The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 09, 1851, Image 3

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    .HOlliE MATT RS.
j/Ifir-Tirs 'WHIPS or Tin i'lllllT WARD
=Wane invite the wino N aft et, ether. Made. .A
the PO/PLR of Allegheny mutat-genet:Au, to the LAST
GRIND BAILX,Y. P. ,10 . to th. Rleettett,"
On FE/DA P EVENING NE 1' at 7 0'd0,4
erbith oeeaslink the Hon. THOMAS THLLIASLI, end
the Um THOMAS M.IIOWS, (our teeeebAr of Copims,y
ill7o- C. DARRAGH, sad other nutter., eiriwesdujee the
uteeHott.,. thou one, cone all true Whites. :..
Serntarr n : Yrr7.
gprATtno Munn's° Braumantat.—A
meettng of the friends of Scott and Johnston
will be held at the Market House, jin Birming
ham, on this evening (Thursday) at 4
oilock -
-Hon. T. hi, Howe and other speakers will ad
dreas.the meeting. . - .
Tam Luse TO-DA.T.—Tba ixhibition yesterday
Syle , ntrycyediiable to all concerned, and we
are surelhat the display today will not tall be
hind it. The number and, variety of ern - ilea
which wiU be exhibited will be very great.
Firleidimportance,of course, will be the /s
-ties' department. Thep will eil thlit bu t te r
and cheese, bred and honer togetherrrith
many other articles, which the fair sex alone
appear to be capable of making, in their fnllest
perfection: , The successful competitors will re
-calve silver . tea spoons, butter, knives, mini diplo
maa'as memoriaLs of their skill. •
Th• iron nuumfactirers will exhibit articles
their line of business, too numerous to men-
Stoves; railings, ornamental designs,
.npringn„ axles, shovels, forks, nails, &., &0.,
of the best quality, will be shown.
!.. The carriage makers ire prepared to bring
forward their finest carriages, buggies, omnibus,
eel ind wagons. The cabinet makers will die
:play some most beautiful chairs, tables, sofas
wisl!werdrobea. Copper Ore from Lake Superi
or, and the articles made 'from it, plate glass,
bitontila lithographs. exquisite carving. da
guerreotypes, picture fniSes, and a great earl
let, tif other fine specimens of our handicraft,
will L.'S arranged in the upper market house,
which hie been boarded in, and prepared for
their reception.
The ploughs, barrows, cultiviters, seed sow
ers, grain cradles, winnowing machines, and
other agricultural implements, bid fair to excel
any before exhibited hero.'
• The grain, pointoes, pumpkins, Melons, beets,
Re., will likewise. be' very fine, while the fruits,
although the season is somewhat advanced, will
be of excellent , quality.
',To crown till, a number of our first artists
Aare kindly cemented to send a number of their
Sittings over, in order to increase its attrac
tions, The price of admission to this fair, which
'could not begot up except in a manufacturing
Inity, is only son cents for a tingle, and one
dollar for a family ticket.
Tai Fatn.—The Allegheny County Fair,
bich.was tipeiied yesterday by the exhibition of
was by 'fir the best that has ever been
held belle. Between three
. and four hundred
animals of various -kinds were on the ground,
•d a large majority were of so fine varieties,
• • so good cenditien, no to render the judg
••• task by no means an -easy one. We were
I•litastu4 to see so large an attendance of our citi
mutat who crowded the grounds from en early
holm Indeed, more money was received at the
gate than on both the days last year.
. Tito :weather was very pleasant, and numbers
of gentlemen from the neighboring States and
enirere present. We hove no doubt that
antes were the numbers yesterday, to-day ma
hundreds more will attendance, for the
. .
. y of agricultural implements,..manufae bar
ed article-I, grains, fruits, .and vegetables, will
=rancid any ever mode in Western Penney]-
The hones, mares, ,and geldings, were mann
nival nrunbers,, and of excellent quality, embra
cing every variety, from the heavy but useful
draught, to the light carriage and riding horses,
and the noble fall-blooied animals of the best
breeds. l4erer before has so choice a collection
been gathered together in Allegheny county.
. The cattle attracted great attention, and de
servedly, for they !showed a great improvement
upon those at the last tsar. Among the varie
ties extibito were fine Durham bulls and cows,
ettlreome excellent Alderney ranch cows.
.The display was very large and creditable to
oar wool growers, the sheep being very choice.
Tine specimens of Merino, Leicester mad South
Mown buekus, ewes and 'lambs were in the pens.
511121 C AM) P0131:111T.
Bat few 'swihe were exhibited though. those
en the ground were of good quality.
. kinzierotts fowls of the best breeds were
brought torward, and the improvement over the
,fgr'of Wit Dear, Was very marked and decided.
' Spicireetut of the 81Maghbe, Cochin China, Po
lii4 Rock, Chittagong,. Jersey
43ittes, Jt171% and other no va ri eties were eihib
We are glsd tole= that, in accordance with
I resolution et. :the Board of • Managers passed
yesterday, the fowls trill hereater be exhibited
on .the second initelid of the first day of the
After 'the stock had been examined, the
judges adjourned ti report, and when they
were prepared to do so, n large number of Mei
- sena assembled in the market house to hear the
• awards.
- Col. Hiram Helix, addressed tho meeting at
abditt three o'clock, in an impressive and prac
' tleal manner, pointing out the benefits of sgri
=Hare, and the means by which its interest are
best promoted.
James K Kennedy, Esq., on behalf of the
various committees, announced the following list
of premiums..
COIMITTIL os Flonars.—The committee .on
holies, Messrs. Robert "'Patterson, Pittsburgh,
gotm Morrison, Patton tp , and Thos. M'ldas
:tare," Obis tp, beg leave to ;report the following
.premiums. -
j. Best draught etallion, No 81, John F Garrard,
lEast Dear.
2d but, No 87, lasso Parguson, Penn town
i•- Beef saddle and harness horse, No 94, Thos
;Collins, South Payette.
2d but, No 88, Henry Stotlar, Penn.
Best blood stallion, No 140, A McKee, Robin-
24 beet, Na 239 Wm Denny, Indiana.
Bestepau work barrio, No: 80, darnel nichie
2d best, No 76 John Etrilt,West Deer town
Beet eput carriage bones, No 138, Jas Mat
, qtinrs, Pittsburgh.
24 best span , carriage bones, No 146, Win
, Barker, Pittsburgh.
7' Bat mare and colt, No 98 Wm Ramage, M'Cand
beet mare and colt, No 2, Dayid Bo yd, In
"'Bewt three year old borer, colt, No 43, Ater
Miller, Ohlo tp.•
24 best, No 88, Isaac. Saint, Sharnabtirgb.
Beal two year old mare colt No 73, Jas Doug
4ase, Conine tp.
2d best; No 168, George Harris, Indiana town-
Beet 2 year old horse'colt,,No 113, Saml
on,,upper Bt. Clair. I ;
24 beet,'No 6, Satottel Bache', Findley,' town
. Best yearling itbne colt No 49, John !Kelp,
'PInSIey tp.
2d b est. No 78. Ilugh Andorews, Penn town
But it Year old mart milt, No 25, John Miller,
Snowden tp.
2 , 1 best, No 61, Doctor Caruthers, Wilkine.
Beet yearling mare colt, No 72, A ll'Quewan,
• . 2d beet, NO 91, Walißarker,' Pittsburgh.
Best mule No 3 JuBAllen Bth Ward.
Ah B McQuewan of Pittsburgh; recelred the
. I:lrst premium for &beautiful drought horse of no
usual size. •
Cowatirres ca Cantu—Messrs. James hicKcl
jy, o r Wilkins, John Boyd of Indiana, and
-John Thompson, of Pen= •
The oeumuttee. on Cattle respectfully report
Limit tbsy.ldeem the following articles of stock
worthy of the premiums awarded to them:
gulls—let 'premien, No. 63, W CDocus, Ohio
=emium, No 14, (James McKelvey, Wilkins
Best two year old, let premium, No 64 1 Won.
Baker, Pittsburgh.
.24 bad, No 97, Jnoßarber, Indians township.
flesliwanting Dull , INo. 169, W. C. Dennv-In
din= toWsteldp.. •
2d best, En ;Wee Bat, Wien& township.
:','-.T.'....;.;'',..-''''.•:.:i,:'..'.-1...E:if..,,,'.:1:,.,5','''..'-:.-;.-'-::'--:?. •.'.l
. .. ~_ .... .. .
Bast two wilds cons, No 18, Apia, Ross, In-
Best cow and calf, rio's6, Win Boyd, Wilkins
2d best cow and calf, No 85, John McAllister,
Allegheny. '
Best three year old heifer, No 20, Jae Roes,
Indiana township.
..„24.1 best three year old heifer, No 7, Jc;s Stoner,
Penn township.
Best two year old heifer, No 15, Jll3 McKelry,
Wilkins township.
24 beet two year old heifer, No 75, John Boyd,
Indiana township. •
Best yearling heifer, No 16, James McKelry,
'Wilkins township.
24 heet yearling heifer. Na 105. John Boyle,
Indiana township.
Best fat tOw, No 99,fWm 'Ramage, Zslcaand
l ass' township.
Bent tat heifer, No 75, John Boyd, Indiana tp.
Best fat calf, No 164, P A Way, Ohio tp.
COILIIIIIM Of 921Z1?-216111r6. CbllieS An
aereon, Ludiana, Jos. Stoner, Pea, and Thor.
Alexander, South Fayette. The Cominittee on
Sheeppresented-the following rep
Best Leicestershire bock, No. 42, .lonathan
F. Garrard, Indiana.
Beth South Down bock No. 11, 'John Mt:Ret
ry, Within.
2nd - bast, No. 42, Jonathan F D'arrard,
Best Merino Buck, No. Cl 3, Sea. ißtesrart,
2d beet do do No. 107, John lattews, N.
Best Leicester buck lamb, .N 2. 36, John thr
ead, Beat Deer.,
2d best do do same , erson.. p.
st do do same person.. ?.
Drat Merino buclt .lamb No.. 108, John Mat
thews, North Fayette.
24 bist do do name person:
gesi Leicester ewe, No. 41, jonatbin F Oar
beat., do do, No. 158, David Boyd, lodi
Beat 2 Leicester ewes NO. 39, Jonathan F.
Glirrard, Indiana.
Six best South Down .we No. 128, Jesse°
girrard, Indiana. •
' Six best lambs, No. 124, Jesse, Garrard, In
Three best Leicester lambs No. 80, John Gs,
rtird, Ease Deer.
Beet ewe lamb No. lerd, Darid Boyd, Indiana.
2d beet' do .do No. 28 John Garbled, East
3 beat Merino lambs, No., 110, John Mat
thews,,North Fayette.
Wen Dunning, Penn township, John Boyle, Indi
ana, and Jas". Means, of Snowden township, re
ported as follows:
lot premium, Large spotted sow, No. 166, Da
vid Boyd, Indiana.
2nd premium, No. 143, John Mcßitterick, oth
Pool:res.—Best six barn yard fowls, (breed
Bhanghao and Plymouth Rock,) No. 101, Mrs
Wadsworth, of Wilkins.
2nd best, No 102, Plymouth Bock breed, Mrs
Wadsworth, Wilkins.
Best pair White Slanghaes, No. 10D, Mrs
Wadsworth, Wilkins. -
,2nd best; pair .tersoy bhies, No. 130, B. Mc-
Knight, Allegheny.
Ist premium, pair white Guinea fowls, No It 3,
d 0 . 11 Denny, Pitt township.
MUSING' or TUE &jai:D.—Thu lioard of Mana
gers then adjourned . to Mr. Gochring's tavern
for the transaction of business.
They had met in the morning at eight o'clock,
whoa Messrs. James Matthews, llob't It Patter
as; Pittsburgh, and Murray A White, Alleghe
ny, were appointed a committee on saddles and
At the afternoon session. on motion; it wan
resoCeal that committees be appointedta arrange
the various articles to be brought to the fair to
day., • •
Arrange:seal of Agricultural fmpfrotutii—hiesars
Young, McCabe and yey were appointed a nom
"mitten to arrange the agricalturil implements,
grain, fruit and vegethides.
Arrungentent uf Ma ulectarrf Arta es—Messrs
Miller, Boyd, Garrari and Cooper Isere appoint
ed a committee to ge the manitfacSured Ur
rkr of A rt-Masers Martin,
were appointed to arrange
• Arranyenteni of tri
Murdoch and Halts
the works of art.
! resolved that all comPetit
worthy, shall receive , a di
signed by tbe , ofre'ra of the
voney, if preferred.
I I e are pleased ti; announce
yen who were wounded in
.day, hare died, with the
.nkeft eldest child: Rio
gonel, •
Ou motion, it w
c;ra who are judged
yiloma of exciillenee,
Society, instead of
TEM Worsozo.—
that none of the chil
Birmingham, on hlo
exception of Mr. K!
youngest son will •
Mr, Baldwin's son
His scull was tract .1
- •
was frightfully injared.—
and the bone broken
•thee in length by three in
the bone were' extracted
quantity of the matter of
omposed ooze from the
say, the little s fferer has
a of all his me tal focal
. t will recover. . .
'Cabe is also l' ely to do
ikewise fracture and one
The min of Mr. Byers,
vier a surface fear
breadth. Portions ol
by Dr. Wolf, and •
which the braitt il3
wound, yet strangiyt•l
the perfect poes4lo
ties, and it is thong]
The child of Mr.
well. • Her scull was
of her arms broken.
. . . . _
whci was injured in abdomen, is opt of dan
ger. We believe the, no Inquest was held upou
Abe body of the little boy who died ; and trust
thattihe dreadful catastrophe which his happen
ed, will cause mare ca o to be obserred in letting
the cars down the al rail way where the ac
cident (mimed. _
!BMW% To DAY.—The
or the reception of Tisit
nd the exhibition will be
o'clock, P. M., before
will be allowed to be
Hovers or rue
gates will be open.
ore at nine ceeloo
continued antis
which, hoar non
taken away
. . .
Tao DIPLOMAS ron. vus Fsta.—Thc diplo
mas for the successfUl competitors at the Fair
has been lithographed In the, first style of art,
by Messrs. Nyeguer, tnechner and Mueller, of
Third street.l, It wil form a very eat and ap
propriate ornament for the counting room of the
merchant, or the apartment of the fainter, and
is Very creditable to the enterprising firm, under
whose superintendence It seas executed.
I:3PRECTI.—he Hon. -Walter 11. Lawrie srth
deliver an addrese to the memliere of .the Agri
cultural and I Methanical lair, this afternoon,
ouithe grounds of the Pair. ..
! • ----- •
. .
!NOTICE TO EXHlBlTollll.—Ekbibiturs will
please to bring the article' they wieb to exhibit at
the Fair today, co the groand betweSo the hour
of 'eight acid a quarter before nine.
Mr. GLIDDON'S mooed Lecture will, be deliv
ered to-night, at City Lecture-room. The audi
ence last TUCiNiILy was a good augury for the
suttees of the course. Those who missed then,
will hare, by coming to-night, ample time to un
derstand the two last Lectures. The present '
one will treat principally on the Arrow-headed
writings. In tact, attendance to-night will facili
tate the hearers of the third and last Lecture in
understanding some greet Biblical coon:mottoes.
Rational amusement conthiriod with scientific
and useful instruction. Dr:: Gleason, of Phila
delphia, is drawing crowds of delighted auditors
at Wilkins Hall every evening. The subject for
this evening's lecture, viz.: - the Lungs, and the
causes of Pulmonary Consumption—itanio.s of
; prevention and proper Mode of relief,—is one of
intense interest, inasmuch ash is estimated that
more than severity thousand of our citizens an
nually die of this disease. Consumption is in
fact peculiarly the scourge of Christian and civ
ilized society;.while the savage that roams over
our Western prairies, inhaling the pure, free
and fresh - open air, is almost entirely exempt
;from its influence.
r rHE SUBSCRIBER having now received
11. hln entire sewn or FALL AND WINTER ROODS.
re-Fp...dully to
nls ...mere anal the public
that ho Ls prapamil thspora bia elthar
sale ur az Ton! 10.
Ma has In Dry liotala.all the Praple. as nail aa • lure
stock of Fancy Dreaa Runde. coutprisinur 40 part
-4-1 Chan, Silk, fur avenloll and attnn
neritarit, very rinhi
4-4 kirocniii. "Ulm " "
1.1•112 black edie.,. a/ 1 Prhn• •httliiit.
Orneady knack P k .
Unser Watered Silk. all Nhailnr.
FrM usl ench
in Popl doU ins. lnas; ••
Vrantb Merin. .nil Caalimernr.
Together srlth Ifrsackl and Endileb Cis endlesara-
11.41'21 and 134 Darnels, fibrentong
4-4, b. 4 arid 64 " and Irish Pillow Llsama
74_84 and 14- Table DamasaA
An and di Darnsaa ?ianklps and Dolllan
Unetabuk Diaper and Crash TOIIOIOOOX
Web Printed Plano and Table Covers, superb soodc
/larsedlre Quilts, Frensh. Furanisre,Dlmlly. Colt 0.4
Curtain Aliderials, 14.
• •
310s Bc't‘ lltralsdno, Tiand' 64 wide: -
Black Ca Cloths: .
61.44 alob n•
er Lnstrer
1111 1. 4 , V k al&Teet Clo th s:
rnallsb. Finnels Isar Italian 'Crrspen Hod and Craps.
T4ll. Chenderstee 404 61110.100. Collars and C e ara Gloats
.4 11.4441 all of which Goodsl.lll no warranted of 1.41
colors ancl cheap fsr
• . 1 / 3 429 A. IIeICISIGEIT.
Q,ENEKA OLL, (Parkeraburg,Hs bbla, a
1,7 mtnearacle. qa• by
611.1.113 A 4.
azcsivrs. 17 Till o' . atni.r 711.101/711 was,
NE.* Yotie, Oct 8.
The steamer Rambolt, from Havre and South
ampton, arrived at her wharf at 6 o'clock thisl
afternoon. She left Havre on the 25th of Sep-;
tember, and Cowes on the evening of the same'
day. She brings London dates to the 24th inst..
The Humbolt brings 134 passengers, and 20001
tons freight. he experienced very boisterous
weather;during her passage, with ,a SUCCVIIIIiOII
of heavy westerly winds. Qn the 17th, asi 2P.
M., in Lat. 44, `Long.' 62, she flaw an Ameri
can propeller. '
The Asia arrived out at noon on the 21st of
Sept. having Eisele her passage in about 11
days. The Herman arrived It Southampton, on
the afternoon of the' 21st, making her passage
in about 16 dais.
laysaroot, Sept. 24.
Cotton—The iiiarket on the 231 was quiet and the rates of the previous Friday. The
sides on Monday and Tuesday were 12,000 bLs.
Tho demandlor export was very brisk. The
quOtatioos were—Upland Middling qd,
fair lid ; fair bid ; Mobile mid. 4iCbtid : mid.
fair bid; faired; Orleans mid. ; middling
fair bid, and fair at did Id lb.
Mreadstuffs—The imports of grain are limited,
but prices generally bad undergone bat littl
change and where any change had occurred,
it was m favor of buyers, excepting for Indian
corn, which was fid bq quater dearer, and firm.
Flour—Good brands fresc sweat American)
was.mucti:scarcer,and commanded 183Ce19s 6d.
for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Western. Sour
flour was quiet at 1.162)173 id bbl.
Grain—Wheat had undergone no change,
notwithstanding - a slight decline in ?dark Dane.
White Genesee waa quoted at 53 4A053 10.1;
and red at 43 GdC - 443 10.1 bu. Indian corn
was selling at 27a 6d€9283 6d, and yellow at 263
6t1,0er273 9d
. .
Corn Meal—Sales at ills 6,1@12s 8d 11 bbl.
for yellow sod white.
LO.DON, Sept. 114.
Foreign wheat is difficult of talc, at a decline
of orie shilling per quarter. American Sour is
quoted at 'S&P's: and' Canadian at 18ffil219 Ll
bbl. ,
Lostion, Sept. 24.
The rise of 14 per cent on the Paris Bourse,.
lead to highly beneficial results, in London on
the 23d. Consols advanced id, closing at 961(1,
for money, and 96,11 1 96/ for account. For
eign funds have also advanced a little, Alelican
are quoted at 2.6e.275.
There bed been on improvement in Railway
sin Ne.
American stocks were la modrate demand, and
unchanged in price..
The demand for goods and yarns at Manche.-
ter continued active. owingto intelligence from
America, predicting s less plentiful yield then
had been anticipated.' Operations had been con
ducted with much less timidity, and spinners and
and Manufacturer. are enabled to command full
prices, if not at a slight advance.
The news pi:lncases no special feature of in
terest. The London papers are discussing the
question of eastern politics. in connection withl.
the contemplated Railroad from Alexandria to :
Tho potato disease is prevailing in the north
of Ireland, causing considerable alarm; bat ow.
ing to the abundance of the wheat crop, do ap
prehension woe felt of a deficiency - of food.
The steamer Avon arrived at Southampton on
the 23.1 of September, with the East India mails,
and one and a half millions in specie.
J. S. Silsbee, the 'tanker Comedian, made a
successful debut at the Adelphi Theatre in Lon•
dou on the 2:1.1, In the character of Jonathan
The news of the Randolph Rost Indiaman hav
ing been wrecked on a rock, near Nlauritasole
day after she arrived at Port Louis, had reached
London. She had on board 200 paesengers,.. , of
whom 20 or .10 were lost.
Great preparations were making at LiverpEkol,
for the reception of the queen, on her contem
plated risit
The receipts at the Crystal Palace on the 2:3d
et September, amounted to nearly 3000 pounds
A self springing musket, invented by Dr.
Maynard of Philadelphia, attracts much atten
tion at the exhibition.
The neve of the capture and execution of Gen.
Lopes reached London on the '_'let, and elicited.
emusiderablo comment from the press, chiefly is
favor of the course pursued by the Spanish Gov,
The steamer Lady Franklin, of the arcria ei
?edition, arrived at Woolwich on the lbth of
September, all well.
The Danish interpreter expresses the be
lief that the ships Erebus and Terror are etill
safe. •
Advick from South Wale!. relative to gold
discoveries, still centinue. Large ytantinies
of gold are found near Bathurst. A lamp weigh
ing one pound and seven ounces was picked up,
and sold for £sn.
The news from the Continent possess bat little
The revisionary movement still continue..
Thirty Consuls, ►ho have hitherto abstained
from expressing any opinion on the subject,
now passed resolutions in favor of rivision.
The public mind is still in a state of fever
ish excitement, which renders the market un
settled, and the Government 'suspicious and ar
Prince Metternich arched at Stutgard on the
19th of September.
An Infernal Machine had been diecnvereil by
the Police at Breslau.
A Cabinet Council was hula on the il9th, in
relation to Cuban affairs. On'the next day, M.
Martin, Editor of a Spanish journal published
in New York, who brought over dispatches to
the home Government, had an'iptervie! with
• , •
the Minister of Foreign affairs.
The accounts from Cuba continued' to cause
much excitement at Madrid.
A dispute has arisen between the French and
the Government of Tunis, in regard to the fron
tier of Algeria. , •
I=E!,inion of the Constitution, demanded by
the people, is shortly to take place in ,Switzer
In dluscoge county, Cobb, for Governor, hoe
178 majority, and James .Johnston, Union C.lll4i
date for Congress, 1.41 The Union 'llepresen.
tatices have an average majority of J04:1 vote,
gugnata city gives a Union majority of 78
• -
In Union coonty, Cobb's majority 227.
The precinots.of Cherokee county, as far as
heard from, give majoritieti for Cobb.
Returns from 25 counties _give Howell Cobb.
for Governor, a majority of 4,700 votes. In ten
Additional counties, McDowell, the Southern.
Rights candidate, has 1,000 majority.
Of the 4G countiea himrd from, Cobb, the
Union candidate for Governor, has carried GO;
and McDowell Cobb's aggregate mainrity ie
12;241; McDowell's 2,170.
, Cobb's net majority
is 10,662.
Thirty counties ore yet to hear from, nearly
all Union. Cobb's majority in the State will he
from 13,000 to 18,000. -
The Legislature will be three fourths Union
:New YORK, Oct. Y.
The Bloomer Africa Boiled to-day for Liverpool
with 76 poooongers, and $.460,000 in specie.
DontuN, Oct. h
Biz of the crew of the ship Corsica =whiled
at Valparaiso on the 26th of August. After ari"
examination before the United nodes Consul,
they were committed, arid will be scut home for
L0u.,1 Oct. t
. -
Retort:di from the diferent precincts., added to
the city vote, give a majority of 1,485 votesin
favor of the sahscripliouuf $lOO,OOO additional
to the Pacific Railroad,' border to secure the
State loan. The loan is eecured now, and the
work will now go on rapidly.
No Ministry has yet been formed. -Mr. Mo
nti, Speaker of the lima of .Repreamirativea,
was sent for to-day by Lord Elgin, to consult
upon the subjeot .
GeLyssioN,Oot. 3.
General Smith arrived at San Antonio with
the company of Cohan volunteers recently dis
banded aildostabg Island. They him; organ
iced, with horees, &c., and are about marching
to seek the Mexican Revolutionists. •
Accounts' of the crop's are more favorable.
Boavoi, Oct. 8.
A dispatch from D. H. Norteh, U. States .
Consul at Dicton, N. 8., nays that Nova Scotia
has been ewept by a destructive gale. It is es ,
timated that 100 lashing vessels have been de
stroyed. or driven ashore on the north side of
Prince Edward Wand. Some estimate the lives
lost at 300, the bodice of a large number of whom
.have been driven ashore.
• Sr. Louis, Oct. 8.
The m+ket is without change generally. No
transactions of moment
Freights to New Orleans are declining.
Now Voss, Oct. 8.
Cotton— is dull. Upland middling
is held at 91, and Orleans at 940 per lb.
Fiode—bales at $3 6863 Hi for state and
Ohio, and :94 l2+®4 25 for pure Genesee.
Grain—Sales of Ohio Wheat at Bic. Sales of
corn m 54@56c for damaged, and 57p58 for
sound mixed.
Provisions---Pork is depressed, with sales
new mess at $16,26-16,37, and of primp at
$13,60. Sales 200 bbla beef hams at a a frac
tion under $l4. Dressed hogs are selling at
decline. Sales 10,000 bhls salted hams
at 7ic., and 100 bhls lard at Slc.
Whlikey—la lower, with sales at 21521.4 c.
. _
Grocarica—Coffee, dlc: Sugar 6c.
Irotk4Pig is held at :4;20 50-6 mos
Spirit Timpeatinc--Sale at 37c
Linseed Oil-74e..
Tobacco—Sale of Ohio as tiGgOic.
'Flour—Small tales transpired at $3,25 per
Whiskey—Soles at I bin Ter gallon.
Groceries—there is an active demand for Su
gar. Molasses, and Coffee, but no advance.
Cheese—The demand is limited, with sales et
Gie per lb.
Butter is less active. owing to the Increased
The Myer has risen five inchcv since last even
ing, and still rising. The weather is clear and
NEW Out.r.s, Oct. 8
Cotton—The market yesterday was active,
with sales 11,000 bales. The sales were
.11500 baler, The demand is checked by the dif-
I foully of negotiating exchange. Middling M
selling at
Coffee is firmer, with sales of Rio at Tic per
Exchange is heavy. Sterling is quoted at bi
@10: New York GO days, 2,10,4 discount: eight
do J premium
TIME Br.DITEI. peapißEll!
Peans - pin:zata Railroad and Frpre,s Andel Lino
rid Raiirtnd ~,,
1. 11111. 111. VA , , LIT r.Tur...4.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
On and after Motelay, August 2.5t11, the
Park.. of Ibis 1,113.• will lons. PlOsboratt for Lockport
o'r bet, mad every ovoung at
f , r: ' ;•istN— r =V i tklog Mr Cars or the bra Robrisrlysnla
btattrom (.lOrh tenor trumt.tiatotlr aver floor arova/ Nii.
rort tor l'ollalolphia.
tbrttugh. Forty 110.,4
t Br this nes amstcpurocit pass,ort,rs go tbrootrh
0101( . 10 toONER Iteretolorr.Oxotta tarot) miter loss
tratel.l roubllud them , o tortral at l'blla,t,lrthla t..
Ittorred oo It , Sow lota at our,
1 . rabritSOEßS 1011 BA biIIIORE
'Take the Cork awl Ouraborlautl Itrolroml, it IlarrtabOrd.
Dotatte, ottrltty-Ittto. Otto. Tlrbo, Fort{ lane,
Care to PhilaJelphis, Stril . Faro to Ltalthaoro.
do, Lama/der Sr 'do Ilarrtabarst Illbtat/
If rba desir. rhos,' tap Ivy aml otattfortablet wenn:room.
dot., becora rt.ur tickets at 11, Field °Moe. bleuttau•
beta Howse. rd
J. P. ❑OLMES, Ageim,
- • - - test Wain. Orton street
ArleHenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Yodels.
iz Sailing from Philad e lphia on the
L . 444 ,
eo. and UrPrporli 00 the 1.1 sr soli tosuth......
nip MAR} I . I.I4A..SANS.Sr, It. R Penn.!, Muter.
CIfENANISOAIL Wm. P. 1 / a rdlne,
00ft111.E. Nathaniel C. Harris, tinter
/Weed Y. lholtb. Master
PILACKAIIAXON, foe Ali W. Writ. /taster.
The shove ship. are both orals-Wet and mot molly
materialsoterd are noted (to. the nipidttr of their Tm.,
11.07 tihni • nth Ilea Improremento.are mot
thoroughly evotilated. see onsurpaswat for their an.
emone‘lations her .Yowl VON, one A:en-ow ilsranon,
ttisr an. rpmManded by men Of artneielnlord talent...oo
she oneslalhst Or their soperienre In the packet terries
Verno. dean-nom of bringing their friends from the Old
Country rat obtain sertilleates of passage. ' , inchwill be
_for elebt smooths. and nor ayente in Ireland and Ur
erpeol will forialAh thou. milk Ms proper Inf..rmanon and
lai.ervetton• retailer to their dries:lure
' - "! - Vros , lt.s ...truce 1 poseenttera aleblna to newt inn
Dryl......prir drafts tor Li serials and uroranl. payable
at nigh t *ghoul thecount, witieli vitt be cashed by aor
the Bonito or Post 1115,•Iti the United Rineolom .- Provl.Mini supplied piano:Ten r",...ftbe
Ever, work the following, PIIPPIi.'. will fur7il`h•4
esrb paeseugrr of 1:1 year, im , l over. 00, lb. brawl,
01b.. 0,, trig, r, Ibs., I lb sugar. 11b. flour,
li lb mnlasset. and 1 lb. pork. -llnart 12 rear. of age, a
lb. hmadstulls 1 W. pork. hill annular, of ukter
ar, and half alituanne of el t ,en,Fatr an:l nriame,
No, 17 Walnut street. below ftr•Nravi. Philarlpiphau
i01 ,7 1f • corner Sixth and Wood ILIA.. Pittsburgh.
1851. •StEer lB5l.
Dunkirk and th. Erie hailroad, 7innerting with
List rive atcarn..ra on Lak. Erb., the Michigan. Clevaland.
lulumbue Intel Cincinnati. Clvvelaud and Pittsburgh, and
I•andriskynd Cincinnati Eatirrudsnd steamers on Ow
O a
bin and arid , a
Indiana and
Penns ylvanisCanah.
TRAINS LEAVE fiI 7 NRIREZ Aa Fol.1,0t1":.:
(,'l l / I , ISTI. exrept.4,l
Ist Moroi.: Ex. , gr.s. Torn et
l a rrchu.k.
Ad L•rolnx ESPTYM " " Vla "
Tbe Marl Train atop al Elmira, wbert viuvrver.s •eavi
1., bony.. and tally the t :TM" inia.arnvsilir in Nvw
Toile nvrt mraninv at V oelml, makiny the wanly dilitane•
L. dar.liabt.
Thy Evvrew. Freleht arYl Caul.. Train leaves Donliirk at
4 A. m. dads; a Pansruayr Car la latradiertW tbia.Train to
•Yrsvntoodate Way haavogars and Lima...
fn. Litinkirt to Nvw Ynrlr, tl Second Clamr
vrire• will bn rciarn Ina few oars
. •
fli.l , ouarmaw preparvJ transpurt HIM atuelt.
f,uma,to of all kind. to and from New York.
pa iku:llu allwation .11l in, paid to Muck. The gauze
het trifi, orm thin numn'grust adrantaiMarrur
num , . a•vc.• la 11.. trnox.wor,,atlem nrefo.k.
11.•.-.1thillionul • Tmtnyi put lo •
Tur, , lamt
relghi Tarilh, will 14 , 1totrIlmliul, wiring full I.l.thllb
(al i A rk ,l .
tar. in toward thn priers uf Freight , al. anon se Ulm - can
Ia pmpixml.
Agra , . JTI2.m
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
Tuummger riteamers
a IWAVEIt and 31ICIIIIIAN N 0..... will
itItTC thrlt 1113.11.. at Pittot.urst4 and
th , Ntrr. e"Prr day.
Boa Ter. Itave.• l'lttstura:b at 1 W. Itnetwater 2 P
.11irblvan do do a r n do
Pt/v.161.1311 . w to no In Brav, flirt Pnvurn F.corsion
Mk. w Itocheater and bark to l'lt4burgh. for lon cent..
TtritNto wool for done on. day and
Par Ilrteta aDDIT rrk board lb. etramtrate — Bearer," or
”Slirtntan No. 1., or at the GM, or
JoIIN p t7g lltillP.Y, Ap.nt,
augU Cm Witt, Nmithriehl sts..Pittsburgh.
26 ROUES TO'cus r ETAisrp.
Rwav-4 - J 1851. igbea
Erprers Parket and Railroad l.ntr to eh-refund.
YJIASSENtiERS leave every morning at 9
11.1,-r, thvo, hy
rttsal plaekr. to RaTwunAl.thttwo by Pllt.bunth and 0..-
land It•ijroad to Ctrvolotol.
4EarEt.rr to 1 . 0•1•Inoil. $l.l.
To Clrre.lantl, 711
gi.Po through to
Tn Trnt XS hoots
Pao•engero Soy Re Ch!rout. and Slihraukie, I.ave
Cleveland every' t.,valnu at 0, o'clork. by the
of I.lo.llgan Central Railroad Co. by
then , . al 7 4 : u'cluek, A. IL by tr. Neer Bu ff alo.
and evenina at Clara,. I. ntaxiboat.
Durinu low eater 10 the &tido river. 1111. route I. Morin.
nail, St. 141118. and Galena. alll b. found much quicker.
Car tleleta nr lult.Mation apply to
4511 N 'A. CAUt/ 411.: Attunt.
(Up a4irro oc.roer 11041111fiel.1 and 1V ger
..ppuoltu tbe !lunt.nual.ela
je2.5 I.lllslll.ilklll.
1851. WESTERN 1851.
• i ~-„,
ii, ennui being in, good onion . : lie are
I ..rsu, , e , liollsee sue werehantileo to
frc.m el, slue,. rine, Ai. Ow IlAneet I'UTIVIII rAtee of
freaslit. •11. h prumptuesa sue , Ilerstrh. The le.str And
esre sre ovuee sod coulehlk4 by the propnriore Mlle
.o()Wing - Irsnolultleri. Anti all Ito...Bmin. prompt), St
toulail to.
mipty re, or addreAs ,
lIA W 8 A BLACK. Venurletnee,
Clual Ilesui. Poup Street. Illt•huruh.
lIANIII,,k LEMII. Yer.prielors,
Hvcelvinx Fop., Toe. 13 A IT, i,oulh ~ I et.. 1.1111..
It at. Phila.
PMlTVV} F ll n .l 4 2&reht, A 1,,,),.
Nu 74. TOW, el, Baltimore.
.. .
T. 11. PEARCE. Agent
' 14 1 , c., T. IA eet etreth h.,. V.1.k.,
Flour and General Produce
.QO3IIIIISSION 110 ir s E,
,Lit).l6 LOUT!! II - NEAIL lIALTIMOIL E writerr
k4II.IioAD rliTtilT Tv TILE L.OOll.
at itast t•ttual wdinuttutea Trantwottattoo
with utr other market on the yew tutted. • tott&tat , " l "
of chugt, with pack tab:. and quick ntturot, and twat
! riferm would resivetft/Ity tOltrit patrons. ,
Ppwltlictit and Culttar of Ater-hauls' Ilattitt •
flank of p6ltlEnorl.l
ComMervial Farmen flank.
ryWO SMALL 'FAMILIES can be accom
modated a nti pleasant front rooms on the second
O. wither furoisbed or unfurniahsd, and. board i AOPlT
'tithe a artier of Mint and Grant ate. ' wry
TU'S well known establishment is still von
ductal in Aka same mannar it his alwaym Tho
central ind pleasant 1./tuition of p,o Lon
arrangernentooait tha ootoraux sod lusurieg
-10,00 tha n chiihipo to it ay....tile and idralusa
pima to the trot
a firm er.
Hiving loon lba n, of John L. Turk, A Co..
t. id
long it tha. of the ..tiblaahment, the bob/craw,.
heat ilartioaa to tnaltitiat it. reputatioa and
to ilea eitiaraotiina to ilia cuatc.mers.
aep22:trocU,.tn: WM. U. PARKER.
FACTURER, 140. tooth 64.61 )3treet, (4,1,6•4
LL ul,. east •616.111611.161p1a* (41,15:17
• o.
66. 41. 6000rtoso 11.•11 . 11
.") Pala lirocniot 21,1 Market ot. 1'h11.1614 , 16. 116.41
C. IleCtiAll. J. A. WIM.NCIL.
101EALD AUCKNOR LC, CO., Tobacco
C0mm■(461046 Alerchanta, No. 41 North W4,t..4 greet.
on .IA NorthiWbarvet. Philodelphin- .opt
. .
- ,
To 15 - Calera m Liquors, r- 6
J.l. COMTI.:, French lieetifier, 360 Eighth
• ettert, NEW YORK, h. hieliletlllety 1n full oper
ation Cor tbe mautifiteture of le.. -limbo!, Pure Patrice.
B ,rand In. R .esreh Puneli. Cu rama. A bernthe, A 01.1 t,
ac.ll ton. The _carr.fully wade at
oirtllng to the beef nr.pla uepil In the Pl.ullt of
sad'llolland, the pialii) to moot of the Irn 11.-
hone fn.m the. countries D...lere are tuyilell theall and
tldrce hi the qualities. and toraard their ord.. Co the op
ft... Water stn el. titll valid! Itlii I,prtaurtir
American Hardware.
LIVEN k tJOUGLASS, 1519,nufacturers'
ti ll Anent', No. 6 phal throe dool, from Pearl nt.
Lon l'onn, arm ~wou, b larm. l fl,4 l , l zy, n o v nthr. a . t toni l v i a. l 4 of the
manu ru
factory.., and far rale on favernble terror
Steam dommintreation between New - York
ard Glasgow.
TIIE Canagnw and Nrw York
Stnxtonhip Comnany'r p.ra”rful
otram.hln ton. , end No
h omer, If. B.wart, (lat.. of the Cu
mrd stramers./ rommmlnr. In al`P , lntrd 10 . 4,11 fu1n
1006 dm* , aw tllargunr. on &Aunt". the llth of I,klobef
text. at 12 o'clock. noon.
Brrl Cibln (stenennl'o , fro tncluded.) Ito
*rood Ca6lo
No. . . •
No rterpige rweenireln inter,. 4
There ratee loclod. provieloon. but„ not leinee °rho.,
which will be puriplied co 'roar& at [oaten. priten Car ,
re. n turveoll. ,
New'York India Rubber Warehouse,
i 5.27 Malden Lane., and No L 9 Nas street.
First,nrner Rom Headway Parlor, 215 P.O au t
2.411, st
VIII: SUBSCRIBER l'ropnetor of thie ey
ta?dishnient. t hat dul l) nlit custoturrs. and
aarchants neutrally,be is nvelvina from Ids
actoryvanunuaually large end <moll...tit stock of boil,
in laser, notnufaelOrml aux...sly Nr tby /dada.
ald tom, Levu. Introducad e.everal nrw
F,peelsl attonnon cout bum , to, to paid to
.of madaulao
nn of Ildured and pladu ;All ILI Al Cid alf .of al I • db.
torn 3-4 Yu ty-Y lueltmlve. d.• are rolymed
flog dm best brands.and xmel hnest numorbich
Wishes equal to natant ...her. lie sdr, manufariums
Up rmarado COM, a !daddy Important improrem•nt In
oral, h cloth tuasl. Ismr un
cowl reeamblanra anaruelad leather. The plain Mum
nada tel sold as usual. Orden , &mud Freed,' Um sari.,
oVERSIME. , I full allot pf all the'diffarent i e .
art raristdas, from Om linpurtntl l'ara Ituldor, to Um re
udad..l Parpatual Glion--acribraring 31.4 . .. Women's mad
lludlren's CoLds. Moos. ellippers mod Yandala. 11 mantis
'Wont mol Hubbell , he,
naupleta asenrtment the 511..wr lug itla are Zu bll/14 ,
Yawl tostm, Coats, tMcws. anzl,o‘. l'au . L.l l'ranerd.ra.
LfIVIIIii tilorae.lte , finkl Jadlals.
ado. Tutu.. lr all Ilarlyu.e lb.ltsnm,lldtpitald'hartma.
enrars, 11 hips. lirya.l Pumps. iodun ParMuk,,e,bontl
dx Wares. Pais, lb,klers. Air Balm. Dulls, and Imuraa
tryielbo, I.kthavary Lla•adlydlou of Hubner Ye....
pa.upnri,,r,r ruleaut,ddlatallm Itubbsr lasd.
11,rina/, under ,'s Putant.
l'be 111.01 - g, • di mural • mos , rerlaiu rut. aml Ore.
m t Lappod bOarntua th em aud
un. R
ld sod antu
kuhbar erment 5.1 liatrare u•-•
1F I~Jw D. 1101.41314 N
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
G i• l S.
i . ... r;1 , ..9113h, I. :Mewl WarrLd,
s. a Ir,d,
14, of 1 - .1% and Waiter : , 11 kW Lil,ron+l,lltn( a 411.1 I ,
If :,I.trh mud badd,llr IV,. lddio. 9dorld, thgvtLer with
4full •,..eatu,nt of Yr'et,ll lid Vanua S wud Loux
n. "flaw/., of ..Tor, wr
0100 ..I.leuldve at,.k alltthurg, dlertitn.lllL,,lllt,
Solt, and l'eltrt d'ldlAfill. 1 , 1 ANSTI.I.AS.SACIvi, it ...1
'aril., .Idr, and 'driedUr uuLtrtut..4 froln V, at 'La?
Iris, ‘.l bit own An,ortaelun•• rrociled erlulluuolhly For
11,, rl ,•t.
11. invite. th. f.,....f.1 alletal. of ildlSLern and 11,1-
,n kir,hatel. n. tl, thovd. a,. th, a ill nod an nand,
3.-11 l 0 :Alava, ..1 rtwdy-Lna.h. 5 , ,, ..., /rate , It.,
mournw-d-d di LI, 64. l
Al., /d,rnd WIRE !dilly ,TA,11 , . lit ~.I,lldtio.,
`Las I. nod SI
WAN, ,11,,./01 d. 1,. r, ..d.,1 I,nl and
To the public.
i NDI A RUBBER SI,IOES —Our utienuun
A bee tvern rallied to ma w , me by ilvrare II Intr.
pubtleh. I .0 the New 1 ark. Hir dam Ilth Jul , I , L•ml
th. I . on., nod inquirer .1 ~......• del,,to to 41.1, all., I
uto.l. uumerthd tun. ut nor t VI to ,Uolvu. Yvt ,
Le ~.. rte that re da., to t ,bit t n b.= .111. 01 sli, a ••,.1
year . eatent on ler tor turn man. Mal Le d.. u. t I
tun tn. e G 3,0. tea . ,Pa..uu in I e . anon./ ILIUM, I 1 <II ...
11+ La , . gurchtued ..00 11, t•-• for 14. ntauttf. , tute I 1
I.lla !tut Per .Levo ord, le.. 15 rar • Patent. and pot
ou. money end ere Jail, part a a. tat .11 Pr the. game en I
toy other teveon mufti haee . :lfe threarne II dte....ed to
do en rather than upo tlurdyear•s I bind, 111 e
thlna It more Pot to f urvb a rlghL to area rand pa
tent 'Panto Inn-lode it 11. r, I v Psalm:Pe. n v n,......u. I,
1.000.1..1,1 tovvirear , tit 4e. • ...Um... , en I
apeed in (afore ant in inlnnvo me rates., I,le le una
atteroptltur. loot only U tuition , / *SA, owe. but to suture
urrelae, •Ito hare. .. 1 • lasad euu-aurat., t., I- 1- ' , .."'l 1
,o hreuv... owl nu. wont 01.4rur them an I ... , It•ree
VI; Pr. d.rertly.•nd that •er cue 0.,11, 0/011Strirre • oth.
rust.. 00.0 ti,vatrear.* 1 awe. in We tu•uutert on I
the .hl-lt to la . &nun t. th. put tte au I ve. Mee
ut IP, that he and ail •ho are eaurerned tab hlna Innor 1
rWaestm or yeerieng b. ale... made ,n t tulatton .1 ...Lll'at 1
Int Utah...lllH pm...voted
Urt 10. Ahl• lIL itflt 1 r_l
TUC . I.,l ' ;ist.!l v N'fill.itr\7i::'&). 1
t. ~,,,...„. 0,4,...
/ pont/ • Co
bra 1 cola. Jul.v 12th. 1 1 +1 AT `,RI
~,.1 ,
Superior Black Writ audeopylug luk 1
JUNE':' , Vill'lßE a, 1, 7 N11. 1 1,U k1r0.4.
Nun Itoleltoae. Neu lora
il • "" fr.;., "" '." 1'"',1,, ~
0 ~
0. ,Inu,ht, per ovation -V. ..4t..
Tai:. 1. tt• le+l arucl.• meant. t red It II ~• (reel,
Lv a ....1 (111• If 10u I 12v—and • 11 not ...nett. tono4l I
prer4 date nr Jed), /In and pt eaeuee II th, tonntre• ruottr•
lo ( r • good IV num/ Int. vunabl lor the uutll a... 4
totraltly adapted I .r the :dee! Pen "
Lb. I In prenvre, u, etrul-L It the trade of
kr parlor! or ta e
t o eurvedulpti m, at We serve • rot
low ;11,, rat up en te r ..olt r. me lelly“,1 In Intl Part
cf thi. rity free ot theta.. he . 11 ... A.. L..... P.n . ''' ,
tr lege art eLarovl eztr• at nett v. t
ST Nueva rt., run Uuttillona
LUT L. 1 A rW FOR/.
Profescor Alex. C. Brry 8 Tricoptteroui,
O lt NlF.lite.i'll:S Lula 002%11, fur re
th,...c'rrl'Ll d r ZgiTlf. "" ...l b'..171 • n'' 'donammi th, b o ol l t tta ' o rnd nlr ' l ' Ci,
glmai and natuvlra, Ult.., Ott, b ilea, rpreJna, etc It
Ime been tumr.tunvel by eaPerionkt, LIM BarTT'll Triroph
emu , hue pp:dwarf the memo elle, iu eurlng theme. of the
ektu,..4- u 1 the home. and .11 the oval Itinvirun The
folluaing tratonontathe, welectod fro bundrnle of thallar
linfan, .1111 terve to, mann the value of the Pren.ratton,
and th. eelistmtvon In which It la 1.•14 by. thou. who hare
Oren It • tnal ,
be‘ rt.,. Pept 2'4. 111`11
P.O, Cant—Pew 111 r—I hate b, eh uitt. , 1,1, , 4 • ni
taruna•roptton of the ream, of. endrellkatateted rhat`
attar. for IP hot e.rtrUY ream, .4 during that period
have had lb ' e advieu of WIPP of the Mcvt Immoral SUFI
clatec trrl have Intl all Ita prrparatut for the bur and
bynote 1t0,,,, alllonot the teal, hoettellt. I was adeteed
by • nand to tm Yon; Tvieuphernur. 1 I dn. nu Le a lan
rutort. and, to my rurprieo and gratlflVatun. foUnd My toll
cured In shout tan tonnthe- Voch varl the radeneat4 the
firouvit r that aLtime • I Imo partially blind
Ream...fully. touts I V al HAPELVN.
ltdOnlumbhqdraet, Brocklyn
lirn !oat. Oct VI 11 . 1 )
Plot. IlkillT-117 1.1.5 z fitr— tteuttlab ret.,,,...-u ter bait
n0: 11 .e.,
out• Fret , deal, and ut 41 lel .so murk .tamed
wuo dendrull I vute te:u Or waTtetPl tot, rourtnu.phrr
flunnd A 4{4 ~ and to we aelentiabount ro, bald •na
k: rterted, and all the dandruff dl•antemevd. . 1 the
bead vita ebony for (belt.
J an
„IC H , " w . here
.2.!: 6;; ;; ;;;; ; ; 1 4 7r'I :rt : 1 1 ;:1;;;;;
wwl lettet,
ht , and
t H arid I,r,d - rd Nor 115101
pi.rdianeiil cur' , of halitorAr
Tricot , icrotta. or glwigt.d CcduPattud. ra•
otnatoir unpor of the tommunity:
rt orrrd nureadf in•thr land it,. maid In prefrrou,-.•
other ittlick-t , of air kind. It impart,. 'ditto tu the n..1. , 4
N. hair. rod thu, nroinot.a Knott, td a evmarkitt.t,
4.drxtrup, [hp dandruff rod neurt, dad. malt,. the
hair ht. trlor , r• It will cum all di. Lop. thr mmla,
nut , b timid brad, dew non, and tithe obruntiouv
&rt. of N.. 111,. m rto , atni,..• Blearr. It riando
,It 1ar. , 141 hirgo pH • 2.l,i•rdifa,
37 lirnadiray, and at the Drugairta 0100 11,. WrouirliQut
thothaftnliqatesandeanada. • • apre.l.l.l
ioNTINti ES Lin uotsul Inr.l t u. Lo receive
1, ualwe, trat.loplEwik. *II .iltrtLiandlna
Ills dtpr{...ll‘ ly fur all pow.
to thp'kris Crual yr,
.fitrz.4 ,
4:omi s Ll
1111 V.,1.111.1
Wm. H. liaskill,
ir AND AUCEIONEEK, No :, Water r net, DI:DHIA.
lioroisl acie.too to Colucalq•ion 1.1,1110 r, 1•1.1° I
1'r.10., Comult,loo, ai.d I.r.rwardiug Abirrhoallo, ou the
1,c.,. : 4 1. JO.,kil. M 1
itei, 10 Alpranoor I ik.r,... utol I.apos,ll+torliust t Co.,
l'ittolkdrob. &OJT
I V'l% . Ii , C. TLI"I'LE, A ttartiey at Law,
If isnd CidnotinAm.: Cr Now, Irani • 01. Louis. Mo.
A ll I , ll.32llniftlit.t. vrd.ldtr ad ,, l'or , " l - .C. 24
I Olt N 11. RA N K IN, Attonsp mad Coon
*" .;..uot .1 lar, and COMMI.O,O, or lb.. tam o
1,0[1,1 itlaili. PA- 1.4u1, Mo., •
flate , ..l Patql.orgli 1
11e1.r..0r..w.--Paotourrh: lion. 11 1 . VorwArel„ Itanaidou a
Mal, 1t11,..u.41,.. a Mellor, Jidta C. park, 111..11# 2
0 , 0110. Mel'ord a Co. : . aualtly
pIIIIIONS ! It IBBONS I— IV' are opening
lA, rum. uu. and bratallul•flunwu a d lick stlbt.on,
• ug:10 31 UR Mt/ a 11t1211FIELD.
, . _ ... _..
PLAIN BLACK S I L KS. , Illeßevy 1
L 1te1e..... 11.0.. jupt ru , d eet. 1 ...21a . 0 " 11 . 1 . 11, ~
131. k eilku, tr., lilt.W V 2. put 'soul. BUyeru will du .11
Wall MA uutellva (rout Mum. • .PI
- -1-
kEliAliE BE LAINES—A.; A. IlilesoN t .
c 0.... 0.4 .t... 0. cu; /twit. nt/Dll/ of 111. n., •nd
t. JD Lain.. al 1... thsu uunero e 'et Dug:.
TifE FATE, a Tale of Stirri!tig 'llkays, by
1 I. D. Jultit..l4/./.,-IDD totq.l. ul.ruptiou lurk Mu
autUor 111...Ter 11/00 I 100. . awl 1.1,1au )10,, No.
',U.-441..1 elth 1u.n..1.u., awl towful 104. e.
Fur eel. al Ilull..11t," I.l.luir / r 4.144j, Third , lnut. ure
Po.. 11.• Vogt oll . fce. • eugUu
NIIINE 110SE-51 1 0,feet ."
igelt 1 ply
India 11411,4, p.o, ta u Vas bc uu 1 7x14.-a.lll u r Verr
:•;11 ' . 9 •Va r lt7 . 1 r u ‘‘P T: l lll:ll ' l:,.7he b T eVr ''‘ iXt... " ll: ,
.{.4l,lArc preuture lb. eanot .suauLl.uur. , l
/ D 1 nue. ellum the/ JD tUTO ut ZIP repiretega..i,
tbu woorytlll be rulun4..4 Of 11/ D e nu0 e ,...1 41 0.0
.1. A
.. 11 , 14.11LL1.111,
.00011 . ul v Wood ,4-
WI /
lilaulelt Dullitra; 1 1 , ./104 DWI lien
I.ouono Gm .111 ch.
the lalutle.. market wire .111 be pew 0"
U. 11. KINli, Beaker end BTOlgeb
. SAO • • 1 . 004141 WOW,
Tc tat
T 'w r e n known EAGLE 110 TEL,
.now .pied by CIA. TIlpS. F. WEBB. Tyro/QAT Ar
Marathon, Oblo.
laare and comtnodionanria
of 13) roam', a pentleructerparior :A , by' TO tert. a latira
parlor and ordinary. 4 private Bohn wlth taq tnotax •
• diolPA woo, .25 tri
mediate, vicinity of tAr larcat,wholegale bon", nrart‘
:ee known holt* \of ECKB/.. RAIDU
CO_ an b. had at eranonaßlA,rrnt trom and after th.
Dann. I.:LA..lOra.
The lintel was rcerptly PrreDAl upnn lb. latest and rao.t
Improved style No othrr recommrndation. bower,!.
should Iw ne...trd. (ban tb.unparatbdeid • Ova.. of the
present occupant during loan of b 4.1.1....
For forth., particular, rnqui, or thll,ownrr.
50 0.2.Qin Nrw, nrar Third FL., Philndelphia
Valuable Real Estate For`tiale.
TitE following described property will br
midst public rale on Friday . the luth anent tetnber
next. LO ticket, A, ft, 00 the pretulte,
rill: • t
TWO lota of grwand, n. the .near of lAiwver gOrt and
Water alley. 11.100 le f.rt in front, on tbalwr a1t40.104
extending park Slang. Water alts, 75 feed on wh y i , b or.
rr.coAl two tbrr. .n.ry briek Hona.4.rocb,ron
tainlo, elnht•ro..• Al., 05ant 1411,0
IC2 fart In front, and 75 feet dettp Alttheatel.acent. a
un n Welnr:nro. , :‘, fret ntehtet In front. non feehtl7F.
tt i ltt . cle n e ' 107 ' t . e ' on r' e n ttt ' l 'm. hi l,' ;:e " t in tiett i p t ; " Zolrtin i e ' lltg
Thn *horn property Li shunt con !quart. term the Prllll-
ylranla and 0,, R ao
ltepot For farther panne.
ler. 10101, of the ehthet•riber Ittenll4, Flabntnet,
Tenn. W. known onlihe day of vale
, nr JAME:.
ttri;al.ll. vote._ .177'.L
9 00 LET—A livw- and s &.nienient
W A It 1,11011,E.
and ,ta11ht...1.1. Enqntr..
WM II b1bb1N,T.....s
Great Baigain!
MANFIVS 110 M. Fbrturrly kept by D
I and now hr .1. Sma. yds,. .ale
Fold (lola i.. tho Canali.onib Outbambioltilit,
lito 'oration nr tO. l'ortuoylTarno It nekrbad
rrnl.o ...0 'DOM x 4.7 )ear—to...
rrropoil Oak., en.tukr...
VAIHMAN, o,dpral .
.rty at. Pabbairdb tho .„I
.. . . .
. , .
• : - •• :,
Private Rein4enee for Sale.
THE PIIOPE wry iNtlgt•rt , l eiveNing- izn , '\
h' low, end nn rot, lirell,),nndatlng terniy ' Iltlit
II un.rtrllintly 1N11.,1 la the Ittp'yl, tinymtrlt.rt . liit,
01 rtileghetty. 'I hr nitu.t.ton 1+0..011.x...11D 11...0 , .110
q: c..lntrinridiou it moat plr•mln.. it.w• of thelclirVl l'ittn
butyl, aud three rhea, at a /.tla 1.n51d, , , ,,; ) c,10
nient to the bunin,a part of Pltta ulh. eniubtion 113 an
00t...111 dear, ill, ftd•lMlltlll.... 11 . i (011.1111014 11.1 , tr)
The lot 10 Int,. rrobrartug un.z mr, lot itruurnt,,
onw hundred and tint tnnt trout, risixiin: hawk two Iluil.
drnl aner blot tivt no an .11,, 1 h...\ anronqin.nts
new; We house brick. 1 , 111/t in cander tyle, ot the 1,,t
atorlal, and .7111.11.+1 In 114. 1,....1 ma in oy. hay in.. +.ll' 1
nnnvenlennt ttut,,Eno looted nd Mull ,vu Intaa:rat.. anat . ,
dart nvard In en,norny. Th a n. n a well tatilleut win
1,. (hr door, laul pip, lad for hydrant m. C...rn.,,
Inman and volatol.lo,/, • panel) pf rhoirw tr ‘ and nhrnh.
i 4,
1,4.11 In .h.rt. 1u,tt.tu..,11 ti n, wlsarettu. Zli only tor
14 , 1., %a 0.X.111103.011 13 .11.te prrm livntln
ta,, w 1.4.. to loin -Nan. an. lowinal n. call an I,n• under
wned. who will tat.. plewort• In \ nn. gi rt.. \ln,n3ta
tion It I. teran , dhaur.
.t..r soul,. a (I,ll‘ll ut r*..
Jettre, or to purr.haar,c.rr.t.e.culannt,.
• trrtlltlt a lISVI.S., I)4 rlornne . 1
• - •
Real Estate. \
■ i 4 lott !TALE--TNisti Houses ririq Lots if f se 1
111 " r
itto A ard—,,,, •iri l,, , liwrly yd...., .:In 11....;1
.cr n I
. \ I
Ann—, 1 , 1r.1 . 1• ol cround.'li, ‘ ,., tn•ron Icrtn,d,r arrn.t. h:
Zoo Ind n nnnl.r. It Entit mat l'.1: 1,1 la rt \ , ot.
mug, ft' - 0 . '.. , .. ....PS 1
Seven Valuable Pvins for Sate,
ALL SilitlATKD n'eltr thi.i.thiii iinill'enii
.lllll.lo iiiirirs.yi. iri 1.1, .11einiq of',, . .t.i.,
.nt.ltnnit In 3 . 1..., st•-rir ..3./.41 a , 1.1 In a (..... ..‘.. 1
of r1.1 1 111.•{1 ,, Is
Aln—ltno . 1.11 , b. 11,. tnl n11...n.1ia, fre 4, ,t , n , ",`
Part ed ton , "1i..4, nod the 1. , ,,, ak,, ....11 Na
All ..7 whirl, will he .4 , 1 nn ea,, rox Mr Pnrrhi
or.. Pis , . is the ni.n, an I i,e,,i,di...:,,,,,,,,...
inevi. ttoir of floe tissit ,u I'4 I t•hurwh.` ..11, 1... t,..‘.n 1, 4 ~.y
•I• 4 • 1 .. b ..d.b•t• • PO , bt st.rowna, lb..
t 4rOblia, • r4,lllo.ttVuu •
bb.t lse3 •Ivn bont.on t, tow t.
•ukblF thr 1v.... .4..1.1...011"w•i., •
beartn t• the b•tot ' e , ‘•••• 10 ,
urgb and CE•••lat..l.
trr. tb• t•o•nt In,. I . l,stk br.•
rub•trueb..l tb fr..
Ow bum: g...tnt••n tb. te rulntadbr
.11.11, ST.l:Ol'
tr. !Ell I. • 41.--j,11.1.1••
111:1• - •Elt F .4, •ro...rumb A
tiob trrFb.., 11)14 r•Et
•el nbl. bll.,Les, A
Lite Pen. nod n:tEtEtu • AI
t ••b.n111.1.: t.••• 1, tbrteS,
t..r ritt...r •
tLn libilretbd br tbnnl . •
1.1 t•rnb...o.tuste ut U. C l•114.1k1•, •b br.
. All••ut Clt
..r .
tb• E
3.lsurrt akbl 111,.r.1
. .
. „ .
• For S•ile.
LA RILE lot or piece of •tftstiflil AIIIIIqat in
th• r 166,4 tVar6l .1 Mr .66,3 6.1 l'lll.Lstref. fr•Ukt.s66..
Ist .ust S.O 1..., , ts hilts n ..tri-rt. unil PatruslitAil , rk ' , fr. ,
Iv Cruwforl 64 1 31.616 , t.r..t..rtv i• 1.6. - As..l dlr.. Ili . • 6.
tbs. 6114 basno. 6. 1 616 tL• .6 lout, t , ‘ th- 1010010 rvritlons A.
of {h. late 0 1 .6testlf. Fu . •1664 the 0u5 , 11.16: I •
A H. L00m,.. R. .au.t ran I. 6,e661 a• suil•l.l6,roun
ettLAr ts6r Or . r 5.6 1 ,61, ol 6•is 1.66 1•61.ful 40011 u, .•.1 \
rometax or elutfit.6...ltall.r Ustunneul...
1,-rusi6-6sts. 1100 Nu 16,61 atul 116. Lulun, lu Err .ntsal
autiuul osi t 0... 1.6 Is• Ain,/ 1.y . 1•61.164,661
AM OS In 'A'N-111 . :!:: MAT: .6,, Alt, ..t Lam
u. I,ltt
l i llun PiEN T —\(i'lv thrrlling, 1 , . i.,. 155 5!
ri,-,1 .1r•-•6t. 6.•A0 t r A,..{61.14,1'-. ..L. a, 1-16.6 j... , ,
I , s.A. bushel:lg asW rt...V•sul•sit; at. t 66 .1.'s- .. 5 .. 6*"
t 1.6 unto,. 1.... t. Anut•An.,l . 1 6 1. LAI .I•ustuss 011 06 ,
..ud tlAs.r Lan a Lat.l6 r.ou6t qtiacbsol, ...A lAst ortri ...1.1
water, wan r elro.. slv ~ \
A 1..--11,. Slow- A.1166,1.15q. h, • tuAI.A.A. r.uti ,huis.6r.
~ ; \
4 1 :
~;6 1 , t , ..,• 5, 6 1 tr, ;,: , ,
qut, It
For Sae or Perpetual Lease,
m: OA In out lot Ns, Al. in , 16.o1rItAnal plan of th. Ws"
6.5 Allighent. fmntlnunn 1,0 oWO AA Ital,•-• AtrAst. 0061
rits Ilan% late `,
Als... for not tie nuA,or eon , y0...R.,•116. re• 161616. of t 1.6.
.01 IM OD the lllll.,trunlts,l6l..k 16AI:1a, trio., 1at.66,
... f n.... • p•-•tor - • n 0.% • ~ .
Fur .rit...1.1t. . eti.pit, vf (It 111,AlfA ilonl.AN 1., near
th. ' , Ascot., Ar 64 tl6. dtif , mettLer. at 1,6,4661 A,, ho. lot
(lb strtiet. I'It.IALLISU .6
~, , II BRAM IN?.
RentEata for Sale. A
• ..
,i V A LEJA BLE uiiiiii . TOV ed L4Yr... 0 n OW
1 - 1 mfr., of Lii , rly and /a. .ry &rm... k,t,r. WaAl.
6 , ,, , ,.... O.e Merman eallusllell, cal. 646 fuel fmnAou LIE.
ont, LS lAA 1.., d..., on 16110, unnlnit 1.6,1 t \usq.ursssq
kb.o-1.1.6 116r , ...6.ti.r. Itrkk Dv, 'tug 110. A. son\l , 6l•••rtf
lns. uassinunsAlAr ALA.,. thr lot won: As te.l s 604 I••
Ims i.set .t.,6 3166. 1610 u... t• tar, sualAuts ...1..., IttuArs,
t0616-rn .61•1..,..1 Asossus • I.• An tssesut‘ . \
Alsr.A. arRP .1 risry rt.i..161. 1.6,61 str 5uarj.66.1•111,1,.
ALA .— ‘ *.r. ' 4 "' .. 4-. . s. " ''' P , - ...`",, ' \ ‘ i
Al. O-1 *arm 01 ',At acre, In 16.6syr.Arest - .6uut s. o nat..
frAtn Nevr 1 •As .
110-s.iurni, in 1t..,-qra cuirster, • 1 nrls• •tte• ..At
De a n.. fe.6o, tisj 6 ,, c , nost , ~
i. vq...t2 v., waInAP6I. led' In tiasi.o.6, 1,4 v... 1'66...
woh.rate *lnquire qt.
N Is'l 0 I. R FF1'7441;1101.
Att.'," qt La. pnli 11.01 L.
t*i .. A:\tils,
6 r Nal, A. 111. , I
66urtls•tr...1. I \
II , 11 - 1,11.
A Good Bargain is now Otreied,
1 tr APPLICATKiN DE MADE 1.460 '.—
: Frosts 11.trer 0. *ltltr • Atlt i kAl. 6u thbosr., Is,r. Os
n•Ar g.rr, r•lst.A-0,1 th. prrus6..• I. x .i... 1 1..1 6 ,1 tn.
1 i . 1 1 14 nt.,..6.6 t rt Lutlitinqn, ••• Tts. Prin.'s , / us. , ~s .,
{ t o ' / ' • t i'L rt l' l7 , :fillt7:lll ' S ' '''
111 7Ttiib i rriMIT.. "‘ '
.af :1 ',
11611-6,L61.61 \ .
.. .
A History oi\Pittsburgh. ‘1
n y NEVILLE B. CEAL(I, 15,..A.---A H..
Jul tory of PAtt•l•urch. tram el, ontrfiort in rind wk., it
was 1,11.1 by white own aldwo‘nr , rkin e.k.o et tho tan
c,aturr, will tn.. i. , , of We hr.. rkythilobturni of -on, ..1
the itoporlaat,ManilLwtorpen sn.l nripu• work... tut,
.6110,1roveuteut, up Ia IL. prs , ..olr, P. which t.. 1,1
Ia y chapP•P Pptke the luiTautaur..,ki ,uup,e.u. iur ....n.
utuctuntra And rowinorrlgl pnrnit... drikh • Alitunnand oi
Ow 1121$11,AL• amount of !Amp... 1r...A,,,,,1 pe, xop‘.l
ly upon our riven.. ranalg, and Ilartwa .rktnit.rni,inoni..
Th.,. I% no point in tin, Vui. u „Err ek , m, Ira ~ r
Ippl n¢....t. lka oaurrentv-r Id In•tr 1 vo.rut h.,.
1uu•0e.mpr0.....1 • Maio .4. brio! A , PO, .i,01 . 1.1...
...anti, around Up. 11e..1 of Llp• Irbw. Ti: , Illw: , roan ,
and r‘laitai in hi•toriral nrdn- tbr, 4ar. • ~ itr:od.nik.
IS ..\\“
and In prorlanu Mr advantatire. Nods. tnkdlnkt. main,.
mon, lor ranini•l• tr .",tt: fir, I, the t I.l\ 4 ne :no ,
prod work.
''' ktiltr:ll7nrr ' l n t Pri"
./.W'll lk i \
~' i ',2;•. '''
' . ' A al ?k . ' tC. I
• . \
The College of St. Jaines. ~...
ivAsiiiriuToN, cOUNIV, NtAlt 1,1 , ,t.:4\ ~
(Ti,,, Dic.., l'oili,..of lA. Prutrki ant I,:ierrnpn I Ct. nrckn, ,
riIHE T}NTII AN,sioN wq . ,l
. 0,....„.q, khr , N DAY. Ontribnr dr!, is,j. ~,,,1 ~,,,,,,,,,
ITli " , i l l .7k '..'''' :okti \ r " lYi . st:Vt. ' •? * . i . r i Tql:.riV3A t il.:V:6l:, \ '
t.yown,.; or ILo •..."..tnn,.,but am ter.nkrd al any.tiie iho,
$9lll. and . tbit ristirdt 1$ arrlnnitiri (mu, tho dnil, nj t,, ,
TOE (VlLa.t:ut: he the ;mod x,touber t claw...AIL
tN+ all thy ory..rtuloloe for .; ythtrabou, scolta
. l .n o'roothation Of lhe
er;ylash.• thy to.bui se.dettoral
flit. lbe
(I,lle,te;and und.. Ihe .uoertieion of• the 11., tor, Fait ,o;
Jet .likalet n 0..., Loh It tn.. ;Autohy; to
their menden...A route, athiprehen, opal tor ilo• eolle
The ..ler-ty moat Aite. l tiou hi yl.e Prole,
pots el the thlle,o•‘ohtove to the
the lirentonar
11,11{,'ANTILE r.
Ohre oupplied 1.1 ',1ith0...,
lldtern 11^11.;u2g.... hook - beobIIIII...Y. 5
The ;mullion of the Ct.llnte.l.etalrelt 1.../.1i1.111/, on;
by tie 1114nore from town. am; . .eryl,nrorable
In.l mond; sod order. 5
• • ,
KMAIY HALL, a iirvi tittikling, lA/ He, 01 40, 4. iil I.
rrad, 1...v.0,0nm in 00 0104 el 111, 0 4:010, -:,
I ti kililiwin to tho arm, corp.. 00 00.4040A.1 L. 1t0...,
Iwii• ii 40,00004 WW It
I] kviiy Leann. LI. U. Li ,
Wart ait Cir II µnil 4.0004 , 014.1 lAA. not 401.1 11. A 1,.,.
.04101 i, b.. li . Leewrin , r 41, 100•14. Anil l'beteo4lr4
11, 1 , 000,1,11-44 , Itir 00 ,r,00,41 ca Ivo to0,1(10,1.100.4i,
In 1100014 k, And iirtuiniar :010,1, 0 Ir., .liiiinlrol 4ni
wentr-firo ,101lar4. 1,0,00 ~ ,0 4•410n0114 i 0 101001, , ,
Api,,,,-101,40 44 04,41000,11
lily 101 IN II 14 FIR /I 00 I. It 0 ,INPNir,
Cliilr, .1" CI. Ann, P.,1.,
IV. , hlugt. , te enutiii, , 'MA, i La..
N. 0 —l,, , ni In hi 0100,04 tiolaink •l innuitlion
0,0411,0 it., lioiiiulsoni •iir wig... 0,4 in 0 0 lii„4, 1t...
din, 1t.:14,1i.,,,
Lynisn, wli,, 44 µ,-'.rl' r i, • 'foµlo...
• , t
aniversity cit i btarylinid.
Tit E ,',+: E Xl' St:SSlclic will 1 , ..gi1l on V41.1'1,-
4,11. 1 . 4 ~
Ml.O Nan 4 SmirL. Al 0 , Nu 0,444.
1110. L. Aiken, M. li.. 1104040, owl Pl anio
nv. .
kianurl lirivi , kL li , 1 10,0000, 1001044 41 0110%. 000 .
II ri,u.
Jonepti 1 olir, M. Li.. A 11.11014, and 01.0•410.,
Wni 1 . 0 or, NI. 0 ..I 110,r4 iiii4 11,... t. m..jsrw
kW WWI 11. 1 100n44„31. Ii , 14444.,Nri 400 1000,4. 'if
Winprn Anil CLlldren.
kionran .
It.. l'Allkuloo,l AuAkan,
'I hn nsonl,µnon. ntnn.rtuult.n.r. 551.,
Pranttcal Anat.ty 1. tanderalt nannn./n.
Clinks% lArloren lova nines Ine/ 1 1.. to . A . rptoovrAAtnllli
entrlA•ner. to lubrueuty, Pitt the ntnnl.vo
n(U1•14 TOlL.lir it. s.ntr , Itllbont r 1.31, to Inn mo‘lent
for the tulet.
Ftvo tor 340 LertstrAA, is , l' AnAnaAt,
flv MatrtnulAttnn. 53, VrAduntintsSit,,,
.5131 1 1 n.tx.
Haltir.u/A% July. 1 / 3 :.4.—.lnunt.J . . Et. .norAll.
Kentucky Mutual Lifelnsurlp - ce Company.
GUARANTY FNNI), 141\11,),0tWs.
ON 1 7 'AN offer, to tRI‘ insurfal all
jIL ovenclt, tbn Ifillua qnf
Stnct PlAran Ito firretnn.ra •pntl. nntnlAnn.3l,naansi,. I.nn
rate. a precook.. 1. 7 11 .711•11U31 It..nru to c*Alo .5 1 tn ,
nnsdalle rn•solnAl Int AIN cnntinTt .11
but not ntrn,lne prorm -pn kr the fnfur. ~71
nt merratrurn Inr tho shot.. tnrin I,of 100, ntlt3nun
Lle Interrnt In Um neocunulatat 1,414 .1.-ut4
tnernbrr3, parsl.l. , at A. 5511, by en-aft:oll.a.
• nu•ranty. fund 3,1,1114 Pit the 1 ,7 1 • 1 7.1 1. 7 .” 7 777 794 , " . 1
nhort term tmAttl.nrs. and u n, for me
Chun. tnrthr nboln term 01 lan
- ,
tairttat , ttla only Shrtmtl Lir. I:,.tratwr 1.',.7)
•h .e We.. of premium •re burl buf.ri...l '. l
.1. with u psitlyl.f or au} tuvr.olui... ' ~,"
lationot tunde Dor future it, , 5 1 , 1 ‘.,hru1....h• t. '
the umnuut . htleihe,.. v. lb , - 01. , tuutu, t , - , . , .....'
vanalug sue atuouu the 'Art....
Vavphleta, tract.. a.c... ~tuu to detua th, .e. ' , . 4
4 ,
mt.". tbr Cutnhatq, form... ~ rut ku, eu.l,_kuulocus.. ,,, ,,
'tor to , ttrthru ruculved I.y. .. l't Una t , :, Art. ,
1 . , ~..1 uy.r...t. I tt.y,u.
1 , 1,10.1.....uyny 1t...11cal uxeut.nur tl.,
i , OFt'EF,- 300 luigg prime Ri.., jr. nU.I\ by .
L,/auu tu J A 111. lu DA 12E1.1.
j . ftater at,
4.11.1P.CA1t8. SODA—'2O kv.ugt ree'dk 1.1
10 1, cab by ./ brol
111 A A.A. A b.., . ,
uospl= AA Woo.latruet.
P Lan T) Foulerf noluthe F..... obi preach ,
th ANDY.. Ili per tor mar at MUltltl:i . Tea Mart.' 1
‘ . l`.. !!!!_ . t..!... wpi I .
rvANNERS' 011,-. 4 . Ras. fur dale
4. .143 . 11 . 1 w. 4WD/Atli/0o
IA KIfI:ELINM PACKlt7.—Tbe. .01600 a
lup/A.lot MAktrim DI 0 lOLA L, (lonwen,
ter,ll , m. poro6roling borterprlartri-eroktrl2lo.l , 4wr , o
Mao Airy luol %Vb..lhmr, hATIng l'itkrbursh VI 10 o'cleAk
. ..r, Mows,. Wedonrat,Aod FridAr, sar,rotunMoß:os* WbArlan(y Trowiky, ThneMoSAlArdurl\7l 'h.""L"lM lNg P '
~, • Ar t;, ,,
.z ge r 1:
, 11 , 7 , 11 ,.. i: $ ., r 1 . 4. t n ,!
, m .
r %tel u o.r , i ‘ ll .si i es .
NPR ZA.NESV lark - 1 • , 1111 fine
An af..4 ....tort x\
y o \ fithrtit or vase., lapply , 41
k ,
I:4 I 4IINCINNATI-4h.. ~
N . licl.l. l EIBIONT. Vora. 11...1,41. •fflAffit
1,1..Af0r k(., at.... An.l All orronontrato rlAn.
ih. arm. ho , M roar. at In o<h. k A. M..
.1 , o. froiL LA,...r. rorrA AA , ArA,l, ro, loArl .. ocZ•
TRA &c.
M I .' I = n =
111H1 Pr,l,' rich, di' the Packet Liin'e Lac-
int; \wad , the intt ' , rang...newts with , lb. (thin
i•POSI•A Itailmad • pally. all tnlearogorl going oat
ither I.y ibe Cirvt4siolikAti.w Cut. Parket, and pati ,k.
tir'Vrto at ttn. .1111« fnntt.hrdwit L.etie.t
whirb will save then, trisileata of Roina to p.n0u.,,.
`1 , • •, i•T Con in , lb tewmboat.
\\ tiekrt, apt
" n"..lit
\ Ohio allik PenmAyiVatlift EaDrottd.
pitom.xriTTBßl.l4ol.l To.Nny BRIGHTON:
28 MII.EB.
)N ;1...! after bitiIkIDAY;:tDST 4th,
1551. W.l.lww•np, Ttain will run ab
0.010 /4 NEW 11E101170N at I' P. N.
Ill'ai . ^,FAßE, '3 _T.. PER XIL :
rbildren twpiin or alin Asir
1114bu.b nod 14.• 10 nG
Fre , ,loan. , • •.1 :
a.- i.s.e.urnion 11,0.4, will b... 11 r.ilured rate*: \ Plitnburgh and 1-11,1n.stnr. any station a \
o . k.
I , tweet, Put.lnorwl. 143i.:1,t0n J lAA, •
uLta, 1.1%
I C.O" The Tr.. will unt
T.r.i“. nt, ,aturday WM I,,nrott'iP
orr, no.lay
Innn will at tho 1 1 / 4 1;ad. on Fide I .toorh'sr
~.., t ozeralandlow tberr an, ' , b. , the foot.
tbr ttridgr the Ninnornokluds Lousy
oo T-maT,
Inunibtuova will al,.
tbu alt. nrrviia., to the . l sting of lb Cara. for
the astplartri,f to th, Depot, naming by tbe
I..rehnota' 110.1, lb. FaTh.trrlsofr?..
to .m.ket. and along l'ltur'etrort. At au pnint
ninoc 'rnttr. ran' thr I:mail.", a.l br
Itbo Lam
\ ?b. P.viltNavl at1„11 vstended beyond Now Brighton al
tbk , nradicald, day.
By ortl.r Ow hoard of
111:01111E PARKIN,
TiqlseP drrot,
.in ran rikrtion with -rh, (Ohm and l'enna Rai/ma
I tASSE*iEit
, n
\ krlta: I. eve,
1111 : .p
I , yr
auog IN 6, 0511118.
IS will tuki:Alleilo A: 111, tviin
c •
11. y A. NI Y. arriving
Vji,...t1;., , .
I;'.\ Z..'"?'4Nrt.;:d ' .rr"'". N
';`,1i,,,,,5, :rah l,„ ~,,,,r..:
,J;,,l\''',,(ilf.r. i',l.,l,'ALiEt... '
, '‘'''''.l.:ll::i.".'''—.l'.l".
1'.11A1,,,,,,,,,.. j"...,,t.t.dr,r"
t .. ' . ",• tw::. C..,,
NL: 1, ''-a;'%'.,••• '
--AILRO :--....- ''.
t v ~,,,,, my., Sr. ~,,,,,,, I. w the REST .Y.1,0, , A PA I:114A lietle, ro , it rertlle,l ,
tub 11.1.1 kin 31 llvkl,•Vto .ronot.. by the woodrrful . cuits a hui`rrfornio.c. thi. rig. al ii ' • ..‘i
'' ' ft.- " .r. '''' oil Jes of :ohleh seri,,• , pneworix' wt of the pturrissiti• '' \ \ ..,:
\ \.,
.....,,,,,,, mi. i• ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,d , ,,,,,,,. .1 . , ,w ,
Thlr Medially, orPon , il swoop - I\l3c to Air... Wrap. - ,
. .- ..1 V . Z ; ....,= ', WILY Cl.V•t: VITIIOUI \PAIL. . - . ~ 1'
o,„„by,„/ r„ L or ), ~.t, 21, nidel evi of .101.totc7i. . \, or King Fyn,
• - flair 1-IVDUV AA NO SVEVD I‘O4•IIEAVEt.. Can•era: Tyntert.. \ \ ' • \ • ' , y I
v• 1 \
rril IF. Sr INC ' tilkliS bitv.,tirt,. pleasure t
I.ristooliks.t.hiVsis\e'"i'ii '‘.„, •• ' '
Ji anioniug ito Tli .t .1. 1/.1,+ nut patron, of the 1`..0. . •th,•
•y ,i v.., Italtrusd, 31 3wi isv• rommeb....4,t.a.hirplui M0ir...4,112.1'r Titt•TiNl.l lies.; • '
al' 1....13-g.wt. aud yr. tidero • ••yrwet fo Ithvir fremlit to tan....unatopk. Pain, WI e macro .., ~.„ ~' • ' '. ...
1 tr.i. Ilitladelut, 4ku V 3 'lt bal . : , y ' j ' ' ' '''.."'d '''''' " L 'a L' .... k ,_ 1 fr et" ‘ .4 ..1 , ” ' l ' ' \ l. .'
WY tn. hok•• I h. , ' revni 1.03, ..' 1 Pr •,••••' ' lb. (ilandr, gyphill., wyry,ot. Spit Ithen....': \ ,
• 3 io•relkandow ur or lur• V nur eftCptiprhieh•
i.N V. 1 . 11.3 U AND I v s ppp ~ , ,t,,, , -
the I,,llowitof rat , of fte, t,, '
i tip•T (ll.A'n- Dry I owd, flat Viwrw, Cwokk ',
Mioner... Cutler . 0.111..c1i.1.12d.u. VT, :
ps....ev. I. urodur . l•ru, s. 3l 'i l ' . "'s . .'" 1 ,• k, Irian.. of th. Kidnap.. Le• MitriWttleN - '
, _ .
W 00..., *rising toptiS tho in' rm.!: • ~ • .: •.,. \ ...,
Pb,. itl
' bnbl ' en, "•.''''‘k 6 ' 4 ', 10 ‘k . `‘. .'
',\ . ;
.•iiv,,, err .sr ... . ... ,\ . ~1 ..... .1 f 1 ~ Droner , . Lortiliamit.J3. \ .... \ - . . \ .
Irf.enS I. 3•1.,...0. , - - lla lware.liutin ', '
'' Vi ' l ‘intli, '' 33 "... : , ....: 1.. %c• r.... \
\ '''.
. ..
" \ 'WE
1 'I'D"
(c " '''
117n itotila . \ "
1131 hi. nZ , i ,- ' n-rf V•rf • ' , ...t ' tv‘ , f`i - \ Itotolout lsousutoption,itanenn,s, a ils , \• = . S ,\ . 'i
I \ •
.., ,p,.. .. ..\. , i,u.l.everheit, or White, I nriwitTrocr of fyive.. arra
V. it' I: I 1.1..k.,,1.- , ..... thrblitiouit33.llir,
ht. 1,, ItgwV33..tifio.3.• Vb., I.l.turi,lttwou,A c. , .,Vr.
\ ., ~ • ~,,,, Du ~,,, , :y4 ~,,,,
. n, if wr r. fella. , Dna. wed Sirairiatrtria, which f;esisfo ', ,
''' ..t tn. rthef by \renewing the foundation uf lo Ot "?..1 '. . \ .'4+
.., \ ..,.,_. ~...r ir of Vwin rd II ay N. reel.
rtreb tb--the Mond. It nentralirev , bad lonm ft_ 3
\ • - - \-, - • °port v-a 1 .....friboiki, and pivra /web by oeti.Vn Na •
~. . \
at .0 er
WI .. .-burg Academy. \ ~ ~( .. \ . ,
11 ~ \\ ~„,, /.• „2, , /, „, , ,/, ‘ h 4 .,j 0,,,„,.„1\ . .. ,
~,,,i. Lit ail 'w , ho ...oh to‘purre the bliv - .1 fortuf theiropuri esi ,
~„. , L , ,, , , , , „
~ ,,,, ,, ,L 4 ,
~, , ',,is. I roux tho triiiiinatil,n4o ofitly son:Retitle , , . . •
the a ion, %nd to rremiro ...myth , . to n•stnt. =mute \
•V;A%.,1 Eti IlUl4' ON, A .Nt., PIIINCIVAL, .Thl•ntlrr, ter', now to 1,3 r in hy / T V Ito
• r ,,, , f , -..,—,.... e
FINII I.`n \ \S S'r IT r , TIO; kill Ist open, for th In.,T sou s.rain. orlihrh is pfo , ins'itiolf sit of '„
tit t , -, - t• s .., pa ok I tualr •13.1 nmulei on ll. , alivl. Cm many of Ili. an. nwiliattant dus;ex that 31•• ii Ishtar,
n '''. ''+'‘ r " . ' '''','....ct...•._ awl
tci. and they ,•al, tie , . ptoisdolippuint t far lu tin. reniiii. , „ :
Ch e r .....,ht .. thp I.e. Awortenith , at. :thou.
r 3.• 113. t. ..- wt I li v.v.. pawl hnnwlwriblukituni t the public b.+ new. wayir..l , --oev, <3O .ono : \ ft 1'
I them I tie 01..4 w Tx...tight .111. it eatchthe ant I II t• founded ott,ictisriooto. pus #sheir root fsith \ .
`s , u'it. i'sis , ti Oho . • liNsJoal. owl Astronomical Ap , , , ~
pArotui I , I 1... Ctillt , tV11.1,11,,m, lull particulars sod '‘ •"""' '''''''''' . . e .. ' ° ''''t f "'''''''''''''' ...* : -
r•roiso,_....of A, , 11,100. lLi tly tonal satinway.trumi 3thk. boi w.l3lr.and vl- v,
0 IMltow or: .u wa 11. Dv, -1.,131 deoglnKtut.ti tor m 0.3. purely -.tat, rrnullp. Ler,. Iww•••• '..
.. ,
Q Toyilis a F t . ki :..i:Al . k. , - 34 .*. ! , bry ka down In bealth 114 spirit,. ho fir b3athrnma to \ , ,v I
/1 I , eh ann. Itva foil's Viefy, Plana pi ad, ,
~" hatrisel and cdhers, let Up cseils4pars, f In. rota:corn Jr. ':
. - - - A
i - Atli", way ravuvp• lootitutvix. the pan, t 6dr underitand that his ope of physical ro
. tilitii d hotta.l lysius. ituipta.k. ' rtoratlon ie. .lint. In flu, \ del. 'vt . nr 1..11nw [kick
..1 ,
lo I.ltaryn 4 tiontrooro comp.,.
nod Ea...spirit Is. s at persuudo ti ya.l. r‘ Ids Ides sake, to - r \..„ r. .
It. .. cml nit eopTier kook, titiliors of trY it. sod #4
hue uo hesitation st pr dieting his epeedy
.. \
NM. AthILLA C33, t call
\.; ; .4,
gilt F' 5t...1,1,01,kt,, 4 'The Littte Sim - Mill , I ENI it.r . 73 ,, , READ THE ' 1 ,i'11t.f..3.11t 1 Nth
, ' -. 0;.
I 113. t ro t ad tirisopany .. heron) noni , latistssti• '
\11...10U...44 , J 1 Iv.i• Dollar. nen. , eIY ro,lltred 14 40 J. 111.1 -.11, BeAnett-Itti tah• 0h...1114\th ...Italia that Tobr \
v., .., bet,. te Irt J. \ \ 17 . 0.* lx.i.• and :van...pima& ilyeet , freat estirfavilt.l3l
\ 133 onlat of tbra 13..3.4 ot ‘ lliteefort. \,, • •••ry ea., \-
, •oit. , dliti.l.S
, A ".•• ''' h''''' ' "- i' l' -!-- . '' A very reipoetsblo \ froth :is infor,mr.i. us thil his y
Stone Wan.. Primps, for 'ili , olls and Oistenia. dauantrr wa• t=ub 'TA]. .1.4..313 j m'onatrantion, , and -- r .
' •
'I:11E SL' Digit' uEn iur6ra s the ' imil.lie rd.. ' dtar.V . 3.*.fltif b \b"r ir.F ,1 1:' I,3 ti t‘n, had 'wt . . .8 •
~...,, 1.., p a , ,pi e .....,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,, ~, ....„, e,, •p,,,, . reinter the totrinal disebarie. for # lon , that.: but hy - ibe
\ li o kit,. toomitioturad , of Ilkor I& it it ....I viy of Lir. ti nra , drs Inlk..\a - T tn. vontalarii l ovhaWfta \*
. •
. .
0,3,30 1 , ~ ` , 1,44. .1 • 6 ... , 1 f‘ittolf •t .. whWb h , er ,all ;....e. stts tnwd,T,lrtwonclsait ink without
` t. .""‘"'" '''''''''''. ''''''... """ ''' ...Inat . thiahtlitott none. h. liml ono d. palter d3r
~1 .,, ,. ....,........4:, , , ,,, , . , . ....-r t h.,......,...b..u,„ ." -,,,,, , },
~.„ „..,,,....., ~..- . ;ii....e th - -.,.., -- ' ' '''"".."'""`" \ I. I.:. TICIPP CO.
I w • IT
3. war- , and ..vil. ann ari a. dump t• \ tw , nn.s.33i, , , 1./ABIANEVILI.L. On.r.l:n p."•41.::311•7 1818.
' ' I ''' "''''' "* P4 Tfu. T L. N '" ''' , i !ne.wit , rlh•ar `th I ~ ,,, , ,b•,..1 ...13grtt/I>e ago
\ll i u..„ . .. v
~." ;,..,,,,
~,,,..... ~..;,,, ~ ~..„ ..,..,,,,..„ t„, s 1.431, ol- yo or 11•11... , . I,lwlt and -utapartfla tor otIXV3 . G.. .- .
\ i `,
Yew.% a 311 he prom on Wiwi In thr übV.rili, ibi..b 433. 1,...• ii,..1 Iw lair el, 3.C.lth, Krytopela az,l ..'' • .
t., 0, r , i.q.e. un.chliitikitd \at Om wattle lar.i. Ana ' 1t.,,,,,, !shins ,y
~,,. ~,,,,,, ~., ap y , ! may o r y y
... ,.....3J
~• .., .,,,. ....4 ,.3 7,
‘..,,,,1 4.,, , ,, ,,,,,, rt....u. tr.r . VVV ,,,. .1.0.n „.„ t- ,;
~ , ,..4, , ,,, ~,,,,,,,
~,,,,,,,‘,... ~,,. ),,, I
~,,„,,..,,,,,, It 4 ..„
..4 ~ ,
..1...3 i Ow, 1.t.1•11. \4, halt the ~.0 , , , 11. losd piii.• \ rllieted slense. I ha,. lu.t purdnwid a petrel:3d holt ~
...,, raft, , s:ltii .,, I. . l ilt-r. 41.. •tol tiohttair (rasa tho rIX..ot of tn.: funitsr. Wel enedSaai. ~ \
- , \ ~...
~ R.Uvrand'a Tome Mixture, \ \ L • ' ' '
I , Apo \ \ \ , , Voup., rery ternietfully. "If. c., URN - ,
airyciNv , ouni , l! Ssritt , of itiAl.br4l - 0. ROil,, 4 . ,p 1 11: . g
, .ii I, c,N, unversaily 4 tt..hlishitl Teat°, • -f' I. '' r , .- = -fir..
.. . , -- - 0
• • ..11
~ 3, I.r Ik . 11 .V.r. AND Ati I. g. the uthyr\runith, tab , \ NJ' reuo ppauldkui of. Frio Va. ;Urea or LI; • r, - hint, ' ' •. r
A\ f .3 ' V M ‘ l l : \frOP/AINT. '' • ‘ ,Noltthou .1 31... 11.3. A. 1.1:1‘,..... of InZlral, Cad
I. .., k.,,, Iv \ Miami., ate 11 . n.v.1,1, , t0 . . Dint \u .. vb. Ertrcuthter, acid hutohneoi of t nilArulo..f , • •-.
\ ruiner m..n., ...I r k ...., \ ''t, ).,'"•,..„,. :,‘r,?:'•.• ..", 61 '• , •,)" . 1.....• iro9 ll.ll f w,
Pel4il, witiv:i \ Soli Anent for !Ir. tlvatiy. \ `\
, 1, -. i.' - '.
h \
- ` 1, ~. Fair, V.. Noremlwr V•1&411 , . ,
\ New all Dry Goods. , \ i \ i , .., ,, , ,,,. . EN,-1 a = harpy to tote . = too that nor ,
, • ,
tlc, ' \ ''l 1 I, ft p tr t 3
. ~,,\
~ ,
,lottlr 0thuy3.403 1.310. bock mad liananarala whirl. -
4 . it
,: \l' - t AS , i n - , - ,„ ' r k - .. - , z , Lvl,Z,::,,:=`,4p:
pr, 'knot q Xou. I••,,, beau tba onvair.unilirlhebleariumfof
t....,.131 3.1 ' .. 1, , ' .1.1a01pty...,1;1nt tint nuirtyZi . ',.q.t l .11,1 irwv , kf . vr•tortbv, toe In haa/1 1 ...1 the rt. :\ ...'.
. in.. , AI Wy and Alohatr I.6... , tre ,, ,Ohybrorilla Ida. b iormenti o life.
thr. a.' . fink ~ .1 .3. V1 , ...i . e.0 3 ... , d,ftWi. , sf sit u tent. ,ttittla f \ cotoul•ore.l mini, the Tithe 1k....k . tad Itartal, ' k. -1
I.: w..... , ,thilly,ta... thlbe tilulf.n. am\ Vobutgr. ototki „,,,,i , I ~,\, i c ,,,,, , L ,,,,,,, ~,,,,,
~,,, ,
......,. \ -
t"..1 I.u, ~ioNil. 3he I wd. x ft ,a. solo ve \ oiler , for eat, of ,IY ...1•1%to I al. Paltu.n of 3. away; •nd unit try
r....a ti , ,h en, , ,,t, etn/Gd. tit a Vv . . ltaprw edantedly IoW, ~‘ wt'vw,erui‘attitt rains 133 the taeli, , ant st4.l. ,'1
s. , ' ',„ ~ . __, , vo.l. tr.nahlosi wlttiflistiness in the , tioad.coblosaitufihr ,
\ W inikrc. ; i ,os retuitist. mud tn4mbuervof toy arm.. and /4.0. , ave. for \ 3 --. 1 ,
, -. „ , . , , Vo i haviVe•Uverq rothre I Lary 3,..r h 3.1.. years/work ..
tJ . E I 'Ell,i. It \A 1...1iS NOA, by H.. hyan; ,),,, w„,,,. r ,„,‘,,, .N„,,.,'„,,,t,.„, ..,„ 4, 0„,,,.,,,,,,„,v \ . ..„,
I, ,p, , , pia, ,p e, .rp,,. vir...„.. 11,,,...r4T nt.s , r 't, it to tett, . 7 . in r.. 1,. f trona thompc.riN'Optli , ro.: , ' 'j;
t si.i‘h•st,••• I love tn In dr. air\f pesc,'Cinklof I' - . . ' a". .
he\ 11 ay . with vh:lytt ont 11.-0.1,',,e .tint to thy La, i 1 hay . 0 . , tail • rr.o ratwtYr famth tpodifinos.vriih.: , , ,'. -
\ ' ,fr i t 2; r ' % . ,f i n.: p ' jlk , %.,t.,- 4 1,-, z ,x,14. i - : , , -- ,,rrt , r hr 1 itiba \3r '9 , 3 ounce, \ tat , i Ito. t t ...sot note t Ank thar,".; , ;,,,,. 1 ,
. inanj to n- 0h .:31 il.. liii / . . i. V . I / 4 . 33vc0 anti.: joU' ',N k ' w \ l ''• .°3, " .. / 4 ". r a y t° V .4. 'hf.if 3 rwd. ' • -'; ' '.
11.....` I - .10 . .... 1 . 1....v0 'I 11..\ , “te. The 1 I plj 1'1.1 , i, "a ..i. o \kd . ‘`,!. (Ns si"til ta of it tottaisntinnVAn• ~.. \
\...'.. * ir,."A"i, ",'‘.'.l" "n f- - - 1,,'":,,t,..,k , b;:.Z,:1:* I tr,,'"N.",„"",:.° 4 !"' "' , "'''' t ~;',',. I'Yk I. ;'''''L . „,utgz t , , , . :
rt.‘h,' ,I" \, . t1it., 1 :! 4 „',`,:;: : . 1 .*, , l'ah u%' , -- , , , , , .. .a ~,,,,.,. ''.7.'',T17; ° ...'"q,... 6 ",..Z.,`".:, L. 4,- ~-; ;AA 't ',.,:
!?‘ 1 ,. , I, .‘ kt , .t.,s,k u5tit,„. , c4 1 .;;. ‘ .r 7 : 7,, zw: " A11 , .. ‘ a; bpi lor;t. b. ar:i -ulasjorOt'il to
in ulpirsit.topf.pslA,' -% ;,'. ‘ .l'., '- ‘ 11 / 4 , ...
‘,kj', ...;;AN,,.'',17. 1 . , ,''T.;%!NTZ'11,...V..d. , :i .17in rr.?••••loml .1 ta i E,...:,,..i,k,, t,#,... vrj a is,:n, Posipht \ -...7', ; , i.
l'eutry.... \nh t ti1. , ...1 IV, 13,11./A Flo - r.P 4 ,13 .14.1“ 1 Ora l w''fi "wt. atinfoel`Vbibnr I ,, tteier-7Coluabl. tot- \ - - ttAt ,. '
31,,tita . nte....1, , 1t5 . 1 . .. V. tat . f mt., r.- r -Itond , , Iv, ' thinie, , the V•11...v. kik ova \Verrarynitia,Vl3ll ha, \. ~, ..,..
,t .
' ,,1'. ! ',.'g',,t'Vnt.t r . :i ' ..V. ', 1 ,' .9t . : ' ,1tinX,,.\,f ,v ,: '"!''' ( i!f . ‘"7 . '''''
'',' i' V \ 4 l .41 . ...'r h " . 'd' \ - 'ta i l , r •b.
\ \
'Jr, ,:,,,,\,,, ~,,,, „„,„ ~,,, ,„ II„, \WO L) ~ \ At'siti ilt. , lour, t.zu o.t ; ..,,S,llt,iloS , lll. hIAS„(Jith . k. , ..‘ 'le tit,
.i. i , t i \ .It tIIN 11. 4 P.i.t.i t.)ii W...,,,1 ,O \ \ ::..I.4 . shoue grumps\ u in. put Up In lar‘v botil.S., C0trga....•!..,1n.... , , , „*.ja t
iib„_ 4 - ‘ t -- „ • tidunni'la onart. awl inc o\ll44.l„rup !down butts.. , .1. - *
ill VCI !” NEW cam 1 . \ pcso , ...isilti the writO\ • I,:tist.X.:Vii . J . k. ao - iefifilowiirthr '''', 'J... -
A CI . iIN lA. \ i \ t : -. v.i,,.‘ hlllith , d id n ' il varieil I\ . 1 144 . ''''',,. \ 1,, .'' -.'•, ' ' : I
' V,
Its ~. iv ,, a,.. 4 ,,,, ..1 , —.4.. s , \ 1 , 3.1 b. i. li. PARK. eincloatt. 3‘...,,
Al 1, \:,,,. ' : ` v. , Ye, geth Lle ...13..t0, . a .30,, .i., i'.. and 6' i'fn•otittls tilt IValnist to t. tntralli‘An 01. olnui ' \
1...., , ,. IA ..11 not 1..1.1.1 ilt ,t,.: 1....1 iskalefr, vt.ry . hrekthrit, \liVirbrirk Of ord•rm Innot be\ t,
,' . I
ntin.,,l. , , •
~,/ It_ /, , , , v_..Aii y
~,,4,-,,, \py .1„,..,.,,t,,4 p 1i,,,,. ~ il.\ Itiddi CC, P. A. knit, toeli it en., 4:A. Jew, I. '
rf01 . .t. , 5--ii . 0...k tor) 114%:.1 1.134-.1. *IA ovw`, 1 .:, •ry 1q Jr,. Pittsburgh. 10, , t•A ilitrAtiatollintiwiy env;' ' .:V
L won. , 1. I Lorin 1' '.
.1 t. , ' .: 1 ?/:I.ttV 1 .1 - ne ie , oti u. 01i•.;i1..r Iluita; ' # JLi T \'`.""':”. ' * i'N ', ''''L ? "" 11.. \
\ i'! ' ~ -4 .1 \ iiroonetiu!ir. 6. luirtitt.. rarnart Vivnt, a: think....
C .... I. Tuba, Iftml•s.o3l , o.k.rtto. , ,Trutidwle,and gl Ifilh V.' lb •Va V.!. Itt tuf.P. l 9 l, ,, , h . r. llo •kloraintri: . ,
ot bra, 1 art rawrova vleitwrinor,tr.ed hi. this, 114.1.1 - s.a . a it - ludlst.+P JO A rialy,t.:•tflannlacy.
uo.frit •r himself. ,1 roll ay vr , flcw MI., \ s \ ci., ),, , „ up,, , ,,,,,. %VII,. • 1 ,,,,,kyVa). , ,,,.,,,i.
.Ith., b, 6,... , 1 dm. o.t
.ti.i.ula ` 0 .••••/.1 r r ' , "''' - ''
. " it .1 ' 'l , . . ', A a -
„.. I, -,1. la , abor.• Itth rhino n‘.. ar. avrrankidlo ta• • )Ir. ....S4 /at' , 0 a t ..N• 'al b'V'rk ,i o, o l i t Int , , 31.e.i, _ :.
ye, i phi pry oet 3k. ~.., 4 , 1 II li.nd faulty`.o.• no w Vi, or. am A 1... rt. r Ilea., awn \ , V3.11, A c,nf;ii.., - .: ,:- ,1_
~. kai i... Trtun..-.1. ' ,II • LI, kit. int•th\ ht ., \ lii < amid? beaver .1 II nominottnn - I \ trrti• Pllt h L - ... • •
,u up rrpprl. P. Cxal
1' lA. I . St) l'ElllOlC'ktY IA WlJ,sli El\ ~ c , •,; * tirPmt-1 , 1 'F , Bonk; §i. 1(... Ai 1.6: . .. \- ..
T \v -.... stot at 1., taiAnn..ii It 11.`,"fli. 1 11,VI'T I\ t, A...1.Jc, would dfliviell to oa it- 1 , ,
no, t.... I\l 't #. tolaiitt k0i. , 0Ar. , 11. toll sir.. J•• , ' • s i
“ .. iit si` - 'st '\ \ ..... \ 1 -;.;,` ,Ilidd'e Medicated Liquid Cuticle. - - \-i-4.?
I ~1 1,_ coLAT 8--'2.4 X) bxe,...o..stk 1., sale hyl 1 1 1 .kit RTICLE is interelcti far litiif„trlLlP '
v ~
1,',1 „,,. % I Kt. s 3i.c..54,1.1 , ,.. ', . 4 \13..3.1.1 Le hitud in tbi I...irony, ...N....,- j.„.,_ - .
• , oiSil ' tee. ter bale Vey \ \ Ida eirl .. lava . to•rievo....iontr a... Va. and fbn fltirrivl- ' • . \
'\ • ~,, 3 \ I , ~,, r,,,,...1,Ntthr.,, , .., , eq.. taw iv...v.... i 1..,), ~..,...t ft.... 0, to I.• ~.4
. . -1- ..- \- 1 1,,A. , e• ti. tbamaan..l nthr a lair:Vial a 111 odasidis it 13,4.• , '''.
t t I , it , / I , i:k 1 , fi.., ,, N:11fth ,, , ,11. k i‘
, V ,. . /... :1 , 11 , 1 ., 1 4 1 -i . f. , ,, I- I 7.4%,,,,,;4.,,, ~, ~,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,. i
lifting ft..! , , .
~,,t, ....le, l •bviwatid liquid Cubit, Tnii
- p,;,,,4 1, 1 vt • irean. lt a 0
~A,, , , ,,, clltyrtliy rwv.
,a,r..1 it to our prolemlthat bt. , ,,p, p, \
' \ I \ !.iota
' 'd h ' ''..”. ""'-•
XLk ti..-It T 1t.: , -...-4.,1 ••,,, ks:
t. 4 \ ' '\ . • r •.•r. .t rolbtsfide tot edliniiii I
-.V \- • 0 IWF‘i AtrCA.SDLV , V ' 1 tir ctn.. Praia' I.o,,:that. and all attic ' I da ' '' i
* \
I Y.l k'Elt.-2tst ret7Medttltu; • I.-
‘ l • " . lll . ' .iPAPX ' V b l v t i‘ . "11.-
\ ..In. troiru, hi' rah. 14.1 e I, n
.-.,.. ~,, . , JAlliii I. 1 .., • \ . .11. - 114. •
' ' -' - , -'- '-
- --'----i9- ."'
i ` \ /1 1 ,111VV1 . 11 4 0 ,1 Pit,41. D., .
FA' If I
ti i SII i , 1 , 1 ... k
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i t....1 ,.., 1_1E . E ., S
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~ • , ,
hp 1401:Tll MAIL, rd. ic I .lobtf • ' '
........, ov •11k0.1 hw .334. hy
~, , 1 i', .. .., ,,,,,,,N0tc,,\ 01 Priting a I the orroilllktot. hlsvainan. in the I_lln ... \ `..
• ' '' ' N '.
' i ' - Il t ' t I. '' \ ‘.,.\'
~.., _ \ frm.x.ri/V,,.11.4.1 let, e air.
I• • ACK I lEL•7 - ' II) htN . e. J, t••r ale I,y 1
_ .2 ,..p , ,.:,...A , B • 4. ai . - 'IN e./Vrt,..% a 01,
~,,,., , ~ , \ l,ll, ,V 11.A.ANt!L1.,5,. ,
, 1 ,, r..,1,, km. COll 'LAIN,T , it bit ` i:•: - i - w ..,i.i.T - - n •\
\ , le, . rd br In II
1 bl , k. No. 1 Lala , ~ i r, r vvor rutinirro2, ,I \ Vie t.a . l. r ,L1.8. V ' l.ftrabil k . 4 • l" ..V . r.t.lll : ` ' . ''""". • '.:, '.'.
• Crib 0 mg...La•. ," /
.• '' 1.3•1 , ., -:\ - • ..... •• \ I \!IY. F. ‘ E
411.1* at Vi„ 11.4410 3 " 144;P: i e ' 1 A• 0n . - Cr'
, ...\
, why,. y'„p I roar..., v . , r L., , ..lektkpietroet.l niamir,
-a Mir I.arir . Z......".a1.. ken . % , ...Tam. I. nn , i 1 11 .33. arnt b"....aLeta nt tt,.. 3l
ar...a. ' -
, , oil utility
I t It. un alhatl.thswlt I ALe.4I•. 'A• br ' ,
, .. h.d. -No 1 .• , t ~....,/p a , ere... Amt. 1\ at there'nevr:rar . amt.-Oho tlot
aoo 3. rile hy ' 1 .. ....nt y1,,,,i la vrt. ~ y. y , hap din a moan 03 h (0... a. # hos.. toirn lict4s lit. Li's.
i f• - -- -• os . #.tubliusit hVe 3 elk .red ar• 4.4 *ark •pir,..
a a l 1 !CUL' yi , • YELLOW Lt I 6 lryoT-1.•.: \
.osT`, Mo. I. , I \at lat I nasal.s l \ 3. , r. \srl . li
ss t
. .
, - 3 ,„„,„ it„, ,„„..q, 5,..,,. ~,•„„.,„„.„,.., 4, I , „„,, ~,,
~,,,, wria3e.h nave .II 't at: mhet ppy ref. , t ay.-y,V7 ' \ .
L. ilte dr.'w-3.oyr ...eta bott/r. foye , a4yertioeution. to an. far akihntit eta......,na them
'bat a. nave irrt....we.rni, . •
.11„, \ \ ',... N. 1V lelaVAtvitAlL .Iterohir,teciitestuiintk hem to 1 1 ht• sr a lebt.l al. ,'
' .."
' \ \ ;''''''
. j' \ . '
\ I:hUr ...fill ft). 1, . 3. v . Ty, ,
, %illN liltli:,\L. '-'
\ ; \ , i•Ac,i,..., - ,:,..1, r... 4.. r• that all •
l'ilLt eityliNiree '- '
LI \ 31) 1,14.4. prime i•ugatl. \ \ !2" . , 01 . , ft.. hill pr fs'si b.. \n./..5t1.4 T s ;., '. t '..
\)e te.b., tt it. stot., - , , f •`.. n, ."±L!'"c! ‘ a '''''''.!"'e ,. ..("ll 4 . , IrnA\ .....1t ,, 91;..
V.4.a...tc0n Tan. - , ' \ -. \
, L.,, ,, ~,,,, ~,,4,, , „ I JIRCIFI' Al C. , ititYlitief.TA.P '
, ~
to 1aan.W1 , 3.1.1 's v J_ la3tii.'Ult AF.IIICAV .11 3 1 51Pth• p„_...rp„,,,„ ,•,\
.`. Pafed •• Forts's. by -. ' t..oseily Wilda pornisuout ..k..-...,. _,,,,,,i-.-,„ z : r .„0,. ~ - • ...., \
,„”.., . \\ ~ JOIIN IVAIT *fa.. \\
the cranin. peneroll. that ' h ben-hrty‘4l,,, ~,,,,, , „.A,
, • --' - -V- - - I enlopvl by the article known V r• v
ripliAN SPA E. .I.; NIP,iV IIN: DOW SRA ItEs, , .§, ..N ' l* '''''' .4 '"'"'".l”
, . , ~ ~,,rona,..r ettlearial I...tulwituaL\ 11.1•Untriveiy. to-`PI
• .Wahrthau the 13... At thlti/TAAlla fmbionable itli., \ 1 ••• . 1 4.'r *}..... a , 0 .1......11Y, . klawitt. • -
two" In Vew, jail me \I ..4 Ita rake tar r rest nlauctlon 6 . 11 .U:te1.° , 11 1 .• bwghtt Prf.ffe lothiv!.." "ri t ' .... ' .;\ N I -
s . '7: l inn LT \ ' 'Pitts. TatAirat, 1 ant , kir..4. It tatinulA river to tl, tn - urti -- \ ~.,„ ! .
~,. ' t . , Market -. \
,T, 1t%3=3:1 it= 4rf . *.
a r. trTh a a n art. L P t4 4
' . 't
VIN hpw GLA5§..1 . (,11 , 4,/,:liiiii ; - ... azttbdr tpu n,,,,..,...u . ativrt... „,,, . fieiciatr U d ''
'' 'P„
ine ~b y \ . usstarrrAminy a 1 0 40., ' `,. ' , .41P ,,,, ....... 1 4.01 . 6. , ,' ,7‘, 1 i,L 4 ,',, 7 . 441 4„,..,,,,, ~ -
\.,,7 . ~,, ... . k,,,,,,,, , T.,,....t. ‘...1. , ii...04.1.riv i r i -4p 4 .., , `. \ ,--
, .
. .
1 ' ,.or ' ,.. '' A t : '-- 1Z "I
11•.. I le.ul 1 . 11,17,1 0 1:t:
T: . •7,7r.1% " ,71.rir7r
\' NI:.1 . 11 , 4l
Ihe talew.,,, rale.
Whaler,. r.,ltler
r therr. Vlarg.,tile
1 .;.--;li
n ' tilr
w.‘ . ..i \n , . .. :,
11 ;4::4.ti;`:: - ,,,Zll
F. 41 ' 1 . 4 \ .. 1., , r\.- trj
\ 1,1 , 1, Itgekr,..ieniek.l
, ~ ',' \ '.,
' MEDICAL. ' . .v 1
. t innz's , molar Pr.c\"cißAL•
.• ; ‘',. , \ -- FOR T. 22 nuns or .
COUGHS, COT,DS,.II9ARSENfoSS, Rol.4t.Ffl- t •
.i \ VS, WfIOOPINS•COSGS. CS nr• • .
~ • ASTHMA, okisoNtrrian
• • ~ , . .
N offering no the otnnteunieth i
ie tn'ly
I eoletiestsd remedy foedlnea win of thisthellat .i1 N, 1 , , ,, 111•• '
it Is net our wish to Midi with MS lives or heal th , f
alelloto.L. hut ft...kir to I V botor'inoin,t.ho 'ootoi* of
ntoo. t onnot men in,' 'onto of thee,wrulenoes 'of RA A.: • '
eels, front' which they ean isillite hrethemaelren.‘i We alp!" . '
wail/ ;ledge our...lrs to make uniiit i t mwerthenlier falik .
statement. nf i 0 effentilig • nor wilt. hitkitout an': !liTehtk‘.
\nonog h...totr which filet!. will uOtWnr.I.L.-
Al \ •-•,.:..,l .I
~ poet an. here'niven, en.' we eakinitatainguyri ; ~,,.
f . the putille lot. all 14 publish, tweltnß,Mumrea OW!' - - ..41* -
- wll/ nd th ew perfectly rrlisloir..d ttn. mialicitießpithS,
their et cobtdenew and patronage. , , i r . . ... ~. , •
I Pt:OM !1. ttinizbAiLos/ .... ilreith: , :f c Cheg . lifry s and 311- '
IMan delayed .wirentig the rwet-ipt of ' 'i'llar Pie ...
pstration. tottill had . opportunity of rettneksion the oll_r.
nalte itk a ' , own family, or In tha tmili. of my freentts... .
1,0.1 ire,. pow done with a high dram/warmth .idestploo..; l
h' lTi " .7e ' iiV.l, 4 itleTitit 4 i, t :s ' el l ilt " ;:;l„as, a yeiweritil \ e:en;
''' for
''''• T h. ' . ttlrleg O ll7.i i tTllMD. Vii. i t ' •
Illrom an Orreseeesto th e tlamittan Itilln. In thin Cltyl i . ~
1/0 S. C. At. I hare been rll,l of the wont rn?Co e
weer had in my life: \by your el:Ungar PAittMat, I and \
miter tail. when .I hae.A , :mportuttity of mei...tiding It l,
~,,,,,,, Yon resywelfultY.
Lowell. *t r . to., t , D. F ll" -3L- ' 4)N .
S 3 Head the MI lowini,lttnee if lb to ttedielUet is.Wortli '
a Via).- lho. inkt4ol had I - Im every feeble. and the elle, ‘,
M o '''' ' tho malls o. ems on statienply iltritnet— . . '
Ili - tinier ait tim nig l
id& 6, -
bt.`J. C. Arts S. Ili-
Sni: I Lave town soltllelied .no o eototnt•
affeetlan of the tonne, and oil the eemptonw of seittlat
,! rtf ' lti ' arei r fl.r=h h" 7 Yn«,. (. 1. 1 h11 Ti mm Z
nee 0 0 roue Cherry Pertartti ' whiel, trartimo Timing ro
lief. and 1 hare hwy. plewllly bonimi my strength until
Uly health in well nigh ewitored. While neinF Illor Me'
oleine. I hoa me protionnou of euruk oohs-{ me e ve r
ewe friend, Ile. Truro., ed Numpter ittiletrie4 woo hod
ee. ettereulteil Mom ho Yarectilal dotter, by aliwysre at-
York of hninehltie. I hare bleanure in 'certifying. these.,
1 4 01.... 10 )nu,
ast, olz. Jour,. regnerttuil., i - ~ ~
~, J.A. Ca Encino., nt floilth Carotins- , •
The fallowlue win onto( (lie wore! of elk whieh l the
Yhysimann and from& thought mho jpe u rab l ionomenwip. • \ .
‘,, mi
Cun., Illt. nieg.hosu , -:.
w ' , \ ...•
,J. c Area—Fir. 1 war take. with a teryiblet tooth< . l
\r i ewahl on Ly nn id. io the I...italickg of [sax Wei,...),
a d was 050tineany Lod tor mon. than two ga)potba.
llt itaihing, Kier. emir . plait and day, I tweamo alitistly \
s o u, poi, my oyes were suit. and ithemy,andinyleriatb *
eeyysel m et. llndeed. I waelrapidly holing...l Inrush di d \
tree/qui. breath that but Iltthe hope of my recovery. sul
hat ? uuakl... N till. 10 thin situation, a tri.d of Mini.
',lob It.. John Keller. of the )lethidletChnteh.) brought. ,
. me is bottle of your Cherry Pewtoril. winch I. trie.l mare , ~
t irratifi \ him than from roe ..Xl , ootatlon of 01,14111113 fer,