The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 09, 1851, Image 4

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    Ancient Platallphit 80tti. ,, 4 - :
Zeno, the founder of . alie:riblieS, was a a
merchant of Citrate, ittthe island 'of 0y- h'
pros; but being shiptvreeked lielir Athens, .;
he came there, and entering a bookseller's, h.
to alleviate his fortune by reading,' he was pl
incited to the pursuit of philosophy by
perusing the-works'of Xenophon. • He a.
studiN for several years in the Cynic and it.
Aeadedaie schools, and finally opened 'ose p.
of hio'bwn .in the Colonnade, from which an
• lomditji Fit' sect derived its -name—Stow or
eing'the Greek for porch or . portico. His ,a
system is inferior to that of the Academics, e ,
lint excels that of the Cynicq. In theology an
rit-ht more materialistic than"- Aristotle. th
-t. l'he universe," be teaches, "is composed th
";of, font'elements, which make one condo
`via ; =divided nature. Besides these ele
ments, there exists nothing. The source. 1
4 of the•nniversal intelligence, and of all
souls,' is - the fire united with the ether, oi
[electricity.] The whole universe is per- -
.. 1
meated by this fire, which is distin fished , it:i'
above the other elements by the roperty
of intelligence, and which, by the o ration "
of this property, produces all thin - s—not 1 . -?
rfblindly. or Jay chance, but new ing to ~,,,
~ fixed„ immutable laws. The universe is s•
'maintained and governed by this pervading s ,
principle, whiCh some call God, others Na- .
!cure, and which has, along with the matter 5 , .,
dimpling' the universe, existed, eternally. '
Tel-ere the sun
_and moon, and all the '°
stars, and planets, and the souls of mighty b
„geniuses, to be ' considered divinities, and .
adoration is due to intelligence, the soul of .
the world, under whatever name custom to
• may give it amongst , men. Finally, the to
universe will be resolved into fire." Zeno u
did not believe in the soul's absolute int- t°
Morttility,lant taught that it •existed after t ,
the death of the body, and that, upon the n
final conflagration of the universe, it would ..7
be absorbed into the universal soul. Until :','
thit period it inhabited the upper regions ..,
of the air, engaged in philosophic concern- w
The moral system of the Stoics was based
upon that of the Cynics, but was immeasu- ,b
,'rably its superiot in practice. All the on. A
dent philosophic Buts believed that the
supreme good of human existence was a :L .
' life regulated by the laws of nature; lint .
from the different explanations they gave Z
of this regulation, a diversity of opinions ~i
arose among them. Zeno made it consist ''
in the strict anil constant practice of virthe. .!.'
"Virtue alone is happiness, says he, " he-
eause it only is consistent with the teach
ings of' nature, as displayed in the candor, A
simplicity, tenderness, gratitude, compas
' sion and innocence so generatin children. '
:Health, riches, reputation, increase not the
happiness of the wise man; disease, pow. .
erty, disgrace, diminish it not. Virtue .
alone, and of itself, despite of pain, is suf. o
ficieut to constitute happiness, and to it all
the goods of life add no more than the
light of the stars does to that of the sun, a 1 ,
drop Of watei"to the ocean, or a mite to the ,
wealth of Crcesus." This is it lofty idea of , .
virtue, certainly; but contentment to our
lot, as here - taught, in a few years was car
. 'tied to such an extreme, that inaccessibility
to all tender emotions was considered the °
'highest virtue of the Stoic.
Zeno died B. C. 261, and was succeeded h
in the porch by Menthes, who filled the
Stoic chair with great reputation. He was i
followed by Chryoippns, who made several 0
innovationsin the system of Zeno, teach-
An g that the souls of the good alone would
share in the general absorption into the
_eternal soul of the "universe. He died, B. b
0, 214. Several other philosophers held •
- the Stole chair after him, both in Athens .
and in Rome, where the chief seat of this
Beet appears to have been in latter times.
Of these Pat:mans and Epictetus . alone
gained any reputation. .
Contemporaneously with the Stoics rose
the Pyrrhonist sect—so called after its I
founder, Pyrrbo of Elio. The system of
philosophy which he taught, consisted 'in ,
doubting ail things, and atiegree of apathy -
"almost incredible. It was a characteristic
of his school to assert nothing, but to doubt
everything; and,#is constant suspension
of judgment c aused his 'disciples t.,,
be called Skeptics, from a Greek word
because their arguments never proceed. ,
ed further. "They make use of their
reason, to inquire and 'debate," says
Montaigne, "but-never to determine.—
Whoever shall imagine a . perpetual confu
. sical of ignorance, a judgment without bias,
prope.nsion, Or inclination, upon any occa
sion whateve conceives a true idea of
The last of the ancient philosophic sects
we shall notice was foutided by Epicurus.
The time and, place of his birth are nu
knowb. ,In his thirty-sixth year he settled
at Athens where he purchased a beautiful
`.estate and a new school. Over
'the entrance' of,his garden was written—
" The keeper of this mansion—where you
will find pleasure the supreme good—will
freely give you cakes of barley, and water
fresh from the spring; the gardens wit!
not stimulate your appetite by the d a inties
of art, but will satisfy it with the supplies
of nature!—will you not be well entertain
ed?" Disciples soon thronged to him from
- all parts of the known world. A' perfect-,
community was established among them. :
. 0 4'holigh, for many ages," says Cicero. :
.4sparce three couples of true friends had
~!...i. l appeared in the world, Epicurus was able
to ; vinite great numbers of them in one',
'house, and that a small one." After an
tive life of seventy-two years, Epicurus
‘.Pdiedsvith the greatest equanimity.
....4. 4- 1! In his theory of the creation, Epicurus
Adopteduitli some modification the atomic .
thepryncippus. Atom is a Greek
: worksignTyltig an imperceptible and -in
,..-..diviaibie, j)i.xtzcle,of matter; and the teach
f-i..0 ; of the ..,utoroic theory supposed the
.. WO, to held' every shape, and di ff used
thronli- infinite space. Both LeMippus
, and Epicurus believed them to have eaist
ed eternally, and to have been endowed
- with theYroperty of motion, through which
they united and formed the world. The
laaer• attributed their motion to gravity,
when floating in vacuum, and to the natu
",:ral tendency of ill solid bodies to fall di
...4mtly downwards; but seeing that this di
-..-'e,laiht downwird motion would not suffice for
._- 4,14 formation of the world, he furnished
' > them with hooks, and imagified a slight
übiquity of motion, by means Of' which he
thought it , possible for them to -meet and
cling together. He also held the doctrine
of a plurality of worlds—a doctrine which '
alone would suffice to distinguish them
from ell 'the other sects, auirwhich the re
searches of modern astronomy have render
ed less fanciful than once supposed., The
.human soul was supposed by Epicurus to
• consist of atoms 60 round and smooth as to
moves easily through the frame; but being
material, like the body, it was mortal, and
by death became resolved,inte its compo
nent particles, again to float in the infinity
of space. His theology is obscure, though
he appears generally to recognize the exist
ence of a Supreme Being,! dwelling in per
fect beatittideoret incomprehensible by our
human ,nature. He certainly, however,
' does not admit the idea of a Divine Provi
denee;cre_sting and sustaining the universe
—chance alone is the agent in these.
The vrot Epicurean seldom fails to Eng
. gest to Our minds the idea of ono devoted
t o oeushal pleasure. It is true, as we have
seen, that Epicurus made pleasure the su
m= •good of life;
_yet it was not the
' pleasure of the senses, but that of the mind.
Epicurus himself made pleasure to consist
in virtue; in the untiring practice of be
nevolence; in aLlifewhich, undisturbed by
passion and cupidity, should produce at no
period either remorse for the. past or anxi
',. ety_eits to the future; SS such, indeed, ap
to have been tie life of Epicurna.—
.... Wiporch we say for him, while with the
' - Pdtiries - vas 'Must condemn his doctrine 'as
pornicimutiu , e; extreme; not because it
was so iiiitSeAlmi.from its liability to be
abase 4 'Mwtieviss abused we have suffi-
Client - eviderMe. ..Dien Sooir.began to forget
his definition o pleasure, and made it con
sist entirely miser:mai gratileation. Mere
humanity Seldom . connects the idea of
pleasure witt d tbit of virtue.
The:peri lot which the history of the
ancient systems of philosophy closes, exhib
its contemporaneously the Platonists, the
, eopatating, the Stoics and tho Epicure.-
ails; the itiferier sects had become extinct,
or merged into those enumerated . , which,
after•--havi , performed their duty in weak
ening the tmeignt volitbeiruns of 'Greece
and home wer themselves to waile'before
the .glari. ..dain of Christianity.—Ar
thur's Ho e Gazette. •
uj[IER Alla, and by the Act, of the
bly of Pennsylvania. entitled °Ao
floes relatim Elections of this Commonwealth.. It is ro ,
hoed on tne tn 1101100 of sorb elections to be bold.
id counters In iamb troth:* what officer to to
N. to pure , .re Lienetd, Leal:at:lt 4:A o 'n:s,dt...riff of
the County of All, bane. do titerefont wake known and
glee this public no to tb.relecturre of *Ufa...trot Al
that p lleneral bleetion ti held the paid
tleuatd. on the BTXI)Igt/ TIIIiIIDAT ICXT.
at the several election districts therein. .
The vital:ors of the FiratWard of the elMof Ptitabonpb.
to meet the boindOirf !dm. Jane Little, at the comer 61
Peer y and Puorth iirento, In east ward.
The electorsof the aeornd Ward.ofthecitr of Pittsburgh.
to Meet at the ituryt District !total, corner of :Second and
Smithfield etteeta,* wild ward,
The electors of ItswThint Want of the city of Pittsburgh.
to wool at the bottleof *win. McMaster. Eo
The electors of theirourth Want of thaeity of Plltaborgb.
to curet ex the Public' In said arasl.
The elo,tota of tIN Mirth Ward of the eit) of Pitbdotrgh.
**eel at the Petowtrivania House, Occupied by Gotliet.
!Radial, lel. Ales Stowart, fo said ward. the Sts lb Ward of the city of Vitt.l4lrgii.
tr. caret at the Public , rWhool 11000 tuspud want.
The elector...! the &renth War' of the nit, of•
burgh. to wad at the Publir tlchool House, ae ..1.1 wart
The el...torso( °111....1ir of Pittsburgh.
meet at the Public school bow, to *id leant.
The eixtors of the N Nth Ward or tberity of Pittsburgh,
• to meet at the Public Schad UOUI,III ea* war.
..•. - . • •
The .Imb/re nf the Part Wood of the Oily of Altedheny,
to meetit the him. of J. house. tomb:Leon Street.
The .Io toreof the tlernni Ward of the city of Altera...F.
to moot et the house of Widow Thompean, north west v•
nor of Ohio street .461 the Public Square.
The electors of the Third Ward of the riff of Allegheny.
to meet at the Public richtiul house. In said want.
he electors of the Fourth Ward of Kee
city of Allitg hen T.
to tonat tile house- of Mrs. Wylie Eau Comm.. •
The electors of eitt township to' meet at the hoop , of
Mrs. Nancy Murry , to the Blechaules* and Farmers' Turn.
pike Road, In mid wrohip: earept the qualified rotate re.
ldiud In ..mole N and II of the elty Meister., wpo
shall rite at all mineral elechoos In the Ninth Ward id the
M fh o e f elector of township of
-John Rehm, in tea
line et assttloo meet at
The elect;,
Colline townehlp, to meet at the boom Ot
Wm. McCall. Jr, in,theatownship,
village at Knot Lilortr.
The electors of Wilkins tow orbit,. to toe.; at the 'boo.
of John blotter. 04 the theenatotrett Turnpike Noad. ro
told townedc tilip.
The Flere of PI te Int/middy, to met at the house of
John Pummertille, said too - whin.
The electors of P ton township, to meet at the haute Of
Aldahain laylor.wai the Northern Turophe, to sold town
ehip. •
. b loe electors of P nl , townblit . t4.i h m u eet a , t 1 1 , 11: 0 1Tr;t i l
hole rt Donaldson. tbh • I
?Oa eleetert ot T illestownehlp, moei at the 11,1
Petool ihiae. near hie White llouse formerly estipted
Thomas Neel. and now he Wm 2tuk.
Toe elect-us of Elisabeth township. to meet at Yhe house
th Newel
how: nom.. Ibrmvit oboupiol hr John Welk. , on
The electeze of the Borough of Elizabeth. to meet at the
boom of Daniel Sorter. formatlE occupied by Jain Walk..
ti.r. in raid tonweall.
The electors Jegerson tormlop to imeat at the brine
of Mich.' 6[1,, furtnerly'. ',Jahn King. m tail
The electors of Ntillim tosenehlp. to meet at the honk. et
damnet formerir occupied by Jet II Neel. maul
The elector, of Upper Vt. Claw - town Jury. to meet at the
house of Jae Untied In sellmwoalup
The elector, Latter rt. Ciair townehip to meet at th.
tinek tavern at the junction of the lkati bill atul Ot. Cl4ir
turnpikes with the rownertile
The eleetntalutCh 'tine tootLetily to meet at the public
honey near the San 1111 Itnn the Slenbellttile
The eteetors of lihblneon tnsrullttp to matt at the bnote.
of 6..ersh Mek'arlaril I,4txterly Au/hty to e‘.l
toaroshlp. .
The ele of FiUdley towoebip to meet at the Noose of
McClelland A. ctors
Annrr, format, , entl ,, e4 ho er..lif".•
the 'lie olCluttuth to 1.11
The elerhltr of NlNna towtathly to moot at the boom of
Peter oo.etoa, aaltl lottuattly.
The el.. Ors of Ohio tow whip to moot et the bow* of J ot,
nod talext.hih.
lbe elector. of Frintlirt Uaru.,6ly to meet at the house
ooeupie.l by Jo. Iluirmso, in mid township.
The elector. of the lioratugh clf Biwa...unto meet at the
Pubtic t4.ll.lhouna.
. .
Ito• eleaorO of Itaperwe township to meet at &boot hone
tso. to tall tonshiti.
The rlertoro o w f Itolaw la towadop to meet et the how.
of J.. Cowan. to '..0 tow oehip.
of b et eleeMrs ot:in.lardett town-lop meet at the hone.
bete Bo to riot township.
The elertota loth Fayette ....PM to Meet at the
H. tiny& o the Lowe of tar of 1 • CLulter. ea,l
The olectora of rtb Fayette township to meet at th•
bolo. now oreuplod 'by raury. Janalmnt. at It.atere* 1101.
to said townehip. I
- - - .
The . le d of rims town.hin to mret at the ht....
of J
11.E,0L1 C.Jt.ugh. th. Fraukihu redo. in .zl.l Ida u
phi. 1
-The e 1... of Pth• tr , runhip to wee It lb. heti*. of
Hugh (.Yummy. Io saul tuarnahip—atl that Tb, Wall.,
la JU.I r, .ud qm 31rHiLin, nu! %%Ea Huger. I.
.11 DI tht. electlnta. imaid luatudalp.
The Archie., of 51cIduttte. WV. a.bop are to tue...t at the
bow.. of Jam Andotoon. la said tderunbly
. .
eleetora lir. lir, L. o-hip W w.. 1 Al the Lot..mNathan Gobbet, lb nail LOU p.
Th. electors or halt taw townekip to tneet at the Pablo.
School thane. In ttol borough of Tarentuto.
The elerton It ttal Borough of Tarantula to meet It tn.
Public *41..1 ltr.usf, to said borough
The niacin. ot Indiana township to mewl et the bonne
k q .* lr: r e= i tit
14 maid lownehlp.
The qualiZed gotereor that part of lul‘aus I,•nshi r p.
in Allegheny eouatY. r an ig within We hals/tog de
earthed houndarioe.
up p er wheinutug at tutut OIL the Al
IsghenT natl . . the u Iwo of the haw of John U.
ble, and and am
course. betweea We eta
of said Cable aud John Lloyd, to the N earner of estates
torn—theare mooing• • westerly "mune. h. the ohaler
township Line. in nuela • 11,1111.1 . .. to/nubrace all farms or
lobo situate In L'unntslaham'a dottnet. and lune o es the
•river tract, •ithltesabl
l u g
alma beresaua. n.
at general eltetions to the Borough.. E the
election WI of aaid arough.
The electors of the Borough or thetolughean to Inert at
the Publashabud Mo. in sae.' borough.
. •
1 . 1/• oleetore of Eh.. 11,kruak,th m kaat Ihrmitutham
meat at the Itolltritd (ASO* e; 11. Ormsby. to Uhl
TbeThrig.s 11..raugb to meet' et the Puha.,
School Howe, I o to said boro ize
The electors of the Borough of LalarallerVlll.l to Mo.t et
the rublic School [louse 111 easel trtrougts.
The electors of th 6 borough of Shari...burgh to Meet •1
the boo. ofJaaara • t.‘b..rr, L io..said borough.
The electors of the borough of 31cl:ire:Tort to turret at
the Pont. natl. Its hotoUgh.
The elealora of the totahlth of S.:outh lstroburgh to meet
at the tun. formerly tr00p..,) by 11. 31cAumuch, at the
end of thet altsuesursatet. Llndate, In eul borough.
The eleelars or the Borough of Went Elizabeth to to ' ; '' : .. f4 et
the Vishtle School Hoot. lu saal borough.
At .Rbirb tiMotratiti OlodOOl U. health.. ele , ture as also
field grill by belkM•ruto fur
On harem fur troves-nor of PeuttsrlTSZOS:
.. •
One port on tot CahalCouatoiseiouer,
Fire Demda L. Judaea Cl the Supremo Court Penn
onaperoon for AYrrldeut Judge Of the bintrtet Court t. O
the mutat v W Ailey bed
CA. wr.du Judge of the Dt.triet Coq. to
giaa.unty AlleghattY;
ode p..r.pou tor Yreevident Judou of Court. of Common
11.6.4, quarter Neasluna, of Allegbe, 00.01,1)
tiro por.r.oha for le-uelate Judge. of Bator pour..
Pipe potent,* fur hictobe, of •MILIAI of reati,
Ode pentuta for Jiwourderof AILCAA•eI sol
Una pereau for It.igiater;
Ode pervt. for Clock “f the Court ca Quarter eemoua,
dna person ha Troseuverof Allegheny enmity:
(looperaott forCoduty Cututubotouer.
Ode farreon for Arklitur;
one peraad for I.Vuuty hurverat,
A 1.. , le and by the bib moon of an art approved the
190 or April. July a la marled, that the n0.0..t. of
the sot panted 10.1.1339. entitled an axt relating loth , .
e•lecti,A3satbisCounapAvealth...l..All not b,aorountrued
prryttut any uulititrottlier or borough Lao., frt., .err•
ttut Juti t
tto, loCoultn ss... Cl, alstly twut-ral or o,Ltal
li Orou or stesti e th. rk
And tht raturu the reap...five d.atrieie aid,
saki. sn figulred as the Court House to the my
of Pittsburgh, on the Friday after the!wood buo.der. of
October next, Wel odd there asechuge the 41100.9
rottutrnl by 1...
Of rot under thy hand and eaal at Pittsburgh, thin 04 day
f Beptediber. A. 1).1001. and of the traleperatahoact the
(failed Stater the it.,111., iASAA.
fey3:lllv(aS CARTER UUHTIS. thenl7.
1 3 Proclamation.
11PR the intirmation of the electors of Alle:
. o ‘ tvargmt.j , vubll/It bi tb. o follostug StSllO6l.l of
,sottle4, ,, :tda A l t tor i the r et i gin'll ° ,W.l. ' !i
'the t aortwelt.u.o.l res-alate
. .
' be it 'eidicYed by the tenate and (loam of
Sayre:on:datives dl the Cbructionsreilth or Pennsylvania
in lieneral Saseuddr wet. and it it hereby courted by the,
ucthorlty'of.the aline. That the quallied electors of each
of the several echntlepOf this COWlTlonveallb shall at the
•next general electiolti, at the times and blares of plebe.,
rev...fives, and 1ibe1.... it shall thereafter hedoutv
•necetivary 1, an election under this art. and under thy.
Constitution of thlj Conimorivealth, vote fur Lee pen , otie
at tlya lint elettloti and Si ey election thereafter
ax as snail tie suweveary ureter the provisions hereof.
topecieuiltidges df the Soprani., (Lon of Chia Common
one pawn to erne as week:out judge of the pp
diva! district In which such county shall he, and tie,. p.,,r-
Oune eas.blitte Judge. of the several courts of
tech county.
IS , . S. That the ,istallthd eleetnro rerkling within the
liariedmUou of anyldistrset coon or other of record
eiintlitG or hereafter to be erested by law,ehall at Ur.
pelt Remits] ehrtann and whenever thereafter the corns
abets beneesseary, at the times and place. tar bold.,
eurib election within their reeyiUre eleetloni.liotnet, solo
for' one awroore far preuident Judge of such mu t, dso
any person.. for associate Judges thereof Sy .hall
dotted by law,
:Sec. 3. That dhe Judges of the Supreme (.hurt sod the
pmeLlentjudges of :all other courts of record, sod the
Judges of the Distriet Court end the Courtpf Com ,
rtiOrt Pleas of the city and countyof Plalladelphio, and the
bletrot Court of the county of Allegheny, Abell he /earn.
of iu the law, and all the &forward Judges obeli
01-ctore or tbdo , Commonwealth, and .11211 be other.,
roaulted, by the secoml recta. of the tut, ar.
fide or the Constlfutlon. of this Commonwealth.
4. That tllO . efte.nion .J
conduct:Nl In the several - election dietnets In the est.,
manner Id ill cmtikts ale ections Jor represeotallve. aro
and shall held am! conduct, and by the ssur:Judges,
inspecUall, and ottiefiotheers: and the provu.oe o r
Pdirval ararmbly.fentitled - An art relating 1011,. •Im
Leda of the tknombusesith.. approved ibe eeWnJ d. or
My. one tbonrauct eight hundred thirty Moe, sod lie
several supplements, atel all Wider like law, us terse th,
ssighe stall be to lams and applicable, shalldeemed sod
Laken to apply to the election Cl Judges: Provided, That
the atanroaki Mal vote for fudge. of the tiopreme
Collet on a separate pier, of paper, met tor Gthrr Jodi,
repulvad to be Learned In the ler ode another separate pleve
L. n e t el, ewilog of Lb. ..turn judge♦ of the.
hferal dildriettlln -Leath county prova.l%l tor by the act
eelobefor. eltea,. duplicate retro...or ell the voter given
rnisuch eotantY fOr judifett'of the graprerue Court...lel ail
judg e s which ttrattitellged.voters of rue. e...iintr are en.
itled torbut Of tbenraelvea unconnected with say Mho,
county or district; shall to 1ne.1. 7 0111 Ly the clerk of the
Ward Of reittretjudges, enro l which returns the yr.:Went
of vairt'bnerd: abed - ttorthlelth lodge in the office of W.
prothonotagyint the Court. of Common rims of such mutt.
tr. end the Other shall - lenelone to an envelope. ythkh •
relope he gheltreal end direct to the becretrar of We
Coctortonweelhb.bsel place In the nearest poet orrice.
See. , lL That in; Site nese of the 'election of president
indae of say Judicial district conspoael of two or wore •
at • tireellog of the 'return fudges etch of
torch countree. the clerks ahlreesid shall shake out a lair '
ettiteurent ol.uli the rotes which ',hell hate been given at
roach. withln the county fur every person totol
Sur 40.etzehyr,aliu•ot 'chid, 'lull be shawl try esti
judge.. sod attested Ly theultakr. and torero eard lodges
Ore. tats charge of such Inotemont, And shall produce
We eau', at • meeting Of on. Judge Iron, each of aid
'con... which oreetlng shall he held on thWsetentri day
eller the elerelon. tne court tense of one of the octane...
b. be need Ly taking such countiee alternatelf r in their
'n et i .T. n tp•i n trrr judge. of the vassal etiolate.
an d
so nut, ehell rest up the reeertil mauls returns, and
G • tunklent number ot rooms or ••general return of
which .3.1.10 TM moth oMo. exrd di h
trict. en of
wthey .ball rt.. zed on. elf which the I
lodge forttotith In the otnee of the prellar'
.Courtof Coalman girws of rear 01 eilliCOU tun We.
of which Mee 'dull encl.., emu and dir and
Lary of the Crtursorerrit.h. Cu tb
the filth sec-Vann( thle act
bee.ll. That in Ills care of the election or any rode. ni
.1 wart of rm..' now. mating,
treated, having Jurithetion over territore tiring Tr..
and not including WI of 411 noway, th e
t d
the 'wrenl election districts within surt. te -
toastAtat• • hoard of return judge. vitt. ftfor.e"."tr- shall earl shall.. the Unor and .gt
Lf tbateturaiudgea Umer. 000nty. prrowd La Cr9.r.
An relation to suria election ea required al • the
board In the sixth section here',; ascent th a t
IWip Mad the dupllute return. In the 'orth;',4
'dark omen, lee:teed of that of the prod". - -
the and of Common Mese oterf tf
St.!. Tent °lathe IrstTnetelay of November nenc.fol.
• lannat any election sulnefiled by this ect,e
Ossentranweeltb Abell In the Lime Ofllexes...Si.
gift% ha the ;num. of the Governor end such other -.U
lt.= tif fide COSOMMltiwilt as May abr.. to ergrna,
beenenthe Madttohlennuelin thaptarialon• Incre.
of to enede.d the lute anion the Judged of the
dams. Omit to be accenstalr eicagniteleatul the WOO.
ertece dual forthulth Duna M. jievelaccutlion deolating_
otrr, ttlaetersoc=todolt=ityb.,thir=
. rt. fthelnid th e =Wag another M - edit*. to be dm
1, elected.
Dee. 10. That the doe Pawns declared to ben elected
et the ant election, shall Inset on the tenth da after
the dal WV abom menticomet. th th e PD. for 8014100
lb. kthicthe Cant n lianiebilmh. and /VW muse
ballots =gaining the words - Wieeyeets. 1O 7ean,'
'tithe pang . Mrelth yams: .41h feere. - menet`
lively. to be pu ballot. las...d shall oath enthrall, draw
thenfrom one the awls liPon whidt that' ileelg
nate Ma Ulm of aloe, and they shall certify the result of
such Wake Inn to Um Omemor. I
&T.D. That es man a. nruticable after the Ong Tll4ll-
407 In Torember nat. fall Meting en/ 06 01. 01 Judge.
the , in/Tensor shall repain t ed by
ecmotheions as now by law. to hold their mana
cle, otneee finmatel alter the fltet Monday In December
next following such election, for aul during theft re.
mallet. tame Of peke omeccilal and Ilculbel by the
second inetion of the fifth article of th e Conaltation of
thle Caminouralth.
5ec.71 . 2 — &61,71ie event of thy vacaney Otrurrirm In
alp indgridp in trite Commonwealth by death, mug..
dots. reemeal from enter the failure to elect or rtherwise,
eplaint some Imitable perm to an
until! the dot Monday in December follow
ing the nett test election ; rand th e o n a mbd electna
Omit at the hot general election whkb th at! happen more
than three calemlarmoots after th e vane./ that mmtr.
alert In th e trimmer hendnbefore prorlded..eallatre Per
am to end:, mike for the unexpirwl term la the cam of •
ludgthlP at ta,,,,50un.., &Air; and fed the lull term of
NHci in au« of any other Judalip.•
Yec. 13. That tbe election of mit person as jaggy of the
Supreme Court or other judge required to be learned In
the in, ma) be eunte.4d on the petition of the unahllat
voters .4 this Commonwealth ur of ,he proper distrlct,by
the 411/119 tribunal and IL, the Sane manner and under the
sin...regulation.. mid xestrictio. prescribed by the act
berelobotore riled for corthistitur the election of any P.O .
lio•prtmr of thin Orimouveelth.
14. That the Court of quarter Megaton., of every
r.ounty rhea Ime• jurisdiction to hoar and determine all
ewe. in which the election of awe oar.= apaelateigdyle
cuelnited, Provided.— T r het no judgo of any ornlrt
.lull ek., judge thereof during the contest of Id. own
• See. lb. That upon the petition In writing or at lout
twenty qualified electues of the proper c0unty...16.1 by
the affidavit of at treat Ingo( the peOttoners, complaining
ill anmicros elertion or false churn or any person as se
eoeistejsdge of soy wart. the court having Jurlariliction
ettall appoint. suitable far bearing such complaint,
notire ol which sh.II pints to the pereon- returned ••
elartal at least ton dare fore sash hearing, and •uch
. shall hare all the powers In the prembwe conferral
ups" the Mort of Quarter hie/Woos by the act henlinbe
fun. riled for the trying of oases of conneLted b.clion 01
eouuty and tonnship officers—Pa...l April 11. 1011. P L.
Mlle") sb--1,7
Ilivou Ina, my bend at Pllppurgh. this V 3.1 al.,' of S.p
.mle•r. lu lbt. >ear of out Lord. our
handrrd swi till,,onr. sod of M. lodepnualoor , of for
Uulird Slat.. the umoty-olth
• New Rooks ; Just Received.
EAST: Problem; reprinted with corre,
.int utiltiou, by the sutbor of Alt. Orb.
113 un.
ealrh Fuld: a Tale of lb. Para., 12ma . Mu.
Esatburr, a Tale: by An na D.
11. .yrry,aurbe,cl . 4nruda
ems Fortune, Pau. auJ mux. •
DlctiouLry of Illachaturs, Epclpn Work m 3 So-
cle.erintr, N.. 31 and
. .
Pirt.cial Yield Book of thr Itevotilero: N 0.14.
P.dort It, 11;143,r0pb I nol Balk [hoary: with Litt,
curaph, Ms.p4. F.. 11. {Mbar/. Eaat Gone.. Coot,
ralite4 by P Kiddur I lino.. row,
78 A pBllB Dal1.818c8: Fouith
New Books
11101 - TREY MALVERN or the Life of an
inigtrloth Authnr.
Phir By Thomas )1111,. With twenty-bur ll
Travel. in the Unit,lßtote, tc., Bunny 1340 end 1000
By e Lady Einincitue Stuart Wertley.
Oct Lend= Labor and the Lund on Pone
- - -
Thr bsokojuFt reed nod tor tuts bj
h. C. STOCKTON. 4. Slarklot
!kit kerLATCA' MAGAZINE, No. 8, for
flows is H "' s.cor; inDomentle Tab,
Ysepratv the Life ol 51argaret Hun.
nllael written by herself.
It.,rred a 110L-NIES . Literar, T4p0r....01/I,..ite the rest
- -
13,00KS!—No. 33 of Byrne's Dictionary of
- N1.,-hantrs and Erxtheenoc.
..o : 01 Apyletorio Mr:hatiiri llauartn< and Encitetry'
no: , [ l 7:7.ta i n ". J=Ty 'AL
B Fourth ?''rZ '
New Music.
plie SPIRIT POLKA, composed by II
[(lobe, an 4 dtdiFa-a to , taptiettl:. !Ater. of 01
uprriy, trYbiliribi by 11. balrhar. u playrd bi
Bray', B.ld—oria uf tha moat popular waltzer out.
Illy. with a an la
ativa. LW,
1.1, Juo.a. with varlatl...a. by Pate.
Tbr Antumu of our Ire, by tleorga Hart.,
A 1... • tio; oelecLau cf_F...rrln Mum le not,
r 10.11.. le. IL. ILLEB tu .Ttl. 1 u I Third rtrwl.
. • . • • • • .
.V.. et,art of Gold. Ilsr,
P.I V.--A •pl.ndll lot of now PIANOS n..r °pooling.
op. nori gaud ...,E. li °c.v.. PISANI t.e. oal.
tnlm t'C'A"',4lt.trt,`",;:nr.';.o.r,„',!'..,."°l:.,'%:.r.:'
• . -
!in t,: Atm. lima - mt.; containing rotate-Al, Illeterient,
lieographirs).l4.l..natleal .n.l ti.
L•s•yx tosrther o f tai. Notir...l tta. Art, laza v: n ' ui etuure s ,
toJ ••tt,...1 of tti•
fve Oa of lb. l'une• Irma Intl
Music' for the bloomers.
K LEISER, 101 Third ntreot, sign of. the
t.ohlro Harp. laulpio rencvesi—
t: 01 dual :1:, NAW with •
be.utl lul rigoet..f ake 111...ter Cutuc... pul; .
114.1.4. t
'' NV:r.LY " jirt ' Z f lZ
L.l t. •!. Ira• •
Alan. .apply of Br:leo Tecoperarfoe til...ll.fif oil,
Chickering's Pianos. •
I OWN H. MELLOI-E, Agent for
ij 9- 01
CI elm - tering, fauna. f.,r Pittf.f.r.b
Wor.toru Peon, luul. n
Lau marl , ad ...I, flan 4.1-
I:Lin u unuf j, f s r ., 74fl=S . 7 hoix,df; from Ms
iro• •legfLut Ilfoosoca
1.1a.0f,t1. ownr,
F4To ask.
•• mum! nutmeg . , 6
Th. 0w... Plano Forte. art ot the hint ttylet runt.
and .mb Chletvritot , inqtrff ,,, n<uffLt
invanably tbet nem. at at botttat. thrreby to
purcharvers in this real., 111. cltn-ope auk risk .41 tray.
1000 It<0.0•4•1 C• 20001 )10,..0•0 01. ot-byr• Piano. clary
of.tur.oll by Adam 0100 act • 1:.0
on. tb.re10.0.016 octave. Adam otodart• (.40
thw• 6 Nunn& Have.
Uue •00 , 11•10.1 tartorit.. •• gad ea aw.;
t,OO t liaroo •0010:0
Our Load • Brothers;-
1.0.010 • o••burr,
one " Nl•obattom
fACJ Ail:s; ES TOR A LIU UST, at
LAlrr4y 0001. t. 10.1 , o,o+oolo th• Pod (011ti~-0
tiuner 11. y IL ino,A. 100 Augud,
onrtain . o
I.lotirr'Nallnual Magagine, /0
IV■ Gaye ,ant rPericed a full ...rttuent of the slave
attic p, at frt,su nlae. to 11.2.5 ptr par, a.anp
of aartra ale.. • aup;al
EMBROIDEKIES.—Just received
, f•:••3 Try
ra larpi./iiiLl , ? . , ol 1,n3
!Wiwi I r till ' airr, Cu fie.
Muslin n1.4.•,./aronst, acrJewn.sVlcvnessigo. of now aol
Jacount .4 Swiss Naings an 4 loser
inon. Whit. and Black Valls, Larir tiocqs, le. P.m at..
Lion of tn.. lallra is particularly solicit"i to the. atoi,
ands. oath. aasortment will beilll.lPd lb. portant,
•vsr 0 1 . 5 . 4 lanottl I A. A. 111.1,a/N t Ct.i.
, *•BlaciiSilks, Mohair Mitts, &e.
ij.SPIIY .1; BIJRCIIFIELD: have rec'd, supplr of superior Mob.. Mitt* ,
tm,t k o s u„ liTessrs .10 Apr.... stun,
- • • b
Emroidered rloililcitu3s.
A. MASON & CO. have just received
rtUT4N ' a ' l.- ' 7[ll l es 'i al b' ire ' r 4 rs "
porlos goods, at WI 3lart 01 et augs '
U111,1111,[1.0 Invite the anernien of purchaser+ to
asmartunan of the above good. small. maths., nd
large slava Algo—Dlshers hr tit yard. of wanous widths
aled Wallin... Crash. 'rowan... and Path Roan Olarars.
so ...helm.. !kiwis. to ha tound.ll lowest Pneaw
toad '
Black Lace Veils
lIRPHY S OURCIiFIELD have a full
I ...rim.. 0' a.; d Demi ftl.l Lace Valle;
ihite mnd gre.n finuso an )do.: A rea B. sad Tina.
foe do.; blue black 1,11, Nett. plain sad tigused:
buia. •
Beane and Desirable Goods
F V4P4OUS STYLES, gpeis this m'orti-
VPpr_uuririn tlyliCLlFlELD—lnclodlog
Illar th..eit /logiliJOg
Attention IS Invited lA)their tbd.. diss.rtravot of Freurti
hawus, WWI. God. for dross., is -•
. .
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
R U. I.w PALMER offers for sale, at very
full aseortmoot 'ta Straw sal 1.1.111 n.
'" !or4l' 9 YLVn
;Irma. Ca iff.'UT:ten•la. d
born, Ac.. At.
• • •
ntraw, Chip, tinny, Lace, sud
Mn niip:er: Jen. Lind. and dther lorms, pest 'ark
." ..Yl f ll . l(i=t, ' elitran;[ and ,rarf. plain eakln and Tal
Cutud. Nett,
.STK.4 IV 17111fill.VG.S-I:nrOcTunels.
IP.Mt.ecirenen and American :t0i1...12.1nm and
"d' ' ' S. ' A u"7l l/ rif. /IV.Y-1/1 ilru. de Nor
BOA.NE. f P. .
plea, tino. dx Ithlur, •12.1 oth, n!,1.1., assort
luallty and
ti!ialltleli and rolara.
WM. DItilll"S, N 0.13.1 Lnurr Stain,
rye, largo LOU superior atork of gaahlonabla Mod..
adaptzd to.tientlemen's We. tar lyric.: comprising the
pewee. atyle, In Amerlmn. Enghnh. and rrench
mar, v.lre sploodid woortment of Vomtion. and Cloths
of every fashionable abage and color: which. tonethar wi th
• Si rgenod well manufactured 44,4 of IttAl/1( NADk
owninso, Oak.. nue of the largest and hest nelevted
stuck, weal of the Allegbstxles: all of which [Lot Proprietor
det,mlm,l to otter nt sorb prima an will marls), all
•tio tarot him with a call, that alt only the post superior
Clotting a abla at thLneataldialitoent, but alw at the low.
est prices io thd city.
All order. in tho Ilturalwmttad. aa usual, in the
host no:v.lbla man., and at' the shorten notice.
rutin _ _
CARPE OIL cum's, 87;
C AItiIYTS. OlfreLdi'V";.vri'ffildVrkos
Compriaing in pant-he following varieties:
Itatra Royaltret Pita Carpets: do. do. Tapestry Bros
seta_ do. do. Brussels: extra super. 3 per. superfine 8 ply;
du. lartralss extra fine de.: fluedo.; COMM. cotton d 0.,•
44, 34, 64, and 2-4 swilled Vona:Ws 4-4, 34, 64, and
plata d0:44,34, 6-b. and 24 Pool t sun. do.
LO'rllB, &a.
Extra Chenllk Roma Luxe do.; do.; V extra tufted dot floe
do. do.;
.cam do. Cbendle 'Door Mesa tolled do. do.:
Cloths, eltlo do. do.;eltloa do, Adelaide do. do: Tlhallog Ihrum2-4, 64 do.
anddandCrumb ~
AIso—Kb...LAIC Clothe. oft to lit any Ase hah or room.
6-4,74 64. LM, mod 34 Oil Clothe.
Alro—fltsli halt, of all MAU Carpet Clodltim; .;
p.m, Rude, 64,4.4.1thd 34 Blattliagr,TableLWenh DAC Crash
12 :d hlatur: Buckebuok do. Tramp:rem WiudowBhrelea,
Bull IViodou Hulls/Ids; Veultiao 11111ruh4 Szoluasul Yleso
Crarra dr.. Table do.: do. Rand do: Woman' Table do.
Maxim: il., r orted and purchased our Morkdirect troto the
W. Met reW Vectoring, team Of the latest and MOM ale
hruenl stylee sod colors, we are "re o ell to out
Mere Lthl emumore Irma M
6 "1'16 0 . La. CUL.
14 - • oarthel 1.111. all to erel/ sod examlWour roc[ at
Tho Oepot Warchodso, 85 .F0h street.
mahl9 W. MoOLENTOOK. •
The clod ES:trued-.lCOSety bi the World it
the great dr , • "•• Smackfor Man and Baud!
H.I G. Farrell's •
'n G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian
t IA a meat eztraordinary medicine. the tenth
of which b placed beyond doubt by the rut ,ales of the
eicle and the mantel:tea being daily perfomned b
tch ' yinerlocialy.hs4 Masted all o th er medidnes and the
the best physicians In the world. It le oimPased
of beJammi, earned and dunks Woollier to Arabia Wawa
eing, in • contioltratad Imm all their atimulattrug. arm.
dyne, penetrating, unman/04.nd revulsive prorl es, and
the same whist,. ages •,0, 0010 used by the us of the
Dawn," with .00h miraeulous swami. In curing the die.
eases of both man and beast-
Read the following remarkable cure* which should of
thenuele. place 11. LI Farrell's Arabian Liniment far be
YOnd any Similar Maid '
About a year and ~half ago a swelling appared lo my
atomach, gratnally incrouing site until It be
large u ' LtTr o trie . t y x ' a ' i:psi t, tiVer ' itb ' oll;l h rtg 'th h . c? e=e t
Pith. I tot IL. ot oar beat . dficton, and they did.,
ad In opinion about It mroe auto 11 was an Ague , Cake, or
sallargement of th e 11 leen; auto, that It lowan Enlarge -
Men( of the OirariSs; and others mil It was a Tumor of
the lisaries, and could not be mired except by mating a
oat. In tide critical situation. 1 was pemuaded to try IL
IL Farrell'. Mahlon' Liniment upon It, aid, strange as it
may fl aw iv the third 1 4 , 01.600 eh. began to too
mul continued getting totter daily, until tiow
ohs is ae aa ever —en Joying excellent health.
ibtlON NELL.
Peoria, Luck 1.1840.
[Robert Hindi,. Poetniester,nY.l
Comedown Pa...Larch:7, lati/.
One woman had
your with greet enema.
She had Iced the wet of her Was for Liniment
three year, the rode
being contracted so that her lesta were bent. much able
.tandlnß. es le natural for the nomition of the teas whir
sitting. sad she onuld not band them in the least: Wt at
the use of H. O. Varrell's Arabian liniment, eh. is rim
fble to Walt with ease, and ham • onalght Hints nine
ound It a most eteelleut remedy for borne flesh; also, for
every thing which toqut anu exteroal remwJy.
The opinion of ma oli.expeneuned.aud ocientitic Farrier
Washington, lowa. June no, Indy.
Pion) the spowly and permanent rums, ted/i on man sod
beast, which your Arabian I.lllllnent le performing. I do
not held.te m tironouticu it the . 11nrat ite.m...l, of the
Age?' Ibase p tirddu-luring hone. for twenty l ear..
and have tried all the various liniment, ointments. as..
!a much puffed up in the {ape, but moot say that 11.
u. Earreirs Arabian Liniment etreeds any that I bone
made tin of. hr Its nee. I hoer ruled hwern, ad Spam,
tong arter they bed been pronouneni kieurable, nod 1 hare
cured more than fifty burn., Ohio maw.n with your Lin
men,. embracing eye, awl,. of hers, from unstrie-
And bruins. up to spuuln, ring-boo, and ...on,l “.
Lin, bear teetutiony ltd good effects ou the Lumen el ,
ton. I ens counned nearly all hot winter to ray rieni
• Ith Itheutnaltatu, nod ...mid get nothing to help toe un.
til I counnexml the of your Liniment. ..1d ti
r+ ennilr
cured me. lull. K. oh
Sun Palo of tea fears' atanding cured by IL 00. Farrel'..
Aralsq Llulmont:
lUt. U. O. Faalll.2.—Dear tur: I had Iwo altbet•tt
tba — dun Pain" I, tho yaw, and mold never lei
reitot by but to ol 11 larrr,
Arabian Laulturnt.atildb.d
tour lime. .Jay, Jay, it itua•Ltlre,l, removw.t. tad I hale tit
nulling of Nor. , I went tub. the ,unte on. ul,ll‘,
, rorr
heed Jo, it
an badly they turns m Oi' and bring ter lam, he,tlu.
turtiedhat thturtied a.' bitch as toy bat, rt.nolarb4
thew paarerikt.• r l'uttr and a.. 1...11
enough In n few dar• babOUt 1..111 its usu.' I tco
erualsed lay auger in • rbtrktug wanner. to, lotion •
tm,ct , lost tail it: but your I.lttlmant Nalnheatml It op
La Bally kreciort, Peoria JOIIN /I. AlcicKM.
. irk, litU
Beware of Counterfilie.
TO eitlatit, AuniNST REAL l ilt
The Pubjic particular', rention. e
tlyuntsrlest , whic ari h
Lae lately med., its appeersuao anc
called br the ImpoFterwho metes II Pam!la ArA,
en Llniment." TIOR t• • datigut fret s wad more nem ,
to devotee bum his banal.: the name of Farrell, The:
fore be particular near to cal/ for a op Ole vutet , ,•'EarrUl'o
Liniment," for unprincipled dealrni willr,. the S.T
R/OUS unseal, upon yea for the genuine, lai but ahoapsisl
for Vf. .Fhrrc/ra ..arahan biniatent,^ end Gala.
as the genuine alway• he. the letter ll. G. Leto, Perml . ..
Ms signature la Oen on the outwide 'era tot end the , e
lawords blown In thwgiess bottle- - /I G. 1.11,11 s
niinent, Fears."
Aath74 wtht.,l In ersry Town, n itivreend tlntriirt le
the United Stzt,., in which one is not established. Atoll
ay tech., to U. ti frarrell, Pratte, 11l with rePraine
as to thmetiti. tc.
Call on the agent who will furnish Pre* or Chart, •
tarpt cantaining mar. valuable nal , rnicionn,r aver, res.
01 cUltvagt.
ts)rcsa.. and ros dollar per bottle.
the ^WV Pennme no MaoistKrused by 11.0 karrcll. ads
Inventor and p0n..., and aixolosals arozai , L No
//bin Peorsa, ana sot sal. rtaolssalettskrstat ul
ptopnatos'a pttc• It It al Ll4lt;.
auglllv, No. Si 1 , 10,1 stns..
bola bs It , M. l:Ultltl, Allealians r
The Rumen Body Must Pere ire,
QO SAYS NATURE, to barn u henithy
Dea/anea: and nerwnalsho do not per•ote. ars LIDS
ths moot 410.,1.0341.
cosm.L.l h , ap cause. , trsosi...prat... and at the •
tune molllts. aol Knot/. lb. akto.aJ rm., it the ..l an tot/axes.
. • • .. .
Szursy t .ialt Ithsuns, sti3 an. nun only howl.).
cured by no use. do ol les.; 1,11. kw LI
ho u.r it I° such sni but uutollins - ,--iis sIA4
Ylclplrq IllGtchrn. Vuerkles, hr Inn 1,11, Tuo
nea.list IA assured that Chit to .0 ',ken.... puU.J u.sstructs,o•
OLIO trinl will pros.. I null 'pitmen':is St Iswot otwtty
pawnw rursii of wort sort Into, au.l
tlurst —.Boa the sr.., ti acwto worurrti I woul.l nut -Ns•
will sell Inc the atoll, uuniss I tuns, 11 t‘ , Iss .11 I sta.,.
Thu.. 'ohm, toss fisble u. elaJni.:toetts.l.c.r el:Lapps:Li dun,
will ilu.l this unt “uly • runs, but • 1 ow nut, son!. !hot wuy anintsst wilL au, of ll.s o,
011/[4llat kllfeiveli, will nal Wu , all. w , lmot. ...11w.
rionle to IIA pnissertosil than I state '
But, toostor, sis,ros mu, tlUadwl with auinstlut.,
unt trvis ask L., lialisnebstai Ist 7..p—nu4
WO /I .41) ul 0 4421:ristN, ,ul, .51.51
boast of 14.4
Pearly White Teeth, and Puir Breath. to
P• padlab, Ls....thar. ata
Llruplutal that a liaeltbrratt4 la raw, ea. 11 (1.,,
aoottiderayed. dark t, .01 aar,ruil..l tla Lana,
thal a 1.01 boa Li' Iwali .40 ttlair
U.. larth aa whit. a away. SW W. I.reath
So4loala JA1,6,4., I 41.,L 3,14 a
A SeientiAc !lair Iteet.rrr un.l Beau
:lin —lna/ .";.. rcpt. , ILL.. • be. Lev.. uW
CUcal Itesturcr. Iso•I Vs • yuebt.e•-
1.12..... who w.....ure t.. Lilo 1,41....
oull,tle.—lt Ira turn. Lt.. Pm, govt.. ur. uup yerf • re
nature lubrud...l hair to gr.... lt L• 1111.14 cur...curt
of,latutrult. au.l weir itst.t. or ersr
For ....Orris,: Me betroutt euJ
tn4.IIL trail! .... It
;Iced. the. Guet ea-uuursticrl—,“ 1..! 1L.
io OW, J ACtifftl:l',
brsa of OS 4. Pttiot 4rffb
JONES' Solution of Jet, s Liquid 'kunst, Dye. thr thy cl.tatitht, of ht. ur Kr, hut. i•.•
w" '
JONES' LILLY 1Y H I TE.—L.lieo are
tinus..l agrnst itos tn tte rintain u Whey
Vfr ,..o.broctarb:titl' l olll4::. ySIL4s, at ' st h iiis.lll. ' ;
•Pwars. PS Mg prryinreal ta - enniii.,
lay minas, CALHA.I4I4I, • hsrx, 9uaulay uf
1/, itaa• nreparesi Isiautiltil ....alike nbieb ••
call Jtues' ..spLulatE t.llll N h..
ft is 11.01.'111 lonsihisil, twang purified of ell ,lenif stuns .
5., "" ,i1 1 • 1 1 7' .
.„. so the inst.:), sun ttal
0.,13 by thy Agent, 1151. JAUKtion, ~‘ll
nest -I Piatiturela Prvia
Contra/1d Syrup of YuDow Dock Root,
COUPLES thf, front *nk among the pr.,
prt.t.iry tuedicitws of Ulla !taunt, f,
nirtvg ,411, Ith•utu. Eryktp.ll+, .1.
1.1 a) .01.1 .11—
rue fI . F. 11.pLLIP "V. ..f Eh. ...l
I.l.4l.l.taplatut.Catarrb,, sad Tishtue,t, th. Clara,
c 13., huo.rsatte.,
aGFItt the thrust, szt4 uun.d wilt] utirr , "l , ntad
to all C.. of
. .
Female iVeaknea. and °mend Adlati.
ntrenobening the eateued le4y, steishe mum,. lb.
Tart.r hrgack...o.l itivheorathaq the eollre ey.tem.
If the herthuony of thwanand,
111 parts ht can 66 upon. It In slouhlar.
s elltraelot. Incur/ ad ihr.r.Are. nod re..tnring debtlax
hal a tahleu amen It le hue..l, Veote l .-
6).1u llss pwtllun, a .fro accurawly in Ile
proportions Mal lb. eh...mi. totavlral, ao4 medleal pr..
pestleshl each luaralleeLL harm...newels host. to
Purify thu . Blood. .
It has regra,l many ;hrnditcdooaneenettleh have bank I
the .kill of W. Lead as nielans, and has aim rural Cans,,
nah lttientm. Erysipeland &rbtitia. bleb ,anaparilw
tiyrups entirely failed W mak. the Inset 11,P
It ba• hero
to many cap., et CANCE1101):, Ili
Mott Tbe tot4d dodloat. Caneert have bendy rum' hr
dn. madinne I%• say that It in ,nt saluabln medicine In all
lIIIJUUII O.IIP.LAINTS It renown, all onntrurtioun
Ow circulation rat:Went:id the Idler 1n.., *ally+, and heal
thy. It rainurres Palpitation td the !hart, and rennyee in
siltoat of Asthma, and may te. tined all etiolates, and
st all seaindm y
Thu Syrup ril
S. r C !MRS!: •Cu, ••
.10 h ,••••••ml
- • ' •
Opt, def eat for Wentern l'entruvlf awe,
tay6:, Ifoufe.:oraut 'Wood .ol Ststb . ete,ran,'
B. T. Babbitt Celebrated Soap Powder.
IV SIII NG without labor! Warnintoil
If V to take the Btlipp Cut of table lumen , and Ifet-
- 1.1114CTION• rot —Put Tout clothe. lu Ayalc” at
auantoti of read water to rover them, then tw.
spnonfooe of tine Pcdeder. to eaetl sox quarts nflwater
trd wilt. the dothea of the nacre la hard, add mtre nt
he Powder. and boil them .11 tumult,to Ito meah rime
pie.. [henna...Wu with ;diet, then put therm in atO and
ma eulthdent cold water. ph Mit tbei will not Le tno tea
to handle. Then rub the dlrtr atreaL, or in other trarkla
giak. ve th
them • thonough rinalng.. and that le euflleleut to
N. B.—there, being no 11.1 1 11.1 ado it will i. 1••••
the clothe. TOSJ white. and but oily emelt, L.: .2.1
soaps TOP entire met of th e material Sent 1./0 not
Rtwo et 121.1. [01,1191C11, •NlaAtiirkg of ten pemoo.—
Warminted not to rot or ituure the clothe.. •
. . ,
This is at Powder th one paper will make twelve quarts
be , st Wally eat :kit..
Outlake, ear sta gnat - ts of water and
mlo tea powder with lt..a thkti let It boil. nay Ise Inm
atea then add Ai goal - . co d water. side thcat,intiniately
wh n Cold II .0111 nTe. l , l lfgli "" o 57 . 4 2 ' ;si s i
will wad wOll. and will not eat ten hands line mato =Lot
Soap. nor tut the clothes. Can be used with bald dr salt
water. by making tha .luntlty Into fif quarts ,naval of
melee. The Roft Soap la beet adapted for wa.hisin
and weolk.n ousts
• • • •••• .
.1;o1.11;bc1,...le Lad rttefl,ty Et. E. r.ELLEI.,
~; ' ' No. b 7, Woo.:1 et.
--r .
The higbir ...Ili. , sad La:tic prt.g..0t1...
s I toe,ar, render ttlar pope.riukto Cologto.M at..r
k.t. Et.. hhttlutry purphoen oil lb+ toilot 1.4.1 Loth. POrt ~...
fr - gi.:th.z."...hla':-!-.1:-,,Prui`i:1, - -`2 1 "'5.',i;I, - :;2:',..'7 1 :;''.41rlt.''': . :7,:',',°"„',.11; . *".":'',./
yo ,
cd th.. 'Mkt. and lot pt.....erv000 th..l'
thribacto of the complelnort. lueteolieta vro,et,i. 1•111. 1 '
pat. at, brat ..,IJtynt..o ot thit Alla. aud Imp.tti:ll .1,,
.rreelble .114/c1)). PI tut:4lllly 11. and rfabbin ..11,.1.,
LI,. Ittuplr., it m.ll tgmute LeadaeLo $l.l a lew sumo ~. i
fold by It g. Sh4l-Kith. la 11,4.4 at. 1
OTJCE—The partnership heretofore f • lf
istlng ander alto Any' L. A. WHIT): A CO. L...
t Is day been dixtotywl It, htual ehrhtott.
1 ,40
11. A. W lIIT F.,
• . . J.OLIN It% AN.,
mull : 5- 11 . 81.104V./. ,S 1
Co- -PAHTN E RSlii P—The suhmoriber, ~:Lve
Jontered lot. Putnerel,lp der tr. um ol :1,1014.
At Iwou A Ult#l,. - Ml 4. B. beA lEK,
':. JAM?, NMI ,t/N;
is.3l !MIN It. Ott :,,
ELV . .
ttoENNETT, I3EItRY&. CO. have remov4l
to their ory Warthourr;, Chaurvry I.n ntiti
pt etrowt.
Oreeawood Garden. I
diCliOlCE(toßection of Shrubbery, Vining
Rorer, ltasht4mr,litnterberry,tious.eberry, IthOl'aM ,
R VW." bantr,Xouttly 1 , 000.8. .1.1 stet! Plgot J.
war, to crootoPot pord. Iktufg.rdes... will 1, icusallat
tireenwoml Nonsery. On (omnibus I eeeee ths,A,rnes T i arket and 1101 efforts, PitteGurgli, every Loll hoar. at
Um tianlen. lee Creunsaml abet telorshments astri-11.i ,
In the Saloons.
Inge. a.ldresse4 to the ominous, Went 31anctiestrr,
Allegheny county, la, will recent'. iim.mot attention
Jiglat.l 11,00111
1_ 350 rem= Med.. Nab no ntra. Wraprtnn Plrri
250 Cruerte Crown 8 •
50 - DouLl 8 8
60 1. - Medina) B - • 8
125 - unmans.) . Manilla ..
au 8 !Moe -
18 " suporior Poet 0111ce Piper
WU 8 boos, IMMum 114•4. Pntaltig raper
100 8 Imperial
34 •• 9ra32 8 -•
The above. .Ith • lot of eal4 Imes of rapere for sale et
the 101.. price% by W. A HATA, .
Matloner tad Parer Drisfor '
(.25minasir of Market and nevem,' anise's. -
To Drugguts and Painters.
ARIS GREEN "R", BRAND, Tlltor l Oftk
flourtaarea Pooo,ol rewitrJ.l by the 0140 kj,,,,hu o t
Amen... institute. tor possesaltny unraryine unia,r
ogty of obble 0114 color. Tbe msoutseturo, a the gt,to
Paint ba prodooml the drwpest and moat bnlileut • nets
of Paris dram, [4Ol 1. perintatent. and that can he unj
without Jotrintent tothis &bode; and boo enduedhl pm
p.a. to manning mato:ratty. • ,
Haring be.. appointed toll azent for Mot sale if toll
,eehobraura trrand of r.r... firer, gong... will =P
rimal at Wooed solora. EL Z.. fIELV4.
1//g • 07 Wood i
SAES 1851.
CLARE. PARKS PO, floc:puma, P.m."...
;TtEPROPRIETORS of this old and well
rtosan Lint ld Inlbnas the public that they are
I now In operation for theyresent aisates. and bare cornmea
-1 erd receiving Frei g htp a ... eng e m which they era fully
hrTat a ttetr' rX'. th itt " ‘e „(I="ttl C'tt rl i
Wow Will he constantly at the landing. 'below the Siorans.
11Psheis Wilma to reams, freight.
Oface, ear. Water and Sznlttinel ate., Pittsburgh.
L). C. Mstturiro eultati, Ps4
W U. Wien. Sbarott:
J. 4 . lull , Sberpamlfh;
m. tam. t Lb., ammarsll.:
Wm. henry, liartot , ww
m. Power, Cammantrillt:
C. M. Reed, Eris.
0. B. Wallbrider. Buffalo. N T.
New Lake Superior Line.-1&51.
THE new steamer NORtHENER, Capt. B.
U. Svelte, having every modern Improvement for
ety and conaorb win leave Cleveland on Friday, the 0.1
or May neat. on her Aral trip—and weekly ther.fter on
Prldny, at dl, teeloct, P. M., for the Pant Ste. Marie.
The Manner MANHATTAN, Capt. Joint CALIMLI, .111
Leave Pant Pte. Marie, for the different landing. on bate
supetior. on the arrival of theatnamer Northerner; maklna
4 regular weekly line, throughout the mason. between
Cleveland and the Conner...l tn.
Po d A. TURNKR, PrnPnenuu.
Cleveland. n., April 14.51.—tt
Manufacturer's Line.
LifttiOggi 1851 .
s li b i P t r hi E I
L tp s - i tME F.F.E, mpuvnl !Yr 'irk; 1.1.N10p LE I
la' now 111 fall operatton. Lowillthr; hi . earry • krbr:
quantity of frelaht to Philadelphia and
l a
rates . unthuut
eranslayyanp, in ad short time, and at a* law rates. as any
other rrgulur Line.
arrangementa hay. al. been made for carrying
1N ay Freight to itialrvville. Johnstown, Hollidaysburg,
Water:tr.:wt. Alexandria Petereburgb, Huntingdon, Mill
err,. New
o t her ,,
MeTJytoarn. L,whitown, 31111116,
Newport, Clark's Verry. llarriJhurg.Columlja, and all Mb
Lining return loads of Iron 'mired from
thd Jnotata.Rirotnytness and regularity In shipments, to
the at.yeeatd potitta, at the lowest raids, may I.A.
Ltd. J. MITCHELL VCOTT, Proprietor.
Warehouse, Liboryy arrest,
rachlAtf Aretand 111. M. of thd Canal.
.TEREST IV /1/NtMAJCS ALVE. to my brother.
MY. Itl Nllll A.U. the buslnesyi at Pittsburgh will her
alter he transacted under Lb. My It of ... Wm, lltngbern
Binghams' Transportation' Line.
EN •
THE CANAL being now open, we are rea
l) In anJ furarard promptly, Produce aul
omhandire, algal anl
I :, rt...iatht• at lowest rale/Thar,' by xr.P 0 ....,!"
cod 31er •banii,all br rorria,al and Inman:lNi'
ear , 1.4.1 ar,at, any char.,' for farwardina or a. ,
ranoin, fr.oll. commls4on. or inor.a.
. • •
11111. of Lad3ns torrardvd sad an directions faithfully
ANlTltiglitl co.. Canal Badn.
Corner Liberty and - War:v. l'ittsbordh.
'IIINGIIA3I DOCh.,lklStarkrt
t•ot.r,n Fourth and Fifth aid, l'hnad.drbla
No 1 , 4 North Ilcarard atm., Balmrore.
rammos. N. Id West st.
ruehl , .Now Yedlt
• -
, lEEiEREI 1851.
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A.MeANULTV C DT &CITS P IL N ?p. 444 P. , mi Arta
. . .
t'll AMA., HAY:SOIL tfentrel.Fleat. flake
Oreputd to rarely.. a f'.b6"."
y.f . , e ohle orr thd opeofna of the cenale to
an.l torvyra,hate pl....ear lower rata, and if
''.. 7l4 . ..`:lll " lT:l:!,rff...Z . X:rl ' Voi Truck. r
the cluel I.,..omleelyuera for rearytha our hove tho
Paa , aof awl maeltAllry of delay at
•r..fra Columl.fe.
Cuts' Bout.
Igkeia 1851
To Shippers of Nerchai.diSe. Produce, &c
e rnera,..., rust.. 10.1.711.111CT9 7 . 1
Al h INS 2 01, VrtTrlttan, No.:": Alwhet. An.l
CAtnn.-tro stn., PhithAplphia. ,
DEA A' 1.144 KIT, A 0.... Can.! B.A. 1' ttnourah.
7AI Ia In A mAN, Agents, lisittnlore ,
thr tansy rrstli
I.`Atml. to oontraet Cur r‘q A tt low
•Llypera /1. mach am,l c.n lag an, olLor Lam
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
. .
. . .. . ~
11 EU, JAM 1... ICo , 1...,...... 11n•x..1 ...... Ch.., ... - ....t
~....1 N., :INF...Li F.....-111.1,... 1,14•.,.[. 111,1...1 ...4.1 Ch.,
lout etr.-..14. 1.11.1...1•11.141...
. .
ai t 7,A harth .o-..t, thaltsm..en
I I .AlINli fully completed our urreur,
111 • the apenut.,l
I,ituet I ...14 / auale, to ratter ervutht to *ha le , ha 1 . 111
tan.. at.. ht. Lout.* area ail Ea-t sad %est.
rat.. r..,1 4.36 ...,lopll sad cwr..1.1.w0 ~ t
lA.. All ' lit our Li. aro.
with... our to uvula. saute....
trwllp an, ,Aturr
. .
All ~ .- 4 21...tuvalkE.u, 2212r.m...1 toounselyro or .rtta
.1.12 u 212 E Vt2l..b, L202L2,11., 2.1
'2.1.222r, $1 Lou2l ut1112.,1 201 prompt 21.4E2102
$22-1, 11 MU LAW. Imo 6.,,,221122122/ •lia.ver .;11 lb
'2“12.1.1,14.2 mud I•l,2•Eura Ttan01.,1212.4.1 Lu. l At
.Arl. , 1262,
to itcv.d.., a Cu,4P• i
. . . . . .
Canal Basin, Penn Street.
enna. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road'
..t 1
1111: an boon ben; having been lallpoultod
, ..k`g'l,l'.f r:',.';',,t-:W, b ."; s P :°.°l": ':',',:'",7.• I L :: '...1 . "... K V
r lie sat ....nut ..f suereLandise a* rrtellice ter vhiatta.t.t
1 - ecals via this route will Le earrit‘iltrataith in live date
Id all ,aarasLtue4 L. to. will Le lorwartai ter of can:an
ma - 1n or eta*, Ir *.lvattroa. •
“111 IV nun,. arenas , . rodantarn“ I.ND
Lit, - llf.l, list, otuva. law... Stationary. Cutlery .t•oulee ,
r,, Fruit., Leather*. fiatuilute. Latta Medentea,
{tl i .tr r e ' ' '''
~ 0„...• 1.• t./ 1."" 4 ul; "' .. ' l
' laatter:(!i u .7.7. " ).l ' sl.llat..Tt .' atniL•21 . 4 . ia.v..t... ' .:1::
W/ati,ke ltik 1 1 . lot
tivit ,;(4 l l , e , / , rt ,i,.. 11 , t1 . 11.rz i
t l- ';' ar.l. Lard oils TeLaao I A( 5 , .1 t. ti.. , 1 ,. 1.......
Athee, Marble (rounniar, B l ltrh. litelt tierunau Clay.
We W. 1....
1111i4141 a WI..
.tortior Penn and Wart. *it...
•Ittsl,urrt. July I*l. 1•..51 —ll,ll
Fl•eight received for all the Way Stations
,on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
Baler: ..C,T4
y, Adam J. Walter*
MUM. Jame. Netil.
Lew...on. Jame*. Milliken
Mouut tutu, . J. ItZechler ..
II untiuri.ion. .1 U. Kerr
r j r , r , :te . a a.m. 1 Milliken.
A IL Clark.
l iii.,d;',.....L. . . A. Scut
I 5.. e a.,,,,,,.. IL MoSerwelL
(faintest., Alialervell A liattralt.
/larrtsburtl. J Wallower a ten, ,
liun J
ranneta. Ensber,..Maraan. k Co •
hew - pert. r'' , Bno•vr.
• Willer..., . Hervey Jt.nas.
Met ertown.. ti hompsun.
niehani Notiod
.11apletin. John Donald.,
till ('leek. • li/aaler i Blotter*.
~ ..tor, ` . John Iluratt •
corner of Pesan mut Warne sit...eta
July 11. th. 11(.1.
tN CONSEQUENCE of the decease of JAL
MoVa4en. the pattnerabip heretofore us.tatang taxa...a
raa.a a ‘orod. is hereby disaohioi John F 1e
intly authorized to sAtlo the bufiricas of the late 'hut
Olt persons having claim.lll ,s k , l , oans ovoent then, tc!
VIL3 ,
'it Orgh,July lot. 1,1
• „n,„,
IllrEAJen Covul. II
hissinens of the Agency of the Pen
4yl"Jux C•otral Railra,' Company .111 hen-after co
cruder the name wriAl si,le
comer of Peon /ma Wayne A.rtvc.o.
I VittJbusgik, July 1.1. 11341
Agricultural Implements.
lIAVE JUST received from the • East th
I, following 1134i110(1.1, rd the best manufactur
," the most me
inventions, and would meite
Farmers to rail and examine
Drilling Machin., for ram, beans. beet, turnips, he.
, main brill. fur Wheat. rta. rata. andbsrler.
' Corn Ohl:menet,.
Cum Moldier, for horse and hand lexwah
hirsis end Cam halt Couloir -Bowe.
Vi l.~Jrr and to* Chain Ilaitera. •
eastoteal tiratu un4 titan ..yttief. out Hues .
Cananal two, tbote and four DAMN forlLa
Au tonnufacturad trOm the best molemle. and for cal
" iIebiERSII si
t 0 1 ,7 Corner of %loaf and Slltil atria" no
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
DATENTED, July '26th, 11+50. For aTiain;
I a beautiful Olosn to Lauri... M1L14112. tnlijOtlo,
!nrs. ankrt linaums, a'.. sad alco 0 - avant* [ha Iron to
antenna to /4nen. an. sod prevent,. dust from elna.ny
Linen., hr.. and contains nothing Inntrious.
inrerta a ms—Put •
Inm tri the
nkl nom of . roll ton quart o
wg.. t.,aln, ,
a,..r Odd nhohotale and Mal/ b
/a , It. K 011 4.000. LT ood of.
• • •
It. K LI . 1%
CARD.- have . removed to ply newmtbre,
flare ilcmiri ciekfl)
PittAliurith, wheTr I will Lir toee. , ro) friruils mid
luw end merit, a share of Owl, rustom. I will
tort,m leer larte
iitioais. gime, Cotton and INA
l l
ivor Met, mud livery iirtitili• foutaii
"Znt:.7l7.",`,7k::,°."7,f;(ri' l l'i'ir t—J-- - ,
Cuali paid for ‘V•oul Ly •
V.twaetil t LEE.
CILHAVE just reeeired from New York, on
.tber I.rve lut of new rtrlr 51 IN DOW CuIiNICES .1A
ItIN BAu.e. for e.l•
P CTACLE S!—We have a emzuplet
1177 to -k of Gold, :ialrnr sad tft.r.l.t , p . rriml, awl thi , [AA
quality 01 router sut runrsrs Glsscre. -14'• Ut 014..5es
e} Tarauly VW., tccurtlal, to t lttl e
optll Stan. 1 , 41 11, ilt
A u N
p U Iy B o E , .il. ut ;•o n a n t ,
t anal, {Ports, on band and fur ale et essf.rti pore,,
{I. PoINIfF.X.TERWr rttret,
11 12 lout on: ti.!!”,r
Anthracite Coal
3() . ; r cr o i N .:. s .l , T ,t,,r.„ l ,i,v 7 . l;•L ex j. e p or . artic
SuziLal be. ND.
Copper Stocks.
%V C HAVE orders For the Stock of earl
folintps Comptu. of I.llko fitzpotior. MA,
w saki., to fell voll ,
_J) fl A. ILKINb • CO,
Pure Brandy, for Diarrhea, &c.
.BEAR IN MINI)! eboul4 you peed Free
Brinar, tta• Cat Alum,' Slin:lt
Xbut. it tb. Idasn..l. at SI wt qUart
VI ACKMO.3,-1W Nu. 3 Sinall;
iv arrivi. sal for br
fir. , JOiLN wAri t CO.
IQUORICE ACCT 5W lbs.for side by
Al •It a •.• • .A.M.....zu•5e...Ma I
. ......... ,
.. _. .. ,
r SCALP HUNTERS, oigham. , tie Ad- \fittabtirilk VIVIISUrate COMPI I LY ,
vonstair• lii Nortbsi• Milaßnc by C1at :th,,, ,... Bel& , S , compA „„, - corpor i od , i .
.•11 , 1 . 11.1 . 1.1terfard. a mr y py ji t u. s , Ilatt . :‘ , 1 s i , ~ 1 ,4, ,i,,,,,. F., , ,,b,,u,,‘,6:61 b
' .tt 'P . ', L"l' a T l k l .r7 l _'' T V'llr.C ' ',. k . TM•lnr. '"4.7.' \ k ‘. cuouurnon•a " T i nn:iners 'on iTapllal a sno,t o )
\ .... - •• 1.. .." '•...A....W,!'ll‘Ff•ll \ ayrdl, .1 b.\ 1 rs.lnrayoraydoiribusionsu bah on the ;kolut Ewe •
i l4Tl i = b al . Mils. Lltjur, innut, 74 1 - u,2 „Apt, ‘.,1)1, 4
rrl ' attock pl. a's ~.i. .i. l -,t .. 11.... •
~,,'i,,,k....finc... ' ~z \ Ibro ,, nrked by IlatoslCout 1. 4 sod Pores•
--, -4— ly,r t ulb parr of mod lutapattlea ~ ,
II ibx's Poten\Sparkllng,9,- , 64 , 6 • \gros4 \ , L, '''.„,,, ~..1.4„ ale,.. boa. alopbs% by oft
N . L.1 " 1-4 111 , 4,, \ N J. *ADD • v.., . ka13,1 , u4 „. 0 6 1,1 Corn: Tb I t uAn=floe b onutu
'l4' `• - ----' ' - - 1- 4, -; \," ' l l, I \.l if ' Of t 1 . 4 th
re... ' 7.lT.Ptr= , burplu7 l ar,f
k Eq!" BIATEI•6 7 -50 "kegs y‘riue, in OW ti/•'4l.lhlwb,,e/•"the'll- `: ' o ). \ ' A ule
.M. rbliulng o r. lbrssl• bk ..., \ - \ Tn. lliy,unsf\ lancrulf• als 1 1 Utlf•1\ 14 1f1 f,.n ° ,7 4 .... D ._
W.Z , . \SA U. 13., 1., min/y KR. \ 6, lITIITy i0n34.1.0 aline tno Watt 'Vt.. , 1•14 _
4\ - --14 ---- N ..-- _—. . N cents. rolattu, , lll•ls or radians-- o Claurs 1114 fl , - :,of
rl.,c. 1
rrEASO h ..yhesh\f u 'ovrehong. •i , ' •••lb ll for . 14 " 6 - n •V kl.l " b."'4" 4.rrtt nlr ' f,l: ,
l• ''' L., • ~1nur . ,,,,,
,' . .or sloop thr.wartJar •Lu at tbraan lA, .W. or ;
..: \ . ..,,„,.a„., ‘ot MA spew, of th•
rru . , ,
E!!‘ fa 7\ T . .lA \ ;ES L tilo \ a " 11.1,-"L.,16,'N'''....14,'11t. ' A.A.* . eon Presidio •
\ \ 666 L i i6,064..6. vi4ch6 '
S i (INDRIES: ' ,.-`\s ex 46 Poi s ub; .1
' C \ . \
l t ., E, A il f.i. t .. T........ 6 .. 1, 4.. • - '
\l\ W.%l..t `. 6:,l6' ''''t e "' \\6• \ '.
\ ' \ \ 'fi'fk." lro....,h ' 6!%. , <6. `‘'
out!, . y. D. WI/Ark3.l!-10.r .:L ' lV.l4:•hl; ', \Cl . " I " . r t ' '''' ' ' "
! 74,1 UGAR. - -758 11l .. eliba and Potio L itieb• '''''''' l' ' ''!•''''''''.. V "' . '• \
imam II ityonst rooli'aud fur 1.4.6 by . • s J. A. No .o 4
11 W 1 \ \ 11111Tirt:ls .
'-,144""‘,": -ll,th,frl 4.1.-k,IL =Ln, ,, •lrr"." • ie,: . ... 1 ):41,ah,..,°1.-Tof T-oury
Irtol3,ACt,.o---2... , hh No 4 6 thintjur Sale ',,, J,:b a Su, dor, fb4.1.N.16,r of PAW:wait Haub:
rt t,
by% lano.lBl J r....,...11,„ .. ,•ter .. ...11,trobrk b•• 1 1 , 1c•t.. ,4 * , ; !:=1.1• . a" V.. , '
CIIEIIOE 100 boxes \,\, t. m 4 ,i, fo p r
A s t i : 4 .4. D i ! u ,. 6 . 6. A- , W Loo•a ', A, N. NNW:moot. Eau.
tau tn.,. s '
Clartv ma . 4 • 4, - nutak
:11 . .A.RDo4L-20 bbls. N '4, 66 sale by Joi,pb Osamu. 31. IN NMI.. 411 son. M. i l i ) 1
alti' N \
arIitALVELL J '" l ' 6..1. "" Wrs .. .k. Or %-ll . l•ab. 1 . M
' i ii i PRI. 'Pt/ lyp EN TI N E - 3 , 4b15 . \ for eel by V o tV,t l ; . ;:',:''` , 4 ‘ l%. 4 'ir' ' ',,, Fp°
V,P,V '‘,.. . •••
" .. l gli'
_, \ . UO '" M 5l . "`T•:-W. e,kl \ Jobn C;•• ' fOni. 31 1.7 \ . ..,14..t. .
I`U S N. 1\11 ... t 13;1'3,06A-10u Ire), tniclish', liix. 6r " lia . iV,Viik T r ft i f iile ' ;u l art i si n , t 4 r ol7l.4,„.;‘,
0 ~ 1, 7 ‘, \ 6. A VALtrsta ff!.,:b• Co. \ a n) , - at 110\4..1 ,
~. _,..
.4, \
trYik- 's
- 6, i ,,, - Pri., J . . '1 0. V , 21 L '‘. ''`;; ' ' '' . l ii ,' . ' 76 c ''
° k:ohiu... 6. , v. , \
n•l5 \ . El A /All, EST
. ...L„.,,__ ~ . • • .
A(, , r__Au lb' )s o r ;,Cile by \ i ‘4 ' fit.lte hintal re .usulnee Comp
A I' ill .' ..T1,12K1 ' ‘ i" . \
''. 1 -'-' k ' - - - 71 '''‘•'..- -1 - it IVANCH OFICE— . o. 64 Sill Syntiti
.11 (1 , 1 7r4J — 11 his. P - ed. fur ~14, ir•, \ \ ~, ' , PITT. LIU HULL ...\ L" . s
.ILlPno_a;s_4, W2A,, , U LsON. IPt,\.• it, .. • rrsnwn, 3( y lat, 1,61. , N
t yr ide6ec 1 the 1166661'0( the
11:LUCK --- 40141 L. 1 . 6661 cuund Family fir 1176 2 4 1 r: .. 6•,,,y, m ike 1b , 4t4 TS lIVIZA
t' r
if ' .. 1 1 4 \ '' • -.- CCl:' , ‘ N-FiLIJItHIO ' • ''
' '',,
.. , ' '. .4 ''' . ./f: LC 1 4 ,.. . 11 . " 1' 0 .,NTate u t,, 11 k , ' ( .. b. ...., 6, .. ,. 44
ll' I N k.koly (.4....0-4..., 4 ...fity and'a , t1;ki . .13 ' .14 ". 44. 4 6 aorw. 6.46 ~l,rurd 7;•00 6,t1 • 46..66.616
v. v
r i,,.rua \ Oars
4 . ,tnbt, for elir If
.. I Irl 1 , 1101. ,volr, \ ther/by 11.1 . mt E , ;. .., 5 r .,,..,,,,,,,,, r4 , :11 3 :
'1 \
--,.- - \\: • \v , ! , . , , ,,, , ,, , ,, ""1. ,. ?.., •. ~L ,.t c , fn,,,ainVia. aols ' l:rl,4tuOt.r•rotl ' ll , llll , ,l
SI'VER PAL'hiNT I Vhfo ..A•rcirik,:•• l i , , , Y , 1,...6pyy*i• \ .. s \ ~,,,,,, ",..
2. 6 t6.R. .":\ .. 3 7 . ''' r " , . V , . 'I OF I. .f'f' . " r l \ ( " , ' ' ',. ° ,..Za;,=.1 ' ;., 1 ',1, sr.! '. i
.'r lc 2-- ' ' r"t- 1 .-- ‘4, , 11s. -:- , ',Lk, 4" in f0r01,1,.. •'. — ,•••• 1 ' -
VOO , PI VATeu,F.,7 s , . thi .4. and,\l AtnoUnt \of PrnWQur.,l .._,.... 1,
17 .2111.a1f
GO "I'l ,
l i tiolnlian.n, laulluanuNuelll. • Dr., 'b. , . 1 .. X. ' I P' `*ir .. 4 •' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ''' '' - ` - ‘2 . . : n. 91,0
lhe LCIA L<Al4Oll lll 3 4llltallr Wak 0..4 ... , usll . l'fl l'; ".` ,'..,:i ., ' ••---- . ,y•,,,-; `.• •:'
V nuar•tu , r, I aufea i \ 1N ; WI , Is r \ 1„',...„\ !:',:, ' „4,l " tr. ' lna. eirnrui:...' \al:
.ii ALEII ' ATOS-5 t:lns i ' ll50.14:8 and ill,ls.\ \ ‘
111 for eal, IA 6. 5.11 . 7.t1.1. ; W.. '
• - " ,! , .t : ‘,. "L, . ,
. Lowrlretaet. \
_ .
(5 1. Q4155 - 14. 1 ,0t 1 U Princlpe: . ~
I'SX Ravager
:el l 11.11 Spa 3,1 ' '
'1.,... 12utora ' n lot r' ilal qo br 1 , \ ' ~ ' EtSLI/41: Ilk, , elr ' .'lT
5 L1 . G . ..ii .. j1-1 hb d \ ....:',,, f i 1.... „, 1 0 i \ zraiVyo •
if i IL-- It/I , b In. ~ trNts.‘lor 1 ,.. \,1fy
.., JANI ) . - -tl_lL'cEl.l.. 11ateq , el \ ,
1,1(1 y. I,E A TNE;Ii. - - ?:' 4 '
.b . _iyies ., ltip.. iN•
• ' ' ' % . l \''! ' ' --".
\ lACltadit..,-.- I bltle. rtao...J Lai,i
For eel, I, , . 'IC .
~, it - A
.I ..V . N A I , Ci r, Ct r II .. L tr,.4
.404 •
6, uoAß—iilkhla,h, \I./ U. b,'" s - ale by ' ,
I 3 lulllll
lit Il.). ' .11 S - 15%. dor: C ' ,ltn, fsr glile . b - - •
\‘. aI 4 _ Jk DI LW° kill aOrr
.I IQ I. GLUE--'li I,LlAlf a . satte L by
1.1 , A ,l \
~2 tan ~ t ct! .
\( , ort\k• \ •--.1 - , - c, bags lit.; t.rr sale q,
auJl " \ - a ia_faialLgava t i,
V, FAV rl NTS AT 2ie. .2 -OpettioAtll- I
L,1., ral.\., ere.rltnjul .• ea•• ar)J roll 1 . 1q,:a•. i
~rrNnt!. 4 1,,.., are
5111 . 0'111 a 1tt1,41; ytEco.‘ 1
lUSI' Itt:CF. 'Elk. from he Ph lips, it
GO Clete ler , -,4.e. Sq• 4. arid a q art, I•elia,
qxl °lived Carnage .11 le lb, Wren , 1.6., ua ...aro 6:5
aholesela drqe6qa ea .puts garet , ' oralres..
.rtlrle ,ab.., sill Mel l . Mame...put ir ie a ,, eir•
ma' tor a6lvrltlettwer•J 6 1 ar. a... 1 era • Isla ale 1,-
al 6l `Verbats • Ittle- I end 161,,, l.arr ht. Ilk,
Lke,. re tlx Utia.4 met. \ J. all 1 , IiLLIPS,
, an v 5 otel ri
, \ ,
NEW 1 3 /ti,S(ll , I 'LINOS - .:V. MA
.♦,..0 A Co '6.. .., rJ. . .-.1 a ler-. I, af •1.,..,.2kr
raelli 314.ri ~,,, .0 Ile ~,e0 . ~ re+ Are..l.. 6 velar ...
In - trel repreeraly . lllj Orr retail l .-aer) verel6 au,
Ni ' r 1 \ t r , iqLht..i. - Itee'd t \ day, a bea titul
lert:, aim .1,1, rO., bud , ti Jr. Cheer, tic t-. 1
N Elie , " 111./iN,N ,,, ETS , A..). Li 11\ BoNS.--A..-1. :
...,..1 1t.T,,,c eat., 10?,, , ,,12.7°,1,,,t, 1, , ,ruN slot i
wier ~
r ' .. " . ',
IL r • 1.6, beat ise. rat . ..l at/1 , 11,1 , 4 , I ra. , , ,, ..6-ae
Karibrpelerie• ell ata . .l fia Marlirq rt.
." 4.4
k H t - i.),;fit.P. w oft k cuI,LA its, ~tk 0* and
11 .. L ,71V' ; '"" 4 ' . 1rUltM3:1'1478,211>1 ‘ 1. U.
v LuLl ft,—;",‘ 11, bls. 11, Sitraeue' extek In,
, el oab•l0 .04,1 ea 4 11.1 AL ALAI
I; f1 .. 0 ,, 0 .., M , ... 7 --20,, doz. 1.1 1;‘ , 1 1 r, t b i 1 .4,,
icii \
. . , ,
C , II EESE-1, uu b, ea Cream. tor sale tory
r .1.6r,1 e. a 11. 1 MW . ..10111: r \
L'l‘i,. , ( ., )S-1 LK for *ale by
A uell ' e. a 5 1.1,11.1.11..1i11.
Iti 0. , 4.,,,. u ITV IlAltr, - 'Jul/ pe. just re,'d line)
jt/ Cr..!. er, etlrep. A. A :11ASJJi I C,e . ,
• 5 .r.'',, 6, aril , 4631ar Let .., \
1 ,
i i KIM P'Ell liIIIBuNS--A. A..slaeoN & Ifte,
‘,./ Larv,u;Ll Mr a leo, rupoly al the elalay kaerla.‘
aeravtrel rulers .
i ., I,iIIII.PED TA It LP:l'A:7. A. A. 51 a soN
~J A, 1:0 blill, lust r. , ',1 1., re PM.' • largo wangle:lr el
0191,1 Terl•lnrneureqlnl COl.Ol,
E11B1 1 0114:11,1ES-- A Aliso,d,
Lb.' . t till iinntinur lion-if... Adm.., quantal., vf ,
I i- . 145 4 ,1 ry .00 'ymbruideries. nod thom YobraY.erfi
ERS-1). Shouldorß.-
rem Icon,
_b - •
amt. LITTLE n a CO
I.4NRENCII IELATINE, White und Color
-11. prelnrr CIO th 112 5. nn n unt , for .1.31.4
" • I\"6 " WM. A Nrei.l ,
Lil....rty .1.
1 00 A• SHELLS, received fresh from the
nue, linvior• and Fulcra
141 Lij -•
"veryLCsue r.
',veers AL Ira Dealer.
It,l AN Li FACTOPLEI) ' yOBAf2C6-100
u k ßy APPLES-4 blue. n d a 1 enC n just
2_lr reeetvod an.l tor . V. CANFIEtD
tiCKETS-00 dn . >, Marietta, in store. aud
JI L., (ainLlp \ J. IC ... f:AIifFIETIC„ ,
1 1 6BACCOi—ilo Alietunond Tobacco,
—54 aml b'.—of the MCI: • ortTil brandf,,lninhiny
• for sok by [milli CC liAtiAlibl n.
h, dditr
-11 eat mint,. .Jr rola by tit Ai •%,\ re the an
artirlu of ynpenor quality, at o p ...II
• I. io DO AL rnli*,
ii4A.NLI PAPER-500.71DR fitted fur sale by
ortnio AIDD A eff ;
C'AST'OR 011,-10 bhis.Bintr')/ 1, fiv
i bIN BALANCES. blr detecting pvunter
tea Ameriron rola. of all &nominal.. T to
ni:o \C f.7).b i \ -liTi • .
a OLD PENS—A tine atisortinent aILS
LI t...t mak...helm* ov hand. and varrontol
maim ' W. W. WI LiCD:C
rr AR-50 141 s. in store and for ellO by
itugi lfulAtt DIUKEA a. CO.
. . .
,1 1 01 , ASSES— 160 1,66, .Pbtatutiou,
vLL JAN b..c , A. 1,1 1.:T1;11 1:0:: Of
Lit MERY-35 keg, (-tas.Vi , ,:uporivr t,,
174 that woolly Yald 121
thi.7lT[r ) L al; by
to J. a
N '"
MOLASSES-1500. OLASSES-150 bbl
.(eYprero , .l
10 t.,
null _n 1.11, , (t) nllon
11. M0L.1M . E5...21.11,/,l,„EartJ e Gi c ,i, r t
I a for . ale Lt 11.4. CU) 7 , I N ii.a
on.: II Sot tyrit
APPLE sales,ky
WM A. ,1413.UN0
nrinnry and Jas \
111OLLAND „, ifElt111:N , I1- 10 keg . ;
-01 IIul %im A• *Chen , /
S UGAR:A.Ii) hhd, iodine N. U„ manor'
nuon . dll A. Ilb
rES. PENT IN E- II hude, in 1,,
'Jet. for ..l. by • ' 01 410
.410 4
1%1 6LAShES— • aI s
‘ l , bl.e.
Fur nab by aunli. 1,
V1..11 in
UPER. 11011A1.11 ,1 111,1T15.-Mt, Rent - On
1,3 htrAM.lstri bary. n.erlyad thiy fountain further
ni rt. *bow. rearm and dviniable ortirle
angle rum., Ilailet and fr'nurth
k.,,hret merle! prove VIII bry.l /or Lati..l , lartnsts
n.• UE:ti n10 4 01.1,11.:1.01i ,71 I,ura. 64,
weld vvztb Uµup of Msttsburah.
DE.k it LAS 1.1-18 oasts AdAt6', to armo r
for ealr ' e.1.011. 0,
F .
au 19 C J.
poTA sYI i s , ti Cq!4!i lc . s pure.
BUTTER ---5 bblS..a.nd 5 k
iii .1. by '
1V 00,1,--v o, seeks tyr k le
( b ICKEL,
344 "... an
iiiE-50•tierees (to4-ris
RItRElt--13 kegs Sprig;
kr by ' .42)
ta, ktj. St belie/414$ \thii , tam
'imam t o Dm atd llYFttltn
all gpcial ImakAlit, tu
t in nal one locality, thus pre.
orturt.meic of Gage and
st nueonly
•itimalatlon a both ¢ictbials,
talltk , pation in the profltil.
totd. J. liillett, el. T. Janis,
A l s l 7, ll.lain g el Jane',
1m L:1
I:llillM,ltlUhiv. Prvalitent.
. Git,LErx.
• nlyl7
i s, B.—s' s i p I,4wele 4of E 1 1 413 Mr tent. po ear tn.,
polsNee boa t. o etretere Ley IL, Diictorn. anal is bore re
rely:LA.4e et till, rrlheor aro, te, ',teen/able la 1 1 ,4.
ut th,Nort of ulatety x,.. :A. e.aattat, Aul...
„ranktin Fiii3L 1.45 ~: e8 Co, of Philad'a.
pIRE,CTOILS', %ad ~ W. Dancicr, GeO.
Iv. lekhards, IlioaNlaxt. Inrdecal In naxis. Tobin ,
overt. Atlelzbe E. f10n., 1 ,4a, Ora/A, Inlet& S.l.trown.
larAn I. :mot .. Slorrie Plittiv. ,
~. CIIARLI. Y. 11.11NOKER, Prerd•erq.
0. BrUICII7'.E.Tr. e .
flue . "..mtwatroutinues I. motel.. Pann • l at
orliout d. on veuwy deveipt4at'of . 1
nyin Wm) uk
countr, ' t run.. g‘ low ark , rOO sirten with seruntly.
The I, ./par laze rcee l onl , 'berg moh/arta fur,. •
hich. wit thelr ' ital .Ve iIIIOIIA talely /user,.
atforil.artepl protecte to tue u
The *Met, Ji Lti,liti t0...f.,. Pau arr 1 , 451.ap01-
hotwel *rows lye tr. th .1 9of \deeriV4r. i 3 ,7 La foliowt:.
'".- 31c4.t.rae. ir \ \ , I.b• .- :••, 3 .. ( .1
- --• ----- •
i'''''‘P• l '..`\ • , a' • ----'''•,-, 'V
- -
' !. ' . ;'' ' ' 6'l.r.' • \ "'•ri • : , c- - \ a : " 1-
\ !. ;..•.:1 • sid... --- W
~,.0 . ltu-tr tun,rlti\yalGl/ki pvrial ",..C . ,1 \ yvars,\4:ey
haeAMet upwardenl t . 11 n. tour Ilateln'il Tut. 4,1
bolle e In. , - cy lue. 1...r0 , - dordir., 0 tbv
1 wl eau
t or n. of lane
t,.m, o vi er ... l,: ii,
j a ,,,,, 1 1,
e t: ..e ‘t w ,k,..ii e N o i n. 11;: n1, 4 ,.. I.
1 pcelloe iet • nl, probrotnen s a I:abilities. 4 .
: \ . 1
enu hflitual.Lite InitranekCo., PhirSit'st. ~
ktkENAlts; P1'1"1‘6111.,
t il,
4 11 ,
. ..11 ,,,,,,.,......, , , 1 / 4
0.... , . 1, 5‘...,. ir ..1 an.- I No. Pe l i 'l . PA
- r4
1 I .41.41... t,ett,r et...v.11.44e o e e e
neer part vt , ttkel . ,. ,t, •, , o±v .r al .o 6 1 '. fWan 4 4 • 11 1 e,
I 1 .t r' , L . ' . ' i. 1 .4 1 ::0 1 ,;,:..: , ..Z.. 1 . ' , .. ,' .:21 " 11 ' ;:l ' ‘h ' . ' e L ltr .11 ' 7 5 . , X
17':,:: , ,,T1'1,,'"A.. ",,tf.V."::lp d .r.'`"ri'pV:t
•Leoente 14 I..tte tux ran,. mod blur., . Weer aria r futpiehed au '
applwate.o •
CapAill Mott over IV...Wu and rine tly InceZtesituf—
rnts dielde.4.nox iy, .r0,0.F.. I noao tn 4,1 her N.•
, t,4.- ie.ll \ ''•
•• - ,
tarine, Fire, aed, Inland Tr ' rtation
riIRE InsuraneeConr ,11 - Iy . of North: meii.oli,
yo a --1.t...re4 :44., Capital 1...;00.04u. Arelt., ,
et " .'" lne ' l - 111 I- • 1 11 171 wake . los ran, I
eau 3 14. . AA/ ....... ,
ta.t.t.a74 atai their rouleute. t thta rite au4 e/r1 ty, trt '
, Prolrr of eeeo dr. 4 'ijrn• rluPlwd Ler ales board
and e4tee .4...-e10...4.1., by tole,trauetentatioo or, the
ArthurN Collin. ere, • lhottLe P. Cope.
rerouel ..nue.. John . Ned. • \
/Award Muth. , Rosh In 11 t.el.
Juno A Elio L. , 1111/ 11.4•11 \
' • .
. natuuel I r., l rated*. Lett..
Mantel liewTte. r \ A uottu Ullterww. . ,
lEVlCharlee Ta, tor, 11 to, k... , wen. ,
Aro tan, 1114 N.
..4 . ";141; eZt,', l c . .
_.l' 7 l :l l 4 t :.:.4' . .. i'E nt'' :! . gz..: . •,_.'
-h...,11a, old.rt in/Fmtc..,oanattano the.444ted ztate•
-au. I.ous 01. hiah etanVoit. lone; esp. \1a•t0..... ano t o r le tuesue,
ana ru/..nug j all riecs u au extra 41,04,4. 1: reeter.ol
0 11.tarl . 1 7 15 ' : ! j4 \ 4;:r . tt b"..-
. 4 No 14, Pr.° Ikt {
West •pa Ittsuranee mpany ofttstrargh.
i I.A.PfI'A L $3C0,0 Q, R. 511 f.ER4s,,
I•‘ r" -. °'• I. ' l ' 6 "''''"A"'"`"" . •' . ' \
all ;! 1 ,,.'7"., i't;:ti,!-,'ltil".ts,:tills'a :, I g7stH 2 . ' i r''
A bona lue tutu.ri-coapanew ‘ Ihrwr l nre woi.• aak
Ittwarn iu tln• coatuntritY:•.. 4 4 0 at ,. • , / 1 • 1 ' , n 1 1 4 I, X - '
truniptnewe an nerahey tualote4o the,narac,r whirl,
'.%..', l ' ri;e • l ' .:r. :;:., lien'
\.!'''' " S '''''' ,, " '''
ilfw.w.ertuarli. 3 net. Jr.. or, lilac . ..r.11:. null r. , ,, .
tha oe , 7.. i l , r ,:, li .. r i t. 1 ,, Itt , o ,, ..L , C ii sfra . :;.:4
i t:T . . 4, 11 5 ,1 ., e , f ,. .! , , , , , i,, , ..
'c k . ..rtf . ".lr:E l . " , I t ' ::::1,:;400,.. 11 ‘: . 1.,0, ' ''. \:,
up etuiro.l htteLorgh ' • \ lu , If
'Dela are Mutual afets'in/ioranteCom !.y
a at' CE, Nollll litith)l F VIE EN
‘,\F cu. ::iii. ,Lird learAt. Philaarlp 'a \
n 1,1.4,1 -P./1.11V:-. 1 , 4• . - / ..c doe.. and oltwt
seL, T rt .. y , .. , f t..r11 ,
, rg.l ,
~,, _: !1. 1 1e0;. :1:2 , 15 ,, etl , !maw\ loss ,
Ni3PIC IN- `IIJJ,L-'ll, al . tutor le'etcele, I.iargurs,
la t 4
so 4 Erk..4.te, ..,. - t. ur elowtwi . uude...p. o u: Trial
polenerNas the exonel roar dee/ ~
1e,,,\ r...l 4 laraartrer 1' {loo ineUre .I.erthutlaine
[no:T.-nal I, 11\: , :to, ita/lrond \we, Canal nate. tol
Steilan b0a1,... on el et, and late, on %lie moltnbe al ter4e.
Iriatoroa. l IL Seel, Ldtau A ..Axle, oho h.,
Dall,ltoberr , 4;artu Juhir 11..1 1 euro
...• alwouel 1' warl.:.
..‘e \
ti,or, C L../ A' F.,1 or a l Darnuattnn Van.,3l. Vari .11".1 .
ham Volerell. oho . alio, Dr. B. &flu , : o.`,Jatnes C '
Ibuol. Thropb It. 1 . 1411.10 u,. 41 Jour br es\ 11,15 x•
:Amu. llogh 1.-I.lf, tknrse Setnll. r nee 3f,41•/02.
Chun... , Kell, , .. Jobo-wo, Kr, 1110. „Dr 4.1 \oto,r,
\ 1\
Collo :•• - e11e.47, Wo. Erre..l., s
.. .
luarlrtular 07 11 44:....1-1.. r. IlLrean. '4l \ ua I. le.,
JAht. T. L,,,,,r, N '
1v0,.,... 11 ',sem, ,r....i.1.1.4, 1a... C, 11,,..\ Vir l'e
lent 40.01, 11 11 , .kai. ,ver 'NJ,
•a 1 o 1 of tto• CA:pan y.1,,0 W a
4. er.r ve., at.
' nurale, j0c.1.2.1, 1 .... le • 5.141 1 n111A, sgeN.
._ •
4 "-'e 80 1 1 '1 \9 \ii L-4
till' i \ '. Ito . ilk.
~\,4 , -4 5 , , , ,---.. 4 9 ‘i , 44.___L.,
er. c'ott. S ' treng - th .
1 011 - ELL, ELE'rCilElt\&„ CO, . ~ I , .. , n ttklettt -
La ear, t'l , AWjkl9! ! : I!" ., r!! ; . ttd , rit.ttor . C.l, e wilt ran.
'4'' 'i' L gFr ' T , l '' lll.Vl/. ‘ ll P r;4 . „ l" rea k t i .4 .l . , ,a j ilg;trtil/g.
/ICO l .lli ~ ITra et ,, oKittalinrali w 111,14, nrnmptiy filled
at 1.., , t,T=1 iL;Arkt) tr 1,..,
~ !11 , I , ,
‘ i
- \ '
Win kaid—icraors., ,
so, tb4iberty - ti„ t ., o7:yX) . aris[ritckrrfuctory.
1 ,‘.c.. a l'itt.,b'r,ig,,j i./ \D. groCVE,..I, of ..Y.
11. 1 i Cii E SEN .i, .scrpti \ vEIq:L, re.tpectfuliv
l' au nonurk it , the nu , li4,arieridll , , and 11,ir i ftrill.
MC I IIII ' kft.V h iLI Y tt.:I6.% ' .ILVVIThr ‘ T ' :[ILr.II
- kcr p a fill6rtrucnt Npf ID. 1 , ..f.t a k.-!itc, , Tlle and
French net and w Ile fur .qii, Frni Aar!. 'and
a rid
Branairt, ((((the triwt .113: lk gt. 4 Issaotirruna, Holland
in, 101..11 1 ChiAkey.rlaaninagn , ,,ani,1 N•arklitifthock wino,
a nd th most aprmrod,branda, pfart \w., Mat,
a to
11 snag Alorgatlae, at \ All ~anon..., Rolland
lierratiga,..eariale and Lltuburgti Ciikek. Ali orwhicE the,
will ..11, artioleaalr. or ratan, iin o4rddreaantiob , ter.;.
ni• Cl the partner.. Mr, ntouvenTl. ktiti mtutt.t,t,.t. his
i • portatlrtn btoinest in IL- y of 0 , ..‘1 , 0.1N the .y I[9
IN nabl.l to .1.411.• cheap,' and sd , ertar'iart4rle It*. ait,
11,vr limo. laths. nty• • 1 . 1 a . ,. ., girT na a ri. 1 . ,,,, N 4 `r0
I rem.. rdrowber• \ '
Inc ~.ii„. ~,,,,phyd ire, ct Tatra el.iirga. s .a.b.l . l,l„' Las
Eh:v.o,l neat,
\---.V, • —,•-,-- ----, - -'.
.I.4elas Patent Reversible Water \
Filte \\' T
I. ST.tIV to tie, ... T E, iu toperation 1tt.V . .11.
. . c i t ir it ~ l'lnuifrr, N't ., ' l, ,' f.. . - h .a. ' t, •- t t
ta..,,u 1.1t.r. and Lil,i, .4, ap..l at 1 8101.0 %iliac.... ,
..7.21 ' .1 TIVal ; . . - l ' a t n!.. i l::* r tt . a h ri I .r il ' is
iti S ;ll. ‘' :l ' :7 " Vil. 4 .
and a Certilir,* , Irvin U.,.,lln Insicute a Philt , lz •
phi.. G.t it•leuta.riorill in ite r ntnaingna.F.r."` ..4.1 ' .
evriitimbs tri,lis twer haring th,Tin in a:4.AD Ptdiadelg,Way
or abilli th,.12,11 my, arTTrainl,l., , . _ ' , !`
.Pini-anietrita... 1,1. .
It glare inn gr., ITs..ura ,a,-- t oun'T.4 to 11.1°11:11,01
\ v
;wt., It. , water,ll\l , l:tent Het...l-1,61p llatrt I , iltr r..r.ln
i - Tnred by Mt Lao ir. Marin, 15,0 , 1161 r of thew 1, ,Tstrr
al m.uttia. lam •enal. tojud,r• yf, ibis value.
.. i
111.(kiloic PLITT, IN: , „. 11.1niit strret
-1 , ttalo,llll. Ma lb 2btli. 1Y.41.
Vb. Palant Itry.r,o,lT 1a.,. Vitirrer„intented to Mr.
Ss n, II a11,.1 \ o pad to tu.stor ea.tur niGuthe at rut
1;" 17' ":',.';';:' '','" `.' "2 - n'.."`t"l' 4 : —b ,i.
\ r,4,.:, tnl2l it to it;:titt,. '' ' .llik All Y. 14111 ' 1 ' MB, 10
, . No ',warner riTat
,N.. liliwra ars. warta'ntei to ti , .• ~.lit au, ,iamil 'or
tal , ll, • l. Lika, 'try , . taxa AT., , ,inno•Td'adsioul or tTg,..ia•
I,IT Mai rin ILT water. Tlia, alrr warrant...l tok,at Iwo'
lTat :, ••• wdli ..r.liosty rarl\ Wall laid, .. andTetuatri
L i.ol, b, \ ,, T ••Tit to t. anyrrriall.ll , , ,...
J , 6 , 1.. !I
my!'i•ti 1 L':- . 9 AtekTC\at. Ptilladelptila,
I E.,i,)L , (PE—Cu, proved patent
I A 1.......11: kr Ili -d m:do. \
\ \ , 7draulte Ra 11,...,
All alseacon 1140 a .1 to ar "1. :7,1c ., 1 , 4 7 ;44 . 11, 4
ntell7.ll . ' ‘• ALE''''Nb l f ,?:4 . ""N.•imt.
', Heatuig• (IVentilatioit
• •
\ N •• - AI ,ply \ • L. ':
--.•:,., -----,•,•-_--•- •
~' ..' Nealee.Cele. :tad '''
" ' \
‘ v i vb.. highlr ea • ted,plAstent '4e...spathe lar •"
- • \
both lll.P! . .tenty ye during whk tape nter I.**
palatal • nintmeat ra• tatiov .f l the eanallallall ..
. \
Elieuratille.end Strenctioeg Mr eyit ma^.,Z" ,
ea... , IBC bighit.t chin tme,ro wlm . ..
~ t h. ' i
haul. beet. *obtained, h re swan the minet • ,
taatilnollialt a \t , O . tbayr .11;1: 0va1.% &We I
'At te.
a • .
• ~
c,,,,, wad. , • • \ \
The itieredieo Or t.1 , 41r ca very th .thel
• th en, ..Mai Stuart• th ol,pectil' • Ito le
nun, ends r/a:lb palmontrfelisei.- r •
g,s. p a ths to the rthil...romallocfrout pron. .
a•purs cho ch. ada lu - stleatha', atheari..oeitnt•
a. 5." ... , , 1f•_ t . ,Pc
. 1 ,1 0 ,. 1 1..1 1 .: 0....p v i1i thithethr
g:tt\ttt't o ' ' ' or k ti , .0 , 4;1 tteTta*tr,i," * XllM: . ' \
ftno- by the araal`cothealfo , l • \
y,,, p,....Suee•Oan oailf inn bask abd ..d., result.
es. \
p r'' - '."' l ' ;.TPti " Tit . t " th wi kij V ' thit '' ' ''''''
„,,...,2,,,,,,,1inv, neagl b etthe mad rebel ft=lee b trs, ' ,
;1 1 .1=•. e c ... .e ' Otete ,. ictirth thk l uap t e ii„
.. =aestr . ovi \ .
' ,
ttht ttwor hit .'blue et!' will be lon I tnry atoned. ' \ . ,
• •
..r -ale , aft beat. thal, tail, by , , . •
. or`.'• 1. ' 1, IN. MlLLl..ll4,Wolatiff..-
EA U M .
tti n
....• '('i - iiAVYST ST ' Cll . \POL- ' '
• .
le. cy ,ahm, a beanbrol *M e to us lthiltth. .....
au. t tie, "Foliar. T.,f.v , tbeeleoe r atel al. ks
of soften pa \ ,
tie. prethute the I . rem scllntur bathe Liam mad itumt • • . .1
(Am \v.:Lac, a AAA. , ....oth I.Taitithe M elorbe t rega
~ rthpeet. The lab ha .• Inn aim. fait the tweedier . •
Si .401.•au arthle. sio.r. dbi• tben spectailoa eatl tie Bak -
IN , rrat.,i. a- .c.. es, nen bri el eller mph : •, ,
la. P.thr,o Cake will do , tots dole of clotath;.th no •- - \'• .
boob. eh . chi to Witbont it. .
P•le I'd'. Tr PI, take k.fth fall dined
b., ,th an.. •• 1..-ta. R. '. SELBY:4,67 Wt..," . \ ' . i
- ETkl:l iff. o Eodx \ ob7T \ \ \
"Torre are• Moro a Iruge in du al el '•
"Thin are dtethat of in ph dpoc k ~
lIIIIE It4RTLIVS• thin yt Otte remo . \ , . ' 4,' \, • ,
\ . \ ,
i dy, au4 the coard•nt bl , tmtl 1 '.. , It. I o l o4•Pthen ~
lOr„ lilt iodultal tattelo Inv It put u . a O tt th,tprith lc \
hel. gal ditectiloasofor Bar fit of I , obit*. S
• The ,PETII.OI.KUNI is:Procu from sot ethln thIP• tom; \
:: °• • • t 'l : tltruto4:r"Abllh'4"'reLle'2ll'4l)•relf;Lab'kr'Ctr.'hi'r):l'll.4.7".T.lblMVU'Ythernttli'llis \ \ '
propertied rese=t
, 11, bum r .1 , a.: . .e . % aftzt.ionaiesa \''
t•Tua rt' iffros = whlrpilf km a. to hemp l'Atats& \*•\
\esa ia tales:aline ecalitring. lid re :li thAtilgonr
L •I g ' rtiil{ttrort ' illi a p ;i. R g it b il t e' , 4l4l7l\ • - •\ \ \
t nix-sore oftisethe think \ Throne te es
it \ \ \
sha call. Kit, add Der r. blO res it tall pthl 'S .
form .is then. intheation•o as I loth Pcderdt,ff i lli.k ‘
' \
wide ,Is Nc ri7d ,ot
, kriratida i t ot 1u1u 5... ,
' Ite eh to Ir • eed Math.. ' \
are acit, ethat them. eum ffon 'tot Ita w a,
lato the Bathed lo.wha soder. and' Ph ft. he trel ...,.
Wham %bed° rst efaint lOr it a titilVerfaiXliflllioll In af • * \,,
dlthare‘rwo rah ea attely.*P, th , • ....08. , S,
Chrmie Diatheet,l, S. idarivallsal. din theee meg bit .. \ \ ,
ClYgf6 a irtNtii ViVt i cli•tNt. : 474loZ " ,.ift ` t'i4 " .o_,
tfrut,,,)•.t TUNA. and tdowase."nt thoth_paeaageth Ll• 1 1 ,
• Kft 1.71031P1.A1NT. DVB •PBSIA, starts, Mathew the I' \ 1 ,, ' \ •
' leaditer and Kidney.. I' .. in the leth•or eLIA, Neer.= ". i. \ *•,,,
/heath , Neuralgia. P.m. ',Rheumatic Palo, ttottLlErittip
lat e Tel.:, Emser.rmali pas, Scalds Prulsert : #:.the.. It \ s '
t . t. 4 15.e,... , 17 ,,,0 nt , 5. r... ... ,,,, f de. ,, 8 , L , 11 . 1, \ t\ re a v i a ... L , titinr k rom ..
,44,, 1 \ „ \ \ ,
!Thor ...lief. It will tel . n eceret TONIC and CATER
.itfill s in each th ew. imp g tone met energy 2, taw \
flntel frame, removing otetrae rth, opeolKc th e A , V , . , ,
und at, which thaw M... 4lt ittmkcn
•d al he Increased and rerun.. Opener to a 4 l '. b ' 4 ''' l= .
of inn Troz oroonotoo knows or r ,4,, ... 7 ,...2, ,• 1
that mei e l other Matzoth.. t eel! • .Ie n , ,
\ \
•of the l'efftla.ll.ELlN Pm a short lam T. the. ...'a
-iven nd a cister. who &strewth \
„,, \ l. ' .
' ,None gen Ing without the simithateref c •
~ . \
Sold by the Ithean ,
.n . &LIM Cared Basin, mar me ••
le, by It. E. SMARR, 0 Woos, •
. . • .•
t throe Bead street andlro %n ART wb
N. • •
.." 1 2. 1 / 1 - I .ll.thatththir abrAintel san .
, PllflollaLtiTlON.\ -- A . \
iii 5. ,,. '0 ,,,, W th. t ....., 01l n o, n. b.ta
j w i ll d o d ,t r oo . o d ic . k id,.. a.n 7 d ..,„A ltfili,
, C 1. V .,,..
t. ,
mtatt'4...ins In bark or nfkw, still -doint, old .res,ronalai•••
olethei s lte., that they 0 Ift Mired by taking the' P/ESltt r- \
', L.
LI:U)IN 100 may tan • pins baton • tustram...auth. ..,
•P ynu ydr-ano• but this d echranke it no, Bathe ponds.. a .• a
i p a, 1,, yr an hone,: Oponarpnity. that it Ina 'eirMthe ‘ •
l an bother retooly. Tbalnan
nol.'rtllg ' 711 74 -.
• '1
f& ,.. fe3 ,.. cent \ get re e• rem a ..tif . enticath
Reader' it e t toat Teri:Buie 4 /.. triaL nix Petro.
ATt \
leum tt no mixture -no eompou d. bra up Am the puns. •
of iii.posing onthe coma unit:\ ti aft , a remodyelthoree
\ r • .,,, b i rp r mesterd th od ct• nature, ado totbbies Ittototo mot
• '
broom of our mother rayth. In lb.\ rasituil pnty,,thd oe _
~fers to suffering tannarate,a reedy, used!, a and .
Sh s lt • ta77died Pilo\ after ' I. thier to\ . Cinet. Imes failed to \ ‘
. • deb .. ro Let It bao \tired Pi , Of t ' ~.
b t ith,. and of thewuret az. moot pi, 111 bander. it \
• .
ruth Choler , . Borba , 111 em, ti \ , ..d0 0 ...1 ft:
e u • old C•••••P Of Pura... in *lnch I' ry \ other :molly \
h teen of or, rivalL. AP • 1000 rein In Amt. and \ •
ocaltg,\ it is better thth any miallcalorth*m I. o.4thrten '
that •1 know et It will tone Vim
ai et, w•applithtain, oaioulowd Babb b• " E tl •••,
ed oft •P WWI eropilned in . the a v . t, au fittA7g//•• ' \
Y l o g on .ANIILL m. KIII.R , tthallithri, ea n h LIT; or . . \
/ tither . the FPlitA.
✓ Keyser • IdeDowell, thrum- of Nt - w\etme a Inv \
Liter. It R Ileilth, r.: Wood street', D. KIM S \ ,
• ''
are the 4[rot•
JIIIPO AST TO THE 4.11t1.1 . \
, .
I -11,-JscSa IhAr. the di/mover, and slile yrblirtedar \ ,
~\..- T ,'- . t.Wp,%1.t...''' := - Taz , °, 3 4; , ,
~,..1 0ic, . .., ,i n. : 411"t h, -11, .
c o m g. li v c. „ 7 , c o l , C p b:zc i, d ,,, lscalres, „..,. ..caa . • th La't , • "
a n t of th at , ...WO:no phyoriany bon.. I'ITITIO ',stud flt,•\
- yearellinn• has Ison'enthned In the 'int estagetlano of \bk. \ \
i L i NS. 4 , ti i irli b lh . el l e ' el ' f i ro n t r o r atiV/ ' : r a.ronliirldeilleith\ .* \ \ \
~ ' lins Prophelethic SyTia.•,thd other of M. ramolk,p Iteh, \ \
ettl i el ' ar=th. "' ' ' Ur i lr ' TZ .M LTlZaltlo h r W ft f a tips• `' '''' • r
o•rofule. Iheomalm. IkA hum. Fever
Ague, Benno \ \ •
all Void... Chronic Ertel, la, gal all Woes othilt ate dal, ,
...... .I . ..cutler t„ finool,. Indeed, thery Gem o dleesse \ ••, \ \ -
n •antehes utoter'llie toe of tip rroturth.s. tn which 1= . 175. , \ \ \ . ' '
\ln IV OFV:igl'gre ' o °". arts . s ir K VtTg Y ' itiM \ . \ \\
his rem, v., adapted in. •111 resenowa Tor. rath . 1 \\ .
qt , ' Ur. R 0 1' AIMB.IM , I' • 1 ...8'ti tth•f• ha"' '
'o, tdracknow eßre.l to be surrio to all ath, a. tont.
‘l \ t" illyre li" P r-,- 4 4 • 1 •;X: : :.Te n' th s. 1'17:472. 1 :n are P. L ' \ •
'.. . ' tt,..l, by the Its . lb, , e a u
adap• 1_ . 'it • •
tr, }erode do•eate, but bath to Mkt& !Ind 1t 1. ,
I. lamen [toes t•Glith what has Lk. said, lathe of . \ \
u al ".. ?,l *'• \erl. re d - m all \
\ dp ,, , , ,....v* ' ,.;,,, ,,,,,; 0trif ri.. A ia\, ,t. ‘ • Doc , frifr4.
, E p h i l, , hs h ' l7l:::+ll ' datfe= : • ,
\ cur b ',. • g Wet. We Ft. ith Krug.
n " lni o ItW I S Co ' i math, Palstiafgh i, •
l i z
• 1,
. ty " bd. ' o
\ ',
. .Ibuthet R. V * ' \
a A . C7.. • ' C... k ' D"
\ ' • ' '.' h ' Pc. ' ° ... A 1. 16 .- •
jthech Dam! Dart. . . ..tfer aoutllT. P I. ' , • \
... •
' •liiii . Aar• A V i ' \
, •' . ,
-- --,---,.
\ COTllikt . ' T
VOR 4 . 11 E At, .CTED will be w L i*: -
or;OO,D,T Wati . b o . o b • , :r,:,,, - i i‘b" F A L ..L l 2 l ,L,Lliy,:g e,. : •
~1111' : .' '.1 1. : °;0 ' ;‘,iii,t' ''''t ' Mt' - V,;,! • '
rlduma; in. alsuld
,' chththial chardther of di , w We feel th at we ha att. I • ",
It Vie n c ,i irLrlillot th Attp , l , * . tr; !Li m oraymalbam that has • "„
„h“ nis bled for. •''' ' ' ''' " ''. 7 "W"" .N . , W, 64 ."
\ It h. coned. thd le cap•ble o acing more, , •
any other medicine ofbred rIP. sa .we care pot try Whoa. ',
male or sad, nr by •hat nom.. • . , \ '
~ Aa. • etroug and , ozwinring tom or the Wove. we .7 \ c
•• that it is the ooly article that Ma ap ethrtal la the homed * •• * '
\ E. Indent Medicine that ha. ever been patrooland Lad meth.
~ •,•.. th , LlZzO , f ,.. th , e , e , ll4 nederally. a, , the am. wheals I .„ .
• o ffend for rode. Va. uthl by thy of i 1 '
\thew.... .• \, ' - .
s, The /lon. Mom 11. Grime'', late !WC\ Th e 800. Robic \ ..
ll- Morris. late Mayor. Ito, John A. DIA Well- &Path.
~,I, Wahrad 11. Pceter, E.. 1., &taw 0(110. sll.lrituf
_the ,
• . •
I' , and a Loot' of other dtstinctibbbl et r l c,. .tinit. at New..
lb; • who hate fully reared as moral, here milled the \ \
, todorletcr to ,'.Ter to them. • •• - -
1 . 1 'it'r..l:(rll•itt7•7ll';?.":r rth.l974otraire=.. \ \
th el''`rhtrittg,V.r.wroirttc'etdy".nVehlATT.l.'w
• the*. Y... 0 hefthhthe public. Ith text rdinds ethane na
• .j ,i
4 •tho ce.t;ret hen. oi T i lVe molt undoubtedly is Antitat and
a mart cut 'Troth • general . taws end lathrtlve '
• cualit et. It le •i• 'ion rOzniNIT for LI nerethe d' aft% ,
4, thank * 8., ....Ban. relllog, ear th .. h ' eat
I' ,
~. eirgat i ld4Me b titittstd ach t g that desh , ls heir to. :S. •
. ~
, land ;ka r t.: fvtemet. each a!;.•,•*nitr:' cola
urea.. * :ll ta. .alethlo:lt '
- „
4ntodio. bale oion, . bould the
belief, health rint '
~ •ff•nd. and `in cur pmstadrol, the Waal. afl. • •
,_ I ` ' , •
d *N. nie•dici•.. nature's brinedy." ' , Prepared nom vii ' . • .
tahitr, kr Uttetnil or well ...oxternw urn, It any dire, ',,' '.
\IT .1-. the aterecd_part-Mliti it hAdlii MIA nit i ttatil• \' , •
l•• a p. Xo r : i ill • l' i , : i Itif t he, 0/amyl Paious Choll,and • , • ' •
WertZti.......lnful • tit • fe'crl•ll7rrod\'‘.4stover tap E m ' t ' nqi • end
1 ' ,• r
" X2 . 7n11 ", 1 7 i i i„ b h '' hI , .R. E. L I , :r \ ...
..; . I a. Beth,. Skid A
a, rdl 0p1i..0 d en \ Inked, multi he. mull Draining •
t • i '4•"• • ••.*• Ai! - .1 ,,, .0. tut, two, tt.4 con sltulintr - bot,
• t : iall3at 1: • .
T . \ tl Re
o c, a cra of Etta titithOaiette. L , ' , ' -
r 8 k i„,,,c 24 , ::L E,,,,,, T ., 0......i. L rek s ittt!t i lltin . -
: 'one 4t r boo id,.. iArtant re ies of mod hm..,'
• PL
" c "M "IL•4M)Ch
U t*'
" I.
\ 44' 4
i year tho ince, tilt flcrat it.tlPAS'itltf brottail bac., ten
r ., I , .. , unc i l , t* . rAegtl l % crer-d• Cict... i • ,,,,, l n tr,.l,rtre •
. .
ronimM% • ly. Ina we alltiaMt . Vlthigerit s la•brief th e
ram. ceraii 'II de grea4fican 7 „iftp9tlettr.rit. •
1 •
ey rata n : c top tor . th \./.. pun de rot tosalegMentht, • . '
arta. cm, w ch ••• • •••••41, will routine to be tuat i er . lra ,
LH other nth hare be,. ImmObt. The Fetre \la .. ,
Natural Reined . olaborated In the depth. or the Oat*
u \
. , .
or . pow.. ana a ncy that laughs to vocnt all IDnistff .
titmpthition. lx •ur dot. wen we •rite about ath
n. that wee the true r--. ` L {
we say nothing .11f * \ \ *
1dit e. ....4d,r , 1 n t . cae ,,,,, r ho.ihaiw.t;,,af.rwrion.lpotrregicA, \ ,
(hint th. b i relief film awn.' • A nary rat
hardly 1.4. Licht wn othe tt. an, •••• :hi ofeers ot uferta/ \ \
ender tumbociong wpm o them. ~w,we do II doddre .
t"d•• 1i .. ?" ** ..P.Ott. f' DM I Muth m thlthot. lo ' \ ' • ,
our tau - ehould Ist Id, 'o order to vote Thr If Crepe. ' \ ~* \
nation ftheed.l , radi e n e artlete 1 th e matetitOned. \ • ' ' \ 1
ith Plait. u earthed farts that ay tethinettathad \ • ,
in our ray thd neightstb , . ample estlerny Us, fa. c .
• v^r uf the Potrniellny ~ '.
j 11 ohm the pest_laro me. thel, two of nu mini titlafflnl a \
wnr. were nsly. blind. h. bora reArrel sight. See. ,
d and yaw. cf blindlow ite, SS., (IBM 1, have berth \l‘
cure... A nil • It.o, the care of , a platlenian in Rthrerrd ray. \
?2.';7l..L• gfio ' Vy ' a b : ,! ,; ',l, = ,' ralf,tfett%,,,.:„7. ' A
l•et- The. taws went rood &Berth • had Leon atandart. \•, ' •
I ect by Atria.. as howler, • Tin... Burch-um will.curr. : \ A •
e Pilo, to ol imording to frytertterf. • • A •
Pt, Rheum.... bent.hearalitta Id \With.= tIIRSIthae • • is \ '
Pimples m the fen. Chronic Sore Ey•-•,locerorm.llhtter . '
erald Deal , p•ms st, the bones atislyona, All (Beer. '
Wm, Ague. Chroule Conchs, Asthma liktflyclatis. and all - • • 1. , ..,'•
1 % ' ‘
o Puthanutry tarethion. of • e hr o nk•natorie•Windlng2o,pcp....,..: ~, ' t l:.: ''- \acid
. .
dare Croputnyouri
e Hums tad theta, Bee., of the Rio
kier\., l ll • ••••*. .*** ' V. \
Chapped fth Erebriaod Ninnies, Coro* , 'Snake ' ' * l. • \
In raft it is fc.axaT ITNIVLAIAL ItLitt.T. and Ilia •lanna erled \
la aus t of thritheive Meares within the pert ythhelith the , • • l t ' l.
c t osi terfect purr,. Certat rates that wile. 'IS, ~
\ ',behead* 04 the prr.pnetor. atm will take' le.ure beitatto.T. ''s el
nw coom to thc allathed ere their frithuls 1' -., A ~
•, Whatever others may Pay about 111.1 r niedkll4
Petroleum lathe grethet Remedy of the lios. I% a. \
~ htor,,prdia c in the iflodafeion >re r.CJOInin ttiony It \ • fi,
in' their briscilth Three who . Erl.kelarl on wlthd/4 . _._
I, oral unecrtadoty. Pre Rto •••thd it duo prat, . *
\: '•
rim...lmam. .11eLtrre another ye. 'dial Maud, all
thrintelled th arknol.ce that the Petrch In is the gthS• \ • .
•nt medicine peer I. - osthed-. toe sale. 11 /LitS•A••••ii le• '
..ttl.. Li . ht., ,'Elt t Althafil il. th • 410 Wood et..' .
AI It. E. hollers, o: Wood• D ..11 eurry,'D Al
• , 11 . 1i . :tt,Josebt, Dchdlae, Allecheny Cif Alan. br .P. , \ j.
a, S. M. KIER. Ca... El4lll. .o.thinah strech-Pirte \
lai th end 13. A. FatfOrsta.k a co
l\ ..J bait "that .1..
- ItS' 11 1 1PEICIACIN ill urn S.Y.KUI S .
,N , ' ', \
'j'- " \ e '''l.`."'. .itiit ' til ' it:iTtg"*lt'ffr n 't ;a, 'l'... • ,
\ s..
it 1t4.. sellers-St children like . ie., nave won ' * \, s
sutdectrdarouLlthone couch, sod t.bNtiel =then' \ •
,Nk \ , \
..seam. about ry lane narqs , e dv I •......1 red by threr . - •..i. , , i...
tthatoth, your Aough 8 rup to cit. it a trial.
;0. , It to`ndb of MY WV, rind. no to tor dauftbterfaver *• \
, different Beath, god It has never fa il ed L. 0 11P0 . •
\‘• • ,
• I "V .. OlrOliatnend..l atomy um Phony 40 Onofl
Cotteettdrf,halif re that it is the teat rough • ‘,*;. ' c• V,
„tint han overleap offered to the public. '•
Ana., dadlaTiO.
t oOLlTl,Th ' e h nitityti7.7.,VC?.4, l .l l alt :t. "' lffrrtll . 0 6r tir .
l•rthp. vs
l!rrOared and lint.l . kr It. E. SELLERS. '
' tortai • , f... Its.] of.. aty.l Draggle. beanaDJ• ,
\jilliATE NT MEDI bi ES, ~-q. lane etoek \
to ...bind for watt lbw ithat libtr•l threw .it , •`""
il•i•itell thntment .., laromil4e alb*: \ \
, ,
t- I ,° ",.V.ortied !alt of '.
r = : -It ' r 4 ra ' • \ \ \
Pi li, ''' 7• •
Nervisand Pone Liniment toodger e sycjip,,,,y yri si ,
,ttederdoc. :leer • .. Brlpell (Al
, p,,,,,,ori e ry Baird. • thr . abrtEstrtht of Bathe
••• • . •
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