PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. WIIILTIC YOO, fiTT6BUILOIL- FRIDAY;MOUNENG, CCL , 10.,1851 Lee - .B.EADING NATTER. WILL BE FOUND. • • ON EACII PAGE. OF TIIIS PAPER. Attention! l'riends of Scott and Johnston. ... . *Wile att e ntion of the friends of Scorr, . J3essoiis, leg Platte Mon, In Allegbrlo7 molly. 1° °P°''.th. 4 nrgkil,lo the importance ors thorongh eggengukUu.. , the tk ono( Cabs. ku ever, eluk•u n . 6 " °-1 •• S ' r th ° •eu•p n ' the neteintskent o( Como:tither. of Vigilance. , ckS . to se e it *eery frierel or neat and Johnetaa to as.-.et. ..., 0.1 that %law wk.. }Null,. It aro nat1....111.a. sal Ow \ '*l4/1' '4l.q . &yoga WA ballot an the necont Torany of Ociubre iron.. ••: Te' iallogring theurnittee Naturuntetion trat been . ippahoW , 111.nktou k ./000 11:Argo, IL Yggekek IC Junk. • o.g. Aimee., A. llama, 1,, eh.. gugu. Dn. 4 ew. 1,14 .7 , 4 O , Pf. P. tirutonstlll., 01. BreaJoabal, 11r. J. Y.. ' llary, Wu. M. Wolter,Jeuunt Iklethoug,Jkmukb Albelts. Ity min of. the. Gawky tkanualttee. RALLY wales, um! The Exeautive Committee request the Whigs !dam iliffetent districts in the county; to meet at their ciliation . precincts on Saturday previous to the election, and appoint committees to attend . the polls on the election day, and to co-operate with tie Committeei or vi g ilance in order that eyery Whig vote may ha polled. The Poll coin 'mitteett should be carefal to see that eacje eleetien district is, supplied with the full Whig tickets.—, The 'executive Committee take this °Caesium to say to.tiie 'Whigs, that the news from all parte of the State,, gives the most encouraging hopes of the-triumphant 1111CC[9.8 of the Whig caudi date fur Governor, Wm. P. Johnston—if the duty and see to it, that the !Whig tints is pollod, . Aho'whole ticket will '. 4 .TilOa.4.iFc•tike Store . . b`. I)sriigtt,Col. Leapsld Bahl, . r.441,..t0reni Anthony ilertz. Rilaii4l, B. Col liidirgitilioblietron, Capt. Thos 4.l'hlastere Vaal 2usderson:Tety, Joshua Rhodes; :Cleo. Deersie;... bleKeiry, , C. O. Loomis, , Alex. B. hillier, • Alex. H. Miller, K. Vexkirk. JOSIAH KING. Ch'm •01110 AND` PIEN:I9IISANIA 1141LILOAD.—The President and Chief Engineer accompanied by Mr. Lorenz, one of the Directors, parsed over 1 the Bon yesterday on the locomotive Massillon, to • Iniintabout thirty flvo miles front Pittsburgh in thn-vatley Of Clark's Run. The whole of the heavy work on the slopes of 'the. Big Beaver, in cluding the high bridge Over WalNat;'s Run, is now passed regularlylvy the construction train. The, great thorough cut at the summit, seventy four feet deep, is, now ready for the trock,which iv to be laid through it next week. ln about a m r ii\ v th from,the prevent time, the road • is to be a env d toPaleskilis in Ohio, forty, eight miles 1 in :Pittsburgh. The business on the road in ti e billei Brighton continues to be highly grat trying to all its friends: - • no Fsm--Scrunth DAY.—The eecondilay of tb County Fair was delightfully pleasant, two! th • exhibition was attended by-many thousand p sou, both ladles and gentlemen. In fact the s melons grounds were crowded almost uneoni nbly during the whole time, by an apparently ghied audience. , Thee, exhibition was, very creditable to our • , artifrictiteire; artisans and agriculturalists. S. tin - rime variety of manufactures were ex- • It bind, showing both taste and skill, and gin i•tr evidence that AlleghestS , county possesses ihinherself the ability to get up a Fair wtich Will do hyr infinite credit. We confess we were bottnnirprised and delighted with what we saw in the Is, hones we spent there, but we ktmw that even this exhibition is small in comparison to'what could be got up, if all our people would . . take a part in . Howeior,the good work is begun, and we trust • thittneit season we shall have a Pair second to • none - west of thc mountains. Those who have hitherto tal4n an interest in this matter deserve great credit, and as they have abundant amour egemen to continue their praise worthy labors, Vl3 trust? they will continue the good work they have begun. - We suggest the propriety of ap - , poining WcorresPonding committee, whose duty it shall- be to 'take early measures to induce all western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, to join a. Fair annually in Pittsburgh. We believe tbis entld be done, and that' it would- drove of im- Mensnadvaritago to our city. ; Wriossmats KICS.I3IO.—A Cincinnati paper says that "Bill Johnston; ibilo ought to hare been elected - Governor in 1849, made a speech re ,cently, in Which the following Characteristic and , faeetions‘passage occurs: , "One of the tyrants of old wished all the poo -IA, ple had but one neck, that he might put his foot • upon all of them at once; Byron wished that the 5 women had but one mouth, that he might hi , e them all at once; for hie part he would'nt ete nate the example of either the tyrant or the - poet, but he wished that all the Whigs who may ' .stay la - home on the nest election day had but • t one seat of honor ' th at-he might dense on hot big • boot and kirk thernall at ones!" 15 - Tho editor of the Post, poor ,fellow, thinks , this was onr "Bill Johnston," who leas elected in 1848; and is most territily , outraged at the idea. of Laving all the non-voting Whigs kicked a posteriori at ono operation- . In his indigo"- 1 6.0, he grows eloquent, and, addressing all Whigs whose "seats of honor' - may be in danger, exclaims; • "What de you think of the man who - has the , •- i impudence, the hardihood , and the presumption, • '''sto say, that, if you will not support him,—even • though you know him to be opposed -to your most cherished political. feelings,—he should like to have tile power to kick you,—like anoth eie-woithless dog, as he esteems you,—rifler the eileihalt br over. Had he not better do so roliitilectiou, in order to force you to vote • • )418- itierienthess of-the Post is as ludicrous as in mistaking Win. Johnson, the fa "- of Cincinnati, who was a candidate •„t‘42.;'fei;Goiremor of Ohio, in 1849, and "who ought • elected,” for Wm. F. Johnston of s~ei.X*miyliiimiti, who was elected in 1848, and will `heagai6. rnly we with "Bill Johnson," of Cincheratt-415541'.fiere pith his "big boot:" for toVote . for our . "Bill elidthStdniltuideen prevented hy canoe, beyond 1,4;0011, denlves:lts appdication. - witf - • Sonic of the Southern papers are tuft-soaping . . ! James Duals:man and 'his candidate for Governor. Ono of them says:—"He is the same man now that be wait fiftetteyears ago in the Senate, when hie. _Calhoun prOnounced him thoroughly sound •• 'and nide tni;the elavery question." r Xt is now fully:Maidfest that he has sold him , eat Shall helve perinitted to soli his state to X ipie3 and followers of Mr. Calhoun, the -• • gther• inallillevs and precut secessionists of • ' •:!1-•"Niitli..4arolina 1 Is that the way to preserve the tl'h but Mr.enlhoun'a endersement is not worth • much in Pennsylvania ; and 'hlr. Buehanan will find that he his made a mistakein- his attempt . to plane herfil the attitude: of a cringing sup . ' pliant at the feet of linhifiers and Secessionists. • _ _ Manama Anse Dienorl—The lovers of music willbe delighted to belly that we are tole Sever ed withh concert shortly, by the justly celebrat ed MAASIME hares - Bishop. Thoperi:annoutice mezit of this Yea will be sufficient:tosecant for , the lad' y who possesseesuch rare musical powers, a hearty welcome ln Pittsburgh. See juivertise ment. • 'The attention of Gardeners is directed to an adrertieement in reference to a lease of prop nip on Sevickly Bottom. This is a rare chance for an enterprising man. ADVANct or TIM acknowledge tbe receipt., by Leech & Co.'s Ll:press, of New York end Philadelphia papers, of Tueidsy, the 7th natant, ahead of tbe.nutit Dorm s Gazrrrn--.Bir:—By a telegraphic des pitch, received yesterdayafternaen from Balti ' more, the departure of Gottfried Kinkel is yet uncertain and he will, probably, not depart be fore TtliOifty PTAT. flo we will havalnffirient time tciwitike all iteceseary arrangements for bie re ception a 1:T40011[1g manntr. Very respectfully yours, • Ds. ilattrunven,,} Publieb. Coin. Joni ROTH, - Pittsburgb; Oct.,_9, 1851, fiactiurn Liour.-- A sailor, the other lies in describing ids first efforts to become II ..watort- Mari:nista that just at the close ofa dark night, he istorasub'elott to 'ace if he could see a light Aftee/1 IShOtt:time he wee' bailed from the deck headret , aboT!" "AT, IV,' sir ,': th ehc e - comer .ODo -you 06 6 1102" ....les, Jar! . •ivolf'..lighlr'.'9Dayliglit, sir:" The lookout wait ordered down with • roil. . BAHL' WICK/ Tat e ner which we . / received by the t Mr. Joni Banat I, se probably elect- Farther and fuller hat Col. IttADISO, CAIII . OI3IIA utien.-Lln the impitmari of gave yesterday from Calico • Prometheus. hives Mated • brother of our Cot. Bigler, ed Governer of that State. returns render it probable the Whig candidate has boe• With regard to the eleeti! California Courier (Whig), encesedul .n of Governor, the of 6th September, California Courizr (Whig) says: The return, Hine far, though lo the main im perfect from the counties or San Francisco, 'Sa cramento, Foie, Nevada, Ellured°, Solam, lla rin, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Mid San ta Clara, give Reading a majority over Bigler of about 1,000, and the balsa of the State ticket from 600 to 800. The coo ties of Alendocluo, Napa, Klamath, Trinity, S sate, Los Angeles, San Luis, Obispo, Santa arbara, and Santa Cruz, 'will give Reading at least 6,000 majority This puts his election beye d the possibility of a doubt and the same vote . ill' elect the most of our State ticket. . - The San . Francine. He d (Dem.), of : the Caine date, says:—"The returns, thus far receiv ed, indicate the triumph of the Democratic State ticket by a decisive majority. The Legielature will be largely Democrati4l, at least one poi, grexaman will be ofthe ea e politics." But the Morning Post (Whig), s .of the Sib Sept., re il meinarks, per contra:—" ru e all these medgre, imperfect returns, no eon lesion can be arrived at. There is not BUtheiell data to form an opio ion as to the result. We ee nothing iu all we have heard to discourage in the success of the Whigs in the State. a fact, we have, yet, notaithsanding the crown ng of the Herald and others, strong faith that he Whigs will carry tbo State." remarking upon the The New burl Tribune• news from California, sad -lly the arrival of the California news to the 6 election of State officers, September 3, has probably of Reading, the Whig rand .The retorps were so into the steamers starting, titans can be made mimeo IPrometheus we ( have of September. The , 'which took place on resultain the choice didite for Governor. .mplete at the thug of at no positive conch, ting the Legislature. CONancts—The aggregate vote fur Congre • far as the returns had been received at the eailiwa of the steamer on the 6th woe ILS Whigs. Democrats. , E. J. C. Kewee, 6,127 Jos. W. McOorkle 4,524 B. F. Moore, 4,811 E. C. Marshall, 4,806 This Congressional election it appears,' is, by general ticket, contrary to the act of Congress, which requires election tty districts. It will be seen that lie wen (Whig) runs, so far, about SOO above NECurkle, (Dem ) while the other two candidates 'lre about even. But a large portion of the State remained to be beard from, which would require ten days from the 6th September to reaCh Bau Francisco. Since the foregoing was compiled. we have met with the following in the New York Times, which we think settles the question of ;Sesdiug'n election. Mr. Sigler, of California, therefore, appears to hate met the fate which awaits hie brother in Pennsylvania The principal topic of interest in California. when the steamer left, was the general election. which occurred on the 311 ult. There seems In have been much confusiod among the judges of election, and the papers confess their utter in ability to give Boy thing like a satisfactory ac count of the result. From such data to we have, and our private advices, it 'appears that Pearson H.- Reading, Whig candidate for Gov.: is elected by a handsome majority, and the pro babilities are largely in favor of the moireee of the Whig State ticket. The imperfect returns received froth the counties of San Minder°, Sa 'cramento, Tato, Nevada, Eldorado, Solana, Ma rin, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Sisals Clara, give Reading a majority over John 1 Bigler, (Lem.) of at least 1,000, and the balance of the State ticket from COO to SOO. The coon ties of Mendocino, Napa, Klamato, Trinity, Shas ta, Los Angeles, Seri Lois Obispo, Santa Barba ra; and Santa. Cent, it is believed, will give Read ing at least 6,000 majority. This puts his eler tionleyound the possibility of a doubt ;•-and the the sour vote will elect the most of the State ticket. The *moot ate Love probably carried the Legislature, though the whole is in confusion, and it is impossible to conjecture what the re sult is. Both parties claim the ascendency, though even in San Francisco it was not known, on the sailing of the Pacific, which paity had been successful for the municipal officiti in that city. • TRZA3OS.—The wisdom of indicting the men who were engaged in the riot at Christairin for treason is very generally questioned, and may defeat the ends of justice. To convict a net o a f rioters and Murderers, who were guilty of re sistance to the execution of a particular law, in a specific case, where there is not the shadow of evidence that any of the parties entertained the most remote idea of making war upon the GOvernment in order to nrorthrotv it, of treason, is straining the law to a degree that will dam age the Government more than fifty such riots' could do. To try' them under the laws of Penn- sylranis thiuturder and riot would donbfless lead to con;iction and punishment ; but for the Courts of the United States to take the case in hand, as one of treason, is a proceeding which will probably defeat itself. No intelligent jury can be convinced, under a fair interpretation of the law, that this outrageous affair was an act of war such as the law defining treason contem- Platea Were we desirous of the escape,of these men from ill punishment, we should rejoice at the turn things have taken ; but as it is highly important that all, both white and black, should he made to feel that no law, however objection: able, can be resisted with impunity, it is to be regretted that the offenders have been taken out of the hands of the State authorities; and that their offence, which was simply one of out rage and homicide, should, hare been magnified anddignifie&to one of treason. The New York Commercha Advertiser h sensible article on the subject, a few of the con eluding paragTapbe of which we subjoin: Genuine censervallsm—the cause of law and Order—will Ible nothing,, but gain mech . , by a I calm and rigid examination of the mode in which Judge thane's charge to the Grand Jury proposes to apply the law of treason. It is quite as ne- I cessary togUard our liberties as to support our A laws. True lroatrietiern Consists In the equal dis charge of the • two duties. Failure in one par ticular would involve us in deopotism . ; neglect in the other would plunge us in the giilf of an archy. Let us, therefore, .sre how mush an in ' terpretation of the law would operate in on easily supposable case. - Twenty citizens of the United States confederate in a smuggling oper ation. They know It to be illegal;'they are warned that the revenue officers will eche the goods in port and confiscate them; they openly declare that they. will surrender the goods only with their lives, and avowedly arm themselves in order to resist the executors of the law ; a conflict follow', a revenue officer ie shot and others are Wounded. Would those smugglers i.e arraigned, for treason! Was such a thing ever known Such conflicts, with such reanlts, have not been :infrequent uponlhe coast of Eng land, but we never heard of a indictment for treason being framed against the smugglers Yet it is easy to see that the principles laid down in till: extracts we -htrwe made from the charge would constitute each a conflict or riot an net of It would be a “combinatiun forci bly.to prevent or opposeibe executiOn Or enforce ment of a public statur; . ..accompattieff by an act of forcible opposition in pursuance of such com birintion." The two.sindiapensaille.elements of treason" would be found in It.steispiracy to oppose, and the exercise of actual force in oppo 'sition, After the purpose had .been ileolared. It may be :wintered that the crimeof the contra bandists In such case tooskl be (eerie;, Assured. ly.it would he'if there is no stretching of the law iri Judge Kane); charge._But on the other hand It' must 'belvineniberpd that, even when the frequency ,of 'the crime dertuusdedievere penal ties and repressive measures, jehis never been so considered either by thelleglieh or .American ' coiirts—beettuse,',.ris'We apprebenditlon to the law for a - perstnial eadj•orenwhen that oppo sition has the "essential eleinerits" of combina tion and the employment of. actual force, is riot looked upon, an an act or. rebellion against the Government or cot:totalities:4 or body of laws and enactments, • but. as a crime against a • single law, with the -Specific objection of per zonal gain; real or imagined, in one form or in another. - The reader will see, therefore, why we deem - the indictment of these men for treirisin.unwise. . 1 It appears tone a novel and unnecessarily stria . gent application of the prlnciplee of law, machos e to excite Some jealousy in the popular mind.— • Thin embraces the difficulty of conviction, and a failure to Icouvict of the principal abate wilrmar the moral effect of the entire action of the Goventmentin defence of the supremacy of the law. With men guilty of each a crime as that per- petrated e.tdtuistlanst, and for tboie who promp ted t h e criminals, and have since entlea eared to deprive their crime of its truly maligoatt char acter; we have no sympathy. We would have them punished and punished promptly end se rawly, , If men acting under she sanction of la which the pimp!. themselves Eire mad*, and whichif t h eychooth'Jcanrepcal,aretobe shot down in open day by the colored population of diem free stated, (finding,lhoweirer,Purdipdors and aasochltes in mime ng white men;} - .it is; Met time that the iaw. - should put fortit_ its strength . in stern rebuke' and retribution, and this we treat will' be done rigorously and effi ciently, without fear or favor. • No mob can be permitted to trample law under its foot and murder its officers or civilians who assist them. Let law be supreme, let suck violators of law reap their •just deserts,' but in achiev ing tbia let the expounders of law take heed that they do not overstep those settled principles, the observance of which is the bulwark of free dom. FORffielf . IBA* The following official statement, to which we cite particular attention, exhihila the opera- he Tariff of 1846 upon that great branch of dcutestic • industry in which this Stale is so deeply interested. It will he seen that, after the first year of the operation of that act, the imports of iron doubled at a single bound, and have been steadily increasing ever since. The returns of the present year are not yet com pleted, but when prepared, they will show a considerable augmentation upon that of 1850 5: I I_ •I:4I•ERV:Ut S`i3ovs3.4 Sone y a ygq Vy~ .i ` al~no~ri~.~o.= niFtilge3. 4' z~3~~=~~ ^~~~€, aa~ ;z __ a 'Kx..a ~=~~-~3- ~~:~~~~= 4:4 ~V~-''~4 Z17.•:.;..1;; iisiYaa 4 - e imports of tho •tis. tly expired, at the agg. Estimatuag t bleb ban rece. it will be several milli° .d that, in a period of to y _mit/lona of &Wars o 'ntroduced into the Unit 1 KW—although —it will he filen more than sari iron have been i you which the present interepts' These are by the protect tends to Briti.. reverted. Tn,j , stand policy which has be. try by that worst of at misrule. cannot be con. moot against t upon this coo. isms—Loco(oco And now whom does this system moat imme diately affect! We answer, the laboring men and farmers. In the first place, sixty millions of dollars bare been sent abroad to pay for iron, which could have been better manufactured at home. The country is therefore deprived of that much actual capital, which might have been cir culated among our own people; while the manu• factoring interests have been compelled to con tend against so couch foreign competition- ay this aggregate of slaty million', nearly fifty-five millions .remade up of labor and the , agrjenltu nil productions necessary to sustain it- So that, in point of fact, there have been imported, in the short period we have named, fifty-fire millions of British labor and British agricultural pro ducts, to depreciate our own industry, and to break , down onrown farmers. to the single lir- ticle of coal, necessarily employed in the Zeno facture of this amount of iron, upwards of five millions of dollars 1113 value have been introduced, thereby depriving our miners of that such legit imate consumption at home. But we need not descant upon the operation of the present Tariff. It tslutly necessary to Zook over the State in order toT:behold the ruin which it has produced. and ;the Asulation which it has spread through firesides anOomes once teeming with happiness andcontent. We publish ed a statement the other 2:day. Showing that 1450 men bed been thrown out of employment from the mine Mthe...rilieity of Pittsburg oboe. • • .. in consequence of this British Tariff. publish another statinnent, ezhibiti results in Meteor County. PIU IRON IN MERCER CullN't 11.1 IWO MAI IXO out of LIDA f 0 'AK. out Of bisin 040 S Lanai llV lbye ;.7 d or (la rnarcv W. Urrruick [lamb. b Clay • • 113,0 out of I,lot ltmron ..... ..... 1240 out of !darn Iron Cltf ...... .... out of blxl 'SSW MM ktlntwite., t of [dant .1.11.141 , 1*.z ,151.* out of Ghia Springfield MJCI out of Liut ,Idarttut- . IWO n unit ill c lier.. till o'.l Trrtuotit. Coasts Iron ry . 1500 • .1500 Apingle county fa thus despoiled of an annual revenue of more than a third of a million of dollars, while 1380 men are deprived of work. Thus, in two counties only, nearly three thou sand laborer., with dependent families, have been thrown span the cold charity of the world, by • policy which is every day enriching the manufacturers of England at their expense. Let our manufacturers, meohanica, and workingmen reflect upon these facts,wbeh they are approached by the demagogues who prefess so much tender regard for their welfare [about election times; and let them not forget theit the worst and most insidious enemy which Aulericavi labor has ever encountered, was, and the so-called Dem cratic party. • WILD CAT AND Tan RUNARATIsons. — The iloustou l (Texas) Telegraph has the following:— Mr. W. deerest, who has xeceutly visited the Mexican towns in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, has informed us that the statement wo published a few weeks since, in regard to the runaway ne greet, that have collected in those towns, is en tirely co met. He says that he was informed that no I 311 than two hundred and seventy run aways e wised the ferries at Eagle Peas andLo redo las year. Several hialdred also crossed the fords a ve Eagle Pose: It is estimated that there a e not less than .Idoo runaways at the town th than lately been built by Wild Cat, near, the nio t 6 of Los Mores • The star part of these runaways have es caped from Arkansas, bat at least Ave hundred are, 4is said, fugitivei from Texas. Wild Cat has a large number of negroes armed, and they often accompany him on his expeditions' against the Camanches. He has made two successful lo rays into the Comanche country. On one of these forays he had two hundred Indian and one hundred Negro warriors. lie attacked a large Cdmanclie lodge, killed one hundred and fifty warriors, and captured over six hundred horses and moles, On his second expedition against the Camanches, he was accompanied by one hundred Mexicans and a large party of Kick anoos Several hundred horsenand mules were cap tured, but the Mexicans claimed the lion's share of the spoil, and this so enraged the Kickapoos that they stole all the captured property and went back to Red river. It is thought that .14iId Cat advised hie Indian:allies to rob the Mexicans, and that he will share the spoils. Hie forces appear to be daily augmenting, and it is feared that he will soon concentrate several thousand Indian warrior. from Arkaneae at.llee new let, tlemenk A balloon exploded in the air, at Loudon, on Monday, the nth; three persons were in it; one of them gives the following account of the affair in the "ilmer "We ascended steadilyand comfortably and proceeded with moderate speed towards the river in a soothwenteruly direction. Mr. Chambers, the man who was permitted to become custodian pre trm, of the liven of three persons, wan Maly waving large flags and also cutting away some comical figures of paper attached to'tbe car, and I was admiring the wonderfalpanorams be neath me, when 'heard a report like a musket above ray h e ad,anti immediately exclaimed that there was teat in the balloon; an aaseetion denied by Mr. Chambers, who bad got by this time among the ne tting, and ordered tis to:throw _oat haunt, notivithstaettrung whichiee descended with s fidght tul velocity — the tones churches'and fields be neath at, were horribly nearer and nearer every second. Exclamations of "we are all right, weer all-right!" half !hoping, half despairing, broke from us, followed frbm one of as at lent by "It's all op with us!" Then sir, we three men in the car stared death in the face some 40 seconds, while Chambers (an old man but es brave as a lion,) had cut the cords attaching the neck of the baloon to the hoop, the consequence of which was that the whole silk drew up to the top of the netting, forming, a parachute. • "We were then steady for a moment, then os cillated, (a proof of comparative safety)—they went' down,. down again with frightful force. Cer. lain death ens now befora,ns; but not one of us Inst our presence of mind, though 1 herd not the slightest hope of escape. Mr. .Chamltern woo entirvly collected and calm. We cut away the grapple, threw oat more ballast (hags and all on my part,) and descended with a concussion not nearly so severe as I expected, in a market-gar dener's field. "I fell on Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Chambers, jr. on me, three bags of ballast on Lim, and the car over us all ; while "pilot who had weathered the storm," was thrown with considerable violence from among the cordage around the hoop where he had heed' standing. 8o much for the accident itself. The cause, I think, lies iu a nutshell; and I am loth to allude to it, since it argues a want of prudeure ou the part of a person who, by his presence of mind—saved our lives subsequently. —When we ascended, the neck of the balloon was tied round with a silk handkerchief,—On clearing the earth; the balloon ascended to a high er and much more ruined atmosphere; the at mospheric presort. became IPS,: the gess expand ed rapidly; and the balloon burst," MeLANCUuLY ACCIDENT.—Ou Thursday last a melancholy accident occurred on the Cleveland and Wellsville roll road, near the non th of Big Yellow Creek, which resulted in dangerously mangling two men and slightly injuring three others. The tames of those who suffered most are Joseph .Doyle and John hicKnight, those more fortunate are Wm. Ferrill, Peter Burns and James Quinn. These men were engaged in blast ing reeks, and but a few minutes previous to . the accident, the "slow match' bad been opt& ed, lint owing to dampness or improperly prepa ring what in termed the "fuse," the powder did not ignite and on returning to learn the cause, the two first unwed had scarcely reached the fa tal spot when, by a sudden explosion,. they were thrown sumo twelve or fifteen feet in the air Doyle's face was very much powder burnt and his body badly bruised. McKnight was shock ingly injured in the lower part of his abdomen. and received several wounds upon his arms. The three others, as their injuries were slight, will probably be able to go to work in the course of eight or ten days: but Doyle and McKbtght— poor fellows—it is thought will nut recover. We also learn that the whole five arc Irishmen: and. to use the language of our informant. as "good hands as ever took hold of a drill." It ,/ eeitle Pafriut. Fall Importation of Harttware, Cutlery, &e LOGAN, WILSON & OR, No. 129 Wood Street, lioelro to call 1.1. Lttoottoo of Merril.. •nd .t.her. tc tiler uurr "l of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c 11411'01:TED RV RECENT I'ACKLTU. Ara .ht-h. the,' at purl, prier ItirA fulls...crania., of MANN . , relebratral C E. AX E• alt.., ou Luna. su.l• v Ptir . From the univerntil superb-. of tl, 41. Ism.ll's Arabian Liniment in runtb lame backs. rheum ettem..llaeatted mints, whitti /melting, e.tutrarteti ronis petty, le.. to hate no drnitt but It will reptitr tat •I other remedies on the shelf. 'lO., there I. no tratthit drub but it lathe Erna:oat remedy the world eer knee It I. atual r ly etlettive hir both men athl beeat, v and shunt] to attn... be kept In art rt hon.« In tn." , atelelntntt, ' Pee allyettlattnent al yaar remits of larger ur yearn, f forma - in States, tariff on facts that injudg en forced 11 despot- ;dr It in just what it; tratited--say ail wit( ha.e ever m.11111'1..1* • Venniluge 16,41 the lollworn. iatut irons m ai,nl. -.4mA:um • Yet. 2411, lal7. `V Kula (f. (I+ —Whet, rout agent no here 1 had 11l opebsal, uid he left but • tow dozen of Sl'Latte's berton loge, and I roaa at a. tout 01l tadt. and thug far has given a-tual aatutfartioo. and Lae proved to he pt. what the publie wault. end we hate got it a.goiox. and do not with to get out. I have but one duvet! toil It he. your again wag bare. 1 aunt tar toff Maa *orb. plaarr somi If I abourl 'mot tuorr. hut It dkJ, I have for:. tea Will you have th•..rder for m. ass do go room rerelpt Qua. 1.1111,1 t t KIER For rale by J. KIDD • MI. aolAtalablbra No. ,a, Wood et. Petroleum De•A MOST RCIIAIMABLC. CAAC or TOTAL ElLotioNEM Ginn ct l'arAnLavat.—We Inilte the allenltiin of the aft:acted and the OObltr aeneratili to the ...AV... of Wu, thin. thie Tt. rare may I- aeon LI our person who. mar tr elietitieni to relation the fart. reflort.h. t•. IL litElt. 1 414 boom afthcted celvaral bare with a airettrasof LOth which noutitimal meyearea until heptamihry, the itillammatbm at that toms hawing loaol , ^l'th• • hO• !mina mamba., of folio •T•e. aOl euded iu the dear., of • thick film..hick wholly al.trOtatl my nab. I bwl otwiratapuperfurrual,aml the thickening nquoved.which scow returned apd 101 l me lo as l.a a comfit.. as bef.re At thls ob.e of the complaint I MAJ. , al,Pthwtitwt L. w.. rat of the court emit:teat madtral moo. witinfaconl me Mat •my err. would waver ael well: Al tha, time 1 atoali by Abe a.lylce af atm. I oommeneed the we of tea Petroleum. Laub interval!, mi,l locally, under which me 'Yea La.. imhtwwwl dally 00- ,1 tba,preoeut time, and 1 bate tacuver.3 MY eiaht•wlin ly. Up getters] !health ..s..ry much itoomeed be the Petr.iloom, and attribute the textoratiou (.1 my Main L. I re..1.al Nu. lul &mod tIrMl., iu ray. aial will las happy I. glee auy lotonuation to 0,0400 w. 11 1.1.1AN1 BALL. g iblaorw W Yu: W. by Keywer 6 MeLY.well. 14u Wood i.treet; L. r &Hero. 47 W owl .trait; It A. IlutwwtweL. 6 Co. Wood .nil /trout olr.tc Li. M. Carry, W. A. 1,11ka1..1,..ath 14uOINv, .u4ll V. Yoliwurts, All..uheul ..1..° 0, lb.. pn r. M. 1.1E4, ..11,16w:T II Canal 11•61u.tweeutlii.1 . Vittatourvb., Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ,k, NCOUR.kOE 110111 k: iNSTITUTIONS iN. c ir lalre Nu 41 Witter ..... tu (Le war-elbow!. ate 11 U.U. 1101 W. Yreakluut A. W. Mill.. Ww . Y. nip LUmpAHly 1, now areyairwl to lueure all men,hatull , a In Aare, mud trauxlits.•wwwla, Ate. LI, Au amyl, guartitity for the ability mot itilourity of lbw hartitatuw. la allowlul In the eLaraeter Dlreetwr, 00 _WU.. are .11 citizens f Vlttel.uruk.. well awl favor...olY 2/11 • knows) to the enrato 117 lot thrir prtateuee. lotrll.hotre, 130 owl icargr.ty. lOU Dtaterau-41. 11. Huwwy. W m Waalley, Wm. lArnoer. lOU Jr., Walter Ilrytuyt. Haut. IWl•ard Ilearletuu. 101 l Jobl Hat u:rLL. 1. Ilarhohrh. Mot 1,1 ..00.1 • 1 UV Pittsburgh Lite insurance Company. 110 , CAI'ITAL, 8100,000: 114 ' OFFICE, NO. 75 FVERTII STREET.. ovvicEitm: Prealdeut—.l6atrYS 11. A. 1113 "Ira Preauleal—rlauum i1Let.006.61 Iremiirer—Jottzen low9.,n.letry--C. A. ootTom. llel ihy . ;;37 ., satprueement toenutber Vittul lb. • Grand Farewell Mini Cal Tour in America. . Al ADAHE_ ANNA BISHOP, leaving.the evi l !! g to retu re ' t ' o Pur ' o f pe d' , I to if: oat 0.‘",1":y. r..T:l.,°.`e, mune.' Man( the .p'letiatu au ¢ w ' ttich ' sje nits been ' roceivetrwith w. amen innate, aud e ta' ore. Lakin.; to bet way many notincal parr, •h,r. eta ima not 1 , tied the honor to atmr. and she bege to announce that Ale will offer to the musical &Mantua" awl the public .r ~,,. oun Stat... lanbrelp for the only time. boo fartamed L l- IOC L'AITIATALNYEATS. Tartly la emitting, cumbin .4 fl ow ~ f no•ft 00, of 140Nt..V.ILY ANB t/iTtia , and a r . ranged un the plan of Uwe. popular:varied sod new per forannwee. which Am Inia rendered no nuevewful. the following Hoe of rued will lie adhered to as much m ~e cuma umcea will ortuit:—Newark. Philadelphia. Barrie burn. Baltimore. Cumberland. l'ittaburgh.ii heeLing, 1 OW e 1... IA slougtou, Da ytow Mathew, Lousaville. N aeb wile. co. Louie, Memphis, Vic keburg,alatahes. New °Heat., Mo. .blie. Columbus, Montwouter,. litwon, Savannah. Chart,. ton. Atinusta. ColUMbia, Am, hr , and Nework. al ADANIE A NNA BISHOP will he modeled by her TAI. ENTER COMPANL wader the direation of 11, lIIICIISA. Sole Manager and Ihractor . Full particultua re..ipowting this Wand llorical VoyaM, (which will begin In the mane ..I tide mauth.l tole duly announced. .wIU - if _ Young . Men's Mercantile Library Associa tion, and Mechanics' Institute. K. OLILMON will deliver his third and last I,cture on BABYLON, NINEVEH, and 1.E11.,11191L15. . , 11 1 91LIS. tecunprigina the latest Biblical disenveries` among the ancisul 904 41131q1U1 hl Assyns. ebaea, Ar.. ropious) y illustratettl an. Aaturday.,erentrig,tletobsr Litt., at th e City I,ooten• Room, eorner 01 11..1 and Vourtb streets, entranen on Wood. Lecture to cotannence at 7% /irluek, P. Tema—Catlett.' single adnusasan, nents—Tick,ta t o hi had at the nrincit molt Mores and hot els. blenibirs' tingle admission, 37 cents—obtainable. at Library roan, or nf Committe n on urea. for WI rilculain. ars naafi bills. nc10:20 • FREE LECTURE ~N the Science uC Mental Electricity, a In Ink, October 11th, at o dom. Puolie ...mors:l% ouzo Yon.Ma olighL, at Mine boor. Admittance after the Ur. night—gent/I,nel] It cent. ladies 10 cent. Ile arlll ooe. an Aaylum the above flail, uu klnuday, tbe lilt, lam W. kfa o'clock. I'. 11.. to continue each day Go In ilayii, 0. tbe cure a Deafness, 'Madam., Itheumatimo. Palq, Pr, taprlr Dmm, Neuralgia; in rhurt, all diseema may I rand 111 by tbls aystem, intelligently' applied. Terme--No seller earn no r-banze. Pour treate,l IFn• CorieulMtion from 41 to r. d Chance for n Gardener. T"E undersigned will give a most favora bi. vow. TUN AUIIiLY of Aron...lin Sewick. ley BotUnn, fur • NprherY ur Onr&n, and %rip lownweinen.. 'Hot Wad I. of lAA but 'Pet, " ' Xiglyll nflir?froil r t ' LEF rII or.loll J. W. P. WHITE, 44 Orant'n. teS, prinie.eandina, for sale by oclo JA111'... , A. HUTCHISON A Co. AiII—ACKEREL-50041;. Large No. 3, Mtui bvi rachumlt.taxpertlon. fur mar by min JAMES A. LIUTCIII.II4 A CO. L EAD— . SS° po o . g :,,, ,' ,, n . i r e , n (l a ig ' Latin) for indr by °ell) JAMES A. 11UTCHIS9:4 ACt,. 41 H. MOLASSES--'2O blobs, prune St. Lou ftrilio•ry. .ale by ueln JA.MtS A. HUTCHISON A Co . IPKM/ 3 --fin bale. Kentucky and Missouri Dor Hotted, for .ale by IU JAHUS A. 111.1TelIIWN a Ca • d LARIFIED SYRUP-15 Ws. fur xniel,P lJ celo JAMES A. MUTEHISON & EFINEID SUGARS—An romortment7 of iL or.h,d. C 1.161, Pulverised and LAM Sum, from e St. Leal. Steam ,-tbyar Itellwery. Ile! , ILO mlbeed prime by [be Ageute, • oclb JAMES A. IIUTEIMMIN A Cm . . IfIICKWHEAT FLOUR—Asuperior ort de of fresb b 11.4 Buelmbrut fluor. Just roe.' • Medi et At CO, uelo (tracers ut Tea Deslers. (t)SIIEN AND W. R. CHEESE-Con Loa] and for tato br • WlLjt. IiteCLURO t 03. Y. AND (OX DEN SYRUP—Alwayw h ' 4 1 7 1 ftr " A. ILCLURGI a co. :.. • tlnited States Patent MSc", I .. . _ 0.-rosss I. 1051._ I ON the petition' of M. Sorel, of Paris, Franre. t.rayirm for thy..amnion of a pate t gaud. .slth him far au improved mothod of preaerrtnif Iron and et..) from rind nr oxidation for any.,years from the raid ratiou of said putout a hlch taken plan , oh Ut" k'''''.. - h day or Doeraiber. POI: .. (Cl. ordered thu the said petition tio baud at ilia. Pat. eat Offle, on i 4 adurilay the idl, of I....camber. 1051. at It o'clock. !Li and all pervotia are nottlieddo aPPearandahoa nos, If mar they have. ally Nald WOO.. 0 . 00, .. , Woe granted.. Persona (Tat - wing the eiteindida an minind to ai ., io Oa. Patent tith,. their abortions, opcitically Pet forth Yi wri ting, at lea twenty day, before thu day of heari µ-, all te..lintuny li ed by .ispr party to be 111.0.1 at the lariat:. muat be t .l en and transmitted In arrordaner In lb the rot, of it oy ollira which .11 be furnialied l. m.pheatiou. .linleml./alio. that this mare be pOldldied In th,Nl - Iptulligencer, Republic, and V 01.,... of Wanh4iiiion, D. U- Coutier and Onquirer, hew York, Penuaylvallla In. unirer. Philadelphia, 14ntvy hanic Prosideure Juurnal. p ro ,idamy, Itlode bland; Melly Ad ,,, ...r.8..... ala.o. paetiii.olts , I.....ininercial Bullehu. tit , orient... Lou maim ,lid pineburgh Omen, Po inburgh, Peuria4rauLa. nice a ...A 1.410010 in....e5... a ...11, previona to the ..a 1. day of la...euil, neat. TllOl4. MBANK orhYlarithil Comlni+Auner of I'. tits. THUM. .MBANK/ Comtnlouer ots. New Music. Milt: GIPSY'S SONG, or My Gallant hurl; I at aunt, wills raptor°. applause by Jenny 1./ad. at gh. The Er ' • u:up'sl bynA a e . r t . G ., i t it rbot. holtle: y Catharine bay• Tn.. Foal tavted 11.10.01. by Kiel., Tir; Vt01.T.r.. - N,z,f),TV - Ai de pelt-rt..° or the Pultuloe and ,le ntratde I ate. foreign nod atueitan. - KLNltalt, lot Third alreedi o..tt 81011 of 114 lloldro Harp • • • Stereotyping • ; frill F, subscriber is prepared to ELECTRO- R, I FEU I.IOTY PC Cute. Newspaper Ilea.. ar , tibetiort odiet• out moderate fermi. The dursbnit, Of the ru,,r eartrot. Ito le etnitoated by bet dget. lu Ile all time. guests tban that of type own!. The subaertber of tele for the preeent to forobth Eloetto SterenlFltee no mot. , MN,. at the eurtontary pricey .1 those male I) IN. oil utelltol. Female derantiGa Able kind of Intel ouni artll orders, ur lbetr patnet, at IF. W..Wll.dON'tt d..eretry Flare,oroor of buurth and Market etnetai ,colt A. 8. IILAK New Marble and Freeport Stone WOrka 1 1 UNION D WILKINS, addition to his A eaten.... entabltahtnent 0 Litivrsr tdreet• bend tt , 044..4 otebed bractelt of Gl4 Cool. 3Larbte 11urite. adjarent 1., Cemetery ',Gent he 11.1.111h.flilfeA rr err varlet y of Marble sod FreepolNlone.etri alt.nunieure, loon, dumb :tuna, Venter., . f hl.rblr: F.rh,og and &nodal( fdr Cemetery lade, kn. of Freeport bran—a ter, durable material. beton lucated..enowenteutulhe 'edovlory, he la prepared In etecnto onlent with Ononttld ttude. sod no Ihr lowent terott.—and boot.. fur a coattail -1 the patronage beretundt• .0 liberally extaudycl• . . _ . Caution. ..:. I VIE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED N., ins .Incl,-•-i a n•••• drawn br l'rel., • Clo .to Ili ord. :JP flee.umti,l, tin . rd hyptember :It. 1%51. pa' ab , • (on volalb.• allpr . datr, I.lr .100 bandr.4 dollar, (SI J.) a rmytu..ut nt re.l lA, ha. 6••• n Mopped. • :ir. - • •- - I.IN EMI klz.— ..-, • .L.,,,,vc. u In. nrajtwd Vaal.. ull, n •• - ••' Llophaut oil: 4 0 1.1•1•• - ILackod Whal.• WI: I I - brown 'l...re 011. 1 , •0 nava prim. Rio Code, •• 1.1 i'Ll.l4. I. li. l's.a. • •• roadway Tea: 12 stud 6 m W.I. extra ann. On tattliif • Cohan, choir.. brautla: • hi " It. Lumfm. " " ih ttlg.ll7 N•it Jua , lan4lng an.trar Cale bY BLACKBURN • CO. OUSSEV.S UNRIVALLED sileyiku unlvvroally arkdowledged.anpe , St, , rl i 3l . th ' a U n n u ' eq " ualVe ' dTr u p r uM 7 2l P 2a; Inagra4ne, Innonh analagnuo th liner Asninu,lal Cream, and .04.. And, tt ..Il,..r.Til ' ott a nYZll, 6 ;;:tei: " a;tl V aa ." :n c retrr '," li7 mat: I , nn•aarael artat adranta nv,r arurlo, 1,01,4 0 , 04113 - preaaml 'tom 00 u 004.0.0. •OL useat.at 11111, audio not 1 , 111, Lyi tlO. matte. for nhavinit. 11 . 2, n •an, of ihi. arttele dunua lb. lan tar,lva , ,rrnd .I,„rt medal. avardes n., It. . • • Ili. talc •ttio•l Ili...tilel eettuaattuu in a bleb It ,•:held 1., `teaitutittutt, ipt tale wh.de.d• and r.. 3411 . ot, t It Y. af., p. Ni Po •t. . i Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery, 1[1.1..:1:V ,1 1.1 I. ,. l , i , ti hw tLa b ee nL .I s , il t d he 1 , .0 .., ur ., : .. n i s 1:1 S i , .. 16..,... Turuttilte Poad, texteronon of Fount ttettPt,l alai about tate mile from Kam Liter,' es rubarril•Prit reopeetfurllt give 001.10.• to , ittly put to es stet the puttlie a...waxily. that then-rale Ire 1,.r• ept •-• tlerealoutees, ac • le.. wow ....Ku , . l , ettl , iPtl• telottarea _' , uYUU , t plant•. all of IttLl,tt are so • health, eon • i 4" 1311T TllCES•coustatiug of Apple, Pear. Itlttio, Pcouh. • tLa IT TRU:ES...O..Iu, .d Apple, Pees. I'lu to, Pc 'la's,. A atleut, N ertenue. AU:m.O. Ur.t Taut*. Ite dlt DE TUE taTal Llud lu en a .A d mu t' r s lo tu am Llud o e ul . u r t Local. . a Waal. Poplar. Wtwalog It - aka. N at, Tuht,Tr-.. Horse eltreluut. I'autUaulu ltd. Endlab Art, Eudlah l'eraueo rapetrin, k... •t. , IrN Knoll,!.] TRY.LS AND Sllffl:!lS—Viz 1 !,nips, c..lar. All.rf iratf Arl.rvfla.s.eblnr-e Arbrr wiles; tlut tr.., 11t46.11.1 1... . Col:2.140o 1.7. ArurriJou Holly. 1..urr4....!r0 . 4 :!ii ri h rtt l . ' 43 ' l . :;i S t l 7 rfle. '') ; -‘ ‘ ' i..ii i tn,o l" :, Er r . .4 . l l, 7 ''''. i , . I ' ll:t, , 111/11.4: I.I. Ir ANTs-- , ,... aims, ounut or ll.to Sr nar.7 ouruhrtkuir ovrr 7u ranrilr• fia elwries. to rra 1.• r.I .4 Ohm... /rwrrbloLasuur,F.......o.luranaint C.tur.. 1r r ,,,nleal /tors. Buurrbou 01. r., kl u alteßLd., ay lair 1 ,, .I al or Itrfataant 1b..... A grral tworlirr of thrw r. twrlortly bard, and loloouf frvery tbrouJboot tlhr .o.outer onarou. A 1.,.. tierlrututur. Olt...wren., OrsuJr, Oulu, A , .4.. N. It - -All orclrr. mt. Le • ....w.......1 wait IL. ;foal. I.lrun. careful', parkr.l autl ...rot s.ror.laug 11. 4lnfrtior • 4. -or part of Lb Ihrit...lstafe. , : io', L rtrTh7,"..",;:tT„':,;:','lTt, "`.: ° :'..`V.Z7.,:":1; ~,,.,-,:...r..t. to turpfra.el out 01 lb. [f .. 11101111LL1 1 144 env, r..,..nag -•uir arrr...l mr , ...ncl. earl num mg (tyro 3 t o itoki.v., 46.,grrat nuasher to lelftrh ar. of , • Ilur rsar 4 tratt , t`frAtlf. Orrlfor.l am' rbrularrr Platfliorf emr/rutorlibr f , rltrrf , u rearuffabb. Irmo, Latt.t..lr./t pas.lll.“ out addrea• at Wilt in) , I' Ir, near atr.burdll. • .11 r........ limo...new attrutHru . Andrr, 1.11 as our .414.41 to 110. IlharuouJ 111.20,, rt. war t 4.1.../.11 Awl zutur.liare attertlloo. Th. yu 1., .0 grurral are fur 11er to oull aual ma. : loa our t kr,. Aftentfou t.jroJtor• r..-ITrla iall am Ss r., elm ” 1 .sfrt,. ..1h 14 St.& JAS fIIJKL/OlUl : f rre ,I.llf,ft.T . I For Sale or Exchange A IS011:r NINE . UUNDII.F.I) ACRES 01' rry roswbio, ti prowrt, In ewn by he name of ulaika , ,.. I.llthbar end - ainalAT B 11.411.“ tut 1... i wear the trentral Railroad It will he dig - We... 10 I , ,•itether by rale ur !arta, for•proPerar in On, oil, or 're Moly it «dd. a lan p err:ld nay be bad 40 radoadet , , bat ouiall 'um will tw 11 Ii 1 in baud, C . likonoyttly'aolado lb. porehaaer. 'A:alt./h. No 44 OHara ate... Loy at hi, CO, N 0.14 W ht.ol ht. 117 Fifth street, itoinedtatelf ohhkeite tha Court Illooae and fildrA d a Patnhadrt fdiarazded, toil anr other cilen, to soy ywyledi deainhet ado.l perrutand thatr rtahnhuo d LOVES AND HOSIERS'—AI, A. Mestro •11 A CO. Isar. now hand dna ol lehtlea'S'aah were, Flete , ,,, - Khl. (1.11.1 other A 1,,.. al , re de.erthtion ul Iltahert, ,a•tuoriaitig rata, the LAM dosau • . _ IiRKSS UOODS—Opruins, 11:14 at. A. A y MA ail!. a DVS.. raer. M tuo.yleg fa4ullable Drat" ratua.tsup,l SOL, CtalraW. Ile l'arazurtane, allas.ora, ar. . ... , , • BA'rf,ll , lfl t CAN 14,EW ICK-, , .2„m i.... f . i1.00.0i u: r , ' "" k '`CiILIKOWS Ir CO ..,A R E.'s: S-10 bblo,. Wbite for .a. by 4/ CilLll MIT •ON i et) S OLE LE AT liEft —1 , 1 . 10 , rf o r des (I , j a r ! „ tann . ..,l F O. ,alc L, A CULLIERTW C: * CO. I Lli Itll . ' IV fil'ili i'l' ' A lot f .iII wrD•r () - ' ''' ' ' I -,"" ''''' '''''''. by A CULBERT ON A CO it urrEit-104) kegs and fi bba prime No. US 1. io sorive mud Int vil.. by tl. P. , Intl V an, • ork No-. MI And In n.craul .tr...l I Altli-5 kegs N. I t r . ti u r . lu.l i .: . i i. r i,,,,k 1 A ors _ Btl7l 4 klß-5 0 kegs prime, far sale by iii .1. B. C INFIE.I D I I NSKED li I 1,— , 20 blils.O sb riswidd'nind, LA for Fab, by J. B. NFIELD fIIEARL ISll—'2o casks fur sale by L oi, • .J. B. CANFIELD. . . Q A LEItATUS- 1 1.01.1 bus. und flf.lbbls. pure, 10 for P/41, by J. B. CANFIELD. ( I ;IIEESE - 4 . 110 boles I.:!ammorn , . n,s ' L'' t". . fi . ' Li ' , ' .. t iv.i.L , .3 ts ws tioAß_l,, litids. N. 0., for Nile by - J. B C NVIELD . 11ACKED 130TT1':13, - 24 •hbli4 good, for ``oula by J. Is B.FLOYB. och mound Church Ilnll,lll. . - DEARL ASH-30 casks Admits',' fp! Bale L by J. Alt.. 11..01D VOTASII-15 casks mire, fur .. .all; l l ,o :Py rb. uoi .! '- l'- O i 0 COFFEE—'2SO begs Oroen,foreuloby lL vvi J. t FLOYD' FI I OI3.ACCO—Bett Virginia modulactod, for Yale t, I t FLOYD En: lish & Bennett. English. & Bennett. 1L?riA1..5.4.1'31.1.-?,!!.°C. GROCERS L ' d n g tsi ru i r ' g ' l! Alanufaet ure,--No.l= Pl. and 141 Ptzt at- In.l!nani W.srsi aO.l smttlatn.id sta. Pittsburgh. Pa . ma on nand and re,..lre the.le.,Pltt.burob, g‘ada aht , . 0.1 arint . kor •al the low,t market Nutea.narif To lump , hags 111.. , ntl . rma 1,0 - It. lump, 141 I.kgs You g 11101. ts Tea, 6tw Ork.duip 11. P. a - nu., to. eut chrislug do C.O bbd. N tl. Sugar. lon rut I dry smoking bbl, o.lklultres. • nu II 11,01 inatiud. Cigars. no 11. , pAgon.. - 400 kegs meted gm*. 46 Ilmam , bnam /hand 10111 HI Ital . Common 10,090 Salerains, 14 1,11,s 01010144. Filberts,.2,ooo Unabrn bladder. E WslllUts CY...al nuts Al easks Attain. antl.ltnund 4-rent.us loam Rack eaudy. :kat boxes rwre 'roman. catsup. " 60 P•spia, Satire. :MI Alouta Dip Candles 6 I.4.oinnre, 100 bids eraetera, 160 drum, 01114errea 1116 e. lon bone. , al. It. /tan., 4,000 Margo, I:Crushed Sugar ** Urnund Inn pkgs pt. and Flaaks, All Lasts tlina4a.- 1.0 bids boafi Sugar. :.0 bus. White 11P, o .onrraa. I .l l 4 o ,R•eb,a l k. 60 bags Pilule ItratilSugar.unttnit Imns, nail vu, ,alk. bra. , .. Ilarapa dlrsria mil Carnal 05•1171. r 7 IJourtud ‘ll ISS C. SMITH, Milliner,frOm N. ifiz i IV' York-24: , t. Clair .trvet. Plttaburgii—h ..h aa uog gag..d ni fashuable drrmutsker, (rum Bal timore. and ts toelevuln di orders at the 11 E . maleth. vea. , l tun.t.er , • oel.llll M. and M, Bank. 1 .. , .... ... .. • .. (I le SHARES of the CalAtat I.l.nek of thi y Bank •aule4 I,y U. A. JILL A C0., ......31,110 Rork au4l4seliang. Bruk..ra. NOTICE—TIIE PARTNEILSUIP EXIST oor ulul..r 'lbb Amu of li. 'filViti4l,:a.t. A CO. Ma .1trA.11.. 4 by Co. 4... a... at Harm C. Tovrwerul. Oman j.relanna•ill &anti... lb. buelneas . lien:la.,. and. tb....tyle ol IL TOW SONY U 1 Oti WM. tmcß ( TITOWN.9i:ND P. I i . OWNSILNIL . • l'ittaborsrh, 00. 0,1851. PolNak, POITIPRPPIP, IPIP. P. TP•PaPPP, ... !Inghtton, r. 1 hltaburvh. 'TOWNSEND A. CO:;Wire hlantifactu it. re, No. 19 51•11,...t.w.1. Pil.laryg b. I/v.21.10m IPRESI.I SALMON AND — Lt-0-DTEILS-L -, rut uu '9 .... tr o pcur.d as, bettortll , lllT n.:l/4—lrry silo •rlc.r. for /...le by WM. A. 31e1.1L111111 k CO.. 0 , ..3 • irt.. , re slid T. De.alent ..__ .....___.l_ '• __. ikit) . l . fE WINE ,,, VINEGAR— i` ! . I. b,i 'err ~.I . ..ti vi g . °nail for ,2U Libutr gt. oc3 - - iODFISII--iteeeived an7.lforjeale by 4 . i 0.-.3 WM. A. ...cbtrail a co. -- . Matchless Blacker _and Inks. ARE CELEBRATED •' A T LE SS at.egf.tbicia,-,=ta mr= ,. . Gal yet ollerril if,tottb.fiaNTl CO. =Street, Strtrlr= Ybliadalim. Ps. ...34eas • auk clove:,o . \ 0 , 7 J.tellOß JiNIAKVII .03 r i I AYNTaitS . L-30 'tient Oality, I. for Ralf br J SCIIIIONMAKEMA (1). , PERM 01L-5 etteko pure for d' 1\ •• I,NJ. . .;. i LUSI.-30 Ltds. for sale lly . • , \ il ...7 .1 WIll s aINMAKILlt s t a co\ It/HALE 011,--5 easkm 1110i'ale1 *intei , , 1 V fur male by J PCIIIL I N 1"1 11:):. iiFESEL B) box. , extra Cre V Vhee\ e ; . .. ,i, s .1, , Ilealo .reyb al.llrttylim I.r..iv by be o:, ti Ia r a)I9NDLN, l .., FiSii— \ •'` .: bbl,, N.. I Lake Kutwt lot ,alLut.a. ' ''' ' '' 7 N N L " , - T. ' . • Iletl . t " b , , aa —All 0( e 11: ' ,Ielluilvetin braud—tb. t.....ll ' !artt;ia . L :. "' Ttat ' lnt " „:t r' r.riir: . . l =V d .. 4 ; ""'"'"."'\." nr: BUTTEK--:lii rant. fresh Bt4ter, ... \ t/e7 ..-' "' Ll l ' i ICI( l' F . -tt.VN ' l l rl V. , S. Q A LEBATiI S . -30 c. 1.14. MCA ,l . 1,11:1 , fa r sale by - . i \1111:4!...1111.,1$ :_ 61 . 11,1 W. :41 . 1.11: 4 . .--NOlv ope itrig\t, A. A. I - 7 NIASON a 01.1. ' ~,, ~i,....pnj yr/r liqhiousblo Plaid Silk, .. roe a , \ log a< , plo ' rati le t../ . ..51 , -B 11/ L, do egant ttrooade d. UNM E T E 1118 BUS:--A. A. 31ABO 34 SE L..). Itlll exbiba thin tuccutuit ..:artnna al rleh betp• nel ... riLL. un ' enr.:', : . i l ' . ; IR TEAS SUPERIOR TEAS i up 11/ l'atAs. at E.tarn Prices. rrlIE subscribers Nrould rexpeetrfullvTA invite the attrotiPn of retail dealer" aria , r th e ir very auperior IT-I.S. put up In p " ra " ;! - ;V U lte L: ?er t uVrt " e " r:ll , `Tr..4." : '.. The wawa/aw .-..f 'C..... put up this any.fur vaulting. •re ohs nape that (thpuab lout lately Intrnlneel) Lase almu.t natlnly .oPer , "^dt‘l the hr.«!Trtn, Our arrange...a. ani Lwllitit., tor baying Teas. art 4tch Oint we are conntantly receiving Irrllt atilt b •p arc puablakl to sell hav Ten. ht. qualit) In 11, All Teas wad I.) the bul,criberoatru +old un thxlp, anti rriwnrlbiii/y, Linn auy out alvtua oath. raturnea, and the mousy rPlaudP.ll. - MN —ll. hat, been tatlyranoa that theme are par enotrea In palling. throPraTJ l l'venPrn Peonaylvauln and Ohio. worthl,ya and tlatuaa.,l Two. p t up it , • .tht tar manner 0.• nun, 0, .tiiilatina Punta. pr ac unto.. rem outalora (rapt un. Tu .laid Impoeittou Lt lbep ..hParve 1 0 . , ^ , Pr) P OO . 1 1. PY I up 1 .1 Uala with our name Dad wan.... LtNIPIE of all oral.. and vartpt Pa. whaleaal;ur re.ll. at the Join,. ran, SIPLIAIIai a tai Tv, I.ater, Lthertl NEiV CODPISII-5 druu. just reed add for gale by irw7 AM). WATT t . VARAMATTAS, LION ESE 1: COBUItUS —A. A. MA:. 0: A w RI open than.tv ic bnove good,. LIRE'S:CH MEiti r NOS I'CLOTRS Now openang et. A. A nIA,.^ltN W .1 Croach 11. nnm Awl 'CUR,. Cloth, owl; " • ASIIMERES MO M. DE' LATHES 1J A A. MA,I.IN A co. bar,. ji1,t•rr,...1 35nf Canlmoen... ant Lon., O.ll I i E , SI , P i RO PE ruuntox ft,. Can.l t Frat,rty Mn .n •kort .11,1anct frt. th.. de•la , t tlar übl. , I,IIraniTAILL I:ailroan term< appl, t.. .." DONN (00 . and 00 Front .1., 0., rau,b.rft,,o al I • _ .., i 11110 AND PENNA. R. R.-4aregtor Ur ..In at an for 1,0 P.N. Apply to \ ' 11'.11 A. /lII.L A 00- 0011.3tdda. Sttirli an I Esch•una Ala.' „1 if , HEESE-10 0 linxeN\Cream: , •'' nc .i'd for sale 11 n'' - • "°.r.;111,.; - ?11; . ~m , .„ i W aiteratr.-Ct ' i IS I I% , 7:Gp i,, I'ItEPRED , :O , ILN— . 2O 1,1),I r lat s 1- ,,!, ' li ti. ME ..Eltn..: W.<4 at \ YALE: . -... . i-- \ vw i f lALE t. 011.- 7 ,75 gull+. .u . .1 . t reed tad ' ' i IRE.1:11 TARTAR-1 1.1,1, N ' AR.RANI'- k.l KI. Pr ILK. for oil.. 1-y ,octll 11. SaLldttn - • i COARSE tiPUNGE-2 • 20 lbs. 0 . supericir kj quality, lor nal.. In it, li.K. 3 •LLKItn. , j • *ARIL AMMONIA L;`2 en..4lcs for m e IN I. J 0 ,- 4 , it C. ntiL Eli,. \ ' • a CASTILE .10AP—::0 l'',.kiirx for salt, I._l ~,,b \ it. E tt< Li i k 5 ' ••" I , , Z I N.O PAIN TB: .• Whleb hays IssuUtoUoll :fter sereril trot.' trha.Lutt In ' Europe aul Oh, tlonnl :nate, to rento Thew' or* al be add _pfoteLtlra OroPertlrs euPrnor to' 1 other paint whateer. -, nod • ' W HITE ZINC PAINT • Is purrly an Ord. ol,iur. IV to trarrattrd f.reo \ fru= dt \ t'ltztr;',.tt. i 'Ltdor.i.ur=—:%l°47 ,o s4 - .:L L .1 ,. \ , I:::.r.".',.', 4 „..mr."Ltkft:p„ll2l'. an''' . r 4'. '.. -, 1 - ,' IT WILL ' NOT TURN YELLOW • , ' k When expoust to sulphoione -or , roephdie exhale or el ro when stun up lu • elosernota. Am an outghle pal t. to afthstardo a roothemehtuats and the arathey hat than Roy other, Pot Is , upr liable to tuna chalky or etutold. sod rid , • Olt I t 11.11, be 11,..a11.1. with 11111Kolor with ',annum) ann. or ',IP 'do:al...which Ora a t nds brand porreldn Glad. .• , \ . ' \ BLACK AND COLORED ' ZINC PAINTen,. , .. Tina Ara fundshed at a los 1 , 11....1 arf..undoubtKl . \ • W. hit tat suit best pants In the market for coati rooti; hoeing. outhouse, dealubsant, or arty expand our tax• of and, Writ. no. or in , . as they urat , .. l - 1- WEATHER AND FIREPROOF.' : ' For iron curt acnt 'lay arr particularly iaruahle. as they " ~ fora. a ...frank nu...clout. ant ...trete YrarePt. au/d•- '`, • ~ limp:they dry oulAly. and hss dig a pun. roetaille - Iner, • \ 'O,l r 0 c0d..., cols . 1100 4,000 of the Taub, valuta now to us, Inds. supplied Oil I Oe:,tla lolll* . br the Attlee the ~.“.,hf., 1 :•,„, , • ~...,„ E.,..N„ , o . , oath Whyte, 11,11adalphm .-- '- ' \ ', ', , Fine WatcheiV , it..V\IV: very - superior Gold Pakenz. „-- • , Leyer 'Wangle, rred by s esPeee. eteettArte , * utudi arylealid Pocket elssoranortere. of brats , • \ !hart nun .. double eired Iluotlu.V. at, Plat. ars , \ , "rTY "‘I. { '' '. ' llllgll . 4l=l:4 7 -t7thlarkat a. \ \ 1,1. \ . ~\ riMIE uuderoigned will pay' the highest man- IL • ke , Prier. , o ooeh for oor husoltits nt pure Boottat. S ..2 . IL MOLY. N. eelitothe \ No. It Mortot etroet, Philadelphia, . X i 1 KAN liffitill ES--Just reed and for sale \ ii, )be the wke,. Gel:toile'. et 1101thle Sea Nieth.in the ' \ ":' , UOAR-4-Chlids. prime g - . 0., tht . ssle,by . . \ s•sts ', \ RIMY. SIA TTLIEWS* CO. : I N PPER \ LEATHER-40 Sidesgood henry -. t . hop, L4ther. Ca 0.1.• by , ..i, - )-. looorktz... vrri.o t co ...as Liberty et. —__ L I L - QUIt-7., blds2Si•cdfo ern, family, for. ' _IF odt !». 1.., OpursuN..tmrte sat, fo . P . ..:56 Libetli st. - DIG 4ETA ,f 5 tuns for vale-by : I_, ...s4o, \ it II XL MATT LIEWS t CO. ' A10L..t . ..5- - 3 \ 4 bbl 3 N. (:).],- —; 11 hr. - - look cooperairt) onag " N. , HEY, Marctlews tW. I L T 110L1114". LITI.4IA.RX• IrEPOT. No. / :1 Third etre.; opposite ths Po. them lu-tionotry of Mech.:We, cOlat,lnte. London tuba.- sad hoodoo Poon No. 1,2, - • bend. Ace-Antreseqse h'apests‘,•ss- \ ' • Model Arehltart, Nos-4, 2 evi 2.: , , • , Matilda Moo tgosuerte a esooll to`T'eaus a d A . half Deeeptlen a or • History ol tbe lls ' p Lj ap7 e, pp r g - ArtburConna\or Ezensie in the .. ,-,;,,i,,,,, . Rs,. tab, of IL Olden Faye Ly 'Butt.. s .., : p \ Ks year. Later or. the teN„es t