The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 10, 1851, Image 1

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    = .
r" - 4
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wxrrEi& co..
Y• nrDz.l Emmen save.
Dir.11 . .0.11 ?lII= to T., ran omce.
znsturn. psynbtw half reset,.
WltCl(liti r en ' nts pyrn . onurn. In winnow (Ur]
.00 appllai the following enniittos. ,
Turee tote,. pow ......... .. ...—..1 600
Twenty intniee .. . ... ... !IA 0.1
the paat.s2..t Club to le patatenwel to nun perw,n,
leutt to be paid lawarleblf in 01LY....
the looney inf./ far
..Ptenat. '
..'OO. 41,..• (1011.. of or 1. 1
: o"eba..l.lltionalinsertioa.'• 0 2•3/
•.00. I ' o ' ll irates
Do. , (Ater"vets
• ~ 00
(hr. 6 0/
tour 121001114 ...... 10 00 •
12 t.Ol
01.0100:00011;0 "
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30* igfgr .. a Orp" "uu % -70
'D OlOIlt Uon .
oar ehnogoo,ol. it p1000ar• (pi an..
-... . . , .
' lomat •relutive of I.lorpsper.t.- ' .5 to
Vpf each siditional rouser. i cooled urn oneyanuth, sad
titorrach hititiunal Notre 'nettled artier the youlY ratan.
,itaM prtv. •
tiner, Adv to lo charged o n ertisements exceeding
ate s • slueal a WI, ati.l not nor falcon
s equ
'•,' gotathern non errountania for' legal/ edrortilemene be
'tool the 11064¢.0c eherged for their puhileatioa
\ Itionowang madiget, ht nutter to 11.1 charged the mune
adtetor edwertilements. ' .
oLt=7lT= Vil l‘ tVraTta ' r.l tiliZ'At.:.°,l 6 . ll A.;-
I7geTfrt=una j il . n4vert‘o, if• ehirtli limited to
..' their eon kortortinte hormone; indi " all adrertiatments for
r- • Um benatitof otter Person, se Welles all agrattisenteno not
Moan coanactol with their non businees, sad' ell
Mahan of slystrltemeatt.ll; length or otheratee, 'beyond
the isoita ta gr.t, will be charged at ' th now) rote. Per
r r all : puch . [ran, ,nt .Irentstne GUIs will by newarstely
' 1 . 4 . 14 . 1 twiD oPt.llygontidatired.
Sithoirerti no fo rhatit le lontltutiont, fro nowt
rotte,i, ward, witzhit.,/and other goblin oteetlnwe and
y suetChlueer, to that - god, half thin, payable etrirtly In a.l
- not* to h'' charged 60 toga.
math woken O wned without rt.., uttleam swamp.
nird by Innersl itiritatione or obituary Dairen, sad when
so ecounpanied to ba' paid for.
itaogsr wire:than. and' oil other. shitort oommuniew
.tioath, or too - airing rotiro dentrund to roll attention to
tab,. Stathes,4twort. or shy Ambler entertunments,
whom charge .Sr' whnUtenew—all nottren Of pi.
Pate osaoelathwo—w polite I.lirrael to tall attention to
itrirofe en tentMeeh mkt:IOW or intruded to promote indi ,
- Anil interest, emu tarty be iroerted with the andante:M
aur that the latt. in to he paid for. If inteaded to be to.
eerted In the e.l column, the tame will ha charred' at the
r aloof .not Mu than 10 rents per Una.. I
Mishap ng ear Itin4r4, to be charged' While pries.
T{lolll Unease Panto. 12. each
ResdEahtheAgootr and Au/Oilmen' adrettimmentt d i d
' Whet:hissed untieryearly ratio, at to 11 allowed ••
roma of thirty threes twat one third per Iron. froro the
AISID;Zof UM. . "•. 5 ,
. . .. "mu. tier rePtrnaloor IN - pall. Tr od
• .-. Do. etch wiSltional hoeiti . on.. ... 17
aregernprerrs 10 wrasam roln. .
/Ono Spstare;(l , l line u s.) one
l. mac, Inizert
re km..,.' ....60 eauta.
• pranaind.adve each titima rtketnenta to no paid in advance.
Ald. 1. KERR; Attorney at'Law--Ztfice
•rti Fourth cc. between Smithfield arid Grant, Piro
OS...Virg AVER, Attorney at Law ; ourth
imiret,itear the Mayor's 01fira, int.burgh, l'a. lbt
cations attended to promptly. ' raslTlctker
, 01.1PHLWT, .I.I...ANDEIt tanoa,
(Late Unlontow. I
(Late Julian. -o
pot goolithliehl ougoets. .hush. g
11.—a. L : Oli t:u
phant to Cumlaut., gllgr the 9tatsor
• ..-
Q.1.111 , 1N• & COLLISII , Attorneyl at Law,
Fourth tared. *bore litultlageht.
r. WIIITE, Attorney tit Latr-04
4, oliOnuat street. war Fourth, inigtrthure
toz.lolistgurgh, • . tuchBtly
I\l P. &G.L. B. FETTERMAN, _Attor
• 1,1 lure at Lair AIM Real Eatato Agenis. N0..107 UN
r . etna.S . Pitinburich. •. . ' r il°
e rMES J. KIJIIN, Attorney at law, office.
in Tilghman hall. cornor of Gnat street mid Mammal
a tor. Pittsburgh. ; Salt..llT
-- F
Teis C. F LANECTIN. Attorney at Law.'
: illo. KO Fourth street. rittatairgh.
(CAVE & Attorneys'at Law,
A comth street. Pittsburgh., •
ousirsti—Alexsuilor.d.Oo lin tinyitsr. Esq.:
,nu. Slept - ism it Co.; Writ. X. kidney-, Jam Fleming, A r
e0upt....1; 800. IP. J schwa, Pittsburgh._
11.1AVARD P. JONES, Attoiney Law:
Otte 4 Fourth Letvern
'fASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law
PIM ortewt. Pittxburah. Pa.
HARRISON SRWELL,Attarnev at Law,
0. Ohio Otitßecrniologicoor fur tatine Doraltion& Act
owlettomando of Donn, of. innoe—Fonftb etrect. slot.
11,14/414L mrAnnx—r
.• '"..1•E01111E. B:. ARNOLD JE CO, Bankers:
I .ijc itfn
Isctitste csrefollresticodet tn. and tbs proceeds reasittrdlo
• our tot the Video.
VOL , 11. -WILLIAMS s CO., Bankers
V: stergrrkange Brokers, North' Fort cotter of Wood
and Third ntrecti , , Pattburgh.
AL ttanstetions made on liberal time, and colltelcan
Promptly attended to. t 1,9.1 T
Ik,KINO, Banker and Exchange Broker,
Yoartii errant, Dealer la' rank Notes, Bills of
gi. GolLtisul k,11 , , , 1tt, g r a l imn.. ,a
Halfft i ra aal Stalican sal epanish LolWa to tar
AVM. LABIMER;JR., Banker and Broker,
atheareetitNotea. Wit:dolma. the Bank of l'atobaritti.
wlLK.rris & co; Exchange Brokers,
trsna &lath 115.4 enrarr tit Thiel ancilarlet streets. All
madame at most littoral Ti
WFllsfrtilES Deniersin Foreign
• *la Damestle !MIN of 1:2!
= ,* ta .; Rote s ll<x 1 .1 14 ' 1' o ' n ; V- k f
o f "ern'
a 1.% .... CClrsel,
RAJMER Rankers and Er
nliNibetrltii=lV"'4?,.ll2"2[ 4/21:9;!f-c
-c.rwr bird azall'Ood Aneto aireakT
tba St- Charlet( Itota
a •— :it - tual
I AIRD Coriunibsion Merchants
Bill Banat,. No.lll nomad atreaL Personal and
al kraal. sem:mitt. trainanlitO to 1110.000 alwaya an halal rAIKTIP HAM
_ . _ . . •
LALMEII,. HANNA & CO-, Successors to
Muter, Rums 00., Ilthimi.kuratincar Ba ran;
am Fordidrai and Doottotierihnore, Oratifirooo.
wordoorik 00hrt. frairaitiOrth Wort ornira
sad Third Arno.. 'Carr int Motier rocortol on Dr
poolt. dintra Chixras for role contortion.. mode 00 trarar , - .
74.4thitrg itztt lot. thr United states.
0011. out po 4 lot Tora:A acid Amerirui
Adrrauatmedson ealsl.7stsleate of Prcdamehlirpe.l
on ilerrel team I, • • .
W. TAYLOR, Oommifißioner and 1.141
Broker, U 2 &mud street. an attention' will I.
ittsento all business entrusted to his mrs. Ilttstrusith
rasnesstartst artistes alwass oil hand or pmenral IMO:tart
nros .1 stss l.nstss .2s, tastic.. 11 00.tsl. .... 0. f OOOO.
abls ti . o car • '
• •
D e.' S K ON, late Johngton Stock-
RA. wry lionlueller,Ptationer-Piider; r, oar.
!dui:et and Third etrget.. Ititiebnrch. •
irdB:- IL iioLl2fES' Cheap Literary-Depot,
Th attwet, optawhe the /?ost Oftlow New Boots re.
eemd daily by aroma, Nobletiptkola rrealrol to any of
Msaarinow or tialtatiawart i pobllaheil at tha pubhaherti
Inwood Pole,
-L. READ, I.Sooksellor and Stationer,
edi . No. 7 , 1 Fmrstla Amain Buildiags.
W.' I!lPOLlNTOg6,'Manufneturernad 12n
, v . n u r of Calf.. flil'Untla, React 11.1 Taft
lotoor„ (Wow Sbd .C.. Wombuttotslio.flf. Youth
ctrl T 9 Wood et. l'lttobu •
.D .. POINDEXTER, cornerbf Water and
'l.l.;;•hlarket *treats, Fittaburab. Conmamon atm Vom
aratuarso Coast, anl for the hurchnao and sale of Flour.
Western Produer s s Nallka las*, stal the manufactured
' attletes of Sittahurch aeaaraqn '
Isn—A.cant for the emit, of Pi. Carper * I.
odelmded Manure and /lay Fake, at I'hiladelphio
pricer; and Jenkins eltperlor tabard Taxa.. ar..43t
A7.'73IcANDLTY&. CO-Transporters,
lir Vora . ..Siam atel Ateech.ta. D./prit,
Calm ctata, Penn Wee, l'ittabarata feta
. exeek.e wont,' • • ' SAIMEL ROM.
11 • atet; Cotaratatiort atrrebants, No. al Water, event,
ral•laterW: - -
t trbi. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
tsar, Na 112 Ser.rl
1 gi jO afi' l l:tf di
and Ca:)(.Trm"` ..d. rPg.z;.l:r ,
.1 t i ~,,„,,L.t4
Oi. 411 tiPT
' ;ARDY, JONES; eti.. ..eeesp,ots to At
-wood. Jew. it CII., C.M11131.11i,11 lkoi Porn sell ?If, )10r
dealers in Pitteburida Manufactured Moab. Pitt.
arab. P.' . . ,
- DAY •dOODS s
...... C. I— CrnsiOnT ,t;i: ToTi
A , A. MASON & CO., Wholesale Ohd. 11;tha
113Aaler.+ in -Vistry w 3 2 1 +4 ,1 •`. Dry Uot4s. 62 sooto.
a uss4, toth,oaro.
, 111 iUEIEGD, WhouseLs
sus 14.411 Dry fir.o44 slrertmats. ecTster of )norm and sus
stn.. I' •
Dentist, Vortier v or:: 7 1`
. 1n4 , 1i
Ilecatur .1.. ImAittea. Alia , ket •
WOOL zaßemas
UR P Y- 4+N E. Wool, d
Mverbutts far Ow solo of AlikfrUMU
6 . 4 ' N 0.. ", P.M Nt.horgb.
lIARBAUOII, Wool lqerchunto,
Wolof. dad nd dynerally, add la.
addling mid 15docolsAdo We:tont, No. 115 Fula rtrdl.
ad 116 s.ocoodatrood.Yiddborgh.
HARDWARE himamas.
QUAN, lamortera
iVtlolp.lar T:extrp let Itarirrarp sad (!ullpry. :1 0. 129
OBEIIT• MORRIS, Tee. -- ' and Wine
them ! Cast (Malt the Dimond, P.ltAaarsrh.
~ v T
y y Drum,: No. t6-I,ibein. CO . J
.4. .X.r r' Wood
byte half a • ISIA•10=1,-41.11t
:f. .z s a nee mies. m .j . . , no—if arelgnorzal'artiete,wnele.
111 A . FAILNESTOCK & CO., Wholesale
• Dmg4sta, 9.o.lmasnasaurer• or White Load, lied
,1.n.1 Litbar.i. ram.. Wood Gal Fran% stre.s,
burgh. PL. t 0..-137
U.. 1.
SIcDOAYELL,:-(SuccesElars , to
u k _ co/Kerr k Ke,nor,) Wholemile Ina "total' 1 , 70,
I Mort, eurtirt of WudAirnct kaJ
t'braizame . mr.4.lll< . o.Ponnarsi nieht
. 2. 41. D / J. 'la
KIDD & CO., Wholesale D r uggists: Deal
*, • ••• fa P.l.nto 011 c, Dr. Bluffs. and 111 , [11113..5
119prietori or Dr-16VIRsvo'serkebratod Worn 61:4 , 10.c, LIT
., Nu, ..1 1..0.n.g. Syrup: No. CO. c01a.. , 431 Wopl wl fourtb Jarmo, PittAurgh. Order, 00111 . con.futlr poet.
-41. uol Inr•rarde..l with dispatch. .
1 . 11 . E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
h.ta I =. .:;',1.°1:. R7411.'4'6. 0. 1 6 1'. T Ygr ' iotontni , .
Prier. 'lwo. ~
N. WICKERSIIA.3I, Wholesale Diuggiet!sc,tlx"
. • •
& REITER, Wholesite nn Ijßetui
Ocuotists,COlller of Uhertr Cad ,
I SCHOON MAR ER & CO., NV holesalti Drug
Rite, Pittliburgh.
ouvui BLACSIWUN am. P. cixts.
Q• BLACKBURN & Wheless.' Ciro'
a ear, !lost Purnimhere. and dealer,. in Prnd ce and
tabutsb 011., Pitch and Oakumaalwa To
On band at their WarPhollau. Wateranreet.PAngrurOt
Va. aeol=r
. 7 y
.Sr Wiioleant° Ordcafs and
Commlfirlott Merchants. Anemia for ral of DO
Natio Smiler No. 119 Set owl, mid 147 Front au. apd
I L. SIIEE, Whideanle Grocer, Com iesion
• Merchant, mod &odor ha Patarr atid asaa. rimarr of
lon and Irwin stria.. Pittntittrahi
‘ l , ADILIEL P.' . llltlVEli., Wholeado
Produre and Commisrion •Merrhatita, and Deal
era hi Si cer,
rreburch Ihmafardarad .Artlelas. Sion. 130 arid 132
Surood ,trot, between Wood and Smithfield. Pittahursila
. • .. - • . .. . .
JOIIN .S. DILWORTII • & CO., W4lesale
CP Urocers. Pro awl Comm L.. Storobabts. .4
ii.oasita [dr IPittsbu lessrd Powdrgh. ' er Co.. a Illowniville...b. AS
el W rt.
- "TIRTRINE INGRAIIAt, W 'r iirlestao
U) Oman i. 4 Commis/don Merchants, La. Fie Worn
.strat. and 160 First sett. Pitatosa. _ !
MATTIIEWS A- CO., Wholesnlo
Orrcers,Olnamiasion and Forwarding Merchants...di
gent* for Linahlon Cotton Yarns, f Water .I—Pittaburgh.
? j
OLIN WATT ;& CO., Wholesale Grocers,
Comalsslon Merchants, wad Peal." In Produce and
Stsbarsrh Manufserures, No. 266 Liberty meet. PM..
burgh. es.
I B. CANFIELD, late of Warrenj Ohio,
. Consolaaion and Forwarding Merchant, and Whol e. Sala Dealor to neaten, Rosarra Chew, hotter Fog and
rryl Asia .ao Raton a.a.r..os•
between tianitirtrid and Wood. Pittabargh.
SF. VON BONN 110161 , & CO., Vhole
• gala Groom,. Forwarding and CO =i21.1011 Hard,
Luta, Latqprs kittaburgh Manufacure, and arta=
Produce, no. nd. corner of Front Street cane,
Chancel:, Lana,
Cittabarait. . .
Int. U. 2. 1.2.231711 . .
bNOLISIt & -- EENNETT, late English,
• Ottnatthrr & Co., W holuale Omura, Counintion an!
ruiting Slerchutr. nod Lulus In - Produm ud Pitt ,
burnt,. antartures. Nu. 122 Swann st and 121 Firm rt.,
b.:wean Road and 5=11118.1 , 1. ,
..occr Irosu..._LwALTra
M'GILLS- ROE, Wholesale Grocere and
t u tleanco. coolmiecoo - mereteame, No. 14borty.
j acymT MOORS, Wholesale Qroccr,,
ivr=rogs, * l•Lit s itto- 1 4`1"
l.ry ' t.ror eke. .opencr old Alia.ker.
Irindo will be sold law for cub.
%, C011126A4011 Iderehante, dealers In Prod.*
and Ma. rah .il,smfactures. , Tvel,
Naves. Produce, Forusrdiug. sal Cnrip.. lob bi er.
s. and Dewier in Pittsburgh blundoetures. N. V.Z . S
Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
.. .... COMMATT
WAL BAGALtY S CO., Wholesalp.Gro
y am, Fos. 18 tad "X Rout street. Pittsburgh.
.aswwx_ ..... SCOADLE.''
STICK & 14cCA_NDLESS, successors to
L t. J. D. Wkk. Wholrsalr kiron,s, Forwarding
awl COMM:MI= Marebants, in Iron. N 1.1114,
I.l,tton far., awl NMburgh ltlanufacturrs ."11+1,111,
corn, of (root nod Watrr cum.,* Pittsburgh.
ACULBERTSON '''''''''''' Whtilesatc
Grccere Commberion alrrebance,Dmlrrl its Pro
uor, and Pittaburgh Sleuuractumi Mitch, 19.5 'Labwrty
tt IvGburgla, Pa.
--1120 lam
WIiaLIAMS et CO. Wholesale and
• netso Dealer*rocers. Farmanlbw and ComMbelon
Lant•. and in Country Produce and Plitxburgb
Ilanufseriumt corner of Wood and Filth Ma, Pittsburuki
AucorOBINSON, LITTLE & CO., No. 255
Liberty Moat, Ilttabargb, Minimal* Womb, Pro.
and Commission Iderebasib, and dealers ercbb, in Pittabusgh
. —...._ .
:I &FL FLOYD, Wholesale Orocere, Cum
h• • =Winn Merchant, and Deaden. In Prnduo--Round
txrch Banana, tranclna on LlNtrtr.
Wand. and ninth
girWLI, l'ittabarnh. I,
_ .
toaß PARKER & CO.,WholesaleGrocere:
ep DealessiLl Prolute. Yekeign llsoors, Ohl Moo
oneshels, and Rectified Whiskey—No .5, Cm:m.l . th.! Row
Lawn Pitteborkh.
JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer; Com
o mud.. end romading3tereba.4.4 &OW/.
.1. ail+, W.., Cotton Ystas, Pittsburgh Id.orsetures
ger:midly—No. 65 Water EL .4 :8 Pint et Pit.bursh.
. t l
OLIN H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Nurses,
and momma lnetrumenta. nelami Barite. and
C Solt. sgrot far Chickenmes Plana Fain,. Mr
enema Pestneylesniallo. el Wool en
tiENRY KLEBER, Dealer in !Susie, Mu-
deed Iratreetents, and [reporter of Italian nthnint
gent for Mutat t Clark's grand end _mum ilianne,
trash 031.111•13 . , .}:ilean Attachment. Alen far Itunham'a
ILLINC/S, WILSON - & CO., Maiaufac
turers of all mites tacks, lam and gimp tiscol, cigar
thtic. and nallst rinishltur. clout hob , and
stuseipalk; flour barn/ and lathing do.: also our 2d and
ttli - bilir.l taut. a, sc.
Mara at I.IPPENCOTT a CO.. N 0.112, Watt, at.. Pitt,.
burgh. Je:
17105. I. CIMfIUL DAVID Mt,
Kril,rs manta . ... and keep aonatantly on liind all
n.. of Tacks, Brada, arid Nparablox Finishing, (lido t y and
Nal ter On. lIIDd 410. Banal and Lathing hails;
Cupp. Nall. ..1 Taok Darrel N.% ,011n.e. and Zions
aloe Nails; Pattern Maker.' ran. Nivela, .1.0.
00., d0.,d0. CAIIPBELL, CH.'S &
aplloy Warehouse. DO Water rt.. Ilittatongh.
11 ENNEDY. GUILDS & CO., Manufactu
y. ren. of very naperlor 44 dberting. 9arpet Chola.
two Tvrixo. soil Du Ong.' Mill , Pkff.b.f.b.
: , Dee. Iterry A CV, blanulartneern of Salt Ant, Plow!,
g powon, Monittle mot Bulphorie Actin. Wansbonne,
• n. G 3 Weer n, below Fewer.
- WALTER P. MARSHALL, Saccesoor to
Unmet D. 11111—Importer and Dealer to Trench
and Aworkan Yap, Ilan no and borders, Window
abode!. lira Ward Priota, to. Abo—WrINOK. PPNaing.
and Wrapping Paper, No. OS Wood street, tartreen,Four th
and /Alumna allay,Plssiburgb. P.
JOLIN CAVGIIEY, Agent for the: Lake
0 Erinsoil Michigan Lion. to Beaver and the Laken.—
intim on the corner of Water and .Smithfield Pic
OLEECH & CO., Transporters by 'Cana
' and Forwarlloa Mord:mato. corner of reall Oreet
01 the Cozzi.
A.BROWN s-ould moatrespeetfullyinform
the pubUc that he keep... hand at hatetandmlthowest
aided' the Diamond, Allegheny city, &complete asiortrumt
of Venni.. Midst alto teaddan Shutters .re made to order
Ratan tort B l indsyarrand equal witho u t i Ito !dulled
Ill.can be removedthe lid of a
*crew driror. purchaard the stock, Mole, add wood
of the catinetnitablithineut ll...ward McClelland./ am
refund w furnieb their old custornera:so well as the pub.
al large wrth intl . ,' Ming in their line.
gency, 4. Woof etreet. lintaburgh..
mann) ' J. A. EltlaWli,
PAPER llexaca 1k
ruarumE—RePideure,,Forarr of Third mreet pod East
Comm., All,herty.
h. 11.—Lime, hand. Mortar, Lath, de., for pa10.. , *
ADAM lIA.RDIE. Veterinary Surgeon; late
trom Falinburgh, reothwil. wouki reepeethafil
quaint the pubrie that he Iwo vornmenced praetiee the
above profeesioni and, by careful attention to whatever Iv
°Arnett! to him, he Wipe. to give withfuttion
. 111 munettion with Jame. Hardie, Home Shoring and
Phwiliquithing In will !weenie] an, at thetorrier
of 'f unnel evert and Yeanaylvatile Avenue.
710 ILLE JOEINSON, Engraver on Wood,
_LA Palk IW I. %bird acory.)lPittabargb. Pa.—Tirvie of
nnialin g s. Machinery, Limns of Nearrpspers.Frontiiplemr,
Li:anem i as, Drug LaMle. In colors Maim for Dirinoue. do
entim,,o the Oft et'''e
art. and at the loamt prime.
, • EataWisilmem. "1111.1 Mort, opposite Post
Otne: PittsbarKb. Maps. Landeezpra, Portrait , . Pharr bills.
bran!. bowl. Labele..trebttreteria arrti
OUALlnest and Cart.
drawn warms.. awl prilatel In colors. ciold, mow, or
le the Est &Wl e <be meet reams..
.tle one.: mote
Wegner, Bueettner <St Mueller's .
?FIFE ABOVE FIRM respectfully annopnee
w.their.rtima s averrally, that they
aro prepurd to rrarcal• th tho Orel atale utthotr Art.
.Nn for alma Ccuds, ith r
Ils, Diyhttuaa,
and ProtoMuakal C., Map, chart, Lahr', ae.
Ttlett , rtablisbatealla'at No. C.f. Stark. atzvet. tortarprn
'pain! and Fourth atrorta. uC main uaoh,,lf
ALIV W. WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
T v Wan. es.mer )sarblt nod
FeYihttiets,lqUatoOrab. es- H. b.—Vila...T.ld pa...
gAGLE .11ARBLE WORKS,' (entttblinhed
ISKP by KOKUND WILKINS, Po. 1 , 4 Lam+, .t..;
sigt of Womb West. Plttstrarah, Mossbras, Parisi
141,1t5, Tombs. Ilestonate. lte..; Mantel Mee, UV try and
Iler Tops, alms/Soo band. and 0.10. b ° s i n .
K. D. • etintanitof taletetti on twat. Jan
. . i
~, .
t ,
. • _ ~ • , I
... - .
. . . .
- '.'.: " . ro ••• A - , ' .
.. . .
DoCioi 0. Reichhelm
INFORMS bin friende and the public in gen
eral. that he haii mnotod 1114.:ilea to Pet. air -et. Na
twat to Clair note!.
••• • • .
Y. illds.bte.l to him for longtts of Um., are
repue.gtftt to their sernutitq. • ,y15,1m
• F. 8.. Moose, M.D.,
tiomcv.oPATinc PHYSICIAN, devot.
4.4 , 61 attout,loo am treat/moot or dint... , •,
taro and ebilaratt. awl attar geoesall/.... 41 .•
chronic and surgicardiuTaoup. t/dhu mAnd+nau otr,t.
pour the Maud Street itralge.•Bo.l oast dour to filo Ph.-
log Mlll. All...away, Wir. Uld.c hour. , trout 7 to OA. )1.
trout I to'.'., and Otvut to 1. P. 51.
IdTERS--Surged'n and Ph , ysici an.
UM, and roroer . t.r Darllogton o row, No
1..1411 etnut oos dour atuvo Ppllthll.+l,l it.
Mror. hasturtosso.otly loested io Pittoburgh, nod
attetal th. dullor or his Pruteeaton. 110 twill wire
particular allentibll to Nnaolcat moos and the Of
wove, and ettildroo.. aplklut
Wm. Bi. life4ight
"..atawi im ate.
WILL give specitil attention to the Celiac
.. Don of clanno for Mereh,nte and other', in tve,t.
wru Yen., nnnd tleet.rn yb. •
Oftlen Veuke
Oppdsite io the New Court Don..
rituhurah, P.,—Jotu MorrLon F C. Flnne,in, D. N. While.
tlones Ilanala.t.u.nu4.l Wm. hteentaleas,
ISAAC )0211.1. JOHN r. <MCP?.
_ _
- . • . • •
ONES & QUI GG, Alanufacturerß of Spring
and Blister Steel. Plough `Ass.l. BMA PiOnO tPinun
SPrings. Pammrred Imo/mien and
dealers in Mat.vable Castings, Pte Engin< Lamps; and
C.,ach Trimmings um , rapr. rornsr of Hors and Frcnt sts.,
Pittsburgh. Ps.
ISAIALI DICKEY A CO., Agents for :Wel
thank , .lron Worts. • Keep constently on hand end
tor sal ekm prices an.i of inperlor Ilse
and :Meet Into. tipik, 1310
YILfiIAIiTH A NOBLE—City Flouring
TOlll.. No. btu Liberty cue of Adams at, .Pittilburah.
raNNICHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
Draughtsman. and Practical alining Asaat. hates
untlita of Ilodela and toe the Patent Offire,desigatt of Matta.
nery for Mince, Water Wuka, ac— afar-F~
found betwixt lb W. H. and d P. al.; at his ra,afeese. No.ol
Alarbury !rear. Pitteburutt. •
Al& CO., Wholesale and Retail
llanntagtureng. and Dealer, to Cape Clare.
corner of I:gial and Fifth Wert.. Pitteburgh. R. they
offer a full and complete mock of Hata. Cape, Fore_ to., of
every quality end etyle, hr Whole/gale and Retail, and le
an. the attention of their cum:mere and purchamere acne,
azetnin4 them that they will Fell on the moat adran
lagginue team,
virm. DIOBY, blerohant Tailor, - Diaper,
TT sad Dusler la Ilesdi Msda Clothing, 137 Mho, r
lIONEGGER k CO., Importers of Winea,
Liquor& sad Swiss Cheek, tol Smithfield street,l.
t....aSmth sad Ser.:all.
YMADEIRA, Agent for Delaware 11Iu
x tut Beaty ll:Lem-ante COCO Ptl , l T.. 12 Water stmt.
JGARDINER COFFIN. Agentfor Franklin.
Fire Ineurance enntranT. norat. mt..' of Wool
and Thinl
IV - 31. GLENN, 'Gook BINDER, Wood !Avert,.
v v wecond kb./ (coal ~ , rorr of Third, where Li
yarrd to do oYery dewcriptinn of Binding with 01M111:11.11
and lorabllity. Plank Dona rul,4 wny
bohnd nu twartarn
I and
Intm , r, , , or old wo!e
bound taretally. or rvpaircd. Nunes colon iuoot bitten ,
Shona who hare bind.e¢ are invited to call. rricee
Steamboat Agency, and General Commie,
eion, Receiving and Forwarding.
• •
LDWIN, PlArlt IER & CO., have this
them Mr. John Latrtou.stiottar
tPr 'pert In. to the pubUr ttteavtletat Al yG, eh to
l:owmteeiev, .al Y"' lattViri S itelf:a :crj. or
Lacterthhs, Aprtt ifthl. 117. Ito*
Attorney at Law. N. in Third at, corner of Cherry
, hark,. made Armageowat. fOr the rat - pore,
prweurr 13,,untr Lade tor othrers god widiere:
ta il.Ylw
widow. and ebildrrp. and will attend to oar o t h e r il.
purrounecied with the worernownt or guy D.Apart-
V.= . 11,: 0 ...1.runi0n °Plea, or the Cour. At the
C i ty
Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
it tiot. 1). R. SMITH i 8 now prepared to give
bastrurn to • few poptlA the 4.flereut branch.ta
ni I delightful art , at hie g a Miler, head, a
Attlornrie now nouna
building. Vint latwern Wool and
3larket str...eta. Mara of in4roetton. Inca 2ni W Ay, and
from Et ' to SS P. a. Charger sod other PartleUfara eww
Spawn by Whim taftrrecoug at thr
lief., to 1,d...t0 ..r Lr Add,..,,y. rtiadtf
LIGHTNING RODS--Stwatt'e Patent.
JAMES JACK! 4 oti,Auta
Wholesale Drpot, street. i'Weburgh, Pc
Ithatwrißlat'n Cutler, Non.)
emee.,...l ow. they ,unnet g'et nut of crJer. th. 46 -
Fulgoni sod Attexti..l3ll Clung I,tos
sad )I.‘net..., uuntelled—the w 1,, twit, hight,
mueolatl. ditq-uto roudu,tor rv,
a:tabular - tun-J. .Inmeo .at
cruel, ,r I'll, at the .tore, n'utn.
. . are reivettutlyra.tttestotl to rail at at ,
Ottaa.t, matt Pm ttruln• the ghat,: Ono. thr &try!. Last
be watt, trtytallt
Storage,Shipping & Commission Merchants,
IIOLESALE dealers in Groceries, Glaes,
• Itr.h. halt. Mager, one.. Nn. 70 on and 130
liner strvrt. Ohio.
I.llLeh ildrave,t wade°. coortsrumeout.
Ago. fur all l , teatthoste and t'n pellera Iv the lake ea.
ItArter to—Wro A. Ottl. Atb., Cleveland:
Nth, WheAer,
T. Al. llowe, enetuer, NU/antral,
tuffiltru • . .
ROckingham and Domestic Queensware.
ooDwA RI), BLAK EI.Y . ei).,•man
S a b l n f
, Ituettughara 1..4 1 el Ime Lane 11.. re.
/al - Sample Rooms. corner eixtJ3 sod Liberty etrurt..
(ituund church ['ult.:hoed entrance next deny to J e.
r exterouve Works roe, as to till urdera prucnialy.
A compettot desig-Iser loing re/net/tont, lel.o l o eo
oblee to keep Wye with cell the new and .proveyt st, lea
f the Jaz.
Water bras, Epitooste,l'llebkay,
p. 0.1 Favey 4. Iteeeerti.,te,
Plower raw, tioblete. Sfuntl.l Ornament.. SlNfietoe .
0.041.1 Jar,. and m 1,1., for domestle to .trest nett.
/Inters nape/grail,. sohated. otoh:Treaat
Alexander Bradley, •
No. 19 Wood strrei, between Firg and Second es.
MANUFACTURER of every description
of rf,KING SfOrE.C. of Ch. nowt •prvrool rtl
forum, anl.lvo ...uavr. tbe to,l,lt.owllou
. • . . . .
Jewell relocratud fc.l.inn: door Part, t
nave. ltadlatuta: Franklin L'tesex: plain ant lance lima.
Moll hich wr Ignite the ntion. of Molder, lea
Ware. WaLron hot. . , h7l to all of which we Waite
the attention of dealers hefors vtirclineice elNwLer,
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
THE tendersigted have just complved their
rcestsll •
ml are now manufacturing all Rite', of OAS PIPS. Lo
motive wit other Flo.. amd all aleaß of
. . . . .
!deb they offer br rale at the lover They are
w prepared to CSACI2I,• order, to auk exto2t.anthout.le
ho 91 aml t I t .
feb4 Zia ear, It. I,
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
PAILe 01.00. 0 Id. LASS. 0 P POMP. ... IP 5 r. 0,9.01,
THE SUBSCIiIIiERS, having been up
pulubul Anents fm. the e
themtTrem , rn. all
keep constantly on baud ',ruf lebrated
Flee Brick,Crueible Fir. CI ay , Y ar t ysee ileertlas and installs.
They ye idan prepared to reerive orders for said Brick. to
be made in site and el., to suit purchasers. •hiett shall
promptly filled.
Ire do not Bests It 111.V0.14.17 to enumerate the man,' al
laveages the Bolivar Fire Briek p.n.s 01Cr ell When. th.
been offered fur p a te In tbe United Stales. their aut.-
Moray Wog well known to almost all penninn oho u.
Fire 114th. The propnetors hare dater... 4 that the
Brick shall lone none of their preeent enviahle reputatio,
and that no expense .lull be spared' to make them even
better than they have heretofore been,. This in the only
establishment nun tortnutacturitur lira Brick at Bolivar.
Caaid th et, W/Itsburgh
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
Sop,rumfo any Macho, etrr nji , rni in ri/tthorph.
ARIVIIARDSOI , I, 8! Market street, ie
A4ll::::4 g eT " 'a r tbli: :gib% b r a""tr e d ae l li . Watr d'":
Lir appointment to the Admlraity, CVM..OIION.
nameter en d Welch /lannfactnrvr. 45 haw ..,tiare, Uoa-
Deli Road. London.
ThinerrtiOre t hat Uhl arrnmpanYloa W.Rh. NO.—. ot
wartwoOKl tne .be of pay mauttfanture, awl oo Wat , lt
with my useoe.upoo It geottioa ant,. e.-.)triparo.l 1.1
• eartitwate bearing uty etatottur,
I Nu•otee the Watch No. to keep time 'l4;7t he .a.t
lafactka or the poyelianer. W>l. DIXON.
A Cord. - -
I DAVE FITTED UP, (on- thel.Now• York
& filan i ) • very soot Nor Warsruorn, tor die nf
tams. Curtain ktatiirinle nod ea..) thing awrtainitia
the fashionable part, and have oderuel the larkrst and
most spi.erior ....ortment of Hapin lie firt.sotels.
Preach and German itiatuank Loin,. English bstuesk.
dlartions, Chintzes. Turkey Iced china., fringes. Nimes"(
very kind, LaerCurtaimu II anted and plain liol.
land of different aldthe, Corals, of different nattirto
and idyls, limy Slate. Window Blind, and lituailee.Cortauts
lkirdoN , and Nitride, liurtuln PM, Ta.taisaud Loop..
'Cord. Bilk askli/Worstad. Real:Lint:ea and Princ-e. Mar
•aelllne and Issue:ago, Uuilts. Oilinnornainu and tamed
Comfort,. Ned. and beildnia
All ardent thankfully resolved andpromptly tilled.
apt:.Nfld. fit Iltl.i;.•flitrd street.
ANUEL I:ROESEN keeps yen:Ant:lth or.
k hand a. mlnii areortment of Wart. aid Bath . f Ms,
one, rite...ld, Oak Well, hit, Len er !wan lincitetit
'Wooden howl ..' ! ffiurun. Pry klew.ursz. %anis and ch er ,
Waal. Bosnia. a all other kind, of ware In M.N.,
Warernim. Ma, thq/ell, Fifth etrest. Pa.
MULLES IN -Ex •ci.ktar, COIN;AIaNIf. NOTZ3, LC.
No "II FA.nri st., wet In Nunk
trit.te. and Draft. nileeted on an porta ilf.the Onion.—
Nast, round.! au,! 1,1 eimmuunon 'l<tela
Wilson & Son.
HOLESLE ant retail man
af , rrtt:.;
ere In hats and Cu
taut street. thlni lour below Atri. cite*
Lurett--wherr'thri, after a null atid•rocupiet • dock or tuts
and Cape
of their VIM and Eastern cannufai tun, of . every
unalitywinl style. thy wholesale and rel and torn, tile
attention of their suatomara and the pu bis. . tutrufit.
that they Xlll w,ll rep the mot rraannable terms.
• , - n• • 1 _ . . •
JcaN wenn Jallrla coLrm.
QIIIITLEY a COLVIN, Coal 111erehanta
1.3 mid Doak:a lia,Dry Goods, Orwell... Iron and Nall
rornernf Walnut in end a.hinattnn TU.lehs lea
Tontwrso etil•
Por'lllederr, Comfy, and adjartnt Counties.
I~'lHI& SUBS RI BEE, having been located
for autos two v isits pad in lltc hourishlna ildrnyFb of
Now Brixhilon, anit.4..1.11,1 for mote thin leek.. pat
le the tinnily of the ram, and daring that time hla ap
termini, hag eiesti atlyrikalinnst earlariesl) to land Ogre
dr, For the trencomulation of the nubile gonarallysto
ton b (sititated on
Lute g-tra."..Vrtr.4.lelerftltil.,‘"."'n''..-I...thg Town
There Whoa, a nunder of raluable lota land fine real.
dances lh thr3terntieb and nrichborhoWl. fur mile at low
rat,. and trines adeanta.reona
Titles olwa}a dial', examined 4.4. tni no property
will be offa-pil ads. the title IslnilLorutatile.
i:enema aaaroakuf purchasing will do evil to call MA
n'ufbr-thenaselvat. llteNJ: KUSH iIItADPORD,
lattallionka. •. deal tirtat• AVIA.
1 ,
-- - -''.: ---
Fall Fashions. 1 ...: ..
• Chartiers Coal.
1 WILSON & SON, No, 91 Wood ot., Lit i h.,,..... extensive arrangements for 4,,,pay 4
t i t ' e • tb l e ih ,Za f ra 4lPa tjuti r o i l l rh r eil! Ls' atiAtan and ar ' ! i a " n Y .l ) t ' or " p i ri 4 b iL i n i " m ' e .i rt . . l t ptp ' l l. . k .l .r n t' : e d r .:lller Lb ;tor b' A r t br o.J ' l",l " l..o .M' t i t4 i , ' n ' t!...m.
to "thor lrip.iaddthion whirb they as now morals m; to 1 ..t.. 11 . V. , .r ., tor! of 2240 pounds—ecal , netalit fine Per r ..-..
their former etork at alaext Th. anteortinent VOW.. an ; ”..2.14 . u. 1.. tar lo.a. in ..hiputeut, or tout' furl., !..-
1 , ..t or the nes style BATS lately introduced hid whkoli .•.,..?:,..1 4 , ,,,, ,,. --. ..f1 , ... . L .
are so very mpeli ulmired for their beauty at:lil natal litt: i
r , .. V ar.7 n ta, the. c. , ttotr, L et their vrnati at owe co.if f
toto•tko•r with • great satiety of
Brown vl./ire , Pe_ rem ! el l parties lesding their own arinrone .
M..1,..a0, litihvarien , and other basis of HATS; for m^ff '
.N . , t 4:.: ; a ti., , , - .7,; . „ - ,,,Y„,b,7,r . ,-,Lt ., .... , , , ,itr or T h r , l i led ib T c u ur ' i ra . ....,
L " "' L. "' GA ". °' a"... an a".`triP'"' rail' . 1 1 , ~ ..0. or ...-.10 ir.., • fh .isA i tir Pluebu r igh
sod t.r.c Silk and Mohair PLUnll CAritt Cloth.Oth ,, eiLs. I
and CAPS for eltlldrett—offered at reasonable prire, whole- , , e . contains ins , 14 e s
sale and retail. i Lost. fairly measured.
11 il b so-- . ,
i, L . Vi , 1 E n s o l
co o - R . 6 4 r hi m : u mark r..‘ At;
nt a NI: I . n i ni e l ,, L r y i na „ d s. , b .!0 .. V . 1 1 ,
...... h . r a
I t - . ' L ) e , r o a ,,, at i th m e . a i tt o a t1 ,,,.., 1 cII se .
t . : Ire, t 0 t . 0 . r. „.. t . 0 .
St„irrel VICTIMIN ES and CLIFFS, Alleers'aniCbildn . n ta ha. 11 .!ot , • Tilt tM A; hicKLEATII, , •
11 o F 1 ,6 G A ~,pittuu .ettottlot • Praoh.ta C. C eo.
. . . 4
:1 ---- Iv - . . Fall Goods.
° Samuel Gray, ) i •
otrorkei Fourth and Market streets have r..e.t
irr. CLAM nrit.toNtiS, .a T. CLAM sTHELT, . p,,,,, N.,,,,,,. ~,,, ~,,,, , , ~,,,,,.... ~,,,,,,,, N i,,
II AS just rsturned from NEW Togo antf nuseotoilto.; ntomirtable htrinor, Elneltitudlan-
VI Pnli.....rnis , and is reee icing a splendid lot 451". . eyAlpaccas: Printed Cashmerws and Hone, de
lino,s far the Fall land Winter Trade , and io pretared to tamer, Prlnted Persian Clettio, 110,1
sa t e"
Poplin. Wert and Flurry
make them up to under, in • style which cannot be our
penned in the eastern. Wies. Urea Milky. sup, obtain-Rte..:
hentleturu RAW.. gn , d and fashionable garments, will able Itre,.s eillie; Long and ,
hod it to their advrotace to gr. him a rail. - equate Wool and linwhe •
ehnwis, Scarfs. Bon-
FALL FASHION. • n. Ilibb,ma, i , ort Iliblions;
,Needle lyorkid Colter, Swiss and ~.• ,
ITE liars just recoired this beautiful , • •liionnet Editing. rhism. hitt,. a votorie 5.... '-'
V style of lIATS to which we Waite the toes- ...trim) ere are Invited to rail and lo,k . at ourilarge . . ,. sL;lt.
tlon of our friends sle d the public. generalli. 1 Wholesale Itoon,up stairs.
el van A CO- oor..FIIIIa and Wood ..t,,. _
• • - - - - ' Spindid Instruments. '
Penn Glass Works.
1r11101... VrIGHTII,I. !TIME subscriber has joSt received. invoice
0 BENZ & W 818 T MAN, (formerly of the fEit . ,,,';l! :L"T„c,h,,"la, i'cok.ti'.‘l,cP;,lP„°,..,`"l..i,,°!„,::'Ntr
al A
112T..V.,' titi C ri i VS A & .) :I a NTAW,,.. " Ira.V 71:4:,9°,7„'„,tli•J',",t'A r t,:.•° 7,12:,' V 4 f " r . Pi r . ,..'
IVciter end 6 Front street, Filtsburgli, Fa.. Jul tried and inseillAtin. wen i pronoutioni:h k r the pro
N. Ir.--Particular attention laid to old .0 of root• or New Furl dry the Int. 01441 an mast pow•
Cila” pad prima mouldiv for Betties and Vials. Mir-. terful Orand Pianos. yet manufacture./ in chi! ettputrY
C. W. Fein e, Professor of Music - .t. l, ':A L L'Ll i oror.4l=4".i',,l;7,;T::l",,U;l.''''' "' ''''
R EGSdeare to inform the wi ll of Pitts. ; 11. KLEIIF.R.
soli Intrah and Alleitheny.'lhat he will now commeure :, N i , ~,,_Sllit. i _9( fifth, Untilen thin , . No Itll,lAd street.
gve instructions on the PIANO FORTE and VIOLIN, ~,,,,;„.i, rr om aa j. r : o s tr. - „ itz,... , .,:..,. , 0,1, , -d br t he „,,,
on reaaorlable. tartan. For further perttenters enquire at equal. it not superior , to any ' ver r hr . tuatit LI. 7 , 1 -" ..; ”"
11. KLKBEWS Music Son, No. Mil Think street. sign of . - • . ' - , II K.
the Oolden Harp, . , • ser f --" P . ' -
____ _. -
. New Chocolate Factory. NEW STORE. ,
'Q , 10. A. GI AMBONI n CO. respectfully in- TIIE SIIBSOBIBER haring taken the shore
1. - 7 form the puhtte that they are now inannfacturing • - NO. 62 Foblt 711 AT/tEAT, lorinerlY OcetiPled br
CHOCOLATE of every quality and price. This Chocolate. h . F 1/ EATON , and h'rettni entirely retinas/ the same,
unlike mint Cher sold here, is warren...l too , awl oh.- tam urea no the Let tier of stiountltto, ' , unit. tart. end '
dillterated and hoken of finer elar,r, more nutricaou. and auyarior gnarl, of
~ 1 ''...r ..- . . 0 .•• hail.. bee. Proln , al L of• of .." FANCY, STA PLE;MOUI&INO A norfSE Fif j pSISIIINO
of the lercrst Chocolate menufertnnes in Italy, nod. the
rustle that they will furnish en article equal If Oct ..11..- BEV - GOODS - ,
I T; 1: k. h r " tVa t i " lrr " gitl. ' .'il l t. ' NV:l l ''"r:l.. .. together with • sleek of
i tiez..mras A...VD :FrRA7.SII
- .IN o rwous ...pi. . heretofore kept br that well
NI, 102 Fourth st., up nairt. next door inter hie/era k' • k,,,, , ,rj,,,, i,: cor ia,, ~,,a,m4,..,,na.
, auto.lnnt.kagl lle would fully Inform thaw perking dashing
ET. CLAIR MARL, Nehrhourauo Mousey Furnishing or Lawn 1.111, that In
hto mom th ey can obtain • more canotiletv Work tnerialew.
(Formerly the EXl`llllta go,) where in the city. so he Intendadevoting Platicular at.u
-' Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, "",i,nt u rrin , MVellf,.... b i l = cli'"l°.' the 'n''''
PITTEIBIifROR. V.aoritot t.stete. ' 3
AMES neWiLll4 °' "
lIIS spacious, central, and most conveni- .. ...''''!! -
• ..., i
.004 loafed MOTEL, haring b.", completely re.. Van and Winter Stock of Fancy and staple
u r iteled, nd thoroughly repaired and inthroved, to now
0,11 fum ble necolsamndwaot, of the public. ' DRY GOODS.
The subscriber. insesse and proprietor ot the ST. CLAIM
A. MASON & Co. 'would rims? letlpretfally IniOrm• h. friends and lino public
'. that he has on:delved it tu the moat elegant and win:dorm. ,A. , fully solicit the atteritiolf , of the rabid' geneeellr ,
hie at a employed competent. east...tants soul attentive a me wholesale trade Inn en ruler, to their tart. and
and felthto servants, and tbet he will spare tin exertion carefully selected stock of Moods. hit fall and winter sales,
to make It equal to any house in the wormy. '... -.' - which will Le found larger than ~,r they bite ever bin
The well mown a...rat trwah,n of tha !lowa, ata ran. Me cams.. We have Percival as Indians , I
rodetara of CI arrang - amettte. rendering It thenioetdeatra. 400 hale. /Iron, 31todina, 6...00 lona end. Shawl.,
bit Other to trarriere or ponaanant dakrdars, inducee boo too - - Jinn, A Issoabaripc WO pro. superior 81uth....
to solicit am hope for It a liberal share of patronage, lest ... Flannels, rol',l,Ar., .:00 rases NA Prints:
ap2l,tf ,
C. W. I:ENNETT. 100 - Tinting, . 140 pl. Ertush Merlon,
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
rpII.O.NIIS PALMER is daily receiving.
holm he Eastern at U.. old grata,
Between Third and fourth wens, Piffiburgh,
Lyre yrea.....m. to We nreeent Yrk. of theme. bosuliful
I . .ll•Fht IL ..I'G/Nt;.l thai Lava appeared to till. marl.,
tbr a lona plriol Th., pattern. are
nea, the
t i di l ir;ii:;rii h ilfi l L.`r= t i t u l. :Zi: r 4;,Litil : the poe t s
range. To till. attractive LA of gr.l.. of rhucti a snot, ar
ectrilabajUdg.ellt ran he limn.. Ly man( than 4eYrytibn.
We attrullun.Y merehanr• and truer keeper. O c t...TN,.
Hew Coach. actory—AGegheny,
M. A. Wll ITE A. CO. wouldre
opectrulle Int.ibu the FOIL, that the. have
erected a 'hot , on larbel. betah•en ...feral and .Iy.inty
mere '(CrriA:
Danouches. ar, . irbtu tong
lout banerien , * in the toyufactur• of the ataye wot.
and thk , 11, bare. they loyl It, re
• ' raprui ettentivo tr. the melee-lbm at materials.
alai 610 ring Inmut eyr.peteut wraths., they have no
hesitationlu warrattling their work. 11 e therefare art the
attentica. of the pantie 1 , . thle matter.
N. U Itepairina dint in the terY manner and on the
cuwt revaymble Yet.
Orindstonee ! Grindirtones !
OGAN, iCIL.NoN ,t CO ,'ho. 129
4 .y..t.t..1111 - nrz4hst
.0, rani
%Jar,- (..r f.u, La,
ne orbsa rr
A full ••••urta.l.f.l •izr. •I• 11 ...a lia.u.l
• —No. rte, wounl
eas , oul.n. ate.l . ll,
,T ILE "V IIrTS, which th, •1111.
, Utk
I sun
It FALL FASIIION Foll' 16;;.1 Li
J WILSON A SON, 1"..:os - ALE IlerrEith
. —N.. 1'.3 Wood rtr.r.t.. trourl rr., -trolly Inritr tbr
atteuticat ot tbrtr eustotut.rr amt . .). Fu br 1., tbr :tk.11.,
rTILE OF IItITS, which 'to, teal tut., uce on Sawn:Lay.
the Itttb ittot i suit
• .
Biros' Fire Proof Min Paint
91HE pubscrilwr, Itatirig vial pitted hi. vs
tttbliaboardt fur the preparation ; , 1 tLe otrovr tutzur.l
at tido. peat tbe brad ot Fttlt.rat .ttort. lirittrut .3. tr ,
Rood to turnith it, lttrouyb Lir ..... ta. rttlo.t 407, , r
groom.' ,rt otl JAM C. t' .l&1,..
.1 A. rtoult.r. Itruggtr.t. tomer .f troll ~l Wq.ort *trot
T. 31. tterto 1 Cu., ltrttpostr, .4 , Ltbe 7 sliest.
11. l' , b•.rtt, itrurciA•tt atof AD.", . rr. irtlkral at_
.1.. 3 .yrk &whom, firta,tprt. fliammatl, Iktibuttr
1 m
. . _
~..i.le . , ESTAULIMILD Id3l ,lc EDMUND
IWILKINS, No. 2-4.1 Liberty .t.,
bead Of Wood stzt.,.. hrttburgh. I'.. Iturtal% at lit.,
a ' l ' ;; M r:VP . ba t' n ' ii . ;olUfit t u, t 3 r.l . .. ' r, r u i l o tt
, rlsotrevt Slarolr•. 0 rl,l at Ter, r...1u,1
. , Lr i o-re. A eur... rtir...:loll V Lonyetnps en
. I ite fur
E.Tarrrallr - -
- ~_ trout Reit
I . . .
. •
1 i
Finn../larmar • Clan
. - , . ..
llon: . /ud ;111 anon Jypti Harp, 1.2. n.
Sltu. 1,,,,,,,, Jr., . e.... q . , Jo. W. ii-rr Ken., A r-bsteet.
• John boryder Km, Cosh N. ilolme.., 'ons.ltrr.lier-.
Pittsburgh Hank. .sleu.ei 011 in. .1....
J. 11. Sham gee Eat. Ifill a Curyy . do.
Wilson etondless.. Ewe. ihon 0 Sargent. ' do ,
Robert M.:Knight. EN.. It in liftwa..ey 0 Co.
JO., McKnight. f.s., firming. it . T. Morgan a Co
S , . leithro' ...hue R ny hodes ACo Venires
n Ery.i..../Leghe.
1.:. W. feels fetal Co. the-Tory hheral mamba. re ,
esnyed during nuateen years in this ...It), bat Inc hod !hp
largest and heltyf 'hi. entrusted total ram u to the prcront
tun, and will nlearor to render I.i . hereon.,
, „wit
• .._ , .
, i fartnrer, Wan-room. 1.7 fr WI Third :1..0..
J.. •W. ivspertrolly tannin. his' friend ,and
eratonters that he beano. combtered the I rw , at
awl hovel str.nt of household furniture per, I..fors sceti In
111 A ray. as Pr is determined to uphold hi e quoin) Wi th
. 1.
u.ile.asoned rnaterialm, hest workmanship, and newest to
stop, Mai t d
the extent of his ordersUand focilitr in
taisbufacturink. he is enahluil to produee Oriented furni
ture, et the lowest prices.
M ha...loided tt. principle 4 ilenttrytutt the ruek.M.
.erg' intern W est with biemern in duality and price, and keep.
alwars on hand the greet4st Tsri.dy of every deweription td
1 furniture. from the eh.anewt smi, It. the uh..t ele.
front and nu.tly, that a Lunn, or any tout of one, may LA,
furnished from his stock, (4 manufactured to
order. Ile therehme solicits en 111..p.,10n, that the &deo.
to,rrS of h 4 establishmentmar b. known The following
„article. comma: in raft. of hi. stock, whlth for richness of
,sttle stud Mush cannot be 5urr.......1 In any 91 the Bear.
Parlor. Arawlng..dlnlng, and,,m chair, of cv.ry
variety, runelatlng of :a1...pv..1. toshoran, and walnut,
Edixabettie..Contivrvahore ano Chair, i,f very de..
cil,tlnn: (kale hc.a, Sofas. Tete-a-tete and Lad ann 01the lat.wt
French Rua Ana-dean, pattrrna: Timharn. What•Nota. and
Who' parlor Writing kkaka of rarinua kind, Work Tables
and army inlaid atanda, moan. mandv, and
Lop. mahogany. roenwm.l and •altint 4antta and .1a: I.
LI, ,ahmaion dining tablet.; all ei,auf th . rat Improved,
and derlarally the. heel kind made: ...rd. hrOkr ball and
•pter wahlrobee, t.lahvels end waeho o de uf ear**.
large etwortmenh gothir hall and 1.40, nvadio.
°Hamann and Dna!, wrvtax, and Lchknide board..
Pre armene, towel reel, hat eland., ail.] umar Ovals, en!hn
and rota Pa' Clinch,. p.p. , mad.. WY.
ma A
la ghoan. raftewond. and inlahl pearl 'Sable. ra , dr. ac. Pe
rgey in ortme nt ol Gammon Fniintu and I , Viudadr
Quire. thildtwt =takers ouppll.4 with. all artkl. In their
atesmtmats and Hotels. farminto.4 lb.. Anneal rwilte.
All Grier. promptly ialand..l In. Isl'
The only real At* York Plumbing Esta
IVITERE work io done ,111.S.ilerktifie Prio-
IF T 4tlas. oral ivadmated.
Hama. nnd I.l4,4rubma. Humbly', in all Iti brayebea
Man. with usatnasa sod dmateld ..
11.10. fun, up drub thowera, taunt to Ill:.
itso 'ttat ato 01
01.. rtmplate .... ......... .... 4,... 0 10 ..
. Nuke., •14441,44 r iron
II at, Cloaata. ..mplat. d - n j't
11,Jranta • Pump, enmplvto ....
1d41,14,y Ilanaem, ex. Iron Holler, Waall dral:gia: Air
furnavt.4. and Leal Pi,. turn tailed and]. t up at tio Ida.
Wt. dorm. an 4 l ard Pump,: Itydraulir tank, countaun
I; on bawl. sal put up 444 ans. 411atanc, an he &nuts)
""r" Tiß 4 TVC4 d ll. o all 4 I.4dirzt At..
1,2; Idd 4... n Wood and alark4 , 4,a4,
AY ,INro AIANLIRE FOit.ii*-125 doz.
41 Harper A Ole eelebrau.,l 11,4 an,' Slaylure .Fork.x.
wean( from tlye mauntactur,r, I . lol,,Oelyama,ou en/Intim.
went and nor ease by It 14. P01441.4.A11-31,
Water Httvet.
Ear neatu.s. the*• forks
eannot Iwontrbrab., .451 Lb, Ww yekr••• 4, torn they me
euld. moot 'near. thetyyntbalurts.o, .1 ,2 b" , 4
market and hiyake.t pr eguito 4.4 for Ammi.
as 511y•r. in bar fund, bY 11 . 1 1
yell • • Banter lirbaer, Fourth YL
.11_ PAPER —350 reams 24 by ac Prlntln,
~lu a 1 Lr to
LW IV by 24 lir by 34, 2b
•br 41. 2.5 by 4Y,
400 Blue. Faotory Paper:
I:sa/ 1411. ;1n le Crown .straw Paßer.
o , Medium ."
Aled)uni and eiritle enary, Rag.
The undergartned test.. 15t . Yba u ntly ,b . antl and for ea , lr
7t r brl ' Z, h tat . , t r yl i t ' ,l! l!nbee r ,ll .. s ' n ' or:
11:44,14. 0. •
Almn—Ye talotg ltitta of 411 Ater, par
P rt tee.
01 at.
Pate' nt Candlesticks.
,s 4 UST REC'D' AT •
11. iticllAßDbw ,
tl slarket ,
100011ey 101 y,l Patcut
ekY, ner article,atyrnant murb In roan.. and •
011 s style. bylneh the public are
ebettfully Welted by and examine. .
"Pittaburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tele
. •
FEW SHARES of t aph his Stoek wanted at
Li. tha raebatma 011ie. or
yll A. W I LKINS't
1177 eitoeFaTy...A bayrato . 111 1 Its 1,4,4' if . p latloN
Made 400 n 10 ILO 1111 N,
114 beentia R.
. T
.•..•• • •• • .
It. would respectfally Inform thane perking doodling
'Mourning-and flow, Furnishing or Lien l.itte, that In
'hi. more they nen °bum • more complete stock M.n el. ,
where to rho city. a he IDIP0111 , 1,01.101( 1 , 1111021. i SUM
rum to thoserlwwurt. bizeltum, Importing the main
re=r o jgf. "'" °— "3 AVEr th
.M.Wi f:l4 - "
'Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy aid Staple
A A. MASON & Co. 'would 1.11. a reepeet
carefully eclecuel _flock of wale. km fall laid Winter sal,
which wilrte found larger than any they bite ever he.
Me Omit.. We hare werwiind bilk.. I
400 twh-fi Prow, 31uAllow fl:
lona awl wf flare Shawl,
100 *l_ractabarfcw or, nufvflor Illwatetw
". Flannel, roIA,A, oo rape. figured Print,,
100 th Tietln 140 pm. Ertusb Merino,
Fla race., White Eheellnn 000 pc. Pimunethe. CA , urtr.
Fbeeting tw p.. Alp ae ,•11
plecee A-Inca Sheeting: 10 cu.. 10acc.11;1.10c.
. ..
....... , . • • .
LOU - Wa I/ .
melt, 1 , 0 wartops Baunet Ribbon,
lOU .. 6.i:wake/CIO* hr. lb. carton, Shea., it b tuatara.
WM - Otwallarra, et, , 00 pw /'•u,. eltiltei
27u - fall2j ,
Cowlata est. ' 44. p. rolor.l ii di !O.
KU .. Shit inw Chock srwarw Cawhaarwa.. We .
21 row' amPri 0%1 I.inwar 11.12.10 t het. Ilaalerr.,
la - TweralaandJawas. WA/ - Olovwa, aewut...l.
logathai. with mew, &their 110111111iT 1,t141.1 ID • I . , rr
1.1...1. eatahltaLataut. 02 sad 1114 Startat at.. . wala
AI: 1.90111 i begs to inform 'hi , . friends
) rutttmiirm. that IS. Mr...mato hi. Ora aupply
1 , A1.1. ANL , iVINTKI: LWOW , . mimlitMind ntnal
emery Mut th.l faxhlonable. graxl. awl t. fur fienth
marsil In./ It ott.tly r the
vartrty and elostance of lb. style. and tiatt,rtio of PM Cu..
amstirim old 10 . 1 1 0 *.. at tbiieuptittorqualtsyjof W. Cloths.
lb. nr.iprsotar ham. list all •tso t0...A j.urrhimoi any
arls.-Ir Id. linn .11 moor him ritt. an Al..
uu hand. stm toY t. t..nt niseufartemd, and mood hob
wood, chat at hEdliC Cl , llll.Nt, to gm city.
all 01.01. till Co odored .1 11 we's uric., Lit
V b '
Comutrr ill.ri-hant, and all 1u pitirha. , l
latsely, wdl twa It much their .1' suing. 1. rdaudod
puri.haolue. • 1111101 frith do,-lir
JN bat,s.
I in the htm mad.. n irolo a Ili^
t . ..Awl. In the T•ll.,tua TM. ra.4 Go
met. laabentable ott le at Oro @bort,. nehoe.
A I;rot rate hateomo, •attle I kat, hate'
EEP I'F fiEledßE THE PEOPLE, that
wthi. Hpir.,,rt. of .N.faxS. th. - .`ehtslaaao or
Koh,- ale, pao.nesto and 4.
staertal /attar's, to
the hat t.f . moot ul Vateat Atediesurt 14,4 10 1.4. .rm
.4 Setter.. Marto' • tant.ntra/ Nyettp 1 , 11. , t0 /Act
pur4l et,araeit. Paoli., no *whom: or merate,4l oatuhtne.
u Vall (rat., tur th• tuan.lwato uf
a toot. cut tho lasatitt tualit.a
t, tot!, orell ItO a tates,,l4
I' r wiviocksitam.
and :hub nu
16 - i A
Irtrehotao—Nu. 17 ilarkei a r..rj Pat4Gurght
I,IOBERT WINTER .4 CO., Ithnng taken
4. abrol, work., 1.121 cmlateartare cie..ipot
uml Black GL4trso,r4 4:luva. dr_
bay. 3.4,44.14,4 • F,tcry eti44lral7 W rie
nocics, CLIAIIPAGML:4, rI ARC, A r;jl , 111,01111.,..
tZ7Pgie 7 r .1 1 . 4 g Va.a rt ;
r b .
Titer Haller t 4 emanli4.• 1 - hat'they Nrui.4 artiries
- Lbw, hue 441,.. to ea,' /41.61410 in 04, c 0.., and
. 4.VhtVio-,°,.,", , ,`"nr;n7A,T7:l:`,t;,hcfj.
r * L "
ThrocOur pack j+/rn is
Drag Store for Bale.
, /
Floe ic Cr NIFDICINEF In • fir. - rt.
nun Sur • vrhul..alss and rulail snid Lk. Sts •
ossulleut run russous •/ lux. tat I.e. ..."‘
ouns.r,+l vtlls r...abils , hmuut ourend ssurtscira
popular mrdirinuss..l,teis vs.!,•Liel(/1.5
pruntabk inv./snip-0 to., asou .le,ronout
su it. Frsr surrnrulars flos VI In nal nun,.
•ussns ts
Western College of Rom ceopatine Medicine
1 7 11 E Second Anntird 01,u,e of Lectures in
W'st• , ^ 11.. , eshathi. add
onuturne. on M0n..1a,. hor.Lot.r'..l. and coullnuergatnen
A new dialr with,/ In fgrulty guru.: the
th , .nean, gni 1..14.‘ .1 that th. for 01.
tangug • thumugh nantruetion in Medd, 7..,-nag.• are gird
,101.441 by an( ..b,•al loth, redd...,l
Th. Ygestlt. of I antrnetion aro an fallow.:
STORM iltdA. . Pmt of Mslwif.d) and 10...1.11
Women and Childron.
CIIAI:LE, I/ WI LI.I.A.Ms. St D. rmkworof Iwlttat.
anal Prosto, of Ilrornows.tontby.
All7llll It fl b., Prat,wwo Prlntlyielland
Practlee of wurgery.
LEWIS DOME. 11. D.. Profeasorof llaterla Modica and
31rdkal Jerio.prudenev. .
11.3111LT0i3 L SI l/..11,,1.5w•fr0l Chem
lwry and Towleooln.ry .
WHAM P. GAICHELL, ft. D.. Prdfewor Plualotw
r and 111 getup. ,
JI.IIIU 1111 AIN Eat,. 'A. SI Pn•fravor of Pbrolcal
11.110,3/1, 31. 1/ Deinon,-itror of 'Anakorny.
F.... for It• entire mum. of Lecture.. 4. .4, .15.5
sinolnats of two full Mar..., in other t ; ...
PernotPtratnr'n 314;4 6mi...ratite too raudldatwo tor ,
aradnatloul . -
olvaduation f....
liraluater of reatu,tahle noedoesl o.thulla are win:Ml..l
lioe sour. r.ymtut inatrortolailon (woo only
oismool Board. inoloo.hug)owolu. 100 and lights, can be ob.
latnood from to Of to IreoL
Ate•tral anti :uralell•fnle oo cionnwtwl • Ith th• Col •
I. ye. and twilit,. ad'
• for the otudy Aberu
low turtlfor Information Wino..
C. 11. AV I LLLA.3I, 31 hest. of the raeultt;
11r—Prni. L. 13311T11, Clevoladd. Ohin.
S JJ F 1 Annual
—.IPSO of Lectures in the
Cleveland 111wIleal College, will sotntrostee nn Wed.
newts,. In. MI. J., 01 Not•nalwr, Old rontlnue kylown
TLC 4dloalnq citkmen (N.lll - 4.1 the rewult, aln
JuuN ' UGdIIATEa, M. D., Prnfell•mr of General rath
ohm y 6 Midwifery.d Dir+rare of Wr.plarn and Children.
JARED P..KIHSLAM. U. Profoosor ut I . h)alrad
ao and 'theory and Praetire.ol
HORACE A. AChI.KV, AI. D. Illrol4sor of llurxery.
Jolt:: L. CASdALS, SI. 1,, PrutosoOr of Malaria 010.11ra,
IlhartuarY, 00 , 1 Dotanf.
eAbill):Ler..lollr, Al. D., Profew.r of Chemistry and
dlediral Jurleprodenn,
JAMOD J I)ELAIIATI:I7.. M. 1/ , Professor of Anatomy
.. ' ThettlorTe antirerourec of Lectures la
blatrirolatil.o fee . 3
Oratualharkw. ~, .... ,
14 hen &Alma , note, paystd. in tweolve
opulthe, Voll, nod rorro.d joinclr 'nth Mtn^ Oen..
who.. n.riprail4lit • le reTlttled to by t.lkmtler,if IL. rentee.
or • Judge in the County or Diettlell in Wtoell goer
noitles, will be rwtr.0. , .1 in lb.. 1,13 , 0 of to of 11, time.
31.1atal tir , oluat, And 'rho fisr...kti..udiA two
full (none. of Iw , turee. one of whlolls War of Mos Ittotltu.
1..1., rat otatlpd to a Ire. traratrolat to 11, befl/10,. by
ns,ing th• - hlattlettlati. flo, .1):
Mood bovil. with rt.... lotla. sod' fuel, an le promnd
at pr.* naming lowa 51.00 to tli*r week.
k..try far FA( learding cam ba obtamed at mod.
ea. ost.
A prelltoluary rout -prof lector, t - evlnall Matririllanto
of thu Colleas, will commence fourFeelts previous to the
ol the regular mar . anal continue onto
the ofroang 01 tto. Loral. Is n. ,1r lur tbo cult,-
College, lto.ler toy air 01110 of Pro snore llolamnl.r,lart.
lani.lo,l Aoki,. al the outut,..k. uarlety nod miturtanos
.ic mews to iln• Noal au) llse
rou. , rs. J. L.. CASmInt.L.,
tf ~1 !be Gerold
Munical Convention and Tt aelers' Institute
Under the Ilirrehon of Mr. 4 .Wu'un, of Liotrpn.
will be beta tto. / ve rrr Half L. Pitts
bul /h, curattratup rd. ESDAI. treltllltal 15th. at
101., 0001, A. . Fuel , bll/Ibillbgllll b•bll,11 1L,.. .r four
•. 1
It< Progreautur of <tervieeej ell.teete I<rture %tail Illtttrktrontlletattne. Veetti Cum. N.
...Church Mtt, ie dorretlt el) lee, Set <ler Mee,.
The 10,1 uoiler ',yarns lutliterritto 100.1,- et
totontlert. .u,l le. tultelly Illttetr.itnlexpleirtNl
tee myrtle/II tetentit twlebeettel ettl,ect troll loom
0000, I< tittrolueeelt al to °bort. to ertll I< It< -
niut to Iteretturh extemutee 1•111 le. meet intereettne sad
wefts! to ',etchers er <Ruin< Set °A, ly<dere and Mem.
Iter. of Chou , . et el Intletel 1,, ett Vlllo 1,11111 tater..< in
the etetterel t.f Mow. ute.l gptteeeellt t. 1/101.6
of ...unit Muter.
It bi expeette.l Inat Mr. Meemt iO.ll here the sent/eaten.
1.01.7 ...meta tnuetetattrt
The Itetttta tltt..tettl t'ettr.tte..e. only, W. Jtreatottlll
111°:0., Meotto Met<., My ere, .•trttlietteet to toe tpt..
iris hrlJ 0e <ret tte•et,u teat end mat-toted 01
tertmee. It Itne etraklitt tewreeetel . 00.
L I ' I P I:1011?;:tret l'lttat„rolt
lesy al 11,31,...,1, .00d 31.1.1.. 5t0,..0 Jetta II
Mellor, It, 01 11on, etre. t <rite. ft, ulotatttow Itef
tat< <otlet..<
Glerelmett ettt my Met< to •tt..1.1 kkl
eti.l.ite • 3•
. , •
,vol, day Ited exydu..t.
•••11., • .i•
.1 tem.: enAl. AND 1:VI A9,uI , DIENT
Wall Paper and Border for the Fallßales.
usT \ ED, atrthe old etdaldiehed
el wind. 01. ii sr 1 .to tutot criel.roni tu.:turitt. 0 - ..61 taut cum-. of NV-
Vs.ati act) Iluttl , gitn.ruttuurtn•g ouch d uarlutt W flm
Itoau! min,. at. burdly fall to rat/IT ltwt.vlrmaipt Wed)
tow, of Ito wort lar4lllll. •o.letulzotalr.i. •
earth) fllCeitAr
• ._ ._ ._ . -, - -
I; OLD AND SI IN Elt V ATC111:8-
, p pi , ,
- .lie bare now an raeallir lomortment a
1 ATCIif.S, 4 - tho map% an nTO V En4hatt.t . rencl,
• .fa L ' ‘ ' ltt , TATg ' oVaf ," V:=ll2l li an ' ll ' llFef .
us illy low. ,
k'tne Wa.trla ItiDaltita dntin the Lear na.ner b) the
ern and moat expertemcnd lam W. ill thirdly.
NV:W. WLl44.*, a Al*ril.rg A. .
mutt) ertrorr 4 Foneth, I
Sin'. UARB..SODA -2. - - Tkli for sad
\ \
'a . \ • ''‘. 4 '
• 1 1, •
. - s .4*
\ • :'......;-
\ :•: 1 \ ..'.
- ''''•\ .\ - A
''.• \ *l:7 \•• - -i rr ''''''''' ' ' ‘1:r."!•:•.. ',,',&,:•• - • .••
•• .., • \ 7. \ ''
\ • • •-
! 'r,l , . .
~ ~
' • '••
. .. , . . ' \-`
\ *• \ "' 1;:. • , ''
i ?"
. ''
.. ''. 4. 1 . 4 :4: ;• • ' '
• .
\: \\\..
`. • 5 , %,' .
' '.
A •
1 • • \•• '• , /c . , .
. • • • ;\ \ ‘S. '.
\ \ ' ' • '••-•
• I \\ . '''''••••• ' 1 .• . , -
STOCKS, CUERENCY, AND IIAILS: .pi'l'iNißluitt...E . r., .L.AzET , FE .
ICOARECIII/ItEdULAIILT ANT C.kREVUII.II . . . • t ..1, ..., .%
\ , . NVE \ I - o\‘' TAPE TICKET.
- - \ -,
itgeottign Foli liii: Phiellt . litill tIAZETTEVIT I , '‘
' ,\ , ,f; ! ; ' , ' .. , ' 717, n , , ,: ,
A. %%ALI:INS' &Co . , \ ' ',scum gorrlsairerm,
"'. \ .1 1 /VlN`cfrltlit 11, ar has ot\ ' . .
STOOK AND E r XeliA_Nlif I/NOR FIRS, \ 1
,x ' saaw2.,c. , • a A
CURN Eli 1/P M4IIIII:VAND TI II V. rel . l. • n 51. 41. 111/11,1:13 t n 1 M01,....1,-Ip ug,
~ _ _ ... . ... - 1 , ,
IF. dt , aitik Lasitt,Tkl.,..l Vottseer ant '!
f I, ''''.."'!'" (kt. o.
\ ' Jt i r:lltlt..M . \. " tk i tt i ltrel. ' kl '". • - I
\ _ 11 ILCIANI .1 1 nat/i,v. cc t.,,,,i5 t ,,0.,
: ... '; X.A.,
..a.i•' - ' :I . 1 intimaaonie and. VAT County Ti . -t.. 1
u.a..,1,4.,., 6, . . ~,, la ~il., :.Ipc. m11,.. 1 , tt1y ' ..
law ha .. llto 1021, uM snt- W.A .. 9 11 'Law .indget of the \Cot;ot elllogborso Cuitotr. i 're.l
IMotorlsoota r , ,, 1, gm,/,„ let, ,laid tmtJulf
D. ~. 1 • . •-'lOll • 14/1 J . lot, V & Ault ' l l/, le Lut e *o t.,1 ins tete r , ‘ .
All.eor Cr, D 0........ ...1... tg, t o/ .Ala &5. i \ IlltinlXTvel. or errerz,Mlll . 74.l . i
Do tmor ..'.,rep
I. tru 9, IVA LT Elt'V 0 h W 49; D ';\ / ..t\im.fd‘s„
Ow rw 9 P,..W. - Ito mt 1 ~ du aaagarem tiamt r un:imer tau, r. `, ••
Pi' li t' o l l ''''' tu ' U i p ' . ' Ce ' r.: VIOL. jot t ,.4 , u 7" I.`'-'1 T0,... '''''
II E N 1,1 W. M ).,L L A tka. ' l / 4 1 irtobnlwO.
Alleehro, r/tr tr..... od ,-.• Ugh lot 3lar A. er ratan,. JG444x. or mn. r:Nt.or oR ‘:471,1,..Xt Iyan ..11.1.1t 1
Bo rutl.6'a. Plot.. 1...1 .1,4. ..7. Li.,..v,5,C. ,
.4.4.. NC 1.71[.... Cl 11"/ IL M . C1.1 1 / 1 11. Pink/tit . , \
Book of Matwburgh fet .. ....c. lot Alm 4 pr/ 1 !,u. ,c ~,,g ' , , ~.ougmo 4_ / mall,.
Slortatont...t )1.011.k lAL .4.
Etehane, 8ank....... .. ~,,/ ;„ ,_ ,
'''''. r\ , - il e a. 1 1 1 .'1 0(1.4771 ' We ' r " _. • tal. \ \
Allowl.nt Mart.. hank „,
.. -
1 Tlllllllla/L. sesitheAriAof at fzaneo iv . .„
ausa" ',rock,. ~ \ „,,,,,,,„,,„ , .
~. ,
~ t
notioncabsia Brldur-• -.•• 21 tr. mI. Dlr Mar 4 'Wet ,•, Jt.IIIN 41 1 1.71,1 1 ;110ET.of',Ilutunmo‘ . , 1
. Claw rt linduo•-• ..... ...,f, , t , _ • 1.1..//n, :Drrt 1 \
11.,.& , Iltadoo. ......... , , =!.F1._'1r.t . rm!r0v,...3:f4,,..bgi,', • .
`,/rtlserst Litwrtson., go 3 ., ~ -, \ TllO,l PENNIIT. of kt . PWeepett, o
Wlllsamotort It rldeo.. ,
~. \ \ dolls 31ILLE11, of 1.111.4. , • •
kiesomm. , ,
'''''''' i ' ' '' ' '' ' '' L '''' ' •-• la 14 ' , lt N ol l2i/ .l '. ‘ , tta NI MEL F A 11N4. 1 !Ttgai. n (\Ville hor4. , ,
14 '.° 9 ' 19 ' 9.19 ' 9. C.- • IS 11% 1..• 14. . td \ ' '''
osornord Vlroomsn'o L . .. .
.'.., ALEX_ 111CliA "' ItIik rn' t.N. nf Ai...'...,,d ' a‘ 21, \
aft'ith to flora . .... . tel to 41 • lo• yr opr ,t, . \ ARK!) Vt. Blltiell./1/1 fartednirsth
'Mobutu!, AL i...1.V.11.1.•
~ . \
/IIN IW. Ilppor 1 1 L wir ~,
longer ilsoneor . m .
• \ln tERT glre 'l l l l4arsin \ '
AIL L.u..A. ni..CLVIATIV..• •
It 3 WEST. //1 1 ,11./altrore,
\ \ .
attsbunth a, linrks Oil he. WS, 1.. , J u l , 9 1 ,9 , • mmo.
Inteemahria elarkwanar , Ms .. .
' Mi';'"‘.X."
ouuto. k. 1 1 ,01 , ark watt DO ..ii, . • • .
/ems'. iwntral Rail lottwl , , 1
tslo & Dynni. hail 114.1, bo, 3, /. ~..; \ FROM NEW YORE-,
It- t Ohio Itail_anat.... Let
, . '
\ --,--- • 's
`.lemotand t Wens'llo It la Do i' 1/ '
1 . 1
mi. li Way. Dry . Ikwk I, i o , ~,,,, 4 1,,,,,., , r 4 ~ Drortrotomndentra thl/ Pittalearah 1. 1 •111„Gase te.
,rot. 51.uf Co.. ....... . ~o• ~,. ~, , _
rtr Canal goods. lute/ • la Su'. -4,1 . 111.1 r YOnge, -Oct- 6'; , , , , 18:il_
Crook laaok 1111 ad 26 In ta \ z.. 1 'IliA has been a het severe day in•the tun-
llou. & Verrrerillolat Rd, Lw, ~,._
~,_ ,
reams/do. Turnpike 11d...• fits '‘ ~. . neY, market from - th fact that 'two days pay
banters foal Lw • . ia). . 2, , , , •
POrrtil mettle, mind he made in no, Mit nO one hatcaus-
I lisin ' s " ti a bosom ....... -. au .7., ' Wet 0,841. am Pendk end Ina , 199 7., \,ehltaeek,Of attapt'n
orthurt menses .... .. -. 2/1 \\ .. :.1.1/I.,Plawk Pions ate measurably dinstng from the AC
urn. ll•ebleril ... ...... ... 10 • . ,ctimillat s i(ln of - sterling etc a g e
and the cause- ,
otshurch A 1414 80r01.... ... - ... 4 \
a ,,
went reduction in rates, wit h `are now \ \ at 10}
for first cities hills and a tune toscer figuita:. for
orthant • Wilk drawn :i.calost proiluc, Tit i•auks hove"now
1 .
, \ , \
.aaa.... itooahma s . . sy 0 \
two millions of COtts more tlian kneiitat co tit
• .0 ... .... .....
„ t , , \
Lt 'n lio n p . Book -.- la% ..• ,•• \ atid are Petl n• biting plite Coal atcd should ,
ir l :f..oso . ...... . ..... ....... ._
F. \ 1
. , I 3: 21 ' the deinand for schange deer6,e iol \to leave. ,
,r,e,. '.
them in'quiet possession of theik col , will AOOll \
lull I 1 ' l . :tl t . ,_, \ \
, olnoular ` atforzknew, focilitiri. out metc:ktit et hol,as a
, • ...• .
'. Whole, stand up li rely un Eno .sure
PRICE OF COPPER .STOCKS. •., caused hy this late ctintraetion of td cu tiny , s
r• „,..„, „,, ~,, ~,,,„„, F „,,.,,,,,,,„,,, ,„,„,,,„ „„., .Nonew banks have been discredited \lid iroc
• ' i .s go. , _
ranter stork Vachon, • unly ore now tu l. It oury th e oroaer . w.
f.t.e.t - Ilsawet, 14f.,et.111., N.,•1 n \
AM,' t0t.r.,1 oold \o , ' . Ar., •
,1 .
ur cows,. populatlonlcave at last taken t 't t .
no. a Wan. . Cliff Istu.l . .. flat ou
.911:. /., initial mei/ too aid:\ relieving themselves It( th ,
urth 11 on. ... ..... /1 or. 32 to .
.., , 7 ~, i ~„, lat.t.ler which they fire
4 placed *by remii:rsee
91."' .! . ,1 . :near white race At a very large and hig)sly ,
PetsLo Ig.l, • ' ..• I 900 ./ oel reopeet-/kbla 2185E40111y, after mac careful ea Mils
fall. . .. la '4l 11 , 0....
Orth ......-..- •-- .. • - • ° '''. .'
.''' Motion, et was determined to Co nn 119.90eia , ..
Inornda. . .... , 1:// ill 14,• ~ ,
Ortb “....,” . - ' I , .1 , It ..•, tint, haviiin for its objectlhe aisid Pee Or rue. .
‘, ~„, ./ . /..
/ I. , . . or
/.1 o uo .. ai d igrantii to tpa Republic of tsiberia, a\isuggested '•
. 11 , z ‘,O 'i o ~. by the very aide letter of Illy: Latrobe, of Ital.
arm . t .., ; a-
. , •.., • ,i, Elmore, which, it is gratifying to see, h sat last. y
, j,„ , i ~,,l received the attention and approbation tt t only
''''' I 7 `.; of the colored population. hut Of that e ually
usaka . . . l l.. dark . mass, the Unitarian• preen. of New _lark, v
•0., - z 4. z ...I which in spite of ills nano! liberality, upon this •
L. , z .zi z '
• .i •
17..11. sass. . 01, 1, 0 0,3 t. .illtStilln of altivery ' rxhibits a bigotry that i
~ . " 0 '
Wm. • • . • 4 1.4. IL :: cer scarcely Credible. The colored people tuna'.
/ 9 2 1 .1
aulto.. , , • 1,• suceetal in this new scheme, approved PP it is'
... V`.. • ‘'''''',..• • ' ''. I ' ''' l by reason and experience: , and aided a 9 it wilt. \ a
Lto Trap ',wk. • .---. 9 . I 9 ~. be by the benevolence of altsections of v. - out:try. ..'
orwizt• .. . : 4 . 4/.,..
, )c.
.. .. eu I. 4 m/i The great mtssionoty cause will Le pushe d On
Ohensll.ll l• 0 ' •nl C
,OABOAOLI .... . .... 50. 1 4 Ir/ by eoSnMerce, and in the end the long pe-
-•;.• r•ii i :...: , nod of Slkvery ' She colored race have suf. 1.
roatrol . ... . . I / 1 I ' `e/
Itettottno - . 4 ta/ , .: .e/ • fered. and Willett 'they most antler, will he ,
• to I - /..
"*". I ^ l ^ “"•., , 1 ~„ i ~. '.... found to hove been a meow of Protisdence•te re. . 1 .
, 1
1011E1•11 TB ACII kit, orendom • tier m the must fruitful purlieu of the world trobl
__ .
itssotakt and mural tiegT6 - dation- , .::
"""L' RATES OF DISCOUNT. The fair of the American Institute is now oopenw
' I„7Bankers_ '''''' " aud is siiptior to its pteJecessors, though a 0
~„„ .„„ t .,,,.,„,„„,,,,„ , ,,, 0 , g,,,,,,,,, gg „ ggt , t ,,,,,. Casual visitor foocies.hc has sten the'eamd cum; :
e6N.P.e_IiANIA. ,Nraorts at A1awa11nu....... •ta Foal looking bed.A.piilts, the settle parrots in
el or MM./burgh ._....tar aratralt m W/0ur........ . ek/ , •
whams Book efotto.. - porno/moth at gonla.., .... . In srdrototl , arid the same bonnets an d s a ute ' ases t,
...' l “ . `' s d 9 '" ' ' .. ‘l Br ' ..d. A ' ' ....4 • 19. . 9- - 49 I et' -re Bill' he who looks carefully around will e
ok utCusatorroe.. - par Cil, Bank. C 204” .i.o ' . '
•I. Of Nrin , El3. , .•....T.rCommermal 131,Ciornmon Id notice hutidredS of things that show roirked t,
•a of Nertlo'n katamtuw.par,grankito Look- ........1., de •
re '
tad in
n mactures esnecially
ilk of Dunosjitaltlib . mien. Book.. - ..... L. ' .l l' . . 4.,,,,,, ' , • • , -. , . a
• k of Pono,Townsbtp...paihn, LI. It. a Trust tm -do of • implements useful i ngTieulturni plim_nits, ~,,
isk of the Uostod 6.1. 1 Moor. 1 r 11ank......... ,.h. ri. n„Lnuf,,ftrir,, 00,10, and s
sim•rriat Bank or P. par Rook nf Mowillen. _... do new 1999, - .../ 1 . '' - o.
A klmitmom"BkPar emsli NM...... word, apd•bew prainctious in iron pottery, ace
5e.r.111.1..-._... . poi- NEIS I•Nt/LiAND.
grgtot,,o imuk . g,, ~g , 5h,,,,, _, , . in many inner large and pkiductive branches of y
ar . Mellk flank ...1/., NV,II/ 1 /.110... ' intitlotry are nor seen, a fact explained hy the
;cain ''' c L U:ltglit,"Oi - .. r ' l r rictu ' irtr " ,",. ' ..!!!„... - ,.. ..... .. .... ": 1 existence ors Meiji that greet us the proceitim
/iladolplea Ilona_ ... .par MARI LAND.. of labor so cheap that no mftehinea coq redeem .
” " l s:ctit'a n sita ' a ' . ' I:l ` eto t is l" Tirf." . -.--
- --
'''',.; a'.4 from the baneful effects of its competition s • t ,
ester Baal- . ..... - n r N .1 EILeRT t fir.LAW Anal ' ,
gg 0 7c,,,,,,g t h,,,e1, 4 3,,
.ag g d„, / , t, / „„,,,,.
.... , The qnestion of horses br steam °lout rill. q
ok urCh.oter Crony, par VIEGFNIA.. roads hag been hrOught to a violent loon° in thn ,
•k nt Danville.. - par Ban% of Me Van.......... ki
1: of .1.00 ie...r. p ar an iratnia Itwhomod ,„, Matter of the r
ight old radroad,.whizb has II
nk of Ourtooranwn par' ,a Bank Va., Nortl,ll4 . 1 . been refused the rto nee stea.lll by tbe 6ty I
nk et lionfrtorgh... - Turne aute; Immo. ra
flt' ' hl The L th ha d J
•k or Iganstown ..... -.- 11 , rehatts' • ,41mb. Rank /,,, 0 rue pa. e result no been e A 11 On- ,
nk of Mlddlrtrern... . g groat/ Wrotoon Bank.... • `. I pent or \t inn upon the itroOklytt and Jamaica s
Ilk or Northaint.sriaadtar sunlit e.iiii .1:1N., railroadl, : a\listanee of stx miles from tide water n
rlisto Bank. 508... nrCAPr V . /mr - 2 on the BOY flJatimica,the Long island rand pea- ( . 1
lumbto Bk ttlroluotkupar,f. to et. us N. Carouna. ... M .
,Irouwo Bank .... por,Curbtormial Ilk. Ntlitont'ot pie ruining,t eir road , forcing the Jamaico and S
Ana Rank.. •.-- . par asl ant: Dank, ~.1. 1 .9,1 2, k:ast Brooklyn teople into O swarm of omnibus- t •
, gaol. ... I. i eillatt /..41n. /LINA.'
/ore I. of Burk. 1. lax/ Ilk of tit. , of st run/110.1 '2 . 'CO. stages unii wagons, most effectually cutting
rrn,r, ha et Larnmaterjetr took of ,outh Comelna . 2 O ff the coinforbilii. connection of She State .of '
Vie. ifAnk ofltradinutar 11. of teharlenno.....-... 2
nankofsehoritstie. , tsar Platoon • l go , banw.• a z Llmg Island with New York The sixmile part A.
a Drov. lent nr , ./.. 4 . ore/Milt
thollk 41.1//nOpe.par Aumwta In. ar Ilaukint Co Witt It PAY l'OfM, Isttrae power-e•tit people ob 0
rrishurn Dank. % Raok of Au.m.ta . . e Brooklyn have nolw.the alternative presented 01 - ; /
' 1914 R. 9 k-- -/- -• ,/ ". 1 Ul-99 ' 1 44 A 9 .9.99 allowing the road its old irivile e which harms e
...or Bank .. .... ... Du ' TENNI..., Eg.
• rooter County 8ank.......r All oolront Cont.,. ... ... a po of.. or
, of eemng \ the terminus, of 'the vr
bgzituck v.
""1•n t ,,,,W,,,, *" tie,,,,,„,1„ P r, ii,,,, g„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,, Long li , land rem! chart ' g% I .\ ` to ITillianieburgh; gl
wrozawlicla Bank •. • tam 'lt . 11401,1 • 11 /". TbaroOdr s girin tor that cifferer of‘le teat gosll9 a nets nu- o
It Brooch Bulk- . sass 1 Numb/mitt. of Kentorkr N ,
..,..,11k.11%1[..barropar goothorn Ilk of Konturky y rictus , and enhancing tha.value of the real r 5. t •
tk (auk. .. . % ' 4:111,011111. tate to th e ` loss of Brooklyn The practice of is
ustd:sotes..... .. . 3., h. al titst. of Mireuri..... ),1 .,
01110. ILLINtst. • New bogland cities and otho . sections has 'ea. of
le I.oate Bonk Si Stat. Rank es.lbraorhros„ .0 lablished tht , safety or nteatit o er horse draWn F.
•h 0 Athena. . M cats, end the ."(e ater Itrooklyit‘c 'snits the gen- •t•
neh at Illidareport . .do 51ezizlo k kire lad go ends ~..‘ „ ,t goo d h , , ,. di,,,,,,i,,,,,i„, , ,b4 w orn) , ' O , t
•at ailllooth, do • MI, 111 MA N.
cars teh at Clorol.l. un,earocre . 4 1.whanitae Itabk 3 fasten horses Vs railroad care, lo s e better for • •
/eh at Toledo._ ... ... do Ormoromout stork Bonk. ...a h or
nett at Da• - ion. ..... Veninoular Burk •3 • \
neh at C0 1umbu5.. .. ... . flo 'worst/co Creep/tor --.- k Politics Pre getting a little warmer, here among .T
neh at do Mate Hank._ ~... ~...
apt at Ashtabula... -do , CANADA , . tocorocoa, and the fre e soil papers lately Whiffed ,i ''
antb at etloot do Bk of BN. Amor...Tuna/tut/ in such fle the Eketti‘lF Post, work - With 11',z9.141 A.
.eh at Msooflold .. elm Bank of tho rearm, ion./ 6 '
Nosh at Mph, . do Book of Moot., ... . t, only surpassed by the 'few whigs who apo , afire
act at Cioneosn...-- see nant I'l ' , C.0..; r ^ r° oo . , and t urn free trade. ethyl free. soil , IlemoOretta. '
.. Lat Columbus-. do VAMTERN ENCIIANtIi. ,
, J
ouch atlruhttortno do UmNow Zork 9room. ...... % The Poet Imw thinks sus kind Of a demticra• t or
; ,, ch h. el ,Cl- 1 , , ,,,, 1 ~.,. ' ~;;; 1 1, 1,-1. , ,P, 1, -,4,;----- ; -• , ~ , the
irEtTERN NAL: I IANtiL titan talking about colors 'men, and wisely iii \..„_'
/eh at art Vor./.---/to 25 ..... t,•• • • ..•• ....•••• -at glitg tit& !arta,' logo to wo ••, has quite fotgol s f, n
chi at N0war1t...... ...... dn Mord 'i
•011 at liter,. •do et. Llino ~, tea its old allies. A nett ocofoco 'daily Lai n ',,'
.chi at speinansid-......d0 Lead. AND 1' A 1 : 1,. / 1 ALL A hern commenced upon. - a fund \ raised ;,by those ''
•eh at Stmlulta...... .do. Doubt/on.. epaugh ... •
nob.. T5at,......._... .Mt Patna 4544 who hope to pay out of the "pulklie plancleiY,as ,n ,"
• rh at all P1e..t_...... Eaate,ol , l
..;1N , ,, , , of 01 , 1. ; The politicians of tho Price rindSwarb V,
.chat Zaril,riilY F.MPlet t t 0..,.
•et, at Nom,. do Vredrneked 6114........-... 1••••0 wont OCIIOIII alreiftly sceht the nina.milltetia ro. '.
•ch at PIOUS. d 9 T ' url " a ```'' "' . ' ':p is n • Ito nI Jr thtre "s
an • virttie s i. 9 k t
,t..i.nrtnmotalh..... do °Moroi,. - .. 6
. , 9 9 91 • , L y pran \ ,
• ell at. Ratan ...... ...... An Sovoreire. •.- 1.63 Bonds, Short buys, Ql,l Maid's Iloys;;Swill tOrs I 1“
'‘A 94 H9• .' 99 • - • a. " d ''''' " ' ''" or ruffianisniof all kinds known under' the gee. \
,mg at Chillgothr ......./lo Narolon.... _ .... /...,0
orh ot Cuyahoga-- nomtl/... • , . L.:• 19 ern] name of tocotOcOirsti, Mean to bee the col,
.eh at 1, 1 , 4,.
,fir of the: Whig, money.. These fellows who "
have for some time !men living on tribute 'levied
uc ~,gogigt, ~,„
.„..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,t . ,,,,,,i,, ,, ~,,,,,, from the wantons, the gatalders and tke, grog, of
olont.o.rret., I the btler. • geries of the:Suite; are now to be organized:in fo
'rras.-tir tin-cravens, Chaartwnhorc. reilaist,pbus IL patriotie lontd, to Posited° the reins
, pf tile n •
10.ra.. Kamen, seat.. and 11911,1 • 9.9 P 9l ' . 9 ' ' l ' , '`. -1, I , r i c h est state in the eopul•lic, forgetting the'fitet nn
wart, New Jorw.r.and Moon/New Vlta.' eatea.- I
Ilrittsh Prortnroo of Lower, Nora Not., sod I that all good citizens feel that : the State
iirnn. ,,,• .arrlrks At , a 1 • 44 / 1 D . M 911 . A 1 .". be honefitted by their resideaec is Sing, Sing Jr ','
oserst lisstmea.-14 Illaintrilla .1,1 llollata)mbury. l'a. . • ,
dry tit
...ling tle• rwitutlm of Umlaut catobris..o..otre,Cflto I the Clinton county pri s on, even if the 'free •.e- '
.Janata, brew/slow. kIIO/1. Meßron. ' , die , l'or.k. ' tooersele . shollld misstlicir votes. e • b
tiM,OI, . part ot Wommorrlone, t. Litt/to/or-, I 4. - w
e...,,Tiii. , .F.J.,. :.: ir,,a4r, Now Alo.odrla. mul roll- I ,
Uulte.l taw, ii, . tint liT gt , :FP , ' •. '" •.l i
Do. I:S. ... •.. jou 10211 Ito) Inc ha int
P•olotivaLtila r.. lb i(k - ,,,,,,111:i ,lut.J I/ Jitil
". 5. " . —lOll .do WO lot`.? a ug
Alle:nt 1:1. 4 ..-........ N:... h... ~, Ito .M. a Sow
Do Mug , F , .. , 1 , 1. kr,. 9, •d.
Out mut., , 0 . lOU iirt di ,
PittAbiagli Ci:l' 4 • to, .1 $1 I
hin. , 11.3 lair
lin. iuuji.C...., PEI, ii. c,., •P: J.,
Ail..,h i ,, City Cn.. 11,)1,7 86,4 t lot .11x1 & . t
El. rt.u.6'e.. Phi, 1...1 .1,4. ..7. Ju
.4.4.. NC TLCE.t,..
ili"ik or 'elt.itargh 60 .. .V. bit ?do aPr
Slertliazitt't Noma ilsbM too
Exebii, batik. ..... .. ~,, ~ ,i_ o „,
Allrialetsi 3:1T1.9. hart
.. - il • ,'\
liouongta.e.ia Briilo..• -.•• ..::. s '24 ~. DI , M. , a . 4 ,1
Pt. Claw ,t bride.— ..... ..,!, ~ • bit ./iso : i.rpt
11.1..1. et Drub., ........ 3 ,,, 45 6 ,
Nvillserri Litorrtion., ~.0 0 ., ~,
Williamt,rt bride,. .... . ,I,
iir,tern lorurs"it, Co .
ti 14 . .. 1, NO , C1..'11 ,
eilltrito' Junin., Co .. l b ii ~ bit 1,..• VS '
A,,, ~,,,a.,1 Ylremon'e. C. , : O. .
Vlll . Ol to Phi1)... 1
\ .... . (4.1 as 46 1i1• Q, ~,,, ~,.
E l :k ' r b r:nt. .. L° .
!. e .::: , 111v.4 ;,;,. Rine
:dorm', tbru - neti ,
1....11.. L.U.A. r1....0.111,1“.• •
nn 1 ..7 . 1, 01 ,
%oust IAL. DO •
Pen 01 i...mrsl R.wl 4 . 0
Ohio & Pcnni. 1,1)1 1:1.1,
11.4 Ohio
C.R.v.buld t Wells'lle 12 12 e. 4,', 1 1
black. R Way. Dry Dock I. 1 0 , 20 2 ,,
1.17.21 r 51..uuf Co ....... . (Ay
En. Can.) ikaidA. (old, _
~.iou W 'Furth. Croek 11.& 1.. p•Tr. 21 24
& PerrreVille Pi Rd,
1/rretteft. Tutuktke \
Chamer, tual '.. ,
• nartil.
Pittntout,h t Burton
North American....
North IVeatere
Ntlebutub t
Itrporl. by Mr %hum.;
1, .'" , trek Fir/mn, •
, ok , l
Pau k .Clll7 .
Altrortokh • .
har hr Itolle
rottimr nth.
North hourttria
North h ...tett;
D II wcratts
V alal air... .
soar liwk • 4i tell la au
Dacwati .... .
OLx, Trap 1,.-IL . . .
V• 47
ame•wst. 141.
biu. 6T Alsertel O. &tool. Ths
x.a, of 1•tr . .17urtzb . ....._:..p.r'
Kxplumett Itapt ekto.... part
flat. aoil &Lau. of do ......pax ''
”I"Coiamere , .. par
Mani. of !..rte A morka...par
bank 0fN0rtien1.44.11......par,
PAM. of P....l,ltattlik .. par:
Pan k of P.teu,Tornttlatp...par . .
[look of that:att.-0 kktra iii
Cuttameretal Honk or P. p.r
tiattaltka' a Ilttchat..-.' 11k par .
I.:rootazt.p itkuk p.r
Ll.urtrr.A .11.,P Paul ...pax,
Ilt...matz.' .. par'
/loy.menolog Ilan% - par
Plaina..iploa Bane_ .par
iloulbwark ilank .
1'a /lank. pat
We,o,ro ... par
Boot of ClAssol.,O.Por.4l.
Mot orllh..nt,r (valor, par
Bank a Lai. . CheAter. par,
Bank of Ilertooolown par!
Bank of liettrptoprgh... ..
Ban[ M I.pwistown .....
Hank a 31Iddlolown,..
HOOLICOMEr . .f C. .Par
Baal. of Norlhoznborland.par
Carlini.. Bank
I.lllu.mion, Bk Xlirular LLA.par.
Do, Iralown Bank
keartoct Bank Car
n. ...
Fanner , ot Burk.. Co I.a,
Farmer' BL I.aporwl..r.jotr
Farmer. Bonk at Bra-ling }oar
Fano, Ilk of,,..burilpllo.. par
Far a Drop. I L'ayn ,, o.l..
Prank.ho 111 ....lonio.ll pm
Ilarrishurrr flank.
Latotanur Ilsok Pno
Lanragiterflountr Bank....par
Lobizion Bank. Par
Minors' Bank Cl Partavalla
Monon,rahels 8ank.......par
Want Brunch 8rut.....
Kromin a Ilk.Wtike,barrrpar
ULlallPato Bank '
• • • •
Branch at Akrno.
llntnch at Athena.- . do
Branch at Itrid,reocrt .do
Brandt at , do
ltraneh at MeChi'lat h rriam]. do
•eh at ... do
-anch at Dia j ton. .....
Branch at 10-(..
0r.... ..,.
Branch at aaldabal....
Illantb at :. , atera do
Branch nt Matadi..
.Itraoah at Mot, ..... . do
Branch at Cionausu .....
Wand) at Columbo•-.
Branch atlVullttortno do
Ilranch at 001,
Hunch at Lao.aatrt-. .... -
Branch at StooLatrtilla do
Branch at Mt. tetnoo..---..k.
Branch at ..... .do
Branch at Elyria • do
raoch at O ch at a ptioa tt tia a-.......
B. do
Branch at Mt
Branch at Z.3l.oPoTiilY ... .do
Brandt at Norwalk do
franch at PN. do
tranch at Por.month..... do
Branch at Baton
Branch at .... .do
DM.. at Clnill , rdhe
Brforh at thlythotra -...-do
Branch at Totodo
have for pane time been living ou tribute levied "It was Judge Story s i
ha t,' fi tte r the
T following. lint of as auJ .I,arturvant ill. mall. from the wantons, the enfold., and the g . of the'eourt on his rettirn to ..atobritlei . :'S
gerieir or the:Suite, arc now to be organizedin
now ' , taut+ .orrret., to Ito. biter.
fore the-publiChtien or (he retlarts, to sub
! Kmwmw.,-lir Ur...1,0.ra, Cbamlwmburc. Clitilal,tebin, , a patriotic Mimi, tO unslllllo the reins pt the CaUfs decided Mahe eLah s for argument.,
1 1.41..,... 5 ez' 01rr....,...t . 0 . . aria
,r ti n vi , ...zn i t. m r , f= A. ~ , , , ;:s., 1 ..b.hest. ototr i, th e walk , f orget a pg th e 'r a 4 occasion Judge ,)larshap had del e el th •
Province, et' Lower L.Lue,da, Nov. Mwrie, or. I that all good citizens feel that' the state would ion of the court, JudgeiStorydias uting.
New Ilroularnic.dallv.Arrivas at Ia A. 11; Departs at !p.m. ib e b„,y,,tey b. 'id n' in... - n' the "tits wore hereto timeless, M . Curt
tontra.s.,tr....-by Illaintvilla and Itollulalmhuni. ru. , -- - 7 + their re " , en-e .-tog. -mg or ' s
Including the enuutlee of nnuttonh tOunbria., l ite
r. Cho- 1 the tlinton county ' prison, even if the Ire° de, tench;m P m'i'irm '' m'd , b y jud g O . thr Y
on. Juniata, Lau.line. 61 1ehn. ht , nea. loiter. Vm - t , . 'ill r rip' I I I ' I c • benh ntrd lb. eminent man, no 4 ret
Tinga, lipioll.l(4T part ot W•annouland, via Livrnoor, I ''' a- -.--.... tith'st mit' votet,
Sharer.' ale. H•Hona :•1 Irol4o. Now Al : earlinli- I .4. - Wmthington, said to .(Flue. Mere:tat ,
elm eemitt . Alma. dui,. 11 v..: departs dial, at l, the•cese had been argtUttl with(half th.
7 , ,, a. w. ' Ton h'itESPoLLT 4 t°l Cl it . et Axe.'
kfur. - 1 , 1 Duns, l'u, Meece , Crat'ef ,,,,, • e. , -. . s r e ce , th,Veltll.—The Clearfield Itepubliests.elintaina an t e e , , ‘ i l i o , se"id h., e b nreVersist. 'An
urnet, season part or Nof Vora and newt L'
article on the sUlijeel At the Aqueduct in its noni•
Arrivewat 9 r. at.; and &Portent. a A. H.
dm) the ;allilge, 'l3..R.,.eurtia„ the'yonng m
feerumm a., W.T.N.-lir ICsaMirictou, ri, Ore., her ot the '...'osi of October. It ens, there were fo.
t,,,,,,,,,,.„ . ~ o r ty.„,„,,t e „,1 . 0 ,,,,,,, „,,• . yet admitted to procuct. w q mode that
~,, ,, , , e ee ~,,,..r ., wesi .,,,, e , eee , t , eee „,,,,,„ 'i..,,,„,. irrrrok perpetrated in the building of the Agin, meat, will yetstatid at ihe head of the No
~it t,.ro, of 01,10 .od tudisn.lianhul, Mint, Ten. , • duct contrary to the opinion of Mr. alci.litheth, a , , .
.1,.... A lahanaa,sltr_uivi, 31,wreeloci. Arliam., North l'arm 1 \
Una. iluorgia. I.mingna. Floral. aea ri . v.m. doily. W.F.. tilronf reawlireo tram, IV cbtrourelmel. It eocul• That prediction hal been verified. and t.
at VPi r ai.; and depart. gt 61. IL \ poles the,present [bound of Canal Commistioners. ' dent of - enures the seat his distingilished in
areoe,,t,..„ Hoto.-NT VII.T Otte. 1i.11, , n11, narill.l.O. p , . n ,".... o f th„,,, - fr ... t ~, I. t
Floredro. Par.. ewe Itellhiarn twee. V, je,,,,,,,,, u , 16,.,.,. .a , C. t e c• • , were In , ' s a. 3 loa tor TO wets filled-N.F: exiirr .r.
eloo. Carrell, 11,....,,md Tmm,rwer. eouttirra.ob,,,,rmily':, it any frauds were perpetrilleti Thomas.(..power . • l.
Arrive. et II e 14 , depart., s• 0 a.m.
was More ist than Ally WHOP m an. Now ri r,•J • rk -. i Po'. 0
NORTH ATLITAILH.--iTy Wave, I.a..and Clur,lavah Ohio.- \-, \ . . . . '' •'' I' 9 el e m oo ts
&over taw, - c. ,, Trumbull, liortece, reran I, bum,. J. Lower is responsible tor the robbery l'enorylvania politien, land says the of
adoshoolonul,w.f...Nledina,2ulshocl.Minturit u t..e. 1 -,-.., enouot divine. II coves not,. Canal Commie- element in the snorers i4 - the stsstigle It
not, Clare, oltrews, line, immlarekr, ie eel. , . ~ i.
at. Duran witlotri, me a•strottu . m`ramtn ~olintma SIOAIPT. He w as superiirleutleut oil the rootage the rival Unctions of tip Democratic part
of the eteree ~ I helm. any illitmo, cadmium ell 1,..1,,. itailt \ oad. loithe find nothing to do with t he , free- p urpor t t o 1,, t y en tib e W ith t h e t ie- it
on, Inn, and I% iwomelb, daily Arrive.. II a. lid : .i.... pec
sans .. a ... . , Port s`kgriednct , widnb is °°\ ib " canal. lir 'i o on tunes of 3leasufiCaes .thchatan;--the cla
, tylije.',lint on activt\i \ md stall knerti member -1 the latter before the Nittional Convention
asiv.staa.--ur Sharer bury. Hoorn., Songs/64E ref.,
tutu. Freer.rt,lsittannine. ni•lioninti.. rtnntrOlog. Liar .
minute a candidate to :the Presidency d
sod Char:Mkt cumin, 4.11, efu,., , t an unadala. A, I tae opposition! Iles the`Locofoco candidate
entirely,upon the teems of Mr. Blots,
tire, at • A. 11 . And lippart• tit 7r la.
ireaccra.--lir reere.,, , ,m. uuu,..,4 7,..h.,„,,,,,,,„.. 1 for Corte ~isfito,t fall agairestJOhn Allison of Bse- i n ,
Democratic candidate or (lovernor, and.
Tin.. .4 0.:.- Into.. An-114i i'oratafp., t ter. omit unovi a 'timelier of the Loctifoco State,
?burnt., s, ~,, wetuern, , dere,. 11,,,..e. 1 l'e titre! Cohimittee Tile Lacolbens otthe time
,of General Cass dap dinglupon ' his de
ilie,lrsewlarr gni PTITATA. al, 7 a .
6,, 1.1.115V111.1.-11, etar,reure 11.1, Fluter tall. awl awl lion. t the fraud woo cotomitted i controlled the Canal ' ltle Poet argues that sae disturbing gfare
....,,,,,,,,,,. ~.,,, .A rear. newlnva. Vvi,hi,. al ..r u . .1, t 1,,,,,j . -_rhe ,e5‘,,,.,. whose dishonesty Mr. 11 ,. 1a „,,,,h to b e in. e ett e d . nee , ',hit, th t ,j,
ttrs , It vdeo,sy. and ,afoul,.. •t i. a • i' • "-* ,
IJPOoPITHINT-11 . p turbn., litn,t'a nun, .user-. .n, { I.ulluch •I etas neat espoart!, were .Alesstier en the party in - the •S to contest, ever.'
Co., v. 11 ,1. stif.isolo.o. ‘,..ad0..,. 1,..4 tra •., ''''''' ! Power. Sopervi, fr of the Weatern 16" vi stiti!, seal Mouth is elected the N ionalCont:eittion,ton..ra,mosola. ra.•l Liburtv. 11.1
- Hindu - . , .
,I ' Closer , brother atm a ware pnue
a nn fi t o n . o ting. "
e t ote ll Buchanan ;f h
.0104 0 . r. in• t e Tea.
C r a Zi. !' Zion A ct l" : " .::/ " T n14 .e . t .71 ‘ ..' . "artl4..". ' ' ' . ''''
! U th ' e att . :mat. S th Clover. A,
,lexander Po r ts::
Ilmnauv. V., Walti.'• vial. hohlganurn. Caul.% t
.Iralibi be east against hit
0unetteu., , ,,..5f,... co'.;[ -. dlr., ram.reer, • mil,. I,- •lc uo relative of Th e, J. POWer, \and t he (Otter • ,- l '• - .
, cleat to ose him the State: arid pf co,
initil,. v. :t in,. 2..1a1• af , .ame'"'` , ' '' . • '.' 1 via fem. never leuß - Inplieated ini,ti t di sgrace- ler note lon•taig and Thondlar, It I 1 Il .
_..,, * mon.corddllecure. the nomination starting
FAIR• 1•1 A • -H. Chut.. Mont , . brill., sh.on. al. , , lui trooviscliOri. WO 1.1:e this statement iron,. . ~ . .
Warn, ".".“ Tu..- ee. ratr, " , ' ' ''''''' "" lire to Mt. Power, alt ough it 't
O ,_q thirty votes presumptively against film. I
, P 7.1,1,, , ,, ' ' .:;_ ' ", ' , -' ,,„ , 1,r,,, " ,' 5 ' ' " ,,, " , ` ,, ` . " ii , ,, 6 4:,,, " ..., ' , ' , ' ,,, ' lot • full, [ ne., I o defend a;me mher \if the loono-fric"oP'erenuut4l-1 eislolT . h , e ,h l;f;ct
e sa m ys: gr •
jo mating. 1 F. Ari5,..,..0 u.alu*taf a of • i a . 4 .' , .."' .`“ It " "01 ' Committee, from the.ette ks of the horn ` ' e
E Ot a a of.
--`-- or g an h IP. ,' tat mir Pretext for all these \re.
\ F. B a 0 ,
„,,.„,,,,„ .-o r ~,,„,.„L.....,-,, a- 0 ,.....1. /rain,. at 1, of .Mr Iligler.lfur. American.
I r. a ~ th,art.., af.o
-- _...L.\___ . that Buchanan cannot perceive thakit
I eaNiti.lo -11) 1,,,mt11, ,1 ...iota, lu , gatu , a. 0:1,
-_. .
struggle for the ['residency, he is puree
Prorquel. Wlttluahoin, .t..,,u. hi •11, VA at r.,•. n:HT .,, , :••••••H , A ~.,... ~,,,..., ____.
__.... a ..,. ,
''* l/ "" AA "" col: ' , n: 1 7,1.,”. :L.:l all , ; h l y '' l l`;: it 7 g Y:, .7 1 , 1 , -
Ldt.,..‘ t , , : : ".."' ' 1 ~. .Riand ••• irter delthdOti and a very 'expensive one, o del
no 1:1 gm Corp here, they cun't which is distracting the Democrat. par ty
Imtura h , r Lomb , the 1•11, ma, te , ar il,. "Me,. QUO !MP! raise it, nor punkin pies, nor q
'Urea, no r Pol. - 1 unpreflahly, which jet opening daily new a.
1 e t.s .. t - , , ity,.. , tritr0 , , , i,.. , , ,, ,. .., -- , ',1',,:g,..„,,,4„„7,,`,"„'
„ . nuts, nor silk worms , nor nothin' - Then as m ~ ,f tattoet,... in. fu.
en.,ynis, which, .
WO. Ulf+ ‘1,1.+in" ,. . - 2 .
I . their fonnire-Lonionly look at 6 great eleph:' speedily ohnficioned, Moat place the Dern , .
.- , _._ i ant-lookin beasts on one plough, vi it one great • that State in a hopeless minority.
Copper .St.ock. ''
1 lummukin' fellow to hold. the handle, d another '
te „,,,,,, , ,,,, the „,„„,,, n„,,,,, • Too . p.op • !to hold the whip, and a boy to head , w ooe hoots Emma is from the Germ an, and sign
liel - reurunula " • •'
' have more iron on 'eta than the horses h a have, nurse Carolioe from the Latin, noble ;
too .• b
al erth 05
gF..4 ."..
all crawlie, if they was a- gain' to • uneraLl George f"m. the Greek a farmer; Nrartica.
: What sort of away i s that to do work? It \ Makes I the Itchy... bitterness the beautiftit and
io, Cnlin, . ." I " S• L
ilit .: k,'',;".. ; : • •' me mad to look at Xtors .(f there is any itithly 1 mon name of :fiery - is from 'the 11 . e.hre,wt .
1 . u., - ii.L'ate.t. . - ' • clumsy fashion of slain' a thing, that'. theWayl nitlnf •droP ?f ga it ' arater , %DAT, B b Ni i , '_
\t.b.y are always snre - to get here. They ain a the Oreo k- - wut d.r a; -tdoEnht from lia .w,
On candsom.nt aryl , eta tither taus, by
A. taybanta Auk., . k.„4 1 1:„,b.,..b,,,,,,,,,.. he_ , nighted, • obstinate-, tholl-beaded people, el.
tfiromino.Hinebooreuacw, a i1 ...twini...8.0 .,... b,n ,..
PO= '''' fn .t tad /1 , 1.1 rtr.t. 'English, that's a feet, and alway - e watt.'? • a . ?;
. . .
s .\ \ _ \\ VOLUME \y‘iltiMßEß 49
We ta.t, \thefolloWingfroin the "dournal" of • _
On. 3 a e'er publishedir,th Jamestown, Cha
. : L
coo *•., N . Y. - 1,.t ..1 \ '
' SEIZURE 0 A NEGRO BOY-;:a H.A3111 . CASE. - 1' \ ' ;
thi Tuesda morning lent outteitileas, were . \, -
thrown into a la of considerable ...: "_
•by th e pasisage rangh the village of Mire; ear- , • ii
tinges containineit Wthong guard of irrillSlMen • ': - ' 2,
(And an alleged futltire from slavery in the •.• .. • l•
lof 'Virgin'. The (10,a. we. learned thee WtotiS,C , . I. '
that the person in emulates a colored hey. 14,...
the name jof llarrisimi, a out 17 yeartrof,age,\ - 1.
who arrived in the adjoining town of Bosh about '....1,
',5-; .
i seven or eight months sine. Far the most if ' -,_. . i
not Allot this time he has born at work for Mr. • -, .A: ..1 ,
Lewis Clark of : town,\Alid proved an honest — 4 ..:i.., ~, , I
and industrious boy. , Early2ns Tueedap morn- •,, , . - 1
ing.'es be was engaged in milking, th e party of
ern above named drove up, 'pounced 'Open- him ,
"trout pricey, hodnd him with chains, and -
rove of The-whole transaction wan conduct- ' , . ,•
' W . t te 'u ti f7r c a b lann rap , i e di n t t y l!th th
e st gy \ 7p P rec rt red . eti . ' 1
* - ' No ' ° , I.
t an ft learn th at they, proceeded \ lo• Dunkirk, .1
As loon thence by. bow, to Ittiffahi. , Who the
'cletinanrar agent is, or by whose Warrant the Fri 2
, _hodwitt..Teized. or before, whom .Ite\ was'he is - 21
, to pe "Aotilined, - we have been ututhlerVto 4:
' ,leicru.-• Clirtain roman geodritien folloWed :the ,r;
' - i
\mitors to 'ere thai if the boy should,' bie remand- . •
_.,i ' l '
' ed`into slavery, it be done legally, end Hied!. ace
`, all .the pailiqulais'of the affair that.we pis
sr- For rutOobservincis of lega l forMe, trust . '
met be placediktrthe captors. \ ,
' h i:lied:ter we look upon this seism" as a nun-. -
. ii
kfuf , opeAstion of the Fugitive SliaeAct, s 'or as '
n3tance of the loyalty of the people in tomb: '. .-1
mi ing tufts execution, shard case. r ‘To • ' : 1
'eels young boy ieolated frozn kindred and mitt,: ..
i t
out \
ternal home, endeavormgto ears his; tread.. . - - •,-• ' '
‘l'y Donnst industry,
.roughly seised wilhout pro- • l• ;A
,eesf byA , party of armed men., manacled and ‘,
.. '' • i
stazigglerinway before a foreign trithinal,Withno
.•' ; 1
rig tto establish his freedom if by Is frne, nor '. '.
_. 1 .
to er evidence in self - defence:, appears lin our • \
Re hlican s7s as a sad falling off from the ' ".• : I.
p tine of hu n justice, and a perverelon 'bf. • 'l'
the IConamon Lew. The proceedinceas doubt- \ .-
lessleonducted akeording to the provisions of the ". \-t I
Act; and as "nominated in thebond,"'ned those \\\-
;who; were its instrumente, in the eyes oftheliw,
''al; all honorable risme" bit if there is one stain : _ i \
upon One national faille more foul than another, I' ."\'
the Act is nt; and i ( them is a degradation '
low r than e man in ;hie frailty 'ordinarily sinks, ' ` xI.
' - the perisons, the Ming; ho for money volonta
Srilrbeconie agehts in 'll seizure and enslare-- -: ,`.
anetitl. of 'pernons havin g ev y• natural right to be
,Vrie t i t are`the ones Who. fin \it. We are glad to :\l:',
snit hat none of our Officeri sided in the above,
sei ere, arid that onb who wet 'applied to, very _ . '
:prolmistly•dcelined. \.' , ' ,l .
We claim to'be, and are, law-abiding citizens,
' • dish all probably loyaliyobsertre`all enactments . . i .
ltestiare by the Constituted, autho ri ty declared to;
'ti q donstitutionaf" but we \reserve t \ ourselves ~,, • 1
\llijight to , think \i s nd speak,of them according . ~
. • tie dictates of our sympathies! and our judg
e.. l'hui we hat done, this we' thall el
I ilium roe sow I no exPer,k \ \
' E i \ ' •
'T e ti of John It 'lvingston'...
„ sq. \ its
late bee announced at Red 1100 k, at \\ the e 7, ',
mar ble a e . of ite—iiimest it\getitary 014., • \'. , \ ; ,
''JcitklL f. vingsten has been he annrivor.of a \ .• \ - 4 \
. .
very' remaKat I \ i nod distinguieh 4 family. 'The \
most s emloent 0 the 'family were , hancellor Lir: , \
ingstep. of New York , and the celebrated .Edz . ' '4 ,
ward tivingstoo, Louisiana •CV nailer Lie.".. •
1 ' [listen was\ for ye rs and years a Coe of re \ ' • '
,uu in Nete,„Yorkl,and Yet sheds I tre ore!, \ .
I \ al of the famet,ti. Hil. in fl uence and power, co- \ . : .
Jr .ling with 4the itidfatigable and idoqttent \ ' ~ •
'Alex. oder Homillon, banked almost alone s by, the' ! \ - 4 ,
city o New York,:,witli about the whole iateriot
against hem, carried th 'Federal Clfastitittion
dirdrigh . t Poughkqepsie, hut only by eon-hall. _ \ ..,
tti a..
vote., 'pc, sequentlyohe ha e honor of . admin., • \
.i :,..
istering\ di first oath of i ration' tii Ged: "\`„ ,
Washington, under that thins "notion , on the. . , -", •
spoterhbre \ di Custom'llouse \ n s w is. in llall \,„ • '.., .c,
street, oPpoli . the Expfess olfic Ile after \ • \
wards beento tit patron Robe rt ohne, and i,„ , 1 :
of etham gene All . and
-too such 'Nit ;.nitti:e . and %,, ' , A
money as bAcoatin i ted to !atom levels° the `‘..:, j ",
country is now in \ a ;nod degr e ind tekj • for its ~., ;• •
astonishing advaneeo ..At. Ed aril ivia :ton, . \ , i
the other eminent ro ,er, was Mayor o ' the • \ :- . 1
el t,
city, Seain Hon • from th State, ..!‘ nis=
16\f \
k . i
\ ` i
ter Plenipotentiary to nce,.stibsequeully brio- 1
ator, in Congress fro t0 1,,t : ,,, nsionalso the . •
uowned codiner of its w the
: Skereta
State under Hen. Jack. , ud ;no `Moab ei the:, . •
writer of his celebrated prOel. • stion signitea te
Nullifiers of 'South Carolina - II 839, \ \
Another . brother was ' Pet t. 'Livingston,. , • I
well known in the t ilitical" an li of the State: ' I a Demoreat and' a Whi . n - 11W3, we
think it. was, we we i : remember h • •hik e '
quence, though his frame was then itriveritzi
I -
with age, made the midri , ` - •tude thrill in klaw-nia. ,il !1 '• ..!
Hall. New York had ahnut that. peel tan ter ' 1
, the.first time nbJe to recover from th ,st, .• et, . ,
Jacksonism, nod the recovery of the great 'tate'\
eriinspirisi the - Whig, of the 'Union that tey ' T s t.
visited' hen , iq delegation to 'congratulate:is. .
Old `eer R. was the orator win? welcomri,Ltli m. \
, "4 , 12.: , : „ I .
' and a pe welcome he gave then, was worthy. f .\„. - ., : k.. , "::
the in.piration of the victory nod of the \ the . „t,....';
peal oOrasion. , \„
' The Rotors of this family were in their alai-
,ances remarkable, and hence the faroily woe one \ ,
nut only or retiowo, hot of real power in the Soot .•
and country. , One of them was Mrs. Sthizsgom- : .
cry, the with. of Major General. Montgomery, : \ .
who fell madethe walls of Quebec covered with -
s ry. A kfortMn Lew - ill,, ~
gwife ..
. "
i \r \
orlo nothe was Mr,
the Governor of the State, Major General in j
the U nited st*tee4rmy, appointed by Mel Mad
non Quartermaster, id the army during the Bev ; •,,i
elution, wild present et t e surrelider ofliurgoyne. ' 1,,, 1,
Another wait the wife John AreastrotigilSecre- .. NI
tars at, War under Mr Madison, when Washing- 4n ',
i ton was captured by t 'British, .03 the yepul- '
ed author of, the cele tell Newberg letters. ' . .
The others were Mrs illotston. wife of Colonel 1
Tillotson, a distihgnis 4 writer : end politician,
,and Mr, Harrelson, Rhinebeck, a divine o f ' i
I soma note.
, The Livingston ram; y haddn their day mot - - - 0
, .
estates, on 'the North erAnchass are:nik.,ort ..
James river tVit.) and otter Southern litathA,',.:- - t ,
and some of these ehtnt yetmain in tiar : faPpic...., r
ily. John R. Livingston, mime re Afteettyeir . i no'ktil . .4.' . • I .
retired to one of them at lied 110ok, wheitilit;' l,- a.4',.
iota lived as a counirg gentlemen in a atyleiltiltiq;'. l f, • 4
,unknown to the hundred-acre fernier.. lie• wrisr.-,'....'
mitre than half' a- centnry ago, one Nor our prior'' A , :.' - -, .'I
eipiti mere.hants, find bitiliveil in Broad' ' yivehefoifl4 l / -t.' s .iT,, : ;;
• Mrs.\ Plummer's 'BroMlway., House n w LAldi ', 1,- .''',' , „,P'( - ;•:,, z 1
greeietyle, and , entertained with , princ ly . lktoS 2 r : ' ,• t; 3'
PilelliF \ • . '',- 1. ..)-'..."-:' . ', - • •":.•.:
• , '... ,, 0 e ii.'.l
\Thetollowing autial th,ix taltrif?'udge tort' . ~„,,,..,f'„6-i
4 tovc
-and, boa sithcessor ope t bench;'. ,a L , ...,"33v,,:3 , ,.i,,4„,,
"It was Judge Story s : ba i4' atter : th e stint ¢; r„',.
of the 9ourt on his rettiro to ttiobritlgi•;And be s e: - 2 . 7 ,-;:: : ,
(ore the•publientlen or (he rethrts, to submit the ' ,'" 4 ..
mien decided thithe dolts clrbs'for argument., Ott one .
occitiaon Judge Marshall had dellycred the °pin-
. .
ion of the court, ilidgeiStory dissenting. When
the points were bethre the class, M . Curtis took , i • .
the same position assiknkl by Judge retry ottthe.
bench; nod that eminent man, nn h return .to 1
Washington, Raid to Jndge Matalial \ that', iif
the•case had been argh'ed with'half tly 4 thility ..
before the court that illvias beforethe cl ss,:the . : . ' ,
leekioti, would have bitten reilersed. 'An
.. . - letil- : ..., ;
,led the judge, 'll. it, 4rtia, the'young menisol a ....-Z.:i'' ' •
yet admitted to menet , . whO mode thai .." :It :: 1 i ,.
meat, will yetstand at ihe head of the New ' l . ''.. '' '
gland bor.'. , .
That prediction hal been verified, and : the atu- ._I
dent occupies the sent, his distingilished tostrne-1 .
tor 40 well filled—A" 11". ExArru. \ ,
. -
The New Peek flreattio Poi: comments upon
Pennsylvania politics, iand.says the most violent •
element in the canvas-I i 4 the struggle 'bettiesn
the rival 'sections of tb r Democratic partX . “iihn
purport to be nlentifie with the rilpecti ' for-
tunes of Messrs . :Peas inchanst,--the dal ti of • •' :
die latter before the tilitional Convention to. o.
urinate s candidate foil the: Presidency , dep ' -
iug matirely,upon the *ocelot of Mr. litaLr,a,,th .
Democratic candidate or Governor, and. those
of Genera Gass dep dinglupon his defetitt''
'The Poet argues that easdiaturbing formai. arc
lunch to be regretted, , use, ',bile they weith•
i \\\
en the party in-the Bthte contest, evenlf Mr. •
Iltomta is elected' the NattionalConveittion amnia, .
not nominate Mr. Buchanan, for the reason that
to floating votswould be east against him with- , •
dent itt lose Mtn the State: and pf course .nn i. .
men.coullsecare. the nomination starting , with
thirty votes prisumptively against him. la-con-
elusion The loot says,
••Now, what we regret is, anti in stating it, we
shall4tate one Pretext for all these \remarks; , \
that Mr:Buchanan cannot perceive thahin. this . •', \
struggle for the Presidency, he is pursuing::s
delusion, and a very 'expensive one, n ffeliplqn
which is dietracting the Democratic party most
unproflahly, opening daily new aprings ~
6f liitterness in• Fennsylesnis, which, tutlets
speedily ahem - toned, must place the Detn7 r ay 4
that State in n hopeless minority. -