The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 10, 1851, Image 3

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&ARIA* Ar.,ite tIA WHIGS kr ,L 1 thr other, Irarda, and
the PEOPLE of Aaeldvtrrmuntr generally, to tL LAST
GRANIf PALLY, pr.Prinon tome EL.tion,
• Fi1111.4 1' EVENrING NEX T, m i o'clock,'
AT TI/B :LU (..`Ol.lltT B(/UM:,
Irktir..h occasion thokhrti. 7110)1A11 WILLIAIIN.
Doo. TIIOIIAD H.IIOIVE. (our iamb, of C.c..)
D. DiMAUD, siod uldres• thf.
...up, no. on, &on, u7l true Whig,
D. FIT74IIMDUNN, Prraident.
$. WM),
Tne Fsm.-":rbe fair yesterday was attended
by nu enormous multitude, nearly ten thousand
ladies and gentlemen having been present. It
far, very fsi exceeded anything of the kind ever
before seen here,' nod redounded greatly to the
credit of Allegheny 'County. The display of
mattufactured articles, was very bilge; and em
braced.. nearly every branch of , our manufac
tures: .Tlie specimens were all of the best work.
tillausblp, end deserving of the highest etComi-
WAS. 1 -
The agrieuiturutimplemeuts . ,grein, fruits, and
vegetables were also rery tine, and showed a de •
cided and marbed impioremeat 'over those
brought forward last year. Tholadiee contrib
. Med largely to the articles competing for prem
iums, exhibiting quilts, embroidery, &c.,
Some beautiful speclmensof the fine lists were
• likeiise shown by various artiste, the Merits of
-which - we will not attempt to describe at in-se
nt. 'lndeed it iotild he wholly out of our pow
. sr to give a detailed Account of the - articlp wor
thy of were on the ground, so that
we defirr it until to morrow, when an accurate
—and reliable report will bk.published. We deem
due to all parties in . it matter of so much
moment,, aitllltis must plead our excuse for any
seeming delay,
CILOWDIED.—The city was thronged yesterday
by Tisitara to the fair. Large nowhere of per
iwig from the neighboring States and counties
were In.attendance,and all expressed themselves
highljdelightod with the'exhibition.
Vteitaae: the visitors at the Fair
yesterday, were e. large number of the honest
eitizeria of Economy, whirarrived via the Ohio
and Penntylvanis Railroad,
Tixt.Dikomas.—The Board 'af Managers of
the Agricultural Society, at a meeting hold yes
kezday, passed's vote of thanks to Messrs. Weg
ner, Diechnei dr. Mueller, no eminent lithagraphic
firm of this city, for, the great good taste they
. l have displayed in the design, and - the beard); of
l the execution of the diplomas lithographed by
theist. 'which will ,he awarded to the successful
eetrompetitors, at The fair held yesterday and the
day before.
Tus Pusanuus.,The judgea 'et the fair yes
terdaY, were so fatigued by the onerous duties
devolving upon them, that some have not yet
blinded in their reports. They will be published
at length in the 'Gazette, to-morrow, when ell
competitors can ascertain the premiums aviarded
to them.
We wilt likewise probably be able to announce
to-morrow the time and place of Awarding the
-diplohists to the most meritorious exhibitors.
"Loisz-Nsics.—The Fair'yesterday appeared
-to fume monopolized the attention of our citi
zens, And irdhave ho locrl news
r of any interest,
unconnected with it, to announce.
Nova.—The second Annual Meeting of the
' , Young Ladies' Aisociation for the Relief of the
will be held- in . the 'First pesbyieriau.
Church thiiOvening, at 71 o'clock•;' The reports
of 01 Society's proceedings during the last
season will lie read, and addresses delivered
The public generally, aka respectfully invited to
rOfthe Coal ginersand Citizens of Port Perry and
Pursuant to a call, thb Coabldiners and
fena of Port Ferry end the neighboring Coal
Works along the Monoilgithela river, assembled
together on the morning of the 7th inst., for the
porpose r of adopting - measures to enable them
more fully, todefend their natural rights.
The meeting vies organized by calling Col. W L
Miller, to the Chair, end appointing Thos. Jones,
John Peterson, vied John Bury, Vice Presidents,
Hugh CiiiilPbeli, John Broom, John :Goss, and
Peter Sal, were appointed Secretaries.
E. P. Jones, of Pittsburgh; being present, he
wasealled 011 to. address the meeting.
After. which the following resolutions were
unaulmbusly adopted: •
Resolved, That Committees be appointed from
each of the coal works along the river, to {nine
funds to assist those who are not able to main,
tails themselves while they are defending their
Mdiiral rights.
'Resolved, That's vote of thanks be tendered
hythis yaeeting to E. P. Jones, for the disinter
ested pail hetias taken in our righteoUs cause.
HesolVed, That the proceedings of this Meet
ing be published in all the English and German
papers In tha
azczrrtos or GOTTFRIED COICEL.
The Turner Clubs` of Pittsburgh, Allegheny
and Birmingham, the Singing Club, and all oth
er Herniae Societies who desire to take.part in
' the Procenion, as well as,the whole American
and Herman public, are invited, at the day and
hour announced In - handbills, which will hereaf
ter be publisbed and-postro, to assemble on'the
Turners' Ground, -behind the American hotel,
Penn street, from which - point the procrosion
will march to the lauding place of the Browns
, Title steamer.
The Idarshals of OM procession are
Dr. Frank Hartmeyer, A. Kolstein, Capt Fr.
Beideastriker, Capt. J. Bus'aer, J. C.. John, C.
%lecher, A. Baader.
..Affix the arrival of:O. 'Kinkel, the proce;ssiou
will be arranged as follows : •
First Marshal—Br. Franz Hartmeyer.
Band" of Music.
' 'First Column of Turners.
Singing Club.
0. Kinkel with the Committee of Reception lin
' Conele.
The Mayoral of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
Four Tamers Cu horseback, es Sinkers Guard
• of Honor,
Second Column of Turners.
Citizens, and other Societies, marching by two's,
complete the procession.
The procession will move from the place of
leading - to Smithfield street, up Smithfield to
Liberty, down _Liberty to Wood, down Wood to
Fifth, down Fifth to Market, down Market to
Third, up Third to Wood, dean Wood to Water
. street, .and thence to Col. SAUL'S Here., where
G.Tizikel will be addreirod by .1. Roth, in tho
name of the German population of Pittsburgh
. On the evening, at 9 o'clock, the Singing
Glut., the Turnera.and all who wish to take part
in the torah-light procession, will re-assemble at
the Turner's Ground, where farther instructions
will be communicated:
J. Horn,'
• " " Committee of Publication.
lave bean favored with the pelletal of the'
following letter frem California, which shored the;
aside set on Cherry. Pectoral in that distant por:.
lion, ear eountry. It Is soltithere at fire dol
lar per bottle.—Bottos .ftepublic,
FHANCI344, 22 March, isra. 1
C. 9TRA, Esq..—llear Sir; We hare the
'pleasure to inform you, that trines our advices of
the stb ultimo, we have disposed of all the Cher
ry Pectoral consigned to our liouse.—grce, t h e
beitest"wsperienced by diosi who have seed it,
there bee grown up here a confidence. la the ar
tlehywhich wilt insure pie for this market an
ereasing-.and Permanent demand. ,
.The rapid clutoges of oar climate from heat to
cold, and beat again. induce; no might be eipect
ed, the afflicting and often dangerous lung corn
plaihts. Many of those, within our knowledge,
have been 114 speedily your Preparation
as to elf tr.f; at it were, hatanuity from their it-
We aro daily expecting the next arrival, and
would advise the sentinuatipu of your monthly
shipments in larger Oantibes than hitherto.
, Tours, &c- •-, J. G. CRAM S. CO.
's e&
• LBS. ROSE PINK — On liond
100‘_, a
iiC! tor ma* by •
j. K k
500,, and for
4 CASK AMERICAN A, 151{ . 0,1r ..5. ,it . 06:T.::
JUst ree'd and" 124 , %!1
for sale by
Tier.] st._
" e "P2I
•—/ . s , 1.
i_ ~ µ.,.. Y ~. t
Now Toxic, 0/ 9.
The lion. Althea Lawrence is continui g his
tour through Ireland.
The Neapolitan Government has published at
Naples an official reply to the late chariges . of
dlr. Gladstone. •
telegraphic despatch from Liverpool, an
nounces the arrival of the steamer Atln4tic at
dlersey, on the ?4th, after a psmage of IQ days
and If. }ours.
The proprietors of McCormick's Reaping Ma
chine have challenged all other machineti to a
trial of their capabilities.
A warlike feeling exists in Mailer's against
the United States. The new. of the capture and
execution of Lopes had not reached lipain. It
is urged by some that it wapiti be better to de
clare war at WIGS against the U. State', and
make reprisals on American Commerce, as an
offset for the probable loss of Cuba.
Maitland, Fox & Co., produce dealers have
suspended payment Their liabilities are amall.
The Immense flood of emigration from Ireland
still continues.
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton has conserted to stand
;or Hertfordshire protection.
The amount of bullion in the bfusl: ,of I Paris
has decreased to 7,750.0 N franca and increased
in its branches 1,250,000.
new paper called-the Evenensent du People
has been i6i3ued in Paris on the ruins of the Ev
eneusent, Which bad been suspended by the or
der of the Government. Emile Giranlin was
mainly instrumental in getting it up. Victor
lingo in to be one of its Editors.
Mr. Prom:thou hunt his own request,; been
removed from the Consergarie to St. Pelagie.
Count Alexander Arrivabenet late a LiVuten- .
ant in the Austrian Army, has been condemned
by a Count Maitical to be hanged for bating
written an article entitled "The Secret Agita
The subscriptions to the New Austrian; loan
have reached only 6,000,000 florins. An appeal
*was about to be made to the Jews to subscribe.
The Intelligencer glories over the Dubin vic
tory in Georgia.
The Republic of this morning has a strong
article in reference to the interference of : Eng
land in the affair of Cuba, and oatitiohe the
Engßah Government that the first manifesta
tion of British influence will be a signal for a
movement which neisher England nor all the Eu
ropean powers combined can resist: for upon
this point the minds of the American people are
mode up, and will give law to American policy
and conduct. -
The Republic argues that the only eatery to
Cuba lies in the security of the United §tates
Edward Stanley, of North Carolina, arrived
here to-day, on his way to New Task. ;
The Union has undertaken to prove an :Ist
trig sympathy between President Fillmo and
England and France in regard to Spam pond
also that Mr. Fillmore is a rank Abolitionist.
Nrw Foxe, Oci. 9
Cotton—The market is firmer.
. .
' flour—ls . dull, but steady, with sales 16,300
btas at $13,627,Ce.1 for State and Western; and
$46.34,12f,01 4,25 for Genesee.
Crain- 2 .lVneat is brisk, with sales 7900 gush
els Genesee at 96c, and 6000 hu. Upper Lake
at 81c 1.1 bushel. Corn is abundant, with pales
18,000 bu damaged at 64®66e, and 40,000 be.
mixed at 570680 1 bushel
Proviaions--The market is steady at a slight
decline. Sales 300 bbls mesa pork at sl6,,jsec
-13,37. Beef is depressed at (19®11 for mess,
and $S®6 it lb for prime. Sales 370 bbla lard
at 91 coge lb. 1
. .
Whiskey—Sales 200 prison bbl's at 27 1 c 14gal.
Grooeries--Sales 400 bags Ria coffee at 84 ® -
sic 11 lb; 100 bbd's Mu/loosed° molasseo at
24®21c gallon, sad 200 do bluscovado Sngee
at 4i@ffic "f? lb.
Linseed oil—Sales 1600 gallons at ,74e
Rice—. Sales 5 tierces new crop, the first of
the season, at 3ie 11 lb. -
Stocks—Canton het declined -1; Erie has ad
vanced 1, and Reading 73 cent. Ohio sixes,
1807 are sold et 107.
o 'Nair 011LIANS, Oct. 9.
CORM—Ante* ofpiddling at 7i 'y r.
Flour—laifirm at $3 85®4 '''el bbl. '/
Con—Sales of mired at 48®49, and of "bite
at 53 11 bu.
Provisions—Are all dull.
Coffee--Sales of Rio at 7iC)Bc 10 li,r. , •
(NotmetO CHEESK. put tap for family zur, In else.
to suit. !rum ii to :d0 pounds. can be obtained. wholesale or
retail. of Me a nberriber• This Charge is bald In verr high
repute In the east, but le now I ntrod °red Cur [Le drat rime
into this market. floe* desiring a rhino. article are re
uneetw,l to mil and examine.
WM. A. :11rCLURO A CO..
sepl2 • I.lrWers and Tat Dealer..
G LITE-20 bbls. rec'd and for sale by
wall earner of Wood and :A sth .t ..
VIIROME GREEN-4 cases tor sale bi
I REAM, TARTAR-5 bbis. for sale by
V pep/2 J. eCLICON . SIAK ER lt
(ZL MISER SALTS-5 bbla. for sale by
(..1 OFT CRUSHED SUGAR—A very auperi
ki or ...WI, for pr....ening, bbls. JAAL roc`2 by
repl2 M. A. NrCLUICI & CO.
QMOKED SALMON—wilt be reed, this
diT bl .""“,
"*." l4 l .4 .Y .Zlart r in Yre br
HOPS—Tut up in 1 lb. packages, fur film
UT recd and far male by
seprY, 2.56 Liberty rt.
A BROW ROOT-5 bxs. Bermuda, for dale
AL FT [.. p151 .1. ECIII/1.1N111.&6611 a COJ
NJtee of tha rlebent aryloa and colors. 3000 rred al G 2
ayek 11.1.0 at (solo) A. A. MASON aW.
''OAP-100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, for sale by
so .vO2 S. k W.I.ARBAIIULI:
ROSIN -200 tit Is. No. 1, for solo by
AFILASS-100 boxes Window, for solo li l y
IA sepl . 4 S. t W. LUILLEAUGLI.:
AISINS-60 bza bunch in store, for Sale
• ~50 SV.lmr and Front
HONEY -8 bbls. for sale by
Lel 76 Mils:. ors'd No.. Battle O
r mond Re/IDM:
Ovßasol and for 'ale tor
eemt WabrE arol Front et,
CLUGA /aids. N. 0., for solo by
VOFFEE-25' packets Java, , for sale by •
ll mot - BOILI,I6IDOZ* -
LEATUER-200 sides Sole, for sale by,
bbl,. pure Tanners', for sale by
' BORBITIDGE & 11:011114131.1.
Bond, Declaration, Indentures, EsetutiOn,
Subrenaa, Xtxunona, DiHaar Coat, Artieleuct AtVremeut,
Attachment, Yee DM, le., t for Pie
W. 2:11A V idN'Zitationer.
comer &lark. and deeund
QPEILSI OIL-17 bbls. for sale by
e.:7 .08 • ' WICK A lIrCANDLESS.
FLAX -2 dacks foi sale by
rrItLESTE VERMILLION-2 Cases for Oda
by jacpl6l BCOOOOMAKER • Oil
First Supply of Fall Goods.
VI - URI:11Y & IttifiCIIFIELD have he' w
INA. open their float napply of Fall Good, and
Gm calla of their regular customers &la Luf era aa. I ally
rezetiad aud for lure
".1. KIDD t CO.!
A. MASON & CO. have on hand, and
di ll iiylthity - itt restrlpt of taro husattltks ot New Dins
ft. . much ma lith figunst Sail Ma. evalli:Mers44 Dm Lailleis .
all of which they will intarsottst is pries and pwillty
104._Minmt this mutat. sstat.
CIIHESESO boxes W.R 1-
to * Cream; tot Yak by !
hip': Ft. hALZELL t CO.
l i g ALERATUS-10 Wen in boxes and Ws.,
b - 7 tor /sae by pisht:l2l It. DALZELL L eii. /
KEO BUTTER--25 kegvfresh, for •ale by. y
ftr''.. II. DALIELL kW'
"MIMES' Llano, Clo Pol.
Na 7;1 Thin/ out..
.1111 IV nhoroo f.o . rile at a low A viii ms ....
otpla Stook ao.I Korksoar !lodger. i
. .
.101 , 6611.0 - 11. CLOTH-500 yards 3, 4;.5,
d... 4 n .V..... 1... vc-A from 11. rionorrilo4.-
fore, sal for etle wholue.le and ret44 .1 4b• ..`+. o . .
N, 4. 7 and it Wood M. 104,21 . .1.,0 11. MILLI I
11 INSEED OIL-30 bble. fur Bale by
! I mia) J. tl4.3100NIIMIEI: A CO., 211 ood ..
.kLIVE 011:-10 baskets for sale by I
GARB. AMMONIA-2 casks for sale by
.3,13" J. fellOON Ma WEIL t CO.;
nORAX--10 cues for sale by
.I. ..P w_._ J.eciteueliakcmL.tcn_ . „
ft ItEESE-77 boxes for Bale by . , I
.p:a. • ISAIAH DI &6 C t CO. ' i
ITIAR-50 bbls. on ensirrient, for e le
1 low to close, hi 1911/1 I)(CARY t CO.. .'.
0ft . 3"1 'ate; oat /front so.:
plus iIIODEL'
sod 3:ot tlas has inst been publlsb.
N. Ilse sud Nab Ars equal to. If list better tbslitto
fir 4. All Mat,. Pm Rte .
should 1.74
};deb outlast Nefsslos bur tass litbburstib ....quell.. of
onPlpal dssupls
Ave reoespulsol by saPlues 00 1 . sPecilleulove, sad Op.
vat. ale., tout puss of.detalLi. corns pu , the
pe,gpy. Thayer, LaVd•use stile when ft is prep{ 1,1
and ,„,b,ilD.hrd, realm It p• tasteful ornansult for the
naVlsTata b ga P riZirith stteef;
4 4 11;0UR-4-100 bbls. Extrx Family, BA for sale
br sep= N. W. N W ILAKCoIi.
ACKEREL--100 bbls. Large No. 3;
Y.laaachttoetts ittopoolicu: for we by
. pep= , 4
.11 I LIEESI.I-50 kat, Cream. for sale 6v ,
/ N.! 11. 11AlittAU1111.
tYLACKIVUOD, for I - let - Amber, for sale ut
j J 110 LAM ., I.ltorosy Dep.. No : rllint.trwt. spry
the pmt• Mr,
I4 T
EW BOOKS.—Travels and Adventures
In Mrstto, la the coon,. of ttl,ratql of
onuedon fout, friefos u•.-tlot of the monnero,,..,
of lb. WOPI, Who. W. Carpeuter , foto of thr U
tar I sot 12a,
,1 Z 5 n
Nos. 07 . .6 . of Ilyrta.'• Inctionary of 11,11.1111, as
Just reed awl tor oat. by J 1. Itl,l,
1, Apollo Hui1,11.,,..1..urth Al..
RAZOR I+TROP—A 4,M wDVliu.t reed awl for
!ma. A, ' .1. L
_ •
I ONION ART JOURNAL, tor Sqtember.
j A INctionry ot alerbaul, No. 4u. •
Loudon Lab a or and ale London l•mr, No. 12.
Litton'sUtica{ Age. No. 3.4.
!twelve"! and Fah* 4.lLiterarT Depot, No.
74 Tlitnr•treet, 01,1 , 1111 e Poet MM..,
ril'wu COAL FLATS- r For sale by
rep__ J. beIIONMAKKH LI t 0.., Woul .t.
- - - - •
QUGAR-60 hbdo. prime, for oale by
17 I,4I.ZELE t 0.
1%1 OLASSE:ISO bblo. N. O.;
.sa gyro',
fZ. .. pury n. 1-14
In oak cooperage. for sale Ly t
rap= `' . -... k. DALZI:LL 4 CO.
bitAFTS.—A 14,rp, varlet; of Note nod Dret,..
Law .4 lsomely o.egravtd. Lm &Or al.
• .
W. S;IIAVEN't, btattonery an.,
Fels 3 .or , Ilartet muLescoud sts.
R LANK BOOKS.--W. S. Ilevax, corner
131 Merest ;ad Second atreets, hot for tale the littlest
octet of Blank B.A. ever uttered this eity—rouskstium
of LeKenn Journal, Der Books, Minute Books, an, in en
err style of tandluat. and at the !octet prices. t tea.A_
AFETY FUSE-12 bids. for sale by
kJ sea: J. S. 'DILWOIIIII t CO.
- LOAFER HANGINGS—New patterns for
sets. 2 • Woul street.
ITSLF , AV DRESS GOODS-We are now re
marine the newt tall atylei of DresaGs;Nlinteh.
a us; Cuhuteres. Poplin s. Demi., ants, Alpacas, Pa
ramettas. Prmsch Ilerinot, and Thlbet Cloth. user lOW
paa-sa now open. tsep:l) A. A. M AEON A Cll.
liirlirrE GOODS—A. A. SiASoN & Co.
bore just reed SOO ra, Whits Goods, mu:Mating of
plaiuawl 1,0,w daamette. nessees, plain and 6¢'d India Book 000/4 Mull, Nanaook 510,1i1111.ka. A complete
aaportment and eery cheap. set ,
plialißACCO—,-10 kegs To{ Twist, for sale by
a I OFFEE-100 bags Ri Sir sale by
sep2 J. E DILWORTH to CO.
IRON will be received i exchange Diftira
. mall amount of money, for. TWO BUILDING Loin ,.
the Srath Want Enquire of
• of MORRIS' purr old PORT \TISK, at SI
per bottle, Or .ale at SIORRIsT Tea Mart. In the Diamond.
F .
"wall .
IREMEN'S 'PARADE.—Sponglcs, Ro
seine.. ntara. Lacy. Enncr. Buda, ae_ larne
.ry. for gals In Inept l W. W. WlLrlid.N.
VINRGAR-97 bble. Cider. fur sale by
I ALERATILS'--.11 bblo. fur sale I,r •
.6.6 W.
vt Marl. for male Ly
arm, ir,,xl dr.,/ FOB 'Veers
bf. eh. Gratz" t lirk Tear, 15 boars Oka* t aocohAtt;
1.30 eat. Fse e 3 ca.. aneornd iteklm
tat bin rhoun imams y 14.rJeaux and 14.4
6 grn. Mille'''. A liodyrsre'e If Prunee.
Finn Cur Tubaern, 11" Lose" Almond, Palm and
Ann. Havana; 'Collet :Iran.
nom. Crun. and to. 4.1.6: 1 box Fan.:
Lays kin CAC.: 2l.uaee Corn :.tar-.h:
,Lartuyra Coll,e; 2 babbitt', hair avd
Old Uor.J awn ^ Y..aet Pnladeric
- "Aar (baulks: :5 - 1 Inc.. Chan,. tint,
^ Ilta Patrul Zinc Waab
30 Mould DI
Bu, • Boantr:
3u. tea'. Ground Snot..., a 0.3 du.. Corn Broome.
5 Lana Penn., a Wbolreale and r.t.11 br
tml , Northeast ^or WocaJIIIMI Filth eta. .
Lid A 11--7 Mids. N. 0., for sale by
wep.4 J. Ii.•CANVIELD.
kaODA ASH—We are prepared to furnish
1..7 alms manufac,urers. anJ the ttade•aenerally. With
Suds Ash o f home manufarthre, at the lowao. maract
pike, and whirl we warrant equal to the twat imported.
Front et . near !lacks!.
Time Bills
Will b parchaml at favoraLlo mt. I, OLINk.LAND,
UOAR-75 hhils. prime N. 0., ler sale by
11 .14 PCiumtuot: 1 I S‘IIII:A.M.
Silver CoinVanted
SUE highest price will he puid for•every
d..tcrintam of Silver Coin. at ttio raglan,. Oflit.
reps roiner Market aunt Third et r.:14
DOWDER—A larg e supply of Hazard man
-1 ufarFurv,alles,oon hand and for axle at love. roles.
. . .
..1.S.1.1LIV.)11T11 a Cti. •
A London Cap and Letter I'sfeere, blue sou cream laid,
cau be bed at W. S. IJAV EN'S Yalkr iliareboune,
app3 wetter Market sod :Leona ate
- _
lIEESE.-58 boxes, on consignment now
sea l, 50A1.1.11 DICK Y W..
4 . 0) ' Ititt..r Kul l'rt.t eta
COTTON -4S bales for sale by
ISAIAH picirry
foga ,
. Ws.r awl front
WINDOW ULASS-3;1 . 0 bni. 8:10;
rot .tair by HENl'r. BERRY a
brow. mt.., bear Market.
CARPETS! CAlti'ETS!—Ree'd this day
y W. McCLINTOCE, nma and rich ayht. nasperhno.
}me .a Common 1.V41t4.1:: CARPETS, which we are
E.,' y b ge r r:;M r. :l
friend. and thcoe wixhing to nurebase to . give um a ca 11...
the obi ionabibtho4 Wa.r.'hum , fourth mt.
. . . .
ALL UOODS.,Just tee'd, per extrresr,
•at A. A. MAO &rarto. lionnettabbunr,
moot. faablonable ;I, hr. 1 . 25 der- Teh...4 Van.
Flovere: 111 {,f. Onto de Aniquo. benadiful 00 per.
Iletrplkue. shade,, 5 dos.l.trieb Mau., ehrode,
INGIIAMS--10 cases, French urll
Meal, yu..t nc.'d by A. A Al AMON A W.
ADIES' CARPET ITAGS-20 dor.. reed
A pr.rexpre, by I oerlol A. A. 51A..40:: k CO.
LAINKS, or Oranß.. Duff, Blor Grrro
ors, for Chil,lrernk Dre... and earke, just rcv .1 by
rep] • /3URCIIVIELD.
UGAR-20 'Ada. N. 9., for sale
eel,' S. a W. 11.011ACGII.
fOLDEN SYRUP-1.0 bblo. for solo by
scpl 5. a IV. TIARBAUGIL
FOR SALE--.Pittsburgh Otis Stock; •
Sr. Clair itrvet DM, Rork;
Ohio and l'eausylvisrilk lisil ltoad Scot-
K. D. KIND, Dank, aol.ttraker..
4.10 Fourth ...ea.
( lIIEESE-100 boxes fur sale by
.oafs n. V. VON BONVOlter
IRUCIBLES—:BIack Lead Crucibles, from
Taunt., iron. N. 1% 013, tor rale km by
Vjt J. KIDD reWa...l rt.
B EANS -30 bu. Small White, for sale by
'SAMUEL P. 8111iTY En.
fine musnlenent of Ladles' and Gentlemen's India Rut.
°Mess. of all kinds menuraetured, for gals wholesale
end re all He !Whir. Hera. 7 and 9 Wool fie
aquae J. A 11. PHILLIPS.
2COTCH SNUFF-30 boxes llamas' cele
brated Snuff, In end 3i De papers, for sale br
ausl4 WICK it IieCANDLISM.
W lIITING-2AO bblo. extra dry, for sale
V by
sa,uls B. FAIINF.BTOCh at CO,
boruer First cod Mob..lots.
WINDOWSHADES—A supply of Trans
er."' wi'd"
"5.aOV for we
')EARLS -8 tone No. I. in ture and for
br tabu) J. 11.0iNFIELD.'
•a• bias. White Finb,
'AIM. Obis. Trout,
Llkadlag nod tar We by
swab •
'1 068—.5 bbls. Fresh, for sale by
'llsl_B it. DAIZELI. a CO.
LCEESE-30 iamb prime W. R. for sale by
....4 K. DA bzebb a 10.
BORDER?. rmbrat.l. a great variety t.,, Patten,.
In prier -2, n/. Fred and for pale Inr
aagl.l3 TllOO. YALAIRR, 65 Market pt.
LARD OIL-10 bbls. Nn. 1, for aisle by
auloo • J. KIDD k W.
1116 MICE STONE-800 lb, fur sale by
.L. aux3o .1 KIDD a Co.
TERRA DE SIENNA—IOOO lb. for sale by
aual? ' J 91111,1 OD
I ARD OIL-10 bbls. No. 1, for salt: by
14 ~ C .
imam J. 11INMARER .0.
-,. . -
WIIITING-100 bbls. fur ale Icy
"4,2' J. SClfoOtilila KO( a CO.
XII ACK EREL-50 Mils. Large No. I, Mn,
i "ViiiliilTNZilmiN A el?.
I .INSEED 011,-25 for Mk by
A l .., I ,lu . J. KIDD ACO.
FARM, situate ioNarth lluntington tp.,
LWeetraoreland ruunty. rt.utaining 41.111 wi Acres ot
t. rate Laud, on which ere Howl tutpfttretnente.
ler twin uu maw:amble term. Ttile holies:moth/a. Forfuw
thee partlinlara *kitty to HENRY Bulb.. Ituntun'shllll,
Turtle Creek; or to JADIFtt BOYD, Franklin I...mutt/114
nearklunayerilln; or cc the mothes to
Valuable Property for' Sale.
n the Pittsburgh and Oreensbunth turnpike, be
Halt Liberty and Wllltnahura. edpoicing lands of
ficiniitint. Wilkins, Dr. John Wilaottoand other , : ou which
arc erected two Itevelllng Wawa, with Wed Yards. and a
rubel, of waled abrubbewp In each; aced lain, stably,
caring hone. granary, canoLichotow, btu bowel, sod all
neceowarp batibOCC two thchanlv of raralb'd
a variety of hodifavl peach and cherry Sews a... Yen...
carnation. black and red naorellae) feat nod !du. Lew.
of tbia Outer qualitpi all In goadoils?. TOo
parings, the finest situations Mr nib which aro
partipAcade. Ao indispulatd• title veil legate.
Mar further particulars tortuity of the cuiveriter. on the
0/15mttfr Nll. E. NOBLE.
LIGHTNING RODS —Spratt's Patent
• JAMES JAUKSUN, (icsmit.
naluale Depot, 86 Wood greet, Pittsbargh, Pa.,
Tnli 3i LIORTNING RODS arc ao con
alrgetod th at they cannot net out of ardor. The tn.
I iron and Attarhtuenk Itltting accurately. Ma Pointe
and klattoo an unrivalThd—ibe whole bring highly op
nantralal, and without climate tho bert =adorn", weer
manufactured. Jape, Jaellaon will auath tlrrui at /234
G per foot, awl al for Polut and .11aungto. Phan at Or
more, ln . mita.
Gentlanurn are wrist/141r requ.r.4 to r. ,1 lroDd
strn t.llea %WI azamlna sA.covec whore. 4r, the Agent xpay
lla •
7 - Pr;•
Penn.cylrzund Ruilroad and Erpre” Patkrt Line
301 wile. ',limy] mih".eaval.
Nnycr PI.E.OtT ANT CUM 1.7111114 6017/
Two Daily: Lines Express Packet Boats.
On and after Monday, Atigust `2,sth, the
Paeltete or Ibis Line ill leave Pttlaburah for 1...ran0:1
ever, morning at K [[Aura, and every raining at 2 &Hoek.
E . 6n1 . 7" , :: . r.e!ak/ng the Can of the neer renney , lruna
te h, tenatedlatel, after them arroal) dr
err[ for
asellmo through ` Forty ifoura.Lia
By thi• near arrungewnmeaeuger+ Ka tbe , .lth " X
110111 S 4 lON VII hug berelaure (being [went, antleeleg
canal trawl,) enabling Meal arrival at. l'hilallabia
Ornee.l on 4. Nen Vora at utiee.
T.k. ll ti York and C'Lluberlanot Ridrosd, Ifirrleburg,
Distauer, eighty rour roll,. Time, FOUlt Lours,
PRBAdrIPIda, RIO. Yam to Baltimore, s.l),:b.
Flo LealCls4ll. SU do liinist•urirl.llo.
If y.. 1 dr.. , rb.ap Inrrlluu aud romfortilde
aecuro your ttcker. the Ticket tMErre.
Lela 11.u.e. ot
J. P. 110LAIES, Agent,
Or of 11. LEECH. A CO., Canal Wain. Fenn atreet.
Idallenry's,hiladelphia & Liverpool Line
. of Packets.
.44 Sailing from Philadelphia an the „A,te
I :Viiiitt i' t?itotr& P ll °.r a.'hg.... mr.
BERLIN, Alfred F. Smith. Meet
EIICKSIAXON, the W. W.. , er. \foster.
Ile .bore s ship are
1. lit off o the beet and most costir
mareriala and are noted fur the rapidity of their panacea:
they ere fatted up with ell len, Improvement, are moot
thoroughly ventilated, find ant uneurpaesed (or their a,
controodaUrton for &vend thine and Meentee frren
they err commanded by men of acknowledged ta tu lent, who a
FUnequalled for their experience the packet serelce
erree.e deafening of bringing their friends from the Old
Otnntry ran obtain certificates of paletage., ithirt, will, be
good fur eight month, and our agents 111 Ireland and Lir
eepool will frirohth thrm th with re proper information and
ol ' raffe i" V t!e r e h g ' efisitlng „end mo
j dealt? to it sterling and upwar c ,i, payable
at el ht diadourit which will be exalted by any of
the Root. or Post Ofllcesi'n the United Bina - dom.
00.oriffiors supplied pafeengers awning from Liver
Every week the foIIOWOIR supplies will la inenlabui
Lf t. at: L at4d l o b en , r4 , 2j . l l lii. i3 Ogg,
X lb. mnia.ssea. and 1 lb. pork. Under 12 years of ant : a
lhe breadstuff.. l .7.. park. full allowance al water inad
No. 7.7 WrJuut street, below Seuend. Fhiladelphin
. LMO,
n.lodf cnener Sixth and Wool en., WM
1851. Erfainz 1851.
Dunkirk and the Ene nallrtaa.nn slay with
on Lake Erie, the Cleveland,
Columbus and Chnnunatl. Cleveland arel Pittebutch. and
Fandusky and Cineinneti Itallmada and !outman on the
Mnnsyle in and I la CYti lia nuMfs.pi rivers, tool the Ohl, trulbina and
(Sundays exteptaL)
10 Man
Express Exp l ress Trim.) 6 o'eltelt
ltd -
LI Evenly, Etym.
the Mail Train none at Elmlnt, where paesenaswe Inn
ales, 7 hour, and take the Expreaa Train. arrivinu la New
York next tecrulag at I o'aleek, making the whol4distane•
by day-paid-
. • • .
The Express Frainbt and Cottle Tratn It•rnn Dunkirk at
4 A II dads: • Paniengen Car IP attasbed todhts l'raln to
emantoodato to. Passenger , and Dmvers.
to - Viire Mum bunktrk to Nest York, IS Second Cu
prtr..• will ginvn In • levr earn.
This Company. sre prepared to to Ilse 'tort and
freights of all kinds to and from New York.
Putisttlat •ttention Is• paid to Vlosk. The gauze
hstoa ri iset olds, glass Ltde runts advantage* over
• cause Lad roads the tranpinntation Atoek.
Starskdi.htaattal Thin. • 111 In• put In eomlllunion in •
very short thus.
• ••
Ire Lt Tartaii rill L. dlttribuleil. Kiting fullpartleth
I.;. in hicarit hi the prim.. of Freight. it.. en,. an they mu
NtYri hu
In rhinos...l.
J. !jurTlfitill.4.M. Aar'''. Dunkirk., tylltlm
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
rr 11 E fine passenger steamers
HEAVER and 31101U4AN N 0... -. will
'are ibeir laruhug. at Pittrburgb cad Ito •
grgoet, errry Ouudgys rzerpted,) Is (ghost,—
th•arrr. 1, n> Pittsburgh at 9a. N. Rocbesteii . .: r. u.
tdidogass do . do 3 r. Y. do N a
Prr.ohr wirblug to go id/Bearer ram unsnar. E.cursurn
guru,. to, Hocberier and tart Is Porshuroh. for to erurs.
Tfraso gocgl for , our day auJ up the °ext.
For linkers apqr us board lb. steamboats - I.learer,” or
.. Nll , Ligar, No 2. oral the other of
flue/__ Cot. WaGr A 6mlthheld Os., Pittsburgh. •
giAlaw lB5l. EtiEga
Parkrt and 11, road Lint d Ventland.
NASSENGEIZS leave every riewning at 9
o'clock, byeidetußoal To Rea'', Mean. 1.1
Lila e.ress
canal yacketa to Ilaywous, then, by Pitr.huralchl Cl
laud Railroad to Clovilsod.
Yavy - 1 , ,, uy Cleveland, SIX,
. - -.- .... ,
Tu (.
Ir-rrlsal. 'N bourn To betrast,: , 6bourc
MOWN S• 6 " Chicaxo.. , .. -
Tirkis,iyen thmoyb to,
Passanrern for Derma. Chlc,p/ nod Althrtiukic. learn
Vilattki errry evening at tit, Orlon), by tlec rolendld
annanirra of 31,chltran Control Railroad Co. for NMI!.
[Poore at TS., o'clock. A. kl. by Railroad to cw
and arming mune evening at Moral o hj ntran.l.oat.
Doting lot arab, nt thc "bk. rarer. lht. route to Cuirin.
It, et. Lout, and rrtH bc found murk tand plracautcr than any nth,.
CLAIIKC a PARK'S, Proprwtora.
Itocuvratt. rt.
t Up Matra/ comer of knot t and II atcr afro..
onousit• Mu. Monongahela flow,
/e 2.51 PlrrAllUltrill.
1851. WESTERN 1851.
.Q 4
HE Canal being in and order, we are
prepared to tratieport protuer and tnerchandlee
P air from th e shot+ citnrg. at the loweet current rave
freight, with promptue..• aml aispatelt. The boate and
cora are owned KW controlled by the oprotor• - 8111.
of Iwllait tratianiitted, null laystriyol r omy promptly . 1-
Apply to, or oldies. '
EAT:, A BLACK, I'mprietora.
Canal Litwin, Penn ntrort. Pstlchurgb.
tlAhltlr a LEECH. Poi.rtotim,
lieeeivlng LWpol, No, 134 IL. South nt., Phila.
Dente:log Lleign, Dock at., Phila.
Ull I'M YEA A,nter.
No 7L, berth er g llalnmorr
II PEARCE, Agora..
• let No :. Wert /teem o New York:,
FAILE 1E1)110E1)
aiktlBs 1. aigg2aW
Via Brownerille and Cturberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
111 HE MORNING BOAT leaved thu IVlturf
A Above the Bridge dally.: id rennet tucciwdr. con.
necting with the rare at Cumberland next toorolug•
The Evening Boat leave. daily (except Sunday cymbal,)
at ti o'clockmmOLirm with the ear, at Cumbcriand oast
evening at 10 co
Time through to Baltimore, 32 b... Fare only $O.
Time through to Philadelphia, iti hour.. Eare only 110.
The Notlotud 14../1 In now trood. Conductor,. go with
the Ousel... between ll:Yuri:ovine and Cumberland, which
makes tide docidedly the beet route fiact.
my . 27 Once in the 3loannanthela Hour,.
_ _
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARK} PARKS A CO, 11,11.1.1iL1, Pa.
THIS well known Line in now prepared to
trunap,,rt freight and pa...en. tr.IYITTSISURGII
CLEVELAND, to way poi. on the Lanal and Lak..—
Tta, facilities of the Liao., unsurpa.ed tn cumber. qual-
RT. alhi capacity of expesian , e of Captalnot. an 3
Macy Mo an
Una Ito.learea Plttaburgh and Cleveland dally,ruurtlng
conne..l. nllh. Line of trtuamto:ata b.wece PITT
11(J111.111 and BEAVER, and a Line of nrstelnanineamboola
Intnpaller and . :Da Lake,.
Parka A Co., Vonnaotown. V.
M Taylor, Warren;U,
a. N. Clark, Naveton Fall., U.;
Prenn., Ravenna. ;
'hart , . A lie, Ravenna, 0:
Kent, iirinnel A Cr, Franklin.
It A. Mlller, Goya/m.1 , 411n. 04
Wheeler, Leo a Akron. IV:
Iletalerrou A Poothone. rtandaalty City. U.
Poekttam a
0. mina.. aOa Detroit, Allchltran,
lAPOPetunl.a to.. S lit w.ukt, W.,
Oar, A. (libLa Chicago. 1114
The.. luau., Chicano, 111.
ear. Water l and Ntattbf,,,l3 eta, Putoburob
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
fx RAILROAD COIiIPANV rpreipt to by
.Jai min, Penn and It's, ne
- .
it UTTER-6111. roll l l endi al , ttei n l:, ,,, ,r o t; , n r l i t i , 0 11 .
VOR SALE—An 0 o ell~'nt FAMILY.„
J.' WHIP!: Enquire of
oprolo m . 3morlutuut of NEW FA1.1.110014
0. .• Up, unito lb. mil, utino of thair ru.totoetle and
t h eta.ritilt the ay.... thor volt ne.
supphre of to. tilmirable s
AO.. of
maintaining as.ortutnnt not to Le surpaseAL and et
low rash stileßl
INDIA•RUBBEItUAPES—:2 doz. just ree'd
(•itb .leevirh) • nrld rate .rife fur riding or draing
K' rely " thr : A e I7ua rt PHILLIPS.
A LtERATUS—ti tone in boxes aiad
kJ part In pound papal , . tor ral..
autr26 It. 1./A1.7.R1.L* (Ni.
y INSEED City make, for mile
AA by S N. %N.%
lii.UPPAI,O TONGUES--ii led reeeiyeil Dam
MP lit Lout, a Ira toot rlunte Buffalo Tongues.
A. hb-CLUIIt/ 2 1 . 0.,
ana . 2ll Orheers and t.. 5, -
I& Warranted note. :alerted tor un.dlrinal
parpoxen and far role hy We Must orh7ttle at
sulk In the Diamond.
FROM BOSTON, just ree'd
-I,et In-n 1 plr India Rubber Rose,
•-• .•
gal WltlnkG
Forsaid at this holm Rubber Depot, 7 and 9 Wood .t.
sun= I A IL 1•14 LLIYS.
- DACKED BUTTEH—!t bbla.and 5 kegs
tut . » Weer t Front Fn.
J rim A BMA MUD lump just. mixivril . tint ar very.
blow WA) }:gbab 'RIAU, mule exyprerly for exhibition at
WOrkrAIAM. tom Weattegtlmof the 4Wfee Mita.
ILLS well known esWilistintent is still von
t • dieted io the game manner it hoealviays liven. Stu
eentrsi atni pleamial eitniutoo of the brute+. it. enuanciii
ut et-rat...trn', nod the ....wt.., Nllll.ts.n., ti.
fount there. emotion to tender it atttettl aver v.
Feta. thietre•eier.
Hewing hero 141 r Or the tlno of John 1.4 Tiwkrr k t•n.
on long at the !lewd Cl the ....ambito... the otibteritiet
hie twat iitertein. 1,, tosintato It. reputation,
to girt retisttetioo to hie evetete.
ien=teiiiitettu WM. 10 PAR KEIL
I.WfUltEk. NE, •1 ',ult. ',ruma t•Ert, ogn.
C ...t ffiLle.ll . l.ll.lela. 1e1,15
. .
1101UsIAT ........ .....
' ran... No. I=l Marlert nt. l'ltll4lelpho. aDll
' e: • =ts. . .
s 4 :.!iw. r ... ' r " . ' tr '" t. "
an g No. lo Nor th Wharre, PhdadApLis. mug I
• - _ •
• 1- To. Dealers in Liquors, &e.
COMTE Frenc h Eretitiii3tiO Eighth
. .trert, SEW ' YORK. hav his Iii:1111 ry i i . n full neer
.e. The brandy sod sJin •ore e mane tiri•
rennet, the Lett reveler.. third In the :tooth of Frnniiii
the quality l•fttlNi
n llllO the
thlue fr.. thove .4113‘ rivnlers vittal vull snit
lnilitv of the qualities. soil foramt theirnribrs to the a
bb.. 01 W.. ntill Li nriinietly
.100,1.1 w. - I
. .. ..
American Hardwa4.
13 LIVEN & DOLILASS, SLinufainurerti
Ax•ute, No. r, Platt nreet, threo dr. - bit [mut Pe.' r.t-.
. 110 : 1 : u ur ' . 1• T ' XI! ' tu " ;EVVIZql ' i 7 M L AI , ,r. n 1 r a r : 4" ;
from tin. ulatalfActorers. awl fib, We no ~avf.r.t.h. terum
Jr 1r0, , t0
I . .
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
HE Glasgow and Now Yor t ic
.rcrapaur!. P-2 ,, tfui oew ..-:
11 1 -_, -.,,,.. , it....1g".t..i,,,rr,,.,,.ftt,..ig:. :
4:l7ateuMe r re.) com w n o ppointe4 Co Raft.. New
York direct fur Uluegow. ou Saturlar. the Ilth of October
nest at 12 deleek. [loom
resseor MONEY.
Firg C‘bin I.mard'• Itlclude+l.l....± , •• • .•
No.teenuge purena.n takim.
... . • .
These rates fueled* pronglout but not wine* or Nunn,
cub l b
e° e .
ouptilied on board. at moderate prier., Car.
h " P‘"T.3111211-:'N.
New York India Rubber 'Warehouse,
No. Maiden Lane, and No. 59 .Nas.9zu erred
Finn corner from Broadway. P. 10111215 East 26tli
PRE SUBSCRIBER, Propriptor of this es
taldirinvent, would inform 6,. nod cuettmern, and
men:bunts gement], that he Is daily receiving from his
rectory anunnenally .ad rc hint anek of India
Nubia, Sloode imiinuteetund gap:wally for the Pall Trade.
tel which, from boring introduced revere) new tot Ina.
portant improvements in ht. machinery end compwitlon.
he feels runfident cannot fad giving perfect eatudaction.
trpecial attention continue, to be paid to the mann fao
tun, of Ilgurni and plain CA It CLOTILof all widths
from to 6.4 inclueiv, The drilla carefully selected
from the beat brazils. and rpm. with ths fineet gum.which
tinish. equal tn patent tenther. Ile Ilso manufactures
the F...IICLIT Cloth. a highly import. Improveznent re
cently dienovand, by which the cloth le made to bear an
exalt reaevablance to enameled Inather,l The plain finish
and void an usual; Orders etionl4 harify the variety
deviled. II
(I!P.ltElloEB.—h full ?took of .11 tL different style,
and varieties, from the Imported Paralhuldera to the he
tTirlt d e p h pWe l r"Li
Purred and Llned 11066.., ae.
,a.mplele aroortment 0 1 the follow' g alw•ya on hand:
Merin...Tea Onala capes, Poncho.. Pitote,Lt. Preserver,
Drinng tiboves, House Morita. Beefing Pee... Caps, Leg.
give. Tobacco Wallet.. filach id* Ilmipital "dinning.
Horse Coven, Whip, Pumps.6leato l'ae ktng.Shout
der Urania. Paper Alt hair, Polls and Pli:ur.r..
Nob• facture, of VEtruiTrtart ' L r ll l PTial.7 Lour
elpringe, under 11.0drea . e. Pau.nd ;
The liter. will Le rouml • anoar nirtain r u n. and pre..
venue,. or Chapped Itsud% blearning them and
Mein iv Lite end wrt.
Purr Robber Camvtil tun flatter"' u 4
Jr 17,3 vi 6, "
Shawls! Gloalk—blantillas!
S. MILLS, No. Cortlaldt et., N. York,
• o ••• opening at Lie newt Farallon., a treeh
Pei ...I 11 inter W glen. •uf ali Arlie
of ,entrh ann bomeetle Wool Long ritiavila together with
a full saeortment ul Prencb atnt lenda Nuare and Long
!inch.. 011.011. of every grade.
Alen. au ea lanaive Mork of Coburg Thibet,thla,
and Velvet CLualiri. SI ANTIL Are.. 01
(~ion. obey , ' and et, Ire, maw/fact red from Pans pat
ten, of his own importation% receirtd secolnomthly Ivy
this reel. Amer*.
Ito invite& the epreul attention ofj:outhera and Feed
, . . . .
jrl ins 1/ the epreul attention ofj.ffouthern algal Weal
ern llerchwnln to hr above. th, will hod in ow.urt
tuelat ot `howls and rawly-made gold. fur 1.4,..' we,
utourtwergal irillte city.
•otewtor •11 SllOll . ST.%%hlr, ter Wit/attiring
:Liao IL au. alle.wel to erley Wrtot anal
tloolt.L. /at and SU each
To the Publtc.
SDI A RUBBER. SHOE S ,--Our attention
hotn called to an adverliftitoLut by llorign Day,
puldi to lbw hew lurk Fleraid,of I Ith July. ' , Land
the Ll...ner .atel kudos., ..f
touch unmerited 0h0... our atta.rtro.lion.tolu.n.
lo wi.erts that-vre dare oat hint with g.trnhog
our own onion, awl that Le doer not
titL4)earia 111.0 , auommunottot
1,, hare lieetawe Cr 11., niaolosetute of
India Rubber rho,. meter clout, emir, Patent, *ad twit
out wionek. and are dad ! h aling a tariff Ire the rune; and
any eller pergon alight e don, Ma acne, if alleinned to
du /O. rather than pint.. upon fitkalyear'a Patent, We
think it wore 1.1 to purehaae a rut., to ow.. rand tun
wilt. than to infringe IL kir. Lath, Lew. Pi . ..witted.
nowledged Gotel,ear'a right, Iliad, a settletuehl. and
agreed In tutor,
mpun. w one sod, to miring.. lit. Patent , Ile ir now
y 7.t. i nt;:t L i a a;tt o n t u " r=
oar :Lwow. sod
a n d work under then. and we charge
AI r Day. dirwelly, and that car te ouji ono eint.t ore, with
Patent. in the man...tore of
the rho. which 1,, In uttering to th putdim atot we It.,
out.. Gut hi .ON ail who are ...Trued with 1.. n. yuar..
et:orlon' or rgruling Weak., otadwou tiolatronot aaLl Van
r.llighh.. will Le pea .geld,
- . . . D
HAIM . 0..
I.)) - .11'0.A IluclitstiAnm. Trantn.r.
THE !I L.W LNDIR 111 , 111IER 'UFO CU.
1141/11112,,..r.k. I • crokirot. . •
N. Yoni, July 1 . 3 h. 11,1. 31•41,,0
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
I ON E'S EAII'IRE INK, 2t7 etreei,
run Iwaemra. N... Lori,
11M TIA•r,
tr..... res . 00... MITT
51 .1. C. TO TI
:AO dos. twr le Joa.. •$0 60
Erts drauch, go, gallou
. .
• . • .
This it the 6,4 article manutartvrad. It tloar (Twir—
1, k .a.“ll:tiPlrl!sti INFi—null will nra r..rnala. mould,
pra,.itute , away, zaul Fa...wawa ill the •,14•111.1, Tarim,.
.3 rcl. a owl II mina Ink, Rabin far ihr ‘4.asill. atal .11
tairahl, .a4a,t,ti far the Nl•4ti nu Pau.,
TI.. undurauuurd a prr.prptsl furrurt. to Ito- trwil• el
thrr parkurt Dr opusuraptiun. at the ahoy , ' rery
pie , vricer, v ut up al per ord., anti de1it,...1 In so, part
the. ritt p,rhar.rv. ho charge for tar, 11 rte
am :harped 'I,. at uuttctut.
81 tie... .[. u
Professor Ales. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
shrine.. ,100 athl beautifeloo the haly.eradica
ine erarf sod dandruff. and emir.. diseases of the skin,
,lextd, end mooch, ettwo, cuts. Probe!, .rrwtpt. eta. It
hte teeu averytatoed by eapetitoeut. that harer s in
e., boa produced [La./Ile curlroy of the
ek.n. ete-ol the hone. aud all the, =loyal lanyolum. The
tolhorlent tratizoonlalo. ' , elected from hundreds of sbollar
ltopert. will .cry. m “tom the value of the prrnamtio,
ant Me cello/Idiom lo which It te held by lbw. who bare it k
Nair Take, (Cot. '2,10:41
Graf—Dear ilr-1 liarejimn afilieud •tth • cu
taneous raiptiuu of the ',alp, of mon aggravated thw
arter, _for the la. rttt n Teen, and during that period
tt.vr had the adrier of KZmo t( too mostemixnt physi.
clan n , and hare tried all the prep... Map for the hair and
ski tuns known, without the lent benefit. I was adrised
by a friell4 to try your Trirophernur. I lid to. as a last
rrart, and. bMy surprise and 'ratification. found my If
rurod in about tun toroth,. Sucli wax the violet... of the
di,order that at times I was partially blind.
iterta.caully, years, V .lIItdPELIE,
LIU Oat orals atre.t., Brooklyn.
Tort - , •
Soaa, OK. 23. VISO.
Peer EIIERT-54 heir dir—ddiuttwo yrarado to ball
retro, out •
_rnuit dral.'and my hued was much &libeled
with dandruff. I war told hr a friend to Cr; your Tnoupber
o ra ua. and I did so, and to my astonishment, my hair wax
flv rooted,and all the dandruff dinappeared, as the
he now shows tor 'twit.
.• . .
w "'"`' Weed.
If en, Isdly or
Lirja;". 11 N 1 rw . York, where the
will A produce the rrigl.
j!rom the ! , 1111tai d rland Naval !Arita& Var. V, 1550.1
71 Ix no rem y or the permanent otter of Etaidnera
and diera.ora of the eranlom gegerally, that has rese.hod
the popularity enjoyed by th.tartiele ktillirel a. IToteo.or
harry''.7 tin:mt.-um, or Aledie>l4,l Compound. it C.
tennerly and by the upper elnot.'m of the community: in
ahnoatevery to the landdt Is need In prefereme to
other artielea of the kiwi. It IMAM. 'ainur to thi , rr.tard
the hale. sod shut promotes it. growth to • t`"ttuLt••bt° de-
It It deelrora the dandruff and reurf. and make. tho
hair doe and ,thoeer. cunt all dm...wept' the main;
'each ' , a...a , ' hi ad. dow and other °hourlong down ,
dere of Ow Akio: In elleapne....4 xelfa.ellleul, it otatolt
unrivalled. It In twltt M large bottle.. prier 21 cente• 55 ho.
?I..: . lllnltgitttrittre t l e rSl. ".. . ° l ' thi:g1.111"
iONTINUES 1 is tonal liteilitice to receive
kf nn Knrace, 4mi4Truttahinment,•lf Meeehandt,
rottoltmcd Lim. Haiti lobo htn duet MIII7 for all volutti
on the Lattee and the Wino"! Cutal and 1t,,.,.
lieterenee..%—ttleskrs. Lure., [`train. Cu.
!Seem. Jones /t
Mr. Juhu A. Can.lier. ,anstua
Wm. it. nElskin •
Cr AN i..A17€111,r, Efill, No.' Water .4,1, ?EOM
llrperisiattentlrin to Comnaloriim ausltgr
MIDDLETON, IttLiiy 314.1EE,
I . rodu Lommleolkna. awl tor.. Int Alrrrh.ta, tho
Corm,Jorrph. lfo
It. to Alerandrr Uorloo, stkllLorrus, Storlitiz t Ca.
1.4.1 y
cranutunleattowa protnpUt talawrird ort=tlP
WIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
t w•ltur st Law, sod Commlailorter L,r thr States n
krunt,llnola.,l. Louis, hkr, (law 1.1 Pattramrah.)
lirlwrrom n—rttrabora Hon. 411. Forward. 'lamp.% t
Miller. Itreatullrar Y Mlrl;lnrv. ..I.llm Y.. park,,, 111,4.111
Wmple, AlrVotd Y Ca. •a 51145
il IBBONS I RI IlligN S !IVe are opening
xe,... udw ciao 1.. 0K1 WILL Bon etCnod Neck Rlbboue.
ua:ki al II la 111,1 LBURCHVIELD.
PLAIN BLACK 1., I 1..1.: S .—Munrur A.
I Boxelirtild, have pit reed . Irderolid loo•ortment of
10. k pdlics, Rum 4 . . k. to O, pno yor 4. 80,. will do well
In call and pureh••• from thorn. L depl
nkitADE LAINES-L, A. A. ?Anson A
Jur Cole are one , elneinK out theirletwk ol Der., not
• Ledo. , . boo. Men Kole ciao/ .00.
TA ••
• . 1
?.FATE, a Tale of S .,
tir . ring Times, by
, P. B. J =en, EN..—lbe awe iutertettax work the
~L , ,,,, b r la errs written. Also—Llt Ira Lavin./ Aga, No
3,o—glito with Int.... Ling aud uselLlcrt.trr
L ot ..,,,, at lIRLHEriP Literary 1)doot, Third otreet, op.
pp.', ii, it i , r el Ohre. I • .aOOO
yi , --. Ndri E HOSE—feln feet 2 inch :1 ply
1 . 4 , hold...l:dime, Itought 41.1 l elinKel, , for Ir.
d..... =et ''''' nr lt l''''''''''
o' t
t h o
u '"" • • KO, an al nne Iratran •,••
. 1 .. 0 a rso•Knoro tb.duar battier 1.. tosstut.tdro
w l n - 01 4 : 1 ;thero they 40 UK 111111 Otll am my... two.
the .°..7 'VI!' " N ' " ' 4 " !. 171 1 `17,111T6 , 1'.""'"
.., v.:
i And 0 Woal et
mutat ' •
l--Stocke of the Ditte'gh Banks;
T V ". 4 .;3 9 n- H rte't .°4 i l iV i L"litg ~,tll4':4g.
f4:41:i0 , !'..'"tiTialinltc..-..t BIRO;
• l',
.rellsts arum
. .
• To Let .
BE well known EAGLE 10TEL,
nay ...canard by C 1,1.11110. S. II Ebb. Urn/crly af•Nad.
ThIP and eranmolinue llnt.l.—snotainhaz anaarJ4
or 3. non, a arntietnen't .
Win,' and nnllnary. rrivam p.kma .11.0 bmrroono al
tado.d. a dining rnotn 40 (441.-4itnatisl On-.1n4.
.nbalast,s.n.l.l4, of lb, 1.41rn4 abolol n4arl4
opoolco the known bon, 4( VIII 10114.11.1a1.
can 1.4 had at a n.. 4.0.1. mut In4sl and ytter th e
1 , 41 OF APIO CIS I.ol'. 0000 144 1..m-.4!.
pant'. 1414.'4,4.1mA
The 114..1 Ira 4 4,44nt1y rrectol /n b 4 ant man
Inlnonal Oy h. N.. rat., mono oufatinn. bow4mr,
itiould then Ow Irbil num., or the
vroo.nt upen dnonn nl
For tnrlll4r partlenno...n9lno. n(1 • /len4r,
n4er Tliinl et., tlnlolphia
Valuable Real Retzte For\ Sale.
Ill[ E Glllnwin,. 41,4,61..1 pronekts Ivill ht .
.1.111 'Mt.... On- hob ..t tri ll
0401.,14 /irlrk. A tb4 "'l' M ''' . I
"1 4 .
b.t. of 6:1,41.110. 01, r
Wat, albo. 1..1, O. 4..41 font. ..n.lblemr 4.41. end
nor A 1... . f44ci lII+ 4 . 1 b. •r"
..144101 tvo anav 1.4141; 1.•410us 1(011444, I I, cut,
tai lua right r0..n0 • ./labt I:44o .
2S Ps) lu boot. and cret deep /1 , ..0bt1, 111(411 Lot
Vinor a11..y. fo tl In. ,l linden toa.l ,
Alrn 40...0rn ..ory Oen, 0.. On, 11.• col. 04,,1 1.44. n
.1.141,14. 1,4 tomb and to 14, 4,4,, ..ontatna, • be. c
Tin• attn. , pe, an one nolem , no j, all.
!, Inaba an d Oh io - h ai llb..l no b . , 501 11, 1 .
Isn iunitiminf tbv 0c14,11.4r of 104 ho b ,hest.
T4rno and,. knnan 40 114.
or .1 a 11 F 8 hid L. oN 11,
,r, , j,.1 dt. EV, 01 13/raleth W tr.." , ....1...1nN1,'
rillo LET— A lard;.;tuil von,oni e n t ~,,.1
A w A 14( Ell l
..I S: F.. ills ~...0,1 0,..1. led ....... lt ••••i '..‘;
and r ( mitlnela known ut . , , -C,
nar l In,!1 1 1 .1 . 0/ll.rl or.
• .
Great Bargain!
jjlitEL'l'Y ST. l'ltol.lllttY von sA Li:.
-The IIANhI,ON Huller, ivrutvly kepi . at lo 1:
ittua, mar now by J li.Stu,- to blio.V,l et pm el. (Aie
r.irl 13.4.1 te oppugn. to the Canal. Iran, •arl wlndunor
IL, loeetwo of the Fertr,,ltaum 1 r.,ur,... 1....... tin, , (N.
lion-ho rented gm 11.(Nal net t ear--11. On.tarte .4 in
FAwattle Fur turtle, part... War/ lair. or I.
FA IRMA:, Federal et : A Ilre hew, or R a A alglteLl..
ailonty .t , l'ltt.torgh. Attimuntraior• ~I tb.. ..1(.00
Tatman Fatturnt, der'u ravut . .11.
Private Residence for Sale
ril I I E Plifll'Eltl'Y i,, ofrAmi ex , ....lnig-v.1 .. .7
1 I v i....Ld no vern neroltro•lottur. term. Vla4:
lo purl...Ll, heated lo tto, tapiella trenr.rlng lAs
of Allegheny. The lutuation..% Utontrlooeoul ... n too/tannage opnot pleaetog ate• of the etta of `/(ltte
burgh ena three mere at • glamor, bend, bent. ratnae
to to the trurdoe.i part a Fatehtirgh, enruldolug dt..N.
eminent degree the advantage.., le•ah Loa I. 00 nostk,o \
The Int o large, embreelug nenratt atn.ol gr..... a
one hoodro.l and 512. feet trura- tullng, heel tel. P.n.\
dled and nny Pad In On alloy. the Irupn,emeno. are ,
new; the h., Inek, aunt In troAerel•lyi, a the heel
material, end finnan a ILI the 1.... t trommar. haring every
convenience that gt•al terse sod •klll noad unguent. ugh
due regent to economy There 1/ • ••11 of cell tea•
ter at the door, ;Loa pip.. laid for 10 araot water, Carriont
how. awl Plalalng. • •enet. of ebadre fruir sod nbroln.,
hers It, .1...ra. Ita eltuattonainl advantage. 0.11.(olf le
appreaut.d lut an e.0.m....1n of the protal,a tientle
ior.o ...Ohl. t. pent...van. Inrinll to melt on 011.U1341,
•I.lOli. 1•1/11 Win tale plranort In going. et crlNotattrne
tloo It L. a rare rhanee I.) .ercaner a delightturren
donue. or to porcha, ott aperolatmo. • . \ a
Palatal A 1 11% IN. 114 .ronola cat.
- .
ReafEstate. \ ~
If ,
OR SALE—Two II and Lay 10 the
Fifth went-nn. Lll. , rty etreet. and the. ~her. her rn
al•n-A pte, of ground. !hire reet no IVebter rtreat, hy ,
Sfel nut on tlumerr at 'Enquire oau Lite•rt, 0
anagalf rJouroal 1,1, i
Seven Valuable Pattie for Sale,
,i LL SITUATED near thr‘Ohio ..I Penn.
fli, eynania Itartroal. In tho rtrintry of n/lern. Ohre.`
cootaltaug lento ea 1...0 arr., at, h, eV 11,.,.0,1 +6.1,
of cultivation
Als-I no TOWN LOTS. Lehr...a no. Nneent L13013e,
Pert of the wlla, and the talon 10 neleuta
All of •tort. *III he .(old cm ran , term. fat the potent
en.. roxk to the Oh.. out Pool., nomn tritlln.d, or 111
glared ref the. Pants to INtleburgh, Intl M. glen 111 IL/1,
01. 1•• .1/h to duos. • ale, °Fgt. Nand. amla tottnt the
Ih/ /round, la .I eotolinent Matt U......f....... ' reel u
Eitel Oa, llntol.q., no • ht... e /an... 0.1. e 'Lai tu
'' U l !..l " 7 .b r '' :i i nt ' tolit7 ' 4 r . the eat,. iltle
burgh area Clotelsoll alu., t• IlIer111.•ti,•110,1•1.,i,.•••
•114 Itlv 1..0..1a \ 11, 1.. tienTAti II'••• the ern,. flu.,
now lenog nosatro.rnA to earl fn. n•letit, met,. it ode, t
WeMe , imt..... 1. , Fu1..• .athe nue. rart:or .. I)
eta, Ilon rd
a g alloß V ol :+111 eel.
.lalem. it • Jon- 1. 'NI ~ Ijr • (Ili a , . .
..r i liNS TliANSP6tat I,IIh.,`,),NaNI.NIISS. I 1 iN ,t
c\ \
tiliollar 51FrIllNIAN N-I(nr uale of. •V• 11111 1,, •
I I.' term/. FoUlt,err eel aut.. laal r.. //AI IruulllS. ,
let •% Inch, on Dona 1-•••• •1,•••1111 11,. end /roan
log no thy Peons. and Ohio hailionla ,ranthro • /.tuareel
the Iten , Ll and ettendong hael.NIL the \aunt
\ lnn... the,
In adr.rdion the grew... laminae/0-r Phu eut hy eithor
the Itann...l ,(I traual ,
Fur tenn• 1.01,111 V a n, C NTOOKIN.N„AII. 10.10 Ca,
or al the lLeAnture (.1 111. el li!Ch . ..N.
augl/ . ((orlon 41 II ..t alk/I , r ,rd ran
For Ale.'• \ `
ALAItdF. lot or ptecte dirrmind ailm. te in
the Stath la and 0 the ("A lot Noe`` 1'1..0 nna
• 4.1/I 004,1 .... Full. a etre., •• eatenrl.o.l. 1.. L te..t
to enewfurd.lreet Thlt pnue.rty I,,tedal,rn t rid ....
the Old Bann and to the, orlon. • FL. praetor re aler ...
of the late 0 N1...1.r. le,. end t • Ii• - • 10•4 On • t
r \
A It Lago, 1....1., and ran Nett. \le Anneal. g m.
',her for the enennu (a on/ or n... la letul du\ it... / /(d
aurae ale or elaht (mall. r tetomeoh. ' ( 0 \
Term•---Onettard 10 11 , 11.5 i Fool the hal ot. la hay etr,y
u. el pay n/ente. verured to hroJ and n artuu,
Alnq to elotWE A IV ATnt/N.. nye at Low ~
augl . -dtf No etnirth tett.
a , . •
1 4 01: 11.EN'I'—'1 im 1)w.11in)... , . 1k11 , .5 7:. , ; \
.1 Ttor:l rtreet- near Su..aLneta-, nem 1.1.. . /... 1 LL
new hart. Landing no.I the paatanunand pepertat e . 0f...... , -
the .nllte how, 1. noonlool/ \ Th. Vert , hruotetk no the
.good door Lem • 1 , 01. r , ..0n,01 ‘ ,11,0, .Ith hot 'kr n•li
Als-00 lloa•-• ade....... at woonlerato real- hptute.
t.I \ ala PARLINIiaI/N. ( N
augfeff , V...ur a 1 . ..... t. lour it ~.1%,
For Sale or Peri* ual Lease, ' r ,',.•
, ,s.
(FORTY-TIIREE i11.N.1 1 NO LOl'Si 1.4
B pi! . out lut N 0... . ,.. t ..,,0n.."1 al /leo of the lawn (
IA Alleghern. tnnalzmou uult..tlinrot gran-n/ore, Laud
r.t. Pant Lew.
Awe, Mr runt for or, or ruvre. Vk i :: V r•••td.o. of the
out lot . th.• I 1 111. elirlliltug teu o In, re otreet, 100)
ot enured ae a peen., 1. .
For term, le, etoroleent Mr. SI - 2t , It ItLANII. near'
the prem., ur of IP. aub.ellterr, Ito In-.. Nn. 1..1
eth alnult. Flllahurgh
ry/df__ 1I Rmeltl " WI AIN/.
Real Estate for S
i VALUABLE unimpnivpd T,L,oi the
1. rta-urr of Igteerty uol Factory rarer ~ nth' . .1"(1.
L 10. W.pnl 0 1.0. I , a feel de. on Fvotory . roma., I. •\to e no/
ell, a
aln.-the thn, ,ry 11.0NN I/welling 1 looge N.i1,.. y
On, ... adJonnag tn.ate. lot 1/n1i...2. /.• .Itl
/.1 Irk deep The II( u, I. eta, and nu. ...tueo 1
modern tylel &ad eon n. e. nem.
2 1 , /--- . 1 , 1 . rre.: ; 1 , ar.V , a , l , u , 1 .t.1:,1....n..... ,, r2r , a . f1e ,, Nt1. \
alme-A I. '-' tra I.LJ ,10 wren,. nos., ..'.. 't .
In m New C..ette I, -
.1.-Verure i 110..... untru 1.. N ..710( , ••••• ' ' '' ,.i
yr.., fnm fut.( 0. down. ,
.Ilat , --I . J. nu, re usale lot to ./ 000, lila., Pri..
...r.t. Fayuiro. ,r ,\
% . r •o s L It lic(l7ER . 4laN.
Anorm-y• i s ate. 1 Pea gala/ Act on,
r. ..,,, p: 1., rtu -t e:l_ en, 1..e.11
A Go o d Bar ` ' is' now iff' ered, ,
1 F A VPLIVA'rION. BE Al Al; tint iN.--
I. Iron. Tlan. to Four A lig,. ... bola.-,.'. il.I. , 11,11.
near Ilerr e 1.1:lull-on the ,rem...... I. • r. ua , ra,
•Ith neeenwry tnniktine, ae. The property brualtve
o r lon. 1.01.1 WLI at n an. profit P..rn .. 111.ra..0.1
n. all!all I at.plx to la ft allrl) A lilt. , ~
... . .
_._ .
A Hietocy of Pi :burg . 11
BY is' ' '.\ \CRA II , Et.t. A
tory •f l'itt.burat e ,ineut thr ear "ert L. n rl wile
rru Wiled by what , tut.t.h.wo to th cirete o th e
ettl •Ith not lere of,tlilA,l rntabll meat e route
thr lolir,rts.t Luartufactorikk Ivol la, wrk, t Utter
cod Improvement, up t. thr TAtottent time: • hteh r .1,1-
.1 a chapter upon the .11,041,r , olattrp. molt hu\t.aln
faetunutt and eumruemial.
fl wall nl.lll/11.q, of
the at,treaata autouut of hurtln tTaatracuol . et...tont/at.
4 1 9 6 e: ',r.',!, - ,:z7:;',',',!,Z,.,n;'',' - 7r.,t.
tout eltutr att.l neeurrenetto of Ilr.rte•l Int e...t hav4
Imrla ertoprvr•trl within . brief • mo ~ of tint, r to tho
country 1.11.114 L.. head n 1 tht.tibite., To ...Heel p.,,q,
and ex hibtt. to hirteneal ortltl . thre , ‘ arieor Itelidutr,
and . Nudism the a‘leantataok.four*aoltton.... due.
"ter... , e•Pilshoo I. ,ttlo hr... tr th uhh et of Il:,P,
t: puma. ITtaii. Loa., Priet , 4l..., . . ,
Publ.C.l atel,lor rate to JoaN 11. nemAitt.
....,...; n1kVk.....1,1r.....1\
The College . 'of St. lame.% , •
WASHLNO,,TO.; COUNTY, itt4iiiTAiii.).
(The Diooes..Oollrar'vf the Potdostatt EtufropaWhurrh i
9111 E TEN"ni 'ANNUAL SES,,SION win
0,..,213!t10NDA1',.tte1,,N, nth. I , l';`att.l r:lottuor
,Ittlll', tl'Z''.":t.e.T,TZ'Are:;:n.t:,:;tll:!'rtit;.l'it.27l'tl'.t.
opt.luu of the Sec.lali t hut ttr ........,1 at itztVtime the,
apply. end thr oltsre tit 1...1./fatted trout rho .4.14. ot t ir
TILE CLLE.E ha. flit. uitue.nuntl.r , 11 eir.rr-t.
font , 41 ato .14.1 . 1Uottir , h, it rultapletooltteatiou,,od
the ucrmLiolo , rouuution OI the roll.lof oir., eioulern
oo Ito Fra.that... the ni,u2.l•,adritttnil tIeSTZ. \'.,
Tilt lillA)111AKSE1101.1b, itutao,intol ..1j0i.0. , thr
Cale., and under the rupervolort tA:tio. I ' 14 4 . 1,,,,i ' k, ..
ilVi illotinet detefoline. ree.lvet , 1r:41'.1 Ole o r 'l
the. - LeGobotutesl rourre. sod P...... 'the. , rt• the o" ‘t
iatotelarwor. Th.. oterricht to
kintortlpo of the Pt-0r...,
:7,7 , : -.., ji. , E.: „ 1 . 1 2 , ,, r , rzr rp:Tlrttlitti \lir to LA. ,1J,..... ,
111 tl, 1.1 . 111 WA STI LE CLA,S§litt.elhi,elo, ,4 1,..k t
omitted, mud lb. gam, ruppllAl \ hvordditMu4..l rtuttior I
5114,11 La 11...... b..) " .. 1.. a4' \ 1
The folusilloo of lb. Colkoo lo kulltoly 11,1tIttul. and
by Ea dlittartre Min to and rill 1.N.“, ve.r.lx. , Trat.le tr
.....1 morain end tatter.
uonJ moralx and uttior.
KEMP MALL. • , 1,.. bulkily. tlst foalllit 40Xital l•
road) for oneupation 14 tr..- camen...t tho .x.inlng ...In,
la 6.,..111.,11 14 tbk fututor nu., of Prot .>,ti
\ ..1, the 7 . rttxt.....,
halo tom:ally akautax,l II ugh Dalr7 .F. au, 1,4 1)...;1•rt
Curer On Clmi at.l Er[13,00.10•1 1.33, X liJvlsu 11. AI,.
...lor, LI. 1$ . Lecturvr 013 PhyPim aria tkiristerk k
th e
wholo chug.. for the 4...m0n .1 tot. T. tit.. ttlie eart•
In tn. Wile,. and itratumarVto4t Ix lark ,hunzireol aurl
tarti. h. ble u th m altro.zayable no earcutll . l l y . tt.`xtarsue.,
11 1 ri..11311.11r 41)1`Zr'N;r: II ;D.,1:,,,,,
c011t, , v 1,1. Jan.., 1.1,11..
Was/twelve roubty. Ilmi s larta '..
N. II —Porxruis in Pittekurcli wixhing any miorukatunt,
an Inotllutlvo. aro rreofted h. the Rot 11,..i.
II Lyman, who Y. fortnerly a 'Crum.' ,
anulkktlaaSt `
University of IdEu' I. lond. \
ryIIE NEXT SESSION Will 11 ,,, i ( tite on Wkfk
tztg.l.l, the 1.511. der of °pink., I V, .0,1 elooo xe,
a / a ttn.:lt Smith. 111 ll.m
hueri ' I
Mtn. K. A. Aiken, It 11. Ctiour.try and Plaartuser
einutiol Clew, II li.. Thorat.tat..., 51..1 t t ., . lira.l., and
lli glow..
Juopelt 11.1,, AID.. Anatomy am! Phyetal.x. \
Wu.. Power, M. I/ .1....., and Pr.... , II 'e .
limn, .titriuo.
I,JI Chlki IL Thom, ,:$1 1$ , Alklaitory pal 11/•....r. of
. mu.
tiorao M. Mlltouto.m....e, ii. lk. Patholoalral'Auti'kenny.
lb. ultra ample tor tho 0r00... , ,t It. of
Practical Anshan, at ...i
turr....,xp....., 1
Chnical Lveturea tour Muir. •• a1x.1... 10 Prafnator.,l h
and Poaor.,ln the Italthaute luGrtuary: with Ore prit $1
Of daily 1 / 1 31135 11. M. 33 .01s, teeth... '.k.arita't... the xtu,..1...
for the ticket. ,
Veer or the Lorturok 140 1.1 1 ,10 .3. 1 1..10301.4,31 313 101 1 0111,1
$ll 4 a / 1 11.213 1 U151.41/1. 1,. r/013031.0331.50.,
1111. h. .a.Al'lllt„. beam.
Baltimore. Jule, 111:$1.-ateuaklUtar fit ~,
Kentucky Mutual DieThsgrancikeoznpany.
FrIIIS 00111 PAN Y offNrs 1.51 , 5. in tired all
AL [Pa
ns ty sod %Avant,. •of t Mutuatal 4, ut
Imuok Pla (amhoroulfuro neell, cowl, ...La.,/ ~11 1....
rat.. of pron.., au •0011•1 re ru ha1,....,1, .1 .Mo "ix r
Wroquired fer Cho roylin, tit tlaYlot s l • ,, set.
sdputf..., Lot not pte......1.. krovia; kt l9r etc ...AN..
Ill' ot moniker, lux tho •hulo 1017,3 0/ an YU. ,tlatto
bin Interpol iu lb. a.ctuttulatiug ftfyil see oat h. 1, .. 1 .
mond., payablo et death, G, rre..lsl. , pbou 0 1. 1 / 4 ir •1 1. `•'..
guaranty fund .1..4,u...1 Cur :hp eel - at/moo, s t
a borta tern; tuotutwen• mat ale. for the he - Po. ' .r.” .0
three lux tb. arbuk. tor. .1 111. . '. l
SarTiala ix the out, Mutual Lif. I \ ttail.A... \tu...l
•hriao rated uf Flinn= aro 11‘.,1 at it 0..1,r...03,3 1 31 3 0 3
.3/1.1. Wilt a 0 - 0013313/01',/r a3O, \ro.ri t i t. , 2t , ."`V ... '4,
latton of !mule (for futuro .......0 , isl .... t ~, . 1.„. . ..
the amount uf busts.... mot tko itic .03 / 01.,
111 310 11111/ ' 3N2 , 30 013,3
3 1 .33:13{1013113., Matt, Au... ...let
).,,,, 0,101131 k
rale. 01 Ilan 1...6111,1.1)..,.•.....".1, , d...... 21;3 /113 ,
fur inourauro rare.. lir
~ 1 . ... 11.....1•1.n.0k "I ..hil.rti.
.411.1[1. DMR.T. a1x•1ie....1 Exatatuer too
C OI , kilgE-3.00 , b ,, a i g , p i r ,A it i aj; ` , : 1t0 , ' ,: ,, , , ,.. le
4.: U i'". iI b ARB. SOIJAL2O kg i kjast rec \I n) , ..
10 fur pal. hr A eC11.../N MA Mat a Co.,
rapes lltlYo.d str et
PLAINT—Try acme Of Ill llllll s',FtilUilla old Yrerkb
nitANDY. at SI ffr Guttla. ler tale at .1 1.../.11411%1c Toe II
in the Ulartna.l. \ • .., 1,..ee1l
itsANNEKS' 014 - 20 Lb . fore - tdil,by ,
..,,„. ~...,\ . 0. a . umiliAll U.
1 ,
, . . .
'•\ , .
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• TS - ' - ' ' - ' :';'-'-'i,' - .11ED t v
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. .
, vox nue=
!fk i! couops, CoLps, HO. •
. .
TiSi witoopnia l coup ••.• '‘, . —\• .
• . , ASTHMA,.COSHII, • . .-, \ ''' \ '
\ -
II le.! .
thhi o IN offering to the - oommoiii, - ' .
\ :\
.‘„ i
~, , \ , , •
rd. ,'4• I . oviebr.ica..rwocirily.for diirams• 't thrt,t . " . " . 1 11 • '-', ' ';• \ ,
4 1' , ,
.. _ 0 • 4 , \ i 4 .
i ~,.. i i - - -, It tr not our wlilit to trills with theLli.w-0-
_-`,_..".. . !''
alfliatJ. but'likr botori l ,,thuu. r,. A
\ „ `.. .
• • , 4
,dudirkuulrbrd [MM MI - tOIT of Lb! write*
MM. .
r.rkt pd brru 'err, (rum • Welk au, run idditi kw tbattuked 1.
' .• \ \ . '
, tlt 410 d' ring ore!, ,Inlict• .dirrotr to to,kn'ad,trild anon . ' '4,
4... f: .I.i:4l:trut h :of it
i r t ttt , tr 4 ,c , t , kor 7.4117 botokt 4 ,
~ .
..... , ,
~ , , 4 ,
41,41, Op 17 . ''
~, to
Z , .11.4 . by ITI\ Ma...TY , ~ ,
M.. 111 „ null atut,tbera pa T reatbie r aiddhe' '
••• • • •
• • . \ . \
3w""' , s them t..oArcialld 'and pludasit
. 7 ..,,... , . 1
.. __ 4 l2 „ tiLug en, V..,U,At, dpl.,.•' . ~ \ •:‘,. 2.. . , ..A., ~, \ ' ":. ...), ,
It t 4 . -. : par•tion. until ,! Lad au ;Tort .., \ \ .• AAi )
g‘_, , , i2C . irrt. itt my wriT Wally. iti at MON of' sor •- - \
---Clev ---- '-- .i;;`'' tVahliff..lo'. de r! - ?: :••• "'1 , \ .••\• .'s• ' \ 4 " . • .\. • \'• ' '
-•-• WT kr mid, rous ...... 1 V 0 . 3... 4 ' .. " .. i. \ -b '''
~), i \ \ A ..,....,\ . ...., , i '‘
7 -2 : - i7 .- -7.: • \ ~ , ;. i ,,........}V't1 1 EeL ' vt.•,-.\ , -s, \ • •%' - ..‘ '.. ,• _ .
. ~
.kei Lines.bp 5 . - , Ep,a . ,3, \ ), , ,, 0n. r .,..', i.\ b 1 - V, ‘ :,,1tt00.: tuthla Ai \ \\ ‘‘ N
\"" • • • \
I Dar Dees '
• \ \
witiiiii.o44 sous kit vvrr had II My We, b your ••• r
•arkru...ud /4, DeTat Ma.
` he ti I bare okpintutum or co iiiy/V ~ '`\ A\ A , \. \ ''
l '-i g:g `9. 4 l lttrl .t \ 'i247 i. '2, Ou_to. r tM,l "S'U tA. D . . - - ''
, 1 1‘ .\\\ ‘ ' '\\ N ~ \\\ .',.., \
L5,,..y. ~..,..!„ .. „ .. ,,, .K......i1,,,,,.....i1eai 1 , .., , ,k. , ..\, .\\ \' . • , ,
. „ .
1 - ri. Pkttaut hkl becotiq dru6. fist*: '\A ••
\\ \ \ \ • \
I .
''' fk (4, t: ;V . : . t i er ' . i. r ; the rordirn ‘ e wk. utrt . Y,k4lydaidt '•• \ \ „ •'.\\
~ \\ \ ',. . '"'
' \\.• • \ '4 „ \ .. ••••• S ' \ \ \ .••..
Itailio :1 \ •O. 4.11dr0.. tkiaruila iirabros."NyAl • '..-:* \ \ -
r. 4. C. Aretr: I bare tioaa'ffilletud kph z• •• tat • \ , \ \‘.
, \\
7 ~.....'....."—•-•-• ''"--.....-- tdirundu a the luttgi, .dr all the fimptora. of mt. el ',. \, \ \'' .- \ •
. ''
' \ ‘
-4 . ruardituyttri, for tugur amt. b. rear \,.. rouird'ttod - mu - 11.- S ..,
IV, BRIG TO : dicta, thm would. my ea...:autilke.rroucund t • . ' , \',
• T.u. or to`or tilerry P.M.r.l. , rhirh orrmr Endo.' _,.. • '''
. '-', \ ' .
. .', N N'S ,
. •
AUG 1:17 •Itt!,4 V". a d on,. ",, iroVet a L i ct" ° .,""' ith yt,:r.-- '—'-'• ,'• \ . .. .
• 4,
\ - ' - - \ '''.
.. roll .„.. ~.0.,, , I lietkthe fraultuattuu or =Suit tr itb s t r it.t•ffn , . ~
,i . ~,,,, ~- p . M . .M4l IMMI4. .11T. P.M.. Mi. MIMMMT DMVU'IIBp.;bTa ~
\ \
~.„_ . \
31. pud 4'4 P. M. . 4. 4 P:Y=44 . 4 udit t i tturr=tfti r*.r.,..t,..4 ,
. '• ' \\\ \\•
• lIILE. 1
.. buff Dke- ' '';''
- ' ' ''.
\\\ . ; . . ........
\ .'• .
. Farr 30 ot ' i.
..„` : . , . . • : '... . . ..._ _
F0R...,. , • - -=-=- --
CINCINNATI.—The fined .1
..amer DIURNAL. W. S. Colwell. Will
low the al.ove Aal lotomodlalo port, ma „
mi l dy. Doh inottot. At ID •Alt. . ' `'' '
lo .._ Allms • rkulNli. CROZ■II A et' ._.: 4 4tr 0 9!,_
1 4 10 kNE , rVILLE=The fine
. '
,Lu kr•
lun ft 7. - Int PRE'eS, l l,ms....r. will kw.,
1.., otol naortuedlah. wrt, op, thin
at -I o'c-h.,. , ,
{.-,,, 0...,thl or t.osago, APO, - on tn.rd. ' 4
, .
ll F:11 ULA It P11"I'Slill 14111 AND
1 " ." 1 .) ;.. L .1 1 " i l :li r fi l \ v A r s: - j,%".'& 1 ," °4 ' 4
r., " , ,!.'"‘;„': ~..rtorloa, 0,0 r.. , ;1..;w3 7 •,..,ftr Po bD.,H.
h. rat an I Wheeliug, leAt too l'atoborg a 10 OlOot
~,,,- %qt.., Waalataklay an.l II,, and r..turning.
i r .,,,.., wh,.,,h,,,,T. rrry.MlsoAbo, Thursday an Malt.
%lh a.. 1.
'''''l, lNlM'Mlf ", :tfig ' i r i. ° `""`' A° .'''
•- - .
~,.. I 1,1:310NT. I'oll. liw.h It. VIII
far. i.O t 1., ..1,,.. ~o 1 all na. rroollAteloon,
Wo- do,. the ...I 111.-, at to ollock A. IL
1 , ,0r Ino,ht . r pa...aue, appl3 on /...ara I N
~A '
TitANSIN/RTATIO , ace '•
Express Packet Line to Clev• and
TILE Privprietan , of the Packet Lines.hpr
ma ma.b...3he rrqubitte ninmgregoeurr with the (A lo
Peraia Raltr,ml all g.e.remsruk, goirm. i,ar
h otb, by the Clecelund a.r.lseet C.lle Parket, aud
t nalgh lieket. aL thesdlre. will N. With •t 1 k.-
et rytggcb will;ive them the ',Mau 14. Ruth
grrk..att, be Corr ..r the r ,
I.l \ . ap j a " Z „ tfir ' ilna. U .tfl
Pitt," rub.
- _
F. 11.4.0,1 P TTSBURtIN 11) NEW ERIC, 7 7 0 - '
. 28 NILES.
( 11 ..,,, 1n II
i, I ter , MONDAY, A uGn l 4tl!k,
I.E 4.1').. NE.. Tll ' ililiT ' XL ' 7 . 7 ', : ' Z TI.T..nt7Z P. M.
1.1.. A% F. I'lol'o • t 1:1111 at Id A 31. and 4 P. M.
\ Ir A r r, BC 3 CTO. I'ER 11.111. E. I
CLifdr, nod.. t.el , e mare ..0 age half prtee- • \
1.41 w-en Puteluiruh ...I Hay., ill.. Farr,
..30 cti.
`••• • si.rrirld.r.
• 1.:.-"n,ulY. - r nu "
... lip•h•a. 00
e 0
R - 1 - ..a,ureJno a ;aka la la 11 iv lib at redunal rat.: '
Betwe..o Pltubor.l.ll and IR beeter, to rely elation
bark, thee/amp dayW
Is-. 1•,;.. I•ittAburgb,•4ol 2•4.• right4..ll4back. \
111, ...le day . \
Oar The Train will \ upt run A Sunday but Excursion
~ Tie1,...te.....r u .d“n Saturday .01 b 7,4 SV,r On' rt . ...
Tt=7lle . e..e will he at \ Ow Depot. n i'elrral .00,0.
VV •r) te....1.,rn boultug there anksh.,,\ tair the mu •
i ..iti 111. Bride, to we Aban.utraln• Hauer. they In
e11,k.... ,Outnthu•n•• will silk, leave th e Ilnuonaahe
thAnk itutuethat.. l , Prerinu , lt• the lenr l / 4 :lg of lAnthrnr. f r
tbe , runwoyanr, ut 1.......nri•rei lull, Dr 1., ~ a &lng by t a
11.1":RPLV'afalt!l',11111%%ItIL.%:1-ii‘'l.4l°,7' t'bP'‘'.'kl.;.;.-7
alunil.htute. peeNeugere can Lail the urklilnt...o. l 1
qr.yed .. th. Cwr,
.. " Tlu• Itai road will 1,.. exteulvd 14,Tutul NevkilriglAy.,
lb.. , arti«at sera
,r 4 el arable dm r. ,
Ry.. , rder if the lt of Dirr•etnra
uOlOO pai:N. \
n u,r2.:1(., ‘, Ticket, Airut.
•,/,‘, oullercril , n\A . ,a ' t6 the Ohio arid Penn a.',Railrok
E:46;Vtit -- ---i- i
.. , •
pi c rr .r...-1 5 r. 8.v.8. ‘,
ric a ll, s ‘ .T i v .
\ t. . \
......... \; .. z,.. 1 . : : .. ,,... 7.. ;e 4c311.,:„:. 4 .....fiy.:,..i,...;_.,.. .....:.?
7.4„ , , ...... 2...; , \
Sfe ' s , rnon,eriOn \Aire/ th< Ohio and P,,,,...,R.dr0k -•'±! - . ...-. ..: F" .
._ ;...
, , ;... -.
I ),,v6,.:P:(;ERS' O II take the 10A.31 . train '',,,, •••:',... - -7 --- - ---- . - :: - .) -- ...;.. -" - - : ~.- "I' : \ ' '--
. ' -.-- \
\ ;• 1 : , V,1.. ' 1V - 11 ' Z r -‘ s l"lgt`.l./F.. l '.V.‘n.vr J LtiiiiOULD, -s,. %•-....• "" !Fa''' . 7 - I . • ,v, \ • s ••; '.
nUarn'val -it New ilright.M., at lii. A 11. daily. arriving ' ' '
at nes Paatte at 1l• N. \ . TIR. I:IITYSOTT'S Improved - .Etirset of \ .
ilatursing hair Srlle'VlieSlK M 7 I'. •/ . attivittg of rim I_, , vnt.Low DOUli ABA SARRAPJLEILL4 ls non, ' ' •
in to on .hlr thi- 7l i A. Sl. unit.,
, • pot np m thidargeet sired Battles. and is snnalittedsl , \ .
~1,1.,• , , '''4 , , t ,,'",!,,',' , :',!'""` "'• ''' ' '', , c 't • ''' """ ""' L t "to bo th e,I3EST B,IICSAYARILLA And% lisi is oittlfted .
Ipr t rtdd,hthliete apply, to .„ 11. Ed ~tilti.N by the artualerftil BLOKES It Inail werfboacl , th e arhenal '',, ,
'\ -, ' ' ''.l l 'll • A ‘ ' Zel: I' s. 'l l7r " ot!,-I . r. " . I ' l. 4 .kith ...."1, the POeMeeion a tii. i‘ro a . iai f . .-: - \ \
'''" 41- " \ ''''''''''''' • "7"i".31-'ll76o2Sh' u*' l . l%lo b. in ''. .i lb t:f . ot t or b ito'n 'i o i .od ir'" ''''
it " o din rot ''''a tfo ' os. . \ ' . V
\ h " . i „,,, e „i,4, .;,,„,',..,,,, i , ,,,,
• wn,t. CURE. W ITUOUT PAIL , .
!ono 1 1 ,,i. a lilteTl P.ll. , ProaTtori i. \
-', a S. 1 T
-... A ' ' \ . '
„.„ - ik . s • \
i't/ - k‘g• - •- - -- -,t. , . • \ Erympelm,Chronlanore lye& •,, i\- - ' . ~.. 1
'or Tett licshillnd '
' e"/P l ''"l I" L"`' '' l,. =“' s *,! l e o '''' s o' . 104,,, h'ic.- \ E ' l9 " ° \ '7,,'' ' \ .`, ~- h' \ ,; 1
, \ llhaumalleco, 'Pans lb. Bann or \'\ . • - -;11 • \ - ..
.„,,,,,.. oh , 5 0r ....„,,,.. r . , ,,,..,... f . \._ „ , , t, ..a...„
firif I . ; SP ilSe lto ELLS Il s ace the'tloaaure t 4 [m ina. eyptilles , DrelloPoine Bait Mona.: 1.,, , -, :- -.- 2 .
a \oni.a..., to their rade autl'palrnua vie the Penn- . Pi... of tn. Kldnont. ion or Arnett., • --- ,-.1, .1, 1 . ~,ii
~2 ".."‘"• 1 ' thot oti hot . rommottrod trto • hiPPOM \ \Memo. arming tram Lt. .or Sier. - ;" ' ' ' .. - Y , ' '
i•Tt. oti .l °° t0 14 . 1,, -7.-. Lo ... ,,,,, rirbt .>, , ~, Pain in the Sid. and - ,--.;:-,,,,. •-- \ \ •
end tronidltilealelphia in V Ult /Al,
•Ur are \now prepared tyre Ire end forward. tiy.mcm‘ t \ Shoulder,. denerld DehilitTe '' '. ''. '' k •
r sites bdttlier ..r ordure ve bin our rapseltv i whleht \ e r „,„„,,, y„..,0,.„,,,,,i. e . , , „
nr: TIMUSAN 11 T NS Veit IS ELla,
al ihe (..11...N0v rate. ur frelgh s.
I'l I,T CI. iyri si.aels Hates Shia-, Paoli, „ \
, \
Stitsolerl • thrT• t'otri,to,lc. Fro", \ ._th,f: REW7\FEMALE`M.Eift/CLVES.XO fen ' .
l h [s ,.. .. F A u rt ' ....: ". .. br . '''' ".
'' ' 7 . ... . '''' ?1 00 E,.,.' \ \ T 1,....d.. L i m. t \ t n. c.: ‘,.. ..R 0, 1 , 4 1 7 , • ,... 5.h . ..T e‘.
... ..i.....rtu or
ti .. n .64 tro, , • : .
sLisl \lo Pi. ti l i . --;tianisraissso...o•wareii:rre •
reTe . 'uts oST Stull , . 1 , , 1s I. *OP , eh- .. i avid gloomy stat<Xof mind, are t ici rrst ht,rtr. Glitmere ' 1
~ tlu. . T...4 iT on ' . "...-° 4 ' ... i:' . . " 4 ' ' . ''l ,of Mon Land Srrstnw, a. which ern La. - ‘.-
filt:n 11,,, -1 , -n1 ,, 115, gutter. land:4...ard . ll+ ti relief \I:IV-renewing the foundation w
mo d, !", 3,
~ !
i,I. ruf,,,,,...1.,..1 c.,..a.., T.alloa. urein Ind . el(ro h-the tdood..- It \ ocutrallrn bid tontors, .tons ' s • 1
\ yo '' f ill t LAIS-.l.linii ilMid. -14,1;1 . 1 ;I ."'. ..
s'' '' " ' " n " '' ' ''''.4; \ ''''' .. °k . gi'''' l'''Ll k i' t 'a°4 '' ' '''llS,b.
\' 5 5 4'.'1 2 1 ,i . " '";
.A . ' 14' 1 . ...17 . !,t . • ' I I ' ; . . loleh%oidivrifS\ b -1 to 4 \ the ' ' Ptt ' ' \
~ ' ' '
'\ ''''\,.. o ' .°. " \ ''T lV ` ln't '''''' 2° ' ...1 "e, n " .... cn ia l:rar ' tsl4 . rons the nce indul*cr i of LEA' Wetrteaarlng , s '. \. ; 1
\\"„, \ WilkiEßbillg\ 4Cade.My. '‘•••\ '"''''''' "" I." '`'" ' s " `' "." " rt l tt s_ r I rtli "It•. .\ . -
.., c 111't
;‘ L.
~.. %
,"•••••"isdt and
~" . ; :1 , 1 5 , „ 'r t..
~i ck : i i,: i .v b i on., :
i 1an citv..... •,... „ :„... \ . . ...,
"•''' '''''' \ ''''"'• i' " 1711- ' 4 1 •11 ' C /11 "`k° 1 S .' 4 . foilosu Tort bis scoot mslyosnt
_.reari Ishatic, \ . .1
J A StErl's 11UST(E'i, A. 11.,, Pan;clP,st.. ‘. ‘ll
.. l b
public f tit bait neTervemtrOd-neeer eas t WrWr; ''
\ ,
f r 111 S 3:,".' l'flif ION x, ill,\ open fur tr 1 " "•"\k".dect',e.P.i...o.. 4 "*. - ...towilit.b , , i ~
~ ,,i r.r-rp, . a ~,,,i,, ~., ~,i k
4 ,,,, ~,, m,,,,,, I..v.lbcrued epurious compound-ea finnan on expentwas. \ ,
' ' lir i otia t „ qv- ts.uee. .. 1 ...rue . o , Mi.efl.'e 4 \' l hid' ay ' freim m! ?,al inietruivido iviet hope, I.l&eanlyiTl ' \ t " :- 1 .. .
Liavel,. • t st. e. rti tLe Led. A. aileinjoe and t , ..11.. ,or fr. phispurripv\dernhiereo,llyi the' fore. lionenr ~ . • ~ -" i
vseil. 1 iluelnat. apo SII la- mi.d. tu MI Lraliclea adouttine 'J\
"..„,"'....-", V:r ..'.l''' , ' '',K:a d r'l."l,t'.4 - ,=':lZ7,, il , rit...,\ ? th,,,i; R o on. aergair of his ram 4;1,' , \ `., 1
a r, tan
la beano and spirtlaShowitra loathatimiith '..
,;..tts..4 i Y
.4."‘.141' rviltalnlllµ'./41/11.1krirLa....., rt4aliera ortirtilkdrrx.rui . thil. hit` of whnical nr s •c: ' \ i
' 1 • 1 •••V 1 • 14 1•• • • " •I ,'' \, s nooonon In, skins In tin natt's *rtrart a Yellow Doak • . ' • "T,
\ l !q ' """
''' IL'' ' ''
--"u'fli''''' ' T ''''
awl 1 41 aparill \ ..,t T,.....4.i 1.11, hit\ bls B 4 hut. to • ' • '''.••:, •
L , T4,1..5ti.31 FOR \ t s i. s E- \ \ ,r, lir a ' ,s. ha no hesibitind in'predleting Diem..dr': , , ..., ,S „ r
•• +.. ' • ft \ horr"' Hr. , . kto . SHO, I, i Pl•ok IfT. l - ` rrrrk to n..t , ~ . •• \ . \ -- 1;......-..e...... \ \ ' - . - 4 •' v
* n , ,8.4. ............ , ,
~7,. \\\\,,.,_ \,\
~...1,..,..,!-\, ,
. :ii .L.ILI. AD nib ' PO \LJlTTiever ' ..
, \. i . ''''
\ ...
\ ; Cud ernes ... elock. Elting ai
~„.14,.3,, ..
~.„..,T A T lI TT, IL T L T A .
. C 0,. ., . ,;,.. _
w .
..S t. ~ , ,t iz.n. ...., 41. .1 .,. .J . usz th z"4 ,o,.. . .:\ \ , *\ . 1
\ :
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1, 1 1 111: : , t4 • Ikla,lie N r. °, , ti a' c ' e 'lll ,ittle Saw )fill t' A
y.. i .,- r ,.... 4 4 , u . tna ~,,,,,%,...4 . ,, , ( . ~,, , , as' ef ,
' \ - .-1' - '
I \ ,- .i. i;""' 1 f. i 'l h! ". T...... ‘' 22 ' tia . \i '' eti d ol i /el ' ; 4'. ` "he'r '''''''''a ni . ''''
"I.`iTi.:' •
tro km ii' l
C' '
\ • \ '
ti,r. the Id. dA.,..1n 1.,,m.t, Ise order Mdi Iteard a \ ren m tredrual dialksrim for le Mina; hat ISY ~ .Ti \„. a ‘
1 Slctie Ware Pntri pi, for e..: , , ' ten* odk- y, \ a,t o d. sno A<ltwo.oo4 othonr.ddlotoV •
• (eV pet • lia,slighted ar,f... Ile Nadon fa ar lele-S,-, a,
I I IV: ST I RS' ' it i, 811 ... in i.. ru. 1 . \ P ubli. ,` V lune rameas
S i ll i. '' ' ' •: ' ll ' ' ''' ia ' t r i ., a..7ialt ' d ." }rre. ' a e rf " Tl, ' . ' .1 1.. e. h i n re .. .... •1.4 ". ••••°°° , ° 0! -° Ttl 2 ia. \ ; 554 . '4 l ‘,
'l ' .4lH ''''''' . .4...f o i° ." • " ° °' , •‘' • 'SO . °°•• ''' & " ° ' " 'r s ' r • t eii . ."..S,O °her, tfflooiffl,e .r)} . T...e . \ .
~ ,„,.....„, ,ii,„,,h.ii, oh ''''' r oirek , Ihr It b. of 1 . );1 Tioie Dock midSartraput.e. i i i,,,,,,......., , \.
'- • !. . ' •e X.!1 ' 7.1 . .r 1 4 '' ,..r ',',.'N;:,lr;„`"'".`..t) "".\;,ST, ~ , , , h-:: ~,, - d ... h..1. .. 1 5' 0.4 " ‘ # r y 0 't . " 1
r. ' Z11,.5„1:, n:al:aVi l l:+4 11 , \ ''' tZt it :n7L4,.. ' .4., , ...f7airlii% ' : a ruc l. th
l/f W tnr y
. I% " pelt s.l i t itii;arie. s '.
•r ! "
nt.,. .ar “.k.w. No It:: i \ it etkirt, or at laarissusn, .aril,. h
~ , 1\ A. ' „i„,, , ,, „.4, 1 ,1,,, ' , , „,,, , „„„4 we,' . '',.\ •
i lia Id rt y irrt, twit. .. Clair. linieriPleff, ...H, ~,, i . ,
, c ., 0 ,. ~,,,,, di„.„.,, t. ,.. , ..,,, .i . ,
,o h,,,,.... 0 x...-... .11 , prmidle Jill hi Ott euheoriliet, .." J tot'lS , • ..,
leSonel,lS d.4 . p, itimailsour..ll le [PI sdue plane, I..‘i nbat it lain • ratrfoq cute
~, ",,,.
~ . \ \
v-ad ini ions, • at..r [ion. pmensv.r 1.. r hydran \ la • re. v•r eve cat,. .:\ E 0 ) 31 . 1 EN.• • •-,"
•""' " I ''• '"' " t " 611 "'• • 1 ' '''' '" '" 4. "" tust "" bt \ • \ ' ' 1
\ • i \ 2 \
efh \ \
otehed aye. au cry Lair thr 0ri..e..1414,,dm i i . ' , , \ Az. . z
\ n 4 Tone . 151'''11,'' . 1e„ . -ff,, \: K r.. 'o.\_ o\:\‘',ll,\-‘
us bps Ming. v( Lila. Pit. -iuredvf r 4 .'0a110ta....
\ \ \ sant `k,., tAation s '. rhea \lc
lic>scandT Can ord •Siriip of litotokbt4lß dot : WI
e.ln. , e.- I- , . ~... roo t. . ,_th.. '
' etanding. solel by taTentra s LOVES
1 1 1,1 E ON . VI . , a 114i . ser.,p.11y' establit, on.r.lo \ ;: \ Ist, , ' ,
IT \
\ ..:\
. -P
Lent Pa orember ' o2l3l9. •' ' • •
fl"o ''?, V11 '1 11•!Illtift.T1. 1 .t . '''''''''F
•• ''''
J. 2 1 . 1 E.1rk, En -I LID appr s ta 1 m yon AM three - \
1 h \ ..“.. hal,lii etc., are (or i ii .l tukrug, bottles tabor:att . Triton reek Mid ertsswittillie, which '4. \ . \
\IT, Auk, c?:; 0:1 11l ' ‘ ,1, ' ...... ' ‘' lot or yam', bars bEt Mr rlt.o:sand. r the bleashigeorl i, \S. • ' t
1 rN .1-lair Inns ', ,et ale Afent N t r . .Nlr,ittivr iAi . • kial PrOsVenee,, ot • torn •Me to il'Cltit Mul a/ Pie. , \ 1
Sit torments of
\ New kali ry ode . . T . '.• 6, !. ' . , \ "`.. h \ ,
, , . \ warn 1 romnicueed ung the allow Dtsi mid Barges . , s • .
iX. MASON I, Ci.. lair( reeeived la d •Arlii, 1 waa crl,,.f. in 'a m t feehl condition: \ I :rink.- \ •. •
i il . ':/,:' , 1 , 1 c , n? . 1 . ' „ ?.. 11 ,. , 1 : 11 ,:„ ,
,•••.• ",••? .. p•r b • Ltrt . l ",s , , , , 11, I, %Meted elth 14.11Pitatiou or tae tro . t.n. sok_ qp . i,.. , 3
• .
'....... A1p01.. - 1,..0 Moen.. I..W r ilo. '' otahrsonnilsto brk, 11 kt rttt ". ll """k "" 1 "' I. \ th b°4..°4 .1 4:le; M 0 3.e.„ ' ,S `
i TtL..
~ „,,,,, Lai , ~,.,„„,.....,.......,.„..r . ., 11 ,radeir, tr.). troubled virstfidizaitteel in the 7mid..mittnena . sitatse • W._ , . „ \ • ' t
1.: ewe ParamattasThihn Cloth{ al Cut rips ramtprtise , tramilles. and nod,pness or %BY ka.i‘lll.4.lert, ~,,,. '
it.,.; all itide. and qualifier. WO I' •°•°° ' 4 S''r,"' hl 't • y ete bean TeryeTe a Dee. Char* tormsnyw ' '• "' , •on,i•\ \ "-• •• s'
\ .
mid ripe) -oloc.„ The shore m ie oniir t0re..1.• ait
tsrire• irbleil w.s.aiS, roullJent arena eiehdly f ir. -eu ell ug the moat abla toedical \ men in thine.[Ottarol esi,T•S,,,..t, • \ -,_ , • • \
-.PP" \ in eV . but oould ife4o relief frontholt\wriscriorlinn , •Vi,,,•&llt'r t• : :::„' .1 \ \ •
TgENV MUSIC '', \ \ '- 1 11 •••t•ek, 14 . 1 • firsn r l kriorr of Bknil7 Mcatielnnti k : •:; ; ;l '- ••• --s.• \'. \
• A \ ' 11t11k , 14. on euecms. 'Rat he Best week Lead took the; ,t. • ~' •\ ,1
d 'ER TIIF, WyllElls NO11•1 ‘ ,.. 11.11yan \ r.n..-0,,,,J00 , k,0na Oaraefuttili• MY alkuPtoMirhtsirtlitide•y•• . -..,:i i ,57 .
~ e , ),' , '
e • :ritva Child in AT, Itountade Din , • fd e t.i/Oirri and eiintalusik to do`'.it,nt,tlSall of t ra Nd tt O ro ‘Zi.P . ..i.:',.T4S2l‘ , ll : :- . , \
I ..,.1 3,., en. 1 Itertito it. lo .1n :wat yr. . um. i taint, aie entln•ly r. we d iln bac IN:L ,a m's . , 77tr , -.1,7,,,%.\ . /.. 1 ;1
L , ST,i .- silk elinseths ,nt Ilesirt. a ;drat fti thy Lat- ,
11 1l mile., 2sefil: lily Snider, The Vererade, by J 1 . 10 cry Pn. mT moot.
~Iwrs. w . 0 ,- '..,' , , :::'.'
.T - 1,,,;fa - ,3 \ s
srlitiber Tlie Happy tft.lio • Nlii :Insalli . dmiy S - 1...41?, i hid ...minx!. ,my sltreniztiesitte ifir , amid haid,thr..„-s.-..../...-!..,.--:,
Vi:,?!.:ii k o :.11.0..':11; • ::!,. f v ` 4.
_'Af:4lo l 6vi lw't= I ' 4\ t' .n.l ' i • r° •. 4 / 16 j i4 , 4 _ .. t.. 1 4t_ 44, ,T i.. ' , .:'..'21-?::, 4 \l - \
\br \\,..
.0.`,,... , 5 i..,,, r.. Wog gvivs-Taillatit. tw, . r ., ,ir a e•ouratie..l , I earn qixtll ot oeTeiai in.o ... .1....;'1',..e•-'':',..::. '
i1...1.116, ni. , I h... 1 ia drutth g. u 1,74. duvtle, Spot , ut i that ekete elelnats4 unkaiha to Enr,jolig wiry , tarmbleitillP „ , , ,- a , i.e.
~• i - , ..i \ \
at i, il ‘. .V ,l i ' l " i i .t. , n . /' 1 ', :•11!-V1 i ',ll' ll '.,! . " l \ i ' l ' e n e k iNni d t .. - ' .., '''''''' ' \ T `' ,, Y° 4 " t ,-E.°4 -, '"4 ,,_
,Ll'' l P *l ii, ~.,,,,,1 1';, " dh t ,,.,,,,,i 1 V 11Me •i, ,, , f e,, ' .. - ii \ •
.o aiti„ Niolk. Si aim, Illreinte Hl.: A dni ' N" .•. ° e" .° 'N''' °•. T:' ,T t i - , T 6„ . 0: :•• --- ' - ' 9 " - i• --...... • ~..,.. ..... 4 -,,,t ' re'en'i' ' ..-!P , '
it aSP•i s ili. rii . % Olt Solletnn... le. rat, Po/oda-so •.'i vkatituJrN, Tour* y. S ldililittES'n,PACtntviiii•r , ..,"..- , ... i i , t•
-road) i oil., i is, P.lank--tia r 'ls Alpooltorii. 44 , nti7.4 genuine put nibs lastentigelv.O,OhOpe ''''...Nr...?^lr.':
Vl.-.0.1,, , ,tith e ,, 1..1,41,:tin , 1 . t . ety„ . 11.ey Fltivrernr . hvyt. \‘,,,,,
~,,,..,. ..i. i , •.„ of lb .,
~, , ,, , ,R,-,, L, ... 4 .,,,, iii .., ~..,, ~ ‘...,..
.;; 2 1i,f , ', ' Vo n c:iS t -'4l‘,l:l:!•t• l 'v`it'X' . -- .1;',T',7:.;:."44. or,„\.,,ith, Ittet.sriifu stare. 4. .V.BetI S MiC e ' on 14 . ' • .! . ,
\ . ,,, , , , i,N. .. , ~ ti m,,,...,,% . ... 7 , im . O, M.W. Nn ,5,,,,, na s a,rapp4 , . ,„ s . „
. ' TeT “ to . A . •' . /MIN 11 rdEfloli.„ ' h r e A , I aotl br\s. In PARK, Bina natl. Ohlo. nonbewstcortwa,,•l„ , •• . \
\Nt:NK (H)OD":'," NW, D 94
t 7 C4i . 01115F,0N 8-4, nplenllitl au 4\::+ried " Id4 ,' t --t • u • A " . r , • , " lt.: 1 : C '' ' l ' A: ' 4' l l A
f !Ltiy, \e lii," lord 1-ranoir, iint ree , ired ' \ • "4 'S •.'` '4 "'''' ''' '' ' . b" k . 'kb \ .'t kU.lo '... l( '' , f, s•\ • • '
f , rfvq-SS ‘kl .1...indA i. ,..; r 0,-two\ A -10. 14. Mid AL. T. dtussell,StimbingUitai La 11. olive. Vnion.inern, if. ', ... \ . , ~
tri .., ......of,,.eicati, > n d , 0 1 ter , Pk". erN t erry ebeAti. Aft Welly e t i tablirgi S. 1i cnot,*takl2ll, bteMl IA llattuSlifie.,
~ `i. .. \„ • •
n i r, i i i,.,_ A, A,...„,„ .„, ,i, , ,,,,,.,,,,, ~...,,,,,,,, Banco!, . • :,/,:p. , ,, tiuntrazu.iyrko.:tiqba.r.
.. - 1t,... \ .1 .
r o'L 0 . ,- ' , l, w , h ,, .”L ~, •°.(,• O tni :Oc w.l.- , + l-rr u " .. " . " - T c°-\'4 ,...'5 41 .\ J. W-,1 + 4 ‘, 44k "." 1 1 41r xt •.. 'fl• ' s i
~ .- o , ) ~ , 3.1..,t,! , 1.14. - ‘ 7. , •• - A. , e 0,... A 1. , v ttrattra;;A.-Wilsati, a -. .a , , , .., warr.4.9l. , ~.. `,
, • 1,,
.! .
[ , li,Et• Nrife. , -. fine wt. , . tnnlea. fi.S.,(initaraon‘i ~Hi n d `A V. (S t lender: •totdr/18...: B• 111 . 14 '„ . 4,01 \--. ".'"' ‘. .
\a otocou. Tub Int*, Ililiess, srullita t . mid ev - Ith , tl"mg ~ l'Otket , . letTeClanire fa. 1 1. 74 C. 0.. \,,.. sc. . .. ~ . .
1 ry varlet..r lieu ~, odrOnteuts i. t mid tuts liv the. 1...p.5. Sint.. tie Ten, J. tlt utuawlrtrad,itarkrj,.B. 11 , 0 ,. .?, \ \ "1, - - 1 1 ,
1, . '" .=41..: ' ,Vr ' :..!: \..r,:t ZAJ " .0:ZIr l ;1 V..,1 I.t r'oottrot ~ 8 \ ' ' '''t" .. . c.tlL o 4•o ,
~, P.Cll q lk •zt". B l".' llt o t t t, \' \ `s % V \
\a add to lira\•l L 1 \ atlru
N t l .-IT , obov.• liPiromf•tt tr. ~... on‘rtr , b ,, o , - ' 4, 1 0 - Pri" ,- 711 P ,, . 5 \ 4 : S.ieAP: l4, ....Ar $ 6 .. • \ \ -4 , , \
\ 1 • M.- \ A
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JU"' 5 Ige" l lPted . Hid \ „tic l 4 '- -
‘ '1 "• 1.11. U PE-it
I U V l' \ 1 1% ill .' 1 .? t t ‘ 'lllll ;t' -. ..ATICLE - $ inten ed s for tainilinee \''l ,- ‘ \
\,. ‘ 1 ;'o -, 0'. - : - Lt - 4 . `1 4 01,• I i- i fl..i d .e . ..A . k;% 1 ;i 1 .': 0 T ,.1 . 1,'4„. `• :,. t .... : nid,,,... ~..±, e n b . r . ON,iotT 01 4. 1 \ ‘-%
„,,;,,,, pi, ar e , ..,,,iii.Lantd.,.. r . V( ' V (Var
,$ 0 thn, i% /1411 . 11. leJt\Willall \ rdoi .. , \ :l \ s•tli awl dr. •s• , l ' 1 .. 1, 2, :,", ii - ;;;gadiZo% Itinedgb ant 'lnsollt4 nowt.-
O'~ ' 1 7 . ‘0 s , 'S \, ',
I\4it.l."`OLAl'}l--...) lark, Pt 4.1,., lor . sa - 7\ ...174.. o, fr 0.. .! .a.i .., ...toirui .ant...stsr k \ ;new.
, 1 % .10 • " " "'''''''."'" LL '' \ \''', l ' in:ilar ernits ' AZtat w, \ k ' s lo- ' ... ‘ A..4 . . h.
\\' .1 otl made use otslud's aleVinstial I.kildnetiel 11ne • . '''' •
t °Pr ISI , I---ii,ti•ii, toly indeS.b . y, \,, ; ,
~ T A T T . ,., L , m 0., , ,,, ,.
. i..i.
. 1..,
~ \
i ..,,, , , ~.. \.01e11it.._.1.;...._"1* _ . &bor. - fatly romatanalla to ottr•WrolowaranO ' anst,lol • s ;• ~ , \
•-- -, ~ •• • T Ace ,- "sArreollort tubs! ottalsksor unman Vann; aread
ii u m , A11,.A N . 15I 0NIN 9 \ ( ~..
m... ..,...,......r~e d44x,..,..
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- V.. \ \
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~ \ '..,
4- - , -, i7;1. 1 ;j4:iif , -4 ,, , , ] Lt.: , k:\ ,u
f \ ,o
,1. .\ ,
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Lit* _
• \ - - • 111 , 1'.. .„ 3!.''''' ' ''' T .-;.• ‘'
' fi l'o aß r ldi. I.l}ri i r: '\ '•
' \
- \ \
flu pt ,, ,,,R-30to }et' ns 31c...1.; '\ \
~, 7 ,, ,,,
. . cr... 1.. r al. IodeLAS, , pr Ilif all ,tho ranconaqhyst ha Zta . f.tor ~ s.
~„, ,„ '''' . JASIgn taLZ ia.. ot. dletii ..' B. I N d \ \\ \ i,i.7 „, -vi
ii, , . \ 161.1:qt 141 11 - CILEESE-L- 59 Ion:* f io , ersinsfiWoOd API hist.. \ ' `*fr.'a . :j
S 11 ... , .i ' k ''''''' ''. .r''' '''"-' '''' s l 'F'"'"' l ' A iS ''.. 1 - ' , Elt 'OIIIPLAINT of Ave - 3 , eitra' :iii - n - d- -", \-• \ t ' , ' ' ,, .; .
'' ""' '-` " '''''' . \ ' • - '' LA b rtnnalo trld a a -
1 • •• •,, - ,,, .' \ ,. „ 11 1 1.E..t . a2onN))1.Ebs.
..q. ,- .1,. ,, , L b PIE, J .
~ 11,, . \::
liik t ,t, I._l\ 61 i i1:4...- --'2 ' 4 Ultb IO..NO:: 3 . fijilidie by • :":: - - ':7-... 4 : 'ro tgo,N , ts,gton_ . 00. -,,,,- . ; . 4. ,t .,, r.t.'5..1.
1■ ~ ~1 \ , K 401 i A s li le iNi.r.,t,i . air s C. Sll, -
rule , artwe t zr , 7 ,,,,,o Ws , \ ,
16 , 15 - \ \_\ `, • , \ ntiv„teirr ud..l in n part,of the enualrys SSIADY Of to t - - ... ,,,„.
it . st, v. Not,l Lake •`1 penny. i,,,,,,,,,,,,. ~, urujildra hare ameldnen•eml,fetrisd thelsiell to L e V... \ ..... N _
, \ 1. \ ,i
-.,...1 'l i i . ~..‘ i .\ \ ',, .‘ s ::„ ' „ U ,It ",,,' M LTA trdtr::; njZt . stfi c i 4 ' 14 . r , \ \ \
' 7
1, . t `,.N ' r . ;\ -, \'. wyn,"p. 1.1,,j,‘ \ ha. , donlrne na intachal: 11 . , .. 1 . 1 ' 11 , 011 t" : t lu ll . l f \,,,,;‘,. \ .
:I,b( . \\:t... y \ .=1 \ ..... .. .. • . er inms Nlinli • nearly are Sear...nal nave trlid
SS ;
,;".. \
id lohle Llikrgr So, Vankrkortti. s ' ' .''`,... \W. ....i. , .. ~. i .4 ..." , ) ,,, o'Lwlr . la:.
\ a
id i ii, \ S ii. , ' • '.„. ... ~ i .,,,,, ~....,,,k,,, Oar eithol4. dm:aeration t I mn_i.tionpit,entlir \ ,
._ ,
en ,Oir oak hi ''. f1 , t,f1 , 1 ~ „ 4,l.ill,N.SlArr k..4:0.. V 1. . , • ,. ~,,, 1.7 4 th .r . s 'e s Ll ' . 9 Z .. ''‘ . " 4.4 "‘!A' 2 :
... I .
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4...iNitup 01i 5, 4 . 152 . 7 tK74, - 6451.7.:4/2 \ vour - ,ii . , i ` t ' lt fr , 11 . 12 c...
, 1.. ,
illi ti .. ool l4 ‘. ~ \ , .
...' s , \
cl .1,.4,1L Just reed fry, Boni& co\ B..N.srat for We yo,r " ,,,t " tro ' r . tr` ',....•• Pt•Poo- .1 T .. 14 ,__ . ff-Olii hn-O.orte`s: ''''' ':'
'',. \ '
iA:ii T eX i i ,, iiii or rilliqc Irkll . Irre
. rit s tirtrPrl3L' in am- 4 , IA ~,,,,,,,,,-rjoli or .i,suota. - ortiln, s a . . . ~ %••
, S ft. It 1(.711A31. --- • i , • - • \ , ' 1 •
si t i s k' \- f\ . .. ili , -\t - :" 1 :','±:",1‘`"'""'"1!1"'17- pit F ALEX ,C.B.A.R.RV,S TitIOOPUSE. \'.„, , ' \\,\
. ..., -. 0 - a, mu) '.1111.11 AblI BOBBIE•4-"Ehntenn,,, ,
\' . W biAli, . R . r .' 4., \ ; . . .5 . ..,..,, \' \ , rmanly la 111. wawa, LVU11it.rd . ,,,,... ~w . t .,. , ~,,,, \
\' - \ . 5. ''; ~'''. i.' l 'f i ..." , '.
, '''
\ ‘ h• ''',,A tha:il e n t ttas/40=14 ' \,,,% \
\\ „,‘ . ' , ;'.. 1,,,,,„ ':N ';,,., "7 :, , , ';' ' ' " 1-., • \\\,,' ' ' Fhi 4 1.1. 4 • '4 4 1', di
.r. C°. ..1‘ . :.,„,..... tn i.,% " :,,i d"' ,T00.T. T.„ ,, ,, 4Akei '''
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",.*•.,,„ \,. I . :''. j6 P i "'LIT k C 5.... e." tigisktPm Ir=.ll:P="l4" &l ltai.- "S.. \ "
\ , , '. PU I, 4 s a ~..I<\,
.•°f 7 .I, \ . of, \ \ \.,
rir.l,ll43ep'PA XtIT IV;IVUtttY S - 11A1./W
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\ \,.
t rid..V.V.Lith4',iLl.l'rn",7orinVd'''`,/ 'tw;ltid . ;',....•'.", wrel "I" theseT b"6 l ' r 4.°"°l44"tit'4 \ " ' '-',. • ' 4- k r
i ii - . 7407. by .
h.4., =,.... \ . \7 4 . , ,, ,, h im\ .. ii i it . e . arsi r 5trir...• , ,, ,„ .\ \ , ~., .s s \
Airllodst , d - ' ' • 7,5 1 ~,
' ,
...' \ ,•,„-- • ,
'';':'.'•-:, !MED . •C v '
G. 4 *, '‘ • 1 \- \ ' •
- : AYER'S CREatitlV • \ • , . ,\„ i •+
, roa TlLllkargt \ - \ 4 '
•,:, •\ \ , \o .
VS; WititiontiO,oollo , , -\\ \ V ~
, •
- ~ ASTIDIA,...CONBIL • . . \
IN offering to the - oommaid, - '
• ~
• k nelebested manly Mr ditatasestef that '''..".... ' .."‘ - • \ ,
It lent t our erleh to Mille with tbsiMee b• ' -to \ ' ; \
1 4 • s\s, ' \ -' , .
•Yrnatxt. but Ininklytoday Petri, Mom Le
i. .
dultuouudod tont al nnui of tbe <sirens o
'tr.e. from • bleb tt7 non Judee kw titan:mat 1 \ \\ n \
\ re If 1 INm \
•Mdetuntat , of. Et, k,c nor will ete bold Old /
surtenne; humakty wit -b Lai/el/ill =tem* \ \ \ \ '''' • ' ', \
from tk• r•blle Into nit see publialt, feelitartisus .\ \ \ ,
ir''' "'"„ - -'\ ' ' \..\ \ ' .....
. 6—, e. ' 1
. 1 • 4 4 1.' t:• °, 1 •4•• . .7.V!•t
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,„ ' \ A\ ' ` \ •' \
‘pay•tsun. until,/ had •• Pp.. , 7- i ••• i \ s
• )
Int. to my curty
done W. 01 tb lbw o' MT 5 -
t sc.
61CliZ;etubY 41 t'ait."=tid:tlt •; \••i'4• - rtki•• '\ \ \ \\"' ' '' ' \ 't •
ban bentoulck. Na. It k iI,•XI 'l '‘
~, 7 \\ "
sz,"Elt u . ..' ,, •,f : l i ,, l . ti lm ''' . 7r 7 7:4 "ta a l ': - : 7 s i-g ' j '\ , '''. \ \ \\ \ . \ . \ \ , \ \ \ \ t
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,ut friend. Mr. arum.. at Ittuntorr Dtatrlct./wltaa .5
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nokot beoeenni.. / have pteantriA rs dr , . , .
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to adatify him M••• •Zi.....`••*" .. \ . .. * \ \
lief Its mood en Indu me to =Lim Ma aftoad..,... •
1 noon found my be th much improved. No. in 'throe . ; '. t., . \ • .4,
menthe I ant well au/strum. and ow attritnite My we . . \ ‘1 ,, , e, o
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NI:STOCK a 1.10.., aro J. kL\V e Nlilir,bilk • , 1, , .\\
ha Altdahout Car, by If‘ 1;. (MARTZ. and Ivor!.
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