""''.... 9. ... • .1., TR oo pettoo pie , wore laid down: That
/AMA. J 1 1 E1...1,1 00/Al. 4 10 . l'r.rergstrr of 0 0 . 0 0 1 ony : ,„, sO ,, .:, - .... 0 ,,,,.,, ~1,...0, o. 0.,, • .0.., ~,. sonla. k •
. 0. .
00,,„•,,,,r o, hit . ‘.. „ l .
guitty, of ~,,,,„
and Ph jolt,lnoy. 1 lieu at 4 A. s . mei .leout. .9. r z.
The foe f..• nu gnorri•turu . f 1....1.urrs le .MO 01turert.--11. 1 . ..m.,001.,.. a 05.w.1 (<11.0.01- l'efte 9l l, - Ile Ilto •loe. toot prevent murder when he I
Mulrlcylal.los fro.. . - • .... • - ‘I. ell !. . .low. 44 O ' • ',Obi., bin Power IA guilty of
,Insioste, 5.,.......„._.
..... _
.. , . ...„ , „„......,,...., ~,,,,,,,,,. .., i c a , .le,, te .1...... t...... • Am.., that it ~
9ii..0 , i, n proton., too, to, obi. In t•eive ' wwp,,,fay......, t et4. , ‘•• .I , ' •
waith, for ` tal i mot elf not in 00 1 . 0 . 1 . 990 ." t 0,199 ltuturltax.---1, .'0.... ri.,l, t to., • 99. one N 0•77. mur d er , Ul ' ' ~•• Imve , t reiTttii'll'i k l,a ,l 9 ii , i , ,, h n i , l,
''''''''''''" '‘''' ii- ' li. ' , o'" of ili•l'iii.o. I 0n,a1,1...... Arm,. Tree,
V rel.-, ~ 1 g• ell . •,.. :111:t 1, e '.141.1.. • Men to rllak.. 44 - UR-.
o ..Idea, Jul.. 113 ~.
Porto enotsly or lbstreetlis whirl' the ......r ,v,...• Nio•lnoOlLL,'• ..i. TII-ar , , s • • - 4 ' -' .: „ „ ~, when .4 .Ir.ii. Ow I . commits murder, We hang ,
r will lesereptnt In the phe.. of tn.., at llin llore. 1 9,..0./......-11r H0e1.. , ..n. " 9 f' . a 9,99 ""•` , 1""•• • • r ' our . en tensibil
a`l`ll"'''' ' I "' u '"" " It- l at, attst , . two i cei.i V.,. b.:c.w.0., ti tt•.,,,,, .. , le-osie..r. hint. Ito, f.of , .I.LoVit.l r, too t r 1 , , .
..... or ',tr, one ol •rblett nu at flu luito. 1, 0 . 0 , e ,... 4 n,..., ',re, .....I.• 1..... 1: 1 .'.;. , . I op, 111.1."-.. „ 0 . ~,, ~.,,..„„, ~,,v . ,he. I.W. 54 c ,, ,, , 'llhew.,
hon, are ont.llod Is a ire. t•lniAmot. 9, th.,,,,-, 0, , , 0 „ . ...., •,,,,,,5 00 ,1 0 ,. an, ....,.......,..... a • m . th.-
. 1.. . 00, „ „, , 0
•,v., , .
1 . •.0 thus, f't
f 11. I
to, ,tts
the sisnientsuen be ...I,
• 01144.1 1..0.1. with natal, WIC. WO fool , eoti,lat procured ! la ft ' ;' ' rn o /1;:, I - -ny 00 • 1 0 , - 9 .... 9 •': ' 0.99.99 ' 09 ' 9. ' o ' •.rri le..
at vene.. rsinflng frt•na ei,to to el 4.4 ' 1,4 . ' Ilufgetuto.n.t ro••• Creek kiloooo e!lttert. , ll•• 1,11, en
, \ .... ' 1
haul Nail, (, are
oelf boarding rsof he 01.miu..1 at ~,•.1- ; haihaw. \.. -,•,:.•'.'''...'''' - '.' ''''"'" '' I"
' ''
LICI /V.4l,l,l,il:kke.ilto ArStlg man We..., ~ ..
r•te cnt.
! p.n., Moat, • •Int T.,.., - wli• va • , . cn, ,
A otellsoinnry mamma lectures. fere toll 110trleulaula 4 '94,lartro .• -1., t ',men. 3i ..r.i......•111.. 1 , ...9. M• 9• - _Leisotsed.te. stX ts man Owl ~ .
sr th.., Ceti..., •111 milLujonna row soak. preelon. 0. , the I thou 0 Iffo ' N.fl • 1 5. c .• I.° • d a l
'''' ' '''' ''' srr”.- '''' Lofooncd a wi 7 e'4 Atoll he rt to break • " "
tinnennnet of th. retular nn., and osollwin until 1,..h . ,, .L ol' , •1015tr1 , ... rho noiw al 0 v a
rho twoullish of the bunt. rarer Woo Is nude for the ..ulto. 1 •••;0,-- 1 / 1 . 1 ....... 5 ... 09 " ' 191.. .... ''''
' tad In II ho loo t children scare to flow. .
r" Ton of prtute knont , lol , on the man Ilivorisl henna •1 4 a . .. arrive. on 11 . -.11.e..1.,...... - . • .-.1...ft..... Mous , :
Tls« kl.dleal an 9 enr•lcol c1n91... eo.....0901•111.111., 'at A. at l
lloileu.olider the direct,. o r lino-. .," 1.1.1.-i. h., i iusolohah.-I:7 1.494.. 9 . rerf. •A . nu.o. , 1.14.1,, at 9 Li evioted,o dv hi.., nei ghb or QM:
0 1 a o o r d . . :al p
o. to oor.o ld
o ci „4 l , ti o
o f. 17 , 2 ,0 t:t 00 1.: to o a
,tf o rl o c• on t T o
oo •r o. l o o I
oo tt:!c r . r o t o
0 f,...c . : , , 10 , ;_ . ‘ , , , , , ,, , a . , ,,.._. , , , ,, ,. .1 , ..t , . r i r rit . 0 , , ,i, , ,. ." 9 0‘ ..:0 .0, ,. 0 „,..,,,,,,,, ,a,t,..
.19E0'1,1,1 le 'Ohne hate and trite;
coon. , JL. CAnSKI.L. i Ww.n.t. " ' h'll' , ..". • 9 '. 99 . 999 or W• • r 9 ,',9 ',..! ‘..... r ... ! ",", 1.1...9....1 t,. , nee. the robber's tar..
..o.ltolf Secutory ot .n« ti.0.0.d0......,.. :._ i ~lira. Arriv, ,9 -....... 1 . - ..9". 9 i. r ,'', 0 7.,: ' ,,,', ;,;,., I., , kiirrak , l to whi t the murdereke knife . " •
A tine EItAL ANIt 1.AM:01111'C 010;111TMENT OF r , rt:A . ..7 ‘ ..!. :•,. 4 •• .
• 110 .
the 0:9 , ••• 03:44 , 11 , 00 '
Wall Paper and Borders, for the FaLlSalea • ,'""'" '''.
''''` 00' ' '
k 0 '''''''''.
Licensed where peace and quie(44,ll,_ "l'•
11l UST ItECEI TED, at the old oetibli • shod westlz. o . 4 • ts . ttlt .^.l` ' 9 " . 9 '" ' To brut,: disc..... 5ha,),...1,
Lo e,
0, raurul, 65 Marko,. ntroot, room 3440.1,441 the ',debuted 1 tr ''' ' ' '' ''''''
•••••••••••••••••••wwwww . 1..cen..e.,1 to tusk„ u,,,
.1,3 „ b e ll , .
lihaster. 1.541, a ..vreat maul c lof PAPKII UAW, ........"....'"''''''. And fit so. for ti hell . O - Olow. ' ...
t. •4.1 1101114116,!rompr141.4 uieh • 9 • l9 ett . 1 4,1 " . Copper Stock-
ah.l prima an ilia hardly Lail to uralify the wow. 00.11 00,00 - • . A lur dutien, growing out 1 1
the obligation Vie
th. eleven( tho mut luthlion.“nd ouonutoin.l. • 1.0 eltaru .111..n.ufa 1.:0 , 10..4 ' , 1.9.../ •
ataluM 511051.•_,PA1.51K11. • , It. - Ismooml•
.. „ Inc upon us, Are: Inc it enlighten, aroNitle,
d I.oLD AND SILTED. WATCIIES- f f a to - Vt i.r. t.• "• , - I, awl elevate pUltlld OpiniOn7 "When . the psoiile•
,w ret, toots Mrs all eat..41021{ ~most of .• • • UR - 0,....-;;-- ,
an d inloutrinated by . Ir, -
00 ATCHEn, of the rucut •up.vealflctifll.,Kt.. ll 0 ,., " ----".'".
•• - . ancl their very neut. are e . rretl up - within them
and Uundramanutactutn, to fine llnld. Hooting. . '-- " •'l'
'T '
.. . -
and Other ogler of eues, All warrante.l. tend at ellren WV ' ,7176 "-•• '' - - - • 1 ,by the exhibition of i,oo,idual and • domestic
ustudtr tow. • - .do - Vire nt,.. . .
' misery, than you will have a cell water entuttin-
Kt. wales Rerallitur done In the Nat Lawns, by lho , ILO " . l 'l .-4 1' ~,,,,, (~rule A ye. eama, hr ,
1 • 55.55 ' 5.. 1 1 -51 .WVIl i ttftett, ,p m• ctn. 1 0tf 0 ,74,1t k w 0i L 0w .,,,,,, „.,,...,,,.. i ..„.. I Inly•II cold 'water.corumunity will begot a coil"
, , W.W . -en. 4O 0100401 et ., ' puma snalmeesul hard guests. 'l..wtter Legialature--a ooldwater Legtelature will
semall ; . ..ruerot Fourth . .PNR . ,
VVE Rave removed to our warcrooms, No.
I Menet atte.d. neat Liberty. whern lora
one . to keep a laud a'cntnplete aneortment ot ca.m..rn and one .
awn [actin* of eon, oil cloth, earchnce enttnin .ad
fotuilortv II t'otto , of even d•-nerint/no: tr.ofP.nnal
• dote rod buff linen. window blots and Irina
ineni4tiplet, with Enalloh 41,rtnan all clod. le
eidltion toter whore. • e keep ronstin2llT On knoll
dl alncll In •lo da Rubhmmarhina d bel e tim m llon,
, erT othe;
' Vet/tutu:Ban:of India gabber. underiloafyear'.
At, l .11th l we one, at prima that cannot tall to
lama. Ire- e ) .l. t 11. PHILLIPS.
,•• WAITER,• CO •
lOW and General Produce
NO. 411 UTIt 110 W AR% N NAB BALTIMORE. Marc,
LlBlllytt. t IatiCATICYB MAUI: tin Conn:Until:Tern.
• /
Haring ".okagt noel olltoomnto Trato.l.rttit..
'lth any 0 *market on tho von tward. • roodorstononto
.1 chola., twilit quick 1.3k8 n . quirk nut
narltctipri lyre nuula rotpontullr oolica martatatro.
Herm' to— ,
Prothlentald Caohtor of M,Y-1m0..• linok.
Dank of lialtitoor,
- • C,ommurciat Yornier4 Book.
7u f We eatemd..•erre...torn. fir
• 4:11 Um Ohio firer, of tlse harl,or al aorta.'
Oow prepar.l bidelivet latewirod LnFy ei dao, nl , m.
oliy pa top of 2040 pour, l 4—teolo
Voir will F,!11 I.,vin rf,,llar
' TlA.V't4 . 4 .' nn " l " 7:l 7 otr ninth. , ,r" 10.1 k, glenm
Conti r, Leke
.1 tbo oti2to atintoltie rho-4, boi/vir
Aptly to We Clerk
at tho et fliAiw'r nr to
the litozinetr, et Mi. Nlononpa.
bola Uoctan. TUOMAiI MeELItATII.
Y<am mr.ur or Fournth& m andut shako. aralata, have
AI dra (Thangrabla Mariana attack and ban •
Cl Alparran Printed Cadman.. and Maus. Jr
Lahan, Printed Menai% Claim Heavy
Domani }Winn Black and Fancy
lanquanilka., nag.. nind
P L . i tta D anY. B = L' lr a. tr i
Elhavrln . Scarf*. Than. •
I, ,
~,,n en t . jtilphoar. Nock ttibb,u,
I Warta.] 1.,11ar. i,., ‘‘ ,.l
Jo.tonct. 1 , -liiin, Th7,-.1 lA' I . k
C/Voyent are turned t ,, c. 0.11 a'rtal ' l,-., ' ,k .1 Ut7 l ll;i: ', . ' it..k
i tLk4,1e..,1n It.wrtus op gab,
- .
' Splendid-Instruments.
, .
Atllllk. E• luiskiet received nrui‘x.
very chntee velerlion Plano, mul• be ' , ha..
ar and al•.• kr Dunham. N.., T 0... Among
era, kewhilirrut aired Km. Delay, (hawk. Nail,
otaal byl!tuao. k Clark. That Ihetrusamt, atter • ea,
fut triarar•l in v edit/Atha, provounnel er U. pm
rare ‘....y ., : t erk rjty th• halal Ward and raketkoll.-
= r=ll l‘ ,l It ' ar I r, u tl fx
...Ramo of errry ',Ha, of ~ y l,
it. KLIIII/M..
.h"e. a a., una... llary. Na. I I e,,eei
lti: h. The. anon. hew" , 11.1 PG /.Yo a by
subeeMba, n e t
the eatlre eaetaru vre warraram.l
equal. IC Get ' , apemen . , to on) en, ',much' out Wapt
eop',.s ' •
It. K.
r Tar St BSCIZIgEIt hating taken the store
,0171111' NTREE2. lorturrl, •••-rupo.l by
J la TON., awl WM.= ••tatrply c•• 111.4.4 tho .ave,
gal Pr, • Ills Int day csr t4141n1,•••r. •••••‘l, •
aus.l•3l. Mk,
rAllev,:a . PLE, MOUIIN INo 0 1101. SE Vt. Vil:•111Nki
' I
teceilleierlib • atnek of TR t.V.V ?SG,. A,1'14 F1'1(117511.
ISQ GIUII7. sm eozepletavi Ina...tole, lira, an 111, well
lueetse , l averlte setabllabearra
Ile woe rteteettelly ief.uld tbne iee....• lrine
netroing antl flews Vented:dog or I.tuee te.,.., thel le
bls Ob. the, mo ntials a mon, meaplei , - ~•,••,... then ob.-
• bete let:. city. e be intend. alevotle: len. , eh.' elle , -
1 .. k .... 1a du.. breeder Of tenor.., 10110.0111-1 lln. Ind..
01 the blieebt de , ,en...- them 01
r7..9s inalcid. .14311%, 0 llres 1 , 1111
. auabl , lte
Fattanq Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple
Vt.& MASON & Uo. twotliti t 'no respeCt•
• tally .4041 Lt...t.tentian of IL. palm.,nrrallY.
111. • 14.aletkol• tra/1 lu particukr, t.. a., ..,. .nn
PilVI Pilp Mr 1.1041 Flock a 1.1 .41, I, .11 na.l • mt.r my.,
vi.lrle .111 be found I•rlyer itinu •to 11 ..1 h... ...r tn
tatti_ra.,,lL U• tame svceiv.+l .. 1a.11.3,..
411011borert mo..t. illosltns • r.,oolanu,havls.
lOU .• Itralt tO•naber.c, Al) pr. rairntrogr ltlwal.t*
lon, - Flan al., enr4..l. : ',Mese.. Lund l'iln ,- ,
100 " Tny,nr,_ ' It.) p. 1,..ne1k 11-ron, .
11."1c..... WWI. , 11n,1tr.% '.10.. Pnrau4ett. 0 • nt urz
1.. . .
, .; r 1,.. , 1 , 0 , 1 - lan r ,... Al 1..,......11 1•1004
Il.••• Unity& t.,...tinu. la rn.,.. I rig, 1,1,p,
trt ' l . r:;relegagkg I ' ll ' o "' ..g3 11=1 i P k =l ' g ln l ' i. ' :gg n rgg, '
r - I . •,.iranrpr i. a. t_ . I :at I. ran..., sljk:
ts.Plelerp•ti rrgr I Om y.• r.1,••••1 N• 11•10
.Prrgriilm, *.' NI t..... t ...Lyn. c".. ,1L ,
7 t1 . .... u tv t pl .i 'd Lialle w, j:11: 1 :: ,, I r lo;::: :,
in . 0r ,
, TwneaUllina.leitl. :CO , - til , raw. a.nortral
J. totablubsost nT •n.l 61 Mark, .1.
) M. DIGBY lan to inform li, friend,
sad easnnow., he, to. Az. sunnly
•;,,, r a l . - ! 2 M.,Vt.Y&,1::",. D :,:. - .Zrit:'..7.... 010 :::
=a r ntsr It laquty utterly 1MP ,41 . 6 to 4 ,,,, 1 , tn.
'gr. - , .n.l •It.mon. of tAn atyla atul
• I him C....
ggirpenro 1461 1r r•tttLekor t.b.•nrer.nrunility of 00
tn. pyonnetor boll.. that .11 ggthgr v 01.,. Iggg purrtag•• •0/
•attllo. in tti• Iln. nil! 1.0:1 k!eu with .n .-..1. ,-,it AL..,
on Lan& 15. 1ar1,... 0.01 Mat uf...“- , 1. ..,,,( ta,..t t...n
-ionati..4,% a RIC 11, , !.111.. 11: • ill SO, ag tr,g -gg • .
Cigntrag rms. limn", Mrrlgnro. •gggl gat I eh° g urgriggr•
forp•ly. , toll! rlng: II much t.. EI•or •I•srg ellulri , ..•
ti.,o 1F1 , ./.1.
. V*, 0.. 7 allonng nn. ta.,l. , , ~. I._ h it..
thou f•tiggggnaggg• •ty t..t , n. •,.• ~. ...1 1, ..-
I: l' IT 11EFliktI TIII I'l t ~,„t
ntr;o4tt. ,. ..r
r r 0
t' , W , • b.. ,
w Il't2rlull..ll
Warrharv.,—.A. 17 Mark,
lb. %Irma innno•. tar- al, tio;l
11 • •c
1 le., hata •pyr.l -lat. 4 a -1. , r,
NII,IIISICA, 11..1kE1n AN I, m_tor.ocn..
.L t;i 4
e J;
, . .
• Tl•my datter I.2traurntrem tea tl•ry ran turn..., mr• •• ••
ttair Moo uty tomuulactur...l n• i n n mu t
turf bop", bi gnarl attrull:n t•rt•morr. tr. lure, •t•Arr
rritran4, o , nl t. Arra t.•
r, .n rtrprard tr. MI cr4
0 rir 104.1. and Or ' , Odle. sr vs,. /al %Aa lyt
Drug Store fur Sale.
ru” of a:
, wall I, .11.1..11,-L.: I
W estern College of Homoeopathic Id edmine
CLKV14.1,1 , 11., 0111,
9111 E S.,,lnd Atmual
Ptstuota. nu Moods, . I n
A ,••••• •.1,1...1 It, I dlll,l, ILO
prt -orarzor..ust it I, ,fir.trd 11, In
twinLys. thor..ustts I at- tr
.“” ...131X.1•T. 1" ,, 51 , > ul I so•titiennn •r+ u• 11. w.
Ilts,A. An 1,, nwi ars.l elss6lres,
t'll.4l‘l.F.A D I 1.L.1.01..11 its.sslnste.
ARTIWII 111,4.L1.. II D.. 1`1 , 1...,4.•1
1'r.11. - A Asers,ry
111x1.. Y„ 5/. 11. Prot , ' ...ur r A
' Il " A " ;1 ' 11:1Nrr i, :TI7T11. A NI 1,..1,../..a.0r
!LT NI I/ r r
" 7VI} , IMT;I.I[I , .
A. 1, •.I 1.11.•waI
, .
1! A.
M. 1..
/••• ;+ onto - . 000 r, ol tvo collo , . ill .1,1 ••11.
. .
µry , i6. , .rayl.ol3t of Oil
ii.. 4 It.•• and 11011, rsta 1.4
tamml Irvo $/.50
I .l , nrAl •rsal nnint•••tlArilb 11, Col
/AAI IAr.IIIAA an'or for II)
APO, .01 111,0
"' got lupin, irtf. rolAtiol
P 1111.1.1AA4. 11. lA.An ..1 tliv torully,
• •
r'IIF An.,,"Li itt the
C 1,11,1 .11,
fa. dm, v(awl
.I,IIN OKLA M AThl4 !I. 11.. I•.tlt-
r 111
1. CAM! 1/ . 91 !Int..n..
r I b6ATiai.OLY;IIIIV,',. —d
\Wi;I:1) M 11
,n„, , ..
Wlwo n pro(01., ablv In °toy..
036[(111.. 5.'1, (.10,1 lioull, with ontun
re.y ., Ito ...111..... of (I,
or JULNO ID hn enouty or Illarreet (0 whirl. Or
1 ,, 1ft.“, 0111 la , arropt...l of in..., ut (ha Um,
liPulualm awl 110... 011 , 11.1m1 iwo
full ..... le , tur.... ,aO. 01 hlrlt nu at Ito. I u. 410.
(Inn. are 10. rr.r. tuinit.mot, L,tur«.,
pa, ouy thp Matt trulauura
utlt4 rum, Ugh , nJ -
goy , rotta 51,6t1 to 52 ,r
. hvor, tardily for toll boarding mu .1..111.1 at mod.
. .
. . .
tee you
s cold water. la .
_.•Theae 41111 be" '.. \.-. -, \
\ t.
o .LT way Imo • among mew, by istit la ' ban, • \• • A \ • \
be nacted, act, 'I stand.'N ticiZ A . II • Lei ,
tor tbe polies and OSUCtitiOn Of ktlir IT . ' \. \ ‘ .
t t oVILIne. Str! . enforced these viqat Itle,;,' . \.\ \ . ---- ,
on\ his' carers, a nd loeed.vii an appeal t ''' • \ •S „
eve don and mo I Man to , ortt o
` t \trer bis e 4( \\,, ,
4 ,,\1 g
o p good t een for ffiee •=stn
, goad lace . • - 1 \ \ \
fob tiN S \Be demandod. u • One n iiani l \ ~ ;p '\ \ \
409 k gpod; t ikt. the liquoraktoros abould no t h _ '•, .:.
.atrotu by
s omperance men; the k the p
°' "' all \ P i mn!'''N'' 6 "; l ' ail '""" be b 4-441. \ `'. .' . % `
th: . ligion f a - people. \ When aha anion \ ‘ _ \•,-, ~.
Of ea n. cries :us, “Whare is ADV. your - N„ ,
bic l" ice ciusno • wer. "Am i. mylnoll- o \.• . \ ,
1 / 4t,
ere er. - \, Lo' t blood of our fellowNciaa _ - N s s \
, r 'ct xt - the ' und,against the It aar _ 7l, ' \\
traHio,fit`, \
PLPII2\ ( ,\ IT
cr y "CAtriisr Italia:to!, ' .;„ , .7 ; \ N
- 7 „ s , , ‘
the following ummary of tow \ amount of parr • , •, \ s ,'. 1,...', - ,. \ , •k,
tine' , atiostizattrOpe at the v iitc.sont;time.soo ,l \ . •••
~.\\ • ' ‘,
punt, I, 2601;8,440,0t thL\ltnitrie hat:three •*. . \ .. .. .. •,,
‘,ll4dred and thirty-nine millionaNaultria Oro 7 ''r ..
: \ \
6.041,iad millions; ritP,in and lio.od aFO how '''''
:' - ' \ \,-
d!..4 nd ten ...Vita ....; franca onklipoodriwiend. , . , \ '-',... • \ \ ,
far nnilinnsi the, taßtates titeniXnra.milik -' \ '''';,, \ * \ \ \-
lionri Po rt ugal tw o Diree millio*VilaiOnl - . ' ~4 - s ti ', \ \
•fifte•ttimiltionst Eiwesiew neteen niiilikitok.Thr- ;\- • '! ' ' -
fourPtt\Mßilons: Spain; It r 'mlllioni; earl*, -
Milliotts and a half', 11 balance '*- ' ' X W-' .'..' - • o
Tided di ikite smaller Bss a.. .Breme ' - \;., ril,\ . \ •; •
burgh a me of the ' .4140:Jarman e • 1,t.',3 ~ , s \ '
swit.rl...., , N.,, r ,,,,,y,ark i -,.., c34 .0,1i, * Et
,_.. ...,....,„%. . , ,„ \ .
and the DA eau Prixt.tpaliteriliave no fok '' - :-,-• ••••f;;;;\:;
urrency. • \ :::i, ''.. ' " ‘\'';'.:-;.:-..'' -.•
\ ~
• '
‘ A—
nn\ ft
tioi;: mv tl j t Ni le i n 'T' '' '' : ;7 til 'ye two etia The luela s iuttA \
Washi e :gto a rt Beret
,p t Church, \rie tha an s ' ' '''‘
, ingfiy the 15th , A. tli 'inst. TS pet pro- ,
s\ N, \ \ \
co ds Ve first arc to 1 e devoted to e s ti:MA , N., . ; ,
I.4L \
. by om t
\ - i tlwy si. li fi o r, th ' e • . etti
•thvo -'32..53 .in
go vi. l.
2.... \ \ \ \
ro , then return' ? .ill' go West afar o ' -V . -
tu: \
\ '
as 'ti ago, stoppiug . Ike p ri ncipal .towas„
She 'll go' far Solidi Cincinnati. and re-\ . I,
curate 1 , . w To 1C about the Piddle of December, 1 \ ~,.:
. * Eillhiapck tap of Hatd - Cutlezy,.4 ...,,,,.. . , ..„,
oGit \,. uSoN. z ()it -. ', ',
40\ 'tonl
• \ ' `. \ . '
D.,,,.. . ~.,, the L , . fliftd.L.L. ' Pain \ 4 . • , \ '
\ —,- \ FOPE.IG AND\ DO? TIC
' i'WARE, CaILERY, &Lc:, \ . \ • . ~
b \ l2 ;L:TEIi /II I kV,ENT, PACEETT,
4:a•L ill . [of I!ANt,'.9 eelOrstal O. & ~ .1 - ~..\
WY" A . OCT : SELREAOLS Lee OT TOTAL \ , .. ' \
itfle by Re:441:4 if 11. 140 Wood strsl4 R. B.
Yell \ .' s bEWocel riree , k H. ‘.4. Taltaratock. a ON feders'
W0 , .1, Firm •I)..lloirry, D. A. E1110tt...1.66 .rod 11-P. 6r...}11.4,,A11 . 4cb50r.j.1e* by 64 DM. —
Orb , . , \ 'x'l ' \ \\ ' BIER, ..r
tw19.4 . 11 134pal \ DAelh.YALyWatb rt. Plttebuteb . ..
\ ItifirTr% , the amstranl Access of H. G. • .
. , .
re.rt ,, E , A.Va , I.l.lCeelkt id s rufnsup tome banks. rhea.
''',..\ ' , W.1. , Idol l•OteorlOndr. , turd..
prte,, Yr, we latv• 410 d 0u bt , 1.1,4 It thil rapidly lay all
other retne4s4 on :pi obelt. we tarn Is tult earthly doubt
\lort It liOtte girards'Oremely tadliorld urn( know. O. b ~
,equally tOretirkfor lkh tn. add Avast. add. should by .
Ol \ madds b kept In odrry bet. \Pt d r. da \Moen-
\ ...,,,,,,,....... la s \ _, \ • - ad
\ 10 - It italit WI. li Wan . tOli . ---840...
_ ._._ 11410
host ev e.ored . I.lde - 's telliatifugel• ,load the •landtdig ;
l 111..1. econns Co, li. Y.,,p 0 , ,
'V. Kuhl o.:—Vraeddraur ;4., „. dep t Yva l,
dpened, rad , L4fl biro, fop doliu of alllnaula Versa/.
fah-e.aret I dm It i 4, doujoll rerytfasil arel4lada - Bolt
dd. direst 'driest:lion, .04 pror*On be .1 'dad
what the pubhe M. 1.1. ; ,,. Ity , w - e hare It tua., add
. •
set C.O to u-et :It 4 hen but one used lat. Mew \
,Nkriedurtn. was be I Ono be told some Xloee ti,
funk If 1 rhouni e nn f O' .b4,if be di 1 hradleditlfe.
pd‘W ‘ iii you bare th c ...Pt order me illege..
~., „A:, e,.,..1v, o f LI, . \ PETE TRTVEO
\ \
\ ANO4jitVEIt D . 'CC A. \1) BMW Coil \ '
21\ \
P\171.11 , = - A1th61.1C.6 ~ nli h0n.... \ A /oeere ~,, «Ir \ \
,for `ltroulez . :u.ree t , tl . eptie den/auto:K.l \t,tbe milk of
I : . N 1 ' ..,, ! ...,, I. Iry out PDlnted for Itut Doer- ‘ .
Ng crwtsf, Inc \ estdeue of . capacity ar\ eurstlre er4
l. \‘'''ll' \ .l.c , F... , .. , Inl ,oo . rotor , ad
. •31.2.3ti50m0 • . li.r. 29. IBC,. ' •
"4... n. \hid A 4' , . A aleph.. True d, 1, Isboria s
j1;oor, ter .ere re attack t'. cue ;IA Ee et, •ut by
! u... 114 in.. ~ Liver Pale \ ve ro4 tee ' . Perfect
I iseekb. 141 rftthedu so be_ ht 44, Jur , dicao 4 . Our
ta \
1 ramoNlo tart ever`beetfl ed rot nale • , s
ki n oeth eau° . \ ‘... 3 YES EEL l R.
The ate 0 valoa• le Filli fsti‘ber •Ad 41 all ••• at
J. KID &A.VA No. DI W•• • Cl \
Pitlab , .• h • Insurance Comp -. • . \ " 1
CAPIT• L, $1 0;000, ,
OFFICE, 1.0. 7. F0(71;77( Sr EXT.
. ,
vv.A..1.1,—..b.... . [loos. \
Vico Prewnrot-,..ownet'Akeetrax.'.
frorzlow adoorttownelat r 'part .. pa
401 . 2..•
--°- • . -
Citizen's InstaansOotnpany of Pit4biugh \
\ \ •.
F.:,ICCOURAGg 1P)31F., i....OTriM'I.ONS, . ~ \
tnnew S. 41 Water oneeot, lathe warehowee ‘ ofa IL \ 4
,Thl:4. • • , \ ~.. -\>, 's o‘,
o. q.eihnesze. Preonlonto \ „...t. W. 52a/us, Seen,
~ ~ \ 1 \
Tn.' tV.Pnwf know nreratfol to mourn merebandue \\ \ \
i•. 14.11, rat to tranoitnr reoada, ae. . , . \ ~ \
Ati ample cuaraory for the eighty and Integrity of the \ . . \
Inoututwe. la alferJod in tho ohm-actor of tha Menet. \ A s
or •
f...- aro ell atisemo '-f littaburgh. well and, .b.enra T, ,\ I. \\ \
known to the onennannity for tholletalenno, mtallientneni \ \ • ,
swat Inte.entn._ •
Inalreons-17. If. Unoa o y, µr m . Eum o y, igen. Lareenon:.
Jr, Walter Itryant, Itouh D. • Kite 4. EdwaftlifearJatelin \ ,\ \
Penh Hayworth. S. Ilartnnah. S. 11. lor. . analktf ''', \\.
LAX SEM) 011--10 bbl., just receivNi
and fur sale tip, , E. SELLERS:
rfrOBACCO-150 tass.manrd. , 'obaceo on
hand and for rale b., .
iQtIORICE' r macs foiteelo !Ow .
114 hr to, I , CII . OO)iILAER COO •
I: I N4`o , At-9 1,1,18. Cider, for sale by, \
wn. m.JOILYETVg:
ti --Can alwal,e , U: wand at On. stony( '
oN."-* MURPHY BU •
bokeA primn R. lot sale
lJ o f \ WICK A MeCAN LW.`' ,.
Sox. tn more and sal
\ • A. ew Itattn.
'UCK Tb— r ati elute an ,or e
',Ler "N. k W RBA 1
14,7,11'SILKS-A. - Mason & lba
11.1.4 a At oven,..t A Voutiktful lt'of very sU d .
and rsck ,
kegii ittrU'd eity brandk *,
haryland for eale A. CC 111,RTSON..•
\ - \ 114 Llbertl49l
, ILn: ,POPLINL , 4IIeauti 1 gouda, 3kLet;
kn•<•o_ exprens. at k •
11,GARS--5(),001.1 Prtnetpe, an . ll,
BFE WA‘; \ \
Ikviwas; lapilas446.
ta- kale Lr ISALAWPICIVEY a U. 9 '
_{dater bad Front .j.
y ou CIiASigERS-Very , qhenp Wall mi.
. s_.
pt., and le rdeto, In lieu . 001thiteoruh, fai a*
i ma} , / " Y., P.',31.111L511A.LL.,,,,
~_,. _
•\ ituarnruan hari , ,open Ws zuorkiNt ...14.4:j0
.1 - A I.ltiunable g 0044.
(..! TAR. CAN DLES— t ln whole and hi'. Ims;
for ado (rep . 2.2]•\ HARDY. JONES k
Lll/10 ' TOBACCO-1\ htifift nod zee, for
.alb 1 .7 (.1 , 221 Luxor. JON 4 ap.
I N Elf) OIL-5 labla vec'd. and iaala
1.4 by ,Int - a. W. nannaVaa:
• IND6W IS-3139 bzx reed
e ru,
sbbl s. Srlrr tae;
.4 \ 4
tm. um, frt
rrEERA DE SIENNA-10001k to
..kezo Kipp
lIACKED BUTTXR---K -bble.,. a
11, rale by \ bICRICIt
Rua:: • l Wnter P
VlLTAls.t.:ll—Scucke , of the . Pitta'ib
s u a lararllo , t i s . abe t .see 41 , 0 f 1tatr,21 , 6
the b n jgbe. osalqirry ° 4, 1. pail by
&MO, II nut
sow* lkott.batnet.
LIO it
2 — . — '
an . Sun
St eedelte4.4. hrid,, , totke
st. 4 '. Yiyrf~Ytmt
IIEESE 2 -104.i boxes for bide by
..04 VON 8U5.4,1101.91'
Mill OIL-+.lO bblr. Ncr. I, Nr gal
1141:9 • SC73OO:IIIAIKRR
47.!.ACKEICE L=-52 013. Large o.
........eur t tcr . tos% La xt.. !It:4z