The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 17, 1851, Image 4

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    ili it vi 0 wiaw trivA A v A
Ins Aim . irvk- -
BY =MA (loon.
Methinks we ahead hate ' '
this engraven
Where all Win arejmung.marread,
Where Interest Swoop like the raven.
Bightthgeite po unce and to feed;" 4
For toe - often does Hdntety dwindle ' •
In bosoms that' fatten' on wealth, '
While Craft, With unsatisfied spindle,
‘2, Bits winding in darkneasend stealth, •
Itie fair we should ask for our labor,
The recompense faLiness should give;
But pause eft, we traiple s neighbor.
Yor Duty says, ~ L iire and let live."
Shame to those, Ir4o secure in their thriving.
Yet foot would keep poorer ones down—
These, who likenotthe cruet of the striving
To grow to a loaf like theirown.
Shame to those, who for ever are grasping
At mare than ono mortal need hold,
Whose heart-strings ore coiling ant clasping
Round all that gives promise of gold.
Shame to those, who with eager attaining
Are willing to take but not give,
Whose selflsitness—eoldly enchaining—
. Forgets it should •'Live and let live.':.. . ,
There's room in the world for more pleasure,
1 4, ffnian would but learn to be just,
• I -- 'And regret when his fellow-man's measure
Rani over witnleai drops arid - dust.
.• 04 seat us to help another,
find bowie) neglects the behest,
, ~ p iagraces.ttici.milk of his mother,
' dad spreadeth Love's ball o'er his breast.
and the soul that covets unduly,
May doubt If that God will forgive;
!ll'or Religion weer preaches more truly,
- 'Thin what the says, "Live and let live."
• Pi
`..•..,:.3.ttstrusgh Hedge Reim Nursery,
- ..10:E7EE N ,th re o and miles
gi s .
Mat of. Pittsburg% near the Farmers' ad
-Tternplito knad., Berteemion of Vourth
Pima.) ad about °a mile from Bast Liberty.
litte .subseribers respectfully stire notice to their [UV.
the Dna. gmerally, that thairmteroire Nur
'edet, Breembouses, now comprise between 110,-
000Sudithenal 200.= Pouts, all of which are in a healthy cola
. •
aItUIT eordiating of Annie. Psiar,Plum, Peas,
Chem. Aprimalicetarino, Almond, Craps Taco Le.
Almthas,timalps, Menntain Aah.
Boger Stank. kinglia Laden. American Lind., Lomtoce
dy Poplar. Balm of delta& Poplar, Weeping Willow, White
Darted litre% Tan Zr.., IlemeChestrent, Paulowsla -
• De Weeping Ash, English Ash, Pagliete dyezdreere.
• rev .i'litZ4° L , T . VE'ci'S . W - ANI . ) BUROBB—Tim Joaniper.
Cedar, American Arborritea,Chireeee Arbors-Rea, Item Tree,
gpright Tow, Osman Via. Amadeu Holly, Campeau
Molly. White l'ime. tiorwaylipmere, Balsam Fir, Slime itr.
Beach Pie, liemkek tipster, Boah Broom, ie.; ae.
"Cifalfhl uoun PLANTS—Tin Bono, (many of th em
''.• ttt_ . sata,) nunsboring ever 70 yariethe In dune. to win
or Chine.. liverbhantna, Ikea
or Chimes.
— Tea '" %;: a . • tad Boma Bourbon gems, Babette Maseet, , lighrici
Petpetual Or itemontat Rm., A great number of acme
, Perfsay hardy, ad bloom. freely ,throughont the
mama 'team. A/so, Geraniums, °leaders, Brame,
N. 1 e. most beificeompauled with the cash. or autrasou, references. •
Plato mmfally barked and sent , acomeling to direction..
enatort or the United dted... • .
Parana wieldpur to onnment their plemure anomie
wont,/ do era to aim mut eall, as we third, our Mom uf
E ,,, r37.111 atm. be surpass.; welt or the, -mountains.
mos canning lime ammo( groat and numbering from
fA to 100,000, • =eat cluinbcr of whirli are of a Tam eisc
for tramp/wing.
Orchard al tehruhberf Planting executed hy tontram .
. -
. i.6 ; . ii.4 l faXi) to our Marc,. at
burgh. mire itioneutate attention.
liitu on
. Ord . =4 , Ira at our er [and in therDiamonii Market, on mar.
...._ illar:11 . trona:hate attention.
... ,, ' , Xi c l i te
.. 410 . 1t 0u
to n/ 1 1 , 1.t 0 n irrnted to call and examine a -
ni titre. on any dal= Sob ur
"bath. " .
' " • ' ""."' "
rIiINE HOSE,-500 feet 2 inch 3
.11a Rubber Hate, brought out ex many fur Hr.
oe .. }Pe to itetbe Yle, ➢ey.rtrmne of both
chip to Hand mere l
preesure than-any leather kruntr issetnto4 to
In all men where they do net turn nut se repreeenced,
the money will be-refunded or the /We replaced by Oen
7 aud 9 Wood sc.
DILE OINTINIENT—Warmitett to care the
fIAITENDISH.—Eztra fine Cavendish To
nep27buss, for /We by REYSER 3.11%114...
BIITTER-1. bbL and 21 kegs for sale by
sep3 Whi. juiD,TON.
14:1RTITE of sundry writs of Venditioni
JLIF Eq... and Lerati Factu. and Dori hoist. tuned
• out of Rao Ihettict Coon and Coon of Common Pleas of
- Allegloony•Connty, and to too directed, will be expoood
Up:WU maks , at the Cann Roue. elty of Pgtettueli; on
the 11th day of October. 4 L_ 1010. at 10 o'clock,
et..31.1th0 folioninedetribed property. tonC
- Mellen, title, Interest and eHaim John SPDoo.
ot, blond to ail that . certain piece of Ind oltaate Ia
PM. Townshipbounded and dendbed ak.folicwe
Wounded on t he cut by ludo of the heir.of Lazarus
' doceued. on the north by lona of Robert McCor
•dy,,tta teen by land of Jacob McDonahl. on the month
,by tow, of W. and Thee Ernt cat which to erectoi a two
1,1011 Irmo dwelling house. said : ' lasi menu. non
aortae morn or Ins Betted and Latch In execution he the
=en) of John
.31cDoreald; at the mit of Robert En-
All the right,' title; Intrust and claim of Molls W.
Sillith:otluari t0..1 that lot or ramel of groand.situated
to the Borough of Sielleesport, being lot No 3, in Sraelairk
.2100 of lotot, in aid 8P51311.11. bounded and described as
.601 1 a 3 5, rik—Frontlnt 60 feet on Walnut eau; and um
tesellng back of moat width 140 het to • '3l foot alley. on
'which ereetal a mall and a half story brtek
log boom. and t 2 a twine oto story building «cupid as
,a th e
1.4 turleenter
Seised and taken tri exeen
'•tion SS th e yr:welly ot Thomas W. Smith. at the sult.of
Job. Wilkinson.
All the right. thie.intereet. and'elkito of Win 11. S3OlO.
In. sad to all that lot or parvel of ground. situated in
' 366 2 . 6 . 3 31 6 lllclioulsirt. Ulu , the one belt of lot No
2113,_in the original Sian of saki Burugh, laid out by Jno
McKee. Warded out describalfollows. elx—Beginnlng
at Um corner of Sixth strut aiult— alley. and sunning
thence along said alley 140 feet tom oßef . rh e r ce
along odd alley 10 feeti thence et rit2ht angles in a lido
parallet with the original linos of said 140 feet to
Sixth street. thence along mild street 30 fest to the place of
• Ugh:lnlay whereon is ererud a *moll two story brick
dwelling hon.: telul and taken In execution Ns the
property of Win 11. South. at the milt of John Willilnam.
All the right, title. intorest and claim of l' Raney, ot. in
and to all dud certain lot of ground, Uute on Dune.
strut, In the Seventh Waal of the Ply of Plttsturoilt, said
lot being fit tort in front on Duncan street. and extending
:. - beek.tes Yrantlin meet, e distemee of Esi feet. &UN.
sod take* in execution Co the Broom, - of P. Roney. at Pe
ealt of ,13.11
' • ALSO.
All the right, title, /Merest and claim of Wro Chambers,
' Of. In and tot_the following deworibwl use of land. situate
-40 Jelfornion Township, to wit—Situatson the moth side of
nun, sodtaining CO acres, more or loss. and
-boned!-boned!by lands of con Jam. Motrissn'sbeirs, John Palm's
lord, 11.4 leach animus Lame and others. It being wins
011 fo g m h e o r ai k' scll o F t
'' or ba.
Sta d thereon erechwi. FelssZl and taken In execution as the
RllDintr Of Woo Chambers. at the snit of IL McGowan.
' th at ontsin two st ock dwelling house. Mush,
In Ohio Township, fronting on the Brawn toed about lid
feet: and extending back about. 10 feet, avid dwelling' house
• beincerectsd on lot It, Peeble's plan of lots in
hewlekleyvtile. and the lot or Mem, of ground and ninth
mint to this usu. Seed and taken in
eutiol as ;the
ann. property of John Dickson, M. the suit t... 1611
right. Interhrt and ehdat of John neck. or,
nd to all that certain lot of toremsd, marked and num
bered ... Om. Jackson Chats plan of lots In the Borough
of Larretreettle. bounded and described.s folios—lt
Butler .Gear, by an alley 10 feet rkie , by the Oreemsburub
and Pittsburgh Turoplke rout. and a nd s No 1 ard No
mid lot hat front of about 40 feet, eiteode trek ri
ouldTorehlke about Mk: teet. artleit are erected • frame
house or Brewery. • mall brick hosts. and a amall frame
stable. flederd and taken In a:mutton as the property of
Jno fleck, at the snit of Ilels. Brother & Co.
_ •
• ••• • • An the right, titio,lsterest end stem ofJohn Corrigan,
04 to and to all time two 1 - Xs of ground, vitnate on Ross
emit, in the city of Plttaburgh, and being /...021 1 ....1
' 82 Lad 3310 Sands 13. rattermena ohm of lots, - each - lot
santalning 21 feet in Rant, on Roe street, and exterulln
. Sinnierring the ad width, ioo to •z, foot g -
kJ.. which sire elected a Lugo double brick dwelling
• Dome, with rolarste apartments for different tenants.—
- Poised and taken inexeratlon as the property of John
13oregOn, the snit of Wm Unary. &rug Ibanez A Co.
dor Vie of .1 i 3 Mums and others.
• All that two gory inlet house, singled on Second greet,
' in
Mt7 ,l •Rittilhorgh, between Wood and Merkel et A,
t, o
ateAdiroc ha fronn said &Fond stmt. emit 38 Rot.
T. 4, - ,ll..riazdbur, s tnto o rj , d , 'th4 . l ) s o tr:l i n d se , =, about
yt en silitdon to Or extention of the building situated an
"7.134 . r•t•s sheet. Ist mid mown e the "Denis
and Meath, ground covered by the sum. and
.ninon' other ground ap urtenacit or tmeordlately edit.
. 7 cent. thereto. ea may be • for the online,' and
mitten xrusgases of midhuildlng. Selted.and taken btexe
mitten ast Liu, property of Andrew Mille occuractor,dind
Thep, Wallace, owner, at the 0010 of f oot.. Blacks:ore.
Allem right, Ude, lotoren. and dahn of Richest Mow
' •
rat e o 4 .IA, end to all that ceriabs lot or piece est ground,
s ettee. op the north able of Webster street, ln the neergh
Wartof the of Pittsburgh, and de"072.1
em, ginseng on
we give. as the distance of forty
• fee gra:ethos north west mum of Roberta etree. theme
W beer street 43 foot e 0 d.134 Jell theme pendia
• ii%Netisitar steel, smathwardly fertrand Men, c.a..
warily 49 feet and IM, Mews. SeUred .red taken in see"
tion . Lithe property of,lilcholasMerres, at the snit of \yea
iB the •
right.altio, inteast; and elidos of Peter Myo 4.
fa, and to all that erten messuarse eel lot or piece br
Irm4, situate in /Liana township, on the yonongahele
6=044 and detcribed .o follow., rise beeriu e g at
~,':Of hralTb 000458 eb;rlofAt . LA. 0004
t. 46 ' Pc =f;s o a W4' t. t rie r rcaliou b tre7d j e7s...
p. yes
80 yeah ' es to poet on the hank of the Monongatiela
• ever; thermp said river 8. 13, W. 34 percher to • Mg,
thence hr land of Archibald Wiese 8-71, wort to the
• , ,!. plate este:Mug Ilya acre and six perches
mom or lima on whirs le erected an old frame dwellng
boo.. Am ginned indAnten In execution iss Meproperty
ofilPetew 3170, 'at the suit of Reed Calhoun and Jame
ofJamesCalhoun Jr. deed.
',ill, the right, title. inter;Ft . ...erel claim of Ilesny W.
Othvon tbbe 41'. latlissid ' falt=ts, g" t=rr ‘ Ol
y, geld tot being 80 of 100 t, on which arc mac.
adVau gray frame dwelling bona. and stable. betted
mkt iskers.l23 remotion no they:up:lila Henry W.ollrer,
et the snit of L and A. Venom, ; •
A certtdatbres Mory Mien bu i ildiltg and out house., .it
thecaPitt Townahip remain. en Billfr root, 26 feet.
extendinn back from eald street, Mond the Mt .off emewarilly Pride street.l. Met ta a
pot therwewpstwordly prePertY of doseph Lytle, Mold
lit street. ea iiMrendd Seised and takew In executing at
the prude:My of Patrick Olistalon Couttr, end Wm, Leal
mer, jr..entr a Alava gung,,
vg .
t he dam ]u
All the dghtl'lltle,imarest,M,Om. and demacuLof dual'
kir of, an, and to ell that certain lot of mound, situate
ist the hot . t.itelwesPnt, hying kAA lot marked and nude
bend 122, in John NefieWohLem of of taid borottxte
old 1W haring a lion on !Market street of CO feel, sad es.
undjing boa. presenting themate width.l4o re WM
to erected two small frame dwelling bone, mod 'hop—
Weeds.' taken in eareation th e prop,.., kll
Tatar. at Shea= Of 404. /mt.. ea
All the Tight, title. inhered anda ALß% tina of John Williams,
do , y . out td Nut :erten" lot or piece of mound, Mu t at.
en the east Ode of Arthrats snwet. between Pune= and
Welmtar neva% in the Math Ward of the tile of pithi.
hmWoolstalideld in [Mat oa Arlhom Mreet, 24 feet morn
p t . 00 which Li emoted a tam story Mkk tleelltna
nomat,./..e.,tlalSed mad Mk= it ..meek . an the prawn,
of John Williattoo - st the salt of J. A. Walker.,
AlOho right, riots, totems; and eel.' of &nun= A.
Walker of. In. and to all thet cent in blot ground, Atom*
hi lt, f , b .- e t
. ~{ee¢fa Trent, opronte Vttaborgh. In the
gior t i hs ist.. ct of
Mheefrom heeorer og
oWate d Ln andu l s No. y
= :
- on Lbe division line between ont,lots Nos. as: and 074, on me
one OW and Noe. 2 1 3 and 210 on the other. 'beam along
pad 1 ,„„, eg Ina., and meme ot right angles
web mid line =I feet, co a lane 3.3 feet wide, thence along
mid Wm 07 fret 10:- mehm s end thenoe at tight angles
to mid lane SU foci, to the 040 , of hesitudng, containing
one-half on whkti In erected a dwellfog non, ...
tasked and In caseation m the nroparty of Y , ito woo
• A. Walker, ottbe nitro! Wm. Dilworth tr
Ali die right. title, Interest, owl obi= ofJmnes Tomen,
or. I t t and.t
alet al la those certarriL.... la ! .1 4 , 7 . 1 4.1 5 r.
taitllo. theolantf= otNy l apt. hording an:
39. V4n7der..Eso.. as gage . ti t g i t , he c irine for
3 %cring
jag oh tL. Allig w tigi r s; Mar; on, thsTp:Lr...i.=
th. Bailer 'I nrapt_ke reed, hobs I, Mot 0. the Alla
sheer aim, About We net. tin es in .deptb,Aerelvalre of
rnanylkelloed and Canal.)_on ono side 26 2 feet. mare
;, legs, and . = the other tide 43Ateet =re' orlees, upon
which la erected a steam strwa i ond email *me dwell.
L i
Sim 'es , being tbo SW. Pohl to add Tam= hY
owo, Umnlng and - Wife dated the ?Da day et
. . . . . . .... prop
April.ll4o. Seised and taken In executlon the
et'tl of Jam/Cram., at the volt of John F. Irry.
All Wee two'oertake am: arm. brick houm6two Karla*
WO. with Ahabent. altnase ha she Third Ward of
IneCltY of ontli.trenthle on •mtvata gourt tn. Al.
kr g ~ inatilzektlcanPanwtranie.Arentia. anclinaning ~,,,..
.uatetuthelattetnalt.•ezh or odd houfts Unclog, ta
ma in trout on maid alley le feet more r Ina a.
lox emoted On wkrt of lot No. 31. In we., Dian or in, in
... sd ci,,, ,n d - ti,. 101 .. oleos of mound sail cluttht.go
stoorrtasoutt to the atm Seised and taken 14 exemetos
w . th..mparty or Jana Taaaart, at.tbo osat ,of Wllllato
Dilworth. Jr. i
All the eight, tltlo. Interest and claim or y. Be.idenstrl.
ter, m. and to the following described lot. to 010 Lot
Na. of.
ln John Brown's plan of lots In the-Bogh of
tug Riennhogrhannutd lot being Z 9 feet In fronton rou eltdney
Wit. and extending In depth feet, bounded by Malloy
a e,net atbreaald. by p ro perty of C. Dungen, Ex, and by
lots No. 73 and 6 - 7 In the blan of lots aforreald.l Seined and
tayen In execution as the - roperty of tredegiek. sow..
striker. at - Month of James Patton. Jr.
.• • .
AD the right. title. In nod elalm of The Second
Evangelkal Lutheran D. Stephens Church,r Allegheny
City. of. W. and to all that oertaln lot or owe.. of ,amund,
situate In Reserve Toernedtp..e.r I'e. Troy. tr.ti.V on
the road ;5 feet. between the teo grareyardn, and estvott.
log back 220 (Let. fleised•and taken In execution nn,lhe
property of thvCongregation of the Second hreopelieul
Lutheran St: Mention. Church. .thealseny City, at the
suit of Gabrial Warner. and others.
.• • • ..
All tbe right, title. inters+ sad sham ; of' EASrani R.
Riggs, bofol nova. undivided elerstah Dart s of. 1., sod
to a tract of load situate In Entardete Township, bouadod
and de-eribed as follows. boundsd by lands of tbe
hen of Junes Wallas.. laude of Henri Murray, Wlfllem
bnwart: Room* Manny. and bateau( baronet libido, sow
tahang about 180 acres, with a boos barn.
erret . iarsabject t Dart o
dert4 ' ,l . lat of d. ' 2.4
Main. widow of Edward Riga, the sonar .lohn
Darresed. arid Nabs dower right of 311.7 111sart, widowof
oh. said John Biala Deeessed. Seised sad warn In ea,
nation thw property of Edward Riggs. abtho salt of
'ratans ilregg.
All the right. llUe, Interact. and claim of John F. Me-
Combo, of, to, to and out of •optein rent rhargeb (or grourel
rent) laming out of a eortittn lot of groutaL:
d ivete
Peeblea Toe:whip, being the tame lot of :waded
by Whitens U. Alevdader, to John WilUt . hy deed of ..1 . -
etual . les,e, deal February 3d, ISIN. nacorded In deed
Look N 0.2, pairs IP SlOnr•lng to add Alexander and hie
amigos, • rent of
of 824,1.10 a year, paYable quar
terly. mkt het being 41 Settee trent on the Pittsburgh wed
lireenshurgh Turnpike Road t andestendlng bock g o feet.
bounded by ettoptTly, now, or adato of aell Alemnterr.
which sold gnaund rent gee conveyed by E
:Sheriff of said County, me the Property of seld. Alexander.
to John F. lffelkanba in I'OrMADOP of certain pure:Ulnae
In the Qturt of Ctelinloo Plata of said (NlOnnty. on TI
No, TS, June Term, 140.
j LUI the right. title, Int.-nit and claimof John P. 31,-
opinho, or, in and to all aut. nertaio lot o fground Pittlpie•
in East I.llgortr, bounded as lolovia, vie Beginning at Oft
corner of an allep 12 feet wide, and the Pittiburgb and
lircenaborgh turnpike roaid, thence earheardir along geld
Mail, 40 Pad to the itine of Thomas 11cCiarr , thence ,giutll
wardry along raid ino WO feet tO
along raid street nuetwarilly tO feet to said 12 niet
theneellqoellorarilly 200 fret to the piano of beginning
. • •
All the right. title. Inter. L 0 0 0 1 eldlio of tall SleComte.
l i i°o=l.lNT,' , ;:orrutcrzlo,L, , ,'T;4ll - .7 4 10;12' 0
at the corner of the Orrenabtuuh.andhattburgh turnpike
p.a. and the Frankstown road. thence along and Franke.
town road about 200 tat. to property of the beau of Jamb
hegira, thence alohg large of etald ;unfelt, about leo hot
to wa Oreentburgh and halibut ghterupik.• road, thence
w o p,the same.north westwardly ale. leakto the plad
p c ,inning, containing otrup ane, more or lest! Soiled and
taken tn 000001.6 n tkie property of John MeConOe k
at the suit of thorgoßeheiner.
Thattgielf dwelling hotter, erected by Wm- SIMPaon. m.•
lot on the north olds of Fifth etre., In Pittsburgh. and
about midway from Filth street to Virgin All., asul he.
lag in the rear of the house now occupied by Jacob Mc-
Collister. said hones bring two stories high, hating • shed
roof, and being IT feet aids by TA fest long. The firer of
mond belonging to said 511upeon. on which uld bon is
erected, Is bounded on the wart aide. by property of Mor.
r ot e s heirs, and on the best ride by property of Monti
Campbell, Seised and taken In ...cotton as the property
of Dr. William Simplon. owner, and John Darla.., eon
tractor, at tho suit of David flute. wm.
'All the right, title. itdered and claim of Daniel Younr
sou. of, In sod roan that certain lot or piece of droand.
boundol and devrlbed m followe: beginning it the corn
er of lot No. 13, and running thence es* 21 feet along
1301f0111 street,then. south 1:."7 feet th an alley. thrum ...along add alley 21 feet to the mince of the sad 1,1
No. 13, then. north along said lot to the place .of begiu
rdnir.l boitm lot No. /2. in the plan of lots Paul out In ant
Township. (now City of Pittsburgh) by Rowan'and Wray,
era :Kidded it, the tam for molding deed, dc.. In Al.
!,orq,' so.,ar ln
of Kr= t ron a vel'ul ' lu t 'S,T; t 2, a peel
Martha his wife. to Robert Wray and Charl.ll4owan. o n
t h e 6th day of September. 11,31, by their deed roconled
hal 6. v01.2h,p. 33u. who,,ailla uuat. Rowan. Mlle of said
Chart. &wan, conveyed the mid bat No. 12 to Geer.,
Dailey, by deed dated the 12th dayof Januar, P
1%6. and reeorded in the ofdre for recertlina dedfs,oo...
= 7 l2: ' wift by 4' tl k e4 Ltc 7 .l 'i t;t! . 7i7l%; o t ' d•
FehAntry, A. D. 144 ~ eonveytathe nine G.OrP• Thom..
son, who, with tone, his wile, by deed dated P age
ledlt morded in deed boot 4, 4.. vol. 74. page 44
tottrerul the same to Daniel Venn coon. on which Is creel.
eel a two story frame
no hmaseh and other out houw.s.
Seised and talt in elm-anon as the property of Denial
YOUTIS2O. at the snit of 11. Allep a Co.
All the nigh, tale, Inhxrest &tat claim of Alexander
Black, of, In, tad to all that hertain lot of rrotud 'oblate
in the City of Clltabargtt, being part o f l o t Nu. li, m the
plan of In, annexed to the partition of' .the estate of
Elisabeth Block. dmeaarel, bounded KA tappet: . bentnotn,"
on Pen...bran.% Avenue, thence along . saki Avenue 11:,
fact to lot Na. 9, In sand plan, thence along law at old lot
heck 121 fret 3-h Ind., more mires. thence al ri ght are
pies 22 fret. TN, Inches to lot No. 11, thence along sot .NO.
11.11 a feet 2 Wale] more or leas, to place of te,rinning..
being part of the Fame lot winch by virtue of certain pm.
ee...lingt in partition in the Dirtnet Court of Allegheny
County, was (Inter alia) &fluted tu raid Alexamter Black,
lu severalty. as wi ll appear by reference rerence t o the mooed. ol
bald proneedinur No. 58 of November term, a. U. 1011.
nExecution Doekell. Schaal nod taken in Olnellta , 4l as Ilan
null of Vcmar 01".
Oil the right, title. intere,:t ' and claim otJohn fiestio:
of. In, and to a mrtaln 000,0 of land situate 'ln
Township, (now Penn) boarded and dowribed v follkma. to
wit: begttuderr, at a post cn the hoe of lard of Fran.,
thence Lby same Our 0. TO decree, West 4Y 0 , 10
y,y,be, to put, thrum line , - of land of lineal Blair,
:oathath 13 degree, West y 6.lo . perehe. to a pn.t, them e
by title of PCIIIke hind. South den , 1-10
perches to,ta noel, thenCe . t, the , iine of land of :Sarah Joh n
;,oli..!?4r!Tdr=7::st'o'ff pt;trwfalra ' pti ', l ' l;= " o7
.114 of Inn& of We,, FL 10rter and Chyle.'
North 1 degree, Loot 123 6-10 perches to a t um, thence
Fiat X.: 2.1 t zrerehes to a put, then,. North 30, &clef:,
]bat 32 040 1••••h , Y , • pmt ~hens, by lota] of high
Danniw, Weal, liperchgo be.lsoto. • rost ei. thencli Mi . th—
=l4 VI - 0 1 ;e mile.. to a potifikwe North Ith 31 11"et:tves,
Eset7 t er p . to s 00l thence North, &I me,,,,r e .t.
11:-16 per... to • put, theta, North
.5-10 peches to a post, thence North U 33., degree, Wool
pere.. to • sawt., thane. Muth 10 dennaza, Kadt 1-10
nerobeb to the Place of bcßinning, oantaitung 16,1,0 2
rissis and I.F. twrchya and taken Ita es...en - non a.
the property of JoLn Keating, at the wit' of Wm. It.
All the righ4liths. interent,;ml claim of Rllliom J
m. of. tn. net to all those two certain lots or vices, of
Km* Oilltalluirlt. and
beingl t
In the plan of lot. laid out be
d . be Executors of jab.,
O'Hara. lat. of said City. Deceased. bounded and
SA follows, sla,conamenelna on Water *tree[ at k , rner
of • lot owned or form,ly owned be d. Pfran.:l,
sat running gran. ,West along— rt. ai feet 'to cot.
ner of propene owned by Chambers a ..,t,,niv; then.
.... m oth along property 100 feet to the pis,f of.te.ain
oing. Dart of • large Cntet of ground mb/ch Ilar.
mar Dee. y and Dem:W.B.l'y, Eves., surviving Eaecuter.
of Jame/40'11am, Deceased. by deed of 1 , ..1th l'ebrearY.
1043.5td to James Blakely In fee, who by .1.4 of
March lath. 1110. muveyal We same to WiLlinta Jach.
moo, In fera which deed Is
in in the Itsourders
Ofbee Allegheny County in Deed nook, 4,0
page 4=. Soloed and taken In esecution Its, the prop
of Jackson, at Ault of William J. Jac.
eon. for use of George /three, now for tna. of WIWI= c.
An the right title, totem...lel:am of Peter, fiat re. of,
In, and to all that certain lot of ground in the llorough of
3lcKeemport, bounded and deactibedag follows. viz_ U..
guinlog at • point on Market Street, Si tie corner lot
110 in the plan or Borough,to running tlo.nce
along Market street PP fret to the mid le a hat No. 11:.
then at right angle. with Market ortrojet Weetwerdl. 10,
feet; thane on •Ilne p.. ailed with ,Nlertet street Nneth.
ward's 00 hat to the Diamond: then,
tett to the plaza of beginning, on which Sr. arer,t..l nue
taiga three sore hrick hour, nal:44K! ea • n.ecro and
stare holim.`wal three framedwelling L0u,.,. ,
Alto. all thaterrtaba other intof ground In the Borough
of Idegroscorte being lot 1 0.t3 In Xlllerle plan. beginning
at the corner of dixth and elnelalr Stmt[ then. aloe.
++ Clair street. 152 feet and 014 Indite to the corner 01 cin•
Heir and Itlncohl etreetC then... Westwardly along Itln.
gold etre.. 61 feet and 610 Inches to a poll thence I. a ,
hue nearly parallel eluded r street 161 fret sal .1
Inches to Bath Oxen thence Erotwardl y along xth
etreet 61 feet-and Pie t o 0, the gibe of tw.uning.
Abe, all the right, Ulla. totem,— and Haim of Pnld Ita.
ter, (bring the undividel WY part) of. in. and. to lot Cc
1:0,10 acid borough, froutingon Market etre.. Wrest, and
runtdrig back 140 feet w Blaekberry Alley t Alen, all the
righted/de. inwswt, out claim defendant (h a j,
undivided half part) Ur. and to lot Nt. 171, In trod
borough, hunting 60 feet on llukat street, and extending
heck 140 feet to Blackberry Alley: Al, ail the right. title?
Inters, and claim of the defendant, lining the one undivi
ded hitifspart) of. It. oral to Int ho. 1:3 in mid tswough.
fronllugltd feet on flarket enrol.. and est.nding beck 110
feet to Blackberry Alley, on which are erroted 5100.01
brick hot., recopied Aro a tavern and etons nonce.. • triune
holm, an oid log dwelling hoc,., and a 10,111 stab!.
Seised 2.1 taken In execution as the property of Peho
Baker,at the mite( o.. Blackburn A Co. and Jnhn W. Butler.
for use of 1.1. Blackburn A Co.
AU throe two brick house; on the north ttiat-antner of
Elm and Decatur street, In the dty of rlttatoirszto the
said homes are two stories with
One of the mid hours hoots on Elm ',roe.. and the other
onDecatur street- Seised and taken lo execution as the
ProTeftl of Stonlffolnler.dec'd. In the hands of bts
Samuel Mapper, sr.. at the cult of Bolttnaps ot Gar-
All th e ri•ht, Ottereet. and claim of Henry Slmo..
detwased, la theh.d. of Anthony Hart; td. Itehh
An. to - Moe. Frvolk Yogis, Wklow. Eliza It.rhart , and
melia, minor chlkiten of Bald Ilectry , Sir... deceased/
of. In, and to all thatcert•ln lot of grt.nd, situate In the
'borough of BLroalnaham, and Marked and numbered 51.
in tht pl. of lot. lald oat by the late hansotan,
deed, Whig 93 feet In front cm Denman .street. and extend•
Ina back 50 het 4 inches. to line of lot Yo. 40, no vblch II
erected • frame dwelling honer 8..1 and taken h t
cuGoa es the property of Henry, deed. It the
hand. of Anthony Hart, hi. otter, (with notice, te.) at
the .1t of entrunto. t amlth.
All theright. tits, Interest, and claim of,Poter Painter.
of. In. and to all that certain lot or given of around. Mute
tea In the city of Allegheny , be at the distance of
40 feet from the south nut corner of Middle and Pater
Ahoy.. ou the south ude of mil Rater alley, winning
them* outwardly slang sold Wator Alley, towards fede
ral street 20 feet, to Inlet No. 1010 mid city, thence wuth.
wardly by the foe of lot No. to, parallel with Federal
enact, 80 feet to • 4 feet alley, thence westwardly along
said alley, ttneards 'Middle Alley ao fart, theme north
wardly at right mglee, by • line parallel wi th Middle
Alley, BO feet to the place, of beginning. and also, the free
and nuinterrupted um, prlege, enjoyment of the
4 feet alley alums:aid, on which Is erected two two story
'Nick houses, and one two story frame house. belted and
taken In execution as the prOperty of Peter Paltry, et the
salt of.lannia fiervinsan.
ALP 4),
AM the right. tale, Interest %AI claim of Henry Buhr,
(hal, of. 1..6 to all [bat remain lot or pkve oi ground,
lamee in the Moggsth of Mierlieburgh, bounded and dr—
cvlbed as fainter—Beginning at a past on Malt arra.
and at the South East archer of Aug Miller's la, thence
aloud =id street GS feet ditches. to laud of Joe.. Bug+,
geld, th ence oa th by Ilne asset Jonas Buthalleid. !id feet
o inches, to the ;toeing path of the Pennsylvania canal,'
thee. slang theta,. routh C 2 decree., west 70 feet 6 In ,
to the Hue of Ann Miller's lot ~marl. thew* by the
ea feet to Main street. the plans of beat to
!icing the !same lot of pound width eat eopveitd to
wia r , Beat e hudd by John Colwell a, by
ether deed detail the 12thof October, A. D. Igo, r
and whkh
Is teenrdad to Allegheny Cottrity. In deed book, Pot. be,
page IsMi. Oa the end of the lot fronting on halo stced.
AMT. is everted a frame. hogs+ two Maims high. and
end fronting the Cunt, a cabinet maker's shop. Based and
takAti In essential as the property of Henry Butterfield,
at the cult of Samuel Mahatton.
• .
All that Voisin piece or pereel of ground, in
hiniuddlivneing lot No. VI In acorns L. Kele' plan of
lots, unwonted In Allegheny county, In Look IL ad, vol.
by,pagea 434 and AN L Lea hounded nod described so na
tant:flu beginning at a calm, on Lkolwall etrent, and at
the &Nino of IN7 feet nod !I inches iron the north out
corner of Vine and Colwell ate, east on feet andillachea,
lot No. TT, thence along saki lot No. L 7, nort.b , 7l get
ineho to Lacy atreet. thence along mid Lacy street rota
nett r. feet Indio to Colwell annet sod place begio-
Ding, being (as heft , . mentioned) lot No. VI. tieing the
Name gnat of ground that Geo. L. Nolo and Olgrgaret, his
wife. conveyed to Laid John S. Heald by their deed dated
the litnril.l333. Seized end taken ID execution ludo
Mrag Ap
1 ,!;!Ige y
their guarlllan Jam b Gregg. at the snit or Thomas Daft,
So, an
octed. d lino, ROL ntmLolauatore of George L. title
the right, Ut/e, batergeh add'clalio of bliehael kids.
ley, of, 111, add to all that certain kg or of grotugd.
altratt=ryl i g iri =gbeni4ri i i ga i br i r. k l i ii ici;rit: H i ;
it on theroath of Jackseasetreet. therico eartgariblY
atmet, 21 dart grebe*, Menge at right angle.
iggithitiardly tai li/ a (get thaneo veirtwarillr
by sold alley 21 het C inches, tbrooo oortbrrardl, at right
lei 95 the plot. of lot or piece of 0.000,1. ehlrb 1:74:1',1AT.%1'.1.n.11`1:4=
dated - loth Lbegreraber. A. Li Prig, sag tricordea Id Alle
y, In dreiil book I.L. 204. 0,1 6.5, gag.; .313, ego.
' 47:150 Ibbriey, arid on . Irlaleb igrgir,g
...yd . ," &gem., foie.. .12:14 taboo In 'exam:Mon
the property of Michael &brim lithemit off Lb:sandy r
all the right, title. Interest and elalio of Jac6i. F. WWI.
o 6 In. and In ell that certain lot of gr0w1:6.4h., l a sa..
Borough of Elisabeth. urn toundal and derelipod es lob
kewsoiss beginning at afoot on TUN nwellErol roo.
sling bean Delidlili not lot E.`l6 ' t to Taw
... A alien bli feet to the corn_ of a .- 9;"
by Ws. of same,l93 fat to 34 4, urenowbf &I et 60
lbetto tha plan of bran:W:464m which are mend • brick
th re ug4, how., two amnia bleb sod • small Ingo*
theh. 2
Defeo:Lanes Interest being the one nrollehh
. Seised and taken Wm:ow:Lion as
.., 14" .1 "i laorio F Wall. at tha suitor E.', llinnlo
Stunie's 01144 ntiliburia. Umber 3.1351:
- _
A 00. hors isOw on hand 750 dco... of Ladled .60.111.
mere, SIM,' Pleeterd.:Eld. and other Obese. Also. sseyy
derkintion Of MOrriery. comprising more alto 1500 dolma
DRESS GOODS---Openingdsilyht. A.TX.
MASON A CO.'S, every style of fohlonable n ' se
s, oonalstlng of Silks, Cashmeres, Be hires, Men os,
ParamettakAlpances, ke. ocn
QUIRE! SILKS I—Now opening at A. A.
-60 pieces of very fashionable Plaid Silks.
70 myt abo,
'.71 plow. rie.h Olane Me,
ld do elegant Brocade do.
JUIP CO. this 0) ca
exhibit morning 'rtons of sirl bon..
net ribbons,
i7,spdhzirttr.r,c,=l,l here receirci • fresh euoplr of the
i v y Burchfield here newised • full meortment tit brVI,
goods--aome as low as leiNe fit.r rani—and also eoind sneer
rupee Mohair Alpaccsa,hlol.uu req. rani.
Burcliteld have receirwl an ...nine. of trieres, grey and Laney Solo., which they are lling
back Coasinieres and Slo th s. and a sari.
err of idylee esperdallrodapted for boys' wear re
11 MASON & CO. will open .110,10 the next fed dais.
upwards of Mx hundred rasesd paokagmi
and Dcmestie Dry Goods, fo which an the attentien of Oolo•
anie and retail 50100,0 ere is invited. ocn
—.IL. A. )IASON CU. will ..[ant dr:
bot, good.
Nog, opening at A. A. MAON 1 - 00 '-2.0: 1.4 ,4
ricL E , VtlEreLch Morita,s anJ 1111. Cluta,
v A. A. 11ASON A CO. Lae.' Just rt,riv.e.l c.aFen sty Ira Caihm.rc. an 114. Lm‘....
Now conatantlr rsTwhinic at W. SIrCIANTOCK'S
are.ur, Fourth rtreet.,to which we to.
rite the attention of thn... wlahluz "to furol..h
Staamboata, as we will 'ell lower than err Im.fore to till,
market. ocl
ORSE FOR SALE—A very desiru-i,_,
11 Ine FamILIT rarrantod perfectly' 1ti0,1, , A7
a.round. !Inquire of J. :2CII(IOSMA IC KI. .3.
.1 ,
CIL/WYrrS.lnf't.l7e 7:A=d2le I. r l ,',:tlr`; C.!
Invites the attentktn of pure:l:moor, an he 1, &terrain., to
..11 lawn. thin es , r ta.fereollered in thit market. nt the
old astablinhed Carp. Wart , hout, No. eS Fourth oh
51cCLINTOCK in the attennen of .Clarta,
manufacturers Or hit lame cto , R of Blue and brab
Oil Cloth, and Trimming. which we ail I aell at redoet4
price, at the Carpet Wan•toute. Vi Fourth Ft. on
t+ now countantly reretving hit fall 'Una of minerlin..
nur. and rututoon INORA-UV CARI . KFR. of now.a,ild
n te t n i t o o n n aotf t
t o ho eminsdn p ro
e t s u r t u o l a a h b Ft c . h . w b e o o ln t, nti,
or Hoop..
Oiler wa ...Bat the Carpet Wand:tone, No Tti Fourth
onl IV. 51cCLINIOCK.
I) ha, In Mom sod for vale grh arpl new arl le ItliFF CARPETS. to which ha Intl.. the attention et tor
ehapern, mite la detertutord to cell lower titan ter, nefor.
in thin market. Call at th 4/ old eatathnhot Cant.t 10 are
heti, No. n 0 Fourth at. . .el
riIAPESTHY CARPETS—t:ew and rich
ttyle Tap... try t oYels Carpet.ost reed at al,. cat ,
Z t a 11 W :i r
t: ' =:. N :til ttrt ' . 'h tt eel • L ' aa. ' t
nl 14. MeCLI,ToCK
'PRE SUBSCRIBER having now rcyeiced
hi. entire stork of FALL AND WINTER tiOODS.
would respectlblly Inform h. customer* and tic. pubic
that ha ....pared
low le o f
b. Gents. other !bed,
male or retail, at very pc
hum Dry Goal, all tbe OLLpi., 1.14,11. r • lac,
ct.ek of Fancy Dna. (iced. comprian, to ham
-4-I Chen, !Mk. Lpr evening and otrvrt drhaara. rag neh.
44 Brocade tluke -
Plato Mack Silk, all prim.. and tchltbK
Brandt , Black dill,
Hoary Wstan4 Silk. all
.111.lin dr haln,
rrrneh Henna and CA...brat-ha;
Ttc,thar aith I , r , ncb and rucl.ll Prlntr.ln •n.lltare
flirty. A,
114. 12-1 And 13-4 6 erndny
.1-4 7' 4 T.d ' Iti Tale D .""r'h P"k'w
mnd.,l-401yruvk haritin, and rnilirc
Lioet Dmper and tr-14:
ff Bich Prlnted Punaand Tatot.
ttntit% Frwneb, Furnltal,. •u.. 1
Curtain, ae.
Ltaptea Black Cambann.c
...• • .
Black Custon . l.3l . .a.tur.
Mohair Eugene, • •
Itarsa Clrarrr. rurr
Veilx. Chemist:tiro mil , Slurtre,n
Collars sad Ca.. A C las.,
and flouirr, .11 cf which Cu.!, rill lu I utuul
rotors aaJ dray far pualtry.
- JAME: , It. 11 , 1,1.1a1T
MOUSE DE LAINES, in •great ratioty nl
.trlet, Plug. an.) crittrinl. from 121, vls
rut rrrad.m. Au v.:antra.. an• rzu.n. rt, trarr
. .
aetZ. Nurth ta..trarn.l 4th an.i Mart, :D.
4 Itarcht,!..l has, u
Loan, uosals uf a Ulu quality. Alsu,
atuutra acal Laransat,ll Ina buy t.
tfin •
r 4 Maine!. st- 1. , e1 ,,, ! A A.. ' 4 ' , 4 A'
, MASON & CO. have Ile hand • and
• an dap, In nertlll of large ounntlt.... or Now Drool
tlul market 000 lo!
PLOOII OIL CLO'fll-1.00 yard,
elcar.r.juxt Oa. l'hitEr.lln Vfte
tory, and for aird
Nos 7 nod 9 Nirrorl st: .gq, I II 11111.1.11,
111 ECEIYED 'IBIS DAY and now opening
ca la la! 1....a1, atr..,
piaara fancy t.l black Cautair,orrf,i-1 tta rfra,o. afal
Mo.t fashionable, pattern..
.o p,e bier!. and, of m 1... moat - ,
Ip.!aura,. and snort.
ov, trrnuvhl t. 1114 ..Ity •
ht;..l Drawer.
!A dm fine sod npixtra,
.. •
A In.b . famnortment of Ernst.. llandkemblefe.
ta,ther nth fbe very luxe “thelt of IthAEl
MADE Cle , e.I:M . t•K(i. of the cloet fnblotothle e
ma baud.; n.roth La one rf the lathe,t net thoet Eeeb.enable
etocts of thnle • adapt.; f.,r eeutlemen'e v uur trk
•.• • •
ry..lorm In the_ Tatlnd. nut elerttent Inn Insi root,
co, tad ot te. onnotoon ntoz.
New Fall Dry Goods.
A A. MASON & do., have rewired and
unral e e-Wei. la u>2 saaas Alvan-as, usd Mohair Lama., sssul.tarm, lis l a llll . l ' l, .
warp. tamer curd. 1:1111nu•Uus. etal ot sit gr.,.
12 ma, Parasuatiaa Thll,l Cleal s. ual C. , latrus..l , .sup* , -
scus all shale: and quail"... 1, , saa. IV 01,1.1 Lusra..el s
and bac, -clue... flu. SLOT. uusal. vs. tiNT
Wins which sae are aunts:steal sue unpresodsuatully Ii
Pupil) •
NEW - 11300D31 NEW 600DS !
ACCORI)EONS--A xplendid and varnul
.O. of the best t.foothe. Jun 1,1,01, 1!
CTE.9—A ve,ry deeir•ble feleetien., with 1. 4. 0, a.e.,
IMTn. moon wood. uoel of the bee, co•Lere, • erf eheso.
r . 1.1111 ' 1 •
. .
GI.77ARS—An lend rhino, etre erne .e:
170L/NS--Enme Ten fine oLI ones marl neer •-1
'a II ' A t i:PPAVV2-Irfine fielertiete ear, tor m,ll
. .
CoropetA, Tutu. 110 e.
11,s, Ifilnrorn , Trcm, l, •nd
.a , T e i ri trat r y L u i t . er f . v.. 1 1,, U..
Alpo, the 2r t sod moot popjlitt sltr3t;:juxt
N. obo,K.l.ll..rumr oce , are wArriunted to 1,.•
perfErt 114 I, el, nop,t—a found Loopy tht m , ”
ner tr retun,...l. II g1..1,1,11/,, 101 Thad
, ^P 9 • 15ItIN cll , uvt.DEN
First Supply' of Fall Goods.
%/ORPIIY es SIAM Fl t.) 11111.
t l7- 11 7 . 1 v7tr u .S ' V " VTZnZt. r .titt . .V. •
1 AILPET S ! CARPETS ..--ltec'd this day
by ic..IIcCLINT . OOK. new and rich styles curoa...
Vine, d Common INGRAIS CA1111:78. which so. cotc
pramse to .et lower than anr ,er befare ofrrml
nv thismarket. We cordially. invltv tn. .rt..ut.n
froroda and those Velening N purrharee w ,JVI, on a colt.
Um Old Eetabhvbed 11 amt...., No. 55 for.). cl.
.01 , 4 or. itkusTocii.
FALL GOODS.—Just reed, per express,
at A. A. MA:00 & fAearNm•lYlnnetlititt.m..
neve.. and awed fashionable stylrs, 11Z dot-Tithe .01 ice
Flake -11G 10 per. Urn dr Afrlour, brantifal colors; hu ;vv.
!lamellae, &lc bhadek b dok(catalch Mawr, chewier thin .
miring the the neves: fatal ylav of Dm', Gonda, such a.
• nv, Cuhmerre, I•on11., Pervlan Itotws, Pa.
ramettae, French Merin.. and Thibet trverl3_oo
pieces an. apex.. ipey.l . l • A. A. MASON 111: , .
W T E . ?oo , pFr o A. A.
G M , A r
plain and pl2O Jitterenetta.
India Itcalk Eerike Scull, N.nsook p complete
ae-ortment and very cheap.
PLENDID SILKS—A. A. Atisos & Co.
A 7 b.., ust reed • beautiful assortment of eery rich
figured dohn Illeek &Ik. The above deldrable gond.
an, well w the attention of he
superior Go,. do Afripue , atitz de Cheese. beautlful Chao,
°hoes. ar. 14.14
—JIURPHY BURCHFIELD lava brenwl alb
Rum:zing • lot of Elwin Etl.lpg n e ltimprOtßiA, J v alconet
'ttr.V . F n .fllleT. 7rt' starlttr b ttJA ' t g o ln e ' r . e . lV ' s ' afglZ7d
Straw Bonnet and Eat Warehow3e,
• No. 105 14...8RET STREET,
D H. PALMER °tiers for'sale, at very
low prima, full woorimeot of Straw owl Mlllho
" 573N/WlMForelito ond Ozoori plolo nod
Ntrow, Broil, Chip. (Ilmo, Lo /hi, „, ke_
/LA Th--)len's. Youths', aryl Boys' Loglion, finer and
plain bald. Straw, Panama, Manillo,-and Balm Leaf. In.
Saute' Leghorn, Braid. Straw, Chip, illthigi,LLare, and Bair .
( l , YnaY. Jenny Lind, awl other forme, in great rani.
at( or thane and tnawrlal.
RIBONS—Rich Bonnet and tiitarf, plain nano pod TO
(dirt , ,all wielani and osier. fancy (hobo arid Crape C aps.
LACES—Blain and figured white and eolormi Silk and
Cotton Netts.
JiT.II4W TRIMMIIVOS—Corj.Ia. Tame. Braid,
Marines a dm
PLO IFER.SProwb and Manic= hpriae. Luoch•.r and
to y eh and nmul atyh.a.
p 1
,T 1 [ l li., Florence, laid otb, ...or
qualities Lad colors.
130a Al n.m—, Ric
dc.h and IWN pricrd Parents and Umbrodlx,raod
W. Idat'laNTOClC
COlnniining in with. following vszi.l.l4w
Extra Royal Valvet Pile Carp 4, do. do. TRpertry firw.
41 . 11d i0,
.14,34.1•47. jand '24 twilled VenltLard 4. 34. and
plat. do.: 44.34. 6-8, ond 24 wool •nd cotton dn. r
Egg ra Ch./mile Rugr, One don do: wits a tulted do.; 00,
do. do: aiconon do. Chenille Door Mate; tuftwl do. den
sheep kit/ do. do: Adelaide do. ask ing Theoro do. do.
Crumb Mo th s, Pelting do, la 12.4. 64, and 2,1.
Also—Sheet Oil Clot.. cot to at ea? site hall or PASCL.
6474. 64.046,44. sad 34 Oil Cloth.
Also—that Rods, of all Eiger Carpet *Ruthann LOtClir.
psi t% Itagdo,• Matta:mg Table [Jona; Crash
Maces,kittekehuek do. TranneAtent Itihadets,
Mat Window ilollaada Veal tlan Blindsn.ihn homed Mao
Omens: do. Table do.: do Stand don Worsted Table do.
.2 1 :1 , 4 , ?chapors ? dand proshased our extkdiract Dom the
awesned keepers, being of the latest sad otostap
llen,ed arlos mid colors, we .re pretired to 1.11.10 our
(roads sad east/mere at priCCS WtO New can be "meth
and in_6apinf Ow dosage/ OW.. '
ignite all to call d asamists oar /awl . at
The Carpet Wt au
Fourth street.
mobl9 W. MoOLINTOOK..
_- -g- -
NEW 11001{81 HEW BOOKS!
Third etreet oppowite the Poet Mow—
srpers New tenthly Stagszins. for Oetaber.
Eltetory of the ftesharatiors of the Monarchy fn . Franco—
by 4.. rte. Lemartfo..
hehkors' blitesior. for thomentor—olth lame supply
of hzeful •rtiolet. on
THE difficulty of obtaining -a correct and
snot-towel Cieoionet 1. thLa ...try, Loot.. bean
'au. s od ,s.veyely Mt by the mUoital purdic, the subecti.
tor ha. bad ronale tor him eopresaly, a choice sslootisn
which bare juat srnord. They am from the bow,. of
the beat maker in Euroto, and Sr. warranted surrelont to
en , thero.nsts ever .1:Tonal Mr salsa -east or won.
lITh. oo,k rompries•--
Clarioneta-.12 and 13 Rays:
•.-Those in want ol 0001 Clarioneto will nod Pao a • rh.„n, It. ItLEBEII,
So:n ..( the t/olden liar.. No. 101 Thhol 0.
lB LACK R - 000, for September, for sale at
LS MAME, Literary Depot, No :4 Third street, optoa
',D. the Psra. Wiles
EW BOOKS. —Travels and Adventures
111 11•01 , 11. 10 the omit. of uperord 2,000
pertortusit Tootls. aivinK •to of manner.. de,
o prt. op l lr, by Wm. W. Carpenter. late of the D. Y. kr
No,. 37 and te of Born,'s Dictinnar, of Mochanice, as,
Joe rioOl and for tale b) J. L. ROAD,
••olta 0b Apollo Buthilnas Fourth at.
New Books
s - 1. 74 Thlril*treat. el`Po•dto the BUst 00 h ,
ioeDoosr, lii•chnod, complete
Isosion I.• Nor sod Ism,. Poor. No. 12
Loodou Art dontoal for oeptetuts,
Noo I, 2 au.l
So oist,d• Olontuotnerie a osquil Wheldlitld
ors hiistory et the Human Heart. part
A rt h ur cons., or Roene,. in the Tr - onion.
10, • tale of the Olden Vane, hy Barton.
no years Later. es Use taking of It.. Bystlle, by A. Do
Rather:no Walton, orthe Rebel of Dorehester, an LID
tor,ao Romance ol the Revolution In Carolina.
31.....,m for S•pletntor.
Toe C0n..., llisri Novel.
Sunbeam tr , a and ohshos to s. or ml
Bud. and 81111eddee.
Emehni. nivart Wortley's Triavale n the United
Reverie. of a Bachelor. n Book of the Heart,
Ths Vol.. . Tale of 00001,. Tune., by ii• D. It. James.
trundsl. or the Railroad ol Lots
Dav, uin.s 0 Hortieult mi., rumplete from the tiro No..
1 . 1, C. S.y, ORIN. clutau.
And (n r• edition.) 2, cents -
halo!, Itutl,r , ool, • roalsi e .
ate. •eatto Renters, • tale of Mexico.
The 1 . 041.1, by W. D. lt - looldo.
_Vaal'(. or the Child of the Battle 1 field. a Tale of l% &ter
New Musty
OILN 11. MELLOR, No. SI Wood street,
Lae eureived the maw:rm. new and popular piety. of
C Frtater. illarrn fromi Luria de Lun
n, tat, ~ , ,arry tnelang—dn, wertotat,
Peaceful Nigh.— laver. Pm! !lamb ;
Icta g- nll g ht to ele,un Villa g e Quick ShIN
ISe now nw-t t en t Worl,r,, „Mulct SOT:
L., catch,. I hare . thou Mutt
Take or home to die; tenutg—eariationn
I watel, tar then, Colll. p a n 4.1, that atrovtl air
14 Invel tai the Pent on., T.
,104 agaln—rorlatton
Father'. gra > er, be 'grernolo—hanvelletr ear
Jut. ard t , Doll., me If all than. en.
tl‘lt f ettunuor raw% Mae , clearing Taunt! charmu
Pihgent Iln,l'utrnrk 'ton
llnanto. ;\ [inn, and Silver Pell Walt.,
Llly, hatter, kancv. Jammer, gbarn m Fire FIT, Jenny.
ttra t . rtrarno, Latin, Ogden. Mo q uette", and Wit
DRAPTPt—A lance ,*net t ' of fin. and Pratte.
, nlemtvel.T engraved, tar tale at
IV lIATI.:!rtt natinner T Stare.
rcpt norm, Market and .V.,t.tered ets.
kNE. ROOKS.—W. S. IlgrEN, corner
.11arket Second +tree., hap for .ale, ant large,st
enget of Plank Bank,. ever cifere,l iu iLu el4"—rooloothaa
It? Le g ere. lournale, It., Tante, Minute Butott, at, in et
•ery ot r te at bendlng, and at the luau. prime. oepT
ONDON ART JOURNAL, tor September.
Pict...nary of Mee:haul., ha 4. •
A•adnis I,..nnr and lb. Loudon Nn. 11
Llitai,'• Lem, Itvl
itenrned and tor Ase.
we at lILILMES' Literary Inpu t tit
Th Ir.t etre., apnea.. the Pnat Other. opt,
-111.0 , 0 h .*/ t ,TICK.`f tog PkAgg..--p de,
unge, hoodit. Itglarattons. Indentures, Kzentnona,
It i e g oat terell2fip., MIN of Coat a rile., o f u g nu m ten t, Ye, MM. A,— dle-- fur /tam at
114015 U.Statloner,
ter , corner Market and mond atm.
enrner Mariot ittotml atm.
R . .0 3 ..r.Man sast hamm pablt,b.
1 h.. MI 4.-1 ...1 Sum. mr.....ptml rn. tf net better tbsm tlr
Mr:. Ali remr.. re thmt atn nhocild haw* .t
num!, ....taJn• four hrm! lithommaph engraartm.m.
M:r .ottmgms. tilzo.MuMorban E.rmmloacro.
hr parianxttm., rpre•, arkle.:l
.1j • n rer, whacla
• m 14111.1,1. r..n...rt. It • tust..t..ll nrnack..lLL tho
tit...ctuo t,r 10trarn nuAlt-r
I.lbersrr Tbo'd
l'ust .imp
ER TILE WATERS NOW, by 11. Ryan,
Atorrb, Mountain Palty : by Lfolpy,
I tytt• l;:ty; rre : bov.+l Jot.. It tlrt.autot:t Child
th. ttith trittortt, thy 'At
t.,. w t: t,tl, Nttllt ItIT. Itotnet: The tterrnatht,
Ittlywilt Jul 11etesr,.
alu ... Lut, t:Yrotc‘. , !outy—Ttrltight Dry. art.
14 ...tut.. 11:4, i ktY 1.4r...t0g ttl;b. I.‘otitco
11,11,,r, Itlitql.-ero of
th. baLte Tritllantt, W-
I lt .11. ,1 Ayr.. ravrytte Walt. Album
Il Lr.. it, It 1t Ilmit,sttot.„ Pryt:tt.
thy., I , l*.."—Qatorlta. Am.tolittrtt. wad
Teatrlt wt.] etw.ratt linat. Ylowey
Nytt.,..1.. sn 2 , 41,tr
't.tor tbitYt Stttyr. !tintley Onittitt..
_ • i.rt,buyt o. LLYAAtturuct ol Irehttut No.
..1 ttrt-'d tutd ttY mole by
it.x.taxem.. hi Wt.! R.
6. A I, Tratattlate4 !runt tho
p • Kt, Illeltffirstrthjat.Unttorof Wu
!i b., t.• Hoy Tlt Ittrk, A..,11..ct0w : .
Iterty vat an tntn.iuntiao 6rPtphon It. Trait : b.
li A. 4-.,: !z..;...,,, ,
Light In the hark Pliirm or Ileciariabinf Chthithiza LII
o th. Am. imai IL. thirnian,f the la. Anal' ,
. .
the 'tor .
th• , •
Slott Comment., on lb..
A'h•pler of adaLtheer, by Molt., elveo.vol Voenoh, II
I,,olototof Chopotio of the Lord ' , W.,. of sr
L.. 1.-1 from th. Loo 100 edalou. PnooL. mac
Algebra —The hh.menta Algotonk. Jeelgoe.l
, ~konofer, Le.omte, NI A. l'enfan.of ot Math
inrton. Field Itcnk of the fleteolutanft Lemenne
~.onontqr bb. nt llerner'• New MT 11011 Ilotautro,
Juet reed end no. LA. by J L
I Apollo fluildton. Fourth
LW 1300K,' !—Travel4 in the United
11 ALLA, AC, during ISL., emit ISAIt by the Lady Leo
. 1'1 ' .. ' 111.72r ' r ', V7.:1-c4 ,l' neeehlo!•;4e; by J. Cabtett
.ent ,oerueoes. t 1./ Ifnet,O,
‘l.-.44azoca. name Work
at. for mule to,
. -
J 1.. RCMP.
Fourth ntx,t.
r. • Itg ..I..urna.r. haw. Ju.t411.4 • lot of r,
k, r. • tt, have yont Iled a lot of re,
ltiftsi azighely ovule exprigly for exhibition al
th eeti
al , e VI or Yam. to • ilia th e Intro 'n of the Wien Ix ity.
rite auk 29
LON DON LABOR a n d the London Poor,
eal-fill !lei , . Book of the Itoaniution, So I,
hereto...l nt Literary Depot. 11 Third .try,
opounita the IPtat
New Books, Just Received.
EAS'I . : Problem: reprinted with eorree
I unn/ }. 4nd .11a/on, nalbc, of Alton Lod/.
ea/I.h trill, • Tali. 0f,t1.4 l'udtxus. 16ma. mu,
liss , burr. a TLI, 1., Anna 11.' lko.rl. bulbar of 'Frio:kin
an 3 Fortun.,.. Par n.m.l mux
!ler bAnKE. Engine Rork and En.
llook of the 11.nvolutIon; do It.
Pabnnn.• linography and lUD. kilmnril with D. LIAR
onmphlt by In - . /I. 1111.1mral, o 1 Ennt Goane•CorsAn
run, mlsto./ 1 by Drallr Y l I'. Kidder. I 2r00., um,
J'=3 7M Apnlli. Building, Round,. el.
New Books
h ODFREY 3IALVERN, or.the Life of on
Autbm. By Tbmtn, Nlll.r WWI twentr , bur
iustratlon. by Ph
. .
Travel. In tbe Unlted SLite. ie.. during 144% gni WO
By lb. I.dr
Labor etey
and e Lend= Purr.
Thu x., Knkr JutndatdortAl.l7
~ o, i , esr i .mT.4,m.rkpt
- • - --
Ar erIINICS MAGAZINE, No. $, for
Mule ir " Ert, apumestic
Lit ;o1 Mnrou.rtKl+ll4l_ol Nun.
.11101.11E8' 1.11.-nr, nProsite the P.."
. •
111OOKS!—Nti. 33 of Byrne'R Dictionary of
Slncite.nlep and E.Stmering:
. 7 of APP/.l l ll' , Nterhanici and E 0011.1.1.9.
—A tor, AASCITAMMIL of Chuon . catt and Roo W.
~0.1 for sale by J. L. READ, Agent,
7+ Apollo RvWtlnya fourth 'fleet
11-ox, 4knu exeba.offe. JlO5
,TIIE SPIRIT POLKA, composed by ff.
glebe, nod de.ltratod to Stephen this
amozorl by 11. Kleber, plarM fir
Iland---nor of the mast popular salute nut.
Kelly Illy. with vans, loom, br Mao.
holey Jones, with variation, bt Dale.
Tlo , Autumn of our , ear, hr 1 . 0 ..0rbe porker.
Alto. o Coo pelretiou of Por•Stro !guide for Piano, Flute.
91.0. cr. II KL.EllElt. 101 Third rtreo4
tirgn of thr.tioldeu
r -A letulld lot of now. PIANOS at,* openi
Im ng.
'Or.s. gond Pecon.l.laand n ortavo plaun for nab.
s 11.9 . r.ratr Ittmartip; rontaittlturPontind.lllatorkal.
; raphlr_al. Pplrotibral, Statletkal. kr . ottoollnal. and Di
,raphtral Doronn.nts, Itovap,
Fa•dr.; . nterther
N0d... , of the Arts and itanufartures, and a 1......0rd of Um
Ev..rdv of th.. Tlmek from pin.
Thr el.rtr vr luuAlr work. forkale by
,17 STOCKTitN. h 1 kt at
FATE, a Tale of Stirring Times, by
I' II Enna.. kad..—the mom Intureatung work the
author boo av, written. Abar—LittalCti laving Age. Po.
3A , -..flllud Inter...lto( and umfol
Fo, axle
at IttI )tb L11):S . Litepary Depot. rhird cant, op.
tint 4 re
Ail at fIULILEt. Litorazr Depot.
Aetztt! Ni'. 74 Third Ftreer.
Sc". GARB. sulmi .. teg t u=y
1:7 aural
extra dry, for sale
V B. A. EA/INESTOCK a ixt,
comer Firrt And Weal rt...
W I N DOW SILALiES—A aupply of Trans-
Lattr " "'"d"
,"4" Nti b l). tttis.
I_II}:MILS-- , M tons No. 1. in store and fur
eale br (sell)
DJ bbd. White 111 h, DSO:
WM. bbu. trot
Irmlf. awl ft.• rale , by
"cos—.s bbls. Fresh, for sale by
.1;4 YU kr:ti Y DALZELL t CO.
bas. prime W. R., for side by
BORDERS, etnbmlng • great Variety of /attar.
Jun rer'd and for sale by
auals TDOS. , BAIItER, darkest at.
Ti — kftP for solo by
J . .00 J. KIDD & W.
STONE-800 lbs. for. sale by
T 8RAN15 10,. 1 .1 --.
gu ratll3' Tlf.t
The met Eziraordinary Dircoorry is the Work' it
the great Arabian Remedy/0r Man et ed Beset!
H. G. Farrell'i
G.- FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lin
e.tit le oextraordinary medicine. the truth
a hirl Is Placed V: it'd d•ubt by the T.l saleer of the
artiole, and the many'curra being daily performed It/ it.
previouely.had reststed all other msdiclues and the
skill of the beerphyviolans In the smell. It Ls comp:teed
of balsam, extract's and gums peculiar M Arahta Putt..
drat., in • rennet:anted 'arm. all their atitnulsting, tants
Pnastrating. uneutoux and revulsive properti, and
the same which, sues gyeo. welt! Meet! by the 'shun, the
trith such miraculous e,trreer. ha curing the die
eagsea of both man, and beam_
Read the tallosrmg remarkable cures, which shers{ of
themeolvee place 11.0. Farrell, Arabian ban:twat fur
a y
oral remedy
About ear and • half ago. a Awe , hnitaPeatssi an MY
mikes stomach. gradually artermeing in tie nod lit
aa large ac n.y yet. and so gore that she could not
hear the least prescture upon it • ithout givirtg her esti - sr.
,elms I got the attire nt our beet d , rtnru. and lb, differ
4 le °pint. about lh some said It um au Ague Usk, or
r,nlstrnement of the,pleern some, thut awls. Enlarge.
meat of the osart,, and other., ea td it was a Tumor of
,hs Ovaries, and multi not curssl except by cutting It
~ a it In this critical sati•two, 1 saaa •tenu•sied to try 11.
0. Farrell's t
rabian I.lnust,•nt uton tt..nd, strange am it
may appear. upt.',..o). third application the began I. In.
PPlff, •nd h. rnatttnued getting better daily, aunt now
abets as wall a. erer-g-enjOyttue excellent health.
D. 3let•INN ELL.
Peoria, Marsh 5.1549.
[Robert /finds, pentameter. sere.l
tler.nto•n. Pa., Mazer, 23, 1049
thie woman by Irani your Liniment with mat stuveni.
[therm.' lon the um ot her lege for three years,
the run,e
be*. ountraetni to that hoe legs were bent as much while
~,paink. in is natural for tan position .(the it,. while
sitrang, and she nplii out heal than in the loath !Sill 1,
of IL 11. luirrell's Arabian /dame. she is uow
able to walk. with erwe, am! hiLA getreurht husk ha,.
hiural rid excellent nnonlY for hone find, also. fur
e v im ' o whisk requir. an external reninly.
opmnon of' an 014, eared...arr.:, and smentille- Farrier
avhiugtoo. !one Ile, Ihru.
Froth the rynedi am! permanent core/1,1.db on man and
which your Arabian /411.1M(11/ 1 , 11 . 0r11111115, Ido
Agehe.itate to pn.munee it the .. Grest Remedy of the
age '' I have 'meet wed doetoring honan tor IV,Ette 3 ear..
sod have tried all the verb..., liniments, omtmenm, ere
Mort: puffed up In the mipers, bvt I many rAy that IL
O. Arabian Liniment exceed. any that I have
0 ,3.. us' of. My It. her, I have titled Sweeny and Spann
long atter they had tern ninimuncril incurable, sod bar..
eurni mote than Oft, bonne thy.s aeason with Your Lim'
men, embracing every shade of olnesse, from nlratche.
bru,e. up to spevin, ring-bone, and 'sweet.,
ago hear untintnny of it. anwl etre,. on the human 'on
ten, I assi'vontlned nearly all last winter to My rnd.
with Rheumatism. and eoultlrt !nothing to
Ul I rt.mmenewd the un. of In r Liniment. whirl entirely
cured me. • VIII. IL OltIM
Sun Pain of ten years' Itathl crand by U
arallian Liniment
Mr. IL. O. Yeattam.-13ear tlir: I had aeon atllletn.l wish
the Pale for the lint
year, and could tweet get
eleept by !dentin. WO by Ow “Ye. of II St. Farrell's
Arabian Lantni•nt, staples. over the tempineabowl linee or
tour lthlem day, it wto entirely removed. and I bun. Pit
nothing of It t.uare. 1.5 eta Juni ttie stable one ni:ltt,
apply It to. Lure". Sore le. end being sot, Lime he num.
'ollonst mY lege, ern.hing and trussing them
so badly that 1 / 1 41 tornesd a. I,laol. v iny Wit. tendert.);
applied your Llninsent. .cad 00 . well
...tou a ghh in s Pew dat u
a o alnut agam unlit'. I aleo
eni anger manner. t, letting •
Dial 1,41 It: but 3 our 0p
l:. palls Pn•clec4 Penns ea., cll. Vet,.o,
Brtruse y Co.terfeits.
i lug LI/1V 1 C A Mil , V
Paabilc arc puzcirultia-Ia ratuthitiral su.nri • R. , I
unirb luau Istety slipiu.nue a. iii ;
1.0 the Imp. .110 Lusk,. It "W II lari-11,
Linhonnt." This ier•
itiLourrinui fr•ual ninru
to diwoite In= by Dustin,: C. Dusan .1
fur, L. pal:di-ulna um:, y lA. nrani , Parrull'ii
fur oripalr.pluil denier, .11 imp° , Ih..
uuun you for tba g.ultuk, buy warily.
"II ArnOuun and tale ...Pi.,
hl. un
iiluarn In tliulb% Arsv-r,es .l Ann
Lan reinari3 Uurua.'
Tow, 111.40 w.l llnvtlat
the Uttlt.l,late, /(1 r4lOl one, It not nellabila...l pri r
Irj WI, In U. u r.rtell. I,nit, 111., with an.,
in the ,n,ent who furnish Frwr nt Mar,.
Ito/A:on/Luta., tnurt. mint - meln Int ere, elltu
t,f rtttstn..
Mts.— 2.stcnin, 14, .toto JnII. Mr bnal,
itimutri. 14 ir...iiitineti4rni 19 . II ki Yezinll,not.
tn•entiq itaidrntitrntictr. anti ittnintotitt druitirt,4 S.. 17
Ha Atm, 1 , 41 - ta., III; •nd for stilt. win rrt.titt
itionaletor'll mit, U, It. F. n1.
Nit. 1,7 WI, rtritt-1.
tinl.ll, It ‘I C111114.1i. Alleith,tir Car
The Human Body Must Perspire,
SO SATS X ..1.TC111., to hare a bi..llthy
airr. L Mltr.;74..T 14'
Mien:anal E 4 / 1 41PrIRIAMT frew pnreititailitit, and at lbt•
citollll,.. hot( stafli it. thin Aka, innint II t.. of infeai . •
f.corn. Elhouti Mr, ,ro nnt noir itelifi.l.
1, Ito ow,. 4i Ira, pliptiatuto ko
who iipitt It in siteb evatt, 4,4 111111 it alifittllnit - 40. Pt ,
emtpit-14 Hlottlt.4. Ernni.ln., ttairttilt, :kin...41,4,
p ln
cm.tuln: this nn ttnitrum.
trn.l pro'', I ..nuoieratt. at 6.•41 tntiEt7
PPM. , ur shuro. h.witt. sun. Ing4, .nts
Liu, It ant rt,onler tutato nnour...l I r . oul.l nrt,rot
...II It int 1, Attn... I kn... t 4 I. 411 I 41.• , .
'h... who 4.t.. 1144, in chalnl. chary..-
will rod Oa. titnl.tttly tent., •.tit itr.,,tittrit, so.l.- I t
ncur ~11 441. that 40 tan , untried •tL
or inoillar 411. tat., ktnr4
rettil4 tC. rrtt,rtln4t Om.
adl lo W mai Ivr wr.c,
6,, non!, %I. roll hti
as 11 oc.J.
Pezirly White Teeth, and l'ore Breath, jlAiai•••••••••7...f. 1851 ' s
- ;:t 2
tad tor '2l/ oos. —Formon• .14/ , taro T 4.44, 41.0 home.
s./ , /o4LII Ihnt tOoir Lrootl, -4. foul. /.; 0...: Pitt 3 bti-rgh TranlP oll oati° . I
I ' l. / 1 / 11s, oTst do 4// / o l S l v/ 11.4 0 1 / 1 . JAMES /r•(ooll t Conol t's
that Y.+ .4. 4 / 1 4 bo• of .14‘4.4' Amt., 1,4/1 1,:o oat,. 51ti411..1 0 1/S t ro./4, o •
11, s , M. / 4 ` , / / 1 0 1111-1 / 1 , o 'l r.l xtr44. 10-tvroot, Marl
• .4;1•4111,44•144o•
Sold o/ily PACS:FON •4 ,4144-4 / •, . box/1 of 4, / ,/ 4 ,4 4, 40 84,14,41/
W 044.
A Scientific flair Tonic, R.:stork, nn.l Ei••au
kw** tsm.i lhar 5 alleut
tMito.. taw- not. 4,4, •Atur. En [b. Initarang
qualitiors—lt 41, - ,1114. halt ;41 •47 part .14.,
nature ita•oGiml hair 4..4 - 4, !I, a lallaig 4d; , u 4.4:1
434.1ruit. 441 mat. 4.h,. r gr..
p ot 4.4.1,11t4, tb.L. Ca1;.'. .0 111 0 1 01.1. n , .tlAlutt,n
antJur. , 444 . 10wi5tau , ..4.1 t..... 14,1•4 it 10, m.
..1441. Or mom Pn...touter .1— +ap•ru.c—aGrt44. lb.
Lablr I
JONES' Solution of Jet. rt Liquid Ilumun
Hut Dye, W.t etoow:lntt t.f •WW. •
treallful brtt, WA,. Jot colwr, In a wir
wtito. owl $1
JONES' LILLY IV iiiTE.—Ladies me ;au
e.t.a 4 itot uuing thy COMIII , ,D Ch., rt.,
hull,ary Logy mglaJult, ti ,•
way. bay nm... 14,
thy •Lio
i' Ve ' h7; a'yxr pmozWLL-
a •
rutph:t:=t.,.ry '" ryt;it;AL..Lrhy e J... e l i a a
It v beffr. ,, , purfbrd b., soil Jetrerrbib•
'panto, it Imparo Lb. el.ip • nazi:bal. 1...1.11by.
%hair, ••..m. brbnc
bo NUL,. 0,41L10g .11,1
Slit by Lb. ‘ 11 1..1.1121iN, rtr.rc
bout. f
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
A hiCUPIES the front, rank among, the polo
mr-tirinoo ot oountrt tor corooloto,
run,, Cook,. :all Illootol. ond othor .1.-
trr=lton ir t ‘ : ' ,lttNrG7 . ltT r -: " : ". 1 '. . " 1 }" : "'' V
Couolo, tt , ,orto.o. woo loth ' itXr ' Obo i th7l ' 4 ' .. ' 7 . l.-?: ' : ' ; ' :71: . ::•
char, boarronroo , trt loop, 'tort o &calm: motto tt
about N. throat. tol ' onott oat, uu lotto-1 mono,.
to ill c.tort of
Finale pica -urn, and Genera: Gelnlity.
Sla , ngtheninn the neakeneil tod t . nteing tune to the
vsrrun. nraani.antrlnekrorattng the /intim eratem.
If the le-it/molly of tlesuaarale of lining ultoreee, from
11l ram a the camotry, can I«riledupon. 3t te nnalilec
f err/cation. in cur.. aa Ilu.wra. and ceeturing deb/Ma
ted and brnlten doan eunetituttone. It I. pane l
tsle. In RA CRYMPO,I6OII. and 5 / 5 5 acrunacly combine/51 ite
proportion/5 that the rhanalbal. lestanical, end ttIe,IIMI fro
pectin* of each inernticnt turniosnourni tont , tu
Purify the Blood.
It has remneed many Ctironic.lbwnws 'chid. hare hailed
Lb. nkill of the bent phy.icians, and has al.. cur..,lCanter.
Salt Ithenm. Krysi,sdrs. A ul MrJWti which clantaparilin
r r ll
moo/IS. The siltut obstinate Candor. have been by
this nledieinn. that it le induanicru.slicinclti all
BILIntId.I.VMPLAINI . S. It tvninven all utr.tructiatic is
the circulation. rendering the Liver far t 'rile., and hvad•
thy. It removes Palpitation of the Heart, sod ndieven ru
wife., of Aqhms, and may laural In nil climates: 43A
at all seismic of the year.
Tbi. Syrup IA prepansl only IT c •1
Fountain SORE. Providence. II and tsdecalc nod
rldail, by Y . N.
Lind . . o
. • I
Lindy Ai...wilt for Wnterb Vera, rv.,
turf, WArrhoivie. corner V oini and Sixth nu. Ihtt'y
B. T. Babbitre Celebrated Soap Powder
Itr ASH ING without labor'. Warrantoel
V to tot, the ntaiun out of Latin !lonic and Liar.
Rion. . _
inkm-ri.“ FOR C.—rat roar M. 0.,. in A puflitiirrit
/penalty dif cold wator to corer tlim.. then old fin, tal.b
ni.a.rvfols o thin dibino Pima., to ...u.h ms quArin , win,
.il with t n 'loth, if tho water in haul. aild b...n. et
tlin Powder And boil Own, b.° nun., al tbo zinndi t a m.
pr.inii thtibtbiwn with s ntli-lt., Own fiat in o tut. end
sild nuflifiont cold water. An thAt thry will riot he tiwi hid
to boodle. The'', rub rho din! ntrwalu. or in nth.. wont..
Ono then,. thorough nnoing, and that In nutileb.nt to
malt.. thew ii,leari..
• • ..
N ll.—There being no nein In thin Soup. It will lefire
the clothesvery white. Brut no had oily epelt. lotue
Yont. do. The entire met of theeriel oeed done net
exceed two cents, to reenplete .hint of 1.. n pereen.
liarrantent nut to rot or iruure the elot hes. •
This le a I , wder that our paper will Ina}, reel veqnnme
Lest family tedt now. •
D0MM1. , 1.1 Pow I:Sl.—Tat., nay Mt Insole rd Tenn, and
mix the Powder with wad Own lot it boll. nay five mut
at.. then add si t x quart, rota water, stir them inum e ndy
ingather, nad ne it away where it will not 'me a n. not
`when nold It will be •ery thin nod new Whtte *MP. end
will wash u.n •Irld will not rat the hands lite other nett
Soap, nor rot flex elothen. Can be need with hard or edt
wet, Ly madame the quntity Into stx quarts inetenri "I
twelve. The son Soap is Lest adapted for weehing cellnT
and woollen t/nreix.
Sold whnletle and rend! by I. 6. nItLI.ERS,
01 1 he, 57, Wood
`The highly i.lilatsrty.halmauslr and tong prupnytrev
of !;15 'nein, render II for .Morin M Celo¢oe Wxter
for the Ort ll . ll Yl burteknes of the 001/d end bath, .urine..
log the lidter In Ile perfume and ,Itespnens, and
greater thinner Ter the mnanetital clennline•e nod been,
.1( le high!, rend:mend,/ In tulle" Mr the orulnx, and
delicate purtedes a the 14,11td. nml lot preeereing lb.
freshmen of the romplexion. 11e nmollent preperte, tem.
per the heat and dryncer of the .dln. and Impart le Il an
elexthilt. hy inhaling nod .cubbing non
Eby (vainly, it .111 remooo Indularlie Ina Yew nnnutee
ten , . read by It. E. 001,1.X:dn. LT %lon/141
NOTICE—The pattnershlp heretolo. 00-
Wing under the brio of 51 A II HITE CO. IS.
(Me any betten die/nal - ea I.y nostnel enueent.
hi. WHITE. '
. .
.7..1N E
11 A. "l VA T N E A,
N •
mull /i II 51.r.N . 0..
_ .
1()-PARTNERSIIIP—Thr Hubseriberw have
e oterrvt 10, Co.P.rtuvrml.ipt.oder th. Arm of ,ral 1.,
A rasou A.C/Ireq. N% . M. 11. ~ C AIFK,
JA31103 ATKINe.O:I,
• Removed. • .
jENNETT, BERRY & co. 110.1.0 removed
a , !iii , t v h;:ir new , Warehou s ne,wrvierofChAtteerf r iLiT;and s
Greenwood Garden.
CHOICE collection r,f Shrubbery, Vinirr , r,
linepherry. Strawberry.
Apo Vine, hardy 31nuthly Rows. and evert plantie
mina, to ornament yard' , dgau artien.., will M. At
(free:limo:l Nunnery. An tititnibuv Irony the et.rtier of
and Fittb:.nreetA, Pitt.i.orgli, every half hnur, for
the liarilen. fill Crean. and other refrvi.iltnarnt..,.rred up
In the Saloons.
Orders uldt.neni to the propele.r..Went ti ll ,. .n:ln.s,r,
:15(1 mons nag sad9ltwW Wrayning
rso . • Crow
50 •• Doab le Crown
1,5 seaorted
gor , tto.
lb suprrinr Pon OITI. Papri:
111 u bostb.e Mothuin 04x37 Printing Pal.,
Inu •• llnpvrAl . 1 . 1
!-• 24132
The at.,rw. with 114 odil at
the Lowest prwn,
lationer and Pnier
jeZ3 corner of )lorket anti t,taatal atowt.s.
To Druggists and Painters.
Bornenex'S Pervert rtrlVllided by the Gold /halal of
rAmerie. Institute. for rameeselna unrarrina
i of nhadoand odor. Tbo mannfactnter of [La .burn
fatrd has verdured th. dropp.t end most brilliant ankle,
of Forts Omen. that l pernuarrent. and that nun be arm] LW
without detriment to phade; and hia redurral pro-_ me, co I:lnterring Unifol7lli,r•
, Haring been appointed sole agent far tbniala of this
brand of Patio Orval, purelamero nal to cup.
Dikt IoT at Muer] prices. It. IL MUMS.
• hkadatlMlL
OEM 1 . 85 t. Ag i t
CLARKE. PA.P.K,II d CO. RE , Ccr.Tmt, I . ltonustand
PIIE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
known Lin, would Int.ern the pblic that thee- nee
tm In operation for the pre,ent mann. sod hoe. commen
ced receiving Freight smi, Psere.ngere. which th ey see rutty'
Peunred CO carry ., ;:l all pain. on the Canal, and I. EP ,
Kshels Reid., to tweefee frelwht. brio,at the laodiny,
th 6
Ware, non Water and Strothfie'd PitubuiwK,
IL lv Conon:A:tele, Sew Cawtle, P.
L. C. Cloth... , .•
Co C 51,5, Phiston:
J • 41111:, Sharp..borgh:
11 . Add,. .
m Henry, Ilartstown;
Wm. Power, 0n...Aw1-ill,
C 51 Flee& Erie. VI,
11 le Weillk`r,tee. Buthelo, N. 1 so I
New Lake Superior Line.-185L
'FLUE new steamer NORTIIENER, Capt. B.
u. seirr. having every modern Improvement for
tet,- and mutton, will lea, Cleweland on Friday, the 2.1
of May next, or ber find trip—rod weekly thereatteraut
Friday, at Hi. o'clock. P. M.. La the awn ate. Marie
The pleamer MANHATTAN. rani Jana Catarett.,
lea, Saul Ste. Marie, for the different landing. on lifka
Superior, on the arrl r al of thenwatnet Northerner; risking
reffplar wo-ikly lin, throughout the season, hatawen
C 11,0121.1 and the Cupper and Hot! Mine,
NantLfsetnrer's Line.
az= a 18.5 1
NIPPERS . altiE4
7 that thin LINE. ontopowd entlnaly of Nootinn Roan,
I. now in full or...ration.with fn.niltlaa to am', • lat. ,
...Lando of frenaht to Philadelphia and Baltimore, unthout
tran.thippfhp. io ti abort tim, and at ea low P.M as any
nibs roirular Lino.
. . .
oal arrag•menn ban al. Non made for tuning
H. poois
3-night n
illmnefile. ! Bollidayoburg,
Water ritnet. Alexandria. P. - tendrurot.7lluntingdon, 31111
Croek. 3row Marallton. MeVortown. Lewlotown.
elark - e Forry, liarrothurg.6dorabla, and all nth
, intento•diate_ro hag On the iro n
..d por,
arre Itnilroart. Haring nturn Iroide of Iron ...cured from
the Jordan.. promptness and regularity 111 aliment, to
the afornald Mi.. J
et the lowest ratn. May be rolikd
ll'arohou, Mort r area.
mahlartf Second door weed of the Canal.
E the Pittoburgb will hero.
alter be tranoronal under the stile of °Wm.
(mobil W - 31.
-- •
Binghama' Transportation Line,
tafap"-- .52 • 185 1 .
CANAL being now open, we are ren
,l. rrgrire am/ In rirard gmnaptlr. I'mluca and
''.l- gl7l% ' :i.:ar. * :l ' lnl;:lt rah,. charged by rgs,alvsible
Prod we and Nit rrhondlro will bo roodired sad forrmr.bri
wL and yd s, 'without any dna:, for forrr4Alns or ad.
ancing frenzht 1, 111031111111ru. .4orage.
pill. of Lading forwahltd, and' aid faithfully
tn. Mare«, or Apply to
Corn, ,
b D o l r N ty i a i n A d N W a
a rn O
a Co P e l lo a urg ,
HINGHAM • DOCK lad Marked rt.,
betwoen Fonrth and Fdthrto . Philadelphia.
, JAM,II4 , N..kiobt.
No. Is . , North Howardotrort s _Baltimoro.
111Nr111.151. No 10 Word..
mrh I Now York.
taEiie 1851 ZZW
Merchants' Transportation Erie,
t% A. NIcANT LTA T C.P. 7 I9rIVn. WS Penn ntrw,
eIIARLP.4 CA YNOA. C.ntral Mork. Elm.) Phi:.
We are propareel to twelve a 10 00. amount toerroa
pre.dueo .hlp on the ortentott of th!. eonalt Phil,..
.I' . .plas. and all in4rine.liate plat , . at los, r rate, ang to
Trutt, pt,kl.l hr
the Canal I ....ocatifelonere for carrying our trOtta on tho
rrato I,llroaor, veil, io,vnt an, temobilltr nf delay at
.bnetto.n nr echtml.m. thla
NC L LTV a Co.
6015• Tarsal Cain.
' 2 sM Xt__. 1851 12E - Ea
To Shippers of Merchatthse, Produce, fEc.,
el , . men. I...rnsoet 4NO P. Taii.x.
%Ili IN, •4,1. m wto ,
Comm.-re. vtrwt. l'hiLytt•lplata.
At,rtts. Canal Ilaom. Iltt.burgh.
JO, TAIL. tit 11 , 0 N. A p.n.. Italtarlurr
P'. to, t.rvrinr., ^t, ..ptututt .rf lb. Pon.,
Canal. 1, rilzitrect for Frrtgbt .t sts4 tot,
Tat,ll , 10.14att - t..0.1 an, nm,.r Llue.
NIA 041 . A.trtn ti•ltltatrt.
11 \
1., fr/A4t/t t, , (mu Vat
t/..• Vr,rkt 11,Ata. lA.
r/on.a., ac/I No /Awl cot..
re.s'antl /nit. /...f,d..fatrl/ ...I et/re than /Lay Af tr.
LII4. A/1 I.y Ltt, /ant fully awes/A/I
"n+ rba,/ ./ //•.t/I, • 1t... 4 A.
/01/oralval tA an, .thef tan.
//ur.11,41 or 1/41/11/4..
11.11 t Cu. I 114cluitm. E AttA Lost/ A
wlll tr.tot Irtlb
4117 - N 0. L./A uor,nu,AAAA. arhat,rot ,11.13 che
t/A././Iphio. sadPatAburgh rAnonArtAtl/. Line of Al
C.• f t .t,l}l
I,'”wwww•e t•Fluters • Cww..te ;
Canal U,uin , PROI St/wt.
Penna. Rail Road 6.--Central Rail\ Roaci*
riaiii; seb.,,it,erW having Leon uptiqipti,l
A. l Pr. for•be Penn,lT•nla wotr
l hail
h Irm the po t.,p. we •mpr•rl
w 1 wmo ceit 3 wila• pnwlur pw
‘ioni• Y. 1.1 .11+ rmr. :di I- rerne4brouch in 1:1 , . y.
t.. romral,
tr. or 11.1.0 1 , 111..11,1A rrrreantrio.
lir, ...It. 80, Shrt...ll......ruartacary,CuLlery,Cfnteu
, Frumt. I..atlett,r. furniture. bract, litalltioes t
flaaldiert. at' ar . si t .o
/.4rd.arr. gureartatura. totortrrita.. Piunt, Dye Study (hitt
LeaLLt.C4aer. mat orLrt Liratut s,
Wtarl. 50C1I - Lar
latof. Purri, fl utter. Lard. Lard Vii. Tabaery Leaf. CLUJ,.
tirain'arrl Haunt ' Utkr.
atdtes. Marble trutiato T. Rant. German Clay. Bar, lc . Itc
covVIDE C. , LK,
earner featand Warne ern...
vitatburtrh uI t: I.LAaa
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
. . , ..
Bit.), Adam J. 11.1.4..
AlllTlrt, ' A.m... loth.
I.wwponern,••• . JAme. Milliken.
Mount Awn. . .1 P..(webler..
!Imam / vim. A P. Kerr •
:.,,,,„,,,..,..,..--- j.. Alilliken.
rinne, A 11. Clark .
IlnlinlayehurAh. • I A. new,
!Ammeter. R. Moder...ell.
Columtne. 11 31.1elnell A Kkullll
Inrri,wrz. • J %Venom A Sm.
num.:mew inner. Mrgan. A lin.
Newport. - Ann fleas, A
.MillesunAr. Iles we Janes.
Penne - 111, , U. thempwo.
Al, ~,,,,. r ,
• Menai.] koelnll
Maple., John Unnwlthon
MIII Om., Fneler a
Fn.'s. Jahn 11 nye.
...nor nr Penn and Wars. mnete.
July 1111, 1,1.
I N CONSEQUENCE of the•docoase of John
51,Fp4 n, In. ,rtner.hip hpretnfore,nsting
51. , Eaden 5 15,5:0 14 brreby ch..... 11,1 John F 1.
inny e runt Ile binaness of ths
AU prr.u,t• Will pica, 1.51.55nt them 101 .
L., 000, 1515,our4L,July let, 1551.
I n Purn.s.r. to StrFtutrn Covq..l
The IFilsine. of the Agency oi ale Penn
..l Comp.nY .ill nrrt•tter Le mn
urt.+l under tt.r Inns , . and rail,. of
r of Penn and 11otynn etre
ritte.burtal. July 1.1rn.1".41-1179
. Agricultural Implements.
II AVE JUST received from the East the
I.llovrtrag hop6eu.•ut., th. toe4mazufactu,
Nigehini,, Amon, brirtg, tigniingi
tinny glirat.
Ciirnliolierugheirii. • "
Corn hholler. Lorna and hand how,.
S..' and. Corn Rah; (haling flosan.
Nonotatite hoot Cuth•ra.
ltl I'‘,k and Coo, Chain flatters.
Cevonlard hryln and liran Mahe, and {lnca.
Camah-al tat, throv nud four pro n. fork•
All manufarturtat from the twat material, and for mile
at the Drum au.l :Lott thn, of .
r.orn.,f of Wm...Fat:L.l 81.. th 14.7.[u.
Bcanniont's Patent Starch Polish.
J)A'IENTED, July 26th, 1650.—F0r giving
• 1,....ntifi31 )10.110.. C..,.
6hlrt 11.4,,m,.. Or.. nil 0rn.r..nt5.14., !rot, (rain
..o4 from .41,,kin..
Lineug. c. . and con utim nothlt../ InJurlona
Ittroothnot--Puta pore lb.. dz.. .4 yva to es quari of
couch 1.1... n boiling: Iron tatAtly - .
12.1 Pi rent. 0-t Cake. Sold wt.:desalt. and retall by
041 • It. E. SELLEIU. I . hi Word It.
- -- • •
I 111100 removed to my now storr,
rt....rt. of Bari/
o cunt.. I aklll
10, a Ivry land , a...orßneut I.phnle..cryratd.o.,..lll,l
- Curled !lair, :tr., 110, and /intik
P 4, Frather 1101, end 1•11lown; Blanket. 010.1..,...t. , 1, , u,f0rt.t. Window Shale-, of vrery ye.
met, 1/00 1110., and r wet end
orualli found in the
0,...a.e/tr0dve....1.,1141.111 , 1•14 N. Lind Unler. 0 , 4000
folly 0 , 10.00.1...4 00.antly
• NM. t.0111./1. stro.l..
• • -
12.0811 paid for 151 ,1 3 , 1!1 .
5 . a
HAVE just roveiv;,d from New Turk, on
groiroslairNsilgt,,of !!r r y WI N W CORNICES ar..l
4,,PECTA'CLES!—AVe have a complete
a.„.7nto , k m
(id. Myer sal Mnel ~. t...aueles, sad the
quality ,1 coov..x nod et.nesn. Wv
r' ul I'
t..IIFPIZ,";;IIb.' of
AlAti s tittE . A ND HAI .
. f , ORK--A
K. . Wsc:. re Feria nq band .ntl 1„r rule at
.1/ I ' l Agent fur CT
. _
Anthracite CoaL
c 3() s tr :utle b rior arltiolo
sill:+ Y a co ,
caoal sans.
Copper SteiCks,
WE HAVE orders for the Stock of I.Vali
eon 311010 g C.aponlcs Pf Lats nrlperlur.
wlslane .011 rill plea* rail, or ouldrr_s3
witailNs a
Pare dy, for'Diarrhcei, &e.
EAR IN MIND! sh6uld you need F 'meh
Broody, the rrar 11137 ma la otturied Li 31 :11.1a1'
rev 31.1., lathe Dlamoigl. at 11 per pose. bottle.
INDOW SIIALES--A tine! stock 'em
brachia all the irsziettn." of To, •
A sua stook em-
6tAcejnet reeeleed from the utatulletutt. .bleh
avel] whottuale mut _
_as low Le they eta be bought
eltewhere. J.i PILILLIPe, 7 Lod 9 ll'outt gm.
~'= Pittabargh Life ~,.. , .ce Company.'
IVIIIS CO3II O ANY *an incorporated in
1... febrnat7. 141, , aith a.rarlaitaal Charter, and hail
ennunenced bwines• on • capital, 1100.041). ,
.a.zl.:ornpany doom basin... both n thrJoint Stock and
On lef. ' flt Stock plan Mira... q.t.-thir n leas than
those charged by 3lntualtiankwalm .1 Fifteen l'or Cent.
lower than the ratolof olost ntoct tom 'auk,.
MIIII2I/r9. WV the YID& a! thnse opted
mal t mndu,,,e Contpaniel. Tboselnsu on th
al prlnciple bare tbr eumbined seconties r • bed
syrteto nr Insurance,and the Capital and • us
the Joint &wet department.
The Charter pernalts tbe granting of lit • a
rerer7 form. including the right bf wife, c • II
nt., relations. fryds • , r ereditia"—to shay..
another lb,. tbeiron esclunre bomlit,parpahle
..r upno the thearri at the ag..
At the uptilny of insured.
Juan P. noon. Prlrddeut,
I , 2tackel Mcaurk.a., Prt.idt...:
Jweph, P. L.vb, Traspnr.
Chul•r A Colton, feretary
JAICIe..i . ,IIOC,
J..ho I.llvrth.
; A
Wl , :aw MUT, War,
lion. 10a1r, Furrard, Into of
Job. 00 11E.bur1 h bsEk.
Malcolm; Lek.c.h.
lion A. if I..mmils, A. R. MeGalmont,
YU IC .1. 130.1. p.
()nt.'s! Ph ynd.snr.
Jo..enn Olney, )1. D.., Millitho Addis°, )1. D..
Jeresobth ti. Edritigton, 31. D.
24enra1!lino Physican..
Samuel Dllwqt.hr_3l D.. 17 Smithfield street.
Robert th3,lery 31'.,
John Cflkwford; )1. D..-29 Sixth nrwt,
31cH. Mot i f en, D.. Lihert, street
Dr. Dilworth yet be in attondthee nt tbeoffh....e, ever 7
day,st 12 o'eloth
Of) , "^ 0 1 the Oomtmh9, 5,71, Fourth Ptreet
C COLTON. &.c'7.
State litanal Fire, Thsurance Ompany.
. . .
P.trren. May In, ISSL
n E "best 'evidence of t he no
success of the
Directors in en.leavoring to make the na:
TFIRE I.VSUINSCE , (I.IIPANI coot the wants fit
the reMmunity, la µbe unparalleled amount of business
which has been done:\ haring tamed 7,t0.M./ l'olattee. Lauri.,
thr pan year. thett.bye adding over $1.30.000 to Ma fonds
of the Company. Near)y sIl the pro p ert y Insured Is of th e
o f
kind in small rims, and • large pronertion insured
tr Doll' nnu
r j holo „No, a? Policia sl,nlio,l. ......... ..... I.BDO
Is.. do. eztird.termilmtel. cancel . ..l. V/
lb. do. In fore • 7k138 of 1 , 4,0rty truturvel ~ 57.15615.419
Do. cazirelod. Wrminated.r.tfired-3"41.7n OP
the., in tures 7,654.(191
Do. Pnesoltun Notes.. - \,...-.. 7ii,.410 8 . 7
Do , cidieelett.terminateel.ezntred,- te:e7, lo
L'.. In (um:. • ' • TP.032 77
I/o. Cash PrrAniptad ,calved-... .
.. 1.1.? . , !.1
1.,.., de,. do: eartrelod ......... 5 .
„,,5 .
• I% bole
is [news. andez peewee paid... ..M.411 4.6 ,
balanee . furor of (h. In cub... 527,524,15'
To eity or , e,tintry toorehants, sad n et” ofd erelllrtai.
and teolateet and efiontry - jeropert, dls Loved this cum.
Dana' afford s adrientagre irint of c h eap ripea, rafrty. and
soeurity. infeeriorio no la* ranee Compan.t In thiscountry.
, 5,.(,„
Conduct...dun Inv enunnlr, and arratly ',unman,' spate=
of Clavnltaratlon of ILL. ks, ra ludic. all apr.e.bel hazards. Itr
euring only a hnona,l smarm any one !reality, rhos Pro.
eludhoz Lb,. treepirney and i mro.nes Ed Mr.. tier:and.
alg.c, on t. , .th the eleeek,and cl ot al plan, it tot`onlypOe.
PI.. Or and am, lution of both 'method..
but entitle, the in...n.1'1 , 1 a partiation in the prob..
larrrtni,--.1.4n V. Eatnerfunl.• %. J. Gillett. S. TiJortes. ,
Mona° A Curl, Philo (A, t , lorir , fantod Jor,s;,l`ah't
E. 441, John 43. Parker. Jolt., 11. Itutnertoni. ,
J. P. ItCTILEItIOILD. Prestient
A. J. itre.l.F. . NeeretarT. '
A. A. eanimoit, Actuary.
N. It.— A Scrip Dir Wend of Btu ri
p..hrixn ha-, tirclart4l by tbv in
.virabie nt du, ll&t , ” for
at the xad c 1 tunety
`Franklin Fire Insuran , e Co. of 'Wiwi's.
11IRECTOHS: Charle , W. Bane r,
q.r15„7:hr...:11 , 2rt. 0. I. Tobia..
. h.V.V6KER, p L
G. Wag:ctn., ry.
Chi* C;ompan, .nt1n5,... Lopursoces. perm .5
or Limit...lL no - every dencnpti. of Property In town ml
Arch,with (hai bate x.- i large .amune.ut run •
r Camtal hay...
tactum to a, u.urv‘t.
'15.1 man,. f th. Comps., ou January IL .1851. pup
llrhpl ty to use A.l of Axoembly, were
11:212.104 44
Flnce thel, Inenrpo,,, , n, rend of 21 90.0. tlnq
o-.. 1 0 9 WaY 14W, 1..1110n - rour Thousvul
1. , .114rP h, Firr, th,rvbr evident., uf It,,
lunoculee, .01.1 an U... abilay ,lte.
suret*Mh 4rEssuptt,.....l ell Ilattlitteo.
‘,Lk COFFIN. -14,04
, 11...51 and “,1,4..a.
Penn MutnalTae Insid•aneo Co.; Philad'a.
4GENT IN rii;Tsßeittlit NV 11.1).1:V1S
u( rm.,.
r the 1+,4 r
ix* ttps...fin r • lb , put .5 thy alert
Int. I I to 1., t.. 4.1 1 4... k , tbe ovinntlrsw I,A. 01
J. $ , 1) , , , u5na1., a.. Ch.. 4,,
Wood 9; , t...-here 411 0,0,,
ury 1411,11441.4 414k11,..1S 44 41,1 nuitu,n. 1 04. , 4 ,
11 at4q,1,1 l'exuphlvt, •nplaluing prinoplelnna
he tit. -
,5 111.111413 T. furnishad un over lr
1,05,.11. - klel smuusti4 .la.L.42tuee fox . Ws,
Marine, Fire, -and Inland, Troriiiortation
t's Lam .1a
.1 IL rr,
Idol.. us! Ch.. ,
t 1
. I Irv, ht.
r t n
_... __ ... .
TanHE insurance Complilay o.l . 'North America,
Ylalleelel,Ada—Chartertel . 3:o4. Cay11g.1530%.,./M5. /Lawn
n., Ilk IESI. 5t.t5. , 1,.,35 ...0, 'All! tn.,. Irk.u.ranca oss
Loadings and then ref and Tlcinity, alto
ea grelert, u. , wlel .11,,r11,11,11,111n1nn Ic , ratan:: la..
and uthnr weasels, elther ,,r wtinn oren thy
Aittler U Colts, Pre't, ' Thonaans,V. Cope,
kagnuel W. Jon, John L.. Weir.
kkiward Small, itiolkard, Lk Wood.lron A. Brown, 111111ana,Wkleh,
Earnuel V Faith, linan.l.."
nanund 111,...... - • E. Aus.llll,3ll,bulls.
Wien Ts, tar, Wrn. E. kkrwrra.
mbrons MGR, - • livorge .Iqnnwali,
JI M. Thom., James N./eon", .
D. terns Igain. 11. Ll Sherrard. Sec . ,. '
Thig the oldeet IrlallTlWßl3onalway /Lithe I:what Etat.
and tts-blgt. standlng. 100-xperience, arOpla gleam,
and aryl 'lag all rake br ar% exa hatardo , ue , :igrgetkr, it
' ''''' "d'''''
o ff.. 7l ' l. ' l ' .lltl 77.1%1N r kgi, ‘l."
~all.l No. 1.41- Front stregL
Western - arance Company of Pittabaih.
(t , , Aper.4, $3OO 000 . R. MILLER, ‘til.
' PreslJenti • 31. burins.Ekeretary. „
ill insurea4a: st nil kin., of rigaz. Hr. and Maiink.
Alli..nuen will tw. 1, ..rally ed., notnd and prom Pant.
A home Ingtruk, —11,,.1 by Illrevtors wig, an. wall'
known !n th,....coualn mt 1112 1., and whn a, .lehrrmined by
„ pron%tanem and 111%kra •t% te nnutgain the character whicia
'they Lave aeelune.l.ktn geeing. 03,e'iw-n proteetinn to there
w ho .lelre to be matt,
plawrome—lt. 51111er. • ,
lion. Black. J. W. Butler. IC!'
llolmee, Jr., it no. B. 1,1 a. C. IbmwT. 1.0. W. Jackson.
11,0, 11, Lyon. JILID, Lirrn raw. l, enrgeb. l-1 . , J.L.‘... 01 / 4
• ;Ilex. Ales. Nu:rck. 1110,•.... IP". '
0rt1,... NO :r., N star etrryt. warehouse of Span. 1 Ca.,
up XC1. ,. 41. ,,4l ' ' ill.iAly
Delacdare Id IL tti a 1 Safe litenninceComp'y
r 1:11AV. Third street. Phil leirlda.
lkat t, ',NIT —11 % 114, 40 , k , NT.....ti." 1 ....., °tr''''
d amage M 1
. wn and enutTy. 3neyrel agagast loan nr
damage M 1; fire, at the loweot Esti. of t. ming,. •
31katkr BsoksT,T.—Tiley .1.1,, itn,u • I..anbt CanliPn.,
and Predubla. lutvgli or cautalwiEe. pod open or etkertai
p 011... a. the ankur...l can, deal,. •
1,1-43(11 Tr.o.rOvrArs....x.-11.1 al*. \as n. Mnrnbandine
cran,ported by u".... , ,,b, bail Eng! ear, \ C al tents and
t l trann I•nln.a. on rivnl, and lake., ott tlw DI,V , liberal terms.
Inatrroal—Jovph U. Seal, Wigan. A.5i...0 ci . John C.
Park,' llonert Burt,. ohn Lt. Penne, E , ln - hEward ,
• ge Cl..eiper, Ldw .I Darlington, 1./.4 \li AlTi, JOH.
l FOi . flt ..Jnhn N i Pr. B. M liuntEn Jar - es C.
ran.d. Theo . nlll Tail 1%. 11. ..11n1e, Itrt , iy . . jinn,'
Vrtn r li ' t b C F 4'. ./ . 1 '.. " 7 il r'fil.'r7n l ' ' ' 'h i l l 2Lo 'n.
inVre ' nnlln a niv,,. ` k,r ' ;, " 3n. • -lint. ' . ) v.. .
Waxen". an l'lmunn,na T Mornan.• {lnn 11,
./nho T beg.. •
WoJta.a Ilarata. PiTealeot LIPS C. Li., - 4, Tice 1.7.. i•
.1. nt Joetv., W.. CONAN. oe,r,
111.41-01,1 CL .k, tb,C.1.U.1,,,7. N ..g Wan , strt . Ele Pl l .
tuna, :4 , ...,2111 , . MAI.I , IIIA. Anntnk.7\
_ Ohio Lab9ratory.
qlll -- 11 - 0 - 9 ...... 411 47.•
lir 80 1114 - 1 95 11ili
"•1-- tt
-- 85 '& 7- - ,1 ". 99
Per cent. Strength.
rrr4l,l ALCOHOL. l'ury,nnnts fuelloingne ana Ur •
Con, Dirt4l/..1 Vapt.,r Wht•try always on hankk.
4 'ol7r'-d TT ' ;4=l ' g ' l "
104«nf% 4. 2x,,1).
at 1t.w.4 onrkot: \
Wines and Liquors. \ \
Wines and Liquors.
so. 157 Larreir at., Formerly Darla erack s er factory.
D. ncolons, of PI ctrbut.r..l jl.a. nyocvkacy or N. T.
ViCKEISEN sTo — UVENEL, respeerfully
I • announce to lbw }nadir generally. tad their frien.lN
I .= llly Attegtko " ably " T7a b ll ' o L dV:h . e: W lle;
soy. keep a full nonortmont canoe be.ri pular dark
l'rvoclt tad uul Wine, Al, Fecnch dark and Palo
Ilrandlon. of Lb: rholoo,t viotag, Jamaica rum. Holland
n Irish Whiakry.ehamtnntue and . n lotrkling hock
Lf the`nyytrot brand, non wane, Madelra...horry
land mum.: Mtn,: Anegatho. no. M00...0hm, Holland
o , Hoora. l,eisa and Idsohurdl t horn.. All of which they •
.111.11, lobolesale...r revel. an the moot granonable tenon
Ono of the partnere. Mr. lUtouvenol, ofillntinuing hi.
importatlun Wain,. In thonity N York. lb.. 0,01, kno
rukbArl t0...e1l a chorpor nod a better articlo than any.
other houao In this our,. Non.- dye n. • rall, leen, you
rurchno. elooehen,
- . .
cuppthel free ni extra char., am) et the
chnrce,t notice
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
s :COW 61 b.) stion in operation at WM'
nolu !O.K. 5 1,1.. Pm.stou rV. 'ry . ll. , Ti,,, Flit, ba.rue4s...l
a 011(1.111(155110. Snarl 10.tituta of 1... f
. Eark.
awl CAT:it . .Rt., In. (1 ,, Yrunklin I itotetocu' of flahul,l
- for Itu uoperiont, ru abr.
oertttlrut, from tho, havim, them Ow. Phi1n.1.11.104,
of which thufollowituf aro e...avar.k,
Marra . 4.01. •
t ..11•05 me great plrasure to rrrnmturn.l tho loysts of
Dar, clrsr water, tIM IN.4u: 11es rrnt.l-. .ter Vittreei,lrs
ranks] by Mr. I<r haling torsi nor of thrm i. 1 nom,
al months. I am 0na1.1.11 L, Jtdya of
UK0R....P.1.L1 . 1r, IS. II alnot
- I.imAnstrma, March lath. 1,1.
Th. Patant nor Illtaret, tnrented by Mr.
Namur' 11. Lewis, attA u5...111, me for some months at tar
prlrate rm n
Aderr, Is al co
l that any tamon IA wish. I
[horrors runsular it a priellegs. to have It In soy power to
rernmmend .1 to the punt.: JONAS P. FAIRLAMII,
. • , Nn. S Summ<t ...Ist."
The. Filter, aro warranted to take out ati•J arcr..ll or
Mete which may arise. frran derOrr.r.r.sol animal Or Trot& tuatta.r In Lb< water. Ihryats. warranted rr, iastAtwo
Soar, and rich ordinary fate kat ten: anti reMilrJr.
only !al,. sera to InaPl. l ." . .sted.
m ylO3l 1. - JOArrh etre, Phlta/telr&
EAI) PlPF—Cimmell'F improved paterit
loath Pt, Il l yAranta,
. ,
moodurlo v
ilyOrsulir num%
llrymAL toi nil
rachl7lY 1,3-1 (rout armor.
Heating and fentilation. ' •
V Ilmatlmn by Stamm m Ilo&O,Court llmons.Weturn
Itoomm Unnt onlma. Mond Factories, Llosintols, dal build-
Pubtio M ,II PH , Mo. Lon.'
atom nml prrlnK• Room* for all Immo - woe
mcbm• or, sot , fat [h
P0 1q613.1 ,. 14 ° % F .11t IW° ' o=nl to o; L fordl lardm, will
inr= wojlTletus dem Ip : t.lans mentlonnd
mid sarewdfullr healed norm thl/fOon in Eartono town%
m the motbml Moor. • wbolmorno, uniform brat, or
rronirot teropernturo, srith rntiro r e l .= from
nook, utter. dllat,Or Inmll/31MW. mart, from Om. •
mrl6 t+9.l/it. ATKLNS.J.N OKELY. \
Copley's Pot Clay. . •
TM 311'6i:fibers aro' now Sole. Agents
of .3. Cooky d Co., kr the arikt of thelf, rot Clay, AZ
orock of w.dl erkblished rrycatadoa for lb( roodnfactur*
of Wu+ tosc, steel It lo made of ono of the most
eubsouned kriow
, g and kyery alretzair selected
and cumitd smims. *
2- ~,
Needles' Celebrated
lIJJ These highly medic:dad plasters Life Denims.% Ihr
Anuru thAst t ear.' dming which time titer Itlr•
Woad & permwarn reputatiiin. the:A:mat °nacho
Illwaroltle and Ptrengthentrig Plawter *Wei ottered.,
(ICUa of the highest eminent, to whim their comp:it \
run has bean iubmitlad. have given the mixt tatted:NC
tealluit.olale as to their ouperior rime overall other Aar
tare Loki.
1 . 1.0 iEseedimti of ttwir curni,watiam ‘ ierl mare T
iorrcetly combined. rsiader thera'pecaliarlr appilawhin \
persons suffering with pulmonary itbiesaa.
top pains in th.L breast. reaultinipfroiii protracted cold,
whooping rough. viol local pato., Lathe riotous wouralgl tinan•a g
itf the body; their henefaial, ilanuiter u twe..-.
question orals{{ ,. law 'A, a reused, iscloimbeig, Shod'.
.y:.! ,- .,:.r7fuir:=l.ll.ZVZ.A.Zh..o",-=l:4*.' • •
nentn,t;i and anni in the y bacl rei.o lung
, traino. theta... of the tido., it, Male au •
pettorwty err] all other plasters hiu Jaen ampb wiled by .
i.ondrae who haw,. experieneed cure au
relief from their
appliaattan. tug, with rhum'aticipsins, theist
pia , tar. , ii - manded. ith 'L + r , os.lent assures:lap
that tan. fiowl Mono v., doodad....
, mg, P. E. SFILLEPS. R;-ad n:. vi
EAI: M.I,N 'S PATENT 4~ereH Poi'
•loft, fpr t•fttattut close to Linen s , .Thtzliztk
. be t , Col ram it. arid all [trident printn
, .revent., the !eon pri , m alloroing to the Linen , and duet
Y. • •• it contaitu nothing triplet,ua to elothealet
eras In ears 1 00 . f :I' o ''. l l2tli=
it teal. a t , r a. no fr.spetition Is fesirwl after wiltopartliwi
. . .. .
,reuieutnal Clawler, sad hne
tal e 1100.040.
both n thrJoint Stock and
mutettird le. than
pules, d oree Fifteen req. Cent.
tom mak,
e. . the. opted Ivy other
Those Irma on the ntn.
...comic" f • bed 1,7 that
Capital and H us Fund of
tint of lit a on life.
right of ile' , c Wren., Pc.
ae—to time.. be Itfe of
le.nt Farynnla roa m.
t the a, ot Se. 5.5. I , ort&
. ,
/ el'reciden,, '
.lee , t,h , tewh,
t'huh.s A.
ISO. for g.t . :tig n le-matte! Mott to Lawns. 31=1104
. • hp, potion. Clot: liketunt, and oil knelt of plinth tta
••...vents the loon adtmeing to the Linen. and der(
o kilckinci it coat.. loser . nothing Mutinous to elothenle
-‘ ;af.ue rtici ' e . , tl-of.!l°-"'`'t the ir"
ly et,
trial at 1:10 non:mention la feared
aft. w ill
Cake 1111 1 l dp thirty dorm of clothe., an .0
farad' , elm rue
Id tr without it.
Prire.l2., oonteute per Pike Each Cac with Intl direct
For ..l• hitt; 'll. E. SELLERS:ST Wont
-7- faillor...Eina. OE 8008 OIL
- Them unman. things la heaven sad earth.
an .41 , ientnpt of In rhilitsophr,-
THI; 111 , 1'1 ES of this renrarks.ble reels
dy, amt the Sant application Mr in to the annwel.
stor. Indunal hi to have It put or in bottles, wtth la
aral direeneent. fo the beneSt the ,
yu Liu,
Th. YETROLEEV l ikrrd , ur.4 frtont a well in MIA Muhl
ty,nt a depth of four hundred net, t. a pure, urodultent , T
tett articht.without any‘chenairal change, 'but lust as It
noes from Sature'e Great I.hrstoryi: That it *natal=
properue. reaching • nuniber of disenten. lt no homier •
matter of uncertaint,.- noire an. many things In the ar.
farm of Asian., which. If kniden, beof mart foetid
nese .deviating suffering, 'and rester - Lug • the bloom of
health nod vigor to Ista4 a name,. ben,: bad. Om =-
relent. thought of putting It up in boot., it had a repute.
Om for the career; disemn Tho conettnt aottdaLly hum!
dap calls for it, and several ,romargahlo wore. It ham per:
formed, is sum indication of its future poptdarthr wad
wide rpreal .pplleatlon in the cure of ;0.n.0.
We donut whit to maks a long parain of certlfwase....
I . crte ' tlort=TA=V:rt= Te ' d Tret ii. war?)
Whilm we do not .isle Ow it a univareal:applleation In em
ZrZirtt=enriri'fittuall);..jn. that:Nin Dar of
.1.0r4: lhHt May
red- all diver.. of Om ...met boron.
s ILEOKIO KEO S oNmno, - , ,
met,C tamrASTlL/lAK EL Tl.iicmems u f
the i aftr m amn, Ly t a s •
Eit CO3iPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Mathew, Diseases of the ;
Bladder and Kidney.. faits in the thwnur hilt, Nerrons
Inteases, Neuralgia, Patsy. Ithetunatic Pains. (loot, Erpdp
ohm Tette, Itinmworme r Burgs, Scalds, lerniees..Old
OG. tr. In ewes of dtbllity. resulting from expontrn, CT
Keg aniltracted. MYR. idiseass, thi. medielno
hong relief. pro It will Net ass general TONIC and ALTILS
ATI VK to such ewes. Imenrtiug not , ou.d to to.
whole frame. removing obstructlOn., orotund the sheraisl.
, functions. which nuts. disease, arol a broke,. 1.11114..}0.•
and giving In ...esti tool renewed ensuoty, to a/1 Owrtewae
oflifel The proprietor. boottt af eeverol cut..
that resisted everyother treatment, get well wielWedhe 1.4
°tithe PETRoI.LIIII for a 'ehort . time. Th. eftetrintm
siren to any reman who desues \
Edna genuine witho
r. ut the algushipt arils
Paid I'7 the
fkutal Redo: Perm Emend
Also. by E. E. tiIiLLYJI!....SI WOO 4
corner Wowletteet and YlruiTtey, wlitu
nov'Sdly hie tenTdarly appoin .et itents. •
.. . -
11 NOW' all n
f le , llllld s d ig ro 'aiict alicra
be ;741us I.:cit o ur lilbe.erthi r Yfirdw'old7A7 ron r rifu ' t
alwre.a... that tiler can be cured by• taLloc Op
Voo way talk about Ito being nostruna` o pa
ao Ton phut, but Clio dors net make It rz forwopoxlsim.
in the
of all boreed cutriipunity, thal hao Y . irturs
whlPh ars ant euntainr d &Pr 000 .0 rrintedr. Tba man
who to ratkod with pain. and eufferiup ro. dioaaae.\oa.n.
fer,so eento, got relief fruto any of lilt ills r9onyorate.l
Readell it mete very Little to mato a trial. Thts,Potio
lc. Is pp =llium—no command, put up for the
or kopounp on the cofrunuolty; hut It b. a born
Ord th. roarbor hand of tut... o n bubble& Upton Na
lempopf cm. moth, earth, In Ile original purity, and al
htitnarlty a ready remedy. a ogratra aud \
cure. •
It nap cns] riles prior other nes.hrioes our. &Cod to
odor out rebel. It 011.1,1 nii,111.011.1 o f long
rtatallna, and of the worn and rout painful channer• /t
hi,. must Cholrro 31orbuo , oat or two doiss. Ir boa
coil,: old zoo., of Warders, in which Ivory otter
; hawker...l4 no avail. . 11, • local roc.ruy Iry bur. and
seal .it in boner tha.u..• combo - UPI. or mint
that e know of. It will'oury rbilblairis and tr.trel trete
j e.l tf " tte ' rgn ' llm, ‘ f.V.7,„„ . " Ll Wa ' s r = n oltro d at
Ing P.P.3.IUk:L 31. KIEE, tunal bard....enth otroet; or
either of the aurae.
Neyrer Alchourfl: curlier us Wool street
alloy: It. t., seller, Y." Wood ...rot A. Mho*. 12111 •
Curry. All, eny are the
Ff r siVE R 31.114101111: *A AN
It. irj§cif,S, ) too, the 011 E.
1 .10 ptoprlesu
ttteme most twriular and beneficial- .edielows, and also
the ineennor of tho*lebrate,l Inetrument for inflating the
Lungs. In a t 4 OUP, of Chronic diseases, woo a rtu •
dent of that emitten%, physician, Dortor Physic, and is •
graduate of th e lloiveteity of Penneylvenis.and for thirty
years Fu n , hue heed engaged In the ithethgailon of dis
ease, and the applicatltheof remedies thereto. -
Through lion no of Iroklutlating tutuannonneetientilth,
hi, Y d otie Pyrot, Aid other of his remedies, he Lae
weane an unparalleled emmence in curing those dreadful
and fetal maladies: TO 4r .Coneumption. Cnce,
Ecrofula. Ithearoatitm. Artb.s. Pet, and A., Voters. o,
ell kind, Chronic DryeireboAsod ell die
eases pecullrt to female. Indeed. eeetw -form of disease
tryunder the um. of hie rkondle , to:which humeral.
ty heir—net by the 1.11..07 ovewocupo . unfr only, (or that
it inceunpatthle with PhydulogicahLaw, boil by the urn of
fiu remedies. adapted to. ana Prws*.ibed for, each aculha•
form of diseaeo.
Dr. lth•e'e Tonle alterative when deed, are fuwerla•
bin eeknowledgel to be sithetior to all others, as a p.n.
live or Ibrer pill, hthenthch ai theyleave the bowehrper
factly free Rom eoelleenefee as glen f/olden 4514 are ad•
tulthei. by obi faculty, tressesees peeullar twelettleft Whir
fed to female &rear, bat being satirlind that • here trial
tftedent establirb what has been Raid in the sulndany
he rant skebtiesl.
The alined are knelled to tail upon the agent, and.proe
N(gratis) one of the Doctor's perophleht,giwing athltath
NI worm= of each rem dy, and Its appliathoth,
For tale hy the folio, .1401200, as Welles hr most drag ,
eists throuthout the ere
J. Fehoomnaker & Co. Ire dal., Pittsburgh. .\
4. M. Townsend. Drvg :Deckers,. . \
Beckham. lieu nab. rout Mee, &11.. h.
nay clty. - \
Joseph liartley.,
en , ewer
John Dille., Rou
T. d a da.. Dearer Dan-. .
k NOR . ICTED will be found in
D. D-:ou c.. ricer's INFA.I.I.IIILe Lai - HI:Yr. •
or, agic vibe. his staid the teat of thirty years
Arlene.. at-4 tine, beyond a doubt. been the maims of sat ,
log the liveßat thousand,. of toillYiduals, almost teary
elso and ehat'-acter Ira feel that ire hazard no
tlainginse yor that thls IF the only medicine that bias been strenfl to the in
afflicted, that dues, In elm- sewn of then'ord,
plus it Is foldlor. -
It has =nal, and le capable of curing more disease, than
any Other mitheiwotTered fee aale. , are can not - by whom
madeyr acid, or braalcit name.
Alt taring. add convincing proof a th e rare, fay' - ,
that It the only articlethat hat appeared in the fiirniicif
patent 'lledicitie that has ••••i• been patroacad and semi,'
cal the privie of the elite generally, ' the moat agreeable ,
Family Ntiidleina ever o ff ered for ICJ, or wed by my of
i Lem. ate, . • -
The Bons howesell.Grii.ell late ILO. Th e lion. lioit.
11. !leer.. hlay
or. Ito. John A. Inn. late U. A. :Sena.
Time 5 ,1 9,, ,.. V. mn ,,, Ewle Xditor of the iptrit of the '
Timex ante 'host of other diatlonnbibed citizens of New
fork. who Low-hilly testol it merits, hare permitted the .
PrOPeLetor to ricer \to 1t0 . 16.
/to It to teen kno that' Patent Medi:lnes are not
a pain - mixed bt, e learned, wealthy an.l polite circles.
hare undr , olit;el aright to fxl °ores/yes highly pries
ileeed. Th. Wen .1. working enearnoial has been nearly
w.en There before the_ blie s Its find frlarala or. now Ile
itrengest and best a moet undotibnelly is Annie er4
Tre y *ene . rrl usefulness.and smiths
gAill ' alis gilt ..7 . sTrTril + New ' elffoZ 5 n P,117., "` Ai.%.,
e , .res, .111.1 all the revive 4 be that flesh Leber to.
, ‘
r/rer I.obo.lsar betties her been wild without Dampish:l4 ,
end bare perfected such astoo ehing numb after all other
rented!, boon (Owl, rah
0 0111t1 magger belief, bad we not arel - lk`nor reiwiesbeii, e et-ones-et Tensible all. -'
Th,s latedtelei, or nattnwW rein i trpernanid from nag. ''.
ambles, for internal to volt as ern. ' u,.. It WA direct.
11' sine OW diseat , d part—eirlogat ealth and errongth.—
tie a nue core for Diarrheii i Crain Mho. Chalk., and
all 1,1013.4.1 r allerneee, diaiies, , th e , Km,
Weakness In male or henale, from who .*in , .ceuse Irgr --•
hare oijninstol.'\
Ser. sale in Pitteteargh. by It. Z. her. Mem.. Sidd A
•ii and Oaden. .1: enoiniete-ind by the 'dell Druggiets '
.ierally. It w put up la forstwq arid shilling bob
To the Readers of the Pittgburg Gazette. '
tj • BLIC• ATTENTION in - respec Ily in-
A . \ t• o• foihraing Ulla., eft forth in fallouts.
mi. of t . mort Important remwlies rt modem ti
PETE,. LUX P. 1101.10 OIL; It 1....t0mat0 tete
h t
plank., tea this veal remedr .. Lankl
public, Mr he relief and rure of db0a..... lir h ymns were •
to heel. has . nine. the. he flilly approontted the
to unity. cl. thr:allelew'that the lonker it is
m'ore'rettalp I n
ite at e & enread. dt I. not tb. n. -
at of • daa• tuP ter th anis,primoie di making me...),;
tog. ner,willrh . ronceiro , rill retain., to he noel. wh.
1 ,
all oil., no. • hare tems to'rvntum. The
S i ,. as
a Natural itelikeAll, elaborated in th e drpth• of .wrail
ht a tow., and\ .‘• u.rahat Maar m thorn all hum.
..,...thetittna. wrier
Asa duo . who. w.,write stout • wed/. . .
OA, that re to t e truth—that lAA esr nett...len. '
4,4 00,17,10 y chore he may tan our rord or Dot . m • '
drum in or andel:num il he sick ate rsrf •Pt Mott al \
, thlttu that puda i . relief raw die.... A gore Ma , t' s
I if kr , tat MO , s ht to antra the oft.. of Call.
In or hum hturgitur earn. d there. Now, we do not daair•
a are anat.. ly that the talkie relabott to.
L 5 1..711., l ' lly ' should be told. order th ',tura for its mirth
t,4 t . lt, hs . l , -; tz , ..110 Fel itkir f. ..g.itljta . .. I t t ,. .atorla 11. , t, , •
in oiarZy H. 203 oei:lthorhmal; oar Ample tnt.itnosi7 113 70. • .
\ t\i,
'oral' She Vett . ..Mons. . '
Wallin th. inot two mo.he, two of ertr MD CICIA.II4 ..
Vito 1•07. totally Mind, base hee restored to sigh,- SATs ----
ArAl [l.e.+ ..1 blincto.s.i. In th e, da ot Otdoo ha te be.
cured. Ana. alt., tit. eam. of glA rii Manna Etairr total/. • • .
11. r.. Aro WA., but 1/...Ar Ant . Art, hem - , amino,
le re f..rnal 1. , by an,' perform who le doubts On the onbs . y
a td Oh
p= "n"."'''''''' ' l' b oateM ' lrlil s ter.
' oo' - s go leraless. The •
whou u‘ol euarding to dirActkrAl— rhom, 1..,..t e r,
Pa, ithruseacut. onoL larandma, d ..hionen the Bath e
Plumb, on th fam.,llidotkie Ron 1.1y.5, Uhuwerin. T.Ltalr. -
7.4 , 1 Head. tut •in the bottm ..d.tom old «as. Weer., ' -
Wt.,. Arum. Chanlo troughs. Asthma, ankLitia. sail all
Pohnon.y. MN al Af A chronic omens t. dirm to to,-
dors. erturneudlon. .
hoar and ta-akt dint... of thy Bladder' Eldoryit.
Chohis..l Bends, Ea nano Meld., Corns Bunks..
In hod. it .• a 40LAT earraanm a.m.; ....1 hes • used-
In LIAR or the, or la. thre within the past year With an , • ,
e , iort , ot shover. • L roe[ to that will astoNahh•re in,
thy.hand. of the n a lth'sihr. l .honEl none pleasure rer rhos.. : •
toe than to th e. anlirted Of tlena fr 0.1.1, - \ . \>,.. . .
Whath..r ludo,. may •1 about thdir naJleitlee, the
I...tales.= Is the 077.14•4{L ItemNy or tho' son. Pima. • r
ot Idea *Medinal is th pentad.. the beymnin. teluie , ..ll
tu [Lode. yrertios.• Thaw uho'., flat.haked on with de• • ...
d nutoruuny, ea will.. to AlrAni l, des, mula
moodsnitton Ihdur• anotlar Yo'd:di. rtad.J, all rill: Is,
nonissil.l tr. mknowleitte that thok'etrtdouni as the great'. ~
wit ...Urine .ser di...n.1,1. .I...Lei ' , wholesale and a. Uk l / 4 '
A \
i. ,,,,,. t or . 1,J, , ,„
...Ku g 0 07 ~ , ,, k .....kii., ,, 'w e ... o . r _ \ \
Abo-11 E Feller., 4 Wad ' , tact! M. Curry ; B. Al \ ''' .' "
Elliott. Joseph Douai... Allegheni l tr. Al.e. b 7 the Vnl • \
priador, B. M. Iflhlt. Costal lima, • os.r etr..t. lanes \
boruh. and IL A. I , darsoltma • Co. its. 1114 1 . 100 01., ..,
—.------,----`^---.--- - --, -.—^----- - -" \
to —to is cheap, easy to take, and hI•04 SThre4r.or.
M r. IL E. Sellerk—Ausotoree Ctn. alarch M.. ISE.
Ity <id iom a
, 111., ../...., tort, beep
0,74 tqczoubh•orms• cough, nod t,a1.11, i •INlXtrent
reuall. to very little pert., 1 'AAA 017 ad., ..,
05.m.01.3 „, about your Cl c athA'll'ul t • ,,, , to c a l:. it'd' , C O.'.
. l ' il:r e ' er! a t m . :: IfYi et, ::,.- 5TR.4'0 , ?...:r 7°' '
1 Lays remmended It a my nullthi•thit. god o nt.
Im..l.otsy believe that It le the art cough in •
thaahai e ve r ) AA. otrervil to the polite.
Pereum should n AMMO,' A.trads -
ot permit their add.. to' suffer 41:11 -
cough. when they mai be Mat br a . ...1. .t.. 1.0011•
ruP. .
rwpared d thlt II
by B. E.. .ELLEIts, •
...y1•011....!) . .
lo Wood tn., and f.rud dim geLATV.T. .•
JII.ATEN'r 31,ERICig:ES, tta:..ZA barge stock ..
3 !
to Gore, and (r Fain . tb.. lAr :. 1it...m.1 temp,. elm ,
ain". Ototment" , Arunralle halts:
1..m0n Ard 'lla Brum: '
•• 1 , .. i .thal Felt of Imam dtesnan'se Maltha . a
time. and Hoar Liniment Blooder.ilis Altair of Ilealet
hseleldoe,Starla British 011
I:lllT:=l,t'i':,T ',. ~,, 1=7,•;;;, ? da.8.i.h.
i.,.... h, Ealhfe Cnrndrunive _
Anderson's Dtpuratia l•rrup, roe . Llos
" Ilooper's f ill • hell
" 2^ ff s APionst , tle ,t::; . -„.,1,.
.1. ~ ...:&—l•
Beane' ; ; Eidethe ' of Pepper..
~. (7in..on,
•• erumtookek'e , L....n0n
iir, , : • .. 2-...rgamot
••ent ;
ernon, Lorendee,
" 4.lt4ns ''' ~ '"', % in . to totamen'
Boas Ointment for 'fetter \ Eye Cl'ater '... " .
Strengthening Fluter, \ Ilandsildr./..0•3•11at14
evralin'•Panaces,, - • tiolfrey's Contial
~Ttaertniftt. iingunes Basta Glolden..Tinetudy.:
f trarldtallil•
' k ....
!Korm Tan ~ Herm l'etrdsr ' •
path.ism; Eta ts of 5• N WICK Vi
\ ni enrs' anent *0;1 sad EalligkrZ
8 buulua