I'f" t`EUBGii GAZE.I"fE POILISIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY WHITE & CO. . =MME DAtt, —,ereu J.Oboeyee euu ue , puesble belt reed, Six Mu...4'U teed to rtvenee tria:Nl4:—Tt, .I,4lnrx 111. /elven e• ctues ~Q Pitet nri Lb. ttliereabr eboNtbott Zureo onpeo per eau.. ...... OQ Twenty owlet do 00 .•rhe motet to each Club to be %chime,' to one person. ..8 to be p a id houriablr odesuee. No Club Paton but nh° Tear expires, utiles. the toote.y Is soot roe • 114 T 011.1../. EATP9 OP ADVERTD3I:IIO. • • :Fn.., no In, of Nonpareil or Mrsi venhalntten itlanarileation.. 0 25 060 nun week 75 In.. 6 00 tow moo . ths ...... 10 00 • • t. • . ve month: . .... la 00 hattllng Gerd& (biroes or lam. 109 —SS (ki ;• • Otmlealler ho cub raldltional Lim Mined, ettaugeattle at (demure (per -an taloa) evelwilve of the beret 60 rur nub widitional Name, liveried over one month. and 'I. 'ER emeh adtbdonel avaa. invert el under the yearly ran, Nip, • A4,rtlermenta ea - emelt.: .qua., and not over fifteen In he !barged as a Witten and' tuff. l l dtglebere not anevointable for legal advert:lien:Lento be. " rttic h irst ' cr:: " cb=eje (v their 000tteatlon.. Ow 00ien, to b e d ed tDee ~ --. id•Otherndvortivements. • Adveribemmata not market. on the copy tor nlspecited imeober nf Insertion, be cAnles and itTlS , rtnrramia Slorrtunts fur the sale of Alnert., oal.at IZ4e hitrunr tn., Pit tabargtl:• Q 3V. ITARBAUCIII, Wool Morohanti: ' Deal.rs 7cFloar 41 , 1 Pr.letot Fenenlly. .4 For.' waralugwarl ersomilstra Mentlatts. ho. 115 Firrt 114 111 Snood Pltuburpl. itAr.DwARE ntracHANTs. InoOtIAN, W iLSON & CO., h uno rt er ,, orn i Wttnlentlt I,sUr• In antler), N. 122 d M.., • . TEA DEAT:PRS.. • --- OBERT.MOItRIS. Ten - find Wine Mer ,hi n t. Kok ail • of 11 . I . e Diozonal. Plasborsch. M'CLURG & CO., Grocei. and VV. Tea Doaleee,No. 2!ere me n Lit, aberre Woad h oa band a Lange anet of Mona. drecse. ea AM Ras Tenn. Allo—Varewn Frieda and huts, iirhatee nAgt. xh.jossurpli!ao• U. knee:4 Wail. THE ..- . - -DAILY • ".P DEIII3GISTS. B A . FAIINEST()CIi ic CO., Wholesale • and armatztacturut, of Whit+ 16,1 ar.l corner Wood a mt Fnnat bttr,i, [iii gym, I .1.. 14 . D011.1. EYSi;il 31cDOWELL, .(SuceeAsors to rr Krrwr.)lgArrale av , r Ketgil Drug grd Trlcrg.gou r4 , nr, rrrn. , rgr Wong •gr , .rt sad Virrio sibr or.rrnrutg.....rrrult, eggmogndrd night mad PrK MD S CU.. Wholesale Druggists: Deal eYn.:":"orluel sr MILL and Laud Syr°, No. CA, cortan , of Wool ad iturth atrrau, Ntnturah. arm b. avnfalir 0.00 M and forwra_rd.llmak . . - 0/1,) E. SELLERS, Wholesale Denier in .3r:s rs.= l' ; ' l % gst ' sr " : " K.lt. v ir "— , 0 1" ... 1.1 RiKERSIL:I:II, Whoiesaie Drug6st cod tn a aL eorned of Natl. rnardnan: ....... - . .. .Losoade arrerv. pItA & ItEiThill, I Vholesitle and 'trial' ... .D . r..? .. 421.4.,0runr . of Liberty and Hd. Clair rU., Pau. 11 00N.N1AKER &CO., WholesnleDru g - alqa. No. di Wood at, Pittaburdh. GROCERS • lt - Pril . ''''' WilUTCSt ' L ' itll;;„ m g re ' , gat Fun,ltbnrr. And .I.sgbori rttAurs• 4nd gh tt...uur.trtur, thts Plt b .n 4 Orkitut han.l ot Wnn•h• 1.1 Pittsburgh an. nc. J IVBANCIS £ F.•IVIJLSON, Wholosilla tirocers Auld Nierchantw, Agents, for .ale or Du Pont', No 11, Y.e...ond, and 117 Fro Pt. aid I L. lailesale Grocer; Commission 0.7 Wrenn.. nod in Paper and Haim morn, ol Penn and Irwin od.rwwt,... l'ittaintrntt. AMUEL Silk' 11:11, W holesale. Ciro- Pmlinw and thracnknon nMerchant., and [writ era m Pintahurvh blann:accuml hicm. lcu and 13 . ., - Swrontl 0 ww..l wnd Smittairld DILPOItin ....... .....-... ...... S. CO., Whohmale unera. +rt.lntr. and ComTalagintz Merchant, and ' Cuun Sz INGRAHAM, Wholesale orno.r , t • tkrumbrown slert Law, 5u.11f N.t. rmt. aml 150 stiwt. Pittsburgh . • CO: M 7 1;01f:sell. ecaraniMital 4.11.1 Furs - Jutting Mcrithante. tad Agents fbr Brighton Cotton Ynrns, 57 gates., Pittsburtzti. . . Crt. ,•It .. GIIN • Iv,trr CU., Wholebale Ilrucerti, mid lxvil..rs In Prat., cod ithur.th . .I..utilit - turi, N.. AY, Linprt, I'ttts burgh. l'u. IA . 8.. ,, C .,, ,),: ‘ i:1 i ,F rw 1L , 0 :. 1: 1 1 ‘, .. r, 0 f h.,, Yr . ' ... arr ,,,,, 0t ~ . 1h 1 ti,:. ., , - Mt. -1)...1, In ~, ,, d ero Erwi n th 0..., Butter Pot mad Posrf A.h. and Ai Atm-n Prnin, arumallb. Watm :bre... hmveen SmithOold nod \ Vood, Ihrtaburgh j 4ig, F. VON BONNIIORS'I' h: IVh 140., 010.....3• .....3• bale hrtb,re., 1. onvardlua: and Cominlgoon MerMi• Ibuta Lhalm, m ht , lburdh .In, of on,) Water,. 1 rodurr, Nn 111.1, coro. r of Front mnm and Channmy Lau, 1 tt.hurgh. . . . toast I SA lAII DICK' EY & CO., Wholeoule Gro otcma, Cbunnuabinn 11orelamdb, and ,echoin Produra-- No. 5111Vater. and lu: bout stn., l'lttobur-L. -^, - Imb u. m0n.... . .._ ..- ... ...at. J. PESscrr. 1 4 1 11(AI:ill & BENNkfl', low English. jUi 11allegter .t Cu.. Whol..ab UrocenbC.Mll.lllll,ll. and bonearding 31errhants, 'bud 11.1.1.-rb in 1 1 chdurb• and 1 1 1tu, burgh Inuotheton•-. No 122 Sebbom at and 11 lolnd m, h.1w....m Wood und I,llthtodo rikrG . ,ILLS & ROE, ,, I‘.l s e,k : and • Omuta ou ',Maud, . o 30. 1 rll ,1 111 M. Omuta ItOlilltlcTth b i ) . 1 ),,, 0 . 1 1 , 1 . 1 1 , .., ,,, i , V in 'h0 p 105a1 rn .r., e : i., O .t. rz r e ,.. r k: .tmufmturvs, and .11 kind. of Yoreima and b, , u0.u0 I%"lnes and Li, No 315 L.ll.erty rm.). On Land a rmy largo. btock of mdn-rlor. old Alc.namatoda Wlthhb,, 0400), b• 111 Le ,old lbv ior co., h ' 1 IROBI.:It'r ,, DALZ.ELL 41 CO., IVholenale and Ilthdobral 3 1 anufa;Zu . "" Iro 'r. lit i .r 'l l.. ' „VrZ, V b n:..7., IMuthurgb EL-. .... __ OBEll'r A. CIINNINUILLNI, Wholesale ()mem, l'rudur, Yu:mm.lln,, and Wmtniablon Alb, r 1., and Ilvalm in IhttAlurea NanufaMurelb No 1.102 Liberty strovt.l.lttnburgb. INK JULINOtt ..... .... EAtIALEY CO., Wholetalc Gro- Non. IN and al NM •11-..1, 1..115 WICK & MeCANDLESS, successors to L. a. J. U filet. Wholnnal« iirornr, furcarSlt,y and Connalibnum . 1 1.....bnata.ctealn. In Iron. NEIN, tslan, Vern, dMM .:Irv). Ilwautentureannunnallg. ennwr of Wond &a! %VAL, atrnan, I'lw:burgh _ . . _ ter- CULIiERTSON & CLOUSE, Wholedale . and Commission Drult.r , In I. no, and Yitniburgl ) l anutartured Article, art.t, Pittal.nrgh. 1141.11 -mire oar,. 4D. WILLIA3IS & 14holefialo nt,,l • Hntlul liruorrn, FOrllA;ial, anti C, , mmisaion rclaant, and Dealer. in Country Produce 1.u.1 Inttnbur,;ll .11bannf.turo, our., of Woul nud Pittxburglt. ctiOBLNSON, LI f & CO., No. Liberty Aro.. Pittaburidi. inioiepaie Gt.rerA, Pro- Vatiatreturea'aud Cottutthadon .I.l.rchan ts, and dealer* in Pittsburgh Jeferr7ein ~62m a 1.1.14 ,1.0111 &IL FLOYD, Wholesale Oeerg O 4t:/.. Illißltinla 31nr.b.G. and Dealers in Pm.lxv - +-11nn , nt.h Bulldln,. frnntin n • - ~... • • - •OAF:MOD 3lrrrbult, and Dealers ha i'mlx - 4-11nund Bulldins., fmnating nU Wlrrty, Wood. dad Sixth l'ittmburgh. Is. • l(111 , 1,11MtV. .rolus: PARKER & CO., Wholes&NOrocer, 01 , Dea/rn. I.rodu".. ForrinLiquor& Old Unt og:die-la and lt,tiff.4 %V Linker —Nn. Carnca,relnl You Libr.rty Pit.burzb. ' I . AS. DA_LZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com o asisalon and Yeavmrding Merchant. nau1...1.,1.7in I mu, hail, Olay.. tkottan Yarn, and PatAbur,rl., 4,S Wall, rt-. and Id hr , t..-,.llllAburgh. . _ _ _ . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I6IIN 11. ME LLO.R, Dealer in Piano Fortes, tog 3luale, and Stueical Ingtrumev.. 6ciannl Itncita. and tationen, Snln agent kr Coltktrrinsea Plano Fort.a, Inr Western Pramylyania—No. SI Wo,d rt MENRY KLEBER., Dealer in Aluein, Mu sical Inatrurarnta. and Irnpnrtat nf I StrsngN agna for Nunne Clark'• grand sod yuare hau., zith (Vequan'e rEolran Actmthmenc. Onnhaln, Nana, MANUA , ILLINGS, WILSON S.' Co., Iganufne tor,* of an Si, , -. t vk., larw an) gimp tacka. cheat, and hating natitc finialting. rimy.. Lob. az, rnlll, flour barr,l nail lattlin. Aki, fin• 34 anti ed blued nub, Sc.. a, 0111104, LLPPENCOTT CU.. ti,ntr Pala burgh tt,- nvric enc. .y. yr...so/cc. CITY TACKTACTOR Y.—The gut.- ' wnhn, mufacture skit k0...0 constantly on nand all add B an rest, and bpsrahl, Ficklabpw. Clout, and Hob Z,Dalk; ton F4anr Bari, sod .1.h1r0.; Nadia: Coodrer Naar, sod Tarkm: Ilarr,l Nall, Col,: and Ym, Shoo Nu Xlsk.., I . DM E.J, Roo., locyortor Jr_, Jr. C.I)IPLIEL.L., k 'tow, wayyloo,c, re. O o•cr I•itlctotrgh. AkENNELIY, s CO., Altalufnetit reor very curwrlor 4-4 She,:fpg. , :sowt .Chsts, • ~tort Twoce sod I JITTSBURGII ALKALI WORKK—.IIen not. torr.y a Or, Mxxstlfatturoffr of &.1z A.L.Bleub ; Murioffr nod And,. WarOloa in mo No. f... 1 %Valor nl, trio,. Fern . , PAPER HANGINGS. lITALTER P. .51AltSIIALL, Suoceshor to • tisnmel. O , rllmle, In french anD AnuTican Itaviing. wad Border, Wink,, ta0w..... Fur Eau,' Prism., Ac. Printing, and t‘r.gldng t'el•'r. N.p //ourth .n.llhatabnd I'M. ..burgh, P. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. 1011 N 1. CAUGiIEY, Agent for the Luke *it V.rin Miinau Linn. In limwer and Lt. Lotro— inn. on nom, rn id Won,-.ld riviallin.Ll 'LEECH Trufniporinro hy Calml 1/ I.ld Morrhai.. mrtirt of 1,30 'ATISet mad Lb. ennol. N'MnAN BLINDS • • I .1. BROWN would mutt rempovtfolly inform th,.publi,•:lda kt...tett.ts hand nt hl•ot•ti.lutllbilrst e.us..•, that:watt. y y. • c•ruOt . h. ••••• , •••ot Vrnausia Veosltlttu nhutt.r. art• Lurie h. ord., lu I.t. hen ,trir. w•rrnutetl th Illultnl MAU, 11thult ran rt1at,...1 torithout uhl of • perr• dna,. purrha....l the .4, t•ul., and road tl...•ntthet i:/.11+4, a 1 1 , 4.111.11,1 esti pt , turril turrAtAh th,ir (41 ritmon,rt. ru4 I 1.“ pot. lic es largr. wsth thtut: to Itneo .1•••••..,. No. CC sit 141,4. l'ltla.ll,ll 'AYER RANGING AND PLASTERING. - °SEIM JUEI NSTON, Percyll.lNoia l'hir4l fla.t ft —JAIN, trno.l. Mon., La 111.2... 1..; gale meill p kAu*$DD);ll 11,151 1111tDi F., Veterinary Surgeon, 4.te jt tnrm wottl,l re, - ;-rtflto , nt thl„puloho Ilnit h%. t•ovet pra•frextua: att.!. by carctta alt.euttara wltat , ler L ie ittl-rw.te4 to Lim. 11.• 1,9.. lA. TM ~ 11111t, t hIl3 J 11.111.-1 Shoving, taut tzt Igagwral 10.111,10aretNi on, lb. tar mi. Tunedwt.rett land •e. ENGRAVITIG AND 1 , 111:10GBAPHINO • t EVl4l4l'. JOHNSON, Engraver on Mc.i, LI Pima lilal. (Litixti etttr7.) Pittsburgh, r..—Vins rn 1164thInpry. Derain( Navrapapar.t,Froctti>pr l.etaatt,2 l ., Drug Lttbelly, In nu , lftror for Diginon el , . l4, trrutisAnintionet.C.tttmt.tanit,..te..ln tht• nrt.t I tykt rt, .at at tho V I lILLIAM SOLIUCHMAN'm Lithogritt 1.1- , It getlatll.hummt„ Thin) or ,et. appp.lll, the 'bet Ina., Pittsburgh. Mp. a, Tartu , )'. Shun t 1 411/1•31,6, Dealt* ,lillart•lral and Marton. Dr4uto,t. Itu , int,,...u,t iaitsa., , drt,nit - ttotw a • • I Ilranao ••'• lb` atrla. and la aval ra•N,U ulaa• • Wegner, Bueehner Alueller's NEW LITFIOGRAPIIIC ESTAISLISHAIENT. rfiNIIE, ABOVE FIRM respectfullvutwoutice to their trienltt nut 2 the pt6lit ,rt•utl;tily, rh.t itht•T t' pared tu. "Imo), In the lint itylc of then fur Won Cat•l• Intt:r.uutt, Vtetting and Profeetticual yM, ettarte, Irlyl~ de. .ra4l: elt,tto,,lllantent ut . t a i MesLetptr....4., botworn na rth slrp.t.. uprn•hß,cf JEWELERS. W W. WILSON, Watches: Jewelry, Sib : ter .1 y War, and Shllta r7 tire. cwriu , r of Mark. 4.1 /0111 , 4 gtrooto.rdtoburo.h. Po. ti .11.—K .too.o.and C!*!. ...rooollr 0.n.0.., ... g AGILE MARBLE WORKS, (C.M.ablishd 1532) br EDMUND WILKINS, o. 151 Libtsrty irt. a Wmxl, .W.L. Yittralsur2ll. Mcquanent, /tarp.' V.alG, Tomlin Lin4.4tor, 4c.; Id atUcl he Canty+ and riot Topa, alway. on hand, sad moil to onlor. .. N: D. A clardoeftipiliOla of Domoom, .. k . j. 1 .4 • . • TEISCELLANEOUS. • . _ , ._ . . .._.... _ Doctor CI Reichhelm pITTSHIJItOII NIJRSERY—An Otunibut .. , ..r . ;::':ratit...;..thl . --,r'l,;l6:,k'::".'" . l.tt r nh i INFOR3Ig hie friert i da and the public in :ten toll, that he b. retuni:l lilt utile* to Penn 'Uwe:. No. ' , n ehowe .. 01e...0wn of I ;reen-}lo ' lla. Plant, ' ' l:ontr ' ll ' onthif .. neat to Bt. Clair Hotel awl It lon.na it , ...., .b, , , Ath•taide Ifoes do Navr 4 i ireart P. S —l'er,otax Indebnat him fora length of bro, are i 1,,,h Door( Pear of select varietter, tiorlleaoos - !WA . . r0rtue.....1 to ale their seWunt, 1 Y 1 , ' , .1i1 1 Dahlia, Phlo, Antls htonma, C/rtt , no. e- •nd whet. , I ,der., will he miwen f..r. A ',I, Dwarf do, Pear. Corr, and F. R. Moore, M. D., i , 1 , :; m c ir...... gnir . :re ani I , ,thert .1,, , , ...., Vine, ti , .. , ber. II O . 3I(EOPAT Hie, PHYSICIAN, 'devotes I 5,,,.;rr,-,,,,,""T,,.'tiri1t-rf:47' ',',;J.',:"el''''7s,,h,,`"';`,'7: ai rpeet.,l attenbon to tho treatment of dhwamea of .or . pilot, thr,,ogh tbe Pitiehurwh Nit OM, . thr Garden. c. anti rhildren , and acute diPeuta gunerally, . well ~... ' eennnylvania Aaron, or at Ale. R. 1, .111'.. Liberty rt rb5 , ....,1 surgical dulesek. Mee on o Ander.. otrewt. 1 near the h. 1.1 of W , wal A., .111 hes i e4 . lttr it atteried to rch K ',lll i ll . l,ll', l l A . ".77 ` et t ir ri` . " iihn? d • b ' AIN t h'r '! o li! i `r..l V t . '' te- orobloin and , i , to . hbery Piloted I ' I" H. jr , matlylo ...rdr fn. I to 'Z. and - trito 7 to Jr. 11 . ~..,,, .. .......1.:(1 ,-,.... .. . Fall Fashions. Rki . J. MYERS- I Surgeou and Physivian. t tutt , no,i dvellmtl..h,rnor of Darlington'. rr.o . Ni. : IIATS, CAPS, AND LADIES' CURS. 1 1 1 -7 , ll Third rm., Ono divlr . alwve rmitb fi eld rt. Dr. II yen. ha.. pern , snently locat,ll in Pntahurgb, and ! i i WILSON ct. SO :sl, Ni,. 91 Wood n o will attend to tho dett, of hi. Prtdowdon. Lle will glee • . (~,,, ~,o r ~,,, ~,,, , 0 0., , id i ... Li Porti , nlar attention to 5L.41C.0. cal., oml tho thwa.w • of r . tho sha m a their nodometo allay 31 ;It7to m pubil ' , atonal chthiren. I spit , , m to their largo addltlon whirl, tiler are now 2, oeirlut to tittle rnr.mer rtoelt ot ~ rvalF. The . 4 ortment cormlat, in MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. &c. rat , ot the new rtyle lIATA. latoly introdue,al and which ars R 2 'rr tourh alitotr,l for thoir lwatity and gentilltr Wm. M. lcKnightl wetatt with o wren' ,earletr of ark. linorn ...1 Drat,. Mop . ..at, linneart . a . n. ntal ot . hwr kind,' of HATS, for mon Wi t i...L . . s, i , t; t . , ,m s p e ( C r itl , La r , t h coLtiut ,d l t r, O th tlt ,.. ! (,: n ol t i e .,,5 4 . , - . ~= 72,.,.i'art.,?.4np.14,,,?.1./iFV,i. ?,.1.1`ii,,..iri.th,,.,?1,1i1iA I d CAPS for rhildter.--oleroi a, reammahte Pr1,,•,..h..- ern Pol.l.liTatli• and EAtaldrn-ithin. sale and.retatt. utile* to Tilghman ((all, oplawite the Nw° C..' t if .. , .." , ' ~,,,,,p0h.w.,,1,1...pAn1:1P.4:dh1.,',:...rvi,. 1,4,,k ra,t,llN.audtlirlksjit.Lryt.na: eitubueuh. es. . i tt t a lutz.;- . J ; , ~1,1, 1 2, 1 3 . , ..71,1u ,../. l . 'L .... V tx . 7 . ti ‘ t!, If N. l ; hp, 1 tton,rrol 1 Itl'Afit IN CH 00,1 C CPI , M 1.., and Cluldn.n, • WIPP,. - peolWim - , . -- - - - I,balein,,,r,,ea, tiSCELLIITEOUS CARDS, &c. Wm. ht. liclinight W ILL ire xpeeinl attention to the Colloe mud E.Nrlt-ithia. QM.. in Ugh..., H.II , opp,ite the N.... C.otal Pittsburgh, is. 31..rriPou, FC. Flxncgi., N. 11 pilq Uwe+ !Wows; • ONES .1. Manufaeturera of Spring ow and Illiater Phindgb fil•wl Pima). Winri, ach and flipt.ln :+priuga. flanienowd Iron Atka; and dealer, In Mall.. alai. Engin. iind T. 143111.10, ol 11inw and Frant at*, Ottal.trif h, x.SAIAH DICK EY &CU., Agent]; tor Ile rhaula'a irylll Kt, init. QUI on hand hail .10,al. raw, low prici a arid quality. Dar and Skiwit 17,n, Nub.. 41110 a. Rc. - - V I VILM O ART , t NOBLE—City Flouring v 3111, Nu. Li lortw i-nr 1.11.111141,,i ICIIO,LAS Enginr,r, nrsaFidsioria. and ?rani.' Mining )100cil. 1 1,ww rang.ht`iii M. 1.6 WI am Purr,: orlo n 11,ty for %tux, Wat, Work, Itolliec •111. • •tl• nu 0 1 S i n , bolvixt 10.1.0 and P. at hi.. -I f o un d rtn.l. Pitfxburvb. I • id- VI 'CURIO it CO., 110 holesni., and Retail m ftlanutactiirers, ao l ll k alers in eat, and Fora, coer of and Fifth tiff. litti.ditir i ,!l MT, and ile Hat, i.nmrr• F ora. Arid a, W ilhdt,w.. atintliatldtii of thi.tr all,. iwitirin4 u,r,u that thryi 1,1 in , wl IV anA la ONEGtiER 4. CO.; Ir9.,krier. Wilwa. I Lidunro, mut iw,,•2 1, tai.. Sloth and Seventh I) A. AIAIiEIMA, Ai ! ,,nt for Delaware Mu tool Safety lw.uniors Comps., .12 ntiwt GAILDI NEI{ COFFIN, A - Oint ior Prtmiclitl Yiro Iw.uraure des.: corn, and Third strisils. 1,17 M. GLENN, Bum; BIN -tae, Wood Htreor, V docood door from the .s.rmir vibe, h.I. 000srisl to do ..vory ofilliodins with nisths•-• sd durability Maui: 'Woke. risisdili. idittsro rook.ll nubstrintially. Brk,l ur 01.1 louod estsfully. reilistri.l htit.ni in Flit letbrn Thu., rho hats hurling ari. tosthsi to. cs.:l ',hie. low Steamboat Agency, and General Commis sion, Receiving and PorwaiSiag. re . ALI/1V IN, PLUMI!R CU., Intro up assticist..l with Mi. Joh,. orldr toot :is., less to li.e outdo a. Btisitob...lltistwisi stl I.•.rwor llckllnilll , .r u chedi “f lIA 1).• Locin idt. Aori. ll_ Ls. woril2rdlyi LANDS—CAt-r. Cony. NAYLOR. Alton.). at Law. No. Ird: it lord .e,ournsr of Cherry 07, having ma&arin11;11.111,.1. purywds.. as h 'moron, Boum, Laud. !or dn . ..., sad eoldrers • thriti widows and childrzio. and will, attend to so, other buil non roithiis , si•ich he gossiintanyt uiy of Idi.part spirits. the l i vosboo °Ches. or lb.. llourta at [Ls rim of Drawin g , 1 5 ensietetive:and Painting in OiL , XIII. G. R. SMITH 6 now prepared to iv • 10.11.110,1 to a w yiLpila ths ililteruut art. fe uio d ay Atkiodotiii orw bundle., at Yirdh . .trisil., isitwdet Wissi sod i Ylarkot streets. :li...trio ut ...in. tro 15, no.l (min u to Chariies oth, Snow tails:m.4Q rrditas fish, to lir. ih,ista ur lir Addis.. • WALL PAPER. • Fresh Assortment' 'if Spring Goods. riNiioM AS PA I.Ni ER is daily revel 6 rrg I Imm 'tit , .}:..t.s.rr eit3.s, at It., ,ad ....1. . l'Co. 557 Ile ex.' T S ?tem.., BetLewn I'Aird 'dnd 11 , r.“-t sr.-mg, Pitarhtir)A, Lard.. amvits..a. tt. hin preneutwk.. r rho rrar,..t t.,, k 1...tui PAPA& H-I.),WfAllt that ls, app ,n 1,4 it lb. untrt.t.t (.1 K.ll.tig ...tl.l. Th.. pat.rnit ar.. ..atirttry Lt. , . , ii.. , t4/1 . it, ta - rtzharl , . ehltrt, awl It.ll-tti.... in Mint ,', .."'.• hii,,. tin...inta,..d. front lo °lent, uattart, tie ,L.,. rate. - ,,, T,F Ll:tt IlltlAralr iOt cl ttood, .I+ hwi, a nn. ar• cm... nda.u.nt etas lx. I.ruard 1,, mail t Lau ol.terit , t.n, tht. u1.4.1 , 1f , 1i , ....r4,,sax .5,1 'pat., t. ...t.. r.. r.: , ...ct full tilt it.A. I n.ltit _. _ _ _ . • • • _ . • HUSSEY StBGLAIM, S torage , Shipii4 4 . - Comiiaission.Merchants, 1.7 0 LE. .1 LE itlealers'in Groceries, G V VI.. ',. ru It ..r °bin. • Av..J.L. fur 1.11 vavWGro4 soil Itr,,llen. la,he Lak• ,u -perior 141. r to --1\ 10. A. Mtnt Co..CA ve & • Niko 61Ph.mler ,flueldo, 5. M. How, rittebureb. tp714:6,1 Rockingham; mid liOnteiiti — c ctueensVin... ' WOODWARD, BLANI:LY CO., 31,11, ofaeturerruf llookingiorti eml C.n, 11 re, Ller...irrot., Ohio. 41 , ,e100r Room.. corner frufh no.f Wen, etreet•. (f10n...1 Churel/ bulhling,lentranOr mat il , or Floyd.Whole.aletiroeere, uur enable twlto proraptir. A eonlir-tent de Lr'inntaxpllT 111 - , ',- ebb.. or to ker.!. pep,. vrttli .11 rto. new end itoprorrqrty ler of the Inr. {Vetere timer Spites/me, Pirchet, FILD, Torr. Deerert , te. Flower Pane.. Gobiell, /Rotel itrtuuserntr. Mrdirio, Rol Pout? Je.re, and artkler for docneetle wos..ea re•yeel 0f41,1,3 I • metoll/ Alexander Bradley, No. ID Wood sow:, between Reel and Second ea., (SIGN OF TILE titil.Doi r7 , 01'1.1,0 MANUFACTURER of ivory desrrila.;,,ri kvx nt COOKYNG store's, Gt tho mc.st aprras,l ts.rns, ls ra null as will rs•naer 1,04 Nl:int...a, .1100—P.U11.0K ST011:0. among which vett? In 0 Inn I Jerreil }lora', rrlebral.rol:l:lllqc lla.Lawnr, Franklin brute.;fatal ar,.. s . tawhich we laths: Ills att.:salon sa , ull.l,rs, Hollow one Waatoil Drawn, lok.ll Isssm. ID. attantirso "I 11,aler , 121:ur ./ 0 0r . . Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Thbe Works. %IRE undersignol harejotit eutupleted rht it Ttonaire IRON TUBE WORKS, end aro now znanufacturtny a)11‘4,, of OAti IP. rvinotted Si nu,. and all %W . . of ROUO IRON j TIS B ES, whten ihey ot!vr be ,nl., at 1011,1.. t•rie... now prepared to -xenzot.. nrdata. In any r14.1:1L. wttl.. , ot lay. :WANG 1,1. :in,/ and ••• frhi Ben Bolivar Fire Briek Manufaetcriag Comp ;v .. GLOVER. KIER lt CO., SUBSCRIBERS, h4vibg 1,•11 " ,, in.t intlati tor U , m •bovonarii,l out mm.ontitt, no hand a •upjtly - or tha , ml,ltratt. I , Jr.tr brimt.itruciblit Frnarn Iloartlimsol Ina ..11, • They aromaal timplaretl to net,lva. unit. he othi bred.. to NI mad, sattllM and ahalmb all ptamtaa.mrt. a Ithh .hail; he promptly • IVodo VOL It momatarr VILLII.I•4P7. IloltvaLr Fire brick totatt-i, c.v., all othtrn harm Men al b . for nal, in ch. Unita,l thmr tt.m. riortti- in.lon kurittn to rdmootiall Pam... Elm brick. 7'ha proprietor,. haT• , 111.2smiti-tt Mai ;t. linct lom , none a thou prmo.nt plaiattt. mputatM, and that tio rapt.* shalt to. gmarmil.p. notice Omni ”vt3l 1.1.5.. than th, ham horetnfiov htmo itt tn.. only , ataatillithrimot non mantacartotink itiro'briek Klltlt at Ilnlltar. meta canal baottn.bar.satlt at. tith.hor.th • - . . - W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches, , u., Y 1l odLtL.l,t. SWcml an Pattlharpt, hucumwsoN, Ll 3lurkot ntrvet, Mell:l ' 4lk . u ' ar:an ' 111 appointrtomt Om Adniarallt 1131 111 \ t'hro noramt.r tool Watch AlanUtt.ti , turer, -IMlittm wt.ll Lonfloth mtrtlfit-t that the sareompanyina r•urrrEnb•l ut.• othmy nomotaeturn. and no 11amti Wall tot a t upon -4 . m p-amtmo !gm 11 , 01 111.41111 , 1 ..j .r.llll/1,11. Imaring 10.1.turr. ititarautsillst e t. N.. —• ta• kimp tam, to In- mt toLoqmo nfLb. ou, 11,11 I lIAVE (nn the New York W.A.) A vAry superinr 'N% icrsrisiuo tor the sdlo ol ur OP, Curtain 314drrinin. Tidos, spportwinin: tri .- ths ond sol•oCed nirod superior lissom... `tin Lie Lune, ilro,stpds, French idid lianinsk I.din, English Maroon, Chintsei . i, Turday , Red doods, Wrings, ni mid MI I, aosir Mad, Windids and Plississ..eurosin Iktrilers and fisnils.liart.siniPins.Troo.al.iiiid 7n. mm Loops, 0d..1. SIN nod Won/ed. Clainto, xud /'rind., Mar. ...Ole , and Laitiens.r Vuiitt. Coisiciridinuss Vondorts. dintriosts, 11.4 i. unJ liitiding. orders thankfulll n 15.. l unit promptly 1111. d. 11. 1111.1:. Third .drssi ' J A ItH 1 Si GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO BANhkIRS, DLLLF.RS IX LLCII A NUL, COIN, BAWL NrV7K/S, LC. /bur. ro,I /r/ Lima: ol.Pot,Lbw, Nnb,.. rand ./ riallx oullno/.0 on 101 put" trlw is 1..•1kt .n.l -..r.1.1.•.1 tnnono...nn 41t1.41L,C1 - • J. Wilton & Sim LIOLESALE and rotail laan 4 ylr Crra alt.l Itei.no lintr and ufactu_ No. PI ual st.rnnt, thmt door bellow All,. Lurnh--caber. thnr oder o Nil end vou+Dlxtr stock of •utl.Cans of their own nuJ Eatatero nottaittntur, of etf 0.151 f l ion o 4 3.1 tln Ft.)+, qr cuntntu who .ra le,ln and the ule and I,tali. ana anuting thr tun ntil, . that 1011 sell on) the a.dnNt r.anntiahlo term., _ Cosa l i l3l.l'I'LEY - A COLVIN, Coal llorchanth `I sat [teak.. It nrl G..okta. firondrrioi. Irou and Nall zorner t nf stunt cud Wathttts, tun Turni.A. Tmox• ,t REAL 'ESTATE AGENCY Beaver County, and adjacent ()patio's, la,CnTEU 13 THE 6ullttG4ln 01' NEW Bills, lITsl SUBSCRIBER; having herd loelted In the oh:lollythl , woo, and ilmona that • tio tontlon 122. horn invou ri , N. For th. , tios . ointoodxtion of the pahlto , nerJl T. B Lunt an 4Wc< 6 1 17 411 . ; ', 1 . 1,,1,tv h L',ll 1. There aro now numl , or rolimtble Into rapt ncn dram+ the lierotigh and targEhorloool, for emir •I low rotoo , . awl toms Tilloo "otizri.l) ...mono,/ and no proportr will °Mho! 0114 . .11, ship ,tlloputablo. I.oroono oloolnooo.El ,o, welt to rail KEW oxamain, tor theraroliso. BeNJ. 111{3 01 , 01:1,, ovalileAw Stool liioroto Aeon Fine Watches! AFEW eery riUperior bold Patent Lever Wotebos. roed tv or.Dro, arlool. ere oplerelld motet L7m I mono._ ters, of Nes. tlfvl to 1.11; double mood Hondo, oleo, Wain mod I escray.ed. of Tallow style, and iiaitertu, at - Irhs PIIaILAJIDBOIM Xasket sr. 'TT - $.8.. - UR.OII-. 1 :::.-':G - Samuel Gray, , • NEP.CRANT TAILOR, HT CLAIR lirILDING,, HT. CLAIR TrMELT, IHAS iuht returned from NEO YORE and ! T wl for u , ari a . w i. Www rw „dog a l o o pe p o re hd rw hl l of atli thew To r gor. wet, IV aloft caws , pa.,11 in Ow wot.T.Tos T toT.a. 1 Ilentl..Klarn sant. - on , good aO.l fuTlowiNtTle R.:N.., wilt ' I foLI I [LOU,,,, .1 , ...,4, lb kw.. N a vall T.TITTIf . .._ FALL FAS/320N. lit TE lon , ,ust• recoiled thi, noautifulla y ~1, k Tr 11 .ATP, to wlth h IT, owl, the rotes, ITT.n of .a.: lni... 1114 110' r11.1.31P 1,1..1 ral, f At... 314 . 61, [0 A ,',.. onr. rail, .ii;.l {{.real ..i... _... _ Penn Glass Works. • ',N.M. n , ... .. 1.11, W 11211111... I OREN 7..1 . WIG I l ' l'M AN, ( ( * .innerly the ii 4 ITrig of O tr. ON 'gilt A OTT ) IlTwolaToterw , of all L.TTth. TT, lIA 1..5. 110171.1. N. ww II !NIKO{ ULAITS. LT; WHIT, .14i 6., rfoot Orwo. NOTTl , orgh. l'a. N. II - halo:gin, Niteroon.jowl zo TOTI TToTT. of WIUIOI4 . IjipAi 12.1.1‘1 ,Tr 0 .... mould. lor ftr•tllT ~ ..t.t , lal, r.TgLti C. W. Foam, Profesior of Manic, n EI:S ' Leine to inform the i•tic4cii.. of Pitt,- I, hi.,..0. i. 0.1 All,Lenv, that L.. -ill too. omm:ow,. L. Tv, TwoT.lwo- on the PI AN,, 4o101: owl VIOLIN, •TTT. TT TTTTT OTI , IT wo• IT or .T.Trt kyr fwob. ul Tr. nnygow t 11. 1 , 1.LIII:In+ %Igoe N 0.,. I'' ITTI TIT,: owet, .1.,L 01 Ow toTrITTeT Oar, wr:l New Chocolate Factory. lir N. lANII3ON I Po. resiii•e/riilly 'Pr"!=rtf 0 fai, mut,. outrklut. ti hariug vrourtetbra of mu. ttu. Chr,aat. Inanufac.4l-1..: linty. seems.* lb. vuhlle that th., furtai.hssa vun. opt.t a 1,1 out., run to th.• It I. r 'Sok el'n. callhoary.) N. to:: 1,4.11 . .t. qua, t .1,31 th.. 51ftrorl. Of. ST. CLAIR — HOTEL, • (Formerly . ht.. Exellauge,) Corner of Penn and St Clair Streets, PITTsBURGIT.: TUTS spweidus. central, and moat conveni ently loot!, lo 0001.. harlo t boon trul t det.l l re nh ld. •thl ttoottooni t repatroo and tnaprnro..l. le now o t eo. ho Ito. aocoenco•lsho n of thr Vaal, ', 'rh •uh,nloo. [...1t0.. ohJ pro,d.totor. of the ST. CLAIR litor VI., te,o..t:on t thlono t t hie hiond, and the psztlic that to. hat turt.ono.l It tu the tittoa elo t tatt and evsnthria- Ho +trio; uol tot n. t, 414,1,1440 Na•thhAnta and attentivo and fotithfol tor. 0nt0,11,1 ho mill 'that's no exeltion to malt... It te t not to etty bow r In no mutat., , Th• troll know,. eontral botation of the nod, awl eon. rontenee of It errethan t enta, rendt , riu tt It thont.tdaotra. tdr eithor to [...10b5, nr.p.ortu•nent boordeht, induc t . hint t.. ottlott end ho, ror a • nitoral eLvro of patrvna g , ap.,:tf C. W. ItIthZNE.7T. . - -- - - - -- New Coach Factoty—Allegheny. 0 ,..c- T ,,, i. ~M . A..W RITE & CO. would re .l:-.--,:., ,d5..,.-eVij.',.....n:Ty',"*.s r.,tienAuthsiytt?"'lLY; 1 'moot,. Ito, are toot utak., nod aro pro t htrod 10 ',ref.. onloro for ovor t 4....ortp hn of tobioltto. Co:o, Chatiote 1...n0tch., lluotto, PLo too, sr .. An, which,front 01.1.. lone oxporion, in lb. notrotro. inn. hl tho shore work. and tth. taohlnloo the, 1.....: tboy 1.. el rottn.tont thry aza I ottablod to .1.. I.t.t. o.r. tho noo-t reaeonoblo Loral* with entio.t . nrn-lot. in Ihe . , Into NI In t; yartoculo, ottontoot to ;h. soloction of meh,tale t end idt•tnc, oont• net oien t ..tette a oricarn. they ha.. ho hetntet ion kl, .net n, thver 10 , ,k. ;1. , therotorot t A th e ohh ettontion of the pt. , fo• h , ' II no t ottrn, dol.. h. tit. hoo: enttnsor, ..1 on the Grindstdnes! Grindstones! I OGAN, WILSON & CO, N s . 129 Wood i nt, trta fltrh.ttut ,00uoun-, urn. x priceS, an short nut., ett t xi, . t tlo hot., ariotra ltritoletnno, l‘ro t mr . houleriy ad, ted ior Ow pur,o- tot•nd...l—tlotiritrett ..n n.. wharf ' A fun •-•,rttnoht of .rtku II otto• elan,* r u hand. u n ,, v..oe, 1.1.i.t.5., tlt loto t h a ea _. . l e - 4 FA LI. FASIIKIN FOR 185 l 4 WILSON & SON. FA offhISABLE HATTERS ej . —No ul 111., .trooc, rootht rone•ointitY tnthe Mt. ettothtion to thy.' ot.,..naor‘sg ml th,pubhc t., the SXI4 ,T 1 LI. iol , II AT, .4-lila thy nil UM Am . . ott beturth,T, tbe Lll. in 1 _ Sims' Flre Proof Mineral Point - f;AVlrig collipleded hie eer Edrfodied,apnqoirotlon of tho .tono namod to.ar zbo hold of Folond ntro, Allodway, It pr porol wt.o .1/. a. thrt.u.o. dry. ur •• •• •••••“ 1 . 0 • JAAIEt• SIDI; • ' S / 1 =441.4 Mtn., of Tlrtri and Wend sic; T . 1 4, ....7•14 /I...Lilhom.r.Mmmt.; a s nw.iil nad flpolln....fry, ....inn' nrtumfM, Inaranntl. • E 14.012 1181.. g ' ESTAIII.ISIIV.V 183:!, by EDMUND • - WII.KINS, No. '2.45 Liberty st. l'at , ,mr.; .nmro.unal ,111.11,,r1.121.4,00, err-. !dent!. and irft•f• , 4. • •on Inknel anal mad. Ing.rtle,lif"rbe 1..n....1.11ar14-... roctrie.-.1 E:2 .1 c..'x n( trasc.rTs lirk:L.aar frn po r ted • frnm 1, i I I • ItVer.if . . n v e r. it ENCES minwi ' lion. flax - mut lwdilay 1.,,rk Siersmr.. 1,. Lion. Judgo ...atm. dco. gnr,wr, Cwt. 4c , ,,,.1 . ..t.bin.. n . jr.. E., J.. It nt.ri t Kw,. Arrtilltwl. .I.,An kid.l , l - .1"..,, Ctiidi S. H01t:p..4 50...14,Lp, I t ittelairgt. Raul.. . ,ttuww . a ltatmc., do. ..! Ili tltt,i..r, r. C...;. Ifni A Curt,. do. It ilsoo Sleitttol6w. 1.. d. Ih.on a Nwr,cnt. do Hawn dlolioight., R., Wm Ilagaley & Co. J. 3lcli ni t , 111, Cwi, Crtulag. n. T. Nlor,. dr Co. ham. .lo..dum ILlir.W. it Co Frturct .1. Lollttoi, kw.., A [let:bent ... Y. It W.1....1 - m.4W t:d th.. rid-7 !awry, loalfrlMalltit tw r.dowl durtou niritiwit ~..r. In [law rwy, harizid had tlw laritt, mnl ......1 J. lit eutrutanl 14 .1.4•twrt. t.i, to tt. prww.s. umo. and will end...toor tw rend, ittilwltietwai Iterwallwt . .. JAMES W. P7OODWELL, g , A BINET PUIINVITItE 31..1NU- /..a.?- ;,.. ..,... Y ..,tr., 1 1..0.re..the , 7 a Ith Tlahl 4lroot. )1 ',l re-ea-atoll, Int... ho. (den. and ortoomor. that he Ile, noo ....oerlole.l the latepat Ilo• v... ne to. 14 ...moo.. eo uphol.l the .aly 14 oh a.. •-a-.1 aleret. 1.....1 .....,Nala•lstr. ht..l 11..,..t do. ..,11. 1.1 1. ,, :n lb. v'ttria ../ 111 , rniorr Ltu t Iciter, J. , 110 le, ....ht.,l II 4 rt meet, ..1 ld.ntir, et, Lb...curt,. ..., hie ...eh, zu oetatits end nr..... /1,1 ke4.1.4 ale,...... load the err...el lam I e ..., eve - rt 114,4... og Ilir ' ilitu... fron. tho A, 0., col. iliao.-.1, tl• ale War, vie -41 .11111 .44,1, 13! le 4 1...... or tee, hart ..1 ~ Ip, 1.... forteleholl Irout 1,1 ah,1,,, or tesnoufneteirrai ethoutel, n n ohtor lir 11,..n.10r........ite ........11... :hal the ..I can. tee: .e. of 1114 e 4144 1. 4 11/u..411 mat , a,rooto the/ follotelthe 4(4 1.. na, I: .... a . uliv. , I r , 44,1 en ohe or The kl,lt,rl l ,tlxn. .n.I 14.1 room ettnlrt. L.( esury Tate, etat..s4tst. trl tU4l4:4,ltrit ktnd utntst, Ettre,..thet.. .t44,11.t. .4.1 444, 1 . 1114 4 , .tt et .4,1,4 .41444,4 Cu.. be, 1fi.1.41i1 141, 41114M0 144.44 kretkel. .141 l'eettat, lLbst..No. anti 4411, parter St 644 4 4: 141.414 Ittutl4. Wert:T.l.l. mud int, ;1,1441 uttette 4,1.4. and 1141.4 44. cuarltle 41141 4,14,•4 . reet 44.44.4 441 alttut pent, 4141 t 4., e. 4,4 4 . 4 .4144 44 W. 1., ttli .14441 the mon itayturett, 4,1 ileeit44ll4 1,444.1tn,1e. I t euthruk. KW pt., Uhl. w5rUnt1....1,...1m. stag uuttlititaud4 or 4.44 4 ./44 it , orlaut.m. 4 4.4. e h4ll 441..1 Net, 444,4144 444444• 0tt0tu5t,.+~.14444414 et.] 4 4 4, 414 4 . 4 4, Ore ...44.44. !covet retch,.. hnt 1.144.44 etsuls,erito 444 e4i1444e4. lunch,:. I.hte Coo ytt,s, mathetgatty, reptewt•4l. on.l ittl.l,l 4.4,1 T.lthtt.. A la:, 4,..rtmout 1:41444t11 5.:144.114• nntl tt 4444 u; eltairo 151 1 .11/x4 111.1ln notttpltet.l with nil 41:41, a that; 14, All hirrr, forniktie.l et the iittarritint tioUrti. pnentitir etteteltut jnit The only real New York Plumbing Estate lishment ffERE INOrk dully MI SI:10161k r kr-ruile, lune.. anti It- brainelut, 'rum - toi tint Air atiii ininitlieil up sit the liar lel t. lure, P ler.' un t , renetant un haw). re, rito tr e ni en. the •oitutri • • - - II AY ANI doe. !hap, it 1 ii, al, Fr. Ir.seL, the I'Ni,, l i thin. en itensigu• intuit suit tut. reie it. ie., 5.;.• Fur nail lord wile vein, thee.- F 4,1. ri t tenut etapct-4 nu.l the low t ire, nt vet ineure diver Tr-duets. WANTED, • ESTF;ItN BANK • NOTES, al 10Werrt ran roarket rtri.orrirl prrntirr (~ 1 .4 tor Am., furrir, I, If I. KIN° rpl R...., Irr.R.. Vrtrarth rt. • Pacer. • I IR Witt TIN(), and WRAPPING , 4`rintitr, t 'll br torr • I !Tr. ••..., rrrrrl l'ro.nr ir tr. TI. uu..1,1. l '''' 'l'. "l ri Vilti ' AVS ". .l:l. `' lr. 1,.. Nth. Farulty; or — Prof...Al.l. rlllllll. Choelond. Ohio ..n....ban . ...0cT CLEVELANDMEDICAL COLLEGE. 9 MIX Annual Coon, ~I.' Les-ton, in tile n!..l. >!=bgb ' P l .; ', li i i . :.. ," .; ,e t;: ' , ", ...37 , =.:',?.. 4 . ...,,,. , Th. !allowing gentian..o rotaboto. th. Vacuity of In• 0r....1.1.3, • JOHN DELAMATPP. M. o...Prohooor of Astor:l Ile.. '''';`,?l't ,11,':'PraPP."'1.1Z'r,17`Ii.'.'1!n`"ITZLVIc't'y'l?.!:1°111. I ' "Irjr.;V:?..Tb .i ' ai! L A l ,ZlV ` l4l.,:,tr ' 7, ` ; ` ,„, Julio L. CAtiriEL. 11 13.:Pr0....r ~r Mate, M.lthal. 01..... v, nll.l /IOW:, bA I II,r,L STJrillr. 11 D. Prate... of them..., und ' M.elleal J0...P..1e., t JACOB .1 ItttLAMA TOIL. 11 U. Profesanr ~l Anshan - 1y 1 50. IV„ 'L d, '' . ''''' 'f • a... o entor, •ts nr t sr aut.., f_ L. .....$OO t. Momenta.. hs. . . 3 e. tl otAnontln fot . • • at T 111 Au (hoard. a protntroorr not, parable ot ...Ire $ month., for Mb, anot eight.' joint!. rith sum^ Pere , . 1 ..1t.... et aponstbillty iherrtlfv,lo, lo o Joe., uf ...Preen., 0 , or • Jrulgr lu th. Count) or trotrtel In *Loon the e•tett, , ...do, will 1 n . ..TP.1 in Ch. pla.. of new, oft.. tune. Matron! linultra.., soil Hume who ha. arbentb.l tam c full con.. of I..etramo. on. of Irlatch woo nt 5.. thotinr. u nun. arr. 01.1.4 to n froe adcalAslon to Ho , Lwelltr.... by r o par mat 1.. Matrlrulattan ft, only. pal hruml with noon, light. sod ... 1 ., ,, .. .1 ,,,,,,. . , ^4 ' at pr 1..... ratiginn Dann SIJA. tn V.! ra.r tro.4. D. hsore }actin, tor pelf 1x..7111hu• cat+ Is obtatto4 et rnrai. M Am . A vmhntmara mot-m.Ol 1..11.411 , A.1,..1.0 AI/ Matrieoloral.. of 11., P011.c., slit comment.. for ere.L. pr. Flo.. to Lt.. o, ..31.1lnel.r,ah•fil 01 th.rrattlar moue.... ILLuI thrth4th• Unl 1.• .hr ot.ning of tit. , h•no. Pnorision irt matt. tor lb. sold.. i tntleti a boys. anatomy or, the Ln.or liberal 1.ru... .• p jhe MtOtr - .I .Surwirut ri 1, 0....t.A Tr.o, Lia. 0 erm..o., uft.h.rthe dirretion a Pntt....no. lb•hotta.r. li in- 1 lalld. ah 4 A. 1.1,, In H.. numb., •ars.ty and ;m00r... , . 1.. ot ......, prraentrat. o. believrat to ~ .noel t A any to th. I J L. CA,LLL, ..pl all Secretary tat lb. Medical } l seult, • . --.- - .• - - . , A GENERAL . AM, YaTESBIVE AFsuICIWEST k Wall Paper and Borders, for the Fall Sales. L' ST RE6EIVER, ut the old-est/Ltd i 411,1 IN 41031. 14 Market .tenet. trom moot niihr etteterti fantrlett • great LIMIT M.,. of PIIPEP. I:149 and Itolto it os, comprising stmh a variety ot tryhc and Prices... , can hardly fail to gratify the hurtat WWI 113.-rt lila 'it,. 41 the moat hod-idioms and renteWilcalt auglth 2110.1148,PAL31EE. SILVER WATCIIE 111 g L A tve have now tutt twevUent aseyrtment of AICIIKP., of the mast apptvredktoglich,rreoch and Genera manufeeture, pi Hoe Unlit Hunting, and other ogles of aaaa, all rural:Mach ago! et folioe no penally low. Fl. Watch Repairing done In the test martiaer by lb. Deft and roost experteneed workuse In the email W. W. WILSON. G 7 bluffest, . , ~ , ~,. . 1• r or '— • IJIII/1 ' 55 . .. ' •... 1 ' •\ \ \ wimionmfflomminumumw __ _._ \ ______' _ -•,!„. \ STOCKS, CURRENCY, AND ~..,,,.." - i :' ' PITTSBUR Vki, GAZTTE m°46 POLD AND . to; EdiraL czcoßkor f eD ''., ' \ \ (CORRECTED tstiouLaßLl AND (LERE•94.T4 , ..___.________ _.- - - ____ , , , ,• ' , \‘' OP REOITHIL \ • •-•• ''.• '''''''''=----=----..------ ---- \ 1 ' . \ nox wit4liazoN:Th- Loopot4 Bing of tie \Belgiari . may \ !ably •., . PRICES OF S'TOOKS. .„. \ \ clam t 9 ran,k - among the her, andts sonni . Le- • a - . REPORTED FOR TER PITTSBURGH GAZETTE\ By fetworr9rnes, of- the PitirSorch NWT rlet , o , i sPectss the m oo t ke lallate \of toodirchlo-dls ' ), , A. WILKINS. & Co. \ , \•,• ' \ mign. viewed\po li ticalli is peculiarly\ posper- ,1 s, I . l4 ?fia3FestexT ix was aorta \ \ , ous. Ilesrulcs Nrer a free, too and STOCti AND EXCHANGE BROILERS, - \` ...,- \ Wssossarm, ct 12, 1a.,, ,,. contented peeple t s who after isc eying tapirown\ . CORNER DP MAIIIIRT AND THIRD STS. lis‘ttO city (B \ .the Union are no i so, `did erancipatiim, lifkz had. the rasm arid pbe-etni- \ i•ma ti Lson-Llot-_ : ,. ___ ', orki„ of public improvement in p , ger m . 5 2 - ,,, aliltrod %. rTun ith . tike. 4n° ,iri ` r l i a r r thb7 to .t r l i T .. . \ ''. " • . . i L. - eL '•h! m . I I ; hingthn• V'tow the rehhd ' ettee r the ii ° \ th cd. uo • A r- g all has 'been Mud on, corgacilial'o \ i • ' „,. ~ , ' ~;•--, ~, ss e stihbe public grounds at that= mud ' e ' ' Whiai th •• ' d ta'; ' i cause hum tea 'ia It Ito ~„;,- , 1--sr-,-,„,. . . .. . , ....p-.l.ci moderahon. ,t ~enatteris mono . .m s \ . . . ""el,Do Ws . ...400 10.4,,,, Icy 1.,. p e bs.,e, Hal j 4 1 ,0 been , grossly neglected. Tl , wer e ' ave been , conralsed 4 ,, pm.irobous and tilsorde , ssise ‘ °. -"r " . " .. m w' - 1 .. „, •• • t o I ,ll' t, t , a in e e J a a a ,.."', - origiaslly of noble extent, but have sie te4 it I Belgians have kept itendily the same,..thein 1 '. ur co .... - — .53,,: i,r, it: , Into Mlyl : 1 . 7 i • ' . .1 ' ' • and ' h 'e d \ Moted to agrte.tifittre, tlotteoffietatwoll, J o humane, tunes mutt ations macro.. eats u 6 \ Si Do sr.s• lo's.ccep 100, 1,, Ic. lards- " w 'eh hime detracted ebb from t h eir area sad ' ha emmee ee"a nd thererreee \lPen-t.iritbe. ..,, .1 Pstrburca , Ity tic ,,,,,, . , , h„,..,,,,,,. '.l , X event i f interne order anddotoestse. comfort. ~ s ist moie.o's. PI , I, 100. . .., . Jo . thetr symirtry. The on'ly attempts at emnel, The tory of is BoUgintr peoPle. escaping so 's 1 Antos, ~1: :;: ; ;. ~,,,, . 12 Je,...,. t 44 S,illt.thll 41140 r .. . • • •, 1 ~, . . ~. o , .-43, A , •• "b • ' ,3 ~',. nstuncht, 9artng rune e eau permanent tract, wed. after s li ce. emstbstt, ....1:t. tonna, %, 1 tio Nt er",„ h r,.., „ . „ ~,, ~„ „ have beetled:dined until, yerprecently to grailidi that ahoolothemtotisoanY\yeerSaticis a etrallaa i I 31 , sehenu31 31sout imit fit, as , g Pr and planting Ihe•two Hinton parka adjoining the ' 'he' but 15 4 . scrooge' is the biography of their ... 1 , um., soot. . .... „, 0 a d, ~ „ . much..., - smiocoftsoic _ •- , "I„ capital, And overlooked hy this east and west ' t t .i e trl t ta Kth e ~.,,k b[ re Nita ettcieaattrta,„eTtlereettgrttPt, 4,' 1 , , ri;.N,,,,,„,„z:„r,,.„7z1: - ,,.. .I. ~. . 24 ; 24 „ „„,,,„...,,,,,, fronts of that sHoncitire. These \uqnares, Qom- r;:itoleen Line r o r bh,,, f ' 147,,, em , 4,14.1 .. • 1,, , ,; 6 „ ,-- .. , o . g 'te , ~. - . la•-r°4 ' V . "' pricileg together 1110t...nuore then forty acres, are hale always tespsesi4 ifis - tkim. advantaitc eti. Noreb , ..",. Lllsrrar; , : . ....-' • 60 ..'4 ' lil so small centilitre(' ;ifthihe i mosingiiimensions upoik di . 15 lICeO s:lf 111 JlL,rti:_ on • :regal or s lit- \ ili Wllll•uesport Bride , . '2510 ; ' Mal etiffictilty to bor 'ad of p vi- •ot , ;, '. • iommuscs. t ' of the odilme they aninituad, as to have an air of Wernen tootinune Om- _ ,T, ' ~,, Di•liore7.o.-Cri d..'o‘ 11 \ deatet t, ir d ed 'OPer. b ' ' on . alludes\to \ i *l / 4 when he speaks of th "di us Mods e nodtts A • , ~„...._ i.„,..,,,, ...... . ~ „„ i„,,. ~ , meannesa an manholes ey,are, \ h owever , s.mbiosou Innsmuir Co , well arranged, and planted with \speciroseni -of The salient 'points of sTno 4 0 •onditlon \ ... '' lo Pitt'ph i T iftri' ' i ....... ... ' t , ,. 1. , , 4, '4, 'Thy Qr.l pc ca . ' American forest tres,'.iuta no mere bbaufirul and twee; are very to ting, an wel worthy \ \ .•_,;:' .7, • t " th. ..,lg h. 0 ' frvill 'i oo '..; !_' Ble4 rt. sme nR , 4 appropriate oraatnentscOuld have bobss se-. ereehtem , i i- ,.... aah t s - \ `' \. • .I''`-c. \ • car...3s4inetl, . • 'GO .. ~ v , .opow. wig or tho Bel ' 'h'••t- ' • -' \ . ,lected for the purpose. \ But there lie betoren first year, iti• n" ° ' '''. ) ears, storzw.res. , ' . lessingly fort ate bi fedi ' cal , joponittokoircritetil mi._ ..., so ~,, , 6 . 43 , j),„ . , • ~,,,,,, the (fa runt old the margin of the broad P` o- eseeer, has, IA big ' , looletiO lii ~ e xl) rien gallel,l bl...clordarr ~, 4,1 . (••.: -, ' . „ , , , ,, ,, „ 0,..., . ~,,,,, ~ t, ~.. ... 1 . nine, a\ Rue nearly a Milis and a\half lobg, and much ha pp inc h.A o lo.ered by tro4 gri f . 'ena. l•ntral 11,1 mat ~,, ~, yo Troia a..quarter to half anailr iu triiltft, reserved, e :r dar a- ii. i g r t : t al. „ /e l ie with a: y . o eibfrthe. opo .. , to, a Prue'. 4.,11 tiees , , 6 :01% 6 , 14 o 01,, , , Inol ii... 1. 6 . • for fulbliql uses , and Una liberal tra \•1 is .divided \; outh ,,, „,“, , -": 7 --...n I d, r 'l'9l'3\ ' 1...i.00 6 We11....10. It. II ~,. ..,',, . • 1. 7 1 eispest , in a a p ark ~, ~,,,,,. it, n 4, 45,-, I , e, k ~` ~ I ,„, ~,,, ia.- . ~,.„, only l , th9,,t,nunl from atiother, , uoutln Mg per- cr\ a mming that, ?smithies ever fell upo a , jle \ -, , •;;,1%,:,;:r. - ,,....... 4 ~,;, ••". . 1 ,, ~ tumbrel acres, etretehin be omen the t•r nation. Vet (Min his House Rolm 11( light\ \ - \ - i tie w ow tooss• 9. 41, ' ''' fiesident.'sobctse and the.river he Whole or that \ was to dispel a • tpooplt•'s iluSpe x ihd to \ , ' rn , Cr,. .1, Plank Raul 0 , • .7 0 ' . rce n' et P 7•;t.P..: l e a - L l ' • -'"' ' ti, ..g.r o l lu d s, b, k:ve b eer , p l aced ca , the care relnnse and real . me thell brsestest :map 9ns. :`,. s - . ! , The Boysl widower's atter-hermit awt \\'' --,.. r.: barOcr.ccollo -., ' ".; I • of A. J J . DoWeting, Esq., of Netirbuth,. 14.; Y., .c"orto I ' a geit,l Y, , •-• . ' \. , espouse the Duke of Kent: andLoopold bee tiz .o , . : mum ,er °se qualifications for,,cf - chardre or the uncl of England's moAcherished of ao \ inneseta ..... _. ..... .. 1.4 1 ••• • llefoucxo 5 00“0 , 4........ .. . 1115\ ... . 1. vo w tno , t 0e 1 , 4 , 0. $lO this Med me probably superior to those of s.lky eigns; Qo en. riptoria, 41 11;010nm' the • ' \ .. .i other mhten of the,republic. Under ,his diroCs., , by - \ era, Hee... -.3 • 3( 314\ , her alliance 'with his nep w, Prince Albert„ il, revolution, gives Lebpold himself a' throne and \ • - • tion the work uf designing, enclosing' lanting: ' and 't: \ • th ' ,another bridnende,wed.with aviary virtue. The noboesh 4 L.I, Rossi_ . ... - , , ettad O utt ag ° 1 7 ott ad , r ota bee. going o il House of Sase , Coburg is ones mare DI 'dose gr. - \ . , . \ for a year, and they no \ I! been to ussame a shapt nifrovith that of Guelph, widely\ by 'Leopold's' t,' ~ which promises to lead'to soinething worthy of "smiled marrie, is ago in some measure linked 1 ' , - qt,41.4.... II t o C. I, .. ~,,,,,,,„„ ~ .. k \ P grand e ur end retinem \ ant ofk nution desiitted tD 039 Rome of Orlearis.--a union Most fortnnate to o thetilethmned Tamil of Frasier, i "The Roy .• •• . s: i. ' ; CIX /.10 greatsdistanee of tim Vo rival in all the ‘, . ty of ' Spgland gives the exiles:a w arm welcome, tom., . ? .., i ,-,..: ::),,, ,s s -o tots o .13°111(110d elTillt ion, as at nowdoes stel 'Leopold's house at Claremont ittibrihs them ' ...,; . .i .. j,..zi i„I , s., ~,,,,„,,E,„ath nod \ power, any dc thMe countries ,s home Tung Leopold, mennwhile; luld his lit- .- ' • \ o,torool", 1 .. ?.. , c , . , . ~ .whiekluove bim91130,4 celebrated in the world's tlo kingdoin. are calmly hada e t l' la the. icon u' Of \ 5 "see of trophies." Amid e ctihrttlisions of \ \ PRI Or COPPER :STOCKS. - ‘ o The` la rge 'a '''. e ac i t \ ai \ a; metres tuid 'the crash of remain ens, the Belgio - ' ,nr1,...1 b, 1i... 1010100 Intclllceoc. 5...c.c1at1. 401 !ith ral i t . ' 2ilti, !fadtilhitions-r--•;Hiu g7ug nan onarchswkelde an unshaken tioeptre. One i = "l l . - con, i 3, •of ,an batmot Get ere note the ante death ,9f dia .. ; ' ' • ~,NorMtock Pachau, ta . llspnoit,.C..4 44 LY./1442. • 11n11 4 S , I ‘4ng. op • the north and south ends, whicilrill Hingof Holland, prhom Leopold had .. sostrazige some. 11t1enc1..501.1 eat nd ihi4gth o f #m; buildi \1 ' atifi roYstertnos‘t9tatteateoad.n.or el nnatlnc " ng to near yel t • , , ' t. ` t fi :•.7 '''' I I' ! " "'''''. .N .. ? ':, "),!: :" it= ed ror, \ The 4nd/diem are breught tt, thrl'itth'gir. q ul T . , : f bride end theelie ' A'hett ed --- • ' . .... ". a : ;",,„' tY, ~„'"IL „ slim altnt\to the level 'of the ground,' and ( Toe; :and Leopo oblets to mod ergo another try , co 'hour of Burro A His' second shoatrt the • s Om . 9.12 " 2, on acque\uhices \ Moe abovidt The work is Joao es g cellost. Qtiecin Lo' drat of Orleans, the (Hand of - L• ... . ....... - 2 '''' l i . • 9 1\ • ' . ~ :z1z1 , 1; , ,,..iL .... ... .... .. d 'II tort ,; , ..4 . 1 Ili tb mept faithful and \\ saber manner Qtusen t Pctoria, and\ Bib delight 11.41 Whci hDOW ' ' .: 0in.5..,;;:,... ....1 1i . , 1:i , 1 s hit oo , The a i atls Ike eight feet thick The stone, Bine, BerltitSell away in thnisser of her life:bo4e , . . ...... ... UOO \',, 2 brick, and Ixotbek " aterial\ are the best whiCh .d h o , :vo i 4sahloubt. by tha t ictions arise= 1,10 , '' . ---'' so her busiused and his kingdo . 0,, .. V. 00 . 1 00 §Lo can he pre rt \T e rap n ation for ' the three , wi dowing Children \ The Kin la at re:\ ' ''' . 's • - ... -,• ' ~,,. te,. cornmenceitiel4. this terestmg national ire ' s* ens a. wid o w er,with hie . ' fdadelpter \, . s In :r . . .............. ......,. 0, , INI 0 oils OD • 'up Ow 1. \•' ~ , s s • . sad ,- \ _ ~ ~, ~ is , t , . 11, au pp ed thak bra years AI ,to the monies even to d e BisSali dun% his \ \ , - a . .... .... . 1 tii I :la \ least will be reqt:r tai pkte it, andtikt its g a l e ''' . et '%B•flith has u. i 't ,i ed•. hiS '81331 \ good feeling cull good taste. ' T re eminot bo st I •::. t•:::: is iii 2 \ cost will be at 1;74e \ \Okoo,ooo. \ Thomas U. tr , o \ f ~r how • , :L ,sh -• b f , ' ' P co?gpr pr o; . Sane 3\stam es u , i t...,,, ,, .. ..... . .... . .....::: ... . 1 7 r, ) , , i ..t Walter, of Phlladel his, is tbe arc ' hitecr,' ens/ ehertsh the recolleetson of eve elieboonneoted--, . ion:, - .: . g 00 ‘ g. 2 00, Samuel Strong, of it. w \Fork, the . blidding On- with his two marrrages, so bright, 6,aanpyatia \ rot, e 1 Co t. ... .. ...... ....... .. I. .3 ' : ' NI ',.: als o Mlcritite n d e p t . : \ \ , also; se transitorY,ln their dune .'i \ Sing L,..,, is .. , - •. 1 "01 %The outside or the ew Win to t h e i ,,,,.,.,„, opoldos 'older - son, Ike Mike of re an t, thu. 2 :sr 2 Ise • du, , 0 , , ,, , :Zi will bonaiss or the best. 'te 'mar le who the Prince Royal and he of Belgium, 'blow= 'his' _ Vcrk., A Thchltmo . seventeitnth yinr, is et led LeopoldlPhillippe _ r ii. ,,,, ' ~ ~ 1I ;. •..., country affords. Tbern w.,it • lustful\ eof iterie, \ th us uniting thehames of his *her, his •. \ \ . . .m. 19, more stretched and short:lli ted J . :is - simony thso grandfather, and the mother. The 5 , 5 , 24td son, o ••. ', \; , " • mo ... .. s iso . ~ s o. sit 1.1.5ing- on llio fillelstoill,llo ujj,11,,g,,4,,,, .a, i , the (leant, itf Flanders, 110 ' ilt aged .fourt - 13. /5 , k,', 1.,•,•,1 miserable, bosom d\ h' 4,, • I,i 1 "t " lial. : Phl hli I litrie L eoPodd George, Os. , not ` t mom y 2m• 'j JO, I\l 50 1. " h ound' le this ' Oei . ' • ..• • - .1 a .„ quo o IiALTIMORA llvnnuFsl .L, ..... s ;AY. Mter et ila41%114:1go, ... .. 1 ,„ 4 Northern Wort.. " , 60, 314 110 naerpori Milk. 116 C408.0.X.C.. Western IruhirarneCo. -1 14 Dirtiortrarrl.rel 1" IL / Ni ta 1.1.011.Ard • hitt'orh t phw k ..... ' 41 ' .1:11• Or. a Pilt:2l.Z.tn.l '111,4 d Cr et II • .11nree'r SLreneti, . eo M° 11.4.11.p0en, T'lttsborghtaak . torke...... l 69 66 64 30 DlwJulJotr e ,lonongahria bloc/m.7: ;4. 1 . •=4 " V0.%;Tr1l 1 4 1 • I; hio A Peon'. 4/..411 fir..., for ;o1.1": .16 boll 4 , ),, , , hail Cleveland Welh. l ll/.. 12,11:1. 7 tno Au,. 0,,, 1 UT 1).-r 1 tart 11 .m . lt d r . lvo3V= 1 .1 ' 7 " , l All, 4 Yorryorin• .P k lin , rnet .. ht. “.v7..e . , ehartier. 0.1 -‘1 ! • ca Yttuntorrgh tk0.r0u........ 105\ o.or ikoa. flu North American . . • •.., s • New Stmt North Wort. \ • lintel!. 3 hie Ittolbur bgh .1 Lae !korai., - 1 !...110.r41. • \ A Sliant.aata ...... ...... Yituipt ra flontou North Atverkan • . . . North IV pat, ot I" " DOU4b.+ litKr4iitnn thltPoattph ()hip Trap , wollar I PRI li-mrl I t, t,, t L. Le ..... eoVvvr 1.11. No , t , . .. .. Ntrtotvots:.... Norte Aay..l3tur. •i 1 1..... .... 3ledurah . . ..... Eurein flouglat. D s l.l.mvp a. For.ytli . Wiusi CY, ... Nr.nr vhso Tr. Pominsula riftsteel . Algonquin . . . . , RATES OF DISCOUNT.. 071k0acrrn 11.104 700 illa 1- 1 , 777r711an ((rent, HT N. TIOL,.IF.S & SONS, 'tanker°. ''. No, 57 Mart - I rt. , tto.en Mc , . and HturtAtis:'Plittgarrph. PENNS I.VAN/lA. .I.trssiett at 31axeditio .. ..... .Si Batik of Patti arid, .....-par Brooch at Wigieteri,.....-......d0 Ear/ratigs li kof do- --pat Branch at Xenia.....(.. ---Jo •A - 31er. and Us .of .10....-.. per Brand:. at Youttgatmito-.-.40 ~. Gaut or Ikon tr. •e.r Citt tiara. Cinrlnosti., Jo .„,“ Bank of Natal Aturrisa...par (Nanniegtial ligeinsingiaildo ~_ Bank nlliorth ni.degnea.par Fratkalig Hank.......---.,. do ~,, ituiluif Pen Pra nta.....pat t lafaretto Bank —... \do lank rtf 1'..n0 ognship...par Ohio. LIG. Auk A Trant C0...g10 • Bank ut the 1.1 Led States IS Waetern 800.. iltink-.-.41p . GOZatiaarrlal It nk ti Pia-par Bank cif Magrlllon.—.-....da, L Harmers...3l. hartieglikpar . roan Sotea-,...... ,-.....1u b:. Girard Bank-. ...-_.._....par pan NEW ENI.I . ILAN D. i l ~ Kensington B. pay All solrsot Banpi------.1( ; dismal.... 31 h kaok--pat NKW l'tß.B.. -. ki.stattlo.tli k llnzainer,lng ~.it four Ounatry _ ........ 4, ..... .. aa . ~ Plulal,•lplua II no p.. • AIABEI,NtI. i. Southeark It K... . ... par Baltgonre . . , ..... .p e r .. lie.hert• Look ,ur, N.JENgEV • DELAIVAitI... Bank 01 Chain htr.hursh V All mulvant ta.,na,l ....., % Rank of Chaan.r.t.i,untf par Via,ilNl7 . \ hats of Inaavill . .,rof Agit of MO elk. ...._..', o 14111 of 1411',. t..1..-4.r..pa Virginia. itiriamco.ds,. Batik a . 1 .,m. , , (.la t l, pal/ _. . . k, , N a„..a . ar j a711..... i .p.,,,,,,.. .• , •,,,. • I \ '. ku1t0 . ( 6 ,:,.."r,.r—• • .‘its .- rt - 2,...:\?• h . rk.k .' Bank of 31 1 4,11ri0r, ~.. X North Ifoalarn Baal- - !,, , . tdonNeoturt, 1.•,1 Bans. Net Branebe.... .... ~.. ..... A. . , Gana nf Northontig rtarrt.l... NOEIII CA IWILIN A Carliitl. 'tank ... ' ai aa n , Sf f r , t t ar ' - '''' - liolunabik ilk Klirtig.Ci. par , Bk of ht. o h LAn.itsa....... '..! I," 1.,,, i7 , y, pant, . .. parr.,..i.ntetruti . llk. 11 j i s l.nina n . tartan .a... ..-.....nnzi err ant. azik, . errtsirn It , E r i,. thgz,k, .. N, • artIVTII ItAttlol.lN A. Farmer. 111. of Hu,. Co parMt of lb. 01- of,ll.Cataill. 7 Wannarv . lo. t 1 11,010aa1,4. oar Hank .t *4.11 thiroltna..... Warntsr , Bank i , llti.a.tifig i.or /Mk 01 Char:•••itait --.- .. 1 Vann iii. i.I,S. but 14111 titpar Plank•t.• a st-..laacire• Bki ~, , Ear a lin,r. a , a...tin Hi ti Ei 11,ti lA. I Frank Ito Pl. 11phIngt. upar Angus , I ro. a -banking Co ilarrirbura Bank_ .. X 'Bank of Anaugta........, ... litionsdair Bank-. ......... la 0k of Brumeick Anglo', 'I , Lancaeter Bank Par TENN KSAYE. Laticagtertkinaty Bank. .par All .open( 810 t..-.... • .... 3 Lebanon Bank par friENTUCE.Y. Linen' Bank Id-Putt...ill. it Mk of Kentiwkr.Lonterillii. t 4 • Mon.:on/tele Bank tatnlti. of ism i grlll .o'huretott N. w...1.i5r‘...,,,t, hank...... 4r,4 , ,1bk..-.41,A of Ktsutiarkt 1, • tl 144okmeLtktt.lt.W.,111L7etttatn:palrutht.te,iiVik.,.4,1iritttlekt I. u heti...l Nott.a... ... N. Ilk nf ,lli.la of 71 47 , nri..... X . Will) lI.LINOIS. 11410 .Stet.. look . . . .,, 5t.,,... Bank aw/ bratishre-D0 ftratkeh at Alma .. . it. Bank of 11 / 1 41A-. . ~. ;L. lloauct. at Athet... do WlSOuNtiiii. Uranclt at Ilrutpt,rt . nt. Manta. U Ftiv lot 1,1 elan 4 Itrar.th at Univ.:he ... ...to • • Illaallfi.lf.. litaurh at elsreland.. •N• Earrorni. liseilartirg 0.00.... g Branch At ..... ,in tist+rau•snt Sto4 Bank-- :, a Branch at pa,-tion 40 0 , 1intutlar fool. ~.. p' . itratneh 1.1.1...awara ...finnan/Ira tasnoaan..... . 04.11411ranr04.11411at Ca cl ltonloo..... . alorlata H , 7 7 ank.... .... .., .... 3 he.Eiran. , A.lll..anula tit , en, CANAL/1%. t j W lI I ZTEt: ..; '7111'...?..1,4 ..t. 1 .1...Y. n, 1 .... ‘ ; , ZV1 ' a .. ..1, ' .7: 0 '5 p t c, P Itraii.•li et itiph•• ... 4.1/...• of N t0ntt . ,.. 1 ....., 4 flr.ona-I, at I .7n,ant.all. ...Milani, of L ,anarlo. TatiltitO ii Itrazwl: at Odutubti. . Jol EASTERN EXCIIANGA. I', 1:.7.;',:t . :1`,..1P.,...r..........: • '1" . ''r '' .. r' ii . ' .. .'• • - -du t/L. l'lnladalphiatto... • Nj IA Branch At Lign . .A..ter. do,oo. Balniunro .11., .... ...h, I, Branoli at Stsutieur ill. . J0.`,4 itsTLEN YNelf A NIIE. ‘. Otan.-11 Si Si L (moon . ..121111(3.04“.1 . ~ ~. ~, I \ 1,, Itrancla .o. Ely., ... .. do 04 L...ii,.. '1 N Brunch al , prttortlidd...... do 1101.1•11 h 1 , +1•14,1 I, v.,.1,ut.. ... Branch at llarit•tta i - . . doiltoulittion..spaut.h. , - /thiAl at I'm, ... . . 1,1 do Itatrivt.. .1C•NO ''.. Branch., lgta-aulta. .A. F.l•it.. tit.. ... , in Bram+ at Norval". . . do Er...1.t11 . 1.•5i urt,.. .. • rat , th i1r0r .. ,1: at I:l . t."'''''• - •: -.. J . ,1 . ..,.„ . !:....- - • .. i 40 k Branch At Ravenna.. .......11/••httutid... .. . Lou iay Branch at Chillin.the.....do Nap.lsou: ,„ , , i., iiransti at cityaht,,,e. . .It.• PIN .1.. . •10t au Brsu•tE at Toledo.. . do, -" • - po •-•*. , fly the Yearagua feat, letters are ' mown , , I ' s • en.l opal ent, orermaent Dell oar re new I oil from N• w York to Siti Franeisco with u e-o ' il .I. i,4, 'd/.1& t et7... .d '....: '- ' --- n !' •l4 ~4 V '''' tl r rrurb at prt r ajrnAhl . dtdiall.l.l l (N it aPh•ti.. 0 kt,uP tat 1 !dings unit. exteo else tut even uttaglate•nt ; .dttte pert. \ , ig ,. .t . :1: ~,,,,, 1.::- . •- . t'' . r"" • •,=,7 . ' . „ICU , wale , are in course of constructi n. The I \ arge. t! . -,, - - - o-,-----..\---- '••• draw/11d 31, Pio...a dnolto,''''ni'• •• '. t . , . of these la . the tine hotel St the ,th,„.„, }A.,) n , FS .. 1 ;X ,,,,, 5 .,,,,, E :I I ) 011 „ jjl.o titllj e ts , t r t e. ,: t ' dr aw/ at /dnatule. .do ranla !dd. , . , t , , j urt, , , Itrtutl. , al ;,t.d•urrall- ..•A n t: - .1z . :, - ; . . -,.-. •.i, so the , the wit)ke marble front ull , hML, nearly tb •, - -,-.. — or. CO—C 50 big I.;ii 'd Tuba i •' 1 fi r t=i t ::: r3.0:,,,,,J0 .....tojnoto,o . ' 'J... 'kund.mt‘feetlioll g , la a noble room to Penn s l , t .„,„. ~,,, ' T ,‘ ,: 111 HI A. (...... 44 Nar..o•utua - ' A COI, Litntited too latch at Havanna -..ddil . ..,ttirtaddrrA , 41. , id 0, , SylAltilill ' Arena, It is tire toriea in height, Ci'l\_ 0 1 1 .;I::. F''„ l .'"i",,`"'.<. . 1.: i,`:.;:.."' ... Xl', tno ix anentht-tii e.+ with ii h. ii ' , el ere in ! ' igri- CI - I c,E . LI- 1 - --- s - 6k , ,i . 1,0r .a . l , t. _00:t516d./1 a ',bet which inn sea th talent. ' t N ', -ii-'1..... - _- ...i . . ----- Th, the. l"f le, ' ' '' il`r4lll.A.R--7 bit . Cider.lfoh hale , AggiwAys AND Dp,pANTDREs OF *Aim, the el det of the who', Corcoran Rig , the I' _ ~ _ . 'rm. YelSofelTi n , 1.. ion.", II•t d art....NIA and drparturrrtdt" ntanr ,ti•ettlll9 twilett4,,Lattio =tide contract. for b ild- . if - «&-u, Nt , . j.“--kNIAL T j gr j it . j•NGE , °°•:::;',,j'``,„l'L'',,,`•'"„,:,.°,,,',°,,;(.,°•T',` kt„,„,. j , ,,,,,,,,,,, jk ~ g ' , ever 1 tole dwelling 11 0119dx, whin rival i X 'an Itra a lantl i ia‘,. t 1 --. r Nea 1,0: Eaatt. tPutto :tot Nottn•rt , Part" n , ' , ‘Jr'•• nl' tuerutt. pietPlut‘oxi Clan urbau palace of t 1;...: ''''` -I 1-- -,- ' e' ' .' A 'eeKuliVl \ , ~ „„ Arr balatrarr, • .‘rtt Jar,. and ILA xis. Nutt Lapland teat, - I j j 1 • d , 111:risf. t.k to epr %,,,,,. ro. ~,,,t Th.. tlntad. 11 - 222 , 2222.92 221 1,./...2 I a1y2.12., No, 'masa, aad J Ftlt t ovenn ,' New tora: B ut t uts tate , mu u t,. ; \ \ _ r u e \__e • 31AcklA T , . “ j ...... in ).. .. at ; banana at 1 P.a ; •, " .ZatT ' r.7rat ..dt ur ' filtura.tll. and itulli , daya n bara, 1?: ,. . j I , l2ltllpie.l of et adianceutent our clip hoCtleen 1 ILTI-1.?..,1 - .T -•"rt lllllOl 1 ' o%' ' . " .tui il, "“' r i. ' , " •=0, ' ,.. 1 ' ltA t t r d ' , nl 7l ,C P:t.t d , I' e i, 7 .•:! ' ir ' rt' ! Making, liner the od)Mknunetrt of Congress \1 ' s,•C': _ ' I Tinge link, and part ...I 11, Idnuralantl. rla Lltarvtatr, jti,,„,,,„,„ . a s t AjjA , g,.,,,,,,, s,w At..aatatri a , and 1.41.1., bd , titi not rarity to mention that the roilroll I Ujkl„ ,' s\l, 7.: - eture ) n- d fi:tra t• tth •,,tua t dui .... dal:, at tit 9. 2 .12,11.1, duly At t ~ , ,,,,A tr, },,,.,, b,,,4 ~,,,A,,,,,} cr,,, 6 0 ' ~,,,.: I . ...1.,..7\ I ~ 7 SP, All TS.% AI '2. . ...2. sr•, .. /N-I:\i .Sibt. s l-.4, -- . 1. Mason Aeo • I : E.., -Ily Path,. Pw 31.•repr, Dawn, add J;fleralan j wit re the snobby lepot arot toe furollginp, to- ~ tandatra 11 99t.t. 111.1.1'5.1t . 2 A. 21 .12(1rt CA9220.2.1.112 i lte ,i,- .2 • . r ...., s - I A .. 1. 11 1 ,A? , . ,1 4 , . . t rat.> kr"r; !.-' Ar,,,..a•at itand &part. at tt A I: r 222 011g-r12(027 etetnerta. Were nnt pleasant -. oy ootysto , r , N ., _ __ __....._% i donrnra * t ' , ..7 , ) '''...."*".'"". ' , A '' TM fOnCIIT:On of the growing city, and a largo hut at I‘, Aillti--4411.1\kogs as - 1711 .. tv brarldi 1...,..t0.,, , „t0,,,,0, ,altl at 4 Attnittneland tduut, • 'rain,. t lardlaudjltalinnttd, 1 V...h....A o[l, 94200..... the NM./ tome tight and airy - station house hoe I - L 1' ,} h4e41.0. Int ''''"\\, kC'l .b 17:,8„I'd_ •ra ttlitd and Itlian.. Nat:aura, Inittola Trunt, t -....,_______,_,___ _ _ ...,,, ,taj t „j aj ,,, thAadtrj, Ittattaappt, Arkanat, Nurth Cana been comitrueted. • • '• ' Itua, Ottani, JAJniatana. Alta - WA... 1 Tararoallj. arnrra . 1 1.4 P I U I PLINS.- I ,l.luautt ul .guoclA at Stp, w. awl &rand at OA. 2, (2 i n en tit that the political: env!' tal or the ;I t j tar N ‘ rad ram.... •tt \• , ....6 _A_ A Ni z, ..4t1. 5 ( X . L. • i.,,,grr..,.11,x,. ~.....ii,v,,L,;,•i:,.,,,,...„, li„..... , , , tiiti . iitgi , ,,i t i United Stateo m destined to become the centre cr 14 I 110A.k03- 1.-;;11:0011 Ognlia,\ lino, ...cork', tioims4and 7 uw.rowtortnu la , t l + , "•dat , r 1 Laattion and luxury -for ,the Union, and , .itis I V ! t. ' " e th. ‘"f '' t'sn 'k'r,kf L e l ir, , sly i '''s - -' - - .. - • --(' '.,-- : l' N " ol7. ' V ' L l •-rt-x. ' ••••-'l7'l;':,:olr'.l':n.::k.n,d Taretand..,lthlo. 7 i 1/ow the point from which emanate laws that are ,,, E.Esw , x 4,-C,.EA,1,11,45_ . ' I ti11..°J",,,,,,1.,:;,'.."47,,„b!Nt'.z01e:t,,',,,1L,„,Z7',,.,,,,,tr11t„,\ 1 respected tliTughont the greeter }stet oft North ! j li , ,ijV k l ti1i,„..;,;"1..,,,,=„11,i,:71.... ~, , , , ,t;i7,4iir.,,tii, „ --,41.z.:44 , , , t,....; . 1., m. e H,,,,, another 'generation may look to'.lt, with ' " " r '',A h ,, , ' t• .'ALY, 1,:',,,Ft.Jtj',41-',,,.1, of tit,. Anstrn of India. and 'pinta, Includt. all Ili ' ti- 'th e , d e f eren , w j 1 id,, , ,,,, I , -. an had Coml,ol lled I 1 - i iii iiTelfh l / 4 .:11 - --, FeTe heap .711 gait, lutra, and 45 tanntrin. daily ArAIA.9 ..t it A x.: j parte tits A. at. _ _ ~ jin \past time. fortbriso decr,.., that - regulat4,llte I oe,lno ..osse .ro;‘,ln P.n._ Idtpwawbo lam, l'''' a ' rea '' po ' -', jEitYltila'ntrjr'. rlfirtnn=faa,S'A=tt.' Mr. ant4Pitien Of litb, and worn] Illt,ltlit t4c.,- . Et 4 i I'l ''" Pi ". l - \. !!. ' '''''-' • tr,,ii,vipLAll)-1{1111,101.3,X.N7ii Silt S---)lkk tan, m.l, j,e!',.'7'...,,"'!!,.,'".,'"'-, .;',l!l;,."'"V`''''''''''''''"' l'•• ; j 'l go ; whiith s ari the dtvjtiontlee r•`3l;.:,•;tit.°l•-•i:tivl:iti,.,-•1i,.it.4-4. 2 -tn.:tort., goners I: d e !' no' u .• . '7li At.e no olntn. Is , or•ao 1 ,1 .1 tooYa ott soot!, rine. Na t Itarlinar and Wan, Anil, Ttratclaya t I " civi li zation ~ Tlauadaya. a P 4 144 3 ,0 at a r W, etivo - to Mondays. , Wnlttralara Lon Ft - Walk. 7 t- at. Li TAP, CANDLE in j- t - vet - le itha br b ,k„,„, I A too' an ago they)berlin loontp.toaros es -'lt , - a.. - i },,m, •t,,\A , j B'''''''''. l .-"' .. "”RJn':lll ' ''''''' At i :l7l l P ' e ' r M a ' drJH ta bu d 1 the otbi„ a . Peach woods in Ohio 1 \ '-''' ''''" b' --J-'s'-'7-' 1 1--- -22- ' j• °usi Vtjt c 1 ,A" rd7outit " uot.:l,to 1. a. • • ' ''. ° • • • • ' ;'• ' LE I.F TUB keco—l hhtl4.nnd Nu .:. two- ..t.ar0a........33 "burlap., h i t Run. Melt... A-pm.; . 11 '. *'t too.g.t. by E..by . 'PM-Seen! , \plece I - ;,.. ~, • , eudi % all., ;./...tralothtow, ~. ..I ,lo t , tnwr , or 17,41 °a , " buoildn. lIT the catalogue fo ' r, the cument year . " " ' r -) -'''''.7- -', - t..,11-...".,;;;;,,.;z°41h:„3-ti',,,L'",;;,,u.rrlt'2l:-. 1 it appot , that the whole number of Theolo&-\.; I iNSEL'I.i 01 L -- , 5 libla . en'd. and 6,ri moi innikr. atrlThutptays j .n A a ' j cal stutletl;t is 22; College students-of 4ealop, N „Stbr,„ ' , soh:: , \,,,. , 1112122AX1. a.-Ity lcuL.4 o o tattle N4blaatown Caudrr. I . , i d .,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r. 0.,, ii c5,..,,,t_ t th,,,a, Krt,..,,tra.,,,,dit, 10,.. 6 JuntopJ, 90 phatnOreot 21, Freshmen 211, Teach- j viripilly (..!LA - 5 . ,..5--.3• uo I,..s.,,, Lß ie t i un . ~r.:Ella:du. Va. Ara untwitinctara and Thatralat a, At 10 A. x 4 1 nt, Departteent lc, Preparatery Da 1 - ,/11 _ n” :\ ''I ' l liI r ._,__'_"'_P - _,._!: 1w ', .-1 . ...„'gr' . C.r2r.: Ti h ,;::::",!!'',1,,t,,V.::,,,.. ti., M oo . I 21::. Four t embers of the College ,classcs`he,t IiVINI../RIF.S..-li bbls. lialerllts: • ; \____ lltJun. Fnttlttur:.trzat.l:a.!:n.l,..”...,.., rtrrianit nn . ing la.diett, Itte whole number or young gentltot 1- .., „ 4 ho j uv 1,:.;;;4 levesttet, tasorN. ; 8 t t 'l' 4 _t„ ~,,,,,,,,,,, Ndrth ' . (t ' 524.u22,22. 2 and 94.2211.1, .Illell 111 Ille 11l Zitution is '3:10. Feting (tptea ' ',.. • .• n 4,119,111(1.5). ',... Pa Amt.. 99,14 . ...( A A st., datartr on 7.1.411.1.9.7 -.2,2(222.22.___.f0u 22. r. h ; thi r d y rs , •th, woun d, , \ ~,,. , . md. tJattr flair: :tar _ j r t J at n A. SI '2l din PIN ' s ---- - 11uLb • J__ s ____ .1% tirat. y ." 68, total in four L"`“, . "'''- oo Ll ia l i ' ' ' ; ' ,::t t 'e r t rk . w A'' . ".." '',ri'.r." ' Ye ' .: A Ye4" cum'e. r i i' IIfTITE 'Z tENNA-100(TIEL. fort alo• jig . k o 14u. 1 oungd, telCreparatery course 9 1, , ,nre- .s ` ~,,.., "\ • ,E1i11,01,e6- r. ' l " ul ni Parr u t;aitta, Wutmal. linsalutaak. PriAta x ot. 7 Vhtuauwu dc., Inplullo, Warrpn at..l , ttattato',' paring for Colleg in College 4 ; total youtig I - ...t..-j.-.------.---: ----- -; - ---'- ----,--- ,k • 'count l . ,, AT11••••• tl4*"l--c0..r...--, -2,, ' , Wire L'44. To . ittlenta itt-the institution \‘' 'JACKED BU'Y'rEll-S. Mils. u - t 12 - r-.4.2 ..t mut d•part.. 1 uan• at. I .nontat. ,t . satothlas. at to o `o. 's I , • I t ' • '' . , Nj_ 'toe rah. tar \ tadtwlllorial. - 7 0 , t -0. It tor 0. Frot.• .., I.atttara Ltr 11,« dal!, matt' , mnd ta• 1tt't1,..•21.tit -...u.t--- --'. - "'-- '' .i ; 'tt2 1 1 --- n : t''''''T . th°', .. 4 3rg7t ' Ttt r A 1 ' ,... tan:7l. ' 4l'n= 1 ' 1) ,,,,' M u t i C '' ' '' . 2 ? “ . '• • --• BY w aY of En e n n , li IA: ASTEL-Sto's 'Pi if '• • ValitTir a:p.i.n. mt q.g.ace nas:nden . e ad t r onliCapej'alrana, j y\T Am.., 1 cau Pnttart ...LH.. core ... ° h a V ent= ',......._., tmattmjm. 1 t linen, to th e 19th Jul} The pitppre contain I 8 .. 41,4 POW., ''`.8 4 4 4 1 i1Z.T.47 , t7 ' . - 7 --- 1 •n. pita'''. o'sf ••• r 'll r, t., OW. liank.,add L' tar, Clitt.7 Stock. \ j the mournful inielligene. tat Governor Acute- I .jj ,\ \ ‘' • entitle revue. lult alta . res Slinneanta N ono, co=sset I i worm, the iniatigible_Chl ; fagistraie of Cape i . •".. ••\ j . , ..\ ,\ • -iiit.--;j,',Tro,ijon ••• r„ • 6l.lt j; • ' tot - l'onlninlla I .. , .., P A I MISS.,died on tlin I telt J. art This Ovent will t ILIOtt z? , ‘.-:Lc ijr,-;,-;,k, , .., j too - Nartlt %tat V . . Inn •• Irninnaadn. '‘, _ ‘, ,eithee much- regret in this co a:dimity, where the 11 . .;;,-, t ,t':,, Pa.ri.a.l. 1441th.] Sind:\ J IVO - tonad. ' deceased ' was well known ahti \tali:email,' es- "•D•Ti"lrUSettnn°°°2tme, IVO •• comae. •., ...\ 7. I - knot., ' ' .ne=ed,. lie was the fire; OiSirkor elected If- o '. '! ' - - \ ---,"" A ---,-'--;-,----.1-1 - It. blff. .. :J5O - Fire Marl. \tt ', . teP‘the ret=ouch of the Colony,\\a' filled the if s i .11 . E . Fi- 4 '`EN -- \ , 100 ti. /..°, B o ' .u x Tl ,o B : %ei-A: 1 ,, ' ' to gauss. , office with honor himself nod di t tire = tie. ' on matemmottm wad forma4At •111 rates. 0 • '. ,•.. . A. WlL4Ll2itt ALL Stwelt .• . .. Cotor Stock. \ • • lutp shares hlinoreata \ 1.., hetujmer - \ . 1,121111101 l , • 100 .• NOrth V$ en.t ..'. : DV .• iOO .. ' rone , 4 : Lei IVO .. coin... •. . ..' IT.: reka. , Fire reeel. .. \.. 60 .. Kira, ~: 4 i th rrir d ILLlMlT ' At ' X ' httrek IL' I g ..6 PZeVreilrar.. ', e= . ' Carter - Illakrikaul 'Mitd al , mt. s , • 1 1 _ . \ ' \ '',-. - • - - . . : . .‘ - • \', ~,, \ \ N. \ ' N , ~ . ‘, .. . • \ \\ ' \ . , . . • 1 \. 1 s . \ \' • \ .•' \ • \'' \ -%4 ' ','- ....-.:" \; - ''‘---t-..—... 7 .-. . ' -..% _....' .'" - n, . i - ":\ 's , ' \ \ t • . \• . \ . \ 1 . .... ~ 7x. . ..,,, ... '„ , 411.:,, . - .. , . -..-,. \:• f -.. ~.., ~....,, ~., any pretec4ti t i the Staithekk Office, in htdi am:ay.! iu pre. tton of the pen.4e of erec The Patent Imitatiob of this Allaimer , of the 'body o don whihh is entire litfttet posing front feet, and trit ecent 6y t her thr l mox P. 4 un Ithe 7 he, Nemo hie, hiAi awl n huwire, ,(awtatuer 0\ lb the rate or ;lb, erplehe. fd• want of f however oarri\ the !haft the wAk wlnac. which i:tree e noel oollecuon ceet,of bu in may odd hat around part of th de. 1=12=11! =O2 particular bau generation r, Not the .1 , att' , . • [lir RI and hantliluion i sightly elituil ti went. Tie ari Nor eire the tl feJer►l eicy,l of Om oltirenk ECM= teemed. Ile was the fire;.o, er,the forrootioii of the Colony, office with honor to himself 'sod dic factliop of the friehda of colonicadOt, limb of his death_l =ME oirersidly ea orelected e- I * , ;=.4 • • filled tbe IfEES . , .tire eatie• ' ar,ll AHD 01 JLI 1.D,Tt....,;,..11.trUtet.1.1,E V .1M --•