The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 14, 1851, Image 3

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    Taw Lan Pan.—Althongh we published a
large autaberof,ad,litional copies of thee:la:elle
of Monday, oontaleing a fall report oCthe Pair,
there ara bats few capita left.
Tikeisteceedings-of :both the first grid second
he'republished in onr treektrand
be.tor - n te n t the counter on Wednesday morn
! ing. The samenneaber will likewise, contain
reliable election returns and 'other interesting
Trianae.—Re are indebted to Leech & Co., (or
the No port Feroid and Philadelphia Evening
Balletln, of Saitirday, 'more there toymtv-rour
,Loans Iti nclvanoe of the maiL ".
1117BICA.L. COMMITIO3._pur reiderg are re
; mimic:4 thit the 'ling& Teachers' . Class, or Mu
- ail & Coniention, cotainenewi its session at La
] &Yuma tomorrow ( Wednesday) morning,
.I.o . teclock, The first lecture will he free to
I all. Their meetings hero been. largely:attended
la - Boston . and other cities, and we :hope the
Mends sad lovers or music will be onhiand.
-Persons who cannot attend throng - 7h, the day
' nay obtain evening ticiete at hair price.
Trig FAIR- --Weleterday omitted in our re
. portf o the Pair, i notice of the East -liteqspool
.Fore, 01004factured by Woridw3ird, 1114ely
Co. Pig firm •Iliadtio large table's covered with
• variety or
, artielea of their own manufacture,
of excellent quality; and great beauty, for which
we were pleimialiiPubterre 41.tey received a di-
A churn, mantifactared from East Livepool
*are, attracted mach attention both from the
excellence it* principle, and from the rapidity
gad inanity with which it m 5111,160 cleaned. It
also received a diploma.
Nrr ifoss -- Corrisr.—Pursuant to notice, a
meelingsof the citizens of . the Sixtti and Seventh
'Wards, was held At the house of Henry 'tea, on
Saturday creping, the 11th inst., for the por
pose of organizing a Hose Company.
Oa matiiin, Capt. Wm... Ward was called to the
Chair; nod A. O. hleCandless, appointed Secre
Oa motion, itiras resolved, that we form our
selves into aCompany, to be called the Friend.
ship Rosa Company.
The Commitinen a constitution read a report
which was accepted , and after amendment w
On motion, it was resolved, that we go into an
election ofpflicena
The foll Owing Officers were then unanimously
President—Copt; Wm. Ward.
Vice - President—Wm. Moorhead.
flecretry—o. Denlinger. '
Treasureri—Hetiry Rca, Sr.
Caninin--flenry Rea, Jr.
Ist Director--John Slack. 2/1 Dir.—R. W.
Franklin, 3d Dir:—J. Roll. •
A;ernen—Joseph Feltwell and Joeeph Bar
Plug Guards William Forley and Lewis
On motion, resolved, that the proceedings be
1 'published in the'city.papere.
Whi. WARD, ?resit.
IrCanntass, Sect'y.,
SINCIIMAII ROBBER. —The counting room of
Church kk Miller, in Pipetown, was entered on
Bandaynight, the note unlocked; and•fifteen dol
lars taken from a drswer which contained fifty.
ThCtre . m2inder was lett, 'and the door locked as
ummt. Why the thief did not lake all, is a
• COUYISTED TOIL FGHTIIr.B. lilatinuttia—Maybr
:Fleming; on Saturday committed for a farther
hearing, Jas. Mehaffey, charged, on oath of
Louis Fisher, with passing a counterfeit ten dol
lar note, on the State Bank of Ohio, on him.
. .
Tns Atzirron.—Wo are indebted to Mr:G. W.
Bunn, No: 47 Chatham street, for the October
number of the Mentor, every valuable - Meg:nine
for youth. Its contents are both amusing and
instructive. • .
Acanerr.—John McNamara, a taborer on
the Central Railroad, was very severely injured
on Sithrday, by a bank or earth falling on him,
near the water depot, is the Ninth Ward.
For the Pinehurgh Gir-att.
The London Art J ournal, in its description
of articles exhibited tit the World's Pair, con
tains drawings of tworAmerican Pianos; one of
„Minns and Clark's square pianos, another, : of
one of Chickering's full grands, with the follow
ing notice of them. •
i'• The 'Piano Forte 1%-e t introdoced (Nunn,
and Claiit) is designed &rid mannfactatill, by
Ilessrs. Hymns &Clark, of New York. hie rich
ly carved in Rosewoed,.and the execution of the
- work is creditable to the skill and ingenoilty of
'the worknien who have produced it."
Wile-Piano Forte (Chickering's) is a ,contti
bution ;fr . = the manufacjory of Mr. Chicker
ing of Boston, United States ; his instruments
have obtained high reputation even among -Sn
ropean professors who bare tried them, for their
brilliancy of tone and-their power.' That which
we bare here engraved is one of the best sped
'mem of his manufacture, and will bear compari
son with those of the most celebrated Makers
of London or Paris. The exterior of the instru
ment is designed with much taste. It is simple
I in design, and by 'no means elaborately orna
mented ; in'constrimtion it is remarkehlY solid
and of eery rich wood, The climate of Anteri
es compels the manufacturer of musical instru
ments to study solidity, rather than lightness in
most objects consirnited principally of wood,
such ae Phtter' Fortes, Harps, &c., &c."
Chickerinee Pisnos were the only ones used at
Jenny Lind's coneerts in this country, They
* used. by Catharine Hayes at the series of coo
, ce:te now , giviisg in-New York, and hare been
tusiersallT Approved and •recommended by kn
. rojiltErprofetiors who have visited oar country.
'4la . IL blxxxon, No. 81 Wood street, id the
agrd for th. Chickefing's Piahos, for ll'itts
liexghand Western Itenncylvania, and hes now a
very' extensive stock, among them onset' his full
seven active Brands, eipial in every respect to the
ono noWen_exhibitionat the world's fair.
Pittsbargh,Hedge Farm Nursery,
TIVEEN ihree and'_ four miles
east of PittsbMgh, mac the /layman' end
mg' Turripiki Med. (extension of Fourth
street.) toil about ona mue him. Rost Liberty.
She oolmeribera respectfully glee notice to their con
tempt, Mot the gommull y. that their emethire Nor
melee, Orcentionse, Si, now simPrim MP... 150,
00:1 and 000100 plants. all of latish Ay Ina healthy. oon.
PIiIIKT TROIA. conshrting of Apple. Pccir, plum. Peach.
Cherry.. Apricot. Neotorin, Almond, drape Vines. M
.: -.MIAOW IMES'S—Vim Alaothas.Catolp,Woontain
Pon= Mottle, English Linden. American LinilmeLmotar
•dywaplar. Calm of Gilead, Pop's, WOPOIOO Widow. IP hit*
MAKI Birch. Tulip Tree, Homo Cheztout. Footmen's Ism
Whe in iVerplog Ash, EnolLth Ash, English Sycamore,
Stipetem. $1to;
Cittingreft TAP.I.I AND Juniper,
-Ostler, AssmiemArborriten,Chlome Arborntes, Poo Try*.
Umluht Yew, 1:419191012 tee, American llolly, Worm/eon
White Pin, NorentyPproce. Balsam Mrehdrer IW,
.tinolets Itir„ Ilechleet firomme, Sands Itiocen:ame on •
WRENN 110 Milt PLAINTS—Vim goon, (many of Limn
Soot rote,)onlobezing over. (0 vedettes in domes. ant:. ' l 4:Vooto * rod b l=l.LTArl r4' N ' iitrite ' llomh ' llrbiul
PooPettml or nemmtant gnats. * A
great number of thoce
are Perfectly hardy, and bloom freely tbmughout tho
moron sown.
Ale, (lentokuns, Oleanders, Oratm,
W. —All orders tom lionecsumanted with the cash.
Or 211.411.0,
Mantommfolly yeoted and mut woording to directions
to any part et In, iirdtml Moms.
Perscan washing to ornament their thaamo grounds
wank! do well to give us eall. as t Ink our Moot of
lIIIM - MOS rano. ourptmed orst of the mountains.
Imp eemering isms &creme 'ground, and numbering from
AO to 100.0" a groat number of wtdeli ore of a lino else
• goy trosuphontmut• •
errhaml surd ebrotd , rt !looting es/muted bj oe utr a m
Mommtable fermi.
Lettere (post poki) to oar akin. et Window P. 0., oeor
Plttobmgh. w di .eagles Immolate atteutfOn
Orders /oft 00 our ntamt In the Mammal Warhol, no moo.
Lot dope, Rod innuediato attention.
$ The public an general an lorited to call and examine 013 r
rhgto. Attention to Melton rren 09 Mal/ day kania
Who . , YU.* JAS. MU IthOCIL
United States Patent Office, I
. . Verona, 6, lahl. j
nN the petition. of 31. Sorel, of Paris,
lif,Pvlater,prayien for the estruslon ef patent grant.
ed for an Itopirovedlnalhod of prenerrina Ito, slot
Ado.' from rust or ovidatlon for seven years tram the eaph
ration 'or Said potent. Iv Lich takes place nu the serenth
I,rr a ift l =Zlll7 " ll ' i, •
said petitson be heard at the Pat.
OittOifien On botanist'. the Ott: of Ihnernhrt. 1651. 0.12
o'slook. M.: ood all peroorniarenotllled to appear and show
owe. if soy they hare, why nail petition ouott not lobe
ogrp.lng these:Wl:gap an required to flu in the
• Patrol - 061re their olnealnms vp l effirany.repihrrh er n .
at least Vrenty darn ta ttoo the day•of hearinin all
I.lDotsf•fibsd by ei th er party to he used at tbo beseine,
et tw nann trantentilhel to airnl•daate. with the
/Mier of tot 016, whko still he fuminhed en •PD11 , 01071.
order.l, - ulso. that thin notion be published in the file
final intelli,eneor. Ilehoblie. and Uniothof
V. C.:Courier arid En troffer, New TVA.: , at
Wei., Mahal elphla, Perinsrivuihn Provident. Journal,
liisland: Daily Adtertiarr, Boston, 31tut
aaahusetlx; tnntourreial Bulletin, Sew Orleans. Lou/liana .
pitarburgh (Pura, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania, ewe a
week for three Sureenvl re soaks pn, viola* to the rlotbday
.1 Demob , nest. 11)1NK,
, Conunlanloner of PatentC
I.PLA:X. SEED ,011.-10 Ws' just received
' • sr nal far AN.IO bT PELLRItB.
41.10BACC0-450 bks matird Tobacco an
1 ' 24 ' 4 c° " 46 I F' A. CO LW:111'80N & ' OO.
' mopo
Minnesota 'Cooper Stock.
SHAV.F,S of this Stook for sale at a low
AND 713POIITID /OH nil Pitisßoll.oll GUM&
The Charlemon paperer publish a letter from
the lion. Joseph Wood Ward, In which he states
that 31r. Calhoun, in his last tours, made known
to sevece of his friends his dispair of the preser
vation of the Federal Government, and his con
viction that resistance to the theg pending mea
sures of. the North, would become the duty of
the South, and of each single State of the South,
even If no more than one could be found willing
to set. .
Ilsztrar Oct. 13.
• . By - letters and Into telegraphic! dispatchers
(Zorn Pinto% we are enabled to give the follow
, ing additional particulars relative to the fearful
storm in the Golf of St. Lawrence, and along
the coast. At Prince Edward Island; the whole
shores were strewn with the wrecks of •iesselsi„
and the bodies of crews and passengers: The
coroners had gone from Charlottetown, Prince
Edward island, to Cavendish, to inquire into the
deaths of 12 persona, whose bodies were found
washed ashore nt that place. The body of a
man with a boy lashed to his bock,: came
ashore at Jestini, which was recognized,
There is good reason to believe that over 100
bodies have been floated to the beach since the
storm. From three to four, hundred nail suc 7
coededed il7l gettidg safely into barboZ. The
vessels arriving give the most dismal accounts of
the storm, which, it is said was never . before
Sr. Lorin, Oct 13
F. Aubrey, from Mexico, has arrived itt. Inde
pendence. Also hfrears.. Maloney, Sdmmers,
Haven and Raney, connected with the Ifitomdary
Commissioh. •
Col. Sumner was a Fort Larimie getting on
very well.
Maj Wightman is elected delegate to Oorigress
by NO majority.
Bands of Americans, disguised as Indians, are
committing frequent depredations alapg thee.route.
CIIMILiSTOM, October 13.
There are six Union members and two Dis
unionists elected to Congress.
FRO3I 11A VitNi
CuAnver - roN, October 13.
The steamer Isabella arrived last night from
Ilavamk, with dates to the Bth instant. Bho
brings uo news of interest. Bubscriptioos for
the relief of the families of • those killed' in the
late engagements in defence of the Island reach
ed, on the 7th, $150,000.
19.,111M0T0R, October 13.
The Secietiry of the Navy has issued orders
for appropriate funeral honors to be paid at the
severs! Nary Yards and Stations to thl mem
ory of Commodore Warrln4ton. The funeral
takes place to-morrow mornitig.
Nsa Yons, October
The steadier Ohio sailed to-day for Chagree
wit:11 . 118d passengers.
PuttAptcpruA, October 1:3
• .
Colonel Bigler and Governor Johnston ore
'both here, and will n,llllress o number of meet
ings to-night. Much excitement prentile in re
lotion to the election to-morrow.
, BUFFALO, October I°.
The Jenny Lind excitement is as Freit as ever,
and there is an enormous demand tot tickets
or Wednesday's eoncert. •
The brig &Item!, which arrived arrivedto day
from Buetos Agree , bring, dates to the 18th of
The Government has sent out troopsito put
down the Unitarian traitor Liegnira On the
other hand, Bruzil is makingnetive preparations
to invade the Argentine territory.and to ihisivt
S. Pendleton, U. States Charge!de AI
-fairs at Buenos Ayres, was daily ex - Feet...l at
Buenas Ayres, from Rio Janeiro.
ToHOSTO, Ott: 12
Mr. A. A. Hincks,atul Mr. Speaker Merin are
conducting negotiations for a new Cabinet. Both
sections of the Reform party will be represented
in the Cabinet
The names of the new Ministry are loohed for
on Tuesday, next
Seven or eight Norwegian emigrating have
died here in the laqt two days of cholera.
PnverecKyr, (It. 1.) Oct. 13
restenlay at 8 P. 51., Joseph Pratt , shid a
neighbor by the name of Jos. Rodney. whh came
into Pratio garden, as he alleges, with feloneous
intent. Rodney died this morning. Pratt has
given himself up to the authorities. •
NEIV Sous, Oct: 18.
The steamer Washington, hence on the 4th
inaL, for Southampton, broke the cross tail and
link of one of her engines, 'on the ith, aid was
forced to return to this city for repairs.
DYT7IOI7, Oct..• 13:
By the arrival of passengers on the Monticel
lo, we learn that she was discovered to be leak
ing badly, soon after 'leaving the .Ontenegori,
and notwithstanding the incessant exertions of
the 'crew and passengers, she continued , to set.-
tie, until her fires were.put out; The terrific
gate which was experienced here two weeks ago,
was blowing at the' time-and - Capt. Wilstin had
no other resort left but to set his sails, dud en
deavor to reach Copper Harbor. Finding, that
to he impoisible, he made for the nearest ahore,
and beached the Monticello above Copper Har
bor, in two fathoms water.
The passenger.. were 'saved by the intrepid
coolness of Mr. Westbrook of tit Clair, who took
a rope to the shore through the surge, in doing
which he was eight times swamped. By means
of the rope, the lives of all on board were saved.
The place where they landed was 35 miles
from any house, and the rest of the way a thick
et through which a part of them penetrated, but
Suffered severely.
.Great praise in doe to the people at Eagle riv
er, for the prompt manner in which they sent
boats along the shore, with provisionsi to the
scattered passetigen., who must otherwise have
perished. •
Flour—The market in 1011, with pales Of 300
bble at-$.310 ? bbl.
Whiskep—The market is better, with sales of
700 bbls att1611617 t 3 gall, the latter being the .
prerailineola. •
"...:Butter—'eSales 100 firkins common to fair but
at 8& 7 10c;11 lb.
Bacen--Sales 160 casks at 9c, Packed.
Lard-1a offered at nic 14 lb, which is a ma
lariat decline.
Pork—Moss pork is dull at $l4.
Other artqes aro generally without change.
:The river .has four inches gaol' yes
Nem YORK, OCt.
Stocks—The market is rather heavy.: Erie
has declined Reading t per cent.
Cotton—The market is dell, with sales 600
Flour--Sales 9000 bblill at $3 GIKEI3 93i for
common state and western; and liiI(E)11 26 for
Grata—Wheat ir dull. Saler 35,000 bushels
prime white corn at bie per bushel.
Provisions—Sales 500 bids pork, at !Sill 115
for mese, and $l3 50'for prime. - . Lord isdoevly
at 131e8le.
Coffee—Sales of Rio at 81, awl of Lagroiyra
at 90 per lb.
Whiskey—The market is dill! at 210211 e I)
The New York Journal of Commerce of Wed
nudity cape:—
Capuila Ellis, ofWashington, who arrived here
yesterday, in the Empire City, stales upon auth
ority that all the prisoners of,Lopeo expedi 'ion
will b 0 liberated, upon thu 'condition that the
authorities of the city of Neve Orleans will re
munerate the Spaniards of that city for their
losses in Now Orleans riots. • Intelligent Locate
anksins, now here, say that this will be
. dono.
Capt. Ellis had command of a company of in
fantry, ,and was eervely wounded. lie was to
have been shot, and the proclamation math*
,quarter Arrived just in time to save him. Ile
.reports that he experienced much kindness and
attention from the British lice Consul, and from
the American Consul, and that he was rele a sed
through the interposition of friends in New Orj,
IJARIS GREEN-80 cases of the celehra.'
”8." brand, relranleol by lb. cold /nodal PI ff..
A:anima Institut* rpo unifoctulty a Rhoda. and for both.:
tho doopost, 11:1aRt bri W.nt, and perm awn 0 room p 'et pro
doaeof. Pareesolog directly 1000, to. martulaptuior. w oo
are oaksi an as healable forme so aoy as. Pest of
the Mountains. •• J. esellOONll.4.tifill.•
:14 Woolotroct
LIQUORICE BALL-8 Claes for saki low
HIURUASI CIEESSEz- - SO bee highly cul
l" Ur.ted Cbetand, MIA day teealnal and for ral” by
p 2S WICK A. 31*CANDLE1.11
p UTTER ' -IS kegs Fresh Butter received
■ I sm' toe .sis , br STICK 31 , CANDLIW
rREM] . BU TTER.-2 e o bblA just reed and
for pate 11 • 116R111..? Tea Mart In th• Diamond
m b L e A , C p2 h o '
ALERAIIPUS--5 casks pure for sale by
QI BOAR-420 hlids N. 0. just reed and for
VI sal.. by 1 koV2II A CULIIKItte , ON ACo
VIEESE-51.1 1/XA W. it just reed and for
‘II.IIIAM OIEESE-75 b e , rece,ving per
A_J 1.1 11n, aud for add by
abrinkabl.. to t. bed at all. edom of
1 1 11 E N WALL- PAYER---A general
.12 .aortmend of gold And etb,e varndb., for eel.. toy
'" ur"' eod
" 44 ' ' 1 1.11,131. PALMER.
111(iCKET:',1- 4 100 dot. Beaver Buckets, for
ijp r.lld'd WICK A 31<1'ANDLE.1,1
iACKEREL-100 bids No. 3 Mackerel
1- 0 3nrter barrels No . inr raft. by
..LA RAZOR 1311101 1 —A Yup,ll)jun! Ned and for
• .1 L.
- 9,22 7 , 1)4.11 , , Building). Fourth ~
!VIVO COAL FLATS—For sale be
J. SCIION Co, 11 W.. 11 Ad.
QUOAR—IiO 11116. prime, for sale by
AJ rwo1 22 • • It. DA A Ca , .
01.2ASSES-150 limy.
van. r II
I . n mat coor , nor, for rate Ll
QAFETY, bbls. for sole fly
03 . J. S. 011.1VORTI1 a co.
PAYER lIANGINGS—New o;Ltterns for
.001 , 1 bb % , 0041 orrret..
1000 DRS. ROSE PINK—On hand
stbl fur Pals Li '
a 17 J. Klllll
. _
Yso.l tar sale b
j"" r; anon/ L'o.
CASE. AMERICAN Anitow itutry—
L .10000 t not,' •01•1 I,: Fah. by 0.0471 J. - 011100'10.
LINSEED OIL-20 bbls. for sale by
sopl3 f.CIIOONNI AK ER A C0..101 Wood .1.
CtOItIANDER SEED--I Inok for sale by
lJ soplf. J. FtI.IOI.INMAK Ell A CO.
Isr 1 0 0.0••1-rexamin
- Etler•-•-•00Ing Coctiottoor for s nit 15ke,
ralmoseturrd by D. T. IlAbbitt..s•l corobler l a t
au ex.-A
leut artielo.fnr thopurb , .. it 100
J. IL Ciutros.Chommt.
101*0rtbii, latic . lrjoo.l2oooooB.ol,l &IA•too
00 1 02 ' 0 It. 0 41 It 0..1 mt.
(ittANBERRIES--Just reed and for sale
,/ br no. rart or 1,101.1. NlOltgl T Start, In [be
lharnobJ. -
EIGAII-4.4 hhdr, prime N. 0., for sale by',
t 7 ne^ 11110 V. 3IATTIIIII'S CII.
MOLASSES-3 . 1 - 4 lla s. 0401
pepsl MI Or. 0 02211 011 0 0.01.
- 113113 METAL—AG:IO tons f01 '7 70717; by
-a_ 0, -P: 49 111101..ltarrunws A CO
T 'OPER LEATIIIIII-40 Sides good !.navy
Übpor 1.00 l lior, for nab'. by
balt . ll) LITPLE It CO.. V, Liberty St.
FIIRIESTE VERMILLION-2. eases for sole
IL by 1.15151 . 1, tiCl4l/. O NNI AK Ell A CO.
5000 ' R0ss Sul'. VIAL CORKS—
Jun recrlTed scot tor gale by
..c0; .1 10001 CO.
r•oon. for
r.,•{1,22 It 1.A1.1 t.LL A CO
A LERATITS-11) ions in toles and bble.,
ler ma,. br : DALZELL
EG BUTTER-2.5: kegs freAL f,or -ale by
ow eqa,t
IV (sr KsloNa s 1 , 41,
ILli lt CU..
s.PI3 I,lswk rat..
Exch.", Itrstcrs. l •
INSEKD lible. For sat.' by
A f 1 4,10 -J AltEl: A 0.1
00 -!
LIVE 01L o ~ wra,
. •
g A.N1)10NI1-2 ca.ks for sale by
aep. J. :4711.m..N.1.1ARE1:
1) I ORAX-10 eas64 Kale
hsIAKEL st
(Int:ESE-77 Iw#es f.,.- Hale lac
All 11101 i Drat..
FilAlt-511 ....n o,onsi l .Tom , m, tor rule low cu... DM'S kCO
Att.l revel
4,g OFT Citt'Slli:l) SUUAH--A Very r.uperi-
eoulk: I% SI. A... 9.1. ‘,
, IT 11l tl, 11l 1.
.. pi ' v •
116P5—Put up in I 111. packuges, for lam
-11 UrJun 1...r.'•1 .011, L.
4VM A. 11‘C1.1.1101. A 1:11.
, • fry of ‘ll)Ftitle pst, uI4 PORT WlNe..tti
por bat!, for at I. 111.
ARROW HOOT-5 bas. Bermuda, for ale
by ir,lbj gClinoiNklAlielt
OSIN-200 bbly. No. 1, for Y3le by
S. ror 11.klinkt611
11 - 2.LASS-10 1, boxer Window, for rale be
krpl2 r. k 0. HAI:BM:4M
. . . .
G LUE—'2O l,bly. reed and for male by
fey', orm. ,St - ro.l and
E 011EEN-1 careA tar nn le by
IVJ maor C. S 11 ICK.F.E-41.131.
CREAM 'TARTAR-5 bbls. far.ral . by
ILJ •4,02. J F.C1161.,.
/ILAURKIC SALTS--:r bbls. far by.
t.l J
Pittsburgh, Ci.uciimatk & Louisville
T HE STOOK of this COmpany wanted by
,lock .14 Evan...,
4.y.s ' enrner 'l,tral
WA NET, f‘or 31,,Nquito Bars, 12—I
wtde— , oo y 4,4111,4 yO,l, for sn lot. 4. 414
4,10 11,1 , 014.1 . ...11.1 . 41 Ft.
4 1 08:1000—'_'U kegs No. 1 6 twist, (ledge'e,
bray4L; fur tale by .1 11 1411.1.F.1.14
F. 4,10 ,
DIMPENMTpRV. new, JuNt rve',latta fs.r
JOll% 11. NIE:I.pIH.
sUFFTE--250 ha, prune for sale by
Br nem nu r'Nuns A. 51.
T EAS --5,0 chests Young Ily.n;
• . . .
,p 1 1J _ aUItIIHIIK r iY`R I ~IS&Ii v.,
FrOBACCc)--CO boxes extra, for hale by
J. a. uu.wmrru'A W.
DOTASII-t8 for r:do 11 .
np2 J DI Lwincri: a co.
BUTTER -4-1 bbl. and keg for oily by
wpt If. JOIINYT.P.I.
1.11t00:118---75, doz. for sale by
JP rep , : 1111. If.JOIINTPM
tien Crestlll;
Common; For Rale Iri•
*eV, .1. 11. p,lO 1 , 1
:11 1.1.1,21 n stcrr sad foi yodo bf
.1. 11. CANVIY.4.II.
AK E birla. White Fiat.;
• . bbl.. TAR. Trbub for rate by
J. 117 CA.Yirlt.l.l)
ACK . E4EL-7 bale.M
VIIEE§E7- I .so lie. prime W. R., for male by
lJ J AMP DA L7.EI.L, . Wab.r
ACKEI 1,111.. Large No. 3, for
W. hr 1,41 .1/1 , 11. LYELL
Y. 11. 7 for sal , . by
Y•b.S JA NI VP DA I.ZEl.l...\lnter.l
1 1 . R.usit. 4 PfEWD SLAIAI{—.SII for
by 44-41 fItIIIIIIIIINIE I 01111R/01
B. H. !".10fASSES-101) bhk. Good:do's:
(.0 bt. Jun, D.L.
}or ,7+l. by 111;b111:11b0b A [AMU:AIL
B RWMSt i - 4 170 dos. Corn, for nDlc by
kind,, Lamp., liiranOoks. th...l.olery %%bark,
Jewelry, 31111417 sod I• 01, 0044
Tritanrgn e.f.b01.1 and relv.r,nr.
W W. It•
; 10 bag. r,...h"rK
I tr. la:ohne:tad fnr. rats 07
ISAIAH 1130 d 1 A CO..
apt • : and Front St.
UGAR-7 hlids. N. 0., for sale I,y .
rrss .1 cANFIELti.
• - •
CODA ASH—We are'prepared furnish
to G l .. mantibetarrrs. and th. trade general's', with
Eoda Ash of ham.. manlifularr, at the. rotirket
rrirn, sail whfrh v. vnr
T ps Yrn
..i /t near Mara , .
UOAR-75 Idyls.
_prime N. 0., r "01r by
A 7 FPO Punta - unit):
I_ll°Wl/Elt—A large supply of Ilanard man
n, ofactora,alwayson Land and for Inwe.t rat..
sen 2 J. S. DILIS (IItTII
- .
I.IGLISI/ PAPF,ItS.—Tha, heat
hnnalno Cap slat L.u.r Pstp..r. Hue eon palmlax!.
can at W. lIA-VF.N' ,
. .
- ... . . .
, 0,1 ow., Markrt and :?....00.1,...
CHU - SE-58 hoici, on consignment now
binding, for 0411 e 03 MAIAII DICIV.F.V 0 00..
...C. ' W•lrr nnil Prlnt •[l.
COTTON -48 bales for mile by
1101011 DICK.K
8,0) S. • CO.
Wiarr and Fro. RN.
pitoW TIT. A s =.31
75 . Oxl7.
.1* •'runt urnr Market.
TOB CCO-40 kegs Twist. for male by
3 w.
INF bags Rio, for sails by
NJ ..2 J. B. DILWORTH it CO.
RGlifrOad and .Elpormr l'orket Lino
ot , C.; Inilir Caual.
Two Daily Line, Express Packet Boats,
• • • . .
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
Parkets of this Line sill lear.. Pittsburgh for 18g:itpast
sr err courning ut 0 B . eluris, ml ever —them takio tLe Cars of y even. if at 2 n8 , 10r1...
,r '47
de Titer tbruugn, Port, 11 nuss. - AF
fir thls nru en Su lunlllS‘fl
110 t it• St akl , l KR than heretofure. (being tuP B t, nul".
renal travel.) enabling them on arrival Ist l'hihstelphia tu
04,1,4 nn t•, Sour lurk at once.
Take the York and Cutut.erlaild ItailrUad, nt Ilarrkburta
Diatoore, elabty roar wile.. Ttan,FOUlt hour.
Fare to EGIIAIOPRIa. $lO. Fare to Dalthnorr, 50,75.
do lAnrAnter $0 do liarri.burE &Y. OO .
aiieynu Ja.ire tout travellße and roinfortabla menu:nolo
aerui, rho Tiekat MR, kluttooga.
helm flow, of
J. P. 1 10LMES, Agent,
Or of It. I.F:ECII & CO.,
Itl (noel
McHenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
„4 - Suiling from Philadelphia on tho AA . '
'nth, arid - Liverprnl on the of ea+ nionth. „ -.
Ip 11.1111* l I LKASANTS, R. It. Gyaume, Iludor .
011ENANDlIAll. Wm. I'. Gardiner, 11aYter
•• EUROPllNalluinlel C. Itarrin. Nlyter.
001111 N, Alfred M. Fmith Master
SHACK A MAXON, (new.) W. W. Went, Mauler.'
The above /then,. ern built of the heel and moat eroAly
tua.rl3lo. and are noted for the rapidity of their pinwaw,
thr t ore fitN up with nil latent lcuprodemente, are meet
thoroughly tyntilatk. and aro tingtirdoo...l 11r
for dicond fhlun and Sterro d . listrnpert;
they are mmtrosuded by W. of arknowledred talent. who
are unrdisalied for their experience In the part, io.ryinn
Vernon. deeiroun of brinditia their triondx term the Old
(.'hoary/ run iddalu rertitierdos of rui.N.inre which will he
pant far eight mou th . , and our menu 1131re/taut end Li e :
rru: ' 7l l lrTi l o l u l o fi' L ' la b i t fro th, M7.lft. ` , " l " 4,7,r `
the routenienen n ol y,. On mo
alabinG to rendOw Henke or Poet inter. in the iluiteri Kingdom.
i of
Itirrrorldone nupphed munendyra coming from Liner
GAtowine r.n1 1 1....111 to furubbed
rla nadmendrr of 12 ).r.. age and over.
2 lb, Arc. U od. lea. 4 lb.. uatmral. 7. lb ...own, 1 16. flout,
lb. m01ar..., and I 16. ;ark. Und, of so, 6
Ilis bn.alKtuff.... 1 lb. marl., full allawancr of dr :a., and vin.
allraantv c.l tee,
Mell ENit V CO.
U' .17 IV alto! below
ti corner and W,nd Ka, I . llL•burgh.
lad 185 i.WtitgsFzi
Via Bronuarille and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
PHE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
L above Op 11ralaP otiwit errroAr. roe
11.VIIIlk with thP at. at Cum/a•rlartd east moraking.
at Tttp Evening 13nat kolea• daily (except Auntlay avanlaß)
tt o'Plr.ef,....c.rmaectuag with the cata al.,Cumherlaini Drat
...flting at 1U o'vlori.
• • .
Tun. through h llatlaidre, .72Atm Pare Duly lg.
Time through to Philadelphia 10 hours. 'haw only $lO.
fhb Natlopal Road la how ,osl. Conductors go with
the Mach.. INetwown Brownsville ardl Cup:Overland whirl]
tasked thin drehledly thd beAt rnute lint.
mr7, 00lee In the 3lowniarabela
1851: g0_4941 1851.
111 Dunkirk and the tile Rat'road. ccni.tln g .11.11
Orel c 1..• .t.nmrte on Late Lne. the tllrhigan.Cleveland. and Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pitt...lmr e !, awl
canducn, and Cane-Irina. Railroad, and steamer, Mt the
end llinneetnPl rtler, and th e Ohnt. Indiana awl
Vet.v.. c l Tanta Canal...
. .
I-t Nlorn•nrcpro:.• rrkin a: ti o'clock.
:LI Evening Es rms. 3),
The hour ram Z. at flimira. adirro pa.ckencrk can
-leen 7 and take 1••• I.l.prove Tra:n. art-Iv:cu. In New
irtrA nett mom:nu at v r•••l•ck.ntaklntt Chekr4olednetancto
The'Exotnal Frootht atul Oattlc Train karat Dunkirk it
I A SI Jail.. l'aAcoger Car is attach,' to this Trani to
acconatnialalc WN, 1 . , , 0n0rn. and 1114. , Irrit.
egl . filch lionairA to taw York. SA Sonntul Chu,
rciics will 1 , acitan Ilt (ow oai•
AAciAau, are proparad n, tranalcin Ito. atnek an 4
Iciolits of all tar. tIO Pala from licit York
Particularl,ll h. raid in Soca.' Th. icaogin
IcAho cicca 110 1, 0.01. orcat advama i o, otcr
choc. tranopertalion Atook.
'll.lrne •I, 1, put in corovissLinn In •
Vi..eht Tune, *lll 1 - .. 4,41,111.4. givio, full p..rticu.
1,. tr , r.dati t th. prln.'.l' fir.102t... ‘4%. , n a. Oar, fto
I 1
r:!TINIIII AM. AfIV, 11un 1 4%1 MIN".
/ ' r u l ' Ar ,
185 . WESTERN 1851.
fifffi nlv . "
C.-I[d bring in good linter, we nro
prenenel to trensport proilieiton serrohitettleo to
anti t rom the . tnee onto, et tint h. , etourrool nett, tit
coriont. with prtinteittooot , Itspeech. Th. hate , omd
..ek. 4. onotoolio4 pmpn-tr.r.t. Dille
lotateeinieleet. end ell instroolionit protoolty at.
torktoti tn.
rtir it steldrem .
IlAis I BLACK. Prog.ri..r, •
4.44. Pittotonvh.
LEECH. I'mpriptur,
4' SMITII I :VITNr7gtI: ,' .I:: - nt:. bi"'
:S. North 4., I,lthnon.
T ll4.gont.
N n . N••• 1,41 t•
1851. i&i4Q
ExpreTx Pack., and Railroad Leno to Cleveland.
ASSENGEES loner every morning at 9
bt ro,•itti.otat to llt•not , ta "rota
*I part:rt. Itsv ontattoltott,l,, Pttl,,tsrelt.nd (kn.-
irYue to Clorelnttp.l.
'lll tom, To I..trnil.. bnurtc
gi, , ,11 tit io
rto.lo, to
• • • .
• Itailnad
INlagenarre INtrall. and: Mllwautle. leave
Cleveleawl every eterling I.!, 11.1 e rplendld
ewamere rif Iwntral Itailruyl C... far
Ittruee Wel,w, A NI , I.• New
n.I arrialaw vwr evealnw al tteamboal
During loet rater In the Oh,. me,.
:hie mute In t•Lnk, el Lou, .n.l quiet.. nlll le,t . nnent ttneeh etti
'''''" l r e . Altrt . .! R i• Yrurietnre, •
(tip Maim) corner of Smith:U tml , Wrty ,. ....tzta.
. 1 "I'Gf
• .1
1 8 5 1 .
On the Pennaylvania and Ohio Canahs.
CI.ARKE, FAUNS A tn) Burial",UN PA.
CIYANf BERLIN. CRAW SORB • 00......01.1,11.00,. 0
rtNIIIS knowril,ine i. now prepared to
at dtNIM•LU A I, p•Arencer• from - PITTSBURGH
, point ff • thy Canal molLakell
The faeilllir• Lin. an. onyvernfrfrUffo
it Oneant eff,uouy 11,56, rx,ntietti, flinualoy. sod ef.
So to( Ayr..
Bra, fray,. Illftlburef end Clrreland rafunnin•
In nrinruNftufn ollb •Lin.
Lin. annurborte brtyren PITTS
BURGH furl BEA V Ell, •nfl I.lor of Ilyrtelfo•Neambosts
lrunallry uul on Nat,
Puts A Co., Inuegrt,,,,,u, .
C. Prrntigg. itargutta.o..
Brayton A Itgrestra. r
Orinurl Co .Vganklln, I,
A. 51111nr, Cuyahoga Pall, th.
AI heroic, lore A Akron, 11.;
iltudezorrn Irsttrhone.Pandusky
thrldrArt, A M , tt, TolAdo.
It 11 II 11,6114. k bgtrult, Michigan.
IrourrAturro *C. , ..llllwAuldr,
rion A lishb. A Co.. 111..
u , 11.
1 g o r. Water And. Amlll.ll,lld reg. thtlgtrnrub
* Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 2.5 coots.
!I' II E floe pn.N9n.nger stnamerm
lIKA VEIL iil.l AIICIIICIAN \0.2 will
Igrrru tar"' landing,. et Pittsburgh And Ho ,
ri,A , trr..lool 0.1, (lungs" grrrptgrl,l4.olfollorprA
Ihrgerr. Patahurgh AI r Itnehrgtgr I. Ah
Altrirrttsrs do A r I
lAr ..... whir. to ItgArgr rgo prricus I.:grunion
Tortrig , ll,l,r•r * tgr ~,,I Jowl. tPut•lrurgh. r tor hlr eau..
Tr , rArgg pool fin down one , .1., anrithr• nAnt.
For Celeta Appir on boArri the , ,rt.amlggrur r'llesver." or
rrrdirtrigan No '2," or the or
. .
Joni: A CAUIIIII.Y. A g.nt,
Aug. et, Ptnittstir ete attsborgh.
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
i A s 7 . lc . l o l6, F. ll . titlahls. br
mal tornm , Prna wori Path.
..•• . • .
1V ALL PAPEit— Fresh ' assortment for
V V fall Or, r..,41,41 noot eolobralkd
Gylorie* tit 1.1111•010,1, York. .n.I nmton. In add.
lion n. mtrool oionk or ....ono
. in i mv i rVo i l.i. t ll7,.f.
0n,5 Slarket stn..
- -
I,t J . k n !S h i , NB--11 11 bin
ts b A ll i fl , (il t i
j !l e l store, for Pain
mal,l Front nu.
Inc sale v
I I tp.r. 'i C E s Y-7-6 8.
c ni CR EY l'll.
to 1 , 61.. sa , l No, Mad« Ground Hennm,
li n hand nn , 11 , 4 nda n. n(31111KIIN.In a 11i0IIILASI,
110 11nt,r, nn4 /'rout
UGAIL-7 1 ) hhdt. N. 0., for male by
1 0i'F'EE-25 packets Java, for sale by
N.) 1.14 111/15111111x1.1 INillll,Ol.
EA7'HER-20 1) ;ides Sole, for sole by •
IA 1n.n.1 111111.111111. V. k 1 , 0 , 111.0.
11 01,—YIi-bhlx. pure Taunus', for NiOn~by
PERM - td. L-17 bblx. lur sale by
onnln • At 11.1c.:INDLESa.
LA.X-I:!2,qietn fur sole by
~„o ~„„. • 1000 txt. Window Ulumo
olon. .• 10 . 2 'rem: • 1411 blily. U. ILEA.:
00 b 4. 4r .1' 1t% Tobarn, It/ 1 .. N.C.
40 kg, •kir, Twittand Plum 40 r - \Diem,
91 to. try4o 4.1/ bpanoli Whiting:
IMJn. P.ll. N.O. Sugar. .• Asmero Alum.
01,1 t. Lear. m 4 l. Puled Chipped Lounomi,
100 N. U. !lolmantr. emonn. Indigo;
hl S. IL 00 1.1..110:g l Cmullmokk:
iiyntp ables 11.0 Lymther.
10 bit. lio.M..t.W.lLCherte, 60 dot. Patent nuelmix
600 mu. Corn Ilrtroma; 600 lumo ballt, city brandtt
Ton•ther with IlaMinr, Clow., P.PPYr. ADM" ,
Cinnamon. ac. an hand and fur by
tepl9 JOHN W.YIT A CO, Llberl4
ranor..l and or male by
J. KIDD* Cfl:
Putitht. SQLTFI=IS bble. fur: nlWii
PHIS well known establiEhmentie etill con
k the [aslant, it hap ngia
evotrbil mr.,l pleannut altusadm of ti..
nun arra.gometits eiud cmatoriA I,lauriel
tonna there, evtol.lno tvtaler it agn.....0.1...1
grow. in EL. travelcr.
'Haying Au, .:f the I , rai of John L. lri.l,or. Vn.,
rk, lobe lotol of ttte ... 11011,1 1meni.:11t. rrilvr
OM R.. hi, t...tezrrtion• to maintalo reptant/no, and
L. Or. Anti.rif...tion to Li.
VAOTORE11. So 41 South Soco,ol Strot, toloso
ono rd..) Philadolullia. cohtfol -
Ivy u. toormact. ....... 114,1t1.1.1.
Groorrs. No 7:21 Markot .1 , 41
• a PITIMOR.... ....... Ham..
u. ........&
I.latuds...lau Mershauts, Sc.. 41 North Water RM..,
0. is North Wham., Philsulo/phla .041
NEW Y(.).li-.
_ ,
To Dealers in Liquors, &c.
.1. COMTE, French Reetifier,no Eighth
• ttsvot, NEW 101:K. loot ht. lo full yr. , '
o H !:t llll ;tltt s tlo ..9 :• l724 p r ontd ful t n n ‘' li;:. ' z f . " ,l ' , , or r :;;
nod loalotott no. qua/Ity ot ' t tut' tonot . of (Ito Import',
(tune from at
rountrlos tnvi(otl to rail out
/mtg.. 01 the. uunlitlof. Itn,l fort. Ant thor onlopt to the of
of Watt, .trot, NEW Ylllttior tool, promptly
attrotlol aottNlto
Ainencan Hardware.
--• • • •
I) LI VEN A . DOUGLASS, Mann f.tu rers'
111 ) ceo.. No 5 Plittt rt.mrt, ftxm`l'esrl
VOHK. would Ppertfullr forite thr ottiultion thr
Ttotheir t.,k of 41. d. rtoolvokl tkitort
from the monoforturern, 1..1 for •elo feromble forion.
.41 , am
Steam Communication between New York
• and Glasgow.
If lIIE Glasgow nml Nev York
E .om N•. -
York direct for 1311,0 w. Sett P roar ' , Octol;er
next. 0. 11 o'cick. nmn
I . .tBtlooE MONEY.
sfirst Cabin (*.ward's (...• mc1u.1.1.) 11 , 0
Vcc*.ott • .
Ap eccra., palll , ell,lll Laken.
The.: releia . •
prriirtonitia, at flat grinea or honor,
•1 1 1 1. mppl dno Mani. .t moiler... price.. Car
rie. a Piirifrnii.
rr"'ht or ,ILAraRr apply to
' J. 1 1 1.SYMtibl. ZOl Broadway 0n...,
tialnal2law:aw • IN 1011 K.
- New York India Rubber Warehouse,
N. '27 Malden Lane and So. MI .Vas.tau fitred,
Port i.orriet from Urnadway. Factor, 21, Eaot,:f4th rt.
91LIE SUPSCIIIBER, Propnetor of thin 0.
lalillshosent. would Inform hen old ruiditruery. and
facowbants minarally. thin hr la Midi) . remising from his
tory u.unusualb larva and -.Olen! shwa of India
Ruldwr (food, !flaunt/v.l+d expraysly for thy Trail,
of ~hlrb, tnim totroducwil U.w at. in
portent Impromftwon In Ins marl:furry and nimprioltirio.
h. feel. conlidynt cannot rail Kiting
al porfart oatlytesethin.
Cpeol at. nontitltlrs to ••• pid to the atturs....
ton of Itaurrd acid lain CARRIAIi t h el a odrll,of all widths.
(min 0.-1 to d--1 Incluoiro Thy drilla iirocaryfully rolacted
from ...boot brava, and apread with lh. buret if unload/I.h
flulohya imiusl to patent leaLhar. lie Mon
the ta Cart. Cott, a hiqhly Important Imprityyment rw.
crony dinocrerod, by whieh the cloth to made to hoar an
exact rewecatilaum inuan.l.l leather Th. plain 1101.11
via& and voi usual. Orden should irriwrifLtho sarioty
. .
KILYLIOE..3.—A full tart of all Out differna
an I ••fif fromthe Imported Para iinhbeyw tb. n'
Jed Perpetual galorrg—egnitgrarino 111111011'a and Children. Children'. Ilocct, Shoo., hllpj«n ongl Fiandoi , Women . .
Purred and Lined Rubber.. kg.
A comlete atwament of the knowing; Itgrato on hand.
lalaelntus p hro.Cnale. rt Capes. fonehret Pankg.l.lfehgeterwers.
Driving( (flower, [loupe G 1.... Reek., Jute.. Cal, Lfl.
ono Toboreola 5i10... llachu,.ll,lllol. liorplud tdteeting.
Itor...(krer... Whip litettat Putoro,Reato Itselkuw.himulg
der Bracer. Paper no ,
ldere, DOHA, and FiKure,
toortber with every deregiption of }lubber (loot.
:sale ananafgteturer of a ulmuired Ilubber Door
Under Geork - md , Patent
The utwat tl will be fond a moot certain cure and pre'
venkwo of
hite Chapped Hondo, bleaching them and tenon.:
them w end ecaL
Pure Rate, Cement kw natter: nee
Jrl7 , 2tn U 1101/WIAN
Shawls ! Cloaks ! Mantillas!
....... ,
I S H11,1,S G Cortlnntlt e 4, N. York,
no. op..ning at El. Shawl Warrl...., a (nab
of Fall and It ann. SII AWLS, tonaif tilt., all
.4 trott.b nod 1,!put.....ic- Wool ion Shawla, y.IL.r with
Ftoil wort meat of, n•rot. rt. Vienna Fttuar. and lava
bro., Shawl, of at., grati,
rst.nalvt. and of Cniturg.
Satin. ant Vet,. el.klA Kt., MANTILLAS F4r.t". •ot
ranoto mantotartzt,l IS I.
ler11• id ...VII isn,rtation, ter,r, -t•rni totattillt
niotratrg •
11.. Intl.. •fla•ntb.n ut st.rth.. at. Wt...
t.t. ...tat,. In [I., • til Acid
n , at totvla, and t••• I,taitt , avar.
tovurp.... In tio.ritt •
I. ..tpert. .
Silo. INlt, fla,t,Libittnit
tl n.l. an. ..0•11 cninrotl lint out
Contr.. Sl sn4 St. mtrl,
To the Public.
INI)IA BOBBER SHOES.—Our attnntion
1”.• 1.... n called to on al...rtocrocut 1., lion,. a lOsy.
pchlrio..l In IL. In lora ii.rold of II do July. I°sl. owl
rol en of ...our Aar. in which. oflee
dal .111 e 1111.1 •I,lln, • f our attornoy. Win it oars, .
b. or rt. iliat dor net <l,uill him with io
„In": 11,0,„."; toe • tar tor r00m... ud
door it... name. If drporcl
Wt. Trion ttOoorrienci - irlir ho, h•rine Iron Priccruirti
ictort es, right, no•fc. rttivniont.. and
tdl"4+l in MIN , ' .1, - Lt - to infrini, ilk Coro. i• now
oltenintinc. at only to latrlnuo Rohl porcine. but ....Jur
°orrice, who hare. fo I • Leto roccoler•non, rurchard
roc :I•••••• 1.1 now wort ICA, thorn: &no un env'.
Mr D.o.E.:rely. ILO& •re, our eon 111•11• M.. • , 11/
111,,11 lilitcur. cumuloctorc of
thr which lic 1.• •ffcritou thY politic; • OVA
not.. that kr and all 1•1•1 or rurrecd WILL him in put.
clearer we eroding kr &ilcro, fowl. riniation of raid Pot.
coo Itight•. nrrocutc.l
L CANI.MF . .. •
• 11.1 YW AM)
A 11.0.11.ja..0r..
Tll is NLMV ItsPIA 111.11/AKII MVO CO.
NEW I.• Ct. July 1271,1,1
Supenor Back Writing and Copying Ink.
it)NE'S EIIIPIRE INK. /.7 Na.“. otreet,
prr 4..• • ns •1.11 NJ
. 1 u 1 u. 374.
......... ~i_S 1..
Flo JnucLL ~.a w-ail~n..
i• Or 1,1 uttelt. mu:art.-Pal It lrt..• t:Ppply—
IP a ra nn.-t.. mrsld.
rtlmml. tlrtru. .nati p00r...p..111:P nmat:mt Pry.,
. • U - fl Ink. puttatn• tltp Quill. ar.1.1
mmatly ru.ll ft, the. Mprl
11. e dr, , lerrottned i• rretdtred turt,t•t, to the trade el
roe,rer ',port dr oonpumptton, 0,..v0 vet,
rut of
order. dud In any WI
er n, tr., of ot.rao No ehnrce for VM...1
or are rt.., at pelt nem
TII 1.1,T,
Ir 7 haw u a Ihnhinuth
my 1., N.!. ah
Professor Ales. C. Barry's Tricopherotui,
. 7
/nal danatitl. a d l l aurint r I dr e a th ayenb r.radlL
nar ra. :tuna, ail.. hymn,. •prsana atr. It
EtT , !...:= " tw l ral by ..xpariment, that Barry . Tr. ph.
an. , Lao rinoltz,l tha Yarn. efloalln curing chanaarrof ' tha
A. or. LI the bor.. nqd nil thew 1111 , 0 klhrtdatia. The
naltnnomals. arlayloal from ththelPeLts quallar
ItrAf:,;l:;27. ":7,);:b
in., lt • tri•l
NEW YOWL. 5na1...4)., Itfan
ettor sir-1 bate boon afflicted with to
laroa sot oruataut of the a-alp. of moat addraaaft.d char
w.ter. for thaSkat year, %rut durildt that pertod
L had ll,Veidaleo Cr out:au-of the most dattneol
aldrnu/ hare trwel all the afataratlun. for the hair owl
now huorra. wirLont the load Labatt. I am. adaueol
by • truol,tfutry,, our Tairophemois did an. as a hot
:wort. atuf, Mtn, ',mart:a - and gratalleationt fuund tat tall
cutout in ',land tan month, if , s3ch was the tielenee ,d the
dloordot ILO nt time, I ear partial/1 Wind. •
lo'aloaatfal'r, ,onra, IIAYELO
ito alltbia xtnoMl. Ihratoklyn.
tin Ltom, (trt..2d. loin
I`.o, 04.1-11, lun 81r.- A bouttwo tour.aur, tot half
tame out crawl deal. awl Lad bead m 4,1214,11 IatIICIRI
with dandruff, I an. told ha frkeud tr, tour Tilrophat.
to, and dal ai, and'in ety antottittonent. tot Lair au
firmly rieded. and all the dandruff di...waded, aa the
haul nor alsowo for Itawld
A'lth I atu Tour obt.i'l
J 9 Ilmed•./
f may tuty or awntleman doubt, the aoth,ntictif of the
wlll I I. a.e rail at Prof...mut A C 114try's
14 Itroadwat, Ile. Yock. taller" h• will prodom the orlo
- teltrrt.
[Fr . = the Military and Naval Ammo, Nor. C. ll+so .j
Them o no remedy tor the permanent man. of Imiduree
and •Ileelwee of the eraultra genrralls, that Mu rearbed
the pelmlanm by_ the atm.:. known at Prohouum
1 rimp . horroa. or Medicated C.111f.. , 1 ,, it
unwire], nurt by the upper churn. of the eommuniti. in
almert every urre
nry In the. land It need nln preference Id
other artleiee tho kind. It Impart/ *Moe M the rooMhf
u he hair.
tl and eArn,e the dandruff g
a Ow.
nd rru promote, ita rowth I rf, i .nd rer ItMakers the
Imlr Cho oml Klooaf . It will enre all at the .*alp,
anal n. reald head, dew worm, and other ONION:10. dune
dero of the alum In oheapneee a. well noellseao, It nand.
rivalled II le mid In large bottle.. prier '2....cente, at Su.
T. Broadway and at the Itruu'itwre generally throughout
ihollnlted•Mireand .ovaktr
C nssil him. ONTINUES his usual faeilitiep to receive
Mori., Vale, slid Traruhipinvin, Misrchantliso•
rsiosig Roos loan. las ilork (4
on lb , I.oAra and this Coal., An.l
alf pent.
Il.fisrenrsso—Alosuro Lorenz, tOrtino A Co..
Jonos A
Mr. John A. enugh, nOn , ro
Win. H. Raskin.
! A Nil A urrit iN Mill, No otrevt, 1.F.0111A.
Loperini attention to Coininlssion 'business. stmln.,
- •
C.onYtnl,..lon. and 1, ms., Morthsutu, tot the
A1i..., linrden. and Lorena. elorllng Co l'ttt.Lnrq A.. ,
AV ID C. TUTTLE, Attorney ut Lan,
and lloton3l.,ion.r Err I,nogrlvallls, st Louis, Mo.
, tl.+Aninunicatlnov pnoriptly stumrrsd. 0rt2:1,1,
I 01IN li. RANKIN, 'Attorney and Coon-
I eip roll, at Lay, cod (Intnnoluonner to al, Eat., c,
• Venus, Iranla. Et. Mo. (lots of I l lttshOrEll.) -
1WanlIno•--Pithsburgh: lion. W. Vorsord, Ilanudon
!Mot., t McClure. Jobn K. Park, 1ta...11.
amnia. 31.430 rd Cn.
- Time Bills
1 . 0 138V11.1.N.
Will purchamal at litiorahla rates tj •
YELLOW-2 cases for :ode by
J emu'r N AVlcli9l.llrt3l.
LL.AI)—I'.UUI lbs. superior, for NOI by
1 • ..rll J. KIM, • .1.
- • - -
VIRE ERICK-20,0W (or sale low by
Übbls. pure Linseed, for sale - by
.1. CAN i'11:1,1).
LA"') UIL-12 bEIN. No. I Bennett
Jol« mak., for rnlr by NAIAD DICK F..l' (0,
% , 61.r awl !I - ton!
ANG - 4 1 NESE--I.cark Saxony, for sale
IN by .02 c(.1100:0 lAl> MI a LYI.
VINEGAR -97 bblo. Cider, for sale by
rep) ' WM. IL JouNtrruN.
AERBA DE SIENNA-1000 lb. for
. sotBo J. JUDI? is .00
: ,- .i4()usEs, PAdttvis, &c..
DkpAtA aT ILE mfi I I2 r u F n .,,R I I7 4 O,,,,I 4 A ,, LE T
std . rounnth lr foot to (Wail. This proper-1) ht hut a
ft ., 0 1/ . dol-argitaan the dent!) of the Oh/nand rannavivalta
- 1 - c' ' '' ,
-- ' 't r l t :, :) N , :alitiT, YCO..rtiitollta., VivothaL,
; Pitlabrcrgh. Ca.
~ _-.....
.P - to ' Residence for Sale.
• 'THE rill weribA offers for Pale' bit; tt , l .
cl i" r 2 .l ' ' PAT ''''' " 1" nn "' l4:f t :7ti :'
rovq- b/OJO st nolr frtV.tar . tt,..,, _. ,
rommutrg it, xl \r. to E....N . ILK!, or crunirl. under
a high Platen cultivation It abounds witlrlihrtatthvr,
thrnathentaranO Yvon Tool, of athOnst ever,v Oevonotton.
Payment,. [lade eavy. Enquire of FRANCIS 11. DAN
. 1 1 0,
at the vvarrilouan of )les•ro t( 11A1,ZELI./t CO.. 1au..)..5/..
Lit..., trill)...
Tor Let. '
rility. well knpwn EAGLE HOTEL, M
110111 orrunint hr Col ,Tlltta a, Iv gltp,.)/dquerlr of
th00110n.141,, \
Th. large Lod conthatalloux lintelv-coutatolng oll! . .0!
of II!) room! • gentlemen • parlor 2) , 10 70 feat. a htallee'
Varlor and u Itnat, 4 twit,. parkin! alth Nal rta,ntl..a..
ta,..11 ,, ,1 a dl ru n.
nano :11, by Oil faen--altuated ill the lov
ah,...l';;l'St.a"ia'fli'ko".‘•:thi Lau.. 7•P ' 4 .- C ? l ‘ l '^ ,l: " llTir iT,:I
CO.. ran be nod at a !, ,w. 1.. rent tr .4 `u , ..lotrtill'
/1111 1 T 1,1 tth , 41•11)1, NEAT, 'theft, it ram!) , uovo
'll'lV.:;;,ri -„1 . , r ,7 /..1.11 arerte:l opou tile I 'at atnl IMO!
\ ~,
improved • , tyte Nu qthor thet , thmendatinn:, boarver,
111011111 10 nrayed, than tbo tannantlial.,),,,nao e , of tho
pre-eut nortthatt Burin. the term of 014 1.......,`, ,
'"'"' PrIIIVAIZ 'A "1, ../17.1.!fek4
roon, . Nan. near T(,lrd fr. PhllotaliO S 4
. ,
. Seven Valuable Farms for Sale, ',
ALL SLTUATEI) , near t.IW OW. and Pri -
"i„,, i . emie.,,,, 1 . 14 the vielnit, of Salem, (4, „
pontathing troth an to l , i Pare. each, \ fool in a good
of eulttranon
Al Dal TOIII, lA/TM, 4.•,..e0 On / oreevnt t01.,,n/ a a
tout of t Jr ville, and the Ilanot at Val),"
All of hi-11 will la. ao, ~n otoy t. en/aro-the porrhaa\,,
era. Moe nu the Ain. riot l'ettna)nranta : ),llroatl i or Ix; I
either ot I , 11,1Ite Jo Ilittaborgh. all) is token n , pat '
I oleo alali to donate lo [11.0.. of gth end. .4.,,rinin g the
1.,,0t grouuth to 1, competent tn. nOoolullan), tO ethot •
heat th an. 11..1 upon, on It bkh a unth.i. rah hli had ti. I
vnkoly the bon.. and'at.,l,l-- a It I, *Mali
natant Is the realty. point l•etnoteetqlhe tithe:ant' Pitt.- -
burgh and Clevelaial: oleo, 1,-tweaqt Intt,thurgh and Woo.
ten and th e hen!fot to be de m,/ team 1.1, - Ithni goad.
nuvt being- conatrortn, to wed 0 0 ,1 1 1 ,L101 , 11. 111000 1 1 ..1 3 11 1 (.01
Itle 1:11 , 0, inthorlaut NIP. 011 11/. 1110 at vallthad tor afirat
clan. noted. 7 .!Ilelli BV:11:1\
0 110 CET—A largi• . and eenvementw
1 e,•Alt elltleE. on Servndelveet ledavoia Vi`c.,J ?..4. 1
and loulthlield !Inquire , I \ 4+/ ,,,
I "r' II !I II Jobl!thTia \
Great Bargain!
A ~-.The NIAN t a , It . i,I , G IILI , T
,ft,Tg...2.lrirg hy.i.,,.1,,\
..4.'. ;a4.1',:." . .",,,...i. to th7..Cat:al 4u, an: 1 :1;;Ini - 1 , 1f' \
the Inentlon of the !loon!, thanla /loan.] l'avnenger :qv,
tion-haa rented for 41,,x4ve reav-hatl,ptospertant In , 't
rreaaell valre, , Forthurther particular', elne . thita , ot It
FAIIIMAN, Fed rat 01-q, Allegheny, or 11. CAM/TELL/
Liberty L. Pitt burgia Adatlinl•Orattla ot, the eat., of
Illomna Fianna. dnt,',l. , `, aeni:Von •
Priva RoOdence for Salo.
rillis pito' Es'icT 1 effered exeeedipg-=g ..
1 lv arr. sad ea u 0d.....1n."..‘,1, to •••
Ix rithet anoint,- Ir .0 inYhr Pall/ inthrevinal-ltl
of Alleghenr. Tla fltuarNan r\zurtavaed In [ham - nor
tr: e•vninandlng tonal pletain • view of the env nft,llttha. t
burgh and Illn, neer. at aCgl , avant. hvlng thaw,
elent-to the heel .-0x part of `thttallurgit: combining Ip.
ro,inent degree t lnd•antarAkof iloth town and rOttut./T
The lot la largo ' eth brartne)te.; on erre uf gordttal , i'
nue hundred and,fifty o no fronV., rapping hack tatainCk
dyed and nlty lodt to an alley,WCl , nathnoaquentv a
new: the hoof.. 1 , 114., built in n‘tcle ' , trio. of thq .",
materil &FYI Itnifhed In the lao Ng,. r) , •htng .0 1 ty
n, viv
ronertuvar, that graof thane and olt )/ co Ids/uggeat, With '.
due raganl tu nowt./ \ Thor.. iv 10e1 of esqelkent . tea. \
ter. the .Itam, soli rine, end lot Isqlanknater • arrlage
hoof.. nod etabling. a •a et, of eh
. th P(llit and ehrub- l
herr In .hnet. Is vetuan, n and /atraAtat,taeranolvlT,l,
appreclan.d lq an examlnat of Lb, Wuthee 11. tv
men len , lting to rob.. aye rilad to p 0 Ma undo,
Mound. al., .llt thke aye
• in glen, VIT it:forum.
O. It rar• elan.
rr to r.ilrrh., ,41
Re ,
14 4 011 SAD' —lr
r., F 2, 11h Wanl-1-on.
;11111:ER MERCII
tinstCrs- FOUR very
444 ,
Dank I
at lb. 114.A..r..
LARGE lot or
th.. 91.0 Went •
rnnt rtinnr.
tA, er..VP,11111.3 . 1,1 ill
01.1 lb• 11 Met., .1.
Term.—y...lln. Ilan4 and INT 1.R1..n0 In flyn R.M1.1
nn nOT. n-. 0 rni i•T hood lend tnorlha....
,r•lm lI'M Alt)
No 11.. .tr.. .
iiEN Olv , ?lling\ So. 1,5e7; , :..
DT,tuL hull.tmg nTns thR puntvrc am:
the entire houTT. Th. Itil ohnrnlmr on lin .
Inelr 1,10 h..: Rol 0..1.1
AlTo— tlo nt
For Sltle orp rxe L ;4, , _ • .
z• ~ut Tl..n tto.
AllrAl.onv. fronting on NR‘IR.Thho. ItRRI\-..tld
on Its..
Ale... fur mat for one or cont. tb•
11, ITAIT to 14.1...,1Wt. havr
Tto rmoiri•pf Mr. msosrs 1141:1•TINI...
orT.InITTT. or of toe odhorrlt, •.,1 bin Rolllon. No.
tp `
Ath +Err., l'itts.both\
II vrApv RV, LK I \
• I -
Reals tate for Bile.
-- 4
VALUABLlNunimptored LOT, 6,71' - t,he
za,,cr.... of LIITT.rt.Cin I Rotorr. ar,ot.. Filth
t ' l.•s/..1131.1 V Int ho n Li. I.O.R,ltrina TA ITO
rlyalor y ru set..ry. ronning.lrterk In
AlTh—tho throo tiorr R IT•Tolltog nn hibßrlß
Plr.l...b.ntu. the. bh lot twin, ..,h/Te.t
WO 1...1 Itn. boos.. t, andhfoltyl,
nesr . keli
.41..—A ix, ttn•
Ino--.4 1amp.41,1 xen, Ixprynnoye rogn y. \
(min Nrx , l'ax, *X
. . .
to. De. • ..nunto \r.f
•iluit, in. on
N .L.
runt AsrniN
mr, 77•• I 7 F..torth
A irkod Barvain s now Offered, \
IF APP LICATNN tit N1.114k soo7s.
Vn. Mr.. I . . In
twat 11.rr, I olAnd .n royit.
..Ith TO.
Int.. brtw, and O.IJ at.
~ 0 .71 iPla) 1 ICIIt r, Lit ry.„
A History of Pittsburgh. ,
B 1 - . ,
I N ~ E, I : a i ,
, L , ,L „ , E ., , .13 i r , . I
,:`,, 1, I y: , ,1 , , i ,
.. . .s L : 1 r
,—, 4 A .
b r I ,
lit , -,
wt. assilsol Is, abut! mon, nowt I.o,the c vet the lauk
cruturs , with not. aa t.f tha nrst conskltslan Ist s.t •onits
tho auportant rnantults.tortss, awl warastios atrlt. a int,
nal ttnprsetnent. Ists nt the prassessf t. tata. Wit..' ssoohl,
onl a chapter npots On asirantlsvc. of otl,,plt,n tor • M
scannas...ll4 a •VIIIEIar, i•I
3: r fl:TZAl;• ' %ll.l d =74 ' 11,11.. , trittoits*.l her, annual.
13 stss 'our rOsera. colonist,.,n!l al et. • - •toroust,ro \ utmost,
There Is no ot!lnt to ttottal.' sere 4 usan srupocs
tent vent, •114 oocurrenze fas t c tortsnsssllnscts. t 21stv! ,
horn es tonreccesl • Ithtu cs! tic( aN. 1.4 of t ^
stn 8 thn
saantr, ari.nuil tha heal, of the slbi . I osolkil Issa do,
asal auhasst In hlsrtorstal order lb rarlousa innst ts
r: ' nt ', ?l!; ‘ ! . .rlTtl ' sa b ;c . VSTlt! '' ' ;r:hs r . " l:7,, ' s. ' t t .l2 •‘ ; ' lTtT..- i' r • ,:: ' 1
1, 7.5.... I'2 mostloato.l iltirs• $1 2.'n ' 9
l ' suhllssloni anal tor sal, Isr ./1111\ 11 111.L1. 1t '
The 'College of Bt. 'Jame ~.
IV ASIIINGTI IN COUNTY \31..1[11 - ‘b.VD 't
I The Incsussan Collegt. oftherrotents I Cp..... , 4al 'horetto
FriiE TENT!! ,I: , iNt . AI. \ ;;lESSlk):\r,tt,
.1, upon on 11s11V1.11. talolser ~th, 4,1,, eon' rss [lnn,
Julythe next ' - uotnrossou'mantalT•l 4 - 111111.1 Thur..
July, Infis..., New student. arts ri-outuntentocestorn ' the
operant: of the ..,auto. ton arts receive.' a ony tne', cy
apply. awl thr cLarae in ectirnalcst ft,'" tit !taro or th r
Tilt. i. ton. the u•stal nunther o e15...50, al
fn.- all rho opportututo• for a comp.'s., ettutc /NI. 10.1m1
‘h..."..-• . ` . .. , .r...... 401 .4 tbe entio.rlatectoulsnonofcra
on e
grallnan.• the un it e! ac ,
111 K lillANllAll ,C/InAll.. I 6,111.141.0 ly aufssll , ls i t the
Colloue, and untie, tits' Amen...ono of 11. 11 oc.o, s l l . 1,
l r
tier tinutnet slieclt'llisc. foNvl's•-• Ina , . 11. k tn.' Iscsvo .1.1.1
thou' acaslninteaLcusur,c. aral 1.,,,,,,.. ‘4,.., for ili.eoll.
iflatto ulna... Isbe oscossuisl ans. •Iff,••^ ll 4 ssf tlss . 1, 1 4 " .
1 1 ;he ot the Culla:se costa , shOval sul•antaa ass (sults' rapt , . ,
to t: n.a.g at 'oe la sal '‘ \ ,
In Ilse 11E1.1:A1011.K t'lsst, •A'..... thostuslt oftirr.l:
tunanal, and ste plan, nospplan 10 .IslittsolaL Audio. t ,
Mulcrn Isangtutar, lasok-Le5.3,4,,,t, , i ,
The ntittatlon of th. Collout. fis „ .lsttrafy , ,to.alkhlul. &ILI
by ins dia.., Imo. tout. and a au., e n nay fatuahle .
(10.11 i awl ostler. I
'"•4 1ell ' 311 . II ALI., a new bulkilaa., \ a/ Get hk 10, Uttil lc
trod, fur. nuspatlnts In the NMI,. Af \ .. KILIII, Ot..irs 13
In ashlitlon to the former owls. ssl liranorn. 11,1'01,4,
haass rl.c..ntly atls' ... Ilttun Ilan., 'l.vants. LL. ILALsrsr,
1,1 1, and Ictolostactleal La., susl 3 ,Js!lso 1/..11c,
ander, 1.1. 5 1 i , iceeturer on Physocc and lustnintry. \
The aloae'clotran tssr then...lon ni ten nusulLus Mos nuuk•
its tbs• and Li rounntax ~,i) . 04 Ituntimt alp
twenty-010 dollars, tasyshle acruisannuall it In au•sustoss. 1
4pplicationa tor salmis/stun to las tousle tr\ s t
11.• .I.IIN 11.1•LIIRVL101 . Is \ Ilea-ha
• it aohltiguln county, 11dr/flanst
If. 11.—PPV.IIIP In Piltaburals Ittrittoti II liitorrnntotri
ernoortmny LI.. Irt•toutlon, ttre rottortst to e It,. l'i ...
Jure 11 Ly 01•11. wh.• .4 k.r4orit • Tn.... \
moults-Ulna su
- •
University. 01 '
\2daryland. ‘,
jIIIF: NExT skssioN'uin begin on 'f..ti
iive.,r, the lab do, of ',1A.,. 1m,..tt0 ei,e,vil..i.
1 arch, 11511
Nathan IL ernaii. NI 11, Aurwery , • t ' 2
Wm.): A Ailtru, 11. 11. Clictulatr3land l'hartoncr • 1 1 ,
Isantunl Chen, 11. It, Tborapeutten, Vaterla lleslict,. Dna'
,1130 en,...
.I...seph Rob' A IV. Anat.., Tind I'ql dnL
IV.. Power,' Theo. A1N1 . ..14-ta,e of Me4leine.
. 11. hon., Ida it..\ hint rf
Women awl Children
Outwit. , M. Mitten... , r. IVl'lith" , NXirs ,
mo tnr tba pen...nitwit tit
eural Anat.., IL" jar
.14 Leetnres Inn? titnesw Vent'et.anre Smith
mud ea,. the llultinune [urine. tit ptehe,
of drill, etsite to its ward., without student
for the tieket \
Plats I.; the Lawton., Val 151.5, 'Pfwedira/ Lutumv.
tat Maldleututtr..ld, tirwluatioti, fat.
A. A N'EN.
nnit(umn.Julr.Jt:,l—lnuvW'_rev:l:l l
Kentucky Mutual Life Ineuranc4ompiuy.
rI I IIIS COMPAN Y oiler, Ai the' itgreti.
11 the seen.. alai ail, an..., ot I@l Auturind
nuwl Plans tn. A 41, Loa
rates ut reedit,. No ,t 4 / 1 0
neut.,. required For It,, netitniirenf rilir id the telrt
adequate, bul urn aerwsi‘e ~, , foz‘, \
Lle l ' n ' t:g . :ftir " ii. ' :ult h iUtt ' iiinl; s ll ' ,l U' eik.;Vi ' :\ri..itt ' eli
member, p.a./. at death, hy etudlir ution\t ‘ liete
shun term
tur is.runst...4 ); shun tart. weathers aln. fur the tit . ..twa, rif, , i
thr tur the 'abide terut el tile
asl-thia Ir the Ant, Mutual LI, In ri t ranekUnt. \
arbiew e ve
of premium see liae•l a Lin . rednieal amt..
atil, with a pruriat ~, for untionitv retudvia ww.
lulu. of tun& (for future !enn. in ea.. 1• Ant.
We amount of linsinera and tin. 114.,101141 ns Ant. NJ awe the.neberr ,
$ iriliant in devul the ,kl.ll •U\
tea u( the lnthVnuJ. trutu. and aneli, , Ut.l
Sae.. Onarowen. Medleal Iseamitier
hags lirlitte lLen, rof - tle h.
.. ..
I , OFFEE..-30 0 bags prime ID 1, for tsale b
e y
1...) 4.11.1 S JAIME.. I , J.1.14.1.L. ,. . Iv.wr n.
UP. CARB. SODA-2 0 kgs. Ji.lst rga'd mat
kJ ft , .." by J ,1101./N Wll,. 'I , I W..
c 1,12 - - • ,W.Tll4tre4 1
•• • .( 1 I N 13 , i't is
Aio .. LAssEs_ , 3 b . 5 , . ,. . , . u.:i,u u; 7 l o l i by
riIIAIiNEKT OIL-2U bbbs. Icir's* by 1 . , •
I ..,13. • , N. AW. H4IIII.IMGI. '.
tiltiLlA =- 75 bble. - &ott'n extr - ii " tThafjr .
el br 1 ' ROBISON, mut t. A
. 251 14.
rOR C NCINNATI.—The fine
*taunt, MUT NO, 2. COL Cline, rill
e for the abort. httermallata portrotalt r iati
tbls day. at 4 'o'clock r: t ,„
For freight:or pomade. opplkM t board. atitt&l
.-•- • •
did new sood light draught maim boot
the i lir:rr :21'2 l'oUfattlitOV,itok'n" •
, Cr, tbio dal, -he
Oo'c/ock r. , „ •
For, frrhtblor toacs,-e oprir othmard. or to
•oll ZAN ESV I LLE fine
otragner EMPREttN.Cht-Mmdrroci/J leityttjaait
ahoy. d Intrroordioto port.out this
r at 1 o'clock,
d 4 .
tr I.ic ,ht or hoar. oahlr to board.' , otdo
EGOLAR 'urTsß.Likau AN. - 0
Lt. WIIEELINti lACKET.-,Thr rploodhAiiiit
twirpaelket 0t..13.4 . DIURNAL, Coomell. m
ter. h. no! prtformloghertrqular , tri-orckly trip,e brtorru
this city And Wbrellog c !Pomba hachure. ot 10 0 . a. , 0
li.,lrwmtay sod k•ridat ,uzd rituming.
1"111"1"•71.e. \i'Vgv7i,,TtO.V.2:"•7;fr..<7;l4i4.".
• A1t)1,,0N14 a . tmOordt. ArratA
Lap Paoket Line to Cleveland.
t . am -10-5E
THE Preprietorimrf the Paelset Lines her
-4,1!I reem italt;:r i at,trT7V4..."2.ol, - II?
elther by the Cleveland or .sew taollP l'arke, and rethng
through tlrke. at.the 0f111,4,w111 he furnl.bed with a [Jok
ey winch will give Mr", the privilege 1 g . 01n,,: 5 0 Roches
' F' , Vrlle r i‘e ' l Ibirpr s ofeN" . a j7.11 4 ;7,i.. b i2 . A6111.11 Ant.,
eorner Water:and Plutthl3eld An.. Con f WM)
, oerd:lat PlClabuv„ . h.
I , Ohio and Pennsylvania Bailroat\
0409 1FJ....v....
, if I.‘ti , nd
' after MONDAY, AUGUST 4th,
1 1e. ,4 :ii ‘ ..v.iwif,131,4 : M ° .71 1 3,'.". t 4 '4!:;';'' v.. m.
'LEA ri l' 7 .. rignilo,ll nt 10 A,M, nod 4 P. 31.
'WA TAKE, 3' CTS. PER. \ 1111,i.
CLAIRE, dikml er twelve yearn nrat, \ half :view.
E•tw , eett 1 . 11.1.11,101 a.. 11 Llsayavllle. • \
Ac!F , o, 30 e!...a.
.: ''.‘,',,\ \ • ' alt7 . `: \-', g 1
, -
~ • l' t
1 ' ~„ - - Sew DrlOn.n. ,s,
\ 4
iv- Esetir3“ol Gob, wxll he 00 at reduced cat..:
Lletwe...ta l'ataburgb Koehe.t.t.vA any 'tad. a\
netween l'ittaborgh nswl . 'qv Kri hroq 4 back .
the enn, day. ..,,_...t .. ..„_„.1, ~.. .... .....)„........ . . . -.SI i;0. \
\ ad-Tt• Train Will not r n nunda . but Etru ' raion
' isrued on Faturday. 0 ,be gotal , (3r the nNrurn Yip
`on Mo,dar.
Voaniblia...4. will be at the 1, d, on Foalend street. til.
Mtirre)tt k e ' l l o . Vl l e ' Cto " 4 }c.l.Zhl=. the main .
eh.. 0./. Oxon/hurt...ex will 011.4 wax,. the IlononatheLa
: . trae.lm , niediatav yrerlouA , to O h ka - rtex oTtheCarn. for
1,, .4 14.11nrket. nod along - SE - Clam At I. At any pnlnt
.loin t e hd. hpure. na...euver. eau bail th Olunihna ‘ nio be
''! fl. ' /Ia=1 " w l Irl '. 1 ertenol,4l beyriond e ' l• Lln-ilton a.
the .arile.n ht , ell. - ahl ' e dar. ' .
(1, /ky.,,r of the Hoard of Direcu,ro: \
_ OE:WNW l'A 'KIN,
augJ2 . tf . Tlekelt,,nt.
1/BOR iiii) NE* CastLE .
/n ennneetion tritk the Ohio and P(71716. He:Pr,e4 i
. .
_, A ..
.. \ .
Stone WurelttmVforsl4Sa and Cistc7\
- e:,,air - cl ' itf... N.a - i:o. -- to's)4-..'6.7e.:' - o: -
MeeAstu of 11 o.ll7etrar, 'aconalirreAtr. Q. whirl" Tr
gmeo t,. aWeert,.l',..,.: tee.e.3.olo.lterertr and. The
VVR . .7 " .2. i t ' .l: ' . ' ol ' f‘r t n t ....‘7, IP , ';:::r4,t , ' 1tY,117.;%!.
perfeettr 1.1.1..nt nyel ree.l ay ere ise, , able ll.S.ralatGe
reiece. They ere `ebto`..eetp. Thee Ar \ seen J. 11,
/"...y01.1,1e wet...holt!, Si, N. lel vat strekQe at n....\
rri tante. on libertyl,etretc.. belt \er •it. 131 tile.. Iltelere let
. UV . "' 03 ". e, "Mt Pt' ntrmntlYoll.4 by 01,/ eciheeriber
,teee. Ws, l'ive. cheputeeturnlvt the tlattllt.e. '
• -eel 67 mart.. enter flpo.ejeisge. 'lt. to. ,hreleavte.
'. N b. l . e=n t' o 4 t;ll4,ir o' .. *" , • :; - .. "' ,4 TT, ''''"'
4., \ ... r , ....,...,„ , fi, ^ .04,, ~.4(tan:
1 \- • -
\ \ Wilkinsbarg AeadeXay. ‘\ \ - '
3104''Vnil Fel i 1 ale Ft:Ott wad CligsicoA,..Y7l.
.TAkIEI HUSTON, A. Id:, Panktem s ,t., \ ~
* lints . 4 NgTITUTION 'wilkbe ope•D for hey
'l. ....or. rr.tur.,l•..or.b. ~,,,c1 feinele) n2lllowt. `,
'“1.111.3l . t cour..., of metreie. clout !lee, I,
h' iretcce t"'ht Ti t." t‘4lll74;:,•.":rn't -
.., , r,,„.„,- TN.1 . :;;,Z:1 ;,':`,„7.3,,, :in; .1;:.4.;4;A.,``,,;i,.1\
. ;;1`,:7 1 i.b,,," I'*:,'•,,c,„hntiot.: o 4dt r ig°c,7t a . Ird \
~..r..„,....1,1r. g ilt. ITinripal.
' ~. li.uteletre. A. ? ,..L 1... b• , ..- I , , ,riny•Aya.r : __
'l, , TO;' , Ii.S iih, SALE— ' • 7 ‘.
\ i
v. k' l . !;r; ', ll;g " :?. •' ::„ d . Pi lCti i :ftrt\
, •21. ‘; kiel Peuue,leerlie 1teti1.,..,..\
.I . ;: ::\ t i se47. „ ,e loeuero• ...M5 , ..1,;•
, . , 11. .., ',!2lall.3l . iiie Il.pilert , hret.. Engitire.\ f
„,„ \
,„„3,, , ,,t , \
.3 , , , , ,
„3, 1 , d 11 k5 A111t1 ., , , 0t h, 1 r , 1- kkr,...
\ ''
AO 6/ ' S tor MixtCtre, %
Rarrandc. \C poo, ...,yrup, of Blocikerry li'ool: \
I'll N 4.),)•S o unityrnalffil, es.tablished rem&
Jr foe 1 . 611 l Alele.A.GUi:: he \v . : (her eezpiliy rata
. ' 4' l t!;:4 5 ...V..1 ,k4' iVi " :ANci . :”.. T. ,.. f.,;,•... mi . .the Drvg,
~ - '
~ . , nrirF\ N i arl e tow Thal t Ur..
.4,4,i..•-571. , \ . c. l , o\ ti . w.a1 .. .(1,,F .) , tr. i . t.ljrzri.
\VE It Y S 1 ),' • SJOR .Rl.,g VAI.I , I , Sh St, a r t
\ A 2,..4. , ' ..o,llaro!esdr , ,t\Nloll . tti ,,, re , ...A 11471 „„ ..
.o\fle• Difiallt. . 7 ..„,,,,.,.,,,,,, k ,,, „,_
.... fi...- Wl.l9vee. 'kut 04/lIT ..Wir....A., •r" ..,,,
c it \L:t '
‘ ‘)!..0La.11,-- , .4 . s bx.s. . ,v,., ~,,,
. 0 y
NJ -', \ 79 .1
( 'ol.2rql---:1 Fen. ti . ,xti c e . 1.2" , i \ 1 , , , ,
\ H Cfsi),*AN' , ..4lo • r''(; 14iik( -- ... 7 :.
ii -.1.141..., 4. eelf I, , ,11t.i i , 2 ,1 1c11.A. , 3(1.1e...:,?0 , '
A LERVI,'I.3S'--43 '11itk.5.,, , . \,,, -\ \.
..,' ''..
4 \
.., ..I IVI 1`.11.1 4), ter eak \r ', , .
\l_)4 \ ER-r , ll - )0 room ' s . Nediu
.i., \\ \
~. ...a
• - ' -'''' " '`''- t r i, , ,,f ` h. -"1" ' &111. \
, k , •
V.! Nli IS -- 1
DAIRY 1111 : Es • '9 lioki- s 3 -
kJ, 11.0 , erwbri6.....l Nuilrieg tol
, r mu Flap
' ' .... .!,crr' 7 1 ' r"" r.! ' WICK .10C: N LESS. '''.,
s. r • ,,, , 3
, A, l itEl, 2s iiiiiibl. No. '. ' 3 a • i , i, ,
~.. il.h 4g, , \ A \,
l ip Sli-, . . \ '''
- '`, \ r '' . ‘:
1: '.-
' \ ~}l. Id. No.I Lelr. Superiei,Siltri '.', 1. '
6i4ri. Lerce 3 3 )1e1 . t , i71. \
s , \ 'n'A,; '.l.Juoi.reoeielOsi
.. I ,,'"r,. ' • \ 1,..0J , JUII.I4 . .IVATT t ell,
i.z YILUP , . • I , If,gLeOlV DO - QK\ 400 Z -12,
,t7d,-1 . ,.'','" ';',.A.'.l';i.':!.'rd....,',"'.d, l .` . .g.L(''Er.7l°.‘
~ ~.... c , ,5,,,,,,,,,, ,ii..,..
• _lO , v.0r,...0 .. .0 Y_ , ,c+.4 nn.1`,1.,...b ... , ,
.kaUNiiiLIE..4:- \ .., ,V•
- . \ ;I\ terjr.ii " i=
. \ 11 o...reA )tiW- ' . ':
' \
A \ it , 7: 4.V.W' Niti.
' . !
*. 1 . 101.I; IC P .I ,
- 0 1117,...% NSP A liiiNi' V( eIOOIV BI.IA iijl:j.
!s tet T. 1' i,f..: 1 7... ' ,7 1 .1%t " :2 . ".7 1 „,tlat=t: ,
.-- ~. ., v r ~---. iT, , \ ki. 4; i,‘ ortut,
0.1.4.,•\ ,, \ ~:v
. .s . _lkatil . t , !: . .\
1 4 ' , I11{')f kl(ItIllF.A. ki te A) MER COM
, A e t l.Al,-Try son... of 74 oft 1...,. „4 ..1.1 iritnch
1 . t.:;r : :13 per tenth, toe vale 11t1
_ :..., 'Teerk.7., I
[44 .1 114 . .C1EA54 PA ii ii)li.--,: 34 ‘ an g Im+, it i
'1 yr • ' . let • • Rork ie., v. ' , Afar , el , -
et.,', . iec eiiiel. ' . -'''''
lee t ,tl . Y. '. R1,: .,4 . .
i \ ItEEI\ IVl\?‘ ' ., lOW PAPI:II \ -c air' Tand
11.111\ rlar,a.lor .41\ i,
0 1 ,4 \ \ , IV A Ltl,ll 1,A1A,... , ALI, _
lAVMS' ' I:SAP "I' 1.165--21. 1 do rek'd
A 1.4,1111.... s b, \ '.u.2. ivi A. A NIA"/.V. I'4l.
plCkkailfEltri:S l :S ANTI ' .UIJOS. UL
1.A101,4,, et Oreetie:. lh tt. I.ank. tque and \ Given ,
'''''''''' e ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. l''' "%ii..l d•rt;k..'titiVitrA Al"
L.! 1141.Aft-- , r.20 hfirin. 'b. O. for sale, by 1 I
17 „pi ••, •• ',
S. " • 11 "91!'_ \"',.
' ' , 0 0EN vim 0-16 bb f or salc:liy,
t , lai CI 11.1.. ES \--1343A Coati ern eibly+, \fr `
\' aLlVll ''''''' ' ll 7 '' . ' . ''' ,4 s . 'll' iir: l ; \P ‘'4l".'i ta Cca l 7:4 - Vc \\ I
Ilisl.i; . ' s
~ N....;'- 7 7'`.1 I "' \ s T. l . l ..i v u';'. A a. g l li' . i. t '\ y `si
\ 1 :‘ - ‘fl, e t it 6 i*gii' , .. iiik.ii.ribil nlia; '.l
~ .e.i./;rx.::‘,:i"nl":4l's,:tl:7;L: l T.6 4 '."`'44 ,` Z th:ii,l; '
...,, , r .: , :i 1 , ,. , ,y , th. 'Lu t e, 1.„.... : 7.1 1 .1\144 ,, ,, .$ \ .
'l.:\ 4:1011A,t. 5N1..i4,-•:36l;ties Ifbiiiibs' A • ILL \
, 0 \ Unam I'll e. in 1. ima ?,..,, for . l4:l«•br ,
\ • .1.14 ,
.___ . \
L krii_b A ureANtkot,7•4?.
' . .471t %II 01 0 • b TE.Mtrg iltifi; I
c‘V krx r
At krT
ripe Chu Totem; "
n ea
• ?'
7 4
!;' trati r
au , r . l(lrja,4l , llp4
allag l 7ll.l MtlesJi
boo *uma
I 7IIG T EIL I !1 ;
w CO B LAS p , HO G A2 c ': t i o NES R, s c,, . 07 '
p NiFri* \•,,,: ,
s. \ N s_
offering to t/ici cimniditam thin elq
cehtbrated remedy tnr nen...of thiArriat an. Yuna • \‘'
L. r•tromit'wiaL to trig. with 4.1, iirtkr health 't the
..!, •
attlict.weliitt frankly to lay lielni 'then:Atha ono .1 of ~1; ,
diatinntLibed Men and tome ol„the . nide •or iLeta‘L.• ..• 1.
• , front which they cin Dlp:lol\theruse ea' We alty
ceraiy phsdroi . onrselve* to mahr ohtrild epa. ,n* or flahmey;
t.....t, a it, .ei.<7..., .lu.ra ?L•t•t•• • ••. r L.P ...,•\ ,
.att,rbssh=atsity which facts Will but . leartutit ° \ ., : \ •
Mani' 000 , 00 , it hero Oren, Lis,' .4•\"toiaitur 'Ali . \ ' :'
••` , !L.• Awhile in .II we Publith,•yeelir\ly autgrory , Drry., \
will 'end theta porn ii i . riDat•le,and tho inki,ticine 7
i th eir hast eotifigneo patronage. '. A`,„
E avail the diatimiplah Proteuor of CTlentinth' nail \ \ • ;'..
w \
tenon ahati'as. Dowdoin Colle,ce.l S . .
.. ,
I Dna Fra„ I delayed answering the re...**C o ; ! ; •.c%tegere. '. \
parattou. *ntil I had an Oppet•••.•.. oi .t 1••••• ' ,wer \
C r . ia •••••••••••.• Lands, tha Dandles oy toyl , Mb, \ ''
1 ti.... I b'ave. now dbne with *high deneeaceathietinhi .
, to la,. Lodi a adults and children.
.1„ 1 bare ;Omni It. as Italoncilionts ewe a poWerfn . rn- . \ kr eat., coughs , L., ,I ;amoral, dim: .• • ''..
, ° i
~. '
'. ' PAR khlt ChiIAVELAND 1, , M. ti \
\ Btu m.viek, Mt, fob ft;th47. \ , ' ~
[trot , . art th errw*, in tit audit° MID* to thle City , 1,
i l u tz,.. ; a b e; ; r 7 N ; eute. c rox tr:e p 'ir .t ors o Lia.. ,, ltoL;ll , \ ~\\\
to trt,et, I bto o oupurtunity 101 l recomatendriiit it , \
to °theta. 0.... * ,,,,,, . i '\ V
i 1....4 . 1 ;A - r:ttl. i'. 1 . 0 .', - ;'' -ii D EMERatri \ . \
1E- I , e*it the knowing: and ace this medinne ismortti, • \‘•,'
a trial This t.atient bad llama tin Debit, and the of , ,\ .
lest of 10.. \i;tdlrine Wu notoinenyicl, clari ne t,— . \ A s
OAII9TII-, titattoot t , , F. 2,... :Ful, 6. igyn, , \ `„1.0(...\
lir. J.O C. Art.-Si, 1 hare lawn alnyted with &painful '.. . \"y
en - thin of theltingn and, ell the eymptorns or ektied \ A I
rontrUltlptioll, Mr 'Moto than a Tear. I Mold find no moo • .
theme that redid reach toy raPo, until 4 . 4 . o.mmenced the \ '
1,11 , e-Of your Cheryt..Piwtoral, which garre•ute m ac h d.
lie. god I.bare iMon.etaadilpnabolng my r a,,, n on u ;
; toy health te well nigli restored. While turuig mt. me.
oleic.. I had the uratltiimtion of coring wltirit mr reer. *
~ fr i en d. Mr. Truman, et Sumpter •filitricy, who had •
. rumpended frietUltirtyhtal duties by wane eye at., , •
tickof brimrldtle. I hare Plc... la centlY% . the.) \
; ° °°
" 0' 0"
ni.'l.4l7o7irorAil On Ilea. -
'file following wa* one of Die:world of mete, whi*,..b the
phpec na sea frt.tto tho'ttgpl, , b, be incoratle coot ' .
Cannt*, re.. Mtg.:2.l*h, ; . .
4. C ANn—Alr, I wee talutp with a terrible cou.l.
brought oil a cold, in the hennaing 01104 Print a ' \
and Wan coo ord to my led fort More than two mouthe. - 4 .
ennui:in., toz d :irly light atandab . / .mein glinq
, ...truth. grr eea werc suntan onlirlop.,y, end my . pre a *,..
In . I waarandly altog.and In raid:Wit *,
tram. fur breath that but little hope of my, recorerVuld. %, . r ..
he entertained. 111111, in thiaaltnatton. Wiliam)* Ine. ..* '
, (the 1100. John Keller, of the Mothatiritihntelt./ bronght- "li, ;
'Ale at bottle of your , 'l,, , erry geoNrul„.,wltfolt I Died mute- .',.. "tt
t o ~,,,,,,ty W. (h t . ...too oipeetatton% of obtaining*, . _,,,
lin' Ite aunt ettpet. t doom) mto continue its no s mid 7. , .
Leann (hoed my heft) mach t e
mpt'... NOlt'lli thy.* . .... . ..
; nolothe I tilt well and t 1,... moot Mt ItttlibitalStr cum \ .• . .
"P=li\ . your V s ".. t .`di M .
With PAlrhtfoßtr ° . \ ; ' - ; •
lirepored and,aohi LT JA lii 0, Al AIL: Pre.:tionlChtent- "ty.
11,.. ay
et, wit, Alva.
Pohl la Pittithargh. whole. - ma r.aii. by D. A., XIX- \
Itha•D*Cly a CO, and J. M. TO NSIND.
131I .Li ' : ° 43 h gli eftr nr b jge n 2 '. T VAll t f w Z iln i aiL U.
.: i.•47.1,:',1,- "..n1....., R . ', 14 4 ' ; ;; ' , V ^ tef . ' '' '
' • A: 2 -fi °-...: k 1 7 . • 'la . ..• • •: . • . V ii. i ! ..W.'. ''''''..:-- ' ..,
. ...
~ .
.. : ; 7.- l" 1! . !'. 7 :41 .1 1•_4* 1 ii: . : e:Olffil; ii: °. \ '..
• ';';
k.. ,: i'.: - IS(
,;", -.1 .11;::24'_ ~.., :'7:'',. ',n. . •
..'.j . F"'.''. - ,
.. ,
‘L'i - ) 11 ;`- - 1. ,G .Luos,)9,11 . 1i,J - ,ria,rvIRa'..rat0...' . ,
.P.Vi.r. in ihe larneet fixed\ Dottie, and hi aeknonleknal
to bet,gl- BEST'S.A.RSA.P.aIf,,LA made. sA I. 'berti ,
t' thesnondeltful CURES it has„ performed., the o:int tr ,
oPrire 91; letiletleare in the finelorion of the Inblerlietdr \ : \:,
t"n7l7l=eii.:4,thwt:e7till Lrytee %inn io dir e eetloil;
.7na, Tufts WEillitfl7 FAIL. 111 ,, \
' ..L' \ .\‘',
\ _ . ,4. ElerafnenV,
Canner& Ttininti, - .A \ \
PI. 'Peles:Chtnnio SotnL‘j,,,v
Manor or ' tters. smildAEd4..,
, Rh.. 1,t711. in IL,
• ' Alta..oW .. r and,Uleera. Ste, i
. c=el" '
Ilmillitnila it, L/flieenta., Cal,litenne.
Dfeesee of tbn' tner4,,Lat or AppbtiO.'k, ,
ileeaxes nrleing from qe nee of 51,,•'1 , \ ',,,
• oF7I. '.l I,i I t h e. fide. and'A \ \
fltinuldenb Gelm'cal arbility. \ \ A
~Dropnl. 4.44'1 '''''' ''
' 's
TALC BEST P;EVALE AtEI)4 , C73" KNOIFIAi\\ , . !;..,..
inci0ient(:...1,6".n."47.1, b' ''P A. ' ' ' ''' "ti l‘' '‘ .l.,' ' ' '.
' anon. Lciernrhea, or Welt., IneOn nencApf Urine. ',. ', . ‘ ,.i
fii , .ra.l xioor g y iscarte o'f mind. are',pr. Geineati N '. , ,lck
.I;x4,aci ,f.YetT d vt.:And :sl....rsfre'it,l.ltiEh niree'lm.y . ,•l \ \
tenik'lNlief irrieirig the foundation orthesith and .1 / 4 ' \
6triennth—the bl . It unntralitv bed bnme,ra. atop,,
nariatelvil necnni e. sod 'irre healtl7 senile to Bath*. \
\ th* .•b\ \
rite! pow
101)ltni nish t and
the blood frnto theim 4:
, olltnU.
, . '. -
oontrectedront the treAliodulgimco of the scintr d. vl 3h . 1. , ' '
the •li.t.,;; : ‘ ,, nd to p are Ih,. 011010 to Mill 1111IIftrt,
s rydjemirp, ' err trepr . pr. Ovilott's F-ntreetoi 'fel • . _
Un , a and Saralnanilia. nlith is mlovinz itaelcanann4 „,,
, .
fir Mani of tlittin4 naafi _ mut diiiesses that lea
,'. .sr and npuriNur comp... la in foith.l.lcht_ciirer - 1 . ...:i ''
''.., • )
'Vie; \ fly fro m minnral hOetrusac to ema hope, OS, said ./,'. ' ''s • .
.nttit feßm thUisnreiihtenduhis reMdt, - [firearm's., h weUe; 'N.
'l ,. '
bi,,b,,k,i,,, s . L., ,i i , .., ',pits bowel - es Lathe e lo' ' • \
bittteelCand others. IA nn our deer of hie rat•ore let '',, '
the-PO•ent ettic untluij...tml that,h hope of phinleal --", - .:
\ •
tei n Ors alone In Gdysott's k:st .1.. of Tallow
and Saint ap4- , lllis, sold peinuade him, f, his lfa's sake, - '..
lirl. a1 . ..,1 we, have DO hesikation top sting- hisittreedy '
e° 'igfibihtu ‘ ttealth. ' \ ' • • •i ,
\la • ' •
, V , ' , ',
4' \ 1 1 4' ' ' .
1 i f:31.p...0. ItEAD +IV: Foam •o: . \ • •
\ . .!.‘, \ !istAng s N.,1,., J ciaryls. \ \ \
it,. .13\endli..,Kti take pieasau in eiving• , 7001 . . ,
Yellow 1./0k untki \ toipartlla 014 trust vastls , lon to • • \
A \eery sitsteetAle .. , ..ntletnasi /141313),;,4, L /111 th th. , 1,
\ltultter wool tront-Ir.l Ith difficult 'tnenstrnatkin, tni . \
„other a,....,.*,..rtir5,....4.,...... ~ , it.\. 1 ...1 act had • r
'rinnlormertlltn4 .. dtAtiarlo. fora loon Ome: hut, by e
`..7'`''' "k• tins t* , Yell.,r`kk,els and 611S , SPitrilID she wag
~ l 'th i l , ' ei... , : . • ." ,41 :‘,‘ 3 .t.'i'' ,. .' sod'i•lll°. with , \ - .:.'
n4.,etiving the alth-li .t heath:. Ite had one 'Oa:halter d l,
fsi•at,the ~i.i e m 01,.. , \ I. ti. ritfrP ..t. CO. "
‘ . ' ; 'X \, ' . , Slorms..vanuo,.oi .no coonti, tire, li.s.t. \-, . •
A o.,,ltoinetli—Drarsi ,r, I P Uml, a short timeohm..
0,1;;•1\0tclf your \! - elin. lek and: upariiit for ray wife, ,
is Abe has 13,441 tor her comprt. ilryelpelu,and ••
Welkituf‘'. Falllnn,, of the'Wooth, Ar and it hoe alrevir '
Itel,st It`
a\ k.,serc talls-h. sit , n Ell - sited, it h.. ..Or \
effect lc4 se. I Cue Jut put - elms - Asa e.,•cload bottle,
nod ju s i t tiak fr om cli!,erieei o the fort Ur., feel'Unkident • •\
toot l.'''Pf • nl‘ut. Iturict_tMor \ ,
..., • , r
tourN TO respeettulic, h. OCIBL RN.
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\es .
'T,Fri11,11.7.1 1 .a F. i E 1' i r . ...1 . 1 . 11"0".4. 1 / 4 .. r .f L r ' lli m d P ta b g:
\DI the Nareinitte, andViuttit.g.a n[ t 4 . • •
11..\ \
-1,7 ,2,
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./ 1.1,4 ,. c .,i i 0 . I y i,. D i r 113 ,, , ,, Z i 1 , ;: , 1 , , ,, 11021:00 , it •
fp,i . ..t.q.‘,.E,,,,—.latkliappy s t inform I-no that. three
bottlArfusutt's lil ,, l s n't) . ! . l)nek an 4 iat,tlarilla, which
I .31:7.f ‘ silutre bee tl,,meacc \Alder Op, blessings hf
:, kind - I , v enc., of esetniiiss smott\hesdth an.l - 13. ens. '
..unto f je. . \ S,:-. ,h\
, Wh , n 1t0%.e.1 ;Ysit\ VellnwVeck out Moss?.
.•111. I way till c Ina tans
. 1 -- tl cotl, onr I wan ann.
ly btill,t,.l ',I h li,stottahoo rt , Ilea; anti 'rah. tl. . •
most exersiiii tit:koalas itt. ,e hact gnd rides-. 1 gra.s
much tr.O.lcd itlytiszinega I the-head,c 'dui+ of the
s utr,instlies. and , Utisbneu of . a s ots am/ lege. and for..
uus 1,,,,,,, hut, ty'rutsee. I, lis \ ee'lets tuany‘cars borne
Iwailloc th. mat 41 4 r....1 ,4 4 mm.'s th,t" . e'° , 0".•.'4 4. ; - -
i Linflafo, hut enulitkie s tio relief' frau 'lnilpivamiptions: ...,,,,• ' ' \
I au ale i tried a Soler gri.ty ot\ fatal meliOnkithetit.h` , l,r;'.
litOo or nn SW MAIL Via' \ the hut \ wee that I irieklite"''. •'...' ~..,.. p e.t"
VCain M. 0.! and S ti,lta, my ermp s 1MPX.K.,,,,,-e 'hiesr- -.
Ltd 4attone4 to 1.10 vg; Iciat ,OI of thy nortuagrig
1 ....i*,r, t. i.- 0.
~,,,d,......,,i,.. Lpiln. tny or r and lc, au t 2- -.' ' ,4 . ,...•"... - ;;;,'.'" t;
hict SeiOl,lscuesi, MT o.Dto at.. Dr ./"Ta - ..t-4;,.:.!:',?7 :,
'1 taP,UwelhaTe; manias, and I in all resi* .• ,• . ...E1`,..r' . _;,...r . ,,,,,:
".lj\a"..T.tiorghl „ ;ati."., 1 its 1/VI hiwereno,,( l4 - IFIMAS?„,-.y.,.,•
tp. s t ‘v.i - e sh tont unable to big- - slot.. Tsp.. r , '6,4 1 ,144 - : : , :-,.....
a c iy,,tti e Ye ow DUI, and •4usipastlla. anAl 'l.if , ' • .-:
`pp b"' - % , ' t•4 4,-, •• 1 6 ' its nnitugaress their britAtelt ..., • ,• .. .-0,,,..,45.
nu(a" • "ottiltruly, . MAIICC.S - IiPAULI2ONO, ',. A.,... , ,;;;
Oiri`kkt , //VDU It• uniUs put np' , 4ti 150 n, .. Utiles,' st - . '_..,..;•".", 7
tni .,.., , , , ,.1 1 ,,.. t. . i . i? „,„„, , ,, f , k mt p, blown '4, tl; . • 1-." , ?;'"j.'''
. \ .laas, aig,,Vtit,
shoratare, L.I4E, L'utert ‘ on't •-!' ' -...
nUtaldr. whalibei.' , ' , \ \ ' ‘ . 4\ . ' - .... , i,
's -\ *4 At'..VlO.PAllKCitcintati, Ohity s n , nsthaktetinrOtt, , '-'•...
•s.,i")tuth alsAlainotV,ent,riten oh,Watn`nts.t.l . "..t,N ,
e 7;.1 0 ,1 11 ' t ' : 0 4t1 II :. I. " ;
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, :th , .i \
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\ 111,1e4,1u., Pitighorgh. - loat t O. Ileetntint. AllagtlettP,cltY; ' _ ‘,-;-
f.,, 'ir 'Atiwtll, Wasbinan, Is. LlOloite. CtunntOutill,:VA, ...,
„.,43,4,,,.,,,,b,i, li, ii.ea.tiitirauersoh, Putt* lilt o; , s • - • `...'..7 ,
~,,,,,j,„,,is ~,,0 A uo,Onotlomf4M , llra.(lesiOcillitt;rehrtga,.; - -: - /it''''s
11t1ae1 , 4424 9,.., 111,1150.Jr4C - Wslahl. Kllt.valllng:j.:",. - i, 5 S:!*.
.;.114t.ift# Ir
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f1,4.,!p1i I). 1..X0. l'. , CiCaoder„74kodellle, thou* it tc.% • ". - '''''Ci”
Kre, tinhtaUC...t , You,. ltitruc Je4e, ne ffell*S.Co,litti;.. \ ...•' "1., - C . ..,
1,0.1..14, litatX., 4. o.,llelivircis, NOD Y..!... k- a • 11, .- ' .',
, 1 . Jou, Codempttch PCuplursje., IliT i rtawilfc. • ...."„ ~. , \
\, ElErPi 4 ef --- 1 1 \ , 4 ' , /POI.: Siit , wk., foi, *h: ••- \ ~:-,
~ Judd's . tuTe..iCatepl Liquid ati ticle. j \ ,
1 c - i%i n i
j 5 . A n i.r i !‘r5f . L,,,,,,t , ..D , at'd ,. .1 ,,, t0r . m ..,, , , ii „ . 7, 1, 4 4 , . 4 \
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/ Los \my certiO that te)t, e. nodal-signed ha, „ Iry
4 , ... , 1A. , ..d.... 01 Jud.l Ordleatitlonuldetttit•W.e. \ V
tMs ' lAM7l:l ' to.!t!- ' ll d to N'TN2:;, 1 g 1 ,4=4.:7 - v‘
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