The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 15, 1851, Image 3

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Mtano.—Ost Monday eveultig
last' lecture was delivereito the teachers of
schools and (rinds of education. on the subjeCt
I of Music as an educational study, or musk in
—thelecmmon Schools, by Mr. Lowell Mason, of
'Boston. Mr. Mason was the first to introduce
xxisjie among children, in this country, and his
efforts led to its introductions into the Boston
school's, from whence it .has spread through all
%le laid; The lecturer,ln a familiar manner,
lafter some introductory remarks, proved cleaffy
'th to capacity for iousio is common-to the tt ,
• .man family. This he 'did by an examination of
"tbUsathiogs on which the power to appreci
'&!4, ji!iiduce music (vocal) depends. The
tri#oo: . a4se confirmed by the universal experb
j:.." . .llkthenimirited out the importance of a mut
a*.*UPkiioll. iiiriiidired with relation to its
pltrkal litellectuil, and Mond Power and in
fittittoo,rtnii concluded with few remarks on
the . lianner in which the female teacher of pri
.mary clostme may introduce and teach the ele
mento of music. i
'Me remarks on
ipportonce were
potation and its comparative
etrong rebuke to time teach
egard the characters as the
t. be taught, and especially to
nder the teaching of music
o 'new or different system of
f,cture was listened to with
d interest by a most intern
. which were many practical
i rho _passed & unanimous vote
. leeturer, for the interest and
. hour.
ens who seem to
rincipAl thifige
etctob,ns would
4itYpr ewier by
Th'e I
lelitfatentlol3 0.
'ijOnt.,ndience, in
.- - dtto'n of th
:Dia= or Co . BAIRD.—Copt. Baird, of the
•!firan of I..eidy,, B • led & Caceily, of Cincinnati,
jai old ilittslinrg el% died in that city, yesterday
.. at 10 04lock, of be bloody flux_
For the Pitoburgh. Oarrtte
Thiveubjeet. of Jenny Lind's opinion of Amer piano's having been broached in the case of
Mr. eislokoring, we take ihe•llberty of giving
her opinfoli or-an . equally meritorious, though
morn miknolna firm, hlessr . O. I'. Becker & Co.,
of Jiew Ifork,Arhose pianos, we Terkturo to as
goon have a reputation which will
'4311 . 12/16 them to stand at least ns'high as those of
3.1 r; Chicktringi—
, .
Copy of a letter from Miss Jenny Lind. To
'Messrs. T. Becker fk Co.,- 300 East Broadway,
New York.—Gentlemem —1 am very mach pleased
with the grand plano which you made for me.
The nearly. ioventiul metallic dardper, I esteem
of considerable iitlue...—especiallyin thip climate
. 1 have no . oubt that your initruments
will generall&give satisfaction to therpublic. I
can only hope th you will meet with the suc
cess that your In ustry and talent deserve, and
shall be moat hap y to learn that you have done
so. I am, gentlemen, yours, truly,
Now York, ith of Jhne, 1851. ,
FLAN SEEDMIL-10 bbls just received
. . .1 I. r .ate by .41,24 It. E. SELLERS_
TOBACCO—MO big manf'd Tobacco on
' band mil for sal. bY
*—...!!'''!.....*J____--_--. .A_ cubnE trreoN Aco
i-IQui,fitt w BALL-4i eaSPA for eale low
MlA,by 7" . syIsISSI J. sefIOONMAKER kW
• Silver Coin Wanted.
. . . .
Tliighelit price will he paid for every
• .l,tir!: or Sllvry ltbßywr . v.;_e ,v o2Ber of
M2=Ml l ,‘l==
eari LL ownw of Ilarkrt Rod Thin] slrretto.
IRON will be zecired in exchange (with a
An a
Vit ' Af r '
PARIS GREE,N—.BO ewes of .the eelebra
.t" S.",ttnutd.renomied by the geld medal of the
• micast lartitute fat-uniformity of Aho4 mot for being
tifieutte mort brllilant, and permanent tireen yet pr.
dauf. ruretnalng directly from the. 1M1.11f1C111141 . . Re
aro able to mil on ao formable tonne 1.4 any one Meet of
the Mountain, ' J. ItCIIOON Met CO.,
sern4 . • 24 Wood arret
• Minnesota Copper Sthck.
SCARFS of this Stock for sale at a low
J .
rat 4 by' WILKINS CO
eqp= entner Market and rialaNl stn.
IVINI:GAR-9i‘bbls. Cider, for sale by
wm. 11. JOILYSTOS.
-UT1118" b°l" `;T e r t : f g" a l e
, ,. i;cANbts
T ußs-2q duz. store and for kale by.
B CCRETS-5Q doz. in otorc fpr sale by
. _
4NCH SILKS—A. A. 'Moron & Co., have
i - at 01...14.1 • torsutlfoi lot of very superior cln•rs
_new and rick aryls, set44l
I . :IikTALLS — St IO &e go arii'd . city brands, on
•. fowl fur ells by A. CULBERTSON t CO
t"+ Liberty rt
....Q.-ILK POPLlNS—Beautifril gouda, just
‘'..t.„.7• reed ter 1144.1 , 14 at rp!'..l A. A. MASON • CO'S.
VICIA.ItS%-51.h1.100 .arc
Principe, and
... unman. Cir. - 6,6111mm' arta for stir by
' A. CULIVERTSON .4. 1.41.
,! -ftEEsw - A.s. k' i FEATHERS- -
mita Bo.rira.v. .14 narks Snits, landing sod
ar.4leby, 1001411 DICKEY 4 CO,
sera4 Weer 4.4.1 . 1r0nt rts•
Fr lOR CIIAMBERS—Very cheap Wall Pa-
Per. lo . l . cheep Borden, in of whii,v.h, far
. foes4oll • sr. P. 114.1:SIIALL
I.)LAID Rrln oNS AND SI LICS--Muarni
1 a IlcacunZJD Lave GIREI flu. suorniu• • =pot, of
bat/wood& Coil.. "P.,
A N Infallible Remedy for 'TOOTH ACRE.
6 1 ' T ett. ::let trag.T.;l?7Vars,"`'"
Pepl9 . 14=:eniplreet
-DILE OlNTMENT—Warranted to euro the
14 " . .° " 4 "‘"'"E[arrar:rogriti:il l t: ' ‘ iLa
11j11 BICAIiIrr, AND MADEIRA 1/111E--In bottle, aol
oodrAugAl, for mla of
p 03319 PSIS 11r1/0117.1.4 140 Wood rt.
QTAR CANDLES-1n whole and hf. hx.s.,
fsrssls bY - ts<r72) LARDY, JONTS tW.
RA .TOBACCOIn hhds.and har es, for
uue by frep.lll 11111:DY., JONES it CO.
AVENDISII—Extra fine • Gavendish To
bac., for ode hy RET3EIL x. Me 1 ,017. L.
110 Alrund rt.
INSEED 01L-5 bt;18 rce'd:arl fur rate
iNDOW,GLASS-300 ban reed and
far sale by • septa .B . AW. ITARUAIRWI
VINDRIES-5 bbls. Salenatus;
• .
• r)
Al l lr .
TERRA. DE SIENNA-1000.Ib. format) by
sued, J. KIDD & 00.
1131ACCED BUTTER-8 bbls. and 5 kegs
for eels by CSAIA LI DICKEY k 'CO..
Waters Yront eta.
g . NGINE -110SI.1-500 feet 2- inch 3 ply
• Indleltubber bronalt oat ezpreeely for Vire
—• • nerarpoes. IVe Invite the Fire Detment of both
•".•••.;. titles Lodi l =le:amine them. to they ore warranted to
• '•'• stand nteaw Tree... they any . leatber hose ni.nlbeturvd.
eap whet.. they de not tent oat es n•preornted.
.! • the gooney will he rebrndrd or the Mee lyylseed by new
r, ranee J. t PIIILLIIII,
•• 7 and D WOW re.
WANTED—Stocks of tho Pittegh 'Bunko;
American Doan. mai Halt I.llass; Mexican mai
araansta laniare bench and German Crorna; for which,
the b g b. """' Pqr.V.UKrti be rMgr iree ar and HMI.",
" latkii—Pittsburgh Gas Stock; '
'-. Bit:4llr Street Bridge stmt.
CKEEE-100 boU for sale by
MID bbls. Diu. I, fo . r sale by
bble. for sale by
y - J. al:IWO:Ole Mt CO.
ACK.EItEL--50 bble.LargoNo. 1, Mali
itschoftll•iara,<Oaa. to eile by
INSTIRD QIC- 7 2.5 bble. for sale by
.14 woo J. KIDD a CO.
WITTER-6 bble roll flutter for ealeby
• HORSE. Empire at
ALIEKATUS -5 tons in boxes and bbls.,
/...7 part io pound patron, for sal^ by
, . DALZEI.I. 9 I.X).
IN SEED Cl 4-5 bbls. City make, for sale
by. aun2l S. N.
B taTALo TONG U ES--Just received from
St. Wale, • for dew. chows Hata* Tong...
• WM. A. IIeCLURIJ t W.,
WO) . ...own and Toa
WROki BOSTON, just ree'd—
ju ftt 100)1 3 ply India Rubber Hurl
jj ,•gry "a floiticon
for sit Uis India 'tubber Depot,: aud IyA4
.FARM, situate in Nordilfuntington tp.,
• Wennwrets,..l .unty. coot:Mama •hoot.•• A c y,.. 01
t, rate hanl. on which em good Itoptevements,iselleferni'
ILI° on reseou•bletenne. Titl.indl•putable. Forfar
...two." apply to IIENRY BoTli.utllunteny's 11 111.
aln:rCreek , . 01' to JAMAS BOIL. Franklin towashit,
elayerlile or on the Mae leee to
• mar Mu - • •JotLY 31ITC11ELL.
I - • Va laable Property for Sale.
•NUklwtrurßlip . i l m cgtertxt 11:1.frh
° io o:,,z, : r.,g,:+tec k t ,, ln earto gool lank. ' etablel
g . r .,..,.. t ,„ „a=r i v j arr,;:e .d
buiwi = two ohyyyy t ma dolt
qoPL. andrego7e/hwej Pe: r Lul 111::
~ ,,„F r og"
~„ go. Untying order ; Two
t'pyhyte., ohs Anent aitstatlona illah ponds. wkoch
nude. An tuniePni.",, l2 t . ,.= aobaeribr
prZ.,itrth""etrjr4V'A7 .
'New ORLIASS, October 14
We have dates from Vera Cruz to the 4th In
stant. Gov. Letcher, U. 8, Minister to Mexico,
arrived there on the Ist, and proceeded to the
Accounts from Mexico represent the Govern
ment in great confusion. Many ineffectual at
tempts have been made to appoint a new Cabi
net. The Treasury was at the lowest ebb, and
the Government resources almost exhausted.
Accounts of the revolution in Northern Mexico
had net yet relebed the Ospitrit
. The Shet iff of San Francisco arrested two of
Wildcat's negroes, ones of whom is Geer John,
who was a leader in the Florida war, but free by
treaty. Wild pa. was much exasperated. and
apprehends that the negroes will retaliate.
The steam ship Yacht, arrived from Brazos on
the gth, with later news from North Mexico.
The liberating army was still successful, and had
taken the town of Reenono, with but little re
sistance. They captured one gun and a quan
tity of other arms.
General Canales, Governor of Tamaulepas, at
the lest accounts, was approaching Matamoras,
and General Avelos was going to meet him:
whether friend or foe, is unknown. It is sup
posed that Canales will assume the command of ,
the Revolutionist. This displeases the Ameri
can partizans.
Burrnio,.Oct. 13
A very violent gale has been blowing on the
Lake all day.. The brig
.Chicago wan oupsited
about noon, off Long Yoint,,and the first and
Second mate, and one seaman drowned.
BCYPALO, Oct. 14.
Dunkirk, the terminna of the New York and
Erie Railroad, has o population of 3,800.
NKW VonK, Oct. 13.
. In the celebrated Milsraukie bonds case, the
quint this morning ordered the discharge of the
efendants, Messrs lauden and eryder, from
prison. hlcSity, the principal witness, it is sup
posed, is' designedly absent from the city.
It is reported that C. C. Langdon, Editor of
the Mobile Advertiser, has been appointed U.
Stated Consul to Havana, in place of Mr. Owen,
W iOIII9GTOA. Oct_ 14
Hon. Thomas C. Hackett, Member of the last
Congress, from the sth District of Georgia, died
et Marietta, on the tttli inst.
. BOSTON, Oct. 14
Miss Catherine Hayes arrived here this morn
ing. She will give her first concert this even
Gen. Lane addressed a Democratic Mass Mee
ing in this city last night.
The election to-day passed off quietly. The re
sultin the city will not be knoWn until to-morrow,
there being four tickets, and a large number of
candidates on each. iVe expect very little from
the State before to-morrow.
Completereturns give Gilpin, Whig, for lay
or, .5,178 majority over Swift, Independent Whig. I
. Berks county will give from 4,750 to 4,9001
majority for Bigler.
Carbon comity gives 450 majority for Bigler.
The entire Democratic ticket is elected.'
Lancaster county gives 4,950 majority for ,
In Mongomery , oentirty, Bigler's majority
about 700.
Philadelphia county, in port, gives Bigler ;03
Southwark gives Johnston a maj. of 329.
Richmond gives Bigler 452, and Johnst:m 25.6,
Johnston's. ga.o being 105, compared with 1848.
In Northern Liberties, Bigler has a moj. of
In Schuylkill Co., Bigler's maj. is 330. It in
supposed that Loeser is cleated Judge; and Gar
rett, Prothonotary, both Whigs.
In Lucerne county., Bigler's gain .over 1848, in
seven towns is 223.
Paasayinik gives 70 maj. for Johnson.
In three towns in Lycoming Biglers's maj. is
Lehigh complete, given Bigler 378 11:121j. The
whole Democratic ticket is elected.
given 640 mkj . for Johnston.
From Dauphin county, two thirds of the re
tams are in, giving a majority of over 1100 It
will probably be over 1.200.
Cluctiusnri, Oct 14.
_lll Huron county the whole- Vhig ticket in
TOLVIKI, Oct 14.
Wood's majority in Smil6ky, is 10. Ip
Sundusky city, Wood's majority is from 20 to
Green county.—Partial returns indicate _a
greatly reduced majority for Governor. The
Whig county ticket is elected by a reduced ma
Pmnklin county.—At half past 9 o'clock, the
returns from flee townships indicated the elec
tion of the entire Democratic ticket Wood',l4
majority will.probably be from )00 to 200.
The new Ministry as far no heard from con
sists of A. A: !Jencks, Inspector General; D. R.
Ralph, President of the Councils, Malcomb Cam•
eron, Post Master Gen. 3lorris, Commis
sioner of Crown'Lands; W. B. Richards Attorney
General for {Vest Drummond, and Morris
do for East Drummond.
'The Provincial Secretary, and three other
members-have not yet .been appointed.
The new government will be the most liberal
that Canada has ever had: •
. BurrsLo, Oct. 14
Jenny Lind arrived here to-day. The ticket+,
for her concert tomorrow night are going off
xery . .
Neu YORK, Oet. 14
Cotton—The market is unsettled.
Flour—Sales 3000 lab's at $3 08(41 for State
• d Western, and $4 06@$4 10 for pure Gene-
lOraiti—Wheat le inactive; Corn sold to the ex
ert of 15,000 bus at 55®56 for damaged, and
ic for mixed. .
Provisions--Pork is dull: Beef has declined,
with enle■ 1110 bbls at $8 75@i1l for mess, and
ss€ls 50 for prime.
Lard-Bttles 50 bills at So
Whiskey-1s nominal at 21c 14 gal.
'Groceries—Sales 1000 bags Bt. Domingo (lof
fee at Gi@lio; 100 hbds Muscovado molassee at
22c; GO hbds OrittanaSugar at 51 t 3 lb. /
Spirits Torpintine—Sales of 100 bids at 36,1
11 gal.
Linseed flilL-Sales 1000 gala at 72073 c,
Rice—Sales at $3 12693 25 Ld 100 lbs. •
13 tncke—Eric has advanced 1; Canton ;3,1;
Reading i; and U. S. sixes, 1867, 1 Et cent. '
Cotten—The market is quiet.
Floor—Sales 15,000 hbts at $3,68®8,75 for
Common State and Western, and $4004,25 for
good (Immo and fancy Western.
Grain--Wheal is steady, with moderate sales.
Sales 96,000 hlshele Corn at 57c for mixed
Prost-Worm—Sales 900 tilde Pork at $15,25 for
M 052, and $18,50 for prime. Lard is steady at
9to peflb.
Tobtieccw—Sales 600 hhde * Kentucky at 3(4i4
per lb.
Linseed Oil—Sales 3600 galls at 71a72c.
Groceries and other articles aro steady and
firm. • '
Freight on flour to Liverpool 7408 c per hhl
Stocks are rather heavy. Canton has dentin
eel ic; Reading 1 per cent. 2' •
CfNelitNATI, Oct. 14
Business le getting very dull. The weather is
cold with little orso rain.
Freights to New Orleans $1 91100 •
Macon—sales 800 hhde sides for New York, at
Bj, beings decline of 2c tit lb.
Flour is scarce:
Claw ORLISAX., Oct. 11.
Cotton—The market is heavy, trial sales 1600
bales middling at 71 ".14 lb.
Flour—Bales - at $3 bOo $4 ft bbl.
Coffeo--Sales 'of 1140 at 71 lb. Present
stock 30,000 bags ogsinst 0000 lam year,
New Oeu.swee, Oct. 14.
Cotton—Thera is a trirdemandorith tudee 000
bales middling at 70 "id lb.
Flour--The mareet ii dull, with ealea common
bran" at $. 3 76 9 3 85.,,
Corn--Salea at 87(00c for bested, and 46 (
'rovisions--51ess pork in nominal at $l5,
;15 ',Li — 0 Ida, large lota being alma at low
rates. Sales bacon aides at ?pt.
I lURILAIII CIIESSE-80 ban highly 401-
I„/ 10 - atol Cheer, 1.11L5 d.r r.r..tvoo.od nor eale
meg .t.
11.1UTt.F.R-1;3 keg,. Fresh Butter reee_qed
/ and fief. sal. hr .es'=' WICK A WV•A" , .... 4
PRESII BUTTER-2501,1,1s just rood r od
for 0011111W2.-a the Diamf!nd
m O .
S AL , ER AT ti
uGAR-2il Idols N. o. ( it . l i s i t reed nod fur
It II DISE-51r bxs W. It. ju..4 reed aro. for
~•e-, 3 A. CC L 1151112115
iftl:Asl CLIEKSE--75 has reversing per
lj I. F. a II 115, and lor att.. ha
SIL PLANE FILS— arranted Lun
y to he 11.1 Kt th. store 41
131, f
•RENCII WALL PAI'Elt—A geueral
• I....rltueot avoid 5(01 other varittlea. 1 . 5r,a1i
.Z.t.sur""" '"dPlain.'' .
UCK ET s—wo dos. Beaver Bucket ,
Inert A McCANIp. , . ,
. 1,1;1:. No. II Mo4kerel
Instal, LJ
7,2.5 S"' WICK h )15CANDIIESS.
• . 1:A7.411t 'STRAW—A 11011 555511) .151e'd, k wud to
saw UT J. It FAD.
5 22 II Apollo llosloling, 1,541. b at.
j, 55(r22 J. WIIONNI A KKR A Co. Woad t.
• „
UGkl{-60 hlttls. print.; . „ f D 0 k r L 5 7 ..1 . 1 i .. ,. ; 0 1y 1„.
OLASSES--150 N. O.;
'• ost..
lo cak enoseracs. fpr pale by
Re .22 It. DALZELL 60. '
AFETV - FUSE-12 bills. for sale 4y
bob .1.1 4 lIII.WriIITII L
11 _PAPER lIANOINGS—New patterps for
100()1.11S i
. 1 , 1,0 ,, 5E PINK— O tt hand
orl7 J K 1 taken .
" end
:fwd.-no-A and by ' hltl'. to
S o t; F. /
J O r ,,, 511
, .1 . 0 4
'WI:LANDER SEEII ,L I' eask for hale by
1,_./ rend: J rCIIO.:NMAKF.II k
-71)°relit:mfr. 1r..: r - evatoln
otCotoloolod tor lbooLd Co , r.
cuanntsrtunol T a.l ron.ll, It an L.A.
'rot article for th•Pur,.... 1.E.1
J. It. ('Akio,., 1p
beo gr.pular arn o r r,t ~ n
tent; It. Y. ILIL.I.I,EIar, obd rd.
I 1 11 A NISERRI KS--Just rec ' d andrr sale
by Ow naval or tr.1..1.. rt.:nth.
06 AR- - Nby
M OLASSES-32 . 11.b1, U.;
114 1.1. ° Look r. dwroce I
pit: METAL - 155 tons tor sale byt
t. ~. f
PPER LEATHER-411 Side. goll 'At-3N y
C Upper L.arkod, for :al. Id
regal ILL:111bilN. Uri 1.0 A 50 , _ :Ida :r:: rt.
rrittEsTE VEMIILLION — 2 eases lot sale
I hr Isenl6l .1 or'11.1.1!“1:11i
.) rtrodonl and Let I.)
rS J knit: YLll
4 11}1ESI, - --4 ,1
nAtd.qt.rt of)
A LERATUS — ItI tons In biDIeS
I.'l for sal. 1., 1: IL 11/ 1 , 1 5.
! Eli iturrt:it— , 2s Lee:el fre-th, for -ale by
IL I:A ,t
t.. 11 RADDOCK'S t.' PLA 1 1 0.111
'A' .4,OT^ At • '..r Vitis. •
; 5e,11.; stn.ll Exchattc. broker.
_'INSEEu'UII. 3 u ldds. ft.r eale tiv
4 04.01 J -.1•11:1.1,1‘k / 2, IX
"L I - E ',IL -1 0 'lahlieth ior sale 1.%
J O.
ARIL AM Mt !N lA j r I ; 4 L I
1i t) , 11. , t . 1 ., XT -- I t ,
‘IIFFSE-77 .sale toy
11 All DICK El 't I I.
rvAit--5,. .011,
AlOll 1:14:h A A:1
aLed and I:lr.:rot..
4,g01 . 1 . CRUSILED ,eri
nr lo
artta. fid yr.rery:nx. sr --LIL bbb ror
VI A. 31.1 . 1.1.1di A LO:
iNIOKED SA LJIUN -11 ill he re A. tilt
1,1 day, by ritrre..... • •Enall lot wrry......orJtr In
all 1.1.•1.1
ixUPS—PIIt upuplll I no. 11.1.4.kageb. ),,r
11, We. Jugt t.r
11 01 .0 !/,1.1:I:is V.. •
. . .
,epl2 ,
Try Kome 1.3 111,111:1t , putt. obl IN.ItT
nal. 4111141,1 rd T.. Mar, In Ilk Inarnota.
100/W ROOT - 5 Ins. liermuda, for eale
111l.f 1..1.1;6 .1 st•djottNiltAlil:l A I'o.
bbln. No. , I. 111 f .I~t•I l IIY
U N'. ll.tltnlll~litl.
LASS--lod boxes. Window, for by I
rpi_• m. a w AIM:UN:II
GLEE --20 Lb!, recd and to ssie 4.
• it N. %WICK FR:4IA I.
pepll men, GI and , N* , b 0 .
11RO1IE UREI:N-4 lor..111• by
s. o! It'AtrlA 1 1.
,'REAM TARTAR-5 bbls. for sale by
~12 I ,lii,..ONSIAKEPI A I ft . .
JULAU HER SALTS-5 bid,. bd . o tlo by
%_x J. ,C111...531,41 . 1P:1: Ar 111
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
THE STOCK of the Company ',forded by
Stock and Ev flanKe
r 1.5 corn, ot and T 4 4.i Rarer.
' IASII , N ET, for ., llto. l •ot r u Ito
i., 111 ,r 0,
aaan!ton, Ft
lOBAOCO--20 keg. No. I f tWi , • I;olge ', '
brand. Mr Al? by JAM E,
1 _
10BACCU-20 keg. N, I ii IWIS
brand. tbr par by JAM, 1,11;
v 111,1'LN,rolltd.
nrir ..Ma. .n .
rad. by . Jopb id .
.4. k 6
,orki.E--12,9 bap primp Rob tiff Azle by . ,
lj ...pi IT APRIL If. a I',NiiIIIIA 11
FrAs-501;f. ttflettli Yoinl;2'. IlYion; ' i
:: : : rti.„,:d., '
. I
..,,, L " .4„grglV - „';',M 1 ,1,`13, •
rwloßAccu—tio honey extra, for sail' Ily
1... p., • J t , 1111.,1 °Rill a CO
130TAS11-16 emko for olio by
I ii,rai J. I'. PI LWOlt II A CO'
Ii R. TRASK'S Alagnotle Oiltt lent—ltiif
lir rt. 1,,r ...i.. to . 3 liAdo 1 CA, 1
LI UTTER-1 bbl. and '2.1 kepi 14 zale 1,0 - 1
I /JP Pe 1 .11 Wll If. .11•113 P T,30
111ROOMS-75 doz. for tack by
LIP ..03 11 1.1 11 JO I 041011,1
eIIEEA-10 11 111/00% Creanl;
.•••P••• 100
" C.'"U r
rt l :l • Vi . Xll. •
8 A LE Ita'r u s---50 boloh, 1
10 ri...1...
. bbla in Flay. llllli ar le by 1
PIO J. It . CA tale
L AKE VISII-5 Iffy. White i t•. 11,
zz 1,1- lat.. 1 . 1 , ... fial• .Al. by
KM J 11 ClNI'lt.Lll
ACKI'I Eltk:l.--7 bhlo. N :; ~ 2, ~i.
,tr ~4,, 1
‘ 1
~ y
" 0 '
d'i . Ilk:ESE—tot las.ritm. W. R.,' for 0131.1 hy i
N..) 1.1111 JA %It., 11A1.7.411.1., bi Wotirr-,.
IN AIKEREL--2` lbli.l,ar;iNi;ir for / ib y
40110" $01,00.1.1.
:31 hilli, pen, N 11. Sail..ti
1141 Idol. 1. O. 33,1,3....,
- ,
. 11
11. - Ibr ial. br
.1 aNI 1, PAL/J.1.1., M. 0.., -,
Ad I RUSH- & POW'l 1 11 , 111 ;Alf- -:,11 bbl,. for
%,,, .1.. by 1...01 111.1411RJ Ili /: A: I'llllll3ool
Sll.. MOLASSES-- liA b h
,r i
. fm. 1 . 4111 , t1.11..
..4 3 ,
Poe tottle by I,p-11 1111,111111ait: a 101 . 11113 AM
I ROOM ti-- 1751 doz. Corn, for side fry req. 01011 a 11.1..41AN1/1.1. 11
..11 IirrANNIA 'I'RA 1% ARE, t.!iiirimitariiii
l i i ii 7r:7l=',"7l= l„' ii;ii:.i° l : , :i:::::::.; ,'ir o vr,...",
Jewelry. Military. land I•nitry ti.4.J., ...add Pep.. I'Ptt .1 ,1 .1.
Pr it alb a Trim...w/o:a ..f tlold :toad .-.leer, t i ,
11 , 111 ,
3, 1
i 4 ~,,,..,,,
4 1.1.1., limp,.
I tr 11.....0ra5t 1ita110i ,. .3.1 lor rale by
111 AI AII 1/11.11. l' A 0 , 1 ,
Wal..r 111Iti fr..nt I .V.
QV( f Alt-7 - blab. N. 6, for . 114. by
LI . ''.-0 J. It. CANFIELD •
ODA AStl—We are Ilreparo to IllrhiAll
a 111511 marlufartarrra and If,. tale f interallt. a 101
tatla Ash ..f 11.. tat momfarturr. at 110, 10w...t sionil.l
prlre, sad 1.111.1, we warntat a s
IT to 11...1....t 1....b.d
IlYti tt ITT lIPItIII L 1..1
- ' ...Watt
QUGAIL=7S Mids. prime N. 6, I i r ~a le liy
" ''''' 111.1.1111 x. aIN II . al.
~. . . .
1130 W DElt—A large supply iii El axiiril man
,i_ ii imiur...altrainou band. til lor tali , at 101.4 it tab..
.... 4 .2 JS. PI I.lllllall 3 (NI .
11 4 1 NG LISII LAID l'APßlig.—Tlie boot
_Ed London Cap 1001 Letter Pap..., I.luf an, cream laid.
tau 3... bad 01 U. 11.!IAN EN'S Yalu Warrlttitie.
pep.: tam, Market soklatafmnd .J.A.
111 FESE—SM boxes, un conxignment DOW
1._.) 1a..1101. Pry man by ISAIAH 1/ICh LI . A. 1 0 1.,
Pll/19/ IP.tteytan4 Front ob..
‘IOTTON-18 bales (be Rule by.
lap 9 %Valet and Email 5t....
lap 9 Water awl Frt..
g lOFFEEI--100 bags far pale by
1,..) eta J.tI. DILWORTIIj 1./U.
- -
nrayir ItallTnad and Alprevs Parker Lill/ +1
;..tol nth.. ileillmad Canal.
rrr r r 11 , ..,,T•libensrogitun.a [buys mI
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
l'ackataM thla tans Trill leave. I'lltabyrala far 1, - tiott
va, ui.rning 01, I. o,lartt,
preci••• - herr taking the exiarlf them, Pann.l. tan..
Ital..* I..ate unme.lkazaly att, [ arrival) di
rect roe Philadelphia.
O a^Tinl. through. Forty
11r hi• nra p 1,41114,.
11.1 e / Eli than horo•
canal enabling Maul an arr.t al at Phi laclolphle to
pr.•••••• I au 4. 1••rk at aura. FOCI 1,1411110 HE
Tnk, le York arRI Curntwolark.l 14611..4. el Ilarrimbur.
I) lan eighly.four Tme, POUR hour,
Wax. U l'hiil•dellthia $lO. F.m U. Itdrlmnr.. /9a6.
le I.m/r6ter do IlArn.teric
II avow , . etioartrovrolanw nut] rocuLpriatble
datlonn, n.rcurt. your Ilekm. 141.• Ttrkeq Nlnno.m.,.
tk,IN ilknwe. of
J. P. !HAMS, Agent,
Or ii' irs., D. LEECH & CO.,
... % Canal Ihislii. Ponu lormt.
- -
Melt 's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
..„,, :siting from Philadelphia on the
aiai. th, and Liverpool akn the 1.1 1,1 ....h inohtli...s
,liip MARV PLEAN4NTS, It. 0 lhonon, N.....r.
SHENANDOAH. 11 ni. I. 4/v.11,1.0,1N-4.r,
NIII:i•PE. Nathaniel 4: II:1m, , Inmor .
. .
. •
n ..11fohl I' :quill, tine,
Slldeliittl A XiiN, inew,) W. W tl.p.prp
The minx*. rhipii are bnill of the teirt And truet nreitly
mitterinlii. and are noted for the rapidity cif their ....airit
they fitted up • ith .11 ht.Nt itre
thoninulily veniated. and Sr. tiir their it,.
crimmoilattorm for Nrconil Ilan. and Nreerinu iturienurrx;
they in.. ark tip Went. who
i t rn ...quailed for their experience in the gmeket trirrlce
Penntur derinium of lirinuinu thew (ruin& Imo, the old
IL:pantry Pan nbtain riertitirinter (111A4‘... whlen will ha
for right month, nod mu ...W. lreland and Lir
rrool will furnirh them with the prop, Information and
riiltillve to their departure
For the rnnrrninuen
the ' l 4 l.lll‘;.ta. I'cnt Min... in
SerhoTlPinun nupplind punnntunun ...ruing (nun Lisnr
week Ihr fullowinu nuptlirs fUrni.hed
• ”..n u r,nn 12 your. nt o. el•mbd.
• Ti... ~.Ina.
untutenh. h. Ilk .u.n.r. I 11,11 our.
• unol .... Nand 1 Ih. h•nrk. I:niln, 12 var. of urn,
IL! bruodnluff, 1 Ilh pnr , .. full allnunn, annzer and
t ' ;;!Z• '' ;f:. r l
No Walr.ut blow hhununl, l'lnnulelphuu
11 . 11. 1 , 1,1 lh
rorner Math and I\'m thc.. Ihltnhuruh.
lad 1851. Utirt3
Via Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore
1:11E MORIsa NO BOAT War. the Wharf
~.,... [hp Itria t io dant'. at il (blink itraonalb rim
nor t: with the ram tit omb - and watt no - owing,
Idol:1,111144 butt 4a,.. Jail, ...root mntlay itatint',o
at It oblo 4. imnliortnint wltli th• rata at etimbiliiiiit mwt
riT,:. , ,1, t , ,, ,..7,; ., i - .... r L1t1nt..m. 12 Moira tam nnli Et
lAtn. thromiti to ltilliniolphin. 10 bourn, I'.n oily Sin.
lb.. National Komi in nn w wood. CamMirtnti ito with
.the. , illa tatwoan Itniertnalllf and enntlartnitil i wlnoll
ials ltik lloculettly thr bat riot.. !init.
, mit!:
J. AtEnKIAIEN, Anant
inn, in M. initionothola Ilona..
.851. Fit 3 D. lB5l.
. ,11 hunt irk Meil the Eme Itailnait. intimating artth
Hato amino., on 1...4t tin-, the Ibithipati.Chwolanit,
, I Mun t h.. smi l'invintinin i I. • eland Did l i ntiitiurith. and
:71: ' i . ,, '", t i w i ,i ttr11,',..T,",!:":.''.,,".7",:::7 1 '0,..":',1,:::1na':."Z
1 1.'"""VTA",".•:: ,. 17;', ~ iii •,,, ,flit Ai i'ill,tAilt I
iat 111nrn.n., //• raln at
The Mail Train .0 q.• a ben' {miaow/mar. min
;• , : hour 4 stal 11/./ pre-. Tran,. arrtatng In N.*
1 1 .•r\ n. .t on rnlng al 11 n rl/./.1/ the/ 11/1./I,,liatarnie
1 1,, •lai .11,1$1
TT E.,,raai crn.:ll l curl Train 1./eara Punka. O.
.1 A 11 Au,. a Ilar/a/e/nr liar i• altar-lin! To Ills. Train to
nia /Amu/slat , 11., I . l..rannt r• ats,l lirnar.
ht- 3rt t .tt , t .urt-tt t.. rttltmko.rt •ttaelt anti
I.", • 1., •.1,. grwal
n•rn•• trAn,..Tl•nou
4.• irlont • nnl .1. ,unno.-tnn in •
•111 t...1i.,11.1a6 , 1 •
rn,tr.l tt. tlo•
'. 1 . 7r7 ' N„1101. "1
1851. WESTERN • . 1851.
rici r.. i}: CanAl twang in asti..l tortirr, *r are
p..arrl let maw,* mt.l
au tarru. rat* rt
tre,l.t, • ith rng.. mat urrrl...“ and
• ' •
11.41, S 111.Aufl.
nil Mass, Vonn. I•11. .r.ot. INts,ursh
Nlllll, • 1.1,T
j ' s:sr
I , IIIT II t ?Ks ds L vnl.
No 7 /1.0. t N.'s, %oil.
rirrsitultn it AN! , 1 . :1,A till and le.tirodd Lon , Co Ott ream 1.
lIASSENGEI:ti leave 4, ery — m,rtitnif tit
ir "'"s t%: "
If • I, C 1... land. 5.1.f0s
elovsland....ri boo, To 1..1,1% hr,r,
TS,k,i• tovott tlarttoth to
16trll. .
rwwwmwrw ist Lbw iw
thwuilw L. LI . Nr.
w , •iiiivwliost
:l". will inurA pulrLier.
cllme'r• ."
" '" 7 "'" .l " ll ' ll%. " ZONl , tillEy.
(Up Plain) envoi, .1 Ymh
itMl.l,l god ntrwwiii,
nproallio ilwoonuith• Is I kiwi,
• .5 1.117,41.111 l 11.
OVAL 1851. Igazt
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
:•*1 A 1 ES
• .1 t.
I 11l
{1 ...I rt
l'Aime A 0. 140 , 111 , ,..
1:11A311114111.1,.. 1RA1%101(11A CO [1.6,1,11
rrilllS well known Line iR now)'repared to
fAeillto.. of Of. I.lnr ut0.nr0x...."1 fl off oftwl.l,llAl.
it y, and ..upecily id•lfoff....agwrtemf. CoLIAA4O. +TO FA
Ara, a Agr. 4.
11,fat Ifooef. llttaboryb ofal)y.rts unit!,
counrAllem .111 • Live ilf IttratulfrifAA IwlA•feri rtrr,
rulll4ll lIKA V Ell. and I.lfie of fir., deer Atratenowta
fyroryll., anal tA.reln,..ll 1.11..
hark, A Co., 1 ountlrota,
A 4 N Clark. Ara lon Falk.,
C 1 1 1 , ntlat. Rarrons,
"'"'.lira 11 1: " ro " Vr a. 1:11 , tt .
110.1rrnon•A PtIl11•41, ran.tak
/ 1 “.1. ham A Aeon, lulr.t. or..
ti. A CI, I.trolt. tlalllsan, •
latuonstan 111 Ott. kir,
11.1.. A tk., Illortotot .
Tia“aa"tai lio ' lN ' art .l t l ,ll o llY.V, A arra.
.1,1 nor. 0 err and ruothh.l.l 1 1 11.1,nrait
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 2.5 cents.
F ir
1. rt. 11. tor lalhoo. at Pit. konit Itool Rt.
.1..1rr tlay .
.a.. Irns• • 1t.1 , 0rt... n 1 to • to. - r U. •
thrlozan .1n • ,Ir. • r u dtt A 4 V.
I,r-our •ithlnu In Avr
n IL•arrr ran tt.tosro I . .ritntlon
Tlrkt. o• 11..cher trr Ant) Nark 1 1 10.1,,1rub, tor IA rent+,
.1,44 t
11r1rtafuor d, o l n t,l , e
•• Kra.," I,
"Mt L,v'*nl' WWI, AVAnt
r I.or r ram Itfirld labiligh.
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
Ti) nai.TimoßE IN FIVE HAY 4,
/I onli..ei%P
.N 11: 1111adelphln,
rt,rort Itrno an.l n, 1111.%,
VII l'A ..rtinent tor
I tall mak.. cno,
..1 lnrk, err.i
'""''''' 'l . l7: ',l l ' ll:77l . lNllit '
nr L et piternt.
• • •
AISI ' but..l. ill lor 4 ale
1,1,1111 1 , 11 10
i ;110'.
I I"NrS. a 1 LLIn.
for t
T 1 1 LV
1.‘ 1:14 . K „' A
a olv•
A - !. ru.,l New. Ur tirol3ll., Rent", V
on KIMI em.l L m tnlr b, Iti ILI ltllel Y..i INIILIKAM.
I.lli A 10.-70 hlols. N. 0., for sale by
1,1/11.W0111'11 a (NI.
I OFFEE--'2.5• packets Java, for sab ? by
) rag.l 11141(.11111011k: A IN.Illt• Cl.
'1 EATIIEIt--'2OO MitIOS Sole, for sale by
/ (.0 11111111 M Igi g A INGilit•Ar
1 , 1.1.. par i. , , , ; :!;: . l , l , l i t i i ,, e , r is'A
1)1 , 1 1(,K .
14 .tor4 lA saeks locssale Lv •
A 10, A - M1.1:• N ALM,.
1_ , N1)1( I ES
-10,1 Ls, MINI.. NI.,
ilu gr. lin-uu • lAA L. 1.1.1.. Nu
All & Tulourau awl
• • N.
A/ Lg. ...T./tot mud Plug. (.0 -
'All.'.. fruun No.1(1111611 11 4:
.41 0.4 N. gl. bugs, •• Ln(Aru Alum:
guru Clupluu. l /( 01 ( 10 (. 1
1, , N. 1, sioil.l.leg cervut, Io , IIIAA
1•11(1g. Noe, A 1.11.1111.."6
. • .
2. , ) 1,a.1
W•14.Chr..1. ion du. I's huricrtN
(At tio.
turn Itruoni, 601), I.rend •
g-ther with blwitler,. Pr,t,•r,
at.. on hand and Inc .210 L./-
JVII, OA .1.1 1, rt.)
20Odi LBS. REFINED 1.W.8.AX-4 u.
ur ftwviVeal 1041 tor wnle
• .1 KIIIUa W.
El %Vl SALTS —!5 frt
o- .xitll.
110,TON. MAS,
9..nis well known e otablielimerit is still tren
t th,r.qi it, thv eunet tommer tt lov , tte
eVentrwl and plemant vitamtiot, tl.t. how, Ilv temotovtt
annevment, tat! vn.l It, t orite
ftwuti thote. ett,m),lntt to tom , ler tt rmrevtot.l. oWto. to
,Mlll,l the tm, vim
111 , KO: loom on , ol of .1..11° I. ra
raer° lii. No.( rx•eto.m. boom:Lai ILL roimtm. .... ntol
I.° gat, ottoto M:.° It.• .
Matchless Blacking and inke.
rriIIE cELEISRATED •• Al' II I. r.
111,..1. No •r:. •b • ".
to lb- ..tyyb.l rrr aby e•tltbyb . turvyl
by lipb• . ••••IN,. • b. , ~tpyrry yly.yr
A . , PM:IVREA, Stl. 11 !.14th Iwooty.l btr•wl, a.
0111./ttIOI. rfq I . lulayly•lblult. 1,16.11
. _
11.11 AILN LEY, IVuOIIW A & Whole%
p nab. timern... No. 2721 Nlqrk,t rt., PlAiled4Ch ,, .141
EA ;, L1) , , , NO It & /., n. T o b t ut, o
sod O. IC N•iir
. _
Seven Valuable Farms for :
Y( , 1
/ a. SITUATE:tr , the Olkit,
•,D rw
he Iteltoty {„
To Dealers in Liquors, & c. . enel, e,n.l .1
./. (10/TE. Frell.4l 30 , II 11..-11 1 11 1,111 - 1.: IMT,, belAree, the to
oireet, El{ 11111{, 111.111er{ 11, 100 nper I{, two 1 ,1 ,1-tr .
Vrn"'lnidrll7;l". er:; " ;11orl, ' 11{ 1 1r0 ' ili1{7c ,
land •{ln eatnrol ' l . , ' notl. , 11, It , 1111 . 0 In ' l l" t ` m, h• ' ll '
n. 11 4A, the log( In 000- 11.01 t South 1,1 ~,,, 111, '
1. , mcol , 110 in.{ , rln 11,1 •• . 1 . 1110 .I , {l{en. urouna. n
Imo+ fnen 110.4..n.untrr In nler. ere .1 - 001 1., ' "' •
,tll{, of 111/. rennllll.o n0.11 , 0‘..11 there ord. r. •' fi "
r,„ ‘‘.3iter rt t, I{ 11.111 i, enipply And • T..,
attended to eq.!. I. the to nlcAl
1,1,0. and Clevrlnn.l, 1.0,11 1 1:tel•er
A menean H ar d ware. . ler And 111.- In tr. 1.- Iron{ El,
te , 1)0Inil„‘ SS. Nbinu faqn re rse
1) Arent.. No 1. 1 1 1n11 thre.e.lte , r, 11nerl elnn. 11/.[..1 ~,
Stn . VonA„ leol{lll
an Trnn. reerllllll{ 111111. the ntleniton 110 Aelein, _ln t, •'1 1
jrrn. the inenutnetonr., nfol r,{.l.l. tonn., T" I.ET and
rr L.
thfieol 111n. 11 1 , ,
Steam Commumcation between New York I ^s' er a
, o .101
and Glasgow. Great Bargain!
To Dealers in Liquors. &c.
' P
Fren..l. 3t;rl Eio.t
e , •
010.. A
Hitter, 0.. 11.• ntol
thr. logt roo.ot.t• tho Solt!. 01 t'rt ~
nlOl Holland; onnlett tnn. , On' ~ 0 1 ., "
Imo+ fn.... 110.... tn.tstatt.. nro 11 11.` , 1 to ,nll nO.l
Illortnnliton no.llo...nrtllloorot.o r. 11... of ,
‘‘nt. , 14•1:h. 0111.1. 0111 to. prompt It
attend...l to
Gla4g..u• and New York
laorte weer. It •te•nr; OK, .4 the t't,
h•nt •trunet h ,temutnantl,. •ht••••,1 1., .1.1 ht.,. he•
York .11,41 1,1 , 01t0 t h.• . Stinnlat . 'Le lit 1,, in•te,r.
Firt ('whin ...cull'. 6,11,11,4,1,y
Th•mam a
1 .1 al ut..1.-rat.
J 11,t %It •t . r•
1,11. h
New York India Rubber Warehouse.
IC; )fulfleti . I.anr, and V. r,ll Nal3ol/ olrref,
tiro- owrwor 11tw0.1.01, 1 aotor, n .t
E•lor ..1 thiP
t..0.1t.t5...4, nld anl.4rn 1,.• a•tomor. awl
nl..rriknut• th.t 0111, Iwo
vn rt,..a
Ilukker trriaal• al el
U.l Vihluth w kh.
I • 7l: l . " l.:Z:h ' l ",:• + . 4l '• LO::t '' Vi=n b'". :' ll...*'"' •
paki Ow -mapper
furl." I'w:ow-Jana Oar, AKM
from W. 4-4 ...Wu.... 11 . ...1rtin
.wrsa thr la•al 1,,..1.,,,,,d•h114 With 1/1•• 1:1W, ,1111hYr h
Alll , lO , I.k ;.1.1.t Iralhor 11.!•.01.11114-•
as.utrot , 1.1,...1.• bi 01.., Ipkg,rwtwrwaril
1,, wk., •• kat, to lowr
twartal.laww ,
wl. rnl
,I, pwrifr 11. , ,ar y
foil •.•, all Mr 4,11,,,,,e .1.
II,•• I ar7.l.ltkia•r• 1 , . H., r••
..Lir"... at., ratalak . •
rurr...l waut ituldwr. •
Lie l liant.. i•rwm. t,.r..
I.riaina 11....., Jartrl,. , ar, low
Moak, 1t.......a
1iar.. 2 ,17,1.1,r.. Air 1411. kfr
rwla evatarlawrorat k la.,
Cen....0 •
L 9 •
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
S No. t; cortla[;,lt N.
Ow Ittroti.n
I NM.% ItI'IMER slinEs.
N. , + /1,1,14 J•t, . • Nioi
•urand arr. .1 , r , Inv ,•r•rl o.r •x..• r d
au, L.tro, praa 1.11gb1..c, •-••••
ratl• r..•
•:,.. Att
otalj Ta A.,W 1 Fes
aarr•il ,lr j•e l ilet•
....I ' • rim, -.1 rt,, uA
•••1••• shah , lar, ur
•r• .... mt.—l •11 Lv I. ;I I, $••• 1,.
lIIA 1., 111 ,a,,,it••l nr
11 0 ,
~,A; :AL A%IIh 1,1.1 A I:111411A, o
I, II Ilu1rIl10•41.1, , 1.1ee.1.
gln A 1 • 211 a. 1,, •
Buperior Black Writing -and Copying ink.
• 111\F:'INK. •Lre,t,
• r• etle. TO TOT ratr•
• • `•
a.late 1 Pa It. .Areel Pral
tin.ter...:P•al pte.....1 ft.p.l, to the tra4. rk
Il.r r eareet ....owl." , . 11 1 . 1 ' r`
p•i up a. per .10 lelt•er.l .11, part
1.1. 4,1, tr., 1 rltarge Nn 01..1,1, ear. • barrel,
ate ehorert) 11( 1.41
4,11 1 ,1,
n 1 ;.1.. run Irutulant.. I
k A IL .1 oh it I
Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopheyous.
k 1 3111.11•. 1. TED l'6:111'1 /I . KU, b.r re-
Iltg Ilir
tin.: rel. - •se..lato I rllll. atpl enrips the
olan4- and eta.. •pratnr err It
ae...11.1 ••• • ,].. 1/111r.l :1110 Bart, Trteoph
, lm
4•11.*IP• trettn....„ reel Aran Imptlred• or •Innlar
trul•At 1,11 r ere p. •1,,e• the satllle .t the peparation,
g,41. a a tn•l
ra vt.. rept 1.1 aLu
'thorMLlllul,rrilll,—Mlar Plr—t ka•e teak, afttlel.l aoth -Tr
t,i lapel •Itar
.o„r. •c4l.lllrin: that Ali,
erie s el
' ut• • n 4 An.o•Pt
I mak, ty..l all the prrparstl,. 4. the lour itzpl
, Akin pha •111.,,it ll,,.heart ....Ai I mar , Advtark
br • trretpl hart ~,pr 1, rop• I .14.1 ne • 1..1
a ad tnt •ad ,rattfeail.rt
e ..... rot ot rae •prottl,. h •a• •',lent. el Om
.11.• rate th•l • 1 1,tnee I . W 114,4141 1/ ' lll4l
/wilt •ourr, 1.0.31 1111 1 EL1 41.
1 , 1 1 .41.1 , 1m1 , 1s .trret, 111...414n.
Vat,. Igaik
-) De.. Au— Alo•at tat. .....a.saA•,l‘, 'Mr
Aaau .an a Jr... awl au laaal.att . uurli ahlUtad
(rural ,ut a,Trwaphel
Ou, aoal I alai la E)
Mal, luatAl • ll amirait tri.11,1•4 •,r
Irmun t 1
.111 s• ."'""
1$ . - r.•••••• 1 - A
, .0. • lurk. whOrt• 1,•• slr.•
Vs.. 11, sill.t.ry :Salmi A vv.. Nyv V
1,.. pyry,,,ent oVI
p./ nr 11, erantum V...non, v , .. 111 . ,
al.lurnrk - Lnoli 11
11.orro'o 51001.1.1.,1 l'ontin , ull II no nt.
io-nono 1, 1 .. ova., rh0....
...T., 1, .r, ti,. 111.1,, 11.
nth, .. - nr1,..,•1 11,41nel II impart, o to 11..
11,e1 ,3 t ,
l m
in vr , •••11, renyor,ll..-Etr
gr.v. 1.1.13 - .11 r,,, , 1
flur nlyl fl•roo,. .111 cm, t1..•,-.lga,
0 11 11 , 11 11 10 r0 1, 1 1 s 1111. 1 u .1 1 1.1.•
v 1 N.
I Z 6ll n,,y, .nCau.luvlto
1 I,
0 1111 • LLI s,
lONTINCI.:.S t. receive
1 , 141. nll p”,elio,
1/1.1• ,, o , 'am.
11,,, k 67.
.Vt . nuO,
Wm. H. Haskill.
CENEItg.fI . I.I)NINIISIg IN AI 11:111A Ni .
ir,,,1,71.3.t1,,, N,, ~z r...t. 1,1111
ILI.. . .
h:•l•Yial.ll.rrlr~.rr 4r 1 ,1111111, %,,eJ
i;rl‘. LOA IS & ST. JOS-Elll
and Vorranhue. ..n
Al. 3.3411.1, I,rrns, P•Errllniz .1.,
) A V. 1,1,) ~,,1':„,:r.k1.P.1",1:.Lr.,..:11..t0rnvy,
•All nttoup.r..,t
OfiN ItANKIN, A itornyc 011 d
rll4 , I.toc, u,J I , tutast.,..., t•
lynnus. O.• ..1 tbn
1.11 IS
11 , A
11,11.. r. Mreltir,J..
N. un3l. - 01, el C.. I,
Time Bills
A+llV I I.I.1:.
nll ..
L . 1.15, a c„
A Ii.LOIE YELLOW-2 en.seelor sale by
J nenll N. A. t‘ WhiLlo , llAM.
- o- . L
111 El) LEA 1)--500 lbs. sni.erit, snit. by
La wDlt, J 4,, U: 1,4,1 nt
VIRE, lor sale 1.4 by
net,lo JANE, bit.7.F.1.1.
01L—l5 1)111s. pure Linseed, or sale by
KT )) J. n.c.‘svita.n.
LIL-12• bbls. No. I Bennett
Jones make.fur LuLle I, MAIM( DICK NV A CO.,
031 A 'AM, .14 Vrolktott,ts.
IAISUANV.SZ-4 cask Saxony, fo r ; sale
by mepl2 J.bCUWNLAhKRaW.
To the Public.
lit RSES, FARMS, Sco.l
I A I , A ‘.l ginund front.. tAn CriLiA .I,ve
and .tznina AAA to fund. Tl. InAterly is htet
rhf.,..114..ti, from th e Jcpc.t Otsi. P
sod ronAjtv.
ItnartA.l rut-.. 1.
I.' 'N 14 iN A CO.:Klima . ...r.FrAut
I . ll.4hyrial.
Private Residence for. Bale.
~ohq,•riber ~tier,. for sale bin
npi T}UVN :.14:AT 4 0tt45‘.4.41 .40 the MIA:Gem: bI
,44r 40.44. , f,, only. 1,44443 (1444 r 4414 .41"
fouta/11iT1,0.111 I TVN WIC}IS 4 ,4444n41.
44 144,14 4,4444 44! i441111..44444 It 1144141104 wall :44 - Tr0t41.44r4
0ru>4134.4444.4 44,1 14,4444 1,444 441 4.1144 , ‘ 444•411444-4 , 414 1, 44 4 4
I . " 4 , 4.4 1 , 4404 tr. !It A Neth 1i.411A11.1 , 1
41 4 4 wuri444.44-44 44i , 1440, 1: DAV/4E1.1.4 C 41.4 N. 744
• . ...
..len wr wet, II ..• , .•i ut ,
v\ ••
41.1 Vika situ. . r EAT, siated, the Alleubenz ~. , \ 3,,,,, . 3 , t
flrtr 14,4141 fee, Illlir• frurs tr.. ell 4 . .. E eit.l.trals....
rout:mum: 14 , 411 SIVE 1.4 TVA 4 11 . 11 . }.. of .n4un.l. mule , . 4 ,
44 1,1,11441 e 4, ;4431113%144t It 11,414113.1. wall ShruEber4 • ' l ll W AN xj L
4 rumeutr. ,1 erult 'Erre , ••1 altruet 4...*:.TE 4 , 14.74 , 9, 11 . 4411 : ~,,,,, 3 ,,, , , ,,, ,,..
1.111111.11.1444'1r 'sr , ~., 1 , 1 1 1 11, 1.1 TEAM IS 14.411A1 I.E 1, . _
~,,..j ., ,,.,
9 41., warel...ure 441 \ lee., C 14. 4 11.d.E141. A 0 41 .4 N 44 1 1,1 I ~1 3 . :3 4 , 4 „.,,, I ; 4 ' 4 1,c, 1
4144.11.,, ,
'or t i 4t lit .., 155.44 • s
To Let. 1. ik R.( tII.A.Ii, llt.
lit k: well kn.,,k•fi. E.IGLF. 110TEL,1?..?; I .. %VI '1.E1.11.49 I'M'
rii . , .11111 Tllllll4 el LEET. 1 4 MI. Alllll.l/111 A.. .4 . 44'1 4 111 ' I Ts ' l 11111 4
4.44. 4uu.El .Pi . Col Tll9, 44 ll 10111. ll e rno4rll 141.1111.. " 1 1.-, 141 ,1 11 1.1 r 41.1 . 4111 , 11,1 '
1 t 11 4 ,4 ,:f .. 1 ,,. r .,,„
The. 1.44, 434..1 r .44:134.41..., 11441.-I 4...441.4144.1uu sua.u.l.4 4 et., 1 14 414 9 \ . '''' '.
1, , 1 . ... m.. s .4.4., n'4 rat,. .244 Al, a 1.4114 ,, 1 Ir., . \II 41nuArsrr/
trs.4 anII 4,4,1444,.. '44,44 usrl4 4 - 4. 44.41.11,14 . 4.4 4 tur 4.14 'lu 41,4 344444. \ l'or 1,111 ,,
4.41. e., 44 .14 stmt. 3...444 4,,. 1, 3 44 , 44 et- 94 unreA In the 43..1 ...4. ,
up.l., vi ,. .11. , 0 . ~ .r, -• trhule-ale 144. 4 14 11 4 4 . 4111 1 I
443 , 344.44 , 1 e the 444.14 to .4. 44 les, 4.1 E1'13111.. 41 111 11 ' 1,1 4 , t .3
t, 4.4.1 r I. 144,1 eu s re5....4,4,4 r 4.49 !rum slut .fter Om ; 1 RA,. %.,p \ ()
ru,sr PII 111 , 11 1 1111. '4l \T. .4 - 1...43 ill Pr re 1 urrs• I
suer 14 sue etuir,
I The 111.441 ..s.. nmEntl 4 - ereruel 134444,1..., 1 .1..3.4 014.1 1 Express Pge.t .
• • •\
4.1 4 .114114
Vet farther part lettlar , , 441 11e... 44 r, ' art-
~..4..4,- .
l'llll,ll AS A 15.11'SE '. A ' 1 1111 . 1 , PeOr 1114141 \ 1
4.1, 4 4,41. New. near 1'11141441..1 4 1111 ..14 '4, .444
• Great Bargain!
IitEI:TY ritopmery
A —T1444 , SIAN:4I 44 h 11.11 4.4r4;1i1t;
, 4 .444 1., .1 4; ;•••44. 44, 44 •441 4,41
Ine 14,0,44 rlf al.. 1'4414,4 •tftlllA ILUII,Is.
11 , .ti.`•1170.•
•0 - I,l4ttral..
Private Residence for Sale:
Pit) 1 1 , Etrri »fr,erd
Ilia 1, r-r, • ttutel•th•tt: , er•••
tt. itet•t eti t,t,l leeatett .tt tierph! It .... Ittg t . ty
ttl leeleeA he . t1.‘1.......11 141•‘11...1.1111
tr. 'I n 113 r ,ttrrr ttiti 11r. er I Itirt ity
t xtit•ttter It •tt entt
rtr• tilt 1. tor, tit !q. nn t.• et tteerettel. t•
et. Ittkeetttel .0 . !twit, /It ....... le•eh t• huh
etel fitt h , xtt ell The .tnprocethert , t• en
uteterit.t. to, I m•lot T lig' he-. men., hartutt t.ver>>
te ?h.. r l + in.l • l n e r ut
t ete finer
ti -lal.ll
1,11,1 t II:11N. • t-eettoti ttt
Real Estate.
F r)i; ))).% I. 11,11...•• :tritl
, V I,tiyrt,
, r , 1)I1116sli IN ,0
in. et. (he Vetity. etet yhte I.•,treeo • ,tht• •ttt•rt t
, htt ' end • ,•. lb.,
I „„,4i1,1,,,',,i' i 1.:'...t...1 tu tla ' r . vit.s,l I, lar t .... , log V 'Cy '''' ^tut , ' ni "t Vso t rs"'t -, t , ,
111ealti 'I In• on nun.. .. 1.1.U.N.10,11 fog
Thr Inntrtnnt tv . II ytt.• ta ant/rd ' , v. vtn,l N Int gnu nt •s, l
t 4 In on.; n 10, , ~4.....11 1 , 1.. , r 1 On. , I n i , v.! Pala. !In' • artlr t t
~ : ,..,, ,r, . .mr,%, , , ,, , • , , , ,
~ '''' ~,..,:k4. :CA :KIN. ''''
ay.., r..... t 1,. .1, avoar...! I.'t .n n ~....1 nail.' nun, 0
" I""'
• . "II
' PITTSBURGH . AND NE W \ \ ' O ." A 6 iT — LE ." .
in loketr..l nn.l t.ll, tart !runt. 4 Iv. , s• o Inv.
rr.l aonl fill , 1....1 L. xli kik The twprocv.thonst. nr
't.1.• 1.1. Rl "' I "' l. ' ttt ' l4 " ITTI. " 3 " ItcI " vIIIII ''''.•
'/,,.,,,n teal. the OA, and Peron,.kadva
I ..,.,„
.et ta. v.,. nno ton. . la. I 1. , ,1,,,,,,,, , %trr I arr.,. ETI OO. ./. / F....E. -- "...c" : " .... .... -• •• ••••••,--.......
...1 .lAI,, . vnr...., ' ' ,In in. 'rit an.l annvlr
,;t;', " ' ' r„..',;', .... ' , ^ ;:'; ' ,',,',;,],;;,.'',;;1,,;,, , ,,:,:',,1 1). \ SSE.N t Witt; %VIII lalE.l4lle iOA . N. ma,
~,,,•:. ~, ...,.: , ....,. .. -,,.....,,,,,,,,,,-;,,,,• a • l., etiottordt. ant! Mr
..,, It,, . v.r. ot ..,.... s. v. .. an, Int ~ daltrlA,l., a r-., l'At E ET , h., AT . 1.11.11,1.. e t c .1 It Intl' l ' .ll, .
nt,. nt vv , run In,. •nt ta . ninth n , on nr, a r.,1 Nrat Itspbta tt. nI II•, .II daily. arc. 16
....1.2 I . )1110 1 11, IN. t I! rv.r.,,,n1 av at N..• hn.t.l. nt I l•.. 1
• 11,.,,,,, n v ng iv ~.. Iso,, 1` ht 7 l' t . nrrtrinsal .N•
Real Estate. . ItrnA,V.... Inr thr It, I ‘. 'II ...IV . t . • ~
4 . 111: 5.% I.r. -To o 11,14- , mid I tots int-rit. „ 1 ': , ..'i, t . ,..,' , ' • :„' - ,',:`T:' , ' - ` 4o `..- c• I . b ot. • ••• 4 4 - t'' ,
1..10. V •nl-,,50 v. I. la It, -, tn.. i, antl tlo mbar ! ~ ,n .1, ~,,..t. aI I I ,I, ~, ~E.CT• ls ~, \
'1% ,. .1.• I nns., Va. n.n.l Vapor
•.1 C vl 1 , 1,1.1.1 . tt n , r Mr.,.
:done a 1.., 31..1...1,..nr1n lIonr,: llqnrl.
ro Tl:AN: , i , t)itTE:it , . I 11)1M 16S11 IN , \ 111 VW E ll 'h i 11 . 1 . :! ' ,7 11 V.11 ' ...14; 7 • ‘ 11 . N . r. '
1itn.1,.. r. l'n
- \t • 1
' h I I"I ••"
"I '
' -I.
• ''
' I " ""
n. .(1,, , IN nun atat .0.0. ~,,, a o o • A 1..,
. 1., t , nv..l • .i....ltr_ tn., 1.. 11.. v nnat Vann, than r,. -- .m -,,,---.-,..,,,-,—,_----, , 1
g, ,, ,, , .127 -, 4 ,- ,..v?"- -, -" ,-,- - --- .7 , 7 , \ ‘"
''' ''''''''' '"" • • • 1 r., ..,,,, it. 1, rir ore "I/ v stir , rrext ed Jahnobo n.'
1. . sltn I.ln, . !I TIDE REDS v • Ell nN it t , I . F.EIv INCREASE!,
" 'II • % von. , . t ttnrt. t an.s a 1.,,,,, .1,, t t
J t 1 I t iN II E St , l'isi.' It I IttiliS hove the. tiletcture to
For Sate. 4 I IL 1.0. , 1/11., 1., th. 1r In , ant. , and patron., an Vie !Nun
i i ~.% 111 vV. t , I to . ider. of tdroicel ...Ito:it, too: `;'`,•••°,',' "T' • ''' . j•t.t l , •.l , , r,;,',.:::,'''', - ,,";n7.1 5 .:',..., i r t: , ,.. t r'', 1
A tt..t ic It-. d " - t . 'l' ".,. - 4 . tr..iio , .. :t.,ilottri r o; tn.ttit ' . 4 , It , t 4 ;it'li b t I4t
tai ~N,-. 1 Itt.l rl5 I, CONS 'l.ll lErK. v I
I ' I " I. " " ." • " ''' 't t I •I '" 'l . ' "... h... % *V t In. Nllnk vv... vale , .Itlv r ten t
,s ..,1..-,.... F. not/ff.. in,.. . nen, - .h.-. t . ... 1
-•. t • I , 3 ”.„ . , t ,
' ;‘ " ,s l T . ,. ' , "' t r,! t: ' 'I. ~. " I• ' \• ' ; I' A' .1
, • " %1... • h •l ',. .
I t't' • . 1 110 1 nnr, s, tit... .... " r ‘ t" ; i ' t ." l ' . " ; " .sn ' ...i . h. '' .. ' ,.., • ;,1..., rtr ‘ .,.. “' l '...!.......‘„
ll 'l ll.' it I: t ... I It ' . II " ' I lin g, N.'. 115-,± tifti . .i ' ;,:ne--it ' ..,:t..1 . .. - ...tti0t..4. Lt.,. wet I
• .'""' '''''-' '—' .•. '.".''' -.- o ''. cexp - t .t• r.u......t. it...., tort-. ',tit, . ooite ....4 t
tit-it. t-tt to, met . s'''.
't 'tt - • • • tt ' " It " - I ' - '• "I" ' ••• . I. . '.l ' "I• I"
.r It It v. hi INO It • s
A I„\ .itimt,
' a. '''' "'"-
For ° Sale or Perpetual Lease, •
11 4(.1:1'I TIIKEV. 1;1 11.11INI; 1.4./VS, bud
II littAt., it Iris,
Real Estate for Sale.
VA LU A RLE ortimp,ved LoT. "n
4 , r• •
11 •A1te.h..1..1.111 IP*
•.. 1.1
I' A.. I. t V./1'1:1,00\
lo; .1nvt.1,1,1.14T\.1,
A Good Bargain is 7 \
11.. rt, Juni 1.. div,
A History of Pittsburgh
1/Y N 1 MLLEcItAi ;; E;, ti . A
of 1,l -d.. tr.Artt tlt. Arlt•At t—rst. ItAt
.••• t• Itv tot Int• Ittt, tit, •1. tlt•
ott•tritAtal vitottota.At. , rt•A mtAl Ant ~,,, .lAort, .t •tr
tint ottattrAtAttotta. tA. tt. I tut,. two ittelt 1.11 •
.41 utttot 11., .11 tott•A... A MIA ~.a.41 L.rr, A
tnrlttAt tettl t.ttentut,A, ,A.rAtsttr. 111, It ',Ammar •
I Iter• g•tzett tit, 1 10 At wAl—rA t• IttnnA aut. ,
t-t•ArAtn...ell • 1.1.1 n brie t • ,A ltutr. l ots
rAttintrs u - t•totttlAat. 11.3.1 IIzA AAAAA
l•• •••••1•4 - 1 •1•4•1110't
1111.1 • 1.1.1 ttt , ,lt•AtttrA. Al ..A.ltor ilt••• Int t. At. toritt•
Lortit• tor at...alt.. tA. t• Ott' t'tt
1 . ,.1: i y . T.,•••..12 me. igll3ta•l !LS. ,
•,4...1 ,
‘,l 1. , ), , LIN II
The College of St.\ James.
INUToN Nfl , Al 11[1 . LAND.
rIIIIE TENTH .N:sl Al. 5Y.:-.:•1 , 0. wtfl
July, 5eu•1.4.1 , 01.t
thr I,AL I.tit sr. pi, thr•
e,y,.:1,n,1 the • .1,1,. I t .... flu ‘tl,l. •., thor
051.141.1-. IL.- .11.. r, ntsen,r
Tll I: 4IILA!“1 It „k.
. .
U.,' x:.:1•11.2ru•ul, au.l urr.unr... ti.. tut llour•11.
iu tlivitruonnur , i”..:
11111.0 MI. , ‘111.1: 1•1..1,4e,,1tu •Iclv ul •:1 - 41
..04+1. uud il• plu , -.. rotpult••l.l.t ,ultlgu•onl rilu.l. , II
N1 , .1..••, 1.••,;uuu.., 1,, Av..
\ .
Tit. •..•.......,t I %., I .11-... t. cuti 1•*1 Illnlllll. nod \
I.• it..11•111u.. , from ...rm. mud •IV .•:•4 t u, Iftroruble 1.•
1•1,111 , 11.11.1.. ti laew 1...1,1iii, MP
r *al I.
il: "' 1 ' 1:,:1:11;1::17.f;;17:..: - : " : ';; 7lbT::,
u........1......1 il• map..11...1.1,t ault Ita•onl a1u.1..... ri,
11...1,,, 1....,aaa.a.....,... a.- ~...g......\ \ .
Tt...•.•.......,t 1%. , I 1-... t. ...,...1). la a1t1,11.1. nod \
1.• 11...11.1..,.. , frau. Warm. and • 11 , ..:•4 t a), larorable 1.•
1•1,111 , 11.11.1.. ti Ur. 1.111,11, .MP r , .... *al I.
rea.l• tor •••-...ra1a... la tla. ~,,, r....... 11... ,qq.14, , ~....a.
.idawn 1.. do. tare5.,....r. , .. al Prolevau • , ,1.... 1ru.1.....
r•aa...l, app...., 11,1. Pa.., 1 , ...11,a, / . 1 , , 1.,
.4..1,11 am. Lee1..•.......,11.,.. au,. .1.•ba.,11. Ales
lir a1...1. • ../...4.. Int .1.....• 1......,, , i .. , nu......1.511.1.r rm*
1.1 the I, Ita,,, ...1..a...mar A.1... , 1, t• ~... 1. tali,. an.'
tw0...), ..••• ....liar, ',NM. anounll/ In ~•.10)...
11" .1. , 11N II I. p , It,
1.,.1‘,,,.,1..,........,. \ 1,.r. I. ,i •
It. •1'•,..,.. "1 1,1,1 , ur.,1,. a ta1....- a.......a1iNa1i0n
.1.,.. /I .) ..a. a It. , at• 1,4 - ta,ll a Trzistra ,
at... 1 ..1 la,s.
University of Maryland.
THE SEX l' NV.;,SION wlll 1.,,, , in . w E iv=
~...,,A,. 11... 1a11ida..........1.0r. 11 , 1 . 4. un,l • 1a... 1.1
aml., 1..:
x{itall I. r , wall. 1/ 1..1•11,....r.
I 11l 1:.., iiket., 'I 1..11........dr) and 11.arria ,,
ea....wt. 1.•,, V. 1..11.1aq...11i, 11t..... - 1.. 11.•11., Mal
1 1 1..
'I•li It..l•1 •\I U
vi A.-.1..~. 5 , .l . I
U.'1'1,...r ..i'rn• 5.1 ~'•"
11‘11,1,,, r
it tutu.— Mr t>n
10111 1111 t... r sit sk i hi ItrilOstiiirs Smith
Yow. l tr . o. It• Pravtical A
1,11.13..r...1tt1, -
Kentucky Mutual Lite Intavance Company
(PUKKA NTY FI , NIo, Nl,Rs),uott.
• . . . , - ~
rrIIIS CO:SWAN) I.llvrs tii , ,t be insured :1,11
1 ii......r un r, " iu i ..1,,,,,,,..1 it,i, Mutual awl .I,ht.
.4..1. I•hm, , ,lnaherth., a , hu , l , muuli,a..auwil . ~.'''
ui preinuon. au .u,5, , u11 I , ILITT , 111 a-ii ~.." 1. ,
vinint... i,tll hut rxia....or ,I..•1,1• , 11 A. r I r 1401.1.....
o, I,i ~,,Joia.tar th,..1,1 ,, ,uta, , f11 • . u0i1,, : , a.,:5 . , , h; .
:,,,-..77.:!ittit. aL Jura h, ro reaallia t; Ouar hu , .......
a ‘ttapoo, fatal haoau , a tur th, p.,,,,,,i) ot ......tArtl, ol
aka. Inrur oneull,rai oat roa. f, Ou. tau- lit .I , r, .
Etim.-1,.. lb. , wh,,la h ru, ur Mr
~,,0,... ~......,,,, Mutual Ulla 11,0,1 • ~,,,,a,
th.aaua ut ',tumulus sr , fit.4l a , a lair pr. ,0,1 onial
ant. with a ioruYhatur , f , an wanualo 1,,,,a0s taaaoau
latam ~1 Immo Our tutu ra a . urii, ,on uaart tra ..Out, tu
lhoutukunut ul ',wane, artJ 11, ,n,....alarr i 1,11 n.I
oolong' aga rulansa ,purr`
teseutiaa ,, , •
l'aulptilvla. trarta, if.: .Zllll4, ", ',..., .. , ' L..
n .
.1 ilwleri.noe r.+4.1,1ni '''
I...,i'ot'jrl'r.‘ 1 '. 4.1 ' ... "" fa , •
in .1, kla/
\ ..
I OFIEE--.W. hag, prime Ili"; tor s a l` b '
VJ auJah ' JAM i.: 0.V.1.11.1...., W atur 0., '
' 61U P. CA Itli. SODA—a/ kg, J net rea dt 4
1,3 lur awl. by J. :Willa r\" Alf bah.. CO., 1
'LI Ivoog inntre. ...
Iti OLASSk."6--.50 bbln. N. 0., f ' br sale by
IYA.-311 [ha W. II ARUM:till.
FiKINNERS' 01120bbis. 'fyr aul by
replt k W. I ARBANI . 4 tr._
10-trini s-
It-75 bbls. Scott'extr famity; fur
by , 1101318011. LI t O,l
• v.
.. .
I\,`\ :••• . 1' Ai‘kl3 A'l\ ~ .. \ iIEDI 1 '
\ •\
lilt it \i NC ~ ..siN ATI --= , T . fine y .. '''( \ Airiat , s6•46lßl pgaelEA.l:\
I l ig at
.i. z
1 .. , :i.."' , -.a , ' , ii!. l •::.... N dN' o '''''' .. :rpo• '4l; i'", lit, CURE OF
..?'" '' \ \ , ,„,„, • ' ‘,,,,', 1C , 6118. COLD . 119ABSENESSirtati 4 . 3 t):
.-',‘‘ , \ TIS, WHO° .G-COUGH, OTJP . 1 .,
tit CIN6I . NAl'li'llt sple -
id 11. 1 , .4 11,4,1 4, 4 ,,,,,a 4 ,, .
..,IW . ,' ASTII3IA, CONSUMPTkt . • ..
E. E. 4..tn0.... skch.a....k ',Et 1 ----'"-• , ' ' \
R. ~N , ..,, .11 , nuku:.-nAt., ~.,\C"° f"'" .• • •
.1N iiffering,iu the community . it , ,in , AT ....
V ' ' 'fr''' ' '‘'
, ~,,,,?. Ahl, J4t „.
‘ 4..... 4
~..k .4 ..., r„,,,,,,,,,
.4,o, l anibr,-A. 6111u114.1• 'V
.:%:.4 f ,r. t"
' ''. ‘‘ .... " . rti . ,.. : 44 .. . , , ,, r 5 t 5 .. 1 ., A ' i \ l , i)k, eel ,”te., wish to trail,. 1.10 tha liras or heiat er that' .l.
1\24 11 IV ' p ' ,.. .n - '''
' n' '
'' ' n ` l. A. ' 1 ' ...1.4 .' 1 . , t"..1 6 t",',.lmt. We .4. 1 hms . 1 s
‘, ..!t l it ..,... ..',....-..,. --- . ..,,t , suntt i .
,', ~, q e. tehtkeneri a.lld Plille ,a` -e. ',aroma dr i inc. \
, .• !,..'17,L,u,'..1,,,";,147,',„'.;;,‘,,',67.,q,•,`7,,n1ai.,),,,r- _ V 4 -
\., \II , whieh et, ran judiz. or thetu.llea, 7 elii
'or t :i., lit or k.,. . :tont., on 1,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 1i• 0 of ite‘r,elr-sr.r, nor alls. hot.) nut Act no ik ,
, , , •'',-- • ..eTn n b manli 10,.r1i tart , wik: ot Warrant. s
1. k i.:, tl I„1tt, 'l`l't.SKUiltl:ll AiiiPlia git ' , ' . ' 1
1 •. 71 ,F•a: l . l N9 cAvnia...ti... kri.kowi " ar k• ''' ' .‘"••• ~ tm"" clam , ant ,, .' rit . 6 1666 1rY
. n... c , , c..,...c,,A - runvL, , C; n well. rr,se, , "rnn. ilip 10. i • Into all we petidlah. kk, 10.,,‘,..1[111,4 theY
~..., i, o ~, part,,rmn,..l, ro,....vtar tr,,,,kt, Empal:etwew , II on. 1i..• .rt...ti\ P4/4110 11 ..4bT
t l ll- ,:f .1‘ ;00.4 ....IV,: `p.tiebarco al lt. o'olord\. \ „ ~.. \ • ~ retied.,
„,,,, i. day \ 7,1t.r. ley att , •l 1 , ..t.1.,.. no , l r , .tteri c ” ".
' ""
1 l '.' .. ‘ " . " 6, ,," r, ~la, Thu file aTM , , kat.Mr47. '\ V 'n tha , telez .1„.I ...Sawn- of Chrm 'Crl arat ‘l*... - I
' ' C ".." '"' A
''',ll'., *M r .ri,l i li ' l. ' eli ' f " . ,*,- Vil ' j . \L
/at en. 'i'" !%. - y " I " aiT. l'" Viir 'l at ' i:Zflf roar p're
\ \ S \ • '''
' •
. A
.. 1s t % pp ' ''
A\tp • \ itliv L ' L —\ \ l ' ' ' '' '•, , ''',•,, • ',". j. 1 0Nt , , n :.T...74 ', . ' L ' ilZ ` i. ' f '''l ,. ' fri l , ` .ll: .
i TRri.. -..p,J , la .1-1. Al 111...f.t , IC,C, \ , 3 ' . l` ~ i , ‘ , .' 4 , ,.. 1 4, high davaa, , of al action.
\ , VLAce%li ' i.....?ieet 1 ZieJaaboar. a war I ra.xt,
Express P.else Lin , 4,3\pleyelanci. \I ' '"'r 0 .; • - 7 d.., ,, ,... ! , 2 4 7 fir ,... Ei tra b , • ..„,,, •
\' ' ‘'.l*"
a*ggq7..- - " .---- .•-f-i•'•-•-:-' tYrom an \lr, ..., lilt!, tn. ilti. ,Coati ' ll thleCit ..).
ril i NlitlPropr itr?yll •tir , PlOtLi ea iaV- .
, 1 7-e , t , aaae 1.....0 r,.,i or,the7,,,ree ~,,,!, 1 ‘
100. W. 1.. thr ra.tutakt.e,aTraocomNt :iet\ t0 . ..h 1 " I ' never tall, , .lltg I .;ea.::% " gunt ', t - \,•lnmentittla I
an. Pron . ItentraJ o..Ner, a11 ,. P.7. , w,a
, O$ orr , nnt I ~,,,,,,,,.,,,,„ .
~, ,
~,r_ ,te _
~ 4 ,. , . ~
1A12 , :' , 1 ;` , )
i t i l , V: , !^:l l ,tr.- 1 , !4: . :1,,t. r 1 ,... 0 vA ts v . , , , ,..1 L 0„,,,. 4,,,. It \ i ~...".* 7'7" .'
~,,,, t t o ,... ueßsc . N . •
\,t, wlll clre . rll,.. '4 c.sitt ',le In h... , ••• i 4 , ~,,, ~ , , . .l ii . ~,, 7,, . ' .
• \ c.a .4 arelf I a 133.47 . an k Irorth • .
I t,keith , r 1., Ow l'ar, or. thr ,•• la.nt. ~ ~,
„, ~,,,,,, 40,.. tr , .),,,j .\;At.ll;llK,‘, 41..\ a trial. Thla'patltn h 1 h.,, me '4 frilif, sled the tr. ..
1 • \ rornerrater and .emlh irl.k. et. ,:,, i , e4e. taira:l . lert nf thr medimor w.,.e. nun_ rably `tattnet,— .
aitj•l'llu ,
d 1
, . •-.• \ . ; - -I\-- , I..: , ..l.lorci..tkvie;t F I FRINGS. July '&, 15.19. . .
, r ennsy i yanlav E a u n ~,‘ ,
n nj ii .1 ,. . ,, (.. ,;( ,11 , 1:1 ,,, i- ,, ,, , n 1 a,:14/e atnirt with spirant
' ' , .; , ..umt.n.,ti. for toN... la ' I L ” Ine a l
' '''
""". •
i : al Z 4'' ,e,..• it..,..0,i4 r. , ),. ~..4,,„c`=1,r,,,T,;'.
, ,-,,11 ; najolr,, tylli . Charm Paetera ,iells,care mu krulual to 1 . ZOl 4 , lTT:ilWitOll To NE illiCil.T‘ , ,•••` ti••••.... 1 t h...,., 1.......t,,,14 ..,,,i,,,,,,,,..„ ~, uo uk
\ 28. MILES. • k ,fi r. itt. ‘, soli otirEl,l.o...4.•,Wirik, istluc\r our.
g h\.;ied\ati,r Niii.NDA.Y..,AL "UST 4 th - ; '.•'•l' I I ,l,.i . . d A ' "i`ll'.'l r .V".i'l l Sy r- ti .l 4' - 'i,. A P4i.'.. -,7.1;
11 , .H 1... ra,,,,nerr, Train wilt ri ln ova . ', •n ,
s ga.r.da,l . lroto Ms rAroclulkl Sun:, by • awn t•
1 LEA • Nl.:7\l`. , lkA , illToN„at 7t, .'l .1:. Is. .A,, a :con,liiter. I haat. I.l.aattpeat a certifying .c,n,r
hr., t, 'lT ' :I 1.411 At S /0 I . A 0 ,, 4 11. !11. ~, ~, ~, 4{.4 4.1, rh..7norm reepmqulle„
, ' Al' „ARP., :: C•i,e. rEte Ki 1 r.. ' , \ \ •-, 'r . " LUP" •‘.'' • 6 4 , Cornt •
- A.
.1,1, i 110111 . 1) . (We/ le ~,;c,.-1i,.. i k .df n re. .11, Win \nit wax cm+ aa. '7Arkt. \u' -.. whieh th
11..tene.k, 1. , .irci.4.an4l Itno,eith.. , Alm \Wet,. ,
•• - .e.- ~,. .. nb ea, nil a iir,..rnte thnticht tie to lore abharnstilan- , \
'e Ere , t, , •tn, \
i,,,.1rn. enc.rtart. Pa.. lkti .
...I; lala.
llrn h.
.: :.„ - '',1,...1....t0, , • .. 1" , hrolichi e sl,y a ,I. in On. tell/ming of 1 ~ 'e, r jtary,
'. b. w nruibt , v. ' , `,* ani.l wa. . ;On ,1 , rt“ heti fer 014,4111101. • na,
„ 1i11.114.770n
, r ,t , : d a•V !,...;;I:14,1 r ‘ ,11i17,1 to. 1,10 ~7 . , t.,,,,,0.
.o . ect. awl ila , T,
L le..: i n.. c: , 1%11r
I . , e ,4” . •:.; , : ' :. ' ia .. ..... !:'."•••••••• .. " ."r. :.. ... .. ' . ' r,i;.• :.!e " 1:41 " ' %ier ." ' .l . .W " reVi.l7l "' fi'ilt. ..';l',l‘tT... ht
l e a '
y r . , . y ,
4. , 4,1ti0rd rot,
4, on 1 , ...1i401
hr. tho miff, \
1,.it4 114.10kn1
lon l 4 ,cntor\n
I.ltftvt. At
4 / Xillinilql44. vlll 44.4
t , 1410.4,40
Stone Ware'rnmps. for Wellsand Cisterns.
tli, ptitale
Int.. t”-,14::
1 la 11.
ho. or, 4041. one/. roll., If
uiir tv.n r:uorl Th -
aro. I , lla thot th., rem.
oh , o, r
I ...I wre auroble
Is aro 1•1.....1. rah J.
No if..
...^l . la 1
, rt.
...rum], h1 1 ..1‘1.1
. Ih. allot
o-I for •1•11.,.1.4 ,prlnK, or h. hydran4.,
turng.l, It i c?.r. Iv-
(1,,,/ *L
praor ^
I .
Wilkansburg Academy.
_Oak , an , / F.ntnle origi Ohmura! &hew/.
JALI. ra
AMES 11118,1'0N.11,0PRINCII'AL
• •
rIIIIIIS,ISs bo orgi for the
ro ,al.- tents), on M 0..,
Itt •.t ttl)
lounelit.....t tla. to, A. 1.14.0
1.1a.t.r.• ...lir. to.t. In • 1 Iktlnclo. AltuAllit•
0..." . enttrtoive
..... mat .I.l.t.ront.mtv•A At. r.o • I.`!rruit•r-. and
tt,...1 14.
Ql ‘ i. i CKS FOR LE—
.I 7 I.•
'R.I., . •
l'ettloy t00te,....1.
.f T11).)I,k111X
. - II I ine
un.l F.% rhan.,
Itowand's Tuttle Mixture,
Conttotitid ~,rurc). iliac AAerry 16:01`.; .
tylti . ter.!L!l;, , estalabib , e4 reme=•
2.• ,• ,•• th,'""-v•",
N1c,11,,, an , Ltt
. • ~.:1- n er Market ttntlTlonl
wltrri A.,t, It.r Mr. Itowatt , A.
FRY , •
. 1.:
1.. tlte,
\ b•
I ) I L ' l . o l' l'F: - L ' IX l It XS, ba• nice by •
,Io•F. A !tl,-CANDI.F.,, ,
Irtmi 1:111'„„. for 1:111' • ' '
14• K a Th.,' AN IPLES....S
111 1 , : ,1 A1i 1 .0. ,.3 5A10K , ,1
4:: ..ash., •
.al , ItF
13A l'Elt IX) real.. 11etli11111;
ti” NO LASH • ,k,l IRN I'll EESE---5'..! homes
4 11.1, •• •tt i l Iturltatu taim
, [CF. MeCA
!IL ACkI . IK 61 1 1 s. :: for vale by
'1 I 51•1 -
1411 S
I • I, ^h• `.
At .1,
N., 1,11111,
OF 1 1 . :111.011 .
lk. I . +Ale
in .-
y t,l It 8.11 n .1
m prim , tiara,
1 • 1 . ._. , . _ .
,Y 1 1,11,1 n. primni..nntl, 1.• , I
- ll lrr rap... I,...,(',usrur.
l •
Aril ti 11 .% 114 ( ti e :
rilicA ::4'IIENT IV I Nl)011 SILUIhti, 1
, I ont :••• ti, non, nttrunt,,,,n,ll,,Al,ll,nnl , M. -., rk '
0.... in • -.. pi, r,,,1 Irani tnr .. , ,nl, , nt is ,:t.nt r•-•1tn1 , 4,,,i
~.(.3.101115., prnY.s 1., . TIM, I' A 1,1 El:. 1
r.rr....Pri . Nr. ~.., N1,0n..e nt. •
114”) I 3 ;1 1 1.1K 1M O . :1 A NP SIiNIMER C 031.,
i!..,,,k,, 1 , - ;5 1 . 1 ,'1ri . ,;:::.%'.,":,'.`,;',' , 1 - .3r,':l; s '•';.' „ " - ;;Tr.". -1
~,'N,..„„4,........t FI , ~..,11 I
i' II ` IiM r, " '',‘ it AP I:. - 51.a.,141e", Ito- i •
. i,
( , HS ' N
, NI N DO\ i ' pApril..piai„ and 1
4 A 1.1,11 V. ‘1.11:;11 '4 I.L.
Al) ES''. 1! A 1.1.11:1 ' •11.1.i.`.." -- 2 0 do . , rci'd i
4 , •,,,,,,,, b y ..r,,tu,' A A )IA:, ,!, ..t. A.
ii ( iti.; Nell .11...11.1 Nut:...... , , AND AlUth.i. DE
I' . 1..111 Er-. r r 'urns..., N.C. P,01.. Iflun and lir..v I
' .. r"".
\ " All " I'11\Nt
. .rt41134.:31.
.n . l O
S i.(;, it 2it 1.14,.. N. (...i.,
'N , A W. iiAnilAbili.
4 LI,ES s), iit., ,,,, , ..- 10, bbb4. I“r eqii`G by
I , ~, ~, ~ A,, HARI:AI - Of.
- ,
' .
a • RI 1i'll51.1 . ::: , - BINA , . 1,,,K1 OrucibleN, \ l:ront
1 . . i..... , .. s'''''. ''''''' , " id, ', l: ' „ ..)° ,..‘ ` ;.. ' , ' l, '' ; ' ,, '" ; .!;! •
B EA NS ;;,1 bil. SHAW \V bite; for sale by i
~,,, ~...vituE.L. N. emu x EN. \ i
i lii A IU bliElt G . LUVE , —Ou hand, ,'
i 1.0111 ,, ,i11,ht ~I I..mtlem'antlii'mptletwtialuctl.. huh- .
1., ..i.immn, Ili .11 Ittmlm luntitstattareal, tor tm‘lo arhoirmak
...d zmtail, ai
U. Robb, NT. , ~amt V 10...1 mt. , .
SNUFF-30 bo .
C b li ra . 4.l l" iirroff, tad i.Je
I. brat+.l: , gurf. in !... and % lb. r111X • r1 , ;( . R•r imJe by .
liii.biilik t UCEltlES AND SUNDItINS I
ClArner !Pod and IVU. .fr.;.l. t \
at Lt . a,. a ......6111.1, Teur. I:. Warn ligg..l,Chnrolalr.:
3 C • 31.111,021.11Pitki03,
ki3 b. ,
c u 1 1 ,.,. T.N. ‘ CCO: • 3.. bortlevai . ..4 mei ,
ti gn.. 51111,'.. k thaiwtn.'t ~ ly Prtmeg ,
t i . :....:Ci , taLobatrN
lb titan. AIM. \3.:1i19 arid
,rl ' 2 . , Ca:. 103 L3Lep11111:11.: i i41 1: TIII:r . ' ' •
S " N b 7 " ti ' l ' l ' )lll . i3ol7.R. ; \ i .'?.'" iti ` i2.ll?: - .t. ' ,:,
\•,,,, ~... 0 tiov.Jara " \ • Yelvt Ptnirdeng ‘a k,
` l 9l,
l i
, \`fis Z. Stu Candlrg .:, : Z . . , a Clotb , " P...: \
\ ' \:,\ Ft..= - " ,L'i Om! l'algug 7.1. Waoh
... .s' kt..a.t Digia4 ' i bk.arlb. r' \
ItA,ic,itA Utound bOma. do... C.'. Ha.. • 4, getuigigr, •I% hoksal• nktail by
..1. D. WILLIAMS a (XL. \
,04 , .... Noillteagyan.V.4..4 Wit '
. \
4,', , . A \ \
. .
id , r trout L,i \jarrr.ltohl,lt s relit , Oleo!! , li:, '
1,1..11 A.M. VI britiAlklLMl 1.41 . 1 . Isnwerif I they etta , L'A, ,
Itniute if and other, Jet Ipt oh.' , tof h 4 P . Or , tt'rk. lei 2 ; \ \
ia.6, \..
the pallets t outyAntterAiku.l th \lt • hope,i yh , % f tenl It I I . • - ~, , ',,,, ‘.
rut Sarwaritiat .11 ...radial. to . W. Lir Itte a F.4e. A \ - „ „,.,.... ,
reeh.ratt, tat health. „
\; ,; Nt \ ; , , , ---.- \
- ' .
d.P\ :tlt.i' WI Ntl:• ' •
, ..
\ \
Nr. Siennetl;4•We tat, Ide4Aurh. In "11, 1111 1 b... 1"' ' \ . . \ \
.v,,,,,•. i t ,,,t mail, stanaparilla aireS. Great nap.-tiotallt 1 ‘,
e I 'I • I I . IA . A I A \ ', \ \' • \ r \ ,r!
. i,
,s . :,
, r , t , „.„,.,..„...,...., ion rued , 11 , . ht • ,`l \A„ „
~ ../a. ' ‘. . \rmub ••lull Ih4kn '! " t "..1 .''''' "4, ••', 7 - --:-., ` •.\- \
oil., ilto•une pee ultr L, ler res. She ad not ha.l her , , • ~ . • ~ At ,
utar oult.t .1 dttrhe. li. • lona LltAic 11. ,•1 , : ''''' .•
Dr tat, dd . , Ve k .:, tIo • ili anti Sam. arab, A • ItatA ', ' , : ,\ A \ l \ . \ A
rauteall, vot. , Mt. .1 Toartotent•tudot 0 ter. a i ‘ LaCtu ,• •
mental.< the AI.; tett talseht. Ile h.... , iadt:llitelt die .?
fil. U... tome cask \ ',II. tittlAS. iI , A-: •• ' ' . , „ A \ '
' tits. ~ avaLt.s..'idaneat, eddnia• v s , '... i '
.P. lietdult:- 11. a ettorS [van 44 i• I \
. ;
\ ' \
• Indite of sour Yell,' 'Stn.-1A..4 Sanapartlladdr. PS, .1 , ..: - 4
dlii,d, ,he Imo ttaea I , her r4lntillthat. CrTalpelhi •. .. I
\ • " I
Weaa,a,,l, FAIIIIV, i.l l \AVunatl le- .4 4 1...4.1 T, \
.I cs
_. . , • '•
hetirl her vet, awe, t SA. Koeliel. , . hap nrltrly ' ' \ i `
ell'i , tint lieu, I hATI au puredda•tal r seroutl la to ~ \ •• 1 I jo•lad. front the HI,- id the lotto, r. heel etnlld t \ i \
that tr .111 re.. • perfeet ea '.. ;, .• 'I , c, : \
Vourn,tery re,peettull,, • - :N. COBLIIN • \ I
1 3 0 } -t . .
A -N.
..,...,,,,,,„,:„... Th i r..eur .0 4 1.11, ~ :0111011.t. N' • .\ . \ , ,' .
I .' l " . ' .l ' :: ' :; ' l ' L ' i ' l!llVA:::: . ll.l.ll " Atlll " 2'l. , ! ' !:. ' .!l " tte. " diStl? ' l ' oi .\
: • ' . \ . •
l I )earn' n,L,11‘1042. 1.1 , if I'J " ' 4 1. • , °h. N ''''' ' ' \ 1
an t ar,..arlll. , , ,
J. 1;•, ,1 , , ,,, • 41 , -1 ant I.pol to.suh, d It„,,itthat 14,rue , . ~,.. , • .
reds,. ka.ote.4ll, Yellow 1t. , , nod :sr tAriliiii .tt,lda It, / , , \ , ,
I sntt 0' .Sn. Lase Leen the tArr,. tinder Jeleps - tnaskof -!,, I, I \
• '•""
''''‘'''"'.- .'"'''''"•
4 V
'l"' `
' \ \
ioluieliir , ot 4dre. \ :
When I rottn \ ...tor.% uath.,the Yeld.a I,lwk. tatlarasit- \
~ 1, ~ ~ l ts
',oh, t a al, An r moat feeble VrAdIVOLI . . •1r16c,.. , ,I \ ‘,, \\ • ..
It .111if1...1 .all ;I{,luallou 4.tbe• thati., .4 •it that \ „
ut, , et exeruetattd t t p.n. , tu the-Lark 4,14 %Idea I as ?, A '`
5.., •.,
.41 trettitl4 artq , , dis li,. to tha Iterti t ...l4ltes i,f ~, A , f
ottr , lntitie , . rod nucttd,,, ot ut, tatne and 10..,... 4 tts \ 1 • \ \
~ . \ \---
„.„,a't a a,. t,, , ,.. ter!, °ditty.. I bait, ior ht.,' ye., .
conahliAnK the moat ta'd, meiteld men In Oda sr•tiot, l a a 5....;, A , \'. •
). ''
. \‘ ' -
u lidtralp, hut odtAlddsAt Ito teliel trout their piencriptto... , , •, ,l • ' -, 4•' • t .4 ••• \ s ,
I tarn nnri trled • areat'atlAtS' 0/ ItInIIIY InedISIII I -1 ,1 k.,• 11 4# ••, ,, • 4‘. •• -. ', • ‘" \
\ , \ \
little or trt , MICR, lILIA iho first reek %h ad 1. , i.t4 thikk,l- . :7,7:), \ . , ,, ' ..c_.' ‘ , \
1 ~,,,,,, sS , and don,titakillr..., , dn ,l4,,l f s ' it nr i ?„! 4 o„: • • 7: •;. , k A -
i, , -,' \ ' ‘, ‘', ''
I r.t.4 tont...tear to do. ad tauld all Of nay nettutln c . r tnit ,,, lt* 7,4 • • 1,.' , , " I s •`
lAnlttiot , were euttrets 11•AILTT.i'k, Alt hae ‘ k ta now 1 1ti,,, , i1 ,' ,V. 4 I Nltr'• -•
\ ''
• ‘,
and tree Rota VA IL, tuy to me ,dat lea. aie neAtA.^. l Lllik'r lr r:', , ,egr - .. q., • - \\\ \,
•,., ..141 , 1t i I VL114.3. tn, et,thit l, - , are warm .4 110/.1 , 4. • 7. ,, ...i , . - 4;\ -- \. \ • '.. '
1 .4,
~,,,.., 0 r.... i ~,•,, , 0 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r„,,,.ta ••'\".;,,,,'''e. , \ • •
ty a rtidate4 um. I ha , . a.1 , ,n in iirrrral srinn'lnnl• s . , \ ~., ,, ,„4„ , ..4., w o \,
4 ..\\\
that 'aen. alelt. and ittradle to do, lur.Strry ~,,,l o.hl o .`" ' '`
. --
''';:, A ' '
I,e;dl ~..-att, ratte•e4 1., tt, and, p,. 1.),1f lirtril,lt ' . - ~. . Xt , ' ~
nrininik %nun , truly. ti A IdIVS, , PAI , LUING I ,
...: t „
Ok - Isope I.I,IMVEV 1.11,* put up tn \ tar, IedWIA
\ ' 4 • ‘,
\ s • \\ * ' '
A latottta UA./tuart. rod nawe et ttl, ny it., blown on theA, ~, ,:-
4, .... ../4.Alte a tineu ad:nature, \ .a. S jSrunal, on the ' 1„ „ „ ••
SA, , • ‘\.\
vat -11 t• wrattv:r • . ,
. \ , ..„
• ~.„,,,,h1 t, ,t 4.. llARK.Clueitihati. I)b\, no ,v t .i loast .A.. notnetzt _ ~,..,,,,
.• A,
lof Yourth ...Of-ail:tut act, La, entrant - . op , 0 ~ , \
...„..,.,, . \\\
Wlta , A•tr . ettiattrgit. Lee A. L,AabritiAllealo , olCltydr , ,i7; i; • Y„. ~, ,
~,.; ~ . \
LT. 1:6'... , d1. WaShln.t , u,, L. 11. tn., -6lutinnirti.g.',f,,„, ":"1i,:f. k .4 . 1, 1 ,,T. 7....,. . ~ ' ~,
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Stmt. A 1.,. Itrooltylll...L. 11 Ibton 4. Son. itiiri,,riirtnir •i- ! ' ,', , \ •, '
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