The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 15, 1851, Image 2

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We give below. all the returns reoeired up to
the hour of going to preen. •We 'regret to, say
that they indicate the defeat of the Whig State
ticket far Governor and Canal Commissioner.
The VatGe has been manfully end eothestly
fought on the part of the press, and a portion
of ,the faithful end active members of the party,
but the , great mass of the Whig party has not
responded. Our vote was not out, and we moat
suffer the censequencea. We most/sideerely
.regret - this result, for the sake of 'this beloved
Old. Commonwealth, but no the people will, 80
moat it be, and ikbeboovez us to hope the best,
'and do the beat we can under the circumstances.
- . Altirge Tub was'not polled. GOTerlaOr J0111:1-
. idea's majority Will not vary much from that in
. 1848. It will most probably be about 2,600.
We give the'xisajoritles as far as we have receiv
• ed thextrop to the hour of going. to press.
Th whole Whig -ticket is doubtless elected,
with varying majorities. There wail much aplit
e. / 44 3 g of ticket for Judges, and hleatirs. Forward
and 31cClure will fall behind' the ticket
- erably. • lifr. Richardson • will also . fall behind
his ticket.
The great number of candidates imposed so
' :much work on the of f icers of eleotio'n,that it was
impossible for us to obtain the rotes for the Coun
ty officers in time for this issue to any extent,
• and we-have contented ourselves with giving the
table of majorities for Governor alone, as rot
' lows:
PittAtArigh-let Ward 102
:2d " 200
3d 32 r
4th "-. 207
• .
6th • " .27
6th " 191
7th " 23
Bth ". 61
••• oth " • 71
Allegheay...—let Ward, 264
2d " 100
4th " 162
East Eimingham
,' Pitt
c. . Reseree
Wilkins _
' ' • . fihalleburgi, . -
~.,, i
... ; Ko,, , ,:.
.: Baulk Pittebarrl
, ' El l : a il :11 41'3m '
4 , ISW
1', 7 .-z - Chtirtie 3
rn .
%,-, • - i: ' Baldwin
- lower St. char,
•Thie include Collins.
Edzerdes roaJimass.—We give suodpartisl
retnnee as we hive received,:
Bharpedurgh:—llerodith 100, .Coulter 120,
Chambers 121, Cotely 109, Bieck 82, Cempbell
leiris Gideon, 62, Lowrie 82, Forward
10:1;11epburn 84, Williams 108, Sheler 74, Mc
-- I Craft 79.
'Shaler.--Forwarl 102; Hepburn 91; Williams
111 : 5l Shafer 78, -McClure 92; Craft 107.
- Pittsburgh, Bth Ward.—Meredith 149; Coal
. ierlso; Chambers 149; Comfy 195; Jessup 142:
Black 158; Campbelll49; Lewis 155; Gibsen 149;
.Lowile 157; Forward 140; Hepburn 164;
liams4l 9, Moller 1 . 60; McClure 118; Craft 159.
. Pittsburgh, 4th Ward.—Forward 307; Hep
burn 217; Williams 347; St r utter . 159; McClure
32•0 Craft 182. ; .
PeebleMetedith, 161; Coulter, 167; Chem
bets, 165; Comly,'ls9; Jessup, 156p131ack, 56
Cambbell„ 48; Lewis, 56: Gibson, 55; Lowrie, 61
Forirard, :152; Hepburn, 66; Williams, 156-
Shaler, 60; McClure, 158; Craft, 61.
_Fannin IVaatn, prrrsacntan.-,ln this Ward,
.otryi?estock bad 830, and 177, Richardson 327,
..attd: Barclay 170.
Barclay is — some. 17430 rotes
• ahead of Mr. Richardson in,. Allegheny. This
sewing Richardson's electiOn somewhat doubt-I
fat We think he is safe; however.
1 , i'sebles, Brush had 163 and Trosillo 63.
Fainestock 156 and Morrow 6.2. Richardson
167 awl Barclay 64.
• - PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11.
The returns from Philadelphia Cityand Coon
- tyare uot quite all ie. The majority for John
ston will be lees than 500.
.Schuyikili County will give 500 majority far
Bigler -
Lancester County—Tweaty.five townships are
hipr: frotO. the Jobriateu loss from the Taylor
late of 1848 is 500. .L.Anston's majority will be
'about 4,700.
Pranilin Couttty—Johnstou's majority is 450.
Lyon, for Judge, .received 300 votes.
Schuylkill Co.—Nine districts are heard from
which give" a Whig lola compared with the vote
of 1818, - of 540. • .
Joluiston's majority in the borqpgb of Potts.
ville is 23 . 2,', . .
Northampton Co.--In the borohgli and town.
ehipLaston,Sigler's majority is 290:
• . Columbia Co.-Johnston's majority ie the bor
-1 ough of Wilksharre ie 31. Bigler a majority in
the township heard from is V...- , Democratic gain
g- " Co.-In the borough of Allentown,
...r .e 4 mte n • has 9 majority. In the borough of
has a majority ofl3l
'.,• - 6-liTpesup:o,Co.i-Beven townships show a gain,.
over the vote of 1848 of 282. Nor-
,y, ~bamberhd borough gives 72 mnj. for Bigler.
Co.—Bnllstown township, Bigler 148.
i-", v ; .. 4 1 1., , , 1 i" . ,..,: - 3chinstem 144; Buckingham, Bigler 176, John
atOu 391; Bristol township. Bigler 191, Johnston
•- 'Johnston's majority in Bristol_ in 1848,
t'" "•-• • '
was 47.;
ollidayeburg..Johnsten's my. in the bor.
• loss of 23„ Bigler's maj. in Gays
*: • "' poft is 80i which iaa pin' of 43_over 1848.
the 2d District, 'Bigler has. 71
JiM itiliAl- 11 :gaittuf 76 for Bigler in-the borough.
telegraphlc . despatch
• announces a majority of 101
1848, his majority was '6B
- 31 ,. •V ,
airrence C ount -The few districts hesrd
•• from show hanome. gains for Johnston. as
. Some of ciurtuadera may remember that a no
. vel theory of the stricture of tbe•Marth Was pro
' pounded sonse t years ago by Capt. Symmes, and
that it wan explained and . advocated by John N.
• , Reynolds, Esq. The Ibiari_ was, that [hers
was an genius , In the earth at each pole,' and
, that vessels might sail gireug4 L it into the into
• • rior of the globe i f they 'couldEotice paw the
• ~, barrier of ice by which "it is surrounded. , The
t'theory was known as Syrnatee' Hole, and the
designation was ynite gelierally s applied to the
- ' Inventor and , the advocate of it. A writer in
• • the Montreal Herald contends that it has been
j, , confirmed by the accounts f tite Arctic explor
, / Ang expedltionn,tatthat ills Jcihn'Fninklin has
. probably iti.izii k t s th c hl r l q and rade pet one: Be
q; ,/ • ._., • accounts of Capt.
• ' ll Peony's •
y.foun‘t 4eary harrier of lie in
t;a4anel; not Vert far,,. from, Its ober! :
' tag from hut a most remark's.'
• , changentaa'abseried .113.4 e ;pursed ,to ie. more
,Northern latitude; Abe : lee:which he had lett (mils
." nstialat this early, seasst,, , April sad May,) firm
• •' • , aad 'solid, Wei hemidelitiying r and unsafe, - and at
"came sipen open water, - drift
- wisidAriticardinalsandbirds-dhelatter in enor
tiona nnnibers 2 ', Mere were all the signs of an
improved.clintate." - • , •
He makes tie fellotilpg niminentts;:
• . “tdinon knoihow it will strike you, air,
, but to tae with,. whbm the idea of openiagv at the
_Peke -bilk been.: familiar for some thirty years,
infiniantlim.-conizonnicated,by.C4t. Penny.
: is onceediney curious. Perhaps,. after all, Sir
• - John Pianklia has found this opening: if theie
a _be ettch'etinperdng, it fa finite probable that the
etrength of the current into timetennig may pro
• * tent raison t to toiling Tease-Ilea would not, fie* , •
: ever, .lie in.dataclet:fo:the retonaof steamers:
• How iteperlantqhwt It becomes that Capt.'Pen-.
•s, - • . nibi'present ellbr,ts.toUbtain a steamer , and te
• 1• tarn to the `fi4letttatirr and the improved eli
scallop" IlY 1 7 110 * 1 40, 0 4114"- .5.
people of Pittsburgh to the following speCimen
of the mendacity of the Pittsburgh Put. What
reliance can be placed inGte stateMents,,on any
subject, of a paper which will resort to such des
picable means to support . itts cause?
The Whigs are very Industrious in circulating
report, that the Democratic party are opposed
t o the protiction_of donantidindustry; but such.
a Story as this can scarcely be believed by any
ono, whostrrecollection extends to .a [period as
remote as 18d0. 'Ever since that time, the Whig
party has been making pin ohms, of the MOM
extraordinary kind,—such as "too dollars a day
end roast Leif" .to the day laborer; and many
others of similar charactEiT Every laboring
man knows that these proMisee have proved In,
terly futile. Even when the Whigs have had the
power they have failed to perform their promi
ses, and now, with a Whig President and a
Whig Governor of our State, the farmer knows
that ho gets less for his wheat, and almost all
other produce, than he has done under any Dem
ocratic administration d uring the last twenty
years. The laboring man, , too,' knows that it
there are fewer in:inland other factories now in
operation than there have been in other years.—
and the Whig editors say there ant—the evil is
not justly chargeable to the pemocrata because
we are living under a Whig' admiatration of
both the General and State Government.
lowing table allows the gross revenue of the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad, for the year ending On
the lot of October, 851 , compared - with the cor
responding year of 1850:
From Oct. 1, 11350 to Sept. 30,
Increase this year . $5,417 41;
wasindiurrois BRANCH.
For the year ending Sept. 30. j 1850 $321,201 46
• '• :001 :100,637 75
1898. 1851
gr g
F, . '.
L ' g:
the Editors of Mt Pittsburgh Gazette.
Gorrpratio:—A man by the name of William
Eines has within a few months committed u
series of frauds and - forgeries in the Western oe
gion by the use of our name.
- His last exploit so far as we are informed, was
thU sale of a draft to a house iu Pittsbargh pur
porting to be drawn by S. Lanman A Co., on
Morrison Estloch & C0., - New York, in his favor
tan member of our firm. Both the other houses
'referred to, we believe to ho inventions. lie
had previously patted a check forged in our name
upon a Wok in this city for $5OO upon a man
in St. Louis : and a similar check for $3OO upon
Ellett & Brother, of St. Paul, lilinesota.
Hole accustomed to represent himself as a
member of our firm, and as a relative of some of
partners, neither of which Inns any founds
tforf in, fact. Ile has also' on occasions styled
himself Dr. Clines, and J. B. Coonely, and has
doubtless other aliases.
This mm was formerly a subordinate clerk in
our employ at Duncannon, and was discharged
for misconduct abont a year ago; this is the ex
tent of Ilia connection with us.
As ho seema to be a finished scamp and may
attempt farther imposition, you will confer a scr
♦ieo upon. the busloesa men of your iregion by
giving this statement a place in your column,.
Respectfully Penni,
76 North Water at, Philadelphia, sad
Gunman:in, Perry Co. Pa.
Items • from English papers to 24th nit s
The yellow fever is etill prevailing et Oporto,
and a circaLrr has been issued by the authori
ties throughout the country, and to foreign con
sole at Lisbon, stating that Ooporto is to be coal .
eidered a suspected port, and vessels
ing from,thence are to be placed in quarantine
for eight days.
A terrible balloon occident hail happened at
Copenhagen, from whence a Mr. Tardini made
an ascent ; after landing o lady . Mad child at a
place called Maack, the . balloon rose rapidly,
but the teronaut was never seen again; as it tie
cended in litecklenburgh ',Bloat its owner, who
is supposed to have perished in the Baltic, which
the Lannon mast have crossed.
Six missionaries (of whom two are French,
two Belgians, two Butch,) awl three lay brothers
are about to proceed from Paris to Havre, where
they will embark for Oregon. They are to pre
cello Monsignor It Mem, Bishop of Vaneonere,
whit is about to preach the Gospel in California.
LIIILAND.—Mr. Lawrence, the American min
ister, was being extensively lionized in Ireland,
through which be was taking a tour. Ckir last
advises leftlum at Limerick, to which place he
had proceeded, after leaving Galway. lie was
subsequently to visit Cork sod Queenstown.. The
Trims, localities emitted determined upon re
presenting to Mr. Lawrence their superior
faculties for a tranplatiatitic packet station.
The Limerick journals contain copious details of
the visit of our minister to that city, and his
trip down the fthannon, daring which he was ac
companied by Lord hlontessfte and others.—
Ilia Excellency inspected Fnyneti harbor, sod, it
fa stated, expressed admiration at i te. nature i ad-
vantages: During the eojourn of Mr. Lawrence
in. Limerick, the city and the whole route along
the Shannon were ecenes of popular rejoicing, ia
whioh the gentry resident in the vicinity parti
cipated. An the Erin steamer passed between
Foynes and . Kilrush, Mr. Lawrence wits enter
tained at a dinner on board, at which the Mayor
of Limerick presided. Subsequently an address,
prepared for the occasion, wanpresented by the
Mayor, embodying the claim,' and merits of the
Shannon for a packet station.
A surgical operation under the influence of
choloroform has just terminated fatally at Paris,
to the regret of the public, to whom the pati
ent was well known. One of the brown bears
in the Zoological Garden, suffering from cataract
arthe eye, an-eminent aurgeon and a party of
lletchrirr assembled to undertake hie cure. Brain
woe tempted to the bans of his den by the offer
of some bread, and then secured by ropes and_a
nrozzel. After a stout resistance, choloroforin
was administered. Inn state of insensibilty the
cataract wee removed, and the bonds untied, but
the patient showed no signs' of life. - Feather,'
to the -Close, cold buckets of water,
and bleeding
produced no effect . Poor Bruin had gone whith
er the great tortoise, two oetriches, and the Afri
can lion have proceeded him, for the manager'
of the .Berlin Garden are decidedly unluckey—
With the trifling draw back of the death of the
subject, the operation Was skilfully and naccese
fully performed.
FIIMJCZ —Mr. Walsh, Longa resident of , Paris,
in i letter to the Journal of Commerce, written on
the 16th September says:
"That great events are just before us is certain
That crisis 01-which I have often spoken to you
is drawing very near. Between the 16th day
of September and the middle or end of next May
the destinies-of Europe for priliably half a cen
tury—which in these days is a very long time—
will be decided, A fierce struggle—it may he a
most desperate and bloody atruggie--between lib
erty, civil and religious, on the one hand, and hoa
ry despotism in politics and religion on the oth
er. What will be the issue . , God alone kuilerst,
ill End that there is a wonderful activitydiere
in the political world. The foreign ambassadors,
especially those of Austria, Prussia, end Russia,
bare frequent conferences, and are constantly
sending and receiving deepatches, Nor are the
Ministers resident of the smaller Power'', such
as Sardinia, Naples, Spain, the 'States of the
Church, Belgium and Holland, idle. Those of
England and the United States are wide awake,
and the former has not a little to do to look after
these Continental States, and the movements of
their rulers,"
113Ear•Ul fiIIITTIOANCL3 toTIMICIM—The cor
respondent Of the tendon Times at Coo s t a wi t ,
ople writes that
"A serious distobrance had broken out at Van,
in Aida Minor. Towards the latter end of last
month, accordingly to my informants, Mu (thrill-
Man population, composed mostly of Armenians,
had raised the standardyf revolt, and attacked
the Mussularanv '
who number about 20 000. The
number in killed and zoonded is extensive, and
were it not for Fehatr Bey, the Kurdish chief,
who came to restore order, massacre wouldhave
been awfuL The city had been pillaged and part
pf It destroyed by fire, the work of incendiaries.
.The. dispute between the Christians and Mus
duhrians arose on account of the former having
adopted bells for their cburches. lam of opin
ion that it is doe to the mischievous and secret
.workings of Russian agents, who, subsequent to
therecent events at Aleppo, were overranningthe
country, mut-exciting the Inhabitant* to revolt
against; the authority of their Mussolman ru
lers. By this means they are. rivetting them
selves into sympathy with the Chrhulans,of whom
they. can make no posslhle use, except to subvert
the Ottoman Empire. How easy would it be to
uia t h i thi 4 .4_ an effort, by reminding the Ar
meniani of thridespethto clawing they got from
Russia on her - fiat visit to Asia Minor."
gala "that thi SPITIt La graciouvir abed forth
upon the college and people sgala in signal and
searching power Prof. Forney hag preached
daily for two ire4it pint,_ sad thrt vangeliat'
eaya "Prof. exiects soon to go' abroad to
preach for the winter, Laboring'to promote reviv
als in the American Churohne." -
Thi election le now Oyer, end we do not de
sire to prolong the conflict peculiar to it, but
we deem its - duty to WI •e , attention of the
to eall
.h to the f.
$1,349,222 73
1,843,805 27
11030, " 1850
Increase on Main Stem.
Ig=2! 1 :1
- -
Margaret Garrity, an Triah girl, recently in
the employment i
of Charles M. Sucker, an inn
keeper, has been on trial during the week before
the Circuit Couit . at Newark, N. J., under an
indictment for murder. The Newark,,
thus far
elicited, Waite the following history of the
facts, upon which the fearful charge rents:
The prisoner ie aged aboui nineteen years: is
possessed of a pleaeing - personal appearance, nut
without pretensions to beauty, and has a char
acter for gentleness of temper and liveliness of
disposition, that seems to , have made many
friends for her hi the different families where she
bas been at service. Two years ago, a young
Irishman, engaged at Some mechanical occupa
tion in Newark, became enamored of her charms
and good homor,!and in a short time succeeded
so well in. winning the girl's favor, no to procure
a promise of marriage.. Margaret - gave her
whole heart to her lover. Their intimacy was
of the very cloflest. 'Night after night they
met; they spent their holidays together. were re
cognised by their friends as plighted lovers; and
every arrangement for the marriage, nave the
precise time, was'detiiiitely settled. Drum avail
ed himself of the confidence secured by this
state of things to tempt the unsuspecting
virtue. He used the ordinary arts of eeductibn
with the skill of la thorough-bred villain. The
affection won by the display of the better side of
his character, ens to be abused and betrayed by
the use of the meet approved and diabolical me
thods. Its very intensity and self. forgetfulness
were to effect its milt! Immediate marriage, the
picture of a comfortable home, atelthe happiest
of domestic ties, :were held oaf as ',inurement',
The fervor of the sediner's love Was pleaded:
the crime itself, was robbed of its criminal
aspect, and as usual depicted as an innocent in
dulgence, the evil of which, if any threatened,
could readily be prevented by a resort to the al
tar. The Irish girl is notoriously teliaciona of
her virtue; and Margaret, clinging lei' her wo
manhood and fair fame, held out long against
the seductiOoo of her lover. But thestrepgth of
stronger minds than hers has a thousand times
over given way to constant importunity. Mar
garet had bestowedpil else she had in the world
sepal. the seducer, atid her honor followed the
As usual,the grief and remorse of her latter
hours found no relief but in the reparation
promised her by.marnage. She urged Drum to
the performance of his engagement. Ile pro
dessed entire willingness, but postponed the
ceremony from time to cm various preten
ces; and the girl seems never to have doubted
his good faith until a fortnight or so befere the
final act of the tragedy. She had become con
scions that the punishment of her frailty was at
hand, and nothitig but the fidelity of her lover
milli save her from disgrace. Friends told her
that be was devoting:himself to another; she re
fused to believe it. liStre 'demanded au interview
with him; he appointed a day for , the perform
ance of the rite, and left her to . et her wedding
dress ready, and make - other preparations for
the happy occasion. Again she was assured of
his infidelity. and calling at his lodgings, she
forced him to walk with her uhross the Passaic
and.resolve her 'suspicions Ile no linger dis
guised his ill-faith. Ile told her falsely that he
was already married to a girl in New Turbo worth
$2OO, and that a union:with his miserable vic
was therefore out of the questiod Leaving
her with this. the poor girl was abandoned to
despair, and sought the river hank with We aim
of ending her troubles and shame in the death
of the suicide. The presence of the by-passers
interposed, and ealmer thoughts prevailing, she
returned home.
For two weeks, Margaret's health continued
very steadily to decline. Without knowing any
cause for the hringe, her miatress and fellow
'servants observed.• the evidence of care and ill
ness upon her, and were all the more surpris•
ed, from a knoWledge of her approaching wed
ding. A few days before the final event, then,
mor that Drum I was to marry a girl named IF.
Guirei, was brought to Margaret, and became
current among her friends. tier frenzy and
grief were unbounded On the afternoon of
4 th of August, 'She was told that her lover bad
actually been wedded to this girl 31'Guire She
at once became, if not actually insane, yet 2.0 far
deranged as tojbe the Subject of remark to sev
eral witnesses unaware of any of the circum
stances About 7 o'clock in the evening, she
left Mr. Tucker's house, and went down to the
place where elle had reason to believe Drum and
hie wife were staying. For two br_three hours
she hung about the neighborhood, waiting the
appearance of ithe wretch who had sbdert bee
honor. The neighbors remarked her extraordi
nary behavionsi and shunned her, supposing her
to be crazy At last Drum and his bride came
out. TLe night was intensely dark, and Marga
ret followed there some distance unobtereed
She had cancelled her face, by drawing a veil
close user it. i Near the corner of Plane and I
New *street, her grasp fell upon the arm of her
seducer, and in another moment—long enough
for the doomed man to recognize the avenger—
the steady stroke of a knife had rent him to his
final retribution.
The alarm laws given, but the homicide had
made her escape. Reason appears to hare re.
turned with the fulfilment of her revenge. The
murder was :committed about 10 o'clock, and
a tel minutes lafterwards able went to her bed•
room. told the other, txrrante what she had Jape.
threw .herself On abed for o moment or two,
then haddeling some clothing together, told them
she was going to her brothers in Brooklyn, and
left the hour The search for her wit unnuc•
cesefol, and it Ls not improbable that the strong
feeling of sympathy with . her wrongs on the part
of the public would bare prevented any eery en
ergetic efforts to secure her arrest. Two days
afterward, however, she returned to Newaldr, ac
companied by her relatives, and surrendered- her •
self to the antisorifice.
Scub is the ease,upon which the Jury is called
to decide. Whether : their venlict will be color
ed by the prevailing sentiment in Newark, of
eympatby with the victim of seduction, rather
than the victim: of the knife, io hunt in-ray. We
eminent it will.; So long an the crime of which
'Drum was guilty, faces justice with impunity, it
will be unit. to Invoke severe penalties upon those
who merely fulfil that in which I.w to
lyj deficient. That cannot he justice which in
dict, death - in the one Case, and refutes all re
itiess in the other.—New rook newt
The cable telegraph Wire between-jrover
and I.;ednin was laid down on tin '23.1 . u1C The
operation is thusdencirbed in a letter written - on
that day..
The submersion of the great cable telegraph,
which arrived here by her Nlajeaty's.htp,lllaier,
was commented this morning at ma o'clock, at
which hour Capt. Bullock, R. N., woe ready,with
the steno:whip Fearlesit, and it picked mww, to
pilot the convoy across the • channel. The first
thing done, there not being sufficient depth of
water (or the Blazer to - I,e.broughi 'deer enough
chore, WWI to convey the extremity of the cable
to the South Foreland coast, where it will be
buried deep in the heath, and carried up the
cliff. The Fearless then steered ahead, having
made fast her towing tackle to the hull of the
Blnler,.ot the rate of two miles an hour, out
to sea, the men on beard' the latter vessel
paying not continuously the cable or 'her
etern, from whence, by the,. lotion of i ttown
weight, it sank into the submarine
The track between• the South Foreland and
nandgate, the corresponding point on the Frooch
coast, which has been satiated WI presenting
front soundings and eurreys, thelfwer ohnt.les
nod probable disturbances, eraa marked out by
pilot buoys, and is chosen as the best eite for the
submerging of tke wire. The depth of the nen
lion at starting point is from 20 to 80 feet, and
its mouimum 1 pLI 180 feet, or 3O fathom',
There being a eurplua of four miles of wire ore
the 21 required, the slackening process was wel
sustained, and the experience gathered from the
experiment of last year rendered the operation
more easy. The" route adopted differs
tageously from the edge laid down last year,
which was in the neighborhood of shifting
sands. Complimentary messages and notifica
tions of progress were sent over the progressive.
ly paid out cable to Dover. Fuses were also, at
intervals of a mile, fired through it on the fore
At half put one the thegmtlfying intelligence
was conveyed through the cable that It wax then
half wayacross the channel, 10 miles; but atthis
stage of the -voyage it began to blow fresh, and
the ripple at the bows of the vessel at starting
now assumed more of the rolling sea, which oc
casioned a pitching of the vessel that, for perfect
facility of operation, had been better dispensed
with. At about half past to O'clock the time at
which the loot train left Dover for London. shoot
10 miles of cable had been sucoessfully steamed
oil and submerged, and as, consequently, nothing
further in the shape of a written despatch could
. be convoyed to town, the only medium for cum
'municating the subsequent progress of submer
sion would be
'•The cable le securely anchored two•aml-a-hal(
miles off the Franc& comet, and will' be comOleted
lion. Thomia F. 1f aII Lae written a long
letter to the Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth.
denying the rumor which hoe beencirculated
that he had returned to the Wide party.
art on SILLS C PLL an r..-11y. the Catalogue for the
to current year it appears that the whole ndmber of
•r- Theological Students. is 22. College students,
•to Benlors 4, Jgnion 9, Sophomores 21, Freshmen
29, Teachers Departmeatl6, Preparatory De
, pertment 213. Four Members of the College
• - classes being Lattice, the whole nntaberofyoung
Gentlemen in the bastitation is 330. Young La.
ad 'dies course-,fotirth year 9, third year .'2O, 'Bet
ed cad year 48; first jeer GS; :lotal In . reot-Yeors
at' course, 145.. Youpg l e adies Preparatory course
to 01, peerlng for College - 4, In College 4; Total.
v- Young u 4 es 244. Total students In the losti
` jug= NI
• The Brateceounts of the insurrection that Ina
broken out inillie Mexican States on our border
led to the be tef that many American citizens
bad taken ao active part in it, and even that
bodies of mea l Were organizing within our limits
for that purpOse. Under these circumstances,
as we km, t wits deeded prudent todirect our
military ''cummanderwon that frontier to exert
themselves tot prevent any invasion by our citiz
enskriendly Republic. Ikt, from ,
more recent telligence, it would seem that this
precaution, owever proper, was unnecessary,
of the soi of a f
as it appear] that very few American citizens
took part in . he insurrection, and - that it was
pisuned and conducted almost exclusively by
citzens of Mexicos—Ntit. Intel. C ,tta ILO,. —An election for /Me
g-1100 ,to a gluthAn Corzyrtee wilt take OS. in
South (2.36.1i113,011 Monday and Tuesday of next
week'. The Corwreee wan to have assembled at
Muntgornery, Alahama, but, since the defeat of
the DinunioniSts of that State, the Cower. will
hardly assemble at Montgomery. As far as we
can infer from appearances in other Staten, Sount
CAITZLINA will stand in "the Southern Clrtgreas"
nolitatry and alone, even if She hemelf, the in
stigator ofthb scheme, be found represented there
—.Vat. Intel.l
Latest fr"ni iltri - I'lainr.--Titel.4liiror of the St.
Loins Republican is in attendance at the 'great
Indian treaty at 1 me creek, near Fort Laramie.
lie writes, tinder ateof Slit inst., that some 12,-
000 Indians were ssembled, consisting of Sioux,
Arapahoes, rimy nee, Snakes, and delmtations
from other tribe+. The regular council for treaty
porpo'llei had not then commenced, although
Colonel Mitchell and portions of the Indians ar
rived at Fort Laramie on the let instant This
delay occurrelrin ,cousequence of the sloturog
ress of the train Joutaining presents for the In
,liabil,' &e.
this train the bearer of the letters met about
oue hundrs,l and thirty miles from the treaty
ground, but gctiing on very rnpidly at that` Itmo.
It was supposed that the negotiations would be
concluded by the 20th, put they might hr pro
longed to the 25th, at which time the commission
would earl for home.
The Voinanches and Black Feet tribes, it is
.aid, will not be .represented. The t Irgeoll,ll,
ignition train wee gettingalong well.. It is coda •
posed of 367 familes, 500 wagons, and 3000 head
of cattle. The emigrants had a brush with the
Snake Indixos.t•
A N out.e Staldard, Esq., of Day
ton, Ohio, has bequeathed the American Coloniza
tion Society :1 . 1,000 He accompanied the gener
ous donation with a modest letter, containing
this paragraph:
clay well be a source of satisfaction to you,
and tt+ .many others who, through evil and
through good report, fur many years, have Con.
ducted the 111.1008,4 of the Society, until it,
avowed opponents and enemies have ceased to
::bray" against it, that you hare no signally suc
ceeded "
Fatty . iati it. Farm, Corfacifehaes.--An Occur.
rence, which recently transpired at one of our
most popular Female Seminaries. afforde another
and powerful warning to those who are in the habit
of :winking the thoughtless practice of attempt
ing to frighten others. Two of the young la
dies in the institution to which we have referred,
were engaged a few days since in their own room,
Conversing upon the science of Anatomy, in the
course of which one of them proceeded terrelate
some experiences she had formerly acquired in
dmectiug room. .lust as the conversation reach
the point, the door of the, room ripened
and another of the inmates of the Seminary en
tered with slow and solemn tread. having a white
sheet wrapped about her form, and her face pow
dered to perfect whiteness, her jet black hair, eyes
and blows presenting a contrast which gave a
startling lividness to her ghost like countenance.
The lady who wen relatibg her experience, as
already stated is said to be mentally superior to
any of her classmates. and noted for her strength
lof mind and freedom from' nerrousnens and
absurd sensinlity So smitten, howerer. was the
unpin-it-6 of the figure, just at a moment when
her mind was least prepared for anything asso
ciated with )toughtel of. the dead, that upori hr
holding the apparition she fell crow-lees to the
dour, and stroke to the Beene, around her only
to •how her auxinus attendants that reason had
del its throne and left sad tokens of the mental
'wreck. All that profeasvnalAkill could suggest
for the relief of the and erer wm tried, but ;dur
ing forty eight hours a few flitting noimente of in.
telligeni r was all that hllerrd noun to her afflicted
friend , At thin., times 4114. spoke of familiar
name, recalling them by strong mental' effort,
which *veined to exhaust her shattertsl powers_
and heriessonagaitiariegilerlue, she exclaimed,
-- But I can't see it again! don't let me tee itZ it
is horrible" and hours elapsed before the return
of a lucid intend. nod the heartrending recur
rence of the paroxyam. The young Lady, whose
thoughtliennvNled to such terrible - mischief:xis
.spoken 01 a. 4. most amiable girl, sad-one of ilie
warrueet. friefirle„ol dlie ..,45,11.r 11er dieter,,
hod tleApirir at the consequence of her playful'
follyheiti be better imagines, than described
It scrota to hate hero supposed that no device
of the kind could be effectual in frightening Ler
whose mournful condition we hare related. The
and consiainenee of the error in this cane, pro-
tellif: a warning toile tholigthlerfathatehould not
par" unheeded At feat accounts no change was
discorerable in the distrereing esmoiona o f the
unfortunate girl, and there is little tnoconrage
meat to hope that reason will ever resume its
heat —As t
Fall Importation of ilara ware. Cutlery, &c.
No. 129 Wood Street,
Oct.tro te.....0e, 11•”1,Ant• tn.l t,.
Moirl•11 , ot X
And 1.1.1-1, th••• ar. nom, f•tnuff.-1 offer at ourb prim.
soool fad to plea..
at.t lull ssfortal•fai of %ISSN'S or 10,1.'111 !. AN
5i..r....fn land ocalfOr
Pit;spnr i g 7, ti Lice tr,
lT , L lll2 ,B unul loo, c o e oo C . °mPanY.
opfilt , R, No. 76 F(1('8771 STRRET.
orriCc. •
S. !loos
—siffori Nl••firmo.
I. ,, sturer--J , ;•.rff e, L”Cli
N.orefs.--12. A 011.11,3"
ailr.rrt.•ruentlu anfsi•or. fort Ifis.por
tin coral . , rut mluc, thel-Ith iu 1 tho 4.1
Err (Enz.. 11,1 l'euo re. t. I, In E t I 1,31,
JAMES NMI tn.! LIZZIE. ',milt. of
Thomas S., 1.. kno,
Ori iiiiiirsouri at 10 er4irli. in wit
Sacred Music Booka
g kANTI CA LAUD'S, hy Mason 5, Webb•
1„./ CA hACI/A, do.
TICE OWM 111% E. • he* JlnnUun of Olt.. talJ.l . trt.
ttuir,.....lertst) 8,1 •rratuttsl fur tht u. ur Muskat lon.
tratlour. Tweets,. lurtltutts. mut (Mutt, of It,. Ituttuu
Ana t ., of Lsuroll Mau. Uto .1 Wthlt.
Ws, uURII.II, 11,. •Iturr trylt trorM an-I
,/, 11111 N, II MY.LLOIL, hl W.r.l M.
PA VW 6`.1 L
l iTirig!",'.l''',6:k.7, Lt t o
0141/ and tuts lllswarer.- their mutant. cur.. uf prtrtntion
srul ruse illostratt....l with • las, numb, or Itkodobi
ustparati.... multriut (he solUrtt Intrlllgible In all.
trutale•bould Ittt-orit arty...n4 till] this rublort.
sod. e t the Vnv.nt orraslon offers thous a taturablo
't u n nutty In dos, U,nt will do 11,11 It. Mt. Mr, 1.1125
elkoN 1$ grulutor of on , nt Mir N., Curt Metllral 1.14.
uellr Its
LA NKETS.-1 have received my fall
unl a BLANKS - N, of the iliffereut Mart urn'
wantliut littnkrt• will rail toil ter our stork.
Land and Lots
I - 4 1 0R NA LE. on the PertnsYlvanin Canal,
..ttitinink t the Itiliht Titrentutit :
Yet,. /07.4 or Leriil, with n rhinably and prtriteite of
about holy we.. or - iv.. Thii prii,rty 1.41,11 entt
tel In every mitteei a Ineetion tnannisr,thrinat put
pts..l—,llllll,len .roup4 tor buthltotit, with
I , l , l: , : , : n utitoti of ant. ,Ittl the .anal rivrz far tratiejtii,
II not roll In 'null. I.bre th. firm of 1).....e01frr oclt,
It •111 , 1.14 fail In iibtx..,a .01,1 on t+rcn. and hi vinnti
tlre to suit purchurr, If. tunny havo spnlie.l . for bullohfig.
lots owing 10 the Imat demand for Iwo.. nndio.
hotunisido vicinityr.f rihonsive &.J. {Fort. non al
nyorstion. I twlta:ltfyr•l TI1l)tl4 MELLON
Conolly dt Co.,
Tamar. by Me l'atent l'rtn-”s of X Godley.
TIIE enimeriberN, Intving rented' the Ton
Yard . moor )man, ,wropled-br 3lr:4“horaldwril.
7,5 P e.0. r" P" 7 " l . e ta to nnr'o' wthrr at
1:1:11.1011 . .1 tur publit• to their Irstu,, Loo In .orlo n a ' that .
moor i0rt111.4.1 patent. Thal
at trainuo pertoda hel,
brought to ooti, that It would be alumni. lotpumaihk. to
onto. • tilting of errtiftrat.n.
"'dual nurnhoeto tin. of • new fallout medicine, wore
appetulel to an advertisement. Relying entirely ono ,.
the gotal qualltion of the Imathor to Ottrart the stteutiou
ut tnanufacturera nod leather Jftlers. they hare felt vt ,
wlllina to resort to ouch lacono of
ow mt,ns ttorn; ltl3
as l i t tin lava •••:rted that the di...very wan
tbn !Path., worthloaa, gni lean Ulla 111/4111. of inritioa to
public to an nraroloatiou of Ha Morita., nth will Ono'
it... all their leather traltnklea particularly). sittot to
the wet, inn( C OI III I 4PLIIIMI in Amertm , and rithlootl,
Isepr that they will first titer French after • Jib
ha. Oren th•qrs 'nor, kooorhalan of tbo
It want lents. (lONOLLY t 0 .•
.15.61. our. Third 4 and linlos/14,.in •
•. . •
1852. •
UST.PUBLISIIED and for nal0)
1 .
TI/. is In the inner.. form, lomoll7
man Englb.h. n fur th e three A Isnoo•es Grow
plied by F O RD SANDO U. II ' , no And Drably
known to the onwmuntty. The. u/e... •• . rea.l
ann lnA mul.•
lu Such Almanoy. Gus , . • . 1
and Intenotlnglo all claw. For rule to
INe gross, down, and !unit. At the ' .ar Were.
- bony. 01 the noNeerlbrs; No. W W
a. B.—Alea on hand, • it"'
Note, lil.k Hook& rillrf "" e '
ritationery generally,. all of}
fell' fell' Nicer fur cath or paw rm
.rt 48 r
/ 11 1 ):N- andafter MO'
the ' , Cleveland an. .
• nand oat (Nth Clove i
log at Go'clnek, aralvin
ovornirw.makircr la
5 1 AMIJEL KROESEN keeps constantly on
hand a•-e.../. assortment of tVe..h Draw • Tube.
I me, Stegab...nt. Oak Well, Klub... o Burketle,
Wooden Bowls. Churns. Dry Measures, Zlnc and Meru
Wag, &Ards. and all oth:r kinds of ware 10 We line.
Wareronm. 3lasocte Hall. Firth greet. Pittsburgh.
irkei URIrl A... BURCIIFIELD 1 7 1 aye
,01, thlsmoculog by Ram. the folioed..tie re ed.. _.
Huth ~,1 .m.1 all wool De Lam., 1. 1 45 0 t,
High Luster black bilk., all prir.4
Brocade Pettit be Sol,
Itlart - tigun.,l Silks:
- plaid Bonnet Rlbbot.s
Lona Shaarla. '
_°c:'' At north east roo. Fourth and Market as.
King, Pennock & C 0.,"- -,--- '
/ A.NUF'ACTUREES of Cotton Yams
Twine. t'Arpet X% arp. C. ,,, ";.. , Van , . W.P..C.411
A ~,.„,...:,......, ' . ec.
Ap-ni. , for sale of A Nt.1.101: AND,,,REyBTUNE)SII,EO.
I NOt.
Notice to Brickiirakers.
'r:A LE LI PROPOSALS trill IR, reveirpol by
the !Waling Committee of R. Paul'. eatlinfral. tor
h.delir.•rrNlll.l,loNA OF BRICK. early in Lb,
„conc ...,Lon Particulars a. to desalptiOn. tern., tin.'
will lw turni..h....l on application to TM'S.
WYNNE. at 111.. ear, Ow rear of the Cathedral build
ing. near Paul', I.chnol Hour, IL.tatuut the Loon of 9
2114 ! o'clock. A. St., where the propotali;will alen lw
batunlay. th , 1 0 tb iLut
Funs' Grand Pianos!
EST RECEIVED, a xplenditlmo
0 tram
Ihinewninl nit.] lIIIAND
NAN.. trona lik• late - 41,4 Nunn, k Clark.
Tak. Thin innaviarnt Itintruturint,
thr Intent initivitnmrntn, anti, an
tonar Inittiman, and tintent tatallin tub,. It.
awn., anil rnltilne 00.. are inn!antl rah
thr arferthin nf inaltitninin unto enable thr arhr.
mer in paha. iniftrst and nwertent Plan with.. M
.d r at thr non inntal Thin forniturr extrrtarly nil. nal
in .:+d wittiont that incline...lawn oirrrahling ..1
r... 1 work. whirl, Ina rity Ilk, l i tthtburptli, alit...
np,rillilr to kern itn.l In raid 'inlet. Th.. Initir.
and ...Irian sr- rrvinrtfillly intitni‘ilti raft and ...vat
inr thin iinfirmll,l Grand Piaui akin. It limp, satire.)
Ines ot sulintrllia tot Third/it.
Sok. Annul for Nana and Clark.
rreeired. a ray One itrorral anurtuient 84
iiii•lnding Una NIT kyle.
New Stock of Chiekering's Piano Fortes.
I oliN H. MELLOR, HI Wood
etrniit. In rrevlting au entirsilr twit
of PIANO {NATI?... r.
loreln.l umnitttactory it 121 E10,itig • 10 . , ff , ”0
~,nnintinit of all the firifliA. now Inomuhrtund.
the male at Bata, wlthoist ant
...hart, rn
for transportation of risk.
Old Nana Ink. In part pariant..
. .
A..ot for t of l'hickvrimem I'lnn.n 1. r Vietdeni Ps.
Patent Shingles.
FIE SHINGLES !Oath, of IV'alnut. Pin".
rt. with Row's Impsymod Fhionlo )Is.
r Leo. a
the lir. prwrnium al the lwrt Fair of A Ile
ait.ll,l,unky - The tlrrohnor tr In dwmtion nt the Ohio
1 - irnore - N1111•4 ' , lmp., toned L Coo/land:Wafer mo
rodot ran nitrite hidt.o.hingle, tow daf. Innu the Mork,
.4 au, Lind or Hullo, that Oros. in ..Ly moult, If and
tortiwr informstion i. wentol. Ora.. call on trktworromwo
Lot, ot rt eater'. Ilan 1. corner of Fourth and Thant
l'alrborwld io°llj ' tr. slyntim.t.
Cloaks, Ribbons, Bilks, &c.
I F CEI V El) thee, day and nom open at
MEAN HT'S NEW I,llll—N tor.rirnl
erta ,, ..r,1,11k and 1:1.11 E
:Silk, tu 14461.
mrl,l F.ncy
NANA it sEk;D—Su t i o. prime Si •dx. in
,nn ` nr P. k 4 .1. KJ rd, w, Ini
rrs. 1;b1 s. pie,
1.7 It 4 .al. tp J KIDD 111
1 'RE_ .51 TARTAR-2000 11.. pn r. hr
It tmln
.1 KID" P!
B lb:
, Co.,
rIIA HT A Rll .1011 =IINIi purv,
j J Alnl 1I) •
4 ke
,a th: o,ro;J
a 01, 141110 .1
krgl jtot ree and
1.) ntsle S. a 10 1101111. 01111
- rgs rem I. re and
nnl.: S W LIAM!. 01111
1 (A1' - 11 1 '1 boxes No. I Itnsin, I ` .Nr b01e37 11 lIAILII‘UIIII.
I irEESE boxes Cream, for sole by -
A W.. 11.1 1:11Alhirl.
)NYFASII = 10 vane for 531..
S. 1 1 • 2 ,10 I. A SS ES-41.1 ,,, 11 ,n
1 for u si A dr i
gr hoxe. 15:7 I:., tor sale-by
r IN 11AM...10111.
4.l.l:itAw Norrior, r
r .1 K aw.11.4a1. h,
irlw• renn au.l IrKIK •t,
UST open,' tlt, Depot fort
1.11..,1! , t,1•111-1 .4 AA-1:11..1,
n.r.x-A, AzAt T. F44;lxrx .
IP UTTER-5 hbls. FruAll Roll, for „i,.l t y
v, Ilk X fIoCANII.I.I,X
tolirimi —4 exvi: for Kale by
11, A ‘l.,`A N101.1,A
A 1:IL! dti E OIL u.t from
I.; IL. loi•J 4,
trr plaio and liitit•l 1.4 e• rAtr , JI 01'4.1 . er.rrurce
, 11.1 a• alb! r atir!r•st. Join rrltall at N.. I]dt %lAA,
ttrrrq It 1.1111.1.11,
tisino:ic. , kit!:
Ju.t and for o.our OM 11
(3,1 b •reurnorr. 116
hartrt ur. ..•
J • 11 11111.L11^.
Frietp9ri Academy.
T 11le•I•n •Ic/ill.l A./lant
rvil: p.l 1.1. TERM will
I •0n.t00nn.....n Itre...anroarl Nlnia:Thr N•rein IP, In
arnwcpc• bnpnr.l.n.langl/1 io One "n"la.l
it. rand, al an. Inlrlnlonnl
.r. al 1.•••1. tIo" . tor • 1..T(11 "21
4 ccl
If Catharine Keough
la 7 :1 , 1.1 ; call ptre'et, .1 4 ; I
I if
Mullion] Convention and Teachers' 'natant°
1)i-o-rool I. 11/,,,n. of .fio.lon
1:11. I ,o.r.T on Ili...tan yf Itiopy• .Eton n...
Lyn ey ,r, lirotyt er S, IV.
au., othyt
to .1 SI , yip.l",•.nutrulny rr.yrn thry• yy four
"17,• I,..r.ruinrry• of Expin,y, etnloyuy lyrturyt
uprin olluttirrtnint Corr. Tyy.lonu. \...1 Lu 11.,,
ti 111 It, diliyrynt rty brimisprblot,
I- Try liblurirrt 'S i -Irmo of I ruirurtlo trill ty.rd•r
tutentruit. and ly yr ludy ytul yr plaited
birouly ri•rtult imbyr cylytirsityl rurirtietr Irnin
to lune, I. ititruitur.l. suit in then. It sill by the
aim in litre such yterVITY "trill by smut IntiPhYtin g an.l
11.1 cyti•rool ruriyet h ! uur. airui yy r iyerall r tall.. fro...pi
of ilourrlp irue
srt L
v inrn :ti bai-
cit)lnau• tiwrk lon hat,. ...lI,tI
er in Inu
• •
Isnutnn tlwual Cnurnnlinn. atul` lh. dirrettou nf
)I•••• r.. ttaum a
. 11r 4 11,141thImhtut Cu Pooli
h. 1,1 . , to and nntsgutrtn.l nt Are,. t , •It /1.. ntn•ulitt lunrrtuntl unuttnn• ',ln, uuta
ntornl• rut" 11C111.1.1.'
• tho t , narati. mkt( lunltotr sl Ihtt•burF
man - tn• nAtuituul th• and Cl,..ta atm.. ol JuKo II
11•11nr. V.v sI •./.1 t.trn, I•rlen • 11. uthnittou;a 1.0
und isourlnOr..
H D. King,
I 1 , ,e1 tt•lst st 11r high, mark;l
hank bought and ...II
I'.•rhSl!r nu 11, kart stvl Itnitght and mold
.tat• knit Ott stirl w.f.! orl I
I [Ai. & SA TI N BONN %V 0 txv,.
& sn , l I.'lll ',Whit tir 11l .1.1
A A. 4, a Co.
O. & P. R. R.
VI t NTOCK fst otl. , at 16.
StAst Awl 111osto Botts',
.611 moo, of Slaritt6.6l,l tls.
00l toss..
. --
Bltol'llE SI iA W ust. ::cues
, uperlorfirothef.ha.l, A. A NIAnuN•A
11E LAINES- —Now opening, 10 eases ritil
" ..17 "'d " " A CO,
t it A, A. MASON a aml to st.
EiLAID DE LA INES --4 rases new style
..lts.On6 al A A MASON A (AIA.
r Foit SALE—A lino rate
.13Ich runlts ..n ACJACKIHAN'S
Ater Irwin stn.,
SUGA . RS—An arooTm
It.ra ent
t At.
O 'N .ll t l h i. e o 71 , 1;1;:.1 . 1 v Elo T etr ,,, ieity, at
iim. llrtoLnir I Ms, nl deloolk.
li.r /ix Makin. •1 mon. hour 110.
nigh, - xnulloc.ion lb rm.., lain, 111 cr.... lit. will 0,11
%/OYU/ M lbw whore 11.11. un Mond,. 11., 1311 i lurk,
Cl 31. o'clock, l'. It, remb day for lb Mil, for
tlin mire Lk-Munn, Itlimlun,
lamb. Uteri. iseuralßic nhort, all til/munn. nw. In.
mio.l mlimind lo thin nyMniu, n.
rnrm..-- N.. rviler lino no alarm. P.m- ....PI hoe.
II Inl
Goc.: uaance for a Gardener,
rr"E ,thaorNign, , ,, will giro n most favora
,,,„ nf NMI. TEN ACIIkS of iv..twain , orltk
lel nwro. for n Noruurr "warn. and alit aolo In
,;,,,„/ tbv nunrnarr Ininsormenut The land In of tbn
mllur froni the ultr
mloit J. WHITE, 44 Omar rt. '
1010 E-111 tes. prime for nub' by
I win EA 1)--550 rigs littleria:
Solo nounda Bar. tors/ fur salu
.1 A l
ig 11. 3101.ASSES-20 bbl s , prim, St . L„„_
Itrllnerr. fur role bt
HEMP -Gil talks Kentucky and Miss,sici
Dv. fur ml, 1.1
lARIFIED SYRUP-15 bids. for sale by
M AC , K.FI , IILI. - -5 ,c0 4 , / n 0 111 4 .1 , 1 1 5. ,,, L r a , r . mN , (), 3.; M
OUCKWHEAT FLOUR—A mperiurlirti
leof hurl, hnll,ul Ilarlorbrat Flour. furl recd at
ISI hlbrrtr et. WM A. A co,
.10 Ottawa Awl Ten Ilualerr.
3 plant!, on trawl and lor nnl. by
pan WM. A. Mrl,3llllnr A err
A. NlcepUllll
New Nuke.
Aly t arjc;
- - •
,„.. with raptunius aoplaime Uy Jean LAO. M
t ie s eenerrt in rittsituntli.
The Illeomeea UttaPia•til• eerypnWellcanat.&
Y 6r Lamar i)nei aa rang by Camarioft liars in Morita.
Aiming lamb Alb. by Catharite
• e sr .
tisigaionnent Auslthe CneaOn•L.glirfueaL
W b
avail taelertion or the
omit popular and dr
motor, for Igo and American.
L. 01Thial strait,
MOM of to lioLlata Liar,. •
New Marble and Freeport :tone Works.
WILKINTS„ In ta . dition to his
ratenaive e.tabil.hmen: on Übert greet. head a
sto"1, ,-,ev.41 a branch of hi% Fzgle tarbi.f.lVnrka.
adja,ni.{‘, th . Ceenerorr sate. *bare be ma uractstrea er
arreariet}Saf Marble and Frreport Aone.rls
Tomb ..toa_a„Man,K tc or m.rtr .. Curbing
awl Farming for Comet,. Lon, Freepo
earn durable , matorial being no moven at to the
Cemetery. h. Is prepared to • secure unlers lent romp:
Rude an" nn the 'war. term..—and hope,. for a rvnunn
none of the ratrrnisge beretaf,lre ao hberaily extgoaed
.... . . ,
rerrtrtner a note grown by feeble. co. t7he• anIA
alellortplak..bled,Ert.mber 24. I`sl. pay tar four
.--.1 months alter Ora. for eight hundred dollar,. SA., a ..
Pa, =lent .4 .1.1 m.te haa bren...0 1 .1. erne,
, (..,. I'NDRIES--
~ reeka Winter ,ltram..l 11 hole 011.
11, '' A •.. 1:1,1i., 10 Oil
___.. .- ,„ ~,,,, - ll a eL e t When. tun i
; n 1.n.... Tannere' MI,
T. l r" 11. hag, yrimn. Elo Cell.", '
• -,1."' ...11! rheal. Y, I T L r... . !
15 - - Powyhon g Tar 1
'Y I an.l b lh b...e.:.,ertgo f,... for !mull,
.25 1....9 S•A Tut..., rbnlre hratoin
. • loLuma., - -
,1- I o time.. En. ,
9 .21. hble Crorbed Soga.g.l. '
e• ' IY/ " Illglrt ' - /uhtlandlogaml In gale hr.
it Et.ACE /MKS A CO.
IL . !..A,::.,l:„.l3o.l7.t.i:uzirktitirtnlplL upert
2- 7 4. t::grt h g '1 . 1 . 1flit preyaretson Is unegmill i 44,:r; o rl r. n rni.
N. ona fragrance. tn ango o gpst egalo g o o g . caner \,
~, bun, Atubroglal Errant,mt other gmalarrom mall. It
,„ far •urpaa. a them all b., 110.00.0111,11 naely no Intl,n,
~ of its lath,. whleh en eNtena Ihe bearYl agtr, ler a.
. 1 no g plengant 1011 roar le gene.. great ik1 , 00: 101 , r
be Imigni..l orttele. in I lag Ireghly ~,,,...,4 n m t i
~, 1,,,,t matenal. with the are Lel skill, and ii k to. all• tb.
~, 1.., but al.. the 004 0 ,0 rtirlr far that as The he
„ nrragin g galer of thiellel...Nrl ng the logt terely , e.g.
„ .1.1 the ......r. go]. mot .11r. noel.. award. lor I t,
, girongly one. the ta ....COI., which It f a .1 by
thr .onmunitt- I'm ear 7b,ltu I. .14 r.a/1 hl'' ,
.1 ,
I. nt: LES. 67 w on , 0 ,
'1 B ATT-ING A. CA, LEBicK.- l ' ,
..;:g1 hare { f Ly, \
nal, kk, C.i101,1.• by
. ~.. • '..
Cb . CELE/41'1:4)N et E.Y \\
I )
FANS-10'0,6. 'Wit e. for ,le by •
~ ILP ~'" \ A. . I . l Cgi \'' g. CO
I hi OLE LEA T ' IIEII--1 , 111 de,?i ,. i tn.:WIN':
; For egle t o \ A LIO. E11T1.1.. Ca.
-1 r LI) R 'WII is ] I I\l t oi' , tier
It JP 1,1 llt, for We hr \
.1 ,i5 (7 '1.111,1 SON 4 , . 1
it uTIF4I,-- 61i keg, a II ' I,b) v. aim,. IS 1.
liv I. t,. a 00 a tor ga l.. hy \, '111.,.4 11 V Ell,
t era _ Ana 1.1.1 ,l'l e I rrrr e
' ' 1 A 11.1 k- - ,., luv.• • • No. I, *foth,,,,,lia 1\..)
A ~.F, \ LIANICE.I. r. , \, c - T 0,1,
.. D UTTER—. 1 11 e pri me. 'Xr. t.I - ,
I 1 ,:...,..
.1 n. CA.
, l
: 1 I. SEED OI :.'.'t \blx. I irivklify b tk,d,
Lto gall. by , J ft. CA,SFO.3., 1.
1, 3 E A 'L ASII—'... ca. -,•., for Fair 'V; 1
~,,, .1 /1 CAN 1 EL. .
} \I
S .%_ , l re t i lt ITUS--.loi 11v.. - itr . ll , 2 c ll A l , tXtu re \
1 1 ' _
C HEE§E 101 bare.% l'omton; \ \
'-' , O '' , ann l(r ralr . bya %
.1 It \g , Al. 11 1,1.1/ P.
111 :A R-- , 0)\!1'4.4. N, 0„ for ,•,-1, IP by ....
,7 e \Nvii,i_t• ‘
. .
11)ACE ED 1 1 1 7t TER--,' '2.4 bit,. 'good: for
•IL .:•• t o It YLi/VD.
I /EA RL',,rkSi- , \ .:0 .4;4. A:Ial ti', for ofth. '
UlOi.i'SP..., 1 5 :1.41. \ f‘tirs., fur iy. V, , 1,1.
g t , , \ \.l k t, n, ,, i• AI!
43 pI CO tk}' Eti c —' ) . 1,4, , t 4irren,fortalr by
di ~., \ ,1 \ Alt MAD t
rr,,R..,,,,_4„,,),- rgi,niu{rr,Ln i tlineldt:a, for r
P. k, L E1...1 . 11 , 1rk .
1 4 1 RESII SA laliEN A,A) toltsTElWk- '
!.. , ..: ''' ...;!;'.',?„=, * '1.""', A •„,"N,'"" . ‘' ... " 11
'• ‘;',.l 'A , , ,
11 1 •L 1. ., 'a AC. '
.... . \
over tel ~••,1, . ....1./ . .....‘ \
110 . 11. E: W i INE V INE4AIt , , , •
'fi r " P " '° V,l r 1i ' ' ' 4,' , 1.74 k 7)1 1 r.P. , 4,\L.14),,, ? .
•• t
s pi cEs_-4.4),u1.,,tt,tc.:::44:N,5,•
\ 1,,
•.: ' n" '''' ''d.7 - 11%,.."11"..aVt. t t l • ''
g ,0 ItH SI f-- ICi.,..vite.f anti for 'sl4.le 4,tc L . N
1 ) l' 2 • IV,ll A .2,lrcl , ll,Ulti All,;, ',.`
"TANNERS' 01 1.---:',1) 111,1,' 1, I I aletv. N
11, for rare by In l. J :Witty/SUL 'l,llt A'\ll‘ '
PER:tI OIL.. -,r. .:nab, purl\ forte bY \ .S.
1.1 ..,7 J ecriotvon..X.i, Alt
\ ,
A ix 31-..,,i,r) 14.1 m. lot
, etst .. l:: ., l:? o, :: \tAKl. .
111 , 1 , 1 „ Al. „ !;, „3 1 11 I.- -4 4 c 5 n..11.1 . 1 .,
. . , I Z i ll; 4 , 1 4 , 1 • ,. .1 . 1r , , \
, ..1 llt e l meet ..\
( , IIi:ESE- 7, 89 lo.Z , eg‘ l l.Z i lt CrerttAlleeso; ' s . \
, a. 4.1.•1.. ''toi•:,'' "N..".;.-''''';r'4:',
I VISI.I- 7,,,,, - :\,‘ ,
I Ir .. 't 'Lb o \ l'g'11 1 . "" r " "17" ' \•
- *II .tlt 11 W.:oll,oin brood- tb ...I angle werg , ,,
0 , ...11. Ogg m•rg nl, arol garnet.", to mwa nod .11
1 . 1. " " : ' '''''" '•"!'" I ''''' ' ' • J'l'll.l • ATT AC. • 1;
'. .Clintfr...,b B u i t , •
11P . XTER—...1
d ,
~ , , 1,..
S A 4 1.5it., 1 l T 1 IS. -.-Vl,,\ , t aliß yry'inj art r val;
~ 7, '. ivl OF
. i Id ri" A :Si I..stler.
V, i - i'V 6, , DE1511- 2, 1,',..1rutut itr , t re e' and
1. 1 lorrate t ny
~ .n.I)IN WA 17 A •l i
I kiii4 Am, IT 's:' s; A. ft. It---N1 eirtre N I . '
I r '''" l " '\ r ' 4:; '''' ' ''' ‘it ' l . i . '‘l' 101.1 A . I'o., rut
..',..11.\ mock gl o I firr • han g ; brotrrg.
• I • '
ii ' ItE ES E \-11 k box.. l. Atm,. r,„
1, , i.,, - Corn'lnon en Jnel r.e.rietfie
...I Ing . 1 . fig , `, .1 V ! lg.l.a 1/A141.3.1..
.... . r.e 11 at e retreet 4
dVW Roo PREP. REP CORN---k/ !Kam ,
,F of tin. glehretne,art, J r / regegre't and for gab. 1.1. "II
. ' Y. ,IIELLKhr.. 14 11 ...A .1 ay
It ' e-\,.''''' . l Rill. :illat 1. 1. 1.`' 1 TI7I D
V V I I Lr A g i ale K r, °l I \ l ' egra . : 1\ ••
Ii E r 11l
g , iiv,.% m T ARTA it -.3\11t,1 , ... 11 A kR:ANT• 1
V..; 10. rrityr,
~,,,,, 1., , I n geN II El *ELLER "
11 i j'Akt:E SPiEs:GE-=.,.'22't ,, II.m: of vupvrior 7 1 '
1,, ; q uot, , , 4m cal. 1,, .•.\., , ,I: FY 11/SI.LIIItS AI.
(' .11i.i \AM NIO ti I A —'24-a.vlcv for sale. tiv ~, .
I. 1. 14.11.111,. 111
CAS" 1 ir,P '0 i P • , t1 bubo, fin. - I 11
r \ t'' - • 4 4 ' • ` } -c Li 4 3- 4.= , 14,
1 1 . 47i1 A ie, .1. C. BOCCE I NG, 3ln•ntr : fx:l - 11- ch'
i ~,,. !'L wk., Glyn. amt, [lnure from, and beat 4 i..f t ,
, I Iga.attn, la r g e , Non ll• Tleel Arr.. Proln llalf ti ,;
1•11. argil. Ea. g ' `‘'''.4•l ' 1
% i SS 1' SM l rl'il -- Si 11 • (rum N . - 'l.
II ~,.L.-;,,.,„ :,,,' ... 2-..r;.„r.,,_,..; r It ,
new ngaged, a et.,.,„ dn.-mon e y:from 11. .. ; „„
unn...11 I , prep...lre granny all onler. el thr ~ cat
1'...... NE. tlllag andn'lx, drro • Claiyi . Lurie lo Ili "
~, '„ ' •'''
V, 4. , ftiCk.- The . t toblt.r. 01: the O'Hara'
I+..r7b, 1 ,,. .iiti. , it'r...1 . ."4..,,': 4 4n't,;'„? t r :%::
kP . ;!j' A ' i";ll ° T ... i.;,•''i'ri
to the Trragunt 0.. en th e .e n r. ny n . „
.....241,1 . J ...11 AEA .I,Y,T. fr c e.uger •
h. been onP.nol X the st.Sur t n. amt.. , tu no paid
to the Tre.urer o or heYen the I. th a( 0 .4014,1. inylant.
,21,i . JI. ell tit .A .ANNY. Tresou«r
Warding: \ :
rIIWO SNIAI.I.4iIM ILI ES •ao he' &cool
, ii.”..0.0...‘ onth ple.ont iront rrwni on the wound
ti-or. either turolot.i.ortunttri.l. toooni. AIIPI3 .
10 N. enruor of ThiAl mi l litany._
- ,
vi O LA ss Es_:,l io 1 ./.blo. N. 0.. - .or sale tty
1,1 0,1 .. • \ JA II Is DALZKI.L.
PSI up to ,Alriallte i'Loks,.#l Eaelern ea.
riltiE subscribers wt. iltft espeetfullvt. , : , 12 - '
. lurib. the sttentton of . retail nettle. sisTlll -
...then! n. their tory oupotinr 1:144,, pug tip inA,'•
toetallie 00,1.1 4/ark. *Altai . tweseltule the
h \ slij
' l ds '"' n r.. o7br I T .S7pl l n ' p l ! tril e rs ' ;ar,
•o. .. uLvrout ihat Ithouiro nut Astoly inteouunoli t hop,
bore mirnnotentireiy voywreedral tba,ose Te«,
our atraIII4(MYEIL.I and fkunliti. c, luying TeruL are
ouch lb. sq... recelyin, frog, Tea., nrhit•ii
or. ore enahle,l tr. well oo low . Tenant s like Quality in the
eset rfArr All Tnu void hy thokuhocrthArs %remld on their
ru..zourshrgral nApromatrltly, on that anyool /01011111 Potts.
toption war be returned, and the niuury `refunded.
e•A PriALW —We-hale born intorttnol thitt Memory.,
m.0....n.1 in oohing. througl. Wootent,Pronsylrunla
our 01,1, north leo. and damaged Tea, huhu', la a ounS
lor or.tierh, ours, 'by othibition ounploA, or senulue
1 . ,.. obtAl.4l from no. To art4Jisainoil ..... Ar MIS kind,
ol.•••• shad wren package put op by uohilarkiled watt
our nanzo and Ignorant..
Wont: Thais of all gradm and vori.nion • w eoale or
.1101.1.21, . lie loorest rat«. •
ISM. A troClAlitel All ' ifill, Teo Do ors,
or: • ' PLA 1.11., rtre.A.
{...! 11(1A It-30 blots. N. 0, for mrilo Ivy .
. ,
1 AHD 01L--16.6615. for sole to oloso corn- & A si.carut. hy _ , JANIKS DALZRLIA
1 ... %Valet...A.
' • • -- -
r I I OBACCO- , -.2o•kegs No. I 6 twist, d'olig..'s
1 brinid. tor polo t., 31111.1. DA LZELL,
„ .To Printers. .. .. 1
A I.,IIN . TING OFFIC`; .- r .... ouptAled
..“7:x Unlace. 411:',41! , ;.' 4;:r%,1 1 ,17i,„';','„':
nylon! I ,of th. premix... Kowf will. S r.dl Is of.
I 1,11, An ._ The moterlols en* 11.11 ilt x.. 1 or., Ax..l
um Af y nnw. tot a., tho owner. Arr ..ufgA,l lo othrr hd,f.
r., will hr dd v.,' mach bolo”, thrfr vein, on ormda
.I \i,
ro.,lalf to; , keriy% The. fflA , r. , prt...015 3.11. , ,11it. which
....I.lanifwAdvr . .... For ,natloolors 1•11 , 11 Oil alb. Di 11...
rr"" PANINERSIIIP heretofore' eximting
I,Awwen thd,whoulfehrro, undot lb. tome nod Atyln
of .. ..hdfn effldwni) A !LAI," in fhin dad dtsfelr.d by nodul
...not Th.. 14.Inrof of theLAl...Anti will he ill. d
I!, John eshiweit ~ JOHN I'ALDWF.LI7
t At. 1.1. 1.1 , \ JA PEA VA I.llll'El.h.
The undertattnea, haring formed a Co-part-.
rornblli und.r lb.' uarnA lad style of nen kbrell A 81,,e ,
Art" vlll lino.' Eh,. r.i.v.rav .4!el , CrItRITINI;
busaue. at fle• Tsntuer "[thy lot. ern] of Jell. ea1.1...11
A nn`. to repplesos Ibrou,l,. A AIIES CALDWELL,
.4.A be, Dea.—lm lIENIIV STEIVAItt
S i UN itki---
k . ,g- , ..
:- 1 ' ,?, - ; ' , "
.. 6 . ,7 o.;;: '''''' °°""'
. .
~ ~.. nettrs polvirl.tllouvr:
i .. i .. 10 jaubT , , k ,
.., eNtblo: chip Lr'''' ' '.
Antle H. Illuo VItroll;
2 Lkles Eut Indus Tuttle—Meet,
1 • 5011. k rurb•Aated Twiteu
n :A) bbr 4 `up. Ilion -just n•e'd Rat for rale
by feel) \ A. KIDD AOl.
MACK EREL—. 2S,it,lll,l,aryivin,g, fty_ectie,
b . ‘ :..... , i v. YY . tt - tLFON.
S.,‘ ALTrt.:lllte--100 . Ictge crude, arriving,
I '
PEARL ASII—IO ca."ko for eale ay
i oesi . \ w. aA. IVALA,,ei.
Uf)l..L. LEATIIkIIt-200 - kitlee hemlock tun
-1.7) nftl. for ral. by (eel,. w. 0 v.,wriat,ot, ,
IiENEKyk OIL, (Parkernb \.. ityg,)—.s I'M!, ;k .
3 Prime Artful.. for gala by
•••1 ,2 !I It. R. FIELLir, 67 Whnd mt.. '
. ...
inEES'E-94 bxm W. it. Lliccee, Ilk, do'
1./, rvrelred and for oale by \ ,u
reply . . MICK A IIotIANDLESS.
YAP AKILANGINGS -- ,,New utile or Gold
• Paper um:attars. tar - Parlors. y/tut rtleiraut fluid and
le Ist Dorktorn, for Sub by W. Y. WAIL.WIALL.
I.Ple , 11151(fcal est.
\ ,
Asteennaz Aimatraa. - Al•ertistpcntaandanbartiptions
- Ihr Ibis paper rMwired ;.•..,.1 N 7 ....d.d frlhrtrinifll2. • from
:his oft", \ '
REVIEW OP THE i prrrastraoH luairm
Itr ehe sr.& `cod by fltl4rr 14. 1051. ,‘ . , \
---;.: \\ , . . \ ' s
GISAKHAL Ran Altre.,—.llll, X:ISZLet. attrlTlVe
Seek Imt elune4 has heen Matted .} c ',tiothing cf hl
mramc. t. The rresther has horn un a 1.,. in,,,,,,, .„1„
~b .... rain, bat not suitletsetee abil,n)Mtl• to hoes .0
rare[ "Pon the river, the rotoraknenral• 3U‘ Imen a rteml•
,line of water in channel. slat \te , ro .\nt daletert- S
o ~.11.-0 upon eradtt Reaterall, slk - e am • pees...m.lG
I. wOO of atm improremtut for - dm-totter: .4.rtaitmer Hales must remain in thc prowl:it , inactia viatei until
`.• • Mroicd with Waufbeient ri..e Id On rise 4 Act 'our
AR, 1,44 hmts In inution,wiiirli we trran.will n t :ram
limn., • quaroitnea of d,r ~6.1, mei c 4 .1.m, r l..^r. do*
.m nom .racorage here ....Mules. unPnetunite 0 . 0 n... -
Nero .....t, sat qui. s number 04 Putu drsught von • .V 1
\ ' r
.11 . 1, WIC. -n1 m saeralit, to Ib. want\ of slim ..\
and arc lin t .N.l tn rarer fair loslo,notrialeisodeliF e 1
. ometarstere le ur A11.i.:1 of watcr. ~
- Out Cattal nhoi Retilreatis coniinne in get -
Np4ir, 01. ,Tula la active hunnem L. dolna thrunati that
c h.... 1. ' . •
The Ohio & l' tinsylettnin \Railroad Is in fine
rut/dia.. nod eontin ta ht Juan esicuslan briaine;4l. the
...Mee of ese , enzere earriee on in ; ma d , diming lit 4
wect etafin: on Satnnla • last araa . '. aml. thr rcoli i'V.\ .
rain.. werell:oM 7 I,'a to don, • Iton a Preto. cf .
c..ii r oc..d ta miles in catent
~, ~,,iigs—o,.rations due. the point •ferek \ 'err Men h. Is
tdcsiersio event °M:. rod we\hare,no ehamAr, , to DOM in
'Tie, Tlra. tollowimt Sre M.\ p-ra/ent rutin, rsoei—
Suctz:,seh .111 ed 7.q,. Pariah .....‘ ltaleratut 0 4 f.4.i 50.1
APy t_"—heroin mof an'.n apple\ ha s cr lm.n c..i.. light.
ll 'tnt• 1.. weelt, and no a..,, „1 m.nocatinne burr inin—
PiMri. 1.2. 1 ....... 10)10 firld nseed,, ense t4.quoind sell .socal,
rm,'11 ,, - e ht , ornonnne to
`, •
AL —iVe von,* a motioned 'notei tiett \ M‘lti the mar
ket, st'lnli pAcm.. A fair nuptial, husin la ;Nur al the
nnerna, ran% \
' • .
C''''!7o, 'o, o
le ' Ve .),1_ .... ~ ~ ~ ...1, ..t , t.1 1
' .. v ., hen bet ..... . ..... ....'; ...........
. 54 \
A ikiileti,—ie ilsre \ p ‘ Set alteration to'riotMe in, A
not. T11; exiolae enrern hues 1. 10 Vb. ' ,TO. Pas ...-
a. t \
\ MI , k b , ,.. 11 , Ve h, '
~., n.: . :10.7t i tmt . 0 , 4t . i: uc ear th '
a T
. an onm
Silnailla ,A c . ‘ ... - .32,0xie....1 . ter . x45k.9 iia, et.
\. \ 11: -4 i P . -;;;::: ..... ‘,.....:_"'"-... I. ;:,..
\ V.." '' '. " .l '' ''' 'c" . 4, ~
\l' 7l 1 - r . \ r' 'd\ ' C
\ Ikt i l ' is . ;. l -, i ... e ' r, '.
- ' IGe Z. ~
\ II \ l'alt L l:: br Ctsl\:s . 1 ''
r ..
• „3. .. \
, „. 4,1; bi %1., .„., n•—
~,,,,, r,-' , ". r.".% — ' 1.\-- tf:::: \
k \c
CO 1'%1 , t- Ika nctilar l'ittah rg - 14tprafarturrela pet
ur e-ak nd I. ALM. 1,1140 r, Ik\ bruin ok and o
hrathl a' i . 4V.Sr. ea,. and h , r, attes . of old ooptan it.
4,70? M. _ . '
\ \\‘'
, Pi...A 1...--11 etiantifactorae.a intlekaa .todo a it. , t,
1,4“...... • 01 \ •..!,. Cf.all they ran In 1,.. 1,01, 0 fWlv.l„,,
Pl 4ll l l,
. 45
F -”.
Z"'. . . - - ."'
r \ .
T a7'. \ ,.: . .... • .
t•ltiall,..,.;ialea3 taa, cf. aah ai, Ii . 4 . b 4„, ,
(!..,&14.1.140 he'', ..regu ikdnuand.ln tiarniiirkt\at
foli prier , - v n, Cl t-Afor.l vatinfarturrd \ll, - \,‘1.,,
‘ „a. t.iloa, ,1.,40.4,.. n y e ni , .daou duunal A ' , ". \. ,1 , .
)4iir iaanot.friukr are d 114 ato I , in. , orea at tharaN, t
II R1> ,. .-Il.Atial. In , ~, ,,n n fn , IA th. inartlA\ca, -
(one. In g..... 1 At. giai s n ,, ,a 1 , gene. , I , tiatiarai .
, lama, 1.1 i,...arda ti,r m al r.unr,on,aod , a.. \ ~,,
.`1t1)..1. FEU ITloderan ,, eatka . 1, tranardeed 01 ~
~,,,r •V, 3 1 ~,,A i ~, A . ,, , , Zbe , 4aild 0 l t_ ftt7c T. no.hri 1,....
Kg , 1 1 1, . . 1 \ • . \ 1 ), .
111 Z 1t: 3 , 11.3- Littilled,c . len of wtnlerrie, ata L l hay. tran.
Wired at I , aafalle lit la. w h. \ retT tail, ode ,c..
1 1 61).1. AND al EDICIN V , Ve bar. no c•ln.ra. ono=
Dn. 0n,..1 • week. The howl,!. I. a het Itprion of
eoron of the Ilag article., der Wader 1.1. i. bend. Y.
aloe., na. .. .. -.IS tali iiirlder, thiahm--. ,4614
Alga, .',..... 3ailut '4 NI rt. Tnrkry,--5. 56
1 n , ,. ...
.Ai Ut2l tli ‘itrW,l ''''' ....,.,, 4 • b
ann. 1aw.C.... iiol2 Ithulantbrona.-.-.-:761
1 11 i I,tart.,.. ' .... .34 alll . eal Aktonar. ..... ..-11
11.1.1. n. Cciaoina-.- ra,a2..1, ....Ana- . , .... ...,....IN ‘ tg, •
1 , rn0•ume...„... ..... 1 N , 1• 4 1111112.1.4 MI 41, 4
=1.71 . ,:t 1' 4 ,4° 3 ,\ '''' ; k iat ' Vri.tdila 1 1
?A ' ‘ ': :
Cream Tart.,,....;.:...2 4 . 4 42.i '' Coati, ........1... 7 2,..t4 VA
Filrin:i.l; ...
. —. ll ''',. ‘3 *,,l=l`ent li a rl:4 324 ' 4k .
11... , :2- .... . ...... . ~a (4 - .0.4N...1,17.11 -2.72 Lalltal,, s
boiol.'opal..- ...... -Al wIA laisp n. fl,lOl,
(31.1111TragarIntla.-.54 75 ,1 1.1...1.,d0r. NoltAl 4.. OU
tinm Sh.llar .. .... 14 •,. N I. , ,,Ania -‘3,54.14-1.. aI
l''?"' Ii:11 .'. ::: ' s
:',,,. • . ' ! . l . l" ' lrtnn ,,, -.• ''' i. t att ' at ,
\ Dye ~....... 45, a . , \ . utter.. .:p
•_. alganeraa Carb -... 'l5 Cc: 4.t{ - - \ .....'.. ' 4 .tiV.4.ri'
. 1,...415--ii,Al freah .aats Will co no argue la don, arom a
FLOVE--Sepplln ,hi. work, have Wt. fornmi mkt.
.ont - Ingaf than I•A .ca, Loa 'prin. ni\tinde about 010
.me a.. :von in ‘Ar hut general Teri .', ?cm, 14.0 144.‘.
imam tr...n told front !ant band. 0 \ 33 \ 12 if ria44 :Is Ihra
. 1 1 / 4
fand 'extra I:dant, the market elo,lnFF pAiti 0r... 14.tu
awn. main. has.. been nondned to ankall, I% city con
vomptnna at 31 , 74,4 :0 a V. nod extn\ besot,
FLAVEWe hare heanl of 4,4 ,1 1 lng in ,y.
nour lir Any Quote notnlnalle at 323199 44 1 rra Man'
Elnll -IVr both, a nintinunt nmAl antea a. nd aj ha/a• at
lull 1,11... a. in reow,queun , . I the high .pric of ba,l,.n. NO,
.3 marker., are ..',ling at 71 :1,a,.. No 2 at Sk , af. , (.1, \u I
Ito 11.4 eallaan /Is, Shad:3l2 nerving SG Ota‘toa u 73,1 mi
t% b.. 'IA, as qr, • . 1 0 11 LK Codnah in quoted ea tat 41
hat le. \
\ •
C,ra.NAL FltEltillTe-Th• folloWitha arc the\ char-gas
.! ,, r .11.10 14 the leading articles ft : math/a point.,Awa‘:
Baron. butter .a fall..
, . inaed t , .. , • • 44
\ ‘l ,
Lhi!n '=
' h t.ATI
la So
1 h*. ... .-.-.. llt
WOl ,1 Ivathr..... ... . .:......F: '
- c . ... t 1
Wiei`tbl. .. . . .lauc
F1044T , --Thecletnand ti, fair, with nhaof lialeina at 32.74
ta.:1.4,,,hip, tooliof,ltuonds at 1643)e 'plhi of OroundNuta
11,7.1 ja bgeliri, of Filbert./ at be: , or Cream )(via at
f ,, ..e. ,- .l . Zaolareurraota al 144., , , , i I. and 04 EthillahlYwlnuta
boa. , ,,andfof riga it flO 1 :i, 1K la Orange. an I 1 ... 4, ''',..•
very era an d and we eau rvirtrt tio oalca. \ '
, ,
t.R.lCEltlh't , --Wr ha., heard of 10 heavy trannaetainA
during the wel. :ales ‘marrerr. dare {Ann to a lair ex.
trot at full prica't-aat 50gi . ... , ,, ,,,i; lilolaaaea ',Waal fur'
Otharaa. a1 , .14 , 417.- for . +,t •it bona, Itlo CO, ('s44
and Itien , :laia pit\
URA IN, --, lar .na'tn the continu,A debt overlong, we can
reign ...sirs of tuninent durin\ the week . Wheal con
pntnloln lair rrquent ak Ow twill, at aofinf.2otar. nn,llty.
punk , . Dal,
...nun.. in, Paari
.' 1-•Y:•.\.+ , a , ......f. :,
..0,1 boat... ratl! -.....ear tar Sialol of Earle* at f. 0,45! ,,, I
iOKENIAN CLAY-lie an. nitalonatii , Fain In a medlar
r., . $2,.. V ton, nataaral tin... , •
11..11'-Tro• usual prices from, nat.. aity 2 (416 V , An ,
at 0rh..11 rut,, .ale hare t.-.n b rut. . ,
Ill l l'4-enlea an r.p ,,, rt. , 1 at :AA lak 1.1 I. according to
a aunty •
Ha:mi.-Inn bars no Axles upon .tench to ground cornet
loitati.m.. We tua, quote nominally at 310.1 0, $ 11. •i 6
6,,,. •
IRON Ann NAICA-- , ,Wn auhioin a lkt,of piireeAo
onme o
the principal artlele
laaa. , - , Flat bar.. ~ ' \--...igfaii,o
... .
1:..6 All 555 peony. •
5 A1 4, Vt: ..,,, c. ,,
:: CI /; Y t:g'T-- ~. 3,.
~..\ -
4.. \
1 .4.....,-,.. 3\ to 43." loil;-.---.. ..... 3,-1, \ .
1 - • Cut sto 0 Inch ..... 4.----- 4,51, ••
The m6.700714..4 , 0.6. eo6.l4eate • diecouot 0.4 bull.
lI4MM V—le quctccbfroal lcare n1'215341 :5 11 LW. \ \4
6 6 LAys_Windor c 15,, city broods,. b, 10 Lb 10 by 1
aa .66 10 67 14 $4 • 11 00z: country bymilm ,rneraqy 1•11 . .
0f SI Iciu II box than city brands. ,
'Xt.:AD—Them in • rrgolat lb:wad Iff the atayltd, at it
for blif. sod 5.c for bor. s \ . •
LocoPlc.—TheMmelit fro of priomic Tig7l44• wild
li.¢ to olco.. \
.bncre Loco—P*ooW mho 4. 634, by the\chesll..matiTe
liTe,...hen cut. ' A
Werra I..•n—Cure in rei11647 at $2. !ma No.l [t sllso 11 tau.
I.ItATIIK6—The market =Win iina k.rmy. at - about last
aterlt'a'2l a{ Mit. Nan'
do itifialho :# D.
tuatinue van litnipeal, ito aJn 4t
c.a....inane. here tranapiraal. , •
. . ~
LOMlllilt—The market fa . now ralriy rupa. I F. ,
anon...till Syr,Mmunna, and I.r. for clrfroila.t.t. Tame. V WOO. Shingle, from yard are arinna af 1 2 3 7 ,4 $ 2 56',
I , nort l' to IV twitne.—..:::-,n4
. do
duty cemvk that theAtoye tutu , a, yoked. tA,
to the Milt,. of water emt gto mndltkq
• \
• ' ‘ ll.— The reenter at in• a the Market tab • -
orL \ ' '''\
. . ... . . .
-'-' , 0 .We base no to ' r shit es , hi mftire le Oilme
. -
ketnn led transpire all the tilosirk rmsis!—ldMeed 'TS.
•" - sP7set 77 1 issel 70e, and 7io doWt. OS .\ 41, salldn. \ .
rtrenTt. :::)--tteentar ester. -‘,.11, hi het. irfer ants..n \ •
- .1.: 7.• N. hiosnocis. V, ._ ' %•. . • .
• ,
p5.417 , 81t-41asstrit. /Mom/. ass ~ ..adin a . . , Iki urn. ' \ ; A.
, powdei , mar nio, , tiel in larde otto4tWdr. At d \ A.'d by - • \
, \ tnn;ht i..,g, 5.1,4011cl t tnarat 1k3,12.1: ' . ' i
.it 'lTt7i I, .7 e 70 , 7 buelile, \ *\S \ "r• I P bit, ,
'.4, \ APl' ' ..:7 ‘ — ' 44*l ' ' '\ . 7 l%;!• ' 3"t' "' '''' ' ::, .. 'l.'... . l . \.\ ts4 l •‘• ..‘ ----' \ .
• ' .
tt.t4'., ,, --.:;,..-. 'r n , n h it, , , f0i, , ,..‘
~.,., misiof w'th, .
~ .
no kri:Vis Mimi trei 7 t ban era nia hued ! , i'Ves st 11.; Ili r '
.• ,
r- wiS, .1.r7;d0, 47 rim itr.V.l 12. , ,,17 , d0mhel
\ •
, .
ur tho s ,o, ~ •-deolial prio•Voitt, \ I N\ " \
. 1.. '' r
\kn t.•
, ‘ - .
. .
' .
Slt , i",--. c t SLois 37. VI t , .., aralste * ~, „ .
.. ri; .1„;1, c, • ~.;,1 \k,, ;a nl - ,,,, 0 ,.. \ .:. do 16,\ BP . ~,*, -- '
, ." 1 " i ' —\\ % • f , ''''',. , 4 s,•'''C'"".":" , ' 4l C '' ,. ...., ":_,, . '.
'.', i . .:.'ri , `: , " , : 54 t , 47`7'"%t......-4 . ,,,..': 7..4 t 46e \ I C. -‘
;'"",',.`.\- \ r.. ' \ \
, TIN' PLAT —Tb r .. :nd i i .0. 4 5;c U.' .7 mill ' '' ' '', :- '4',„',...:,•,. ' ~
, i
.., , i
~,,,, i ., 6‘. , . ,s
~,, ),„, ./ Mr re.h., a k tinik • ..\,..•._ - 1 • \ .• - \ - • ' .
o T It.:l ,, C;(.. ‘ as cw — ,, Tla zt n . ,
, de . m . a1g ,, a . 1 , 1 d .
rerTi tkont ; \ -\ „
„ '.
• c . \
craw i fitrIZIK {i.ii. gi II . L'ille'V4 ‘. ,' ' ' ' ..H. ir...4.% . V ~
4 • Vtra. ~, tumioVASturi , d On, 27, 77.sttPlti, 50W11.2e,63-de s h . S i , ,
. 4 , 'wash I\7 17e, "r.r.eselo tw t .. \ , , w111 „. r.1 : 11 , ,1T \a‘.. „
. ist 19....'' . , ;
lear t, witi, , ,...erysitoi t,, it. ~, !t. r e , %d , , , :delti . ",, .
__A A 6
Zre hell At , ~
' 'SIN'-ediAlst to liirilred I•. Om t., „\ `,tnn ~, •,'„ .-• \' "„
: it. „.: \ • . \ • \\ \
n ', ?Qt.—Not/1
„*. hse'iwen 'tine n', A Sic time s , ' .___, \
' ''" l 'l l 6 l77l,:r7l .l . " :al k e7t:e ' s " Vecti min4 So l n6r • ir \ l c_ t Int ' C klm.l 7-. \\ ke At . . \ '-‘,
\,.. ':\
. . . ' . \ \\
00 dreirieii,r ,,, ttent?htst 2o'fre raw. \ \ , ,-- '„ .'
... Tor all rr~tWho al i t eloileil 7nt64 s als r'.• I, ' litioeS„ , ,
," 7 „: ';':,,, • 7 1
\ , 7 2 . . i , '
"..*:.' , . \\
" . ' •' , \CATTI4N: ‘ IOAIIKET4
The offerings' , nt the e r
, eles,te gay \ we n t • , .. , , , ,r .
", \: '
\ ,--;
ten . te ,, t 'resa t raw hm to theVnelernent erewthe • , \ - , , ...„ . . , 1 , \ . . ' \
.. ,
eonsmittentle ....eV So he e, and WM,. on \ -,,, L, • .
sliobt &deans, Vile 4antber of% erece mrPs 3* -,„' , '.
...nub., 225 sheer:wad Li) honor \ \ ,'. -
-P. ism—/teeve, 7.7i2.lie„scrisi, co M I to 4‘ 9 sc. s net: '\ \ ' . s . • \
''' ' ' \ \i \ \
\ ' - \ • `. s '
' \\
. rth.. 7 . _ ' ' ,.'r '! • \ , \ \ i
ls-•-islei 150 head Si 751:5n0t repleht. s s„ . ! \ .., ‘„. ' ,
\ ' to:Ls—Sales to a brut , extentat 82...1.5 . r0c1iis r r\ \, , ?„ \
' ' r, 1, . r. \' ' \
\ i. 710 .7.Y.F.X. 0 " 7 \"
,Q : 1 \ : \ ' • .\ . r
A \ \ Vlse ‘ tilieririo an elands read ' 137,11nmst, 57,60' wow.
ye MLA M shoo bntertieria / , bor.. Ire' s.ett , ;Vert \ ' \ ~ s , i
, es c r met2l6 were drill to l'hlkaielithis, \ rs; •, \ ~, ~ , •• \
, 7 11. i .„ - .SP;:g 2 ,;,,T,°tal° - %^ , 7" , ',..
114, w.; .at tt 25didi bil.-lAVErirican. s,! \ r„, , ... ' . ~,, , 4 , r s. ,
, „ \ ,
, ' \
PnitAsketertut. Oet \ n'!: , \. ' r \ ,1. , • ,
• . .„
Tim de syd lb cattle still continue •- • .
At markat, this week', about 22,'0r) bead beitittle. Weld- ,
••If Otk , Olsen to V , ele Sark. end IL'i h tensantetz
' • 1,t4 the Startdinti PO'. rwe. 114146 ,•0 'l\q''''''`•`!t„
',. ~t. .IU.IO t r , all /grew... .
t, end (Sires-- lAtuarlot iViLlailli 1.4111, Vest. ro • \,
:liIN, sold et the fi, latrine prises—fresh roe 0t,516 te, \\ , - .'•
Void.- ogees SIS ten '.'ked Ars cows from Sti t i,;, , - , • ,
limp Thrso It. 41 uti. demand IneitrpPol. , the \ ' •\ •
• ,
offerim cr. , en a ideine‘, kale Isere male itild 7 25.
17 \
, , , •
b rs ' I."''-'l:L"\ *'''' "h r:Sl ae \ '-,, • • ' I
\ \ .
whieh * Mire soiree ovep illitillTY Oli•• 1 i
salsa of the iT Al 00 . ' , and, 6e. alm' at A 1.761. 7 - ‘, ', • ' \ \
...en.. do tttr \ -- Inentr , n "i'
\ ' NO
\ \ ',, \ \ Nisi scat;OM 'S. N ' \\
\\ , n refertince ' co otr!SWEI, tneitit,.' we here noth- . ~‘•' ..., A - - 4 ,- '
len Tito Inn, "", The preven 'e‘f 4,lre ,election times A r ls
....:,; time abrorlsid . lower \ every ~ hi i s . leAneldesittlon, and _ A \Z '
ills if intsrest ha been \ don, aftr7 , i,...thino r e nam e '- , i s i! \‘ I . ~, ~.
he \
same eve bet mit. \ ‘, \ \ 7 ,, • r • • V i , . \ .' „N, \ . •
\ ..4 4 l', ' hilsdelphitt an ,1416. Ilth, • ni. „ •1 1 / 2 learn by -.
r , N., , ,‘, ' •
I • ' :1 '
' M i g" . • ' h.. " 4 t l \ ‘' ..7. , r.. • nr 'r?'*''''' ‘ , ,0 ....1° . - 'i,
use mpet o sooner, for the ass; tow ditris s i,dsitnwParer • l.,
semi ti \ l'ik!igiP.7, and raise/Fve 12,rsdorsePM Not- „
ithstandion the motional:dr hf three tigil,,p"..P no
eo . neidera s t li•Oraitures, bad oredsrriali Mal the:iila t , ,, tile , ~ , \ ' \•
•slums ito err' li , Mond the lin.‘estke '''',,•
„.i'1. 1 6", . - j ."
1 / 7 , •," .. \ i '.. "..,
ever. it It. Wiese...l, was mon , orles, mobs . soord .; - .\ , 1 ,,, \ „
the toid and orrtairity 4-mane's Carat fig. St , .. , .. ' . ' •
... ,
I erten:tore lon •,•,,,,,, with wane solesirre,i,o kora' , i 'keht • • 1 . ' , . '' .
hiPthr ries, ronp„searrels be rcoaniedolherwise tot . ~.. . 'I. , P
.. alit- 11000 Onside m rid - sellers nioredwitth -
, - ' '
I „ M i .
; , i t ,,; n:! , l . is , r , : . l.* , l , l.l . le , ,, li . f l e. ob... Th rr e . a , il i se e s3te of the ta r ; '. ,
~,, \
.‘ \ , \ .
\..;t itiltimore on the 10th, s•ys the 4 :. •neti ‘ •
~ . r ‘ \ :-• \
‘ ,.. " 7i::•u m i 1 1 ' , 1' :Z.1 1 :7:::,t, 1 k nVi i r. " .O7... th : tb':f. 't ' ' .
r r .
~, ,•• • were lower wan tinitionsis tiors,l. ris--7„1/41' VI ''' •
1 ''''-
\ " 1
',. b ;- - Z7f l ''''.,., * "'`,;7.',''''.'`:''', u nr.,,,, P Tl"„"t•i" , s •I . ‘ \ •\
• '
r...\.• ' \s.
.„"At. e ' ork,.an the oth,_ the .iitnney Ittiki•-. \ \‘‘‘ '
km ~,i'••• 0 ~sperMars, no vide,: relief. °emit, an t i , \
0, 4,, \ . ersir 'corrrney Mr r ner, although,. the'rate••• .\ t o
slr‘ed,. dororissot ch.., an much caution .. ex, -4\ ' \ \ . \ ' \
- \
\m .. n. The Sri ~. on rl/1 WWI 7fl eettr, \„:„„ \‘‘. \ . ,
~,, . ~,,, \
uteill s onth r\meniision. tnatlngit equal ill !O iiil u 4 ~. -, \ ‘,. 1
N....a: r6 , 0,b , - , .0 , --. ,o..6.'"ttd:Wrl , Ana StAte gAtif. • ',' , \ .' ' '
ty lemlintr‘hen s 'Wod 11 7 , id cent. Xeres went LL p')l6 . , ',, t,
, ,
\liken , t r oNinkl, ees \llSC4l2lwink r thnurai rate. it naa ._ V, \ \ ‘ • „ \ „
. ' \
disSer to sell al mars at, 1:H °eta. tlitn it wisest 1$ VI .", -- \ . \
~ A s ;
ecut \urine thecl itts wet's. Tim stlitiarket at the
.....i .; '
.; „, \ \,..\ ~ , • \ \ -c -- \
, first,teserd waie ods4, t natters amiss, :ter the board ',,,.;; ‘ t,
an weap dcmand ppkns, or. Mat tbs !Werke
ear r
~, .\\ . , , \. \ ' . 1 „ .
boareot7,And clown) wilFtsurSper 'Perini: , ato stocky
;, ' . . t . 4 ~ ',
err obertter decnan. the Panel. shore `. ider5....... ~
~ \
po: ri \ •kili: F.' : ol'7BBU.ll. \ -1,.- ;. : , .
~ \
--_,-, ~ 4 ,..
Elam —Thes,,, , yaa .2 feet 2 i mon ch owl kis 2,3. \‘;`;.-. ,
a Sr
MeV. at' k, imt \mantels, nil jn, \ t - „, ...
\ 7, )1c
0' g1Z.i . .7.. I. ' sa t t rt r°'t ' L \ ::: ' ' ',- „N •
„ ,x
• „
•\„ . -,, ,, C , ‘,
~ • T ." ' 'I;I.L.I.Vt : Z -.. .i•g, .. "4 ! '‘'''. . . '',''. . '':... ''''.. r . ''.„
. \ N , \ • A
.i , 4011, I nets,`l,lrboinseitle . . , ?;,-, i . \ i „ , , , , ,,,
,‘ Aril.,:itwn; ' h ir . ,: - . l e.t.;`: - ,;•;,,,ri.• - • - AT. --, :. , v ..,.4 - -----V • • - I!
• Pattie, 161131ffil.\ Brllillbliio. • ir ..
\ -.
\ \ J. 11cliee i Ilmatrieltwoni Ais„merott '
V Thaw Miners Daile. train , i.4.nten. '„ ' , - •\ , ,\
i0n0...2,, Crano..dinekinst rt. . '
11t7c "f nonbd
\il have.
'tort°. ue
\ s • 0 RIIILADkILPIIIA A.M) BA L Siortz,
'4, . • i.. Itanewicer Pllbtitet-I<IIT, abli!) . Itt ila
' . .
'\ \l 2 ' ' rme
. \
.10kIn. tiLE. S h. rt. .Id 4r. lc \
, . .
k \,,1 TILL ups ' on 7411 S EVENING `3ept. ` \
7 lith. at 4.hAitibrdinuni. Ltheity .a.....t. ' II4ITVII ' ;
'i . I. it:. ,iItaiiiIICLAYSIDAL P l / 4 1NIMANd of the BEA and
, hi nt .• el lb. \ YteDtTIittnANDAN. detail rf all the " I 1 `
Wra d. USD s'od - sithltme teener: pa. tb r e dlassical '
shot e o 'toe ind 'World, Dr ly Snit thousand 0Ul e• . ,
in as pLiad prooodnowl b, . yobbo ad press to bo. • t \
if far lia,oet trulliftn.compre O- and nuaniouta .°
- ° ".- . \
' n dP/diroV 'u omail ' n= i l.l rl. ' f. r.
i \
fom 0 Welded. ery wrooni. lulls w d irel3llS
he Perm a will commends ra it at .• quake be ' .'' '
~...:------'''' - --.---- -.• \ ''''.‘
N a tiodlo t' sdJ v ' ed '4 4 t 'l liii . demware n" o't R iles ' Tr( o ' C ' '' T0 r") . 4 d, (x) ,1.7‘.. 1"- , ",
- ,rgrt7rek . l l l l .WlVl Ef l ... )hllll..." b
__.''''''''''''' t' \\,‘
\ \ \ i‘ XinEt \T.. T W NIEND • .' ' •.. ' '‘
• • a • ,
t r. MT - 's
al \ 1 7 olt; . \ — ..-z- -- --- --- --,;-„„- 7 --,,,
• y t . sn.h.. • r- ,, - \ z , . . Titt-i nih. '' ,i ..
, 1 0 1 ,V.D, 'END .CO.,.Wirsi Mana eta- t ,
OOUD-3,,ArEI, - ff - Iff - Tririt — i. .
[Leos er Nen ate t , rif f thild . „ , J ., lt4ia: It
, t.
'''‘ 4l "."" . Dams] ~ 444\ W i./ xotFriUti°44l ''' °' ••
• V
' ' 410Tlita \ - \
17.1 geml. Railroad. ..
~ ',
Cit.l"t /: TME OSNY' DUN , / \
NA. DA ER . ONIM. ' the ett, in4L. -',
• th e own In • lease r ld Briehton, at lb, ' \
• ."
mock, and *turnip.. lean Vwle t r tat lati at 1 ' ,
,I'. M. By ord of Do rd ail, tor
&Sepnett s ` \ , ,
UT I-10LESAT,E ORtkERS, 1.',.. 1- i,mfo.,
7 Metwhato add dealers in +
rtslues apt 'h burial ''
Maafalureo--NdliAheerdt rt. d ita. Virg . 10. ram s ' . .
%Vim/mai dmlthesl.l aid. nstobur h. Pt . 111.1, • • • • • • V . ,
am% velyl reroien the 211 wlph mdd se. tch I h., ite bar . \
\ ' l7l s tot i nr ° ;7 4 f•ll7f k' r ..Z;3 S
a e ii , onee. . 'l
a \
\ 2Z. , kegs rwin.T•n••••• ,- ..** r k.-apa a - u
-r \ '
: r. , wria Due rut chewing' iM has OV. hamar. i • . \ . * ...-
„ A \
'lo . llll aTr t `stal.=. '', l l-14P. i . 4.. 3' ' ''' -.
\ \ '''''''''' 7 .• \
..,„..„, ~, yo.l kegs Nails area `O,. \1 .
11 \• Desna( "° - .YeAhoses. kiln 14S12171ae‘ .' - \ .
In •t, co r m,. \ ii , Idiailbx .tisiewn h .4 , \
te t '''7.7,,;l . :.„Lr' r ': t. l";7 irr‘' , , .. ;. ;\ ; ‘, •
aisrnorual nut, -"-•
o'ito. loht,i \
:. , 1 eXett r :rt k tlettlity, \ - 1 i' VTP..:W k : .''
- \ ' - \ . '''
\ '
. S°
- Er f ir;l ' e ' r ''7 .. i ' ii " , 1..4 . 1 . 11 ' ''''14 14 V
lts) Wax /11. Raba., dn. limbo 4 cra.b...tafrer,3- \ ' . '\ . \''
J. meta Care a,
... '-' ,:t k:sey '.. %l 7 l:: 4 ,:l ' pee .k" : ''' , 1'' ,: '' , C ,,,,,:,!1,, , 1a.. ,FA. 'F1.. .Z \\\\ i. : \
ntl beef Whlte fkalhamidelnties 1 area. liattia. ' s, •.' . \
h.) boom Ildrana dlrwlek lad Carked CUM. '‘'• • '
ZINC I'4INTB, \ - 7 \\‘' '''
MANUFACTUR El) -BY 'fill \NEW' \ -\\ .... •. \
iv .11:11hEY CChLOII.IBO A/in't SI/NINO COIIIVdDYs •• s', \
[Newark. N. J. • 7
TB/. Dotaioni be prepared to trieloh a apply of them
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•alitable ~.
' ZINC PA.I.NTs, \ ' . -•io \
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, Which baro ban found alter err tai Yr...Anat. DOD to '.
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Borop• and the (hilted Make, terra their-wise.% \ \ . \
beauty ad proteetire.proputam sumrwr to any dotter • • • \ , ,
peat .hotter. .Tbeir
' ZINC PAINT . • ' \\ \ ' -
It e.reirra aria, nr zi me. ad to sratral.ted root fthm ;La \ - , \
anulicrWorr and listpurity whMerweed tt coven. well, is
bautlnilly white, ad lo entirely toss. the Pslemente ',, ••
reliror Wl r ' . 'C' ersVir.d..• t ' jr ." . 4" ' ' ' '''" ''' lb. ' \ \
p num in e .
• IT - WILL NOT TURN Y E.I.L:QW - ''.'
When pond to sulphurous sr owplnt;* e:hodk.e 4 • •',
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• *ism whim abut au Ina doe ram. ds a mitsWe od • ~
Ys t b ' L th' an ' ", , ettW ' r. "' O 't i ' t?l , if - d "' r ,. .1:17. 1 :it " Ctl ' lrk ' y to - fws. °
'Onituble "and 001, dr. It ta l ar ' be aerial with aoy odor. • . ,
t=, ,, o ,.. yri L l:ll . l.e :_ if . ith *anus!, w with Mere the (why . \ •
\ s)
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Them. are lualidwil eta w pri es , and awe undoubtedly \ -
U rtisiewt and twei, Ma to r n. market foe radian t...,... •
espoad env • t • . ,
ra . r. ' • .l VeZ ,' irn ' elr.Utt r t;:trit .. b' w 7 Tb ' rViil;iali ' \
WEATHER AND `lltE l'ittX)F. \ \
Far ir ,, %itlriaoee tb'y ..\ a.o, k.au1e1,... tin. \
.I, , rsa. a . 'mole ota.toectit,O,acrl' utter's . prevent made- t,
two. the, er tlUtalr. awl Aw, n sun metallic bud. \ ---
do not Lan` Paw like many .• 1e.. , r.rt.til Pee.. no. , \
Ikralery inaPttlieet OD liberal 4.. k 2be avata oil. ' .
D. V. Dd. ,itd Li), , .
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awe/aI:MS tri Bath 1%1...iv .-.,
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\ Beeswax
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,r.i.i underlagnelLyrill payoelii beet mar
, 1.. ket piire, ettba.karir ',sest, rty Beeswax, t \ ,%,
t., delivery. t V'f'• • ti-Dti LT. \ . \
`...00.2. ' No, 41 Itarliet tares; Plitiallibla. - \ . \ 7
14 1 LOURIOU bble. Extra Fah3 . 2 - -, ter sale , - . 1. : :` i
1 4(11'1E1 1 :1— u... 1 . 1h t6-itt e , t f ,: ° _ :\ ,, ; 7 ' . ~..,.,'
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