The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 11, 1851, Image 3

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• •
• Tag sta.—We are still unabie, awing to the
length of the report of the judges, to glee 011 r
own impressions of the fair. We will publisb
s detaitid report - of it on Mosidsi; 'when any
number of extras may be obtained at the coun
The fallowing ie the Ilet of premiums. award
ed by the dodges to the various meritorious or
'titles exhibited st the Great - Fair in Alleghm.
on Thuiediy.
„ • Arica/rural haptemente. •
We the undersigned, committee on agrictilta•
nil implements and carriages, respectfully pre
sent the following awards:
Two horse cairiage, .Ist. reminm, No. 71,
John &nth. •
Second do, No. 169 p Town:Amid, Carr, & Co.
Pittehniglt. .
• Top buggy let premium, No. 166, Townsend,
"Second premium, No. 164, Townsend, Carr
& Co.
Open buggy, let prentlum,.No• 129, Johnson
&•Brothen, Allegheny.
Second de., No. 167, Townsend. Cerr &Co.
Rockaway, let premium, No. 168, Townsend,
Carr, & Co.
2nd do.; /obi South, Allegheny. _, •
Omnibus, Ist- premium, No. 176. -Townsend,
Carr &Co.
Two horse, broad wheel, farm wagon.” No. 42,
Ist: premium, White and • Tidball, South Fa
yette. '
, Two beree, narrow wheeled, fern 1(11XIML lot
premium, No. 177; ; Townsend, Carr & Co.
Second premium, No. 176, Townsend, Carr &
- • .
Louisiana sugar carts, No. 201,` let premium, Man
F. Aesehelman, Manchester.
Thriehing machine, N u. , 217, let premium, J 99
James Williams West Deer. Do •
1 . 4
. Second premium, No. 80, A- L. Bryson, Alle- ,
gtieny:' ' 2,1
Patent road scraper, No. 174, let premium, Ax'
Townsend, Carr & Co. • • . Fre.
Warehouse track, No. 173, let premium, 2d
Townsend, Carr & .Co. , Me
Your Committee would likewise beg Terre -to of wh
menticio,ae a very creditable piece of workman- air,
ship, the two horse carriage manufactured by f lit
Johnson and Brothers; Allegheny. .
Bough.: es at
Patent two horseiron centreplough, No. 6,lst
of v
premium Hall & npeer.
. patent one horse iron centre plough,No. 2, let BP'.c l '
premium, Hall & Speer: - m
Patent one or two horse ifon.centre plough,
No 8, 24 premium, Hall & Speer.
Patent two home iron centre plough, No 8,
24 premium, Halt & Speer. '
Michigan Sub-soil plough, N 0.288, let premi
um, J C Parry & 60, Pittsburgh. Co
A large , number of very creditable ploaghe, Scot
not 'mentioned above, were exhibited by Hall &,
Speeri IC Parry & Co, S N Wickersham, Jacob burg
Swoop and others. St
Canal Wheelbarrow, No. 172-Ist premium.- lent
Townsend, Care; &. Co. Pit
Market Wheelbarrow, No. 171-Ist premium. C •
Toirtujead, Oen. & Co. • ton.
'Corn Sheller, No. 231-let premium. 8. N. H
Wickersham, Pittsburgh. C.
Seed Drills, No. 230-let premium. S. N. P.
Wickersham. A. t
Cont Plantar, No. 199-let premium. P. A. B
Way, Ohio Township, cup.
Horse '.Hay Rake, No. 200-let premium, &c .,
John Marl-act, Ohio Township.
Corn and Cob Crusher, No. 256-let premium. Ni •
W. W: Wallace, Pittsburgh.
French Burr Smut Machine, No. 257, let pre- Mc
ralszta. W. W. Wallace.
Strati Cutter, No. 57, let, premium. Hugh E
Harper, Manchester. let
' 2 2nd Premium, No. 225, S. N. Wickersham.
Cultivator; No. 56, Ist premium, Wm. B. Ross,' Pa
.Ortin• Cradles No. 40, lot 'premium, Jacob W..
Weller, Snowden.
Tem, three and four pronged_forke (ten Tale- e 4
ties) No. 117, let premium, Lippincott & Co., All
Asks, Single and doable edge, No. 118, Ist
premium, Lippineott & Co.
Pickaxes, Ito. 119, let premium, Lippincott
Oarleußpsdes, (several varieties) No. 16, let
premium, Lippincott & Co.
thrain 'Shovels, No. 123, let premium, Day A, P
Canal shovel, Devonshire shovels andmattocks
were exhibited hy,Lippincott & Co., and E. & pi
W. 'Day. Your committee are of opinion that „,
they were of equal merit having been unable to .
see any difference in them. They are of Opin
- ion that the specimens exhibited by both are
• worthy of premiums, and creditable alike to the • i
soannfacturers, and to the reputation of tbicity.
W. LARIMER, Jr., )
II'KELTY, }Committee.
• ~.... CAAS. GILMORE, 1
*.•T Wal. MORRISON:.
• Domestic Manufacture. •
We, the undersigned, Committee upon Do
meittr:: IJanufactures, deemlie following' arti
cies worthy of premiums
Otte pair cotton quilts, No. 92, let premiere, ..
Mrs. Wadsworth, Wilkins.'
24 do, No 9, Mrs. Mary Parkhill, Allegheny. •
Coverlet, No. 4, let premium, Mrs. Ann Mil
ler, Snowden.
2d do, No. 93, Mrs. 41Eie Work, Jefferson.
Stocking yarn, No. 268, let premium, (die- •
cretionary $2,00) Mrs. Mary Paul, New
' • Pair of woolen knit stockings, No. 5,-let pre
Elts. Ann Miller, Snowden.
244 No. 94, Mis. ° Jane Work, Jefferson.
Thread lace, No 95. Ist premium, Miss Eliza
beth McKee, Birmingham.
• Specimens of knit work, No. 2 205, (discretion
: Sal premium, $200) Mies Elizabeth Wagner, v
Pittsburgh. .
Home League checks, No. 152,, let premium,
Hamiltini Stewart Allegheny. -
- Children's clothing, No. 264, let premium, B.
Chester; Pittsburgh.
White blankets, No. 127, Ist preniimit,. A. and c
P. Shaffer, Upper Saint Clair.
Piece, estticet. No. 126, letpremium, A. and •
D. Shaffer.
White flannel, No. 125, let premium, A. and
- D. Shaffer.
• Rag carpet, No. 91, let premium,' Sim Wads-
Brown ebeetinge. No. 31, let premium, Thos.
*shackle & Co., Anchor Cotton Works, Alle
gheny..- (These eheetinge were of unusual ex
, • eellence.) .
Worded chair cover. NO. 261, let premium,
Back, Pittsburgh.
Superior hosiery, No. -134, let premium, Del
' Utile Co.: St. Clair street
Lace, No. 135, let, premium, Dailey & Co., St.
' Clair street.
1 .BOpes and cordage of all varieties, a most an.
•• peados article, No. 178, let premium, Sohn
win & Ha- •
Tsui pieces of embroidery, No. 200, let prem
.. • int*, Miss Lucy McLean.
Colton guilt; Miss Goehring, No. 40, (disere
, tionvyl 00.)
Beaver; Nentrits, and Nos. 1 and 2 silk beta,
lettpreatium, J. Wilson & Son. Pittsburgh. '
Ctrnamental cake, No. 267, to; premium, Mor
i pa_ Jeakine,,Allogbau. - -
Wall paper, of beautiful patterns, N 0.236, -let
Triallum, James Howard & Co., Pittsburgh.
Vetton yams, No. 208 to 213, including ear
pet,chain, wrapping twinCluad star candle wick,
premium, Ring, Pennock & Co., of the Eagle.
Cotton Works, Allegheny.
Patent Mattres s ,
.No. let premium, Mr.
Editimdaite, Upholaterer, Pittsburgh. •
-Boards planed bye new Planing trambine, No.
142,15 t premium, Simpson, Young, & Co., Man
; , %Shingles (made by a machine) No.. 204,H. D.
RUIN, Eusburgh.
• Saw setting' file machine, No. 49, let premium
Lafferty, - Adams Co, Penn.
• • . tatl .. eolate, No. 269, let premium, N. Clam
. . .
.-'• :; •:Pental and surgical instruments,, No. '235, let
ma; .Bown & Tetley, Wood street, Pit's",
eriegeted soap • and candles, No. 207, let
premium. 11. C. Swayer, Pittsburgh.
Noton . quilt, No. 233, 8d premium, Mrs. Moe
row; West Deer.
• .-Peftilt Printing press, for st,tmping directions
on Seinfapere or letters, a-valuable invention,
No. 185, let premium. Henry ,Moeser, Pitts
burgh. ."
•3011 N WALKER,
• . • JAMES SHAW; Committee.
• •-• H. LEE,
Saddlery and Harness.
4.fin Committee on Sadd)es awl Harness repot ,
tad as fellows : • -
• Bet of doble ban:teal. No. 100, Istipremium,
R. 4. Hartley, Pittsburgh.
Set single baruess, No. 10, ht premium, I{
H. Hartley.
Me. saddle, No 102, lei premium, E. H.
24 40, Ralianser & Duff, Pittsburgh.
M. It. WI/ITE,
, Report of the bommittie.-2 bushels eeed
erhest,l Na. 49, lßt premium, John WoodbUrn,
g o d premium do, No, 14, Capt. John loung
INoblatoti tp. _
- igorbusholsotto; No. 1.3 lot ptamtum,
.iototSotyloson tp. - -
• 27 ottpd
k Ttro-itoatito, 44 r •la
3atff Bo4lndiiiiL
. . _
Basket of Corn, No. 64, 'lst proudest, Wm.
Martin, Manchester.
Bushel timothy seed, No 19p, let premium,
P. A. Way, Obio
.Neehunnock potatoce, No. 196,' Ist premikun,
A• 17a31, Ohio tp.
"had do, No. 61, Wm. Martin, Jr., Manchester.
3d 46, No. 38, Caleb Lee. Plum tp.
o'ne half bushel blood beet, No. 62. Ist pre
mium; Wm. Martin, Jr., 'Manchester.
Parsnips, No. 63, Ist premium, Wm. Martin,
Jr. Manchester.
• •.
Cabbages, (imam of owner not ascertained)
let premium, (very large.)
Pumpkins, No. 136, let premium, Wm. Scott,
-• • .
Red porticoes, No. 197, Ist - premium, P. A.
Way,'Ohio tp
Very large and fine sugar beets, No. 29G, let
premium, Wm. Boyd, Wilhina tp.
Best 2 barrels flour, N.. 12, let preasinm,
John D. Davis, Jr., Robinson tp.
2nd do, No. 17, Charles Gibson, Pine tp:
SESSER GARRARD, 1. Committee. °
Lot of 12 apples, No 44, It premium Roddy
Hamilton, Penn.
2d do 127, Daniel Bargessor.
Half bushel of apples, N 0147, let premium,
Henry Bravely, Penn.
21 do 19 Chas Gililson Penn
, Peeress No 108, let premium, J. E. Gar-
Best dozen, No 103, J F Garrard.
One fine dozen, and a basket of fine pears,
were on the table for competition; but when your
committee were looking over their respective
merits, they were set aside from inspection.
Peck of peaches, No 146, let premium, John L
Snyder, Upper Sc Clair.
Half bushel catawbi grapes, No 59, let premi
um, Wm Martin Jr.
Box do, No 59, let premium, lym Martin, Jr,
.Basket Isabella grapes, No 145, let premium,
Jou L Snyder, Upper St Clair.
'Dozen Quinces, No 36, let premium, Caleb
Leo, Plum.
2,1 do du, No 87, do do.
Artificial flowers, No 266, Ist premium Miss
Fredvika Straub, Allegheny,
2.d do. No 48, Mrs Ramage McCandless tp.
~ Major Beckham exhibited some fine clusters
of white tweet water grapes, grown in the open
air, without artificial heat.
Messrs. W. & J. Murdoch exhibited a beauti
ful parlor boquet, and some very fine dahlias.
Joshua Robinson, Esq. exhibited three bunch
es at very large Isabella grapes, and two boxes
of very fine lycopodium. (two verietiesl Also
specimens of the plumbago capensis, an aoha.n
in mollia in bloom, and a stand of superb doh..
JAMES WARDROP, 1 - Committee.
iHollow Ware and Casung, 1
Cooking stove, No: 239, Ist premitua,.lParry.
Scott & Co., Pittsburgh. . .•
2d do do,'No 219, Nicholson & Payn e
Steam boat bells (of very tine tone •
lent quality,) No 40, let premium, 'A.
Chime of bells, No 109, Ist premium
Hand bells, Is. Premium, A. Fulton.
Condlesticks, Ist premium, A. Folio.
Parlor folding door store, No 88, teal
A. Bradley, Pittsburgh,
Brass castingsjocluding smoothing WI,
cupboard latches, Cooke, locomotive
&c.,let premium, James Criswell, All:
icond best parlor eliding door star •
Nicholson & Payne.
Iron' railings, No 163, let premium,
Mcßride & Co.
2d do do, J. C. Parry & Co.
Enamelled parlor grates and fends
let premium, Nicholson & Payne.
Hollow Ware, No 217, let premi
Parry &
Cast iron burial cases, No 164, Is-
Wm Trovillo,Cadertaker. •
A water gunge for preventing the e
Arm boilers, patented by James C
Allegheny City, appeared to us a rer
invention, and we award it a diploma.
Fine Arts.
- The Committee on the' Fine Arta,
preaa,their high gratification at the
Some study heads, painted by Mr. H I
Pittsburgh, were executed in the fire
art, and attracted universal attenti .• i
same gentlemen also exhibited afine
A large ecriptural painting represe
ressurreetion of our Saviour, by L 11
Pittsburgh, late of Baden, eras admire..
ted. The subject being treated in a
... .. .
A moonlight scene, by . Emil 800, of Phillips- met
burgh. was very beautiful, and display - p greht t h e
degree of genius. pap
• Mr. A. Boecking, of the same pine , bad on o f
exhibition, a number of fins laadsca - They El
were deservedly much admireci,andth artistica! Bit
talent visible in them, is worthy of th highest „j e t
encomiums. ere
Mr. Crouch, Professor of Peumanskii in Chem- p re
bellies Commercial - College and Mr. Williams, cot
Professor in Duff's College, exhibited tpecimer, t h e
of penmanship. They were both admewbly ex- rep
routed, and your Committee was unable to nd- t h e
judge the first premium to either,., the styles be- eee
log different, and each excellent a its own pe- e
collar manner, they therefore a and a diploma
to each.
Messrs, Blythe, Basset &Mo stern. Pitts
burgh, exhibited a fine Gothic ce Ire dower, to i
which we award a first premium of
I. very beutifol Gothic monum at, for church Lit
yards, cast in iron. was particul rly worthy of 7 o
attention, as being both novel, an in great good cal
taste. It was designed by Mr. Seibert. car : 8.
ver and sculptor, to whpm we ow rd a first pre- G.
o t
. 4 I pl
nib .
Daguerreotypes, (very fine) No 139, J. Nelson, to
let premium.
Lithogrephing, No 486, 'MLra. ' Wegner, a n
Buechner, and Mueller, Pittsburgh. The ape- of
cimens exhibited were admirably executed. The fo
collection embraced, portraits, show Ibills, di
plomas, cards, labels, &c., &c. let premiere to
Ornamented Hair work, (very appropriate) o
No 244, lot premium, Miss Frederiki Straub,
- Allegheny. e
Gilt clock case, No —, It. C. Boecking, Pitts
burgh, let premium.
Gilt frames, No —, T. A. Hillier, Pittaburgb, 0
jet premium.
Stained Window Glass, No 2.54, Rhodes & Nel
son, /st premium. Some very beautiful Ispeci
mess were exhibited by'thts firm, intended for I:
churches, steamboats, end-private houses..
Manufactured Articles.
Meters. Wm. Lorimer, Jr. ' John McKelvey, , •
Charles Gilmoie, and James K. Kennedy, were
appointed an additional Committee on manufao
- tared articles. I , P
- Their report was as, follows: Your oitimittee
would respectfully submit the follow( g articles ~
as being entitled to premiums: 4 ' -
Crackers and biscuits, made by steam, No 87,
Ist premium, Joshua Rhodes, Pittsburgh: '
Nails, spikes, finishing nails, and flooring r,
' brads, (of iron,) Nos 81, 82, 83, and &I .'; First r
Premium, Coleman . , Heilman & CO., Pittsburgh.
- • Patent Axle, male screw, No 86, lel premium,
t'Coleman ' Heilman & Co.
Winslow Glass, No 69, let pramitup, Win Eb- -
erhard, Belle Vernon.. 1 • e
Chloride of Lime and sal soda: No 68, let pre-
mints, Binnett, Berry & Co, Pittston. h. !;.
° Japanned tin ware, including toile jars, wash
bosons, tea caddies, and improved ce cooler!,
' ' let premium, 9 F Welker, Pittsburg . •'
Tobacco and Cigars, Nos 190 and 191, Ist
premium, George Weyman, Pittsburgh. , .
Washboard, one eidezino, the otbet-wood; lot
premium, John Buhoup, Duquesne. 1 I ,
' .
Trunk. (a beautiful article,) No -, Ist pre
miere J P Smith. • •
m Copper and Iron nails; including tacks, shoe
nails, zinc naili, finishing nails, clout nalle, bob
nails, of excellent workmanship, Nos, 193, 164,
165; 156, and 157. Ist:premium, Campbell,
6 ' , Chess & Co.
- Premium locks and latches, (an excellent sr
, tide Nos 96 and 7, let premium; Edwards,
"` Morns )
& Co., Novelty Works, Birmingham.
Excelsior window blind hinges, (Which took
'°. the firseprizo at Columbus,) No 98, lit premium,
~.., Edwards, Morris & Co.
Patent sash fastener, No 99, lei, premium,
Edwards, Morris & Co.
Llveipool earthenware, including ,s largo va
riety of different beautiful articles, No 270. let
" premium, Woodward, Blakely & Co,Essi. Liver
' pool and Pittsburgh. .
Miners' and laborers' boots, N, 273, first
premium, James Robb, Pittsburgh. L
.0- Choirs, (of Liverpool Ware.) No 2.11, lot pre
mime Woodward. Blakely & Co. • ,
Native copper, front Lake Soperi(r , with ad
mixtureof silvei - ore, copper rolled 'without
IL smelting, sheet copper copper tinned, boiler end
tea kettle bottoms, No 269, let , premium, .1 0
~ Hassey - & Co, Pittsburgh and take Superior.
'• Patent and common axles, Nos 130, 131, and
lafi, let premium,. John PI Bell, Pittsburgh.
Ground Spices, Ist premium, John It Bell.
Sadirons, No 262, Peter Mineely, Allegheny,
'• premium. pre. ,
Eliptc's carriage and other springs, construct
ed of very fine steel, No 60,15 t premium, Singer,
•eed Hartman & Co.
. ra, Solid box vice, No. 61; lst premium, Singer,
' Hartman & Co. ,
• , g, Patent Sheffield axles, (an admirable article)
, No 62,'Ist premium, Singer liartman - t. Co.
apt. Anvil, No 55,1e1, premiums, Stager,Hartman
din; Iron fire proof safs with thief proof Me,k, No
h 124,15 t presolintiOltmete'& Dames, Pittsburgh.
Mr. Frederick Greet, of Week, exhibited
a beautiful !.eilver tree."
• • • .
- Patent hub boring machine, No 144, lot pre
mium, C Rangeland, Allegheny.
Patent vice, ((fine article,) No 41, let pre
mium, John Wetherill, Allegheny.
Grading compass, of beautiful workmanship,
No 11, let premium, Jamul It 'Reed & Co, Pitts
Transit, (au excellent instrument,) No 10, let
premium, Jam.; It Reed a:
Machine for pegging boots and shoed, Ist pre
mium, No 21,./1 C Onllaghne, State of Ohio.
Chocolate, (a fine article,) No 269, Ist pre
mium, N Giamboui, Pittsburgh..
Pair of hoots, (very neat,) No 269, lot pre
mium, Maurice Bremen.
Tanned leather, (one hidi r very well dressed,
and large, containing 85 square feet,) enamell
ed patent leather for carriage tops and saddles•
No 89, lot premium, .1 S Shaffer .6 Co, Pitts
Bricks pressed by Steam power, No. 188, lot
premium, Isaac Gregg, Birmingham.
Extract of Coffee, No. 218. Not having had
an opportunity of trying this article by drinking
it, your committee were nimble to judge of its
. Cylinder, No. 179, let premium, Lorene
Wightmeu. do., Wm McCatty ST. Co.
Guitar, No. 243, let premium. J F Sabita.
Lueiferfrictionmatches, No. —, Ist premium,
Valentine Beta., Pittsburgh.
Marble Mantel, No. 258, let premium, W W
Wallace, Pittsburgh.
Sculptured Dog, same number, 181 premium.
'A handsome work box was exhibited, but was
not numbered, and the name of the maker is
therefore unknown. '
iou; comreitteeexamiald with great pleasUre
a very fine collection of beautiful pigeons, ern
bracing the varieties known as the ruff necks
trumpeters, croppers, molls, tumblers, and. th.
famous carrier pigeons, exhibited by Georg
Parkin, of Allegheny, to whom they award..
first class diploma.
WM LA RIMER, .1 cs'ii„
Committee on Forniuire.
The Committee on Furniture, reported as Co
• Oared rosewood table marble top, No let
premium, J. W.Woodwell, Pittsburgh. ,
Dressing bureau, No —, let pre - ilium, German
Cabinet Association, Fourth et.
Carved, choir, let premium, Lemon & Wil
:d do, German Cabinet Association.
Product" of t4e. Mary.
To Mg Boone OF MAiikOCELS,
Your Committee would respectfully report,
that, after an examination of the articles com
peting. they have awarded the first premium for
butter to the specimen membered 11.2„exhibit
ed by Mrs. Ellen Murthe, Pitt township,) and
the second premium to that numbered 7, (ex
hibited by Mrs. Wm. Ramage, McCandless
township.) •
But one specimen of bread, and,oac of honey,
was exhibited. both of which were of excellent
quality, and your Committee found no cheese
exhibited. Tour Committee would recommend
that diplomas be awarded to the exhibitors of
the two articles mentioned above, and would
state that that they had great difficulty in de
riding as to which specimens of better were the
,best, owing to the excellent quality of all.
The bread alluded to above. was made by A.
Foyle, Sharpsburg.
The honey was exhibited by Charles Gibson,
Pine township • Diplomas will be given to both.
John C. Hunter, of Beaver county. exhibited
some honey, to which a discretionary premium
of two dotlars was awarded.. The same gentle
man also exhibited a bee palace, to which a first
class premium was awarded.
son will deliver his fifth lecture thi. evening, on
the Muscular System, and the importance of
physical education as the means of strengthen
ing aiod invigorating the human body—causes of
debility and muscular exhaustion—their means
cf prevention, and proper - of relief, and
the utility and dignity of labor. All those who
would understand the intimate relation which
°slabs bet - Wren idleness, indolence, and tumor,
ty, abotild by .11 means atten,l this lecture
• The pREAS JUBILEE le Bosros. which was
honored with the presence of President Fillmore
and LOVA Elgin, is tbi• week pictorially given'
in •' Gleason's Drawing Room Companion. -
Elevefi pictured of this nevertto-be forgotten
oelebyiltion, represent the festivities in a graph.
in manner, commencing with an engraving of
the -immense tent pitched in Boston Com
mon; then the reception of Fillmore; folloVed
by th,e shone of his ertiraf an the Revere [louse;
a picture of Dort./ etroet in all its decorations:
the City Gall with Its transparencies, flags and
mottoes: grand and superb representation of
the entire procession, covering two pages of the
paper, State street in all its regalia: the interior
of the great tent, with the President and Lord
Elgin dining, opening of the Grand Junction
Railroad: together with a fine bather scene,
giving the steamer S. S. Lewis ind other steam.
I en, tne revenue cotter, etc, that contained the
President and suite and other guevts on the oc
casion. No festivity was ever more remarkable
than this, and Gleason has spread out a faithfid
repreeentatien of the whole affair in a Polies of
the most eplendid illustration. Price only coo
cents and to be had at any of the periodical and
newspaper states.
etzel, of
style of
ting the
teel, of
y excel
II Chesnut street Philadelphia
Onto Towssnic.—At s meeting of the friends
of Scott, Johnston and Protection, held st .1. 11.
Littles, in Sewickley.'lle on the 9th 'not, ut
7 o'clock P. M. On motion Thos. Hamilton wan
called to the Chair, and Dr. Wm. WOOllB chosen
Secretary. Mr. C. .0. Loomis, H.q. and Hon.
G. Darsioaddressed the meeting on the princi
ples of the Whig party, and eloquently appealed
to the friends of those principles to rally in the
present contest around the standard of Johnston
and Protection, after which on motion the thanks
of the meeting wens tendered to the speakers
for their able addresses.
The thanks of the meeting were also tendered
to Mr. J. H. Little for the use of his house. ily
ordered the meeting. - W. W.ootis, Sec
Oct. 9th.
1851. PAIL AttRANGEMENT. 1651
CHANGE ot Bout,
TIME REDUCED APD nrctr, 151!6.11ED!
Pennsylvania Railroad and Erpress Packet (Jar
301 mile Itsllroad k 1 talltaCokual.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
j r..4"" a r6 th
5r h. . " 1 . 1170 . 7,/!1, 1 ::r 0 0 4 0 0 git:':1
p g retue ' l7—merro tacto c g the Care of the new Peonlylvanta
Railroad (width Oleo Immediately after their arrival) di
rect far Phlladalphla. t.
ArarTime through. lorry
If this new
an plieeengere go thrmigh 81 0
HOURS SOONER than heretofore, (being twenty t 011.... leee
I anal travel.) hl tog them on arrival at I.llllldelphis to
YT 0001 ou to Now York at once.
Take the York and Cumberland ItallrnAl. at Ilartieburk.
DlMiture, eighty tour attire. Thoe.-FOU It hour.
Farm Jr rhlladelPhla. SIU. • Varedo Baltimore,
do Lanceater do. Oar...burg Wk.
If rot dello. cheep traveling tuut comfortable ITeco2.lo.
dalloro,aeture your ticket , . at the Ticket Oftke, Monona*.
kola !louse, ut
J. P. lIOLMES, Agent,
Or of D. LEECH & CO.,
ata.lB c Canal 6.. M. Penn Ansel.
McHenry's Philadelphia & Literpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philadelphia on the
. .414
OFIPNANDOAII. We. P. ll.dlll,:nlax.r.
t• riattuallel C. Harlin, Muter.
•• BERLIN. Alfred V. :Width Natter.
• HIJACK AM AXON, (new,) W. W. est. Master.
The above .ar e ore built of the beet and moot mull,'
materials, and are noted for the rapidity iif thole pasiain,
they are Mad up with all Isteid Improyemena, an. out.
UrMiTtnallint7.°l7°.ti;cl;strlatni.. uun7=tire'"..::;..
Whir are commands.) by men of acknowledged talent. • ho
ant unequalled. far their experience In the
pa herein,
Persona &elm. of bringins Abel , Wien& Irfoo the Ohl
pCountry can obtain erttilicater pareauti. which wll be
od for right months, end etc wax In Ireland sod Llv
*spool will furnish thsso with the primer, information sod
hattructkore relatlye to their heparin) ,
fxur'y7tee".4Ell" tingsV!cf":,7f.",F.7.l
out dlomust, which • II he amh...l hy soy GI
the Hanka or Cost °fires in the UMW Kingdom.
/fir q'nfrisions supplied passengers coming (Jeer
• • . • lie. will hi furuLhrd
Every week the following soppily. %lit furird .
iil.b6=xf?h! Id r;;Ti.iu,,='„=;l,:ftin•
e•fikr, and alirwanee
, Ink th e . naniNTr . .,,....
Wa/notetri•et. below
yelGitt corner Nail and Winki Ate. ritteliurgh,
FARE BED 11012)!
jag 1851. algigiga 3
Via Brownsville nod Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
THE IifORNINO BOAT leaven tho Wharf
above the Bridge daily. at 8 °Work pissitsir. eon
los with the Me al Cumberland nest
The Btholog 8010. lea...daily that Sootier' estooloti)
at o'clock. crumeetlac with,
eat oh nnotbstiand next
evsninz at 10 o clock.
Time throuith to Baltimore. :12 !more. Faro intly 110.
Time throtiah lo riallatbriphia, SO bourn. rare.
is 111.
The National Raul le now gcod. Conductors ad with
I the Wash. between Brownsville and Cuuthwriand. which
Make , title decidedly On bog routellast. _
Ollce l2de U get i ti M ogjellr t.'
MOLT -&thriolj 8618'
end a. a W. itaxnetrap.
_ ~.A..~ x -.-..~~~
New Voag, U. 10.
The steamer Asia. from Liverpool, irdli dates
td the '27tb, being three-daya later than the Hum
boldt, reached her wharf at half past t o'clock
this morning.
Ltecapoot, Sept 27
Cotton—The markot is without any material
chuage, although p . :rICO3 of lower descriptions
favor buyers The week's sales comprise 39,360
hales, of which speculators took 3,500; and ex
,orters.9,79o. Fair tmlities are the same in
price as before. •
Flour—Prime .143 are in request at the late
rates. Inferior qualities are lower.
Grain—lndian Corn continues . atfoll prices:
white 27s I'4l, yellow 26s 6hl®27e, mixed "
026 s per quarter. Wheat is easier, with tmles
of white at 5s bd. and of red at 4s Bile,Cys per
70 lbe.
Provisions—The market is dull. The -demand
for Beef ie only for the finer qualities. Buyers
of. Pork confine their attention to Hamburg.
The trade in Manchester is quiet. Prices
both of goods and yarns are barely supported.
. The , stock market presents no new feature.
Failures still continuo among the cotton, silk,
and produce merchants.
Funds have fluctuated slightly. Consols closed
on the 2Gth at 9tii611164. Nu change in Amer
ican stocks.
The tidings of the defeat and execution of
Loper have tended , considerably to remove the
weight of anxiekyfrOirrthe public mind.
The dullness and inactivity of politico in
England'vill not likely be broken until the gen
eral election arouses the country to the other
extreme of excitement.
The repsipte at the Exhibition continuo at
about £2ltOO daily.
The Austrian loan has' proved a complete
A vessel had arrived at Southampton from
Sidney, with $20,000 in Australian gold.
A great reform meeting was held at Manches
ter for the purpose of giving impetus t• meas
ures for introducing a new reform bill at the
coming session of Parliament. .
Two tiax spinning firms had failed at Dundee
:—their liabilities amounting to 00,000 pounds
sterling. -Messrs. Eggeni and Taylor had also
failed at Liverpool. .
The bullion in the hank of England amounted,
. On the 20th, to £14,075.000.
The submarine telegraph lines between France
and England have been extended to within three
moos of the French coast -
The new Sheriff of London was -sworn in at
Westminster, on the 27th.
The chief fact from Framee is the prevalence
of profound tranquility: of which the President
had taken the advantage to remove to St. Cloud.
Votes of the Councils generally, continue to
be received in favor of a revision of the Consti
tution. •
In Pavia. the. conductors of La Preesc •ntl
L'Evrommt have hero fined 100.0110 franca, and
condemned to six months imprisonment
An article appeared in the apnetWittionelie,
which caused much excitement and -attention.
It Sap, that utileas Louis Napoleon le kept ko
power, confusion add ruin will be the result •
The greatest rejdicing was occasioned in Mad
rid at the reception of the news front Cuba, of
the capture of Lopes: but it was.still resolved to
send out reinforcements designed for the protec..
tion of Cuba_
. • . -
A dispatch has been t anamitted to Washing•
ton, protesting In the etronge•t terms at the su
pineness of the United States Government, and
demanding satisfaction for the outrage on the
Spanish Consul at New Orleans
The Marquis of Lerstiores has addressed a
letter to the Spanish- ministry at the friendly
Courts. in which , ' Mt stater that although Spin
does not desire/ war with the United States, she
not hesitate to declare war. if formed to do soil
The inacfgurstiou of the great married between
St. Petersburg and Moscow, took place on the
let of September. The line will he opened for
traffic on the 13th of November
There sea rumors of trouble in the Schleswig
Holstein affairs.. A Democratic conspiracy has
been discovered, and among the arrests mid. is
the Editor of the Mumma. The objects of the
conspiracy were to throw Off the French influ
ence, and eubstitette the protection of England
Four or five hundred Government employees
hove been dismissed in' consequence.
The Irish papers complain, that in consequence
of the unexampled emigration, there we', a sear.
city of able-bodied, honest laborers.
In, the artists have Riven a superb
ball to Ktng Leopold, In a hall erected for the
occasion, and decorated with the finest gems of
art of wliticl Belgium could bout
The Emperor of Austria Is making a tour into
We learn from Waihington that the
Las given orders It, the Naval Stations to Eve
enlutes, and extend all military honors to Foe•
suth, at Sc. lurk and other places. A grand
dinner will - be given him at the President's
The rumored recall of Mr Oven. United States
Consul at Havana, in confirmed: and ti letter bee
been rent hint by the l're.ident, informing him
that hi, defence In Wholly unnatinfactory.
IALTIN4/11U, Oct. N.
Geto arc offering largely on the election or
Mummer, the Whig candidate for Governor of
Virginia.. Secretary Stuart nays that his elec.-
tt in more than certnin
. _
The President has sent instructions for the ar
rest of all perties concerned in the Syracuse
Outrage, urging their committal and trial under
charge of treason.
Commodore Warrington still lives, but not the
least hope is entertained of his recovery.
The venerable Francis Dodge, the millionaire.
of Georgetowa,i' who is extensively connected
with the Mercantile affairs of the North, died
last night.
Reed and Clements, the two pirates under sen
tence of death. who escaped from the Richmond
jail, have been re-arrested.
Br/1,1.0, Oct. 10
Miss Lind gives v concert here on the 15th,
d another on the 17th; the first being for the
relief or the sufferers by the fire. The tickets,'
will be two to 'four dollars. She then goes. to'
Toronto, nbd afterwards to Pittsburgh. Cincin
nati. St Louis, Chicago, &e., returning to New
York about the middle of December.
George U. Brown, extensively engaged in the
flour and grain tonnes•. failed to-day.
The most intense excitement prevails in the
fishing towns .0 regard to the late gale it the
east. From New Beaufort and vicinity not lees
than 70 vessels are out. The wife of the Cap
tain of tho schooner Martha, hearing a rumor of
tho loss of her husband and his vessel, commit
ted suicide yesterday, leaving a family of young
Eeeron, Oct 10
hum A. Dunlop, Editor of the Eeeton Send
nel, died this morning.
Locis, Oct. 10.
The upper Mississippi is again falling. The
Missouri is very low but on the rise The Illi
nois is in good bolt log order.
Cottou—The market is steady, with no change
In prices. The sales to-day POF (1 600 bake.
Flour--Pelee 8000 Ws at V GElOji*3'B7 for
Ftato and western, end *4 25 for Genesee.
. . .
Grain—Wheat is steady, with sales 4000 hush
Genesee at 93c. Corn is insctive, with sales
20,000 bushels et 0760.58 e. Soles 1000 bushels
rye st ("Sc..
Protisionit--The market is lees active.• Mess
pork sells slowly nt s'.4 :17(in$1ii 00 per bbl,
lieef is dell. l.enl is hi fair demand at Wci=iiic.
Coffee—Salee 004) baits Rio nt 81c.
Flour-4...110es 140 bbls at $3 50; 250 ordinary
at $3 10, and 130 bbls good broods at $3 25C.
3 33 I bbl.
Whiskey—Sales at Ifiie t elfii Trl gal, the mar
ket closing heavy.
Ilutcer—Good to choice is in demand foT the
city trade, but ordinary is plenly and dull at 10
1.1 lb.
.oroceries—Sugar is steady at Gator fine qual
ity; Coffee is selling at'94.1;1 - Tbe principal
ere of Mol.asses to day, ask 85 j gal, but no
salsa brafi transpired over 88}6840
The rii`pr has risen :jacket since bud evening,
and is noirdationary.
Br. Loco, Oct. 10.
The wet weather yesterday interrupted the
operations of the market.
Flour—ls inactive, with sales of T)
jJ bbl
Grain—Wheat C 1150711,.. Corn sod
Gate at 231..35 MU Barley at to.
Provisions—Sales ICU bbla mess pork at
50 ? bbl.
Lend is dull, with a downward tendency.
The river is rising slowly Freights nrewcarce
and tending downward. '
Nzw 0.,.N5, Oct. 10.
Cotton—Salm la) bales middling at 7{c "el lb
The present stock is 0,000 hales against 35,000
same period last year.
Provisions —Market dull. Mean pork is sell
ing at *lir,' Per bit. Plain bacon hams Itic per
lb. Lard is 1.1.7, with gales . in bbls at 9K4
St, and in kegs at lOic per It, '
Coffee—Sales of Rio at 7k.
rplliS well known evtablißliment is still e.wk
1. duk.1...4 in oh,. routionr. it ha, nierarAbt.n. The
3,1 tml pin.,ent ritinitinn of ttin hurt., st• mmmuG
grout. tn the travel,.
'Lavin., broil one .oth, Nun .0 '.0,.00 L. Tuelnrl'a.,
po !nun et the taut ..t for notstilirtitorial. thi. •
rindgrn tat ervrtion• in tunlotain it, rnputeuon. and
0. gun t..nun to bin re.
t /.361 r 000 It. nit
vAcitamit, N. 41 &mud 814,,1, 0L1.411
ea 4 side.) I'hll.lcl ptui. .1.15,11
WY U. ARP .. ... ..... sa WWI.,
ip male tim. , No. I . l.ll•4elphis. •Pi I
J.non ucan.
I 1 E c, ALD L., IZOK b N . OR !20., ,, T0bacc0
acfNo. 10 Nvrth litlarreN, AltlVllrrth
,01 4
To Dealers in Liquors. &c.
J J. COMTE t Freni•li ttectifier.ißilti Eighth
• J.
Ml. S F.W TOllli, too hos 1,1•011., to nth op•r
ataon (or the m•kaufarturr Of Vine rum
Itruene•l'Loarh,•a. • E•I nthr. Ap•elte,
1111.tvr, kr. The Brand) •r•I •or rkr..1•113 mad ,
limo Irmo Chow or,untrik.. Orkirrs 5u014.110 ra/1 . ' ml
Jkdgr of Oh. qualitio, and forlrwrd their Ord, 11, tt....f
al, 61. WM.., otrrt, NEW 11111 K, •Inrll win IN. fPnkkrki,
otteuded • .•p0 tltst
American Hardware.
IVLIVEN & DOUGLASS. Alamufaetureve
j Act.ou. No 6 , Platt .trees; them door. (men Pearl 4 .
[IV V.I. would rerpertfully ;mite the stu•nbor , of the
llanlynre Trade to th‘tle fttnek of fixi.e. fi.44•41 .I%r.rt
fmat the mnnetfulorves. and for silo on f‘• ,, rahle, tem..
11 1, tim
Steam Communication (between Net York
And Glasgow.
FIII!E Glaegew and New York:4A
1 btestaphip CnrovanT'. Pr.forfif.
ofeaw.hlt , 01.A.SUOM , 1..) too* o•r'ul
4 , 41
Lyowl,. li. Stew .rt, (Ifd. a ti,- l'fa
bard stk.:cwt.., ectntnander.l2.anr , nnated to owl Iron New
loft dtrnot fur 0111.64:0M. on hatunlas. the, Iltb of Octotwr
no It, at 12 o'oloolt. noon.
relOl,ll3lC MONEY
Viral Cabin 1.1 , m1' , 14, iorlud.l.l..
kiaircitul Cabin - - " S.:.
No derratio tuarinrast.r• talien.
ltalutla prialkuut. hut 1,1 whur lati , il.
ultitila •ill he tiutaalril rut board, at usuierst• Fareit Car
ne• • Futtausi.
'''''''' 'r
P.."1.11g17 yy
}ltiN•.l naiail , rtt !IX.-
iiiitallatatare• ' NEW illu r n
New York India Bobber Warehouse,
N.I. 27 Maiden Lane. and No. oft etreft.
Eva retort from Broadway raittory . 2l• Fart 'Jltli •t.
7 .111: S,UBSCRIBER. Pro ta
ialilF id . thiF I,- 1
latilliihmrut, would infom id. old euoturarm 411.1
eirthant• a...rally. that be a dull, F....iris-tug
faint, ibn uallt tar, mut. exceltrui •lurc tit lutti• I
, Ittil.l., U.W.ii utantauiturnl•sonuuly for lb. Fall 'Friuli..
anJ vilarlit. arum bar'. luatidiauiil ...trail ur• .11 , 1 au
' r.qi.l ' a ''ix'.ll:;it'..:st.u.i'il'tha.l:"ll;'s'F'ngic.";fijea7;='t, ''..
lq•••1.41 .It. Icon rient.uur• lF I. V . 114 , I , 1.11 .. .....a. 0 . -
ture ft oeun.J...ltiluu t AIM! Ali*: ta.0111..1.11. - latlui
tr,tit ..- , 1 ti.,--.1 4w-Iw.. Thr•carcluili •clrritisl
IMO) th• la at brartil•-•nl•prriul *at, th, Curia guto.•torti
11,. '
.I lit tuitent trailairl lir als , • ti.autifaiata , t ,
the ••••atn , Cloth. • Lath!, tail...ant luirruvraiirot r
rtitil A1..,, , ,,..1. by 'ouch th• tit , tl., i• titi.,1 , 11.1•-•r au
cs•- t ru, to rumn•lN itiaitii r Ih. Idiom I,iii•ti
at... 1. al" ...Id uu4ual Lira., 4,0.1 •:•if i thr t•ti•ii
Ursa. , I
oy 1.31,ti0r.,...-..A full .vet o(( all the J 1
-I. ..tilrti
iitel van..., lain, IL. Itairtri•ii I,:. kW La. t: air ri
n..7117:i.'n'.",,7•.'.. er„::—Ht'F',74'.'n•l''Se.O.4nr 'l.l.Ciu.:d•
, lairruti •o-I ' nti, Itutit;r.. Ar.
A ~..“.1. ••,orlm .I - IL. 1.111,.1. al•iii- i.ri liiial
i•A•atiti•-br• Cunt._ C ont. oj.. o . I ...I, . I,lllA.Lit•Fiuu , ••• ,, ,
1 oriiii. u1i.•.., Ili ui.• i. 1.-••-•.
J., 1..t...1 . 4, ,
c111.7.1,.;1:;c4.„..,.1111,,1.t.,,,1,1:-.11,7.:,„11111,,,,....11i.,...,2.1,. r.. 1:!....
i di ' , titan, Fat., li, - i...r... s., s 1., 17...11., .. ' l:l " \ 2 l . .tur.t,
tout (b., with ...yr,. A.--erivi..ti ii Itiat,r iti•-,i,
tula is-otufai li, ~1 idle r,: )1.1•111. 1 , 1.1.•-r liiii.r
"Pi:Lrez::!:;':411 - 1:t:..!;'.7 , .., ~ r tiait tar laid lir,
Ft tazipPed Moil.. 11•0 hi. thotu r auit
theta •hitiii awl mi , ft.
ruzi. iLuniwr Othvot wr 11.11.1.. u..,
/11:.:.'m . ' I. ill, I.lg AN
. .
SttliWll! Cloaks! Mantillas!
4 S. NULLS., No. i.Cortl:44,lt 14... liark.
. tdr •L••I Wnurnhrw.n. rrnrb
ry••. rf wwi N rtd.te liA lc it., ei.ll,ntins. , l WI ..tylr•
~...ourh and I.4nneotje Wait !•m...L•n1 , ... ~ n, h or with
• tall wwnlar•ng of Fintrb
Erne!, Finkr.raw nf nlerr.
Alen. •• Cul•nrt,
natra. awl Inlwrt CLo KO. NT I LI.A `rt. Y AChs.
/LI ti
ll•ver. •Fr•tar,ra
11 , lowitr• royd•lottrott vta ,orthrro sn.l
rro 111,,rartita Ito , Oro, •,113, •31 to,
cor.ot nt rlorwir. rot rrrrly-ol•tr •••Ir F r wear,
trll.‘W IitANDS, .1131•34oi
Phia 1r al, pu or. I . lltal 141.0
04,, • /-4 ,F 1 Flu, •/,
RUIIBEIt SIInE.S.--Our attention
j ht.L n.ul.d to en 11
.1. , 11...r.t05t 0,... II D...
.nII' Non 1.-ta flora. 4 I la
I.t.h. f
th. out., .14 1.... Yin, of Noss. da., to . at,
mt., staor...l ro •
he ....Lt .t that ...IPr. W.( riot, tom graft
Joar. C.t...t L.., raw. ft..: thai Ito
unLvt Lmont, nal
our moo,. 1.21-i at. lad, ita tariff tLf
L ., ooro.on noat hsor•
ib. sun.. If to
Lo Tad. lhan.ratoot.o • 11. •
a.• 1• Ju•tl.. pur.luou. ;rf i0....11.1
l tooL, than it. II? Isar toon., IN.,
msdr a ..ttlemsort. and
5 t 00..1 lutur. n l
ot Idling{ . hs• 11. 1
.tt.toptin., hill only 10 lulling. ..4 ,llro.. hut to ;Tour.
0.n.0... ho 0.1. e• lot tar, rpn.Ll.l.tou•
/ ...I no. sort th.m. ....t v• fluff, ,
Il D./..10r•L01, - , sod Nal osto • tfh '
W.... upon tiolLlttou • Cafruti, th lt tutaufscture
shor. trlorb IT ullortn. tu thr publte. suf. Se ate
nntlo. ast he sad tho .nartortsed with him Iv
0h.5t...0 ...floe hi. WlDialloll
.nt flights. 'WM trefirnsocutel.
11.1 4 kat 60 1111,..1.1 . a1,
IL, Wm. 11. Bur mahout.
t v, 11: 11 !.:W en ".1 , 1 , ai . 1 .n ,; , 11 , 1t .0 1t . 1.. , 11 , 11 „ 16 , R . 4 , 1:;1: CO.
boo Yon.. July ath.
Superior Black Writing . fund Copying Ink,
ef(IN ENII'IIIE INTI I Nasioln 01144,
moo . sar. to ma nal/.
per dt,g- 51 1•11 ot per .ios. .....-110
Op, per uAdlns, ~......... note_
Thlr Is the held artlrle rusuulnrturnt. It flour fr,ly—
I• a ,fled CIII . iINO . INFl—aud 1411 nOt corrode, mould.
precipitate or dem', •nd ponses... II the..tuallurs requir
ed for • (red Wrillblr 11th, aultahlk to. the quill, Lod smy
t u, .larted for t h e t , trel Yea
The uoJerftpo-dts Pretested to uro4l to the tra.le ei
ther kr .101:1 or home rousumptloo, at ,the Shore well
io'fV:n7 F4`..l'Llr...r.'"'Vi.::;,":,,triTll. l .! '`ii=
or kegs are eharued vrtra It lull epol. .
111 yononE LENT'.
1,7 Nassau et. V Mon Itu reillll,dio, '
tut., • ' ..A'11"
ProfessoivAlttx. C. Barry's • Tricopherons,
( .. )li tv : , bll)l)st.,,lM-.,t,,TE I n
L y Op . ;p i ? , 1tU L 1.. , !:41r ,..! r i
L. t , - .
tio,,,erurl ..lJalulrulf. sort rurcr , i; dlreane , Id ;he 51. , 4
pide.rid tousles troy', rut.,
the , sin's.
U., he
en , ,rt. l tled kr espornueUt, thet Itain's Tri" , ,,tr
er.tir Ims pmduced the ratlxv . dr... ka curtiut dl,rxr.rol the
hit., etc 01 the borne, auJ all ti sulusal Lin's:dom. 'I he
,f:l,l,rina tertirooniale l eeler i tyl I , llt-,ll , lnrlts , r f sing.
.rirt:-;:.=.....;........z.b 1ttt.."1,:, ,i,,,r.ef', 1-,.:
K:reu It • trial
poor I:atur—Lour Nt
rr rt tun of tLx
Vrrt•! t‘ of
thaw, aul horn . r .11
Ain now known witlsuu
try • frfru.l to try ytnir
rurutt. arta, to tOIL •ort ,
rur4 iu ebrut too man
jlgerlerth timra I
If .
erurrtfully. you
SY. Vont. 1/et. 'll. 1150.
Pint Pant—Hy Dear blr—Abi , ut two pans lan In, hale'
eame ..ut a 'mat deal, and my heed wee morh enlleted
with dandruff. I war toll by a frhmd M
mildly our Trleallib•r .
011, and I did m/, sad to tII3 414.01/3 1 1, my halt •..
dimly mrdttl, and all the dendtud Lll.l.l.arA, aa the
hemdnow eLover for Itaelt
WM/ m ~ et.. lam your +II eerr . t.
Jl4 Till'..t WELI., told Itrnadwar •
If .13r lady on , gentleman
Mmbta e the auth e utc4of the
tr'a"7"!l77Hti ."L'0.00.n7
Gal lemJa,V.l;,etrV:l pr!lu, ihe /.
LYrom the Military and Naval arana tire. It, 1170 I
Thera. It no renactlt Mr th... be reemmt cure or baldio..a
and dbaaw a ol lbe cranium get erally, that hut. arlied
the popubantj enjoyed lo the &Awl.. loan a. I'vd..••or
Barey'll blool,lleroll, or le.brst4,l Con...nand.. li is at.
t„...e.dy mad ~y the upper der. -0/ the etattnntult); In
talf:t;t7f(•::1•70.."01' , "I' , " , ,`„,'1.":1:',.',",.';',1 1 ;7‘`„":,"„ti
the hair. ati ' d Nue penno.b. ita a mai. n. a remarkable de
, ~,.. It Modroye the datutroll and wart, ...I maim. tn.,
hair fiat •nd glooxy 11 .111 , unj all a......... 1 th. KAI',
auth as Kahl head, dew worn, end ~ther obnoxious dim .
dem of the akin: in ehispnett. It , : nett tntethnthlt It tntott
tinfivalltal. 1 . 1 told In Innvo belle
Prm , Zee... ILI Nu.
•- Broadway. Clot CI; brus. , xe, generally, tbrourhout
itaal pawl nukea Cuitals. ;, aptC/IS
. •
p.ONTINIJES his usual, facilities to. reecire
kjm norag.t. Sole, anti Trattthlymettl.*ll MerritAntlit..
..molt:m.lh Imo; bet* leave-14 dock tinily for nil Pot..
en the • . the Illittoir Cadal *DJ River.
Itet.reruter—Mewl. tr”terto., , thritntt tto.,
Monona. Inner A trithttr.
Mr. *Mat A. eattlg h. T.
- Wm. H ritiskill.
SLY AND AUCTlith Elil. ho. i Watt, ',rye, t.
LL at
Vorterl4l attention In Co.:1101mm borilterr.
Nrw Sons, Oct._
PrOdueo. Conordlonon. sod forlOardLog dbarrbanta, ro tLa
berm. lit- doodah, Alo.
Urn, to Alarander Gordon. and Loran.. Ftorlln 4 4 Co..
Pimburgh. . •Odi
. _
Arld tUTTLE,, Attorney at, Law,
and ConnalitalOner for trall/ordn•
WIN B. RANKIN, Attorney and gnaw.
at, and Conanlarkmer Joe tn• auto
7'4=a-4 " f tt.ititt v of . i=rthiaiten
Mitler, Ireandletal • arentorit. John 6. Parka. !Walla it
nottlt. kLoOctd • Co. . auttar
. .
. To Let.
know.; , EAGLE 110T0.L,21..
.nor revirrnefl br ILI. TIIOS LartnerlyAf
Tide larer and rcanninlitrue ctrl E by uP•LItI!
of IfA) reran. a gertr.linnen , pa. Jut 2 , 1 by 70 feet. a lair.'
naolf" , and nnlinf.l: 9 nTooO. , Aora .nn bed room. at
tarbed. a dialog neral 2f , by SU ort—eitust..l In tbe
nferhate riefinltc nf the largest er frieze!. honor!, TrearLY
opprolte the knoirn bonne off 1141011E1.
CO.. can be had at a re
[frau and elle! the
FIRST PAT OF APRIL 01 , 00. wh ,yo
The (Intel rm nwentlyfereeed .Pon
improved 411 , rdlrer prenmmetklation.
0 .
eLonlfl orr.led. than the aPPermllrd , ll rfterr- , eff 01 th .
pr For occupant dating the torm of bie Ikaffe. ,
For (""'"r
"r6"' Alitini " ; I."AitTifeEß, •
erro2fLarn dew, near Third at, Plf:il\ll. l ofrlaf
V!iluable Beal .Estate For
following cleserilwil property\will. be
l ..JA at oirldie eale no Prins,. the 10th fla) irra)rtotafr
ne•t. et In ...Ire,. A. 31, no the prendeeff , in ea lArfelleuy
Ick. of arininfl, nn nr. tfrner hearereterffl and
Water alin•. tern.. IV feel. in frrol. en
vxt.n,lo, back
on.atm, r Allen rerft. On artrielOarre
erected fee three otorr .4,4f:barrio. ll.fur.e.. ere).e.m
ergirr ream.. !ref.. one r iota( I,of on Bearer J r .'
..2 ref( JO front. an I", off Ifferf .AI cP. rare atan( Lre, 1
o n \I et, atley. trfft 6 in.-1.4..4 MM.. all.l til ferfr deep
A 1... one too rderr Pour, irarllonz [lnure 2.10 Led. [I
i. rinfbef In front. and ri.rl ronlefnlnv •IrrlO
Tha alawejprOpertr,l. , 3tAni ,rare (row lb, P,13[1..
orlaania mad Ulanltwal For (unbar pwrtlew.
luatai w
-e at 1110 OE, Fifth .11.5,
Tea knon t 1..• .10 rd 551,
JAMES ltUI.01(1.
aapt:J•,ll. rrFlisaba•lh.Ktiwain
, • .
Fru Ler-A an+l emilvvotent
AILEIIIICSF. otak , vcon.l Wr"nail
xuJFanta.twidl F..,r0r1‘,1
a ., a , 1111. 11..11111NiTtIN
. ,
Gkeat Bargain!
4 —This XI t ',ION DMA.. formed) kept ICY D D.
ta. at, ion. iii .1. I Si Alon i 'D idlor..l lit Pilule Axle. to .11...0i1e i tho k ikital 1.1101, end OP Smut'
the loratlika t.l 00 1 otitir ita...1...11. Ad 11u:roger 'ta.
lin of in.
FA k Vil ' i A l :Z. 'o l:eklort i il - A ' l " . " . ll .l:on ' tniTi ol k , t ,. ' lll -9 VirDl?l l .Lt.
l k i h ti , izt2 - , tt., In . t , t , oli . u ., r , k . :l i i. Ail ...Pak.. ..I ite rA . p..l a
'.. . . \ •''''''' "'
- Private Readen e for, Sale.
rtvitE PROPERTY , offe ed ei'e,eeding2
i Ir har. and on verx 4,1411131. Linn Dina it 1..
to wont ellnibli Inrattiol in the rapid', porn, lest C 1 ,2
of ',Peewit, Th. istuation pa... , to the on.-
tri r.totnandlo• • rm.. pinion, eie of the ?Mr of DIP..
borkh •ud three time. at iikilan, la tile.
moot . the huainena part ot Dittolinrgh oomliftPun in .o
empnita ileaxee the ad... 40. /it 1-rth I Arti and . ..try
• The I, . la., onatkraotpii none •of gmund..
hundred and filly fietTrok. tunnikin Ina two hun
dred and t.tty 'Dot h. . RD, Tho PAP Pe... are
new, the how.. brie". p ro 11 a 1.,. oty .of the L. oh
materna. and Ilniolipt in tha Iwo( mann., I ring ekerya
ruovemence that good tante and Ai di rollia 11l grid. With
due roganl to ertiOnlllo o The., lii • well of . Dent Mktg
I 11 1,,,,
tor •t th.• .1. ...I pip., Inill lot hi &ant watt{ r Carrot..
Itip.A. ithd etatillOg. a v... or, holm fruit ota‘Vbrut ,
here In.rholl. no pun... R,l/all ant... min .n 4 be
appreesittikil 10 an examination of tho p.m,. tiontloo
mon whililtin to port lin , Pro , 1.1,1,10 rail on the 3 der
ginned. •ho sill take iplevOure in 0 0100 okery 101 a
too It to a rare rhotire tor ArCart A .dr•liciitftt Rh
dem, id in purrhaao ott olwrulation
oeta DAIDD a IRVIN. 14 S.Acond At.
Real, Estate. \
j 4- 401: SALE— . Two Ilnuses
an tts 'in the
e rear ith Ward—A.lo on I.lliorti otrreto an
\ the other in
ak • ,.-- k pt ook • of m. 0.& Iss Sent on Webo7reet. LT
3... to, on Font,. ot XOn ntre at 017 Won, t
auxDotl 1..... 1 1,1
. •
Seven Valuable Farms for Sal
ALL SITUATE') near the (inn, and. enn
ri Ivan. Itplrxid i iti tho kurtnitr of W.... Nuo.
,tr -Oar.. oath. mod. ht II ...1 at.
of eu I trvat t.,
Also-1.• ToD !i. LOT., to.oreen it, t.reoent hual .4
part , Iho . litany apt the D.rod at A.'ol.tti i
AD gkf •tkt, ri •01 he Asi J i.o ra t terms lot the ParkdßiAN
ors- Atito 1 ta '..'rho.ia,i 1 . 41.11^11...11 , h. ,,, ...d Or 4 .'
either i.l th. 11.1 k• 0 Pittottdrati, will Top Ink. in lin:T
I hi. , sitph th not., a plan .1 grouts/Jo allnhitto',th•
inpot kiniund, to a ...Wentman .. 1 eiittohnni • to erRAt a
liraels.. 11. J.l upon. mi •torti • teutitain tan Do hod to
supply Ito Diu. awl .Salle illll 0 .t a ,
...i. 01 to the oral poitit 1...., the rit.k. of Ilan.
la acid 12....i 0ut .i. alai, Pot•tioti Pitt ohm-khan:l W.A.
tor nod the hottefit to I.donnalo,lo the Plank ll.'.
I au, evuatruottol to and /nail kiatent..akeo It one of
:I q . "l ii:l.T " ' "' Ve m°""'"-"'. ;::Zt , 170M 111 1 4"
..-,...,,L k .k I —Opt thlit j t,
. , •
U 'CHAN:. rrEits. coMMISSIiiti„ T a
I .
tilli WEB ME .. 1 110$ t,areottaa'n
tin) term. FOUR 11 1, rs ....hi. LAII, ',I-4 fronting"' e
,1 ,1 4 inches on 0.1.1 Lao*, Aile.ihrtiv Intr. and fro.;
Pia nu Pt. 0.1105. and Ohio 11.0../..1. kirithin • -Juan of
thelsopot.l awl ...emit. line X ti. the t'attal 0.00. thi re s
1 tii• kirenktinn tho nnat. At 1...1.t.., Alin tuont lip eithor
the 1001. ail ..1 Isalla 1
For termioniutre i.l h e RTiiehTir:A. Alle,thiciar Cots.
m .1 th. Dien...toted Ik lt, .9T.CIiTIiOO,
5.1.. pp.., .1 Xlarkot and I hird Pa.
For B,le.
A i i . : lltl , il: ‘, l , lt or 1.11. Ce of 141 , ./U4.1 SiLtlate . in
:at I . .b ' se:L ''.
m f - I ' lm:41 1 t b v . .444Z " m ' nj .r ma i t ' 44 ".'.4 lfmt " l h L -1 1f "' ;m ." 1
tfCrm•l4,l 4[1...f r ht. Lrmr , rly
01• el a 1..,
the 4441144 mm. 4f.mjaf thm nfty . 01 the Pets. ,
•., IL.- 41... *11e144.1. I:.•1 . Mad the .Iwelltrim boo.- of
A 1M Inosmfo. ,44, .nd emm be am44l m. 4af4mhla
4.lthrt . for lb- 4 rm,lmal mt ofm. ortmo t...ful .1 •011114.1. m. mr
mm, 41a ..i.b , .r4a:b c tro..r.fentm.
.I,emm•- I". 1btr.1.13 1.4.41 .4. ire Lalmfbvlo fire most
amnual pay .7;',74 ;.%",:ti",`", 1 ..%74'.';',
auvl,hl 2.4... 1 luk' s burth .104...1.
l i , mliM 1:1:N1 . rho Ink ellittg, So - 155^S'
I Th . ,: 4 4 r4.4.1. emar m.mithr4.l.l -AA A• 00 1, I iA• I'IN
4.... 1.4.1. hurt 14 - ob , l th. 4 'stmt. amt imerln4
lb: 4milre tmome m ~ ....0.14.1 IL. Ad mt...., on flu
... 4.1.1 lAA.: h. A IAII: 1, , At Ai1 ....A.J. 4.1111 tuft .ml 4.41.1
mt..-- lb. 1it,,,. oh 1101111. at A mu 4 be.l- ri'.l 41.... r..
of 0 °ARIL NM, 4:M. •
M., ti Ymortivlremb new Wim4
, For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
ILIOSTY.TiIIiEE GUI I.l4\iti I.OTS, laid
m 3 lo but 11,4,17.. , . in 11... on,ilmul vilf.k of the r , mrt
A1.J.44p, r, k.t.t., on 4.4114 Almelo! 1141.44mx 4t.tem arm,
, m f 4 m 4,4 L..'
At.,. i,.: r. 1.1 LI OPA . rr:rr ~..x., ilr m•liltre !,1 the
i: uf . 1 , 1. , 1 ,. . ,i t1 ,.. 11... , 11..f , t t . , ; . .44.... ht.:, blu 4 k. to Ifh • e otre.t, lalrlr
Fr , r tr.rn.. • 7
al. ' . -,,.,,i ' r, At Nlr 1.109.`ft DI. LAND. me.
~f ,,
[21.. yr, MIK, or of Ito. ht. 11,4, No 101
4,14 4Yror. Pittobarig Is
sl - tf 0 , II 111:AriN In Kir, , A.
. .
Real Estatelor Sale.
i VALUAIILE urarop`joyed LOT, t o the
1 ,-. 1 ...el. ../ 1..0444 - tf .m 1 Iset.Lry am.. 1.... Villtt,W,l.
...,,...ot 0,144 Lifer r rt. t. dm Church. 3411....[ froliI•41 lAI-
I I.
ioo i..,. , [1 1.4,44.1 - 1. rftmmnm 6..4 tm ,krtstft
A 1... , th. , the.. •Aot) Hrwit 01,4114 f Boum. on La-4) , Vt
n..... i.p.ott4 11, mt...., th 4 Lot tmir: . ... , 4 6,...t Ilrnut ho
I lom mmt .4-4,. Ibm limfam. to Imme atml 0014Tmellellf. huflan
f am41411:1 4tylm. amarmata.fam Aryan rontam. _
, Ate,— . mere., rerf •wid>l.l4. Laiml meat ,hailmberal,
• Alm4.—A. I.menf 1.13. arc® 10 Wee Dec, m• °.:l{ , .
Alm— A farm. ::r • ZAI ,en-t In,ne. enttntr. 4 mil.. '
A lA,- 1.3 - 10. ,h bem•mr mint,. 01 •afmnt/ 4 mtm.• mml
ir '
pe ,. .. 4 . I,m 4 .. 1 344 - 144.4..1.Mum
• A.A. -,, Ter , VAIS.LAIA• I,IA So NCO too. 1111rumm. 'Prig.
rf....1..emt.. L 5..., tarr.l.4
• Attoefm. Tr. Li i AA :AO. A,' Mmti.l4..4..rut,
' r:.," , .... 1m: •Otlrtb•tr,4l.[44.lturmh
! A Good Bargain 1:10W offered,
IF .0 , vi..14 , ,A flu;, iIt,;iIA.DE 5 i ,,,,N._
I rorla 11r0mer tA I , •ur ALILY.44.Nn L , Mmmemam. fforough.
1 1.,. Ili (A. , I.lmmcm-on t, s.xmarmtm im m ,;,...1 “ft ,ar.l.
1 ''
'"'.'"“;'t.',..: Th . ' 1 , .,+.-11 , i‘ , .. d i.... ,,,,
'7','7;,:,.;.7r,"...• ' o .' 4 V.:iitl.':7ll":',N7''''''
~ . •
• \ lliSeronl st,
To the Public.
gept. :2.1•Z0.
with • via.
••••••rar•tr4l clow,
nrlo• 11. t r•ri•tr
I ,t+L-Vt
fur tl.• hair
et. I wn. ,•1••1•1
41,1 ti hut
lin. found tnrelf
1,” rt•I•n•-• or tUit
1 Ickl . Plll..
t Itroukl]
\ \•
\ N
\ •
s - •-•,... , 70... ..V. , , , -,1, - ;.-,,
,- - ...,v01t*, , t 'Ar#l"-.N ''" ..- 41'W.,, . ...7 1 ,.. ' ,•--.
..,, - -1 ,:'...,''
--,-.', -- "F"K -4 1
Y,7*' '''' '' ,4- 'l. ",- 4 " V ,A..'y''''''- • -, -. l ' - ' - ' '''.. ',." ';
' 4-
, -,:..' ''' \
,\.-...Pti , ,. -: \\ 1 1 :14. - .'• • • • r; , -tf::: 0•'-' 7 , •• •444 .-..i. s„''' '., . ,:',-.';....••!.' •:',., , \.; -,
. •\
• \ ' • -..'• . '\\''' .•
'. • . C .r : : ..' ''.,'- . .' s- - 3, - ‘.-: - ; - ;' , :•;,•'6 . - .‘„; . •, - ,.,...' , ,, , ::• - := 0. ;_ ., :c.,:..'-, .A.
.r\ t
• \ 4-
t- ..*\ .`,i' .
. \ \ '',l, '\ . 2. ,:; , Y,.,-. ~t \x.
-.......-,....., ..........
A 'Siete , , of Pittsburgh,
.BY NEVILLE 11. CRAlil, EA(I..--,A Ili!,
km ~.., 4 I,otallurgh. trt . the ...Iwo, pioin.ll ebrn it
lira. ..find b,SV ha, .14•11, N.ltt to lb. rt... ht.tho I•n
centur•. with out 1, 44 lb. d t' utabltabm•oLnfAuttln ti
tic itotort•or innatifactorico a 4 vonnuo wc.tlitePLtater.
o•I inapn/intnntit, up to the ttr.notnt tint, tr. •la ,Irta.l.l.
, • -1,,,,,.. •111 ..11,/,,, aduanu,Vl, In taVibull'lOF to•r,
itt•eturiue .nit cdtruartrint [WM. g.. 11th a . 1 : 111 ;d1..$ 0
it. •ogregata rurhuint.nt busin..,ht • atonmetent hcze Atonal
I, tsga.n 4.ur risa.ry.nah., Lod Oar oat, initIO.I , •NILI.
'I hen. sn on n ,, st to tit. L: Plan • err or want t PO ,
tans nwrott and tairntrcur....l Lit .tiral internal V.O
hcno n mom...A • Ithto ~ hricf a p.n. I of limo, u. In thc
count, 1n0t...1 tha 0554 of thy 0011. collect La.,l; t .
and cshlha tu 11.A..ric,1 ~nlcr Ihn, rirtnua Incidnut
azd to prnclum an ....tvantauc. of . - att pn ton ut min,
mcott for ••pttaton, Li vrttl• I,c.i. it the n ..'lit ton Pi , .
111 p•gra. it IT inn hcini I. Prt, $l,l,
Put.l.*li. , l 0.1 tnr talc 1.,. JOIIII II :1.1.1 . 1tt,
t•I li ct mot.
" •
The College of St. Jawed.
Th• linancaan 1'011ci,..1 tits Pnaitat•nt I.,otacopalle urcti 'l.
..t ..,.." Ili O. PA], thrtola, nth, MI, und i., n nu,
uutill ha h., t - in.Lumenct.rot .la, .^ the I. Th oral& In
Jul,, VIAT, New t.tuilenta m
arn ii , to , antnothiod loeuter•J In
otortanu L 4 li.n ....,..ii.n, but ar, tccelPint at any
appl,..ial the L i.arp, in coltnat,l in,in'Llo• data of the
l'IlE eatl.Lllli ha, tha itAtial nututa4 of 51a....../., •F ‘ I
font. nil Qt.. oprort unit.. n to • cintutitnic,nlocatlou.
11.. 0nn.....t0ul lottlt , 1:11011 11 . 11 a 1:1 , 1" , •: .. 1if1iai . . „ 4 . (I , llll,lvtdrr.
11t r ir11... 1 1.. , 11 .1 . ' 1 1 A1l ; . .. ' Z ' lll i m * lr., . ..; 4 ;l72.i.otnhou St
11AL.,,, mint 14111.1., the sup- 1..
o U. hintior, Imo no
J•r .lichot 1 dtacjplinc, r•oncett, I.J. at, ni
111., ano.leniloil 5i,,;,.. mot prvitarra th•ru Innthell,lln
anatc rhot.c. Tlne oyes-tight ata dlrenion ..f the Proh,
wro ot Um totkut , stanato ..tunclitt inkrantsuat to the puNt.'
In thy. (iratuntar,rtchoul.
In thy SIM:C.A.:SI ILL CLAtiSIL.,tho ;Way of lirpkt tI
- ornltto..l. and it, phi., ..r.phi,d t., ltdalltiontil atudto. li , .
Ihatern Lanqiiii.o.A.l , h l,4, •TitlO•ac \
Ihe /ritual...ll of
C 011. ., la rottenly hcaltlitul, stIJ
I.; it. dLetattco (porn .1.14 aml viAlairs'. verr lavoriablo o
linnal mow' , awl
I( I. SI P II ALL, • u/tvi Lulldlntr, 'la. fnkt I.; lii, sill to
In a t r l :Lrt. ', ; ' ,l,./oPlfoct m . 11:t ' aP
hat., la...nutty a(pntlitril Jinx n trarryEywat, L.L. It. Let'
lister on Civil and Lcrli, anal low, 'nod Jtntio IL Al,'
land,. LI, h , tocturnr on 1%) , W• .. 4 . 0, .. ,,, rT.
The vi hot.- chant.. GI tb011,11,1012 at tan tuuntto itba molt
Itt the l'ollngi nod tiritioniat s Bclhol) ic I•o I.lw:tract-um.
twroly.dve dolls,. T.yothle .t o In aitranea.
A pptication* Ins artruhunon to be rowl. to
hi, A tIIN 11-Ktitwoor. Ii ii i lint,.,
1./..11a., 1T5t...h11., P. 0.,
It aAluatort cuunit. 3lur, land.
II it —Ppracto In Plltthuhrt. vlshinia .I,v Itoonnstim
thapc,tng thin Institution, art. rehtm4 to Cho
Ile, T 1 eh
Jon. II I, man, • Lu ll lupa 4...n0cr1y ••'Erman,
hugLeilla• ht.
University of Maryland.
/1c,,,,, NEXT SESSION will.livils on WED-
Mui , 4o, the LOU, day of Ih-tuber. Ift.ftlf. artd Olin Id
, 1,2..
isataatt It etnatt. 1 D., eurcerf ~.;
I\'m. Y. .1..111(., at; 11..Chermatry and Tnarratter• I
El.lllUel 1.11,1, M. D.. , Thetapouttca, MaterW,Mulli a. and '
finite... • \ hub, NI, .1I , AnatNnT aud 1111 , auhtii), •
Wm. Power .11. It.. Th.+, 1.5.1 Practkie of slttslttt p z.
Itletianl ll' thump, lil. D., tiltdvillery and ID\ .of
Wetacti and Chll.ln.o . t
. Orin., 11'. Mineaberger , 01. D. \ Tatholauical Aktituat,
Ihe turcut ample otipattattitir• Inc Mee licurre4aftti a
Practlttini Auelt.ta) at 4 Mukirralll e4ieuxu.
eltnipal LectureaJour uttetia •re 2., by k t rofeemiresmith
and roue, az the Itaw rafattiary. ielth the lietrtlair•
of duly 014. to Ile .tide. without rlaaritai to thetam , O.
fur the ticket
teen for the Lecture, ft. to 1... , .. 1' a tonal Atis .
110. Matriculant., 1.4 itratuallou,lT.ii.
Mll.',h. A. • .EN, 11110. S
lialtfutore. Jul, 1.1 —I ea ‘..,1 . ..taer tit
Kentucky Mutual Life Insurau ompany.
(IU.tItANTY RIND, A. 100,0 i.
11115 com to nTIIi'ANY "irons the , 1 All
l i
the .......frai andAdVal.g. or tb.. taw isalt.l.leitit
t.i... It Ilan. ixe1iV11.1114 , 111,111.11, rcietbiried.,in ii Lew
ratee..l Trenton., an attai,al return lb'faah et ft< ye
centaur. reuttiriel frit tar ci.ntmuent nok , , 1 , . ) e.: ari
adrailate. hut net ea..etre tania (elfin 100 ate 111111 , Xerit•
OIL, oi member... hoc I I; •holuta.rut of tile, ailli ea . wt..,
He titiere“ st. Aloe lie...autumn au laud corariel hi wit.
!weedier, pa, able *I it..ath. by erudite tl,“,n 111... I"'IN. IS
wfx r.... ~,,Vd drntAur4 ter the permanent ,e.uriti,
us tuber, zOd aft, for the iirmetit ie•ettrnt , n
Lb.... tar the •litile Lem, We • ,
I. the "Illy 01utua1 Life Inefirattco f:uutterie
w 1 it.. nava ulf Traumata tiro Ward eta fur reduce...PM..
lira. attii a Troatcarai fut . WI autumn, ili.,•aestat ateuttn. ,
!alb.° of Mud (for lutifre ht`rlllit , I in eleet Tretinrtimi h
the alumna o ...In,. 4.1111 the inerei.itta reit. Ilart ad.
e•nung age au ing tlic
Pamphlet., tr rte. ae . maim: In .lenal the plat) and
rate. of th e Cita apyi tarau.nrl anat.. and ell.hmaysp.
V" '"'"''''"
''''''.' by
leo NeUelt U et• B ietl'ittra u r ' ihe `
$.01:. l/nAtuale\slntheel 1:-.tumer -,
/IUI . I, c.l
L 1 OFFEE-300 hap priuto . Riti, for stile by''
1 1 . ) aaailii . 34M Ke primp
t.U...0 itstss;sl_t. .
1 ha 1.1 ,.. p r .. 4 . 1 A b ll IS. SO I A i — cu t I , l 4 V_...l:t a rdi!nd
I " mapILA ''
'_.,..,' 719Fr4;ire!t.
pLAlNT—Trrfpnaa of 01111116' ~,;(110:teiDhl Vremeiki
bildNUt. at it pvDott.ln. . We Ist, , trsis Idl Te5..11•8.1
In the 111.mona: , \ , ..",, i
-- --
,fipoN •
srEAil, BOATS:
kio - 16-30ThrirfirATA-Tke spl;.j
did fame and .11girt graved imm bang
EN E, Qaitiaile 31cditil k iet. tail leave
the above al‘all In ma ialltii;,miil tfb
iltb, at 4 fir k I.: g. , ‘ , , , . ,
For freight Pasimgvtaip on or Lid ' i
oat _ i..N,... WTtiff'd NES, gent. '
F 'V
\ - ---7
FOR CIAINNA - Ti. .he fine
I v'etearner • DIVIINAL. it. 8. tmarell.'arill
levee for the abovatind intedvned portidyn „
th . ' , ' .llr . "4' i llegg/1ia.15 ' .•
pct 6.. A.,'im. 1
-FOR -T e tai ls 1
. e ., ...... It. t
or above and la Ir • porta ti
d 7n: L irti ' A i ro i r ' r. • • 4,1 3 ,,a,1,,,.; \ V oei . •
ffEGULAR PinStUßClllli i iiii ii
WIIEELINti PAC'Erfi t —The Wet
new motet - avatar, DIIIILEAId,Conwen. ni ... ,
~..iy z
ter. le nog performing her tynivllmtt4tetiltiytpi o be. een
fhb. eity and %heating, liming\ Ptlyibut 4 . ne t
every alonday, ifs admeday iand \artist. ,
Imp% Wheeling every The...tare Tftiti iditttta
In each n e a t.. For freight or arrage.p ton Want, dr
dJtfIaTRONIe it CI /AEU. 'avenhi ,
\ ''.:Expreas Packet Line . Clevelemd
\ oi :, a, NtaariaXWMol2
!RE Preprietors of the Pae -et Liaes hay
. - .i ee made thiviquialle arraogemr . with \ the Ohm
ict Tehria RallrottilsCotwparty • all a ' °tiro. don a our
pith/el:4 the Cleveland or New Cootie Pee to, and,vettlog
throt ticket. at the other, will to. fornil ed w Ith. a tido
'et Iv M ill give thetnthe privilege of go l . to ft . Le....
tar • lI by the Can. or the .Steatobost. ,
. Coy tilltata apply to t he
A. CAUtillk‘. AO..
s et.roor Water azol am i thtleht otae t • 0ak...)
5ekaig , 9 ..... ,. ' . . Pim arch.
01iiii, and Penney - Timis liiilie , . -
- . _ . ... . ... .. • ....
d IN and :Wax MONDAY, ATI,OUST 4th,
.•, ; 1
IA E SITTSBER :LL at JO A. 31. and 4. PN.
WAY PAP. E\ 3 cm. PEP. WILE.
Cbnddnn under to ye years of are half price
B. [seen Pittsburgh and ',rill, TO eq.
Koch *ter, 7.•
• • ' Silts riabton.
Sir Excursion tickets w Irby nld at reduced tales
tworn-Pataburait and that ea r. to any station a ßetween Pittaburgh and New 'Sri ton and
the eattle JAY b''.Bl.lS)
Ski - The Tram wilPnot run on Su day. hut Saeurnon
Tic).ete Issued on Saturday will tw g far the return trip
on Monday
trtlantblwen will be at lin Depot on %Wend Ideeßt. to
rouse) rwsensers landing,there any re op the rout.
from the Bridge tio , the Motu agenda nuse, the) . mar
chutes. Ornnibusnes will also leave the, llonongaliebs
Hoare lininedlately presume the baring qf thethux for
the sonveyanne of
th e
St. the besottg by the
31erehante , Hotel. the St. Char melons Ylfthe tett. from
W 044 to Markel and along St Viler othwt AIA Pon.
along the mutt. en ran I ail the thunltr. ard be
conveyed to the Cars
The haalroad will be extended b7ond Neer ribtAn at
the ..arlieet practicable day
fly order of the 'turd of DI
fit OR S. PARS. \
\ lug:1 tf • Ticket Ag.nt
suk:!:tf• Tiek
knmertien with the. Ohio and Penn
..7'HEO - lICIN IN 8 HOUIId.
I)AS4:NGEBS will talre the 10 A:il train
L ft.An 'V , tnhurgh, add the
- PACF. l' , 'NAT ECLIPI 4 P., CAPT../ B,iIOULI\
~, .rrivel ., o N.. Blight., 0 lIN, A. M. deny. arrkei , na
at New Cao,lo,et 4 P .11
Returtil..! s leere N.. C 2.1. 0 ; P. M.. orirtnt, at Re.
Inghto. fnt ON% A. B. Irvin. , • ~.., \ •
Th. Puck,t`ro nn 0 New Cartic with the. Stesr.. ro
Nl,nrer, Mtmmn, kr.
.nr Eh much ..R. , ts sppli to ' BYO. PAREIN.
sppli ORO. VAREIN.
\ \ Ticket Agent , Dt•Pott.
J. C. HID% rail. WitteiertrwL
t tnoni itt , ok • Slotiongahcla 800
t J bcollee
\ L t BIGYTIttg.
Roehorter. Prnprietom
rE SYLVASCIA 5A1131.04.11 1 .
C.nudefed fo\botkporf, L ;V.ifd wee of AhriatZ
TTllif o §Ul3-q( C RIIIER i&tre ' the pleak.ure
annunce to heir inThcls d Paten.. oiltha re
o P o kd A d le i gg4 ;onl i ne.. an auy
rehatolke prorrnee 'ratan, enpacit.T. which
b"4 .7' ICC
cern, nt, U
—p. Ilarode are. lt;;;;;;tare... „
hu Leather. C
. Elsa. 'lnnen, a d ocher Gra, :rod
tt r ee
TIII Cl.eSn, Beef, Yorlt.thater,Lazil,Lazd
Tr.betce Leaf, Coder, \ Talkar„ Drain
TII trvu:bi.
Igo illeen,tlert; , lCia3 . knee, Ltecon,le_Loe.
t‘A'llpe. Ohl.. Aizt.tku,
et of l'ea ‘ n andlt
iailia wee of J6hriatZwn.
I:: . &tre'the pleak.ure
• d plartus oilthm Peon
v., • • ••mccmed trivinhlpytott
to deliver freight to
iaard.y =wont
r o ca rr pacitf•lalclr.
UNS t ELL ',
Wilkinsbarg A .• . emy.
Mal, rend Female EitgturA auk \ Made's/ Schpo
L . - wri.GiNx.rto. 104.111,0 cus-rt,,7,, \
Trll IS INSTITUTION will 4.ope\:i. forth
Mesh. of pupils ttnal.. and fronds) ort , o.x.
gat , rtatua
lot The course of tae tip or. dn. al
the brimrhes mOOOllll the best .I.'"adeuttee and ina.
, ri.-i Illostretlooo will be siretrln .11 brat:kb...UM . •
1 11.1. m. The &bout II prorated with ..kutenailte • .
tartish. PhticeoplucaL Cheuiloal, and Aetrdnom AD
Daratua. .or Circula ointaituAr. tull Danis
reterettoe. add.. the Principal. \ \ \ \ \
_NI iltluebers. Aar., 14. 1e51.-fahsl6:deplaram:S.
' .- .'------------;-"------ \--,------- \
Is shares Itruidoclee I , 101 l Plants 111.4:,
I - A ileabeny resin. leatitutturr
..13 - itt,lo and Pennsylesuits'palirout .
V, :: Fat,Vr: ''''! . .,'''''''' ' ''T " '-.,
ILI , - Chtf Mm.Cot 4 ialltoilt i i i %rar
seraiL'aler-li Suer toulprharturErjtiters-,
MILE Stolcholdarts of - Thdlittle Siow Mill
i boa fluilUiad Company." ate brie, natto.4%hat as
I t. A. I 01..131..1 !rive Dohan per share U.'s...paired tot*
h eld
.g. .0 aura,thq. IV dry of Oelotwor root:, • `,
, !ty ord.o . OK tbe Board of threctore.
i a tau', da •01 c , \ ALEX, CAIIO,IIIAN.Trr34.
Stone Ware Rump!, for Wells mid Cistertis. • .
riiGE SUBSERI,BER informs le pnbli,t'
• I that he 0.0 tuttraliicel Into lbli'reiioodhc Cl./St;
It APT: PEEP,. coahufaittitud by Molars. S. E. a C. .I.i ,
It scent, ot•3ll,ldob,ln, NUMMI!. couuty. O. w Etch hire
ul.r. sorb utuserwil Sataametion wherever toed,. Ths
~,ail realities 01 to se are. that \ they aro,,a.ilr
la tarketi..l,loll2 or never get Lit Cif 1 , 1.1. , 41,0`
1+,4,111 ..r. , and c0.1. , ,ux at, ea dunaLla ar grunts
noki. rimy sem mi. clumps They man Geo., at j. it
ranbelEr •arehnoae. No, laU Slyer Brest. or at Law liar.
els stor, 0 Liberty etrclit. treloa, St. Cialul \Orden ten •
at „thr. Werra aril/ Le DoomOlr\flllo In the aubeeriber.
e Ware'llpe, uumuttetured 'er tbe mine place, alai
ured for rumen - atm vroter cm; t u FEM.% or 0. Mntrouth \
cam oleo be dautsbiA. It le fa I tire, art can. be tor-
""'d icltil ' a 3"" wit th e '' ' ", '" ' 0"11 ' " ° s./Nl i ri ' l.. iral ' at. '
, flowarota Taint
• -, ,
Rmo-antre Coinpinm4 Syrup oc Cf Litry R:e4l ‘ ,
frkre ONE a• uiti ' verttally 7a s hlted rem(
•ir for ENVER AND AGE h. do ‘rlty \ ' utiallY.relu
a ,le 1:11 . mtl'al td: cit'lm.s.itor. . -
, • ft.,. rate Family Melvin. tiro El iet , \Ao Mud'
0 , 0 . 4 . • of , ~ It sil El . t . '
cornet 11..1 a T ir
1 ,
~ ...r.sdr.aslurS tole Aaent as Mr. It wa .1.
''. New Pall Dry Goode. 1\ . •.•
A. MASON & Co., 1,.,.,,,t ret, ivad • nd
.tik are one opeolos-fi suer me Frees 11erklide 1;1 , ,
0 i1‘4 ,., ‘ ",, V ,,r. " ii ' d "j il . , T I,llVlVe. ' ritt=if , 1 t`44.,
olft wt.;
7.ord, cbaruldwi, and Sled. , - ' 'modem
1 . : c.o. thirainattaa.Tblbet Cloths. Red tt ......, guitr.-ti '
mg all ,114.0 and gpalltiger. 100 Kr. ,Warrded 6...0 .. . 11
nod fuky )lorft The above gontls we viler tor .le
pm. which we are'l:onlidrnt a., unpre ,. .d ,. ol.‘ll,y - II
,• ' ..pitr
I \ DEW MUSIC. • .
i I'ER TETE, WATERS NOW, by . 11. Ryan •
.in., '
I N S et ld l in Am
3 e o r , ica ', I Mountain L a
p s . P t r o t. 1 a 4l
a 1
11 a. . 40yr h e ,g.l d lA. .H d ar .. or
teal t o t o
y t
.1 mi., with wiractle; sa.ny Itir, Foster. Tb, beret:lade. hi
r r0b0t...1, The liappy thaure, by ltweelli Judy 110 Lewer.
' Imic sou. IS heir She Bright 11. area are Durhuag. duct , .
vme. lloute, I Lute Thee, divots: Ihr - 11ild uld 'Hood,:
. !lir woo a La4r: \ flrenitE liunir,-Twtll4l Dore ire
' tii ".' greitfi flyont..",' . !At.irilattf:',fht=4FTo l ,
..! " Jacgtvo, I.a ' auba - Uf the • Villaa, ' Valse Itrfllleoh LI..
t/.lN'"l,', , ?rv, °, :'eS4litlina ' :•. l :/o 0 7x 0 .11 0 , 0 : 1" 0:4 110 )3 -: '
Tennis 41itro\ h .,r,s74;;'!,t,,7 c trAt•Ftgrsgt h Bc7;LlV;
''' ! I tV . ll,ll '''Y' Vu ' u:lVe tf l' utktt li l 5 -."__.._,,i1y..,...v A 11.0 , 71
. -No. 1. I lee ot England, - ,Nci i kihartt e rock M ErelYrali uti .
'' I, Tblatle f Sostland. heed,. tor wale by -
' I sera N . 0011N1E,i1ELIA.111.14 11'.1 et \ '
' •
\ ' NEW (MODS ! 'KEW GOODS ! '‘,
I L CCORDrS--A . s ' ylina ' d and varied ,
. ,
„. \ god, of a bcct. broad"; I'm cotemett.
- 1 eTt.:5--A el desirable aelectlun,Writh 1, S. 0, and a
111, oncol Irc.l.'lgid of the best mittenteri elmaii, lost
'' I/ t'El\t/5 . 4-Ariltetiairt arid cbr.l;4et k arrithii•
ElO L .I L 51:r . 190 . 1 - Ilnit, old one!, ,red !!!!!\
\ pelt... ever/
';111:;' , f.RINGs— area selection: ski. 4 Guitar and
i. 6.
o . , or eotonZte.,4ttheS. D I U ,01, ilibnco4 - u ,, o , = ' %ut. ,. .;i u d , t . i . ..... ,
.01.,"=6,Zit.'.:43T:r,:r; I.- mn \
Al, the um . Nt and .1 popular 110.10,,,i ft 1,,,,1TTa1.
_ N. 11.-Tbe ea met 'commutd mmto co .
red and'perfect It every rtr,plet-if found 0.00 l the 0' ;
nry 'IL - 111 11. Mani.'
D - ..1.4 - `.., ' i'lol Ofik s: R ' e:l7 l" '''
. 4 1\7
ftd. 50, Its. end 41. tor ealAt MOREIN , TEA, su - m.
In the'Elamatul. Tavern lirepertocoutd do writ losead-,
tot 'ins EU. Whiskies, as ttputOtr ~,,,M d. , ~,,,. , ,Y .0' .0.,,, \
dydly etteltp. , ' 1, ,
t I I.IO.COLATE -- „ . 2. - 0 0 his. 1105 t..., for sal . obi\
V ..
of ~a‘. .. • Wlll.. NIrCANDLI, , , .
d , 01)FISII-11 tee. [ s ,4 - sale by:,
sepo , ...- • WICK t• 11ce,..0.DLESS. .
40'bt3,. roi pee, 1,2 Wy FL a 31<44,J111..L.Ret±.....
. ,
8 .tt LERATUS-43 cask-§; \ '`\
•.,; or ra e‘By
' ...
" W' lifett ,LAA E .
my. ,
1 \ II JAV.KR--200 xeams'illeditim;
Crown `tor rat e lowly'
...‘" I .lAltali BALIKfJo.
' 1.4.1 - 'tif §:F.--: \5.5-V't
tNG Ll5ll ,„ I 121. L . ilff2
11 Ilerio•r orlobratral Butratg oral \lhirbara ~..„..\ 1
..f .".' ''""","' by wielLa Ifi4IDIEZiSk: .1
- VAJK F FiF L:=- 7 1,4171as g - ;3 f• - ` .. 1 I -1
N . • • • , , . 0. ,urea e y t
I 1 _ eee , , WICK It 81rCA.J...E.8.5. •
Vl:Ai, s,
I\l \ •3 , 1..1.1..8.1 Laketaporior Pslonai• • '
0' eta, Lase NO. 3 31.4 " . '•
5 MI6. . No.l ••. .i . or m
t reroog
~ d-101 , ...4. 6r'l Ml
ca. iOrt Brea tram Providence. K.L. - and for sales
o, 1 Barra or Ural. bottle. 'Bee advert/ousel:a m an.
orhr coluturaj . B.S. WlCriattall..ol,4
, .. . . ',. tor acr or ivocd.d, .tr.
' YRU L? F . 'l . l togn t
uv gi dozed or cleft. Minn.
vale colutupA
,to D . R,E§-_-- 30 ' 114..
\ , , ),. ...z)u, •
'', 't
\\ • ‘•. •‘., l i m b
• - ~
, .
\ \ .•
-,-•-•,..-- \-: ,-.\-
DRIES- ' - . \ • • •
, • - 30, biaLritii Elni
s tr; \ • '
`... .•.Z1 tierces ur.i .
\. It """ bb,ls..en&sbod i'w '9lr. . ' \ 1
i; • k o
lVd " • For eat. In , ,
.'. . ' N:. • . ~ .11.$111: WATS a W;, .1
. §Atili..4NT WiNiX)W.' SLIA.D.I4§'
• • 'am stenctiveand 'Alitilil,iiasitt7
gigiiive ni raciL for. tiale at a groat rt V ll 4
... ',., No. ISAixtet A. •
' \ ,' '.'" - - 1 1 i ; ; i';'::lj: '-, , qi "i 1 ; :.
Alik i Lltaillaßt - PS ' . - ;•, s •.; . .
• - \ fe
foe rim cant op , ..;-:,..."-,.'-'*." *•• -; , . „-
copays:'qt.l.)s, lIOAILSWESS 'lllh6;kiiti -- .1 ' , \t
118, V(HpcPutaxocatitlpv- ..... -:-. . i -.:2.
1 N offaiin to c community thin itt , itiy -,. ~11 ,
',ha. r n ainno.nnin ton community
ninc... . 0 .1. "'":---- ~,,,,,,- 1 4 \
a cot nor ab i Mine Ith tha lire. or ar.ith *.r th* ' ...,ik - Sl . ;' 4 -., ‘,
ablieb a. butt r kl to la tolbre them tbe opinions of ,a . a 1.,, , . , t \ ,
il*ainkoht*l Mc a 1 ma tot tlo. «widen** of no maw. ''. • a''4 ',.. \ \
mat,lrkon Nracp tey al u rotor themeelve* Iwe into . . - 2 ... ,. .-
<Mil Pledge purse M o make no wilaimeertnum thatalw \' . -eal. \
gagognivata of in ,fin- ly .o . Nikl** hold Ind ant noP.1 0 \ -, jig • \
ninnl \
onfOlttion husoulltr vAric, Cacto 'III. wemont• \ - .-d , \
\ ' , -I
\ M. ? , proofs are Inns Ten. ,I Wd ..ilrit.. lootiri' \.
}-,,,r, l'ito public Into all we obits*. freitng anturul they
.. \ .. 1 -„,...4
win than them perfectly relk I. and c peakirke oterthe
Midi t I gondaenio itioil pok nage. \,,,... \ ' b . • -Al
ICtionth diatinoulebeia Cray*. at C minty mal 110. --. ,4: ) .
[ark. Medics, bon 410 tki ..] . . . - „......,,
licag Ma I dehmed mt. - rung the re
f ceipt iojhouryite.. , ~.
I 1 1 '`"'l f " , ° o
'' 0 1 1!.1. * :11V:o717I ` bt r 4 i. ;`4., Illy Indade. ' ; y , • ..," t -
\ ...
1 1.141 boo, mi. anno with a lot Icon/club tielaction, ' ' n
it„ :- .,,,
h o iolultaatit . bikini.
' `„,,,
.... Ito itm.olomtaa de. a P o- :' , 4'..- \
nd rem, .0. glia, taut eulunt ary WWWW.W.
(Fro. at ltrerwer i 'n thilinniunno pni . n Mtn tyl ...' . \ ~" , ,
Dr. ,C, Atka: I haw *wtx corral attire o re' *ankh / . --- h.".4` \--
, 11It 10 . 11 , 4 My life, \ln your "Cagan VW...)4644 .,, /,1211 , :4,
unr , b. I, shalt 1 hafecopportog i f ut g . etand: n‘.,!t, 4
Low ` ..ll. tou. ' ll3, S l7l47. ' \ `""P" . P. b.'.l).E.iti.t i st/N. - \
newllato following. p,lowe il this Mahn imui i ‘ ' '\ 1 \,.
1 4. Tha i patieut s hadome wea .r.b..1. W.. hi''' \ . ' \
to: r t .
„ 11; . itiX .),
o,.... *e ti,:l onto rn toak ,...l ea njac b u, ly .usis.r nie . ; l4 o l o, 6 = ... . , ,,,ii
,:,. 1 \ i -_ , .. ii y . :
..,' - \\—
l r a ' ifls " l in t b h g=• tAt i'l a ' ytt:Prarginl = i\ . . ' s
?Name Clin t at WOllll.l my . rare, Milleontruentwit IL*, - ,
tr., 0 Cherry fea r wlile gage um %torn ra- \ \I • \
' ...I 1b ee loon atemlitainin nay etrenut nob, . y
my health la 01l nigh t
,t 1.0 ,..r.,.,,.: Wle until ;one T i' • \ '
olet a. 1 bon e OrinlM .1.17; norm wan al.r4t 1 .1.. ', \
eat lend. kirk Truman et bOintder Mkt, * o tont. \
... , I
Ivan ampendedfrom hia Mai clot k i g a o o egto.ti . , . ` 4 . •
tack of \brunchltib I have, pleaanre in Mitring thator„., .P \
1.1,1. ig , kou, and gm, eirominwortanlN , 4.. ' \
\ 0. F.l.l.l..fillUllbsol Min Carolina. , 4.. 1 ,
The eilttabing Imo pa. of 4141wortt \ of Cue.,which the ' ' S.,,i . 4
p i, y p.,i.1, 00 frioodn'thoughtto tat Incurable etingoinp. .\: \I . ) •
Fio.' — \
encriin. r.: , (mt,.. CM Iset. , - \,.. \ . 1 .
.1. C Atta. l l4lr. e.,,... takenwit.* a towrlble totintb ' N.. \ 1
litought on et • amid. in tha buintaltig of 4.,..c 0 hr0.,,,, , . A 1 ,
w r.wl to my but air more than, two month.,
ro Ci tri ' t : l ' o h ceseatilly eight Mina ihic.:l le , umuntOotly •S \
' '..,.A
i n a t ' Y t ... " me ,fll. won. ninketrand glaier,annma meath 'I . - T
eery li.'rt. - Lama. I. waelal.ll, Normia,mulko Oa the- .., , a
treo. •r breath that hot little hope of my rethowerr nou l ! i a , . \ '. l
to eat chinned. 111itla m
he t oituttiOn,./tannolOf my ,
ttbe Ilex. John Keller. cl t 11elloanintiMbrelt) brow" . • . ~,. -a
me a lottle of your Chen* Peetoral, which I 10441 ow a • •
sp i L ;,
co Krstity \4lin than from noinninn.Unn of ohtmolng T '
hp: It. guod elliora inducwit um to continua ItS w. a •
cd Now in thr*X -
lit ' o ` tTr% :71 `n yjil l ''' asi l il b et , :lt b , I:r<L itrit.i. , or ~,r , \ • \• ,)
otaT . your kraal medicine. Wltlkthe ' deepvituesninote.
ihnianal and qa by JAMES. C. AUK; Cracticattatmo. . ...4 ."..
I. yin. mon . - • ' \ ^ ',
neb4.ate re ref, by en.eartne:. e
a l ,s one. an luntha on of b alth and s e \ \
, 'b'
, a ,„./, It en, 1 a h,el hum atie /oil .. -
0 ,.. --
' d ' aie h th
I m-ro iauo II . \
/ 4• t RA who w hto f\ i rae the , bk. fin the Itzlettitlww
..,, ex
,0„,.r,.,, f,.. otr. uaii . .r..%ar i.. ,6 . , A TV , \
lila wit,. and prepare\ the e, P.M 10 -f. eumt! • ",,l \
anal. mire, t....crt nw . lee . " / t of %el C - ,
Ooek and :. 3 ...., .h,,,,.,...„,,,,n,i,. If anLOA \ \
frr many of a moat Mal nem k ti.. , eh la been.
gal Lb r/, / t/t / 1 ., be 4•1Brollatorf fe.r n 1 Is rente- \ S \,. \
the publle ft has am \wevrt , e' \ an, , .
,te . 1t1410.111(41 /MI, 1/IC4/0641 04 • tII faith \ ..,,T
ta her lend apuriciaa corn' , nh 4 l . le Oat , " °e Pt ''' , „ \\ \
d"''''"n"""'"6A" N
“ " \ \
...t" - .. thusßn , e'V....bfr ....t : bwmit tl we ,
bun I\5 „ :.1 littera, lei Jenny . of \ hla roaeAr le .,,. ~,,
try It..n \ \ \
tbo yak
.4 ; only lender. ml that hte \ hope g rhlid•g\ . s , •!...,, ..tune In Au mote. vstrito ot trixl. .
.. 4
4,0,1,--,,\,,,-- \
I \* Nrigag ♦:...J.. lai;ineS
. Z,, 2 ...' i
- - , \, , r
\ - .:;•„,.4
„ i5\,: ,, ,,.. .,„.._ \ . ta p1..04in lbtatubr Mat Yw1e„,:„...„, . ~...,,,.,
1.,1 . boa ..e ....1..,111. g i * ,-, r,!' ia l'r,.' l / 4 h .., - - \\ ''
\ ',
'l. 0 1 0.10•10. 0‘ , nt1.... '" Y3 .3 . 3.4 V 3 .` -. 0 1 \ \ \
lib ugh wasi troubleA with thfllcult narnstV.lntbine,^44.4;
..., \ , \
t,tker nee. pecullat sr.° her .47 Pb. 644 TL ir 2 .' 1 ,
~- \ S \ V
.. \
raebtlar milvtrnal dish for b. long tn. , : We. r th !,\'''. ' \ \
1.0 0( Ilr durnott' T Bork ap4,areesteerilinkllteraa . \ \
radwa "..1, carpi Shea abai T0wn...1 • am] otlarra without . \ \ \
l' , .wt'leiJ we 111/e1....1. , ' He cc
' l . ° d.. .k 1,.... .. \' \ #.
(nun tlnlbeama ean.e.
IltaWaa , tm e, tee. es.. , canary, May, 'IVB I , . \ \
\ J. 1' Ikrotett --‘ /ear Str. I purchased, abort thaw . \ \ \ .
a batilswf our le ,e. Bock and:v . .o , 4 l a lot ma rk ' \
bolt she I. UV lsr Inv coutolsant, Erynnalsbe 4
I '`` \ '
1 aakan -a } Iton o the VI Mb, A, lad a t•s•• alnr\ad \
is pal her tor \tote..l., Of the Brystb.l.l.. 11. hae rt , a b , .
And Wig., fn. \ t e he t4icet II the framer -beet lumfulen VI
that I at I effect a rf. ci cum
lo . eery rw.neetfullX.
; e:' .
~ - \
rc.2l‘loa^ \ ol' Jqe, i!,c \ or\ 4.4 Ileer COMPb)!.. .
„, I ' .4i n l Aba ' t7n, H ien!i '' lt ''' tle.;:• t u b tle ' ,l7.l a nit . e,tf
• tr. ,' ' erananno ' Mild by Iv tit I allow
m.‘ , tesbubtll l .% ...... ' \ I \„ .
\ Eat!, P.-, le nemnber 80. 114 i \.,
JD I ari, Egr.r—l lam hapny to Int rtA Tau (hat three \ •
‘l,ottlbe o .Oursottea 'Yellow Doelk and lea). what% .
14ot of ekti, have 9.1,40‘ the swalr, umler 1 o 4/rash:roof \
s .7
\ \
/I anal I eldlenne. Al`restoelet. 7to t. al, and thern. e
*i . \ \
BseMen is ip, \ \ ,
' When I enrnmenee4 Tang tbto Ye kg,. ,34,0 • 0,....0
4 41 - 0141 was einly In a ro f 7 e tt l,b e c. rplir p. lon , J ,4 1
. ten t re... o. , , _., , \
l. 'Y 'A t ' '4 '' ,\ Ps4". 4 \ „the \ s cae:%l gall.. Illrb:s \ -;4 , .‹,. , , \
m ulni t au . b ' l..7tel Jtll .t s7ln , .In th.Olea ~.oldua, f tb1 7 ' , ,C . 4 . .?", \
. size. tJ am.l . y tuaraa o toy Snag 1 legs • Legtkll,M -,,,, \\
are b ee t ka-en Tt• mauve J para.:or ,}41,, w ,... . i , A , .. ..:, \ \ \
t leonsult rtg the roast •le uneistekitt th . 4 . 1 . 1 04-4"" ...
I, tioa 10, ta'a could g tnuterbb If nnt th , /r:. Bata 1:4: #,.. /, \ \
4e .
~....,,,, q f.. 11,7. ......,' „,,i ~e 1 \" 4 \ '
, t
1, , O, ~7„,.... B t the.lsrl \ eelt.that &ItwesrAl . ,..
.:. \
b i,,,,?„,,1f,
at 7al k ertel: " ea 'P ettW il l ' alro S f ,b ; ;eVents TV;,4 e kit t i l l ' \
of olaint el re entirrly retool - IJ. IIY ‘ k Ll\ none ta , n/SWelte,Vk -‘ A
\ \
I nd‘ I rR. into, rattmeand leg low reetaletZle. , ......; a k ' " ..' WWW., •
: I t .le.n eNneae, no \ extr,nolenk Vn..thetbileb;eib,ll,..l...../.e a .,....,
... . L'W° wt \ tellulw.rJw - w 4 rtr4.4. t ,. . 6$ , - -- 4,7.. -7-1,71%,, \
'lf `... 3 ' 1333. F.Y. " . 1 3 4 . 4!! 30 !", ‘ 1",°P423. 1.• ,- ‘4 Y , 4:' - ',. , - 1 ',.. il \ .
0 , .Shit:* w , fk ;Ott wwwb lo 0 1. . 3 4 ' 37 ‘ , 43 " A t'''. ...4••• • NT/ 74ti . :',... \ \
~. at, tu. 0 ~,,t, Auck,o6. Bs Akellta. Aar' . ttew... , ..,,,bW.,, .4 S
ern re Ily\relkeerd I*l * .cc
[ ,,,,, h ,, ltth.Ccic/t4 , "'„..... .. .. 'i , ,, - "e',%"_11 , . \
~., ,,,,0 I,,ur, max, A)1 'US I.l'Alll.DVAll 'Te/// ,.. t. //'' \ .', ."' \
Ca" `4 , igedoloo Unless put , Th.l.[Arce 1 ..:4 1 ...p0 \ ' \ \\ 1 \
, t .,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Th m.. of Th., hup blowts the , \ \ I \
et glass wi the *litter; `,ol4shay. .1 it t iA.knat. ml Ibl, \\ \ X
no.a ..., J BAUR lilncarantli, Ohio. raartliimt tuirr \ •
\ \
of i t old au i 01sanirt.brivbta. e tanner on ibalnnt atreet a 1
haw Ito
''''': &bill Jco ~. rt . ,,, ....t ',,,. T. .c. J.......L \ A ' s \
ea IA 0,,,,,,,i,g 5 • RD. A 11.41,Lata .illekelenf.eit4 I- "\ S \ ..
LI \' - w l t). 6 l.b Wr r. H l' d i n ' .6°. '7 ' - ' 4 " 44. ' .. .. e \ \\ , \ ;".. •
141. /frooknal I,lllln. Altaludh r.
ur, \ .
~ • \
nel Met Araln 1 C. , . e, Ca art ! P sleal,al, aO, \ ,
,7,7„ La - . r. th.B.layer. JU. • b erten, } Urea, Fh. 2 11,
Jon....Coudemert. 0C • pe•t • ar„ o,o.omile. -• \ . \
Dl ' '
sar p„,- 4 1. per • , :1•1, So s Boni., for 4b. \ M, \
4,111 /11/4/ 4 11/11T ' ‘4
/' / \
ni lea a a c 0... • • ..14,. 1• •• W riah!.' 6 • ll V‘ , F . F: • \ • ; , •\,,.,,L ,
Ex., c. Ifrookvill • alls , IFILohn ,a Han, tray aek.oao
AleVAralo I a C 1 Ca 'oria..F;e blearrilli u.,,,,, iNIA,
Eno. t...% eta a. feriae. er...r. \haluer berla 1 Co, ..
Lar. O. ill, lieZOr ea. :La.' ••I - r ‘ rteth }Fareein F. Lt. rkFk,"• .•. \. ' - ' e` ' ..
tt.,JonerCoturerrzort: F. c •
. t a4...ieo tatheurat,lle.' • " -•.‘,
\ ,ttr.p,.;,._....i1, per • ,://,:, Soa .toltl..r for :110.t
\1...,h0T1 \
• -,
Judd'} MedicateavititiaCu4di • '...
r lIIIS ARTYCLE is iiiik, c.b..4i Im: fraailkpi6: . .‘
, ~,,,„,d ,N . ,„,.,,,,,,, ,„ ,b,.,,,.4, 0 ,,,, 0 ~,.„4.. •\, • , V •
a at to Ibuil. Ifeettablot who ate. a altataat oitagOota \
It Ory to hb+r T•1 1 . 1 . 11 . 0 dall .r. ? ~ ,, , . ....A it.!l ` ) Ft ' b t\ - - , i ,
s e or cm. . toa .q cot.i., • lii booll, arta'', tube InV . 4 7, 7 , 7
, i 1 le so lb looortl atter I.liOX trial *1 bntlirl 7 It, IGLII • \\ .
ha tnat'oertalt that are, Atilt u[idc,; 7 i . e, b I lag Ire \ . •-
•••4 'otl r la•klealson 01 7100.r0 M.100100'4 WA etittele.pri• • •• An,,,,y_,.
, ..a I,AIMIkIS I etafeld a. Carob, aha ado. th Ceut .. ,- • ,Ig
0 ,41 ull 1 Rtatollie. It . to our bnarestou later hpaa. 0r,„.:16,,,,..,•
4. - ur e i ti x e c llat , t.4 . l t . , t i 1 , :1 . 2 . 11 . ; ,.. g . . , 1 a a.: 0 4. :
t ig . u , k.N. ! ics , \
sae. ha that tap or. a rat i leahlteolt.tltor, • t •7. ,
'"”' I . ' \.'
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glowy... iVii.U.CulT al
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Sal biondraN'llll poll m
' • As oak'. tA lanok Botta -
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