The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 14, 1851, Image 2

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TuisDit . mormma, OCT. 14, 1661
':Att •
e on! Friends of Scott and Johnston.
) t om -Thu attention of the friends of Sarre,
JOinatirr. put Panama,. Ie Allegheny rouutf ,
urged to the Import.te of a thorough orgaulsatlart, by
:thr kmatlon Of Clain in craft' elan^. dinfnit. for tb.•
campaign: the aPpointmein of CuturaitLemm of Vigilance,
La mom that ererynneutt of Saitt and Johnnen la aamaran
out that Hut. arra randre It are naturalized, and that
.crery 'rotor detadt MS ballot no the annul Thetas) of
. annutler . " .t-
Val Iblttrein; Committro on- Naturalization ham beat
appointed: H. Nixon, J ntua Murtha. 0. rigger, It Jam',
U. &Andean. A. Ilartm,Ziro, Clam. Pugh, Ltd. L. Pahl,
A. Lloyd, tAtt.t. Y. debnitutrilter. Inallenthal. Dr. J. Y . -
llar Up tt i : 1 1 . 1 - , 11 . 1cc e l2=mm Alr,l3.l=..Joemph
Is to RhAre the work H of appoinUog his rulers,
and of designating the principles which are to
control the policy of the Government. it the
duty of-et:wryfeerhum to rote It is not merely n
nth-Gate; but* duty, and a duty which cannot
slisken oft cannot be delegated., cannot he got
rid '.4 . r in any .honest or honorable way, except
.....,sickness or some - Other equally unavoidable
costs preventiits discharge. The man who
flee with this duty by voting carelessly, or by
neglecting to-rote at all, is unworthy the name
of freeman, and.the dear-bought rights he en-
joys. •
. We; therefore, call upon eeery citizen to go to
—the polls tn.ilty, and to cast his rote for such
peysonn null' principles as he believes will best
promote the toed of the country.
khrery citizen who takes our advice will rote
for Johnston' and Strohm, and the whole Whig
tibitek ;Pa reasons for this have been given at
• large,.from daiko day for week'shaek, awl it is
unnecessary to reiterate them now. This is not
the timelor arpikent, but acrion !
f:'To.iiiery Whig we say, spend this day for
so; your principles, nnd your tiekeL—
Do not think . the time you spend at the polls, or
. • .
(in stirring up your sluggish neighbor, wasted.—
' It tnay turn out to be time the best spent of any
clay. in the year, In mere secular avocations.
. We have done. our work, brother Whigs, now
. go and do yours. , You will feel all the better
and the luippihr when the day is over, withttbe
reflection,V lurre done my duty!
.Let every penon who reads this, and who has
not voted, Loy down the paper, and go straight
to the polls. rote early! Delays aredangerons.
Never put off this duty until towards evening.—
Drittiething may occur to prevent your irotioeat
till. To theiblle - l - to the polls!!
. •
'-'•• Rzcaut..ixtos.---The editor of the Journal says
' t-'irf•; i bel did not know that. Mr. 11 tim z pton had been
:frhat the city, and Prostrate on a sick
further says, in paculpation of bin
r,t?'itrotat aisanlt upon that gentleman, that "several
?mane made the charge to him that Mr. !lamp
'. • ton was.opposed to Mr. Fprward, but that, in
asmock' as he con find no one willing to come
t forward nut affix his name to the declargionthat
Mr. Hampton had so expressed hiinself, he "will
abandon the chttrge and suppoie 'Mr. Hampton
favomble to Mr. Forward,"
Such is the un,c7acefal m ode in Which the Jour.
nal oroeps out of a dilemma into which its haste
. .
to, find Cause of attack upon Mr. 11. has Ird it.
": • • _ • - •
nnmber of pnssengers carried on this rood. the
last 'week, wnn 11,815—the- cash receipts were
FAX: 75. This is certainly a very flattering
;bo first freight train started yesterday fore
‘. Since the railroad was opene d,len weeks ago,
f ie has .carried shoat 30,000 passengers. It
would hive taken fifty fool horse coaches a day
to have performed this work, between this City
and. Brighten. There is no rtoubt, that the road
has alraady been of greit benefit to Pittsburgh,
even in toe abort distance to which it is opened.
I t has been our only Means of reaching the Lakes
and the interior of ;Ohio, during the tong-season
of low watec.. Another season will reveal its
vest benefits more fully. •
GLOUIOMI PIIIMPECTS.—Cheer up, Whig., we
havo good notes from nearly every port of the
• State. If the ball that we have heard, by letters
'and othMrvrise, from various parts of the State,
ehoold prove correct, Gov. Jobasmanwillbe moist
kritimplutotly-re-elected." Many eyes uniformed
' • upon Allegheny county. 'She will not falter in
her good works, and we hope to bare the pleas
• trt;e'Cif.sending over the mountains, by the tele
graph, a majorlty of,oVer 3,000 for Johnston nna
.; • Strohm.
(Ocirivtp . b . oder;l. of the Pittxburel Daily .iftswtt...l
• Wasnnorrost Oet. iltb, 1861.
The official statement of the census, and
eomFanying statistics for Penneylvaida, is ready
for "Publication. The following -facts derived
.fromit will interest your reader,
East'n Diet.. West'n Dist.
No. of dwellings 200,223 ' 186,069
•• No. of families 217.883 ' 190,536
White males, 589,294 553,569
•-• , 1 , ,Females, 590,762 524,839
Total lhite population 1,180,056 1,068,407
• ' ColorOdllales, , 18,352 6,705
' . '„'gemales, 21,655 r 6,611
Totaliol'd population, 40,007 13,316
1 ' - Edpulation, 1,220,053 1.091,723
No. of deaths wit hin
• •-. ; theyesr, 17,504 10,811
f ,i.zo sstrni Prodn-
• • •I.:,2. l '..,:iing'rdier 11100,
~rttg,, ~•!riiilinol,,-.rilie 50.179 ' 77,399
- .i. , .‘",":!Y„ - 2 fceif4Mitts. estab'nts, ' ,
0-,,,---' 'iii . '...,, , 5,-044 . :Pier $ 5OO
'.k..9",':-.;...„7.....- - . ,. . 13882
~...o .°t .„, rlT, . ,,,,iQiitilinlitioil of the State 2,111,786
p-- - .7:;tslf...Vlo.ilifirithin the year, 28,318
61;07.1. ° '. , Y 0 A 1 4 1 ' - 127,577
" 4e., -- • I "I'qril Rstablishments; . '
~.-,. n ct. a , 22,036
- 47- , 441.7 11 w City tdldConstyof 'Philadelphia '
411;55-k.AltisTibrallinget-', ' 61,278
-5.4 '
t ',/,'Familieir, 72,392
.-.. Tali' WhiteoP
l ir r*l l4 . : ' ,1 Colored ' '9 19,438
• ~ ..110;re4iteliopula on, 409,762
~. "t.•'`. Farms, ' ,
.. '• 1,530'
These figures afford gratifying evidence of the
.. advanceef the - State in the elements of nationa
*:' * y; * 4l,Pr „ . oSicTity.;:
~.The number of inhabitants to
dwelling is about six, and in Philadelphia,.
the reitert , 'City of the State, the number is only
and oiiithird, which shows a high degree of
,comfUit*ifigards spacionfincre of accorrinioda
ttott-tiegitil by the mass of the population in
their residences. I think the mind average in all
'greet cities In Cold climates is much greater than
this. In New York it Is nearly fotirteen to each
house,- though there the houses are ,opposed to
brier; generally, a greater number of floors or Edo
. . riea; and a disposition Obtains,much more ex
..; tentavely than in any other American city,
among tbol, more wealthy climes to • congregate
in great - hotels and boarding houses, and with
the Poorer to huddle many families togther un
a'•';-r der the acme roof. ,
Frill returns have not yet been received from
California, but enough is known to show that
the population of the "state bas been considerably
over estimated.' It Will probably riot exceed
135,000, and in that case will not be entitled to
more than one representative in Congress, after
the Cost appointment Sboall a deficiency be
caused in tbgeneral representation by the lap
, 11re :If 0.1:1",,eAs to come the expected
number, it 7 Wal. l 2iir xhade good by the addition of
• one member' for , the large fraction of Sooth
Carolino.lo-givinglier a delegation of slain
. • ,
iinSerheatathatlifr: Consul Owens is likely
to biiliatiiisgeil.frotii: his station at goyim, on
chargee.ti:pnegieotef.duty towards his unfortu
nate r *;
doiintiitileti,' daring the recent tragical cotpatty -,
Ceiba. I have not examined with
gay degiee'Of Closeness, the facts alleged to the
• reludieeof.Plc Owens, but the character of
e miurfs to Idir, in.tlie obi - sacs of say . pcisi,
tireoridence against hies, a gitarantee that he'
wonlildagithat Inunanity and patriotism coup
require gof him; on an, occasion so, urgent, but
in which hie abytty to act with effect": was",
much ~eirtuanwritied. 4.a
• ,e`itit,ls do cot always exercise
, that J ea lous tire r lialtbf, al care protection
the:pera4l rights' their -cot9AUmetzi,
lei may . jmetly be expected from them,, and cireemstarices haven•t enabled this distinguish
,ich is emepuloMily accorded to ;the subjecta ea &Mier en impress *s.,,sentiments officia ll y on
the recent policy of • e country, no one senora
Great Britain by her condoler agents
1 the liberality and nationality of his views, and
road. - 1 - ' we all know that be exerted himself as a private
Mr. obb's majority, the Union candidate individual to the utmost to securethe adoption
will prollably be from of the measures of adjustment. Whether the Na
teen to twentythoustusilvotes. In that State tional Botivention therefore should select Mr. '
re was bat a feeble and sickly exhibit of dito Webster or General Scott, or any other eminent
~-,., „;„,,, ,„,,,. „,,,„;,, , Whig, to become heir'sbuidard bearer in the
imamn, from ""'"' " Vs ''''" n g . '''' '''''''' " I" next contest, we hope that the selection will
.g been known at the seat of the Federal be made -with the view, to success end of a
verument, as quite sufficiently Southern for candiththe who will he entirely acceptable to the
practical purposes, but he could not perceive Whigs of the South, as well as the Whigs of the
particular advantage of disunite to a state North ,
1 We here published from time to time extracts
rig as well In the Union as Georgia. He is a from lig papensrif different sections commen
,siblehtan, and the Georgians have shown n ding tli policy of kfr. Fillmore. and mentioning
• proper appreciation of him It is said, his name in connexion with the Presidential:can
were?, that they have elected two or throe vo
ew •of in domg . this we have had Jio object in
:unionists to Congress, out of the right mem- L e fr b , e u L i t : , ' O ri r T h 7 ~,,,,t h .: r ,. ° P t f o ° :,% ° :,' th a : A w l l in l i r .
rs wbich'compose the delegation. They will lets:aloe is giring, to the country. We have
very well as (oils to as many Garrison aho- tbonghtlit duo to onr Chief Magistrate, when he
ionists, if they can be found, who think Op is the ilject of incessant abuse by the Demo
iou at all preferable to a union with slave
ctic p se, thot the people should have the op
portimi • or seeing the other side
, arid learning
Mere ' Jlr'lly" r what is aid in h 4 defence, even in his eulogy,
by the resses of ill sections of the country. If
it otoul happen, betrever, that the convention,
it/onvrtoridence of the l'ltteloaroh Doff r Cong.. 1 in the ischargo of ,its duties, should deem it
wise or rodent to nominate Mr. Fillmore, in
which may ja dy be emoted from theta,l.and
widehis sernpolooly accorded to ;the enbjectit
of West Britain by her conatdar agents
Mr. Cobb's majority, as the Union candidate
for 'Governor of Georgia, will probably be from
fifteen to twenty
_tinctettidlotes. In that State
there was brit a feeble And sickly , exhildi dis•
smionism, from the - beginning. Mr...debit haa
long been known at the Cent of floe Federal
Government, as quite sufficiently Southern for
all practical purposes, but he could not perceive
the particular ndvantage of disunion to a state
doing as well In the Union as Georkia. He is a
seusibleztan, and the Georgians have shown
very proper appreciation of him. i It is void,
however, thit they have elected two or three
ditinionistp to Congress, out of the right mem
bers whiab'compose the delegation. They will
do very well as foils to as many Garrison abo
litionists, if they can be fnned, who think no
union at all preferable to a anion with slave
New rasa, Oct- 9, 1651
In the business world there is a gradual re.
newel of confidence, in the face Of reflealcd
nonneements of failures, and a general , feeling
that we hare at teat reached the point when spe
cie will cease tolbo to demand for export; thus
allowing can hanks to accumulate coin, and
again enlarge the volume of the cerrenny to the
point requisite to enable differences of values
to be settled. The steamer of yesterdey took,
moderate amount of specie, barely half a mil
lion, and as little goes by the ship of lieturday,
and none next week, we shall hare ns much coin
in hank. as is often seen there. Money lenders
are very cautiouadn their operations, and while
funds can be had On stock securities at seven
'and nine per cent. per enema, the best of notes
have enld as cheap as two per cent: peen:meth.
The Hudson River railroad was Opened yester
day, with a success that promises .the 'happiest
results not only -to the passengers, but to the
stockholdere. After making a fair run to Alba
ny, and hovinga plement jollification, 'the train
returned in the unprecedented chart time of
three hours and a half. or more than forty miles
an hour, beating, upon a trial trip, tue fastest
time made on the Boston and Lowell road, at
the late contest of speed. The road has cost tiny
thousand dollars per mile,bnt it probably has not
an equal, as a whole read, in the Unites! States,'.
whether as regarded with respect to ,solidity,
easy grades, or working machinery.. It is care
fully watched throughout, and no • impediment
etendein the way of the highest speed. The
time contemplated for tbaregelar tripis placed
at five hours, or two hours. less than the most
rapid steam booting:
Considerable preparations are beingdsitule for
the reception of lien Kossuth, and (lenin. the
hatter, who bought the Jenny -Lind ticket, new
proposes to make tin a- sum of onel hundred
thousand dollars for Kossuth, and has:, given o
thousand dollars towards it, and made the May
er trustee of the fund. U f course the press
has echoed, and will re-echo this remarkably
liberal movement from Maine -to Oregon, and
the shrewd hatter will get himself advertiaesl
generally, and at a vary to ir rate, much cheap
er and more effectuallytan in the :ordinary
way. Kossuth will never ee the hundred thou
sand, for there are not ninety-nine men who are
rich enough to afford the luxury of .giving
thousand dollars; who will follow, the lend al a
druniming hatter.
No experiMent has yet been made with the
fire annihilator, nor.does the prospect appear
good for one, though nn efforts are spared to sell
the machine.. It is stated that over two hun:
dred thowand dollars' worth of rights sto make
and use' have been sold, a rum that will really
make the owners whole. The invention, no
doubt has merit, but slow and sure eliould be
.the motto of . buyers. If on trial it proves what
its friends urge, no prira is too great: if it folio
uo price is too cheap.
At Tammany Hall, last night, on the , occasion
of several lucrative nomitattiom, quite a scene
met enacted, caused by the presentation of a
series of resolutions, fully endorsing the .fugi
tive slave law, the compromise a
wbolo,stal condemning the Syracuse Convention'
for nominating Barriburners for office. The res
olutions were laid on the table, and their mover
and friends bolted, threatening to appeal to the
people against thatpart of the democracy who op
pose the acts of Congress, and aid the mobs in
resisting the law. The campaign has already
created a good deal of feeling among the Loco
loons, the,great MAU of them cursing the policy
of the few, who seem inclined to squabble on a
principle, at the risk of losing the mdre valued
Several 'mitts have lately been made of free
trade merchtuels, who cannot see the propriety
of Custom Rouses, and who hive repeatedly
sworn that a Moist./ bible only • roamed sir bas
hed, thus swindling the government out 'Of Its
vomitus! tax. If the truth was knoiria, there
has been a world of swindling under oar low ta
riff, anit cheating so common. that bibles are
quite useless in getting honest oaths. Some linen
importers have been arrested, and more sus
pected and watched'
Steps have: been taken at LAM to seminal to
Broadway, what has long been needed, a good
pavement through its entire length, a measure
which will relieve it more than any plan that
has been proposed. The Russ pavement is to
be put down. and our stages will thus bare n
roadway upon which any amount of business
can be done. One can now ride front the City
Sall to Yorkville for six cents, a distance of
els miles, which is, no doubt, the• cheapest sta
ging known. The upper end of town and the
suburbs nre slightly checked in their growth
just now, WWI numeron9 blocks have been sm
pended in all stages of progress for want of
money. The liuildersapay extravagant rates of
interest, but, in many cases. have bad to sus
pend after all.
The Iraehington Repot,he, copies a strong arti
cle from the Nolo York Courier and Enyurrer, ad
vocating 51r. Webster', claims to the Presidenci,
and makes the tonalities remarks on the subject
of the Presi4ency in general:
We take great pleasure in transferring to our
coluinns the article of the New York Courier and
Enquirer, in relation to the Presidency and Mr.
Webster. In speaking of the commanding abil
ities and eminent public servings of this gentle
man, and his hold upon the affections of the
Whig party, it is impossible to use language of
exaggeration. We believe that he commands
the attachment of the American people, and above
all party considerations, and that there ars bun
credo and thousands of Democrats who would so
far swerve from party allegiance as to give their
rites for Mr. Webster, which they would with
hold form any other whig nominee. ! Evidence
of this is to be found In the many demonetra
done in his ,behalf that have been made in pub
lic meeting, and in the public prose, consequent
upon hie great speech of the 7th of March, and
his all-important the cause of.recon
ciliation, harmony, and peace. '
, Since our friends have commenced the discus
sion of the Presidential candidacy, we hope that
it will beconduoted in that spirit ofmutunikind
ness and regard which best comports with the
great disinterested aims of the Witig party: It
should be so conducted that, when we meet is the
National Convention, we may be prepared to ad
vise together in a genial and Cordial temper for
the perpetuation of Whig policy by the selection
of the Presidential candidate most likely to in-.
aura Whigsncoese. It is matter, of secondary In
terest and importance who may be the individn?
al selected from the candidacy—provided only
thathe is s sellable type and symbol of the Whig
policy and Whig principles. Personal prefer
ences and partialities—local predilections and
antipathies—mast be waived and forgotten. They
are nothing compared with the triumph of the
cause. The great question is, in what sign shall
we conquer? •
, We desire to see the polidy of the present Ad
ministration perpetuated. Wo think that en the
doctrines of President Fillmor,e'S annual message
—which are the doctrines of his whole Adminis
tration, the Whig party can stand ant defy the
Opposition. Their foreigtipoliey meets the ap.
'probation of the country. Men are everyithere
;admitting that there can be no habitual indul
gence of the "higher law" and '"generons sym
pathy" doctrines, either at - New Orleans or at
Syracuse, without endangering our institutions
The views of 'the Administration on the Tariff
are moderato, and we believe almost universally
accoptable. Pa bra opinion, in our judpurut,
'demands the changes in the details'of dor reve
nate system indicated by President Fillmo-e;
and hie doctrines in regard to Internal Improve
ments commend themselves tothe opinions and
! the interests of a largemajority of the American
people. Wedeein it all-importani that this poli
cy should be approved and sustained—and If
must be a matter of comparative inditFerence to
ethry good Whig in whose person the triumph o!
the policy is seemed. We have no sympathy
with any member of our party who would dia.
parsge any one of the distinguished men ihose
names are )vrominently before ths people in eon=
flexion with tlredential emestion. They
hate all rendered,seitices. They areal worthy
exponents of the 'Whig Principles.. They hate all
troops - of 'ftlendk • Eat haticilfy 'may - theie
things be said of itryfebe . .With equal truth
the.) , may be said of Chu Scott; for though
s• •
e to General Scott or Mr. Webster, we
nothing that 'should ioduce us or any
withhold from him the some cordial and
•upport that would he cheerfully extem
tiler of the distinguished men we hove
It is rertnin that President Fillmore
now of
IVltig to
csrnent •
ded to
1169 WO
will cons
no administered the Government, and
(inns to administer it, with the inflexible
.; talon to discharge his entire duty on all
and with a forgetfulness of personal
lions as complete sad absolute as if ho
istitutionally ineligible to the Presiilen
ixeconit term. More then this it is un
to ev—less we• could not• say with
We me mesthappy; we repeat, to re-publish
the artille or the Court, ;mil Enquirer to which
we. havelreferrvd. If rits views should meet the
general favor of the party, and Mr. 'Webster
receive the nomination of the Whig Convention.
we should hail it with the liveliest satisfaction,
ash tribute well paid the most illustrious ser
vices and the most eminent abilities. Nor should
we be the less ardent land earnest in the cause
if the convention shonld pass by all the distin
guished Whigs whom , we have mentioned,. and
slovil.l once more rally upon the venerable and
time honored champion of 60r,party—the dar
ing. sagacious, all persuading statesman nod or-
Stet., Henry Clay!
Of Judicial Dißriels.of thr Slate, and the Can
dsdatex fqr Me Pre.ridmt AtlysAtp-of each.
let. City and Conntkof Philadelphia.—Whig
candidates are Oswald Thompson, for President
Judge, and Wm. Incelly eel Joseph Allison for
Associattn. The I.4cofoco eanidates are Joel
Jones, for President Judge, and V. L. Bradford
nod James F. Johnston, for Associates.
2d. hanntster , —llenry U. Long is the Whig
candidate. No opposition. •
nd. Northampton and Lehigh—Washington
Ml'artney is the Locofoco candidate; No op
4th. Tiog,t, Potter, McKeon,, end Clear
field—R. G. White is the Locofocoetudidate.—
No opposition.
sth. Allegheny-14re, B Mal It the Whig
enutlidate. James S Craft ie the Lneofoco
Gth—Erie, Cranlord and Warren — F.lijeh
Babbitt is the Whig candidate. John. Galbraith
is the Locofoce candidate.
ith. Lurks and Montgomery—D. M. Sipper
is the Whig candidate, Locorocos not agreed
yet. Rucks presents Henry Chapman; Mont
gomery, Joseph 'Fornanco.
11th. Northumberland, Lycomiog. Centre and
'Clinton—Alex.der Jordan is the candidate , of
both parties
9th. Cumberland. Perry, and Janiatta—Frod
crick 'Watts is no independent candidate, and
James 11. Grahnm is the Locoforo candidate.
16th. 'Westmoreland, ludimin, and Armstrong
—J. 51 Murrell is the Locate., candidate. NO
1 th. Lucerne. Wyoming, Montour, and Co
lembia—,John N. Conyngham, Locator° in the
cnntlidats of both parties.
12th. Dauphin and Lebanon—lobn J. Pear
son, Whig, is the 'candidate of bath parties.
I nth. llradtord, Sueutiehouns. and Sullivan
•Llasid Wilmot is the. Locotoco candidate. No
th. Fayette, Washington, and tl reene--Sara
nel A. Gilmore is the Locators candidate. No
- Chester and Delaware Townsend
Haines is the Whig•candidete. Thomas S. ltell,
the Leedom). •
16th. Franklin, Redford, Somerset, and Fa_
ton--Wro." Ryan is the regular nominee. F
Kimmell, Whig, is an independent candidate.
Beaver. Butler, Mercer, mid Lawrence.
Daniel Agnew in the Whig candidate. Joha
Purriance the Locotaeo.,
1111 e. Young°. elation, Jefferson, Elk,
Forest—Joseph Buffington in an iuderentleot
candidate. John C. Knox the Locator.
. . .
.19th. York and Atlstos-I).i'el Durkee is tin
independent earitlidste. Robert J. Fisher is the
Locofoco nominee_ • .
tlOth.Min and Union—Joseph Ovney is the
Whig •candidate. A. S. Wilson is an indepen•
dent candidate.
Vnt. Schuylkill—Christopher Loeser in the
Whig candidate. Charlen W liegins the Loco•
Nianroe. Pike, Wayne, ann earbon—N
B.' Eldred is the candidate of:hoth parties.
23d. Berks—J. Glitifeey Jcifies in the Locofoco
CAudiilate. 11. W. Smith, an:independent candi
24th. Ilitntingdon, Weir," end Cambris--Geo
Taylor ht the Whig chtidittettc. Thom S
Campbell thg Amer
A SIGIIrICANT FACT -On the eve Of the re
rent election in Baltimore,:..Mr. Keith Frazer, of
Lancaster, and the editor of-the Perm-ryl myna,
very nice poir—weit over to instruct the
people of the monumental city bow they should
vote in the Congressional election; and Uzi Bal
timorsons showed tileir'APPrt'.iat'en of t h e com-
Omens hy choosing Ml Walsh, a:sterling Whig,
to represent on old fanbion Democratic oistrict,
by a very handsome Majority , . We feel quite
confident that the itinerant, politicians front the
purlieus of Tammany Hall, who have been im
ported into this State by the partizans of Col
'Sigler, will hod their obtrusion MS severely rebuk•
ed, and their employers as ezdly . discomfited,
when t he polls are otos.' nex t Tuesday night.
in all our experience, we have never known a
:greater indignity offered to the people of Penn
sylvania than the introduction of these political
ragamuffins. to interfere with oar local concerns
and to Insult public intelligence by assuming to
dictate who shall he our Governor. The whole
gang of these party, pensioners and mendicants
who have thus daredto come upon this soil, and
to harangue Our citizens upon their . righte and
duties, do not rep4sent the shadow of the small
est stake in any community, and are nothing
more, or lees than the stipendiaries of the low
bar rooms which are the proper head quarters_
of Lecofocoisno." Such are the instrumenta‘m
ployed by Coll Bigler to enlighten the tax payer,
of Pennsylvania and to rata about the blessings
of democracy.' We do not envy him such cham
BAILILOA 0 IliCiarcits.—TheEn gineers in the
employ of the Hempfield Railroad Company, ere
busily,engagedii , n an exploration of Buffalo Creek,
between Wells urg and Bethany.. [tie intended,
we understand, to continue the cursory down the
river to Wheeling..
We observelby `the Washington papers, that
the question of the subscription by that county
of $200,000 to the stock of that company, is ex.
citing a greatcal of controversy. The subacrip
tion will very . robably carry. The vote Is to
ki lr
be taken next Tueed.ay, the 14th. : •
In Ohio county Va., there is very little doubt
but that a subscription to almost any aument.
will pass unquestiount—maid suhscription being
understood as a mere endorsing of the credit of
the company, 'with the rink of paying its losses
should the stock prove unprofitable.
Recent dove opemente show an inclination on
the port of the Ohio Central Railroad Company
to make the etiossing at Grave Creek, instead of
at Wheeling. Grave Creek, is some 12 miles
below. 'Wilson Rhannoe, of St. Claireville, ap.
pears to be at the head of this move; and rayon,
it by the ground that4lnumuch as the line to
Wheeling willtry neeemmodate about one tenth
as much of Bel out as the line to Grave Creek,
the subscription must he defeated, anion., it be
conditioned so sic to accomodate the larger num
ber. The projectors of the Marietta read, also,
indicate that in thenventiof not being able to avail
themselves of the connexion by Parkershurgh
they would, (ve* naturally) prefer crossing at
Grave Creek to running up to Wheeling.
The effect of this, ea tarn it bears upon bears
um, will he to render thoStenbenville &Indiana
Railroad people, ore inclined than ever, to a con
metiers with the East, via, Harman's, or Crone
Creek; or. in pie event neither of these route's
he found avallalile, - via, Wellsburg and Bethany,
—the temptatiori to continue their road down the
Ohio side to Bridgeport, being taken away.
The fact is, thst the Wheeling bridge, megnif.
• cent structive as It is, is a grand humbug an a
meanie( Railroad trausist, , , It is only tiocalculat.
oil for the stresed bat if ever so capable, the gap
On the Ohio side bt the island, would require an-
other bridge aslexpeaslve as abridge over the
entire river at many other points would be.—
. Irtlisburg Ilirakt
Senn IT to Mtpc"fpsr—Wren Goy. John•
ston lame into °Tee, Lie per cent: !Hite stocks
were worth about 67 coots In the dollar. • Now
'they.are worth' ninety four route in the .4oller,
:and afford unidenlreble investment.--What own
er of State stooks 711.1 vote mai" the men, un
der whose admistestlon the has tekenj) lace.
PELF Cr. ifirnianca.—TlAn
in supposed to extral6 stprosent
influence in the Austrian govertun
to his banishment from the Emp'
has Istely returned, and nOli resin
tate. Since hie retarn theft.. •
has resumed its former despo
through his advice. The folio
Metternich, is from the Path co.
the London Timm:
'The Prince has been residing fo• some time
peat on his estate of Johannisberg, sr. ich ho may
have already left. Daring that i .od he has
led an extremely active life—indeed, tis stated,
quite as active mad as fall of occupal in as when
he directed the affairs of the Empi and par
ticipated more or less, in these of ontinental
Europe. 8. full of energy is he this one would
think he believesle has some great orb to ac
complish during the short space yet lett to him
by nature before the tomb, and of which he is
anxious to mats the most. Ile is still indefa
tigable, as if nyears of a busy and varied exis
tence weighed not on him; and, whatevermay be
thought af his statesmanship, itis difficult not to
be struck with the vigor of his health in his
green old age, or the power and energy of hie
intellect. lie passes entire days shut up in his
library or sealed on the terrace of his castle, at
one time engaged in the composition of his me
moirs, written with his own hand, and somep.-
sages of which are occasionally communicated
to a few confidential friends, particularly those
which have relerence to the period between 1812
and 1820; nt another time dictating to his secre
taries replies to the numerous letter; addressed
to him from all parts of Europe. iliinong his
correspondents are Kings and Princes, d states
men, whose communings with him ha e not been
interrupted by political events, or ho, when
they were interrupted, have resumed t lem. This
voluminous correspondence has, It may be pre
sumed, reference to the vast and not uncompli
cated questions of the present period. These
questions are examined by him in every point
of viow, and the ease mil lucidity with which his
views - are expressed on ell the topics hie imment a
experience has rendered him familiir with, are
described as worthy of admiration. Visitors from
most of the nations of Europe have appeared at
the cliaetan of Johannisberg; Germans French,
Russians, Italians, have perhaps been the wrist
Among the citizens of the French Republic who
have visited the spot ate Count Duchatel, tho
last Minister of the Interior of the Orleans mon
archy, and the Viscount d'llaubersart, who was
at the came period member of the Chamber of
Deputies and Councillor of State. These rum
gers are received by the Prince with that high
bre,l courtesy which has been always distinctive
of him, and which reminds you of the elegance
and exquisite tone of old French or rather Par
isian society. The crowds that throng the ave
nues of the chateau suggest the idea, or the
doubt, whether they are indicative of an ap
proaching return to an exalted position.
ENG LAW° C 11, —The totlowiug is the conclud
ing portion of a leader in the Washington Reptlder
on the subject of the alleged intended interven
tion of England against the. United States in the
matter of Cuba: •
The time has gone by, we apprehend, for the
interference of Great Britian, or any other Euro
pean power, in the affairs of this continent, be.
yond the limits of its own colonial dependences,
in the expectation of accomplishing any practi
cally useful result We are well persuaded that
European nations, for the future, will be much
Letter occupied in ottending to the affairs of their
own continent than in intermeddling with ours.
throwing out these views, we areapenking
the inverse' sentiment of the Americ.. people;
. .
and we warn the times, and all whoml
.aente, that the first thaw of Dritiah in
in Cuban affairs will he the aignal to
merit that neither Cuba, nor Oreat 11
all the European powern combined
for on this point the mind of the Americ!
in made op, and their will in thin roe. .
law to American policy andlcondueL
nc dinpostion on the part of th• large
the American people for the comities
or her forcible annexation to the Doti
the only seenritj for Cubs is in the pariteet-_
ion of the Goverment of the UnitedStres, nnJ
'the sheen& of nll foreign interference.
, " tilrr..irta.. fi.liaal;
S. iiisir -- -
1:16 `1":: . ;
1., Lsrl 3Q 2, 11 lipivrC mur, 14 A.
.'., ity , lower St. Clair 1.1, 11,4
4S j,t4. - 1111ri '' 131 11
!k .•
• . 375 14 14.1.1. r... i 11.5 1;4
4,4 ;,,,,, Nurthialrifr ti ud 11.
W,..,..4 1,2 South rat.!. lir It 11
7th - V.ll t 4 1 , 11411, 1 .4' 1:..
Ith • 111 111 ilorm - 4.1 c.,-,
ill ,:,
--- ._ Vi . zakliu ' , 1
2 777 1 . ,14 .1' 1,. '" , '` -
111.i.mlir..e )laoclaenolar::
.. I. ni ,
v IVrl 4.4 1371 IWA, , T
....., ID jpt. - IP: 11 ,
il •tp, ...,34 , 1r.1.U., , r ^ 131.,
4114 •' . ,-,.., xalE. Ile, .• an 11l
. -- _. Act,llan* - 1... lioi
Mrsninitu4l " "ZIT 1,41.1001,1 tn • •1"
Wllkin , - z 7; 1i:.W..1 klallwrltt II If!
Plutol. ' GI I , A),
,1-..x111r.11. 1:1 lII' ~, 1t6.1‘.1
I:11.1..4 LIT. 111 , Si
11L111......hip 11l MI ,
abmutoit to is4s.
Adams, &
Allegheny, 292
Armstrong, 139
Beaver,. I
Bradford, :27
Seeks, , 4204
Bedford, r 126
Burks, 161
Butler, 102
Cambria, 270
Carbon, 228
Centri., 895
Chester, 755
Clearfield, 481
Crawford, 269
Cumberland, • So
Dauphin, 940
Delaware, 174
Elk, 138
Erie, 1413
Fayette, 514
Franklin, 770
Huntingdon, - 418
JeFerson. 201
Juniata, 98
Laucaster, 421::
Lebanon, 897
Lehigh, 441 i.
Luserlnr 818
LycoTrilug, 448
Mercer,. 531
Monroe, 1,314
Montgomery, 573
Northampton, 925
Northumberland, 578
PerrY, 725
Ails city itr county, 4961
l'ike, 486
Potter, 349
Somerset, , 1,652
Susquehanna. 819
Tiogn 858
Union, 1201
Venango, 544
Warren, Ills
Washington, . Ilk
ayne, 1910
Weattn'orelnnd. 2099
Wyoming, 168
York, 183
24,420 24,123
Ono Johnoton'n moj. 297
TlTOttre farmed epee out of walnut each
t Vuttou rr.u-tnl out ofit.ionn.
•ltootour prated out of it Kit..
Pin”nces ihreart De Itentatzes.—We Invite We attention
of We adlleind and We nubile zenendly, Um orrtittrat•
at . Wm. nail, of tbla city. The cue Rosy be moan by any
peramt Who May NJ skeptical in ndatlon to the Neva hem
act kirth. d. M. ItIER.
•• I had Ann .milted PP•dtral Tears with a aoranenof both
eye, able}, contlnund to lone*. until September, IMO,
We Inflammation at lhat Limo Parini Involve., the ahnin
Ulna membrane of both eyes:and ended lu lb. deptitita
~r . thick dim, which tettollY dietroyed my Fight I had
an operation perfanunl,and the thickening removed. which
anon returned and 101 l mo In an bad a *rendition as be
At this etagc or the compktot I made application to if,«
gal of Ti,, moat, eminent uiwJkal moo who ithEbr....l me
that •or ey, , a would never get well.' Alibi,' time 1 could
notdiatlnguleb any nblini..:.uri.h.adTicenf nave friends
I commenced lb. urn of tbaPetroleum, both internally
and locally, under w Web my eyes have improvel daily so
u/ the presontilmc, and I hate recovered my alitht entire-
Sly zeneral bulth wae very 'ninth liniment by the
Pelmlenta,.....l I attribute the nrataratinu of my elzht to
Its um, I eveldeat No. 102 &nod anent, in thlp city, ac./
will be nappy to gine soy itifonnatinoln Motion la my
tan. W I Ll.l AST lIA LL."
Fora.). br Rayner A McDowell, 140 Witmil anent It.
Antlers, LT Wood Arcot; O. A. Feinestoek, I Co, tonne
Wood and Fn.( atneln L. bleurry. N. Elliott. down!,
przotlaniand 11. P. Schwartz, AlleglienYCalirt by Mc Pe ,
plebe, S. M. MPH,
a•PPZIAtinT Canal Daant.lta”ntb et.. Pittabunrb.
ler From the unifernal succis. of H. G.
Yarr•lP• Arnblan Llnlmnut In toting Isms bark.. rheum.
gram . , diamond thirsts, White *amanita, *Mewled Mtn,
pe.yr • w* have no doubt but It Will rapldirley all
other Tatoodiel an the nn Q.,. I. cap earth Awns
but It Intlin gratat ratandjtbi liquid ever know. It In
pally nifectir• Ibr loth sag god bait, sod should by
all mkt= be bid In stew! holt. In bun and country.
ie. It is just *hat tit wanted---sup all who
b." eTer Verlielfocef std tLe rzovntm
letter from on 0.6 m.
ale sun
. mueh
hleh he
hie ee
.141.nrada. Chemung Co.. s. IL. t
- 18.17. 1 . •
Kidefl t),—When roam scent was here 1 hal .mst
Opened, dul be left but a few dawn of 11'Lmar's Venni-
Imp-awl I find It Iv solos oft eery - SAL and thee far It
ha. given gnad satlafaelloo, and has proved to to 104
what the Public wants, and we bare not it amour. and I
Jo not wish to net out- I haze but one dozen left- When
your agent vas here. I think he told on 11013113 place to
send If 1 ahonl.l want more. but if be did. I have forgot
ten WIII you have the ma:down! to water for me six dot.
en M on reeelpt of this. PL - PER FRY MC'
Yor ont
rule by - J. KII/Dn (XL
nen:Maw 110$ . No. 6.1 W,a - I at.
'account of
ondenee of
Fall Importation of Haraware, Cutlery, &e.
No. 129 Wood Street,
De•ire la rail ter atteutiem of ?I•xhautn sod others to
their L0...111 Of
And which th.,r arc now preporml to otter at Foch pricias
: sa cauont fail to plea..
/lira full asaiortatent of 31.(sYe celebrated C. S. AXES
away.. on hand. .0 .+y
C'itizen's insurance company of Pittsburgh
a I ILA 7a
S Omer Nil. Al 'Vete, .tret , „ Its the warelsooeo oft:. 11.
r T. I
(1 11. II cal PlATiAvrit -....-. A. W. AIWA, Fee,.
' .I . l,Compantc I+ tray prcoared to batons all merrhan.lias.
Io tiara, and to trinaltn,
An ompiegunrinity for llto atolity and In4grlty of the
f.s afforraal In tha rharart, of the Inrector,
vtfan Kra all citizen+ of l'itt+lrargh. vs,ll 1t0.12 - htrotatily
known to the community f, thelr.t.rtietice. intelligence,
and Infra:Tit,
• .1 sat...r.o.—e. n. lloaacy, tam. Lariter,
Jr.. altar Dryant, Hls
ugh . 11..„.i..
John Hayworth. N. Ifarbanult. anitt I ns
Pittsburgh Lire insurance Company.
l'reatlent—J AM. HOOP:
I,...ltlent—hattu4 McCarltaaa. .
Tresootsrat.--Jovern I.atalt. •
hrrsitary—ll. A. Cotcrom.
isdrc,ll/..ment'in another part fair parer
IN 4r 110111 IS.
_ .
rind after MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th,
thr .. Clrtrland 'tad Cincinnati Itallrontll , sapan,"
rtl twirl out from tlereland su lispro.r.trrln et., or" ,
lug at -it tit I.rk. arrtrunt In Onrionnti at Itt
monnag. making .1.1 horn, through. F'or near. applr
,tutu A CAP.:III.:V. Aprut, (tip i lairot.)
nrurr of Water and ntalthheld
tr" lontkr K ntabrln , Llourr.
UltPl . ll . BURCIWIELD have ri'n' d IVII. ~" nn:rnnn: by gap, ~ Or following artirl...—
Illthrolorml all trsol De [holor..
Ilion I.ltrter black Pak., 101
Prorado 1,111 lir Sol,
hlnrn One,.
Itontlet Ittbkr . .nr:
Long Shawl..
At north ram not, Pnerth ap.l Marltrt rlr
. .
King, Pennock & Co.,
N'AKF,IIUUtE —till.: WOK/ STrrteX, i'ITTYII L'1:1111,
N ti PA CTUR k: RS of Cott, al Yarn,:
T wine. idertet Warp, tiny rriat nrn. urea, liaudi.
lir linultine. Witting, La.
Agent, far sale of A_Aielloit AND KEY NTONE elf rtri
!NON.. or 14
Notice to BriclotaakArs,
i„,.! EA LED PROPOSA LS will received I,
17 tn.. Building l'eniruitld e of St Baur, Cathedral. for
Ow Mir.,. of TWO 111 LI.I,Ors tttni
...none ilnneripitan. term, ton..
of tirliN.rd. wlli le furno6r.l guy synlitAtion to TIIOA.
WYNNE. at 61. 001... in 1t,.,,.,the l'elloarel budd
ing. neer zit Paulin Dade) Ilan, tely...D tne
end 11 nide,. A. AI . eliorr jonnosAl. will Ale.
rdir.., tin to natures, the 11th irot Biol•
Enamelling and Coating Iron.
d O n l 4 .
e.tre.l in the Unitn, Ith.l 0,.• tO nA
"nut, tor tLe whole of the Meetoro att,l ~,xthern mut.
to, to, .namel all lunde.. , f I tern....troe•ost fkre
:17,PleTt . , ' e r e
arttel..x. ri Pane, t•anc., Pan.. num.n. &Eer
te. 01.11.41,104.11.10 o' rtediag ,r.ertturrio c./ the •rttrion
elmtnele4...n own Si M
• Co. o N.. 121. W..ext Mr "kunder•ou . .. Rare].
el" lurk, end at Meeoro. Curti. • 11,46. COMMON.'
L. I . llo•l.4pbta CMoMM ••,11 oLe.
uz. h, +.401.1. Moil
It repro•
film. nor
g n reaie t.
t pre the
Ihero In
sjolity of
of eutin.
Centorati. oI Dr. l'Arltun, Pro/ l'hvnrltry.
1- rill* IMO 01 1 / 1 111Ilteti 1.. tar tar esnutinatL.
.ulloart Ctenell9...blel) •rt mant,(6 , 11,.rt,1
att.lrtmert4 *ltto • lmrl an,l , hirable 1.• •
patent e
I, to tri,l (Lem 1,1 rt•lsl the artl,.nol
•11 ~ nllnary etrm, 4r1.11,, evrt, at• 1.,,111,1
ttsc , at t h
r, !MT. Sigki
11...1 o .' 4 ' .tl.l the. rwle,l them rtmitlly
tto , le •A Inuor, h. tho Klamo,g I hay , baJ
the hact, •11,1111•1,••••41....VM I.r eytmar,
urn rth. , ~1. mat l.ll4
Nntins' Grand Pianos!
U T 11ECEII El., a ?lend.] -,
• 7 ...-taye 14....eare...1
1•1.111. I. than eh. taa Net el Sum.. a hlaelt
al I 1 „fle
11a., pine Wt haraca. Lod ,A. 1.44:
l li .Uw 1n• Ira
F an:: ae-re ' e " tte=l • 3 l to ' n l :..;t l :nl.7nt
,„ thaa I.eniatmale. ovvil.•.11114
kl , ••1 •Gat. • Ittrlx • .Ity I . lt , tnatah. I.
lanporeell, Vs eloan Pb. taa
- h. areal let,. sale teahectlutly walled to and .‘ll/1.
11. a (hie tiebtras/1.4 I . lano h. to, It laar, the pr., h ill t la, eat. ..ant.,
II h1.1.11h11, lot Third at
rrl:tAvl• AA.," I e , 111201 11110 Cla
A Clam..
AA eftorlo •A.A 11 . .
Ilatze, to.loatha Lot, All .
Patent Sping •
'rut: siuNtnys ~f Walnut. Itito.
Shwa,. lit.
thr 01, pvrtviu.s....t the 11.4 ot All.
it brut ()aunt,. Ihl Muehitto to aprrat....n olho.
1 . 5./..nx BID .4 -, Vfluog CI, 31erirhovt,
Vaud Cab t.vr a.r. tn,rt.
rt .1 ...tit th3t +Lir . l l li au
turt1.e....31,11141 the
I , er, at R. ITnavvit. 4.1 Vomit.
Vittvh.v . vti.. • , ;vela; Vl. III:RM.:Lt.
Cloakg, Ribbons, Silks, acc.
Long trrth
ECEI V El) this .I:ty and now ;pen at
11. IIeIiNIGIITS STORY ...orlaumni t.1231.rna, -, -1 '4ll 01.1 Cloth IN. Plnr-I,
rip. w 0
.0.. di Fol.
ANA RIC SERI) --5.1 ho. prime Sicily, in
hr bi
1:11.1 , A Co
6:. VENT' ,
$ - 1 J 1,11.11•
, REANt 'r ARTA R-2 , Kk)
.1 11 7. .zre ,. , ,, for
.41.• In
j ihs. pure, fiir
h 111 - 11 S CO
IFII'ER--111 kt.p Fre,h. juAt reed
l) wr
oil s. R \l ll.\NltAl'titl
10 1 ) 141.1,1 N i/. I !twin, for sale L e
1.3 • a A P. 11.1811AUkil1
11 !BEM; -5u hoar Cream, for sale by
a 1%. 11.4E11AUclii
130TASII rusks prime, for sal.. by
1 .
S. * it. 1181111 A Istill.
u M6l, A SSES..--1.0 Mils. for sate by
iIIEESt-100 hiss W. It., for sole by
88•13 • S. AW. lIA 1111 A
UTRAIV , PAPER-2000 bdls. superior, re
v, ft, II ir 0..18r .1 11. pod.ay. ej.. L .
. 8 1 :E. 1
rrl2 co - rorr (.1 rota 8181 I rwiu .18
cortt, r.l I•onn
I UST opened at the Depot for choice Tea.
Ain,. awl In 1,1. r.
„,s ,i,.....,,...4,,,,,..r.
) UT
-l Et-- b .
11s. Fleel Roll, 1 .
I' ' : ”,." k "" : ' . '.t t
g O_FISIL-4 eneks fur sale by
i lAIIII.IAIiE OIL CLOTH —lied ree'd I rent
li the Philllpwille rartorr. IWI pia 4, re. awl 6 quar
ter plain awl ligurnl bark Parma t/lwe.l Curium till
cloth. awl for pale whalrewle awl retail at N.,. Ila Markel
4troael. Italal .1. a II 19111.1.1 P,
1 1.1 rarda 34 Flo., 011 4.1.0). -1...74,
. . ..
Jugt at.ll',.r .tnle al 011 tiolti Wo.n.mort, 116
Mark. rt. ioel3l .1. IL V 1111.1.11,
• Freeport Academy.
. H/41.1111E:ATI!.
THOMAS WHIM.. . Anolstanl
Fill 18 FALL TERM of LION+ Institution will
roson.nrr thr Mond., a In
1H,1.11 SHIM., Langu. ,,, .. SW: lot 0.3 . 01 of 01
If Catharine Keough
li r ILI, cull at No. :107 Penn street, olio will
y hear ratuellana m her advanlage.' ael1:0
Musical Convention and Teachers' Institute
loin flv Dirertion Jir. L. 'Mozon, of Ramo,.
.1 1 . 0118* INSTITUTE, on the plan of thanwhiell
lowa so aueereeful nom., itoeheeter. N. lo and oll.or
places. will be held HALL,. hne.
7/ r o 'F e l lt.r,
dnl;. Programme of Egorrisee will ertilorar; lotion'.uino and Ilinatntlfona of Clam Terwhins, Voral Culti•a.
non. Church Iluele, In IL. dithwent rtylee, Sreular
eo. Tn. loduenore heeler. of luatruetion will 1 , 4•01110
,„. r i a l attention. and so full> Disparate.] and explain...l
toil. Other celebrato.l antueent will, from
lame u, he
introdurwl. sod. oil short, It trill ,r the
nun to here on h oxen-bowae will ho od
wont Intenlng and utdo! n. 'react ere of Singing Faboola, l.aodeee
hurlul Chnir..lad iptlned 41 all win. feel an interest .1
the general sulleet oh Husk, and ref...coal, toll.. ("ends
of ehureli ?dusk.
It is expert.' tbil 4ir. 312m0n will hare the
of other .-ro(nent buinoiane.
The Boehm aluAiral ;Sorrentino. under the .rireetion
Mantra laarni Wel.lnt the first wetahltahed Ittibe routs
tn.) held IL
(Ira reeglOtt is 1031, and e 06.114104 of lowirr
IL ha. onwall, to
dont. lu 11011. IL I,IOM
lo,red gp•Mrdll of TULLY, 11,141111. uvermaa:
Twin. to the ennTentiou land Inenture at Pittelough
may he obtained at tha hoot and...l/aisle Store of John 11.
Melor. No. 11 Mood strrwt. Prlee, 12; whnitting • lady
and gentleman.
Clef - 10rue° are invited to attend free of
H. D. King,
the highest tuartraritteg.
I lurteru Bank N'teu bought sail
on•the Fat and tuiugist and Fuld.
bought and Cumming , ion. • - 11
O. & P. S.B.
- - -
A. ,
?tuck AAA Erebork 31rt;krir,:
orll 1 , , • corner of Blarkrt sod Th gr
ird.trertrrSlLK _
relvrd Ara will rthibil fur rele-3 dos. Silk atul
f or 11) A. A..IIAt‘ON el Cu.
I.YROCiIE SIIA.IVLS--Just rec T d. ; 27ases
JLJP soperlar 9rt416 Blurb A. A. MASON - A 00.
.. • ' •
.111g - L.4.INES--Nowopening, 10 cases rich
af"'" ' L '''''' Zr - MASON 0 co.
• -• • .. -
Ac! at .A : A. MASON At C.).'S. (r 2 untie.* Marketd. ' veil
LAID DE LAINES-4 eases new
Ylllllll operuns al A. A. MASON A ewe_
4 1 0 . SA LE—A first rate FAMILY.
HORSEwhirl, ren he A.,13 ia JACKMAN'S
iery Stable. Iswiu etre, ... t
1 E FiN K 1) SUGARS—An assortment of
t Cruehed. el...Wed-Pulverised sod Leal Suj:Ano.. Iron
t e• et. Lune 1.t.1n Sus.. Refiner). fondles: redueed
I ees by, the Age...
- - - - • .
eiricity, at
) N i.lll h ll S ll e t i l e' l "- by ' Dt 'f . 3 1! ' ).: n eil l y E u le r. ac :Pt rt.
1114. 4 ,4.3./1 , 14th. at 7 o'rbwk. Pubtir . 11;.oture+earh rucht,
tor nix mei., at iarn+ hour. .fdltuttane, after the flr.t
iiinht—nvn t Pen, 10 rent,. Indira 10 rent, lle will now„
an 19 loin at lbw above ball. rt, 1 1,nda1. the 111th
he rtt VO o'cloct. I'. M. illnia. each 04 for IC day+, for
um of Doatne.s nrnu
Ithetunatitan..Pakt. Pro.
lapoi+ Utprl. Nruntini,;• In +bort, all db.ntoo , n,a+
r „,,,d r,,110e,1 t +y,tam. intrilicrntiy 0014.1
T.ptut—No mind Oil en no chart, Poor troato+l free,
Consultation from 11 to 1.. ~1017 t•
Grand Farewell Musical Toar in America.
1471 ADAME ANNS BISHOP, leaving the
friencji, nbort, thte Fleat country oarl, nept
+ring, roturn to hturn,„ feel+ tot.. to + kit tSNIM,
310 . 111 , 1-runie tho whirh +be ha, boil
rrrelved with i+.lllllol AJodneo , and nounitle•nee, takint
in her wo, 'man' Inuatral plorro where obi. has not y.
had the honor hi +Pup ard +lto 10-us to ounoisoro that 40e
rill offrr to the mu+ nt! aniatoUrt and the publlr of,an
on+ poßtsnely for the onl, tinl,lo, farfaunor I.
R I.S IF. T.fI.I.IIER p+101) to to-Ulnae+, Cartll.l
- the attrartion+ oi cosewr ANII 01 1 1:101. and or ,
ramrod on the plan of thosi+ popular, wattod and new per
forinanno, which ahr tan ronden+l tol lurromful.
The followlnto Moe of mad N e al : la+ tielbenol milrh
rlo.unlai wire+ rk. PhilaJolnloa, Marto.
burn, Italtimore. Cumberland. Pituthurnli. Wlnwltnc.
rinuatl. toxiititton. Dm ton. 3 1 .11+on:Loots, i I le, Ninth
14 I,OLIiN 1i4.111, bin, 1 irkaburn. Nateheo. New tirkatol,lll+,
Columbus, Montgoutery„tlacon, 2 4 erguaraili, COsrlr,
on. Auousta.l,ll.unbin, te., Ar, and Now York.
II ADA 1111.1 ANtIA Mlt.+llol. 01111. a,o+ted lir bet TA R-
I:STEP WM VANI. under dir,roona Jir. 11011111+A.
0010 llatiaorr and blreetor
• Fiill partirular+ - retpertini thin Proud Slualcal +quo.,
:11+ 1 / I +lll will
bib in tin+our, ot 110+ month,) to dui,
twinouneed 0011001
Good Chance for a Gardener.
'rIM E undersigned 'mill give a most cavora
g nsina nf
,oround In :10,
tor timer, will In
•Inlakiu,, the rnws•ar, Itonrovisnarnt, land la of the
and Me lew.atland• an mw, !whs.,
derr ronvoient 10 Ow Inv, landing and railroad
,nll uni t 1.011, frnin the
grit/ t 1 J W. P. murre. 44 llrnol FL
H ,o
ICE- -10 tem. prim . ... („),,,li tla , for „b„ . . Lp
„.„10 10111, A. 111!Tell1,-00 10,
EAL)--5511 pigs Galena: „
e4non p.=3.10113, I Ildbt, fore
nein 1 0110.0 A 111,T11111.110 A Pll.
1, 61. 11. MOLASSES--'2,) Idds. print.) St. Lou•
hl. ;, • ,11•11, Je 111.,1/A 111/1(1111,4,0 l l'o. •
• .
EM lull, Kontuo N. ky and Alissuur)
for eel,. In
.111 JA 110..0 A. 1.11/11111CON
• _
LARIFI El) SY1:1:11' —lijr I,llls. Int xtile lw
4.) .10110.. d A, MITI:111,10N A 01,
VI ACK ER El.-- l ‘ ita I bbls.l.argqiNu.):.
far nit, • -
min 011 0, AVI :n•rt.s co. -
1 .1E1 1 C ` K , N , V , 1•1 ,, E , A ., :1L , FL , t , t 0 1. , K „ - s - ,
0.. 101 l A 11,1•1.1,11di
,nds, nn•nr• sand 'l, O l t/nalrr•
g lostIEN A,ANI) 19 lt. CII ELSE—Con
atantly nn 1, 0 n.1 and Inr van. by
nen, AVM A 01r1.11.11111.1 016,
SY Ell P-- „ Altvue
.11 1 Lvibl 111/4 for ..01. 1., •
11 A 11,1,0111: A 111
Now Music.
ri E GIPSY'S SOltp.i, or Sly Gallant Bark:
br i t n in sug n 1111.1 .ar with raploit td
od d tinnnsan Is, Jrui d s
TLe 1 i g h.
110.kuder••11rna n I n nt a,,vnr r ,stlnstie sang.
hnnely On,•unt, l'atlnare,..ll.., •to Mllµ(l(,s , ntsupg •nna Vaddlnl•ll,.- 11.1
TI.; 1•1.,,, n ted 11,40,1,
1 In. nl g nal ILxm4,
. „ .
""'", 'u ' ' '''''' 7,7";;',:lll;f.7.,\ ra„r, ..,,,,
".... ~,,, ~: ti, \ lisidon i lloft•
NenoMarble and Freeport Stone Works.
1 4 1 ,1)3110ND W ILK INS. Iti ad '1(100 to hifl
A est.,•its. rstsblisf forry •. , 141..5tt sr.,. bran.
11.. a. Ps, 0f..t0..1 p Imsnel, in Lif to_, 'sr!, W..rtf.
h.ljorszn tn It...l.,tarte.rf llllle t whorr 1... wal.l farturrs vv.
,s , vartots of Mart. and f',...ort Stone, six . ten...,
1.14. 'f, ml. ft t... Ie ,of Nark .., Curbt....
anl, /a1 . ..Me1...1, LIS, lc- ~ I Fr.s•por lfisne--s
duratar in,ssal
.f1eintf1,......1P1r.1 , 111.1,1 1,1 I, [hr.
urtvry. h. Is Isvpar,..l is ..a.sslt,,nlere ,rithczn,.2
1.a4,..nd on 1.11.. 1,...,4 (.111s•.-...11 , 1 hopes tor utinkr
.....1 Th.. ratrunsgo tr,..1,(0, ... Ifl.rfslly es - kn.
ter, .
NewoMarble and Freeport Stone Works.
1 4 1 ,1)3110ND NVIL6INS. in ail ition to him
A est...fir.'r•lnblirkoroj lair'rtt froot, fa,,f of
11oro1, bar oporoval y la.nel, of too la-No , all, Wort,
olgoo-ot w Ito Croirtrar I[l, , ,, whorr to• waif forturrs or
oor rar oar of Mart. and Frwoort Stone, . tenon:ton,.
Sforr llautrar. ,of Maah l'urbtne
and Voneln, a W.A. kr- of Froopor
durrfar gnt:alai Mott 1,..a10t PE.1 , 111.1,1 1,11, Eta
Vonoarry. tr larprao) lo parr..taloa, reithcropt
oat,. imel on thelow or.; roms•.-.+11 , 1 honer for utinkr
of Th.' platform, horrto(oro o•
ter ,
9.11 F. I'l'lll.lo ARE CAUTION El? ag4lll\
g rokoOvlnoc tore afro, n Co. to Oa OPL.
1 1' &lei 'olNowk ...I - ow...infra AM. 100
oorala otr, o‘r!a haoolnol .lo , torr. 4f
C•IP .41 r farrooof 11),a.•
•• 'tilrrtrra
• Hart,' Wkolo
••Am.l. lnonot ,
hoe• 11.01 •5.4•• •
e• hon. ratannic-u.•
I j ' lt it,
_tp 'r audt..l
.• `,ll '' landinii no-. 1 (or hit.: bi'
ne. 0 , , !ACK NllLtli (h)
kNG .
ap, GA. Ciiarn tbo Co w. it.rntst... hr Kainto.—
Th. dolt•htful pro..ration unoquadied for ;writ, to..e
ty. n.' trtcrxnee; though onnovinat t. tine '
nth., .inittor th It
hr hart.... then •II to, o n onnothiou,y
.0 It• lathe. lir hieh onnon• .--'.i eto rontlrr
$ 11 5 4 , 0 -;
$1... mu p.n., Itruebh in henr troll tho
~“ material.. Ullil and h. not ....dr rho
hut the r00.....1 sti r . O . iniqnz. 11.0 in
roatitu• -nthurc.
3.1 tho h.voral •01.1 nod iti.l•l• lor it,
..gly stn.. hich ...timat.on in Girt. I,l'l by
tho For whole-110 hint otnit
$: K Wond w.
f l i
• _
.S;OLE LEATIIF:II.--1: 1 1) sides ?jays,. nods For mile hi C1 , 141E111 . 61.N a el
LIA ,, RV./...„ II i SK EY—A, lot of .iuper r
0 - T - C1.13EllT•Oli A in)
1041 kegs awl Oiils. l l,ri , ru . e . N.
11 6,. 7 o •nd lot !air h. tl ' 1 1 11 Mt.
k Alll l, —.`l ow. , No. I, fir sale by
\ i •
.0111.1g1.1 1 . $Ollll Cll
u . T . 21,-,t{-,-,\, keg. pritpii .}.
IN:sEEI. 01 —2O brand,
II for halo hY .• • 3 1• .1t
)EA It 1.. A:in—' it cask. , fir /..11/1. by
.1 It C. 1 .1..111:hp.
( CHEESE--lisi lots. ?ifininort r :
1J 3n,•• . !roans: for :,1110 b)-
• .1 Id 0.0 h: FIRM.
4,4 (GAII— Id Weis. i„,
14ACK ED Ittn • TE--'2.5 bids, good, for
• mak Sy J 11. FLill U.
hrh Itoond Ch fah
114 EA easks A4l \ for Cab'
• hi J IL FL,IS iI ,
easks for. W713 - v
1 11 .1 a I stsrtfi
I t 10 bags LI
J re L er i ,l , ‘ . . , s , tt i l , e . by:
I'ImORACCO—IIeat Virgtnia frutni.tfarVd. for
r ml. .1. A It FLUND.
oontral a • reas In ono and
siti tind ram. herinet nlil
vy v•rinr For •aly
lc si. A. 31r1 - I.llnti A CAL
1ir..., and T.. Deal,.
.Very ou.r•lar fur pieliliog •
=for eh. by'
WM. A M.-111.1.101. ths • :5.1 Lihody rt.
P 10;$ 11:1311.0 Cahsll.;
I .....Nutmoid..—for
J 1.111101.1: A Ih l
Matchleas Blacking and Inks.
911 HE cEutititATEp "AI A Tell LESS
• 'macs iNii - -.-a'arrisusiss.,sir our 3,3 ~ H ood
to Lb. publie, 1,
14.1 in • yeicrint.• Niiihnfitchirod
1 , 1 1101111 K INSoN A CIA lbum. •
Si I . {lll.lollthi, r". wit din.
d moDFISII--Iteeleit , isd arid for sale by
J 0at 1t.1)1.1./1111 AOi,
4.IPEWI Of L. , -5 casks' pure i'ur sale by •
0,3 soloossflit:s a f‘i
LEIM —3O Idols. fur alebY
'•11x'•1 ntrovt.
1 1IEESE—S0 boxes extra Cr 'lndteens;
1,1 ' sin
i do II
—.r omlo by - tor, WICK A t 1 .1.71.hd! ,
to.; No I Lakeit4therior Iron
1if41.1.10 r.
do d
—All of 11. 11. SIoCuLIO.II, no•tp•rtioh. eTer in al. w•trlinto.l 10 ho.nlif t i NIUE \I
tonihnnhio truth of ttuhr. for gait hy
ordJr lIN 11 TT f tl I.
I; urri . ;it fr d es , fi I.l f ite
00j \ WICK A 1.41
A LERATUS—.IIO'ed and for 'sale
17 br ' \WIC% • NiceoINIILES3
N' , CODFISH-5.01,4 , ms ietf'd
for rah by I 11,17 r
. d AND PENNA. It shares tor
• Nilo at *34 for Col paid. App
'A.I - 11LI. A CO.,
net:34lA. 01st find ortioniro Broke ,,
gIHRFSEL.IthI t,,,x, Creal
mmon t.hrihin•
and for on. Co
by .1 01 th hAth,Z ELL.
Fo i . 17,a71'), '
I.l l l ' ;o 6l .l l3 ll.. l l:ihi ltE rt P l 4 cle. hitt ntY . ,for \t b' l l. l. - ;
o .dl ; It. IP-SELL/111144. AV l el. pt.
Wi 'ALE OIL-715 galls. just rtA'tl,
for aleld E. SI.: +Kik
di REAM 'rARTAR--3 lIIIIP. w,Aitirlusr
vEU PURP., for male. by tooth R. K. SELLAIV. \
I COARSE SPONGEs—'22O lbs. of supetr
• if
aalltr. rob by AP.
An... IL E. PKI.LEK \
d . ARIL AMMONlA.z.treasks for maleby
I_l r.erwat.s._.
CASTILE SOAP—t. 9 buses for Rio by 1
K. E. 51111 lt,
ICIIAkH J. et ROECKINU, Alabufnutu
el. in 7;13,/ lno t h =, NO. 715 krif,ll4'‘'i{i7e.t, Pain
Istutiorsh, WWI,
. , '.C4) 31 51E# CIAL \ N _ \ ki.llU E3lEN'fs:. •
flatentotra A s witmeate.-Adreritrmatita and subsci-C, - ; TEE,NABUId. •
- acs this paper it:coifed .4 fogwaitlesd he waspenasy \ •
' h' ' 019. ..... \ ' : - .
IL 'open an TIAS EVENING, 'Sept.
.. Wahuosa \ \--lld•si t t l a Merchants' lit .\ ra tbe Itthetwetnn Litwet3 stmt., lIIMAI,
ILax i sairse for Orthw,s.t. p.0.e.,. en tills a promlisetAlLV L Vl t P i g O L INTLAR I P7 . I „ ,I I . * Z. th. 4II rh!, •
plat" npon onr table. \ Wit kg, 1..0,4 ortbe kind wont il , ,tea Ifni' arid asst.,. assery aportha elansical
es.' is) of a liberal ped.ronage than thisr..earellent action- tee of tto Old, worm. for \pearl four Moose.' Mll4 s,:t , •
lealor no man mane eat(tirtA to praise A bis
nit4tesnle to
t e P0tn . ; 44 ' 44 , bYtthg Is Wig. and PM.. to of
,L e,,,. ~,,. ~ tet trtatofal. amt n e at , and Ittegattieent
!slue, as en Maar. than Freetpart ilant \ L u s o- ‘ .rer brought oat In le mat try.
\ AZissino 25 egnor. ankle. 5 <to
". w...ram, wilt,oommenee oasts at a e r mine he.
- PI7TI3BIIRIIH '` )!IARELVI. ; ro b e R.,, k_erem - ovensaw . la Ms wort . aelPtf
.k •
OM= sit laude antrra 1 OTC E=-•THE , PAR.TNERSI P EXIST- •
Theater orthpg. October 14. i i i 0,,, ,, ,,. dr i e r g: 4 ll , r i st of oi ll ii Ztr i gs , l ,i l.l2 i, t i t. tr ;
The martet4cdrtslay Wad with ht any siw•ehtl Intel... je ' s.r.„;,l wall roans:Me 4itbnuomeks aVorns sot., oniter
~ P.- 2 , 1 1)11A ••141 moderato. with no 'Sparked eltati, la a. 01 , 1 ,. 0, t. 1 - OWNSENP.S (1) , ..
iii \ ,,x,
.bru.r. The weather wen Jut and losxsas. with soma, In - , ' . ‘, te ' s i ll is.' f . $ sp.
'Lle sa, Awing the der s L l'lltorul.. it. 3.12 , 51. _ \
1 . ( 1.11.15L.1..ey fettle rams,. 'fon.. yeaterday. and \ ile , L , L \
....,, D.
s•ade dal nut .'toed lre, bhle. \ t ro t h ...r and IVaekd , .k \ ,•,C L .,, L i s on, a. \
f.t I„,, . 0 . ss shi It 411 Pale. from dray !red lota at , p row st4ENI) , , t co.wire
Al i n . h tllgtl •
''''''''. .r. site
'-' ::A " stirs ' 's • - S, 11.
.ers w .:: ,.. l4:s , l , arte b tn i te: u t: o li r it .„ , st , u , rg d; h. , A m ..lsl: k
, w:Llw t . ,
" A ' \ -Tb 4 .44 "‘ .4'44... teem t t'run'r ., 4°‘" . )4 i t5 ,0 4,1 11 :-..- 4. \lali t o ss o ' f\‘lnonei, whie
t...,. bpi twiny to the /Ight reeedst. we re no re , . o. o ' $
ennhontim to . report Wheat is in, stseadt demand to ~,,,,,,,, ~. , hN,ibi,ll A 141,NNbrr. •
oul Sag 5eV ,,, ...121jfk Itle . 400 'P DU \ Prinsc ilatl4T hi .4 ' Sets& wl at. battes, Ws.l'and4Latithroll l
.014 from first hands at roses.sse, and Vats, at 2Necit but letiii'ill-li,i/Vllllis RIIIIOad. ' .
ts se:P.llls t , -IVe hare m , wk of cotnseluetsmootire.
:salt of Sugne,s - Ye snafu...l-V.onel! Ilea at \ ...,44e, es No- , CW.IO/0 IN TI. E 01 , 14TAI.TIXII ,
ta.s, , algsr3og ~,,r lirleaost„ind 4C , 44: fOr Sukarhoo :Go 0 11ANIll'h \ l IER I A NDAY, thatlth inst..
i•••• I. 0n.4. with, moat) sales Rio en's. iOO ,halen 0 41,m t to , aperne.O. train will etre News tiriallhaa Id lik •
, ,
' o l elsrs.,' 4 ssa m r.nnr•roc. leave aleral rtmet elation at 0
::I:i r t:; . \ . :lS k l s i:l.Fl . 3 -!l:::::l:ll o a r t ' Aad t, ) ,, .ri .a ltla .
\b oLto r, a . ta . rlal . Lb . a r af ... , .. ‘. ... , tf:,.: 1 : - .,‘ ,;:: : : ... ,7 1 ,. 411f 5 .. ...........
ntall , r,lobs et , hems 0at,agi?,, , ..tu....5t 6is ca. chasm ate \ En 4314
nists Itfe L m ..ifins , 44g It r 4 .40e4 5000 !tes khoulderis4l4..e. , g * B ett..-,
Prr , -4.. ,, . , "'..."f'' a.... ‘T' • ''T at 1,4- W. 'IIkrIIOLESA,LE il,lt'‘)CEll '.: . , - o,,humisstan
bear of ms I Ising doom in ',fried beef. sant , Ir. Ming very y Slerehanlg and dealers It peed,}r , tad Pittabarkb '
ins tit \ '.
, 11 nufaetture-No.ltdtWormd st.end I:.lirstats,,botst
„, e,..„.5., Wonst and stnittsfisld ale,. Plo.l4tran„l•4l hare no
l'UrrE' ts,..7; i 7 t's oUtsl Os
'''''' l° tote. st 14 "' \ '''' s ''' 7 and will receive the Ilslloarioa:sroods. wlsieh they otter Sir
rulllat Ise et .
Pre tl}:E;9 4.-A \fair hinnuels J. doh.. IT h., etc (,) sl,', L 1 ,,, 5114 . ,..4.eart i n5: ,,, , d;101n i 7 . „ 1. 40 . 44 , 0. 11 1 . , ... , 1 n .1 „. ,114,, , ,, ,,,,,i
\ . .
'..., hews t wit Inhere, l•-•• . Ellt. Intr., a 0.1 . , ,
W i l " KeY-140, , ' 4. 'lsl e. re o4n4 ..." 1422 - all', raw ' IN gross (Me cut chewing do .sts bbsts N. V. imr. \
.21se -cal. \ ' • 100 -s at a tiry smoking . .Set bhla N. O. blellsee, L. .
SUM flair en...hen:am. :so.. S.M. • a \ :,
1 hit-Email sal. 5171 4,1 MA. s . ../01 Principe - 4 0 0 arts Nati, astette4 aim, \
P:SIN-5k e taste a lles n limited ‘ lota alt 3 2; 5 Vs bbl, 45 s\ liaaane . , 214 box. ist 10,111.01111/,
tyreSWe ha,. , tares 1.11 ,, t0...r , ‘ ,.. " ... 7 1 11 4 :.;LP . 4 .4. ' - '. ...". . .. h .'..'-' 1.1 .1 4 . '. 4 .. 1..1.4 2•. '.. .4 . .
trzste , our
at P.kla Ash llNi . 14: Sit s , Pearlmh re 4 t Es lT L la i t... l , LL l,Lt r .... L st. =.7-,L.,;7%' 1 7 .. 44 7 ~
to \
gaissialtos SenStwg's and Po a
nt 4 `.itsjeVae Vila, aturt - Latel nut, 4 ,nee
-ono \ Is4dlsta,
DIU ED Is EMIT -Small se. transpire farm stare et gli NINE] ,took Landy, 2 , 0 1,5.1 , i , ljaellatwssP, •
SO caws Tomato Cats.P. SO ' latter .
$1 .4:01 75 fur petelses, and\ LsTe for apples 50 . el - awe:teams, 20 . slssold &Dipllandl . •
' BEANS-4lud new ertsp tall white beans are worth a.. bk, e 1,,,.. 00 Ishist-srasslter,
114441 47 it La 150 drums , fig:,
. i $s born-. t itlor,,
SM. ihnNs• . 1 Csasba4l ling.
SKS:DS-We hear of but Iltli doing m seeds., We may IV 1 .2......1, - ,:; ‘ ,l';':dr . ,.. , L i y , 0 ,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,
du,4 firm 111,1 hand... Tiand $2 2(s.Chseer $5 . ..$4 and Sand mat, sped, \ feu bbbs :gat stnote. s
Etat at SI Igli 51 bo.
lo ts boxes, 0 hit. fines. Canters,. Mhstintr.tballt.
t Lags I Otte Brazil hogar.Cottgre. taros. Hathnge Ow, •
11,[1 . - Tbe Prinrins. de.. 4 b s a 644 for ' No 3 Nark- 0, b ox es .- Mamma :` • giewleliand CatTset chain.
eret, wills sahe $5l MA., in lot.. at 5 750)714 libl. and by,. 0 ,7 \ \ (Journal gorr.l.
Lilo 4111a•It bbl at E: 2. In utter kin a • =Moe.. 1 . 4-
nem a. been doing et. foe \o 'L Slack, ISO 5054.1 U. No II 84 iss \c. &moll, Milliner, trona N. M t ,
,a, Torlt4.-24 - $l.- Chi t ,,, s street. Pittsburgh-hen
du $ll Istge , l2.l , alutun leas *hod M. Ile tag 5C44 0 , 25 ... 4 ~,,, en , .. e d a tb.. le dreasnater, from !te e
1 flute tioh .44 of lUr Y 1 Ltd. ()Abell 1 stunted at I 4 V , Li.ops.ald is prepirrd t .ecute all oake n at the .1111 . 1[1 ! ,
lots A. k ' :hottest tire. • ~
- Ctosaks. Mantilla, and 4 Wren's CloVissag made in . .sthis L '
. $4l-ink \
FLDVD. AND GRAIN • tiz_......5. manner.
, , .
, . "15 L4 , 4 , \ N9 TICE—IIte St:o.; holder. of the 0 flax°
(eta Manufacturing Cann:rah, t I Pitt.barskbojrn V
Flour—The receipts of new hour \ltraintles 1.1, notleed that an aSserallittir. of tv”.uty-flre per c.f. \ .
rasall.atel the ansggstl r-OnlaloU I rends are con nierably has been ordered on the stock of \the Compauy. to be Pidd
min...J. Them has been r, runderdo demo. doting tho to the Trestenret on orberom the 15Ilt .4 ...own.. haStiMt- s'•
week fun the various lirand.s , witinsut change in 104 r -ea- \ ora,lld " J. illiA{tA 114. N NT. Treasnmr.
Sp ode °evens,. eclmenon brands. SJ:-•. lane, ili j id7Nt. - 7, -- -- s'r . •
extra <t Solta.s n 1014,10 and Nlvluvmn.mullu . n brain 1µ- , Dissnlution., , ,
t. '',..., - `,,,"`",,'*4,.; - ,5,,., -0 ,,,'1,' 1 ,•, : „"i'," 1 ' ,i',';'11','„7,,,, h _1 4 ' . ",,n 1, ,•TM-,, FIFE PARTNERSHIP herokofore tainting r ,
\ between the stitewelben. nudes,- lb; name and idyl.;
,ra 5
t l inn .sas-1. se,ree .an,... no um small .sirs at ill 1 ot . ....0,41 Caldwell k Sou, 'LI thtsday dietplyed by mom-
al eon 4 The hurdervi of tr., late hrm
be settled
L, Joh \ Caldwell. JOIIN CALDWELL., \
\ ---,-, \ ) , 0L .,, , ,,.. L . L,. ., \ eon. 1et. , 1551.
_. d 4,,ME.9. CALDWELL.
Flo r—Market lower with moderate inqutry, ,
eml r•alr.., at VI la ta . 2,", fur ..ommont)loo ,L.j an ,,, d
.., \Ti, ,a
.u.nd sd .,:i .,, th i rr.. dy ltra in ,g,, g ), r , ..,, L i i t , c H o re p . v_ .
ljo . Ind IQ 2442,3 SI tor 4,,,c4.
"'LS' "'" " "II dessert '"'" "'"Li it ' ht. - t't II ...hull. the TAX-Vi.V/7 .t till r.VitS YIN°
. 0 . 0 .. ~,, 'or wbar true ..; for nogd red Ohlo. Csarr, . • .as u ,
ufJohn Caldwell .1
s• is , am t re, ne. at lower ark.. enlies iss.uxi ha at 42‘.
t a b' !. '" aTeli ' itoti t' o . \; " s , i t l e t 'i rtSatlll " i nt1.:.3114 CALDWietd..
Int Ilhicags ET f'l , . Tolrdn s. dleen‘k Oats still inlet. . ts,',Ls 4 L 5,._ . ' --• i,,,,,y 5 t ,w,,,,
OM scan e an, wanted .254.- I ads s
\ To Printers. ° •
. i ,
MONEY ; lARSET. \\ A Pit NTIN 'OFFICE, amply . supplied
New 1 b se. Oct. P. with I owe. ,y maser ale for doing • snst. rate,
• • o and J flusirasen - la thla eitv. togetber wit h the un-\
Tbs. Stook NI het op. -reed firmer thls forenoon,
.. PIT S heap t the irse, good will, .t . ist hereby of
"' t ' l ' s ' . sn ... 7 ~ -..y. ''''' - ' 4 t ...l '' ,' ' fn ' I for inle. The in t larials are all . ' A. order s and
I. r. sr s, loch ere aoe els a easter. , . • mostly new. 411 .. the ow,ners art enge , si In ofhtir nod
he ,reeei rite an 1 payments •at th e San-Tres- a.... will b. an Terr , unfit below ttayr ealue,lso g le i rm-, were light 1,, ;ley\ The wane .' was 1.1.:24,1414 Cels !,,..,;itt'*!;. terms. 7 6' m
T m,7rtkstl ' l .17 1 7 17T ' atTh ' Insfil t oa-
kla Ito-ree.s.. art., 10 ON. ati,s.3 ti5,,,,-,..t.,_
.... taL,,......,,,,, T ~
das stskiener -..-,,- ,- ,- ---- • •
\ ~ \
We estimated the reipta of specivand gold - ', BOardllkg. - •,_
Aunt . thin morning's 1... p. . which Mal arrired ,in ilils rjrro SMALL WILL' ES ran be ateom- •
uty Fusee the 2.,th ult.- the air of the last moot the . " w ith L a L y r .,. ~,,,,,,,,,,, th e ~,,,,,4
Rants-at sr.;„ 41100 ode
.or, ...her fulsls k •h 4 sl a Intstralsb , end hoard. ApPir •
Eseorted mom the s:.:d.b. atel •rtor to at the ecleneres Third . ie.: et..
S b,1410u
Thu , ,f,., 1 , 1 ttse Africa. 4,L,000 4,IENEK 4 I IL, (P, rkerab7 \ ;,)-5 bbla„ a •,,
~ .,Fua. 1,,..00
sac.thA f•- , J..g."'''''''"' '' rs '''' t, SP.I.LE 4.‘ ,57 wa,..1.1. -
\ _
• _
"'''""' """''`" l "\":"'''''' • t i ' 34/r ." is TIEESE-9.-1 \lila W\ R. Cheese, 105 do -
titerling Excbanee closed a hade firmer to A . ) m. 0.. -tn., rer.traand foi by \ \
del .4, me. probably. t's,\ the large nova Ltd -Southern LIM. sep2s .WI 'l4 A" IIcCANDLEPS.
st,ln et Pr.!, and IC de, la. 1r.,. ~, liA. T a latssorilt;r *SUNFIRIES-5 btls. Sa stun;
11.. 1.4 Banker. kill. 1 4 enelt , 44l....bsesesdall et :sit kg
.s 114 i boars Sessi Lae fo
40 -. \ pehnea„ TohareM
Ivo have to Innouneeth l e failure o'f, the Mary 24 -. entamon, lobam
send t'sed l'om pans-. at theta-. 44 ertucti
i c on Freeman ,-,,, , 40 seek. \,,,4. , 4. r Ilair\s for sale bj,
L IAIIIIV.s. stN). - 8 ts. la).
•••..1,,n. Eat rat particular. r .1' trir radar we did not _ass , --s,
ss rts rt. . 4 t , i-ss.tgn , rwrrek'seller. dwf . ..- bu t st. ' LI TAR - 6,iNDLESIia m'hub7" d--hf.l) ~.
a•••• ~ ......1'. 4 .d , "".." , f_‘' ''''" ' ' '' '',l:' 0 for rale b$ teep22l , .A.latT. 4 'NES a IDS , '
tad. iu the pro...wt., of thew bunnees. e •Agesdla
i.:.: etn, ".. 17,7,711re ' re . Vi.'ir ,ll;Tk'%':2,:r,.'" d iVr.,,:t i KAP TO l 4ACCes—ln htids: itsd /)OICS, rq ',.
Litals t4sltsre to de, in ttal nu r trate ' g_j .1, bt : ‘ i,,,•241 HA trillertiNL.\• CO.
It i. the damestio indelAmin S now, ntl\not \ CAVENDISH—Extra. fine Ctiveriat .To- \ ,
th. sores .n. which Leeps the simnel gsrart C,:kst. and ■ ..,, j ~,L , L L. L.„,„ ~,,,, L., K ,..y,,,,,, , f ,,, 0 w •- \ •
.. ,, 1, - 1a11,... , I...street berroweli., Pape we. 4 MIA -lag\ to
_„., \
140 W I,s i tt. s
ler ju wr/i mr‘-rt at 1!,. ' - i , month, awl In 'Smote raw. tot v.:
Ogt ~. 2 ; l\fsid was. Paid. wl Ilg Monel ". ir1• 4 1 444 _ , 'S, 1., INSEE6OIL-5 bbla. ree arl ' d for 9 $ ` \
....s. oldest.. et 7($ 0 ? esetst h e sW"'''s . T 1.1. “' ''`. 4hy sep27 \ - E. st.lV. A itnAuGU. ' ' \
, M.l l p......r . s rsed 10.0 12 ts. I. sja rent
sMe Recerrc.ra of the Pe plc'. Bank at Patter- WINDOW GLAS--300 his eed 1 •
5.... der..., 1,41,1 (Inv fi rs nurting. at ''. bank on V V rot sale by . 'en rss: \ P. ,It". 11. ,, A 13011 .
31., <I., la.t. ti ,o 1 - 0 , 20, .twin :la atteuden . 11,4 e, st i - N 'k . RTEs_ \
e•r, \lett Om axa • would yield ns, sow
, se n cl ,i rei i . we, \ t etswtrd Arc he Intl holders. isndkr , 3 east , . IlatTats ggafeh Sotifh "\ s
,I .
' \l'":'
• \ $4lO lbe isatnersogxt '
\al - 4.ra poWdered Mincers
20 bide Tanners. Us.. ' ..,;,,,...
C?Ii . KLE AiA \ iiii.ET.‘ ' \ ' S b. " ''''' L4 t. 1..44d. '
, \an bp,. e h, . s ',.
\ Isammitrata. Oet _ WO lb, Mae Titrei4.,_ e
The dem .d for, rattles .011 continue clo the there.% 02 Wes Ea. Indus twine--g,imP; • • ' '
aed rrie... , I enema...l2V - \ ral ills ••ri-gm...1 Twine;
• $0.,11 , 13 sup. tiAla , -jrixtror'd and tor rale ,
The Recel7era of the
araor.; bald tlaar
da, I.*. the faahl•r
r0t...71.11M plat
Tnnti t •
itan waa :1A...44 7
The dew d frr, rattle s.
Al market linek. abut
dm. drla . N•ar
raudl. 11.. *a sna nrnaa
lenut quality lnr.
o.w. and Calr —The In.'
..11 head *Ad aLeb
14 , 0 —Trier , am.. ladder
w.d.• an • bi her:
ttr..a and Laud.— be
• Ila.n large incr..^...
Ilmn•r 110.4 n,
00 In (01/elly.—lntli4
TORT 1.)
)111' OP I. ) _TTSB RC}
nr—Mere Ir.. 2 feet 4it Lee in eh n.ol by , to a
k, ot noon.. And Bing- \
J. McKee. llotoltlebin. • ette4edrt. s
[hole. Porlonennl BeF . rII
rte., 'Flatter. Itnilor • Be t Neon non. _
tlette...... BA.ley, Weet N. to \
Ital On. Kennett nronoteril o ~
tleeennter. Wlnerelter. Cl clnnalD\ \
Be. Mem Shuuk.einei mat
\ \
•, tilene. tVlcellog. s . .
li II I.lndeey, Jinn, 13.. Ter. ' \
Arens. Kinn,. Wellwlll ' .
Dunne. Parklnon. EmnevUle.
' 11.13e. Bennett. Bonen" Ild..
A '
Nleßee,Jhootrielteun,'N Keerriret.
Ph Shrive,. Bailey. W • Newton
tom WOOD/el. Undo AD.,: • . \
: . ::::4 ' ti V l:l:T ' ' l: ' ,D AS:. .
....I,A Co, P nenr•Parket 1 sere dally lot 8s 111 . asr \ "
mu" N1V11... PLCIC.Ct LIP,. ', .
BROWNS - WILL .. S A. x. and 6 r In '...
CI WINN ATl—ol, Bo.'_
tea Cleetemert—e fine simmer Pilot No.
ent•Cro.... will levee a• hoer thin day
illn —the, Ir. 2 fort 1 it
• .rk, nt •1‘ ,It. tart errulott,n•
01.~11 A CO, P
-I:nr.l.Crnikr. Irnve a
The haw Water stern *heel steamer .I . enny
me.t. *a. peteaawd yeatanlar by Mew. nlalnklite, A lan °Alen. of the Aurth Ameriran and Pio
*'k eil lopurrlT the :dace of the Coral llama. ro
.uok iu the Ohio flyer, at Rockport. Itttlbatith The
prlh tnel wu 64.3 . ... d. club.
San.l.--We learn that the steamer' Amazonia
vat 0011 on Satanlee. for me sum of $14.0011 toespi De
ath:net. formarly af tb. aleamer Oman Warr. and Mr. V.
It nth (tv. of the Orin of Stank. Watkins. The An.axotna
ILL been ',condi docked, repainted and thoroughlr over
hauled, end la A !se oou the Insurauce Mott. tilt .01
eon as a Mauler Nloralar packet from thin city to Leanne,
ouJer the'COMIII•Tui of Cant Det inory, alifle Mr, Frank
lihraola sill prertde at the drab —int Louie Rnpub. .
ivy 1 ',NATI-4110ov. 310.— . .. ti bblA rill kugllalt a
11..1. , . l . I. 11.4,11 A CaK " WA milae.9 A W llaibaumb:
.d 4 aquoF..lloo.l,.an i ..;1.111) IL Nlorrlic, jdo x, lical.voni
I...iii IGt.: ~11...5. ~ 1...1. W bltinora A Wolff, I do \W ulff
lit:A ' 4 l-11,--lica k.' Pratv.,--.A.) boy e15e.1.5 ado bakuir
.1 ti Caoliad: I ..b. snail. Graff .t. Ccri 4 aki. wool 51,arrciii
ruoi...r..* 3 :li.icii butter J \Can • 10li bid. pls..tar
Pp.o,• A Co; ii:. do t. aka raga 1 lila flax E , lleasellak,
71 : 'W.I. - ail.. l i Bakoivell A ream 4411. tliovse Caraon,
n. un,1.V.1 lild collet 13 el...peitirbi 3141 aney .1 1.•-dlit:
.... i. • d.. LechA Co. ado rue:litho, 71do clietari 11Ick
a Met'andl..... I piano Z. nets tomb idart..,l,ll.k wool Jaa A
1'...0,,h, : 7 bid., lard oil Fahnestork Ai Co. 'l4 di. J 11 Can
im.lit ..., II Johnvon, 3 do tallom 1.1,...! nal.. 13 do
;warts:4lSi Da1...11:1.1.. alasellaltrareltia Pa
IX —Om alaara I, Oklad at the .tore o , ,
'.. 4irt)
g lIEESE)--Zqi 1 , 1 )170 prime. W. R., for ,mie
W WI: A 11,0 ANDLXvIs.
1 .
1.1,LT liti -)...',) doz. in ‘ sulre and- fu sale - by
', arrl:7
B l.4.); , ll:_Ts—:sodos. )nso o )r . : , : .
im tl i lr aA tT i liy
\ es
Ij 10 i :1tiii5 , 14..i - : - 'lkiasin 0. Cu.. i. - ive.
1ti11.t.?1'...;!.. :17;',0.17ari 'o'f'f v""
'u‘b 7 ri" reiTi "
VAI LS--800 kogss,ass'd 'city brands, - on '
01 hand auVor Pale hv , '4l CULII7II .! , 1 a.,-00
41,..% , at.
14 ILK' 414NS---Reautifnl \ Ooods, ,inst,
~,,,, , i vv, r,..,.. c r., : 0. ay.?, \a. A. !t , ./hpa1.,, , , „ ...
1 C 1 , ? . .:k . R . :17 , ..i r t} . 7
. I n te , g n att
.. I
. r n‘npe,
.and ,
o.• 4.1 i . '''
' '''
h , ' .a. d ettl.llkaftll`t k COv ,
. '
\. k,ESIVA,V gi PEATIIERI - 4 -,
\ *, 00k ` 1. (` ... ... , \ " 4 '' .l " F " . 9 .. 'n 4 ". g ..d
.. ...lel', , ASAIAII 1V11.471 a Cl)
, Pl-0. \ '
Water . o j.l FkonVita.
ti? . . 4 \ .ni '4 . e'TlA.MitiAt S. ) —Very Char) 'Walk\ Pet;
ai V, " .h l , :p h r:r n'r.-. In 11;.71.7,1,4=';:titP"-e.:,,,
L, V l e.: RIBBON§ AMA §lLkS74,lltrai
41\, cvv T
.:item. have ea Ohl titoialint iluppiy k ,
~..aiWa v. hmaablt ,1.. u., 1 .1:
• - I - '...-
.N \ titaibm ,. Rome Vr 7 IITOT A HE
4 ,. .T . i . f . :N!i! h. r .r l , t . e t zlf for ,TOOTH .A:c IIE,
a. 'mate Or 1,91. at lel n i9 11l .111 4 1;Itat'll, Or
a, 9 1 . 9 1 , 14011 cod 4r t.
`)!L E O.II , 'II4IT—IV . {ril to cure a, e
1 art-m.lm m . ( 14194 In a fear *TR. [sale I I - '`, l l , t:Vstilt A 3IeDOWEL J. 9, Wood rt. 1 .
vg .LIKANDY,SPIrt 119.14:111.9. WI. & r t. Nt.l," sad
"' - 1akmti,,,,D0w.L k 4i.,4,,,,. t t :
' ARAI?. !IA IN capici.4—N ew' Riylo"of deld
1;Id kW
.. 99tV19 1 !r foir'n'ilaryt r 1 r}, 0. , ,1 i kk . \
.--212._ji .., C :,• \ \
4 ITN Olt C1i0331-43b 3 s 4. :4±1,'
TX 1 31taarfrt Onrotilliaol4, kw 9919d0 gl u t
VIZ% ,Igt =ad ft 'aVrot aal:l7lll l fi rtL or ex* at.
dui ' sm9,l9ca. 7 sad 9 111 airzt
V i cc up
''' \
s WILL ES ems be ntcoth- •- • „ ~„
modated„ with' pl l fn. roc ms•on the second ,
-or, either fu II•LWOI a "'duettist/ , end beard. Aryl° •
\ \,i
. ,
at the cornerti Third a inn. FO. eilY3
SENER‘ 4 , 4 \c. \
4 IL, (It rkersbu\;,)-5 bblek a ~ ,
ig ''' ' ''.'P' '''''''''
It. \ EF.1.LY...‘,5 WONI .i. \ - 7-- \
ililEiSF., -- 94 \IIIS .i •V\ K. Cliccsa, 105 do ', . •
I-) '`"'''' ' '' ''' '''''''' a '''''
' tr . ' I b i 'mi . NDLES ,
P'. s .:-.. 4. ‘ ,-,:•. '
.. ' V
SUNI I IIIE.S.---5 bbls. Sal
t Zta B L\
I,i^ ben A
ississ,vos l wai . \
40 eseke lA Il
alr.Nfor sale b
Y. ltltY oN IS A" co.
(.1 TAR C..i.NDLESIi4 wholii . iLhf. 1 „. . , ).. ,• \
Ij for rale by leop2'-n• li.liVT. ii 'NES 2 co'
- .. - 1,- ,
EAF TORACCG—In htids: ind boxes, fq ~ . .
, • • ~ \
L.l bi , \; , .‘ , 2•21 HALr?k , .
\ ifi,AN ENDISH—Extra , fine LaTen ik. p• \. • , ,
1,„, bw.s). 1..., ...,),. br KhlsEn skho_w ~ , •
E 140 W ltt. \ .
, •
\INSSED OIL-5 bbls . ree' imilfor 9 e , , \
miasma - A. i ,
11,riNi501V b GLASS -300 his
A eed u i i . , .
... •••sz.\
7. s. air It ,
____ lr . \
'UNRIII- al7,;;;; l : :''''''' ',. \
.sg th e i'otritroAt ' ‘;
\ teAl t.,ire poWilered flinger: . \ ~,
• \ '2O bble Tannes. if ill
NNE) lballine Vanity , e . ' '-', • •
\'l bedes Nut lobo Twine--doses: • '
lb. ••notiool lbelney
• E 1,11.131•111, UW , , , , --jtirt.roe'd and for sales
,'.. . • ',
,ty 0,1) \ , . •
xi te IC EREL--"dso Lids, arriving. for wale. . ~
‘ l•Y_§. ' l's iwa) .......T. a_ F. - WILSON.
.-- -
4., ‘ ;,ALTPETR.F.I(s) hogs crude. iirrirlng, ' '•„
Ij‘f - r sale by (all / W.& F. WE, 50N. • i
• .
IKARL ASH-AO mks for sale ep
,L . )...1 • \_•:, •, e WILSON. ' 1,
Ii s IOLE LEATHERf-21)0 sides hemlock tan- ;
AJ nod.Eir sale by, ..(orZ) \ W. AL V. WILSON. '
• .E.lllOll, TEAS, '
1 .-
' Put up in Metairie Packs, at Ku 4 ,.. Prices. , '
THE subscribers would TM) pectfult,, ,
Invite the attention of. Intail dealers -4C- ‘
arin to tbior very moonier TXAS. put Up
metallie towered peek, sea/ed no as to vin de the
Or. and preserve ebo Teas perfectly !rah,
, The advantages. of Tow• put nolo thin way.forretalllog. „ , _
'w . .. ,, to ..i olivirin toae n e ,, : r h . a i t s. ( , t1 , 40u r =t ,,, 1 , :t al ,... !u T tludeloolEtbeT .
ur•armagments and facilities for boring ee; fun ,
\ ptisll that we are re:t:a° reenlving fresh Teas, which_ '
*e ore enabled to well
low as Teas of like Quality In do, ,
eloal, 45,111 Teas sold
,isy the so !aerial" areenAil ors their
onneunks unelrespentsbfloN. In that any not ming troth. , \ \
'lotion may te retorr. and the money refunded.
CA 7021. -We h re been Informed dolt (tamers per.
tol l
,ngragoa In sell ne. through Weytern I,
worthleee fool damaged Ws, Wt Oti kilt atm ,
Ise marirar fo ono,. la exhibiting samples 'of uesuloe.
Tins obtain...l from ,his. To avoid hoto.ibini of ilia kind.l •
. ~
otenne that every package put to
by ta I. labelled Nib,
"" f'.oo , l4VAl g l ' iVeS7.nolen and. vartetle,.erluslotale' r ' •
. \•\
retail, at the !moot rates.
', W >I. A- IIeCLURN.Eio) Tea Dealers.
or 2.16 Liberty stror•V__.
i s l IiOAR-3U blids. N. 0.,
, f( , ) , r , -sa i I , , ,,, Ly ELL , •
cs, al
. .
„\i'a N rar7b ' o? ' ee.To.Z . ctu b' r ' ib a r t troo. lo whiAl l° we C Ire
AOte ti t le attention of than' wishing to tarnish Ilatitee or
aeamboate, en we will cell toner than i'ver'before In this
thee. l, , • -
‘ ORSE FOR SALE—A Tell' desiri„
ble Family Ilnro, warranted ottifectle 1,1
au nod. Enodre of J. l'K'lfofiNtlA IC Kit A W., ..
A . \ 24 Its oud .L
lk . EtvET PILE CARPE — TS—W. 'Seemly.; • •
Ir. 0,4 le nOW COONLIOMAT OkWeififils: his fall stank Or
. CARP ET or the reheat arid IWW.Wt. a ..a. to whieh he ,
itivilmthetrullou of porelmers. as' t a rs determined to
obit lower t n rear beßun 'aren't in lisle Marti t, at theft \ •
, Id ettabloW Carpet at ercho \..... N., Pourth id. ,
' \,' - ' 1 A. .. . , -, - • \
iII,ARRIAtiE currn. t Tiont.t.Ncs— : \ .
1 ~ W. IIot.7LCATOCE. Invite , thc i attention ~f (Itarlaype•
staitufacturer. trellis large stock or Ito an•Lbreib Clothe-
Oil Clothe. nod Ttipminee. wilier •• wilb poll ea \ reductict , •
tide:m.lst the Caryikt Warshaw..., h 5 ) , *,,tirth et.
• ,
L it now constant]yr(VOlfiljihi.. 411 , ook of eurileclue. a
an, and rogation INWIA IN tilttliKTo„ of nett isoNneti
et, le, p o t vier° rectum!. krioes. to whirls invite thy fa- t .
tentlou f those wishh4 fornith boatel aer Eltialo. i -
lit e , um • rail et the "
.1. Wasebann i No. set FoOrth'it. .)-- •
al • _
ada has In store and far salts etch awl new et • lIIINS-1, •
obi.S CARPETE.I. which'/tetrad , ' Ei" . et... go, pus
ch.,. as ha la determined!ll Noon Mao re. ba ton.; - -
1111, dile market. Call at the istabli.l,ed Ceros War , s ,- . • - •
house. Na. EfiFourth tit. .
rIVAPESTILY DARPETS- - - New - aad •ch a •
style Tapeeirf ErUifoe/e CerNtgt.' rrg' 4 " 4, the 'ar-._ \ .
No. as\ !bore shy, •at role \_.. •
r e ia V. l r t: h tre: . ;htiltig to Pe trlg'\' , E,..`'e l' eirarr
eel ' ,3 1 ‘. ner LINTOCE.
Tor '''' L tt, cloamcon- ' •
\ I
A .A. 4 1 , C . L . 1 , 0 ,,, 1 . L— b, IO lihls.,
' • J A M IrY. AI.7.IiLL, \
_e,, , ,\ W.. r effort
, ..
rrolinceo-20 kegs N0, 0 ,2p - 6 ~,„ \ 1,", 6Cd 713
~,,,,I. 10‘..•wie by JAlllEili ft ZELL g'O . „,, .
_, ---.
MOLASSES -1t11) Wars. N-O 4 ) sale by \
• • \
• ivi oel ' 'JANIS:Ft 111 , Ell,. ,' \ • t
ZINC , PAINTS •' . \ '
MANUFJEiti..E I ' I.NEVAIING ',sip sre9sii i:OMP .r, • \ • ,
ACTURkD BT TfiE "EVT• : ' \
This eQ.P..I ~ Drep•ted tni yuish a moot, - of -
vulorale . .
2 ZI,INC - PAT 2 , f\T S., •' ‘
Which halt , toieu found, afternsiveraf,yowrs' trial. both in , ' - .
KOrope and the Salted a.m.., to iston their orbd,_,_ss , ++,,
beauty '
b•sair sisi pressetwa lirsrsel.l, ~ .. 1. ..P ., . ant r ' .. " ‘ • \
',lnt whatever, Their , . \ ..
is pews - an Oxide of rine, and is.wort'at.tiel free front all • ,
edUlarallina arid ilithurlf° whatecever , it coven nal. ts \
beautifully white. awl ta taatrolf fns lrodi the Pawl_ in
ralftita74iftt ,4,7,!,,Varrt,r "'"'''T" --1". \ \,' \
\ .
1T WILL NOT T u illlN YELLOW ', , ' - A 2 '
When expNied to sulphurous Cr aeptdlie eatalitlene.'Or ' * • '
Itwhen shut up In} clove' otomo. A. an atteldo paint. .
It .Urea . a ilostlhern ellmate and the Irclberjoettek, . , - -
, J , .. .11 . Cibor. not Iming•llable, .tc, , teen eh Ity.ort r o \ ,
~ \
urubleoirsd rub olf. It may be *orient with r J, ..,
P ith mstAt an d el.. or with varnish, which Ova the J. '.
lorrited Ivroelains,ot4l,.
There an ,
Etreishol eta lon hrieb. VW aro ouden
thi etuapest pod best painto in tte 'parkin est 1.111. K • '
i'brae. feria., outlaws, stramoott, or any expoooil r \ ' a ,
tve of wood, Imlrk. an. Of 111, "... they an both ' '. .
WEATHER AND FLltd; DR P. ‘?, .
Fur 11 , . Furfecbo theY an tastaulsaly valuble. aa s „ • *
forum • gal, allic Mcneelluu, ..1 ttd.ll , l> 1 , m , .. , . . • . '
ti,,,,, thay do, qui:kly, arid. hosing a pure manilla has. .‘.
du trotchange ... s lit* Mao; Ot the earthy em at. now. -, \ \ 4 \
, :f o Fd e got 'my:Tiled ori‘flberal ter ,. ihgr. k attrits of ttn, - \ \ \ \
• , Ito o i 1i..„, , Soutt Wharves PT,lladalablh:
;\ . \
, Pine
~,a t.ches. . \ \, • \
AN,TEW .very aup for Ovki PP.tent •
111‘,Erver Weather. toed y eyytets., ~j,:,..t5- t a ' \ • \ . '\ --
lid !Want Cli Plearnete, if twail•
71:l b liZTIZtd...4 44 ! -.0 " ' d ' .
\ . \
. ....... .14.1 , 121 n. .
„ tiyria rod', of varautstmlitiOiseZetne. at ' .
`. tr.. \ \
___ __v \ _ _____t .,, ......?1/N • 11. hi Market .t. .
\\ le6iwax:,
rillat utOersigrrA will pay the highest MT.' ' • 's
, ket
let 'ash, for uty quantity . i f pare Ileirrista o • • .
oo darter°.
,it. . .
Ise[ ritttlo. 10.
000 d tettoginto,-.
0u Itos Ikes fur to
et. row, \.
.111 b N.
N: to 12X
. bol.•
. 6`, boi4.
fronot orof.k
sytt, 7 to 53 00 \
, Finlatches!
AjEW . very a t or tivki Patent
I‘ .. , ,terer Wettb44. rec'd r .444444,
Wedlidl'otket eltovolneter, of h.u•
toot thigh. 400 , 16..4 /114.1446. - JJ. pl4lll434dßeewaX
-A 'ts
TIRE utOersigri.../ will pay the highest par--
d t a k4t4.l . , c:,tA 144 h. fur .rquantity 2 4f . uzr 4 4-T4
- \ 41 Market ptTe.4l. Ph/14.141W.
14 1 LOPR--ibtirlbls. Frxtra,' for'eale
_ b.r t 4:14...11AR8-tuoir.
- ACK.F.ItEL--100 bble. Large No. 3;
aifor sal• by
w: HAMM 00 EL
• .- -
It at • • v„,
Oa • •
.49n •
sr Mr,