The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 16, 1851, Image 3

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    - :-110hIE NATTERS,-
ARGIL QUINCE. —We maw -yesterday, ti very
large 'notate, grown on the farm of Josiah Cop
ley, Esq., iu Armstrong county, near Kittattoinp,
which was by far the Unfelt we have observed
this season.
Itn weight wan 1 IA 3sir.
" Ciroumforenee w 12 . 4 inches.
thameter 4,1
•' Length . 4
~.. ..
Pursu cut to public notice, a respectable meet
ing of Gs, Citizens ...0 Vittsburgli nod vicinity
: - oontienest ot the United States Hotel', Isst sser •
ing,fo'r the purpose of making prep_aratione far
i,uniting wall our German fellow citizen , in px4 . -
in . g'tt suitable tribute of respect to Dr. Gottfried
Kiittel, who is soon ro be among us.
On motion, Copt. Thos.. Oviston was appoint.'
'Chairman, and Lynde Eliot, Secretary, when, on
Motions. tle following gentlemen were chosen to
make the necessary arrangements on the port of
the American citizeno: •
ben Wm Robinson, Hon Wm -
Gen•Wm Lathier, Chas Sttler, EN, v.
Hon Wm B MeCluir, . Jno 8 Guthrie, Eeq',,,;
8M Riddle RN, W W . Irwin, Eeq,
dept .1 B Snowden, EN,
eupt Tilos Owston, Col S W Black,
A P Anchetr, II McCullough, EN,
E 8 Neal, EN, • Chas H Paulson, Etch
J T Whiteman, AndEurke, Eeq,
TE Brady, • L Horner, Esq,
Jfiktonberger, Esq, IVm S Race, Eeq.
BrWilkeaa, Esq, .Inn P Glatic„Esq,
Thos 8 Blair, Esn, P C Slmincon, EN,
Cept Rota Potter, Simi Fleming Eeq,
David Reed, Ett, A 8 MeCalnatint,EN,
Citt . oution, Bcoolvcd, That the Committee he
remiested to 34ect ra the St. Charles Hotel on
jrlaurada'y (tide) evening at 7. O'clock. •
The meeting then adjourned.
and Ihr:Bank
4111 SHARES of the Catiiilll Stuck of this
-- x. Milk motif by, OV. A. HILL it CAI.,
—.... Stork and Exrhance Ernkrn,
ortuF,--ne .Stankholders of the Little
"..11. 0,. 'Mill Run Roil rmul Company toe herrhf notified
that the ~ .- o n, l instalrarot of u.edallmr. Nr .har,.,i. e,..
'Attired L. IP • Fmk, on or triorr the not dn of November
- ant, Owl a'atuillor Nrunutit 1.. ho paid each and every
thirty day! the”...l.rr.until the whole be paid
Hi order of the 11,ar.1 nf bract.,,.
ueltrlf • ALEX ..AItNALIA,. Tren-nree.
, l'Al'fi (..)1 , ,PENNSYLVANIA.
a the Court nt tkuntuon l'lrtro. No. a2” Terra.
Mi. .
. .
, ••11: TUE LATTER of the tkr . .plictl-
1., (lon of the members of .I,,, , etate
...A 1 . mlit torntr,l (Italic], of
_parneurttle. on Allogno
.oLiti;lot of
•[l - 11. 4,1a.t0 Reformed hm!. of 11nrotarfivIlle,
having bleu pre•ented 4.. and pern...ll hi the Court. and
the (butt laming eat ,, tully olarulnod eau' 1nct,131.12e114
and. It atuoowlng. tco the Court that the object. artiele.
OrMilintraA th•rtilt oe , t fortlr are :awful. sod Oot hot..
Ilona to the emutonnlty. nor motrary to the lave of the
Unit.ll Aturea thir.ononlen , frallto.
Tleoroup..n. nootich, of John
the Court
.ent,t to? hr blood to th , ..Ottleo of the Prothono
tary of eai.l Court, and m01t.... tot ho'in•orted In the Fa"-
burgh Wookly 11.1„etto and Pitt•burgh Weekly Pont. for
three trovk4. ...Ilan; forth the ato,,cleatiott too tht,o Court to
![rant nd.l Charter. of toeorporatlen. Ito the Court.
Flnto the Itouorst. 000. S.
or..2:3tvr:S Proth.afotary.
Stray -Caw. - 11 , -
IPAME to the reAdenee "dr the .subserther,
t 1477127,7 T.`:;`,`"-.`7o,l".trrhT,T - 117.'"1'7.1 t 7l i `
resp, oht—oo ['Make ' . The seam,
r...quealed . h., /IQ
lako r araT. eh. , er111.1,.. of ea ahr law Jo
MCI& . 1, ' , eta,/ AM ES BlillTtri.
Farm for Sale.
lOFFER for sale that well known Farm,
railed the .. .South Farr,' lying on Chattier's Croak.
nth Fayette town,hip. Alleghetir county. eight nail. ,
from Pitt•ikunli.ronrrni,ut the Pittalairgh and Waal,-
ingtOn l'urnpike goad. containing 102 aril, of which
It of the beat goalitr , ..4 ',mum land: the ny,lnnd to of the
bort. qualita, and all inal, anal fence. Limestone - m.l
Coal In abundance. T he litit , rorernrots are g Inrue. and
-rantenient Dwelling linty,. • Frame hank Barn. with
%.I:lDag. wagon rhV , . n 7rin crlbr, epring hnuw..and till
ed.lnaratte rr iZt and. i' A ' st Lrciotoin q rt Or biro Ta t e
Theta join noir) order. 2. well ialatitril Wr farming god
Intranning PUrrOfe, For further particular' , enquire of
the auhaeriber, on the pertriae,
.nep13,51,5 BOYD.
. • Farm for Sale.
APART •of the Brick Tavern Farm; on
the Illoantrine [hoed. about tywollibie from the ;to.
nounabela Bridge. ....owning &Lout fifty eon,. is coffered
for role In -; n shut porehao.ere. Terms very rest
'enable. for verticals, inquire atadite yrnalsose.
11 M.
' Administrator's Notice. -
FTTERS of Administration nn the estate
of Archibald h. N eaton. late of Eticaletb ; baunehith
tie Stony cooinatc,,hava oy.muted to the subscnber.
rest.ung an Seal.d.les tiornAlt. Westmoreland inantr•
Alt ro.nenus barmy, rialto. ...Alan aid e.a.te. are to
ontllattod tio priosent them it h out &lay tot settlement.
Bructur Tr, Westuttorelend co.Sep. di. mooddcsatti
(1031.11ERCIAL COLLEGE. corner. Mar.
ILI het and Third etre.,
- 0. K. Cualnitatini, Principe], and Pref,ecor of tie 94.
lor a n Pleanno,..tworiste ib DN.& KOSTIOR Department.
. d Lecturer on Merna Mile Science_
J.3L Purtnra, Instruct.. of Mercantile Computation and
D. Crotntt, Prnf,csur of Pennutanshilo.
A. 01. Warsoa. P.m, Letterer on Commercial Lao.
IL U. Ann., instructor in enmmerrial Lae.
B. U. Eru, Profseeur of 31.11.matics. (bight me10n.)3103.0. frofee.or of Meclutnial Drlllllll.
lectitutlort h. been recently improved and ertlarn-
DDfo y nns ., emplapo n eight
i Pr i z m frwno Tea d ct e ro.. tr .
--If t r. ...I aTc=7l-:"Lihntry ye
non Rat can possibly . noretr busimis
rrAr,f,"7:. .."`"."°T.V.,".Ate..
burgh Bar, has been roonoloyod to give Instruetkms (by a
aerials of exercise. and examinations ) upon all taunts eon.
necnodovrith this very important subject. Those desirous
of obtaining a 31.n:wattle Mucatton. an. assured that
Quay Ls pu Institution in this cernop nt the country puce.
Inc equal advantayes in Qualifysny ;0000 Men for the
1111i0SIdi of Mil,.
- Otrmeannicstiout adoiretaed to O. H. Cli AMBEILLIM rill
I,les:etre prompt attentlc n. ecollitceti
the hands of WSJ. h. IfeCLUlte.=l,,klent of the
urt Of Common Plea, in mW for the.sthJUdicial District
of Peottsylritnin. and J ostler of the etturt. of Oyer and Ter
miner, aml General Jon Delivery. In sad tor .ad Dartrict,
and T.L.3lillan.olut Wm. ilor.g,„l - I,....4,ociatoJtagnii
datedthe 'lnane Courts, in nal for Doi , County of Allegheny,
the .tth day of xptenitA,r, io the pmr-ofmor Lora
One Thornton,' Emit llomtr•Ni smrEifty-Dne.. and to to•-dh
read. for holding > eonrt of itter nod Terminer and lieu.
oral. JOll Delivery, at the Coin Do., in th e c,. aor
burnt, on clip ith Uonflity Of o,•tober nest. at Di o'clock,
• .
Public notice Inereb r Oren to all JuAloes of the Pram.
COMltero. tool 0n0.t.111...b. th e &bout,' of A I le.l.t.ny, Mal
ahr,r be. tlivn and them, to tn ,, r
rain' retortig. itinul...itioso,,xuulpat.ons. and ntl.4.r
• brawn, y/ .10 tho* winch, to 1.1. en. 0f4..
en, in tlipir Idol(, an,:a.r to 1,, tione.—nnanls....thuo that
prt,...xote the prifonerr. lintsow aro.. 00 may In, liethe
of raid County .d Allt.gisetty, 0' t Ern sod dom. to
' protente n4niti.t theus 4.4 II
my!laud. i l'attbterglt. this 4111.1.0
&Womb., A.D. 1na...1 nr 11, , . C.msnonvrealth tho :Mb
'oeig.dltwtA:ri CARTER 1111}LI'Dt.
• ..
4 ar i.PLICATION will be made to the next
i 4 , 1.611.41 re (we yrovl,l.l by 'Art of A,sembly) far of
_.,' Mr an . Harlan' Fuud instil anon i. for the Litocue'
, leetsuelto'hauls of Ihtniburall. Capital to be not tees than
$101,0 4 v. -any wore ~... S , ” O - 000 . • jells:artful:lt
. -The eafsot . amd moot effective reined> for WORMN
a Lou errr beep - rer•A
Cram It. iI.C4AI - 11W.. re.e..-Carrolinvills. Mississippi:
Nese.. B. A. Fahne,dock kC4t —1 hays lawn *Ali. YYSir
.Termlfuge fur three year, and rw Mr.. I lan., It has giv
en sathdartion Ines/S.oly. Our ph, el..a recommend it.
sad pare-bass It for too in their practice. ,
Our younzser. child.about mix rears age. of .. for ....... , 1
mouths had Nmptooss of clad. st short iuteratine.whlch
the ',Medics usually &ILIUM...DS by her mother mind to
relieve, lier eu &rings were terrible, and donna wenn of
the atlaele I thought she Would die. lat length gave thy
(~a a s e pta's.) a dose of your %,¢llfoice, which. spout
day aftersrarth , .ebroughtawuy isanet quantity of worm,
ud gas . " instant relief. About three months afterwards a
sluallasattack occurred. when I gave another vial of the
Vermhtuoc. winch ',yelled about be worms maxi Chu Is
q,::.f ing Perfect health, and under Prorldencesreqwe
rewovery to rot' Vermlfrice. Ii..II.CLAVTON,
, Lim Miss.. Jan. Z1.1.1/551.
For sale by It. A. Fait-NE:STU/ON a (Xl., '
, .
~Forndvbr It. A. VA ESTOCK a '
turner of Wnod and k•lirtl streets,
ial.forS t and br Ilerehan. generally.
Woodworth's Patent Planing. Idachine
CENT •tleciNions (Rea Pittoburgh Daily
Gazer., llay wt, 1851,) haeing fully and finally
itayatiltahiri all Ma dainut-of lbw WOOLIWORTII
the anbarsitier la rim prepared, to MI the right la uar
'llade - Machin... in the atu4 01 :ire gialki and In Penn.,, In the boom.. of Ilradgal, Craw lor,l,eliatou
:iLannuinr. Lyeamina, I.on.rnr, MrKean, Mercer, Putier,
' Pike. tiuga. Wayor.laarrra, and Si yoniniu.
Tblifuntly celebratia Marlianoraa latentrd onahv ti di
&trot' Lbr , niber, laigh, arid the pitterit. haring Icenln .
tended by .tidal act 01 Caaguie to the i.lO day 01 Derain.
hue, Diu, hai now fix yearn, onexyardurtu. This Ala. one oyentiou, rrdures to • thinkurie. and plan,-.
:I:;rxrp. l.
Faqi r ap6.ll,rdrpolaw,urep phasing, toping. FOOD.,
A., don, anrii,and blind /tun. ,
nod for atickiagmotddlnita
All kindauf planing are yerfuraird by It In a butt.. .IMF
oar, aud four Lunen ornrdltiouily and rhaaply. it lan
be done by any oilier Machine.
pica o. a couple. Machine for plating. tonguing,
Slid Fuming, la Durk Earia to 10/)0, vaunting to igte and
,naalttr, 'Fruni era to tea Lorre yawn" gill drive it. Din,
',Manna hitodruittai or ail the yuania lutalier wail In our
largo cities and bran, la row dre , si-.1 with Woodwortlia
Machines... Odd/ may sveu cnuitant oreration la tlai
E .
pria gusto Phllsolriphin. Non Yark:
Albany. Troy, name. Luca, ibiliava, Dunkirk.
Du.kinrb Sri., Dittrburgh.
tilliaoo.l3inglisundr.u. ~
Woe ainglr right to trai tbru hlanhinra..
which all h t, ru car anaiinvit ugrnivir makaigi or on.,
apith o ut righ In any of the abouloo.intlee,apply to
oliN al.Bell.N, Planing Mlle.
• . .
Portable Thrashing Machines, Separatbrs
. and Co7.Shellers,
'-:11V-AllItANYEA"to bo thoroughly built,
;Ind to work well; made and sold by ISASTLAN,
• C tltOto. ort.d. Stioenlwrzer'w 1.0.1 Peon
atetet, Putsburalt. The Thrubing Moen.. are brutal
- oc„ilialpin aml.rotan.t, are tautly removed from plum , to
Lowe and mar be kloral with equal conventen. in barn.
Osldf otwlilue roe tlubtxr. thrash,. faster.. mak..e
better wort. More than v.t.i of therm low tiumailet In
the Western _tut, and es loony &tat of the Yoon.lrw.
Haar of them , havo thra.di. Irmo SO tn 100.01. burLala
each; lasi, no 11..11 - ,1,01 trial, the; hare trwo monNotnNtule
c 4 bethaOS 0110 up. lilt.. trial,
be se complete. and to wort
SN wdl uaccr iv the world.
h 0
The nays Patent, with Bast/area bolero,.
• :mut. and trattarlod to the Thirstier...l eornaleotty so,.
MGs the arse , awl chaff from Store in, and has olveo
entire MAW Lion Whruerer tremor It tokill_but Ilttie pow
et to run It. and eatt attachwl to any Thrattilow Mx
. chine rightwd. The wlv.ttenre also have the right ot
MIIInN for this Separator Co the SWAN of Postalii.
Tallis and Virginia, and all wnali 014.1100 e States-v. 11,
Ohlo and east of the NlLui.ippi river. and alltof the
B.te of OW, eicept tlae tall talon nt reumbullatot 0..1110
u bl
Th r eVarn Sheller ie r ltnat'a Patent, and le ant nf .. .0.
'brat to tow, bring elleaosud not.llt4y. to Net out of order.
• We have beta and vetalio, the. Machin.. for
,thirteen yawn In the city of 1111.4argla, and have Cold
treat number?. and her. hat an inelanoe oemarrWl whore
. they bay, Solt Oren eittineysti,lsetion. •
,s,.s.sNing will reet,ll . x.flan 16a Slethimi sdrstt
accununul with throat:lona how to alt it Iv operatloo.
u,—AU clacttio,clrhrrint,l to R.ll, wrll, or no salt.
, . ..sdalartf".6
,ALEX, FOSTEu - TiT - 4
,t, Atol4 - 6,1i;
. um . St l aw , N o . i 7 F.s
orilk sat Market
[taboret., ..10,11•”1.
For. Bale Low forCazai, ------
11 „11 mnplete and towly nem, haTing , nua APIA/ at Ltd! , nChulbrviMat.
accreto ST 711. TELEGRAPS L. 1117.
AIL IMPORT/CD YOR 7115 P/TT.817111311' O.CTSZ.
Nan . Voss, Oct. 15.
• The steam ship Atlantic, arrived at Gi d'clock
this morning; having received some daniage to
her machinery on her voyage. She brings 143
The steam frigate Mississippi with Kossuth
and his companions on hoard; arrived at Mar
seilles on the 21.1 th Of September, and sailed im 1.7 fa, and.
The ltomaa Catholic Defence Association com
menced action by issuing an &tithess to the Ro
man Catholics of the United Kingdom, declaring
their hostility to the Ecclesiastical Titles policy
of the Government; and calling the Catholics in
to organized resistance to byth the addresses
signed by Dr. the Catholic Primate of
Ireland; and Mr. Keogh, Secretary of the De
fence association.
The sub•tharine telegraph was brought into
complete and attecessinl operation, between
France and the English coast.
Lt♦ImPOOL, OCt. .1
Cotton at Liverpool "on the let instant was
steady, and prices unchanged. Sales during the
three days preceeding the sailing of the Atlan
tic were io,tfoo hale., of which speculators and
exporters took 4500
Flour—Pricid are Old higher, and in demand.
Grain—Corn is one shilling higher. Wheat
has an upward tendency.
The money market. is inactive.
The America arrived out on the 28tb.
LONDON. Sep. 30.
The mnritets are in a very inactive state, with
trivial tfuetuittions
Raitime Ann, End sustakeinheir retooLad
entice. British hnil improved considern
hieSill, last mail Console had risen 4on the
27th titi the 2nth it tens still further: on the
30th it closed
The closing of the Exhibition remains fired
for t h e It th inst. The Commissioners gave it
formal notice on the 2iith. to Fox and Hender
son to have the building removed The notice
however, is not conclusive as to the fete of the
building. but was given to keep the powers of
the original contract in forms. Its actual fate
will lig probably remain in suspensor until Par•
liament aiiimultles. An impression gains ground
that the building will be removed from the Park.
At Frankfort. and all along the WPM 00001,
gales or tore ur leas viiiletico, have occurred.
doing serious damage.
(treat prepared°ns were making throughout
Great Britain in anticipation of the general elec
The Arctic Expedition under cuminand of
Capt. AustM, returned to England without mat
log any new discoveries. The return of the A
merican vessels Advance and Rescue,was hoown
in England by an arrival from Greenland •
The extreme excitement in Madrid relative 'to
Cuban affairs had diminehed, and the Spaniards
were taking greater :-interest in home politics
The execution of. Lopez seems to have satisfied
Despatches fromthe Spanish Minister ai
Rome announce the conclimion and ratification
of it concordant treaty with the Court of Spain,
and the execution of the letters apostolic. ,
The Assembly Nationale treats the speech of.
Lord Palmerston. at Tiverton. with much sever
ity, accusing him with insulting the Continental
Government's by charging them with preventing
theirpubjects from deelatrng their political opin
int., and thus inciting them to re•olt' against
the Government.
Letters from Rome state that..-the Pope has
pardoned the individuals convicted with having
maliciously destroyed the carriage of the Car
dine's during the revolution.
•The dealt). in Belgium are progrtiog fe
orubly for the 4torernmeut.
Austria has again manifested her disappoint
ment and blind folly, by causing Kossuth and
many of his colleagues to he hanged in effigy at
l'est.b. The ceremony took place in the pres
ence of a large military force.
It is expected that ltitl sentences o f , por„ons ,
whose salts had been going •on, although they
had been set ht liberty, will be published on the
• The Emperor; accompanied by Generale,
ieited Comorn on the nrd
Ras been on the point of n political cried, Re
bid Pacha's power wee tottering, and hie cue
•eseor was already talked of.
By Overland Niel', we dates from Bombay to
September Int. The commercial news, is favor
The outbreak in Cashmere has been euppree.
Great quantities of rain bad fallen Seindi
and the Banjouh, causing ranch ,loco of life end
property. •
Frauds to the amount of. £7OOO sterling had
been discovered in the opium department ry Born-
An expidition wk.+ fitting out against the
Arabs round about Aden. '
The Cunard steamer America arri veil here this
afternoon. She brings three days lazeri new, than
the Atlantic, being to t latnber 4t11;: - ;
ThiQAmerica bring 10S passerigcl.o
The steamer Franklin arrived Ai Southamp
ton on the morning of the 3d
Cotton—The market during the week had been
dull at a slight decline. 'Chi: sale, for consump
tion had fallen off considerably. Nliddling qual
ities are nearly one eighth loiter, ordinary and
inferiorimalities are much neglected. The sales
of the week amount to about litlitilio bides.
fireadstulTs—The m'arket.iur nteady,tlith a good
demand at full prices of hsst week. 'f.lorri
fairrequest, with light stocks. ..Prices are un
changed. The 'Den:listen Circular quotes
Wheat at hi, and flour nil advancer during the
Provisions—Have improved Pork, is scarce
The market is cleared of bacon, ar o shoulders
are dull. Soles Lard at 62s td cwt, With light
stocks, •
Groceries—The trade in Molasses ib cautious,
narbadoes is quoted nt 138(d>138 tid. :Holders of
Sugar are anxious to realize, and prices hart
receded WV cwt.,
Trade in Manchester continues good.
Beaver county—The Democratic I Associate
Judges, Sheriff nod Commissioners are elected.
The glance of Whig ticket elected by small ma
jorities. Bigler's majority is 30, and Seth Clo
ver 100.
Erie Conoty--Johnston's majority 1450. Ile
loses in the city but gains in the townships—,l2
townships heard from.'
IVayna county—lntfive districts BiLler gains
:230 over the vote of 1840.
CRrbon—Entire, gives 550 majority for Big
Behtrylkill--Biglof a majority is spout 700.
Northumberland—" Majority for Bigler 000
Clinton—Digler's 1 najority 250.
Wypthing—Bigler'.a majority 400.
Lureine—Majorit y for Bigler 110 C.
' Montomery—lti!sler 1000 to 1200 majority.
Montour—M.njor , ,ty for Bigler,4oo. •
Philadelphia to' anty—Kensington gives 800
majority for Iligle r. Bigler's
. majority in the
county, 2150.
PhiladolPhia ci ty—Johnston'a.majority 2700.
Columbia—Majority for Bigler , All.
aistri'cts beard filom gives a
majority of 500 for Bigler.
maj. 700.
Soaquebana. and Wayne--NlajoritY for Bigler
Wyominy,—Bigleee conj. 218.
13radfora--Nearly n tie.
Moort)e--Msjoriuy for Bigler 10393,
Bucka—Bigler's ,majority 300.
NiontOnr- —Majority for Bigler 481;
C.:halter ohnato a's majority 1,11}2,
Oft. /5.
On:en county.—Partial returns lindicate
grea'ay reduced majority for Goyernor. Thu
Whi g county ticket to elected by Ft reduced ma
jois.ty• •
Itichland—Giyey a . Democratic lnajority of
Ban:oton Wood's majority 4000.
• Piekaway—This county gives n Imdll Whig
Cuyahoga—This county is Dernecnatie for the
first time in twenty' years.
,Erankliti—l'arti al returng indicate Ith e election
of 4lie Democratic ticket. Woods ,majority in
Leona 100 to 200.
Logan county—Vint majority is 50,
Whole whfg ticket elecf+L
Montgomery—The Democratic ticket is el: -
ed, excepting for Repreeentative.
Preble—The Whig tiOtet iv elected, ere pt
Probate Judge. f -
Dark—His supposed tolhave gone Democtic.
Miami—The Independent ticket is suppe,
to be elected.
Butler—Has gone Dein crattc.
Greene—.Vinton 500 co, lority..
Ashtabula—Whig Representatives probe sly
Geauga—The Union ticiakts ore probly elected.
Tuscarawas—The Democratic ticket is pro is
bly elected.
Fairfield—Woods' majOrity is 1,500.
Licking—Majority for 'Mood 700
'Portage, Lorain and Medina have elected the(
Democratic tick.
Clinton—The Whig ticket is also elected, giv
ing Vinton 400 majority %. 3
Defiande—Wood's majority 300. •
Muskingum—Whig uMjerity about 700
. Starke—Gives Woods a majority of 300.
Lawrence—Democratie Judge elected.
Coshockton—Democratic ticket elected by a
majority of 300 to 500
Ntadison—Whig majority 550..
Pickaway—A email majority for Wood.
Brown—Wood has 450 majority.
Very few dtlicial returns ore yet in from the
State : as yet only half this city and Hamilton
county arc aseertained. Wood is undoubtedly
elected Governor. Igothing reliable relative to
.It le• Legislature.
We learn from the Jacksonville Flag that the
trial of the steamer Pamper° is progressing at
St. Augustine, and is exrecteti 1,, tact for some
The Government ilea sent to New °Genoa - for
evidence. Iler char, have been sold by order
of the U. States Marshall.
Sol.'1111:11N CoNVENTI,,\
The election of ineinl.era to the Southern
;Convention took place-an Monday and Tursday
last. In the nth District Atkin lay I
Porter, co•operative candi.later, Were electtal
by 1,452 majority
I 0.
\ Westmoreland County—BigleCit majority will
not rend, 1(410.
Coulter leads hitt ticket 200
It AI Litt hk it 9Ultttcttl lfli Olt 4 .
Belmont county. Ohio, goes .rung fur the
railrowlsubacrlption, probably 400 ulsjority.
IVashingtou county gives 1,50 41 .00111 y For
the subscrtption to the Ileinpfield Railroad
At• v nN r. I:,
Twenty prominent citizens arrived here 'this
afternoon in charge, of dlie li. S. Nlitdriall; hue
leg been arrested for treason in being - counecteil
with the escape of the fugive slat. at Syracuse.
They were admitted to hail in s2,lPlil each for
their appearance, for exanduar . intro .Itulgo
Conklin, to-Morrow.
A fire - broke out id the Orphan Asylum, and
destroyed the entire building. One hundred and
fifty looys" were in the building at the time. a
number of whom jumped from the Witlllo,
Three bodies were found, and three aro missing.
Several of those who were saved were burned
and ntherwioe injured.
Sew 1 etta, Ont. 14
Cotton—The market 161/111/, .cl nothing of in,
portant, cluing.
Flnur—Sales .4000 litils at it:: 00(4,1 for Ohio
and state.
Id - ruin—Whom is neglected stye is held
at 71c. Corn is dull, with sales 171/Ifil bushels
at fiva.fdi c for damaged, and fiti(4,l;7c for
I•rnvisinns—Pork is stSaily,witti soles Its/ Mil..
at $l5 95 for mere, eind.sl3 ,O for prim••
Whiskey is nominal st 31c.
tirocerie,—Stdes 100 bap St lortt inc.) entice
nt• 7i; 100 Ws orlenns tuolaneen at ar tolt hit.
Niuscovado sugar at
Hemp— Selen ::11 tout dew rotted nt nt I:t3
"t 3 ton.
Spirits Turpentine—gale. et 3Se "e. gnl
Tobacco—gales 100 hilds li.eaurity nt .1(., In,
11 lb.
.Sto3ko- • Eri• 5u15,tr.,..1 R.adirig 4 ; Cwt.
ton 9 U S. sizes 18.7 t, 1: nod Morrie e3lllll
t•txrinn vrt. lbo 1 ,
Flour—Sales .t $.'., 178 for ordlnary brands.
Whiskey—Sales at la 3-86.•17e 13. n•
Bacon—We hear of onles at n further dcettee
but the particulars nre nut reported.
Cheese—Sale, toil boxes nt ale Pt Its
Groceries—Sugar 111okt:ten and coffee ore
quiet,, and without change.
NEW ORLEANS MARKET _ ,Kf 1 r rt, I . OA, •1,1, L . L14i1.1 , i 1,•,, , 1.. Ciriielfend.
Nnw Oann.tron trot 15. ! lIA :•!-:F NU A US 'rave i very mortittnt at 9
Cottno—tioud demand, with sale. in hist three ! ',,*:,,,, , t;1, r '„','..?1, 1 t„'",,,`:,',., 1 .1 - 1,',:1.,:!'r;::: i :2„,t7,7
days of 21,009 bales totildling at 7r , . Isirtf:ilo....l to t'lovoo., ,I
PrOYisiono—Alerri pork is nominal al $l, 1 1 t!, 1. , ,1 ,::7, 6 ,,;',7 .3 .1'..;;, '' '''' 1.. nor. t, . 0 . tioisix
Salea of prime 'aril (in Mils) tit 'lr. .
El t i tt r_s,th. + obi. at Si:l per 514 eltr3 Zq 1
' ' ' - ' ' ' C r.' ili h ( !. i N NATI,
Louia. ~,, n.Joionio so.l %... !,, C...-1.1..1 610 elnrianuil
Bart:in--Hides 11)11” Ili. Ahoulders slc.
Aliilli,ries--- The fiat lot of noti inolit;ses sold ! ci ,":7!;:',',.'l lr ',.;.Yr !;;‘,;1:,`,: '.: - „' l l r "";;;,"e,'Z i l :,,',,ll, ' „=
ut 9.-Sr per gallon r I .t•Rtrier• ••, ,p. tp.. 1. rar, 1,1.1...4 cu it, 14Endt.
The granter Vit., netive•l free: St I,mill I 2:::: ' :; : r7ste11 -.1i1,••••11111.1 Itt CiLl.,..t, I, •onttlt.tat
• matt. gt lotto. ..zul omit to, 'tit I- ttt ~,,, I mut•tttutart,
CI,NILIi I, a VAL,. I . l•••pro.,[x. •
I) R. ' , I:R : k , SI , ( 'S 51:truet .• t!itt i l i t . n i e , T ,.. - . 1011 ?
~,...,. ,
„„,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,„v,,,. K ,: :::::: , ..• , .. , 1•: „
I)i' .1 . T ER - - 1 1.111. and :2•1 kegs ler sale i.v i to .i •
sir.,•-ro, w
t•f ritt.Zrlel3.l si . j.l:yitrtg:
14 17 „,T.Z . ,,,
ID ROOMS-75 ties 1,,r mile by
I 1 "''' . u , t 'II .11.111,51,, .:
rztsfiA ; I
S 5 I • •Natli
I , , iIEESE-100 Is,ses Cresin t
•• owes... ler oo..• .t t .
t , N-I()N LI NE
'' '"'''.'-” On. the Pennsylvania aqd Ohio Cauals.
8 A I.ERATES.-s , ..ts , sem. V1(..141L1.41,
CLAI•he, 1,1:4, , y ei, . . .11,••••(..., 1 . •
. 'l..'
i " ...I
r . t ' .'
. 'a
. 1 1:1101111:1:1.1 , .. Cit I. !Milo • 0,.... Czln c,,,4••,0
' '''''"., 'VMS well knowji Line i. It s w prepared 15
1 AKE Flsll---;, t,61.. Whit 4, Fish: tssusis.stfrel4ili 11/Pi ••••••••,.er. fn. 1•177°Ittl:t.11
1A - 1 2 ~,,,.. ~,,,,r , „,, ~,,. 6 .,,,,, r ..,!.. I.Er .E.I.ANi, to , 1 , .. cvi att.l .., l"kr , 7,
• . , • ,
J ,
ACKEItE L-7 bbls. No. 2, for sale by
I reps J II 1' ANM 1,1.1 i.
lax:prime W. E., for ode
JA3IL. IJALZOLL, seer rt. -
NI AC for
k All/LASSES.—
ht.!, prim.. N. 0 Sugar.
1:ro 01.1.. N Helve.,
IroIL fur rale b,
J A 110. , PA LZELI, 1a tlater
POW!) SULiAR—'SO bids. or
‘,..) rale b, ;repel IlUllnitl lair. a 1 NIIIIItA SI
I 1
. MOLASSES-10? bbls. Omahas' s; g ? . tj if" l V sr;..t. by u INJE i`.ll‘N
BROOMBROOMS-170 doe. Corn, orf sale by
sq.!, N wif bIeCANISLIOa.
x Tatar (, • utlery.l , l‘.... of
e -kouln Lamp.. tilraedeler, Gar ChauJeliry, liateher.
Jr..4r,,Milmol.eas ,Perlr,
. Trimming. , of tiold and Hive, Am.
le WILIrroN.
U' rl7ll ' Al l l . l ' i t g. ' l ! . ‘ l u ; rr"‘k
sera . 115. r mei Front I/O,s
:QUiiA — lf- 1 711114111. N. 11., for halo by
J 11. c&Nelst.n.
5.43 u 1 1 / ... ! e r
'eft Orb el home manZfreture, at the 4 lTsrert 'r;garteb
" ad ' hfrh Sr
Menet rt. bear Marten.
n„px UGA R-75 lifols. prime N. U., ; r sale by
-I ..em PUltllltilaik: I IN.; AN A
.10101 V DER—A large supply of Hazard 11111,
ha" .tV. L'ill!','01;4171!.r""
LA Letelen Cap anti Letter P. T .err, blue situ ereatn
um be bad at N. S. II AV F.N.S Paper 1% a rebeibre.
...Av. Marla, a1..1 ggemnl fits.
. LIEESE—fih boxes,on 'consignment no*
landing. for wale by ISAIAH DICK Y CO,
nap', ater Front aDt.
COTTON —4b bales for sale by '-
VC• 1111 . 00 Y .
14 Vmnt
g OFFER-100 bags Rio, for sale by
W INDOW 1/ LASS-300 bx..;
For pal. by • BEN N ETI I : . 111?11.1tl~f Pig,
rook Front at ro,, Market
rikip IS A C CO---41.1 kegs V
s s. ,, T w w .ir, t ;n t , s . : , l.l , :!by
A N ELECTION for President and Five Dl
rt-rent• of the Tentotorenrorilleand I•loot
/“..1 Cop.pany, will lot hold no Xlootlx,. Ihe .1.1 dot t , t
,rutto, next. at thr how, of SAXICEL nit 1411ort,
xxtoott, Itotweon 1t,.. hour. , of 11 end;. Wenn..
For Sale or Exchange,
LAND. rOule.l In I.r, Torrorbio. Wr.G.nomluol
oty. Prourylrours
111 r proprrly ts.orro by tbr nava. id no , - TIMM.:
SPRINGS... or - 1.1 , 3:1: AP rod - GREAT 11F.A Carr,
ritu/GoG lint tho Itraln.rd. I: wit/ Le dirt... 4 of
togrthrf, hi rale or barter tortrot , r l ) G. It.. 'Litt vf
tr-K4l, in, mattn,. Inn 11.1 Go
tam. atol but a marl ourq ulll be
No. 147 Pita. AmPt.lnurdlatAy opoo.Gr {he. Co ur , 11„,,,
sod G:74l•ACit
rhy..A drocripthr Pamphlettorwardal, 11:14.2.,0ther
tokmostlno ,Grtu. to ePY PrroOn draing o 14V opphrrrt,o,
t a roan, sal pnwaynag taw communxstions.
or JoieisTowN. ~,,!.
i , :s I. FALL ARRANGEMENT. I !.. , 5I :
Pr , Insyii , un , I !railroad and ExpreAs Parir4 Li..
.11 MEP, I: .Irtra V13:414,,en5a1.
`•r ,,, . + ~, Pt .. -, {ND CULtOIMALI IG•eri v.
Two D ' y Lines Express Packet Rpat.,
On and! after )lauday, August '2sth, the
Pnekete of tap. •tll leave Pim:burgh rur Lacknort
rrrrr mornlna at S aielaea, awl ever,
Mtf„r 14a
tbnam4l,. Forty 11„ nr , b - ill ,
114 thl4 ne arrunnement paniennera tbn ,„ l ,l, SIX
FR than brytfory.lbetna twent, notes ley+
vanal travel. them on arrival at l'hiladell,bia In
pr••44l or, V„rk at our. ,
I ,,, Witalla FOR ItaI,TI3I,ORE
ate the and Cumlb•rland Ha:II-mid. at Ilarilatmrg.
',dam, • lnltty•lnur bon,
11.1.4 , 11,b,.. $lO. Fan. to Baltamor,
lanrayter Vi do Ilarnabiarn
It travrbna and comfortably revommo
dlane, rwmare ,t,ur lick... a, the Tirket lahre. tlnnenave
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Or of 1.1.:ECII & CO.,
Peun awe
Melleury's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets,
- • • •'^ •
„Sal linotlm
th n tritltt" tt
•• SII /1111. 1 .!. k 11, Wm. ....nitorr.
Kl'll.ll l l,
•• 111,1 r Mmter
" ll 'ls .131 A /A. 1a..w.111 W kta..ter
hum ti“. mkt nm..l roklay
Aka t r. t .,,t,t, 'bp.? pk....t.,
inmaa Ara In,.
i1m..1.1. nua arr' k.•
far ctn..' Ito rr ana /Itmentrm:.
Wm, 01......,11101.1t1,10,11,, 10,1,4 to.
arg tit...T.11 , ml tom 11.t .. .r..,...tirt5m. tht. tamitkt twttlt. ,
lk rwal. ..1 111.tir lewmak 'rum (We Old, at. tatottag, k. iota. will he
•11/11 a, g..... Ist 11, ham. *nal
leruipla uttl. au.]
telkatt. to their Mmartur..
I 1• ~13i `t I t
I 4rt u rtwrn 00
Ow Is n , ll rtrt. ,m, i t f, Epp),
~,rt I
,t,r ‘4lll 1.. ettla,l
1 , 11
17— I,rra.l nitl, I It. ra, 11 1,1t.vram , .., aler atal via.
aoao. uad .11, wall., .4 . La...agr and taala ,, ara
trla. SlellEN1:1 111.
It 1 ,‘ tr., 1, *
1 . 1,11 a t•.l
O ~ c.,r r ‘SpOLI
185 I . aamf
Via l3rnwn•rillc mot rumberhind, to Baltimore
wd Phila,lelphilt.
rill' E NtoiININAI IioAT leaves the W h arf
*Ns,. ryn.
...•tle•L: • ni
1.••••....“: I.•xerL•l
r. , •..1.• • 1 ulallarL•no uval.
Tun , tn, .1,11 r.. y 10.
Time t • 1,11.0.•1{.1.••• olf,r 1.10
Thr .. r,.ov gg/ with
eutniwrlttoul. kh,li
1•••-..1.-.11v lb. Ir.( ',wt.. Ea.,.
1 \ IEnIiIIIEN, Agent , .
„,, .27 tn. Nittneddodinin
f 1851.
v R 011.1.11) N EW V ) ( ~3
Dun it •TV. stt.i 11. Ern. ft ntinintl. rtionentini: .1111
dr.t tntlin-r• .in 141 nu-, ift..
nit I 1 . 1r1 , 113r,{1 Cit rninvid an l'airloirnL. and
n.ludi.t anti rinninnnti liatlntatitt. nnd stnnandt. en tin.
.i„.. n n,l nnti inn chin. Intlinnin nntl
. .
rn siNe 1.1. ‘% N Irl %Ii 11th An igILIAIIVS
tat •
11..rtun: I gam..
1 br MRLI Tr .t. n.llrn.. • h..n. yaraennwr. can
•Irn nar arriwlng in New
n‘t .1 • I. r 11...1.1/..11..1anna.
1.1 •11.,,'
Fop,. I' rwsvist ....END Train ...ay.. Dunkirk At
Ail la,A Car t. At tArt....l to tin. Trwin
winninwinin AI nq
t rn.u. D. w 1 or 6. Clan.
nr-i;•rrn triin,,,l rind, and
all Lunt , it; nun (r. , .,. N•-i. 1 i.rk •
I'.ftl..lklrkr n'ill 1.• in i•tor.k. 71; , i naug.
n lin,. ni••4 /hip .nivituta,n °tee
tin; triin,,,,itinti ni
1,1•111.1 tri r.krarl mit.inipiinn in •
r.,• ,•111 Tilt. will 1•••11.irilni,I. &riving Mil pub,.
ni nno
i ti T tbri ran
I Xi . nny't
n .11 I ist,ll tNi. P.A., •
113.51. WESTERN
PITTSI:1! R(411, 11111,ADELDIIIA, iIAT L I
! T HE cm,„,,,,e
in iz in
d.l prod ord..F. we an?
vrrrond Ltsoroorl. o. noor:rolo.rr
~,, I, I,- Irot•
.•rr. sol town... ta— proprra.or BP. oorruerroto po,orpriy
IlAl'tl BLACK. 1 1, 14 , r1.41,t - h.
• am‘i hrehrt. Pit 4Lurch l l .l . h , t i.L . ll ; ' ( ' :
Dh.rk 1 1 1.11,
,tlll hi 6 I:AMU:CI .6,,tht•
I•rAtth't.. or ell
sh hhol , 1
s 5
pirrsicunim ANI. •
Azul ..+l. ',lt ~, 1 mileh qul
VAL,. .•.,pnel.,
inenie , ...r nee lon ere ourstroe.e.l,n
• 4 . 2,11•411,
I end
On of Agent,
e Ite," 1.-o•r , ',oho ra I, no I Clevrlnn.l,lAily,rnhinnft
eenneenon n oenoll•Ade
REMO /I An,l Ill:A e,.1 1.,0e nr• elnee,atrlonhoAto
(propeller aka,/ •r•Aele. o•
(propeller am/ •roeelo. 000 :be LoI., . • Now lona, lON'S'., 141.0 t
1 . .. ,, r 1,2 t., .- Sly Dear Fir—About two tea, so , to, hair 1
l'orl • A C.•. A 0un1.... to. 4*: _ rem* otit ot ii.ost .1•51. nd my hoed •ao ~..t.nb.....4 •
al It To, I. .r 11 orresi.o I. ; a ith devotion. I war , told lot' friend to. tr, woe loooliee I
I ona noel I olid Poo, and to. ray astonoelituout., to, Ifialr a.
nretoioo. no. onion . o Arial. nostril. and all the dandnill dieappl....l. .ntho
111,ton A net . Ito, ont, i 1 head now rho.. ton doily I
hono, ...nal ACo . 1 ratoliitn.. • lush ...led, I Ann your 1.6.41 enrol. ,
11. A 51111er. yu,nloono 1.11..1e . o • i - JO 11111 IDU R1.L.14:1 llnniols•Y
II oa o I.oly or grullrmati A..ubrr the .1111 01 the.
Ilondorono AINI.Anno. rootoln•lir Coo, II , atr••• . the, • 11l plea:. mil at Proteoner A C litatry'io olbroo,
I I, Ilroadea,, Now York, viler. b•. 111 '0.n.0. the one,
11. It illiaron a C... 1.1,11, Ylielogion. tial let.,
to 000mni, A Co., N111.,131., Ili.,
1., A 1/11,11 A I.No. Chicano. 111 ,
~,,,,1 1.7. ,,,0 trit. h . :
, A . 1 ( 11 , ir : :::: .u 2:::: „. A r. .21 ,,
r i it :
, 1:::. , 11 ,.. , I::: r d b...„
- o O. I. in Hole elitioan. 111. i Then. im no rep., a r.the pernianonl aura of baldness
o ,,toior. Wong soil ' , aniline,' oto I , Pitt•tiortili . Ow oiototolially enj o ined by the milk. known an Pride:omit .
' • • - 1 , Cern'. Trreoploorou, or Medieritial einonorn.l. II I. ,
. Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. , i..,,,,,,,i, t,,,t.., u... i,,,,,,q„,.., ~, tho ounottinnity, in
, Nilo., ... rr nun., iii Alio land It lo au...110 prrlvreur..l.l
TH E lino allnsist,s' I fh, or ti ,ol tlio Lind It Impart. rAgor no the eoIA Id
11 , AII Y. aid gl CH It: A N Nto 2. will _..aoepiD.,,,, the bolt, mot thoi 'mann.% I. growth Gi A renal . ..Lir di
loinn• /In ir lAniniona ot I . ll.loicrolo and itro. I ~ .1. It .looteno:tlie it
, 1 110 and meolef. and tnitNoo Alio
o•tio..tor . ei• , OA, tr dollar ...500t..., ao 1.,Ilow•-- ; hair nom And g 10,11,, 11 1•111 00 1 , all ollionoooi ot the oral.
I.oreo. Ion? , l'iltonurglo ot 0 . by 'niches., 2 i an i oath . ~all kind, doom •orn, and other Mon...ion , door
altabonats do .li. 11 r...d0 a• a , oloro of the oklr. In elleopneoe no won . onion, •it Aare.
l'orepno yr:onion In too to Pomo, oan rroeuro Y.oeuroton i mai , allool void lave It it id in lge loon., prin. , 2.ooeute.ol No.
Tirße to Itoehooter aid bora t• l• for 141 font. I 31 1.... ray, and ot ti n . pron.,. xoo pp o l... opp o po o „ u t
Tlekol;nowel I. -10,, 00- AA, and op tilt' no, t. • , thelIn:toola.t000 and Can.., kru:lttf
10,r ll• 1.1, apply on leen - J . ow ...Awl oat. •'Pearer -or I ,
• • • • •
.0111?. A 'WO 11 KV, Ageat,
..r r A ,Inithfo.l.l l'itt•tAlr,ch
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
.ttll.l It_k VA. 011 . 7f;tvoirt4.lllgils.hin,
ATH., B III‘IkIAFI:. ei l i t 3lli i N '''' risis ''
i ' ' VI e.l It;t' ' - , . (P,"emi. , ".1 , N0P... .
~, 4 4„ ~! ,„,u. , ~ , g lON fIN HES Ins usual facilities to receive
~.,„„ ,„„ „„ i \5„,„„,, ,, i.i,„, , , I N... , ~r i iitnrsoi. Sid, snit Transhipment. till Mersisititilise
.11 , 1 isitisiwnwl hint. Mists lease Ills ilowli dial) lor all {mini.
on the la., will the Illinois Cimal . and Ills,.
iv A LLPA PEI ----Vremb assortment for , lisisrotisr. - -Jbworn Lorrns, titr Him: a en:
V V hill
1.., ri swiii HI [runt lbw twist si.lrlirstsil menu- Ms.'s, Jon, 4 Win."
tartans. iit Philedoli.tin. Ni ii 1 , .10. rind Ihwinn, iii oskli - , ,J- Ili' John A. Ciiitiltsr. . wpiwita
k iii li.iits-tis nisntirseturr. (us main t,, [ - •
'''' ''' ''''''' 0 " Tilis,Al A. PA OWL 1 Wm. H. Haskill,
~.„,, - :,,, M..k...r . . - I 1 , ENERAL COMMISSION itl Eitel! ANT
i? A ISIN s r ,...nli has bunch in store, for sale 11 1
.. AND Attu lots Lilt. Nt, 3 Water sirssi, P ELM! A.
1111, low hr 1,11 ..141 . 1 ,, il , Cf n I . i1 }, ii rm 12 , 11 . !
~,,,,,, v ,,.. vd ,,,,, ~, (. ...„ 0 ,, r4 „ ~ , ,.i . ,,,,,.. . or, ,
w.lis .
. !
I I P' , N , } : v Y -t;
I'41". 1 "`,,T i 1 r„ 1 'i v ,, (; „,..,
~ ~, ST. LI)U Cs &s 1 JOSEPH.
4' 14 I.lili.ssi'il N, tisane tirnintil Reline,. .
I::: :: .. “ iii La,' :: i MI DDLETON, RILEY & WOKE,
tin 11.,1 soil tor sal.. by
11 1 . ii i, lt . l t s , T . I . ii o i , 1 4 . i t , IN ,
r iMII , A , :tI. ',,
iz,.,:,,; " ; ' ,,,,, : A. " . ::::2......:,i rr . : . ::i, : : j 7 ,:. '7 4,..0. in ,1t,, ,,. , :: r 8 , ,, b4w rii. t.. ; ,.., 7 .,, , ,0 b . . ,
.... .
, IRIAR-7n !dick N. 0., for sale by
J . lIII.WMiTiI 4 01. '1 i AVI I) C. TuTTLE, Attorney at Law,
I 3 ...s . :
. i
COFEEK--15 tkaekeis Jura, for snle } , V 1 -a l ,' .^ , i'....i. , 10... , rq l'-uu•ri...l.• rt.. bow, Na.
J Ar,l 1 IlliillilillSlr. A INii MIA cl : . ' ' ""l. '" U. "' P . '... - I , ....or's,- ,w11:1T
v ,
_lolllc 11. RANKIN, Attorney and. Coons
II E . k •e l s . i 1 F.;
17 t i l d ulsis i Sole. lsii e fo i r si ' : ' .i l l 4 :n l ;l V '''''' ." J.", sad eitinlnlindrinsr hir ills * mails
1 . , I ItMll, Irma, dt.s.uhi. Z4c. Oats of Plitstiorsilf.)
( ) " ..7.4 2" bhi".
l'" III: ITltrl n lw7/ , : .. J . , I i N " l r il i ' l ‘ . l ‘ e, l l'). ' ,i L '''... ;:1 7.177-7'''':::l'::4l':'''' ' ‘l " ilri'Vi-nrz-'t 2
.. Sleo,l i en isuul,lt
I,PEESI 011.7 ' 17 blds. tor sale hy Time Bith
' 1.3 - ..5.1. ! tv ICH. h N 1...., \ I,LES . ' - _
i kN•
114 1 LA.N. - -'22 sank?, b. , sale by 1 II
it: ..ros • n son .. JIHJANDLI s.
Q - bi N DK IkiS— T,AVi..,um
, ~ Amivll..l-:.
, 01.7111 , 11' vq ,
IJ ...1,., i..,,,'", Oodo 1.... It .1.1,.. ~,,,, ' C1.1.A WI.AND,
1 n... oiiii Grist. A ioi k T....., lot I.lils \u.: lair). Will lis von Imswl st twrorwlils rates liy
WO I.x • ...I{ ko it'il ',Whs.,. wt • N t ir. 11_1 A WILK IN. A eii.
' ". ''' ' '"l."""""'
....1: •-• e S :.. " efi, .:1...,. 'a , 1.1 RUM E YELLOW-2 cases for sale by
. we. fn., 111., '
JO blel. P. 1:.., N. ti.itii . .,t , - L....(11 Aiwa, t ) ...,,i, S. N W.Ii.,IiXit.IIANI
Le, I'l' k .' . lt i . I' ' ',2,',. i ' s '", i . : ‘ - , '''
sw; : is'w e s ' , 4loo';',' ' ' ... "'9' 0".. .
11 i%li LEAD-5i ,,, lbs. superior, for wde by
. •• s, u, •• i ... sisna.,„ a canalssick, . „,,,,
' J. KIM , .C • w,..5,
•bs. ,sne'so•e ...stw .
, i , ha,..ii ii Ji i w w 1ii,„.,.... ~,,s, esn•st 011,e12, . FMK. BRICK -'20,000 for Sale low lei
W, us. l'..ri lisiiiiietw i :Jai is., Nuns. ett i rands: ,
ssnlii JAME.J.IIIALthii.I.
rsiistbsr with Nlwidsr, elui..s. iiiiiwer. Vsl`iws. A .,..• • ,
' einnsinon, St , i nil livid mud sot ow , W , Olt. -- -15 bblet. pure LiusetA, for sale V
snip) kit., SA Alf s I ', t . Cils:VIV st. ..„,,,
J. lI.CANSIIi,i ,,,
(2iiiiii LBS. REFINED ,
. 1 -I , 0 . 1 : , :k u N ., - ,,, T i en I,'
. 1 1 , 41 4 ....8 4 01 . L „ -- 4,,,,, C2,: t 1 , :b115. No. I Bennet) &
~.-”,-111../ IM+l x 34.1 for sals - li .
L' 1. ' 31 *1 SALT S—ls bbiL for "n by i AXANUANESE-1 el i SnA n' o l: u l y ch , lf ; " ::; "''s
KA mom • J. KIDD ei ...U. A., jby ..pIV J. CAIIILKINSI AYE .t. 00.
BOSTON. Mdal:,
P .
HIS known establishment is still con
, .-n-efr , d in IL. elm< it b. Nee. TL.
I ..uttal and pleruntnt ittuntion Oa. tpts.. its coratnnti
ou, .rrengerneuto. nod the ecan.f..tece,tel Inattri to Le
nmied there. r.lahlne to Tots,t, r .n.I utvente
iman 1., the trateler.
flaying Men of the tr., 0 1 .3... he L. T...lter
to long at the head It tL. eetat.lWuncnt. lb. ottLerrawr
pledges 44 beet esvrtlon.. ce.ixt.,n it. reputatton. end
to glen ratietartion to hie euntotner..
1.1: PARK KR.
Matchless Blacking and Inks..
iN./ .. --koklrreutkol •tat.:..1.4 I. a..y).11 , 11.....1
~. 1..n. ol+
-I,ICTURKIt, No. 41,,,0uth tlrnvoll Stmt.
4.,14,1111. elot 4111,)1 . 1111441.14phka. 41.1:0
vot. . %..1•JOr•ItIo - RAU. .4.41.17.
t4ron•rln. No. =1 Matk”t n.. l'ltkladrlphia.. .01
.tertxmox J. A. If AFOUL
EALD, ISUCKNOR 05., Tobacco
Comookrion Morchanto, No. 41 North
•11.1 No. 11l North Whartro. Yhihvirinhio. au 1,1
To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
.1. Frt.llnll Rvetitier. 361 i Eighth
op • +trent. SKS VoHR. ha. In full fn.,-
tho rnankstirture el' rine Alcohol, Pure nnukt,
11,rel kk. It ...Lent'. ',nein. Curare, nth..
inner.. A. The liratul, ar..lllnre enIe( 011 .1 n 10 1? 111-
. eel la, k • the bnel kn the neullt el !Tun ,.
and 111.11.kul: the rtunlit, .0,1.1 it./.1 er the enikerte
lieu. nem centrum., In.niert. nre t..
1. ,. el OW 1.11.1 lortruni their enl. to the on
Ile.. 1.1 St keer et reel. 1 . 11115..1.1eh .1111 r• prompllk
AMencan Hardwaxe.
11 ,1/ LI VEN & 1./OU (I LA SS, llllmilLietisrorml
) Platt ..trret, Illmatltttr• PtUli
SN Vt.... pay... 111111, :at.l.• the attentlt.o I,
Ilarvlnart. their lltaa racert , ql.lpwl
trt.ta lltt. :a...tartans,. and iar l•waraPlt. tarma.
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow
rirllE ithiegew end New York
li mpliip { l ,
1. . 1..v0r , . 1 n.n.
~,..,,,,,,, 4iLAAiOit, WA/ Wu. awl iimp =, " x
lot pox,. I: 5.,..a1, am,. aOw ta
peril nentorr..) nommatider. I. nprotol...l 10 .13 fn. S.
York titre, 14, ala.gox. ou )..ttinhty. !:1 I Ittb a opri ,,, ,
t...,1..i I, r.'..1. .rl4. nt.u. Ixtewatarn
n .1 steee an...age,. askon.
'Oa... rule rag d Malta]. arntleirtn, hut aot a la
t f. •, ir.. o bi
or peAgatte Apply to
.1. Sl.ntl ltrogulwnl atter,
anteS, dant. , Ale NEW 1(1)Ill'i.
New York India Rubber , Warehouse,
No. 27 .11aifirrs Lone, ood No. 1 . 0.1 No.r.gati lortet,
Clot Row Funtorr
frill: SUBSCRIBER, Prol.ri'etar o 1 thin...-
[ Int.lrtn In. old nuntoruern. an , l
r.-ha relit, that inentato.. , from lin ,
toftort •nonf oath lame and -son.ll.n. rtnett , •1 10414
ROA., monutantla end ntAnnnnlt tor the V.ll
not 4.10111. In. 113.1114 1ntr0...n.1 ...•nrut ona, no It,
pnttant linprolnnsentn ho. maelsann, nn,lnnto,,tto,
br.lneln ntonotfill in.rfnnt tat.tnet.on
nttnn ...... nontanunn to In. 'nod to Ow lonn.unto.
torn ot tn:tArn.l al, plat u Ariltlsn
11,11,,-.1 ton-4 torluelvo nrecarnfullt arlettnd
froln thnbert brat... and st.reatl tAttlt the'fiunnt true., It 1.1.41
Inr AlaN tonnufactunn
Ow ooth, • highly 1111,0.1111. Improrrtnent
nnt.Aly .11nnorennt. •blrh the .lout In to nay
.110 rni.onll,laLre onatneleillenthor Ttir pinln finl,l,
maAn nO.l •nl4 a. tymal. (nnlnralthotild ',cif, tino tart.,
0AK11,111 , 1 , ..n --A fall ntork of all the differnot nt. Inn
atnlttntrlnto.. froth the Itntw.rl^l l'ara rn
norrA..l tllonr—ntnlmteln“ r and
Chttltnn'• [tool, :qv*, and
F1171 , ..i 1.13,4 It abl..rn. Ar
eumelete arAortment or in.. fms., en hand:
)Itielntrehee,Citele.CAte, himehmt. Pan.. Life hreterverz.
Umlri IniArt. Dente Glee, : It...ling Jar:tot. Cape, I,:
gin, Tuba,. %Cul leM. e I,ll.lpg.llnepltal,heeting.
t erer Girt. hreatt Comee.eimme l'aekezt.. Sheol:
der Hi..., Paper lieldert. Air kali, hell, mei I,ti
nmetter with eterrelteettplion ul It:Adler theade
manufsetutet el Vulcanized limelhe 'tubber tram
ering', under ihmayear'e Patent
Pa. trioem will be :ousel ....lain run. and pre -
T.. 1. 1, I.f (Ip
m,d lolemmitht them and ketelon.
them white and oath
Ihire Ituhler Cement fur flatten' nne
it 17'2.n: D. AN
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
M LS, Ni. Gortlandt At., N. li,ork,
opooloar al M. ha- I it fl , Ah
.:1 hall and laaltor flf.a IN 1,, roioa la
gtaa of all .tyh.
oi ,-nteb anti lamortir 00l 4.n,1 Ol.a• la. togollaq ith
a fall aiarartrarut l'ronrh Vim.* SfJukro Vona
rha•la. of ovorf grad,
k V
I el L.:ntit. rt..rk 4 ruhurg Mom., Tio,4
n0m.... 11 CLOAK . , SACKS. lc ll
r.rl .... • .1, 1., tuanufketur.4l from I, n• rat
I, w.f..— Ow ruumni satnullun of K.uthurn •utl
‘1.3, bunt• tu iat• tto, will fia..) uuutrt
nu td ritsug tx. anal rust!, suutlu,ouul• hr Lsultun'
kauo - prot.o.l rltu ear.
/61., .u,r-tur Ha: ,TA US. fur rshituuta,
nh•w tortl ‘larAilfiu, to fulorud Ittul and
To the Public.
I NM.% RIBBER nttention
[lx. [wry caulul lutatui•rrtioearan h t I lorar•.11.
hut.hatoltnu tla Sou Inrt. 11,10.1 of Ittb lel.. Int4.‘[.l .
IL.. ...a I:sm:et of mu.. ..Inn.. tu,•larh.
nturh untuortt..l .Loran( out *rums. nt .thoinas.l..o9 .
h. wurrta. that w. darr Kart...tar taut sta. plaattnu "rata
nhm Inarta IttuJor tAlr nw •nd that' hr Jan Inn(
aual y ear, Inttruttlu thotruuntartuyinj •bor.
No [orrhaer. 4., 1...11w* thr ututaartun.
It.a.lare. Yhyra 1.1 , 1rr tiggialjrar , I . •nott, una pahl
. and .1,11. pwrina • tar al tor th• -ant, arta
u, , tlar turYal [...ea)... 4.4.. thy I
eln Jrn. rather M., taut. .I.toltrut, raven. N.
think It una.. [wa to. yurrlnu.. n ostt.o• r•Ild I.
tr.. than [s. tuhrauto a. Mr Day towtitt.otwun
nratuallledsui tioairear . • riyht.a. hfult. • ultirmrtat..auf
in futia. tntrlnal. Lt. pato.. lir toout.
ouunplutu. taut unt; to hat to [taw , .
oh.. hut, int • hanotaidor•Untl. I..ahnara
•.ur ftn.l ta • vurk u r tkau ttyl rhutwo
Itr tlita tar, r .I,nutur., vat!.
yuutin, uy t n. tla tutaaalarturr ..!
k• fr•nnu .•[
lat.. hr 101 • llh 1..121 4.• pot'
ehly.lll, tozadatai enut..3, yi uti.l It.
'rot I .0., to•
II \\rs' ,
b., IS at. .1 I,leltioghafaL T,ok..unr
II 1104 . 1. ~,,,
v 1..• t, Jut, Valk, 1,1
Supcnor Black Writing and Copying Ink.
UNE•S 1::111'11tE ISK, Nt,rsau mtrt,L,
nu. held
A , ,:,:t irly
..•1 . OP Is , : mod will ...I twer.l...
tau, atutaLlu fur qukll. au sal
a• aar.taar., t.. fatrut,la tt. th,tr.l.
1,, ...a.. ta, th. . 1 ... atry
111 a $l. .t • - !tal, Not e_htvaa. Gar rya.. Ilaartrals
• : 7 Ntiata.tu atattt-111.14.11,
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Trieoplierous,
A hE MEDIC ATED compouNl), 1.4. re
f I.r.talart in: 8...1 t.eauttf, lotair..ratttria.
.I..ta.traatt , atr • It, rtl
lottdearv a -g.ttaltar. r •It
taa. at It, • ,ara - ma•nt.. that Hat tr . . Trios.o,-
att - tar, aanadaamal •All aaal..t , ita rum., att the
•la asl tla, War., to:alai! the klztiottatt
1,1.011.1, (natu bundrraltt ut tattualt,
utptrt. r .11 ..rar. ta. aaloatot U.. .1 prnt•rttion.
,11.....talissaSuu ..51.11 It I. 15.1.1 who bate
aratt••ts tt arta.l
N 'Vora. IS2,
Suair Irriliv—birar Sir--1 Garr with
;miss ii• • of It, 'Ow, of it twirl grar.i..iii char.
rrs r. iiir ilir !iris 'mitt, owl during thri
tir.l lailrire /41:11.•11i tti• isirit ri•
• . • •
n . It ' I i ‘ ivy " r "11
1117 ' I uTrl 1 ' 2U . .. 4'11 ' 7 I t
try y nur Tiiriiiiihrmani I iiiil ,
Aii Ai tal
u Lf ,
in l
nyinythn irgyi lip it I
I"'"'" ir K..
. ui.Ary
,4 1 Brook IY n.
Time Bills
i. 1,1,0. ik
Willnlworc 1.44.'441 brrbni.l. rat.;
HItUNIF: I'h:LLOW-2 caerx for sale by
1.) ^eUll S. N
11. 4 1 1.1tN BRICK -'20,000 for sale low by
a - z - bl. JAAIKIII.ALLKT.I.
. .
bblet. pure Liuneetl i f n or c ou4e ,, lv ,,
I ARI) am—P2 144,. No. I Bennets
wale, 144 nal. by F.FAIAII bieKin bo ,
K.Lr yaka Frynt
1./1 A 1,1i...5E
I). E A SIR A t
r B LE
~,,P R2Pt iE R.TY ,,...., FOR , L,E___.
an ruunin, Iff ' f, ,,, q to Canal Tht, propert, Ip IV a
oln.e, dixtsucr (man tit, det .4 the, Ohio and GerannyliVis
ILsi broad For term.. applr ,
S F VON Eh ,N NIItALSI' a C 0.145 and 9., Fmnt.l-,
Ilttshurgh. Va.
Private Residence for Sale. ,
TIIE .o , ,criber offers far 'sale lais`r,
Cnt'NTltl SEAT. Fttuated on tho ,Alli , gh..o.- .1N
-.•,.r. b, , ,,t n.ur olio, from Oa Olt, ~ f Iltte.burch..... ,
mtaining frn , n, NINE I. TEN ACEICS of IVonna- ntal. ,
a Lich.tat. of fait" ntr.•ll. it aboundo with Shrubtver
Orr.atn-ntal and Fruit Tree.. , kl.:.^. ~. .‘"7 ' , ''' . n.f . t , on.
Pay mrnt, math...., F:nquir. of ERANCIF O. BAILEY;
at th- am... L... a 11..... It. lIALZELL At CO- N.. 2:.1
I.ll.rty , tn..t. ' c. 41.2••
To Let.
..Par a ,, rnk , ...d 1., Col 1110, WEBB. laftrierly
Thi.. lam.. and ...zninadtau,ll , .tel—emitainin, upwakk
rank:, an.l rnvatoparlora w wh , r 9i by TO
ttlibtvf mem. et
tar1...1. dineng N , fr.—xitUittoldzt the Ira=
med., Ti rinit• Inn,. yr Lole.l. hoWaT, , ,TIT
ECKEL. 1tA1912,L
tat at from and after the
DAN APH/L 'yawn
nmetni utVo
itorkmv,l mcommrtalation. L.
xhaul.l than Ih.. unpa.nspol.-1 al Hie
te . rm . ?:
F"'f thr rR.
Fego2l4.lul t, Third at....Phil.drlr his
Seven Valuable Farms fizirSale.
LL SITUATED near the Oh'in and Penn
wTlrwnla In the t trrtettr Salrrth, OttLor
ellltivattrh nt hr nrr....ach• .
ant to •'(totrtl ntate
rr •
111W0 In 111. tsrtnrwn the tl••••r\tt hustiir•rer
t• tile.• and 11.t.nt
hrtht• I .t tratt'llwor
,• k.lll tio. rtlrtr. wl,.ll , ratr. :t •••tr• Italtro.rl,‘lrr ih
.10" r .Ltrr Watt, l'itt•tr,Qtr r .111 I. tu 4 .1)
I tar.. a e h• Arm.. ot ..1 4111111411. tplonalthtt Ur,
I r.t...1 r•nrittra, tr• • • - t•attretttt t•r Ot••••t•
Itrl two. II•rtel lag oh. ttehttir trrtnt,ct •-rth , 1610 tt.
rtnaar the Ittru•re astd ' , truth. •11 wavy
t•hlrrn I. the ....nrnd th•• r•tt, et
burrAr mod tr.t•r••••tt
turd ,tr•ht Iry .1.11‘,1 frrrut l'h•uk
11. r. ..... !mood 4, •.1 Irvui‘t,*..44 wake. a onr
tl•111., 411,re - trot ,trtrt, rrt. ther r.t tont •11,
el,. Hotel. It V KS
r• ~11sty I. 'trt jp.
It ET• huge a n I.IIIIVOIIi en t
\\lk ••••-e•rml •Irer.! \tog VI 1•.1 g4l
:111/1111(rill. Kive.ant• 1.1
• "'
`A 11 11,11111N,T., . ...,, ": .
Great Bargain! \ • e„,,A. , ,,....,. 1A.... , ~ , 11 1 ~. ial rednew.l ratan Co
bl...qt. littbur., and Koehn. . lo Du i \ dation a
I lIIF li T - Y
F. PROPERI'I' S R SALE. ,\lon k. ihe n u tue du, ..... A.. ....... ... \ 1,10. reh
I • The AIANAIoN 114,1 • AZ. t..rtnerh .pt by It IL 1 •\,",•••••• , tirld•d• att.i Ned Lindh ...I td \ nr. s,
~, . trj:
311,.1.x, and no. I.nd n. Sr.. a. • othr.,l ut\i' , ' , ..'''''''' Ar:;i-l;:::‘,‘r%t wtil not moi s t\ Auto ; 1 1, as' 1,.
thellu.l •• ••Pladde to Oh C•••• 1 I'l"l•• .''il .1 """ I want. ,nnal brit..ll4day Will 4..,..,1 4 the reinyntri P ht. '
the Ineation .4 the P. 5., It.. 11.1 n ad PanAroarr ita.
... m .„.. ,.;.3 , \
\ lux
non- 1,.+ r a ttled lor .I.l•at her ~..- -b " ns".t.P. " .." liminbu,n, wilLho nt the Depot. on F. oral atm, in bef.
an..... 1 rah. 0, (tint., pal...okra nu t ., ot It
4 AII:11AN. Federal at, Alla.. o n . or It I'arIIVIIKLI.. .;,....',',...14.7 ri tt.ff e r•Jd,,, , 7! .. 11 41 4 i . p .,, i7 0 1. ttt, , T . ,:h i e t n ,
,Inn ,„,.. +,....„:
Lawn, al . Pitt•hur A ll. Aslitlln,ll,l, , r4 of the nib,. of
w nn0,,,,,5t will nln. tare" the flutnuu . h.ard,i v a •di
Thorn., Fairm...l.• \ I tt.
''.." • Ilnhow tittarali..l.• Warr' ' . to the Inn..v of thaCar w f u r 3.c
Private Residence for Bale \ 'N' , ' , :r7r."." ,, li': , : , !lir - :' , 'T'6 o ,;:f'7 l ,;;;lVit,f,r .°3 ::l-a, 1:!`
rIMIE P Ittl PE ILT Y 14 14Enfed CXooo,ling- . ..3; .., , ...!.. , m , ...1..,...........,,. , : hu T .r, l . Al • y point
. 46.
Ir T \
I ly 1,... and on •ery arevannuriannu tern, It .., t ,..,.•:::•„ . 1 , t . t ,r, r ,:1t.,4".;;:\ ti 10•1" !On 0. the Ommt., nd 10. ‘ .;.
'f1. , 41,7,4:1 , , ,, , , 4, !,17:± 3 ="" , "' . .d.fiL , 1 r .g . r . ;:', , r,V,1 , ' , ?• , ,,..„‘ The Italln4w ;II I.hatended beyond Nos 11ruilttnidf G\,
I' vi : ;""nt li n• '' ''''" '' ' ' ': '' ' ' ' ' ';: t '' '' ." ''' '''' 6. ‘" °I 1 ""' \ '''' • " I "i f > . 1 21;`,1 1 '1;;.: 1 e..„,,., liihnor ‘
bur g h .1 the •• nter• at n dtan besides Kam a non., \ l b. TORO at l' A 1: K IN. \ :
sent In the 1.1,1,1••.• r an .1, ht.., •1,. rombluina In lati `., s ,. ,
Tieatt Adeut. \
„.„,,,, ~,,,,,,, ~., ...,, 5 „,,,,,,,,, o f I.i town nal nautili, \ ''• '''.. •
Tl,e lot I. Inn.: eint•rnroor twar .• ,r, hf uroo.l. d PITTSRURGH AN) NEW CASTLE. ..-
~... 11110 , 1,1 and fill, fnd ma, rponl A . luel la.. Itu „ .
\ . 1 1
',',7:'. N:',. ::.',`,'...'Z',..1:: 1',".,r,"'," ,„, T .117r,', ”7".!:;!rr..,.!..1 ~ r,i. I\ .4 itRANGESIENT. 4
innte n al. ••••1 hod... In tha ' han iddnite ••• • •dlthl •••eri in ,onn t etton zrst hO3 Wan and Penna. Ma drop
...,,,..t.,,.. the 1 ,,.c.1 .-tr ..1 .ki it c..,11.1 suar,t. with .
Jo. n : urd to Th,, I. a •ell of ,ileut ... r - r 1
619, .-- - -...e-• rza:. ---.. -......-...-
rem`.-tbe •1nd....1 t ne- Inht Sit by! , ...r. 0 4 , 3 , 4 , ,'
li 4.1 •tablinh. n len, nnf abol, nun •Nbrulh . \• , 11111.01101i I) HOURS.
her t In ..1.. rt. tt• otnnttorrni .0., l 11/) Le a
antdenated h. a . tannl • nC •• " 't IC , : D re "" ... '", \ U t • ‘l, oe UP A SSENA; FRS will take the 10 A.M. trait,
n wl , lll
.. think.' at,. Intl In' ,1 .. .I itla d'hi"..' fru. INittkur d t h, ti ll pa l
.1,,,•nt, whd . ; den. 10 tint.: eslri i,, , ,r2li'.. P i Al. i lif.Al:47 r.. , b ; ,1 : . 1 i . qJ m 0. 1 1 . 1 5 11 1. 1.11.14 , I
•'11;,..., 1 ,!,- 1; ;' , ,, r :1, - ....7•:ra h a'e r urigthV' ''''"" ''
\ ::.1';:r.r,..•,!u,.•.', 4,1. % " ° • - ' • " -
, i , .+1.u.. 1 1 0.1 • 1 4 , ---. 1, Ire ml earn New l'aati• nt I` /It, arrival s: at Now ,T" . .:,: t
Real Estate. ' 4% , •.11:,!!'! , _ ''. tIo. 7 1.`..A. 31 train
r ne r ...t rouncel a at New Ca. Is' with Win 13.a<. far tiy‘
li'loli SALE-Two, not., an it. in th, 4 1,,,,, A h h. n . n . A, .
i lab 33 arot--on.. taw Lila.., amt.. 4 tl, other In lis, t1,11,11,.,6 11,Yets apply t o tiEtt ThitKlN. 7, ,,,
..r...r •\
. 1 trket Ave Intitfrasil hapok ..
Al..- A t ae, hf Annind, I, Ind on {Celt. \ ,ireet. hr JAI. HIDW, It star .tr,t.
00n feet'on hother- •I Ilnynin , at dli Lthen, x i. ' 2 door. sleet Lo helve IloWn- httabur i th:
.1,4••lf I dourowl .•91 I \ ' \ • ',WIWI:Th.
„ 1 , \ at J' , Leslie+ RM , Netkillable.
TO TR A NSPIMITER.S, cOMMISSV et , . 011:114 . " :A. • 1.111..,T111,14. Parnirletort. •
,:it a. EU MEI:ell NTN , --.1 or pale nn arto mo a t., ; 1t..10,0f ter 1',4 •
Cu. term, Y.. 1 K very Mos dr ',WS. no, Iron 4.4
to.t 0., ludo, on 11.1, L•• • . be h than, I'd,. and ht., ",2' BYINA.NLA \FA TT Pk&D \. \ .
In., ... the Prost, and ••11 Itn; rood. Twlthin alt,. •.. 1
t ry.. tia,a, and ann.. k the • 'nod Bay tI; ••
.nnntnß to
Ihn Ita i drood ••, t'an•l
, c ,.• ,
A ,
0, •, I (A , lllpktZt "... ....X;nifrt, ---1"... 2U totTle .'".. s tn ' t -...."' 0f Jog: . katotr l n. 4
..c j .i .. t=ix t. .i.c ... ....., r i 1 I ' . '.. ' ..c h4l . L . not' l h . l . t . ..P.' ' TIME it, o \ §!...ti AND Al lILD I.IIILASED. \
..4 1, 5 rat and "I hlnl -V, ' • . \ 1,
IRer S. • • Amnon... 4
, T iA d.• and hatrotil t of tb•• rtea
, '' \
ay aus 11,411..1, have ronan i anonbtranoblit h in g . •
A ,`,, — ",`'.`,',,g%1 4. : rl i
' . r .it i :.: c r . : . ‘;'.. ilL: 1 „ ' -i, 1 , “ m 1‘ , 1 . " 4. 4 ,: : :Li '''' AZ:4l,.. )ik r uii s ra'sV A T "' ' '''4 f
ra.,,ut .1... s rn 5 ul,n of rt.., rind s ndit w hank - rept I \ , t' us' now h r., ‘\ : j •e and forand'd •TWl4l9llt . lt .
to ern wfonl ory-h Th, t d- r Id y.. e 1 , 4,1•1 ttl,' Lb.. , of ,tn4Psh44.. or Iv 41 , ..1,4 ...t. , !54p.491T. t ...T , '
t he 11..1.1.•e0f in the •honny it s .rura a ,aulen•-•• I ...,tia 4. ruoi.e. n/ ci { ANA 1 Lit ta s k..., .
of the ~ 11 11. Ira I 1,.., . and _ t he . Il io n hon. of ,at tbe lo Mad, nitro 0 I ,ht, ,
A 11 Inorrie.. Fa, ..t.•I on, le. ...I a Mal , ," R 1,3,711 I FlittaT C 1,--Dry t.... 1 `,. .1.4.•••• 1 . 14 , 04,
\ \
\ 11
.1.0. for Owut , el., tw• ti a te ti 1., 'mu,. or I :W.1., Culey, co I\o °tarry Fruit.,
aurae ..A ;,,ht -.had t. r ...nn., . aeatlier., urn•ture, L e i , eibrine w As& \ \ • •
Tent,- .1,.. th,l tr. hand and the hal. • . fir .. 4 ual 41.,5c ... $l4 to, tr,..l \
..., 1 , ..,J ,,,,,, s • , ...-.11•4 bond and mar ..., -.. n1 . .0, vol.. sr-I...suer, • naae.ti , r. _ • ; j i_
ktflrlNl't.f Al ••111 T. AIV AT:o1. .1 ti at I
... . renw., P.m Ink h.'', th • \ a , lhar• 1 . 1 '.. _ ;.,
' No 114 Fourth a a r. r . i 1,.. Tltrniby and otb • k nan Sweala, '
1,,N0R RENT.-- The \ bs% oillilg., No. ~ 4_ , T1111:1, e1....Z4 k , Arad ; Pora.ltut '.
s I. Lard c. 0 ,,,
_• Ti n ,' .. tr e. L ~... A ,,N, 4• .,,-„, ~„. as • .1;1,, ,1\ • .11. Thkeen. 1.... k cone,. l'allos ' n and ',. i ;
new hark huthroo, nf, I
I. t • [han g and pa t .,. . • hi. , ,-- 1 \ P.' ~- •\ . ."`" 1
• the ~,,,, h0 n .... , t ,,,,,,, , Tha
led ei,,,,.. r • tr .. , Flit, liTil LLAd i a- . lin. 11.1,1 e Ir s 4l, 1ar ,..;‘,„ ,
, o; ,,
~....,„I no, t,,.. s 0... t. r... , to '0.4.4,1 .itt, t.. 4 .4, s I,i ' Pt., it".• , ....m• ' c ,,, !, .., ,,,, 0r........
6,,,,, ..... ~,,,, , • , ' \ . ‘', 3,..10Da. k LW-11. tienta, I ~,,,
A 1...-- tt, 1i0n.•1.1.4,r00 r . at atitnierate rent. Kn. ; • 1.. ana.2o tam. rbf IN nu bpd 'l4 aq- •,, , rtrtat..
ht It 1411:1.1Ntan.. . • i tlt l '
au.: tf 3 t orthstrk• 1 nntr 11,..1 ' , 'Of
e ps or Wells tents.
For Sale or PerpettalLease,
' :t9 l - 4 ‘ i•\ 7U l'SCl \ t l•lic s • \ 'n - f
. Sib bi3 übl - ie 11,
LIORT Y-1' II Rill: t I . II,I)INbI\LOTS, laid 1
~,,,,' „ I„ „..:
.l , I.r ~,,,,,,,,,,A.7 , ) , Cli r
1 , 11.11.'nn''1P•..‘‘ii:a''',I . , ',..t1r•1W.'.'.r1 ' i!,14.,2',t'1 1 N . .:4'..7n71 ' I, ' ‘,'L i . ‘ S l a l i . t r itif,'.g ur t' z •'7,7l , : r o ll'rn l Al: . ;; ' . in n s
on Tank Is,. ! A i, . .in'll Lei.' r '., , Artnit h wh' .' i ,( T
n. ,
..t..... her reo: We oni. or .. ..... tl.;\ •41,1ue of the ~ •••,.. ot t i,,... Pu t , ~, that thny anA If •
nut Inn no.ln the 11,11. alb.. •••• ha, n , lthlanais n -t, 1..14 t w ork rah, or nay, an w i t oisawbalr. lin, LINOWL,Wde t , "
• . pAri, own nint taxa, and'Aare k. durable, .1, brn
Yoe tonna 4. ...n.u51r.. , , , :r ‘ , 1..1. , :., 1 , tt . 0 . r. , 11 . ,.04 . .. J.....' I .....•)“ .., a a. Allman. I.eyn a •un br ...,n at, `h. h i r •
't t'74''"l4l'g2'" -'' '''" • " "1 s '''' ~.U., 1:, ~Z.Li.,i,V TV!. 7, .. Ll= 'Nth.
' . 11.1.13 n. " 1 ' ' ' •t thaw. A.. la sr nan s tly 0114•,,, the nitmertikin at•
.. r
. e ... ‘'.PM t
han..'-' ud, , rt,., , ~,1
Real Estate fr\Sale. , \ 1 ;how fr i ro nu t wai l s. T n., ta• tor b h dninta L • • 4 . j,
4\ A LII A ISLE °rump, 1.,1 lArr, 0 le' t ,17.':;,!"7,.'„. ''',lr,,' I;',,i'f . l.l's t r,V,,'" , i'lf.PllT'uo. bc ''''' is,
~,, ..r 1.. i.,,, ....i i..--or .ts'
e . Jdm I'a , l „-,,,,,,, jolts, 1, 1•1:14E1.. \\ •
• P1 , ... 1 . the,,,, ~,,,,,,, , ~,,,,,,:a..1(e., Ina,l;st, I 1
" ...
N,..... ..
P. ...
W .... arg Acadenry.
.. _
.1.0 0.. - WA., no. ItrK a dwelluni lad., en 1. ,
51. I i/ s r, ~,,,j i r f.:4,1, ~„d C7,,,,i,A 8,h, 0 4 .
.4.r....t....irint..,, the slur.. 0,1.4 twin • ..a.0...t. front 1. \ .
, N ,
. . „.4....5,.
~,,,,, A ‘ \
lin f.ot 4., The 1....... , ikrae and c,,t, nsut. 11.11 .11
• ••••"•"'t ••ilr. •dd'd' el: ...dd. ,N k JAMES HU. TO, 1. N.l„. PILINCITAk Voi
A1..-'. err... of ler, • xlushh: I.d i.e.. barp,bunid
Alno- a 4•rta or :AA arr., In Went On, to nob' s . ; lIS I NsTIT Ni.u.' win be Or'', flte N lllo d'.
A "'
. "r " -
" ' " 'LW'
' ••• A Lll . ,°.'irn:,, Vt., oral #v da
• fron. New Ont..
11,... •tartu- ~. IL ...r • aunt, .',..t , r i ou a i,,.. • and i the n i el, lats j iiit lo tt 1 c.a... and ilebollAi r oth
N n•-• 1 %titration...lllw KA,. 1n II Lx
AC ~- , i , , ~...,., .'.., ~.,-, ['h.-. rr , - . • ... , i, the ...h.,' i, p.3\011 AL AC eitenPlTO Ykul
• wan, •, 'bib,. {a... SheaTtl. and ArArt.nutnlnd um
Nl'A•• I. 0 t'fiTTFI:II.I.I. • . ~,r.a., ', c eirsoN, ron ry,,,..; 111 re d .tleultan au
, Atta.rts, aal 1., ...I final Rkta-e Am. 4. I retry., o n 1,. th. ',Culp,. 1, , . '
1 .` 12 - , : • .•••• ,"" 1•••41•
1. P•Dandr. •• d ilk, n „Anatt.t I, 1‘.,1,-,knun „ ~.1.441,,,n1,11 . 1
, r
• A Good Bargain is Offered, I, ...1 . /.ot" 'GS SALE—`, \ '''
7i. ,- .•--J u , ~, , J ,,,,,,,,,,,., i .,,,,A, ~,, t , I, \
pr A PPL IC AT I IJA BE MA l*:,, SOON,-_ , t. '• 1' • tii.,),.,,, 55....;) .... \
s i I. n•tu Thr... to toor
bra '. to hu n . .a Konoial... ..A. ‘A o L.., wid n •lin, .1 tt ii i -lnd : \ •
....r 1,..rr .. 1.15t.1-1. liar b ranose• i'i s ,on•L tau no-U. \ L. ' a I tans', Itnonunw th• ko , is \ wi•
~, nner,,-, 1..../..0 , ....• 11••• Pridtarty , no n la .1,. 3 h
h• t que..p nn
••••han 5111 a 1. ., In •
DV. • 114 . ,.....1•4 ; 0 .1 darn, h. \ Nt,k and hschana It Ana ' , ner
s, .
',.. .' I `, Rowanirs 4 °me Mixture. u.
A History of Pittsburgh. 4 ,, \ ~ ', ND \
I \ \i' '.
Ilt Y N 411 LLE It. CRAIG,' Exii. , -‘="A. Ilit. , R‘u , sk s Compound L'• . .A , 0.1 ta.ckl , TlNl l tSt l,
El bd., of Pt...tin : h. fn. ILO ..neat 1.-C'l 3.15 i ' It/ g,ONP. 14 tmiTers. II y establish 11.1 s• v p
..........1 I. veto. 'no., dow n tr. the close ••1 the la-f ' d/ no 4K.3 . 4.11 AND .1141 E. Ili a otter er ly Cpl neltli 'ln , .inn um... of the art ~11.1.11•hinent of -new ,•f , s ~, • ,. \\0hj ,,,,,,,,,, 1NT „ ., ,
the ontnnadd 01•••• 1 .r.fdeaa.4 'Art.. ...IL..Li ~!!..." I Th.,. ...\ F4t4a, Ne•1141.4f , sp. Pr .1 , . tot\!:i.. ,
of a rhap,r up,,,, 1 le sat v5,,,t,n,,• a okkr 1 ...f0n !or ok, , \
4..turm, and roman,. 5.1 sur•ult, wit h a •uoi n nny id h . h . 5. ,,,,, A , \ ~..4 . . ~,, , ~.. mr.•••• ,,, 1 \
the •Ga tau., nlinntutolbu,rll,4 , •trol,,,4l,l In', 5.nn0,, ' I•I• K A , , , , •,.., , \
'' '"'" " ns ' r '""r` '''''''''• '''li 4 '.. 1 ' 1 In'rr'''.''''"' ".t ''‘ Ell Y SU 'ERIOR.III E VI ISK bl , . t
rase, ~, ~,,,,, ~, lb.. i n ; n.. t..r...0. man, mm..., , • i tor ~.... Simi 't.' TKA 11.1111 •
laid anti, and ... are...,
..1.. ....... a , ,,1nttr,',11,,,, 1\ IS V I "..•
" ..'...
a ~,, , I , I,Nin nil ~, ,a,,,a, L
lawn,. n0.,....1 • oldu w•tne • ~..-i.i orik,p.... ~,. 1 i,' , i,, ,. ".,,',".•,,,, . ^T„,;, , ,,,,;,,,,„, j4 , , s , ~..,,,,,
druid, around the land .4 the itou. To ~11,•tbaiethor I %wt. ••••-•,.. 41 , t` t••• ,(,..• ' • i '‘ ass ,.
and ••41,th0 lu ta...r. order 'Xi ; , ... 1,1,m,, nicht. MA. , ."AZ '.' • .\ . . .....
" d .:',..,!:::';',,'"“;',;';,.`: 7,:,„!;',',:.7'.• ; ;;. ''',`},':',.;`,,'....',.', ? .;,,',;', j 4;:: . i V.T• I4 - •
, -•A'r }: ‘" "' i''''''" IV 'le I 'Y ''
~,,,...d „ 0 „, , W IC, 4 . Mel' AND K . ...... ,
• ..1 1........ l' no. hound iN1 , 11,0 3
0•0•11•1•,1 .4 h r ...le to 11•11 L N,ll - 111,1.1.111i. , l_ r f t. l 0 rip sr \-.3 1..... - 0 ..l. by , ‘ ' ,
...., .. , \ ' 1117• K • NIeCANDI.E. A. '
- \ ,\ N •‘ r i• 1 4 \ '
The. College of St. James. . I
11 V N.‘
- .V ' S
J \ i ' ''), " V' B t • a s k ti ( 't t e's \ - '
IVASIIINGTON t't /UNIV. AAItyI.AND I 401.11.' \ ''
3 N . , , • n
also bi0........n C0i10,..4 10. Pt.a....nt Npownyntlinu r el. 1 1 1A.1.}.11, rt s,-1.3 task. , ~, ,
P'llllE TENTH - \ ~'" is>. , ‘l 5 5 3 i (0 " , d.')' ".'
\ ' .... 4 ‘ . . wi t , tAleal.nhl !ILK:,
I. I-- 0. , i-si , ,' • ”lt.. ) ••‘'lt. "M. d•d• ld'''‘ii••• • • ' .1., \ I
until t . he., -corn,. neeninadAy-...11,1,,t 01,,...1• N ‘ u
b 'Fit ---•'ibr res s las Met 4 \\ 2 '
, Jon, 1,3 N., nd. W. 1.,. m o an,rnfintlcti'lltrrat 441 I . — AI • - • •. • '','
..... n, loot .re in.Atied nib eth , h o ala •• l 0,,,,, , ,,,,1, .a . ,,. ~,n 1,.,
1 ';',.";.7,"..4 . 1,;;', g:.T.n.',.."-,, anarnlnl (.hue the of tbe t't woo, • , .1.1110. dkl./.E.1.L. V
• .
"TilV "...Li, r iu. 11,s L1,1.,1 nett ' n,i44 ~ t 0,4 al '1, 4 , NG lASI] I) lli. ItA ' CIIEESE `5l) boxes , s i
I,rs. so Ow r st .rtultitu- tor . . .Itfanliscal....4.l KLi itexl..p a ra1e1.1.41 'NUM,: anti rtn luau iann 1 ,
nu I, u m..., the unial a, adeunral de t er..., s ll It.h a kIa N A. 111.1. h.. ,
TIM 1., It ,t 11 It Al: AC lb /Ob. uniowlintel4l.l.ll4lol4 I}.l • kul,' FREI .46„11,,k , N o 1 , 'Or ale. ) . y 1
I Collins, nod meet the • , ,,,, - 1 , 11,41 01 the •lor, one 1,4 VI . , . . .--- , / 1tc ,..,,,, ..t, , . , ,
,„,,,,,„ 1 „.„ : „.,,,,„„,, ~,, 1 ‘,„,., , . \l3 4 'l.O \ L :3' ,3 . ' t
~,.."....”. ' , dd..“ •••••1 or,oLce.i.theou %or lbw roan, t I i ~
a., of lle Coll,. wet a - s e, IsLadranta g , lti the 1,4. e. , \ ..... halt.Nu 1 LakeVss,rfir I.l.notro
In h, tiranslour Ae1...1
I nttirl lClt, the 11C1t, AN I lI.K t'I.A.A FS, the otody of,Mreala , ,„,,, ~,„ ~ _ , , \ , \°
oniita,d, land •1. W.. ..p o lled I n nldttionil all i ii, It I 3
.k . \ . , •• N o I ',•• ni: White Eisln 0
Ilniern I.,invilage, tha.k.keen.A.A.3 • , 6r. -N. i ‘.:•1 Th............, 4... ~,11-,,, ~ ....,,i, ...It hfuli s •thl \ „ ;.;,;..
.tarn'. . rs .., n „.),... \ .
by Is. ll.snre. In. hmn , ..11 rilladre, nary • it
t,I in.l I, ra. sod ordrr Vk' i r . . o " 13 . ''
b KAP 11 A LI. a. now !outdo,: In, teat hy 40. will „; , "' ix a l s r a nelritid .
f re.l, no ~,,,,o.smu to the courre4 IlOhinlti k he...ion. '.' i t''''',''','”
~„ 1 "•'7‘, 1 ~.„ 1 1i " 1 '..,.!' " " . ‘ .4 ..\ t ‘ ,l
r..idtuo. ~. the Kutner ror, of 1 feann., theTrunnt.
, Y Itti I' \al YELL ' W LIOCIi It T-Ilii
ban. re,,ntly . ss ointed 11.01, Dave) Ky., LL li, Inv
t dn. from Provide... RA., • tor owe \
Direr .4,111,1 nnd Ectitlenyticsl Law. nd John 11,11....1. 5. , i,!....7,-, 1 , \,,,,:, ,, k . ~,,,,,, 1 . •a .1.,,,...., \ .... ~
~ ander. LL. D. Lortu,r on Mown, end 'hamlet'', \ ` s i," ;‘ ,7•• • .,„.'„' l '' ' hN . I T knK, and
lb.• whole•ehar g e for t....enn .n nt ten'tont., _the hin, I , ,•,, s :, , ' , e e.,,,y' ut N o w and in.. 15.
iin the Odle, and flratutnar i nl, li, t o bandred anA „ A ''' L. \ \ , - . - ,- ,
I '",7,n,.,",.':;:. 1 ,;. 4 ',‘,. -. ..,-.'n;::?:. - ,,',1;.nnzr.!i, , ;:nnd• --- 1 '1,,!-)1{11.1.: \
h.. ./..11i, 1 . 1 KEitt ,( v..4.2 .. , ;k 1«: : . ',..\ I , \
s , s, , ) , ,f , , , ..,,,rrtpg,..a, , r , ._ \\ l in .
l c
'ft 1 ..: 1! Ze r .. ,. ., 4 0" ,, , ,‘t land ,'. ' \\ ' &I. , r , , , 1 . 0 , r; .
ti 11-Perwon In Pitud.urat .1.1,, • ,Nany , orm.tion • s ~,t.
~, ~, k, 4 . \ .0. :, , , , , Le • \AI
ywa s ertln g tin, [nail..., sok ryWrrnl the 1 1 , a. 11-. , . s t ' A , t s., t e d •• • y,,,, Jule by I'ta
tie, It 1., man. wilt. wa, forn , ent • Tn , it". 1 s t, \ - \\ \ JIIIIN WATT CCU. . r 3 •
' 1
University of - Mary \: . .
„ ' 1.. 1...., ~, , a,.. meat alti til kj aridlubiunable a Wk. 1
TI.IF. l IN EXT SESSION will l i , \ JA on o''-ey- • 0... ..,....... t, nil reed and,l• ein a at • d n.. redri.di
II Nunn, the 15th dal or orwer• ",., .L , u..." l4 \ '''' ) ,,"','"J"f ''',), -', \- -111 ,4 - ;7•A•!.. L .1:,..',..t 5. I ••
- 1 3 or., 1....4.
t21:7 .'`•'.''''."` l t , '"l l i' , :c.'"t'.."`.:"l.. ~ unit .11.1, , , l 'O/i. DIARII4I 'A ANi? 1 , 1:11A11.44_.031N1
1 ....tnuel Che ' w ' ll'l, L Thern,ull Mate lid I red I \
..!. 1 1 1 4.1::•firr rTltO cc , Mo'o,l ' N A 1 , ',1 ,, , , P, , i. , 5 , t,`?1! \
.I..eph Roby, Il It , AnNtotur rin.l 1\h1.4 In h : t . ..... ••• 1 ' . .111 . 1 - 01.0 . ":".* ' '''.
'4 \
\„'\ \ ' ' .7N', , ,, ii
11'°L Toter, 11. T `T,'"D"",7,:`,l'.;';\."' ,; t " ":., 1 1,, 'ttlimiits rs 4 taiiii.--;sia des. SPn'N,j e
\ \ 7
Women' . and Chlotrer ' '' • - •s n ' IA ` • t,, nay'. 1., Prur. 1i0rk.1.4, Xt.. n 0 lan, aw• i s •
aeo n , 11. Iltiteube ru h r , M hi. Pa t1 , .,1,ch0 a l A ataliaT '.y. 1\ ate y fa, j W N W , 111,,
r 1.1.t k r=tZtF ; ',...7'17'..7,.‘,"! . 7 5 t.,, h " '„'''''‘." ' '‘.( , I lO N ": W I Is1 . 1)t)W PAPER -Rh 'n and `‘,l
cis... Lonuo, lour t'nn, a'at;it, I , 7linif t wa t ., .4 iltli'l ~,i A , , ~, , ,
and Power. tu the Italtnnon• Inbrinawyi wall th. An. •A•A ~,,,, s s ' '''. ' IVAI.a.O P. AI Ailb4 TLL.
• ol dai nod,. to It. sant, intl.., Allan, to the nod ti s ,
s,, _ A I .)IE S, cmil'ET 13A \ ts - 'S--' a ). ioas \ s ) '''''. l ';'
for the ban.
Fe., for ten LArturea. Inn trr tl6\T iteli rad .Apar u tny• , 4 ;. „ .j .,, j , , , tr S stot }, A, al A,L t INI 4 ,OI '
SW, Ilatneulatiou.•• • •nulnalron,s. ,
' . ''
\ I E l
WM h.* AVM!, Dr , 4 , s .14.1 , ;(271 . EHINtkE.S AND .N11.11,):S.,!, )"n"".. only,
--".'''''^"."" \,. • -, \ \ Lliiile• , A . ryr ""` 1 ,4 1 tV, 1n ;' , :...11 1 ,k' n
Kentucky Mutual LifeLnsuraaeOcompany.‘ l ..-- "r' i ` , ' imr".• ' "'"i. iir.“CllVll\t - AN,
CI U A 11.4NT1 FUN I!, .1:V4.),1.11).
‘ll. l''''' A 'l . ' 2 " , 'N. ' 0., f"r l7A 3 tii.a... \''
TIiIS COMPANY offerm\i4) the- inste,l all 1 1...1 .... \ ''' ' \ I !
1.1.......,, ..t ......,,„,4,,,h, Ad..' 1 .: J,, , ,, , , , ,, , , ' ( ;01 D . kiN 51..M.,-10 bbl 4,, for sale by \,,
s..x i•i.,,,•l,..rati•fore . 1 ., , 11ed • ••• •Inn..d. nataidil n Al k 10 , 41A1111Alinlf.
rub, of prawn,. an ...nut rrturu n .1001 of Lb , ' IT , ,' ~, .....' , . . sN \ ~, ----....-- -
ma.,.. sr,letslsl tor the th hun h aut 4of yhe, „. ., ,t , . /[. lC.i I.; 1.1". -131:0," Cali 144Jeibleti, Gum
wino... huh hid eit t ,,, u notaldn 0 the ban, • .
~,.'; •net „ , sr . , , N i, •. ho ta u, o ,4„\ hah , how hj ,
, rlt, ot went., tor 11. wt•le tan,. of It . with.„ n t ent. • t d s ,•4 j ;.\ , 4 ~..j .., ,,, ~,,,,.,
It hh. td.4. - ` l , lit dt• id' 1tm.....” , ;.''''” 't.• . ° ; ''' ; ',. r,,,,,,,,, ; BEA, , . di) b Smiil)..l,V bite, lin sal. , by
toolnlA.r., p...,....t ...It. 1., ,o‘ los ntlo,ll 14 ,
1 U Annatat,t, 1111',1 ile•rlul,n,l Int I, I.•rtuao•ntl ........1 , 7 , ...,,,
; ; . n„ . .. ..,
..‘ ' 4 ,4 1.•1‘ , ._ 1. 1 ' Yt .1%1 '1 '.. \ I .
1 . 4.:= L in . r .. l . l, . VoT; ' l . PrVf,l ' lTe j. . ' 1j.....'^."
" . 1 .\,1 5111\, U/SIitALVILO 8...-4.111 ' and, sa I
1 . - „...);, - ,.". ' 5 ",.....":“? 3 . 1 u re"'l l e,l\,.. lk t 'l.2r r 'r..l . ::';‘ , :t u al s . , '::•; . • il n0..-1(1
s l•N,;',l .; :iritift nti , 1 ,ju ti,Z , •L'1 , .i . 11 , 41 , 1.. ,. i
I .1 . ,r,1". witl . ;',',L,...,dit:r an tdAdw•dl . ...''''•,„, . ..Nt . ..'lll'..kt In CIICIAND.I A. 7 at. 'OW ood , .. \I
1 ,
i" '"'' ' ''''' ‘"" '"'"'" ."-"ih'.....'lVt‘a',','ll!";'-PT..t. \dial , ' s
~ \ _ J. *i.1•III1.4.11. .
t‘: t " . •:.• k . t!,• • •;' . l . nle.r.
.. " c t , , 1 SCOTCH. 'S,N' feE-- ) ,3l\bux ' •
, .1 . 11, 1. 1 • 1 ' I". I CH lilllklS A 11- .
i, I.aul t d... int. , A' •di n t \ - n o,. dodo . brated Atio tint in t•Liial I tbAinallwra. +4• A wl by
rat., ot Mr Contsani, In It 4i ..,, ~, ~,,,,,,
ior revenni t•, 1, latn. •, . „ , ', F ..,,, ..C.c , 11. I . s.
SAW'. Pllltollill, lll..llteal t Xittannet
If' C 5. .. 1n.. .'.' c„ .." ..
J rlguy it, . A , \ 1 •••••ner Whiwitond " t , st,ets
~ \„. ~ t +J N rfi s timen • tilt•T/ar, In Awns .11\71d ,0 te. t
1 COFIF..k.- Will bag. prtl4l'. It . ".., 91 ti....i.i.t.. - - . \ ca • • •••rhol I
t. r6„
9 jA I 1..: DALZELL. co, 11 . k er , A 1 ha., chain. Tob a reart .„ 0. • \\l4o-nleutht. in hI- •
i t S L,4: ' . .! .' A li 11. Stili.l..--IJu kg , . ,T.s , t " , :Sllad . '‘``2, l ,.%;•,, • = th 'e." ',,, , 4 ,„' 1 . ,„V:'4, 1, \,, '
' •'' ''''""'" "' l:4 ' 9. ' oW • n•C . , .11ntElla..Irt 7,41111 n h.. i 11,0 \ •ti11ti : 651.1 4 t. '' \
J ter ral, 1,,
.LA 41114 , .ottsa n , a lio n ' ' s Cann '4•4•04,1 ' 1
Ng °LASSES -..5.) bbl.. N. U., fur sale y .2,.. - `14 4 1 7no,tott., I s :: '' ilabhlit a kna i , a‘t h i
I. .bloc A• W • 11AKIIA1,1•II. 101 a 014 zoli.drra ••• 1 \ Vcco, ivkilecc.. " \
44 :. , Illani4l irj t t All katal.:lo4l.n. Plan ,
a. riAAN.NERS' Ol 1,--20 bids, fur sole ily
A • W. 11,31LBAL'611. s o
.. tir
ki ,
IA •
_. r ...,.... t WWI
-- - - .. keg. I.l4Aid Ilbran k Ile dotlMllrra w
L1L.4.11.144-7:4 lads. Seott's extra family, for k
, b ar s PINIV 4 enuaat., Nn anal anor -lEr {
11 p o i. by IttUN. urrucs CV, U.
.44,,Z1 'AS LIP4M,It. k adfii , l I V s • K . . ,sw.ti= s '. • 1,1... •
, .
1 - LNOR Of IceIJNATI .t.ST,E,OI7IS -- • -.•
'\.. Arilit'Fi\ IXitgati, IMIXRAL. •- • i.. \ .• • .., - \ •.= • \\ . - ....
A- Ibe eteariatrll l -RUN,3.Shlt'3llll.
master. whllhfarelbr abora and in , . ' t. • `, \ •
porta at day. at 10 t. a. . ." - n t - 116 COUGHS, COLD'S, tioAESENEOS, BR 4 4fleal•- •.--- • .-rk N.
rrn \ ".- ; 1 .\ • A • ...,..,.„.;• , \
\ yOR CINCINNATI Thy\ y.efi - • r. 7 , 3' , 7* -11.0,1 tPtia-CO. VOEI , \ TC. ''S , v. •• - '.. \ ‘ . , ,..:-.-. , _i -.. '‘ , 0.,. •
otte..r Plf../1" Nu. 2, Capt. Cr..., will ..-- " ` .ASTHMA, CONSG3ISTI N".' ''". • \.• , .7', -" v , ... ztfr ' - 14..5. \• - ... ii i k . ;...
,g:d.m i .;!ritrc,4-,:!•;,..---li- P""3 - .. - „,,,.., ~ 1 N ..trosti g '. to the comaiunitt4Josir •- .'. • --'• \ , 4 .\ \
\ ••`•\ ,',
A .
) r Mght er naseaci , ..rPlY oo 111611 . 1 \,_ •‘',.. " \,l_ colebrattabremed . f dbanu.s.f tbe .4 dab. •''' • '', :" '• ' '`', • '•:' '• \
at' 111•16 f•b h• '''' f --\• - ' •-', -• • .\-
'•71 1- a . ( :! ClCC i l lt A 4l l ;;l h ., e .7 l ,'Z' ' ' • ' .. il , 3t°,d.'t °,, - .L'tut°,•`",:',...; th bobry th" tht 4.'14.. of \.• ' ' ' 2",. - ' ? N ` kl • ".. • •
'''%:`%•\ c. 66 31 ` 41 " dd " -(t
' 1••••• i r , ' difiingdd•h.d (tort
.me of We i*1d.r...... ii*g.. • - , A '--.‘' ~. - • ' •
W bo e an/ oil inter.. Late wad,. this ",lay. the 'l. n, from . o i,, d v ...„,,,,,,,,„... t h,„„„1,... „,,,u, • . _:,. L'.,
• , ...: .. i, .' „
llth t clock
\ por: , ,fetocht or y0 t .....1„,,, wi tt y,. to .'"•••• `, 1 chraiti•plalge ortrPelvs to Make Po wlld.rst • oitat,us . ' Fla. ' •"„ t. V , ' •,-„‘. ,
1 'cid ' .1-'7I:IVTON JONES, A.M.t." I Stateinento aim athe/yey, nor will. bold oat„may hoirehrt ',.. X.' . . 1 ''i t •
EGU kft. I , ITTSHURGII.AND. •, " uff "'''''''''''''''''''' 4 " .hkh ''''''''''''''''''‘• 47 ' ° ` L- \ . '."- '.."
.. ..
' • - .
- It lit
.. ten F. 'I INO PACKE - r-Tlir splordid
tat of park. or DIURNAL: Conwell. na .. • from tho"public {Lao all ro, publish, 4.1104 aSsliipkam •, ,'
1 ,./i.
ter. I.e l t iv anw pr'rf• Ins her regular trhweekky Mfr., Is• will Rod thetas pr-rtnetiy.rellable,asoStbe iterl.lq ; Ld' \ _ 1, ; •` . ' \
thin . o and IV ...Dna., leachwr rat-shoran at ID eclat; • \
their beemmilldeneeandp.jeonage. "- \ 'A
• • •
eterY . n.‘l'. Ml. l-11 .e.t.7 t 1 .21 4 ,,, ..r. I ' ,l l , . 41 . 1111 . 1 .1Z1‘ / •- 2 ' ' '' \ ' \Si ''''
\ • .k. .
kare. N 4... no atty Ttralaf , litureaor and daturdaL 7 „,1 From at. Front:mar' of Ch.dar. and „, ; o- ; oh . s. ' \ , \ ,
\ - - I`, . kk
i 'Ll' ± 7 1 '', }'" 'ill'Al' , '4•Meinfori-il t ""kft,...e..°r • Vile.. Su • ''''''. l del. l4 yed 'll a cs` nsw ik ortrut l'aC' t% C° .
p•ce il l 4 .l . o . fyrnsilr ' lll,- ' ' .
. _ .. N .
‘. , - 1 l',T i r;'l•.;"4,, l ,l . . 4 ,,..:',Fir t i ,',':Z 4 l,F i g'r r t e . , t , " ' y la:\ . .
TRA'SPfkRTATICIN% • - Stir.). bare noes drg.', with a blab degree.' saimtie \ tioaJt. ' •'-''', 4, L? \ ',.!
- 1 , 6 4. ' i. , -4^ , l..batb of ultilts.d children. X. iN
4. .
111Y..ii,...., it, . ito inatedi.o..ow,• powerful , ta.",h, \ ' „ ' "; \
Express .acke ., t\LO:e_to Cteveluad. '''', '''' , "''‘.."". h. '•'.. d i r'' . "l„ d '''''''''''''• ' ' . - A \ '•f ‘•
.... tini - Itrtuariieg. ale., Feb. 1,1811. \ .
I Ferm strAerseet in the 11am1t.31111.. hi this Citr,j e , :21 \ \ ••••• \ ",.. „ • ,
FK I lIE Pr ' rprie tra Of t P Pneket Lipet ha, Dr. , c.•••tt,t4 ,. .",! tr. , . leen t‘tmd.fut? 'lrduld"dl 6 , 4 „ ' 6 .1 ." , \ ‘ `c • 'X
: • ' 1 - .'
\ i_
Ina ma. e the requirits art norment. altli , the
, illtO n 7,,"Z„.'',..., ••• i1 1,`•" 4;i f 4:,.;,! ) 04 ?„ 4 . 1, 4 * 194. 6 :k r ,„„,,,Th w , ......- i t ' N .:,. ,:..... • , \,.. s ,
Hate peon". Railroad 11...panw , „ aprona•re goins. out . 0 orbe h ,„
\ \ Trans, tespeetfulty, • •
ltaa i b * l t il ' Ci. ' tra; " l " b n e 'r :,la,liil I h it! r1f1 ' .11 ,. .i rilif ' a t t ' llt I • 1. "1"" H • As.. d. 6 4"• . S. th'USIERBOS,I • . .. , - `,`, •`
• ,' - ' ,
ds. ruch walk cite ch.. tb., pried, of noil/0 in Iteelaw, ..„,'..,,,,, ..„ .i , . „. . ,4 ... 4 ' . 7 . ,.. , if .,,,,, 4 ,, ,„ ~,,i . .., . •- •, ..... .
~..s , „ ,
ter dttel 1 Y , tbe Con or th• Steam, t.
I ,, fr tieketwaptdr to didliN A. C. Vali EV Aoh, .1 • '''''` Th i" u‘ui' l \ 6 . 1 hts' 6 .l 6 rely. frb l V 64 ' l . ii ! • ' •. \
'' • renter {hoer andll l rnfithnel , ms., lonotatno rect of the s Unmistakeably dist! b- .". ',• -... •‘.
\ ' • '... \'... \ ''`.
Pittahurah. ,
1• • -. , ... Ca. 11,, c1'%waisroas•Sraistla, July\ fr.,1411. ...., 1 ' \ '''.'..f. 1 ' . .
Ohio and. Peansyltraniii ' ad. Dr. J. C. All.n-,10, bare been alllktl. wittea Perdu, \ •• ,
atiKtiou of th. 'lung, Rd all W. eymptions DR settled • \ \ ' 1 ,,, , .
ake.ttenes.. • .7: , ' , ' , ' , r3.`:' , '";..'Zifg:A,'';`,t,:r. - o,!dri="LVIT,T;
, •• \
• ..... of 'tor Cherry. Peotorlo, lehleh gar. mat. wintal rt . ' , s t\ • ,
1•2117t1 PITTItUII_ IB II Tl ' * EIS 1111.1,0 IITI)N1 Ilef mud I hoer 1.-en w..1.11x•..i.10g my ttr. Upl/1 '' ' '
1 my health I. well Mal, 4 r.i MA. IN tell nein; your gm :\ '
...i1e..,1 hat! tho arnhtleation.4 mar.. eta , it. mt.' , '
I, / h.N 1 1 1."1: • ta ier, MONI)A1'; - AUGUS •4th, .1 trier., Mr Truman, ot Stwnpter District, who h ' N . . '
I. F 1.:•1, a`raw......itt Train will run 14.1 fellow,.. ' 1..1, no.p.adtd tram hi. parcortial Jutifa by • niverr nt• ,
1 1.1..• 1 E NEW •111111111ThN tit :)..1 31, and 1 I 31, tn.. ef bronetailw. I here plearnme . cerlttyintg, thee. \ ,
i LK Al F I.lpr,n,i, lii ill 2lt 10 A. Mont,* dl P. I hats to you. nrat`am. sir,•yourn reif..rtfully. ,• " ' '
A. v. 0.4Lu0i.,,t.t 61.6 th pi 0.... . ...L... - '..„ 6,. \ \ ••„ -
16 AC #A,Re., .:1 ch.. PER 11 lI.E. •
11 • Clelareri umler trreCre yen, ad atm half pr., \ Ti Pdlowfhor orm rout or olio worati,ef ea., whist, tbet . ' ' -"...-'.','•-• W" 'l .,
••Wt.. P0t...r01, and liat.rak. "Fdrt. dd 60 \ ntly..Xinns and trti.odo thnutitato bejnrurtble oortintup. •
. •• 1. • 111 . % '• \
.. •• `t Had. . . „Coact., Pk. Aug,",
, IS44\ - •
.a. y ~...,•1„. . . •
,- .... 2 " , i% .l. C Alma.- db., I wis..take. with th, tit-tilde onugh,
a` t • - '', •• 'll, o• h ought ott. b.,. wild. lb tbe hvainAing ohtiatt I...Mit • ..‘" - , ••••"., \ .. '
•• ..N. a Itrax.too. " •• va • I w.,, , ~ o ftto .1 to tor lied'for more that. two month , . \ • •
GSA hrbet , r`dl b• , 1 al,l`narc Co -I . l tor Ith 6 ssaullu lam .id der, I th!arne Shentl7" ''• .
ihd.o.l,l•lttrborab and hoshem. ,to •11,, the n • and wle. my eyes ante awaked and 140.1 1 .112.+1421104 breath - •"" . • -,' • \ . \
• 10w..k. tly. s. e day. ...„..„."....
.._. . ..... S. . ...., .1, .1 tat. r.ry Lott Indrtd. I a at. rapidly fnaitig,..,ltlluthdta , -"` A •
- 10.20,1. ntllllllllo4l. antl nen Orbeit 20 nl.Ol Nava ''
. tree+ r breath it. hutd Lotto-Of .o.l,loVny rarad '• \• : ":"'
tbe ....1.0, • ' FI., , .he mate Wood. .11 bile lot lo rituottan t. a IA! whmin... - ''
sir Tho 'retie ',II not rm . ; tan run. 0, hut - f l .ofUrntntt • Ithn Itei \Joh. R 08..., of the Methodist thureb4bratabt. • - r : r „ ! \ ''r A
'h .q.. touowl .1 1 .1arday will' be t..... 1 . n. Ile' return trip Me a lwda;• ad font Lae.. retttrtl.".hM l Ult ., Rio.' w." . .- .
\ leandify. \int than' from out exiwetatton et obta abler, ' ' ' - .111,1. nt th. A . . On 1., er, ntrnet. to 'het Its at al etl.ets 'nano. me to ..ainn• its uh . t..thl - .",.' ..... • ..,; et. ',.' - •".\ \ '
.....,.,`,...,....nJera htmlina to .re an, a b e e, o n th e `t o m e AT...0 loun s tay health much IMprored.:_"NoW. Inentsett''. , --. ... • •••'",..`,1, T. , ' , .
In. am Bridge. Dew'. dlometwalarla lb. , the, 'mar toehtlea I fata Welt ...strong, awl ran idttibra. mt.,
...,. ' 0 . ".• 1 1:',: 6 '', •,•.`,.':' Azi..** 4 . •
0,....e v.,,,'1 , ,,,, , „,,.7,i:i . ntni Innr, tb n 1. 1 1,,,,,,,51 2 4. naly 10 leer ;treat modlebar. 1111).1 thedietowt-alatiorle. r', 1 4 .• • •,; „ •,..., ~,,,t. ... .
11.... ‘.71 , WTI rMI , i ~.. 11.. orrina f thetet..l\ 1 . . . , JAME, 01/ofItICYJ --, 7 ,
~,,. ~.c
1„.„.„,,, 0,..• ,4 t.n.ann t ,r• In 4 4 11,t.y2. 0 •ins 1 4 4 wwig hyJANIIJa C. Al' ER, PlactitralCbtMt- ''
•....`," •- a•-•''
I.l.reha ate !Intel. the ah Chart... 1•11.110•Fiftly n r. fn. Ist. In wl )lash. Sd.d" '
W,..1 te Mara,. and along St thus .....h Al • , poml, 1.6..1.1 11, Pateburan. wholesale aid•renCl, by 1.1 • ,1 . . rAil, • ,
nlung the nolo. yo,....eitaers nn hail the tlmothm, nd 1. ' l l , `TheN 0 01 - nod d• Il• TOWNSEND. . \ .'
\ \
r. •er,l to di, l.or, ' • , \
In Ati.gbroo„Clty. by 11. P..SCIIIWARTZ, and. 3. DOIITh. . , L
. L
'fl. 110110.21\nt1110,42. 11 ,1 0 1 10.,,,,,,1 New Ittiold \t at •Gh \ w , Drusciats genera:lf, , ... .01.7 1 deltddnaft . r t . ' '- :. . ~
\the • nth,: br.etienble l). t ---•- •, - .... ': •
• .\
li onlemef the botanl ot Dir...
\`,\ ~,,,,f .\`, •
t'll"•I '' -', - -,-11. - ---- -"l'' 4'.? ''. 4. •.7\ . ' . ::'-'-'''''.:: ‘• .
, ... „
PITTS/WE GE AND NEW dASTLE: \ ',-ie'Z'elk,..ert 17;7t:• . :t'''•'''' . 4irry'',.:‘, \'',. •• --.• . .
,:‘, . rtit\tittttttme.t.t. \ „f. t ! - - , ...,19.1 . 1 ,1 64?;!,:,,c,.7 • .
..... .1;•1 * 5t .`,`,',\ , ~ " . . -
.'`..K 0 _ . „."..1. , •,.. , '": - .d, •
_,,,.....,_ •6 ';',L'.!•::.'J1) , s o \ •!! 6 ' •
IFt romntei ion with f4e ohm and Pen., 11.J.1r00 ..,z...4 •- ,,,`" , - a.`r , • .:-,- i. p. " \ v . • '
1 • ' .' , ..', ,,, f' --( L .
_.,' . gP?
1 '"'""- . "--.7 . - ="""7
Vo.' ' ' 'l4'. lel o 5 ."
.-- • " •';.', • % - ? . ;''.7 . 2A ' „;,' ••. . . •
.!‘.•::• ' 5: i ,
.;, ..•\... A .: - \ -,;;' • '
\,•71111.01701i 13 Hotißs. ' :- .,_, 1 'r«: . : . ;;•?- - , --- :1 7, i?i . .7,!l - pV ,, P. , ; ' ,;':r '-•
-,',:r ' , • f ': ' \ \ • \,, ~-: . •. .
7 .
LIASSEN , A;ERS Will take the 10 A. 31. train V "- ,' ''','-..... .f - -,, . ~ `. ,- •\ „ V .
tn,m l'it;t4urah.„ah.l am
• 11l H. UySiTT'S •litip °red F,. , s ' tract 0 , - rs. '
' i• - •. \ '''., . . A ' • •
vitt,: Kr 11: c .1•1' 1,11.1 M Ct., J 11. 1101.11.11. • •
•,n aviral at Se Druthwa.. at ,1 1 .1 \ ,,, a, )1 datly. senrina „,.11_,F • 1 111,1,11 W IX, K AND 11Alt APARILLA; Ii now \ `.., . \, • ' .
at New Cantle. nt I,l' 31
. Returning barn New Cs.a• tit P. wi., irrisina at Now '_'':''• " I p ''" ''''''? • " . "' t ''A r ' d '''''''''.'. 4 h . .. "k r wl : e i d f e l \',• :. .X 2. \
'lf r ; AR , t/..A. , r ) the . 7 1,•,` , .. !I. train. \ tra.• the ./IEAXSAR.N4RILLAM .. as 111 re . ; , , .7
~ . , ,
.. ~, 0,4 at New Ca. k wath am Stapes fm br th. wond.rf I CURE. it has Per( , 664 06 . ' ,,, f.."4 " •-", •-• :, -.• .:-. \ • •
ble.rmt luttl2l, A. 2
1 „,„.,1„,,,, „ ~,,,p i ,„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, enni: , o of which '‘ t.7 10 11 posawnsimt" o the proprietor... , 1 ."„ .
••• \ \
\ -, 1• ,,,, A,,,,,,,, Lamle',; y.;,.;,, , 11 , :memb.r. thin ha be only s inte mod •' :: agletefids.` .
. .1..1. BMW r 3.1%, Water .troeh Thl. medic... tehodusekareordin • 1 6 • l\ret.tou.. „, -
....", • .•-,
".• t1e....10,12 Monsanah.a Lion, Pittsburgh:
wi " okir.. WTT,II°7 Y h .'. , , '., . ' Cc.
\ • d. '.ll. IlltUh.
1 • 1 . at d- Leslie, nowt. Nevr"Castle. 1 \ Aerofoil,. ,' \ _ w •
..." -.,
7,, ',.. 111 Dir'' 'el. 0 illtatTllElL Prr , , nrlt ; t o orm i; • - \ ing . e t.(11, .
. o
1 ,2' BYINANIA 'll ATT P \.. .
Eruption nf tlMVklet.
ateen Kra "f
-na.,...1...- / -.:-._ -:: -tea ,.. 1.:.......,... - -., \ \ ~...
.111ii v ra n ct o rTe ern,. 4,tio. d l,_
~._ \, .., t
~..., . i,
..,,.\..:, . ...., . •
, ...mytuartt t" ... .1 4 I thi 'Roue or wi . , ' „.., ..1, . .
' "
, :
Cemplerett• ,x. X?..ort, SI) tortirs to lof Joihkatoto;k Join:B,ol4lSo Ulcers. Sirdling of - `,,, L - t't . f. , - . } . -• , ~ ,1 •
, . TIIIE , R, 11.6.1., Ahi D lIPEED I.I2REASED ‘ , \ th e 01 .dr. SXPlnills, Brcielmie, 0.11 Rhernol. V , , \ '
i 1111 7 . SL •.' ..10ERS hilye IL plensur.e to \ ' D' r " ,.....,,, °! ,,, th 4trr rn ., " ',.t ". . ; ''' ,..,, A f t ' '', - I'. - • - ,. - , \‘',„"„,:. . \:...".: X: : ,:'-' ,
I\ \
. .
I ~.-, . ata Railroad, I, have romnomon tranohippow . •
101 kporh and tly expo. to .liter *sighed. . \ Shoulder. General.D.billty, \ • :
... ~, , • - . .
1 06,1 . ra.a iaaa6aAp.. NUR DAYS: , \ •
", W.lpre me. brern \ Ire foratard ••r ... 6 . 116 4 '\• . ddire and Comfit's:C. \'..!.-F. ,\ 1 \ ' ' --: ,
of , ...sand.. or pr. . within our calmity whist, w x
~ \,, .
. •kt/NE ILlated NyON.N PER 11,Erh, \ nes,
alt) .. . to mama rate. 0 1 Ott. • ' T/14.8.E5T FPJf.ftEE • XEDICINIZICNOPW, '••.... .• •.<
IFI it 'l' C at.l.-lart tlor..\ • , I ''/ , `;• ,, ,th'it• \ losinieße`„Coo.mPtirdt.Th i ,t t.6 .... . 6•Jri i •Fdd•r m *l 6 4rd"' .:
\ \ \ •'
.\ ! \
1 .i."-;.t;i.°A, 'u c. ,:i:riii!.:g.,,...3 ....,,A ;,,,.,A \ i, • .... idt 6 :41 1•11 . 6 . wddlich loraditued.whf Ude.: and , " .' s V ' , II.
1 ,4,4,
diert;he , . F T 10 , Po.' oral aka* y stat. of inind, are 0rnr..1..1, , ... ornonfri \' • ! '
..• '\ •,,.. -•"\
. ..
r ECoNert"l„. '1, 1 %1,- tlard •• nee. \ ..,,.....tirt, • , T. : t,,, Wo w iy..,,,,,,,;:i „2„.,,,,, ~„,,,,,,..., ~,, .
.--- \ _
...roe, l'aln 'Dye Muth. th . athrt, Lt •-- _ , ,
I elli rell.'/ . v renewm the foundation of • slat and 1 •
• X
rn' ''‘' T ' e h' ''''''
`k s ‘"'" 5".4 %).• . t . rt-tbe 1.a.. It n ' eutralizes If. hat. , .top . „
`, it ` ,,:d, sr.,' ...:', . _ .. ....... .. . - ..
. ' . '....
' ' 7
1 . . '..
• .
THIRD CLASs-u,,, , ,, Pots. But , ,I. Lwrd . \ e. a y, „ tn i ~e , e , . Ch•,..,,, a . t d 0,,.• he.dt,a, aewa.t. t lb. .", \, ,
' •It
1,1....0. hee, hotte.. tall. nand .. 1
. - • . .
. , ; • ra. \l,
F 4071011 tILASS- A 11s ;, J.,t11, 'the. . t I o wish tt\ purge the bland from...ay; Ides \ \
, • 11 " - .. 11 .U.• a 0 6 1."'wod• "co.. 0 -' 6 '.- '• 1 sto ran ...IT`cotri tbe Iry Indulgent...sof the ipp.thad •.•
V,,,,, h . l' h Iji.
` stru t A ,} . 4 . 4 .
.. p..; 0.,,,,,.. .. , ..... th .
'.,- rn rhf Penn no 'lt at tru, • '" .- ' .
-- -
' `.. . ' hr . . •!, .pid. Ir•r,;rt noWto \ 11; h 1loyaoti1i Estrum of l'e • ' ''. "'O . '''.
• „ .t.
, . . •
. ,
: toi.,Niare Pulps; s oir . W . - ells ii ' l . ... ' b,sterns. 1 ~ '', ,.k . ..,.. ' . '' , , 7, , r u 0, ,1 t !. .., '''. ..1, : ,.... l' t ls ,l7.V::,,, u rt 'L' a,..riVbt -:
' ' s, ‘ • )‘,'-', 'n
• '
• • • - A - .. , 011 fct 11 ‘ ;,,rer be dlietotanoted, far Mail/ renal , ' , ' •••\ .
1 1 k.. SUIlSelt. 143 P. • \lnfi_trout .tk ci t t o blEtst . ~, ,,,,,,,,,,, lh ~,,,,,„,,....„,..,4 _ ,„,„., ,„,
.i 4., ,, ,
. .
, , , U , .61, , v, p r z , ,a.,„,..,z 1 ”.. ) . , 4 , t,r,..41,; . • ••1if, . c :,.. 1nt 1,,,,,i qoerienco4un . their want of 'pleb t" ; "- - .
_, \ .•
.11 11.,11`t.11,1h.t.rtry,115r,i, , , , ,f. ~...„.,.....,,,, i, sat and vmu n7 c fmundttfountitid k, on r r f...... ' .
~.,, ,, , : 4, 4 . 1 4, .
: .• i , ..., att t.... .. .u., tu.t thny ar,,\"" le 11'6, 6 r66 ' IT .P . ' ' 'T u.... " "1" .. d ' •• • ' • ••"" .i- • .
~.a, •,r never wet , figt oft.reps., 1., t.t.,4t.,r, 1 ,,, r ~. 1 , P 4 Zl, a. abb. roosedx; thoreforr, L howevoy , .
• PMA. ..... and ia.ol, meth.. p,.. durable . grakalln brit. dor. m olt .0 ..1111, flavor. lona..meta ,.. \ • ~....;
1 ..01,‘ , a adaCelmap. 61:t e.,...,.. he oe..rn at, h.. hitOrelt and`vthera, Int oNone-deaMtlir 6 . 1 .- . .....*71 Itrt •
t \
` •• ": ','
'. "'a,m. 1:1ir, iwi ' aZei.i , .:l73; ', " ..ii.Vl.Tr. '" llt= f t ti. i....-,. +: •r ik 1 " , kb' rde h , Dbf 416 '. 1 Id"' ", • • 4!
, a t. a tt ... ....7\t„) L. ~,,,,,,n,wy Ri1 e ...11\., 4,......benti0n•1nt0.442,11011.12.0•130 1.105t22 en. IlltinetOb I6110•112tOnS.
ntotn..W. 20, nbatut.o.lun...l at thelentate plar.J.tok \../ Sursaparilitk av,e'pern him, fortrie We's sic•Xbf
\I u.... 1 for m, oatt SK ftwn. morn.n.-6 .t W.., • •• . '
....,...It. t `o. It hwof l. Si. earn lc rtol. •,4 , 1 ,... t 0 . o ' , l' ...I.' , . Dld • dirdldg '4• • ••rt '. .- ' '' . . ‘.. \
1 ..., •1 , 1,.. wn o 'half the ergs ..? 1.. pip , . ' ..... , 4„. h.• 1 ‘ 1, . ,
m% i,v.,:mii,.... \ : ~. .., , .„ •
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W .., . tug Academx. \ * \ ."•-•
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.131 ALES, 1,7 l'lll tray hLLOlVlNth ••_I r !!.- .. " „ !!
1 1 . 41 e and le fi.'n4.1.1. an.' Clas.iieo IA School..
‘ . ,
trahatx.n A ..0.4:11V41 ent - ,T, 14 ‘ \ • Dr Beftnellf- Oak pleasure ,kitttiJna, tbati.5air.,';',.11."... , Ar•13,,,,. - r ' l. \ •
JANIE'S II U. .\ `l /. . \ • M.. PRINCITAL, htdlokr `Dock nal amottr.llla giro. at o.tiabigtisitildi.l":ll 4 , .' -`k, „ .,„%; . i "," "..
;k` lIS INSTIT 1;10..' win 1,,,. lvn r,,eoe wr.rf.r.A.i , . \ • . \ •y r .. , ...! ,- -:-.:,•-.4-' 4 ,- 4, ~,,, , i ;
~..utp." or put., \t ale mt. +ale) ,at kaT.Jr. - A *err iroPMfalat Rotate /R. turort/ict l ...-.1k4;*.ri7.1-,•;.,1.•.•,:.'... ..:,..'••.,'
i . .t. A tau 1. '.l b. •-•. rk. ot antruetkm comp.,. all daughter wit! Mozibl raj, Itileolt,menAtruatioiti...r.k.,..ot....,,, \ 4 - . k., • ", 1 , \ ,
1 th. raf she. taO.,,it .a • •ilc't wed•lM. 6 ...I ,:,.1 . 1 ‘ 4 . oherdlreasofJpeculiar bur , , Elie ti4tini • badlkyir,icl".• ••-''.-(:.• \.. :"
r.... n twtratton. •di I. aii,im in II M.. 4.. oultakhd. '
'et tt, • The i, pis,rvlewt AL an estemire foal' retrhlr , ta.rn•d4 l . 6 . , d". d. 'Sr 1, 4... tim.o.;Put 1 1-. 11 4:: , :": - s. . J - . ,
. ,
• ~,.„. \ Idle. onawi, t. he 01, KW Artpmumisal u.. of Itr.ll2aynt.t.l l , V.llo Do& tel Sarsaparilla... Was.. • 0 . \''
1 , \
t...aa , ..." Ctritaho, coo • Doom 111 I.orttoninds ea sally run.. `hbe used 'arimend.".andotherserithott . • . ti,
I r01..r.0n . t., trove th. Prins:pa I. , ,
ts ,ty,„ ~,, „,,,,,,,,, i t i ,,,...,„ „ d ,,i,,,,,,,„, . ; sit tn. We alleAeot. to . Ile A:ad one dangth•r Cs • .
.„, . ,„ \ "
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Sl ,pl? ' Illt , ALL , ‘ ' ,61,,,, . ,
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. • • i ,• ttleahoew earl. ',Ratio. '
..J. N . • b,„ a ., p„,,,,, e 1 e ..,.... µ 0.,.,„,,h \ • I.rbt,ot your NAlew • . kat. Sarsaparilla for m, W.V., , , • 1 :. \ :
\ .
1 1 " . t w.f.' , 1a... , t".. 1..... >7l ' \ who - ,,q, has th.." to kt.r eningatur,:trytdpeLan .o.t
• , , . . ... ' '
„. • : leak Via, Falling of OW \ \COmbl A nod. ll It` hie
,grad` :•• 4 -
•, le •• "..0 In aline Cooler St.., /to awe .
'D, .w..i.. lin. ~,,, hf.. : belt.l ?,,. sr, tomb. 00th. knit .. a 1.4 i.i. 1 7 . , ''''
N s
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. teldnwr,or'S . \ atrek and Eschans It an , , .fferd.d op • 1 hero .I.ww\P e=b.......„. monad Wade. \ ',. ' \
~ Rowauira f once Nixtire,..‘• and yudgin - i * cIC , III. effect o „the former, frel eandides,t \ . ii,
Utat:it 'a OP .\ a b.f.. Mfr. \ ,',, "b. \ ' 4 1 .0 . ,,,,S
1011 , . ' I' our, r ... to.tfully. '' "„ , NAX/114111 • 51. " '' , 11 • ,..i..V1 • '
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fril g.,(1 - ,ISP , a tmiyers. Ily ustnblishuk, a ‘,. 0 , ;...0 ' , , s.„, , „
..,,,,, .1 I no. El \ER AND ...le; the other eln. Is Ihl I • r.. ‘ • . , ..- •
• s a.. terr. 11.1111 0.11 . 1:A . /NI\ \ - "." - Mat., Salding:4d Etio, l'...,eurtsi \ ''Lirer rive, ',.. " ...4 :
, • ~
„I . Th.. . POS.., dlclaw,to. err `ICM ; 6 . 0 . 1 ; ;; ; •! • , 1 ht\l:k".1 1 P.lpitatton • . 'r ad; tu....1, pus.... `theJ l,.. .A.Luy - j , 'may .1.
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~ l 'i " Z''' 3. i t :"4 ,,,!!, 'h„. ;•
lo t. mt... ashen keeben , wouldNio ell to eatuu. Loot. \of ttue•ett e ema ,e 11. .. VII•plk S. . .
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dly rlet t i. , .
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i „Tie ~A r E t \b.,,... host., kr - ale hy - tr, ',neut. ta,life..
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db\"\ Ile and taud 6 .4 d.
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' vA.L.F.II: r , 5.,,,43 t,u,k, , s .„ •.• , - . \ t.,! , -. 1 - , " -*4!".rdTd.u.6•l l ••'"„ • : '. .. a7 r ...
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.00 1 Wit . '.01.-C.Clf 11LESS is Ruililo, hobo:add at*. seller trom U., kp ,
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jl . L•ri , ' . d . • ','• M..\ D . I\ ' \ • ....*.s.. with 'the writ, olatters, r. Wow ; •00 1.1.1\ \. .
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N J 1.,',L1 k Co.. ICA. Feho.e 4 Vi b \••••l- 1, • 1, J.11.,: , ,. , ; \ .•7• ; ,
.`,. k, • .... Jur trOm Providen. It I.• • Wr no.
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by th. &leo • , ..I ' fk lan ti f,,d. 6 11 4„,',`..!•,.',1 . „ 66 „7, 4 1 :\.-
•, , , , r , -F•• , •-•.9. -:. .. ~ • ~,i-„,..,, 0 , ;, • •-•,,.4 ;, ; ;„. :,,, I, wit: Wanhingtou; L. 4.E0wi1,4 ; :1 . ., ....1 1
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\ i 0,, 1,),N1)111 } . . 1„ . \ .
„rr „ lilted:ant. ii,. I ...Stu, Ilustlinolarc*s.Orr,llkia Ab . urg -
1, , \\ \ ,
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AleVanani A ' N, thll.uoicr, .111.drikle; B
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I Fl'l /IN ' ' % \ ,Liols , ‘.sII.A.DES, i . ...... „_.
~;_..„.., ~., r B 48, Bi,, B ot 4eivi t, 5 . .. • : ‘t ~4 . \
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•s . tow adetwe f; .I...reed and.,:h ..,est • are.l,llrnetiot i ~ lb/awl IT , . l ll • '-'
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Tian ,. n .i. azn ., A rt o . ..,. \
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