The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 17, 1851, Image 3

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As there seenie to be an increased interest
snug some portion of •:••• citizens, in.m.ti on to
the subject of Life luau • ce. We would call
attention to the Pittsb• gh Co, which from the
wilt established chara :rand business capacity
of the Directors renders, it deserving not only of
the confidence but_ patronage of those wishing
to effect an insurance; the advantages of which
have been so strikingly set forth in ; numerous
Instances of late in this city.
- IsTrazarnio ro lovann ov Mvtac.—We an
, . .
deretand that Mr. "Henry Rohbook, the well
known proferbor of music, so favorably known
, hare, as teacher of the piano forui, will return
to this city in February, to resume the duties of
his profession. 0
Dittmar Ex CUTISIO, —The saint Clair
. 13 tiards,
CsPilan Eopy, and Presidents' dnards, Captain
Gilfallan, will leave the,Allegheny depot, of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, at ten o'clock,
tilia . morning, for New Brighton, where they will
be received by three military companies of Bea
m-Comity, by _whim they have been invited to
pay a visit to that beautiful section of the
,They will return by the nine o'clock train to
Miall, TRACHEA? . POSTITIiTE.—The mimic
Tenobers' Tostitute commence { its sessions in
LafaYetto Hall, on Wednesday morning, at . 10
o'eldhk. Mr. Mason opened the meeting by giv
ing some &crania of the origin and progress of
similar associations for eighteen years past., The
first leas held in 1834, when . thce:elttaive object
iron to explain and illbstrate: the inductive eye
'tom 'of teaching music.
Mr. W. C. Woodbridge, oditor of Annals of
. .
:Education, had at that limit just returned '.om
and had brought with him the original
-bons by Nageli andPheiffer dm the subject, and
. it was at his suggestion, awl the suggestion of
:other...distinguished friends of education, that
the first teacher's class was held. The class was
The class .numbered twelve , members; it
• has regularly increased until last August it num
, beret' some fifteen hundred members.' Classes
have also been held at different places, entending
from Maine to Illinois.
The.object of these classes - now isc. in addition
.to the exposition of the methoarof teaching, to
cultivate style'and taste in music fienerally and
is chnreh.masic in particular. .
We' r enly give a few of she leading thoughts of
Mr. Mason's opening remarks' The remainder
of the morning was spent, in singing psalmody.
' - "Mr. :M. made clear the distinction between
the congregational and choir style, both by de
scription and by illustration, and at this very
first lesson some beautiful effects of piano were
• brought opf in choir music, which we hare not
been accustomed to heir.
• The afternoon session commenced at 8 o'clock.
'The first hoar, was spent in a tehching exercise,
the principles of inductive !and of deductive
'bstushing werecaplained and i lustrated by gram
mar lessons and by, music le on, and were made
.very plain. The last hour w spent in singing,
alee 3, from a new work call • "The Glee Give."
The sacred music in the naming was from
Messrs.' Mason and Webb's la est work "Cantles
he evening seesion comm need at half. past
seiren and , was continued not I half past nine.
Sacred music was sung the firs hour, and secular
.sittalc the second hour,_ The namber of the class
was considerably iarger in the evening, and the
singing went off with good . pirit and inter
est. We observed:quite a n her of teachers
from abroad, mid some of the best musicians,
and - members of the choir in our city, and we
'were truly delighterito see 'Englishmen, Ger
mane, and Americans, Pennorylvaniarm, Yankees,
Buckeyes and Virginians u;te to swell the
'the high eh eras of praise and ciy.
that oar citizens will turn oat evi moms at one
today, on the wharf, to pay a tribute of
respect to Dr. Gottfried Kinkel, the celebrated
German patriot and scholar, who will arrive on
the West Newton boat. . .
Lammas on llama awn.—The lectures on
yesmeriam, by „Doenir Keely, at Philo Halt,
,an attracting crowded houses. .
ExCETTION OF DII. EISKI.L—The committee of
Arrangements appointed at the meeting of citi
zens, held at the U. States Hotel on Wednecoloy
Last, met; pursuant to notice, on last evening,
at the St. Charles Hotel
On motion b of
, Sam
',Honor, the Mayor of P.
1 . the Chair, and P.
f . ..tarY•
It having been anrion•
man patriot Dr. Gottfrei
patted by tile West Newt
17th, at 1 o'clock,: P. 11
Wm. Rose; Esq.,
• Resolved, That the C
' Mittens of thirteen to pro!
to receive our expected .!
American citizens., .1
The Chairman accord'
lowing :
del. Fleming, Esq., his
ntsburgh,swas called to
neon appointed Beare-
ell that the great Ger-
Kinkel, would be ex
o boat, on Fridiy, Oct
it was,: on motion of.
• 'rmati appoint a eon,
eed to the steamboat,
cot on behalf of the
&Y appointed the lot
Hon. Wm. Wiilhins , C•L Roes Snowden, Gen.
Wm. Larinierc Jr„ Henry McCullough, Wm.
Rose,Saml. Fleming; Chas. H. Paulson, Col.,
Morgan Robertson, P. C. Shannon, CoL F. G.
Kay,•Hon. Thomas M. Howe,Maj. David Lynch
Samuel Roseberg.
On motion, it was unanimously
Resolved, -That the lion. W. W. Irwin be se
lected as the orator to welcome our distinguish
ed guest, on behalf of our - Arneleen citizens, at
the Hotel. .
Resolved, That we invite the people of Alio
, %hen', county to co-operate with their German
fellow citizens in all such arrangements as they
may deem suitable, and may, have fixed upon
for the purpose of emending appropriate honors
'to their distinguished guest, the PATILIOT Rix-
Mr. Rose being called upon, made some do
'nent remarks in relation to the beneficial ob
jects contemplated by the misSion of Dr. .Fin
kel, and gave a.brief general outline of the pres
ent eta% of affairs in. Europe.
Remarks were also mule by Col. Black, Hon.
M. W. Irwin, and Col. Ross Snowden.
jgarTbe above committees are requested to .
assemble, on Friday, of 1 o'clock, at the Non-'
ongabela boost..
ASSAULT 11.7Ci1 , 73nrraar. ' —Tbomao McGoiern
vnut committed to prison yesterday, by Alder
man Patterson, of Birmingham, charged, on
'Oath or Peter Keenan, with striking him on the
}feat qith a hoe.
Lascxxx.—Elizabeth K ox was yesterday
committed to prison by Major Guthrie, charged.
on oath of Itrary Baldwin,• ith larceny.
ASSVIT. &ND Barrcrir.+Georgn Shaffer was
yeatenlay committed to prison by Alderman
- Woods; charged, on oath of T. Kettle, with as
sault and battery.
Cosestirren.—Samh . laSbury. was committed
tO im . isOrt on Wednesday, .by Mayor Fleming,
charged -with recoiringAtoleu goals: _ - She was
an inmate of a house in Allegheny, in which a
gruuctity of articles of various kinds, which are
Alleged to have been-stolen, were found.
TILE P MILAN LIBRAIIT.— room las'been
"elated in tho Athena's= to be oecupied s by the
s. GermsFt Library ..451)eirction, recently formed
in this oily, on-the model of the Young Men's
Mercantile Library Amociten.
THR INITAXITAMT'S op Econovir.--A large
number of the inhabitants or this thriving little
•village, are now on a • •risit of pleasure to this
Pasataa,Caterannir Moncr.-LJun. Mahaffey
.leas on Wednesday fatly committed for trial, by
Mayor Fleming, on a charge of passing coon •
forfeit money. •
. ' DANGEBOUA I; nacrici..—While walking up
Penn street yesterday, wo.obserred a number of
. *non the top ofdi four atoryhouse, unrooffing
thd building ; and throwing shingles and boards
~ indiscrimbantely upon the sidewalk, no intima
•':.tion being given to passengers that any persons
were at work on the roof, nor any guard being
iilaced. whereby they might escape accidental
Olio:little boy, trying to catch a falling
had hie hand revorAy Inceenttd. Query.
Is it consistent with city regulations to uaroof
housee i ond`throw the underinle into the publi c
drags aritheet taking condo . precnutiois for the
public.eofety? Then, would be no ditruttl!},—no
_~- ~.~.
to passers by - that they srere
. .
ger. This ought to be obserred in ell cases
where missiles are thrown into the public streets.
Far the Pittsburgh Gazette
In the article under the head of ''European
Opinion on American Pianos," in Tuesday's G
aeta, Jenny Lind's "oprninn" on• Chickering's
pianos Iran not claimed or intended.
The fact that Chickering's pianos were used
in Miss Linde concerts in New York and din - -
out this country, and at the cotnerts'or Miss
Catharine Flores, now in New York, was all,that
was intedded to be conveyed.
It is presumed that Silas Lind, as well as Mies
Hayes - , employed the beet talent they could to
aid them; and it is also,presurnablo.that they
have used Chickering's pianos in preference
to others.
Nr lora:, 0ct...16.4
The news from the Australia gold. region,
which continues to arrive, is cotthrniatery of the
previous reports, as to the extent and richness
, of the mines.
Lord Londonderry had again addressed the
President of the French Republic with reference
to Abdo' Rader. The correspondence, however,
• amounts to nothing practicable,
London had been chiefly ...Tied with the el
ection of Civil officers.
Grimt excitement has been caused in Liver
pool by the violent conduct of the Judge of the
'county court, towards Mr. Whitsey, editor of the
Liverpool Journal, for s fancied insult. The
Judge directed his imprisonment, without eel-c
issuing a warrant, but was subsequently coin
. pelted to go through the formality of the law.
Mr. Whitsey was fined, and sentenced to two
consecutive terms of imprisonment. The fines
. were paid by subscription, and Mr. IV/limey was
Ten . seamen, belonging' to the American ship
Coltnnbia, mutinied on Wednesday. They bal
ed down. Capt Biger and the mate, both f
whom, were much injured. The men had been
convicted, fined, and imprisoned.
Hon. Abbott, Lawrence- the American Minia
ter, was in Dublin visiting the public lestitutions
and receiving great attention from the city an
thorities and private
' Kossuth had been expected , in London, upjo
the 18th is th it., when intelligence was rcciv
that the French authorities had refused to grant
him permission In pass through their territory
from Marseilles, and it understood that be had
sailed in the steamer :Mississippi, direct for N.
It is said that the French refused to alletc
Kossuth to pass through their territories from e
desire to act in accorthluce with the wishes Of
Austria and Russia.
ea While the Mississippi was lying at Genoa, KO-.
suth requested leave of the Sardinian Govern
ment to rest a few moments ou Piedmont ground.
The government replied that it did not wish to
interpose the slightest obstacle to him, on his
stay, but, in the present stale of its relations
with neighboring posve4, it would be mindful of
the circumstances what . might result therefrout
and would leave it to their discretion to decide
whether, under such circumstances M. Kossuth
ought or ought not to invoke the hospitalities of
the Piedmontese.
This reply was opposod by able and influen
tial parties, but Kossuth did not stay.
The Queen was expected to visit Liverpool on
the Bth inst.
We have . adduces from Madrid to the 21st alt.
It is stated thit the-authorities of Cuba had pro=
posed a plan fig fortifying the Island, at the ex
pease of 40,000tk00 reals; but Gen. Concha is of
opinion that a sum might be obtainad by the sae
sing proposed by the War department.. A cotar
mittee of general officers approved of Gen. Con
chat plan.
The excitement at Southampton repsectiag the
arrival of Kossuth and his companions continued
unabated. lie vratihipected about the 6th or
7th last..
It ig arranged thactmon the occasion of hie
being' presented with an addeess by the city of
London; he will proceed to the Guild Hall in an
open carriage. with Lord Dudley Stewart.
Commader Pullen of the Arctic eqpedition lari4
tied at Beal on Thursday. hem the lindson'4
Bay Co's.ship Prince of Wales.after carrying on:
the most perilous search for Sir John Franklin,
in the Arctic Seas in 1849 and 1N:30.
The London Times mentions that letters freml
Glasgow state the suspension of Messrs. Slaterl
& Co., and Munson, :Merchant and Broker, with
liabilities amounting to £30,000.
Ossian E. Dodge, an American vocalist, has
created some excitement in England, by offering
$lO,OOO for the CrYstal Palace for one day andi
night, soon after the close of the exhibition, for
a monster concert.
, According to a letter from Vienna, published
in,the German Journals of Frankfort, the Aus,
titian Governmenemanifeets its dissatisfaction
with tho release of Kossuth, and had determined)
to demand from the Ottoman Porte satisfaction
for the persecution of the Christian population)
of Bosnia; and enforce the demand by assent
tdipg a hbdy of troops on the frontiers of the
Turkish Cretin and Hergovinc.
At a meeting of the Provisional. Committee at
Paris, on'Thursday the Prittident ptated that
while the country was tranquil,' there bed been
noticed some agitation among the revolutionary
parts in this city, generally in the Faubourg At.
The police have made a seizure of arms sup
posed to have teen sent from abroad.
Gen. Changarnier commented on the eeveri
ty of the speech of the Minister of the Interior,
at Charlotte, which be said might be disowned
but could not be explained. The committee ad
jouined until the Itab.
The Times says that news from Fgypt rein
ing to the disputa between the Pasha and the
Sublime . Porte, which threatened to stop the
construction of the Alexandria Railroad, ,has
caused much excitement in this country, among
all parties interested in the overland communi
cation with India.
Die anteed tbat measuree are in progresei for
convening it. public meeting in London ol the
- -
Lehigh county—Biglees majority is it:37. The
following is the rote :— Bigler, 3,196; Johnston,
Union—Johnston'a maj. is 900.
The majority for Johnston in the city and
county of Phihulelphis is about 2900.
Berks—Official returns give Bigler 4,723
Crawfordßiglers majority .3.5.
Venaego—Majority for Bigler 60(1.
Clarion—Gives 1000 majoritl for Bigl,
Mercer—Majority 1170 for Bigler. •
811111,112—Bigler'n majority 200.
Perry—Given 000, and tycoming 4)00 majori•
ties for Bigler.
Somerset-1,700 majority for Johnston.
Evrrnz.o, Oct. Di.
Jenny Lind 's concert last night was Immensely
• flAaelsoverta, Oct. Id.
The Whip have the Renate, end poseibly the
House. ,
Coictssavi, Oct. 16.
Sieioto County—gives Vinton 263 majority,
and elects a Whig Senator by 421 moj.
. Madison—Tinton 481) moj.; and Bates 523
over Beaus.
Belmont—The Whig ticket to elected by from
400 to 200 majority.
Marion—Democratic county ticket elected,
excepting for surveyor; and the State ticket by
.260 majority.
Green—The county'aed State Whig tickets
are elected, by from 700 to 800 majority.
Morgan—The Democrotic county and State
tickets ate elected, excepting Treasurer and ,
f'robate Judge.
Granger—Cinton bi maj, but the Democratic
Representative is elected by 1113.
Washington—Vinton Ins 21)11 majority. The
Whig county ticket is elected by a small ma
WMuhlu Oat. 0ct.16.
The Republic of this mohring, in an article
upon the next Presidency, says that Mr. Fill
more has adopted the rule of policy that his ad
ministration shall be , carried on with single ref
erence to the public gond. Ile is resolved,, re
gardless of 411 personal conseni4 noes, to 'carry
out the constitutional rights of all sections of the
Union; and that the-honor and good faith of the
COLlntrXphali.tre maintained inviolate, regardless
of the temporary unpopularity of his adminis
tration. Ile hay entered into no covenant, Made
no committaLs, and seek, no rewards. Ile
thinks that the choice of a 'Whig candidate for
the • Presidim:v. should be left to the unbiassed
action of the Iyhig party in convention.
The Intelllgencer etate§ that Mr.- Webster will
return to Washington on Monday next.
TOWN eo, Oct. 16.
The cenmonT of turning ua. brst sod on the
Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad, was perform
ed to day by the Countess Elgin, in presence
of 20,000 people. j..ord Elgin made .an excel
lent address onthe occasion.
NEW roux, Oct. 16.
Cotton is steady, with sales Izoo bales at for
mer rates.
Flour—Sales 13,1500 bbls at $3 756,3 9t for
state and western, and $4 1:26114 _5 ?or pure
Genesee and fancy Michigan. - •
•Graio—Slles 104)0 hushes Southern white
wheat at KM, anll SOOO do Genesee white st 92c
1 7 ha. Sales 47,000 bushels corn at 5Gf for
Provieions—Pork is steady at $l5 25 for, new
mess, and $l2 50 for piime. Small stilesdard at
810-01 Id lb.
tiroceries—The market it steady, with limited
Stooks—Erie railroad declined 1; Reading
Now ORraillg, Oct It;.
Tae produce market is exceedingly dull.
Flour stLouis brands are sclliog nt 75 ( 4 )
3 85 -e bbl.
Provisions—Nless Pork is offered at under
$l5 vii bbl. Quotations for beef and pork are
Butter—Good western is Pearce at • 15e ?
Cheese—Sales at 7 t l - 0 lb.
Groceres—Nothing doing. in eugar. Rebelled
molases dad declined, tee 17(3120c 1,/ gal
Whiskey,-Sales at 19 +4(1-0c it gali,
supormr. ILI.REEN * OIL CLOTH-500 yartl9 4, .4.
LA sad 5 quarte On,.n Oil Cloth, rnr niir,,..
for erotic, to any manfactmeel fur [Dm
D.rt.44...jußt Retired end for Mtl,artocio
by u
plot , or !erd. at
tbo nwrr fount, Nt9+. 7 and 9 IVoul etreot.
s9nl9 J. t IL PRILLIPS.
RON will he received in exelmnge (with a
an amount of money) for TWO R1A1.11154 LOTS.
/thy nu Piath Ward. Enuttim of
1 - IA.RIS GREEN—HO cases of the celebra
ted t.r.a, rewarded be tho cold 'nublsl nt the
merioan lcuditutc fen uniformity of shade. ,and fn . hot.,
the docnat. mu. brilliant. )d o nermuteut.lin4m 111 pro
ducal. Purchasing directlyo the Menolactuf,r..•
are able to of on es favorable term. as Roy ‘le.t
the Mountains J. VOlltoON MAK bill CO.
-.1 _L
24 Wood street.
Minnesota Capper Stook.
50 SII IoI IRES this eits A KILKIN .I .a lOW
corner Market and Third
A N Infallible Remedy for TI)OTH
1 T0rr....0n
u. (..r mall lb. Teeth. Spongy and Illeedinc linmc, for
M lV
eI , OELL'S.
ill at
WilOd .11,4
• -
1111 ANDY, A NI, MADEIRA WINE—Io Nut.— mod
ou drsuclo. tot eel.. he
.rrIA til.:ll9l:it a MolloW ELL, 144 i Wobd et.
ceo COMIllf.. for sale by
,r 1.04 4 e. CANFIELD
'lO cask',
MAN In note and tnr sale by
.1 C 011
t AKE FISH-5 1110.4. White FiAlt;
Tmut, tor ,Ate
.1. It C5N11.1.L0
-I'ACK EItEL; hbls.
lixii.primo W. R., for rOIIO by
V er,s JAMES DALZEI.I... {Pater et.
Large Noe s, 5,r
•Dal JAM,
Idadr.'prtrrin h. iiurt.o7
Co !Lau.,
- rr. fur .sin
.10110$ DALLELL uM niter ot
. •
1 RUSH. POW'D SUGAR-50 lAA.. for
8 Li. MOLASSES—_ bbl.. goadate . . ;
i•er by I , HI rityyVitll;YE
itROOMS-170 doz. Corn, tbr rile by
Wit.' eaxidie.t.keli..TAGG Oath,'
nda, Lamry, Oiravilble-. Ga. Chsta,...r.,
au..l tear} tka,..,1,1,1 Sp....tark...
lAA./ ancl raver, at II 14 WIG...
{Y.! UNI)RIES,....
b1.1•.'t,74.`" •
WALT awl rt , ta
5 1 . 1 i . 1 ,v .A..1:-- . 7,111”.1.. N. 0, fu s
j o lt l l L . l; . , l . , i v vm,
5 0 ,. ? A ASILT,,We ar,,,reltT:rteplistirdnum,
....I. .1,1. ‘ , l Invatuf.ctur, tuarl..•
•flel Fr ,, nt urar Alarlirt
AR-75 111.1 X. prime N. 0., t. r
NLIIItIt Mil: A I Nil • .I. k
W ,ER A large !ripply of I lazard mob-
.4.lvra, sop an , ll, std. 1..r1••t
02 wtr
J 0,.1 01'1i/till
NGLI LAD.) I'APERS.—Tbe best
Lrt.lcu bad lwtLi blue
KW , " %Dirk.
U9IKESE-sr , boxes„
euy ig:l
lent now
I'Y IS um(OD KS%
rep o st.,sod
I , Dkut
cOTToN__.4e, bales for sale b
tn. Y.
fIOFFEE--It i hags Itio, for snle•he
.... ..
ay ISAIAH ItIC EY • CO - 7
tit aeon • .....'... 1 1 , 1 - a.", .Zir • / ‘,.. r. I alma
W.. ' .. 4 .T./ ( • • ta ' iar,/4F.,_::,7 , . i(7 ..; I .
It OPPL E-1011 bags Rio, for Hal, by , . PITTSIO LIG II AND CLEVELAND
.171.1, ....b.2 J m DILITOKTII SCo ' F - rpr„. i . ,,...., ~,i R.,,ir,..,,) 1...,, , r. Ciend..d.
I lir . iNpow GLASS-:olo h... .., th: ! 110. •SENI , ;ERS /....irr - ~ e.ry morning at 9
, - h.:A-. ......o. t.. 1 , ....1. 0........ 0ry,....•
. P.N... DEN 0 VIT. It a Co. ) r .r,V, ~•'‘• '1 t',',' . .? ',7" ..- ,"'":' - '• '''• ' ' '''''''' . `" .. l" - ''' -
•(row Aug., new. Mark. I ' ;,',..-• „. r . t .',„", ii„, • ,,7'iu....
5 • it' Ilan/1A41.11 1.,..,,,,... .a ~...aa s .
e ri i ohAe o o kegs Va.. Tn - it. for ~.,k by 1... ',...;,;',":;." . ' !:"'. '"'"'
T. lts , st!:::: h"l'''
IL. 0,1 '
, I
Election. •
ti kIX ELECTION for Pr....adent and File 11.. l i
2". C"'"'". ''' ''' T,, b ,'„..? ".""•" 0" nn''''''
.., Tr , <Urr• '.l In, T ..tu gr. , ,aur...v - 11 Icr mr.i Nobl.,town 1.... I r;• , .•9e.r I.r bettmt, Ceoc-.m. agl Nt• vsoth. 1....
1, i...., Gompany.•lll be bet.) , iIJ Mond, the ', ;lay ot No , Cle•ian , 4vscl • ventoir at (•,. 'cciet. bc the oplealt.l
, 1 ventha neat. at ;b. boo, ..2 -Alit_ ht. II i.C.1.614,..., • 5 .. 4 .' 1 ' 4 ''''''''`." i • ''''' s, L '''''''''' 10' for 1'"..-
I it., t. I•lttebor i tn. betnect. lb. boor. 41 II and.: ruelort. that, at. 7i, .. , 0. It . A .1 1,- 1)011.61 0 hea hoff.b..
it it llfigl),N. Pr.-, , %rot arrimng A..- ..into. at Chung, ;•1 ..._cot...
-- Dunne to. • ocr ta Me • •Itio rt.. t. rote h
mo rn to Clone,
For Sale or Exchange, , 0011,1..L.,01, 1.4 our... at.; 1.. hd ch +/Wear,
...,,,...,A '. , i , -.4..r.tilar. ..,..0.. •
' CLARKE • I'AREb, Crcprltgorm
3 - I. LAND, gtoangi 10 Dr,' Tognatup, Watinor , land I For 0 ,....1,„ • i' ' ''''''''' '' r ' '
,ountr.l,4l...rirnala. ''''"""'"r.illVP.V,luniit.Y. Agent.
- Thtm property .. knogin by the name of the ••THELE 1 •
?PILINGS.' or - I.IOEL Nr" and - I.ILEAT DEAR' CA, . ; (Up etair•) 'menet id 5,..0111.1 lind Rot-r ring..
.1.14.1 near the (....otral litelsoel It rill ta• dIA pm., ot ; ~. •dtp•-Lts dm Mom .c.. Ala 11tog
1•11 - 1-; HI Mill
t tt.gether by sale or barter for proo , at ,1 thy city or , '''''
etnity. If mtkl. 1 lova cr. , Mat , c bad 'n r••••••a , ••• • - •
ti.rmm and but Atnall .1/ La •111 , n-qulr.-.110 baud... I. iggwr7..•....-1
85 1. .kiii
any advantage the purettag.r L. If ii}..teTiNt•- •
, 4is 0 Ilara [rest, or . hi, (Mee. No 4 W 00. en.) ,
N 0.147 Fifth tame, tramedtately ootscate thee... , li , og• ; UNION LINE
and Jall rldlwita.l ; .
- garA ;I...motive Patantlet torgar.ll.l. and ao• ..ito, j !On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
o.' , .sti"s ....... anY Percon d, - thin. 1, troppo. tr... ' .
I. pals,,., and pieitumotl tn..' ro mmoo 1 c. 1 " 1 . -- 1,01•KIP.I.13.
CLAIIME I•Antis A to, I, ;Icier., VA
0. K. CRAM:RERUNS . vii..mhrt,..l. cit Alt Plitt. Ato • trim tNn, ti
• 91 1 1 / 1 iS Writ I, tolt.m. Loci c. hou prepare,l In
If 1 03131ER.C1AL COLLEGE, corlit, MAY
trao.p.o ;retch! •00 1..•,......, • tr../ 11 CINIth 'hill
I j. ka and Third *tree.
; At , . 'LE , FL AND. to •bi 1.11, ..h 1 / 1 (1,0, 00.1 tams -
FACULTY: The Melltti..- ..i the Lau nr• ...girt, ......1 to itumbs.,...
0 0. Cnaunratux. Frinetp.d. and Prof...ea ..l• the :ici. ; ( 1• aud ••••t•Actt • ;• 1 11 ••./...1mN• lc.•••• l'• ,11 / 10, .... .
Jong Acimunt, pc., of
. o r.. Aatoclate in Wm/. luring itepartmen . 1 120 .; I ' ol 1' . .....; ~; 1 1. ;‘....., . •;.`, 1. ...';;'..;' 4 " , .r......
and Lecturer on Merrantils Fmence 1 in eonne.Amta v• el. • A.m. o• ,-..tr0b...1.• beta emit PITT,
J l . M. Phnom.. In , tructorof Alercauttle Computation - au. j ' 11 " 1 / 11 At. ft"' 'K. 'a•.' ;o'n'o' - " .n.. " ............ '" . i
Anthmetle. lig-opener att.i ... -et.. ou . h.. lA,-
• . IN Croton. Frofeargor of Pennmanal.P. ( At h AIM'. El, I
- hi...• A 4 , -, 1 , , , ,,..a.., o '
. grog r, Inatruotor in tommeretal Lsa 51 11 I. ha, Banto n ./ .
I ii'M Kim, Prof•aroor of Matlistuattca. (night ....lon • i • A ilarl, N... too 1,1:- O.
. 11. )1 -vl. /tr.•(..amr of Mad:ramie. Drawing I .
• Thia In•tltution hat. been ngsentir Inann•rml and enlarg. •
.1. and nos employ.. stunt Proleagai sod Teacher., ba•
tftu r r n .pegona room( crinveniently ILTM/I{red and «tenants, 1 . tt „, ti,h, ,•,,, g t,..., ‘ r0t....
1 r i erla L at u ; ' 2, ' tt °'rl,'.ulol....'J'.'.7,;tf"",fl I n "'" •
i1.7,4-.....1- .. , .. , .......r„ . ..n... r t; •;1 tnr.a; 1'; ...La.- Li A 1 . .1•1.m. N...,11.,1.1 ;It, ti
lgon Shot ran possibly favor In bunitteg, I , g maaa,a,.., to.trod, thenlaan. A
' addition lir nruhr ...tun.... Commercial Laer,•by I 1m0....u..4... i ' 11,1.... 111..
U 5..., }: 11.,:0n5i.... Y. 1,1 ,
tr01a1,... thy 'ill ,
burgh Ilar, Itw beer, employed to pig InNaruetionto (h) • 11.. , ....; Dale. Cht•mo. 11,
I,ggirsol ...Truett aud nuamlnaldona upon all point, co n• t - • I , IIN 1 I SOI.III I, Agent,
nectigl•slth ibis very Importimt aubJect note deitrooe ' „pt cot M •ta nr,d • mtiniuda g , Cittabor •tt
•of obtaltnntr a Mercantile Eluration. art- ...Aired that 1 • ' - ' . ..
, b.' . k ..1(1(.4 ' . ./...i. th , A.''''../ 1 “ , ( he c 000 tr) hocc ; ' Excursion Tickets to leaver, 25 cents.
i..aing equal advantage. in ...trying young for the ;
,varioo• pursuit. ol trade.
. ' T II E too. 'i,,,,t.tiger Nteano.ret
' t.,........ia100m mdn....d to U. It CllAr•Thillt LIN all, ~,. , s 1 i",,,/ ,; t , t t ii,
,t, Is ,„
... ~t ,
Tve,il, ,I . oloo.l,lPistir 21 1,0 ,, ~ ; ~,.. ~,. , 1..,,,, 0 , iNtt.totrgh and It
rift ii
i, - - .. - . ~ ,,•1......,, , c;
1 '
Y VIRTUE OF A PRECEVE UNDER i.......,. ~../...,.. .. n . a. is.s:'..; ..% pl,Mire Fro
I the Land, of NM.It MeCLUIIII. ermodeut r.f the Twit... ; 0.5-1,..... awl b., 41. I ,l2 . l .oritis. 1, . er,
!Org:11 4 %Tfiti,"l•lll4j...n.gre."Ll '.17."1,;. . 1.1 g , 1 3,1"11,1 ;:.V, 1 1::it ' ; '-'. ;. 1 1...1 1 L ' ;:r " .. 1.:;,.!;:...7k 1...4,'.::1i:';n4=:::::.""11..nv.r...r
..and ',nem, Ja.l DelIV.,. IL and for .m.l 1....1,t, •• • 41.41 , ,, , ,, 1 ' , ., .: •.0 L, ..,elm or
and T. L )111111att. and lt tn. hog., Egi,... .I....amt , ludgon . • Jolt, A •14 1 .t/111:1. Amut.
I fi i at l al.nit ' ..P4 c o. C ,ln 2. ';" 'to! 11,,.
1 : I ""n" " I " l'
' L I ." . , “"'"
iNa, 11.0., A MIMI Wield .1. . Fitt,burgh 1
) ‘ I . II '". l "' r d I FIIc ii "r " I
1 " r ! .01 1 4
I I=lfr,l,t: • :,...,T.,4 fT,'„ .. :,
~,,..,, , .=:.`,,197, : . 1 Arrangement Made to Forward Freight ,
; 4noJnil Delivery, at Do. Omit Ilona., 1. Ihe Car 01 Pitt. TO lIALTINIOIIE IN FIVE DAYS,
• burgh, on the ath Wads., of isudgr to o•rh.a; -
Public make Pt hereby given to ail Joshes...of the Peat,. ' LI . 11.111.10 AD 0.11 . 4 NT rect ( ipt it. Philadelphia. by 1
torn H awn Consta of (11. County al Allegh•Aly,..o , Col 0111-: • COLY
they I.s, then and them let their hrOtter pergrumatillt then. , Jolt • I cnrner Penn and II .. or .tat_ Cittig
ollMten , llll..ingulollin, e x untold logo. nod other cement- ,
°""'"' ''" ''''''" 'bin" '''''''. ''' ''''' '''''''''''' "'''. I W A LI. PAPER- Fra,h assortment for 1
, p.s, In ...a behalf. appear M be done-and aim, tboto• that ,
gill progrum Om primal,. tsar now are. 5r omy li i pt the ; foll ....1... meet. ed Ir..ti( Mc i...t ....I , laat,tl mann ;
Jail of raid County., Alleg•h•tio , to be then and lb. re to 1 IN. tomer ot Phtlaidelt•hm. Neti'l•ak. tat'. 11 •mton, in reld ,
Protgegt, agat.t theta a, .Ital I lg.; not ; tont to x vac, 1 .i... i. ..I..tusgtt , otai•ttlmettpe, ior mil, by
t/Ivett Lind. my hand, in CiltAborgh. tho 4th do, ..f . TIItyNIAC PAIAII.II.
Flcptcluti.r. A.l/ lal, tool of th.• C0mm..... till, 110. : al, . • •••1., .
„, warket street.
cep, dlttetiLv 71011IFEIt C 1 ,11 1 .1, Ahattl ; •
•- 10 AISINS- /ic
AA; line I.liti in clot ••, for oat° 1
Niittee. - - Ii it 1.. ~, li-Al All DICE,I A CO.
1 i •
i PPIA L CATION wilt ha made ta the next .'," a... and i root t, 1
liegi.litture 1. pr I 1 ~, Aet 0 , koteml.l, Iha e 111 ON E I- -41 . labl, I, sail.. hs.
Lharter for a i Saving Fusal n , latot hot • lot the Cam, ro, .
I 41414 blot: rY k•INI 1
l i tsposite ilauk .1; Pittsburgh Capital to be tiot letA than ~ ' ...'
• ghat arm oor n'on. owl sthio.t i'l. '••""."."`‘' I I OAF SUGAR- - . 1
1, A . F'AIINENTOE‘c.'S VERMIFIJGE '.- 1 14 10 h . ?, ....I Ni.. Hat.. ()round Henna,.
••• The eat., and moil.. ttm./Are rented, 0.1 MWI Mg :', l ', - .. 1 . : 7 ' 1,7,:',.... ..
~ , , ,; „ trri.,..1,1 - ,, , y4n, - „,v h „ . ,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~„„,,,,,„,,, , ,Ou hand and ba. nate by 11l IIICIIIDO .. • IN.IIIIO AL • I
. 1 Mega, 11.4 I;a4tte , t . o , :t 011:c-1 have ire gelling ;'•,',..• 1 ''''" . 1 " W '''' r ... ''''' '"'" '' L
! ref . ,,':',,, r .. .t '' ,7„.7 '' ,17.' . ttt '"•' ,„1 ' ;.,7 ' . ' ..1, ' ,TZ,',1, 1 :;.,..1',., , 1 4;4 al A IL- - -79 libd, N. 1 . 1 :., ,, r , tr w r 0 11. H 1 T e t, 111 (.,..,
I and mirth., It forua• la tbilir Practice
; I 0/1.1.,,r1,,/..". ~a',,:id,,,..1irLitx.0,7;,!;•,.,.Tt'',1,7,7,1. I 1 . , OFEEE-25 pack., dada, fol . Artie hy
1 lity. ' retts! ' lien " . ' n'alirmllttl.?dered by bed mother' (ailed to , A I ten 4 It I. ;LURID/111A 10.1111 A Si.
; r Herm If, nulTer
A l ir,r.• terrile and dunng .r.nts el ; ' ~ , i . tt ,-.., ..- . . .
• t oats I thought Alta would dim lat length gare her 1 1 ,-.,‘",,..,-,,,, ...len Sole, h'a :tale l'T
Ott a ventun9 • Mr- of your Tenn/fogs. a Itleb. about a A ..1.1 1:1•11111,/ lath d INI./1111 1 .(
14 aft,rganht, brought agar a A•hAtt.pmnill 01 aorta., r 1 ,r • .. .
.11 , 1 gave inat.ll rr,jr..4, About three Months attcraard. a [ 4 ).-_„, 111.1 c. 1.111• J Tdlllicr , ', tor sale hy
• ml l arathielt hcentTgl://1 1 cIt I gave laugher vial
the 1 ..,,,,
111 111t1t11.11. 4 I N.11111 . 4M • ,
,rmilugm which expelled almut aii total. monc 51... t , i
4.,.. en/oitng perfect expelled
under Providence+. •••.• 44 PEIOI OIL-17 bbl.. Its eels by
tit.i . n.corr.r) . to )clui. %amanita. It U. CLAIToN , 050 ,
M ICK a Mct•A Abbr.,
,C. roll , / Me, Meg , J... tr,d, 1551.
i ' For 'ate by .H. A. FAIINESTOCK A 00-, } ILA X-22 111.1" kt. lor sale by
rner of Mood and Pint
it ICh A Mera VI/LYS,
4 lel4:gfl
_._ '
by )Isreltuttlit a. tteraily. t ''''F' N
1 M. and M. Bank.
10 i s H
10n , A . R . E 2 ,.,, s 541 the c'tp,'. 4 .. s-..k 0 . 1 , th"
A :1"':" C l : ' ! "- . 1 ": 71'4 & ' i; : ,! ".1 1} ,n e . , 1 ;:n . " tl'Im . - .7: :.',..." ‘;‘ !:r.'''''''/I'li,:;'"' i
IoCINIIdAs ', Star It atal ' E ' Zr/la " ut ' .. ctr ' nkeri. I:V h." ''''''''''''''''''••• '''' ' ‘""'''' t% It •
, tm. hod. hi., to • Apwitait atom
.. ,
NNOTICE-Th.' ShJekhulder..d the !Attie '',',1 1 1,' , 1:1,1‘,-', ';',." .Putt.. At tr. , ':, 1 2::' , ,,,,,,,
ban Mill Rau Railroad Comp., ar• bor. hf ttolth•d 100 •• 'A .1 A10it...T.,, ' I '..., 1 r.',.1;:7'21, .
that the emitaal tostaltunntsl live doltare ter than, to re.
dpllll,l to lot paid on'tir Meters the ttr-t day ol Novenae, ..,,, .. „,,, „ ,
. n. ,.. ~....,
next, arsd 0 610 , 1111 , ,1 /41..t 1 0 b. l• MI acc ll .tit era/ I hu lon. t•A•11.• M A Ch...., m. do, A law. iluctetu,
thirty tlaya thereafter. Until llir whole he petd.
'''''' . • .•l•orit nhmum, ....., i...g, Nldly brat.dit I
Ilty under of (be Bliard of Mertz:, lcgether with Ilmider Lb . ,-.. ,',.., r.'''' ' N '''''' I .
...iw If • ' A LEX. CA KNA 11 . AN, 7',, Cush:anon, 0. ~. ti latt..; mud 1,, e.g.. 1.,
- - --.---
Jtio... it A 11 • CO.pherty At I
Farm for Salo .
rmulred an.l 1,..r.1,. bi
PART of the ;Brick Tavern Form, on
. 92000 LBS. 'R.1..11 NED RDR.A.X-.1 un •
..ci_ the itrotvp•Vlll, Roal. alAgittlvro hill. from the Mo.
J KIDD* Cll.
treat V:o n u r atreg7 l ' t! ' atts i . Va Iv ' atrV i Crt7ale ' r
a' r r t;;#' " l'' ''. - - .. - . _ .--_
roloahlm For part ' lettlan, Inquire. Lheyaralua. ' ip PSOM SALTS-15 bb's. for.iudo by •
sno7..ti • , , r , w.M. NOBLI:
.CAI polio J. KIDD A AAL
Imsl. FAIL ARRANGEMENT, 11 , 51.
TIME a r.ereED AND SPEED IssßEApErit
Pennentrnraa Railroad and Expre” l'acket Let.
tai:,.. Rath......_tts Canal
• . ItAsa coltrastal.t.t nom to
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
On and utter Monday, August 25th, the
Parke. of thin Moe ill lents Pittsburgh fot h , kport
rrery..m‘orulins gerlt-t, and rvery etats,ng at{ .ictork.
IL Ilme.lTtag . ur- N. new
ne-n tar
frs - Tutas through. Font Hoot,
tt !
r - tal travel., onahhug them up arrival at Phiamel ' ola to
PrtaLetal on la New rock at an,..
Take. Um fort and Cumberland Railroad. at 1.1.6 burg .
Diatan, etuhtr.tour tail., Tito, FOUR hour,
Fara to Phsladrl,hia. Stu. Vero to I:sltimon., b.
1. do Laxwmter $9 do Harrisburg
If tau desire else, trargllng and comforthble an mato
lattutt, st . tut , '
hentour twits., at tint Tirkit ottle, Slot ouga.
J. P. HOLMES, Agen
Canal Korn, Venn Pato
•. • •
McHenry's Philadelphia &Liverpool Llne
of Packets. --
Sailing from Philadelphia on the
244,ki10th, and Liverpool the 1.1 ut rag. nnnab
Alp MAE V PLAAP-INT:l. A. It. Dvautov. g
SIMS 1N DON IL lc fu. thadiner, Hint
EUROPA. Nathaniel e I lard.. 31.4,,.
Altdrl 51.141.
• II Al hANIANIO., Il ed, MiLder :
The nleire the hen dvid clovi
ials, and urn noted fur the rapidity of iheit .
they are ath..l up with :ill 1g... unpnwetinentn, are UR.
Iht11111112•111, ...Mated. of an. c.i.f.:1,-g ler their
Cl , l2lMt.ilitt / 0 11.4 fur , dtun end .‘,....rv d r /tut...a/ay.
th e r ..n. wirntnanEled 1, men rf talent. irho
lare nu...walled fer their evrwri-nre pi the parte,. vorvlre
' non. degruur nf their friend+ Inwn the (Al'v
Count', can obtain e.g .- UW.3re.. of paSWlde, whirl, frill b.
degd far etuht mouth, and mg. Aden. in Inland and We
erpad turnifh then, with the pruper Information and
ni•trdrtionv relative to their departure
tor the . rovenienro td paw-enr, alvhinir lo rend coo
wn.upplf drattri tor LI n. di...ant, payahle
nt th.w.unt, whirlwill tw eluting Id an,
the Ilan). et Pug tali...-. 111 h1114.1i.
4,l' n" . .1 • 1 •1,•• • 1 iwer.....ntio d Inn. Llfer
Ern , " wnnk followin nuppllnn 1,111 lurulrbe..l
onrlt I.,tonn.n,:er nt oar. Q. :mt nrnr land.
11, new, 2 ...a. ttn. 14.111.1 n, I al flour,
lik null lln ,o - N. t 1.1 nnwn n 1 sgr, ,
11. n t•rne.l.aull, 1 11, p. , r1.. I ull nllnuanon apt n...trr %a •iu.
N,. .17 11..1rue rcr..l In.l‘ne "117
l'ln TTT: indriphlk
Wll Mall 1/,
tr Ir. tI ...ruer nix to und INlinburKti.
I S 5 I .
Via Bro....vine and Cumberltsitd, to Baltimore
and iltilidetrltin
oh.t.. the Heidi; LIAO, . nee:inc.!, "111 .
iteetinv the eari l i huileirins. 11 4 41 / 1 Aft1...4.
Thu ',ening Boat !eaten daft, ($00.14 :WWI, eir•itindi
al it ...leek. rent...rine with the iiare at cutniorlaud neat
.... I
Tine. thridigli to Baltimore. heure Fare oily tn.
tlin.iteli to Philadelphia, 4U houn tan , only 1110.
The National [haul i•:•eel ihniruire di with
the tiolehee tietweer nn , .
ew inedle mud Curitherhdril.
ma,. [hi. iterideni t the heel nom. Faint.
.1 NI ersli lAI EN. Agent.
tin, in it, Mennindiahela Mum..
I 1851.
11 bunk irk and ti. orb Mann,. eidinwitind with
,I lwie Erie, the Alielitnen,Clitelitod,
ioluraliti.. a na lVitiritinan.tileveland and l i itcatiurgh. and
ml en., Vituntinstl lim - reel., and ...ewer on the
"hi, Mtaeniiind raw, and thi. I .heA Lodisos arid .
detinar Iran. , i,111,r,
TR 11\c I.thi lii hi Ili An 1...L1AM,
let Met - unt i l Rion ee lent, id
Ad Keen.,
• The Nail Train •tele hinitra. w here piteiwocerie ean
+leen 7 hid", and rate t ram, amnia. In N..
York twit nierwing tite id,: the •Itialrdiatant:
I .r day-bait
TL I , •prei. Freieht an I rattle Train ',avow
NI dad, ,-Addie Cut atteehrid Ode Train to
wwwieuneelate Ara, .beano Are I Idorerw
a t- Fir- e Ink ,r; •• hew
‘iniwe split ~,411 to • '
a , .. Ides trAteiniirr Ilea .feet and
hhte .all midi te err Itedir
Part]. keel •ri duel. Tha trance
r • .. j ef I , U+ . It
I /At Tarto+ w ell to iti-telhuted, riving lull parties
lar• reyant the tirie.• et rend. wiein ad. In, 1 . .
l preyanel t 11A,
1851.' WESTERN 1851.
D iF Cog LEM
TIIF. Ca n..l 1,,•11q: w,
prrof-w r ass.l znerrhp.adio•
.Ix ,1 nag. umat
• pr,pri..tnr•
1.1;:ar tzel tuatrullim•
I 1A1, 4 A PLACF. r^ , vri.nm.
• , na.111•-•sn. Pout; ••••...... htuburrti.
JtAILIti- • CE).II.
1.., .4_ 19 2 11,
t ., ; „tu.
/RA) ,
N„ .trrtt. N.•
BOSTON, 11.a.M.
THIS well known establishment is still eon
-IduoPtl la thr fame: manner It haa dual, been. Tbe
eentral and ßetn....ara, AittiChni of the home, Its runtinah
-111,. and the ort, end Wavier! to e
found there, nu Thine to rendcomf It ayreealde and adven h t..
Neon. to We trareler..
11111121( been one uf the firm ot John In Tucker a Co..
Fu :one at the heed of the eAtabb•hment, the eutucrlher
td.,luev hi. bent exertion+ to maintain he reputation, and
to give eati.fa-tlnn to hi, enetouterA.
WM. 11. PitIfKEIL
Matchless _Blacking and Inks.
I:I..ACIA I MA''—ossrunted iniwzior to SOT S. ^ ff.r. , l
h• ptat•lic,, nod to .Laud In any ellroste
b$ 11014.4111Nr0N 1,11 tinarrr North 11,1,
Phihulel phi. PA 4.4:34011
r.CaruaIIi, No. II ;both greOLVI btrevt, (Abort.
“Adout.. raxt Auk., Phllulelphla. febls:l,
Aalr Urcxv,r.. No. =I MartAt br. PlAladelphla. sP4I
. J. btillNolL alkylAUD
..... ... ..... ..J. A: w.k.u..
EALD, BUCKNOR . CiJ., Tobacco
I,nromlAoLion )Iprria, atlIA, No 4phla 1 North-Wilt.,,
Ro. lei Wharr
To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
I A. cusrrE, French Rectifier. :iGn Eighth
..rirnntt YoRK. has hip Itktill••tt In full (dun
lgt n nt
Bittern. .1c Tho Brandt and Ma arr ntrfullr mad. on
ranting to
tfat un - d in thr South of bran,.
and 11n1lond: , th. quality n( al tom ,t of icaprtat
twat , from thorn tountrier. Dnalrrn are innftr.l pall and
hurt,l..ateno4l..t.,g,Fts,V,lntnns, thnir aulnrn to thn of
YORK, which trill be prnmpll y
ttnodtnl tn. '
American Hardware.
g o t IV
LEN & DOUGLA SS Mnnufacturnrg'
Nivr ;I"=.3'l':'.:l64rtioPrnrfl
llama arr. Tr. 141. l'hel: r m!,l. rin ,, ls.r.veiv...l.lln,t
Into 11., In ttfleturvr, nttc, tlr nl. nn rnynral.l.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
P lIE Glasgow and., New York
tornporwi psw.rful
,dumb. 111-A.4IM. 1,.0.0 Inns ~nd
ht.+ It fl.wart, Ilate g.f tLr
natd rtramrrrl/ rommandrr, Is ansnlntrd to 6.1 frt. rlr
Vorlt dir4.141l nn Saturday. thr 1111. of
altirl,,rlf. noon. ,
Firit C.lna (4.twartn, inrl.l.tia•
h•mnd Cabin
No xteoratae pai..ncrn taken...".
There rtes luelutle pmeisloor, hTit oat
hull will beg .1,144104 Want. al no*ler.e Ynre.. ene
V"' eY tIImW .
m0.e311:41.2tAw • V"lgr.
• ...,..
New York India Rubber Warehouse,'
Nu. 1:7 Alaiden Lane, and No. Oil NI. .3110 /free/.
Vii el corner from Itroadway Fm.tori . I.lSlUet 0 1 0 11.1.
. Irril1 rril K. SUBSCRIBEIt, l'roprietor ol till .0-
11 tal•lFlArnmt, arould. /11f.r1111 121 olit eumumu, and
, merchant. ushenvlly. that In , Iv alvii) rirnielviou tuna Lim
I tact' an unurnuall, large sail iirm-Ilete rnlel. i.I Luba
Mier rlirnalrn ruanotactund expretuilr for the Fall Tract,
and •litch, foil. having ...callow.' hew ni Ito
' 1 ri '' .l. - .T. ittZ:l ' . ' t '. . 7 .l " ut ! i t ' fi!::r ',4f,',',!",.."7,,2,1" 7;:`,n7.:.`,:: --
ntwetal attention continue. to tw imlif tulhe 111•11.12/1,
' lurr of nix ore.] and plain CA1;131.1111.: CIAVTIV i nf all I•l.lLiat
hum th-4 to 5-4 inclusive The drill/ are cartifull v mileeted
from the tan brandkaudsprawil with the tura, num. which
firitrnhes equal to paNnt hrothur He Mau manufrtstm-rn
the cuswm.m. Chill i • highly Important Improvement re-
emit!, illwairerneil, hy which the cloth I. made to lwar an
1 eruct verneruhlatire to enameled heather The plain moor,
made awl wild arn umral Orden annuli' specify the variatr
Jr rv.l
• 11 1 .1:It.,1101:-.. A lull ettrit of MI lbw diffenurnt style, - iettes. O , MI the Import.' Para Rubber. hi /he re.
In.Vi'llit!::.rlie N'11.f.:".1141=5th:untn..11(21.:"H'7.;:,.."1.
Purr. nod Lluml 'WM - min i /fr.
A onmpletti a:non:went of the lillowitut 0w1" . .. on hand:
Muclutoslictheitiatait'aptia. rourhas. Manta, late l'rroierrrr,
Dr•trid'Uluves j illott. Illorita.....tut Joint, (kit., Le,
atna.o.tntron %jail..., Machina Delltntr,llnopitail MAJ....DA,
! tiornet l orora.lilluna.lltaatt l'um,,ntrana l'arltiam,.rhoul..
! .ler Mt.., l'.p4r Holder.. Al, [tall.. 1,11., anJ Eintur., 1
; .. - ..a... •ith .t. rr dentritottcu of huller Grants J
ttole manufacturer ol Vuivat.tetl Iletalli. Hut*, Mot , •
Ipr +, under 11, Blear'.('stmtl
The frtort. Mill t... found • rue.t certain rare and pre. 1
entire of ChappFl Band, I.,i.o.ciong thew and kecritnif
n. 1/
alll. and Itolt.
Ilun. ItuLlor Coutient for Ilattrrrl uaa I
• trnam I. 111.1X/11.1N
.. . _ .
Shawls! Cloaks ! Mantillas! '1
LI S 3IIILS, No. fi Corti:o_ldt st-, N. York, I
12 • I".. /poling at lilt Shawl Watch/um. a frvrnh
of r MI ahl liti intrr 011.1 W Lt. ronxiontia ot all I.'l. D ,
or to , n.h and li4merhe Haul Lain,: Shawl, h.c.11..., with •
ta hl rnrrtuoirst cd ri-rnneh an. i Fjuarr toil 1...,
I Ilmrn-he Shawls of ern. r Amide
I • Abe, su extensive elock i. uf Cohur,, Marini, Tlulail. (Ilk.
na .r ttn. a f . ..1 . 1'..1.,1 cI.V.)A h.. ol A ST I L.LA r, e vch,.. I , . ii i I
Zsru; ' ,. s
1 h'ii.o";=po"l47....'n',7;et'ittrira7/7:l4ll.7t'Ve'r
' l ll.!'t;7,l''',l;.', w.....,„ ~_.k.m ih t n . ,la li rnt.
ern I.tert•ltrnts In the an,.... to ' llter .111 n ' tat an ' atta.:ll-
unrit lot
ehz.l.,.and rawly roads irmils liiir 1 / 1 4... d
Ii unsurrmrniwil in ti,. rat),
Al, ...Immo/ 10 . 1101 t 81111 W ST UN fla. tr., er,ho...rta a •
t.lksoln and hl•nhillaa, drernswl in eter, ceihnied 10101 cm)
( . . at 14 an, IS loch
To the Public. •
INDIA IttilillElt SHOES.—Our ottrntion
2 1., Feu cnilrl to'att talvertt.tneta h ch .1t, II Day.
• h01t...h....1 in thii, n.
Nrnw lurk Ilell of, tail. sod i
IL. I'murier ......1. .ruin.,,tn it mono .late. to hl. h. alter !
ei ni b numemted aliourn u aintruei . IVin .. al •n.. , ;
'kw •..4.-r - l. that tai. dare tui chrni•-• him • ith pirating tsuml
,I rae. l'aFitt .t.let ialt oats ustnet.-atnt that be a. tv. 1
min,. G..... 1, owe. harritt in tt.. manutt,turinaot thta.. •
10. La., truret,u•ra .air lirrnt.• t.r the , manufactulrr ..I .
Trona Itotther (no,. under tharid,ear, Yuman, end piatt '
our nothrnl• sntl Itom ihol, pat Inc • tarl.l fur 10. panic writ
mit ilher pel - oui mitht hare ihiorni the mourn. a ilievernemr .. I
U.p.,rather thin ritram ut ha .Imalrnes.r, Patent.. 11..
lna lt horn rum to phoiharne • rtulit. to owi a valij pa
hint, Mau to i /Orin, IL Or Dar ...awing 1,..ta pm... Ant, '
*AT...101a...1 tlor.trear'r right. stale settitaneot. ant J
tutt,.l ill tutor, not to tzarina, Igeriatenta Ile is rum
atitring. not i.nly to, tnfrintre mail paono. but to turn,•
ourwilves. who have. sin • large mt....rat/4m. purvhsio.l
7:. 11. - ,7r 71: :gT ,zTrt,:::"!:!, ,;b:. - ' t,,V.,.` 4 ;i17' I
titraltrue 11f4121 t oxor•Ar'• r..nt.. In the manufacture of
d i . sh..-s. which-0. trni..4.-Vin. t. 'Lc futhlim A , . a. M. ,
notice that b. and ml who are on.. •Ith tolo lu nor.'
eliuctug .4- venitum: ht. 11,... made ix. rolatiim nt ...I.lPm
.1,1 reithte, wili In -
• I- CAN - 1 1 13..
HA IN (1,11 11l Ilithli nit
hurt...v... Tr...cur , ,
TIIVIthi.W AUK INDIA P.l'll b hult NIIM. cm, .
II II ittchinrnou. Pee...lent.
Sin V „ ar. "H IT ta' i- -,.. ! .
Superior /URA Wntiog and Copying
Ink p
ON E'S f':11•11t1 , . MR. , 7 Nv.tou •tr•ot,
tinitilinurn, h•. Yhrk
1 . 11,..6 71,111.
n ",. SI ys s
In lodlnn •-• 71/ cvnts
Th.• thr It 1..10.... - 1.1,4 It ~..r•
0,1 C 01•1 / S.; INK .111 rnmnin, snoold. 411 n rrnu.
sl In/ n rains In. sni.Bir •rnt son
r.. 1.1, ',art"! 11, 1,11
Th•i• nrsnanni . furtl.h S. ,
(nor L., r hrs., runstIMPI.II tn^
1 , .• pr.., inn us . rs.r nntor, unfT Cart
. 1 1) , rl ~, rbarcr r....
rr trr• sr, rharn,l •strn nt no
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopherou.
1, , o , ( •nrl rarung yl.uaaeai h
u r..,.. n
hi . and Ml.+, .111.1,1, east., Am.., qtr.,. etc It
hi. 1.1 xp/mO, that Barna Tr,ph
•Pne 14th.
11, hurat...h.l.ll ,i 1 Th.
witlinhatalo, (um, I,taill,e .lailliar .111 rah, th. orha...laan.
th...iala.ta.. Ili which it I. /11 Om, .1.. h..
1,1 /I et -
Ng% lust. tO,O Ittbn.
l'hur I•tAr Sit—l has. 1• , 01 000,1 with• 01.
tut•htt• erut , oo 11,• 0 • 0,0 at,truitaol Ass ,
• , h , r the
l. la
ntit o tterts tt,r, and , Ittrith, o,,st te.rto.l
r 11,••• 01.0 wineo
0.1,• r . Eh. ' , wt...a
0,01 th,tr,K4o,ol th.• 000 It I • • .I.ltoett
10 • 0.0;1, , t 00.0.10,••• I Jul •
r.l-r um•-• I
10. 0 ,1, t It l t o un, 0 K It 10'1
l'.lurutti• St .l n•
riwr II 11 11 —Alwmt tui hair
irwal 111Ici h. If 111.4 tworll whil
•It I, Jin , ” WI I ww. la, • trlituil tr, urTthi , .,l,wr
iwi I,IIJ Lir low, lit.
Ali th. Jitvirw
lowil nut. li•••• 1 , 41..11
Wilk trowwwt,,J uu,ur 0.4'4
J h TIti:AI , IIkLL,
Ikly Of grntlrmau doubt,. thw lbw
will plwawr wall at A C lath,
IJT Nww wlwww he will ;Inilliow , welai
ual 1•11.. r.
lin:L.lWe gilder,. .nn Nevin V !
There Ito r.nieily for the §..eniminent cure ut
etul of the rneninsu general), that ha. reached
N. nevuterit, einuteit the artlcin kouvrn l i
.u - up - Ileu, or NW...1 It
nuii !or the upper nt, in
ir... *V' rtj . ut...e iii We tend it need prefereure to
other the kind It to .h.
the bait. an!l I tin. punnet.. ine
Jerrp.,n .Intruirulf ain.l Ilie
hair rn,r .111 rut
ALI !wad. ,ies. end uthet olou.sints•
do.r• iir th- •lith, in am:inure.- eell..ethree,, ....nit!
ineir..ll,l It in Ism. liuttles, prim thieente. et
n 7 liri.uleer and et th. brisintut. nenemtl.. tLruuxlluut
then niteal u tuns. enai Canada. ePti.2s3(
lONTIN OES his usual facilities to receive
mom,. Tranahlyturnt, all Marrhandim
c , n/lalanl 1... Moats Irate 111, duck tb•ll7 Inv all pulola
nu thy 14.* u.J lbw 111Ixtoln Could mud River
itelnrincyo—Nlcacra. lan - evs, Melling A
Mencrn.Jouro Qui.;
Mr. inlin A. Caul:bey. &Ka.
Wm. H. Haskill,'
A;ND A Ill.lloN 1 1 / 4 E4; No 3 Ma./ 11,0111 A,
Pepnilal'altaulina In (k)mmia•inn IRIPt9vI4.I. a.mrleCk-
S r l'i LOUIS " , ,
. -
er, COMRIII4.{I. lOii FIA , FILI,Ing Mt' fe11... 01 the
Itrlet u AlexuullCrrTi,:rllCtuj,•al;hl.4). Cl,.
Strrllnß 0 e O ,
1 1 i!.44.urat..
pAVID C. TUI"CLE, Attorney at Low,
•[....i Corllnklgriorirr for I l roc.riTurtlia. :It. lonli., ,lu.
er.mtin..4.11.4. 0 1 .144 ..A. 11 .”..• ~,,./,
1011 IL RANKIN, Attorney and Coon.
ej 1..11, . I.rt,r. al. CAnnmion, for 1.1,.. rim. n
Prnn.,“ pua.,s!. LIM, C 1,,.. Ilea,a4 . l . ltulour74ll i ,
1.e1.r../...--Illt.rhoiryfi Hot, % I , rear.l. 11.4400 4
Chilly, 11. C.,11.....8 11rtllurr. John K 1 1 arkr.L11....11, 4
Sr.s/tvle. bleCur.l4 Cu •.1.1.1r
Time Bills
4 )N CINCIIN , 4:11 , , ,,,L.,.
\'' Slil NT LOUIS
0 A , l111L1.1:,
1/WrItOIT an,.
rub tatEI . I..I.AN I: :
IWill 1.. patellas,: a !tsar:A.l. , :ty
1: A. It LLB. INs • v.:
g !hitt/Alb: YSLLOW-2 eases tor stile by
I_/ . tsyll $ N WicKEItsIIANI
_ .._ . .. .
LPED LEAD--500 Ito. Nal:or:al% toy sale by
. Assn J. KILN .1. C.O. CO WrK.I -t
Fll{.}: BRICK , —:- . 9) '
(100 for nalo low by
' JAMy:6 DALZELI. . !
!. 1.., bbl,. porn Linseed, for 6:tie by ,
0 ..,,,
g ARD oi 1 12 bble. iio. 1 Bennett .L.
&Al J.roi cp.ig, 3r! male ty JeAlAll DICKEY • C. 0.,
' toba • , . • tl'atts uslYsaststsas._ S
piAN O AN 'S'i:- . 1 cask Saxony, foi .
..___ 4 ...
A. by os 10 J. nettOONMAkt.bit A 1.0
I'7 a~ict. of '4lilottUsf.'tio.f."p",oV,i,") .bete;
short dlstimw from tAe drpot of the Ohio and Penusyfrans
Railroad. For terrosAoppir to
&. F. TON ISONI\I . 4O/INIA CO . , 93 am] Front st,
Pittsburgh. P. ,
Private Residence for Sale.
TIRE subncriber offers •for sale his
J, COUNTLY SEAT. situated on the Allegheny E,
city of Pittsburg.h.s.
mil e . !.. g'TEl.lks of pound, ...ler
• higli It abounds srlth Shrubbery,
Utuurtental sc.l Fruit Tree. of almost erary description_
Payment, m0d..., Enquire of FILANCri U. BAILEY.
at the wareh.m. of Messrs. R. DALZELL CO, No.
Liberty greet: • gc1.1:.1o .
To Let.
Twell known EAGLE HOTEL,E .
now Orcupird by C.ol WEBB, f.rmerly
Massillon, Ohio.
This lar, and cornmodlno.
of 12d moms. • gentlemen', parlor 4. t. • I .` ^ '
Parlor and ordinary. 4 prlvab• mud,. Mom at.
tubed. • dining ro.rau M) teet.-mtnitned theim
mediate vicinity of the wbolesal. hori,en, nesrly
.P.Alle the linown boo.. of ECKEL. /tAISOCP.I.
CO.. can b. hod at • r.goonable rent nom oral after the
FIRST DAY OF APRIL NEVI% when its preselit
pant's lea,. pine .
The Hotel was rmentiy yr . ..des! want Me latest
h 0J ...,. most i
improved .1, le No oti..r mrommendation.
rbould iseedmi, than the uum.ralleled suereagol the
'-771.' f ' efr 7 h u eVi 7 .:r ' t l i% i llgs t et ',;fm
CIIR I rill
sep29:3tu New, near Third PEdisdolphia.•
Seven Valuable Parma for Sale,
A LL SITUATED near the Ohio. and Perin
ylvann In Ito. hoinap of naltpt. (thin.
oontainlost from Au to •SO aorw* rail, and in • itopd gate
of ritltivation.
man—pai LitTP, Imtweendhe prewar Idtsionm
port .t film till., and tho ling. at S.thott. ,
All of which, will tw• .n•J tway td,rn t a tor dp o puma
Thrr h r . L.t " ll a 47ll:: b ! ‘ l ' i
I alon with to Jona. a pine* of cround. a:Pooping In\
lh•pot ClOllll.l. 41 a rnmprGot man or otindPa a.
brat clao , llonn upon, on :hien lounhtln tan Io• bad to
'IMO, the tout.. and ...hi,. with water.
nah•tit I, the antral ' paint lwfwe•rn N. citiwi PRI,.
tiurnh sko.t Cleveland. al., loetwe-ta Plltmhor,a, and 11 oow
nor and the Iwnent to derlt,..l lodn Plawk Itoadw
now hoinw mandruct.l to end groin Ititletn. makes it on,. of
the IMO, anportnto won,. on the llnn of railmad for n tintchar. lintel. ZAIJOK PTI:KIdI.
~Into. II ..1.1; 1.".1 idto ulna,
TO LET—A large :oat convextient2
' Iv A itr.lha;,r.. !op•ozol .ortot.twow,n Wood
If M. II ,r
4 --111.. alANolat. 114.1?1..,
ie•ratlol3l.p 1, •11,..) sn. laolot tlMlvl_Jhmh?On.
rmaral to 11,11. int— Ims .romerta of .0.
rola, For loranr
oart...or. mann. ot 11
YAIRNI.I Folorol rt Ileglmla .ofl , '0 ,11. W.Ur
Liberty Atntol.(rolorm ul man. hf
Thom., Fainpan.d...O
Private Residence for Sale.
PROPERTY IN I )flereci exceedin • -
• I
I t In.. sua on very aranniorlallog torn., it
...teat:Mb Itmarl lo the rstmlly lomoorlow City
Altenheny. TI,. .ilmaton or. umuromo....l to the oo
); I...nanndion a mow plen.ln., of lb. ray of Pa
burp)/ alrn. at .r. al • .amirj Ling ion,.
3114 , 0) tut .., 1...an0n port or Vitt.borglo combining In an
.F.11).0t nearer the adra.rontor. of Intl. won end moot.,
The lot larm., endowing .air ot r..1f.rt14"..11`
mol lilt) fart Mr., naming tam L.
droa sue til t feet to ...tile.. T 1,.. Imponmamt.
or Mr hour hart, lona I. modern .1 ylo:tof the tort
unirt..l. amt tornalool Iu ito. manner. Imalon every
...nket.senr to. .1 still could sum.... oaf,
duo ..• earlt •st
Ter la 11....•4 and 1 dront r 0....
lioton vmort, Mom. troll \brut.
lon mt. non ant 101 a....... cells
..torrerm..l 1., m o the rm....
men ~,Lingluyaf r l . 0 ..a1l on molt,
ti It r
a 1..•
M .'ltolo. 1.1....0r In mt..: rm..
r . re
'from- in to manila. ma ryn tor
HAIM/ Ilt IN, IYt oranti W
Real Estate,
FOR SALE—Tv.. Ilouplee end Lute in the
atti, ;13
31.0 futtl , m•I • Fogg... at 31 L.l. n,
eturguil Journal nupy
!NO TItAN S I tl' E CUM 311 SS luN
tgElt MER 411.11,73 --Fur nal...g• tatrigncut.'n
UP,/ 4rm., Flugg ••rr lutTru earn fruntrow
4,1. rt.), tgt Itank Allughung llty. .04 guntt.
lug utt Ituttua and Intdn•nt.t, iltl/1 a utrug••
th. brunt.) and rtutncllug tovl, 4,11.1 nue' iluulu, thttr••
attonllng grutt•nt. tat - 111... fur •latungtut rall,r
tn. Itallronat ur Cann!
gur tertnn •tutogre ul It C•nrtn-.%TtIS, Citc
C nTireliAtn, *
la rtJr Mgrkut atul Thlrd rtg.
For .531 e.
E lot or !acct. (Al ground situate in
In) Jirretloatteter
the 14,1 Parts. and dt the etri oily of itt• et...learn
dr . and lir ylwelllit.t boot. of
I ran lw owd Ka ritlahle itwoorl
elilde Oa ' nee rodtiort tatd,fet I dwelling, or
tontr wtt o rgltr roaltre
T..egot—ite t e third iv I. I d I. t. and Lbw haht4 In nee equal
an ual Dal '.!•7l't7 ".
N., 1.0 Fourth of
1141011 /CENT—TiIt. Ulreginy , Set, 755 ceg.l
Tborl •trert. Near ttall.hlield--att •••.n to\ ifs. at 'i`:
oto trek buthltua orl the 0rd...., and pair.. of•••••• ,
yoU edtotitleo.l rh. tort rttatoVig tit.
rwonal ..or bast • Itrth rrin attrebri. *0; Wth, ft./4
water, • ater rtoar.
A iv , - an lino.. ridded,. at • tur.i.41•1... rent. Etittuttr
et . It ItAti.Lll.4t.tW
augO ant. rteret. ooar or!
Far Sale or Perpetual Lease, ,
1, 1 01-ITY.TII 1.01 SG LOTS. LILL
- off In out lot So 1,, in a.. on t ma•l plow of lltr town
onllnknittL•Orteng.,lrtottog nnth %Car tti keLower..srwol. awl I
MI,. for nut for on. •, [nun nrulun of the
out 1., en U. Ilen. ••••••ratinn tu Rut,. run,- ea.,'
.nnnni n paturn t.
t ter., ri• • n.puro of Ur ‘lnrir., fInftl•AND, pear
prnulluur. , or tin . 446.1 .11b.r. Al LL. 024 n, rul
.Itb nun,. I r utatunnti.
it ItL.AnI R:
IltrAlr I It It aiN't
Real Estate for Sale. i
t VALUABLE unintp,vrd LOT, on the
urn, nI urrl rur•tv. 1.110 Irmo..
...1./v.llu Catty...
tbrre In-1; Ir•vlbv, 11.4. 00 LA/UtY
1 1 .4,01ffling 111.. .1.40. 1, 0.4 1010 16,1 Ir.. by
fr , 1.1- 1 . CI, 10-u•• Jar, and .. ..trus.
e_ Matt .1
• I 1., vmluablv •
Yuri u.t? Shark•lrutab.
Al.-_.4 ' ..+c+..'!.b• ar.•• la• 14' , 2111••••
) . 4.lti. J, r•-• L. 40,024, 0 %4.10%, rtllloll.
tn. N•• Cu).
tiro'—lirru Iy v.v... riz.•
t. 1•••• frur ruirmn
A 00d Bargain a now Offered,
I' APPLIv:ATioN MADE sijoN .
Fmm lb I•mr ACHES.„ Ittmumn• 11.,n,mtb.
••••, ••• • •••••1
tm ,- ,••••i, I.mlinkm.
ni prwrst
rv.mat .. Mm.
• msn 1,1.• app it t., j , 11/il,l a I
114.••••••••1 sl.
A History of Pittsburgh..
Y NEVILLE It, CRAIII, Ear l .— A 111,-
1 tor, a 4cc, th....r14 4 ,41•1 w 44,
ma, .414.1 .hl.. Ltnevatln•EL 4. tho the. 1.4
...a tun, grstlL kr4 .44.114u4nt ann. nt
1u0,r1,41 un441,441.4. nat. 4 vorL• illawr
gat, liiirtroverilout, up lei lite preteetril tit, let lea 4.1
LA • 1,4 , 44 L 4 ,11 4. ••1 nur 441c1a for wan-
LL1,4,44.: LAI L 4.411. rah • 4nulart nt
4.. Aunt Inn, alumni
1 , opon nor mon .Lll
Thnre L. no point 41• 1 Is, u • 1., n,
!• 44.4.4•, 144.44
zny44,..1 lilt. ee 1.14 w L 41.4 1 tiro....
couur, .4 4 4144111- - 14.,1 til r
, rl ll.ti
And .4114,1 1,44 n .4•44 t uenletau.,
1441 4, prwlnto, azr 1414.
1 1 .1. 14, at. •.1. 1,. , 411 N /1 Ili.
The College of St. James.
• wAadimiTus coUNTI.
I'l 11• tu. Et.o...heltl.grel,
111 E 1,1.1.Y314. he , the tom, orany hey ot Maur, •I
for. ell Um oiler, mot.. it imohlete eltouttou, mei •I
I the ge..non ol the rollealete.mithr.,.olere
4,11 It. Fre.lo•ter tlo tumal eemlemieel Jean.,
Ink hits 31..11/ m 11..1. mooehmeh beholutaq the
Elie.., eml owlet Ure L‘mr...l rho Itregr. tait me
Jed dletnyit dueln..4 h 414 et um hearhuma
them! ~11,11.1111,1 mel ha - eperey theta tor the ..11,
' 111 the Ormatner
Ir. the N't ILE t.LANNE.a. the etody..l4:l e ek
The mtiletlou ot the Collewe etul
tu Ile Mu...we M. UMW. ViiNurn, terorahle tr
meal morale nog onley
KENIE 11 41.11. oeer 1 .1141ng. al legit
rem!, tor ....upshot. tti the ot the eauitur
In 1.141110 n Lathe tomer rorp• ..1 Ernfeseot, tro.te.
I here reeentf) amen., Ilugla Ir., Imu, LI. U. L.
tong WS UM) mot Leelmlmtitel 411,1 ...Mu I). aler
.. le.. LI . leMarer ou EL] 1.b.....11)•
1. Th r.tuttge for 1.1 10 11111011[6 ,1111. name
the College °rummer Seltholl 0.41,4 rood
trynuty.lsrehloll....eyable Yelatuunoelly to mlvanee.
A/Mi. - 4,4ms lot I.4mirrim. to he nude to
11.1 lull 3 it
C.410a.. $1 Jan... tr..
re/ N m .
a m m f m—la hraeuth ne
t Eit W e e h r otrilgnut
n. e ll y lmnuil tn a
y info / r m a a t t ti
oall/I.ltutttathm,e enl to Rog 11,-odore 11al.l11•uh ho hraerl,• Tr..,
University of Maryland,
, I,rr. llti. .181 ol mghter. mel
N21(1.14 Ii v 1 ILL. 31 D., Euraerr
Wu, h. 4. Aiken, IL IN. .0.1 Iltermem
EMattel Clue. NI h., Ttaeremotte, Nieto." WM.., awl
Joeeph Roby, NI. IN, Analoau en.l l'hymology.
11to. Power, Ni Throi. •fol term. 1.1 - n.
linguini 11. Thorne, 11. 11, Ile.leutery mid Biwa., uf
Bonito, .al Children
thurge fl. 5111toolegaer. 31. 8., Perholoaleal iastoray.
The h.. , elhlde ohlaglonito... tor •110. tmueYothm of
Practical )
Arsmoray et • realer"... xpeune.•
I..eitures lour mue... • veek. hy PfhligrorsNatlth
enJ Pou, te the Baltimore Inflrtomy, with the MINN lea.
of delly 'Who to thy went., etthout ehartre to the elmlent
fur the 111ke1.
Five lor the Lecturea, VW to 1143. Pramual At...MY.$lO,
lletrleolution, hnalasttoa.
kentlinky Mutual Life Insurance Company
OUARANTY FUND, sloo,oflo.
IIIS COMPANY oilers to the insured ull
Mtn mmunty arid vlanaturam WU. Mutual mut Jittut
Atuok Kann Out Lerulaufrum eautuali Low
t...A of Vn.unuto. au aunual rata.. Ir. ol Ma. tmr
ammurml Imr turn
az um "mt. an
Lut azremrivu t..r the Munn. mmu
rita or U.lldter% tar dm 'Altair tam.. 4.1 Ilk.
I.le tnmarat la Mil Atrruturel..tlLA fund Amuirm: .14.1.
remia., V.)• 14 1. damll., 1.1 umr. Omar M... 4,,
A ariarant lurul dauunmt tm.farattallt
Aliart {eras, alai al—.l. r 1.1. , e1 11 mmurrty 4.1
11... m. tut MIA t,rtu lile
alfir-Thr“ is e only Mutual I trAurar..... LAMAPaar
whom. num f t pm tmml nt a tam Amine, maw..
ant, Intl. a pro . ..L.lam ain ummstur
lattuu ol funds (for futu r e. .4,1.m1...a ..•754 t"
11/11011111 butitrumr. aml .1-
114, 11.011 w t h e tui.u.l...r•
'auryLlutn,•ar• a nn.. !lt dr 1.4/ 1 , 1. 0 sue
rat. at ILA Muumuu., , luramlmt aml
far Muroran...4mm rat.
al I.lturtemn. thaltrat
p te'Ati
g 101.1 . 1.:E_.4111) bap prim' , 1,,,,, for t‘ak s by
‘..) _ atibtle J A Al 1., 1, wWm., Kr,.
`OP. CAltll. Stil/A—llo 1.1.; ,, . juet ree'd mid
10 for r.,.1,1 J rillooNNlAhEll S. Cu p
„,it, .:1 Wou.lntrevt. :
111 . I oLASSES--50 bble. 1, 0. • for Rale by
IVI ~,• el • li. a 0. IlAltililitill.
riNAlSN . kits' ull. --2ii - Gas . . for sale by
1 rpl2 R. A W R
, --
LI ~.
-LO 1.1 R- 7 4 5 bbls. Seott's extra family, for
r oak or - IWlilkiuN: LITTLE a .ti)
mg+ :14 Liberty-e
Great Bargain!
I nurtli otro:
I AlifES' CAILI ET BAILS—aI doe. rev'd
• 4 ..., etta , -. ~, • i ...v./ 1 t , t .%! AA.. .11 . 0.
kiii::NU'll 31E.ti NOgS AND SIOUS. DE
LA's , ~, ~,,,.. e, Hun. hot. Into. and 4ti.ett ,
'' `"-" '"' e"" ' "' D.
*"7 llTl . p ,, piirilleirvi4D: •
SQ w.; Ait -20 it hd 4. N. U., fur mile bV
. ....1“ .s. a W, IIARBA_DOII.
. . ..
iti 0 LI , EN Sllll.ll' In hhis. fur mile by
1 ~,,‘,, J s. aW. 11 Alt11,AUG1.1.
g • it'lliLLS—liael 1.,,,,,,,iG ruc iiT ( .., f r ...
v . ', m.0., tit., imli t N 0.1.0 to W,
1. CO , tar. 141. late 6.,
. KIDD ~ OU N0. . 4 Mt. i
BEAN, , , 3, . ba.,:ima,ll White, fur saie'hy
, . .1
'ate 1 bMiebb h. SUN! V 111,
i II .)1)1 A lb U ISISEt i GLOV ES-.--yn hand, a
L Ur Lon.rt.-ut uf L te...a.U.tlef,in I W.& bat,
1„.. 1it,.... .f alt kind., ..nularturod for stir vi,oletalt.
...I Mall. at Lho hubtOt th-µ.t. 7 ssni ' ll Wood. At ' I
..IL: i .1.. k IL 1. 1111.1.11%.1..
1101.1,:li. SMJF*----ZO barer liumde' eele- ,
13 '1;
.11'Ire'iV".!'"' l nd !'sjkk"l".'s • Pcitt4i,th., • 1
teiti:stiN'oltue • 'IES AND S:IINDRIESI ,
f...tna 14 a. 4'4),/. itrats.
n iti cll. Greet\:/11'/. . sr., 1.. 1..,, C.,. AA:1..64,
LIU ,al.. I,n. - - ; C.,....1 atn , rto I . .cit I, \
to Us: thulein T wear. :: .. bortlt'avut. 6.1 , 16
a in, Slitleet 4 . , -Oodwili.', , fr Nunes:
lime Cat Tobiteu. 10 [otos Attu 4sti, Palm and
Zhu. fitriult . 7...egar,r,
7 , 110. Cota; anal ILL Npa6l9b; tot hutti.,
'l4 1rt....,11ti0 ettle, , , \ 11. Int Coru blurb:
- faqttqt. LOU,' :.: •• ' Itabl.itt't :amp stnt I
' •••• - Old u0r.J1.11% \ . lent Powder,.
2 .., vt4. 0,,,,a,„.... i :p 1. c.i 1.:tu1tra.11p4....
elmr,e , -, 1.5 ..1 _11...31,41w w•
•,,,. Yettld a Dipped "k 11, Ns: _
at) rtt , t.F*11.4 4..4 ‘b. do, ra .11marat. -
& , kt.flei'Jt V.topto,, , %%Po , e...trbtati br
.. '
. ,
•. \ \ .‘ .
• , .
\ \ ,
. . .
\ \ I, \
• ~
. .
, •
\ . \
, .
• ‘. • ''-
. . • . ..
. .
. . , . ..
, • •
pOrt ciNtIYNATI & Fr. Li 3, ErIS '
.. l a itg
If_, Tb. ffoo *tau., 51311,1 N, J. Math
=ilV. I lVy 4 . \1172.! b r
"4 'P,"'' oSIEI
‘teilper kriArr No. 2, C•ot.,erme, will
,V ra, : orlbe 4 a , b 4Le:d i t .. ntermr,l.l.2 \ te ports .
1411 kt or 1 , ••••L'•..05, on,:ip•rd. ..3.,
, , _______
- 4 , OR C tINCINNA'rj-:theoplen-
A- dol. rm. 1,3,1 hcbt 054, boa
14 E at 1 ::. C'X'Aini 1'g',41 ; ',1 1. - m "1 . 1 7...,n t. .,, d., the;
j..,,A right or ~ x as,e'appl, 1 , . 56,i1; dt to
J NEIVTAIN JS. ti ArroL__ . ' I
14,EgitilaINUPPACKF.7.—TIA I,ll.totl'
um rnek. ,tamor DILT.NAL. Coo4ril. 31, ,
~,. ~ .0. performing Ler, rxrubir I :riteltly trtro brtvet.o
thin car and Whaelit , ll. l•Prioß Pals amp • jo o 6,,,,k
„, 51..1.1, Waduesday. and Pril•T, lad
le•v•PhWt•khtt=gT,Lro*y, ThatrlpJ,:tut&c:rtp,
' 0 ,. .7 ''''
AltlsTralri ea,Z.Elt. Aidito. ta
TRANS.rOR'I ATION, &e. , .
, _ .. . _._,
Express Paget lane? tick, Clever-4nd.
rirklEProprieiors 4, thel Packet lineet,: k a:
' ip t , made the regulattt....rratwetnentr`ritb tbe ht
au Pann'a lia l arrTl A.:tm•klatly. Alt .. trltt .t ra gojeg .
'Zittu ' AlW l ' e n. l7et7t * lre Agr ' , " :lll C liVforti.LaVtlflf:it
r rt nahlehiVl eet , them th• prllheee or ent•iro Abel..
kr A .
~ lthrr y the Cara or Op fp:ari k bc e lt i i i . u. A ,. . 4..
Fpr bete \.plar A f
, .p.clal l• •' lA
- ittaburk
Ohio and Pennsylvamo A
, #aroad. hA
&AR' .175-0-4647272,EM45W •
\ 2B 11 . 11123 '. \.,\ .
I\l IN at! '4l.tee, %MON I)A 1, )11.11.5,U,5T 4th,
it I , 1 , 4.1 .\ a I , A , enerAT.Aut wait run a. lollotrAL .
\bEA t E Year Ilk 1.1•1170.5 Al ..A, A M anal. ~1. I.
1 ‘ .•..• V b l'ITIAI•`11011, at li. A. 51. aAd I A! 51
\Childrru Uhler welt ea. halt \
ttetwen l'at.b..7b a1 . ,A1 110 aril,. f1,,,.3 at.
7 Z..
'' ' \ - '' ' , Y 14 -
~ \ ... 1,...• . kta , ,,la. ara r . .
• ;,.. , New\ ttrbe l d..n. 1
,- .
•iar Vat.“ em tick.. etr tl , o .v at re. or, rate,
11..irees1 htbrburub imid ' cr\ to S/33 Mat... •
11,treen lAttalunth rod , Aer Ibiudgton ...1 haek.
~,..1., , , \. \ .... ....... 414
#O-1 be Traub rib .00t un ou SAaday. but Ifoteurmarr
'lt Mt. houAd on tabirday t
will be nA 4oJar AI, tv . r.d, retort. trip
0...a1bum...wa11, t at , , ,, thz i i , AlAot.. o ri .
r t. afr rt arL b,
l''=l .;;,..irrx-- Y. v.. %,.z.,...... , ..i.,}a. \ ,L.,,, may
eb..e.. thoullAAerooll Al. les,. the,
flow.. Immodiateby tura4Acouretn thr leaving t,,,,f I. sear, for
the coure,•rler or Je Keret. tha,Depot, paark", by the.
to 11°41. tb• St Charter. aloha. Filthett7t, from
Wood to Market, .11, to St. IZlalr it..., 4•\lA, PAW ,
01.0“ thr N. raTtre mak ball the ...mutb , ib tkud be
ouoveyol to the CAN \ ,
The !tallow! vlll t rAterk bryoadlAer, ad 4. at
tha .Air bent Inu - hratde d•.b•
" "'"
""' s7. ' ViTii°7:AßklN.
rour.:Ar ' s ‘Tlehet AFW.t. \ .
LPthSßUitilli A:kb ' :i . ,o\tAgtix\'
r Al.l AltßAN . qll{l3 . c r. ,,.
• ' '' I
onuertion with the Ohlo ilea eranee \ Hailrehe
_ ..... ._,...a.,........- . ,
IJAS.S INGER§ will take the9.o
I_ tteburglt, end the :
I•ACK E.' Ii..AT .Eci.rtliE. Cart. J p, tit
N . arnvel et ;ea Itt*httat, at 11Ii A. 11. Jell,
at ..rt7.6! - ;,17,„'''',:.! . ..,', ......11 a1 . .P..r,4‘,.
ltr,ttltuin ha. the S .4. It. tram.
m Z . . , . , 1' . .4. , k a e m t :It ...ei. at Sees Cull. will Itte't4
Po- . 1 . , t. , .- 4 i.tete .I.ot In liEu. PARR
\ J V.ltlikit ' at, R Y ' s':= .
c!`OlutTi . ,".." 4 "''; .
mtnozab.l; Iltiuse7attlf UUU Ut:F t
J. LrAltr'r
PEN}VSYLV hlunli*:ll7.o
avtpletett ro I. .011;20 mil. Ire,/of Joknato
SUBSCRpERS have4e pleasar,
anour... ch,lk friends and 01 the P.
a, •anta Itallroad. that , wr has. mu m« oat! tran s hlp.
at Lockturt.. and enaliantly expect to t •liver
att.l Ovtn PAM DAYt,
IS. an. now prepared to I , ,crive"and to
?k,* l "`
Vat%O 4!:Hz.... Boa,
Statinnery. Gutter, 1.,...n&r. vt...,11.. ruite.
Diug, MioJenae.t. Sad
174 1./ra. a It
'sr'', Dye Letql.
re, Flax, Thu. /No and t , tltr.r Ur Send.,
%tad. •, .. .
TII IR Li CL.A.&,—Dee PLa
ort-Du , WI C`
Lotl, Lent C1, (C,.0... Ta/h/a. and
CLAS.. \tt',.;l,lo.‘*;',"*.
nem au 0/ay. Bow, Damm...41'....e
1 ;411 . 1.4/h A c.N.ILE.
auw, runerift an.l,llA) \
Itt.Tl of Johnatotrn.
ave4e pleasure tc
nd 131 of the Pyeg,run.
yyrrect V
on! tran.hi
•liver frei ght lo
knd In It, amount
1 1 '..;;In. 'C m "
1 ,00 run.,
earaapadlla, vrld • la , rnvinglual.f an. 11,164
..„. .____,
Sto ne .. Bre -rumPs, rot WellsVtt . isternE. fi. .1, of the Mast xnali • • t Vasal. tba‘llesh iSheik
'IIIE SUBScIII IiER \informn 'ff.,, rtublio '''' " Lh'r '''' ''',.;''' b%.1",....T"Lted; for in,tida ruin\
Mu.. 1, 1iitr0 , in=1.1 , 1,;111.9 , 1r,100 the lN E it. °°lic ' ti L ith ..•''., '
.\ - ' .. . ver ' . .n ......i.\ .
altE 1 . 1.11 . : , numatar SI. an, ;1„ * .1„. , or to .dal on naficrtence. Jo t J6 .u• trant . ,4lalth `,., -.., , ... 7
,I taloa. .1 51uldleburT Sinn9,ll wanly, 0., hlcb ATP in lthor • vantiottriron , Onutal. la ...? dad...P.lmm '., , , .
.n. r :;‘ ,. .... ' jt , 4 " ,.r " u1 5 ,!...\1. " ;,1V. k T,..,,7 b ,, : :%7,..Z)V..;
..,1 ,7. 4 ?Ler er 'fr , 4l, .51 11.1rIa I , lllatromit to k ope.l.lfe:4dli. .1 \ \tN
r„.& k . ). „ , w , n . k „„, nf „ p., ~ t , ~,,, ...,,,,, k . ., Wu; IbtaR•oll, at th adatafr iintedy. tilt fora. - luatrartt , , ~,,, i : -,
~ , ,,, ,t . ,,, r ,: 0 7 .....,t ,.. ..2, ..7 1 ; 2/.4 4t , ...;. , :27 .. b . 1 .... e tt-r j nilt . tr..lton alto t . t last sad Spirits, ho n v loathransf. to
..,\ 1
'' .. l ,d. ` . 11' . 1" . ' .. "" K i r,,..,: "j",tZ, - . ",14.1. liar 'it:74::t r k501 1 a1mi.,;:rt .. ,.... 0.- tlid: 2 1' ::t r h 1 0 b t
hp . ti it ''N•I ~ :
) m
.. MA. , 1.1...-•-• , .11 11, oiomilia, n11..1 ho . th.• •a1...,1\0r. ' etk , rstiun lira a1c,i, , 111 pOrwdt'. extra, 1 !Ina Dock _ i ..; . _ \
..on, Wa,.. 114.'.... .laufadyrd at '1...1t0. plane. ...4.1 and , arsaparolia, and n.rattado hint, top 14\U sake,to • - i
n atn ''' f ' :rn ' lnfa.l.. " ll f i r . * : ,' ; rtf.‘,",,V . h7 M .Y \ 4 =.l*. bve .9 1 . , • 1, 4i0. , .. i , a , , f ' 5i..17 ' ''''
0 ,.0...,1 .t ‘ V., tb.. o a, b s , , ' ,i ' c , p0t„..,,, 00 to 6 ,„,,,,,.
~ . .
...:,.. w, -,- °1.r.r0i1.):.T,1 111,rn '. • ' i \
Wilkinsburg Aelutemy. - ' ,4 ' -,
; ; •; , i 4 , .
.. I • _ ' •
~..,,,, ,•?, READ TIII! a 0114/if/NM \ -..- • '''.. J
ila le and ale Englili and ' Classical School.
, Sca'aJa., N.J.. Jtariart\....s. .. , r
uitxt.tnren, A1.1.1..1111.0% wk....1\1, PA.
.//1 \ B.tan./.1.- rr. tabs plesanre 11l 'stain:kg that's
.' • t. .
.1 AM ES ILUSTON,•A II , P - ittiterrAt.., lellalr \ I.l,xt' and ...+arraperilla then gr ea t T .u.fthioiy. _ \ \''
r FIIIIIS I S SMIYI'ION trill be ripen for the '' .r, 'N''' .. . . ~- .
1 . ...,...,,Ann '-I nn. 11. (mat. and f.und..l\no 11 1, 1V111.1 . .. A'" r " P '''''''' '''''''''''' i '''''''''' ' th"
\ . : 7 , '
';,-ra arta 1.1 Th.\ .-0ur.... f n,.trart.or manrfae• .11 datatbtcr aitroubled with difficult Inenstruatiou. and \
',.'1tV,P..7;•.:40..t.1'L1a-4,,,t,' t'n...... ch . : • 10 .,,t7 . 4:.;:"; ‘011,.r 41K. perultur to her sox. one bad net had her \
' t
rlu-uk The ...1...,1 ta. 1 , ,.....,ted oat: s,, extril.r.. :ma , .....1.*..'” IT'I.I a1.b. , . b.,* 11,1 i1 1 . 11 . 11 .1 blll. by the. \ \ .-- I , u 2
•,..,,," I,l uu , thb . al. C10.n. 1, ..1. not A.troaonntal Ap I u.,.. of I,r Liu
. ...WA 1...1.., D, , ek and Sarn.patilla Le 11011 . \
..,..rato. I, r t nreutsr,.. , ntal,,res toll usruculara sad • r.dirall . eur....lth. u...11‘ , .....za1 . . dud °thin: Ithou \ ‘
, 1. -,,- ..a.....0,1r.... th. l•rfo, i,..1
- t% 05,,,„,t ~,,, ~,,„,,, ,4, ~ _ ..0,..,,,,,,,,..,.,, i r.reartng th.. .1 hl ht.., ennetlL 11. h., one Jan, rdla \ ~,. - •......
' '•
Llt TRIPP A . • \ ‘
tfilt:,FiLS FUR SAL '—
• 1 \
11IN 11 advau, ...rcpt... unt.r;dai. lain. . ~,,
,-, 1,..h•1n . Braddock'. 1 , ..,.1 Plank 1,....1: r \
', XF. L‘raparn.,-1k- ~,r. 1 unita...l a sta' , Li calm, • • • \
1 ' .111 , .ghen. I.a. an. 11. ,,, titati.•,/
~ - toLlo an.t . P.t.t., au. 1 . ''....• " Y . .' '• ''''' b"...1 ' ,... P.`" '''( v.'' , . ,\:, i,
h , t'i.,,. - • itt,....., , A7e- ,,,, r.,,r: ‘..• La L nhcal.a. • u... 1 r 1,, con...Lauf.. aryld .1 .1•14 \
11,. AA.k.e.,..., t al l iug ..1 ' W,..,t,,, lc., and it Las . \
In - f. It . 1, 0 0 12..pper 5 0n,.. Enctuar. at
\I SI, \ 1,111,L • CO, 1 b., vrrT much. tha arp. , ...1.1.1 It hin eirlT ' .
. da1..., • and t..nhita... fir..¢.r. .d.4...1 A ..,..r... I tent. ju i purch......1 • ~ ,1, 1 1/1- 11.1 n, . \ '.' . ' \
.\ \ ,
/I,• i , . . 3 F ''
Roseald'a Tome "hincrpire
A.YLs ' d.... d .d., .11,1. a p.rlo,t .sa a . ~.,
. . Lair, very reapt , trull,, \h. Mil/ . 1 \
Rixtrand'. C'orntound :,00up of Marry Boot: i
„.. ~, .
Till: tiN , E . :! ..7,.isr,d.dly estAbli 11. \ ..i . rellIt:-
i 4 ;\ ; , .;, ,
... i .
. \ •
. \ "
I, 1.,r I, \ 1,1, AN ....IL h. 1 ,, . , th, ....a.{ •.I*r .
• o.n.r :4 MIII..1:1.1”IPLAINT , \ larc-ts. h,••kda,..l Frit,l,,eur ~, taw ' !Ant., .
[hr.. ..1, you,9 tiutwiu.... w• I, r\llie Drl4l/ ' • P.lyilai,ou ~1 Qt. Ilrart. Lar.,ll. or UV. tlOld. ' .
II aa 1, 'IL\ 1.......,1 tb. /4.trotalto.., and 1.11.11. , se •f • . b... 1 .
' • -
1 , 4 J.:* • Ito , '"" : 7 . ,r l. M ... ^ :e ' tt VVN I I I r., ' II '4 4 I- a ' . " t. ' ' ''',, '''''' "u" '". ''" jol, 1 2 ".".' " Y "''' ' b r'‘ '''',
, J." \ , * uarrspxrt . ' • ,
' }Rl' , su Phitlyl4 RYE 11 7 111SKE \.‘t ', , , \ Ewa, 1 . .. 2.... , . Ler .29, 1541. ,
T ... ,a, ..', .n.l i 1. , ,.. +at.. st 10111.. Tl 4 Nla II `''' '''''• 1..., \- ' l .. " WS ° U. " 4 ' ... 06 ik 'thr" . • t "
~, ~,,-,,,,,„„,„, •,„..,„ ,„,..,„ ~.,,,,,,„ „,,,, a, ~L„„ , i.c..10...d11u,,...1t, %.11.,.. , la.-1( and: , ne.• rills wht!,
ini th., %I 1,14.... a. , ~toant, aa,,,,,,,, ta a arr.lll , l I ‘4,,,t cd ?....., hare 1. , ..., t❑y. mean., uuj r t bleakustof
. . ..I. \ , ..lad trovidan.., o' !Vows- 14 ,, t.r Ala. natl. au -
I C Y/o ' oo i• ATE 21111 La. , . Bat., lot 141111,41N\ , \rui. , nll...t 1110. ;
• •
II It't a firt'AN . lll.l , ,,,V ;,‘„ WL:.f. 1 roman raced ..,.1k,,, It.. Vellow Druck Punk. .\ N • - •
, ,
, OlsFiSil .': it,.. 1,,r .ale by . 1 ,. (la, yrs* truli:.-in i a t ; , ut ,, , fo r s , Lla 7.,ad to; 1 ants. . , , ' , , ,, , f, !. •
~.o. It lea 1 11 .•CAN1 , 1.:1 . 1,6. 1 • " th4 ,' A ! ' "4 " I° ' '9 , 1. .4 .1 4 .1 ' 4l.
... ~. -• I ' ll l, ll ut.'nulatitue irtio9• if, Sne lurk ad sides. Ir.•
lIT NI 1..1 iti..A N ....•AltiKllZio 'JURA CCU tutich tiuuLiraurith Ultrin.... ,, 1 the he ,alditts.a . nf • • r .
aLtd.', ~, ...1., L, 11 It'li * 1 1 , V.NDLIL.11 r vatratntl\-.. and nutni , nass of ,I ,yr,ta.. 1..1.,; , ,artd r ,4 , 1 --'2
.. . N
A I.ER AT II:' , --43 •t ay , 'air- b7utury rutiv, i i •, .1 .
.....nalttan .• wok. aLI. turdleal Inen la hla 1 . •
a:: lux,. 1'u1,.1; fur is 14 ,
1" ..,. , . WIC', ~, SI.LCANI.I.F.4A 1,. lithlsh, I. t d at ll,ll / 11111 .0 , '" , ' ,1, 1 11 , U . N . ... 1 / 11 g'.
1 , lia \*2 ,I.l‘. Irli • Attila rarkrt, off aNll mrthcinto. 91 \
v ., PER — '2 o oreitin4 Medium;
r brti• n an el. - nr.4.. But tier L o t irk I.IIAtA Wei
- • . '
`11.1,111 '''‘ . , ~,,..,,, ',,1...,,, , ,i , , fel 1.114/ 1. 'wk. an sap:T.399k, tot pro tow tappre4, ,
..-, .
. ..• • , atui Muth WI , 111 .10*. WAIL 4\l uf 9.5' . rut-1191m !qtr s . . ',.. ' , , , i, j
114 , NCI LISII .lAilt.Y, cII E.ES E-st! hox... [ ~..........d. ......... dd...,..r.---mr 1...' ts .....4rma \--. :-..- *:, . ' \ .
A 1 letl,l, ~ ....1..1.11.101 Naillu.,, and Durheont 1.-trula ao.l fr... fr., 'pain. aor‘lp.u,, and 1 - t•nr. a. Natured trips .- '` - .1/ ',i . • .
...,,,,,, . —,,,,, . „,,,,,,,,„,„,.. , 1 , ..t ~,r., 4 \a/FN....A...114er ihroar in ilfd 5e.n.b7..... \ .
.-, 4
- • - --•.-- Uly tharla att r talar, \ l,:nl I bug la all cepecn4.4 l,ll . o '
vk I ACK Eft El. , '-'2-Itl Itbl , u, No. 3, tor tutlr by 1, n r,,,,,,.. •., 1 ,ra 0,,,, t ut , t a..a, r r•uor \ ,
_....4 . , -
iv i ,i. 11 aut a N1,12:AN151.):??.• \ that.a.rn elet; and atuddk to kuy ynur rr r.l3lable Ma- . • '
. _ . ,
‘,11.:Inc.,tio. V.llor 11 : 1, 1 t .4,1 nxrearari a. and althave . ~ , ±4 .
• ~
°tun, ...Iwo - 'be , . bt.1 1 3 . .bee ‘ be it and *Lund... theirthe4lft,ll
. 11tod.r. lanai tru ~ .A t, /1
. . •
1. - N.. r - . 1 . 11 htl.. I'I.L , jr4 ' , "" g.. "' .I ',' 0
~' '' ' ,1'f . '..., ,......° ' ' '4-.5. 11 " 1," • i
.1, I, - N,,
A l • - . - tainitat a nuart. and n ~ of th.. , 5)ruj..,......t . ha . •
te LI.I. f....r. Na..., 11a.4.te1, 1 g 1.... ., will, th. written . , giatueu, :`," r. /lir:tin/4 , otttaa . . , , ~ ', „
inttaitie *TAPP' ,
, , ~d " - N , . 1 '• ''' lu , t ren.tvina ‘ L , `
, .
" ''' ..-''. ''' 1.1 , , J4.11.) , ,,1% ATT. A CI. , 1 11 1 1,1 Lr. , U. PAlla, llnal . s atl, 6/..lo‘;anrthaar,:acd,,,, .\
.. _ .........
. -
,of It , IA Au., IValatatre.d... 11 1.21•31 : 11..11 $14341 18..111.1,0., 1. .
8 1 itu pOF 1 ELLOW DOCK ROOT —I2 !,„ „„11,‘";,„, „0„,,,,,,,,,,,, t „,,,, • „,.., - , .• ; •, - -, \•- ‘
. .
1., Lba diartt., nit., lo WM.. tS..• advert-1.41c, , a ate 1 , 4., ~,,4„,,,, b. I s ., A, hate , 4.l4gben fear , .' . .\\
oh.. coluu.s. , . ~ Nt% lekailVitail. O,• ..... 0. • • . • ~,'. , ' ~, . .La. ‘,, .1 •
.''''' . corn.. 111 lay., and ' , lath ..t. 'L. T 15‘....*11,. , 11.111rutu.. 14 la nal.. ~,u., . ..r0rn,,..... _ ~ .
, . .
6.! Vl\ DRIES - ' W.1ty,Ure.1,11.112111 1 1 kwill:111..21.4[1•• , V 0,11,1 t 111 lzacrne ~ •: \
, 1 1..14.,..1,11.4.1 a Sou, Rai:RlCaqua; atraS ' )te, litho
01 CI au lihdx. prime t‘kAgrf.
' t Illtd.Lrand a U.. Ludlam.. J. la. W • t. filttantADatl%, ..,, .!
..0 LW.. N II N1L11a........
\ \ ,
' .
...k. 1.1. m... , . ' FAA, A Co, br...11.11.11,,,N. Wit.. a r it, ilraYnAhnro . ., ~ ,j
lt, ~...... Load natt'r, , ',
. JieVaralug- J. t. , .. I. Calla/x(4r, 51...1.4 Barton a-Co , '.• •
' "1 "' " '" . . ',' . '‘, hr., tinhs,, a Ft...a...Menu., .lAuk.4l li . I, a 1.4.\ But. ••
.....1_ , .,.._ . ' _ 'l
- PU" jl..l 1 . 21 - 11:1TT ' ' ,,c4... "... . ' /. ' ', l i lot, 14..Socklth, 11.a.V•r, J 1.1 annanarrh , u, IV . II; 9.1. 9
iAu au. oditrrpurt; P.l-1.... ,Ler.,r.. llro trap Is, , ,
Pr It AIN ,Sl'4lli.t.S 'l' WIN DUIV SLIADES, 1•:` ‘ - •__._`-',.,--- - ,' , L, , s . i ,, y *
I cudo...ttar We moat attractonandluhlottahla 4,1,.. ;, saw, z rlte—*. ref A/011/... Lk ;1 ,
.!”: ,
taw a, u 0... pt.,. r...',1 wad tor ..I. at a srrat rw,,,,,,,,' ', ~..1 , ,,,,• , .( 141 .
1r..... fortnar urn:, hr THOS. PALMER. ; .„, •r_
N.. at. Marto .E. ~
lu Loki bd xi
l'ulr'll " Yur sale 11,
• .11110...rmy the um. xtirecton saul luhlouati. ill Ire
nuvr o*,uri au4 tor ..It, yrrmt rwlneu.,
.411 lonnar c:, THOS. PALMER,.
° Marko
I.4 i t/1t littitiA:A AND SUMMER EOM.
A.) r.'l?.":;',Liza,'l;!•'2,.: 7,1 V:
‘‘,t, ,
14 . 71E.E3IEN'S RA D E.—Stots glee, Ito-
REES WIN DU IV J'A in and .
yla ` °° ' 00 '0 1 ! w f.l 00 Y. \
. . ,
. ' ti`firßl ITIEIMRP PROTIUM.
-.- -'
. \ raft TIER 0117 a OS . .. L
IN ffering. to, thti \ 6ouuntuaity this jußtly
.W- mic\Mbal mrneeJlkfur &Wawa( tbithrmt and laws,
a a tun te,er wish to aide with, Na Haw or heath of, Met
aldiewL bdt fiankg crNey *tore the a* Maio= 24 \
• Manig: ol .l man .004 elm e af the celdnomo of its 00.
... . . Iko a. , " .N.`,l.44.lOrtheamelnet. W. We . .
rely blade . .. Ma'am M Or&s. no wild waerticom he ham ,
a:dements eta.; gamer. WO ‘ will ere bad out &Or , 2 , Mimt. ''
eaderrog busuani shmodoem wilt nopearranL, ' • . •
Moor gag/1 here er..e z and wa solicit amino:dr, • . '
from the public Into Iwe pabliat, fading lamed May .
L ...
.„. fual them T relesiam and the welleine ‘ ametbY
Irma, the diaincuahed , 4,Ch O MMMY7 . M l ' M.' \
• team lledka, ale bolagar ' • \.
. • Peak Ma: 1 delaymi ...ring tbe ,cart pm-
Mualloo, vatic / had an OppOcritY, of ,orilnoxXX RS Of.
Sof. 112 my own family, or in • Yana* Mmy 1-Mm.d. _
The I haw now done with a lab dug. of muhak.•
to no, hoth.of adults and children. \ \
,- .2 Wee mlit, sa imingrodau Wow. anansful num • -
, .
70'0 :: 7 e l i d ek. ' 7l:77'.. ‘ rl 4-L' .1h4 1 2 7N 7 C . d'''4l" \,: 4l \ D I
' igem en ummeento Um tiamdine illa 4 J ,, acur.i
2/ , Y• C. Arca: Lbw, Lew coxed of I=t• oo16 , 1;13 I
everool In ray life. by your -Cu
Pwcreak4 i. , , an4 ..
scram' '' " M . Ilmma abametbody of , er a
' , nib kng. 10, aka. e-I,'. •11AR M • -
id- find the Followtog.and we If thii midi la "Wth \ ' •
: a trod- Tb.l. tabb e d bay b eam .' eery &Atm dUM • '
root of Me meclaitie was ungaistaimbly dallue -'' '• : - ; .
. .b' b. ilortc.awarega Sewed% Jiitte SW? . e • \
221,, I. AVEZ— thy I Weslaco anlieted wi • aielniul
the loop.`and aft the pawn, of weaker,
engswertiou, for more tbs. • rem. I onad lind • no Me'
duo he that would read, ,my cox, ROI/ 1 owuneresed Ltas
1 we o! your Caen; Pectoral. which Awe me MmAhmt m °
;;f.,,ti. , lt , ztrozmwtfto-T.:1.-. ° I 1 0gth.1, 1 2 \
Orkin hbad We zratalcatica of r...rit4r. with ~ —2 rarer • -'.'
oa tram,. kg, gamma. ta Winkler
t i woo bid \ - ,
1 .1.0 , 0,11` Iran his pkicedial dottierg Warne SC \
• X bow6ototiO. ; hay oloollYto ill 06111//i0R.1.0066\ \ \
to 1••• /./ /..'''''''' '''''''''.' TITIVAT'UrgotEt ei/X/// . 6.••• '
. 11\ Ilowtoname Aneborbtes wore!. of maw, which th•
lb, is .1•1711/•(;XIX thoouht to be bum :trial. consumpe \
\ 2 M. Ca. AW.12.19.10.: \,..,
J. C.
• i ' irca,—Mr. I was taken with a herald* cemieli,
~.. ,
ee„,apht °van\ to the beultrolng Id la 4 :February, ' ,
and aw ‘o to wy bed toe more than two mend. \
Cougbiug a tly, r , led and aay, 1 Wad. Waggly
stak ow, my eh/rex sanken 16/63 R/606, XX my brattn -\ •
r o ra shot , in . I waßOOpidlr fillog.oulkiroehdix
lotO.a. toroth 11 I but,ll(tio hoixof tor reeeeery mull
be wiertamed. 1 Hsu, Mee atnatiw, a realld nf Woe, •
lib. /tee. John Babb.
of tha Medical:2 Church,lbrowsht
to ' .. fe• '' a ' t ' l4l . l i ' s ' / r l, trlfltirliey ' ribe r eta [Tore :' Oblfatbrg - k :
‘.. , e ,i,\.
. ,
bee 'lts good abets - prima ' ioe to uontlaue its nw, and
• I woo lowa my heal 'town, improyed. how .10 three
MUM'. I 1.1 well and b y. and elm attribute' my enno
wly to your grew
co . Wan thedeepeameataeuhe
yours. W.., '',; ' WAWA., (21./DMELIC(....
Prepared and mid by JA. Atl C. , A) , lffl.PnativielCbaac.
L Lnwell, Mow , \ 4, ' \ • '
bold in gittanagh, whorl and
_MAW by 1121. PIJ3. . ,
fiESTOCK A 1.. V. and J. M. ' NIMN.I).• I , ! .• ••_ -
In AH•gbany oar, by il. Pclo2/2WAILACTZ.,WI J. DN.
0 LAch wd by Demigtenweenrilli. •.1 -.l2nbar_-'
icri 4 1:
, Jiid
tf i lo Ir'
tif. rulf 11r.
r t
ble t
I " : " 1 °
of. ifyste//eta
bum, tat •
r f torr.
' tflitTu ' W d :.
kor Nln to
II n-tx.
b i m
. ~., ti:
14r. E 1e 7 r;41/•:r dttreiTild\roraattr 4 c . l ‘ cea
re.ioadaeh your LlYdr Prue. whhdiluraselltelkt , •
whrrreer wol tu 4.r part of tha country. ' Ude) LI -
tudebbora hare a”d fled, aka Jhe urea •
eel ouhly Idhoue a1T43.14 - 10, ple4 b 44 44.14112b , ;
al; can oar that there rwer'..,aa rxru Inediche. thee
i441:1•4 sue. much gond, I her. been attlrcled leltlr Lae
rf Complalal nearly Ore year.. and have tried r101.1 , 40 x .
add , e, but ft vain: at la.d I heard of your Lhur
h ker.. ellecl/d the' du,,M hathr 00.01., and r.uY
1 3 [ Y 4,...r ' el b u ' rt!.7Z0 4 4:7,Va°•. `° :: ,
ea. .4 the hrrV
\ ,
kiarrheet, tro,toLer Ina!, all Pah. called , d.lecr
gill, - vol., Wan thaw , prereu.d.b4.p o.
. ALEX. 0, 13.11citli'S ritIeCTUE.
per[Dallvilt re rd DULlnerotaiold . •
s 't , l L:. , :;fi .., era ,
MM 31edreated extettyg u y„, c , Cc. ,
rh,,, el./ore of the •oaddheuty;
to ita prdeth to • zettkukttlt'dem'..r'
and wort...ollomkre IlLe bait .. it
It will cUtfall oixasea c.lo.esokipt i •
tie ttono.ood !Aber otruoxic4V &ear. 'v. a
I D as wells, ru..t. -
ID sold tn bottleis,li
walld Kb 674 •