The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 16, 1851, Image 2

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We give tinder emir telegraphic head, such ye
turas X 3 we have received from variousiparts of
(he State. The returns from the Western part
of the State show that Western Pennsylvania has
done her duty tope Whig cause and the Whig
candidates, and had the &Mt not done so badly
we should have won a glorious victory. As it is,
we can only regret that the eastern colludes
should have so greatly disappointed our reason
able expectations, and defeated Governor John
• - Some of the Western counties will stand as
follows, judging from the • partial returns re
C.. Allegheny, majority for J ohnston, 2,800
Erie, do. do.. 1,600
Somerset, do. 1,800
Lawrence, do. . do. 1,050
Washington, do. do. 200
Westmoreland gives 1,900 majority for Bigler.
No where in the West have the returns disap
pointed us to far as heard from.
..Buoneris now ascertained to assure us that
, Wm. Bigler is elected Governor. It is hardly
neeessary for us to say that it is a oonaumma
deqply deplore. So far as we are coo
cerned we have the profound satisfaction to
know that we did our duty—that our utritoo cf ,
forts were exerted to avert so great a calamity,
' fltr snob we regard it. And so far as Allegheny
'county is concerned we have little to find fault .
with. Some Whigs neglected to vote; but we
know of no defection from personal or merce
7 . .,.,nary motives; and seeing the harmony and zeal
which preehlied here, we augured favorably for
:the canse throughout the State. lb Philltdel•
'phis and some of the eastern counties, faction
.Nativism, and Southern influence combined to
bring about the result we have witnessed.
The return are yet too meagre to allow of a
full analysis of the elements which conspired
to bring aberit Gie:defeat of a man who has ad
ministered the n.l Jre of the State with more
ability and; we i=‘4 add, with more integrity,
thin any of his predecessors: and who witl re•
tiro from office with honor, and with the proud
.consciousness of he;ring done his duty, and up.
• held the honor, credit and independence of his
native State. •And if Locofocoism, cringing
spophancy, and the blind spirit.of faction hare
D§ thelr'combinatton driven him from office, they
••• cannot tarnish his well-earned character of an
" able statesman, an honest man, and a true
. hearthd Pennsylvanian.
We are not sorry for him. gle,loses nothing
by this decision; for he will retire to private life
with honor, which to him Will'doubtless be more
pleasant, 53 it will certain], be more profitable:
we deeply deplore it for the sake of the
State. Shadows, clouds and darkness now rest
tipon our prospects as a business community.
All-'our great interests have been ruthlessly sac
rificed upon the altar of party and faction, and
tbe, honof and independence of 'Pennsylgazia
have been bartered away for Southern vptes and
.Sontheru custom.'
.• . .
few years ago, James Buchanan, in arguing
for a'favorite locofoco measure then before the
Senate, said, "Bring down . the prices of labor to ,
the standard of Europe, and you corm your
cotartrrwith blessings add benefits.' Our pee
. ple are now likely to come to the speedy enjoy
- merit of these "blessings and benefits." That
republican equality which has ever prevailed in
• the United States—where ;it was a thing of
every day occurrence for th employee to rise to
• the place of the employee—ill be done away,
‘titecthe i.bleSsingsrand benefits" which the peo
ple of England bare long enjoyed will be real
ized. 'We have contended earnestly against this
• state of things; and if the locofoco party will .
• persist in keeping the country exposed to for
eign competition until all small establishmenta
shill be ctualted, and all manufacturing shall in
comsequeneti be forced into the hands of a. few
• heavy capitalism, who can dictate terms to the
• - laboring classes, and thus reduce the prices
'a.o'the standatxl of Europe," which is just
,i;.51-;7;iibcrre.the point of starvation, it will not be the
&kilt of the Whig press or the Whig party. We
labored earnestly to avert this great divas
but in this case we have labored in vain
4ti•: , But we shrill not.give up yet Good imprFs
t talons have been Made. westerit counties
' have done well; and if we are to have a gloomy
and distressing winter as this consequesci- of a
disregard on the part of theipeople of Pennsyl
vania of the dictates of patriotism and common
sense, in giving up to party tibia was due to
the country, let us hope that experience will
teach a valuable lesson, and bring them back
from their grinit error, and ultimately restore
their prosperity.
• COITHAGE;rIIOPC. —lt cannot be denied that h ,
- • the total prostration of all hope of any tariff re
lief, caused by the election of 'Bigler, is very
discouraging. Pittsburgh, in her earls!. eon.
• nections. and branches of business, suffers as
:much probably as any Otte in the United States,
freed the suicidal policy-adopted in_lB46, and so ~,
.pertinaciously insisted upon by the Democratic, „
party.- We have been hoping that Pennsylvania
'would give such an indication of her wishes by
the election of Johnston, 'as would Induce Con- h
-mess to modify our present revenue duties so e
as to Rise our Crest staple articles of menufsc
tares little morif --- Protection, That dream is ,
• past. There is now no ground (or the slightest
. expedition that any relief will be • ex - tended ,
,We must make our caleulations to do with the ,
revenue tariff we have, which nets as . a eliding ,
smile against us, giving least protection when
'moat naffed. It.will unit do farther to depend
';.t. , , ; ;; ,- .lipten any relief from GoverllMent.
`4lereittiation is.gloomy enough ; bet shall we ,
J.j..;thet'efore fold our arms in despair, and yield
x,... „?4'' t ?ii,viritheittan effort. Never. Courage, hope, per
severance—these under the blessing of Provi
-deuce, will do much, for us. If the Government ,
will not help us, we must help ourselves. If we
cannot get fair and reasonable protection, we
- must try and manufacture iron, glass, cotton,
t ic., without it. It may require some modifies
. ` Wens and; changes, •pair.ful alike to employer
and employed; but necestary to the welfare of
It wilt not do to succumb to the cotton
oecacy entirely, although they have managed to
; ,,Ititt us under their thumb. somewhat at present.
Wimust economize every way; we must work
'‘lutiue.d stand by each other. We have ft great
gloriousC tat owing in wealth and '
o try,
power every day, and* , soon be connected
with the mighty West b a nee-of Railroads.
We have one of the finest:locations for a maim
' lecturing city in the world. Our credit is good.
• We are known to be a safe, substantial people,
and Pittsburgh manufactures are popular.. We
GUI, we must succeed, in spite of all the evil in
, (Mends brought to bear us, and march
• forward in the race of prosperity slowly, yet
surely. _We know we could do better under
, . better tariff; advance as fast under a wise and
policy in five, years as we will under
• the present: In ten; and we knoW it is an unjust
and most suicidal' policy which thus cripples the
interests of this great State. But let us not
• fret about It, but go'to work to overcome it--In
the first place by patient and prudent fortitude
under it, swills the second by a manly use of
mei rights through the press , the forum, and
- the Willa : •
- heir,' perseverance, industry, and
Inteiteltl+bi:,,tilcse we that conquer. Our
• pyiiiiplts,-,pur_istuse, our policy are jolt; and
approbatien of a good con
- `7,editinit,,..ancktherespect of altinteillgent honest
We. havens reason to despair.
At ysntalnC Comm.—Wehave farad it impels
toprepiri over table, of the vote in this
oatinty,. with inf6cient fnlinese to give any Katie
'fitinticeit as, with the eiceptioni. of the vote for
GOUrnir; very few regret have . been received
tram the acruptry &Arleta. Cnorigh is known,
however, to rarrant the statement that the
wholiWhig tielltet is elected by majmittee tang•
. tram f,OO to over 2000.
sosora Ifti 10011 land upon oar shores, and
on binds we see indications of o disposition
to - eye Lim . o f uo ordinary kl
Empti-taligeoitri, however' brilliant, and tom-
Omits tunmer-warm,s sincere, can do
butlittle good to amen whto has lost all he pos
sessed in the service of his country, and who
has suffered greatly by long captivity. We are
glad to see, therefore, that it is proposed to be-
stow upon him a substantial token of good will,
by making op by subscription a handsome com
petence. Kossuth is no ordinary exile; and
whatever honor is paid to him, is paid to the
cause in which he labotti and *afforest There
is a moral sublimity in the spectacle of a great
people`spontaneously rising up to do honor to
such a man, and confer benefits upon him.
260 J . 242 7- 1 . :•
us • 1 8 56 sas 1143
435! 355 ' 384 373
305 154 336 141
312 400 ' 009' • I.6Kr
551 , 111 ,1 '4O . 4`21 ,
WI COO 000 001
145 152 106 1311
000 000 000 000
334 07 314 113
215, 1115 102 111
501 213 V 0 112
373 2f, 543 275
Pitl.ll4-Ist Want-279 1t.4 260 , 151 2942 • 164
21 " 360 3 00. 193
" 446 435! 155 ' 34 373
41ti 11 327 160 365 154 036 1137
6th " 327 391 312 400 0011' 000 -
oth 370 197 351 , 199 XlO 220
7th ' uOO 000 0041 001 000 000
nth ' 144 151 144 152 100 •
6th 000 000 00 000 000 100
180 00a94- 353 943 334 97 114 113
2d " 1-35 106 217, IQ 197. 121
.3d 319 301 212 ILN
4th •"
402 243 370 251 1/3 202
Birmingham.. 119 '..2/5 172 213 162 215
E Blrmingbam... 111.10 000 000 000 tOO 100,
South Vittaburgh- 000 OW 000 OW 000 1101
IleKrospurt 000 000 000 001.1 000 WU
Ellsabrth 000 000 00 000 600 000
rat Clisabeth.,... 210 000 001 0011 ‘6O
Loarence9lllo OW 000 000 0:0 900 IVO
harpaburgb........ 101 113 lir: 113 000
Tarvntum 59 36 001 0110 00 00
Bun ite6o6 611 *I • 000 000 (90 000
el anchestrr 101 ,97 0011 000 000 00
Pitt 1114 69 00/ oxs 30x9 uou
N/ehles 104 51 159 155 53
C6lllno- ULU WO 0100 MI, WO C , 1131
Wilkins ' 000 00) , 001 00 um 00
Plum ....... . 030
0. 01.0 000 1007 Oilk9
.................010 0 000 003 00.1
Peon. . 0 000 009 101 003
Vernalllro. ..... 1 39 35 77 177 •79 12u 55
liltostrth .... .1100 tiOu 01.10
JUr non 110.1 9 b. 10.0)
....... 110 I4L. feu otml (A.
EPP , ht. tiialr 127 ltai 125 On 110 103
1. , 9.1 08 Clair 711 110 73 111 0 5 40
nnowden ......... 130 46 126 46 126 44
.... . 120 70 124 73 121 v,
100 75 WO 000 ouo 0.
South Fa,rtta. 01.X1 0)3 110.) 30*.
North Foy rttr . . 000 toou 010 00) WO 0.1
Chortler. 010 000 1410 a.O WO
nubltoon ... 134 99 129 10! ILe
1 , 13.61117 OW 310.1 oxl 01111
Moot, . WO OW. VIO
06)0 000 000 040 00. 000 001
Franklin 000 090 00 00 (110
11 rCArldleit.R. . .. 75 70 OM 79 00
116.0 117 62 010 000 010 000
000 1100 W 0 1030 000
Nor . 000 MI Oho 300 00 ,'0,9
951 Urr 0.41 00 tmo
Fa4l Derr` .. . 000 300 uto
k Indiana. ODU 0/0 000 000 III) 000
■ 6h01.r.. • 102 7) 96 70 000 001
I s-ry ]uPQ
• -1; 7.
; .
• .1 :-. .1 ' , .1 F G • : • re -
I ;I 11 ii f : Il . I ! -- ,I 4!
1 -- 1 • . , . 11 1
1 I
1,14%—1rt Mord.. 521271 2011242 241,197 107115470.201
11 •• 5'91:153 3261343 ..ataiws vai tsßpr I sK7
A :: 0 RI . 24' V, fit ...T:il4 is.l ''''4 . f.::
kV - 514 311 25 039 OW 479 417 409 000,000
ath • 351 :dB as: 151 354 245 sfl 226 579125 ,
7th - 001 OM caw 009 W 9,001003 OM u(Molood
nth - 149 151 116 000 0091164 104 17 )1000
9541 - 11(.4100(9001601.110001 0 01 00 OW 0050 1
40rny-let Ward. 15114T3011:19:0217 125 106 11 , 140
2,1 • 211 21912)011!9:193.149 1 111011.51
1.1 - 12571.0.4 272 . 317 , 254 1 27007 4.22500 1 2
4th . 1:5013.61333.243.254i3171 101270 10.,
Faux weaunioioNP
Car - m.2..1m» a the Pi...hi:tch batty "*..t,
The Pennsylvania election ie loote,l upon
the neat of government and throughout the IJ
with an interest which belongs to no other
.fined to the choice of State °dicers. We a*
prepared to receive. without surprise. intell
gence of ttie'aucces; a - either candidate for go
ernor. There ought to be no dlubt of the r.
elootion of Gov. Johnston by a triumphant m
jority. but, unfortunately. isaues have b
forced into the canvass which has no prop
onneetion with it, end in regard to which th
position of the whig party . of your Stite has
hen very greasily misrepresented. The ene
mies-of Gov. Johnston have straggled with the
fire of desperation to raise a panic upon slave
ty and the Union. The course of that gallant
statesman on these robjects has. been Koch as
could hove occureed to no stnnll-mifided politi
clans. H has preferred to go to the people with
his heart in his head, to declare hie opinions, to
"indicate Ma past actioria; slid to proclaim b
the beginning of the diennion agitation to th
present hear, hat reminded me of the woman
who eat at the feet of the Saviour; and thee
that good part, wWch neither malimnor hatred
nor lies. nor the hounds of faction, nor legion
of devils could take away, !or it was the par
which honor dictated and conscience
From the first Le Lan sternly rebuked
and trams...vale spirit, which mould
t 3% to the Union a marketable commodity, and
by turning the Union itself into n football for
factions to play with, or by bringing it into the
shambles, with a price cramped upon its front,
degrade it from its sacred place in the hearts
and affections of the people, and make con-
temptible es any other . roiserable prize of party
contention. Ile has refused 'to calculate, with
his adversaries, the ratite of the Union, or to
join them in the disgraceal agitation for its dis-
solotion. For this he hos been demon/iced
an abolitionist, an ineenilbtry, ►n enemy of tb
constitution. lie has declined to sign a bill,re
pealing an act which his antagonist supporte,t
refusing the see of the jails of the common
wealth for the confinement of the alleged fugi
tives from elavery, and for this he hos been stig
matised as an aggressor upon the South. al
though that act was passed in consequence of a
decision of the Sops eme Court. Col. thither,
his Opponent, has been , 'orced to swallow speech
es and votes innumerable. of his own, in Sup
port of the very policy on these questions which
has marked Gov. Johnston's administration
The mode in which the contest has been con.
ducted by the whig candidate, will long be re
membered as the impersonation of candour and
boldness. If 'he is beaten, it wilt ennoble de
feat; if successful, it will lend additional bril
liancy to victory.
Should Col. Bigler be elected bye bare major-,
ity, it will dispose of Mr. Buchanan's chances
for the ;presidency, and indeed extinguish his
claims upon his own party. This result will fol
low as certainly from a merely nominal seeress,
as from a defeat; for he was forced upon the
party in the State, as' Mr. Be representative,
and I have myself seen the money paraded to a
large amount, in offer to bet that he would be
chosen by twelve thousand majority. • If defeat
ed, his friends will have the mortification of feel
ing that they have exhausted their` Sand, and
lost the stake, in the middle of the game. The
defeat of the democrat's now, is, beyond ques
tion, the lon, of the State to the party, in the
presidential struggle, 'for, after all, Buchanan
has a stronger hold upon the support of tb
Pennsylvania division than any other candi
Gee. Was. 0. Butler is relied apt( by th .
0. Butler it relied apdn by the
Gen. Wm. O. Butler is re is, o , ,i t ,y i.e
compromise democrats' to carry Pennsylvania in
the event of Mr. Buchanan's retirement. The
latest ticket adopted by them, is Butler and
Franklin Pierce of N. 'Hampshire, Senator Doug
lass, who has been tasking progress of late in
the affections of the faithful, is now here. Night
before last General Scott called upon him at his
lodgings at the National liotel.• The quell nuncx
give out that the object of the meeting was to
arrange terms of the next campaign in a spirit of
friendly and liberal riiralry.
The Republic states that Mr. Webster may be
expected back on the: 20th of this month. His
health has been imprltved by recreation from of
ficial labors, by travelling and change of scene.
The report of the dismissal of Consul Owen is
confirmed. It appears that the president signi
fied to Mr. Owen that the charge against him of
want of sympathy for the unhappy condition of
his countrymen, or want of energy in making
his sympathy known to the Spanish authorithui,
were so serious as to.require explanation. Mr.
Owen's defence of himself was not satisfactory,
,tl hence his removal. I incline to the belief
that Mr. Owen's intervention in behalf of the fif
ty, two prisoners who were 'first captured rind
elibt would have been unavailing; but it is wor
thy of consideration that Spanish accounts from
Hamra contemporary with those fatal wear
:renege; represented that the court martial which
tried these men, in the summary manner (amt
. liar to Spain, senteticed only Colonel Critten
den and ten of thel offioers to death, and that
Goy. Concha apprais,ed the sentence, but was in.
doted to mod the ;decision in favor of the oth
er prisoners by the elamor.of the ultra loyal
party, and by the consideration, - industriously
I u rged upon him that any lenity shown to the
, peditbinists would tohls Wm"' at'court.
If at this moment of hesitation and debate be-
• . . . . I
tweeu humanity and vengeance, Consul. Owen 'During the time that the Advance traafroseit
had stepped in for the protection of his country- op in the ice; the men and officeri I ptuotissil
, expect ing travel by
hem their Only means of escape
men, the censures, of his conduct suppose he I everyday in drnning the sledges,ea they were.
could have saved at least all whom the sentence
el by Ice across Baffitl'a Bay to the
of the court martial would have spared. Mr. I nearest port, Uppernaria, a distance of between
Thrasher, the American editor of the pepper I
two and three hundred miles. Two sledges of
which has been arbitrarily stopped by the ofnci- provisions, 'enough for thirty days' full rations,
, were all that could be taken along, and these
als at Havana, would make a good successor to 1
were kept loaded and in. readiness the whole
• wen
Mr. O
. time, to start at a moment's warning. The men
' '
L idsn had their knapsacks packed ready for a
The Mexican government is beginning to urge
their very just reclamations for losses antlered in • move. Ten miles a day is all the distance that
consequence of our gross neglect to defend the , ran be made in a day with a eledge--the ice be
frontier, in compliance with the terms of the tug gy a ery uneven,lll.l . COVered in many places
eep sth,w and f r ightful crevices.
treaty of peace. The primary cause of these . For the amusement of the men, and to occupy
forays by the Indians on the Mexican frontier I their time. s thentrimd company was !heated,
woo the disbanding of all the new 4 regiment9 at : and perform nightly ton large audience; no
the end of the war, at least two regiments of ' .g the deck of the Advance as a theatre. it
dragoons end three of infantry, should have been ,:i ng housed. one daringveni o nt the po r -
fr.._ethe.err ; .to.i6obelow,
retained; but the eagerness of Mr. Polk and the average dtiring the day was 21e. Yet they
Mr. Walker, to put their house in each order as did not Buffer from the cold.
would make a decent showing to their succeeSors
led to rho reduction of the army to a standard
altogether inadequate to the wuato of - the ser-
I*, Mexico is said to estimate her losses at
$5 ,000,000. No doubt they are immense, lot
if even she gets the first red cent out of Uncle
Sam in payment, she sill have much better
success. than creditors of his own blood and kin
drod who have appealed to his justice undar like
From some memortauda of the late ex edition
of the ••Advance" and ••Itercue,' made up for
the New York Timm tho following extrpetr ore
"The race of people who inhabit the country
tljacent to ltailin's Bay and its trihntartes. are
them is caught up with avidity. This arrival
furnishes us with n eight 01. some of their ho
tiuctive characteristics, in dress aud otherwise
The dress of N. married - lady is composed of
• .
pair of short seal-skin pant, for outside, Y‘•
tending nearly to the knee joint, where it meets
the legs of the hoots, made of the sainemate
rial, or of deerskin. The upper part of the laidy
is covered with a "jumper, - or a kind of stink
with a hood for the hood. and sleeve+ made
whole with the exception .4 a place for the tone
and arms Th.s also is made of sealskin or
deerskin, and in the warmer weather is covered
with it fancy colnred cotton-cloth sack. In the
coldest •istoi wet weather the cloth loch ix re.
moved and a sealskin covering, without fur.
placed in its stead. This composes their whole
dress. The dress of an unmarried Indy, is dis
tinguished by whroad hand made of fancy-fig
ured webbing about two and a half inches wide.
sewed on each side of the front of their pants.
extending dearly the whole length of them. A
married woman can also be he olistingstialnal
from an unmarried one by the hair, which in
both cases is tied upon the top of the head, and
the ends of the married are colored bins, awl
tot the unmarried red, This enables a gallant
to act the amiable without danger of making
advances to some one already Illtarletl, and get•
ring n stray shot from art injured bastiand The
boots are made very neatly. slender and well
• ... -
propnrtiontst The upper leather' is colorist
They tan deer skins with untie. and their seal
shine are dressed in a beautiful manner. simply
by drying and rubbing them with to .month
-stone A pair of slippers completes the ward-
robe in the Es•ittimatii cs•iintrx throe , e , ma d,
of deerskin, and neatly fringed round . th'e b•ps
with white rabbit s fur The clothing which
was shown us alas made in ti very tasty and
strung manner. every thread used being made;
g the sinews of the deer,awl of • none very
durable The dresses of the male. are very
similar to the married Isshes• with the excep
tion that they are long, and rstherheafou
The Danes are scattered about among the Es
and furnish them with what few for
sign articles thepains want, which are limited
to steel for their spears. ands olar felt orris
d -an
moots for their ee—, and coloring the,
hair and boats Th e s e at fae„rshe.
Vitt Almon evttry thing tbtl . +cent to re,tort.
..fool, clotting. anJ even fuel •
''brats are a kind of boat used by this I,e. Ile
ple, and are certainly very serious scat, bow ' rot;
of which were brought mthe Advance They ; war
are male by stretching sedskius over light
framv-work of n - o•si soaped very much ' l i e, • ens,
flattened cigar. both ends being city sharp. etch l T
a hole in the top about fourteen inch. Tii ham allot
et,. The whole length Jd a hoot is about gre ,
twelve fret, by fourteen inches , 0 wi dth. an
eight inch. deep at the centre The hostels., ed
e lide, hi• legit and his hips through the aperiurs•
in the top of the boat, extending bin legs length
waye, while from his hips up are outside r This ;
part of the body is es-aerial with a sealskin, er :
made the Same as a 'jumper,' and lash.. with
.drawing-stringsi at the hottom. to a rim and
the apartgrein the boat. The boatman propels e a•
his craft with'. double bladed paddle, about -,
seven feet in length, made of light wood and
slightly made, the main part but shoot one and • •,`
a half or two tn;lles to diameter, rind the blades •
four inches wide and ornamented with n ..,"
With thin he moves his haat through the water ,
at a very rapid rate By n derteroue movement
with his mar an ripen boatman will completely ••
pare his boat over and come up at the other so b
still retaining his accustomed situation In thi•
fragile vessel he purse. his avocation of slaw, ,
ingrealr in the roughest weather. for which „.„
purpose he has a barbel spear several inches t..
long, made of steel, and very sharp. whteli is
attached to an teary point about eight Inch, u.
length, the whole to a staff 'seven or eight feet in
length and two and a half niche, in diameter. to
to the steel if attached a line forty r ,,it in length .
made of the hide of the walrus, and this is fssi o-•
coed to a blatider,rtiade of the skin of thy
and fined with Pir • olaying on the after part
the boat. When the styrar eutertgthe teat tis nr•
ranged so that it disengage' itself from Or ivory
point slipping et the atone instant from th' +rota
bat in attached, by• , string anti floats with it, I t•
while at the same time the bladder to wioch the •I
line is attached is thrown overboard, preventing
the ciest.from sinking any further than the length
of the line; 'the staff and real are then rseti•ered
at him feisure. for Miling . water fowl, of which
there are but few, it Atom round sr., • used
attached to a staff seven or eight fret tar length
There spears are thrown with astonishing sore
racy, rarely, if evettaissing their mark Another
manner, and the ekaieet by far of spearing the
seal, ie by doing it through a bole in the •ce
where they come up to breathe, they will frit
q uently Acratch holes through the ICI' from the,
under side, where it is several feet thiek, to got '.'
fresh air, the natives are accustomed t o t h e
- made by neratehing, and will hear -.them a long
distance and witch for them, as erion n, they ,
make their appearance they ore nt .nee bitted
and secured
-, The office', of the Advance also broUght with •
e them neveral Esquimau% dogs. These animals
e are very docile and peaceable in their ilispoei
lion, allowing any one to handle theni familiarly I
but they may have changed somewhat in their
disposition by being confined MO long on board n
e vessel filled with civilized people; their appetites '
are very thracions, eating at one meal as much '
• as would satisfy three. common American dogs "
Their appearance at first sight reminds one of
e the wolf, having a sitffilar bead, month nod earn.
their feet and tail aro also similar to a pram, I
I- wolf, but the eyes aro brighter and have n more
d intelligent expression (if the fermi may he lineal
than the :wolf or any other animal of the kind ,
Their sue in nearest that am small, well set hull ,
". dog, and very heavy One'of them on heard the
e Advance ta female) has long straight hair, of ti
.n brownish white, tail the same: another (male, on
the hack and Idles, and heed, is black, end the
i other parts the name se the female, hat the hair
shorter. They arc very strong, and we wit •
nerved enr of them break a gooll•rirel earl whrli
.e he was tied with, without appearing to exert. him . -
in self much in the effort.
he A horn of a north whale presents quite a 11(1, •
rid el feature in the collection These whales hove
a horn extending from the top of their heads
E" forward, varying in length from one to twelve
in feet, are very !straight, and grooved as if by art,
ht in spiral form. The groove is raised about the
, is eighth of an inch, winding towards the point,
and it iv a very formidable mean of defence
The one brought home is about five feet in
to length, and twit inches In diameter at the but
of end, anti running to a point at the other. These '
whaler, which tire plenty, are spatted, and
ho the tone of a humpbacked whale A white
. whale with green back were seen in large num
bers, thourands in a school. Stacy whaling'
o f- ehipn were seen near Melville's Bay in thin-bay
ne. many whale-Ships are wrecked every rens. •
tds One captain was seen who had been wrecked j
three timer in one day, 76° 3(l' north latitude, I
iu the name place losing his own yes.% and
• of
barely escaping with his life to another, and 1
of another, which were nuceerrively wrecked the I
rig "ante day.
a e BROI'RATEP--Thia remarkable production
, tr was actually discovered of Orimson's Clills,:tle-•
verloy, areenland, lat. TIP 3'. At adistance,
'"' the tops of the cliffs appeared to be a deep red
•Ilef co lor, as though ,the whole surface of :the enow
was•tbe same, but upon a near approach it WIN
and discoVered to be scattered about In small spots,
orfrom ten feet square down, to naere drop, and
was only a light num. When melted it still re
am mined Mined its color, as it does at the present time.
'lie - There seems to be no accounting — for thin sin
, ioh galas phenomenon.
tt j.. Art iceberg was ascended, and the height mea
sured by the dropping of a lead ball; (not a very
accurate way, however,) which was timed, and
that the height judged to betbree hundred feet above
in - water. If this is correct, it moot have extended
oth- under water a great distance. It was ascended
oy.l with great, difficulty, being very steep, and ne
„,„ cessery to tut a foothold for every step. In the
2 ascent Lieut. Lowell slid down, caused by a ons
`' hap, about One hundred feet, and when be pick
lure- oil himself em found that Ite•was considerably
bei bruised by the operation.
Ito. KIKKLE —The Washington Union says—
We understand that this gentleman was pre
sented to ;the President on Saturday by Mr.
Crittenden; the acting Secretary of State, and
that the interview was very lengthy, and satis
factory to thwGerman patriot.
. GEORGIA •EI.ECTION.—A despatch from Ma
con. under date of the 10th instant says:
Eighty-five counties heard from. Cobb's net
majority sixteen thousand six hundred and thir
ty-two rotes--ien counties to hear from, which
will incredse it to eighteen thousand. Union
majority on joint ballot in the legislature one
and forty-four.
Leman ritoM H Finny CLAY.—The Sew York
Express says—Wo understand, from. Lexington.
6y.,) that Mr. Clay has written a lung letter
in reply, to certain of his friends in New York,
iu which he gives his views at-length upon the
Compromise measures, and [Mitten appertain
ing therein. The letter will he here in a few
days or publication.
Moan' is with sicere gratifica
lion that' we note nmuch easier condition of
things in the New York unit Roston money mark-
MS , The estremr of the pressdre appears to hare
been felt, wet mutters are assuming amore corn
forcible and regular mute. The steamer ltal
tic whichisailed from New York on Saturday, it
will be •ieen. corned out only -nevelt thousand
-itillara in specie—a circumstance which is gene
rally regarded no indicating n ceriation of fur
ther ,eoo. iltipments of moment ilitring the pre , -
ent re
:\ paragraph in the New York Ex
pros, stale.; that the bank, of 'France and Eag
hmil owni together the enormous sum of two hun
dred millions of dollars in bullion: Therefore
there will be no encouragement front that side to
ship gold; es they hone its much in bands they
require for any basis of commercial credit.
1'117 , 0 GOOilo EA.Tkr , M W.. --The
Board ofireadt. of nu:
liner memorialteed
the l'o•I inn-ter General on the subject of the
delay which takeA lance in the trannportation of
the moil I.etween l'lnlndelphut nod that city
and Hint', iu pianos., of n i•ommunitation nd
are.niql hy the iinme body to the hoar, aof Trade
in Philitilelphin. rnensuree hnidi nee° Namara,
will reduce the time now or •
...11,11ed (AL Ono route front -19 to -tot ; bourn, utak -
Inc I,r>nnco Irnnt If. hour, hy ut-ing the
ntrol' T ltntlrostl mnten•l of the race mote from
Cho m hemitore t 1
• q,.1'‘I•111014,G.11, —II Is our
ironful to nntlouneir the deceß,
mod", WIIIII.I,ITON. of the Nni i ry
, Led rrinitenee m this city yroiterihy
rooming. betweeniLrol o clock, in the %Ali
yr, 'et :hi. mei% ortrv i nn ding,. of f.rof er• suf
W 14111,1 ,4 4,4 naq.e
Ile k..•rn p, V.teml.,r, I niter ru•
arloirlon- roue., .t andNL.ry
op enteronl the %ay . ) in J‘nuary, It•tfo,
tn. nehlnl.ervr.l titnel fifty two pm.,
nal veryn....• awl hrillant gichinyeznenl.
In,nr , onvro with thr ,, ry of 11111 country
tarn t onl.irtng• Attnie IL.. lorighte.t
,{ 4111.41 .411) ono left of that non:e
r • nn nr . nrnve no:al vntnunnnaent who, in the
`leftr achieved •o ne!! glor, for their
,nary by th•ir hfiltlant tri
antinst .
• ..nercir i,•. then ,1r,r3”.1
T prvr,..3ottal torrtt Com n s
zombi at.d wl.;ch
eat ptsr...rd roe.etnvvl will ninkr
r.grrtte.l the. •orirt) m whir!, he rune
I 11,
Sttr. Itztaanx 1•A.E..n1 To"
It.Al c.
' I y .mbllro. , flet
ytter..- trt.n,J.l
.1 . • I !Kw. et.e.l
IL. +.o-
. ~...~r.•.t.rt:•m.~1. , n.cr6~t)rt..n•.a: e.mct•~f..r.r
...g•get 11•7ig00er1yg0.....1 Aonbog
t4t I.o.lougig, tn.,.Aloy
t.. 1, gag LAI. ItAl . v.vv•l J.iII bb
g..ova.. 11.1 I 6w•. ••gilog onolgr•
g•is•rsl .• ~,,,
"A .111 , 1/In rogAtoog.Arkoto •ogorlog .
• ..o r•tatAl g. A..
go.. II al.I
.4••••,, lAgg •0r....A. IA V.
Ao.. go AI l'Agry lo A
Ig. ••• gi o A...gesrgg .• by
...I,l* • g bAgoat, . Vitt.boly,
itt voo ti g• univvrinal - skiervis. If 11.
,ar.•ll • At...gob I oomet,
1,..‘ a will
ogogritoog I.Aobt
•gggsAIVI ov• toot ,Ato man ..1 lAgest, AtAl Ah.goglA
I ay..- Argot v.r, I.,&•••• , and
p 2 3— It rv
. tlla what is watito.l
M'l.Ano. • I.rgnsfuggo. VogoAl th. 1.11•ovoug
re], 11,,roing Co •
•.1 u 1•.0 v•ttir sa,ns was hos. I ;Ad oast
I,lst.lral I 1;n$1 it as c;.itot st, last.thus Ins ;$
ossn wssral tatlsfaell;al. ;teat has ga4P..I
•s t .s ts t s .anteand as 1$ %gm's., mat I
i h r Itrroi I think L. mr kith , Pl. - .
If / •isikt mil., but. II b. ham , frinmit.
t.n pais last. Ili. ci•mlit.i. 'V me •I•
mi nth, nirt him,/ •if I . I,TEIt Fill ML
hi/ Wind
Citmen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
r itn... I Ater inn,. In ft, warahrtuao at . 11
I ti l'n'intinnt A. 1r Matt,. Sitr'f
In nro. In
trio,ritt., In•qrr
it voraoir, Ar.
Arj ample estarant, nor Um abillty and Intralty of Oa
intniliat I. miTonlni in On oharsetor [lir Il,nnt'in,
tr tit ro al inn, l
oltisoni nf l'lttrhoralt. Wrll 4.1 farnratilY
4. the onntinotnir for their pritilan,
anal Intoirrira
W.I. Kan4r, Won. Lartmer,
Jr., Itraant, Haab It Kin, Martini Ileasirtno.
John Ilaranrth. Ilarbanah. A Al,Kior
Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &c.
"" No. 129 Wood Street,
Pot, In all tno st.ntirta of 11ervhant• tml .Alien .
LOWIL 111 , 11 l of
I , 11,.11TV.1. PVarTS.
Art.l .r.. now pnpar..l to on, .1 pneh nri
..,nnot 1.11 to
14-A tul wortment )IA ti ,1•11,4,1 C. XAA 1.
• 1,.
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company
A riT A L. $lOO,OOO.
' 1,o1•1881—.•81 , FHow,
1,8 I.BB,ldet .81.8ruct. ifigan
T,mreur.,--J.Boarri 8 i. • 5 , 11
8,88.t.ary4.. .8
A. 08.81,
w1v..811.8.8,81 81 atirdhoT ,r 1 hli paprr
I 81 , rlr:
;'the T• 14,1111., I Minim low nnhin, Allegheny enuerM
un Mk o f Mr Illof want Fri.l,llt In
Ye. of n 0.... ,
,PA LL FASIIIONIi—Jost reeeked r
the otos. ul Mon A 1.E1.C11. N 0.,, FOIL .t A
atlch hay,. for irons...ion on Ilia-stay ond A
Prole, of Oil. seek. where you artll 11.1 o hound
fu I wsor.usent of an entire new mole of Straw, Silk. Patin
kill Velvet Bonnet., laud Trimming, of T•YiOtie
•Okleble for thee, wen.
I'. Children'. Bonnet, Ladies' Vona and 11e , a4 , 1 t, lno.
, of rich and !would.' et, lea
THE 4ubseriber lu. in Ftoro offer+ tit
los prin..a good oasortment of Alpaeo, Cohug.
wenn and flour, Mows de lain, PSplin, Pr loth Mron
ne% Una,. Cotton Flannel, Thibet. Moonlit, mid 114 st
en long Miss., I righ Linen, Pongeellondkarehiefat knee
ersrole. Aottnetr, Caselmens. Cloth, lausale, Jean,
Brown and Illeschod Stuolin, Drills,Ticking. Cord Cam.
brie. Padding. Ittusooo, l'inirrello, Wink and aril., Net
' l=4 4 ,
Binding, Buttons oleo • large worlrty 01 amnia, rton
I most rvaileolfull, invite the attention of merritant. east
Vinare • t ARBUTIINOT. 00 Wool et
PATENT TIIREAD-2,000 lbs. imported
direct harm the nianufaelory. awl for sale atprima
.kilt putt Boman. C ARBUTHNOT.
POOL COTTON--10,000 j ust rev d.
England and for sale by
40010 m
OOD gNGRAVINO by Jaiumi Pnrk,
Philo Ball, Alattest, wreathe Post Office. Al awry
of T o ro, mod.
COMPLETE ''"f Bucket Machinery
tr J. 8 DILWORTH • co
for roles
h „ g , an d grounde
— r• ."'" '41'1 7 . . 11'2 g r a '
C "IUMIL' i;; • RC t us, 4HI
New Books•
TUST RECEIVED and for sale by J. L.
rl head. IS. -40xf0N. ,, ..
Forest Lit, and orewiTneen. W est.*. Camp
Lib' among thn tnitinira. and wild wond adventure. wilt,
de.wriptinne orlamlwring Oparalinal, S. .be J. nPriannr ,
Hula and Misrule of tin• En.:ll,h in ALliyal, by IWI
The Lily and thy Apologne of the en wal
Ab: Wortwn, F. It. author of Sow and Te.o., ae,
A POL.?. Sk-lehae. by nywne.r.
The Eirst„_Thinar. n nerlw : Lertuten l:mal
Facts ard Morel Innwona heel tom a t nkind, 1.•
iiardiner Spring, 1).
The .lionle Altar, an Appeal in Indinlf nf Family %lot
ahip, with prayers and hymns. and naJeudar of lona.,
from iwritdore. for (smile C.. F . 1 . - m ,
Death OA &ends. or dying with god
dagigned Oluettate the troth and power of Chriatianit>.
by la W. Clara.
Theabove, with rainy others tcn to a:ninntw,.
and a fresh supply of Blank Work and kat:nnar , writ inn
trout the East.
Ifvur. llqurt....zryzeotars. NI Idyl, I Ambr.-
Atrou-R0... Valeb..ll • r•—•-• "Pr.. ridwrY, Jeuur
R nod pure. iv,
awl R.
ddl Friylrd . Statt , .
' Fur +slit by ctlf. .E. ,ELLKIId, 5.
ILTIMAAI CIIEESE-245 bms llezlep'l4
Durdedcpyrtd NRWY, the,. re.
tnf d Kde
1111. ESE—be bxs Cream Cheese. 1:0I do.
P'. It. juAt rnt.J f lcul fur rah,
With & Mcf.ANlnlnlnt ,
BUTTER -1.7 kgs froth. reed and for tale
rINOBACCO-203 kgs l's,-s't, W2l, and I.6's.
1 thin J.) we'd raid f,,r nein
WIC!, &
I 11.000 LAT E-20i) ha fresh rre'd and far
nab. m , ...116 it ILK & 11eCA
ldds Sperm Oil, :11 do. extra d:).
du. Wentrrie Ilirachnd , a do Tulnern . J.,. rn
endlrd :nod fur I, r
PICA & \
cctl4: ICh A NIN
PVAIILE SA LT-51111 hgs ground rdck udw
ta,,ding and &MAI! DICK
W•wrs,rxd vnad garret , .
g !OFF EE —501) lige Rio, hid do LagitaYra
Vhand for 1,11 Kt: \
iol)Ftsii—!!) to+ landing and for Haleht
I,ICh F.l a (}o.'
11 , 11 EESE -200 bno in -tore and for ..ale by
1.11.10,1 a I
/ F t E
nfnit "r".
C0 . PA1. , " 1 k ARIC; 1 , 1 „ -- , -- , •,:0 , 1 , 111 , 1.1.1 •
Vl I 06
I "
N I 1.1 , t0t111 Carneus, '2 kg. Nlnnilla.
tlu t. A A I
S ALT I TILE haAA`nnin now lEonlin:f
l's4T •I' U BUSH El and for
• 1 1 . 111,-.BlTiill I
.• A,l l ,ltil• TAIOIi•ItS' I
The •Inner ir in the /nn.n. f..rpy uruall,
rrn Encleen Th. enlerel.rtar thee here .5 onana...a. ~ 1.1
pnel c• 1111 1.. L . ••••
Lm own 1.11, ...roman.%
Th... aertn 11 ..r en.t
P.r In • Hell Almanac ..I1 1.c0.1 ne1r111.•
erni tnter•—a. c 1..11 neve., .r P.
c the nral 1 1 01.•1 Tton•
1.1 fi ,Lrent
11. A. 1110.arnIna raplooo I•ap.r,
ceern.,. .1 1..1. .
lalr pep,. f..r paper ....1 —pa re I I
To Printers
•Ith all nano.., 111. •I• tor dolt, •,• o•
1/oo arbi Job 11,,,J5, 11, ro, Ing.tb•t %oh Lb. oil
1.1- , 1 tor an.orrtal4 bo .il l o ..M...R. ,
Of., and •• Ibr own,. ••••••toi,Alboo
n•••• .111 he ••1.1 yr, 11•••11
IV(In. 'I lo• •oo•-• bo•••••no• ,nLia.
oreur• par.-1.,. nobly' •l
Sacred music Books
i i , ANT(rA LA 11)1S, by Vann A NVel,l
1 , 0011! , ' , WRY. 4,, • .•
THE iVY lilt i.t.. ,n 1
and 5rr.f5,:,....1 I r ib.•
. .
Moults., notol ;
I. II VI .1
IVAN K rrs - fro my in
Land and Lots
z•ALF., t anin if An
.1 - 11. 11 .•
Con°Cy &
r r fc, 4a:o It, r1,11..1 Id 7
Lbe tn. ...att.., stio.
pants,etur-T. •73.1 ,•thsr tss.
d .‘:
•,tr. tr.-nr .225, ,••
2-f I Ise, at•Bufw tuns., ts scs...rds skd.t
~, 0.5.A.1.1 I .
Tl.i. su I ttd.l..uto,tl..
IN 4^ it"( 1:!..
4 '\ vul a r t , it 1 4,,
AMI: El. K I:C.ESEN ~ n
17 band a gt-trtti ttt At, tot, 111, ot.•
11,1, 11,1 tt,n,, ..•
Itnnd.on Cbutr• ',me t
uaotit ach1,41•41.•e tn•
Fifth .Ir., I'iltsLur.t..l,
VI 131: lIFI ELI , hut , rt•.• .1
11'10. 1,0,
r:wlli-one n.,
At•••:tttt, norl et.
' •
King, Pennock Fe Co..
.F: It I. (I IT Iti Nll It K .
WAl:l.ll.rt Not thil, PITTIIII 11011.
VI AN] At -n. itE ..1 I'ot:bon lord
?17,! • ."
. r"
Ac•nl• • Nrll6
, 11.n1i , 11 IN!. F. 1,1 ,1111 1
I N.iN
" '
Nottee to Brickmakera.
EA LEI) PRA )I'UNALS will lw
w 7 Ott. .nortoll, rto Ittorr , t A0...0r, •
Itr ,SP/1•01, 1.14 ili , >/{ilihhi. 0 0,6 lia Ih.
, Itorno•theol .tot tooylit•tOwtto ot.
%%S, V. al hor. efTr. tn 7 rrar taLlot.lrAl I.tottr
Otort. rt Ittul•• ern.. hoturrll thr hr., ot
Atri rrit or. IL.. VIII a 1... I.
rtotro.o.l ut• 6•66 -, 11, 1.11. trto.
Nunn' Grand Pianos !
UST RECEIVED, splendid
le/ : ortar. ott,l
ho. Imrri lc." a 3,
Vt.rt Thl• 3n.trurneut
oat...a .11 Ito. Istral attaran mica sot mt
., son., roll Itarnmt.n. at, latitrttruntto turn', Io M.
awe. anti oam at law al. . ntr
truly art
..lane and .tath
ntrfertic s as It. ntreastann w let twat., th. Prra'r
aI Itr .11 n'tlal The ors...melt ...It mat
ata. Intr. a tllttett
I. tratrlt. l'stnitormt. alnt ,
wpamtl'ltt to lrer, Iran mai sn otalt r I .
grollsnaw anarrlfal ta .ally
tlin unstvall,lllntrod rtrow loran
ars of Or raltarrll, II Ittl
n.le .Iwot for Nunn* arid CIAO.
N II —.11.a•. , 1.5r5. an.. ern. t aa..4trorni
l'lnnt a.iorltalieta Lat.. \ snit'
New Stock of Chickertrits Piano Fortes.
I 011N1I. NIP:LLCM, Wood, 1/. ranelona . enttrelt.nen
rit. PIANO IntlllkAth Span the r an
v nt Inekerina thtetnn
btv.7lVvV„TrV't:rtin. vrteue. n„ . •• matt=
chargere ntvartattiv the tone av at than, att t„, ' „,
Inv tranennttatton rotk.
Ohl nano. taken to part partIIPTIL •
. JOIN II 11 Al.l.nit.
Agent thy the ral• .1 tlateketina t thane. tar ne.tern xt
Patent Shingles
SIIINGLES mad.. of \\ fl l'in.•,
The le in ot t er Mile
lilitoing Mill of nr
buret rim make 'tangle. r e, fr om A.
Mind emit" I Att.
hirlher. •iii •liheeci
her, II M •, Held. r 0 licitirth irrittit .
V I. 111 11111.1.1.
Cloaks, Ribbons, Bilks, &c.
tp ECEI Ell thin day and now opPn
It WI:NIGHT, NEW ,T 1 .11 - Int., nE•nrtm
rt..1, un.t11.41.E..A., Plaid
Strl,4l 1.00 - 1
AN AM . SEED-- rio hu. prime S,eolo,
lilllll A CO. W•notl
DTS. Tl' DENTIN E- 1 0 .1115 1 . 1
I pr, n.
11. A pale 1.,
BI CARD. SIJDA —lillll4l. L.,
Nnw caoti. , brats.l. for .0. by .1 KIDD A CIF
rr Ala ARlt' ACII Imo i or
1 nab. t , J 111101 1 0131
I STS ATEitiA LS, C01.0110,,,--
Ai_ il.winu at Ow dreg Wor,
N.1:1 • .1 KIDD A 131.1.11
la MU It- - kegs Freoh. plot rod and
1041 boxeA . N.l.l Ro, , iin,forrtlu
. ‘v H,,,,
f -nu halos Cream, for sale lin
1.2 ,iet3 , 11 11A1111A1A/r1
DuTASII-14) . eamks prime, Tor nale by
.Irl.l 0.0 11110111101i11 •
MOLASSES--50 bbln. for bole by
,ela nN /e W AttliAlltill
RERF..--10 0 bOllt,i W. R., fur gale lin
• N 0 W. RKIIIIO 01,11
STRAW I . APER- - '2OOO I.lls. moperior, re
,ol .baler J LL. I.Wwlw.,,,yd i f:7 ,, s l le t I.
oornr, ,pf Porto nnd Irwin N..
'UST opened at the Depot for C 11114•1! Tao.
00..,561.1bertl.xt.Ervt—s Pllll,ll lot of :MI XT 011:1 1 ,
nll 1,1111001. POOOO rn.A. a or, 011.1,1*.
CLAIOI. 0...
tirurers tkllil Ton I!ealent
003 Ilru..ry and Ted leatere
BUTTER --5 bbh. Frenh Roll, for Nate by
.ofireisit--4 casks for sale by
I.rbeit SHAW LS--Just reed, 2 cays
ropawke Iltutlaw A. A. WAKON A (X).
, . •
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„x„ • ' TVISCI, 1 A OUS. " \''•
IL CLOTH--4st re'l from ''',,, C 0 31 31.E.,R C . IA. 1:,.i : ,.....\ . \ . \
• ,
iit Y' .46 6 v Oli --=S ',„,„,,„ n . e ----- ..., --- Xka . Xce,''
back atent as. w i n ..
olekala and retail at ro. litkAtarkeY ' -.•°•---- " ~..._, „.„,,' zar .' y rio ft ,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,fr ec c „ \ y\ 2 r ,,,ii G - ~, ly•y. kkark -\ "„
I J , 4 , i f . puna d Ys, belt& pat.+ r°°°m. ••••••••
•• •,, \ . \Poo° 114,0...... \\ . . \
' thlt dB..
„600 . rke• re JelLe 0 • ex: ~ \ • .„
LOTR -=__:-..,. ..„ ‘,"9 Illajayners' lky: ''•k• s . - '
n'r 'l9' C'°.9. 'X OVEMB /478 , 1 1 2 .1 1 . ,
~ i..
•• - • \
\ sat xx ; dir OP 1116• \ ' '''" RI Blfia°U \.\ A. t , 4\. ..'
. Y
~ , \ air•.iiZ,4ll.T...- .\.• . t
„\ . .‘• 1 .• •-•
.. ..
, ~, w . ~.. ...,.,,,,„ .„ ~.
Y kObbl
amts. 1 .„ ,!a-jelakrtyc'd . • . • age
. .. s y \ Y-,
IZ'l . ‘ n. " ° '.', C . i'il.. - EYG - 1 1 TAT4, ".:, DATE OF . SAL.JS . Y.I 'TO A.ND FROM . TIIE. uncn
tharize.Reotigh • MI TIII 101M1./.8,1,28. •' . UGL\R -- 3 hhde. \ '• fee. ex,le 'x'- A ..„ •
'• . .
No. ..iii' Pedn.street. hheiwill \ P h "' L 'V.,,, :. tlfccl•VH nk• D'is' l‘ 1. " ''' • - '‘ • " U l : y s. - 114 L \ ' \ ‘..•
, ii to k«r, advant a gr 041.0 fr c jiL c ,„. .4 To, ..,.... REV11:1e0 • Oat f , „ ARIAIL— .bbla...for sle \ to . !..% . ,
N Turk Li•k+Pcol,•---o°' ° 4 . o...sonent. br. • oests's o,, , kkrtLlY. , ..\ . 1 '.
.D. 1154, \ ...
. s r ,,,,, ai,,,,,,, ....4 .... Of; il .. ' ..• '•..-- ---- \- - S••••- \ -••-• ',y '
I) EXatiANGg'BROKER, ',Lt..? 7-...: - T... ---'---Lim1"." 1 . 4 ,*°e,.!• 1? ‘ . 1 °LASSES—Y-1u) bbleN. 0-, for Age .- ~ .%. ' ' ' -
~,,i , ..b „ ,..i . „,,,,,, r ,,,,, , iiumb Nh . •,; lock' • Hay , . i •-•-t.'6',YZ .' :y., I I ~,.1 ' .14.10NtAtZkly. XN .
• Inuicht andw.ld. ,
t and 1V.,0„ by.u k bt. and,ll.l:
~, y
~,,,‘,,, 1 k . ~r . „., r o c t., .. riASItiAX4F4,,..,
Atkalltle• .. ..... ..... .N Tork..........U . cerr°°L. . 7 ... 'e"' ..5 110BAC(`0—'20 kegoo. I\B Le. xi; Oedge a - • ' l / 2
eed on , :novibronn • •
N BONNETS —We have re- At'o'"°'• •N i t , , ,, ,y7 , 1% ,.,i:
, i , ;:4l': , r t k , , „
11 i ACK E L—'2so bBIX, artiiilll ',
laiTirkla • •
e x tebo kn. I.
A. silk akyl Sat. , All an 0, r
..,,,,, s im . T [ ~r ; ‘ ora,
. 11 A.
RA a CO . All lette& l yno Ncyc„spaccrs -on hand Or .n. a ~
IY&P.R.R. •• \ • • , a .6ths , '.
• -r , - - • \--- land sant .ccalapd ar. c.o. by thr fil*eteaaner. ci....y n a”er.
AL.l , ot: , ,Tit .s.,_ ioo b,tr,
..enud , cai il,,,i t \ 2 ‘ .
. .
if 1 ARRAG E OIL CLOTH—Just re 'd from
the Phillisw•llls Faetm, 1000 )dai s kawd 6 On,
r plain and don,' hack (latent Can-L1..0il
arsl for Wile wholesale and retail as 5.0.116\ Market
Wnwt. hwl3l J. 11. MILLI 'S.
.. rants i 4 Flwr uu Cloth:
roe'd md for oialo at mr Oil Cloth WarTmotas.
Nlarkrt at. 1.i.r.1Z I LI.
. .
If Cathar*e.lCeongh
11 7I ;!.. L street, hiteir u ill
R. D. King, \
p N at tlw. InAlieAt niarlr, rat,
Nan'' f N Inught ari4.Anid ,
,rhang.. on tbe• fig I Vrat,la , ught and,11 , 1..
p. 1.1 on Onanliconn.••
ki •PITV‘i and sil ahihlt Par •ale—,s.4.tnx. milk .1,1 Sat
in 114,nneta. I. A. A. 11(SoN A (Ni.
&P.R. R. V •
,4( ~TOCK for xalr
, A. 1511.1ilYs.
:itnet and I',that...Alt - 61A ,,
re I - Alarkrt and Th1n.t34,..1a
• • .
DE LAIN ES—Nt4 , opening, IQ ettskee rich
trd u. Lairapn and
I 1 nI A. A. MASON A CO., 621,ni.16.1MArkeA ot arl I
. _ .
"ILA 11) DE, LAINg-k ea.. new
• •
A. A \ M &SIN A co'S.,
tirtir, rate TAMILliej),,.
Ault, • bleh , tt ut JACK Si AN:
`t.1.1. , , Irwm street \
tIF:FINKEL SUGARS—L..n .84ortment ef
i•rn.,..h..l.Clxiti.d.Plelv,c.,ll.l•Lo4Suptr. , ,,frou,
Stri./4 Itrliner,„
\ . , ,
0 . 1 . 111 ' 1 " 11 8 11 '. .1 i e l
. ' l ' ... ' ll . . 'ill '3 1! . 1 . 1 1 .1 t . ' 1 ' 1 1 Y . ....t e c t ur:;l ' aVr . r.: l
isuz. ii... 1... 1115.. t 7 A 4,0: 1,1.1. r la.cturrsrarb niali ' t
1•r . ..Ala, a. rhnie lrigr kamittanrr alter Ma . fir.
ma Isl a —Frntlemon 15 tr....Alai • I.Arrnts Ilr Aril; W.
an A••livn al thr al,Air hall n Aland., it,.. hate' n...
. i, ... V•IA. 1 . Al 10 01.1111n.p.• artl .1a• for IS ill" ii/.1. ,,
11....1...a. Ilvalur•A 151/Aalnek, 1 . reitull•ra. 1,1• A. 14,
Ir.- Atr Nrutairi...l in 'hart: all .liara•••• 111 M) 1.,
....1 Ar ri• rt.. 1., thi. Ai...An, la I.,nt• .1.1. 11 . 1 . 1
1.1,... ‘. laillef .1r Ss 1”. rhitK A ••• 1 . ... treutrAl Irrt.
. i......11 ‘ ,.... from, 11 In II: A 0r.11 , 71 .
rrii}.:, „ ,„ C ,, r 4., for
win a , l i ii ,.
~ en ,: e k, r t . r.,,,,,n:
i ~10 1., , ,, vial, TAIN .1.11/iliA.l wt., ml in rralcl,
Ir. Itiittam I. a arrrry iv l•ar.lon. l ana ill .....
111110, t , . , ~ . .A., , .4 , , , ...111e . ht- Vs*. In .1 ....f All
~•, 1.11, a t r larAtru, i• nu ..Arrllrut ~.. NT.
• . rr.....tiv. ~..t ttl. rie.r I, 1111: +WI , r ut Arl tlr,t
••iil ...Ir LI miir• ',IAA'!" ...CA
z• 1.1,f • .i. 1, is, AI 1111 Al 4 . 1 Gran rt.
I 111 ICE-111 1.3 1 ,11.• 1AA . ..1111A. for Ka • ii)
I 111
Ara. 1. ..11,111A1a.... far rial.• 1.,
• r. I • . 1 S C111 , " A 111 Wirt, A 1:..
a ost favora. , .
vs. 41,
ar,1.44 414.14 n,
+,l4‘ r!oir .1.4
11'4'.. Jl ,:,an
•lobt. for •:a • by
- 4 , 4t1 , 4.4 , 1
1 II," 111 111,4, a o/
game. 1,11-
.11515\ 4 1..trea k 1 ,1 , 1 T. If \ • 4,1
N.O" m A Mi.konta
4\J1A1,.. , 111 , 0 N 4
I: I PI E. 1 . 115) KU fi,rNale by,
.I , :K \5Oll 1 .4.*;c0.
• 1 In
~ " " "' N •
jaa or art \
10 - " a'
\,,,,„, Nod T.\4 1„414r41
.4an414. ,41, La. 441/1 Nr 40 , 4
‘, ANP GOL•i/b.. "Silltly— A tiv:tif•
.\ter \
New Mute.. ~ : \
!1 1 11E 1.1 t'SY :•• SONG, or.Mv Nallant Marl.
a a • .1441 w r 1,114 • 4 / 1 / 1 a 14 •• , .1 V' . 41 ' 1 . 4 .•
:.117.-T 7 .: , 4r !. .T. ' / ' 4;41%%4 rrra fmlL4•4l4\ „c
4 ,- t•it...1.4 111 T H: • /r 4
: ~ cu: •41n. Lattlarn:4,ll-. •
11- en. a., /. , 444,-../.1 5, 11 h
It, 1;11441.4 1444.1
it 'k. 1/.1 TL44,
.4,41 11,. /lar I
/ New Marble and F.reeport Stone Worts.•Ni , ' in ad.ittloo
I• 4 4-r.../r , ••,,,L 141.554 Orr,. h 1 \
..1 n p/ L of in. Val: • Nl,arl,L.
..1 "
rt....r7 4•14.. • ...I 1.r.-.4.-ril•44/44.-4,
rnatrrta/ ISn n. l fre. •..1-,/ , ,, , n••441.4,11,4thr
; t• r.psn, /r/Irr• Ith 1,14.4141.4
'link Pt tiLlt . ARE CAI
pvitr...,g , ,VV,
to* 1,•••,..••ti - • bgr 1
0 111 at'll'lN:llN Il\, i
I .
I , I,' ~ ~. ~,,-., u,,,..,,,,,, .01,,,1nt1,1,*51t5,1•-y I .
s au, nl.coss., r-on, to an r ot6o Mat, a, Kuramt -- 7. i
lanahtfol pran.a/.., ~ t• or/ann.:64 1nT.,,,,..i...ant
• • oat fr., unn lAnuaa. ...mamba:, antala-a,to tat giuet"
i na. pria? -0,0 •Inlll, natilanun•la ,
tar ornaana, t. all lo Ma ona:bant pease rnoa,to,;::,
nO,, • tab ..k •••16n• il, leant a• ta note, 0,
4 rintatana•6 nu, ~.....••••• nr.c•lvaotaaal`"lll
1 all a 'n. to tyto. nn a.
.lay ynlar , I
a O,
-0. ant rna tl, haay.r, trana , : lor thslarta 16,,
ata,lln, ..1...• r 011.. 0, 1aalar0. Vt. . 1',...• P'•l'•.
atl In •,,,,.. naa aryl nraar m, sh• anar.l.o her n.
'..-nd, altepl S.. 41, ..11.5V.,11 to arinet)o 1,11,1,
~ , onnturatt Yty ... n wl,lonair So ra, IA
-a , L. 1.. ,E.l.Litl .a: ,Inial . m.
113 ATT I N , I I ..0 r e A, ,, D1 : .1 . .0 11. ~ \
, t•'''
W.A NS ••
-,1. rl,t,ls. W Ir a l'or •n, , .,bc
~.,, r 1 / 4 1.1.,Kivr,0 ^,i CI ,
.. ,
S ig.E LEATHER- TO 'Lle•• Ilak i.r a k nm••l7'
% ct i :Ile-,a> • , 1
.- • .
ii ) LI , Ilk EW II ISt: El , -.k lof ,u...‘rtiFr
I la 011a\t‘IN .t. i....l - I.
ItUTTER.- I , 0- k,g., and MI . , rime N .
D ,ml I. r ..6 , v.l! 11,
tr., Ia" . AA. laa an.l I•.! ; , , . 6 ...,
1 AR 1.--'• kning 7•:•. I, f,,r Kale 1 , ,y \
I I - ,--, ~,,,, 1.1 I , !9,,!ft ny.R.
B [7 .. TEH-s(l.lzea, pria,•, 1,.r ,, ,... , ..t1... v e , n
i 1 NsEE Imi 1_.,_•20 hid.. 14,•;•01,1';i4r, iiil,
1 . 4 I tr.., I, .1 II •;Ii Mina,
iii..A.ii 1. ;% SII--.7:.oLaat,/k a 6, -,;,1„ by '.. I ' '' l
I a .1 n i',WIVI.O• .
A 1,1•:li A T I. 1 : 4 -- I i .4Vkv....111 , 1-11,1 tie Tip.,
I far •al.. b,
1 , II EESE---1 . a tml 10,, ,: c. , 0nun0n, ,
„,,,,,. h.r ante by
” ''
S ~
I 11 ., , , %. I:- 111 1,1,,1., N . O, . ,1,: , r , ,: . :‘ , 1 , ,. 1 , 7 ,„,.
• ,
I lIEVE EP BETTER- '25 I, ! bis. pool, ler
.1 4.1 i FLOYD,
Hound lalunAl Ruilthun.
)EA 111. At4ll—:iii casks Atlara,'
II ,R li, tar sale
I iIoTAsH--I5 eamkx pare, i v yak by
I g ~... J. k a FLOYD.
. . .
1 I 111
~C OFFEE -41'. 0 brig. 0
j re l er: , , , l i, o , rl ) . I,y
Fr()BACCIJ-13est'Virgirkin.,manurnetia, for
~.1..1., _ , . ~. ..
11.,: . "',..':':°,...!;',:,.."1.,"4:1,rir'''''''''`'""" u "'"'
WM. A. VeCLL'llli &IV..
I )(I 10: • W
IA N ' iSixiAit
. `,..'7'."'"'"'21.. ta'4 . 4: - 11.`,'j. T'C‘ ''"'ZMI LI bort, Kt_
I'll 'ES-.:tklfi rQht.A
k 7 • Ills l, 7
1 ~..i, Niam,,,..R.r AalP , I. •
j sillll * .:91,, KRA & co \
d .0116Fil1—iteceived ton,E for sale 4 -
' wm.. A N1.171.111t1i 'kW
' •
'I I A NIW:RI3' iit'l , - - . 30 Nils. ,hint t3lllllily,
, IL 10, .1?.,I. ‘O.O , J '51; . 1100 011 1(/SElkk ilc.
61 PERM Oli,--.1 ~ , ksks pure for 5 , 417 ,1 11
1.7 ...l; , ' J. 1•CIE \IONA' AK1:11,4 4N,
1 i LUM-3ll„bble. for rkle by, : ,
:I. ~„.7 , • ..). Se11011;:ill A Is.NII A 'CO.
1 A l li A 1 / E , 11.111.—t , 5 11;11 , t 1 ,.. b „ 1 , 4 i 1 ,, 11! , d ,
. is; : i . n , kfr,
' ,
‘ i
11 e ••\
' I A ' , II '.X , 4E-...,-,,-.. , , 0 u. ..,
... ,.. ts : rkiti
d l o lki., \
--lor .A11 , Y \ .70.7, ''
l',ll,Stl_i. \ .
\ \ \
, r ..2 ‘ 1.1,1\'..k, I 1...11.. 'lll rill •• ' V...
... 11l b , i,bc .b. . 0
' 1... bb101.,. ..\
,1. , . \
, All 01 .lell. d lNß le. 1.?4 1, --, -ht lk\ b lll'Al , l..*
' .ilernl in Ibl•rnrk. kml w MOIr. ..I i rrmltlimb , l
I ..; ,. .inel.le I.llolk 01 tm. I,t, Anl -Ik ' ..,
iI Uri ' lift --,' 'lO ctls fres.o ;!..t
4.1 A bitA . . slp; re • an r•t
1.. 7 try '01.7/ \
.. 2 . ,?1 , 101(.4, NI, `A. 1111... z,
Xf 'FA% CO I) 04 5117 . 5 a r ,,," 1 , t IT, 'do:u .
Ili ,„,,,, ,to ~ , • .v. Jolts W r l`.
i d kLi \ It s -) I. ND' l'eN C.A ~
,12.--:l4,shar tl
A Y •.Ii al till 1, Sl:ltPA l . . An , u, \ \
m, ,A. 1111.4 k IV,.
....,•3411 , 1c . \ \ 1 1 . 5(l ltrbartwe;lln'il..l 1
1 .AA
I d'i \ llEEst.:. — lu . o Ilueti
c reutry _ \
14', rr.l. ht..
l N . , " Mg:47lll=l
„,...,, a ~ _ \ tx..lVoktrr ett1..1. 1 .,
d 1:4 EGO,' itliPAß:Ell SORN-,—, —lO boix(:. ,
14 ills 4.ll.lrite okttelretr i ei t asitt . l. V 5 . 11. , 11 ,
'A IT 11, lA, 011--t./ 5 gll. let. j\ ed . tip('
'. T'y 101. pl,rby t !5....11 \ - 111.1. /11A1..115.
11 \ 11,.EAk.TAliNi: ‘ ' b hb. WA I : I,A_N I
11.,/ Ell FlU4ylb . WA ‘.en) , tit \lt i.r.8.,
d 10 ARSE 1 , ? P0N14,-.-- , 10 1b4, , oP,gu%tri,o
N..) .wallty. !brie. by ;VI.. ' ,
..,Y,..1.!1 , :t.1. , It!:
CARIL AMtNIA, 1 1-.2 usk6 to,r , _ a ii i l , e
nw B r. :• 1 ‘ 'F- f. '
I/ 1 AST/L '9DlV:4:kl),x7;,‘.4lf.,";its.
, k) .E... \
Ship. Leave .re or
Caching,. lk , aton , Liverpool lir, t
Bremer, Art 4.
ltn(s. • , . fork Liverpord,. e _...Ort El`
Ila , York. Llverpool• Oct. 11
Cans' s \ Bruton , 15
!dant ..... ........... AS
'rttom rrao P:11 •
cork 11<t , .. 1
All 11,111 and tor Liverpool. un‘ea.
All letter.'.and \solvers on hand for',lre
landaint.Scatlapd ,cta by the fiTajetearner.n.rnatter•
'datum \
Letter., to elontinent.,44 Enmpe, br the ollln'a Una,
net b'nrePald raenti earent br a ,
tbne.e plikees r,ulrnd to be mnald in tnit ,
I.....tlers'to the Continent oi\Europe Pr onatd LION
InVAI.I five eenta.• aingle rate. e pt to ctn."
pLa.r. r,uT.l to I. Prepaid hf. full.
LetLer , bi the Ilavr4Llne, natal Ix prePaid tvrrntr mut
cent. , 1.. \ Inland Portaße to be added. enVert tr.
../rent Briton..
Nerepar.eri. bk, either to au, Continent. 1.11.5 t be
prepatd four monk, each.
Inland P 0..., au., b41,..1 on \frtters and N.;arapa
-5-.....t0 the ContineuA,,f F,nmpe. hi.thollarm and Pm. ett
- -
apes. P.l . KiiretallNGAlrell •
Tbui,Nkr worfanK..*[\tber t+.1•B:o do the a'orooo, refl.
1,114 W
loom %S., wariatton from thr , ...froo irk our
...pond Review..
NILAn nun fallfiinst
le or te.numla, „t pononote in n bunhel of\thoe
uete. nony toe 'of inteorent •
to. anomie rollfur tarn imF
• u whom, nasty pound,
vt -Lu•lll.lcorn.•Uftru, pound•
of mrn iu the rod.. ond-n , , Pound ,
r),., bry it puundr •
o , f nuts, tlitrtF firr \ ;mum!.
kof barley. Orly rig it
\ I . rft ' : " o " :...L "‘" " 1 1'
'Of lydrzn. turuly poundo. • -
ioreluter •rnrl. rixo pecnd.
..ftunothr *err!. ' , lnv ndn Ir•und ,
pit If•al +rod. fifty atePound.d..
hrtnp forty Our Oiduruir
bur6vrttrut filly two prTld•
4 blur urn.. fourtr,or.unO
trOcto.,." Orly us runty,
I Ird,0•••••.... 1b...y . 41011nd
dry.d sppOr. eurruy ruur prhiud•
onnudAfin, Voundr
41 rat ydd.l
- •
p()I I ' I ' OH' • Pi r l"lf ; Sittißi ' ll. * V
\ -- - 1
‘ i t,rit -Th.., nee 2 nnt 1 i nrlo • in elinnel b r In tal 'A A ,
V'1,...t duel_ rant 4piut t ia. auk 4.111nr- \
a l\ LT
' t''"U''''' \ r_
1 Ntritan,ltinntrieltenn,M4 li•veport. . \ sale
AIL., . Plertort-\ al. 'Um* ~tlt. • V \
f 1.,, Shriven. Belfry. W... N er entuan. \
N,,;..nee..... tkulin . N. • tin, IN
NE,,'Zi ‘ I
JIEJ'AIt•TI- tit
A•Nte, Parktnecm. Ilrn•enarille
Aral /tennet, ,Itrowne :Ole.,
.1 11, in. iternirirksnia. •tr t kinvit.rt • ~ •, IN
INA. rI 11N,, Batt,. II ,51f,\1414,11111
, S,
\ • ROVN leY.ATi4t!• THIS DAT.
. - K,el: I`llll4l Y.1.1.111A Nt.t RA I.Tl4oltlt, ' 4
0 I‘. e nrh a , o' e 1.••••• •er ,1, I Wit Ist ° • p•a S
, .
11TA111.44 1.1 , KAI LINI
HtIoWN4,II.I.E. e. AY. and, Cr lc , \
Fin CINCINNATI AN° AZ LIICIA, , --The fine light' , 1
It\ reit,b, •.‘entrier Dner, i •Nlettslt a n, will leave Inr the '
t. 1,11.. mornlnn et nn o•elneN rhe to t e nen Anal, •rl , r ,
1, ‘,....-”tunneh t tn,n. ite . .4 •••••Ilen\ \
..-- • 13
• 'IV N N ATI-Per f;olumbilp-75 041111ln, i
‘. A \l A 4, dl• . 2.: 0,, r it r enr. 1 r nNne and nlxttires J
L 5 t e e ,• . , ,t . t.,.11e , 144 tr , r. , r0 r t.• ‘, 11 4 : } 1 .., , , ! Is.. Li hart rode.
I Pau. ~May Ffiarer-10 I.fint aleohoo . 3do Oii, J
1,1 t L .-..; ~ o‘. it ir ~.ll,re, ~ .1., Als4e.ey A n l,lseell. 5An
T A Weight IV ht A l• • MO, . V C •MartnNinA auLea
I .T... 1. a . .21,. 1 ,1,, n• 2 pt.. 1,[1,1114 A III•IIII0II ..
i k.\\
.I..Tettr t er4 1, n,• 0n4411.: 0‘.44.1e A t oh.. 11, + fe a th r rs
.. O .
7 1'1,1.4 eitne . .en 1.e...eb • ,
A . slk , t/SE3IENTS. • ‘• .
ATHENAEUM.' . \ s. '
2 \ (
ILI ILL °hen hil: TIIIS EVRNINCI, N.opt.
II V I KL...1 tn. A•kh'enantn, Late, elk etreet, JIUTCII ~t,
IlsOn• ii \ t NI,LArrItt.VL VANtlItA3lt If the SRA and •
eitlitttr., nf the 114:141ItittKANIIAN. di l itettnet 1411 bi,...
~,,,,..L , and •tthhote wenery nntti the d..... 1
fp, tA4 r, IV eitt World. ftir \ newt, f. lir tbnueand rule.
'‘,ll'tt:e .. N•rt';fltVrAr'•VinzttAftA ° !'l l :: tnl'A r n7roit
o ainttn n .., nal int n ta country
Admivelno •••• ten.: ratildnier t dt c. , uts .
Th e raurriulkoll om m enene e ' r anetnie at, • q.t.'. be.
r,,,,,.....Nrk. e r e arentna tu the ',et
i 1 Ini nod, ti a t urrn of ft.TOWNSF: , II A ett, b..,
fan .1i.,...1e.41 h t theS.,!..eneen of ',nit •\ Tonwead. thew, • ~...
deret•e"..l 1•111 enounne the tinetnea• i t h•'etoh , f , ...def.
"" ." ''" T,
''‘ "I' M ' "Tt . .nin :1 , I , OlVAiSgNit: :
‘ .1, m I' TQWNS.C.ND.
Pateburaln Ort a. :',l, , ,. ant -
i n t, e envra•nno,
• • nr,ht , ,n.‘r ~ \ \ l'
TOW NSF.NI) 4i`e,tt., Wire Manufaetu
I . rrre, No In \tart., eth y l. httsintrih VeTnldwttn
i 1 L - IV ' 11- A ~ i nall An of irione,3i, 'which k
I , be owner ran hise by ealikne ant denerthl. It at
r ~••• It r• ',. ‘ S.Ntil.ll.ll A BENNYT-t,
Ser..n t 4t .‘Axtann AAAVA•4 arid OtnithSeld
4 ; , \ - •
1 0 tci and Pennsylvan4 Railroad. ,
9N. .A.IIAFTEIt :kIONDA ' the tith in..5t.,
th r , a Cram .011 it,, N... Brighton at IF:
~, c l.. all •turnlo , leave Vattern; .t 4et I , LallCltt at l
' VAI Il e orn ,n IL. L a . nl nt Inn.tetura4
OEII II 400. \ ^krt A cent
.e a n r H. \ A Arsx4rrr.
' lish de .Bennctt.l,
Er \
W 1 , 1 4 ? r, L.F.! ; 1 .. E. ,,.. G „ R , ? i L.:F . .!1 ., 5:, , , ,, ( ; :r ,,,, i 5 5a b. i . .n , ) ,
Nl n nutiertur...-4.0 4 .1.-...`4,0nd eLan,l.lnt ktrat q., C.A. , (1
ty,,,,d no 4,:t r othtiotle•e, Vitteharch. Pa..`ktare\ , :n hand
•u.iltiil,,l'e,ll ,, ,, ..1.. le hieNt.... a r tar'
' .1 . i . ,,1 1. W:t'at'in * r . 4'41% ::;:•.7".{ . .;(1 - 15.4 1 -.ll.iet CotAn, \ , 11
In) 7 fi.a. lie .t. lb lUan n . Itn nt..o, ifmrt,r !Iran? T...4 z
i" . ',.., a k ;“•::n 1.`7.T.M... - .7,; , 4.. ~- t:toi..',l" . b!'Z'f!'\
).- - ,n et dr, meld n. 4, M i l. N 0 ?illetek , . ,
kk , t 1 Ilan. n ps,olph th E nr•y, ~., '''‘ 0 . 11. ','
, r• 41.- Itavana
'''' - 1.. \ - ‘`% , Tt I ,;;lV s s's'll;froV2 , l". '
~, ,- Comntdu n In 4 tion Ihe s Salerrna.
ti.) Wes Almnnd , , ettheeta.2nMal - k hatirre ttaglier. i
Fl . %Calm]. t`r 37 at nut. 2f t . c aska /qua,
a n ntlll4.ninne , r.teninue 'lndica.
.10 hex. Ronk kNiet . .nitil„, n a, Itet t in : n a p, •
11•" ,. ... 4 1T e r r m t :3 " ;•- 1 7 . _.l.'; 4, 31'„rl'il i A 0 - ip Candi..
A - Lli k nen.e. too •kh's'enatkern,
,/ & .I.e r ' n e' r reklt -. llatenvi. •,..'"l':,'lr‘ l •No"l7.`r . n A hen °tune
.1 . , . ..toAt r : . ;'''..:' ''"'" r ‘ ''.:'.', I'll: ien 9 ,.. l ''''' ..
, ~.•• IVl'll, rir-• Cnnteeraa,ktttin.‘cludk
4\... \
i l ..o . Albite Ftraeil enastr.•ntlon larne, Ilatttng t ean.
' ni I ant Ils \ riena -.1 t err o k , a 7 ,lt . a7 ~,„,,, .
, ,
5up,E13.1.08. s, \ ,
Put up an .tletaller Parke, r..reiern krt.
TILE '''‘l''''riber' w". l ' l l' 'Pec'tfull., *lri
, InTlta. the 140..n00n of rel.,' eal,ne ann, , r
, ,t" th , e enterrnr TF. CV. \it ay In'
m ts .. , ....reel tart,. •nale.l a... t k r rind. the
att and t r•••• INA 11, Tra• y ee rfn•U t fire .
• T - •14 *nun...of an.. Wit, tir lei tn.Ztere tor rietal Ir. \
1,... ...1.41.,u• that tanniehn nt late' in...tared) tt,,y
hn er tm.e.t i nttrel t .upernelnit the le t r .. t ,
In e r .1,4n0-inante awl fie'nip.- for ti t itiric Tea.. an t ,
en. h te• t .re an. r..nstantl ; reevlverin fr.,,t e Vra, whirl; \
ir 1 .
...r. 4..1,1 lc Acll A. 1,•• ...feu. el hi.e\o‘l,l4l An th.
......t, ~.. 111 f I, 1LA...44,112T ari e .e t hl on thou
ci•n•neit,. •id. ne t retrafiltry,
i n that sun nnt 'vett. . Lin
\ \\_
‘i .• ," : 9 ,4 " A n ri .' c_
. 1 , 1'
V.'iF,'L:,T,,I,;Z:74It.";InVi. o .r.
Z;',;11r,":"`" 4".. " . ".; 1 , .= r4r,i P"p ~, 4 7.-....,
~, m.n...*;1 , \ , ~,„.... °„„ exhAbitttnt NUR t ikCs'nf t t ...A144
TA44 ...An, lAno aft To avoid Itnptwthon nf th ' ktred.
.h•n e rro that e•••n k pact*r put up ley tie to labelled erkth
• 60(ISV, Tt:\k`,..%lS,a/i g ran,' &tut Salle! es, Isholesat;\
'T'O , at ''''' 4'T t • \f„
_. 1,
fur ~ I ~ A IrteiLllttp , it i t a e Tea T r . r.. , \
- ' ' \ ' '%. --‘•
~. It ICILAILD J. BOIIcK,IING, Mann aetu . •
Lit, ter nt ,LonlEtturo lam. sad Nictun• Frame...ea. AIL
14 ,in hnonins 5i11...4, 75 I' IN .tree, Phi , . .1 ,
l'lttstmrgh. Vst- \,, octtg I,
Vi i 'S C. SMII11:qillin r, finn, N. 0?
"IT i fort—'let et, Clair' t- , , hit bun:ll,Am
-now en n a n tli 1 ciAtannsble •nake Ntotn,lial. I tlpox.itenl I. pr. n ore•l tees q • •il ohjer• al thn
abort untlee \ \
, Chealts, , Manteltas. and l'lntt t t Cl.thvut nisdei in the
4 neateest utanner ' ‘ • ' • \
___ lo e,2: . lT,
l)issolntil \ •
0 I'INIIE PARTINERSIIIPIitorark exieaing
' ji; between the tutorrtberet midi. \\: e nana, nun ATI*.
et Calderell Air &qt. , t• 01. na 1 t S•olvedt.hy mat et
, I ,al AANI44OI. 110. buotte, 4,1 11, Isle will bp ,111111
Ily - , ' ‘ ',' llCt ' 'rft ':' lt l 2l ." P.l ' l l li; ‘. .N 0 , q1 .: kt.1. '
\ , ~77„ \ s
..,;\ The tinderalgaca, havi\ng forte Ca-part
\ fi.n.lap under thr nattu• and•lea "Ca arsll a 4..ter
art. - ill ••ehntlnue Ow 7 A .1' .N" .NG AA trrll,\G
v , 1,41•111.;th, Tannery of the 1.1.4 Arm oef,Fo awidnell
. V. , IA hen. I buqu,ne BoronalA 37111 i, CAL., A tiLL.
fr ,, \.le.. i. 15,, , ` , -,tra,.. . , 11 . 1 , •;t17 4,ThtT'lty• _
sr, \ \
- V
L ' '\. ZINC PAIN S. . A
8o• \ lk,• AN
.., ~\L TI RED ,BE\ TILE 14.1 V
' Iv JF.ll.$Ol F:NNLOIIkNO AND . 1,411k0 C0.311.A••,,,T 4
Lam ,alt•tui t s.rk. N. 3. \
AAA A Thle•rotnuarty is h, eared to futlin a e WIT of th•A
N '
P,ll N . ' '
llitiell Lat. hevo Dnin ,,, ;e: arreral••ye • • tl4l. toth in
\ iflff'n•• ne4 the Utah, \ taten, to r•faln thes \original
beAstAt.r and \ h nne•-uve •rtkno nu t .eito to , n f 4aill,
\.. ,aittr. whateTer. Their, \
• WHITE 't , , NC PAIN' ".•
.11 )ENffi? n
KNNLOIIINO AND . INI 0 1,41311 A,,
TlA`oro t tany is p, n aval to fur I" a a DDIT of 04,
\ • `, Z.IK ' PA INV .. , -
llitlell LA. 4444un Dulit\ , 4 arrer•P'ye ••trt a l. toll In '
Dor f , mut Oa IND.% \ tutra, to ratale thysviatual
bauttt r and ‘4, o nneauvu 4rtku4 an u air to , a r fiatber
u alut, whatreer. Their,
wniTE ‘4Ne PAIXI ',.,
...,,,,,,, an 011.1.444(ZkunFarrant. 3 4 f trut 01
aantuakallon an 4 luipurittm ' ua u t. It aka N .
7u..u11y wh ILll;.i f ill .111*. ,r tax from Oa.,•us ,
va rt.l , 4:r a n ttio atern 1 .: 4 , = , 1 1 4 Ltwo daul t eiv . ‘ k to . 1
. \ IT', wiu. NOT 1 TURN YELL O\
:tn°:''''ttilirli''' O I"' ""' 4 * ','"\
tt r t .. 4:Untwut:u'o.4% clltn= ‘ ; 14 . :14 4 '" ‘ M.1,, V;
tha 44r uthkr not Wt. liable\ tut Urn claalky' u k to
'" *fla n? il e : M ixi4.4llll.-tli o ie ' l "tl4 kk '
z , r ith • ar z 4 4 , , , u 4,, , i c .4 4 g irt* 4 4....,,,
131.. M, ''ANDWOLORED i 1,4 PAINTSi,
Thaw ur (.0444,4 at UJoar prite,VALiak` u u q .louL4l
a the and bra‘ palnta In the •, ut a rt u t for melt 4
f'ar r !;41'::44 1 4j ';'l u lt h 4 . 'l l l:,:lttr. b : t t a 44 %r" d ''' .
• wEy., 111:1t, 13.rikt.'kik)F. ' 4 " .
''''' ' m 4l'4 " b "' . ~ .U.4 . 1 7 Yal aOh .sa they .
1 , , 4
'L, L4.117P - rADRZ.I2::
nutt*c D bu• utD,5 7 01 - ttU4 tastii a 14 ainz,,a u...ik lA. \ r a m ou lt \ 0 4 liberleter t na'b Dm 101, 44 i th.
~ Os 2raiiG '01..t. Sa•ft \ \\\ .• '
'...) 0 '• Dr. , rrr 0 ' ir: \
~., 1 42, ‘ `..npors' tb.... \
\ ' ' q b lt ih brlZ j. . \`. \
Trlbb aolb li.-intl:;ved \ ,
.g, U 0 B-3 hhds. V. •
Ihr.s.ale •\• A
10 o-1 ,„___
„.\ . ‘t!.. , ...r.'Lk . J.. \ • \ ,
L ARD OPIL— .bbltd.l'or 110 \ to k lo se tet ,
LL\\ \
\, \
i 4 Mrstme.s3. by • JrArk'S osi•t•t„. • ••.. -•
' \ -.1 -
;=:---.. I --\\ -.. ''''''..` - - -, 14 ,,
1 OLASSEb—It Q bblsh. s . ler Nile A $ \
rrOßACqd—'2o kegli - No. i\G t....‘i;(le \ dge'e ` \ • .
Pr eKE \ I (Zr ° . b 13 '
TV,' f iVyt\ ' ' ‘ V
ALTEETRX-100 bags enle, ar 'ilei,\ ..
wl V• .•:\
~ L
„de \
pEA!ti. ASilt) casks forst
A_ .l.,
.: OLE LEArat.R—_wstde, hemlock - \ \ \
0 ‘•••1. far mar by 1,,,03) 1; • • r.1174"0!4. \
4, I 4NEK . A S OIL, (I'7srkersburgo.—r;htda a \ \ .\\ *.\
...yee, . • h. . 511.14L1.1t.5. ft, 14 ont 4. ' , ,
i,, I N ESE --J4ii b.etii .3 o{.. diee;;,. 105 ai, -
,_.: 1,...1...1rertire l sadfor . ..ot by .
VI.IV•h a , leA-NDLP.M.4. \ ,
' \ '
' I 'kW-U.l4 I
, M Cli h P.S . SE—likbx•Lldgilli - ciuF -
• 1 .-Y.9"'"'""''''' I t 4 \''' r 7IIC.V. ••.r . y 7 P•illaLe • ~
nuirrlift,-IN kegs•Ereeh Lipper received • , . ;
I P x.. 1 for mi. by ve l a% \WICK A ~ rfeCANDISSB • 1
1 . 4 - ‘14;SII BUTTER-25 t . ree! . d and
\ \
2 for 61. 1 0. X10111i18" The Sill.jilllA. =OWL I ,
VI Ag'q.l.c'S ii:ACKINa,- 7 2.11g } asald ‘
LT 1. mr.r.,f, tats by y•yze J. 21..C1190:01AKLA A CO. L' • \ .
ALki{X - TUS-L75 f mks purecfer eat by '. ' • •
~spay,': • J. SUWON (AKI:1:. CO.
A culd
o - ir. for ' \
i i al'UGAß'29 hhds•.N. 0. just r \r.., an . . ,
.1.. * s ., we IN s i. • \
Yif sIIEESE-sth4as W,B.,,iust r ev 4 sand
. r
i'‘..._/..b. by ...y. A.1111,11 V. T rgisra ell. ,
•IS 1 REA3I CIIEE§E.:.;-75 in rsseai File , \
kJ L - r- I "."'."' " r"' bl
pr o 2., ,
%V til. „ Sl u. lF , L . , , l . N b N .., ,F ,:t L , t .... l , :, , :krjanted 'an-
... . .
• \ t `
•,;,,, 14(71011Y A DU ReyIFIRLI . \- , . ,
_, \
. • srsortmeor of end and of er s r•rieturr,\ fbr rale by
~.epr..s I `ll-10 , 1AXTALMICIL. ,\• . , .
6,2, 41 - azed - . 't \ , . ,
•'''' O" rb "' '''''''' b 'rll s .rNiA.9. rOl.OlO 1.
11 UCKETS—IIeI doz. Beavey.Beekots, for • •
.I_, oalr by rry.2.. WICK A 'hit:CANDI . ..EL%
VI ACKEREL-100 bids N...:: Mackeiel., ~•• '
,T 1 qua/10r barrel.. Nn=, formals tr .. . , • , '
WiCS 4 Nfre i‘D1,..1313.. ,
ii.,‘ ARLE , s CAST STEEL HONE AND \ \ •
IA RAZOR cruse --A frr4C,AvOl) .15rt rr4 , 1.4 for \ ' . • .
~, p,
\ rr,,rr • 7r A0r,11..'i1uDJ.,... iro.r& 4t. \, '
kIINWO c.(i - A I. FLATS—For sole by ' • .
ii. •-• • ' J e42IIONOAKEIt 4. CM. 2.llVastrt.
4,, UGAR.-6 0 hhds, prime, fin. main by . \
LASSES-150 bbl. N. 0.; \ ' -
\ Frr.r. . \
\ .50 ;I , eau /IL \ . • \
_ LI e'Pt . , fee
e IjDA I.7.ELL a CO. '. \ ' .".
~, „,,,, , , ,
; APE' Y FUSilll, bbla for sale by \ _ ',. \ .
\ \ J. b. DILIV.TrII it_1212,1,_ - . .
111.01 -Put u ile 1 lb.anknive for fam- , . k
'1 14..
~ <l.le t. me sl ',eel for , 1:r '
\ RU. .. AI r gtfolrfe- \ '
t 4'' Tt i rl. iE t' V0 4 1 : 11' \7 • N
oPI 1 1 15',% 1 7t71 ''
\ .\,
eve 1 ,. ..4. , ! • t r . os,,f ~.. MuMl7. M WV. Dtxxiceat . •. -
ll '‘." \ ....
4 RittAii KO T—S • se Bermo4a,\ for sale .
b, \ , ~,e, J. wci lo?imesect te, : ,... L1 ' \
ill OSlNz b Is. NI I,\lor etit\by\
`r It, 1.0:4 \, A . IllilliX 4.
, i.triig ' S - 0.0 lOAWI do for a e . .
i j i4.13}7,-4.6 bb :reed and\ fo - ; \ i& by ,
\ ~„.„:,„ \ \ -. ‘42 , ~, , .; .,,, v , ,,,,,, Lig n.\ k \
%(‘‘ IMOME 11.11EEIV asca NV s.)10 by
kell \.. \
\ I
N .... r. %iricqAktud..e , „
) 14
g.S.NI,TkRA.II-4 b 11. foiii& b
a.,,,,,,...,,5AT54 bb for AtlWtir \
-'— \ .
.---, - -7,-------- •' \ '
Pittgr \ aig , h, I:Cilln4ti . . dc Lo e A
_._' ••
` l l- \ • ~ \
IIE ,rutelk f , thiePcmrtn a n t. ' 7 ' \ '
. 2- . • \ ' ftiwee ee ' tqahg iie j ie. \• •
• . .
• •,,.. Tr. ~ea • x 41 . 11.71 Thief txeets. i t
IV A. 1114 -- Et, ix biO4kl to Ittir'eX 12. \ '
e - w w • T eed. • • eeeeed fee ale let Yaw Ile ea% ' \ ,
glelo \ " . . l A'_n a lT2-2- r ttt\--- \ . \
rte(3IS.ACW—. 211 ke,. '6.16'1;k - in, iled4e's .\ '2 ~.
_ e---' ‘,.
rf tofu taLR'S ', r, l';; 1 T 9\STATE , 4 \
~,, L. D , ST EN si r' s \ ''''' . 3....hVii?tlitr d 0 "" \
ifAFFEEk-2.s.o4kage;prisne 1:io; figW:ly \\ . \, \
1,) , ' \A •,, Rhumr"' " lri 'i lll . \ \ \
, INES-50 4.'617 Young Wtoct \ •
I, \ 2.5 ~ ' ' Week;
. , \ ^er.l ' 1 . 13Ilijirt(lg , .. f. .* . dit:
T--- ld
, I 1 !s IALC°--6° "..
TII 470...
T •- )e5 ... 1.1= 18 easke for el,y _ ••• e ' • , •
..,„:..\,_ - •AJ. a. ilime-onraz de \ ,
.., '
-11)-tkrATOIAGiNO\S—Aike-elylee•—•14 \
k'!le,r • lraretk'iwVe " '''r'kt Y V' .711'qi t -iffit' d '"
‘', ''•
Sat t .r\
a . TIM higbe
• •• ••r e will 10 014 fo ever" ' -,
.5- deek - cwelow of s ii , caw.. ow. Yeah.% of • s. .
BOSTONAI,Fiet recd}`, ~• . \ \ ', \
VA '," fr,t x thf.P:. l "'I I ' ''l• 6 7 I t"' - \ 1 \ \
e ' Vox 14.14 et tlree Inale RebbeeVeret, 7 ali.l\ W 0.1.3 . .
.4,1 ' ' ). , ( P111).1.1)1, \%, s.
VI./ 111,TINO —lOO bble: r ealolbv \,, ~,
4 \ TY '`•l*" '' J. ' clu N."` k Y'k
.1" C°.\ ... \„.
I 'Ai A KkAtEL-50 bble. I.,Vi4k• 1 , 40„ . :11e,-,, , k s - , ,
\ \
• - 1 - ,-7.W` ' Y l kt Y7.7..V4 f'Artiwos co- '\ ‘'
\ \
i\ 7NSEE 'iiitel-4. bl,le.foWaTe by \\\ ' a•
lti ~,TTE • (7\k:i4 rOiibatter:?etiniait tiy_ •\\
s . • ,„, 7
I2tiiii, ~, : ! : _k r pri.y . 24:111 1 • \ •
SA An'ei - c - Cileei \ \ \ \ \
7 13
I° 7
.\ .-
\ \ \ \
. 10,3 % ...f t bt,tfClON. OKR..IO.xf. \
- 44 kf...E...iti1l • pee in boiee anifbble., \ . \
• . \ ref\ 7,
LIN g,gED, OIL-- - A . City rulle ,
11 for spl e
i •s •:' , lit:Wl - Ai.° YQNOU :', ustreceivedfroi\ • ' .- .
. • i`tk L 'A`• • ''* \4o "`l'i'l uim eit.l.Vialtr• • s: `
. \, - .1. . \\
\ \r: WO SNAKE .I'4IIMM '• clik be \-• N\
tither - M[9l