HOME MATTERS. DRAB/ PfAlt Teres.—We smug call the at tention of our readers to the dwarf pea • trees, foreale, by john . Afurdoch, Jr., Nurseryman, of Peebies - TOwnship. The fruit which they hear, is freqdently larger,and of neer fiaror,thait that produced on: large trees, end they are invalun.ble to - personnowding a smell quantity Of-grounj, be ing eery productive, and occupying but little 31r..loterdoelt, in his Late trip to Europe,`Tahl partieplerotteeition to the varieties of the parr, which Ouive best when' dwarfed, and his . kln . „ ivt... ledges:: the subjecf, is of greet importSfiee.to .perstns . wishingto parchase. . . - Tax FOUL—Pie fair, held last week, inst have been exCeedingly gratifying to all Who have theyelfaze Of Pittsburgh at heart, and was. the first which' ever placed much .exhibitiOns on k perexanent footing amongst us. On theiritn porte:toe, we need not dwell, since iF most be apparent to every one that they . see admirably . calculated to enhance our prosperity as It ntantF , (lett:wing yawl:lenity. Other cities, were he. . fore ns in geeing this, and Iltve taken the lead, den the fair just held here, was sufficient to show that when our citizens are thoroughly alive the importance of any thing, we may set corn . petition floor abroad at defiant& Fortunatelyi , for the success of the fair, d in a ... mouebtey point 'of view, the weather on both days, was Very' One. We have never before serer our Milieus take so great an interest io anything as in.thirexibition of the seeond AlaY: 'Froth morning.till iight, the encloVilre was almost un comfortably Mewdzii by -thousands, and every thing worthy!oi attention, was constantly sus rononted hi7O dense throng of persoon, Inspect every branch of our manufactures was repreatiitedj'and we were pleased to see the neat manneilillwhich the-articles were made; not . that any; with...a.ficrexceptions, were cenetrnct ed specie* for . tlectair, because the menufac tunes he'rt not entfif&t.nolice, snit the exhibi - tion woe-therefore Ao , triore gratifying, ill4O - ds it demonstrated - their practical excel tence.'.. !hen without ant : erect - I - Preparation .they Min do ito yell, "Shit .Conld they do, were they to set themselv e s seriously to work and pre pare for one! Next - year, we venture to assert, we wifi - Ei4e an exhibition, which will throw in to the (diode nosy State Fair ever held West of 'the' Allegheny Idatintirins. . . On the trot day. Col. iliram Motto delivered a neat end practical speech to the Society, and on theseconil,. the ilonorahle Walter Lowrie, addressed the assembled Innltitnife, in t speech of great power and eloquence., - • - We take great pleasure in giving the follow- . hag list of articles, which skimmed to us, par tiindatly wortliy,of :attention, and we may ob serve before doing t„ r so,thlt highly 'probable we have ovorlotikednray meritorious articles, since our time else licoltnilr and their number very tithe side of the Market Bowe, nearest 'the gate, were hanging .n variety of iipecimens of stainet{ glass,iade by Rhodes and Nelson. They were 'very be..4ntiful, the designs being good, and the colorinebright. One window was intended for the Fifth: yresbytcrian Church, on Smith ' field etreet,:the remainder were suitable for etesibbeate, hotels,and private houses. • The 'quilt/ and coverlids made by a number of ladies, Which were placed in this vicinity,'atr. truetedb great deal of , attention. They were '•an audit! imblo workmanship, and the designs / - 7unq, were very tent and ornamental. The principal Cihibitors were Mrs.- Ann Miller, Mrs: Watiwtirth, Mrs. Mary Parkhill, Mrs. A. 11. Chapman, Mrs Nancy McKee, Mrs Richard Mor, row, T.trs.:Maty Stable, Mrs. Jane Work, Mrs. • ife* Cochran, Miss McLaughlin, Mrs. blur pity and Mts.:Beckham. Some -excellent wcolen knit stockinet which ••• were shown, were made by made by Mrs. Ann • Ardor RIO Mis. Wadsworth. Misi•Eliza McKee, beautiful specimens of Miss pitabeth Wagner, Berne very .five . "k-ni - Miss Lucy McLain, beautiful embroidery. King, Pennock, S Co., of the Eagle Cotton Works exhibited most excellent cotton yarns, of all the miens numbers, carpet chnin,Wrappirig .twine' Ater =idle wick. All their Speeimetie Werwor the beat quality, and attracted puck attention. • • wera pleased to . see a beautiful grading ocinapias, and transit made by Jas. - R. Reed a' The worloninshifi woo. most admirable.' . 7 : Gallaghne of ' the State of Ohio, bail a very ingenioits machine fcir pegging tuots. and ,tilmel in the Fair. It does its work effieetnally sad expeditiously. -• Philip Rhodes, jr., an improved' patent block, foratiamboats andlphips. Jae.' Criswell, a great variety of small articles is brass, orneat workmanship, including latches., lions knobs, oil jars, and other useful articles —alati very ingenious invention, for pri- seating the explosion of steam boiler?, by which the. height of the water in the hollers. fie.. can be Instantaneously nscertaineil,hy the eye. The Anerr Cottou Rorke , Messrs . Thomas Arbuckle!, A. Co., displayed some of the fine four quarter, sheeting, for which That establishment ielebrted. • Frora She Sheffield iron andnied *irks Singe ar,llewtmon g Co,iro observed it:vsriety.of article inmelient triorkmandlip, sack as elliptic earring. springs, aice,:nn andl;coreinto#, hnti patent mu pact:drain. The latter attrgeted iniehntienti en sad .ieaaiel tOll3 to be ancient perfection ne., pow table: • • Messrs. r Lorenz S Wightinna, .cylinders plate - .gli!is, of _Cloustial 'size and ekcellence. Co., cods ash -ehloride aud kal soda, The establishment of these 'gentlemen l 0 celebrated for the "quality of the idtemlital abides Preduced in it. The god .1)211 took a first premium, which, owing to el mistake; was not announced on obse red trams admirable ploughs front ilia& Skeet's factory. They were attic varie-' ty known as the patent iron centre draft plough, and they luso won ro many laurels at the ploughing matches and fairs in this county, that We 'need scarcely say'they were again success : Shingles, made by machinery the paientrighr - Of which, is owned by F. I). Hubbell of Pitts t'inth:lrett- examined. by many builders and :earpenters.aml plonounced an excellent article. They ire' more pekulete than those made by hand sad of coarse can be made cheaper, See :Ater . thement. Jahn Wetherill, a Patent - vice, constructed on an 'lnsured principle.. _ .White , and Tldball, an excellent turd /horse 7:-,,:itteasti host bolts, o. chime of balls, hanil belle, brie, manilletticke, feara the well known 0/1- :,:j4llshz4eiat of A. Fulton.. The . remitation of . . 3 Mr: F.'s workmaanhip hes spread through ev; • r:ferry Western State ihich has a navigable river, ..... ead his bellaare heard both on the lakes and ' , Minoccan. - : s''' :Japanned and tin ware, S. F. Viralker.'. The . - liaieV cooler, which was among the articles - . "eliciiire. by, bbp, to a very useful and creditable 1 pleceof 'workmiumhip. The toilet furniture of s ,the ' zentliMan was very good, arid his tea • ..-ortddiera ell Painted end japanned. :'. .Charl s lialTerty, a flair i3etting file machine, ' *ell lule ted to the purpose for which it is de. i'elgeed. Wen. 1 cCully dr. Po., fine glass rollers, very r:olerir' boautifial: 'i • Willis .Eberhart, large and clear panes of window. lass, Qt excellent quality. -Tvinis ad, Carr .4" Co . had on exhibition a great • :ety of fine articles. A magnificent orimibus, beautifal Carriages, ' , top, open and Jenny ,Lind buggies, rockaways, market. and - ' eanal wheelbarrows, warehouse trucks, farm ' wagons - of different kinris,'and an excellent road - :_scraper. - , Cochnn, Mcßride & Co., a large assortment of Iron railings, of new. chaitte and beautiful . . Campbell, Chess 7i,.' Co., nails made of iron, capper, and rine, many varieties of whieh.wero never. Indere manafactared here. Among them, i .we observed tient; finis Ling, copper and riots slat ing lasi* (the letter roads bye process peculiar •to these gent , p nc, shoe nails, • Innen) 03 , • i shoe • • .. box:nails, *Oaks of , all varieties and sizes • =:~ r' " • C . 77' Ropes, cordage, and plotting from the well traowri manittaetory of, !evil!' 'At gilts, made ei Manilla, hemp and cotton. • Henry Moeser, a patent machine for printing the names of stdoscribers and, their residence!, on nprepapers, rim ele - ellent, cheap and time sari. ing invention. John South a beautiful carriage. rockaway, buggy and running gear of fine' workmanship. A. S. Ilryson, a superior threshing ma chine. Nails, finishing nails, brads, and spikes of ex.- &Bent plenty, both as regarded the metal and . tbe.finiAh were exhibited by Coleman, liailman •Si Co. The same firm also exhibited superior common and patent axles 'iSlecuits and snickers, mule by steam, good 'and cheap, by. Joshua Rhodes. A. Bradley, handsome and superior parlor stoves. • • I Common, patent,and enamelled leather, thor oughly tanned in ten Mutt J. S. Shaffer: ,SL Super or rag carpet, Men. Wadsworth. Edwards, Morris & Co., locks, latches, each fasteners, and patent blind hinges. The : locks and latches well made, and of ingenious mechan• 'ism. The patent blind hinges, are so con structed that the shutters of . a window can be opened from the inside, to any desired extent, and are self fastnersi the sash fastener is simple and not liableltget out of Order. Maurice Brennan, a pair of bout. of very superior workmanship. J,LIV. Robb, a cane of boots fob miners and aborera vary, strongly and aubstantially made. silver tree formed by suspending a pie . Ce of zinc, in a jar of acetate of lead, by Frederick dross. Useful for foretelling changes in the weather. 11. Hartley, some beautifal harness, made in great good tante; inanding single-and double eels, also a fine siife saddle. T. A. frillier, gilt portrait frames of neat workmanship. Lemon & Williams, o ehair,elnhoratelp caried and ornamented. J. Wilson & Son, four hats of Pittsburgh man ufacture, which we have never seen, surpaised ,in point of quality. One was made of beaver, another nutria, and. the 'others Noe. and '2, silk hots. Lippincott & Co., trpadvs, 'Canal and Davou shire shovels, axes, single and double caged forks of all kinds, mattocks and pickases, of the best quality, and well worthy the atten tion of purchasers. Bahauser & Duff, a side saddle of_uniqueein struct ion, in which the rider could sit as com fortably as inn chair, it having a light Itek,' rising same inches above the saddle; which:eau be taken off and on at pled:sure. IV. and E. Day, Canal and Devonshire shovels, mattocks and forks, well made and strong. Burke.& Barnesom iron fire proof safe, very neatly made, and tastefully arranged inside: ," A. & I). Shaffer, exceqnt flannel, eatinetts and blankets. Johnson Alleghbrip- beautiful bug John B. Bell, ground spices, and axles of Va rious kinds, some of which were remarkably good. Mr. Dailey, lace and hosiery of nil kinds ong and well made. • I)aniel Bargnemr, a neat wire basket. Nimpson, Young St ,Co., tongued, - - anl grooved, by the new patent Oa tring machine, noticed in the Gaseite, some time ago C:Kingslaud, axles and patent hub hurer, the tter no excellent invention McGrath & Co, a Clarence coach, rock. away and Jenny Lind buggy, very well mnde John Bohol*, d wash board, zinc on one side; and wood on the other. Hamilton Stewart. some excellent checks. '1 Isaac Gregg,•Virminghata, very smooth and regular rdeam pressed briCks, made bk, mn chinefrom the clay, without drying before barn- George Weyman, patent cigars and tobacco, of Pittsburgh manufacture. F. Aeschelman, Louisiana sugar wagons, very strong. and of substantial workmanship. • It. C. Sawyer, variegated soap and candles. both excellent articles. Conolly ec Co., miner or dressed calf Nicholson &Payne,heautiful enamelled grates ud fenders; also superior parlor, radiating. sod .. king 4,tove9 Felix's extract of coffee, a eery s!sperior or- Parry Co., ecelletit bollos ware. John C. Ilunter,-p ingeMoim bee palace. •' Bonn k Tetley,_norgical and dental inedru ments of admirable - temper and quality. Howard Co„ wall paper, of different pat erns, coma of Which were of great beauty. J. C. Parry x Co., ti superier soil and soh. .oil also excellent conking and office tore and parlor grates. J. F. Sabha, a hentifol guitar. , R. Chester, well made cbildren's clothing Massey & Co., Lake Superior copper ore, with ailmixture'of silver. Sheet copper, tinned cop per, and tea kettle, and boiler bottoms. Some of the sheet copper, was rolled from the tire, without smelting, • Peter Klineely, sad ii4o9, iery neat and torel .11We. • William Trorillo, an iron burial tare, whleh . was very neat, and attracted much attentioo. Cast iron fence railing, by J. C. Parry & o. , Morgan Jenkins, o large cake; elaborately j j or, altoenteil. Woodwell & Co., table and chairs, lexunisitely ornamented. Ono of the choirs, wan of the n'orce pattern which took the first prize as the World's Fair. • .N. Giamboni, chocolate, equal to the heatlim ported from Italy: Samuel Black, a patent eanin for Srullgoll • Edmunthion A: Co., a mattress, with ton on ,neehle, feathers nn the ether. and epringq In the middle. • German:Cabinet Maker's Association, n beau tiful odd fellow's chair .4i bureau. ; The carv ing on three article*: was remarkably well exe cuted. Gilt clock case, a beantlfol article, made by It. C. Itoeckingi,framer aiyl gilder. John D. Dario;.-4r., two barrels of flour of ex 'collont quality. Captain JobU',Youn&four brothel of py,ed eats tuAtwo of Wheat of remarkably fine wegld. and quality. Wm. Martin, Jr., a 'halt bushel of the lAlEst corn we have ewer seen. Amid pnyil two boxbelo of very ortporint 4 i hor ley. . . • Cloodmnn Y Coulter, n barrel of very excel IM=ll Slunciel Hart, two bushelm of floe see.' wheat. William Ewing barrel of lour of rtaperior 'quality. • John Woodburn twribusheln of excellent•perd wheat: • . Chas Cahoon, Pine, a barrel of floor andtwo bushels of wheat, both excellent articles. Wm Martin, Jr,lManehester. half a bushel of Catawba grapes of unusual size and excellence; also a peek of peaches of the finvitt quality.i • ' Paul A Way, very superior Isabella an, Ca tawbu vapes,.alvo red and Neshilnnoek potatoes and a bushel of Mr timothy !teed. The iota toes were as good as any we fit:we ever seen. Caleb Lee, some fine apples ,snd quinces. Soddy Hammel a lot of superior appleik John I. Snyder some excellca.t Isabella grOpey, and very superior peaches. Henry Sn.lvely, a -half bosh, II of most exeClient apples . : - W and J Nlordoch, a very beautiful parlor bo poet a fine collection•of dehlmai Joshua Robinson, some to Inches of very large Isabella grapes, a collection, of choice dablim, !peep...Bums, - plumbago capeneis, and achania moths. • • J. F. Garrard, some lino pears. Wm. Martin, Jr:, a collectigin of :Fry large and fine vegetables, embracing bleshannock po tatoes, beets; parsnips, and trtrnips. Wire' Scott, some very large Pumpkins. Joseph Ferrer, a basket of cabbages of nausn.. al Hite- Vint. Boyd, four triamm . oth slip? beela• Butter, of superior quality. N 3.1 exhibited by MM... Wm. liximap,..hirs. • Joith ll:image, Moo. Charles Gibbon, Mrs. Rieluird ,Morrow, IMrs. Moyle, Mrs. Sarah Chess, Mew David Boyd, Mrs.. J. F. Gerrard, Dire. ElleaDlurlbe,ancilltrs. S'arth - • Sirs. Charles Gibson, some excellent honey. IL W. Dais, Plttstirgb,:a suFierior self-ad joating churn. • Jacob Weller, two excellent grain cradles. Wm. R. Rose, a cultivator, a superior lumen Hugh Harper, an excellent cuttidg box. P. A. Way, a corn planter, nn inganius and useful invention. John !ilarlatt, an excellent horse hay rake. 8. - N. Wickersham, well made setd . planters. ploughs, grain drills, corn shelter, hay end ma- Hare forks, cylindrical straw cutters, corn and cob crushers and hoes. James Williams, n patent thrashing machine W. W. Wallace, Beall's patent corn and cob crusher, and a smut machine, both inyentions of great value to the agricultural community. Emil Butt, exhibited a moonlight scene, which struck us as being very beautiful, and one of the butt paintings of the kind we had ever seen. • A collection of study heeds and crayons by Mr. iloettel, attracted much attention. They were executed in the first style On art and were .greatly admired. The resurrection of our Saviour, by L. Braun, late of Baden, from which place he was banish ed, for being concerned in the revolution there, was a very striking painting, and displayed ge nius of a high order. Some landscapes from the easel of Mr. lloeoking, of Philipsburg, n celebrated artist, were deservedly much admired, A east iron monument, in the purest Gothic style, designed by P Seibert, sculptor, was one of the most beautiful we have over seem They will undoubtedly soon ornament many of our cemetries, being both cheap had ornamental. J Nelson, exhibited some very tine daguerreo types. D Crouch, professor of penmanship, inCham berlin's commercial college,tbel••Lord's prayer,' • executed in a style which we :111ie never see n ,surpassed J D Williams., professor ih Dull's" college slab some very fine specimens of pen- manship. Blythe Mortnnetelo and Bedsit, o fine Gothic centre flower. • • • . • ?dins Fredrika Straub, and Mrs W Itamige some heantiful artificial flower. Mrs. Frederica Straub, name fine 01111111T1 'tol lair work. A collection of lithographs from the estab lishment of Wegner, llorchncr it Mueller. Mar ket street, attracted universal attention. It em braced show bills, card, portraits, diplomas, tkc admirable alike in design slid execution. Joseph Pt-ice exhibited a work box, beautiful ly inlaid, formed of many • unarmd piece+ o wood.. We cannot close this article without congratu lating the Hoard of Manage of the Allegheny County Agricultural Society n the success of this fair, which teas due to heir persevering and untiring efforts. Nora—The extract of co& made by Peha& Co., after being tried, recei tal n lirot class di ploma Fine Ptastis.—We took great plinsinte. on Saturday, In examinsng a lalge assortment of Pianos, from the celebrZted manufactory of Nunn's & Clark, just reeeivel by IL Kleber, Third street. In point of fini i h, and sweetness, and volume of tone, they are illviurpassed. One fine instrument., lu the style iif Louis the 11th, is a fad simile of the piano exhibited by those gentlemen at the World a Fair, which was so universally admired. and a beautiful engra ving of it given it the London Journal. We are pleased to find that the Mao was as much appreciated by the connoittser of. (treat Bri tain as by those of our'own c uutry. We obserred a great impritrement in the a, ? rangment of the strings, by_w MI, ample of room is given for the action,'snd t ey are nab leiif liable to get out of order thm those made in the old manner. The hammer+ are covered with . felt, avid the tone is trough nearer to that of a grand piano, th e n any we have ever before heard. . . Among these instrument - 1 is a magnificent •elfto octave Refuel piano, immense volume, yet of wonderful sweetness it' tone. It coiltaimi ninny important improvernerte, flan patent iron tultes,.for instance, are SO to atrengiben it. It has it ilciuble damper, snl patent co g wheel tuning pin+ in the laid rtavea, which ne• ecavarily render the oveint . nf , tuning, very convenient The French grand tictinti as hilrliett to tine tine intrument, i. of a nature to give nt once the gieatent amount of ruler and volume, canting to the force applied, and the softmit and most delicate 'touches. We adti•ix all our niu.ien) world IS call examine theitepiation:eimildent that lucking . tney will experience agratfieatioti of no on dory kind Totten Lidirr Pitoce.lntx j ,.—The Olathe Amer. n torch light proces,inn MI Saturday night. They carried . 'n icuml.er of banner, which were eidicoloxily el,eurd ne.regsrded their spelling, the word' rrei for inctancO, being sneli ed wee.- Hare hey no min in their rant+ who en!, ellell7 They ought eensinly jolly the 'Enyttdi dictionsry before: t!log get nay mor e banners Itainted. (Wm banner WBA mrrirol by the Sixth Ward Junior", which would have loom very appropriate to applied to the whole irocession, tuner not fif ty 'the persona composing it, we venture to seven, were voter*. ENTHUSIASTIC MASS IfEETING. The great Whig' mama Inerting held m Alle gheny on Saturday night, w n attenileilihy insimOnie ratino . nrse of Termini. They were ail dreared by the lion. T. 11. lime, in his usual' eloquent WWI effective... Lyle, and by Neyrral other gentlenten. MnelCAt 1.6CT1 , ¢6. —A free lectore on the practicability of introdocini vocal 111.151iC into schools, with 'come illustrations of the method of reaching it, will ho delivered in the Fourth Ward School House this evening, at 7 o'clock, by Low.. ell Mason, FAT. of Poston. ° Tenchero, School Pirectors, and (rico& of ed cation genenelly; ore ' . earnextly invited to at Imruoer TUE LAPT (IePORTIMITY.—The pano rama of the ditediternmean will he exhibited for the last time in this Ay. at the Atherciatm, this eiening, ot iA o'clock. This painting ix full of interest, and no description con do it , :irtire (4, nod see for yourselves. • CENSUS STA2IB7IpS. .11, , wachu Dwelling hnvieee in the Stale Pnmilitr 192,6711 White males 481,241 White femalt , p r,o1,1•20 Froe colored Moles 1;314 • Free colored femolee 4,481 Total population •l't;.d"'t Deatbs-during the year • Farms in cultivation Manufacturing entabliahmento- producing $5OO awl upwards annually • Kenteeky. bwelling Lemke, in the State Paullien White melee White female', fhla,a4B • • 701,( dig Free .colorcd males 4,771 Free colored females l,imfi Total free population Slaves - Total population Deatha ricOng Ills year Farms in cul t ivation Manufacturing establialunento producing *5OO and upwards nonually 3.471 Federal reprementative pbpulation 1198,0r2 Copper in ifirronsin.—An extensive veitrof copper has been found in the vicinity of Ilail Wisconsin Mr. D, Smith while out bunting, discovered Dices of copper, where he afterwards cotrimenced sinking a shaft., , Ile has already usken out some sixty thousand pounds of ores. misWiwitil native mineral, }valued at sixty dot lars tilt thousand; and by •41rifting ahem'''. in the creriee between the.rocks, bav found the vein to be Of great vslue. It in reported to be seven feet in thickness, and a depth as yet unexplored,— Chicago ,f0g4,2. . . BY TELEGRAPH. ILLOEITRII by Till O'ZZILLY TRLCORAPII Al)!) YX1.0 . 1171D rot TH. PITTAIIIIROII OALLTTS. VERMONT LEGISLATURE. MONTPELIF.R. net. 10. The Senate organized to I. by the election of Sam!. M. Conant (Whig,) as Clerk Wm. M. Dickeniion was then chosen Secretary or State. In the House, C. S. Denney (Whig,) w.chon• en Clerk: The Governor's speech will be deliver ed to morrow OEI/ROIA ELECTIONS. CHARLESTON, ()Ct. 10. thoireturns from Georgic chow the election of the Union candidates in nix, and perhaps seven of the eight Congreesional districts of the State. The mojority for Cobh. for Governor, will bo very Pearly 10,600. ARAIY NIEDICAL BOARD, YVocitcNOToa, Oct. H. An Army Aledical,ltoord, for the domination of Assistant Surgeons, and eatiliclotes for ap pointments, will convene at New York on the ltith of November. INVASION oF MEXICO WASIIINOTON, Oct. IL The President has iss.ued orders to the Mili tary Commandant of the frontier, to prevent the nvasion 'of Mexico by American citizens. The Intelligence sass that late rolvices show that but few Americans nre engaged in the en. terprisc. OOTFREID KINKEL IVAsurttirroti, Oct. 11. Golfreiii Muir', the German patriot, him ar rived in this city, anti had an interview with the President. THE HEALTH OF MU: CLAY. CINCINN ATI, ( )CL The Louisville Courier says that Mr. Clay's health is gradually improving, and that there is no reason for supposing that he will not he at Washington at the organization of Congress. Ills pwn opinion is, that he will enjoy as good health at Washington SA at home. SAILING OF THE BALTIC .AND fILASGOW Ncw VIME, October 11: The steamer deltic mailed for Liverpool to day at noon, with 95 peesengere and $20.1100 In epecie. The steamer Glasgow also sailed to thiy for Glasgow, with 2:l passengere THE APPROACIIINO CONTEST. P111,0:, Oct. 11. Every thing hero is 'giving place to prepara ions for the approaching electiona on Tuesday ext. PIM LA DEl.l'llll MARE ET 1 . 1111A1.i1.1.111n. OcL 11. The market generally is very dull. Flour-4mall ogles at $4 12h 14 nhl. Uraiii—Sales southern red ‘iheat at 141(ldrI7e. :ern is scarce, and in fair demand. Whiakey—Sales at 12e la , gal. CINCINNATI MARRET CommwArt, itet. Fleur—Priee, arc without change, sales lAit hills at V 120,3,20 It Md. • Whiskey—ln letter. will sales r.no Ws at 10.; It gal. Salt--Sales CAW bags Turk's Inland at 40e 14 bu. - Nothing wue done in provisions The market is generally inactive. The river has fallen two Inches in the Wit 24 hours. The weather is cloudy. with appear once of rain, NEW YORK 111ARKFT New Yonc, oet. 11. Cotton—lhe tnarltet is S ten iy with sales 'of WO bale. al'B4 for middling, and 43 for Orleans. Flour— Isless active. with enles of 5000 lib), at $ll 473 for state and western, and (.1,4 211,f0r Genesee, Grain—There is nothing doing in Wheat: halm 34,000 bus Rye at ilfir CI ibu Ilrovisions--11sles r,OO (Mit WI. rusk at $1.5 if', Lift bbl, l'utfee--Balesl7tto lags Java at 113 r tti Oils—Are steady, with sales . .111111 rat Lin need at 7'207 , - r • gal llopt—Weetern I udire with tales at 20(4 - dide tittecli—Rending It. 11. has ileelined rt Freight on dour to Liver-3.4d 71 lit 144 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD I P PEN T.l Li Ill.:11,11T, TWENTY 111111,ES WY.ST JOtINSTOWK. EA littA 1/.51 CHANGE OP HOUR. 113,C 1.101,[1, ,pc.” P•ntifylraminll , vod Err'," Paa, 11 . . . at. Iv• • 4 , 11 ,41, 14,1 ki...,...1.11C1 MI,. Tr , • THILA DUNI lA. EA 1.T131011E. NEW YORE Two Daily tines Expreas Packet Boots. •, • FXCI.IISIVELA Volt I , lmSEN,it On and after nttrehly, Attgunt :I:tt h. the 1.$1•L• I.lnr IrArr 1,1 tra, f l . lt,c.st ••• l••-• l'eUti-, if I, ,r , Mlol.l.lylton. w I I L I.cr, 11,,,0, "60 lI T 4. two arrsts.ru.rot , pa-want-re ,o• 11,/I'l NM/MIR/I (bra I,rir‘..loro.,,,ugl.rot, miler Irlo ram, lrarol., rt,41.1,11, • _ rAmmiNtolt.llM rt. BAI.IIIII/Ilt Tkki. ch; Yort uW I,6o.erlaspl I:m. 4 n, al Ilarri/1 1 14¢ 01{1i ,1411 TM, I , t lo “to Fs,•10,, ttalitmo.n.. 14.76. Laoraotrr SI ..I“ list n. 11.13 .11 ~.ak . &emit lrawrlinr seri er.l..rl•f.le a.c.m.mgion " .1. P. HOLMES, A grnt, D. LEECH A CO., • ual% 11.:43a. fie Henry's! Philadelphia & Liverpool lane of Packets. Sailing.from Philadelphia On the ew thr I-t weell unkalth "X lop 11 111 0 tiI..OONAN rs. C. I. in won., 114:17\ • • 1110:1 Ab IMIAII. 10m.1•Onnlisker. \Nolo, k ff ' r b ekl " l t'i r ' krki l ll . . "" inf; i l . "'" 110.4104 111 N. (noa) W wwfl. .ri.s •rw bnill nf Wok Ink 1 .4 wort moll, 0/10 Jowl air nani for. 10. rain, of thou 1. 1 . 101 1 , - . . I. ark. nll.l. .11 Wort kkorn••onkkinif. •fo non , tiooknovikii r.kkill•fr.l. 1,1 kon 41... an wookkukk-1,ok• Int Nronol ,o 1 Parevyr, IL, fin rk unenlnel lky town of 111, 1 , 01,01 1, )Jr. tor klbwir In lbw pawl., kkerknow INeknota irk,• nf I.wlkoritok Writ frkenklw Irvin thw 011 enonlri Wkok allstwin onoktihraNn of ork.nrorn, whirl. .111 ho 34..1 ft 4.1,1.1 ronotto. kool our kkonul. 11010okt arsi LIT wr,fl sill Itonuflt lb., with the on,/ luforinatlnif awl kn-lionchnikt inhatir- n. tlk., .inlmikOirn Ykkr nlni.knnnown II ioowelkikok rf krolkltok In Aral ton owf, • dralto for Cl .kirrillar Ind tron•rkl, ablo orikl without dinnkesnt. frlowl. will in. wanlo-1 L.f anr of it.. flank, or Pint ilkohnl A 1111,11.. a.a-'PreTtpiere..apeli-1 rent the 14)1Nnotito •111.1k 1 kw , 1, 11 l I kw 'kart) on...roger of yen. nr now anti kok, Lk). Ikreaki. 11.. rinr. In too. 0 11. nattoonl. A• Ilk rkswak k Ilb dkluf, 1 , IL knoluon. awl / Ilk CNN, irk., 01.0, 1, hin.lniew 110 I IL. fu11.11,,w5.,.. of to .1. r Tub. " i ' :;l, o` vl c :(lr,vllr,! - Cti. 177 Wnannt t.loy 1f 11 '14,11 , , 1c iwlrof non, Nisila Aoki Wokwl flo . FARE RE.DIICRII! Aiaa 1851 . aWii‘MMF ' MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Via Brownsville and•.Couilerland, to Baltimore am! Philadelphia. • rr HE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf the Endue daily. al e e t eleolo liteOvElt• rare el ettioilErlaiel Ertl Eietintoo. 'n n'Tl'ei EreninElb... leave. the (exneEt. Forelay reeninK) rnon.cl.noi wilh the rare al Eunil.rlaiel next evening at e'eleek. t.re threugh 12 Enure. Earn Enly 119. throeull IttillEdelphin, . Yare tally 111.1. Nelle. 1•1 11...a.1 le i.Ew gool l'Evliiecortv ogai with Ili•CEElire 11 , at,. le awl Conn letrlen.l. tebiela 11.2 M. deride.. the 1 it ..EunEl 'tn,. in the . theinlone. NEW YORE AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1851. 1851. ikr ENV 1101.11'E: To NEW Y.ORK VITT Ott EttalOrk and u llie Erie ItallrviEl. rEnniellak with hr.., 01.....7074. Lek. Erfe. Cleveland. CElatiol.l. Cleteleidl and Pit:than:h. arid Pvt..ltivkv ate! Cil Itailneute. mad ...inters ou Olive atel alliv . and We OE, Indiana alvd 1 . ..11.1ny1ka1 ia TRAINS LK k F. 1111•4.111. Mt FOLLOW: , (Funds, oovreped,/ Int Mirnind Evi.e...• 7 non vl i Wrier* I ll - it - tt - OE. The 11E11 ~t Minim, • li.oiro,n.l te, EspreveTrain, %memo In New Vert v ii.aridnitai sisal illElllo • hole .I.lttonor loy iley Edit. 1 lie litdopretr end Iteole Train leave+ Ilinikltkati A 1 ,I.tt, ; l'ivreeEtter Car is tabu-11E11E Tralu Evicani....l•l.. Ea eitreenv.ere 101.1 A. Ear ere Item y Neu. FvevriEd 111.. pner. nil b' given lo o tyir nre repari InkPport Hy+ sloelt Yinit ' .1 nll. n• nod fr.. N,.. •York 1.11.11 1 1/. ,1•111 Sltult. The annun t.nl itl•••• 1111 , , iryttnk`hiltnotag.nyer :yarrow o tho Irsin , prtalion of Trnri pot in ....P.n. , . 111 •1 •Pri nlnrtt nine Errighl Tnnfloi •111 Inii prsqa Jimtrllrl3i l r .4 l l, t i tot mil pamigo Innpiratlrl tof l'i iit 4"T.'"ieyiah J.1 1 ‘111 . 1,1111 , 0 1 . AntxT. Datl llLil olil 1851. WESTERN 1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY D. LEECH & CO'S. LIFE. R h .~"~ ~- RAIL ROAD ADD CANAL PITTSIIU RAH, PHILADELPHIA, BAT LI- =2l== : ell V, Canal )Icing in . and order, we are ,1 fa trart.f..rt prorltion and rocrebanafte to Inal, tb. atm, el., nt M. Inweat rurrout rale. 61 Irrialit. wi th 14,..ptu... and iligyalelt. Th . I.al, and ear... trwnnl awl eoutriill..l 1., the proprietor.. Ilill. of Luling tratotalltal. and nil Instrurtton. yrtompfb Si' louitett to. .aaoly N. or War...* - A BLAC. Propriolork Canal itarlo. P K enn Errol. Pitta.urgli. BARRI, a 1J:I:C11. Proprietor*. Noi la a IN. i4.U111.J oil, Phila. Ilopol. lava At., Phila. lalllTll t YBANCLI4CUS. Awolw s, Northßaltimore. • I. 11. PEARCE. Afliat. N. 7. Weall.StNilar New r.iu Exciirsion Tic k ets to Beaver, 25 cents,. E floe imA i ttenger . steamers HEAVERan.I - 311(411(JAN No. 2. Irara Choir larglitict 6 Pitt:lurch .t 1 N • e4r4•t, evory slay. (lttsyn rxretattl.) as, folloYe: Best,. 1,•••••, nth I. ling.l...ter 2YM itbigan J.. ,A. " I, . . . Per.onn wiphitag Co MI CO hest, prop,. . Tied., Roehert, turd lark r. htuhurgh. tnr CO Ti.PlPgood fi1.d. , 22. due 4. 0 ..4 up 111.. noxr For tolutg ? ,,r cat ho.prd the pi...1,x. -In" tor. of ;Cor Wnt, .22m21,11..1.1 htt•l•urgl. Arrangelient Xsde-,to Forward Freight TI) EALTlNitlice, IN FIVE T SAME RATES PENNSYLVANIA tut 'Atom, costi.Ast 73 v ,, , i 4 4, 1r 1 , ; 1 4 15hin. n. )Y•:lrum , hull and \1•, tp. pup. hru.g. 13(),S1'1)IN THEMOIT HOUSE 110SToN, WAS:, rimi IS well known estal•liolnnent still eon anew In tannin, il iil•n , n I 0 rentrol and pleura.. tutudnan 'lto , 11. 4 •, , 1i: . :71/17!1" arruuntunterr, Alt Its. itnti found thou, rnutinun Iv Donn, d tonvt.stl.ln ntl unity lo Inn trorrlvr. unr w.n hno or 1111• firm of John 1..1'0M/or fi t. u• limn. ol rho howl orrolthrhoo.nt. the -1.1....en105r ringlnro lalo hoot nsrrlion... to tonanhoh , ~, "."4"""" or 1111.11. 1•AI:1„:11 OLI=MMI AS WHITE, BON10!i'l MA Ist 11- FACTOR O. II Sooth `tr.., .h 1«.) l'hlladvl Mt.11.4.1AT UrAtIA LEY, WOODIV Ain) & %V hole "JP ealr. 1, ~ n. No. ?21 hlnrtrt .rtl . J EAU), BUCK NOR. & CO., M. ICEL. 11h.rvhariln, No. 41 North Water li tto. Ili North Whom, l'hllaialAvhlh. wel NEV YORK. To Dealers in Liquors, &c. .1. COMtE, French Itectitivr.: , :em Eighth • otretit. p far YORK. hit. In. Iti.un.rl m soli h., allot, for the mipaulitetorr. of Pthe It .lo lion. 010. ady.ll in llegentio Putsch. CP ration. Ali, nth... A to.ol Oaten, Pe. The Broody .nil itin are ii.refollyi maple it, cording.. the tail receipt. pew.] so the Iteoth of P.m... putt llollexpli the quality ,eituol tiviel of the toitifirioi tint, from coutarleit ore luelteil to roll nrhi toil, of the 'Dries/it their toll,. hi the el Ike. al %rater Afoot. NE% 1011 K. which will he prowl. ft attended to. • Amerman Hardware, pLIVEN £ DOUG LASS, Itlauufueturers' Avnts, NA. A Platt etre..4. thrt.A.Awor. (moll Ilan .0. form aniasett rrrrr, and 0..11...n tarnral.le IrrtA. Ir 1.3 m Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. TILE Glasgow and NOW - York r m•llOfmipatn, • hone lILASItott. ant Iturte woke, It. R. 1.., ft.. i`u bb Want nte.mteroamnink.n.h . r.s• ta. ,a,l 1r... !Z.. dit,..t ttalunlat. thr II th I next. at it [twat I'IPSAGE VONET Virg{ Cabin ,neward'n • . A.ruod Cabin '"• " !ifect..., ff....el:wet , talit.ti. . These prow ifinfif, but not rrinof which will tif ruppliifil no Irunl, st vatfl..rwle deft iiurgra.u , 7. Mr. Illtt\,'Ll BrnEul hrittsw.ltif NEW 1 I=l New York India Rubber Warehouse, e V....'27 Maiden Lune; anti So. 10 507.100 .free(, Yuruer from tlru.ludy Feeturyoth Y.vl Jrlh-1. SUBSCIIIBEIt. Projlrtet.r 01 I.l,l , llelueut, wuuld tofurrn uhl et.hduere. nverehauto cenyrull, Oust he .0.11, teeeienly fru., tailor, an fur...ally •tel ul huhu Robber fleud• dumufartured mum!, hr nye lull Trude, l . and which- Mum hasltuf eeyerul newt stA ru, U r r. ," l! !n7,1 6 u. t .r euttnu• In ruad the tumurrue ture a figured mood plum CAIIIIIMIE ClatTll.el from 3-1 lot--4 fueled... The drill, are r.refull, from, the b., be,urd..und fpnead watt, the fine*, vttn. IR h.rla o,lni ,nrulurtur, 1.1. C-4•111.-1[1. 1,td1,, Muh Inlporlaut ~.... eeutlf du... el 4NA, by whirl, the el,ah I. ruude eruent le.ur Ku eruct rrortublaner , enamel.] lestb/er. The 11,11•6 03W. &di 144 A ll* tfulere +10.11 , 1 ft...tff the rdrfet deelred oVIII:h11 11 1›.—A full ~ t ocf of *II the dlflerent et, 1..• .n,t Yarlerve. Ina., the Ist:purled Pews, Rub,. tu the re- Funrded I ,, ,rpedurd 1/Inee—eml,ra-tuif uthel, e ChlLlern , Ned, ed 11.1.. ..,d Furred and Llnurl llutxher, de. A enrupielede , rdltuenl uf the h , fl/.1/1/1r aludr -of, hntu, Mue I tal.ehee,l.dede. , en, forj heefuu, 1.-u. h, TOy,,u; ...eau 11 allete. Mueluealteitt,..ll..ept , l , le-etanu. Huy.. Coy re, W hue,. Ilyr.-1 P.m, der Ilrurt.. l'uper Holder.. Au' hod, 1. , 11-, I.,dellser er tit, everff-theuTtuttu el flub , . th.l - el I u1nu,..1 ..Ity Ituhter SPytddlf, ureler lueery ll,leol h• 0w.... II MA. tal/hi • 0.00 eertalh eure rent.. ..1 Clspo.f Ala.,. 115.111111.1 !WU. b 119,1.1 . 0 11• i Pore It-. Cetyeut 0.1 Ilutlet , /f 17 , 1 m • • . Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! 1 4 , S MILLS, N•o i'oortiatoolt •t . N York, IAI • ••••• o• f •usoo: so 1.1. o•o•••• It •:,....••• • tr. -to oot.. • .Mall W entuntinf...f ni 'note!, eu,l lumuntee mtl yri ter tiff,/ tat Freu `,l;. 1.4. g tome, rto•• 1.. of ever, geset• A1m.... eat...fever e.I o.lmtu. nun Ttalmt uo.a awl lelver AVIA 1A.,. ' , ACK••. warioao• fout ft, Itiassulfuetu end f. EY pet itble mu nportutmen. punned ...fa, pe. I faun ateutu. en Ile lefetfn the opermi ...nem Itnitheto• lteef• era Iterch•Pan ln Er stmee se Om .n.ll i.l n—urt atel rent y me, ....I. ty unit. u ueunuennt ift rft, At.. , -opener tole feff. , ll pT.t f. t denn•ul tu ref enttre Vrin. ant LI uttl ent•ts ,• I To the Public. I 1M.% SIIOES.--Ctur a t t p nt j„., u•••• ha 11,..• loci. h. - to-boa a. al, Sem 1,1.. larT3l•3 ot i5t.....1., h tstan•rat,l oho. , ...nor am...nat. 11 ta . that ••• data ont a 1••••0 11061, 0 11• • , 0111 th.. ha• 0.1 • l'lroh• is. ti.a .I,..srtanng VV. 1.. n ha. aalona... tog tlea go•tolta,•••,- IJ u 041... /0,1 ••••• .latla phalltli tAir !'.ii , ? onto, •11.1 sna , oalot hair , Looa *sm.. 0,...,1 O. on ratan 11.1•• 1,0. est • rm.°, 11. think al ea • jaol huarlahaa • anahl. la •n a ..0,1 aat tent_ 0.0. In mann, 11, Latol, anao ra,hl, sartanl lo aanl 1.• nnhoola 1. martooryl pll,l, MILS, 1.1.1 to, titl,l•• M.. Alia rlt4r, 11r 1 , 1.hr0l aa: ...al ar our - owl. ...0nt0..., viol. ,••••tatao upo.. arnanat.ll.. t.hat at•l ail uuluutuu • al. Cu. ,or Lau., c+r ca.... ru.tatt.....4 tail rat at {l.ll W A. 1,1,1•1. 11111 a, (St, • llociuuktaal. TUE %1.11 4(4A INDIA 1:1/.141, Wt. 1,, • Y , klil• 0. NE. Joir 1 ph. Supenor Black Writing and Copying Ink. 'u\ E3ll'lllE INK. ',T. otrottL, :tart Puti.Prota, New Tarr apt" moral , T. pr dot II O , r o Plot. " Pt " TM. , toll. Not aril tie tranntutur.l It L.a. fioolr— t• • rota lt.PVLlttt INK --anti .111 not ...nal. LI. procuttta. or iroartut. ad tor a oral 11 oust otrital.lo Jo the t V. quill. and %SI intrridr. terlsplot atrot Post Tbr untlorort..l tattrooral furto.h thr trvlr Mr. ter esr.trt or torn.. aos.natlttlont at tttr atatrr tall low Iwo., pot up a. go, an.l Orli. or., is an? Part of tlaropr tn. of rhorre ho eh.. for or tors arr raverd ortra at nett ..at. TII !MIN LK It LENT. Olt, u.sati .I.run Building, II No I'ItNK Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopheroaa (I)si I . OIINI I , f. , r NJ/ ~o,rit,g. prrerrramt maul lar.tauttra at, latatr.ersalira. a taut asaartso. at ratrittar gar— a•f the kin, ho wls and trattrarlea., rut, I.taattar, ra.r•tna rac II,3 anr , rrtatur.l rapa.rtuartat. that liarrt r . Trarnatta rrata Imo praarlurerl lb- mane rtlnat tra corm., alta.o....raa art 0. ram, rle tat ittelaaar.t , and thr notratati kittgala.m. Tlar M.llowltaar laratlraaaaultar, aartrrtral front Itaatt.lraal* of *antaillar Impaara, or tar 4. 511..• lb.. value ad Qt. taraatottaatu.o. rata ~ c im.tum, 1,, whiff la, vrla.. laser rttraata la • tratal • .. • . Nlrlk Vow, P. 1,0 111., r. an, NIP-1 hms. mn .1 ploil 1h ro• ' arte;, " l. , ; " :roe ' rm:i l loofe badtbe Orme o( rovo. of the nods ph7 , 4 1 . 1410. hare 1 0 .. , mll the pre:m.ll , 4, for Me halr ati,l Ain 1101 N Limon...boat the h.a.et bet,4l:. I sr.. meirll hr • frteles h. te, ,our T.-lea:them:le P 111 me • !met o.rdmhal. eurortee mot gtatift,:tion. mreolf iu about two, menthe rorh Is.. the wo.lenoe thw ths: al tlture I wax pargally Wood. iho,yoottull, pour.„ 1/tP 11 I 11 . E1)1, 140 Columbia "Pert. lln.klyu. * • Nrw Yon, opt 140 Ploy Ilaaav —SI y It.t, slti Aliiiuttwit years lia•ii,mv ruing. inal a wriwit deal. awl w Al , w*h •Met'd witla dandruff was Wild lit • frWitiA iwa. and I so. awl u my 4 Aw ' 6 " firmly •. u. al. and all lb« daudruli as 11.. Awl Or 11111.1.• liir Wirt, 1,11 L es...rel. I 11111 JO Tit%Al.llEl.4 Tirowlw i a l y. If any Ault'awatlrman the •11l witll at I.wAiiiwor A I* llaro 131 A.,. Alert. liwry lir will prisluns Mr. aria, nal biller, 11 , 1 , 11 n 1.11111114 r, and Naval Art.. Nor n 1.14,1 That ,. sn' nu retool, lot thn pezutanent roar .4 nitkilikel , • nu.' dle.-nnen the nannnalll. On. na ,4 44 11, 144.nlanty rtn...o kg arti.l.• kn.... n .1 1 r.fram.r ittnnente4 1, It I. rt• lennitnly flan avant e 1.... .4 11,.• nti5...4.14. In •10.4 •anry ,ornery In tha land 4 1,...,1 In nth. , artinlen ^I tha , kiwi It impart. tn. , ii.. it,. halt, and 1.141.14....4.. alnar tl. In tntnarlalln It .I.,lnsy• 4an.lrull and rt. anti Ittilr Ann awl al.ny It will rum all d i n . a....1 tb.. h an nral4 • dew •oten. nth, nt Iht• , Itntataln unntall. , l, It 4 n.. 1.1 latan 4, 1 - . 1,4 T.'" 1, .. ^ l . , t" 111 ..id at lla. Ilrnlntnt , a.. 1144 1 .11 ,• 4,1111 ‘ .1.11111 Mg nt.la ta4n an.lllnnanla. .VP 11.11 ('111CA(i() ANI) • • THOMAS HALE, FORWARDINU & Cfl I tINBIUN MERCIINNT, CIIICAIIO, 11.1.1M11, MaINTINUES him .0M tti receive huanagr a `as mad rrarrala whoa... tall Maar,lannalhara 7 magarimml ham. .alladatat %ram hm ,l an I. lad oh lade.. .11 the L.... laud the Mah. alma Anal Ihmar Ihalerrurroa—Slmmaar Laden., aria-110hr h Cm. Al.-,,,. Jam, Quit," Al,. Jahn A narwhal.. Wm. H. Haakill bENERAL COMMISSION MEIWIIANI l ARO AUCTIONEER. No. W4Or clreet, lIRoRI ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH BT. JOSEPH, HISSOVE.I. • MI D DLETON, itl LEY £ l'rodusr, eu4tnribwion.a.l Vorustsliug Alossimas, so iilll JoAnsls, fklo Alexatslsr /nrilun. anti . literls”, A 1, 19 tplatrgh msl 1 r , AVID Ca C. TUTTLE, Atturuoy at LAW ud .mutls.Yl, .alia on It Poutwity. Jilineogurationn promptly ottomert.d. ty I WIN IL RANKIN, Aunrney and C,am o .. IN sr Law, land Cortal,loner for n,,. rt.t. ~ N.,,,,,,1...a.. Ft Louie, Alo., liar a l'ittriairg h.) Itotrrotweo--Ptr,oburitr Um, W Forward, Simi .m . Miller, NFVondloor 0 Idol:lure. John M. Forto, iii' I, a F,rolple, McCord 1 Cu.angli it C/itriNTAlCHigi4--Jusi reed and tnr Kai e hr rho quart or ha rival, or MORRIS' Too Mar L,,,, eine 11,zsuoml. on,. . , „ S , `(JUAN---44 IslidA. prime N. 0., for Sale by velem itimv. MATTHEWS • C”. - MOLASSES -32 - 111111 R. N. 0.: Hi\ li mn'. . • . merman,oorer) limn'. .t. X. .'°' - uotiks, , Private ResidenceXor Sale. THE sulmeriber 'otierN fo4 sale hi.. CI I I I NTET SEAT. skald d nu 4e All.-nbn. rti, nhout fur milrn (ruin thein tit ~t lundatu, fn.ul NINE lo TIVL ACK nrnund. UN!, 111:11 , tate ./1 cUlliretiotl, t ahou min tith Oros:Lund 11 Ind Vit it f eluu, rud...n Enruu.nl. Made %lon En nut of VILANING ,,. . 1:111 at LILL. • itreb.LIDLL. ILL It 11. 1 0.7E1E, ,• I.durt. . . To Let.\ w.. 11 knou EA(I(,}IIO,T EL, N01:111 TlllOll 1-11:1 Er. 1.341.114:1,1 . 11 11.• 1,1 TY, I , A, WEI! IL.Lnuerl d••••••• MaLAtilon. 4A, Thu. sn.l nl..dir.w4 10110 —1 . ua nub. of 1151 n L.nrIALLZLL 1. 7. 1 14 t.. "" • 4 too w .Inunn /. k--ul nu4l In 1-1. , 1, 1 11- 1....... uunil. 11. WU+, t0r..14c L•II , LLL - Ike well ILLZAL-L FtOk WV KIAL at rep., is.,,vs l ll n.I OA, • - - . , . • 4 w„, w „ r.l. nrrl In P. , ‘ , .. - nar....nr. tlrwild, iln. .. t tr•. 11; r. 1.11. Ir.(' 1 . 11. 3 r..tik4s.nr n.I ere, OA, PA I Pr At•ILI I. sr I: Vlt. 1001*. It .. n.r.r.t.t I r I. A ..,. lAA t•Il I, lAN A I, N• l'lllt.l rt.. 11111'46.11.1.ak Seven Valuable Farms for Sale ;11, 1.1. SITU ATE near O lhi.. nr“ ~.u, •.1k•I L • • • All ,c 1,•• vr,ll t.••-••••`,/ •A ~ •.•1 yorclinA e.r. IA thot.lott , e•r , , Au esther 1.1..• Roll, let 1•11 , 4,u,11, M,II tr lakpu u, ,•,14•• )) tne 11.'1 % lwtt.teut. t.. ...t.OTtettta ....ft or n lat. • .tr. t. .1111,111.11111.. hair t,11,11 Af),i rAletu it rul met of 141rw II nut, I . l.,rlfin.fi 1.4 ..bur t gfi wn.lll /sr. sn4 NI Isr r.Sr4 In .nt Ifir• Ifitr4r firili t t ronrlrtolest stfil Ir4oi tirtlrns. txtukr, tt fit, LIN' Import/Int ttfilttt.. 11,.. rzfilr.fivl I•4fi first r‘atltqn. I • Jul, 1, 'fil ,II 11.1Aire. r ) I, ET- A 13 •\ ., ,.V..Wit;41,. I W V, 011 1"..0..1161 •tp nss.l ,udthfirl.l ~ t • - 11 If .1(.111N,To, Great Bargare ! "•, BE I!TY - ivElf.Ty ?(R SA 1. .• nt..l 1.. 10,11... n .4 t.... rn el.,Neurr.., nv.., .1 - nr I . AII,IAN. 1 . ...1.,41 .1. .111,1,.n, CASIVIW . • 1 11, , • • Private Resiticaice-foir \ Sale. I'ROPERTY an./ mr..tritmolalint: \ttt t'.ll 11 All,l..iat. 71. t 11M11.11 11(.1111",..• 0114/,4. emir, ot the Alt 1,14 t I•Ltr.ll nt..l I.l , le,lttt: ''''''''''' nest' n. ar.tes.l. 11...1.4 titl, rntmitttt Itlet td tlttt 11, •tut.rt,t.tr.tti• rtr. et. turtilt.4.l.rronc`t.N.,t, • ..111 , 111 , 10 , 1 i.nl .11•1 r tn. ..... r•lrmil odo."1. 1.1•.• 4:1“ t4l. In ior••rot, Imo I: )4 r4re • r•• 414.• -•••• 1111 l 4 •1••1,1111111 110 1,. TI Real Esth \ te. 1, 1 1111 SALE iu the' I.lth •F• 4:1•1 Alin le, "4". :•4•L 1•F•ttnr••• .1 F.ta,a , ••• • 1' \ 1 1 0 I.4.AN:ilbt . ).%11q:,:•111, a 'FF:II:UV. • , • F : •`: L l .l. v:F , ^•• 1 •! ,111 . li•ic erm" T. 11, 1:44,, or Caw. . ror . rocF.T., AN. auc •.1 %1,. ,p.rglur \ •. ' For 6:,1e. , r l.Al EL 4 nr 1.1 , ,jr . • -0 r c ! 1 4 , 1 licEN lar• ic7c.lll cc 155 5 , .••• N.. I.lf Ifl.l , filff - f 1 1•••0 .t I nne For Sale or Perlliotual 'Lease, F1)1:1') 111 11\1!..4;:j.41'1' 111.1 ° i Pato., .fi If fl II 11.,18 Real Estate,,,for gale.% , •y A 1.11,,t01.F. moit,r.r,,,,i \IA q ~n \he :1t,:7", - V:r‘4"1::! - '' . ': . , , : , ::;;:;• ,--,,,,-,, ,i; , „•\ - ‘1,..• _,i.,..,„•.. ,6.., Dr.,. Insttti`ot: linn • on Cortortt II to, r...:. o. r t t:ttrt tnt . . A Good 'Bargain is DOW Offericl, IF A PPLIC.VI it,' VI.; N .11 tf, ,tter,t.: 1 Yr 1 . 1 t r • .1, 1,. I , • . I I A, History of Pittsburgh th. 4 , 1.4 Itt Mt. {..141,10. Itl, r~Tl~rr- ~ ur. iii rig ~I ~~~~r~lr.. r-.. ~i~~nr iii ~ work 1,••• t0r..1 1.;11 . II 11F LI~ II The College of St. James. WASHIMiTON NIAIII TENTI( NNI•A I, . . . . .. .. . • THE tilt SNI NI Att.:411.0.1. ita0.0,10.1.11‘0ig...114., II g,,11,0, ggg g 1 mpg., 'h.-0,0,1,0. og gt,• ',Nu... I,lgt 0 g 1,. ar.g.leggst,gl ...ggr , -.. agga ga, o .ro , glO tg, fvg Ito .i.il tgl (tar g ira.pagn or -,1gg.01. x In lb.. 1111. k .•I r n.l. t r. nu l. II 1.1. 1.., 1....tun.r ntn. in thr I,llv, nunrw.l.lAr e• 11l 15.,1 11 In/ In be J. 11., kl:lainer. I. r, '4l ' , lnt, !a n wl N /Nraa... tr. Itmogkolt4 don. n 1 man... 13.• N.rmert, University of Maryland. ..THE NEXT sf:SSIoN Iwgin 1.11 %Vri I..th .h. etlm; NI If lA. 1t...1tar.1 It I 1.. t, b.. Ij.. 1'..1,.4....,...l A.i.i•ai llv (1. 1,,' ut.l r,. ,n, • I 41,r I pri,,l " I Vttnhtlt n 1 h Al h / \Ott, In rho. n 4. 1, Kentucky Mutual LitelitsuranceCourpany. Ii U.\ ANT 'Bul,ooo. rIIIIIIS CUdI l'A N Y utter, ttio' insured \A4I the rrtetml ).1.1.tal n 11.1,11. httn.lt Plano tun ht tele, thaileontil t nave t I. rale. el hretittlit.h.tal A nnual In ithtt t it e t t.slt y• 1 is not hr... t-sttil ttt ttitrtre, ttl el thenshern ler the tr heir term ttl I th, nta otttltl, Mt ti11er...4 ;It the tn.nnttuttitnltth. 1,114 net Ithel •helt hnsltrn, tut,ltie al I, t.rtnlsl• ottr.st lhetr tttsinrltott t o ler the heriehtlettlt nerlttritt et nltert term mete le tn. ntel Inlnt. ler urt, 1.,11L. 1 , 11.1. 111. p . thri hi. . tar ..4.1.1 Mutual Late Inaaratwo. 0 .4 , 11.aay 1,. haat. rale., i.r..allayn •r.. 44,141 a lalr r...10.....1 ,1n1..1 IVI:•/74T ' ll ' Ian ' 11 ' .:;711 . 1 ' n ' !:: " 117, " 1 ) „ ' :• ' ') . ......1 " , " :..: 1 .. IL, a5tt. , ,,,,1 ~1_1'ir.,,,,.. awl 11w 14 , r , ,,,,, rl-1. li..a, .61 tl l o le a l . of I P, 11.... , 0 a ra1t,t311..” . ' VA Pas , blel, \l M,ln, t •1, tll Ila. ~ l ato aal trt lirl4,al,a,ll.lgoit.t o•t•It.o t a o ittouort.tvt.t t o l tt 100t0tr15.1,1.441-41, , $.141141 , 14111...7 , 4 41...11,4,1 klelatorr . 1,.. 41 4 1, , 11a1 di lOFFEE — ;;OIT hag , 1. ~ prolie 1'...1, for sale by X/ mugis .1.4 411,11....1.1.,, Slat.t...t. 4,, UP. CART. SOIIA --2.41 * k., ,, ,,i0 - lr ,. .,t'im 1.3 10t:a1...1, . ~ ,1'1,....N41aka.“ L co . : ..0:4 ,4 ‘,...•1atr..,1 M U LASSES- ..." l'I'l' ; ‘. t 1‘ ''' ,1,l i l t 1 " 1 . 1.171 1 :11. 117 1111 ANS ElaS • 01 L-- . . 1: Iplp..\.r p.alc br t ...al.: . 1 .t W. I' 1 1.11.11. 1 11J1:11 • 14 1 1.111111 -- ;: , 1.1.1 p. 5..01.1!” extrOupily, for ~,,,o1A0:. L. rrrtn 44 eii., .1:44tIall, at pV; ;11ETAI.-- - Itprl toir far ale liy out en% MA ,KWid.icev. PPEIi LEATIIEIC-40Sid... gor..ll,eavy , . rir A ... ti , ;: z ' E I tS' 01 L—....1t) , 1 4.t 1 ,.. .kr .,, , ,, ; , : i t t l A e u 11 1 1.0 U It—;.". 1,1,1, So,tt,', extnijamii , ~.,.. ~, , e..eleo.'. L.rrnai e -.4:,,f , V,.. , .. .. , 11115 . ; .MET A 1.---16: , tone lar ale liy 1:111MY. 3ld !KW /04g 11.31 , 1 . .E1i LE A'CII.E, IC-40 SW,: 1.. , eA Upper Leath, Jul for l,br ... r ap IWO WON, 1.L7L1 4 006 .t... 5 i. 1\ . , \ \, . \ \\, \ \ • •.• \ ','; : \ \ „ . . .4. % , „ 1,- \ ' \ , , \ \ \ , • „, \\ • . \\• \ \ \ '. \ • • . „ \\\- . • ‘, \\.\,\. : A \ . ' t . 7 -1 ' ' \ \ • \ ' \ \ ' ~\, \ -;\.. , . \'', N „ \ ,„, . ~. ‘ \\.. \ • ,:rt --•\ 7 - - -\. ' . ‘; .,--,N EAFIB\)ATs7.-.. .-•..:-.IAO-..2-...1\% - .1.: vw., el 'el VIATI.—T \ A, line i Arfe....%, ,i AlttattolV 111%, a Nit. I, :"Altt-. et'qttAl. 4 , ile - t.,i 'l,7. l ckt \ 1 t,t1 1 .• far lb\ 0, 1 , nntl Intamodintalo 11. . e. `,.,1, . at 4,0 r. v. t \ Vor I ' l o4ttlOtt tait....t., voalt :n 1.0,0, \ antt:tit ''',. 1 1 ,•911 CIN4I. I \N A Tl esp e , ..., •, ',..4"::^:z1 ',i!,‘..l'';:.f'7: 1 % , It A1.,1, and vll‘ V ...Rata rt.... on , ON T. Mt` - an tr... 1 or ttt\ s X kat, ..0,1.t 4r ......,,,, ttp , , , it at . , ‘ 1 ~ e.W1.11, 440,1,, hk ll,l • I.' '''. I ' , XL " • • • I ,t, 11.111,...ida1l her anitlt wet.l ta4rutt A 1. tar ...t MA.. cat \ I4roon.W.w. 1 /7 - 4 , N t.: low otflool w 1,1„ w.ruw ...I -• !•..r fs.rwlot n T.•.v, ..plAr'T low 1., I AND' \ • 13.iN k ot, PACK!, n,.0. VI t,!o. TH r. PoirApttla./ber no• kr..1W14. L.nv tua In.: oi ho. o Is-Vow irl oW wor ntur ool ot s og ,Jen ,.oryMy , rOkla r , w o,rl.lo VAt ar o M'lan., o II i •\ xNF press P e'."e.-•a T. ,v - ~.i n-. ..— . n . ... t , o ,—.Qle--.7—V-.-.-1-,_- d.- \ Fri II El:toprietitrs\ I do. Pvkq Lihs ,iv ‘,„l,i I::.',Wag ,,, Tirfi ,. .. 7":77.\;` . .;„T,''r.,VT;,, h ; k „,, 0:1,,,F, eland or nor '1,(1.• l'uck , ..:.u:llkttt • through tuVa, . t hem o, 11 l i t , furuie.rd u ,th a,tu.lA tudsush u Illttis.• t th. protiegK or gsuug 'to it , ,,hu-A, ''''' a h.. r k l'' ''''. j '''''' "" i .. ,tiV ' t T ' IL:G I \ 1 .V\ I • V ' I ' ,...47VV:Xkr auL ,. u ' uti.l , I,l' t. t; ^t , 4 ir ' \\l . A, '\ , \ • Ohio r and Pennsylvania : aad. Z ii rntim TT810.1 . 141(1 .To NEW ::It1(1.111:011: 1 , I\l4ll TTNIIMIIiII •Tll NEW . •IIIIIII .O.i; 2¢ MILES. d pk: awl :liter N1i...)N,1 , Ay, ,%11(s li7 . 44), \\,,, , I,.„I ‘ lit.„:l4 ~. ., , t , i 5 i 1 i .1 t i t,, ,,,i ,, • ,, ,e : It l rlx, . 4 1,.... ,, , ,7 i. m \ 1.1.. AN VITT i.t .ilii LA 1... N., \ I a.l I k M 4 1/ . ..1.1,11 1 1.E. 'y e1,,140!.1, umi to, ele, 5 \ Att ht ..t•'• LIU! hn 4 . 11. t. l'Ah I \rvl :,,h1 Ih. l ~ , ...i 1, , , . Mae, \ ~. It A. t..r.5.,1.13, \ .. \ ' \ 7 •• ' N:l 7 l: s it.l 3 ;is Ihr• F. e retrelen t 4..... 0,11 . reel Itt t,.tuts•l 're le• I: ..er n l'ett•lme, too ii.• 1.e., 10 . at" 'tile.. 3 1,14, Ili. ...IP 4 13. .. ...Nee 144,1043,A . lel %eV hew ht„ n ... mil, letcl, . \ 11., the Then •• 111 tcl rillr eltieh,A 1:4,1t,,,/,,n 11, he. he 1.411 en f.,st tin \ ~, Ir 11 ho ••• et I•••••tbo s haurntni• ee, klhn,l to the eilha e e- , 1.11 he a.l• I•••& a. , . 1-4,01`r- InE..-.r.....r. httehne • ale,. 11, t. • re en .1••• m . o. .e.et 4 1,1•,'1 e lee .. ....., • ,h, AO ete ee r, I; e 41, 111 NI, he r e ' iiOlW 001il ton i. t 116., IIIIII..•1141.11 ,n,l"lm hi , lt, IAVIIM 4 1.1,e0,/,., ler I the eon 1.. wree nt t e • ••••••••••teIhle,t, wi n et ..,ll 1 3., ',ant e I h.ll. tLe t.t. •1•••rtl.. 1 • 1,•litt, I'M ree/Vh \ . 1 ' l'i l ; . 1,, M t r ,! . . '. ;: . ..1. 1 :T ' . ‘l l lln' '''' ''Lc. 4an I I s e on, le . e., ste , ' 14, ' 17,e, " :1' 4 ' ;,V11..4 , ‘•••••te'l le . \ 0, ‘ ,\ `• t 4 t "t.. 44 ' \*. •hp ,Ittt.h. Vt It 4 h 1:4. \ 4 44•: . \'' 't& 17tEDIIIIGH AND NEV,S'ILII ‘ ,•/„., ~.„,..,.0 ! „. 6 ,",/, ii.., ,A,..,,,,,i1.2,, k ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ' 's Riii,lXlEr-E.''''''''''7-ET"'"--Y•'•'--V \ , -5., , -\-- ~,---.•,--.•;.- \\ \ ,s, • THROUGH IN 6 HOURS. \ \ ‘• , . )O.` , SFNII .I.is .tßtakritli• ill A_.11,), tt.,,,, \ \\,., \I it\r,..llt,t, r el. 1 eel Ow \ ' • '. V, .41 .. r . r . .V , ,,g!'.i,:1 .1. 4 ‘ 1:;!::. 1' ..1icr ' 54 J ll ll .i " :i 'Ll‘ ' ~I\\ ~N•••• o t \.••••rI•er. \. . ' ' i11..11 ' ' . r" th t ere ,•/•• ~ ..''',l''''. 4 ' 4 '4' ' 4 ' ; I . ‘ .. 4. 4'''''"''' . ' N ' A l hr ~I,:, ~ th,•,41. 74 , , \. „ , .1\ 1'.,...er0 t, h t lj,il h. l 4 ‘' s ;: . ;41 , 4 ' I: 4 .I,,er• \ t ..e. T, 0t,e' 1, 4 ,:111;, , ,Z . . e , ,et . 4. •4 • .1,:tt5,.41 s • 1,1101 I. 11. .x• Nori 01./.. r,, 1 ,n4,te.• \ 1 ', h ..1 le, 4 , \ \ I' I,•••te,r, 1 4 e \ \ PENNSYLVANIA • AILROAD\ , ja. -i.. , k- - --- ) - - --...._•r#,..,- , .,- -' '.. :211,4,bA )1\1( ev . 1 .5)\10 , k, , ,, I r 1 4.r.• . \ . At!INCV.1,1.:F:1;•;:; , , , 1/.1”,611,, ibylr\ fr.d al.l OY OA, In . 61 , 1: 1 , .‘1, ~.r y a P.r.ard y Npl4.lllll' 1 , 1 v,0,k1l rArAlrtch,.ll t• •63; 1. ' '""" ' "'' ""''''''''"'"' ''''''' \ .. \; ' .X. rrt, ,it ha inn ni,,,..„ r Vrin AIIII # N , l. ‘.. IL .31•• • 'l/n1 •0 cte I if , • • , ‘ C. ' , \ \ , // I. 0 ,,,d •,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.. 0 I,A, ~,,. 1, , • t \ \ '' " i I.l l l 'A ''' ‘ l '' •:\ IA AU r A , '', I r• or: I„,, lit \ # 3.1,.i1t, 13 01 . 1/1111#), &I ,• , \ •_ , N ., , , -.., ,”, , . - --- - 41, . •‘ 3 , IAI 1 11 IT WO h 310331,/, rto _ , , . ri'l ~' N ‘'''' ..• 111\p \ ''•;'•IIt•-• . ;;•;• - ‘" , \ ...,...atztru} s t,t...l.l. , . un 1 ..,,.... ,Itl.. ut...nt0...t11 \\ 1.. t nl. u...\1...r..,,.! , ....,..„, tnan thililf(neritlen •,_ air, Itt Pr, 11A Irt< ...Ake,. • l 111.. ndseturdilnnn X AL 1 • ../\ \ \ 'Slime Ware A' in for Ils atiolSisterns. I, . ,i,i, ~ .9.. 1.. \-1 v.v."... 1 tt.......... I.at 11..111.1.1nr ..,‘ r 1„, T IFF. :"..tt ‘ q (\ II h;1: It't. rn, 11, 1 piii,ll, ‘ ,"'''' : , 4l., ,"" "..,",,,,, X . '' , \\;,: • ,',',.',",,,'"1„ r 4,,, ° „,„' '..,,...: , \ tt Ai... I 1 •ii,„ a," 1,0,31 I, Ai •ro a IA Ail .. t I; X . lyni, , • Au, n, al ,.l.lt..,lrrit re ,M I' ' t !. t, 'Liu I,: 1 ., i \ s M. lAA, t rw-lal *. ,z, - VulT,l Fur ..* i y ~,, ,„,,,,„„, ~,.,„ v, ~ „A x.....: U. 7 , trity- ' 4 , •, _ , .1011 N .AYr A Cu 1 ~i„ „,,,,„, ~ ,,„ „„,,,,, ~,,,. , , r ,i, r, , ho, , iv iS . Doll( st 1 11)1,4 0,,,,,,* (i.„,„- A 1,..,, t. tones ll to titerissTalr MO( o r ‘ I. rP 1 NitANS...i.o....t . , ....., . a •-•• ,°a uiJ. r .1..... ,or el," onaurutyl In Manna or rrn , r V." \ I I 0.... in, 11.- .1; ;••; , ;;;;.t;.‘ - ^oW 3 ' ..l. ' wwdd ' l '"'". on& in 11.. itx4 11 . 1.1 latc.N. , aj ., ., , , i7 .. .•:.:;tia t .,. 1, .1 . ),, , \ il• .. " „..i I n u.... 1 ' .1 , , , 1 and I an , "„1, 1 4 , , , .. - rt v !rg h. , ... ii. ,, , ka,,, it ~,, rio \ r .r trt.rn mer min* l'i th us \ , „,..,t., 4 t 1..• ~.r, , t, • rmaykahk•deurrvf, ' ,. ' l ' '' \, c \\,,, ax,GThi. A.* 54 ' 1 .. IW- rat, At... dandruff and dtLoaolosaletyhe hairript. ral . . it,. 11 cure all Itvann id that.), 3 • • ‘ _ i,„..., 1,13/ WE II I A ItitlY•lA AND UM ME LQ , I ~,,,.., ~,„...,,,j,, 0 r.„ . ,„..: 4 T+ 0 . 4 ..... i 4 Y., ITAINT-Yrr so 4....1M0.1t1118 Won oil Freeu-ra tri cbengtm ., ... an . MAI id, et11,..c.14: 4 7 ~ ‘ :„ .h„,,,,. i i ,%, ' li it AN DY, at il per brittle, ktr sala al 1.1.111/V1 . 1., ~.1 , v f. ,,..\ . .... muk . s. kr IL; otA, I ~ i 7 w . t ..4 0. .. ' 1 . .'" . \ I In the thamortd. i ‘ 14.1, AL • v 01 . ,. noi THOS. I'ALME .'. No. fg, blaeko . I) . t/NSIER [lllB • vim oil' \ oak , at OKRlW'res • , . . • . . . . N. \ , , \ \ , \ , ~ ~. , i'll.N' ORM ...AITR I. I' rEcT . OBAL. • - \ ~--.?„, 1.4 ... ._ 143118 . CO ,INS\I4It.S'ENEO, 3. 0v cin . ~ \ A. _. ~ \ TIS, wit(f ‘ ivrk . o.•&ooo/1, 'OBOI7P ~- . , .\;, IV% offering lo \ O,X \,,n , tu munktv \ l.l;is 111 t. ..--,,, .. , .- , . , \rlifehrai..l7somly Nu - dr, a....'0r Lhefl.mxt.iod h.< ~';, II 1- Il fatr.•ul Wilt tat elf' a't.th live , . or 1.4.1itt nt 11,. ' ',:-, . ... .•.\ allicirVimt 11. or to lar 11....1\r. I,Ten, the ophloon4 , of \ '* ,:. ,1 . 1,. . • . \ allg.krOped met and aorlr ,;r, its ,. ;‘,,,,,,,,,, ~.,\N. . ..0,., . \ _,... .ili e.,.. front whsel, thry run , 4 .,,. I ttiruct.r , . • . r ; t . " .I , s .. err-IT pitaiii, t.uillehre.l.•nl .. no 11.1,.....0vtut 0 ,, r \f.,. N. , tk\ \ . . , atalementa e.,1,1 e1b.,,. nor Ilia: .11.1, , 0ut.,ani raT to • \ . -. 1\ auffenalv IlltVed,,N L el. lam will n t altrrant.. , ~ \ Mv.; pne..o, mr.• hoo ,ne. u. ..1 we oil,lt Ist.inquiry •• ' \ A \\ 'iirr.ra the pnbli,e‘linto 111 le, roblia . teelt z 'apoThiv.l•ttnlY , \ .• ' , • il C.I thew 1,',/etlr rv/kt.l.le, a th.. co i ,p7,lhr_ . \ 1 • \ . . 5 ..„ . ' ~..1.,,r ...et entahlqtre tund natronue. 11, tp 0-1 ,,, /o4t-i i'mA, ,,,,, r 4 •44i1 4 !`,,,' . \ 1., 4 I'. N ',. toriNa a •Itea. Hothlnit. e, if,.. i/r ca..1 , 1tV... e it et 7: . -,,, .. . \` ,r. .. • \ \ il ; f ; pu '41,, until I ad ortortapu, t it. .., . eh , trh• ~ . ., I , p •e,- •. - 1.a,, °an f / hundwa ..l .... l ta• •• 1 ` \ \ .. +, vl. ot adurVn,hehlhle ~ t ...,n,';.N,. '..,,Y.'-..A,-n1i.;.',..:,..7,',...,..'t".."`"' 7 - 1 \ .... \ . \ . ~..„ i,., A i. , 4.4: it 1 - 4..:,* *AA. 'II, , M. : \ \ ''''''' \'';'\'‘ .. '' h . li.N t 11 \ 1.1.. ... tb ;eit . • ,. .N\ ' t75yK4F,i t . ,, ,.. ,.,, :.\ ' / , .Z41N1e r,,, 1. '. \ \ , \ new• r fil. w ort \ l 17 ., .v.zAt , ,,) ,, Lit r,5ta.Q..,.. , .1 , l , • 'i l , l ' •% ' ; ', . Ann: hk • '... ' l. \ ~. D, kM.F.R.RtiII. • ‘,. '. \ . \ \ • skii-1;, , ,, 0., 41 ~....t.NI kkion.a.hrib+ worth \ , ':' ' 1 ' trtal\ 'II. t.titl% I I,onn. rer\re - Fle. .1 ,`ho ef. ' \ ;‘ • 1 't\or 1t”. Ine•lirill •\aliptAkt,till diPtiO4, \ ''' \ . \ , , L , L \ 1. , :".111. ... `V l,(1/. hrvaao , Julx• N t Fit , , \ ~,,,, ~ ;,;,;• •, , , ,,, ,. .mi i- . . ,M Ni ~..,„..-.. , 1 , , , . 4., s ., cord...N[or raor.N. rt\ il set '°' ftil,.f . tinTito I" e\ ~. . • ''\ \ .. ..." h'r l N", /T.:rill] ttitancowarti i be: ,rtric '' ‘ ' Tl T' l . tlg;nl ' tt l lZal; 1.1 5 :;,!2',...h • ~.g.% p 7.,;',,... \ . • -.: ' • .)... -- , 'A . \ ~., ,; .1 , 3 ,, ~,..,.... r.rV terorkl Dinritt lihn 1.1 .• ‘, \\.• 1 ,..n ~.., ..,t I om,ble arort al oh, by, ',ere ..t , , \ • i tacl, ar bn T ‘ t Ito. ~ I hale VC nwin rand 112../‘ theao \ ' ia.,4.1. to ,141 ~I Ala, fir. lourae ...Arun, A s i . Ti,,,,1,d10.r\t.... ono,. thn yr . tt.k.ar.o.t. *Abe •''\ • Alyele•tan• stal 17X this thought to 't sp ....livable colvettirrli .. • \ - 7 \ c,.....1,. ~,ZOl / 4 . 22.-I.4kx. 'il, . \, - ••• 1 . 1 , 1,, , \ k ....• % hn....i. , on lt, a r.1.ht1,..1 Int. to•ainninglyilvt'ehnlary, ‘;,, . ‘'t - cl ' : . -f •• , ' \ la ...,SJ ....n4”..i I," to, 1,...1 .r gno. tiAik , n....U.a. . \ ' , ,4„,„„.0,• ', 0.1 ...I, ‘I., , I •.....1 0.1,1.11. \ . .. ' „ . titji., ` ,... " ,,; ' , ' ~,...,....-.\,, \Sink.. %.1..1.3 . ..4t14 Imath, . T - . ` \ '''"r l ‘ -• i rt a f I. \ S r' i l"' l "' 4" 1 "‘""1,'"h." I ' d '' \ \ . ~ 1 ei. ,. .% , .. ..sit 1 e k ... 0 A. 4 r . : , ;, 7 , 1 , k, : . ., ,, , ,.. .;;; , ,, ?P.41 ,. A ; -,, ,' , .-T , ; . i 71.;: rig= `Ai..A. I ), .t.,th;.1tith...10b,...be.- •\ . ~ \ \ \ me.a.,l.ttlh. of ~n.r •Ikrn, i, toral. W111..1., I Vied iwnre ‘' V, • ..I . ‘ h. t:ta,,t.l4. Id.. than fk , nl allr r,Esttot.l . ol cnix,,tl.7 ‘, , 1.,•1 I ix.0...i en,.....4 t.,; ~ . ......, " 1.4 ,. .., \ ' . \ i ~,1,'4,,....1 331, 1...,114 mur VlOTtni , ,. ?•01, 1 , 01 tbrnx \ . . , . . •