The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 09, 1851, Image 2

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    'i't 'TBI3URGH GAZETiE.
,' . SO4III:NE, OCT. 9;1851
_ _ _
«. Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston.
.14APThreittetitidn of the friends of SeOrr,
. .
=%-.liaSe»j aiW Pltaanetacce, hs Allegheny sountS, is Wald
ly *Ka to huretrtanice of a thorouph organization. by .
tat:dation of. Klub+, in every eleettou district. feo the
eXtedeet.Ont the appointment of Committees Of OlKtinttette
trfreetAluderess friend of Penn and .I,,boetst, to ramrod.
and that thole; who require It are noturaittede end 'hot
'sten ardor, ifelaolt Kte tallot or, tla Senora rural.) , of
o , :tcheistat.
..c.Tftefollowireg Komurittee on Katenallratlent Pres.olr
' A t eiet i !"o l ,Zitert...K.t ." S. ‘ Treur '. . V ractVeTl:i. r isf tart.
, List r. Seideornter. si:Krententhol, Dr. J. K.
. • liner, u. 'James edusa. Joseph
' lto o,se of the County Korneniuse.
( Allegheny County. Scott and Johnston
r • • fleeting%
tAt 0. y. , Ccalltra inn;Potith Pasetteitp., Wedneubtre
lan. at 2 serlcok. '
• dullorrolne, the Otb, at .
2- Pattarton's Mill. Indiana
totehthip. at 2 o'rlock. P. M
A, epeatiu,a,mtr trill be addressed
. ,60 salserta impotent to the great political Interests of
tide country.
j. slur Ideals in ear/cal datriet. of the nount r . are
steel to mussels, owl hate every tarpon itsrossol.
to bring all our Tara. ths
order of
The Executive Committee request the lyttlgq
i lit the different districts in the county, to ascot .
- , , st their clectinSt piecincts on Saturday prekious
' - '..brthis . :ettclion, and nppoint committees to attend
pklte:imilis'ou the election day, and
to co-operate
9tith tits.. , ,eommittees of Vigilance in order that
.every:Whlg rote may be polled. The roll loom•
at - as should be careful to see that Serb election
district is supplied with the full Whig tickets.—
TheEncutive Committee take this oecasiou to
sayto the Whigs, that‘the news from ell j parts.
or the'Eltate, gives the most,encouraging hopes
elite triumphant sitcoms of the Whig Condi
' .dsde for. Governor, Wm. F. Johnston—it the
Whig do' their duty and Set to ir, thsit the
1 Whig vole is polled, the whole Whig this' will
be elected , iu the State.
C. Darragh, Col. Leopold Sahl,--.
Fred'..k Lorenz Anthony Harm,
Cal. Alez..llilands, FI. B. Fleming,
Col Morgan noberteon;-Caps. Thoa. M'Masters.
' Paul Anderson Way, Joel:nal khodaa,
Geo. Hattie, .Hegh DlcKeley ,
C. O. Loomis, - Alex. H. Hiller,
_ W. K. Vankirk.
Fara.—The Allegheny County
;Agricultural Fair, which commenced yesterday,
greatly excelled any. previous affair of the kind
in. this county, boll,in the number of personi in
attendance, and , iri the number and quality of au
heals exhibited. Weeefer the reader to our lo-
Mil n deportment. for particulars, both of what wan
done yesterday,. and what will be done to-day.
A Nevins Lona - tau 0n. 7 -A gentlematt, who
. resides in New Orleans, now on a visit to this
city,. told no yesterday, that the , South was
watching : ther . election in Pennsylvania with an
-intensity' otiitterwt never before equalled. It
is there• Considered, herald, a test of the decision
: of the State .. .on the Presidential contest. if
Pennsylvania goes for Johnston, it will be re
girded lirtie South , as a distinct decision In
favor of a better tariff, and will render:certain
the election of the Presidential Whig nominee,
anises something is done to' bring, Pennsylvania
back again to the Democratic
• If the Whigs succeed in this contest, a modife
cation of the Tariff is certain. The Southern
Democrati will not risk the loss of the
-neat Presidency, if they can help it,:and the
Northern Democrats will he too ready to vote for
a thrill if their Southern brethren will agree to
it. •If Johnston is eleeted, they will he on their
/knees to Pennsylvania, imploring to know what
tariff will satisfy her. They will give us any
tariff rather Than lose the vote of . Pennsylvania,
iu the neat Prvaidential contest, for they know .
klmt without Pennsylvania they cannot sneceed.
This State always votes oh the winning' side, nr
rather her vote always decides the contest- '
. _
Every - voter who wishes' to see days of pens . -
-verity return to us should vote for Johnston.
'This election will decide `the tariff question (or
the next year, And probably , for years to come.
Every Pittsburgher, every Western Pennsylva
nian, in fact every citizen:of the State, ought.
in view. uf the great interests involved, to vote
for Wm. P. Jouttssos,
TEE Prarturnmura-mitioczucr.
The New York Evening Post — Saw - A significant
within an the jealousies anifj>thieringe which
now mar-the happinesa.mul-Pie,Prospects of the
Pounisylvania Democracy,2;thePost admits that
Pennsylvania "will be. a very,cloai State at the
best," and that "no candidate can aspire to a
Large majoity there:" and on this grouthrit ad
ministers s, pretty smart- lesson - to both of the
"hostile. factions" Unit new Pride the party of
• • .
'which our eMitemporary is avery able chatupiopk.
In - -his view, Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Cass are -
both 'irrong in pressing their -
pretensions, with
no chances of success; anti their friends are ill
advised in'permitting themselves to struggle•for
a rewalt that 'ciusnot possibly occur. Hear the
Post: •
. "But a very email proportion, if any, of the•
opponents of Mr. Buchanan anticipate or desire
the re-nomination of Mr. Casa. They know, as
Weil as Mr. Buchanan's friends do, . that Mr.
Cass'n.weekness in Now York and in the South,
•is nnoughtn prevent his name from isehig so-
Xionslyeenvassed again inn Nations' Convention,
• were there no other , objections to the choice."
And again, on Mr. Canen
.:"Sir. Buchanan cannot perceive that, in this
struggle for the Presidency, he is pursuing a
delusion, and a very expensive one,• a delusion
is ch
; which stractirig the Democratic party moat
• , • ' ,einprofitably, which is opening daily new springs
~of bitterness in Pennsylvania , and which, unless
• Vispeedily abandoned, must place the Democracy
..`l:4:eff'nf:thet State in a hopeless mitiosity."
Very complimentary, certainly, to Democrat
. ic acute:lst*. and sincerity 1 But there is yet
- another t really too good to be lout: .
• • "Axiirisihiuglr. Buchanan, and perhaps Mr.
•••-' Poneey,,iftnit recite that it is hardly within
the range cf,.p.pealbility for the Democrats to
a4candidate for the Presidency from
Peaturylvanis who, in the first place, could get a
front the State that would support
1 !?!,Klilm in good faith, and, in the second place, who
could carry the State if be gOt the nomination.":
'' Oily think of the admissimi that "good faith"
is-an unknown article ih the ranks of the great
Democracy of the NeystoneState! The impute
' , tion, had it proceeded from our pen, would have
been pronounced a libel. Bat coming from the
• t Post, who can dispute its justice—Rt
We have been shown s Whig Assembly ticket,
on which .Afr. Fiffe's name is omitted, and
IteCatation, one of tho Locofoco nominees, is in.
sorted in its place. It is only necessary to in
form thtt. Whigs of the fact toiput them on their
ward against this'or any other like deceptions.
Too i.ACIIT AKIHICA.---No event of this event
ful yesti"hto led to more discussion and profound
apecalation titan the ° little contest of speed he
ti:ten M r . - Bteven's yacht America, and all the
crack saircraft that John Bull could muster.
To be not only beaten, but distanced, in his
(pint waters, in a race of all his yachts against
'one of earn, and that, too, undertthe very eye
of royalty itself, was a little too mock to come
sdl—at once, like a clap of ttittnder a clear
day. -- Flebore it, however, nobly ; and while
the . - ;;Galr set all the world &talking, it has Oct
ISM toldriking faster than ever he did before..
-pram victories ge.ined the tear of 1812,
by American valor over the forces of Great Bri
tain by see. and land, probably did not do es
notalifnalevate the United States in the eyes of
turope,es this little race ; nor did they, all pat
togetheri.lead to as much talking and es much
rriting 'on that iide of the water, as this yacht
:rade. The arrogant tone ofi the Times towards
Alierictom' Was lasts:4ly chenged to one of re
'Oect and laudation, and a manly acknowledge-
Merit that /tine:ice is ahead in nautical science.
-hreortaick'afteaiing Machine was gaining for
ns a victory on land; at the ivery time that Ste.
'nue 'Yacht. was !palling the good 'old Bong of
aritaurd• rake ttoi waves:
en beitietes them John Bull has been for the first
...timeffeeten on his aim ground. While as kme . r. f.
-fieris We: arc all proud of these conquests, we
feiventlY hope he may . never be invaded by
* Ts a i ouyains.than gtovens and Bl'Cormick.
Limon rot Timusos:--Hamuer Williams,
'Colored men, we believe, irns arrested Ind take!'
before Commissioner Ingraham, of Philadelphia,
&mgr.,' with having carried the news of the ap
proach-of the tifficers:io the negroes at Christi
ana. After Williams was arrested, he confeaSed
having been at Christiana on the day previous to
the murder, and that he "went for the purpose
of telling them'that they were sought by slave
holdera.". He also told the officers that be did
L ilo more than his duty, which he would again do
'under the same circumstances. The errands
sinner will give his decision this morning.
This is another case or ireiron under Judge
ittine's chargé. We 'think this is running the
thing into the ground, and will, in all probabili
ty, defeat the ends of the law.
The sad accident noticed in our paper yester
day, of levered children bating been maimed
near Birmingham by a coal car, which had bro
ken away from the bead of en inclined plane, at
the month of the pit, has led to come converse
lion upon the impropriety of having surkplanes
destitute iof proper means of security against
each accidents. Solomon W. Roberts, Req., of
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, described
to us yesterday a very simple, cheap, convenient,
and effective check, which is used among the
anthrreite coal veins, a description and draft of
which be will no doubt with pleasure furnish to
any person who away apply to him. We trust
that no more each accidents will be permitted to
occur, as none have occurred since theochecks
above refereed to have been used at the eastern
Tits SUMS/JUN. TZLZOKAPII.—The prepara
tions for laying town the Submarine Telegraph
between England end Franca aft rapidly .ad-
It is thought that the great elifficulty,the pre-
Sention of the -wires against being broken or
ground ell on the bottom, will how be &reroutes.
The line of communication consists.of foul. cop
per wires of the thickness of au ordinary hell-
Wire, cased in gotta pereha, and twined with o
corresponding number of hempen strand, steep
ed in a mixture of tar and tallow, into a rope
of about an inch in diameter. Another strand,
similarly prepared, is wound transversely round
this, and finally tau wires 'of galvanized iron,
about a third of an inch thick - , are twined around
the central core, and form o solid, and, at the
same time, dexible casing.. The whble, when
thus completed, has the appearance of au ordi-.
nary 4} inch metallic cable.. The machinery by
which this is effected to extremely simple, and
the work proceeds, night and day, with the tit •
moot regularity. A huge coil is thou being
rmed in one continuous piece, at the rate
about 14 Miles a day, and will tinnily attain the
length of 24 miles. The weight of the entire
rope, .when finiahea, it is estimated, will he from
lid to lel. WWI- From time to time, us the
work proceeds,' a galvanic currant is passed
through the wires, and their conducting power
is tested by a galvanometer.
Democratic friends have been whispering ro
rumors prejudicial to Governor dohmtoo, in
temperance circles, which they bare not hod
the runolinese. to put in public print. They have
apparently more regard for the SUCCVNI of their
party than they have for troth, but the potirri is
mach doubted by their 'knowing leaders. The
only editor we know of who has been mean
enough to publicly charge Gov. Johnston with
intemperance and drunkenness is the editor of
the Bedford Gazette; but the Democratic Union,
the organ of loeofocoisro at Harrisburg, seals
that infamous fabrication in the following em-
phenol manner
"We would suggest to our friend of the Bed
ford Gazette, that there in nothing to he gained
in a political or other point of view; by his re
presenting Gov. Johnston to be in the C0[1312.111
.habit of drinking in the public barrrooms, and
bearing upon his foreherd the evidence ofdiabit
nal intemperance. We never knew anything of
the Governor's habits previous to ;his making
Harristurghin renidence: but we wilt do him the
justice to say that we have never seen him take
a drink in public bar-room ; and although we
meet him almost every day when he is in Har
risburg, we have,never witnessed any evidence
of intoxication, either in his appearance or con
versation. We say, this much as an act of jus
tice to Gov; Johusttm, and by way of preventing
the Dem.ratio pressof the State from pursuing
a courseef personal detraction which almost al
ways recoils upon the party resorting to thin
disgraCeful kind of warfare.
Remember that this testimony in from a Har
risbnrg locafoco paper!
Mr. Craft denies that - Joe Barker has the use
of his bum, and requeets U 9 to ,publish the
following note to the Journal :
.Ptrrenosuu, Oct:. 7. 1817.
R. M. ittoots, Eon.—Drur is not to
he expected that I will notice every unfounded
charge &giblet me during this election contest,
nor by offence admit their truth ; but it touches
mepereonolly to contradict most explicitly any
kr.owledge, whotever, before its publication., of
the contents of the article in yesterday'. Tri
bune, beaded Judge M'Clure, or egency in its
production, that I hare attended political meet
ings, or base directly or indirectly employed
any person to electioneer for-me.
Respectfully, 6e, J 8. CRAFT.
- • -
It is an intolerable grievance that the North
ern people should thinkof aught but the growing
of cotton and the breeding of slaves to culti
vate it.
It is a. great grievance that a large portion of
the Northern populatiOn look on slavery as a
national mane, and are unwilling to bear the
innzele in relation to the public expreasion of
opinion On that •question.
It'is azniat greivance to think that Northern
fanaticism has no bewildered its . subjects, that
they cannotnee that slavery and the Union arc
ono and indivisible.
It is a great grievance to think that 'Northern
fanatics.' moved by what they term the higher
law, will, not having the. fear of the dissolution
of the Union before their eyes, give a piece of
bread and a cup of water to a fugitive from
chattel slavery; thus giving aid and comfort to
that portion-of one property which is bound to
us not only by law, bat also by gratitude on the
fart of the property itielf because of its being
cared for.
It is a Brent grievance that the North in
a body will not prefer foreign to home manufac
ture; in other word., that they will not submit
to be used no a compels iin the porchsae of Brit
ish goods, as an inducement to her to purchaae
,1 in return our slavery mitten.
, It is a great evil,the existence,of our free col
ored population — they ought to he our slaves.
It in a dreadful evil, that presumptive and
union-dissolving spirit, which sets its face
agalrmt the extension of slaveterritory.
' Wm. dowry
Contotenscrafth rf Pennsylvania 01 the
the Attorney General, re Timothy Ives. 0
Ives, Me .respondent, was elected a State Sena
tor from the counties of Clarion, Jeffereon, Elk,
McKean and Potter, at the general election on `,
10th October, 1848. The Returit Judges of the
election in the District, met .on 17th October,
1848, and declared Timothy Ives to be the du-.
ly elected - Senator for mid District, being the
28th Senatorial District.
-On the 20th Play, 1861, the said Timothy tees
was appointed by the Board of Canal Commis
nioners,-Superintendent of the Railroad to avoid 1
the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage
Railroad, and of the Western Henn -vote
The mid Timothy lees accepted the appoint
tamale, and has-been and now is rsercislng the
powers - arid datiekappertalning to the mid office
and aPpeintruente,:and receiving the emoluments
Onltml of lie Cothatonwealth it. is submitted,
that tit the time Timothy Ives was appointed to
the otficc-ifOresaid,'he was a. member of the
State. Senate. His term of office would not ex
pire until the first Tuisday of January, 1852 -
at ell events not before the day of • the general
election, 1851.
sth Sen. Article let, Constitution of the State,
provides that • the Senators Abell be choven for
three years. The three years can only begin at
the time the Senator is qualified to take hie neat.
Timothy Ives was then a State Senator in
May, 1851, and will continue es such until Jan
uary, 1852. During ;hie period he was appoint
ed to the office in question.
19th See. Article" let,.Constitution of State,
"No Senator or Representative shall, during the
time for which be shell have been elected, be
appointed to any civil office under this Common
wealth, which shall have been created or the
emoluments of which shall have been Increased
during mach time.
By the Act 6th April, 1820, Dunlop 2d edi
titian, 80th 4, it is provided, "That no member
of. the Legislature Bluall,:be appointed a Canal
f Cositomieeloner or a Superintendent . ma the line of
canal, - during the flute - for which he iff elected to
t office." ,
'ffiite , constitutional prohibition speaks of a
'Cioarliffice. -.The word civil is here used in con
e tradistinctronto military, aid means nay other
1 office orappolatment other than a military office
or appointment. .5:1 Story Com., sec. 788.
The appointment come clearly within the
common law definitiotinf in office. See Jacob's
Law -Dictionary, title office—Opinlon of Tilgh
man C. J. in 8 Berg. ft It., 149, Commonwealth
vs. Suther land. Also, Commonwealth vs. Bris
eier, SS. & 8.., 451. Iti the Commonwealth vs.
Sutherland it is said that the word "office; is of
a vague and indefinite import Everything con
cerning the administration of justice or the gen
erai interest of society may be supposed to be
within the meaning of the constitution, especial
ly if fees and emoluments are annexed to the
office." Certainly the appointment of Timothy
1 yes greatly concerns the. Interests of the people,
and he is in receipt therefrom of fees and emol
ument. I
• •
21. The appointment of Timothy Ives as Su..
perintendaut, &c., is in direct conflict with the
eth sec., Act Cal. April 1830, Dunlop, 605.
The prohibition as to the appointment of a mem
ber of the Legislature as a Superintendent on
ths line of Canal, during the time for which he
is elected to office; is generaL le it is asid that
respondent is not appointed on the line of mull,
hot on the Portage Railroad, it will be observed
that hie appointment also includes the superin
tendence of the Western Reservoir, Which it im
mediately connected with the line of CanaL
.Attorney General.
estrudire Maj . /Fable—Burning of the Pro
pel!, Lafayette at Chayres—Lynch Lazo—. ire
..Ezerutions hy the rigilanee Connittee—yim ng
' New York, Oct.4.—The steamship Promethe
us from San JllBll, Nicaragua, !with three wee►\ 's
litter and highly interesting intelligence from
California,resched her wharf shoat ti o'clock this
The Prometheus left San Juan on the 26th of
September, and brings 465 passengers, and
MAO) in, cold dust as freight, $100,0;30 of
w loch in for Thompson and Hitchcock.
The dates are from San Francisco to the 6th
of September, and were I rought down ny the
steamer Pacific, which arrived at dap Juan del
dud on the 20th of September, with 220 pas
sengers and 5100.000 in gold duet
The steamer North America left San Juan del
dud ou the 20th or September, with 250 pas
sengers ter Sun Francine,' The Gold Hunte
also left fdr dun Francisco on the 21st.
. -
The Monumental City sailed from San Juan
del Sul, on the 21st, for ttealjo and Panama.
The oteamohip Tennessee sailed from San
Francisco on the Sort day of September, for
Panama, With $1,700,000 in gold dust on freight
and the Constitution with $lOO.OOO. The fur-
tuer had 250, and the latter 120 passengers.
The Prometheus reports that the steam pro
peller Lafayette was entirely destroyed by fire
in the harbor of Chagres, ou the 11th Septem
her, the fire having caught in the spirit room
The cargo was partially saved.
The news from California possesses much in
The election for Governor, members of Con.
green, took pled(' on the 3d September.—
only a few scattering returns have so far been
received. lu the city of San Francisco, the
whigs carried decry ward but one, and the ag
gregate majority is something over one thou
The city and county of Saeramentonre demo
erotic by 400 majority,
The returns are altogether very incomplete,
but there ee-eros very little doubt but the lion
John Bigler, the democratic candidate iv elect
ed Governor, although mach result is by no
means sure. The Alta Californian, of the 3 . th
• • • •
"So far as relates to the remainder of the
State ticket, we cannot be wrong in saying that
the prospect is =chin favor of the democratic
candidates. Such is especially the case in the
matter of the two democratic menthers of Con.
ream Joseph Mclicakle sad Edward C. liar.
shall. There can scarcely he a doubt of their
election.. The Legislature is doubtful, but will.
it in thought he democratic."
A very destructive conflagration occurred at
Maysville., on the evening of the Bth Aug ust.
Three entire squares were burned,,aomprising
81.1 buildings. The locale of the lire was Sec
ond and E streets, the north and east sides of
the Plata, the levee D. First and high streets.
The estimated loss is half a million. The burnt
district comprised the chief business part of the
city. Farish, &dams A Co., were the heaviest
losers, say $30,000.
The mining news continues highly favor-
able. ti
The, Indians are very troublesome on the route ! tn,
from the Great Salt Lake to Sacramento City.— I , e ,
The maillideh have leeeu several times attack
ed, but ...Fled unhurt. Several emigrants lea .
have lien kill killed. ru
Two men named McKentie and Whitaker,had M .
been executed iu San Francisco, and two execu- u
Gone had also 'taken place in Sacramento. Since en '
which perfect quiet had been restored. th
The greatest excitement attended the case of ni
Whitaker and . MacKenzie, who were executed at th
San Francis.. They were arrested at the in- r ,
stance of Vigilance committee, and kept in their
custody, having confessed to a number of dn.
ring robberies, .S.c.. On the morning of the 22d .
August before daylight, the city authorities pro
ceeded to the rooms of the Committee, and ki
without much hindrance took possession of ,
Whitaker and MacKenzie, and conveyed them B
to the city jail. When the Populace became ire ,
farmed of this act, the wildest excitement was I
,manifested, and finally, on Sunday afternoon. e
the 2.4 th, shortly after two o'clock, the prisoners I a
were forcibly rescued from the jail, and re-con-
veyed to the rooms of the Committee, and in an I .
incredibly short space of time were launched
into eternity, amidst a shout of gratification .
from the crowd. t
After hanging an hour the bodies were cut
down ("hen Mckenzie being pronounced not dead
by the physician, was again hauled up into the
air, where he was suffered to hang until life was .1
extinct_ Tho crowd then dispersed quietly, and
order was restored. Some shots were firad•at
the rescue.' bet nothing serious occurred.
Robinson, who has been convicted and senten
ced te' be hung, but was subsequently reprieved
by the Governor, had been taken from the pris
on by the populace and executed- The Govern
or was strongly denounced, and had been re.
quested to resign. •
The clipper ship Flying Cloud, from New I
York, arrived at San Francis. in 89 days being
the shortest Nonage ever Instle:
The etesmer Fnwn, on the trip from Sacra
ithento to Vernon, on the 10th August, exploded
r ifier boiler, Captain Tan (Aspen was very badly
wounded. Clark, the engineer, and Anderson,
thefiremau, were killed. Many passengers were
. abut muck injured, and several who are known
e to have been on hoard are missing.
The, ,
e dates from Astoria, Oregon, are to the
n 270 of August.
Tire. Elisabeth Gaines, wife of Gov. Gains of
t Oregon, died on the 13th August.
e The markets were generally quiet, business
having been interrupted to some extent by
I the elections ; but a brisk trade WWI. anticipated
~ iu a few days, it being alma the season for the
'' miners to lay in their winter stocks. •
e The market in supplied with boot. and shoes
in great abundance, and clothing generally was
very dull, from the great quantity in the markdt.
The same, also, may be said of Pork. Cheese,
and a variety of other articles.
Flour In prety active and prices firm. The
of following quotations aro from the Price Current,
of September nth:
.) °alleges and Ilatall's Flour, $ll 50(012y
bbl.; Sweet Western, $lO fill: Corn klual. $. -
'Corn va3 50 - t , 1.u.; Mess Pork, $l6 :
lk, • • • J
„ Clear `do., $l7; Hamm, 20e - 10 lb; Lard, 140
°- Butter, 2507140 c, Cheese, 10 @Vic.
The following is ayiet of the New Soh State
auk reported failed;
Ocean Bank, New York; ilienix Bank, Bobm
bridge; Slerchant'n Bank, Ellery; Commercial
Bank, Friendship; Livingston Bank; Lewin Coun
ty Bank; ChatanyneCounty Bank—Safety Fund:
Government Stock Bank; James Bank; anners,
Bud; of Mina; Western Bank, White's C reak
Bank or New Bottle Ile; Saugerties flank, Cayuga
Lake Bank.
We furnish herewith a list of seenriities
posited in the hands of the. Comptroller for the re
demption of the issued notes of the following
Ranks, which are said to have failed, and the
circulation attach.
. James Bank—Circulation, $76,743; eecuritica,
N. Y. Stale Stock $1Y,200; U. 8. Stock $5,000;
Michigan ti's $18,000; Bonds and M. $39,888.
Farmers 'Bank. klins--Circulation, $159,405;
securities. N. Y. $90,000; U. S. $l9, 670; Bonds
and hi. $50,000. -
Brestrrn Bank, Whites Creek--Circulation,
$110,110;' securitlea N. Y. 534,887; U. S. $24,
700; Bonds and hi, $54,855.
Bank of New Rochelle—Circulation, $85,876;
securities, N.Y. $30,700; U. 8. $17,793; B. & Fl.
The New . York papers advise holder. of notes
of three Batiks not to sacriAce over half per cont.
on them, eel the State and Gospingtent Stocks
are ecurity for their redemption, and
Ohio holders will do well to act upontble advice.
The Bills of the above Banks were still taken
by the ttochester Banks, after the report of their
failure.=Ckerfand Herald.
DAIIGCROUB botrwrsararr.--We user to-day a
counterfeit twenty dollar bill on the State Bank
of Indiana. It is a mist perfect imitation of
the: original. The engraving, signatures and
filling up being well eseenta Thompec4 de
scribes it than: '•Letter A. •Vignette,. • man
,with au s axe, a ferule with-scales, and an eagle,
&c., goddess of Liberty un tha
lend Iferald.
ovular, Nora or AUIMIYInt :COUNTY;
1 1 . FOR VERN , OII.III ;848,
LE Dormer,
Pl7/1115134•, Klix•beth jot . 119 13 . 7 1
Id Wucl oel3 111 Upper sc. char 99 94
3b9 199 Lower 'JI. Clair 330 2711
51 4,4 av, Baldwin •• 131 n
4th . 075 169 RebisucliV ' Ile, 134
LW - 4'17. MIS North/aye. tn. 00 180
eta 'i 7.11 c: 01 . 1, Fayette cp. 122 71
7th .. 01 70 Findley - 1u 7 5 105
17n 111 Moon - 1 130
tz as Ohio 111 kb
_ Franklin - 60 VI
Z77;1,843 Pincer. . 05 50
~ ",,,,u n, e . Manchester. lull 121
Ist Ward . 401 137 Bees - 97 al
2,1 mi Yin.' .. lle 116
:4 - dia :Lt W.Beer - 130 ite
414 . 4,31 316 0.11 ee - 1017 111
Indiana ii ' 100 liel
•. .
I 1214 . 7:3 Shale; - 115 65
Sinnlughaso 217 198 bliionsSeu . 11 , 2 ob
Lawreurerille .95 1•S/ Shot - N0.4- 521 21
lilt toleuahlo bl 51 South IllUburgh 152 122).
Peebles - '212 1111 McKeesport 121 89
IfSalto; .. 710 115 West Elisabeth 27 27
Plumb - 171 150 -
Vermin/a tp. 13t 117,
Elizabeth bar. ISt 63'
Jailers= lit: 641
ill 1511
New Boaovana Aso Tostasulea—Collins,
from Peebles; Penn, from Wilkins; Patton, from
Plumb; Duquesne from Shaler: M'Candless,from
Pine; E. Birmingham from Loser St. Clair;
Chartiera, from Sr.. Clair; Tareutum, from East
bABTARDLT 00THAOL AT Put Lalir.L.llll/i.
At a late hour of Thursday night, some coward
ly 'Miens perpetrated a monk bridal and chock
ing outrage upon Mr. Lewis 8. Driest, Report
er of the Pennsylvania Enquirer. Mr. Driest
was brought to the door of hie residence South.-
work, at four o'clock in the morning, by some
unknown men, who immeditately disappeared.
ills clothes were covered' with blood nod mud,
and his menu marked with contusions nod
brusies of the most riolent.and frightful descrip•
This morning, he revived fur a moment, and
being apparently anxious to say something, with
out the ability . to do 811,t1 piece of paper and pen
cil MIA handed to him, when he made some let
ter marks, which, as nearly as could be deciph
ered, read "Eighth and Catherine streets—row
dies" 110 has no doubt been beaten by the row
riles who congregate in that neighborhood.
Tun 'Tauter or roan-Six."—The 'lora of r.
Forty-six." foiled the Country in a palmy condi
tion. The "[Rack Tariff of Forty Two" had set
our Spindles Looms. along with our Forges and
Rolling Mills [into brisk operation. There was
remunerative occupation for Machinists, Mech
anics, Operatives , and Laborers: and there was
a quick market and good prices for all our Agri
cultural Products.
'Like the Patient who was well but wanted to
be better, the People changed a Protective Tariff
for Free Trade. This gave them More.handite,
Rail Road Iron, dte., , from abroad cheaper
Well we could produce them at Lome, t'ot ,
[tierce, no longer -fettered" with “restrietions"
or "oppressed by taxation," sprang into mum.
ralleled activity. We seined with avidity upon the
blessings of "Free Trade," purchuling, by hund
reds of millions, articles which might have been
produced at home.
The past four years, therefore, have been the
Seed time of Free Trade. And now comae the
Harvest, for those who sow must reap. The
Steamers, for some mouths, have been taking
Specie to Europe at the rate of more than halt
o milloo a week, to pay for Rail Ruud Iron which
might bare been taken out of our own beds mud
rolled through our own Mills: These Mills, iu
the meantime, have been compiled to pat oat their
tires and, discharge their men. The various
Mannfactitiing Entabliahments through° re the
Eastern ell Middle States have either latenclosed
or kept open at a lona,
fartilifornia hasensiled to stand these
large aid nuts of Specie., But the' demand be.
gum to exceed the eupply,andlif:this disproportion
between the amount of Gold received and the
1 amount ehipped should continue, we shall soon
enjoy the legitimate fruits of that spiLeies of Fret
Trade which impoverishes our own People to
enrich the subjects of Queen Victoria.—Alestny
I &vans? Journal.
TUN. Antic E2r/DITION:—We bee it stated in
one of the newspipern, that daring the time the
Advance tone of the;Arnerican Arctic expedition.)
was' frozen up to the ice, the men and officers
prlhtised every day in drawing the sledges, as
they were expecting every hour almost to hare
their vessel crushed, and their only means of es
cape wit td travel by ice arrossltelfirt'S Ray to
the ticarest port, Uppernavia, a distance of be
tween two and three hundred miles. Two sledg
e! of provisions, enough for thirty days, full m
ans, was all that could he taken along, and
these were kept loaded and in readiness We
whole time, to start at u moment's warning. The
1 men also had their knapsacks pecked reedy for a
move. Ten Miles is all the distance that can be
made in a day with a sledge—the ire being very
uneeven, covertd in many places with deep snow,
and containing frightful crevices. Fur the amuse
meat of the men, and to occupy their time, •
theatrical company was formed, and perforefie ,
nightly , . to a large audience, using the deck o
the Advance as a theatre, it being housed in.—
Phi/ Ledger.
FUNIVT lacitlesrr —Dols°, or A CASIIIIM
We venture to nay that neither Mr. Lathrop nor
Mr. De Wolfe would perform such an act inns.,
curing se the following, seen for a large reward
But the joke is rich, and shows hoW quick the . Je
rsey operators gat ahead of Wall at., when they
are both put upon the same track. The Journ
al of Commerce nays
A story is curent hero, of a little sharp pror
tice cu the part of the 'Cashier of the People'
Bank of Patterson, whiCh is too good to be 10.4
The morning this institution failed he came int.
town expecting to mete STTIOIMPOt.2I to go of
si uncoil ; but his agen here refined to rodee.
the bills unless euppl ed beforehand with th
niedfid, which wet; n t forthcoming, and th
cashier tweordingly tufted 4M his return t
Make prepatstions fu clueing the bang 11
Arriving at Jerrey City he foUnd quite a num
ber of broken oollectel, who had got wind of
the trouble, and were to their way to Patterson
to Iwo., if possible, the redemption of the
bills in their hands. The train etartal, the
hungry bill-holders seated in the cars, and the
Cashier, who ie Presilent of the Railroad Coto
pany, standing with he engineer on the loco.
motive. After a run of a few miles, the bolt
by which the engine drew its burden, woo qui
etly withdrawn, and the looolotive, rurryiny the
Cashier, shot onward to Patterson, leering the
care to follow at their leieure. As noon AA be
had taken leave of his paseetiger, the engineer
put beck to bring up the train, and found-it at
a dead stand in an interesting locality, where
the passengers had abundant time and oppor
tunity to examine the scenery, and cool the fe
ver of their impatience. When the train reach
ed Patterson, the score of brokers rushed to the
bank, but found It croeed, with an interesting
placard attached to the door!
81 , DTZHILAJItAN LAYS IN larmois.—The editor
of the Chicago Tribune lately amide an excor
eion evil the Chicago and Galena Railroad.
From hie description of the Milldams of the trip,
we extract the followirig account of a Subic,
Xeneari Lake.
Eight codes beyond Elgin we ceme to a natur
al cariosity--a sidderrateart lake, situated upon
the very ehinmit level between the two Overt,.
A circular area of (rota three to four hundred
acres, perfectly level, and fanning a complete
basin with, a bordering of hillocks ornamented
with a groirth of oaks, Mirka the place and on
porta the peculiarity which it possesses over the
general (Witte:s of the country before teaching
it The direct line of the road lay sterner the
level spaoe, a distance of sizty rods, and during
the winter an aroblkment of route Len or ma
feet who thrown tic ors it, on which to place the
track. ' Upon the eppioach of warm weather it
was oh d that the embankment began to net
tle, and by the time the frost had entirely given
way, the road fur the whole distance nen" , lied
disappeared. The'cumpany were then compelled
to construct a temporary truck around the edge
of the basin upon which the cannon run, while
a strong force of hands wan detailed to fill up
the original track. 'This ban proved to be no
email }oh. On,taking eonndings, it was found
that the depth of the bed of the lake varied from
twenty to thirty-seven feet, and upon computa
tion, it required fifty thousand cubic, yards of
earth to build up au embankment to,tho nun ice,
the coot of which will not fall much, if any,
short of $7,000.
On reaching thin place, the care halted, and
the company walked across upon the crust of II
hate. The turf yielded and shook beneath on
feet for the distance of several yards around.
On math - side of the track, an far ne the filling in
bad been compieted, the crust had been elevated
several feet, einems by the lateral pressure upon
the fluid toasts beneath, presenting here and
there huge fissures strikingly suggestive to the
observer of the profound depths obscured from
eight by this film of vegetable mould. Mr.. Van
Noriwiek informed us that a few days previous,
sonic, of the hands had caught a pickerel, toev.
eral Inches in length, in the water which stands
where the track went down. Whether a native
of the depths below, or whether it had migrated
from the neighboring river during the late hoods
is a quoit:tog yet eudeclded.
Nor Vicious' Our I'wrro4.—'•le your hors •
perfectly gentle, Mr. Trotter?"
tfPerfectly gentle, eir—tbe oily fault be he ,
—if that be is fault—is a playful habit of cx
tending the binder boars any and then."
?ity 'extending the hinder Loofa,' you don'
mew kicking, I hope?".
Some people call it kicking, Mr. Green
but it is only AI slight reaction of the muscles
*Flie rather . than • vice."
't Green, witietling. •
iilib o ortAt F icnaihrdwire, Cutlery,
No. 129 Wood fitreet,
Dente to call the attentnon
Lenox recce of Merchants eel Wm, ',to
their of •
And which they
eret ir to afer n murh
sy-A fnll amortment of MANN'S Priebrated C. S. AXES
slways hankt. mug My
lltirFrom the univertal aUCCeaif of 1.1. G.
Farrell's &rah'. Linim,nt In cariat lame heck", rtrevio
sUem,aoa..l Juints, .004 contrutwl
pair,, di., we have no doubt tali It will rapidly lay all
viler relpedles on the shalt ea there I. no rarthlr doubt
hut It lobe greatest rem , "lT the wrrld ever knew. It 14
...quail,' effective for Loth man and lams!. and should by
all me.}as 1w kept In t.rery hnusehi won 'and eountdl.
Sea tale ertleetneu nrir
Lejuat what it wanted—say all who
have ever wed inape's Ver.i(u,/.! Head the fullowlua
letter from an agent:
”Fltdatta. Chemin:lg Co.. N. Y.,‘
Feb. Will, lan. I
Kidd t lt..—When your otteitt woe here I hod jttet
otwoodt .d he but a !VW doien of .11 . Lane's Verml
vows, &od I llud It le fining off yeti feat, and thou far I.
has wive. , goat eotlefsetion, o, hoe proved to he Jut
what the potato want, and we boy.. Cot it &vino., ond
‘ln not what to wet Ont. I have but one /totem left. 11 he
yourlaoent wow here. I think heold roe NILO place t
wend If I ehould wont more. but .
he did, I hove forgot
ten Will. you harottbe oroolueee Ito onler for [llO .11 do
en mon on rorelpt 01 Oil.. (twit["
(or Polo 1.5 J. KIM.. a (NY.
oonottto 101 No. 000 Wood et.
00,11000 Cult!, nr PrIT.LtIIIII.- - .lWr Inv:te the ath,tl.4l
if the attliele.l and the public geOorally. to the evrtift,tho
of Wm. 11.11. of thin drry. The riow mar be aeon hr . 0 1
person who mat be okaptleal In erlath,o to tho taco. here
0..1 1,10 P. KIER.
Lml boon aM lobed **vernal Teak, with a sonnen of both
• .
whigh enntlound In Ingretut until 2.gotemle.r. 1 ,55 .
the Inflammation wt that time ha, inn Involved the whole
tolug memhesne of Igth eyes. .414 ended In the der•tt.e
thin[ filot.whlrl. wholly geeiroyeel my Fl.ta• 1 tint
an Nerollo
uperfornantl.atel the lligkeologrymoinel.aneh
cen, returned and left in., in ;le I a.l a condition ne bete ,
At Ono Steer of the ennsplalot I Made oho ll eohnu
r 4 of It., ton, esosuent ungliesi we, who infrgm..l me
{1•11. • my eyes would oiler get tho time I mould
out •lirtloguieh any One, By 1 tea:len, of row., fronole
I ttalallial , 44 the tua of thin I'r Tylenol. both Internally
ml keally.nodet which tor et , hole kn.l.mvtd daily utg
hi the present time, sari I bo, r gogergl my eight
3ly umieral Innlll, Ir. ver , mob improved by the
T 0... and I ...Thule the r unntion of my 4 . 1 . , o
~.. I
p..• \'o. In LoomotrnA, In thin elf'', owl
I .be baPPT n. inv., Amy Info lion in relabon In MI
(mule by F.,.... t 31...1.h.v,.14 1.1 , 0 Wood streak R. G
1..,. >'W. , ...1 .ft, I". II A. V 1,, ~,,I. A 1 . 0 . onrunv
.40.1 i5n0t........, II M. Cu rv. D.. 1 Kiln.. Jompb
ng1.....0,1 II I' ..4...in1x. AI .nhoo, alft , br lb. pro.
9.11. KIEL'.
. . P 0010 11.11 `A.OO 101 h AI.. Inual.uro,
- ..
Citizen's Insurance company of Pittsburgh
OM, Se. fl %S Sit, t,` n We wart.... trfC 11.
Pre.llt.4l ;.f wSte,
Tbirl)..utput, Ir now pr..par, mtute sli
movic cuartuty tar II IL, anti luteurity of Oa
lortoutioo, mlorJol. rh m. 0., of 111. Ihro. tor..
xi. all esticciz, andfl.; lwo.. to lto commuuo, f,r 01..1 luldluoruve,
wJ tutearitl •
I% to Back.,
Jr.. C 1 ultor Itgleuz, II la., t.Jwar.111......t0u•
Pittiburgh Lite Insurance Company.
CAPITA(., sthomo
it l'r4,Jailt—,l6llll.lU
.is..rit...ulrlat 1...0rr psrt Ibt• r.C.•
on Tuonlny vvrtund. tn. 7th 1 0.1. by ibei - Mr
Hin LIZZIe . a.u....htnyur 1.111 IV Morro. 1,. Mr WM
A. Awn. ill or ,',tr.
Young Men's Mercantile Library Associa
tie% and Mechanise' Institute.
. .. .... .. ..... . . ... . .
imi . , ;,. ; i i !!..1 , 1 i., i,
j i . t. , ,N4 , ,. , ,,..!1:! . . , ;!1: v i r .r l i l , i;y2 ,. : . l .. L i :e , tzr:
....lug the lategt 1111.1. e. &rem-ft...W.OK the anew.
inuntin....... cf 0.1, el. C. 1.1.1...... 0,. r•,•..1 1 ill•xtra
...1, UM emnong. of
the ill) 1........11....u. eernot e
11. - .1 ..u.l Fourth .114.... rot, nee on 11...4.
Looloroo to roximouro it 7 , , o' loot. I'. 11.
. , roue... . one .1..11, SiEwl• Ih-I
MI.. 10t1, .. reteL--to le Lug be .1.11, i....1x mu,
~.I L.A.. Nlecul.e.r, enurlira... ne•put, In. :o.
owacle 31.. ornt•-,14.....1e et Utast y n..u.•
or ..I Manumlop n . L.Luren
For portlrularo. tr. . rn.,11 till. or.lll
- '
Popular Le
~.. , .
(1•11N 1.,, AN 1 A , T , t01 . 1 .,, A , N4: r 1 111 . S1101. 1 ()1. , 1
...Cut,......1 01.0, ..............- co tbe 1.4.1... %LA On
nem...4 11.1..1.01,11- era..; t 1.... •..., .8 111
KINN 111 11. • 1., Vrof 1....1,,1P1, of 1.1.11/ololplas
1 t...e u...ful 41111 luotrs ~ Iraren..kB t, • ,,b.,.,••[
• Mt ire 1.....111.11 Vren.-1. MAUI na.....1 num. Itl//t1 ..
11.4, I. and j'a,gatiligt.l4.l . l9lll,, I, ... the 1 1 / 1 4..5t c 011.,.
...........,1 in the I ......IMr—the ...1.1 of . ht l.. .
.1. ten Lou.- th ..
e .....1 .111. e nen. 1.1 &Ina..
• 0.. L. .. null I2li non. rich o oIIIIIK .9.1°
'['ll E 'DIFFERENT LOWER meeting
IL Ito Calla, a l'illy•burgh4 Alltyrbettyy, YY.YI ooY,
'nut an. Ilrollyryu lu Nab el Salt Roeciluil, rt.,
Ga 1.. al.. at ttorilaStyNll . 111 J. 111 1 11thV ottnety at.
L, nn., ayr tha purpana 001 doo.len. ant the ramor, tt t o,ly
•on lb.- contain, lunnediatoly llnt lb.. nee - mown, of J
c• 110 I, ~r. lb. in ,, ....n0t • , p haw ....1 Ittntan. 0
t.. rnuta all lab! .1... I i la the rnirauttar. tatury.a,
ibn Iltil. •Lery. au ntalnny will 1t...1.15.rr, b 1 NI hI.
I u the mat,.. 11, publi.• ..y• nittOnl. ,
11, ut.ter a Yhe 11114.51' 11. tn mit
~,, r 31, KINI.Y.V. D. I , 11 II
New Mute
'till F. 611'SY 'ti SliSki,l or My llullaut 13:1T k
o rube with ri,gitiii.itli ii,tplatiiii , by Jetitii Lauf. ii
1., ni t nekrt ,n l•iititiorgb ,
Ili*. iti...imer , lb.tai.lit tit, • •liry li.-Iti. , ..i.fii
lb. b i , ii .ly lib, ...awl br Olitt.rln. 1119 • in Amen..
11.. I. ruinitiii haw, otitis by I. , itl.iiririi . 1..•
ybr,biii.iip.,...lllrhai.l. '
Tbi• siiimal Nlminli. rbuit•ii. ,l •, U P 1 . 1. " ,.
The. ki.iiiiii ,,, iii"n , ki , ...t ,,,, ..r. ..
.11,--- .11 i,ii.11.1 i.ibictii.o ..I Itii. most boliiiiii , .ii.l .1
''''''' ll ' tl:l7lll.!i ` . - 7 ,,, -,,,,,,,,,-,.
~,, N.44..f abai U,IW,f 1111.1.
sul,seriber is prepar,rl ELEe'lltrt
t k.ri I . I: Cult. Nw•C•Wwi•t •" obort
••.tt, wwd •••••., t.rtl••• durwblllll wt the
• •Ilwr rt. ma., rowmated El lutigew ID) tw .11
taw , are., ttun that t • swots!, The autrwtritwr .
.t. Irwr the t.rwrwwt w• lurulat. sterrwty {Kw. to m.wt
wS • rawl. I, the .0.1
tw l•erw , um •sutth., thsi• of wt. low will
Irate ••r tbe.r st {V
J.,wir, r Yourtb awl %LA.! . IL trwrtd.
• •,••-1, E. r.
New Marble and Freeport Stone Works.
in addition te, his
•sti.nsisr r•tal.ltritsitrot i Liberty stsvef. not of
.iLsotv.l Lrlorit t,r. ht. !sere. Mulits 11 OS Sr.
• IsittrLS to the w_ *here ht. sosoutselurii• et
r, vastrty rif ILitstiatrots.
140., Tvtal. Msntoi , sr, of Marble, Corbin.:
itiof VsntlLL ertnetrr, !r, Yr... Tort Mont.—.
tsri dors,. rash Itsio,Lscattislo coo wratent to the
hr t• t.i rittito. ortlrrs with risoriii ,
it .1...itL1 tot tar hiil.• Pis • <sin.
aior thr 4,..111, w libersily
ARE BIM' ARE ij A lITIONED nguitatt
r..dril; • drywn tor P.LltlCu. L. thy ,r.trr
n • awe.' .r4rublter 14. La, ably t.ur
rubuthy •iter tirr liussarycl 4014xF.
iwruoyitt rt /irr c—to L.. 4...ruktoppytt. oep
j' n. sub,riN-r .11.41 lb. 6... pun , hlaslN three
i. 1,1 DURHAM BULL which 'wok Ithr Bra am:Lawns
su the Allvittlenr Fair In 15,44. and the Tr.t yrnosuut In
thu Fair ,r4cralay tOrt. t. 1,1.1 If arailiratiun Le&
tk, tstin t."401.•1 IL. Vorr 4Yirlt) . MM. C BUN ma N.
cartro SYlntur lltrelornt Whale OIL
^ `' Elycliont 1111.
LLI. Ilsr4o.llF tisk Ott.
hru.n Tynnrri Inb
CF. haw. praur
chyory Y II 'rya'
Imp . • :
lirywrbout Tr.
12 awl 6 lb LAY., rst • any. Cr family tioy,
moot ••
hbb. Cal a". lulra
Mos ma Comae by
•rcNl ULM1(131110 A (lb
, i•lt %SI Is 1.... unaarmay m.kluatlel,l maolla
I. LM Vuaa a• -
Ti,,. Jaothata prtquala , a+ I. la,..Nual.ara Watt
( . anal Ir.saaar, ...01.arlua anal... b. trot,
lau's Aml.moal mul alptla compouta, Il
0ur,...,...11, , qa all •Ia• (hi iqualt , ,ll psay ~11%1Vt bar
ills laths, u [orb AO ...11.1a (bp beAr.l u U. au.lrr nlas.
Om-s. •,amsY: grain tavasslAA.-.s.ra
ankle, to 14.4 a...lay ,t , pand latu
.ICs, a ‘ . “rmast alit, ma Is out onll
thr urthale Ileanting.
Ibu laud ears,
ma the ...era t41...t meta.. mmadr..l It,
OMIT sit. a 111 , bIAL .M= 4 . by
community For rat. wbarsal.. 311.1 mall 4)
It P. Wo.' a.
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery, .
j!IETWEF:N three and lur milerp
art liatoburith, ne it. the ',ruler. , and
„.b u woo• titi•nouw Fourth
and *unlit olio frtou P.antrLikertt
rooprottulto 10 limit
wwl the public totioritlt r. th.e
ietorliww. . . tottorovit
01/1.1 and 1,00,1100 ploul., ..1 *bl o b itro ill a lioatili,
4' 1 1 . ' 11 IT TR fir roar, 1 . 111113,1 , 1141/
Ciirrll. A writtot. tti iir. Alu ~,,, ito.lkkutio Woo. Au.
IA II It fit F.Ew A 1441., tloasltia.Mituutslii APO.
1-nuoir ‘lo.le. Autoritan
WootW o rig Am . W. itto o.
li4. Anti, Ituithort l°l
IVl'''F.llratratt'liFit WIIIII/11A—Vix . Juniper.
tt'oolar. A moriratt A r boor Itua.( . l.i wow , Arlo, 'tow 140 Two,
tliiilulit Vou Oman.. %uwi Ainortraii llott, Hump,.
11..11, Whit. Nurwxy put, Ilitlowu /0 . ,
Wooten Fir. Hemlock Mirwoo. Niuilott itwoun, /tr.. Wo.
11.1.:Kti I 11.11.1t4t.Plo t iNTWi— %Iv 111 rll, tulatt, of thou.
flirt nl°,l .uu t uorsug uvor ItO f.rirtln lu elation. Id wit,
Itongol ur Chino.. liworblintailuo. Morel Moral.* nrOdurwo
lea ttorittod Timor, Ituorhoolltoww, Ninoott.. 1t..,. 11l brut
u ut
r Itouittitut now... A groat utuutior of throe
aro t.ofoctlt
to, blawrit luooly
rs throuithout the
011.110101 nramon. Al Oloando, °ante
. 11.—All , °Meru mart lk a - couititutiliod witl Iltio molt.
or satufwlurt Oolorituroo.
Pauto rorefultj parkr.l ne t
soouratoo tu .11roctiouo
will wart it Uttito.l wlaton.
utoloug ursiatswitt plowiure *monde
„old troll to utvo uc wo eito uf
morgroeito tumor lot otullutowl wool 11l Me nutatiwitio,
.„, iioll3o of I .round...d uitmlortuo Inuit, a gr.... 1 [lumber uf whirl. err uf • law elto
fur troutPutali
au UU 4 it lt•
m r ..h u rd hrubbory l'lsolllug ....ruled by runt net
on nut...table torttio.
b o ttoro (wool patty w our Latino , . at Walli. It. 0., nowt
P rr;il b ol: ' ..l l ::t . r r ilt7rit. " lll==o7t l Virltet.iut mar.
kit dot o. will Omit 1111110 1 4101 10 0111101.1013.
both. 11 fI.A JAY. klUClwll.ll.
. . .
For Sale Or Exchange,
LAND. elluabra an IParrr Torelabia. Wratmorelaaal
Duty. Peony, truth..
. t i7ltlNCß ' t7 ." Ll i tat P Ai ll talr - VVA : eStre ".7l (!.. R e '' . E.
....Wed nut the Ceutral Railroad. It wall be 411111.4na of
1i ether, by air or barb+ for prOptrly In the city or ti
d u ity. 11 A. 1.7, a /ow,/ yr dal why pa bed . rtuaasal•
~,,,... ,„„ 1 1,,,,,.. 7 .11.,, is cll s,.rN'ulro4 it bawd, if
"T oi l .. At'7lla7a W s t 'b reelM7=oll4 '. , " ietlig ` :to
!1;t1 fifth arreet.l=oacthilely oppa.lty. the o,aa, yjy,,,,..,
1 ' ; reutlarkwat
a 4 Jail.
'yyd-A dawyriptlre Das:Whitt [eaWarded, tad
Uy other
Information lan.. in . dontine 14 iraPlaarAN.
by owde PAN land Prt/wYUY &hair 11003131.1,W1G11.
1 .
D I.D Co. haw ctow crti buot T. 30 do. of..La
A dke Cub
mole. Stlk, Flotrod.:Kld. and otbor 100.. 00 n.
doeodiption of Elofikrr,loomprisdag molt than 15011dadon.
nRESS GOODS—Opening daily at A. A.
MANOO..S: r'rerr style or fashionable Dress
Ocala. ennsistina bt Silks. Cuhsorres, D Lainet.iletin.o.
Paramettaa, Alpamas. L. on"
1J bales BattWC:
. CamlieViek: (~ r nal., by
n EANS--10 bbla. White, for rale by •
..• • •
L 301.1:: LEATIIER-100 eider Oak tanned
two •• Ilmrtuek
F;.r nal. by 4A. cuLIIKIIT.IoN on.
d EY—A lot of superior
A. CULBERT: 4 0N a to
BU I T: 0 1:1
1 , — „ l . o , il to lt , es: d 1 , ) , I g it E prime
. N .
:rriOC, NIA 130.nd 131 Second ravel
r kegs No. 1, (Or sale by
,s-^ sAmogi. P. 9HRINER
-111 UTTER-50 kegs prime,-fur sale by ,
ll ; ors J. V. CANVIIELV. '
--- --.._
1 INSEED OIL-20 bbbLiinsicold's brand,
fur We by J. B.I.ANIFIELLI.
HL ASII-211 casks for sa%y ' .
i N....s .1. B. Ca - FIELD.
A LERAT US-r-100 lau. and 20 I) Is. pure.
Ai for oak by _ . J.ll. CAN A, ELII
'I lIEESE-4f) bu!es
o Colunc,
orh A: 11. CA N PI kI.V.
LI EGA ii-- 111 Illids. N. 0., for sale ily
DACE ED BUTTER-25 bble. good, f
I. 0u.1.. by J. a IC.A LOYD.
~./ . Ramp Chun.h - Valldina
PEARL ASH , -:ii) casks Adara.,: for sole
I: by • .1. *IL Vein.
PoTAsil—ks casks pure, fur sale Ill'
11. 10 COFFEE-250 Lap Green, fur sUle by
, ...o J. A 11. E,
-LAM •.,
TOBACCO--Beet . Virginia manufacted, , for
'alp by J a u.ut.iyu. ,
O TlllfirelAAl, OCTOIILTI 9nl, 1851.
TftaTtlvro arttlf . drawn sward'.,
iTfler thr oldvft Lde..
Two Ett.wlttdlrof °Watt Ltatn a , ta fdldte fob'.
Eny ahprrno.a.
Vu.w draft.,
• min...
Juni.a Wardcrm
Srulur NVAripo.
Nlamonle Itt.nd Sa11.1•
olaP,r of ft. , . 1t.,:
cp. of .2.ort. W.. attic, Oil •
fa ,- r•oar, T
• 'al tn. lloly NV dt.ingzi
:‘,,,pcote-11 , 1 iocaartl• 7111. %bite
- I•raua
, .
i = ill. Grand At r,lnnl m
-i! Cr l'an Oran.l 11‘..rf
: flinunt Warden.
Ifrffut, innva.l gamnr,
. 1 Ila.t, of al" I.niff e. L..... fffn Inn.l,of f. , off if ff
'ltirantl JoniOr I. t j rand Yea ,
1. Ifnacin , un th, On • 111,, I ffrannf• on Of
1 1..11, nab' Pen Innt i.part, tang.. • Iln
Z: Mart 1 4 .1 _ , I . •11..... t Met.;
G. , . .11.1frE.,
141-.Tvi tita i ntil i li m thre'r. with • tithith.nwitrd
tt,i,wil.. with Wit, 1,1.
Le .11..1...4 - I rk.m Ihe 11...0.,11.111 u, ,, . 11..5
T. tuatairill .1.110 I...tbtrll v. ttrleY-tkoorn STAirt I
It.. .. A .. 55...1 't3 Th.r.i.-.10.0 Thir,l I. tlerkort— , tliAu 1
% ..... I 1.. Kt CIA.: rt. P.
Sc r. Att. Prot( 1. 11.1.1—ali•na
11•.11. Lawn, ...corrts.... LA..., ....1-...r.A0 War. tr I .
13r1b. mud thrums lu thr 111.11, whrre the sil.lm. *lll he
1.1trt.r..1 111 Oir I,ArAr Ittyrn
The rat,. of I.loAht.rAh Awl 0.0015 rt . , retr,llsllls 1
i1.. 1 a,ttrn,l
ur ~ed 51,iAhuutt
\\,l Arrutar npltll.
111.1 A 1..
\\ 0. NNINLEY,
084 551 , : .1)14
All ir.a.
pciglish & ,Re i z: ett.
A ILI IV L ES . : A LE t: IRK: IT,
e .'..:: . T:r , ii , t? ,
„Intr.-, .r.--., 1 4 . 5. t;.l ~^..,;`,.;.e t..0',c,,?'....; 0 ,:,,,
• 0..110,1 Atutthheil r... l'o. lo tr .1 1 , 3 I , 10 1. , 51 . PL. ,
“m 1 A 111 rrynt e Ott; trlio• nag A.. . '11,1 , 1. tlt., otrjr her
...dr et the law.. marl. nary— \ r \
Nu 1b...5.. tuttif 'd INJA.A..., AO hAA 113. (N.A.,
1.0 - 3'.. tr• A 11. lump. 140 ult. Vt.....: II r..te Ter.
2., krAn C. tr.. TrlJAret , . T- -11 Itll./. 1.15 I' - 1
gr.. ou t
rut o . l . tirimA l Jo 401111.1 r NA IN omm,
10. 1 rut A dry .. .NNW/111 ,1111 A. N. NJ..1.A..t.
INI 11W 1 1 1 , toltrt ppm, ' 30 - 5..11 , , 1
. Prio.n. ,',.. - 4 - 1 00 Arttn 1.411 AAA led r 1,...
1:. - Mr... 1 ... .:•• .1 tt hon. rat 30,1'201A..
1.,,, . t N,.... A ..; -.•• II .1.. th , Itale Ittr.
Ntt Ist., A 110.1 1 ,15. rillrertm.JA . .. 0111.‘ Aulavl.
1 11.t.u. erratn nut , . ...1, *at, Alum. \
. rt.ottr loth, %
rod ti t.,1..1 nll , rr . .
.1 .
, r : • 1
.1..10 M.
.... r•tr• IttAlt Tott J, J...
..• .
.. ra t
cu. T,Turtr VA... 40 INory ,
... l•ryper :tat., IMO .. thastA i Ditt 40.1..
INJ Tromp ago, 100 1.1.1. WA.. 'rerkrrr. • 1
. .31 tier Ake, \
lA. Ira.. 11. R. 11Arrntr. 1,01,1 U /1.. I I (Yuri... 01/At
1 •• litrattrl rt.tret. Ita. pt., AAA gt. I It, ..\
.kko ma.. C... , 4.0 Gbh :noir.
41.1 fitrir. W 55155 1 . 1,A. CAPP.ILN Whllltlit. (Ila
No LA, S.ltt. Antall AvautrAtrttao VArrat Ratlloll. 5 r •
.1,1. • 0.,... - 41...54 Aptl 1' tr. 1.11.0.
Pie ES—:too u,
iNN OIL --3 u 1.4
• I • for silo it. J
°I L-5
‘"k ;
• 1.U31 1,1,1, tor 6v
I a-4n birtirheil whiter.
24 &h tt to t., C ol ri O,
4I lIEESE—'O bolt— el j i rt t d Citl`
NI 1 W./1r....1 , 1.0 Istrita.
—for I t
S. I L Suitrrerr orto
VII lo It do
50 I GU No
—All of II II ilrOullosb
stun 1-01. root article Sir
ottrrel utak on I ...1,1.0 r•muu unort rut
I uto... /or
J.. 141 %I. Art
B UTTER- au ,111114
,t a %I ANIII I •••
L A Li It ICTI s— t .1 and for solo
hr tts - , ((Irk •
`iLhS —NOV. At ..k
b luso ol
`l` bultiooat 1 I 4.1 .111, ..`m. ut o.
, itiorsit rub. 111.iro sis
• ele,sot Urn sir to or-
1) •
O . 1.0 lc Et. 111 11 , 11 ONS —.
(x... 111 ,Ibitut thi. morning '. O mr , onr of non ~ n,
,1 ribbon. ..r.,
Put Up to .Veto lire Pacttx, at Ea•tetrn Prtecs. ,
r r i.E oubseiilows would roopeotfullvrj
0000 lb. 1L1.4.1.1(41 .4 slt4 donler. uol 'AV i..
1 ern to their very eup•Tior TEST. put up t
tuetallir cov•rol purkp. *ruin/ row to etriutlettte
.tr, and prem.-re. the Teas rootoctl• fr•oh.
The ..W.r.......,,,r• (14 Tr.. put Op to thin IX Pt, filrfeAtiill C.
r.., utoloui 11,01 Itholuch but lately totowlsotalt IltrY
Lave ahnoet vottrelyt•ute , ,, ,, led the tome Tra• %,
Our urrstutesumni• and Uutilltlee to'r totrUnt Tao,
euelt that ut are con•tansl, tealylng Ihuth Tem, vat
yr sr. ruuttlol to ...ell me ..t. a• Tel,• of likr quality to the
rat( .trar All TirsA noill TillAmbeArittkot a...1 , 14.0u latt,
uttaruntre anti r•spotontn4Uy. ,•0 tltattaux not glvipu all.;
1.1i.111 01.1 Lu r 1 t T , r 1 ;‘,.4 3 I h".... T ' L e f"'h i. a i
o ::• A e r O r gu n' • •S ti r Tn " me Hint tti;ll.o 4 t. t ' ' ellttrt . l ‘ l. l' n ' tit ' lTl s t . ,' . u . I
;tut Ohto!rorthler , an , l,l•lltutettett 10stet;Put DP ;J.. ;;;;,;',..
Int planner to our, 1., eshttotinit ...Mt tt, e , f g•nutue
Tout• otaainea from UP ;rust:oil On po.ll on il.tht , kat I.
oot:I,. thkt omit paelutfu• rut up hy u• taleiled wan
.../);(ITIT TVAV:7l:ttr:4„ •0! eottletie\ wholeoaht -n
rettll. •1 rho loornat gut{ ~ .
It Ii NI bUtel.llltl/ A (Al T;',l I:teller..
oat 7 : , VOI horny ttre•tt
NEIV CODFIS4-5 drunoo not rOt.'d and'
fur ale by .Ic.clt t -.OLIN ‘VATI\ A C.,..
t 111 A KAM ATT A:.,,i. YONESII 4: C01114.1S 1
—A A- I.l.t:utN kr:t.`dt utli open 11, list :to t t et ou
tv atu•te et...1•._/:
!FIRE NC iiSIE tt f r stis & Till BET c Ltyt.4s
Now opeutuu utiL .1 M A Fit>: a t'o'+ -:250 t 0...,
1 t• Oen .14 J tretwlt Mt ALA,. utt.l ttott:ll'lotto .•tt t
giAstl3tEttr.s lIE 1.:11N E'- \ \
sAmtl,,,seN tut,. )4oLl
4. at, Ir. Car4ru,n, aad I‘.. ,
1.13 k 1 . 1. 4, to 1./141 11Lo. pr4perl• le a
abort .14 , 11aner from the dell.' et the 044, .4.4 n 4., •lIIN
For tri.r. a 41.1,
s %,1,/ Itt;N:allutt, Vtord •1 .
I,ll*lsrah. l'a
ill° AN PEN NA. 11 1 . It.-
k' """ 1 2 1111. .
ink .31da : 4 1.a It an, ' .4:l:hanme L mr..1:61 •
hot et ,
and for sale 14
ax %Int, ste.. t
g hs‘ilEao PREPAIti:I , yiJRN
r 114 artiriejtilt r+t-Ired i.4,11 , V .41.. I,
IV ll.t 01 I,- 77:...111.111,.
• . .
11 , t . r, It — . 3 . 14,6.. l
IL it:R.,,t,N,T
-g ESE SPONIIK—ILIJI ILn. of intpArtitr
I 41r rob!. br 0., E
gAMNIONIA —2 rivNks tor ',Lk IN;
It I ~11 It.
AASI'ILE SUAP-1: 1 ) 1.31..0 rot . nab. It
I, ICII AItU J. C. lIUECS, I NU, klanufitett,
Looking tilaiw maul Plotkin haw., nod Deal
Mas...s, No 10 rit.ll , l jr:all.
1) A R
t, 3 , 1 ,, l c % I.IIO , I)O ,,, ESKINS— . M utlhy
Ilurrh ,,,,, D araa,r, nod Taney eoll,ra, wlM st h l;1 ' 0?) may 0.'3 .k1u
al-'r 1.1.1. - I.,raltaere• fold ea
antlis rati.
•la of aples especiallr aalapted for . lot. wear 0
—Ow always be loaud at Cho ann.
3111.ttP11 a 1113fICIIFIELD
p, o ..kbalero u /1. 0 . 1....MD{1 Pun.,
ma bias., ant la• held at. Om oth, at rsltneti , liaDo.
. Pittbittrab. on Monday. Ott i t . la , r a 0. at eto , a.
I jill'rfSßUlttiti NURSEIt Y —An IJut ill Itus
, t l l -.L.'"Xi4iLreu r . fr ffu th tt."),' : 7l7.ll ' t:.l ' l!Uft k :. t orbe.t. ji .:l " 4 'h t:
adu.reee Plart l nt, bard, aluntuly o
~0 1 110.01ny Noma . .o)Adela dr, Now rkpletwa.
Dwarf Pear of *elect at Iletbaceona
Dal Mal, ! fu l l earnallona Se . and •ter,
unIrr••1111w Ulan far Apt&Maul do. l'ear.etterry sod
pi.m attalnes and Ftlbla4o.orat. , /naai
earraDta, eta . hanica. ?te.,,Slat Dawn, ettade te•f.
.• Crum atm MD Num!)
, !aro 12 , 5 03 .0 0 . , pn.
i[ Y ear WI b 4.1 Witwo w,ll twsNat i tlptliigedit...
AllarOXllardi)ani algtlbtairl
gITTEESE—su bases! prilae' W. far Bale
1_) iItitOANLYA
010t.0 I AL
imaikpasi—Jkdrittecesate ape intiteeelptioes
ix I big paper reeetiedtssolTorwardral tread exper from
prrrsitaint NEARIZEM
• .
dull= P t wittanann Ottreta 1. ,
\ Thetrilir Ut7oi ro nit.l. l etobgr 9.
ral \ • :,
A gene 'quietness Prereiped t nguout the market , 0
yetenla, • ual., no sales Of tabirut transpired.
F 1.411.111-1.1 els., 00 change to tomes to prises. The
mire yroterday were about 151 Ithls. ln I, , ,ste. prinelpillv
from •1,111. at $3,1•143 15. ',Frew' at. prises were. it
007 nuns,. little lastter. with 5a . 1,.. I dray load lota at
5 33 :.. 3 +Ol , bl. 1• \ , ...• \ . \
siltAlN—Themarket ill (01. L. Witft b \
veq little do.'
aug. 1 Vlisat is sold for \ millistig. at Ontif2.64 , a - . lt,ye 40e 1 4 •
1111 Barley lo worth 6(N Sind Oats 19 ate,: -9e \ MI sales of
curia . \
II :;ou'F.ltil,..e—A late I. ‘ :,:aseal haulms A. ddline at full '
ri , es. sal for Sugar e.. 15 , , CI 6 4 ,-, MslOsat ' S. 0 3, ' , e
Sr Orleans,; and 47 Ix 4s. la Sugathoure; flulleeas gnat
w,th small mars of Ittu 01 Uhl ' Vhie- Sales cit. RIO, at! 00
Par* P. \
PROVISIONS—SaIem have I n rondned as small, lots.
and prices are faiall rualandned, ... Sales 500011 s bacon at
us a r boa shoulders, and Itly fta, , s. ' Sidra are sea .
with sales at 10r. Driul beefio sescce, and ao has m
mi. to mimrt. \ .
' CIILIS.,4—SaIee 000 boxes at e , tific arturdiu, b.\
onality, t . N,
Burr Eit—hales 1000 laa sulk:tier at4.1411 , 0ta. Sale ,
in ken at 1.0 0 4 ea 11c. and of packed. In tale. at SIX 0. llk
DUCK WiIEAT, PLOt ll—Receipts. begin lkeome renters!
and we note sales at St 75 ? 100. t•\
111tEEN A PPLEs—Latelled sales first ha at S 1 6114
. J.a . 2 1,.5.1.51. Resseipts euntinut light. \ . ,
WHISK EY—Salei.44/ Ws et...titled at 7.l(aa's` saris
at ' 3 .* saline
NITATOll , —Hotta a large Paulus.. b., bee. Ii \stt at
- the renal at 2.ssefor redo,.atel 04100 for Nesbann k
Nita palessa, , Sept . ...T,
e„ . titrZe: t ' o rse l lu ' ord;; r d h aa ' al ba nrlo " Mee:t o :47l Mg."
,0 wf vla the Fulton mg quotation , are the rolls rate.
I \l
..roltus y P, etsuarnon ,
falr,to fully fair 57.46. Prima
to stun, : 5%14,6100. ? tb. The stork of old crop unsold Is
now eu mated at stout 1000 to 110/0 kabobs. Arrived since
Inn lUtla . Ist. 194 Mule; art ace and WAX. Cl.srud In the
same tau for e re 9 bbis '..
Molasswe Thr reseipts nut sales tire nalropertant,Uand
se have me Is tut - whet. uerssional mall vales at 2:l(4,:kie
.1 0 dal. areu tea to quality Arrived apex. the 10th loot
Molls No ~. shared.
~. .., . .--re. exilt has been Increased Since' our last re
al, a. by .he apt of
1 A. , , luau' cnastwisat, and the sari-.
7- a; . .; - : ."‘-'(.o.lnieTati tram
dealtlt? , ti. Ir, lbw hews
b"r eTe
4 Z..; ,1 L. l
1 1 : . 4 , i l
:1 ' eau. o l
I l b ; f :;:7 1 [;17 1 e . 11.12 . ) 50 1110 01 ore 4
' al b .;:. ' nl
tinkle; Ivan loge t a'ae. partly at tit; Aare. ',Tito mock
mmptilm• 11,70. i
aL - alnst nhaf at the enrcespunding
date his.t. year,--4 Psi, Current.
',. MO MARKET. k
ii.. Phtliteloltia Letlg. of Ituntat last. awl , — '
1 tt. mt., inAritet totprovf '..stunlay . grading ft E
•Ita•ra eloDnallnu at :::: at ad on
sanoe of I et , cant tat Fri
.l.l'a gales l-ouse ..f the orb r 'Nude.' are slew Ica.tang
au i lath, while. Sinn. and tf ,r 1.1.1,10. lognlt !web' holt
their own .Then ...ern,. smile 0.11.• let up In Putney. or
Thethere see on. evtlettae 01 returning eortlldeo...
The banks are going a Hue , tu.'ne.ts, and with as lunch
emeurof memo v. toewil.le. orgr , ing tht..r bonnet... This
tests. tha %frost prrl,ky fill' 01 /.11..... magi literates - high:mu
.litswu of thugs Inca trifle!, 1.06br a. t antes:term,. enotigh
1.. .i^^l•l. the Iwnks-Ofernfwlrr... Illygit their out door
teoto. text. the tutsantwee It Is ....., enough f, a ...lot
. , t the latunl .•( Iftrwol .rs tu r., . nattier, and.. .r..
~AI,, IA , r 11.1,11 the milth ,:, U. •n.. ni. It;tale it afterwards
at ilt.uble the batik rate s tutter , . but kill we ran hardly
...har• that It la done in ow eft, :a any kreat extent. ,
hint rt. ttu. to., is fell brio, !tool ni
!tool dg is not equal to
that pro.tur..l in New forkAuft lineton. awl It la btherfwl
~,, ~,,, gve ., t,,rw hat oset'skt Billt.. a Exchange
.ftunt the new not.. crop (11,13te to COO I , OM the mar
kt. and ..41:111. fall to raaterhg, f . herlt, lf u thl tlt , nut
tholif ston the . ext... of elewte With Vita, r , ulld,
will ~.omits mane hart—. ,. ely It way I.4,httt atill It
.til Nome Ilen w
bat eh 1 tgerrel)) hy large credit,
will to guanl,l, far a u. ft . btu* indlecrelittn.... ergo
atter ail daf.g..r r. ttaawil. Ara` t 5.11. 4 mom. careful oltl..
e‘aguirt women carefully y their,parkent pinnvl hold. ,
tog onfy their ',nifty wallets We Phan probably Itar of
fatiuree at Intervale along the .ugh lbw fall sod ICIO .I.llt
, .h.ll hypeto..4. the ,in.. open with • healthy and
PP., titre,...
‘ \
Mu L.—There ...3 I I [wheel Inahahlth,l
tavt. at au.k. 1..1 •,.i .1., and IL eland.'
ARM KII. , ,
J. ?deli, JIIII/Ilcknon, 31cIimeport..
At laoW. Par Linn.. Bro.. rosin,: \
nholelsviver. 6•11,, , ,Wr1t N. , ..fort. ,
. lirlY,IV, 1/nile, t N.,..t0n. \
ll.llie.ll.ntlett. Itrowv.1•111.• •-", ‘
I ,, lavor, tlonloti. 1,4”. r. • ‘
. \ . ShrE,...l. 1,31... Ikloree.
\ J II Gunlota. l'inrinamii. ,
Vir..qua. Cincinnati. • . .
' \I.FI.,itTFIL
Aclo,litir. rakrktuot , u. 8re...0,W, '
1,1t34 , .11.1:turtt. Drug, uevlllr.
i1e1ii,8..1,,1n, , L. , n. Melift- , tport.
tlon Mzri...r, Ball. 11 . wit Nr.,c , .. ',
is,,--..... Bait..., Went Newlost.
M/o.lgan, 1t.,.. , , , . lt.aver
Ar2r.. Kinney, WYll,lllr.
. ‘%10,17, LII•V1N1 1 1 TIIIN PAY.
FOIE PikiI,AIII , a,VIIIA AN'. 1141AINIOlt I^,
I, lx,vti 2 Cm'. P ‘ ......ELcor Part,. I 1•t1{.661 11 • 111
cr!iCIN N '
'O,{I.II.NATILLL I . IeCCI 1.11 , 11
BitOWNsViLl.ii.. A. Y. and Y r. x
ZANE: , Pet HA,. Lob L 44,4 k (2
• 1,ru.L,—.•.11.n1l slas auall Clark A Tba
lurttaar• bar-. a n,ll S lleeloary; 2Ws Iter
I.utt,•r .
• •
J tiortoox-4 hi. toots Waif A
1 . ..yta... I I Skl teille.e s,-1. Alb: I do ....ere 1 bls
trwr,r. ..hleket Meeettd , 9
bt, elr Ode J Ithtettet9 AU, tab ,I Ititeurtb:*2
ket.t. were E Ilestellmt; It were Itlwollt
1.41.1ier t
% i NS C. SMITH, )liiiiher, froni hi. E N
II \ V Ot — . 24 Ot. Clair .nest l'it4gOcth—h
to.. im ad a (yawned. ilreaw Oar. front Rai \
e, . it prat:and Oiritreut. all ordT:a at the \
' 11.j...1i... r :IV1 . 111146. ant ChiltreninCluthlut souk in the
''...fl' o rs..'r octl \ to
M. and 111. Hank.- .. '
`1:1 FAIN \ %
S of the Capital Stock .of thili
UP Raul who .4 by WM. At IttliLA 4x,,
.1.1..5t. \ ,toct and EssFiatlite Iltoalitt
is 1 4 ,: ;neer tte "rta of R. TOWNnEND R. CO, to.
toe di,tvlyed by thit,d axe. Item C Tian:mint, the nu
derrtzttai will touttnUe the butane. at heretonica, under
'''..l."L' X' i "-
TUWN''' ' ''''' . ' " ItOBERT 71 1 WNF.EN17,
114. wM P. TOW it 50011.
• A
. it O
Itli T6,,11,01, F. TV.I . V.IN
111 TOWNSEINIi &+\(..., Wire slnnufacto
ja. rer, 0o i 9 Market Ater ..tat%burgh. icctlidtw2w
- -
2. Pul or In due awl two Icii rod cane. hermetitallt
0ia1..1--eery ,notkr ace ratrit,
t WM. 4
1 R. IctilLtitfl t CO., r,
y, lirota t and Tra Drala ,_
1 - c"' \ . 7- \
. .
1 - .... 7 0 7'1417 V.. l . , tatit ".:',`:;'' ‘ti Libaity It..
I tOITISII-11 , .uceiki r m il f ‘ or ,i ce : l7 T ;11 ,.
1, ) o-,l\
Matchless Blacking . and,bhs.
.1. Illitetilliiti - -wursintal ilittairior to anY t i ttolland
to th- public, laud I, ata.col in any \ climate
I ,, it
. Ll p itlaiKlNl-ON a C0...14%re) . Orr,. ncarNor4tot,
t . hilatelphid Pa. ~ \
I 11 4 1 01iN1)--I\ small iium Of money, T 'ell
1 U tha mania iishare ht ' , alio. Anil de,airaiin i at
the Aare a hNlit.ttill 4411:NNETT,
0.1 Sciond ft„betweat2 Woad \ and Sottithar d.
Ohio and Peauisylvatia Railroad,l
CaliNtiE IN \ Train OF ikTAltTlYili.
i l liN AND A FTEIE,3IONDAY, tr.titli Met:. \ ,
x_. th, af.rnorm train itill leer. New liri Wu at 1% ,
, .et. and returning. bare irderai \ great , Mann eta '
r ' tin """ nt
i ' i ' l. :,t ;. h rkTeli t 'l Y. \ , T trite .lc•iti.
NEW BOORS! HEW itois ,
k Thin} rtr•et.opproin. the roPt Office:— \ \
iirver'y,Near Monthly 3lngarina. for Ortobe.r.
,ilian.rt of t.belle.tont‘ion ..l the Monarchy tuFranf*—
1,\1i.d.. Latuatt.... ,
banker.' %1a..., .S.
for . •ntenaber—with • larglc allni , l' I
f ueeful art,. 1..0. N.
. ,
, r a Itun'harld hate rrertred a torah outmlY if t , .
.I.•• d •tr .tie aviale. ''''...
Q ui , , It, lILACE, Al.P' - ACCAS—lilurphy
I. 7 nor•bn.l,l bar, twelve.% a fall araortranutor abr.v•
, -,,, 01,- nori, a. lo a. 15%.. per rard—and air , antrisimneri,
.urer,lloh.i Aimee*, ta11... peryard cv,3
iil.l lS Dittt.S— \ ' \
t'l ~ \ trativ.liarret'a Scalrh , ?iiiiik.
\OO 111 C•11...d. 1
1 \ [ - ern.. purrdered fanner
, ht. is
\ \ i l '\ '‘''''' .. " .. .."`" l \
\ \au 1 . 1 , :lt. ebia '' s
\ .11.11 . Blue ostrial, '
\ .1 le• M.,' Ind.. Talnel,e.nrn,
. ' , 1.. 11 , a •arbcated T, lo.;
~ ~
\:.l tn. 111111 keine Jur( re rd and for rale
lit \ 4.0.0, \ J. Kipp kou
ei (li ERF4— \ 2 i \ bble, arriving, fo r eal
a he' y.a w.t F. til,,,Y.
AULpE'l'itE WO\ling. erode, arriving,
i 7 f t omtv' Ji
\ W. a lf, IVII6T Y.
irEA 1ii.. , , , i 1S ll t,) elve\s for mule 'or ',,
, ti . s F. 1t11..41.1N.1
51 . ) , L i t . 1:1 „ .. ,, E .. 1; . !1 Eli. ‘ -\-:42( , 10\i,i,,‘
a lieni , i'iwk torO,
lb F.
NI OT I C E—'ilos Sto, t 1 tide of the o , llunt
11 imee marvioroo, Ccuapant nf l'ittelotrah. ate
hereby notin.4 that an ....,ratuAniol 1 eno iti.e pet \eat.
naa 1.... e, or.i. red on the 0..4. 01 , 411 r 11t/nlnitnit 11 .1 ,1 ” On"
tit tn. TI/11101.11.1,1/0 orlwler.. the 1,..ti. of‘../•lartl.
Jul 'd• 011/11L% ItY.fiNinTirsaurre
1.-- •
A Card:\ ' \ ,
\ ,
Ili E liaci. removed. to , our Warer,evins, No:
V V Ito , I•rket etteet. near Libarty\zben \or intend
.. i...., on hand a null pl.. ariorimant t ....tern and our
...... inanufarture of floor oak Mans. ear age [1..10 1411,1
111.11‘111 , [1 clOttit of erery derrnptain: tr , bparent. i . il Os and bun linen. 31/1111.111n Itt‘lnik a t tr im
11111.11 ....tanlete, nob and iieruito oil aorta to
14.1101 ran, , \ \
I o addltion . the nhora, a r krep In.taut l oh htnd•a
full etiwt nt India Rubber taariona .ritlair.lyrak.. ttearia
pottug.i, el..tlon.r, lulled and gentlr. ii4a ii.... ;
W... . • e.l t. ...lion of all tn., and e en, ut•,.r
article ins ufartuird or India nubber , under yeaa a
podami, Mini vliteli we otter at pm,. that tan. Aim fry
plea, oW2I J. ili 11. PHIL IF:. .
1:41IE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exis 'ng
I...yucen the robarriberr. under thr.naror, and le
m • Julia l'aidnell It sno.''ia thin 'tar ale/aired by Mu -
I l roureut Th e lauone, of the la. tit= will be aettl
.. John l'addaell. 40u:i veLuivELL, v
iiet. 10., INA. J Ail tIS ekl.uwett. ‘
The undiTsigned, having for ed a Co-part
-0,4,4, under 'Or finch yle, of "Caldwell
.tL' will continue the TANNING? AND CL'ICHI'IAeI
Iktvlur.x. at the l'annety et we Lao fins ot Jona Celdwell
a Awa. ta Deteueb. J ANDS caLuwA.u.,
mt. . an:tvekhr .
(.1001$ CNilw litioDs!—A. A.
MAeoN a CO. Will hpettwithin tlat neat few day,
aocuJo a nix huudelei writ b ud paokattes !hretua
nd Ihmeatie Dry Umtata, tuboteh lb. of tried,
eale and retail par.... .1 ne tied.
New Tit.ock of Cltiokging's Piano Fortes,
ofig U. MELLOR,Si Wood etreet, innate
lUP .retsivis4 '4,1; I•IANL, YURTE.4
the ftlet,mted taanulvlt,ry of ChlHrentig,
memitalloa of all the vArj..t.k.4. A mautsforlungd. The
pekes TOO torarklitly th e 00000 00 11.1Ro.
<1:11.14e for IptorwmtlOD
wae,sann• Iskeplo P. , Parygn
Agent pr the Aila Cl/lett:o,6;lu. Mt
uC atm
CttlAGE\ CLOTH. & TPt '
.},5 t • t
••. NrCia STOCK trili , E4l Um ntieudoW of Cursing.
tamo • my to hlalarm aura of Blur and Mob Clotha s
1111 Cl • 1., d Minalum, which we will tell at redwood
tdicur at th Carpet ItStndiouse r K. Fourth et. ,„, al
\IN ijiits IN, CiiiVVl - AY.McCLIN TOCK
faluow ccuisiantly Inatualuse hiil.ol stoolcof tuDIMMW
tom stod COth.ollti INGIMI,B OAILPY.II I , of new andsich
t?ICSI at Termeiloord prima; to wh,ch la* Malta Me at-
Installs of Mow 05 th
tolhorollh Steamboats oelloursa.
I i ivr , B , • oil t%Be Ouret 1 \arebodoes No. Ed fourth st
t 1 11. 11eCLINTOOB. .
B.VII: S II B ,RPiOL VI C P4 4 i l t ricil yew atyle,Bald6. l ,
, 1.1.1 i
... 1.1l llPETAn'Tbifia hi. Blades the alientlMot Du , "
11, 1 ,aslo I. &Windiest to sell'lmrsr that. um blare
0 th A market. Calllat the old- aalllM fill:MI V.V.L yore"
house fi0.1115 Vourth osts. ~
ril PESTRY --1.,..\1t.h15-74.,Jew mid rich
I_ ty if , Tapestry Be i sels•Carrt. jusifee'd at She C:47
V4lls Te b trwe ". ./ ' hiou to 4 "hlar :iiilF r e tlrZ d ear
4,, -- %W. sCLINTOCE.
144 till OIL -10 bbls-fo-N-sClCY3TeloseCon , la Blid cioltui..
.1. . 10 Weinzali . .swE
, -
0 liege NB.,._; \ MiT : in s °edged
T 91 ,13
brand. Inc —YO
ehy , Ald "3 DkgBLL.
_ ___ •
AI OLA, SSS--10U•bbls. 1 , 1- . % fox gait:. by •• '
1— Beal Estate at Auction: \ \ ' - ; ~
, r - 111.1E ,übeeribers will sell sat Pablie \ Atie- \ \
.§.. Pt... the preustrus; . Thum:lir" the Mew, Of ' \
I I, toS., nest. that well tuna u Foa p amMtkandlet7Aptab .
I ..., u a l 'ut, formerly orrupled by O. nAhrbrau da'd, allnata
in insane townahin ituountalely , belMAl ihtt_ on, Rai.' . . ..
sad tnuodud op nue aids by the [mar Ft-mann nmod. Tha \ " •
t:rt•!-Vat,:i'ilL'iii,':',l: 9 ..lktite. h .: , , , :=::6N , & ‘ , -
. JOHN PLEIIINU '• s-, , • 1\
\ \ ' • ' tiltilltrlE IL. 1t1D151..E;•,.. . ' \ •
•,, AV..IIcIIEN.WIEV. , \i‘ ', • • \ \
\ art)'...2 , ... , VatnUtunt.' \
. '. ZINC PAINTS ye v '.
IT 41.-.ltitttY F.XPLORISU AND' ItlNllild COMPAPIY. • 1
at Nrwart, IS\J.
This It.usipapy is prepared to firrnish a ant nf thew_ ‘, s ,
miluaola \\ -
`, •'' . INCZ s PAINTS, , •.• ‘.',;- = .
Illiirb bare br. fauna after savant .years. 014 • both la ',...
Coop.. and lb. tinned Kates, to retain tlatirsprlsinal s. \ • .
beadty turd Pruternor PrrPertu'a aaPr'rtur ~ ..r r.a. , \•,\
, WIIITE ZINC PAINT \ . - s', f
Nyrely an iStale 'drm, and is ,rarrante4 feesfrolp all '‘ `'.
tell y and impurity •Lisdroeser. It 02,211/64 ill .
1.0 btitully white, and l a eutirvlr free fns the pollannits
c r .. . , k b ri1 1 5..: 1 ,,f most :i ttl xtr p f atut i s i trao . \ dattanuntla tr. • \ I\
Ilbrn'lmy.sed. to aultthutors's ar torphittn otball, '• . \., •
. \
srets when ahet up in a rtomana , m. AY. natant
It Witt...r a nts a auutlarrn ellulitte.utut the Weather P. • 'l,
slum any \ orbs, not lelug n o ble' to turn:"hat or 40
rmirobto m ot rukotf. It ma) \ 4r . worle4 .ith ...Fmk., \
vitt. wateratel s n , or with la "b"ahlrh alt. tua rub. . .
brand n ortYkrtin nand, \ .
11,—, err fdruistMl at lon pene•,and are Utuloabladl7
1 11 .,, en=o , n , g i t ,,, ts;at
. p . :I . Ve Iti o lz o ut r a . r . l74 . lor, eta
yvwdlUa . , \
' WEATHER. N 1) FIRETROOFi, i • -' . \
• ;.,,..',
'''. l , •: ', :t. c u 'i stt . tf b l-r "r thar arr r tan n' tint '" t l b ‘ar . 7l' a:bk. itlthey \
to a * stymie sornertlott, tuol Intirali t premot.ntida.. -.
tin tbrydry q haring a p 7 alatilo bum ~ \ ',.'
, do ant rbovp. rotor le, astrof ch.. ev polasy 12011 \
. !nal," / uppltpl. ea t 1 1 5, I ...", tresus , by I.b.e s trutanf lbw
^ ',outpour ' ... 'P. C, J01(11.3 a. tn.) ._- .
13 , i t urNl-Clat
.\ ll .-1../al, iSbirTnOldlZlDbi.
. \
e 'Fille Wattles! • - , • .•
, .
t iFEW very ain't:rip!' Lipid Patent. \
A \
Ix Layer Wstrbm. reu'd h t st a res, tuncatrat
VITIt at , rPlennd Po . riterChrouutomers, of lon, \ '
~, , , h ,,.,,,
~,,,,,,„,,, ~,,,,, lin p uun alp, plaluand • • •-•\ •• -
' uP averd. of van.. ant. atol puttirus, at
JP. , 11%1111'1i A ItihnlVP. MI llarltat at • \ '
• --- - - , . , • ,
1116 METAL-465 tons tor rule by • , \ .
IIL _ ~,.....) \.. RIIET, 3IATT Kra% aOl
1401,A SES-324 bbls. N. (KA ...
• ' \ Flew Books \ .. N' . .\ . . l
..3, 7i Third troll the Prot OkOtOlo.
dortir vary of Mr ma. complete. '
London Labor and' don Poor. Na. i?... \ • '" . , '
London Art Jour. 1 - o ,. ?'ne•••eet•er-
Modal Arabltart. N.. I,: an! 3. • . '\
• Matlld• 011,ntgameriaasorqoll to Vrooorts •
Self Inreeptbzu, or • IllSktory of the Unman •
out" • • . ~
7. s rlttorlbst7i•y, or Ssors in [be 'Crooks. ' ''' • \ •
10, a bale of thelllden Vane.- lir Hun , . . \ t
c, by D
s 'An 'A Later ‘ or the taking of Lida Dyadia.
a era.
Katherine Welton. or the gobel of Itorebastisrlla. , .
3 local /balance of the Resolution in Carolina. :,
dlichanacs' Macaw. for bartitatf r.
Alta Cluotassor, an /Itatortral Noyel.
sunoesdno nod Shatiora. or itud.ttid Ellontoso. , •
,Lalar Emeline Omar 1 \ Wortled . Travels yi Oa Cfnl . • .
Stater. •
ilßlr,idea of • /tactiolor,• Book oS o flout. z 7 • •
'She nte. s Tel. 01 titirrlng no.-. 14 G. P1L. , ......- \ .
, 1.. i. Aruudal. or lids Railroad of Lad, • \ •
\ Urstodrig'a liortleolturist, complete rorct tha trot No. '
b%od. -
1' he IL O. Port 001cseGoldo., • \ .." l', ‘ 'l
dandy Audi. (no ...Litt...) '':RoroOl. \ •
.ir'''' h i aL t./ 61'. r i tareL p0 t y th ill i: ' llila r tl i ' . : L o Ls '. .. ,l4. 7 l d eT V °4 l,. . '1 ;,:. i tt.:V11 . , i41 do . .. hi ' •\ .
of .
v c . `.\ , .
\ and: • \ ‘,
, 1 PAPAS GREEN-80 eases of the oelebra- • "
17 top ‘ , L 71.” brood,relratdd lry theca's% medal al the" \
kuierirs. Institut. for uniformity of .had.. sad for teems , .
tin On • •L, moat brdllanta and cors.thesto limn ist vm. s
4,,,..41. I reluin: dlrertly ...U. ‘1 , . , ~ ....g.......0 \
aro Ode d Pall on us tarorabla term. as any ono wool Of '
the 'Moon n. J. OC11000.3SAIS•S I 00., ',
.....Nl\ 24 %Vag Wart
. .
OIL-1O bhl. just received
~ v nniter mik, 6)1 .4.10-11 Z. t•ILLEBS.
rr \ o2 . i n ef d O t x manf'd 'lohae ,, co on•
. A CiIIBiTITSON, ♦ 06-
\iaOOAR-20 W s N.O. just rO , and for
16, - 1 wale tor Fop'24 • A I'OLGRTITNT aCO.
BE ESE-1.1 his W. lt.jut4 rec d aad,for
R• sal. Lx, • .esit , I.IIERTSON, It
REAM' CLIEESI.,-1.5 his reee.rtag. per
• 11. E ark 4 for•*.le Lr \ • • •
It / 10 SE DE. LAINESv - ,tri j. g " r7atc 4 a LzE rtet. L. y L oi
INK it Ir. .
vlein and ',Mt.,. ito a Icy rt_ up Ie th.•
• g'"I" An ''''":I7,VPUT even nt m< of
Cont.Ea.t ecru., .10.1 .o4\.
4 burchll,l,l taver r,relvtli • rt. l i , o p t—1t14144.
A,. ge.r.wls 01 •`4l O . q ualsty. laro. ina ly is no
AMA L00,..10r
f LSIU. qANNELS---1 1 , arriiutedi Unic k ,
ebiukaLlr. to Cad du. kat, of •
\ alitiftPlll( 4: 11w:can/gm
I _ .
Ili linll V. ALL - PAIIIII—A ', g cteril \ - t
~,,....! 0 ~.. tom.l . ol.ber tar:or: 4 V \ • \ • '
'VT!' " '•,.... \ TU " . 2t. i _i I, \--
V h i ll , DOW
il ß o L . l , kll s‘,. .l , 'Al' flit 7 Glued \ ' \
*l4`. "'
''' ''''
\\....._ 7110)1,0 PA.l.*_ . \'\
laclCEl=ficaver iitTiket. fur ' t
to.q . :pp"' , WICK i. Mrell'ibLeS,
lorNo. - nwa t' )
7 1 ..."-b"rn4"'''''''''';b
4 2_ Z A 'i u<c,
e \ ili te sookdopper, stack. \. • , \
rft . SIIA ES ar chi. ateek'or Bale ii.t. a la* \ .
ja,,,,,,„ b r \ a. a ti.ataa tau; •" .\:' . • , c....,Nes•Avart. taa Talataa..• \
ITFAVL PA,PEII.--kfeat 7 \ " ortment, '
for \ \
v T fidt....los.r. el , ed ryoir•Yiu•'••l4t oletnt•lyasan ,
•.t.riet, ur 11111./.1 Ll 4. N. , . \0, 4 .
4 ..0,4,
t ...4
a••• In • rar,let , •k doza.-rtl tacteue. for WI. by
likl 2 , E,ALIII.EI, • \ ,
1111.11 WAN &lit SSi•i--81 bi, hlbly-c ul- ~
L,r 11.11.1 Clie,oft, to Say rt.,171•41 Y. see by \ • • -
‘ WICli, , k 'SAItt..I4I•S
a 111112E11—Ilt keig\Fresl.L.tiatD.,iiiieivell
11 1 1 \ : .1. mi.. br ...PS VicK •, . 51 ,Mn441 . 4
IR 'SR .111,1TTER-- • )1) bbltkiwftlrce4 ; .., ,
for le • at Mulittle Tea 31syt In milikond. ?
It. IV IS BLACKIkG-20 gra ,aaNaaa'td. ',..
la .......t roi.....eur Ityr..% J. AIIOUN 541EXL • CU. •\ ,
SLERATifg-. . -I•casks pare tor ttalp'4 ,
.00 t • \4, tten . . , .11615.111L4'
lIQ O,RIVIK LlA..L.t.*a. es far We, . ' N:
L A to. • ~ br:44 , 1 VACII, :01.11(101. • • A
, it Ali liT EFFEV.AVISO4.M.I COQ' \
.) \ -
wa 0tc.. 1 . 41 ...ett1 , ,d ,, ,"1b...,..ii.•\ .
•J UV' - Mkt , - dy. yeatuuni/••••• sad 1•••••..
.A•atayeturT u. , .r....t......a, - cotey•mityl.11•Y•••••• \ \ •
It. S.W., fu 1i7.9.... , 6 ...I
,„4„4.:,.. b... ,...
'\ ti b 2. a tti6 6P L*Ylatieloluyt lt,•13;41 ad u•s•l•b7 \\ t \ \
',...erwl KY. 2 ." SK 0.4• L
4 % q 11 ,7, =.---
404 ,
..111UTLER— ke: „fur! 0 ~
ALA stplll I .\. ,,, ii 11.4 Ifyil4,„!EWM. , \E. .
\ , 1 '
~ . \.. , '. \ \ \ `‘ L. /., ..1•.:::: . -