The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 08, 1851, Image 4

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„,,,:::: - t'''''. -, - , - , .-
.:.t.3: 11 ±.1cM47*' 01,;:d, cra1,,._. 1, %55 .,.
- ttiti arifyise . i/ion M wrist.”
-, -'? : 4 6 -li. - p
riiyrahatutlitrrislng sum
i-reirlio feel the rod
;t;, .
.t-Attainitire- ,,who knew not God..
t..:'‘,4lls4l44;i:titbii`undless blessings she;
~t!?11 4 '!Ii5 : tiet'' them the soul shell Ate
!•74tiergOtinis,itii ineod • k 'idi lin; ,
;4.itfie:Orpfit4 l inanno Y C n cro I:ea - f.ipka... .
0.k.t..41,,,-boarded gold is earn.
~.,'.- 4- tre7 - to , tobbors and to rust. -I -
' . *Ohrist„ through his poor, a claim dad) make;
'`"Gift slimily, for thy dariones eake.
.-, . - .
alio books;fley live -when you are dead;
Lighten the, darkened Wad they 31 . 61
Good seed theyeoir; from age to age,
Through all thisqlortal pilgrimage. ' .
.Theyltursel lie germs of holy trust;
-they troatrintitedirhen you are dust.
Glee mike hi cheer the little . child;
A stranger on . ails *on" wild;
It iiriegeth love; Ste gnord to be ..
It, helpless, satelore from thee.
Bowe er by y fortu e's giftunblest, .
Glee smiles to chi alma! ! guileless breast.
. .lea words; ldierwords, to those who err
Reziarse doll:Cowls comforter.
ThOordrin tetopW.ion's wiles they fall,
-..cottukutii siat.—wirare sinners all
Plltledhii*e_t.eharidx speedi,
OtTsVoidithat heal and words ihat teach
GiVellimighti n glie energy to themes
ThaiperlA not like folly's dreams.
,flarkl•frenn tbd Islands of the sea.
ThOnlasitenu7 mien to thee, •
To;aid bles'ait aleathen
car lbercipt, , give energy,; give toil.
:Ancient Philosophic Sects.
feet Plato's death his disciples divided
.into, two sects—the' Academics, who were
itiasOpei followers and' the Peripatetics,
a new school` founded by Aristotle. Plato
was‘suctieded iri the Academy by Spensip
.,Pr; thi 'nephew, who held the chair only
• mglit., year, resigning in favor of lino-
Orales t & - Philosopher.of more virtue than
intellect, 'Polemon, Crates,. and Crantor
successively: followld,- but were little dis ;
fintonlied. i After Crantor's death„Arcesi
-latkrfounded what is 'called. the: Middle
This philosopher, 3 native
Patine, dia,... l possessed • cOnsiderisble
genius? but Isiecharacter was a Compound
of Seal ' ess vide and profasigenerosity and
. benevolenee., Like Phys . vo,, he denied, the
capability of man to Swim certainty in any
Matter. Socrates, - had confessed that he
only knew that he knew, nothing; Arcesi
• , Isms doubted whether he knew even that.
Ins,„ suet-mots were Licydes, Evander,
and .Egesinins, .none •of whom did any re-invigorate the Platonist philos
ophy. • _
. The latter,'Or new Academy, which dif
fered bat plightly-froui.'that established by"
Arcemilans; was , founded isy Carneades, a
untie of Oyreim, and a pipit of Egesimus.
Be differed. from Arbesilans in not abso-
Intely.deniing that there are truths, but b
Maintained that thSy.irere so mingled with °
. .. ' errors, that it was impossible to distinguish
....%;,•-- '
between them . 'He died, B. C., 133, and
1. ... i: ' ' ' , , -was succeeded by,„Clitomschus, a native of
-' •-•,..Y.:. -.! . 3 04 e. ; Philo, , who succeeded by Clito
•-: :Untelins, had among his pupils the celebra
' s_ -,:ted Cicero..
.4titiochns, a n'ative of Asca-
lon, n disciple 'of Philo, was the last of the •
Academiesy and labored successfully to
restore the Plant philosophy to its pu
. . _ -
.. '''
' ' ' Having briefly maned. the Platonist sect
- tio ils - pxtinction, we nmst now return to the
death - Of its founder, wh — eii, -- as &heady sta
ted, eine* sect was instituted by! ristotle,
a zative . of Stagryn, in ' Thrace. At the
age of, seventeen he went to Athens and
studied under Pi rte.. After Plato's death
he wari appointed preceptor to Alexander
the Great. 'Alexander entering upon his
military: career, Ariitothr rePaired to Atk
. rens,.where.lis•established a school in the
Lice. Pitima habit of walking about
c_ a
. . while lecturing, he was called the Periia
• . • teti name•afteiwards extended to his
disci les. , Having been cited before the
• ,AreoPagne, an a charge of impiety, he re
'tired to Chalcis, where he soon afterwards
. .
- died B. C., 321, aged sixty-three.
:':.Aristotle divides
„philosophy into three
' traneben—Theoretic, Efficient; and practi
cal;.the first including physics, mathemat
ics, .and metaPhysies • the second, logic and
rhetoric; and ,the thiid. ethics and politics.
HisPh 'es Make no' advance upon those
- •
of gains. His theory is deculedy
• ' - • ie. i_ Of an overruling Provi
' - denee',h - e speaks Vaguely and ambiguously.
Sometimes be asserts that Divinity resides
' sidelrin the principle of intelligence! and
at other.times he speaks of the Universe
' as GO. • , He, appears to have believed the
soul 'lto be material, and, consequently,
inoWal; • His views upon the soul's nature
-- are einem" re; but he seems to refer all its
dinprilses to material laws. 43 The soul,'says
he, is the centre of sensation, the source of
life. ind.', thought"; but all sensations are
received through the flesh; it is the organ,
- , not of reason alone, but of nutrition and
lomMotion, also—the. - seat both of the
physical Mid mental faculties.
. ..
The Syllogistic" oysteM of 'reasonieg,
`'' &minced by; Aristotle , is defined by mm,
as, !ism en:111021ton in whtnb, from certain
. . . .lithrtitted propositions, a necessary conclu-,
2„sien is°drawn distinct from them, and yet
employing the same idea." Thus :
„ "Wai' Is tile rendt'or Ida:
Visitants to mLe q.
',, • -
. 'ltnitrofore war ill Aida”
- , ~,.
' •• -In logii:..and rhetoric, Arstotle holds a
distigehil4ate; but in ethics he is inferi
'./I° to Plato:7,:;Tlie mor a l character of a
_.••"'..'4i."'"Aaaia, says•ffif,ii the consequence of his nat
-447;t%7(,ti1uil endowinenti and, therefore, no emi
. Itite — Vit virtue • tan .exist apsit from perfect
• •- - v - •4lijsictil development. • Man, . however, is
so full, free agent, as to be responsible for
. - the proper exercise of moral self-discipline.
„•.•• Happiness .:is the supreme ,good to be
• Naught of , and in to be attained by im
plicit . ~...", o 'ence to the laws of nature.
.;.•.... , . - ...;-„lfis Pe .• - cal system cliffers materially.
from that ef Plato ; - land is based more up
' on - expetrienny. He would modify the
1..' forin of government according to the pe
.- adiarities of - different nations; but seems
' -
.to prefer an elective monarchy, with an
• . aristoccmtio constitution. He sanctions
slavery,•thi destruction of deformed chit
- dieni - ineidcates "the' ilietsiti of:physical
• *-..• ediresition,.arid imposes checksupon, midi
, , • vidiud accumulations of wealth. GOvern
, . ,
a = :manta are • teeiluCatethe,•young-- ,
...:.-- . - them grammar , m usic , gymnastics, and de
.-, ~ -, ••,. 5i01....",Re4011 is excluded;--the state con
earning itself maly with the Moral and in ;
. telleattal oultivatjon of its members.
~..• • - .',••• Theoplarastrui, a native of Lesbos, sac.
'-'...',.;, ' • , 'Seeded Aristotle. Celebrated foe his elo-:
• quence, he yet taught nothing new. Un
.." . • ..der his 1511Cte650111, Strut°, Lycon, Ariston,
and Critolaus, the sect fell • into disrepute,
' .. and ultimately merged into the opposite
L: ..,440,1 of Z eno ca l 4 - 01 211 = 2 ••• - .., • . •
Neva Mnsie
*EN it "MELLOR, No 81:Wood street,
- . N.
. ...' ~- seedval. We follstsht.ests• sap:pos.lw sas,st a
. I isi,i4 Jiosie-74.1i3 ibixs, - th. Isists de Ws
l s=lTlV: o'' Is m% .;
. ootatat Ss tisSl*o .. fr.r i Zliatt e l s
-.lV4spes , r4. o - Pwl
' M ° .;: h b . z„ i„, di ,,., .- . . bcaliti—nsisSissM
.I slab for tbeig • - -., Ouse stair me ass sweet sir
Pa klnd to the los od Oss.4as..; sf si. -- mt.thmti
, Ystse. Etsser; - -- . Lesstoolo—llassuess Tu.;
..I , ' Vtg . ssosstar nn 1.45? • . d'ssFisit saving assns.;
,-- DU titan llt.Qata BURS . - :_2 -
..Bysrles, Alarms. sod turas Bell Wslessc
. is, Stoters.fl.usrs.lllsanstr, Elltsson, Ms sqr, lams
Om: , OlSms" UstSsgs, Issasysi - Ossustts. so 4 WIT
. .. .
YELLPVI---2"cases fon sale by
• no n - • ,s fr:IIIiCHEB:3IAM.
- 1.1 for sole b
ED LEAD-400 lbs superior, for intle by
)u.r,D • 00.. Woad R.
AUTT,9.7- • • spina
lAA= tvirg
. .
easie lor by ,
solo paces DALM,‘
jejiiitid; ay:. - Act of, the. sel;
• jetti, [P neisr ti •
Joinat m i me to site fogiee of such el tctiOn• tit* held, W.
e d. !
(bo m b whoa men (Bleb begirt-1r mu
ed. In punrussow thertoof.X.VAßTP.ltettlginltthoniff of th.
the (Booty ef li tlthrtg. ti t . tl=re r ,makt l !auktrn aml
!get Tat alad l'etV' t
:inroaty.,no the sews I.),TUIDAY 0 OCTOB gli N . Y.10.T, •
Mthe wakes!
h e dostrieta
Th. electors of the ilia Want of the MAT Of Pittsburgh,
to swot et the boa. of Mrs: Jmie al.the tomer ot
_roar mod V. urth ft1e.41.10 said ward., •
The elerbosof Aeoinot Ward onto, city of Pittsburgh, < l ..
kismet 10 the IthrionDistriet moon. of herond mut
gmalogiFfreete in said ward.
"be etatnn th. Third Ward of ..,rify 'or reunereti.
the boom Of AnderwrideNtaster..Yra i
o .Tbro - 4...fnicifitu.PourtitiCardot thohellyof ittstannth.
to most al the Public &hoot Ileum; w stoat
Tbeetentono . the Filth Watrigltimelly f . Pitudeindi.
Pt rirsola onconied Goileob eke:
Nf Ales.ll3.owart, esl,l wen]. • sou
The elector. of the Bingo W ant 04h^ M l O d
Masts', moot at the Public &bout n 4 Me, Iv add ward. um
Bi T ir = 4 ..l:2A! n tfet t ti " r d ee nr ttoV ' o ' : r tb° ,4, '7
Treelertors of the litothWeLetirritTof . PLldebsorgh,
to meet at the Mille fiebesol ileu, to mid ward: •
:The else-to - ma the first Ward of Meetly of Alleiumr,
Id lbw haulm of .1: Woolholee,l bolionou Aral-
The el... Torso( the...mond Ward ot Clarity of .Allegtorof.
to meet at the house of Widow Thempron o north west cor
ner ad adto street end the Public Swore. • • •
The eimotore of tbaThird Ward of the city of Alleftbera, ,-
tro meet at lb. Publie Nehool Mum. bi mid ward,
The electors of the Fourth ardor the city of alleghsta,
to nowt at the Ileum of Moo NV ylir, East Lismsnom
'Tim Mabee of. Hitt township to meet. at Um book of
hire. Nancy - Barry, on the iferhauleCand larmereTorm
Dike Boat. In mad townetilm except the gusherl voters re.
eldlog to metigruelToorl.r. aud:l4 Of the oar dirtrkt, wian
.Nh.lllololollall ceueralodertious to the Ninth Want at the
city of Pittebtagn.
The aloctom hit,G hirirothin to II at the bonfire(
John Better, In the einem of Cart Irkerty.
the electors of Collitor borouship. to beet ar lb. housed} ,
/Areal', Jr., io the nit Itherto.
The Mecum of Wilkins towilihkk ll tat lb. boo".
John Ohara,. on the erten...9 Turnpike goad. In
Lld township.
The riertors of Plum towoodittr i, to toket at Cahoon, of
in Sunanuereille, in sail totem
Therteetono of Patten tolerably., to moat at the home. of
Abraham Taytor.un the Northam Turnpike, in mid town.
ship. .•
The slalom of Peon township, to Meet at the book. of
Hobo or bunallemi. on the irectotairch Komi, to esol 10.0 I .
The tiatore of Versailles township,M meet at the imiek
Bebool House, near the White iloure loraterly °monied by lu
Thomas Neel, and now by Wto. A. Mhos,
The aector ot Ellosiwth township, to meet al the boom
of Duke' Miser, liormerly ...roofed pr John IValker, 10
too l O b se .. ..=;l ' S r og o ,7o . gt h s r o l f y l ee i c;n ' ito!l b ey ' l ' oco ' u t -
er, to benumb.
' The M at ure ofi Mimi:4op to tunet at tlie boom
of Michael Om, formerly °crook.. laJohn Bing; to ~ad
The electors of Mifflin town.lodp, to, meet at the botai of e
Samuel Wilson, funual y by Jae If Neel, lo tall
bown.hi. .
Com l
The e f
4 ector...of U ;
I, mid townehlPpton SL Clair tow n..blp, to meta St the ‘)-
I boom o.
The elettOre of Lower t. etsir rownehip to Meet at the
o brkk Immo at theyonetim 01 theta 11111 and St. Dale
t" Tr i toree ' ru ' r% b u l lVltqi " off•?Vir l' afilln :tot meet at the:public J.
home mar the haw iltm bridge, an the Smut...Tolle
o turnpike.
The Mectors of Robinson tomp, to meet at the boom
of :feral lirratiand.
Motley Mrfsrlatul, in mid .
y The electors of f lodley township torneet at . ho b o Me of
MoClella A Mama formerly, occommd 4110 ato
I the silage ( note°. in Mad tow oshipl
The eloctere of Moon township to , meet at the house
Peter Custom, In wild township
it The electors of Ohio towustup to meta at the tomes of Joe:
Bay, 1n townehlior .
Sr The electors ot Frantlio township to meet at the hour
T Oero lo i ! ea rtor o gltorof the BorouTliVllltre ' bVst to meet ist the
Public School - house.
e The erectors of iteseree township to meet et Bob. hon. J
f ':1171.V. 4 :112 1 1 P 14, township. to meet at tb house ,
l e of Jai C 0..., 11. townshilo.
The electors of:Morten tommahip to meet at th Boom
d 01 Peter Boyer, In east township.
Vie electors of South Fs - ette lownsidp to meet t the
d lime. on Me e , r T• COoimr. Kid 1
11 The *actors of North Faye ol township to meta t
house one octopi...l by _Franck Jamiron. at Rousts MIII.
X lo rooldtOwnstilp.
e • TOOt10a(a:i t ent
e toe i
of J 4:ob.i n i rood, it O•r
e electors 01 Pine township to meet sr tbs. to uof
Barb Criunuo. .011 tomishipand that Thoe 1'. 11.:,
be Judge / mad Woo Airtilisort ept RM.". be o o P o °' -
' 1 '
1 I r l ? to ' e r eter ' t:i ' r.Vof ' a - A.t.t 4 — " T , ttt, at the
y • home of dm Anderson, In sabi baemhip.
,of . ItgLls i e j r=h , ..lys to meet at .t . boom
The eleMere of r iasteeer lownslap to meet at Public
Boum. in the Borough of 'fermium. .
pu Tivleetos i , of W. ISr .. o . t i t. of T 4, sixtuoi tom tat the
1,„- TM elec le
tors of
by bownship to meta* I house
formers" men pled hy S. Olmoty, mama niwo shiro.
g Ttuo genets_ of Studer toeushito re meet at On Show'.
- 0111. In sad township.
g, The guitilied rotas of that pvt, of Indiana to ship,
In Allegheny molar. 0.014100 within the follow g dm
90... method basudaties. wit tegintangota_pointo. the 4.1. -
171 a " h , Told W.
C . l4ftre;l) ' en . f{rose "' . tortw r s t erd ' o: b l:rt
1411 gr .; e-t i Pin k M .' r d tooloto o g i rstm i t:r t g
h tfrn ' sl 4 no W lVlfir b oo; I."olit7anbr all ("'"tr
ild Vjg=l,:trst:trit„ b =
of election toil of mid boorom,h.
The *lreton of the Borough of Binblogiumt meat
to- the Public School lioure in old boromoh.
Thr electors of the Burouito .4 hest Moulin ham to
TA meet et the Railroad Mike of Olieer D. Orourby mid
.12 , The elect Ore of
bo reo Botongh M meet at MI Pubbe
&boor emus In mid rough.
the The electors of
o the Banniall of Lawreocesllle to mlt st
LO th lgte .o l l 4xors of it 1 o: toro ux k' ugh ..P 9 S ' llVilinth to meet oft I
FIEL, lj,„%l s tratlo ' itn? . o o th oPiiif:r.:port to IDeet at
• !
hTes mnHa rs*M ae
bo p/ r u M s i h h r •
Moth Peteburgh to meet
set at the lows. formerly Oerayeed hp B. at the
, s end of the itorroug atone 11111.1 m, tumid borough.
IMP Th. rienorouf the Mamie, oflgest Elizabeth to meet at
Al :and plae t es o nuallelectors an efeM
tk,''' t =to l t k li= . •
the °novae.; tor 1./.OAI Commannimer.
km: persona for Judges ot 11.. Stamm* Court elf Poo-
, the county uf Al perAn for legb President J trim 'of the Instrkt Court In
',M. for Asetstiot Juicy lof thr bornirtCourt for
der $1,,, coma, •Lleglany
*4oo for rrestmot Judge or Courts of Poommon
• his pk e s, o=r bred... Le., el Alletat , .r
' tk- Two Re et r r metab,t j uiAtegi;
t h e One per:sofa itmorder Allowheor 4oocLti •
One OarsOO for ii,gtsur;
rat One person for elernof We Cart ot Ofloafter
. .
doe person fur Tressurerof Allegheny eicinty i . In
Onewerron foreouutyooondiestowe. 1 Dm
One pen. for Auditors , ~.
(I, person for Ceuuty =myth, I at
atra, in and by the Oth recto of =ea approved th e .
Nth a i=l bou, it ts. Fuser not the llith moll= of ,
the act .1 WI. "0. leiN. = del an an nrattin gto the y
elecuous of thlsCommonwealth.slodl not Le racoadrued se
. N
to prevent. aro . min=
or or through Other from serv
ing to Judge, ilineellaY.PY Cleal at az, General orProctsl sod
Election La rifle Corazoonwrilth
Asa :to A/thrall:Mies of the Inthectirs distracts Mb.-
nth', are malted to rant at Ito Court Mum In the illy
of Prarthargh, on rho Patty 017 r the wand 'funds,. ‘,l
October next, then and then to diethaste the donee k.
required by law. i
die= my y hand and soda Pittsburgh, this:! dir per,
of Dm...ember, A. D 1041..4 f the lodeperaramed tl,O
bnit.l mates OA NTPOST ?ULM.
ma: drifter CARTER C4IITIS. Edina I
--- 1
1,0 7 -
Proolauation. I •
FOR the information or the elector of Alle
ehorry Conntr. I puLifsb ,the 4/11d ring soda= or
we Am of the de oral tro,roolr orrio , oospan or tort.
[!aril, "An Ad to provolf, far the election of Judges or
the several Omen of this Commenrwalth, ant Id regu tau. ! 1 ,..,
serralu ladle.] In.strkts."l i l '''
&aim Be it everted hr the Stoat* .01 1100,, of en
flepreeentatites of the Coossuenwealth of retl2ll) It
to timoral Awembid met, and It Le hereby enamel br the
authority of the some.-,,TT eat tilt goal/fief electids of omen .
of the several rathatwe " Mil trarmammeal th [ball at the a
[oat aenerat election, at the Oran sod Placre on elmtiog I • • •
representatives, end whenave,it shall thereafter beenne
aromearr for on •raction strafe this art, mid
owlet til-
Carot,tutlon or this Commonwealth. col.rvr 000 porous
at the Ant ostection, and at every electlou thernfor a- I
many as shall be tomersty under the prosicord berm:,
N ..eve as =days of the rithreme Court of tale CO=1:060
wealth., YEW ninon to serve as plaideut f nine of th e I ,
ion.district In wbtro nob county thl lie. and two pew I l' •
.o'. to ..,, /9 gmcis. J.IZI-1 of 000 ff,••11 Man/ of I
.90. 2. That the omitted elector. reeldiag within the
arrallatoa of any distirat manor other manic( rertad
now existiog /wrestler to =created by 1=.4.11 at the
it cameral .1.01100 and whenever tlierramoilo craze
shall be necessary. at the loom and plan. bolding
such elmtloa wilt= their reepecofd:tion dist MO,O/.40
t o r orai pen= for preeideut lot ion ch roort, and 19
many persons for moodare fudges thereof ay shell be re
nuked by JAW. l
AM b. That the fudges of the Supreme Coati and the
prod lettaudgr f of al
jhel Mor r t i s . / . /I: a rlot trail ;It as- •
[Ge mar Umos i gthe city alistraguitt ' ; Of venoorotpa, ° .6 it.
Liar= Court or the rounty of Allegheny, shall be Wan
ed la the taw, and all the Morro= judges grab be "Nati.
bed eiratans of this Coraraonweal emirral , l r t,lol., - .17 , m
cr;:or U1=1=1; of thils lecußforilestth.. " ~
110. 4. That the election of Prdge. ehall 4 held and
cooducted iir the several elsettoo dittrkth la the Same
= n oun I. all nepecta no aleoUOOt fo r nepreeltativra red
aod 00.11 boo held
am Dotottratwl. and ill tae • adgeb .
inspector; awl otter ranters; anti the jprovlsimie of the
general weieuiddy. rubbed "Aa Ad. mating po the elf
trans of the Commoonealth,Plaporoved the reload day at
dulo,aue thousand eight hood's/laud thirty•rdoe. and its
amend .rapoteramata nod all 'Aber ilk , law. as ler as the
mow shall be to force and applicable,thedl herd and
taco to apply to tha electiou of .8 ud q el‘ Pro Pled, I het
the aforesaid elector. shaft vote for fudge. oft e tropron•
(100,1 on a felpagla• piece of paper, and for o er iudgee •
requltot to to ies7ll.l in theist ou another eaytrW Men
Dec 15 That at a meeting 01 the return lit ge r m oh. L
adult district. la mob rotraty provided fort , ac ~,
p„rotobefore Mud, throb/ads returnee all the ote• grant .
in each could, for 'mtg. of the raronnue Cott. trod ad
Judaea which the moaned voters of such coo ty are ea.
titbel toele.t 14erroetres amoanectel with thy other
ezunty or dls shad be Made out by the t erkrf the
board of retort/ 0 gee, one at which return. th president
of said board Moil forthwith lodge la the Oleo of the
Prothozotary of lb. Court /aeon/ram/Pt/As of Ouch crow
• ty, and the other he =all rorJose in an enveinto, will=
eamitope he Moll teal awl direst to the berretarr of the e
- thdamotoresitt. awl [dam laths amoral post orate. , '•
bee. A That in the moo 14 the dation or preaLleot l'
jodee of ran /[dicta[ diStrj t composa of two or More •
condi. at a ramdlag of t e n taro add. io each of
[ statement
monatles, the clerks Mores/WI ehail make o t • lair r
B statement Mall the votes which shall have been rust '
eneb eleetton within the county bd. sorry i pt non '•t/ •
aas such president jai, rid= Moll be e ned by mid
=X attested by the Mean nod Doe o labl lodges
Rl/1/tntake =Mg* of such arateutent, mut eh I Dodoes
the tame at a =debug of one judge from nett of euld
„,,,, g 0,,,,, which =ming Slob be held on the tenuth 4or i
I 5 1 141417.iiiiirgW7 - I= o liVrfolltlO ' itl 7 4 i
- I.,.'T:•7l=oadge. of 1 the oneral counties ratting
so met. th at! east up the several county returns. and I
• rotliclent aum her ot coal. of a gelletei .turn of .
Ilf all UM 'Mee Mena tor each Mike to nal diatrkt, all of •
.ehloil they Moll certify, and row a which Owl Moll
Condo(=Oni/ eo
oraei• of the prothonotary or the
Wmmon nem of ash of mid rountles, and one
l - pf whirh they Moll ertclraw,l seal, awl directdirect. t, to the Peer, I
fury aMr Umonsmnweillib,qn ' the manner premrthel br
- the fifth /action of ft= act I
Irra.B That In the ado OM. election of graftage
ant oast or noted Dow elution, m bummer to b.
needed / basil/tied/Mien O'er tendon Mt= with!.
no g 7 ,,,,t iociud all of ma rounty, the rrturnindipo o ,
/ the //event • it attar= within ea= =Titan hal l,
emanate a loud of *tura judges with reopect to such
. -elect. , and atoll. al the don and place MO.- tomb./ •
of thereturajtalgre qo.ntl. proceed In all repots
'0 la relational such electiort ea if malted of the county
Cr boom ek roo f o r oj e te d okoopoo hereof. o n logrr li too oo r
oj aall
et!: cYr . ..tio court, 74044 oTtha r t of the prothormran of
the Mart of Common Pleas.
nee- P. Therm/ the Ant Tamday of Roonther nab [of-
Isming any electlaa atituort zed by this air, the Panran
of the Cmarthowealth Moll in the /louse of Flemming..
thr. la Um prewar. of the tionraor and Inch other Mb
Mew of thin Canationramth• am may <boom to ottani.
mom the [stuns made to him under the provincns her.
, of to
m e momail arid the vete net for the lodge. of tag
of Bawe. Court to b. arourately ramputed. and the Cros
cnor thall_nothwith last his parthmalion decisaing So
. 1 .. ' a T l° r , -- 001 4 fee lodges of the bunter:de
U ntrOhri"te .b' raca l trorti,:greates ''' '''
its/m .4' lr ' , arbiattbles:tVbs,"'ddu
ly Moored.
Bat. Di That the deo tom= declared to be lectinl
, as at thy Ant elartion, =alb DIDO on • the ten th " ;
the, day lath above meritiOneW. az th e Pith for " borato .n l
Mr the rathreroe Court at Iterrlzburgh, and .:,.......‘...--.
=dote contrdning the wards °three • - 14 -.”
l air' ranee" twelve yea. .. and .1,fi, ".. ~...,,...,"
err aza to be put ilth a box.katd dull ' P ' S "' ''''''''
mob normally draw
th.„?,,,,,,,, a n ballot, Ore word. upon whieh shall drabs.
BILUI I= term of Mica, a= tan 1, ..11 , Maly thgr•eait of
such Callon= to Ito tiarernor.
7 bm.ll. Thatas mem as pramloable after the Ilea To
by day in November =it. following any chmilort of lodge:.
tloo Cloveraor abaft grant the anon. lecteo.w e en 1 7
commit/ons. Dow resulted by law, to thdd their repae- *
i llz t ate n ce: from ital
wtag b =t neat Monday la promo.
popthre terzoo oral. , se ':4 .mibist an and tli r etiferoj r '''. 4
hy mound *town of the fir th With/ of Abe Constltution l of
MS CwOnamintealth.
San II- TAM In the event of any sacancY tocrothog
w .., ladgthdp in this thmaransalth br death realgrit
7 ,,,,, nmond. from cdise thy failure to elect or Othewise,
• .:,,,,' OM Ogren= =ad , MIA it i oraz . eultabtre ponce no lei
Va hq. lueoul Oath= ; and 7 t11: dc l =relectat;
anall at tee electlon wtdell dual Oran
Muer*/ morass:toe the vecomo=ooxur,
olleeistbersuroor beesethelore settotiod. ended:re per.
.94 to auelinigte hoeghe ineatheik tear hi theease — nr
.i.Mhip of the ripitiourt. engin Ile hill term Of
Ogee In vas of any 'otter
•1 , See. 13. That the election oriel Pee. as IMO* a the
Supreme (leartwirwleige reguine to be eared in •
the law. may tot tonWsedors the petition of the ouallled
memo(' 11161Ciernmetwealth the proper dWiehhr
the exe tribune and In the ane manner end under the
mansegegulatiore and reerktens . by' Me ad.
beyeltiletriet tired. hir eimiewthes Ste electionor any per
'eon as Ihnernerot thliChninimwesttle. • '
gee: 14: The' the Court or thseter &>rod o f °TV
wouncy shah , lmveyneeletion to her and detetatinn I
tan. In which the election ashy pencil woorialehul.
• •shall b. nonteeted, ProalleJ,—Tbst ;Fah& 01 als cdntt
shall nit sa judge tinned during [err mutest of b in own
Pee. 16. That newm the penile.' 1. nether .f. 61 haw
. .
Ser. lb That uprrn the wham.' In watloS of et. ten".
...MY Quaed elec.. of 1.1. proper county. re.. 11.1 be
4he aff.darit of at hurl tondo( tbe entoptelolsrt
of SO simian enanon or Wye Whirr. of be.. as
'area. of any court, the court haddrrt jortNtetlos
shall appoint to rintsbh. time 4.. r bearing sod. ennsplaltn.
nth. of which *hall t,. Oren to the parson returned as
eke... at least sin days bathe Allah nearing, sad rash
here ail lb* pone. 1n rt. prosSa. mfnreA
upon the Crdsrt of tanirter &Lbaa 1.7 the art ...oh,
Tdre cited for tuel trTtoa of owrt of cont.ted election of
conory and nmarinin stinery—Pnrswi Apr.. 15, 1.51, 1. L.
W. Under . Layl band at rt.nrutd MIS 311 day of S.D.
tetnt...r, in thy yr. of our Lool, nue th0u...4 eight
hundred sod liftpuov, and of tbe Intlrpondenc.. ot the
United Stat.. the eerenty.titth.
.14 . 24 CURTIS. Sharll.
BOOKS . . MUSIC, &.c
New Books,,Jcsi Received. .
VEAST: a Problem; reprinted with eorree
td..n. and alditionr. by the author of Alton leek..
12tn0., ,
ilitatur of Cleopatra, Qgo•r of Egypt: by lerob Abbott
alob casts a! the Purim". Lima nine.
Ward - wry; • Yale; by Ana If. Ltary. autbor t•Frlends
end Fortnum' and lan
ApplAten'e Mechanics' Magenta ad Engineers' Jour
n Ncbtl.
ByrneNtltlrtlonary of Midland, Engin. Work and En:
donning, No.. 11 mod Ad.
Leonia'. {llama' 11. I• Root of the Revolution:
Paleetitito its Grump', al Dible orlth dt Lith
ographlr.llape; ny P. 11,111bLerti. of Leal Dana.. Cafe,
ennin WIDE by Daniel P. Ruble, ldato,
For Nil. by J. 1.• READ :
Apollo Building., Fourth et.
New Books.
fIODFREY MALVERN: or the Life of an
LW Aut
tieths GT Phil.hor, By 'domes 11 11 oe. With tgentr.tour
Travels In the United glair, dr, during 11149 and WA.
Br the butt Emmeline Stuart Worllo. '
hr. 9 of London Labor and the Load. Poor.
The above books post reed and tor.. ti
Jr-Si it. el STOCKTON. 4. Market yr.
• N i i,ECtr,
_AIAGA'4INE, No. e, for
cone Is 11,theo DomPste Tale.
Pasesge. In the Uri.
Alrs. Margaret Maltland,of Sun.
orsllde; nrlllen by herself.
• llerelvded 1101.019:n' ldnerar7 Depot, optiosile the Peet
Odle, awe
110OOKS1—No. 33 of Byrne'o Dictionary of
ei.etiseate Itniiheerlng.
. - 97 Agpletnn ilerbango' Nloganleleuod Engineer , '
Also—A large asenstment rf I:1101[AI and &hoot B.ks,
Intl reed and Jar Pale J. L. READ, Agent, •
lo Apollo Batumi, Fourth at.ver.
ti.3..-thags taken in sack Anne. .119,1
New Mule.
TELE' SPIRIT POLKA, composed- by H. •
Klebor, and dedlealed to Etrphen Potter. of MI6
~T er!fl. Wan., tuyangui by N. 6.leber, an played by
Bind—OM of.the aloft metier waltsef uot.
Nang Ely, with eariations, by Lisly
&Ars donee, witb flirtation, by -Aide.
The Autumn of our gear, by Geer.* Barter.
taro, • fine eulection of Foreign Molae for rinnr, note.
%lobo. tr. H. Kl.grigli, Oft Third Meet..
44 ergo of ttre Golden
P. 0...;1 splendid - lot of. PlaciMi now opening.
One very good amood- bend 6 octave Kano far sale-
gf• e gtadona slnleOry. Wlll 4 = e tOlgel=e t f:; . ..
y, [Maki g a complete view of our foreign relations elute
; that time Melodic.; OmEdrousi Documents.
Uittts' Weeny 11.Zdnitin ountaining.Politimd.
Seientllcal,Stalitlcal..Emoomicalf and. bi-
Graphical DOcolnents, Emmy, end YAM, together with
gullet. of tba Arts and Iluantartorei. ea ta Reuordot the
rtfr ll.
I. ,oeeZlfauorgloo Bal e
et. H C.
KLEBER,IOI Third strekt, eign of the
Golden Hw ~. y, b.f received.
besoUtut Ti.tlettt of the Ma - wow Costume; yublidoel
der thupsteoelsy•t the Ulwm.r4 coaftweed 0y E tenor
NEL 1110LN 4•g. OCEI. • eery eprightly roto ...M.. 0 d
Foster's beautlftil ale of "Nell) . was • Lady."
•1 0 4• ...Wl_ of Mono Temperwuttilee limb. 1,10
Chickering's Pitthot.
OIIN H. MELLOR Agent for l ffl,
u ntatt.nee. Pituce. Irc Pittsburgh
Aulceetten l'ouneylvabis,fro. ifrist,
received wad mar opeo foe sal, the Lk
r•OUVetg, 4 arPl; r rt. l ' e ' lle ' l, l ?(lt=i . p d lt r a iron the
One elegant Itowsrowl weal-gnarl Pluto. ocrew
Uoe carved
five Oast
I Ow
Tw o e " plebs re -' -
Three round eonsere
. The aboee Moro Fortes. q .. or the lateet eirles of Tomb
tors,sod with WI Mr. Chicterines imoroverowstu - the
bolos...lnvariably the wboe es. at been., thereby merlin to
purchawre In this rout.. the aspens. , we! tisk or twee.
One Itam.wocd On.] Moulding, 6% arta. Plaaa mar.
earrare.l by Adam Agar, A 0U
Joe h 4 marred A ortama. Asa ` Cr
Oa. baron Marro;
On. aec , haml A Chletering. u need am earn
On. - 6 have.
- laud • Brother , .
AD. . Pubols A Sub.,:
6.4 Ilaahallatt CouuanT
MAtiltitli o ir s6 S . l:;?jl
trcd.y'm Baok, artaum , .:
Labs' National IlasarioN Jits
„NER' EBIBROIDERIEB.--Juit received
nv, *„."4Y,lnTztr,itt,AlroVL-1- ro
" orked Cohan, Cori, Coemisetta! If;
Muslin Jsevixtt and Saba. noonday. of sea an a
laeautifui Arles, Jambi. anJ Bales Maine. awl Mee ,
lay, White and WAX Veils, Leos food.. 00. The Wen
Wm of the halle. la Frorticubuly pilau.] to tho above
ArAdo.aa 100,abortinent win be ibtotel the holm?. perhaps,
or, uttered in MU dry. 10001 A. eh MASON W.
..... . ..
tstagnl . A. MAW:. • Ltt
'2 ...5- a'774 1'
10111011d'r. A , JONES' LILLY' ILI l'E.— Ladies arc eau - .1 riNlit eubseribere haring" • been fLp !lured
Black. Silks Mohair Mitts, & c. , , a...y.1 I.olooot sinili, the 000..iiti ristii•reil Chalk- They I I ualipping agent. for 0., p e ar., ivant. er Ci, teei 1.11
triathlon}, ittitlittnit it It I 0 the skin. ifted:t damn the path , . that wiClal , how pr et At re
-11:FRP11:1' le BUItCIIFIELD hare reed r .....T/".:.T.....',..Za5t.aea sallow yellow, alid•istutittis 1 eret.e joy a oyeunt ot merei . u.h. oi. viol., tut ehinineut
hy ii, pre. ...they supply of .perier kinked:
010 the elm ewe.. at., .11aarmoi.tchaLl a. w..,1. ...., :,-;
wad lack Mita for LW...a. Aprons. 00 .! ..W.T i .,11: ''"=. 0 , 1 .1211=. ,, of 1 . 4 i r ilolod Ina the route.rlll be entrUd through ill Ore dais
F+[...Nide, which •r and &Leonid...l to u• will 0. forwarded the of cones
• ' Embroidered Flonnehoga ! ...4...-:4antrit Lilly-ion.. * 1
I. CUT 111110,11 t. being mined of ell deleVrrious 1 '''''
"I"'''' ''''
A A. MASON dr. CO. have just received s,l:aiLlr, per a oswoila am ekes .0.,..1. heeitki et- I - 4 . ra - ----
md•mts .... 0in . 0 0 . ,00 .
ricer. Ovinit atilt 'at we toe tuns aidnau et', or n ' .7"
7 it 130' .4 ii p h • ... I C , -e.
a0 . 0 , : e . r .....414 i gn - 7.1, nave 7 a blIT' .E,fl Very -4 =1"o% ... h,......,), ,0., ..Z —.... • • u'i , 0, 7 r : ,„.,,,-P:A•„,VA,A•it,r3g,::.`g,:,,,g,'„,
porter g00d...1t 64 Mart et at • altar ' , roll hy tar Agent, WM. JAChr.)N. 24.1.1... sheet 1 1 .,011.,,, ‘ ,...4, , yi . ,.....0 3,, 0.,.
' illitiiiLtl.litilMltttnitti. tito , ,ltt. Paints, Dye ..tuttr. thlr,
TEN TABLE CLOTHS.—Muartir Sr 0. "..., 4 1. * :ir 1. -....'''""" Y ' 1.1 " .... '" ''''''' I Leathit,Clover, VII,. Thai tilt and other %Iran heed.
.14711.1.0 101110 the attention of 'purchaser. u, • '
iCiiiSEI idle? Ivo.
eortsne. of the aka. goods, malt medium. and ' . --------
Itt. " ef... '" Va., Butter, Lard. Lard Oil. Totasem Leal, Coke.
• •
~,,,,,,d„.. ai."—linapece hy tba yard. of ' , ark.' In dth • Compound Syrup of .Yellow Dock Root, I Tailor. Wahl ad hag, die- kr pat
end qualltle., Cr... Towelling, and Bath N.. Ptak.. Alike. Marble (toughy far. rinh. Reabs.timose clay.
to worth,. elvers to be found, at lowest prim. d ICCUPIES Mid. front zutkkatriung the lira- I Beeta4 D. 0,, ere. toe V iou
sure - . IJP alien, inedirlitee of tat. country 1.. r ourapieLdf 1 C'OTODE A CULP' •..,
curing Caoker, SaD Wheat. 1 , ermee1. , .,-.. , .11 ash .er dic , . Corner ',can and 14 •Yo• meet.
rldturly & liturChtleld , , • 11., arising Man . totpar• state of ttre blood. Ale., i i illeburgh. July Ikt. Int, 1 --t4ya
AVE OPEN this morn g a further su e ' IL-t,r'o.aelsad4's,s,,a.DfrPerrui Ileedsehre,PlcrinesN 1 - 71 — .
I (....aga,..”...,. , ..4 i.ibt....6.1 u. ca.. hr. . Freight received for all the Way Stations
la m OT °, M..T.H . s "t th .t •'" . ."" •-•4 ....Y .. ' elan% tor hoarptioes, drytter..pil a Petting reauttlin 1 1
per ohalr Main 61. k Lace ulovew, heavy Ll.n Llieek. about the throat; and 1r need With a...dente' anc , ...1 012 the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
fir sunenier wear. Inch We. %FLIPP. and colored
~. ~...„ cr - ~,.
entree, ae.; at the northeast cra - ner a f.rth and Market .- •er • ie.. 1 rialto.. :, scale
streets 'mate weak:lees and General 116i!ity. i kt,,,a4,,, Adam J. Vatter.
, FOR ,er,., ~- 1, ,,,,,r e , ...- , ,' Ntrangtheglna the araketted lodyi chins to. to 10e I ktittlin. - James North
LOONIER [ TATS, TILL %JUNI UML ration.. 0r.....1 Ineigtratlng the entire mite.. Lewintow, klillileu.
15 ALA 'atilt —Ladle: and kli • Are )a rt received ilf the tertlmour of thou...We of living wholes.. trotti Mount-Unica. J. Itlentler..
a for rale by It Id padau., . all parts ot the:counted, e. Le rolled upon. It Is singular Ilantdogdon, J. Diiliett
elf laii I.l.ket elf Is btracloue Ini
own er ua fluieue..d testating detdllta. hpr ace ere.. C. 1111001.
• ted ' and trogeti down ivartitutluns. It 10 yam/ Iro , -..- /Y.., A. tt4Clart.
Black Lace lens. ~ Ale In he e.g.:talon. 400 so accurately hunt to Its loilld'aysiburah. It. A.TieNat
Mous that the ebeimeal, et.trat, ..1 medical pro.
Len a
h. 111h4orwell.
1 5,4 uR pin: A BURCHFIELD hare a full F,:`X. of ....refe c redirot a.........i r littlo to 1 . 4.4117 Atedenreu /a Kaulelt.
Resent of do. tel Demi Black L.• Nrllo :. Purify the Blood. . , ii.rris es, J. %Vallee. a Sma.
tie, .11..4 green Oaure do.: Oreeti hers. aol Tinoue , ._, ._ ,_ h. ''.l .. Pune non Fisher, 0100. n. kCo
for dot Liar dot Mark ti4k Net. plata and hottrili . .• ` h." '''.'''''" d ..." •
h.." 1..........
a ....
Neap. Jere./ Bearer.
aiairJ the mill of the best phystd.r , and basal. eared L.A.. ~„,,p,, Berkey Jones.
L-----__:-......---.- halt Rheum, hryrinetas and hernial. which Cassapantla Perris tile. ' . , ' II L,Tbompeen.
'scarce an d D es i ra bl e m e a l , , . 0,,..r ....,-.1, a0,.,1 u, mak. the least hope.. stn. ~,,,,,... , Richard Root 01.
' It as been 4.4 la many eax-s of CiNek4olls to m. 1.6„ . John Donaldno.
CIF VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn. 31001. The :poet obstinate cancer. Ones see. e0r....t by . 5 T,,,,,,,k . aessiee a Brother.
I 1 1.2 by'AICRYLI Y * CUltetlFlßLD—lnoluding this medlelne. Ike ray that It is a valuable mediate In 01 p,,,,,,,,,,Z +eta Ri o -en. .
o, -k Beyagedie 1.1., Black Voplln. Pura blLltilici CUMPLAINTB. that
mauve. all ntestrartions to COL ODE ik VOLE,
blournin Pt, , titi, Black Lace/Shawls. . . the eireulatlon, rendering the Liver free, actdre. and heal- i rimer of Venn and Wayne
. ' _. n I Blooming der. It remove* Palpitation of the Heart, and relieve. In July 15th. 101. o 4
Scarce and Desirable Goode,
OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn ,
is;a^k Bengwlie Lath., Black leoplinr, Duel
Mournful, Pbpllne, Black Lecelthewls. .
Bleck west 311Am:dr.
. tiloetharae, le.. ac.
Attention let, their ck.lee aseortroent of Preach
Lao., We WWI Goode for drawee. ae.
We will receive. today a 5 twtaatwww, fee= New York -••
lifl3o/1 Ilres. Lueac _ • tel
. .
PAI3IEtI bill just sseelvs.l Krest wasisiT [WWI
unmet flAtuuts, Kral Itrautitul ussi norsl stylas. Al..
Al.'s sad Bars . Unal, :num and otbss Hsu : , telt
floods for Warm Weather,
4 Y it BURCHFIELD, at the North
ran with inngood. er oL
ulapte ,Fourth and Mark eat et s h e er. men con a., are ell
sod to.utarm wv
' Unfelt and Erench LAMM;
Embroidered and Printed Alue
'New nu be Victoria hittellatr.
lieratme tad 'Mayon
Plain white bwit and Mull dlnelink
Bengt De Lanett.
They ban duet rucelved inother lot of NEW 0001/it,
sun t. ellaugnbla Min for Una% black for do,
black Mohair Mitts, Lisle dlons, Whderel ..... Dotted Ott
tor do. neat plain ilinghame, dark Linen - Last en. Emmett
Linen and Drill., Blonde, new lark BROWN
LAWEItt, changeable PUPLINS.
Their .....taupyt being eery full, with MILLSUIDt WK.
/loon Of VOW gooda, and mid at kowkar Palcks.inducententa
art offered to buyers to nil and maktrthetr purchase,
Straw Bonnet and Rat Warehouse.
H. PALMER offers for sale, at very
. for
.Or a full sasortment Of Straw and Aniline
` S qlON'ti 7,1--Conslan and Arne:loan_ alai, and •
Simi ' , Braid, 1:1119, (Amp, Stine:). Lses. Hair, Pamela. deqi•
borpas. ao.
J/Alll‘•Slan i e, linAtlis'...ll.l , 2l2s . En=
i ttoe m i sad
F. l ,l'4,Batiogf.vAdd atm, Mils al ' , Lace, said flan.
am. , °lvry, Joaay , Wad, sod other adios, In vett VIV,
.1T of shays sod material.
RIBBUIVS—Ittet bonnet and Omni, plant qatin sod T.&
feet, all .lathe and colors; (alley imago. and Crape Caps
LACES—PI.). and toured white tot t.lored lilt and
cotton Naito. ,
STRAW TRIMMLNOS—eard.. Tam's, Buttoos, Braid..
Pe rl i bWiLeirlinch and Atonieso Portaa, bunches and
. .130.470 b a1l K r .4 " A1t i .42 . 71-111 are,. I in. 0 s Na•
plea inv. Jr Rains, Mrs., and ages Mins awned
qua and colors.
Si de Aor noxiities and onions
Atisn—illeh and lair priced Parasol, sod Umbrellas, hand
Boers as.. to. instal,
WM. LWkY'g N 0.156 Lawn
Ovary tura and gußerlor stock of. Fasblonabls door:,
atlaprol • Woof for.fiPslult: sontlodslutt dot
wrest styles lo Anterleals, Entrusn aul 'Fronds Crab
mess , . • yrs)" srlsOttl4 assottationt d'Vertlnar anJ Cloths
or every tiShlouablo abatis and allot; •blch,rogother r
t11.271W. Ttaert-dr:i‘riviglttol.,l4ilTaeleVi
strata west alba AlleZenler. all or ' whleh Proprlstor
whotartan:4d with tter &truth not
Rs will ecossturs
wfavor blur a call. that not nuts thst moat auturior
•Clothistir Is sold at thbe erlthllahtnout. but also at tbo tor
. .11.11trIe l fs Ing t iitliorirur azioutad, do,
boot possible manner, erasion
at thy abottrab oak.
' •
nor,.ooootandyrealdnEhlo B pdpg Rode of
• Oomidirlng In partthe lbUreslng "addles:
t a. 4 Valero% kilo CatTeol do. do. Tapestry
Belo do. flnorfortiUr.,l3l.24
44 84, 64,:n424 Vouldan; 44. 64, eas
0 .1 0 de,: 44434,14, end 24 Wool and cotton do.
Saul , cuatuo gaga aao vrtra raftai do; es.
da. do.; common Chml , lI.s .L. DooF Maw do. do.;
Au—sb.. Ohl Clo th
ant nu 60 or room,
44.74, 64 44..41 2 ,4 01Clodid. •
e o.
also,ausr al; ot slienr o.o. " thmi tr r .
'ians,fltaao.figAta,aa4:l4,ollDgr.Tablo sal Cm&
Coo n: F w= -lial.ra its . t r alrw * V. B'l= h p=
Cove do. Table do.: do. Budd do.; orddl Table do.
‘ l4 . I=pol aod pnretnowd out Maltreat:ma due
Vattatt4. Mug of the lade an 4 onod at ,
eoloz, WY an L:l=4
uses ym'ol - ,
MOM WW_Vg AradensMs. . •
wrusa,lllll., to can ass axt atack al
• The Carpet Warehouse, 85,r0 ' Wed. -
*1.19 ' W. OfeOLINTOOIL
The mart Extraordiodry Discovery he tie;World
the great Arabiem Renudyfor Mem mud Beast!
H. a Farrell's
I LI GI. EAIiIiELL'S genuine ArabituiLini
-4 i l hlch eT . e t s . :: ‘, . ,: zizti3te . rety i ey tt : and e: . , , i ; t:e s o t i r aj , t: •
.11r1e, and the many enree bring daily nrrernuei by It, •
•birts perviettely hod nodded all Wier medic/hes and the .
eltill of the beet playeiciasu in the world. It Is ...pose
of baiwino, este.lo.od gums peculiar to Arab.. pow.
ring. iu • cauctousted term all Utter stintedatun s ontt
4000, petsetrallni. uneutow all rerelllte pror j .., slog
ehe same which, age • am were used by Inn .. of the
lieweLe with nub minenhou fucreen. In mating the dlei
e.e. of both man and beut
11.4 tlar /alloying nunarkehle elan, which shoat' td
thnoseless Open 11. 0. Farrella Araideu Llnimust fat' be
i on/ any eitelles rempir •
..1...t. ~.? and i half ago, • twelling appotarealn mle
wiles unleash. gradually •turnenting In sue until it bt
sente I. liade as guy Qs; an so scre that she could 041
ko.or ins 1 , 4,1 pressrun. op a n. wlthout memo her extremis
pain. 1 0.,1 th e .11.i,a of our 1.1 donors, .4 Mel 411.10 -
, 4 to opluirit about IL AM. cold It was an Anne Cede. 4 ,
~nhugeutent of the lip... tome, that it a.. gniarg
scant .7 ths Orsrimn osrul other. lid It nu • 'rumor I
tho 00srleo, and ronll.l not IA cured szupt by cutting t
eot. In this critical Rilllialoll, i wee peneuded to try .
ii. Farrell', Arabi. Liniment upert it, and, enflame text
P m ert:. ' rta o l%. o s P A. t l i b uteTigttl i tr=grly ) 7ft? r JP:a
elle le . well ne e'er—et/toying excellent heasth. '1
O. Iletaiti NELL
Pear.. Marsh 6. 1919. '1
illobert thuds, postsezeter.,..w.l
.rtsdowin Pa, thoukr, lain.
One wont. his need your Liulment with great fleece..
She had 101 l the WO of bee (or three lean, the etude
heinst eontratted ro that her legawere bentes moth while
...hog s . IS 001.nrs1 for the leleitloo of Um Lege wialle
pitting, atilt she could out bend them In Ma least but 10
Oho use of IL O. Varreire Arabian Liniment, she Is now
vendo wile with ewe., aml teut saesht limb. I base
it • mo s t esswileut rented/ todettListht nlans for
eeory Ilan. which requires . external . edy.
The opielen et . old. experie..d. end Intent/Pr VIZIIOI.
11 aehingtou, low., June 163, 1100.
anon the speed/ end I.4.n:um:Lent cares, both on LOAM end
hew.. which tour A.M. Liniment iti Parton:M.3N I 40
hesitate to pronoun. It the `On . Reines. 01 the
Age?' I hasp usual doctoring horses for 10.01. 7....
.4 have tried .11 the vatiett, liniments, ointments, Sr
It. 7;,%'.fi , ". 6 :er1',!1.1', 1.T.t.t!:X',..=. 10 ."..;11T.: 1 1t2, 1 :
anolo, ale of. Hy Its UT, I have cured Sweeny and g palm
iz:nr.n.b:l4l4l;nbp7ard fi - rgiip;:',,T.7
moot; etub.rieg evert etswie of .11...., from ...hes
mai MI.. up Ur I. Pialtl. 11roter, and senemay. I can
• o w , twlti teetin,ouy el Its g egerte on the bum,. •0e
tem. I war routual nearly all last 'inter to nit room
with Itheinvalsro, and mold sut nothing to help me ow
til I emituensed tbr lure te tour Liolmeut whkh navel/ •
eured test wm. it. einsitn.
don P4O Of ten years' etamitug tutted Si 11. O. Farreb'e
drat.. I.lolmeta:
-11 r, 'II. U. V...—pray Sir i had Gen afflicted with
• the - Put, Paine we the lasi ten year., and roue W.I. , - ct
I 7=l::7l r o ' /It ' enTVirrAl h tl . o r l l . h " l.e fm74 ' . 1 3 s ti tlt ' ltr7s " ,;:
{our t 113, 1, • day. II Pas sPUIAY , 151.1.5... ll.' / barn tell
, I uothion of tt seise. I went Inw the stable one night, te
' TeI'.!L'74 . I b 4ZILTJ.II-',„,"WIT"a,II ift:lt ` q 'Gem
-1 .. 1.0810 that In, war,' as Wiaelt ny hat, render:4i
I the. Pe'nerieee 1 einlowi boor Li niment. and VIVI well
• ...i. In . low e.i. , ..•.1
m a*tdul agelneenanal. I at..
. crested no linger 1,-• theetlng anner, by leave. •
back..l.,, tail 01,0 It but ~...ur IJnituant ...heeled It up
j JOON U. 111.31.0.
La :ally Prestos', 10::0 ot, 111., den It, 1110
•I'.l °VAAL , AGAINI,T IM l') Ilk:&D Tug FOL.
Iltici CAIttIVULLI. •
- -
The Public ILIC partirultrie Cau - liZtira .aghast a Bart
then:et:tea which 1. lately mad. Ita appearance and ht
celledl by the Inopot.ter•ba makes It - te IS Farrell's strata
Ludo:lent — What le a As on. fraud and more lhiLle
to deceive Bun hie bw.IDA the ammo of Parroly Tn.rr
tore Le hortisular tutor to call Jar at Dar Our wine "Farrel/ a
Liniment" tor untrinciplea dealers will nohow the 511,i
1110 US torture el pon you Iseltb• melon, hut along', WO,
for inmSra Aentstan Terssotetr.' east take no other, ,
the trannine a/104lb. tluellettara 11 ts*r e ine"taiiN i
his stnnattire &leo on the nuteals le - tanner, sal thee.
ord. blown in the glee* boile-,11. U eherstre Asnotan
Assumes!, Taos.,
AO.TY swint to every Torn, linage and Hamlet An'
tba tSulte,l nudes, to whirls ohs/ o not e.tabiwbwl. Aptly'
tn letter to U. tl Darrell, Peoria. 11l , with gout telstallo.
new abareeter, reqw.onislity, te.
Oat. the agent lobo wall (urinals Free or Charles, •,
bask sontalunht nosh valuable informationlat arery eta.
wt sititnne.
Psicz , l6 rents. GO cent, end one dollar per Irrfie.
••,•••- , • • • • • .
lo Th c e
taoiTd a p r 'mi o
/le l, em mnadk etb.le b e y l e lAI.n U. Fa h rr .1,1 oll ?
ere., Peon.. and br*ale •bolema m m e ad r etai l al .
proptleMre. pr. IL M. ACLLYII.I.
amt.-1,161r :4 ho. Wood Mite,.
kAT U M CUNHA. AllocbmaT
The Human Body Host Peromre,
4,10 SAYS NATURE. to-have a -healthy ale
pa.-arxe: mod swrsons who Jo tut ire:spire. ase 11•131,
to the swot alrattetusa Skit laseases. Now, Jost,' !tall.
01.111 Cal Soap causes the. pernyttatlan, atJ the
Luse toollib n anal eottetto the Ai, ailing It the tea
• o •
Scurr . dlalt Rheum, and babel, a. not only hea l ed.
ennal by Its us. as at least physedasts ha N. York km
who we It In such ewes. attA had It nntallina--. al., In
aNact... Ilts
:neuter Is assured that this Is no wale.. pulled Swarm:4 se
ow tensl will peeve. I could entuurrans at. least stably
per eca.• 51/14 Or sore brad. aura lees, and tore Leant.
hay It—am the teed.. is again assured I would not re.
ally sell It be 16 abdes, unless 1 ltws• It to be all I state.
• Thooe who are liable to chatd.t.craeawls ebapowl best,
will 11.1 this cot only a Cure, but a r.ventivr. and I ern
now ouli 14,1. that any cate .11115114 with any a the It 14.01,
or atmtlu din bas. nll oats thie •µ4 even ix. r. to
rah. to IS probstbeet than I state,
Ike- but, trate, lb. entree ice hooded with Unitia...,
and he lore too eat I, Jot.' ltallanCttectical ncap—ani
boy it only ..1 Y. JACKSON. only Agent In Pittel.urgh.
• head of 11001.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure BreatlOo
b• lawl tor 24 ivialo.—lii•rvorili who h•re wo; bGooth,.
lily soured that a their treat, 1... .o Lail. or Welt
tooth iltway..l, dart or r.tbw, wtwlvoeriutiol with tartar,
that Tir root hat of J..' Actor Tooth Patti. will mar
M. kith to while a show, itet ft; trlnith otTiterttitly
.woof. . .
old only at JACKPWN . ? lto o. 710 1441 T it.. 0.4 el
A Seientifio Unalonic, flustorer and ilea*,
Jo—Tne kfuttlen, XL% two.. Thor who ha.* heed
s&./ Cwrwl Halt 1ta.r..111. auow waryllaut yealdie•—
Cb/ww who bare o/A. w• aisur• It to p.m. We toltowtal
wwwllllew—lL will warn the Lau to /awl` en any part wt..
owture luteu4e4 Lair togg top oM weOtt
Fclaadruth .04 11. k. liabt. r•LI, or Any halt/ Crow dart
or readerlug-tbe bar oaf silty. uctlans eara /areal
thl•—it cud/ re It truly twaut/fulotal Amp* 11 wo. ///,
clo/wl, the mat *—ref ouwerlor—orutle till
O To . only at WU. JACKAL/WS Mot. 24a. 1.0/.7 •t•twt•
#441.1 Of I. not, L'itit/harww.
pnew*-- , /M mut, t/u rev:, atLl $l/
JONES' Solution ‘.ll Jet, a Liquid Human
Llatr tbe twairiau, r. wtata, reg. cr Cry! alr.t.'•
•bcutful I-row. blael. lir • • few minute.
c.ota cad
nn4 mn, J irerom.t. neater Wc.l,
litningtheping the weakened Gall: Mei.' tune to the
earkiiie Inemtrating the eutire system.
,If teetlmosir of thousand. of thrills witoneei, trona
11 1. of ap'roottr), ran be yelled upon, It 1..111 Par
In forms
lei and trok la cnrwg tea Jmewq,
ini down conetitutiolia. It 14 purely roma ,
bit In it. mrop:eltion, mat so accurately combinet he
p a rties
et that
cheinieal, botanical, and moillml pro-
parties et our. litgredirot harmoniously unite to
Purify the Blood.
I, tm removed maul ehroxideilleekees which hare beard
the R he um, he beet phyvldaile, and [meal. cared Quaker.
Milt hryorpria. and bagfuls. which este•Paulls
syrup. .001,11 bv make the West leaptusalun Dpin
It Ao been tatted amour molt of CifiChltUUS 114-
310R 0 . Abe :wet *Galosh/ Canson have been tured
this rneellelne. Pay thaLlt Is • valuable mediate I. all
bILIOLS COMPLAINTh. - It nemorre all btatilirtlol..ll3
the eireulatlon, rendering the Liver hee, lutlya. and heal
thy. it nano.. Palpitation of the Heath and tel.:Teo in
all mem of lietlinia. and mei Le used 10 all climates, mil
at all moon. of the year.
ltd. Syrup Is prepare! only I, C. aII.MSE * CU, at 102
Fotautalti Meet. Prnaidenee, H. and sold, •bolesett acti
Only Agent Western 1 • 411011711i11111.,
131 - 107 Wasetioineo. corneLy . tocal .04000,11 eta 4111 0.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
'IT iilN a ?
.t w ... i . t . h . u . o . t , la t b g o i r ., !
ut. W . arr ea .. a , u n tl
toe, •
thaw - na woo list.—Put your clothe, In • t w o
quantity of Mil Water mem them, the. add two tatil,-
eta - sinful, of this Map Powder, to eseti eis ilueru of seater
ad d
with the elothee, If the water to bard, add more of
the Powder. end Loll them ten minute.: I. the Mean lithe
pr.. them doern with iotlek, the. put llama in • Oahe.]
matulent roll water. av that they Ott ~ tutr.firot
to handle. Then ru*.the dirty streets,. In otbetiviiitie,
give them • thymus. rlnelog, arid toot [ Is to
make them cleimo
N. it — . there being no rofilMin this Soap. It will Jam
-tha dothee very white, .0.11:10 bat ullr emelt, st. OM.
soap. do. The entire mat of the materbal geed doe! OM .
mood Omuta., to coultiletes,• 'maid.. of ten pematie.—
Warraoted not to rot or Imam the clothe..
This is • Powder that ens paper will make tarots...arts
beet family , Soft lamp. .
1 11-erake, say els Quart. of water and
mit the POirder with it, emit.. lot It boll, say Am mite
uses, then add ela ...UMW water; stir them Ititimalety
ii.ther, nod wt itawey where it *III not therm, sod
when sa ted It will border, Otto* and rilm White Poop, and
will Wash well, veinal nor eat the bends like tame 1011
lo nor rotthe clothes. Can t. used with bard or Salt
toter. by mskuag thepuntity Into elm 'warm Maki 01
totter. Thr. eat . • !ftStr 11 beet adapted for washing milto
and woollen good,.
Sold whole/mitt sod retell by R. E. .
ood I,
Yea No Li, W
Tht highly sanatorl. balsam', and tunlesropettlee
7W Is Vinegar. render It far superior to lblosW datum
tor the ordloery Panmere of the toilet and bath. entree!'
lox the IMMr In Ile perfume and theapnees, sad to its
greater efllrsey for the promotion of cletoollnees end Mail h.
It Is !tidbit reetnnmendod to ladle. tor the unttnarl sad
, g e ttrate purpose* of Ito NUM and for presersloa
Alabama of the complexion. Ito rmobant pmmertles Meg
per the brat and dm oats of the sod Impart to It to
by Inhaliog it and rubbing too
the temples, It mil 19111101. bealasta in a few Women
opt. gold 1,1 H. L. itECLZIIIS.Li WOW rt.
OTICE--4 h i g r artnership heretofore ex-
II -feting under m M. A. WLIIT6 A Cu., has
tale day leen dissolved y mutual eminent.
St. A. Wain:,
JOIIN itgAtig,
gull h. B. Waal..
0- RTNERSIIIT—Tbd nubscribers have
1( PA
Natant low Co.Virtner,blp uudof th. Ina of SNLIB.
• atotk a Olmi• , W.M. B. NBALFB,
• -,..-_ -
''i Removed.
rapEgNETT, BERRY & CO. have removed
w their nom Worobotaso, COM., Or Oh.m.U la.. a
t ettoteL Wit!!
Greenwood Garden:
iCHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining
Roses, ampberry,litiavbermlioneharm.Ahuttarti.
rk - „. k.rdr mzmatir Haw, &ad gram plapt an'
esattaer Orpapaatt Tar MA miens, bo 'found of
o..road Narant7. An Omnibus 1 t romatir of
MArtet and Fifth *treats, l'ittaburgh, .wry h l f hoary for
the liardiu• lm Creams nail other rellysheltLote derwo op
to thn Wiens.
• ..Ordera ouldresned to, the proprietor, Wen .Itaitehestar.
Alkahmay county, Pa., will moire prompt aUsititiort •
Prue J. JilelLalN.
350 reaps 11e,L m . Rag aad litres Wraytdag Part
22,0 Cri 0 0
50 Doable Crown '
GO Alsdima
125 " emoted Manilla°
IS , superior Post OTlee Pri;
lib Noah.° Medium 24x3 Muting Paper:
lOU " lamella!
1.4‘2,2 "
The !Mom, with a lot of odd alms of pap., for
~ ..le at
:the loam* prime. by W. e.. - BATEN
StitiolleT tad Papa Niger
.101 norms of Market ad s•ool3.leUlat.
. To Drag Otto and Painters.
GREEN "8" BRAND, Tampon
licawasn's Prfu - n, :wanted hr the Gobi Modal of.
Morrie= Inttllpte. km poo/elpg Ilitnl7lo, uni t r
laity of On& ale cog
d ltio n
..i f:fro t rg i viLi , ,,, . : I :
It i =ilo.. that Is mionent, *oaks, iwn bwitrounil
without dstsloisat to tfie Awls. iiilil bus ivilinisipils lim
cos to nzerarriag smak.soitr. •
klpitik aeon MilwillAwl sl igonit lbw Ow We of ads
aica - braut iof awls blivio.
will be stilii
. ip we sullingliwices. II.24IIILZEII.
1851. j'airsie
9.ABMIdeDABM3 1 011., flocurvirta, PMVILIMO.A.
.9111 E PROPRIETORS of this old and well
j. known Li., would Inf.= the out:MI:AU. ther
now In operstion tort thirreeent maw. wed naverommen
eidl waiving }}violet a Passengere which they are lolly
MD..' to GITMote nn tlie‘ and Late Prie
.o Michigan,. the lamest rani. One of the Meta of tole
Llna will be constantly , l at the landing, below the Morro.
rebel. Bridge, to rerel e freight.
LICIIN a. CAUOI.II'I, Ayrint . '
Oflka, mr. Water and ea.. l'ittaburgh
• R. W. Coonfontiirn, New Cagle. P. -
D. C. Daher , Pe, '
W. C. Mel.. tibun •
• t "" t . narrator/GP
Aehreik Ca., Greenville -
Wm. army. Ilartetnani
Wm. Poweo Conotantvil to
C. M. Reed. Erie, Pa.;
U. B. ***World. Buffalo. N. V. • apl
New Lake j Supenor e.-1851.
TnE new eteanker NORTITENER, Capt. B.
0. Swam% havin ever/ modern impmmanent Wt
sly .d comfort, g
Dave Cleveland on Yridai, the idd
of May neat, oo her got tripe-end wetly thereafter rm
Friday, at tIN &Omt. P.M., l'or the Sent Marie
Tbe steamer MANILITTAIi, Capt. Jogn CM-01MA
leave Mint Bte. rebid, for the different landings on Lake
Butt rior, on the of the steamer Northerner; making
a regular wkly Doe, throughout the 041.134 Genre.
Cleveland and tlieleopper and Iron Mine..
8. Y A. TURNEIL, Proprietor.
ltlevol.d. 0., April :5,1051.—if
act - Ewer's Line.
,!'; 185 Eaga
..epemi ontltals - of noon. Boa:,
Ptl ' attgg i =llaTtl=.ln=
ft tlnte. and at as lon rens; as anr
C 1 11IPPERS17
thst this MI{E.
is now to roll opera
nonntitY of freign{
transhijgogg. In at els
Wi; y e n!. Ling. e
{log-Freight to {ll j
Water giro., Mtgs.
Creek. New tiantil
~ ge intst=atell i t
the •otu
W. aforesaid Doi!". I
1. is hare also been made for carrying
urine, Johnstown. llollidaylibure,
; .. rlt c pft . aniburuhaintlutlli ii gg
i lforrilbuteoluurZan d .as o n,:
I OD the ihainsyleatila Canal and Port
1, u return loads of Iron neeurial from
, • rind suedes - Op to shipment*, to
1 at the lowest rate., may be celled
IWarehourw Libertp meet.
Srood door nest of the Canal,
I , LYOBAJI'd LINE. to mr brother,
, the business at Pittsburgh will herr
i • der the little of - Win. Smells= AI
Transportation Line,
.0 G AI I
U#r b. tranaart.a
hiM I
Bing ' 8
1851. * • 17 ...:
nes EZN
I &
being now open, we ore yea
, d foileaml promptly, Pro,iun ant
loireit mire cbuce.l Li ren.ll,th
Stexubaudire will be received and firward-d
tart sod went, without anr charge, for tot . ..lll[lg 6:
',theta, fralAta, commilteiao, or storage
Odle of Ladino forwarded.l all &traction. falthfuhr
amaind to. dtddrela or ands to.
WEL BINOMA-M CO., Canal has.
Corner Lamm' and Karoo ma., 16tteborah,
BINGHAM DOCK, 163 Market , '
between Fourth sod Violins .11,11odelthia
No, 163 North !toward Wee, Baltlmora.
J ANIEB BINOUA6I. No.lo Wert sh
Diehl New kcal,.
Sea§l.Bs 1 ErigEPW ,
merchant. , Transportation Line,
( IC
. ! • our 111.:-SIII Pl'l NU
. A. BIeAtIOLTY A et,, Canal Baal, 1,04 Yvnn laryyt.
e Vitrla.. RAYNOR, Central Lllonit. k3road areet, l'nue.
d'i Vetre Wpsr , ll , . rent's • tang amount merybanAt
04 produe.atu ablp tax the open lug of tha canals to l'nII•
elythts, and all I:ltem:male,. Ow.: at lower rates. amt
412W-•"ti thin
In n e!rt_Zi o n n u . m " ltroijl act n smvia , . 1.,
the . 1
CommlNHonera for ratrylOg our boat... lk.
Stain litlyvado, till preTrut any po.olt.lllty 01 .10lay •
W"."1".'" " A l :LTc ' h t lNATT ' l ' Al,
kill I Canal 11aszn.
To Shiipers of Merchatalee, Produce, &c
Univ. rnrcr..bna,salguag 11M n. roaf.
ai4, IN.. Progrintont Irr; Marini, and .
Warne intend. Pbrlalelphia.
BELL t LIOOETT, Agrots. Banal Bart, Pittsburgh.
JOB. BAY LOA rn):i. Agent,.
Re .4 orrparra, no 'then prolog of the Peonnybrao
Cartal. trotrart. for freight . too, .1 no
nOnt,rn . donpatoli and cat* an toy other Lice
ZAMLE 1851 ifiCa
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JAIlkB (PattiNOß a C'., Csutii Basin, Pittsburdh
rtiren, J /.11FLP a Co. Depot. Broad arti Ctu•rry
and toll Mouth Fourth strert, htlte...o Marlutt art% Ctoct
nui .trek, Philsrlelphla
IPett:VORS CO., 70 huhu strv,t. 11•Ittmore.
I fully eurUpleteti Our herallge
1 euti, we tall , h. hrepar.,l Irma theop...6 01
tuuly *gala Cattalo to
cant (night to Cur frcm
burgh, Umorth Phll•telpht., Nyw York.. lk•ram. Co,
ht Lout. mad all the ha.tlanl•t,
tower rate. athl with more dirpahlt .10 oth
Llual All vole thipp.-1 tor our Mud are lull, oot.t,
br tasur•ore. without stir eltartpt t owurre. • protr-tros
Dot en. ty atlordoil by au, other Lure.
All acirtnew.l to 01211.1 a I' PS 13/111,41,
alLit Cincituatt . Webh, Lena. arti Low. •
.horti , ht. Lout. Sill meet with Prompt
4kris U. Our Lane loot tto,hournou 'thugs, 10th to.
Phlladal,phia say Pitt.Loruh Trartroorration Li. of At
[1.41 (rho.,
COVODE & COLE, to Sl.ltrieu a Co•u1 , 1
• Canal Basin, Penn S: , ,rt
Penult. Rail Road Co.—teztral Rail Road*
IN CONi3EQUENQE of idle decease of John
Menuleni the pertnetuhlp heretofore, eultting bel Ire•tt
r.lett • envotte le bonny 4100 h -ed. John F . C.... ie
ly nOlOlllOl eettle the baslnetto of the late t.
lltunone 11nelug elstate yeettent then ler
narn et
ent. Intlelnitt,Jule 10.
iStat'restors W .41draden R Cavedr.j
ueiilese or the Agency 01 the Penn
*unit Ka14.4 corn 4.1 *in
.13 an! Wayne strt.ts.
A: "cultural Implements.
LIIAVE J ST received from the East the
fullowirof li4lemonts. ill of U. Yost rosuorynturo
ttor mot railr lootOoso. aud I would 15•11. ali
W.:Turn.) od elamOo• My otor-k•
I.llllol,3lachitmo, for earn. Worm 1,4; turnii, at.
tiraln Drill,Jorrot, eyn oat, aod tool,.
Corncobllouth . •
corn Nbollor, y bone an..l 0.04 irowor.
i 7 sfrw .1 Cori, Stalk Cutting 14rsr.. '
Veetable /toot Homo,
Oa Yoko. and Cow Cbslo AlwltArs.
Cutotert Wale kW (How Sittom, aed lion.
Coatoteld two, three Rod four proof/ ARA..
All mmoufactand Irma /to boa materials. and for mho
i'"*"d 1"4 tlmr. of
out: Garnerof Wool oat Sixth eta
.. . . . .. ,
hut: " Cotner of WooJ oat Sixth .) »•)..
'Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
rPATENTED, July 26th, IKO.—For giving
a beautllVlllluts toliataa,..thttato. cttatrt, Co
illirt Boma le- , sod alto pesos)) till btu froca
uthetlot to 1.11.11 1tc...t0l pre. ..Just from sllottog 1..
Limos, to., and utalris uothlou loltnimoc
Dinsotlout—Put • ply., the *set of • ora„lo • logy) of
stuyb thou boll! g., , hot briskly,
Prire, 124 reott per lltite.. „ Noltl i. whoist , lle and rotail bt
It• M. .1i LAMS 01 Wool et.
11CARD.—I have reuttited to my bowittore,
Move dant ttlow.) ath . olllttilt Aleut s ank of
- 01.0,ch, wberell trill bt Is)u to kw my and fel
low mut., sod atoll.' • share/ of.thoir custom. I • 111
taps ~,,, large slatorttatot of Upholstery, Italmand tint.
Mut, Carlo) Ilatr,ltiprlkg, hloas,Lottots u .{ Bus Mats*.
ten Father Iltdt, lholstoyt, and Yillotrlt Blankets, Quint,
okuntarpaatt, autly.ttoltala; Wholow Shvolts. of retry It-
Otte; Door Mott, tool *my artleks ustodly bond In tlit
• own attentive establishments of Dot kind. Orders respect.
fully solicited... Tat 1.21.pt1y. apfd,
. lairtl West.
1 - 41 - 061...—C eh paid for. Wool by
Pk& I . vitvute a 1.6 E.
Cornices. -
AHAVE jusi received from New York, an
other lona k anew .tyle WINDOW COItIVICE.-'4.4
Q.PECTAO lASI—We have a emplete
gragaZ l PP"Vir'""Vi g r j l th 'M
311, 3 ;jr,W,V i°,4"'"' 1 " 4 rtaaroc
1) 11Alt FORKS—A good
Harper a Co.'. celebrated Mr sod
and fur rase st eurtern 'niece. by
. PUlNDrATEß.Watarstreat,
daunt for Harper & On.
161,1:4 1 L.12i•
iIIT ___l dhent for Iht_rper I .__ .
Anthracite Coal.
o n TONS .Pi st, received, a superior article
OU 10 r...d lr " '91,TA71,7•,%11.1"'1t
--I Cour moon.
- _
Copper Stocks.
S lIA\ orders for the Stock of vari
ou mica. ComploOrh of Lake thoherlor. Th•
„,1t to otu ~,, thruomil, or Wulf
hir A. WILII2iB i CO
Pare Brandy, for Diarrhu3a,
pEAR IN u tiND, ishould 'you need French
n r ...ty, Sue Mr am be obisaaed
es Wert to the .mood. .tit ;err quart ar battle.
A :4 4 s. 'ma , to
arrlT• and • ado M
,r 1 Joins WATT A . CO.
ROOT-300 lbs. forpale
Ir r E SCALI:LaJ i ERS, or Romantic Ad- 1 'Lli#sburghLite Dularynx , Censls*,
alark tt ritl; ; g a ag T ' s j eo ' d f; Iltl C ATealriae,V - , S co3iPAA' was intori.irateil in
Trayals ta emetics; by LidiEtumt Wortley. ' Denary, IES, with • renegue/ Charter, and,haer
lly Sbuti h llus; by frau I , ter. ' entome Duthie. m a capital-of $1 \
TM Itig of Arkentm, 11 ...... Note', with ii• Th. Pam Sole biotin,' both utt the Joint Snick al*l e'`lll
Imitathipa by arloy. ' Mutual plan
ff"'"•' ,6 • l itt TES' la. D... 44. 14 Think street, On ill* Joint Stook plait tlia Mitt Mu se-thinl lese theta
pp.ite the Pont ce. • \ mg= 1 time char }J kr nuttoOle...V.llAg62__,Ffn...Pll-C.6f •
g lOX'S ' Patelgt Sparkling sinews-3 gross ' ''lfL u r "''' r.
are " ' Jur ' W" ti - iuse ' r6d7tol by .her
N....' for mi. be \.... • KIDD a CO , l ...Ply cr.dedi Cotopas=. ' Aelosonol on O. mato.
ngEl , tto Wood m. al prlomplo ha the gombilied *comities fornithed by that
i, M of Insuiaticru mut thetas' Deland Surplus Emil M
'lj KO BUTTiEft- ,c - ,,. ..50 kegs prime, in good J,Llat ' l n itra Stook aeportoornr. ~ _ ,
IM. . shipping order, f eals by , \ % The Quitter peozdta the gran ' idteg or insurance en ad
ug. , SASIIIEL P. suravEn. t. TI YIT .... 1 ...1ft0r th. Th.' °( I t i f ...a ik4 t;.. • •
------•------- mots. relatiostada eyoruilons—toinsone ' the of
TEAS -40 hf. cheaks Poirchong; ' sootherforthtdronntegclustre bettelkt,payable after Meth.
111 or upon this part:lta . j yin at the sae of 60,66.60, or 65,
?•,°, :: s 'Y '',r 2f " f • •• 'et the option of the . ,
1 io • ''' \Tn l 7: l to ". ho' ..le ny ", ' ' dames S . :; -. tx:ndent %
seals dANILS INALLELL,I26 Pilau • ft.% '
—-- -,-- -
SUS /411),5-0 east,L.sla; ' /moth S. clt, Truster,: \ \ f •
Ebert. A. M.o. Secret., \ i
• • • boxes t Lemonade: \ i • ' •
t 1 bbl. Zutte r . for ale by I e gg ,,,,,, c Iw o n r ' ,%,.,..yti S. Ed .k elt. '
~,Ls , J: D . 'ILI-LOIS a CO. %, John if. Eislienrib. \ `Charlie A, ' no
k e ,Z UtiAlt---S8 \kinds. Cuba d Porto Rich', • '''''''''' '''''''''''' ' '' f, t r . VhUnt'- '
J. A. WIU ,
-0 nu gg e t , of pr.. ouallty,poi sod for SAl•br \
...10 'WREST DU-EN:LEO ...Liberty M. • • flint Wiliari Wllrlto, '' la a fe r lretr;rary . ofWar -I (
riIIOBAC6O-- - fdlidgiio. .ff . i s 1 \ th'.
"T"'"" ''' n
earn Stue. la 0„ (Jostle of Pitts urgh Bazv.
1.. by taustl6ll , 'JAN. DA LZELLES Water tt. : Malocilm Leon, Eon, Wholesale Orman \
entlcticad. \
i t tiIiESE-10ii mies 15 • . 1i.., for ale by 1 ulot. a. 14 . Immois, A. D. SI out, Eat. \
N._,/ auvi6 \‘
,‘ JADES DA 3.1.. =tut Loaallt.l.7' .
1 : 'o. I,fora b y .I. war ti ‘ o„7.aa %I f; n°
P IX ; =
I ARE) 01,L—'20 bbl 'll•
t i
4 4
~,,,,,,,, , \ , , A. ,,,,,, r .,,,, , ,,, dereollaa ' n Mll. ta i - E.O.M.'S=
\ \ r"' Examittout Phyrickolg.
k.; PTS. TURPENTINE-45 eels. fora g k by 1 • 5.....) Do. m• D. 47 11 ...ubtio , s. t• .
1,3 *stag • IS A. FSNENTOCE a • s ,figs` Ate , f 4 .
If. ti,.., =lr. atreet, \
UP. CARE. SODA' -1 .kegs EngliahAor ~ , ,..w r ,g,,,f' "'
x„...rv,'; D.
t. 14 r t . ,:r t t'=, „.,
1.3 rale 97 , It .A. PAUNLoTOCK a CO.
NT UTISIEGS—GOq , lbs. prime`, `for sale by \ ''' t•- 9. l ° , l 4, b .l ' s ° 7 P r ' ' r''' '
v er b . co d Ur r o L N. &et. . (
LI augl6 B. A. VALINMOCK a Cu. . - ---
-A— v c , --
MACE-200 -------
MACE-tool VDT gale lit - \T -7- ~ ----
`State \Maui \Fire Insurance Comiluny.
mgl6 , % r
FAj ' i • N•4slls l C4k C° ' I OFFIcE,— ' \ lr.. 54 Suirtinuts &MYST, I
B iyrTEk_..9 lib's. Packed, for sale by , '. \ Mrrsocuou. \
tioL oiri t _o IA A:: f l: 4 ; b 'k' , l g l :::: „., ' d n :,: . 7•• i r v, 7, ,,, , 1 T\ ,, E best '" evidenee ""' Of tb ‘ e l' at i ce 'Y e l s " ; l o s rthe, .."
k Fan by
_yi Lem t a ts spArs rorrA
b. P. %ON 41166iflOEST i (lA. s\ 1 I k l ' .E ' 171.51/rildli " lE Lv..JVP47 ,4 1 1 m eet the wants ot ~,,.. ,
IV INDOW GLASS—Extra quality and as- t * b t ' ite ' n ' t * ta ' o=a r. dgektia L :foltVpll t .J . Autzz 4
. V sorted Yen* adds rands, tor W. f.! , • the past yr•t, thereby addle li3o,lltai to the funds .4 ;
seal:, F. VW. 6yONN DORSI k CU. , of the Cote c tifty. Neari[ all thenntrty lOstired ts of the
Q I LVER PATENT LEVER WATCHE`i, Z. ''` ,,,,, " Mr . 0.,i "`rn rus ts
Pr T,„,,, r6"' u"":"."1
v, (co. 11, to 425, and warrautel, last reed _y9 expoos %AM . 6 .0 t 7 itr0f.f..... 2 - ' \ “"•-•' 4
an.11./.ta by laug2dl • W. W. WILSON. Do. do sop' ten:outdo]. calimPd. ,
.; q'd
Do. do. to fore
iOOPER WATCHES—In Bunting tend oroooot or Prope Insttia:cl . ',
\ "51'L 17.0136,619 I
V.) ply. Case, and at unusually low pricey Thaw are I,J. mn, ,_lsied,b4ntedesf.l.PlN - d-E 201 .= 00
O. best London manufarturnd Daub, end of unequ al . W. 't. ...6' ' \ 7,6".0g1 't
yt reputation _ l aug•66 1 O. W. %gum,* • Do Premium V0 1 pe..._.-.. ...... ... 10,67667
lkiJ. TOBIAS &CO.'S WATCLIES—Now go- 111 ,, m5,„ • •si -- 7 1.-
~,, --- m i y ., 4 -' 39.. -.•
dVI• on hand a and amortmesit, to Slanting and Plato - r'''' -- - '''''. ''''' ----f- ''• • - ...1 14 \ ' i
• 4,W, of thls old •stblabed mate, round and dukably lrol.d
ZIA V. 9ld 1
a nd hare given the best outstation ot my Watch ere
sett. CM coon
i WW. 1% ILSONi . O hole ain't Immo and •R opal .. 1:M.41146 ,
a t tezp, y e o gr g e , ~,,,, ~,,,,a; ~,, Belau, in favor m the ta :,. . , ..7 , 5h., \112T.E.Z4 46 ,
Ig,l OR IS' TEA. MART. in the Diamond. ~..1 , 1 : ,.° 1 11r,1i , ,° ' ili,,. "" l' ' ,,,` "T'6" , tt b oo or ':"l oll C L 'b°l .. " , "l"l.l.tu aafetr % '''' S ~.
1 1,1 latosab tgr... leas time advanced lathe tot. ;" --f s ity;m6.en •to nd ' inot - andiNComp.My In this oteittry. ,t
they are tiling preroely Ow •UCIY qualttle. or ohl tmo. t...ducted Oinha eqattabla ara scrratltUPPeo.valq...4. a
v at tbal a utifhmapt, Gan. • far, amt on band pity o f ch,,,,ttestwoce•dome, eyeludieg all somial nadame, net
et,....4 p v . ,. to the ihe.' elicit. cad) a hudtiol amount in *Nom locality, thin We-
ter, it perior Orott leo, LO. :Ml. and II 14 .
cludlidf the f requency .4 Pe. ea o f luxe area, and ;
• •• •• Wick • ••• Su, 00 and 76c. -
Ileul St vers. 7 and Pc. ' is te IO ifi'n''' bath the "''''. '''' ' ''''.l
j". " tt "IY V."-
- aces the cheapness and secounnottp of to methods,
r aug3,
F ,.}. BOA RD PRINTS, at a discount (d t ra`; ‘ ,l " , . —ja rMii i itnit h . ;Van ' ri:Vß al ont f' sm T
m =r ,, , , , ,. ,
s rr:fl , 2,r . rj . %. pri•es, JIM received at Kota, Mho D. Packer, Jobs 11. Estlierfonl. \
3 e. OiII.III.IIPOYD, President
. 9 .2. ruouos PALNIEIL A.. 1. cauxtr, beit,retarf, „
. ~. _ , .__
i I OF FE E--401) bag 4 Rio, principally r rime A. A. Camas. Actd.r. , • ,„ otEf • s .
IL/ tuo rir d et) Pi nati by JOIE% Nif• - r a ' cu . ' NII -- , A Sets titrilsod of,Eneen per cenikou expiring
son. pollen.. has been declared bp.. Director., .01. a.. oa
-es'," . ale at tho OMNI br or raleasokltie itt'taah ,
; 1,,l ALE IIATUS —5 tons in boxes and bbl... " th ` ''''' q!' ' ''' l2 1 !'•-" - -- '•‘• __ A_ A - - -C--- " T f - A-'32- \
lk 7 for 551.• 1.,. ,
- 0. DALZELL a CO . In - Franklin 'Fire 'lnsurance Co. "of Plolad'a, ,
..., l__ Literty arm, _
. ) g i Ili ARS-10,00U Principe; p IRECTORS: aorta 'llr'. Bancker,kGeo. •
ii . Ilichandly Th....11mt. 616ndecal p. LOW, 'Notion
I 1-
. 0,4i00 Regalia
. ledas) Haemio r agner, Adolphe P. Bonen Sayami Grant VaMd S. Orton.
Mesh h. Moab, Ilorris rattat Z4l. ,
SO,U*3 11.1 f Spanish: CHARLY , V. BANCEl.E.,,Prasidna4
' 6u,taiu molten far !sale lon br cauurs u. sto Derr. ' , ,
mutat ENGLISH a Basta-ET. Thin Comigny o w,
am to ..blvll insurettee, parmatie\
‘. 1i It AR--ty2li lehds. N. O. fur sale by or tunnel. on eyery dosminfmn of i'o4ortr to awn .....,
country, at rano as low as me coollatent situ security.
es ....1 migAti EUDESON, LITTLE a CO. TM Company have reset yed ih. UM. , b..bilbibia. Md.
t. otacb, min their Capital it... 1 Promtlamageittaly inyeated,
100 Ebbs. Straits, for sale by afford ample proteetten to too mattryt. \
0 1 ...Ca d•u ES DALZELL: of patent- , The assets or the Unarm.,, on mammy ist,DiSi.... Doe .
- I Dotted turretably to the a lot Asatmhly s warn i* follows,
I. `COLE LEATHER-3511 Sides prime, for, tit - - • '1
tj eats by .1421 JAM. DA LZELL.
Mai ettat. -.....-. 114,3:y In
MACKEIXELL. " SO bbl ., No. 3 Large; ' • TZT:',7 ". 7' .............. : ::::::. . 5 11:b1M \
1.. , safe br% iu
a, goals % , J . ... 0 Marir V... • 1/..=..1411 44
, f•
4/34,11A Ft— '0 hiei.. N. G., for said by Noce their troorrormion, a pedal of 1:1 years, 4bt
bate paid Upwards of One 11111100 sour liondred Thotteamt
C o i '•Nn5l. J. o DILWORTH a Co .
Milani LtAisa by Von, thereby allmetog emdepris of the
, ~,
IiOUNIN-- II don. COVE, for saw by advantages of IMeratece , as sell m their ability amt. du-
II it a 06,14 , vellum to meet with promptness all Itttelltioa • \ •
./,., it DILWORTH a Vol . . • J. tiAttLin Lit CuSOll., Agent.
, 1 IttLII ItGLU I\ 20 title. for sale by, ' split • Obis-. E. corper of- Wad and kit eta
a 4 tonll. J . Kappa Q...,` Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Fbilatl'a
,OFFE Ps-I - ti b 0 , Rio ,fortaleby ' . •
o.N , . ' ' ' ' t,.,. i t,„,,,,,„ A GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W. H. DAVIS,
" - • - x -- • ‘ rllloire J. Vinneyidr.. amount.) No. 363 Ltierty next •
__ ,
N Etl , PRINTS A ' Illie.—Opening tios'• ~,,r.,.''' ar t b. w. -„.1•-:t..-..„,--.: , ,r„Tx7,1t..114:.
0 , 0 Ina an ineyetmett of nete• sty I. Vail 11 . 7. , -. \ ftwo r ato 1.2 azd ' lt. Kid ids ' age nt
at the coupling rum at
sorra...l lot cense.,
;a - ",'''' it, Sehommaker aCoNoEt At mid Meet Shay all-nine.'
M"." , 4 111 , HEIM ELC smy information sillier ;Otto ant cuomunications Map.
• ti the Tsui leo and
..... I UST iCEIV,ED, fro the Phillipsville l A * :=ViTi., ll:ft:T i t : V.4 :trteolt formintrarthed os
'Jr Oil Ely. Factorylo6o y. .6. and 6 quarter PAY applicatlott.. ..
.ot tamed Carr se .1 Cloth. lie I. trite the attennou of Capital stork over SNOOD* mil enordantly incressi.g.—
, ebolnal. Maly and carriage inmate:Dims to.. aboyn Prondi dlyidul annually mtiongst them tiusutrvd for Ida.
viii Natulp—they YU tPd It to thmr.vaptase In poechasuu, - is • burgh. dm. 31. 111.5L—.3.1
N"l - PRIN1 T S A ' iiir.Opening Ch.\
rso Ina an lumen:nen of ne••atT le Vail rt , ot-• \
...,„t4 7 ~,,,, 111181 1Y a 11 , URCLIFIELS.
JUST :CEIVRD, fro the Phillite . .ville
01l Clyth Factory7.o , A, ,o . Land 6 pouter Pat.
end 41,mted Carr Ka t o o!
Clo:tt. 10n norlt• the attennon of
•holeu.le &Ala and carriage nosulta.eturetts to the shove
Nourle-they Yil nod It to theirsthaptase ho porchaaihg. -
at neat, dvtertot too...flat acct atk l artide at at M.-
..I wring,. • ht e batter and lone , than aur odor
hon.. tu the I: 01t..,1 'tate. ... 6 t . P 1111.1.1111.
ana,.....i _ '.. , 7 yaluilt Want at
pilt: W I' RR& (41 NI EHI is:OsA-A.. A. 151s
'sos a Co. Itsveonat r....01vf.,1 . large lot of •upeiloo
tioch ttlerloar., QS tbu ual doolreble ,badea( of oelor,s,
al.e•isee,or foe thv all travary ehesi?. .nn-.
likT3 * StLKK--liii . 'dthi!i day, &beautiful
ill to of near ..tyle ..iir. It od o , ati , u
de Chem., riot! ~ .ci
",", at !”....0' I. A. A. lilAmtN a CO.
1N Ma,' a Co. h rust \ , p , o , ed a now loof ikon..
an,l,Thannet Illl,bone. tall
ctrl larb that rill otter tor,'
cheap . tt0,"27
1 'HEAP E3I3ROIDE og—A. A. ,
x_,' • Cc hate )0.1 rte's anotheyt. rtf three Ter, cheat,
Embroldetivet; nand 64 Slarket 14 soma:
, INj EEitLE WORK COLLAI::', of new and
11 h.. 1 . , :w0. • 'lees., as. openiu b .
augilO ` muariu a t CLIFIELD.
F .,._:.,
LOUR-4) Mils. I.l.Rpragne's xtra lam.,
far tab, 1., \ ana2l b. • St.. (UR AUtill.
U ROOMS.=2OO doz. for sale hy
is 00 101 b d, SI . 1161211 A 1,11.
111.1EESE--1 k boxes Cream, for sai by .
V 1 .0 01 \ 0. • IV. 11.11111.11et0 1.
1 - . .
GUS --I bbl. ler sale by •
mar! \ s. • la. 11AMIAILIGIL
ik,fil.St4cs 7 1TO BAR-51e
,see rL ap 4 .10 I si. i ,,, ' ils o t s f e . e ,.. 1 , ail
au•2o , (...: and 64 Markt; C., \
i i RIM PED A1880,N87-A. A. litlescer%t Co.
have lord recrtved • laigA ‘ tonvir 0 0 tha abo.ti.A•
•••urted ola, wag.
' \ .
, • . i- -A. A. hlesoii
• x co h••• Just reed por es Pto..:. • large a...went
Cr tripnt Tulot.n., ambart...4 ,lota. ', ~ .4.0)
~.1 co. 41111 continue to rears. adirOtetoll onantlitc, of
autlful near mile onhtt , idern, .m10..11 that. .•.1
rbear. . 1611tt
SllOO OE R,S.-25110 pgs. Baeon hihouiders,
10.0 reed from taloa+ hon.., fon Aalooty \
an/e.., Itatli 3 Olti, LIITLF, a Co
I'N4' 4 l - tENCII GELATINE:, White and Color-
00. trt - terred to any thing of. In Unt thrmnking
. j"
'l. . 0.7 -1- 0-vrm A M'CLURO de+,
sou , / 1 256 Liberty at
, OCOJA &HELLS, remived fresh from the
I mauutactqr, lAL,I
arAl r., w. 1.11.
ttEFINED SUGARS-3J bblr Lovering's;
rmobod, pulsailla.L eon wainei, ca. tool sugars,
cur pale at Y. 1u.....1 rates. by the barrel mull by
W 11.,.. NcCLUII.O • LI.
ala s : Grocers a Tea Dealers
IV 'Tr . ..IV "'"1.1.11,11 I ' A ', TAT Co 1"
i • l b
__ _ .— -......—. . _— .._ -
1Y.":., A P . P . I. ,, ,E r Szt , - F li t h . l u s i . i, and
, c.iit . juat
0 . UCKILS-30 doz.,Oarietta, in attire and.
UP for dale - (..„,,, -., J. B. Ce , ..a VILI.Lb_
TOISACCOH2IO boxes Richmond Tobacco
—;,". sod b' IMs ob•elsob roved brands ' labinag
r.,...e by .1.13111 • I . ‘;I4I..ILS.)ALIak A Co .
...11 volun, am, rul) by us ro . aviva lb. buyer so
art cl.. 51 onywriur .A ualay, at • low ,i n Ice. 0..11 sod rue
them al
--,-- — l ' , . , '' \
.I'AP}.l( tit) roe aserl .l, fo ib r . sille by .
(. 1 ASTOR \Ol L—XO\ !ibis Blow's\ 'o. 1, tor
vt./ ..). br \ is. .I. J. apt, tCO
t‘OIN BALANCES, , r detecting TN:looter
x. / blt Amtennareolo. of all sonortnition• Ifrs , •
tar, putet and ballaile deb.rtc, too sap try , ,
ausr, I . H. VS 1L.a.1.A.,
... ...
CIOLD PENS/ fine i soitment ok)he
1._.. hem o band. Mu warranted.
auss • tk. W. WIL:IIr'S '`,
rt — ' 4 ATC—‘ssO libls.l — n storo and by
mug', , ISAIAH D "1 e al.
Nli oLASSCS-160 b in. Plant Bon, (ba:)'
40 9S.Janys&ndar Ilcure.
turZe by • JAMES a,. 1111Te1i1.....(ei a mi.
nose .•
L ., MERY-35 kegs (ass rted) sus rior too
-4 Gilt sold au thins.. .t, Mr aals Vs..
sue, a. SCIIU a NIA KYR •Wo.
0. MOLAS:SES-' —l5O bble. (cylire of
....., OO
For sale be - R. a. CUN .,„
KIN W td
L . 0 01 4 . 3.21 Molly qtrral
(..a 11. biaLASSES—' 20 bbta. Battle ts'smim, ;
i 7 lot cub, lit . R.O. cliNNlNUtilkal,
0.14 ..,:.1 I.ila.rty rem,:
pi - K. APPLE COI:ESE—For Hale Lt .
1114. A. 31rOLURG ,11. CO :
WIZ 4 • , Grocers and Tea Dalki.M
i tor ..I. I : , .IL A. CU:Oa:WHAM, 1
uAI4 L"..,.l Lil..rty am.:
pi "E APPLE COI:ESE—For sale Ly
ryll. A. 31rOLURG A. CO .
aux 4 . , time.. and 'rcs Dalki...
HOL AND HERRING--Id kegs Neu .
tun ild IlarTluk, for poly by
.u. 14 1V 1. A. SICCLURO it hl.
1 U134146 'bade. pripo N. 0., in store
1,,,, And for gra hr
4 - pa I
PI'S. TV ' ENTNE--.3Q Lbls, in flue or-
R•-\r ,
kJ drr for sae b J. SCUOLIAILEH. A CL, •
ILI Q.I,ASES2OO b Jo, N. 0.;
IT s ' 8.:, , PlAnlerst Syrup:
' I:. —, Nutsll , Also:
Tor ale by \ A ug' 'J. A It ILL/V.
ila UPE_4 .070.011/1.1. 1111,17S.—'hicueur
.e..j llencrtrALL. Intro T 1.4 1111, mornlnc, • fiii-Llte
.A.uptly .f thuAlr. mar., d dr.itrAl.urtletr. .
±1.1A19 \
.2 nu _ IdAringa Wourlll r , !,.
P'''he - ...6% - na t .. e.,411'A.% , ,... gyr...
' suulli.. \A\l , Ilsikc!rltta!,urgh.
DEARLASIP— ~ casks daiiisNto arrive
L for .1* h y \ SIL VIcTIL a.
nusls \ Round , un-13 II Ildinx.
POTASII-15 a,,,k, pure,' r arauly
Jl_ unarl9
~_ IL PLC 1711.
.. —,..
No: 1 3 MAO
WQOL-5 s
UTTER--13 kegs Spring, fQ;
IC 0. 2 e30
4.• Iter "la mugio J. 8..
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
\ .
TIIE \ Turance Company of - North Atherica,
Philale Phia—Charterentltt. 'Capital SNMAMO. dioett
WIT LI, 1.551. $1.001,216 611. Will make lonownee or,
buildings and , tett conterdo.ln [llia city and vielitdtm abo
on P.Psrly o Mary delmiption, shipped per steam bow
thd other taloa 1 er to inland tranaportaliOn or on the
a.. \`'
. . mamas. \
Arthur Q. Cotlit \ Pre's, Thomas P. Coles ,
Samuel W. Jon A John R. Ned,
Edwardgmith. ', Mahan:llA Woad.
\ \,..
• John Ailtrown. •„ William Welsh,
eamuel V. Smith. ' Prantgai Making •
, bansuel Drunks, P. Ausdn Ailliona,
V.l Cloaks Taylor, Km. E. Bowan, \.•
Ambrows NI tete, :,• At i ...01.,
hoot, M. homas, \ Junta N. ,k,...,.:.
, O. alorrtsWslo, . , U. D. aberreerd_, betey.
\ Itin is the oldest Disarms Companyin she United Motu
and from its high staildiog.l . e5r ... 157, am la =est.,
ant srotdi as all mks of an _ u . na .ellautarlit
1911, \l4 anvil . seed as offera la rirAy4 thettlia. ,
W ' Insirance Co mp', of iittsburgit.'
toFITAL ssoooo. e MILLER, Jo.,
l Prdudeot, P. M. Gordan. becielly • •
11l lospresoinst all Undo of Mak , * Fire and Mar Di.
All Dann irate liberally salivated soggromply paid.
A home lartlon—managed by DINO= .do ate well
known in lb commnnity, and wbo ari , deptinotregi by
promptness a I liberality ui maintain
the h . tss
. racder .Lich
they have SM141:10, as offering Cia brats to thaw
who desire to losored.
Dmecroas—R. iller: Jr, Geo. Blob, J. W. Butler, N.
Dolmas, Jr.. Wm 11,11ohnes, C. Ihmsen, tioo.V. Jackson.
Wm. M. Lyon,Jampflogn . tatt L tlentite Darsiaamas sr- !
A Zg,N, ? ::ii .. :: 0;1 " 4 1 ,10tt., (W•arattouse of .pang 0 Co,
—2itsys.)l'ittaburati, :•,,1-, - "1 .40117
ijo ,4w.
laware — Nutuil Elifetylnsirance Obit
' CHANGE, Third aDeet.Philadelphis. _
. ./1 -lbstrases,-Quildings, Maras ot De, and o e
PP rope ,la town and wli . ; tamed vtgOnel. low ti•
a..,,,,, .i, 7 lira. at Dia loves rata of premium. • ' i •
Mining Lescaigcr_Thef m frame Vearols. CaNtoeads
and Preiglita, Annign or COM 19e, ,under open as Qom
polleieg lw•the mural Mar d0n.... ,
Mom Tganarowtartre—They UP Douro Aferehandlse
transported4gons, Rail road cars, Canal .Date, and
gtaiti boat., rive n and lakes, Lin tie roost libaral Dram
• Dilicso ph 11. teak Edmund A. dander - , Jobit C.
Dia* Rotett li Non, John IL Rymer Samuel Zdeards,
Qooggit Ciitelporlgdward Darlingtod, Dom 11 Davis, DR"
Lam Folweil,' Jobs Noribi, I), 11-11.. littatVans C.
Rand, Theopbßusa Paulding, 11. Jo ges • Moo Henry
Sloan. Rugg Craig, Decree Perrill. bfalmwr elh.l.
Omelet Kelly. J, 011,3ohnsoo, Wm. lige, Dr. P. now.
John :tellers, Wm. Eyse, Jr.
Dasetoss. ar • PrentelDtan—D. T. alerst; ,, Digh Cmit. •
Jana os
%Smut.* mg. Pro e.U .... :Q. Ten. C. , Tint Press ,
dent. Joattu W.' Coltait, t."l.
Alil-Drrici of DO. Com r. No. At Wattro tat, t 4,
burgh. plett.•=.l \ r. A- MADEII Agent.
Ohio Labo
$0 IV/ 11111 i
Per cent. Strength. \
OWELL FLETCHER & CO., MlitlllfaCkrt
rara ot AILCOLIUL4 PuroSpirtta for Wo k: taro:al Oran,
et : l:upper Dirtlllal Vapor NI Waa l .twat. on bar/.
Cot -oar of Vino cod k root Streets, LISCDVAATI. (Pao.
—Ali order. from Pittsburgh krill-be promptly fated
at lorret Market prie.,
Wines and Liquors.
,107 Li3erty it., Forrorly Dari, cniatr factory.
n. receeterf, of pittobutg,l • La.,. liroaCerro., Y.
imams. to th• intoll4 gerarellncial their !Arbil,
r.fai‘, 00011
woe Irsep • roll essornaent ot the beet stork-cloiselbs estt .
French lot end white Wine, Abet. Bretch Wit eralpaie
Brendle, gittpc choltest vintage; tamales nom, lioliand
.10 trub Whisker, et...ape/ma IBA sparkling book trine,
of die moat agproyed breads. port 21 . 4 c , t5f,c 0 .7t
end muscat Wince, Alegarls, Or. Alra.lcalines, 101 l
herrings, Salsa and Llinburch Cheer, All oferlileh they
1 .011 choicest, or retail.. the malt mammal° tem.
Ainit of the jpertnere. Stouvenek gal rantlinalng his
‘ l2l7e:lttrt rlrs"ch la the
grb t :„ Y e ' e ' ;l4V, * = ' a ' a3
octilr house to tabs ray. Blevie . friee us • rah hefber rat
purchase tliechere,
.11-Ferollles supplied free of extra charge, end et the
shorten notice
. . .
Lewin'a Patent Reversible Water. Filter
IS .101 V to be seen in operation at lirld-
JI„ TATA".I.I 4.10:0-, Slumbers, Om 10 Fentth street. be
tween Ferry mad Liberty tir o
5.,, s a d at PRIOR a WILEY'S,
On. 10 ALarkqt exert, Cittsbarith. TM. Flltet hastomjeed
• dold Illolaktrom the &terries, Institute of
ana • Certificate room tbe Franklin Intonate of rhgaleb
Phi*, for Ito suberierity Ist imeleattsinittnoPerntn •••."..
Ymtintates Itool b tre baring them In um monliadelphlL
which tbe fel ‘InF amerampler • • ....
V . - •Pcuramuntia. Martin 411111,1041.
Nat glee , ter veil blossom to
to the Loren of
putt, elma Inter, n.,. Patent Iterenrible Weer Filterer,ito
v e rtles , l ,, b , Llr. belda m luring retied ox of them for peter
\ v "' ( . 7 ' kt1itri 1 14 20 14.14T,167 aru b tlimet..
- Pruumareta, Mann Ztb. l.
live Fatent Bererriblo Water Filter.. trammed by Mr.
Samuel I. Lewis, and toted by me for mme mouths et nal
I t herefore
donee, Is all 'Oat =l' Parton ...La wi. ,,, .
I therefore nobler it A privilege to bare It in toy tower to
taltomman It to the pubilm,. JONAS P. FAIRY..,
. ~dill, ho, I Sommer .tweet
Them filters are antrantad to take out any smell or
mana which Mar Klee from decompeeed enlmel or mot.
bit tiatter In the water. They \ are trarranteo CO Ur: Mee
fear; and nithlnntinarY ore bill lest tea: Mal =MU.
OAT to to seen it be approotatetb
otielf ,TN ANi A a TER &bJAIHdDeD.
treetal hl
IFAD uatanu
improved patent 4 Geld rip. for
'All elm on ben/ t0,11=1,4„4,,,ban0p,
131bl:out mat.
,„: - ' •
. ,
, HeatingThindTentUatiOw. ' - -' "T• " '4- ,; • •
'WE ARE AIAKIN4 x APPARATIIS- for ' ' ,,',
!! ugra : t a wri==.oounitoost a brx - ::
.' •o . every deforiptlon. public a 44 xrcivoLLlno,Laair .• tfjr.l% .
• • ord UTTiAT Rom., AA' . 1 1 4 0 .4 M• *Am MAI. -'` Eon A •
',operotorr,oltAior high or,AArr. is d. , 1 osoLA+ . 4A44 ," ' Krone
lar 146 Vroli r I P‘U VALVol ' oN[M.InMs, 4131 - ; '& 64. ! . .
.or 7 Fwarlon..4netiOtic4 ir.i>. ,I.: ' : .=,
..., t i ; r 1 i k
~,t ka s Alm trAEArcern Moo. " . 81,..
• dried. temiosstwe ' trlt.b.;.4oura - ftiell troo= C . .346 -ra
li °I:7II".",t."BIe"ArrETATTINToaViri--.- ‘„..-0i.,11'.
N : N at.ut.b.g
\., tgley's Pat, Clay.. :A I,X .7,:i . " llnet s n :,.;
\ illiiscaitiers 'air) . 'tow. Sole VAte,raig v , .•=irwr. •
ex o ; acr a OA; An thOsoliAt their - Pot Clan 4.41 Wr...,:r0• - '
i i ine
is of we atabliabOd MALMOA ihr U. MU. UU= l'''' .. '
1 0 oho Poo. Wel it.A., 40. It 14 mid, ot Mi °CZ , " 4
c ji/g6.
4 0111MPS* know= sad ArraT 4,40 ft . - .... I , w p .
- -
.• I Needles' •Oelebrated ' - ' • --
• \
' 0 CND _
C_ •
Three dahlr giodlested Platte* Lave leen onid let • ,
~";',4t h: a l r .1 7 ;..1"'n 7 '..t ru 'io.','. / L' Ifrs t !'er . -
s kihonswatic OA etmart.A.'.ing PlasXer ever ofrersl.. Pi
iitiaus Yr the high,st en:nacos, to wham - their futures.
tion hart Oren swhinitted.\ have given the wort II .
testtinnoivieLas liiiiiett tr.yviot virtue over all ma. ,
tre\ v011.g,r44 • L
•?; . 6z ,, j 5 :11,44.14 their new i tint, very carefully
ec ly combined; renter toin. pectitiarly aridi , wbbi \ .
pervon andcring with pulmonary diei de,
1,,, e ~,,,visi tho !react. ramtitltor lio.aiptutructel raid . .1,
11•41051.0 cOndh, .4. 1.N.4 !Pain it.- savions neurLOU
a t ......,, , mote tygly, their' bet. ..44 - howler hi be- • \,. t,
~.4 u; - , .', `' ll ' e! ' n ' twitid n itrydrai d X> . l.T e l ' ilain ' e.:.. L .
• r
- n,„„.,,.,, rally eArrobcrated by theutany IR., e.g.,. 4. \
4 , , 14-4.411i't vg and pain in the la:. .....„4 ny,..,,,,ii, .
Vona ~,r4•14•04434. dive.. •of the kiur tc.; \ their
f‘iict,. over ) other PhP b.. b.' vinyls tS'ivil. b
Lurditedi who se csyrnenerd ttin e-t. r. 04 l: lue
akiLlitatiidc To , oh A. suticrisitti sidmiktir\ p a ir. a .. . .
1 .wlet , il• rm . ,
5 td,141,.14 nth the onniiiv id writveue ,
that their I wit, lie:. eft. tsl to Sunni at' \ vi, . •
1.,,3 0h.,..ii 1...1cia; and retail.fiy L . ,
mete. • li. IC F. 57 dexi st,
E.4(31t 0.1". .N 1 •:1EK,I . :71'11..RCH\ PO
U. t. • '
I r ~,iriZILZ S yautiful . gb to LinintOfne
hrliv. Ccliwte, Sidi t OCO, ittursH kinds ofDriityg ta i .
. . . . .
11,110151.0 t.•4•11g.b . , 111.nd 1,0,1•41.13, ft.- airman COI,' L:
th,......,, t. , the nody, thew bet. :AI - howl., (1. to-
qur-C-Aa c , .limntr.. Ay I reined . it! .+le,thar.l2. ttl, . • \ . t
t.,j. . V . ltlMArri • bc i ratlTilh •- 11 . ..1; b Teig , .... \ .
4', % - e•lik't •Ix anti yelri In the la:. ..., 4 ~,,,..,„.„,u . `.
f.,,rn At vvr,•llll.imt. dive... iof the Imo v. An: \ their • ,
1,11,i1t, LA . ,. a 131.13C7 Ph. h.. b.• andily tr.ted h.
Lud:v.ll who sr es prrienc,d Myr, mkplie:. the ,
t i 7E l4 :.m .',
'lt.; noted
1 I!!t*' L t i „ r ' ' ' T
.haj..cir lora ' , lie:;. ' r/.. CU , 1:1/ t• 1011.1 ve 1•% . ' %.71.1,•,17 ". : ' '
V.. 3 Filli,ii I...1••••0 ml 4 n•thil.t•T • . .
mote • 1:. it FA.M.111.11. 57
.•eel st,'•
1 Er% 1i..3,110.1"1\ l' Al EN,I . ' , rll,ltCll\ PO • '
nug,L u .'c r ,:iti::?: ;'t`ft:‘, l l.‘", ° ,:•lLV..,l",tlVT:* / 4. 4 g . i.• .
frt . ~ ..Ainr. It •,,., m dLivr npalow 4, cl<4l Linev
4.4 In,
ion, ty,i., The 12E4 if I 'ha e Inn. nrdie felt the n •.
f rurh on erucle, and in hhirir revre-twden •111 ' .
I.; re-1,,1, 4, r., r.•rn Mt? ti 14 fearod niter. In
11.--.onti Cele. frill de thirt%lnten of Oaths., an \
fe . ,:ii- rh - old hr without it.. • ,
l'r w lde; rent+ I .e F c.x., -
. 1.1:, vine wrp h ft!lYdnii ':\,
For, .i.ii• Or I . Mob,. i.. k...1,41.1ind. O Win, .
' PETRoLrana", Olt BOCK Olt \ : :- .
. \ \
1 - Theta an more thing, In hiwir\nnd curb. \
I ' ' ..Shan are dresser of In *II., o •.,-
1 NE •VIRTUES of thin remiirks n rem. —\ '
--- PETEoLrand, as; BOCK Olt\ -: :- •\ \ . •
- There are more Ilan., In Mai, \.nd earth. ,'' .. .., \, , \ . 'a,
"Than are dreasopt of In yhllces o a."• -
RE VIRTUES L of tins reeunrkshio rem. -\ ' . 1,
dy, and the eoindant applimtlan Melt; to ihe,proiall • \ \
Ir.'. h :f tir " ti bl r,r o t4 o =4 P iv i kr . " j•e 1 Vt1 tU 1,7 4 ... 7 " • \ \ • A •
The PIPIROLENI he pmenred from ' . we ' ll l l. vat. 00 - ukt:'
,at a depth of four hundred feet. Pia poor, tatmealtarat -
3 article, withou ally chemical ehonge. but just \a. It , , \ , •
owe from Bats.'. Um.. Labrabaril f That It eon*. .-,,, : '
ottertl remelting a number of diceuces. LI 110 stn s, •
Of uocertannty. There are many thin., in the •
calla Or nature. which. If known, mlcht be of ran wet*
eisi In allesittlng sultertne.ated 1••••,:r , ri. the bleat., of
ebb and sinor to many a sufferer., Look, before the - \ . \ • •
ietor thonght of puttlngit opt. bottlta it bed • repu . \ ' • •\
• for the tumor disesse. Tbecnnmant anddally Loam • \ •
slug tee IL andcercral resnarkable•mme. it has . ~
kaktud. mre indk.tion of Its tit , um PoPuI.MY •• ' \
w • e puma application in the cum of diamee. . . , •
e Ito do not will:Ito make 0 long Irma.. of twrtilitatalt , '
me th ose h natdleine as non cork its vuty .
' to a yes ofth who sutler. and wish to be booted . '
"hltekwe do not claim for it a unit - cr....1 itppliailion In er/ \ .
.towe unbreitatinkly .y, Met in • number o
ic \ IBMest. it in tlitylvilled. cum.° these rimy be
I' ';l '. .. l' llll 4 3tlil t .4;=snVilr, ' , TIL °O I . I
~.,0 ASTHMA, auJ all illseaaes of
000pawage., L,
• 130.11BlIALNT. DT.SIPEBBIA. biari.... bum. of the .
adder and fildneys. 'Tains to the Batt or I,lldo Iterairka
• as.. Neukalgia eahr. Rheum.. Pal... Boat. Eryidp •-'
a Tater, illogworme, 11 Luna Modals. linlisea Uld sore..
•• le In mascot datAllty. nemlittniT from erpontw. ne ,
ong and moire) ere of dictate. ten Medicine will • ' '
wrllltnf . .. o l b trill . al m ieffirenen , ll OJUNIC
awl :ail . ALTER • '
ale frame, reAtut obctru o
ctrone!'-ppeuldT, fge ' 7i. ' . 3 wiett
tictionakwhich cam dice.. tad • ,brieit i irec . ...e.
Orin larreared al mural energy to t new..
litre I, . yrromie knows of ereral-er..PL4
LT restated every oilist \ • treatinent. g, WO endi•P lb. it-.
MS lIBIBULLIJAI ft. a. short Moe, Tbe. eecof ems !,,.
veil to ealy p••Twon wbo desires IL " \ ' .
Noutioremlineewlthout the elkaannw pf the
,i. \
'I byte •STWriti: Bield Baelm E ne. Beet.%
'Aim, by IL EN SELL P. 67 , W 00...
&&& Kasima & M'nowELL: •
corner Wood 'Meet ikna nit au Abel - Awns
no-all y ',„hisnimularly appointed Agent..
_... - ,
• - \
• \
. \ ,
' ~.pßocum4ioThl7 ..\ •
1 NOW en men who arnefek'nod afflicted •
. ',..
. _
__ •
_ • ' •
• 1 im 1.:3 0, 1. I l liniitital ,.. k 'Molt: Win:,
m. trutti , ,.. ,, noticil
\ ' 'Masa but this ton not make it forwent...,
• Abe fore of an honest cosimunlty. thnt It has lin1113.•
w hich are not con In .3 - other ndnedy. The mita
• ho. racked with . and sutlerina frt. ditwaaa ma, ~
1nt.g 1 04 1 4 e ;: thl ,71:1 1 : , 1 1.1 1 1 lh i e lra:" . 0 11 '100.: Y u l0 0 1: l i : 0 7 i 0 11:1 1 11 r 71 i . u "Pth mL i ns t 'ihl: ll
Beldeli It even it
lithe to make a Trial this Petro-
- bylbeknester Mind of tratu rt.. ant bubble... . .
• • atm off o mother earth. MA, ortilin.l DUA.O,I 01 . ,
• •rA to edge 'ng hamardly a teadr a Made. • end
i' ll '"t. \I. • •
• r, as c Ithee ter other \medicine, homed to . . ..
•14,r/ 7\ V tf. ban tures klletimauMn; of \ = ~. .
In , and o the. est and wog ',lnf. Marmot It .. .
.a. cp Anwar •11 b.. by 0..0r two d tea It , •
ureJ , ii - ., a caseito Litarln. in irtikis if are .bar g. , -..M.Z.
.a. bee ot no `at 1..., A a load reined)" I -ism. ...'""
„r t i
- dm, 11. heti°. I nut met.l ecoupoulid. or-oltitmesk, •
. at. we know ot \ 1 will tor. chilblsins an 110001 fropy,_ . •
• • R4opliratiotr, . ...tett footman be turn*, \ -•A •
of truth nonsalew.l in .0 abase s . era. by all
••on . AM 'B/;31. , df,C •al Bac t ia .141e•th atre•r, .'. ' • . . • ,
COMFORT Ala) : : - .1 13' \
. ,
OR TUE AFFLICTED wilt, .. found in
K D. Dewitt C. Gell legent IN VALLIIME INIIIMIT
or ogle Field. which bust...Lae nett of I.W
perenee. end hag, beyond d doubt. been Likeing. of saT.
ing the Ilres of thourands of Indleidnale, In' dig. .T.r/ -
dam end etterseigr of &mom We feel that Is. ' il .. assercl nee •
thing In y Gut this Is doe s ,nly niedkine th hes been
uffrned to t h e.flicted i that in me" . Anne
'Wit le PeldTor. thit erord.
It by cured, wad Is capable of runoff more dimenee then
any other mete d ?. dined forget, we rare more
ovuleor cold, or by What =Gee.
X. g MI., sad convineing proof of the • AAT
that It Is the emir article Meths.. appeared a th e to
e tettent Iledleine that has ever been ivtnie zed and reNce
~j th e prat of theeldte generally, a 4 the 6-rm I*
Tidally Ibellelne ever offered far calm or fed .by az, .
. . .
The Goa Mee.. 11. Grinnell, Well. C. e Ilent. Rag •
IL hlorrie, kW Meyer. ilea -John A- Idr, D. 8. hedge
• boo. William Il.`lbrter. EN.. lidlici. of t le Spirit al tido
Thum amt a host'of other thstiuguithed dn.. of New
York, Who have folly tented Its reerit, hat permitted the
groptietor to refer to than. t 1 \
. .. .. .
•ttr.. will of
• Sphi , t or the
Team and a host 'of other dalinguithed
York, who bare fully tested its merit, har pa:naiad the
proprietor to refer to than.
As It le well known that Patent Me lkin are not inner
ally patennend by.the learned, wealthy end Polltc
• rre hare undoubtedly • rWht to feel oureeinie Mealy intr.
ipened. This Wonder Compound ham tern nasty
ti r, i : n years belbre thepulitic. It. er.t Maas are no, its
vet end gent Tax moat q.e
undoullly! spa,
co visaing prcof of Its general niefinnens and tawtl
Ititf r iglet k, It a a isirez i lfzrenseaior slaw.
PrANWArid pa} ,
mins and aeh thiegalte b ir r' Sr.
Oren 1,01/POOO bottlee bare b on a without onconlaint. .•
and ht perfected met, laonishing. cure, alter ell other
remedi bare haled, es - elereid-stage i a belief; food tot •
offered, Ad in our ponession, the et-congest pose:111e es+
donee. • !, •
, This maltase, or .hne's remedy's le Prepared frneVa
etables, fur interest as well ea ester.. use. It tete d •
T 9 outbe Qt and ppeerr[t—ytttlnßfthealthaa4noo{thr
t. a ears were
`egrtionS, thee= the Khthefe. enlr
Wrakte4.ll In Clit. or female. from whatever eans• It htla
For'es. In l'iturgh. hy e , Sellere; Messrs Kidd II
sks., and Ogden et•enowdeni end-by the retail Druswiete ,
generally. It Is putnp in four, twit and of7 . 2as Mt
ten. •
To the Eiden ofjthe r isittebezgli Gazette.
PUBLIC AI.'WITIPN is resp lfy ectfu
♦ltal tool. zo.riugArtatbs, set forth in rdadonlo
the of th e mast dowurburs remotes O. =Agri, tlmeel
PDILIOLFINit ROCK OIL, It 3.• not moan than one
3 ear ago aurree Is great remedy we, brought belAr. the
Am the re ef and sure of Dem ••• Its grad there.
o heal, luso, iro n th en. DA. e fully apprenated by the
comatualty.d we allege that the Anger It to trod the
more certain 0-11 l rum, weed. lI is wut I. rm.
edy of adoy, got up Niche solenury• - le or =agog mum
thy 0., which we cothelee, will tont: ills ta he used Sr hen
al/ o th er nostrue r tare been tweet.. The Vetraleum Is
a Natural 11.thaedy.elthorawd la the depth* of the
by a power end agUncy`that lough. to soon all bri ,.
conned.. It mOur duty, when se• writ. about • toe •
One, that We TO. the trath—th%. throothlng
Oita to deceive Ina. 'ono lasz st n , ear 0-cool or put
dente to tharrtanstn
I sle ,eery sat CO catch at
ly thing that Wotan. relief hem Lon., A dory cut
rdly be too Weekly wthoght \ answer • the object of gull.
og or hthelthAlts goo. or 11:41 how. we do not dad.
to do tbkw we
tot aniy at the/N.121n relation to
our remedy ebonld told, n 2 cr., secure fur t a lop,.
[anon far eseeed4 any .Ingle ardde :n the rasstrts med.
Ica Piths an heel facts—factathes may to oicertsined,
h our sits end toe.
beer 'rule 1111.1mony lu fa
\ Ithlo th e put Sao mom., t wo,sf cur then Alfreres.
who Rere tot .2 , 11.4gbt Birt•
vial ea.. of blindnap, the emu, hf 01' , . I:ape :barn
cured. Awl. theo.the rare of a gentlen. an In hearer county.
There the othene - letdlll * .e Orr Xi: ,
P . .f=e:AL L' olrrorrel tier 17 noi
tel by yhysloth. as hop... The rtmiNto williettin
when utol woofing _to dlr./tom—A' burn.. Diecnters.
R1111M15.1.1111721. Dont, Neel:ram, uptionk tbe
Puriples ore the face, Chroming.. Eye .Itoutwtret,
Dead, path. In the boo. A sthma, .thora. e I three, DI"
'W ens, A.., Qpughs, A oda., a id'
Pullman.) allfeetions • ebrot rat., 2. adiall 4 l%:tc‘
duce ltaanampton t
than. awl :cello dire.. of e MAW.. sod
Chapped Dards, 00,00 and DlM.,bane and
In rut. It laa Gaza C.211.1.vt amens, and has betlf=
to men of the abort ells.wea with. Ow pad rear witlkthe
more perfect aucce. Cettageates sdosith
the WA.. the ...tow.. willtote ph mire Utah •
Ing taem
,r tai amlcte,i or resit
others mar oar about Aedlethee. to
Petroleum Is tn. ptstest Rensol, of the the l'hyathati
10 taelr ''' Tt h e:a r rkra l t 141,7 e TU. cues
atat ...Mintz, ars wng to anti I It d o . gra. and
onsideranan Adore another year thus osund in Will to
tompalled to acknowledge that
Fu rth Po Ale nu. Is the great.
en medicine weer d wthred. r tw o wholesale tool to
L).l SIR 31A10% 101 l ood et.
T. 67 Wends:wet 11 1 .
I.lltht : Jalee Douglas. Allegheny Da A.lo by 11). Pro
WE. B. 31. KIVA,
easel Beath, r Tenth street, Yen.
. end B. A. Fah...tont A . Co. 1: owl and km. thl
to tut; theap, eitailo . take. cod id,:bly IN
z art :Ouch 119•3347. \
Mr. IL E. yellera—Mr-eblidrea, nil othgre, 6,,,,,•t,...
iob j ect to troubleuuta coughs. and having used enteral;
remedietyto very llttle vairose 1 +4> indozel_by adeee
PV:rtgta t gtl;o o y7ta fte r o ' L '.. l ' ,Vg= ' 1 - •
different than, and it brio-ever Laded to cure them. •
1 have nuononeudol It to my all been. and denims .
eanterendotudy believe that it ill OM 1,1( moue SCLAdidOO '
that. hall ever butt offered to the public. .. -i ,
nutter 51M111.6%0.
• Paneuta guild rtot mud t their chi/4nm Po entire
cough, oh. they, may \by cued by eni cc botUto a is
Prepued and eold lor IL F. NELLEE .e.
ruiner .67 w. 4 .t...a Drnscin an:wally .
' ATENT MEDICINES Ac.- , -A large Aufa.
• • In atom end for Pk cr q i l .,.,, te . tine. liberal tuna, Uu i
I.ol2l=ent 1 taltec '• ‘ • .
ta ' •
---- ,
ATENT BIEDICINES, &a.—A large iltia
b, ~u,,r, cod far Pk a*itte meat liberal tams, a 1... i .
lalbacoaent A 1 alromatic tabs: , \
=ritll Banal\ 72 4
and Aktaa l a d 1.11c2.1 a Ltixa• of B.
• elle. 2tcaes
'•• ~,,a il= . arpattg r atraetell?acha, ' ,
Dalbra a areaullat .
• Azdetaaa'a 1.41.... t,, r :Temp, for tit* \ \ "
llooparl • rare or Max's il; Om*
WI tl -lajorptii tala. fintlka, de.- • • •
'tram' • . - Lamp a Peptaaaaabg .
Tea '.. =alatoa: . •
Crunabacker's • on
Wail/ rt• '
0 : 1." , '
• Qubai
, • \
wants •\ '' -„,,.. rraft, Bice- •
caasmeat for Teller A Lae ,rats • • -•
.lAM:dog Platen iisnlaurez Lialsaaal . \ •
nes Panacea 4 lialLre• C. 0.114: - " , ' '
Walton's Balsam ! Uaktra • . ;, •
1. Oa Drag Stem* d 8. N. WICKIM
,apt reamer el Wpod and liszth a \ t
I WDERJA.I.4.I"-150.1trs. (rilr , )fossate -= .
... - art a. •=D to . . \
14111 a
IDOWDER JA14.1" 7 150 (pare) for
• sad 44. •D
s . .
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