The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 08, 1851, Image 3

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    RA - 4,LY! VRIGB, RALLY!
-- NOTICE. • - !
iirqui WHIGS OP ills , Elan , WARD
coldlally Itself, the IVIIIG9 Itr all at on, il - Irds._ end
the PkOPLE of Alleghen7..lEO genetell7, loth* LIST
GILOAT RILL•r. tot-elect to the kleetton,
On,FRIDAY, at I o'clock,
ma *bleb treadoo the iloth 1',110.51413 WILLI AMS r tteil
tha 110a11t05145 M. II OW F., Our member or Coogressj
Mee, c. IhtitltAGll, and other 'ele.kere• •dd". thw
neeVit, Ow one, cow all trite Wtritth
D. F1T2,11/1530Nti. r , " 4 "t
B. 4. (.o:(l,lteet eery. •
ALLtOLIENY CotTNIT fstp... 7 This Fair,
for which et. greatpreparations hare been made,
will opera to-day at nine o'clock, wherrthe hors
es, cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry, will he ex
hibited. • MI the •requixite arrangements
initindeted lest night, the grounds haring teen
lenewl in, .atalls Provided for the cattle, and tiok- .
et Oil:lees ericted.
413. numbers of boreal were brrght into
town yederday, and the display promises to be
Unusually fine. On Thursday, the manufactur•
od entitles, agricultural implements, grains,
finite, a n d 'vegetables, prodinn of. the dairy,
Sic.; will be exhibited;, and will doubtless
attract thousands of persons from Allegheny and
the surrounding counties. An ample police force
upon the ground, and the strictest order
,Family tickets for both days 'one dollar.—
Single tickets ten cents.
.111 t Gttoodtt's introductory Lecture, last
everiltur, et the City.Luture Room, on Babylon.
Nineveh, isitd Retupolis, was among the richest
intellectual treats of which it: him ever been : par
good fortune to partake. ,Burronnded as he *as
with 1:1110iTLII5 and splendid Bit:nitrations of!the
literature. the architecture, and sculpture of
these ancient cities, most of which have 'jest
been rshmned from beneath the accumulated
rubbish - of 'ages, and the key to the readineaf
Which has recently , been diecovered, he leads the
astonished and delighted auditor through those
hallsof hooey' antiquity, and presents to his
gue, ,
amongst' other things, fee similes of edicts
bearhug the signature of Nebuchadneuar, and
o pies of the statues of Shalmanesser, Bennitehe
bib, and other celebrated heroes of {hose days.
Thelecture of last evening was but introdue:
. the two which are to follow, in which the
-reading and translation of the writings of the
Auxins:Li, Chaldeaus, and Babylonians, will be
explained; and the flood of light which these an
dent records pour upon the sacred and pro
fanehisen7 of those primitive families of man
kind will be dwelt upon by the accomplished
ream:L. ACCIDIINT-A shocking accident
took place-yesterday morning- in Birmingham,
at the head of torennart - itreet. A number
of children were going in school, and were
going. past the, platform of Keeland A Co.,
on: which' the coal brought from. the pit
shrive is placed, after having been brought
49ln:by:railway cart. At the moment of the.'
castling,' a loaded car was bronght to the rair
way above, pat the workmen in' some capnpr .
;neglected to fasten' the hooks to it, when dowd it
came,' with frightful velocity: 'and dashed the
platform to pieces, knocking a workman who was
upon it, to .a considerable distance; though for
tunately 'without materially injuring him. • The
car was then . projected into a group of children,
live of whom were much injured.
, little girl of Mr..l. McCabe, aged six years,
'Was very evrevely braised, and injured 'internal
ly. She will, it is thought, recover.
..-Two children of Mr. John Scuskle were dan
gerously wounded. One had his ekoll fractured,
and is supposed to be mortally wounded; the leg
of the - other ems broken, and. he Was • much
bruised. Their respective ages were six and
•T A- little eon of Mr. Jacob Byer woo severely
injaind internally, and is not expected to re
cover I.
A son of Mr. John Baldwin, aged eight years,
had his scull fractured, and is not expected to
,attreive. •
This is one of the most &melte] accidents
which has .Inippeped hire' for a hinit time, and
ere - trust that tbe causes *Hell led to it will be
thoroughly investigated.
F. S. • Since the shove was written, we learn
that the eldest child of Mr. Kunkel has died.—,
Air. McCabe's child, williot, it is thenght,
110 thlinsoroing.
PA3014111& or Tilt Blinrrr.sitsaxas SEA.—
Thin magnificent painting, now exhibiting at
the Atheneum, we are happy to say, beraplily
-growingin.pubilc estimation. That it should do
sot!, however,rno wonder, fora more moral,
beentiful, and highly meritorious exhibition has
never been opened in our City: The'whole pre.
scuts a Beene in which are blended ancient and
tea= civilization, carrying the mind back to
its ruder ages sad,forwardin perspective, to the
more greed...sod glorious forms it is destined
to take in the '"happier coming . elms."' The
'clessicol student, the picturesque tourist, and the
loveri of tha sabliise and beautiful in nature and
art, cannot spend a few hours 'for personal im.
provement or pleasure, better than is reviewing
this intellectttel . .
Dr. Gleason will deliver a 'very ; ' interesting
lecture this evening at. Wilkins Hall, on the Cir
culation of the Blood- These lectures are draw
ing crowded audiences nightly.
Werra- Marne° ut East Boarriaraw.--Pur
anent to the caliof the Scott Committee, a pub
lic meeting was held in .the Scheel House of
said Borough, ou Mender evening last, which
, belig organized, was addressed by the lion. T.
' , 2lf. Bowe and lion. C. Darragh, the former of
which gentfemen entertained the numerous au
dience for an hour or more with a speech rola..
tire =the verious y :subjecte connected with the
ensuing campaign, mainly confining himself to
.:the tariff question, of which he stands foremost
as our representative, as well ea advoCate there
of. Well. may Allegheny county be proud of
. her choice, no few men, if any, could be, found
:better able than Mr. Rowe, to bottle for her
rights. His position in . society has doubtless
given hire no . opportunity of acquiring
nosh-information on subjects of commerce,,
currency, but allowing all this; the candid
:observer imusediseem other qualities than which(
.the mere =eldership of a- bank unfolds In Mr,
Ilis theories on whatever subject be
speaks, become - practically demonstrated facts.
So plainly practical Is the man thst-ill who heir
'.him award this praise at once- Could Mr. HoWe
heard.throughotit Pennsylvania, on the prin
ciple of protection, I verily believe its opponents
would he few and far between, despite the pre
' Judi= of party and preconceived opinions.
. The balance of the evening being short, Mr.
Darragh, who is too well known to allow if re
,mark, concluded by urging, to renewed vigor
and watchfulness as only necessary to Secure
for ths whole ticket a triumphant victory:
. , “A Wino."
Pt - nese:au, .0et4.61b, 1861.
• Proeledings of the Citizens' Neeeintto arrange a
Aiblie Reception of our friend Kinkel, echo it
~honlq expel& to ...Hoe in ihir Ca.o. •
The following gentlemen 'were elected hy ao
clamation as officers of the meeting:
- Mr; J .J. Petterrion:Preoldent;. bluer& Both
.and Rote, Flee Presidents; Mr. Carl Hoffman,
Upon motion of Mr. Sanders; a committee of
ten ware appointed to draft re:Job/tibia exprentive
of the sense of the meeting. •
The following are the 11111.111eS of the gentlemen
composing the committee, who were
acclamation: . •
Messrs. Saunders, SalAtts, Or. Horratoyer,
Dr. Werneburg, H. P. Moeller, A. 'Holstein,
.14 18aM, Fr. Krause, Lowe;
. Fr
.In consequence of-the expected arrival of the
great Germ.= Patrioi. Gotterftied Kinkel, in
". tide city, A . tras published .in the German
papier', for a meeting to devise trays and means
of remising G. Kinkei, the apostle of Freedom,
- .111 ts worthy and becoming-manner; and this
call was-responded to by a moistens and,enthn
elastic meeting, in the saloon of:Mr, Kirchner.
The following resolutions were . narzimonely
itesolred. That 0. 'Kinkel be Invited, on:his.
mission through America, to visit Pittsbcrigh,lind
communicate his plan of a Natioani - Loan to his
~Resalred, Thai . aJCommittee of.-timee be AP
, pointed to obtain telegraphio despatches, inform
ing ns of 'lli time of Kinkel's departure from
Baltimore—of the- route' he may take...-4und the
period of iiiVirriTal in this place. - :
[The meeting those Messrs. Ilaokotert,
Mueller, end Jobe ;loth, for this committee.):
'..:-Resolved, • That -s, Committee -of-mielya be"
''Alatoted cestdva tam in tel-
egrsph to this . the" moment' when the
steamer leaves for Pittsburgh: '
Resolved,_ That we do hereby cordially invite
all our Germari and other American fellow', Cla
sen!, to receive Gottfried Kinkel, the Apostle of
Freedom, en muse, at the piece of landihs in
this city.
Resolved, That the publics be advised by pla
cards - shortly beforaiKbakel's arrival.
Reaolved, That the German Singing Club be
invited. to assemble on the evening of.G. Kinkel'a
'arrival, at the eitablishment of Mr. Albeit; to
offer him a serenade, which all Germans and
Americana are invited to Mtend with torches.
Resolved, That an additional com'mittee 'of 12
or more members be appointed to meet Kinkel
in 13rownsville, and accompany him hither.
Resolved, That this Committee, in order to
mute with tbe Terners Id their arrangements,
shall act in unison with the latter invariably.—
Adjourned. • '
"The Seal cf the South Carolina States' Rights'
Association is a single star, and over it a half
Qutre: 'What is the ,nignificationt—Cour .and
Doubtless, that chivalry is going aver to the
doctrines and practice of Islam. The star may
be added as a tribute to Charleston, th& Mecca
of the newly adopted faith.—N.
Y- Duilyi Timrr-
Wrong, neighbor. It signifies that those who
have adopted the seat aro "noon struck," and
that a single star of a bright constellation is wan
dering ''governed by the watery moon."—K. I
Com Adv. ',
Flour and General Produce
. ,
flaring at leapt equal udrantakes In Tranipottatlon
with any ether '
:nerket on the pea baant.. malereteeeale
of clorgaN with quick sales and quick returns. sod best
market prierc.e would respectfully watclt patronage.
President and Cashier of Merl:tants' Bank: • •
• • Bank. of Baltimore
lkymmerclal s raiment' Dank.
. .•
SUSSURIBEA having now rec'eivad
his entire etYk- of FALL AND DINT= GOODS,
thatrespftifully Infonn his customer. sad the public
that he is prepased lethal:nee of hi* Gond., ratlier whole.
valeta . :Walt, at serf low prices.
clg;lr Fel:c7g G*!". dal e ,
171 ' 9 "
44 Cheat Silks, En:evening and streeidressa. eerr
44 Brocade Silks, " •-• "
Plain Mark Ellks,ll I prltee and vidtha
Brocade ltlyk •
Heavy Watered Silk, all shades:
French I
- Mnolin de balmy; •
lreucit Marina. and Caslameron
TonethY with Peened and Ennilsh clulleuTZ-
1.2.4 ead 13.4 Barnsley Slaretlopo
4-4, rioi and .64sod Irish Pillowldnonh
1-1,134 sad /04 Tablo Dainsakr,
&SI and 34 Dainark Napkins and Dottier;
linetatisot Diaper and Crash Towoliloirh
. D 1 ty,
• ,
land 54 wide: '!
Blacann CLa:aton Clothe;
Di Jdohate Loutrea:
Elk Warp Talker ekahs;
blank Malley; .
Bulled ( French and 11eun I . klode and Crape
Teller Chem lietleS Sler . Collars and Buffo. lam.
and llossery: aif co : banal be warranted cat good
JAMES d. 111cEBI49C.
HINTER-18 keg. forAale by
C, prime-
lIEESB-80 boxes W. R., for 8510
‘ l , PERM OIL-17 blip: for sale by
1 4 ' ILAX-2:1 at ks for sale by
.1! ion wlux a ak.% NPLESII,
&LESTE VERAULLION —2. cases fursale
iamut J. 7301100NRAKER t CO.'
First Supply of Fall 060113
m u o ßpf 2 , LBy .p ß o c,lil i t s , u p ha . vz flow
ttk. rata; ortbetr rani. eu.toran sad buy., env ' ,XII .
Jar raerlyed fqr tzlo Dl
J. hILSD t CO.
. I. ‘ A- MASON & CO. bac° on nand and
• any I• reeehtt or inrireou•oooi, et Nest Dm.
ugarb as stela aimed Sadao, Cashmere/4 De learree
.0 schleb they sitil guarantee )II rare and peens,
Realest thlshaseket. , sera
(aNNEKA OIL, (Pariceraburg,)-5 bblo, a
- 17 Wiese uncle. for tea br • 1
sera . IS. •
a agu.KRa.llWOOO at.
NAILS-800,kegs ass'd city brands, on
hand wed foetal< Gy A. COLDMITSON kCo
ow9ai _ , 195 Lll9ortr tt4
POPLINS -- Beautiful roods, just
1.7 m'd ter I , s:lmes:kat rpt4 k. A: MA_ 4 05( t cues; _
E'4IIIARS-50,000 RAgaliiL, Principe, aid
,/ llama C*9sl, o bawl 4.191 Ar sile by
-2 cukaDeenrar. ncts!Vesthot, Isndlag and
sepl2 aakl Enna 'to.
FOR 011AMBERS—Ve4 cheap Wall Pa
1, Bonlora, in laamatif^/e
I. • 81.71.1r101.0
Opeti this fawning • supply of
he above fathionablo good.. sops,
N Infallible Remedy fui TOOTH ACRE,
Tartar on the Teeth. So .IICeT, Sr ints. for ale •Izijnv=nt.
'l4n Wool Meet.
P ILE OlNTAlEN'g,—Warranted to cure the
...Kama! of vile. to feir davi, for gaol!.
serpl 9 KEYS McIHMI.LL. 110 woad n.
doaght, foe
" 691
.. SEIOt 31eD.TriLL.14.0 Wood N.
APAR HANGIN GS--Iser style of Gold
Paper Ilsordogi. tar .Parlors. *nth rlexaht do 4 •11.1
rat Barrio.. tar gar by W. P.
/ARLEN OIL CL9TH- 7 500 yards 4,4 A,
end .5 quarter Green VII Cloth, for Whaley, or &opener for eervice to uty article toeoulactured for that
tiorPorayurt received acid for *ale by the idece or Yard , at
the ware rooms. Hoe.: and V Wood Areal
1001 J • and for sale br
sell J. SII)D k CO.
5001 1 .A!'l—E S ..1E, R .1: T ia " 01
a- KIDD t CO
1 .19. 4 1 8 4 L2eßi°bAlir ARROW
LINSEED OIL-20 tilt for sale by
Rpia J. 13C1100NILMIL tCO., 24 NV and at.
DER SEED-1 cask for sale by
.e 1,13
OPS—PutLis in 1 lb ; zackages, for lam•
lud a naa lvii. A D r eCLIT6dA
: uwir
(tiattisetCOlifearit up for use, in gun
• t, frau 9to , cut ha obtain orb:phial. or
retail. of the subecriThis Cheese is held lump hitt,
repute in the cast, tolt Is non introduced for the first thee
into this market. Throe desiring a choice article are re.
pueeted to all and entrant
. • . IIeCLURG CO..
•012 tirceers and Tea Dealers.
G LUE -IV bble. reed and for sale by
corner of Wood &ad MUM ota.
GREEN-4 casesstd?,l3l
VREAIS L T'ARTAR--5 bble. for sale by
Li tun J. 8C1100:111Ab311. db
fILAURER SALTS-5 bbls. for sale by
-1,7. artiel
for preaerring, bbl• me d br
42ktoit.F.P SALMON—WiII be ree'd, this
b .: 1 :14 by ybrem, • emaiWr SALMON-Wil l i
fall! Dr
AR"'i ROOT-5 bze. Bermuda, forleale
by Ii blO .1. SCHOONMASSIt. t CO.
ofts:kiwi etylesand <alum Jnet reed At 62
laxd Gi ItarAtt (eplOJ A. A. MASON A W.
1, for sale by 1
S.a W. UARflalloll.
Window, for ealolby
• a. it 3V. uminavou.
bunch in store, for,safe
PAIATVi I aIc will DI
front CO.,
or sale by
1 : 4 - ft Mils. add No... Battle Uround Itefterr
- " I Lnfaye to '
.. . 4 . St. Junes' '
OADtuul alull r sale by I BURINWAI Pl A INO MUM,
..Da • ltd Wait, wad Ito Front et,
EW TrOKSl—Travebr in 'the UnitedN . !Rates, e.,
_dustng 1519 and P; /SN by the Lady tau
al Masa ortley; 1 vol. /Tato" /U.
The 11l story of the Ilso plate Jorephtnel byJ. 14. CatibtAt
wall eturravln et, 1 vol. limo., 10.
Nu. S, for A East, Appleton's Dieeleanles' Regulus atal
toga/sore Jo mat. I
Veo. II IS ad Yield Boolr of the Revolution.
I Nos. 3.6 wah ad luetlonary of Blethanleo, Engine :Wort
and 1/savouring. Jan reed and for rata by i
J. L. READ, 70 Apollo Hothlleurs,
reel . . Fourth .beet.
- - '
as •
Bo ding . .
TWO :MA' LL. FAMILIES can be accom
bodated 1 with plostlant front rooms on the wound
r, net A'nlehell Hind un/fobbed, 11110 board. 4rll
at the c of Thal Brant etA
LONDOI , , LABOR. end the London Poor,
ractortal he kJ Ifooli of the Hood utloo; No. 1&
• Korolved LIOLSIEN LltoTar7 Dopot. Third Woe..
orpositio tbo Podot Mee. • • 0003
UGAB--70 Mids. N. 0., for rale by
6 61 , 2 I ' J. e rat.weeru
IOFFED--25 packets Java, for sale by
us. 4
sides Sole, for sale by
bblo. purerannore, for solo by
• JUSTI Or TH ReACZ,—beeds,
thano - uno., - Ereiatbsw,
.. • Maser lkaiilrOOrsof Ag reement.
." •H. mrwn•sis 124
CC' rnerg u n t 11..
13oct Ain?, AND .1
Astsegas.gus. 1111
.. `'l~ ~^`Y..
, 111 .' 'Tt111 O'ILICLLT: 173.1011.APU LUIZ
Asp isroirimiOßTßll PXTTI3UIGH GUMMI
• Rim Tom, Oct_ 7
The 'learner Empire City from New Orleans,
via Havana., arrived this forenoon. She brings
120 passengers and ;11350,000 iii gold dust.
Among her passenger. is Capt. Robert 11. El
lis, of Washington Uty, one of the American
prisoners who was liberated by the Captain Oen.
oral, a few hours before the steamer sailed, and
einveyed on board under guard.
Thirteen prisoner, still remain iu the hospital
and will be sent to Spain as soon as sufficiently
licw YORE, Oct. 7
The brig Rescue, the eecoud vessel of the Are
tio Eiploring Expedition sent out by Mr. Grin
nell, in search of Sir John Franklin, arrived s
the Brooklyn Navy Yard this forenoon.
The Blank Book, and Stationery establish
ment of E. B. Clayton & Sons, on Pearl street,
wee damaged by fire this forenoon, to the ex
tem of $20,000.
We bare but few returns from the election in
Georgia yesterday for Governor, Members of
Congress, ite,.—Bibtr county, in the 8d emigres,
sioual district, gives D. A. Bailey, the Southern_
Bights Candid/nu „for Congress, 60 majority,
Houston, Merriwither, Floyd. Pike, and De Kalb
counties, give majorities for the Union ticket.
. .
By an arrival to day. from Malaga, we learn
that that place was visited by o tremendous
storm of rain on the 31st of August, which der
troyed great • quantities of fruit, and prices
have been enhanced in consequence. .
We learn that 'a terrible affray a ccurred in the
Court House at Tuscaloosa, (Ala.) on the 30th
tilt, in which John Kirby, an old and respect' ,
ble citizen, was ootwith his own pistol, bY
Frederick P. Hall, with whom he had a law suit.
'Mr. Kirby died almost instantly, one of the by
standers was shot in the leg, and a juryman al
so slightly injured. Hall immediately stirrer,
dared himself.
Yesteiday morning, Richard Thomas, on ap
prentice in Richmond's Dispatch, was stabbed
and killed by another boy named -Wm. Cullitf,
formerly of Baltimore, who managed ,to escape.
They had a difficulty in the Theatre on Bator,
day nigh}, and met in the street yesterday. when
the deed was committed.
ST. Loots, Oct. 7.
Newt from the Salt Lake, has reached the
city to the 19th of August. •
A company of packers, fourteen In number,
were attacked on the Bth of Augokt, on the Fort
Hall road, by about 50 Indians—supposed to be
of tlto-Snake tribe and Hair Breeds They were
' , red at from a clump of willow bashes, and six
men fell dead at the first charge. Eight of the
packers were killed, and the remaining six enc..
ceeded in escaping to the train in their rear.
This company was called the lifeline Company,
The Indians took about V 2,000 worth of pro
visions, including twelve horses, and about $l.
000 in cash.
ST. Louts, Oct. 7
An election was held in this city yesterday,
to authorize the county court to subscribe 100,+
000 dollars, additional, to `the Pacific Railroad.
There was a majority in favor of the subscrip
tion in six wars!". The tenth, twelfth, and fifth
wards will jocose, the majority considerably.'
Advices from Brownsville to the let inst. state
that the revolutionists were quiet, baying made'
no advance from. Camargo. (len. Abates was
fortifying Mamoru, and has only 600 men tin
der hie •command. The women and children
were leaving for Brownsville. Abalos pow pro
poses to take off came exactions on commerce.
The Brooke street Methodist Church, togeth
er with one or tiro frame buildings Fuld s stable
we're burnt this erening. Loss $15,000.
The steamer Cherokee, sailed to day for Cha
grea, with - 12D passenger.. The Promethenaglao
ogled with s large number of passengers.
Among the prironers sent to Spain from Bs
rano, in the brig Ripe, were. George S. Berry,
of Cincinnati, Preston Essex, of St. Louign J, B.
Wrintouth, of Na.shrille, Lewis Maglo, f Elio-
court, John Leipert, of Indians. John JPlmaton
and John*A. Powers of Kentucky.
Mr. Secretary Graham, left here yeaterday,
for North Carolina, being called home: by the
andden death of his brother. Ho will be absent
two weeks.
The gammon fools° and Washingtontarrived
here to•day. The Fleetwood left for Lo iseille.
The market is dull and generally quiet.
Ronr--Ssles et $4 12/. Eye tionr it eelllng
at $3 2G IR bbl.
Grain—Wheat is sauce, with eales o 4 red at
713ce5,82, and of white nt 84C,E6c bu; Corn
is ansteady, at 62(63c for good : yellow.
Whiskey—Halve at 21®22c lit gall.
• Prodeigns and Groceries are doll, I nd the
trade generally inactive.
Now leak, Opt. 7..
Cotton—The market is without ebango.
Flour—The market is brisk, with salbi 2600
bbls at $3 6804 for Indiana and Ohio, and $4
121 ®4 26 for prime Genesee. .
.Grain—Wheat is quiet with. sales -600 bu
Ohio at 80e. ' Rye is tire, with sales at 60e.
Corn is heavy, with sales 12000 bus at 46i 671
for unsound, and 581 for mixed,
Provisions—Pork is doll, with sales of new
hlesitat $l5 26g1t 37, and of prime at $l3 50
bbl. Beef is dull. Lard is held at 1091 c
Whiekey—le plenty at 24 la gal.
Lead-1s offering at $4 25 V.lOO.
Bpliita Turpentine—Sales 100 bbls at i37lc 'll
Pi. • •
Linseed Oil—Bales 2000 gals at 74c Vi gal.
Rice—Bales IGO tree at 31 10 I
Btoeks—Canton has declined f; Erie I? et.
Beading has adeanced and U. B. !Intl, 1868
New YORE', Ort. 7:
'Cotton—The market is less active, and dealers
awailingfurthor advicer from Europe, 'Web are
fully due. ,
Flour—is dull at $3 75 for commons to to
$4 12Pg,4 26 for prime Genesee.
Grain,4Vbeat is. plenty, and doU. 4, Bales
12,000 bus Ohio' white at 87c ? bu. Ries 80,-
000 bushels corn at 57®680 for intred cater.
Oats are selling at 80® 400, ? bu. ales of
rye at 68c ? tin.
:Provislons--.Pork 'is dull, with small sales
new mess at $l6 87i and of prime at $l3 60
pl bbl.. Cut meats are dull. Lard Is heavy at
83@,91,1? lb.
Whiskey—Bides at 2lf 'V gall.
Flonr—Small sales of Howird Street at $3 94
and of City Mille at $3 87 V:bbl.
Rye Flour—le selling at $3 60 701 bbl.
Corn Meal—Sales at $3 L 6 bbl.
Orainales red wheat at 70®76c, and white
at 751101.83 c lybu. Yellow Corn in selling at 60c,
and white at 03006 c 9l bu: . Sales of Oats at
880 El be.
CloverSeed—Salee at ss@s 26 12 be.
Cheese—Sales at 70l0c
Butter—Sales at 11014 c, and advancing.
Provisions—no market Is steady, with no
change in prices.
Bsvrotocc, Oct. 7
Beeres-1400 head were offered, and' 1000
sold at $202 25 on the hoot, equal to s4@s 25
net, and averagints3 37 gross.
Hogs—ffdles at $6 25€)6 60.17 100.
Flour—Receipts re light, and the demand for
city consumption good. Baps 600 64! at $3,-
20®58,245 per bbl. .
Whiskey--Sale st antfdall.
Belt Is advatioing. Kansiha is selling et 23c
per lin.
Groceries--The Market is unehaszed.
The river has risen about foaiie6hes.
• Nsw OaTiana, Oct. 6.
I Bacon—Salea aides at 10f c, plain haute, 94G
Lard Oil—Ts /Cane, with et;les at 7¢6,130 60
15i.51. FAL ARRANGEMENT. 1851.
Pmnrylrania Railroad and Erpress liar
301a11r. }woo-3J - 83 Ism.. rum!. •
etr.n...worr PLEASANT ARD , RNTOSTARLS lovrl To
TWO Daily Lines ExpressPacket gtE Boats,
tetiO iGO
.oixet,univsi,y FOR PASSENGERS.)
On and aft 4 Monday; August 25th, the
Packets or this Line will leave Plltsbubish for Loskytort
eta, morolog o 1 S o'clock, tad . very evenings.' ito'clork.
rt:c . _etythen. taklusr the Cara of the new Perikerljatkiia
;:4to ive immediately after their acne ) db
a mu itriPTl P me ‘ hirougb, Forty lloura - VA
eap.l travel.) enabling them co arrival st Folowelphia to
prrend on to New York el. ono,
Take tha.Tork and Otssitberland Railroad. at Harrisburg.
Distant, aightr.fot. mil.. Time, FOUR boon.
For. to Philaditihhi. 110. Fare to Baltimore, .59,75.
do Laucastor 10 do Harrisburg MOO.
if yno desire ebtap traveling tad matfortabis 11.TOUI121(.
. 1 .. 0 tabu. your tleketm.' th e Ticket .11013001 r."
bola Nous.. 01
J. P.,IIOLBIES, Agent.
Or of 0. LEECII & CO.,
a.. , ' Canal basin. Penn Argot
cHertry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Soiling from Philadelphia on the
10th, and Liverpool no the'l.t of owilimonth Ip uiel
YULE y PLEASANT : N. IL R. beacons, !honer.
e EUROPE, Nathaniel
1 . BERLIN, Allreit U. Smith, %tater.
toesCKAMANUN, (new.) W. W. weer. Mae..
The sshine are hotit of lb* De. and nitro nntly
material.. and are trued fir the rapidity of their pasesitigg
flop are Clint up with all latent improve...wan, are mret
thoroughly ventiloed. and sr. utiontrytweul for their em
commodations for Nstoul rhino tour :demon. fturoapers;
thew are nitomanded by: mon of arknowledged talent, who
are unequalled for atm experience in the wick ...Coke
Person. , desirous of Deluging their friend. from the Old
Country ran obtain certificates of panne, which will be
food for right months, sad our aftot) in Inland and LW
erpool will furnish them with the proper Information sot
inatrnotloor relative to their departure.
Far the tionverilatift4.3l,faznagre wishina to rend mio
titd" d ira r igi ° ol
the Banks or Port Onler. In the United Einadoto.
Prnviaillna, antMlied ticornaers naming from Liver
D oot.
Lawry week the following aopplioa will be (Lavished
each ousel:age of 12 yean of on
mid over: 2% Ito. bread,
Ibu rice, or.. tea, 5 lbs. oattneel, ih.liagar, I ih. four,
eirsr. and half anew - anew of tea, atwar and mammies.
Cl l / 1 11LI320:1. Oct. 7
CtuatateTorr, - 00. G
OLO. Mellkte RV i PL.
31' Walnut eteeet. below Almon& Philadelphha
telOtf earner Meth and Wood eta.. Pinehurab.
1851. aligagX 1851.,
Dunkirk and the Erie Italtecatl. connecting with
.ntt clang snum ere on Lake Fate, the kliehlkett. Cleveland,
,Ctiluntbas and Clotinnati. Cleveland and Plttahuratt. and
Ohio . k d ragrrglnV%:ll",!.elti=23
i."'7 l l lL ' at
(ShOare eaeantett.)
piiinitottu, Oct. 43
••• • .
. Morning ExprowS Train at 6 o'clock.
El Evening Exprots 1 9
The Mall Train amps at Elmira, where passengere nn
sleep 'h our, and take the ExprmsTraln,arrieing NeW
York oi , st morning at 9 <Mock, making thew kole
by lay-11966.
The Earners. Freight and Cattle. Train ieavie Dunkirk at
4 A. 31. daily; a Passenger Car is attached to this Train to
acriontmodate War n
in Passengers and Drovers.
P fro
will Le
givPem unkia
lowrk to
mina New York. ar. Poectud Ella/
'Shia Company are prorated L 3 ll.llpOrt llve nook and
neigh. or all kinds to and from New York.
Particular attention • ill to paid to Muck. The gauge
being d fret arida„givet this route great - advantages oer
narrow gauge 11.11Vinde I. the transportation or 9156 .
IrePsAdditumal Trains will La put in commission In
very short time.
Ynigbt TU•Ili. will b. dlrtribubd, glvlux full pwrticin
'ars In reganl to tli prime of FrAybl. ti non ax clef' ma
b. umpwrnd CHAS. MOM. Sop . t.
J-NOTINO HAIL Auorf, Dunkirk. • jyl2:6lfi
Ilicursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 carts.
rr.t E fine pareenger steamer: l im a
BEAtee and" 1110111ii&N ti0. , 2,
lean. their landingg at Pittahurgh Inot h, erery (Sandalearepted to rollotrog—
Beater. learn( ggltsburgli it A. K. Rochester It. M.
Michigando do 3r. st. do I
Pare.. slating to go to 13eater tan votary Y..ruralon
licktts to Rochester god bark te Pittsburgh. tor W cetge.
Tt.lett good L.r darn une day aad up the neat
tor tickets apply on board the steasoboata .. .Beaver," or
. Silehlgan trot lb. once of
JOHN A. cAl(tillEt. Agent,
(nogg Cot Water It Staltblitid Ac.litt , burstlt.
&SP:SW - AlB5 t. EtiE2
Exp.'s, Pada and fludroad Lint to Clevelane.
I_ll SSENtiENS Rove every morning ur 9
gal ceelork.:n thou, rxjprvivi
i.,1 t vanasib I.J I, ,f
I'n C1..e10 23 Cour.c
buffalo, :16
through 'to
Via C.laratql• and Xenia. 1r elvvrtand
... ~ ... .- • •
Pawl:wen f4r Ketmit, Chlrowo, anti blllwitokle, Ivan.
... Clerob.n.l 000 r, evonfoK st V% o'cick, by the lendul
NiII YORK, Oct . . i. ...Amen .1 51 Central 110.11roul Co. tor ov D•troft,
soiled to doY for Che- L'Z's . ',i.-joii:'l's ,/A . isl ' i'aill:l7.l l ,7l. l c t :447 " t uj '''
. The Prometheus 'Liao Doe. to. rat., to M. Ohio rtes, m i n r,,,,, .... ' ::,,,,„„ 0 .
or of Possonerr- ' - fttsVi.l'oql;l::=s i l . ;c:74 . trf',';' " '" g'kt.r.
CLARKE, K.KAt .AVV.,, VrOvrietor.
New Yossz, Oct. 7. oar,orn.. Pa.
roc Octets or inloimatlon apply
• nt to Spain from Be- zoSh A. cuuniEr. Kett.
(110 otalrot etrmor or Nmittdold a....1Wpa.0r otro.oto.
err. George S. Berry, orp.otita IL.M.siouzabols flow,
.sez, of Ss. Lou* J, B. /• 2 "' Prmishutsis.
Lewis Nines, Isf 1511, 1851. WESTERN _.. 1851.
.diana, John Jhbuston TRANSPORTATION COM PANY.
"entucky.D. LEECH & CO'S. LENT
- I
WAVIIIKOTON, Oct 7. ilE.MgrLa VIA. ...A J.- _seam
' —. •
nrralx, •
THE Canal 'being in good order, we 11TO
prepared to trannvrt produci• an..l men-hat:l4lw to
imm th. ritu, at the lovre.t rurroa tan GI
freight. truth °rump teo.. asal difyalzh. The wr..l
car ladingrrnal atul evotrolt...l br the proprit•tors.
.4 tratarmitte.l, at..l all tootrurtlons I , ‘ , .[MT at'
Apply tt, r.r old re.
llAir. A BLACK. P2r.1 , 21.1t0r5,
Penn, l'aixt.urgb..
LEY.17.11.14n pzieksr,
Receiving Lon., C.c.. Li t 15. N , utn AL, Phil.
Pel,veringDe 01. Ikea et, Phil.
N 511711 A ARANCIACA,, Agent,
TS. Sortit.t., figltizonre.
T. 11. YYJI-11Ck. Agent- .
Nn. West stmt. Net York:
lag I[Bs l. EltFigi
Via Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia. , •
MITE 3101INING BOAT leaTos the Wharf
aboT. the Drkho daily. at 8 o'clock kratiaely.
nerting with the car, at Cumberlaud heal toorultnr.
Th., Bathing Boat leave. daily leicapt etioday aconlaki
it 6 o'clock. conneMln, with the care at lluntatriaatl nett
err olcot at 10 o'clock.
Tlaa• throttuh to Hatlmon, Ti hoar.. Fero cull
Thor thrtotab Phlledo 40 haunt. ra. only 110.
The Nwtionol Hoed 1. now good. Coaductors go with
the Coarhe. between. Iltwerhatille end Cumbetlesol,•whlntr
make* thl. decidedly the heel mute tact.
J. - 11.,HI . EIEN, etgon . t.
mrZ Oaks In am 34..ahrla Ilouie.
1851. lad
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
TBIS well known Line is now prepared to
transient (might and peasengere from 11175Ultinili
CLEVELAND. to any taint au the Camel and Lakwo—
Tile facilities of the Linn are utourpwwwl n numb...qual
ity, and rapacity of Ikeda, •gperinam of ()nation, and to
doerr A TaTe Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally.ranning
connertion with a Line of steamboats between PITTS•
le(3111)11 and UILAVIiit. and a Line of aretelaanetwitabwitii
(inetwiler and newels) at* the Lake,.
Parka A Co., Toon&atom, 04
,I. D. Taylor. Warren,O.,•
A. g. Chwk, Newton Fells, 04
C. Vrentlea, itavenwa. 0.1
Marlow& Co., Ravenna. 04 e
went, Or & Co.. Franklin, 04
n. A. MlLler, Cuyahoga Palle, 04
Wheeler, law AAkron, 04
Llinttlereon A Partlli
ona,l4ktelnalty.Clty, O.
Peckham 1, Fault, Tolwlo, 1.14
(i. Willlatoa A Co, Giednelt, Madge.
lioneeman & 511heaukie, WO4
ileo. A. Oahe & Co., Chicago, 1114
11N' A. cA .3111:Y. AV. , .
aol cor. Watar sad tlmlthdald ata, Intlaburgb.
Arrangetieut Made to Forward Freight
/11 RAILROAD CtiMPAN receipt to Pl:Mader. er
covoDr. • COL •
jr3l nr Perjn aoA Warir !AA, Pitts e.
S./ELAkftlB — tnini in boxes
suVa w F'"`"' " IL A riALZF.LL A CO.
LINSEED bble.City'rnalce, for sale
by swell ICKERAIIAII.'
by W. McCLINTOCK. tieri and rich stiles SitPcddiAc•
I/ no, and Common /NORA/A CA R,PerS.
to sell Inner than nor Carpets See, tieforepncred
o an
In this market. . ire cordially Invite the *Uvula. of
Mends and Moor 1.1..kn0g to purchase to giro us a ealii ••
the Old Established 'Jerrie! It archon, No. PS Atiarth el
W. 11161:LINTOCK._
!PALL GOODS.—just . reu'AL per express,
at A. A. RAYON 50 cartons Bonnetßibbonai
Pnomast and moat fashiamibla aryl, IPS dos.Tatie and Ages
Float/re; IU pea. Ciro de Atripue, beautiful colors; Ad pea
Plarreline, shad.. L docogirirb Plunois, amid. tiPA
lIIINGUAMS-10 'cum French and' DO - -
meotic, ict.d net' by A. A. It ANON t CO.
Ai)IES' CARPET RAGS-20 dos. read
4 per e”r•-• by lo.ptoi A. A. MA1301.4
LAINF:S, of Orange Buff. Pint, Blue and Green
on. for fibßarns's. innUeee sod Fuck., pun r.ed -
hhds. N. 0., for sale by
A 7 ~eyl 0. av.
tGOLDEN SI"CICUP-10 bbls. for sale by
sop) S.+ w. IMMIX/11.
ClNcimXAir, Oct. 7
MOLASSES—SO bble. N. U. , I i sale by
INDIA RIIBBERRAPES-2; dor.. just rec'd
1. (
to .et .) first , rsto article for rid Ino or drain o
ti 9 = for
ra . e Jlt ?ea . ( I r tt 71. r
'ER-6 bbl roll butter for sale by
and 7 , J. tl. DILWORTI.I t
1101 1 / 3 E. Empire of
tub J. sC13001:31A&Ell k
opening • lmo soortsiont of :tigrradl4l3ooDB.
tow UNT invite the attention of th eir customer. and
Won tronenaty. 116TIntrion the moon that wai
.o.qt. orth. loan &nimble new style of
math on anlortnbenn Inot iO , b e runrred. end
law cub as. ', :• ' •- • - mum
BOSTON, 11..185.
Tills well known establishment 1 , still Pon
ductl4 the Pane men., It b..
reins!plyaszot rllubthm br the hr..e It.. mnsvitslb
g!tlYß=tl s .fr:t
Ileoll/11 hr. bliveler.
/11,1111 liven cu• or lb. Om Jnhn locker ..
lei. t the ol ....Amblishtbrut. the I.bibr.c G.. r1t,..e
t274 : 71‘ 1 4 . 4...67t1. ‘ : '.." n . ' lT:X:tr i''' . l' rT,"!--". Post
141.1031A5. WAITS, BONNE' AlANU
varrukeit, !;. il ,outla ~ ,Fl.l cr,,t, 1,31.0..
e 1.101..1{, rent e. 1...) l'hikulvit.litn..
• i .1.115:1r
14 - 31 list, ptii -MIN 11' ..111.1.r..
1..10. 00D11,114....... ... .. ...... IA L.O ir&Ll t.
i.p A ALEY, WOODWARD &. , 0 ., whole-
EP n n (Invert, No. :VA Sllrkptpt., l'llelphla aplj
. _ ._. .
zr r 4 . 1,10t0,1 ....1 ,, t.l W..%
I 11 II BUQKNOR & ....1., T. are°
) ' 000121A100 Illrtbsatm, No. 41 Nor 4, Wptnr otrret.
sm No IN Nurth Wharre,Phltadalphia. j *O4l
To - IlaileiliTiii - tiq - nora. ;& - e - .
li J: COMTE, Freneh,liectitie4 360 Eighth
Oft . l reet, NEW YORK, tote hi. Dirtill'erd m toll td.r.
talon f or the manufacture of dine Alrohl, Purr SiutitA,
itramly,tilu.Reuent'OPiln,la.Curactla.Al yulbe.Aumdte,
Riders, Jr. Th• Brand, sad bin aro ~ efally nta,te a,
eonlina• to the heat tro.11.1• anal 111 the. • uth at Franc.
and Holland: lb.. quallt, ' , plot to tnuet of the Import/J.-
110 m, from the/. enuntrie... Dealer,. are I riled loran arid
fmlo of the dualities. in.! forward their c.ruhra to the of
al lister .Ire.., NEV,' rldirli, whiclrwillf,‘. promptly
attended t0.,,,b:1t0
-- • - ...__ . ..
American Hardware.
IRLIVEN & DOLItiI.ASS, 111itnitincturerpe
ditrente, No. 5 Plitt stre,r, three/13r. trom Pearl et ,
roar, would reeneetfully Invite th strew - inn of the
'Janina.. 'male to Marl' litnelt of Ow 0, me/0 . ..1,11,cl
from the_manufarturer, and Icr seta cm tavcrAble terns..
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow. J
rilliE Glaptgow and New Yik
II Pkontehlp Cnintwer. lu , rve ,, . s'at,,,
otenowthip OLAS(101$ . I,xtil how and 0.0 - ,
bor.. power. R. Stmwart. (late of , ho Cu
nard stracorrs,) commander, ht oopoinWil to call frau. hew
York direct for (Moscow, on Eatunbly. the Ilth of Octave
rest. at 12 o'clock. noon.
•• • • • -
Fleet tlabin (stewanre rre tocludel.h.,•••• ..........
No streraaWrouraeugars taken.
Them rates or - elisions, but oht witara or liquor',
whichwill be impolled on board, at mo/erate trier.. Car.
rice a ?writ-eon.
, •
. • .
For freight or peerage apply tol
d. 311.9111.10 N, 33 roadway etre..
aneirel2tawle I NEW lORK.
Now York India Rubber arehouse,
No. 27 Maiden Lane, and No. A 9 Nassau sired,
First sorrier from Broadway. Flora ZIP East kills et.
MBE SUBSCRIBER, Proprietor of this es
tabilahmeut. would' Inhirm hiv i johl ourromere , arid
merchants generally. that he is dell receiving from Me
factory an unusually large sad once lent stock of India
;Rather Goode manufactured expected* for the tail Tonle,
'Lod which, from haring Introduced several new and Me
portend improeemente In hie machinery awl emotenitloce
reale confident unmet fail goring perfect min/action.
Ppecuil attention monnues to be pahl to the =menace
tore of Poured sod plain CARRIAGE C LOT!! of all what.
from 3-4 toe-4 loclordoe. The drilla aresearefolly selected
from the brat brands... 4 pureed With the Pant gum, which
finial.. anus' to patrol leather. Ile Importan t
the onstomm Cloth, • higbly Important Unproven.. reo
teeny discovered, by which the cloth I. made to beer no
exact resemblance toenameled Moth., The plain Ranh
merle mod mold ae omaal. Orders should specifytha variety
OFERSIIGEB.--A roll stock of a 4 the different 'tyres
I and varieties, from the hoportni Vasa Holden! to Tim re
. ordednl Perpetual Glum—embraelog,Slmer, Women. and
Children'. Boots, Oboe., illippem and lieu:talk W1,1.1.9 . .1
Firmed and 1,1.4 Rubber, no
AeompleteMnortment of the follonlog ou band!
Mar Into/hes, (Ants. Copse. Pooch., Buns, Lifol'reacrvere,
Driving Glares. Roux Morse, Reseals Jai.... Cam Loy
lan. Tabu. Moneta. Mach!. Rolting,Lhaapltal 'awning.
Goma Covent, W Wpm, Breast Puna ON *INN Packitag,Shoul
der Braces. Paper Holders. Air Belli, Dolls, and Figur, ,
onrethre with every chncription of Rubber (Mods. •
Sole martureeterner or Unbundled kforsillt Rubber Poor
utelogetinder Goodyear, Pate..
The Glues* will be found • mostlcertain core
molly. of Chapped nand, blew-tong thins sod ,l3ff
(Um whits and soft.
Pore Rubber %meat for Gotten' tree
ry11.9133 D. fIOPOU a id.
Shawls! Cloaks! tains!
S.MILLS, No. rt
Colaritat.,N. York,
JF now opening at Ws !helot Warehouee. a fry.
moo, •
of Fall .1 \Tinter VLlAWLP:emuieting of all stylea
of :,etch and Donut:tic Wool hong , tthavls. together •Ith
full wortment of .Prencl. and N 1 nom :Munro and Long
brat he hhauls, of every grade.
Also, Co
eitensive stock of burg, Merin, ThibeLPIIIL
Santa. and Velvet eLOAKP. lIANTf LLAP, P, Or. , of
ruin. ebapea and MO., manufarturrl from Peri. lat.
tarha 01 tag tn. Imporratious. merderti ter
Warm etealuere.
Ile Inrltre the medal attention f Noodle. and Wen.
rru Merchants to, ati t us trill 004 an msort.
tocnt 01 Plumb, and ready-made htis for Lathes' .our, 10 the city.
euprrior WI P./: 011111$ hr eshibiting
Shute le •as Marollisr. drerrerr In eter, cote,' Print and
at $4 and $.5 each.
To the Public.
NDL , I RUBBER' Sllt/ES.—Our attention
has teen railed to an advertittente nt Lr Horan. 11. Day,
ihttithed to the hew Vort. IleraltL o 11th Jul y, INA, sod
tLc Court, an/ Enquirer cf 0.141..101e. In L 1.1., after
ht,t, unnurded shore our atwttnl, ire,. Judo, a, .
e warn. that tee dare hot rturtia tum with nindlue God
T nuard ' ,.tir 11,rne ' re Wr tie India Itutber PPD. tinJrr U.tod.rd•Pe Mateo.. * t. ' 4.l ' nerd
our looney. and are daily pat int 4 will
them:am and
any °Cher peIIRM might hare datultiat same. It
n.. to
rttlan taaa- upon llottlyrar P.n.. We
think It morn ion l ot. pc • to xoe raial pa
neuL thau to Infringe IL Alr: Day hasing Leen prn..reth.d,
tuttmakalgnl tJoulrear's rignLa tm.ta • rettlement. anal
Itta o o , l to MUMe tott to itarittu, tAit totteutt. 11• it at,
atltto)4ltesatct only to lefrin:. etlid r. tenth but to tort..
hitradr., who hate, too a lame rttntolontltou, purrharrd
...or :Intl.§ WA toy • sort under them. of wr amp,
Mn. Ds, and that over on: con eh:nature,
h Urutlng stputs hoodrear's Patent:l. itt the manutscrula
he .owe which he 1. rgrring to the nuLlir: sod we giro
noLL, that be and all leLn are , Ooko.sard vitt. 1.00 por.
chaing or 'eroding his Owen. mad t. In Tiotatiott 1 . 42.
eGt Miittit, will t. protemate4.
1141110 UL Pe tiliPt 1.0.
by Wm. A Bur Inaba.. Trraeorer.
TOE IY.W,ultldoL A lit. 00111$ Mil: CO.
Premien:. •
. rum) At e.). I
To 1...tr01t. hoc,
ti,• Votta.Jult 11.1b.1‘.4.
Superior Black Writi i
ng and Copying Ink
ONE'S- EINIPEKE INK, S 7 Nassau street,
CP run 1:c Idi g.. r.y lerk
On draught.„lnr gallqu. motes
110 I. thy nt taaaufertunol. It flows fr..ely—•
is • gool of meeode. mahl,
orto:tor ,L,ay yognes,-• ail the .plalittea repair
-14 for • rittug,lnt, eultaLlv for the Quill. and •411
m,— 1.11 adat , ,,l tor the 1 , ,1
The uni•ralan,l t pr,pared- W py,o,t, exp.ll ny Lowe cotoonnlotion. at the alroeo very
nrie, put up I. pur tlehyorod in any part
.1 of elArkre. No .hirg, for barrels
or ker%ar. char...4.llra at lon obot.
• It liastau et. Con llulhlitnot.
Professor Alex. C. Boxri's Trieophero'
mEnicAyr.r) ('.0)IPOITNI), for re
lambs en.] tuuscle., ;Trains. rte It
tea. telo ...certain.] by erretinat.nt, that Barer. Tr.. O
beron; ha. produe.l the ear... effect - lin 000.114 cll.-ate...olMo
etc. 10* hem. end all 111, animal lamed= The
foible - 02a toetimonlete. (moo hundred. of limner
irare:rt, f how the Tof the preparation.
and thr eettmatien In .00 . 0 It te ;rola by Mr...on hare
Orr , It a trial.
NY% Toth. Sept. V
Pans Gassy—Dear dir—l hsvalbern stilictel wi .,
th aMO.
m.rtw eroptioh of the wetly. of • moot magma.. vb.-
ter. for the lan sixteen yet" , atat dnctn. that Pe.el
base bad the •Ailir• *van: the suetvtolurntehml.
have trial all the PrnallititZ• tit the halt atvl
stin now Snows, without the teal benefit. I waladelecst
by • Bier. mtry your Teleonhet. I. Wet .. 1 • • lest
re... and. to my .41[th, and aartsstihstlon, found weal)
curet he about two moats Snell was the el-leave of the
.tarter that. at times was p.tmlly 1.141.1.
,Ilearstutully, yours II 1 J 1 fIAPELVE.
140 Coln Ma street, Brooklyn.
• Nsw hoax, Bet. Isr.o.
Pao, Dear Blr—Ala yew.. On Lair
came out a tyre. CY., and my 1,11.1 was much ablietel
dandrull. 1 mad told by a fri4o4 rum, your Teleopher.
MIN and to myhMishrnont. halt NJ
firmly rooted and all the dan as dtitlf dieappeared. a. Lb.
1.0 now Atoms for lath. •
With re..., I amrout ohd't sen't
If any lady or mutilate. doubt, the authenclel. of the
above. they will plea. rail at ITlvfewtor A C Barry s s office,
NnaMway. N. York, Ohm ye will produce 1.1.
nal tatters
From the ithitary and Neva 4rame.. Nov. 0. 101,0. 1 Then. le no remedy toe the r.i#l.l.t Hallo of bald..
and divemava of the cranium generally, that hu crochet
the lu`Pnlmill ccl.loYel by the attiele known s Ileneee.r
iterry'a Tncoyberous ur ...Boded Compound. It la et. by the upfstrelaxwa of the commonno; In
slam. evem nun., In the land It la used In prefeYertes to
thearticles of the /Bud. It Imparts Alcor to the coo..
the hair, and thus promote. Its growth to • remarkable de
gr.. It dostroye the detain. slid .turf, and casket the
s uch
fine .t 1 trios.. 11 0111 enralall diseases of the RAIN
such as acald hrad, dew worm. at. other obnoxious Mane
d,. at the Alm in eheapne. ay'rvell aa efficacy. It stands
unrivalled Is sold In kr. bottles, prior. nlpnt,. at No.
S. Broad•ay, and at the hem.* general!, thrtmehont
tumnitedetawsend Canada. abblefillf
. - -
tIONTINUES hio uoual facilitieo to receive
Li on Flora., Sale, and Traaehlotect/t. .11 Merel.sadll.•
un...hoed him. heals b arn elwk daily L. all pieta
ca It. hates and the 111104 A. Ceo el and hirer
Mow, ..
Mr. John A. Caughee. arstro
: E.
I L.
Appvelal •Uehtion to Cr , cntai n boodnen, augICT
Produce. Comoulrei , on,aud for:141,1t11( Me:rrhattle, on the
• Mei to A Iramp i ller v irt 'r tat j , o arttolTl;Z:i 4 o.rllog A Co..
Plththoratt. .pl 3)
• .
jrIIAVID C. TurriE, ! Attorney at Law,
and Couonlealoorr for PeoPrylratha, at. tome, Mo.
I comumnleatioue prothpll( atorwertal. ortZuly
?)101IN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Chun
tottllou at bar and Cotutuierloner rho Mate o
ootoulrau(a, 11.4, (tatu of Pittrhorgh.)
Erf.aroo.v.—Pit.burytt: nor, W. Forward. Ilauuttlo.
Mdl.,, 111:aerlIros 2 McClure, 2ohtt M. Parke, hisurha
hemple:Malurd A Cu. . I ,
1111BBONS I RIBBONS!—We rue opening
jib roue new ad beautiful I 'Oat and Neck Ribbon'
augati alldlt BUIteIIeIRLD.
KS. —Muarur
DCRUITIIIn been just reed Weald moortmat of
ck Mike, lan el,r- WV yyccr ya d. Buren will do roll
Wean aad purclase from ague. *eel
Co. sre now closing out th/ir stock of Delaney and
de fakirs at lee.a than landtro co 4. . suf . ,
!cat: FATE, nTale of Earring Thane, by
G. P. It. Junes. 4:4l,—the nbat Interesting work the
rhu ever written. Alto—p'aell'a Living Atria ho.
dlan—filled with Whiteningand Orin' ran.
For ado at BULLIES . Literary. bepot- Third street , fl`'
noelte thaPeel (Mica auk:.
- - -
)ENGINE 110SE-500 eet 2 incb 3' ply
India Rubber Rose, kronen out v.pressly for Ida
d '4ll =eitilirtr b' ti r tlei Dn'A r 4 ftC7*3
stand Mora praarurs than SPY leather ua,lnanufmlarat
In all eases *here they do not t rn ant aststdtatnted.
as =obey will be refunded er th nose sarlsoal hy flan
Gnat. J Lt. PliiLLteS.
any% . 7 and I Waal at.
WANTED-18tocis of
Amortooo Dolls. ond Dalll
koleh ma, •••
hi, sus.est pries bib be
. • IL D. EMI
Dollars; Maxim aad
• 4..•yoWsTr; fob bbieb
Baal. awl HAI; •
HOUSES, F • • IS &o.
To Let. •
MITE well known EAGLE 101 EL.
_ .
now ccouplord by Col. THOS. P. %TRIO, f..,ofrly of
This largo and rommodlob• Hotehotantain , f , ktf , upwanle;
of LW mon. nye:Montan'. !molar 26 by 70 04 • 1.1.1 re
F.rlor and °min..", 4 Priv.. PA.. wftto . .POnnrn It.
;.•0110.1. • dining room by HI Coof.--nituated the lon.
out-ann. •Icinit, of lb. Inmost whnlen•la hounon*ntarly
•.proolto (b. wall known hone of EERRI.. E.llwia.a.
C 44. no It. hal :at • nqutots•ble not Hon. and a fter the
VIIInT OA 1 OF APEII• NEXT. when Ro Proo.o , Xrn'
partro lour. rpirer. •
The flotOl wag Hoontly cool upon Otto 'noon. oaf ninnt
Improrwl “Orlo. No nth, ronnuonondaolon. howaver.
4tiouia nonfo.t. than the nni.r•HO" 6 au ".
PrE•Nn rOtt n0..".1...1.1 &orlon( th e kerns of han
or oaroioof•rn onqufr. of oho own.,
n 0020221 Now. non.. Tiarq no, Ehßodalphl•
Valuable. Real Estate For Sale..
rilllE followirig desviihfAF,property will be
eeld at publir dal. ou 1. Liay. th, 10th Aar o, h , lwr
00[7. at II) ~eiaeh. A. M.. ou the pratnimee In Alleghvoy
'fun lota of greund, nu the corn, of\ Deaver silent and
Water 11.161 111 feet In front- on nen ,,,
eat...teflon back ,mng ll.ter alloy 16 fort; - On which are
erecte..l too three atury hrldt Ipeelltne Ifp erad. ron.
*.ight nom.on2jaraut Lo un Beam at..
tot ot. front. out 75 Vol dee), o Vacant Lot
Wooer 2, fool 0 tuenro.+4 front. auf,oo feet deep.
Alvo. one two ell, frame lion.. ant) Eh
I, Inch, In trout, and CO wl .taep; eontainlng ,dcbt
room •
The above pmpertr la about out equal, tromo I rap.
vylcaala and 0111 h 601 Bond Depot. khr fartha ?saint,
tar, Inquire of the.dberrlber at hl..4flre, Fifth, stfee;),
:0 1411:WART,
aer.:4:dta Et're ol 1E12,11•••111 do\k
• .
r11:10 LET— A large and OillArlierit
WAR nn, m 1 garret, hevaren, ondi l t\
huathllekL nI
wpa -
' 11'M II .14 ' )IIIIINTON
Great Bargain!
—The AIANhatIN f ormerly. kept It.
as, and ...hp .1,0 :Wm, privatesvale.
$4Ol Hotel 14 oppoSiti• 12,011 R Canal and adp‘lnlr.
tOn loratlon of the Yentmylvanialiattnlad Pameenger'Fia.
Don —ba. rentrihlor 11:200 per,)—hae pr.a.peeta of 0,
sant stn. For tura., I , tlare eunutre It,
ILIIAN, Federal at- ‘ , eny. or It. CM
Liberty' al, l'itt•Eurclr. A.ltutuiu rtien ‘.l the erdate of
Thom. Fan - tunn. decd. vop.P,ln
Private Residence for Sale.
rri lIE PROPERTY IR offerNiexceeding
ly lug. mod on very aropoingelat;wg It
L• most licat..J ti- nn , tionn,rlng eitY.... -
.orAlleithetty. The nituallon e - unsurpsµed in the routs.
tr. onrautui.llou a moot Fluting view of the city of PA
bort:ll and stater mere at a glance. beside. being cone,-
/tient to the burin,. part or Pittsburgh: combining In an
eminent degree the attrition., of\ lath totigtandeuuntry.
The lot 0. large, .-mbrerlug nearnu acre of ground. t.
mar hi/oared .a Oft, bw-t twat. running back two tins
`are and tarty net to allwy. The Isolative/omits or e
new: the house brick. in modern style. of the best
material, and.
at the I.e.t . taaporr, haring every . •
converdenee that good node and skill I d suggret, tL
don regart to ecianoroy. Then is we 4 , Cextelleatt wa
fer nt the door, and pipes tail for hydra. learnt. Carriage
hintse end stabling, a variety of chola. It and shrub
bcry. In hers, its Windt. and advautak eon only to;
appreciated by an examination of the pre ter n (lentle.
pn hing to purrhase are Invited to call o the under.
aned.•ho take plemon, In telvlog vegt-1 Informa
tion it Is a ran chaora for securing a delightful red
dines, or to purchase on speculation.
k Ili lieetind et.
. Real Estate.
I'OR SALE—Two Hinnies and Lots in the
Fifth Ward—one on Liberty grit. and the other to
t mar.
Apra•A pie, of ground. 185 fret on Kobel.,
800 test on iionLere at loonier et 317 Liberty et.
. . atielttf lJnernal copy.)
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale,
Ak LL SITUATED near the Ohio and Penn
tylrmit Itallnead. In the ricinlty of Ealin, Ohio.
from Ro to an arra* inch, and in a good state
of et:ldeation.
, TOWN between the present basin...,
All o naf tho rill and the De at Sal
of which w ill he nold on per term em. . for the prirettai•
ere Rtock in the °hie and Penney Irani., Railroad I either of the Banks in httobitran. will W taken In pay
- I wlih to.oat, • piece cf ground. adjololng the
Dopot ground. , otnt.ehrut men or , oropth,. t-reet
Cr et Maas kiotel unna. on whlth • tountain can he bed to
envoi, the bou.jand arable with water.
rahm la the nehtrel point betWeeu the eltl. of Cane
burgh and Cleeeland: herwiwu l'ltteburgh and Woo.
ten end the nenetAt to be derived limo the Plant Moats
now hieing construeled to eud nom Sulam, mak. it cur of
the most imtartant pointe on the tine ofralluo.l for anent
clam Rotel. ZA DOR STREET.
Salem; el, July 1..(.1.—1n lids er.S
I .
o TRANSP-li. TEits , MISSIoN
OROCER MERCHANTS —Formale,. areomus-a
!lug term; FOUR very- kaluable LOTS, verb frontin g „
leen 831( lathes on Lank Lace, Allegheur Cftr..'aud
inglon the Num, sal Ohio Railroad, letttlun •
tbeTelvot.) and extending hoirk to the (..110,MIRIA. them d
I t hLallayd r :2
. 71Z , gretiteet chltquent by,elther.
Far term* enquire °I 'D, C. STOCKTOI.i. Allegheny lilt;
or arab. liwkatore C e t
a . hgE, nurser ad Market and Third et.,
For Sole.
_ _
. _. •
4 LARGE liii or piece of grounil bitunte in
t he Silty IV •rd ol the eft; of Pitt•burg h. fronting
• 4O feet )4) Full). planet, •Ld extendiug_bsek 4-fe..t
tu Crag lora 4tre.el. Thietunt.grty is neared drrectly aPoge
the Old Ruin. andin the rienittl of the private relidOnne
Sf the late t). 51.e...f. FM.. and• the dwelling boa. of
. iv. bump.,l., . am) nua he Yf•toi a, •ultahntxrutold
either fur the ernannu ut one ut tit° I..terui d•elkng, or
on.e pit or eight smaller tenerovata ..
Terch•--11ur third in braid and thr Init. , . itl toe 4 )1 0 . ,
anAnOPl )"ual payrnent4.2 , lo)l,)i by F•nall and tacrtgline.
rront. a wArrV.N. Atty . ') at Inn
•ug1).21)1 No. lb) Fourth 411.0.1..
1 1 0I• ItENT-- The - ihspllin g .„ N.. 155 ri -,
l i :) ,
11041 •treet. nal, eunithbeld—.4 ioon It• the .„,
the Lack building inol tb• patina,. am) trntut 0f....
the entire Inn.. Is notunlete.l. Tbe'lo•l e amber a) th•
..row.) 13.2.11.• • bath trot attached. nit hot •nd mil
nmer, sr•t4r 0uret...14 ,
Alen--the Donne ady..ining. it. a etnr.l4rato rent. taunt:N.
sugo-tt )0.0r115 otreet, near \Wcol.
.„ _ . —,--
For Sale or Perpetual Lease;\
ll • f not to Nc‘ the m 40.1 (Am of tb4,ttarn
vt .11Ir t tb.n T. trtavaqs on both Woof Repo,. Fun. t, &Au!
. . - .
Al•n. fur rout for unr. ur I.Gtt year, t), rrstine of till
cut lot on 11. Hill. roctriorin,G Lao to trilite orret. later.,
, Naplod . • ' N
For tonne. Er goreo cl roll/SES,ROFILAND . , unit
the preari., or of tLe. xulrreriber. al hi, orner, N0.11 , 1'
Orb, Ilttaburgb
' Irlaf -
II 1. 1 001)1AFILl14e*FP.
Real Estate for Sale '
,i VA.LBABLE unimproved LCA, on the '
:11, onion. of Liberty anal Fartory stream. 1 , ?(Sla Word.
omnatte the Gorman Catholic Churcd. :10 feel fro t on Lit,
rrl Y. LY 1. 1 feel dry on Factory. mooing back -. opring
61' 11pr-the Mr** woryDri R Availing Mute on Merry
g Lb. ah0m.. ' 11...' of bring Stat by
l ' lLl:..l "li er n' t. '"" f ls.: hone to large pa ovurattlint. It
tontern al, le. min o-ntatur rirsen agog,0 or eery valuable I 1 pear 1 1 harpalanN , h.
Alan-A Yana .1 la, arr.. in Woe Ilver toso.itp
Alor-W Farm of 2n4 sorar in lawn er county, , milk!
rm. New Castle. \
Ain..-Forme in Ileister county, of aria.. Moto .1 1 ,
mon.. from NM orrra acorn.
A 1..-12 very valuable Into m Sour., Illinois. Prnae
tonarrate. Ennuis of
N. l' A 11. I. II rETI"IiMAS,
a“,.rn.., ~ at Mt, amt Peal I,ta Agrtite.
ra . I
y'la N.. Iv'.koon h want. ttal.urgh i
A •Bood Bargain i.ociNg Offe eti, .
I From 'Phrea in Four . athlalti. io in0.,,0a, I itch.
m, lierfa lalana-ou the prttnigra la a gond to rsall.
nab Inv./may buildings. tn. - no. nramo-ty tat 410
dad lute. lot.. Spa told., • gond protiL Peranue d 157.1
to porebomWil! apply 0, 1351111.1 A 11[1`7\.
jyga l
A History of Pittsburgh.
r t y NEVILLE B. CRAIG, FAq.—A nis
i" Wry of Pittsburgh. Mom th oarliert mmo.l when it
arm sisitod by whim m.o. down K. Um olow. of thg hint
centom. with noti-go of the Pert estahltahment , nf eon, of
thr imponamt monnfastorlm and vatinus omit-Nor Inter ,
nal iroprointgant. ups Lb., prearnt Mow, to otarit la .1.1-
eal a ohapter nron the advantages of ourpositlon.fkr Map
irectoring and ontuctiorrial pursuits: with a 1.0•11,14 try of
he ass,..os. amount of businrastrougacted bore mammal
ir i'i::.7,:ijoi.,,i7i:i'liarll;......iilit'•ir,,ivr,,,,i'rfiTrs'ytTgfy.l'r.
rant errnts and urourrenca• of M.:loci:al interort l baar • Rhin so brief • p.rtial of tint, to. la the
country around the heal of tbr 01.10. To collt,Ltn,other
and nahlbit 41a tvatorical order tbe. TILIiMill incidonn.. l ,,
and to proclaim the a 'mintage. of our, pcoltitn as holm,.
merita for elpitaliot. to relit. bore. 1. the Mater of to. pro.
tamed wort.
:: . liv . te: i I'2 . cm. r bo , an t. Prin.. $ 1..)
r.te.:6 4Fa .I, 1,,
._. 6l Word cruel
. .
The College of St. James.
The Dluersan G.llrgr otch•Penteatan \lli s leeopalChurett.l
tign cu lIOND.CY. October ate, I. . and coltiune
the neat - cozottieneentent da, , ' the A t 6n , t Thuralay In
Jul, , 1152 New et...dente are rec. - awn.. t. , ..otri , et the
op•telna of the erikeic , u, but are revolved a yuay flute tbey
sins), end the , east lerininiatod from the \date,of their
TIII: 001.01:6 1: hen the us
entuual norther lowan. 'af
ford, all the opportuoiltte for, ntete educe 'o and et
the aurae dui I.rminatlon ...I the collegiate con . n. ...onfere
- Y;;ir.TAL;;'7l l ;z*Ft'„Tertnitt7".fi,.„....
Cenci,. and node, 1.1.0 Drop
odon of the tretor, I . yin
der duLi ct do.ciptlo,, receive, lola at tee I.4lini ug oi
their eta crolcal course. and preperrii thew fol. the \sale.
glade rl a Ilir ..verslght and direction of the l'rt , fre.
cora a r ',Uwe eiteure opecial advent.a to the ptiVe
lo the 0 no. hchot‘l.
In the MI3ICANTILE CLAIIIIP.S. the ntudy of Oreekl.,
mottled. and its place Inputted by addltlonal ,tudle• I
Modern Langnaytta. Brat-keeplng.te.,.
The eituallon of the College la' entirely healthful. and
by Ito dlotance from lowon'and villager, very favorable tr
good loom. .L.l order.
KEMP lIALL, • now building. the feet bf •ht. wld Le
rrady.fur occupation In the renew. of ientolua arsoion
In addition to the Partner corps of Profemora. the Truffle,
twat on
appointed Ilugh Davey 1ivana.1.1..1.1. L
twat on 01,11 asid Ecclesiastical Johu U. Al
ander, LL. LI., Lecturer do Physics and Cherniatry.
Thr whole charge for tbreesclon ~1 torrnmonthe (the putt
in the College and Uremia. hchool) it two hundred en,
twenty.flve dollars. ploattle Mtgi^a¢nliallr to adv.,. •
Application. I, oulculnolon to he toady to
lit - v.3011h D. KEIII , OOT. U. IL, Reek;
College of et. Jan.en I'. 0., '
Washington county. Maryland.
N. 11. 4 —Pernon. in l'ittal , urah wiehing any Intones:ion
rropecting thl, luniitution. are referrml to the U.,. Tfro
don. It?L
.r.dla yninn, who won formerly • Trustee.
University of - Maryland.
yIIE NEXT SESSION trill begin on Wen=
111/0.. lb. Both Jay of October. JSS2, and do, let
neh. ISI2.
Nathan It. P.lll. SI li.. Surgery.
Win. B. A. Aiken, M. IL , ellOnialm and l l harmaey,
:1001104 Chew. 11. B. Th.rapentica. llateria Med., and
113 glen., •
41.? } L i at ' .7r. ' Ni 3 . l iP.'rt:;;;l:i r al ' L i lir.. ' ;:il.iicira..
Richard 11. Thomas. .al. 11. I windy end of
W i}?..s.ZV.ll h i ' lte r n ' a . rger. M. D.. P thologlcal Anatomy.
The mad ample opesctunitie r r the pfuoiontion of
Bractical Anatomy at • moderate ex /0.
Clinical Lecture. tour times a wee b • Profeamrelltuith
and Power, In the Balthiiorn Infirm. ; ith theDdellage
o r daily Malls to its war.. • without chic to th.m.tudent
for the ticket.
Bata liar the Lectures, 1190 to. SU% Br t xil &nat..).
SI% Matriculation. $5, Ilesdnation,flXl. \
WM. 11. A. Al E.'. bean,
Baltimore. July. 1 351. — fauxidlMaw:Gt
\ -
Kentucky Mutual Life isunuttnee • o tinny.
• ' GUARANTY FUND \ $100,601\
the security mot advantages °ribs Mutual ont
Stock Plans las heretofore applied) illne...el 11 1 7
rune of premium: en annual return n moll ot 11,
...gage required for the moth:went r elt of the mast. .q...
.1.1..4, but not exceadte provision f u to future olc..
clty or member.. fur he whole term of 1111‘. with an eollo,o=
ble interest lu the aceumulatlng. fund ao.cilted 0. ~ : A
member, payable et death, bystrdinsupon s their Pmw
• iinntranty tn. designed for the, permanexil ....try 01l
short term member. • embalm for the pnwerd i...eurtty of
those for the whole tn. of gyre.
/Germ. Is the only Mutual Life Insurance ‘ Company
whose M. of premium a. axed ot a lair re,..tueed a•Mial.
ant, with • provislonfor . annually wet...
latlon of funds (for tutu. security) 0101. 0 1 pro 'on to
the amount of bus... and the lurroming nut f m ad
vancinyy tore ......ff 0, ......brr^ L
Bmophkta. tracts. 40.. it • in detail Om Om and .
ratn or the Camp., furntenet gratis, and appli .
rue insurance received by J. I'll ItIILIT. Agent.
1'.9 Wood atreet.Blttaburgh.
Blllrn. Dwrot., Medical Examiner.
. .1/24:17 (h).
. .
C .
OFFEEOQ bogs prima Rio, for sals by
ansls . JAarEb DALZELL, 18 Water .1.
.4.IUP: CARE. SODA--20 kg e . jut re&d'and
h.) for sale by. . J. II CMOOBSIA.E.4:II4 CO.. i
mom . l4 Wood street.
e i ll DLUlEllalei. AWE Si:1101E11. (lOM.
PLAlNT—Trywasir Of MOBJUB'lrennino old Brersch
to sLIY, at it pet bottle, iv ask at n(l)Riulit Tea'
In the Diantand. .. - ' . repli . ,
raIONERS', 011,-20 bbls. for sale by'
: opts ': , - • • et alv nans.tuno.
ldigisitatS' 01.4-20 bbl a. for sale bj
; H. • R. LIAR.pAUL4L
\ \
\ \
' \ \\
. \\\\
' . , \ - \• \--
\ :.,..
\ I\\ I\ \ \
, , , % . , ,
• • •
irmt`gtrn. - 21uK'ktuc'v,V...rlyp.. bet
6, s r %. 1 W? , ."aliktr,'lttavin fittAplth 210 o'c • k
4g,;,7lerbrlVrp.t. apyTi \ AltNtnitt" rt. CBUP• A tan
• VOR TEBI',,ILLE -TM., fin
p Ill'ltE*Cos.taast.,`,lllltavi,
and Terme:Lat.,
day, at 'clock', t
ittrtmicht ,ttt •
-0011,C11,NCPVNATI—the ,
d,y,.l.ty• 'A. M. \\l \ !
v .., 4r frrtgli‘ o, l....4l.4.Pitton board. , L oa
_ _
4pr-en Packet tine *Cleieland.
. ,RaBILE.,—VEB' •
HE .I;roprietoi ( t of the ` traek4t Linem ha
i,,..,ku,. lb* nentitalt• serannatuentA ‘ .lth tha Oh •
tota 1 , 110 . 111 Railroad Outopany, alr,paeeengen. going on
either by the Eleveland or , ew taall,arkeb, and rettl.
thenufth !wk., at the ofllei, .10 De furni , todwlll, A tick.
Jt. which will el them U.' pnvilega tLf 1,0113., to Itoehe.
ler either by lb Garner the tJteataboao
Fortielt.ta app tt. Jul A. CAl. 4 ).llEl.',Aat.
ro rnor alar and: Inlthtlold eta.. tun atalr,,),
1 ' ...P 4 l . . % - ‘`,. tittahorgb.
. ,
, \ Ohio and P nnoylvania itaikoad-
F s
F t.FM PlyilipUft ll 'JO NF\IV 811 l , TON , :
A ' t
)1 ifi and atter MONPAY, . ljalJS . .ith,'
K I I/01. a Piu:aeoger Trald,wlll run ...followe: k
\ LEAVE NM llVltilllllS it - y. A. 11.. d 1 P. 31.
keArttPITTSetiROJI at ',1,0 A. 31. and 4 P
, , `way rote, 3 C . 1 ,, rrii. vtlx.. : i
` chotiic under twelve y rrrr age half view, , .
11..t.reu ht . I.urgli at!clll7;sva, - _ R ir , a i ... .
:: . \ 2 , , 1f
: . "Proe..An,
,:‘ ,
\ l/K^ Exenielon v.... 1 he •,t1 at r«liired nip,: '1
.11. , ,t0,0 Pitt \burgh an& Itoehentur, to any gallon '0 •
l'•( , elt. the ...Or du;. ....,... .... ......,. `4. 111,ah , s t
Iletw.en PloXturgh if,l, Nen , height. nocl:totek,
I •
2.', - '3T: i11i;; , „.,,, , ..... ~.a iiitaing.. ,
Miens ...sued orePaturdtty will he goNt fur 11 o k relnpthn a
LP MondaT.
ontralut,ea .111 hi, at aie Ih.put, on +Kira" *treat. to .
eolaey Pa.nengera landlaglher" any what , . OK" 'toot ,
from th.`Rridoe to the gonouxabela 11%tne. Ore/ .../'
ttouo.r. Owatltounw.s *lll allo leave the Ilununaabela
800. I . 7 diedial.elT nm•fßunio the leaving ItheCar. for
the ronveyanee 0 r paatiAgee to tbe lotiont. Doming . P ~
31orehanh , Hotel. th.• et.; t:teothp, along Fifth greet loon i
Wood to Mark V. and along .`l.l.!jatr\ntreet. M. any point I
along the routea..ngeer eau hall the Otnnibpv, arid li. , 1
eonveved ta,the Vara. .1 \ \ \
The Railroad will 1. ratendea s ta:Xond New Ilitton at` ;
th.' ' '''l ll7 , tl l = '" ut tcle i rlo . a4Or \ Pi ' ton.
~ , ''1.110.5 ._ E PARKIN, \
_ lo.uyelJtf
_._ , _
_,,_ ,TlNtet Aft.r.t.;
In canntclion frith the , ,Ohio and \ Pe:ri 411tai7roci .
R O ZIE E =*Mt \\ , \
`TICROUGH 111 6 HOU* A .
VASSED:OERS will tale ,t.he - 10 , .3V,train
li„ froniPlltehurgh. and the '
,on arrival at New'BrightOn• at 1 lli A. M..d.1 , us
'''' e r21,1, " . 1 44. 1 c' nth, t - • M rrtvi 1111:76. '
q ' g e h L t ' r '', N; ..` . .;-,1. M . :fa - AIL . 1..
" '
(K. Partrtleonneete al New Cantle with the Ptt.,^no A '.
Nlerr,er, thannr. tr. , , ' •
F 4 through tirkidn apply to fl PO. PARKIN.
1 Art Agent Itallroul Deltot' %
~, ~ J.V , 81151% OI.L. Water Went \
,`,.:l dotal , atone Monopgahola Ileum. Plltabun • p
at .I,'Lenlie'n Hotel, New Cantle,. \
....'. 13 ITMELL o.l3lkaill,R, pr..p r i,,,,,,,, , D
eenl.l to ~ Et:cheater. P. '. en
\ R
...• BIDWELL 0 ITltuTlitZlr,,7o:,i,, ' by the wonderful clittS.S it \ h. performed... Tight. , \ •••,,, .i. - ; •
real leo . IP:wheeler. Pa_ '. rypieliofswhlch exit, M the pooommionol tb• 17ni r • '\' i'
\ 7oentivrr, Me to tE.,. only five and ortOral denier. \ ••'
PEATASYLVAHLk.,RAILROAD• , Thlansolieine, when used ..conling tOdlreetlOrno • .'' \:l
Complered ti, Lockport;, 2tl miles teat of Johrutorrn: \,\ or itine• E .
• TIDE REDUCED AND SPEED INCREASED_ I e B.ce;a, Toluene, \ . ''- -- \
T B E SUBSCRIBERS have the pleasure to ' Erni:4lo.l\W'
anununre to thdr (death , and patrons of the Penn- \ 'ltionworm or T.D.?", StUddilend, • " \ t ,"
sy nuns atatin.4ll, theta, has.. commenced transhipping
at Loreto... and conndentle,espoct to dediv*r freight to . - lthetutaktism. PM= jr, tl4,l\new or ',„ \ \ '',
fil froze Philadelphia haVul. , ll DAYS. , : \ dame, Old,Soreo and Virwro.*elling of - . '`.. ‘ , . 2 .
r. am nor prepared nitereleo ands solanymnount \ • oh, r d, ei h r i m,,,, ri yi ,,,,: pi i ii. %limb -' \- • \ ' V. ' *
of to•rebandlne or Pm:Wee:within cur capacity. which le \ Na-
ONE THOUSAND , ToNh. pEtt WEL4, , Dimakeof thkElLneyo,'Muitof ingin,, .
~ . \ \ , \
. the fultunlng rat. of tteigbt:
1 , 1 /IST CLASS-Dry Doola, Ilata.Fhees. Book.,
' Pr the Cid.
Stationery. Cutlery. Carnfectionery. Fruits, '' ' r t., h 1 k. i p ;44 .04 • 4 . 4 . 4 f ti % hii ,.. \ . \‘‘, , \ \
I,athers, Furnsture, Drug, Medicines, bal.
41111001 W \. ' \ \ '
DID.. hrdhainkJ o . l .: •\ - . . ',.,- 0 1, \
dlory, re- ae... .......-....-
St'CONDCLAr.:L-Ilsedware,Dneenseare.,Dets \ • -41 re
.and VCSve. , . \
ceder, Punta. Dye Ping. Oils. Luther, Clo
ver. Flai. Tonorby and other Gra. .
• \ I, nati;, \ '' '. •\.• - - • ..,, , 11 . .' : •
Wool. he THE HEST PE ,ICE .57.71C1NE ENO if2i,..-' , '..' . "" -1 . "
T 11,101 ., CLAPP-IleeLPdt. Sotto, hard. lard Incipient Corattrptie.. neesalTatirtalat sr. '
. 01, Tobu-to Le of. Con,. lallow. brain 4.111 ,0,.
~ quo, bur...rhea, or Wiry.. In est/ranee or lithita, ~111011••: -7,,..0 „ 0U, .• ,
•Ftil? - ‘ll C1. , C1 , -7.hovi.llattl•(rougtO,Vie, emend glooMT •tate of M.Dad. s 4uDol Le . I : l r.OnYafegt -.:••'.'-' \\• \ \
Pite 11°4,1,11.1,nm Clay. lionea. hsconas...sor. e.•frac , Of Tao. /Akl , 0D4.05. „n. 111 dr-h . 4 1 . 1 ..• 6 0 . ..*,- '. ' • ,'‘ ',
0 IVUDR 00 4 OM Axe t•• ' Coed
la. relief by 'vomit iniedh• fond tMlitin or , bealth • jr - •. . • \,.
main) ytnner '
° 1 " . 4 40 '" " ". " •U • streektbl-tts blood. It genii 1t fiset ...sit dons ` \ • `•
. ______ , - unnatural orcr•DO.o. d.d itStta bestuit,settosta sit lks , s •
, N \Wilkinsbmv Academy. i `.‘, r ••,, ..
~' ',,,,,,....- ~\ %.,-,,- ~.. \ ' • '‘.
N.* “ra 1A:( I I lee Ertifioh\ana L! hoes! .101.1. " °I •baul ' th t• Pun " . ''''' ."..• 4. 17‘ .....-°••- ' ---
. conteaded Dorn the tree IndulerenlO. of th tltedttling .'
.n.q.C., Lunar. mammy, Se. the winter. .d CO prepare the )inter Mienet minx. ,
JAMS BUSTO, A. M., Pittwetwan. epulatalea, r\ now to Dr. Onyvotea Eattnet i or Yellow '`.' \ •1 • -
riln IS" INSTITUTION will - he open ibi the look •nl s Earmtotr,lll, which DI Drolip4 it.k. sews:. ',.., - ; \
1. • reenptinn of PubOa (male and fetuale) on Alosoar, for many or. ts. 0.: malignant await. the eah iobe . •'‘
.., .; •
,101 stouvx Th.t. Tb 4 ,', ID" , of In.rottlon romPmas so te, sod thei. will rk4,sr be .11.ppointadt Mr.'. rtmli •i • \ \ -4,
01.- hraneb. tau4ht In th• teat Addend. and Semis.. 0 . 1 , hi \ filth hiiii ~ i ....,i_a„. '' . \ . V . c...11 '
I Des. /11ustration• nip hegiven in all branch. admitting • •P . '• • •"" •••• .•• '••••• •
uf the . Thu Sehool v pe.ettkot with au extensive and for hie found/et on experience, just artheir want Ltaith
~.i . ., N , 1 ,,, , ,,,,,,, , „ inu. 444 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 ,, 4 ,, , 14i, 4 .
,ii 4 . r.,,, , 1.
... , • \ V:i ,
rararov ' for Circultr \ rentaluth lull s 4 ' ".. n. "..' 44... ..! ,• ° • •
' I''''" l '''''' They Ey fromlo\neral noatrums toseel. hope,. Die, ii. ,. ',C ,
int.teur,•; , a•larea, etas piatittai.
v...hora , Atiatin 1a.,1131.-15ua10;10.V.L35...1 ' Pgr from thl.l,..siCs.v.:it roman: therefoie;:befie4 , . .
Q TOCk6 FOR S '' .. - 11., \ F.--; broken down its 1,41 th and rDirda. &row. to • • \
blmeel Y and othep4\let no One dtkDt.ret/at••.7 SPX: .I'o ...,•!, \
1 , ..7 15 ebares I,lnuldt ,, Ve ..el,l Plant Road,
the millet oidy nodemtand tb“ bit hope orphyaital • \
D.. , ' \ tlt ° 4o ' P ' eni7FLllVlPl;, " Lig . iteration 11.1 Mona bklumott'i Extract of par, ‘s .' ''l, \
tu Y \ Eltisen• Incur I , l9E•Mpanyt , .net Sorsoyeirilla, and Irdisuade him. Lc 111 1.1 4k.b, \ •-, . \
,„ _ c,,,, 1 , ,,,,,.,,,, , „i„ ,„,„,,,,..;,. .74 ..;,, we have no to.sltation In predicting I ,
, A \
, ‘,...A.111 LI. a Ls, , rertdratlon ton ealth. \ •-, • \ \ y.
I ~.q.,la•Za S \ tnet anit Fahat... Broken ,
4 4 4 ,, ,__4 .1 4 \ \ \''' r.
, ..,. ____._.
\ Notice. \ \ , . .
r 1 sli F stoekholdets of '"f he .t. t il e Saw Mill'
• - N . .7..x; N. T.\ January 52rii,
1, Hon hutment et - messy, are MYR.* nOtilled tit...
I m.nalment et Pl. Lanark te, Kure Le nsiptred mt. mud . 31 ' BDtge ,-- Vio ittleßl um to MAME tit o t - Itdt., - ' • -7,k,\
ou or before the let day Id - ON -tone mmt- \ \ Mellow Dock and, ilarsignrilla
roar' , iT,,gteat 4tlifartion in \ •, .P . .. \ ,
hr order of the hoard of Directors `.
, orgLlLLlantdS AtEX. CABS AIIAN Tress.
A, aan" t•SI , Cit Ohl gantkU.ltt.informed that Ea \\\ \ 0 J . "
Stone N9ore Pumps, for Wells\ andtikerni daintliter wa• t,,,,414.4 with dilignit mmutrualdorl, and N , \ \ : ' -1 . - :
i \
r klll E SUBSCRIBER Eiforms the \public ''''''''"'"'"' 9"e ' un'' i° bE" ' ' ' ll° I'd '`.1 " 1.11.` ' \ \ ' ‘.'
that h• has Introl One! .neu , llll. igloo thitnintl.s 0 '-"li•i.!••u"'•••ld''''''''''...,‘l''' to t '''' t"l" • `‘. •\
‘ ‘‘
1 \
A. RE P1'511,1, toroouforturod by\ s l , l , eaers. E. ii. aO s .1. om of , 7. Ouynott'aTellon mock mud bkreaparillaabe wao • • .. \ ,
,311.wratt- Yr 31.11ebery,110116 1 0 , uty, 0.., whirh`. ham rodrailpeured. ,ho .used Tow w! 4 . 1,1 other. without ' X • ~• \
I toren such nod -snail t; saborneer ...sod. .;) he reeolvitteths•llabted benefit. Ile had ant. dmightei,"lb. '‘,\ \ !k '
V4I.T. tiir.a °,l ;: " .r . Zf ' .ft:t i k t Z r pll,< 7,W,', I '''. l the skills rsttilt , .t a;:ra,lrr *Ls ) - \ `(
~ . 11., , , , .4 col ; sod are a• durable as unadm \ Llllataxatltt..ikoraffo mush. Mon / 84 3 i. \ ' \\
n• ~, 3 he, an 41,0 C ClO. Thu ran, 1.• ..... .S• B• \ S. r Yinve4l:-De. tilr..l. purchMed. a ohort limo aim. 1 , 4 \
C. T . i,', l • to... i .• ''''''‘ . " ., No • 043 r ' s " .4 " -,- - ,-. . , ''.""" ib "" ,e, tan. of vour Yellow Dock end c ariatawiliaMar ray ill* \ , •\s. ...•-•
D. • e... Au bibeeti eteseL le,lnv St. Clasr, orb re , 1•11, „ - '
at th , L-e, ploo.swlll he pmutptlt a t bt the subecriber. nbirb the haz \nand tor her comeh4t, Its} lam and \ • ' ,
tat.- \Varr Pike, maaufactured at the mine placu, tn-I I Vuaktta" . l4.lllt. of the IYOMM, to., , s...tlt aimed,' s • s '• '
'"°. ••'"•''' ..•'•••• v• 2 '-' •T••••'•• be
' I her trey 11ttet, Of U..V. I
le it la nese t' , \ .: 1
tan al, Ler Dant:Led. t Dot all res., and rz . D. Too .W" • r T . r .. 7
~,,,,.,„„ . 11 ~,, „„„ ~ „, _ *Elected • MIN. I Dave J - ort purehrued le. tiottle,..",i
_ trim:tato MU+ \ '1 OLIN h. di ER. and tudgitut from the elect of Ma formai', fcakentlll.t ',•, \
itowand'a Tonic Mixture, \ th" ~, , r o i ar•, ; , ; • .t , t r r , rt; •=,••-• - ' . 1", .- '' \ ;\ • . - `r,
i . \ \ Yourl very reepentrulty.: v . 15Q - cpinras..• ' \ ',' i
\-- o
R.,..r. A.,,, r 0.,,i ...Syrup of Blaciberry Rent: 2 . 2 2\ 2 .g. . 1 -_-:; ;
r TIE ONR a utersally established yew- r , r‘ • r . r
r • Ir,.
dy Ed EFEEII A. (PAGE fri, Me otbri val. I Moron, sionalding,of Krlqp. i .ar.,4,otl,,Lt.,(k4dydalut. \
a . tor pl.',sl.l.lKllCidl TAINT.
D rale FaroDy Jlediejues are for sal.• at the Drul, l rtV4 '" lTl= f rl ' atf t. . all ' r n rne ' sa r Mr I...a' LleolZ ' f r - \\ ..
by of ;
AYH tJL S , llsEll. .1 , on 'jean?. Amending. no d.♦rnD 11l wt \ br Marmites lock,ow - . , \ '.'
iivorinliwarlon3 • Ett,e,A,reut for Ilt. Ronan,' \ • , , 1.4 Pa., lioriarber 184. .\
\ 4 tv
\ New gall Dry Goods. - V. n. P.tri , , 1.11.1 .- 1 t. happy to inform toi mann. ,
bolt]. sr ucreices veils. tkcit.d usessiiiruw,ostotti
A A:, MASON i ?,.. CO., \have. received and 'l4. 0 , ~,„, h .,... i,..i, tb . ~,„„‘ A. ppd,the klaniffeaso dr, '\ . el \
az,tqta . ::;lfi i ,4l - ,4 '! , 7.; : :, ' ,% ' ,L r' %1 ` . ' L '` ; ' ,:. ", ..... i,l . ' la ! Pr.ider.. . ot' '''''''ri."•.t. health .. a • fi. ,..• \ .-• . \ '`, 1 s s,
d3l tp, 0...x4..e..r0ving plain MI, Mime Mor D. •\ • \ - \ '.- '-` V \ •'•., 1 '
111 , 7.l , r • arp "" N ' rell'd, ' Lt i Leleot. atOt 4c'd, of ail emirs: 11%be 1 orsotroexte.l using. th TallonDook and/UMW, . '' a
\''•••Y i r • Isl ., T1 1 ,11s• % o w , .. , ,,d vtlxr....r i lz ~,in, 1 out truty in a innt i Lltliks audition; .1 0w... . ',
. , -1, '''‘,
~,..,,,,,.,, , ,, , : , ..; 1 1 °... . li tl g„,,,,ra, 4c,,,, r zr,0%,.., lis setku. aith Parhitatiou ',.,r t5 , ,,ah , ,,,i: . ss4 .dis.the ` t •,,,.
,' \ \
I s\
prre. nidcb sre l. v.. eo4,l•nt are unpmeptle . otrdly tow, ; mot
exrrUclat(dtt p.m In Me buck wx. Md.. I was \ -,., ,•• ,' •
\ \a•Pwi .
Lt__ music. \\ • extremities, and mumbo*.. . siv amt Ind MO, and fur \ \ ' \
rem, ham/ prep airy coitla, I hara Mraillun'Yearibera , \ ,1 • \
tIER TIIE INETERS NOW ,by 13 Ryan - ~, !tin ts 11;i tai. maid futtusse.teit.sist ' \'' • '
• ..
--, c htl, '" ,.', - ,ri i p,X;g•0r,...!..1 , ..,r , i 4 r.• I, ;kg i l a ci,i In isottolo. but ld get novelle, hum I.4.irpr e n,ni r gt,,,.. ~ . \ . -."..
tt; Wart whit elaitette4 1;ot Mad, 1.1, I.ltM ilt , Ll. I . h... •4• Uh ' d •, ,, .... t ~ .., . Itfr . f h‘ .. ah ee • a' • ' ^'' iri ll \,v,
ii,,.. i „ishNi i4 . h .ii„ , ;,,,it r, hi r , e,,,,,,, Th e i.,,,,,, 4 a , h y hale or no sorer Dot the Ent week matl took tbe • \ \ v
Shub Thi, IlptChanoe. by Boman: Judy Sle 'sr, i leiltoe DOelt and S ay.11.14\ my VyMPtAll•
moor goni; ,• ,When lb. height D.," are loo•llingOduette. and mutlnuol to do , otil al • Lof ru torantlesrense- •-•
liume. Dome; 1 Lore ihee,dnette. Tho Alia 00 Bold
Dal_ . _
__,,,._ _
.. 1 , 44, ..,71 ‘. ,
_._._ • •,,, S\
\ oily era Ca ~ Latly; a nom( Youg• - -Tritight tied at'e ..'" ' , T v... '.. I. ~.P. .....0
Wee Ion: `Mow IC. to drawing a 1.,. dome; MAVIS and My from pain, mr. l.d to Ow
ine Blind firrdinvy. 11 I polorolun olth likene. or i. \ . '.• ''
Pet enuotirene. my eit ruatiea irlrararm andltsalthy,
Washingtoo. La s Delle Of the 'I larrt 1•INO Militant, ie.
IVeltn 'Pa Fovorltell alin Alb in ,s`r Is s As sr. rscsoss , s' , I Ssili s, l ll ,l,l T. l .''' ' , , ..5...
: , I . 11:a :
, I I r i : . , :
k t i • t •t I t
11 elm: life Id's %AIM, )10110001,1 , nrem, .00mila imam,: Iv 11. renoMted 000. / tut!, Oa= la erweiLil....P.P l . •• .c .e
11 '.. 1 c r 1.. r 0 .... A ...... '. l ,i dint were tick anilysffnor vary valise k.
Teutvl. with cottired s I nrttr.,by Borer; Rower Stlolutio • • • 4 am e bic i \\• 1-' ' - ' "f• . -;,,,
\i,,,,„1. suntan...o.o P.llt. \ Tanilitur-Itenktri, Silrm. .ollefae. NI I •
allow Dock .1 oraparilta,, sad all tea - . , .
lke daioPi leißdee quick eue. U.,. llrdlor 00. - tUfea 14 . ,.44 wrotly .11..0.1 by 14* .Dra.`Mteleite. ~ ,• e .,a. • .--r - sts
•-iT.i l eile " ' ` Zratif:fir.!C u tia rei .b, •Triiri:; ''''''"\' !".
4, '"° l. Y.O " •'•'/' Il i RCU ,.....„_ s a t.,_ 4D P' i +SV - % , . e , ,•," '.. '-,
Vv , • J 111 4 ,1. 11: NI LION. SI Word et., • ..lints genuine unit. ytn,lit 1. vers. ~p v 7,.. ..„"ggl i :, -'-
•'--- \----,--- - - - t ..---- -- \ - --` taltunnue. quart, amt name or Lim Syrup , biderti, - . •
4 NEW 000D81, NEW GRODI3 ! \ , ElaNt .iks the written sors.sdk ' •,' D.... 0 Staff° • .i
-. 4 Cc011.1 . )}:ONSI-A . .. s ffpleni/jd end varied, " , 1 :1 , ;',. ° s.
, i' l.7. ' vAß if. Minebnati , I.itio, north \ er .
s rtock rf the twetilvendiy,put netwired.s
.., I.C'TE3-4 very driti ratio Sol ytion.Witl, 1,4, ti. came 6 \. l Poutin ltl.l, wa5....; ,, ....•.5t.D., '1x... 1 .5t Anon. I
n/..". , * limod• end 1 1 the hasw.iat ern, ..7 kiloadkitot to whowsall ca,lirra 10000 La addreaw-1•\ , •
P 7. 1 3,! ~,,,,.,,i,,,,.. ~,,, ~,,,,,, „„ .., 1 it ,,,. \.I. a i.ldit eon, B. A. - ess,u.m..,k ao4 ,J. A.' ithtet s , i,
r,,,,,,,,,,, , ..8„,„ ; „ „, no , a, „,..,,. „„„,,,..1.,,..„. y . w . dleoe .: , :• ; i•litibleirgln• i.e o Luselossith AlikFlusiv vitt; , l 1
earlqy ot,•trivand wise. \', L. l ii it 11, 11\ohlugtoon L. 11. hawk; Drokatty.a. li. •),
HA qr SfitISUS-A toe selectlens al., for Guitar and Wel .DreeiteboriMS. tionnts,dassterut;Sodti\Oiltnote s \
N'loilne. V ' • \\• \- \ ~ .
Cortshits. ('also Boak.s. 0 b i..orcesarscipvts.and•v. '''''''-'illt--1'• sm4,••ii•- is k..blr. c. - ; ll . l aiv.surs 1. • '
ory vvietT of Illwallt ...ntA,Arlrrtlrti.d tt ed 1.1 , 7 11 1 11 .Snel 0 Co., Mthenth J• E- WonthkskiiitanninEt _ ''',
•lalezeibot. bop If no 'sold ot sera 1016,1 r/, 8014101 4 . CO. llTlotrittr, A. 11 doom t hoU, likSttetix •
Alm. Monet,. and t Irmo!. 31uSkr., Joel tee. . 4 4 -
~,, , , • ~,,, ' , . _., .
NII -VW *bore Instrument, an warranted be run - 1..1 ., .\• • ‘ ,.....•rt a..." aP: Bnitan Co
rect and perfect m ,:yery real...dif !dual laulty t • Lg. Erie: Getteam .P. flirter, ?deaner Ali., .Klltp: 4. it
• 00 0 0011 be snerned. 1 11.`ht.1.11Elt. 11./1 Thutivt. en S- Smith. Bert.; 0. o.kommernles. Wornan Eile. 0 • • -
\ ,,,t,
s 3 `„ , _,L•P`
~,,,,,,,,,,,i„,...,,,,,,., ~.„. ~,,,,,,,,,,....,...„ , ,
. „ .
N -ERy s ERiOR .R_YR IVIIISF.I7 - ,\ , 1, a - Prier-y 1 per Beta. 4 4i; liottla for T.& - --A
r'..t.,.., 6 111741,• . 7,22;7;4,:AL 4 1 7 TbV i r',N,,- udd, Medicated - • ' ---,•... :•-: \
drdly thran ll• • a
, ,
d ~ I.TioccoLAT E 21,10 ta.;. Reso in, pg 10,1- lIIIS ARTICLI. is smCnd.ed for Im:cilium, ; • - t;", - ;.
-V.- "`I • me i , a atimapi.torl. rod \ *boob] be Ronal Ina, posoneiod or .. I , -,, ,
/ - ~,
.. tJD .11.- lOW. bloelti•otro who IlteDi =dant danger a I , ' ,•,.
/1011FISII-3 tes. for sale- by ` - y i 110 ,..p:;:,,,,,, n tn . r ..Tr o .th i .....tgrd thi oss. sso tbsosvist. [ ' i . - :ht,
A "s" \ WM ' • Me " A ;', DL ' ES7 :,,, i . 41tdrto the, an,l alter A fairs eaDstlrOrl= b it i lr.l .' • ''''
' ' !••
Vilma ;i '- iti " , - rsm KING TonAcco-= , P141 , k....., c ,,.„,.. - ~ .„- ~,- b - -, '
j. ii/ bblo. t r tale I.- WICK A AlrfiA llo l• , ' goroth made owe. Jud-E• atelitated lrinicitZlo g , - i l if '. ; '
8-- -0 -.2
ALERATE ~ . .;---;43 CU . 8; --,
\-- . b • " 4. 7 l .,..a.,.=...;:nit...,lera fi litir m Mgclon., \
, ', 103 hours for tale by"... so ssouhie minutiae kir When., Menter.,
,Mt Uresmon ,„ , \
v s 31,i,ANDLIMn. Lorna, man, %nide. ba niwai, anti an kind.. tpapnwonndw
se imes, rs.i.t- e , co.& •• . ',\ ,
pAPER , -- - -'OO reams hied rn; 7
- tisii BLr etti l r "14
'till '' • '
'co \-- Crown, or tale low be \ ,• .L • , B. a • • D... •,,.
...I . " ''
')T JA ;DALZELI.. D. 1.101t1.011n 31. D., ' s '
: i , ..•
xi NGLISII DA, t,l ,
, l,lißk. 7-59 bham .o . ics \-. , , \ ; 1 1 pal i t'at i tailt i ll t tIA . D. , .; . ", 1
24 lboir " 0.1 """r ° , ' m `" '''‘ l'," ".''''' \ Ilionorladela,4l atacthatea ollyainalla la L. tory C
rm.' •od 100 aa r )_\
Dot. , IVICIt A SIANDLE..99. " 11. .. .IL \. .... - :fel'. , _
B.I . AIJEEREI-7 .- 2.40 liblu. N0.. - i - Y, -- or saWy l'r e-q 4 r 8.4., ,.. .,141 19gra0 0 4 er cu',,, k..rta... ' ‘ \ • - 1 % .
Ell. Cld .I.A.INT tit five years' slaw- '
Es ISII- i ... \. \ 'La ink 100.0 Dimon*. the verawkokOnigyom owd Q..,
01 W.. N tkak e s ,• r i oe 0.1,,,,,,, we LIVER PlLLS,lreyartl by IL. E.,SELLEILS:
r .
„ - Mokt/vh,lkaahltiatOtin,,tr. e.p,111., '6l l•
. 1, bble. N. 2 • .Me ha.` ‘ )1. nellers-oleelo ffle, Mu with plowmen a e . .,,,, ' • •
lu w ,.`:,. ~.,,,,` eaeadaeoeod Tour Leikk Potwoieb toren affeileal Wood.. \ . . .1 ,
~, ht .4 1 .. . :17 . 11 - 1 e • wherever ured in our part rNo coma; ;liana , . p,,,-
1 \ , 0 bhlo. Largo So . 3 Meek. • noodalsed. La ye and them id found sot fly area• . e
\•\ 10 lit e 1.: ' .'.. -- 3 - \ , eat uldlity hi billooa affection* auk b ne.*** - As 10 . r • • i -
a 14,0,, •• sal .. .„ , „„ i „,4 1 tat %It 1 eanflY that there 14cisha b abwroweeliniew that , ~. .'"
• 0 . 4‘ ...1 . b) 1 . D 6 1 J° "• N 'Ar , 4 Ix , I ereirTbri=ir aVis \ ses, X 3 Beta
treakrtawritur." L ' '.
: -
,I y.R. POF YELLOW - 1 - 1 - , - ; ,- , 1,1 '..--..) medic., but in mut; at lost 1 b eil OS , , ,- '
4.1 .R.OP, OF YELLOW DOCK. 00r.,.1.2,
la 4-sjoit nec'd him Proyidpc, lc. 1, Ad 1.1 - IAI.
IT tbeidosAn 6 single Isotti, EY, adverts I kW.
olthu+lll.ll .1 ~ 5..14. IVICKEKA IAII. \
oITA \ , ~,r ner of TII/ndand 81 A irt. \
tan \
SUNji4 \ \ \ E\SV P te',7lll!=' ,
' . ''. .4 . tlcriciatinn `. ' • \
, ' \ \ ‘ . yo vli.jrtar-l i '•
, \ \ As,! . Pulr'd , •`'. . Ter rale by
kl.6_ \ I , , ~.., JVIIN AT
a CO-
I \ er*V-Ing Meer/ tatractive And lakedotAble Atli.
A.lll IA 141, JAII trail , INor Rale Atfit g7v,t..misalou
Icomt . roaelrlces. lir \ , TUV..AI.IIIg...
XV i 49W LI L 3OO bre. 8110;
- 11..4. \ , : z'Nixx,, main m 0,,. ‘ ,
.nis \ . \ . - \ '7 , ..4. ,, ,r 0 1 , ••• ,
. ~,
- - •
- • '. • ,4:.': - 0 13:41: • - • . t '11:1\ . \ • -
. .
- f - -.N. -IPA Tallittliill 0e . ..- •' • ~ .
-. ..,
eoUall 'CO 13 0; frOARgEMS, BRONCEtk \ * -i.: ,
. •
• TIS. Wll 4 . 1 P1NG 1 4"017GX..C130 UP,' '.-'...: . \ . ,• . :
~ .-
1 . N ,4,• n t. fr ,:,:a in
.t,il A "°m' Tf u lt i l 4
.j. --1-, -;• .\: -;--',-,• ...- , ..'.
„ ,an our within Zlfterfl d th Molina, et harsl:o Of - 61te1." . L :, \ ••- !" • - - i.,• .. ' / 0 ' ..
ct ,c e,l. bat frankty toihrb ‘ bob, e theialtini•e nalotii ritil • :::,''- - i "i' L
ilistt eulehed Men aa ,\ entoo s of the reiirlfiera:of .11 L •igo-• :I_.%+- , - -
.4,-,. ..•hkh they, ea \lnairearr thrunteliin• tea 4: ..::: , ... ,„
nen!, pralpe oureelveeio malt no willaiiinawil . •-. ,; • ..'.
aelet\aoritri e l6 rartiter 11 en hol d not 1 . 1.0,0 -'• ' e „ ''....!
minerma umiudt - f whir • CUM atilt not Warrant: ''• :ril\ L • L . ' "" '• • L... „ . • •
....\ ..., 4.,
.. - 2
M " n iA ii 'tr. bet; • iliTette s anil we etticitmilionnitry . •-. ... -
..„.. . _
fro theme lie Into all wa plabliablitir trasureil ther .'- . ~ .
.• .1 , ,
a ill and the 100,0,t10,41 .
ea.M4.).4 a m a d... am:l,a, it ,I . .
....,•,,, \
ircu - fti ' rlti m ;,lt ' ,...t7.l=l,4 -.',.. ._. '''..l", - •
i . 4,...4 i t . •.',• L. , - •.-: ':•.:0•• , :r0 . ..
' Pc_t.. *" . ' tna u rt, " l4l l li.xiiiFgr:tiiii olo . il:o4\lo,r .
.E• 1•11100 -." .. '''Y 4 : o °!.}- .. \
: 01,01- )'owe
noZtro e with • hiandrernnofikanatareld ri. . . L i. .".: - „ , 1 . .",- - ,
'lr7,7a't'otthelt. of
ahoy , ' • frilitiffnl •' L ' - L-! •'' ' " • .
1, let cold, enaphr i arr=.."[P . N.L .,oniiikl
\ ruantlek.bla. Fn, 6, 1ie 4 .; 7 • - , • .A . - V' • • • •="'•-• . • -•
4 ,
\4 : 4 7i.`d! , ;''"ri'S,:h°b,. l l7,i l , l 4tVg`:.44,- ,. . t' - ,
b't'Zl"lnar!' '''' - ii"l r rl . ;:.%"& c .g d - I - ' ''
to a ere. '• Youre:respri• DP° t il6. '.•
- • \':‘ ii
p.c..11 ane.16,184111. i, \ • H. D, Elf:fusce+l,- • ;,.,-....,... • :•,,.
4111 - 4.1 \ 4 t be .l . lloo o6o . ..Mtomolf limalleisuilyo s 'A, ' : 4 .,
s ..
a tr.. Vine patient had beeorne`y . feeble. and the 2, " , i L .,. •
fart of u. ... 6di a; 3 . - i.......w.kii , blidisd..b'' \ ''' ‘- ` • ' -
„.. j. e l 3 \i.11TC.... - Saaanna Remoh, .7:4116,.... , 1149 0. .•- 1 : !, - ... , „`”, ,
!. 1 b.,. teen Mill_ . ,:p pintail L ' ‘ •LL L \
iatfeation nf 0 1 1 eyoira mint till the Imp •- -. \ J -.
- , .. r ...* 4. 0 . 0 1100 • rear. ' tea fituitia , ..." • \ '
dem, lof won , nub hrionre, untill oril.tbe . . i : .."..i.—
.w . i o.r.a' . :LE,'"aPtth . v. •u=b - -- , -. -.-.,
•, .. '.. , ~,.
!:* ' 'bertli 10 :" , ipli netokl " ._Vffilignl=tr7int L. '• •. • ' ... , t Vl: :
eitrine7 I Lad the liltatiou,of curl. with•ta WY me, - ' .••.• i, - Air:X .
,v..r=.r.i ~,-...,, t , . . - .--ei.s ~ it• -).:,,,...-.. ~ 4 ...g?', - . . .
arki•rbronahitle. a nave pleneare in gal , tAirifiJkiena ' "". ' L . •
art to you, .d ams . nlwat o rie i rmit li \ .
a Lulowloa was ,nail the wont of
arty! et •! • L , '..„ \
trbY fi.A, and friandi tbortaht to be Incurable mien L ia.'"
Carrtm;•Pn, Anw..ilr, Una," - • i
•J. C. Arra—Pia, r was Miran with a terrible oturitbe ••• • ::'.
breumlit 'tut by 0 aold, la the beginning of imt, Pebrumy,. . .„ . \ ,
end our konfoned In my bed Le- more than two moottin -
c.abie,r 'ireenatiy Might ma day, I became abaraly _ .!
.I ro., = r tes were trunk. and q t breath
very ahoy- Indeed. 1. was rapidly fillip...ant in untidier. ,
tnnor for breath that tint little hope af my recovery eat. t
'bee ntertaimen, While in Ude 01ratillOa i e friend *lntl., - _
.- •• ,
(the lte,.Johaaller, of the Illethalisttilmiroh.) brought \
rue a bottle of jet= Cherry Pectoral. whirl I.Mied Moro '. ,•
.. . ,
no grant, him than from interpretation of obtainlnarea '
~',., •
liar. toe go. egrets Induced are to mixonatia Its me, mit i
I boon found my brtalth much Improved. N.OOO 0. thew'
menthe 7am well a. rtnilig, a. eatrattribetto MY rots , \ ~ .. •
' , air trr ronrsileat mroJoitu, With theder4Utmle, , ' . ..,
\roam, Ar.: , r \
\ enquired .6 kill by, 7 / 1 316:3 C... ALIT, . . llbbirr , „ • .
.•-•:.. i
oil In i ttab
010 nIT o h whateale sail retell; h iiI..IO•RA.U.. b. ILTOWN HAD . \ . .• ••:••.,,, . '.
lot AilegtuaryiNty, by 14P. POLlFid.llitra .1:6/13 i ~ ......„1.,•,\ :i: , .." li '
fILASI, atit in . Dtentriete generally. •;
.arpllalar '••• i :•• - i-
.• ti•, i - •••.
1 ' VkR C M I.AINT kit five years' aiad-
NA tak.era byteeeit the 'KAM?, oils trek trod pm,
....e LI Vkal VlLLll,yervvi by IL k..SELLI,MO:
- iltatthh,Maahltirteti th.,th. :ter', in, '6l.
. Me R.\ M. hollers-01ra, hit. Iluvvitli. pleoinitre 1 tutu
Tatoitimetio Tour Lotehll.%••bleli itator etreiteti erothivre
wherever uvevl iri our itart rme mita; : Sthoret my
ortithhOte Lave land them id found sof the hr
rat utllity hibillooa Mediu* rick b tie,..6. , At I.
eir moth I PI3IIST that there owercrhae torah media. that
ba6 dram me sivroacti Routh \ 1 /Meet...ea athlotholatithi Liv
er Cotothimat nearly too ream 'had in . Wahl earth. rv-
Medi..., hut \ln rain; at Jut I lirtird of TctittLiv. poi,
.1.102c1i have Oirketett the Mutt beph; 1 m.,,
y. aiitheot ehayarrallah that I it- ..-iv./.
l‘therietori reentureatid thrth hr .II la ithr-amitothtootti
alm-sm of Ito o.o: \ - . . . .
\ ' Your amain, itieml. • ~i Erata. \
i'itreleovie will, her Mitt al title oalihi ityk, s ,
FNMA . ethos than these pre vireo by It- 4., • •
. . . .
\ - Tour graWul !w.f. • - .l„Era t iL
Porelourrot wak r 1,44 al . 144 . eriir,2 ~.,a,s.„, s .„
Yttly7 other Ilmulp.r. urri.,....i yr 1.A....,rty 2, 0.. .,.
ta V. r,, went. are'p.m.rneuror7 mina - rum ,„414
A, LutPe. tili 31LIALATED-CYJMITII.,:t::-Titutre Ls ll'o
r5 ..„.0. ILI \ the poromri._,i rurr, al briry , orr Ard dames ok
~,;Ac r. ,,du i p onvally, \ irur.t .aas racticd ußvoauselt
~,,,i,d r, the srliels /morns as Prokftor 14.1-pre.trtooo
34.11.tai r e.nouna. li la C 17 1 0 177774717.7.14 177
' ....4Vitit:lttiril!w`gYirg4=ll„-I,„"fi
6 ,,, kir4. It Dumb, iirror‘to ti e mirror itio air, tad Lbw ;mom. tirffrolrth +or, rriaralorak.4,..vw. •it 0,
arcp , Ml\ drnttrOU ar.,,t P.:mum roatrathr LuarrlArsua4
sy i
1=1.4... r t l ar dir e= st rtakinutztat= ‘,'
„Dthrown, ar n. us ellere,it, roxlsierr k
rublur ' 1.4,/arV°c " ,"• l l,' '' -" ' \