PITTSBURGH GAZETTE.' rui . a.isinto . ni wartza'to PITT . II,IIIIROt FIATiIItDAY M01LN11413, - OCT. 71,1851? "k-HEADING dt AMER 'WILL BE PO UND • 02r Attenthiiil.Priends otScott. and Johnston. I.:•"flekattintion of the friende of Scow, iti.gtuar raaat f . is ir 41 . .4 to the Iteoesttnee oil thwougb oen.lsatke. the fortuitkon 41 Clubs, tti . evert election dletelet, As the Lb. niPohUsestit uTasureittey of FlUtlnn's , to en , that e'er' , mem Biottnn4 Tolatstbu W nu... 4. . • la , /. that 41.4 who riquini tt aro untantin‘l • and 14" SePORII LIS ballot on the tleol , d Tueels7 Of r nett. Tint following Ootranitam 2:atm:slim:tint has been Pa 1 7100 . 1 , 010. A. 01pt. Pell , lsuitrr, leleatba, K I .w :rtr ft !nro; the lOOlO. ME W 6 to ALLEIpZIIIr Malan. - *A meeting of the friends of Johnston an d Strohm in to he held in Allegheny, at the or. kit Roane, at 7 o'clock this evening, Sutural speakers, we believe, mule:peeled hut one,. We cad Minch for, will be there, if his he r alth'peN abij will make en aligned stirring addrita, Chet Tian lions,. e, fellow-townsman and tiniverial fatoritc: Soule,. Whigs of Alit , gheny, let ns have an old fashioned, rousing 'lreting in that oldllibraltsr of IT himmry. We ask the workingmen especlallyto curer, for Mr. Howe' delights ta.addreas the Laboring classes Whigs, come for your principles, your 'caw,- and year 'candidates, and tot us pledge ourselves to each ether, to do our whole duly on the day of the eleition. Emma IN Reactions. On filaraly night, the Whigs of Manchester bare a ,grand rahy.. Mr. ttoWe will he theie, asaclontitless othotrepeakera. Let there he a good butt . out, GREAT - WHIG. MILTING. The Old Courtilhitsh . 7was densely filled last est:Ding, to hear some of oar Whig speakers on the ge6it isanes of the pending election, Itoht. V. Riddle, Esq., in the Choir. The first • apeaker was lion. Taos. M. Ilowe Ile sptikUfor one hour and a half, principally on tit'ii ., nbiet.t..ortile tarill soil iiithotrgo he way hoarse and debilitated of his long most ariltious campaign, basing spoken in netuli ityt.a 5 }strict in e county, yet he kept' the latii-:iintliedee enchained by the strength, iticidoessiiiil power of LIS argument, which was unanswerable_ We should: be glad to lay this speech before our readers did time and apace per toit, before the election. We feel. assured it Inuit: hove carried conviction to every person vDc ekra it. Capt.' Boor. Peaves . nect made a few remarks, .; and announced his intention to speak - :more at length in Allegheny this evening, where be said be should pay, his resplects to James Buchanan. • •• 1- .. - ..IPS respells were well, received by the audience. The next speaker was Tims. J. BIOHAM. Esq sylio slwelt with great force on state matters, and the political character of Wm..Bigler, and wound n.P'with nn eloquent appeal to the people to ist thud the, polls and vote the Whig ticket. Looms,' F.sq., closed the speaking for the eiening, .and the meeting adjourned with three cheers for Wm F. Johnston, and nine rheers for Gen. Scott A band of music was present, : aud enlivened the proceedings;by. play . .. iog n . number, of patriotic airs. The whole demonstration woo s very gratifying and thews that the Whig fires_ are burning • : • Chi .E.;litors;of the fattaburgh Gazette: Ginneurs,-The "Journal" of .this morning - contains an editorial article, charging me, in • emmcction with two other gentlemen, with "op losing-the' election of Walter Forward to the Preeideut. Judgeithip . of the District - Court of Allegheny County." . This charge, so far si I em concerned; is ;A -1..— terly false, and Mr. %Me most have known it-whet he penned the article. It is well known tiniti wag prostrated on a sick bed about the List week of, Atignst, to which I was confined until sometime in September—that ass soon as • • .1 was able to be taken - out of theuityj was conveyed to the house of a friend in , Westraore. , land eoculty--,and that I did not return to, this city: ntits few.daja ago. I am only able now to ridpko*y!effice and remain a short time, net being ri#:irottigiutly recovered to transact any • tismera; - ft :11.., - ...;i4ifi:Tijddie'Crehivairy.and manliness will thus ...r.` ..fprettuopparant,' in seizing a private citizen,' :L4l..jiiittingdolis family and , friends from the Solc.titkhn gruel!, and drugging him thus M. Hairrros. . Me; Haurvos for giving us the op ' Pertunity, of contradicting the malicious and unjustifiable—we do not say ungenerous, ohs generosity was not to be expected from that iquarter=attack made upon him in the columns 'of tin. Journal, yesterday. Iv more vindictive, ill-timed, and.reprebensible assault was scarcely ever made on, a private individual, and . it -has . received the reprehension of almost the entire comm Unity. We ore oh terms of intimate intercourse with Mr. Hampton, and we knew before we saw his - denial of the Journal's statement, that itwu klr. Hampton is an good a Whig - no — everlived. He has been as true to the Whig party as the needle to the pole, sad ha; been a .i. mark fo r the most virulent asaatilts of the ene -my, betsusenf: his untiring devotion bathe Whig • canoe, and Whig measures. None but tt knave would infer that because a man had beezi defeat ed iman amiable content for nomination; be . . therefore oppose the successful candidate; Fixaf t stliatgroutuf had "the Journal other than .":„.. 1 . , -,;o*fuOirt'fatie charge and vindictive assault? • 4: - .t * ,VM'tnifneatig'Was from home, from the time of ~ Cpttentlistioatia the exception of a few days,' • ttdpil.bn Rua .seretelieti upon a bed of eickerts; .sy„, eh be is only now slimly renovating, ogportnpity of engaging - active • 44,1fintltoegutust emir waging, es he expressed 4:5',;;;,.7.1,151411int0e5ep5d0 ho:dhe Whig Committee that t.„4,t;', - 3ve4Nscdt , get g!rteltly" willfhg to gnarantee • I„ , ; ;,2ll.r2iflatoitteMli'yetrfer Mr.... ;'`a FOrwardnd for' dan p- tictet;.bt it would be very - dangerous for any one'to imssinittimati areePon— . • sibility for theeditor of the hetrnai, • . urge oar Whig,friends to pay no atiention • 'fa dill. fife-brand theown, into their raidat - at • ~ boar in the catoptiiist, by the edir of Jetittlal.'q„,ly hal 'originated, as iv plainly clinced 'theictitat' rticl fromal • 5 , Perm .t.wis..'etmaltge,tuld has DO other foundat ion, Mr. FlatUPtop's Mends are as . . true as any friends Mr: Forward • has, and will give him as warm a 'support They would sconvto visit upon that .• venerable and most estimable gentleman, who . absent ; the sins Oft his 'preteUdedltiends, who, if his personal poptilarily was not 'very greatoroold have injured him irreparably long . , Goitrous -News most Cstiroasts:--* letter receive& by a gentleman of this 'city from Cal. ifornin;itsteis that Mr. Resittno;thelyh didate feat Governor has defeated Digger; .the Democratic candidata by upWards of v.iliareq . .rtlOtnlfilliy: and this is but a eircUmstatusei tolbe way the ether Bigke trill be bea!eu in Penney', 31ernsti is Btanutauin.—There was a -gin-. none Whig meeting in Birmingham on .Tfitirw. day night. in was a large and animated, meet: ing, and hog= well for the Whig ticket. - The s emesters were Messrs. - Howe, Appleton, TaM, 31orlier s end Hartz. Mr. Howe addressed Min eel Particularly to laboring men, on the teiriff miestion,awithe interest manifested by the large number of , that' present, ahowe . that he un derstands thei r 'rights, and comes home to their fee Tinge s :Wee. look fora good report from Bir. =lngham.' Bat:Loon Asieseizon.—Mr. Thurston made a beautiful aSeepsiim from Cltrreland on Monday afternoon..: Be rose to the height of about a - mile; and blinded 4 miles'eist of ths city. A n intihense.-utultitude witnessed the noeel spec tull.' :'-:.-.• . , '.- ': F. BrAvms,tormerlq of Mil State, iiiis-beeyx:Forobiated ao.a walla* lot Aulge of the Conti ' o! ounnoct Piece by the Whigs of the of the eouetys 41r, Peitege; weltOche; *ay he'eleete4!though it is =thee. ii',lool'ol4ll4*_eleet2it Whig.io. • ~ '~ _. EEO MEM iz-', ,-.. Catam, .orola ; • Tan. Stara lermsylvania:bi a efSve year in thn former is equal to 'a decsde in the lattei'Cslifornis had for • short tide a Oedy; .- all.deronring.demooracim"hat like every. thing ehh in that ../ast" Shier , . Its . naiecir was short. Pennsylvania has had • A.desseolesciol4,lhe same kind for s lopg time; tori.beingia : Mate, when itgent into a bad o°l'ldß:tilt takis it great while to get out. In Ciiit i ma th e Lo.. iofooos broke down on one Bigler; InTenniyl - the same party are hreiiklng dawn over 4:tether Bigler. These Loiefeene v errary where seek out weak =alit popular Manner*, deatitute of firmness, and of pliable . principles, to mile gee - enters and otheFehief olliesre--nuoh men as Win. Bigler and Seth Closereo that they can timing° theta easily, and IMO their wing, rob swindle at will. They did snits California-,they have long preelletal upon 10u 'Pennsylvania. The game Is up„ hoverer, In 4 both States. The ha*ltildealloit of Johnston has ;theme the Penn. Ile titigians the adtivitage et having an ahle man. aria whom kee.Vve Ma tricksters dare not ap proach, and the discovery is lgst gritting an end to Lecotneoletu The followleg lively artield from the L Trituttir Is iirpms,s ett, th 6 oecnalon: When the State of California was sargaitiied, the self•etylod .Demeereer took her into their Own heads almost as a mutter of course. They elueos their own Uotemor and Lieutenant, Mein hers of Congress; Legislature aid U. S. Sen ators, idled all Judicial and Executive stations from their own set, and seemed to Oct no if they hod a vitgantee deed of polier for all fu ture time. That confidence has probably proved their ruin. There were among thbm amoral old eta. germ from Tammany Hall, as well as from Ohio, Missouri and other States: They hod come to California to make money fast, and they had opened a particularly rich plover iu 'the Govern merit So each for himseld appears to hove de termined to •ipo it while he was young,' and make hay while the eon NhOtle; theraffixed a magni ficent salary to every needful office r and being still insatiate, the invented new places on pur pose to make provisions for the faithful who stood out with watery Mouths after the q first lot bad been filled. In ehdrt they weal straight ahead for No. 1, with a particularly resolute die. regard of ,erperuse. There is in any operatifin of this sort a peilono tenilercy to overdoing. The machine breaks down from being overloaded. So it was in Cali fornia. The -lucky holdera, of the 'Hemet-retie' conjuring wand used It right and left till its pa tens* was overtaxed. lu. serving-up the State, they cut their own slices, rather too fat. The result, though not fully ascertained, is pretty well understood. !The Whig Governor is cer tainly elected ; as, is probably the whole Whig State Ticket; , so is one certainly, so are probably both the Whig candidates for Congress; andif the WhigsAave not the Legislature and the United States Senator; they lose them solely I by the running of 'lndependent' or half-and-half tickets in San Francisco, Sacramento And a few ether counties. The legislature might bare been Whig, and doubtless mould have been but for un fortunate divisions among the Whigs of the cen tral counties.. The moral of this result, is one which all par ties should take to heart. 'Democracy" has collapsed in Caifornia, not beeatine the people ore not Demooratic,klut because they ore en.— They refus to be swindlod and made bankrupt for the benefit of the leaders and managers who jumped on the Democratic hobby and rode it to. destruction. They mean to' be More eeonomically and honestly go erred henceforth, even though that resolve shohld expose them to be stigma tised 'as "Federal," or by some other equally horrible ;applkpation.. There is a great deal of commonsense over in that same California, and whoever expects 40 clap 'groan spectacle. upon her end make her eat shavings for grass will pretty certainly fall abort of his calculations. The omnipotence of 'regular nominations' is there nearly ended. Trtsancerix[ t ri Ratrioga. oeitt excitement exists in Washington coney, In relation to . a county subscription to the stock of the Ilempfield Railroad Company. A large meeting lately held in Venice., in that county, appointed a committee to .address the voters on ibex subject From that address we take the following extracts : We would, however, mention, in ptheing, that. the taintated cost is about 2i millions, and from what we know of the route and from the history of other roads and improvements, we have rea son to believe it will greatly exceed that estim 'ate. Of this omounf scarcely $400,000 have yet been subscribed, and some of this upon con dition that the road will run 'a certain ronte. And the company have now come to.ui and ask us to take $2.00,000 stock, in order to give them sufficient ciedit and sufficient stock to begin the work. it If they had already rained by voluntary eub ecription the principal part of the stock, and that asked (or aid from the county to finish the work, there would have been more plausibility in their request, and lees danger in complying with it. Bat If the county lends her aid to commence the work, and Sufficient stock cannot be procured by voluntary 'subscription to cord. plate it, the-county may be compelled to take stock again and again, to ani-h the road, or otherwise lose what they -Bare already invested; and no one can predict when the end may be. We might also question the propriety of Wash ington County, aiding toVarty out a project, which' we believe originated in Wheeling,, and was desighnd to draw off' trade and travel from Bittebnrgh, and concentratelhem in Wheeling, and which must, if it encored 'at all injure our own city of Pittsburgh. This city has been and still must be the great commercial mart for Western Pennsylvania, and contiguous portions of adjoining 'States. It al ready constitutes an important and Vapidly in creasing home market, for this section of coun try. It has also, by means of Canals and roll roads, either completed or in process of construe lion, ready and rapid communication with the East, and thus furnishes 'a ready access tothe Eastern niarke-,- , ought we at ti orefope to foster and encourage Pittsburgh rarer than to Contribute our capital end influence tootvt:rt the trade and travel from Pittsburgh and concentrate it in a city which le situated in a another State and which aspires to be e rival, of Pittsburgh: . It is oleo doubted by many tummies men, familiar with ouch s'objects, w hethep the mad, if complited,would be a paying road; upon this subjectwe (Cannot go into detail, hut many of the facts me familiarto most of you. Tho Baltimore and Ohio It. It. will come into direct Competition, with it on the. South. There is already on the north a cheap and ready means of travel and transportation to New York, by means of railroads end the Lakes. Boma of the other roads also upon which , the company rely to make the Irempfield profitable are at least dortbtftd, some are only in contemplation and may not be made and others may pursue 'a different route and have a different terminus from those now claimed for them,l It ie even doubt ful whether the Central Ohio It. .13. itself will terminate at Grave Creek and connect immedi ately with the Baltimore and . Ohlo B. R. at that place. These facts and others which time fails de to mention, throw a doubt at least over the, profits of the investment, regarded merely as a question of expediency; and ehould the road fall to pay Well on the investment, the. Cottnti, of course, most suffer, and pay the perialtyfor its rashness by direct taxation. , , . I,"reply" to the above address hoe been pub lished, by a committee of citimus In favor of the subscription. We take the following. extent, . . which more especially , 'replies to the above ar guments Following the Venice Committee, we will atomic of the " estimated cost. The •gentleman who gave us their guess that the cost will great ly millions are not, themeeixen..Engi neers—they have not, so far as we know, ever passed over either of the contemplated reales, end it they had ; we have yet to learn Mat they pouess the practical capability of Making an estimate. Upon whet, then, is Greif, wise con clusion, vague as It Is, based! ",. On the other hand different cope - of Engineers have been over the route; and the estimate of such men as Jonathan Knight alai Charles Ellett, men professionally devoted to' the subject, have estimated the coot at not over $25,000 permile. The route has been accurately measured, and will not exceed 78 miles. In estimating this road ,tit $2,000,000, these gentlemen have not "endangered their 'reputation as. Eagineers, al though the opponents should gores it up to any extravagant amount, Well might the committee say thatthey did not go into details. This committee seem to know, also, shoot ae Much of the amount subscribed is of the route and cost. We assure the pubtio that there is al ready subscribed land assured tjl3 the company $564,0 1 24 and sebscriptionssre mill being made; eo touch for that fact. AB tO,the wise predictions that the road will not goon to completion, that the Country wilt be asked again and again to take etock, or lose what is already subsoribed, we know such nig gestione are coolly made, and also that croakers ate ever to be found ready to throw cold water on any end every public, improvement which co da a- dollar, and does not immediately bring grist to thatr indisidnil mill. • . _}years still lees incillied to engage in a diem eiiin of the . - foolish and bitter Aviary betwu. pietehoogh od Wheeling. or toidra ourselves Tar get to it. "We go for the interests of Washing ton Camay, of our Beate, and the whole wan FRI CALIFORNIA. FENNER. 14-ta bet*fieeted ;14 chili:road, and learathe ltirat-'eideate fight their own battles, : with one remark only, that Pittsburgh had batter tarn het, energies and enterprise .to septum her fen" portion odour trade, while she may. We shall certainly never. oppose a rail road from Wash ington to her doors. kiL GLIDDOII . S Lectuaas.—This gentleman deliVered his second lecture on Thuitulay e'ven lag, to a large and intelligent audience, who listened with intense Interest to the astonishing revelations which hare, within a few years, been made to tho 'mild by means of atcheological science, which has unlocked the rich stores, of knowledge which for more than twenty centuries have laitthid wider heaps of rubliihh and crum bling ruins, and the still more occult cuneiform charactors with which almost every brick and .every' marble block or slab which compose the gigantic ruins of Blanch, Babylon, Persepolis, and other ancient cities, were impressed or in scribed. The account of the progress by which the ability to' read-these mystic characters was attained, was exceedingly interesting. Ile has a great Manlier of splendid plate; and drawings illustrative of his subjects, which enable the an aerie° to comprehend him clearly: This evening he delivers his third and, most in teresting lecture, in which the recent discoviries of Botta and Layard, at Nineveh and BahYlon will be shown, tho inscriptions upon which will be compared with the cotemporaneous records of the sacred writers, of which they are said to be Wonderfully corroborative. . Such opportunities of acquiring rich stores of knowledge,. and of , gratifying an Inquiring mind, rarely occur. OUR Nuns= TO BitAZIL. We are glad to hear of the safe arrival at Hie Jaaciro of the How-Robert C. Schenck, It(Mister of the United States to the Empire of Brasil; and to plate, before our readers the address of Mr. Shencli: to the Emperor on Lis presentation to him, with a translation of the reply of the Emeiteoat E21!1==:Ell! Having been teppointed to represent the Gov ernment of the United States at Brazil, na En voy Extraordinary, and Minister plenipotentia ry, I have come to reside near your Imperial Majenty in that capacity. It is a mlnson not only honorable for the dis tinction which it confers, but, I beg leave to say, most agreeable altto to my personal feelings, be- CAW., 1 trust, its duties will be ever and only those of peace and friendship. The present friendly and good correspondence BO happily *slating between the two countries, in all their, relations with each other, is a cease of felicita tion both to Me people and to the Government of the United Stales; and 1 1101 especially charg ed to omit no just and proper opportunity for prenerving, advancing, and etretigthening this enlightenetiand liberal mutual good understand ing. I sincerely hope that I may be able to render myself acceptable to your hlajesty per sonally, and to your Elejeety's eubjects, while I shall endeavor faithfully to comply with this in junction. Permit me, with this assurance, to deliver now the Letter of Credence I bring, from the President of the United States; accompanying it, as I biartily do, with. the expression of every wish for the continued health, happiness, and prosperity of your Majesty and teall of your imperial family. AtliAT or THE CMPEROII,—[TiI&6IATION.I I thank my great and good friend the Presi dent of the United StaMi very much for thin new proof of his frendship ; and I confidently trust, Mr. Minister, that you will ever continue the re presentative of the good and sincere understand ing which happily presides over the relations of our two . countries. Mr. Schema's presentation took place on the 9th of August, at a public audience at the pal ace of Boa Vista, and wan attended with all the forms and ceremonies usual on the reception of an Envoy Extraordinary and ➢sinister Plenipo. tentiary. Mr. S. was accompanied on the oc casion by the Secretary of Legation and the United States Consul. Mr. Tod'had his audience of leave on the same day.— Nut Ate INDIAN Tnoonea is OREnON.—Dr. Dart the firtperintendent of Indian Affairs in Oregon, has, as we learn from late papers received from that country, conelnded -Treaties of purchase with ten tribes of Indians about the mouth of the Columbia river, by which the title of the natives to about three million acres of laud has been extinguished for the sum of '671,°00, payable in ten annual instalments of money, flour, grocer ies, clothing ; &o. The land thus acquired' ex tends over a hundred miles on the Pacific coast, and some sixty miles up the Colombia river. A small reservation was made by the Clatsops Point Adams, containing come four or five square miles. The Kathlemet band reserved two small islands in the Columbia river, called Kethlamet and Woody: • Dr. Dart was assisted in melting these trea ties by Aleurs. Bpaulding and Perish, Agents, and the peCty were making arrangements of our latest dates (August 19th) to visit Port Oxford, for the'purpoev of treating for land in that viol alty.—Not. Intelligencer. Mose or 11111 '•l'eatc. " --The Pennsylvaniari of the Gth num •'lf Johnston iB elected. theiwhole South will regard his triumph as a declaration of war upon hor institutions by the most conservative and constitutional State of the North. If he is elected, the Abolitionists will feel that their course is counselling resietance to the National Law has been approved, and that the fioneltution of the United States ie, indeed, no thing but a ropeof sand." Whist good panic makers these Locoroco's are! —They might gall some people with such non sense as we publish above, if the people did not know that this is part of the "fable alarm" which the pocorocos are trying very hard to raise. Poor fellows! All 'their fun is spoiled:— The moving cause of this declamation is reveal sl, the plot is discovered, null this rant is '•flat, Male, and unprofitable."—flor. Amer. ' - "DxMOCIIATIC" GIiATITUDE.—A few year More the life and coal of almost. every gathering of the faithful at Tammany, was a clever young young man by the name of Edward Welsh, Gift led with that peculiar improvisatorial talent which made him an improptu versifier and sing er, Edgar was always on badd with some of his sparkling witticism to dispel the dulness of tho very logical and very stupid speeches of the Ceases and Eamberlings of Ilunkerdom, and many a round of hearty applause told how well his shifts were aimed. No man was more zeal ous, on one more honest, in advancing the inter este of the party, and no one was more smiling ly recognized no oftener asked to "take some thing," by the rotund office-holders who had used his back as one of 'the rounds in the lad der of preferment. But when the great fe ad arrayed ip hostile factiona the forces of Thome uy, Edgar in the simplicity of a honest heart, was mildly puzzled; be knew not where to go, and finally withdrew Into comparative retire ment, and mourned over the destruction. of that invincible. phalinx which woo In the olden time the terror 91..011 sorts of Whiggery. The voice pf the siren was heard no more in tammany, and the mushroom:brawlers of that haunt went gown to the Pewter Meg unwept, unburleshoe and unsung. Sometime last Sommer, Edgar bade adieu to the. scenes of this heartless world, died, And was buried in Potter's field. Not one of the office-hunting crew who used to pat him on the back and call him &Jolly dog and stand treat all round, was at band to soothe the pains of sick nesi or cheer tho departing soul; not one of them inquired for poor Edgar, unless his maud lin mood they wished Ma song to lighten their revels; nos one of stood between his neglected corpse'luad the demoting-room; so he died like, and was buried among, the common run of pau pers. But it memo that The National beroorrat has been visited with some compunctions of •cosacience,or interest, and now, after a free libation of crocodile tears upon the-Potter's-field sod, begs for , a public meeting at the Pewter Mug (amnions place!) of the friends of Edgar who think Mathis bones are deerviog of a better resting-place. Also, poor Welsh! Yob wen not the.only good easy fellow who has been a hewer . oNwood and a drawer of water in the camp of the Philistine 4, only to be turned oat to die in misery when you became no longer "available:" while, the. sleek rogues who went into office upon your perm:mil exertion are riot ing in the liunriesund impudence of polar and Place- P115313/11PPL—The New Orloins Bitlletin ewe that there seems to be some doubt whether the Hon. Jefferson Davis has or has not finally de clined the'nomitudion of the ultras for Gover nor of MissinippL The Bulletin inclines to the opinion that he has declined. Ills letter of ao oeitance is dieted on the 17th, and the Somme,- villa (Ems.) Banner of the 25th says that, up on reconsidering the matter, he had withdrawn Ma aiceptance. We regret to hear that on the 26th, hs hed lain for several trays . et bee resi dence near Vickoburgh, dangerously ill, and this, It is "[opposed, will be a reason for his withdrawal trots the canvass; The Jackson. Mississippian announces. that he has reeigned. his position se United States Senator. The returns of the result of the late election for the State Convention show that the Union men have electedeighty-three members, and:the State Bights party seventeen. Tim Vicksburg Whig says that the beading of the ticket of the Secessionists has been changed from "Petuo credo State 'illghto Ticket" •to "Democratic State Ticket," but this device„ it sap, will not h e lp sheer cause R. H. Buford, who for the MMMM t eight years his represented Lafayette yin the State Legislature, has declined being ' caradidaie, for the same rtaseus that Influen tuel the Withdrawal of General Quitman; and ridge Clayton has withdrawn his name as a .iiidati for She High Coact of Appeals iii 'the 'orthern District, leaving the Hon. E. 8. Fisher the only candidate for that otlice.—Nof. had. CLUVELASID, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI BAIL . OAD COAITANT.-,AL a meeting of the Board of irectors, held ut the office In Cleveland, on aturday, the 4th inst, the following proceedings ere had: The President Mr, kzu.ey, submitted to the Boerd a communestionisetting forth that, in con sequence of his other F engagementi, he will not be able to girl. the neenvevry &tenth - y to the duties of his office, and requesting to be relieved from mid duties, except no far as the same may relate to the foreign eorrespondene and Mmineen of-tho Company. And thereupon, and'upon hts recommendation, the following By I w won adopt ed , to wit: , ''There shall be appointed by .1 a 13ttard an "Acting President' who shall be ve ted with the full powers of Prmldent, and chat *acute the .uties of that office BO far as the a me are to be performed within the Mete; aed u • tit otherwise Herod, the Pettit dent.shall bo reli.red from dl utiee except those relating to the fo ign negotin tons and business of the Comport without thll late, end such;other duties as us , y from time to time be ordered by the Board; and that the other of Vice President be disconti.ued. .41. motion or 114. Ozza, tb procceeded to ballot for an .Actin . ! when it appeared that ❑. B. l'a 'unanimously elected to that offic' llor. all Importation of Haraware,l LOGAN, WILSON No. 129 Wood Stre De.mixe to mil the ztr a rio. , l3lnre o rt FODNION AND DO HARDWARE, CUTLERY . ,:-& c., ISIIVIITED DT ICECENT PACKM.; •nd whirb thPr ntmpzird pie t ... ” off or at Ailth prioe. .1 I ill/ wubrtuleot r.f llANti'S.labrs.4 C. H. AN E. al h.nd. i,F Scer prom the universal suee ss of 11. (3. Farrell', Arabian lanlment In melt= I backs, rheum. alto., tlitteattesl Inible, what, ast.llings, c ntrachsi cord,. Paley. AC., we hay., no tlouht built till rapidly Ise all other rem:mite, on the ,belt, u, there la b. tartlet- dou IA but It to the oresto-t retettlr the world re r knew. It I• aoually t.ffective fur buth maxi anti 'beast. and should 1., all wean, be krpt In riser bon, In town ltd coilvErr :.... sar.qt..m.a. jar It is just What it wanted bore evrr Cheinung Cu. N. T., t Felt lfath. 1517 "J. Kidd d. Jour agent au fi=re I Mal suet opened, and be left but nby aturn of Lane's Venni. fuge.and I find Il la coins off very fast, it thus far It bat 'given Cool catisfaction, and lase p 1,1 to be just what the public wanht.'and we hare gal tt atoms. and I to not truth to tel out. I bare but one dot le7l. IV ben your agent a. here, I think he told rue :me 'place h. sand If I ahuutd went more. but if he ii , I hare ft,rg,t ten Will you bate the surdnece to enter fur cue na dug. en ninre on syretpt of this. PETRII For cat. by .1. KIDD a 1)0., 0,1,L16.6•1rn fin, do Wool H. Petroleum I rtr•ot Mawr Ittataga...llLE CAPP or TOTAL 11ha:therm Coign at l'el‘ntacw.—We Invite the attention of the elliirtcal and the public generally, 14 the nertifletto of Wm. 1101. of this city. The cam may 4a seen lit ant p.rn.n 'who mar be skeptical In relation to the fact, hero eel ~rah. t Lad teen afflicted severs/ yeareveltla • fairetietieof both ey es. •hirti tiontanued to Isere... until September, lobo, the Inflammation at that time haying Involved the whole :ming membrane.of Loth eyes, and endeil:ln the donors. 14 a thick film, which wholly destroyed ml sigh 4 I had snots:anon performed, and lb* thlckeningramoved, whieh hl/12 rrturmal and lull toe In no bad a eondlUritt as before. At this eta.. 11 the nonaplalut I made antilleation to aeve ral of the most •mitient medical meth 04.0 inflamed me that •roy eyetiwonld never get toll.' At Onetime I conk! ~ out dlstinguleh any object. By the Writ I acme friend. I commerh.,l the me of the Petroleum, - 4h Internally and lorally. under a hist thieve. have imp veil dells no ill the present time, and I Lane raarveral "light suttee ly. aly central b,.lth wout ven mn4i lm roved by the lie troleuni, and J attribute the restoration Of toy eight h. Rs cue. I reside at ho lint &maul attest. 111 this city; mall sill bac happy to give any InfortaatiOn to Mauna to. no, cane. - WILLIAM lIALL." eau, WILLIAM MALL." . Far vale by lifoy.r McDowell, 140 Wood street: It. Z. &arra. 6: 11 und etr..., IL A. VaborMock. A 00. comer 1f0..1 and Proof. etrewts: I'. M. Curry, D. A. Elliott. Joseph 1k.a3g1.6,,,AJ Allryb.o,,:plmo I,y O, Pro. pro. tco, A. al. BIER. ...11.1Awrr tEk.,statta littaLuigh. Citizen's Insurance tympany of Pittsburgh 11 1 ~'NCOtIkdllli L 10.511. INSTITUTIONS \u. 41 Wul, .tr.., ha the wan.lcitukt hr.'s - Went A W. Nut,. V.e'y TLf. eatrebAnAlw lu • ri • th * lAiret..ni. mlao aro .11 can...us ul •••111.od farus.tr, thr uJultuuuity Llf Wu VrsJ.i . 4131.411,,0uer, mud Ixt•r•.l). Inmeruu,-.C. U. flurry. Wm. Uagal•y: Wm. Lam., Jr., Walter bry wl Uugh U. lilac EOrarl .1.g.0 Ilq.crth. tl. flarlauaL. S U. Pittsburgh Lite Insurance ompany CAPITAL, $lOO,OOl. 0£170£., NO. 76 FOURTII T or - VIC:EWA axles S. X. rNOFr Se , t+.l.ary—C. A LUtitot ads.rtru..•ol - ISlitnothrt yrt Young Men Take Notice. 4 SERMON, eApecially utittrosstut to young 6) tie :L.L. W. L. HOWARD. T1,03.1.11t...,.. 111 L. rerr.nl .1 .104 mac.. .....tiems Freeport Academy. REV. W tiALBREATII. . . Erioeipal. TIIONIAE E FALL TERM of this Institutwo Wilt the See.othl Mouthy of tioreuther. • lu andel , . to the br•uthre heretofore [Aug qt to UR• rtehh,t, the etudy Of the Prearh Lethmagn •111 t Salmi unt.,l. Ettelith :Rutile, 1 , , L 4.4.141. SIR or • toren of 21 weer.- oel Et( If Catharine Keough "7 I LL call et iNo uy t.;„ 1,07 - t 2:e nri mtreet, she will MUSICAL CONVENTION ! Musical Convention and Teachers' Institute AT .PITTSBUROII Under the Direction of Mr. A. Mama., of Boston. t 31U:ilUALCOSiVENTIONand TEACH- Lab' INETITIitt, on the Pl. gf thOoe Which hare oureeeoful In Boston, Roehester, N. Y. awl other will be hull lu the LAr.incrrx lIALL. title torah. eutuntenrinit on WEDNESDAY.OIIiIIiaII at lo o'clock. A. fi1.0.n.1 continuing 001.0.0 three or 1011 t "TteEzercio.• ember. kaluma town awl 15=1 na Clan Tenctuntl i Yoeal Colton l'hureti Hoek., in Ito different etyle, &rola, kfuell. le. The Inductire System of lnetructlon CH receive as pedal ...low and be as fully illuttrated and etplattual timetime. will pertnit. O th er celebrated ontuects 1.111, :nem time to time, he loth:ducal; arid,. in short, It god be the aim to hare tuck exeretweaa Le matt Intereeting and olieful Taal-hone of 31totinir Schools Laullero and Wm. hers of Chairs, awl indeed to all oh ' . feel an to the general autlort of !Ink, and I ofietially Loth., Mend, of Church Iltnele. . •apaetial that Mr. Moon will have the •Thlalwaao Of othei ricilawat • .. • . Mit , tlin l.1.11:1140U. ander the dliectlon Mes4n. Mason it Webb 4 (the flret astabllthed In the tom, try) held tte tint toweelon he 1131, Lod ronsietell of hee.oo ger4r4n.. It lug elet4ll) Increseed untll,lnll3o, It Luna. 11.444 upwards of 'TIMI.VII ISCADIZI9 0111611.1 Tlrltete to the C404.11[1411 sO4l Instltnte Yitt , butila may be obt•lneal the Boetk and Mamie Store of Jobe H. N •• bi••••letiert. 82, eihnlttlog • 1•4• IT a ton 4 tlrslVl , • • Cleruppeen er• Invited to attend free or, orpenre. .4 hit H. D. King QAKKER AND-EXCH A NGE BROKER, hdra COIN al the higher/ market ram estrro flank rives bmeghtend 440141. • Itsehsoge on the lad and West bought and 0014. 81...d0• bought and sold OD COMIDINIOU. , uctl O:&P.s.s TA)SHARES OHIO AND PENNSYLVA NIA lIA [LIMA!, STOCK for sals $38.50. A. WILKINS co., • Stock and Exchange Brokers. ne n rorner of Market and Third Pt vv. ILK SATIN BONNETS—We have re. k... 7 raised and wilt exhibit Mr dos. sot And s e t. In Bonnets. toelll A A. MASON 4 CY I. n ROCIIE SHAWLS—Just reo'd. 2 cases . 13 superior Broths Shawls A. A. MASON 11X/... LALNES—Now opening, 10 eases rich "Fog." Ir''''''"""b T..7MASON *CO. igILK WARP PA RAMATTAS - -Justree'd kJ al A. A. MASON A CO.'S, 02 and Al Market et Dell LAID DE LAINES-1 easels new style Y now opening at A. A. MASON R CO'S. t Private Residence for Sale. TILE subscriber offers for solo his 2, 'COUNTRY SEAT. situated on the Allegheny PI raw, about four mills. from the city of Pittsburgh, containing hum NINE to TEN ACII.OI Of ground. under a high Mate of culUration. It [Loomis with librUbberf. Ornamental Mal Fruit Tree., of almast ten deseriphon. Payment/ oulkla emy. Ennuin, of VILINCIS O. BAILEY, at the sterebottee of Ideema. It. DALZELL A (N)., No. street. setirls• SALE-A first rate FAMILi 1. wan, •Idch rut Or moo al JACKMAN' s ivarr noble, Immo rtrret. tiel Executors' Notice. • OTICE is hereby given that the under nlened are the legally constanted Executors or the and testament of Henry Hutt, late of upper til t:lair township, deed. Therefore. all pawns_ twine claims against his estate are hereby requeeted to present thrtotbr settLement. and those being Indebted thereto are requirwl to make Immediate payment to tar Ol the eubscrlbere. .iV alf' ANY uell:euts,S MeCULLY. ElectiOn. z• A N ELECTION for President and Five ne r a=c! h ell T l'a2, 4 ,7ttr, d , N t i re,7`„,,, P At TPOlber nett, at the hunk of .6llttgl.figlik,w Liu, / street. Pittsburgh. between the boys. of ll and o'clock. ocilwr3PT N. OttOWM, pc*, Young Men's Mercantile Library Imam. tion, and BS eduulice Institute. GLIDDON will deliver hieLhird and I f I lad Lecture on DIIIIIII.ON. NINEVIMI, and Pelt p, • (emantletek the latest Ilibilcal doewertis among the andent monnmente of Awns, Chats... ge.. euplow! y Illtudrated,kOn ewtuclay evening, umb e r Jim, al the (My Lectors boom earner of Prowl sad Fourth ...Ws. canc. on woad.' lecture to *bantam:. ae4M, Wlock. P. M. Tertaw—eitiscue alCdectlaaace. cwt.—Tickets to be bad at Um grind book Corn and begets. Newberg chgle clothwton, ante—obtainable at Ulmer/ Foams. or of twanntaets on for pertlndwbece small bille.. - - ~FINEA:'BUQdB9 do assOrtment of 12.'4,14 CM815441. Pulverized oMI Loaf 4mrart, from It. Louis Btemo Ikea+ Relfr , ale orry, for ot nr.luccal' 41. t"S JANIS 4. HITICHISoN &ca , MIEMIR TREE LECTURE if IN the SCiencti of Mental Electricity, at IVJ Pllll.O (EAU. 07 De. EKELEIi. on Tucalay nerve lug.Odobn Mb. at 7ie clock. Public Leanne , each Went tor La Llailts, at saw! hour. Admittance niter Lir Left nlarlit—gentlemen 15 era, ladies 10 Orli.. Ile will 0,0 Aglt®ar c [ha above 11aL, on Moods'. Lie lath i 1 1. .. at 2% olelca, P. 51. 14 i:nollona each day for If Jaya for . the cure of Deafini r, M th lli , ndneni, Rbeumannee. Lala ) • lap& Uteri, Leo e; In abort, an dieenine may be eared or 'relieved kr system , hatellleently aePlii•L if eca ,—L n ,11,1 Oren as cLarge. Poor created free. Commit-anon from 1/ to 12. • • Urami Farewell Mnaical Tour in America. MADADiE ANNA BISHOP, leaving the friendly abnn,.... of this grest country cad, .r et P h i : sra ro ntra 1 1 1 :nIn t which ,hr Inn Lrcq rnewl•rsd tO Laura kindjus and [nunlike., taking buder -way. tnany ;I•rfol wherr she has not yet. the Lemur to ain't Males ie., ye announce that si. will ogler Intl. [austral amateurs and ite• r eubl_ . tr . of sari. 77f(Pitt;:t.f227:r. dy fn ten n v n a l /11 1 y " re: ' ," . .:torn!...ro bap In. the *Marlton.. 6f tvtit,olll' u ttrlol,l. and or franged on the' plan et 1L. , .' varied and tie• orme witn-1‘ shi hay relulerryl ws succretotful The following linen( awl will la ..bend to as much 3. ej,...,,dannes will lairusiL—Ne warn. I . l.ll.elphia.llarris. burg. imtUOlnlY, lhatsyle•rlatel. Itittebtargh, Lev limy. Cite elunati. tosington. Day ton. Mad haat. LOU lAtil N”lisilln. St. lands, Mem phL.,Nickabuelt, Na.bea. hut , tkr Mo Colarablu, Monition., M..... Sassnnah. Charles-. non. Augusts, Colunibia, /sr ,111111 Nes. loth. MADAM!: ANNA3IIIIIOP still be aeel4lol by her TA/. CO}W.IN under the d Ilwilen 1.0 Mr. Ittalls.t. :tole Manager and Ldrortor. (wfXe i lk Vt. ' irtre'tfrw.""or:lrslVLl uncut u t t a utuounned. oellktf Good Chance for a Gardener. THE undersigned will give a Inuit Cavort, I ie Leann of same TEN ACltrnl of ground In Itewirk • le, 'Bottom. for a Nursery nr Garden.d will arl.t 'io maktux Uhl {14,1•7.40 Impruvementa. The loud ie of tbe quality. and t itle location la au excellent one, 'ging very convenient tlll,. river landing and railroad &out. and °air 12 miles rom the rift . .1 IT. 4. lIITE. 4.l.orant g— 1 I prime Carolina, help by 111 oetu JANIFUt A. 111 , TCHISoN s t..i L EAD -5511 pigs Galena; soot pound. Bee, Illcht bara;) For wale hr .10 JAMES A. LIUTCHIyON A. MOL4SSIES - t2.0 bhis. pritue Ft. Lou isttelio,r,' fur sale e t lola' I JAMES A. iiirronisoN *cu. E •, hales Kentuek , v and l! IP nl —b11 tetinh for sale L. g .y told 1 JAME , : A. HUTCHISON Ac Co. • ILARIFIEb SYROP-15 lads. fur ;ale by ,ado JAMES A. HOTCHISoN A Co. Rl~,g ACKEREL-50) hbh. Lar i pi No. 3, Ma,— IT eslitteette!inspection. tail, for sale by. oclo JAMES A. HUTCHISON it CO UCILIVLIEAT FLOlllt—A.superier arti .dr of fresh ballot Buckwheat Flout. yin? nr . .l at Nu.. 206 Libestr el MAI. A. McMinn/ a CU • nein iirt....r,and Tea looter,. - iostiEN AND W. It. CIIEESE—Can- ILI neatly on Land and lar sal. by ' •••%$ NI A. MeCl.l , ll.ii Y. AN . D GOLDEN SYRUP—AI-ray, Llon handiand for sale by ta.lo '\T fit • •• MeCLUItt: A to - - -. • New Music, riMIE GIPSY'S SONG, or My G.,lisotlh4; 1 1. sung wikh taaturour applause by Jena, Lind; al . her marten lot:lW.lttaborgh The Mooe i Catania very pathetie wog. • 11, snags)) - , on as ranch) Catharine Hai Amerir a sae .'afalan bra e : man Or Callum.. nay.. The Enexi,te.l The nignal March: margwed by II Klein, The Bagwell:kb,. Quadrilles, Alamo—A Friel:Con Of meat pooillar sinilih music. foreign and Arognran wL H. tILEBFII , nil Third Sian of the Onldnu Harr. ' Stereotyping.' T"E,ubsriber is prepared to ELECTRO. rkittOr,V et: Pula, Ne..agoer Head.. .al r.hort nobles and Yogi mod • rni, The duraholtr el thb rapper start.. p• weilutatord by gm! loot,. luis g' . v"...t 4 na thaw trku tortal. Thu subacriber fors for the prfti.t to furnish Elgatontere4tYPe• in Moat ,ant at the nyttgnars pares of stns made by Ihe method. Person, wanting Una Itlad of work than. " r, IF LAK Y.. New Marbl e and Freeport Stone W orks. p induN,V ILK INS, in addition te his ,vtiosiojettliblhtu,nt ... Libe rt y ; elsert. bent of 'I c.d. Las ed a I.rsueh Eagn. Itarble adianent to t bef.{l4 ee 1•L•r, gal, whet, I, was me..., -ery variety al 11 rbia and Frpost Stua..,Vn Nom imen,. Vaults. Tomb , tuner. Mantel, Sr. 51•r1,1,, Curbing and Vowing fun .2.onotgrt Luta. ike;., oi kr , •••••4,4 !,•11/r • rem durable mkteriaL Beim hwat....lra.coaa.ment to the recast., ti prepared t execute ordere•ith pnuoid "ado. sod an lbe buten terrus.—.sad buo... fur acoati..- .Ls-a of the nations, berebofore so liberal!, ....sated ocn Board then Pro id en t, NO. EMI. Inte Ctleland ICutlery, Ba. ~. co., slid btbnn to say all who the falbulne Caution. FAIHE PUIiLIC ARE CAUTIONED ugainM recylaltug Mt. rawu Prablea ayo . tu.tue ord., tt airlktattlelt. 41644 §...pieruber 13. 1 , ..1....ttniab1e 1.411 . moults Witt dato, for ...Rt.{ hutatlrml dollars, (VIM, at. t'aluirtly of falai out, bat bet. stop,' .0.13 w 4.; uN •-•tt raalt.7tVittler etratunl bale Oat. tt• ^ •• blepttant tblal Itattetl What, oat. 3 " brown Taut., 1)11, rtwo3gr,-. ttu hI. cLexta Y II 10 610 • /0 I .4 P. lb Itoatrbetnat Tea IT and t b. boa., ultra nue, for ttually bared cluttro 15 Ur Itte, Co htla.prauthui S u gar. • It " prat lauding an I for sato Ity • 111.•Ciii3U RN • It ti11 •14 1 A s o UN , ItII .I I , Li k E.l) la 4 . . to any Sharlat; Vreaua Ito Itutttul utalet or Eurultu.. - Tl.l4tlrltuhlltal ttraparatiou la utst,allbut ).,r runty a mu) ruitarsami . tamatb ratut..tplast uatalamd• tlro.r .15...t.L.gbkir.msu, sal al,. +Malay runty...wt.. it (Sr outran...oa [Yin SO by the eruolla-ut tutotr mo•tal..urr .4 IV hattua. •reb tut oaten. the tut in nanult•r.l.ur. Y' o 4 Pkt..1.. 1 (DI ...art It pampa... tzOit a•Sr.t.strrt. tuatatrtatt ar.tele..m tu.ivat tra•ahly i.rvixarust tn. lb , In-t material, • 1121 410 t rta.l al.) mkt. tto • but at... .1.-toutt t artu•lt• for olatarlm t•rotatuut, u1'.11.14 attar'. durbut th e 1..1 ts.qyr..)..at aut! (tut aetet,l, , tt...41 am! allarty tunittlo. awirdeJ it, at, rvnOlr altt,tt 410. bigb....tintatiltu in la Itt..b It n th.turuttaustat Fur .a.lu arlsolu.alo and rutattl vu It 1.. nlibbltltu. Si td. Far Sale or Exchange, BOUT , IsiNE lIUNI)ILED ACRES OF D '"' T""'" .ituated ltueratral It'arttl together by lair or barter for property In Mr • • ~ . . f . . , , • • • . • : . , . , \ . , \ \ \, \ ~. ~, • . \ ' \ \ . . 4 . . • - , • •, • .Ig. `: . \--', —: —\•... - 5 ,, , \ - ---,.--.-• '-'7- , ,,-; : \ . c \ -':! ° , 7 %... :,. , .7 - : 72:77:: , :: -.- .:::‘,..cyt....- . .-- - .'- , -.1 \-,:::- 7 • .7.1.:-\ - - \. .'7..7, - .. - : '. -- t• s r . " .\' ' .'-' ',,\ -I, . -.7 ,- -.\- :,-,,, ..,,‘,, " Cp . • . ' •'' s '' \ , , \ • •\ . . \ \ ‘.• . . , \\ ~ . \ - \ . \ •\‘. . , • ~ 7 : .\ \. ' , X, ' ' \ ; •,, '. \ -'''`" •r ': _.' ',' .t"''.; • ‘\ - ' \ t t . ' \\ --- 7" --- . - ‘ ''',‘ ~ V , arking aid Inki ‘,.,‘ 1 011IIVIERCIAL .- ...,;. \.,ANJ SEMEN•i`.. . ~, . Eci -MA Tvil IA ss - _=, , - --- - - - - -,,, - - - ,- -- ----, 7 ----- -- - - - =---- --- e •L* -- \ --- Po oloryi e f ores ..--Adrrritsatsandsubrertptiorm - ,\, \ 11:1;= Vitia=7: l 4 tre n tblet* A =l mull:T..l{lW 0. 00 " fr••• ON , A.';4TA'rol'E s AN - N PINSTOLOGY, ' trrvtruit.ttrartiorth IN, ,o 4 on, : 'F \ , N.., ‘witiftt to lb. joritetruttorto ‘btalth t and \ttlbyttotat --t-•.' , -- • ‘ ‘ ' l --,_'._ .-4 , _ ---- -- _ \___ ...--_--,==: = .ha. imet mo taxproribent—'l.tbi litrbrobw Oar vkantttur sale by \ \ ‘ cos,oH\ . ~ tiottniot Pittabarctiar; trilbittbiiverk, it IY/L. \ wm.\ A. SleCLUftti it 01 A. ' K i '' ''' ' " %I initrunfi t al.24l: 4 \ t =ll " usbrattui col,,bli : best quality, .Neciri i .isieitxit sett „ ~ % , , , • ueui• eet,earituage4,oTeej u e t u.,.. t „, , \ , \ \ sunnier mom. , o .,°` l °'''''' ',.',,,,, s i ., : i tl„,,, W 7A%"eiViiViL„yt...7"-; eiteili= `" • \ asks 'Are Itr ,, . sale by ‘, 41 r =- I .t i • '''••• ..•' gi. ,7, , ,.,- ., - , 707.,....., 4,,A,....12,,.,,,...b .y.tma, , _,_ ' tttit- ,0 \ -\ ; \ J. tttqlk(lON AKER / OJ. \ ~ 4 . , ' , 4 ,', E ''' ,7 " •,.• •6 ' . • •• .-t;c- ---- \ t. U• or titilel.ox . \ --- - Ybkittielb priers \ .. ' \ '''' ' C . , IH ISZ M 'PE •R • , C.° ,_ tl F t.tricort, trim All, bbn ..,...5 %.• ti,t. utul LARGEST PAINT NCI IN Tileli 7. , ‘,' , eaSkft bIRUeII [A, winter, v ' Ottri \ trat.lu bb l. I.i , s it 1,9 = 30 bb\t s *trits 111 ,1 open or4TRIS EVIE:VINO, Sept. . ` Pt.tllol.l,Nat.t RR t. it b , 't, \ + . 0., _ . o, o \ , tb. . thtt Adteru. "burlt , I'Qu - tiAttINNIY h.'s, iex , .of, Imx.r-- —tt .t. , I.Ntit• ti ttill b eLl i ttelLAl PAtt9rutts.‘ I' t bESt sod • e t, extra 'O re. e h , ese; 4 ,eie \ We s st,motreoes t .nuturat for millimb at Ott \ I .ittßk , 4'o 9t' E .. 1 4 T . • ..'"', A.. '" F-41, 4 . . 4 4 14, 1 ' - b 0., ~,,, ttraU I. tut brat Rut surottr. rm. u uut e .. t. . .... iiiiiiiili Matchless Blacking and Ink, /NH. CELEBRATE V •• MAP(tot SS I BLACE NO"—..rmoted, rupeput to utr,roll.,fterni fa th. pubLl...eal to stuitki: re4hmate. If alkutadvAxl hi 11()WRINNoN CO, AArr vreet. rarer North St. Phils4elpl.... • CODOlSH—Reeelvf an fur Hale by e \ .• M.U. SIeCLURII 1 A. ritANNERS' OIL--3c \bb : beat quality, 1 for rule by (o 7) 1 \VIII f NMA KEE &CV:, 4.: PERM QI L-5 casks 'ol,re , 11k'sale by , LI na J. r.E4ON AKRE 2 LIJ. ' i LUM-30 bills. for aale \ bx ,., A 06 J. IT I 4,NALAIEER i.Cll_ 1 1 r f i l. ~. A 1. , E t. 0 , 3 I L 75 j e s( aa !c i :1; 0 1tte17 . 4 \ V o n te r, ~.: .4 1 it tIIEHSE---S .. lt I: !! , bole, e o trz i: 'Ore. Ch , :i3e; , ,11. II kirtdeL (k i l j l.ln am —anal. by tur.7 ld " ',. AiTek aII\C\ LE . FiSii— .. \ \ f,.:L.,b1. No. I Lake kui.e,lior linl.: A AI Id Ll,ldo do IN , do,, Ird bill, No , Ju do !‘o I ,k,\ vbiy.fw;, —All of 11. 11. Illceullnutie hmud.,-114 held ankh, I , oth.rrd In lb. , mark.., naul witrrautl.d to s nqamln .tm • . • , f...: bbb, No. I Lake fthilarior s. o orrt: \ `, \ Al h f lthhis do dU do 1,0 bbla No., 7.4. do Na I Jo\ 'Whitefish, -All a Ir. 11. Idoeullou We I , nami,-thn Iron article o yr ottoned In lb. , mar Let. nod warrautad to 'loath, to • ...atonable. lonathut time. For kale by` by s erl•-• .fpLIK,ISATT•it.„I2I:I. ..-. 110U'rTER-3 1 ) eons fr/•sh' Buttll.r; \ -,, . ~ rltool do, , .tc.„-'fur rate hi.` 1 11 ILK , !I ‘ . kthO. , ANDLEbb._ ISA LEJI.Kru....O-tntsks rod Ori\l for sale , br .. („,r) IV ter( k klet.thallthillth. ‘ •' ii, 1 LK S ! SILKS! Now oper;irtgat. A. A. I 7 SlA:lith 1 (NI •S- \ :a toroeo of •orl , fashluoabl Illtdd ltilkeaorbe ks • low as • 7U oeult: leth 'bt bor.,. rtelt a Warn dm al.n, iil do eke... Itror.ade do tie 7 AyON N ' ET 11 - 11.1 - 1.10K14- A. A. - 111 A. 11 1s4. co. •tit ...boot:'b /to. monde , .adder of ri .1.21.- net ribbon. , SUPERIOR T , Put op in ilatallir I.arkg, at 11, turn Pricer. TIIE subsrriltbrit treold retsg. [fully ,sYkrii at Invite the attention, tit retail deal thd W ''' o ors to thotr tory superthb TIKAIt, loth OP 111 el am meson parka, ra•olo4o am to eadu e the air. and t,reeorto the Teas percectly fresh. The adroutthre of Teatepol. bpi. this tray. rralalltab. at, an ohriutui that Ithobvb Itht lately la oull limy Jaye slum. entirely outverolled'tho Immo Teas: . Our arrant:erne/Igo wad lapilli \ .4. fyr hdrio 4 ~..,, ae e V h rt '' tlttr.:rru ' relf u ‘,l'l . l . ' i ' l ' 4 " 4: t 4l/f fr llke h at ' ill t h i r h h • i \ ..,.. ata• All Teas 'bid hythelbth!irthrs aro ooldu their . 0 .,,,,,,,,,,,,, oud rerrentsthiloy, tar''{{ atq 301 steles all, mentor may to rotorued. and thbtabott relouded. 4LL71,1.‘ -lle tot.. [ throb Iphstmlul\ that thetbara b tome othrsbod 1,, wlllng, n ll'o r krbi lloubsybrls is snd 00“.. ro t tlilens athl damagod Tr. Vat Up ill A Allt4. tar rothour o ours, br ...zbibitatore 01, uf grata., roan oldstned fAOIII an Tu 14VVIii 10 Oile I iIAIAIf lilift ‘lO , , S i •.1./...n0 that oirry parka, put op I. , ,th.rlihriled bat. .or ttame and atthrantee LOO,E TY.Art of all grad., orui varlet:ea 7holesale or ro taiL.at the Iteroot rote, Wth A, blelthtlittl a thf\ rti , ,livtlere, th 7 - , the, I.ll.ertt althlt e EAV CODFISII.--10.,drums Jut& \r4t,l'a\rusd I.for 4ait• by bur: i A dollti %V Arrr,; tv. . )IA 11 A 1 A TT A S, Ll' ON EIS E 01. (3411414 S A. A. si.t/o/N ttr'o , rlti Or. lb , ' 'II , ' . "*.`ll!..'\ ,e stole b 00.1.. \ . . '... !!. `1 ! VRENCI 1 MlllllNOti & TB 111 ET 0 LOTUS IL: -Note opening at b A. NIASI.I:4 6 k CA) P-22,u it t'.4. =t oleh curd Frenoll 31orithe, mud Thill Cloth, olbt \ A 1 ASELSIERES k`Ntoi,J. ii 4 LAtiiEs-4. 1) A A ALISON A 111. 11,v.. noel rreetved as r. 0./... I 1..., xt, le• il•asionor, ao I buklonneo• or!! .. - . \ .... -•-. - . I' d iESLIGABLE l'4o PEATYFOR , SALE— R . , A Kt of Inottod Lroutinb, U.. foot ok , Cralb othebt, .11 rlill'Aili, IN teet to Canal 'll.. nror,4l) , but 13 .hart dodartee troth the. napd of lb Uhl„ and 100 Jesus itollruad. Fut Iran., abill) ta , .X, b I' k ith lot:"Lblibltht kC(.1.0.t audit/ rteutet.. .. .... \ , UA jilllo AND I'ENA.A. 11: . 7 40 shaybe for v 'sir st 1 1 ,, , , ' s° r s . , A V4ll'.u i L L a C . 6.\ • ord,.it.lthr l. l loet ant Kachatubi brukartt g t FIEESE—Iik , ',ores l'reurrg ' " \ \ , 1 / Commort— SW, thoeirlbe \ I a for tab.br . - \ , ~ JANIk'S IJKLZEL to . on: \ , DBl5 err atroot. g ISIVEIIO I ' IIEPAILEI'kII. I IIN- , 141 . /oxes ' 1 F.. of ibi.del.e,oba arbelo t0,t,......,1 .34 pa it br \ II I. tilk Ladle., It% 1., . "%iV P A LE Uli-75 galls; itst rek\isol .r.. 1 , by - L rILLtI. gt REAM TAICI'AI-3 bIts.YyARRAN K . L, Kb HAUL lor ,ale let \ oeul I: K. SELLKKS ,\ /to:\ ILSE 5P0NG4141t74. , lbs. 14 . supeik'gr, 1 .. .) quality, formal." by iu:a..l It. 3. ELLEIA.?.... , il . s . Ali.B. AllftloisTlA-2 \ casks for ' le by ;.. 4_,1 1.,. g I ASTII.E litoA/' , ..-- Illtlx \ k/s for suli - 4,13 , '.. 1, J. orb \ ' 'I, I:. P. bELI .. t ill;11 , 4 R 1 ,7 1 4. ! ,; ?..10 . ./ i. ..1 , ,:K ,1 1N1 t 1„ .. 111:3n . u . t , ttb . u- - or 11l luokinat 111.,'.., N. ,' Thlnl ". .tral.. 4 , 11:11r. L \ litli.k . t.L , l b ."..i ! ..ii - , g1,4 ,. K.1 " : ... \ . :i1 L uft1 „.. ty ..,,. / i/11 a.uomerra,rey bad Lao4; ' ,. whi4 tbe art. aldlitta hes -slow rotor Karl Ca! Imor 4 , 44 , Pt" . . ,^ ;.ra • x . ety of etyleit ...penally ad bled.2%rlb . l ls la ll . : , d i'ENU INF, :SIAN 'IIESTEIt i11.1411A11115 'LI - l!ttb •t•tor b./ t... 1 at theeston• ut ,ab \ IL' 111 . ll I. t 5. isutWartF.l.D. THE vticsT .N ('AL SIE,E.TINOrtIte 1 TT •ill Ih Call.. Mtul a DAV, ILOT 4: veltr,art. ottl br Gehl the 4111.....4 t \t0r...1 alma , tl., to Pittaboralt, ou Mu ay. Glut., .1. 4 t 4 0, , ~, I NI. 1 • '., ‘:',4- T. ''. , 4 , 4 ."' . ( t IIi:ESE-4 , 0 ho es primp, 1V.11::, for ?Art!, WirOK tt'AlettAtsltkLlSS" ' t New - Stock. of Chi kering•A \Tian' 0,.Y 011 N 11. IiELLUIt, ad l~tipl or. tertivinn an onta [min olor n Ntl ,P. trnn3 un. velvaratn.l nutanort 1...)•;A ann., R'o SMALL devr,ntivr turotehril KEW GOODS. 1 11111 E , SUBSCRIRER baring nor receive;l, hi. rota., ,dart of VALI. ,AND IVINt.}I( would rerportrally in form tarevaaturr. an4 . l-be put , be thla t- la oreparal las •111,0(... lor ealrr rel. or rrtral, ry lon prker Ile hs• to lay ill nit the 5t.411 10 . ..1 1 or 7, Ivor yawl 01 Emory Irra , m, anal*, conapraloc to [arr— .-11'1,er,-. r•••tormy on,/ -a-mrlda.-oa, yey.Tr3elm Plow lark rill, all par , . Rod wit 1411.4. - \ 11rmradm • • Ilre•y Wotan-at othade, Error!, PoranY. Nluaiu 11 . ner: Pretah Hs nod C.4ltuarrai 13wethrr with Fr..nelk ,11 , 340 , a. Prlnt•..4 en.llanaTs act,' HOUSE FL' ItiGSIIING GOODS: 144,1:34 mad 1,11141. par, Sha not,. rt.,m-4 am! riot !rah Pillow I..ltata. ,d, n-. 1 nod 104 Toble banaratc \ 6. 4 and 3-4 Parma, Napkin, sada...alert llorhabark l rar It(rh l'raara roam, nDiaperalarm lobl C e Corry,h Ttaoadtalg. eu r 4 ogle, 31.radllra quad, French, Vornitore.l/may. Martalo and Curtain MeLenals, MOIiItNING 1)R GZIOD,9: L4 P '"l " 4 Wart Canton Cloth.; Mara 41..11a.tr Lo•tra, ~11. Warp Tlmbet Illavk Chant,: !much hl ll.luu erareK Mode • Crape l lL..L.l C l:t i l ' l%...tirTot al 71 , ; . ; mita, and ch.., mph , JAYI ES A. ' , Jai:, MUT. . . iF.NEKA OIL, l'arkeriburg,)--5 bble, 13 prim. ante!. 10. n.l I, It Y.. SELLieti. 57 Wood at. a b n W. li. Ohaeae, 105 du v,„ ; Cream du.. rtvarive..l rod lar rata br , WICK a bIeCANDLESI4.. N I /ILI LZ`.---5 b 10. Saleratuti; •Lear Tobarro; 40 priron Tbaert.,‘, 2.. COllllll4O s'n Tobartp: .10 Aaelta f l t er Ilalt. fur nal., I+ • HARPY. JONV.S A . i;;;; TAR CANDLER—In whole a OEn Lool ( 3.1 11.111.1", _ LRAF' 'POIJACC — lO Wids.,an 1111ir 11A1ZDV. J fIAVENDISII—Extro fine Cikendish `,I h.., Le nab, by K EYSER A hb+DOW EL, DOTTER—IS keks and 5 Lb's. v; c 4 l and I arse.: S. SY. HA. If DOH. 1 I NSEED OIL-5 bids, reed. an ti\ sale II bY' .`O'27 S. A.W. 'JAHR. 1.. 11. IV I , N r tO k Ir ,, I:s uA re i g A i t nd .rilu us-21) doe. in store and for sale by . % \ see 27 S. W..IIARKAUO/C, B UCKETS-50 doz. in store Itud for sale ley W. LIARBACCIII ICII SILKS—A. A, Mason Co., have: eJLua p.. o.n od a beau tiful lot of sere sorrier &Asa nun and rick •tylon. NJ - AlLS—nal kegs ass'd - eity brands, on 11 hand and fir wale be A. CIII,BKIITSON CO Laherly 1,,` II:AC . POPLlNS—Beautiful goods, just I 3 rAo'd or ae 55,.0 A. A. ICA,ON A CU's. I IUAItS - -‘sl.ooo 7 keplitt,; s rincipe,. and X / lingua Close., on hand and for Ft hy A. eIfI.I,I,IIVON A CO. • B EESWAX &...FEATLIFIRS— ea oduli...wax; 24 Auto and gale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. mph', andFroul sta. . . 1 4 1 0 ft CIIAMBERS—Very cheat) Will Pa 4, per, asil . : , ll . m. Borders. itylivi . ,... bll..ine i t A itt rale DILA I lw - lit BRUNS AND SILK.S-2thiak!ur i_ a Ilyacurtat.t. lave Open tble morning a sup in) of • L. above tantifonabln coOds. —...—.. \,- '!;...''3\ ._ i N Infallible Itenooly for TCOTII ADlrk 1 Tarter on W. Terth.:".yonsgy and bleodlne llama, f ' I o•nte, for .cleat ISM Milt A 01elaJWICLL'8, niatU . . , lOU Woal arra. 131 LE 0 I NTM EN T—W orran tott to en re tile, i .yrurst c:anra or Pllo. Ina frit day, by 4k by 119 , 0 IS NY,alt A tiFl?9,%yrt.i.. 14 . ‘ , 4 ,. % ocal ,y. 2ENUINE MEDICINAL — PORT ' , WINE, e TA BRANDY, ANP AIADKAILA WI,NR—Itt but*. any ~....,„ 7 . BRANDY, 1, •:. Ki.kBEll. a M.,I)OWiIL, 114.1Wcod at - _ \ 13A l'A II: HANG NOS--Neir tiyle of aubl c r !i,<:=47, ° 4'l.W:i. i i , e r " l 'N'. ' i. h ./Tl l .l r itiflAr.V. ''_ 7 ' mph/ • 0,1 11,onal at- REIN' I e OIL 40 1 .11--300 yatD' 4, 4., , ,, %A .., .... qua rt.er lireett Oil otlY, for WhultNa Mina.. .npertor for ...mina to any art e. mane fac t that port.e.se.,uat received and for_te bytb• place ne ard. at i,. :are Rintllll. NOS. 7 and mkk +Yeeet.- \ .I),A 11. I . IIILLIVIk 11.4 . TrO ' llti.--10i1 bble. it4tra4a — m - ily. for eto by 'ret...2 et. W, 1iAR11.11.7“ EL 0. . •A I K..EREL-100 bbl ll.. Pg ii°. '3. ' l AC Ylaaaaebueatta Ittepeetlott, for ail! by ..ep= B.A .11AltitAIRil1. g• iIIEgSE---50 boloiCrealib for wale by 1 I wyn 11. A W. A RRAOIIII. ~ . . ii LACIiWOOD, for iMptembei, fo;skilni IN trot.atEs umna7 Depot, o. 74 Tbin u lar , el.ortn. ..ae the 1,4. 0f... _ _ __ __ ___ 03,2-1 N EW BOOKS--lravels and A Ldu... -- or upward or .beard an foot :ginn_g an .count of oho ,d wool,: hi woo. IT. efonomom tote of vol. than. N.. and sa of Byrne. Dktiorun7 f Jun ree'd and for We br J. 1.. n3CI LI Apn141301141110, • trait, 041troat non,. \ ;rwourst „ for b railliatkat to) 't„u . trt V 2.1 . `°."'1bf", t '%1."..'-'..,.,°!`"7"' IIA..01:2•1,L aoart7ct . 1: 0114. kid ' prit , er . re w)011 taalutaio, , d., \ tVilo 2.:,00 Or ai,,, 4w sbottUrra, .1.1 r• for old., llassia lw.c. telling at 1,1 hr. lulu, and 11. 41 . 2. for rugar eure'4 ealriesect. BUTTEIt•-toll. AlO Dm keg at 10 \: O , ',ltalet, freab II 'two. ototre. la bit Itl6 , I' 5 - ~ da m VUEE§E -- klul troth. general \ b N. bee. dalFoll at 49.63,0 w for \IY. 101 i, . • .‘ N Yip I.SK Nli—Maloo\lllb Jo now at 100 it ' , 1,11 , ,U. 11 . 1164 . 1 to wiling at 114••=c, \ \ `.,* ' \i. k • 311)LASSE.:4 , ,Sola orPO, bats Orlesa at 360 •o;, , tibiall r liugarbokoa at ocrotclii \ . ~ X :‘• \ llAß—Smlcy.are conNtnri to mall I.a.f k 46* ; . 4 . &FEI:—A moderato bc,a4w faddy, at 11309.1/40'fr Itio. ‘. A,,,\\\.• \t l LI ' ?:...W—Pritao am crow Wbi ~. beahaare el, 0e,..11. 50..u1341 5t . =.61251jil ba. \ V . ~ \ VI ' la amnia c to mull loop it no: No 1...1i.1 , \ at ,aw ~.h. 2.i r,o, f , ftwth`l. !.. ''‘ 61 D + -3.11‘ brawl. of Maul.. 14 may,gtu from o);•4 Aa go : ‘\ .1 baud at $S e.h,.r.,.. }.t. ta, for Tba4by, and $1 /21 1 1 tor ti a e .,d, \,.. \ i . .', \ \ sliza I'OTA7.B. rtharaalasJWoca aria, Natal oat Voe for 'owl, and 37., 6 1:,..22.,04u. , . ~:, \. \ \'' The riveyit thi s ellotot...lo (hying eit . with . • atNISI iachel4 chialkaL \ Tioot .Ugly bar ci :101 , . quite Crtrary ‘ Vb,e' general wloli..alt a .. ado lte . Pram., aloe ;.. thoN a,Oo of tho water. Th w . ...2. cc,. thou, very y, reltloAu ippraraiwe of na zi, \ Th. steamer ihrnal., \Ceipt \ W. \B. Con 11, l ! o. tor ..wclonsti rag •rlay. 4111E 0,.. ..%irri,1 aolteight ol,Ok quover, b twac mad watt a .' am dor brat Wi en 500,00 t cigoollaut la l a. \.\ . \ \ • The ste 'r J. NI. Harris, Copt CrOoks, lef t . yr-ter,/oi afbMo4n, for L s 'ipcicamti r1i . ,4 . rullOblerable . l' ' . '''' "* l \ ' ' '' 'V 'umb ''' \ \""'*"'''.. \ . . \ \ Cnpt Grace,sorthe CiO,pionati ria c ckikc oteshler 10baut. Inform,. ' an \ that t.A.i twurh , ;`nod bO \ tb.„ a owolaaw.l• bare ~c 4. ~, , a JtolYl\ c ortfoundea tb. 4 natory her. \eamor with that o toe ill \ Irani.. Olfaiaer rilllaat , winehently blew up, ith nu 4 dleattiVa.roo.\wiuen re.t. oov lower Miluilein Gar !Villa* aoskpes at the marl°, *llea, below Liss \Oty, oak tread \i6recit tiro *rot r aptl/i \ ag,..be will be trasblrd ilk eater tioe trade kr ou 00 6 • ,HP. I 0 0° t\r i " ,. • i.i ' l ' 0 4 i. 4 e- r , . \ .q \ ll . cill , lan!, \tqch will .o el: als , b, eay,l,. ee o,vlo!, '""'•' " • • • . - pe the fi ,V! . ' i ' I. . t r'''''.• frith ' i. i i 4 e- r" A q 11 . 1. ill iant< \hleh .111 ~ ,I r e a lm eny her r y e il l e N .., ,1, T he gree \steelier IhtO4rik, or the Tlite trar h. cud Olt 1113.0 . 1 packet here..ArtenelT epprOneht., 1n4. , t r rotoplett n t rd er111.1% r• ad to her ;du, In 'Ott , ttr , \ ee Frith htteliet, upon the th*t Am itt th e elver. Fc, Ail be the Ise tbod most solettel4hUnt ict the line', weetrin mtnenlficenneVf tooth, sa intprektedtprin of non v.tr,h:ct.ti, \vil pr0t..4.13t,..5eee.1 star bone, aloat \on the he le yrs. Fred, th, tmeataita.a. t itc lle ucdel, Lend th;11111 !I. pure) O ksa I..tent, boo. atilt \1 - 116,0, to \ oplun•hOgo• lodge.. dce,ll, to by ooy of th [Meat rouneravli.loat. tit . ' \ \ Capt*ory megnifizettateer WinOile ef t i• aoa tooiaomei tot , arm rtlitkr to eitn.e the teat\ st ti, Melte. rieeNt.She O lt ni., thtss 'hilt from ell tti •12 tolrece of the ...e.s \ . „, ut neel...od,blTot. . • The eteses7 lytioeee7xcel were a a 'aertined‘to leave tri.itteitinatt tor ilii ninth Ob the Oft \ The eitamers Ckeio and Kettte left Louis riller th 1,!..u1a on Ile ek... tag. \ \ - he..lk so LocOs ii , ' oVican al\ the 4 ioat says —.The eletanyieElephatt a\jetpuler name. \ the e'er-- nude her Bret Ir , ppeareite at;t• whiitf on t 02i, hum 1211119.11kLi IY luedip,,fr lav a leen,. \ , ' ---- ` 4 ! --- \--\_ 1 ' FIXI,I3It.AND GRATN \ MAILItTEI, \ ElOar—Were onlito ...Urn sNth\tlet.lte dett... l Ilielnyle,ert out clan. lo Pitt. , I tlrtran tktte 6101131. bread .$4 2,..'.fwy it .t:' , N. e to Si:4,a 4' , MiehlFitt atni tlhio„ eusulnon brufult.. ,12%,aeolaee \ 14%:. # bbl. rail), touthet9.l.elLe el 71) itt /4 3:,tirtl4 1. , I . araiu—Ve toofee o tuo Uetok deutOpti s lolkur Cote. 1 r. hoe 0 , . 6461ttart,.utixnt \ 63,t snit tehlta. la Eoe tf boo, 1 `,..11,, - i,;,..1,., ~t. n Fr h er le \a.„.3‘44 , 41.1. southern C ye ' .., //War—There , very little %clic It or thh t,iark tt, de, _ '''' Ven .' i' l=e r ' : S :l;:tetily ° llt. ik.....4.-- ~.i or ...,aci 4. ..0 ) ,;,, at RA , :, tor Vh--Itt onto, It went on'eryd ot.X, \erithobt W.., care I.OL_\ It , rvior I. Sit3lo/0 u, at 3.. , .: for ulotabd, and .56 t,ound Wet , from \ store. Debt ittettl* t end 4 . . Y OW L , DEI#T., COMMBITIT . . .. tempe r ry,,deee thc, rolieskuia rules \\le de.tee y I. Ex sir e apprerenee•Of.e bi 11.% The geTt Lau 1 ' k,i ' Vta a ro' ''. eln . r=7Tettato blhe ' thu a, • : Pi, irt eAy r bark t.:Xotind tool., eleert=h• „ - {,..4- Dolt end av , aotre , o earltraei. ‘, • .I, Latnnttott. roll e teem fee `. Yoe expreeslon di, r .. lt• ewer\ L ust fad lay iike. Itetttetthnt the )h . ~ \ .,• e i " autet .' th e 4oW,, '" ?tetf i' tl 7". ''''''' ''' '',:. ‘c,..11011,1, It...7l3 . edall..ruita: alai, headelLad circa , I r: r :t:c4viv,. - .1v0ar , :,,,.....74 ...4;z..ctln;,=, , ,ca th e ~Nr, n e. loolo;•tt tfca7,,i ,!, a.: ~,,,,.,..t.r1 . 0,000, . t • k e ‘ tr. ixs, ) 1e Ifetiniptl';lnel.4•lettere tic nobie ' llf the 1 , ,111t. See; ithey see all, upright. perfectly • trbe andtTutt :3 ''°4 V.l:lVileV.Z.or p...Hki , ,i,,,,...11,, face t; the lettere, a.; et, If It Is clear. end itcds ‘'Z, r e ' et i l= :411 br ;l b elj,gon f ih e en d ttren r' - '4l V=llt !oak. /1.. k I Jo' Alt cur. \ pp 0 re thre.ro d hand nittee Mg - rived ott,the WM sr Inel, ,nn ( be %Id . equ..l \tri vice and dletanwpf a uniform end, ' • th. Thlty in' bnt:dire home, rel.- -srlitde ne a te ;:. ' note perfoet, In onaltiterfelt,•it s ir !dont nt•• b \often% , , atirl', tut it door .nn • pea \ \ 4. Nat" . t t - tmPtltyt. or entire...re name,. ebb ht , xllttere hear h berth, tj; hid of the\ wee. and tit alwipt 1\ atllrA. tellers I. toqieh • awl ettiMteed 'reef' Irileett Colt:kite ey am do ICI well. \ • Ndt =lntr. re erintd b Stephen \karrouglik Wore\ Co di' thtt " ,0 out \tool Nu to riectly eonnter ,,,,,..tree. dr.. 000110, be • ortralte, edaltion bomb stuw•lt , nod th _other ' • lair or nlinit above the 1 1,. Irv. I I • 'n '.e. IL . k ,-- iiR. --, 4.-. - 74; ' If ' ' BUGH. 74,...—rfiv.,,. . _ 414 ,Inehek s lc thenrsl h met mart. at dark:ltAt 71x12, AO 11.111{ , F. \ J. Aleßeel„ 11°,0E1.11 , rpqt.„ , , Athallie. Pikekla EA . 9.13 , 11 , N , fil. iihtivel, Utile , 1 , 1 . .xt Iy.,,tete. „ . G.., Basler, Hut .tevtok . \ PAZ,!'",11:::14,= 6-9 ' 'k.„ \ \ \ iip.A.m.gis. \ \ , Atlantic. Parkittom, 11r4ww,11.1e. 's wmat.4l...u. nzr.,.,,,i,•::, ! . , : , \\ J. WHO, Ilen,yll etaollNirerneelk \ \ Tl!..lll..hTner:a. till Aw inn . % \ . tlurelt. Colorrif. itpeellag.\ J4lls , toMoodtom ,Iktlese Ile. }://3 to. Cot. ZanetrtlLle. CLIANUE IN TILIt Olt,tfAit I/1). QN AND AXTER MONDAY;tbefitkiinaL, the ofterunon ruin trill lesve s Now BSS ' btu( at I. 'e ortit, mut return nu. leave Vederok s street, UttiOu at • •P M. Ity erder of Bested of Directors. A \ \ \ p a\ \ •If .., tlEt , . PARKIN,`Sick 'Agent. \ lam BOOtal NSW BOOK , \ _ k'I\I.IOLhIF.S' LITFAIRY DERO, T, 9.74 Thin/ street opposi. .. Post oMos: \•\ rper's Neuf ‘othly M no,_for OctobiC, Iltshar of the -oration t tho Mooacch/ Mt \ lf bp .1. de humor/hie. ' , \ paoltene Vesautittf.. oc Pc/ '' — ' . 4 l .1. " \ 72, of useful artVles: • TNW PLIIID B NET IBBONS--hkr \ . v. P.h .. 4 ,.. t b lt i u . cc , hlle .. ld . „„httecelf cllt suOPIT tn.! s l O . - UPER. 'pl. CK ALPACCA ' Murphy • ,i lactate/It dare bred iWI Peso /m onk 01 a it , 0 04 ...1... EINe per 7•lll—ned somotaesuper enpe , ohmic 11tpuccu!. at lI.CU pee s /ord. oel (aMeRIE.S-- \ 7\ 0. • 2 cake vest's , •tett Auu, sfap YEAS • (OLE ned. Ni ()Tic uiw law been tqll le the Tres., • I,IiTE Itai0 I. ,retnOved to o'ut ito cpe,• No: If ~,l , Id Ilitlit 1 mina. nest Litwin,' ii es f: . , nt isittinil . Iss, itt bainl sisompliitsnmorlsesbt outentu aid nqr own nulneture of &or oil clottis.`i•Art t Antialn =4 , iursilltity oil cloths id esti/ desimpttotb thill4WCl:d; Ule.lll nlliclotli sail buff lincc. Wiliiinif blinds knit trio, init. itithipletei ylib English nail ti n\'. ' l blotiss In itrtat variety. In ailtitkin to the stity, a, A e. keen nanstalitlf ‘ onlizil a full .1«t n 1 ,4.4 ts Luther suiSklns WM.:init., altn t .l7l%.i l irtfliiii i i 'l n ' '. .ll . llri '''" ntlr ' ii,x T . '" ,,X4 tsikle innouLsilumil of Joitin gothset ". . tinilct fhontsir•i pettish .II ul iorfni.b.we ode w: prices that tninint tnil tt , n!sfir• , 0...,• -p s .. J...!,/! . .iiituArs. • 't \ 'DigiciAktiiii - . S — " ------ ririllf, PARI,'EIt.SIIIP herotoroto i , ,tit. Ong lietnieen the iin Abr.. under the tube and AIM , 01 • John CaLl won A 44ddNQIII. is ibinctsi disfolstS bpoolU 'l t " ...T:Lil2:ll b . "A . 6 7 °f I '' '. 1 7' 6 ', . 1 1 b .. 't" .l " 4 , 4,1E4 cht.utvt,i.t.„ 0.-t. ut., Ml. JAbik3CALIIiIEIAs, • \ . . , V.O -PAR NERSI IP. \ • , e undertggned, v log funned a Colatig: airah tp cantor fiis =an a 4 . styla cf , C, alibrell a *sit, atti , ir4ll watt., Skis rA. 'II.V;i ,41y11- CUMBYLioI 1...1112eM, at tbs 'ragouts at am firm J ob, pshirrell 4 cot. Inibn9upon. . It. , Jitpt En ilLti,blifi . , -Uebilst..N.l.A.—bn -i''6ll°°°DS -'7: ;4IV 100.1Ail-:-.{.. A. slAsosso ea wil spv. VI \lb...iki .. I .li , ...w....4 As bundnid t ri PnoSnites of ra•dtm sad bonisnlio Lir floods, utast, ttiatientkei`pf whole- Ws and mall ructmems ,Ivontai. \ - ' ao2 \ , . \ . , .. . .. ~. ilf tp vot.111:1 leu UM the amouut of th,,,,, e i. of rimissloV, ' • ,- . 4 , ,ia, 1...1e12,% . , :r11...b .y.ttuti.l ~_ ' oCieult• \ \ '\\ - GENII S P ICII . \.• ' •' r \ \ ' RI. ,LAR,GEST PAINT Nl. IN THE R ' . , , ~, 1111. open , oriVIIIIS Erl , llliO, Sep. ` . v tb. ut th 4 Atheiukn, Libeftlferi e4 : ffqll- • 1.. M.,,• ,I 4ND CLA•IeICAI PA:eI:MAIL \ f t ESf sod • ItilnitEs hi. the .11ENTRIIIMNFAX, .1 IA t.t. • ficial3 I. be \ \\ f/fal uuJ subliti, evenarf u thet claaafeal eiture*oi tuh 014 Wothl. the neyif E. ctivat4l m it es . t ' f.t . f,..l:4l ' ;TVltr.Vg=gtrit! t=ll,4:l * \ ' ' s • s • "... Anlntuhf ever . !d•olLoat eut luthis_emputry. ~ .. , - ‘ a, . :, • \.,..91u01e.un . .2.,'kute: qinklertrlS euut.• elt. \ , . the ...u,shuier.ll(lllllllla., muflu.t At • q rebel. , \ 1 PV,INTING \OFFICE, amply atipplt t: \:. ~i‘1.21 Paces [ewer l ae for 'amply .tret. ra . e, \ \ 1 A ..I oh 1ra.... IA tti elte• t.c.b..ithtb• '' ' " ~,,,,, lot .f kb. 1... , .. ' VW Will, 40. 1 . 1 ... 4 7 of . '.,. • \ fitted , f,J u sall‘. ne =UAW sea an tu; g0?.1 . 5 . V . u . r,52 . 1 4 . ... ,' , ~\ ~tu ror , And ..e„ the knetteEs ye ,c1t.r.7.4•471.= • .. - 4 , ~T,N,I • '. i . el.! '' l l le ' :l2;:‘l "," xtXnt rn t " f ah '. 4. , ;ing.fhici - ''' \ ' • ' •\ i,\ eel to sm•euvc...atrYrtiefihkett arra,. at t Ede halm • '', • \ , \ ' ev 'Adv. • \ \ • t\ •-.- ClArianets. . \ , A-- \ `l, , \ 111 ditEepltv,orobtaiiiing a caexect and jt coal .nett . 4.3ir - f•net` ID this =tater bait= bean • '‘• I. \ • .. . -- A - ‘ c ,,.. \ .7, § st - g..iikbb ! .. li, .. , .r :717..‘ ,', ' •, \ f ' \ ''... \\ , JAM ' CALTINLL • •• Real Entate t t\Auctiti . \ ' . \ \ T" \ subacribers Rill /tell' pt 1010[ Auds , . \ • 0,00,..),u the•bremiara. on 2 rnbly, ! ; : vt.b . l7l.4 dor Or., , • 1" ` Wol:r.t o l II I"'eT:1' \l'ot[ e lril77 i.e. ;11. , 01•••1 'r•at'= .l\ . ' \ \ in N'o'rm ',whin, Itaibethatel •InT zl l Lb n ltnei • \ . and bounded a one wide brdbe me ' lin ...lb. . \ I lot I. 112 Get ltil.frtet, ou \ which reeted'on e .••• • i '. . i -Brick Dwelling lotme,lutd ratite ante out bug' not. i. ' " . 4 1. ' bale to amen at 11 o'okt-it ' A. 31. \ '‘, JUffN nesl ~. . ' \ . • 01lilli Ea. awlo.l. 1 ' • 1 • , .11okildir ".•., "I \ • •.I •\ ' • • • 2 INV PAI TB, \; . ' . •• - . . . I'ANUFAC'FORRO 11 TII % 14r, \':' \ - ,it nou.lev EXPLONINtI ANC bli. 'Mu CO ~„ . •• \ - al .w k m . N.l. T," 011•111 an, 1,1.111\14th flailial • 11Pir o\ , . \ Ni \., . ma ZINC . P .4 ;tlNi,S, • , IVlllrb .re born foam:rafter Tyr e rat inane no ' \ • - Karoo.. ad th e Uulti'd etareG,to rend. t 1 • •'• •., , M'ourY d nnd•rdlr. , bronern4 imporior to 7 a - •t, paint oboter/r. ' Their \wIIITE ZINC 'VAINT 'c. • • \ It ourg.lr arC(1111.41 Tine, and la warranted fret all.. ''' odultrration brW to nordity what/oval, It toren Oa . '\. lo ltnntilullY alAte•ond ix autirel L treolsotoo U.* - - - ... , roe. of oft other lat. .eo obtabonnto to lb, ." ' • ' \ 1.. l hoot painter and their farollita. • O •'d ' - •'' T. \ ‘, • ", , ` i .„ IT IVIL NOT TURN .YZLLOW '. ~. ' ‘. \ \ , 1 , . 00 e. g .-O. to plain-dm or norphltle(rbolatlCta• 'I, , ', .'• \ I \ ere he but op 1 o eloierlnoto. .es.an qubrid: 4, \ • 11 mdbalande • south ra ebonite and tba woorbe • r, :than *or 0,11000, lot duo bold, to turn r balk y pr. to . • • ---- \ \ orumbnoand rub olf. it mar be worked wittran L eolor, ' - . . • • \ • .010 erlii i r and air, or Introtth.labkh GI." \..' 'Ia I. ' • \ tested pearrloin finish. ' • . . \ BLAUCAND COL . RED \ZINO P. I ISN'Ta. ‘ Ilan. oroltlrolobol 000 law Vice:and are ho ie"' 4 ' l " w '` A P"'"`" '''''''''''' rk " k ' `` .th ' s \ \ L '' q. forwoi r ,outbouors, Ab.mboate. Or ant orgoo.o for fate of woad, kxiick, tin, ar Ira, it, the OWN \\ - • It'," • . ' \ \ • ' WEATHER AND.FIRE,PROOEA : -.• \ \ ". ', Fa Iron earGrentin,r are partienlarir vibloblt, Oa tbe r . \ \ , , •rm nonionic' edturelion. ond ent•rdlr 100.000 ollidoe t . ' ' \ . , te r /fry quialr, tor burin:. a pare metallic bum. . \ N 'not sago eon/ \ Itk, maur of tl e esrthrpolute roor , \ \ \ • - \ \ ors applied on liberal telr,Air k a t iottanftt \ • \ \ \ \ ' \ \ '• \ -• au 2•1:14d • \ ‘Nolll&Tiborird•'Fbil.abirdtiG \ \ \ \ '\ \ ',2 • ''''''. ~\;,, Fine\ Watches! .• • _. \\ . \.. \AI' 'vary \ t,. top • nor Gold. Pateata \ \ lie d \ Watch, rw.o'd by. e.uro,o, immure - '' . t b,o.h. o ro plenAld Porbet C onometert al bomb tiful finnan double awed Cu • 'ain anew. plain .4 • ‘BIV4S II • ikANNEE4S—)V,errented tta giVnimu.. i.. blei .1 4* (...., \ ' - ' ...pz..- q k ovum% -,.. liaCH/111a., ,- Hgl,r Vt " rWel—A general , , ittiurisue of sold •tl .s,,, , ! .i.iio ,z!b i, •= l b i z : A , ' ' • % iiiii.*l3ll97 \ Vikkii-Ct , .'""" l'".. ".' " t11 . 0)4.0. PALIIIO , • ~.,, '• ,‘ I.IIS , t.TS--i ) dor. ettper ucketA., for \ W aye b selc.a, 14 C li\ t'M eA1.111.1:A9 . VR:lft - fr---R7nai - 0 1 , :ili ' M t' ' II 4"" \'''''''' " ' k; k titr / bt•CARD LEM ' \ Co — er ;, n g . . : 7 this l ikk_ . 9 . lt ar e . i , a hrii - ' • au -1 , 7 • ......4ii:,r..L m :c.1)4 . ,_,-__, 11 1 :...:1;',.t' 1 4, 1 Mititt50.ta'ti, a- for : - 11,tork. NIA/vet, IView lort...st i li . :11- , '. 7."''' Aram, r • A t. - • re-s• , $ 4 Market ' '‘! UR114.51 CUL 'S trbilo,b:ghly cta, •r ‘ , 4 4 ~ .. 1 ~ e \7.1. Oki e r ri rit r atOorria \ b ' • .... - \ q(ICli A 11VAND \ • ~ 1,1,)rtit.,-4.ti keis-... rAI.: Butte,. receiver s, 10 • for Pal!, bk ._ sekt.:-.• . 104 lc IIced?iDLIZIB ' \ • Oii.i. fariTER—V,.5 bia!l,l , llBC leVaand. V\ • JIL: :for ____ \ et Sailiftle. Toe Ilat in 4. • Dialma ~,. . \ AI.4I.SUMS iii.4 j li.lN t 26roeaetd r, , A. .t_r0...0:4..11, br J. Ban . , irsimrsz a ar. gA4RAT9 S-5 :i a i s o r i tz:. , ton attle k b7\ igutkie2.\ BA coma or e:a t i mk .\ . D e 26